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World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern Cover
World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern Profile

World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern

English, Arts, 1 season, 32 episodes, 1 day, 1 hour, 46 minutes
How do we design for less waste in digital? How can digital designers, developers and content professionals create a more environmentally friendly digital? One that uses less energy and creates less waste. One where reuse is at the core of thinking. One where the Earth Experience is central. Gerry McGovern will talk to designers who are pioneering green digital thinking and methods.
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Ben Schwarz: Is 5G a good thing or not?

Ben's career spans IT to telecoms and the evolving media landscape. With a foundation in IT at Logica for a decade, he transitioned to being the CTO of a pioneering music start-up at the peak of the internet revolution. His journey continued at Orange for almost another decade, where he played a pivotal role in the convergence of telecoms with the internet and spearheaded numerous media-focused initiatives.   Follow Ben on LinkedIn
2/7/202456 minutes, 48 seconds
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Vitaly Friedman

Web design has rarely taken the environment into account. Over the last decade, web pages have become ten times bigger, and up to 80% of the weight of a particular webpage can be waste—content and code that is not required for the page to function. Do web designers and developers simply not care? Vitaly Friedman believes that they do care but that they need better education about accessibility, usability and sustainability. Vitaly Friedman is one of the nicest and most brilliant people I know. Born in Minsk, Belarus, he studied computer science and mathematics in Germany, and co-founded Smashing Magazine back in 2006, a leading online magazine for designers and developers. His curiosity drove him from interface design to front-end to performance optimization to accessibility and back to user experience over all the years.
1/4/202451 minutes, 46 seconds
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Manuel Vexler: 5G: A symptom of the Growth Death Cult

Manuel Vexler is the Executive Director at the Actionable Knowledge Foundational Institute (AKFI) and a Cornell Instructor and facilitator. He has a wealth of experience in leading and facilitating discussions on sustainability and digital transformation. Manuel believes that 5G doesn’t have a clear benefit and is rather a reflection of our growth-obsessed economies.
9/28/202342 minutes, 3 seconds
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Steven Gonzalez Monserrate 'Thirsty Data: Data Centers increasing impact on fresh water'

Steven Gonzalez Monserrate is a postdoctoral researcher in the Fixing Futures research training group at Goethe University. As a graduate of MIT's History, Anthropology, Science, Technology & Society program, his dissertation project, "Cloud Ecologies", is an ethnography of data centers and their environmental impacts in the United States, Puerto Rico, Iceland, and Singapore.  There is a global freshwater crisis and this crisis is being accelerated by data centers’ incredible thirst for water. Steven talks to Gerry about the environmental impact data centers are having on fresh water supply, particularly in water-stressed areas, and how it is likely to get worse because AI is particularly water intense  Some selected quotes from Steven:  Some scholars are estimating that anything from 5% to 10% of data center water comes from alternative water sources, like grey water, sea water. But the vast majority is drinking water. And there are a few reasons for this. One is the biohazard. As water is being warmed and flowing through these data centers, microorganisms flourish in these conditions. That is one reason why data centers turn to drinking water because that water has already to some degree been treated, so there is less of s risk of these microbial blooms happening. For the same microbial reason, the water can’t be endlessly recycled. It has to be dumped or returned to the sewers because even with reverse-osmosis filters and other techniques, these microbes will flourish.  Some water, when it evaporates can leave behind really corrosive particulates of various kinds.   The data centers will come if you offer them the right incentives around land, water and electricity, even is these incentives are fundamentally unsustainable, if they’re irresponsible, if they’re suicidal or self-destructive.  If you have access to cheap fresh water, deserts are a great place for data centers because they are so dry—and computers hate moisture and high humidity. That’s why there are so many data centers in Arizona “It’s almost like the goldrush. It’s a water-rush. All these companies are clustering to get this cheap water. But it’s doomed.” As the suicidal spiral by data centers and industrial farming circles the drains in even more frenzied swirls, “We see how communities are struggling to pay their water bills while data centers and other industries are getting water at a much cheaper rate. There are farmers who are directly competing with data centers to grow food. Indigenous communities are also having difficulties accessing water. The draining of the Colorado river is affecting the migration patterns of salmon and other fish, which are really important to the lifecycles.  These data centers will not last. I think that’s another important point for people to realize. These data centers are ephemeral. They know that they will eventually have to disband. This is the kind of perversity of data centers coming into many communities with these promises of economic growth. There is certainly a lot of jobs that are created to construct the data center. But once a data center has actually been constructed, it’s only a handful of people who actually run a facility. So, in some cases, just a dozen people, or two dozen people, run a facility that is consuming as much electricity as a small city. A data center life is between five and twenty years. This is not a permanent industry. It is extractive, like mines.  World Wide Waste (Gerry's latest book)
9/7/202351 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pietro Jarre ‘No such thing as sustainable mining’

