The XrossroadZ Podcast
English, Social, 1 season, 58 episodes, 2 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes
The XrossroadZ Podcast
English, Social, 1 season, 58 episodes, 2 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes

Ep 46 Why are you single?
Here at the Xross RoadZ, we have an audacious 10,000 subscriber goal and we want YOUR HELP to reach it. If you're not currently subscribed, don’t sit at a literal crossroads, click the button and tell 2 friends. Then tell them to tell 2 friends to do the same!Congratulations Dre Renee'! It's official. Hashtag Boo is now Husband Boo!!! While this week's episode celebrates the newlyweds, your #favepodcastpair spends some time talking about being single, enjoying singlehood and preparing for your next. Drop down in the comments and extend your well wishes to the happy couple, and also join us for our monthly LIVESTREAM (Nov 4th) at 6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/8pm Central/9pm Eastern to celebrate our FIRST BIRTHDAY! The XrossroadZ Podcast is a year old!Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: * www.youtube.com/c/thexrossroadzSupport the channel here:* Donate: https://cash.me/$thexrossroadz_________________________________________________Follow us on social mediaFacebook: https://facebook.com/thexrossroadzInstagram: https://instagram.com/thexrossroadzTwitter: https://twitter.com/thexrossroadzWant to have your product or service featured? Email [email protected]: The House of 334 at https://www.houseof334.comSupport the show
11/4/2021 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 2 seconds

Ep 39 Is Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
Here at the Xross RoadZ, we have an audacious 10,000 subscriber goal and we want YOUR HELP to reach it. If you're not currently subscribed, don’t sit at a literal crossroads, click the button and tell 2 friends. Then tell them to tell 2 friends to do the same!Sometimes mistakes are made and people step outside of their relationships. Other times, people make this a way of life. Is there ever redemption after cheating, or is it "once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?" Join your #favepodcastpair for this discussion!Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: * www.youtube.com/c/thexrossroadzSupport the channel here:* Donate: https://cash.me/$thexrossroadz_________________________________________________Follow us on social mediaFacebook: https://facebook.com/thexrossroadzInstagram: https://instagram.com/thexrossroadzTwitter: https://twitter.com/thexrossroadzWant to have your product or service featured? Email [email protected]: The House of 334 at https://www.houseof334.comSupport the show
9/16/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 21 seconds

Ep 21: The Business of Love
Join Barzini and Dre Renee where the conversation begins with whether or not a woman is truly committed to her marriage by choosing to hyphenate her name and morphs into ways that men and women struggle to balance work, love and family. Get ready to look at and consider love (& marriage) as a business; the sacrifice, understanding and work that it takes to make it grow...and last.Support the show
4/15/2021 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 4 seconds

Ep 8: Dre Day
Guess who turned 40 this week? January 6th means...it's DRE DAY! This week, Barzini talks to Dre Renee about the journey to her milestone birthday and their road to becoming best friends. But it wouldn't be #TheXrossroadZ without a surprise...or several. Join #yourfavoritepodcastpair and a few special guests to celebrate the Tech Diva!Support the show
1/7/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds