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The Superior Men Podcast

English, Education, 1 season, 102 episodes, 2 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes
A podcast by men, for men. If you have a Y-chromosome, get listening!!
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Dealing with Difficult Neighbors – TSMP #81

Matt and Jay discuss difficult neighbors, how to be a good neighbor, setting good boundaries and what to do when the guy next door turns out to be nuts. We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Intro: Living Near Other People Hard to do. Many complications. Everyone has bad neighbor stories Why is it hard to live near other people? People do better with space (but there’s not much nowadays) Not everyone knows how to respect others  MANY people are bad at conflict…and conflict is a requirement when neighbors have differences of opinion Are People More Angry These Days?  Maybe How to Deal with Difficult Neighbors/co-workers/family members/etc 1. Be a Good Neighbor Yourself Be polite  Be respectful Be positive  Look for ways to help out  Occasionally offer gifts (small, thoughtful, inexpensive) Harbor no ill will Remember important dates/facts/names that your neighbor cares about Always be impeccable with your word…aka Don’t lie (show up when you say you will, do the things you commit to, don’t commit if you’re not going to do it, etc.) 2. Set Boundaries When Necessary Politely but firmly confront them on issues that must be resolved  Explain your side but listen to their side as well Spend the time to work to a common goal Compromise if you can’t agree on a solution (both sides sacrifice something) 3. Determine If You Truly Have Bad Neighbors  If they’re REALLY difficult: Go to landlord/HOA Go to other authorities Go to a lawyer / court Consider moving? If they’re DANGEROUS… Go to police Probably moving If you find you have multiple bad neighbors Definitely time to move However…The truth is, you probably don’t want to be friends with your neighbors Why don’t you want to be friends with your neighbors Space is good Like dating a co-worker, if it breaks up then you live next to someone you hate. Not fun. Summary Be a Good Neighbor Yourself Set Boundaries When Necessary Determine If You Truly Have Bad Neighbors You probably Don’t Want To Be Friends With Your Neighbors Conclusion Your peace of mind is highly dependent on your relationship with your neighbors. Do the necessary work to make sure you can relax, feel safe and enjoy your neighborhood.
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“What If?” – Bookcast #48

What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions (2014) by Randall Munroe Read and listen to "Mastery" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “What If?” A very brief description of “What If?” Randall Munroe’s webcomic about science, technology, language, and love has a large and passionate following. Every week millions of fans of Munroe’s stick figures visit … and many of them ask him a lot of strange questions. For example, what if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90 percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last? This book is a compilation of his most popular questions and answers - complimented by his signature xkcd comics. What Munroe sets out to do / Purpose of the book In pursuit of answers to reader’s questions, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity. They often predict the complete annihilation of humankind, or at least a really big explosion.  The intended audience of "What If?" / Who will benefit most People who love science People who love learning People who enjoy thinking about how and why the world works People who want to become better problem solvers People who love comics People who want to spend time listening to someone who is really smart and really cool Who probably WON’T like this book? People who think hypothetical questions are unnecessary People who don’t care how or why the world works People who hate science and math People who don’t like stick figures How does this book specifically benefit Men?  As a man, people are always going to be asking us why things happen the way they do. The world is a complicated and challenging place and much of what is happening is overwhelming to people. Books like ‘What If?’ help Men to hone our problem solving skills and help us to make better choices. Plus Men need a good sense of humor and xkcd and Randall Munroe is hilarious! Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to follow, but the math/physics/chemistry/etc can get very challenging when Munroe breaks down the science behind the answers. Thankfully, you can always skip over the dense math stuff and just read the summaries. And of course there’s always the comics!  321 pages, Audiobook: 6 hrs, 36mins What are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? Amazon Books: 29,172 Ratings - 4.6 Stars Kindle Ranking: #7 in Science & Scientists Humor #15 in Physics (Kindle Store) #34 in Trivia (Books) Audible: 13,396, 4.5 stars Audible Ranking: #123 in Physics  #246 in Trivia #320 in Biological Sciences Book-To-Movie Translation  It's probably a good thing a movie version of "What If?" doesn't exist. In pretty much every scenario the world ends! Bio of Randall Munroe Munroe is an American cartoonist, author, and engineer best known as the creator of the webcomic xkcd.  Munroe was born in Easton, Pennsylvania, and his father has worked as an engineer and marketer. He was a fan of comic strips in newspapers from an early age, starting off with Calvin and Hobbes (Jay’s personal fav comic) Graduated in 2006 with a degree in physics. Worked as a contract programmer and roboticist for NASA at the Langley Research Center, before and after his graduation with a physics degree.  He started xkcd in 2005 and began posting webcomics. The popularity of his site exploded and in late 2006, he left NASA and moved to Boston to focus on webcomics full time. By 2007 was getting up to 70million hits per month! Munroe enables free use of all xkcd comics under the Creative Commons license and makes his money primarily from selling xkcd branded merchandise (several thousand t-shirts/month plus other items) In addition to writing and drawing, he also does open-source programming projects, gives lectures around the country (including at Google) and makes science-based charts that are used in textbooks and newspapers. He also does kite photography (to clarify: photos from kites, not of kites) Munroe has published five books to date: xkcd: volume 0 What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions.  Thing Explainer How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems What If? 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions Breakdown of Themes in "What If?" Science Is Fun Changing almost anything affects almost everything Periodic Wall of the Elements p35 Soul mates p23 Spent Fuel Pool p10 Lego bridge p222
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“Mastery” – Bookcast #47

Mastery (2012) by Robert Greene Read and listen to "Mastery" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Mastery” A very brief description of “Mastery” Through the stories of dozens of highly successful famous people in many different fields, Greene has put together a powerful program teaching us how to achieve mastery in one's life. Mastery can be thought of as the unique way each of us can fully actualize our potential for greatness and enjoy a fulfilling life. What Greene sets out to do / Purpose of the book Greene's overarching thesis is to challenge the conventional notion of "genius" as a genetic gift bestowed upon a handful of individuals. He believes "genius" is acquirable, and all masters, regardless of intrinsic ability, go through roughly the same process on their path towards mastery. The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most People who love history People who love stories of success and accomplishment People who enjoy having their ass kicked (in a good way) People who want to become more powerful, more successful and happier People who want to hear a self-help book that shares truth - not fluff Who probably WON’T like this book? People who need to believe that all the great accomplishments in our history were from superhuman “geniuses” they don’t have to take responsibility for their own lives People who want a easy, feel-good self-help book that won’t require them to make any real changes to their lives Lazy people (seriously, 7 years to get good at something??? BS!) Creationists How does this book specifically benefit Men?  In the modern era, regular men are at a disadvantage because they’re easy to control. If you don’t set yourself apart it’s easy to become manipulated and jerked around by the powerful influence of culture, industry, political groups, media, our employers, our neighbors and even our friends and family. Mastery provides a road map for men to find their individuality. As leaders in our families and our communities it’s critical for Men to know who we are, what we’re passionate about and where we’re going in our lives! Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to read, but NOT easy to implement! Also it’s going to take some time to digest the material in the book. Think about this more like a textbook for a class and less like the traditional self-help book. 354 pages, Audiobook: 16 hrs, 9mins What are the overall book reviews?Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? Amazon Books: 7385 Ratings - 4.7 Stars Kindle Ranking: #23 in Social Psychology & Interactions #27 in Motivational Business Management #99 in Motivational Self-Help Audible: 12,154, 4.7 stars Ranking: #8 in Social Psychology #16 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement #493 out of All Audible Books Book-To-Movie Translation  N/A Bio of Robert Greene Grew up in Los Angeles. Attended UC Berkeley and finished in University of Wisconsin with a degree in Classical Studies (aka Liberal Arts + English).  He estimates he had “80 jobs before becoming an author,” including construction worker, translator, magazine editor, and Hollywood movie writer. Influenced to write 48 Laws while working in Hollywood, watching the power plays at work around him every day. Arguably the single most popular author for Rap Artists. He’s been endorsed by: Jay-Z, Kanye West, Busta Rhymes, Ludacris, Drake and many others. Jay-Z, Kanye and Busta Rhymes have written songs about the 48 Laws.  Greene can speak five languages and is a student of Zen Buddhism. He is an avid swimmer and mountain biker. Greene is a mentor for Ryan Holiday, bestselling author of The Obstacle Is the Way and The Daily Stoic (ref our last bookcast). Greene suffered a serious stroke in 2018, caused by a blood clot in his neck and has currently left him without the use of his left hand and leg. He still writes, works and hikes every day. Has written several books, including The Art of Seduction, October 2001 The 33 Strategies of War, January 2006 The 50th Law (with rapper 50-cent), September 2009 Mastery, November 2012 The Laws of Human Nature, October 2018 The Daily Laws, October 2021 And of course 48 Laws of Power  Breakdown of Themes in "Mastery" Discover your calling : the life’s task.  Submit to reality : the ideal apprenticeship. Absorb the master's power : the mentor dynamic.  See people as they are : social intelligence.  Awaken the dimensional mind : the creative-active.  Fuse the intuitive with the rational : mastery.
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Learning the Wrong Lesson – TSMP #80

Matt and Jay discuss why learning the wrong lesson - or the right lesson - after we make a mistake will make all the difference between future successes or even greater failures. We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Intro: You’re Going To Lose. Again. And Again. And Again. We discussed it last time. Yeah it sucks. Yeah it’s a fact. Gotta accept it if we’re going to live in the real world. What We Tell Ourselves After We Fail Post-failure self talk determines your direction Are you a loser? Do you fundamentally not have what it takes? Are you not smart enough, talented enough, strong enough, courageous enough, creative enough - to actually get the W? Are you really not cut out for this? Maybe you should give up… Honestly, what shitty things do you tell yourself after you fail? All the things…the horrible things…we say to ourselves The wrong lessons Why We’re So Hard On Ourselves After Failing Often the wrong lessons come from our childhood Parents can be harsh, manipulative or just plain mean to us when we fail Teachers can crush our spirits and limit our belief in ourselves Classmates can be abusive and bully us Other family members and community can be snide, callous or even cruel Can be from adult failures So we slowly learn, over time, that whenever we fail, it’s really, really BAD. May be from traumas Divorce, injury, bad girlfriends, fired at work,  BUT WE CAN REWRITE OUR SCRIPTS! Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose Learn  Question: When a highly successful person fails or makes a mistake, what do they do afterwards? How do they learn the right lesson instead of the wrong lesson? Examples: Temple Grandin Growing up autistic, with overwhelming fear, constant sensory overload and problems interacting with people -> Becoming a world-class animal behaviorist, one of the leading authorities on cattle behavior and helping to create dozens of improvements to humanely raising and slaughtering cattle, and the most famous autistic scientist to study and research autism (that is to say, from “inside” the condition) How did Grandin turn her failure into success? Daniel Everett (with the Piraha people in Amazon) Years spent with a dangerous Amazon tribe trying - and failing - to translate the most difficult language on earth -> Eventual success after transforming himself, his world view, his beliefs about culture (and even his belief in God) How did Everett turn his failure into success? Freddie Roach Failure as a boxer - had some good bouts and a solid performance at the beginning of his career but started to fall apart physically and never became famous -> Tremendous success as one of the most winning boxing trainers in history - training superstars like: Manny Pacquiao (8 World titles), Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, Oscar De La and even Mike Tyson! - Also trained MMA greats Georges St. Pierre, Tito Ortiz and Anderson De Silva (among others) How did Roach turn his failure into success? How Do We Stop Learning the WRONG Lessons and Start Learning the RIGHT Lessons? Step 1. Accept Your Failure (and the pain!) Yeah you screwed up. It sucks. It hurts. That's okay. It's part of the process. Step 2. Become Aware of Your Natural Negative Response To Failure Pay attention to the negative tapes/stories/beliefs playing in your head after you fucked up Step 3. Figure Out the Truth of the Situation Don’t lie to yourself or others. Step 4. Choose a Positive, Productive Response To Failure Think of some positive, success-oriented tapes you could play instead that will help you to accomplish your goal For example: How can I use this experience to make me stronger next time? What did I learn that I can use later? What do I want to avoid? What do I need to work on? Who do I need to get close to - or away from? Am I truly passionate enough about this goal to deal with this pain? Is this simply a minor setback or should I focus my energy in a different direction? Step 5. Go and Do Something Risky and Challenging Again Whatever you want in life, if you truly plan on getting it, if you’re serious…you’re gonna have to pay for it… …but once you’ve succeeded, once you can ride a bike or fly a plane or make a million dollar business or have sex with a beautiful woman…once you’ve learned the skill, you can do it again! Summary of Learning the Wrong Lesson Accept Your Failure Notice Your Shitty Mental Tapes Figure Out the Truth Choose a Positive, Productive Response To Failure Go Do the Thing Again…and Again…and Again…Until you get it! Conclusion If you’re learning to ride horses and you get bucked off you have two choices: Get back on a horse or choose never to ride again for the rest of your life.
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“The Sea Wolf” – Bookcast #46

The Sea Wolf (1904) by Jack London Read and listen to "The Sea Wolf" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “The Sea Wolf” A very brief description of “The Sea Wolf” Gentleman narrator, Humphrey Van Weyden is pitted against amoral sea captain, Wolf Larsen. The novel begins when Van Weyden is swept overboard into San Francisco Bay, and plucked from the sea by Larsen's seal-hunting vessel, the Ghost. Pressed into service as a cabin boy by the ruthless captain, Van Weyden becomes an unwilling participant in a brutal shipboard drama. Larsen's increasingly violent abuse of the crew fuels a mounting tension that ends in a battle to the death between two opposing philosophies: romantic idealism and cold, brutal materialism What London sets out to do / Purpose of the book Hailed by critics as one of the greatest sea stories ever written, this rousing adventure offers a fascinating combination of gritty realism and brilliant and beautiful writing. Jack London began his career at sea, and his shipboard experiences give The Sea-Wolf a powerful and magnetic authenticity. The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most People who love adventure stories (esp old-time adventure) People who love philosophy and intellectual challenge People who enjoy the ocean and sailing People who want beautiful writing People - esp men - who have been raised as weak men and want to become stronger Who probably WON’T like this book? Anyone who needs a constant, driving plot (there’s lots of plot breaks for philosophical discussion and argumentation) Anyone who doesn’t like the dictionary (seriously, you’re going to need to look up a LOT of words, esp maritime language like halyards, poop deck, mainstays, sheets, flying jib, etc, etc) Anyone who has ADD (going to take some work to read this) Matt How does this book specifically benefit Men?  The Sea Wolf is about how Humphrey Van Weyden, a rich gentleman who lived a life of ease, comfort and luxury, is thrust into the harsh reality of life at sea. Hump quickly learns that for the first time in his life he must develop his strength, skill and wits - or he will not survive. Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? The story itself is easy enough to follow but the language is over 100 years old and reads like it. As we mentioned earlier, having a dictionary (and wikipedia) available nearby will be useful. 256 pages, Audiobook: 11 hrs, 21mins What are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? Amazon Books: Unknown ratings (Multiple versions over 100yrs), 4.5 stars avg Ranking: N/A Audible: 764, 4.6 stars Ranking: N/A Book-To-Movie Translation  At least a dozen movie or TV versions of "The Sea Wolf" have been produced over the last 100 years. Bio of Jack London John Griffith London (1/12/1876 – 11/22/1916) American novelist, journalist and social activist.  A pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity and earn a large fortune from writing. At 13 years old he worked 12-18 hour days at a cannery. Soon after he left and became on oyster pirate and ended up earning his own boat. After his ship was disabled he signed on a Japanese sealing schooner for the next two years. Then he rode the rails as a hobo for a year and traveled back and forth across the US….All this before he was 20 years old!! Sailed up to Alaska and worked in the Klondike as a miner where he got inspiration for his novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang He was a war correspondent for the US in both the Russo-Japanese war and was arrested twice by the Japanese army - once in Japan and in Korea - but was so charming that he was eventually allowed to travel with the Imperial Japanese Army and make reports on the war. From the beginning Jack London was a gifted writer and thinker and one of the first American writers to become rich from his own writing. He wrote over twenty successful novels and over a hundred short stories for major newspapers and magazines. Breakdown of Themes Self-Reliance and Maturation Materialism vs. Idealism Upwards Evolution vs De-Evolution Accepting Fate vs Challenging Fate Survival of the Fittest: Violence, Murder and the Brutal Nature of Life
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“Never Finished” – Bookcast #45

Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within (2022) by David Goggins (with Adam Skolnick) Read and listen to "Never Finished" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Never Finished” A very brief description of “Never Finished” Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins’ hit memoir, demonstrated how much untapped ability we all have - but it was merely an introduction to the power of the mind. In Never Finished, Goggins takes you inside his Mental Lab, where he developed the philosophy, psychology, and strategies that enabled him to learn that what he thought was his limit was only his beginning and that the quest for greatness is unending. What Goggins sets out to do / Purpose of the book The stories and lessons in this memoir offer the listener a blueprint they can use to climb from the bottom of the barrel into a whole new stratosphere that once seemed unattainable. Whether you feel off-course in life, are looking to maximize your potential, or drain your soul to break through your so-called glass ceiling, this book will help you get there The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most People who love “Can’t Hurt Me” People who are fascinated with the creation of Navy SEALs People who want to understand how normal people do “impossible” things People who want a more humanized, complete version of David Goggins People who want to turn their dark past into a beautiful future Who probably WON’T like this book? Anyone who can’t stand explicit language How does this book specifically benefit Men?  In Can’t Hurt Me, Goggins gave men a blueprint on how they can learn to accomplish spectacular things - but it sacrificed many elements of a more well-rounded life. In Never Finished Goggins teaches new lessons on how men can balance epic performance with leadership, family, compassion and inner peace Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? The book is easy reading but content-wise it’s brutal and will trigger everyone who reads it (probably in multiple different ways) 299 pages, Audiobook is 11 hours NOTE: Like ‘Cant Hurt Me,’ the audio version of ‘Never Finished’ adds 3 hours of live Podcast conversation (including an incredibly powerful interview with David and his mother). We HIGHLY recommend you get the audiobook version and then if you love it get the paperback/kindle as an addition so you can look at the photos and get other insider details on Goggin’s life. What are the overall book reviews?Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? All Amazon Books: 2,790 ratings, 4.9 stars Currently #3 in All Amazon Books #5 in Motivational Self-Help (Kindle Store) #5 in Personal Transformation #12 in Memoirs (Kindle Store) Audible: 17,533 ratings, 4.9 stars Currently #4 in All Audible Books  #1 in Motivational Self-Help (Books) #2 in Personal Success Book-To-Movie Translation  N/A Bio of David Goggins David Goggins (born February 17, 1975) is an American ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, and author. He is a retired United States Navy SEAL member who served in the Iraq War as well as an Army Ranger. Grew up in home with an incredibly abusive father who regularly beat the entire family  Lost over 100lbs in three months to get accepted into Navy SEAL training Attempted Navy SEAL ‘Hell Week’ 3 times - first two times he failed before finally succeeding Has competed in hundreds of ultra-endurance events - including Badwater 135, Moab 240, Furnace Creek 508, Ultraman and many others - and has won several. Through running his various events, Goggins has raised over $2 Million for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation His first memoir, Can't Hurt Me, was released in 2019 and was a huge hit. Never Finished was released in December of last year and so far it’s been a major success as well. Breakdown of Themes Discipline is a lifestyle. If you're not growing, you're shrinking. Confront your inner dialogue via self-talk audits. Your most significant competitor is yourself. Face your demons full frontal. Give personal progress time.
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The Art of Losing – TSMP #79

Matt and Jay discuss why we suck at losing, how to get better at it and why embracing failure will make you a bigger winner than ever! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Intro: Losing Sucks! Losing sucks - Failure sucks And we’re not good at it. Esp as Americans. Tom Brady falling apart this year Which is sad List of famous failures Abraham Lincoln Defeated in his run for state legislature (1832), failed in business (1833), had a nervous breakdown (1836), was defeated in his bid for congress (1843), defeated for US senator (1854), defeated as vice presidential candidate (1856) and defeated again as US senator (1858) before finally becoming president (1860) and then was murdered – but he also galvanized the country, abolished slavery and changed the course of US history! Widely considered one of the - if not THE - best US president Michael Jordan after switching to baseball (big failure in baseball) Michael had won 3 NBA Championships with the Chicago Bulls, 3 league MVP titles and was considered the best player in the league…THEN he switched to baseball Motivated by his father’s death and his dad’s dream for him to become a baseball player, Jordan joined the White Sox…and he was terrible. Never even played a major league game. After two seasons Jordan sucked it up, admitted he was crap at baseball and went back to the NBA… …and won 3 more championships! He is now considered the greatest basketball player of all time (Sorry you LeBron fans!) Tiger Woods Once considered to be the world's greatest golfer - winner of 14 majors titles in golf - Woods was involved in multiple scandals, major back injuries, family disintegration and a mental meltdown. Once #1 in the world, by 2017 Tiger had dropped to 1,199th. Starting the 2018 season, at age 42, after having gone through four back surgeries, including spinal fusion, the question was not whether Tiger could drive a golf ball 300+ yards, but whether he could ever again swing a club again without debilitating pain. He got off to a slow start in 2018, but then began to gather momentum. He almost won the 2018 PGA Championship, finishing second with his best-ever final round score in a major. Then, in what seems like a miracle, or perhaps a fairytale, Tiger did the impossible and came back to win the 2019 Masters for his 15th major title.  Muhammad Ali Ali had been on the top of the boxing world. In 1960 he won an Olympic gold medal and over the next few years he built his reputation and skill and in 1965 he won the heavyweight championship of the world, in a stunning upset over the seemingly invincible Sonny Liston. But in 1967, after refusing to serve in the US military due to his objections to the Vietnam War, Ali was stripped of his world championship belt and his boxing license. He was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to five years in prison, and fined $10,000. Although Ali did not serve time, he would not be allowed to fight again until 1970. Ali had been robbed of his prime years and he lost his 1971 bid for the heavyweight crown to Joe Frazier. In 1973 he lost a fight to Ken Norton in which his jaw was broken. He appeared to be washed-up a has-been. But then in quick succession Ali won rematches with Norton and Frazier, earning him the "right" to be knocked out by the reigning heavyweight champion, the hulking George Foreman. But in the celebrated "Rumble in the Jungle" a middle-aged Ali rallied to defeat Foreman and suddenly he was back on top of the boxing world again. Ali would go undefeated until 1978. By the time he retired, Ali was not only the most famous boxer on the planet, but the most famous athlete and probably the most-recognized human being around the world. Side Story: Twenty years later, in 1994 at the age of 45, George Foreman had an amazing comeback of his own, when he went up against heavyweight champion Michael Moorer and won to reclaim the title he had lost to Ali. Battle of the Alamo (1836) Mexican Army wiped out the American forces - huge mental loss Turned into rallying cry “Remember the Alamo!” Pearl Harbor (1941) Unleashed the US War machine Learning As An Adult Aka accepting failure / losing So effing hard Jay’s Fucked Up Back Accepting I’m not healthy, re-building it, SO FRUSTRATING! How Do We Accept Losing And Transcend It? Realize failure is part of the process Don’t make it personal Don’t attach your ego to the outcome Keep making small progress - little wins - to move you towards your goal Small, continuous wins will help offset the failure Accept the pain It hurts. Don’t deny it. Don’t bury it. Accept it. MAybe even relish it Learn to break through Once you learn that pain isn’t permanent and failure isn’t fatal, a whole new world of possibility is opened up to you David Goggins “Never Finished” Quote: “Nothing in my life has ever happened for me on the first try. It took me three cracks to get through Navy SEAL training. I had to take the ASVAB five times. I failed twice before making the world record for pull ups in 24 hours. But by then failure had long since been neutralized. When I set an unreasonable goal and fall short I don’t even look at it as failure anymore. It is simply my first, second, third or tenth attempt. That is what belief does for you. It takes failure out of the occasion completely because you go in knowing the process will be long and arduous - and that is what the fuck we do.”
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“The Terminal List” – Bookcast #44

The Terminal List (2018) by Jack Carr Read and listen to "The Terminal List" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “The Terminal List” A very brief description of “The Terminal List”(4 minutes) 00:00-04:00 On his last combat deployment, Navy Seal James Reece’s entire team was killed in a catastrophic ambush. When Reece discovers this was not an act of war by a foreign enemy but a conspiracy that runs to the highest levels of US government, he applies the lessons that he’s learned in over a decade of constant warfare to avenging the deaths of his family and teammates.  What Carr sets out to do / Purpose of the book This is a revenge tale, pure and simple. Reece becomes the angel of death and the tragedy that happens gives him just cause to transcend all laws and do whatever it takes to bring every corrupt individual to justice. The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most People who love the military - esp. Navy SEALs People who love details in their stories People who love a good muscular thriller People who enjoy blood and action People who are angry and want some vicarious violence upon their enemies Who probably WON’T like this book? People who can’t handle a protagonist without mercy People who have done bad things themselves and would be terrified of someone like Carr People who don’t like strong, explicit violence People who are triggered by the phrase “AR-15” How does this book specifically benefit Men?  As a man, you always need to think about how to protect your family and friends. This book will also challenge you to answer the question “What would you do if someone killed them”? Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? (1 minute) 04:00-05:00 The book is easy reading – assuming you’re okay with brutal violence 414 pages, Audiobook is 12 hours but you can definitely speed that up What are the overall book reviews?Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? All Amazon Books: 22,572 ratings, 4.7 stars  #3,885 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #64 in Political Thrillers (Books) #85 in Espionage Thrillers (Books) Audible: 50,392 ratings, 4.8 stars #1 in Espionage Thrillers (Audible Books & Originals) #1 in Political Thrillers (Audible Books) Book-To-Movie Translation  Amazon show “The Terminal List” - Season 1 is out now and it’s good! Bio of Jack Carr Official Bio from his website: Jack Carr led special operations teams as a Team Leader, Platoon Commander, Troop Commander and Task Unit Commander. Over his 20 years in Naval Special Warfare he transitioned from an enlisted SEAL sniper, to a junior officer leading assault and sniper teams in Iraq and Afghanistan, to a platoon commander practicing counterinsurgency in the southern Philippines, to commanding a Special Operations Task Unit in southern Iraq throughout the tumultuous drawdown of U.S. Forces. HOWEVER…The truth is a little more interesting Jack Carr is actually a pseudonym for TWO writers: Retired Navy Seal George Petersen and Keith Wood, a lawyer, novelist and journalist writes for Guns and Ammo, Forbes, American Rifleman, Shooting Illustrated, Fortune and more As far as we can tell at least the first book in the series was co-written by Peterson and Wood and possibly several more, however Peterson has become the face of “Jack Carr” and conducts all media interviews with no mention of Wood There is a 2019 lawsuit between the two men over ownership and credit of the “Jack Carr” brand Breakdown of Themes in "The Terminal List" Patriotism The relationship between the individual and his community Masculinity The importance of family Tireless pursuit of truth Faith - or lack of faith - in the government death
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The Joys and Horrors of Moving Your Home – TSMP #78

Matt and Jay discuss why moving your home (and change in general) is so hard, why you should look forward to it, and how to do it the right way! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Intro: Moving Your Home SUCKS Of the 43 items on the Holmes and Rahe Stress test, moving your home includes at least 10 (and often many more) of the items on that list The odds of you getting sick purely as a result of high levels of stress either during or after a move are very high! Some studies show that more than 50% of people don’t move even though they’re unhappy where they are simply because it’s too stressful One recent study shows that Moving Your Home is more stressful than Relationship breakdown Starting a new job  Or even divorce! (Although that probably depends on how much you hate your spouse) Reasons Why Moving Your Home Is So Hard You have to move your whole life You have to go through everything you own, one piece at a time Then you have to pack it up, put in in the truck, drive it, take it out of the truck, take it up and down stairs, then unpack it (or have a mover do it all) You’re hardwired to resist change Habits are hard to make and then they’re hard to break Moving your home requires breaking MANY habits in a very short period of time You have to make lots and lots and LOTS of decisions Where to live (price, amenities, neighborhood, neighbors, landlords for renters, escrow and negotiating for buyers, condition of house, how badly did they lie/conceal issues?, etc, etc) Where to work (hopefully you have a job nearby already) Saying goodbye to your old friends The challenges of meeting new people Where is all the new stuff you need to survive? (Grocery stores, supply stores, schools, restaurants, parks, good parts of town/bad parts of town, etc) Moving your home is EXPENSIVE Rent truck, packing, first & last month’s rent/deposit on new home, new furniture, things for the new place, storage, movers (or favors owed to friends), insurance, broken things,  Feeling Out of Control Lots of random things happen that you can’t control Flat tires, movers quitting, weather is super hot/cold, your back goes out,  Mistakes that you will make Bad planning, missed details, things forgotten,  Your timeline is at the mercy of other people and circumstances People don’t return calls. People forget. You’re put “in a cue” in a computer somewhere.  Shit WILL Go Sideways Things will go wrong. Count on it. Ie. In my case, my good buddy who was going to fly down to San Diego and help me move - his dad died just a couple days ago. Super Sad. His dad was a great guy. So not only will he not be able to help me move, I’ll be heading up to Northern California for the funeral instead of moving on the weekend I had scheduled and now I have to juggle a bunch of stuff around. That’s how things are when you move. Unforeseen problems WILL HAPPEN. That’s the nature of the beast. How to Cope with the Difficult Parts of Moving Your Home Expect they’ll be difficult Save a bunch of money (much more than you think you’ll need) Take a lot of extra time (schedule at least 2x what you think you’ll need) Get help (friends, family, movers, other pros) Take breaks Keep your body loose and stretched out (most people get injured moving!) The Hard-but-Great Things About Moving Your Home New experiences New, cool place to live (or, if it’s a fixer-upper, the opportunity to create one) New friends Opportunity to declutter! The better you are at moving, the better you are at travel And travel is one of the few things that ALWAYS improves your life The unknown you could have never expected One of my personal rules about travel: “There’s always going to be at least one shitty thing you’d never expect but there’s also going to be at least five incredible things you’d never expect.” Same thing is true with moving Moving your home helps you to appreciate the value of trying new things When I first moved to SD from NorCal I was doing new stuff every day. New events every weekend. Exploring. Experiencing. It was all great. Beach just a few minutes away. Surfing. Sushi! New cool people. Neat little restaurants. Could drive from snow to swim in ocean in less than 2 hours (that was a cool experience) Over time I explored less and less. Eventually I almost stopped trying new stuff. Then as I’m prepping to move, I start looking around more and, for example, I found a new Chinese buffet a mile from my house that is amazing! It’s been there for 3 years and I just tried it two weeks ago. And now I won’t be able to eat there anymore. TRY NEW THINGS PEOPLE!!! Growth The more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the more capacity you have to experience increased pleasure, satisfaction, connection, stress reduction and overall freedom Conclusion Moving your home SUCKS! But guess what, so does GROWTH! The older we get, the less we want to try new things, to push outside our comfort zones, to look stupid, to make mistakes. But consciously spending time in this “uncomfortable” state is the secret to accomplishing ever greater and more amazing things. We challenge you to find some area in your life and ‘move it around’ - mix it up - try something new! Maybe change your exercise program, maybe your finances, maybe your sex life (plug book), maybe your relationship with your kids, Maybe it’s something big - going back to college or writing a book Maybe it’s something spiritual And hey, maybe it’s making that move that you’ve been wanting to make! Whatever it is, try something new. Push yourself a little bit. Make that hard choice and become a little bit more awesome. Do it! Make the move! And, as always, Stay Superior!
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“Outliers” – Bookcast #43

Outliers: The Story of Success (2008) by Malcolm Gladwell Read and listen to "Outliers" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Outliers: The Story of Success” A very brief description of “Outliers”Journalist and researcher Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers" - the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful - from software billionaires to soccer players to Asian math prodigies. His goal is to find the answer to the question: What makes high-achievers different from regular people?What Gladwell sets out to do / Purpose of the bookThe real meat of the book is Gladwell’s discussion of our misunderstanding of how highly successful people achieve their greatness. The modern media pays too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who love biographiesPeople who want to understand how to become successfulPeople who want to know that unspoken truth about great success - that it often requires great luck as well as great workPeople who want to become world famousPeople who like reality TV shows Who probably WON’T like this book?People who need deep, scientific analyses of case studiesPeople who believe in overnight successPeople who aren’t willing to commit 10,000 hours to their thingHow does this book specifically benefit Men? All Men aspire to greatness but most men do not understand everything that is required to achieve it. Outliers will help to fill in the gaps in a man’s education so he can realize the skills, the work, the creativity - and the serendipity that is required to rise to the highest level of achievement.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? The book is easy reading although it may be difficult to accept how much work is required to achieve greatness336 pages, Audiobook is 7 hours and 18 minutesWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?Kindle: 22,667 ratings, 4.7 stars#5 in Business Decision-Making#5 in Social Psychology & Interactions#8 in Personal Success in BusinessAudible: 47,305 ratings, 4.8 stars#2 in Anthropology #4 in Medical Social Psychology & Interactions#5 in Social PsychologyBook-To-Movie Translation N/A Bio of Malcolm Gladwell Malcolm Gladwell is an English-born Canadian journalist, writer and speaker.Gladwell was born Sept 3, 1963 in Fareham. His mother is Joyce Gladwell, a Jamaican psychotherapist. His father, Graham Gladwell, was a mathematics professor from Kent, England.When he was six his family moved from Southampton to the Mennonite community of Elmira in Ontario, Canada.Gladwell's father noted Malcolm was an unusually single-minded and ambitious boy. When Malcolm was 11, his father, who was a professor of mathematics and engineering at the University of Waterloo, allowed him to wander around the offices at his university, which stoked the boy's interest in reading and libraries. The University of Waterloo granted Gladwell an honorary doctorate in 2007.He graduated with a bachelor's degree in history from Trinity College of the University of Toronto, in 1984 but although he wanted to attend graduate school his grades weren’t high enough so he decided to pursue advertising.After being rejected by every advertising agency he applied to, he accepted a journalism position at American Spectator and has spent almost 40 years to date writing and working in investigative journalismGladwell was a national class runner and an Ontario High School champion. He was among Canada's fastest teenagers at 1500 meters, running 4:14 at the age of 13 and 4:05 when aged 14. In 2014 he ran a 4:54 mile - when he was 51 years old!He has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1996. He has published five NYT bestsellers (and seven books overall): The Tipping Point (2000); Blink (2005); Outliers (2008); What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures (2009); David and Goliath (2013); Talking To Strangers (2019) and The Bomber Mafia (2021).   Breakdown of Themes in "Outliers" Our culture celebrates the myth of the “self-made man.”Once you reach a certain threshold, increased abilities no longer help you succeed. World-class mastery of anything demands around 10,000 hours of practice – no easy feat.The month you’re born in can have a huge effect on what you achieve.How you’re brought up can radically impact how successful you become.The year you’re born in can make or break you.
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“Gates of Fire” – Bookcast #42

Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae (1998) by Steven Pressfield Read and listen to "Gates of Fire" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae” A very brief description of “Gates of Fire” At Thermopylae, a rocky mountain pass in northern Greece, 300 Spartan soldiers engaged in a suicide mission - to save their country they must hold the pass against the invading millions of the mighty Persian army. Day after bloody day they withstood the terrible onslaught, buying time for the Greeks to rally their forces and eventually overcome the world’s most powerful empire. This is the story of the Spartan’s legendary feat - the greatest military stand in history.What Pressfield sets out to do / Purpose of the bookPressfield’s goal in the book isn’t just to tell the spectacular legend of the 300 Spartan warriors, but to to explain how their children - born into a cult of spiritual courage, physical endurance, and unmatched battle skill - were raised to become men and women capable of accomplishing the impossible.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who love action and adventure storiesPeople who historical novelsPeople who love philosophy - and especially philosophy in actionPeople who want to learn how to die wellPeople who want to understand war - in all its glory and horrorPeople who are obsessed with super buff men in tiny outfits beating each other to a bloody pulpWho probably WON’T like this book?People who can’t handle extreme, graphic violencePeople who think war is always stupid and unnecessaryPeople who like easy-reading books (and don’t want to look up words - especially in other languages)People who hated reading The Iliad or The Odyssey in High SchoolHow does Gates of Fire specifically benefit Men? This book has MANY things to teach men. It’s required reading at West Point, the United States Naval Academy, and at the Marine Corps Basic School. It’s about honor, skill, courage in the face of insurmountable odds, sacrifice, brotherhood, death, romance, love and so much more.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? The book is brilliant and very enjoyable but is also very dense with warfare terminology and historical and archaic terminology (plus dozens of Greek words). It’s not easy reading but it’s worth the work.531 pages, (Audiobook is 14 hours and 55 minutes)What are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?Kindle: 5,070 ratings, 4.7 stars#130 in Education & Reference #135 in Military Historical Fiction#248 in U.S. Historical FictionAudible: 5,764 ratings, 4.8 stars#17 in Military Thrillers#42 in Military Historical Fiction#63 in War & Military FictionBook-To-Movie Translation No movie has been made based directly on this book (although George Clooney does own the movie rights) but it could easily be argued that the movie ‘300’ starring Gerard Butler is exactly that. Gates of Fire was published in 1998 and Frank Miller’s graphic novel ‘300’ (which is for all intents and purposes identical to the movie) came out in 1999. Coincidence? Not likely. Bio of Steven Pressfield Steven Pressfield (born September 1, 1943 - he’s 79) is an American author of historical fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays.Pressfield was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad, in 1943, while his father was stationed there, in the Navy.Pressfield graduated from Duke University in 1965. In 1966, he joined the Marine Corps.Pressfield was an advertising copywriter, schoolteacher, tractor-trailer driver, bartender, oilfield roustabout, attendant in a mental hospital, fruit-picker in Washington state, and screenwriter. His struggles to make a living as an author, including the period when he was homeless and living out of the back of his car, are detailed in his 2002 book The War of Art.Pressfield's first book, The Legend of Bagger Vance, which was loosely based on the Bhagavad Gita, was published in 1995, and was made into a 2000 film of the same name directed by Robert Redford and starring Will Smith, Charlize Theron, and Matt Damon.His second novel, Gates of Fire (1998), is about the Spartans and the battle at Thermopylae. It is taught in the U.S. Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, and the Marine Corps Basic School at Quantico.Pressfield has written ten novels, mostly military thrillers set in various time periods ranging from ancient Greece all the way to sci-fi future. He has also written nine non-fiction novels, including the best-selling book “The War of Art” that teaches artists how to become successful.Prior to publishing his first original works of fiction, Pressfield wrote several Hollywood screenplays including 1986's King Kong Lives, 1988's Above the Law starring Steven Seagal, 1992's Freejack, a fun B-movie sci-fi starring Emilio Estevez, Mick Jagger, and Anthony Hopkins, and 1993's Army of One starring Dolph Lundgren Breakdown of Themes Cities, Identity, and BelongingIn the ancient Greek context of Gates of Fire, a city was not just a geographic home, but the environment in which people forged relationships, learned their culture, and formed their sense of identity. To lose a city was really to lose one’s self. This is what befalls the main character, XeoFaith and Divine InterventionWhile it’s hardly surprising that gods and divine activity are a significant theme in Gates of Fire, Pressfield’s treatment of the human/divine relationship is far from simplistic. The gods are interested in human lives—even seemingly insignificant human lives—yet their intentions for those lives are not always clear from a human perspective. Through a range of personal and collective encounters between Greeks and their gods, Pressfield suggests that religious faith is a complex matter.Warfare and BrotherhoodAfter Xeo’s hometown is destroyed by the Argives, he longs to join the Spartans because they are the only warriors who can defeat the Argives. “The Spartans became for [him] the equivalent of avenging gods. [He] couldn’t learn enough about these warriors who had so devastatingly defeated the murderers” of his family. In Xeo’s journeys with the Spartans, he encounters different views of what being a warrior and engaging in battle entail.Fear, Courage, and LoveThroughout Gates of Fire, fear is pervasive, from the destruction of Xeo’s city to the hovering threat of the Persian invasion to the horrors of Thermopylae. Dienekes, seasoned mentor to the young Alexandros and the master whom Xeo serves as squire, is preoccupied with the study of fear and how it may be overcome. Through Dienekes’ exploration of the question of fear at pivotal moments in the story, Pressfield argues that fear can overcome everything except for love. Kingship, Loyalty, and FreedomThough Pressfield is not heavy-handed in his portrayal of Greece as the traditional birthplace of democracy, he does portray King Leonidas and the Spartans as fledgling freedom-fighters, in contrast to the enslaving Xerxes and the masses of soldiers Xerxes compels to dominate Asia and Europe on his behalf. More than a political or historical point, Pressfield uses the contrast between Leonidas and Xerxes to make a point about the nature of leadership itself.Female Strength and InfluenceThough Gates of Fire is very much dominated by male characters, women play a surprisingly prominent role throughout. Speaking of what prompted the monumental battle at Thermopylae, Xeo readily acknowledges that “In the end it was their women who galvanized the Spartans into action.” Though female characters are largely viewed through the eyes of male characters in the novel, Pressfield argues that women were the major inspiration for Spartan actions and character in war and at home.
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Becoming a Badass Old Man – TSMP #77

Matt and Jay discuss what kind of old man are you going to be: A flabby, whiny, and pathetic old man? Or a strong, wise and badass old man? We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Intro: Young = Good, Old = Bad Everyone knows is sucks to be oldOver-the-hill, on your way to deadBody doesn’t work as well, less energy, not as sexy, not as much fun,Kids are faster than you…grandkids are WAY faster than you…Jay’s story: Hurting his back, now 46 years old, hasn’t fully healed and it’s been almost a month…Been fine for years… We All “Know” Younger/Newer = Better When guys get remarried, 40% of them choose a woman 8 (or more) years younger for their next wifeOld computers = Useless computersNewer cars are better carsAsk any kid: New toys are more fun than old toys (and the best are the toys you’re ABOUT to get!)Not many 40-year-old porn actresses (gross)Our society definitely favors the young Wait, How Old Can An Action Star Be? Badass Old MenLiam Neeson - 70Taken (2008), HUGE action movie franchise, started when he was 56Currently in the middle of production for SIX movies…at 70Tom Cruise - 60, Arguably biggest action-hero in the worldArnold Schwarzenegger - 75, (photo of Arnold working out), Dark Fate (2019)Sylvester Stallone - 76, new superhero movie “Samaritan” just came out August 2022The Rock - 50 Hot Women at 50? Jennifer Aniston - 53J-Lo - 53Elizabeth Hurley - 57 (Photos: Damn girl!)Michelle Pfeiffer - 62 (photo)(honorable mention) Charlize Theron - 47Monica Belucci - 57 (photos) Okay, So You Can Be Older and In Great Shape...Are There Other Benefits? More moneyMore resourcesBigger network of people you knowYou’re wiser (already made all the stupid mistakes when you were younger)Freedom to carve your own pathBeliefs, politics, sex, relationshipsIndependentNot dependent on anyone elseYou actually know things nowTravel, books (Bookcast plug), wine/beer/whiskey, cars, politics, etcKids are amazingMental and Emotional HealthNot a guarantee but if you’ve done the work then you can be WAY happier starting in your 40s and continuing to improve as you get olderDating: Unfair advantage older men have over womenBecause of how attraction works, men often get MORE attractive as they get older (richer, more confident, more experienced, smarter, stronger)Much harder for women (but not impossible!)Ref: Sexual Magnetism How To Get Older and More Awesome Badass Old Men do the workThe older you are, the more work you have to do to keep your shit tight…but the more rewards you’ll get when you do itBadass Old Men use compound interest in every area of your lifeMoney grows over timePhysical fitness and strength can improve with years of dedicated effortBetter relationships and friendshipsHappier and healthier mental statesBadass Old Men use coachesThe older you get, the more you realize that true excellence requires a team of coaches, mentors and partnersBadass Old Men know Dependence -> Independence -> InterdependenceThree stages of psychological growth of a personChildren rely on other peopleYoung adults try and do things by themselvesOlder people use networking, partnerships and teams to create exponential success The story of the young bull and the badass old bull at the top of the hill looking down at the field below filled with many beautiful cows: Young bull (excited): Wow look at all those beautiful heifers! Let’s run down there and fuck one of them! Badass Old bull (calmly): Nah, I say we WALK down there and fuck ALL of them. Conclusion No matter if you’re 18 or you're 45, you’re going to get old. It’s a fact.The question is, what kind of old are you going to be?Flabby, whiny, crappy and pathetic?Or strong, wise, powerful and badass old man?Choose now and set your path for the future!
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“Mindhunter” – Bookcast #41

Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit (1995) by John Douglas (with Mark Olshaker) Read and listen to "Mindhunter" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Mindhunter: Inside the FBIs Elite Serial Crime Unit” A very brief description of “Mindhunter” (4 minutes) 00:00-04:00The no-holds-barred description of John E. Douglas’ twenty-five-year career in the FBI Investigative Support Unit, where he used psychological profiling to delve into the minds of the country’s most notorious serial killers and criminals.What Douglas sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo teach people about how criminals and serial killers work, how we can catch them and how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from becoming a victim.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who loved Silence of the Lambs (Thomas Harris, the author of SotL, based his character Jack Crawford, head of the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit, on John Douglas) People who love true crime and/or horror storiesPeople who want to understand how - and why - serial killers do what they doPeople who want to make sure they don’t become a victimPeople who don’t like sleeping (this book is not for the faint of heart!)Who probably WON’T like this book?People who don’t want to think about real life horror that lives nearbyPeople who can’t handle explicit descriptions of violent and sexual crimeHonestly, most people will have trouble reading this bookHow does this book specifically benefit Men? As Men it is our job to protect the people in our lives. As difficult as it is to accept, there are deranged, sick criminals out there who enjoy inflicting pain and killing other people. If we’re going to take care of our loved ones we need to educate ourselves first and then educate them - as well as be prepared to protect them if the situation calls for it.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? (1 minute) 04:00-05:00Mindhunter is very well written but it’s INCREDIBLY difficult to read. The subject matter is so dark and twisted that it’s highly possible this will be the most disturbing book you’ll ever read in your life.445 pages, (Audiobook is 15 hours and 24 minutes)What are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?9,971 ratings, 4.7 stars#6 in Law Enforcement#7 in Criminology#22 in Biographies & Memoirs of CriminalsAudible#5 in Crime & Criminal Biographies#16 in Murder & Mayhem True Accounts#91 in MemoirsBook-To-Movie Translation Since its publication in 1995, Mindhunter (and the other books in this series by John Douglas) have been THE reference books for any kind of serial killers in novels, movies or television shows.Some of the most famous fiction inspired by John Douglas includes the “Hannibal Lechter” books by Thomas Harris, the “Alex Cross” books by James Patterson, the “Dexter” books by Jeff Lindsay, the show “Criminal Minds” and many, many others.There is a new Netflix show based directly on this book and the creation of the FBI’s Serial Crime Unit Bio of John Douglas Douglas was born in Brooklyn in 1944 and grew up in Hempstead, New York.He enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1966 and served for four years.Douglas received his bachelor's degree from Eastern New Mexico University, a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin, and a doctorate from Nova Southeastern University.Douglas joined the FBI in 1970 and his first assignment was in Detroit, Michigan. In the field, he served as a sniper on the local FBI SWAT team and later became a hostage negotiator. He transferred to the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit (BSU) in 1977 where he taught hostage negotiation and applied criminal psychology at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia to new FBI special agents, field agents, and police officers from all over the United States. He created and managed the FBI's Criminal Profiling Program and was later promoted to unit chief of the Investigative Support UnitWhile traveling around the country providing instruction to police, Douglas began interviewing serial killers and other violent sex offenders at various prisons. He interviewed some of the most notable violent criminals in recent history as part of the study, including David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, Edmund Kemper, James Earl Ray and Richard Speck. He used the information gleaned from these interviews to create the FBI’s new Crime Classification Manual (CCM). Douglas’s work together with the FBI’s Investigative Support Unit has helped catch thousands of serial criminals and bring them to justice. The insights learned from their research are now taught around the world and have transformed our understanding of why violent criminals do what they do and how to find them and stop them. Breakdown of Themes in Mindhunter Nature vs NurtureA serial criminal may be predisposed to perform certain acts but it is invariably the horrible things that happen during childhood that shape their ultimate actionsLoss Of InnocenceEveryone that comes in contact with a disturbing crime is permanently scarred - families, friends, neighborhoods, local police and FBI agentsIn many cases, even the serial criminals themselves are seriously troubled by what they have doneCourage in the Face of EvilEven though horrible things are happening, some people choose to stand up and fight back. A great example of this is the family of Karla Brown. After Karla’s murder, her sister Dawn worked extensively with police and FBI to talk to the murderer - and even agreed to allow herself to be used as “bait” - to bring him to justice. Sometimes the Dragon WinsThe struggle against evil is ongoing and not every criminal is caught.The only way to truly make a difference is to keep fighting, to keep pushing for communities to spend the time, money and resources to keep criminals on the run and to bring justice to the families of the dead victims.
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Resetting After Failure – TSMP #76

We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Intro: Well, That Sucked Some of Jay’s Big FailuresRunning out of money and being booted from college after 6 years……AND he did not get a degreeGetting cheated on by his GF (who then promptly got knocked up)Breaking his friendship with his best friend of 8 yearsYears of serious depression…eventually considering suicideContinuously losing in day trading for the last year (Spent over $3k on education, Lost almost $8k in the market, Down $50,000 in virtual money, so far ZERO overall profit)Recently hurt his back…and even more recently his kneeSome of Matt’s Big FailuresInjury in police academyWife Cheating…Then DivorceFat MattMultiple injuries when trying to not be fat mattOther Failures Famous Failures And guess what? Our failures are just tiny little things compared to so many other huge failures by famous people: In 1985, due to his volatile and aggressive nature, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple, the company he had created.Steven Spielberg, director of Jurassic Park, Jaws, and Indiana Jones, tried to get into film school and was rejected three different times.Walt Disney was fired from his job at a newspaper because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” In 1921 Walt Disney invested all his money in his first animation company which failed miserably. In 1927 MGM refused Walt’s idea of Mickey Mouse, telling him women would be terrified of a giant mouse on a screen. Stephen King’s first novel Carrie was rejected by 30 different publishers. His wife fished the manuscript out of a trashcan and convinced her husband to give it one more shot. John Grisham's first book, "A Time to Kill", was rejected twenty-eight times.Note to self: 30ish failures for my first novelAlbert Einstein couldn’t speak clearly until age 9, was kicked out of school due to behavior problems and was refused entrance to the prestigious Zurich Polytechnic School. He tried to get a job as a physics teacher but was turned down at every school he applied to and was forced to take a job as a patent clerk to avoid unemployment.Abraham Lincoln was defeated in his run for state legislature (1832), failed in business (1833), had a nervous breakdown (1836), was defeated in his bid for Congress (1843), defeated for US senator (1854), defeated as vice-presidential candidate (Note: They ran separately at that time) (1856) and defeated again as US senator (1858) before finally becoming president (1860).Henry Ford's first two automobile companies failed. Not his first two automobiles - his first two automobile companies.Oprah Winfrey was fired from an early job as a television news anchor.Jim Carrey At his first stand-up at a club he was booed off stage. Then when he auditioned for Saturday Night Live for the 1980-81 season he was rejected for the job.Elvis Presley was fired from the Grand Ole Opry and was told to go back to truck driving.Colonel Sanders of KFC fame was rejected over 1000 times before finding a franchise partner. WHAT in the FUCK is WRONG with us??? Why do we keep FAILING??? (A Short List of) Reasons We May Be FAILING We don’t know how to commitWe aren’t willing to make sacrifices and pay the priceWe do everything we can to avoid pain and sufferingWe hate doing new things and sucking at themWe hate looking - and feeling - stupidWe can’t stand criticism from other peopleWe don’t know how to fight for what we wantWe’ve never developed courageNobody has ever told us that we CAN succeedMany people have told us that we ARE failuresWe’re so used to failure that it’s all we know how to doWe don’t believe we’ll ever be successfulWe don’t remember what it feels like to succeed Why Do We Fail? Do we keep failing our job interviews because we’re not currently hireable? Very possibleDo we keep getting rejected by women because we’re not sexually attractive? YupAre we broke - or in debt up to our eyeballs - because we suck with money? Almost a guaranteeAre we alone and lonely because we’re horrible at relationships? AbsolutelyAre we deeply and fundamentally flawed? You bet your ass How To Reset After Failure Stop Thinking of Failures as Finish-Points, and Start Thinking of Them as  Training ToolsIf you’re working on getting better at shooting free throws in basketball, how many missed shots before you give up and go home? Five shots? Ten? Twenty? Of course not! You take hundreds and hundreds of shots and you miss the basket constantly. Then as you shoot you continue to hone what works and what doesn’t.Same thing with any skill. You suck at the beginning because EVERYBODY sucks at the beginning. You get better by repeatedly working through the things you’re doing wrong until you get them right.Don’t Personalize FailureThis is one of the biggest mistakes that people make when they fail. When you’re trying to get a new job and you flub the interview it’s so easy to say “I failed that interview and therefore I’m a failure as a person.”Not only is personalizing failure very damaging to your confidence, IT SABOTAGES YOUR ABILITY TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS!!!Take yourself - your ego, your self-esteem - out of the equation. Focus on fixing the PROBLEM, rather than worrying about your feelings.Once you solve the problem, you’ll feel more confident, more successful and more capable of solving other, harder problems.Change Your Mindset from Failure = Bad to Failure = LearningHighly successful people understand that failure is not a sign that you’ll never succeed, failure is a necessary step in the learning process. YOU CANNOT SUCCEED WITHOUT FAILING. IT’S IMPOSSIBLE.Michael Jordan: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”  Conclusion - Unrealistic Expectations Failing sucks. There’s no doubt about it. It hurts, it’s hard and it causes damage. Sometimes that damage lasts for years - or even a lifetime.NOBODY wants to fail but EVERYBODY fails.One of the biggest problems with the modern social media world is that nobody posts their failures - only their successes.In a social-media world it becomes very easy to believe that EVERYONE ELSE IS KILLING IT - solid job, hot girl, lots of friends, adventurous life, great body, happy kids, etc, etc - AND YOU SUCK.This is a big fat fucking lie.Here’s the biggest secret in life that nobody is talking about:Everybody fails every single day. Everybody.As the great philosopher Wesley says in Princess Bride: “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”The people who are TRULY successful in life understand and accept that failure is not only inevitable, it is the payment you must make in order to get the things you want.
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“Lord of the Flies” – Bookcast #40

Lord of the Flies (1954) by William Golding Read and listen to "Lord of the Flies" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! A very brief description of “Lord of the Flies” A group of British schoolboys become marooned on a tropical island. Alone in a world of uncharted possibilities, devoid of adult supervision or rules, the boys begin to forge their own society, their own rules, their own rituals and their own morality.What Golding sets out to do / Purpose of the bookHis idea was to write a book about children on an island who behave in the way children really would behave…Like Adults?The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who love philosophy and the study of human naturePeople who want to understand how - and why - evil deeds happenPeople who want to prepare for when shit gets darkPeople who enjoy thrillers and horror stories (and Stephen King fans)Who probably WON’T like this book?People who don’t want to read about unhappy thingsPeople who believe heroes will always save the dayPeople who don’t want to think about the horrors of childhoodPeople who only watch Disney moviesHow does this book specifically benefit Men? Every man has the CAPACITY - and occasionally even the DESIRE - to be cruel or downright evil. Lord of the Flies forces the reader to confront his inner darkness and to decide how he will respond to these powerful and dangerous urges.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? The book is a quick read but with two caveats: 1) The writing is beautiful but dense with poetic descriptions and occasionally difficult to understand; 2) The subject matter is not easy to read and will haunt you long after you finish192 pages, (Audiobook is 6 hours 35 minutes)What are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?31,157 ratings, 4.6 stars#1 in Non-US Legal Systems (Books)#1 in Comparative Politics#1 in CensorshipAudible#1 in Teen & Young Adult Fiction on Peer Pressure#1 in Teen Fiction on Peer Pressure#2 in Literature & Fiction Classics for Teens#359 All Audible BooksBook-To-Movie Translation Multiple movie adaptations (1963, 1975, 1990 and 2018) as well as a stage play and a BBC radio drama Bio of William Golding Sir William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Cornwall, England. He was raised in a 14th-century house next door to a graveyard. His father, Alex, worked as a schoolmaster. His mother, Mildred, a homemaker, was also an active suffragette who fought for women’s right to vote.William received his early education at the school his father ran, Marlborough Grammar School. When he was 12 years old, he attempted, unsuccessfully, to write a novel. A frustrated child, he found an outlet in bullying his peers. Later in life, William would describe his childhood self as a brat, even going so far as to say, “I enjoyed hurting people.”After primary school, William went on to attend Oxford University. His father hoped he would become a scientist, but William opted to study English literature instead. In 1934, a year before he graduated, William published his first work, a book of poetry aptly entitled Poems. The collection was largely overlooked by critics.After college, Golding worked multiple jobs - including some time in the theater - but eventually he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and in 1935 took a position teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury. Golding’s experience teaching unruly young boys would later serve as inspiration for his novel Lord of the Flies.In 1940 Golding temporarily left his position as a teacher to join the Royal Navy for the next five yearsDuring World War II, he fought battleships at the sinking of the Bismarck, and also fended off submarines and planes. Lieutenant Golding was even placed in command of a rocket-launching craft that landed in Normandy on D-DayOf his World War II experiences, Golding said, “I began to see what people were capable of produces evil as a bee produces honey.” In 1954, after 21 rejections, Golding published his first and most acclaimed novel, Lord of the Flies. The book is on many Top 100 and multiple Top 10 lists for best novels ever writtenLord of the Flies is universally considered one of the most important young adult novels and is taught worldwide in high-schoolsHowever, because of it’s difficult subject matter and especially because the protagonists are all children, the book was banned for many decades in multiple countriesAt the age of 73, Golding was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature. In 1988 he was knighted by England’s Queen Elizabeth II.During his life Golding wrote 12 novels, including Rites of Passage (winner of the 1980 Booker McConnell Prize), Pincher Martin, Free Fall and The Pyramid. He also wrote poetry, plays, essays and short stories. Breakdown of Themes Civilization Vs. SavageryThe central concern of Lord of the Flies is the conflict between two competing impulses that exist within all human beings: the instinct to live by rules, act peacefully, follow moral commands, and value the good of the group against the instinct to gratify one’s immediate desires, act violently to obtain supremacy over others, and enforce one’s will. Loss Of InnocenceAs the boys on the island progress from well-behaved, orderly children longing for rescue to cruel, bloodthirsty hunters who have no desire to return to civilization, they naturally lose the sense of innocence that they possessed at the beginning of the novel. Struggle To Build CivilizationThe struggle to build civilization forms the main conflict of Lord of the Flies. Ralph and Piggy believe that structure, rules, and maintaining a signal fire are the greatest priorities, while Jack believes hunting, violence, and fun should be prioritized over safety, protection, and planning for the future. Man’s Inherent EvilThe fact that the main characters in Lord of the Flies are young boys suggests the potential for evil is inherent even in small children. Jack, for example, is initially keen for rules and civility, but becomes obsessed with hunting, frightened and empowered by the promise of violence. Even Ralph and Piggy, who both strive to maintain their sense of humanity, ultimately join in on the mass murder of Simon, momentarily surrendering to the thrill of violence and mass hysteria. Dangers Of Mob MentalityLord of the Flies explores the dangers of mob mentality in terrifying scenes of violence and torture. Early on, the boys sing “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood,” after a successful hunt, elevating their shared act of violence into a celebratory chant. By coming together as a mob, the boys transform the upsetting experience of killing an animal into a bonding ritual. Acting as one group, the boys are able to commit worse and worse crimes, deluding one another into believing in the potential danger posed by the beast justifies their violence. Similarly, the boys use warpaint to hide their identities as individuals, and avoid personal responsibility.War And The Future Of MankindSet during a global war, Lord of the Flies offers a view of what society might look like trying to rebuild after a large scale man made catastrophe. In their attempt to rebuild society, the boys cannot agree on a new order and eventually fall into savagery.Ralph comes to believe that social order, fairness and thoughtfulness have little value in a world where basic survival is a struggle, such as after a devastating war.
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Is America Great? Part 2 – TSMP #75

In the second part of this powerful podcast, Matt and Jay dig even deeper into the question so many people are wondering these days: Is America Great? Intro: America Sucks, amIright? Huge immigration problemsBreakdown of family valuesMass shootings and increase of crimeHorrible education compared to the rest of the worldHealthcare coverage is crapSystemic racismThe patriarchy Cops are brutal, stupid, racist and homicidalAmerica is no longer a safe place to liveWe spend almost all our money on military, not on our peopleAccording to a recent ranking of 35 nations around the world, the US ranked 2nd to LAST out of countries to raise a family in. Examining Our Expectations First off, Americans spend way more time on social media than any other “developed nation.” (Nigeria, Philippines and India all spend more time than we do but there is no comparison in terms of financial equivalency)Average American spends 2h15min every day on social mediaNext closest developed nation is UK with 1h48minThen Germany 1h29minThen Japan 59minWhat happens when you spend more time on social media? You need to improve yourself (get richer, get sexier, get more friends, get more likes, etc).Americans are also the number one consumer of television in the world. We watch more TV than any other country. What does this do to us? Same as social media. Advertising = Smartest people in the world using every psychological trick in the book to convince you that you’re unhappy and so you’ll buy their product to make you happy. Losing the Happiness Competition As of 2022 America ranks 16th in the world in terms of happiness of our citizens. This is a pretty subjective measurement, true, but generally speaking it says that we aren’t as happy as other countries.Does that mean we CAN’T be happy? What are our opportunities for happiness?Honestly, our happiness opportunities are UNLIMITED! What CAN’T an American do if they choose to?Want to start a business? That’s great!Want to have a family? Wonderful!Want to start your own religion? Sure, go for it. We respect that.Want to have various forms of sexual activity with one or several partners of the same or differing sexes? Knock yourself out. You do you boo.Want to get together and protest against the government? We accept that and we even have government officers that will help you to do it!Want to spew vile, hate-filled speech at other people? We have forums and places for you to do that!As long as you don’t hurt other people or take away their rights, America is willing to accept pretty much anything you want to say or do. Okay, Back To Why “America sucks” Huge immigration problemsBut are they really? Yes the US has the #1 immigrant population in the world, but that’s not an accident. We’re the #1 most desirable country to get into! And also, 75% of the immigrants that are here are legal immigrants. As for illegal immigrants, the real reason they’re here is because we pay them to be here. All those lawn maintenance jobs? Janitorial work? Maids? Kitchen staff? Backbreaking labor picking fruit? Construction work in the sun in the middle of summer?Yup. We don’t want to do those. Too hard. Not enough money.Breakdown of “family values”This is so subjective. Almost not worth discussing. But because we need to, let’s dig in quicklyMass shootings and increase of crimeAs we’ve covered in previous podcasts crime has actually DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY since the early 1990sHorrible education compared to the rest of the worldAccording the most recent 2021 Best Countries report, the US ranks #1 in world for Best Education System…however……a 2018 Business Insider shows the U.S. ranked 38th in math scores and 24th in science. In other words, it’s not our education system. It’s something we’re doing wrong in individual schools. The US has the best schools and the best opportunities but our output isn’t the same.Apples with Apples…the other important factor here is that almost all the big names on the top math and science scores are from small countries.Denmark 5.5million pplFinland 5.5milSingapore 5milSweden 10milIsrael 9milNetherlands 17milCanada 38milExceptionsJapan 125milGermany 83milHealthcare coverage is crapCompletely inaccurate. We not only have inexpensive coverage for the country, we have free coverage if you can’t afford itSystemic RacismThe whole WORLD is racistThe patriarchyThat’s a whole issue. But really, US is one of the most progressive countries in the world - and per population size it’s THE most progressive countryCops are brutal, stupid, racist and homicidalNope. Ref podcast “Fuck the police?”America is no longer a safe place to live Yes it isHowever, we’re now more paranoid.Why are we more paranoid? Good Q Conclusion The biggest problem with America is the whining!America is not perfect - no country is - but it is an AMAZING country with more desirable qualities on the whole than any other country in the world!
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Is America Great? Part 1 – TSMP #74

In this podcast Matt and Jay dare to ask the question so many people are wondering these days: Is America Great? The answer may surprise you. Intro: America Sucks, amIright? Huge immigration problemsBreakdown of family valuesMass shootings and increase of crimeHorrible education compared to the rest of the worldHealthcare coverage is crapSystemic racismThe patriarchy Cops are brutal, stupid, racist and homicidalAmerica is no longer a safe place to liveWe spend almost all our money on military, not on our peopleAccording to a recent ranking of 35 nations around the world, the US ranked 2nd to LAST out of countries to raise a family in. Examining Our Expectations First off, Americans spend way more time on social media than any other “developed nation.” (Nigeria, Philippines and India all spend more time than we do but there is no comparison in terms of financial equivalency)Average American spends 2h15min every day on social mediaNext closest developed nation is UK with 1h48minThen Germany 1h29minThen Japan 59minWhat happens when you spend more time on social media? You need to improve yourself (get richer, get sexier, get more friends, get more likes, etc).Americans are also the number one consumer of television in the world. We watch more TV than any other country. What does this do to us? Same as social media. Advertising = Smartest people in the world using every psychological trick in the book to convince you that you’re unhappy and so you’ll buy their product to make you happy. Losing the Happiness Competition As of 2022 America ranks 16th in the world in terms of happiness of our citizens. This is a pretty subjective measurement, true, but generally speaking it says that we aren’t as happy as other countries.Does that mean we CAN’T be happy? What are our opportunities for happiness?Honestly, our happiness opportunities are UNLIMITED! What CAN’T an American do if they choose to?Want to start a business? That’s great!Want to have a family? Wonderful!Want to start your own religion? Sure, go for it. We respect that.Want to have various forms of sexual activity with one or several partners of the same or differing sexes? Knock yourself out. You do you boo.Want to get together and protest against the government? We accept that and we even have government officers that will help you to do it!Want to spew vile, hate-filled speech at other people? We have forums and places for you to do that!As long as you don’t hurt other people or take away their rights, America is willing to accept pretty much anything you want to say or do. Okay, Back To Why “America sucks” Huge immigration problemsBut are they really? Yes the US has the #1 immigrant population in the world, but that’s not an accident. We’re the #1 most desirable country to get into! And also, 75% of the immigrants that are here are legal immigrants. As for illegal immigrants, the real reason they’re here is because we pay them to be here. All those lawn maintenance jobs? Janitorial work? Maids? Kitchen staff? Backbreaking labor picking fruit? Construction work in the sun in the middle of summer?Yup. We don’t want to do those. Too hard. Not enough money.Breakdown of “family values”This is so subjective. Almost not worth discussing. But because we need to, let’s dig in quicklyMass shootings and increase of crimeAs we’ve covered in previous podcasts crime has actually DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY since the early 1990sHorrible education compared to the rest of the worldAccording the most recent 2021 Best Countries report, the US ranks #1 in world for Best Education System…however……a 2018 Business Insider shows the U.S. ranked 38th in math scores and 24th in science. In other words, it’s not our education system. It’s something we’re doing wrong in individual schools. The US has the best schools and the best opportunities but our output isn’t the same.Apples with Apples…the other important factor here is that almost all the big names on the top math and science scores are from small countries.Denmark 5.5million pplFinland 5.5milSingapore 5milSweden 10milIsrael 9milNetherlands 17milCanada 38milExceptionsJapan 125milGermany 83milHealthcare coverage is crapCompletely inaccurate. We not only have inexpensive coverage for the country, we have free coverage if you can’t afford itSystemic RacismThe whole WORLD is racistThe patriarchyThat’s a whole issue. But really, US is one of the most progressive countries in the world - and per population size it’s THE most progressive countryCops are brutal, stupid, racist and homicidalNope. Ref podcast “Fuck the police?”America is no longer a safe place to live Yes it isHowever, we’re now more paranoid.Why are we more paranoid? Good Q Conclusion The biggest problem with America is the whining!America is not perfect - no country is - but it is an AMAZING country with more desirable qualities on the whole than any other country in the world!
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“Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” – Bookcast #39

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (2017) by Yuval Noah Harari Read and listen to "Homo Deus" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! A very brief description of “Homo Deus” The world has changed. “For the first time in history, more people die today from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals combined. In the early twenty-first century, the average human is far more likely to die from bingeing at McDonald’s than from drought, Ebola or an al-Qaeda attack.”What Harari sets out to do / Purpose of the bookNow that humanity and the world has changed, what shall we focus our energies on? As we become “gods” will we upgrade our world? Or destroy it? Or will humanity itself become upgraded into increasingly superhuman cybernetic - or even fully digital - beings?The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who like history, sociology, politics and religionPeople who want to understand why humans behave the way they doPeople who enjoy controversial ideasPeople who want to see into the futureWho probably WON’T like Homo Deus?People with strong religious beliefsPeople who are threatened by changes to the status quoPeople who don’t like thinking too muchPeople who need concrete ideas about right and wrongPeople who hate technology How does this book specifically benefit Men? The future is coming, whether we like it or not. Even if you disagree with the ideas in this book, it is a man’s responsibility to prepare for ourselves mentally and emotionally for the massive changes to our world that are coming soon.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Harari has a very readable style but the book is dense with world history, political theory and religious and philosophical debate. Not easy to absorb quickly.464 pages, 14 hours 54 minutes on AudibleWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?16,001 ratings, 4.6 stars#5 in History of Biology & Nature#6 in Ancient Early Civilization History#7 in History of AnthropologyAudible#1 in Future Studies#2 in Evolution #2 in History of CivilizationBook-To-Movie Translation N/A Bio of Yuval Noah Harari Yuval Noah Harari was born Februrary 24, 1976 and raised in Israel. His family was a secular Jewish family with roots in Lebanon and Eastern Europe. His father was a state-employed armaments engineer and his mother was an office administrator.Harari specialized in medieval history and military history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He completed his Ph.D in philosophy at Jesus College, Oxford. From 2003 to 2005, he pursued postdoctoral studies in history as a Yad Hanadiv Fellow.His book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind was originally published in Hebrew in 2011 based on the 20 lectures of an undergraduate world history class he was teaching. It was then released in English in 2014 and has since been translated into some 45 additional languages. The book surveys the entire length of human history, from the evolution of Homo sapiens in the Stone Age up to the political and technological revolutions of the 21st century. The Hebrew edition became a bestseller in Israel, and generated much interest among the general public, turning Harari into a celebrity.Harari's follow-up book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, was published in 2017His latest book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, was published in 2018Harari has commented on the plight of animals, particularly domesticated animals since the agricultural revolution, and is a vegan.Harari is gay and in 2002 met his husband Itzik Yahav, whom he calls "my internet of all things." Yahav is also Harari's personal manager.Harari says Vipassana meditation has "transformed [his] life". He practices for two hours every day (one hour at the start and end of his work day). Every year he undertakes a meditation retreat of 30 days or longer, in silence and with no books or social media. He is also an assistant meditation teacher.As of May 2021, Harari did not have a smartphone.Harari twice won the Polonsky Prize for "Creativity and Originality", in 2009 and 2012. In 2011, he won the Society for Military History's Moncado Award for outstanding articles in military history. In 2012, he was elected to the Young Israeli Academy of Sciences. Themes in Homo Deus Humans will become GodsHomo Sapiens (wise humans) are evolving into Homo Deus (god humans) with god-like mastery over our environment and the ability to create (and destroy) life.Wellness and Wellbeing will DominateWith problems of human survival (pandemics, famine and violence) solved, humans will increasingly focus on the god-like pursuits of chasing immortality (wellness) and enduring happiness (wellbeing). Google’s Calico offshoot has the modest mission to solve the problem of immortality.The Rise of the “Useless Class”The cost of upgrading the human condition will be expensive and reserved for a tiny elite. Meanwhile, the masses will see jobs disappear as they are replaced by ever more effective and ever more efficient technology. The Death of Humanism The dominant religion of the early 21st Century – humanism – will be eroded by advances in science and technology. We will eliminate our current erroneous beliefs in the uniqueness of human sentience (feelings), human sapience (reason) and free-will. We are just animals with a God-complex.The Rise of Techno-HumanismIn their pursuit of immortality and happiness, humans will turn to technology to upgrade themselves through biological (genetic) engineering , cyborg (bionic) engineering and computer (AI) engineering.AI Sapience beats Human SentienceSoon we will have AI technology that is smarter than humans. Non-conscious but highly intelligent algorithms will know us better than we know ourselves, and we will increasing rely on AI algorithms to inform and guide us in life, love and work.Dataism becomes the New ReligionThe religion of Humanism will be replaced by a new religion “Dataism”, as we replace a homo-centric world view in favour of a data-centric world view. Already with adepts in Silicon Valley, Dataism celebrates life as data processing, individuals and organisations as algorithms, and the value of a human life in terms of its capacity to transform experience into data.The Internet of All Things (AKA The Matrix)If humankind is indeed a single data-processing system, then our output will be the creation of a new and even more efficient data-processing system, called the Internet-of-All-Things. Once this mission is accomplished, Homo sapiens will vanish.The End of HumanityThe next step in evolution will ultimately see humans transform from semi-evolved simians into pure information and in doing so break free from their carbon-based biological chains.
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Reddit Relationship Advice Part 1- TSMP #73

Intro: Sexual Magnetism and Reddit Relationships Q/A Full post Roe v Wade:My partner and I had a fairly active sex life previous to all the gunk that’s going on in the world right now but she’s always had a fear of getting pregnant. We’ve had talks about it and I respect her decision not to get on birth control as I’ve seen first hand what the side effects are with other partners. However it’s been closed to a month and a half now and with the overturning of roe v wade she has made it clear that she is no longer willing to have sex with me under any circumstances, which has quite frankly, been absolutely ripping me apart. It’s opened a new strain on our relationship and there’s a lot of new found fighting starting up. We’ve been together almost a year now and I don’t know why solution there is to this. I’ve looked into male birth control, however I don’t meet the age requirements. We’ve had conversations about this and she won’t budge. For further context she does not partake in foreplay for me but I have for her even after being cut off.
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“Where the Crawdads Sing” – Bookcast #38

Where the Crawdads Sing (2018) by Delia Owens Read and listen to "Where the Crawdads Sing" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! A very brief description of “Where the Crawdads Sing” A story of the natural world, a coming-of-age story, and a murder mystery. A little girl named Kya is abandoned by her family and must grow up on her own in the marshes of North Carolina. Years later the most popular young man in town is killed and Kya is the chief suspect. Is the strange and mysterious “marsh girl” the murderer or is she simply to blame because she’s different?What Owens sets out to do / Purpose of the bookThe book is a mystery and a romance story but more than anything it’s about the pain - and beauty - of the world of nature.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who like good writingPeople who love romance…and tragedyPeople who love nature and the natural worldWho probably WON’T like this book?People with ADDPeople who need a strong, exciting plotPeople who aren’t in touch with their feelingsHonestly…a lot of men won’t like this bookHow does this book specifically benefit Men? It’s important for men to spend time in nature. We need to learn to understand it, how to live off the land, to form relationships with animals and to protect and preserve our natural resources. This book will help to cultivate an appreciation for nature. Plus if you like light romance it’s pretty good.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to read, poignant, beautiful writing, somewhat boring if you need action and a strong plot383 pages, 12 hours 12 minutes on AudibleWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?251,138 ratings, 4.8 stars#5 in Kindle Store #1 in Women's Historical Fiction (NOTE: it’s not historical fiction)#1 in Contemporary Literary Fiction#1 in Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Literary Fiction#1 in Audible Books & Originals#1 in Literary Fiction#1 in Historical Romance (AGAIN it’s not historical fiction…)Book-To-Movie Translation Box Office release July 15th Bio of Delia Owens Delia was born in southern Georgia in 1949 (she is 73). Her mother encouraged Delia to explore far into the oak forests, saying “Go way out yonder where the crawdads sing.” Her mother taught her how to hike without stepping on rattle snakes and most important not to be afraid of critters of any kind. Delia went on to spend most of her life in or near true wilderness and since childhood has thought of Nature as one of her best friends.In the sixth grade Delia won first place in a writing competition, and felt sure this meant she would one day be a writer.Because her family spent some of every summer in the mountains of North Carolina, Delia has a special attachment to the wild and beautiful places of that state. Where the Crawdads Sing is based in the lush Carolina coastal marsh.By the time she started university, she had decided to pursue a career in science instead of literature. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in zoology from the University of Georgia and, later, a Ph.D. in Animal Behavior from UC Davis. She and her husband Mark moved to the Central Kalahari of Botswana in early 1974. They set up a basic campsite in an area so remote they were the only two people, except for a few bands of roving Bushmen. Very soon the first pride of lions came up to Delia and Mark’s camp and lay just beyond the trees. The Owens radio collared and studied six lion prides for more than seven years. Delia and Mark also studied the elusive brown hyenas, who came into camp almost every night. During these years, Delia became fascinated with the social groups of mammals which are almost always made up of females. The males come and go for mating or meals, but the females stay in their birth groups and maintain strong bonds with their pride or pack mates for life.Based on their research and life in the Kalahari, she co-authored the bestselling, award-winning book, Cry of the Kalahari. Her research on the evolution of social denning in brown hyenas earned her a Ph. D. at the University of California, Davis.From the Kalahari, the Owens moved to Zambia to continue wildlife research. Besides studying elephants, Delia and Mark established a program that offered jobs, loans, and other assistance to local villagers so they would not have to poach wildlife for a living.Soon the elephants felt safe in the Owens’ camp and would stroll between their cottages feeding on marula fruits.For 23 years Delia conducted research on endangered species in Africa, publishing her results in the scientific journals Nature, Animal Behavior, Natural History and many others. Her research and conservation work in Africa earned her the Golden Ark award from the Netherlands, the University of California Award for Excellence and the John Burroughs Award for Nature Writing.Delia has written four books: Cry of the Kalahari, Eye of the Elephant, Secrets of the Savannah and Where the Crawdads Sing. Where the Crawdad’s Sing is her first novel. Breakdown of Themes Survival, Necessity, and ViolenceSurvival is an innately human skill that arises out of necessity. When Kya is a child, her mother leaves home, and her older siblings follow their mother’s lead, leaving her alone with an abusive and dangerous father. She is forced to do whatever it takes to survive - including, when necessary, to fight for her life.Independence vs. Human ConnectionKya is only seven years old when her last family member deserts her, leaving her alone in isolated marshlands. Left to her own devices, she cultivates a form of self-sufficiency that helps her thrive on her own. One facet of this self-sufficiency is an unyielding sense of independence that makes her distrustful of others.Education, Coming of Age, and AdulthoodAlthough Kya doesn’t attend school, she cultivates an understanding of the world that isn’t confined to textbooks, classrooms, or standard courses of study. In fact, her alternative education is more holistic than it would be if she went to school, and her intellectual growth ultimately charts her path from childhood to adulthood.Prejudice, Intolerance, and AcceptanceThe novel is set against a backdrop of prejudice and intolerance. This is illustrated by the social stratification of the area in which Kya grows up, a backwater town in North Carolina strongly divided by race, class, opportunity, education and social status.
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Meme Stocks, Crypto and Other Bad Choices – TSMP #71

