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Wonderful! Profile


English, TV & Video, 1 season, 435 episodes, 6 days, 17 hours, 1 minute
Welcome to Wonderful! It’s an enthusiast podcast by Griffin and Rachel McElroy in which they discuss Very Good Things, and the Things that Make Them Good. Got a Good Thing you’re excited about that you want them to talk about on the show? Shoot ‘em an email at [email protected].
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 347: Take Those Crackle Bones Away

Rachel's favorite weird medieval art practice! Griffin's favorite spooky season modern classic! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Native Women Lead:
10/23/202427 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 346: Holographic Goku Poster

Griffin's favorite disc-flicking game! Rachel's favorite sports-adjacent memorabilia!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Native Women Lead:
10/16/202435 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 345: Moons of Jupiter in Her Ear

Rachel's favorite charming morning routine! Griffin's favorite bouncy floor funky dance party! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Native Women Lead:
10/9/202436 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 344: Sentient Luggage

Griffin's favorite viral vocalist! Rachel's favorite environment-focused poet! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Native Women Lead:
10/2/202431 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 343: Unstacked Moons

Rachel's favorite piece of childhood folklore! Griffin's favorite quiet everywhere friend! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equal Justice Initiative:
9/25/202439 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 342: The Alive Poets Society

Griffin's favorite time spent in front of the computer for hours! Rachel's favorite quantifiable fitness activity!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equal Justice Initiative:
9/18/202435 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 341: The Graphics of Boogerman

Rachel's favorite discourse-dense coffee commercial! Griffin's favorite hypebeast hardware!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equal Justice Initiative:
9/11/202440 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 340: A Finite Way With Words

Griffin's favorite adventurous West Virginia tradition! Rachel's favorite way of beating people at board games!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equal Justice Initiative:
9/4/202433 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 339: A Meditative Grappling

Rachel's favorite official Olympic poet! Griffin's favorite ringtone tune!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
8/28/202431 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 338: String Cheese is More Acceptable for Adults

Griffin's favorite vehicle for croutons! Rachel's favorite museum-friendly munchies! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
8/21/202434 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 337: Stab Doctors

Rachel's favorite flattering images! Griffin's favorite post-activity textural experience!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
8/14/202443 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 336: You Can't Be Brat and Frasier

Griffin's favorite ahead-of-its time, groundbreaking, exhausting, sci-fi survival TV-watching experience! Rachel's favorite relatable Shrek-inspired musical artist! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
8/8/202439 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 335: Late Night Overnight Docent

Rachel's favorite plot device! Griffin's favorite cards he can't win! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
7/31/202436 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 334: My Bottom Game is So Not Tight

Griffin's favorite niche machine to put his hand in! Rachel's favorite competition for B-boys and B-girls! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
7/25/202432 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 333: Chicken Milkshakes

Rachel's favorite failed idealist reality show! Griffin's favorite toilet read! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
7/17/202438 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 332: Put on Your Podcast Jacket

Griffin's favorite improv-populated mystery! Rachel's favorite award-winning film adaptations! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
7/10/202436 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 331: Our Favorite Listener Submissions!

We're featuring YOUR favorite big and small wonders in an episode entirely of listener submissions: Armold Pormers! Tony winners! Parties where you crush Mountain Dew! Non-book hoards! Cleaning implements! Electronic grocery experiences! Affordable transit! Comparing weathers! Harrowing animated programs! Special Christmas sandwiches! Organized bedding! Taking a cue from Tim Gunn! Personalized car accessories! Magical ear devices! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
7/3/202438 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 330: More of Our Favorite St Louis Stuff, Live!

Rachel’s favorite inversion! Griffin’s favorite thirst-quenching mood stabilizer! Rachel’s favorite film-named musical artist! Griffin’s favorite food curse! Rachel’s favorite decorated poet! Griffin’s favorite sports move!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
6/26/202437 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 329: I Would Win the Turing Test

Griffin's favorite adult pastoral piece of theater! Rachel's favorite musical artist with something for everyone!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equality Florida:
6/19/202432 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 328: You Told Me About Stetson

Rachel's favorite call signs! Griffin's favorite candy-swapping game! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equality Florida:
6/12/202437 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 327: 2 to 3 Jorts

Griffin's favorite longform commentary! Rachel's favorite experience for anxious people! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Equality Florida:
6/5/202428 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 326: Two Swole Adults in Love

Rachel's favorite teen autonomous zones! Griffin's favorite source of the waffle juice! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
5/29/202431 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 325: Huge Vermont Energy

Griffin's favorite great piece in a mediocre film! Rachel's favorite local multi-cultural area!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
5/22/202433 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 324: Dinner Milk

Rachel's favorite extruded cheese! Griffin's favorite television comedy!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
5/15/202435 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 323: Nobody Likes WaSteven

Griffin's favorite childhood acquaintance of Mario! Rachel's favorite visible particle masses!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
5/8/202433 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 322: Unbuttoned to the Max

Rachel's favorite individualist poet! Griffin's favorite queer girl bop musical artist! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
5/1/202427 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 321: Thank You, Michael Crichton

Griffin's favorite funky beats to bop in the car to! Rachel's favorite voice that sounds like stoned Dick Clark! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
4/17/202431 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 320: We Should Start Language Over

Rachel's favorite comeback hairstyle! Griffin's favorite niche community that combines other niche communities!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
4/10/202429 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 319: Gus Belt's Beef Barrel

Griffin's favorite word-jazzing animal! Rachel's favorite legendary midwest teen hangout! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Palestine Children's Relief Fund:
4/3/202428 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 318: You Could Do a Choo-Choo

Rachel's favorite non-soul-stripping confessional poet! Griffin's favorite maximalist musical experience! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness: MaxFunDrive ends on March 29, 2024! Support our show now by becoming a member at
3/27/202442 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 317: Boats Aren't Real

Griffin's favorite hero of the sportball season! Rachel's favorite educational living situations! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness: MaxFunDrive ends on March 29, 2024! Support our show now by becoming a member at
3/20/202441 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 316: Things Are Heating Up in the Blanket Discourse

Rachel's favorite musical blankets! Griffin's favorite long-awaited transcendence! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness:
3/6/202438 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 315: Popcorn Plausible Deniability

Griffin's favorite grid-based logic game! Rachel's favorite 57% life-accurate poet! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
2/28/202429 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 314: Style Ombudsman

Rachel's favorite short-lived network! Griffin's favorite contentious punctuation! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
2/21/202435 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 313: Don't Tell Anyone About the Slots

Griffin's favorite game about games! Rachel's favorite big public art!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Marsha P. Johnson Institute
2/14/202436 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful 312: Jorts! Jorts!

Rachel's favorite speech-based museum! Griffin's favorite energy-expending make-believe game! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
2/7/202430 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 311: Pretty Honkin' Schnozes

Griffin's favorite button-masher! Rachel's favorite sports mini-game competition!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Marsha P. Johnson Institute
1/31/202438 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 310: Body Burn

Rachel's favorite human-friendly  poet! Griffin's favorite cream-based experience! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
1/24/202431 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 309: Zoopin' in My Cardboard Box

Griffin's favorite seasonal sitting activity! Rachel's favorite onion-inspired pit! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
1/17/202429 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 308: This Song's a Real Clapper

Rachel's favorite old-timey instrument! Griffin's favorite leftover-assuring food! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – World Central Kitchen:
1/10/202431 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 307: The Thrill of Full-Sized Shampoo

Griffin's favorite Personal Computer music artist! Rachel's favorite non-spicy non-caffeinated beverage!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
1/3/202429 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 306: Helpful Jaws

Griffin and Rachel's favorite favorites of 2023! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Harmony House:
12/20/202332 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 305: Corn Coat's Poppin' Off

Rachel's favorite synthetic cozy material! Griffin's favorite local friend! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Harmony House:
12/13/202331 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 304: The FGWP

Griffin's favorite toy for lonely little guys! Rachel's favorite marketing ploys for this time of the year!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Harmony House:
12/6/202329 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 303: Number the Navels

Rachel's favorite money-saving fashion trend! Griffin's favorite chill and static puzzle games! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Fair Elections Center:
11/22/202333 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 302: A Two-Hour Turbo Nap

Griffin's favorite set of horror movies! Rachel's favorite savory all-in-one food! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Fair Elections Center:
11/15/202329 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 301: Thanks Science, You're Doing Great

Rachel's favorite brain-stimulating activities! Griffin's favorite differently-mathed music! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Fair Elections Center:
11/9/202337 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 300: Exponentially Increased Clenching

Griffin's favorite feeling beyond logic! Rachel's favorite maternal poet! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Fair Elections Center:
11/2/202336 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 299: There's Always Gonna be a Bryce

Rachel's favorite satisfying fried treat! Griffin's favorite viscerally upsetting kids' books!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Reproductive Freedom for All:
10/26/202331 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 298: Sprigatito Went to the Pepper Palace

Griffin's favorite gatherings for big nerds! Rachel's favorite localized animal puns! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Freedom for All:
10/18/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 297: The Salty Baskets That Preachers Love

Rachel's favorite adult hang-outs! Griffin's favorite fancy snack cracker!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Freedom for All:
10/11/202333 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 296: Murder Gossip Twins!

Griffin's favorite esoteric video game genre! Rachel's favorite fancy beverage! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Reproductive Freedom for All:
10/4/202333 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 295: Hide Your Vape, Here Comes Street Rachel

Rachel's favorite comfort clothes! Griffin's favorite indoor collective activity!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Hawai’i Community Foundation:
9/27/202337 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 294: Four Hot Elbows

Griffin's favorite ways of feeling better when achy and sore! Rachel's favorite buried things!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Hawai’i Community Foundation:
9/21/202329 minutes
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 293: Towels Drink the Wet from the Skin of the Back

Rachel's favorite oddly familiar poet! Griffin's favorite underrated meal!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Hawai’i Community Foundation:
9/14/202332 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 292: Dancing Fireflies of 1000 Hues

Griffin's favorite puzzle-filled playscapes! Rachel's favorite reflective decoration! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Hawai’i Community Foundation:
9/6/202333 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 291: Porous as a Spreadsheet

Rachel's favorite sci-fi inspired poet! Griffin's favorite form of long-distance transportation! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Earthjustice:
8/30/202336 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 290: Moisten the Stick

Griffin's favorite bad-pitch reality show! Rachel's favorite pool summer candy!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
8/23/202335 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 289: I Need Strong

Rachel's favorite toilet paper mascot! Griffin's favorite tasty college experiment!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
8/17/202328 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 288: 3:10 to Puma

Griffin's favorite three-beat-drop song! Rachel's favorite location-specific locomotive!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
8/9/202335 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 287: Love is Smell

Rachel's favorite olfactory dating service! Griffin's favorite super sloppy maximalist taco chain!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
8/3/202337 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 286: I'm Not Sure I Believe in Powdered Eggs

Griffin's favorite sky animals! Rachel's favorite baking innovation!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
7/26/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 285: A Sad Jerry Seinfeld

Rachel's favorite precise poet! Griffin's favorite club banger with the drop!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
7/19/202328 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 284: We Can Moo It

Griffin's favorite television show that exists right now! Rachel's favorite human need that millennials are weird about!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen:
7/12/202331 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 283: Vaping the Beef

Rachel's favorite science that makes the food taste good! Griffin's favorite lawn-based experience!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Central Kitchen: 
7/6/202332 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 282: Our Favorite Summer Stuff, Live from Raleigh!

