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Wannabe Entrepreneur

English, Finance, 1 season, 337 episodes, 6 days, 16 hours, 6 minutes
A podcast about a developer that is trying to bootstrap his own projects and is interviewing other entrepreneurs along the way... I hope that my lessons help other developers and indie makers bootstrapping their companies and startups! There are no ads in this podcast! if you like the content please consider buying me a coffee:
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#337 - The Most Misunderstood Path to Wealth and Success

In this episode, I dive into my latest thoughts on entrepreneurship, work-life balance, and productivity. I share exciting updates about my project, Podsqueeze, and my collaboration with João on a new product. I discuss the struggle of balancing work with personal life and question traditional metrics of productivity. We also touch on the culture of overworking and the importance of networking. LinksIndie Maker MerchSupport This PodcastTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestamps (by podsqueeze)Balancing work and personal life (00:08:06)Exploring the challenges of managing work, exercise, family, and personal time while questioning traditional metrics of efficiency and productivity.Effectiveness in managing work time (00:10:11)Questioning the common routines and practices of successful entrepreneurs and exploring the true measures of efficiency and productivity in managing work time.Optimizing efficiency in work (00:13:43)Discussing different metrics for measuring efficiency in managing a team's work and exploring ways to apply these metrics to oneself for optimal productivity.Evaluating work performance (00:19:18)Exploring the concept of a 360 evaluation method used in some companies to assess work performance and considering its potential application in managing personal efficiency.The culture of overwork (00:20:25)Discussion on company culture, self-evaluation, and the impact of working hours on productivity.Optimizing efficiency (00:21:35)Exploring the concept of questioning the impact of tasks and finding the best use of time.Myth of overworking for success (00:22:50)Challenging the belief that working excessively leads to wealth, and questioning traditional paths to success.Alternative paths to wealth (00:24:00)Exploring unconventional methods of attaining wealth, such as owning assets and leveraging networking.Non-monetary forms of payment (00:25:14)Examining the value of favors, assets, and networking as alternative forms of compensation.Power of networking (00:26:33)Discussing the significance of networking, leveraging relationships, and the impact on business success.Measuring non-monetary impact (00:29:40)Challenges in quantifying the impact of networking and non-monetary returns in business.Redefining success and wealth (00:32:08)Questioning the traditional measures of success and wealth, exploring the value of non-monetary returns.Closing thoughts (00:33:25)Encouraging feedback and reflection on the episode's topics, emphasizing the value of unconventional ideas.
7/10/202433 minutes, 38 seconds
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#336 - In Business Size Actually Matters!!

I talk about the importance of prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively. I also discuss my main goal: becoming a better entrepreneur through continuous learning. You'll hear about my marketing strategies, especially focusing on Google SEO, and the challenges of growing a bootstrapped company. Plus, I reflect on the slow growth of Podsqueeze and the tough decisions around investing and potentially starting new projects.LinksSupport This PodcastTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestampsThe speaker's journey (00:00:11)Entrepreneurial ups and downs (00:01:21)Challenges with Podsqueeze (00:02:30)Marketing strategies and SEO (00:03:43)Realizations and market size (00:05:58)Strategies for Podsqueeze growth (00:12:24)Financial challenges and investment (00:16:56)Considering new projects (00:19:12)The bigger picture (00:21:23)Exploring new products (00:22:31)Staying in the current market (00:23:39)Reaching for the stars (00:26:49)Philosophical reflections (00:28:45)Spreading good energy (00:30:10)Final thoughts and call to action (00:32:40)
6/16/202433 minutes, 34 seconds
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#335 - My Most Embarrassing Mistake Ever

I made a mistake with my pricing, but I'm getting over it with some meditation. I'm also excited to go to a podcast conference in London to meet people and learn more.I talked about the importance of understanding business metrics to make good decisions, not just to look impressive. Also, AI is becoming a big deal in our field, and I'm watching how it affects mental health support.LinksTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeSupport This PodcastTraveling and Excuses (00:00:12)Tiago shares his recent travels and acknowledges the delay in posting episodes.Patreon Support (00:01:21)Tiago thanks patrons for supporting the podcast and encourages additional contributions.Growth Mistake (00:02:24)Tiago recounts a mistake in pricing strategy that impacted the company's growth.Meditation and Anxiety (00:08:05)Tiago discusses the benefits of meditation in managing anxiety and maintaining focus.Metrics and Market Analysis (00:09:15)Tiago emphasizes the importance of tracking various metrics and understanding market dynamics.Reviewing and Decision-making (00:13:20)Tiago advises reviewing metrics at intervals and making decisions based on accumulated data.Podcasting Conference (00:16:35)Tiago shares his excitement about attending a podcasting conference in London and the potential industry insights.AI and Ethics (00:21:11)Tiago reflects on the use of AI in community engagement and discusses ethical concerns related to AI as a therapist substitute.AI and the Future (00:22:10)Discussion on the potential future of AI, including AI friends, partners, and its impact on content creation.AI in Content Creation (00:23:17)Exploration of using AI in video creation, referencing a successful young YouTuber and the potential of AI-generated scripts.Learning from Young Entrepreneurs (00:24:26)Observations on the use of AI by young entrepreneurs and the potential for learning from their experiences.Considering Consultation (00:25:28)Contemplation of seeking consultation from a successful young YouTuber for insights into algorithms and content creation.Upcoming Trip to London (00:26:39)Mention of an upcoming trip to a podcasting conference in London and a sign-off for the episode.
5/21/202426 minutes, 58 seconds
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#334 - Interviewing Rob Walling About How Bootstrappers Get Rich

Here is my chat with Rob Walling, author of the SaaS Playbook. We delved into product pricing, focusing on value alignment rather than greed, and discussed strategic price increases to reduce churn and bolster marketing. Rob also shared when to start paid ads and how to create impactful content. He offered advice on assembling a team within budgetary limits and revealed that smart business structuring can lead to profit with less work. Our conversation ended on the importance of joy in entrepreneurship, emphasizing freedom, purpose, and relationships.These shownotes were created with PodsqueezeLinks and MentionsSAS Playbook: 01:31:58Startups for the Rest of Us Podcast: 01:31:58MicroConf YouTube Channel: 01:31:58The Zen Founder Guide to Founder Retreats: 01:30:39Twitter Thread for Book Recommendations: 01:32:37TimetsampsRob Walling's Book (00:01:16)Writing the Book (00:02:13)Pricing Strategies (00:06:36)OpenAI's Pricing Strategy (00:11:54)Competitive Pricing Strategy (00:13:50)Greed and Motivation (00:16:40)Reasons for Raising Prices (00:17:50)Impact of Pricing on Marketing (00:19:24)Paid Advertising Considerations (00:20:59)Using Ads for SEO Strategy (00:24:57)Marketing Approaches for SaaS (00:29:50)Creating Compelling Content for Reddit (00:32:38)Navigating Reddit and Other Forums (00:34:17)Understanding Marketing and Content Strategies (00:35:20)Challenges of Early-Stage Product Development (00:38:03)Defining Product-Market Fit (00:44:48)Size of the Market (00:48:24)Total Reachable Market (00:49:01)Reaching 100% of the Paying Market (00:50:42)Total Addressable Market (00:51:00)Escape Velocity (00:54:20)Business Plateau (00:55:39)Hiring and Team Growth (00:57:24)Managing People (01:03:09)Owner and Founder Level Thinkers (01:04:35)Challenges of Hiring and Paying Employees (01:05:33)Remote Work and Cost-Effective Hiring (01:07:18)Working On vs. In the Business (01:10:33)Achieving Work-Life Balance and Financial Success (01:14:51)Earning Wealth and the Challenges of Autopilot Income (01:19:44)Investing and Selling Assets (01:20:21)Tax Treatment and Selling SaaS Companies (01:21:14)Wealth and Freedom (01:22:09)Finding Happiness as an Entrepreneur (01:23:04)Retreats and Self-Reflection (01:30:10)Recommendations and Conclusion (01:31:58)
4/22/20241 hour, 33 minutes, 51 seconds
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#333 - The Pressure of the 30s

I've been reflecting on the growth and changes over the past few years. We talked about the leap from a 9 to 5 to full-time entrepreneurship, the societal pressures we face, especially as we hit our 30s, and the quest for work-life balance. I also pondered the idea of renting an office space to combat the solitude of working from home and to build a community with fellow creators.LinksTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestampsReflecting on the Journey (00:00:05)Transitioning to Indie Entrepreneurship (00:01:35)Navigating Societal Pressures (00:04:09)Challenges of Social Expectations (00:07:51)Self-Confidence and Entrepreneurship (00:13:36)Wealth and Investment Strategy (00:14:56)Balancing Work and Social Life (00:23:40)Setting up a new office space (00:25:44)Inviting others to work in the office (00:25:44)Seeking feedback and engagement (00:26:41)
4/8/202427 minutes, 18 seconds
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#332 - Money, Time and Fun - You Can Have It All!

In today's podcast, I dive deep into how we juggle our time, chase wealth, and strive for that elusive work-life balance. I shared some personal stories, including the ups and downs with my own project, Podsqueeze, and how I'm tackling growth challenges head-on. We also talked about why we leave cushy jobs to strike out on our own—is it for freedom, money, or impact? Inspired by folks like Casey Neistat and Tim Ferriss, I mused on the art of delegation, automating the mundane, and setting priorities to make every moment count. Join me as I explore the true cost of entrepreneurship and whether selling Podsqueeze might just be the key to finding balance.LinksTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestampsThe Point of Being an Entrepreneur (00:00:11)Influence of YouTuber Casey Neistat (00:01:33)Setting Challenging Goals (00:04:01)Delegating Tasks and Automating Processes (00:06:29)Balancing Work and Personal Life (00:10:41)Training and Delegating Responsibilities (00:13:40)Automating Personal Life Tasks (00:21:03)Challenges and Decision-Making for Podsqueeze (00:23:06)Re-evaluating Podsqueeze (00:24:15)Setting Goals and Accountability (00:25:20)
4/1/202426 minutes, 22 seconds
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#331 - The Tool That Most Companies Use But Don't Want You To Know

I'm happy to share some personal updates and entrepreneurial insights. Lately, I've discovered Apollo, a networking tool that's completely revolutionized the way I connect with others. Our Website was completely down for a complete 30 min and I have never beens this stressed XD And to continue this stressing week we decided to increase Podsqueeze prices! Get ready for a very packed episode!LinksTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestampsAudiobooks and Entrepreneurship (00:00:11)Tiago discusses his preference for audiobooks over physical books and the complexity of entrepreneurship.Discovering Apollo (00:02:22)Tiago shares his discovery of Apollo, a tool for finding and reaching out to potential clients, and its impact on his and his wife's entrepreneurial endeavors.Technical Issue with Website Hosting (00:12:02)Tiago recounts the technical issue with his website hosting service, the downtime experienced, and his decision to switch to a different hosting provider.Pricing Changes (00:16:49)Tiago explains the decision to increase the prices of Podsqueeze, the impact on customer conversion, and the strategic considerations behind the pricing changes.Selling the business (00:22:10)Discussion on selling the business, organic growth, and profitability.Upcoming interviews (00:23:06)Announcement of upcoming interviews with Dagobert and Rob Walling, and wishes for entrepreneurial success.
3/25/202424 minutes, 1 second
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#330 - Top Productivity Hack Every Entrepreneur Must Know!

I dive into the nation's burgeoning immigration scene, exploring its cultural boons and economic hurdles. As a business owner, my political perspectives are ever-shifting, particularly concerning taxes and government policies. Plus, I'll reveal my journey towards achieving a work-life balance and heightened productivity, inspired by "The 4-Hour Workweek" and the Pareto principle, and I'll share my personal tactics for managing tasks and boosting efficiency in my business.LinksTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestampsElections in Portugal (00:00:11)Impact of Immigration (00:02:36)Changes in Political Views as a Business Owner (00:05:41)Productivity Strategies (00:09:03)Automating and Delegating Tasks (00:19:54)Taking Time Off and Giving Responsibility (00:21:01)Productivity and Tim Ferriss' Book (00:21:55)
3/11/202422 minutes, 48 seconds
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#329 - How Daniel Invests His $500K ARR Portfolio

Hey fellow indie hackers, just wrapped up a super cool chat with Daniel, a 26-year-old entrepreneur who's totally killing it with a $500k SaaS portfolio. He and his brother started young, sold their first company, and now they're smartly reinvesting into more SaaS, real estate, and other assets. Daniel's all about that cautious growth and avoiding debt, which totally resonates with me as I navigate this indie maker life. We dived into his backstory, his big company sale (hello six figures!), and how he's handling his dough post-sale. Super insightful stuff on building a strong foundation before taking big leaps, and the importance of trust and due diligence when selling your biz. Plus, we got into the nitty-gritty of investing strategies and balancing risk with stability. So much to learn from this guy!LinksDaniel's TwitterTiago's TwitterTry PodsqueezeTimestampsThe podcast's next phase (00:00:12)Selfish podcasting (00:02:02)Learning from interviews (00:03:32)Age and entrepreneurship (00:07:14)Starting young (00:10:39)Learning from failures (00:12:04)Thinking in simpler terms (00:16:00)Muscle Memory and Learning (00:19:22)Starting as an Indie Maker (00:20:31)Early Work Experience and Decision Making (00:22:34)Mindset and Motivation for Investing (00:27:47)Childhood Influences and Business Strategy (00:30:00)Exit Strategy and Financial Success (00:33:34)Acquisition Details and Financial Impact (00:37:20)Selling the Company (00:37:45)Acquisition Process (00:40:39)Investment Strategy (00:48:00)Real Estate Investment (00:50:01)Liquidity and Safety Nets (00:53:41)Taxes and Accounting (00:54:52)Tax Rates and Comparisons (00:57:31)Managing Time and Operations (01:00:26)Investment Strategy and Criteria (01:04:36)Financial Aspirations and Risk Management (01:08:26)Reflection and Gratitude (01:12:32)Closing Remarks and Future Conversations (01:12:37)Podcasting Industry and Long-Term Investment (01:13:16)Stable Results and Low Churn Investments (01:14:41)Risk Management and Long-Term Growth (01:15:54)Financial Aspirations and Comfortable Living (01:16:54)Investing for Comfort and Security (01:18:10)Prioritizing Comfort and Relationships Over Wealth (01:22:36)
3/4/20241 hour, 26 minutes, 54 seconds
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#328 - The Book That Every Maker Needs To Read

Hey fellow indie hackers! I've promised myself (and you guys!) that from now on, I'll drop a fresh episode every Monday – gotta keep that trust going, right?I also dived into my new adventure with PodSqueeze, chatting with customers on the podcast and soaking up all their amazing insights. Oh, and I had this awesome talk with Rob Walling, which led me to a game-changing book for my biz strategy.Also, I'm toying with the idea of setting up a co-working space for us indie makers. How cool would that be? Stay tuned, and let's keep making waves together!Book: The SaaS PlaybookLinksDM me on TwitterSupport This PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimestampsStruggles with Consistency (00:00:11)New Commitment to Consistency (00:01:15)Value of Consistency in Podcasting (00:02:27)Starting a New Podcast (00:03:39)Discovering a Valuable Book (00:06:54)Challenges of Reducing Churn (00:11:40)Importance of Long-Term Thinking (00:21:02)Exploring the Idea of Co-Working Space (00:22:53)
2/26/202425 minutes, 8 seconds
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#327 - Why Some Products Grow And Others Don't?

Why do some products grow more than others? In today's episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I ponder over the growth trajectory of my product, the inevitable plateau, and the significance of early adopters and the early majority. I confess to overlooking long-term marketing tactics initially and discuss strategies to break into fresh markets, like YouTube and non-English speaking segments, aiming to maintain momentum and captivate early innovators.LinksSupport This PodcastDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeThe frustrating smartwatch purchase (00:00:12)Dealing with refunds and customer complaints (00:03:21)Understanding early adopters and early majority (00:07:30)Lessons from initial product growth (00:10:53)Neglecting sustainable marketing strategies (00:14:06)Tapping into new markets and potential strategies (00:17:04)
2/10/202420 minutes, 42 seconds
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#326 - You Need To Grow Together With Your Business

I'll talk about the crucial skill shifts, strategies to keep customers, the art of delegation, and the power of SEO and email marketing. Learning from fellow entrepreneurs has been key, and I'm eager to show that bootstrapping can lead to serious financial wins.LinksSupport This PodcastDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimestampsSkills required to scale a product (00:01:18)Understanding churn and its impact (00:03:39)Delegating tasks and reclaiming time (00:06:57)Investing in sustainable marketing strategies (00:10:07)Expanding touchpoints and marketing efforts (00:12:08)Learning from others' experiences (00:16:01)Conscious use of time and resources (00:19:25)Becoming the Best Entrepreneur (00:20:28)Closing Remarks (00:21:23)
2/2/202422 minutes, 50 seconds
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#325 - Don't Waste Time... Pay For A Marketing Expert Instead!

Ever wondered how a developer turns into an entrepreneur? In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I, Tiago, dive into my own transformation, revealing the ins and outs of my entrepreneurial journey. I'll walk you through the crucial role of passive user acquisition strategies, such as SEO and content creation, and explain why it's essential to engage different customer segments through multiple touchpoints. I'll share my experience in recognizing the power of expertise, detailing how bringing in SEO and Instagram marketing specialists took my business to new heights. Plus, I'll discuss how I broke through a growth plateau by embracing automation and delegation. And don't miss out—I'm inviting you to join my now-free community for entrepreneurs, a place where strategic investments meet exponential growth. Join me on this adventure!LinksSupport This PodcastDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimestampsMarketing as an Entrepreneur (00:00:08)Tiago discusses the challenges of marketing as an entrepreneur and the need to change skill sets.Learning as an Entrepreneur (00:02:43)Tiago emphasizes that entrepreneurship is a lifelong learning process and shares his journey of learning and growth.Investing in Passive Sources (00:04:44)Tiago talks about the importance of investing in passive sources of users and the impact on sustained growth.Strategies for Marketing (00:08:54)Tiago discusses the need for multiple touchpoints and strategies for automating marketing efforts.Utilizing Shorts for Marketing (00:12:40)Tiago shares the experience of using shorts for marketing and the initial success and challenges faced.Analyzing Conversion Rates (00:16:59)Tiago explains the importance of analyzing different sources of marketing and their impact on conversion rates.Automating tasks (00:19:03)Discussing the need to automate tasks to avoid burnout and focus on marketing and strategizing.SEO strategy (00:19:59)Exploring the effectiveness of hiring an expert for SEO strategy and the positive impact it had on the business.Utilizing expertise (00:21:57)Highlighting the value of hiring experts in specific fields, such as Instagram, to accelerate growth and avoid unnecessary trial and error.Cost-effective marketing (00:22:52)Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of hiring individuals for marketing strategies instead of delegating to expensive agencies.Community engagement (00:24:43)Announcing the decision to make the community space free and encouraging support for the podcast through alternative means.Conclusion and support (00:25:33)Wrapping up the episode and offering ways for listeners to support the podcast while also making the community space accessible for free.
1/14/202426 minutes, 12 seconds
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#324 - Starting a Podcast in 24 Hours: Guerrilla Marketing 101!

Are you ready to dive into the world of guerrilla marketing and podcasting? I'm Tiago, the host of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur" and co-founder of PodSqueeze. In this episode, I'm excited to share our marketing focus for early 2024 and the behind-the-scenes of our rapid-fire podcast creation, "Lessons from a Podcaster." I'll walk you through our launch strategies, the innovative use of AI in our production, and how our podcast has skyrocketed PodSqueeze's marketing efforts. But it's not all work—I'll also get real about the challenges of maintaining work-life balance, avoiding burnout, and why personal well-being should never take a backseat. Join me as we explore the hustle and the humanity of entrepreneurship.LinksDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimestampsTiago's Decision to Focus on Marketing (00:00:09)Tiago discusses his decision to focus solely on marketing for the first three months of 2024 and the reasons behind it.The Concept of Guerrilla Marketing (00:06:43)Tiago explains the concept of guerrilla marketing and its importance for their marketing strategy, emphasizing the need for low-budget, high-impact campaigns.Creating a Podcast for PodSqueeze (00:10:27)Tiago and his co-founder, John, brainstorm the idea of creating a podcast for PodSqueeze, discussing the benefits and reasons behind the decision.Challenges and Success in Starting the Podcast (00:13:17)Tiago shares the challenges and success of starting the podcast in just 24 hours, including the overwhelming response from potential guests and the technical aspects involved.Using AI for Podcast Intros and Outros (00:18:45)Tiago discusses the use of AI for creating podcast intros and outros, detailing the process and the outcome of using this technology.Initial Success of the Podcast Launch (00:20:28)Tiago reflects on the initial success of the podcast launch, including the viewership and downloads within the first 24 hours, and the creation of short content for the podcast.The launch of "What the F is PodSqueeze" campaign (00:21:26)Tiago discusses the idea of a marketing campaign to create buzz and attract attention for PodSqueeze.Struggling to balance work and social life (00:22:42)Tiago reflects on the challenge of balancing work commitments with maintaining a social life and personal well-being.The dilemma of prioritizing work over personal life (00:23:46)Tiago explores the conflict between dedicating himself entirely to work and the desire to enjoy a balanced personal life.Realizing the importance of work-life balance (00:24:52)Tiago acknowledges the need to prioritize mental health and social aspects alongside work commitments.Striving for a work-life balance (00:25:26)Tiago discusses the need to change his mindset and focus on maintaining a balance between work and personal life.Acknowledging the importance of disconnecting from work (00:26:02)Tiago emphasizes the significance of disconnecting from work and engaging in activities for personal well-being.Seeking balance and consistency (00:27:49)Tiago encourages feedback and shares his struggle with maintaining consistency while striving for work-life balance.
1/7/202429 minutes, 8 seconds
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#323 - The Crazy Journey from $0 to $100K in One Year!

In this episode, together with my co-founder João, we dive into our entrepreneurial rollercoaster with Pod Squeeze. From the ashes of a failed project to the thriving business we run today, we're peeling back the curtain on our journey. We'll chat about the crucial role of user feedback, the exhilarating boost from financial wins, and the gritty details of negotiations and taxes. Plus, we're getting real about the future—do we sell or keep growing? Join us as we share the lessons learned and the unbreakable bond we've built along the way.LinksDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeThe journey begins (00:00:11)Tiago and Jerome reflect on their decision to work together and the challenges they faced.The struggles of entrepreneurship (00:02:05)Jerome discusses his frustration with freelancing and skepticism about entrepreneurship.Creating Pod Squeeze (00:06:57)The co-founders brainstorm and develop the idea for Pod Squeeze, emphasizing the importance of rapid prototyping.Early traction and pricing strategy (00:09:31)The co-founders discuss the initial traction and pricing adjustments for Pod Squeeze.Rapid growth and product launch (00:14:17)The excitement and success of Pod Squeeze's rapid growth and product launch are highlighted.Impact on confidence and mindset (00:20:44)Jerome shares how the success of their business has positively impacted his confidence and mindset.Financial success and confidence (00:21:12)Discussion on financial success leading to increased confidence and the illusion of being a genius.Validation and confidence through business success (00:22:27)The validation and confidence gained from proving oneself through successful business ventures.Transition from freelancing to full-time business (00:27:43)Jerome's decision to transition from freelancing to focusing solely on the business, impacting his quality of life.Negotiation and decision-making (00:35:19)Insights into negotiation strategies and decision-making processes, including differences in approaches between the co-founders.Challenges of transitioning to a product company (00:39:29)The frustrations and challenges of transitioning to a product company, including tax issues and negotiations with partners.Frustration with Tax and Legal Issues (00:40:39)Tiago and Jerome discuss the frustration and challenges they faced with taxes and legal issues for their business.Concerns about Business Growth (00:43:06)Jerome expresses concerns about the stagnation and decline in the growth of their business, Pod Squeeze.Decision to Pivot or Maintain (00:46:27)Jerome urges Tiago to consider pivoting their business strategy due to the stalling growth of Pod Squeeze.Debate on Future of Pod Squeeze (00:52:55)Jerome and Tiago discuss the options of either selling Pod Squeeze or maintaining it as a steady stream of income, and the possibility of starting a new project.Reflection on the Year and Future Plans (00:54:26)Tiago and Jerome reflect on the challenges faced during the year and express uncertainty about their energy for building something from scratch in the future.
12/30/202356 minutes, 2 seconds
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#322 - Startup Plateau and Conquering the Early Majority

Are you an entrepreneur facing challenges and feeling frustrated with the stagnation of your company? In this episode, I, Tiago, the host and co-founder of Podsqueeze, share my own experiences and insights. Despite the difficulties, I realize that our achievements are impressive. I discuss a conversation I had with a Portuguese entrepreneur and investor, where we delve into marketing strategies and the struggle to reach the early majority. As the year comes to an end, I reflect positively on my financial stability and encourage listeners to take a break during the holiday season. Stay tuned for the next episode!LinksAndrew TwitterDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimestampsTiago's Busy Schedule and Tasks (00:00:13)Tiago discusses his busy schedule and the tasks he needs to complete before Christmas.Challenges of Entrepreneurship and Stagnation (00:01:32)Tiago talks about the challenges of entrepreneurship and the stagnation they are experiencing with Pod Squeeze.Realization of Achievements and Frustration (00:02:55)Tiago shares his realization that their achievements with Pod Squeeze are actually impressive, despite feeling frustrated.The challenges of entrepreneurship and reaching a plateau (00:09:08)Tiago discusses the challenges of entrepreneurship and the stagnation they are experiencing with Pod Squeeze.Marketing strategies for early adopters and early majority (00:10:13)Tiago talks about the different marketing strategies needed for early adopters and early majority, and how they have reached a plateau.Strategies for growth and going viral (00:12:44)Tiago discusses the limited resources of a bootstrapped company and explores strategies for growth, including SEO, YouTube, and going viral.Tiago's Busy Schedule and Tasks (00:17:08)Tiago discusses his busy schedule and the tasks he needs to complete before Christmas.Challenges of Entrepreneurship and Stagnation (00:17:08)Tiago talks about the challenges of entrepreneurship and the stagnation they are experiencing with Pod Squeeze.Realization of Achievements (00:18:26)Tiago shares his realization that their achievements with Pod Squeeze are actually impressive, despite feeling frustrated.
12/22/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
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#321 - How to go from $100K to $1M with My Indie Business?

