Welcome to the audio podcast of Zoe Church Los Angeles lead by Pastors Chad and Julia Veach. We hope that these podcasts give you hope, faith and encouragement throughout your week. To learn more about Zoe Church visit www.zoechurch.org.
Humility Wins Again |I Bet You Think This Message is About You | Chad Veach
Humility Wins Again |I Bet You Think This Message is About You | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/19/2024 • 30 minutes, 39 seconds
The One That God Favors | I Bet You Think This Message is About You | Chad Veach
The One That God Favors | I Bet You Think This Message is About You | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/12/2024 • 38 minutes, 3 seconds
Working for the Lord | Adventure of a Lifetime | Chad Veach
Working for the Lord | Adventure of a Lifetime | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/7/2024 • 39 minutes, 34 seconds
I Gotta Get "Egypt" Outta Me | The Adventure of a Lifetime | Chad Veach
I Gotta Get "Egypt" Outta Me | The Adventure of a Lifetime | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/23/2024 • 30 minutes, 57 seconds
I Love Getting to Know You | The Adventure of a Lifetime | Chad Veach
I Love Getting to Know You | The Adventure of a Lifetime | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/16/2024 • 25 minutes, 56 seconds
Warning Signs of a Fall... & How to Rise Again | Rise & Fall | Chad Narayan
Warning Signs of a Fall... & How to Rise Again | Rise & Fall | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
9/9/2024 • 37 minutes
Success in Season | Rise & Fall | Julia Veach
Success in Season | Rise & Fall | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
9/2/2024 • 37 minutes, 18 seconds
Success in Season | Rise & Fall | Chad Veach
Success in Season | Rise & Fall | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/26/2024 • 35 minutes, 41 seconds
Inside Out (Part Heart) | Rise & Fall | Chad Veach
Inside Out (Part Heart) | Rise & Fall | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/19/2024 • 36 minutes, 30 seconds
The Pain of Not Dealing With Your Problems | Rise & Fall | Chad Veach
The Pain of Not Dealing With Your Problems | Rise & Fall | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/12/2024 • 41 minutes, 15 seconds
Posture Matters| Rise & Fall | Chad Veach
Posture Matters| Rise & Fall | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/5/2024 • 36 minutes, 16 seconds
Is it Me... Or is it God | Chad Narayan
Is it Me... Or is it God | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
7/31/2024 • 28 minutes, 27 seconds
Is it Me... Or is it God | Chad Narayan
Is it Me... Or is it God | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
7/29/2024 • 29 minutes, 32 seconds
This is a Garden Moment | Ben Graves
This is a Garden Moment | Ben Graves by Chad Veach
7/22/2024 • 29 minutes, 13 seconds
The Glasses of Grace | Nate Dumloa
The Glasses of Grace | Nate Dumloa by Chad Veach
7/15/2024 • 33 minutes, 50 seconds
Don't Fall For It | Robbie Hilton
Don't Fall For It | Robbie Hilton by Chad Veach
7/8/2024 • 39 minutes, 1 second
Good God, Great Father | The Love of The Father (Part 4) | Chad Veach
Good God, Great Father | The Love of The Father (Part 4) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/1/2024 • 30 minutes, 7 seconds
Proof of His Love | The Love of The Father (Part 3) | Chad Veach
Proof of His Love | The Love of The Father (Part 3) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/24/2024 • 26 minutes, 4 seconds
Lavished Love | The Love of The Father (Part 2) | Chad Veach
Lavished Love | The Love of The Father (Part 2) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/17/2024 • 33 minutes, 20 seconds
I Кeep Hearing This | The Love of The Father (Part 1) | Chad Veach
I Кeep Hearing This | The Love of The Father (Part 1) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/10/2024 • 29 minutes, 57 seconds
Your Life Depends on This | Chad Narayan
Your Life Depends on This | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
6/3/2024 • 32 minutes, 29 seconds
Sample Size Success | Mind(full) (Part 3) | Chad Veach
Sample Size Success | Mind(full) (Part 3) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/27/2024 • 37 minutes, 16 seconds
Planning For Confidence | Mind(full) (Part 2) | Chad Veach
Planning For Confidence | Mind(full) (Part 2) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/20/2024 • 37 minutes, 15 seconds
Never Too Late to Transform | Mindful (Part 1)| Julia Veach
Never Too Late to Transform | Mindful (Part 1)| Julia Veach by Chad Veach
Honor Culture Wins | Clean Clear Confident (Part 5) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/6/2024 • 33 minutes, 59 seconds
Happy to Serve (Part 4) | Clean Clear Confident | Chad Veach
Happy to Serve (Part 4) | Clean Clear Confident | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/29/2024 • 37 minutes, 32 seconds
The World of the Generous | Clean Clear Confident | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
4/22/2024 • 32 minutes, 12 seconds
A Spirit of Excellence Changes Everything | Clear Clean Confident | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
4/15/2024 • 34 minutes, 38 seconds
Flashlight Faith | Clear Clean Confident | Chad Narayan
Flashlight Faith | Clear Clean Confident | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
4/8/2024 • 37 minutes, 56 seconds
Unfailing Love | Easter Sunday | Chad Veach
Unfailing Love | Easter Sunday | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/1/2024 • 27 minutes, 49 seconds
God's Been Looking for You | Travis Greene
God's Been Looking for You | Travis Greene by Chad Veach
3/25/2024 • 42 minutes, 25 seconds
Ready for Relief | Talk of the Town (Part 5) | Chad Veach
Ready for Relief | Talk of the Town (Part 5) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/18/2024 • 35 minutes, 43 seconds
You Gotta Fight... for Your Right... to Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 4)| Chad Veach
You Gotta Fight... for Your Right... to Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 4)| Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/13/2024 • 34 minutes, 13 seconds
Find Your Balance... Find Your Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 3) | Chad Veach
Find Your Balance... Find Your Freedom | Talk of the Town (Part 3) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/13/2024 • 37 minutes, 24 seconds
His Mercy My Story | Talk of the Tows (Part 2)| Chad Veach
His Mercy My Story | Talk of the Tows (Part 2)| Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/26/2024 • 31 minutes, 16 seconds
Talk Your Talk | Talk of the Town | Chad Narayan
In this week's message Pastor Chad Narayan preaches the beginning to a brand new series called Talk of the Town.
Tune in as he dissects the story of Legion and how Jesus not only provides him freedom and forgiveness, but how he can do the same for us…
#zoechurch #chadveach
zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla
ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
2/19/2024 • 38 minutes, 44 seconds
Soaring Season | Julia Veach
In this week's message Pastor Julia preaches a challenging message on what it takes to soar on the wings of eagles!
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#god (https://m.youtube.com/hashtag/god)
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here:
https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1VtVFF1aVdKNjViRjFOTjJyOUkwTHNtbjhFUXxBQ3Jtc0tuenFtelFOXzRpUk15ZDRlOHd1R0JlQ05Sa3dEYWxyYl9mbGd1cU8xZHk0X2hjaThtb3VRb2k5RjVmb251Rk1xQUxOa0dpZk4xeDk4X1lRV2xNQ0ZyUnFNa1EzczlSQjRoSGdwakdxNDJla2QwdGtTcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fzoela.churchcenter.com%2Fpeople..&v=KkpXFjfdtRo)
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world:
https://www.zoechurch.org/give (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2tMV2hGeVo4bmxnOGdCNUUxanhra0VxUFAzZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsaUx0Mk5LWEJtWjVxRjdXZlFPeWJnd0FuallEWERnYkVYT3hpa284NE92WmtVMHlIMmhSMmtWMjU4bDhuZ3ZfZWxRVlo1QmtHakswbVZPWHNJajI0alRKOVNwRHpiejdfQVZweXVrRDFxRXFrbnZiYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zoechurch.org%2Fgive&v=KkpXFjfdtRo)
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ZOE Website:
https://www.zoechurch.org (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGlvajRZLXNoSnR0d2NBeEpQYzBuVUNtLUhHd3xBQ3Jtc0tscnVjemt6YTlaRlV5bjU5NUNsYkl1dGZEenVnenVRX056bzlGRUZYdnpLOFd1WHVxOGlzTFp4X0ktd0d0V3pabVdtajkzTmZydkQ5a1BNdlVEVzI1a0lMc194SXdRZjVXNUZWdkJ2aXRnbk96bjYtZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zoechurch.org%2F&v=KkpXFjfdtRo)
ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla
ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla
Chad Veach YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf.. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf..)
Chad Veach Instagram:
https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNidmhoVFM2Q0t6cVNFYmFFQTFSNGJkMjNuQXxBQ3Jtc0tsQ3puRmpSbWJacktfWTVWdHVZZVBVWnFDQ3hhX29tY2VKVFEyc0xpTU5hWGZuVDRCbzJFQkFjRjA4cTV6ZmtONm1Md0xWV3V3N2lKTFJrbE9Xb0ZSb1JBVHp0YjhpNm8xT1Fjd0ZrS3A1eWllUW44TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Finstagram.com%2Fchadveach%3Figshi..&v=KkpXFjfdtRo)
Chad Veach Twitter:
https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t.. (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3dDbnU1UjRNWkNVTzVnQmNraDlSRWZjWEJoZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsU0tVS29OUGx1ZS1sLUc1LWZRRzVhalNqaVU1X3hDcjNkS01QYl94bTR2T2g2QU53T3p1RG5sWUNNcVJsZjN2Rk03RlhhMDdVZ3hLTGJicmdsZ202b21YMFRxelkzYnk5TnM0bHl1LW11VHhkb0NCUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fchadcveach%3Fs%3D11%26t..&v=KkpXFjfdtRo)
2/12/2024 • 39 minutes, 45 seconds
Fishin for Men | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad preaches a challenging message on the what it means to follow God and to share the gospel!
#zoechurch #chadveach
zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
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ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla
ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
2/5/2024 • 33 minutes, 38 seconds
Your Story's Not Over | | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 4) | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad concludes the series "He Gives and Takes Away".
Tune in as he preaches on perseverance, honoring God, and understanding that His ways are higher than ours!
#zoechurch #chadveach
zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: / zoechurchla
ZOE Church Twitter: / zoechurchla
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
1/29/2024 • 39 minutes, 22 seconds
Processing my pain with purpose | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 2) | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad continues the series "He Gives and Takes Away". Tune in as he preaches on working through the pains of life and finding our fulfillment in God instead of the things of this world!
#zoechurch #chadveach
zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
1/22/2024 • 33 minutes, 54 seconds
Anything But That | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 2) | Chad Veach
Anything But That | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 2) | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/15/2024 • 31 minutes, 48 seconds
Never Too High Never Too Low | He Gives and Takes Away (Part 1) | Chad Veach
In this week's message Pastor Chad starts a brand new series out of the Book of Job, "He Gives and Takes Away". Tune in as he dives into the beginning chapters and what it looks like to live a life honorable to God.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #steward #stewardship #god
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
1/8/2024 • 34 minutes, 33 seconds
Dream Again - Julia Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
1/3/2024 • 27 minutes, 37 seconds
A Cause For Celebration | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
12/25/2023 • 30 minutes, 58 seconds
Fighting for My Faith | Hope Alone (Part 3) | Chad Veach
In this message, Pastor Chad explores the battle against anxiety and the cultivation of faith. Drawing insights from biblical examples like Moses and David, the sermon underscores the significance of countering anxiety with unwavering faith in God.
Continuing with the themes "JESUS IS MY PEACE" and "JESUS IS MY GOOD SHEPHERD," the sermon emphasizes Jesus as the ultimate source of peace, a guiding Shepherd, and a reliable Rock in challenging times.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
12/18/2023 • 32 minutes, 21 seconds
Stop And Turnaround - Hope Alone (Part 2) - Chad Veach 1
In this message by Pastor Chad, we explore finding hope in challenging times. The sermon addresses feelings of struggle, loss, and a troubled mind, highlighting a turning point in active prayer. Pastor Chad emphasizes seeking God's answer, trusting in His mercy, and finding joy in salvation. The transformative power of waiting on God is introduced, encouraging believers to embrace patience for renewed strength and trust in the Lord.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
12/11/2023 • 33 minutes, 46 seconds
God is On Your Side
In this message Pastor Chad emphasizes the theme of hope amidst life's challenges, drawing inspiration from biblical verses and the stories of key figures like Moses, Abraham, Noah, Daniel, Job, Paul, and Jesus. It explores reasons for shattered hope, including guilt, despair, defeat, and grief. The solution lies in putting one's hope in God, with scriptures highlighting the importance of trust and faith for a brighter future.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
12/4/2023 • 38 minutes, 16 seconds
Perspective For Your New Year - Steward Little (Part 4) - Chad Narayan 1
In this message Chad Narayan explores stewardship, emphasizing its transformative impact on our hearts and worship. The message addresses money-related stress and provides practical insights for adopting stewardship as a lifestyle. Chad Narayan encourages listeners to prioritize intentional decisions and cultivate a stewardship perspective for the upcoming year, fostering a deeper connection with God and experiencing true freedom and peace.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
11/27/2023 • 40 minutes, 5 seconds
Who's the Boss | Steward Little (Part 3) | Chad Veach
In the message, Pastor Chad, emphasizes God's ownership of everything. Stewardship is highlighted, emphasizing the responsibility to use our gifts for service. The transformative power of God's love is discussed, warning against idolatry. The connection between a wounded heart and a closed hand is explored through examples of generosity. The sermon concludes by underscoring that effective stewardship enables greater generosity, fostering a sense of responsibility toward God's possessions.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
11/20/2023 • 42 minutes
Me And My House
In this message, titled 'Me and My House,' Pastor Chad talks about the commitment to serving the Lord and the foundational importance of a relationship with God. Explore the wisdom of building a home on the rock of God's Word and the responsibility of imparting these teachings to the next generation. Understand the significance of God's involvement in our endeavors and be encouraged to lead a life devoted to seeking what brings glory to Him. Let this impactful message inspire you to align your life and home with principles that honor and serve the Lord."
