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The Zone Show

English, Religion, 1 season, 117 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes
The Zone show explores how we can get in and stay in the zone where we perform at our peak. It's hosted by author and creative catalyst Tom Evans. The shows cover a whole range of enlightening topics and touches on many eclectic themes.
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The End of the Zone

This short podcast might at first sound somewhat strange, enigmatic and laden with doom.It is however not the end of this podcast but the start of a new and exciting phase where I am also consolidating all my premium audio content on to an app framework called Soundwise where you will find Soulwaves : The Podcast.
12/28/20206 minutes, 1 second
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Gateways to the Soul Part 2

In this second of two conversations, I further explore the gateways to the soul with Serge Beddington-Behrens.The reason we have spread this conversation into two parts is that the book is huge and all encompassing in its scope and breath. … recorded on the 22nd December 2020 – the real New Year’s Day !
12/22/202042 minutes, 43 seconds
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Your Life Matters

My guest on this podcast is author, intuitive healer, meditation guide and author’s mentor and friend, Junie Swadron. Junie shares her passion for getting words down on the page to both heal and provide a gateway to the soul. There is a short meditation at the end of this podcast so pull over if you are driving.
12/10/202044 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gateways to the Soul Part 1

TZS288 Gateways to the Soul : Part 1November 25, 2020 by Tom Evans 0 Comments (Edit)Serge Beddington-BehrensIn this first of two conversations, I explore the gateways to the soul with Serge Beddington-Behrens as we talk about his book so entitled.The reason we have spread this conversation into two parts is that the book is huge and all encompassing in its scope and breath. See this episode as a warm up for the soul. Serge also treats us early on to a rendition of the Coronavirus Blues – you have been warned !
11/26/202041 minutes
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Quantum Spirituality with Amit Goswami

Amit Goswami returns to the Zone Show to talk about his latest book, Quantum Spirituality : The Pursuit of Wholeness – and a whole lot more.This book might just be the missing piece of the jigsaw you are looking for and the manual to help us evolve to the next phase.
10/12/202051 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Paths of Return : Meditation

NOTE : DO NOT LISTEN WHILE DRIVING !!The notion that we are following a Path of Return is an intriguing one.For starters, it implies we are not so much heading somewhere in our lives but perhaps heading back from where we came from.Along the way though is where the fun and excitement lies – as we share this journey on our Planetary Spaceship together – which is essentially a heaven on Earth.With all eventualities that come our way learnings are to be had – some will be joyful and some not so. We can find out what not to do, what to do even better and entirely new ways to go about our days.It’s said too that there are 33 Paths of Return. If this is true, it doesn’t mean there is only a choice of one of 33 paths to take. These paths can be combined and you can jump from Path to Path … at a moment’s notice.This means there a 33 Factorial Paths of Return – that’s 33 x 32 x 31 x 30 and so on which is a number somewhere in the trillions. This is much more than the sum total of all humans that have ever been alive and may ever be incarnated. This means that nobody ever has to walk exactly the same path.This guided meditation is the longest I have ever created. So, as there such a huge amount of content, do pause and make notes as you go along and refer to the transcript below.Note too that each of these 33 paths is a ‘meditation’ in itself, so take your time
10/8/20201 hour, 1 second
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Global Shift Now

8/18/202024 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Great Attractor : Ambient

TZS284 The Great AttractorAugust 12, 2020 by Tom Evans Leave a Comment (Edit)Towards the end of the Soulwaves Album project, the idea came to me that I could mashup a few tracks together to make a new track.You gotta love it when disparate components, not designed to be together, come together as one.This of course is how Soulwaves operate across billions of light years in our Universe.The fact you have found this page is another such example of this pervasive force in action.Enjoy !
8/12/202036 minutes, 1 second
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Serendipity and The Soul : Meditation

This podcast is a little different – it’s not a meditation but a philosophical exploration but it does invite you to meditate and reflect at the end.It’s a deep dive into the nature of serendipity in our lives and part of the Soul-full Path playlist that you can listen to on Insight Timer.Note this podcast contains space and time to meditation at the end, so pull over after the interview if you are driving … or engage auto-pilot if you are flying an aeroplane.
7/22/202017 minutes, 18 seconds
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Five Minutes with Donald