Pietro Jarre has a doctorate in geotechnical engineering. He’s a specialist in geotechnical and environmental issues on waste rock deposits, mining infrastructures, landfills and brownfields. Since 2015, his focus is on the environmental and social impact of digital technologies. He’s founder of Sloweb association, something I’d highly recommend checking out at Pietro starts our chat by recounting his early years in mining, leading up to the Los Frailes tailings dam disaster. Link: This is HCD Links Coaching and Mentoring Video Courses Service Design : Visualisation Methods for Change Makers: Service Blueprint Essentials: Journey Mapping Fundamentals: Stakeholder Mapping Essentials: Become a Patron (Ad-Free Stream) Join our newsletter Free email guides 7 Days of Awesome Journey Map Tips: Our partner links Webflow is our web partner Descript powers out production CastUp edits our shows I prepare notes with Speechify All music on this podcast is from our pro level Artist account - and we love them for it!
5/9/202353 minutes, 24 seconds
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Perk Pomeyie 'How bauxite mining destroys Nature and communities'

Perk Pomeyie is a Ghanaian environmental activist from Accra, who is currently the National Coordinator of the Ghana Youth Environmental Movement-a leading youth-led environment and climate advocacy and campaign group in Ghana. I started by asking Perk to tell me more about how the youth movement works. Other useful links Become a Patron of This is HCD / Become a Patron Sign up to This is HCD Newsletter / Stay up to date with This is HCD Learn more with This is HCD / Courses on Service Design, Human Centered Design, UX Design, Research Coaching for Change-Makers / Coaching & Mentoring for Innovators & Change-Makers FREE GUIDE - 10 UX Laws of UX: FREE GUIDE - 10 Laws of User Experience (UX) FREE GUIDE - 7 Days of Awesome Journey Map Tips: FREE 7-DAY GUIDE - Killer Journey Mapping Tips Follow Gerry Scullion on Twitter / gerrycircus Follow This is HCD on Twitter / thisishcd Our partner links We recommend Webflow for all web design and development needs.‍ Webflow: Create a custom website | No-code website builder We used Descript to power our podcast  ‍Descript | All-in-one video & podcast editing, easy as a doc Our podcast is edited by the A-Team at CastUp / Enquire with them about editing.  ‍Learn more and connect with Castup
3/21/202339 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kaustubh Thapa E- waste : Ultimate Producer Responsibility

People like Kaustubh Thapa give me hope. Kaustubh is finishing his PhD at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His collaborative research in Nigeria, China and Vietnam incorporates justice, equity, and sustainability for a fairer EU waste trade and a just circular economy transition. I started off by asking Kaustubh if he could give me a bit of history in relation to the European dumping of e-waste in Nigeria and other African countries Other useful links Become a Patron of This is HCD / Become a Patron Sign up to This is HCD Newsletter / Stay up to date with This is HCD Learn more with This is HCD / Courses on Service Design, Human Centered Design, UX Design, Research Coaching for Change-Makers / Coaching & Mentoring for Innovators & Change-Makers FREE GUIDE - 10 UX Laws of UX: FREE GUIDE - 10 Laws of User Experience (UX) FREE GUIDE - 7 Days of Awesome Journey Map Tips: FREE 7-DAY GUIDE - Killer Journey Mapping Tips Follow Gerry Scullion on Twitter / gerrycircus Follow This is HCD on Twitter / thisishcd
3/2/202345 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dr. Melvin Vopson 'The environmental weight of data'

Dr Melvin Vopson is a truly fascinating character and deep thinker. A physicist, he is the proposer of the mass-energy-information equivalence principle, has identified a technological singularity called the Information Catastrophe and has discovered the second law of information dynamics. Melvin is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the world's first Information Physics Institute. His current scientific interests revolve around theoretical and experimental studies involving all aspects of information physics. I started by asking Melvin about his theory that information has its own weight, a weight independent of the device it is stored on.
1/17/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
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John Booth 'Data centers: Data theatre and the tsunami of frivolous data'

