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雅思口语新周刊2023 Cover
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Chinese, Personal health, 1 season, 1581 episodes, 4 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes
收听看这里:《雅思口语新周刊》每周固定三期口语话题+超正能量的雅思口语内容。 资料看这里:《雅思福利贴》随时留言+72小时独家解答回复+资料邮箱发送 Jason在这里:新浪微博:家森Jason 微信: 176939107 目标看这里:The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held it so long. 取舍一念间,执着恒久远。(貌似很押韵的说)
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(4675期)看到好看的风景你会拍下来吗Would you take photos when you see a good view

放在记忆里 because by doing so, I would put it in my memories, you know, not only in my smartphone but also in my memories记录美好 I would remember something good and something wonderful in my life分享 很快乐 I like to share it with other people and I'll feel very happy too就像做了好事很开心一样 It's like that I'm doing something good and putting a smile of joy on my face
9/17/20246 minutes, 47 seconds
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(4674期)你喜欢在家还是图书馆学习Do prefer to study at home or in a library

大部分时间下 Most of the time我选择 I'll be fine with效率高 my efficiency will be quite higher than before学点东西 studying something one or two
9/16/20246 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4673期)你喜欢交朋友吗Do you like making friends and why

十五六岁的年纪  probably at the age of fifteen or sixteen不知道为啥 但是真事儿 I didn't know why, but it happened for real忙碌之后 去超市 回家  finishing a tough day of my work or study, then going to the supermarket, then I would get back home on my own患难见真情 a friend in need is a friend indeed
9/15/20245 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4672期)成年人的压力来自哪里Where does adult pressure come from

每个人都想买房 Undoubtedly, almost everyone in the world wants to buy a house私有的 just their own properties家是港湾 home is the center of the life. Home is the best place for them to warm up themselves一辈子的贷款 People have to borrow lots of money from the bank and give the money back to the bank after their whole lifetime
9/14/20247 minutes, 16 seconds
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9/14/20241 minute, 55 seconds
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(4671期)购物中心和路边市场有什么区别shopping mall v.s.street market

价格合理  you will find it has a reasonable price人们都买的起 Almost everyone can afford it. Almost everyone can buy it在两个地方买的东西  it is about the products or the items that you want to buy in two different places一些小物件 like some ingredients for example, like some living stuff for example
9/13/20247 minutes, 37 seconds
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(4670期)你是不是幽默的人Do you have a sense of humor

现在 at the moment我肯定 I'm saying yes with a hundred percent幽默感让我开心 I think that the sense of humor could certainly make me feel very very happy我有一个新想法  I’ve got a brand new idea
9/12/20247 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4669期)成为名人的坏处是什么What are the problems of becoming a celebrity

没有个人空间 you wouldn't have enough personal space树立良好形象 you should set up a good example in front of the public too压力大 you have to be very stressful in everyday life赚钱赚口碑 you would earn a lot of money, you would earn lot of reputation
9/11/20245 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4668期)科技发展对阅读产生了何种影响How dose technology influence reading habits

影响很大 It has changed our reading habit a lot时代不同 But today things changed一千多本书放在电子书里面  because they could put more than a thousand books just in the e book啥都放在屏幕上 But now they can do all of these just on the screen
9/10/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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私有财产 The personal properties花很多钱买房子 Today we have to spend a lot of money or a huge amount of money on a small apartment就在市中心 probably it is right located in the city center贵的离谱  That's too ridiculous expensive
9/9/20247 minutes, 25 seconds
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(4666期)你在户外一般会花多少时间呢How much time do you spend staying outdoors

一整天 I'll spend the whole day long一天多 more than twenty four hours对现在生活很满意  I will feel very happy about my current life现实和理想 that is the reality and my dream
9/8/20245 minutes, 42 seconds
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(4665期)线上学习会成为趋势吗Will online learning become a trend in the future

肯定流行 it would certainly be very popular in the future喜欢 a lot of people would be crazy about it两个优点 Two good points有价格优势 No.1, it has price advantage
9/7/20248 minutes, 17 seconds
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9/7/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4664期)不能全天用网络How do you feel if not allowed to use internet for 24hours

让我崩溃 That would drive me crazy for sure离不开互联网 Without it, my life would be totally ruined by doing so对现在生活不满意 I would feel very, very unhappy about my current life很确定 I'm sure about it
9/6/20246 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4663期)你花很多钱买香水吗Do you spend a lot of money on buying perfume

百分百肯定 I would say yes with hundred percent今时不同往日 But now things changed一百多瓶 more than a hundred不能用光 I can't use all of them
9/5/20245 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4662期)年轻人不愿交朋友 Why are many young people unwilling to make friends

忙完了休息 what they like to do is just resting in the mind at home or just spending some time alone身心放松 I mean just for physical relaxation and mental relaxation交友目的多 Probably a friend just wants to use you for money, for different purposes占你便宜 Or he is just trying to take advantage of you
9/4/20246 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4661期)父母应该帮孩子做决定吗 Should parents help their children make decisions

难讲 actually it's very tough to say历经磨难 They have been through all the challenges and difficulties in their lifetime正确建议 some advices in the right way or a proper way有主见 a lot of children should be independent and they got their own ideas
9/3/20246 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4660期)如果人们不吃肉会怎么样 What would happen if people didn't have meat

没有活力 No.1,they wouldn't be energetic any longer身体充满疲倦 At the same time, the fatigues would be in their body影响心情 If they didn't have meat for a very long time, they wouldn't be happy about the life or they wouldn't stay in a good mood各种肉 Such as muffin, beef and chicken and seafood
9/2/20246 minutes, 31 seconds
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(4659期)精神和身体放松 Which is more important,mental or physical relaxation

(4659期)精神和身体放松哪个更重要 Which is more important,mental or physical relaxation同样重要 I think they are equally important忙碌之余 after a tough day of work or study积累疲倦 the fatigues would certainly accumulate in our body after a tough day搞个按摩 not just rest the mind, but also a massage or something
9/1/20246 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4658期)现在的聚会比过去更多吗 Do you think we have more parties than before

依赖网络  a lot of people today are using the internet too much in life玩手机玩电脑 spending a lot of time on their laptops or computers or mobile phones有压力  today's life can be very suffering for almost everyone某种负担 it is like some sorts of burdens
8/31/20247 minutes
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8/31/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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(4657期)为什么喜欢传统服饰 Why do some people like to wear traditional clothing

就是喜欢 没其他的 mainly because they just love it, no different or special reasons人们不喜欢传统服饰的材料和设计 people hate traditional clothing because it's not very comfortable, materials and its design记住发生的事儿 remember something one or two in history百分之百确定 I'm saying yes with a hundred percent
8/30/20246 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4656期)空闲去逛美术展览馆吗 Do you go to art galleries during your free time

大师作品 the different kinds of masterpieces of artwork and different kinds of art designing or something人多拥挤 I would find millions of people like going to the art galleries too, that's too crowded and noisy看完展我觉得我也很艺术 After visiting the art galleries, I would find my life could be full of art有的时候有点贵  sometimes I realize it is not very affordable
8/29/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4655期)快餐在你们那受欢迎吗 Is fast food popular in where you live

快餐店随处可见 I think the fast food restaurant can be found anywhere人们喜爱快餐 a lot of people are really crazy about it吃太多快餐 有毒素沉淀 if you eat it too much and the toxins would accumulate in your body但它价格公道 but I think it has a reasonable price
8/28/20246 minutes, 47 seconds
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(4654期)你小时候什么事儿让你兴奋 What would make you excited when you were young

两个事情让我兴奋 Two things would certainly make me feel excited when I was at my young age每周学六十个小时 In fact, I had to sit in the classroom more than ten hours each day and more than six days each week躺平 just lying on my bed at home让我兴奋 the holidays and vacations would excite me
8/27/20247 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4653期)人们喜欢在饭店吃饭吗 Do people like to eat in the restaurant

能在饭店待一天 if possible they can eat something that they like and sit in the restaurant for a long time or even all day long很有名气 That could be very famous and well known in the world价格公道  They have a reasonable price by the way经常这么干 they do it quite often in life
8/26/20245 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4652期)人们为什么会迟到 Why are people often late for meetings or appointment

适应啦 没啥别的原因 because they are used to it, no different reasons or no special reasons人们自私 they are very selfish, you know, selfishness is the center of their life人们要尊重他们 everyone should show respect to them理由很简单 See, I told you here are the two reasons, very simple
8/25/20246 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4651期)你喜欢更轻松or更忙的假期 Do you prefer a more relaxed or busy vacation

我选放松啥也不干的假期 For me, I'll prefer a more relaxed vacation假期苦 I don't want to be suffering in my holidays啥也不合计 resting my mind at home or sitting in somewhere without thinking anything工作状态效率满分 my working attitude and efficiency will be quite positive
8/24/20244 minutes, 52 seconds
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8/24/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4650期)你过多的使用网络了吗 Do you think you're using the internet too much

几乎每一天 probably almost every day离开网络不可以 I couldn't live without them不知道为啥 但真的 I don't know why, but it happens for real生活都耽误啦 And I must say that my life has been totally ruined by the internet and its related products
8/23/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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(4649期)你和邻居相处怎么样 How do you get along with your neighbors

大部分时间不和邻居说话 Most of the time, I don't speak to them at all熬到半夜 sometimes I have to stay up late in the midnight我也愿意打招呼 I like saying hi to them and talking to them for sure, just making greetings我的问题 that is my fault
8/22/20246 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4648期)你想自己创业吗 Do you want to start your own business

不想自己干  I don't want to do it on my own不聪明 有点笨 I'm not that smart or intelligent, I'm a bit foolish自己创业拉胯  If I am trying to do my own business, I would be a loser自己搞不定很多事 I don't think that I can handle two or three things at a time
8/21/20247 minutes, 2 seconds
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(4647期)早餐对你来说重要吗 Is breakfast important to you

对健康很重要 of course it is important to my health像... It is like… 在午餐和早餐之间 It's just between the breakfast and the lunch我会选牛奶面包 I would go with the bread and milk我不适应  I'm not used to them(traditional food)
8/20/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4646期)你熬夜吗 Do you stay up late

经常这样干 Yes, of course, I usually stay up late and do it quite often in my life白天忙  I'm very busy during the daytime需要找点时间放松 I need to find some time to relax a little bit我适应了 没什么其他理由 I'm used to it, no different reason
8/19/20246 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4645期)昂贵的地方 Describe a place you have been to where things are pricy

昂贵的健身房 The place that I've been to and find it so expensive is a gym地理位置很好 It has a nearly perfect location in my mind, just in the central area of my city会员卡一年两万多  the basic membership card is more than ten thousand half a year, not a year, about six months, you have to pay for it like more than ten thousand Yuan在这里健身的人有钱并且有礼貌 I mean they are rich for sure, and they are very polite and usually show respect to other people, too
8/18/202413 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4644期)你和朋友聊新闻吗 Are you chatting about news with friends

无感 Not really, nope, I'm not interested in it遛个弯 骑个车 户外运动 sometimes go for a walk, sometimes go for a ride or we usually play some sports in the open area这两种新闻太无聊 The news of economy and finance, that's too boring to us重点 that's the point
8/17/20248 minutes, 9 seconds
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8/17/20243 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4643期)是什么让人们感到骄傲 What make people feel proud

一方面和钱有关 Number one, it has got to do something with money物质条件的成功会让人自豪 a lot of people are really proud of material success成为富豪 if you could become a millionaire or billionaire不明所以  I don't know why but it happens for real
8/16/20248 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4642期)你多久看一次电影 How often do you go to the movies

很难讲 It's very hard to say有的时候三次个月都不去看一次电影 probably three months, four months or even longer than that, I wouldn't go to the movies个人而言  for my part很有乐趣 It could be great fun to me
8/15/20247 minutes, 13 seconds
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(4641期)网络可以替代电视吗 Do you think the Internet would replace TV

互联网很重要 the internet is playing an important role in our everyday life人们已经适应了 people are used to it工作生活当中的问题都会解决掉 work out all the problems that we have met in life or at work挺逗 That's a funny point
8/14/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4640期)15年前人们怎么沟通 How did people communicate15 years ago

那年代流行打电话和写信 The phone calls and letters could be the most popular ways during that period of time人们经常写信 they would certainly go with writing letters and they did it very often in life没有互联网 Without the internet at that time人们承担不起  it couldn't be affordable for most of us
8/13/20246 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4639期)将来会有更多的人搬到农村生活吗 move to countryside in future(无气泡音版)

从农村搬到城里 move from the countryside to the city and they do this more often in life in the future大城市好找工作 if you want to have a decent job, a super large city would be the best place for you to do so教育资源 工作资源 生活资源 resources for education, for life, for work不适合年轻人 But it is not that right for young generation
8/12/20247 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4638期)人们为什么在家种东西 Why do people grow plant at home

理由简单 The reasons can be very simple自己无聊而且生活无聊 because they are very bored, you know, they find the life quite boring年轻人充满活力 Young people are full of energy家里都有院子 they usually live in a large house with a backyard or small garden
8/11/20246 minutes, 24 seconds
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(4637期)你喜欢T恤上有图案吗 Do you like T-shirts with pictures on them

(4637期)你喜欢T恤上有图案吗 Do you like T-shirts with pictures on them喜欢穿带图案的衣服 I like wearing the t-shirt with pictures or prints on them图案让我快乐 all of these patterns will certainly make me feel happy有干劲儿心情好 I'll be full of energy and I'll stay in a good mood too生活很累需要放松 because my life is very suffering and I need to find a way out
8/10/20245 minutes, 2 seconds
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8/10/20242 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4636期)喜欢住热闹还是安静的城市 Do you prefer to live in a noisy or quiet city

我年轻 活力满满 because I'm so young and energetic工作或者遇到压力的时候 When I'm at work, or when I'm suffering from some bad emotions of my personal life找个热闹的地方释放压力 I would certainly find a noisy place to release all the bad emotions我不喜欢在安静的地方呆着  I don't like to stay in somewhere that is really quiet
8/9/20248 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4635期)人们经常迟到吗 Do people often arrive late

之前一天熬夜 people often arrive late because they usually like staying up late the day before迟到的原因 That's the main reason why they often arrive late for work, for study工作之后 But when people start their career, or find a good job赚不到钱 they wouldn't get well paid
8/8/20245 minutes, 8 seconds
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(4634期)学校是一个适合学习的地方吗 Is school a good place for study

集中精力 We usually could stay focused on one thing at a time好好上课 when we are sitting the class we would pay attention to the teachers and lessons效率不高 we wouldn't do that in a very efficient way年轻人活力满满 young people are usually motivated and full of energy everyday
8/7/20247 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4633期)描述居住地的发展 Describe a new development in the area where you live

新建了一个公园 A brand new riverside park is completely finished during the last few weeks里面很多体育设施而且免费 you can find lots of sports facilities there and most of them are free of charge现在这公园啥都有啦 but now it is different, it becomes a different one, it's a super large park and it has everything that we want这公园适合放松 lots of people would find a good place to rest their mind and relax a little bit and certainly they would release bad emotions too
8/6/20249 minutes, 58 seconds
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(4632期)你觉得纸质书会消失吗 Do you think paper books will disappear in future

必须的 Yes, of course, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent过时 扔了  the paper books are old fashioned, you know, a lot of people today would give it up很方便很流行 popular and user-friendly by the way另一个优点不能无视 Another advantage couldn't be ignored
8/5/20245 minutes, 56 seconds
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(4630期)所有特殊节日人们都在家呆着吗 Are people at home on special holidays

不好说 It's very tough to say适应啦 Since they are used to it去旅行 go on a long journey or go on a short trip on special holidays表示尊重 showing respect to
8/3/20245 minutes, 31 seconds
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8/3/20242 minutes, 4 seconds
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(4629期)将来你会很宅吗 Would you like to stay at home in the future

当然啦 Yeah sure, of course. Why not工作日40小时工作  I have to sit in the office more than forty hours each week 周末加班更多 and sometimes on weekends I need to work more than that during the weekdays各种旅行 go on the long journeys or short trips
8/2/20246 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4628期)你们经常聊新闻吗 Do you often talk about news

经常这样干 Yes, of course, we do that very often in our life忙碌之余喜欢分享  after a very tough day of work or study, we like to share something on news or talk about the news that we heard about消除疲劳 By doing so, all the fatigues and bad emotions will be gone eventually有很多共通话题 We usually have a lot in common
8/1/20246 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4627期)你都怎么找到新闻的呢 How do you usually find news

过去喜欢看报纸期刊杂志 那些纸质版的东西  In the past, I was a super fan of the newspaper, magazines and periodicals, the paper ones今时不同往日 我喜欢网络信息 But today things changed. I think the internet could be a more reliable way for me to get some news各种新闻 some news of entertainment and news of politics, finance and economics源自于 be originally from
7/31/20244 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4626期)你最近有什么想分享的 Do you have anything to share with others recently

没啥想分享的 尤其是和身边人  No, I don't have anything new to share with other people, you know, especially who are around me忙完太累了 after a busy day of work or study, I'll be very tired不爱看电话  sometimes I don't want to spend a lot of time on my we chat or even on my phone顺便说一下 我好朋友结婚了给我发请柬了  Oh, by the way, my best friend just got married last week and I have got an invite to the wedding
7/30/20246 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4625期)别人做的特殊一餐 Describe a special meal that someone made for you

