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Underground Wellness Radio Profile

Underground Wellness Radio

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 51 episodes, 2 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes
Underground Wellness Radio is where health, personal development, and entrepreneurship meet head-on to reveal the blueprint for coming alive. Host Sean Croxton delivers in-depth weekly interviews with a variety of special guests including Chris Kresser, Diane Sanfillipo, Marie Forleo, Mark Sisson, and more.
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Reed Davis: The Final Episode

On today’s final episode of Underground Wellness Radio, Reed and I get together one last time to show you how to become your own health detective … one who stops chasing symptoms and gets to the root cause. Topics include:   * How to navigate the "needs gap." What to do when your doc or practitioner are stuck in their ways and unconcerned with finding what's really causing your health challenges.   * Why diet and exercise aren't always enough .. and how to assess the 4 Pillars of Health on which your health stands upon.   * What may be happening to your hormones if and when you're feeling a little less "frisky"...   Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts!  
11/12/20151 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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Chef Lance Roll: The Art of Bone Broth

It's another UW Radio flashback to October 17, 2012!   Chef Lance Roll —  The Flavor Chef — discusses the many benefits of bone broth, including healing the digestive tract, detoxifying organs, and joint support. He also gives  his best tips for how YOU can make it at home.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at      Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
11/5/201557 minutes, 56 seconds
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Meghan Telpner: How I Beat Crohn’s Disease.

Meghan Telper — author of The UnDiet Cookbook and founder of The Academy of Culinary Nutrition— shares her remarkable story of overcoming an “incurable” Crohn’s diagnosis … and why she says Crohn’s may have been the very BEST thing to ever happen to her.   Here’s what you’ll learn:   * Why Meghan could not and would not accept it when her docs diagnosed her with multiple conditions she never really had … and what she did instead.   * The horrific advice Meghan got from her doctor and the HUGE problem with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation that has her fired up.   * The one thing Meghan believes is the biggest factor for anyone trying to heal from ANY disease and build health in the body.    * How to deal when an illness affects your relationships, and why support is so important for healing and taking health into our own hands.   Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at     Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
11/3/201559 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dr. Elizabeth Lipski: Digestive Wellness

It's a UW Radio flashback to April 10, 2010!     Dr. Elizabeth Lipski, author of Digestive Wellness stops by Underground Wellness Radio to discuss the many things that can go wrong with our digestive systems.   Here's what we talked about:    10:05 What Dr. Lipski does all day and how she got so interested in digestion even though she didn’t mean to!     13:52 The role of the standard American diet in our digestive troubles and the one concept that’s really missing from the food pyramid.      18:58 What to look for—and what to do—when your kids tell you their tummy hurts.      21:15 Are germs good for us? All about the Hygiene Hypothesis and how our obsession with going germ-free could be affecting our health.      24:51 Why you should drop that yellow M&M and definitely not give any to your kids.      27:21 The very best way to clear out your colon. Plus, who does and does not need colonics.      32:15 How to wean off herbal laxatives and the questions to ask yourself to get to the bottom of why you needed them in the first place.      37:05 What to look for in stool testing results, and what we can do if our gut bacteria aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do (or are missing completely)!     44:39 The constipation/cancer connection: why it’s time to embrace the fact that everybody poops.      48:55 Is it too much stomach acid or not enough? How to test the “strength" of your stomach and why it’s so important for your health.      56:31 All about digestion and autoimmune disease, and exactly what you should eliminate from your diet to feel better.      1:02:50 What your mood and your mind have to do with your gut, and what you can do to for a healthier and happier digestive system.      1:10:45 The power of probiotics, the microbiome, and the many messages we send our bodies all the time.     Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at      Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
10/29/20151 hour, 20 minutes, 10 seconds
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Steve Silberman: NeuroTribes, The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

This week, Sean welcomes journalist Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Diversity, to set the record straight about the recent “explosion” of autism diagnoses.     Topics include:   - How Adolf Hitler sent our understanding of autism back 40-50 years.   - The man who shamed thousands of parents by blaming autism on “refrigerator mothers”.   - BOMBSHELL: A single-word typo in a diagnostic manual that forever changed the face of autism.   - Why vaccines are NOT responsible for the modern rise in autism diagnoses.  - How the anti-vaccine movement may be hampering the efforts for improved services and education for autistic children and adults.   PLUS, a huge announcement about The Digestion Sessions!
10/22/20151 hour, 41 minutes, 41 seconds
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Josh Trent: There is No Plan B

Josh Trent — digital health coach, founder of and host of Wellness Force Radio — stops by to share his story. He talks about his personal wellness journey, the many ups and downs that finally led him go all in on pursuing his passions, and what it really takes to break free of limiting beliefs that hold us back from being our best self. 
10/1/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
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Cynthia Pasquella: Tragedy, Turmoil and Transformation

Cynthia Pasquella - clinical nutritionist, author and founder of The Institute of Transformational Nutrition - returns to the podcast and candidly opens up about her past. She shares the story of her own personal traumas, how she has used them to transform her own life, and how she helps others do the same.  Here's what we talked about:    3:28 Where Cynthia’s long journey to success started, and the reason why she decided to tell her story. 7:09 No running water? The details of Cynthia’s childhood living conditions and the many tragic events that left her parents struggling. 12:53 How Cynthia learned to be a good mom despite growing up without a positive mother figure. 20:41 The reason Cynthia never invited friends over, and why they probably wouldn’t have even been allowed to visit if she had! 27:28 Raising parents and being a referee: Cynthia takes on much of the responsibility for her family and herself. 31:09 The opportunity that got Cynthia out of the south and to LA, and how it she found herself going from “a crazy situation to a completely insane one.” 38:32 The modeling industry, “Latte Diet” and numbing out with drugs and alcohol takes a major toll on Cynthia’s body, health and psyche. 49:08 The important message Cynthia received that stopped her from taking her own life. 57:17 Cynthia bets on herself–with 3 credit cards!–to learn how to regain her own health, and starts to help other people do it, too. 1:05:59 How a cheeseburger left Vegan Cynthia in tears and gives her freedom from the food fight. 1:16:01 Money matters: Why it’s not about the amount of money, but what you do with it that matters. 1:29:01 How to use your own experience and story to make some extra money or even start a whole new career! Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
9/18/20151 hour, 29 minutes, 5 seconds
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Kevin Gianni: Kale and Coffee

Kevin Gianni -- author of Kale and Coffee: A Renegade's Guide to Health, Happiness, and Longevity -- returns to the podcast to discuss his journey from a food-obsessed, raw vegan YouTube celebrity to a healthier, happier version of himself.  Here's what we talked about:  5:03 How Kevin’s time as a vegan, raw foodie YouTube celeb led him to an unhealthy obsession with food.  12:14 The reason why good intentions don’t always equal good health and how anything taken to the extreme will eventually make us sick.  15:14 The one thing Kevin’s doctor told him he needed to do to save his health – and why Kevin didn’t do it right away. 18:13 Is it helping or hurting? Kevin transitions to eating meat and deals with the thin line between helping people and hurting people in the health space.  22:51 Kevin runs into another health challenge (by eating only organic foods!) and the most important thing he learned from not being able to button his pants.  27:45 Kale, coffee and kids: Finding a more reasonable, realistic way to be healthy without going off the deep end.  30:38 The health expert reality TV show: How we get stuck on only part of the story and why health studies, gurus and experts should never be the be-all, end-all for our health information.  35:05 “If you lose the mental game, you lose the physical one.” Advice from Kevin’s 93 year old grandfather about keeping your mind and attitude in good shape.  38:57 What we can learn from some of the longest living humans on earth and how you can apply it to your own life.  42:36 The simple, sensible solution to how much meat, carbs and fat we should be eating.  46:38 Keeping stress in check: Kevin’s recommendations for managing stress day to day and in the gym.  Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at! Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness.
9/10/201554 minutes, 14 seconds
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David Zappasodi: Immovable Heart, Unstoppable Mind