In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," we will be exploring a range of topics. I will start by discussing the challenges of buying a new home and the art of gift-giving, sharing my personal experiences. Then, I will delve into the world of influencer marketing and compare working cultures in Portugal and Germany. I will express my frustrations with the bureaucratic process in Portugal and reflect on my entrepreneurial journey. Additionally, I will reveal how my company reached a major milestone of earning over $100k and discuss our future growth plans. I will emphasize the importance of strategic thinking, automation, delegation, and long-term marketing strategies. Finally, I will invite you, the listeners, to join our private community for indie makers. Let's dive in!LinksAndrew TwitterDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTiemstampsThe Millennial Dream (00:00:11)Tiago talks about acquiring a home and the excitement of owning a place in the current real estate market.The Frustration of Buying Gifts (00:02:37)Tiago expresses his lack of excitement for receiving expensive gifts and his thoughts on the point of gift exchanges like Secret Santa.Measuring Branding and Influencer Impact (00:05:41)Tiago discusses the challenge of measuring the impact of branding and influencers on a company and shares his experience with tracking user acquisition sources.The frustration with rules and regulations (00:12:00)Tiago discusses the frustration with rules and regulations in Germany and Portugal, and the lack of trust in the government.The challenges of understanding fiscal law (00:13:10)Tiago talks about the frustrations of navigating fiscal law in Portugal and the lack of guidance from accountants.The gray area of interpreting the law (00:15:10)Tiago discusses the ambiguity and interpretation of laws, using the example of setting up a company in Dubai and the varying interpretations of what it means to have a connection to a country.Scaling from 100k to 5 million (00:23:45)Tiago discusses his goal of scaling his business from 100k to 5 million and his plans to automate processes and hire freelancers.Short-term thinking and marketing gap (00:24:43)Tiago reflects on the mistake of short-term thinking and not planning for the gap between cold emailing and other marketing strategies like SEO and brand marketing.Preventing fires and strategic thinking (00:25:45)Tiago emphasizes the importance of preventing fires as an entrepreneur and the need for strategic thinking, including investing in SEO and planning features ahead of time.
12/12/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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#320 - Interviewing Andrew Gazdecki About How To Sell a Bootstrapped Startup

Have you ever wondered about the process of selling startups? In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Gazdecki, the founder of dive into his experience of scaling his company and the significance of having a distribution mindset and a strong team. Join us as we explore the importance of delegation, hiring the right people, and understanding the buyer's perspective when selling a business.Plus, Andrew shares some fantastic marketing strategies and emphasizes the importance of creativity and uniqueness.LinksAndrew TwitterDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimestampsThe world of selling startups (00:01:20)Discussion about the nuances and misconceptions of selling startups, including the common belief of multiplying revenue by ten as the selling price.Branding and marketing techniques (00:02:29)Exploration of the importance of brand awareness and marketing techniques that may not bring immediate customers, and how to measure their effectiveness.Entrepreneurial background and early businesses (00:04:46)Andrew's upbringing in a beach town, his curiosity about wealth, and his early experiences starting businesses as a means to acquire money and the things he desired.Financial Literacy and Parental Money Management (00:10:40)Discussion on the lack of financial literacy and the challenges faced by parents in managing money.Possibility of Wealth for Individuals from Poor Backgrounds (00:11:54)Exploration of whether it is possible for anyone from a poor family to become wealthy, highlighting the importance of taking action and not making excuses.Mental Resilience and Problem-solving in Entrepreneurship (00:13:33)The impact of overcoming hardships on building mental resilience and problem-solving skills in entrepreneurship, emphasizing the ability to love and work through challenging situations.The shift to white labeling and distribution strategy (00:20:16)The speaker discusses how they partnered with an agency in Switzerland to white label their software, leading to a boom in sales and a shift in target customers.Transition from selling to small businesses to selling to agencies (00:21:25)After the partnership with the agency, the speaker's company started selling packages of mobile apps to agencies, resulting in a significant increase in sales and a shift in the sales process.Importance of distribution mindset and building a team (00:26:26)The speaker emphasizes the shift from product development to distribution mindset and the importance of building a team to handle various aspects of the business, such as marketing, sales, customer support, and product development.The importance of realistic entrepreneurship portrayal (00:31:06)Discussion on the shift in entrepreneurship coverage and the need for a more realistic view.Selling a goal, lifestyle, and viewpoint (00:33:05)Exploration of the power of selling beyond the product, using Nike as an example.Defining success and the role of teams (00:36:34)Reflection on the different paths to success and the choice to work alone or with a team.The topic of delegating tasks (00:41:22)Discusses the importance of delegating tasks that hold you back and that you dislike, in order to focus on high-impact activities within the business.The topic of hiring engineers (00:42:15)Shares a personal experience of hiring engineers through a job board and Upwork, emphasizing the importance of trust and recommendations when evaluating talent.The topic of valuing and selling a business (00:44:14)Explores the possibility of selling a business, evaluating its worth based on what someone is willing to pay and considering the buyer's perspective. Discusses the complexities of valuations, financial buyers, and the importance of running a competitive process to maximize valuation.The terms of selling a business (00:51:18)Discussion on the terms of selling a business, including the desire for a clean break, all cash on close, and quick due diligence.The process of selling a business (00:53:56)Exploration of the process of selling a business, including lowballing the initial valuation, attracting buyers, and creating urgency through a deal schedule.Benefits of buying bootstrap businesses (00:56:50)Explanation of why buyers are interested in acquiring bootstrap businesses, such as cleaner cap tables, niche products, profitability, and capital efficiency.Financial Buyers (01:01:35)Financial buyers are interested in profitable businesses with low churn and reliable recurring revenue.Strategic Buyers (01:01:37)Strategic buyers look for products that can help them enter new markets or add to their product suite for cross-selling.Private Equity Firms (01:02:45)Private equity firms, like the one mentioned, acquire startups every week and may cross-sell products or hold profitable businesses.Valuing a business based on profitability (01:11:53)Discussion on how buyers value a business based on profitability rather than revenue.Measuring the impact of branding (01:15:11)Discussion on measuring the impact of branding, including tracking Google searches and the importance of word of mouth marketing.
12/1/20231 hour, 24 minutes
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#319 - From Cheating at a Podcast Festival to Sponsoring It

Let me take you on a rollercoaster journey through my experiences. This week, I've experienced both the highs and lows of this exciting world of indie hacking. Join me as I share the challenges of running PodSqueeze and managing co-founder relationships. I will also speak about our most recent sponsored event and gaining recognition in the Portuguese market.LinksDM me on TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeTimetsampsTiago's sister starts her podcast (00:01:23)Tiago's sister starts her own podcast during the pandemic and receives positive feedback for her comedic content.Tiago hacks the podcast festival website (00:04:37)Tiago hacks the website of a podcast festival to increase his sister's chances of winning an award.Pod Squeeze sponsors the podcast festival (00:06:44)Pod Squeeze, Tiago's company, sponsors and organizes events at the podcast festival, leading to networking opportunities and potential clients.Tiago's Oscars Speech (00:10:34)Tiago talks about his sister being nominated for a podcasting prize and giving a speech at the awards ceremony.Ungrateful Prize Winner (00:12:18)Tiago discusses the incident where the prize winner publicly stated that they didn't need the prize, causing frustration.Conflict with Co-Founder (00:16:06)Tiago explains the conflict between him and his co-founder regarding the importance of networking and measuring success.The overwhelmed feeling of being bootstrapped (00:19:57)Tiago discusses feeling overwhelmed with the various aspects of his business and the frustration of not being able to move forward due to the lack of resources.The growth of the indie hacker movement (00:20:50)Tiago talks about the positive development of the indie hacker movement, its increasing popularity among entrepreneurs, and the interview of an indie hacker on a Portuguese TV show.Tiago's interview on a Portuguese podcast (00:22:03)Tiago shares his happiness about being interviewed for a Portuguese podcast and being able to discuss his work and experiences with his family.
11/24/202324 minutes, 6 seconds
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#318 - How Makers Take the Most Out Of a Tech Conference

What it's like to attend a major tech conference like the Web Summit? Well, in this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experiences from the event. Despite all the controversy and big tech companies dropping out, the turnout was massive! I'll be discussing my networking strategies, like using the event app to connect with people and finding a quiet area for meetings. I'll also open up about my struggles with social anxiety at networking events. Plus, I'll emphasize the importance of business cards and share some interesting interactions with industry professionals.LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeDM me on TwitterTimetsampsFinding Success at Web Summit (00:01:23)Tiago discusses his experience at the Web Summit tech conference, including controversies, ticket acquisition, and preparation tips.The Overwhelming Nature of Web Summit (00:02:33)Tiago describes the overwhelming size and structure of the Web Summit, with multiple pavilions, talks, booths, and an app for networking.Networking and Scheduling at Web Summit (00:06:38)Tiago shares his strategy for networking at the conference, including using the app to connect with people, scheduling back-to-back talks, and finding a quiet meeting area.Blushing and Social Anxiety (00:10:31)Tiago discusses his experience with blushing and social anxiety, how it affects his interactions, and the potential connection to anxiety or phobia.Awkward Networking Events (00:11:29)Tiago talks about feeling awkward during networking events, particularly when approaching people and breaking the ice.Interactions and Insights from Podcasters (00:12:20)Tiago shares his interactions with podcasters and people in the industry, discussing the struggles of podcasting, learning about Spotify's role, and offering help and advice.The card is an effective networking tool (00:19:31)Tiago discusses how he used his business card to approach someone and make a connection.Offering a discount on the card (00:20:18)Tiago explains how his business card also includes a discount and information about his product.The podcast has a strong and supportive community (00:21:03)Tiago expresses gratitude for the listeners and mentions the active community of indie makers who support the podcast.
11/17/202324 minutes, 2 seconds
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#317 - This Was Probably My Biggest Mistake Ever

Have you ever made a critical mistake that had a significant impact on your business? In this episode, I'll be sharing my own experience as the co-founder of Podsqueeze. Blocking the upload feature to combat fake accounts seemed like a good idea at the time, but it ended up causing a decrease in user engagement and revenue. I'll be discussing the importance of data-driven decisions and monitoring metrics. Plus, I'll be sharing my frustrations with high taxes and corruption in Portugal, and why I believe in advocating for change rather than relocation.LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimetsampsBlocking the Upload Feature (00:02:42)Tiago discusses his decision to block the upload feature on Pod Squeeze to prevent fake accounts and the impact it had on reducing the number of fake accounts.Revenue Decline Concerns (00:07:02)Tiago and Joanne express their worries about the declining revenue of Pod Squeeze and discuss the possible reasons behind it.Increase in Empty Accounts (00:09:19)Tiago analyzes the increase in empty accounts on Pod Squeeze after blocking the upload feature and realizes that it may have negatively impacted conversion rates.The Mistake (00:10:23)The speaker discusses a mistake they made by not testing a feature, resulting in a decrease in conversion rates.The Confusion (00:12:13)The speaker discusses their confusion about the unexpected increase in conversion rates despite fewer people trying out their product.The Changes and Decisions (00:16:27)The speaker talks about rolling back changes, allowing one upload per free account, and the importance of plotting and monitoring metrics.The taxes in Portugal (00:20:28)Discussion about the complexity and high rates of taxes in Portugal for entrepreneurs.Corruption scandal in Portugal (00:21:39)Frustration and powerlessness regarding the corruption scandal involving the prime minister and ministers in Portugal.Interviews and podcast updates (00:23:50)Mention of an interview with Dagobert about mental health and an upcoming interview with Andrew Decky. Also, mention of Mark selling his business and his AMA episode.
11/10/202327 minutes, 2 seconds
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#316 - Interviewing Dagobert About How to Avoid Burnout as a Founder

Have you ever experienced burnout and its impact on your health? Well, Dagobert shares his personal experience with burnout and how it led to a significant shift in his work-life balance. We also dive into the importance of therapy for mental health and how it played a crucial role in Dagobert's recovery.LinksFollow Dagobert's TwitterJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimetsampsThe challenges of becoming official (00:04:43)Tiago and Dagobert discuss the process of becoming an official company and the frustrations and complexities they faced with the tax system.The benefits of using Lemon Squeezy (00:06:57)Dagobert explains how using Lemon Squeezy as a merchant of record can simplify the tax burden and accounting process for online businesses.The complexities of the tax system (00:10:16)Tiago and Dagobert discuss the complicated nature of the tax system, including the different tax rates in different countries and the deductions that can be made to reduce taxes.The burnout and realization of goals (00:11:21)Tiago discusses his burnout and how he became obsessed with reaching a monthly income of $10,000, only to realize it didn't solve all his problems.The risks and peace of mind (00:12:09)Tiago talks about the peace of mind he feels with his recurring income, although there is a small chance it could go to zero.The collapse and symptoms of burnout (00:18:10)Dagobert describes the moment his body broke down due to burnout, experiencing symptoms such as racing heart, tingling sensations, and anxiety.The burnout realization (00:22:24)Speaker 2 discusses how he initially dismissed the idea of burnout but eventually realizes that it is the cause of his symptoms.Impact on the business and relationship (00:25:16)Speaker 2 explains how his burnout affected the business and caused stress for his partner, leading to the collapse of the business.Living in constant stress (00:27:43)Speaker 2 reflects on how he got used to living in constant stress and denial as an entrepreneur, leading to his burnout.The challenges of relying on Twitter for income (00:31:59)Speaker 2 discusses the stress and pressure of depending on Twitter for income and the need to go viral.Dealing with burnout and self-care (00:33:02)Speaker 2 shares their experience of burnout and the steps they took to address it, including meditation, journaling, and therapy.Transitioning to a job and financial stability (00:34:04)Speaker 2 talks about the decision to find a job for financial stability and the relief it brought to both themselves and their partner.The trust and autonomy in the new job (00:42:46)Speaker 2 talks about being given complete autonomy in their new job as a product manager and the trust placed in them by the company.The value of experience and skills (00:44:16)Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 discuss how the skills and experience gained over the years have made Speaker 2 valuable in their current role.Success and recognition in the startup (00:49:41)Speaker 2 reflects on how their past failures and experiences in building startups have been recognized and valued by the founders of the current startup they work for.The beginning of the entrepreneurial journey (01:00:17)Tiago discusses the criteria that would make him sell his business and the challenges he may face in the future.Lucy's current situation (01:02:06)Dagobert talks about how Lucy is still trying to make the business work and the financial struggles she is facing.Differences in moving on (01:05:46)Dagobert explains how he has moved on from the business while Lucy is still trying to find a way to make it work, despite the challenges she faces.Recognizing and Preventing Burnout (01:10:35)Discussion about the importance of recognizing burnout and tips for preventing it, including the recommendation of therapy.The Importance of Finding the Right Therapist (01:11:36)Speaker 2 shares his skepticism about therapy and the importance of finding a therapist who understands the body and can provide a different perspective.Unlocking Stuck Energy in the Body (01:17:12)Explanation of how therapy can help unlock stuck energy in the body, leading to more clarity and the ability to make decisions.The decision-making struggle (01:20:00)The speakers discuss the struggle of decision-making and how it can be influenced by fear and hesitation.The importance of therapy for founders (01:21:06)They discuss the benefits of having a therapist by your side as a founder, helping to provide clarity and objectivity in decision-making and potentially saving time and avoiding ego-driven decisions.Couples therapy for co-founders (01:23:14)They explore the idea of co-founder therapy and how it can help address issues and improve communication between co-founders, potentially preventing mistakes and improving the overall success of the startup.Regaining Power and Mental Support (01:29:30)Tiago compares being an entrepreneur to being an athlete and discusses the importance of mental support in achieving success.Learning Soft Skills and Balancing Work (01:30:50)Dagobert talks about learning soft skills, finding balance, and prioritizing health and enjoyment in his work.New Powers and Taking a Different Approach (01:33:03)Dagobert shares his new perspective on work, focusing on having productive and meaningful hours rather than overworking himself.
11/4/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 52 seconds
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#315 - How to Sponsor a Conference with your Indie Business

Have you ever sponsored a conference to grow your business? In this episode, I, an indie maker, and my co-founder Joao, dive into our experience sponsoring a conference in Berlin for our company, Podsqueeze. We were initially worried about being scammed, but we ended up sealing a sponsorship deal for $700. I chat about the perks of attending such events, like networking and potential client acquisition. However, we also faced challenges, like feeling uncomfortable with aggressive self-promotion. Despite the setbacks, we made valuable connections. Tune in as I reflect on the importance of having an official presence and the value of networking at conferences.LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimetsampsIntroduction to sponsoring a conference (00:01:30)The host explains why he and Joao decided to sponsor a conference in Berlin and the importance of marketing.Finding a conference to sponsor (00:02:48)The host discusses the difficulty of finding affordable conferences to sponsor and how they discovered Pod Fest Berlin.Preparing for the conference (00:09:15)The host talks about their preparations for the conference, including designing t-shirts and getting flyers and banners ready.The organization of the event (00:12:09)The speaker discusses the lack of effort in organizing the event and the disappointment of not having many podcasting-related activities.Meeting other sponsors (00:13:07)The speaker talks about meeting the other sponsors of the conference, including representatives from Prodigy and McKee.Feeling ignored and demotivated (00:17:48)The speaker shares their frustration with being ignored by some podcasters and feeling demotivated after a long day of networking.Distributing the Flyers (00:21:33)The host talks about his experience distributing flyers at the conference and the mixed reactions he received from people.Creating an Official Pod Squeeze Booth (00:22:18)The host describes how they set up a table with their laptop and flyers to create an official booth for Pod Squeeze, which changed the way people perceived them.Exploring Partnerships (00:23:12)The host discusses their efforts to close partnerships with other companies, including discussing a potential API integration with Podigee and exploring a collaboration with Mackie for a giveaway.
10/26/202330 minutes, 38 seconds
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#314 - Interviewing Daniel about the Ups and Downs of Building Wundertax

I am interviewing Daniel, the CEO of Wundertax. He takes us on a journey from Hong Kong to Germany, sharing his experiences in entrepreneurship and the creation of Wundertax. We dive into the challenges of starting a business, securing funding, and navigating co-founder dynamics. Daniel also shares insights from his time in Amsterdam and how Wundertax focuses on customer needs and market trends. Tune in for a fascinating discussion on startups, entrepreneurship, and the complexities of tax filing.Checkout WundertaxLinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe Ups and Downs of Daniel's Journey [00:00:30]Daniel, the CEO of Wundertax, shares his experiences and challenges as a founder.Wunndertax: Making Taxes Simple [00:01:27]Daniel introduces Wonder Tax, a tool that simplifies the tax process, and discusses its benefits.From Hong Kong to Germany [00:02:05]Daniel talks about his background, growing up in Hong Kong, studying in Germany, and his experiences working for Rocket Internet and Foodpanda.Pressure from families and the issue of affordability in Hong Kong [00:09:51]Discussion about the pressure from families and the high cost of living in Hong Kong, leading some young people to move to other countries.Entrepreneurial background and first business idea [00:11:05]Conversation about Daniel's family background and his early interest in entrepreneurship and building things.Building the first version of the tax tool and its success [00:13:50]Explanation of how they built the minimum viable product (MVP) using an Excel sheet and freelancer, and the subsequent viral success of the tool.The problem is more important than the solution [00:20:20]Discussion on the importance of focusing on solving customer problems rather than coming up with innovative solutions.The process of building a business and product people want [00:22:13]Talk about the importance of having a vision but also considering the needs and wants of customers when building a business.The marketing mix and peak revenue during tax deadline [00:26:09]Explanation of the marketing strategies used, including Facebook marketing and Google ads, and the significant increase in revenue during the tax deadline period.Building Monetization [00:29:02]Daniel discusses the decision to introduce monetization to their platform and the positive response from customers.Raising Series A Funding [00:32:05]Daniel talks about the ease of raising funding after implementing monetization and the process of negotiating with investors.Growing the Team and Spending Money [00:37:48]Daniel describes how they used the funding to hire more employees, expand their office, and throw parties, while also feeling pressure to deliver on their promises.The decision to become CEO [00:38:38]The speakers discuss how the CEO is typically the more outgoing and investor-facing role in a company, while the COO is more inward-facing.The challenges of growth and profitability [00:39:36]The speakers talk about the pressure to continuously raise funds and grow, and how some companies struggle to become profitable.The decision to part ways with the co-founder [00:44:22]The speakers discuss the conflicts and disagreements between the CEO and co-founder that led to the decision to no longer work together.Daniel's move to Amsterdam [00:48:31]Daniel discusses his decision to move to Amsterdam for four years and work on a moving platform.The challenges of raising the next round [00:50:22]Daniel talks about the difficulties he faced in raising the next round of funding for his startup.The downfall of the company [00:52:56]Daniel explains the challenges faced by his co-founder and the company, leading to the departure of the CEO and most of the employees.Starting Wonder Tax [00:57:57]Daniel discusses the initial meeting with the team from Wonder Tax and their confusion about his ideas.Growing the Company [00:59:00]Daniel talks about the changes they made when he became CEO, including hiring more staff and launching new products.Addressing the Fear of Taxes [01:05:30]Daniel explains how Wonder Tax tries to address people's fear of doing their taxes by providing easy-to-understand content and a user-friendly tool.The design and competition dilemma [01:08:04]Discussion on how to navigate competition in terms of design and following other companies' paths.The importance of mobile experience [01:10:02]Exploration of the significance of mobile experience for easy tax cases and the focus on improving the mobile app.Considering market demand and strengths [01:11:07]The CEO emphasizes the need to consider customer and user preferences while also focusing on the company's strengths and current customer base.
10/23/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 34 seconds
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#313 - This Is Going To Be a Huge Marketing Bet

I have some exciting news to share - our company has decided to sponsor a podcasting conference in Berlin as part of our marketing strategy. I'll be discussing our experimentation with different approaches like cold emails and automation, as well as our current focus on sponsoring conferences. Join me as I talk about my goals for attending the conference, the frustrations of non-business tasks, and the constant feeling of dissatisfaction that entrepreneurs often experience. Plus, I'll be sharing a new feature we've developed and inviting you to join me at an upcoming event in Berlin.LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe conference sponsorship [00:01:29]Thiago discusses the marketing strategy of trying different channels and scaling successful ones, including sponsoring a podcasting conference.Testing conferences as a marketing strategy [00:02:37]Thiago explains the decision to test sponsoring smaller conferences to reach target users and evaluate the return on investment.Challenges with company infrastructure and bureaucracy [00:07:01]Thiago expresses frustration with setting up the company infrastructure, dealing with taxes, and the complexity of bureaucratic processes.The worry of losing it all [00:10:57]Thiago discusses the common concern among entrepreneurs about the fear of losing their money and success, even when they have achieved significant wealth.The excitement and frustrations of being an entrepreneur [00:11:54]Thiago reflects on the excitement and fulfillment of working for himself, but acknowledges the frustrations that come with being an entrepreneur. He emphasizes the importance of loving what you do in order to succeed.Introducing the new video clips feature [00:12:59]Thiago announces a new feature on their platform: video clips. He explains that this feature has the potential to attract more traffic and shares his excitement about its potential success. However, he mentions that he currently lacks the time and energy to fully focus on it.
10/12/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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#312 - How To Hire Top Freelancers for Your Indie Company