前任做的一餐饭 超好吃 Actually my ex girlfriend used to make a special meal for me, that was quite impressive.超级用心 from the ingredients to the cooking skills , from the raw materials to everything in details在厨房俩小时 太不可思议了 She spent like more than two hours in the kitchen and that was very amazing最逗的是要分手才做的饭 The very interesting point was that she was planning to break up with me, but she didn't know how to say it
7/29/202410 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4624期)为什么有人和朋友保持联络Why do people like keeping in touch with friends

很多人需要朋友  a lot of people like keeping in touch with friends mainly because they need friends the most忙碌之余生活很无趣 after a hard day of busy work or regular study, they would certainly find the life quite boring朋友是充实生活的最好礼物  friends will be the best gifts for them to make the life much happier很多人没见过 但感受过 a lot of people haven't seen it before, but actually it's been with us for many many years
7/28/20246 minutes, 15 seconds
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(4623期)没有互联网你都干嘛 What would you do without the Internet

没有互联网我就去遛弯 Without the internet I would go for a walk最爱遛弯了 吃完饭之后 the slow walk is my favorite or sometimes just after the dinner in the evening也会去做户外运动 比如打网球 I would try to play some sport in the open area, like tennis for example偶尔也跑步 但不经常  sometimes I would just, you know, go for a run, but I don't do it quite often because it is too much for me
7/27/20246 minutes, 55 seconds
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7/27/20241 minute, 52 seconds
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(4622期)互联网如何影响我们(的生活)How does the Internet influence people

举足轻重的地位 I think that the internet is playing an important role in our life与生活学习息息相关 it has got to do something with our regular work and everyday study不用去教室或者公司 we even don't have to travel to the workplace or travel to the school效果显著 but it works really well
7/26/20246 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4621期)爱听什么乐器 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to the most

心情不好压力大的时候 when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm feeling very tired or the fatigue comes to me钢琴曲不一样 让我放松提神醒脑 the music from piano can be very different from other kinds of musical instruments. I feel like very relaxed and refreshed不知道为什么 天生的 I don't know why probably it's born with小时候学过钢琴 when I was at my young age, I tried to learn something one or two on piano
7/25/20248 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4620期)你喜欢看新闻吗 Are you interested in news

是的 啥新闻都看 Yeah sure of course, I could say that currently I'm a super fan of different kinds of news了解实事 I’ll get to know something new in the world and I would get to know the everyday life过去只看八卦 sometimes in the past I was trying to stay focused on entertainment news, the gossips现在看正经东西了 I would certainly keep an eye on finance and economy
7/24/20246 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4619期)人们经常抱怨什么 What do people often complain about

一方面 抱怨现实生活  for one thing, it is about the real life you know, a lot of people today are suffering钱难赚屎难吃 actually they couldn't earn a lot of money, they even couldn't earn a living物质条件那些事 something of reality and stuff, the material life婚姻话题 for another, they are scared of marriage, and they don't trust love at all
7/23/20247 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4618期)为什么坐飞机的人越来越多 Why is air travel so popular toady

有两个原因 There are actually two reasons behind this topic有价格优势 it has got to do something with the price advantage众所周知 as is known to all比如长途旅行或者国际旅行 for example if we need to go on a long journey or go on the international trip
7/22/20245 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4617期)你将来想在小企业工作吗 Would you like to work in a small business

才不会在小公司工作 Not really no, I wouldn't do anything in that way遇不到狠角色 probably I wouldn't meet some great people or some entrepreneurs薪水至上 the payment could be important to me, I want to have a decent job这是关键 that's the point
7/21/20246 minutes, 36 seconds
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(4616期)你一般会需要别人的帮助吗 Do you ask for help when you have a problem

大部分情况下 不会 Most of the time, I wouldn't say yes you know不明智  I don't think that it's a smart decision to get some help from other people自己解决 I want to work out problems you know I mean, I want to work things out by myself克服难题 提升自己 overcoming this problem and just improving myself
7/20/20246 minutes, 53 seconds
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7/20/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4615期)什么交通方式最受欢迎 What is the most popular transportation

许多人喜欢 a lot of people are fine with them带着我们上学和上班 it would take people to the workplace or school两个优点 Two good points价格公道 the ticket price is very reasonable, you know everyone can afford it and everyone can buy it too
7/19/20247 minutes, 1 second
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(4614期)你觉得吃早餐重要吗 Do you think breakfast is important and why

想要身材好 健康 必须吃早餐  if you want to lose some weight and keep good body shape, eating breakfast is important and it is required早餐是核心 breakfast is the key, it is the center, we can say it is the secret weapon很多人无视早餐 a lot of people ignore the importance of breakfast做个改变 make a change
7/18/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4613期)假期是放松好时候吗 Do you think vacation is a good time to relax

必须啊 Why not, I'm saying yes a hundred percent假期干啥都行 on vacation I could do lots of things that I couldn't in my leisure time好几天在路上 probably I'll spend more than two or four days on the road看沿途风景 吃好吃的 了解当地文化 I enjoy the beautiful sceneries on the journey and I'll get to know brand new friends and local food and its culture, and everything
7/17/20248 minutes, 1 second
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(4612期)为什么有人喜欢冒险 Why do some people enjoy adventure

压力大  number one, a lot of people today are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and everyday pressure找到发泄口 they need to find a way out消除负面情绪 release bad emotions and let these negatives gone in their life心底的那份爱 because they just love it from the bottom of their heart, no different reasons
7/16/20245 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4611期)你花了很多时间上网吗 Do you think you spend too much time online

超爱上网 I think that I’ve spent a lot of time on the Internet喜欢玩社交软件和其他软件 and it's related social apps and different kinds of apps for sure免费  it is nearly free of charge, I don't have to pay for it忙碌之余空虚寂寞冷 after a tough day of regular study or work and I would find the life quite boring
7/15/20247 minutes, 9 seconds
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(4610期)描述历史时期 Describe a historical period you like to learn

历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and grandparents` words好奇那个年代的业余活动  I was wondering about the leisure activities at the time那个年代的交通 走路和自行车 it’s about the means of public transportation systems, you know not a lot of private cars on street, biking and walking you know that could be the most popular ways for people to travel to somewhere
7/14/20249 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4609期)你宅吗 Are you a person who likes to stay at home

肯定的啦 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent这样做就很舒服啦 because by doing so, I would feel very safe and very happy去溜达或者户外 hang out with a bunch of my friends or spend a lot of time in the open area在家呆着 听歌 what I like to do is sitting in somewhere in my home, and putting on my earphone then listening to some music
7/13/20245 minutes, 13 seconds
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(4608期)你会买景点体恤做纪念品吗 Would you buy t shirt as souvenirs on vacation

不会的 Not really, no I wouldn't do anything in that way, no way太傻了 I don't think it's a very smart decision and it is not a popular way for us to do so去没去过的地方的话 when I'm trying to travel to somewhere that I'm not familiar with or that I've never been to before我才不同意呢  I wouldn’t say yes with 100%
7/12/20245 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4607期)乘坐公共交通有什么优点 What is the advantage of using public transport

优点可多啦 There are actually so many good points of using public transport主要有两点 I think two good points can be identified价格优势 每个人买得起  it has the price advantage, everyone in the world can afford it乘坐方便 it is user friendly in life, whenever we want to take a cab or take the subway, you would just find one that you need
7/11/20245 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4606期)哪种出行方式比较贵 Which means of transport is expensive

打车花了一百多 心疼 I need to spend like more than one hundred Yuan each time, and that would kill me for sure打车从市中心到机场肉疼 just from the city center to the airport and that would certainly drive me crazy you know我也没敢说啥 but I didn't say anything不便宜 But I still think that it was too much for me and I couldn't afford it
7/10/20246 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4605期)科技如何改变生活 How does technology influence our life

科技互联网改变生活 The Internet is the modern technology and certainly it influences our life for sure you know金钱观改变 Traditional attitude to money has been totally changedWifi随处可见 At the same time, the free wifi could be found anywhere that you can imagine真快 就几秒 When you are trying to download something you need, just a few seconds then everything would be fine
7/9/20247 minutes, 1 second
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(4604期)你爱吃甜食吗 Do you like sweet food and why

超爱吃甜食 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of sweet food you know, like the ice cream for example, like different kinds of chocolates for example心情当然也会很好 I'll be staying in a good mood for sure这两样东西让我超级开心 these two kinds of things would undoubtedly make me feel happy脂肪和热量也会让我崩溃 but one problem you know, eating too much calories and fat would drive me crazy
7/8/20245 minutes, 47 seconds
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(4603期)你想当艺术家吗 Do you want to be an artist and why or why not

做个艺术家肯定很有意思 Yep sure if possible, I want to be a very famous artist, and that could be great fun不用每天八小时坐在办公室啦  I don't have to work in the office you know, like eight hours for example不用呆在同一个地方那么久啦 I don't have to sit in the same old place for a long time each day比以前更出名  for my part, I could be more famous than before
7/7/20246 minutes, 20 seconds
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(4602期)人们为什么会找陌生人聊天 Why do people chat with strangers

背后两个理由 Two reasons can be identified behind this topic因为没朋友 mainly because they have got no friends in real life各种理由 Probably it is about their personalities, it is about the temper, it is about their living habit, there are so many reasons behind it新鲜的更有吸引力 something new or something exciting can be more charming to them成为生活一部分 it has been a part of their everyday life
7/6/20246 minutes, 34 seconds
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7/6/20242 minutes, 8 seconds
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(4601期)人们为什么想出名 Why do people want to become famous

原因挺简单的 The reasons behind this topic could be very simple想赚钱和事业 a lot of people want to be famous mainly because they want big money and great career更有钱 have their own properties and get richer than before天生的 it is born with
7/5/20247 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4600期)在吵闹的地方都干嘛 What do you do in the noisy place

戴上耳机世界都是我的 number one, I would put on my earphone you know and the world would be mine候机的时候戴耳机太重要了 in the airport when I'm waiting for my flight, I would put on my earphone that's the most important part and step忘带耳机了就去看书  sometimes I probably forget my earphone at home, I would read something one or two on my favorite books专注看书的时候 忽略噪音 when I'm staying focused on my books, I would certainly ignore the noise
7/4/20248 minutes, 1 second
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(4599期)你将来想学什么语言 What languages would you like to learn in the future

在我看来 In my mind/ I believe /I suppose/I realize比如这几个语言 like Dutch, French, Germany and Japanese for example将来希望学很多语言因为喜欢旅行  if possible in the future, I would learn different kinds of languages, because I'm a super fan of travel周游世界 努力学习外语 travel to the world, the is my dream and I would certainly work hard on my language study
7/3/20246 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4598期)人们都喜欢音乐吗 Do a lot of people like music

很多人当然爱听音乐啦 Yes sure, of course, it's a cool thing and a lot of people love listening to music消除疲劳 it would help us to diminish all the fatigues we have 忙碌之余需要找个出口  especially after a tough day of work or study, we need to find a way out很管用 and seriously, it works well
7/2/20246 minutes, 1 second
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(4597期)将来你愿意在家多呆吗 Would you like to stay at home a lot in the future

过去太忙了 actually in the past, I was quite busy with my regular work and everyday study, I was pretty busy with my every day life在家的时间 especially the free time at home小时候不看重家人 but when I was at my young age, I didn't realize it, I didn't realize the importance of my families如果自己在家呆着 if I'm spending some time alone at home
7/1/20246 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4596期)觉得学习外语重要吗 Do you think it important to learn a foreign language

学点外语 learn something one or two on foreign language, like Japanese, like Spanish, like Germany for example找好工作给会外语 if a young adult wants a great career, the foreign language would be the most important thing必须的  it's the basic as well or it is required 当老板 just to be the boss or employer
6/30/20246 minutes, 20 seconds
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(4595期)你获取新闻的途径是哪些 How do you find the news

各种新闻 some gossip, some entertainment news, and some news about education and everyday life真假消息分不清楚 but one problem, I couldn't figure out it is true or not我认为 互联网和各种app好用  For my part, the Internet and it's related apps could be my favorite ways to find the news更靠谱 that could be more reliable
6/29/20245 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4594期)为什么人们不喜欢学历史 People do not like history and why

两个理由 挺难学的 Two reasons can be identified首先 难学 number one, it's not very easy for us to learn about history很难学的全面 it's very tough for us to have a better understanding of the whole history其次 很多人没兴趣 天生的 Number two, a lot of people are not interested in history at all, you know it is born with, a natural reason
6/28/20247 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4593期)你擅长记数字吗 Are you good at remembering numbers

不行啊 记不住啊 No way I'm not good at doing so记事儿都够呛呢别说数字了 actually I'm not kind of person who usually likes to remember things very clearly, especially the numbers对数字不敏感 不熟悉 because I'm not familiar with it or maybe it’s born with, you know it's a natural reason不可能完成的任务 it's like the impossible mission
6/27/20245 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4592期)你认为快餐怎么样 What do you think of fast food

举足轻重 it is playing an important role in our life too没有快餐 生活效率下降 Without the fast food, our efficiency at work and study would be negatively influenced不能适应快节奏 we couldn’t live in a such fast pace of life问题不能忽略 热量高 But one problem cannot be ignored, it is not that healthy enough you know, too much fat and calories in it
6/26/20247 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4591期)你经常去图书馆吗 Do you often go the library, why or why not

想好好学习的时候要找个安静的地儿 when I'm trying to stay focused on my study, I’ll certainly find a quiet place咖啡厅最适合了 I mean the coffee shop would be the best shot for me安静的实体环境和免费的网络 the free wifi and quiet physical environment, that could be very important to me搞点黑咖啡 提神醒脑 I would grab a cup of coffee, that could be my favorite, the black coffee, quite refreshing
6/26/20246 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4590期)你周末需要学习或者工作吗 Do you need to work or study on weekends

不需要周末上班上学 Not really nope, I don't have to work or study on weekends因为周末业余时间多 because I usually have plenty of freedom on weekends周末全天放空  I could totally rest my mind from the Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon啥也不合计 without thinking anything
6/24/20247 minutes, 16 seconds
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(4589期)你喜欢分享吗 Do you like to share things

分享私人物品share some of my personal belongings or even properties比如工作学习机会 like some working or study opportunities for example我也会帮助陌生人 some strangers come to me and need my help, I would do something one or two that I can这样做让我开心 because by doing so, I'll certainly put a smile of joy on my face
6/23/20247 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4588期)小时候什么事儿让你快乐 What made you happy when you were a child

小时候两件事让我开心 two things would certainly make me feel happy when I was a kid小时候就想要钱 when I was at my young age, I needed money the most需要自由  it was about the freedom you know, my parents didn't let me do lots of things actually同样重要 the free time and money could be equally important to me
6/22/20246 minutes, 6 seconds
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6/22/20242 minutes, 15 seconds
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(4587期)年轻人需要一个时代楷模吗 Do young people need a role model

不好说 Well it's very hard to say向偶像学习 they had to learn something one or two from the role model做自己 I mean everyone should be what they are and who they are you know可能年轻人需要职业规划的导师 My point is that you know, maybe a young adult need a role model for their career
6/21/20246 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4586期)你很宅吗 Are you a person who likes to stay at home

为了避免疲倦 我在家呆着 to avoid the fatigues, I would certainly spend most of my leisure time at home without doing anything放空 I would just rest my mind万事大吉 and then everything will be fine讲真 我喜欢独处 gotta be honest, I love being alone
6/20/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4585期)人们为什么会迟到 What is the reason of being late

有两个理由 Two reasons could be identified和生活有关系 it has got to do something with our regular life超级卷 a lot of people are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and pressure另一个理由显而易见  another reason is quite apparent
6/19/20248 minutes, 25 seconds
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(4584期)想要换掉的东西 Describe something you own that you want to replace

想换个电脑但是需要等等 The laptop is the thing that I want to replace but you know, I couldn't make it very soon陪伴我很久啦 就像老朋友一样 because it has been with me more than five years, and it is an old friend to me工作效率大大提升 My efficiency at work has been totally improved for sure电脑有点过时啦 But in fact it's becoming old fashioned, too. Five more years ago, it was brand new but now it's been out of fashion
6/18/202411 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4583期)你觉得吃早餐重要吗 Do you think breakfast is important

我不信 I didn't think so at all忽视早餐  I usually ignored the importance of having breakfast现在长大了  but now I grew up, and I already have become an adult之前一天要早睡 that means I have to sleep well the day before
6/17/20249 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4582期)爱吃巧克力吗你 Do you like eating chocolates and why or why not

我是一个白巧克力迷 and I am a white chocolate lover太多热量 吃完不减肥 too much calories and fat in chocolates, after eating too much of it, I mean I wouldn't lose some weight心情不好的时候 整点巧克力 But when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm suffering, some chocolates would come to me
6/16/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4581期)你经常用笔写东西吗 Do you usually use a pen or a pencil