David Zappasodi, author of Immovable Heart Unstoppable Mind, discusses the 6 essential practices for living a healthy and fulfilling life.   Here's what we talked about:   3:00 – How David’s desire to get client results in the fitness industry led him down a path to meditation and mindfulness.    8:52 – The power of personal responsibility and paying careful attention to your own body, triggers and intuition.    13:59 – The two parts of every goal and which one you must focus on if you want long-term success.    18:19 – The importance of the process and how to make sure you don’t get stuck when working towards a goal.    23:02 – Are your goals generous enough? How generosity can help you get results in all areas of your life.    27:14 – How focusing on the future might be hindering your progress, and how to build a better relationship with the present.    32:04 – Thoughts vs. feelings: how to break out of the vicious cycle of aggression and avoidance to experience lasting fulfillment.   51:18 – The certainty of uncertainty and David’s best practices to have patience with our progress.    56:58 – Can you take action by taking a time-out? Creating sustainable practices to keep you inspired and moving forward.      Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!     Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness.
9/4/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
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Chef Pete Evans: Critics, Controversy, and Paleo Cooking

Chef Pete Evans — author and co-star of My Kitchen Rules — discusses how and why he’s changing the food climate in Australia.   Here's what we talked about:    2:25 – How Pete went from being a cook at McDonalds to an influential high-profile celebrity chef.    4:51 – Why don’t people cook anymore? Why being a good cook probably isn’t as difficult as many people may think.    8:10 – The best ways to overcome your fears and controversy and why it’s so important to do so.    14:12 – The common sense approach Pete has used to find the best diet, how he was finally “outed” as paleo and why he doesn’t regret causing a stir in the media.    23:53 – How Chef Pete stays positive among all the negativity and how you can, too.    28:57 – Paleo politics: What “paleo” means to Pete and why what we call a diet doesn’t really matter.    38:50 – Why paleo doesn’t have to be perfect and the mindset to help you stress less about food and diet.    41:20 – Pete’s perpective on “paleo-fying” and the role dietary guidelines play in the world of nutrition, today and in the future.    45:38 – All about Chef Pete’s books and his paleo-packed program The Paleo Way.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
9/2/201551 minutes, 57 seconds
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Dr. Tom O'Bryan Responds to The Gluten Lie

Gluten expert Dr. Tom O’Bryan returns to the podcast to respond to recent skepticism regarding gluten sensitivity and gluten-free diets.   This one is by popular demand. A few weeks ago, my podcast interview with Alan Levinovitz, author of The Gluten Lie, caused quite a stir.   Due to a few controversial statements made during Alan’s show, my inbox nearly blew up with requests for a rebuttal episode with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, host of The Gluten Summit.    Dr. Tom was more than happy to give his take on The Gluten Lie. In fact, he was FIRED UP!   Here's what we talked about:    4:13 – Do YOU need to avoid gluten? Dr. O’Bryan tells us exactly who should avoid gluten and why.    9:21 – The one test that you should take to test for gluten sensitivity, and why the other tests might not give you the results you need.    16:15 – Are ancient grains really better for you? An interesting study tells us what all gluten is doing to all humans.    17:59 – Is gluten-free just a fad? The reasons why Dr. O’Bryan thinks gluten-free is here to stay.    24:33 – What we know about what gluten does to the body, why we don’t always know what’s going on, and why we still have a lot more to learn.   33:54 – The one thing guaranteed to damage your gut, a few other culprits to watch out for and why positive results of going gluten-free are probably NOT from the gluten.   39:27 – What Dr. O’Bryan thinks is really behind the nocebo effect. Plus, his beef with sensationalism and bunk studies.    47:30 – Weighing the benefits of wheat: why indigestible fiber doesn’t do damage like gluten does.    49:47 – The European wheat myth that could be harming you – even if you don’t feel it!    52:57 – Why you can’t avoid gluten 100%, what you can do to protect yourself from gluten contamination, and why it’s so important.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
8/28/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dr. Jill Carnahan: Mold, Mycotoxins, and Sick Building Syndrome

Functional medicine practitioner Dr. Jill Carnahan reveals how molds and their mycotoxins can trigger common conditions including asthma, allergies, fatigue, neurological conditions, and sick building syndrome.    Here's what we talked about:    4:06 – Dr. Carnahan’s remarkable story of overcoming serious illness and how it has influenced her outlook on her life and her work.    16:28 – The importance of mindset, curiosity and taking responsibility when it comes to your own health.    17:41 – Why molds and mycotoxins aren’t being learned in med school and why doctors can be so far behind the times.    18:32 – How Dr. Carnahan’s most recent run in with health issues left her literally breathless and what she had to do to figure out what was really going on.    21:56 – The key to recovering from mold exposure and why some people might be suffering more than others.    24:56 – How water damage can make a building “sick” and the sneaky way molds can make you sick, too. Plus, exactly what NOT to do to get rid of mold.    28:37 – Survival of the fittest: find out why (and where!) molds and fungus are becoming stronger and more toxic to our bodies.    31:36 – Some of the crazy effects molds can have on your immune system and the specific immune biomarkers you can look at to check for mold exposure.    37:09 – What your genetics have to do with molds and mycotoxins and what you can use to help your body detox.    42:01 – How to have a healthy home: the most common sources of mold, the best ways to keep your air clean, and what to do if you’re feeling sick.    50:34 – Where Dr. Carnahan thinks the success of the paleo diet really comes from, and exactly what foods to avoid to stay safe from mold.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
8/25/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jim Rendon: The New Science of Post-Traumatic Growth

Jim Rendon — author of Upside: The New Science of Post-Traumatic Growth — discusses exciting, new research on how traumatic experiences can be opportunities for personal transformation.    Here's what we talked about:    2:15 – The amazing story of Jim’s father and how it got him interested in what happens to us after we survive trauma.    11:37 – The surprising responses from prisoners of war and combat veterans that started the study of post-traumatic growth, and why it hadn’t really been studied before.    15:46 – The 5 distinct areas of post-traumatic growth, why they’re so hard to measure and the ways we try to measure them anyway.    20:29 – PTSD: what goes on in the brain and the body after trauma, and how we can manage it to help post-traumatic growth.    25:47 – What is trauma? The complicated nature of trauma and why we never think it’s going to happen to us.    29:31 – Deliberate rumination: how to turn a traumatic ordeal into an opportunity for transformation.    36:13 – The importance of social support in healing, what to do if you aren’t getting the kind of support you need and how to give better support to loved ones.   40:35 – Alternative therapies: the many different paths to healing and understanding trauma.    44:05 – A real life story about the power of perseverance and a positive attitude in post-traumatic growth.    55:32 – Your life story: why who we are has changed and will change again over time…whether it’s with trauma or without.    57:49 – Do we need post-traumatic growth to be happy? How trauma gives our lives more meaning, even when it doesn’t happen directly to us.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
8/18/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
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Dr. Joel Kahn: How To Heart Attack Proof Your Body

Heart attack prevention specialist Joel Kahn, M.D. — author of Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses — reveals the truth about standard heart-specific lab tests and bloodwork.   Here's what we talked about:    2:21 – Why heart disease is know as “the silent killer”, and just how many Americans are affected by it (many unknowingly).    6:32 – Coronary heart disease defined. How the heart takes care itself first and why that means you should take care of it, too.    10:44 – Surprising signs and symptoms of heart disease. Check those earlobes!   14:02 – Testing vs. common sense: why you might be getting a inaccurate clean bill of health with commonly ordered lab tests – and what you should be looking for instead.    18:14 – The calcium connection: when scoring a zero on a test is a GOOD thing!   23:32 – Why the best heart care tests are NOT covered by insurance?   25:44 – How old are your arteries? THIS test will tell you.   31:22 – The best way to eat for heart health.    39:21 – Why the American Heart Association isn’t making more aggressive recommendations to heart patients … and why Dr. Kahn IS.    41:17 – What “moderate” exercise really means and the reasons we need to stop thinking that if a little bit is good then a lot must be better.    44:51 – The many benefits of meditation and mind-body practices – in just 12 minutes a day!    48:09 – An unexpected effective therapy for your heart – and how you can do it on your own.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
8/12/201555 minutes, 3 seconds
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Alan Levinovitz: The Gluten Lie

