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X22 Report

English, News, 2023 seasons, 52 episodes, 2 days, 13 hours, 52 minutes
X22 Report is a daily show that covers the economy, political and geopolitical issues. Join me and many others to fight what is rightfully ours.
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House Dropping The MOAB,DOJ On Deck,Election Interference At A Level Never Seen Before – Ep. 3065

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture Amazon is in trouble, the delivery service system they setup my be in trouble. Biden's economic nominee is a GND backer. Biden placed many regulations in place and spent trillion dollars already. The people now see who the responsible players are according to a Gallup survey. The [DS] is being brought into a trap. The House is now providing evidence against Biden, The DOJ will now have to make a choice and no matter what choice they make they lose. If they investigate Biden and don't find him guilty they lose, if they investigate and find him guilty they lose, if they do nothing they lose. The [DS] is pushing lawsuit after lawsuit and they are now gagging Trump and he will not be able to speak out during an election year. Election interference is at a level never seen before.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Biden Economic Adviser Nominee Backs Green New Deal, Tying Fed Policy to Black Unemployment Rate Jared Bernstein, President Joe Biden’s nomination to be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, has supported the Green New Deal, higher gas taxes, a wealth tax, and tying Federal Reserve policy to the black unemployment rate. In a 2019 op-ed for Vox when he was the senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Bernstein wrote, “Good, socially minded economists, even Nobel laureates, have argued for pricing carbon more accurately, but thus far they’ve been ignored. Clearly, a different approach is necessary. Which is why we really should take the Green New Deal seriously.” The Biden nominee has called for a higher gas tax, which he said amounts to a “carbon tax” and critical element of any Green New Deal. The Biden nominee also proposed radical changes to the Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank, that would tie monetary not to the unemployment rate but the black unemployment rate: Among other leftist policies, Bernstein supports: A $15/hour minimum wage A guaranteed jobs program Medicare for All Using low-interest rates to massively boost spending A wealth tax  Source: Biden Admin Pushed Out $182 Billion Worth Of Regulations In A Single Week The Biden administration last week proposed or finalized regulations totaling $182 billion in compliance costs while adding 1.8 million yearly paperwork hours,
5/9/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 20 seconds
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The [DS] Corrupt System Is Being Exposed, Focus Now Shifts To [HRC] & [Renegade] – Ep. 3064

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found California is getting ready to pay the black population reparations at the same time California has defaulted on their debt. Watch Ca. Biden lies on twitter about the jobs he created, users correct him. The Fed was setup, they were in charge of the banks, restructuring coming. The [DS] corrupt system is being exposed. Biden is on his way out and they are going to use him to push every agenda they have, it doesn't matter what the optics looks like because once he is taken out by the 25 amendment they will say he wasn't aware of what he was doing. The focus will then shift to Obama and HRC. The information is being dripped out to the public in a way they see all the cast of character and how their treasonous crimes are interconnected. Justice is coming.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy California Approves Reparations Recommendations, Proposing $1.2 Million Checks For Black Residents    California's nine-member Reparations Task Force approved recommendations for how state officials should compensate and apologize to Black residents for past injustices. The task force has spent the last two years deliberating on payment recommendations that will now be sent for final approval in Sacramento before a July 1 deadline. "Reparations are not only morally justifiable, but they have the potential to address long-standing racial disparities and inequalities," Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said during the meeting last night in Oakland.  California task force's recommendations would mean a 71-year-old Black resident, living in the Golden State for their entire life, could receive a $1.2 million compensation check if the recommendations are passed into law. AmericanThinker's Chris Talgo pointed out that reparation payments and other government handouts won't close the wealth gap, "it arguably will make it worse." Source: California Defaults On $18.6 Billion In Debt, Saddling Employers With The Expense California's recent decision not to pay back some $20 billion borrowed from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic will fall on the shoulders of employers, according to experts."The state should have taken care of the loans with the COVID money it received from the government in 2021," said Marc Joffe, policy analyst at the Cato Institute—a public policy think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., in a statement to the Epoch Times. In the state's proposed 2023-2024 budget, $750 million was allocated to start paying down the loans, until Governor Gavin Newsom nixed the provision in early January, leaving businesses in the state responsible for the loans, as mandated by federal regulations - so that the federal unemployment tax rate of .6 percent will increase by .3% per year starting in 2023 until the loan is extinguished. "California is just not really an employer-friendly state," said Joffe. "This one thing will not be a difference between a business remaining open or closing, but it’s just another burden on top of the many burdens the state puts on employers." Source: Biden’s Big Lie Upended After Note Appears Underneath His Tweet: ‘Very Misleading’ Source: Deposits at JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo Shrank by $465 Billion Y-O-Y; More than Twice the Total of 4,000 Small Banks Deposits at 25 Largest U.S. Commercial Banks
5/8/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 54 seconds
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[DS] Forcing Biden Out,Terms Discussed, Assange, Rich On Deck,Stealth Bomber Incoming – Ep. 3063

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe economy is imploding on itself, businesses are laying off and the people see it in real time. The people cannot make ends meet so they are resorting to credit again. The Biden administration is losing on the debt ceiling fight, they will now try to extend it to the fall. Let's see what happens, red October? The [DS] is now removing Biden, he has become a liability, they are most likely discussing terms. JA and SR are now on deck, just in time for MO which will then turn the focus on BO if this scenario plays out. Will Wray make a move and be activated and go after antifa and the criminals when the time comes, we will have to see. The [DS] will now push war because this is their only option. The clock is ticking down.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Burger King to Close 400 Stores Nationwide Burger King is closing 400 stores nationwide by the end of 2023. It is unclear which locations will be closing down. TODAY reported:   Last month McDonald’s temporarily shut its US offices as it prepared for corporate layoffs.   Source:   Consumer Credit Shocker: Credit Card Debt Explodes At 2nd Fastest Pace On Record Just As Rates Hit All-Time High  So much for credit being tight.  latest consumer credit data from the Fed was released and it was a doozy: instead of printing at a "credit-crunchy" subdued level, with the Street expecting only a modest increase from February's $15 billion to $17 billion in March, the Fed reported that the actual amount of new credit card debt was a whopping $26.514 billion, smashing expectations by almost $10 billion.    Source:   Over 2,000 US banks are insolvent – Telegraph The US banking sector has recently been hit by a major crisis Almost half of the 4,800 banks in the US are nearly insolvent, as they have burned through their capital buffers, The Telegraph reported earlier this week, citing a group of banking experts. source: Goldman Sachs Under Investigation After Advising Silicon Valley Bank Before Collapse U.S. authorities are investigating Goldman Sachs after the banking giant advised California lender Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the weeks before its collapse, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulatory filing on Thursday. Goldman says it is “cooperating with and providing information to various governmental bodies in connection with their investigations and inquiries,” according to the filing. SVB hired Goldman to advise them prior to the bank’s failure, and the banking giant recommended SVB sell it a large portfolio of securities at a substantial loss to raise capital, a transaction that proceeded SVB’s collapse on March 10. Goldman suggested SVB sell it a $21 billion portfolio of U.S. government debt; the California lender followed the advice just hours later and eventually disclosed it had lost $1.8 billion in the transaction, according to The New York Times. The portfolio’s value plunged because of increasing interest rates, according to the NYT. Goldman stood to garner more than $100 million in fees from the deal.  Source: FDIC To Slap Banks With New Fees To Cover Bailout Losses: REPORT The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) plans to release a proposal to replenish funds spent bailing out depositors of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank in March by charging fees to banks with over $10 billion in assets,
5/8/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 11 seconds
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Biden Trapped, Shift In Narrative, Dog Comms, Sleepers Activated, The Time Is Coming – Ep. 3062

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found The people in the UK and Germany are now longer buying what the [WEF] is selling they realize that the GND will not work for them it works against them. The statistical manipulation does not work anymore because they people feel the economy getting worse. The Fed has lost control and trapped in all of this, full exposure coming soon. The [DS] is now trapped in their own agenda, Biden has become a liability, the criminal syndicate will need to take him out but make it look like it is for health reasons. The narrative is about to shift, [AS] release dog comms and Scavino sent a message about sleepers now being activated. The country is a mess and the D's are now going to sneak a new candidate in, which most likely it will be MO. Pain is coming to the [DS], the time is coming.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy      April Payrolls Smash Expectations After Huge Downward Revisions; Black Unemployment Hits Record Low  Ahead of today's jobs report, which we previewed earlier and where median consensus expects a drop in payrolls to 185K (which would be the lowest since 2021) with unemployment rising to 3.6%, many joked that at this point the job report is so rigged and "adjusted" that Biden's Dept of Labor may as well just keep going with fabricated numbers until the 2024 election. After all, one look at the chart below which shows the number of consecutive beats heading into today's print, confirms what a farce the "data" has become: everything in the name of a beat and a favorable press conference soundbite. Well, the cynics were right once again because moments ago the BLS reported a record 13th consecutive month of payrolls beating expectations... ... as April payrolls reportedly rose by 253K, a big jump from the the March number... ... and what is a 3-sigma beat of expectations of 185K. And speaking of previous prints, the March number was unexpectedly revised sharply lower, from a consensus-beating 236K (exp. was 230K) to a huge miss at 165K, a number which surely would have impacted the Fed's thinking and potentially put a premature end to the rate hikes. But wait there's more, because February was also revised lower by 78K, from +326,000 to +248,000, which would also have missed the whisper estimate.  With these revisions, employment in February and March combined is 149,000 lower than previously reported. And then there was a downward revision in January too... Combined, this is how the downward revision looked: And just like that, we get confirmation that every BLS number is only gamed to beat the current month consensus estimate so that Biden's admin can take props for handling the labor market ":better than expected." Turning to the unemployment rate, which we expect will also be revised dramatically higher just after the 2024 presidential election, it unexpectedly dropped from 3.5% to 3.4%, (an in fact 3.39% unrounded) stronger than consensus expectations for an increase to 3.6%.  Among the major worker groups, here are the the unemployment rates for adult men (3.3%), adult women (3.1%), teenagers (9.2%), Whites (3.1%), Blacks (4.7%), Asians (2.8%), and Hispanics (4.4%). Of note, the unemployment rate for blacks dropped to a record low.   Source:  THE BIDEN EFFECT: Layoffs and Job Cuts Expanding Far Beyond Big Tech in 2023 From the Business Insider:   A wave of layoffs that hit dozens of US companies toward the end of 2022 shows no sign of slowing down into 2023.Morgan Stanley and Dropbox are the latest companies to ...
5/5/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 16 seconds
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Roger Stone – [DS] Removes President’s, WWIII, Trump Will Negotiate Peace, Change Of Batter Coming

Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary ‘Get Me Roger Stone.’ A veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents: Nixon, Reagan, and Trump,he is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, the Clinton’s War on Women, The Bush Crime Family, and the Making of the President 2016 – How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution, and Stone’s Rules: How to Win at Politics, Business, and Style. Roger opens the conversation on how the [DS] has been removing President’s throughout our history, WWIII is upon us. Trump is the only person that can negotiate peace. Change of batter coming. Michelle Obama will be snuck in at the last moment.
5/4/20231 hour, 4 seconds
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Only At The Precipice Will People Find The Will To Change, BackChannels – Ep. 3061

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe UN/[WEF] are panicking, the countries around the world are not listening and moving fast enough, they want to accelerate the plan, big fail. The people are now pushing back on the GND. Biden admin are trapped in the debt ceiling, they will be blamed for the crash no matter which way the play this. Biden goes after Bitcoin. The [DS] is now moving us closer and closer to war. Ukraine allegedly sent a drone into Russia to assassinate Putin, Russia is ready to respond. Was this the [DS] pushing a war, yes. Do they want to arm Ukraine, yes. The [DS] will continue to build the narrative because the evidence is coming out about their criminal activities with Biden and Epstein. Trump lets everyone know that he solve the war in 24 hours and have peace. BackChannels are important.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy UN Secretary Laments World Not Adopting Sustainable Development Goals, Calls for New Commitment UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has announced that the world is falling short on the Agenda 2030 and called for nations to recommit to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. On Tuesday UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres revealed the latest Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Progress Report shows a significant lack of progress. Guterres noted that the world is halfway to the 2030 deadline but only 12 percent of the SDGs are on track to be completed. NYC co-op owners, covering over 800K apartments, rebel against massive climate law costing millions Middle-class co-op and condo building owners covering 800,000-plus apartments are rebelling against a massive city climate mandate — a green tax they claim will substantially hike housing maintenance bills to either pay for millions of dollars in upgrades or face gigantic fines beginning next year. Homeowners for a Stronger New York is battling the terms of the city’s Climate Mobilization Emissions Law  of 2019 — Local Law 97 — by next year while backing state legislation introduced by state Assemblyman Ed Braunstein (D-Queens) and Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) to require the city to provide property tax breaks to help alleviate the costs. The group is launching a six-figure digital and TV ad and mailing campaign urging elected officials that New York can have “affordability and sustainability” — targeting 18 Assembly districts in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx with a  0,000 Source: Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Testifies It’s Better to Get Rid of Jobs in USA, Live in Poverty and Save the Planet – Even if Rest of The World Doesn’t Do It  Joe Biden’s Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, explaining why it is better for the health of the planet if Americans lose their jobs, lose their economic sustainability, starve in feudal poverty, as the virtuous government ships all the dirty jobs to China and retains their clean pro-climate agenda.   In Haaland’s defense, it should be noted that this has been the policy of Canada for quite a while. Source: TAKE. A LISTEN 14 Million Jobs Will Be Slashed Globally By 2027 Owing To AI And ESG Standards: WEF  The World Economic Forum (WEF) has warned that the employment landscape will change drastically over the next five years amid increasingly widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI), the transition to green energy, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, and slower economic growth. According to WEF’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2023,
5/3/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 19 seconds
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Patriots Needed A Spark To Re-Ignite The Engine, Public Interest Forces The Sun To Shine – Ep. 3060