偶尔 Sometimes but not that often in life电脑或者手机打字 because most of the time I'll go with typing with my laptop or smartphone处理工作或者学习的时候选择打字  I'll try to text some emails when I'm coping with my regular work or when I'm trying to study something我的职业生涯里最喜欢用键盘啦 certainly I like to use my keyboard more often in my career对我来说有点过时了 that has been old fashioned to me
6/15/20248 minutes, 27 seconds
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(4580期)你经常和朋友聊新闻事件吗 Do you often talk with friends about the news

劳资没兴趣  I have no interests because I'm not interested in the news about finance or economics共同话题多 because we have a lot in common有时候背后说人坏话 or sometimes we talk about something behind someone这就是日常  that's the everyday routine
6/14/20248 minutes, 24 seconds
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(4579期)你将来会在网上读更多的书吗 Will you read more online in the future

必须的 Yes sure, of course, I certainly will生活一部分 it has been a part of my life下载一百多本书 全整电子书里头 I can download more than one hundred books at a time, I mean I can put one hundred more in the e-book不用花钱 最多几块钱 and I don't have to pay for it, or even sometimes, I need to pay for it, just several bucks
6/13/20248 minutes
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(4578期)学习的地方 Describe somewhere that is easy for you to study

喜欢在xbk学习 The indoor place that I think is very easy for me to study, I must say, it's in the Starbucks , just a coffee shopwanxiang城一楼那家 I mean it is on the first floor of wanxiangcheng, English name is Mix City位置可好啦  I think it has a perfect location, I can get to that place by subways or sometimes take a cab, or sometimes I can drive to that place because it has a super large parking area and I don't have to pay for it氛围很好 you would find everyone who works in the area could put a smile on face almost everyday
6/12/202411 minutes, 1 second
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(4577期)你尝试过刺激的运动吗 Have you ever tried any exciting activities

没试过 Not really nope, I haven't tried any kinds of dangerous and exciting activities before胆小内向 觉得不安全 because I don't think that it's very safe enough and gotta be honest, I am scared of it骑自行车 不骑摩托车  I mean not riding a motorcycle but riding a bicycle对我来说就是某种极限运动 and it's kind of extreme sport to me
6/11/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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(4576期)你在家都干嘛 What do you do when you stay at home

爱追剧 I would certainly watch different kinds of short videos and movies戴上耳机 没有烦恼 when I feel very tired, I would just put on on my earphone and everything will be fine抗压小妙招 it's a good way for me to rest my mind and diminish all the fatigues that I have had in life自己在家的时候  when I'm spending time at home alone
6/10/20248 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4575期)你喜欢你童年生活吗 Did you enjoy your childhood

超爱我的童年生活 Yes, of course, I did enjoy my childhood life小时候老有意思了 my childhood life could be very interesting and full of fun every day给我玩具 陪伴 和假期 the toys and free time and holidays我是孩子王 I was the head of them
6/9/20245 minutes, 37 seconds
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(4574期)你经常寻求什么样的帮助 What help do you often ask for

上学的时候同学帮我做作业 When I was a school student, I usually got a lot of help from my classmates because I couldn't finish my homework well, I needed their help you know, most of the time they would do it for me但我现在成年了 But now I become an adult当我压力大的时候 When I'm suffering from heavy workload or pressure他们陪我外出让我开心 we would hang out and they would make me feel happy
6/8/20247 minutes, 17 seconds
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6/8/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
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(4573期)你都怎么处理每天棘手问题 How do you deal with challenges in life

我躺平 At the moment, I wouldn't do anything at all解决问题 make the bad situation better or just to overcome the problems一切顺其自然 I think everything would go well even if I don’t do anything适应啦 I just think that the challenge is part of my life, and I am used to it
6/7/20247 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4572期)想颁布的新法律 Describe a new law you want to introduce

我想整个新婚姻法 不是老的那套 The new law that I want to introduce is about marriage you know, I mean it is not the same old one but a brand new one in my mind新婚姻法就是不离不弃真爱永远 谁离婚谁是狗 According to the brand new law, anyone who steps into a marriage need to love each other for a long time, I mean forever离婚就只能净身出户 If they get divorced, they couldn't get anything from a family that just organized, you know the personal properties, the houses and the money, everything这样说 想离婚就净身出户 Let's put it in this way, if you want to get divorced, you should give everything to your lover
6/6/202411 minutes, 44 seconds
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(4571期)爱看电影吗 Do you like to go to the cinema

喜欢动作片和喜剧片 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of action movies and sometimes I'm really into watching some comedies too有动力 努力拼搏  I could be motivated and  I would struggle for my life最喜欢故事情节  the story part would be my favorite可能看完电影啥也没学到  I think that probably it wouldn't let me learn something from the movie但心情很好  but I will feel very happy and my bad mood and negatives would be gone
6/5/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4570期)你放松的话都做什么呢 What would you do to relax

两件事 购物和运动 I'll do two things, one is about shopping, another is about doing some sport可以买来快乐 I believe that money can buy happiness you know放空感觉轻松 rest my mind and feel very relaxed偶尔跑个步 sometimes I would just go for a run
6/4/20247 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4569期)少人去的景点 Describe a tourist attraction that few people visit

新建的郊区河边公园 it was newly built, probably it was finished two months ago you know and that's the main reason why only a few people get to know it开车要一个多小时 挺远的  I would drive to that place and on the road I would spend more than one hour, a bit further actually, but I like it偶遇过一些朋友 都是年轻人 假期去公园玩  but I came across some of my friends there you know, the young people, teenagers and young adults, they love spending time there on holidays and vacations日落很美 I would see the big skies and open lands with the sunset
6/3/202416 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4568期)你会分享你的住所给别人吗 Do you share your apartment with other people

私人空间 private(personal) room or space 来看我 when I have visitors or when they come to me 呆着 stay in my room for one day or two day (spend time in) fit in 一会儿 for a while 不能太久 but it couldn't be lasting that long time来自于其他地区  if some of my friends come to Beijing from other countries (other cities regions area fields)只为好朋友这样做 I would do it for my best friends only
6/2/20248 minutes, 9 seconds
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(4567期)你喜欢充满挑战的生活吗 Do you like living a life that has challenges

上面提到的生活方式我不喜欢 I don't like to have the kind of life you have mentioned above慢节奏生活适合我  I just want to have a peaceful life ,rather slow pace of life and that could be right for me只想躺平 I'm not very ambitious and I don't have a super big dream about my future or career 我就一普通人 I'm the kind of ordinary person, I just need a very normal life
6/1/20247 minutes, 24 seconds
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6/1/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4566期)你喜欢去艺术馆吗 Do you like visiting art galleries

毫无兴趣 Not really no, I don't have any interests at all不了解艺术和周边 I don't know much about the art and it's related stuff因为想多了解一些大师的作品  because I want to know more about the masterpieces of artwork进入新世界 I would be stepping into a brand new world
5/31/20249 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4565期)买便宜货的人 Describe someone who likes to buy goods with low prices

我想说的这人是我同学 The person that likes to buy some goods with low prices, I must say, is one of my classmates众所周知 大城市 as is known to all, the city is super large 大学生的收入都靠家里 As a university student, we couldn't be that rich because we have to get financial support from our families网店折扣大 because the big discount can be found from the online shopping center不吃午餐 he doesn't eat too much every day, just breakfast and dinner without the lunch老话说的好 对女人好能发财 As an old saying goes, be nice to your girlfriend, then you will be successful for sure
5/30/202411 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4564期)将来什么事情会让你觉得开心 What will make you feel happy in the future

两件事情会让我开心 Two things would certainly make me feel very happy自己买房 I can afford the house, if I can buy it and I can pay for it all by myself市中心的房子不是郊区的 it should be located right in the city center not on the suburb好工作 薪水高 假期长 环境好 I would certainly hunt a decent job, good salaries, long vacations and good working environment
5/29/20247 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4563期)偶像(王嘉尔) Describe someone that is a role model for young people

今天聊聊王嘉尔 The person that I'd like to talk about is very famous I mean among young people and his name is Jackson Wong and Chinese name is王嘉尔他歌单和舞蹈很nb his episodes and his dancing performances can be very very well known in the world会三国语言 He could speak three kinds of languages Chinese, English and some Korean性格好 人随和 he's a gentleman, it has got to do something with his personality, he is very soft and gentle to everyone
5/28/20249 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4562期)你经常去图书馆学习吗 Do you often go to the library

不经常这样做 Not really no, I don't do it very often in my life肯定找安静的地方学习呀  if I want to study something one or two I’ll certainly find a quiet place安静的额咖啡店适合学习 I'll find a coffee shop you know, somewhere can be very quiet for me to stay focused on my study在期中或者期末考试之前 before the midterm exam or final exam
5/27/20246 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4561期)你是怎么学习外语的 How do you learn a foreign language

厉害的老师 great or awesome foreign teachers 外语 Spanish Japanese Dutch 技巧 techniques or skills复习  I'll certainly review what I'learned every day坚持 carry on or keep on努力 work hard on something
5/26/20247 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4560期)你早餐一般都吃什么 What do you usually eat for breakfast

我最喜欢面包和牛奶 The bread and milk can be my favorite早起赖床匆匆忙忙去上班或者学校 I usually get up very late in the morning you know, I need to hurry to my workplace or campus 一些传统早餐 some traditional Chinese breakfasts would be my preference自己住的话 But when I'm living alone
5/25/20247 minutes, 38 seconds
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5/25/20243 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4549期)互联网是如何影响人们的 How does the Internet influence people

实际就是两个方面饮食和购物 Two ways actually, the shopping habit and eating habit人们能在网上买到一切食材 because they can get whatever they want from the Internet, the ingredients and raw materials, like the vegetables and meat for example从网上下单或者app下单 很方便的 I mean from the Internet and related apps, it's quite user-friendly在实体店 in the physical shops网购模式更流行 online shopping mode could be very popular than before 有价格优势 it has the price advantage
5/24/20249 minutes, 17 seconds
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(4548期)你对新闻感兴趣吗 Are you interested in news

喜欢娱乐新闻  I am interested in those entertainment news比如一些八卦  like some juicy gossip for example经济和金融新闻我压根没兴趣 the news of economics and finance, I don't have any interest at all我过去尝试了解一些经济和金融新闻 但是搞不懂 I was trying to stay focused on them but I couldn't understand it at all太难了 it is too tough for me好工作和好前途 a decent job and a great career
5/23/20249 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4547期)你看电子书还是纸质书 Which do you prefer, e-books or paper ones

过去当我小的时候 In the past, when I was a little child这个习惯陪伴了我很多年 and this habit has been with me for many years可以一次下载一百多本书  I could download more than a hundred books at a time这东西很多都免费 我很喜欢这一点 most of them are nearly free of charge, that's another point that I like the most
5/22/20248 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4546期)现阶段什么最重要 What do you think is the most important at the moment

时间对我来说是最重要的 I think that time is the most important thing at the moment to me充分利用各种时间 I need to make full use of my leisure time, working time and study time做好的话 生活效率会很高  because if I can do it well on this point,  my life would be more effective and efficient for sure当我小的时候 when I was at my young age
5/21/20247 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4545期)你是喜欢在家宅着那种人吗 Are you a person who likes to stay at home

才不是喜欢宅的人呢... Not really no, I'm not the kind of person who…有时间就去参加活动 I would take part in different activities when I'm free在家呆着啥也不干我受不了  I don't like to stay to stay at home without doing anything去星巴克和朋友聊会天 sometimes grabbing some coffee in Starbucks then having a chat with my friends我挺有活力的 for my part, I'm  full of energy everyday忙碌之余 when I finish a tough day of work or study
5/20/20249 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4544期)你经常寻求什么样子的帮助 What kind of help do you often ask for

生活里面遇到很多问题  I usually have a lot of problems in my life最重要的是情感问题和金钱问题 but the most important ones are about love and money不知道怎么办 I don't know how to deal with it和情感问题无关 就是money的问题 it's not about the emotional affairs, but the financial support
5/19/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4543期)你喜欢挑战自己吗 Do you like to challenge yourself

喜欢挑战因为喜欢改变 I like to challenge myself mainly because I want to make the change you know不满足现状 I'm not very satisfied with my current situation/what I have had now现在工作很棒 以前不是 now I have a decent job, but in the past I didn’t过去有点胖 I used to be overweight you know, a fat boy
5/18/20249 minutes, 44 seconds
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5/18/20243 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4542期)你经常做运动吗 Do you often do sports

有空的话必须做运动 when I have free time, I like to do sports very often in my life去健身房或者跑步  I can go to the gym or sometimes just go for a run不喜欢跑步机而是户外 not on the treadmill but in the riverside park条件允许的话 我80%精力都用来运动  if possible I would spend eighty percent of my leisure time to do different kinds of sports
5/17/20248 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4541期)冒风险的经历 Describe a risk you took with positive result

学习骑行 Speaking of the topic, I must say it is about learning how to ride a bicycle平衡感不好  I couldn't find the balance when I'm on the bike我害怕骑车有两个原因 For me, I was a bit scared of it, two points怕在人多的地方骑车 I was afraid of many people at a time on the street我不是自己学 我朋友来帮我  I didn't learn it by myself, one of my best friends came to me and helped me out现在骑的很好 不害怕啦 I don't have to think too much about my dangerous problem because I am a good rider
5/16/202413 minutes, 22 seconds
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(4540期)在城市生活比农村压力更大吗 Are people living in the cites more stressful

百分百赞同 Yeah sure I am saying yes with a hundred percent to this point众所周知 As is known to all更棒的职业 教育资源 工作机会  the great career and better educational resources and working opportunities面临各种压力 they have to face different kinds of challenges in life, the burdens at work, study pressure or such城市 农村 in the city or in the countryside or rural area
5/15/20249 minutes, 49 seconds
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(4539期)人们为嘛喜欢去餐厅吃饭 Why do people like to go to restaurants for meals

两个理由 Two reasons can be identified/figured out/pointed out忙碌之余  after a busy day or tough day of work or study找对路子放松 find a way out, they need to relax a little bit 很有乐子 that would be great fun饭店的食材和作料跟家里的不一样 ingredients and raw materials in the restaurant could be very different from we have had at home真事儿 I don't know why but it happens for real
5/14/202410 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4538期)宜居之城 Describe a city that is good for people to live in

青岛 海滨之城 The city that I like to talk about is Qingdao, where is located right in Shandong province, a coastal city位置优越 靠海 四季分明 Its location is nearly perfect and getting close to the seaside, and four seasons are distinctive喜欢青岛的一切 海鲜 气候 海风 the seafood, the climate, and the cool sea breeze, you know everything in Qingdao could be perfect to me冬暖夏凉 you wouldn't find that many many cold days in winter time or many many hot days in summertime
5/13/202413 minutes, 44 seconds
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(4537期)你在图书馆一般都干什么 What do you usually do in the library

我肯定上网 I would certainly go online用手机或者笔记本而不是台式电脑 but with my smart phone or laptop, not the computer不用付钱 基本是免费的  I don't have to pay for it, it is normally free of charge学习的时候戴耳机 适应啦 I like putting on my earphone then listen to some music when I'm studying something, and I am used to it
5/12/20247 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4536期)你多久上一次网 How often do you go online

至少三四次  three to four times at least 最多 at the most日常工作和学习 my regular work or study对我而言 for my part/personally/for me/in my mind我喜欢网络银行 网恋和网购 the Internet banking, Internet dating and online shopping could be my favorite对网络游戏没兴趣  I have no interest in online games
5/11/20247 minutes, 12 seconds
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5/11/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4535期)你遇到问题会寻求帮助吗 Do you ask for help when you have a problem

遇到问题 when I'm in trouble/get into trouble 问题迎刃而解 my problems would be worked out eventually高效的 effective and efficient效果不明显 if it doesn't work well
5/10/20247 minutes, 27 seconds
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(4534期)会将铅笔钢笔作礼物送人 Do you give a pen or pencil as a gift to someone

不是一个好选择 it is not a very good choice at all小时候人们喜欢送笔作为礼物 But in the past, when I was a little child, I thought that the pen or pencil could be a perfect gift to someone写信和记笔记 write letters and take notes on paper现代人喜欢打字 a lot of people are really into typing
5/9/20246 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4533期)你什么时候开始用互联网的 When did you start using the Internet

大学第一年开始用电脑的 When I was on the first year of my university life, I started using the Internet高中时候不让用 when I was in my high school, I wasn't allowed to use the Internet只能专心学习 stay focused on my study only之后自由啦 想干嘛干嘛  I thought that I got much more free time than before and I could to do whatever that I want
5/8/20248 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4532期)经常拍照的地方 Describe somewhere u`ve taken photos more than once

(4532期)描述经常拍照的地方 Describe somewhere you have taken photos more than once就在市中心 It was right located in the central area of my city地方不大 但是我很喜欢 Actually it wasn't as big as you imagine, quite small but that could be my favorite place不用在意别人眼光 I don't have to worry too much about other people's views or opinions比如一些社交软件上 some sorts of social media you know, like ins for example忙碌之后充满疲倦  I usually finish a very tough day of my work, and I was like full of fatigues一整个下午和朋友在咖啡店  Sometimes, I would spend a whole afternoon with my best friends, just chatting or something
5/7/202410 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4531期)许多人喜欢音乐吗 Do a lot of people like music