Intro: Meme Stocks and GameStop Insanity Wikipedia: Game Stop Short Squeeze Ahhh GameStop. A happy place for gamers.Prior to January 2021, GameStop as a company had been struggling due to competition from online game distribution centers, as well as problems with COVID-19 reducing the number of people who shopped in-person. As a result, GameStop's stock price continued to decline and many institutional investors were short selling the stock. In April of 2020 GameStop stock had dropped to $2.80/shareWhat is SHORT SELLING a stock?First, what is GOING LONG on a stock? Pretty straightforward. You buy a stock, hold it until it hits the level you want, then you sell it on the market and make a profit (hopefully)Okay, what is SHORT SELLING a stock? A little more complicated. You borrow stock from a broker that you don’t own and sell it on the market. Then when the price drops you buy the stock back at a lower price (called covering) and pocket the difference.Why do you SHORT SELL a stock? Basically because you think the company is having trouble and you believe it’s going to go down in value.What is a SHORT SQUEEZE? A short squeeze happens when something happens that influences public opinion positively (ie. Good earnings, news of a new and exciting product, Elon Musk says he’s going to buy your company, etc) and the stock jumps up in price. On January 22, 2021, approximately 140 percent of GameStop's public stock had been sold short, meaning some shorted shares had been re-lent and shorted again.Think about that one. Before the craziness happened more than 100% of GameStop stock had been sold short. This is a company NOBODY believed in Enter r/wallstreetbets The subreddit r/wallstreetbets is an online community on Reddit Are you on Reddit yet? No? Seriously? Go now. We’ll wait. The Wallstreetbets community is known for discussion around meme stocks and high-risk stock transactions.At the beginning of January GameStop was trading at $17.25 per share. Many members of Wallstreetbets believed GameStop was significantly undervalued, and they came up with a plan: If the majority of Wallstreetbets traders all invested at the same time - and could convince everyone else they knew to do the same - they could trigger a short squeeze, driving up the price to the point where short sellers would panic and have to cover (buy back) their stocks at large losses.It worked. Spectacularly. On January 8 GameStop was worth $17/share. On January 15 it was up 100% to $35/share. A week later it was up almost another 100% to $65/share. Then it doubled. And doubled again. Everyone was now talking about GameStop. It was the number one news item on every financial media outlet. r/wallstreetbets broke the single-day Reddit record for most views (73 million) and added over 1.5 million new users in less than 24 hours. By Jan 28 the pre-market value of GameStop was over $500/share - Up over 3000% from the beginning of the monthFYI: If you bought GME at $2.80/share in April of 2020, you could have made 17,000% on your money. Ie. If you bought ten shares at $2.80 (a $28 investment) you would have made $4,760.GameStop lost a lot of money for big financial institutions but the individual retail traders who bought in at the ground floor of GameStop made a small fortune. What Goes Up… However, 3000% gains just aren’t rational. No stock can keep going up forever. It only took a few days for the frenzy to die down and a week later on February 5 GameStop had lost 90% of its value - dropping from $500 all the way back to $53/share. This drop caused a lot of people to lose money….hopefully you weren’t one of them (like my buddy was.) Hope Springs Eternal Even if they lost money on the GameStop drop, a 3000% percent gain on your money is too good for people to pass up and soon Wallstreetbets was at it again. This time they found their next meme stock in the movie company AMC.On May 7th 2021, AMC was worth $9.51/share. The stock went viral and by June 18 it was worth $59.26, a 623% increase!…but by July 16th 2021 it was back down to $34.96. Still a great pop from $9.50/share but if you bought at the top…ouch. Day Trading (and Why You Shouldn’t Do It) We all know someone who has been day trading stocks. I have multiple guys I know who have made thousands doing it. One buddy has made several grand this last year. His brother is up 20 grand.Heck if all you did was catch a little piece of some of the recent meme stocks like AVIS or Bed Bath and Beyond you’d be up at least 300% your money.It’s exciting. It’s fun. It’s trendy. Everyone’s talking about it. BUT… It’s a TERRIBLE idea.Why? Because of the mathJay’s background on day tradingMatts thoughtsHere’s the brutal statisticsThe average individual investor underperforms the market index by 1.5% per year. Active traders underperform the market by 6.5% annually. Only 1.6% of day traders are profitable in any given yearIn April 2002, stock trading in Taiwan dropped by about 25% when a lottery was introduced. What’s the best way to become a millionaire day-trading stocks? Start with two million dollars!Can you become profitable day-trading stocks? Yes, but only if…If you’re willing to invest at least a year to learn…If you’re willing to spend thousands of hours studying the market and do it every single day…If you’re willing to spend thousands of dollars buying the research material, renting the monthly software, purchasing a subscription to a trading group, upgrading your computer hardware and other related costs.If you’ve saved at least $30,000 cash THAT YOU CANNOT TOUCH to day trade on the US stock exchanges so you don’t violate FINRA’s “pattern day-trade rule”If you have a high risk tolerance and willingness to lose everything Crypto Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Etherium, Solana, Terra…Bigger gamble than meme stocks or even day trading.In December of 2021 Bitcoin was worth $64,400…it’s currently worth $29,550 and it’s still going down.Nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen to cryptocurrency values.If you want to play Crypto, play it like a slot machine. Put in a few dollars that you don’t mind losing and have fun.If you like to gamble, put in a hundred or two that you don’t care about losing.DO NOT put in a thousand or more.NEVER take out a loan to buy Crypto (or meme stocks, or day trading). EVER.It doesn’t matter how sexy it sounds or how much money someone else has made. As Admiral Ackbar said: “It’s a trap!”The same goes for meme stocksDitto NFTs or other blockchain “business opportunities” How To Actually Invest Correctly Investing experts, including Warren Buffett and brilliant author and economist Benjamin Graham, say the best way to build wealth is to keep investments for the long term. Don’t try to time the markets by “buying the dip” or “selling the peak.” This means no meme stocks!Use dollar-cost-averaging – Invest a set amount monthly, regardless of the market value.According to global investment bank Goldman Sachs, 10-year stock market returns have averaged 9.2% over the past 140 years.It’s much safer to invest in a stock index fund rather than individual stocks. Tesla might be a cool company that you like but there’s no guarantee that Tesla stock is going up for the next ten years.A good potential place to start is to consider investing in the S&P 500 (biggest 500 companies in the US)S&P 500 yearly averages over the last decade2010 15.1%2011 2.1%2012 16%2013 32.4%2014 13.7%2015 1.4%2016 12%2017 21.8%2018 -4.4%2019 31.5%2020 18.4%2021   21.4%2022  -14.5% (so far…) CONCLUSION Be safe with your money. Be smart with your money. If you want to gamble, go for it. Have fun. Throw in a few dollars in some meme stocks or crypto and see what happens. You might get lucky. But you probably won’t so be ready to lose whatever you put in.If you want to make money long term, your best bet is to investing using dollar cost averaging on an index fundTalk to your financial advisor before you make any decisions about your financial future. If you don’t have a financial advisor, get one!!Stay Superior!
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Should We Ban Guns? – TSMP #72

Intro: Guns ARE bad….right? Mass shootingsGuns in the mediaPeople outraged, angry, something MUST BE DONE!!! Brief History of Guns in the United States US won independence from Britain through a series of battles beginning with the French and Indian war 1754-1763 which made way for the stamp act of 1765 which set the stage for boston tea party, taxation without representation Pennsylvania Rifle was the cutting edge weapon - however most commonly used was the British Brown Bess and French Charleville muskets Gun Laws in the US 1791 On Dec. 15, 1791, ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution — eventually known as the Bill of Rights — were ratified. The second of them said: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 1934 The first piece of national gun control legislation was passed on June 26, 1934. The National Firearms Act (NFA) — part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal for Crime“— was meant to curtail “gangland crimes of that era such as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.” The NFA imposed a tax on the manufacturing, selling, and transporting of firearms listed in the law, among them short-barrel shotguns and rifles, machine guns, firearm mufflers and silencers. Due to constitutional flaws, the NFA was modified several times. The $200 tax, which was high for the era, was put in place to curtail the transfer of these weapons. 1938 The Federal Firearms Act (FFA) of 1938 required gun manufacturers, importers, and dealers to obtain a federal firearms license. It also defined a group of people, including convicted felons, who could not purchase guns, and mandated that gun sellers keep customer records. The FFA was repealed in 1968 by the Gun Control Act (GCA), though many of its provisions were reenacted by the GCA. 1968 Following the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General and U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed for the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968. The GCA repealed and replaced the FFA, updated Title II of the NFA to fix constitutional issues, added language about “destructive devices” (such as bombs, mines and grenades) and expanded the definition of “machine gun.” Overall the bill banned importing guns that have “no sporting purpose,” imposed age restrictions for the purchase of handguns (gun owners had to be 21), prohibited felons, the mentally ill, and others from purchasing guns, required that all manufactured or imported guns have a serial number, and according to the ATF, imposed “stricter licensing and regulation on the firearms industry.” 1986 In 1986 the Firearm Owners Protection Act was passed by Congress. The law mainly enacted protections for gun owners — prohibiting a national registry of dealer records, limiting ATF inspections to once per year (unless there are multiple infractions), softening what is defined as “engaging in the business” of selling firearms, and allowing licensed dealers to sell firearms at “gun shows” in their state. It also loosened regulations on the sale and transfer of ammunition. The bill also codified some gun control measures, including expanding the GCA to prohibit civilian ownership or transfer of machine guns made after May 19, 1986, and redefining “silencer” to include parts intended to make silencers. 1993 The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 is named after White House press secretary James Brady, who was permanently disabled from an injury suffered during an attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. (Brady died in 2014). It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The law, which amends the GCA, requires that background checks be completed before a gun is purchased from a licensed dealer, manufacturer or importer. It established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is maintained by the FBI. 1994 Tucked into the sweeping and controversial Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, signed by President Clinton in 1994, is the subsection titled Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This is known as the assault weapons ban — a temporary prohibition in effect from September of 1994 to September of 2004. Multiple attempts to renew the ban have failed. The provisions of the bill outlawed the ability to “manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon,” unless it was “lawfully possessed under Federal law on the date of the enactment of this subsection.” Nineteen military-style or “copy-cat” assault weapons—including AR-15s, TEC-9s, MAC-10s, etc.—could not be manufactured or sold. It also banned “certain high-capacity ammunition magazines of more than ten rounds,” according to a U.S. Department of Justice Fact Sheet. 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller essentially changed a nearly 70-year precedent set by Miller in 1939. While the Miller ruling focused on the “well regulated militia” portion of the Second Amendment (known as the “collective rights theory” and referring to a state’s right to defend itself), Heller focused on the “individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia.” Heller challenged the constitutionality of a 32-year-old handgun ban in Washington, D.C., and found, “The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment.” It did not however nullify other gun control provisions. “The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms,” stated the ruling. Too many to list, but some states like California and New York have some of the most far-reaching gun laws in the country. The city/county of San Francisco even outlaws the possession of hollow-point ammunition. Lawful Shootings Self/Family defense Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired, and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed. Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot.Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime. Matt's Experience In Dispatch Average police response time to a call is ~10 minutes - assuming you can make a call.As 911 call taker Ihad several calls where person was hiding from a suspected intruder - from cell phones that have non specific ANI/ALI info.In the case of an emergency would you rather have the ability to plan ahead, buy a firearm, train and become proficient with it. Or hide in the closest, call 911 and hope you arent discovered? What About “Common Sense” Gun Reform? Universal background checks Background checks already occur. SOURCE: CNNWhat Democrats want and have proposed are universal background checks to include private transfers. SOURCE: TexasTribuneThe push to require checks for private sales would require instituting a federal gun registry. SOURCE: NationalReviewIt simply wouldn’t work without a registry.Most gun murders are committed with a handgun, not a rifle. SOURCE: PEWHandgun - 59%Rifles -3%You have to be 21 in most states to buy a handgun already.Like Illinois, home of Cook County. SOURCES: Newsweek GiffordsRecord 1,002 gun murders in 2021Texas also requires you to be 21 to purchase a handgun. SOURCE: Texas.Gov WE NEED RED FLAG LAWS AND CONSEQUENCES FOR THOSE WHO ABUSE THEM Currently proposed legislation doesn’t include punishments for falsely reporting. SOURCE: CBSNewsIn theory, red flag laws could be useful.BUT the barriers must be high.There must be a minimum 10-year prison sentence for false-flagging. Just “Do Something” BAN ALL CARS NOW NHTSA projects that an estimated 42,915 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes last year (2021), a 10.5% increase from the 38,824 fatalities in 2020. The projection is the highest number of fatalities since 2005 and the largest annual percentage increase in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System’s history. Just doing something feels good because it removes a feeling of being powerlessTreating the symptom while ignoring the root sickness may feel good but in reality it gets you nowhere.Mental health is a serious concern in the US~25% homeless have severe mental illness~50% homeless have some type of mental illness~50 % of gun deaths are sucide~46,000 suicides in united states in 2021-Since 1999, the suicide rate has climbed 35%Per NIH - In 2020, there were an estimated 14.2 million adults in the United States with Severe Mental Illness (SMI). This number represented 5.6% of all U.S. adults. The prevalence of SMI was higher among females (7.0%) than males (4.2%)The Suicide rate has remained higher than the murder rateThe problem isnt guns, the problem is bad people/sick people/unhealthy people  What IS a Mass Shooting? Definitions vary wildlyOne common definition is an act of public firearm violence—excluding gang killings, domestic violence, or terrorist acts sponsored by an organization—in which a shooter kills at least four victims.Gun Violence Archive, most popular gun violence statistics cited by the press, defines a mass shooting as firearm violence resulting in at least four people being shot at roughly the same time and location, excluding the perpetrator.Quick review here: One definition is when a shooter(s) KILLS at least 4 peopleAnother definition is when a shooter(s) SHOOTS IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION of at least 4 peopleThis is a MASSIVE difference! Check Your Data! Active Shooters according to FBIActive Shooter Incident (FBI definition): One or more shooters killing or attempting to kill people in a populated areaDoes not include gang violence, drug violence or other forms of criminal gun violenceIn 2020 (most recent data): 40 total Active Shooter incidents164 total casualties (38 killed, 126 injured)Mass Shootings according to Gun Violence ArchiveIn 2020:611 “Mass Shootings”19,411 gun deaths (website does not distinguish any breakdown between Willful, Malicious, Accidental, Mass Shootings or otherwise) When Using Statistics, Remember Everything Is Relative Biggest issue recently? Murders have gone up but so has population…but NOBODY mentions this fact!According to the FBI, violent crime of ALL TYPES - including gun violence - has gone down since the early 90s (FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics - as of 6/10/22)If people want to explore crime in the US, use this link to visit the FBI’s interactive database
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“The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” – Bookcast #37

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (2016) by Mark Manson Read and listen to "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” A very brief description of the bookPopular blogger Mark Manson cuts through the crap to show us why we need to stop trying to feel great all the time so that we can truly become better, more satisfied people.What Manson sets out to do / Purpose of the bookWe all want to feel happy. The modern era preaches that if we dream big, get baller money, fuck supermodels, carve out a six-pack, build an app, travel to Nepal, have brilliant children, etc…if we finally become the badass we want to be then our problems will fade, pain will disappear and life will finally be awesome.But it’s all a lie. PROBLEMS never end. Manson says "Fuck positivity. Let’s be honest, shit is fucked and we have to live with it." This book is all about how life is painful and that our pain is not only normal, if we can accept and channel that pain we can grow and create truly happy and satisfying lives.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostAnyone who is unhappy with their life and wants to make it betterWho probably WON’T like this book?VictimsPeople who aren’t willing to do any work to change themselvesPeople who need to feel good all the time People who don’t like hearing the word “Fuck”How does this book specifically benefit Men? Modern men aren’t being taught enough about our values. We learn a LOT about achieving success but we rarely learn WHY we spend so much time running after these goals.Understanding our WHYS - that is, learning to find the problems we most enjoy solving - is massively important for men because we base our entire lives around our problems. This book will help you to start choosing the problems that will make your life deeply satisfyingIs this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to read, entertaining and powerful. 212 pages, 5 hours 17 minutes on AudibleWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?71,195 ratings, 4.6 stars#5 in Happiness#6 in Self-Help & Psychology Humor#6 in Motivational Self-Help (Kindle)#21 in ALL Audible Books!!!#4 in Happiness Self-Help#4 in Motivational Self-Help #5 in Personal Success Bio of Mark Manson Manson is a three-time #1 New York Times bestselling author whose books have sold over 14 million copies worldwide. His work has been translated into more than 65 languages and hit bestseller lists in sixteen different countries. According to Amazon Charts, my book The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck was the most-read non-fiction book worldwide in 2017.He’s 38 years old. Before he was a writer, he was a failed musician.He grew up in Austin, Texas and moved to Boston to attend university. He graduated from Boston University in 2007 with a degree in International Relations and Business.He worked at an investment bank for three weeks and abruptly quit after a manager complained that he read too many books while in the office. This was his one and only attempt to ever have a “real job.”He started his first blog in 2007 and within a few years it was being read by more than a million people each month. Today, is read by more than 15 million people each year.In 2009, he packed up some clothes and his laptop and lived all over the world for the next seven years, working remotely. In that time he visited more than 50 countries and spent significant amounts of time in about a dozen of them. He is fluent in three languages and sorta fluent in three others. The Sunday Times describes his writing as, “like the local drunk who spent too much time in the philosophy section of the bookstore.” (Manson took it as a compliment.)He met his wife while living in Brazil. They now live in Los Angeles. Breakdown of Themes Chapter 1. Don’t TryAccept yourself right now. You’re shitty at a lot of things. You make terrible mistakes. You fail constantly. This is ok! Once you accept you’re always going to be flawed then you’re free to let go and be the unique, bizarre, fascinating person you are.Chapter 2. Happiness Is a ProblemYou can’t be happy all the time. Some things suck. This is okay. Not accepting pain causes a lot of problems.Chapter 3. You Are Not SpecialOnly one person can win a race. Everyone else loses. This is okay. Attempting to have everyone win causes serious problems.Chapter 4. The Value of SufferingPain is inevitable, but if it is channeled correctly it can provide excellent opportunities for growthChapter 5. You Are Always ChoosingYou are responsible for everything in your life. Choose your attitude, your perspective and how you will respond.Chapter 6. You’re Wrong About Everything (But So Am I)Cultivate an attitude of uncertainty. You can’t learn anything if you think you already know everything.Chapter 7. Failure Is the Way ForwardIf you don’t make the attempt (and weather your inevitable failures), you can’t growChapter 8. The Importance of Saying NoYou can’t do everything. Choose who and what matters and say no to everything and everyone else.Chapter 9. … And Then You DieAccept your death now. It’s coming. Don’t run from it. Embrace it. And then enjoy every second you can between now and then.
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“Killing Floor: Jack Reacher Book 1” – Bookcast #36

Killing Floor: Jack Reacher Book One (1997) by Lee Child Read and listen to "Killing Floor" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Killing Floor” A very brief description of “Killing Floor” Ex-military policeman Jack Reacher is a drifter. He’s just passing through Margrave, Georgia, and in less than an hour, he’s arrested for murder. All Reacher knows is that he didn’t kill anybody. At least not here. Not lately. But he doesn’t stand a chance of convincing anyone. Not in Margrave, Georgia. Not a chance in hell.What Child sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo tell an old-fashioned cowboy story updated to a modern worldThe intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostAnyone who likes action, crime, mystery and great writingWho probably WON’T like this book?People who don’t like graphic violencePeople who don’t like bad things happening to good peoplePeople who need lots of talking about feelings and warm happy fuzzinessHonestly? Women lol (most of them anyway) How does this book specifically benefit Men? This book is about a man doing what needs to be done to fight against injustice. It’s about being smart, being savvy, surviving getting your ass kicked and then kicking some ass in return.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to read and very enjoyable, though the graphic violence may be hard for some readers - 562 pages, 17 hours 49 minutes on audibleWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?24,882 ratings, 4.5 stars#26 in Vigilante Justice Thrillers#34 in Military Thrillers#51 in Private Investigator Mysteries Audible#2 in Military Thrillers #7 in War & Military FictionBook-To-Movie Translation Two movies plus an Amazon show Bio of Lee Child (James Dover Grant) James Dover Grant (aka Lee Child) was born in Coventry, England. He is the second of four sons; his younger brother, Andrew Grant, is also a thriller novelist. Grant's family relocated to Handsworth Wood in Birmingham when he was four years old so that the boys could receive a better education. Grant attended Cherry Orchard Primary School in Handsworth Wood until the age of 11. He attended King Edward's School, Birmingham.In 1974, at the age of 20, Grant studied law at University of Sheffield, though he had no intention of entering the legal profession and, during his student days, worked backstage in a theatre. After graduating, he worked in commercial television. He received a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree from the University of Sheffield in 1977 and returned to the University to receive an Honorary Doctor of Letters (DLitt) in 2009.Grant joined Granada Television, part of the UK's ITV Network, in Manchester as a presentation director. There he was involved with shows including Brideshead Revisited, The Jewel in the Crown, Prime Suspect, and Cracker. Grant was involved in the transmission of more than 40,000 hours of programming for Granada, writing thousands of commercials and news stories. He worked at Granada from 1977 to 1995After being fired due to “corporate restructuring” Grant decided to start writing novels. In 1997, his first novel, Killing Floor, was published, and he moved to the United States in the summer of 1998.Grant has said that he chose the name Reacher for the central character in his novels because he himself is tall and when they were grocery shopping his wife Jane remarked: "'Hey, if this writing thing doesn't pan out, you could always be a reacher in a supermarket.' ... 'I thought, Reacher – good name.'"Grant married his wife Jane in 1975. Since 1998 they have resided in New York state. They have a daughter, Ruth.Lee Child has written 27 Jack Reacher novels. Damn. Breakdown of Themes Love/Committment vs Freedom and Anonymity - As much as Reacher loves people, he loves the open road more. At least in this novel anyway.Unapologetic about pretty much everything - Reacher is who he is, love him or hate him.Good vs Evil - The good guys and the bad guys are quite clear. The moral of the story? If you're up against Reacher, don't be a bad guyReacher's own moral code - He's violent, tricky, manipulate and murderous but he all his actions are done for a purpose and for the right reasons.Self confidence - Reacher doesn't doubt himself or his decisions
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Will Smith and the slap – TSMP #70

Intro: Will Smith and “The Slap” DiscussionComedy / Memes / “That shit is ‘slapping’! More and More People Believe Violence Is Always Bad “You should never fight never under any circumstances”Examples of this thinkingFighting is the essence of “Toxic masculinity”Fighting is nothing more than “stupid, over-testosteroned men, UFC fighters, idiot jocks”Fighting is “unnecessary” in a modern societyJust call the police - no need to fight Are Men Inherently Violent? Are Women? Little boys vs Little girlsGirls tend to be drawn to flowers, animals, interesting things, adventuresBoys tend to find sticks and brandish them as weapons, throw rocks, compete, explore, fightWomen in the militaryIn Israel once they turn 18 all healthy men AND women are required to serve in the military for at least 24 monthsHowever less than 4% of women in the IDF are involved in combat rolesThe majority of developed nations have women in the military - but only a small fraction have women deployed in combatWomen in MMADo women want to fight? Some do.Currently UFC lists 602 active male fighters vs 126 active female fighters (83% male, 17% female)Female MMA fights in recent years have continued to rise in popularityNowadays almost all MMA fight cards include at least one female fightHaving said that, it’s mostly men that watch MMAInterestingly enough, appx 83% of MMA viewers are male, appx 17% are female Are There Times When You Should Choose Violence? The vast majority of the time it’s not a good choiceUse your wordsLook for diplomatic solutions - there’s almost always oneViolence causes violence (usually escalated) so it’s best to be avoidedPlayground rules: If I hit you, you’ll want to hit me backHatfields and the McCoys - If I shoot your cousin, you’ll want to shoot my brotherIsrael vs Palestine: If you shoot rockets at my temple, I’ll blow up your mosqueOnce started, the only way to stop the cycle of violence is if one side is willing to sacrifice and not retaliate (extremely difficult to do)There are times when fighting is optional (but understandable)Disrespect - They verbally abuse your woman, mother, children, etc.Someone (usually drunk) tries to start shit Accidental situations - you run into someone, damage their stuff, say the wrong thing, etcBut sometimes there are legitimate reasons you should fightSomeone else’s safetyYour safetyPreemptive fighting for safetyBattle/War for a good causeDefeating NazismEliminating a terrorist or terror networkUkraine vs Russia “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” - G. Michael Hopf Stay strong. Keep training. Be ready to fight if necessary. But ALWAYS look for a non-violent solution. Stay Superior!
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“Will” – Bookcast #35

Will 2021 by Will Smith and Mark Manson Will Smith’s transformation from a West Philadelphia kid to one of the biggest rap stars of his era, and then one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history, is an epic tale — but it’s only half the story. Will Smith thought, with good reason, that he had won at life: Not only was his own success unparalleled, his whole family was at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. Only they didn't see it that way: They felt more like star performers in his circus, a seven-days-a-week job they hadn't signed up for. It turned out Will Smith's education wasn't nearly over.  This memoir is the product of a profound journey of self-knowledge, a reckoning with all that your will can get you and all that it can leave behind. Written with the help of Mark Manson, author of the multi-million-copy best seller The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Will is the story of how one person mastered his own emotions, written in a way that can help everyone else do the same. The combination of genuine wisdom of universal value and a life story that is preposterously entertaining, even astonishing, puts Will the book, like its author, in a category by itself. Read and listen to "Will" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of "Will" A very brief description of “Will” Will Smith’s story of his life, his transformation from a little kid terrified of an abusive father to a global music and movie superstar and how he brought the people he loved with himWhat Smith sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo show that you can become great if you apply yourself to three fundamental systems: Discipline, Education and LoveThe intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostEveryone who likes anything Will Smith has doneWho probably WON’T like this book?People who really hate Will Smith (if you like him even a little you’ll definitely enjoy this book)People who can’t forgive “The Slap”Most people will love it thoughHow does this book specifically benefit Men? This book is about a boy growing up and becoming a King. It is a tremendous instruction book on excellence for men.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Very Easy - 432 pages, 16.25 hours on audibleWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?14,821 ratings, 4.8 stars#1 in Rap & Hip-Hop Biographies#7 in Biographies of Actors & EntertainersAudible#1 in Rich & Famous Biographies#2 in Actor & Entertainer Biographies#3 in Biographies of Celebrities & Entertainment Professionals Bio of Will Smith Willard Carroll Smith II, also known as the Fresh Prince, is an American actor, rapper, and film producer.He was born on September 25, 1968, to Caroline Bright, a Philadelphia school board administrator, and Willard Carroll Smith Sr., a US Air Force veteran and refrigeration engineer. His mother graduated from Carnegie Mellon University.He grew up in West Philadelphia's lower-middle class Wynnefield neighborhood and was raised Baptist.Smith began rapping at the age of 12. When his grandmother found a notebook of his lyrics, which he described as containing "all [his] little curse words", she wrote him a note on a page in the book, which read, "Dear Willard, truly intelligent people do not have to use words like this to express themselves. Please show the world that you're as smart as we think you are". Smith said that this influenced his decision not to use profanity in his music.During his career Smith has received various accolades, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and four Grammy Awards.As of 2021, his films have grossed over $9.3 billion globally,Smith first gained recognition as part of a hip hop duo with DJ Jazzy Jeff, with whom he released five studio albums, including the hit singles "Parents Just Don't Understand" and "Summertime."His solo albums include the multi-platinum albums “Big Willie Style” and “Willenium,“ which the number one singles "Gettin' Jiggy wit It," "Wild Wild West" and “Men in Black.Smith achieved wider fame for his fictionalized self-portrayal on the sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990–1996). From there he starred in the action film Bad Boys and its sequels, and the sci-fi comedy Men in Black and its sequels. After starring in the thrillers Independence Day (1996) and Enemy of the State (1998), he portrayed Muhammad Ali in Ali (2001), earning his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.He then starred in a range of commercially successful films, including I, Robot (2004), Shark Tale (2004), Hitch (2005), Hancock (2008), and Seven Pounds (2008). He received his second Academy Award nomination for The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) For his portrayal of Richard Williams in the biographical sports drama King Richard (2021), Smith won the Academy Award for Best Actor, making him the first rapper to win an acting Oscar Breakdown of Themes Fear, Fantasy, and Performance, show us how Will was raised, how he became the way that he was, where he was raised, and what shaped his mindset from the early day.Power, Hope, Ignorance, Adventure, and Pain show us Will as a teenager and young adult, rising through the world of hip-hop, getting his first Grammy, and “making it.” But chapter nine, Destruction, tears all of it down when Will gets into a problem with the IRS by not paying his taxes, owing millions, and his new album is a fluke.Alchemy, Adaptation, and Desire, lead us through Will’s life when he stopped recording his music and got an opportunity to play The Prince of Bel-Air. We follow Will as he quickly rises as a TV star, gets married (and divorced), and becomes a father. Then, he shifted to the next big thing— movies.Devotion, Boom, and Inferno, lays out how Will started becoming a movie star and how quickly he rose to the rank of one of the most famous movie stars in the world.Purpose, shows us how Will got the role of Muhhamad Ali and got his Oscar nomination.Perfection, Mutiny, and Retreat show us how even though Will got everything in his life, he still felt kind of empty and unsatisfied inside. He kept pushing himself and his family to do more and be more which resulted in quite a lot of problems in his second marriage with Jada.Surrender, and Love, show us a Will who has changed and embraced his shadow side. He is no longer the “do or die” type of guy who pushes everyone to the brink. He found a new way to himself and his family, accepting his shortcomings and coming to terms with his demons.Jump takes us to Will’s 50th birthday where he did a Bungee Jump from a helicopter overlooking Grand Canyon with his entire family and friends watching. The event was a culmination of his fear of being a coward and dealing with failures and fails in his life.
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10 Ways To Make the World More Superior – TSMP #69

Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Will" by Will Smith is coming April 12th! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Jay’s 5 Ways To Make the World More Superior Choose a Gender.Make up your mind and choose a damn gender. Seriously.Stop whining and start working.In particular for political partiesBe a part of the problem…no wait…be a part of the SOLUTION, not part of the problem.Get a job.Stop taking advantage of other people (significant other, family, friends, government, etc).Stop judging people.Judge ideas and concepts, not people. Love people because they’re flawed - just like you are.Commit to something long-term.Getting your dream job. Getting - and keeping - an incredible woman. Losing weight, building muscle and getting a great body.You need to make goals to accomplish anything but committing goes way deeper than that. A commitment not only allows you to GET the thing you want, it CHANGES WHO YOU ARE in the process. Matt’s 5 Ways To Make the World More Superior Take OwnershipTake ownership of your life, the good and the bad.Job does not equal happinessYour Job is not the deep meaningful center of your life, your job is how you fund the deep meaningful center of your life, or buy drugs, whatever.(Don’t) Fuck the PoliceSeriously, The police are not your enemy. They are good people doing a thankless job protecting you from all the assholes out there. They are also the crazy ones running toward gunfire…Learn to Play an instrumentLearn to plan an instrument - seriously, you don't have to be good, just pick something that sounds cool and learn at least the basics. Except a recorder, fuck those thingsDefault responseFind a better response than “Fine” - I love using - outstanding!. It always takes people by surprise and changes the tone of the conversation.
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In 50 Years We’ll All Be Chicks – Bookcast #34

In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks 2010 by Adam Carolla It's a sad and eerie harbinger of our times that the Oprah-watching, crystal-rubbing, Whole Foods-shopping moms and their whipped attorney husbands have taken the ability to reason away from the poor schlub who makes the Bloody Marys. What we used to settle with common sense or a fist, we now settle with hand sanitizer and lawyers. Adam Carolla has had enough of this insanity and he's here to help us get our collective balls back.  In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks is Adam's comedic gospel of modern America. He rips into the absurdity of the culture that demonized the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, turned the nation's bathrooms into a lawless free-for-all of urine and fecal matter, and put its citizens at the mercy of a bunch of minimum wagers with axes to grind. Brilliantly showcasing Adam's spot-on sense of humor, this book cements his status as a cultural commentator/comedian/complainer extraordinaire. Read and listen to "In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of "In 50 Years" A very brief description of the book Commenting on society as a whole, what should be changed and some general rules for what to do in a bathroomWhat Carolla sets out to do / Purpose of the bookWhy are Men acting like women? Do Women really want that? No!The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostMenWho probably WON’T like “In 50 Years”Feminine malesFeminist womenAnyone who leans hard to one political partyPeople who hate peanuts or peanut adjacent productsHow does this book specifically benefit Men? This book is all about using humor to talk about the male condition and how our society is eroding it.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Very Easy - 256 pages, 6.5 hours on audibleWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?~1000 ratings, 4.5 starsAudible2422 ratings, 4.5 stars Bio of Adam Carolla Adam Carolla was born in Los Angeles. His mother was a recipient of welfare with a degree in Chicano studies, his dad was a psychologist, and he got where he is today, he says, in spite of them. After Adam graduated from North Hollywood High School, he spent a very short time in junior college. After dropping out, he worked a memorable stint as a carpet cleaner. Later in life, Adam worked as a skilled carpenter/builder, becoming a boxing trainer in his free time. Adam's early studies in entertainment were with The Groundlings, an improv group, which has produced a number of other famous comedic personalities. When Jimmy Kimmel was challenged to a boxing match at L.A. radio station KROQ in 1994, Adam was his trainer. Jimmy helped Adam get a job on KROQ's "Kevin and Bean Morning Show." It was on KROQ that Dr. Drew (Drew Pinsky, the original and current host of the Loveline radio show) heard Adam and liked his style. In 1995, Drew gave Adam the job of co-hosting Loveline on the radio. It was at this time that Loveline became syndicated nationally in the USA. In 1996, Loveline (1996), along with Adam and Drew, came to television on MTV. It was a popular late-night, hour-long show, which ran for over four years, ending in 2000, finally bowing out after what is regarded as a very successful run by MTV standards. Adam and Dr. Drew continued to co-host Loveline nightly on a syndicated national radio network, often joined on-air by celebrity guests, until 2005, when Adam left the show.On October 25, 2005, Infinity Broadcasting officially announced that it would be replacing the popular syndicated Howard Stern Show, (which was making a leap to satellite radio) with Carolla's new show in several western United States markets.The Adam Carolla Show went online on February 23, 2009. The show is the flagship program of Carolla Digital.Carolla's other Podcasts - CarCast, Ace on the House, The Adam and Dr. Drew Show, and Take a KneeCarolla's books: The Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide to Life and Love (1998)In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks... And Other Complaints from an Angry Middle-Aged White Guy (2010)Rich Man, Poor Man (2012)Not Taco Bell Material (2012)President Me: The America That's in My Head (2014)Daddy, Stop Talking!: And Other Things My Kids Want But Won't Be Getting (2015)I'm Your Emotional Support Animal: Navigating Our All Woke, No Joke Culture (2020) Breakdown of Themes No so much themes as a semi organized collection of hilarious rants.Far too many guys in their forties can’t turn a wrench or swing a hammer nowadays. But they have tons of opinions about the new Silver Surfer movie. It’s a sure sign of the pussification of America. We made a mistake in this country that will rank right up there with slavery and Japanese internment camps. We deputized a bunch of minimum wagers and placed them in every guard shack, behind every counter, at every gate, and gave them carte blanche to fuck with us. We’re essentially prisoners in a penitentiary that we paid for. We’ve done away with gender roles. As a culture we decided the smaller the chasm between male and female, the more evolved our society would be. But there’s a reason you have cooters and we have peckaroos. We’re different, and that’s a good thing. Why is it that the same people who beat the celebrate-differences drum when it comes to cultures refuse to acknowledge the biggest cultural difference on the planet? Men and women. I guarantee you Japanese men, German men, and black men have a fuck lot more in common than your average dude and chick. Let’s face it. Women are better with the kids when they get a boo-boo, but when it comes time to disarm the roadside bomb, that’s where the fellas come in. Welfare doesn’t work. It’s monetary methadone. Let me explain. You either need to kick heroin or OD. But methadone is just a perpetual circling of the airport in a plane with shitty seats and a Kate Hudson movie. I believe most people who need welfare are depressed. The welfare lowers their self-esteem and compounds their depression, making it even more difficult to find a job. I’ve seen enough promos for The Biggest Loser to know that even the laziest and most pathetic individual is capable of soaring to great heights given some structure and motivation. Welfare is the equivalent of the government sending them a jumbo bag of Bugles in the mail twice a monthThe process of becoming a Self Made man
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Put the BS in Your Rear-View – TSMP #68

Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “In 50 years we'll all be chicks" by Adam Carolla is coming March 15th! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Remaining consistent in a world of chaos Coronavirus Government overreach Mask mandates Vaccine concerns Ukraine First ground war in europe in 80 years Constant death/fear in media Shutting down Russian economy - affecting the global economy High gas prices Poor Leadership President on down to local health departments via pandemic response Don’t stress about things you can’t affect/control Set the example for your family Wife/Girlfriend At your work School Other people’s problems Figure out what you can control….and what you cantFocus on your influence - Work on building your influenceYou cant make someone care - if you build your influence your opinion will mean more to themIdentify your fears and make a planI cant allow my business to fail turns into what is my plan if my my business failsRecognize the difference between throwing a pity party and troubleshootingAlways good to do after action report and look for solutions/improvementsJay would also say - make sure you encourage yourselfNo one else will - make sure you are your own biggest fan. Demonstrate through actions, not words Kevin Hart - say it with your chest! Dont be the 5 foot tall hanging around the big guys spouting off all the time without the ability to back it up. Say what you mean, Mean what you say, Do what you say, or don’t say it at all…
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Project Hail Mary – Bookcast #33