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found The [WEF] is now pushing the food shortages, but they are not food shortages, they are trying to force us to eat bugs. The people in the EU are now pushing back saying we are not going to eat bugs or go along with the GND.  The currency battle has been accelerated, the BRICS and the Private Western Central bank, the [CBDC] will fail in the end. The [DS] has miscalculated, Trump turned the tables on them and decided to take the long way around. He has all the time in the world, the [DS] does not. The people just needed a spark to wake up. Once the people see all the evidence public interest forces the sun to shine. The [DS] is trapped and now they are desperate which means they begin to do stupid things.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Fears UK faces new chicken shortage as experts warn industry is 'at breaking point' due to soaring costs The UK is facing a looming chicken crisis and potentially even more fruit and vegetable shortages due to prolonged cold weather, industry experts have warned. Rising costs are pushing poultry farms to the brink as many owners are now having to decide between cutting the size of their flocks or not continuing altogether.The National Farmer's Union (NFU) also warns of fruit and vegetable shortages The British Poultry Council warned: 'Without a fair price for product, British poultry is at breaking point. 'The price consumers pay for food does not reflect the cost of producing it. Such a system is unsustainable.' Source: Public Overwhelmingly Rejects Having Fewer Children, Giving up Meat For Green Agenda, Poll Finds  There is a major gulf between a willingness to return to what might be considered traditional living if it benefits the environment — only eating in-season fruit and vegetables, giving up ‘single use’ plastics and the like — and drastic civilisational change like not having children and giving up eating meat, research finds. Commissioned by The Guardian, a poll of 9,000 residents in European nations the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Denmark finds people want to do more to live in a good environment, but overwhelmingly reject extremist positions adopted by green zealots. Source: U.S. layoffs have hit their highest level in two years U.S. job openings fell for a third straight month in March and layoffs increased to the highest level in more than two years, Source: Five Arab States Plus Iran Among 19 Nations Ready To Join BRICS In total, 19 nations have expressed interest in joining the emerging-markets bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, according to Anil Sooklal, South Africa’s ambassador to the group. “What will be discussed is the expansion of BRICS and the modalities of how this will happen... Thirteen countries have formally asked to join, and another six have asked informally. We are getting applications to join every day,” the South African official told Bloomberg earlier this week. BRICS will hold its annual summit in Cape Town during the first week of June. The foreign ministers from all five member states have confirmed their attendance. Earlier this month, Bloomberg revealed that BRICS is expected to soon surpass the US-led G7 states in economic growth expectations. BRICS member states account for over 40 percent of the global population and arou...
5/3/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 53 seconds
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Hunter, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends – Ep. 3059

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The people in France are taking it anymore, the are pushing back with more protests. RFK jr is now red pilling the D's in regards to climate change. The economic system is falling apart and now the D's want [JB] to negotiate with the McCarthy. As more banks fail and the system collapses the restructuring is happening now. The [DS] is now struggling, the American people are not going along with their agenda. Companies are losing profits and the people are rejecting them. They are trying to get the narrative back but this is going to fail. Treason doesn't pay well in the end and Hunter is now in the hot seat. They will be going through his financials and the laptop is in play. The people are learning who and what the invisible enemy is and they are learning how to fight back. The people are going to love how this movie ends.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy May Day Protests Become Violent in Paris (Video) Violence has erupted in Paris again today with protests breaking out during May Day protests. The May Day rally takes place annually in support of workers’ rights. This year, 1 million people are expected to join due to the outrage over French President Emmanuel Macron raising the retirement age from 62 to 64. AP reports: Across France, thousands marched in what unions hope are the country’s biggest May Day demonstrations in years, mobilized against President Emmanuel Macron’s recent move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Organizers see the pension reform as a threat to hard-fought worker rights, while Macron argues it’s economically necessary as the population ages. While marchers were largely peaceful, groups of extremist protesters shattered windows of stores and banks in Paris, drawing tear gas from rows of riot police. One was filmed dismantling a surveillance camera, and French police deployed drones exceptionally to film unrest, a move that has raised concerns among privacy defenders and activist groups. Paris police detained 30 people, and clashes were reported in Lyon and Nantes. Paris May Day Protests  2023   Source: RFK Jr.: “Mega-Billionaires” are Using Climate Change to Usher in Totalitarian Controls of Population (Video) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by, you know, the the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big, you know, mega billionaires. The same way that COVID was exploited to use it as an excuse to clamp down top down totalitarian controls on society and to and then to give us engineering solutions. And if you look closely, as it turns out, the guys who are promoting those engineering solutions are the people who own the IPS, the patents for those solutions. It’s a way they’ve given climate chaos a bad name because people now see that it’s just another crisis that’s being used to strip by the wealth of the poor and to enrich billionaires. And I, for 40 years, have had the same policy on climate and engineering. You can go check my speeches from the 1980s, and I’ve said, the most important solution for environmental issues? Not top down controls. It’s free market capitalism. He could be running as a MAGA Republican with that agenda. Democrats must be very worried about RFK, Jr. His message makes too much sense. Will they be able to hide him in the basement from the Democrat base?   Source: 4077 Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1a100f No.9006940 May 2 2020 22:16:46 (EST)EWzD4lYXsAAJVbF.jpg
5/1/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 3 seconds
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Obama, Epstein On Deck, Seth Rich Message, Change Of Batter, Stay Tuned & Watch – Ep. 3058

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The [WEF] is pushing very hard with the great reset and the green new deal, they have now accelerated their plan, the people are now pushing back on their plan. Countries are now being downgraded, and the people are now hold the government's accountable. States are now protecting their lands from foreign purchases. The [DS] is trying to get the narrative control back, Obama and Epstein are now in the news, Scavino sends Seth Rich message. The [DS] is being brought down a path using game theory. The [DS] is now planning the narrative to remove [JB] and bring in Michelle Obama. Trump is letting everyone know stay tuned and watch because the [DS] is going to be brought down. We are witnessing the destruction of the old guard.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy California Pushes Diesel Big Rigs to the Curb: Full Ban by 2036 Diesel big rigs form the backbone of the U.S. commercial road transportation industry and their days are now numbered – at least in California. On Friday state regulators banned the sale of new diesel big rigs by 2036 and also passed new rules requiring all trucks be zero-emission vehicles by 2042.   UPI reports the Advanced Clean Fleets rule, which is the first in the world to require new commercial trucks, including garbage trucks, delivery trucks and other medium and heavy-duty vehicles, to be electric, was unanimously approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).     Last August, CARB finalized regulations that ban the sale of gas-powered cars in the state after 2035. California also plans to require all-electric trucking fleets by 2042. Source: Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning 'Hostile Foreign Nations' From Buying Farmland The Texas state senate passed legislation this week banning the purchase of farmland by citizens and entities linked to hostile foreign nations, a move which the author of the bill says will provide "sweeping state and national security protections." "This bill protects Texas farmland, oil and gas, rare earth materials and timber from being owned by foreign entities classified as hostile by the Director of U.S. National Intelligence for three consecutive reports. These nations currently include China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran," wrote Sen . Lois Kolkhorst (R) following the passage of her legislation by a vote of 19-12 in the state Senate on April 26. The Texas bill, SB 147, was introduced last November by Kolkhorst, and has the support of Gov. Greg Abbott (R). That said, the language of the original bill was toned down following criticism from some Democrats and locals over the bill banning property purchases of any individual who is "a citizen of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia." In the final draft, the ban does not apply to lawful permanent residents, US citizens or dual citizens. The property which the bill applies to includes agricultural land, improvements, mines and quarries, mineral deposits, and standing timber. It also grants the Texas attorney general the authority to investigate potential violations if "reasonable suspicion" exists that an individual or entity making a property purchase is associated with one of the designated countries.  Source: JPMorgan, PNC Bid to Buy First Republic Bank After FDIC Takeover – Seizure and Sale Could Come as Soon as This Weekend Another bank failure in Joe Biden’s America. JPMorgan Chase & Co and and PNC Financial Services have put in bids to buy First Republic Bank,
4/30/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 34 seconds
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Derek Johnson – Continuity Of Government Is In Place, Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary

Derek Johnson is a  United States Army Veteran, Retired, DV. 1776 nation which is, where breaks down the covert operation that is going on right now. Derek is also a 2 time Billboard Hit Artist and Songwriter, Derek is best known for his two Billboard Hits "Real Cool Kinda Hot" and "Right Beer Right.  Derek begins the conversation on how the government is under a different set of laws. The military is control under COG. Everything we are witnessing is part of the plan to bring down the [DS]. The last act will be cleaning up the low level foot soldiers, scare event will be necessary.
4/29/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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Assets Are In Place,It Will Send A Signal To Others,I Will Win,I Will Win,Sum Of All Fears-Ep. 3057

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found The countries around the world are heading into a recession, inflation is picking up again across the world. The [WEF] announced that it will accelerate their plan to bring us into the great reset. They believe they have a cover story and by using the debt ceiling this will fail. The [DS] is now panicking and they are desperately trying to get control of the narrative, this is failing. RFK is now red pilling the D's, the majority of the country will be awake and thinking logically when it all goes down. Scavino sends a message with, the song is from Sum of All Fears, Nessum Dorma. The people will be brought the precipice and at that point Trump will push peace and the assets will released to round up the foot soldiers. When dawn comes, Trump will win, he will win, he will win and the people will win.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Argentina's Central Bank sharply raises key rate to 91% amid peso slump Central Bank dramatically raises benchmark interest rate by 1,000 basis points, boosting key Leliq rate to 91% in bid to cope with inflation and economic crisis. The Central Bank’s board boosted its key Leliq rate to 91 percent from 81 percent,   Source:  California to Require ‘Zero Emissions’ Passenger Trains After 2030, Freight After 2035 The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has enacted new regulations that will require “zero emissions” trains to be introduced after 2030, focusing on a sector often seen as a “green” alternative to cars and trucks. The San Francisco Chronicle reports: Under the new regulations, zero-emissions models will be required for all switch, industrial and passenger locomotives built after 2030 and for all freight line locomotives built after 2035. Any non-zero emissions locomotive that is 23 years old or more will not be allowed to operate in the state past 2030.   Source:  Spring Selling Season Already Goes to Heck, Pending Home Sales Plunge. Banking Crisis to Blame?   March is with both feet in the spring selling season, when home sales jump and when prices move higher, and where everything looks rosy for a few months, no matter what, after the dreariness of winter.  Pending home sales – which are “a forward-looking indicator of home sales based on contract signings” – fell by 5.2% in March from February, according to the National Association of Realtors today, thereby annihilating the little-bitty gain in February that had sent all the headlines abuzz with hype. The index value was set at 100 for contract signings in 2001. Today’s value of 78.9 is down 21.1% from the index average in 2001. Compared to prior Marches, the index value of contract signings plunged… By 23.2% from March 2022 By 30.2% from March 2021 By 25.1% from March 2019. source: First Quarter GDP +1.1% Reflects Military Spending on Ukraine War, and Drop in Domestic Investment Along with Inventories  The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released their first quarter estimate of economic growth [DATA HERE] and the result of 1.1% growth shows how the U.S. economy has become dependent on government spending money we don’t have. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculation is a valuation of all goods and services created within the U.S. economy, minus the value of goods and services imported. Government expenditures (+0.81) drove more than 70% of the total GDP growth as national defense spending (Ukraine War) was a major federal component.  The local and state government spending increase was driven by higher wage rates...
4/28/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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Kash Patel – Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed

Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities. Kash begins the conversation talking the firing of Tucker, then the conversation moves into how Hunter will be indicted. The [DS] advocated the overthrow of the US government and the rule of law must be followed. The people are being exposed to their crimes.
4/28/202348 minutes
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Corruption At The Highest Level, Step Back What Do You See, Stage Being Set – Ep. 3056

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found The patriots are now pushing back on the GND, the house is now introducing a bill to remove and agency. Corporations are now cutting jobs at an alarming rate, the economy is imploding. The GDP came in around 1.1, the third consecutive decline. The Fed was tricked into saying the quiet part out loud, the recession is likely. The [DS] has been caught in the act, corruption at the highest level. The stage is now being set. The public is now seeing their crimes, how it was done and coordinated, once the public sees it they cannot forget and they are willing to accept more. The [DS] is panicking, they will now push the information war into a physical war, this is when the patriots will finish it.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy   EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Move To Eliminate Regulatory Office Pushing ‘Green New Deal’ Climate Policy Republicans in the House of Representatives, led by Virginia Rep. Ben Cline, will introduce legislation   that would eliminate the Federal Insurance Office (FIO), a regulatory organ created during the Obama administration. “The Federal Insurance Office’s burdensome regulations and oppressive federal oversight of each state’s insurance market are glaring examples of the federal government’s excessive overreach. Worse, the Biden Administration has weaponized this bureaucracy to implement its woke Green New Deal agenda in the regulation of insurance. State laws protecting the availability of insurance for millions of Americans should be defended, not used as a political football. Defunding the ever-expanding agency is a good step towards draining the D.C. swamp and returning oversight back to the states,” he said in a statement. Original cosponsors include Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, Wisconsin Rep. Glenn Grothman, West Virginia Rep. Alex Mooney, South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman, and Texas Rep. Randy Weber. Source: Chrysler Cutting 3,500 Union Auto Jobs Earlier GM cut 5,000 salaried workers and several hundred hourly jobs. Ford previously announced it would cut a total of 3,000 salaried and contract jobs, mostly in North America and India.  Now, today, Chrysler parent company Stellantis announces 3,500 auto sector job cuts. Stellantis owns the Jeep, Ram, Chrysler, Dodge and Fiat brands. Apparently, there is something in the U.S. economy that’s happening despite the great pretending…. Source: Dropbox laying off 16% of their workforce  Biden reacts to underwhelming GDP report: 'The American economy remains strong'  The Bureau of Economic Analysis published data Thursday morning showing the economy growing at a rate of 1.1% in the first quarter of 2023, falling short of both projections and the 2.6% posted in the fourth quarter of 2022. President Joe Biden celebrated the gross domestic product report, claiming in a statement that the results prove "that the American economy remains strong, as it transitions to steady and stable growth."   Source: One Of The Largest Banks In The United States Is On The Verge Of Going Under  First Republic had approximately 290 billion dollars in assets, and that makes it much larger than Silicon Valley Bank was when it finally imploded.  A 30 billion dollar rescue plan that was hastily put together last month was supposed to stabilize First Republic, but that hasn’t worked.  On Tuesday, First Republic shares fell by about 50 percent after the public learned that “customers withdrew more than $100 billion d...
4/27/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 52 seconds
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Bob Kudla – The [CB]/[WEF] Economic Agenda Is Failing, Inflationary Depression Is Upon Us

Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Trade Genius. Bob begins the conversation talking about the nuclear power plants shutting down in Germany, this will not end well. California is in trouble, the Green New Deal is destroying the economy and the people are not buying EV, they have flatlined. The [CB] push into [CBDC] is failing, the people are not buying what they are selling and the economy is heading into a depression.
4/27/202337 minutes, 31 seconds
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[DS] Swamp Is Being Drained, Wartime President, [Scare] Necessary Event – Ep. 3055

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe [CB] are now trying to convince the people that they are going to have to get use to their new lifestyle and they might get poorer as time goes on. The Yuan has now overtaken the Fed Note and the Biden admin are not negotiating the debt ceiling. Trump is a wartime president, which means the laws are different during a war. The patriots are controlling everything we see and the patriots are going to use this against them in the end. The scare event will be necessary to wake the people up and to conduct operations here in the US and abroad. The rest of the swamp will be drained once Trump returns to the WH.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Britons told to accept they are poorer British households and businesses need to accept that they are worse off and should stop asking for wage increases and pushing prices higher, the Bank of England’s chief economist, Huw Pill, said on Tuesday. According to Pill, “a series of inflationary shocks” generated by the pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and crop shortages have sent prices in the UK to a 40-year high. He claimed that in response to surging bills and other rising costs, workers and businesses are attempting to transfer the impact of inflation onto each other. People “try and pass that cost on to one of our compatriots, saying ‘we’ll be all right, but they will have to take our share too,’” Pill argued. He warned that the “pass the parcel game that’s going on here… that game is generating inflation, and that part of inflation can persist.” Instead, people have to realize that they are poorer because “if the cost of what you’re buying has gone up compared to what you’re selling, you’re going to be worse off,” he said. Source:   Political/Rights Chicago: Kim Foxx, Woke Soros-Backed Prosecutor Who Bungled Jussie Smollett Case, Won’t Seek Re-Election Kim Foxx, the Cook County prosecutor who nearly let disgraced actor Jussie Smollett walk scot-free, will not seek re-election in 2024. Foxx announced her decision during a speech at the City Club of Chicago at lunchtime Tuesday, CWB Chicago reports. She now intends to complete her term which ends in December 2024. Source: Judge rejects Trump DNA offer in E Jean Carroll rape defamation case This article is more than 2 months old Lewis Kaplan says Trump has missed his chance to provide DNA sample to rebut allegations first made by Carroll in 2019 book Donald Trump missed his chance to use his DNA to try to prove he did not rape the writer E Jean Carroll, a federal judge said on Wednesday, clearing a potential roadblock to an April trial. The judge, Lewis A Kaplan, rejected the 11th-hour offer by Trump’s legal team to provide a DNA sample to rebut claims Carroll first made publicly in a 2019 book. Source: Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump They got caught lying! The Miss Bergdorf Goodman case is financed by a big political donor that they tried to hide. Does anybody believe that I would take a then almost 60 year old woman that I didn’t know, from the front door of a very crowded department store, (with me being very well known, to put it mildly!), into a tiny dressing room, and …. her. She didn’t scream? There are no witnesses? Nobody saw this? She never made a police complaint?
4/27/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 36 seconds
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[DS] Panic Event, Treason, Sedition, Indisputable Evidence,This Is Only The Beginning – Ep. 3054

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe [CB]/[WEF] are now pushing shortages of products in the EU, this is part of their GND. The Biden IRA plan will not work, the plan has been accelerated and it will fail because the world will not be able to function. The plan to crash the market and blame it on the Republicans will fail. The [DS] is now in a deep panic, the treason has been exposed to the people, as the people learn about the other crimes the [DS] will need to shutdown communication, the information war will become a physical war. The exposure of their crimes is only the beginning, this is going to get worse and worse for them as time goes on, the people will see the truth. The evidence is indisputable.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Fears of toilet roll shortages as new law comes into effect A business owner has warned there could be a 'squeeze' on the amount of toilet paper available after a new EU ban on products linked to deforestation Fears of toilet roll shortages have sprung up once again after a new EU ban. The European authority plans to bring in a ban on products linked to deforestation and the boss of a toilet paper company has warned the change will have a "gigantic effect" on the industry. Mr Forbes said businesses reliant on virgin pulp as raw material will struggle to make the changes in time The "vast majority" of products like paper towels, facial tissues and toilet paper all use the raw material, which is garnered from newly harvested trees. Mr Forbes claimed some of the major brands that produce these products would have to spend "billions" on an "operational transformation" to keep step with the new laws. Source: John Kerry Says People will Soon ‘See Their Farms and Crops Ripped Away’ or “Their Homes Destroyed” Due to Climate Change (VIDEO)  Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry sat down for a one-on-one interview with Jen Psaki to discuss the ‘climate change crisis.’ Psaki asked John Kerry to make the case for making ‘climate change’ the number one issue for voters. A poll from far-left MSNBC revealed ‘climate change’ is the fifth most important issue for voters. As Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How John Kerry said voters should be most concerned about climate change because “it’s getting hotter” and “there are gonna be more intensive weather events.” “So as people see their farms, you know, the crops ripped away or their homes destroyed,” Kerry said. Farms and crops will be destroyed by climate mandates, NOT by climate change. Source: How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America Brain-dead Biden’s proposed Inflation Reduction Act ( IRA) is supposed to give us cheap “green” energy. We were told that the IRA would give us cheap ‘green’ energy for ‘only’ $400 billion in subsidies. In reality, the IRA has a limitless price tag due to its 1) limitless number of years, 2) limitless dollars per year, 3) limitless harm to our grid. The promise that for just $400 billion the IRA would give us cheap ‘green’ energy never made sense. If the ‘green’ sources the IRA was subsidizing were actually on the verge of being cheap, they wouldn’t need to be subsidized. If the IRA was trying to make low-carbon energy cheap—which is the only way to lower global CO2 emissions long-term—it would have focused on liberating low-carbon energy production from the anti-development ‘green’ regulationsthat...
4/26/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 45 seconds
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Information Warfare,No Sleep In DC,Transparency Brings Accountability,The Perfect Storm – Ep. 3053

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture Germany's green push is falling apart, the people are not going along with the [WEF]/[CB] plan. The Biden admin is now pushing the green agenda by getting rid of fossil fuel, but the country is not ready for this, big fail. The people are rejecting the [CBDC]. The information war is now heating up, the fake news outlets are preparing and restructuring and getting ready to try to control the narrative, this will not work. Transparency brings accountability and the people are now seeing more and more evidence that the country was overthrown by people who installed themselves in the White House. The perfect storm is not forming and the flood of evidence is coming. No sleep in DC. The hammer is coming down on the [DS].   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Germany's Green Energy Delusion Has An Enormous Environmental & Economic Price-Tag With the closure of Germany’s last three nuclear power plants, the country’s 60-year era of nuclear power generation has come to an end.  The huge expansion of solar and wind capacity in Germany is no guarantee of security of supply. The country is increasingly using coal instead of Russian gas. In fact, mines that had previously been closed down have had to be reopened, and a German energy company has even started to dismantle a wind farm to allow for the expansion of a neighboring coal mine. On average, 30,000 tons of coal are transported daily by trains from North Sea ports to large power stations across Germany. Last year, the war caused the country to increase its coal imports by 8 percent to 44.4 million tons. These are the hard facts. The Greens went after gas boilers, too. They will now be banned in German homes from 2024. Greens say they cannot meet their climate commitments otherwise. Source: Biden's EPA Plans Drastic New Regulations on Power Plants, Consumers Will Pay In his continuing war on fossil fuels, President Biden and the Environmental Protection Agency are planning to announce a severe new proposal forcing the nation’s power plants to dramatically cut their emissions by 2040. Similar efforts by Biden and President Obama before him were struck down by the Supreme Court. If implemented, the Environmental Protection Agency would set limits so stringent that fossil-fuel-burning power plants probably would have to use technology to capture their carbon dioxide emissions from their smokestacks or switch to other fuels to comply, according to the three people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a plan that is not yet public. The proposal is still under final analysis at the White House and could change before the EPA completes and announces it. There are 3,393 fossil fuel-fired power plants across the country, most of which are natural gas plants. Those plants generate more than 60 percent of the nation’s electricity, compared to around 14 percent produced by wind and solar. The plants account for around 25 percent of the nation’s emissions, according to the EPA. If approved, the policy would force many power plants to adopt expensive carbon-capture technology:   The power industry is—not surprisingly—pointing out that the nation isn’t ready to transition that quickly: “The expected EPA regulation is just the latest in President Biden’s anti-fossil fuels agenda, coercing the retirement of electricity sources that are needed during the grid transition,” Michelle Bloodworth, the president and CEO of America’s Power, a coal power trade group, told Fox News Digital.
4/24/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 33 seconds
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Conspiracy No More,The Evidence Is Clear,[DS] Advocated The Overthrow Of The US Government – Ep. 3052

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureCanada has no data on how regulations are going to reduce emissions. Biden Inflation Reduction Act gives the Green New Deal money to big companies and banks. US companies in talks with oil companies in Ukraine. BRICS are becoming larger that the G7 countries. The [DS] is now caught in a crime of all crimes, they advocated the overthrow of the US government. The truth is coming out and the evidence is building. Soon the evidence will point to [HRC] and [BO]. Its time to for the [DS] to give back the diamonds. The election fraud is being exposed and the people are learning that this was a coordinated effort to overthrow the government and the one of the main weapons was the plandemic.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Feds Have No Data On How Regulations Reduce Emissions: Audit Finds  The federal government does not know the extent that regulations are reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, despite committing $200 billion towards the issue.   An April 20 report released by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Jerry DeMarco, indicates that Environment and Climate Change Canada does not attribute emission results to specific regulations. The federal department does not measure, or report on, the contributions of each regulation toward meeting the set target for 2030. An audit by the commissioner concluded that Environment Canada “used modelling approaches to estimate greenhouse gas emission reductions.”   Source: Big Banks, Corporations Getting 90 Percent of Biden’s Green Energy Credits: Congressional Study Most of the green energy tax benefits provided by President Joe Biden’s $750 billion Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 are going into the coffers of big banks and billion-dollar corporations, according to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.). “Many of the same companies getting a green corporate welfare check have shed their American identity to do business with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and, as a result, our tax dollars are being funneled to Chinese entities that manipulate our key supply chains,” Smith continued. “While House Republicans are fighting for working families struggling to pay their gasoline and utility bills, House Democrats are prioritizing foreign nations and sending as many taxpayer-funded handouts to corporations as possible. With big banks pocketing three times more of these special interest tax breaks than any other industry, it’s clear Democrats are rewarding their friends on Wall Street that push their partisan ESG agenda,” the Missouri Republican said.  seven and a half months after that ceremony, among the major findings of the JCT analysis are that firms with over $1 billion in sales are set to receive more than 90 percent of the green energy tax subsidies provided by the IRA, and large banks and insurers receive in excess of 50 percent of the green energy tax breaks, far more than any other industry or sector, according to Smith. Source:   Naftogaz held talks with US oil companies about energy projects in Ukraine, Financial Times reports  Ukrainian state-owned gas company Naftogaz has held talks with Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N), Halliburton (HAL.N) and Chevron (CVX.N) about projects in Ukraine as the country looks to lure back foreign investment to its energy sector, the Financial Times reported on Friday.   The talks with Exxon and Chevron are at an early stage and would take longer to yield results,
4/23/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dr. McCullough – The Pandemic, Crime Of All Crimes, It Never Had To Be This Way, [Knowingly]

Dr. McCullough has made presentations on the advancement of medicine across the world and has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency, and the U.S. Congressional Oversight Panel. Dr. McCullough begins the conversation discussing how the vaccines never worked. The vaccines do absolutely nothing to help the spread or keep people safe. There was no reason to push the vaccines because there were other medications that would have stopped the pandemic. The world made up of the WHO, CDC, Doctors and Pharmacist were all in on the coverup, it never had to be this way. The coverup is now going to get them all.
4/22/202325 minutes, 30 seconds
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The [DS] Empire Is Being Destroyed One Truth At A Time, Future Proves Past – Ep. 3051

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureGermany is the model for the GND in Europe, the people are now pushing back, they are not buying what the [WEF] is selling. The [CB]/[DS] is pushing the GND in the US, this will fail as people observe how it destroys the country. The monetary system is being transitioned. The [DS] empire is now being exposed and destroyed one truth at a time. The evidence is coming out that Biden and the [DS] pushed to conceal [HB] laptop which interfered in the elections. The future is now proving the past. The people are seeing those who tell lies and those who tell the truth. As the truth continually being release the only route for the [DS] is war to try to cover all of this up. The patriots are counting on this and this is exactly where the [DS] is bringing us.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy How to Ruin an Economy: Germany to Ban New Gas and Oil Heaters in Buildings by Next Year  The German cabinet has backed legislation that would ban almost all new oil and gas heating systems for buildings by next year, despite widespread opposition from the public and concerns from within the coalition government itself. According to the draft legislation, the plan would cost the Geman public some 9.16 billion euros ($10 billion) per year until at least 2028 when the government projects that costs would fall to 5 billion per year on the expectation of ramped-up production of heat pumps. The move comes amid a wider push by the government to transition the German economy to climate neutrality by the year 2045. According to Reuters, heating represents over 40 per cent of the nation’s gas consumption, with nearly half of the 41 million households using natural gas for heating and 25 per cent using oil. The green agenda push is apparently not appreciated by the German public, who have been suffering under an energy crisis as a result of dried-up supplies of Russian gas, which former Chancellor Angela Merkel turned to in order to make up the difference between the energy needed and the amount supposedly green sources were able to produce. A survey conducted by Forsa found that 78 per cent of Germans are opposed to the legislation, as opposed to just 18 per cent who back the bill. Over six in ten people also told the pollster that they believed the move towards renewables would result in their heating bills costing more. Source: Whole Foods Is Cutting Hundreds of Corporate Jobs as Layoffs Hit Retail  Whole Foods Market is planning to lay off hundreds of corporate employees, becoming the latest to restructure its workforce amid a tightening macroeconomic environment. Source: BREAKING: Biden signs EO to enforce environmental social justice, enacts 'scorecards' The White House announced a new environmental justice scorecard that will assess federal agencies' records on "environmental justice." President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday, prioritizing so-called "environmental justice" across federal agencies, while also forcing agencies to be subjected to an environmental "scorecard."The order establishes a White House Office of Environmental Justice, headed by a Federal Chief Environmental Justice Officer who will oversee "environmental justice" goals throughout the government. The order says it will focus on ensuring that lower-income people and minorities are not subjected to "disproportionate environmental harms," especially those stemming from "a legacy of racial discrimination, including redlining."
4/21/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bix Weir – Good Guys Have Been Preparing For The Destruction Of The [CB],Secrets Will Be Revealed