John Booth is a well-known figure in EU data centre circles, primarily for his role as reviewer for the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres and his work with the Certified Energy Efficiency Data Centre Award.  I started by asking John if he thinks data centers are doing enough to conserve energy, water and materials in this time of crisis. I gave an example of a 2021 survey which found that 63% of data center managers thought “there is no business justification for collecting water usage data.” Yes, thought there are laws coming from the EU that should change that attitude.
12/14/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 40 seconds
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Pat and Nuala Geoghegan 'Aluminum mining: jobs and death in rural Ireland'

Aluminum mining: jobs and death in rural Ireland Aluminum is a critical material for digital. Since 1970, there has been 559% increase in its mining. A typical smartphone can be 14% aluminum, while a up to 50% of a laptop can be made up of steel and aluminum.  Pat and Nuala Geoghegan are farmers from Askeaton, County Limerick. Soon after the Aughinish Alumina aluminum mining factory established itself nearby, their cattle began to get sick and die. And the Geoghegan family got sick. Their beautiful farm became “the killing fields”.
11/3/202245 minutes, 32 seconds
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Thea Kleinmagd 'Designing a smartphone that lasts'

Thea Kleinmagd is a Circular Material Chains Innovator at Fairphone. When you are buying your next smartphone, please consider Fairphone. They make excellent, modular and repairable products that are built to last. I started our chat by asking Thea to describe the potential toxic impacts of some of the over 50 different materials found in a typical smartphone. World Wide Waste book: Gerry on Twitter:
10/6/202239 minutes, 34 seconds
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Josh Lepawsky 'Pernicious myth of digital-as-ethereal'

Dr. Josh Lepawsky is fascinated by connections between geography, technological systems, and their discards. He researches waste from the manufacturing of electronics to its end of life. He explores where e-waste accumulates and who it affects. He has a keen interest in “how maintenance and repair might offer lessons for figuring out how to live well together in permanently polluted and always breaking worlds. I started our chat by asking Josh about the “pernicious myth of digital-as-ethereal” Gerry McGovern Twitter / World Wide Waste Book / Read transcript /
8/17/20221 hour, 27 seconds
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Gauthier Roussilhe 'The hidden costs of data centers'

Gauthier Roussilhe has specialized in the environmental footprint of the digital sector for 5 years, and is certainly among the most knowledable people I have been lucky to chat with about these issues. He is currently doing a PhD at the RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) to explore which digital infrastructures and services are compatible with a world stabilized at +2°C. I started our chat by asking Gauthier about the electricity impact of data centers. Global figures are not reliable. We need to look at a country-level basis.  “I don’t know what it’s like in Ireland but in France between now and 2050, we have to reduce our final energy consumption by 40%. That’s the framing we have to have in mind when we are analyzing such sectors. You can have all the data centers in Ireland absorbing all the renewable energy capacity that is being put on the grid. So, data centers might have very nice environmental reports, lowering the carbon intensity of the electricity mix but now allowing other actors to get this renewable energy, so it becomes a zero-sum game.” Gauthier website / Gerry McGovern Twitter / World Wide Waste Book / Read transcript /  
7/21/202250 minutes, 38 seconds
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Andy Farnell 'Perils of e-waste and benefits of being a digital vegan'

Andy Farnell is a British computer scientist and author specialising in signals, systems and cybersecurity. His popular textbook "Designing Sound" (MIT) and pioneering research and development in audio DSP and synthesis defined the field of Procedural Audio. Consultant to leading technology companies, and visiting professor across Europe, Andy is a long-time advocate and prominent speaker on issues of digital rights, free open source software, good educational opportunities and access to enabling tools and knowledge for all. His latest books are "Digital Vegan" and "Ethics For Hackers" (Routledge). Digital Vegan Read Gerry McGovern 'World Wide Waste'  Follow Gerry on Twitter 
5/24/202258 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hannah Smith 'The hidden weight of code'

Hannah is a freelance WordPress developer from Bristol with a background in Computer Science. Before freelance life, amongst other things, she honed her management skills at the Environment Agency, where she managed large business change projects. She’s co-founder of Green Tech South West and is on a mission to raise awareness about the environmental impact of digital tech - checkout #LetsGreenTheWeb on Twitter. She also likes dogs, plants and snow. World Wide Waste book / Gerry McGovern on Twitter /
4/27/202246 minutes, 37 seconds
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Sharon Richardson 'Blind belief in data and technology as bad as blind belief in belief.'