Project Hail Mary 2021 by Andy Weir Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission—and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish. Except that right now, he doesn’t know that. He can’t even remember his own name, let alone the nature of his assignment or how to complete it. All he knows is that he’s been asleep for a very, very long time. And he’s just been awakened to find himself millions of miles from home, with nothing but two corpses for company. His crewmates dead, his memories fuzzily returning, Ryland realizes that an impossible task now confronts him. Hurtling through space on this tiny ship, it’s up to him to puzzle out an impossible scientific mystery—and conquer an extinction-level threat to our species. And with the clock ticking down and the nearest human being light-years away, he’s got to do it all alone. Or does he? An irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could deliver, Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival to rival The Martian—while taking us to places it never dreamed of going. Read and listen to "Project Hail Mary" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of Project Hail Mary A very brief description of “Project Hail Mary”Don’t want to ruin the story but basically an 8th grade science teacher wakes up from a coma in space and has to save the world.What Weir sets out to do / Purpose of the bookBest example of edutainment Ive ever seenA survival storyThe intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostPeople who love science fictionSpace exploration / NASA loversPeople who love to be inspiredPeople who ScienceWho probably WON’T like “Project Hail Mary”People who can’t deal with math things (or biology/physics/People who don’t like sci-fiPeople who suckHow does this book specifically benefit Men? Great example of how a man can overcome SPECTACULARLY DIFFICULT circumstances and be successfulAlso a great example of what a “hero” is - and what his journey is. Grace did not start out Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Easy to readPrint: 496 pages - about 10 hoursAudio: 16h 10mWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?48,002 ratings, 4.7 starsBest Sellers Rank: #101 in Books#2 in Humorous Science Fiction (Books)#4 in Hard Science Fiction (Books)#5 in Science Fiction AdventuresAudible86,410 - 4.9 starsBook-To-Movie Translation En route as we speak! Bio of Andy Weir Weir was born and raised in California, the only child of an accelerator physicist father and an electrical-engineer mother.Weir grew up reading classic science fiction such as the works of Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov.At the age of 15, he began working as a computer programmer for Sandia National Laboratories.He studied computer science at UC San Diego, although he did not graduate. He worked as a programmer for several software companies, including AOL, Palm, MobileIron and Blizzard, where he worked on the video game Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.Andy Weir released The Martian one chapter at a time on his website. When fans asked him to put it on Amazon, he did for 99 cents. It sold 35,000 copies in three months and got the attention of an audiobook publisher, which then got the attention of a print publisher. Weir released the book online for free in 2011, and on January 2013, it debuted on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list.Has written 3 novelsThe Martian Movie staring Matt DamonArtemis Future movie rights purchased by Fox/ New RegencyProject Hail Mary Future move to star Ryan Gosling As well as numerous short and long stories and graphic novels. Breakdown of Themes Survival and Resilience Earth is at the brink of an ice age that will worsen over time unless the space program finds a solution. Humanity has to survive until the mission is successful hence have to put their faith and hope on Project Hail Mary. In space, Grace has to cope with the harsh environment and his state of mind trying to figure out the mission. The original team was prepared for the suicide mission—since there is no returning to Earth—with the survival of the human race on their backs. Grace has to fight for survival at every turn with several setbacks occurring with each experiment. Collaboration The UN task force that ensures the success of Project Hail Mary is the first display of collaboration in the narrative. As the head of the operation, Stratt has to approve the suicide mission alongside other significant decisions before launch. Though the spaceship launches with an entire team, Grace finds himself as the sole survivor of the trip. He has to use his wits to comprehend the situation. Utilitarianism Altruism is at the core of this tale with characters risking their lives for the greater good of their civilization. On Earth, the task force suffers casualties but the rest of the team still works to undertake the suicide mission. As a disgraced scientist, Grace lost his way but now has the chance to do something good for human civilization. However, in the beginning, he is barely a noble protagonist since he refuses to take on the mission as a crew member. On arrival the lack of memory in the first few days allows him to place the assignment before his needs. Gradually, he learns to be selfless and puts his life on the line to ensure that Project Hail Mary succeeds.
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Atomic Habits, Atomic New Year – TSMP #67

Matt and Jay discuss the current #1 Amazon best seller - James Clear's "Atomic Habits" - and how you can use Atomic Habits to make this your most productive and successful year ever! Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir is coming January 25th! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" How To Have An Atomic New Year What are “Atomic Habits”? Based on James Clears’ “Atomic Habits” (BTW currently #1 book on Amazon)For lots of great info, check our Bookcast #30 on Atomic HabitsWhat are Habits?Habits are an ongoing, repeated use of energy applied to a single activityHabits are the small things that we do thousands of times that become massive over a period of months and yearsHow Habits WorkCue -> Craving -> Response -> RewardSo what are “Atomic Habits?”Brief review of James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” bookAtomic = Small - not like atomic bombThe essence of Atomic Habits:Don’t focus on big habits - they’re TOO big to change effectivelyFocus on TINY little actions and change those…then very quickly everything in your life will change The Four Laws of Behavior Change 1. Make Your Habit Obvious The human brain has thousands of tasks to coordinate in an average day.Waking up, making your bed, showering, putting on clothes, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, making food, waking up the children, coordinating their morning routine, commuting, work actions, social actions, relationship actions, solving ethical dilemmas, political and religious beliefs, community stress, etc, etc, etc.As a result, we do 99.9% of everything by instinct and habit. In order to make a better habit, we need to start NOTICING what we are - and aren’t - doing“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung 2. Make Your Habit Attractive Give yourself something desirable to shoot forA better body, more money, less stress, more energy, more fun with your family, etc 3. Make Your Habit Easy Start very, very smallAlmost all goals we make are too difficult - that’s why we fail. Don’t shoot for the moon. Shoot for five feet in front of you.Don’t try to lose 50 lbs. Don’t even try to lose 5lbs. Instead, commit to writing down everything you eat this week. That’s it.BTW multiple studies show this SINGLE action of journaling your food is one of the best - and most effective - ways to lose weight…without doing ANYTHING else! 4. Make Your Habit Satisfying What is rewarded is repeated, what is punished is avoidedGive yourself small rewards for accomplishment, small unpleasantries for failureIf you’re working on doing a Couch-to-10k and you just ran your first mile in years, celebrate by taking your partner out to dinner.If your kids go a whole evening without fighting, they get to play video games for an hour the next night.If you don’t go to the gym 3 days this week, you have to donate $5 to the American Heart Association How to Create a New Habit Use Implementation IntentionMake a very specific plan for how you will accomplish your goal Use SMART goal settingSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound2001 study in Great Britain on how to build better exercise habits over a two week period248 people divided into three groupsGroup A (control) was only asked to track their exercise - that’s itGroup B would track their exercise AND read materials on the benefits of exercise (reduce heart disease, improve heart health, etc)Group C would track their exercise, read motivational materials AND also completed the following goal-setting program:“During the next week, I will participate in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY] at [TIME] in [PLACE].”In Groups A and B roughly ⅓ of the people (35%) exercised at least once per week Strangely enough, the “motivational readings” didn’t improve their chances of exerciseHowever, in Group C, 91% of the people exercised at least once per week Habit Stacking Diderot Effect - When one changed thing leads to many, connected changes.Named after French philosopher Denis Diderot.Diderot’s daughter was about to be married but he couldn’t pay for the wedding.Diderot was poor but he had co-founded the Encyclopedie, French encyclopedia, and Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia loved his work. When she found he needed money to take care of his daughter, she gave him £1,000 - equivalent of $150,000 now.Diderot suddenly had enough money to pay for the wedding. He also decided to be extravagant and buy one very nice thing for himself - a beautiful scarlet robe. It was the nicest thing he had ever owned. But the robe was so nice, so luxurious, that the rest of his wardrobe looked shabby in comparison. So he upgraded his wardrobe. Then he looked around at his house and it wasn’t up to the quality of his wardrobe. So he bought a luxurious rug from Damascus. Then added expensive sculptures, a mirror to go above his mantle. Then a better kitchen table. Soon his entire life had been upgraded - all because of a single scarlet robe.The Diderot effect in action: After I do (X) I will do (Y)Meditation: After I pour my cup of coffee, I will meditate for 1 minuteExercise: After I take off my work shoes, I will immediately change into my workout clothesGratitude: After I sit down to dinner, I will say one thing I’m grateful for todayMarriage: After I get into bed at night, I will give my partner a kissSafety: After I put on my running shoes, I will text a friend or family member where I am running and how long it will take Why Environment Matters More Than Willpower for Change Our environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.           Humans will automatically do what is efficient, convenient, simple and easy – not necessarily what is “healthy,” “productive,” or “good.”Harness human instincts to make big changesIn the early 90s, the cleaning staff at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam installed a small sticker that looked like a fly near the center of each urinal. Men naturally started “aiming” for the bug - and, as a result, there was reduced spillage around the urinal. The cleaning staff found that the single addition of that sticker reduced bathroom cleaning costs 8% per year!We buy what we see: 45% of Coca-Cola sales come from the highly visible “end-cap” shelves at the end of each aisle in storesJay: At my work, if donuts are available at work, people will eat them - because DONUTS! If healthier snacks are available - and donuts are NOT available - everyone will eat those. Change your environment and you will change your behaviorDon’t try and just “suck it up” and use willpower. Change the environment so you don’t HAVE to use willpower. Two Powerful Ways To Think About Goals Goals vs SystemsIf you want better results, forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead.Jerry Uelsmann’s and Quantity vs QualityUelsmann professor at University of Florida, divided his photography students into two groups: Quantity and Quality50% would be graded on the quantity of photos they took. 100 photos = A, 90 photos = B, 80 photos = C, etcOther 50% would be graded on the quality of the photo they took. They needed to turn in one basically perfect photo during the semesterWhich do you think did better? The Quantity group. They experimented, tried different lighting, explored unique styles and produced multiple great shots. The Quality group, by contrast, spent most of the year arguing about what made “the perfect shot,” produced almost no photos and ultimately turned in mediocre work.Goals vs IdentityThe most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve, but on who you wish to become.How awesome will it feel like to lose all that extra weight and finally be fit?How amazing will it be to know how to give your girl an orgasm whenever you want to? (plug for Sensual Massage)How cool will it be to have your kids finally start respecting you?Or be a leader at work? Or to start having a lot more money? Or have the opportunity to speak another language? Etc. etc. etc. Review What are Atomic Habits?Tiny habits with INCREDIBLE powerThe Four Laws of Behavior ChangeMake your habit obviousMake your habit attractiveMake your habit easyMake your habit satisfyingHow to Create a New HabitUse SMART goalsHabit StackingUse the Diderot Effect…one thing connects to anotherWhy Environment Matters More Than WillpowerDon’t gut it out … change your environment to make the habit automaticTwo Powerful Ways to Think About GoalsMaking GOALS vs Making SYSTEMSMaking GOALS vs Changing Your IDENTITY
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The Call of the Wild – Bookcast #32

The Call of the Wild 1903 by Jack London There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive. The domesticated life of a powerful St. Bernard-Shepherd mix named Buck is quickly turned on end when he is stolen away from his master and put to work as a sled dog in Alaska. His once life of luxury turns into a life of survival and adaptation as he learns the ways of the wilderness. Set in the Klondike region of Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, The Call of the Wild showcases the transformation of a canine as he learns to adapt to what life has given him, fair or not. Read and listen to "The Call of the Wild" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of The Call of the Wild A very brief description of “The Call of the Wild”Jack London - one of the greatest American novelists - tells a story of a domesticated St Bernard that learns the rule of Club and Fang and returns to his primitive state as an Alpha Wolf in the Alaskan Yukon.What London sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo open the eyes of domesticated readers and show them horrors - and joys - of what life in the wild is truly like.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostAnyone who loves dogsAnyone who loves great booksAnyone who loves an adventure storyAnyone who doesn’t like their stories watered down and Disney-fiedAnyone who loves the outdoors and the wildWho probably WON’T like “The Call of the Wild”People who can’t handle violencePeople who don’t like dogsPeople who like everything to turn out happyHow does this book specifically benefit Men? Modern men are weaker than ever. This book can help toughen them upIs this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Easy to readPrint: 173 pages - Less than 3 hoursAudio: 3h 26minWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? The main Amazon version has 8,000+ reviews but the book has sold millions and millions of copies over the last 100 yearsBook-To-Movie Translation Multiple movie versions of Call of the Wild. The 2020 version with Harrison Ford is supposed to be pretty good. Short Bio of Jack London John Griffith London (1/12/1876 – 11/22/1916)American novelist, journalist and social activist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity and earn a large fortune from writing.Starting at an early age he rode the rails as a hobo for a yearSailed up to Alaska and worked in the Klondike as a miner where he got inspiration for his novels The Call of the Wild and White FangHe was a war correspondent for the US in both the Russo-Japanese war and was arrested twice by the Japanese army - once in Japan and in Korea - but was so charming that he was able to eventually be allowed to travel with the Imperial Japanese Army and makes reports on the war.London wrote over twenty successful novels and dozens and dozens of short stories for major newspapers and magazines. Table of Contents / Themes Survival of the FittestThe power of InstinctLoyaltyPowerCompanionshipThe Joy of LaborThe Virtue of Humanity
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Masculine Spaces / Transgender – TSMP #66

Matt and Jay discuss the loss of masculine spaces, the breakdown of femininity in America and the rise of transgender and what it symbolizes. Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “The Call of the Wild" by Jack London is coming December 7th! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Masculine Spaces and Transgender What is a Masculine Space? A space without womenA space for men to be together with other menCritical for a man’s capacity to gain - or regain - masculinityMasculine things can only be taught or experienced in the presence of menA space for men and boys to be togetherTeachingGrowthBonding Examples of Masculine Spaces SportsPrivate clubsBoy Scouts Why are Masculine Spaces so important? They reinforce masculine traits in men AssertivenessIndustriousnessMore interested in abstract ideas and concepts. (Facts over feels)StrengthCourageIndependenceViolenceProtectivenessCompetitivenessSexual appetitePassionConfidenceDecisiveness The Erosion of Masculine Spaces WorkBarbersMilitaryFraternal clubsAt home - not talking about a “man cave” or whatever What about Feminine Spaces? Are you saying that women aren’t as important as men? Isn’t everyone EQUAL??? Calm down Karen. Feminine spaces are absolutely as important as masculine spacesWomen can’t learn how to be feminine without the influence of other womenThe reason we need to talk about Masculine Spaces is because Feminine Spaces are almost everywhere Men behaving like Women / Women behaving like Men / What is a Man? A Woman? Modern women work as hard as men making moneyAs a result, modern men are now expected to work as hard in the home with kids and home careIf a woman works a full time job and then is ALSO, by default (that is to say, because of her biological drive), the one that spends more time with the kids, then she’s going to be doing all the things… a result she’s going to be bitter, unhappy, unsexy and UN-FEMININEThis may be THE key issue with male/female relationships right now If men are acting like women and women are acting like men, is there any wonder why trans-gender is now such a thing?Nobody knows what masculinity and femininity is anymore! What is Transgender and Why Is It Changing Masculinity? Trans people assert that gender is fluid and changeableThere isn’t a good definition of transgender“Being transgender means different things to different people. Like a lot of other aspects of who people are, like race or religion, there's no one way to be transgender, and no one way for transgender people to look or feel about themselves. The best way to understand what being transgender is like is to talk with transgender people and listen to their stories.”Changing and enforcing pronounsThis issue is what make Jordan Peterson so popular - the enforcing of and dictating your speech - aka “misgendering” or “deadnaming”Children should take hormone blockers and “delay puberty” Dave Chappelle’s new show “The Closer” controversyBacklash: What is “backlash” nowadays? Its Comedy and Jokes, you are supposed to be offended “If I offend anybody tonight, I apologize. That's not my intention. I'm not going to guess what your personal line of decency is; I cross my own from time to time - it's how I know I still have one.” - Daniel Tosh
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The Daily Laws – Bookcast #31

The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature 2021 by Robert Greene Robert Greene, the #1 New York Times bestselling author, has been the consigliere to millions for more than two decades. Now, with entries that are drawn from his five books, plus never-before-published works, The Daily Laws offers a page of refined and concise wisdom for each day of the year, in an easy-to-digest lesson that will only take a few minutes to absorb. Each day features a Daily Law as well—a prescription that readers cannot afford to ignore in the battle of life. Who doesn’t want to be more powerful? More in control? The best at what they do? The secret: Read this book every day. “Daily study,” Leo Tolstoy wrote in 1884, is “necessary for all people.” More than just an introduction for new fans, this book is a Rosetta stone for internalizing the many lessons that fill Greene’s books and will reward a lifetime of reading and rereading. Read and listen to "The Daily Laws" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of "The Daily Laws" A very brief description of “The Daily Laws”Robert Greene - the world’s foremost expert on power and strategy - has written a daily devotional designed to help you seize your destiny.What Greene sets out to do / Purpose of the bookBased on his major books (48 Laws of Power, Mastery, The Art of Seduction, The Laws of Human Nature and others) plus new writing, Greene has condensed a powerful thought into a single, bite-sized morsel of truth that will give you an edge every day of the year.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostAnyone who love Robert Greene’s books Self improvement junkiesAnyone who wants to polarize themselves for successAnyone who needs a good coach to help them get to the next levelAnyone who hates a lot of readingWho probably WON’T like “The Daily Laws”People who have trouble with moralityPeople who aren’t willing to do any work to changePeople who don’t have 2 minutes a day to improve themselvesHow does this book specifically benefit Men?It is harder to be a man in the 21st century than it has in over a hundred years. We’ve had no training, few if any role models, a society that is more feminized by the day and greater demands than ever. Greene’s timeless wisdom can help men to overcome their deficits and accomplish greatness.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Easy to read, satisfying to practicePrint: 463 pages - About 3 minutes per dayAudio: 12h 58mWhat are the overall book reviews?Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?Only 180 ratings, 4.7 starsPopular but new and relatively unknownBUT REMEMBER...this book is actually a compilation of his other books, including….The Art of Seduction (5,900 stars)#5 in SexualityThe Laws of Human Nature (6,400 stars)#3 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement#3 in Social PsychologyAnd of course The 48 Laws of Power (32,121 stars)#1 in Political History#2 in Ethics & Morality Short bio of Robert Greene Grew up in Los Angeles. Attended UC Berkeley and finished in University of Wisconsin with a degree in Classical Studies (aka Liberal Arts + English). He estimates he had “80 jobs before becoming an author,” including construction worker, translator, magazine editor, and Hollywood movie writer.Influenced to write 48 Laws while working in Hollywood, watching the power plays at work around him every day.He is an avid swimmer and mountain biker.Greene is a mentor for Ryan Holiday, bestselling author of The Obstacle Is the Way and The Daily StoicGreene suffered a serious stroke in 2018, caused by a blood clot in his neck and has currently left him without the use of his left hand and leg. He still writes, works and hikes every day.Has written several books, including The Art of Seduction, October 2001The 33 Strategies of War, January 2006The 50th Law (with rapper 50-cent), September 2009Mastery, November 2012The Laws of Human Nature, October 2018The Daily Laws, October 2021And of course 48 Laws of Power Table of Contents / Themes Each month centers around a major theme:Power, seduction, persuasion, strategyHuman nature, toxic people, self-control, masteryPsychology, leadership, adversity and creativity
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Vaccine Mandates and Personal Freedom – TSMP #65

Matt and Jay discuss vaccine mandates, personal freedom and why Covid-19 politics are an excellent opportunity for real men to show their strength. Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature” by Robert Greene is coming November 23rd! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Vaccine Mandates Matt's perspective: Very pro Vaccine, usually doesn't get flu shotGot Covid shot in March 2021 Jay's perspective:  Rarely go to the doctorNever had a flu shot as an adult (maybe as a kid?)Got vaccine in April 2021Planning to get booster in the next few weeks Current state of Covid disease as of Late October 2021 725K deaths45 Million Cases218 Million received at least 1 dose of vaccine (66% of Americans)Ages 0-14 is 18% of population and not approved for vaccine Other "Facts" About Covid The problem with facts about the vaccine is that for many people “facts” are based on the media source that you believe.The New York Times recently reported that in 6 of the largest states in the US, 12% to 24% of people hospitalized for Covid-19 are fully vaccinated. We know that the vaccine is wearing off fast in IsraelIn the U.K., 60% of recent deaths were people who HAD been vaccinated.However the Centers for Disease Control has used data from Los Angeles County to produce the more reassuring statistic that unvaccinated people are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized than the vaccinated. Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate Is En Route On Sept. 9, President Joe Biden announced that OSHA would issue an ETS (Emergency Temporary Standards) requiring covered businesses to mandate that their workers be vaccinated against the coronavirus or undergo weekly testing. Covered employers will also have to give workers paid time off to get vaccinated or recover from any side effects of getting vaccinated. Employers that don't comply with the vaccine mandate or paid-time-off requirement may face fines of up to $14,000 per violation. The rule is expected to impact more than 80 million workersAs of this recording (Oct 24) the ETS has not been implemented and there has been no statements from the White House about when the mandate will be enforcedMultiple legal challenges already en routeFederal employees and armed service members are already mandated to have the vaccine or undergo regular testing Group Freedom and Personal Responsibility Personal freedom vs public good?What about Mask Mandates?Matt's lesson for his kids: When you make choices you reap rewards or consequences depending on decision and outcome.Why is personal freedom so important?Australia limiting freedom - is this a good choice for the community or is this a dangerous decision that they will regret later?Travel distance is significantly restricted due to CovidOnce you abdicate freedom to government, they don’t want to give it backRemember that giving away your rights in order to achieve safety has rarely been a good decision historically.Superior Men respect other people's freedomsEven if you don't agree with someone, that doesn't mean you have the right to tell them what to do
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Atomic Habits – Bookcast #30

Atomic Habits 2018 by James Clear If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights. Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits - whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or achieve any other goal. Read and listen to "Atomic Habits" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of Atomic Habits A very brief description of “Atomic Habits”James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.What Clear sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habitsWhat challenges/problems does it attempt to solve?To help you to overcome any problem and achieve any goal!The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostAnyone who loves self improvementAnyone who is stuck with a problem they can’t overcomeAnyone who wants to change: AKA anyone who feels they are fat, lazy, broke, lonely, unproductive, depressed, etc.Anyone who needs a good coach to help them get to the next levelWho probably WON’T like “Atomic Habits”People with a victim mentalityPeople who aren’t willing to think long-termPeople who aren’t willing to do any work to changeMasochists who secretly enjoy the fact that their life sucksHow does this book specifically benefit Men? As leaders, it is our job as men to have every tool we can to accomplish the goals we need to help ourselves, our families and our community. This book gives you a tremendous psychological toolset to accomplish those goals.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Easy to read, satisfying to practicePrint: 296 pages - About 4-5 hoursAudio: 5h35minWhat are the overall book reviews? / Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?54,364 ratings, 4.8 starsThe most famous book in the world about making - and changing - habitsKindle & Paperback#1 in Self-Help#1 in Social Psychology & Interactions#1 in Organizational BehaviorAudible #1 in Personal Success#1 in Popular Social Psychology & Interactions#1 in Medical Social Psychology & InteractionsBook-To-Movie Translation All movies about sports … especially the montage sequences Short bio of James Clear Very few details about James ClearUnknown how old Clear website says he was 33 back in 2019 which would make him 35 now.Here’s some self-reported facts about his life:He’s the author of the international bestselling book, Atomic Habits.Over 5 million copies sold worldwide.Creator of and the popular 3-2-1 weekly newsletter.Over 1,000,000 email subscribers.More than 10 million visitors per year to’s a weightlifter and (former) athlete.In college, he was an ESPN Academic All-American as a baseball pitcher.Best deadlift — 501 lbs (227 kg)Best squat — 425 lbs (192 kg)Best bench — 305 lbs (138 kg) Table of Contents / Themes Atomic = Small - not like atomic bombCompound Interest of time + energyHabits are the small things that we do thousands of times that become massive over a period of months and yearsGoals vs SystemsIf you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead.Goals vs IdentityThe most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve, but on who you wish to become.How Habits WorkCue -> Craving -> Response -> RewardThe Four Laws of Behavior ChangeSimple set of rules we can use to build better habits.(1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying.EnvironmentOur environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.           Change your environment and you will change your behavior
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The Phoenix Principle – TSMP #64

Matt and Jay discuss The Phoenix Principle, death and rebirth, the art of the pivot and why you MUST accept the truth that "everything changes." Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is coming October 26th! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Intro: First You Must Die... Review from last podcast “Becoming Death Proof”There are a few things that are guaranteed in this life:Politicians will bang their internsComputers will keep getting faster and smaller Porn will continue to get weirderTaxes will continue to suck...especially in CaliforniaPeople will spend too much time on social media And, of course, the true kicker…YOU’RE GONNA DIEThe WeCroak app (“We Croak” - free in Google Play and Apple App Store)Bhutanese culture and death: Think about death 5x/day and you’ll be happierConclusion from last episode:Like it or not, you’re going to dieIf you want to be happy and at peace - do the psychological work now and ACCEPT YOUR DEATHOnce a man can accept his death, he can truly start to live Death...and Rebirth (The Phoenix Story) last time we told you you’re gonna die...bummer right, but hey it is what it is. Prepare accordingly.But are you ready to have your mind blown? Here’s the crazy part... if you TRULY want to succeed in life you’re not just going to die once. You’re actually going to die MANY, MANY times.Okay, so yes, granted, you’re not ACTUALLY going to die multiple times but it’s going to feel like it. Religious/Mythical Stories of Death & Rebirth Christianity: Jesus death/rebirth - humanity → divinityGreek: Persephone (death, into the underworld, rebirth - cycle of winter and summer), Dionysus (son of Zeus, killed by Titans, Zeus took fragments of his heart and put them into the wine of a mortal woman...symbolizing being drunk, dying and rebirth)Nordic: Odin sacrificed on the World Tree and comes back with the secrets of the universeEgyptian: Osiris (killed by brother Set, cut into 12 pieces, put in a box and sent to underworld. Wife Isis finds the pieces of his body, wraps up his body, Osiris returns and becomes god of both the underworld and rebirth)Phoenix (bird) - A mythical creature that burns to death and then is resurrected from the ashes into full life.  Which brings us to the Phoenix Principle... The Phoenix Principle: In order to become the best version of yourself, you will occasionally need to “burn up” then “die” and then become “reborn”  Burn Up (suffer through tremendous pain)Die (to give up your old self)Be Reborn (to transform into something different, with new life and vitality) Life is ALWAYS About Cyclical Change (Death and Rebirth) The four seasons - winter bringing death and spring new lifeSleeping every night (tired, weak --> unconscious sleep → stronger, revitalized new consciousness)Vacations → Old routine broken, refreshed and restored → better lifeCircle of Life among animal world A few predators vs many, many prey = balance is achievedToo many mouths to feed, land is overgrazed, all prey animals die...BUT...if predators kill old, sick, weak prey animals...large amount of healthy prey animals is not overwhelmed...balance is achieved  Be a Cat (with 9 lives) not a Dog (with only one life) Famous People Who “Resurrected” Themselves Using the Phoenix Principle Stephen King was a high school janitor when he wrote his first novel “Carrie.”Had been writing for years but didn’t know if he could ever succeed. After spending a long time working on the manuscript for Carrie he threw it into the trash because he hated it. His wife Tabitha found the manuscript and told King to finish it...she wanted to know how it ended.Pope Francis used to be a nightclub bouncer in Buenos Aires, ArgentinaSeriously? Seriously.Before he became leader of the entire Catholic world, Pope Francis - real name Jorge Mario Bergoglio - worked his way through school by doing various jobs, including janitor and nightclub bouncer!Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple, the company he helped createJobs was young and brilliant but he butted heads with anyone who disagreed with him - including Apple’s board of directors. Not the best choice for Jobs.“I was out - very publicly out,” Jobs said in a 2005 speech at Stanford University. "What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating."After spending several years dealing with depression and a nervous breakdown, Jobs shook himself off and restarted again from scratch.He co-founded computer company NeXT, which was later acquired by Apple, and then he launched Pixar Animation Studios.When he returned to Apple nearly a decade later, Jobs brought the innovation of the iPod - then iPhone - and then iPad.Colonel Harland Sanders had SERIOUS attitude problems and failed at basically everything because of itColonel Sanders sold tires in the early 1920s and became the top salesman in Kentucky, but he was fired because he treated customers and clients like crap.He was fired from two separate railroad jobs, once for insubordination and the other time for fighting a colleague.He pivoted again and put himself through law school and became a country lawyer...but then he publicly beat the crap out of his own client in court. Adios law career.Over the next thirty years Sanders was fired from over a dozen more jobs before opening - and then closing - his first restaurant and going broke at age 65.After losing his restaurant, Sanders traveled across the U.S. looking for franchisees who would sell his fried chicken.It took nine more years for the Colonel to get real money. Finally, in 1964 when Sanders was 74 years old, he had built over 600 franchised outlets and he sold his interest in the company for $2 million (equivalent to $17 million in 2021 dollars).Harrison Ford the CarpenterBefore he was Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford was a professional carpenter for 15 years.Ford was actually hired to build sound stages and an office for none other than George Lucas.After an impromptu screen reading for Lucas, he decided to cast Ford in American Graffiti...and soon after as Han Solo in Star Wars.The rest was history.Martha Stewart has followed the Phoenix principle MULTIPLE timesShe was a full-time model until, as a 25-year-old mother, she found the modeling jobs were drying upAfter modeling, Stewart reinvented herself, becoming a Wall Street stockbroker where she was successful for five yearsAfter Wall Street, Stewart decided to turn her love of gourmet cooking and creative presentation into first a show, then magazine and then an entire series of products.When Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia went public in 1999, Martha Stewart became worth over a billion dollars. We All Know Regular People Who Followed the Phoenix Principle Family membersJay’s step-dad battled cancer and two strokes and still kicking ass, riding his motorcycle, maintaining his beautiful garden, keeping his granddaughters on their toesMatt example - Mom - divorce - back to school, new career etc FriendsJay has a couple of buddies who reinvented themselves after serious addiction. One guy was an alcoholic for years, been sober now for almost a decade, successful w/beautiful wife and two kids. Another guy was addicted to amphetamines and in mental hospital - now successful writer, health trainer and coach.Story after story of people losing a hundred or more pounds and getting healthy (we have an amazing story on our website about how David Goggins lost 106lbs in 3 months) Conclusion  You’re going to die…but you have a choice. Will you be a Dog with only one life or a Cat with 9 lives?Maybe you need to fight harder...maybe...BUT MAYBE you need to quit and start something completely new! What's so fascinating and frustrating and great about life is that you're constantly starting over, all the time. And I love that. ~Billy Crystal
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V for Vendetta – Bookcast #29

V for Vendetta (1982-1989) by Alan Moore and David Lloyd Set in a futurist totalitarian England, a country without freedom or faith, a mysterious man in a white porcelain mask strikes back against the oppressive overlords on behalf of the voiceless. Armed with only knives and his wits, V, as he’s called, aims to bring about change in this horrific new world. His only ally? A young woman named Evey Hammond. And she is in for much more than she ever bargained for… A visionary graphic novel that defines sophisticated storytelling, this powerful tale detailing the loss and fight for individuality has become a cultural touchstone and an enduring allegory for current events. Master storytellers Alan Moore and David Lloyd are at the top of their craft in this terrifying portrait of totalitarianism and resistance. Read "V for Vendetta" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! A very brief description of “V for Vendetta” Set in a futurist totalitarian England, a mysterious man codenamed “V” fights to bring freedom to the country. A visionary graphic novel that defines sophisticated storytelling, this powerful tale detailing the loss and fight for individuality has become a cultural touchstone and an enduring allegory for current events.  What Moore and Lloyd set out to do / Purpose of the book To introduce anarchic philosophy and the value of fighting for what is right - even if it involves “criminal” activity What challenges/problems does it attempt to solve? To show the truth about fascist philosophy The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most Anyone who loves graphic novels / comic booksAnyone who loves hero storiesAnyone who liked the movie V for Vendetta and wants a much deeper storyAnyone who wants an optimistic - and practical - application of anarchic philosophy Who probably WON’T like “V for Vendetta” People who don't like dark stories involving violence and crueltyPeople who can’t appreciate history or war storiesPeople who don’t like comic booksPeople who hate masks NEW Q: How does this book specifically benefit Men?  Shows you a great story of a man who knows who he is, what he wants and how a man like that can make a massive difference Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to read, difficult to think aboutPrint: 296 pages - About 4-5 hoursAudio: N/A What are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? 2,953 ratings, 4.7 stars … but many reprints (probably closer to 6,000 ratings)Considered one of the greatest Graphic Novels of all time#43 in Dystopian Graphic Novels#140 in Mystery Graphic Novels#150 in DC Comics & Graphic NovelsAudible N/A (our first book review that doesn’t have audio) Book-To-Movie Translation Movie is awesome...8.1 rating on IMDBGraphic Novel is BETTER! Alan Moore Bio Alan Moore is widely considered to be the best comic/graphic novel writer of all timeAlan Moore (born November 18, 1953, Northampton, England) - Age now 68Grew up in poverty and a neighborhood lacking basic facilities. His father, Ernest Moore, was a brewery worker and mother, Sylvia Doreen, a printer.Moore’s greatest childhood influence was his highly religious and superstitious maternal grandmother who lived with them.Moore began publishing his poetry and essays in various fanzines during the late 1960s and eventually set up his own fanzine named Embryo. He continued to live with his parents for some time and worked on different jobs, including cleaning toilets.In 1971, Moore met Phyllis, whom he married some time later and had two daughters, Amber and Leah. Also, during the 1970s, Moore became a cartoonist. His work began appearing in publications such as Sounds and NME under various pseudonyms including Curt Vile, Jill De Ray, and Translucia Baboon.Moore gained life changing recognition when he started writing for the British anthology magazine, Warrior. He worked on his most important series, “Miracleman” and “V for Vendetta.” He was awarded the British Eagle for Best Comics Writer awards for both these works in 1982 and 1983.His 1986 work, “Watchmen” redefined the comic book medium, changing the tone of comics to date. Many readers and critics consider Watchmen to be the best comic ever produced.Alan Moore’s comics and graphic novels have won over a dozen Eisner awards (comic equivalent of Academy Award)Check Wikipedia for a list of all of Moore’s work (trust us, it’s a MASSIVE list) David Lloyd Bio British comic artist, best known for his work on V for VendettaDuring his forty years as an artist he’s worked on many major titles, including Sandman, Doctor Who and The Incredible Hulk.Lloyd is the one who created and designed the iconic Guy Fawkes mask that V wears and has become a cultural symbol...currently most associated with the hacktivist group “Anonymous” Table of Contents / Breakdown of Themes Freedom and AnarchyThe central theme of V for Vendetta is freedom and its relationship with anarchy, or the absence of government. V describes himself as an anarchist (as does Alan Moore, the author) — one who believes that all governmental authority is corrupt because it infringes on human freedom. BigotryOne of the most immediately noticeable characteristics of the society in V for Vendetta is its profound bigotry. England under the Norsefire government celebrates the achievements of one racial group—here, Caucasians—and attacks members of nearly all other races, sending many of them to die in concentration camps and eradicating their cultural achievements. Norsefire society also directs its bigotry towards women—all the prominent authorities in the government are menThe Power of SymbolsFrom the first chapter of V for Vendetta, Alan Moore shows us the enormous power that symbols have over a society. V, the protagonist of the graphic novel, wears a Guy Fawkes mask, and draws “V” symbols almost wherever he goes. After saving Evey Hammond from a group of murderers, V takes her to watch as he blows up the Houses of Parliament, a centuries-old symbol of the strength and power of English rule.Vendettas, Revenge, and the PersonalWebster’s Dictionary defines “vendetta” either as “a feud between two parties, leading to long-lasting animosity and retaliatory acts of revenge” or as “a series of acts attempting to injure another.”In essence, Moore leads us to ask, “Is V motivated by revenge, or by a more abstract, philosophical objection to the fascist government?”Fatherhood, Mentorship, and the StateThroughout V for Vendetta, Evey struggles with her conflicted feelings for her father—feelings that have enormous ramifications for her relationship with V and with the Norsefire state.Evey’s father, whom she adored, was arrested by the Norsefire government for his socialist leanings when Evey was a child. It’s likely, Evey acknowledges, that her father was then taken to a concentration camp and murdered. Because Evey lost her father at a young age, she searches for a father of her own.
10/5/202132 minutes, 35 seconds
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Becoming “Death Proof” – TSMP #63

Matt and Jay discuss dying, death and the tremendous benefits of being prepared! Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “V for Vendetta” by Alan Moore and David Lloyd is out now! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Intro: You’re Gonna Die This episode is gonna get deep. Prepare yourselves accordingly. (Maybe don’t eat your usual handful of mushrooms before listening)There are a few things that are guaranteed in this life:Politicians will bang their internsThe sun will rise in the east and set in the westWomen will make your life more difficult - and betterChildren will make your life even more difficult - and even betterTechnology will increase at a mind-boggling ratePorn will keep getting weirderTaxes will suckCats will continue their move towards world domination And, of course, as always, the true kicker…YOU’RE GONNA DIE How We Chose This Episode’s Subject: Jay found an app called “WeCroak” - free on app stores - recommended by Tim FerrissThe app sends you quotes about death and dying, texted to you five times a day, Because according to the WeCroak folks, the contemplation of death is supposed to help you find happinessBased on Bhutanese cultureOur Experience of “WeCroak” app Matt: How was it for you? - theft storyJay: How was it for you? Embracing Death in Bhutan Recent article on about Bhutan and their philosophy of deathUnlike many of us in the West, the Bhutanese culture openly discusses death and dying“In Bhutanese culture, one is expected to think about death five times a day.”According to Karma Ura, director of the Center for Bhutan Studies: “Rich people in the West, they have not touched dead bodies, fresh wounds, rotten things. This is a problem. This is the human condition. We have to be ready for the moment we cease to exist.”Death – and images of death – are everywhere in Bhutan, especially in Buddhist art, sculpture and iconography. Everyone - including children - are exposed to these images openly depicting the end of life.After someone dies in Bhutan, there’s a 49-day public mourning period that involves elaborate, carefully orchestrated rituals. It’s not that Bhutanese don’t experience fear, or sadness. Of course they do. The difference is they don’t run away from these emotions.In America when we feel sad or scared or anxious, people tell us to “get over it,” or to medicate or to pretend it doesn’t exist.The difference is that in Bhutan they accept that death is a natural part of life. Can Thinking About Death Make You Happier? In a 2007 study at University of Kentucky, psychologists Nathan DeWall and Roy Baumesiter divided several dozen students into two groups. One group was told to think about a painful visit to the dentist while the other group was instructed to contemplate their own death. Guess which group of the study scored higher on the positive emotional scale? Yup, the “death” thinkers.A 2013 meta-analysis of over 160 studies on “Mortality Salience” (aka Thinking About Death) shows that subjects who spend time regularly considering their mortality have higher self-esteem and a more positive worldview.University of Missouri did a study in 2009 that showed that after reminders of death, people valued life more highly.According to research published in The American Psychologist , older people are more present-oriented than younger people, and are more conscious and selective about who they spend time with, sticking mostly with family and old, close friends. Other studies have shown them to also be more forgiving, and to care more for others and less about enhancing themselves. Why is Contemplating Your Death So Valuable? Because we ARE going to die - and running from it, ignoring it, pretending it’s not happening, medicating ourselves - nothing will change that factIf you PREPARE for death, you will get more out of your lifeChoosing to accept death gives you OPTIONSEnables you to make a plan for your lifeEnables you to fight - and if necessary die - for the things that matter mostWilliam Wallace in Braveheart “Every man dies; Not every man really lives”Prepares you philosophically for your own endChoosing what kind of a life you want to liveDreams GoalsBucket listsWays of giving backLegacyChoosing what kind of a life you DON’T want to liveTop 5 Regrets of the Dying (best-selling book by Bronnie Ware, a palliative care worker)In her years of experience working with dying people, Ms Ware has highlighted these five ideas as the things they regretted most:I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.I wish I hadn't worked so hard.I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.I wish that I had let myself be happier. Prepares your loved ones for the practical steps of your death after you’re goneMaking a “Death Plan”If you’ve already made a plan, then it will go smoothlyBook “I'm Dead, Now What?: Important Information About My Belongings, Business Affairs, and Wishes” Designed to help - in advance - to coordinate funeral affairs, distribution of assets, other financial matters, where you will be buried/cremated/etc, last wishes, etc. If you are spiritual person, death doesn’t mean the endThe majority of the religious systems on earth believe in something after deathSome kind of a belief in life after death often gives a sense of peace and serenity when contemplating the end of this life Conclusion Like it or not, you’re going to dieIf you want to be happy - if you want to be at peace - do the psychological work now and ACCEPT YOUR DEATHOnce a man can accept his death, he can truly start to live It is not death that a man should fear, he should fear never beginning to live. ~Marcus Aurelius
9/28/20211 hour, 24 seconds
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The Obstacle Is the Way – Bookcast #28