Rachel's favorite genre films! Griffin's favorite creepy crawlies! Rachel's favorite mysterious lightening chemical! Griffin's favorite self-schooling incentive! Rachel's favorite short-lived romance show! Griffin's favorite breezy bottoms! Rachel's favorite bummer poet! Griffin's favorite seasonal music!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
6/28/202343 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 281: You Caught Me in 4K

Griffin's favorite apocalyptic unicorn show! Rachel's favorite human pretzel game!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
6/21/202333 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 280: Cuppy vs Cuppy

Rachel's extremely targeted TV series! Griffin's favorite fast food little guys!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
6/15/202338 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 279: Spaghetti, Not Even Once

Griffin's favorite real-deal storage solutions! Rachel's favorite stinky ink!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
6/7/202335 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 278: Love, Peace, and Taco Grease

Rachel's favorite vocalized human experiences! Griffin's favorite sleepy ritual!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – United:
5/31/202337 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 277: I am a Queen, I am George Washington

Griffin's favorite card in his dance rolodex! Rachel's favorite childhood celebrations!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Brady United:
5/24/202326 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 276: One More Time, Dampen

Rachel's favorite Great Plains poet! Griffin's favorite improvisational noise-punk indie group!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – United:
5/17/202336 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 275: Cranberry Voice

Griffin's favorite gold-standard video games! Rachel's favorite milestone anthems!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – United:
5/11/202341 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 274: You're Frasier Now

Rachel's favorite sitcom staple! Griffin's favorite achievable-ish sports feat!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – United:
5/3/202341 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rachel's Special Loud Pretzels

Griffin's favorite scary game series for big brave boys! Rachel's favorite flavor-enhancing mineral!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Law Center:
4/26/202333 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 272: The Ape Man and The Babe

Rachel's favorite force of nature and the universe! Griffin's favorite punishing party game!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Law Center:
4/12/202331 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 271: The Historic Billabong Bill

Griffin's favorite color-deleting video technology! Rachel's favorite Auckland-based indie rockers!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Law Center:
4/5/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 270: Harma and Reg

Rachel's favorite Presidential-choice poet! Griffin's favorite places to get conventionally grown mozzarella sticks!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
3/29/202339 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

2023 BoCo Teaser - Wonderful! Goes to Stardew Valley

We wanted to share a little teaser of our MaxFunDrive Bonus Content, so here's a short clip of us discussing Rachel's first foray into Stardew Valley. If you want to hear the whole thing, head over to to get access to this, plus the bonus content from MaxFunDrives past.
3/24/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 269: Bargain Bucket Emotional Toolkit

Griffin's favorite non-power ballad! Rachel's favorite social tactile interaction!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
3/22/202339 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 268: Pants! I Get to Wear them Now!

Rachel's favorite IRL interactive experience! Griffin's favorite revolution in advertising!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
3/15/202333 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 267: What is a Short Podcast if Not Poetry

Griffin's favorite silly yet raw musician! Rachel's favorite poet on the poetry circuit!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
3/8/202331 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 266: A Return to Cheese

Rachel & Griffin bring wonderful listener submissions! YOUR favorite complimentary treats, pet hills, rainbow-bringers, gross ice pops, household chromatic scales, and healing nature.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Florida:
3/1/202335 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 265: Very Science One

Rachel's favorite telephantscope! Griffin's favorite stained-glass monster!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – for Black Women’s Wellness:
2/23/202343 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 264: We Should Freeze Tennis Balls

Griffin's favorite world conquest simulator! Rachel's favorite special little prison for naughty boys!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – for Black Women’s Wellness:
2/15/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 263: BoPo

Rachel's favorite poetry lovers! Griffin's favorite electronic pictographic communicator!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – for Black Women’s Wellness:
2/8/202333 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 262: Not A Bonus February

Griffin's favorite deep slacker jazz band! Rachel's favorite gateway to shopping hell!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – for Black Women’s Wellness:
2/1/202335 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 261: Squidgerton

Rachel's favorite guilt-inducing young person music! Griffin's favorite extended length video games!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
1/25/202346 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 260: Cut the Baloney Sandwich

Griffin's favorite multi-genre fusion artist! Rachel's favorite souvenir-flinging machine!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
1/18/202328 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 259: Delight in the Joy of Other People

Rachel's favorite musical animated feline! Griffin's favorite long-running niche interests!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
1/11/202337 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 258: A Body Pillow of Benoit Blanc

Griffin's favorite on-the-go eats! Rachel's favorite cuddly toys!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
1/4/202337 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 257: Forget About The 'Bloids

Rachel and Griffin are spreading 2022 wide open with a lookback at some of their favorite things from this year, including cool things to watch, sports robots, jingles, midwest movie theaters, poems, and jams.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – House:
12/21/202236 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 256: Sister Podcast of Terrible

Rachel's favorite seasonal performances! Griffin's favorite non-debatable Christmas movie!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Harmony House:
12/15/202237 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 255: DAMN! I Feel Like a Frasier

Griffin's favorite dusty poetic advertisement! Rachel's favorite maternal poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – House:
12/7/202236 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 254: Cast Him on Boiling Water

Rachel's favorite ugly statues! Griffin's favorite dairy-forward comfort food!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – American Indigenous Tribal Food Systems (NĀTIFS):
11/30/202235 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 253: Our Favorite Washington, DC Stuff, Live!

Griffin's favorite presidential resting place! Rachel's favorite funky grooves! Griffin's favorite official prehistoric beast! Rachel's favorite field trip poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – American Indigenous Tribal Food Systems (NĀTIFS):
11/23/202232 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 252: Hot Tubbin' in the Cold Times

Griffin's favorite interactive installments! Rachel's favorite audio blogs!  Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – American Indigenous Tribal Food Systems (NĀTIFS):
11/9/202234 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 251: Frying Pan Farm Park

Rachel's favorite hyped-up November ritual! Griffin's favorite pop mastermind!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – American Indigenous Tribal Food Systems (NĀTIFS):
11/2/202236 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 250: Where's the Anxiety Here?

Griffin's favorite disco explosion song! Rachel's favorite emotionally challenging poem!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Elections Center:
10/26/202230 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 249: Send a Carload Santana

Rachel's favorite water-based cleansing ritual! Griffin's favorite grain middlings!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Elections Center:
10/19/202233 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 248: Nicely Nicely Podcast

Griffin’s favorite musical about bad boyfriends! Rachel’s favorite use of Google Translate!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Fair Elections Center:
10/12/202239 minutes
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 247: The Oatmeal Cream Pies Get so Big

Rachel’s favorite short-form recording device! Griffin’s favorite size-disproportionate stories!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Elections Center:
10/5/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 246: The Tradition of Having a Fridge In Your Garage

Griffin’s favorite successful spacecraft impact! Rachel’s favorite new-to-her poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
9/28/202227 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 245: Ballistic Properties of a Tootsie Roll

Rachel's favorite meal time-slash-genre! Griffin's favorite processional community displays!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
9/21/202228 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 244: No Time for Language Play

Griffin’s favorite mom-loving moody-guitary musician! Rachel’s favorite same-word words!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Earthjustice:
9/14/202228 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 243: Our Love Defies the Science

Rachel’s favorite people science! Griffin’s favorite two-wheeled motion machine!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
9/7/202235 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 242: You Will Never Find My Oubliette

Griffin’s favorite web-based animal game! Rachel’s favorite hidden hallways!  Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Trans Youth Equality Foundation:
8/31/202233 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 241: Measure Your Brain in Cups

Rachel’s favorite-sized skeletal structure! Griffin’s favorite frozen dairy dealers!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Trans Youth Equality Foundation:
8/24/202239 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 240: Bone Power

Griffin’s favorite spicy Italian-American meat! Rachel’s favorite zen-adjacent poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Trans Youth Equality Foundation:
8/19/202231 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 239: I Left My Beans in Austin

Griffin’s favorite geo-location gaming experience! Rachel’s favorite cuddly big ol' guy!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Youth Equality Foundation:
8/10/202230 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 238: Wild Stories About Music Stuff

Rachel’s favorite beef song beef! Griffin’s favorite spaceship sound!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Youth Equality Foundation:
7/27/202236 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 237: Emily Ssspinach

Griffin’s favorite probing photograph! Rachel’s favorite D.C. residents!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Youth Equality Foundation:
7/13/202239 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 236: Corrosive Cheeto Dust

Rachel’s favorite whimsical publication! Griffin’s favorite devastatingly spicy-sour experience!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Youth Equality Foundation:
7/6/202237 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 235: Ghostbuskers

Griffin's favorite vocal instrument doohickey! Rachel's favorite polyethylene grass substitute!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – West Virginia:
6/29/202235 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 234: One of Your Donkeys Kong

Rachel’s favorite food keeper for the middle of the day! Griffin’s favorite small spherical baby!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – West Virginia:
6/23/202237 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 233: The Big Guys with the Spotty Spots

Griffin’s favorite cold edible tube! Rachel’s favorite late-blooming Pulitzer-winning poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – West Virginia:
6/15/202229 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 232: Neutron Hall Pass

Rachel’s favorite performing siblings! Griffin’s favorite random number generators!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – West Virginia:
6/8/202235 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 231: Corn Tag

Griffin’s favorite aeroplane interaction! Rachel’s favorite atmospheric episodes!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Fairness West Virginia:
6/2/202239 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 230: Peruse Your Pleasure

Rachel’s favorite interactive sporting dance! Griffin’s favorite soshie-centric show!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – NARAL Pro-Choice America:
5/25/202239 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 229: Big Cinnamon Roll Energy

Rachel’s favorite deep-cleansing patches! Griffin’s favorite tabletop community center!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Pro-Choice America:
5/18/202230 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 228: Touched By a Turbo Teen

Griffin’s favorite sky-facing career! Rachel’s favorite Pushcart Prize poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Pro-Choice America:
5/12/202228 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 227: Soup in a McElroy Hat

Rachel’s favorite meta-joke sitcom! Griffin’s favorite genre-twisting game creator!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Pro-Choice America:
5/4/202242 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 226: Half Past Puffs Time

Rachel and Griffin talk the listeners favorite things as determined by poll: Abstract Crafts! A specific sibling! Pop bops! Original poetry! Adulting! Shiny wet things! Block-based video games! Puppet-based films!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Transgender Law Center:
4/27/202240 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 225: Our Favorite St. Louis Stuff, Live!