'Earth Experience Design' course with Gerry McGovernDate: February 19 2022Where: OnlineTickets:  About this episode Is technology a good thing? That was my first question I asked Dr Sharon Richardson, who is a senior scientist and lecturer in geocomputation at the University of Zurich, where she applies data-intensive methods to improve understanding of and assist in human, societal and environmental challenges. Sharon also has a keen interest in exploring the potential and limits of AI in real-world decisions. World Wide Waste book / Gerry McGovern on Twitter /
1/18/202244 minutes, 4 seconds
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Katie Singer 'The invisible, immaterial Internet is not what it seems'

Earth Experience Design - Online training Course with Gerry - Jan 19 2022 About this episode Some people live their ideas. Katie Singer is one of them. She writes about the energy, extraction, toxic waste and greenhouse gases involved in manufacturing computers, telecom infrastructure, electric vehicles and other electronic technologies. Train with Gerry / Join the TiHCD Slack Community / Watch ''Top Tasks for Service Transformation' with Gerry McGovern & Ulla Devitt' / Gerry McGovern on Twitter / Download this episode:
12/7/202152 minutes, 29 seconds
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Anneli Ohvril 'Let’s talk about digital hygiene'

If someone looked inside your computer or your Cloud account would they find a tidy, clean, well-maintained place? Or would they find a messy, chaotic dump. Imagine if old, waste content smelled. How smelly would your computer be? Anneli Ohvril is founder and CEO of Let’s Do It World, the international environmental organisation that engages leaders and organisations around the globe for a waste-free world. The biggest project World Cleanup Day have engaged in involved more than 50 million people from 180 countries. Anneli is an expert in social change and excels in communication and marketing. She is an initiator of numerous social changes locally and globally. Read Gerry's brilliant book 'World Wide Waste' Gerry McGovern on Twitter Train with Gerry on This is Doing / Top Tasks
9/22/202148 minutes, 57 seconds
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Virginie Guerin 'Digital hygiene: a recipe for cleaning up your digital life'

Hear about the many digital sustainability initiatives that are happening in France from Virginie Guerin, an urban planner, who is co-founder of World CleanUp Day France. Learn about the recipe they used to get organizations and citizens involved in highly successful digital cleanup initiatives.  Virginie on LinkedIn: World Wide Waste -
6/25/202138 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tom Greenwood 'Is digital the great accelerator of the climate crisis?'

Join Gerry McGovern at the Doing Design Festival on June 18 / See The Website Carbon Calculator is a real go to tool for me when I want to find out how much CO2 a particular web page is creating. This, and many other great initiatives, comes from Wholegrain Digital, a company founded by Vineeta and Tom Greenwood in 2007. Tom has recently published an excellent book, Sustainable Web Design, from A Book Apart. I wanted to know how Vineeta and Tom got started so early in promoting a culture of sustainable web design. Website Carbon Calculator: Sustainable Web Design, Tom Greenwood : Buy the book 'World Wide Waste by Gerry McGovern'
5/20/202149 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sarah Winters 'How COVID-19 drove panic publishing'

When COVID-19 hit, many governments reverted to a panic publishing approach, getting as much content up on their websites as quickly as possible. Structure, organization, testing, it all got shoved aside in the rush to publish. Sarah explains how this sort of panic publishing culture can be avoided in the future because panicking serves nobody. Sarah Richards defined the term ‘content design’ in the early days of GOV.UK, where she led the award-winning content team in the design of the UK government website. For me, GOV.UK is one of the shining lights when it comes to true and genuine quality web design and management. GOV.UK has shown what online government for the people, rather than for the politicians, can be like, by being functional, evidence-based, rigorously tested, clear and succinct. Sarah now runs Content Design London, a content design consultancy. Sarah is a wonderful person and a true digital pioneer. Buy the book by Gerry McGovern - Sarah / Content Design London - Upcoming online live classes with Gerry McGovern - More from This is HCD Join our Slack community / Training with This is Doing  
3/29/202141 minutes, 57 seconds
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Liam Nugent '99.9% of what you do is rubbish'

When Liam Nugent closed down his digital agency he accounted for all the digital stuff they had created. Each employee was generating about 100 gigabytes of data a year. When they cleaned up all this data so as to give a quality hand-off to their clients, they found that 99.9% of the 8 terabytes of data they had created was useless. Buy the book by Gerry McGovern - Liam Nugent Twitter / Upcoming online live classes with Gerry McGovern - More from This is HCD Join our Slack community / Training with This is Doing
2/18/202144 minutes, 8 seconds
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Beth Stensen 'Netlife’s journey to be a Earth Experience digital consultancy'