Have you ever wondered what it's like to hire new team members for a bootstrapped company? Well, in this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experience with hiring for my company, PodSqueeze. It all started when I hired a content agency to write ebooks, which turned out to be a success. But when we needed blog posts for SEO, we reached out to them on Twitter and decided to work on a freelance basis. Then came the time to hire a freelance developer, and the response on Twitter was overwhelming. After careful consideration, I selected Reeshav from India. Tune in to hear about my positive hiring experience and the progress we've made with Reeshav. And don't forget to support the podcast and join the indie maker community!Content AgencyReeshav - FreelancerLinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsHiring a Content Writer [00:01:23]Discussion about the need to hire a content writer for SEO purposes and the unsuccessful attempt to find a cheap writer on Fiverr.Working with a Content Agency [00:03:30]Exploration of the decision to work with a content agency for ebook writing and the positive experience with the agency Knitting and its partners, Nithin and Kartik.Hiring a Freelance Developer [00:06:42]The host's desire to hire a freelance developer and the process of finding potential candidates through a simple tweet on Twitter, including the filtering process based on skills and rates.Finding the right vibe [00:10:12]Tiago discusses the importance of finding someone with a nice vibe and who is uncomplicated to work closely with.The bias in video applications [00:11:03]Tiago reflects on the bias in the video applications he received, with only one application from a woman and a majority of applications from men.Selecting the candidates [00:12:58]Tiago talks about selecting two candidates, one from India and one from Italy, for interviews and discusses the importance of having in-person chats to understand each other's goals and expectations.
9/27/202319 minutes, 33 seconds
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#311 - The Most Uncertain Times: Navigating the Ups and Downs of PodSqueeze

 I'll be reflecting on the ups and downs of our journey so far, including the initial success and growth of our company. But I also have concerns about the market and AI trends. I'll be sharing my three conditions for deciding whether to continue with PodSqueeze, and expressing my unwavering passion for this project. Oh, and I'm thrilled to announce the release of our new video feature! Plus, I can't wait to tell you about my upcoming holiday plans. Connect with me on Twitter and if you're an entrepreneur looking for a supportive community, check out our select-based community. Let's dive in!LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe initial success and traction [00:01:32]Discusses the excitement and rapid growth experienced after launching PodSqueeze, reaching milestones, and the initial momentum in the AI market.The slowing down of growth and concerns about the market [00:02:47]Addresses the decrease in growth rate, the decline in AI trend popularity, and the uncertainty about the future of PodSqueeze in a shrinking market.The release of the new video feature and upcoming holiday [00:08:00]Mentions the development and release of a video feature, the stress and excitement surrounding it, and the upcoming holiday plans.Initial success and traction [00:10:01]Tiago mentions the initial success and traction experienced after launching PodSqueeze.Slowing down of growth [00:10:01]Tiago discusses the slowing down of growth for PodSqueeze.Concerns about market and AI trends [00:10:01]Tiago expresses concerns about the market and AI trends and how they may impact PodSqueeze.
9/22/202310 minutes, 42 seconds
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#310 - How To Legally Create an Indie Company and Minimize Taxes

Have you ever wondered what it takes to set up your own company? In this podcast episode, I share my personal journey of starting UserQuest and the obstacles I encountered along the way. One of the biggest challenges was finding accountants who truly understood my software-as-a-service business model and the complexities of taxation. It was frustrating to navigate through the options for managing taxes, such as setting up the company in Estonia, only to realize the potential risks involved.Join me as I share my experiences and insights, and hopefully, you'll find inspiration for your own entrepreneurial journey.LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsSetting up a company [00:02:04]Tiago discusses the process of setting up a company, specifically in Portugal or Europe, and shares his experience and learnings.Challenges with finding an accountant [00:04:05]Tiago talks about the difficulties they faced in finding an accountant who understood their business model and could provide accurate tax advice.Reducing taxes [00:06:48]Tiago explains the research and efforts they made to try and reduce their taxes, as they were being taxed at a high rate that didn't align with their online business model.The frustrations of setting up a company [00:07:46]Tiago discusses the frustrations he faced when seeking advice on setting up a company and the simplicity that others claimed it to be.Investigating options in Singapore [00:08:44]Tiago explores the idea of setting up a company in Singapore, including the lower taxes and the requirement for a stakeholder to live in Singapore.Exploring Madeira as an option [00:09:45]Tiago considers Madeira as a potential location for their company, the concept of fiscal paradises, and the need to live in Madeira for tax benefits.Setting up a company in Estonia [00:15:37]Discusses the options and tax implications of setting up a company in Estonia, including paying taxes on dividends and profits.Double taxation and treaties [00:17:42]Explains the issue of double taxation when living in one country and having a company in another, and how treaties can help mitigate this problem.Legal concerns and hiring a lawyer [00:19:39]Details the decision to hire a lawyer to determine the legality of having a company in Estonia while living in Portugal, and the potential consequences of not paying taxes in the correct jurisdiction.Deciding on Estonia or Portugal [00:23:16]Tiago discusses the pros and cons of setting up a company in Estonia and Portugal, including the risks and potential benefits.Affordability of fines [00:25:29]Tiago reflects on the ability to afford fines and how it influenced the decision to choose Portugal for their company.Challenges with company registration in Portugal [00:27:20]Tiago shares the frustrating process of registering a company name in Portugal, including the slow bureaucracy and issues with the registration tool.Setting up the company [00:30:14]The speaker discusses the challenges they faced while trying to set up their company and the decision to physically go to the finance department.Setting up a business bank account [00:31:09]The speaker talks about the process of setting up a business bank account and their decision to go with Revolut, an online bank.Managing company expenses and taxes [00:33:06]The speaker explains the concept of minimizing company profits to reduce taxes and discusses strategies to take money out of the company as expenses.Lessons learned from the process [00:38:22]Tiago discusses the importance of doing your own research and asking questions when it comes to finances and taxes.The value of consulting a lawyer [00:39:30]Tiago explains the benefits of seeking professional advice from a lawyer who understands the law and can provide reliable information.Utilizing Chat GPT for assistance [00:40:30]Tiago shares how they used Chat GPT for calculations and comparisons, emphasizing its helpfulness in testing different scenarios.
9/17/202341 minutes, 26 seconds
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#309 - Tips for Indie Makers Perform at The Highest Level

Are you an indie maker looking to perform at your best? In this episode, I dive into strategies for reaching the highest level of productivity. Discover the power of structuring your day and finding a routine that suits you. As a fellow night owl, I emphasize the importance of working with your natural body and brain rhythms. Plus, I reveal the benefits of sleep, cold showers, and intermittent fasting. Learn how to boost productivity, conquer distractions, and find relaxation through meditation. And don't forget to share your tips and suggestions for future episodes! Reach out to me today.LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsHow to Perform at the Highest Level [00:01:13]Discussion on the importance of structuring one's day to perform at the highest level, drawing parallels with athletes and other professions.Being a Night Owl [00:04:23]Tiago shares his experience as a night owl and the benefits of accepting and working with one's natural sleep patterns.The Benefits of Cold Showers [00:07:09]Tiago talks about the benefits he has experienced from taking cold showers, including improved tolerance to cold, potential immune system boost, and a mindset shift.Reducing Calorie Intake and Productivity [00:10:10]Tiago discusses how he reduces his calorie intake by practicing intermittent fasting and how it affects his productivity.Importance of Food and Productivity [00:12:03]Tiago talks about how the food he eats affects his productivity and how eating less helps him stay focused and avoid feeling tired or sleepy.Managing Distractions and Increasing Productivity [00:13:02]Tiago shares strategies for managing distractions while working, including taking breaks to do minor tasks and avoiding the temptation to use social media or browse the internet.The importance of meditation [00:19:27]Meditation as a tool for stress relief and problem-solving.Balancing work and personal life [00:20:32]Struggles with knowing when to stop working and the never-ending tasks.The value of rest and prioritizing mental health [00:21:42]Recognizing the need for rest, setting priorities, and avoiding burnout.The value of your hour [00:29:38]Tiago discusses the importance of assigning a monetary value to your time and making decisions based on that value.Making smart investments [00:30:44]Tiago explains how to make calculated decisions by exchanging tasks based on their value and ensuring they don't exceed the value of your time.Supporting the podcast [00:31:50]Tiago shares ways to support the podcast, including becoming a member of the community, which costs $10 per month.
9/9/202332 minutes, 34 seconds
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#308 - Interviewing Taylin Simmonds Founder of Ghostlii

I had the pleasure of interviewing Taylin Simmonds, the co-founder of Ghostlii, a content marketing agency. Have you ever wondered how to find success as an entrepreneur while staying true to your artistic vision? Well, Talyn shares his incredible journey as an indie maker and entrepreneur, exploring the fascinating intersection of art and business. We dive deep into topics like finding product-market fit, thriving in saturated markets, and the power of building an audience and brand.About TaylinTwitterGhostliiPodcast LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsFinding Product-Market Fit [00:02:38]Dylan talks about the importance of finding product-market fit and how Ghostly shifted their focus from growing social media followers to building a valuable brand and audience.Artistic Entrepreneurship [00:03:34]Dylan discusses his perspective on the intersection of art and entrepreneurship, highlighting how entrepreneurship can be a vehicle for artistic impact and creating something incredible.Selling Art and Managing Expectations [00:05:14]The conversation explores the challenge of balancing artistic integrity and commercial success, with Dylan sharing insights on how musicians can find a niche that appeals to both artistic expression and market demand.The journey to $10k per month [00:10:20]Dylan shares how he reached $10k per month in just 30 days and discusses the importance of lead generation.Building relationships through content [00:12:14]Dylan explains his approach to networking by creating high-value content that attracts the attention of industry leaders.The importance of skill stacking and failures [00:15:55]Dylan emphasizes the importance of acquiring skills and experiencing failures before finding success in entrepreneurship.The mindset shift after reaching success [00:18:44]Discussion on how reaching success can challenge one's identity and mindset, causing anxiety and pressure.The journey of building a successful business [00:19:33]Exploration of the challenges faced in scaling a business and the personal growth required to sustain success.Using psychedelics for personal transformation [00:23:11]The guest shares his experience with ayahuasca and MDMA therapy as tools for personal transformation and identity change.Psychedelic experiences and personal growth [00:25:08]Dylan discusses how psychedelic experiences can open doors to new thoughts, states of being, and personal growth.Imposter syndrome and embracing failure [00:27:03]Dylan shares his thoughts on imposter syndrome and how it is a natural part of trying new things and embracing failure as a way to learn and iterate.Goals and priorities in indie companies [00:32:05]Dylan talks about his goals and priorities in his indie company, emphasizing the importance of viewing businesses as stepping stones for learning and growth.Scaling as a Self-Improvement Vehicle [00:32:53]Discussion on the benefits of scaling a business for financial and location freedom, but recognizing that it may not be the ultimate goal.Passion for Educating and Creating [00:33:53]Desire to transition into e-learning and decentralized education, and the challenge of being a creator and capturing attention.Finding Clarity and Direction [00:34:49]Importance of having clarity on the direction of one's business and being open to iterating and testing different paths.The pursuit of growth [00:41:05]Dylan discusses different motivations for entrepreneurship and the desire for growth in business and personal life.The need for constant growth [00:42:09]Dylan argues that while businesses don't always need to grow, individuals should always be growing in some domain, and for many, that domain is business.The desire to keep pushing oneself [00:43:27]Dylan explains how once money stops solving problems, the next challenge becomes finding fulfillment and enjoying life, which can be achieved through pushing oneself in business.MentionsAyahuasca (psychedelic): Mentioned at 00:24:03Joe Dispenza: Mentioned at 00:25:08MDMA therapy: Mentioned at 00:25:08Peter Levels: Mentioned at 00:28:31"12 and 12" mindset: Mentioned at 00:28:31Hermosa: Mentioned at 00:30:16 (unclear if it refers to a person or a concept)Elon Musk: Mentioned at 00:31:06Mark Zuckerberg: Mentioned at 00:31:06Bootstrapping: Mentioned at 00:31:06Indie hacking: Mentioned at 00:31:06Monkey Ran: Mentioned at 00:32:05 (unclear if it refers to a person or a company)Topic: Books and AuthorsMark Manson: Mentioned in the context of trying on different beliefs. (Timestamp: 00:36:18)Topic: Lifestyle and Success SymbolsMcDonald's: Mentioned in the context of working at a job with no leverage. (Timestamp: 00:39:31)Topic: Education and LearningE-learning: The speaker expresses interest in e-learning businesses and decentralized education. (Timestamp: 00:33:53)Topic: Conversations and InteractionsTony Dean: Mentioned as someone the speaker had a conversation with about maintaining lifestyle and freedom while growing a business. (Timestamp: 00:40:41)
9/2/202346 minutes, 29 seconds
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#307 - What I wish I’d known when I started Indie Hacking

Have you ever wondered how to navigate the world of indie hacking? Well, today I'll be discussing the importance of learning and experimenting in indie hacking, the significance of having a financial runway, and the need to prioritize mental health. We'll also explore the audience-first approach, finding product-market fit, and the importance of time as an indie maker's biggest asset. So, let's dive in and discover the keys to success in the world of indie hacking!LinksJoin The WBE CommunityTry PodSqueezeSponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe decision to quit job or side hustle [00:00:12]Reflecting on the personal decision of whether to quit a job or side hustle while starting a business.Learning entrepreneurship and time commitment [00:01:37]The importance of dedicating 100% of time to learning entrepreneurship and building a product from scratch.The importance of financial stability and mental health [00:04:18]The recommendation to have at least one year of savings and prioritize mental well-being when starting a business.The Audience First Approach [00:11:12]Starting with an audience instead of an idea, understanding their problems, and creating products for your own crowd.Finding a Problem [00:14:22]Identifying problems within your own audience, exploring new technologies, and brainstorming solutions.Product Market Fit [00:20:36]When your product solves a market problem and people are willing to pay for it, leading to high user traction.Finding Product-Market Fit [00:21:36]The speaker discusses the importance of finding a product that immediately gains traction and has enthusiastic users.Killing Unsuccessful Projects [00:22:35]The speaker advises to kill a project if it doesn't gain traction after 2-3 months and shares the difficulty of killing a project with existing users.Maximizing Time as an Indie Maker [00:26:45]The speaker emphasizes that time is the biggest asset for indie makers and suggests trying multiple projects within a shorter timeframe to increase chances of success.Launching Your Product [00:31:09]Tips for doing a big launch on social media or Product Hunt, including ensuring everything is working properly beforehand.Operational Challenges [00:34:03]The shift in dynamic and energy once a product becomes mature and the challenges of setting up a company, finding better services, and understanding taxes.Importance of Co-founders [00:36:14]The benefits of having a co-founder, including sharing the journey, complementing each other's strengths, and open communication to resolve issues.
8/26/202341 minutes, 26 seconds
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#306 - I Don't Know How To Run A Business

In this episode, I, Tiago, an indie maker and entrepreneur, share my journey and the challenges I face in navigating the business side of things. From setting up a company to handling taxes and hiring professionals, there's a lot to learn. I discuss the lack of discussion around these less glamorous aspects and the fear of making mistakes. I also share my hiring process for a community manager, emphasizing the importance of trust and fit. Plus, I contemplate the need for a lawyer to define contract terms. Tune in for all the insights!LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe phase of adulthood [00:01:24]Tiago discusses the different phases of a business's life, comparing it to the stages of a person's life.Setting up a company and address [00:04:53]Tiago talks about the challenges of setting up a company, including the decision of what address to use and the option of a virtual office.The frustration of bureaucratic tasks [00:09:07]Tiago expresses frustration with the bureaucratic tasks involved in running a business, such as finding the right services, interviewing professionals, and dealing with taxes.The hiring process [00:12:26]Tiago discusses his first ever hiring process and the importance of finding the right person for the role.Understanding wealth and taxes [00:16:30]Tiago reflects on his changing definition of wealth and the realization that minimizing profits can reduce taxes.The importance of understanding taxes [00:23:35]Tiago emphasizes the significance of understanding the tax system as an entrepreneur and how it can lead to success.
8/18/202325 minutes
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#305 - How Success Changes The Way You See Yourself

Have you ever wondered how success can change a person? In this episode, I'll be reflecting on this concept, and using I'll be sharing my own experiences with success through my company, PodSqueeze. From childhood dreams of being an entrepreneur to taking my profession seriously, I'll discuss the impact success has had on me. We'll also touch on the challenges of building a company, including tax considerations and the possibility of starting a business in a country with lower taxes. Managing taxes and expenses properly is crucial for scalability and growth.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsSuccess and Change [00:01:23]Discussion on why people change with success, using Elon Musk as an example.Validation of Success [00:03:52]The narrator's experience of how success has changed their interactions and engagement on social media.Pursuing Dreams [00:10:19]The narrator's journey of pursuing entrepreneurship as a dream and how it changed their perspective on their career path.The coping mechanism of coding at the beach [00:12:29]The speaker discusses how they used to feel anxious about not being productive during beach holidays and how they started using coding as a coping mechanism.Accepting and embracing their entrepreneurial personality [00:13:31]The speaker talks about gaining confidence in their way of seeing life and accepting their entrepreneurial personality, despite being different from others.Challenges and frustrations of building a company [00:17:42]The speaker shares their frustrations with the managerial and organizational aspects of building a company, including decision-making, meetings, and dealing with taxes.The tax deductions dilemma [00:24:14]Explains the difference in expenses that can be deducted in a company and the gray areas surrounding deducting business trips.Challenges of starting a company in Portugal [00:26:22]Discusses frustrations and delays in registering a company name in Portugal, highlighting the need for change.Hiring a community manager [00:28:22]Shares the process of hiring a community manager, including receiving video applications and the excitement of having someone to help manage the community.
8/11/202331 minutes, 33 seconds
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#304 - Don't do business with people you don't trust

In this episode, I'll be sharing my recent experiences with my business partner and landlord. From struggles with onboarding business partners who seemed to take control of the conversation, it's been quite a journey. I'll also be discussing my personal experience with our rented flat in Lisbon. Join me as I reflect on these experiences, contemplate changes to my business model, and invite your suggestions. Let's dive in!LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBuy WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsTrying to find a business partner [00:02:40]Tiago discusses his experience with trying to onboard business partners to sell their product, but it hasn't been successful so far.Concerns about a potential business partner [00:03:51]Tiago and Joe discuss their conversation with a potential business partner from France and express concerns about losing control of their company and lifestyle.Unexpected housing situation [00:07:05]Tiago shares his experience of renting a flat in Lisbon and how their landlord unexpectedly refused to renew their contract, leading to the realization of the importance of trust in business dealings.Tiago's Thoughts on the Community [00:11:56]Tiago discusses the purpose of the community and whether it should focus on making friends or providing value.Considering a Change in Business Model [00:13:00]Tiago contemplates changing the subscription-based business model to a one-time payment model for the community.Exploring New Ideas for Monetization [00:14:51]Tiago explores the idea of converting his guides into an ebook and potentially creating a fund for indie hackers.
8/2/202317 minutes, 28 seconds
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#303 - Interviewing Tony Dinh on how to run a successful indie businesses

In this podcast episode, Tiago interviews Tony Dinh, a successful indie hacker, about the challenges and goals of running an indie company. They discuss their own experiences and the importance of finding the right co-founder. They also talk about the different phases of being an indie hacker and the goals that come with each phase. Tony shares his approach to design and marketing, while Tiago talks about his transition from struggling to finding success with his startup. They also discuss profitability margins, lifestyle priorities, hiring freelancers, managing tasks and deadlines, and competing with bigger players in the industry.Tony Dinh TwitterTony's NewsletterLinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe challenges of running an indie company [00:01:12]Tiago discusses his challenges of running an indie company, including hiring and setting goals.Finding product-market fit and gaining credibility [00:02:17]Tiago and Tony discuss the importance of finding product-market fit and how it can lead to credibility and success.The different phases of being an indie hacker [00:09:08]Tiago and Tony talk about the roller coaster journey of being an indie hacker and the different phases and goals that come with it.The profitability margins [00:12:03]Discussion about the profitability margins of the company and the impact of having employees on revenue.Goals as an indie hacker [00:12:40]Discussion about short-term and medium-term goals as an indie hacker, including reaching the level of other successful indie hackers.Prioritizing lifestyle over money [00:15:32]Discussion about the preference for a lifestyle with more freedom and independence over having a lot of money.The hiring process and working with freelancers [00:23:17]Discussion on the benefits of hiring freelancers, the types of tasks they can handle, and the decision-making process of when to hire them.Trusting freelancers and managing their hours [00:28:10]Exploration of the trust factor in hiring freelancers, giving them access to code, and managing their hours and invoicing.Transitioning a freelancer to a full-time employee [00:30:07]The process of hiring a freelancer as a full-time employee, starting with a specific role and expanding their responsibilities based on their skills and willingness to help.No deadlines [00:34:05]Discussion on the absence of deadlines in the company and how tasks are allocated and managed without them.Managing freedom and goals [00:36:41]Exploration of the paradox of wanting to achieve goals and beat competitors while maintaining freedom and not setting deadlines.Dealing with competition [00:41:14]Discussion on how the speaker manages competition and believes there is still a place for their product in the market.Links and MentionsMarketing:Product Hunt: 00:06:02Twitter: 00:06:02Instagram: 00:06:02Communication and Task Management:Telegram: 00:34:47Linear: 00:35:13Slack: 00:43:45References:My First Million podcast: 00:36:54
7/26/202345 minutes, 8 seconds
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#302 - I Reached an Exciting Milestone: $10,000 in MRR

Is money a synonym for success? I'm thrilled to announce that we've reached a milestone of $10,000 in revenue. Plus, I recently bought a used car and the response on Twitter was amazing. Join me as I discuss the importance of freedom over money for indie makers and explore a potential product idea for a search engine for podcast episodes. I'll also reflect on my growth as an entrepreneur and how success has changed my self-perception. Lastly, I invite you to join our community and share this podcast with others in the indie maker community. Let's connect and learn together!LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe milestone celebration [00:02:13]Tiago discusses reaching a significant milestone of $10,000 in revenue and plans to celebrate with a special dinner.Twitter monetization rumors [00:05:31]Tiago talks about the recent buzz on Twitter about content creators getting paid and their own experience with trying to monetize their account.Imposter syndrome and the journey of an indie company [00:09:50]Tiago reflects on their imposter syndrome and the mixed feelings about the future of their company, sharing insights from interviews with other successful entrepreneurs.Freedom vs Money [00:10:49]Tiago discusses the importance of freedom over money and asks the audience to choose between working hard for $1 million or having full freedom with less money.Creating a Podcast Search Engine [00:11:58]Tiago shares their idea of creating a search engine for podcasts to make it easier to find specific episodes and discusses using OpenAI's embeddings for smart searches.Building a Search Engine for Podcasts" [00:13:55]Tiago explains the benefits of having a search engine for podcasts and the potential for creating a landing page for each episode, while acknowledging the challenges of monetizing the idea.Tiago's self-confidence and validation [00:21:22]Tiago reflects on how their self-confidence and ego have changed with success, and how they are now seen as a reference by others.The stages of believing in a dream [00:22:29]Tiago discusses the stages of believing in a dream, from thinking it's impossible to realizing it's possible through persistence and hard work.The importance of passion and challenging oneself [00:27:03]Tiago emphasizes the importance of passion and challenging oneself, sharing examples of successful individuals who continue to work hard and pursue their passions despite already achieving financial success.MentionsChangeit app: 00:00:12Twitter: 00:05:31GPT-4: 00:07:38OpenAI: 00:11:58, 00:13:00Trello: 00:10:49Spotify: 00:11:58Wagyu beef: 00:14:57Coldplay Concert: 00:24:39 - 00:25:54Community for Entrepreneurs: 00:27:03
7/22/202328 minutes, 8 seconds
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#301 - Why Do We All Live Life the Same Way?