Griffin’s favorite early education! Rachel’s favorite party dog! Griffin’s favorite absolute units! Rachel’s favorite film whispers! Griffin’s favorite chalky treatment! Rachel’s favorite billion bubble beverage!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Transgender Law Center:
4/22/202238 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 224: Call Me Griddlebone

Rachel’s favorite celebrity-endorsed announcements! Griffin’s favorite spiky blue friend!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Transgender Law Center:
4/14/202240 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 223: This One’s For The Real Sportos

Griffin’s favorite extreme scores! Rachel’s favorite high-energy activity jams!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Transgender Law Center:
4/6/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 222: I Am Magic Claw

Rachel’s favorite poet that makes it look easy! Griffin’s favorite subtle show about processing emotions!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Law Center:
4/1/202231 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 221: Bouncy Business

Griffin’s favorite rebound tumbler! Rachel’s favorite enthusiastic breakfast!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: House:
3/23/202234 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 220: Folding Chair Zone

Rachel’s favorite urban oasis! Griffin’s favorite partially-illustrated stories!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – The National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: Harmony House:
3/16/202242 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 219: The Place I Come to Fletch

Griffin’s favorite empowering culture realm! Rachel’s favorite sport automaton! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – The National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: Harmony House:
3/10/202233 minutes
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 218: Grabby Pincher

Rachel’s favorite erasure poet! Griffin’s favorite merchandizer!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Canem Foundation: National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: House:
3/2/202235 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 217: I Don’t Think We Should Worship the Egg God

Griffin’s favorite colorful shedding game! Rachel’s favorite obsolete noise exhibit!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – National Black Women’s Justice Institute: Huntington Children's Museum:
2/23/202231 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 216: Your Yuck Language

Rachel’s favorite coiffure connoisseurs! Griffin’s favorite athletics-centric fare!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Black Women’s Justice Institute: Children's Museum:
2/16/202235 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 215: Difficult and Horny

Griffin’s favorite funny murders! Rachel’s favorite solutions for problems you didn't know you had!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Black Women’s Justice Institute: Children's Museum:
2/9/202236 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 214: Drywall Matchmaking

Rachel’s favorite processed meat! Griffin’s favorite construction destruction!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – for Reproductive Rights:
1/26/202233 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 213: Dairy-Free Samwise Gamgee

Griffin’s favorite guiding light! Rachel’s favorite stylized snack!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – for Reproductive Rights:
1/19/202234 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 212: Chaotic Eye Energy

Rachel’s favorite viral poet! Griffin’s favorite limited attention activities!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
1/12/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 211: Pizza Valley

Griffin’s favorite television rocky relationship! Rachel’s favorite system of arranging things! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
1/5/202229 minutes
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 210: Look at All These Wizards

Griffin and Rachel bring a joint topic to talk about: their favorite emporiums in the suspended-in-time-and-space shopping experience.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
12/23/202143 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 209: There Goes Snowkyo, Go Go Snowzilla

Griffin’s favorite sinus cleanser! Rachel’s favorite frozen humanoid!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
12/15/202137 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 208: Any Food is Sexy if You Work With It Long Enough

Rachel’s favorite protandric mollusk! Griffin’s favorite nerd ensemble!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
12/8/202136 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 207: Boy Performer

Griffin’s favorite top-tier cute predator animal! Rachel’s favorite endowment for smart creatives!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
12/1/202135 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 206: Big City Boil

Rachel’s favorite ping-ponging poet! Griffin’s favorite novel medical tests! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
11/24/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 205: The Power of Bruce

It’s Oops All Audience Submissions! Rachel and Griffin bring YOUR Small Wonders, including salty streets, universally loved entertainment, soup crunchums, and produce sound effects.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
11/17/202132 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 204: So Many Wahs

Rachel’s favorite choose-your-own seminars! Griffin’s favorite celebration-themed retail establishment! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
11/10/202134 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 203: Into the Honey Hole

Griffin’s favorite grit-less tasty rainbow! Rachel’s favorite Civic Duty reward!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
11/3/202134 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 202: BTP, Before Two Princes

Rachel’s favorite dying film genre! Griffin’s favorite things that other people like!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
10/27/202133 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 201: Keep it up, Tetris Boy

Griffin’s favorite motivational emotion! Rachel’s favorite relatable poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
10/14/202131 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 200: The Lead Anniversary

Rachel’s favorite costumed sports character! Griffin’s favorite collaborative bop! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
10/6/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 199: In Relationship with the Orbeez

Griffin’s favorite geographical-tracking network! Rachel’s favorite same-named poet!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
9/29/202135 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 198: Where Did My Body Odor Go?

Rachel’s favorite scanned codes! Griffin’s favorite seasonal bop!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
9/22/202127 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 197: The Condiment Showdown

We're here judging the best and the worst condiments, and things get PRETTY heated over the difference between "condiments" and "dips." We have these hard talks so you don't have to.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
9/16/202136 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 196: That's Stinkin' Thinkin'

Rachel's favorite mystical poet! Griffin's favorite pit-freeing fashion!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
9/10/202131 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 195: Transubstantiated Cheetos

Griffin’s favorite little robot grocery stores! Rachel’s favorite American Idol performer!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
9/1/202132 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 194: Deep Fried Halloween

Rachel’s favorite battered goodies! Griffin’s favorite image-making devices!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
8/25/202131 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 193: Hashbrowns Appendix

Griffin’s favorite premiere beach activity! Rachel’s favorite wearable art project! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
8/18/202136 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 192: I Like When the Bread Gets Wet

Rachel’s favorite rad superstar! Griffin’s favorite comestible containers!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
8/5/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 191: SOOP

Griffin’s favorite lawyer video game! Rachel’s favorite gifting community!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
7/28/202129 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 190: Genus and the Edible Tubers

Rachel’s favorite historic thrill park! Griffin’s favorite orange root!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
7/21/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 189: Soup and The Fugitive

Griffin’s favorite overnight social parties! Rachel’s favorite immersive teaching tools!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
7/14/202129 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 188: Don’t Kiss the Brachiosaurus, Jeremy

Rachel’s favorite school outings! Griffin’s favorite reality competition!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
7/7/202133 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 187: I'll Be In The Cry Room

Griffin's favorite home firework experience! Rachel’s favorite daytime entertainment!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
6/30/202127 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 186: Arboreal Childbirth LARPing

Rachel’s favorite toy craze! Griffin’s favorite documentation medium!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
6/23/202136 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 185: Pink Fink

Griffins’ favorite cold summertime treat! Rachel’s favorite poems of the body!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
6/17/202129 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 184: Ding, That's a Sin

Rachel’s favorite decade of life! Griffin’s favorite synanthrope!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
6/9/202128 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 183: Nature’s Master Chief

Griffin’s favorite geographical feature! Rachel’s favorite fashion design!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
6/2/202131 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 182: Slippery Wood

Rachel’s favorite childhood fixations! Griffin’s favorite ancient game!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
5/26/202131 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 181: Magic 8 Tube

Griffin’s favorite hearty sweet breakfast food! Rachel’s favorite soothsaying toy!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
5/19/202137 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 180: You Have Disturbed the House God

Rachel’s favorite gentle singing! Griffin’s favorite cool toy!Consider becoming a supporter of our show: Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
5/12/202137 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 179: The Sogmaster

Griffin’s favorite sugary cereal universe! Rachel’s favorite educational TV show!Consider becoming a supporter of our show: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
5/5/202135 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 178: Tamagotchi Baby

Rachel and Griffin talk about their second baby experience, from zip-lining doctors to how all children are different.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
4/28/202133 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 177: Zamboni Birthday

Welcome to this second dandelion episode of Wonderful! Rachel and Griffin discuss one of the most surprising changes they underwent in quarantine times: becoming sports fans.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
4/21/202144 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 176: Cunning Like an Eagle

In this special time-travel episode of Wonderful, Griffin and Rachel revisit an old favorite from the live show and read Griffin's elementary school HJ (Home Journal) and critique his grade-school writing talent.Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
4/14/202151 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 175 Virtual Live Show!

Welcome to the Wonderful Live Stream from January 2021, benefitting Austin Bat Cave! Rachel’s favorite brand of humor! Griffins’ favorite spooky literature! Rachel’s favorite controversial typeface! Griffin’s favorite flying mammals!For more information on Austin Bat Cave: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
4/7/202154 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful's ThirdLove Love-stravaganza!

In this very special bonus episode — brought to you by ThirdLove — we discuss the ins and outs of modern online dating with our guest, Romance Correspondent Anna Roch! Get some good bras with ThirdLove! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus –
3/26/202136 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 174: You Only Need One Ron

Rachel’s favorite kind of personal rebranding! Griffin’s favorite colorful adhesives! Rachel’s favorite phosphorescent shape! Griffin’s favorite biscuit sandwiches!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: Support the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund:
3/24/202136 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 173: Bip Bippadotta

Griffin’s favorite epic skateboard trick! Rachel’s favorite Muppet song! Griffin’s favorite digital art mistakes! Rachel’s favorite creative places! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Please consider supporting these various causes to provide relief to those living in Texas still suffering from the damage of Winter Storm Uri: Feeding Texas: Austin Mutual Aid: Other volunteering and donation opportunities:
3/17/202139 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 172: Rachel Beef

Rachel's favorite stuff-carrying device! Griffin's favorite buns! Rachel's favorite memorial poem! Griffin's favorite precarious board game! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Please consider supporting these various causes to provide relief to those living in Texas still suffering from the damage of Winter Storm Uri: Feeding Texas: Austin Mutual Aid: Other volunteering and donation opportunities:  
3/10/202143 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 171: Butt Warfare

Griffin’s favorite spiny rodent! Rachel’s favorite mattress size!  Griffin’s favorite viral drum beat! Rachel’s favorite funny people!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Please consider supporting these various causes to provide relief to those living in Texas still suffering from the damage of Winter Storm Uri: Feeding Texas: Austin Mutual Aid: Other volunteering and donation opportunities:
3/3/202149 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 170: The Coldest, Wettest Time in Texas

We're suspending our usual ethos of unabashed enthusiasm and positivity as we recount our experience during Texas' recent infrastructural collapse. Strap the hell in! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Please consider supporting these various causes to provide relief to those living in Texas still suffering from the damage of Winter Storm Uri: Feeding Texas: Austin Mutual Aid: Other volunteering and donation opportunities:  
2/24/202158 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 169: Boom Boom Hockey Daddy

Griffin's favorite offbeat comic! Rachel's favorite hard sports shot! Griffin's favorite theme song makers! Rachel's favorite tracking! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
2/10/202144 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 168: Frasier Force

Rachel's favorite driving lessons! Griffin's favorite arcade competition! Rachel's favorite off-brand products! Griffin's favorite science museum! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
2/3/202143 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 167: The Christmas Crab

Griffin's favorite investment fad! Rachel's favorite national poem! Griffin's favorite good-smelling plant! Rachel's favorite animal movement! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
1/27/202147 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 166: Pockets of Flesh

Rachel's favorite eye moistener! Griffin's favorite pricey pastime! Rachel's favorite portable storage! Griffin's favorite old synth!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
1/20/202142 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 165: Commonwolf

Griffin's favorite metal instrument! Rachel's favorite keepsake poem! Griffin's favorite live TV! Rachel's favorite fast speaking! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – CALL YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TODAY: Demand police accountability and reform: Ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
1/13/202147 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 164: God Knows, Davey

Rachel's favorite animation! Griffin's favorite comic sci-fi! Rachel's favorite surf rock! Griffin's favorite safe zone!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TODAY: police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
1/7/202142 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 163: Party Time!

