Real FM 103.4
Relax FM - Light awakening
Relax FM - Music for babies
Relax FM - Music for home
Relax FM - Music for inspiration
Relax FM - Music for meditation
Relax FM - Music for the evening
Relax FM - Music for the weekend
Relax FM - Music for walks
Relax FM - Office music
Relax FM - Only with nature
Remix FM
ReVoice Radiostation
RFM - Radio Free Music
Rise-FM 92.2
Rock Arsenal
Rock FM 00s
Rock FM 70s
Rock FM 80s
Rock FM 90s
Rock FM Prog
Rock Time Radio
Rodnie Pesni
Royal Radio 98.6FM
Royal Radio Actual Hits
Royal Radio Ambient
Royal Radio Deep House
Royal Radio DnB
Royal Radio Funk
Royal Radio Instrumental
Royal Radio Jazz Blues Swing
Royal Radio Lounge
Royal Radio Reggae
Royal Radio Retro