I awoke at 4:44am this morning having had a vivid dream where I met with President Donald Trump and he gained my trust and courted my advice.It got me wondering what I might do or say to him, with a positive and constructive aim, should I be granted five minutes of his time.p.s. the same would apply to Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings and other leaders of the free and not-so-free world …p.p.s. in the dream, I asked him how I could best help him. He replied that he wanted to know how to manipulate atoms at a distance, with thought alone. It was then that I woke up to muse on how to do this in a safe and non-telekinetic way.
7/4/20205 minutes, 1 second
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The Scroll : Short Story

This episode augurs in a new direction for this podcast. I am moving to a new phase where I solely focus on my own creative output – with of course some strategic co-creations with like-minded souls.So moving forward, the podcast will slew from interview format to one where I share samples of said new creative output. The first example is this sample chapter from Soulwaves : Insertions.What is Soulwaves : Insertions?This book of 12 short stories is both a sequel and prequel to Soulwaves : A Future History. It follows the tradition of writers like David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas) and Ted Chiang (Stories of Our Lives – on which the film Arrival was based). It tells of 12 ways the Council of the Light insert themselves from the Void into the Density at times when a transition is required.While it stands alone from Soulwaves : A Future History, it can be read before or after it as it fills in some of the gaps.My plan is to publish it 13 ‘moonths’ after Soulwaves came out this year, on the first Full Moon of 2021 – and that the full book of The Duadex, referred to in this short story, and the end short story of this collection, comes out on the first Full Moon of 2022 – if we are all still here !!
6/11/202017 minutes, 1 second
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Loving the Work You Do

In this episode, I chat to Vicki Wusche about how to start planning now for a different phase of life and way of being. Just imagine if these strange times were the trigger for a new way for each of us to be.
5/19/202032 minutes, 16 seconds
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Your Seven Chakras

In this episode, I chat to Aditya Jaykumar, the progenitor and host of the amazing My Seven Chakras podcast.Take a journey through the chakras with you to discover how to tap into and utilise these sometimes esoteric energy points.If you’ve ever fancied starting a podcast, find out too how to get up to three million listens!
4/30/202045 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pull Back Your Power

In this episode, I chat to Dr Anne Whitehouse about her book, Pull Back Your Power.Discover why, especially in these strange days, it’s time for the sorceresses to emerge to help us create a new world – but to bring men along for the ride too! Find out too why a good fairy tale is the perfect metaphor with which to convey deep wisdom.
4/23/202040 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Note Whisperer

A conversation with fellow Insight Timer composer, musician and meditation guide Pablo Arellano.Discover how Pablo tunes into his Muse and how he helps us to make the path to enlightenment easy with his music. The podcast concludes with a stunning cello piece which sums up the conversation beautifully.
4/16/202051 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Message for Our Time

In this podcast, I am in conversation with fellow Insight Timer meditation guide, Keziah Gibbons.Note, this podcast slides into a Tarot reading for our times – which is somewhat like a meditation and visualisation – a ‘podcastitation’ if your like.
4/3/202044 minutes, 45 seconds
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Out of the Void

Tom Evans in conversation with Jackie Walker on how an unexpected author and meditation guide now finds himself as an unexpected composer after unexpectedly writing a novel which might be the future history of the Earth and humanity.
3/19/202036 minutes, 41 seconds
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Your Future History

In this podcast, I explore with the amazingly intuitive astrologer, Louisa Tanner Munson, whether our futures are fixed or changeable.Discover how Louisa is using a technology which is thousands of years old with alongside something a little more recent.
2/18/202029 minutes, 31 seconds
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Mary Maddux on The Oasis of Meditation

A heart-warming conversation with fellow Insight Timer meditation guide Mary Maddux. Discover how meditation is a tool and key that opens the door to a new way of life and being.Note, this podcast includes a short live meditation from Mary so you may want to pull over if you are driving.
2/6/202042 minutes, 1 second
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Tom Evans Introducing Soulwaves

TZS269 Starting a WaveJanuary 29, 2020 by Tom Evans 0 Comments (Edit)Jackie RobertsIn this podcast, the tables are turned as The Zone Show’s new co-host, Jackie Roberts, talks to Tom Evans about how and why his new novel Soulwaves came about.While it is a book and audiobook, discover why it’s already spawned spin offs like an album and set of guided meditations – and why this is starting a soulwave of its own making, in a kind of self-fulfilling way.
1/29/202033 minutes, 1 second
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Joanna Penn : Authoring Your Own Future