IT'S PARTY TIME!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: 
12/31/202046 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 162: Hydropunk Cowboys

Rachel's favorite abandoned entertainment complexes! Griffin's favorite bleak genre! Rachel's favorite handheld holiday food! Griffin's favorite Scottish synth-pop!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
12/16/202047 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 161: Ricolaaaaaahhhh

Griffin's favorite pump-up holiday song! Rachel's favorite campfire food! Griffin's favorite ubiquitous freeware! Rachel's favorite magazine profiles!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: 
12/10/202040 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 160: That Stinky Tree Blood

Rachel's favorite reporting! Griffin's favorite oddly bottled soda! Rachel's favorite arboreal scent! Griffin's favorite German board game!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
12/3/202045 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 159: The Mystery of Helium

Griffin's favorite art instructor! Rachel's favorite big floaty boys! Griffin's favorite communal music experience! Rachel's favorite family!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
11/18/202047 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 158: The Red Big Barn

Rachel's favorite stare down! Griffin's favorite unwritten grammatical rule! Rachel's favorite quick nourishment! Griffin's favorite sea life power jam!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
11/11/202037 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 157: YUUUUUP!

Well, this is a weird one, isn't it?Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:  
11/5/202047 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 156: Wonderful Teen Tournament of Champions

Rachel's favorite impromptu gathering! Griffin's favorite always-on TV show! Rachel's favorite grammatical poetry! Griffin's favorite ghost movie!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:! -
10/28/202045 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 155: That's One Spicy Flu Shot!

Griffin's favorite annual vaccine! Rachel's favorite biorhythmic poem! Griffin's favorite modifiable platformer! Rachel's favorite improvised mouth noises!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:! -
10/22/202046 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 154: Closed Casket Almond Funeral

Rachel's favorite upwards arbor! Griffin's new favorite candy bar! Rachel's favorite linear physical challenges! Griffin's favorite mid-aughts rock album!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Demand police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:! -
10/14/202047 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 153: Oops! Ope! Whoopsie!

Griffin's favorite hot water! Rachel's favorite early aughts pop! Griffin's favorite Halloween texture! Rachel's favorite pseudo-apology!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: to vote:
10/7/202040 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 152: Air Milk

Rachel's favorite electoral food! Griffin's favorite throwing game! Rachel's favorite old snacks! Griffin's favorite fall album!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – police accountability and reform: to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: to vote:
9/30/202040 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 151: Michaels Soul Connections

Griffin's favorite big camera! Rachel's favorite suggestive workout! Griffin's favorite ill-advised customer support! Rachel's favorite odd-rhyming poem!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – Support Breonna Taylor's family: police accountability and reform: Black Lives Matter Louisville: more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: to vote:
9/24/202035 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 150: Fireball Dance Energy

Rachel's favorite ambitious music video! Griffin's favorite outdoor treasure hunt! Rachel's favorite snake reproduction! Griffin's favorite bass riff!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: the Northwest Response Fund to aid those affected by wildfires: to vote:
9/16/202042 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 149: Grandpa Discus

Griffin's favorite throwable object! Rachel's favorite tropical fruit! Griffin's favorite nu-disco duo! Rachel's favorite impersonations!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: to the Milwaukee Freedom Fund in support of the protesters in Kenosha: the California Wildfire Relief Fund: to vote:
9/9/202040 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 148: Gak Chat

Rachel's favorite parenting poem! Griffin's favorite remote-controlled toy! Rachel's favorite torso piercing! Griffin's favorite short-lived game genre!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: to the Milwaukee Freedom Fund in support of the protesters in Kenosha: the California Wildfire Relief Fund: to vote:
9/3/202043 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 147: Chronohop to the Future

Griffin's favorite night out activity! Rachel's favorite electronic pop! Griffin's favorite obscure Renaissance instrument! Rachel's favorite temporal anomaly!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: to the Milwaukee Freedom Fund in support of the protesters in Kenosha: the California Wildfire Relief Fund: to vote:
8/26/202046 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 146: The Noid's Brother

Rachel's favorite mistakes! Griffin's favorite musical tower! Rachel's favorite post-food feeling! Griffin's favorite team-based game!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
8/19/202043 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 145: Cracker Barrel Potions

Griffin's favorite tree juice! Rachel's favorite beach find! Griffin's favorite communal eating experience! Rachel's favorite Chicago hip-hop duo!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
8/13/202043 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 144: Inside Out LARPing

Rachel's favorite imaginative activity! Griffin's favorite second chances! Rachel's favorite tall circle! Griffin's favorite music video!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: become a supporter of the Maximum Fun network:
8/6/202050 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 143: Rare, Exclusive Gak

Griffin's favorite seminal skateboarding game! Rachel's favorite holes! Griffin's favorite Seattle rock! Rachel's favorite kid's channel!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: become a supporter of the Maximum Fun network:
7/29/202048 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 142: Hot Bones

Rachel's favorite local cryptid! Griffin's favorite sword fighting! Rachel's favorite body meat! Griffin's favorite double album!For more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: become a supporter of the Maximum Fun network:
7/22/202041 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 141: Anyone Can Pilot!

Griffin's favorite personal data storage! Rachel's favorite educational animal! Griffin's favorite timeless aughts rock! Rachel's favorite transit drain!For more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources: become a supporter of the Maximum Fun network:
7/15/202048 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 140: The Atomic Collage

Rachel's favorite patchwork art! Griffin's favorite valuable boxes! Rachel's favorite revolutionary poet! Griffin's favorite educational TV show!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - more on the Audre Lorde Project: more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
7/9/202046 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 139: A Most Powerful Laugh

Griffin's favorite home manufacturing! Rachel's favorite giggle! Griffin's favorite British challenges! Rachel's favorite keepsakes!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
7/2/202045 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 138: All the Dan Marinos

Rachel's favorite many-toothed sea creature! Griffin's favorite basketball game! Rachel's favorite memory machine! Griffin's favorite transportive anime movie!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - more ways to support Black Lives Matter and find anti-racism resources:
6/24/202045 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 137: The Scent of Jazzman Bruno

Griffin's favorite adult snack! Rachel's favorite endorsed smells! Griffin's favorite sketch comedy! Rachel's favorite relevant tune!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - more info on the Marsha P. Johnson Institute:
6/18/202048 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 136: Mancala on My Mind

Rachel's favorite childhood development! Griffin's favorite ancient game! Rachel's favorite revolutionary poem! Griffin's favorite imaginative song!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - more info on The Okra Project:
6/10/202044 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Feed Drop: FANTI

Instead of posting a regular episode this week, we’re happy to share with you a new episode of FANTI, one of the newest shows on MaxFun! FANTI is hosted by journalists Jarrett Hill and Tre’vell Anderson, who provide hilarious discussions and insightful criticism about beloved pop culture topics each week. We’re wild about this show, and we think you will be, too — and we’re so grateful to Jarrett and Tre’vell for allowing us to cross-post their latest episode in our feed.Their latest episode breaks the regular format as they discuss the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, and the rampant, inhumane escalation of police violence against protestors and Black communities across the country during this period of unrest. We encourage you to listen, subscribe to FANTI, and find ways to amplify black voices however you can.Subscribe to FANTI: ways you can help: Bail Fund Network: educational Anti-Racism resources:
6/4/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 135: Rainy Day Energy

Griffin's favorite automotive film franchise! Rachel's favorite eggy bread! Griffin's favorite hard-earned album! Rachel's favorite place to play!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/27/202051 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 134: Gamer Camp

Rachel's favorite moving movies! Griffin's favorite cleaning videos! Rachel's favorite esteemed poetry position! Griffin's favorite food stink!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/20/202040 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 133: The Self-Care Sedan

We had a difficult time getting this recording together, so we decided to do a special episode! Hop in the self-care sedan as we pack it up with all kinds of good, good, seemingly random stuff.Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/13/202040 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 132: FARMER, FARMER

Rachel's favorite kitschy light source! Griffin's favorite laser games! Rachel's favorite reminiscing! Griffin's favorite restaurant freebie!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/7/202040 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 131: 'Skeetos

Griffin's favorite remixes! Rachel's favorite natural sound! Griffin's favorite cooking method! Rachel's favorite groundbreaking politician!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/29/202040 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 130: Jawbreaker Julie

Rachel's favorite rhythmic poet! Griffin's favorite animal sighting! Rachel's favorite traffic invention! Griffin's favorite emotional musical!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/22/202038 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 129: Burning is Anxiety Leaving the Body

Griffin's favorite superteam subgenre! Rachel's favorite dried fruit mascots! Griffin's favorite mouth sound! Rachel's favorite kids show pump-up jam!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/15/202039 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 128: The Big Finger

Griffin's favorite armored animal! Rachel's favorite evolved music! Griffin's favorite nasty guitar solos! Rachel's favorite balanced proportion!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/8/202039 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 127: A Real Pesci Situation

Rachel's favorite TV plot device! Griffin's favorite Japanese electronica duo! Rachel's favorite humble pants! Griffin's favorite mind power!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - 
4/1/202041 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 126: The Goop Threshold

Griffin's favorite social gaming! Rachel's favorite food preserver! Griffin's favorite temporary fortress! Rachel's favorite reassuring poet!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - 
3/25/202042 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 125: A Thighful of Chico

(Note: This was going to be our kick-off episode for the MaxFunDrive, which has been postponed. We’ve cut most of the drive-talk out of the episode — hence the shorter-than-usual runtime and occasional pauses. Hang in there, y’all.)Rachel's favorite burger science! Griffin's favorite fruit! Rachel's favorite strange reflex! Griffin's favorite funk band!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - 
3/18/202038 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 124: Oh Boy, Hoop and Stick!

Griffin's favorite packaging! Rachel's favorite temporary film distributor! Griffin's favorite meaningful book! Rachel's favorite animal sounds!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/11/202050 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 123: Nasty Jupiter

Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - 
3/4/202038 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 122: Spatial Basketball Relations

Griffin's favorite foundational messaging app! Rachel's favorite sports entertainment! Griffin's favorite gaming place! Rachel's favorite eye hair!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -  
2/26/202045 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 121: Lady of the Bracelets

Rachel's favorite story structure! Griffin's favorite secret portals! Rachel's favorite clipping friend! Griffin's favorite funk anthem!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -  
2/19/202040 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 120: Sausage Sandcastle

Griffin's favorite intense-faced actor! Rachel's favorite wiggling toys! Griffin's favorite eggy bread! Rachel's favorite un-food videos!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -  
2/12/202039 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 119: Bergeron on my Mind

Rachel's favorite physical love adaptation! Griffin's favorite warm water! Rachel's favorite new lo-fi rock! Griffin's favorite strange algorithm!Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/5/202043 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 118: Butt-Shaped Fruits

Griffin's favorite fighting format! Rachel's favorite sensual poem! Griffin's favorite complicated game! Rachel's favorite filmed mistakes! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/29/202044 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 117: This is Bras

Rachel's favorite new Americana musician! Griffin's favorite folk game! Rachel's favorite communal self-care! Griffin's favorite sky cookie! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/22/202047 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 116: Pooch Hooch

Griffin's favorite buckwild Zelda run! Rachel's favorite classy writing! Griffin's favorite chamber brass! Rachel's favorite crimefighting pup! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/15/202046 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 115: Experimenting with Conditioner

Rachel's favorite chilly sliding! Griffin's favorite shower friend! Rachel's favorite cyber artists! Griffin's favorite porcine holiday tradition! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/8/202041 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 114: A Strong Boogercat