Have you ever wondered about human achievements, societal norms, and different lifestyles? Today, I'll be reflecting on these topics, specifically in the context of indie hacking. I'll also share my thoughts on two inspiring documentaries that showcase individuals living extraordinary lives, and question why society often discourages deviating from the norm. We'll then dive into my own indie hacking journey, discussing my product, PodSqueeze, and the challenges I faced with fake accounts. I'll touch on my involvement in a community project and share my thoughts on changing the monetization model. Finally, I'll discuss my lack of motivation and energy for certain projects, emphasizing the importance of quitting something that no longer brings joy.Try UserDesk For FreeLuca's TwitterLinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe discovery of a new exoplanet [00:00:12]The speaker discusses the recent discovery of a new exoplanet and how humans were able to find it by studying a star.Societal norms and expectations [00:01:39]The speaker explores why most people live life in a similar manner, attributing it to social norms and the pursuit of growth and power in Western societies.Different lifestyles and admiration for extraordinary individuals [00:04:15]The speaker reflects on the fascination with individuals who live different lifestyles, such as chefs turned travelers and mountaineers, and how they are celebrated despite societal pressure to conform.The competition and fake accounts issue [00:14:15]The speaker discusses their desire to see their project grow and the annoyance of fake accounts.Changing restrictions on free users [00:15:16]The speaker explains the decision to limit certain features to paid users to combat the issue of fake accounts.Reducing customer support and implementing AI agent [00:18:50]The speaker talks about implementing features to reduce the need for customer support, including creating folders and an unsubscribe button, as well as introducing an AI agent for customer support.Lack of motivation and considering giving up [00:26:50]The speaker discusses their lack of motivation to work on certain projects and considers giving up on them.Quitting is not a failure [00:27:45]The speaker emphasizes that quitting or giving up on something is not a failure, but rather a natural part of life and pursuing other interests.Promotion of user desk and call for feedback [00:28:47]The speaker mentions user desk and encourages listeners to check it out, providing a link in the show notes. They also mention that feedback would be appreciated and provide contact information for the creator.Mentions with timestamps:Exoplanet: 00:00:12Netflix: 00:04:15Anthony Bourdain: 00:05:48"The Alpinist": 00:05:48Elon Musk: 00:07:04Mr. Beast: 00:07:04Casey Neistat: 00:07:04Obama: 00:07:04Taekwondo: 00:10:51Tony Dinh: 00:13:10PodSqueeze: 00:14:15ChatGPT: 00:18:50User Desk: 00:21:20Notion: 00:21:20User Desk website: 00:21:20Luca's products: 00:21:20User 00:21:20User Desk: 00:28:47Luca's Twitter: 00:28:47Tiago's Twitter: 00:28:47
7/12/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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#300 - Sailing Against the Tide

Have you ever participated in a quiz with friends and suddenly realized how little general knowledge you actually have? That's exactly what happened to me recently. So, I've decided to study flags to improve my knowledge in that area. On another note, I'm really passionate about sailing, but navigating the strong tides and currents of the river in Lisbon can be quite challenging. It has taught me the importance of patience and waiting, which I find parallels with my entrepreneurial journey. While I'm grateful for the stability in my business, I'm also yearning for something new and dreaming of creating a collaborative working environment.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsParticipating in quizzes [00:00:12]Tiago's recent quiz participation with friends, their two wins, and his realization of his lack of general knowledge.Studying flags [00:01:25]Tiago's interest in flag study, noticing design patterns across regions, and the idea of a sitcom about friends bonding over quizzes.Sailing and dealing with tides [00:03:39]Tiago's passion for sailing, challenges of strong tides in Lisbon river, and a recent experience sailing against the tide, emphasizing patience and waiting for change.Tiago's mindset shift and embracing stability in his entrepreneurial journey [00:11:37]Tiago's desire for something new and creating a positive work environment [00:12:41]Tiago's dream of collaborating with other indie hackers and potential plans for a co-working space [00:14:55]
7/6/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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#299 - Woohoo! Podsqueeze just hit $100,000 in annual revenue!

Have you ever wondered how to reach $100,000 in annual revenue with your business? In this episode, I'll be sharing my personal journey with Podsqueeze and the strategies we're using to reduce churn. One effective solution we've found is introducing yearly plans, which helps to retain users for longer periods. Additionally, I'll be discussing the importance of managing expectations with your co-founder to maintain a healthy and productive team. Tune in to gain valuable insights and tips for growing your business successfully.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterMentionsTools, websites, links, books, and videos mentioned in the podcast episode:Twitter: 00:01:24, 00:10:40Podsqueeze: 00:01:24, 00:13:47, 00:14:49, 00:16:04, 00:17:07, 00:18:20, 00:19:30Stripe: 00:04:01Descript: 00:14:49Zen Caster: 00:14:49Spotify: 00:14:49AppSumo: 00:18:20TimestampsImplementing features to mitigate churn [00:02:48]Discussion on the implementation of features to understand and mitigate the 20% churn rate.Introducing yearly plans [00:06:06]Explaining the decision to introduce yearly subscription plans and the initial success of attracting subscribers.First yearly agency plan [00:09:21]Excitement over the first agency plan subscription, with a user committing to pay $1300 upfront for the product.Reaching $100,000 in annual revenue and the potential valuation of the company [00:10:40]Tiago discusses the recent milestone of his startup, Pod Squeeze, reaching $100,000 in annual revenue and speculates on the potential valuation of the company.Comparing the financial benefits of entrepreneurship to a 9 to 5 job [00:11:46]Tiago compares the financial benefits of running his own company and potentially selling it to the salary he could make in a 9 to 5 job.Considering the possibility of selling Pod Squeeze and the reasons behind it [00:13:47]Tiago discusses the advice he received from a friend about selling Pod Squeeze, the competitive nature of the industry, and the potential threats from big companies creating similar products.Navigating Awkward Moments in a Partnership [00:20:42]Tiago discusses the challenges of navigating awkward moments and the importance of growth in a partnership.Managing Expectations and Autonomy [00:21:54]Tiago reflects on his initial desire for his co-founder to focus solely on their startup and the need for both of them to have autonomy in their respective roles.Defining Roles and Trust in a Co-founder [00:24:25]Tiago discusses the importance of defining roles and trusting each other's expertise in order to make their startup succeed.
6/29/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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#298 - Our MRR is Going Down 😱

In this episode of my podcast, "Wannabe Entrepreneur," I share some valuable insights on the challenges and realities of being an indie hacker. As an indie hacker myself, I understand the importance of finding a balance between financial stability and pursuing your passion. I discuss the need to sometimes take on freelance work to make ends meet and the importance of having a side job to support oneself while pursuing indie hacking.I also share success stories from the indie community, including Luca, who was able to make money from his indie project and eventually sell his company. I finish by telling our tale to find the perfect API transcription provider for Podsqueeze.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterMentionsDagobert's tweet about quitting his startupTimestampsIndie News [00:02:40]Tiago talks about the recent shutdown of indie startup Legality by Dagobert and the challenges of being an indie hacker.Success and the Indie Lifestyle [00:08:16]Tiago reflects on the ups and downs of being an indie hacker and how success is not a happy ever after, but a lifestyle with its own perks and downsides.Tiago's Freelance Gig [00:09:32]Tiago discusses how being an indie hacker is a lifestyle and how he has taken on a freelance gig to help pay the bills.The Importance of a Side Job [00:10:36]Tiago discusses the importance of having a side job as an indie hacker to reduce anxiety and boost ego.Iterating and Dropping Projects [00:14:06]Tiago emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind and being flexible as an indie hacker, iterating and dropping projects that do not have early success.Finding a New Transcription Provider [00:17:24]Tiago shares the story of finding a new transcription provider for his podcast, negotiating prices and testing different providers before making a decision.Transcription Issues [00:20:27]Tiago discusses the challenges of finding a reliable transcription service for his podcast and the issues he faced with different providers.Vacation and Revenue Drop [00:28:46]Tiago talks about his recent vacation and the challenges of being an indie hacker, including a drop in monthly recurring income due to a big client churning.Decreasing Churn [00:30:00]Tiago discusses implementing annual plans and working on ways to decrease churn in order to improve revenue for his indie startup.Tiago's plans for the future [00:30:59]Tiago discusses his desire to replicate the success of his current project, Pod Squeeze, and his plans to learn more about marketing and scaling through interviews.Podcast growth and call to action [00:32:00]Tiago shares the growth of his podcast and encourages listeners to share it with friends and join his community for indie makers.Unusual company training in the US [00:33:06]Tiago briefly mentions the need for active shooter training in some US companies.
6/22/202333 minutes, 59 seconds
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#297 - Interviewing Yossi and Simon About TinyKiwi Acquisition

Have you ever wondered what it's like to sell or acquire a company in the indie scene? In this podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Simon, the founder of Feedhive, and Yossi, the founder of Tiny Kiwi, as they discuss the acquisition of Tiny Kiwi by Feedhive. We delve into the process of selling and acquiring a company in the indie market, as well as the benefits and challenges of being an indie entrepreneur. We also touch on the importance of balancing work and personal life. Tune in for valuable insights into the world of indie entrepreneurship and the potential for growth in the market.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsIntroduction [00:00:12]The host introduces the guests, Simon and Yossi, and explains that they will be discussing the acquisition of Tiny Kiwi by Feedier.Selling a company in the indie scene [00:02:32]The host and Yossi discuss the market of selling a company in the indie scene and how it differs from the startup and VC scene.Yossi's background and shift to indie hacking [00:05:36]Yossi talks about his background as a developer and his shift to indie hacking, inspired by the Building Public community on Twitter.Indie Founder Stories [00:10:13]The speakers discuss the toxic starts of good founder stories and the importance of setting your own rules as an indie founder.Managing Work Addiction [00:14:53]The speakers discuss the potential for work addiction as an indie founder and how they manage their work-life balance.Description of Tiny Kiwi [00:18:00]Simon describes Tiny Kiwi as a minimalistic and easy-to-use image editing tool for creating beautiful designs quickly.Building Tiny Kiwi [00:18:51]Yossi describes the inspiration behind building Tiny Kiwi as a tool for indie developers to share beautiful screenshots of their work quickly and with more control.Selling Tiny Kiwi [00:21:11]Yossi explains how he decided to sell Tiny Kiwi to Feedier after realizing he no longer had the time to work on it. He also discusses his lack of experience in selling companies.Attachment to Products [00:25:24]Yossi and Simon discuss the emotional attachment that comes with building and selling a product, as well as the different levels of attachment when buying a product. They also discuss the impact of having paying customers on the attachment to a product.The Canva Integration [00:27:55]Simon and Yossi discuss their failed attempts to integrate Canva into Feedier and their search for an alternative tool, which led them to Kello/Vista Create.Brand Bird Integration [00:32:14]The founders discuss their experience integrating Brand Bird into Feedier and the challenges they faced with users having to pay for the tool separately.Acquiring Tiny Kiwi [00:34:39]Simon and Yossi discuss the acquisition of Tiny Kiwi by Feedier and how it solved a problem for Feedier's image creation tool.Trust in the Acquisition [00:36:37]Yossi and Simon discuss the process of selling and acquiring a company in the indie scene, and the importance of trust in the process.Code Quality Concerns [00:38:09]Yossi expresses concerns about the quality of his code and the potential for negative feedback from Simon, while Simon discusses his expectations for the tech stack and code quality.Importance of Code Manageability [00:43:09]Simon discusses the importance of code manageability and compatibility with his team's tech stack, while also acknowledging the functionality and usability of Tiny Kiwi's code.Tech stack for indie makers [00:46:11]Yossi discusses the tech stack used for Tiny Kiwi, including Next.js with React, JavaScript, and Superbase, and how it was deployed on Digital Ocean.Choosing a tech stack for acquisition [00:49:33]Simon and the host discuss the importance of choosing a tech stack that is matchable and easy to migrate when acquiring a company, and the advice for indie makers building products to consider using a generic tech stack.Due diligence in the acquisition process [00:52:02]Yossi talks about the due diligence process in the acquisition, including sharing access to the Github repository and the nervousness he felt about showing the actual code.The Sale Process [00:53:52]Yossi and Simon discuss the process of selling and acquiring a company in the indie scene, including the potential for deal breakers and the excitement of the experience.Managing Multiple Priorities [00:57:43]Simon discusses the stress of managing multiple priorities, including the acquisition of Tiny Kiwi, while also launching a new tool and dealing with personal life events.Indie Community and Acquisitions [01:02:11]The host discusses the increasing trend of indie companies being sold for large sums of money and what it means for the indie community.The Indie Market [01:02:58]Discussion on the indie market of selling and buying side projects, including marketplaces like MicroAcquire and Site Projects, and the potential for indie makers to build and sell profitable products.Acquiring Tiny Kiwi [01:06:22]Simon discusses the process of acquiring Tiny Kiwi, including the challenge of transferring subscriptions from Paddle to Stripe, and the value of the acquisition even if the company was not profitable.The Future of Indie Acquisitions [01:08:34]Simon and Yossi discuss the evolution of the indie community and the potential for small bootstrapped indie companies to acquire other small bootstrap tools, pointing towards a future where indie acquisitions become more common.The Indie Community [01:12:56]The host discusses the indie community and its growth, mentioning some well-known names in the community.Selling and Acquiring Companies [01:12:07]Simon and Yossi discuss the process of selling and acquiring a company in the indie scene.Consider Selling Your Project [01:14:38]The host encourages listeners to consider selling their projects if they are feeling tired or want to build something else, and mentions platforms that allow for selling SaaS.Links & MentionsGithub Gist (mentioned by Simon at 00:41:37)Symfony (mentioned by Tiago at 00:46:11)Next.js with React (mentioned by Yossi at 00:46:20)JavaScript (mentioned by Yossi at 00:46:20)Database and authentication with Superbase (mentioned by Yossi at 00:46:20)Plausible for analytics (mentioned by Yossi at 00:46:20)Digital Ocean (mentioned by Yossi at 00:46:40)AWS (mentioned by Simon at 00:47:06)Google Cloud Platform (mentioned by Simon at 00:47:06)Palomi (mentioned by Simon at 00:47:06)GraphQL (mentioned by Simon at 00:47:06)Firebase (mentioned by Simon at 00:47:06)TypeScript (mentioned by Simon at 00:49:03)Svelte (mentioned by Simon at 00:51:29)Micro Acquire (marketplace for buying and selling companies) - mentioned at 01:02:58Site Projects IO (marketplace for buying and selling side projects) - mentioned at 01:02:58Paddle (tool for managing subscriptions) - mentioned at 01:06:22Stripe (tool for managing payments) - mentioned at 01:06:22Upwork (platform for outsourcing work) - mentioned at 01:09:25Fiverr (platform for outsourcing work) - mentioned at 01:09:25
6/14/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 57 seconds
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#296 - We are getting into each other's nerves...

Have you ever wondered if remote work is as productive as working from an office? In this podcast episode, I, Tiago, an indie hacker and entrepreneur, share my experience with remote work and the benefits of working from a co-working space with my co-founder, João. I believe that remote work can be productive, but it depends on the type of work and how long you are doing it. In my opinion, a hybrid mode of work could be the best balance. I also discuss the challenges of running a startup and dealing with customer churn. Join me in supporting the indie hacker community and listening to this podcast.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsWorking from a co-working space [00:01:15]Tiago discusses the benefits of working from a co-working space and how it helps with loneliness and productivity.Remote work productivity [00:03:18]Tiago talks about the productivity of remote work and how it can decrease over time due to distractions.Finding a good co-founder [00:08:11]Tiago shares his experience with finding a good co-founder and how it can make or break a project.Tiago's Entrepreneurial Journey [00:09:13]Tiago shares his experience of starting out as an entrepreneur and how he connected with a successful entrepreneur who became his mentor.Importance of Compromise in Business Partnership [00:10:58]Tiago discusses the importance of compromise in his business partnership with Sean and how they deal with disagreements.Challenges of Running a Tech Product [00:13:49]Tiago talks about the challenges of running a tech product, including high churn rates and customer complaints, and the importance of putting oneself in the other person's shoes to communicate effectively.Bug prioritization [00:17:22]Tiago discusses the need for prioritizing bugs and tasks in his company and how they handle them.Churn problem [00:18:21]Tiago talks about the churn problem in his company and how they are trying to solve it by asking users for feedback.Risk and uncertainty [00:20:12]Tiago discusses the risks and uncertainties of running a business, including platform risk and competition, and his personal philosophy on living life on his own terms.Capitalism and Indie Hacking [00:25:37]Tiago discusses the negative effects of capitalism on business and how indie hacking can be a more pure way of making money.Indie Hacker Conference [00:26:34]Tiago talks about his idea of creating an indie hacker conference in Lisbon and asks for feedback from his co-founder.Focus on Pod Squeeze [00:27:25]Tiago reflects on his current focus on his project Pod Squeeze and wonders about his future projects.
6/8/202329 minutes, 14 seconds
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#295 - Can I Build a Successful Company Only by Bootstrapping?

Have you ever started a company and had to pay taxes? In this episode, I, Tiago, the host of "Wannabe Entrepreneur", share my personal experiences of setting up a company in Portugal. I talk about the challenges I faced with the complicated tax system and how I found ways to reduce the taxes my business had to pay. I also reflect on the decision of whether to raise money through venture capital or continue bootstrapping my company. Plus, I share the benefits of hiring a cleaning service and discuss my company's affiliate program and the creation of a special case called "business partners".LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsLiving in Germany [00:01:30]Tiago talks about his experience living in Germany for seven years and how it changed his perspective on rules and cultural differences.Tax System in Portugal [00:06:30]Tiago discusses the complicated tax system in Portugal and his decision to hire an accountant to properly set up his company and navigate the high taxes.50% Taxes in Portugal [00:08:57]Tiago expresses his frustration with the high taxes in Portugal, which he calculates to be more than 50% of his revenue, and his belief that it is too much even though he supports contributing to the country.Overview [00:09:56]Tiago talks about his experience living in Portugal and Germany, and his decision to hire an accountant to properly set up his company and navigate the complicated tax system in Portugal.Types of Taxes [00:10:43]Tiago explains the different types of taxes in Portugal, including VAT and taxes on profits, and how to reduce them by declaring expenses.Gray Area of Expenses [00:11:47]Tiago discusses the gray area of what can be considered an expense in Portugal, and how it can be difficult to prove that certain expenses are related to the job.Bootstrapping vs VC [00:18:55]Tiago discusses the pros and cons of raising money through venture capital versus bootstrapping, and how it aligns with his company's values and lifestyle.Making Decisions as a Bootstrapped Company [00:21:00]Tiago talks about how every decision they make as a bootstrapped company needs to align with their lifestyle and values, and gives an example of how they turned down a lifetime deal with AppSumo.Savings and Life-Changing Money [00:25:14]Tiago shares how they were able to save enough money to cover a minimal wage in Portugal just by changing providers, and reflects on how this amount of money can be life-changing for many people.Hiring a cleaning service [00:27:09]Tiago talks about his experience hiring a cleaning service and how it changed his perspective on the value of time and money.Applying logic to hiring [00:31:01]Tiago discusses his approach to hiring someone for a task and how he calculates the value of his time and money.Making a difference [00:34:50]Tiago expresses his desire to contribute to society and help people by raising money to hire more people and pay them better.Pod Squeeze's business partners [00:36:01]Tiago explains how Pod Squeeze's business partners work and how they can represent the company in their markets.Upcoming interview release and community invitation [00:37:59]Tiago announces the upcoming release of an interview with Simon and Yosi and invites listeners to join the community to support the podcast.
6/1/202340 minutes, 5 seconds
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#294 - Can Millennials Really Accomplish Anything They Want?

Have you ever wondered what the millennial generation is capable of achieving? In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I discuss the potential of millennials to accomplish great things and the importance of pursuing our dreams. I also share personal stories about a volleyball game and my experience working at a co-working space in Lisbon. Additionally, I talk about unexpected events that happened to my business, including hiring an influencer that did not generate as much traffic as I had hoped and trying to switch to a cheaper API provider that did not work as expected.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsIntroduction [00:00:14]Tiago introduces himself and his podcast, which is about bootstrapping a company. He talks about his journey and the indie community.Millennial Generation [00:01:36]Tiago discusses the millennial generation and how they were taught that they could accomplish anything. He talks about the criticism that millennials face and how they are starting to accomplish things that were never accomplished before.Volleyball Game [00:09:01]Tiago shares a personal anecdote about a volleyball game he watched, where his cousin's team made a comeback and won in the last minute.Lesson from a Volleyball Game [00:11:15]Tiago shares a personal anecdote about a volleyball game he watched and the lesson he learned from his 12-year-old cousin.Sponsorship from an Influencer [00:12:28]Tiago and Joe receive an email from an influencer offering to do a sketch for them for only $100, and they discuss whether it's legit or spam.The Video is Online [00:19:10]Tiago shares that the video made by the influencer is well-made and explains their product, but they realize that the influencer's audience is not interested in AI tools.Changing API Providers [00:22:42]Tiago talks about finding a cheaper API provider for transcription and the excitement of waiting for the new model to be in production, only to be disappointed when it didn't work.Celebrating Too Soon [00:27:03]Tiago shares his frustration with a transcription model that didn't work after celebrating too soon and trusting the team behind it.Office Day [00:29:28]Tiago talks about his desire to work outside of his home and his plan to convince his co-founder to have an office day at a co-working space, specifically Selena in Lisbon.Co-working space and exploring Lisbon [00:31:03]Tiago talks about his experience working in a co-working space in Lisbon and exploring the city with his friend.One day per week to work from a coffee place [00:31:53]Tiago suggests the idea of having one day per week to work from a coffee place or co-working space and invites listeners to join him in Lisbon.Supporting the podcast and community [00:33:27]Tiago encourages listeners to support his podcast by joining his community for indie makers, which costs 10 bucks per month and offers access to events and support from people all over the world.
5/25/202334 minutes, 54 seconds
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#293 - Living Life on My Own Terms

Have you ever felt like you're living life on someone else's terms? In this episode, I'll be discussing some important topics, including societal biases around gender roles, my journey as an indie hacker, and my idea of sharing profits with partners who believe in a company. I'll also be reflecting on the challenges of being a leader without a clear hierarchy and the importance of being true to oneself. As Frank Sinatra said, "I did it my way." So, let's dive in and explore how we can all live life on our own terms. And of course, thank you for tuning in - I can't wait for you to hear the next episode!LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsPablo Escobar's portrayal in Narcos [00:00:27]Tiago talks about the TV series Narcos and how it portrays Pablo Escobar as an empty hero in the first season, and how it changes later on.Macho culture and its effects [00:02:50]Tiago discusses the macho culture that exists in society and how it affects both men and women.Escobar's desire for respect and fear [00:10:19]Tiago discusses why Pablo Escobar didn't stop his criminal activities even though he had enough money to live a comfortable life, and how it relates to the alpha culture and the desire for respect and fear from others.Tiago's goal [00:12:16]Tiago talks about his initial goal of making enough money to pay his bills and how it changed after the success of his product.Bringing people to help [00:17:14]Tiago discusses his idea of bringing more people to help with marketing and conquering new markets, but faces the challenge of not being able to pay them.Sharing profits [00:20:16]Tiago proposes the idea of sharing profits with partners who help them conquer new markets, but acknowledges the risks involved for both parties.The Challenge of Living Outside Society's Rules [00:26:41]Tiago discusses the challenges of living outside society's rules and how it affects decision-making and work culture.Ignoring Negative Comments and Criticism [00:29:36]Tiago talks about the exercise of not letting negative comments and criticism affect him and how it helps him live a happier life.Ending with Frank Sinatra's "My Way" [00:31:27]Tiago ends the episode by reading the lyrics of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" as a poem.Pablo Escobar in Narcos [00:32:31]Tiago discusses how Pablo Escobar was portrayed in the TV series Narcos.Macho culture [00:33:50]Tiago talks about the macho culture that exists in society and how it affects both men and women.Alpha culture and desire for respect [00:36:45]Tiago discusses why Escobar didn't stop his criminal activities even though he had enough money to live a comfortable life, and how it relates to the alpha culture and the desire for respect and fear from others.
5/18/202333 minutes, 56 seconds
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#292 - The Good, The Bad, and The Spammy: My 2023 Cold Email Guide

Have you ever wondered how technology and communication have evolved over the years? In this episode of "WBE Entrepreneur," I reflect on this topic and share my insights on the effectiveness of cold emailing. I discuss how my cold email strategy has contributed to the success of my current venture, Podsqueeze, and share my recipe for a successful cold email. Additionally, I explain how email providers determine whether a message is spam or not and the process of warming up a new email server to gain trust from potential recipients. Tune in to learn more about the power of cold emailing in today's digital age.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsThe days before the internet [00:01:21]Tiago reflects on the times before the internet and computers, and how he used encyclopedias and attended a computer course during his childhood.The rise of email [00:04:34]Tiago discusses the introduction of email and how it changed the world, allowing people to send letters in seconds.Email as a crucial tool for Pod Squeeze [00:09:45]Tiago talks about how email marketing is the main source for new customers for his current venture, Pod Squeeze, and how cold emailing can be effective with the right product.Evolution of Cold Emailing [00:10:44]Tiago discusses the success of cold emailing and how he filtered a list of 5 million emails to 500,000. He also explains the recipe for a successful cold email.Email Marketing and Spam [00:17:16]Tiago explains how email marketing works and how SMTP servers communicate with each other. He also discusses how email providers use public and internal lists to filter spam.Reputation and Deliverability [00:20:34]Tiago explains how email providers use reputation to determine whether a message is spam or not. He also discusses how difficult it is to get off an internal list once you're on it.How email servers determine spam [00:21:23]Tiago explains the technical indicators that email servers use to determine if a message is spam or not.Options for sending cold emails [00:29:35]Tiago discusses three options for sending cold emails: lying to email service providers, creating multiple domains and email accounts, or creating your own server.Creating your own email server [00:30:42]Tiago shares his experience creating his own email server using a virtual machine and Mail Cow.Warmup process [00:31:39]Tiago explains the warmup process, which involves sending a small number of messages to other email accounts to gain trust and avoid being marked as spam.Mail Reach service [00:32:38]Tiago mentions Mail Reach, a service that helps warm up email servers and provides information on how many emails went to spam.Impact of GPT on education [00:35:25]Tiago shares his experience introducing GPT to English teachers and discusses how it could change education, including the idea of using it to recreate a student's room.Links & MentionsEmails and Email Services:List of emails of people that have podcasts: 00:10:44Gmail: 00:19:26Yahoo: 00:19:26Zoho: 00:19:26SendGrid (email or transaction email service): 00:26:42Amazon SES: 00:26:42Mailgun: 00:26:42Gmail: 00:28:39Outlook: 00:30:42Zoho: 00:30:42Yahoo: 00:30:42Mailcow (service that uses Docker to install): 00:31:56Mail Reach (website): 00:32:38Podcasting Tools and Services:AI tool to help podcasters repurpose their audio content and generate titles, show notes, timestamps, posts, mentions with just one click: 00:13:50PodSqueeze: 00:13:50Mailchimp: 00:28:39Woodpecker: 00:28:39Spam Emails:Public lists for spam emails: 00:20:34Internal lists for spam emails: 00:20:34Other Mentions:"The Warmup" (process): 00:31:39GPT (tool): 00:35:25Mid Journey (website): 00:36:17Tiago's Twitter handle (@wb_tiago): 00:37:25Tiago's email ([email protected]): 00:37:25
5/10/202338 minutes, 48 seconds
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#291 - I am taking the fight to a whole other level