The Obstacle Is the Way (2014) by Ryan Holiday Ryan Holiday's modern classic The Obstacle Is the Way draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, tougher. As Marcus Aurelius put it nearly 2000 years ago: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”  This book demonstrates how some of the most successful people in history—from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs—have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their choice to embrace these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck. If you’re feeling frustrated, demoralized, or stuck in a rut, this book can help you turn your problems into your biggest advantages. And along the way it will inspire you with dozens of true stories of the greats from every age and era. Read and listen to "The Obstacle Is the Way" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! A very brief description of "The Obstacle Is the Way"Ryan Holiday shows us how some of the most successful people in history—from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs—have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their embrace of these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck. What Holiday sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo introduce stoic philosophy to the modern reader and show how amazing stoicism is - and how damn practical - it still is over 2,000 years later What challenges/problems does it attempt to solve?To give the reader tools to transform our greatest challenges into our greatest successes The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most?Anyone who loves philosophyAnyone who believes in self-improvementAnyone who enjoys real-life examples of famous people succeeding through hard timesAnyone who wants an optimistic - and practical - application of psychologyGreek-o-philes Who probably WON’T like “The Obstacle Is the Way”?Someone who doesn't like challenge or discomfortPeople who own rose colored glasses (and won’t take them off)Idiots How does this book specifically benefit Men? Blueprint of great men from history - shows us what we should do, how we should act Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? Easy to read, almost bite sized pieces with a story and a lessonPrint: 224 pages - About 4-5 hoursAudio: 6 hours 7 minWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?Very well known5,639 -- 4.7 StarsKindle: Best Sellers Rank: #1,608 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)#6 in Philosophy Movements (Books)#43 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement (Books)#45 in Motivational Management & LeadershipAudible 4.6 17,005 ratings#118 in Audible Books & Originals #1 in Philosophy Movements (Books)#4 in Philosophy (Audible Books & Originals)#5 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement (Audible Books & Originals) Short bio of Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday (born June 16, 1987) is an American author, public-relations strategist, bookstore owner and host of the podcast The Daily Stoic. He is a former director of marketing for American Apparel. Holiday began his professional career after dropping out of college at the age of 19. He attended University of California, Riverside, where he studied political science and creative writing. He worked with Robert Greene on Greene's 2009 New York Times bestselling book, The 50th Law.Holiday has written for Forbes, Fast Company, The Huffington Post, The Columbia Journalism Review, The Guardian, Thought Catalog,, New York Observer and the New York Times Has written multiple best-selling books including:"Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator""The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph""Ego Is the Enemy" "The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living" Table of Contents / Breakdown of Themes 3 major sectionsPerceptionPerspectiveWillWe should face our obstacles with the following:EnergyPersistenceDeliberate processesResiliencePragmatismStrategic visionAn eye for opportunityCraftinessThe Stoic grows stronger and better with every obstacle they face. They rally to every challenge and thrive as a result. So can you.
8/31/202131 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Cure for Entitlement – TSMP #62

Matt and Jay discuss the Age of Entitlement, the dangers of being a "victim," the power of choosing pain, and how to succeed in an era of increasing failure. Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “The Obstacle Is the Way” by Ryan Holiday is coming August 31st! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Intro: What Is Entitlement? New Buzzfeed article: “Millennials Are Sharing The Things They Wish Older Generations Understood, and It's Kind Of Heartbreaking”Some quotes:“I can’t have kids, buy a house, and go on vacation even with my $100k+ salary. At least, not if I want to have money saved for emergencies."Sure you can, you just need to be smarter with your money"That the American economy is ...unbelievably slanted against younger generations. Because those with power and money exerted their influence to gain more power and money. So now all the resources have been sucked up to the top, and young people are left fighting over table scraps."Okay, you obviously know shit about money"Just because we're more aware of our mental health and allow ourselves to feel what we want to feel, it doesn't make us weak or 'snowflakes.' If anything, it makes us better at coping"Theoretically yes, but in practice just because you know you’re upset doesn’t make you any less of a whiny little bitch"Dad: 'Just go in and ask for a job and keep going every day until they give you one.' Me: 'They just tell you to submit a resume online and never respond.'"It’s just like dating online vs in person: If you go on and send a message to the hottest girl, don’t expect a response. She’s literally getting hundreds of messages per day. If you talk to her in person you’ll have a much better chance."I feel damn resentful when older folks tell me I should stay home with my kids. Like, yeah I’d love to if we could afford it, which we can’t. They act like it’s a choice to go back to work, when for a lot of moms, it’s not a choice."If you structure your life correctly, yes you can stay home with kids. Especially now with Zoom and online work options.And finally, the ultimate statement of entitlement:"There was hope in your time. You felt like you could change the world. Nowadays, our economy is fucked, our environment is fucked, our privacy is gone, our governments are pitting us against one another, and the planet is going to kill us off within the next century regardless of what we do about it. So don't look down on us as 'weak' or call us 'entitled' if we're a little pissed off and/or depressed about it, okay?" Entitlement Definition Merriam Webster: 1: a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract2: a government program providing benefits to members of a specified groupalso : funds supporting or distributed by such a program3: belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges Are You a “Victim”? Are you being “Mistreated” in life? Take this quiz! Are you:Black? Hispanic? Asian? White? Mixed ethnicity?Are you “mistreated” by others in any way because of your race? Gay? Lesbian? Bi? Queer? Unsure?Are you “mistreated” because of your sexuality?Female? Male? Trans? Non-Binary?Are you “mistreated” because of your gender?Lower income? Poor? Very poor?Have you been “mistreated” when it comes to wealth?Disabled in some way?Physical conditions like Epilepsy, Diabetes or arthritis? Temporary (or permanently) injured? Partially (or totally) blind? Missing limbs?Mental health issues?Oh the issuesAge: “Are you too old?” “Too young?” Raised in a “dysfunctional family”?Not given the same opportunities as “they” (some group of them) did?Are you ugly? Overweight? Socially awkward? Still living with parents? No life skills? No good training to be an adult?In short…Are you human?Then you’ve been “mistreated” by others! Victims vs Successful People What’s the difference between a Successful Individual and a Victim of Entitlement?A Victim blames someone else for their lack of success; A Successful Person takes responsibility themselves, learns from mistakesA Victim needs someone else to fix their problem; A Successful Person finds a solutionA Victim is always at the mercy of “others” who “control them” and “keep them from succeeding”; A Successful Person knows how to network with others to their advantageA Victim will never be able to succeed; A Successful Person has learned how to succeed in any environment Some Common Arguments of Entitled Victims “They” (fill in the blank group of people):“They” get more than I get“They” keep treating me badly, no matter what I do“They” have unfair advantages over me“They” have all the power/money/opportunities and I don’t have any“They” are evil people because they don’t share what “they” have with me“They” are the enemy...and we must fight so we can destroy “them”! How Did Entitlement Happen? Huge middle class in America starting in the 50s…...continuous improvements in technology, global supply chain, specialization, bulk items, computers, internet and ...has translated into more and more convenient living for less money for the next 70 years...Easy living ...breeds desire for even easier livingThe better you have it, the more insulated you are from the true difficulties of life How To Cure Entitlement Two words: Be gratefulThings to be grateful for in 2021:Your home - Over 100 million people worldwide have no permanent place to sleepRegular food - Over 800 million people worldwide are chronically undernourished and go to bed hungry every nightModern Medicine, Hygiene and Sanitation - Historic life expectancy before the year 1800 was less than 40 years. Now in America it’s roughly 75 years.Birth Control (aka No more playing the “Will I Be a Father?” gambling game - Condoms, birth control pill, spermicidal lubeElectricity, Running Water, City Sewage, Computers, Internet, “Free” Text and Voice over WiFi, Air Conditioning, Cars,Aka...Read “One Second After” If you’re struggling for what to be grateful for, here’s a list of 263 things
8/17/20211 hour, 24 seconds
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One Second After – Bookcast #27

One Second After (2009) by William Forstchen New York Times best selling author William R. Forstchen has written a novel about a terrifyingly real threat...a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after losing a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages...A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) device, a weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies. Months before publication, One Second After had already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second. It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. In the tradition of On the Beach, Fail Safe and Testament, this book, set in a typical American town, is a dire warning of what might be our future...and our end. Read and listen to "One Second After" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "One Second After" Show Notes What this book is about:At 4:50 p.m. EST on the second Tuesday of May, the phone lines in Black Rock, North Carolina suddenly go dead, along with all the electrical appliances. Within hours it becomes clear that this is no ordinary blackout. Every modern electrical device in the country is destroyed by what John Matherson is beginning to suspect is an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the United States.What Forstchen sets out to do / Purpose of the bookDescribe an important potential failure in our nation's infrastructure planning, and tell it in a story format - this book is interwoven with warnings of , “if only we would have planned for this before…”What challenges/problems does One Second After attempt to solve?To describe what the complete collapse of society would look like. Getting thrown back 150 years in a matter of a couple days. Creating a new society while still maintaining what the history of the USA was. The problems that our current society has that are masked with drugs/technology/ etc are all laid out bare.The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit mostAnyone who doesn’t know about EMPAnyone who have no idea how vulnerable ALL our systems are in 2021Anyone who loves post-apocalyptic storiesPreppers (basically porn for them)Who probably WON’T like “One Second After”People who can't stomach Game of ThronesPeople with hardcore existential angstPeople who are addicted to their technology (FB, Instagram, iPhone addicts, etc)How does this book specifically benefit Men? When society ultimately falls apart, it’s going to be up to the men to lead their families and communities. Now is the time to start learning how to do that.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Easy to read, almost true to life what could really happenPrint: 351 pagesAudio: 13 hrs and 17 minsWhat are the overall book reviews? Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant?Very well known12,534 ratings -- 4.6 StarsBest Sellers Rank: #9,814 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)#84 in Technothrillers (Kindle Store)#97 in Technothrillers (Books)#164 in Dystopian Science Fiction (Kindle Store)Audible 4.5 24,269 ratingsMovie Adaptation - Not yet but it would make a great one!Short Bio of William ForstchenWilliam R. Forstchen (born October 11, 1950) is an American historian and author. A Professor of History and Faculty Fellow at Montreat College, in Montreat, North Carolina, he received his doctorate from Purdue University.He has published numerous popular novels and non-fiction works about military and alternative history, thrillers, and speculative events. His three alternate history novels of the Civil War were co-written with politician Newt Gingrich; two also had the participation of writer Albert S. Hanser. He and the other two men have also written three novels about General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.Has written over 50 books including: Star Trek: The Next Generation The Forgotten War (1999)Table of Contents / Breakdown of Themes The Fragile Bonds of CivilizationTribesSelf Reliance
8/3/202131 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Becoming An Ironman – TSMP #61

Matt interviews Jay about his recent Ironman triathlon, the history of this iconic race, why Ironman athletes choose to suffer, plus Jay's successes, failures, and hard-won lessons you can apply to your own life! Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “One Second After” by William Forstchen is coming August 3rd. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Intro: What is Ironman? By most standards, Ironman is considered THE most difficult triathlon race in the worldAthletes must complete a 2.4 Mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run  performed back-to-back with no breaks in under 17 hours.The race was conceived in Oahu, Hawaii in 1978 by a handful of military and special forces badasses who wanted to figure out what kind of athlete was the fittest: Swimmers, runners or bikers.US Navy Commander John Collins suggested that the debate should be settled through a race combining the three existing long-distance competitions already on the island: the Waikiki Roughwater Swim (2.4 mi), the Around-Oahu Bike Race (115 mi; originally a two-day event) and the Honolulu Marathon (26.2mi).After shortening the bike by three miles and setting up the final course, Collins famously said, "Whoever finishes first, we'll call him the Ironman."Each of the 15 racers had their own support crew to supply water, food and encouragement during the event. US Navy SEAL John Dunbar, was in the lead coming out of the bike but he ran out of water on the marathon and his support crew ended up giving him beer instead. This strategy - as you might guess - didn’t work and Gordon Haller, a Navy Communications Specialist, was the first to earn the title Ironman by completing the course with a time of 11 hours, 46 minutes, 58 seconds.The world championships for Ironman are held annually in Kona, Hawaii. Every year there are multiple Ironman races around the world. If amateur athletes get enough points and/or finish in the top of their age groups they can gain slots to compete in Kona alongside the pros.Ironman™ is a trademarked name but there are other non-Ironman branded races that incorporate a 2.4M swim, 112M bike and 26.2M run. In order to avoid copyright infringement, any triathlon that includes this combination of distances (which add up to 140.6) is generally referred to as a “Full Distance” triathlon. There are also “Half Distance” triathlons (70.3s), as well as “Olympic Distance” tris, “Sprint” tris, “Super Sprints” and others.But the biggie is Ironman Jay’s Initiation Into Ironman He’s been running various races for yearsRan his first Tough Mudder with Matt back in 2013(?)Also did his first Olympic distance Tri in 2013. VERY difficult and after finishing put his bike in storage and didn’t touch it until 2019.In the meantime he did 1.5 more Tough Mudders with Matt, all three distances of Spartan Race (Sprint, Super and Beast) and then several marathons, including the San Diego Rock n Roll and the CIM in Sacramento.Jay did a half Ironman in March of 2020 and was going to do the full Ironman in May of 2020 but then Covid happened and all races were scratched for the year. Jay promptly got depressed, gave up on exercise, drank a LOT of beer and quickly gained 25 pounds.Finally in September of 2020, Ironman race directors sent out news that the next full distance Ironman race would be held in Idaho in the summer of 2021.Jay signed up, spent the next 9 months getting his flabby ass back in shape and on June 27, 2021, he completed the full distance Ironman Coeur d’Alene in 14 hours, 57 minutes and 12 seconds. Why Ironman?! All Ironman races are HARD. Roughly 10% of athletes who start an Ironman drop out before the finish. This is an impressive statistic because athletes usually train for at least a year before attempting Ironman - not to mention spending thousands of dollars on entry fees, equipment and coaching, not to mention travel fees and accomodations.Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2021 was even harder because of the heat. Originally the race temperature was predicted at about 80 degrees for the day. However, the week prior to the race there was a record breaking heat wave throughout the northwest and on race day the ACTUAL temperature was well over 100 degrees. In fact, at one point in the afternoon the road temperature was measured at over 140 degrees!3,000 athletes signed up for Ironman CDA (Coeur d’Alene). 2,142 athletes chose to brave the heat and run anyway. And of those, 1,541 actually finished....28.1% of racers dropped out.This race is STUPID hard. Why do it?Every racer has their own reasonBragging rightsProving to themselves they can do something really hardGetting respect Developing self-confidenceOvercoming personal demons (multiple kinds of addicts drawn to Ironman)Forging habits and self-disciplineRaising money for charityDiscovering what they’re truly capable ofBeing part of a community of amazingly positive peopleAnswering some hidden question within themselves they can’t even explainWhy did Jay do it?Self-confidence, self-discipline, challenging myself and also to see what kind of a person I would become in the processI love making goals that require me to grow as a person to accomplish themThe man I was before I started training for Ironman would not have finished the brutal race on Sunday. He wasn’t strong enough - physically or mentally. Jay's Ironman Lessons Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Training is EVERYTHING.Like preparing to give a major concert - how you perform is not about that day, it’s about all the days BEFORE that dayCommit a year in advanceYou need time to train, prepare, learn and adapt your body and mind. The learning curve is too steep for anything less than a yearMarathons are about endurance - Ironmans are about endurance + logistics.You need equipment, knowledge of the courses, knowledge of yourself, the capacity to adapt when things go sideways, learn how your body works, how food works for you, how to change your pace when needed and many other things.Make lists. Make a LOT of lists.Prepare to make a lot of sacrificesIronman requires 15-20 hours a week of exercise, plus you need to learn excellent nutrition, you need excellent sleep, many of your weekends will be required - and it will take about a yearIt’s going to hurt.Actually it’s going to hurt a lot. Make sure you’ve trained for both the mental and physical pain. Ironman racers are amazingIronman is an amazing community of ultra athletes and very successful people. Supportive. Very friendly. Helpful. Cool. Badass warriors. Don’t try to compare yourself to ANYONE else.World class athletes and 70 year old great grandpas doing this race…. ...and prepare to be humbled. I was passed by many people older than me - including 70yr old grandpasIronman (and tris in general) are expensive.I spent thousands of dollars on all the stuff to prep for the race (not including travel expenses) and the race itself cost about $1,000. Prepare accordingly.Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can’t improveI met a bunch of people who were doing their sixth, tenth and even fourteenth Ironman race - many of them were over 50 years old and kept getting fasterGet a support group!CoachesFriendsFamilyCheerleadersCrossing the finish line is 1000% more rewarding if someone you love is there to cheer for youJust keep going.Whatever problem comes up, your job is to find a solution. Giving up is not an option. Follow the pace you trained for.Too fast and you burn out and you’re done. Too slow and you won’t complete the race in time and you’re done.Use the Internet.There’s a lot of really really smart people who’ve done Ironman triathlons for over 40 years and you can steal all of their ideas.Don’t lose your sense of humor. Sometimes dark humor is awesome Conserve your energyYour energy is precious. Don’t spend it on things that you don’t need, things that won’t help you, and most importantly things that are wasteful.You have a very limited amount of energy available. Don’t squander it.Set the right goals.Finishing an Iron Man is a great goal. Attempting to finish in under 12 hours when you’ve prepped for a 13 hour race will make you feel like shit. Trying to beat everybody that passes you will make you feel like a loser. Plus, pushing too hard might break you and then you won’t finish at all.Feels awesome to commit yourself fully to a very big and very difficult goal…and then even better to complete it
7/20/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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Into Thin Air – Bookcast #26

Into Thin Air (1997) by Jon Krakauer Into Thin Air is the definitive account of the deadliest season in the history of Mount Everest by the acclaimed journalist and author of the bestseller Into the Wild. On assignment for Outside Magazine, Krakauer, an accomplished climber, went to the Himalayas as a client of Rob Hall, the most respected high-altitude guide in the world.  A rangy, thirty-five-year-old New Zealander, Hall had summited Everest four times between 1990 and 1995 and had led thirty-nine climbers to the top. Ascending the mountain in close proximity to Hall's team was a guided expedition led by Scott Fischer, a forty-year-old American with legendary strength and drive who had climbed the peak without supplemental oxygen in 1994. But neither Hall nor Fischer survived the rogue storm that struck in May 1996. Krakauer examines what it is about Everest that has compelled so many people -- including himself -- to throw caution to the wind, ignore the concerns of loved ones, and willingly subject themselves to such risk, hardship, and expense. Written with emotional clarity and supported by his unimpeachable reporting, Krakauer's eyewitness account of what happened on the roof of the world is a singular achievement. Read and listen to "Into Thin Air" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Into Thin Air" Show Notes What this book is aboutKrakauer tells the stories of the ill-fated Mount Everest expeditions in May 1996 and the tragedy that followed. What Krakauer sets out to do / Purpose of the bookAs a member of the Mt. Everest summit party, Krakauer wrote this book to find catharsis as he dealt with the trauma of watching men and women die and attempted to reconstruct what went wrong and why.What challenges/problems does it attempt to solve?How and why men attempt deadly goalsHow to overcome PTSD The intended audience of the book / Who will benefit most:Those interested in a good adventure storyEverest-philesThose dealing with lossPeople who read horror storiesClimbersWho probably WON’T like “Into Thin Air”People not interested in adventurePeople who don't like to go above sea levelAnyone who needs a happy endingHow does this book specifically benefit Men? Climbing Everest is exciting and incredibly dangerous. This book describes all the dangers and shows how to minimize them. It also shows how the fact that Everest IS deadly is part of the draw.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Difficult subject - it starts at the end then mostly works through the events.Print: 332 pagesAudio: 5 hrs and 58 mins - read by the authorAudio 9+ hours - read by Phillip FranklinIs the book well-known? Popular? Significant?7,000 reviews -- 4.7 StarsPaperback - #2,023 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)#1 in Chinese Biographies#1 in Mountaineering (Books)#3 in Journalist BiographiesAudible 4.7 (923 ratings)Book-To-Movie AdaptationThere is a movie. We haven't seen it but it doesn't look good.Short bio of Jon Krakauer Krakauer was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, as the third of five children of Carol Ann (née Jones) and Lewis Joseph Krakauer. His father was Jewish and his mother was a Unitarian, of Scandinavian descent.[1][2] He was raised in Corvallis, Oregon, from the age of two. His father introduced the young Krakauer to mountaineering at the age of eight.He competed in tennis at Corvallis High School, and graduated in 1972. He went on to study at Hampshire College in Massachusetts, where in 1976 he received his degree in Environmental Studies. In 1977, he met former climber Linda Mariam Moore, and they married in 1980. They lived in Seattle, Washington, but moved to Boulder, Colorado, after the release of Krakauer's book Into Thin Air.[4]Krakauer has written 8 booksEiger DreamsInto the WildInto Thin AirUnder the Banner of HeavenWhere Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat TillmanThree Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His WayMissoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College TownClassic Krakauer: Essays on Wilderness and Risk (2019)"Into Thin Air" Table of Contents / Breakdown of Themes Commercialism on EverestTrust Among TeammatesLoyalty Among TeammatesQuestions That Cannot Be Answered
7/6/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Anger Is Not the Enemy – TSMP #60

Matt and Jay discuss why Anger Is Not the Enemy, the value of righteous indignation, incorrect and unhealthy stereotypes about anger, why "boys SHOULD be boys," how all societies disintegrate without angry men, and much more! Ready to take your success with women to the next level? Then you need to read our new books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage”! Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer is coming July 6th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Anger Is Not the Enemy When It Comes To Anger, Modern Men Are “At Fault”  Recent Gillette Commercial: “The Best Men Can Be” LOTS of issues with this commercial, but the biggest is that “Fighting and aggression is bad” and saying “Boys will be boys is a bad idea” According to Insider Magazine: “Men's anger is often fueled by fear”Traditional issues with men and angerUFC, Boxing and MMA? BadFootball? Violent and unhealthy (and also, let’s get women involved!)Getting in actual fights? Unhealthy But Isn’t Anger Bad? Everyday Health Website: “7 Ways Anger is Ruining Your Health”Anger weakens your immune system, it’s linked to depression, it can even “shorten your life”!Very common in “Pop Psychology” - especially the new wave of “pseudo-spiritual psychology” - to focus on positive emotions and avoid negative onesStar Wars: Yoda’s quote “Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering.”Sorry Yoda - you’re wrong on this one 7 Myths About Anger (and Why They're Wrong) Psychology Today 7 Myths About Anger (and Why They’re Wrong) Anger is a negative emotion.It's not bad to feel angry. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. In fact, a lot of really good things stem from anger, and angry feelings can lead to positive change. Many social injustices have called for people who became angry. What if Martin Luther King, Jr. never felt angry?Anger is the same thing as aggression.A lot of people confuse angry feelings and aggressive behavior. While feeling angry is healthy, aggressive behavior isn't. There are many healthy ways to deal with anger without resorting to threats or violence.Anger management doesn't workWhen people lack skills to manage their anger, their emotions can cause problems in all areas of their lives. Many relationship troubles, career issues, and legal problems result from unhealthy expressions of anger. Anger management classes and therapy can be powerful tools that help individuals reduce aggressive outburstsAnger is all in your head.Anger evokes a physiological response, and it's that response that often fuels angry thoughts and aggressive behavior. Learning how to relax your body—and your mind—is key to reducing aggressive outburstsVenting your anger releases it.Punching your pillow, trashing the room, or screaming to your heart's content doesn't actually "release" your pent up rage. In fact, research suggests that venting your anger in this way actually has the opposite effect: The more you vent, the worse you'll feel.Ignoring your anger makes it go away.Suppressing anger isn't healthy, either. Smiling to cover up your frustration, denying your angry feelings, or allowing others to treat you poorly in an effort to keep the peace can cause your anger to turn inward. And suppressed anger has been linked to a variety of physical and mental health issues, from hypertension to depression.Men are angrier than women.Research consistently shows that men and women experience the same amount of anger. They just express it differently. While men are more likely to be aggressive and impulsive in their expressions of anger, women are more likely to use an indirect approach, like cutting someone out of their lives. Healthy Ways To Express Anger Use your anger to change something that isn’t workingProblem that needs fixingSituation that needs to changeRelationship issuesEmotional imbalance inside yourselfIf you’re upset with someone, try to put yourself in their shoes—how would you like him or her to talk to you about this issue?Avoid causing damage, possibly irreparable, to a relationship by losing control of yourself and using your anger to hurt them.Remember that things said in anger cannot necessarily be taken back even when you are no longer feeling them.Try to recognize what "pushed your button" and use self-reflection to help you communicate your feelings to your loved oneRemember, you are communicating with someone you love and who loves you. Anger is helpful BUT it must be channelled appropriately. Use it to make your relationship better and to fix the situation, rather than saying something harmful and regrettable that will damage your relationship. Conclusion Think about it: If men didn’t weren’t violent and didn’t get angry…Their countries would be overrun by men who ARE violentTheir women would be rapedTheir stuff would get stolenThey would be abused and/or killedWithout appropriately channelled anger, civilization could never stay strong or safeQuote by G. Michael Hopf:“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.”Anger IS valuable - We just need to manage it in a healthy way Sometimes you just need to headbang to some awesome metal music Get Angry, Make Things Better and Stay Superior!
6/22/20211 hour, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Martian – Bookcast #25

The Martian (2014) novel by Andy Weir Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive—and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn't ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills—and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit—he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him? Read and listen to "The Martian" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "The Martian" Show Notes What this book is aboutThis book follows the protagonist Mark Watney as he is unintentionally left for dead on mars by his crewmates. Using only his wits and his superpower botany skills he survives 549 sols (martian days) before leaving.What Weir sets out to do / Purpose of the bookCreate a first person diary format of being stranded alone on a planet. Using what you have on hand to solve an impossible problem.What challenges/problems does it attempt to solve?Man vs nature in its most extreme formThe intended audience of the bookWho will benefit mostThose who enjoy a great humorous storyIf you like nerdy sci fi stuffIf you enjoy a story about beating the oddsIf you enjoy creative problem solvingIf you’re interested in Elon Musk and missions to MarsWho probably WON’T like “The Martian”Little green menPeople with no humorPeople who are afraid of being aloneHow does this book specifically benefit Men? Shows that if you have the right attitude you can solve just about any problem.Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it?Fun, easy for the most part, difficult to put downPrint: 387 pages Audio: 10 hours 59 minutesJay listened to the 1.3x Wil Wheaton version (8.5 hours)...still pretty goodIs the book well-known? Popular? Significant?43,797 reviews -- 4.5 StarsKindle#4 in Time Travel Science Fiction#7 in Humorous Science FictionPaperback - #1,383 in Books#6 in Humorous Science Fiction (Books)#12 in Exploration Science Fiction#18 in Hard Science Fiction (Books)Audible 4.8 stars 9978 reviewsIf you have audible plus membership it's free to listen until 9/3/2021!!Book-To-Movie AdaptationOverall a good movie adaptation - just removed technical elements and some of the humor to focus on suspense.Short bio of Andy Weir Weir was born and raised in California, the only child of an accelerator physicist father and an electrical-engineer mother who divorced when he was eight. Weir grew up reading classic science fiction such as the works of Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov. At the age of 15, he began working as a computer programmer for Sandia National Laboratories. He studied computer science at UC San Diego, although he did not graduate. He worked as a programmer for several software companies, including AOL, Palm, MobileIron and Blizzard, where he worked on the video game Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.Andy Weir released The Martian one chapter at a time on his website. When fans asked him to put it on Amazon, he did for 99 cents. It sold 35,000 copies in three months and got the attention of an audiobook publisher, which then got the attention of a print publisher. Weir released the book online for free in 2011, and on January 2013, it debuted on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list.Has written 3 novels, as well as numerous short and long stories and graphic novels.Novels:The Martian (web version 2011; Random House 2014[34]) ISBN 978-0804139021Movie staring Matt DamonArtemis (Random House 2017) ISBN 978-0553448122Future movie rights purchased by Fox/ New RegencyProject Hail Mary (Random House 2021) ISBN 978-0593135204Future move to star Ryan GoslingTable of Contents / Breakdown of Themes Science, Human Ingenuity, and the Fight to SurviveBureaucracy vs. Human EndeavourSolitude and the Human Need for Connection
6/8/202131 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Men Need To Seek Pain – TSMP #59

Matt and Jay discuss Why Men Need To Seek Pain, the value of suffering, how to overcome adversity, why embracing the suck leads to high achievement, the difference between men and women in pain, and much more! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “The Martian” is coming June 8th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Why Men Need To Seek Pain Life IS Pain All religions/philosophies teach this:Buddhism: The first of the four noble truths taught by Buddha “All existence is suffering/pain/anguish” Christianity: Christ tells his followers “Take up your cross and follow me”Islam: In the 2nd surah of the Quran, God tells humanity He will “certainly test [them] with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops.” Judaism: In Genesis 3, God tells mankind “cursed is the ground because of you...Both thorns and thistles it will yield for you...By the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread, until you return to the ground.”Hinduism: The ultimate goal of life is to achieve Moksha - the release from the suffering and pain of existence on the earthCommunism (Marxism): Religion is the opiate (pain-reliever) of the massesAtheism: “The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation…. If there ever is a time of plenty, this very fact will automatically lead to an increase in the population until the natural state of starvation and misery is restored.” (physicist Richard Dawkins)Stoicism: “Pain is never unbearable or unending, so you can remember these limits and not add to them in your imagination”  —  EpicurusThe Princess Bride: “Life IS pain highness - anyone who says differently is selling something” What IS Pain? Jay's recent long runMatt's broken jaw Pain is a signal from somewhere in your body that something is happening that needs to be addressedShoulder, neck, stomach, heart, brain, worry, stress, fear, discomfort If Pain Is a Constant In Life, What Do We Do With It? Modern perspectives on pain for most peopleRun from itUse painkillers, drugs, alcohol to deaden your nervesPretend like it’s not happeningCover it up with pleasure BUT modern philosophy does not teach that to SEEK PAIN IS A GOOD THING!!! This is why so few men are truly successful in 2021! Examples of Men Who Sought Pain Roger Bannister (First man to run 4 minute mile)“The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.”Sir Edmund Hillary (with Tenzing Norgay, first men to climb Everest)“The feeling of fear, as long as you can take advantage of it and not be rendered useless by it, can make you extend yourself beyond what you would regard as your capacity. If you're afraid, the blood seems to flow freely through the veins, and you really do feel a sense of stimulation.”Ross Edgely (First man to swim 1,780 consecutive miles around Great Britain)“You find the most honest version of yourself in complete exhaustion”“For the record, I don’t like pain, but it is a means to an end. I have learned that if what I am doing produces pain, I will reap the benefits later on. Not to get too deep, but I agree with Aristotle, who said that the goal in life should not be happiness, it should be “eudaimonia”. In other words, happiness achieved through fulfilment.”David Goggins (Pull-up world record holder, Only man to be Navy SEAL + Army Ranger + Air Force Tactical Controller, “Fittest man in America” (Outside magazine))“Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance and beautiful silence.”“Never let people who choose the path of least resistance steer you away from your chosen path of most resistance.”Elon Musk (Founder Tesla, SpaceX)"Starting a business, I'd say, number one is have a high pain threshold…“Starting a company is like eating glass and staring into the abyss….Because, when you first start a company, there's lots of optimism. And things are great. Happiness at first is high. And then you encounter all sorts of issues--and happiness will steadily decline. Then, you'll go through a whole world of hurt. And, eventually, if you succeed--and in most cases you will not succeed ... and Tesla almost didn't succeed. It came very close to failure. If you succeed, then after a long time, you will finally get back to happiness." Why Men Should Seek Pain Masculinity vs Femininity in regards to painFeeling of release after super challenging workoutAfter choosing highly difficult things, makes “normal life problems” seem like nothingStress reliefFeeling of accomplishmentSexy to women (although also illogical to women “Why does he do stupid stuff like jump out of airplanes/punch other men in the face/run marathons/lift large amounts of weigh/hunt wild boar? And why do I want to get naked right now?”)Facilitate success in other areas of your life How Much Pain Is Too Much Pain? Pain is a valuable indicatorAre you damaged? Yes? Okay stop - or at least slow downAre you just uncomfortable? Okay assess, and maybe keep going, maybe stopMasochism is healthy...up to a point Conclusion Life IS PainThe modern perspective on painWhy Men should seek painFeeling of release after super challenging workoutAfter choosing highly difficult things, makes “normal life problems” seem like nothingStress reliefFeeling of accomplishmentSexy (but illogical) to women Facilitate success in other areas of your life “There are two things [that I have to root out]...the recollecting of trouble in the past as well as the fear of the troubles to come... the first is no longer of any concern to me and the second has yet to be….Let us [then] overcome all things, with our reward consisting not in any wreath or garland, not in trumpet calls or silence for the ceremonial proclamation of our name, but in moral worth, in strength of spirit, in a peace that is won forever [even though fortune herself has utterly defeated us.]”  — Lucius Annaeus Seneca Seek pain and Stay Superior!
5/25/202158 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Slaughterhouse Five – Bookcast #24

Slaughterhouse Five (1969) by Kurt Vonnegut Centering on the World War II firebombing of Dresden, Germany, the novel is the result of what Kurt Vonnegut witnessed as an American prisoner of war. It combines historical fiction, science fiction, autobiography, and satire - telling the story of Billy Pilgrim, a barber’s son turned draftee turned optometrist turned alien abductee. Read and listen to "Slaughterhouse Five" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Slaughterhouse Five" Show Notes What this book is aboutCentering on the World War II firebombing of Dresden, Germany, the novel is the result of what Kurt Vonnegut witnessed as an American prisoner of war. It combines historical fiction, science fiction, autobiography, and satire - telling the story of Billy Pilgrim, a barber’s son turned draftee turned optometrist turned alien abductee. What Vonnegut sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo try and describe the horrors and absurdities of war - and of life - and to integrate them into a functional philosophyWhat challenges/problems does it attempt to solve?How to find humor in the darkest of situationsHow to confront the worst things about humanityHow to make peace with deathHow to make your life - and the world - a little bit better placeThe intended audience of the bookWho will benefit mostAnyone who wants to understand war betterAnyone who struggles with existential angst and/or painAnyone who wants to learn more about being a POW or the bombing of DresdenAnyone who likes great writingWho probably WON’T like “Slaughterhouse Five”People who don’t want to feel pain or sadnessPeople who need a strong linear plotPeople who can’t handle science fictionWarmongersPeople who only listen to audiobooks NEW Q: How does this book specifically benefit Men?  Men need to understand - and accept - that war is part of the human experienceSlaughterhouse Five gives men tools to deal with the horrors of war. Is this book Easy, Average or Difficult to read? / How long is it? (1 minute) 03:00-04:00 Challenging, strange, but also fantasticPrint: 240 pages Audio: 5 hours 13 minutes What are the overall book reviews? (Social proof) (2 minutes) 04:00-06:00 Is the book well-known? Popular? Significant? 50th Anniversary Edition of Slaughterhouse Five (2019)9,609 reviews -- 4.5 StarsKindle#9 in Lawyers & Criminals Humor#23 in Literary Satire FictionPaperback#5 in Humorous Science Fiction #10 in Military Historical Fiction#14 in Fiction Satire
5/11/202131 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Power of No – TSMP #58

Matt and Jay discuss The Power of No, why men are genetically built for leadership, the critical need for boundaries, how setting limits will make your life better in every way, why we need to fight, and much more! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Slaughterhouse Five” is coming May 11th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" The Power of No First off: What is Masculinity? Lots of definitions out thereWebsters DictionaryModern/Feminist news mediaCulture you grow up with (Race/Religion/Community/Family/Group of Friends)Everyone’s personal opinions & beliefs Our definition of Masculinity @WASMThe truth is, opinions are like assholes - Everyone has one. That’s why we focus on FACTS and Science. Masculinity comes from the Latin masculus (“male, manly”), originally mās “male”.So what is “male”? The counterpart of “female.”The short version: What does Masculinity and Femininity look like? Watch boys and girls behaving without parental input. What is the Power of No? With all this in mind, let’s dig into our first topic in our Masculine Philosophy series - “The Power of No”What is The Power of No?Simply put, it’s the ability to set solid, unbreakable boundaries - and, when necessary, enforce those boundariesWhy is “No” so important?“No” differentiates between who you ARE and who you AREN’T“No” lets other people know what you WILL do and what you WON’T doExamples of “No”“No” determines the border to your property Area that’s open for the public vs Your private property (aka Trespassing)“No” defines the rules of lawTaking food samples at Costco is encouraged... Taking electronics at Costco is not“No” describes the requirements for your jobIf you work at Starbucks and your shift starts at 5:30am, showing up at 7am is not acceptable. Honestly, even getting there at 5:35 for more than a few shifts is not going to end well.“No” determines acceptable social interactionsIf you made a joke about your friend being fat and he laughed and teased you back then you’re cool; if you made a joke about your co-worker being fat and she started crying and reported you to management, not so much. Why Men Need The Power of No Hey wait you chauvinists. “The Power of No” is obviously a useful skill for everyone, both men and women. Why do you include it in Masculine Philosophy and not just Human Philosophy?Great Q: The answer is because, again, Men and Women are different. Or rather, Men and Women SHOULD BE different. Our current culture seems hell bent on smushing the two genders into one androgynous, amorphous blob with boys and girls both wearing skirts and lipstick, or business suits, or leather boots and high-waisted jeans.It’s about Masculinity vs Femininity: Men are genetically built to say “No”, Women are not“No” is fighting word. “No” is a word that inherently requires conflict. Telling someone “No” means you are about to abruptly change the nature of the relationship, whether they like it or not.Feminine women dislike conflict but Masculine men enjoy it. Not only do masculine men not have a problem with conflict, they are excited by the opportunity to have a challenging interaction with someone, to compete and to win.“No” is a word of leadershipMasculinity is inherently driven to success and victory. Masculinity pursues competitiveness, aggressiveness and excellence, and constantly desires to become stronger and more powerful.Femininity does not have ambitious drives like masculinity but rather has her own mysterious set of desires, including beauty, friendship, love, spirituality, creating a family, bringing people together and building and maintaining a community. Because of this drive for success, Masculinity is naturally suited to increasingly influential positions of power and leadership (which coincidentally gives femininity the opportunity to use that money and power to benefit her family, friends and community.)“No” directs traffic. “No” keeps everyone in line. “No” distributes appropriate punishment if needed. “No” maintains a standard for the household. “No” explains to everyone that you are in charge and they are under your direction.Women inherently dislike conflict and directly saying “No” is something they prefer not to do. It’s not that she’s unable or unwilling to say No, it’s just that she knows it’s probably going to hurt the person she says No to - and also herself - and hurting others is very uncomfortable for femininity.  As we’ve already stated, Masculinity feels very differently about conflict and is more than happy to accept the challenge. Masculinity accepts that there are some uncomfortable feelings but he does not make his decisions based solely on those feelings but on what he believes is best for everyone long-term. TL;DR - Masculinity is inherently suited to saying “No”, Femininity is inherently more uncomfortable with saying “No” When “No” means “Maybe” or “Yes” “The Power of No” is not just understanding how and when to say No so that we are able to accomplish all of our goals.It’s also knowing when to ignore when someone else says “No”This is a challenging subject that we’ll dig into more later but here’s the essenceThere are certain circumstances when you hear the word “No” where someone doesn’t actually mean No. Some examples include:You’re feeling fat and lazy and your friend wants to get you to go work out. You make excuses and tell him “No, go away” but you actually would like him to help.Someone is clearly distraught and needs your support so you ask if you can help and they say “No” but of course they do need you and so you help them.You’re role-playing with a woman (yes of course you got a signed waiver first) and you’re slapping her with a rubber chicken and she’s saying “No! Stop!” but she is clearly enjoying the chicken slapping (or whatever your particular kink may be. We’re not here to judge).  There are many, many times in a man’s life where rejection must be overcome to achieve success. Learning to, when appropriate, push through someone else’s “No”s until you get “Yes” is a critical conflict skill for men. The Most Important Areas In Your Life To Set Limits HealthWeight Loss, Food quality, Working Out, FlexibilityMoneyInvestments, Expenses, Insurance, Side Gigs, Sex & RelationshipFrequency, Quality, Intimacy, Fun, AdventurePeace of MindTime Alone, Recreation, Meditation, SpiritualityYour PurposeYour Vision for Your Future, Your Beliefs, Your Capacity, Your LegacyFriendshipsYour Support System, Building Blocks of Your Character, The Quality and Character of the Men In Your Life, The Amount of Fun (or Whiny Bitch Sessions) You Have, FamilyYour creation, Your connection, Your source of strength, Your safe place
4/27/20211 hour, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Beyond Order – Bookcast #23