Netlife is one of Norway’s digital pioneers, having focused on usability and user experience when it was not exactly fashionable. Beth Stensen, their CEO, talks to Gerry McGovern about how Netlife is on a new journey which focuses on the Earth Experience. It’s exciting and challenging times. Digital can often accelerate very bad and wasteful human behaviours. Designing digital for Earth Experience is a key challenge and opportunity.   Buy the book by Gerry McGovern - Learn more about Netlife and Beth - Upcoming online live classes with Gerry McGovern - More from This is HCD Join our Slack community / Training with This is Doing  
12/12/202037 minutes, 12 seconds
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Nick Evanson 'Big Data growth is not sustainable'

By 2035, it is estimated that there will be more than 2,000 zettabytes of data produced globally. Based on current storage pricing, 2,000 zettabytes would cost $58 trillion to store. The global economy is currently worth about $80 trillion. The pace and quantity of data production is not even remotely sustainable.One zettabyte—just one zettabyte—would require 20 trillion trees worth of paper to print out. There are about three trillion trees left on this planet. The digital world is undergoing a Big Bang of data and 90% of it is useless because we have a culture that prizes production and collection over-analysis and insight. Nick talks about how we might address the Big Data tsunami.  Buy the book by Gerry McGovern - Connect with Nick - Upcoming courses with Gerry McGovern - More from This is HCD Join our Slack community / Training with This is Doing  
11/12/202052 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jono Alderson 'The unseen cost of poor web design'

The growth in webpage size over the years has been astounding. It is driven by a culture of delivery, a project mindset, and a feeling that the Web is this unlimited space where you can essentially do anything you want without consequences. But good web design is a complex task that many organizations are either unwilling or unable to manage professionally. Once the initial buzz of signing off the visual design is done people want to move on. Fixing stuff is seen as a cost that the organization doesn’t have time or money for. Reframing things around quality can change the focus. Jono explores how we can think of web design through a quality lens. Buy the book by Gerry McGovern -
10/20/202049 minutes, 22 seconds
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Jared Spool 'We will run out of things. We will run out of time.'

This episode was brought to you by - learn new skills in Design & Innovation via live online classrooms with the worlds best trainers Climate change is not seen by most as an immediate crisis, so we don’t act with urgency. The digital world is fairly blind to what needs to be done because in digital design we don’t think deep, broad and wide enough. Jared challenges us to think longer and broader and deeper, to think more connectedly on an earth experience level. We must rise to this impending global threat because if we don’t we condemn future generations to sink in a world we—us, our generation—have wasted. More from This is HCD Join our Slack community / Join our newsletter /  
9/1/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 52 seconds
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Chris Coyier 'Easy to design, hard to use'

This episode was brought to you by Chris Coyier talks to Gerry McGovern about how many of the tools and resources out there make it easy for developers and designers to create bloated, heavy, energy-sapping digital designs. Chris says we need new thinking and new tools that clearly indicate when we are making design decisions that are bad for the user and bad for the planet. This is HCD Podcast Network EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion ProdPod with Adrienne Tan Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion Moments of Change with Melanie Rayment World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern Global Jams Podcast with Adam Lawrence and Markus Edgar Hormess Connect with This is HCD Follow This is HCD us on Twitter Follow This is HCD on Instagram Sign up for our newsletter (we have lots of design giveaways!) Join the practitioner community on This is HCD Slack Channel Read articles on our This is HCD Network on Medium
8/6/202047 minutes, 17 seconds
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Erika Hall 'Speed: the most important factor in the customer / user experience'

This episode was brought to you by This is Doing - Design & Innovation Online Learning In this episode, Gerry McGovern speaks with Erika Hall from Mule Design. Gerry discusses with Erika if we've ruined web design, and if we have, what do we do about it? Buy Gerry McGovern's new book 'World Wide Waste' Support This is HCD by becoming a Premium subscriber. This is HCD Podcast Network EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion ProdPod with Adrienne Tan Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion Power of Ten with Andy Polaine The Big Remote with Gerry Scullion and Andy Polaine Moments of Change with Melanie Rayment Talking Shop with Andy Polaine and Gerry Scullion Decoding Culture with Dr. John Curran World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern Global Jams Podcast with Adam Lawrence and Markus Hormess Connect with This is HCD Follow This is HCD us on Twitter Follow This is HCD on Instagram Sign up for our newsletter (we have lots of design giveaways!) Join the practitioner community on This is HCD Slack Channel Read articles on our This is HCD Network on Medium  
7/6/202058 minutes, 4 seconds
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Karen Peeters 'Discovering digital reliability and quality: the Toyota story'