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
11/13/2023 • 35 minutes, 51 seconds
Im Done With Wrong
In Pastor Chad's sermon, he discusses the relationship between money and our spiritual well-being. He highlights key points, including that Jesus often spoke about money and its role in our lives. Money reveals our values, flows to those who manage it wisely, and should be appropriately handled. The sermon emphasizes God's desire for our prosperity, both spiritually and materially, and the concept of blessings. It concludes with a warning against overworking for riches and encourages aligning our financial practices with God's guidance
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
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ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
11/6/2023 • 36 minutes, 19 seconds
Every Day Im Stewarding
In this week's message Pastor Chad explores key principles of stewardship, emphasizing that God is the source of all we have and encourages us to use our resources and talents to advance God's Kingdom. He underscores the importance of faithful stewardship and how our faithfulness in the small things reflects our dedication to the Kingdom of God. Join us for this insightful exploration of stewardship and serving God faithfully in all aspects of our lives.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
10/30/2023 • 34 minutes, 18 seconds
My Mind is Playing Tricks On Me | Tim Timberlake
In this week's message, Pastor Tim Timberlake delivers an uplifting message on Romans 2:2. Pastor Tim's message revolves around the idea of transforming one's life by changing one's mindset. This transformation is achieved by redirecting one's thoughts toward a higher purpose and God's voice, recognizing that the mind serves as the steering wheel to one's destination. He emphasizes the power of thought and warns against negative, fearful, discontent, and critical mentalities, encouraging a shift toward faith, gratitude, and mindful thinking to sow the seeds for positive behavior and a more fulfilling life.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
Stay Connected
ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
10/23/2023 • 35 minutes, 17 seconds
Test Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
In this week's message titled "Test Yourself Before You Reck Yourself," Pastor Chad delivers an uplifting message on Galatians 6. Pastor Chad emphasizes the importance of gently restoring people without pointing out their sins, but with the condition that they must be willing to repent. He advises self-examination to assess one's own progress and not to judge others. With the idea of not giving up and persevering in doing good is highlighted, with the belief that God oversees the outcomes, and the need to be crucified in Christ is emphasized.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
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ZOE Website: https://www.zoechurch.org
ZOE Church Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
ZOE Church Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Chad Veach YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlf...
Chad Veach Instagram: https://instagram.com/chadveach?igshi...
Chad Veach Twitter: https://twitter.com/chadcveach?s=11&t...
10/16/2023 • 33 minutes, 43 seconds
One Or The Other
Faith, Freedom and Transformation
In this week's message titled "One Or The Other," Pastor Chad delivers an uplifting message on Galatians 5. Pastor Chad emphasizes that faith holds a higher significance than one's behavior, suggesting that belief in God's grace and love triumphs over following rigid laws. The idea of freedom is highlighted, with the encouragement to love freely and not be bound by legalistic rules. Pastor Chad points out that grace allows for transformation rather than just performance, with the ultimate goal of using one's freedom to serve and worship God. The importance of nurturing one's spiritual connection is underlined, as the conflict between the flesh and the spirit is acknowledged, and the concept that all growth begins at the root is conveyed.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
10/9/2023 • 35 minutes, 10 seconds
I Need Answers | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
10/2/2023 • 32 minutes, 24 seconds
Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
Transformed by God’s Grace
In this week's message titled "Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself," Pastor Chad delivers an uplifting message on Galatians 2:20-21. Pastor Chad explains identity with Christ and finding purpose and meaning in your faith. He encourages embracing the courage to confront and address what is wrong or unjust, guided by God's commitment to truth and righteousness. Gratefully accept the support and fellowship of like-minded individuals and attribute your personal transformation to the grace of God.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
9/25/2023 • 40 minutes, 24 seconds
Who Changed You? | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
9/18/2023 • 39 minutes, 10 seconds
Flows of Forgiveness w/ Rich Wilkerson Jr and Judah Smith
You Get What You Allow!
In this week's message titled, "I Love You BUT I Don’t Trust You!" Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. and Judah Smith are a perfect tag team to deliver an uplifting message on Matthew 18:15-17. Pastors Rich and Judah explain that forgiveness is not an instant release - but a gradual healing process, emphasizing the importance of establishing healthy boundaries as part of that journey. It entails learning to forgive without keeping score, while also recognizing the need to address issues with those who have offended you. Silence can allow offense to fester, so it's crucial not to become bound by the world's expectations or by personal relationships. Instead, understanding that setting healthy boundaries is an essential step towards maintaining emotional well-being and serving a God who values boundaries.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #trust #process #healing #boundaries #richwilkersonjr #judahsmith
9/17/2023 • 55 minutes, 8 seconds
Price Is Right
In this week's message, "The Price Is Right," Nate Dumlao delivers an uplifting message on Romans 12:1-2. Nate Dumlao describes discipleship as a transformative process, akin to nurturing a seed into a flourishing plant. It involves trusting in the divine process and allowing God to work in one's life and the world around them. By understanding the seasons of transformation and closely aligning with Jesus, individuals can truly become more like Him, embracing His identity and purpose.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #godstiming #purpose#priceisright #process #transformation
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, please let us know here: https://zoela.churchcenter.com/people...
To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: https://www.zoechurch.org/give
9/11/2023 • 35 minutes, 45 seconds
Offended And I Know It
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
9/4/2023 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
Out Of The Ashes
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
#Jesus #Church #Bible
8/28/2023 • 33 minutes, 10 seconds
This Is Your Sign | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
8/21/2023 • 35 minutes, 22 seconds
Understand So I Can Make A Plan | Chad Veach
In this week's message, "New Beginnings Part 2: Understanding So I Can Make A Plan," Pastor Chad Veach delivers an uplifting message on Ecclesiastes 3:1-7. Pastor Chad encourages that the changing of seasons is accompanied by a dynamic spiritual movement, marked by blessings at the beginning or end of endeavors, and a necessary act of surrender. Similar to how Jesus comprehended His divine purpose, His unchanging nature echoes through time. This understanding of God's transformative influence throughout various life stages reflects a belief in a predetermined divine schedule.
#zoechurch #chadveach #zoemusic #liveworship #sermon #preaching #onlinechurch #Jesus #church #bible #faith #blessed #joy #divine #divineschedule #godstiming #purpose
8/14/2023 • 33 minutes, 42 seconds
Trash Day | Chad Veach
Trash Day | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/7/2023 • 37 minutes, 32 seconds
Grit Don't Quit | Bianca Olthoff
Grit Don't Quit | Bianca Olthoff by Chad Veach
7/31/2023 • 41 minutes
Looking For A Leader | Earl McClellan
Looking For A Leader | Earl McClellan by Chad Veach
7/24/2023 • 41 minutes, 45 seconds
Get Your Joy Back | Dan Lian
Get Your Joy Back | Dan Lian by Chad Veach
7/17/2023 • 40 minutes, 51 seconds
When The Storm Won't Stop | Robbie Hilton
When The Storm Won't Stop | Robbie Hilton by Chad Veach
7/10/2023 • 36 minutes, 9 seconds
Fountains, Foundations, And Fruit | Chad Veach
Fountains, Foundations, And Fruit | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/3/2023 • 34 minutes, 15 seconds
Shift Your Focus | Chad Veach
Shift Your Focus | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/26/2023 • 35 minutes, 40 seconds
Get Your Mind Right...Get Your Life Right | Nate Dumlao
Get Your Mind Right...Get Your Life Right | Nate Dumlao by Chad Veach
6/18/2023 • 38 minutes, 1 second
Quit Changing Your Story | Chad Veach
Quit Changing Your Story | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/12/2023 • 32 minutes
I've Made Up My Mind | Chad Veach
I've Made Up My Mind | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/5/2023 • 33 minutes, 36 seconds
A Life Worth Dying For | Nate Dumlao
A Life Worth Dying For | Nate Dumlao by Chad Veach
5/29/2023 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
Call Me Crazy | Chad Veach
Call Me Crazy | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/22/2023 • 29 minutes, 27 seconds
I'm Not Falling For That Again | Chad Veach
I'm Not Falling For That Again | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/14/2023 • 28 minutes, 13 seconds
Impact Of Expectation | Julia Veach
Impact Of Expectation | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
5/8/2023 • 31 minutes, 5 seconds
The Humility Test | Chad Veach
The Humility Test | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/1/2023 • 31 minutes, 22 seconds
What Humble Looks Like | Chad Veach
What Humble Looks Like | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/24/2023 • 31 minutes, 59 seconds
The Value Of The Valley | Nate Dumlao
The Value Of The Valley | Nate Dumlao by Chad Veach
4/17/2023 • 41 minutes, 49 seconds
Overwhelming Evidence | Chad Veach
Overwhelming Evidence | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/10/2023 • 26 minutes, 31 seconds
Our Humble King | Chad Veach
Our Humble King | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/3/2023 • 33 minutes, 34 seconds
They've Found A Cure For Pride | Chad Veach
They've Found A Cure For Pride | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/27/2023 • 33 minutes, 39 seconds
Pride Will Let You Win The Battle But Lose The War | Chad Veach
Pride Will Let You Win The Battle But Lose The War | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/20/2023 • 33 minutes, 10 seconds
No Ego Amigo | Chad Veach
No Ego Amigo | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/13/2023 • 32 minutes, 36 seconds
Shaky Love | Chad Veach
Shaky Love | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/6/2023 • 34 minutes, 18 seconds
The Secret To A Fruitful Marriage | Levi Lusko
The Secret To A Fruitful Marriage | Levi Lusko by Chad Veach
2/27/2023 • 37 minutes, 58 seconds
The Greatest Love Song Ever Written | Chad Veach
The Greatest Love Song Ever Written | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/20/2023 • 32 minutes, 12 seconds
The Look Of Love | Julia Veach
The Look Of Love | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
2/13/2023 • 34 minutes, 34 seconds
You Know What I'm Talking About | Chad Veach
You Know What I'm Talking About | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/6/2023 • 31 minutes, 9 seconds
Faith For The Lions Roar | Chad Veach
Faith For The Lions Roar | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/30/2023 • 32 minutes, 36 seconds
Faith For The Fire | Chad Veach
Faith For The Fire | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/23/2023 • 29 minutes, 35 seconds
It Was All A Dream | Chad Veach
It Was All A Dream | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/16/2023 • 34 minutes, 39 seconds
Veggie Might | Chad Veach
Veggie Might | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/9/2023 • 35 minutes, 21 seconds
Out With The Old and In With The New | Chad Veach
Out With The Old and In With The New | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/2/2023 • 32 minutes, 57 seconds
From: God To: You
From: God To: You by Chad Veach
12/18/2022 • 32 minutes, 55 seconds
Left Handed, Right Hearted | Chad Veach
Left Handed, Right Hearted | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
12/11/2022 • 32 minutes, 8 seconds
A Life Worth Giving To | Nate Dumlao
A Life Worth Giving To | Nate Dumlao by Chad Veach
12/5/2022 • 38 minutes, 21 seconds
Its Me Hi, I'm The Problem It's Me | Chad Veach
Its Me Hi, I'm The Problem It's Me | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
11/28/2022 • 32 minutes, 17 seconds
No One Likes Second Place | Chad Veach
No One Likes Second Place | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
11/21/2022 • 37 minutes, 42 seconds
Messy Miracles | Josiah Silva
Messy Miracles | Josiah Silva by Chad Veach
11/14/2022 • 41 minutes, 21 seconds
Did You Just Block Him? | Chad Veach
Did You Just Block Him? | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
11/7/2022 • 37 minutes, 2 seconds
Pretty Bold If You Ask Me | Chad Veach
Pretty Bold If You Ask Me | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/31/2022 • 33 minutes, 23 seconds
Spirit Filled, Spirit Led | Chad Veach
Spirit Filled, Spirit Led | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/24/2022 • 30 minutes, 9 seconds