Beyond Order (2021) by Jordan Peterson In 12 Rules for Life, clinical psychologist and celebrated professor at Harvard and the University of Toronto Dr. Jordan B. Peterson helped millions of readers impose order on the chaos of their lives. Now, in this bold sequel, Peterson delivers twelve more lifesaving principles that build on the ideas of his first volume. While chaos, in excess, threatens us with instability and anxiety, unchecked order can petrify us into submission. Beyond Order provides a call to balance these two fundamental principles of reality itself, and guides us along the straight and narrow path that divides them. Read and listen to "Beyond Order" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Beyond Order" Show Notes What this book is aboutWhat does everyone in the modern world need to know? Peterson attempts to distill the most valuable, practical knowledge of thousands of years down into a single book What Peterson sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo teach 12 more rules to improve your mindset, philosophy and paradigm  The intended audience of the bookWho will benefit mostAnyone who wants to understand why people do what they doAnyone who wants to improve their philosophy and paradigmsAnyone who wants to get better at lifeAnyone who likes learningWho probably WON’T like “Beyond Order”People who don’t want to think too muchPeople who aren’t ready to work on themselvesClosed-minded peopleHardcore feminists How does this book specifically benefit Men? Do Men need to read this book? Why?Men like blueprints, rules and structureBeyond Order is about creating a pro-active life plan and choosing solid boundaries and core values to build your life upon How easy is the book to read?Challenging, highly rewarding readingPrint: 382 pages (12-14 hours)Audio: 13 hours 11 minutes Reviews and significance of "Beyond Order"2,567 reviews -- 4.9 Stars (in just over a month)Best Sellers Rank: #43 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)#4 in Popular Applied Psychology#5 in Philosophy of Ethics & Morality#9 in Success Self-HelpAudible: 2523 reviews, 4.9 stars Book-to-Movie TranslationN/A Translation to EnglishN/A Bio of Jordan PetersonDr. Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology Raised in the frigid wastelands of Northern Alberta He’s been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, short-order cook, beekeeper, oil derrick bit re-tipper, plywood mill laborer and railway line worker. 1993 - 1997 teacher and researcher at Harvard University as an assistant and an associate professor in the psychology department. Afterwards, he returned to Canada and took up his current post at the University of Toronto.In 1999, Routledge published Peterson's now-classic first book “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief.” In 2013, Peterson began recording his lectures for YouTube. His YouTube channel has 2.3 Million subscribers and his videos have received hundreds of millions of views.Also created “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast” with dozens of academic and celebrity guests such as Camille Paglia, Martin Daly, Ben Shapiro, Steven Pinker and many others. After the worldwide success of “12 Rules for Life,” Peterson has been in demand as a lecturer throughout the world, as well as appearing on hundreds of television and radio shows and podcasts.Peterson has also flown a carbon-fiber stunt plane, piloted a racing sailboat around Alcatraz, explored meteors with astronauts in Arizona and wrote the new forward to the 50th anniversary edition of “The Gulag Archipelago,” … he has a lovely wife, two kids and and two grandkidsThe dude is epic Major Themes of the Book"Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement.""Imagine who you could be and then aim single-mindedly at that.""Do not hide unwanted things in the fog.""Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.""Do not do what you hate.""Abandon ideology.""Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens.""Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible.""If old memories still upset you, write them down carefully and completely.""Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship.""Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant.""Be grateful in spite of your suffering." Are you excited to read "Beyond Order" by Jordan Peterson? Pick a your copy on Amazon and Audible now!
4/13/202130 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

12 Rules For Life – TSMP #57

Matt and Jay discuss 12 Rules For Life and why Jordan Peterson's unique blend of psychology, wisdom and practical advice will transform your life - if you're willing to do the work. We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Beyond Order” is coming April 13th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Quick bio of Jordan Peterson Dr. Peterson has spent the last forty years as a clinical psychologist, professor at Harvard and University of Toronto, cultural critic, author and lecturer. In 2013, Peterson began recording his lectures for his popular YouTube channel. He currently has over 3.5 million subscribers (March 2021) and his videos have hundreds of millions of views.After the international success of “12 Rules for Life (5 million copies sold),” Peterson has been in high demand as a lecturer throughout the world, as well as appearing on hundreds of television and radio shows and podcasts. Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life...aka An Antidote to Chaos Stand up straight with your shoulders backTreat yourself like someone you are responsible for helpingMake friends with people who want the best for youCompare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is todayDo not let your children do anything that makes you dislike themSet your house in perfect order before you criticize the worldPursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lieAssume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’tBe precise in your speechDo not bother children when they are skateboardingPet a cat when you encounter one on the street
3/30/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 23 seconds
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Greenlights – Bookcast #22

Greenlights (2020) by Matthew McConaughey The academy-award winning actor takes 35 years worth of journals and condenses them all down into his life story and his philosophy of success. In his own words: “If you know how, and when, to deal with life’s challenges—how to get relative with the inevitable—you can enjoy a state of success I call ‘catching greenlights.’” Read and listen to "Greenlights" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Greenlights" Show Notes What this book is aboutThis is McConaughey's unconventional memoir filled with raucous stories, outlaw wisdom, and lessons learned the hard way about living with greater satisfaction What McConaughey sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo teach people how to be more courageous and overcome fear, demonstrate what love looks like, and offer some great tips on how to get more out of life The intended audience of the bookWho will benefit mostAnyone who loves a good story and good writingAnyone who wants to know more about the famous actorAnyone who loves cool, weird and unpredictable adventure stories(Audio version) Anyone who enjoys listening to McConaughey talkWho probably WON’T like “Greenlights”People who don’t like HollywoodPeople who don’t like alcohol, drugs or sexPeople who get weirded out when guys talk explicitly about their wet dreamsPeople who have never seen a Matthew McConaughey movie (is there anyone?) How does this book specifically benefit Men? Do Men need to read this book? Why?Absolutely a book written by a man. No bullshit. Plenty of ass-kicking. Good coming-of-age stories. Great examples of fierce - but loving - fatherhood and brotherhood. Great adventures, fights, sex, spiritual enlightenment, love….this book has it all. How easy is the book to read?Easy to read...unless you are highly conservative. Plenty of F-bombs, drunken adventures and  naked bongo playing.Print: 288 pages (5-6 hours to read)Audio: 6 hours 47 minutes - Read by Matthew McConaughey Reviews and significance of "Greenlights"30,031 reviews -- 4.7 Stars… This book is HUGE right now.Hardback:#1 in Actor & Entertainer Biographies#6 in Personal Transformation Self-HelpKindle:#2 in Philosophy & Spiritual Growth#3 in Spiritual Growth Self-HelpAudible:#1 in ALL Audible Books#1 in Personal Development#1 in Self-Help#1 in Biographies of Celebrities Book-to-Movie / Book-to-Play TranslationN/A Bio of Matthew McConaugheyMatthew David McConaughey (born Nov 4, 1969 - Age 51) Mother was a kindergarten teacher, father ran a pipe-drilling supply business. Parents were divorced twice and remarried three each other.Went to University of Texas, originally planned to be a lawyer but changed to film.Breakout role was the character Wooderson in the classic 70s movie “Dazed and Confused”...McConaughey improvised almost all his linesHe finagled his way into the male lead in the movie “A Time to Kill” based on the John Grisham legal thriller. “A Time to Kill” was his first hit movie.Over the next several decades McConaughey became increasingly famous and starred in many hit movies including “Contact” with Jodie Foster, “Amistad” with Anthony Hopkins, “The Wedding Planner” with Jennifer Lopez, “Wolf of Wall Street” with DiCaprio and many others. In 2013 he played the HIV-positive character Ron Woodruff in the movie “Dallas Buyer’s Club,” winning the Academy Award for best actor. McConaughey lost 50lbs for the role. In 2014 Time magazine added McConaughey to their “100 Most Influential People In the World” listPublished "Greenlights" in October of 2020 - already sold over a million copiesAs of March 2021 he officially confirmed he is “considering running for governor of Texas in 2022” Major Themes of the BookJournaling is an Investment in YourselfYour Parents Did the Best They CouldChallenge Yourself to Take Calculated RisksYou Can Live a Big Life Without a Big House Full of StuffDon’t Half-Ass ItEverything Is RelativeStop thinking things are UNBELIEVABLE Jay and Matt's Opinions
3/16/202131 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Conscious Eating Part 2: Unconscious Eating – TSMP #56

Matt and Jay discuss UNConscious Eating ...etc etc...and how it will help you create great meals, lose weight, feel better and transform your life. We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “Greenlights” is coming March 16th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" WASM Article: "One Meal a Day" WASM Article: "Rethink the 3 Macros - The P/E Diet" Conclusion: Use Conscious Eating and Meal Prep to improve your life today!
3/2/202157 minutes, 18 seconds
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Bookcast #21

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) by Ken Kesey Ken Kesey's hero is Randle P. McMurphy, a boisterous, brawling, fun-loving rebel who swaggers into the world of a mental hospital and takes over. McMurphy rallies the other patients around him by challenging the dictatorship of Nurse Ratched. But this defiance, which starts as a sport, soon develops into an all-out war between Nurse Ratched, backed by the full power of authority, and McMurphy, who has only his own indomitable will. Read and listen to "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available to download on our website! Special listener discount: Use promo code PODCAST to save 25% off ALL our books!Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download at our store!Prefer Amazon? We have you covered! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Show Notes What this book is aboutThe story of a group of men in an insane asylum and a new patient named McMurphy who sets out to convince the men they deserve a better life What Kesey sets out to do / Purpose of the bookTo teach people how to be more courageous and overcome fear, to offer insight into the fine line between "sanity" and "insanity" and to demonstrate what sacrifice looks like The intended audience of the bookWho will benefit mostAnyone who is curious about the inside of a mental institutionAnyone who loved the movie and wants more detailAnyone who thinks they might be crazyWho probably WON’T like “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”People who only watch the Hallmark channelPeople who need the world to have a strong sense of order and structureHypochondriacs How easy is the book to read?Very easy reading wise Print: ~80 pages (90 minutes)Audiobook: 90 minutes Reviews and significance of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Fairly easy reading wise. Although Kesey has a somewhat abrupt and abstract style, his writing is often poetic and is enjoyable to read. Some of the subject matter is troubling, especially as the story progresses.Print: 332 pages (about 8 hours to read)Audio: 10 hours 32 minutes - 50th Anniversary edition read by John C. Reilly (highly recommended)Amazon Reviews: 4,578 reviews -- 4.7 StarsKindle:#138 in Literary Satire Fiction#271 in Classic American FictionAudible:#92 in Classic Literature #110 in Psychological Thrillers  Book-to-Movie / Book-to-Play Translation All translations of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest have been highly successful. The book came first (1962), then it was made into a popular stage play (1963) then the movie with Jack Nicholson (1975). The stage play has been produced successfully multiple times over the last 50 years. The movie version in 1975 won all five major academy awards (Actor, Actress, Screenplay, Director, Producer) and was the biggest movie of the year. Bio of Ken Kesey Kenneth Elton Kesey (1935 – 2001) was a novelist, essayist, short story writer, college professor Kesey was a champion wrestler in high school and college in the 174-pound weight division. He almost qualified to be on the Olympic team, but a serious shoulder injury stopped his wrestling career. He remains "ranked in the top 10 of Oregon Wrestling's all time winning percentage."In 1956 he eloped with his high-school sweetheart Norma “Faye” Haxby. They had known each other since 7th grade. Ken and Faye had three kids and were married 45 years until his death in 2001. Additionally, with the blessing of Faye, Kesey fathered another child Sunshine Kesey with one of their friends Carolyn “Mountain Girl” Adams. Sunshine was raised by Carolyn and Jerry Garcia, Sunshine’s step-father.For several years Kesey tried - and failed - to be an actor in Los AngelesIn college he often clashed with professors and was rejected or kicked out of many programs for his “unstable” personality. But Kesey was relentless and talented and he soon ended up living and writing at Stanford with multiple grants and scholarships.While at Stanford, Kesey volunteered to take part in what turned out to be a secret, CIA-financed study called Project MKULTRA at the Menlo Park Veterans' Hospital where he worked as a night aide. The project studied the effects of psychedelic drugs, particularly LSD, psilocybin, mescaline and cocaine on people.His drug experiences and time at the veteran’s hospital inspired him to write “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”Kesey had various run-ins with the law during his life. In one famous incident in 1965 he was arrested in California and in an attempt to mislead police, Kesey faked suicide by having friends leave his truck on a cliffside road along with an elaborate suicide note. Kesey fled to Mexico in the back of a friend's car. He eventually returned to the US and was caught by the police and sentenced to 6 month in jail. Kesey wrote in every medium, including five novels, a play, many short stories, a children’s book and dozens of essays and articles for magazines like Rolling Stone and Esquire. He was also one of the first famous authors to write and publish a “blog” in the early 90s. Major Themes of the Book Sanity v. InsanityInstitutional Control vs. Human DignitySocial Pressure and ShameThe Combine: Machine, Nature, and ManEmasculation and Sexuality
2/16/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Conscious Eating Part 1: Meal Prep – TSMP #55

Matt and Jay discuss Conscious Eating and how it will help you create great meals, lose weight, feel better and transform your life. Plus meal creation, instant pots, eating boring food, the secret value of your freezer and much more! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available to download on our website! Special listener discount: Use promo code PODCAST to save 25% off ALL our books!Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store!Buy our books Amazon! Want to spend NO money? All three books are now available on Kindle Unlimited for free! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest” is coming February 16th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Ep. 55 - Conscious Eating Part 1: Meal Prep Conscious Eating Super brief definition of Conscious Eating: “Eating on Purpose - Not accidentally”Definition of UNConscious Eating: "Anytime you mentally go on autopilot and put food in your head hole without calculating how it will affect your health, energy level, alertness, satisfaction and the physical shape that you want." Meal Prep Best solution for Conscious Eating is Meal PrepWhat is Meal prep? In short, it means preparing multiple meals ahead of timeMeal prep is a huge part of meal planning and meal planning is really THE foundation of conscious eating Old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” - 100% true for eating. “If you fail to meal plan, you’re planning to fail on your goal of eating consciously.”Tools:Freezer, Instant pot, Crock pot, or just OG, with fire and a stick.Internet - search recipes that work for your diet, and family size.Amazon: Our choice for an Instant Pot 5 Steps to Meal Prep Step 1. Create a rough menu for the week Focus: Think about building your meals around protein and fat and then accessorizingCaution: If you’re highly motivated and OCD you might be tempted to make a menu for the entire month but be careful - It’s very easy to get overwhelmed! It’s much better to start small so we recommend sticking with one week at a time for now.Step 2. Choose meals that you can prepare in bulk and then freeze (ie Roasts, Casseroles, Meat dishes, etc)Focus: Plan 2-3 bulk meals that will cover at least three lunches and three dinners for all the members of your family.Caution: Don’t make anything too fancy at this point. You’ll be spending a lot of time prepping at the beginning and you don’t want to get burned out.Step 3. Finalize your menu and then buy all the food you’re going to eat for the week in one shopping tripFocus: Once you’re at the store, start by buying all the ingredients for your bulk meals and then buy everything elseCaution: Try not to buy too many impulse buy junk foods to your shopping cart. The goal here is to start training yourself to only eat food based on your meal plan - aka Conscious EatingStep 4. As soon as possible when you get home, prepare your bulk meals for the week and freeze themFocus: Unless you have a strange schedule, weekends are the best for meal prepCaution: If this is your first time meal prepping you may find yourself exhausted fairly quickly. Wine and good music can be helpful. Ditto healthy(ish) snacks.Step 5. During the week, defrost your new frozen meals as needed, warm them up and Voila! Delicious meals in minutes that are custom-tailored for your dietary wants and needsFocus: On a daily basis you can accessorize your meals with salads, cooked veggies, fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt, nuts, seeds, portion-controlled desserts, mineral waters, etc, etc. based on your weekly menu optionsCaution: Don’t worry if you need to change your menu during the week. The first month or so is all about adaptation and finding what works for you, your partner and your family Benefits of Meal Prep Will help you lock in your macros - most guys don’t get enough protein and eat WAY too many carbs WASM Articles: The Carbohydrates, The Proteins and The Fats Control portion sizes - you can’t keep eating if there isn't anything left.It will help make sure you enjoy your mealsIf you love your meals then you will look forward to eating food that’s good for youThis may be THE best way to losing weight/gaining muscle/feeling more alert/increasing energy/etc etc If possible, plan meal prep with your partner (ideally have them do it all for you lol) Jay's Tips On Meal Prep: Personally I buy everything in bulk and then bag it up for workCurrent go-to is Cajun ground Turkey sautéed w/various veggies. I eat it at least 4x week and it’s greatI can (and do) eat the same meal A LOT. Not everyone can. Adapt accordingly.I love having high-quality bread on hand and then four or five options for sandwiches. Ditto lettuce+veggies+dressings for salads.When it comes to meal prep, fridge is useful - freezer is amazing Matt's Tips On Meal Prep: Wife prepping Instant pot meals ahead (examples), and freezing them in a ziploc for quick family meals Prep for me - planning the meal and the timing - I need variety in my food - I can’t eat the same thing - or I just look for something convenient. OMAD, or 4/24 IF works well for me WASM Article: "One Meal a Day" Or P/E  Ideal bodyweight in LBS =  the grams of protein per day. >50 grams carbs, Ideally >30 grams. And less than the difference of protein-carbs = max fat per day.  (example 150 lb target weight = 150 grams protein, 50 g carbs, then 100 grams of fat - to maintain, lower carbs and fat to lose weight, increase carbs/fat to gain weight. WASM Article: "Rethink the 3 Macros - The P/E Diet" Conclusion: Use Conscious Eating and Meal Prep to improve your life today!
2/2/202157 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Art of War – Bookcast #20

The Art of War (~500 B.C.) by Sun Tzu The Art of War (Sunzi bingfa) is a 5th-century BC military treatise written by the Chinese strategist Sun-Tzu (aka Sunzi or Sun Wu). Covering all aspects of warfare, it seeks to advise commanders on how to prepare, mobilize, attack, defend, and treat the vanquished. Read and listen to "The Art of War" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available to download on our website! Special listener discount: Use promo code PODCAST to save 25% off ALL our books!Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download at our store!Prefer Amazon? We have you covered! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "The Art of War" Show Notes What this book is aboutCompletely redefining war and the attributes a warrior and a general should have.What Sun Tzu sets out to do / Purpose of the bookCreating a new rulebook on war. Previously war had been for noblemen and was more of a game and show of wealth than anything.The intended audience of the bookWho will benefit mostMilitary historiansStrategy loversWho probably WON’T like “Art of War”HippiesLovers of flowing, richly detailed stories. 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Very easy reading wise Print: ~80 pages (90 minutes)Audiobook: 90 minutes Free version of "The Art of War" available online 6:00 - Reviews and significance of "The Art of War" The most popular book on military tactics ever writtenMost popular Chinese book world wide 8:30 - Bio of Sun Tzu Sun Tzu was a military strategist, general and advisorTzu came from the State of Qi and lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history (770 BC - 476 BC)This was a tumultuous time in Chinese history when different states battled for dominanceAn occupation that found much demand during this period of intense warfare and military innovation Sun Tzu fled the state of Qi before and invasion to the realm of the Wu. The Wu king appointed Sun Tzu as a general in his armyAfter a victorious military career Sun Tzu had become a heroic figure to the Wu He then summarized his military experiences, which he had gained in the wars during the final phase of spring and autumn.Not more details about his life 12:00 - Major Themes of the Book Chapter 1: Laying PlansChapter 2: Waging WarChapter 3: Attack by StrategyChapter 4: Tactical DispositionsChapter 5: Use of EnergyChapter 6: Weak Points and StrongChapter 7: ManeuveringChapter 8: Variation of TacticsChapter 9: The Army on the MarcChapter 10: Classification of TerrainChapter 11: The Nine SituationsChapter 12: The Attack by FireChapter 13: The Use of Spies 16:30 - Jay's and Matt's Perspectives
1/19/202130 minutes, 50 seconds
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20 Lessons From 2020 – TSMP #54

Matt and Jay discuss the valuable lessons from 2020 they've learned from the chaos, including how to get fat quickly, how to co-author a book without murdering your cousin, family leadership during a crisis, the value of great whiskey, the dangers of Big Brother and much more! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available to download on our website! Special listener discount: Use promo code PODCAST to save 25% off ALL our books!Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “The Art of War” is coming January 19th. For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Ep. 54 - 20 Lessons From 2020 Jay's 10 Lessons from 2020 It’s much easier to KEEP doing something than to START doing somethingThere’s ALWAYS a good excuse for not doing things.If you don’t EVOLVE you will DEVOLVE Always have one (and only one) scary, badass goal you’re working towards. S.M.A.R.T. goals are CRITICAL to accomplishing any big goal Vacations are WAY more valuable than I gave them credit forGo camping. Backpacking even better. Do it. All men need to go camping regularly.Women are a great ADDITION to your life...but if they ARE your life, you’re fucked.Don’t watch the news. Seriously. Don't watch it.Consider using to give yourself a broader appealConsciously control your social media feed. Add good, curious, compassionate, positive people. Eliminate drama hungry emotional vampires. Matt's 10 Lessons from 2020 Editing a book is HARD, and takes foreverEmbrace ChangeThink for yourself, Question AuthorityI learned a lot about the 1918 Spanish FluBe the leader, family will follow.How differently people react to pandemicBig brother is not there to protect youElection system is very fragile, and easy to lose confidence in.Keep your life consistent despite adversityContinue to help others, now maybe more than ever. CONCLUSION: 2020 was a RESET year. Adapt your thinking accordingly. You’re not the same. Nobody is the same. That’s not a bad thing. Don’t focus on the bullshit and garbage - focus on what you learned and use it to make yourself smarter, stronger and even more Superior for 2021!
1/5/20211 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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50 Shades of Grey – Bookcast #19

50 Shades of Grey (2011) by E.L. James When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is handsome, brilliant, and intimidating. Unable to resist Ana's quiet beauty and sharp wit, Grey admits he wants her too—but he is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control.   When the couple embarks on a daring, passionately physical affair, Ana discovers Christian Grey’s secrets and explores her own dark desires. Read and listen to "50 Shades of Grey" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available to download on our website! Special listener discount: Use promo code PODCAST to save 25% off ALL our books!Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "50 Shades of Grey" Show Notes 2:00 - Intro to "50 Shades of Grey" James has told the most famous dirty story in the world about forbidden sex, dark passion and the exploration of our deepest needsIntended audience: People who like reading porn, Anyone who has a blah sex life, Anyone who’s curious about BDSM; Anyone who wants to understand why “50 Shades” became a global phenomenonWho won't like it: People who like great literature; People who don’t like to step outside their sexual comfort zone; Highly religious/conservative people; People who are never going to hook up with a billionaire 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Very Easy reading wise. Could be traumatizing if you’re not into highly kinky, violent sexual acts - or fairly cheesy writing.Print: 530 pages (11-13 hours to read)Audiobook: 19 hours 45 minutes 6:00 - Reviews and significance of "50 Shades of Grey" 48,679 reviews -- 3.8 Stars“50 Shades” book series has sold over 150 million copies8th most reviews for a book (out of millions of books on Amazon)Currently: #789 Amazon - Erotic Romance and Fiction#222 Amazon - Contemporary Romance#287 Amazon - Holiday Romance(??)#12 Audible - Contemporary Romance#22 Audible - Women’s Fiction 8:30 - Bio of E.L.James British author Erika Mitchell (born March 1963 - she’s 57 years old)Born to Chilean mother and Scottish father (BBC cameraman)Degree in history from University of Kent, EnglandMet husband Niall Leonard, a screenwriter and novelist, in 1987. They have two children. Worked as studio manager’s assistant at the famous “National Film and Television School” in England, then became a production executive at BBCRead the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, became obsessed. Read multiple times, then started writing fanfiction using the web name “Snowqueens Icedragon.”Between January and August 2009 wrote two Twilight fanfiction novels "Master of the Universe 1 and 2" that served as the basis for the Fifty Shades trilogy.After the novel was edited and published in e-book form, it blew upRemained on the NYT best-seller lists for over 100 weeksQuickly became the #1 Amazon book of all time on KindleShe never wrote anything before her Twilight fanfiction.In 2012, Time magazine voted her one of the Top 100 most influential people in the worldNow oversees an empire of “50 Shades”-related merchandising, including all manner of movie tie-ins - with an emphasis on toys of all kindsShe currently has a net-worth of over $170 millionJames has written six books so far: “50 Shades of Grey” and the two sequels in the trilogy “50 Shades Darker” and “50 Shades Freed.” She’s also written two more books retelling the “50 Shades” story from the perspective of Christian Grey. James also has one more book “The Mister” 12:00 - Major Themes of the Book PowerWealthInnocence (and the end of Innocence)ViolencePast TraumaMysterySexual Exploration 16:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about "50 Shades of Grey"? I am continually fascinated by the idea that all women have deep, mysterious sexuality that can be unlocked...if you have the right key. I also really enjoyed investigating why so many women are compelled to read about violent sexuality.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“There's a very fine line between pleasure and pain. They are two sides of the same coin, one not existing without the other.”“This is a man in need. His fear is naked and obvious, but he's lost. . . Somewhere in his darkness. His eyes wide and bleak and tortured. I can soothe him. Join him briefly in the darkness and bring him into the light.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?I learned that millions of women around the world fantasize about very kinky thingsWhat did you like least (critique)?My biggest issue is that the writing is often cringe inducing. The book often feels like a twelve-year old is writing it. It’s the exact opposite of literature.What question(s) would you ask the author?How much of “50 Shades” is something you’ve experienced in real life - and how much is fantasy?What character, other than the main character, impacted you most and why?Christian Grey’s family. Basically all highly-successful romance stories have at least two or three highly loving “support characters” that sit in the background and make sure the main character feels valuable. They don’t get praise but they’re critical to the well-being of the protagonist. I think this is true in real life as well.Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?“Beautiful Player” by Christina Lauren. An agreement between a venture capitalist and a bookish woman quickly becomes a very NSFW version of My Fair Lady. Most romance novels are overwrought and ridiculous. This book is surprisingly fun to read and actually quite sexy. 24:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about "50 Shades of Grey"? Women’s reactions when they get caught reading this bookShare a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Men aren't really complicated, Ana, honey. They are very simple, literal creatures. They usually mean what they say. And we spend hours trying to analyze what they've said - when really it's obvious. If I were you, I'd take him literally. That might help.”“I am going to have coffee with Christian Grey... and I hate coffee.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?I learned that the editor for this book shouldn't work againWhat did you like least? (critique)Poorly written, hello Editor. Odd lingering descriptions of things that don't matterWhat question(s) would you ask the author?Where did this story come from? Were there personal pieces in the story - things you've experienced?“What character, other than the main character, impacted you most and why?”I just kept thinking, what if the roommate (Kate) didn't have the flu, then Ana would have never met Mr Gray...Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?“Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual” by Jocko Willink
12/22/202031 minutes, 14 seconds
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TSMP #53 – BDSM: Does She Need a Good Spanking?

Matt and Jay discuss why women are so fascinated by "50 Shades of Grey," the rise of BDSM in popular culture and the reason 50% of women have a "rape fantasy." Plus tips on how beginners can enjoy bondage, the value of power games, turning household objects into sex toys...and so much more! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available to download on our website! Special listener discount: Use promo code PODCAST to save 25% off ALL our books!Want to try before you buy? We have free samples of each book you can download on our store! Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “50 Shades of Grey” is coming December 22nd! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Ep. 53 - BDSM: Does She Need a Good Spanking? 8:00 - Matt's first experience with "50 Shades of Grey" - Bible thumpers thumping something else... 10:00 - The MASSIVE popularity of "50 Shades" and why it's such a big thing 12:00 - The rise of BDSM in popular culture 13:30 - Surprising amount of kinky sex in current music: Cardi B, Billie Eilish, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and of course the Eurythmics 16:30 - Adam and Eve online sex store has a large (and popular) "50 Shades"-themed accessories 17:30 - Studies show Canadians, Bulgarians and Americans are all interested in and play with BDSM. As for the rest of the world? "50 Shades of Grey" was translated into 60 different languages, sooo...probably them too. 19:00 - 2019 PornHub highest ranking categories: #5 "Cosplay" and #10 "FemDom" (aka Female Domination) 20:00 - Definition of BDSM: Bondage / Discipline / Domination / Submission / Sadism / Masochism 21:30 - Bondage is usually the easiest - and consequently the first - element of BDSM that most people experiment with. Starts with masks, blindfolds and silk handkerchief restraints and goes from there. 23:30 - Domination/Submission: One person in charge, the other submits to their control 24:30 - "Choreplay" - and why it rarely works 26:00 - Sadism: You enjoy giving psychological and/or physical pain to others 27:00 - Masochism: You enjoy receiving psychological and/or physical pain from others 28:30 - There's a history of BDSM going back to at least the 5th century BC 30:00 - 4th century BC: Kama Sutra describes "4 different ways to hit someone during lovemaking" 31:00 - History of sadism and masochism: First attributed to French and Austrian noblemen 33:30 - People have considered BDSM inappropriate and deviant only in the last several hundred years 35:30 - Women buying "Bodice-Ripper" romance novels 37:30 - Psychology Today says about 50% of women confess to fantasizing about non-consensual sex (aka Rape Fantasy) 39:00 - Largest study of its kind: A 2008 sex study of nearly 20,000 Australians found that “[e]ngagement in BDSM was not significantly related to any sexual difficulties.” Not only that, but men who engaged in BDSM “scored significantly lower on a scale of psychological distress than other men.” 40:00 - The different gender needs of sexuality: Multiple recent studies show most men fantasize about dominating a woman which works for most women because they primarily fantasize about submitting to a man. 42:00 - Are you being dominant enough in your relationship? 43:30 - THE foundation of all satisfying BDSM experiences? Getting CONSENT 45:00 - To make sure power games work in the bedroom, you need to show your woman you take control in your own life 47:00 - Why lazy guys are NEVER sexy to women 48:30 - Why you MUST set up boundaries before you play with BDSM 52:00 - What is "Aftercare" and why is it critical for every couple that experiments with BDSM? 53:30 - The psychology of BDSM: Using sex to explore your psyche and deepen your relationship. Questions, fears, trust needs, etc. 55:30 - Dr. Carol Queen (author of "The Sex & Pleasure Book") gives her suggestions for BDSM beginners just starting out 57:00 - Pre-negotiated words to use during sex - make sure to discuss ahead of time: "whore" "slut" "jerk" "pussy" "bitch" etc 58:30 - Consider where you are in relationship with woman when planning BDSM experiences 60:00 - The value of role-playing 62:30 - Bottom line if you want to play with BDSM: First work on yourself. Be the man that she can trust fully. Make sure you have excellent communication before you stay playing.Prepare to find new things in yourself - and in her.Have fun! If you're ready to learn the exact steps to becoming sexually attractive to women, make sure to pick up a copy of our book "Sexual Magnetism" at our bookstore now! And don't forget to use discount code PODCAST to save 25% on all our books, including "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage"!
12/8/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 6 seconds
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TSMP #52 – Fucking Harvey Weinstein (Part 2): Why Women Crave Sex with Powerful Men

Matt and Jay discuss why women crave powerful men, the problem with modern morality, is sexual harassment always wrong?, the one time you SHOULD take a woman "against her will," the three ways you need to behave EXACTLY like Harvey Weinstein, the true danger of a sexual predator and much, much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming November 17th! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Our newest episode “50 Shades of Grey” is coming November 10th! Ep. 52 - Harvey Weinstein (Part 2): Why Women Crave Sex with Powerful Men 4:00 - Review from Part 1: What is perceived value for men and women? 7:00 - Big butts? Yes! Big boobs? Yes! Sexy feet? Okay, that's weird... 8:30 - The good qualities of Harvey Weinstein...and the BAD qualities 9:30 - The problem with modern morality: Everyone is either ALL good or ALL bad, no middle ground 12:00 - Is sexual harassment always wrong? 13:30 - At least one-third of the formal allegations against Weinstein are for "unwanted sexual advances" aka "sexual harassment" aka asking a woman to have sex with you and she feels uncomfortable and says "no." The Cut Magazine: List of formal allegations against Harvey Weinstein 15:00 - Cynthia Burr and the question of "forced" oral sex 18:00 - True physical trauma vs emotional trauma and/or regret. Sometimes after a difficult or uncomfortable event it's hard to say exactly what happened and who is to blame. 20:00 - Alexandra Canosa and the question of exchanging abuse for fame and opportunities 22:30 - Juliana De Paula, the sex party and the broken wine glass “I had to fight him off with broken glass” 24:30 - The allure of powerful men and the threat of power vs sexuality 27:30 - Mimi Haleyi, Netflix, chill and dirty sex acts: "I'm in disbelief and disgusted" 30:30 - Asia Argento was traumatized by Weinstein's sexual assault...and then she was in a consensual relationship with him for years afterwards 36:00 - Is Harvey Weinstein a bad guy? YES. He committed multiple acts of sexual violence and rape. 37:00 - How to NOT be like Weinstein in three easy words: ALWAYS GET CONSENT 38:00 - Why always getting verbal "Affirmative Consent" for every step of sexual intimacy is ridiculous 39:00 - The ONE situation where you can take a woman "against her will" 40:00 - Weinstein's philosophy of success in business "He can't hear the word NO" 41:30 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Weinstein: We want to emulate SOME (but not ALL) of Weinstein's character 44:00 - 3 ways you SHOULD be like Weinstein: #1 - Be Powerful AF 45:30 - #2 - Present Yourself Well 46:30 - Journalist Emily Sheffield's meeting with Weinstein "I felt utterly charmed by the energy and excitement that rolled off him AND WHICH OVERRODE THE BROODING PHYSICAL HEFT AND THE POCK-MARKED SKIN; I was dazzled." 47:00 - #3 - Have a Fascinating, Fun Personality Harvey Weinstein's fascinating Rotten Tomatoes Interview 48:30 - Like all powerful men, Weinstein has giant brass balls: He openly tried to have sex with EVERY HOT WOMAN IN HOLLYWOOD, including: Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Uma Thurman, Ashley Judd, Heather Graham, etc. etc. 51:00 - Assuming you're in an appropriate dating environment (ie. Not at work), don't worry about "sexual harassment" - instead worry about "sexual assault" 53:00 - Aside from being very fat and having an ugly face, Weinstein consistently demonstrated EVERY quality of perceived value that a woman wants when she has sex with a man! 57:00 - Bottom line, if you want to be sexually successful with women, remember the 3 qualities women want most: 1) Be One of the Powerful Men, 2) Present Yourself Attractively, and 3) Have a Fascinating, Fun Personality
10/27/20201 hour, 29 seconds
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TSMP #51 – Fucking Harvey Weinstein (Part 1): How Perceived Value Makes Women Horny

Matt and Jay discuss sexual perceived value, how to be ugly and still get chicks, the Top 3 qualities women find sexually attractive in men, MILF porn vs Regular Porn, why healthy men should ALWAYS be attracted to other women...and much, much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play The Superior Men Podcast!" Do you love books? Then you need to listen to our book review podcast "The Superior Men Bookcast"! Episode #19 “50 Shades of Grey” is coming November 10th! Ep. 51 - Fucking Harvey Weinstein (Part 1): How Perceived Value Makes Women Horny 9:30 - What is Perceived Value for women (aka What is attractive to women)? 11:00 - Women and men are attracted to different qualities 11:30 - Women are sexually attracted to a man with traits like leadership, confidence, aggressiveness, power, fame, good looks, big muscles, social status and others 12:30 - Men are sexually attracted to women who are generally younger (18-25 is prime), have a pretty face and have an attractive body 13:30 - Hot women will often marry ugly guys with high perceived value (money, status, successful); Handsome guys rarely marry ugly women 16:00 - MILF porn (25-30 years old), Regular porn (18-20 years old) 17:30 - The unfairness of racial aging (White vs Asian vs Black) 20:30 - "Fight or Flight" isn't the same for men and women - Under stressful circumstances women are NOT biologically compelled to fight 23:00 - What triggers a woman's biological desire to have sex with a man? 26:30 - Why are men sexually attracted to a pretty face, a nice body and younger age in a woman? 29:00 - Healthy men should ALWAYS be attracted to other women 31:00 - The Top 3 Perceived Values that women are attracted to in a man: 1) Attractive Presentation, 2) Power, and 3) Personality 32:30 - Body-builders look stupid wearing suits 33:00 - 1) Attractive Presentation: The first thing a woman notices when she sees a man is his fashion/grooming 34:00 - What fashion/grooming signals to a woman: He's socially aware, he's wearing something that flatters his body, he's confident, he's flashy 36:00 - Why high-level athletes always wear ridiculously flashy clothes 38:00 - Women will assess your Attractive Presentation in seconds - and she'll do it every single time she sees you! 39:00 - The #1 quality women want on dating websites 41:00 - Women are drawn to men with a bigger body 42:30 - Men with handsome faces DO have an advantage over men with unattractive faces Fact: Attractive people have an easier life:University of Wisconsin study of over 600 CEOs: Companies with more attractive CEOs had overall higher revenue than companies with less attractive leaders. Finnish study: More attractive political candidates (of either gender)  do roughly 20% better at the polls than less attractive politicians. 45:30 - Using masculine body language: Tall and Strong Posture, Tone of Voice, Eye Contact 48:00 - 2) Power: A man who is large and in-charge is going to be highly attractive to women 50:00 - A man who has multiple women interested in him is going to be highly attractive to other women - this is because of Pre-Selection Bias 51:00 - 3) Attractive Personality: A man with a sense of humor, positive, emotional control, fun, interesting - all these qualities are highly desirable to women 54:30 - Bringing a woman along for a ride is VERY valuable for her 56:00 - A man's testosterone wants sex BEFORE a relationship, a woman's estrogen wants sex AFTER they're in a relationship 58:00 - Remember the Top 3 Perceived Values that women are attracted to in a man: 1) Attractive Presentation, 2) Power, and 3) Personality. If you want a woman to be attracted to you, make sure to demonstrate high Perceived Value at all times. She's always paying attention so if you want her to want you it's your job to send the right signals!
10/13/202059 minutes, 14 seconds
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Man’s Search for Meaning – Bookcast #18

