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English, Fitness / Keep-fit, 1 season, 8 episodes, 6 hours, 18 minutes
Welcome To Unapologetically Feminine, the space where ALL of you is welcomed & celebrated. My intention is support, empower & celebrate women to say Yes to the most epic, radiant turned on & juicy AF version of themselves and to experience the most orgasmic-ecstatic-open to God-kind of relationship & intimacy. This is the space where we touch on different topics & teachings, from the heavenly realm to the taboo and the inhibited dark; from spirituality, tantra, Masculine & Feminine polarity, love, and sacred sexuality to the day-to-day mundane of life & motherhood... Trust me when I say nothing is off limits here. Join me in this show will be some of the most amazing souls, revolutionaries, potent creatives, teachers & devotees of the Feminine art. This is a space with potent transmissions open-hearted conversations, laughter, tears everything in between. So let’s go & let's play!!! You can visit my website and download your free Ebook 'Embody Your Feminine Power' with over 50 pages of teachings & practices.
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Maybe you've been told in the past that who you are isn't OK.  That your emotions are too much, your sensitivity is too much... and maybe you have learned to shut down those parts to fit, to belong.  Most women have been conditioned under the "Good Girl' paradigm, trying to do the right thing to get love, acceptance, and validation. This has resulted in a pandemic of women who are suppressed, shut down and unfulfilled.  In this episode, I want to challenge the norm of what is considered 'Normal' and shift the mindsets around 'Too much' What would it feel like if we can own our 'Too much' and show up in the world just as we are?  Let's dive in! If you are interested in joining us in the upcoming Sacred Honey, you can find out more here:  
4/14/202351 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to stay calm amongst the chaos

Let’s be honest here, when it comes navigating this thing called Life, it is not always smooth sailing. There will be days when you feel on top of the world, and others where you just want to throw in the towel and have a tantrum. Yes, some days it’s absolutely hard to ‘adult’. And this is why it’s so important to learn how to navigate your emotions and nervous system, to allow you to continue to show up powerfully, without leaving parts of yourself behind. In this episode, I share some simple ways that can help you to stay calm and grounded amongst the chaos. These tips are some of the tools we use in our Sacred Devotion journey where women get to learn how to move with their emotions, and create safety within their body whilst saying Yes to their big audacious goals and dreams. If you are interested to find out more info about Sacred Devotion, go to
6/24/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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Understanding Your Relationship With Men & The Dark Masculine With Guest Speaker - David Charles

In this episode, David and I dive into our relationship with Men & the Dark Masculine. We share about our journey into Masculine & Feminine and expose some of the unconscious shadows within relationship dynamics. Some of the things that we touch on include: - The dance of Masculine & Feminine polarity in relationships - Men's relationship to their Feminine connection & vulnerability  - How to break the cycle of co-dependency to create healthier, more conscious intimacy - The importance of self-responsibility & inner work in relationships - How to navigate triggers & conflicts in your relationship to open to a deeper connection   About David Charles David A Charles is a Revolutionary Leader in Men’s Work. He is leading the way in awakening the powerful masculine, by working with men to connect to their embodied power, strength, certainty and direction. Follow David on Instagram:
6/9/202258 minutes, 4 seconds
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Creating a Feminine Led Life & Business

In this episode, Jane shares the behind the scenes on how to create a Feminine-led life and business that brings great fulfillment and joy into your life. - How do you say Yes to your desires/goals whilst making sure that you aren't constantly burning yourself out? - How do you avoid the guilt of motherhood and responsibilities whilst following your Soul? - How do you open deeper into intimacy whilst being the kick-ass boss babe woman that you are? These kinds of questions get asked all the time and in this juicy episode, Jane unveils the curtain and reveals what is required to say Yes to all the things - managing multiple businesses, motherhood and relationships (with self & others).  Yes you can have your cake and eat it too. But it requires you to challenge some of the old Masculine paradigms that no longer serve you, your body or your Feminine. So let’s dive in!
6/3/202250 minutes, 47 seconds
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F*ck With Feeling With Guest Speaker Kristian Stephan-Martin

In this episode, we dive into the conversation around the feminisation of Men and how that impacts relationships and intimacy in general. Kristian also shares what it means to be a grounded & integrated man in the modern society. We also touch on the importance of women's responsibility when it comes to boundaries and how to clearly & cleanly communicate inside and outside of the bedroom. More info about Kristian: Kristian is a men's relationship and embodiment coach, writer, dancer, and speaker. He helps men return to being the powerful leaders and lovers they naturally are by dissolving the layers and fears that keep them from fully activating their heart, sex, and mind. Kristian is also the co-founder of an evolutionary approach to leadership, Embodied Leadership Training (ELT), where Latin dance is used as a vehicle to teach communication, trust, presence, and team flow to leaders and business teams. Kristian has combined Western psychology with embodiment and holistic healing practices for over 10 years. He's a TEDx speaker and Huffington Post featured.
5/25/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 35 seconds
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Becoming the One

In this episode, Jane talks about the common unconscious patterns which trap women from attracting & creating their dream relationship. Many women believe that once they find ‘the one’, their problems will go away, and they can then finally experience more joy, happiness, safety & pleasures in their lives. However, unconsciously this means outsourcing their own power externally to men. Here, we get to dive into the concept of “Becoming the One”, and how that can radically shift the way you show up in your intimate relationship. What if you can become ‘the one’ you have been searching for, and finally say Yes to the kind of relationship that sets your soul on fire? Jane is also running a free Masterclass on May 31st called ‘Becoming the One’ & becoming a magnet for the love women truly desire. Register here:
5/19/202240 minutes, 59 seconds
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Become the Juicy AF Woman

In this episode, Jane shares about the 4 Feminine power centers and how much they impact our capacity to open & embody the most radiant, turned on & juicy AF version of ourselves.  This episode also highlights some of the unconscious patterns that you may hold in your body & the unconscious, and how to remove these blocks so that you can feel more connected to your body & more liberated in your expressions.
5/12/202240 minutes, 49 seconds
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My Sexual Empowerment Journey

On this first episode I share about my journey of overcoming sexual trauma, unlearning societal conditioning and suppression to become a more sexually-empowered woman and mother. My intention is that it empowers you to say Yes to more of who you are, to reclaim your permission and power as a woman. Grab your free Ebook: Embody Your Feminine Power here:
5/4/202226 minutes, 21 seconds