许多人是音乐迷  a lot of people in my country are super fan of music/music lover狂热 I mean people are crazy about music/be mad about压力大  they usually suffer from different kinds of pressure in life or at work释放  rest their mind and release their bad emotions
5/6/20245 minutes, 49 seconds
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(4530期)喜欢电子书还是纸质书 Which do you prefer, paper books or ebooks

选择 I'll go with the e-books in my life/prefer/choose/select随便下载 I can download whatever that I want一百多本书 more than one hundred books in it差不多 about the same不需要花钱  I don't have to pay for it at all, that's the point因为适应了 because I was used to it
5/5/20249 minutes, 27 seconds
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(4529期)一般和朋友之间分享什么 What do you usually share with your friends

八卦 最新新闻  some gossips some latest news给经济援助 give them financial support老话说的 患难见真情 As an old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed完全信我  trust me with 100%
5/4/20246 minutes, 9 seconds
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(4528期)人们为什么吃快餐 Why do people eat fast food

价格公道 it has a reasonable price  众所周知 as is known to all都买的起 it is affordable 都喜欢 people are fine with it被带走 can be taken away 吃光 eat them up
5/3/20248 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4527期)你平常用铅笔还是钢笔 Do you usually use a pen or a pencil

一般我选钢笔吧 也不知道为啥 Most of the time I will go with a pen you know, I don't know why手写笔都过时啦 a pen or a pencil is quite old fashioned弃用 a lot of people today have given up using a pen or pencil actually文字信息和邮件 the text message and emails
5/2/20248 minutes, 2 seconds
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(4526期)你喜欢现代艺术还是传统艺术 Do you like modern art or traditional art

我会选择现代艺术作品的东西 Well actually I think that I’ll go with the modern art现代艺术作品更适合我 the work of modern art could be right for me比如一个肖像画  like a portrait for example搞不懂传统艺术的东西 But the traditional one, I couldn't have a deep insight into it, I usually get confused
5/1/20246 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4525期)会拿巧克力来送人吗 Do you use chocolates as gifts to others

巧克力意味着一切  the chocolate means everything to me, you know it means love, it means friendship黑巧 白巧都是我最爱  I like eating chocolate too, the black chocolates, the white chocolates价格公道  it has a reasonable price买得起  afford
4/30/20246 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4524期)你想改变你的工作吗 Do you want to change your job and why

当然想换工作啦 Yeah sure I certainly want to change my current job工作特别忙 because my work is very intensive好工作要有好薪水和长假期 a decent job could be identified as good salaries and long vacations有点难实现 but it seems hard to achieve
4/29/20246 minutes, 25 seconds
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(4523期)人们在生活里要不要设立目标 Should people set a goal in life

必须要做 I think that we should do it, undoubtedly这样去做 学生会努力学习 By doing so, a lot of students today would try their best to work hard at school好成绩也会等着他们 a better result would wait for them too拥有好的职业生涯 have great career in the future有动力的 could be motivated没有目标就不会实现理想 without a goal in life, they wouldn't try their best to realise their dreams
4/28/20246 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4522期)你喜欢周末吗(这还用问) Do you like weekends

超爱  I love weekends, I love it to the death有时候和朋友 有时候自己 with my friends or sometimes just on my own做一堆事  I can go to the gym, I can go for a walk, go for a ride, go for a drive之后一天 the day after
4/27/20246 minutes, 47 seconds
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4/27/20243 minutes, 16 seconds
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(4521期)喜欢买便宜货的人 Describe someone who likes buying goods with low prices

善良热心 put a smile of joy on face, very nice and warm-hearted街边市场  shopping on the street market以一个合理的价格 with a reasonable price有些地方不让讲价 it is not allowed to bargain hard in that area她有财政大权 in my family she's the one who controls the money源自于 it is originally from…
4/26/202411 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4520期)你喜欢带图案的短袖吗 Do you like t-shirts with pictures

小的时候总穿带图案的短袖 when I was at my young age, I liked to wear the t-shirts with different kinds of pictures没图案的短袖才是我喜欢的 the t-shirts with nothing could be my favorite顺便讲一下 我喜欢亮色系的短袖 I'm really into some candy colors today忙碌之余 especially after a tough day of regular work or study
4/25/20248 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4519期)互联网和电视的区别 What is the difference between the Internet and TV

最大的区别是有自由度 The biggest difference between them is the freedom资源共享资料免费 different kinds of resources can be downloaded for sure, even some of them can be free of charge对于互联网的描述 description for the Internet老旧过时的 a bit old fashioned
4/24/20249 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4518期)你经常用的网站 Describe a website you visit very often

我喜欢的网站的正式名字是TB The website that I often visit is a very famous one in my country, formally named Taobao在上面买东西价格便宜所以朋友推荐给我 it had the price advantage for sure, and this was the main reason why my friend recommended it to me. 这网站是我首选 Taobao would come to my mind for sure.登录这个网站我就很开心 I like to go on the website just for fun
4/23/202410 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4517期)你吃早餐吗 Do you have breakfast now

前一天总熬夜 所以没时间吃早餐 I usually stay up late the day before, I don't have enough time in the morning and I would hurry to my workplace or school完美 that'll be wonderful and terrific自己住 live on my own/live independently忽视早餐  I would ignore my breakfast
4/22/20246 minutes, 56 seconds
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(4516期)熬夜的感觉 What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late

感觉没啥区别 I don't feel any different the next morning我适应熬夜了 because I'm used to it now很多时候我总熬夜  most of the time, I usually stay up late the day before之前一天熬夜的话第二天心情不好  I wasn't in a good mood at all if I stayed up late the day before
4/21/20246 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4515期)国人经常参加聚会吗 Do people often go to parties in your country

参加聚会 take part in/join in/attend/go to parties 我们的文化 it has been a culture of our country 真不知道为什么但真事儿  I don't know the specific reasons but it happens for real上班的人 some employees who have been working for many year/ people who sit in the office…拒绝 say nope/refuse/give up 找到平衡  find a balance between family time and regular work
4/20/20247 minutes, 52 seconds
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4/20/20243 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4514期)你经常去图书馆吗 Do you often go to the library

没什么理由 no different reasons在图书馆一直坐着很傻  I don't think sitting in somewhere for a long time is a very smart decision去网络图书馆 I go to the website of my school library啥都可以下载 I can download whatever I want免费 be nearly free of charge 受不了 disastrous
4/19/20247 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4513期)你想成为大明星吗 Do you want to become a super star

现在 at the moment /now/today/currently因为工作生活都满意 because I've had a decent job and a regular life我的生活挺满分的 I mean my life is almost perfect当大明星很赚的 becoming a superstar would certainly make a lot of money at the time
4/18/20247 minutes, 22 seconds
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(4512期)买东西选大or小公司 Do you prefer buying things from small or big company

我选大公司 I think most of the time I’ll go with the big companies价格公道 it usually has a reasonable price价格优势 the price advantage商品靠谱 the products could be quite reliable 解决  work it out 个人购物习惯 that is my personal shopping habit
4/17/20249 minutes, 9 seconds
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(4511期)学校是一个适合学习的地方吗 Is school a good place for study

学校是一个学习的好的地方 that is'a really good place for us to study on campus 学习环境和氛围好 it has the very nice academic environment, physical environment and atmosphere小组学习或者自己学 studying in a group or studying alone学生适应在学校才能学得进去啦 young students are used to it
4/16/20246 minutes, 16 seconds
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(4510期)你爱吃巧克力吗 Do you like eating chocolates and why

我喜欢 and I'm a super fan黑巧克力更健康 the black chocolate can be much healthier than the white ones巧克力是生活一部分 the chocolate has been a part of my life脂肪和热量在身体里堆积 the fat and calories would accumulate in our body
4/15/20246 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4509期)你爱穿T恤吗 Do you like wearing t-shirt and why

穿着舒适 wearing t-shirt would certainly make me feel very comfortable in my life喜欢黑白色 不喜欢亮色系  the black color and white color would be my favorite, I am not really into those candy colors材料舒服 the material on t-shirt is very soft , and it is very comfortable to wear夏天更流行 in summertime it could be more popular in my country
4/14/20247 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4508期)为什么有人买便宜货呢 Why do people buy cheaper products

普通人 because a lot of people are not rich enough, they are the poorer ones买便宜东西 buy some products in a cheap way不够 they don't have enough financial support from the family or from their parents价格公道 a reasonable price  价格优势 price advantage
4/13/20247 minutes, 53 seconds
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4/13/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4507期)为什么有人喜欢危险运动 Why do some people like playing dangerous sports

不满意现状 You know they need to find something different in life that's it生活单调无聊 the life is quite boring and simple完成艰难的一天 they have to finish a tough day也算规律的生活 some sorts of regular life极限运动让人兴奋  the dangerous sport could make them feel very excited所有负面情绪都烟消云散 fatigues, bad emotions, all of these negatives would be gone
4/12/20247 minutes, 50 seconds
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(4506期)在你家里有什么规矩 What are the rules in your home

12点门禁 get back home before midnight every day真事儿 I don't know why but this happens for real另外一个规矩可有意思啦 Another rule is quite fun because I have interest in it年轻人要学会谋生 As a young adult, I need to learn how to earn a living
4/11/20249 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4505期)你无聊的时候会去做什么 What do you do when you feel bored

有空并且无聊的时候 When I have plenty of freedom and find the life boring跑步  just go for a run along the riverside in the natural park在家坐着啥也不干  I’ll try to sit at home without doing anything发呆晒太阳  rest my mind and enjoy the sunbath
4/10/20246 minutes, 30 seconds
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(4504期)等待美好事情 Describe a time when you waited long time for a nice thing

等车经历 several years ago when I just waited for my brand new car 爸妈给我买车 I had an opportunity to buy a brand new car and my parents bought it for me预算有限 My budget was a bit limited超喜欢大奔  I was a super fan of Mercedes两门车 银色外观 The two-door sport car could be my ideal one and the color was my favorite, too, metallic gray爸妈支持我 no matter what I do, no matter who I am, they would support me with 100%
4/9/202410 minutes, 17 seconds
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(4503期)移动支付你怎么看 What do you think of mobile payment

过去 the past/before钱包 wallet 电子钱包 e-wallet 电子支付 e-payment带着 be with us/take 安全问题 safety problem 丢钱包 forget the wallet (mobile phone) somewhere
4/8/20247 minutes, 2 seconds
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(4502期)现金将来会越来越流行吗 Do you think cash will be more popular in future

电子支付 we-chat pay and Ali pay网络购物 when people are buying something from online store选择 go with/be fine with喜欢 be really into/be fond of/ be super fan of
4/7/20248 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4501期)你经常帮助身边人吗 Do you usually help people around you

那种人 I am the kind of person who…热心 warm hearted or kind hearted帮助别人 help them out/help them/ do a favor 在我附近的 people who are around me 遇到问题 when they are in trouble/ facing problems拒绝 say no/refuse/give up
4/6/20248 minutes, 20 seconds
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4/6/20243 minutes, 1 second
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(4500期)你选择存在还是花钱消费呢 Do you prefer to save or spend money

这样去做 by doing so 感到幸福 I would feel happy about my life 忙碌之余 after some tough days or very hard days of work or study 赚钱 谋生 I could earn some money, I could earn a living买来幸福 money can buy happiness
4/5/20246 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4499期)大部分人喜欢热闹拥挤的地方吗 Do most people like crowed places

去 go to/travel to/head to自然公园 natural park or natural place or remote area 一次 at a time特殊事件 special time or period 喜欢 be really into接受 be fine with
4/4/20247 minutes, 31 seconds
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(4498期)机器人会影响人们生活吗 Would robots affect people`s life

Yes sure of course, our life can be certainly influenced by different kinds of robots当然啦 机器人给我们生活带来了影响无人驾驶很流行 the robot driving can be very popular in today's society仍然有问题  but I think there are still some problems on it不太信任  we couldn't trust it with a hundred percent
4/3/20247 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4497期)你擅长给建议吗 Are you good at giving advice

聪明人 because I'm not a smart person/intelligent/clever 我喜欢独立思考 what I like to do is thinking independently好朋友 我会给建议 But if my close friends come to me, I would probably give them some advice尊重他人和他们的生活  I would show respect to them and their life
4/2/20247 minutes, 27 seconds
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(4496期)做饭的时候需要准备什么 What do we need to prepare when we cook

2个重要的地方 I think two points are important when we need to cook准备食材 作料 we need to prepare different kinds of raw materials, ingredients, the food, fruits, and vegetables考虑预算  think about the financial budget for sure厨房是关键  a good kitchen can be also important, the place where we cook should be quite reliable
4/1/20247 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4495期)描述喜欢烹饪的人 Describe someone who enjoys cooking for others

我妈妈做饭很厉害 很多年啦 she has been doing this for a long time for my family, more than 20 years传统食物 西餐食物都会 some Chinese traditional food or some foreign food, the western style fast food and so on食材和原材料什么的 她可厉害啦 the ingredients and raw materials, I mean she's quite talented in this area西红柿炒鸡蛋一绝  Fried eggs with tomato is the one that I love the most from mom`s kitchen我们家人是妈妈做饭的小粉丝  we are super fan of her and her cooking skills老妈很爱我们 I find that she's just trying to show love to us
3/31/20249 minutes, 41 seconds
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(4494期)你喜欢看什么类型的电影 What films do you like

小时候爱看动作片 For me, the action movies could be my favorite when I was at my young age小时候就喜欢这些  the violence and crimes made my personal life in the childhood现在爱看喜剧片 I think that I'm really into the comedies忙碌之余 去电影院看 after a tough day of work or study I would go to the cinema just to watch some comedies清洁主线和背后含义 about the storyline about the meanings behind the movie我就是需要点快乐 I just need some fun time
3/30/20248 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4493期)你学过什么乐器吗 Have you learnt to play a musical instrument

从没学过 I haven't learned any kinds of musical instrument before小时候喜欢钢琴 when I was at my young age, I was a super fan of piano学点钢琴的周边 learn something one or two on piano品学兼优好学生 a very good student with a better result, with a good score数理化之类的科目 the subject of mathematics, physics and so on我不被允许学钢琴  I wasn't allowed to do so
3/29/20248 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4492期)你住的城市拥挤热闹吗 Is the city where you live crowded

现在 at the moment/now/today/currently 住在市中心 I'm living just right in the city center, the central area of my city早晚都塞车  I usually get stuck in the traffic, sometimes in the morning, sometimes just in the evening 真事儿 it happens for real买房三要素 when you are trying to buy a new home, three points are important, location location location走路 by walk 打车 by taxi 公交 by bus 我适应啦 I am used to it
3/28/20247 minutes, 30 seconds
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(4491期)你关注新闻中的名人吗 Do you pay attention to famous people in the news

拒绝 not really nope, no way, not at all保持注意力 pay attention to/stay focused on/keep an eye on放空 rest my mind/relax/loose 尝试 try it娱乐新闻 entertainment news 没兴趣 I have no interest/ I don't have any interest
3/27/20246 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4490期)你用笔记本电脑都做什么呢 What can you do with a laptop

我用电脑做两件事 Two things can be done by my laptop完成各种作业  I can finish different kinds of homework assignment and essays or reports工作遇到问题的时候 when I'm dealing with my regular work or when I'm meeting some problems at work工作效率提升 my working efficiency can be improved for sure就是娱乐就是玩  just for fun带着电脑到处走 and I could take the laptop  anywhere that I want
3/26/20247 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4489期)家里重要物品 Describe a useful object in home you cannot live without

我们家最有用的物件是跑步机 对我们和有帮助 The very useful object in my home is a treadmill and it works well for me and my parents2年前决心减肥  2 years ago when I decided to lose weight and keep fit纯白色的跑步机 不占地方 Its color is pure white which is my favorite, and it doesn't occupy too much space in my living room价格也公道 it has a reasonable price too不需要去户外跑步 遛弯  I don't have to go for a walk or go for a run in the outside area解决我的体重问题 work out my overweight problem
3/25/20249 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4488期)你喜欢网络聊天还是当面聊 Do you prefer chatting online or in person

时间自由的话 if I have plenty of freedom/much free time找个地方做一下 喝点东西 聊聊天 I like to sit in somewhere , the coffee shop, grab some coffee then share something with my friends in person是我喜欢的 that could be my preference文字信息或者语音消息 through the text message or voice message
3/24/20247 minutes, 20 seconds
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(4487期)婚姻问题可以向谁寻求建议 Who can give you advice about marriage problem

爸爸妈妈和朋友 我信任他们 I think my parents and friends they would do it for me and of course I trust them for sure爸妈经验丰富 my parents can be very experienced靠谱 be very reliable 共同话题多 usually we have a lot in common观点过时啦 but probably that cannot be right for today`s marriage, too old fashioned当然会支持我啦 support me for sure
3/23/20245 minutes, 48 seconds
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3/23/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4486期)在你们那人们喜欢长假期吗 Do people like long vacations in your culture

我的答案是肯定的 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent人们有点累 because a lot of people today are suffering问题是找不到生活和工作的平衡 but the problem is that they couldn't find a balance between the regular work and their personal life上班的人需要长假期  People who are at work need long vacations for sure
3/22/20248 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4485期)你的父母和朋友用社交软件吗 Do your parents and friends use social media