Have you ever started something from scratch and worked your way up? As someone who practices Muay Thai, I can attest to the importance of gradual improvement in both martial arts and entrepreneurship. In this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experience and how it relates to building a business. I'll also be discussing my financial goals for PodSqueeze and how I plan to balance creating a product that is both enjoyable and useful for podcasters while also generating revenue. Additionally, I'll be diving into the two main focuses of my business: marketing and product improvement.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterConsistent Release Schedule [00:00:12]Tiago apologizes for not sticking to a consistent release schedule for his podcast and pledges to release new episodes every Wednesday.Martial Arts Journey [00:02:11]Tiago talks about his experience practicing Muay Thai, a martial art, for the past year and how it has humbled him.Entrepreneurial Journey [00:07:49]Tiago relates his journey as an entrepreneur to his experience in martial arts, acknowledging that he still has much to learn and that he is now in uncharted territory with a business that is actually paying the bills.Reaching financial goals [00:09:52]Tiago discusses his financial goals for his business and how he plans to achieve them.Selling the company [00:13:08]Tiago talks about the possibility of selling his company and the factors that go into valuing a company.Balancing work and enjoyment [00:17:03]Tiago discusses his desire to build and grow his business while also enjoying life and pursuing other projects that bring value to the community.Marketing and CRM [00:19:29]Tiago discusses the two sides of their business, marketing and product improvement, and how they are focusing on creating their own CRM to improve B2B sales.Cold emailing and potential SEO strategies [00:21:40]Tiago talks about how cold emailing has been successful for their business and potential SEO strategies they can implement, such as using user-generated content for their podcast.Attending a conference [00:26:35]Tiago and Joan discuss the pros and cons of attending a conference as exhibitors or visitors, and how it can help them make connections with big companies in the podcasting world.Tiago's conference plans [00:29:39]Tiago talks about his plans to attend a conference and how it will provide great content for his podcast.Tiago's Spanish live stream [00:31:12]Tiago mentions that he and his team will be doing a live stream in Spanish, despite not speaking the language, which he finds interesting.
5/3/202331 minutes, 24 seconds
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#290 - Feels nice to be wanted

We have been negotiating many deals with potential partners and it seems that everyone wants to work with us :) I will walk you through two deals. The first is the whole process of negotiating better prices and the second is the App Sumo deal.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on Twitter
4/26/202326 minutes, 54 seconds
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#289 - Everything Is Changing And I Like It

Have you ever felt lost in your career journey, unsure of what job you truly love? In this episode, I share my personal journey through different jobs and how it led me to my current project, Podsqueeze. I reflect on my experiences working at Trivago and Weekend, and how they shaped my perspective on entrepreneurship.As I continue to grow and develop Podsqueeze, I am exploring new avenues to reach a wider audience. One possibility is launching Podsqueeze on AppSumo, a platform that helps entrepreneurs promote and sell their products.I discuss the excitement of reaching product-market fit with Podsqueeze, and the challenges of running a bootstrapped company. Despite the difficulties, I am passionate about my indie projects and the potential they hold.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on Twitter
4/21/202334 minutes, 1 second
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#288 - Hey, have you heard about the power of ProductHunt?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to launch a successful product on Product Hunt? Well, let me tell you about my experience with launching my own product, Podsqueeze. As the founder, I understand the importance of optimizing processes and conversion rates before launching on ProductHunt. In this podcast episode, I share my journey of scaling up my product and turning it into a proper company. Running a business comes with its own set of challenges, such as high costs for services. However, I am determined to expand into non-English speaking markets and have already developed a new feature for Podsqueeze.LinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsProduct Hunt Launch [00:02:34]I remember when we launched our product on Product Hunt. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but it ended up being a game-changer for us. The audience on Product Hunt is incredibly engaged and passionate, and we saw a significant increase in traffic and sales after our launch. Timing is also crucial, and we made sure to launch at a time when our target audience was most active.Soft Launch [00:07:29]Before launching on Product Hunt, we did a soft launch to test our product and optimize conversion rates. It was essential to get feedback from early adopters and make any necessary changes before the big launch. This helped us ensure that we were putting our best foot forward and presenting our product in the best possible light.Launching on Product Hunt [00:09:21]When we launched on Product Hunt, we saw firsthand the impact it can have on a product. Being in the top five versus the top two can make a significant difference in terms of exposure and sales. It's essential to have a solid strategy in place and to engage with the Product Hunt community to maximize your chances of success.Scaling up Bot Squeeze [00:15:52]As we worked to scale up our product, Bot Squeeze, we focused heavily on customer feedback and support. We knew that our customers were our biggest advocates, and we wanted to make sure they were happy with our product. By listening to their feedback and addressing their concerns, we were able to improve our product and build a loyal customer base.Connecting with Customers [00:16:57]One thing that sets us apart from our competitors is our approach to customer support. We strive to create a personal connection with our customers and make them feel valued. By doing so, we've been able to build a strong community around our product and establish ourselves as a trusted brand.Product prioritization [00:17:55]Prioritizing features based on user feedback has been crucial to our success. We want our customers to feel heard and valued, and we believe that by addressing their needs, we can build a better product. Being approachable and transparent with our customers has helped us gain their trust and loyalty.Reducing costs [00:18:54]We've faced challenges with the high costs of our product, but we're always looking for ways to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Finding providers with better pricing has been one way we've been able to do this, and we're constantly exploring new options to make our product more affordable for our customers.Expanding sales team [00:20:46]Our goal is to expand to non-English speaking markets, and we're exploring different options for doing so. Translating our website and using affiliates are just a few of the strategies we're considering. We know that expanding our sales team will be crucial to our success in these markets, and we're excited about the opportunities ahead.Engaging affiliates [00:23:39]Keeping affiliates engaged is essential to our success, and we're considering creating a community for podcasters and affiliates. By doing so, we can build stronger relationships with our affiliates and provide them with the support they need to be successful.New features [00:26:26]We're always working on new features to improve our product, and we're excited about a new feature we're developing to apply tuning prompts automatically to new episodes. We believe this will be a game-changer for our customers and help them save time and improve the quality of their podcasts.Developing a new feature [00:27:13]Developing a new feature for Podsqueeze was a challenging experience, and it caused a lot of anxiety. But we knew that it was essential to keep innovating and improving our product. We're excited about the new feature and can't wait to see how our customers respond to it.Community and podcast updates [00:29:34]We're heavily involved in the WBE community and are always looking for ways to support our podcast. We believe that building a strong community around our product is essential to our success, and we're excited about the opportunities ahead.Creating a plugin for Twitter [00:31:07]Creating a plugin that replaces the Doge logo on Twitter was a fun project, and we were thrilled to launch it on Product Hunt. It was a great way to showcase our creativity and engage with the Product Hunt community. We're always looking for new ways to innovate and stand out from the crowd.Background MusicMusic: 
4/13/202331 minutes, 36 seconds
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#287 - Twitter's Unfair API Price - I Had to Call Luca

How is the increase in Twitter's API prices by Elon Musk affecting the indie community? In this podcast episode, I speak with Luca, the founder of Hivoe, who is currently facing the possibility of all his indie projects coming to an end due to the Twitter API price increase. I also share about Podsqueeze ProductHunt launch.Follow LucaLinksTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterTimestampsTragedy in the Indie Community [00:00:12]Discussion of Elon Musk's increase in prices of Twitter's API and its impact on indie tools.Comparison of Lifestyles [00:03:00]Comparison of the lifestyle of the super-rich and the struggles of those in poverty.From Survival to Success [00:06:40]Comparison of the stress of working for someone else to the stress of being an indie hacker trying to survive. Discussion of the launch of Pod Squeeze and its rapid growth.Product Hunt Launch [00:09:37]Discussion of the launch of Pod Squeeze on Product Hunt and its unexpected success.Twitter API Price Increase [00:17:11]Tiago and Luca discuss the recent increase in prices of Twitter's API by Elon Musk and how it affects the indie community.Impact on Indie Projects [00:20:09]Luca shares his experience and thoughts on how the Twitter API price increase will affect indie projects and their sustainability.Understanding Twitter's API [00:22:04]Discussion on the different types of requests and endpoints on Twitter's API and the new limitations on the number of requests allowed.Twitter's API Pricing Plans [00:24:03]Explanation of the pricing plans for Twitter's API, including the basic plan and the enterprise plan, and the number of requests allowed.Big Companies Paying for Twitter's API [00:26:06]Discussion on why big companies like Buffer and Hootsuite are willing to pay for Twitter's API despite the high cost.Importance of Twitter Tools for Indie Hackers [00:28:13]Explanation of the importance of Twitter tools like Hivoe and FeedHive for indie hackers to interact with Twitter on a professional level and grow their audience.Reasons for Twitter's API Price Increase [00:30:13]Discussion on the reasons behind Elon Musk's decision to increase the prices of Twitter's API, including fighting against bots, generating more revenue, and reducing server load.Twitter API price increase [00:32:10]Discussion on the recent increase in prices of Twitter's API and its impact on the indie community.**Effects on the indie community [00:33:30]**The host shares his personal experiences as an indie hacker and the launch of his product on Product Hunt.Regulation of Twitter [00:39:13]The host and guest discuss whether the Twitter API price increase should be regulated and suggest alternative ways for Twitter to monetize its API.Next Steps for Every and Inboxes [00:43:08]Founder of Vui shares his plans after the shock of the Twitter API update, including evaluating the possibility of selling the products to bigger companies and potentially shutting down both products.Lessons Learned [00:50:37]The speaker shares his personal experience as an indie hacker and the importance of avoiding platform risk and diversifying efforts.Reflection and Action [00:58:22]The speaker encourages reflection and action to make things better for indie makers. They express gratitude towards Twitter makers and end the episode on a lower note, reflecting on the challenges faced by indie makers.Background MusicMusic: 
4/5/20231 hour, 17 seconds
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#286 - I doubled my MRR in one week!

Today I'll be sharing updates and thoughts on my startup, PodSqueeze. Inspired by a documentary on Kurt Cobain, I reflect on the idea of risking everything and how it relates to entrepreneurship. I'll also discuss the challenges we've faced with PodSqueeze and my anxiety about needing more money. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom! I'm excited to share that we recently launched on Product Hunt and I'll be talking about the importance of testimonials and gaining agency clients. So, join me as I share my personal experiences and insights on indie hacking.Thank you to our sponsor, HivoeCheckout HivoeUse OFF10 for 10% DiscountProduct Hunt LaunchAbout The PodcastTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
3/29/202342 minutes, 48 seconds
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#285 - Interviewing Tibo about taking his Indie Startup to a Million-Dollar Acquisition

Have you ever wondered what it takes to build a successful startup? Well, I am excited to share with you my conversation with Tibo, the founder of TweetHunter, a startup that sold for millions. I had the pleasure of having Tibo as our guest. He shared with us the growth of TweetHunter, including a partnership with Twitter influencer JK Molina, and the challenges of setting up the partnership. Tibo also highlighted the key factors that contributed to the success of TweetHunter, such as having a great product with a strong brand, strong marketing, and good customer support. We also discussed the acquisition of TweetHunter and the challenges of building a new product after its success. Thank you to our sponsor, HivoeCheckout HivoeUse OFF10 for 10% DiscountAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
3/24/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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#284 - The Rollercoaster Ride of Building a SaaS Product

How can you build a successful SaaS product? As the founder of PodSqueeze, a SaaS product for podcasters, I am facing many challenges. One key lesson I've learned is the importance of solving a problem that people are facing. Getting feedback from users and targeting the right audience are also crucial. In this episode, I'll also discuss the impact of AI on society. Thank you to our sponsor, HivoeCheckout HivoeUse OFF10 for 10% DiscountAbout The PodcastTry PodSqueezeJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
3/17/202347 minutes, 52 seconds
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#283 - Can PodSqueeze be my Indie Unicorn?

Are you ready to dive into the world of indie hacking? In this episode, we'll explore the ups and downs of this exciting entrepreneurial journey. Join me as I share my personal experiences and insights, including my current project, PodSqueeze. Drawing inspiration from my casino days, I'll reveal how I use "easy bets" to keep myself afloat while pursuing different projects. We'll also discuss the importance of "killing your darlings" and focusing on projects with immediate growth potential. However, it's not always smooth sailing, and I'll share my frustrations with increasing conversions for PodSqueeze and my co-founder's level of motivation. Try PodSqueezeAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
3/9/202333 minutes, 38 seconds
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#282 - We all live in a bubble

In what bubble are you living? We all live in a bubble and it's hard for us to imagine other lifestyles. In Berlin people are more used to that. Today I will be exploring that topic. I will also share why we still did not give up on PodSqueeze.About The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
2/28/202328 minutes, 2 seconds
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#281 - Never Launch A SaaS During Your Hollidays!

I am visiting friends in Germany and at the same time releasing podsqueeze. I want to be present with my friends and partner but at the same time I don't want to disappoint my new clients.About The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
2/23/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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#280 - What Movies Make An Indie Hacker Cry?

How well do you know yourself? In today's episode, I will share some productivity tips I learned while indie hacking that help me keep a more stable mood across the whole journey. I will also share about an inspiring movie that actually made me crySponsor Information (SocialJuice)Try SocialJuice For FreeUse code WBE and get 25% off for a year on all plans  ;)About The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunitySponsor the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
2/16/202339 minutes, 48 seconds
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#279 - The One Product In One Week Adventure

In this episode, I will tell you about all the ups and downs while trying to build Podsqueze in the past week. Turns out that AI is not that smart after all.Sponsor Information (SocialJuice)Try SocialJuice For FreeUse code WBE and get 25% off for a year on all plans  ;)About The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
2/9/202339 minutes, 50 seconds
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#278 - Interviewing Dagobert About His Successful Twitter Course

How much money can one make from a course? In this episode, we will cover Dagobert's entire process for building and selling his successful Twitter course which has made 50K in only 3 months.Sponsor InformationFeedHive WebsiteUse the code WBE25 to get 25% off on the entire first yearAbout DagobertDagos' TwitterDago's Twitter CourseLogologyAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicTabula Rasa by Purrple Cat | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
2/5/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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#277 - My New Approach To Indie Hacking

Are you open to changing your mind? The most important skill to be a successful indie maker is to have a flexible and adaptive mind. We are always learning and we need to adapt fast. I decided to change my approach to indie hacking and this means that I will be pushing more products out more often until I find the success I am looking for...Sponsor InformationCheckout: Magic Website LabUse the code WBEPODCAST to get 15% off on all paid productsAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
2/1/202338 minutes, 28 seconds
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#276 - Are Your Products Dragging You Down?

Is the attachment to your product preventing you from achieving financial freedom? I have spent 1.5 years of my life working in the wbe community and I now wonder if I should have invested a little bit less in that and more in finding greater success. I will also speak about my new agency to help indie makers and startups to build their products.Sponsor Information (SocialJuice)Try SocialJuice For FreeUse code WBE and get 25% off for a year on all plans  ;)About The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
1/25/202335 minutes, 16 seconds
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#275 - My GPT-3 Powered Community

Can I give a real brain to my bots using GPT-3 API? I have started playing around with it and in this episode, I will talk about the first use cases. I will also share my experience with my first hire and discuss with you my strategy to obtain new podcast sponsors.Sponsor Information (Lydia VA)Book Your Free CallLydia's TwitterMention that you are coming from the WBE podcast ;)About The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
1/18/202338 minutes, 27 seconds
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#274 - I Am Finally Confronting My Co-Founder (Real Conversation)

Is it time to kill the Indie Lottery project? I sat down with my co-founder João Amaro to reflect on the project and to finally make a decision about its continuation. We had an honest conversation about the things we did right and wrong and how we were able to solve some of our disagreements.Sponsor InformationCheckout: Magic Website LabUse the code WBEPODCAST to get 15% off on all paid productsAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
1/11/202348 minutes, 15 seconds
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#272 - My Ultimate Indie Plan For 2023

How will 2023 differ from 2022? In this episode, we will define together goals for the new year and reflect a little bit on 2022. I will also speak about another FeedHive great featureSponsor InformationFeedHive WebsiteUse the code WBE25 to get 25% off on the entire first yearSupport The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on Twitter
1/3/202333 minutes, 18 seconds
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#271 - How My MRR Went From $40 to $700 in 2022

How did my MRR grow in 2022? In this episode, I will go through some of my podcast episodes of 2022 and tell you how they affected my journey and what I was able to learn from them.Watch My InterviewSupport The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on Twitter
12/28/202250 minutes, 59 seconds
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#270 - Interviewing Marie About Founding TallyForms and Being a Parent

Can you build a company while having a newborn? Together with her partner Filip, Marie Martens built a company to 30K MRR while raising their newborn daughter. In this interview, you will hear the story that lead to building TallyForms and how this couple was able to manage their two new babies.About MarieTallyMarie's TwitterAbout The PodcastFollow the Host on TwitterSponsor the podcastJoin the community
12/22/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 24 seconds
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#269 - Hiring My First Employee

When should you make your first hire? For me was a combination of finding the right person for the job with filling in a very important role in the community (event organizer). I will also speak about the creator's economy and a big mistake I made in my first freelancing project.Mr Beast VideoMarques BrownleeSupport The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
12/21/202240 minutes, 6 seconds
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#268 - My One Ultimate Advice For Indie Makers

My ultimate indie hacking advice is... I guess you will have to hear this episode to find out ;) Besides that, I will also speak about other general philosophical topics... I will speak about how Cristiano Ronaldo inspires me and how I am dealing with the end of his career. I will also talk about a crazy scary experience that happened to me this week. Finally, I will speak about a new test I am doing with the community and my experience using the NoCode tool FlutterFlow.Sponsor InformationCheckout: Magic Website LabUse the code WBEPODCAST to get 15% off on all paid productsAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE CommunityGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
12/14/202241 minutes, 47 seconds
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#267 - I Fired My First Client (WBE Drama)

Did you ever have to fire a paying client? I recently went through that unpleasant experience in the wbe community and will tell you all about it. Besides, I will also be speaking about ChatGPT and will share some mind-blowing experiments I have made this past week. Last but not least I will share some lessons from my freelancing experience and some personal thoughts about work addiction.Sponsor InformationFeedHive WebsiteUse the code WBE25 to get 25% off on the entire first yearAbout The PodcastGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideJoin The WBE CommunityDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
12/7/202241 minutes, 19 seconds
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#266 - Interviewing Matt Gale About Freelancing, Indie Making and Nomad Life

What is the best path to financial independence? Matt and his wife decided to adopt a digital nomad lifestyle. They are both entrepreneurs and Matt is trying to navigate freelancing and his indie projects. We have an open-hearted conversation about multiple essential topics in our Indie lives like:FreelancingCoworking SpacesRent Prices in PortugalIndie Hacking and much moreFollow Matt on TwitterListen to Startup To Something PodcastAbout This PodcastGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideJoin The WBE CommunityDM me on Twitter
12/3/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 58 seconds
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#265 - What can we learn from the Indie Astronauts?

Are they just lucky or do they actually know what they are doing? One of the members of a youtube channel I follow actually got a fully paid trip to space! One thing he said in that video really got me thinking about much luck plays a role in an entrepreneur's success. I will also reflect on a very interesting LinkedIn post by Shaan Puri, give you some updates on my projects and introduce you to a tool that is able to create snippets from your videos and podcast interviews.Sponsor InformationRecast WebsiteUse the code WBE20 to get 20% off on any planAbout The PodcastGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideJoin The WBE CommunityDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
11/30/202234 minutes, 21 seconds
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#264 - My Part-Time Freelancing Is Paying The Bills

Can you work part-time and still be an Indie Hacker? Well, yes! I have been focusing on finding short time projects that help me pay the bills while still having time to work on my projects. I will talk about this today and in addition, I will also give you an update on my projects (indie lottery and community). Today you will also hear the first sponsored section of the WBE podcast.Sponsor InformationFeedHive WebsiteUse the code WBE25 to get 25% off on the entire first yearAbout The PodcastGet your product featured in the podcastBut WBE MerchBuy The Bootstrapper's GuideJoin The WBE CommunityDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
11/22/202229 minutes, 25 seconds
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#263 - Talking Anxieties With My Best Friend (No Filters)

My good friend and I sat down and had an open-hearted conversation about our jobs, anxieties, and plans for the future. I am an Indie Hacker and he is a Project Manager working for a tech company. We both want to reach financial independence but were are taking two distinct paths to get there. Listen to our honest and unfiltered conversation.But WBE Merch: http://store.wannabe-entrepreneur.comBuy The Bootstrapper's Guide: The WBE Community: me on Twitter: MusicMusic: 
11/17/202241 minutes, 10 seconds
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#262 - Interviewing Simon Høiberg about Lessons from His Journey to $400K ARR

How did Simon Høiberg reach $400K ARR? In this conversation, we will learn more about Simon's background (did you know that he started in sales??) and try to extract as much knowledge as possible from his journey that started with a failed software product and led him to build a business that is now making $400K ARR.ToolsProductivity Tool: ClickUpAbout SimonFollow Simon on TwitterCheckout FeedHiveCheckout LinkDripCheckout Simon's YouTube ChannelAbout This PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicCity Life by Artificial.Music | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
11/11/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
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#261 - How I Am Implementing The Viral Loop

I start the episode with a review of the Websummit 2022. After I speak about the launch of the Indie Lottery and what went well and what we have to improve. And last but not least I will speak about the viral loop and how I am trying to apply it in both the wbe community and indie lottery.Support The Podcast: WBE Merch: http://store.wannabe-entrepreneur.comBuy The Bootstrapper's Guide: The WBE Community: me on Twitter: MusicMusic: 
11/9/202231 minutes, 52 seconds
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#260 - Building A Marketing Viral Loop With Tony Dinh

In this episode, I interviewed Tony Dihn about how can Indie Makers build an integrated viral loop in their products. It's a short conversation where you will learn about what is a viral loop and how can you implement it.Become a WBE Podcast SupporterAbout TonyTony Dinh Speaking About Viral Loops YoutubeTony's TwitterAbout The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on Twitter
11/6/202223 minutes, 54 seconds
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#259 - Gigantic Speaker Almost Fell On My Head!!

Today I attended the first day of the Web Submit and I will share with you my first thoughts. I will also speak about the process of building and launching our new product: The Indie LotteryTony Dinh Speaking About Viral LoopsSupport The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
11/2/202215 minutes, 34 seconds
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#258 - Interviewing Mariana Trigo About Shifting From Biology To Tech

At 22 Mariana was living a life that certainly was making her parents proud, however, she was urging for something more. That's when she decided to quit everything and go travel. That ignited a big shift in Mariana's life that end up taking her to a new career and starting her own business.About MarianaLinkedinTekya WebsiteSupport The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicCity Life by Artificial.Music | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
10/28/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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#257 - The Secret Price of a Product That No One Knows

I had an eureka moment around the true price of products and I will tell you about it in this episode. I will also share how I was able to make money with the even before launching the website. And last but not least I will tell you about another cool bot that I have created.Support The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
10/25/202227 minutes, 15 seconds
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#256 - I Just Reached 1600 Twitter Followers

Today I am speaking about the strategies I am applying to find a suitable job for me. At the same time, I will share some tips that I learn to great tweets with better engagement. And last but not least I will speak about the new hot stuff happening in my indie life.Open To Work PageSupport The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
10/19/202227 minutes, 19 seconds
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#255 - Interviewing Julien Nahum About Bootstrapping NotionForms to 160K ARR

Julien Nahum is a successful bootstrapper that was able to grow his NoCode SaaS NotionForms to $160K MRR in just one year. Before that Julien has built many interesting businesses and worked at amazon. Get ready for a brilliant indie hacking story.About JulienTwitter Blog About Building NotionFormsNotionFormsSupport The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMeadows in the Sky by Artificial.Music | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
10/13/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 41 seconds
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#254 - My First Ever Indie Hacker Talk

I was invited to speak about indie hacking on a Future.Works conference and I will tell you all about how the talk went and what I have learned from the event. I will also share about a less positive incident that happened in the community and brainstorm a few ideas on how we can fix it.Overcome Fear of Flying VideoSupport The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
10/11/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

#253 - Paid Communities Are The Future Of Social Media

In this episode, I will give you an update on what I was able to achieve in the past week despite being on holiday. I speak about how the community is growing, how I prepared my first talk about Indie Hacking, and my next steps around finding a new job.Overcome Fear of Flying VideoSupport The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
10/7/202225 minutes, 28 seconds
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#252 - No More Full Time Indie Hacking

We are reaching the end of September which means that my deadline is up and I have to find some kind of job that will help me pay the bills.Support The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers GuideMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
9/28/202224 minutes, 44 seconds
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#251 - Interviewing Sveta Bay About Building A Successful Info Product

Sveta Bay is the co-founder of a product that was able to grow from 0 $11K in only 3 months. In this interview, you will learn about Sveta's background and how she and Dan, without a tech background, were able to build their product only using NoCode tools and distribute it throughout the Indie community.About SvetaTwitter: this Pod:Twitter: the Community: http://store.wannabe-entrepreneur.comBackground Music:Morning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
9/26/20221 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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#250 - I Think I Just Found a Co-Founder

This episode starts with an unexpected adventure...I have been running around trying everything I can think of to boost my MRR. One of the projects has shown some potential (the Indie Lottery) and I found a great match to help me build this project further.Support The PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
9/20/202232 minutes, 43 seconds
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#249 - Chatting with Anthony About Our Indie Communities [Part 1]

Anthony and I sat down together to speak about our journey in building our virtual communities for indie makers. We spoke about how it all started, how we were able to grow our communities, and what we have learned in the process.Listen to Part 2: the full conversation: AnthonyFollow Anthony on Twitter: Indie Worldwide: Indie Worldwide on Twitter: TiagoWannabe Entrepreneur YouTube: Tiago on Twitter: the WBE Space:
9/19/202238 minutes, 45 seconds
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#248 - A Cold Messaging Technique That Actually Works!