From Time to Time | Chad Veach
From Time to Time | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/17/2022 • 31 minutes, 44 seconds
Symptoms of the Saved | Chad Veach
Symptoms of the Saved | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/10/2022 • 34 minutes, 21 seconds
Break Some Bread, Build Your Future | Chad Veach
Break Some Bread, Build Your Future | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/3/2022 • 30 minutes, 59 seconds
9/26/2022 • 33 minutes, 55 seconds
DEVOTED TO DEVELOP | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/19/2022 • 33 minutes, 2 seconds
TEACH US HOW TO PRAY | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/12/2022 • 33 minutes, 44 seconds
9/5/2022 • 39 minutes, 31 seconds
8/29/2022 • 34 minutes, 33 seconds
STAY CONNECTED | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/24/2022 • 29 minutes, 46 seconds
POWER OVER PRINCIPALITIES | Robbie Hilton by Chad Veach
8/15/2022 • 44 minutes, 8 seconds
PRAYER CHANGES THINGS | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/9/2022 • 39 minutes, 15 seconds
INVISIBLE INFLUENCE | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
8/1/2022 • 36 minutes, 43 seconds
YOU JUST MIGHT BE A DISCIPLE IF… | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/25/2022 • 37 minutes, 23 seconds
FAITH IS BEST…SHARED | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/18/2022 • 31 minutes, 50 seconds
This Doesn't Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels
This Doesn't Fit | Dr. Dharius Daniels by Chad Veach
7/12/2022 • 34 minutes, 57 seconds
The Lies And Truth About Money | Chad Veach
The Lies And Truth About Money | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/10/2022 • 28 minutes, 33 seconds
Rejecting The Lie That God Is Not Good | Chad Veach
Rejecting The Lie That God Is Not Good | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/27/2022 • 29 minutes, 15 seconds
Rejecting The Lie That No One Sees Or Cares About You
Rejecting The Lie That No One Sees Or Cares About You by Chad Veach
6/13/2022 • 27 minutes, 7 seconds
Rejecting The Lie That You Are Not Enough | Chad Veach
Rejecting The Lie That You Are Not Enough | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/6/2022 • 31 minutes, 25 seconds
You've Changed | Chad Veah
You've Changed | Chad Veah by Chad Veach
5/16/2022 • 32 minutes, 58 seconds
You Don't Have To Be Great To Start | Chad Veach
You Don't Have To Be Great To Start | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/2/2022 • 31 minutes, 2 seconds
Come And See | Chad Veach
Come And See | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/18/2022 • 26 minutes, 51 seconds
Heartache & Heartbreak | Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Heartache & Heartbreak | Rich Wilkerson Jr. by Chad Veach
4/13/2022 • 49 minutes, 17 seconds
Rich Wilkerson Jr. | Know Your Worth
Rich Wilkerson Jr. | Know Your Worth by Chad Veach
4/11/2022 • 40 minutes, 18 seconds
Praising Through Your Pain | Chad Veach
Praising Through Your Pain | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/4/2022 • 31 minutes, 49 seconds
Priase Comes Before | Chad Veach
Priase Comes Before | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/28/2022 • 26 minutes, 52 seconds
All I Need Is You | Chad Veach
All I Need Is You | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/21/2022 • 25 minutes, 58 seconds
The Reason Why I Worship | Chad Veach
The Reason Why I Worship | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/14/2022 • 22 minutes, 43 seconds
Faulty Foundations | Chad Veach
Faulty Foundations | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/7/2022 • 29 minutes, 44 seconds
Keep Your Crib Clean | Mayo Sowell
Keep Your Crib Clean | Mayo Sowell by Chad Veach
2/28/2022 • 23 minutes, 56 seconds
Dynamics, Dealings And Determination | Chad Veach
Dynamics, Dealings And Determination | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/21/2022 • 28 minutes, 59 seconds
Cleaning Up My Mess | Chad Veach
Cleaning Up My Mess | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/14/2022 • 29 minutes, 36 seconds
An Attractive Spirit | Julia Veach
An Attractive Spirit | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
2/7/2022 • 25 minutes, 49 seconds
Big Things Happen When You Do The Little Things Right | Chad Veach
Big Things Happen When You Do The Little Things Right | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/31/2022 • 28 minutes, 26 seconds
Inside Out | Chad Veach
Inside Out | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/24/2022 • 25 minutes, 48 seconds
Breaking Imposter Syndrome | Chad Veach
Breaking Imposter Syndrome | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/17/2022 • 26 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk The Talk | Chad Veach
Walk The Talk | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/10/2022 • 34 minutes, 15 seconds
Get Back Up | Bianca Olthoff
Get Back Up | Bianca Olthoff by Chad Veach
1/3/2022 • 28 minutes, 59 seconds
My Answer Is Already Yes | Sabbath Sunday
My Answer Is Already Yes | Sabbath Sunday by Chad Veach
12/27/2021 • 23 minutes, 33 seconds
The Law Of Attraction | Chad Veach
The Law Of Attraction | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
12/20/2021 • 24 minutes, 19 seconds
God Made You Generous | Chad Veach
God Made You Generous | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
12/13/2021 • 27 minutes, 3 seconds
You Feel Like You're In A Fight | Chad Veach
You Feel Like You're In A Fight | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
12/6/2021 • 29 minutes, 33 seconds
Can I Trust God? | Chad Narayan
Can I Trust God? | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
11/29/2021 • 26 minutes, 47 seconds
Speak Well, Think Well | Chad Veach
Speak Well, Think Well | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
11/22/2021 • 33 minutes, 26 seconds
Do You Know Why Forgiveness Matters | Nate Dumlao
Do You Know Why Forgiveness Matters | Nate Dumlao by Chad Veach
11/15/2021 • 29 minutes, 51 seconds
The Only “WHY” That Matters | Chad Veach
The Only “WHY” That Matters | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
11/8/2021 • 30 minutes, 56 seconds
Why Is This Happening To Me? | Chad Veach
Why Is This Happening To Me? | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
11/1/2021 • 25 minutes, 35 seconds
It All Goes Back To Why | Chad Veach
It All Goes Back To Why | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/25/2021 • 27 minutes, 12 seconds
4 Little Things | Tim Timberlake
4 Little Things | Tim Timberlake by Chad Veach
10/18/2021 • 32 minutes, 37 seconds
How To Protect God's Word | Chad Veach
How To Protect God's Word | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/11/2021 • 27 minutes, 24 seconds
Game Over | Chad Veach
Game Over | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/4/2021 • 33 minutes, 8 seconds
Devoted - To His Word | Chad Veach
Devoted - To His Word | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/27/2021 • 31 minutes, 40 seconds
It’s Time To Celebrate | Chad Veach
It’s Time To Celebrate | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/20/2021 • 31 minutes, 12 seconds
Eyes On Jesus, This Storm Will Pass | Jabin Chavez
Eyes On Jesus, This Storm Will Pass | Jabin Chavez by Chad Veach
9/13/2021 • 34 minutes, 18 seconds
Worship And Prayer | Chad Veach
Worship And Prayer | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
9/6/2021 • 33 minutes, 17 seconds
Renew Your Mind | Chad Veach
Renew Your Mind | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/30/2021 • 37 minutes, 52 seconds
Stop & Rest | Chad Veach
Stop & Rest | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/23/2021 • 28 minutes, 33 seconds
Quiet Time | Chad Veach
Quiet Time | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
8/16/2021 • 30 minutes, 20 seconds
Running On Faith | Chad Narayan
Running On Faith | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
8/9/2021 • 39 minutes, 48 seconds
Practice What You Preach | Nate Dumlao
Practice What You Preach | Nate Dumlao by Chad Veach
8/2/2021 • 32 minutes, 5 seconds
This Is Urgent | Erika Bozhko
This Is Urgent | Erika Bozhko by Chad Veach
7/26/2021 • 29 minutes, 31 seconds
Is Jesus Enough? | Ryan Cross
Is Jesus Enough? | Ryan Cross by Chad Veach
7/19/2021 • 32 minutes, 58 seconds
Heart Break Hotel | Chad Veach
Heart Break Hotel | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/12/2021 • 40 minutes, 48 seconds
Risk Vs. Reward The Reality Of Relationships | Chad Veach
Risk Vs. Reward The Reality Of Relationships | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
7/5/2021 • 32 minutes, 3 seconds
Picking Up The Pieces | Julia Veach
Picking Up The Pieces | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
6/28/2021 • 30 minutes, 40 seconds
To Bond Or Break… That Is The Question | Chad Veach
To Bond Or Break… That Is The Question | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/21/2021 • 43 minutes, 50 seconds
Things Are Starting To Open Back Up | Chad Veach
Things Are Starting To Open Back Up | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/14/2021 • 38 minutes, 49 seconds
You Ain't Living Until You Start Giving | Chad Veach
You Ain't Living Until You Start Giving | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
6/7/2021 • 32 minutes, 15 seconds
Blessed Beyond Our Wildest Dreams Pt. 3 | Chad Veach & Robert Morris
Blessed Beyond Our Wildest Dreams Pt. 3 | Chad Veach & Robert Morris by Chad Veach
5/31/2021 • 29 minutes, 26 seconds
Is Life About Getting... Or God? | Chad Veach
Is Life About Getting... Or God? | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/24/2021 • 28 minutes, 7 seconds
Wrong Response In The Right Season | Chad Veach
Wrong Response In The Right Season | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
5/10/2021 • 32 minutes, 15 seconds
IN The Wait | Julia Veach
IN The Wait | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
5/3/2021 • 30 minutes, 41 seconds
Committed To Connected | Chad Veach
Committed To Connected | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/26/2021 • 29 minutes, 33 seconds
Are You An Actor Or A Producer? | Chad Veach
Are You An Actor Or A Producer? | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/19/2021 • 30 minutes, 40 seconds
No Fake Fruit | Chad Narayan
No Fake Fruit | Chad Narayan by Chad Veach
4/12/2021 • 26 minutes, 12 seconds
Can You Give Them A Message For Me? | Chad Veach
Can You Give Them A Message For Me? | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
4/5/2021 • 28 minutes
Live Free Get Your Hope Back | DeVon Franklin
Live Free Get Your Hope Back | DeVon Franklin by Chad Veach
3/30/2021 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
Are You Bursting Or Bankrupt? | Chad Veach
Are You Bursting Or Bankrupt? | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/22/2021 • 30 minutes, 47 seconds
Not Too Bullied To Build | Ryan Cross
Not Too Bullied To Build | Ryan Cross by Chad Veach
3/15/2021 • 30 minutes, 51 seconds
From Bitter To Better | Chad Veach
From Bitter To Better | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/8/2021 • 38 minutes, 47 seconds
Get You A God That Can Do Both | Chad Veach
Get You A God That Can Do Both | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/1/2021 • 34 minutes, 32 seconds
Second Chance Faith | Chad Veach
Is it too late to start over or to turn to God after all this time? It’s NEVER too late! This Sunday we’re starting a new series with Pastor Chad Veach on choosing to turn to grace NOW!
2/22/2021 • 28 minutes, 36 seconds
Love & Loneliness | Chad Veach
Today isn’t just about Valentine’s Day. We’re talking about loneliness, community, and knowing what God’s love truly is! Tune in today for a powerful message!
2/15/2021 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
A Recipe For Wise Words | Julia Veach
A Recipe For Wise Words | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
2/8/2021 • 40 minutes, 45 seconds
If You're Going Down The Wrong Path, Turn Around | Chad Veach
If You're Going Down The Wrong Path, Turn Around | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/1/2021 • 35 minutes, 14 seconds
The Fool In Me Keeps Fooling Me | Chad Veach
What do you do when you get in your own way? GET WISDOM… Listen to part 3 of our Proverbs series with Chad Veach as he breaks down the life of a fool vs. the wise.
Find a Connect Group: https://bit.ly/2LZ6zVC
Get Weekly Leadership Tips from Chad Veach: https://bit.ly/31vcGGC
More from Zoe Church: https://bit.ly/2P3LR53
1/25/2021 • 29 minutes, 22 seconds
Where is wisdom? What are it’s benefits? Tune into part two of our series on the Book of Proverbs with Pastor Chad Veach today!
1/19/2021 • 35 minutes, 25 seconds
PAY ATTENTION: This Is Happening In Real Life | Chad Veach | Zoe Church
PAY ATTENTION: This Is Happening In Real Life | Chad Veach | Zoe Church by Chad Veach
1/13/2021 • 35 minutes, 11 seconds
I've Got To Live Free | DeVon Franklin
We're kicking off 2021 with special guest, DeVon Franklin and you're not going to want to miss it. He's a friend of our house and we believe he will encourage, inspire, and send you into the New Year with faith.
1/4/2021 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds
Fighting For Peace | Chad Veach
Fighting For Peace | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
12/21/2020 • 34 minutes, 31 seconds
Finally Found What I'm Looking For | Chad Veach
The “good life” that the world is selling is not really the good life! Don’t buy the hype that the world is selling..What Jesus has to offer is an internal exclamation of joy and peace!
Want more like this from Zoe Church?
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2P3LR53
Weekly Leadership Tips from Chad Veach: https://bit.ly/31vcGGC
12/14/2020 • 26 minutes, 28 seconds
How To Be Happy During Terrible Times | Chad Veach
How do you find true happiness in terrible times? Don’t miss our new series, “JUST LIKE JESUS”
Want more like this from Zoe Church?
