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You're Welcome World News

English, Comedy, 1 season, 18 episodes, 6 hours, 30 minutes
First came This American Life... then came All Things Considered... now, from creators Eric Stolze and Zane Grant, public radio's newest gift to the world is You're Welcome World News, a holier-than-thou glance at all the first-world-issues. The anchors of You're Welcome are right all the time so you don't have to be.
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Episode 18: Future Weapons

The Chicago Police Department holds a fundraiser for future weapons and a child makes money selling travel guides to heaven after coming back from being clinically dead.
2/11/201524 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 17: Chopper Trouble

This week, a helicopter traffic reporter interviews breaks a senate story and the government gets involved in dating.
2/4/201510 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 16 – Mom Artists

New reporters tackle tough issues like extinct parking spaces and mid-west mom artists.
1/30/201519 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 15: Mandatory Tator-tot Legislation

This week Stefan covers the top ten news stories of 2014 and a Senator goes home to find out what his constituents want.
1/21/201524 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 14: HAIRCUT CITY

This week, a memory impaired memory activist and a long-haired teen stands his ground. Antarctica is not one of the fifty states.
1/13/201516 minutes, 47 seconds
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The annual 'Three Weeks after Holidays' special includes 'outrage over dolls', 'the barbarism of Christmas trees', and a 'generic holiday song'.
1/7/201518 minutes, 13 seconds
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A preacher takes book-burning into the 21st Century and a laughter coach tries to get Chartreuse Belljar to lighten up.
12/30/201421 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 11: DJ DAYBREAK

Investigations include an early-morning rave and That American There presents "Cat Got Your Tongue."
12/22/201423 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 10: ERR B ‘n B

Investigations include a protest over a lack of breakfast, a cat cafe, and return of infuriating indie filmmaker Topher Hock.
12/15/201440 minutes, 17 seconds
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Baristas don't want to talk to you, but a school bus with A.I. does.
12/8/201420 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 8: Halloween Post Mortem

You're Welcome reports on haunted banks, Satan worshiping at CostCo, vegan cuisine, and baby yoga.
12/1/201426 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 7: The Book Award For Books

The You're Welcome Anchors run down the list of winners to the annual Book Award for Books, including "Point Me Towards Victory: The Blind Sniper" and "The Sky Is An Air Ocean".
11/17/201428 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 6 – A Tradition of Non-Tradition

The team reports on one of the last remaining traditional families, buried deep in the black heart of Orange County. BBC affiliate Austin Bronte still isn't sure how Skype works.
11/10/201427 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 5 – A Profile of Americans and One British Person

You're Welcome World News premieres two new segments showcasing authentic American voices: The Bug, a storytelling showcase from people who aren't necessarily great storytellers.
11/5/201434 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 4: Hacktivism and Other Hactivities

You’re Welcome delivers a stunning expose of feared hacktivist group Incognito as they protest upcharges on toppings at Subway. BBC affiliate Austin Bronte reports on England’s new drink of choice. PRA’s pledge drive actually loses money.
10/28/201418 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 3 – Board To Death

First came This American Life… then came All Things Considered… now, from creators Eric Stolze and Zane Grant, public radio’s newest gift to the world is You’re Welcome World News, a holier-than-thou glance at all the first-world-issues.
10/21/201435 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 2 – Jeeves Answers All

San Francisco is purchased by the most powerful search engine in the world. Stefan Hyphen-Straightman interviews the CEO in the hopes of getting some insight but he gets his seat cushions fluffed instead.
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Episode 1 – Panda Moan Yum

The San Diego Zoo allows their pandas to choose their own sexual identity but they're too busy eating and sleeping, Austin Bronte reports on a never-ending reunion show from legendary British comedy troupe The Joke Department.