The start of 2020 sees this podcast ramping up again after a hiatus while I finally got my novel Soulwaves done, dusted and out to the world.So it’s with great pleasure and honour, that Joanna Penn is my first guest for the revamped show in 2020. Discover what you might achieve in the next ten years once you set your mind to it – and why this new decade will be a boom time for authors and creatives.
1/24/202041 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Soulwaves Was Published on a Full Moon

In this slightly unusual podcast for The Zone Show, intuitive astrologer Louisa Tanner Munson shares her gift for tuning into cosmic timing.Without even having read the book, she not only intuits that is coming out at the most perfect time but also divines much of the messages in the book.If you have a business, product or book launch coming up, I can highly recommend engaging her to help you take it to the market when the time is just right.Get in touch with Louisa here if you would like some guidance at
1/24/202019 minutes, 1 second
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Mindful Beats

In conversation with fellow Insight Timer meditation guide Tyson Baird. Tyson has a really refreshing and fun approach which uses music as a accessible route for people to embrace mindfulness and meditation.
7/23/201944 minutes
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An Accidental Guide

In this conversation, the tables are turned on me by Sarah-Anne Lucas, aka Bird. Find out how I became an author then an author’s mentor and meditation guide by accident. Find out too how writing a 100,000 word book starts with one word.
5/20/201946 minutes, 15 seconds
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Authentic Living with John Siddique

In conversation with fellow Insight Timer meditation guide, John Siddique about how to let an authentic life find you. John is a sacred teacher and writer who is not aligned with any particular religion, philosophy, or tradition. His teachings have helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world through his writings, recordings, videos and personal appearances.Discover when Led Zepplin IV is more mind opening than you might think.
5/18/201947 minutes, 10 seconds
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In this podcast, Jelena Adzic turns the tables on me and explores my latest book, and 1st full novel, Soulwaves. Find out what the genre post-dystopian cyberpunk is all about.
4/3/201916 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Meditators Journey

n this podcast, I talk to Jelena Adzic about how she found the Insight Timer app.Discover how it has given her the vehicle to transition from meditator to meditation guide.
3/22/201915 minutes, 20 seconds
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Balancing Health and Wealth

In this podcast, I talk to fellow Insight Timer meditation guide, financial therapist, grandmother and all time happy person, Kiné Corder.Discover why health is the precursor to wealth, how to have your ‘cake’ and eat it and alternatives to the way we handle, thing about and handle money.
9/26/201833 minutes, 31 seconds
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In Tune with Aluna Moon

In this podcast, I talk to two guests and fellow Insight Timer meditation guides – Sam and Nicola from Aluna Moon. There’s lots of woo-woo in this episode and a guided meditation at the end, so pull over if you are driving!
9/17/201839 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Art of Timefulness

In this podcast the tables are turned on me as meditation guide and Kabbalah teacher, Alison Serour explores my new course on the Insight Timer app – The Art of Timefulness.
9/17/201825 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tools for Your Souls Journey

Meditation guide, and teacher at the Kabbalah Center, Alison Serour explains how we can use meditation to access the guidance from our soul. Alison’s free meditations and new course, Rules and Tools for Your Soul’s Journey, are available on the Insight Timer app.
9/17/201828 minutes, 51 seconds
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On Course with Christopher Plowman

Christopher Plowman, CEO and co-founder of Insight Timer, returns to talk about the new courses now available on Insight Timer. This is one of the most significant updates since the app was purchased as it introduces paid-for, premium content in a big way for the first time.
5/23/201828 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Get to 1 Million Listeners on Insight Timer

This month I reached a milestone which was not in my wildest of wild dreams and not on any To Do List, or set of goals. My meditations and podcasts on mindfulness have been listened to over 1 million times.When we hit milestones like this, it’s a good idea to reflect back on how it was achieved and what unexpected events happened along the way.It also pays dividends to say thanks, so big thanks to Insight Timer for making it happen and thanks to all the 280,000 meditators who listening. This means many of them listened in multiple times.
5/22/201839 minutes, 58 seconds
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Being Curious Hugh Byrne