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2P3LR53
Learn more about Heart For The House:
Weekly Leadership Tips from Chad Veach:
12/7/2020 • 30 minutes, 12 seconds
The Thing You're Missing Is Grace | Peter Delval
Join us for a hope filled message with Zoe Church as we talk about the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus.
Want more like this from Zoe Church?
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2P3LR53
Learn more about Heart For The House:
Weekly Leadership Tips from Chad Veach: https://bit.ly/31vcGGC
11/30/2020 • 30 minutes, 26 seconds
You're Gonna Make It | Chad Veach
YOU’RE GONNA MAKE IT! What do you do when it feels like the storm in your life just won’t stop?
11/23/2020 • 31 minutes, 51 seconds
This Is A Scary Prayer | Erika Bozhko
What happens when we pray scary prayers? Erika Bozhko concludes our series on prayer and talking about trusting God and leaning into our faith.
Want more like this from Zoe Church? Instagram:
Weekly Leadership Tips from Chad Veach:
11/9/2020 • 33 minutes, 41 seconds
11/2/2020 • 28 minutes, 22 seconds
Pushing Through Problems, People and Prayer | Chad Veach
Pushing Through Problems, People and Prayer | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/26/2020 • 31 minutes, 35 seconds
Why Pray? | Chad Narayan
Why do we pray? What are the benefits? Listen to Church at Home as we continue our series, “Pray About Everything”!
10/19/2020 • 30 minutes, 23 seconds
Help! I Work With People LIVE: The Conversation
Listen to the leadership conversation from the Help! I Work With People Live Event hosted by Chad Veach! With special guest, Rich Wilkerson Jr., Carl Lentz, and Devon Franklin.
10/13/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 41 seconds
10/12/2020 • 38 minutes, 11 seconds
Drew Smith, Taylor Smith, Esty Maher, Silas Grey, Jon Torgusen all talking about the making of ZOE Worships latest EP "In Your Nature" the night before it released.
10/6/2020 • 26 minutes, 37 seconds
Worried About Everything Cus I Pray About Nothing | Chad Veach
Worried About Everything Cus I Pray About Nothing | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
10/5/2020 • 36 minutes, 37 seconds
9/28/2020 • 29 minutes, 52 seconds
9/21/2020 • 26 minutes, 10 seconds
9/14/2020 • 35 minutes, 41 seconds
9/7/2020 • 31 minutes, 9 seconds
8/31/2020 • 36 minutes, 30 seconds
In part 2 of our Help! I Work with People series, Pastor Chad talks about investing into yourself, not playing the blame game, and living the life God intended for you!
8/24/2020 • 33 minutes, 9 seconds
In the first installment of our new series, Help! I Work with People, with Pastor Chad Veach preaching on making people our passion, not our problem.
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
8/17/2020 • 37 minutes, 57 seconds
In the final message of the “All That Remains” series, Pastor Chad Veach shares a powerful message on change, growth, and the love of God that doesn’t change.
Want more like this from Zoe Church?
Subscribe to Youtube: https://bit.ly/2VBVrQ0
Facebook: https://bit.ly/39lc8oH
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2P3LR53
Weekly Leadership Tips from Chad Veach: https://bit.ly/31vcGGC
8/3/2020 • 36 minutes, 34 seconds
Love That Lasts | Julia Veach | Zoe Church | 7.19.2020
Love That Lasts | Julia Veach | Zoe Church | 7.19.2020 by Chad Veach
7/20/2020 • 37 minutes, 27 seconds
7/13/2020 • 32 minutes, 19 seconds
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA Podcast channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
6/29/2020 • 32 minutes, 54 seconds
I Didn't Know My Own Strength | Zoe Church LA | Ryan Cross | 6.21.2020
I Didn't Know My Own Strength | Zoe Church LA | Ryan Cross | 6.21.2020 by Chad Veach
6/22/2020 • 20 minutes, 27 seconds
WHAT DO I DO NOW? | CHAD VEACH | ZOE CHURCH LA | 6.14.2020 by Chad Veach
6/14/2020 • 28 minutes, 11 seconds
6/8/2020 • 38 minutes, 32 seconds
6/1/2020 • 30 minutes, 8 seconds
It's Okay To Freak Out | Louie Giglio | ZOE Church LA | 5.24.2020
It's Okay To Freak Out | Louie Giglio | ZOE Church LA | 5.24.2020 by Chad Veach
5/24/2020 • 36 minutes, 54 seconds
Too Close To Quit | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA
Too Close To Quit | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA by Chad Veach
5/18/2020 • 31 minutes, 14 seconds
These Are My Confessions | Chad Veach | 5.10.2020
These Are My Confessions | Chad Veach | 5.10.2020 by Chad Veach
5/11/2020 • 34 minutes, 7 seconds
Easier Said Than Done | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA
Easier Said Than Done | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA by Chad Veach
5/4/2020 • 27 minutes, 56 seconds
Disinfecting My Discontentment | Julia Veach | ZOE Church LA
Disinfecting My Discontentment | Julia Veach | ZOE Church LA by Chad Veach
4/20/2020 • 22 minutes, 14 seconds
The Day That Changed Everything | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA
The Day That Changed Everything | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA by Chad Veach
4/12/2020 • 28 minutes, 56 seconds
What I Wouldn't Give To Get My Purpose Back | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.5.2020
What I Wouldn't Give To Get My Purpose Back | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.5.2020 by Chad Veach
4/5/2020 • 23 minutes, 49 seconds
You Got What I Need | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA
You Got What I Need | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA by Chad Veach
3/30/2020 • 27 minutes, 57 seconds
The Solution To My Sadness | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA
First installment of our new series "Disrupted but not defeated"
3/23/2020 • 24 minutes, 28 seconds
Trust Issues | Chad Veach
Welcome to the new Zoe Church LA youtube channel. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
3/16/2020 • 32 minutes, 36 seconds
I’m So Tired Of Being Tired | Chad Veach
I’m So Tired Of Being Tired | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
3/9/2020 • 37 minutes, 30 seconds
How Then Shall We Lifestyle | Devon Franklin
How Then Shall We Lifestyle | Devon Franklin by Chad Veach
3/2/2020 • 30 minutes, 56 seconds
The Traction Of Distraction | Chad Veach
The Traction Of Distraction | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/24/2020 • 38 minutes, 9 seconds
Lost And Found | Chad Veach
Lost And Found | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/17/2020 • 40 minutes, 36 seconds
I've Been Craving Community | Chad Veach
I've Been Craving Community | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/10/2020 • 33 minutes, 38 seconds
Mamba Mentality | Chad Veach
Mamba Mentality | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
2/3/2020 • 37 minutes, 14 seconds
Stick To The Plan | Julia Veach
Stick To The Plan | Julia Veach by Chad Veach
1/27/2020 • 26 minutes, 16 seconds
Don't Call It A Comeback | Chad Veach
Don't Call It A Comeback | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/20/2020 • 32 minutes, 16 seconds
Once Again He's Butting In | Chad Veach
Once Again He's Butting In | Chad Veach by Chad Veach
1/13/2020 • 35 minutes, 11 seconds
Running Toward His Plans
Running Toward His Plans by Chad Veach
1/6/2020 • 35 minutes, 59 seconds
Something Better's Coming | Chad Veach
Welcome to Zoe Church LA Soundcloud. Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Chad Veach.
Follow Zoe Church on twitter: https://twitter.com/zoechurchLA
Follow Zoe Church on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoechurchla/
12/16/2019 • 31 minutes
I Just Want To Know Why | Chad Veach
Tune is today as Pastor Chad Veach continues to encourage and preach out of the series, Knocking On My Door. This week Pastor Chad encourages us to what it look like to live in freedom with christ.
12/9/2019 • 29 minutes, 52 seconds
Pastor Chris Hodges | Us Conference | Session 1
Pastor Chris Hodges | Us Conference | Session 1 by Chad Veach
12/2/2019 • 43 minutes, 40 seconds
Where Are You Taking Me | Chad Veach
On this episode of Zoe TV, Pastor Chad Veach continues our series “Knocking at my Door”, out of Revelation 3:20. This powerful message unpacks the different knocks from God- the first being for identity and the second being for purpose.
11/25/2019 • 34 minutes, 55 seconds
Defining Moments | Chad Veach
On this episode of Zoe TV, Pastor Chad Veach continues our series “Knocking at my Door”, out of Revelation 3:20. This powerful message unpacks the six God moments we have in our lives where we all have the opportunity to say yes to Jesus
11/19/2019 • 35 minutes, 15 seconds
This Changes Everything | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 11.10.2019
On this episode of Zoe TV, Pastor Chad Veach continues our series “Knocking at my Door”, out of Revelation 3:20.This powerful message unpacks the reality that the harvest we reap is dependent upon the seed we sow.
11/11/2019 • 32 minutes, 42 seconds
Someone's At The Door | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 11.3.19
On this episode of ZOE TV, Pastor Chad Veach kicks off our new series, “Knocking at My Door”, out of Revelation 3:20. This powerful message unpacks the wrong doors in life, the right doors, and God’s relentless love for us.
11/4/2019 • 32 minutes, 22 seconds
I Got More Than What I Came For | Robert Madu | Zoe Church LA | 10.27.19
Your issue is not your identity and your history doesn't define your destiny! Tune in as Pastor Robert Madu preaches a message about the miraculous love of Jesus that is at work in our lives even when we can't see it and don't realize it!
10/28/2019 • 39 minutes, 5 seconds
What’s Next | Pastor Chris Hodges | ZOE Church LA | 10.20.2019
Did you know God has a path for you life that leads to the best version of you and the best version of your life? Pastor Chris Hodges takes us on a tour of the Bible and reveals the steps we need to take in order to walk the path that God has for us.
10/21/2019 • 32 minutes, 52 seconds
I Need You To Understand | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.13.2019
This week we conclude the Timothy series with an incredible message about the people you align yourself with and the necessity of living a life from the Word of God!
10/14/2019 • 33 minutes, 58 seconds
Up And Out | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.6.19
When someone steps out God gives an opportunity for you to step up! What does it look like to live a life that stands out for God? It's a life full of excitement, risk, and usefulness for God!
10/7/2019 • 30 minutes, 34 seconds
Tell Me Who I Am | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.29.19
No one is allowed to tell you who you are except for the one who made you! In this week's continuation of the Timothy Series Pastor Chad Veach preaches a message that speaks to the identity of who you are and who the church is called to be!
9/30/2019 • 35 minutes, 4 seconds
This is Important | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.22.19
This week ZOE Church and Pastor Chad Veach started a brand new series jumping into the books of 1 & 2 Timothy. "This is Important" is a message about the necessity of having a spiritual family and being planted! It highlights how to fight the battles God has called you to fight and how to use your words as weapons!
9/23/2019 • 31 minutes, 49 seconds
It Works | Devon Franklin | ZOE Church LA | 9.15.2019
On this week's podcast Devon Franklin preaches an inspiring and challenging message about leaving procrastination behind to fully take hold of what God has for us. Listen in as Devon Franklin recounts his faith journey and how to get past frustration!
9/16/2019 • 34 minutes, 57 seconds
Say What You See | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.8.2019
Have you ever struggled to hear God or had a hard time discerning what's next in life? On this week's podcast Pastor Chad Veach preaches about living by faith and not simply by whats around us. We hope you are encouraged and inspired by Pt. 3 of Anything is Possible!
9/9/2019 • 32 minutes, 17 seconds
I Found Victory | Pastor Julia Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.1.2019
On this week's podcast Pastor Julia Veach continues the series "Anything is Possible!" Lean in as Pastor Julia unpacks the story of David and Goliath in a new light and shows us to handle our giants!
9/2/2019 • 29 minutes, 2 seconds
Get The Grasshoppers Out Of Here | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 8.25.2019
The way you see yourself is the way others will see you! On this Vision Sunday message Pastor Chad Veach preaches an incredible message about pushing for positive, resting in God's "yes" and putting your faith in God! Anything is Possible this Vision Sunday!
8/26/2019 • 33 minutes, 2 seconds
It's Time to Move On | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 8.18.2019
On this 4 Year Anniversary Sunday Pastor Chad preaches a message about what we are leaving behind and what we are taking with us heading into this next season of ZOE. What are the things you need to bring with you as you walk into God's calling and which do you need to leave behind?
8/19/2019 • 35 minutes, 11 seconds
Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table | Pastor Louie Giglio | ZOE Conference 2019
On this special podcast Pastor Louie Giglio preaches a beautifully illustrated message about the people we share our tables with. Let's prepare the table for God and stop allowing the enemy a seat!
8/12/2019 • 51 minutes, 38 seconds
Praising Through My Problems | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 8.04.2019
Do you have some problems? Praise will give your problems a problem! Praise will position you in the presence of God! Join us this week as Pastor Chad Veach starts a brand new series on the "Power In My Praise!"
8/5/2019 • 30 minutes, 10 seconds
I Want to Be Used By God | Pastor Chad Veach | 7.29.2019
On this week's special ZOE CONFERENCE 2019 podcast, Pastor Chad Veach preaches and insightful and challenging message about being used by God!