Alan Levinovitz stops by the podcast to discuss his controversial book The Gluten Lie and Other Myths About What You Eat.    Here's what we talked about:    3:25 – Why a philosopher and religion professor wrote a nutrition book and how food and religion have more in common than you might think!   8:15 – Are modern times really so bad? The myth of paradise past and how food technologies might be helping us more than they hurt.    11:15 – What paleo is, what it isn’t, and why “eat in moderation” doesn’t work.    12:50 – Where is the science? Why it’s so hard to get clear evidence on food and nutrition and whether or not we’ll ever have any answers.    19:25 – Science vs. sensationalism: mis-reporting in the media and what the scientists really have to say about their nutrition studies.    24:48 – Is it really just the gluten? The real reasons people might feel better off gluten and how to figure out if it will make you feel better, too.    28:44 – All about the nocebo effect and how your mind might be a bigger problem than the gluten.    33:15 – When “too healthy” becomes unhealthy and why we sometimes stick with something that doesn’t really work for us anymore.    38:05 – The problem with getting ahead of the scientific evidence. Plus, why the truth about food and nutrition probably isn’t as exciting as some people would lead us to believe.    45:35 – Does morally good = physically good? Why we associate feeling good with being “bad.”    50:30 – The money and marketing behind nutrition: figuring out who really has your best interest at heart and why being an equal opportunity skeptic might be good for your health.    56:19 – Are we addicted to health? What holistic health really is, How Alan finds balance in his own life, and what he’s up to next!    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
8/4/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 9 seconds
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Kelly Brogan, MD: The Serotonin Myth?

Licensed psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan states a compelling case for why Depression is NOT a Serotonin Deficiency. Discover what she calls the “flawed logic” in our current understanding of how antidepressants work. And, learn what the science really says about these drugs.   Here's what we talked about:    3:03 – How the monoamine hypothesis of depression got started and why its logic is flawed.    7:23 – What is a normal brain anyway? How serotonin levels may or may not be a factor in depression.    10:39 – Antidepressant adaptation: what happens to your brain and your body when you take (or stop taking!) an antidepressant.    15:29 – What the studies REALLY say about antidepressant medications and the profound power of placebo.    22:45 – Does time heal all? How treatment could be turning some problems into big ones, when “doing nothing” might be the best treatment of all, and why Dr. Brogan does not prescribe medications to her patients.    30:32 – How one major study showed antidepressant medications might not work the way we think they do and why nobody is talking about it.    35:37 – Could the effects of antidepressants really just be anti-inflammatory? All about the cytokine theory of depression and sickness syndrome.    39:42 – Specific inflammation markers you can test for (with optimal ranges!)    42:44 – Dr. Brogan’s best tips for reducing inflammation with food and lifestyle changes. Plus, real life patient stories of how they work.    50:38 What the cytokine model of depression means for Big Pharma … and for the people taking their medications.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness.    
6/25/201553 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dr. Datis Kharrazian - How To Figure Out What's Causing Your Depression

Dr. Datis Kharrazian — author of Why Isn’t My Brain Working? — reveals his clinical perspective on what exactly is causing depression and what to do about it.    Here's what we talked about:    * Why there’s more to correcting mood disorders than just boosting neurotransmitter levels with amino acid supplements. A lot more!    * Why traumatic brain injuries often show up as depression … years down the road.   * How chronic gut inflammation can cause brain inflammation, leading to depression.   * What the “other symptoms” presenting with depression (anxiety, insomnia, blood sugar problems, and brain fog) can reveal about its cause.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
6/6/20151 hour, 13 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Depression Sessions Preview Show

The Depression Sessions are just around the corner. Today, I share 14 of my favorite clips from our hand-picked panel of presenters.   Here's what we talked about:    1:10 – All about The Depression Sessions and why you should sign up NOW!    2:48 – Are you a “flatliner?” Dr. Datis Kharrazian talks about an often overlooked cause of depression.    7:08 – Why is your serotonin low in the first place? Tom Malterre tells us what might be going on in our bodies.    12:43 – Is it in the genes? Dr. Ben Lynch explains why some people might be burning through serotonin like crazy … and why you might want to put down the 5-HTP.    16:44 – Can you rewire your brain? How to overcome depression with Neurofeedback from Nora Gedgaudas.    20:05 – What we can learn from studying floating mice and valium-like bacteria! Dr. Jill Carnahan gives us the details on stress and our gut.    23:17 – Can depression just go away on it’s own? Dr. Dan Kalish tells us why some people are better off NOT taking a drug.    26:08 – What the research really says about antidepressant drugs and what might really be the reason people feel better from Dr. Kelly Brogan.    32:51 – The Gift of Depression: How to listen to what your depression is telling you with Marc David.    38:36 – Why isn’t any of this taught in medical schools? Dr. Ann Childers gives us her take on the pharmaceutical industry’s power in doctor’s educations.    41:58 – Is the low-fat craze to blame? Gerald Roliz lets us know why we need fat and what it has to do with depression.    44:27 – Trudy Scott tells us why we might owe red meat an apology and how it can even help improve your mood!   46:33 – SSRI addiction: What’s really going on in your brain when you take a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and what you can do to help yourself get off them with Dr. Jillian Teta.    50:21 – The hormone-depression connection: Dr. Hyla Cass and Alisa Vitti give us need to know info about hormone and mood management.    55:41 – What else to expect during The Depression Sessions including how to get registered for the event and get lifetime access to all 22 interviews!    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
6/2/201559 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sayer Ji: Chlorophyll, Sunlight and Solar-Powered People

Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo, reveals a new paradigm in human energy production. Can humans derive energy from sunlight?    Here's what we talked about:    4:03 – The process of finding credible info and how to become a better researcher.    9:15 – Biology 101! How we might be more like plants than we originally thought.    13:30 – Evolution and energy: why it’s only common sense that we can use sunlight for energy and why it might even be better for our bodies to do so.    16:09 – Exactly what and why you need to know about CoQ10 to give you more energy (with less oxidative stress!)   20:18 – Hairless humans: The evolutionary side of losing our hair to capture more light and energy from the sun.   26:16 – The many sides of melanin and skin pigment.   29:50 – Can we live without food? Pseudo-science versus significant studies.    31:43 – Sunbathing, burning, cancer and chlorophyll, internal sunscreen. Sunlight is toxic if there isn’t enough chlorophyll, how we can use the sun to protect ourselves   34:16 – Why you should eat more greens … no matter what type of diet you eat.    36:26 – Recommendations for sunlight exposure. The best times to be in the sun and what to eat for the best benefits.   39:04 – Are we being unfair to the food? When the benefits of food outweigh the burden of naturally occurring toxins and why it’s never just about energy.    44:45 – How to get more awesome information from Sayer Ji!   Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
5/26/201546 minutes, 23 seconds
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Rich Roll: Addiction, Heart Disease and The Vegan Diet

Rich Roll, co-author of The Plantpower Way and host of The Rich Roll Podcast, stops by to share his incredible story of overcoming alcoholism and food addiction, and how he transformed himself into one of the fittest people on the planet.   Here's what we talked about:    3:08 – How Rich went from being awkward, insecure little guy picked last for kickball to an alcoholic attorney headed towards death or jail.    13:55 – Rich spends his 30s sober, medicating with work, food and the Window Diet until he finally gets a reality check to make a change.    18:59 – The first thing Rich did to turn things around and how he “accidentally” got to a plant based diet.    22:49 – Debunking the debunking of The China Study: it’s influence on Rich’s new lifestyle and what he thinks we can take away from the book.    28:44 – Can an old school food cause brand new disease? Why these issues are much more complicated than we’d like to believe and how we can start to simplify it so people aren’t so confused about what to eat.    38:34 – Taking personal power and responsibility for your health and how to really figure out the best diet for you.    40:20 – Will giving up animal products alone make you immune to disease? How to avoid being a junk vegetarian or vegan.    43:25 – How Rich tested the resiliency of the human body with five Iron Man competitions in one week!   48:42 – The big difference between training for performance and training for longevity and why Rich’s participation in endurance events is more about his soul than it is about his body.   56:03 – Addictions and extreme personalities: some wise words on what we can all do to keep ourselves in check and make choices that will lead us to becoming better versions of ourselves.   59:49 – All about The Plantpower Way and Rich’s podcast.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
5/19/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 24 seconds
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David Perlmutter, M.D.: Brain Maker