A slightly different Zone Show today where two Insight Timer meditation guides – Hugh Byrne and Tom Evans – meet face to face in Bushy Park, West London and explore their curiosity. This podcast ends with a short meditation at the end, so pull over 30 minutes in if you are driving.
5/1/201833 minutes, 19 seconds
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From Caterpillar to Butterfly

Kerri Hummingbird Sami is a soul guide, shamanic healer, author and inspirational speaker. Kerri has over 20 years of experience in leading by inspiration, and a special passion for empowering women to be the artists of their lives. She mentors women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity.
5/1/201839 minutes, 51 seconds
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This Book Means Business

Author, publishing consultant and content strategist, Alison Jones, talks about her latest book, This Book Means Business.If you are a budding or experienced author, this book will help you open doors for you and your business before and after you have written and published it.
3/21/201828 minutes, 11 seconds
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Welcoming Wellness

Stacey McIntyre from the Holistic Centre in Goldaming shares insights on how we all have a responsibility for our own wellness. From March 2018, Stacey explains why she is starting to run Wellness days at G-Live in Guildford in Surrey twice a year.Wellness Day G-Live GuildfordTopics we explore: A revamped Wellness Day at G-Live Raising holistic to mainstream How mental, emotional, spiritual interact How to find the right treatment for you Marketing a holistic practice The joys of running a holistic centre The power of a one-to-many healing circle Finding wellness through meditation
2/2/201815 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Year in Review on Insight Timer

Christopher Plowman, CEO and co-founder of Insight Timer, returns to update us on what’s been going on with the app in 2017 … and where it’s going in 2018.Topics we chat about : Update on the success of the 365 Day Meditation Challenge Why it’s OK not to meditate every day Why it’s useful to quantify the performance of the app 1660 teachers serving 3 million meditators The widening the meditation experience The new offline mode Keeping the app free but adding premium services New Donations for Teachers Bookmarks, playlists, curation and sharing Insight Timer courses
2/2/201824 minutes, 1 second
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How to Create Anything

Author, poet and creativist, Orna Ross, shares insights on the process of how to create anything – and why creativity is important to all aspects of our lives – and our very being.We talk about a live event we are hosting in London on the 25th Novemeber and sowing the seeds for a global movement of Creativism.Topics we explore: Why the process of creativity is widely applicable to creative living in general Being conscious about creativity Why many creative projects don’t get finished Switching away from negative bias Why starting the day with meditation helps us set the intention for the day How to make a living whilst being creative and making a difference The importance of pacing and timing
2/2/201822 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Zone Show on Pause

You may have noticed the Zone Show stopped in August this year. This short podcast is the reason why - keep in touch and in tune with other activities daily at
10/17/20173 minutes, 34 seconds
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The 5AM Miracle

Jeff Sanders, the author of The 5AM Miracle and fellow podcast host, talks about changing your 9 to 5 to a 5 to 9. He is a man after my own heart who loves getting more done with less time.
9/13/201725 minutes, 16 seconds
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Amit Goswami with all the answers

Amit Goswami returns to the Zone Show to talk about his latest book, The Everything Answer Book.The book explains how quantum science gives insight into love, death and the meaning of life … and everything!#quantum #metaphysics
8/16/201743 minutes, 1 second
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A Deeper Insight

Christopher Plowman, CEO and co-founder of Insight Timer, gives insight into the latest incarnation of the app and shares some of where the app is going in the near future.Find out too about how the plan includes increasing the sense and power of the #mindfulness #meditation #spirituality
8/16/201731 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mindfulness for Young Adults

Jem Shackleford, the Executive Director of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education UK, explains why you are never too young (or old for that matter) to embark upon the practice of mindfulness.#IBME #Meditation #Mindfulness #Timefulness
7/21/201727 minutes, 46 seconds
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Time for Tome

Calvin Niles explains why missing his son score a basket lead to him inventing a device to help us switch off from our devices. #mindfulness #timefulness
7/14/201710 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Manual for Developing Humans

Author and world leading expert on Near-Death Experiences, PMH Atwater, returns to The Zone Show to talk about her new book, A Manual for Developing Humans - and why its been hidden in a box for 39 years.#NDE #Near-death experience #TheVoid #Hu-mans
7/7/201743 minutes, 34 seconds
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Starting a Podcast

It always an extra pleasure to interview a fellow podcaster and this week’s guest, Colin Gray, the founder of the Podcast Hosts doesn’t disappoint. If you have ever fancied starting a podcast, you’ll find most of the How’s and Why’s here.#podcast #audioboom #iTunes #RSS #BlueYeti
7/6/201731 minutes, 11 seconds
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Smart Passive Income

In this week’s podcast, I am thrilled and honoured to be chatting to Pat Flynn – author, podcaster extraordinaire and the creator and host of the Smart Passive Income blog, podcast and courses.If you are interested in improving your work-life balance, this is well worth a listen.
6/24/201731 minutes, 1 second
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Time to Be Free

n conversation with Steve Briginshaw, the author of The Profits Principle, about how to run a business in the mind, body, spirit or personal development space which gives you freedom to pursue your dreams and support your lifestyle. If you are a solopreneur, working all hours and earning very little, take 20 minutes out to help you rethink your business.
6/23/201716 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Sleep Zone

This week's guest is Bev Roberts, the founder of Living Fabulously and an expert on how to get a good night's sleep. I hope this is one podcast you won't nod off to, but one that will help you with your slumber.
6/23/201734 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taking Healthy Selfies

This week’s guest is Todd McGuire, the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at IncentaHealth. Todd shares the keys to a more manageable and sustainable route to weight loss and well being.#weightloss #obesity #diabetes #healthcare
5/23/201735 minutes, 22 seconds
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Being Mindfully Happy

Discover how Frances Trussell moved from a depression and a career in journalism into a world where she teaches people how to be mindfully happy.#mindfulness #meditation #depression #mindfullivingshow
5/19/201728 minutes, 42 seconds
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Being Fabulously Resilient

Authors of the FAB Quotient, Joni Peddie and Celyn Morin explain why we need to Fuel our bodies to unlock energy, to Activate our bodies to reduce stress and to Behave in a way that is authentic.Discover how big change can ensue from the adoption of tiny habits.
4/20/201725 minutes, 42 seconds
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Being Your Best Self

Actor, author, motivator and public speaking coach, Simon de Cintra, explains why we only have to be our best self and turn up as who we are.
4/20/201729 minutes, 30 seconds
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Time for a Rethink

Author, author’s mentor, Key Person of Influence and hybrid publisher, Lucy McCarraher, explains how a publishing a book opens doors for entrepreneurs.#publishing #entrepreneur
4/6/201742 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Art of Kindfulness

Author, mindfulness teacher and kindfulness ambassador, Shamash Alidina shares his journey and philosophies in this mind-opening and mind-calming podcast.#mindfulness #meditation #kindfulness #timefulness
4/3/201737 minutes, 21 seconds
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You Are the Brand

In conversation with author, broadcaster, brand ambassador and the imperfectly natural woman who is Janey Lee Grace#janeyleegrace #therapy #PR #mediarelations
3/24/201732 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Mindful Living Show

Find out why you should be coming to the Mindful Living Show, in London in June, in this mind opening conversation with Alex Joicey, the show’s progenitor.#mindfulness #meditation
3/22/201726 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Road of Recovery

Recovering addict, Daniel Gerrard, is now a registered certified Interventionist, a Recovery Coach and the creator of the Addiction Helper web site and helpline.#addiction #intervention #meditation
2/22/201746 minutes, 4 seconds
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Reincarnating Psycho-cybernetics

Mitch Horowitz talking about how he retrieves lost gems of self-help books from the past and reincarnates them into this century.#publishing #selfhelp #personal development
2/17/201727 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Voice of Milk and Honey

This week's guest is one of the top meditation guides on Insight Timer. When you hear Bethany Auriel-Hagan's voice, you will understand why her meditations have been listened to well over 1 million times.#meditation #mindfulness #insighttimer
2/15/201740 minutes, 26 seconds
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Beyond the Robot : Biography of Colin Wilson

Gary Lachman is a man with two distinctive and accomplished careers. He was once Blondie’s bassist and Iggy Pop’s guitarist but these days is an author, lecturer, journalist, philosopher and the biographer of the lives of many leading mystics.#occult #mysticism #Blondie
2/8/201750 minutes, 1 second
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Publishing Your Business Book

Professional speaker, author and publisher, Sue Richardson, explains why a book is the best business card you will ever have and will open doors for you beyond your wildest dreams.#publishing #writing #authors
2/6/201726 minutes, 46 seconds
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Getting in the Zone