7/29/2019 • 32 minutes, 55 seconds
The Beauty of Being Stuck | Pastor Robert Madu | ZOE Church LA | 7.21.2019
Do you feel stuck? Frustrated? Our lives were made for movement! God is the God of movement! Lean into this special ZOE Conference Sunday message from Pastor Robert Madu and hear what it takes to bring motion back in your life again!
7/22/2019 • 47 minutes, 7 seconds
Cuts of Condemnation | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 7.14.2019
Have you ever struggled with the guilt of your decisions, or the shame of your mistakes? Felt judged because of somethings that's happened to you or because of your past? You don't have to listen to the bullies of condemnation! We hope you're encouraged by this fourth installment of "In My Feelings" by Pastor Chad Veach!
7/15/2019 • 35 minutes, 45 seconds
The Brink of Breakdown | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 7.7.2019
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach preaches an incredibly practical message on what to do when you are on the brink of breakdown. Are you exhausted emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually? Listen as pastor Chad address these and how to reach your breakthrough!
7/8/2019 • 45 minutes, 26 seconds
Symptoms Of The Scared | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.30.2019
On this week's podcast Pastor Chad Veach continues the series "In My Feelings" with the second installment calling out fear for what it is. Are you anxious? Are you plagued by insecurity? All of us at some point in our lives have to face the fear that's in front of us and move past it in faith!
7/1/2019 • 37 minutes, 42 seconds
Lies of Loneliness | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.23.2019
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach preaches an incredible message about debunking the lies we tell ourselves about our emotional health and isolation. What does God say about your emotions? How do you get out of your cave and into community?
6/24/2019 • 36 minutes, 46 seconds
With ZOE Conference 2019 just around the corner take some time to catch up with last years incredible preachers!
6/17/2019 • 43 minutes, 20 seconds
ZOE CONFERENCE 2018 CATCH UP | Rich Wilkerson Jr.
With ZOE Conference 2019 just around the corner take some time to catch up with last years incredible preachers!
6/17/2019 • 42 minutes, 11 seconds
With ZOE Conference 2019 just around the corner take some time to catch up with last years incredible preachers!
6/17/2019 • 34 minutes, 53 seconds
ZOE CONFERENCE 2018 CATCH UP | Jentezen Franklin
With ZOE Conference 2019 just around the corner take some time to catch up with last years incredible preachers!
6/17/2019 • 39 minutes, 25 seconds
ZOE Conference 2018 Catch Up | Chad Veach
With ZOE Conference 2019 just around the corner take some time to catch up with last years incredible preachers!
6/17/2019 • 40 minutes, 47 seconds
Whose Is It? | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 06.09.2019
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach concludes the mini series "Say I Won't" with an incredible message debunking tithing myths and preaching about the incredible blessing that comes with stewarding God's gifts!
6/10/2019 • 37 minutes
Open the Window | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.2.19
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach starts a brand new series called, "Say I Won't" about what it looks like to honor God with your finances and live a blessed life. What happens when you choose to tithe? What happens when you trust God with your finances? We hope you're encouraged and built up as this week's podcast addresses these questions and more!
6/3/2019 • 36 minutes, 58 seconds
Student vs. Scavenger | Pastor Chris Durso | ZOE Church LA | 5.26.19
On this week's podcast pastor Chris Durso preaches an inspired message on the importance of hearing, knowing, and obeying the word of God! How many of us are more concerned with the voices in our life then the voice over our life? How many of us miss out on God because we're stuck looking at our shortcomings?
5/27/2019 • 35 minutes, 41 seconds
10 Lies That Pastors Believe | Pastor Chad Veach | Pastor's Gathering | 5.23.2019
On this special ZOE Church podcast Pastor Chad Veach teaches an insightful message about the lies that we believe about ourselves and the truths to stand upon.
5/24/2019 • 37 minutes, 24 seconds
Breaking Up With Broken | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 5.19.2019
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach concludes the DTR series with an incredible message called "Breaking Up With Broken"! We hope you're encouraged, built up, and excited about the relationship that God is restoring in your life!
5/20/2019 • 36 minutes, 11 seconds
Mr. Right | Julia Veach | ZOE Church LA | 5.12.2019
On this week's Mother's Day podcast pastor Julia Veach preaches an incredibly insightful message about the types of relationships that all of us should strive for! What should we leave behind in our relationships and what should we lean into?
5/13/2019 • 30 minutes, 53 seconds
It's Not Me, It's You | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 5.5.2019
On this weeks podcast pastor Chad Veach begins a brand new series called Define the Relationship. Discover for yourself what wrong relationships look like and how to navigate your way through them.
5/6/2019 • 37 minutes, 4 seconds
There is Purpose in The Prison | Pastor Jimmy Rollins | ZOE Church LA | 4.28.19
On this week's podcast Pastor Jimmy Rollins from i5 City Church in Baltimore preaches an incredibly transparent and powerful message on what it looks like to break out of your inner prisons through the power of your praise!
4/29/2019 • 44 minutes, 37 seconds
It Is Finished | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church | 4.19.19
On this special podcast pastor Chad Veach preaches an eye-opening Good Friday message full of hope and the grace of Jesus! Have you ever felt weighed down by yours sins? That your mistakes are too big to be forgiven? In this episode pastor Chad Veach paints the picture of what Jesus did for us on the cross and how it impacts us today!
4/22/2019 • 26 minutes, 4 seconds
His Power is Bigger Than Your Problem | Pastor Chad Veach | ZOE Church | 4.21.19
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach preaches a beautiful Easter message and conclusion to the series "The Garden and the Grave". Have your problems ever seemed bigger than your God? Have you ever had doubts? Made a mistake? Pastor Chad Veach discusses and address Jesus' response to our problems in this weeks encouraging sermon!
4/22/2019 • 21 minutes, 10 seconds
The Journey to the Cross | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 4.14.19
The Journey to the Cross | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 4.14.19 by Chad Veach
4/15/2019 • 29 minutes, 10 seconds
Pushed, Pressed, and Passion Tested | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 4.8.2019
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach begins a brand new series called the "Garden and the Grave"! The first of a four part series taking Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the empty grave! How do you live a surrendered life to God? How do you reconcile your intentions and your actions?
4/8/2019 • 36 minutes, 7 seconds
I Need A Belt That Matches My Shoes | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 3.24.19
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach preaches the conclusion to the "Fit For the Fight" series out of Ephesians 6 and the armor of God. He preaches a message full of humor, faith, and practical wisdom that all go back to Jesus. He addresses questions like: "How do I pray?" "Is there absolute truth out there?" "Is God really good?".
3/25/2019 • 30 minutes, 53 seconds
Im Not Going Down Without A Fight | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 3.17.19
On this week's podcast Pastor Chad preaches the third installment of "Fit for the Fight" in an inspired sermon. God gives us everything we need to protect ourselves against everything the enemy has for us, but He doesn't leave us without the tools we need to fight back!
3/18/2019 • 36 minutes, 47 seconds
You Can't Have Access To My Heart | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 3.10.19
On this week's podcast Pastor Chad Veach continues the Fit For the Fight series with his second sermon "You Can't Have Access to My Heart". God has given us everything we need so that we can protect our hearts from the pains this world throws at us!
3/11/2019 • 32 minutes, 33 seconds
Messing With My Mind | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 3.3.18
On this week's podcast Pastor Chad Veach starts a brand new series called Fit For the Fight. Listen in as he breaks down how to live a live guarded from the attacks of the enemy and how to move forward in our faith.
3/4/2019 • 35 minutes, 47 seconds
The Purpose For My Praise | Chad Veach | ZOE Church | 2.24.2019
On this week's podcast pastor Chad Veach preaches a message about the reason for our worship! Why do we lift our hands, sing songs, and turn to God with our praise even when we don't see our miracle? Pastor Chad answers this and so much more! We hope you're encouraged and strengthened in your faith!
2/25/2019 • 26 minutes, 54 seconds
Get Out | Robert Madu | ZOE Church LA | 2.17.19
On this week's podcast pastor Robert Madu preaches an outstanding sermon on the environment in which your miracle can take place and what it looks to like to wait on God for your breakthrough.
2/18/2019 • 42 minutes, 48 seconds
The Testing Of A Dream | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 2.10.19
On this week's podcast Pastor Chad preaches a one off message called The Testing of a Dream. God has a dream for your life that is so big and so incredible for your life, that it takes building some fortitude in order for you to walk in the life God has for you!
2/11/2019 • 39 minutes, 22 seconds
Patience, Prayer, and the Power of Practical | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 2.3.19
In the conclusion of our 5-week Book of James series Pastor Chad preaches a message that is raw, real, and inspiring. What happens when God asks you to wait? What happens when you don't see your breakthrough yet?
2/4/2019 • 34 minutes, 31 seconds
Fight to Win the War Within | Julia Veach | ZOE Church LA | 1.28.19
On this weeks ZOE Church Podcast pastor Julia Veach preaches an incredible message out of the book of James. All of us have struggled with jealousy, envy, and quarrelsome behavior. Pastor Julia gets to the heart of living in unity and knowing God's love for your life!
1/28/2019 • 34 minutes, 35 seconds
Teachers, Taunting, and Taming the Tongue | Chad Veach | Zoe Church | 1.19.19
On this week's sermon Pastor Chad Veach continues with his third installment of Zoe Church's James series. What would your life look like if you knew how to tame your tongue and become a person who blesses instead of curses?
1/21/2019 • 37 minutes, 12 seconds
Faith, Favoritism, and How Not to Be Phony | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.13.19
In this weeks message Pastor Chad Veach preaches a message about God's loving inclusion and connecting your faith with your actions. In a world where talk is cheap what would it look like to walk out the things that God has for your life?
1/14/2019 • 34 minutes, 13 seconds
Tested, Tempted, Turned Around | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 1.6.19
On the first Sunday of 2019 Pastor Chad Veach starts a new series out of the book of James preaching a message about struggle, wisdom, and turning to God in our times of need. We hope you're encouraged and strengthened in your faith!
1/7/2019 • 39 minutes, 18 seconds
Control Freak | ZOE Church LA | Erika Bozhko | 12.30.18
On the final podcast of 2018 Erika Bozhko preaches an incredible message on surrendering control to God and allowing Jesus to be all that matters! "No matter how turbulent it may seem you are not going to crash!"
12/31/2018 • 33 minutes, 29 seconds
All I Want For Christmas Is You | ZOE Church LA | Chad Veach | 12.23.18
On this festive Sunday Pastor Chad Veach preaches a message declaring the reason for the season! Jesus is our rescuer, He's our hope, and His grace is here to stay!
12/24/2018 • 31 minutes, 48 seconds
The Place I Crave | Chad Veach | ZOE Church | 12.16.18
Do you want a place to find strength, comfort, and purpose? Pastor Chad Veach preaches an incredible message about craving the presence of and what His presence can do in you life.
We hope you enjoy and are encouraged!
12/17/2018 • 30 minutes, 1 second
The Overflowing River of Grace | Chad Veach | ZOE Church | 12.9.18
On this week's podcast Pastor Chad Veach preaches an incredible message of what it means to be overwhelmed by grace. We hope that you are encouraged by a sermon of redemption, calling, and transformation!
12/10/2018 • 30 minutes, 49 seconds
The Passenger Side of My Best Friend's Ride | Earl McClellen | ZOE Church LA | 12.2.18
On this weeks podcast Pastor Earl McClellen preaches an inspired message from his favorite scripture John 3:27-30. Pastor Earl goes on to explain how to face success, disappointment, and point all of the praise back to Jesus. We hope you're encouraged and built up as you listen to Zoe Church!
12/3/2018 • 25 minutes, 1 second
It Feels Good to Be An Owner | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 11.18.18
What happens when you take full ownership in the House of God? On this weeks podcast Pastor Chad Veach preaches an inspiring message answering this and many more questions one what it means to be an "owner" and not a "renter" in the house of God.
11/19/2018 • 34 minutes, 51 seconds
I've Got Something To Give | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 11.11.18
I've Got Something To Give | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 11.11.18 by Chad Veach
11/12/2018 • 34 minutes, 16 seconds
Hope For Hypocrites Like Us | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 11.4.18
On today’s episode of ZOE TV Pastor Chad Veach continues the series “The Crownless King” with an incredible message about the example of Jesus. Hope for Hypocrites Like Us is a stirring message with a powerful call to be more like Jesus
11/4/2018 • 34 minutes, 20 seconds
Pride Got in the Way | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.28.18
Pride Got in the Way | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.28.18 by Chad Veach
10/29/2018 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
Who Is Jesus? | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.21.2018
Listen as Pastor Chad Veach starts his new series "Crownless King".
10/22/2018 • 26 minutes, 27 seconds
Planted and Undervalued | Mike Todd | ZOE Church LA | 10.14.2018
Listen as guest Mike Todd preaches a message titled "Planted and Undervalued at ZOE Church LA.