这是生活的一部分 it's been a part of the everyday life社交软件是好东西 不会消失泯灭 social media is a good thing you know, no good thing ever dies社交媒体和相关软件 social media and its related apps年纪大了用不明白 they are too old to use it in my mind家庭琐事 family affairs
3/21/20246 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4484期)线上交友你怎么看 What do you think of making friends online

很有趣  it could be great fun认识新人之前都很激动 very excited before getting to know a brand new person in life网络和软件 the Internet and its related social apps不要忽略潜在问题 the potential dangers couldn't be ignored个人安全 something on personal safety区分好人坏人 tell the differences between the good ones and bad ones
3/20/20248 minutes, 6 seconds
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(4483期)你什么时候在街边小摊买东西 When do you shop on street markets

结束忙碌的一天之后 When I finish a very tough day买点喜欢的吃的 sometimes I would grab something that I like在街边小摊的地方溜达溜达 I just go for a walk on the street market体验真实的生活 I could feel the real life of the world买一些需要和喜欢的东西  buy something that I need and that I like一般是晚上时间充裕的时候 normally it could be in the evening when I have much freedom
3/19/20247 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4482期)以后想住大房子吗 Do you want to live in a big house in the future

如果可以的话 if possible or if I could make it come true in life 在市区有大房子而不是郊区 have a super large house, not on the suburb but just in the city center游泳池 后院是必须的 a swimming pool, a backyard. I mean, that could be very important and required自己住 live independently or live on my own 有很多访客  I would certainly have a lot of visitors老有意思啦 that could be great fun
3/18/20247 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4481期)你会不会花很多钱买墨镜 Do you spend much money buying sunglasses

现在 at the moment/currently/now/nowadays/today昂贵的 some expensive ones from Prada GUCCI Louis Vuitton便宜的 cheaper/inexpensive年纪小的时候 in the past when I was at my young age总这样做 I liked to do it very in life喜欢便宜的 the cheaper ones would be my favorite
3/17/20247 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4480期)为什么有人不喜欢去外面聚会 Why do some people refuse going to parties

理由很多 两点很重要 I think the reasons can be different, but two points should be identified拒绝 say no/refuse/give up/get rid of对未来生活事业规划清晰 they are pretty clear about the future life and career 参加聚会 join in/attend/go to/be enrolled in parties 没有兴趣 they got no interest 爱好不同 different hobbies and passion in life
3/16/20248 minutes, 31 seconds
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3/16/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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(4479期)喜欢和朋友聊天吗 Do you like to chat with friends and why

当然啦 yeah sure 正式一点 yes sir 有共同话题  we have a lot in common the same interest same hobbies话痨 they can keep talking all the time and all the way万事俱备 and everything would be fine最新新闻 八卦 吃瓜 I would get to know lots of latest news, gossips and everything老土 that is old fashioned
3/15/20247 minutes, 53 seconds
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(4478期)公共场所就应该没噪音吗 Do you think public places should be no noise

一直保持安静不太可能 it's not easy to be quiet all the time在你周围 around you 在室内的地方 in the indoor area图书馆 博物馆 美术馆 in the library or museum or art galleries表示尊重 show respect to  游客 读者 来访者 other visitors or readers or passengers
3/14/20246 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4477期)年轻人会为工作搬到另一城Would young people move to another city for work

在年轻的时候 at very young age或许去实现这个想法 they would try to make this idea come true in life充满干劲 they are energetic, they are positive and more importantly they are full of passion for work改变想法 give up this kind of idea身心独立 they become independent psychologically and physically实现 realise
3/13/20247 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4476期)为什么很多人喜欢在家宅着 Why do lots of people prefer to stay at home

这件事的背后有两个原因 Two reasons can be identified behind this topic天生喜欢宅着 because they are used to it or let's say it's a part of their everyday life因为穷 because a lot of people are poor ones实现不了想做的事儿 they couldn't make it come true in life挣得少 not well paid or don't earn a lot 这是这现象的另外一个原因 here's another reason for this phenomenon in general
3/12/20247 minutes, 13 seconds
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(4475期)在你们国家人们喜欢旅行吗 Do people like travelling in your country

许多人喜欢旅行 a lot of people in my country are super fan of travel人们压力大 they suffer from heavy workload and study pressure释放压力 the negatives and bad emotions would be gone开阔眼界 widen horizons 三观 general knowledge of the world 一辈子 in their whole lifetime
3/11/20247 minutes, 6 seconds
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(4474期)人们是不是越来越忙碌了Do people become much busier than before

多亏了现代科技  thanks to modern technology过去 before/used to be 过去在办公室工作的人可以在家办公 Those employees who used to sit in the office can work at home today周末加班 work overtime on weekends补课  the classes are not arranged at school, but in some special organizations or training schools必须的 undoubtedly/for sure/required
3/10/20248 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4473期)别人来做客为什么要准备吃的 Why do we prepare food when we have visitors

根据传统 according to our tradition背后的原因 the reason behind this phenomenon坐很久 sit at home for a long time, more than three hours for hours准备吃的喝的 preparing some food and some drinks
3/9/20246 minutes, 39 seconds
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3/9/20242 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4472期)如何认识新人呢通过哪些方式How to get to know new friends, in what ways

网络和相关软件 the Internet and its related social apps意识到问题 realise the potential danger 各种背景 background of education and family 注意 keep an eye on this point 联系新朋友 contact new friends 参加聚会 take part in some parties
3/8/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4471期)你都在哪里跑步 Where do you usually go running

温度舒服 the temperature is very comfortable温度零度以下 the temperature falls below zero户外 in the open area or in the natural place or in the outside area 跑步机 on the treadmill跑步 go for a run/go running a lot
3/7/20247 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4470期)你每天需要记得的事是什么What do you need to remember in your daily life

上学上课 go to the class/curriculum/lesson公司 workplace/company/office收到满意薪水 get well paid 加班 work overtime
3/7/20247 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4469期)你现在和谁住一起 Who do you live with now

现在 at the moment/now/currently/nowadays市中心 city center/the central area of my city 适应了 they are used to it  郊区 on the suburb/in the countryside 堵车 get stuck in the traffic 自己住 live on my own/live independently/live by myself
3/5/20246 minutes, 42 seconds
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(4468期)你爱看什么电影 What films do you like

喜剧片 the comedy 动作片 the action movie 文艺片 the literature film 侦探片 the detective film 释放压力 my negatives and fatigues would be released eventually 好心情 be or stay in a good mood certainly 就我而言 for my part不是我的菜 not my cup of tea
3/4/20247 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4467期)你什么时候开始用社交媒体的 When did you start using social media

上大学之前 before going to the college 音乐迷 I was a super fan of music 下载 download  17 18岁 at the age of 17 or 18崭新的生活 我没见过的生活 the brand new life and the life that I haven't seen before 一段时间之后 after a while 相关的内容 the related apps
3/3/20247 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4466期)喜欢小组工作还是单打独斗 Do you like working in a team or alone

与众不同 I am different/special/unique 工作效率 my efficiency at work 有效果的 effectively and efficiently 完全信任 I trust myself with 100%团队精神 teamwork spirit 解释 explain something one or two to them 让人无语 that would drive me crazy
3/2/20247 minutes, 40 seconds
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3/2/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4465期)人们喜欢在家聚会还是餐厅 Do people have parties at home or restaurant

聚会 have parties /hold parties 牺牲时间 sacrifice something of freedom to make it come true在厨房忙碌 be busy in the kitchen or spend lots of time in the kitchen 预定 make a restaurant reservation 准备好 be ready or be well settled for sure像之前说的一样 as I have mentioned above
3/1/20246 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4464期)你对机器人驾驶怎么看 What do you think of robot driving

害怕机器人驾驶(无人驾驶)be afraid of robot driving开车出去 driving to somewhere 不信任 too dangerous and don't trust the modern technology 我很支持 I am saying yes with 100%
2/29/20246 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4463期)用茶还是咖啡待客 Do you enjoy inviting friends to home for tea or coffee

(4463期)你用茶还是咖啡待客 Do you enjoy inviting friends to home for tea or coffee最适合的 the best choice/ the proper one来客人了 when they come to my home or when I have visitors 亲朋好友 close friends or relatives 决定下一步 then I would decide what I would do next
2/28/20247 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4462期)年轻人从老年人身上学到什么What can young adults learn from old people

讲话的方式 the way they speak/ they way you speak would certainly influence you the most 年轻人 young people/adults/teenagers 老年人 aged people/old people/seniors/senior citizens 在这一方面 on this point秘诀 secret weapon
2/27/20247 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4461期)父母如何教育孩子更耐心 How can parents teach the children to be patient

推荐 two ways are highly recommended 名言说的一样 as an old saying goes 行胜于言 deeds are better than words 变得独立 become independent and mature and more experienced
2/26/20246 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4460期)小时候喜不喜欢电影 Did you like to go to the cinema when you were a kid

可能 possible/不可能 impossible/可能性 possibility买得起 affordable/买不起 unaffordable/买得起(动词)afford看电影 see a film/watch a movie 喜欢 be really into/be fond of/ be super fan of/like/love有乐子 be more fun/好笑 funny 人or事儿
2/25/20248 minutes, 8 seconds
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(4459期)你觉得我们有足够的假期吗 Do you think we have enough public vacations

我的回答是不 my answer is nope忙碌 be busy with work life and study加班 很无奈 sometimes they need to sit in the office on Saturdays or even on Sundays it's very interesting 负面情绪得到释放 their bad emotions and negatives would be released eventually效率 状态 态度 efficiency/performances/attitude to work
2/24/20248 minutes, 42 seconds
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2/24/20243 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4458期)你会通过衣服评价某人吗 Can you evaluate someone based on the clothing

根据 基于... according to/based on分辨穷富 I would tell myself he is rich or poorer 接受良好家庭和学校教育 be well educated at school and in the family言行 behaviors and words 我认为靠谱 be more reliable in my mind太年轻太肤浅 too young too simple too young too naive
2/23/20248 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4457期)描述一个喜欢讲话的人 Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot

正式名字是 formally named… 专业是 major in影响我很深的人 I would say that he is the one that influenced me a lot举了很多历史事件的例子 he took many examples in history天生的演讲者 he is that sort of talented lecturer我很内向  I have always been a rather private person
2/22/20248 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4456期)你很擅长记东西吗Are you good at memorizing things

年纪小的时候记忆力好 when I was at my young age, I thought that I could remember all the things每天很忙 I have to deal with my work, to cope with my studies every day面对困难 face all kinds of challenges in life再一次 one more time
2/21/20246 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4455期)你有丢过很重要的东西吗 Have you forgotten something important

我的14 pro max 忘在公交车上了I have forgotten my iPhone 14 pro max on a seat of the bus真的 那天本来要去跑步的 I wasn't kidding, that was a sunny afternoon when I was planning to go for a run我下车了 电话没下车 but I didn't realise that my phone was still on the bus但我蛮幸运 电话找回来了 But I was lucky enough, I got it back
2/20/20247 minutes, 13 seconds
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(4454期)你会花很多钱购买太阳眼镜吗 Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses

经常 very often in life 品牌 Gucci Prada LV十多万 one hundred thousands不旅行 I do not travel a lot 去某地 go to somewhere that is close to the seaside 必须的 be required
2/19/20246 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4453期)年轻人喜欢住大城市 Why do young people like to live in big cities

教育资源 the public resources for education名校众多 millions of top universities and high schools接受好的教育 accept well education in life for sure是未来职业生涯的重要一步 and this is an important part of their future career生存资源  the public resources for a better living
2/18/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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1. 没听懂 有生词问题2. 没听懂 有语法问题3. 没听懂 紧张问题
2/17/20247 minutes, 1 second
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(4451期)你们国家的人喜欢什么工作 What jobs do people like to do

有假期 long vacations or holidays 高薪水 high salaries 体面的工作 decent jobs 讽刺的 ironically/interestingly 让梦想实现 make the dreams come true
2/16/20246 minutes, 40 seconds
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(4450期)饭后喜欢吃甜品吗 Do you like to have some desserts after meals

早午晚餐 Breakfast Lunch and Dinner好心情 I would be staying in a good mood把好吃的放进嘴里 I put some sweet cakes or sweet food in my mouth我会选择奶酪蛋糕 I would go with sweet cakes after meals
2/15/20246 minutes, 44 seconds
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(4449期)喜欢穿漂亮的还是舒服的衣服 Do you like comfortable clothes or smart ones

我会选舒适的衣服 I would go with the comfortable ones忙完去跑步 after a hard day of work study, I would go for a run适合 be right for/suit/fit 好看的衣服没有性价比 I don’t think the smart clothes have the price advantage
2/14/20246 minutes, 23 seconds
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P1 15-25s 回答问题 越简单越要长 P2 2mins 尽量长 多例子 when who where P3 30秒以上 回答折中
2/13/202410 minutes, 24 seconds
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(4447期)在你这个年龄段什么事是最棒的 What is the best thing at your age

很多人认为钱和自由很重要 我不同意 a lot of people would say money, freedom could be the best things but I don't think so工作机会 前景未来 my working opportunities, and opportunities for a bright future说真的 我可以成为任何人  I mean it, I could be anyone that I want珍惜拥有的  I would cherish what I have had now
2/12/20248 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4446期)如果你有一个机器人会怎么使用 What do you want to do if you have a robot

帮我处理很多学习的事儿 help me deal with every studies 机器人是很好的帮手 the robots would be a good helper机器人帮我洗衣服  I would not do the laundries at home and the robot would help me on this point会一直陪着我  I would live with it all the time
2/11/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
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P1 紧张 可以解释 影响不大 P2 不涉及跑题 除非看不懂P3 影响分数 语法or生词
2/10/20249 minutes, 49 seconds
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(4443期)你喜欢那种响亮的音乐吗 Do you like loud music

做运动 play sports 参加运动 take part in sport适合 be right for/fit/suit轻音乐 light music戴上耳机 put on my earphone 充满活力 be full of energy伴随 be with me
2/9/20247 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4442期)你喜欢露天市场吗 Do you like street market and why

很好的放松地儿  it's a good place for me to rest my mind累的时候去买点东西 when I'm feeling very tired I would go to the street market to grab something that I like价格公道 have a reasonable price买不起系列 it is not very affordable
2/8/20248 minutes, 8 seconds
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(4441期)你什么时候最无聊 When do you feel bored the most

我有时间我朋友没时间的时候 When I have plenty of freedom but my friends don’t自己 by myself/on my own/DIY同时 at the same time/in the meanwhile/in a meantime老崩溃了 that could be like a disaster for me/ that would drive me crazy
2/7/20247 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4440期)喜欢在家还是电影院 Do you like going to cinema or watch movies at home

时间允许的话肯定去电影院啊 If I have enough freedom I would certainly go to the cinema动作片和喜剧 the action movies, the comedies不会在路上花时间 I would not spend too much time on the road肯定很有意思 it could be great fun too
2/6/20246 minutes, 53 seconds
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(4439期)你在社交媒体上花很多时间吗 Do you spend much time on social media

处理 deal with/cope with/handle/tackle充实生活 enrich my life/fulfill my life喜欢 be really into/be super fan of在户外 in the open area
2/5/20246 minutes, 34 seconds
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(4438期)上次在热闹地方是啥时候 When was last time you were in a crowded place

拥挤的地方 I was in a crowded place/noisy place 买需要的东西 I was trying to buy something that I need/grab something that I need 人们挤来挤去 People were getting crowded …区域 the area for…不开心 terrible or disastrous
2/4/20246 minutes, 56 seconds
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(4437期)人们现在的压力是什么 What is the current pressure on people today

两种压力可以被确认 Two kinds of pressure can be identified赚大钱 但很难实现 they want big money but they couldn't make it at all钱 financial support/monetary support 在压力下 they are suffering/ they are under pressure 野心太大 be too ambitious
2/3/20246 minutes, 40 seconds
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(4436期)你想出名吗 Do you want to be famous and be reported on news

会出名的 I could be famous someday in the future名利双收 I would have millions of dollars and millions of fans in the world个人空间很重要 the private life is important to me粉丝和媒体打扰我的生活 I would be disturbed by my fans and mass media everyday
2/2/20246 minutes, 44 seconds
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1. 没听懂问题可以提问 不需要不懂装懂2. 二次询问之后听懂可以正式回答问题 保证流利度3. 拉开与第二部分的差距 句子长度 用词高频属性
2/1/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4435期)你认为电子支付怎么样 What do you think of E-payment

超喜欢 super fan/big fan/be really into每天都喜欢用 I think that I like to use e-payment almost every day方便 不需要一直呆着现金 quite user friendly, the cash doesn't have to be with me all the time不用担心安全问题  I don't have to worry too much about my safety problems, you know personal safety problems超出预算 beyond my budget
1/31/20247 minutes, 35 seconds
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(4434期)为什么有人总是抱怨 Why do some people complain so much in life

两个理由 two reasons can be identified天生的 it is born with学习 learn from释放压力 缓解疲劳 release the bad emotions, and diminish all negatives
1/30/20247 minutes, 24 seconds
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(4433期)你选礼物的时候会考虑什么因素 What do you consider when choosing a gift

最重要的因素就是马内 money is the most important thing that I will think about就是东西要有性价比 the price advantage is the most important thing in my mind买得起 be affordable/not unaffordable 看人下菜碟 depending on who it is
1/29/20248 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4432期)你有看过印象深刻的广告吗 Is there any impressive advertisement