Bix begins the conversation talking about bank failures, this is not just a hiccup, this is much larger, more banks are going to fail. The good guys have been preparing for the destruction of the [CB] system for a long time, the new system will be gold and silver, just like it says in the constitution. In the end all secrets will be revealed.
4/21/202343 minutes, 38 seconds
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Fauci On Deck, Fear Sets In For [JB], The Patriots Are Dropping The Hammer – Ep. 3050

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found The people are pushing back, Macron can't even walk down the street, the people are not going to take it anymore. Food prices are rising very quickly in Europe. [JB] pushing those with good credit to pay for those with bad credit, sounds like socialism. The Biden admin making a move to bring down the markets. The [DS] is scrambling now, the evidence that is pouring out is getting worse and worse. The patriots will push an impeachment, will the [DS] react and take him out using the 25th Amendment. The Fauci files were released and most likely this is just the start. The patriots are now dropping the hammer on the [DS], all movies playing at the same time, the people are waking up in droves, nothing can stop this, nothing.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Macron Hounded by Protesters During First Public Appearance After Signing Pension Reforms Emmanuel Macron was greeted with the sounds of pots and pans, and jeers as protesters gathered in Alsace on Wednesday to hound the embattled French president as he made his first public outing since signing his controversial pension reforms into law. During an attempt to show that he was not cowering behind the walls of the Élysée Palace, President Macron was met in turn with continued rage from the French public, who have been suffering under a cost of living crisis spurred in large part by coronavirus lockdowns — of which Macron was a champion — and the war in Ukraine, which the French leader has actively sought to continue through the shipment of French arms into the region. Source: Food Prices Hit Highest Level in Nearly Half a Century Amid Double Digit Inflation  Food prices in Britain have hit their highest level in nearly a half-century amid continued double-digit inflation, while wages fell yet again in real terms. According to research conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the consumer prices index (CPI) remained in double digits at 10.1 per cent in March. The inflation rate — the highest in Western Europe — was slightly down from 10.4 per cent from the previous month, however, food prices remained high, hitting levels not seen in 45 years. According to the government statistician agency, the prices of bread and cereals were up 19.4 per cent in the year to March, the highest rate recorded on record since the government began tracking such figures in 1989. Meanwhile, the sharpest price increases were recorded among food items produced with olive oil which were up by 49 per cent on the year, followed by milk products at 38 per cent, and ready-made meals, which were up 21 per cent over last year, the BBC reported. Meanwhile, Britons have been feeling the inflationary crunch in their paychecks as well, with the average worker being essentially poorer than they were last year, according to the National Institute for Economic and Social Research. The report found that real wages, which are calculated by comparing earnings with inflation, had fallen by 3 per cent in real terms over the previous year. Wage growth stood at 6.6 per cent in the three months leading up to February, however, this lagged behind the increase in the cost of living, resulting in an effective pay cut. Source: DC_Draino@DC_Draino Did you know “Environmentally friendly” windmills kill dozens of protected Eagles every year in America? ESI Energy was convicted in ‘22 & ordered to pay $8M+ in fines after 150+ eagles were killed at its wind farms in 8 states
4/20/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 51 seconds
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April Showers Brings Evidence Raining Down, [JB] Panic,Shot Heard Around The World – Ep. 3049

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe climate agenda being pushed by the [CB] establishment, this has already failed. Watch CA and Germany. LaGarde now pushing the idea inflation target will be higher than 2%. The D's/[CB] are trying to trap the R's and Trump by bringing down the market if the debt ceiling is not increased. The people see through this and are not agreeing with Biden. The [DS]/[JB] are now panicking over the evidence that is showering down. This cannot be stopped, the patriots are now exposing the crimes and it is just going to get worse. This will not end with [JB], evidence will lead to [HRC] and [BO], panic in DC. The people are soon going to hear the shot around the world.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy "It Wasn't A Mistake Or Slip": Lagarde Hints At Raising Central Bank Inflation Target   Lagarde added later in the day that once the 2% CPI target has been met, “discussions” can be had on changing it(!); central bank digital currency may be needed to deliver hypothecated fiscal spending and trade invoicing; in “systemic competition”, the bloc that does state capitalism/mercantilism best will fare better; and central banks’ role is at the heart of it. We are not talking 2% CPI, nor 2°C. This has vast implications across every asset class, the economy, and the political economy. To have given this speech, Lagarde would have had to have cleared it with layers of stakeholders. It wasn’t a mistake or slip. It was a deliberate, establishment-approved declaration: we face an open-ended global political-economy competition with policy drift in just one direction, not a rate-hiking cycle, or a pause, and certainly not a pivot. And how did the market react? It didn’t. How did the financial press covering every market cough, sneeze, and shill react? It didn’t. Source: Biden Has Put America on Course for a ‘Forever Recession’  It’s no secret Joe Biden is floundering. Louis Navellie has just issued an urgent warning for all Americans. According to his research, Biden has caused a new crisis that could be bigger than the Black Monday collapse of 1987, the dot-com crash in the 2000s, and the 2008 financial crisis combined. He’s calling it Biden’s “Forever Recession,” and he says it’s already begun. He says this new economic disaster could devastate the American economy and especially the financial markets for the next 10 years or even longer. Businesses will fail, retirement accounts will shrivel, and the American dream of financial security will never become a reality for millions. Source: House Republicans To Propose Lifting Debt Limit By $1.5 Trillion, Or Until March 31 2024 House Republicans will propose lifting the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion, or until March 31, 2024 - whichever comes first,  As Punchbowl reported earlier Tuesday; Speaker Kevin McCarthy For the first time in his career, McCarthy is charting the course for House Republicans in a high-stakes negotiation. The 58-year-old McCarthy — now the top Republican in the country — has been around these types of skirmishes for the better part of a dozen years, but he’s never called the shots. McCarthy’s strategy is to try to pass something — anything — to show that he can move legislation through a fractious House. In McCarthy’s view, this will force Biden to negotiate and may shift the onus on Senate Democrats to pass their own bill. Here are McCarthy’s challenges: No. 1: McCarthy wants to pass a debt-limit bill with just one wee...
4/19/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Plandemic Just Fell Apart, [DS] Panicking, All Movies Playing At The Same Time – Ep. 3048

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe GND is falling apart in Germany, they are paying 45% high electric costs, and they need to get nuclear energy from France. The fuel prices are moving up again and the Biden admin are trapped in this. The Ds are planning to crash the market when the Rs don't raise the debt ceiling, playbook known. The entire [DS] is exposed, censoring, corrupt DOJ, FBI,CDC, Epstein and now the plandemic is being exposed. All movies are playing at the same time and the people of the US are waking up to it all. Nothing can stop this, nothing. As more evidence comes out it is going to get worse and worse of the [DS], this is why they are preparing for riots and chaos, playbook known.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Patri0tsareinContr0l@Patri0tsareinContr0l NBC News now warns that climate change is altering the taste of wine in Napa Valley, a “taste that the local economy relies on” Ernst & Young Announces Cut of Almost 5% of US Workforce, Roughly 3,000 JobsOn Monday, Big Four firm Ernst & Young announced they will cut almost 5% of its US workforce, roughly 3,000 jobs. According to reports, the cuts will primarily impact EY’s consulting business. The move comes after the unit’s objection squashed the firm’s plan to break up its audit and consulting units. Source: David's Bridal Files For Second Bankruptcy In 5 Years, To Lay Off 9,200 Workers Bridal retailer David's Bridal is going to be laying off more than 9,200 workers nationwide but plans on staying open after filing for bankruptcy for the second time in just five years. As the chain gets ready to deal with a busy prom and wedding season, a notification of the layoffs was filed with the Department of Labor in Pennsylvania, according to Source: Gas Prices on the Rise Again But This Time the Strategic Oil Reserves Are Empty  Gas prices are again on the rise under the Biden gang but this time they can’t use strategic oil reserves replenished by President Trump to keep the prices down.  Gas prices are again on the rise. The average cost for a gallon of regular gas is up 21 cents from just one month ago, North American analysts are reporting… Drivers in the Northeast can expect a sharp increase in gas prices over the next couple of weeks as operators transition to summer-fuel blends, De Haan said. shows that prices are going up.   President Trump sees what’s going on. Source: Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Gasoline has just hit a 5 month high. Now that Biden has emptied the Strategic Oil Reserves, which should never have been done, here we go again…And so unnecessary. I had oil and gas at long term Record Lows - And NO INFLATION! Two-Thirds Of Americans Say Inflation Is Gutting Their Paychecks: POLL Continual inflation has hurt Americans, with roughly two-thirds of them reporting their wages cannot keep up, according to the most recent CNBC All-America Economic Survey. Only 5% of Americans say their household income is outpacing inflation, with 67% stating it is falling behind and 26% saying it is keeping up, according to CNBC. The vast majority of the public is adjusting their spending habits and lifestyles due to inflation, with 81% saying they are taking measures like reducing...
4/19/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 1 second
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The [DS] System Has Been Exposed, Warning Has Been Sent, Wrays Of Light – Ep. 3047

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureGermany shuts down their nuclear plants and Finland turns theirs on, lets see what happens. Watch CA, California wants to bill your electricity usage according to your income. The system is unsustainable, the people will choose the new system. The [DS] is being exposed, the people now see that the FBI censored and controlled the narrative. The FBI had access to all DMs. The criminal syndicate thought they were safe using Twitter DMs, now they are panicking. The authorities arrested Chinese for operating an illegal police station in the US. Trump sends warning to Fox and other about election interference. Either admit their was or go down with the ship, your choice.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Europe’s largest nuclear reactor enters service in Finland  Hours after Germany closed out its atomic era by turning off its last three nuclear reactors, the largest single reactor in Europe entered regular production in Finland, its operator said Sunday. The next-generation Olkiluoto 3, now producing around 14 percent of the country’s electricity, is expected to remain operational for “at least the next 60 years”, according to the site’s operator TVO. Germany meanwhile officially ended decades of nuclear energy use by turning off its last three nuclear reactors on Saturday. With a capacity of generating 1,600 megawatts, Olkiluoto 3 is the single largest nuclear reactor in Europe, while Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia plant, with its six reactors, is the largest nuclear plant. Finland had been hoping to rely on the new reactor for its electricity needs earlier this winter, given fears of energy shortages after Russia, a major supplier to Europe, invaded Ukraine and cut off gas exports in response to Western sanctions. Source: Biden to announce free and taxpayer-subsidized health care for 580,000 DACA recipients  President Joe Biden is reportedly set to expand the health plans available to hundreds of thousands of people who illegally immigrated to the United States as children.   So why is Joe Biden handing it out for free?  Why isn't he at least billing the DACA recipients' host countries for the cost instead of dumping it onto the U.S. taxpayer?  What we see here is simply gravy to a favored constituency, with a bailout to the blue states that have overcommitted to pay for illegals' "free" health care, and a big price tag for the taxpayers attached.   , Biden keeps lowering the cost, raising the incentives, handing out the gifts.  As life gets better and better for illegal aliens in the States, it gets worse and worse for everyone else.  Biden's priorities are utterly backwards, unless one interprets it as his being utterly hostile to American voters.  Many people already suspect this, but this giveaway to foreigners utterly nails it. Source: California Power Companies Propose to Bill Electricity Partly by Income  California’s power companies are proposing to bill electricity consumers partly according to their income, rather than just on usage alone. Los Angeles-area news station KTLA reports: Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, and San Diego Gas & Electric submitted a joint proposal to the state’s Public Utilities Commission last week that outlines the new rate structure. It follows last year’s passage of Assembly Bill 205 which requires a fixed rate and generally simpler power bills. Under the proposal,
4/17/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 43 seconds
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Trump: Time To Restore Justice To Our Justice System,Mission Good,We Are Ready – Ep. 3046

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The GND is backfiring, Germany is now shutting down their nuclear power plant.  Supreme Court ruled that student loans can be cancelled but a trillion dollars will not be canceled. The deficit is growing and the currency is transitioning into a new currency. Trump signals that we need a new justice system. The [DS] is deploying all assets to get Trump, this will fail because the people are not buying it. War is approaching and it will wake up a lot of people, those who did not want to see the [DS] will be forced to see them. The people are ready to take this to the next phase and the mission is looking good.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy  Oil markets could see a supply shock of 2 million barrels a day this year as OPEC and Russia slash production Global oil markets could see a supply deficit of 2 million barrels a day in the fourth quarter. That's after OPEC and Russia announced steep cuts to crude production. Meanwhile, oil demand is expected to hit a fresh record high later this year. Reparations Committee Member Says Money Is ‘Least Important Piece’ As Cost Estimate Reportedly Reaches $800 Billion One member of the California reparations committee recently said the “dollar figure” of the committee’s reparations proposal is the “least important piece,” while economists have reportedly predicted an $800 billion price tag. Democratic state Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the California Reparations Task Force into law in 2020. The group aims to put together a proposal on how to atone for a legacy of discrimination against the state’s black residents. A cadre of economists tapped by the task force say a comprehensive reparations program that addresses a legacy of discrimination in policing, healthcare and housing may cost the state roughly $800 billion, NBC News reported in March. Source: Supreme Court says you need to pay off other people's student loan debt  The Supreme Court just handed thousands of student loan borrowers a victory. The nation's highest court ruled on Thursday in favor of $6 billion in student debt relief for 200,000 borrowers — a result of a settlement from a years-long lawsuit now known as Sweet v. Cardona.  The lawsuit was first filed in 2019 under former President Donald Trump on behalf of borrowers with stalled borrower-defense claims, or claims that borrowers can file if they believe they were defrauded by the school they attended.  If approved, their debt would be wiped out. President Joe Biden's Education Department agreed to a settlement last summer, and a federal judge signed off on the relief in November.  Shortly after, three schools named in the settlement appealed the decision and requested that a lower court pause the relief as the legal process plays out.  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the request, and now the Supreme Court came to the same conclusion. "The application for stay presented to Justice Kagan and by her referred to the Court is denied," the Supreme Court wrote in its very brief decision.  It offered no explanation for its decision. The American public is now on the hook for another $6 billion.  Our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren will be paying this off, along with all the other debt incurred by the previous three administrations. For your information, the following is the National Debt incurred by each administration since 2000: From 1776 to 2000 (43 Admins) $5,751,743,092,605 2008 George W. Bush Admin $3,458,844,351,
4/16/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 59 seconds
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Devin Nunes – US Has Been Infiltrated, Obama Orchestrating It All, Truth Will Set Us Free

Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how they are trying to stop the merger. The [DS] is panicking because Truth would become bigger than they could ever imagine. The country  has been infiltrated, Obama is running the show. The corruption needs to be removed. Platforms have been created for the digital soldiers to spread the truth.
4/14/202353 minutes, 6 seconds
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You Are Witnessing The Systematic Destruction Of The Old Guard, Down She Goes – Ep. 3045

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The French are not taking it, they are continually pushing back by protesting. The [CB]/[WEF] want control over travel. Food prices are moving up and the fake news admits inflation is heating up. Fed confirms recession, the crisis is upon us. The [DS] is being pushed down the patriots want them to go. This is about exposing the [DS] plan to wake the people up. The leak timing is very interesting, the Biden admin and the fake news are reporting on it and they are going after the leaker with everything they have. JS is investigating all the crimes Biden and the [DS] has committed, how do you introduce evidence. What you are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard, and the old guard is fighting back with everything they have, all assets will be deployed this election. Down she goes.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy The French are out again, a sea of people in Paris on the eve of a decision of the Constitutional Council over pension reform. Biden’s EPA Remakes the Auto Industry The U.S. auto industry is nominally still privately owned, but it is slowly becoming a de facto state-directed utility. That’s the meaning of the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed new vehicle-emissions standards Wednesday that will force-feed the production of electric vehicles, whether or not consumers want them. The EPA is using its authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate tailpipe pollutants. But make no mistake this isn’t about clean air. This is about forcing auto makers to produce more EVs that consumers will have no choice but to buy since there will be few gas-powered vehicles left. The EPA lacks the legal authority to mandate EVs, but it will do so indirectly by setting CO2 emissions standards for 2027 through 2032. The standards are so strict that auto makers must electrify their fleets to meet them. Under the proposed rules, EVs would account for about two-thirds of light-duty vehicle sales in 2032, up from a mere 6% or so last year. Auto makers such as Ford and Stellantis have recently announced layoffs owing to rising EV costs. They are shifting investment to EVs from internal-combustion engines, meaning fewer gas-powered cars for sale with higher prices. Gas-powered cars are subsidizing EVs, which aren’t profitable though they cost 10% to 40% more than alternatives. Source: New Yorkers flee over taxes, housing prices: ‘The city literally spit us out’ A shocking 27% of New Yorkers plan on leaving the Empire State within the next five years, a new study suggests. A shocking 27% of New Yorkers are planning to leave the Empire State in the next five years, with 30% saying they wish they lived somewhere else, according to a poll from Siena College Research Institute released Wednesday. Affordability, ease of retirement, politics and crime and safety were among New Yorkers’ biggest gripes, according to the poll. Among the most dissatisfied: Republicans, independents, black people and those earning under $50 thousand a year. Priced out of housing market Outgrowing roommates Cash-strapped from taxes Source: Online Grocery Prices Up 10.3 Percent In March As Inflation Continues To Bite  Online grocery prices continued to rise by double-digits in March, as inflation continues to bite. The March CPI report projected that food prices would increase by 7.5 percent in 2023, particularly for nine additional food categories, which have experienced consistent growth since last year...
4/13/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 4 seconds
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Harley Schlanger- The CIA/[DS] Grip On The World Is Coming To An End, The World Is About To Change

Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization.  Harley begins the conversation talking about the Ukraine war and the leaked documents. The CIA/[DS] are now losing their grip on the world. The world is changing and moving away from the Federal Reserver Note. The [DS] will not pursue peace they want war, but the people around the world do not, their mission will fail and the world shift away from their hold.
4/13/202342 minutes, 42 seconds
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Biggest Threat To This Country Is The [DS], [JB] Panicking,Nothing Can Stop This,Justice – Ep. 3044

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PicturePeople are moving out of the cities, the cities will collapse in the end. Biden is using the SPR to keep fuel levels and inflation steady, this will not last long. People can see the inflation in food, shelter and insurance, they are not fooled. The IMF is now pushing the [CBDC], this will fail in the end. The biggest threat to this country is the [DS]. They have infiltrated the country from within. Trump has accelerated their plan at warp speed and the people are now seeing the criminal syndicate. Trump needed the people to see who the true criminals really are before justice can be served. [JB] is now panicking because everything that he has done to stop Trump has backfired and the people see the truth, justice is coming.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Two million people fled America’s big cities from 2020 to 2022 Two million people fled America’s largest cities from 2020 to 2022, new research shows, signaling that a retreat from urban centers to suburbs, exurbs and smaller cities in the early months of the pandemic has hardened into an enduring and potentially worrisome trend. More than 1.2 million people left the nation’s large urban counties between July 2020 and July 2021, according to a report published this month by the Economic Innovation Group, a bipartisan public policy organization. Another 860,000 people departed between July 2021 and July 2022. Only a fresh influx of immigrants saved big cities from dramatic population declines. Even with the immigrants, 17 of the nation’s 25 largest counties suffered population losses between April 2020 and July 2022, according to census data tabulated by The Hill. In 10 of the largest U.S. cities, half of all offices sit empty, according to weekly data from Kastle Systems, a company that manages office-access security. Remote work has transformed the nation’s downtowns, and not in a good way. Source: Biden Admin Drains SPR For 2nd Week In A Row As Granholm Confirms Refilling Plan    Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm confirmed that the US plans to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to levels seen prior to President Joe Biden’s historic release last year following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.   But she appears to be full of shit as the Biden admin actually drained the SPR for the second week in a row (the 1.6mm barrel draw more than offset the 600k build in commercial stocks)... WTF Jenny? Source: "Probably Means The Fed Is Done Hiking": Wall Street Reacts To "Cooler" CPI Report  It usually doesn't take long for Wall Street's "hot takes" to come flooding in after the CPI report, and today was no exception. Below we have collected some of the fastest reactions to the headline CPI miss, although as always, these mini narratives are entirely contingent on what prices end up doing, so if markets reverse their early gains, don't be surprised if the authors pull a 180 degree flipflop. Knowledge Vital, Adam Crisafuli: "The huge 100bp dip in the Y/Y pace of inflation is a big, positive development, and probably means the Fed is done hiking. However, the Y/Y pace of core inflation rose M/M for the first time since Sept 2022, and this is what the Fed cares most about (which means Powell and his colleagues will be stubborn in pushing back against any talk of rate cuts). While this CPI is bullish for stocks, we think the Q1 earnings season will matter much more for the S&P." BMO Capital Markets, Ian Lyngen:
4/13/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 41 seconds
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Election Interference At The Highest Level, Biden Just Received The Death Blow – Ep. 3043

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture Germany is preparing to discontinue their nuclear power plants, this is not going to go well. Business are now moving out of the blue cities, crime and economy have gotten worse. The push for gold and bitcoin is now on the table, the people are waking up and they are realizing we need sound money. The [DS] are continually committing crimes, they are not following the rule of law because they are in the desperate phase, they know if they don't remove Trump it is game over. Trump and the patriots know this and they want them to walk down this path, the more they do proves that they interfered in the election. Biden just received another death blow, documents report that he was involved in the raid of Mar-a-Lago. When you look at the 40000ft view the people can see the election interference very clearly.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Downtown San Francisco Whole Foods Closing a Year After Opening One of the largest supermarkets in Downtown San Francisco—the Whole Foods Market at Eighth and Market streets—intends to shut down at the close of business Monday just a little more than a year after the store opened, company officials told The Standard. “We are closing our Trinity location only for the time being,” a Whole Foods spokesperson said in a statement. “If we feel we can ensure the safety of our team members in the store, we will evaluate a reopening of our Trinity location.” A City Hall source told The Standard the company cited deteriorating street conditions around drug use and crime near the grocery store as a reason for its closure. Since the start of the pandemic, Downtown has suffered a massive loss in foot traffic due to remote work. Many small businesses have shuttered, while examples of extreme poverty, drug use and mental illness on the street have become more apparent. Fears of a “doom loop” in which a cascade of negative financial impacts compound have spread across the city, and City Hall officials currently expect a nearly $800 million deficit in San Francisco’s budget.   Mejia said she wasn’t surprised about security concerns being the reason for the store’s closure. “I’ve seen security run into the store real quick before, like, something happened,” she said.  Source:  / POLL: Americans Overwhelmingly Disapprove Of FDIC Bank Bailouts A vast majority of Americans do not approve of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) using its reserve funds to rescue large depositors above the insured limit, according to a new poll released by Convention of States Action in collaboration with The Trafalgar Group on Tuesday. More than 70% of the 1,000 likely voters surveyed stated the FDIC should not spend its reserve funds to rescue big depositors — many in the millions — when they were only covered up to a quarter of one million, according to the report. They were conducted between March 20-22, just over one week after federal regulators announced they would bail out all Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank depositors, including those over the typical $250,000 insured cap using the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). Only 17% of voters said the FDIC should use its reserve funds to bail out large depositors when they are only covered up to the standard cap, according to the poll. Roughly 13% said they were uncertain  Source: Three GOP Reps.
4/11/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 4 seconds
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[DS] Makes An Information War Move, Criminal Syndicate Just Put Themselves In Legal Jeopardy – Ep. 3042

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe economic system is breaking down, people are now resorting to credit and when the there is no more credit to use the people are going to have a very difficult time making ends meet. During the process the [CB] will push their agenda and it will get worse for them as the people wake up. The [DS] they are pushing everything they have left at Trump, they don't care if it doesn't follow the rule of law they know that if they don't go all out it is game over. During this period of time the people are seeing these people for who and what they are and the people are rejecting them. They [DS] is pushing hard and they have now put themselves in legal jeopardy. Everything they are doing will boomerang on them.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Recession Warning? Consumer Debt Climbs But Pace Slowing American consumers continued to pile on debt in February, but the pace of borrowing slowed significantly, another sign the economy could be heading toward a recession. Overall, consumer debt grew by $15.3 billion in February, a 3.8% annual increase, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve. That compares with an upwardly revised 19.5 billion increase in January. Americans now owe a record $4.82 trillion in consumer debt. The Federal Reserve consumer debt figures include credit card debt, student loans, and auto loans, but do not factor in mortgage debt. When you include mortgages, US households are buried under more than $16.9 trillion in debt. Household debt charted the biggest increase in two decades in the fourth quarter of 2022. Credit card debt grew at a much slower pace in February, in line with the drop in retail sales. To put the numbers into perspective, the annual increase in 2019, prior to the pandemic, was 3.6%. It’s pretty clear that Americans are still heavily relying on credit cards to make ends meet.   Americans now owe a record $1.22 trillion in revolving debt. The bigger problem is the double whammy of rising debt and rising interest rates. Average credit card interest rates eclipsed the record high of 17.87% months ago. The average annual percentage rate (APR) currently stands at 20.11%. Does this indicate Americans are getting close to the end of their ropes? So, what happens when consumers max out those credit cards? How will they make ends meet? How will it impact an economy that relies on borrowing and spending to limp along? And how will the Fed slay price inflation without popping the massive debt bubble? Finally, expect delinquencies to rise as a larger percentage of consumers, 10.87% vs 10.63% in prior month, expect to not be able to make minimum debt payment over the next three months. Source: Fed Survey Shows Inflation Expectations Re-Accelerated In March, Credit Access Worst Ever    Median inflation expectations increased by 0.5 percentage point at the one-year-ahead timeframe to 4.7%, the first increase in the series since October 2022. Median inflation expectations for the three-year-ahead horizon edged up 0.1 pp to 2.8%. Source: Bloomberg  Source: The so-called “excess compensation tax” comes from SB 5767, sponsored by State Senators Christine Rolfes and Emily Randall. It would pose a 7.5% “excise tax” on hospital administrator jobs that Democrats deem overpaid. The bill defines “excess compensation” as one that exceeds 10 times the average annual wage of workers statewide,
4/10/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 6 seconds
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[DS] War Drums Are Getting Louder, Trump Is Fighting For The People, Boom – Ep. 3041

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureTrump and the patriots are now weakening the [CB] bank system. Globalism is dead and the [CB] is losing power because nations are dropping the Federal Reserver Note. As more and more nations do this the [CB]/[WEF] will not longer have power, this is the reason why they want IRS agents with weapons. The [DS] is struggling, they have tried everything against Trump and it has all failed. The people are awake and thinking logically. The [DS] war drums are getting louder, they want war and Trump wants peace. Trump is fighting for the people, he is the lion. The [DS] plan for chaos/riots and war will fail, the patriots know the playbook.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy IRS Chief Reveals Hiring Plan For Armed Agents Dubbed “gun-toters,” the armed special agents in the unit are responsible for enforcing those parts of the tax code in which violations amount to crimes, according to former IRS Special Agent Robert Nordlander. According to the IRS-CI’s annual report (pdf), there were roughly 2,077 special agents in the criminal investigations unit as of the 2022 budget year, which represents around 2.6 percent of the IRS’s entire workforce. The IRS employed 80,006 full time staffers as of the 2022 budget year, according to the agency’s strategic operating plan released on April 6. The plan indicates how the IRS plans to use the $80 billion in new funding provided by Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act. The new cash infusion would be used to hire thousands of new employees, improve tax enforcement and customer service, and audit wealthy taxpayers and corporations. The plan indicates the agency intends to hire nearly 30,000 new full-time employees during the 2023 and 2024 fiscal years, including 8,782 hires in enforcement and 13,883 in taxpayer service. Source: Political/Rights George Soros' Son a Frequent White House Visitor, Records Show The son of left-wing billionaire George Soros, Alexander Soros, has been a regular guest of the White House ever since President Joe Biden assumed office in 2021, according to official records. The records, first reviewed by The New York Post, show the young Soros has made at least 14 trips to the White House since October 2021 and held discussions with various officials throughout 2022. It is understood his visits mainly involve representing the interests of his 92-year-old father. The visitor logs also show that Soros, who is the chair of the left-wing philanthropy organization Open Society Foundations founded by his father, had made previous visits to the White House. These included meetings with Adame on October 14th, Srivastava on September 14th, and Finer on three separate occasions in 2022. The updated log also disclosed that Soros had meetings at the White House with Kimberly Lang, a former executive assistant to the National Security Advisor, on October 6, 2022. He also held meetings with Madeline Strasser, a former Klain advisor, on October 29, 2021, and April 22, 2022.   Source:  Adam Schiff Accused of Leaking Classified Info: ‘A Felony’ Former House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff allegedly leaked highly classified information so frequently that a former CIA director claims he was forced to limit how much information he gave to him and his staff. McCarthy  had received a briefing from the FBI about the relationship that led him to believe Swalwell is too compromised to be on the committee and be exposed to highly sensitiv...
4/9/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bill Holter – The People Will Reject The [CBDC], Gold Backed Currency, Fed Restructuring Coming