Dr. David Perlmutter — author of Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life — returns to the podcast to reveal shocking research on the role of gut bacteria in depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, and autism.   Here's what we talked about:    2:27 – A disaster for medicine? The big problem with looking at the body as different, separate parts and thinking of bacteria as a problem.    6:36 – It all starts in the gut. The set-point of inflammation, the long list of diseases associated with it and why treatments for them don’t always work.    12:35 – What does an optimal microbiome even look like?   14:54 – The power of dirt and how our obsession with “dangerous” germs could be doing us more harm than good.    17:47 – The importance of diversity in the gut and a few things you can do to help your gut help your body.   22:05 – The 3 important brain chemicals your gut makes to keep you healthy. Plus, more evidence for the gut-brain axis and how you can use it as a powerful approach for treating some major disorders.    29:46 – What’s really behind depression and anxiety? The link between gut health and mental health.    34:46 – The biggest problems with feeding out microbiome the standard american diet and what you can do to fix it. (Put down that diet soda.)    39:11 – Some awesome studies about more ways our gut impacts our lives…and can even change your perception of the world around you!    42:31 – Is gut trouble the root cause of ADHD and Autism? How treating the smoke and ignoring the fire is getting us into trouble and some new ideas from science about curing these conditions.    53:17 – Will we ever see widespread support for probiotics and nutritional supplements? Dr. Perlmutter gives us his take.    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness.   
5/12/201557 minutes, 29 seconds
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Mark Schatzker: The Dorito Effect

Mark Schatzker, award-winning food journalist and author of The Dorito Effect, reveals the surprising truth about food and flavor. Topics include why artificial flavoring may be a missing piece of the obesity puzzle, the satiating benefits of natural food toxins, and why you may have no idea what a real chicken tastes like.   Here's what we talked about:    3:31 – The most important word in our food world and how a family vacation changed the world of flavor, allowing us to make food taste anyway we it want it to.   6:39 – Why do we use so much flavor? The technology of food and the reason most strawberries taste like cardboard.   8:14 – How a simple “Chicken of Tomorrow Contest” got us moving in the wrong direction of cheaper, faster, diluted chickens and vegetables.   16:27 – Food crisis or flavor disorder? A new look at obesity and why we’re eating more than we ever have before.   20:06 – The fascinating way one company is using your feelings as flavors in order to get you to eat their foods (and get us into overeating trouble.)   22:11 – Why does food even have flavor in the first place? What your DNA has to do with flavor and nutrition and how your body knows what’s in food before you even eat it.   24:12 – The realities of flavor, cravings and food addiction: how fake flavor sells us a promise it can’t deliver.   25:56 – The joke of “natural” flavor, the antioxidant that might actually be making your real food taste good, and why you should always take a look at that ingredient list —even if it’s a “health” food.   33:12 – What the amazing nutritional wisdom of animals and humans can teach us about eating food that gives us what we need and what goes wrong when you throw fake flavorings into the mix (plus what you can do to fix it)!   44:58 – Is there enough real food to go around? The tradeoff between quality and quantity in our food supply.   47:22 – Are toxins in our food really that big of a deal? Mark’s take on chemicals and toxins in foods we are consuming and why we can so easily overeat refined processed foods.   52:06 – The best evidence that we’re getting the obesity problem wrong and how you can use bitter foods to increase satiety.   57:31 – Some helpful info for finding real chickens.   Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
5/5/201559 minutes, 44 seconds
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Jade Teta: The Stubborn Fat Fix

Dr. Jade Teta — co-author of Lose Weight Here — returns to the podcast to reveal how you can stop the metabolism-dirsupting effects of eating less and exercising more. Plus, find out how to target stubborn areas like lower body fat and arms in women and male belly fat.   Here's what we talked about:    2:47 – We’ve been going about it all wrong! Why the traditional “fat loss formula” doesn’t work in the long-term and how we should be doing it instead.   6:55 – Keep your HEC in check! The three most important ways to monitor your metabolism, and how to know when there might be more going on with your body than you think.    8:50 – Why just chasing the mechanism and pushing anything to the extreme probably won’t do a body good.   12:02 – How to balancing energy output to “starve the fat” and the more natural way you can create a calorie deficit.   17:20 – Pay attention! Dr. Teta reveals the “one and only rule of nutrition”.   21:19 – The 4 metabolic toggles that we are all constantly pulling on. Plus, how you can use them to create the metabolism and body you want.    32:48 – The Law of Metabolic Multi-Tasking: becoming a metabolic detective that works WITH your metabolism instead of against it.   39:35 – Why is stubborn fat so stubborn in the first place? And a few tricks to balance uneven fat loss.    44:25 – For the ladies: how to take advantage of your menstrual cycle or menopause to maximize fat loss.    49:13 – How do you know if you’re getting at stubborn fat? Hint: you still don’t need that scale.    51:56 – Dr. Teta’s best advice for jiggly arms and belly fat, plus a bonus tip on cravings, cocoa and brain chemistry!    Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
4/28/20151 hour, 51 seconds
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Gerald Roliz: An Ex-Pharma Sales Rep Tells All

Gerald Roliz — author of The Pharmaceutical Myth — pulls back the curtain on the pharmaceutical sales industry, revealing how he was trained to use fear, pressure, and gifts to “buy out” doctors who would prescribe the medications he represented. Plus, what made him walk away from it all to help people heal naturally.   Here's what we talked about:    2:00 – How dreams of becoming a doctor led Gerald to a company car and unlimited expense account as a pharma rep.    6:30 – Selling pharmaceuticals: how the industry teaches drug reps to spin side effects for better sales.    15:04 – How doctors are being bought out and why the pharma industry gets away with calling bribes “gifts.” Plus, the one “gift” that makes Gerald want to throw up on UW Radio!    17:55 – Have you seen a Pharma rep in your doc’s office? What this could mean and why you should start asking questions about it!    22:59 – More marketing tools and tricks used by the Pharma industry to keep close contact with doctors…and why there isn’t much your doc can do about it.    26:16 – Doctor-induced diseases or drug side-effects? What the difference is and how patients can reduce prescription drug use to avoid both.   32:22 – Gerald’s personal experience with “biochemical weapons” as treatment that powers his current passion for health.    38:20 – The $600 dinner that changed Gerald’s mind about pharmaceutical sales and how he finally forced him to plan his exit from the industry.    44:54 – The 3 major risks of medications and the best ways to support yourself or loved ones to become drug-free.    49:43 – The impact of our health habits on generations to come and what we can do to move closer to experiencing optimal health.    Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
4/14/201557 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gretchen Rubin: 8 Strategies for Creating Habits that Stick

Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better than Before, reveals 8 effective strategies for creating new habits and how to exploit your own personality type to make your habits stick.    Here's what we talked about:    2:21 – Why do we do what we do, why are we the way that we are? How Gretchen got into the business of happiness and habits.   4:05 – The puzzle of habits: Why sometimes we can change and sometimes we can’t – even if we want to.    6:05 – When it comes to habits and expectations, there are only four types of people. Which type are you?    8:40 – Can people change? How to bust through the limitations of your habit tendencies to live more consistently with your nature.    12:04 – The 4 foundational things you need to get a handle on to master your good habits and eliminate the need for willpower.    14:42 – The importance of getting control over (or getting rid of!) the “stuff” in your life.   17:58 – Should you be monitoring your habits? The benefit of knowing where you are at all times and who this strategy might work for.   24:34 – Why going public with your goals could be good for you – and why some people should keep it secret.    25:58 – The danger of YOLO and the vicious start/stop cycle and how you can reframe habit stops and backslides for major success.   29:29 – The all-powerful lightning bolt: how people and habits really CAN change overnight!   32:54 – Abstainers vs. moderators. Why some people need it to be “all or nothing” and how it out could make all your cravings disappear.    39:33 – Are rewards and values undermining your habits? How to set up rewards to make your habits stronger…and when it’s OK to admit that you don’t even want to try.    46:37 – The real reason we want new habits and how they can make your life “Better Than Before.”   Want the written version? Join the Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
4/8/201550 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo: How To Beat Brain Fog