Man's Search for Meaning (1946) by Viktor Frankl Viktor Frankl’s riveting account of his survival in the Nazi concentration camps and his exploration of the human will to find meaning in spite of the worst adversity. "Man's Search for Meaning" has offered solace and guidance to readers since it was first published over 70 years ago. Today, as new generations face new challenges and an ever more complex and uncertain world, Frankl’s classic work continues to inspire us to find significance in the act of living. Read and listen to "Man's Search for Meaning" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Man's Search for Meaning" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "Man's Search for Meaning" Frankl believes “The meaning of my life is to help others find the meaning of theirs.” This book is a description of how Frankl's "Will to Meaning" helped himself and others to survive the nightmare of the concentration camps, and how his philosophy can help you to endure any suffering.Intended audience: Anyone who needs a cure for boredom, depression and lack of purpose; Anyone who is searching for what they need most in your life; Anyone who wants a powerful, first-person description of the Nazi concentration camps; Anyone who wants to cure their neurosis.Who won't like it: People who aren’t ready to accept the evil things men are capable of doing; People who are too scared to be truly honest with themselves; People who only read writing that is superficial and easy…But EVERYONE SHOULD read this book! 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Very Difficult. Purely reading wise, the first half of the book is “easy” to read; the second half is much more difficult, with lots of scientific terms and analysis. However, as for the subject matter, his stories of the concentration camps are very painful to read. Absolutely worthwhile but be prepared.Print: 192 pages (4-5 hours to read)Audiobook: 4 hours 45 minutes 6:00 - Reviews and significance of "Man's Search for Meaning" 16,181 -- 4.7 Stars (Sold over 16 million copies, translated into 50 languages)Currently: #1 Amazon - Jewish Holocaust History#1 Amazon - Judaism #1 Amazon - Behavior (psychology) #3 Amazon - Existential Psychology#14 Audible - Philosophy 8:30 - Bio of Viktor Frankl Born 1905 in AustriaWhen he was three he said he would be a doctorFascinated by psychology from an early age; While in junior high school he took additional adult-education college classes at night in Applied PsychologyWhen he was 16, Frankl began writing letters to Sigmund Freud and formed a friendshipWhile he was in medical school, Frankl, now 19 years old, published his first article in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (Freud submitted the article and recommended it)Frankl founded Vienna’s first private youth counseling program and worked with troubled youthsAfter obtaining his M.D. as a psychiatrist, he was in charge of the "pavilion for suicidal women". Over a four-year period (1933–1937), he treated no less than 3,000 patients each year.By the time he was 34, Dr Frankl was the head of the Neurology Department at Rothschild Hospital in Vienna.When the Nazi’s began to send Jews to concentration camps, Frankl was offered a US immigrant visa. Rather than escape and work safely in America, Frankl chose to stay in Vienna with his aging parents. He, his wife and his parents were arrested in 1942 and deported to the camps. None of his family survived.Frankl spent three years in four different concentration camps, including Auschwitz and DachauAfter he returned from the camps, in 1948, Frankl earned a Ph.D. in philosophy and was the head of the neurology dept at Vienna Policlinic Hospital for the next 25 years.As a visiting professor he taught at Harvard, Stanford and the University of Pittsburgh; Frankl lectured widely in Europe, the Americas, Australia, Asia and Africa. Frankl published 39 books, which were translated into 49 languages. He received 29 honorary doctoral degrees.Even into his 90s Frankl continued to engage in dialogue with visitors from all over the world and to respond personally to some of the hundreds of letters he received every week. 12:00 - Major Themes of the Book 3 Psychological Phases of Concentration Camp PrisonerPhase 1: Admission to Camp => ShockPhase 2: Daily Routine & Deaths => ApathyPhase 3: Liberation => DepersonalizationCoping Mechanisms for Horrible CircumstancesRich inner livesGoals for the futurePerception of Choice What is Logotherapy?Viktor Frankl’s experience in the concentration camps inspired him to develop logotherapy.Logotherapy (from Greek "logos" or "meaning") is a psychological approach that focuses on the meaning of human existence. It’s built on the principle that humans are motivated by meaning. We want to know why we exist, what we’re supposed to do, and that there’s value in our existence. Finding The Meaning of LifeThere’s no universal definition for the meaning of life. Such meaning varies from person to person and from moment to moment. What truly matters is the meaning of your life right now, in this moment.Three different ways to discover the meaning in our individual lives:1. By creating a work or doing a deed2. By experiencing something or encountering someone, and3. By the attitude we take towards unavoidable suffering 16:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about Man's Search for Meaning? Learning that there is no ONE meaning of life; we all continuously redefine our own life meaning moment-by-moment as our circumstances changeShare a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Some men lost all hope, but it was the incorrigible optimists who were the most irritating companions.”“I consider it a dangerous misconception of mental hygiene to assume that what man needs in the first place is equilibrium or, as it is called in biology, "homeostasis," i.e., a tensionless state. What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?I learned that pain and suffering is much less scary when I embrace the fact that my death is inevitable.What did you like least (critique)?I would like the second half of the book where Frankl dives into Logotherapy to be more user-friendly. Many readers won’t be able to follow phrases like “In logotherapy, love is not interpreted as a mere epiphenomenon of sexual drives and instincts in the sense of a so-called sublimation.”What question(s) would you ask the author?I want to get psychoanalysis from Frankl! I want him to work on me, analyze my mind and make me stronger and more capable!What character, other than the main character, impacted you most and why?I loved the story of the young woman who was dying in the camp and who talked every day to the chestnut tree outside her window. Before the concentration camp she was spoiled and did not take spiritual accomplishments seriously. Now, even as she was dying, she saw beauty in that tree and in life.Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?“The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak. Another story about the holocaust, but unlike any I’ve book ever read. The main character is Death - who is very impressed with how a young German girl brings joy to others, despite the chaos and horror around her. 24:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about Man's Search for Meaning? Incredible description of the physical and mental process necessary to survive a concentration campShare a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?Concerning returning home from concentration camps: A man who for years had thought he had reached the absolute limit of all possible suffering now found that suffering has no limits, and that he could suffer still more, and still more intensely.If there is a meaning in life at all, then there must be a meaning in suffering. Suffering is an ineradicable part of life, even as fate and death. Without suffering and death, human life cannot be complete.What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Enjoyed learning about Logotherapy and how there are forms of psychology that really help people, unlike many forms currently in practice; Also the incredible first-person experience of the concentration camps.What did you like least? (critique)Different parts of book are really for different audiencesWhat question(s) would you ask the author?How did your philosophy of Logotherapy change during and after your experience in the camps?“What character, other than the main character, impacted you most and why?”The Capos - Jewish prisoners who are in charge of keeping orderAny other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?“12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson
9/29/202029 minutes, 53 seconds
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TSMP #50 – Fake News vs Real News

Matt and Jay discuss fake news, clickbait, Hitler and the Rabbi on CNN, learning the bias of your media, and how you can find the truth! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #18 “Man's Search for Meaning” is coming September 29th! Ep. 50 - Fake News vs Real News 4:30 - What is Fake News? - News published usually with the intent to mislead in order to damage an agency, entity, or person, and/or gain financially or politically to increase readership 8:00 - What is Real News? - News that endeavors to report facts, tells both sides of the story, news that you trust 12:00 - Similar goals of Fake News and Real News: Both designed to make $$, both created to serve a biased niche, both designed to be shared 14:00 - Logical arguments vs pure opinion 16:00 - The ultimate news interview "Hitler and the Rabbi" 18:00 - Are you feeling strong emotions when reading a headline? It's almost guaranteed that it's a biased source 20:00 - Fake vs Real News Example: "Rioters and Ronald McDonald House" 22:30 - Writing "clickbait" titles for articles 24:30 - Fake vs Real News Example: "Mississippi House Bill 762 and weapons inside churches" WASM Podcast #48 - "Should You Own a Gun?" 27:30 - California's controversial new "high-capacity" gun magazine law 32:00 - News perspectives on the explosion in Beirut: Left, Right and Centrist 34:00 - What is "bias" and why does it matter? 36:00 - Top 15 news outlets and their respective biases Nolan Chart of political biases News media bias chart 42:00 - The danger of opinions as News 46:00 - NYT Opinion editor fired for publishing right-leaning opinion piece 47:30 - How to stay safe from Fake News and be safe online 52:00 - Is 100% accurate? Is ANY media outlet 100% accurate? 54:00 - NO media outlet has all the facts - check all the sides of EVERY story
9/15/202057 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Road – Bookcast #17

The Road (2006) by Cormac McCarthy The Road is Cormac McCarthy's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about the journey of a father and his young son through a dying post-apocalyptic world. The Road is about the depravation of humanity and the reasons we continue in the face of despair. This novel is brutal and devastating, but it's also about the rarest of all miracles: Hope. Read and listen to "The Road" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "The Road" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "The Road" McCarthy wrote this novel as an unflinching meditation on the worst and the best parts of humanity. He forces us to confront horrible truths but he also shows us how to keep going even when everything looks hopeless.Intended audience: Anyone who struggles with existential angst, anyone who is (or wants to be) a parent, and anyone who likes dark, brutal stories with incredible writing and great charactersWho won't like it: People who need an upbeat story, people who don’t like poetic, descriptive writing and people who can’t handle explicit descriptions of cruelty and depraved behavior 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Difficult. The reading itself is easy; the subject matter is not at all. You’re going to go through some dark, painful experiences reading this book. This is a HORROR novel.Print: 287 pages (6-8 hours to read)Audio: 6 hrs 37 minutes 6:00 - Reviews and significance of "The Road" 6,110 reviews -- 4.2 Stars (Major critique: Readers couldn't handle the bleak, depressing tone and explicitly cruel behavior of certain characters)Currently: #29 Amazon - Contemporary Fiction (entire category)#100 Amazon - Literary Sagas#110 Audible - Science Fiction (entire category)#124 Audible - Literary Fiction (entire category) 7:00 - Book-to-Movie Translation Matt: Amazing actors, cinematography and tone of movie very much what I imaginedJay: The story is intensely personal and subjective, mostly happening inside the mind of the protagonist. A movie can't capture that experience. I don't recommend the movie. 8:30 - Bio of Cormac McCarthy Charles McCarthy, Jr, is an American novelist, playwright, short-story writer, and screenwriterBorn 1933 in Rhode Island (He’s currently 87 years old), third of six childrenRenamed himself “Cormac” after the Irish kingHe saw no value in school (although he enjoyed dozens of hobbies) and he dropped out of college twice - first to join the Air Force, then after the Air Force he went back and he quit again. He never graduated.Spent two of his four years in the AF in Alaska where he hosted a radio showAfter college he wrote his first novel, The Orchard Keeper, while he was working as an auto mechanic. It was published when he was 32Although they had varying degrees of critical acclaim, none of McCarthy’s first five novels sold more than 5k hardcover copies.Even though he made almost no money for several decades, he did receive multiple writing grants (including a Mac Arthur “genius” Fellowship in 1981 for $236,000) which helped finance his writing and enabled him to travel throughout the US and EuropeHis first commercially successful novel was All the Pretty Horses (1992) which sold 190,000 hardcover copies. McCarthy was 59 years old.McCarthy speaks Spanish fluently, which he learned while living in Ibiza, SpainQuit drinking alcohol more than 30 years ago. “'The friends I do have are simply those who quit drinking,' he says. 'If there is an occupational hazard to writing, it's drinking."He does all his writing on an old-fashioned Olivetti electric typewriterHe is known for his bleak style of writing in all his novels. As a result, he has been labelled the "great pessimist of American literature."He’s written ten novels, including No Country for Old Men (which was made into the classic Coen Brothers movie that won 4 Academy Awards). The Road (2006) is his most recent novel. He’s also written two screenplays and two stage plays. 12:00 - Major Themes of the Book Good vs EvilMorality vs Amorality vs ImmoralityDeath and dyingThe purpose of existence 16:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about The Prince? Beautiful. Horrible. Hard to read. Uplifting. Made me cry some manly tears at the end.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“All things of grace and beauty such that one hold them to one’s heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes. So, he whispered to the sleeping boy. I have you.”All of his books have violence as a central tenet. According to McCarthy “There's no such thing as life without bloodshed. The notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone could live in harmony, is a really dangerous idea. Those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls, their freedom. Your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?No matter how dark things are, if you keep going you can make it better. That’s the definition of hope - When you keep going and believe that something better is coming, even if you don’t know what it is or when you’ll find it.What did you like least (critique)?To me this isn’t the kind of book you criticize. If you don’t like this book, it’s not the book that you don’t like, it’s the dark things it shows you about yourself.What question(s) would you ask the author?How hard was this book to write for you, emotionally speaking? Did you get depressed writing it?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?The Walking Dead graphic novel series by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore 24:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? Juxtaposition of the different moral characters in this book - Why do you have your moral outlook on the world?Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that.You forget some things, don't you?Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget.”“Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Most post apocalyptic stories have a somewhat “happy ending” - this book doesn't. The question is how you find the will to survive and how morality plays a critical role in your survival.What did you like least? (critique)Very gritty and depressing backdrop - on the surface the story is all about suffering and miseryWhat question(s) would you ask the author?Do you think there is morality in a bleak and dying world?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
9/1/202029 minutes, 42 seconds
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TSMP #49 – You Need a Vacation!

Matt and Jay discuss why you need a vacation, "active leisure" vs "passive leisure," research showing how vacations will literally save your life (and reduce your weight and improve your productivity...), why you need to make annual traditions, the joys and horrors of family trips, the value of memories, The 6 Keys To Planning Your Vacation... and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #17 “The Road” is coming September 1st! Ep. 49 - You Need a Vacation! 7:30 - Matt and Jay both just got back from their respective family vacations 9:30 - "Active" Leisure vs "Passive" Leisure 11:00 - The BIGGEST reason you need a vacation? It can literally save your life! -- NIH study: 12,000 men @high risk for heart disease are 32% less likely to die from heart disease and 21% less likely to die from all causes IF they take frequent annual vacations 12:30 - Lose weight by taking vacations! -- Syracuse University study: Regular vacations reduce incidence and symptoms of metabolic syndrome (aka Getting fat, problems with insulin, etc) 13:00 - Stress levels get lower BEFORE taking your vacation! -- Syracuse University Study: The closer test subjects were to the upcoming vacation, the lower their heart rate and stress levels 14:00 - ALL of Sweden uses less anti-depressants when they take vacations -- Swedish Institute of Urban Research Study: For the entire country, the more workers who went on vacation, the less people who used antidepressants 15:30 - Ernst & Young study: For each additional 10 hours of vacation employees took, their year-end performance ratings improved 8 percent 18:00 - Are you home-bound because of COVID? Get out now! At least drive out of town, exercise in non-populated area, something! 19:00 - Why men need to travel 20:00 - Why the modern media's description of the world and people is HORRIBLY inaccurate 24:30 - What are some great ideas for vacations? Lake trips, beach trips, road trips... 25:30 - Matt's family road trip. Great experience! True, not at the time, but looking back it was. 26:30 - Critical question: How challenging do you want your family vacation to be? 29:00 - You need a vacation because they make long-lasting memories / Matt and Jay's vacation PTSD 31:30 - The value of making an annual vacation into a family tradition 34:00 - The BAD experiences on your vacation = A GREAT story later on 35:30 - Why men need to go camping: Getting back to nature, appreciate your toilet after using a hole in the ground, being away from the masses of people, no electricity, no water, keeping food away from bears, surviving with no cell service, cooking, dealing with the elements, navigation, insects, 37:30 - Downloading computer maps when GPS doesn't work OSMAND App - Great maps for your phone when you're totally off the grid 40:00 - Camping is a NECESSITY for men - especially men who live in the city. Reminds us of what it really takes to be self-sufficient. 43:00 - How to appreciate water more? Go several days with no running water on tap. 44:00 - Keys to planning your vacation / Key #1: Know Your Family 46:30 - Key #2: Make Sure You Plan In Advance! 48:00 - Key #3: Get Off the Beaten Path  50:00 - Key #4: Go On Vacation 3-4 Times/ Year 50:30 - Key #5: Slow Down! Enjoy the TRIP Not Just the DESTINATION 51:00 - Key #6: Plan Vacation Decompression You need a vacation, so get going and Stay Superior!
8/18/202052 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Prince – Bookcast #16

The Prince (1532) by Niccolo Machiavelli The most famous (and infamous) book on politics ever written. The Prince was initially denounced as a collection of sinister maxims and a recommendation of tyranny. It is, in reality, the first description of the science of politics as they are ACTUALLY practiced rather than as they SHOULD be practiced. As a young Florentine envoy to the courts of France, Spain and the Pope, Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527) was able to observe what rules a monarch must follow to stay in power - and which rules would lead to his failure (and often his death). 500 years later, The Prince has only grown more influential. Machiavelli's timeless wisdom and ruthless cunning are more relevant now than ever. If you want to achieve power and maintain it, this book is required reading. Read and listen to "The Prince" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "The Prince" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "The Prince" Very brief historical background: Prior to the writing of The Prince, Machiavelli had spent 14 years on the war council of Italian city-state of Florence and was one of the most influential diplomats in Italy. Then the powerful Medici family returned from exile, dissolved the Florentine city-state, and removed all government officials - including Machiavelli.Machiavelli wrote The Prince in an attempt to gain favor with the Medici family and regain his political position. The book is dedicated to the young prince Lorenzo de Medici. Machiavelli distills decades of diplomatic knowledge down into a single book designed to instruct the young prince on what he must do for his principality to succeed.Intended audience: Anyone who wants to become more powerful, anyone who believes the world is a kind, gentle, safe place, and every scholar or student of the dark art of politicsWho won't like it: People who insist the world is a kind, gentle, safe place, people who need to classify all actions as right or wrong, people who only watch Disney movies and romantic comedies 6:00 - How easy is the book to read? Difficult. Although the Mansfield translation is very readable (and filled with vital footnotes), The Prince discusses 500 year old Italian history and politics and they take time to learn. But the greatest challenge is wrestling with Machiavelli’s amoral - and sometimes immoral - political advice.Print: 160 pages (5-8 hours to read - many, many more hours to study and digest)Audio: 5 hrs 15 minutes 6:30 - Reviews and significance of "The Prince" Dozens of versions and translations available, all of them popular on AmazonTrue number of readers = Unknown (Millions upon millions over the last 5 centuries)Because of multiple copies of the book, hard to say how many thousands of reviews (maybe 5k? 6k?) -- All of them are roughly 4.5 starsCurrently: #1 Amazon - Modern Renaissance Philosophy#5 Amazon - History of Renaissance Europe#7 Amazon - Philosophy (entire category)#48 Audible - Renaissance History#92 Audible - Classic Literature (entire category) 9:45 - Bio of Niccolo Machiavelli Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance diplomat, philosopher, historian and playwright who lived in Florence during the end of the 15th and early 16th century.Machiavelli was born in a chaotic era of shifting city-states, where Italian noble families constantly battled amongst themselves - as well as with France, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire - for regional influence and control. Five years after the Medici family had been expelled from Florence, Niccolo was appointed to the position of secretary of the Florentine Council for Diplomacy and Warfare. He was an advisor for 14 years...until the Medici family returned to power.During his tenure, the Florentine government sent Machiavelli as a diplomat throughout southern Europe to help negotiate various conflicts, including to the courts of King Louis XII of France, King Ferdinand of Spain and the Pope in Rome.Niccolo’s success ended abruptly when the Medici family returned to power and dissolved both the republic and the Florentine city-state. Sensing Machiavelli’s power, they accused him of conspiracy and had him first banished for a year. Then he was arrested, sent to prison and tortured. Eventually the Medicis released him from prison. After being stripped of his power, Niccolo spent the remainder of his life outside of government and instead devoted his life to writing.Along with his political works, Machiavelli also wrote several highly popular plays that won him fame and some financial success.Machiavelli wrote more than a dozen major works of political history and theory, including an eight-volume history of Florence, his classic Discourses on Livy (one of the first significant books on Republicanism) and of course The Prince.None of Machiavelli’s books on politics or history were popular during his lifetime. His two most famous books - Discourses on Livy and The Prince - were published after his death. 12:00 - Major Themes of the Book Free Will Fortune is a “woman” who can be countered, but who must be defied with boldness and brashness.  Cruelty It is safer for a prince to be feared than it is for him to be loved. Men dread punishment, and this fear can be used to a prince’s benefit. Love can lie, but fear is a primitive emotion that will not change at the tip of a hatA prudent prince will therefore use cruelty to his advantage – though only when necessary.Cruelty is well-used when it preserves a prince’s safety or secures the state; gratuitous cruelty is to be condemned.  Arms Princes should be both men and animals, intellectuals and warriors. When it comes to animals, they should be both lions and foxes, with the lion representing sheer force and the fox representing craftiness.A prince should always use his own troops and not rely on mercenaries and auxiliaries. Politics is always bathed, necessarily, in blood. History “A prince should read history and reflect on the actions of great men.” In order to be great, one must study the greats of the past, and in order to avoid pitfalls, one must examine the mistakes of failed predecessors.  Generosity Generosity is often dangerous for a prince. It is better for a prince to be thought a miser to keep his state financially secure, and to reserve money for when it is most needed.If a prince showers his subjects with gifts in order to curry favor, he winds up depleting his own resources, so that in the end he must take back his gifts from the people in order to keep the state afloat. The Unification of Italy The Prince ends with a call to a unified Italy. Machiavelli explicitly addresses Lorenzo de Medici as the potential savior Italy has been yearning for: “There is no figure presently in sight,” he writes, “in whom [Italy] can better place her trust than your illustrious house...favored by God and the Church….who can take the lead in this process of redemption.”This unification is invoked in symbolic biblical terms as a “mass salvation” with the prince unifier as “messiah” – a fascinating finale to a book that seems so secular and amoral on the surface. 16:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about The Prince? It feels like a guidebook - maybe THE guidebook - for 21st century politics.Smarter, wiser and more clever than any other book on politics I’ve ever read.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“[A]ll the armed prophets conquered and the unarmed ones were ruined. For...the nature of peoples is variable; and it is easy to persuade them of something, but difficult to keep them in that persuasion. And thus things must be ordered in such a mode that when they no longer believe, one can make them believe by force.”“[M]en will always turn out bad for you unless they have been made good by a necessity.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?It makes me want to accomplish more; set my sights higher; think grand.It also made me ask the question “Is changing the status quo ever going to be unopposed? Was any nation, territory or thought-space ever truly unoccupied before it was ruled?”What did you like least (critique)?Honestly, there’s so few things I dislike about this book...I’d say the one thing I really want is for Machiavelli to come back from the dead 500 years later and write another book for the modern era. But honestly I don’t think he’d change much.What question(s) would you ask the author?You wrote comedic plays, romantic poetry, long histories and razor-sharp political commentary. Which was the most fun?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert CialdiniNever Split the Difference by Chris Voss 24:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? I love the deep insight contained - it reads like it is about current times instead of being 500 years oldShare a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?See people for who they are trying to beHow to gain and hold powerWhat did you like least? (critique)Nothing, really. The Prince is excellent!What question(s) would you ask the author?I would live to hear his take on modern western politicsAny other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
8/4/202031 minutes, 16 seconds
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TSMP #48 – Should You Own a Gun?

Should you own a gun? Matt and Jay discuss weapons and the founding fathers, tyranny vs freedom, the confusion over "a well regulated militia," Red Flag laws, why you can't own James Bond's weapons, the definition of an Assault Weapon (paintball guns anyone?), killing Matt with a fridge, gun safety, the tremendous dangers of giving up our weapons and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #16 “The Prince” is coming August 4th! Ep. 48 - Should You Own a Gun? 6:00 - Matt owns guns, Jay possesses guns and shoots them but does not own them 7:30 - Guys DO love shopping - that is, if it's guns, cars and boats 9:30 - The history of weapons, rights, and the founding fathers of the United States 10:30 - The 2nd Amendment and the commas 12:00 - Weapons and Freedoms: The American colonies vs the British 14:30 - US v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court recognized that the right to arms pre-existed the Constitution 16:30 - Government of free men vs Communist Dictatorship/Monarchies 18:15 - Should you own a gun? Gun ownership is THE underlying right that enables all other freedoms - aka The right to protect yourself against tyranny 19:00 - What is a "militia" anyway? 23:30 - Restrictions for owning a gun under the 2nd Amendment: Age, Felon status, Mentally ill 26:30 - Controversial Red Flag Laws - Is it okay to remove someone's guns from them by force? 29:30 - McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Supreme Court extend the Second Amendment's protections nationwide 30:30 - The National Firearms Act (1934) 33:30 - Sorry, you can't legally own a James Bond-style weapon 36:30 - The differing gun restrictions of different states 40:00 - What is an "Assault Weapon"? / AR does NOT equal Assault Rifle 42:00 - The various states definitions of "Assault Weapons" - including paintball guns 45:00 - What is an "Assault Rifle"? There is no federal definition of an Assault Rifle 46:30 - California's arbitrary definition of an Assault Rifle 48:30 - Are guns designed to kill people? YES! 49:00 - Killing Matt with a fridge / Definitions: Homicide, Murder and Manslaughter 52:30 - Statistics: Murders by firearm (2017) vs Gun deaths (2017) For more info on police and weapons, make sure to check out our last podcast, TSMP 47: Fuck the Police? 57:00 - Gun safety and accidents 59:30 - 5 ways you should implement gun safety into your household 62:30 - Ice cream shops banning ANYONE with weapons (including police officers) 63:00 - Should we get rid of all weapons? Won't that make America safer? 65:30 - If guns become "illegal" HOW are we going to collect all these guns anyway? 67:30 - Mexican gun laws: Very stringent restrictions on citizens owning and carrying guns vs Drug Cartel activity w/weapons 69:00 - Should you own a gun? Yes! Giving up guns means giving up your rights and the opportunity to defend yourself 70:30 - Guns enable citizens to protect themselves from a tyrannical government 72:30 - Why it's important that gun ownership is the 2nd Amendment and not the 9th or 10th 74:00 - Why EVERYONE needs to teach gun safety to children 76:30 - The dangers of knee-jerk laws Stay Armed...Stay Safe...Stay Superior!
7/21/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 21 seconds
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The 4-Hour Workweek – Bookcast #15

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (2007) by Timothy Ferriss Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan – there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times.  This step-by-step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches: • How Tim went from $40,000 per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per month and just a few hours per day • How blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs • How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist • How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent “mini-retirements” Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, or earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, The 4-Hour Workweek is the blueprint. Read and listen to "The 4-Hour Workweek" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "The 4-Hour Workweek" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "The 4-Hour Workweek" Tim Ferriss's goal is to help you take advantage of 21st century technology, time-management skills and non-location-based business in order to design your life the way you want it Intended audience: Anyone who wants more money/time/freedom, anyone who believes that “retirement” is the goal, anyone who wants to travel the world, anyone who wants to upgrade their lifeWho won't like it: People who don't believe in “outside the box thinking,” people who are unwilling to become uncomfortable to get what they really want, people who refuse to learn new things 6:00 - How easy is the book to read? Easy to readPrint: 416 pages (8-10 hours to read - but you’ll be re-reading & referencing)Audio: 8 hours 6:30 - Reviews and significance of "The 4-Hour Workweek" Book (2007): 7,764 reviews - 4.4 starsCurrently: #3 Amazon - Job Hunting & Career Guides#18 Amazon - Business Motivation & Self-Improvement#1 Amazon - Time Management#615 out of ALL Amazon books (Over 32 Million) 9:45 - Bio of Tim Ferriss Born Timothy Ferriss July 26, 1977 (42 Years old)Grew up in East Hampton, New York Graduated from St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire - exclusive boarding high school, paid for by his grandparents ($60k+/year)Started Princeton but by his senior year he was in a "very, very dark" place and even contemplated suicideHe took a year off from college to teach Japanese and then work odd jobs in ChinaHe came back and received a degree in East Asian Studies from Princeton University in 2000After graduation, Ferriss started his own sports nutrition company BrainQuickenHas written five books, all NY Times bestsellers:The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef, Tools of Titans, Tribe of Mentors His podcast, “The Tim Ferriss Show,” has over 500 million downloadsHis blog has been ranked #1 on the Top 150 Management and Leadership Blogs on the internetTim has been an early investor/VC for over 50 businesses, including Uber, FB, Twitter, Alibaba, Shopify, Duolingo and others.First American in history to hold a Guinness World Record in tangoFirst American to win a championship for Chinese kickboxing (1999)Speaks 5 languages (German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English)Horseback archer (yabusame) in Nikko, JapanIs a strong proponent for the medical use of psychedelic drugs for mood disorders and PTSD. Since 2016, Ferriss has donated over $2,000,000 for clinical research into psychedelics for John Hopkins University, the Imperial College in London and other schools. 12:00 - Major Themes of the Book First you must reconfigure your assumptions and beliefsAlways ask “Why? Why? Why?”Do what you fear mostGet comfortable with discomfort.Think big, aim highMoney is the means, Freedom is the end. DEAL “Define” what you want – motivation requires motive‘Dreamline’ excitement into your life.What do you REALLY want?“What is the meaning of life?” is a useless question (undefinable, can’t be answered)Instead ask “What gets me EXCITED?”“Eliminate” all but the non-critical to create time and space.Be effective AND efficient.Do more of the right things.Do less of the unimportant things.“Automate” whatever is leftHire a virtual assistant.Create an an automated income stream.Finally, “Liberate” yourself physically and mentallyEscape from the officeRetire now (the art of mini-retirements) 17:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about The 4-Hour Workweek? Destroys so many barriers in my mind about what I can have. Hundreds of techniques to do more with less, travel, explore and experience. Plus all the great stories of readers using his techniques and transforming their lives.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”“The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is - here’s the clincher - boredom....Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?It’s only been 48 hours since I’ve read it but I’m already different. I’m excited about traveling the world. I’m ready to start an automated business. I’m ready to forget retirement and become one of what Ferriss calls the “New Rich”What did you like least (critique)? Ferriss is generally - but not 100% - ethical.What question(s) would you ask the author?What are you most afraid of right now...and what are you doing to overcome that fear?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Tools of Titans by Tim FerrissHis uber-popular podcast The Tim Ferriss Show 24:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? I love how Ferriss focuses on helping people adjust their goals from achieving "money" to achieving "what you want" and using money to get that. The goal is NOT money.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“What you DON'T do determines what you CAN do.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?The value of batching and productivityWhat did you like least? (critique)The title is a little disingenuousWhat question(s) would you ask the author?What got him into Chinese kickboxing?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss
7/7/202030 minutes, 30 seconds
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TSMP #47 – Fuck the Police?

Matt and Jay discuss if we should say "Fuck the Police," the George Floyd protests, the dangers of riots, the value of cheesecake, the abuse of power, vigilante justice, and how we can make our law enforcement - and our country - better. Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #15 “The 4-Hour Workweek” is coming July 7th! Ep. 46 - Fuck the Police? 4:00 - Matt has worked in and with law enforcement for years, Jay doesn't have a law enforcement background 6:30 - Protests, riots and cheesecake 9:00 - Our goal: Attempt to discuss police problems without discussing race 11:00 - Using riots to accomplish criminal activities 12:30 - We need to focus on FACTS not on FEELINGS 13:30 - Breonna Taylor 16:00 - What is a "no-knock warrant"? 18:00 - Anyone who breaks into Matt's house will be shot Police report for Breonna Taylor shooting almost blank 20:00 - Multiple controversies with Taylor shooting 23:00 - Knee-jerk reactions are rarely - if ever - appropriate 25:00 - Why "Black/White" thinking is dangerous 26:30 - Is murder ever okay? 27:30 - David McAtee 30:00 - When McAtee was shot officer body cams were not on. Unacceptable. 31:00 - Don't de-escalate a scenario by shooting your gun 33:00 - Body cams, work monitoring and privacy 35:00 - Can I just pee in private? 37:30 - Emergency massage therapy 39:30 - George Floyd 44:00 - The four officers involved in the Floyd shooting: Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng, and Thomas Kiernan Lane 47:00 - Thao, on video, while Floyd is dying: "This, kids, is why you don't do drugs." Thao is an accomplice to murder. 50:00 - Officers, suspects, normal citizens - EVERYONE is responsible for their own actions 51:00 - Rayshard Brooks 54:00 - The rights of citizens to defend themselves 55:30 - Michael Jackson style knife-fighting isn't always a good idea 57:00 - Why escalation will always happen eventually 60:00 - Sad that Brooks is dead BUT he could have prevented his own death 62:30 - Eric Garner 64:30 - Michael Brown -- Ferguson, Missouri 67:00 - The "myth" of Michael Brown vs the FACTS 70:00 - The importance of the US Constitution / 1st Amendment 72:00 - The 2nd Amendment - Why American citizens need guns 75:00 - The 4th Amendment: Illegal searches and seizures / Communist countries? No 4th Amendment 77:00 - The 5th and 6th Amendments: Due Process and Rights of Accused 80:30 - Ahmaud Arbery 82:30 - Fuck the police? No, society NEEDS the police! 84:30 - Vigilante justice vs Police justice 86:00 - What happens when police are removed from society? 90:00 - Why we need better police officer training 91:00 - How to make better police officers 94:30 - Why we need to increase police transparency 96:30 - Camden, NJ police department remodel - Each officer had to go meet all the people in their individual local neighborhoods
6/23/20201 hour, 40 minutes, 5 seconds
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TSMP #46 – The Benefits of COVID-19

Matt and Jay discuss the benefits of COVID-19, why masks are making America more attractive, coronavirus and traffic, Chris Hemsworth's free 10-minute video bodyweight workout, becoming mentally strong during coronavirus... and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #15 “The 4-Hour Workweek” is coming June 30th! Ep. 46 - The Benefits of COVID-19 11:00 - The beginning of the Coronavirus 13:00 - Masks have been worn for over a hundred years in Asian countries 16:00 - People more attractive when wearing masks 18:30 - COVID-19 predictions: Generally inaccurate 21:00 - The biggest problem with the coronavirus: We don't know how bad it really could be - and we won't know until later 23:30 - Is the worst behind us? Or is the worst still to come? 26:30 - Predicting the pandemic & Jay's problems with math 29:00 - Matt's COVID cost/benefit analysis 33:30 - Does government have a right to determine which businesses are essential vs non-essential? 36:30 - Sooner or later, money will become more important than (some) human lives 40:30 - Jay can't massage right now because...rules 47:00 - If restrictive rules remain in place for too long, the American people will rise up and dissent 48:30 - Right now is a fascinating social experiment: How will each of the 50 states respond to the coronavirus? 52:00 - Re-evaluating what's valuable during chaotic transitions 54:00 - The Benefits of COVID-19 --- Benefit #1: Coronavirus + Traffic = Happiness 55:30 - Benefit #2: Time off work = Time to do stuff "you never have time to do" 56:00 - Benefit #3: The opportunity to work at home WASM Article: Setting Up Your Home Gym 58:00 - Benefit #4: No excuses - now you're more available to workout at home Chris Hemsworth's 10 minute bodyweight program anyone can do from home (via Men's Health) Book: "You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises" by Mark Lauren 63:00 - Benefit #5: Time to change habits: Working out, eating better, listening to more podcasts, listening to/reading some great books 65:30 - Benefit #6: An opportunity to redo and remake your routine - and yourself! 68:30 - Benefit #7: More time with family 70:00 - Matt's mom's new video bookclub with her grandkids 72:00 - We WILL get through this - why not use this time so you're stronger and better on the other side? 73:00 - Benefit #8: Amazing deals online for school right now 76:30 - "When there's blood in the streets, buy property." 78:30 - Now is the time to take advantage of the Coronavirus. Right now.
6/16/20201 hour, 21 minutes, 13 seconds
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Fight Club – Bookcast #14

Fight Club (1996) by Chuck Palahniuk Every weekend, in the basements and parking lots of bars across the country, young men with white collar jobs and failed lives take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes, loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything. Fight club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter, and dark, anarchic genius, and it's only the beginning of his plans for violent revenge on an empty consumer-culture world. Read and listen to "Fight Club" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Fight Club" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "Fight Club" Chuck Palahniuk's goal is to slap modern men out of their comfortable, routine, meaningless, consumer-driven lives and challenge them to try something terrifying and transformative.Intended audience: Anyone with a Y chromosome; anyone who likes dark, intense stories; anyone who struggles with existential angst; anyone who's never been in a fightPeople who won't like it: Conformists, consumers, people who only like stories about nice people doing good things 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Easy to read - although because of its bleak subject matter and nihilistic overtones you may want to take breaksPrint: 208 pages (5-7 hours)Audio: 6 hours 6:30 - Reviews and significance of Fight Club Book (1996): 2,352 reviews - 4.6 starsMovie (1999): 4,375 reviews - 4.7 starsCurrently: #48 Amazon - Satire Fiction#62 Amazon - Self-Help & Psychology Humor#107 Amazon - Dystopian Fiction#6 Audible - Satire Fiction#24 Audible - Dystopian Science Fiction 10:15 - Bio of Chuck Palahniuk Charles Michael "Chuck" Palahniuk - Born in 1962 (58 years old) Grew up in a mobile home in Burbank, WashingtonParents divorced when he was 14, moved in with his grandparents on their cattle ranch in eastern WashingtonGraduated University of Oregon (Journalism) in 1986 - He was 24Worked as intern for NPR in Eugene, OR / Wrote for local paper in Portland, OR Worked for Freightliner as a diesel mechanic  - Wrote manuals on fixing trucksDid volunteer work for a homeless shelter. He also worked as a volunteer escort for hospice, providing transportation for terminally ill people and bringing them to support group meetings. He stopped volunteering after one of his favorite patients died.Began writing fiction in his mid 30sHis first novel, Invisible Monsters, was rejected by every major publisher and wasn’t published until after Fight Club was successful.Fight Club was published in 1996. Palahniuk received a $6,000 advance for the novel - something he calls “Kiss Off” money: “An advance so low the author is supposed to feel insulted and walk away.” He took it anyway - it covered his rent for a year. His fourth novel Choke (2001) was his first NYT best-seller Palahniuk writes in the “Transgressive Fiction” category. His novels are about subjects like:Death cults (Survivor - 1999)A teenager who dies and goes on a tour of hell (Damned - 2011)Ritual magic, spirit possession and environmentalists (Lullaby - 2002)A porn actress attempting to break the world record for serial fornication with 600 men in a row (Snuff - 2008)To date, Palahniuk has written 15 novels, 3 non-fiction books and numerous short stories and other works - including several coloring books and graphic novels. 12:30 - Book-to-Movie Translation Matt: Amazing. Fight Club is THE best book-to-movie translation ever.Jay: Loved both versions. Every guy needs to experience both. 15:30 - Major Themes of the Book EmasculationModern men are anesthetized and emasculated - they watch other men do things. "Being a man" has become owning the right watch or car instead of knowing what your values really are.The Narrator experiences emasculation in the face of Tyler's relationship with Marla. He feels like he has lost his place next to Tyler, who embodies a perfected sense of masculinity. The threat of castration exists throughout the book. ViolenceThe fighting in the novel is not presented as a solution to the character's problems, but is a means of achieving a spiritual reawakening. The fighting itself reminds the men that they are alive. As part of Tyler's philosophy, it also reminds them that they will die. Fighting is an attempt by the men to reassert their masculinity Chaos & Societal BreakdownTyler believes that the use of chaos as perpetrated by Project Mayhem will lead to a better world. Tyler asks the Narrator which is worse: God's hate or His indifference? Tyler feels it is better to be hated than to be ignored. IsolationThe Narrator and Marla Singer both seek out some sort of contact to save themselves from their mundane lives. Absent Father FiguresAverage men have largely accepted the role of men presented to them by advertising: Secure a good job with a good salary, get married, have children and buy a bunch of stuff. The men of fight club have seen an emptiness in this model and reject it.The Threat of DeathTyler stresses the importance of being fully cognizant of the fact that one's life will eventually end. He employs the "human sacrifice" to shock unwitting "victims" into realizing that their lives are passing them by. Consumer CultureShopping is the modern opiate for the emptiness in lifeInstead of taking steps toward changing his life, the Narrator channels his frustration into the purchasing of more and more consumer goods. Buying something is the only real power he feels over his life. 17:00 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about Fight Club? Absolutely challenging. This is a book that asks questions every adult male must be able to answer before he can become a man.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.”“The girl is infectious human waste, and she's confused and afraid to commit to the wrong thing and so she won't commit to anything.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Reminds me that anytime you want to change - really change - it’s going to hurt. That’s the price of transformation. It can be a good hurt, but it’s still going to hurt.What did you like least (critique)? I feel like there’s a suicidal element in the book. Like with the mechanic in the car, driving against traffic. It’s this feeling of “I’m going to die one day so why wait? Maybe I should experiment with death now.” It feels very real, like Palahniuk himself is not sure whether his life is actually worth living.What question(s) would you ask the author?What are some of the fights you’ve been in?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?"Choke" by Chuck Palahniuk. Book is about Victor, a sex-addict and con-man, who pretends to choke in public diners and when strangers “save his life” they often give him money - which he then uses to pay his mother’s retirement home bills. Movie is actually quite good too. Sam Rockwell stars.Palahniuk has written over a dozen novels. As far as I can tell they’re all bizarre and if you liked Fight Club you’ll probably enjoy them. 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? I love how this book questions what our modern priorities are. This is a story that asks what's at the core of a men and every man must answer.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“This is your life and it's ending one moment at a time.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?To go and find YOUR purpose and listen to your inner self, don't take what society tells you or other's expectations of you as fact. Figure out who you are.What did you like least? (critique)The nihilism in the book - the idea that nothing matters.What question(s) would you ask the author?Are YOU a nihilist?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
6/2/202030 minutes, 35 seconds
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TSMP #45 – Breathe, Man