Art dealer, art advisor, author and entrepreneur, Bridgette Mayer turns the tables on me as we explore how artists can connect with their Muse and get in and stay in the zone.#meditation #mindfulness #insighttimer
1/3/201728 minutes, 1 second
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The Art Cure

Art dealer, curator, art advisor, author and entrepreneur, Bridgette Mayer has spent decades cultivating her passion for both art and artists. She has found her way to the top of the art world. Her book, The Art Cure, describes how this came about after her suffering an abusive childhood that landed her in foster care homes and on the streets, starving and beat up.
12/28/201624 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Magic of Prayer

Dame Lee Milteer is an celebrated entrepreneur, visionary, best selling author, intuitive business mentor and a Dame! Her latest book brings prayer back into a contemporary context, without dogma and irrespective of your creed.#meditation #mindfulness #prayer #manifestation
12/28/201628 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Course in Mindful Living

Psychologist, author and co-founder of The Center for Mindful Living, Elisha Goldstein, shares the secrets to how to live a more rewarding life.#mindfulness #meditation
12/20/201628 minutes, 41 seconds
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Underneath the Bodhi Tree

Stephen Powers is the CEO of the latest incarnation of the Bodhi Tree bookshop. He shares his vision and plans for a global community built on seven pillars and for leaving a legacy for future generations. #mindfulness #meditation
12/16/201639 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Cosmic Philosopher

Mitch Horowitz is a writer, publisher, and lecturer with a lifelong interest in man’s search for meaning. He is the co-creator of many books and the author of One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life and Occult America but, probably a Zone Show first, here to talk about another author’s book and work, Neville Goddard, who left the Earth Plane back in 1972. #metaphysics #nevillegoddard
12/14/201646 minutes, 6 seconds
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Breathe Better, Sleep Better

Sleep guru and yogini, Anandi, share her wisdom, and universal wisdom, on the power of the breath in all we do while both asleep and awake.#sleep #insomnia
12/9/201648 minutes, 2 seconds
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Talking Loud and Clear

Professional speaker, author and communications coach, Steve Bustin, explains how to present with clarity, purpose and passion - and how he has made a living from using his voice.
12/8/201629 minutes, 51 seconds
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Getting the Whole World Meditating

Christopher Plowman, the co-founder of the Insight Network and CEO of the Insight Timer phone app, shares his vision for a kinder and calmer world where the whole world meditates every #mindfulness
12/7/201630 minutes, 6 seconds
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Karma Can be a Real Pain

A trip backwards, and forwards, in time with Past Life Regression therapist, Joanne DiMaggio – author of Karma Can Be a Real Pain: Past Life Clues to Current Life Maladies.#pastliferegression #healing #PLR #FLP
11/29/201641 minutes, 31 seconds
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What is Practical Mindfulness?

Sue Richardson, CEO of SRA Books, turns the tables on me and interviews me about my new book, The Authority Guide to Practical Mindfulness. Discover how to access an easier and more productive state by treating yourself to 10 minutes of Me Time each day.#mindfulness #meditation #creativity #productivity #time management
11/28/201628 minutes, 1 second
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Bums on Seats Bootcamp

Nick James, CEO of Seriously Fun Business, explains how to run successful and profitable events - and how to have fun at the same time.Find out more at #events #workshops
11/23/201627 minutes, 28 seconds
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Living an Awakened Life

Enlightened Master Charles Cannon takes us on a journey around the seasons in his book Living an Awakened Life : The Lessons of Love.#meditation #mindfulness #singularity
11/23/201658 minutes, 1 second
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Emotional Resilience in Business

In conversation with fellow Authority Guide author, Robin Hills, about how being emotionally resilient in business is a smart and intelligent way to be.#stress #resilience #emotional intelligence
11/21/201627 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Dualarity

Forward thinker and visionary, Olivier van Duüren, shares his vision for a world where humanity and technology harmonise and synthesise a new way of being and doing.
11/11/201641 minutes, 11 seconds
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Choosing Happiness

A big welcome back to Zen Master, author and musician, Joseph Emet to talk about his new book, Finding the Blue Sky: A Mindful Approach to Choosing Happiness Here and Now.#mindfulness #meditation #happiness #Thich Nhat Hanh
11/3/201651 minutes, 51 seconds
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Find Fix and Fill Your Way to Freedom