我没见过太出彩的广告 I wouldn't say that I have seen any kinds of impressive advertisement因为都很无聊 because I would find them quite boring in my life我的意思是我没兴趣 I mean I got no interest没创新没想象力 without any brand new ideas, without any imaginations
1/28/20247 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4431期)你花很多时间选衣服吗 Do you spend much time on choosing clothes

不是这样的 Not really nope目前对我来说 At the moment, for me享受当下 I would enjoy the life, just enjoy the moment我成熟了 I can say that I become independent economically and psychologically
1/27/20247 minutes, 19 seconds
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1/27/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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(4430期)你最讨厌什么颜色What’ the color you dislike and why

In my mind, I'm not fine with the dark ones 我对深色不感兴趣I don't think that kind of color is right for me 那颜色不适合我probably a lot of people like the dark ones 很多人喜欢深色candy blue is my favorite, candy green is okay, you know I'm fine with those ones我喜欢亮色系的东西,老喜欢了
1/26/20246 minutes, 4 seconds
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(4429期)你会做蛋糕吗 Can you make cakes

我竭尽全力 I tried my best to learn上学的时候有烹饪课 when I was in my primary school there were so many lessons about how to cook and make a cake会很有乐趣 it could be great fun过生日的时候超级开心  I would feel very happy when I have my birthday
1/25/20247 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4428期)描述一个历史时期 Describe a historical period you would like to learn

街上没有什么车 you wouldn't find enough buses and taxies at that time讲话方式 生活节奏 交通工具 the way they spoke, the life they had, the public transport they took街上零污染 you couldn't find many cars on the streets, no carbon dioxide emissions on the street,生活简单幸福 The life could be much easier and happier
1/24/202411 minutes, 2 seconds
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(4427期)你喜欢拥挤热闹的地方吗 Do you like crowed place

喜欢热闹的地方  I would certainly enjoy the moment in the crowded place年轻有活力 I'm very young and energetic平时压力大  I usually suffer from lots of pressure in life遛个弯或者跑步  just take slow walk or go for a run
1/23/20248 minutes, 1 second
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(4426期)日常里你需要记得什么 What do you need to remember in your daily life

记得吃早餐  the breakfast is the most important thing that I have to remember in everyday life急急忙忙去学校或者公司 then hurry to my workplace or school保持健康的基础 because it's the basic to stay healthy让我很烦 that would certainly take me into trouble or drive me crazy
1/22/20246 minutes, 36 seconds
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(4425期)你都什么时候感到无聊 When would you feel bored

忙碌之余很空虚 Just after a very busy day of work and study, I would certainly feel bored但是不久之后 but after a while某种孤独感 some sorts of sense of loneliness坐着发呆和放空 sitting in somewhere just resting my mind填满生活 fulfill my life
1/21/20247 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4424期)你怎么看移动支付 What do you think of mobile payment

很方便 受益良多 it could be very user-friendly, you know actually a lot of people benefit a lot from this point在工作 be at work在处理 deal with/cope with/to do with将来会更流行 影响更大 the mobile payment would be a popular trend in the future, it would have great influence on us for sure
1/20/20247 minutes, 47 seconds
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(4423期)你小时候爱吃蛋糕吗 Did you like to eat cakes as a child

小时候爱吃蛋糕 actually when I was a child, I liked to eat all kinds of cakes但不被经常允许 but you know what at that time, I wasn't allowed to do it very often in life和爸妈要钱  and I had to get financial support from my parents太贵啦 it was too much
1/19/20247 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4422期)你经常感到无聊吗 Do you often feel bored

有时候感觉无聊大部分时候超级无聊 most of the time I feel quite bored and sometimes I feel extremely bored自己呆着喝东西 sitting in somewhere and grabbing a cup of coffee then spending some time on my own话不多  I'm not the kind of person who like to you know talk too much in life开心当下 I would say I enjoy the moment
1/18/20247 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4421期)你都如何存钱呢 How do you save money

(4421期)你都如何存钱呢 How do you save money两个靠谱的方式 I think two ways are quite reliable做个财务计划 I would try to make a plan about money学会花钱 how to spend money wisely事儿不大 但要认真对待  it's not a big deal but I need to think about it every day学会谋生 I need to learn how to earn a living
1/17/20247 minutes, 14 seconds
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(4420期)你擅长记东西吗 Are you good at memorising things

我很擅长记东西  I'm pretty good at memorizing things我感兴趣的东西或者地方 I mean somewhere or something that I'm really into在校园的时候 when I was a student on campus or when I was in the primary school学过的知识根本记不住  I wasn't good at memorizing anything that I’ve learned课程 curriculum or lesson or lecture or course反之亦然 and vice versa
1/16/20247 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4419期)速战速决的事 Describe a time you had to finish something quickly

去年年末圣诞节去约会相亲 Well actually I remember that last year just by the end of December when Christmas came I had an opportunity to go to the cinema with a girl我没兴趣 听爸爸妈妈的话 I got no interest at all because my parents let me do it不是我的菜 but the point was that the girl wasn't my cup of tea她迟到了我不爽但是没想太多 I waited for her like more than 20 minutes because she was late you know I was unhappy at the beginning, but I thought it was not a big deal看的喜剧片 我没兴趣 then we headed to to the cinema and the movie was about a comedy but I got no interest at all 我结束了约会 then I finish that date or I can say that I ruined the date for sure
1/15/202412 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4418期)你什么时候开始用社交媒体 When do you start using social media

上小学的时候 When I was in my primary school到现在为止仍然用呢 till now I still use it very often in life业余时间经常鼓捣各种软件 I think my leisure time is filled with all kinds of social media and related apps我超爱各种social media的并且我很有经验  I could say that I'm a super fan and probably as a very very experienced net-pal现在依然爱用social media  till now I am still really into it
1/14/20249 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4417期)你习惯省钱还是花钱呀 Do you prefer to save money or spend money

年轻的时候爱买鞋子和衣服 when I was at my young age, I used to spend a lot of money on buying clothes and shoes每天都买 Almost everyday, I did it very often in life小时候跟爸妈要钱 because at that time I got lots of financial support from my parents you know, my parents gave me the money省钱 spend money wisely 我不会再买同款商品不同颜色不同尺寸 I wouldn't try to buy the same old things one more time, in different color or different size
1/13/20249 minutes, 27 seconds
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1/13/20243 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4416期)爱吃蛋糕或者甜食吗 Do you like eating cakes or other sweet food(新)

喜欢 I'm a super fan/big fan/really into/fond of/like不怕胖每天都吃  if I don't have to worry too much about my overweight problems, I would keep eating them almost every day吃多了长肉肉  if I ate too much you know, all the fat and calories would stay in my body变胖 become overweight 吃甜食让我快乐 eating sweet food would make me feel happy undoubtedly
1/12/20248 minutes, 44 seconds
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(4415期)人们喜欢去人多or人少地方 Do people like going to crowded or quiet place

周末商场人多 on weekends you'll find millions of people in the shopping mall and shopping center因为折扣大 because of the super big discount看自然风景 enjoy the natural scenery人们也爱去艺术场馆凑热闹  they are super fan of museums or art galleries也有人喜欢安静 some might be fine with a quiet place无人区 some real remote area where isn't filled with lots of people
1/11/20248 minutes, 50 seconds
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(4414期)描述新建的公共设施 Describe a newly built public facility

去过十多次 I have been there more than 10 times you know20多种运动场地 There are more than 20 kinds of different areas for sports you know, the area for basketball, for running or for tennis and for badminton超爱 I love it to the death骑车跑步的时候可以看河景 you could enjoy the riverside view, at the same time you can just go for a run or go for a ride每周三四次这样 probably three times or four times each week公园免费 by the way, I don't have to pay for it too. The riverside park is free of charge
1/10/202412 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4413期)如何变得非常成功 How to become a very successful person

尽可能多的读书 we need to read books as more as we can不仅在校园还有社会上  not only at school but also in society学校知识和社会经验 some social experience and some school education努力学习找到生活的真相 we should accept all of them and then find out the truth of life一次次的努力朝前走 then keep going keep moving forward time and time again和运气有关系  it has got to do something with a matter of luck
1/9/20249 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4412期)会不会和朋友一起看电影 Do you like to go to the cinema with friends

我经常这样干 Yeah sure, I think most of the time I do this very often in life亲自 on my own  去电影院head to the movie theatre很有意思 that must be great fun you know共同话题多 we usually have a lot in common about the movie, about the story about everything我更愿意去电影院 更适合我  I don't think so, I would go to the cinema and that could be more right for me
1/8/20248 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4411期)喜欢面对面聊天or社媒Do you like to chat face to face or on social media

大部分情况下 most of the time忙碌工作和生活  I'm very busy with my personal life and regular work没时间喝东西和闲聊 We don't have plenty of freedom to sit in somewhere and just chat for a while or grab some coffee发信息 打电话 打视频 we can text message, make phone calls, make video calls
1/7/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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(4410期)什么时候思考职业规划 When do people start to think about future career

20岁是最好的年纪去思考未来职业规划 at the age of twenty is the best time to think about future career or career planning身心成熟 people start to become dependent. I mean psychologically and physically独立的方式 in an independent way at that special time工作时间 职位 薪水 任何和工作相关的东西 the working time, positions, like salaries, everything that's related to the jobs太年轻了幼稚了不成熟了 that's too young, too simple and too naive享受童年时光 enjoy the childhood life for sure
1/6/20249 minutes, 50 seconds
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1/6/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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(4409期)你经常戴太阳眼镜吗 Do you often wear sunglasses

我经常这样做 I think that I do this quite often in life炎热天气下的一部分 it has been a part of my life during those hot days明智之举 a smart decision 受伤 疼痛 get hurt顺便说一下 我度假的时候 By the way, when I'm on vacation去海边 if I can go to the seaside or I travel to the beach经常遗落东西 but I usually forget it somewhere*一副太阳镜 a pair sunglass(口误说成了sunglasses)
1/5/20248 minutes, 50 seconds
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(4408期)对于年轻人来说什么地方更有趣 What places are more interesting

跑步机 treadmill 英[ˈtredmɪl] 读音口误对年轻人来说 for young adults首先是夜店和威士忌酒吧 No.1,it is about the nightclub and whiskey bar for sure年轻人晚上都很有活力 they are more active in the mid of the night忙碌之后 after a hard day of work or study每天至少一两个小时  they like to spend like one hour or two hours each day at least有时候在跑步机上有时候在力量区 sometimes on the treadmill or occasionally just do something they like in the training area
1/4/202410 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4407期)人们业余时间更少吗 Do people have fewer free time now than in the past

我肯定 I'm saying yes with hundred percent人们工作和学习花费很多时间 a lot of people today have spent a lot of time on regular work and study you know这么做没毛病但我不认同 Probably they are doing right but I don't think that it a smart way充满 be filled with 方便的  it’s quite user-friendly找到平衡 find a balanced way between regular work and free time年假 annual leave 一堆人 a bunch of people
1/3/202411 minutes, 56 seconds
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(4406期)学习和运动之后的疲倦有什么区别 What is the difference between feeling tired after studying and exercising不一样  it's not the same it's totally different啥也不合计  rest the mind without doing anything跑步 遛弯 the reliable way for them to relax is that you know they can try to take a slow walk or go for a run心里累和身体累 One is about feeling tired psychologically, and another is about feeling tired physically
1/2/202410 minutes, 31 seconds
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(4405期)成功需要哪些因素?What can make someone a successful person

首先就是运气 No.1, it has got to do something with a matter of luck, I mean good luck is very important做事业的机会 it means, you will have some opportunities for great career遇到贵人 Probably you can meet someone that's really helpful in your life其次是学历 No.2, it has got to do something with your education background大学经历和学位证毕业证 The academic qualifications or the diploma, you have to graduate from university at least.
1/1/202411 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4404期)你是一个专注度很高的人吗 Are you a focused person

多数时候都很专注  I'm staying focused on my regular work and personal life因为需要放松 找发泄口 because I need to find a place to relax, I need to find the way out我超努力的  I work pretty hard with 100% you know让我崩溃的 that would drive me crazy you know
12/31/20235 minutes, 20 seconds
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(4403期)如果东西修不好你怎么办 What would you do if something cannot be repaired

买一个崭新的 I would buy a brand new one of course找人修东西 get something repaired自己修理 repair something 老话说的好 as an old saying goes对我来说 享受当下最重要 For my part, just enjoy the moment, life is short 让自己一直都开心 I should try to make myself feel happy all the time
12/30/20236 minutes, 21 seconds
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12/30/20234 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4402期)你小时候的梦想是什么 What was your childhood dream

我童年的梦想不是现实条件 My childhood dream has got nothing to do with the money, the house or a car.而是真正的热爱 e passion and personal interest in the bottom of my heart为社会做贡献 then did something to the society这些是我的目标 不是梦想 they are my ambitions
12/29/20235 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4401期)平时吃很多冰淇淋吗 Do you eat ice-cream a lot

(4401期)平时吃很多冰淇淋吗 Do you eat ice-cream a lot不开心的时候吃冰淇淋会让我快乐  when I am not in a good mood, eating ice cream would make me feel happy那是我生活一部分 hat has been a part of my life,不喜欢吃昂贵的冰淇淋 I am not super fan of those expensive ones小钱买点快乐 small money can buy happiness
12/28/20234 minutes, 56 seconds
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(4400期)喜欢一堆人聊天还是solo Do you like talking with a bunch of people or one

我小的时候 When I was at my young age很有意思 that could be great fun喜欢热闹 但现在不了  I was just really into the noisy life but now things changed热闹不适合我 the noisy life or talk wouldn't be right for me
12/27/20235 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4399期)在网上喜欢谈论点什么 What do people like to talk about on the Internet

我认为很流行  it is a popular trend in my mind也喜欢聊他们喜欢的事儿 they can talk about anything they like too有意思的地方在于 One funny point背后议论人  talk about something behind someone
12/26/20236 minutes, 4 seconds
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(4398期)人们迷路的时候可以怎么办 What can we do when get lost

下载网络地图 download some online maps打个电话 make a phone call找到最好的解决方案  find out the best solution完美 that would be perfect
12/25/20234 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4397期)你有学习其他语言吗 Do you learn many language and why

我母语说的不错 I'm doing well in my language我还能讲流利的英语 I can speak some fluent English尽可能多的 as more as I can很有乐趣 that must be great fun
12/24/20234 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4396期)你经常去公园吗为什么 Do you often go to the park and why

小时候总去公园 When I was a little child I went to the park very often in life爸妈带我去 my parents would take me there现在我超级忙 at the moment I’m very busy with my personal life晒日光浴 呼吸新鲜空气 拥抱大自然和草地 I could enjoy the sunbath, I could breath the fresh air, of course I can embrace the nature  and grassland too
12/23/20236 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4395期)人们为什么省钱 Why do people save money

在这个题目背后 there are so many reasons behind this topic因为婚姻 事业和未来because of the marriage, because of the future career, because of the future人们不清楚 people today have got no idea一直 all the time
12/22/20234 minutes, 50 seconds
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(4394期)休息日和朋友干什么 What would you do with your friends when day off

整点黑咖啡 grab a cup of coffee you know, the black coffee maybe去健身房也是生活一部分 we go to the gym and it is a part of our life买东西多爽 going shopping is a cool thing八卦 gossips
12/21/20234 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4393期)你可以帮帮父母做什么 What can you do to help your parents

经济独立 I just need to be independent economically不和爸妈伸手  I don't want to get financial support from my parents自己谋生 earn a living by myself身心都变得独立 become independent, psychologically and physically
12/20/20235 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4392期)休息日你会去干吗呢 What would you do if you have a day off tomorrow

肯定要去健身房啦 I would go to the gym for sure经常去锻炼身材会很好 I would have a perfect body shape, if I go to the gym very often搞点咖啡 probably I would grab a cup of coffee黑咖啡减脂 if I want to lose some weight the black coffee is the point
12/19/20235 minutes, 35 seconds
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(4391期)如何保持健康 How to keep healthy

多吃肉 I need to eat the meat as more as I can各种肉  like white meat and red meat for example, the seafood and chicken are my favorite超爱牛肉  I am really into the beef规律的去健身房 I have to go to the gym regularly
12/18/20234 minutes, 17 seconds
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(4390期)你上课会专注吗 Do you stay focused in the class

一直听老师的话 listen to the teachers all the time很酷的一件事 a cool thing课程 class/course/lesson/curriculums/lecture集中注意力 pay attention to/stay focused on/keep an eye on
12/17/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4389期)你想当地理老师吗 Do you wanna be a geography teacher

我不想当老师 Not really no, I don't want to be a geography teacher小学初中  in primary school or junior middle school单纯 they are too naive太闹腾了 they are too young and naught in my mind
12/16/20234 minutes, 30 seconds
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12/16/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
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(4388期)描述一个完美的住所 Describe a perfect house you want to live in

我不需要太大的房子 The perfect house for me, does not have to be super large当我想定居的时候 when I'm choosing a place to live in or settle down我喜欢市中心  I think my favorite house should be just in the center area of my city年轻人比如我 喜欢热闹环境 I just need a noisy life because I am very young and energetic
12/16/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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(4387期)可以让无人驾驶一直开车吗 Should we let robots driving for long journeys