10/15/2018 • 31 minutes, 54 seconds
What Do I Need To Adjust | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.6.2018
What Do I Need To Adjust | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 10.6.2018 by Chad Veach
10/9/2018 • 34 minutes, 46 seconds
Is God Really With You? | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.30.2018
Is God Really With You? | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.30.2018 by Chad Veach
10/4/2018 • 33 minutes, 7 seconds
All That Matters | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.23.2018
All That Matters | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.23.2018 by Chad Veach
9/24/2018 • 34 minutes, 3 seconds
Walk It Out | Peter DelVal | ZOE Church LA | 9.16.2018
Listen as Peter DelVal continues the Divine Encourager series with a message entitled “Walk It Out”. We hope you're encouraged, your faith is strengthened, and you leave closer to Jesus.
9/17/2018 • 33 minutes, 5 seconds
We Haven't Even Heard | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 9.9.2018
Listen as Pastor Chad continues the Divine Encourager series with a message entitled "We Haven't Even Heard"! We hope you're encouraged, your faith is strengthened, and you leave closer to Jesus.
9/10/2018 • 24 minutes, 23 seconds
Guest Speaker | Jeremy Foster | ZOE Church LA | 9.2.2018
On this weeks episode Pastor Jeremy Foster preaches an incredible message inspired by God! We hope that it encourages you and strengthens your faith! Enjoy!
9/4/2018 • 34 minutes, 51 seconds
Descriptions Bring Prescriptions | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 8.26.2018
This week pastor Chad continues the "Divine Encourager" series with a powerful message describing the role and person of the Holy Spirit. We hope this sermon encourages you and strengthens your faith! Enjoy!
9/4/2018 • 23 minutes, 18 seconds
The Advantage | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 8.19.2018
Listen as Pastor Chad begins a brand new series called "The Divine Encourager"! A message on the beautiful Holy Spirit and his work in our lives. We hope you enjoy and if it encourages you share with a friend!
8/20/2018 • 32 minutes, 7 seconds
To Show Jesus The World | Jordan Boyce | ZOE Church LA | 8.12.2018
Listen as Guest Speaker Jordan Boyce preaches on Conference Sunday.
8/14/2018 • 32 minutes, 31 seconds
If God Wants Me To Be Happy... Why Aren't I? | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 7.29.2018
In this weeks episode Pastor Chad Veach preaches an inspirational sermon declaring God's desire for you to be happy.
7/30/2018 • 34 minutes, 49 seconds
I Keep Waiting And Nothing Keeps Happening | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 7.15.2018
Listen as Chad Veach concludes our Crushed Series with " I keep waiting and nothing keeps happening"
7/16/2018 • 29 minutes, 24 seconds
When Your Problem Won't Go Away | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 7.8.2018
Listen as Chad Veach continues our Crushed series with "When Your Problem Won't Go Away"
7/9/2018 • 27 minutes, 22 seconds
The Regret Of Not Addressing Our Issues | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.24.2018
Listen as Chad Veach continues our Crushed series with "The Regret Of Not Addressing Our Issues"
6/25/2018 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
Why Bad Things Happen When You're Doing Good | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.17.2018
Listen as Chad Veach continues in our "Crushed" series.
6/18/2018 • 26 minutes, 27 seconds
When You Go The Wrong Way On Purpose | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.10.2018
Listen as Chad Veach continues our "Crushed" serires with PT 2 "When you go the wrong way on purpose"
6/11/2018 • 30 minutes, 19 seconds
When You Break Your Own Heart | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 6.3.2018
Listen as Pastor Chad kicks off a brand new series called "Crushed" where he preaches an incredible message entitled "When You Break Your Own Heart".
6/4/2018 • 20 minutes, 45 seconds
How To Become A Prayer Warrior | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 5.27.2018
Listen in as Pastor Chad Veach concludes our “Against the Tide” series where he preaches on How to Become a Prayer Warrior.
5/29/2018 • 23 minutes, 32 seconds
Who Are You In Line For? | Charlotte Gambill | ZOE Church LA | 5.20.2018
Who Are You In Line For? | Charlotte Gambill | ZOE Church LA | 5.20.2018 by Chad Veach
5/22/2018 • 32 minutes, 44 seconds
Joy Today | Julia Veach | ZOE Church LA | 5.13.2018
"There is beauty in the process of trusting God." Let's be people that forgive and forget easy and live joyful by trusting the process. Watch as Pastor Julia Veach preaches "Joy Today" on Mothers Day at ZOE Church LA.
5/14/2018 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
How To Live A Focused Life | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 5.6.2018
"The enemy wants to distract you from what God has in store for you." We want to be people focused in on God and what he has in store for us. We want to be people who care more about Gods approval than mans approval. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues on with our "Against the Tide" series where he preaches on living a life content in Christ against the culture.
5/7/2018 • 23 minutes, 55 seconds
How To Handle Relationships | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 4.29.2018
“Let the Peace of Christ rule in your heart. You have been called to peace, not to war.” We want to be people who value our relationships with each other. Listen is as Pastor Chad Veach continues on with our “Against the Tide” series where he preaches on living a life content in Christ against the culture.
4/30/2018 • 20 minutes, 26 seconds
How To Live A Content Life | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 4.22.2018
"When Jesus is the centerpiece of your life, everything starts to make much more sense.” We want to be people who live a content life through Jesus regardless of our outside circumstances. Listen in as Pastor Chad Veach continues on with our “Against the Tide” series where he preaches on living a life content in Christ against the tide of culture.
4/27/2018 • 24 minutes, 6 seconds
How To Daily Live For God | Nate Dumlao | ZOE Church LA | 4.15.2018
Week two of our Against the Tide Series. Listen and Watch as Nate Dumlao preaches on "How To Daily Live For God".
4/27/2018 • 27 minutes, 38 seconds
Beyond Full | Julia Veach | HER | ZOE Church LA | 3.14.2018
“We can’t give what we don’t have— let’s be full of Jesus!” We believe the only way to be truly full is by walking with Jesus. Listen and watch as Pastor Julia Veach preaches “Beyond Full” from our most recent HER night.
4/16/2018 • 25 minutes, 56 seconds
How To Please God | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA | 4.8.2018
“We don’t want to please God because we have to, that’s law. We want to please God because we want to, that’s grace.” We want to be a church of big faith and love for people with a strong understanding of grace. Listen in as Pastor Chad Veach starts his “Against the Tide” series where he focuses on building our lives on God’s truth against the tide of culture.
4/9/2018 • 22 minutes, 56 seconds
We Are All Witnesses. | Chad Veach | ZOE Church LA 4.1.2018
“The reason we have hope, confidence, and want to keep going forward is because Jesus rose from the grace!”. We believe that Jesus was not only resurrected but that He is resurrection. Listen in as Pastor Chad preaches on what we believe about Jesus.
4/2/2018 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
I Believe In Baptism | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.25.2018
“It’s not the water that has power, it’s the name of Jesus.” We believe water baptism is part of God’s full package deal for your life. Listen in as Pastor Chad Veach continues on with his “I Believe” series and preaches on what we believe about water baptism.
3/26/2018 • 21 minutes, 6 seconds
I Believe In The Church | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.18.18
“The Church doesn’t have a vision. God’s vision HAS a Church.” We believe the local church should be a place where you are in community and feel at home. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues with his “I believe” series and talks on what we believe about the church.
3/19/2018 • 35 minutes, 43 seconds
Move With God | Dave Patterson | Zoe Church LA | 3.11.18
It’s an honor to have one of our elders in our church, Pastor Dave Patterson, preach this week. “There is a capacity to your life that only the Holy Spirit can reveal to you if you surrender.” We believe in living a life lead by the Holy Spirit. Listen in as Pastor Dave Patterson preaches on living a life lead by God.
3/12/2018 • 26 minutes, 12 seconds
I Believe In The Holy Spirit | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.4.18
We believe that the Holy Spirit is in us and works through us, giving us comfort and directing our steps. Listen in as Pastor Chad Veach continues to preach in his “I Believe” series and speaks on what we believe about the Holy Spirit.
3/5/2018 • 28 minutes, 58 seconds
I Believe In God | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 2.18.18
"The most important part about you is what comes to mind when you think about God." We believe right believing leads to right living. Listen in as Pastor Chad Veach begins his "I Believe" series and talks on what we believe about God.
2/20/2018 • 29 minutes, 20 seconds
It Could Happen Today | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 2.4.18
“Satan always offers you today what God has for you tomorrow.” We live for the eternal, not the temporary. Listen in as Pastor Chad wraps up the King and Kingdom series and talks on how to prepare yourself for the King’s return.
2/5/2018 • 30 minutes, 10 seconds
Forgiven People Forgive People | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.28.18
“One of the most important aspects of this kingdom is freedom.” We forgive because we’ve been forgiven. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues King and Kingdom and talks on how forgiveness is not a word issue, it’s a heart issue.
1/29/2018 • 29 minutes, 4 seconds
A Life That Pleases The King | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.21.18
A Life that Pleases the King - “A surrendered life is a yielded life!” You have the gift of free will; give it back to God. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues the series King and Kingdom.
1/22/2018 • 29 minutes, 11 seconds
New Found Joy | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.14.18
New Found Joy - “The content you consume becomes the content you create.” You are a product of your environment. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues King and Kingdom and talks about how once you are in the Kingdom, you get everything God has.
1/15/2018 • 29 minutes, 16 seconds
Entry Point | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.7.18
Entry Point | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.7.18 by Chad Veach
1/8/2018 • 30 minutes, 27 seconds
Beautiful Disaster | Chris Durso | Zoe Church LA | 12.31.17
Beautiful Disaster - “Even when you don’t do what God wants, you’re STILL the one who God WANTS.” - Our lives are not defined by our sins but by the one who forgives our sins. Listen as Pastor Chris Durso speaks about how we serve a God that will leave the 99 sheep for the one!
1/1/2018 • 32 minutes, 1 second
Mary Did You Know | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.24.17
"MARY DID YOU KNOW": Pastor Chad explores Mary's encounter with Gabriel, and the announcement that she would give birth to Jesus. Pastor Chad draws four parallels on how Mary's encounter is similar to our own.
12/25/2017 • 25 minutes, 11 seconds
Where Do You Turn In The Middle | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.17.17
Where do you turn in the Middle - “The greatest test of your character is in the middle of your journey.” It’s in the middle when you feel like quitting, but God can meet you anywhere when you turn to him. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues the Faith Forward Future series. God will always take you down a path that will lead you to happiness, peace, and tranquility.
12/18/2017 • 28 minutes, 13 seconds
Our God Is Love | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.10.17
Our God Is Love - “God out of LOVE gave US His Son.” We don't have to wonder who Jesus is For. The gift of Jesus is for all. Listen in to the Christmas Is Love Sunday Sermon as Pastor Chad talks about how Christmas is all about Gods love for us.
12/11/2017 • 24 minutes, 43 seconds
Life + Generosity = Freedom | Dino Rizzo | Zoe Church LA | 12.3.17
"Realizing everything you have came from Him and it all belongs to Him." When your life is filled with generosity, you will have freedom. Greed brings in bondage, but we were meant to live life as a steward. Listen in as Pastor Dino Rizzo talks about how we should be a sample of Jesus everywhere we go.
12/4/2017 • 25 minutes, 15 seconds
How To Walk In God’s Plan For Your Life | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 11.26.17
How to walk in God’s plan for your Life - “God gives you information so it can turn into inspiration and then application.” God will feed his sheep information and understanding so they can fulfill their calling. Listen in to the second installment of Faith Forward Future as Pastor Chad talks about how a follow today will build your tomorrow.
11/27/2017 • 28 minutes, 2 seconds
Who Gets To Live The Dream? | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 11.19.17
Who gets to live the Dream? - “God is more interested in doing something in your life than doing something through your life.” Even when you are faithless, God is faithful. In the second installment of Faith Forward Future, Pastor Chad talks about how everyone is a candidate to live God’s great plan.
11/20/2017 • 27 minutes, 18 seconds
When Life Doesn't Work Out | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 11.12.17
“If you want to live better, think better.” Stop holding on to your history at the risk of your future. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how you must move beyond failure to finish out your calling. It’s never too late to start, because God’s calling out your greatness.
11/13/2017 • 25 minutes, 37 seconds
Overtime | Rich Wilkerson Jr. | Zoe Church LA | 11.05.2017
Overtime - "A waiting season doesn't have to be a wasted season." Worry creates distance between you and God. Listen in as Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. talks about how God exists outside of time and he is hardwired to pursue you.
11/6/2017 • 40 minutes
Making Room For God | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.29.17
Making Room for God - "If you aren't rested, you aren't ready." Sometimes we get so exhausted that we feel unrested. The rest that you need is with God. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how when you give God the space, He will give you rest and He will accomplish His will and His purpose for you.
10/30/2017 • 32 minutes, 24 seconds
That's Me In The Story | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.22.17
That's Me in the Story - "God knows what you have because God supplied everything you have." You don't just have something in your heart, you have something in your hand. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how we were not called to make money, we were called to serve God.