I finally found a type of cold messaging that resulted in great engagement and I will share it with you in this episode.I will also address the post claiming that Indie Hackers are all feeding a Ponzi Scheme and what some of the IH members feel about me. And last but not least I will give you an update on my most recent ProductHunt launch and tell you about and exciting co-working event Anthony and I are organizing.Episode LinksIndie Hacking is NOT a Ponzi Scheme PostWhy I hate the indie hackers community on TwitterCo-working Event in LisbonIndie LotteryHivoeSupport The PodcastSupport the pod with $2 monthBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
9/14/202244 minutes, 54 seconds
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#247 - Why Is It So Hard To Answer This Question?

In this episode, I try to answer the question: "If you could go back in time what would you change in your indie journey?". I will also give you updates on my week and speak about some of my experiments with new possible products. And last but not least I will speak about how gender unbalanced the indie hacker community is.Episode LinksTwitter Thread About Female FoundersTwitter Thread About Podcast AnalyticsSupport The PodcastSupport the pod with $2 monthBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
9/6/202232 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

#246 - I Got Punched in the Face

How getting punched in the face made me analyze my approach to entrepreneurism. I also share the current results of my experience uploading all my podcast episodes to youtube, my new exciting projects, and last but not least the invite I got to be a speaker at a conference about the future of work.Future Works ConferenceAbout this PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
8/30/202226 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

#245 - I am trying a new Passive Marketing Strategy

I want to adopt a more passive marketing strategy that does not require as much of my daily time as my current want does (Twitter and indiehackers). Today I will share more about this new strategy that focus more on SEO, youtube, and automatic messages.About this PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on Twitter
8/23/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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#243 - I Always Feel Like I Have Not Worked Enough

After a week of downwards spiraling, I want to tell you what triggered it and what I have learned from it. I will also share some tips on how to get rid of those not-so-good thoughts and feelings.About this PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on Twitter
8/16/202224 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

#242 - My Hybrid Hollidays Backfired

Last week I tried to split my time between holidays and work and that ended backfiring since I was not able to do either... I will also talk about the signs of being a creative person and being featured in the Indie Hackers newsletter.Help Ukraine Donation LinkAbout this PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on Twitter
8/11/202218 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

#241 - Interviewing Kirill About Building an Indie Business during Covid-19 and the Ukrainian Invasion

Kirill quit his job to follow an Indie career and for the past 3 years, he and his business went through the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian invasion, two tremendous challenges that he has been able to overcome and grow his business to $5K MRR.Help UkraineAbout KirillTwitterImpulse.devAbout this PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicDowntown Glow by Ghostrifter & DevyzedCreative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0Music promoted by 
8/5/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
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#240 - I Sent 50 Cold Linkedin Messages

I sent 50 LinkedIn cold messages to try to acquire new customers for my business and in this episode, you will learn what I was able to accomplish with that (spoiler alert: not much XD). I was also told off by an Indie Hacker's moderator and reached out my highest indie paycheck ever.-> Support This Podcast with $2Background MusicMusic: 
8/2/202242 minutes, 33 seconds
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#239 - Interviewing Thomas Evans about building his successful indie business

Thomas is the co-founder of EmailOctopus, a SaaS makings millions in revenue. But his career path started at 16 when he moved to India for three months to learn how to build cricket bats. Listen to his fascinating life story that involves an alternative education and building an extremely successful company.About ThomasTwitterEmail OctopusAbout this PodcastBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicDowntown Glow by Ghostrifter & DevyzedCreative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0Music promoted by 
7/29/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
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#238 - I Joined NomadList

I joined NomadList, which is the biggest community out there for digital nomads and I will be giving you my honest review.I will also share about my product's conversion rate and how surprised I was when I found out about Tony Dinh's conversion for Black Magic.Last but not least I will tell you about my indie lottery idea that is having a huge success :)Relevant LinksBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceIndie LotteryMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
7/26/202226 minutes, 3 seconds
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#237 - It's been one year. Where are they now?

Today I am catching up with two previous guests of the wannabe entrepreneur podcast. It's been one year since I last spoke with Kavya and Luca, back then they were starting their Indie Hacking career. In this episode, you will discover what they were able to achieve since we last spoke.Relevant LinksAbout the WBEBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceWBE Merch StoreDM me on TwitterAbout KavyaTwitterResumeyFirst WBE Interview (episode 160)About LucaTwitterHivoeFirst WBE Interview (episode 186)Background MusicMorning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
7/21/202245 minutes, 20 seconds
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#236 - I Found an Amazing Co-Working Space

I have spent the past week exploring many new coffee places to work from and end up finding a great co-working space. I will also give you an update on my info product soft launch.Relevant LinksIdeaSpace Co-WorkingBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
7/19/202226 minutes, 3 seconds
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#235 - Interview with The Sailing Frenchman [Re-Published]

Re-PublishedI have been following Hugo's youtube channel from the beginning and it was a true pleasure to chat with him about his journey. Hugo will tell us about how he grew his youtube channel and how he was able to finance his most recent project as a competitor in the Mini Transat Race (which is a solo transatlantic race).Glossary:Mini Transat: A solo transatlantic yacht race that typically starts in France and ends in the Caribbean.Vendée Globe: A single-handed non-stop round the world yacht race.Ann Alé: The name of Hugo's first boatHugo Boss: Reference to Alex Thomson, that is a famous sailor sponsored by Hugo BossCharter Boat: People rent a boat with a skipper to sail around and enjoy their vacationsClipper Race: A race that takes paying amateur crews on one or more legs of a circumnavigation of the globeSVB: Online shop for yacht and boat equipmentRelevant links:About Hugo aka @thesailingfrenchmanCheck out Hugo youtube channel: Hugo on Instagram: out his website: this podcast:Check out the pilot episode: Wannabe Entrepreneur: me on Twitter:
7/15/202228 minutes, 27 seconds
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#234 - My First Info Product Is Out

I have spent the last week compiling all the information I gathered in all my interviews into an easy-to-follow guide. It will be my first info product.Relevant LinksBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
7/12/202219 minutes, 58 seconds
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#233 - Interviewing Kilian About Building a Profitable NoMarketing Tool

Kilian Poulin is a young entrepreneur that together with his co-founder decided to follow the indie hacking route immediately after college. Since then they have built 2 big projects. The first one did not work but the second was a success and after one year as reached $13K MRR.MarkCopy is an AI-based product that makes writing great SEO content 3 times faster, it's the closest one can get to a NoMarketing tool.Relevant LinksKilian TwitterJoin our CommunityBuy Our MerchFollow Tiago on TwitterBackground MusicHeart Of The Ocean by Purrple Cat | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
7/7/202254 minutes, 56 seconds
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#232 - Low Conversions and Bad Co-Working Spaces

I finally went to claim my one-month co-working space prize but it turned out not to match my expectations at all. I will also tell you about my new exciting projects and why the wbe space conversion is not convincing me too much.Relevant LinksJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
7/5/202232 minutes, 58 seconds
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#231 - The Secret Patterns of Successful Entrepreneurs

Today I analyze four past WBE interviews with successful indie makers and I will share with you three hidden patterns that are common across all these for WBE guests. You can/should use this knowledge to level up your entrepreneurial game and increase your chances of success.Relevant LinksWBEJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBuy me a CoffeeInterviewsInterview With MichelleInterview with ArvidInterview with Pieter LevelsInterview with Marc LGBackground MusicMusic: 
6/30/202235 minutes, 15 seconds
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#230 - Dagobert Sat On My Couch

I might have overestimated how important my presence is to keep the WBE Space quality, I have been collecting feedback from the current members and re-thinking the value proposition of the community. I will also tell you about how was the first WBE Demo Day and meeting Dagobert in person!Relevant LinksJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
6/28/202227 minutes, 15 seconds
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#229 - Interview With Tibo [Re-Published]

This is a republished episodeToday I am chatting with Thibault (aka Tibo). He is a serial entrepreneur that has sold 2 startups and is currently building Tweethunter, a company that helps creators grow their audience on Twitter. Tibo gives great tips for any entrepreneur that is planning to bootstrap their company. Believe we don't want to miss this interview ;)LinksJoin The WBE SpaceDM me on TwitterBuy WBE MerchAbout Tibo:TwitterTweethunterMusicAnd So It Begins by Artificial.Music | under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) promoted by 
6/24/202234 minutes, 34 seconds
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#228 - Back from holidays... Is my business still there?

Back from the holidays and I want to let you know how the community performed without me being present.Relevant LinksJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterDemo DayBackground MusicMusic: 
6/21/202230 minutes
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#227 - Interview With Pieter Levels [Re-Published]

This is a republished episodeListen to Pieter Levels speak about his upbringing and what motivated him to become an entrepreneur. In this interview, we also try to pin down certain personal characteristics that contributed to Pieter's success in his bootstrapped startups and cover more philosophical topics like life purpose and religion.About Pieter:TwitterNomadlistRebaseAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our WBE SpaceBuy WBE MerchFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
6/16/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 51 seconds
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#226 - No Corporate World For Me Please

After a conversation with an executive that worked in a big corporation for multiple years, I realized how backward this corporate world is, which motivates me to keep working on my business until it works.Relevant LinksJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterDemo DayBackground MusicMusic: 
6/14/202223 minutes, 14 seconds
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#225 - Interviewing Nuno Simaria About His Journey Becoming a Top CTO

Nuno Simaria has an incredible tech journey, having worked in multiple startups and scaling HelloFresh from 5 to 650 tech employees. In this interview, Nuno will share about his journey starting from his unconventional university studies. He will also share his experience as HelloFresh CTO and speak about some of his mistakes and how he was able to learn on the job.Relevant Episode LinksNuno's LinkedinCTO Master ClassAccelerate BookSlow GrowthAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin the WBE SpaceBuy WBE MerchDM me on TwitterBackground MusicAnd So It Begins by Artificial.Music | under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) promoted by 
6/9/202258 minutes, 2 seconds
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#224 - I Really Needed This Break

I am sailing on the beautiful coast of Spain and this episode will be more focusing on the "Lifestyle of an Entrepreneur" section. Will reflect on my projects and tell you what's going on in my mind.Relevant LinksUpvote on ProducthuntJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterHivoeBackground MusicMusic: Wave: 
6/7/202216 minutes, 18 seconds
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#223 - Interviewing Fed About How to Be a Relaxed Bootstrapper

After giving a shot in the startup world Fed decided to give a shot in the indie making world and he has been loving the experience. In today's interview, you will learn more about Fed's journey and how he bootstrapped Gummy Search and The Hive Index while still enjoying the experience.About FedGummy SearchThe Hive IndexFed's TwitterAbout the Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin the WBE SpaceWBE StoreTwitterBackground MusicDeparture by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
6/2/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
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#222 - How I got 300 Upvotes On My ProductHunt Launch

My WBE Space ProductHunt launch was successful, having reached the 5th product of the day with more than 300 upvotes. In today's episode, I will tell you how I was able to accomplish this and share some valuable lessons that hopefully will help you with your own PH launch. In the lifestyle of an entrepreneur section, I will share how the impostor syndrome kicked in after my launch.Relevant LinksUpvote on ProducthuntJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterHivoeBackground MusicMusic: 
5/31/202240 minutes, 21 seconds
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#221 - Interviewing Shawn about Bootstrapping the Farms of the Future

Shawn Fisher worked as an electric engineer for more than 10 years but one day, together with his wife Amy, decided that they could change the way people produce veggies. Since then they are bootstrapping a device that allows everyone to grow veggies and plants in their kitchen!Listen to the incredible story of AeraRelevant Links:About Aera FarmsAera Farms WebsiteAera Farms TwitterAbout This PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceSend me a message on TwitterBuy WBE MerchBackground MusicWild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
5/27/202255 minutes, 26 seconds
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#220 - I am Launching on ProductHunt

In today's episode, I will speak about how being an entrepreneur can feel like living outside society's norms. I will also celebrate two important milestones that I have reached in the last week. After that, I will share my preparations for my big PH launch.Last but not least I will give you some Twitter tips to improve your engagement.Relevant LinksUpvote on ProducthuntJoin the WBE SpaceDM me on TwitterWBE StatsBackground MusicMusic: 
5/24/202230 minutes, 17 seconds
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#219 - Interviewing Camille About Bootstrapping Her Own Notion Job

Camille is an ambassador of the NoCode tool Notion and has created the Notion French and Portuguese Community.Camille grew up traveling around France and since then that it has been really hard for her to stay in one place or job for a long time. After experimenting with a few different jobs she finally accepted her entrepreneurial calling and decided to start freelancing. Camille eventually found Notion and became obsessed with the tool, spending multiple hours following tutorials and learning it. Eventually, she decided to share that enthusiasm with her French friends and created the Notion French Community. Now it has more than 3K members and Notion hired Camille to be an ambassador! And it pays well ;)About Camille:Camile's TwitterNotion France CommunityNotion Portuguese CommunityAbout Wannabe Entrepreneur:DM me on TwitterJoin our CommunityListen Next:Rosie Sherry Interview (Episode 211)Pierre Tillement Interview (Episode 170)Background MusicSubtle Break by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
5/19/202254 minutes, 59 seconds
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#218 - What I Have Learn from Tony's Success Journey

It's been ONE year since I started this podcast. Can you believe it? Today I will speak about how I felt reaching this milestone and what are some of the consequences of burning my savings... I will also share some nice project updates on the community! In the tips and tricks section, I will go through my analysis of Tony Dinh's Twitter success and brilliant marketing strategy.Relevant Links:Join WBE CommunityBuy WBE MerchDm me on TwitterTony Twitter Analysis PostBackground MusicMusic: 
5/17/202237 minutes, 38 seconds
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#217 - Interviewing Tony Dinh about becoming a Full-Time Indie Hacker

Tony Dinh is a developer turned indie maker that in a year was able to reach 7K MRR. Tony was born in Vietnam and always had a passion for coding, after graduating he worked as a Software Developer for 7 years until finally deciding to quit his job to focus 100% on his projects. Since then he has developed Black Magic (a Twitter analytics tool) and DevUtils (a toolbox for developers).About TonyTwitterPersonal WebsiteAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our WBE SpaceBuy WBE MerchDM on TwitterBackground MusicMorning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
5/12/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 35 seconds
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#216 - My Product's Price Was Too Low

After being encouraged by my wbe members I finally decided to be courageous and increase the WBE Space monthly price and I will tell you about this process. I will also give you some updates on the new community features and on changeit.Relevant LinksJoin the WBE SpaceBuy WBE MerchTry HivoeDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
5/10/202232 minutes, 51 seconds
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#215 - Interviewing Luca Micheli about Building Successful Products

Luca left college to start his entrepreneurial career and has never looked back. Started building apps back when they entered the market and was able to make them extremely profitable. More recently Luca has founded Customerly, a SaaS that already employs a team of 9.About LucaTwitterCustomerlyQuiz Patente AppAbout the Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our WBE SpaceBuy WBE MerchDM on TwitterBackground MusicWild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
5/5/202253 minutes, 46 seconds
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#214 - I Was Being a Little Bit Arrogant...

I am not proud, but, some recent thoughts about this podcast made me realize that I might have some arrogant traces in myself and I will share this with you today. I will also give you an update on the wbe sales, pricing and some cool features I released. In the tips and tricks, I will share with you my process to be able to release two wbe podcast episodes per week.Honorable MentionsLala's TwitterSam's TwitterSupport WBEBecome a memberBuy MerchDM me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
5/3/202242 minutes, 37 seconds
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#213 - Interviewing James About Hosting the Indie Bites Podcast

James McKinven started his full-time indie hacking career in 2021, since then he was able to grow his podcast, Indie Bites, to a must-listen show in the indie makers community. He also supports other podcasters with his company PodPanda and more recently has started another show called No More Mondays.In this episode, James will share more about his indie maker journey and will give helpful tips for all the podcasters out there.About the Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin Our Indie Makers CommunityBuy WBE MerchFollow me on TwitterAbout this EpisodeJames TwitterCompany of One BookTransistorBackground MusicMerry Bay by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
4/28/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 25 seconds
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#212 - Took me 8 months to reach $200 MRR!!

I crossed the $200 MRR after 10 months of bootstrapping! In this episode, I will speak about reaching this milestone, the success I had after a week of WBE sales on Twitter and in the end I will share some tips on how to build a product as an Indie Maker.About This Episode:Join the WBE SpaceBuy WBE MerchIH Post about SalesDM me on TwitterEmail: [email protected]'s Twitter
4/26/202243 minutes, 16 seconds
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#211 - Interviewing Rosie Sherry about How to Build a Community

Rosie Sherry is an expert community builder with several years of experience. She bootstrapped Ministry of Testing to 7 figures and also worked on Indie Hackers as a community manager.In this interview, you will understand why Rosie is so attracted to building communities and she will give you great tips on how to start your own community.About RosieTwitterRosieLandAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our CommunityBuy our Cool MerchBuy me a CoffeeBackground MusicMorning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
4/21/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 20 seconds
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#210 - I Need to Become a Salesman...

As April continues to deliver terrible results for me I see myself desperate to try new things and an eye-opening conversation with the CEO of a digital company pointed me towards trying out sales. In today's episode I will also share with you how the process of building my merch and logo came to be. In the end of the episode, I will share with you 3 great tools to help you with your bootstrapping journey.SupportJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreBuy me a CoffeeDm on TwitterToolsSyftenPodkiteLater For RedditBackground MusicMusic: 
4/19/202234 minutes, 1 second
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New WBE Merch Store

WBE MERCH STOREBecome a memberJoão Amaro Linkedin
4/18/20221 minute, 48 seconds
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#209 - Interviewing Lydia about becoming a Virtual Assistant for Entrepreneurs

Lydia Melvin was unhappy with her job as a project manager in a big agency. She decided to leave her job to take some time off and figure out what she wanted to do next. Lydia started meeting many Indie Hackers and identified that there was a need for virtual assistants (VAs) in this niche. In this interview, Lydia will speak about how she was able to kickstart her new career as a VA and what the job entails.About the EpisodeFollow Lydia on Twitter Become a WBE Space MemberFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicHappy and Joyful Children by Free Music | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
4/14/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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#208 - A Therapeutical Phone Call With Dagobert

After a not-so-good week, I called the Twitter legend, Dagobert for some bootstrapper advice and to get an update on his projects. We spoke about many topics that affect all bootstrappers and the lessons that we both have learned along our journey. In the end, I might have convinced him to launch his own Twitter course.About the Episode:Become a WBE MemberClaim your Demo Day TicketMoonlight CRM TwitterLuise's TwitterAbout Dagobert:TwitterLogologyBackground MusicWild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
4/12/202242 minutes, 40 seconds
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#207 - Interviewing Hillary Black about Communities, Social Media and Chat Bots

Hillary Black started her career as a social media manager, having worked in multiple companies including Vine. After that Hillary started her entrepreneurial career mainly focusing on conversational design (aka chatbots). She runs multiple communities around the topic and together with her husband developed Hiremav, which is a digital sales assistant. Learn how Hillary was able to build all these incredible projects in our chat.About HillaryTwitterConversational Design Job BoardCareerclubhq Website (NEW)About Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin the WBE SpaceTwitterBuy a CoffeeBackground MusicOn Hold for You by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
4/7/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 10 seconds
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#206 - My Little Therapy Session

I dig deep into how sometimes it might be hard for the people in your life to fully understand what it is like to be a starting entrepreneur. In the project updates, I speak about being told off by an IH moderator and I will also give you updates on the most recent projects in the WBE Space. In the end, I will speak about Syften, a tool that will help you find relevant forums to plug your products.About Today's EpisodeJoin the WBE SpaceBuy Me a CoffeeTry SyftenEpisode About Feeling Jealous (#181)Background MusicMusic: 
4/5/202234 minutes, 36 seconds
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#205 - Interviewing Ana who Had a $4M business but Burned Out

Ana Bibikova was born in Russia but spent her teenage years in India where she started to explore her first entrepreneurial projects. After that, together with a couple of older partners, founded a marketing agency that become a profitable business. After that Ana moved back to Russia to start her most challenging business to date, she wanted to bring Asian food to Russia. After 3 years she finally succeeded but that end up affecting her mental health. Ana end up burning out and decided to leave the business and move to Cyprus.About AnaTwitterLinkedinAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurCommunity of BootstrappersTwitterBackground MusicWild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
3/31/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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#204 - I Am Back To Burning My Savings

This is the last month of my unemployment money and from now on I am living entirely from my savings. I will also give you an update on my projects and speak about how it seems that my marketing strategy is paying off. In the end, I will share what I have learned in the past week about NFTs and what you have to do to gain access to the best deals!I might also speak a little about Will Smith... XDAbout this EpisodeDM me on TwitterJoin the WBE SpaceBuy me a coffeeBackground MusicMusic: 
3/29/202234 minutes, 48 seconds
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#203 - Interviewing Clo about UX Researching & Digital Wellness

In 2016, Clo quit her job and built her freelancing career in a new field: UX Research! She will tell us about the process of learning something new and setting up her own company. Clo is also passionate about Digital Wellbeing is now also helping companies bridge the gap between tech & wellbeing.About CloTwitterClo's CompanyAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurTwitterBuy Me a CoffeeJoin the CommunityBackground MusicWild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
3/24/202240 minutes, 41 seconds
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#202 - I am finally speaking about NFTs

In today's episode, I will tell you what I have learned recently about NFTs and how they might be a good alternative to ads monetization. I will also give you an update on our ongoing WBE Lab (CollabClub) and what might become the biggest problem of running the WBE Space. As "tips and tricks" I will share with you what I have learned with Pieter Levels this past week on Twitter.About the EpisodeJoin the WBE SpaceStartup to Something PodcastDM me on TwitterInterview with Arvid (#164)Interview with Marc (#194)Background MusicThe Loyalist – Lotus Lane by Preconceived Notions | promoted on Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) 
3/22/202243 minutes, 24 seconds
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#201 - Interviewing Jakob about His Academic Approach to Bootstrapping

Jakob Greenfeld is a full-time bootstrapper that after finishing his PhD and working in academia for a couple of years decided to change things around in his career and learn how to be an entrepreneur. In our chat we speak about the problems of the academic world and how Jakob was able to use his academic mindset to learn how to build a profitable business.Follow Jakob on TwitterJoin the WBE SpaceGoing Viral Emotions
3/19/202259 minutes, 27 seconds
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#200 - I Got Kicked Out Of My Own Podcast

Being a solopreneur doesn't mean you are alone. There are people who learn from you, admire you, give you advice and follow your example.In this special episode, Wolfy and Luise, two early members of the Wannabe Entrepreneur Space, give Tiago a break and share what they like about the community, how they leverage it for their own projects, and why they are true fans of the podcast.Join the WBE Space: LuiseLuise's WBE member page: Luise's Podcast: About WolfyWolfy's blog:  Wolfy's Podcast (DE): About Wannabe EntrepreneurTwitter: Buy me a coffee: MusicHoliday (Ukulele) by MaxKoMusic | promoted by Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
3/17/202224 minutes, 34 seconds
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#199 - The Myth of Passive Income