Happy New Year! We're out of pocket this week, but never fear! We've got our recent Live Candlenights performance ready to go! Join us as we dive into the best things about Huntington history, and prepare to confront the most powerful cryptic ever discovered. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/1/202030 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 113: Field of Necromancy

Griffin's favorite farming game! Rachel's favorite big screen! Griffin's favorite throat lozenge! Rachel's favorite memorial poem! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/18/201938 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 112: Tidal Brain Force

Rachel's favorite superstitions! Griffin's favorite party activity! Rachel's favorite outdoor lighting! Griffin's favorite music phenomenon! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/11/201941 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 111: Tiger's Gotta Scratch

Griffin's favorite mighty voice! Rachel's favorite contraception! Griffin's favorite tacky holiday decor! Rachel's favorite two days! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/4/201943 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 110: It's Jazzual

Rachel's favorite local celebs! Griffin's favorite easy-wearing garment! Rachel's favorite thrifty slips! Griffin's favorite power song! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
11/27/201936 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 109: The Hair-Eating Robot Friend

Rachel's favorite labor icon! Griffin's favorite helpful automatons! Rachel's favorite pancreatic peptides! Griffin's favorite communal dining experience! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
11/20/201943 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 108: Hot Brie and Takis

Griffin's favorite toy advertisements! Rachel's favorite first fancy cheese! Griffin's favorite super listenable band! Rachel's favorite challenging poem! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
11/13/201941 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 107: Deep Hug Stink

Griffin's favorite cooking programming! Rachel's favorite kid's clay! Griffin's favorite bitpop band! Rachel's favorite stink! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
11/6/201948 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 106: Here Comes the Juice Demon

Rachel's favorite learning institutions! Griffin's favorite unofficial outfits! Rachel's favorite beverage selections! Griffin's favorite underdog movie! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/30/201937 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 105: The Coaster of the Future

Griffin's favorite school event! Rachel's favorite college rock band! Griffin's favorite winter wear! Rachel's favorite record keepers! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/23/201948 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 104: Find A Thigh

Rachel's favorite handy appendage! Griffin's favorite ursine competition! Rachel's favorite public work! Griffin's favorite autumnal agricultural activity! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/16/201940 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 103: Candle Coitus

Griffin's favorite music-making activity! Rachel's favorite burning smell! Griffin's favorite digital background! Rachel's favorite abstract poem! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/9/201944 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 102: Lazlo's Pyramid of Desire

Rachel's favorite rhythmic movement! Griffin's favorite hotel TV channels! Rachel's favorite silly street art! Griffin's favorite fake world movie! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/2/201943 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 101: Turkey Yogurt

Griffin's favorite sleeve length! Rachel's favorite edible probiotic goo! Griffin's favorite liquid container! Rachel's favorite tree-dwelling marsupial! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
9/25/201935 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 100: A Centennial Celebration

Looks like we've made it! We're going through our first 99 episodes and finding the best of the best, all while breaking down the statistics behind our picks! It's more fun than it sounds. We hope. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
9/18/201948 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 99: Where Does the Stink Go?

Griffin's favorite soothing reality show! Rachel's favorite fun food for children! Griffin's favorite failed 4D experiment! Rachel's favorite multi-purpose powder! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
9/11/201946 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 98: Yogurt Expert

Rachel's favorite restorative body movement! Griffin's favorite animated summer jam! Rachel's favorite genre! Griffin's favorite communication advancement! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/28/201941 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 97: 12 Angry Virtual Pets

Griffin's favorite practical shopping! Rachel's favorite non-fiction piece! Griffin's favorite benign digital distraction! Rachel's favorite home away from home! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/21/201945 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 96: Quad City Neurosurgeons

Rachel's favorite vestigial skin reflex! Griffin's favorite spice! Rachel's favorite animal couple! Griffin's favorite sibling vocal trio! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/14/201939 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 95: Baritone Chili's

Griffin's favorite musical meeting! Rachel's favorite organization concept! Griffin's favorite soft flooring! Rachel's favorite old-school simulated life game! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/8/201950 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 94: 109.9 The Whammer

Rachel's favorite cinematic poem! Griffin's favorite outdoorsy kids book! Rachel's favorite satire! Griffin's favorite technological convenience! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/31/201953 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 93: The Ghost Ship McDonald

Griffin's favorite super hero! Rachel's favorite kind of summer shoe! Griffin's favorite new hobbyist reality competition show! Rachel's favorite defunct floating fast food! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/24/201944 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 92: SUMMER 'VIEW 2019 EDITION

One of us is going on a dang book tour again, so we put together this special, midseason Summer pre-re-view for you! Learn what's hot (SUMMER JOKE) and what's not before you kick off your summer, now, in the middle of July! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/17/201942 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 91: A Nice, Oaky Greg

Griffin's favorite reflex! Rachel's favorite online list! Griffin's favorite floating color blobs! Rachel's favorite narrated TV show! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/10/201949 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 90: Hot Clown Tech

Rachel's favorite word riddles! Griffin's favorite consistent game series! Rachel's favorite cool treat! Griffin's favorite song about aging! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/3/201943 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 89: Timothy Cooljazz

Griffin's favorite spicy meat! Rachel's favorite cool jazz musician! Griffin's favorite moving staircase! Rachel's favorite round warm stuff! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/26/201953 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 88: Blast Off Boy

Rachel's favorite boat naming convention! Griffin's favorite handheld cleaning friend! Rachel's favorite place where art lives! Griffin's favorite prolific songwriter! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/19/201943 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 87: 200 Mile Moon Journey

Griffin's favorite table sport! Rachel's favorite Texas gas station! Griffin's favorite cookie meal! Rachel's favorite poem about fame! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/12/201943 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 86: Zuck Bucks

Rachel's favorite form of mouth protection! Griffin's favorite VR exercise! Rachel's favorite choreographed music genre! Griffin's favorite outdoor party platform! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/5/201950 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 85: Mr. Balloons Goes to Washington

Griffin's favorite food opportunity! Rachel's favorite water war innovation! Griffin's favorite fictional master thief! Rachel's favorite nutty paste! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/22/201938 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 84: Boomer at the Bat

Rachel's favorite big bread! Griffin's favorite sports climax! Rachel's favorite new Norwegian Pop Star! Griffin's favorite underappreciated folk musician! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - "High Five" and "Don't Kill My Vibe" by Sigrid: "Jesus Was a Crossmaker" and "Soldier of the Heart" by Judee Sill:
5/15/201945 minutes
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 83: A Eulogy for an Onion

Griffin's favorite defunct appetizer! Rachel's favorite short-term job! Griffin's favorite deduction game nobody will play with him! Rachel's favorite graduation-boosting initiative! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/8/201942 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 82: The We Didn't Prepare This Week Extravaganza

A surprise bit of travel has thrown our usual recording schedule right off its axis! Don't panic, though. We've got a very fun episode just chock-full of Small Wonders here for you. It's super, super casual. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/1/201944 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 81: Bug Man vs. Magic Guy

Griffin's favorite humble body of water! Rachel's favorite optical illusion fad! Griffin's favorite toilet hygiene friend! Rachel's favorite uplifting loneliness poem! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/25/201946 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 80: Jarpin'

Rachel's favorite food development! Griffin's favorite song and commercial! Rachel's favorite esoteric music genre! Griffin's favorite candy competition! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/17/201947 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 79: The Gooshy Carpet Incident

Griffin's favorite geological feature! Rachel's favorite pre-school study! Griffin's favorite tunes to vibe out to! Rachel's favorite admission! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/10/201948 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 78: Abstinent Grimace

Rachel's favorite new indie rocker! Griffin's favorite classic phone game! Rachel's favorite regional terminology! Griffin's favorite car movement! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/3/201945 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 77: Whistlin' Bulbasaur

Griffin's favorite open-ended dining arrangement! Rachel's new favorite pastry! Griffin's favorite form of self-awareness! Rachel's favorite personal anecdote! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/27/201959 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 76: "Shades"

Rachel's favorite reverse-rapping artist! Griffin's favorite modular furniture! Rachel's favorite eye protectors! Griffin's favorite parodist and national treasure! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/20/201950 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 75: Gonna Need Those Plums Back, Though

Griffin's favorite big wrinkly friends! Rachel's favorite eating utensil! Griffin's favorite love celebration! Rachel's favorite Imagist poet! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/13/201940 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 74: The Funny Container Man

Rachel's favorite new sports superstition! Griffin's favorite driving occurrence! Rachel's favorite creamy brown stuff! Griffin's favorite energy-making devices! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/6/201938 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 73: Kayak Driver

Griffin's favorite other way to explore the world! Rachel's new favorite podcast genre! Griffin's favorite formative indie rock! Rachel's favorite voice-changing gas! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/27/201942 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 72: Wetitation

Rachel's favorite musical evolution! Griffin's favorite place to think his thoughts! Rachel's favorite childhood poem! Griffin's favorite all-in-one medicine! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/20/201950 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 71: Baby Like It Sweet

Griffin’s favorite software preservation effort! Rachel’s favorite vitamin consumption method! Griffin’s favorite place to walk around! Rachel’s favorite new taste! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/13/201946 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 70: Throwing a Tooth Into the Sun

Rachel's favorite tooth-buying supernatural entity! Griffin's favorite random toy delivery mechanism! Rachel's favorite dead plant smell! Griffin's favorite inexplicable holiday! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/6/201954 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 69: The Billy Crystal Cube

Griffin's favorite pretty substance! Rachel's favorite extra moniker! Griffin's favorite upbeat choral band! Rachel's favorite indescribable thing! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/30/201947 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 68: Homemade Runts

Rachel's favorite goof appreciation! Griffin's favorite edible freebie! Rachel's favorite melty sandwich! Griffin's favorite historical videos! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/23/201949 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 67: A Fleet of Wienerdrones

Griffin's favorite fashion change-up! Rachel's favorite jazzy poem! Griffin's favorite perplexing power-song! Rachel's favorite novelty vehicle! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/16/201950 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 66: The Mallpisode

Rachel's favorite friend-meeting process! Griffin's favorite typing optimization! Rachel's favorite hair length! Griffin's favorite place to hang as a teen! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/9/201950 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 65: The Big Bubble Man

Griffin's favorite new animated super hero movie! Rachel's favorite plane snack! Griffin's favorite neighborhood discovery! Rachel's favorite renovation programming! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/3/201945 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 64: 100% Gamer Energy

Rachel's favorite word fusions! Griffin's favorite final holiday! Rachel's favorite sometimes convenient gift! Griffin's favorite sing-speaky band! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/19/201841 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful Ep. 63: Goin’ Potty Backwards

Griffin’s favorite electromagnetic phenomenon! Rachel’s favorite nostalgic advertisements! Griffin’s favorite classy holiday album! Rachel’s favorite new Hanukkah jam! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/12/201841 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! 62: Dip Crimes

Rachel’s favorite natural phenomenon! Griffin’s favorite strange commercial desire! Rachel’s favorite ice invention! Griffin’s favorite rolling game! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/5/201849 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 61: Our Favorite Austin Stuff, Live!