This week on the podcast, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo — founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology — shares her best tips for beating brain fog.    Here's what we talked about:    4:56 – How Dr. Ritamarie turned her health around after living life in the fast lane and being prescribed medications for conditions she didn’t even have!   16:55 – Brain fog: Is it normal or just common? What the difference is and how to know if you have a problem.    19:03 – Fat is your friend: what you brain really needs for nourishment and the best places can get it.    23:46 – Too much stress? How it could be affecting you memory and what you can use to ease stress-induced damage and keep your brain cells firing fast enough.    29:21 – Keeping your brain (and blood sugar levels!) healthy. JERF!    33:33 – How vegans can get the nutrients they need and why you might need to supplement … no matter what you’re eating.    35:20 – The Cortisol Connection: how your thyroid and adrenals might be affecting your brain.    38:20 – Brain fog after breakfast? Why it’s happening and what you should be eating to avoid a mid-day crash.    40:33 – How to lift your brain fog with one breath in one minute!   44:26 – Even MORE reasons to get off the gluten.   46:48 – The brain fog tips roundup and the best place to start to clear up your brain fog.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
4/2/201550 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr. Chip Lavie: The Obesity Paradox

Dr. Chip Lavie, author of The Obesity Paradox, reveals why thinner can mean sicker and heavier can mean healthier. Find out why being oveweight or obese on the BMI scale can protect those with heart disease, diabetes, HIV, arthritis, cancer, and more. You’ll also learn what REALLY matter when it comes to longevity. And why endurance training can actually shorten your lifespan.  Here's what we talked about:  2:26 – How Dr. Lavie discovered The Obesity Paradox almost by mistake. Do overweight, obese or people of normal weight have the better prognosis?     8:29 – Death by weight: What a huge study of 2.9 million people showed us about weight and mild obesity.  10:42 – Are the obese doing really well or is everyone else just really bad? The connection between your BMI, body fat percentage and muscle mass.  16:24 – Some surprising stats bust through common myths about weight and disease and what it means to be “metabolically healthy” regardless of how much you weigh.  19:32 – Calories in vs. calories out: a different take from Dr. Lavie and where/when he thinks we’ve gone wrong.  24:00 – What fitness really means when it comes to the obesity paradox and why a little extra weight does not equal doomsday.  27:27 – Does it matter where your fat is? How some of your fat could be protecting you (thank your thighs!)  32:15 – FIT vs. FAT. Which one always wins the fight for your health and why.  35:39 – “Fit” isn’t as hard as it sounds: the best ways to move (and eat) to maximize long-term benefits.  42:33 – The future of fat: Will we ever be able to accept it?  44:46 – The obesity overlap and why it is so hard to prove whether or not it is a disease or just guilty by association. Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
3/20/201550 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr. Sara Gottfried: The Hormone Reset Diet

Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Reset Diet, returned to the podcast to reveal how you can balance your hormones and heal your metabolism through diet and lifestyle changes. Here's what we talked about:  3:01 – Cravings for Grandma’s chocolate chip cookie dough turned into disordered eating as a teen … and maybe set Dr. Sara up for adult hormone challenges. 8:25 – Are women expected to be everything to everyone all the time? How society’s expectations of women could be leading to addictive behaviors.  10:58 – Madonna helps Dr. Sara dump out her body image shame bucket and find clarity to make a change – and teach other women how to do it too.  13:57 – Why is alternative medicine the 2nd class citizen? The hierarchy of medicine and the reason there isn’t better nutrition science.  18:11 – How modern meat could be making your breasts and hips bigger than they should be … and what you can do to “poop out” some extra estrogen.  29:48 – The subtleties of coffee science: why the final answer on whether or not to drink it will always be “it depends.” 36:27 – The reason you might not be able to hear your body say “dude, put the fork down.”  40:32 – Dr. Sara’s favorite supplements ever for balancing hormones and blood sugar. 42:01 – What fat-free potato chips have to do with reducing your toxic load … and why you probably shouldn’t eat them anyways. 44:45 – More about The Hormone Reset Diet, who it’s for (not just women!) and why you need to be thinking about your cells AND your soul  47:38 – Get your free Hormone Reset Cookbook! Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
3/14/201549 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Brian Mowll: Alzheimer’s, Type 3 Diabetes, and Cadbury Eggs.

Dr. Brian Mowll, host of the upcoming Diabetes Summit, discusses how insulin resistance in the brain may be at the root of Alzheimer’s and dementia. And what you can do about it! Here’s what we talked about:  2:10 – How The Diabetes Coach came to be and found his passion for helping people lost in the medical system with whole body diabetes care.  5:45 – It’s not just your genes. The Diabetes-Alzheimer’s connection, the diabetes spectrum and what happens when your body and your brain is “bathing in insulin.” 12:30 – Brain food: the biggest feeder on sugar in your body and what it means for insulin.  16:13 – This is your brain on fire – the vicious cycle of plaque, tangles and inflammation that is preventing your brain from working right.  25:25 – Is insulin resistance affecting your mood or is your mood affecting your insulin levels? Here’s why it might not even matter.  26:42 – The ADA’s “appetite for profit” and how money is influencing the standard of care for diabetics.  30:27 – “There’s no evidence that sugar has anything to do with diabetes.” Is sugar really to blame or should we give it a break?  33:48 – Dr. Mowll recommendations (with some surprises) for preventing and maybe even reversing Type 3 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s.  40:10 – Is your fat protecting you? How cutting too many carbs can cause a problem and why a little extra weight might not always be a bad thing.  46:19 – Supplements and nutrients vital to blood sugar regulation plus some medications you might want to avoid! Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
3/9/201553 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tom Malterre: Is Real Food Making You Sick?

Tom Malterre, author of The Elimination Diet, stops by to reveal how you can discover exactly which foods that are making you sick and tired. Here’s what we talked about:  1:35 – Chef Lance drops by the show with a special bone broth announcement.  7:36 – What makes Tom a “research machine” and how research proves that our diseases are NOT a coincidence. 11:44 – What “normal” should really feel like and how the elimination diet became a “magic wand” for eliminating symptoms.  18:34 – Are you going to trust the lab or listen to your body? The intolerance/allergy scale, the limitations of testing, and the #1 way to discover your trigger foods.  24:43 – The usual suspects: what the most common allergens are up to once they’re in your body. 29:55 – The right place at the right time, or too much of a good thing? How unexpected allergens (like chocolate!) might be wearing down your body.  36:45 – The #1 most irritating thing to your intestinal tract .. and maybe your entire body.  44:28 – How environmental toxins can cause food sensitivities almost overnight! 48:09 – 3 major ways toxins contribute to your food sensitivities.  52:04 – Natural substitutes for the harmful chemicals behind the drastic rise of Type 2 Diabetes, obesity and other disease. Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
3/3/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
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Jeff Hays: Vaccines, HPV, and $7 Million Bucks.

Jeff Hays — producer of the new documentary Bought — reveals The Truth Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma, & Your Food.  Here’s what we talked about:  3:22 – The motivation behind Bought. 7:44 – The only person’s opinion that really matters … and how the movie changed Jeff’s view on vaccines. 11:18 – Why there isn’t more research linking autism and vaccines, and whether or not we’ll ever know if vaccines are to blame.  13:12 – The “very profitable business with no downside” that can produce “inherently and unavoidably unsafe” vaccines without being sued for damages.  17:07 – Playing vaccine whack-a-mole: the unintended consequences of making vaccines safer.  20:14 – The evolution of the vaccine injury compensation plan and who really ends up paying it.  23:50 – Why the vaccine schedule has never been studied and why it’s such a big problem. 25:47 – The dangerous vaccine being recommended to young women and how it got to the market as “safe.”  31:59 – What Wall Street has to do with your doctor and how it’s affecting drug and vaccine studies and the future of our health.  36:18 – A few important questions we really need to start asking ourselves and how “Bought” can help us do it. Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/24/201540 minutes, 9 seconds
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Dr. Martin Blaser: Superbugs, Missing Microbes, and Antibiotics.