Is true passive income really achievable and what does it mean to build passive first? Those are the topics I will be speaking about in today's "tips and tricks" section at the end of the episode.I am also building an accelerator for bootstrappers and I want to share some of the details with you. And last but not least I will be speaking about the pros and cons of being a full-time bootstrapper vs doing it on the side of the main job.About the EpisodeJoin our WBE SpaceFollow me on TwitterGigantic Iphone Ted TalkCrying Statue TweetBackground MusicShopping Spree by Purrple Cat | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
3/15/202238 minutes, 59 seconds
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#198 - Interviewing Tim Stoddart about beating addiction and building SoberNation

Growing up, Tim was never a big fan of school and always felt a bit of social anxiety. Eventually, he ends up developing a problem with addiction but was able to overcome it after realizing the terrible negative effects it brought to his personal life. His recovery path leads him to bootstrap Sober Nation, a successful business that is helping thousands of people to beat addiction. A truly inspiring story!About Tim StoddartTwitterSoberNationSeth Godin - Purple Cow BookAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurMy name is Tiago and I am the host of this podcast. I am a software developer turned bootstrapper and in the WBE podcast, I interview other entrepreneurs and narrate my own journey building my projects.Do you want o support me?Join our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicShopping Spree by Purrple Cat | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
3/10/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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#197 - Steady Growth VS Viral Growth 🚀

I have been researching viral growth because I believe that it might be the key to faster initial growth for my business. I will share with you what I have learned so far. In this episode, I will also share the results of my A/B test that has been running for one week. In the end, will speak about a great tool that will help you with the copy for your landing pages and content creation.About the EpisodeJoin our WBE SpaceFollow me on TwitterFlip the bottle challenge ted talkBackground MusicWild Strawberry by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
3/8/202232 minutes, 18 seconds
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#196 - Interviewing Michelle about Building VC funded Startups in Public

Michelle Marcelline is one of the few entrepreneurs out there that is building a VC-founded company in public. Today she will tell the story of how she, together with 5 co-founders quit their jobs to take their company through the Y Combinator program. Michelle will also speak about what is Web3 and how they are using it in their startup.About Michelle (aka @michwirantono)Born and raised in Indonesia, Michelle moved to the USA to study where she met her 5 co-founders. After college, she got a great job but end up leaving it 3 months later to take her company through Y Combinator. Their first startup was a stock exchange platform for Indonesia, but they had to pivot due to regulatory constraints and end up building Cotter, a No-Code passwordless login, that was later on sold. At the moment Michelle and her co-founders are working on Typedream that allows Notion users to build websites.About Wannabe EntrepreneurMy name is Tiago and I am the host of this podcast. I am a software developer turned bootstrapper and in the WBE podcast, I interview other entrepreneurs and narrate my own journey building my projects.Do you want o support me?Join our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterAbout the music Journey’s End by Purrple Cat | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
3/3/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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#195 - Finding my Product's Value Proposition

I am A/B Testing my landing pages with the sole purpose of increasing their conversion and in this episode, I will share with you how I used SplitBee to set it up. I also want to speak about the WBE Space, because I have finally figured out how to simply explain its value proposition. Last but not least I want to share with you how I use Reddit to validate an idea without writing on a single line of code.About this episodeJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterSplitBeeBook: HookedBackground MusicLo-Fi Fashion Chill Hip Hop by Alex-Productions | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
3/1/202239 minutes, 58 seconds
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#194 - Interviewing Marc LG about PowerImporter and his Recipe for Success

Marc (aka @JudoHacker) started his bootstrapping journey 11 years ago and since then he has built many projects. He ends up finding success with PowerImporter, a NoCode tool that allows users to easily update their Webflow CMS. Marc will share the components that he believes to be crucial for a successful project. We also speak about what was going through his mind when he decided to quit his job to go full-time in his projects.About MarcTwitterPowerImporterPodcast About Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicNight in Venice by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
2/24/20221 hour, 15 seconds
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#193 - The Three Part Bootstrapper's Guide

Today I will speak about the three important areas that an entrepreneur has to focus on to build her/his company: Marketing, Product, and Business. I will also give you an update on my indie office's launch (did not go very well) and how my community's new prices are affecting the conversion rates.About this episodeJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterIH Survivor Bias PostMy 600th Twitter FollowerBackground MusicWhere The Waves Take Us by Purrple Cat | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
2/22/202237 minutes
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#192 - Interviewing Kevon about becoming a build in public expert

Kevon speaks about how he learned to build in public and grow his Twitter audience. He has now a successful course and many happy students. We will also speak about Kevon's upbringing, living in multiple countries, and how he is managing to be an entrepreneur and a new dad at the same time.About Kevon:TwitterBuild in Public CourseMaking Twitter Friends PlatformAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterListen to Arvid Call InterviewBackground MusicLo-Fi Lounge Chill Hip Hop CITY by Alex-Productions | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
2/17/202248 minutes, 43 seconds
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#191 - Do I Need to Start Looking for a Job?

As an extrovert myself it is been a challenge to be a solopreneur and I am starting to miss having a team to share the challenges and victories. In today's episodes, I will also update you in my projects particularly in the fact that I have doubled the prices of the WBE Space and you will hear from Max, who is driving our community project.About this episodeJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterTry out Indie OfficesMaxwell's TwitterCollabClub TwitterCollabClub Landing PageBackground MusicMorning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
2/15/202244 minutes, 38 seconds
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#190 - Interviewing Giordano about History and Youtube

Giordano Nanni, the founder of The Juice Media speaks about his interest in history and the journey of building the successful youtube channel that has more than 800K subscribers. Giordano has a Ph.D. in history and has already written two books about his research but it's on youtube, where he found his voice with hundreds of thousands of followers and two successful formats. It all started with the Rap News, which ran for 6 years, and more recently the Honest Government Ads.About GiordanoThe Juice Media TwitterThe Juice Media YoutubeThe Juice Media InstagramGiordano's book about timeAbout the PodcastJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicInspiring Acoustic Guitar by LesFM | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
2/10/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 10 seconds
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#189 - What Happens when a Solo Founder Gets Covid-19

I tested positive for COVID-19 which means that I will have to rest and can not work for a few days. How will this affect my business? Can I afford to stop? Those are the questions that I will be answering in today's episode.In the "Tips and Tricks" section I will share some tools and methods you can use to collect feedback from your users more efficiently.About this episodeSupportJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterTry out Indie OfficesTheJuiceMedia: One of my favorite videosToolsHotjarHubspotBackground MusicMusic: 
2/8/202237 minutes, 46 seconds
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#188 - Interviewing Olu about Investment Banking and Bootstrapping

After 15 years working in investment banking, Olu decided to quit his job and pursue an entrepreneurial career by bootstrapping his own companies. In our chat, Olu shares what was like to work in the investment banking industry and how did he lived the 2008 housing crisis. He will also share his journey building his current startup Prelo and give great tips to other entrepreneurs.About OluOlu's Twitter profilePreloThe Big Short MovieAbout the WBEJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicBossa Antigua by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
2/3/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 8 seconds
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#187 - Can Communities Build Products?

Our community of bootstrappers is joining forces to build a product together in one month. I will tell you how we are organizing a totally remote team from all over the world to work asynchronously. I will also give you an update on my first B2B product and how I am able to get my first clients. For the tips and tricks today I will share some of my current Twitter strategies.About this episodeJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeCommunity Project Landing PageFollow me on TwitterTry out Indie OfficesThe World Needs to Know - BookTweet DeckBackground Music:Inspiring Acoustic Guitar by LesFM | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
2/1/202231 minutes, 35 seconds
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#186 - Interviewing Luca about Automating Twitter DMs

Luca is a software developer that has already sold one side project to a bigger company and is now building Hivoe, which is a tool that automates your Twitter direct messages. Luca is also a member of our WBE space and will speak about what its like to be part of it.About LucaTwitter ProfileHive (Twitter DM Tool)About this podcastJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeCommunity Project Landing PageFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicAcid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
1/27/202247 minutes, 59 seconds
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#185 - How to prepare for a Pieter Levels Interview

Listen to how I prepared for my interview with Pieter Levels, what happened off the record, and some of my thoughts on what we talked about. I will also tell you the story of my first exit meeting with a company that was interested in acquiring Chageit.About this episodeJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeCommunity Project Landing PageFollow me on TwitterTry out Indie OfficesPodcast Tool AuphonicPieter's book: Makebook.ioBackground MusicLo-Fi Lounge Chill Hip Hop CITY by Alex-Productions | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
1/25/202242 minutes, 13 seconds
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#184 - Interviewing Pieter Levels about his Success and Indie Lifestyle

Listen to Pieter Levels speak about his upbringing and what motivated him to become an entrepreneur. In this interview, we also try to pin down certain personal characteristics that contributed to Pieter's success in his bootstrapped startups and cover more philosophical topics like life purpose and religion.About Pieter:TwitterNomadlistRebaseAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicMusic: 
1/20/20221 hour, 22 minutes
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#183 - Getting Pieter Levels on the Show

Pieter Levels agreed to join me for a WBE interview. In this episode, I will tell you the story of how I was able to get him on board and how I am preparing for the interview. I will also speak about my first B2B project that is now live on this episodeJoin our Twitter space tomorrowJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterTry out Indie OfficesMy 500th follower: @kgrsajidBackground MusicNight in Venice by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 
1/18/202237 minutes, 38 seconds
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#182 - Interviewing Xavier Coiffard about Building Six Products in Six Months

Xavier Coiffard is a French indie hacker that built six products in six consecutive months. In today's interview, Xavier will tell us how he built which of these six products and the important lessons he has learned from the whole experience.About XavierTwitter ProfileCommunityUserboosterAbout Wannabe EntrepreneurJoin our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicLo-Fi Vlog Chill Hip Hop | UP by Alex-Productions | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
1/13/20221 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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#181 - The Ugliest Entrepreneurial Emotion

In today's episode, I will speak about feeling jealous of other entrepreneurs and how the survival bias can make you feel that everyone is succeeding but you. I will also tell you about my first sales pitch and how the way you present your product can be the differentiator between gaining or losing a new client.About this episodeJoin our Twitter space tomorrow (11/01/2022)Listen to Wolfy's Podcast (Engineering Kiosk)Join our Remote Co-Working SpaceBuy me a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterTry out Splitbee (analytics tool)Background Musicbedtime after a coffee by Barradeen | Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported promoted by 
1/11/202240 minutes, 59 seconds
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#180 - Interviewing Olivia about Mental Health for Entrepreneurs

In this episode hear from the performance and confidence coach, Olivia James about how entrepreneurs and bootstrappers can keep a healthy mind.We spoke about important topics like impostor syndrome, how to prepare for a pitch meeting, how to deal with burnout, and more...About Olivia:TwitterWebsitePodcast RecommendationBlogPostAbout this PodcastJoin the WBE CommunityBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground Music:Floating Castle by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
1/6/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 46 seconds
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#179 - Unplug Your Brain!

In today's episode, I will chat about what kind of activities help me disconnect from my business. I will also reflect on the year 2021 and speak about the perks of having a podcast.At the end of the episode, I will also speak about a new analytics tool that I am trying out called SplitBee that as a really intuitive UI and it is free to use.About this PodcastJoin the WBE CommunityBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground Music:Morning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
1/4/202227 minutes, 35 seconds
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#178 - Interviewing Anthony Castrio who founded Indie Worldwide

Interview with Anthony Castrio about the journey of building the Indie Worldwide community and his personal entrepreneurial background and nomad lifestyle.Episode Links:Anthony's TwitterIndie Worldwide WebsiteIndie Worldwide TwitterPeter Levels TwitterWBE Podcast:Join the WBE CommunityBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground Music: Coffee Shop by PYC Music | promoted by 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0)
12/30/202146 minutes, 17 seconds
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#177 - Indie Hackers Top Page!

In this episode, I will give you an update on how my experience with free trials periods worked out and why I had to stop it. We will also speak about indie hackers as a source of traffic and how a post about the impostor syndrome got me trending on the platform. To finish things off learn more about SEO and why google is not indexing your pages.About WBE PodcastJoin the WBE CommunityBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground Music:Still Awake by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
12/28/202136 minutes, 37 seconds
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#176 - Interviewing Alex Friedman about Burnout and FounderGigs

Listen to Alex Friedman's interview where she openly speaks about entrepreneurial anxiety and burnout and teaches some tips on how to avoid it. Alex will also speak about her journey building Foundergigs and how she was able to make a 2k MRR business in only 3 months using NoCode tools.About AlexTwitterWebsiteTechStarsAbout this PodcastJoin our virtual Co-Working spaceBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterBackground MusicMerry Bay by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 
12/23/202141 minutes, 41 seconds
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#175 - Trial Periods... Are they really worth it?

I implemented a trial period to access the WBE space and want to share with you what I have learned from it. I will also speak about why networking is so important and speak about a great example that happened to me this past week.About WBE PodcastTry the WBE spaceBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterInstall ChangeitSEO Tools:SeobilitySEO GuideBackground MusicAnd So It Begins by Artificial.Music | under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) promoted by 
12/21/202130 minutes, 10 seconds
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#174 - Interviewing Roberto Robles about SEO for Indie Makers

My guest today in the show is Roberto Robles (aka @robertodigitail_).Roberto has his own SEO agency and has been working in this field for 15 years already. Today he will share tips and tricks that small entrepreneurs can use to boost their google traffic as well as the story behind the creation of Katlinks (his own SEO tool).About RobertoTwitterWebsiteKatlinksSuper SEO TipsAbout WBE PodcastJoin the WBE spaceBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterOther Marketing Related EpisodesMarketing EpisodesBackground MusicJapan by Uniq | promoted by 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
12/16/20211 hour, 24 seconds
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#173 - A Good Marketing Plan

In this episode, I will share with you the marketing plan that resulted in the successful launch of my interview with Cassidy Williams (aka @cassidoo) that has broken every wbe record to the date!I will give you a detailed walkthrough of everything I have planned for each platform: twitter, reddit, LinkedIn, etc...About this podcastJoin the WBE spaceBuy a CoffeeFollow me on TwitterRecommended Tool:HivoeBackground music:Music: 
12/14/202129 minutes, 6 seconds
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#172 - Interviewing Cassidoo about finding her perfect job

Cassidy Williams (aka @cassidoo) is a software developer with an impressive resume. She has worked in more than six software companies and she has experienced it all: small companies, big companies, pure development positions, and more leading and teaching gigs too. On top of that, Cassidy still has the energy to maintain and cultivate an active social media presence that has reached more than 170K followers on Twitter.Follow Cassidy:TwitterNewsletterWebsiteTikTokAbout WBE Podcast:Become a MemberBuy a CoffeeJoin Virtual Co-Working spaceTwitterTools* AstroBackground Music:Listen Here
12/9/202139 minutes, 28 seconds
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#171 - Burnout

In today's episode, we will speak about burnout and how entrepreneurs have to always be aware of their mental health. I will also give you an update on my projects. Last week I have redesigned my landing page and experimented with promoted tweets. To conclude the episode I will share two great tools for bootstrappers (Plausible and Hubspot) and how you can use them in your projects.About this podcastBecome a Member: a Coffee: Co-Working space: Music:Latte by yoitrax | promoted by Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
12/7/202126 minutes, 44 seconds
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#170 - Interviewing Pierre about the best NoCode tools available

In this episode, I am interviewing Pierre Tillement. Pierre is a NoCode freelancer. Five years ago he stopped his MBA to put his full focus on building his Startup, only using NoCode tools. After building a successful product he decided to focus on becoming a NoCode freelancer and bootstrapper. In this episode, Pierre will describe his favorite NoCode tools and it's use cases. As a developer myself I was amazed by the capabilities of these tools.About this podcastBecome a Member: a Coffee: Co-Working space: Pierre:Twitter: Website: NoCode Tools:
12/2/20211 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
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#169 - How did I end up building a community?

In today's episode, I will mostly speak about the wbe space and how my entrepreneur journey started with a climate change app and ended up with a virtual co-working space for bootstrappers. I will also share some tips about how to build an active community and what tools I am using to do so.About this podcastBecome a Member: a Coffee: Co-Working space: ToolsBuy Me A CoffeeZapierJitsiBackground MusicMusic: 
11/30/202132 minutes, 45 seconds
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#168 - Interviewing Lucie about art, logo design and co-founding Logology

In this wbe episode, I am interviewing Lucie Baratte.Lucie is a graphic designer, specializing in visual identity, logo, and brand design. She is also the co-founder of this interview, we will speak about art, logo designing and the story of logology told from Lucie's perspective.Some of the interesting questions Lucie will answer are:What is the definition of art?How was Comic Sans MS font created?How did the idea of Logology come to be?What do the family and friends think about their career path?About this podcastBecome a Member: a Coffee: Co-Working space: LucieTwitter: Website: to Dagobert's Interview (#146) MusicWanderlust by Scott Buckley | promoted by 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 
11/25/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 34 seconds
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#167 - Meme Marketing

Welcome to episode 167 of the WBE podcast and it is a very exciting one, filled with emotions and valuable lessons. In this podcast I will speak about:Being unable to disconnect from work and what are the consequences of itHow I am creating a virtual office and how people that never met each other are working together in itHaving a chat with Dagobert about meme marketingThe Meme Lord ChallengeShare your best startup-related meme and use the hashtag #startupmemelord. Dagobert and I will check each one of them, give feedback and select the best ones!!About this podcastBecome a Member: a Coffee: Co-Working space: DagobertTwitter: logology.coMeme tool: Music:Water Wood & Stone by Audionautix | promoted by Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 
11/23/202139 minutes, 7 seconds
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#166 - Interviewing Alessandra about how to build products for communities

Today I am chatting with Alessandra Scicchitano. Alessandra started her career as a researcher in computer science and then worked as a software engineer. Since she wanted to increase her impact in the building process Alessandra shifted her career towards project management and built many products for tech-related communities.Today we will talk about:How to build products for communitiesHow the idea of Alessandra newsletter came to beWhat many successful companies have in commonAbout Wannabe Entrepreneur:join our co-working space: a member: on Twitter: @wbepodcastbuy me a coffee: AlessandraFollow her on Twitter: @AlessandraEsseSubscribe to TILT: Music:Dreams Come True by Purrple Cat | promoted on Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
11/18/202135 minutes, 38 seconds
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#165 - I was blessed by the community gods!

In this wbe freestyle episode I will speak about:My successful rebranding brought 9 new members in the last 15 daysOur first community event and how the pressure of doing a good job is slowly getting to me...Why we should care about climate change and cop26 resultsGreat automation tools that all bootstrappers should know aboutSupport this podcast:Join our virtual Co-Working space: me a Coffee: me on Twitter: @wbepodcastClimate Change:COP26 Results: Climate Question Podcast: Changeit: Members:Marc Philippe: Cox: in Public:My thread building the virtual office rooms: music:TRIPPIN COFFEE by Audionautix | promoted by Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 
11/16/202132 minutes, 23 seconds
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#164 - Interviewing Arvid Kahl about building in public and bootstrapping

In this episode, I am having a lovely chat with the build in public expert Arvid Kahl (@arvidkahl), who is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and writer. He co-founded and bootstrapped FeedbackPanda, an online teacher productivity SaaS company, with his partner Danielle Simpson.He has also written many entrepreneurship-related books like Zero to Sold, The Embedded Entrepreneur and now he is writing a Build in Public book.We spoke about bootstrapping, the audience first approach ad a lot of other entrepreneurial-related topics that I am sure you will love and learn a lot with.Support Wannabe EntrepreneurBuy me a coffee: a member: our Space: on this episode: MusicHot Coffee by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported 
11/11/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 53 seconds
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#163 - This is the best podcast in the world!!

In today's episode, I will cover a big variety of cool topics:Starting from the ups and downs of being a bootstrapper and the mindset lesson I took from a coffee shop owner. Then I will speak about how finally my SEO bet is paying off and I will also give you an update on my father's website. And finally, I will give you some great tips and tricks to better understand Product Hunt!There is also. little surprise in the end related to a promise I made ;)Relevant Links:Support this podcast and join the crew: me on Twitter: @wbepodcastCheck out the Webstore Episode: music:And So It Begins by Artificial.Music | under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) promoted by 
11/9/202131 minutes, 25 seconds
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#162 - Interviewing Shulhi about tips and tricks to work fully remote

In this episode, I am interviewing Shulhi who has been working fully remote for more than 6 years with a 12 hours difference from his colleagues. We will cover a lot of important topics for people that are thinking of moving full remote like:How should you organize your day?How to stay healthy working remotely?How does communication work?and moreAre you also working remotely? Join our virtual co-working spaceFollow us on Twitter: the episode:Follow Shulhi on Twitter: Shulhi's project: MusicMusic by Wavecont, under creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International promoted by 
11/4/202150 minutes, 42 seconds
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#161 - A Virtual Co-Working Space For Bootstrappers

In this episode I am speaking about:Introducing the new podcast members to the community.Importance of listening to what your users and community have to say about your project.Being embaraced and not knowing what to answer to the question: "What are you working at?"Asking the community how would they invest 1M euros in their productRating 3 SEO content creators on fiverrJoin our virtual Co-Working Space: Members:GouthamFounder of astramind.ioTwitter: AnnFounder of: Cover Art CrowdTwitter: of: jeffedmondson.devTwitter: FIverr Blogposts:1- The Bootstrapper Paralysis (by Junaid)3- How can a Millennial Find Purpose at Work? (by Creative Mind)3- How do I get 100 followers on Twitter? (by Amnanamjad)Background MusicFeel by LiQWYD | promoted by under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
11/2/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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#160 - Interviewing Kavya who quit her job to build a pro resume builder

In this episode, I am chatting with Kavya. After working on big corporations and small startups, Kavya, together with her husband, decided to follow their passion and build their own company. They built Resumey, a tool that uses markdown to help developers build shiny and amazing resumes.She will share many aspects about her journey so far including how they were able to have a great product launch using Producthunt, their most efficient marketing strategies, and monetization.Did you like this interview?Support this podcast with a coffee: us on Twitter: Kavya:Personal Twitter: Website: Twitter: MusicEmotions by Scandinavianz | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0 
10/28/202159 minutes, 50 seconds
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#159 - The Boostrapper Paralysis

SummaryToday it starts the beginning of a new podcast format, the Wannabe Entrepreneur Show (WBE Show). Instead of daily releases, I will be released twice a week.In today's show, I will introduce the new format, speak about how having too many options might paralyze us, and share a couple of cool SEO tools. I will also give you an update on Changeit.Want to become a WBE member? do you think of the new format? Links:Listen to Changeit related episodes: MetricsGoogle TrendsAnswer The PublicSend me a message: [email protected] Music:Music: 
10/26/202125 minutes, 15 seconds
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#158 - Interviewing Abdulmohsen about how to build and sell a beautiful table

My guest in today's show is the entrepreneur Abdulmohsen the founder of OneBase. He will be sharing his 4 years long bootstrapping journey designing and manufacturing his dream table. Getting married and moving to a small apartment was the trigger he needed to envision a table that could be both useful and beautiful.About Abdulmohsen:Website: About This Podcast:Join the community: us on Twitter: Music:Jazzaddict’s Intro by Cosimo Fogg (201) | promoted by Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License 
10/22/20211 hour, 9 minutes
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#157 - Starting from next week things will change

In this episode, I am announcing the new format of this podcast that will start next week. I have listened to your feedback and thought about it a lot and I am finally ready to share my conclusions with you.Follow me on Twitter: @wbepodcastBecome a Member: Music:Music: 
10/21/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
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#156 - This will be my last Changeit feature in a while

I was finally able to finish the notification feature I was working on for my climate change app changeit. I am super excited about it and I am talking about it in this episode together with some learnings I got from today's interview. It's a short bootstrapper update episode for you.Follow me on Twitter: me a Coffee: Changeit: https://changeit.appBackground Music:White Petals by Keys of Moon | 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) promoted by 
10/20/20218 minutes, 30 seconds
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#155 - Another Exciting Changeit Feature

I am working on a very exciting new feature in my react native-based app (changeit). In this episode, I will speak about this feature with you and what problems will this solve.Join our discord community: me a Coffee: me on Twitter: MusicWater Wood & Stone by Audionautix | promoted by Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 
10/19/20215 minutes, 43 seconds
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#154 - I should reduce to two episodes per week

The number of listeners of this podcast has stagnated for a couple of months now I don't know what I can do to improve it. I am thinking that reducing the number of episodes might give me the opportunity to focus more on marketing and advertising each new episode.But I really want to know your opinion. What do you think? Shal I reduce the number of weekly episodes to 2?Answer in the comment section here: me on Twitter: me a Coffee: music: Music: 
10/18/20218 minutes, 3 seconds
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#153 - Anxiety

I am working really hard on my projects but making close to no money. This brings moments of a lot of anxiety especially when I know I have rent to pay... Today I am sharing those feelings as they were happening.Comment on this episode: becoming a member?: @wbepodcastEmail: [email protected] Music: 
10/15/20215 minutes, 54 seconds
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#152 - Interviewing Aleksandra about Marketing for Bootstrappers

In this episode, I am interviewing Aleksandra, she is passionate about building products, brands, and communities with 10 years of experience in startups, marketing, branding, project, and event management.In the interview, Aleksandra gives super valuable marketing tips relevant for any bootstrapper that wants to improve their marketing knowledge.About this show:Become a member: Alexandra:Twitter: Tools Mentioned in this episode:Roveme:'s Newsletter: Ship: Metrics: Mentions: Music:Happy Commercial by MaxKoMusic | promoted by Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported 
10/14/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
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#151 - Asking for feedback for my new website

The official Wannabe Entrepreneur Website is live and yesterday I shared it with the world and asked for feedback. In this episode, I will go through the feedback and let you know what I was able to adapt.Buy me a coffee: Website Builder: Music:Positive Hip-Hop by MaxKoMusic | promoted by Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
10/13/20217 minutes, 32 seconds
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#150 - The Official Wannabe Entrepreneur Website is Live!