We did a live show in our hometown of Austin, TX! We talked about our favorite stuff from the city, including an ill-fated restaurant, a local poet and an explosive state history lesson. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
11/29/201838 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 60: Walk Man

Griffin's favorite argument-solving method! Rachel's favorite mobile thinking technique! Griffin's favorite TV theme song! Rachel's favorite role model! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
11/21/201848 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 59: Edible Jellies

Rachel's favorite nasty mating ritual! Griffin's favorite gentle children's author! Rachel's favorite power vocalist! Griffin's favorite broth-food! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - That's a Ten:
11/14/201847 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 58: Ya' Gotta Eat!

Griffin's favorite puzzle game! Rachel's favorite bouncy jam! Griffin's favorite nautical synth love song! Rachel's favorite influential poet! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - "Smoke, Netflix, Chill" by Tank and the Bangas - "Yeoman" by Baths -
11/8/201842 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 57: Gooey for Garfield

Rachel's favorite attractive talent! Griffin's favorite food brick! Rachel's favorite candy size! Griffin's favorite horror TV show! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/31/201845 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 56: Fremenies

Griffin's favorite autumnal stunt! Rachel's favorite form of camaraderie! Griffin's favorite sci-fi horror franchise! Rachel's favorite outdoor fun zone! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/25/201845 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 55: Ouchie Bravery

Rachel's favorite danceable jams! Griffin's favorite horror writer! Rachel's top three favorite book! Griffin's favorite brass album! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/17/201842 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 54: Corn Cauldron

Griffin's favorite garment category! Rachel's favorite corn-adjacent romantic poem! Griffin's favorite duet! Rachel's favorite Muppet! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/10/201840 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 53: Miss American Pie

Rachel's favorite fruit pie! Griffin's favorite big aquatic friend! Rachel's favorite specialty brew category! Griffin's favorite current month! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
10/3/201839 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 52: NPR Takeover

Griffin's favorite time-saving invention! Rachel's favorite unorthodox bread! Griffin's favorite savory theater treat! Rachel's favorite guilty feeling! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
9/26/201838 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 51: Hot Speven Gossip

Rachel's favorite sports drama! Griffin's favorite way of getting perspective! Rachel's favorite youth art competition! Griffin's favorite super-long folk song! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
9/19/201853 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 50: Perfect Porridge

Griffin's favorite sound! Rachel's favorite crunchy guitar music! Griffin's favorite toaster pastry! Rachel's favorite social trait! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
9/13/201846 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 49: Accelerated Cheater

Rachel's favorite air conditioned attraction! Griffin's favorite anxiety-free retreat! Rachel's favorite public information warehouse! Griffin's favorite synthesizer videos! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - Red Means Recording -
9/6/201849 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 48: Baby Lou Bega

Griffin's favorite ironed food! Rachel's favorite playground game! Griffin's favorite playground game! Rachel's favorite sea mammal song! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/23/201848 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 47: LYLAS

Rachel's favorite school-times memory book! Griffin's favorite new TV competition! Rachel's favorite local bookstore! Griffin's favorite unclassifiable Japanese band! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/15/201850 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 46: Here Comes the Sauce!

Griffin's other favorite party game! Rachel's favorite hot bean! Griffin's favorite early 2000s electronic album! Rachel's favorite creative process! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/8/201851 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 45: Frasiest

Rachel's favorite pop culture recommendation YouTube series! Griffin's favorite relief! Rachel's favorite repeated food! Griffin's favorite summertime cooldown activity! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
8/2/201848 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 44: Hot Dog Destroyer

Griffin's favorite crafty YouTube channel! Rachel's favorite moving art! Griffin's favorite modern folk music! Rachel's favorite modern soul music! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/25/201849 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 43: Davey Coolstool’s Math Poetry

Rachel’s favorite poem-poem! Griffin’s favorite feeling about favorites! Rachel’s favorite fictional high school character! Griffin’s favorite formative tabletop game! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/18/201849 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 42: Professor Groovyshoes

Griffin's favorite party games! Rachel's favorite beverage review system! Griffin's favorite jazz standard! Rachel's favorite surprise delivery! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/11/201850 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 41: Hello, Boats!

Rachel's favorite outdoor relaxation furniture! Griffin's favorite way to cool off! Rachel's favorite way to see free concerts! Griffin's favorite revolutionary action movie! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
7/5/201849 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 40: Sheet Fighter

Griffin's favorite nearby celestial body! Rachel's favorite new music! Griffin's favorite psychedelic song! Rachel's favorite love study! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/27/201847 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 39: The Lovers Pose

Rachel's favorite comfortable lounge wear! Griffin's favorite mint! Rachel's favorite deal-hunting destination! Griffin's favorite radio station! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/20/201848 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 38: SUMMER 2018 PREVIEW

This week has been unfathomably buckwild for us, so in lieu of a regular episode, we've got a pretty strange one for you: We're getting psyched up for summer by listing our favorite parts of these, the Hot Months. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/13/201840 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 37: Secret Attic Biscuits

Rachel's favorite poem about a big city! Griffin's favorite gentle sport! Rachel's favorite spicy sauce! Griffin's favorite week of gaming news! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
6/6/201848 minutes, 8 seconds
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Wonderful! Ep. 36: Two-Story Toilet

Griffin's favorite dunkable treat! Rachel's favorite juice-filled fruit! Griffin's favorite bossa nova song! Rachel's favorite literary gathering! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/30/201852 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 35: Jackbutt

Rachel's favorite article about self-compassion! Griffin's favorite round bread! Rachel's favorite upcoming album! Griffin's favorite music for chill vibes! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - Snail Mail: Louie Zong:
5/23/201846 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 34: Master Bwuce

Griffin's favorite defunct video platform! Rachel's favorite TED Talk about talkin'! Griffin's favorite decisions in video games! Rachel's favorite appendage decoration! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/16/201848 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 33: Fbutter and Sprawn

Rachel's favorite food allergy tips! Griffin's favorite form of youthful expression! Rachel's favorite educators! Griffin's favorite way to find new music! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/9/201851 minutes, 53 seconds
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Wonderful! Ep. 32: 1995: A Look Back

Griffin's favorite unexpected animated musical! Rachel's favorite insect! Griffin's favorite song that helps him drive safely! Rachel's favorite brain trick! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
5/2/201847 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 31: It's the Slap!

Rachel's favorite new show on Netflix! Griffin's favorite hot thing! Rachel's favorite edugame! Griffin's favorite competitive reality show! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/25/201850 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 30: Droney

Griffin's favorite difficult game! Rachel's return to the Poetry Corner! Griffin's favorite outer space goofs! Rachel's favorite shaped meat! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/19/201850 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 29: Tito Taylor

Rachel's favorite information extraction method! Griffin's favorite YouTube time-waster! Rachel's favorite brown soda! Griffin's favorite autobiographical song! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/11/201850 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 28: Wuh-Woh, WaghettiOs

Griffin's favorite online community! Rachel's favorite musical artist of all time! Griffin's favorite fun-zone! Rachel's favorite childhood staple food! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
4/4/201851 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 27: BEAN DELIVERY!!!

Rachel's favorite modified garment! Griffin's favorite super-accessible party game! Rachel's favorite chewy candy! Griffin's favorite piano folk album! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/28/201849 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 26: A Stoplight of Eagles

Griffin's favorite fictional weapon! Rachel's favorite educational initiative in March! Griffin's favorite inefficient animal categorization method! Rachel's favorite app for keeping in touch with friends! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/22/201840 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 25: Pizza Time Dudes

Rachel's favorite week-long beach rager! Griffin's favorite breakfast dessert! Rachel's favorite accesibility service! Griffin's favorite Canadian rock band! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/14/201846 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 24: Tearaway Turtleneck

Griffin's favorite game franchise! Rachel's favorite poem about a state! Griffin's favorite self-care appointment! Rachel's favorite new jam! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
3/7/201846 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 23: Eatin' all the Takis

Griffin's favorite hole-bird! Rachel's favorite concert series! Griffin's favorite 2018 meme! Rachel's favorite cathartic TV-watching experience! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/22/201841 minutes, 10 seconds
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Wonderful! Ep. 22: A Mouthful of Secrets

Rachel's favorite symbolic tiger! Griffin's favorite Olympic event! Rachel's favorite romantic origin story! Griffin's favorite adventures! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/14/201844 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 21: Podcasting for the Gold

Griffin's favorite teen drama! Rachel's favorite personal characteristic! Griffin's favorite slow jam! Rachel's favorite uplifting pop tune! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
2/7/201848 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 20: Energy!!

Rachel's favorite way to chill out! Griffin's favorite kind of creature comfort! Rachel's favorite relationship dynamic! Griffin's favorite jams found in unexpected places! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/31/201848 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 19: The French Fry Kid

Griffin's favorite salty foodstuff! Rachel's favorite book of correspondence! Griffin's favorite childhood band! Rachel's favorite episode of a long-running animated series! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus - Spotify Playlist:
1/24/201852 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 18: That Smooth Soup

Griffin and Rachel try to shake themselves of a long-running illness funk by rapid-firing through some real good stuff that they're real into right now! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/17/201847 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 17: Wake Me Up Inside!!

Griffin's favorite music-mixing card game! Rachel's favorite episode of her favorite show! Griffin's favorite life-affirming YouTube video! Rachel's favorite stone fruit-based poem! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
1/3/201852 minutes, 24 seconds
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Wonderful! Ep. 16: Greg Claus

Rachel's favorite new Christmas movie! Griffin's favorite three notes from a Christmas song! Rachel's favorite kind-of-sad Christmas song! Griffin's favorite Christmas present ever! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/20/201756 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 15: Big Dog Don't Fall Over

Griffin's favorite stuff to do while traveling! Griffin's favorite kitchen tool improvement! Rachel's favorite week-long winter holiday! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/13/201752 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 14: Tomorrow's News

Griffin's favorite game for geniuses! Rachel's favorite urban legend squasher! Griffin's favorite way to get pumped for the holidays! Rachel's favorite meaningful menu! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by bo en and Augustus -
12/6/201749 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 13: The Devil is a Barking Dog

Rachel's favorite career! Griffin's favorite daily surprise! Rachel's favorite mandatory night time activity! Griffin's favorite romantic movie! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
11/30/201751 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


All your favorite Thanksgiving foods meet in the THANKSGIVING ARENA to decide this holiday's edible victor. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
11/22/201749 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 11: Fraggle Food Chain

Griffin's favorite funny video! Rachel's favorite vocab-building board game! Griffin's favorite place on the whole planet! Rachel's favorite children's show! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
11/15/201744 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 10: Undertaker Battle

Rachel's favorite political education organization! Griffin's favorite pie! Rachel's favorite 25-year-old album! Griffin's favorite infinite entertainment device! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
11/8/201749 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 9: Alligator Jealousy

Griffin's favorite zen-like video game series! Rachel's favorite therapeutic pastime! Griffin's favorite method of live musical performance! Rachel's favorite place to buy vegetables! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
11/1/201747 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 8: Candy Bones

Rachel's most spooktacular waxy candy! Griffin's most haunted national pastime! Rachel's most terrifying fashion ointment! Griffin's most ghoulish horror movie! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
10/26/201752 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 7: Dog Beach

Griffin's favorite homemade foodstuff! Rachel's favorite TV storytelling technique! Griffin's favorite jewel-based board game! Rachel's favorite condiment friend! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
10/18/201748 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 6: Book Stink