Dr. Martin Blaser — author of Missing Microbes — reveals how the overuse of antibiotics is fueling our modern plagues. Here’s what we talked about: 1:53 – How a small village in Venezuela proved that we really are “missing microbes” and what that actually means for you.  4:12 – What your mama (and your mama’s mama) has to do with your microbiome. 6:25 – What bacteria has to do with a virus (hint…nothing!) and why antibiotics won’t get rid of your viral infection.  8:50 – The illness spectrum, the gray area of treatment, and the “defensive medicine” being played by doctors.  12:35 – The collateral damage being done by broad spectrum antibiotics – and what the government and Big Pharma can do to stop it. 18:44 – Are antibiotics “spilling out of the farm”? How they get into our food supply and how much we are really consuming.  21:20 – The C-section connection: moms, microbes and why your baby could be getting antibiotics without you even knowing it.  29:07 – Are we supposed to have H. Pylori? The many sides of the H.Pylori story. 36:36 – Gastritis and inflammation could actually be a “normal” response and why we need to be weighing costs, not just benefits.  40:28 – Celiac and antibiotics: what the loss of our bacteria means for our immune system.  44:20 – Solutions for taking back our bacteria for a early life benefit without the late in life cost. Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/20/201547 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Food Babe: What the Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know.

Vani Hari — author of The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hiddden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days — returns to the podcast to respond to her critics, to reveal which food ingredients may be making you sick, and to uncover the real truth about GMO labeling laws. Here’s what we talked about:  3:20 – How the Food Babe went from helping friends and family to having a HUGE impact on the food industry – and how she deals with personal attacks.  9:12 – Pointing the finger at Big Food vs taking personal responsibility. Are we just playing the victim here?  16:35 – Is it even possible to know that a food additive is safe … and the moral obligation of food companies to do something about it.  20:02 – Why scientific research isn’t the only thing to take into account when deciding on evidence.  24:45 – Why there is “no defense” for using most chemicals in food. 27:05 – Why big brands and popular products are the best way to get people’s attention … even though Kraft Mac and Cheese will never be real food.  29:45 – Once you know it you cannot unlearn it! A lesson from Vani’s former favorite cheat treat. 32:30 – The Food Babe’s big pet peeve about health food stores and why she hasn’t targeted them. Yet!  35:04 – How 50,000 signatures and a YouTube video helped get the “yoga mat” out of your sandwich and the BHT out of your morning cereal.  45:47 – Why we should be demanding transparency from food companies (and why they should be happy to deliver.)  46:44 – Fish bladder beer: is using the shock factor scary or empowering?  54:27 – What’s the hold up with GMO labeling? Plus what most big companies are actually spending their money on and how you could be supporting them without even knowing it!  Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/18/201559 minutes, 44 seconds
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Jake Ducey: The Purpose Principles

Jake Ducey — author of The Purpose Principles — reveals how you can draw more meaning into your life.   Here's what we talked about:    3:25 – Jake goes from failing English class to becoming a writer. How he did it and why.   12:36 – Where Jake finally found the value and meaning he was looking for (and where you can find it, too.)   15:24 – The two most important questions we should be asking ourselves and why most people aren’t even thinking about them.   19:38 – How Jake found perspective and freedom from the fear of failure through a near death and the loss of a friend.   25:28 – What the top five regrets of dying people can teach us about life and opportunity.   28:10 – Process over product: “you don’t find joy out of things and paychecks.”   35:00 – How we can encourage young people to make better decisions and be happier while they do it.   37:37 – Why being scared all the time might be a good thing and what you must do to find the “magic.”   45:36 – The one thing that will make us happier and healthier than we could ever imagine…even if it sucks sometimes.   48:08 – Talent vs. skill. Which one is more important to learn how to do absolutely anything.   51:26 – Dealing with haters: how to keep from driving yourself crazy.   57:00 – The three small phrases we should all use more often.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/13/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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Marie Forleo: Stop Making Excuses, Start Doing What You Love!

Marie Forleo — host of Marie TV and founder of B-School — returns to the podcast to reveal how to go from stuck to getting started. Here’s what we talked about:   8:37 – The one question you MUST ask yourself before starting your own business.  10:55 – Small steps you can take to avoid sacrificing your sleep for success.  12:40 – The only way to turn yourself from an amateur into an expert.  15:44 – Why “someone else already doing it” is actually GOOD thing, and what Marie does to stand out in the crowd.  19:35 – The three most important letters for any entrepreneur.  20:45 – Dealing with “idea overload”: getting ideas out of your head and into the world.  24:26 – The best piece of advice Marie ever got.  25:12 – The truth about “success” and the power of entrepreneurship to change the world.  29:20 – All about B-School plus how you can get a free sneak peek.  30:00 – How to spend a weekend in San Diego with Sean and friends! Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/10/201537 minutes, 28 seconds
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Matt Fitzgerald: Diet Cults

Matt Fitzgerald — author of Diet Cults: The Surprising Fallacy at the Core of Nutrition Fads and a Guide to Healthy Eating for the Rest of Us — stops by discuss the “scientific schtick” lying at the foundation of today’s popular diets.    Here's what we talked about:    6:05 – How we got from diet culture to diet cults … and what your diet says about who you are.    10:05 – A final answer on “the one best diet.” What evolution has to do with it all and why we may be more adaptable than we think.    19:10 – The BIG problem with Paleo.   22:13 – How diets might be hurting more than helping, and why you should ask “how much” and “what kind” first.    26:04 – Getting to the bottom of “Gluten free is B.S.” Is gluten really guilty or just a scapegoat?   30:01 – What stress, genetics and childhood traumas might have to do with autoimmune disease.    36:17 – The 3 things all successful weight losers (and maintainers) have in common. Plus, the one thing that will turn weight loss from hard into easy.    41:08 – Matt’s personal recipe for staying lean and why dieting without exercise is pointless.   46:54 – Why following rules instead of diets can help you keep your health in check.    51:00 – Staying sane in the health game and why “happy” may be more important than “healthy”.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/5/201555 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dr. Michael Ruscio: IBS, Autoimmunity, and Low Vitamin D

Dr. Michael Ruscio makes his debut appearance on the podcast to discuss how small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) causes irritable bowel, what autoimmunity has to do with it, and breaking news in the field of Vitamin D research.   Here's what we talked about:    2:55 – From pre-law to pre-med: Dr. Ruscio shares his story of overcoming his own health challenges.   7:41 – The SIBO Cliffs Notes: a quick review of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.   8:50 – The meaning of “motility” and why it might be the most important factor in a healthy gut.   16:42 – The breath test is the best test. How to check for small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Ask your doc!   21:20 – Hope for healing autoimmunity and what our ancestors can teach us about the body’s innate wisdom.   24:28 – The 3 things you need to be aware of if you want to turn off damage, heal your body, and avoid SIBO relapse.   27:17 – Is science “missing the boat” on the brain’s role in SIBO?   30:45 – SIBObesity: a real-life example of how SIBO could be majorly affecting your weight.   35:42 – How hungry bacteria in your gut may be overgrowing, “energy harvesting” and packing on extra pounds.   39:07 – Low Vitamin D levels? You gotta hear this.   47:25 – Dr. Ruscio prescribes some sun and supplementation to help keep you healthy.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!    Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
2/3/201555 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jen Wittman: Thyroid Loving Care

Jen Wittman — author of Healing Hashimoto’s Naturally — visits the podcast to discuss how she used “radical TLC” to LOVE her thyroid and her body back to health. Find out how you can get the support you need, make self-care a daily practice, and get your crazy schedule under control so you make more time for you and the healing process.   Here's what we talked about:    3:28 – Why it took 3 years and 13 doctors to get the the bottom of Jen’s health problems.   6:45 – Jen gets a reality check about the SAD diet she was eating (and washing down with Gatorade) and the traumatic event that she believes triggered her health problems.   12:20 – The most important thing Jen did to heal herself, why she didn’t want to do it, and how she finally made a change.   14:37 – Dealing with an “invisible” disease and communicating to get the support you need.   22:29 – How to separate your identity from your disease.   23:42 – Setting a daily practice for self-love and self-care, one choice at a time.   27:54 – The 3 phrases of healing and transformation.   28:53 – The most IMPORTANT part of creating real change.   35:24 – What your super busy schedule might really mean and why you need to make time for yourself.   38:05 – Cry buddies: letting it all out for better health.   40:15 – Order Jen’s new book Healing Hashimoto’s Naturally.   40:45 – Sign up for the FREE Your Best Thyroid Life event.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
1/28/201548 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dr. Terry Wahls: GMOs, Cholesterol, and The Microbiome.