In conversation with Vicki Wusche about her upcoming free event helping people to free themselves from the chains that bind them
10/24/20168 minutes, 45 seconds
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This Life is Joy

An enlightening conversation with a life-transforming speaker, a gifted community builder, and a global spiritual leader, Dr. Roger Teel, about his new book This Life is Joy.#mindfulness #meditation
10/21/201640 minutes, 16 seconds
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From Woe Zone to Go Zone

Beverly Hills psychologist, Dr Ashley Curiel, explains how mindfulness meditation is so effective as a therapeutic tool.#mindfulness #meditation #insighttimer
10/19/201637 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Authority Guide to Practical Mindfulness

Introducing my 13th book on mindfulness and meditation. This one is available in print, for ereaders and as an audiobook and contains ten 10 minute guided visualisations. #mindfulness #meditation
10/17/20164 minutes, 1 second
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Intangible Selling

Sales coach and trainer, Dario Cucci, explains how selling even the intangible becomes easy when you make it all about having a conversation.#sales #selling #CRM
10/14/201633 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Positivity Zone

An exploration of the power of positivity with author, business psychologist and agent for positive change, Sarah Lewis.#psychology #appreciative #inquiry #mindfulness
10/12/201628 minutes, 10 seconds
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Everyday Meditation

Two Insight Timer meditation guides having a natter about how they came to be helping to get the world meditating one person at a time.#insighttimer #meditation #mindfulness
10/7/201628 minutes, 36 seconds
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Give a Little EyeLove

In this podcast, the tables are turned on me by a previous guest on the Zone Show, Roshani Shennazz, as I explain how having my cataracts removed earlier this year has lead to a philanthropic movement.#philanthropy #mindfulness #meditation
9/28/201618 minutes, 53 seconds
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MoJOsh Earth Angels

In conversation with Roshani Shennazz about the book, the meme and the movement known as the MoJOsh Earth Angels.#sprituality #angels #awakening #adaptation
9/28/201620 minutes, 58 seconds
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Being Mindfully Practical

In this podcast, the tables are turned on me by a previous guest on the Zone Show and fellow Authority Guide author, Chantal Cooke, who explores the practical outcomes from meditating for just 10 minutes a day.#mindfulness #meditation
9/26/201625 minutes, 28 seconds
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An Accidental Authority

In this podcast, the tables are turned on me by a previous guest on the Zone Show, Rev Dr Karen Tate, who explores how a BBC TV engineer became a mindfulness meditation guide by complete accident.#mindfulness #meditation
9/14/201651 minutes, 16 seconds
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Spreading the Love

Intuitive healer, Mercedes Leal talking about love as the key
9/9/201636 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Promise of Money

In this extract from my book, New Magic for a New Era, I share the secrets of how to bring as much money as you need into your world.For more visit #alchemy #energy #promise
9/8/201619 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Art-full Psychic

Psychic artist, creative writer and innovative educator, June-Elleni Laine, explains how she opened up to her spirituality following a career in fashion and design.#psychic #art #creativity #wholebrainthinking
8/11/201655 minutes, 16 seconds
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A New Psychology of Human Well-Being

Richard Barrett returns to The Zone Show to talk about his new, paradigm-shifting book, A New Psychology of Human Well-Being which expounds a theory of human well-being that unites psychology with spirituality and science.
8/4/201654 minutes, 41 seconds
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Quantum Thinking is Vital

Theoretical Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami makes a return appearance on the Zone Show to talk about his progress on introducing and adopting a mainstream quantum worldview. #quantum #quantumphysics #darkmatter #darkenergy
8/1/201657 minutes, 18 seconds
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Don't Worry Be Happy

In conversation with author, channel and healer Roshani Shenazz about how to connect and bring the magic and wisdom of angels into our lives. For more, visit
7/28/201655 minutes, 56 seconds
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Making Dreams Conscious

In conversation with author mentor, Daniella Blechner about the writing and publishing process.
7/26/201631 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Man Inspired

Polymath, inspirer of leaders and author, Lance Secretan talks about his life and his loves. To get his books and find out more visit
7/21/201651 minutes, 47 seconds
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Redefining Success