Rachel's favorite smell! Griffin's favorite seasonal spice! Rachel's favorite durable garment! Griffin's favorite soundtrack composer! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
10/11/201746 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 5: Robert Frost Fist Fight

In today's episode, Griffin's talking about video games, and Rachel's talking about poetry, so the level of expertise brought to the table is simply breathtaking. Also, Griffin gets VERY defensive about Sean Astin. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
10/4/201741 minutes, 6 seconds
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Wonderful! Ep. 4: Good As Hell

It's a very musical episode of Wonderful! this week, featuring segments on two extremely similar performers: Lizzo and Nick Drake! We also talk about naps and dandelions, just to round out the whole theme. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
9/28/201748 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 3: Get Busy, Towel Man

Rachel's very favorite type of bread! Griffin's favorite time to go to a movie! Rachel's favorite unofficial mascot! Griffin's inexplicable favorite sitcom character! Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
9/20/201748 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 2: The Most Powerful Butt

We hope you like hearing about arcane Four Square rules, because, Good Lord, do we go on a deep dive in this episode. We also talk about The Best New Animal, and some of our favorite food shapes. Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
9/13/201748 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wonderful! Ep. 1: Time Makes Bozos of Us All

Welcome to Wonderful! It's a show all about being enthusiastic about the good things in our lives, and the lives of others. In this, our maiden voyage, we're celebrating Carly Rae Jepsen's Words Of Power, baseball movies, the Grand Prize Game, and so much more. Join us, won't you? Music: "Money Won't Pay" by Bo En and Augustus:
9/6/201744 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: International Date Line

Oh, you haven't heard of International Date Line? It's only the hot new romantic television property created by Rachel and Griffin, two of Hollywood's most in-demand pitchmasters. Join them as they develop this show in this special episode of Rose Buddies!
8/30/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Married at First Sight

For today's Roze Buddiez, we watched a couple episodes of Married at First Sight, and learned all about science, and data, and love, and responsibility. Everything in this show is so scientific, and so very, deeply responsible.
8/23/201758 minutes, 21 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Love Connection

As we begin our journey away from the Bachelor franchise, we make a quick pit stop at Love Connection, which is a pretty inaccurate name for a show in which strangers take turns hating each other as hard as they possibly can.
8/16/201754 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep. 82: The Final Rose

Rachel's season of The Bachelorette came to a close earlier this week in an infuriating three-hour finale. Join us as we discuss the heartbreak and frustration of that conclusion, and hear ALL ABOUT the exciting new programs debuting THIS FALL on ABC!!!!!!!!!
8/9/20171 hour, 40 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: Baby TV

We super didn't want to recap The Men Tell All, so instead, we are subjecting you to this: An hour-long discussion about all the mostly awful baby television we've watched this year. Enjoy?
8/2/20171 hour, 53 seconds
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Ep. 80: Will Peter or Won't Peter

We decided to go with this episode title because it's the literal only premise of the two-hour-long episode of primetime television we watched earlier this week. Also: The remaining suitors meet the family, and begin their journey to the Fantasy Suite.
7/26/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep. 79: Hometowns, Again

Join us for a whistle-stop tour of America as we follow Rachel's journey to meet her four suitors' families! They went ... mostly ... okay, with one pretty exploitative exception. Recommended reading:
7/19/20171 hour, 20 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep. 78: Champagne!

We're getting down to the end of Rachel's tenure as Bachelorette, and -- you guessed it -- we're right back in that pre-hometowns slump. Join us as we dive into all the hot dates from this week, and as we discuss the SHOCKING eliminations as we get down to the final four.
7/12/20171 hour, 12 minutes, 34 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Good Things That We Like

There was no new episode of The Bachelorette this week, but we wanted to record SOMETHING, and this is the result of that desire. We're basically just talking about our favorite stuff in the least Goopy way we can muster.
7/5/201750 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep. 76: Onion Time

In this feature-length Rose Buddies, we break down the two episodes of Bachelorette that aired this week. I don't know if the Congressional Medal of Honor has ever been awarded for recapping four hours of garbage-time television, but hey, there's a first time for everything. Additional reading:
6/29/20171 hour, 42 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ep. 75: A Very, Very Bad Week

Fair warning: This is a pretty tough episode to listen to, and it was a pretty tough episode to record. We're covering everything that went down during the suspension of Bachelor in Paradise, and also recapping a super problematic episode of The Bachelorette. There's a lot of rotten stuff happening right now that we're trying to sort out; we ask for some patience as we figure out what comes next. CW: Racism, Sexual Assault Additional Reading:
6/21/20171 hour, 42 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep. 74: Horse Poop Censorship

This week's episode of The Bachelorette featured a lot of fun dates and a lot of super-not-fun horseshit back at the mansion. Not literal horse shit, mind you -- we all know this franchise is too afraid to actually deliver on THOSE goods.
6/7/20171 hour, 22 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep. 73: Juicy Delandal

This week's episode had it all: The blossoming of new love, an adorable dog attending a dog party, a marriage-themed obstacle course, and, of course, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. It just methodically checks off all the elements required for a good episode of television. Additional Reading:
5/31/20171 hour, 24 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ep. 72: Rachel and the Real Boy

The new season of Bachelorette has begun! In today's episode, we discuss Rachel's fateful meeting with 31 eligible bachelors, a few of whom are just absolute bridge trolls. The same cannot be said for A.J., who is the light of our lives, the sun in our sky and the light unto our path. Let's go! Additional Reading:
5/24/20171 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: Bachelor Pad Part Three

We did it. We beat it. We finished watching the final four episodes of Bachelor Pad Season Two in a single week, a feat that we wouldn't recommend trying to recreate at home. See you next week for the Bachelorette premiere!
5/16/20171 hour, 29 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: Bachelor Pad Part Two

We're halfway through watching this season of Bachelor Pad, and boy howdy, do we feel guilty about watching any of it. It was like we were really thirsty, dying in a desert of bad television, and now we're quenching ourselves on straight-up toilet water.
5/9/20171 hour, 22 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: Bachelor Pad Part One

After talking about it constantly during the span of this podcast, we're FINALLY discussing Bachelor Pad, the short-lived offshoot of the franchise we know and ... tolerate. Specifically, the second season of Bachelor Pad, which pops off very hard in the premiere and never really stops.
5/2/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 36 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Dating in the Dark

The mid-2000s were a challenging time for all of us, particularly those who were enrolled in reality television programs like Dating in the Dark. This is a show in which strangers are trapped together in a cave, and then tasked with smooching their way out. Join us for another week of erudite discussion on this next-level skeleton-evacuating experience.
4/25/20171 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: The Dating Game

Holy shit, what a trash fire. We're sorry we made anyone watch this. Because, like, DAMN. Every minute of this thing was worst than the previous minute, and this bad boy started out with a pretty rough first minute, so. WOOF.
4/17/201756 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: First Dates

This week, we're hungrily tearing into the new Ellen DeGeneres/Drew Barrymore collabo First Dates, in which a bunch of folks go on First Dates with varying degrees of success. It's a breath of fresh air, y'all.
4/11/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: The Bachelorette Season One - Part Two

We're fresh off the MaxFunDrive, and ... well, okay, "fresh" maybe isn't the right word. We are shambling husks of our former selves, full stop. But that's not going to stop us from finishing up our recap of the very first season of The Bachelorette!
4/4/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: The Bachelorette Season One - Part One

Happy week two of the MaxFunDrive! We hope you'll think about supporting our show if you've got the means! Either way, we're gonna recap the first season of The Bachelorette for you so, so right.
3/28/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Roze Buddiez: Terrace House: Aloha State

Happy MaxFunDrive, everybody! It's our first year on the network, and we're so excited to take part in this two-week celebration of ... well, us, I guess? And you! It's a love story, in a manner of speaking. Also, we're recapping the first eight episodes of Terrace House: Aloha State!
3/22/20171 hour, 22 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ep. 62: After the Final Thigh Rub

It's finale time! Well, yesterday was finale time, technically speaking. Right now it's recap time! Who did Nick choose to propose to in his season's final hours? I mean, you know, of course, but let's all pretend like it's a big surprise, okay?
3/14/20171 hour, 25 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ep. 61: The Yurt Locker

Boy howdy, our bodies are simply no longer capable of consuming three hours of this television show in one sitting. Like, our nervous system violently rejects exposure to that much unfiltered Bachelor. Still, we weathered the storm to bring you this sleepy, penultimate episode of Nick's season!
3/7/20171 hour, 16 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ep. 60: The Sex Turtleneck

Somehow, SOMEHOW, we created a podcast episode that is just as long as the hour-long episode of television that we're recapping. Which like, at this point, I don't even know if you can call that a recap, really. I think this might actually be a remake.
2/28/201756 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep. 59: The Best Hometowns Ever

WHAT A GOOD EPISODE OF THE BACHELOR!!! We were very excited to talk about the good, good families that these women have, and how Nick is going to systematically disappoint them as we reach this season's final stretch. Join us, won't you?
2/21/20171 hour, 21 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep. 58: Thirty-Eight Quarter-Jobs

It's Go-Homes week on the Bachelor as Nick narrows down the roster to this season's Final Four. Which, of course, means this episode was kind of lame -- BUT -- we got a big surprise announcement in the form of confirmation of the next Bachelorette! Join us as we just freak the hell out about it.
2/14/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep. 57: The Volleyball Uprising

We don't know where to even begin talking about this episode. It was seriously the most bizarre two hours of programming this franchise has ever put together, complete with inscrutable plot twists and 180-degree tonal shifts that changed the course of the season with virtually no explanation. It's a wild, wild ride, and we're gonna guide you through it.
2/7/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep. 56: Crystal Billy

There's dark clouds on the horizon, but we're not focused on those -- instead, we're keeping our eyes on the delightful moments of yesterday's episode of The Bachelor. Namely, when a bunch of women were INSPIRITED BY A SPECTRAL CHILD.
1/31/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep. 55: 'Motional 'Telligence

HEEEEYYYYYYYYY DO YOU ALL LIKE CORRRRRRRRNNNNN?!?!?! This is a Corn-heavy episode, because the Bachelor has become a television show that's exclusively about Corn, and her wayward journey to find love.
1/24/201759 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ep. 54: Zero G Barfdate

Did we all communally experience last night's episode of The Bachelor in a group fever dream? Did we really witness a Backstreet Boys dance-off, a floating post-yartz smooch and a bouncy castle hook-up? IS THIS THE MATRIX? ARE WE IN THE MATRIX?
1/17/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep. 53: Janet Jacksoned

Where to begin? This episode of The Bachelor was an absolute barn burner -- we had competition, heartbreak, and more cringeworthy interactions than we ever dreamed one two-hour television episode could contain. Hold onto your butts, and also someone else's butt, because that's the order of the day, folks.
1/10/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep. 52: Periodic Table of Genital Possibilities

AW HELL YEAH. It's a new season of The Bachelor, and to celebrate, we've joined forces with the Maximum Fun network. Welcome to our new listeners! Just a heads up: We don't usually talk about the elemental composition of vaginas as much as we do in this one. It's a very special occasion.
1/3/20171 hour, 25 seconds
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Ep. 51: Girl Fieri

PREPARE FOR BLASTOFF. We're diving into the details and stats of ALL 30 of the contestants for the upcoming season of The Bachelorette. Will Nick Viall, that milk-fed beauty, find love this time around? Like they always say, the third time's the charm! And if it isn't, then fuck it, give 'em a fourth time. Let's keep throwing this dude-spaghetti at the wall until he sticks.
12/27/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep. 50: Horny Beginnings

We're about to hop right into another season of the Bachelor -- but before we do, we wanted to take a trip through time to revisit the very first season of this beloved television franchise. We're gonna party like it's 2002. Which means we're ALL getting our hair straightened.
12/20/20161 hour, 17 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep. 49: How I Met Your Podcast Host

Here's the situation: We didn't really have time to watch a reality dating show and prepare an episode for you this week. In lieu of our regular topic of conversation, we're talking about a different dating story, which is to say, our own. It's about to get vulnerable as heck up in here.
12/13/201652 minutes, 1 second
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Ep. 48: Terrace House

We're back from our week of parental absence, and we're here to serve as exasperating ambassadors to our new favorite television show on Earth: Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the City.
12/6/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep. 47: The Final Canadian Rose

Our time with The Bachelorette Canada draws to a close in this week's Rose Buddies. Who's getting down on one knee? Who's going to win Jasmine's heart? Who the hell is the Canadian equivalent of Neil Lane? All this and more inside.
11/23/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep. 46: Crazy Frog!

We're talking about a blissfully brief Men Tell All episode of The Bachelorette Canada this week, and preparing ourselves emotionally for the season's upcoming finale. We're going to miss you, Canada. Desperately.
11/18/201653 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep. 45: Big and Tall and Two of Them

We spend the first ten minutes of this hour-long podcast just rambling about straight-up garbage, which we hope you can forgive us for. After that, though: The hard work of deciding between the two final boys of The Bachelorette Canada!
11/10/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep. 44: BoxBlaster11

It's Hometowns time! Canadian Hometowns are just like our American Hometowns, as it turns out, except the families are extra polite, and also there's only three of them. Come here us rank these folks' actual human families, and discuss the merits of a new, surprisingly educational YouTube channel.
11/3/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep. 43: Scholars on the Mount

The Bachelorette Canada is really getting down to the wire now, as Jasmine tries to whittle the list of boys down to a tight three before hometowns. Who will succumb to the BLOOD SACRIFICE?!?! Nah, we're just playing. Everything turns out pretty okay.
10/27/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep. 42: Now That's What I Call Music! Vol. 3

Alright, so, this one goes off on some WILD tangents, but we think they're worth pursuing. When not talking about the chart-topping hits of the late 90s, we also dive into this week's episode of The Bachelorette Canada!
10/20/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep. 41: Sweet Tooth

Boy howdy, what a challenging episode. Between the non-stop gags, original music and foot-smoochin', our skeletons had a REAL hard time staying up in our bodies while watching Bachelorette Canada. But we stuck with it, because we know how bad you need this.
10/13/201658 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep. 40: Killed in a Terrible Passion

The Bachelorette Canada is spending some time exploring a drama that we just could not care less about, so on this episode, we do a deep dive into a very important subject: Which boys in the house have actually been ghosts the whole time?
10/7/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep. 39: Ultimate Jerk Center

Our new Canadian friends are still posted up in Sandals Jamaica, just busting out tight fives of super on-point slapstick and prop comedy. Join us for a dissertation on their craft as we discuss Episode 3 of The Bachelorette Canada!
9/30/20161 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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Ep. 38: The Nip Files

WHAT AREN’T THEY TELLING US? The truth is out there, by which we mean ‘The truth is under one of these boys’ shirts.’ This is a podcast about The Bachelorette Canada, by the way. This description wasn’t very clear, earlier.
9/24/201654 minutes, 1 second
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Ep. 37: Provinces of Love

We're back! And on a very strange schedule, in a very strange land: A marvelous territory known as Canada. Join us for our voyage into the first season of The Bachelorette Canada, and witness Jasmine's pure and righteous quest for happiness. Also, just revel in this GOOD batch of boys. GOOD BOYS AHOY.
9/16/201646 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep. 36: Three Proposals and a Funeral, Kind Of

It's here! Finale day is here! We're wrapping up the last two episodes of Bachelor in Paradise, which were basically like a four-hour-long waterslide of douche chills and genuine romance. FOUR COUPLES ENTER. THREE COUPLES LEAVE. Okay, well, they all leave, but one of them leaves very, very sad.
9/7/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep. 35: A Sexy Baba Yaga

We're back, and ready to wrap up the unconscionable about of Bachelor-franchise television that we watched this week. Let's check in on Ashley/Caila/Jared, since ABC won't let us NOT check in on that wacky love triangle! Also, HOW ABOUT THAT NEW BACHELOR, HUH?
8/31/20161 hour, 32 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep. 34: Make Out With Your Mind

If, for some reason, you're having trouble downloading this episode of the podcast, don't fret! You can just download any other episode where we talk about the non-existent relationship between Jared and Ashley I., because apparently, there are people who haven't gotten enough of that particular saga. Please, please God, set us free.
8/24/20161 hour, 24 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep. 33: Fifth Base

Things are settling down in Paradise, which is kind of a relative measurement, because boy, are things still pretty buckwild in Paradise. Join us for a discussion of this week's events, which include a fateful tummydrink and a full-blown assault on mankind by El Nino, the Crab King.
8/18/20161 hour, 22 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep. 32: A Sweet, Soft Boy

What a turbulent four hours of television ABC made us watch this week! There were heartbreaking send-offs, grody arrivals and even the ascent of an unlikely emotional core for the whole BIP experiment! And then: The worst hour of TV this franchise has ever made. It's a rollercoaster! That dead-ends into a dumpster. Full of scorpions.
8/10/20161 hour, 35 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep. 31: Pisskid Paradise

Yes, we're doing another episode of Rose Buddies ONE CALENDAR DAY after the last one. We just have to talk about the events that transpired during the Season Premiere of Bachelor in Paradise! Which is to say: The whole thing was kind of a trainwreck!
8/3/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep. 30: Heart Virgins

The finale for JoJo's season of The Bachelorette has come and gone, leaving one suitor the victor, and the other a jilted Heart Virgin. Join us for a straight-up exhausted unpacking of last night's episode, and BRACE YOURSELF because HOLY SHIT, Bachelor in Paradise starts TONIGHT.
8/2/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep. 29: Robby Stealins

Haha, we're having a super great time watching and talking about the Bachelorette this week. What a wild post-season, full of twists and turns that definitely DON'T defy human reasoning and logic! And man, what a lighthearted, well-intentioned Men Tell All, where absolutely no dickheads were given 75 minutes to barf their garbage on camera without reservation. A SUPER GREAT TIME.
7/27/20161 hour, 21 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep. 28: A Single, Crystalline Tear

Hey, remember when we promised that a bad episode was working its way down the ol' Bachelorette pipeline? We found it! It was this one, the Hometowns episode, which was so full of manufactured trash that it literally made our brains bloat up with disgust.
7/19/201657 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 27: I'm Your Goocho

Sorry that we suggested this episode was going to be anything less than it was: A BARNSTORMER full of SHOCKING TWISTS and TURNS and CHILLS and THRILLS. So many REVELATIONS up in this episode of the Bachelorette. Let's break them down.
7/12/201657 minutes, 25 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: UnReal

There wasn't a new episode of The Bachelorette last night, which is REAL COOL, ABC. COOL STUFF. Not like our whole enterprise depends on you creating and publishing new content, or anything. Anyways, we're talking about the next best thing on today's episode: The television show UnReal, one of our favorite franchises on the Lifetime network.
7/5/201643 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 25: Derek is Imperfect

We down in SLUMPTOWN now, y'all. It's only natural; there's a few too many cooks in the kitchen at the moment, and most of those cooks are essentially the exact same person. Fortunately, the producers of The Bachelorette have left us a few wonderful gifts in this episode -- gifts made of human tears and masterful film editing.
6/29/201646 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 24: Ratbags and Pisskids

Let us sing the final stanza of the song of Chad, and be done with it. Who will fill the power vacuum left by Chad's bulky, protein-infused frame? The answer is, of course: All of them, in their own way. All the boys are Chad, now.
6/21/201657 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 23: Gary Oldman from The Fifth Element

Breathe in deep the fresh Pennsylvania air, and bellow out the first stanza of the Song of Chad. We're covering a very special two-episode chunk of The Bachelorette; a chunk that promised us lots and lots of man-on-man punching. How much man-on-man punching? We don't want to spoil it for you, but literally none.
6/8/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 22: Oily Carolina

WELCOME TO THE CHAD ZONE. This is now Chad's game to lose, and boy, is he going to lose it. We're on episode 2 of JoJo's season of the Bachelorette, and already things are getting both wet AND wild. Come hear us talk about pre-love, Chad's meat addiction, and an exploration of some of James Taylor's best sex songs.
5/31/201657 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 21: Damn, Daniel

Hello, and welcome back to our garbage hole. We are the king and queen of the garbage hole, and The Bachelorette is our only form of sustenance, here, in the garbage hole. We're talking about JoJo's debut episode of the new season of The Bachelorette, and the many clown-suitors who have cast a shadow over her life. Let's have a fun, safe and exciting new season, everybody!
5/24/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 20: A Very Smooth Bachelorette 2016 Preview

It's been a long couple of months, but the dawn of a new season of The Bachelorette is nearly upon us. Join us for a bonus-length episode as we discuss the fleet of boys vying for JoJo's heart, and break down the Fantasy League rules we'll be playing with this year!
5/17/20161 hour, 22 minutes, 50 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Take Me Out/If You Are The One

For this, the final installment of Roze Buddiez before we get back to our core competency, we're talking about two different television programs: Ireland's Take Me Out, and the identical Chinese show, If You Are The One. Also, we mourn the loss of a dear, wet friend.
5/10/20161 hour, 21 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Please Marry My Boy

This week, we watched a show that is literally titled Please Marry My Boy. It made us laugh harder than maybe any show in the history of television ever has? We hope we can pass some of that good, good energy along to you, our listeners.
5/3/201647 minutes, 30 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Beauty and the Geek

Beauty and the Geek is like a little, mean time capsule of an era where reality shows just needed to be hateful and literally nothing else. It put a weird and bad taste in our mouth, and made us miss Are You The One — and, oh yeah, The Bachelor — desperately. Enjoy the episode!
4/26/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Are You the One? - Part Three

Rose Buddies is dead, long live Rose Buddies. We're the One-ders, now, your one-stop shop for everything Are You the One? related. In this ep, we break down episodes 6 - 10 of Season Three, in which most of the dudes do some monstrous shit, and everyone does everything they possibly can to not win the game.
4/19/20161 hour, 24 minutes, 29 seconds
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Roze Buddiez: Are You the One? - Part Two

We're gonna stay on this little slice of heaven for as long as we possibly can. In our second discussion about MTV's excellent dating reality show/advanced math problem, we're taking a look at episodes 2 - 5 of Are You the One?, season three. Join us in the Truth Booth, won't you?