我不信任科技  because I didn't trust modern technology无人驾驶挺方便的 I mean the robot driving can be very user-friendly我不会让无人驾驶开很久 I wouldn't let it do it for a long time有潜在的风险 there are some potential dangers in it
12/14/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
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(4386期)你经常跑步吗 Do you go running a lot

那个季节温差不大 the temperature doesn't fluctuate a lot during that season跑个步 go for a run有个好身材  I would stay fit and certainly I would have a perfect body shape我不喜欢在健身房的跑步机跑步 I don't like to spend some time on the treadmill in the gym
12/13/20236 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4385期)频繁换工作好吗 Is it good to change jobs periodically

我觉得这样不对 I do not think it a good decision 路上花费很多时间 spend lots of time on the road有时候还要搬家 even sometimes you have to move to a brand new place to settle down, from the city center to the suburb适应工作为主的生活  fit in the job-centered life
12/12/20236 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4384期)鼓励更多人参加运动 How to encourage more people to participate in sport

强烈推荐  two ways are highly recommended公共区域的运动设施 the public sport facilities in the open area大众媒体 mass media被使用 be put in use
12/11/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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(4383期)在你们那儿有野生动物吗 Are there wild animals in where you live

许多种 many kinds of/sorts of/ a variety of被关在... be kept in the zoo不允许 be not allowed to贯穿一生 throughout your lifetime
12/10/20235 minutes, 13 seconds
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(4382期)你想在哪儿居住 Where do you want to live

市中心是我最喜欢的 the city center is my favorite undoubtedly我一定要在市中心定居 I must settle down in the central area of my city方便的 convenient/user-friendly我不需要在路上花费太多时间 I don't have to spend a lot of time on the road to somewhere
12/9/20235 minutes, 46 seconds
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12/9/20232 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4381期)耐心很重要吗 Is patience very important

忙的时候 when we need to stay focused on study or we need to deal with lots of work物质条件的成功 the material success秘密武器 the secret weapon 等待 wait for opportunities/chances/someone/something
12/8/20234 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4380期)你喜欢呆在噪音的地方吗 Do you like to stay in a place with lots of noise

就在市中心区域 right in the central area of my city 呆在 fit in somewhere放松 relax or loose 更健康 much healthier than before
12/7/20235 minutes, 49 seconds
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(4379期)你上次休假什么时候 When was the last time you had the days off

很久之前 it has been a long time 忙于生活学习和工作 get busy with my regular work, study and personal life 机会 opportunities/chances/choices 寒暑假 summer and winter vacation 实现 achieve
12/6/20236 minutes, 22 seconds
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(4378期)你在手机上经常用地图吗 How often do you use map on the mobile phone

几乎每天都用 I will say that almost every day当我开车出去的时候 when I'm driving to somewhere很方便 very user-friendly我自己有车 这地图很重要 I got my own car and the map is very important to me很重要的角色 it is also playing an important role in my life
12/5/20235 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4377期)你喜欢去看历史建筑吗 Do you like to go to historical sites

有些兴趣但不多  I have some interest but not much有时间的时候 when I have plenty of freedom就像和以前的人对话一样 it's like I'm talking to the ancient people一点点 something one or two
12/4/20235 minutes, 20 seconds
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(4376期)你喜欢地理吗 How do you like geography

当然啦 Yeah sure of course certainly Yep希望 I wish I hope I plan 国际的 International or global travel 欧洲 Europe 北美 North America
12/3/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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我不在乎 I do not care I don't give a shxx中心 center core key开心 feel happy/stay in a good mood幸福感 feeling of happiness
12/2/20235 minutes, 16 seconds
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12/2/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4374期)你想在野外看什么动物呢 What animal would you like to see in the wild

从没亲自见过 because I have never seen that in person…年出生的 I was born in the year of老虎是大王 the tiger is the king in nature 我肯定害怕啊  I would certainly be scared a little bit
12/1/20235 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4373期)朋友对你意味着什么 What does a friend mean to you

朋友大于天 A friend means everything to me,遇到困难 when I'm in trouble or when something gets me into trouble老话说:患难见真情真正的 indeed
11/30/20234 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4372期)你收到过很贵重的很棒的礼物吗 Have you ever received a great gift

最棒的礼物不一定很贵重 the great gift for me is not very expensive背后的含义才最重要 the meaning behind someone and the meaning behind the gift can be very important充满爱 It was full of love见证我的成长  witness my grow up
11/29/20235 minutes, 27 seconds
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(6371期)用茶还是咖啡招待客人 Do you like to use tea or coffee to serve guest

作为一个年轻人 as a young adult选择 I would go with the coffee 超喜欢 be big fan or be super fan of客人 guests or visitors 就我而言 for me or for my part
11/28/20235 minutes, 22 seconds
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(6370期)跟朋友家人一起聊啥 What do you chat about with friends and family

一些八卦 Some gossips明星的八卦 朋友的八卦 something about movie stars something about our friends未来职业 future career 严肃的话题 serious topics 正式的方式 in a formal way
11/27/20235 minutes, 27 seconds
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(6369期)有哪些水上运动比较流行 What kinds of water sports are popular

潜水是我唯一熟悉的水上运动了 Diving I think because that is the only water sports I get to know 我的一些朋友超级喜欢玩 some of my friends are super fan国际旅行 go on the international journey 离我近的地方 somewhere close to me怕水 I am a bit scared of water
11/26/20235 minutes, 25 seconds
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(4368期)你会讲几种语言呢 What languages can you speak

我会母语和一点外语 I can speak my own language and some sort of English我学过一点日本语 I learned something one or two on Japanese我觉得我很有语言天赋 不爱背单词 I think that I'm a bit talented because I don't like to recite new words有时候做的还挺不错的 sometimes I can do it pretty well
11/25/20235 minutes, 58 seconds
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11/25/20233 minutes, 9 seconds
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(4367期)你的名字叫什么 What's your full name

全名 full name 手机品牌 phone name lol姓氏 family name 名字 given name20多年前 20 more years or more than 20 years 很像 it looks/sounds like exactly the same聪明 smart/intelligent/clever
11/24/20235 minutes, 38 seconds
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(4366期)你平常的出行工具是什么How do you go to work or school

大部分时候 Most of the time or in most cases 偶尔 sometimes or occasionally 方便的 user-friendly or efficiently and effectively 下雨刮风 when it rains heavily or it is a windy day计程车 taxi 出租车 cab 打车 take a cab or taxi价格合理 reasonable price/ I can afford it
11/23/20236 minutes, 11 seconds
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(4365期)工作日周末有什么不同 What's the difference between weekdays and weekends

差别很大 differences can be very very huge工作日考虑学习工作 during weekdays I would think about how to deal with my studies and work安排自己的时间 arrange my personal time想干嘛干嘛I can do whatever I want想说什么说什么 say whatever I could
11/22/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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(4364期)花很多时间选衣服吗 Do you like spending lots of time on choosing clothes

选各种衣服  choosing different kinds of clothes因为臭美大过天 because how to dress well was my favorite part要面子 自豪 I was very proud of it回归生活 I would stay focused on my life I would pay attention to the reality and the real life
11/21/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4363期)学生穿校服的好处What is the benefit of wearing school uniform

好处 benefits/advantages/good points 年轻人 young adults/teenagers与学习无关的 not related to study靠谱的方式 proper way/reliable way普通家庭 poorer families 富有家庭 richer families
11/20/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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(4362期)成功会有什么牺牲What would you sacrifice if you want success

宝贵的 valuable 珍惜 cherish获得成功 obtain/acquire/get/have success失败 failure/failed 成功 success/successful 秘密核心 secret weapon of …和你说过啦 see I told you
11/19/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4361期)你的城市适合小孩子住吗 Is your city a good place for children to live in

…中心 the center of定居 settle down 好资源 perfect resources for….顶尖学府 top universities
11/18/20235 minutes, 11 seconds
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11/18/20233 minutes, 5 seconds
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(4360期)你周几最忙呀 Which is your busiest day of the week

重新开始 restart/one more time准备好 get ready/get well settled 休息日 days off/free time顺便说一下 by the way
11/17/20235 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4359期)你吃很多冰淇淋吗 Do you like to eat ice cream a lot

种类 all j\kinds of/sorts of/a variety of可能 possible 不可能 impossible 根本不 not at all体重问题 weight problem 保持身材和健康 stay fit and healthy 完美身材 perfect body shape
11/16/20235 minutes, 53 seconds
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超喜欢 like so much/the best/super fan真的 for real/honestly/seriously/I mean it患难见真情 a friend in need is a friend indeed 遇到问题 be in trouble 解决 help me out/tackle/work out/solve
11/15/20235 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4357期)为什么年轻人拒绝接受建议 Why do some young people refuse advice

身心独立 be independent psychologically and physically接受教育 receive well education 独立思考 think about something in the independent way过时的 be old fashioned/out of fashion 适合 proper/be right for
11/14/20235 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4356期)你经常和你朋友一起出去吗 Do you often go out with your friends

经常 very often/quite often/more often离家近的地方 somewhere close to my apartment忙着 get busy living 处理 deal with/cope with/handle出去 hang out 网络聊天 chat online 发信息 text message发语音消息 voice message 面见 in person
11/13/20235 minutes, 48 seconds
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(4355期)你喜欢和朋友聊天吗为什么 Do you like to chat with your friends and why

编辑短信 text message/send message通过 through/by/on坦白来说 gotta be honest/to be frank/frankly/honestly在背后 behind them 放松 loose/relax放空 rest the mind
11/12/20235 minutes, 15 seconds
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(4354期)在小城市生活会无聊吗 Do you find it boring when living in the small city

适应了 I am used to it我爱的人们 the ones that I love 机会 chances/opportunities 个人选择 personal choice 坦白来说 gotta be honest
11/11/20236 minutes, 36 seconds
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(4353期)你喜欢变化吗 Do you like changes and why

当然啦 yeah sure/yes sir/of course/certainly无聊 boring/bored充满能量 be full of energy/be energetic 有动力的 be motivated/motivation赚钱 earn big money 职业完美 great career
11/10/20236 minutes, 4 seconds
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(4352期)你喜欢听大声的音乐吗 Do you like listening to loud music

让我崩溃 drive me crazy/make me mad/insane轻音乐 light music/soft music/piano/violin and guitar轻松 relax/loose适合 be right for/be proper/suit/fit
11/9/20235 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4351期)朋友对你来说有多重要呢 How important are friends to you

小的时候 when I was at my young age/when I was young家人 family members 爱人 boyfriend or husband/girlfriend or wife放在重要位置 put…on the first place一堆朋友 a bunch of friends 做了改变 make the change 真正的朋友 real close friends/indeed
11/8/20235 minutes, 50 seconds
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(4350期)位置对于商店来说重要吗 Is location very important to a traditional store

意味着...a good location means that… 代表 mean=represent/is 机会 opportunities/chances to earn big money 接受 be fine with 他们适应了 they are used to it传统实体商店的角色 the role of traditional store/physical store价格优势 price advantage 做好生意 make a successful business
11/7/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
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(4349期)描述你城市里的一个花园 Describe a park or garden in your city

位于市中心地区 it is actually located right in the central area of my city跑步 遛弯 go for a run or take a slow walk一次 at a time 人多 be full of people 和你说过啦 see I told you or as I have mentioned above放空 rest my mind without doing anything
11/6/20238 minutes, 8 seconds
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(4348期)为什么要听家长的建议 Why do we need to listen to our parens` advice

爱是埋在心底的种子 love is just in the bottom of the heart教点东西 show something one or two实用的 practical and useful 经历的多 be experienced 重蹈覆辙 one more time不好的东西 negatives and bad emotions
11/5/20236 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4347期)人们在等待的时候喜欢干嘛 What do people like to do when they are waiting

大部分 99% of /most of/ the majority of 玩手机 spend some time on the phone/玩耍 play with手机 smart phone/mobile phone/cellphone 发信息 text message/send message 一些人 some other guys/people/ones
11/4/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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11/4/20233 minutes, 23 seconds
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简单的 easy/simple/not hard 讲出来 say/tell/answer经历着 suffer from 工作/学习/生活 heavy workload/study pressure/living stress放松 relax/loose/rest the mind 旅游城市 tourist city 旅游景点 tourist sites告诉过你啦 see I told you
11/3/20237 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4345期)人们喜欢住市中心还是郊区 Do people like to live in the city or suburb

现在 at the moment/now/nowadays/today/at present 市中心/郊区 city center/suburb/countryside半夜 in the mid of the night or in the middle night 某些时间 during certain period of a day必须的 it is required
11/2/20237 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4344期)人们喜欢网络购物吗 为什么 Do people like online shopping and why

年轻人喜欢网购 young people/ young adults/teenagers are really super fan of online shopping/be really into/be fond of在途中 on the road 方便的 user-friendly/time saving/money saving 尺码 颜色 size and color 适合 be right for/fit/suit线下商店 real store/physical store 价格优势 price advantage
11/1/20236 minutes, 52 seconds
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(4343期)为什么有的人经常迷路 Why do some people usually get lost

与生俱来 it is a natural thing or it is natural or it is born with在某地迷路 get lost in somewhere 不清楚 they have go no idea 某种天赋 certain talent or ability 熟悉的地方 familiar area 陌生 strange擅长 be good at or do well in
10/31/20236 minutes, 40 seconds
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(4341期)为什么人们愿意听名人的话 Why do people like to listen to famous people

(4341期)为什么人们愿意听名人的话 Why do people like to listen to famous people无所适从 have got no idea when meeting problems/ in trouble 获取建议 get advice/suggestion/a piece of advice流行趋势 popular trend 口号 slogan 名言 motto 大话 great words 开阔眼界 widen horizons
10/30/20237 minutes, 57 seconds
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(4341期)为什么人们愿意听名人的话 Why do people like to listen to famous people

无所适从 have got no idea when meeting problems/ in trouble 获取建议 get advice/suggestion/a piece of advice流行趋势 popular trend 口号 slogan 名言 motto 大话 great words 开阔眼界 widen horizons
10/29/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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(4340期)你平日喝咖啡或茶吗 Do you have coffee or tea in life

伴随 it has been with me all the time/all the way/always 几乎每个早上 almost every morning 充满能量 be full of/be filled with energy or energetic五年多 five more years or more than five years 疲倦 fatigue/tired 过时的 old fashioned/out of fashion
10/28/20236 minutes, 26 seconds
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10/28/20233 minutes, 1 second
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(4339期)喜欢呆在潮湿还是干燥里 Would you like to live in a dry or wet place

很难说 that is difficult to tell/say/answer 夏天冬天 summer time and winter舒服的环境 comfortable and wonderful environment 呆着 fit in皮肤和感受 my skin and feelings 适应了 I am used to it 干热干冷 dry heat and dry cold
10/27/20235 minutes, 41 seconds
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(4338期)谁应该保护老建筑呢 Who should be responsible for old buildings

尽全力 try their best/ do anything they could 努力中 trying 老建筑 aged/old/ancient/traditional buildings 实施 carry out 被鼓励 should be encouraged许多 a large amount of/lots of/ a large number of/many合理 in a reliable way/in a proper way/properly充分利用 make full use of 解决 work out
10/26/20237 minutes, 54 seconds
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(4237期) 你的计划会被下雨天打乱吗 Would you change your plan if it rains

下大雨 It rains a lot/heavily 下雨天 rainy day 大雾天 foggy day 下雪天 snowy day改变 make the change/change something/change ideas简单轻松的 in an easy way户外 outside area/in the open area考虑一下 I would think about it
10/25/20235 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4236期)你都如何帮助其他人 How do you help others

难说 hard to tell/hard to say/difficult to answer/ depend on who you are来找我 come to me/ 帮助 help out/work out尽力 try my best/do everything that I could建议 advice/suggestion 倾听者 listener
10/24/20235 minutes, 47 seconds
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(4235期)你看过有很多鱼的电影吗 Have you ever seen any movies with lots of fish

动作电影 action movie 纪录片 documentary 爱情故事 love story过去 used to 鲸鱼和鲨鱼 whales and sharks海岸城市 coastal city 机会 opportunities/chances 有乐子 great fun/be full of fun
10/23/20235 minutes, 35 seconds
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(4234期)你对机器人感兴趣吗 Are you interested in robots

兴趣 have interests/be interested in/be really into/be fond of 现实生活 real life/reality/fact 首先 其次 No.1/No.2充满好奇 be full of curiosity
10/22/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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(4233期)一周当中你学习多久 How much time do you spend on study each week

一整天 a whole day/all day long/entire上课 sit in the class/curriculum/course/lesson复习 review what I have learnt 之前一天 the day before 专注 stay focused on/pay attention to/concentrate on期末 final semester/final
10/21/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
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10/21/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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(4322期)你有野心吗 Do you think that you are an ambitious person

普通生活 ordinary life/normal life/regular life完美的 perfect/ok/cool/fantastic/no problem慢节奏 slow pace of life 安逸 peaceful压力 pressure/stress/workload为了...工作 work for fun/interests/money/a house
10/20/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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(4321期)学校应该教学生做饭吗 Should schools teach students how to cook