10/23/2017 • 25 minutes, 38 seconds
The God First Life | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.15.17
The God First Life - "God is not interested in being in the back burner of your life. He is interested in being first in your life." God wants your heart. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how if you want the windows of Heaven to open for you, you must give your first fruits to the Lord.
10/16/2017 • 30 minutes, 10 seconds
Together We Can | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.08.17
Together We Can - "In spite of all of our mistakes, God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things." It is your uniqueness that makes you useful for change. In the body of Christ, every part is crucial and essential. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how we've been called to build, but we have also been called to protect.
10/9/2017 • 27 minutes, 4 seconds
Divided We Fall | Nate Dumlao | Zoe Church LA | 10.1.17
What’s Your Posture | “When we are divided, we are defeated. When we are unified, we are victorious in Jesus.” There is power in a UNITED Church. Join us this week as Nate Dumlao explains the consequences of division, and the power that unity brings to a community.
10/2/2017 • 30 minutes, 2 seconds
United We Stand | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 9.24.17
"We're not going to be a church that fights against each other, we are going to be a church that fights for each other." The enemy uses division to attack. He's not scared of a big church, he's scared of a united Church. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how we are going to be the people that build bridges, not people that burn bridges.
9/25/2017 • 30 minutes, 31 seconds
Make More Room. Reach More People | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 9.17.17
"Wherever there is something empty, the Holy Spirit will always fill." The kingdom of God is about people. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how Zoe Church is for broken people who will be filled up by the Holy Spirit to reach people.
9/18/2017 • 29 minutes, 40 seconds
Grace On Purpose | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 9.10.2017
Grace On Purpose - "Jesus lived a life of purpose. He lived with the purpose to help the broken." You are anointed by God to fulfill your purpose. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how God will open the doors at the right time. You will stop worrying about the what, as soon as you have your why.
9/11/2017 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
Swipe Right | Levi Lusko | Zoe Church LA | 9.3.17
“NOW yells louder, but LATER lasts longer.”
Join us as Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on “swiping right” — the differences between the lies and truths we’ve heard about relationships, romance, and sex.
9/4/2017 • 28 minutes, 37 seconds
Friend Of Sinners | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 8.27.2017
Friend Of Sinners - "All the friends you have on the Earth does not compare to the friendship you have with Jesus!" We receive grace so we can live grace. We don't need to send the gospel to the clubs, we need the gospel in our house. Listen in as Pastor Chad encourages us on how we are unafraid and the light to those around us.
8/28/2017 • 33 minutes, 29 seconds
The Water and the Wilderness | Robert Madu | Zoe Church LA | 8.21.17
"The water is where you find out who you are and who's you are." From the 2017 Zoe Conference, Pastor Robert Madu preaches on Jesus's baptism and time in the wilderness which serve as models for finding our own true identities in Christ.
8/21/2017 • 41 minutes, 7 seconds
A Wild Gospel Called Grace | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 8.13.17
"The Gospel is more wild and relentless than you can fathom." We do not serve a God that exposes your failures. While Satan wants to expose you, God wants to cover you. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how God speaks life, peace, and encouragement into your life for your calling.
8/14/2017 • 38 minutes, 46 seconds
Look Forward | Judah Smith | Zoe Church LA | 6.6.17
"The direction of faith is forward." The City Church Pastor Judah Smith closes out an amazing 2017 Zoe Conference Weekend with a challenge for the church to look forward with eager anticipation towards the Second Coming of Christ.
8/7/2017 • 42 minutes, 8 seconds
True Grace | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.30.17
"A true grace produces a true holiness." This week Pastor Chad preaches on the differences between counterfeit grace and the true grace of Jesus Christ.
7/31/2017 • 32 minutes, 25 seconds
Living Under Grace | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.23.17
"The law couldn't, wouldn't, hasn't, and never will!" Pastor Chad continues his "Face of Grace" Series with a powerful sermon on how the grace of Jesus Christ breaks us free from the limits of the law - removing all condemnation while providing opportunities for growth and healing in our lives."
7/24/2017 • 29 minutes, 47 seconds
A Level Of Grace Called Great | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.16.17
"Live with the sense that Jesus is for you, not against you." When you encounter Jesus, you begin to talk boldly about His grace. Listen in as Pastor Chad explains how more grace, equals more Jesus.
7/17/2017 • 37 minutes, 23 seconds
Grace To Grace | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.9.17
"God will anoint you long before he will announce you!" Your story has power. When you commit to your calling and accept grace, God allows you to walk boldly in his strength. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how God will move you strength to strength and grace to grace.
7/10/2017 • 39 minutes, 38 seconds
I Once Was Blind | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.2.17
"Jesus doesn't want us to walk in blindness, but to walk with vision." This week Pastor Chad continues the Face Of Grace Series and preaches about how God always has a purpose for our problems.
7/3/2017 • 37 minutes, 4 seconds
Grace Stood Trial | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 6.25.17
"At just the right time, God's gonna show up for you." This week Pastor Chad preaches on how the power of grace is forever at work in our lives through Jesus Christ.
6/26/2017 • 36 minutes, 29 seconds
The Fathers Blessing | Pastor Bob MacGregor | Zoe Church LA | 6.18.17
"Keep your eyes focused on what God can do. You don't know what is coming your way." Listen in as Pastor Bob MacGregor talks about God blessing you in your life. He will rise you from the dust, because you are His child.
6/19/2017 • 29 minutes, 51 seconds
10 Things Every Pastor Needs | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 6.11.17
"10 Things Every Pastor Needs" - Tune in as Pastor Chad shares ten things on how to spread the love of Jesus through ministry.
6/12/2017 • 46 minutes, 37 seconds
The Face of Grace | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 6.4.17
"Stop living your life trying to figure out what you made happen and what God made happen. God made it all happen." As the True Values series continues, listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how when grace gets involved, it will elevate you. Grace will show up and do something for you in a moment, what would usually take years- all you have to do is receive it.
6/5/2017 • 40 minutes, 10 seconds
Faith For The Middle | Robert Madu | Zoe Church LA | 5.28.17
"Don't give up cause you're stuck in the middle." Like the children of Israel journeying through the wilderness, life is often spent stuck in the middle. Pastor Robert Madu preaches on the journey with God after he's rescued you but before you reach the "promised land."
5/29/2017 • 35 minutes, 5 seconds
My Giant Toolbox | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.21.17
“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” This week Pastor Chad preaches on how God's Word provides daily wisdom, healing, and guidance to each and every one of us.
5/22/2017 • 40 minutes, 22 seconds
Family Matters | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.14.17 11
"You belong in this family because you belong to Jesus!" A family that is built on Jesus is full of love, honesty, and forgiveness. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues the True Values series and talks about how family is a core value.
5/15/2017 • 41 minutes, 45 seconds
A Servolution | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.7.17
A Servolution | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.7.17 by Chad Veach
5/8/2017 • 34 minutes, 9 seconds
Somebody Opened My Hand | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.30.17
"If God can give money through you, then He will give money to you." Jesus works in counter culture. Once you encounter Jesus, money does not matter. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues, True Values, and talks about how to steward your treasure.
5/1/2017 • 33 minutes, 13 seconds
The Tensions of Today | Nate Dumlao | Zoe Church LA | 4.23.17
"Don't put your faith in faith, put your faith in Jesus." Knowledge sits, but faith walks. Listen in as Pastor Nate Dumlao premieres the new series, True Values. Don't fix your eyes on the mountain, but bear the fruit that grows in the valley.
4/24/2017 • 24 minutes, 39 seconds
Playing For Keeps | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.16.17
"Can you stand there as broken as you are, and receive God's grace?" Listen in as Pastor Chad concludes the Ephesians series and talks about how you don't need to earn a victory, because God shares his victory with you. God supplies all your needs. The work of a Christian is to receive and share His love.
4/17/2017 • 31 minutes, 53 seconds
I Say This Because I Love You | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.9.17
"We choose the best for others, not the best for ourselves." When we walk in the light, we love like God and we keep away from stumbling in the dark. Listen in as Pastor continues with the Ephesians series. Tap into the wisdom that God has graced you with.
4/10/2017 • 35 minutes, 54 seconds
Our New Normal | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.2.17
"You can't excel in your grace until you receive it." The only thing that is going to stop you from your calling is you. Listen in as Pastor Chad continues with the Ephesians series. You're called to a higher level, so do not compromise who you are because you think you are small. That is the old you, but get comfortable in your new skin and your new way of life.
4/3/2017 • 33 minutes, 4 seconds
Under Qualified and He Knows It | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.26.17
Under Qualified and He Knows It - "If he called you to it, he'll keep you to it." You cannot define God's love because it is so much greater than anyone can understand. Listen in as Pastor Chad speaks about how it is God's love that makes you faithful to what he has called you to. When you trust in him and have a deep root system, He is able to do far more than your imagination.
3/27/2017 • 32 minutes, 34 seconds
An Anchor Called Hope | Rich Wilkerson Jr. | Zoe Church LA | 3.19.17
"Our faith comes WITH hope and because of this, we can be SURE God is ALWAYS present." Listen in as our friend, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr., preaches a message about "An Anchor Called Hope".
3/20/2017 • 37 minutes, 33 seconds
What Was Can't Compare To What Is | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.12.17
“With God there is always mercy for your past and a plan for your future.” This week Pastor Chad talks about how God has been shaping your life for HIS divine plan.
3/13/2017 • 30 minutes, 56 seconds
Standing Power | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.5.17
"Stop trying to earn grace; start receiving grace!" Before God asks you to walk, he asks you to stand. As a child of God, you shall stand with purpose, peace, and strength. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about when you know who you are in Christ, you know what you are not. It's time to understand your calling and live inside out.
3/6/2017 • 32 minutes, 4 seconds
Prioritizing My Relationships | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 2.26.17
“When we put our relationship with Him first, everything else falls in order.” - In the kingdom of God every interaction becomes an opportunity. Pastor Chad completes the series on relationships as he teaches how prioritizing God and living in His kingdom allows us to truly love and invest in those around us.
2/27/2017 • 31 minutes, 36 seconds
How To Forgive | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 2.19.17
How do I forgive? - " Stop trusting man's plan and trust God's plan." Don't let your circumstance determine your faith, but use your faith to determine your circumstance. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how forgiveness is the key to all relationships.
2/20/2017 • 31 minutes, 18 seconds
The Power In Partnerships | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 2.12.17
The Power In Partnerships - "Your alignment determines your assignment." In the first installment of "Relationship Realities" Pastor Chad talks about how you have free will to choose who you love. Listen in and learn how God sends you people when he wants to bless you.
2/13/2017 • 32 minutes, 13 seconds
Best Year Yet | Jude Fouquier | Zoe Church | 2.5.17
"There is only one response to God and that's faith." Listen in as Pastor Jude Fouquier explains how you're going to have the best year. Faith is shown by giving. And when you give God your all, you'll see miracles happen.
2/6/2017 • 31 minutes, 13 seconds
Unqualified | Julia Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1. 29.17
"God doesn't call us to just get through life. He calls us to embrace the adventurous life." In the last installment of "One Thing," hear how you're just a picture away from His promises. Listen in as Pastor Julia teaches you how to be a difference maker and start seeing yourself as God sees you.
1/30/2017 • 36 minutes, 50 seconds
The Potters House | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.22.17
"God has uniquely designed you for a specific purpose." Your God given purpose is not found in isolation, but in the presence of the Lord. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how your purpose is to make God's name great. He works with broken people to help others.
1/23/2017 • 34 minutes, 52 seconds
Free at Last, Free at Last| Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.15.17
"There is a difference between a good opportunity and a God opportunity." In the second installment of One Thing, we learn how God is committed to your freedom. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how we are not freed to serve ourselves, but we are freed to serve God. Through God's freedom, this leads you to a life of no regrets.
1/16/2017 • 30 minutes, 50 seconds
Didn't See It Coming | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.8.17
Didn't See it Coming - "You may not see it coming, but God has blessings coming your way." In the first installment of a new series, One Thing, get to know God. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about when you're in relationship with God, you'll start to receive blessings and become a changed person.
1/9/2017 • 34 minutes, 36 seconds
A New Year, A Different Spirit | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 1.1.17
“Your value is not based on your accomplishments or success, but by God’s love.” Do not let your heart be betrayed by what you know. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how sometimes you need to quiet the crowd so you can move forward and step into your calling. Don’t listen to fear or sadness, but listen to the promise God has given you.
1/2/2017 • 34 minutes, 46 seconds
Wrapping Paper | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.24.16
"The gift that you receive, is a gift for everyone else!" -Sometimes what God gives you is beyond description, filled with awe and wonder. Listen as Pastor Chad talks about how God's gifts often come in unusual wrapping and how we are blessed in order to bless others.
12/26/2016 • 25 minutes, 54 seconds
Lost And Loved | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.18.16
"The worst thing you can do is look at someone else and say how lost they are, but you're not paying attention to how lost you are." When you're going through a tough season, the enemy will seep, but Grace will always chase you down. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how if you release control to God, he will create your identity and surround you with healthy relationships.