Bill Holter is a Financial writer and gold expert, Bill also helps individuals purchase and store precious metals, he is a broker for Mile Franklin. The eastern nations are now moving away from the federal reserve note. Once these nations begin to back their currency by gold we are going to see hyperinflation. The people will experience this and demand change. The fed will be restructured and the CBDC will be rejected.
4/8/202339 minutes, 54 seconds
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[DS] Preparing To Remove [JB], Narrative Shift, The Path Forward Has Been Set – Ep. 3040

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe people are pushing back against Macron, they know what he did, he is using the people's money to bailout the bankers. The people are not going along with the [CBDC], in the end they will push back. The states are now pushing back and are ready to link digital currency to gold, game over. The [DS] is prepared to remove [JB], he is a liability and the fake news is now building the narrative . Trump set the path forward, he aloud the [DS] to indict him on the local level. Now the local prosecutors can go after the [DS] players, this is a game changer because a precedent has been set. The [DS] is now preparing a narrative shift because everything they tried hs failed, now they must take it to the physical level.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy   FDA approves lab-grown 'GOOD Meat' chicken product, second such authorization in US Lab-grown food company GOOD Meat received FDA approval for its 'cultivated chicken' product on Tuesday The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a "no questions" response to GOOD Meat, marking the company's lab-grown chicken product safe to eat. "We have no questions at this time regarding GOOD Meat’s conclusion that foods comprised of or containing cultured chicken cell material [are] as safe as comparable foods produced by other methods," the FDA said in a March 20 letter to the company. The FDA’s letter "clears a crucial step in bringing GOOD Meat to restaurants and retail in the US," GOOD Meat said in a statement Tuesday, adding that it "is now working with the US Department of Agriculture on necessary approvals."  Cultivated meat is derived from a small sample of animal cells that are fed nutrients and grown in steel vats before being processed into cuts of meat. Source: FDA approves lab grown chicken. Developed by a company owned by ... yup ... BILL GATES.   Biden moves to 'increase grocery bills for our families' President Joe Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill   that would limit his administration’s broad interpretation of the “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule that grants the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) significant new authority. The president rejected the bill, arguing that his administration’s new rule provides “clear rules of the road” to protect both economic efforts and water quality under the Clean Water Act, according to the veto. The rule dramatically expands the traditional limits of WOTUS — which allow the EPA to regulate navigable waters — to include all territorial seas, interstate waters, adjacent wetlands, traditional waters’ tributaries and some artificial reservoirs. “The resolution would leave Americans without a clear definition of ‘Waters of the United States,'” Biden said in the veto. “The increased uncertainty caused by H.J. Res. 27 would threaten economic growth, including for agriculture, local economies, and downstream communities.” Following a presidential veto, “Americans will need to hope the Supreme Court makes it clear that these EPA bureaucrats are way outside the authority that Congress actually provided in the Clean Water Act,” S “The Biden administration’s WOTUS rule creates unnecessary confusion & burdensome red tape for [Montana] farmers, ranchers & landowners—that’s why the Senate voted to overturn it,” Republican Sen. Steve Daines said in a tweet immediately following the announcement. “[Joe Biden’s] veto today shows just how far he’s willing to go to impose big government regulations on [Montanans].”
4/7/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 29 seconds
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Another Move Was Just Made On The [DS], Subpoenas Issued, Traitors, Those Awake Can See – Ep. 3039

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe people are fighting back against economic tyranny, this will accelerate around the world. The [CB]/[WEF] are now trying to make it impossible to travel by increasing the cost. The [CB] said the quiet part out loud, they are against all other currencies. Trump lets us know that Biden is destroying the currency. The [DS] is panicking, they have used everything against Trump, now all they have left is a case that is so far out there that people are going to wake up knowing that this has nothing to do with the law, this is a political hit on Trump. Jordan issues subpoenas. RFK enters the ring, the [DS] is in trouble, the push to remove Biden is on, they will fight back and go after RFK, but lets see how this turns out, will the [DS] take out Biden.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy  Delta, United, and American Are Slashing Flights at 3 Major Airports, as of May 15 THE "BIG THREE" CARRIERS COULD CUT UP TO 10 PERCENT OF THEIR DEPARTURES FROM THE DESTINATIONS.  This summer, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, and JetBlue Airways have all confirmed they will be cutting back departures from the New York City area, Airline Weekly reports. The carriers will reduce their volume at John F. Kennedy Airport, LaGuardia Airport, and Newark Liberty Airport in nearby New Jersey to help ease delays and other issues during the upcoming busy travel season. The changes could potentially affect up to 10 percent of each airline's departures from each of the transportation hubs. The move comes after a meeting held with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on March 29 to discuss ongoing issues related to a shortage of air traffic controllers. Last month, the agency said that it expected only to have 54 percent of the necessary staff working in the New York City area and anticipated delays on about 45 percent of all flights from the region if traffic was not decreased, Bloomberg reported. Source: Trump’s tariff time bomb threatens to blow up transatlantic trade EU negotiators fear they’ll never get a deal on averting steel tariffs with the US before an October deadline expires.  Negotiators from Brussels and Washington are scrambling to solve a five-year dispute over steel and aluminum dating back to former U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to slap tariffs on European imports. They have until October to get a deal but are still so far apart that European officials now fear the chances of an agreement are slim. Without a deal, both sides could reimpose billions of dollars worth of trade tariffs on each other’s goods — potentially spreading well beyond steel to hit products including French wines, U.S. rum, vodka and denim jeans. While U.S. negotiators are still hopeful that an agreement can be reached in time, the political fallout of failure for President Joe Biden would be serious, with U.S. exports facing a hit just ahead of his potential re-election battle in 2024. More broadly, another breakdown in trade relations between Europe and the United States would heap further pressure on a relationship that is already under strain from Biden’s green subsidies package for American industries. The transatlantic disagreement is a hangover from the days of Trump, who imposed tariffs on €6.4 billion worth of European steel and exports in 2018. The tariffs were extra sensitive because Trump had impose...
4/6/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Swamp Is Fighting Back, Forced Projection & Reaction, Evidence Injection – Ep. 3038

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Companies are continually laying off and as this continues on the people are going to get angry. The GND is being pushed and they are removing all incandescent light bulbs. Jamie Diamond wants to take land from people to put up solar panels and wind mills. Trump sends message, the reserve currency is coming to an end. The [DS] did not get what they wanted, the did not get the propaganda show so now they are using the fake indictments to drag it out thru the Presidential election, this is called election interference. All evidence shows that Trump did nothing wrong. Trump needed this to happen so he could inject evidence legally. The swamp will continue to fight, this is there only option, they know they don't have many moves left.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Walmart Cutting 2,000 Jobs amid ‘Trepidation and Uncertainty’ Walmart has begun laying of 2,000 workers at a number of fulfillment centers to help the retail giant contend with an uncertain economic climate.  1,000 in Texas, 600 in Pennsylvania, 400 in Florida, and 200 in New Jersey. Source: OPEC+ Production Cut Followed Biden Admin Refusal to Refill Strategic Petroleum Reserve   Source: Political/Rights Geopolitical/Police State Twitter just labelled NPR as US state media Democrats Who Participated in Mob at TN Capitol Stripped of Committee Assignments, Could Face Expulsion  Last week, when a mob of leftists invaded the Tennessee state Capitol, some Democrat lawmakers joined in with the group. Now they have been stripped of their committee assignments and could even face expulsion from the legislature. Shouldn’t they also face jail time, according to the rules of the left? Shouldn't anyone that entered the capital be thrown into prison awaiting trial.  Expel them and prosecute them. Those are the rules, aren’t they? FOX News reports: Tennessee lawmakers lose committee assignments after storming state Capitol     Source: War 4154 May 08, 2020 3:10:56 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8e0875 No. 9082082  SHADOW PRESIDENCY. [Hussein] pre-post [F] travel [SHADOW] POTUS? Q 4196 May 10, 2020 1:07:52 AM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: eaffbb No. 9105563  THE SHADOW PRESIDENCY. THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT. Why did [Hussein] SHADOW POTUS re: [F] trips? Why did [Kerry] SHADOW POTUS re: Iran? Why did [Kerry] SHADOW POTUS re: [CLAS 1-99]? 4314 May 24, 2020 3:56:43 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7531da No. 9300453 THE SHADOW PRESIDENCY. Q Cyber Attacks False Flags Q BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Marred by Yet Another Voting Machine Malfunction  ...
4/5/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 51 seconds
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[DS] Took The Bait & Went Down The Path,When Do Birds Sing, Discovery, Fire In The Hole – Ep. 3037

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureApple is laying off and other companies are laying off. The companies hired people that were not qualified and now they are laying them off and the these people are complaining about racism etc. Yellen says the quiet part out loud, she explains what the playbook is. The people will make the final decision. The [DS] believes they have the strength, that they have Trump exactly where they want him. They are also using this to get his base angry so they can push chaos later on, this is all they have. Trump needs this to happen so he can use this against them. They are doing this to a Presidential candidate so this means it is now open game and this can be done to anyone that is running for President. Think discovery, this will be used against them in the end and those that brought charges will be the one in trouble.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Apple announces first corporate layoffs, letting go of employees in retail division Apple has started laying off employees from its retail division. It is worth noting that these are the first reported layoffs of full-time employees at Apple. Although it is currently unclear how many employees will be affected,   However, it appears that Apple can no longer act as an example of a company that hasn't resorted to laying off employees. The jobs being cut are in the division that handles building and upkeep for Apple's retail stores, and affected employees have been told that they have until the end of the week to apply for other positions at the company. Apple is offering up to four months of severance pay for those that aren't able to stay. source: After NPR's Major Layoff, Employees Accuse CEO Of Racism That's exactly what's been playing out at NPR. Last week, looking down the barrel of a $30 million budget shortfall, NPR slashed 10% of its staff across all its departments.   Temperatures started rising with an exchange between a fired black employee and the lily-white, 65-year-old Lansing. The employee -- whom Bloomberg didn't dare assign a gender -- said some podcasts didn't get marketing support, and quoted specific executives purported past assurances. The employee also asked, in Bloomberg's words, "how NPR would make diversity work essential." Source:  Gallup: 83% of Americans View Economic Conditions as 'Poor/Only Fair'   BITCOIN AND THE BANKING CRISIS: CAN DECENTRALIZATION COUNTER THE TRADITIONAL ECONOMY’S FAILURES? TRANSPARENCY AND TRUST WIN THE VOTES  Bitcoin's source code is open and transparent, allowing developers worldwide to scrutinize, audit and contribute to its development. This collaborative approach to development helps identify and resolve potential security issues more effectively compared to other cryptocurrencies. So, whenever traditional financial institutions fail, consumers shift their trust toward Bitcoin, and this will continue to happen until centralized authorities change their mismatched and often aggressive monetary policies.  However, as banking failures and economic crises become more persistent, Bitcoin’s trust and adoption continue growing. As a result, we will continue to see more financial ecosystems built on this decentralized network, more traditional businesses incorporating BTC and more consumers adopting the leading cryptocurrency — not just as an investment option but also as a financial...
4/4/20231 hour, 13 minutes
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[DS] Fell Into The Quicksand, Enough Is Enough, It’s Getting Hot, Election Interference – Ep. 3036

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureOPEC is now cutting oil production, the people are now going to feel the pain, fuel costs and inflation are going to accelerate. Raising rates is destroying the economy. Trump's tax cuts have now trapped Biden and the [CB] is being dismantled on a massive scale as each country remove the federal reserve note from their reserves. The [DS] fell into the quicksand and they will never be seen or heard from again. Everything is in motion, Trump is in NY and the [DS] believes they have the upper hand, they don't. Trump has trapped them once again and this will be used against them. They election interference case (insurrection) is getting stronger and stronger. Never interfere with an enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves. MI is now monitoring and collecting all evidence, this is the only way forward.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Here Comes Pain – OPEC+ Makes Surprise Oil Production Cut Announcement, The Global Cleaving Continues Despite the fact the Western Alliance have created the policy that will deliver pain to their citizens, not a single government leader will look at this move as a bad thing. The pain will not be felt by the elites, it will only hit the citizenry.  Lowered oil production outputs that drive up gasoline prices and fuel inflationary drivers, expedite the Build Back Better narrative and objective. However, that said, in context to this announcement, a pain that will hit the Western economies of the alliance represented in yellow, the last 18 months of moves by Mexico makes President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador look remarkably prescient.  The new strategic relationships and trade partnerships between China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India and beyond, take on an added geopolitical dimension.  l Source: Manchin is Angry Biden Regime is “Writing Rules and Regulations That are Totally Foreign” to What He Thought the “Inflation Reduction Act” Would Do (VIDEO) Democrat Senator Joe Manchin  said the Biden Regime is “writing rules and regulations that are totally foreign” to what he thought was in the Marxist Green New Deal dubbed the “Inflation Reduction Act.” Manchin signed the “Inflation Reduction Act” and now he’s claiming the Biden Regime is not adhering to the original legislation. Last July Manchin surprised Washington DC elites and the mainstream chattering class when he announced his support for Joe Biden’s green new deal funded by nearly $800 billion in new tax hikes. The Green New Deal will crush the coal and energy sector in his home state of West Virginia. But it will make the windmill manufacturers in China rich. Source: When the Fed spiked interest rates from ~0 to ~5% over the past year, it had 3 main effects: 1. Undercut value of bonds, especially long-dated bonds. 2. Made lending more expensive, particularly for large purchases like real estate that have to be financed. 3. Increased government borrowing costs. These effects are just math and have to play out through the financial system. I think they will roughly correspond to the 3 stages of the financial crisis we’re in: 1. Small/regional bank crisis precipitated by unrealized losses on long-dated bonds. 2. CRE crisis precipitated by credit markets seizing up for new loans and impairment of existing CRE loan portfolios (which are also unrealized losses). 3. Government debt crisis precipitated by spike in debt service costs at federal level,
4/3/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 26 seconds
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If The Criminals Control It All, What Must Be Done? There Is Only One Way, Equal Justice – Ep. 3035