难度 difficult/hard/challenging/uneasy做得好 do well in/be good at某些 some sorts of/certain/some kinds of课程 lessons/curriculums/course/class 提供 provide/offer 家庭教育学校教育 home/school education有兴趣 have interest/be interested in/be really into重要的是 above all
10/19/20237 minutes, 45 seconds
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(4320期)在公共场合制造噪音合理吗 Is it right to make noise in the public

否定前置 I do not think that… 我认为...不好以示尊重 show respect to 性格好有礼貌 be gentle and polite身边的人 other people who are around you关机 switch off 在公众地方 in the public area or places or occasions
10/18/20236 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4319期)最喜欢听哪种乐器 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to

对我来说 for me/for my part/in my mind/personally 冷静和舒服 calm down and relaxed 学习 learn something one or two on 教 teach/show放弃 give up/get rid of/say no 难度 challenging/difficult/hard/insane
10/17/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4318期)大多数人喜欢喝咖啡还是茶 Do people like tea and coffee today

喜欢 be big fan of/be really into/something lover咖啡机 coffee maker/coffee machine 咖啡豆 coffee bean 与...有关 be related to喝东西 have/drink/grab some coffee 去健身房 go to the gym 一直 all the time/always/very often 年轻人 young people/adults/teenagers/generation老年人 seniors/senior citizens/aged/old people
10/16/20237 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4317期)你家乡利于年轻人发展吗 Is your hometown a good place for young people

折中回答 it is hard to say/tell/it seems difficult to answer融入 fit in/stay in 高光职业生涯 great career 赚大钱 earn big money/ earn a lot/sufficient机会 opportunity/chance/choice 雄心壮志 quite ambitious 实现目标 achieve the target/goal想要 want/wish/hope/need 慢节奏生活 slow pace of life 优势 advantage/good point
10/15/20237 minutes, 50 seconds
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(4316期)旅行的感觉怎么样 How do you feel when you're traveling

去旅行 go on the long journey/go on the short trip/international travel/globe…充满 I would be full of/be filled with something 当地特色 local custom/tradition/cuisine 崭新的 brand new environment/physical—疲倦的 tired/fatigue 积累 accumulate/stay in 想家 miss my home/homesick
10/14/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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(4315期)你觉得跑步作为运动来说怎么样 What do you think of running as a sport

喜欢跑步 I like running/I love running/I am really into running/I am a running lover跑步机上 on the treadmill 户外跑步 outdoor running 随时随地 anytime anywhere 很好的 ok/cool/fine 保持身材 stay fit/healthy/build body shape
10/13/20236 minutes, 39 seconds
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(4314期)你喜欢你童年的城市吗 Do you like your childhood city

超喜欢 I am super fan/I am big fan/I love it so much/I love it to the death很多年了 many years/for a long time/for a long period/ more than 10 years/decades对我而言 for me/for my part/personally/personally speaking/in my mind童年记忆 childhood memory/memory in childhood可能 maybe/might be/could be/possibly/probably
10/12/20237 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4313期)以后想不想当老师 Do you want to be a teacher in the future

那时候 at that time/in the past/when…. 小学 primary school 中学 junior middle or senior high school 傻傻的 stupid/foolish/nut尝试 give it a try/try it/ I am trying 天真烂漫 simple and naive把老师作为工作 work as a school teacher
10/11/20237 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4312期)你会花很多时间选衣服吗 Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes

过去 in the past; used to; before 现在 now; at the moment; currently; today; nowadays打扮的漂漂亮亮 dress well 完美的 to be perfect 穿戴 wear; put on普普通通 looks very normal; ordinary
10/10/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
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(4311期)孩子们被溺爱了吗 Do you think children are too spoiled

溺爱的 spoiled 规则 one child policy 我们的文化 according to our culture关键 this is the key or center or core 同时 at the same time/in the meanwhile生活质量 quality of life 生活节奏 pace of life 没有限制 without limits
10/9/20237 minutes, 4 seconds
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(4310期)你亲自修理东西吗 Do you fix things yourself

自己 myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves 你的他的我的 yours hers mine his 日常工作 regular work everyday work ordinary work 好朋友 close/best/good friend/bestie帮助 help/help out/ do a favor/give a hand 解决 work out/tackle/solve
10/8/20237 minutes, 3 seconds
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(4309期)城里的公园or花园 Describe a park or a garden in your city

河边公园 the riverside park 完美方位 Its location is nearly perfect 跑个步遛个弯 go for a run or go for a walk or take a slow walk秘密基地 a secret place/park/garden 释放压力 release bad emotions or negatives同行压力 peer pressure 自然景观 natural views or sceneries场地 area/filed/court
10/7/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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(4308期)你一般都去哪儿旅行呢 Where do you usually travel

自由 freedom/free time/leisure time/vacations/holidays/weekends 年假 annual leave去国外旅行 go on the international journey/overseas/globe有趣 it is great fun/ it must be full of something interesting 现实生活 in reality/in real life 离我近的地方 somewhere close to me
10/6/20236 minutes, 21 seconds
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(4307期)你会吃很多冰淇淋吗 Do you eat ice-cream a lot

我会 I would say/I will say/ I would go with…几乎每一天 almost every single day/nearly/about the same 允许 be allowed to 那时候 at that time/during that period健康 stay healthy/stay fit 支持 support 胖的 overweight 戒掉 get rid of/give up
10/5/20235 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4306期)你喜欢现在住的地方区域吗 Do you like the area you live in now

市中心 city center/central area of the city 郊区 countryside/suburb 我适应了 I am used to it 新鲜空气 fresh air 安逸环境 quiet environment 公交地铁 bus lines and subway lines 堵车 get stuck in the traffic
10/4/20235 minutes, 2 seconds
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(4305期)你是有野心和梦想的人吗 Do you think you are an ambitious person

过去 I was/I used to be/in the past 现在 at present/now/nowadays/today/at the moment厉害的职业生涯 great career/赚很多 big money/ 改变 my mind has been totally changed 实行起来很有难度 it seems impossible to make it come true in life机会 chance 运气 a matter of luck 实现梦想 realize the dream
10/3/20235 minutes, 8 seconds
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(4304期)你喜欢帮助他人吗 Do you like helping other people

大部分时候 most of the time/under the most circumstances 偶尔 occasionally/sometimes帮助 help/help out/do a favor/give a hand陌生人 strangers/people who I am not familiar with/those who I don't know 每天做好事儿 do everyday a good deed then put a smile of joy on face
10/2/20235 minutes, 16 seconds
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(4303期)工作和生活时间分配 How do you balance your time between work and life

简单的 simple/easy/easier/not hard/easy mode 工作日 on weekdays 休息日 on weekends回家 go back home 去健身房 go to the gym 购物 go shopping/products/items属于 belong to
10/1/20234 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4302期)描述学校的重要规则Describe a rule that is important in school or at work

允许 be allowed to 常见 it is quite common seen 做的正确 it is doing right上课 take course/ have a lesson/sit in the class/curriculum效率 efficiency 被打扰 get disturbed 好消息 a piece of good news 浏览网站 browse the Internet or news 编辑信息 text message
9/30/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4301期)孩子音乐教育重要吗 Do you think music education is important to children

我不这样认为 I do not think so/I hardly think so/I don't believe it/I would say no with 100%选择 choices/opportunities/choose动词教育 school education/family education我的观点 in my mind/on my perspective of view/personally/personally speaking/for my part喜欢 be fond of/be really into/like/be interested in/be fascinated with/by反之亦然 vice versa
9/29/20235 minutes, 42 seconds
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(4300期)喜欢呆在噪音多的地方吗 Do you like to stay in a place with lots of noise

有噪音的地方 somewhere gets close to noise 让我抓狂 drive me crazy/insane/mad/be mad about  除此以外 plus/additionally/besides/what is more集中注意力 stay focused on/pay attention to/ keep an eye on被打扰的 feel disturbed/get disturbed 工作表现 working performances
9/29/20235 minutes, 17 seconds
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(4299期)你是学生还是上班族 Are you a student or at work

现在 now/today/nowadays/currently/at the moment大学年级on the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year/freshman/sophomore/junior/senior校园 campus 操场playground 3年多 3 more years or 3 years more毕业 graduate from 毕业生 school leavers想念学生的日子 I would miss being a student for sure
9/27/20235 minutes, 24 seconds
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(4298期)你喜欢吃鱼肉吗 Do you like eating fish

海鲜 seafood 白肉 white meat 红肉 red meat 各种肉 beef muffin pork chicken 我曾经 I was; I use to … 尽可能多的 as more as I can/as more as possible 白肉是我喜欢的 white meat is my favorite 健康 healthy
9/26/20235 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4297期)喜欢一堆人聊 Do you like to chat with a group of friends or only one

一些 a bunch of/several/some/a group of建议 advice名词 suggest动词 忙碌之余 after a hard day of…搞点 grab/get/hold 新闻 latest news 八卦 gossips 小道消息 juicy gossip 放松 relaxed/loose
9/25/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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(4296期)有趣的地方 Describe a place in your country that you think interesting

位置 be located in 南方地区 southern part of my country 省份 province 城市 city 乡村 village温暖的 warm 炎热的 hot 梁爽的 cool 海风 cool sea breeze被吸引 be fascinated by/with 长大的地方 where I grew up价格优势 price advantage 找个满意工作然后定居 hunt a decent job then settle down
9/24/20238 minutes, 17 seconds
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(4295期)一般你都在哪里跑步 Where do you usually go running

河边公园 riverside park 坐落于市中心区域 it is right in the central area of the city/city center跑步 go for a run/go running 慢跑 jogging 走路 walk 慢慢走 slow walk在户外 in the open area/outside 日光浴 enjoy the sunbath 呼吸新鲜空气 breath the fresh air极端天气 extreme weather 跑步机 treadmill 塑形 build my body shape气温零下 temperature falls below zero
9/23/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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9/23/20232 minutes, 36 seconds
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(4294期)钓鱼流行吗 Is fishing popular in your country

老年人 Old people/seniors/aged people/senior citizens经常 Very often in life/quite often in life在河边 Along the riverside之后一天 The day after 之前一天 the day before 在某地坐着 Sit in somewhere 钓鱼产业 fishing industry
9/22/20235 minutes, 28 seconds
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(4293期)你有学习过乐器吗 Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument

之前 Before/past/ago 不允许这样做 be not allowed to do so专注学习 Stay focused on study only/Pay attention to我以前喜欢吉他 the guitar used to be my favorite/was my favorite 家庭教育 Family education/school education 家长的言传身教 Parental words 我告诉你啦 See I told you/As I have mentioned above
9/21/20235 minutes, 55 seconds
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(4292期)你年轻的时候有自行车吗 Did you have a bike when you were young

自行车 bike/bicycle 骑行 biking 年轻时候 at my young age/when I was…几乎每个人 almost everyone/差不多 about the same昂贵的 expensive/pricy/unaffordable喜欢 big fan/super fan/be really into/ the death鉴证 witness 成长 my grow-up
9/20/20236 minutes, 18 seconds
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(4291期)机器人在家里可以为你做什么呢 What can robots do for you at home

洗衣服 Do laundry 做家务 do housework 不错的帮手 Great helper 在我看来 In my mind 帮个忙 Do a favor 准备各种餐 Get ready for breakfast lunch and dinner 同时 At the same time/in a meanwhile 私人厨师 Private chef 个人而言 For my part/personally/for me/in my mind
9/19/20234 minutes, 23 seconds
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(4290期)你用纸质地图吗 Do you use paper maps now

否定回答 Not really nope/I don't think so/I don't believe it/I hardly think so电子地图 Online map/e-map 纸质地图 Paper map/ Traditional map下载 Download 更新 Update the software 用手机玩手机 Spend time on my phone 不是play with新地方 Brand new city or strange place
9/18/20235 minutes, 51 seconds
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(4289期)常和朋友一起去看电影吗 Do you often go to the cinema with you friends

Yeah sure/certainly/of course当然啦If possible如果可以/very often/quite often经常Sit in the office工作/once a month每月一次Close friend/Best friend/Bestie 好朋友/闺蜜Grab coffee or orange juice搞点咖啡/橙汁
9/17/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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(4288期)你多久旅行一次 How often do you go travelling

做到 do it/make it/accomplish/finish/complete现实生活 in real life/in reality处理 handle/cope with/deal with/work out离家近的地方 somewhere close to my city 不可能 impossible/not possible
9/16/20236 minutes, 1 second
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(4287期)你收到过很不错的礼物吗 Have you ever received great gifts

我收到过的礼物 the gifts that I have received…可能 probably/possibly/maybe/might be/could be 昂贵的 pricy/expensive/dear生日礼物 birthday gift 长时间 long time/for a while/a long period of time手工制作 Handmade/be made by hand/家里做的homemade
9/15/20235 minutes, 12 seconds
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(4286期) 机器人会影响人们生活吗 Would robots affect people`s lives

影响 affect/influence当然啦 for sure/certainly/of course/definitely 就业情况 unemployment rate 工作机会 decent job opportunities
9/14/20234 minutes, 48 seconds
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(4285期)当面聊还是社媒Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or social media

选择 go with/prefer/choose/be fine with日常工作 regular work/busy work/working stuff处理 deal with/cope with/handle/work out在某地坐一会 sit in somewhere for a while塞车 get stuck in the traffic
9/13/20236 minutes
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(4284期)你想搬到一个更安静的地方住吗 Do you want to move to a quieter place

somewhere close to the countryside 距离郊区近一点 on the suburbs 在郊外lifestyle 生活方式 slow pace of life 慢节奏生活 fast pace of life 快节奏生活suffer from 经历着 traffic problem 交通问题 be right for 适合 suit fitgarden or backyard 小院子或花园
9/12/20236 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4283期)你喜欢穿舒适还是漂亮的衣服 Do you prefer comfortable or smart clothes

我喜爱的 …my favorite …my option好看的衣服 the beautiful and fashionable clothes…崭新的衣服 brand new clothes 世道变了 things changed now材质 设计和品牌 Its material, design and brand
9/11/20235 minutes, 2 seconds
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(4282期)现在人们还喜欢喝咖啡和茶吗 Do people like tea and coffee nowadays

喜欢 like/love/be big fan of/be really into/be fond of流行趋势 popular trend 真实发生 it happens for real一杯咖啡是必须的 a cup of coffee is required 逛街购物 hang out/go shopping选择 go with 接受 be fine with 过时的 old fashioned/out of fashion
9/10/20236 minutes, 7 seconds
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(4281期)你花很多时间选衣服吗 Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes

年轻的时候 at my young age or at the age of…不赞同 I do not think so/ I hardly believe it/ I would say no上班 go to work/ get to work/ travel to work尊重 Show respect to 大量的 a lot of/ lots of/ a large amount of
9/9/20234 minutes, 47 seconds
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9/9/20232 minutes, 29 seconds
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(4280期) 将来人们会更多开车出行吗 Do you think people will drive more

Private cars 私家车 Taxi Cab 出租车 Bus line and subway line 公交地铁线Afford 承担 affordable 买得起 user-friendly 便捷的Get stuck in the traffic 堵在路上 Traffic jams 交通堵塞Waste time 浪费时间 be willing to 愿意
9/8/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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(4279期)你经常跑步吗 Do you go running a lot

When I was young 小时候 Little or a child Deal with cope with 处理 School paper 学校作业 Get ready for my new job 为新工作做准备In my mind I suppose I think I believe I find 我认为Stay fit 保持身材 Stay healthy 保持健康 Diminish all the fatigues 消除疲倦 Release pressure 释放压力 Go for a run 跑个步 Go for a walk or slow walk 遛个弯 Be in a good mood 保持好心情 Be full of energy 充满能量
9/7/20234 minutes, 10 seconds
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(4278期)你和朋友争辩吗吵架吗Do you argue with friends

偶尔的 Sometimes or occasionally 好朋友 Close friends or bestie or good friends 大事儿小情 Something big something small or little things 迟到 Be late for an appointment 不愉快的经历 Unhappy moment or experience My fault 我的问题 I am doing wrong 我做错了Grab some coffee or get some ice-cream 搞点咖啡和冰淇淋
9/6/20234 minutes, 6 seconds
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(4277期)你喜欢和朋友聊天吗 Do you like chatting with friends

Grab some coffee 喝点咖啡 Sit in somewhere 在某地儿坐着Have a chat 聊个天 Most of the time 大部分时候 Under the most circumstances 大部分情况Online chatting 网上聊天 through 通过 by 通过Voice message 语音信息 Text message 文字信息
9/5/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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(4276期)喜欢呆在人多嘈杂地方 Do you like to stay in a place with lots of people

Stay in somewhere 在某地呆着 fit in 融入 适应It means or it equals 意味着...Come across 偶遇 Drive me crazy 让我发狂  Mad about or crazy about 生气or热爱Riverside河边 Park公园
9/4/20234 minutes, 56 seconds
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(4275期)描述一个受欢迎的人 Describe a popular person

好朋友 Best friend or close friend or bestie 闺蜜Curly hair 卷发 A smile of joy on face 招人喜欢的笑脸Celebrity 网红 net pals 网络黑子 A bit 有点 A little 有点 Overweight 胖的 Fat 脂肪 He is the one that I look up to 崇拜的人 Admire 崇拜