Dr. Terry Wahls, author of The Wahls Protocol (now available in paperback), stops by to discuss a variety of topics including an update on her multiple sclerosis research, how GMO farming reduces nutrient density, and how low cholestrol may cause violent behavior.    Here's what we talked about:    2:30 – Dr. Wahls’ incredible story of overcoming multiple sclerosis. Have you seen her TED Talk?   8:01 – Can a vegetarian diet cause autoimmune disease?   9:03 – UPDATE: What Dr. Wahls’ latest MS research is showing.   12:25 – The 80-year decline: Is your apple as nutritious as it used to be?   14:07 – Why fungi is your friend (and Round-Up is not!)   20:41 – The common weed killer clogging up your detox system and causing “leaky skin”.    23:55 – Glutathione and sulfate: why you need them and how to get them.   29:56 – Dr. Wahls’ favorite leafy greens and other JERFy recommendations.   32:31 – All about your microbiome: Is it promoting health … or inflammation and obesity?   38:57 – How your poop can save someones life. I’m serious!   44:00 – A crazy cholesterol connection and low cholesterol may more dangerous than you thought.   47:31 – Order The Wahls Protocol!   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
1/23/201549 minutes, 37 seconds
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Alex Jamieson: Women, Food, and Desire.

Alexandra Jamieson returns to the show to discuss her outstanding, new book Women, Food, and Desire.  Here's what we talked about:  3:54 – The one question you must answer for yourself to live a better life.  6:30 – How fear and habits could be holding you back.  12:02 – Why your desires will always come back to food – and how to use them to make better choices. 16:04 – The 4 root causes of all your cravings.  21:32 – Lose the guilt over physical and emotional cravings. It’s human nature! 24:19 -Transforming bad food habits into good ones. Hint: Try bathroom aerobics.  27:30 – How to tell if your cravings are really a problem or just a pleasure.  31:39 – Alex gets super honest about her personal life and the healing power of sharing her story. 37:20 – Dating and diets: it’s all about finding the right fit.  39:55 – Your diet: much more than what you put in your mouth. 41:24 – Why we need to get honest about what we need and how we want to feel.  44:30 – The no-win game of comparison and body hate and how to surround yourself with support for better health.  52:13 – How to use the power of food and desire to improve your relationships and your life – and have more fun while you do it. Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!  Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
1/20/201556 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dr. Amy Myers: The Autoimmune Solution

Dr. Amy Myers, author of The Autoimmune Solution and host of The Autoimmune Summit, returned to the podcast to discuss how toxins and untreated infections contribute to autoimmune conditions.   Here's what we talked about:    3:55 – The confusion and frustration of a second-year medical student (Dr. Myers) suffering from the symptoms of an autoimmune thyroid condition.   8:30 – How having your thyroid removed can cause mood swings and panic attacks!   11:00 – The “healthy diet” that may have contributed to Dr. Myers’s condition … and the dramatic “meaty” changes she had to make.   13:20 – It’s not all about gluten and leaky gut! The multifactorial complexity of autoimmune disease.   19:43 – What is autoimmune disease anyway?    20:41 – How a flawed medical system contributes to underreported cases of autoimmunity.   23:19 – The autoimmune spectrum. Where do you fall?   25:15 – The”elevator pitch” version for why you should heal your gut and drop gluten.   27:26 – Dr. Myer’s two non-negotiable foods for healing your gut.   31:00 – Immunosuppressive drugs: how leaving yourself wide open for an infection can be a major problem with autoimmunity.   35:40 – Three theories for how common, everyday toxins may be affecting (or triggering) autoimmune conditions.    41:00 – MAJOR problems with how chemicals and toxins are approved for personal and commercial usage.   44:22 – Dr. Myers’s 3 simple strategies for clearing toxins from your air, water, and food.   48:52 – How to detox WITHOUT triggering autoimmunity.   50:47 – How bacterial infections and viruses trigger autoimmunity. And how to test for them.   1:00:39 – Pre-order The Autoimmune Solution and get these free goodies!   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
1/14/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dr. Vera Tarman: Food Junkies, The Truth About Food Addiction.

Dr. Vera Tarman — author of Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction — returns to the podcast to share her incredible story of food, drug, and alcohol addictions.   Here’s what we talked about:   2:50 – Dr. Tarman’s personal story of food, drug and alcohol addictions and hitting rock bottom.   17:58 – What food addiction really looks like.   19:53 – The science and reality behind food addiction.   22:34 – The addiction continuum and why food addiction is so hard to diagnose.    26:48 – Food addiction vs. addictive food. Does dieting = food addiction?   28:45 – The emotional side of food addiction and eating disorders.    31:30 – The brain of a food addict.   36:41 – Antidepressants, neurotransmitters and your brain.    39:00 – Insights into the food industry, the “bliss spot” and why you don’t know about any of it.    40:46 – Dr. Tarman’s thoughts on trigger foods and food addiction programs.    47:58 – Ideas and resources about elimination, treatment, substitution and individualized healing.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
12/23/201459 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr. Alan Christianson: The Adrenal Reset Diet

Dr. Alan Christianson — author of The Adrenal Reset Diet — stops by to discuss how you can use food to transform your adrenals from surviving to thriving.   Here’s what we talked about:   2:15 – The “chubby kid”. Dr. Alan’s adolescent weight issues … and how he got past them.   4:09 – Surviving vs. Thriving: which mode are you in?    7:49 – Cortisol is your friend. Here’s why.   11:09 – Why a low-carb diet may be keeping you up at night.   14:05 – The Adrenal Fat Switch: How to turn it OFF!   16:06 – Carb Cycling: WHEN to eat carbs and why.   18:35 – The Cortisol Slope: You’ll never believe what it can tell you about your lifespan!   19:38 – Dr. Alan’s personal Adrenal Reset experiment.   23:06 – How to shift your cortisol levels with diet alone.    29:20 – The Adrenal Reset Diet in a nutshell.    30:02 – What to do if you’re “tired and wired.”   36:28 – Don’t let your stress get you stressed!   40:00 – Get The Adrenal Reset Diet.   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
12/19/201440 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mary Shenouda: Eat Clean, Play Often, Crush Life!

Mary Shenouda — a.k.a. The Paleo Chef — makes her debut appearance on the podcast and teaches you how to Eat Clean, Play Often, and Crush Life.   Here's what we talked about:   3:07 – Mary’s personal health story. It all began in the second grade…   7:45 – THEY said she had lupus and cancer. They were wrong.   11:30 – Your very best options for food sensitivity testing.   13:23 – How an occupation you hate can impact your health. Mary tells her story.   15:43 – The Universe has spoken. Mary takes the leap OUT of the corporate world and into what she loves.   22:45 – Eat. Play. Crush. Defined.   26:30 – How to “grow your crush muscles”.   28:00 – A “new” kind of vulnerability.   31:00 – Meditation, mantra, journaling, and getting N.A.K.E.D.   36:15 – Where a Paleo Chef gets her recipe inspiration.   38:00 – Paleo positives and paleo peeves.   41:31 – Get the Eat Play Crush 5-Day Guide!   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
12/9/201445 minutes, 46 seconds
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Jack Tips: 5 Steps to Permanent Gut Healing

Jack Tips makes his debut appearance on the podcast to discuss the ins ands out of your microbiome and to break down his 5 steps to PERMANENT gut healing.   Here's what we talked about:    3:42 – How a 12 year old boy became a health expert.   9:30 – Shocking revelations from the Human Genome Project.   15:21 – The “secret” to undoing the damage we’ve done to our microbial populations.   16:40 – Can taking probiotic supplements throw your microbiome out of whack?   19:26 – Quorum Sensing: How good bacteria can turn into “bad guys”.   27:40 – How dysregulated gut bacteria increase your inflammation set point.   28:13 – Biofilms: How bad bacteria protect themselves from the immune system.   30:06 – The power of botanical herbs in healing the gut and protecting the good guys.   33:29 – GMO corn is poisoning your gut bacteria!  35:00 – How poor farming practices and bad science are destroying the Earth’s microbiome.   38:29 – A Native American principle we should (and can) live by.   39:04 – Is there really science that says GMO foods can turn your gut bacteria into pesticide factories?   40:40 – Specific botanicals you can use to heal your gut and more.   43:42 – Introducing the Gut Thrive in 5 program.   46:09 – Step 1: Adapt with Your Diet.   48:26 – Step 2: The Pathogen Purge.   50:32 – “Autoimmune diseases are reversible.”   51:49 – Step 3: Recolonize the Gut. (The GI Urban Renewal)   53:57 – Step 4: Heal and Seal the Gut.   57:00 – The problems with one-size-fits-all programs.   58:25 – Step 5: Optimize Stomach Acid and Maintain Health   1:03:00 – Register for Wednesday’s webinar with Christa Orecchio!   1:03:15 – Visit Dr. Jack’s website and get your FREE Microbiome report!   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
11/26/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dr. Ben Lynch: MTHFR Made Easy!