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The GND will not work, the energy cost is to high, this is not about real science this is about a political agenda. The young are figuring out that college is not worth the cost. The [CB] is in the process of being dismantled. The [CB] system is being brought down. The [DS] has nothing with Trump, the indictment is for show and to make his base angry this will not work. The criminal syndicate and infiltrated almost every part of our country. The only way forward is to allow the [DS] to continue to commit the crimes. The patriots always knew we needed to go out of the system if we were going to bring down the [DS]. The setup is almost complete, everything they are doing to Trump will be done to them, Nothing can stop this.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy The Energy Transition Is A Delusion Indeed  The obstacles confronting the “energy transition” are fundamental — they are caused by the very nature of unconventional energy — driven by massive costs, technical and engineering realities, severe constraints in terms of needed physical inputs, and at a political level growing local opposition to the unconventional energy facilities central to the “transition.” These realities — there’s that word again — are discussed in detail in a major recent paper by Mark P. Mills of the Manhattan Institute.   Europe, the U.S. and Canada, Australia and the other regions that have pursued power grids with a higher share of wind and solar electricity uniformly have experienced large increases in electricity costs, and even that effect hides the costs of the massive subsidies borne by taxpayers. It costs at least $30 to store the energy equivalent of one barrel of oil using lithium batteries, which explains why batteries cannot compensate for the unreliable nature of wind and solar power even for days, let alone weeks. “There is no physics, never mind engineering or economies of scale” that would overcome this cost disadvantage. The time cost alone of recharging an electric vehicle makes such vehicles uncompetitive, even apart from the costs of the batteries and other problems. The International Energy Agency estimates that only a partial energy transition would require increases in the supplies of lithium, graphite, nickel, and rare earths by 4,200%, 2,500%, 1,900%, and 700%, respectively, by 2040. This staggering problem of materials is “inherent in the nature of SWB technologies,” which means that the cost of unconventional energy will rise even more.   Source: Yellen Warns Next Crisis Could Come From 'Shadow Banks' And Regulators Must Act Shadow Banks in Crosshairs In her speech, Yellen called for tighter regulation of the growing non-bank or “shadow bank” sector, which includes money market funds, hedge funds, and crypto assets. In the traditional banking sector, there are rules and measures in place to reduce the risk of bank runs. Alongside capital and liquidity requirements for banks, there are also deposit guarantees provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which all reduce the likelihood that depositors will rush to withdraw their savings at the first sign of trouble. “Yet the financial stability risks posed by money market and open-end funds have not been sufficiently addressed,” Yellen cautioned. Fed's Yellen expects no new financial crisis in 'our lifetimes'  - JUNE 27, 20171:49 PMUPDATED 6 YEARS AGO
4/3/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds
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Bait Taken, Hunters Now Become The Hunted, Precedent, Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened – Ep. 3034

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The [CB]/[WEF] agenda failed before it even got started. Trump and the patriots knew the playbook and countered and the [WEF] had no choice but to continue their agenda. Trump has already signaled that the economy will be easy to turn around. This can only be possible if the [CB] is removed. The [DS] is panicking, they know Trump has the goods on all of them. The indictment is for show, the real push is to get the Trump supporters angry, they need an event to distract and explain why the Trump supporters are rioting. This will not work, this will fail like everything else. The [DS] has taken the bait and they opened pandora's box, they have now set precedents that will be used against them, the hunters have now become the hunted.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy GERMANY’S SECOND-LARGEST STOCK EXCHANGE TO ENABLE INSTITUTIONAL BITCOIN TRADING THROUGH SUBSIDIARY   Boerse Stuttgart Digital, a subsidiary of the second largest stock exchange in Germany, has received the final license as a cryptocurrency custodian from Germany's financial regulator, BaFin. The license allows the exchange to provide institutional investors the ability to trade bitcoin on the platform as well as to act as a custodian. The exchange has been offering custody services through its Blocknox platform since January 2020, under a provisional license. With this new licensing, it will join the ranks of several major international firms officially entering into the bitcoin custodial and trading industry as of late. Source: Political/Rights Geopolitical/Police State War    False Flags UK Athletics bans transgender women from competing in female category UKA said competitions it licenses would be run under the new World Athletics regulations when they come into effect from midnight on 31 March. It added it "appreciates the efforts" of World Athletics to "protect the female category". The governing body - which contributed to the formation of World Athletics' policy - said it had received the "required assurances" that the sporting exemption in the Equality Act 2010 applies to the Gender Recognition Act 2004, after previous concerns. That exemption states sporting organisations can discriminate on grounds of sex in a "gender-affected activity" and discriminate on grounds of gender reassignment where necessary to secure "fair competition" or "the safety of competitors". Source: Q Judge Authorizes Manhattan DA Bragg to Make Trump Indictment Public A New York judge on Friday authorized DA Alvin Bragg to make the Trump indictment public. “A judge has authorized the Manhattan district attorney to disclose to the public that the...
3/31/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 56 seconds
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[DS] Lost The Court Of Public Opinion, The Bait Has Been Set, Years Of Planning – Ep. 3033

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe Biden admin are pushing their agenda through agencies, they don't have the ability to create laws and the House is calling them out on it. Newsom is trapped in his reparations. The World is removing the Federal Reserver Note, optics are important. Trump can turn the economy around. The [DS] has now lost the court of public opinion. Every time they attacked Trump it was an attack on the American people and this woke the American people up. Trump has been baiting them in from the beginning and now he has almost completed the setup and the sting operation. The last part is to allow the [DS] to bring up to the brink of war, this will jolt the rest of the people awake. Years of planning but now the people are awake and ready to battle the [DS].   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Electronic Arts cutting 800 jobs, roughly 6 percent of workforce Rep. Ashley Hinson Grills SEC Chair Gary Gensler over Climate Change Disclosure Rule  Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) grilled Securities and Exchange (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler over the agency’s move to enact onerous climate change disclosures for businesses. Hinson asked, “Where in here specifically did Congress give you the statutory authority, the jurisdiction, to enact this climate rule?” Gensler said that the agency has to ensure that investors get to decide based on “full, fair, and truthful disclosure.” Hinson interrupted Gensler, noting that the Securities Act and the Exchange do not appear to provide the SEC statutory authority over securities and greenhouse gases. “What it does say is that when a company does offer a sale of a security to the public, that the public gets the description of the business, the material information, and that they can’t mislead the public, and what’s happening now is that the public, well over a thousand companies today, in the markets, that are putting out disclosures about climate risk,” Gensler said. “We are merit neutral,” Gensler claimed. He said that they are trying to bring consistency to the disclosures that companies are voluntarily providing to the public, which raises the question about the need to force other companies to disclose the alleged risk of climate change and extreme weather. “Well it’s very clear in these sections, it is not explicit as far your lane is concerned, and I say it’s time to reel it in,” she said. Source: Gavin Newsom is cornered by the reparations clown show he unleashed Aaron Kliegman reports for Fox News: The California Reparations Task Force, which was created by state legislation signed by Newsom in 2020, is considering a proposal to give just under $360,000 per person to approximately 1.8 million Black Californians who had an ancestor enslaved in the U.S., putting the total cost of the program at about $640 billion. The task force's final recommendations for reparations will be submitted to the California Legislature, which will then decide whether to implement the measures and send them to Newsom's desk to be signed into law. Democrats totally control both houses of the legislature, and who among them would vote against reparations? Blacks’ share of California’s population is well below the national average, but in a state utterly dominated by the left, it would take courage – and leadership from the governor – to go against the fad (and left wing obsession) of reparations.   So, Newsom is caught. Either he takes on the entire reparations movement, which is the darling of the left wing of the Democrats,
3/30/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 56 seconds
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[DS] Prepares Their Next Move, Crimes Against Children Unite All Humanity, Game Over – Ep. 3032

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found The people around the world are fighting back, the Italian gov have backed a bill to ban lab produced meat. The people of France are fighting back. Pensions are in trouble in this country. Nations around the world are decentralizing. States are decentralizing taking on other currencies. Trump sends economic message. The [DS] is now prepping to try to take back control of the information war. They are now pushing a bill which will fail. They are also coordinating with the big social media platforms for their next move. The pandemic kicked it off, then the [DS] brought in the drag shows with the trans people to groom the children. The border crisis is now being exposed and how it is used for child tracking and sex enslavement. Crimes against humanity, go after the children the people will unite. The precipice is approaching once it does it is game over.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy  Gavin Newsom Claims Victory over Oil Companies in ‘Price Gouging’ Law  California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) claimed victory Tuesday over oil companies with the signing of a law that caps their profits and punishes price gouging — though there is little evidence they are engaged in the practice. California gas prices are usually the highest in the nation, a fact that became painfully clear during nationwide price surges last summer. But as been widely documented, including by the New York Times, that has to do with state taxes and with climate change regulations. One oil company CEO responded last year to claims of price gouging by noting that California has a “very hostile regulatory environment for refining,” limiting supply. Ironically, Newsom’s family owes its wealth to the oil industry. His late father served as the trustee of the oil fortune of the Getty family, and was close friends with members of that family, one of California’s oil dynasties. Source: Chicago’s Public Pension System Owes More Debt Than 44 States Chicago’s public pension system is in dire straits. According to a report from Equable Institute, Chicago’s core public pensions, which include municipal, laborers, police, fire and the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund, hold more debt than 44 states with a combined pension debt of nearly $48 billion. According to Illinois Policy Institute: Source: BREAKING: Katie Hobbs VETOES GOP Bill Eliminating Food Tax Amid Skyrocketing Inflation After Claiming “I’m Not Going to Say No to Anything If There’s a Way to Provide Relief for Arizonans”  Katie Hobbs on Tuesday vetoed the GOP legislature passed SB1063, titled, Food; Municipal Tax; Exemption, which would eliminate the grocery tax across the state, saving Arizonans money amidst the ongoing inflation crisis. Senator Sonny Borrelli, the bill’s sponsor, told The Gateway Pundit, “she would rather have windfall taxes go to cities on the backs of people that need to survive on essential items like groceries consumed at home.”    Today, Hobbs tweeted a thread claiming that this tax cut would increase taxes on Arizonans despite the massive surplus in state funding these cities are expected to receive.     Source: Report: 62% of American Consumers Live Paycheck to Paycheck   Those who indicated they were living paycheck to paycheck without issues paying their bills maintained credit card balances equaling 62 percent of their savings, and those who were living paycheck to paycheck and had trouble paying their bills had credit card debt exceeding their available savings ...
3/29/20231 hour, 17 minutes
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[DS] Losing Their System, Pushing Chaos, No War, No Civil Unrest, Clean & Swift – Ep. 3031

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe companies that pushed the woke agenda are losing business, the people are not buying or using their products. Katie Hobbs the fake Gov is sitting on a bill that would remove the taxes from groceries, she has done nothing so far. The patriots are now giving economic solutions, the [CB] will reject. The [DS] is panicking, they have lost control of their system, everything they setup from the beginning is now gone. The [DS] is still following the 16 year plan and the latest mass shooting backfired on them. Now they are shifting gears, they want control over all information and they are making the trans community angry by saying it's MAGAs fault.  The [DS] will push chaos and try to push civil war, this will fail. Then they will push war by using nuclear weapons. The peacemaker will step in and the world will shift.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Disney Terminates Entire Metaverse Division  Now you see it, now you don’t. Disney is eliminating its entire metaverse division as part of the impending mass layoffs destined to impact as many as 7,000 employees, a report Monday claims. The Wall Street Journal set out the nature of the sackings that will see just division head Mike White remain in what was once hailed as its “next-generation storytelling and consumer experiences unit.” The metaverse team, per WSJ, was tasked with “finding ways to tell interactive stories in new technological formats using Disney’s extensive library of intellectual property.” It employed approximately 50 people, all of whom have been let go with immediate effect, according to the WSJ. source: NEW: Katie Hobbs Expected to Veto GOP Bill Eliminating Food Tax as Inflation, Gas Prices Rapidly Rise – Previously Said She Would “Certainly” Work With Republicans While Campaigning Last week, the Arizona House passed Senate Bill 1063, sponsored by State Senator Sonny Borrelli, which will prohibit cities, towns, or other taxing jurisdictions from levying sales tax on groceries. Not a single Democrat voted for this measure to help Arizona families experiencing historic inflation in some of the Country’s hardest-hit cities.   The bill was transmitted to Katie Hobbs’ office on March 23, and, based on her history since her installation, many expect her to veto the food tax elimination sponsored and passed by Republican lawmakers. As of 3/28/23, Arizona’s average gas price is 80 cents higher per gallon than the national average at $4.236 per gallon, up from $4.194 four days ago. Maricopa County averages $4.564 per gallon, up from $4.526 four days ago. The price has consistently risen since last month. According to Forbes and Wallethub, Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale is tied at #2 for cities with the highest inflation as of March 14, 2023. However, Katie Hobbs is more focused on passing meaningless legislation that will not help Arizonans. As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, Hobbs signed her ninth Executive Order titled “Prohibiting Race-Based Hair Discrimination,” as inflation runs rampant and the southern border remains wide open. Hobbs previously vetoed Senate Bill 1184, which would have ended rental taxes on residential property. State Rep. Leo Biasiucci indicated that the food tax elimination will likely be vetoed and responded to a tweet in which Katie Hobbs called for a ban on sales tax for tampons, asking, “Why is she OK removing the tax on tampons & diapers but not on Food and Rent?!?!?” Kari Lake War Room tweeted, “signing this bill is a no-brainer.
3/28/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 33 seconds
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Flynn/Clark – The People Are Waking Up, They See The Evil, Now Is The Time To Take Back The Country

With more than 33 years of service in the United States military and current Chairman of America’s Future, General Flynn’s military career culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer. After retiring from the Army in 2014 and as a private citizen, General Flynn went on to serve in a variety of business, educational, and non-profit roles, to include supporting veterans’ organizations around the country, something he continues to do today. General Flynn is a National Bestselling Author, holds three master’s degrees, and is recipient of numerous military, intelligence and law enforcement awards. Clay Clark hosts Time to Free America rally and is a businessman. The conversation begins with Gen Flynn talking about the economy, how they want to usher in the CBDC. The economy is crashing and it will wake the people up. Clay breaks down what the WEF wants to do. The people need to understand who is behind this and how they are trying to bring us into the GR and GND, with this knowledge the people can fight back.
3/28/202342 minutes, 29 seconds
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[DS] Prepares For Communication Blackout, Countermeasures In Place, Durham – Ep. 3030