We need your support. Show some love by becoming a Premium Member. Welcome to World Wide Waste, a podcast about how digital is killing the planet and what to do about it. What is quality when it comes to web design, web development, web management? How do we know the customer is having a quality experience? How do we know as a web professional that we are doing a quality job? These are questions Karen Peeters, General Manager, Omni-Channel Management at Toyota Europe has been asking. I must apologise that the quality of the recording of Karen's voice is very poor. We had technical difficulties. However, the quality of the information that Karen delivers is extremely high. In fact, it is some of the most important insights that I have heard in 25 years of working in web management. This is Doing See our current innovation courses This is HCD Podcast Network EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion ProdPod with Adrienne Tan Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion Power of Ten with Andy Polaine NEW: The Big Remote with Gerry Scullion and Andy Polaine NEW: Moments of Change with Melanie Rayment Talking Shop with Andy Polaine and Gerry Scullion Decoding Culture with Dr. John Curran NEW: World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern NEW: Global Jams Podcast with Adam Lawrence and Markus Hormess Connect with This is HCD Follow This is HCD us on Twitter Follow This is HCD on Instagram Sign up for our newsletter (we have lots of design giveaways!) Join the practitioner community on This is HCD Slack Channel Read articles on our This is HCD Network on Medium
6/17/202017 minutes, 6 seconds
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Eric Meyer 'Overcoming complexity’s invisible force'

Enjoy our content? Support This is HCD by becoming a Premium Member Welcome to World Wide Waste, a podcast about how digital is killing the planet, and what to do about it. Eric Meyer is a passionate advocate of designing for humanity, of leaving no one behind when you create your design, of thinking deeply about how things work for everyone - not simply how beautiful they look. Links in this episode Eric Meyer / World Wide Waste book / This is HCD Podcast Network EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion ProdPod with Adrienne Tan Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion Power of Ten with Andy Polaine NEW: The Big Remote with Gerry Scullion and Andy Polaine NEW: Moments of Change with Melanie Rayment Talking Shop with Andy Polaine and Gerry Scullion Decoding Culture with Dr. John Curran NEW: World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern NEW: Global Jams Podcast with Adam Lawrence and Markus Hormess Connect with This is HCD Follow This is HCD us on Twitter Follow This is HCD on Instagram Sign up for our newsletter (we have lots of design giveaways!) Join the practitioner community on This is HCD Slack Channel Read articles on our This is HCD Network on Medium
5/13/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jeremy Keith 'We've ruined the Web. Here's how we fix it.'

Enjoy our content? Support This is HCD by becoming a Premium Member Welcome to World Wide Waste, a podcast about how digital is killing the planet, and what to do about it. In this session, I'm chatting with Jeremy Keith. Jeremy is a philosopher of the internet. Every time I see him speak, I'm struck by his calming presence, his brilliant mind and his deep humanity. Jeremy makes websites with Clearleft. His books include DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax, HTML5 for Web Designers, Resilient Web Design, and, most recently, Going Offline. Hailing from Erin's green shores, Jeremy maintains his link with Irish traditional music, running the community site The Session. He also indulges a darker side of his bouzouki playing in the band, Salter Cane. You can find out more about Jeremy at Learn more about Gerry McGovern's World Wide Waste book  Join our live online Coffee Time events every Tuesday and Thursday during the pandemic with a surprise guest each time :-) This is HCD Podcast Network EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion ProdPod with Adrienne Tan Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion Power of Ten with Andy Polaine NEW: The Big Remote with Gerry Scullion and Andy Polaine Talking Shop with Andy Polaine and Gerry Scullion Decoding Culture with Dr. John Curran NEW: World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern NEW: Global Jams Podcast with Adam Lawrence and Markus Hormess Connect with This is HCD Follow This is HCD us on Twitter Follow This is HCD on Instagram Sign up for our newsletter (we have lots of design giveaways!) Join the practitioner community on This is HCD Slack Channel Read articles on our This is HCD Network on Medium
4/10/202050 minutes, 57 seconds
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Introducing 'World Wide Waste' with Gerry McGovern

We are thrilled to welcome Gerry McGovern to the This is HCD Team, and delighted to present to you his new podcast, World Wide Waste. How do we design for less waste in digital? How can digital designers, developers and content professionals create a more environmentally friendly digital? One that uses less energy and creates less waste. One where reuse is at the core of thinking. One where the Earth Experience is central. Gerry McGovern will talk to designers who are pioneering green digital thinking and methods.
3/25/20201 minute, 55 seconds