In conversation with business advisor, mentor and strategist, Tim Johnson, on his book The Success Book : How to Grow Yourself and Your Business. #success #entrepreneur
7/15/201635 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Calmer You

Author, anxiety coach and therapist, Chloe Brotheridge, shares the secrets to a calmer life. #mindfulness #meditation #anxiety
7/1/201624 minutes, 21 seconds
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Leaving a Breadcrumb Trail

Author and intuitive healer, Catherine Carrigan, turns the tables and interviews Tom Evans, the usual host of this podcast, about his journey from the world of technology to the magical place he finds himself in now. #philanthropy #chakras #mindfulness #meditation
6/28/201631 minutes, 11 seconds
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Going Creative

Author, poet and creativist, Orna Ross, explains why going creative is our native state.#Creativity #Creativism #Creativist #Poetry #Poem
6/22/201641 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Real Food Revival Plan

Author, coach and foodie-with-insight, Brian Cormack Carr, explains why we need to get real food back at the centre of our diet.
6/17/201642 minutes, 15 seconds
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Marketing Your Business Book

Author, PR guru, broadcaster and marketing expert Chantal Cooke talks about her new book, The Authority Guide to Marketing Your Business Book.
6/10/201642 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Inefficiency Assassin

Author, Productivity Consultant & Time Management Fixer, Helene Segura, returns to The Zone Show to talk about her new book, The Inefficiency Assassin.
5/27/201641 minutes, 1 second
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Heart-full Living

In this short podcast, Jackie Walker turns the tables on me to find out more about my course in chakra awakening called Heart-full Living. Find out more here
5/24/20169 minutes, 9 seconds
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Love Never Dies

Best selling author of Love Never Dies and Kiss Your Fights Goodbye, Dr Jamie Turndoff - aka Dr Love - talks about eternal love bonds that cross time and space and heaven and earth.
5/20/201654 minutes, 26 seconds
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Children of the Fifth World

Author and world leading expert on Near-Death Experiences, PMH Atwater, returns to The Zone Show to talk about her book, Children of the Fifth World - and the coming of the next root race.
5/12/201653 minutes, 36 seconds
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Remember Who Truly Are

A mind opening, mind-calming and musical conversation with author, empath, healer, singer-songwriter and ex-volleyball coach Sally Francis about her new book, Remember Who Truly Are.
5/12/201642 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Voice of the Sacred Feminine

In this podcast I talk to the Reverend Doctor Karen Tate who is an author, teacher, speaker and social justice activist. She's also named one of the 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality and a Wisdom Keeper of the Goddess Spirituality Movement.Karen hosts her own podcast, Voices of the Sacred Feminine on Blog Talk Radio and has written a book of the same name. She is also the 15th Wise Woman who has guested on the Zone Show this year already.Find out more about Karen and her work here
5/6/201645 minutes, 16 seconds
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Optimizing Time

Engineer, author and speaker, Dr Lisa Kardos, explains why and how we can optimize our life, our efficiency and our time.For more on Lisa's engineering approach to personal development and time management, visit
4/26/201633 minutes, 51 seconds
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Tapping into Unlimited Intuition

Best selling author, medical intuitive healer and naturopath explains how to tune into unlimited intuition and to 're-connect' with your soul.Find out more here
4/23/201648 minutes, 41 seconds
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Creative Muse-ings

Author, creative catalyst and musician, Karen Reinhold turns the tables on the host of the Zone Show, Tom Evans, and asks him how he gets himself and others in 'the zone' when they have been somewhat 'out of it'
4/21/201627 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rebelling Against Depression

Author, creative catalyst and spell-breaker, Eleanor O'Rourke explains how creativity and depression share an energetic relationship.For more information and to read the books, go to
4/13/201638 minutes, 53 seconds
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This is 2016

Author Tom Evans in conversation with Doug New about how what we do in one year nicely sets up what will unfold in the next.For more on Tom's books, meditations and courses, visit
12/29/201522 minutes, 1 second
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Flavours of Magic

Annabelle Drumm takes over as Zone Show host and turns the tables on me to discuss the differences between female and male magic - and their synthesis.
12/9/201529 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ending the Tyranny of Time

Steve Palfreyman turns the tables on me in this conversation about my new book, Managing Time Mindfully.
11/24/201534 minutes, 51 seconds