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe [WEF] wants the people to eat bugs, we the people reject this agenda. Everything the [DS]/[CB] touches fall apart, just look at at the blue states. Economists are no predicting a recession, states are fighting back against the [CBDC]. The [DS] is in a deep panic they have lost the narrative and they don't have the ability censor like they once did. They will now need to try to control the communications. This will fail, countermeasures are in place. Durham is prepared to release more information. The J6 fake insurrection is falling apart and this will lead ot the real insurrection on Nov 3. Trump is continually pointing out how the [DS] has interferred in our elections. Nothing can stop this, nothing. The patriots are in control.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Second Large Chain Closes All Locations in Portland: Cracker Barrel Permanently Shutters Remaining Area Restaurants    Portland is an increasingly violent place and facing a growing homeless crisis. Local officials do not seem terribly interested in finding solutions or protecting citizens. Failed Portland Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler appeared to laugh and scoff at a woman during a virtual city council meeting when she raised concerns about the homeless crisis in the city and the safety of Portland’s citizens.  Local businesses have shut their doors because of the violence, crime and theft. Even major national chains have had enough.  Walmart is closing the last two locations it has in Portland, Oregon this month. The company’s official line about the closings is that it has to do with store performances, customer needs, and other corporate speak. And now Cracker Barrel has announced the shuttering of its remaining Portland area locations. Fox 5 Vegas reports:   Source: US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: It Will Take Years to Replenish Strategic Petroleum Reserve  When the Biden Administration sold off 221 million barrels of crude oil from the SPR last year, the idea was to buy oil to replace what was withdrawn. In October of last year, the Administration announced that it would repurchase crude oil for the reserve when prices were at or below about $67-$72 per barrel. The move would be dual purpose in that not only would it replenish the nation’s depleted reserves, but it would boost demand when prices were low instead of sending them into orbit at a time or regular prices. In December, the Administration said that it had plans to make the first of these repurchases. The Administration issued a solicitation for 3 million barrels of sour crude oil, with bids due by December 28. Contracts were to be awarded by January 13. At the time, WTI was trading around $74 per barrel. It later declined the finalize its own buyback plan, saying that it did not get offers that met its terms for price or quality. Today, WTI is trading at just over $71 per barrel—a price that many forecasters don’t think will stick around for long. But according to Granholm, refilling the SPR at $70 per barrel will be difficult this year. In fact, according to Granholm, it will take a few years to replenish. The SPR currently holds 372 million barrels of crude oil, down from 638 million at the beginning of 2021. It is the lowest level since December 1983. Oil was first delivered into the U.S. SPR in 1977. * source:
3/27/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 16 seconds
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Warrior, Justice, The Lion Has Been Unleashed, Retribution Is Coming, Panic In DC – Ep. 3029

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The people aren't taking it anymore, the protests are continuing in France even though the protests were banned. The people want Macron to resign. John Kerry climate agenda is backfiring on him. The end of the Federal Reserve is near. There is panic in DC, the warrior is now on the hunt, justice is coming. The lion has been unleashed and the criminal syndicate is going to be destroyed. The Ds are fighting for the their lives, their system is being dismantled and they cannot stop it. They are now maneuvering to shutdown communication, start chaos and bring us to war. The patriots know that this is where this is all headed and the countermeasures are in place. The World is helping.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy † Dr.C 17 †@InevitableET “In France Riot-Police joined the protesters. Soon everywhere.”  John Kerry Busted Telling Whopper Over Private Jet Travel, Threatens More Climate Mandates But at another point in the interview, Kerry was challenged about his own carbon emissions due to private jet travel. “You recently switched, I read, from flying private to flying commercial,” Adler remarked. “No, I didn’t fly private while I was in this job,” Kerry claimed. “Oh, okay,” Adler replied. “It’s just a misnomer,” Kerry went on. “I’ve had one, maybe two private flights, which were US military flights in order to get to China during Covid, where we were forced into that.” “But I fly commercially,” he said. Not so fast. According to federal data, John Kerry’s family jet emitted over 300 metric tons of carbon dioxide since the Biden administration began running up to July 2022. “Kerry’s family jet, a Gulfstream GIV-SP, has made a total of 48 trips lasting more than 60 hours and emitted an estimated 715,886 pounds, or 325 metric tons, of carbon since President Biden was sworn into office, according to federal data obtained by Fox News Digital via FlightAware. The plane belongs to Flying Squirrel LLC., a charter company owned by Kerry’s wife Teresa Heinz-Kerry and in which Kerry reported owning a more than $1 million stake on his most recent financial disclosure,” the report stated. The report added that the climate envoy flew to the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, Germany, which held a UN summit with represenatives from 40 countries to negotiate emissions reductions and climate financing for developing nations. “No,” a Kerry spokesperson said in an email to Fox News Digital when asked if he would travel to Germany via private jet. “Secretary Kerry travels commercially or via military air in his role as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate,” the spokesperson added. In 2019, Kerry took a private jet to Iceland to receive the Arctic Circle award for climate leadership. Kerry defended his private jet travel as “the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle” to prevent climate change. “If you offset your carbon — it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Kerry claimed.   Source: Shoppers Buying Groceries at Dollar Stores as Food Inflation Persists New data show that more consumers have been turning to dollar stores for groceries, with supermarket prices still up more than 10 percent this year. Coresight Research found in a January 2023 report that 20 percent of U.S. shoppers visit dollar stores for their grocery items.
3/26/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 21 seconds
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Two-Tier Justice System Exposed, Phase II Narrative Has Begun, Justice For All – Ep. 3028

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The people around the world are fighting back, the criminal leaders are panicking. The banking system is ready to implode. The [CB] is now pushing everything they have to get everyone on the [CBDC], the people are pushing back and the momentum is building. The [DS] has los the narrative. The DA failed, which means Soros has failed. Trump has turned it all around and now he is moving into the next phase of the plan. The patriots are now putting all the pieces together, these pieces are the weapons and ammunition that will be needed to go after the [DS]. The country is coming together and the enemy is the [DS], there will be Justice for All.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Things Are Getting Spicy in France as Mass Protests Turn Violent in Some Areas – Macron Declares This Is France’s January 6th Insurrection Moment History tells us the French ‘do revolution’ quite well, the current status of the protests against President Macron’s unilateral pension reform cuts are no exception. Worker strikes have hampered France for over a week in protest to: (1) the pension reform; and (2) the undemocratic way it was enacted via unilateral fiat by the French President, Emmanuel Macron. As the day wound down, those protests then turned violent as the ultra-left-wing “Black Bloc” anarchists began attacking police. (Reuters) – PARIS, March 23 – Police fired tear gas and fought with violent black-clad anarchists in Paris and across France on Thursday as hundreds of thousands of protesters marched against President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to raise the pension age. The ninth day of nationwide protests, mostly peaceful, disrupted train and air travel. Teachers were among many professions to walk off the job, days after the government pushed through legislation to raise the retirement age by two years to 64. Demonstrations in central Paris were generally peaceful, but groups of “Black Bloc” anarchists smashed shop windows, demolished street furniture and ransacked a McDonald’s restaurant. Clashes ensued as riot police drove back the anarchists with tear gas and stun grenades.   Source:  Biden Energy Secretary Granholm Now Admits Biden Regime Wants to Ban “Some” Gas Stoves (VIDEO) Remember when the Biden Regime said reports claiming they were seeking to ban gas stoves was a conspiracy theory? Earlier this year the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said gas-powered stoves are a ‘hidden health hazard.’ “Natural gas stoves, which are used in about 40% of homes in the US, emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels the EPA and World Health Organization have said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions, according to reports by groups such as the Institute for Policy Integrity and the American Chemical Society.” – the federal agency said last month. Now the Department of Energy is coming for your gas stoves.  A second federal agency proposed limits on energy consumption for gas stoves. “This approach by DOE could effectively ban gas appliances,” said Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. “We are concerned this approach could eliminate fully featured gas products.” The trade group said 95% of the market for gas products would likely not meet the new proposed rules.
3/24/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 32 seconds
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People Now See The Witch Hunt & Corruption, The Strikes Will Accelerate, Think Soros – Ep. 3027

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture The people are pushing back in different countries against the GND and the GR. The EV market is falling apart and the [CB] is panicking and trying to keep people from transitioning into gold or crypto. They are now putting out warnings not to do this. The [DS] tried to have propaganda show and it failed. Trump countered their entire plan and has now turned the tables on them. He is showing the public the corruption and the witch hunt. The people are watching this realtime and people are seeing the truth. He is building the narrative showing that they never had a criminal case and it was all about keeping him out of office, which is election interference. The case of election interference is being built against those who hide in the shadows.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy  GET WOKE, GO BROKE: Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers Disney used to be a company that catered to families and held traditional American beliefs, but like so many corporations in recent years, it has embraced the far left. That decision is starting to have a serious and negative effect on their bottom line. Millions of Americans have had it with the progressive political indoctrination that has infested entertainment and they are abandoning Disney and other companies like them. Disney is now preparing to lay off thousands of workers as a result.  Deadline reports: Disney Layoff Rounds Likely Starting Before Annual Meeting; Details On Cuts Emerge   CEO Bob Iger revealed the scope of the cuts during the company’s February 8 quarterly earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Plans to let go of 7,000 staffers, roughly 3% of the company’s global workforce, are “not being taken lightly,” Iger said. The paring down of employee rolls is a cornerstone of the effort to reach $5.5 billion in overall cost savings. Source: Far-Left California Reparations Task Force Member Vows “Breathtaking” Recommendations – Total Cost to Californians Could Be in the BILLIONS  San Francisco’ so-called “Reparations Committee” is proposing paying longtime black residents a staggering $5 million per person and granting them total debt forgiveness for suffering decades of “systemic repression.” “While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy and systematic repression and exclusion of Black people were codified through legal and extralegal actions, social codes, and judicial enforcement,” the proposed draft says. “A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of harms that they have experienced, and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and unintended harms perpetuated by City policy,” the draft says. There are 1.8 million black residents in the Golden State. The proposal adds up to billions in reparations. But money is not all the “Reparations Committee” has in mind. They are also proposing a debt forgiveness plan because “black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt.”   Source: Major Automaker Expects It Will Hemorrhage Billions From Its Electric Vehicle Business Ford expects to lose $3 billion on its electric vehicle department t...
3/23/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kash Patel-Hunters Have Become The Prey,Timing Is Everything,In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist

Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities. Kash begins the conversation talking about the J6 song that hit number 1. The majority is now pushing back and the [DS] now sees who we are. Kash has a law suit against Politico and he is going to depose the [DS] players and the truth is going to come out. The [DS] plan to get Trump failed, he outsmarted them, timing is everything.
3/23/202343 minutes, 8 seconds
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[DS] Backed Into A Corner, Optics Are Important, They All Lose, Retribution – Ep. 3026

Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe Green New Deal is not going as planned, the EU needs to back off combustion engines ban because they cannot meet their goal. Ca signs onto ESG investing, investors are taking their money else where. The State are pushing back against [CBDC] and now Congress is pushing back on it. The [DS] is panicking, their plan failed, they wanted a shocking arrest and they did not get it, Trump countered their plan. The DA is now struggling with the case against Trump and the world is figuring out that their is no case. The [DS] is now shifting gears and pushing the crimes to Jack Smith's case but this will fail. Optics are important, the [DS] is backed into a corner and they are losing in the court of public opinion, retribution is coming.   (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy EU Already Caving On Their 2035 Combustion Engine Ban, Considering Allowing E-Fuel Vehicles It appears the EU could already be giving up ground on its proposed internal combustion engine ban, set to be put into place in 2035. On Tuesday morning it was reported that the EU has now "drafted a plan allowing sales of new cars with internal combustion engines that run only on climate neutral e-fuels", according to Reuters. The plan comes as part of a compromise proposal with Germany over the existing 2035 ban plans. Under the plan, cars that run on carbon neutral fuels would be placed into a new type of vehicle category. E-fuels are synthetically made fuels that can be made using hydrogen in conjunction with  captured carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. The source for the components of the fuels generally has to be sustainable in nature, such as wind or solar power. The plan proposes including a "fuelling inducement system", which would ostensibly prevent vehicles from starting if they aren't running on carbon neutral fuels. We're sure that won't be cost prohibitive at all... But most importantly, the legislation would allow legacy auto manufacturers to keep selling combustion engines after the 2035 proposed ban date, perhaps offering some relief for companies in the midst of transitioning their business models. Reuters wrote:   Source: Carbon foot print electric  Biden, Newsom Decline to Defend ESG, Even in Celebrating Veto of ESG Repeal  Biden’s veto rejected a bipartisan bill under the Congressional Review Act that to repeal a Department of Labor regulation enshrining ESG policies in the management of retirement funds. But he would not explain why he believed ESG is good for investors. He merely attacked his opponents. The president tweeted: “This bill would risk your retirement savings by making it illegal to consider risk factors MAGA House Republicans don’t like. “Your plan manager should be able to protect your hard-earned savings — whether Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene likes it or not.” Notably, he did not bother defending ESG rules directly.   Likewise, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) praised Biden on Tuesday for his veto — but also failed to defend ESG, casting the issue instead as a defense of “free speech and free markets,” rather than left-wing policies. Source: Cash Pours Out Of ESG Funds, Led By $5 Billion In Outflows From ESGU  It looks as though it is first on the list of things to be thrown out the window as asset managers and retail investors scramble for liquidity. Bloomberg ETF expert Eric Balchunas has noted that the sector, and its most well known ETF, are experiencing significant outflows.
3/22/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 13 seconds
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Mark Finchem – [DS] Election Rigging Coverup Is Being Exposed,It’s Time To Take It To The Next Level

Mark Finchem is running for Secretary of State of Arizona. Mark starts the conversation with the election rigging, it is now being exposed and the court cases are moving forward. The players are being exposed and the methods of cheating can be seen clearly now. The people now have a chance to dig deep and find out who got paid and who was involved and how they manipulated the elections.
3/22/202356 minutes, 4 seconds