It finally happened.   One of the most suggested guest EVER — Dr. Ben Lynch — made his first appearance on the podcast this week. And he crushed it!   The big reason why he hadn’t been on the show before was the fact that I had no idea what MTHFR was. I had seen and heard it come up before, but never took the time to study it.   The general consensus on the MTHFR topic is that it’s too complex for the lay person to understand. So I made it my personal mission to help Dr. Lynch break it down in a way that everyone could understand. 

I think we did a darn good job, too!   Here's what we talked about:    5:35 – Folate: the backbone of numerous key reactions in your body.   8:27 – A MTHFR football analogy to help you get it.   11:20 – You need THIS for activated folate.   12:51 – MTHFR gene mutation: who, what and why.   14:45 – How Dr. Lynch found out about his own MTHFR gene mutation.   15:42 – Hold up! A quick MTHFR review.   16:51 – More factors that affect your ability to make methylfolate.   18:51 – How to test for nutrient deficiencies … and why.   21:30 – The MTHFR test and Dr. Lynch’s gene testing disclaimer.   22:40 – MTHFR and reproduction: knowledge is power.    25:15 – The methylfolate B12 connection for methylation.   28:25 – The problem with folic acid supplementation.    30:35 – Specific issues in your kids that might be caused by MTHFR.   34:00 – Pregnancy, doctors and the folic acid myth.   36:20 – Pharmaceutical drugs and the impact on folate.   38:00 – All about B12. A must-hear!   42:00 – Your diet’s role in methylation.   44:50 – Exactly what to do, eat and take to improve methylation.   51:04 – Methylation, estrogen and cancer risk.   53:00 – Get your FREE MTHFR report!   Want the written version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcritps at!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
11/18/201453 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jeffrey Smith: GMO Foods and Your Digestion.

In this Digestion Sessions presentation, Jeffrey Smith — author of Seeds of Deception — reveals the truth about genetically modified foods and what they do to your gut.    Here's what we talked about:    2:15 – Just what in the heck in a GMO?   5:18 – How an “FDA lie” is affecting your health and safety.   8:11 – The 9 GMO foods you need to know about.    9:37 – A different type of doctor’s prescription for better health.   10:45 – Is it really the non-GMO diet, or it is the real food?   15:00 – “The most chronically toxic chemical on the planet.”   17:30 – The connection between GMOs, leaky gut and autoimmune disease.   20:00 – The dangerous toxin in your blood, your brain, and your gut.   25:05 – The registered pesticide you could be eating right now!   26:00 – The long list of health problems linked to Roundup-ready crops.   34:23 – Sneaky ways BT toxin might be getting into your body   35:48 – The global impact of GMOs.    40:43 – The GMO tipping point and the future of food labeling laws.   45:45 – The REAL reason why there isn’t more GMO research out there.   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
11/11/201449 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Digestion Sessions Experts: 11 Tips for Gas, Bloating, Constipation, & More!

Check out eleven of my favorite (and useful) Digestion Sessions clips from the likes of Paul Chek, Dr. Kharrazian, Jeffrey Smith, Sayer Ji, Dr. Michael Ruscio, and more.    Here's what we talked about:    4:17 – Andrea Nakayama on what functional medicine is and why there is no one-size-fits-all program for everyone. You need personalized attention that lasts more than 12 minutes!   6:41 – A shocking statistic about how far the average medical doctor is behind on the research and what actually works to heal their patients.   8:48 – Dr. Kharrazian on how to know whether a digestive problems is rooted in the gut or your brain.   13:56 – Keri Brooks shares 3 natural remedies to increase stomach acid and overcome constipation.   18:59 – Dr. Michael Ruscio discusses how misplaced bile can be a major diarrhea trigger in people with small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and/or have had their gallbladder removed. And what to do about it!   25:55 – Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis on how IBD medications deplete folic acid and increase risk of colon cancer.   30:10 – Dr. Allison Siebecker uncovers how specific bacterial gases cause constipation and diarrhea. Plus, how these gases cause reflux and abdominal pain.   38:16 – Dr. Shawn Soszka reveals how poor digestion, brain inflammation, and blood sugar problems can be at the root of depression and anxiety.   41:50 – Sayer Ji on how glucosamine REALLY works and what it has to do with wheat lectins.    45:43 – Dr. Kelly Brogan discusses where exactly your gut flora comes from. Thanks, Mom!   50:20 – Jeffrey Smith drops a truth bomb about the many digestive symptoms that clear up when GMO foods are removed from the diet.    55:15 – Paul Chek on parasite phobia, iPhones, and the big picture.   59:29 – Order the Digestion Sessions Digital Access Pass and get lifetime access to the video, audio file, transcripts, and more!   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
11/4/20141 hour, 55 seconds
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David Getoff: Healing ADHD and Behavior Problems in Children.

David Getoff – Traditional Naturopath and Vice-President of The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation — returns to the podcast to reveal practical dietary strategies for healing children’s emotional problems, including ADD, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.   Here's what we talked about:    3:40 – How to “bounce” your cells for better health.   8:12 – David’s three categories of Sabotage Foods.   9:25 – Carbohydrates vs. starch and sugar. What’s the difference?    11:40 – A simple two month experiment to improve your children’s life and health. (And probably yours, too!)    14:00 – The exact words to use when talking to your kids about their health.   16:04 – What “no sugar” REALLY means.    22:47 – Two biochemical real reasons we crave sweets.   27:15 – The 4-Day Sabotage Foods experiment to test your own biochemistry.    30:53 – The one thing that could be causing an even bigger problem than sugar.    35:55 – How to get your kids to cooperate with the experiment and what to feed them.   39:10 – Doctors, drugs, and the bogus sugar study…   50:48 – Pros and cons of lab testing for food allergies and sensitivities.    56:10 – How to effectively communicate with spouses, grandparents and caretakers about your child’s health.   1:02:51 – Two supplement recommendations for healing your gut.   1:05:32 – David’s thoughts on naturopathic doctors, medical doctors and current laws of the healing arts.   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
10/30/20141 hour, 20 minutes
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Jordan Harbinger: The Art of Charm, Confidence, and Connections

Jordan Harbinger -- host of The Art of Charm podcast -- stops by the show to reveal how to become a more confident version of yourself.We talk about networking tips for introverts, how to ask for a raise (and get it), and how your beliefs create your reality.     Learn more about Jordan at   Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness.
10/24/201457 minutes, 57 seconds
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Katy Bowman: Move Your DNA.

Katy Bowman — biomechanist and author of Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement — stops by the show to discuss why you are how you move. This episode is pretty darn funny!  Here's what we talked about:  2:31 – How the science of biomechanics will make you way HOTTER. 4:10 – Floppy Fin Syndrome in captive whales and how it applies to you, me, and our DNA. 9:42 – “You don’t want to fix a problem in the same environment in which it occurred.” 10:57 – You are what you eat, but you are also how you move. 13:36 – Are bras and underwear partly responsible for the rise in cancers of the breast and testicles? 20:14 – How breastfeeding develops the jaw, sinus and facial muscles of babies. 22:58 – Why exercise in a modern context creates disease. (It’s not what you think!) 27:33 – What you can do at home or work to jump start your physical activity flatline. 29:42 – Is my standup desk any better than sitting at my desk? 32:54 – Why running on a treadmill and running over ground are two DIFFERENT movements. 38:28 – What REALLY pumps your blood.  42:32 – How arterial plaque is a good thing … well, to a point. 45:55 – Order Move Your DNA! Hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness. 
10/21/201449 minutes, 44 seconds