The official Wannabe Entrepreneur website is live!In today's episode, I am going to teach you how to deploy your website using Netlify for free. I was also able to create an automatic way to generate a static page for each of my episodes! I am super excited about the results and will tell you how I did it.Check out the website: https://wannabe-entrepreneur.comCheck out my build in public Twitter thread: me a Coffee: MusicBliss by Luke Bergs | Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported promoted by 
10/12/202112 minutes, 10 seconds
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#149 - How to Build a Website for a Podcast

Today I am taking you along in my journey building my Wannabe Entrepreneur Website. It's a little build in a public edition that will teach you how to build a website using Hugo.Follow the Twitter thread here: me a Coffee: Music:bedtime after a coffee by Barradeen | Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported promoted by 
10/11/202111 minutes, 53 seconds
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#148 - New Changeit Release!

Today I will be sharing with you some details about the newest changeit release that promises to make the app more social. The idea is to increase organic growth but there is still a lot of work ahead!Buy me a Coffee: Changeit: https://changeit.appTwitter: @wbepodcastBackground Music:Music:
10/8/20214 minutes
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#147 - Did I keep my unemployment money in Portugal??

Another update episode for you. I am giving you an update on what will happen to the German unemployment money now that I am in Portugal, I will also speak about where I stand regarding the Web Summit, and lastly will give a couple of thoughts about Dagorbert's interview.Buy me a Coffee: me on Twitter: Episodes:Eva's Interview: Episode #115Dagobert's Interview: Episode # 146Background Music:Love life by LiQWYD | promoted by under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) 
10/7/202110 minutes, 21 seconds
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#146 - Interviewing Dagobert about bootstrapping Logology

Today I am sharing with you a great conversation I had with Dagobert. He started his entrepreneur career since he was 16 building video games and soon after disrupted the French Idol with his website. Recently he quit his well paid job to work on his company LogologyWe are talking about our challenges and victories as bootstrappers and Dagobert will share some great tips around how to build an audience on Twitter.Was this content useful?Buy me a Coffee: Wannabe Entrepreneur on Twitter: Dagobert:Twitter:
10/6/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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#145 - I got accept in the Web Summit Lisbon

Today I have a chilled episode for you with a couple of updates in my projects including in the Web Summit Saga. I really need your opinion:Shall I invest 1000 euros to participate in the conference?Answer here: to support this podcast?Buy me one Coffee: Music:River by MusicbyAden | promoted by Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
10/5/20218 minutes, 20 seconds
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#144 - Pitching Changeit to join the Web Summit Lisbon (Version 2)

The Web Summit is said to be one of the biggest Tech companies in the world and is happening in my new home, Lisbon! I could not lose the chance to show Changeit (my climate change app) to the world! Please leave me a nice review in Apple PodcastsBuy me a Coffee here: me a message on Twitter: Music:Sad Piano by LesFM | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
10/5/20213 minutes, 5 seconds
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#143 - Interviewing Isaac and Wei Li founders of Tinyask

Isaac and Wei Li quit their jobs to bootstrap a disruptive company called Tinyask uses audio and small communities to help people navigate through uncommon careers (like being an entrepreneur). In this chat, you will learn more about their idea, how they are building and what keeps them up at night...Join our community and have direct access to many entrepreneursBecome a member: us on Twitter: Tinyask:Website: https://tinyask.coPlatform Twitter:'s Twitter: Li's Twitter:
10/1/202155 minutes, 27 seconds
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#142 - We have an idea to help podcasters

Welcome to today's episode and I wish you a great Podcast day! In today's episode, I will be sharing an idea that Abhi and I have been cooking that we believe will help the podcasters engage with their audience better.What do you think of the idea? You can answer here: me a Coffee: Music:Inspiring Optimistic Upbeat Energetic Guitar Rhythm by Free Music | promoted by Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License 
9/30/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
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#141 - It's hard to say goodbye to the expat life

After living in Germany for 6 years I am leaving and returning to my country, Portugal. I have lived all my adult life here and I am feeling quite nostalgic about leaving it behind. That's the topic of today's episode...Buy me a coffee: something about this episode:
9/29/20215 minutes, 21 seconds
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#140 - My work is my priority right now!

It's been almost 4 months since I resign from my paying job and since then that I have been putting work as my first priority but this week I can't do it anymore, I will tell you why in this episode and also give you a short update on my projects.I was featured in another podcast :) It's called Podlogix.Listen to the interview here: YouTube - - - - a Wannabe Entrepreneur member: me on Twitter here: to the interview with Derrick on episode 136Background Music:Water Wood & Stone by Audionautix | promoted by Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 
9/28/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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#139 - Is there a better way to make money as a Podcaster?

Most podcasters and content creators, in general, make money with ads, but is there a better way? In today's episode, I will explore what other options are there and will announce my new monetization idea.Help reach the goal: this model make sense? Answer here: music:Adventure by Alexander Nakarada | https://www.serpentsoundstudios.comMusic promoted by 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
9/27/202115 minutes, 37 seconds
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#138 - Not everything you see on Twitter is true!

When browsing through Twitter I always tend to compare myself with these super successful Twitter influencers, always giving great advice and show their success. It turns out (surprise, surprise!) they are humans too and have the same doubts and struggles as you. It takes time to reach success and you normally only share the good things on social media... That's the topic of today's episode!Do you want to support this podcast?Buy me a coffee here: I do an episode about my fear of flying?Answer here: music:Wanderlust by Scott Buckley | promoted by 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 
9/24/20218 minutes, 8 seconds
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#137 - A window to another reality

How cool is it that with a click of a button we can just teleport ourselves to a completely different reality, speak with people from all over the world and show them our businesses? That's the topic of today's episode...Join the community: do you think of the random coffee idea?
9/23/20218 minutes, 55 seconds
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#136 - Interviewing Derrick about how to start a podcast agency

Today I am chatting with Derrick Michaud who left his job as a professional musician to start his own Podcast Agency called Shelby Row Productions. In this talk, we will learn more about Derrick's life as a musician and all the learnings and challenges of bootstrapping his own podcasting agency.About Wannabe EntrepreneurBuy us a coffee: us on Twitter: Derrick:Podcast Agency: Podcast: channel: music:Music: 
9/22/202133 minutes, 17 seconds
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#135 - Reviewing #buildinpublic apps with a professional web designer

Today I am here with Stephnie, she is a web project manager and designer and will be helping me reviewing 3 build in public websites. Steph will share great web design tips that will help the listeners build better products.Support this podcast here: us on Twitter:'s Linkedin: we reviewed today:1- Jessica's Personal Page: Loptoaded: Operance: Statarb: Music:Warm Memories - Emotional Inspiring Piano by Keys of Moon | 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) promoted by 
9/21/202131 minutes, 35 seconds
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#134 - More and more Changeit partnerships are coming

Today I will speak about my climate change app changeit and some great partnerships that are coming. I will be available in the chat.Do you want to support the podcast? you have Twitter? more about Verdoo: music:BossaBossa by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
9/20/20219 minutes, 5 seconds
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#133 - No more daily episodes... Sorry :/

It was a hard decision and to be honest I did not start this episode knowing that it would end like this but I think that in the end is a good decision. I really appreciate the ones that listen to me every single day, even on weekends! Thank you very much!I wanna know what you think about this decision so please shoot me a message:email: [email protected]: me a Coffee: music:Hot Coffee by Ghostrifter Official | promoted by https://www.chosic.comCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported 
9/19/202110 minutes, 24 seconds
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#132 - Cool New Twitter Features

Today I am speaking about the most recent amazing features released by Twitter that are making it an amazing social network and putting it back on the map.There is a nice summary with all the features I mentioned in this episode plus some nice screenshots available for the price of one coffee.Check it out here: us on Twitter: Music:Water Wood & Stone by Audionautix | promoted by Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
9/18/20218 minutes, 31 seconds
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#131 - Interviewing the Codeprints team about making art for developers

Today I am chatting with the team that built, a platform that allows you to convert your GitHub history into a beautiful art piece.We are really getting into the nerdy stuff, understanding their tech stack, code dept, and what ultimately was their biggest challenge! (Spoiler Alert was marketing...)Get 20% discount on your own CodeprintWant to support this podcast?Buy me a Coffee: this tweet: Codeprints:If you think you can help them with their marketing challenge, shoot them a message:Matthias: to my interview with Matthias in episode #29Wolfy: Listen to my interview with Wolfy in episode #61Micha: of them will be hanging out in the Wannabe Entrepreneur slack community! (Become a member to join)Background music:Trip to Home by LesFM | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
9/17/202150 minutes, 57 seconds
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#130 - My first Changeit partnership? Could it be?

Today I had a great conversation with the founder of Circular Berlin an NGO that is trying to support circular economy-related projects in Berlin. We had a great chat and discussed possible partnerships...Support this podcast: you installed changeit already?Answer here:
9/16/20218 minutes, 35 seconds
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#129 - Thank you for the visit (3D experience)

Today you are coming to my house in Germany, drink a glass of wine and listen to my worries live (or almost live). Make sure to use headphones for this one ;)Buy me a coffee: changeit: https://changeit.appBackground music:Fragile by Keys of Moon | 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) promoted by
9/15/20214 minutes, 13 seconds
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#128 - I paid Ionut to grow my Twitter community

Today I am chatting with Ionut. He is a student and for the past 10 days has been helping me grow my changeit Twitter community. In these 10 days, he was able to get about 100 new followers and a lot of engagement. We are going to talk about our approach and the results we were able to get.Like this podcast? Buy me a coffee: IonutFIverr: ChangeitTwitter: Changeit: https://changeit.appAbout this podcast:Twitter:
9/14/202117 minutes, 6 seconds
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#122 - Interviewing Tibo about Founding Tweethunter and Other Products

Today I am chatting with Thibault (aka Tibo). He is a serial entrepreneur that has sold 2 startups and is currently building Tweethunter, a company that helps creators grow their audience on Twitter. Tibo gives great tips for any entrepreneur that is planning to bootstrap their company. Believe we don't want to miss this interview ;)Join Our Entrepreneurs Community: us on Twitter: Tibo:Twitter:
9/8/202132 minutes, 53 seconds
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#120 - Introducing Changeit Tribes!

Today I want to speak about the new feature I am developing for changeit and why I think it will help me with increasing retention and organic growth! Shoot me a message on twitter: Buy me a coffee: Download changeit:
9/6/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
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#115 - Interviewing Eva who is Making Clothes for Girls with Astronauts and Trucks

Today I am talking with Eva Parth dos Santos, the founder of Mint Girls, which is a company that is making sustainable clothes with astronauts, robots, and trucks. We speak about her first successful business Kalinda that was sold to a German company and how she is building her sustainable fashion company that was already able to raise 12K euros in a Kickstarter campaign. Eva is a great entrepreneur and will also give great tip for other women that are thinking in following her path.Support this podcast: Eva:Linkedin: Girls: Wannabe Entrepreneur:Twitter: to Iris' interview (episode 55):
9/1/202151 minutes, 31 seconds
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#107 - The dark side of twitter

Hey Wannabes, I was able to get more than 70 new followers on Twitter in just 7 days. I will talk about what techniques work the best and also about how I started feeling addicted to the platform. Guide to get Twitter followers: Follow me on Twitter: You should also check episode 101:
8/24/202113 minutes, 32 seconds
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#106 - My DIY Sound Booth

Today I built my own sound booth with a carton box and styrofoam and I want you to see the difference that the styrofoam makes to the sound. Besides that today we have the first listener message. Send me a voice message: Become a Wannabe Entrepreneur Member: You might like Episode 64 (Changeit Tech Stack):
8/23/20215 minutes, 38 seconds
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#103 - Brain overload! Please close some windows...

I notice that with everything that is occupying my mind project-related I am failing to make simple personal life decisions... Support: Twitter: Changeit:
8/20/202110 minutes, 28 seconds
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#101 - How to get followers on twitter?

I have been using twitter to grow my podcast user base and find out a way to get new followers and learn more about my passion at the same time. Follow us on Twitter: Pitch your idea in one minute: Buy me a coffee: You might also like episode 92:
8/18/202110 minutes, 9 seconds
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#96 - Bike your way out of your business

Today I will speak a bit of everything but mostly about what I will be focusing on in terms of marketing for both changeit and this podcast. Buy me a coffee: Shoot me a message on twitter:
8/13/20218 minutes, 21 seconds
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#95 - How to build a webstore in 2021

After being asked by my father several times to build him a store for his business I finally got the time to do it. Today I will be talking about the tools I investigate before starting and the pros and cons of each one of them.  You can find a summary of these tools here: Shoot me a message through linkedin:
8/12/202112 minutes, 47 seconds
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#90 - Trying to hack Hackernews

I hate marketing and the thought that I can just share a link of my projects and immediately get thousands of users is very tempting. So I tried to hack hackernews and try to get my links trending. Listen to this episode to learn more about this journey... * Buy me a coffee: * Follow me on twitter: * Hackernews: * Hackernews title classifier:
8/7/202110 minutes, 14 seconds
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#86 - I almost bought a boat

I found a boat online and met the owner yesterday to see the boat with my own eyes. It's definitely a dream for me and today I will speak about why I think that buying it might be a good business... Please share this with your community: twitter: Linkedin: Relevant links: * Matthias interview: * Support Wannabe Entrepreneur:
8/3/20215 minutes, 49 seconds
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#85 - How to deal with family vacations as an entrepreneur

My week of vacation with my family has started and this means that there is some extra logistics to take care of. Relevant links: * Become a podcast supporter: * Suggested episode 79 -
8/2/20214 minutes, 24 seconds
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#82 - Interviewing Anjali and Michael that live in a van but are dreaming with a catamaran

Today I had a chat with a lovely couple Michael and Anjali. They were my colleagues at trivago and end up quitting their job to live full time in a van having the dream to one day upgrade to a catamaran. They will be sharing what they have learned so far from their experiences trying to make money out of social media and we will dive deep in understanding their incredible mindset. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :) About Michael and Anjali: * Instagram: * Youtube: About Wannabe Entrepreneur: * Buy us a coffee: You might also like episode 68 about a couple that is working on a travel blog:
7/30/202143 minutes, 31 seconds
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#81 - Wannabe Entrepreneur Slack Channel

I created a slack channel for all Wannabe Entrepreneur members together with all the people I interviewed in the podcast. I am super excited to be part of this community. Become a member and join our slack:
7/29/20213 minutes, 29 seconds
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#80 - UTMs, SEO and other nerdy stuff

Hey People. This episode was inspired by an email from a listener that brought my attention to the world of SEO and tracking codes. That's what I am talking about today... Relevant links: * UTM and SEO tools: * Episode 76 is about the sponsored blog post: * Send me an email to: [email protected] * Follow me on twitter: @tiagobf
7/28/20217 minutes, 31 seconds
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#79 - How my setup evolved since I started a daily podcast

It's been almost 80 episodes since I have first started this project and today I want to speak a bit about how my podcast setup evolved since the beginning and the top things I have learned to make sure I am publishing one episode daily.  Do you like my work? You can support it here: Check out the episode I published when I was on a boat (episode 16):
7/27/20219 minutes, 42 seconds
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#77 - I am not self-confident I am just tough!

Today's episode is about this podcast and what I am trying out to increase the number of listeners. Hope you like it. Relevant links: * The design tool Canva: * Support this podcast: * Send me a message on linkeding: * Send me a message on twitter:
7/25/20216 minutes, 48 seconds
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#76 - I spent 150 euros in a sponsored blog post. Was it worth it?

10 days ago I spent 150 euros on a sponsored blog post in a sustainability blog but it being published I was not getting any traffic. What actually happened? blog post: support this podcast:
7/24/20217 minutes, 3 seconds
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#75 - Interviewing Cody who moved across the country for his fulfilment business

Today I am interviewing Cody Howell that together with his wife is building a fulfillment center business that is already making 100K per year of revenue. In this conversation, Cody will share more about his journey and some of the incredible challenges he had to overcome. About Cody: Shipping Department TikTok: Business Website: About this show: Support Wannabe Entrepreneur:
7/23/202136 minutes, 12 seconds
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#74 - 3 projects I have started and terminated

In today's episode, I take a ride down memory lane and revisit some of the projects I have started and terminated. It was fun to remember those times and I was even able to fetch a couple of screenshots of my old logos and websites: Support this podcast here: Follow me on twitter: Connect with me on linkedin:
7/22/20219 minutes, 1 second
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#73 - My top 5 favourite startup podcasts

Hey Peeps. Today I will be sharing with you my favorite startup-related podcasts. I have learned so much from them and I am super excited to share them with you. List of podcasts: Follow me on Twitter:
7/21/20217 minutes, 59 seconds
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#72 - Learning how to cope with failure

I believe that learning how to cope with failure with possibly the hardest thing you can do as an entrepreneur listen to this episode to understand my thoughts about this. I will be also speaking about a new technique I am using to get more users while still learning about my target market and topic. Support: Become a Wannabe Entrepreneur supporter: Suggested Episodes: Listen to Hendrick's interview (episode 50): Listen to Hugo's interview (episode 46): Reach out to me: Twitter: @tiagorbf Linkedin:
7/20/20217 minutes, 12 seconds
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#71 - I need your help!

In this episode, I am sharing the three things you can do to help me grow the Wannabe Entrepreneur community.  Contribute: Become a member/contributor: Share: Share this LinkedIn post: Share this tweet: Reach out: My Linkedin: My Twitter: My Instagram: Youtube Channel:
7/19/20215 minutes, 8 seconds
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#65 - Sailing with a youtuber in Amsterdam

Hey Peeps. Today I am going to talk about my sailing experience this weekend and give you an update on how things are going with the podcast and my new changeit release. Relevant links: * Say Hi on Twitter: * Download Changeit: * Become a Wannabe Entrepreneur Supporter: * You might also like episode 62:
7/13/20217 minutes, 23 seconds
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#64 - Changeit App Tech Stack

Today I bring you a more geeky episode for those who are passionate about Software Developing or want to learn more. I will be describing the tools and tech that I use to develop my climate change app, Relevant links: * Tools mentioned in this episode: * My top favorite bootstrapping tools of all time (episode 57): * Send me a message: 
7/12/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
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#63 - How did my last changeit release perform?

It has been 20 days since my latest release and I finally got the time to sit down and look through the metrics. Did my bet work out? Listen to see. Here are the graphs I speak about in this episode:
7/11/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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#59 - Short update about changeit's design

I have a short but informative episode today about what I have been working on regarding my changeit app. Relevant Links: My current setup: New Changeit Design: Download Changeit:
7/7/20213 minutes, 25 seconds
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#58 - Focus on your most passionate users

Today I am giving you some stats about this podcast and want to share a story that shows how important is to listen and include your most passionate users in your product building process. Suggest ideas for next episodes: Follow me on Twitter:
7/6/20218 minutes, 41 seconds
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#55 - Interviewing Iris Who Raised 1M For Her Sustainable Fashion App

Today I have a chat with Iris Skrami, the co-founder of Renoon, an up-an-coming sustainable fashion app that got the attention of multiple investors, having raised 1M euros in the seed round. We spoke about how being an entrepreneur was initially not part of her life plan but end up being unavoidable because of a black dress. I hope this mysterious description picked your interest because even though it's a long episode, is definitely worth to listen.Relevant links:* Install Renoon:* Iris's yoga youtube channel* Support this podcast:* Startup Accelerator: fixed-term, cohort-based programs, that include mentorship and educational components and culminate in a public pitch event or demo day.* YC (YCombinator): It's one of the top accelerators in the USA
7/3/202147 minutes, 24 seconds
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#54 - The time is now. Should I go all in?

After an eye-opening conversation with my friend SJ, I start to wonder if I need to invest more money to find the success I am looking for. This podcast is not free! I follow the "pay what you think is worth model". So if you think my work is bringing value to you you can contribute here: Relevant links: Interviewing João Amaro (episode 41): Interviewing the Sailing Frenchman (episode 46): Interviewing Contapp Founder (episode 32): Follow me on twitter:
7/2/20215 minutes, 57 seconds
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#53 - Android vs IOS - My experience releasing my app in the stores!

Today I am speaking about my experience releasing Changeit both in IOS and Android stores. I will be talking about prices, the review process, and how to collect reviews. Relevant Links: Become a Wannabe Entrepreneur Member: My Twitter: Download Changeit:
7/1/202113 minutes, 45 seconds
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#52 - What the hell am I doing with my savings?

I am spending my savings trying to live out of my side projects and I can not help but wonder if I am making the right call. That's what I reflect on in today's episode. Relevant links: Yesterday's challenge: Support this podcast: If you liked this episode you should probably listen to Emotional Rollercoaster (episode 10):
6/30/20218 minutes, 38 seconds
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#48 - From full time bloggers to nude photographers. Welcome to Berlin!!!

Today I am sharing my opinion about the city of Berlin. There are many positive and interesting aspects and others that are not so good. Btw if you like my work and think it's worth something you can buy me a coffee here:
6/26/20217 minutes, 45 seconds
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#45 - How can I make Changeit better?

It's always the same, my expectations get too high after a release, and then when the metrics do not follow my expectations I get demotivated and a bit lost regarding the next steps. That's the topic of today's episode. Relevant links: * Busra Interview: * Install Changeit app: * Follow me on Twitter: Disclaimer: I don't want to use your time to show you ads neither of us believes in! This podcast follows the moto: "Pay what you think is worth". If you like this podcast and want to contribute to its development you can do so here:
6/23/20216 minutes, 26 seconds
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#44 - Interviewing Busra who treats her career as her own startup

Today I am chatting with Busra. She is a passionate software developer that has been collecting great stories about her career and sharing them in conferences and her blog. She treats her career as her own startup and we speak about the way of thinking that brought her a lot of positive results so far. If you are new here I would recommend listening to the first episode ( Links:* Follow Busra here:* Buy me a coffee here:* Follow me on Twitter here:
6/22/202133 minutes, 23 seconds
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#42 - I am producing a music album

Today I am speaking about my quarantine project. Probably, everyone has one, and mine was producing my first music album. If you want to listen to it checkout tiagorbf on Spotify or visit the website: Relevant links: * Album website: * Fiverr (freelancing tool): * Support this podcast: * Follow on twitter:
6/20/20218 minutes, 6 seconds
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#36 - What problem is this podcast solving?

Today I am talking about a multitude of topics. Starting about complaining about bad internet, moving to what problem is this podcast solving, and finishing by speaking about how I miss hanging out with friends and peers from work. Relevant links: * Support this podcast: * Follow on twitter:
6/14/20217 minutes, 47 seconds
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#34 - What if I could make money from this podcast?

Hey. Today I bring you a general update on multiple topics. I also have been spending more time thinking about this podcast and if it can actually become a source of income for me. If I set up a patreon or a pay what you think is worth model would you be willing to participate? Let me know via twitter at @tiagorbf.
6/12/20219 minutes, 4 seconds
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#30 - Beer, Coffee and a Storm!

Today I have a little reflection about how storms are important and unavoidable for any noob trying to become an expert in whatever field!
6/8/20217 minutes, 18 seconds
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#24 - Let the new development cycle begin!

I am ready to start coding again. I will share what features I will be focusing on and also a nice chat I had with another entrepreneur.
6/2/20217 minutes, 12 seconds
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#22 - Low Energy

A low-energy day and existential doubts about my current strategy!
5/31/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
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#18 - Thoughts of a sailor

Not a lot of news from my business but some thoughts about sailing.
5/27/20219 minutes, 53 seconds
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#12 - Night Thoughts

It's 1:30 am and I see myself thinking what does it take to scale my business to the next level
5/21/20212 minutes, 58 seconds
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#10 - Emotional Rollercoaster

Building your own side project or business is like riding an emotional rollercoaster filled with ups and downs. Today I am feeling a bit more on the downside and I will explain why
5/19/20216 minutes, 7 seconds
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#9 - There is no planet B!

Today I reflect on climate change and the responsibility that we Human beings have in controlling its consequences. Relevant links: * Changeit website: * Support this podcast:
5/18/20217 minutes, 13 seconds
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#7 - I need QA!

A nasty undetected bug was preventing users to open the link in some of changeit notifications! Today I reflect on the role of QA (Quality Assurance).
5/16/20214 minutes, 50 seconds
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Wannabe Entrepreneur (Trailer)

A new episode
5/11/202158 seconds