12/19/2016 • 34 minutes, 52 seconds
Wipe That Look Off His Face | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.11.16
Wipe that look off His Face - "We do not serve the God of manipulation, we serve the God of grace." Sometimes we focus on how good Jesus is for saving us, but we are still afraid of our Father. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how our Father loves us so much, He waits patiently for us and celebrates when we all return. Even when you have hit rock bottom, he is with you.
12/13/2016 • 24 minutes, 25 seconds
Jesus Is With Me | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 12.4.16
Jesus is with Me - "Storms are never about the storm, they're all about your faith." At the start of the new series, He Loves Us, we start with the power of how God is always with us. He is with us in our storm, our success, our season and our sin. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how if you nothing else but Jesus, you have everything.
12/6/2016 • 34 minutes, 31 seconds
Holy Spirit | Chad Veach | Awakening Conference
Holy Spirit and Location: Chad Veach at Awakening Confernece
11/29/2016 • 31 minutes, 20 seconds
Perhaps The Lord | Jason Laird | Zoe Church LA | 11.20.16
A Message from Special guest Pastor Jason Laird "Perhaps the Lord"
11/22/2016 • 28 minutes, 18 seconds
Void That Check | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 11.13.16
"Approach God with faith. Do not just show up in faith, but call on his name." In this second installment of "Your Word," learn how the Gospel is for everyone. God loves you for who you are and invites you to come near him. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how your relationship with God is inclusive, not exclusive. He is above your ways; have confidence in Him and His word.
11/14/2016 • 36 minutes, 21 seconds
The Problem With Sand | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 11.6.16
The Problem with Sand - "Don't build your life on temporary. Build your life on something that will last forever." You must have a strong foundation built on the Word of God. The goal in life should not be about success, but about wisdom that God grants you. Listen in as Pastor Chad starts the new series, "Your Word."
11/8/2016 • 31 minutes, 35 seconds
Who Do You Love? | Chad Veach | Chad Veach | 10.30.16
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your love." God has sent you to love people. In order to love others, you must first love yourself. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how your love for others is a result of your love for God. Love like God; be affectionate, honoring, sincere, sympathetic, and united.
11/1/2016 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
Unexplainable | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.23.16
"God wants to grow your life so other people can find refuge and safety." God has given you gifts for you to give and bless others with. Invest and sow in what the Lord wants you to, and you will reap the rewards he provides you. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how God can do the unexplainable in your life through his grace.
10/25/2016 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
This One's A Remodel | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.16.16
"God wants to take circumstances that are broken to restore and renew your life!" Don't be a person that tries to force things. Wait on the Lord's timing, trust in him and be prepared to rise to the occasion when the enemy attacks. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how God will restore your life as he has given you the power and strength to do what you were called to do.
10/18/2016 • 29 minutes, 1 second
Symptoms Of The Sent | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.9.16
"It's not about your name, success or fame. It's about Jesus." God does not make mistakes. He sends you to a place for a purpose. As someone who is sent, you are a servant, a giver, you're obsessed with Jesus, and you have a sense of what you have to do. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how pride may win in our society, but Kingdom culture celebrates humility.
10/11/2016 • 30 minutes, 36 seconds
Pool Party | Julia Veach | Zoe Church LA | 10.2.16
"God doesn't have an expiration date in his promises!" God is ready to take care of you, but he wants you to want it as much as he wants it for you. Although we have excuses that limit us, and we don't want to be in pain, Jesus is there to walk us through the pain. Listen in and hear Pastor Julia talk about how the miracle isn't in the place, it is in the person.
10/4/2016 • 33 minutes, 44 seconds
A Conversation About Race, Faith and Culture | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA
In this episode of the podcast we take a break of the our normal format as Pastor Chad Veach leads a conversation with members of Zoe Church about the recent police shootings, the Black Lives Matter movement, and what role the church can play in helping those who are hurting in our communities.
10/3/2016 • 38 minutes, 20 seconds
Pep Rally | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 9.27.16
"God loves you so much that he sent somebody!" God has a burden for the cities, and he wants to send his people out to heal others. However, he does not expect you to do this alone. He sends people to encourage when you are discouraged. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how we should rest in prayer, live a focused life, and use God's strength to lay our hands on people.
9/27/2016 • 32 minutes, 30 seconds
Sent To The City | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 9.18.16
"You've been sent to be the light in a dark place. God's not looking for capability, he's looking for availability." God is an artist. He loves to paint pictures and send people visions. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about the vision of year two for ZOE LA. God sends people to certain places in a strategic way. He is not random and He always sees your potential when no one else does.
9/20/2016 • 34 minutes, 33 seconds
Who He Is | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 9.11.16
"Who Jesus is...has shaped who you are." While the enemy tries to challenge your identity, Jesus is there to heal all insecurities. Our God is who he is, and he will be loving, kind, and merciful forever. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how God never changes and never loves you based on your morals or your standards. He will love you tomorrow just as much as he loves you today.
9/13/2016 • 32 minutes, 5 seconds
Reverse The Curse | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 8.28.16
"God wants to bless you because you belong to him." In this last installment, you'll learn that if you give God what you have, he'll give you what he has. Listen in and hear Pastor Chad talk about how God is not only a blesser, but a deliverer. God wants to take you beyond your wildest dreams and extend your reach.
8/30/2016 • 25 minutes, 37 seconds
Christine Caine | Zoe Church LA | 8.21.16
"There is a force much greater than facts. It's called the truth of the word of God. " You're not translated, you're transformed. Transformation happens in the wilderness where God gets you out. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Christine Caine talk about how it does not matter what your history is, you are meant for greatness.
8/23/2016 • 37 minutes, 34 seconds
Request Box | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 8.14.16
"God will test your faith but He will not tempt your faith." In this second installment of the series you'll continue to learn the way Jesus taught us to pray. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about the things you must keep in mind are provision, relationships, fighting the battle, and priorities.
8/16/2016 • 32 minutes, 30 seconds
A Neighbor, a Fish and an Egg | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 8.7.16
"Don't ever stop praying just because you didn't get an answer." In the start of this new series, learn how Jesus taught us how to pray. Jesus taught us in hopes that the Kingdom of God would be established in our mind, our heart, our spirit, and our soul. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about how it all starts with you receiving the Kingdom of God.
8/9/2016 • 32 minutes, 18 seconds
A Friend With Benefits | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.31.16
"He is a friend that will always stick closer than a brother." Who you hangout with determines how you act. Listen in and you'll learn how your relationship with God can heal and renew your strength. God does not leave you alone, for he will teach you how to be with him.
8/1/2016 • 29 minutes, 2 seconds
Don't Judge My Journey | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.24.16
"Faith is not an event or a church day. Faith is a journey and a lifestyle." In this start of a new series, learn how the Holy Spirit helps you reach your full potential of faith. God is not intimated by your emotions. The Holy Spirit knows the real you and knows how to lead you in places of joy. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how you've belonged to God, before you believed.
7/26/2016 • 31 minutes, 32 seconds
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.17.16
"The way we will get to humanity is through the local church." In this last installment you'll learn that Jesus is building the church and advancing it forward. You can always help others when you build a church. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about how the journey of life is to find the grace God gave you to help others.
7/19/2016 • 28 minutes, 57 seconds
If There Was A Problem | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.10.16
"Whenever you have a a sense of God's passion, you have a sense of God's plan." In this installment you'll learn that God's greatest desire is to have a relationship with us. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about how Jesus is the solution and through him, we are set free.
7/12/2016 • 28 minutes, 38 seconds
The Mess In The Middle | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 7.3.16
"Your biggest fear is not failure, it's the greatness that God has for you." In this segment of the series you'll learn that God loves you so much that he will always give you chances. You should not be afraid to make mistakes because God will always direct you back to your destiny. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about how God's plan is always about something bigger. If he can reach you, he can reach others.
7/5/2016 • 36 minutes, 57 seconds
A Storm And A Fish | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 6.26.16
"Your biggest fear is not failure, it's the greatness that God has for you." In this segment of the series you'll learn that God loves you so much that he will always give you chances. You should not be afraid to make mistakes because God will always direct you back to your destiny. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about how God's plan is always about something bigger. If he can reach you, he can reach others.
6/28/2016 • 34 minutes
I'm On The Road | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 6.19.16
"Anyone can do what you do, but no one can replace who you are." In this segment of the series you'll learn that when God wants to bless you, he sends you a person. When you are weak, he sends you someone who is strong. Listen in and you'll hear Pastor Chad talk about how you don't need to be perfect, just available for when God wants to use you.
6/21/2016 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
God Has A Plan | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 6.12.16
"God doesn't want to show you what He has for tomorrow until you go through what you have for today." In this segment of the series you'll learn that God is more obsessed with you, than He is with the plan. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how the plan He has for you is created for greatness by greatness.
6/14/2016 • 29 minutes, 36 seconds
I Don't Want It | Chris Durso | Zoe Church LA | 6.5.16
“What’s the place you go back to when you’re feeling lonely? That is the exact place that God is trying to deliver you from.” This week Pastor Chris Durso inspired everyone to leave the negative and bad thing that holds us back. Listen in and you’ll hear that although we minimize our problem, God does not minimize anything.
6/6/2016 • 34 minutes, 38 seconds
Seeing Is Believing | Julia Veach | Zoe Church | 5.29.16
"Stop looking at things that bind our eyes and that hold us back from how God sees us." This week Pastor Julia's word inspires us to see ourselves how God intended us to be. Listen in and you'll hear four points about how a change in your position and your state can change your view. Everything matters to God, even the small things that matter to you.
5/31/2016 • 32 minutes
Have You Replied Yet | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.22.16
"Why would you sit in the sidelines when we are called to do something on this Earth?" In this final installment we learn that God gives us everything we need, we just have to accept and respond to the Grace. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how God wants to be generous with our money, our talents, our life.
5/24/2016 • 35 minutes, 30 seconds
Our Generous Jesus | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.15.16
“God loved you long before you loved Him!” In this segment of the series you’ll learn that God is so generous and He always takes care of his own people first. Listen in as Pastor Chad tells you how God pours out and give his all. It does not matter where you’re at in life because he lives to give.
5/17/2016 • 32 minutes, 23 seconds
Beyond The Agreement | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.8.16
“God’s love always brings us back!” Whether you are lost, ashamed, or if you give up on God, God will never give up on you. Listen in as Pastor Chad tells how God’s love in unfailing and He’ll always love you where you are at.
5/10/2016 • 27 minutes, 21 seconds
Interview with Peter and Laura Toggs | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 5.1.16
Live from Sydney Australia, Pastor Chad Veach interviews the Pastors of Hillsong Young & Free: Peter and Laura Toggs. Tune in as they talk about ministry, how they got their start and what living a life of ministry looks like!
5/2/2016 • 30 minutes, 47 seconds
I Got An Agent | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.24.16
“When the Holy Spirit shows up, you always know!” In this final installment of the series you’ll learn that when the enemy condemns you and tells you everything you are not, the Holy Spirit draws you closer to God and tells you that you are loved by Jesus. Listen in as Pastor Chad gives four points about how the Holy Spirit is the ultimate helper that provides you with power.
4/26/2016 • 30 minutes, 16 seconds
Take a Right, Here | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.17.20
“All of your right living comes from your right believing!” In this second part of the series you’ll learn that the world cannot complete you because it is Jesus that has all that you need. Listen in as Pastor Chad talks about how you need to unlearn bad theology of Religion, and get on the right path with God by being a follower, not a fan.
4/19/2016 • 31 minutes, 41 seconds
Turn Off The Dark | Levi Lusko | Zoe Church LA | 4.10.16
“Those who dwell in the dark will see the light.” Our wonderful guest speaker, Pastor Levi Lusko, graced us with his presence to tell us about the light he received from God, during a painful moment. The painful moments are preparation for something spectacular. God sees much in you and wants to bring much out of you. Listen in and you’ll hear 4 ways to make it though Saturday.
4/11/2016 • 32 minutes, 59 seconds
I Am Whatever You Say I Am | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 4.3.16
“God did not come to just change your identity, but to give you purpose in life!” This is the start of the series that gives us guidance on how we shall live now that we have all this grace. Listen in and you’ll hear Pastor Chad talk about how we may not understand things that God tells us now, but we will understand in the future. We all have a purpose in life. A purpose that is not money or success, but a purpose that God set out.
4/5/2016 • 30 minutes, 54 seconds
Open Heaven | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.27.16
“Jesus wants to change your sight so you can see evidence of his presence.” In this sermon you’ll learn that God does not care about crowds, he cares about you when your hope is lost. Listen in and you’ll hear Pastor Chad talk about how Jesus gave us all access to God and to Heaven.
3/29/2016 • 31 minutes, 28 seconds
Don't Take The Bait | Chad Veach | Zoe Church LA | 3.20.16
“Rather than giving into the bait of the enemy, give into the invitation of Heaven.” In the fourth installment of the series you’ll learn that you can get better from what you’re going through. The enemy will take you down a road where you are bitter, but Jesus allows you to use that as fuel to go forward into the future. Listen in and you’ll hear Pastor Chad give you four points about accepting the invitation to Heaven.