Matt and Jay discuss 12 Reasons You Need To Breathe On Purpose. Research-based benefits include: Lower cortisol levels, up to 58% reduction of depression, higher energy levels, improved memory, body detox and weight loss! Plus: One health benefit of smoking, two breathing techniques you can use today, how to improve your pain threshold...and more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #14 “Fight Club” is coming June 2nd! Episode 45 - Breathe, Man 6:00 - Life is more stressful recently...have you noticed? 8:00 - News right now: "Did you know? Coronavirus has already killed your children. All of them." 10:30 - Worry is our new national pastime 12:30 - Ways to reduce stress - alcohol probably isn't one of them WASM Article: How To Work from Home 14:30 - Working out at home during coronavirus = Still difficult WASM Article: The Ultimate 3 Month Workout Program 16:30 - Super fast destressor: Breathe, man 17:30 - 12 Reasons You Should Breathe, Man / #1 Breathing Lowers Your Stress Level 18:30 - Study: Factory workers with breathing training had 58% less depression! 21:00 - Quick emotional reset: Ask yourself "What's the WORST thing that could happen in this situation?" 23:30 - Using this time during coronavirus to get better at managing your stress levels 25:30 - #2 Breathing Makes You Calmer / Study: Breathing faster takes you to a higher energy level, breathing slower calms you down 28:30 - #3 Breathing Helps Stop You From Automatically Responding To Difficult Circumstances WASM Article: Why You Need the Rule of 10 32:00 - #4 Breathing Improves Your Memory / UCLA Study 34:30 - #5 Breathing Lowers Cortisol, Improves Digestion / According to New York Medical College psychiatrist Dr. Patricia Gerbarg 38:30 - #6 Breathing Improves Cardiovascular Health / So says cardiologist Dr. Kimberly Parks 41:00 - #7 "Breathing Increases Energy" according to Patrick McKeown, author of The Breathing Advantage 42:30 - #8 You Lose Weight By Breathing - Up to 200g of carbon per day TED Talk: How You Lose Weight By Breathing 45:00 - #9 Breathing Lowers Pain and Increases Your Pain Threshold / University of Rosenburg study 46:30 - #10 Breathing Helps To Detox Your System / You breathe out volatile gasses - the more breathing, the better you can detox 50:00 - #11 Breathing Boosts Your Endorphins / Study shows monks get endorphin boosts through meditation and breathing 52:00 - #12 Breathing Increases Oxygen In Your System / O2 can make your body perform up to 16x more efficiently if you breathe, man 54:30 - Diaphragmatic breathing - breathe, man into belly, not your chest 56:30 - Using the "4/7/8 Breath" technique 60:00 - "Square Breathing" technique 5/5/5/5 62:00 - One of the biggest benefits of smoking is actually from the deep breathing Remember to breathe, man!
5/19/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ready Player One – Bookcast #13

Ready Player One (2011) by Ernest Cline In the year 2045, reality is an ugly place. The only time teenage Wade Watts really feels alive is when he's jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS - the new internet. Wade spends every day searching the OASIS for James Halliday’s Easter Egg and the promise of billions of dollars in riches that could come with it. But he’s not the only one searching. Soon it will be a life-or-death race to solve the puzzles and find the Egg before the OASIS - and the minds of billions of people - ends up under the control of an evil corporation. Filled to the brim with nerd nostalgia and thrilling from start to finish, Ernest Cline's Ready Player One is THE cult classic video-game novel and one of the best love letters ever written to the 1980s. Read and listen to "Ready Player One" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Ready Player One" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "Ready Player One" On the surface this book is a pure sci-fi adventure story and it totally works at that level. However, like all great books, if you dig deeper there are many deeper themes. Cline deals with obsession, isolation, existential horror, depression and self-loathing in a surprisingly direct way. Intended audience: Anyone who is addicted to video games, sci-fi or nerdy things, 80s nostalgia. Also people who love futuristic stories.People who won't like it: Video game haters, luddites and anyone scared of technology (looking at you, 5G/Coronavirus conspiracy theorists...) 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Easy, fun reading. It could take you a lot longer if you want to look up all the hundreds of deliciously obscure pop-culture references Cline has included throughout the book.Print: 386 pages (10-12 hours)Audio: 15 hours 6:00 - Reviews and Significance of Ready Player One 23,741 views, 4.6/5 starsTHE Classic video game novelCurrently: #15 Amazon - Computers and Internet Humor#11 Amazon - Humorous Science Fiction#15 Amazon - Time Travel Science Fiction (???)#1 Audible - Hard Science Fiction#2 Audible - Adventure Science Fiction#222 Audible - Overall out of all Audible books 10:15 - Bio of Ernest Cline Born in 1972 – 48 years old Grew up in Ashland, Ohio (Columbus Ohio is where Ready Player One is set)Was a huge nerd from childhood; in love with Star Wars, John Hughes movies and D&DHad a wide array of jobs, including: restaurant cook, web designer, radio personality and computer tech support1997-2001 – Live poetry performer, winning Austin Poetry Slam contests in 1998 and 2001; He has published several books of his poetryThe book “Ready Player One” sold in a bidding war. Random House won. Warner Bros. bought the rights to the screenplay the next day with Cline as script co-writer.Cline set up an elaborate real-world Easter Egg hunt within his own book. Three puzzles (keys) needed to be found and three challenges (gates) were set up. Reward for solving Cline’s Easter Egg: A fully functional customized 1981 DeLorean - with added Flux Capacitor! (time travel probably not available…)For more details on Cline's awesome Easter-Egg-In-a-Book-About-An-Easter-Egg, check here also wrote the sci-fi novel “Armada” which came out in 2015. Film rights for the movie were sold a few days later for 7 figures. Paperback of “Ready Player One” currently in its 17th printing 13:30 - Book-to-Movie Translation Matt: Not great. Book had so much more detail plus the movie added a huge love-story that dramatically changed the theme and plot. However the OASIS in the movie was amazing.Jay: I loved both! 15:30 - Major Themes of the Book Reality vs IllusionWhat’s happening in real life vs In your mindNerds and UnderdogsNone of the protagonists are physically strong, rich, powerful, influential...ObsessionAll the characters do is play video games, watch movies, listen to music and pore over every scrap of Halliday material. That’s literally all they do.They HATE real life and can't deal with it.Individual vs The CollectiveGunters vs IOIWade against IOI alone vs Wade w/Hi-5 against IOIConnection vs DisconnectionWade in the OASIS vs Wade unpluggedWade with girl (Art3mis) vs Wade w/o girlWade w/friends vs Wade w/o friends 17:00 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about The Rational Male? Geek heaven! Especially if you grew up on all this stuff. I dare you to count the 80s references....Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“If I was feeling depressed or frustrated about my lot in life, all I had to do was tap the Player One button, and my worries would instantly slip away as my mind focused itself on the relentless pixelated onslaught on the screen in front of me. There, inside the game's two-dimensional universe, life was simple: It's just you against the machine. Move with your left hand, shoot with your right, and try to stay alive as long as possible.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?It reminded me why I play less video games than I used to. So easy - and dangerous - to get sucked into a virtual world.What did you like least (critique)? The ending was too cheap for me. It felt like Cline WANTED to believe it was possible for everything to turn out well but he didn’t actually believe it.  “That was when I realized, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it’s also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real.”What question(s) would you ask the author?How good are you at video games? Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Go play one of the Legend of Zelda games - ideally "Ocarina of Time" 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? I love the "alternate reality" element of this book. Escapism.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“I felt like a kid standing in the world's greatest video arcade without any quarters, unable to do anything but walk around and watch the other kids play.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Answers the question about what is a true connection and how to find it. Is it "real"? Is it "virtual"? What did you like least? (critique)The ending was too neat and easy - a generic "happy 80s ending."
5/5/202029 minutes, 25 seconds
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TSMP #44 – How To Thrive Working From Home

Matt and Jay discuss how to thrive working from home, the surprising health benefits of telecommuting, Deep vs Light work, the right way to set up your home office, taking care of your body, why you need noise-cancelling headphones, video chat horror stories and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #13 “Ready Player One” is coming May 5! Episode 44 - How To Thrive Working From Home WASM Article: How To Thrive Working From Home 6:30 - Everyone's home from Coronavirus 8:30 - Feb 2020 - 4.7 million people working from home / Now who knows how many? 10:00 - Matt has worked from home for 4 years, lots of experience 12:30 - The multitude of benefits of working from home, less stress, happier, no commute, more convenient 14:00 - Using COVID time working from home then leverage your work-at-home skills after COVID is over 17:30 - Top 10 Ways to Thrive Working at Home 18:30 - 1. Set Up a Dedicated Work Area 21:00 - Don't work at Starbucks if you're going to be the douchebag who is constantly talking on your phone 24:00 - If you don't create a dedicated work area you're going to fail 25:30 - 2. Get the Right Equipment 26:30 - Matt sits on a Yoga Ball while he works at his computer 30:00 - How NOT to use Video Chats 33:30 - 3. Setting a Consistent Work Schedule WASM Article: Scheduling Every Minute of the Day 36:00 - Let everyone know the times that you ARE available and the times you ARE NOT. Set boundaries first. 39:00 - Schedule DEEP work and LIGHT work 41:00 - 4. Schedule Breaks Throughout the Day 44:00 - 5. Take Care of Your Body Great 10-minute stretch program from Outside Magazine 46:30 - Using great posture - engage your core 48:30 - Remember to breathe 49:30 - 6. Adjust Your Work Hours for Maximum Productivity 53:00 - 7. Mitigate Distractions 55:00 - Noise-cancelling headphones can be quite useful 56:00 - 8. Be Available To Your Manager 58:30 - Communicate regularly with your manager 60:30 - "Bad news doesn't get better with age" - If you have a problem, tell your team ASAP 61:30 - 9. Many People Have Learned How To Thrive Working At Home 63:30 - 10. Work from Home Job Finding Resources Forbes Article: 10 Work From Home Job Websites
4/21/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Rational Male – Bookcast #12

The Rational Male (2013) by Rollo Tomassi The Rational Male is a rational and pragmatic approach to intergender dynamics and the social and psychological underpinnings of intergender relations. The book is the compiled, ten-year core writings of author/blogger Rollo Tomassi from Rollo Tomassi is one of the leading voices in the globally growing, male-focused online consortium known as the "Manosphere." Outlined in this book are the concepts of positive masculinity, the feminine imperative, plate theory, operative social conventions and the core psychological theory behind Game awareness and "red pill" ideology. Tomassi explains and outlines the principles of intergender social dynamics and foundational reasoning behind them. Read and listen to "The Rational Male" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "The Rational Male" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "The Rational Male" This book was written as a science-based study of the underlying sexual objectives that drive women and men, both individually and collectively. Tomassi's goal is to help men take the “Red Pill” and unplug from the fem-centric Matrix worldview that dominates modern Western society WASM Article: The Red Pill For Dummies Intended audience: Any man who wants to see the world “as it actually is,” any man who has become bitter because of a woman (or women), any man who wants more and better sex, and any man who would like a successful long-term relationshipPeople who won't like it: Feminists, White Knights, AFCs, anyone who secretly believes in Disney romance and "happily ever after" 5:00 - How easy is the book to read? Difficult - Dense, complicated, verbose and filled with psychology terms but VERY valuable. Recommended to be read over the course of several weeks.Print: 302 pages (12+ hours)Audio: 14 hours 6:00 - Reviews and Significance of The Rational Male 1,639 reviews, 4.6/5 starsBedrock “Manosphere” Red-Pill primerCurrently: #49 - Dating#127 - Love and Romance#10 Audible - General Sexual Health (Assuming Sexual “Mental” Health here) #13 Audible - Sex & Sexuality 8:00 - Bio of Rollo Tomassi Author of the Red-Pill classic “The Rational Male” and the follow-up books “The Rational Male, Book 2: Preventative Medicine” and “The Rational Male, Book 3: Positive Masculinity.”Creator of SoSuave.comOne of the first and most well-known bloggers of the manosphere - Started blogging in 2001Almost no personal information about Rollo - he’s deliberately and effectively anonymousRollo Tomassi is a pseudonym, taken from the movie L.A. Confidential. “Rollo Tomassi” was the name one detective gives to the anonymous, unknown man who killed his father. Is there a connection here? By naming himself “Tomassi” is this blogger saying, in his own creative way, that he had to “kill” the beliefs and worldview of his own father? Born April 1948 -- He’s 52 years oldMarried for 23 years (as of this podcast)Has a 21-year old daughterLives in Reno, Nevada“[A] lot of what prompted my writing was the suicide of my brother-in-law and another good friend back in 2003….these deaths were what moved me to try to help other men more directly.” 13:00 - Major Themes of the Book Iron Rule of Tomassi #1 Frame is everything. Always be aware of the subconscious balance of whose frame in which you are operating. Always control the Frame, but resist giving the impression that you are.Iron Rule of Tomassi # 2NEVER, under pain of death, honestly or dishonestly reveal the number of women you’ve slept with or explain any detail of your sexual experiences with them to a current lover.Iron Rule of Tomassi #3Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the waitIron Rule of Tomassi #4NEVER under any circumstance live with a woman you aren’t married to or are not planning to marry within 6 months.Iron Rule of Tomassi #5NEVER allow a woman to be in control of the birth-control.Iron Rule of Tomassi #6Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of.Iron Rule of Tomassi #7It is always time and effort better spent developing new, fresh, prospective women than it will ever be in attempting to reconstruct a failed relationship. Never root through the trash once the garbage has been dragged to the curb. You get messy, your neighbors see you do it, and what you thought was worth digging for is never as valuable as you thought it was.Iron Rule of Tomassi #8Always let a woman figure out why she won’t fuck you, never do it for her.Iron Rule of Tomassi #9Never Self-Deprecate under any circumstance. This is a Kiss of Death that you self-initiate and is the antithesis of the Prize Mentality. Nothing kills arousal like pity. Even if you don’t seriously consider yourself pathetic, it never serves your best interest to paint yourself as pathetic. 17:00 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about The Rational Male? The pure, philosophical brutality of the book. Like it or not gents, hypergamy is real, it’s inside every woman on the planet, and it’s NEVER going to change.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?Women don’t want a man to cheat, but they love a Man who could cheat.Women never want full disclosure. Nothing is more self-satisfying for a woman than to think she’s figured a Man out based solely on her mythical feminine intuition (i.e. imagination).Rejection is better than Regret.What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Showed me that if I want a satisfying relationship with a woman, ONGOING WORK is always a requirementWhat did you like least? (critique)Needs a “Dummies” version with less psychology vernacular What question(s) would you ask the author?What’s your background? Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?48 Laws of Power by Robert GreeneThe Art of Seduction by Robert Greene (Haven’t read it) 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? Describes in penetrating, objective detail how male female sexual dynamics work - with a minimum of bias.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“You have to unlearn the old behaviors and condition new ones in order to right your course. This takes practice and repetition – even in the face of conditions that you would impulsively think would need to be reacted to otherwise. There is no substitute for perseverance.”“The only way to determine genuine motivation and/or intent is to observe the behavior of an individual.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Taught me about hypergamy and how it worksWhat did you like least? (critique)I could only read this book in bite size piecesWhat question(s) would you ask the author?What is your background and where are you coming from?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?What Women Want When They Test Men by Bruce Bryans
4/7/202029 minutes, 12 seconds
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TSMP #43 – Coronavirus Insanity

Matt and Jay discuss the coronavirus insanity, stockpiling toilet paper, why face masks and gloves won't help you, the most germ-ridden object in your house, the difficulty of finding accurate virus statistics, how to protect yourself from COVID 19, coronavirus jokes, and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #12 “The Rational Male” is coming April 7! Episode 43 - Coronavirus Insanity WASM Article: Disaster Plan 8:00 - The Coronavirus (aka The World Is Ending!!!) 11:30 - People are freaking the fuck out 13:00 - Why are we stockpiling toiletpaper? Worried about how to deal with a major disaster? Make sure to check out The Superior Men Podcast Ep. 42: Preparing for a Natural Disaster 15:30 - COVID 19 is NOT a real worldwide emergency 17:30 - CDC SAYS STOP USING FACE MASKS!!! They won't keep you safe from Coronavirus AND you're taking those masks away from medical workers 20:30 - The germiest object in your house? Your cell-phone 22:30 - Jay's OCD client 25:00 - COVID 19 pandemic compared to H1N1 28:00 - The difficulty of tracking exactly how many people are sick during a global pandemic 32:30 - The symptoms of COVID 19: Basically the same as any flu ever 36:00 - World Health Organization (WHO) statistics: Every year between 290,000 and 650,000 people die from influenza worldwide 39:30 - Modern life has been cancelled -- because legal issues 46:00 - The insurance ramifications of COVID 19 51:00 - Superior Men MUST keep their heads when all about them are losing theirs 54:00 - How to slow/stop the spread COVID 19 58:00 - Fun with the coronavirus 61:30 - Use this worldwide coronavirus insanity to learn how to prepare for an actual emergency
3/17/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
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TSMP #42 – Preparing for a Natural Disaster

Matt and Jay discuss preparing for a natural disaster, California's upcoming monster earthquake "The Big One," why your government is going to fail, making a "Family Disaster Plan," surprising (and safe!) water sources in your home, must have resources for a disaster, why everyone needs to go camping, the ½ tank rule for your car and much, much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #12 “The Rational Male” is coming April 7! Episode 42 - How To Survive a Natural Disaster WASM Article: 5:30 - One way or another a natural disaster IS coming - are you ready? 8:30 - The more prepared you are, the better everyone will be (aka Individual responsibility) 11:00 - What are regional disasters? Hurricanes, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Massive Power Outage, Major Flooding, Tsunami (not Tornadoes, local fires, small power outages) 13:00 - Prepping for California's "The Big One" 14:30 - What happens when the government can't provide for you during a natural disaster? 16:30 - Have supplies for at least a week - it's going to take time for the government to coordinate a response 20:00 - Make a family disaster plan AHEAD OF TIME: Where will you meet? How is everyone going to get there? Alternate plan? Who's picking up the kids? 21:30 - Why do you need a plan ahead of time? When chaos happens YOUR CELL PHONE WON'T WORK FOR CALLS (and probably no internet either) 23:30 - What resources do you need for a disaster? Water (1 gal/person/day) 26:00 - ALWAYS HAVE EXTRA WATER IN YOUR HOUSE 29:00 - Sources of water in your house: Water Heater, Upper Toilet Tank, UV Steri Pen UV Steri Pen Portable Water Sterilizer ($51.27) -- Buy now on Amazon 32:00 - Accessories you will need during a disaster: First aid kit, ibuprofen/asprin, Benadryl, Epi-Pen (if needed), Duct Tape, Knife 35:00 - Ideal food: Canned food (beans, meat, vegetables, fruit) + can opener 38:30 - Get a camp stove + propane 39:30 - Protection against elements: Shelter, Clothing, Blankets, Fire starters 41:30 - Protection against violence: When a major disaster happens, if there's no resources sooner or later people will want to take what others have 43:30 - The more stressful an environment is, the less logical people will behave during a natural disaster 46:00 - The importance of being able to protect yourself and your family: Have a weapon or weapons and having proficiency with those weapons 50:00 - Get a battery or crank-powered AM radio / Flashlight RunningSnail Hand Crank AM/FM Radio with LED Flashlight, 1000mAh Power Bank for Phone ($25.90) -- Buy now on Amazon 53:30 - Get several lighters, cash (small bills) 55:30 - Have some entertainment on hand (cards, games, puzzles, etc) 57:30 - If you have solar power, you need a solar battery or else you won't be able to use those solar cells 60:30 - Police rule: Make sure you have at least ½ tank of gas in your car at all times 64:30 - Other important supplies: Prescription medications (fresh meds rotated through your first aid kit) / Pet supplies / fire extinguisher 68:30 - Key to preparing for a natural disaster: PLAN AHEAD - DON'T WAIT!!!
3/10/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 35 seconds
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FIXED – How To Win Friends & Influence People – Bookcast #11

Edit - Audio file is fixed - Sorry for the inconvenience. How To Win Friends and Influence People (1936) by Dale Carnegie For over 80 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now-famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. With this truly phenomenal book, you will learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment and much, much more! There is room at the top when you know...How to Win Friends and Influence People. Read and listen to "How To Win Friends and Influence People" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "How To Win Friends and Influence People" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "How To Win Friends and Influence People" The grandfather of modern self-help, Dale Carnegie's books, and courses changed the face of modern America. 80 years ago Carnegie's material gave anyone a chance to upgrade their communication capacity, boost their social skills and get more money and opportunity - and the skills he teaches are more relevant now than ever. Intended audience: Anyone who wants to get better with people.People who won't like it: People who don't like "old" books, hermits and other misanthropes. 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Easy to readPrint: 285 pages (6 - 8 hours)Audio: 7.25 hours 6:00 - Reviews and Significance of "How To Win Friends..." THE modern classic on making and maintaining friendships16,625 4.5 star ratingsCurrently (as of 3/3/20): #16 Amazon - Self Help#38 Amazon - Business and Money#30 Audible - Overall Audible books #1 Audible - Friendship#2 Audible - Family and Relationships 7:30 - How Matt and Jay found "How To Win Friends..." 10:00 - Bio of Dale Carnegie Born on a farm in Maryville Missouri in 1888 Enjoyed public speaking and was on a debate team in high schoolNoted for saying he woke up at 3 am to milk cows and feed pigs before walking to schoolBecame salesman after college, selling correspondence courses to ranchers, as well as bacon, soap, and lard1911 - Started a local course at the YMCA to teach public speaking. Found people didn’t have trouble speaking publicly if they were angry about a given subject. In three years he was making about $500/week for his “self-confidence classes” (equivalent to ~$13,400/week today)Wrote hundreds of essays and multiple books, including “The Art of Public Speaking,” “How To Stop Worrying and Start Living,” “Lincoln the Unknown” and the classic “How To Win Friends and Influence People”1936 - Published “How To Win Friends.” The book was an immediate best-seller. By the time of his death, it had sold over 5 million copies and was translated into 31 languages.1955 - Carnegie died of Hodgkin’s disease. He was 67 13:30 - Major Themes of the Book Part I. Fundamental techniques in handling people: "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive"The big secret of dealing with peoplePart II. Six ways to make people like you: Do this and you'll be welcome anywhereA simple way to make a good first impressionAn easy way to become a good conversationalistHow to interest peopleHow to make people like you instantlyPart III. How to win people to your way of thinking: You can't win an argumentA sure way of making enemies, and how to avoid itIf you're wrong, admit itThe safety valve in handling complaintsHow to get cooperationWhat everybody wantsAn appeal that everybody likesPart IV. Be a leader: how to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment: If you must find fault, this is the way to beginHow to criticize, and not be hated for itTalk about your own mistakes firstNo one likes to take ordersLet the other person save faceMake the fault seem easy to correctMaking people glad to do what you want 16:00 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? How it shows a positive - but unvarnished - view of humanity. We’re confused,  self-centered, vulnerable and emotional. We crave sympathy and praise. We want to be understood and appreciated.Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“There’s magic, positive magic, in such phrases as: ‘I may be wrong. I frequently am. Let’s examine the facts.”“Talk to people about themselves and they will listen for hours.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Showed me that other people have the same needs I do. Helped me to start listening better.What did you like least? (critique)A little dry. Could use some more intrigue, juice. What question(s) would you ask the author?How To Win Friends was published when Carnegie was 48 years old. That’s a long time to wait for your “big success.” Was that hard?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? How optimistic and positive the book is when it comes to learning how to be successful when interacting with people. Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Neat to see the origin of modern “self-help”What did you like least? (critique)Excellent material but the book is a little boringWhat question(s) would you ask the author?How did Carnegie learn this material?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Every self-help book in existence
3/9/202028 minutes, 18 seconds
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TSMP #41 – Why You Should Start a New Sport

Matt and Jay discuss why you should start a new sport, “sports” you can do while drinking, Jay’s training for Ironman, Matt’s new addiction to Peloton, why every new athlete needs Craigslist, starting a “Couch to 5k Program,” mud runs, sports to help you sleep, and so much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #11 “How To Win Friends and Influence People” is coming March 3! Episode 41 - Why You Should Start a New Sport 5:00 - Real sports vs E-sports (not sports) 7:30 - A real sport = Not a sport you can drink while doing 10:30 - Jay's sport last year? Marathon. This year? Ironman 12:00 - Kenyan triathlete training: Using a bike to get away from lions 15:00 - Metric vs Imperial measurements in triathlon / Weighing yourself in stones 17:30 - The winning time for Tritonman 2020 Sprint triathlon: 58minutes / Jay's time: 1h 28mins 20:00 - The ridiculous Ironman distances: 2.4 Mile swim, 112 Mile bike, 26.2 Mile run 22:00 - Jay's inspiration to start Ironman: The incomparable Mark Allen 24:30 - Matt gets a Peloton...and he's in love 28:30 - Why should you get a home workout system? WASM Article: Setting Up Your Home Gym 31:00 - Convenience is MASSIVE for working out WASM Article: Stronglifts 5x5: Weight lifting for Uber noobs 33:30 - Do you like buying toys and accessories? Triathlon is your sport 36:30 - How to save money on new sports? BUY USED EQUIPMENT! 40:30 - Try a new sport for the social benefits! 42:30 - Best intro to meet a cyclist: "Nice bike man." 45:00 - The health benefits of starting a new sport: Weight loss, mood boosting, increased muscle, self esteem 46:30 - Exercise WILL help you sleep better / Cortisol & Melatonin 49:00 - Keep doing unhealthy hobbies vs Start a new sport 50:30 - Why did Jay decide to run a marathon? Ready to try a "Couch to 5k" program? Start here 53:30 - When you're working out VERY hard, you'll get to the question "Why am I doing this?" 55:30 - If you don't want to workout, ask yourself: "What will I feel like later today if I DON'T finish my workout?" vs "What if I DO finish my workout?" 58:30 - Matt and Jay's first Tough Mudder 61:00 - Never done a race of any kind? Do a mud run! Great atmosphere. Costumes. Awesome for groups. Basically a party. 64:00 - Out of shape and still want to do a mud run? All obstacles are OPTIONAL! 67:00 - Why should you try a new sport? Healthier body. Better mood. Healthier brain. Meet new people. Learn new skills. Fun! 68:30 - Sports will give you benefits for DECADES to come!!
2/25/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 5 seconds
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TSMP #40 – Complimenting Women

Matt and Jay discuss the art of complimenting women, the best (and worst) pick up lines, the four dynamics of male/female interactions, what you should NEVER say to a woman and so much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #10 “1984” is coming soon! Episode 40 - Complimenting Women WASM Article: How To Compliment Women 5:00 - Our favorite pick-up lines 7:30 - What is a compliment? 10:30 - Why do we use compliments? 12:00 - Compliments vs Flattery 14:30 - The challenge of complimenting women 16:00 - Men vs Women: Where do you want to eat? 20:00 - Complimenting women to try and make them happy when they're feeling emotional 21:30 - Men generally say what they mean, Women generally say what they are CURRENTLY FEELING IN THAT MOMENT 23:30 - The dangers of valuing women over yourself 26:00 - The dynamics of male/female interactions: Power, Attraction, Integrity, Purpose 27:00 - Who has the power in an interaction? Whoever needs the other person less 29:30 - Women enjoy a man who can lead well 31:00 - The different kinds of attraction - or lack of attraction 33:00 - Integrity: Are you telling the truth or are you lying to get what you want? 36:30 - Many lies that guys tell are motivated by a genuine desire to make her happy 40:00 - What is your purpose when talking to her? 43:00 - Do you know what your goal is for that conversation? 46:00 - Think before you speak - because most women will know what your motives are before you open your mouth 49:30 - Don't say these things: "You're the most beautiful woman ever and you always will be no matter what" "I'm the luckiest guy because I'm with you" "As long as you're happy I'm happy." 52:30 - Do say these things: "Wow you are lucky to be with me!" "You're going to have a great night - if you behave." "I can tell you're in love with me." 56:30 - Be attractive to her, but more importantly be attractive to yourself 58:30 - Don't accept unattractive behavior from her 59:30 - Don't say: "Let's do whatever you want to do." "You're the boss." 62:30 - Do say: "Yes these are my tattoos. No you can't touch them." "I have a great idea for tonight. Wear something nice and I'll pick you up at 8pm." 64:00 - Speaking with Intregrity 66:00 - Don't say: "I'll do anything for you." "I could never look at another woman." 69:30 - Do say: "Sure I'll help you out...what's in it for me?" "I love seeing beautiful women." "I'm going out to XYZ tonight. Want to join me? No? Okay, I'll see you later." 72:30 - What's your purpose in talking to that woman? Get laid? Getting ego validation? Are you trying to experiment and get better with women? Ready to get better at creating the life that you want, including making more money, eliminating drama and bullshit, finding (and keeping) a great woman and having a LOT more sex? Make sure to check out Athol Kay's "Mindful Attraction Plan." Kay's simple, straightforward program has made a big difference for both of and we can't recommend it highly enough. Plus if you buy the book through this link the kindle version is only $2.99! Seriously, go get it! 76:00 - Don't say: "Soooo how am I doing so far?" "Am I getting lucky tonight?" 77:30 - Do say: "If you play your cards right you might get lucky"
2/11/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 49 seconds
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Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) – Bookcast #10

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) by George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four is George Orwell's haunting prophesy of the future, a vision of totalitarian government that has held multiple generations of readers spellbound with its terrifying possibilities. Though it was written over 60 years ago, this powerful and unforgettable story has lost none of its potency. The themes Orwell explores are critical to understanding the demands of absolute power: the obliteration of truth, the death of individuality and liberty, and the creation of a world where the ruling power controls everything, from information to thought and memory. Bleak, chilling and far too close to reality, Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of the most important novels ever written. Read and listen to "Nineteen Eighty-Four" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)" Show Notes 0:00 - Intro to "Nineteen Eighty-Four" Eric Blair (aka George Orwell) wan English writer who lived through World War II and saw first hand the Totalitarian atrocities carried out by Stalin and Hitler. He wrote 1984 in an attempt "to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other peoples' idea of the kind of society that they should strive after."Intended audience: Anyone who watches the "news"; anyone who believes we need to learn from history; anyone who likes scary stories.People who won't like it: Anyone who has 100% faith in their government; Antifa members 7:00 - How easy is the book to read? Challenging to read. Writing is straightforward and clear but Orwell creates new words (ie “Newspeak,” “Doublethink,” “Thoughtcrime,” etc) and references plenty of political theory (ie Oligarchical Collectivism, Command Economy, Perpetual War) that will take time to learn but ultimately will reward the readerPrint: 326 pages (8~10 hours)Audio: 11.5 hours 8:00 - Reviews and Significance of Nineteen Eighty-Four THE classic Dystopian NovelStars really don’t matter (it’s been taught in high-schools and colleges nationwide for decades) but if you’re curious, Amazon’s current rank for the most popular version has 10,328 4.5 star ratingsCurrently: #16 Amazon - Political Fiction (as of 1/31/20)#10 Amazon - Censorship and Politics#117 Audible - Overall Audible books #6 Audible - Classic Literature#8 Audible - Science Fiction 10:00 - Bio of George Orwell George Orwell - pseudonym for Eric Arthur BlairBorn 1903 in Bengal, India, to British parents, raised in EnglandReturned to India in 1922 to serve as an officer with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma. At one point he was responsible for the security of 200,000 people.Spoke fluent BurmeseIn 1927 moved to London (then two years in Paris) and began earning his living penning novels and essaysSoldier in Spanish Civil War (1936-39) for the Republican Faction 1941 - Hired by the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) for “war work” to create Cultural Broadcasts for India to counter the Nazi propaganda that was being used to undermine the British Imperial presence in IndiaTraveled extensively throughout India, England and Europe, meeting people in every political and economic status and learning the truth about how government actually worksBesides his classic “Animal Farm,” his works include a novel based on his experiences as a colonial policeman, “Burmese Days,” two firsthand studies of poverty, “Down and Out in Paris and London” and “The Road to Wigan Pier,” an account of his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, “Homage to Catalonia” and his last novel - the one that has shaped the world - “1984.”Died 1950 from Tuberculosis 13:30 - Major Themes of the Book WAR IS PEACE / IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH / FREEDOM IS SLAVERYMinistry of Peace (Minipax) -- The war ministry of Oceania's government, in charge of the armed forces. The nation is in an ongoing genocidal war with either Eurasia or Eastasia. The key to controlling the populace is using the right amount of force not to win the war, but keep it in an ongoing state of equilibrium (Perpetual War).Ministry of Plenty (Miniplenty) -- Oversees rationing of food, supplies, and goods. Controlling the economy of Oceania is vital - it is necessary to have the public continually create useless and synthetic supplies or weapons for use in the war, while they have no access to the means of production for themselves. Important for the people to continuously hear (via propaganda) that everything is good and that society is prosperous - no matter what’s truly happeningA poor, ignorant populace is easier to rule over than a wealthy, well-informed one.Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) -- Ministry of propaganda. Responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. It also decides what it and is not "truth" in Oceania.Ministry of Love (Miniluv) -- Enforces loyalty to Big Brother through fear via a massive social apparatus of security, state-sanctioned kidnapping and murder, and repression, as well as systematic brainwashingRoom 101 -- The place where you are forced to confront your greatest fear, ultimate torture chamber (For Winston it was rats in a cage on his head) 16:00 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? The raw fucking truth about power at its most dominant stateShare a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”“Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Scared me, teenager, one of my first “real” books - like holy shit, this is literatureWhat did you like least? (critique)The things I liked least are the weaknesses it exposed in me What question(s) would you ask the author?Why did you end the book on such a down note?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best about this book? How absolutely prophetic this could be - reading this book makes you think about people who have lived under these regimes Share a favorite quote (maybe 2). Why did this quote(s) stand out?“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”“The best books... are those that tell you what you know already.”“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”What did you learn from this book / How did this book change you?Restrengthened my belief in limited government, freedom of speech, freedom in generalWhat did you like least? (critique)The love story arc seemed underdevelopedWhat question(s) would you ask the author?Did you actually think this dystopian future was possible?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Animal Farm by George Orwell
2/4/202029 minutes, 29 seconds
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TSMP #39 – Rethink Macros

Matt and Jay rethink macros, discuss the Protein/Energy Diet, why fat isn't bad, the importance of controlling your blood sugar, the calories in Uranium, the subtle dangers of weight loss companies like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, why you should stop eating Pretzels and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #10 “1984” is coming soon! Episode 39 Rethink Macros WASM Article: 7:00 - Intro to The P/E Diet 9:30 - You need to start thinking about the ratios of the macros you eat 12:30 - Comparing apples with apples - Calories aren't always calories 18:30 - Fat is bad...right? 21:00 - Fat is storage for energy / Fat can also be used directly as energy as ketone bodies 23:30 - Carbs are the bodies first choice for energy / Carbs CAN'T be used for energy storage 27:30 - No food is "bad" or "good" - it's all about what you're getting in the food you're eating 29:30 - Controlling your bloodsugar (via your diet) is KEY to making sure your body's self-regulatory mechanisms are working correctly 33:30 - Our bodies don't do well with a constant influx of dietary carbohydrates - especially simple carbohydrates 36:00 - Protein not a functional energy source 39:00 - What IS a calorie really? 42:30 - How many calories are in one kg of coal? One pound of hay? 1g of Uranium U235? 47:00 - What is the P/E diet? Divide your daily intake of protein by your daily intake of energy (fat + carbohydrates) 49:30 - Standard American Diet (SAD) vs Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) vs Balanced Diet ([Protein] = [Fat + Carbs]) 52:30 - What does a good maintenance diet look like? 55:00 - P/E ratio of Egg Whites = 12/1 56:30 - Ribeye steak P/E ratio = 1.3/1 59:00 - Matt's Heavy Cream Latte / Butter P/E ratio = 1/12 62:30 - Cupcake P/E ratio = 1/20 65:30 - Pretzel P/E ratio = 1/25 69:00 - What SHOULD we eat? #1 Focus on Protein, #2 Then add fat, #3 Then add carbs 73:30 - What NOT to eat? For most people, no grains, nothing processed or pre-packaged 77:30 - How do you calculate P/E ratios for your food? Ideal Bodyweight Calculator 82:30 - Maintenance Mode P/E ratio vs Weight Loss P/E ratio 84:30 - Jenny Craig isn't a Weight Loss company, it's a Food company
1/28/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 27 seconds
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TSMP #38 – Throwing In the Towel

Matt and Jay discuss when Throwing In the Towel is a good thing, the critical value of giving up, how to use triage to prioritize your shit, Dr. Baumeister's Cookies and Radishes experiment, the amazing truths of Rocky IV and much more! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #9 “Never Split the Difference” is currently waiting for your earballs! Episode 38 Throwing in the Towel WASM Article: 5:00 - New Year, New You? 8:00 - Nope---New Year, Same You 10:00 - What goals/habits have YOU tried to change before and failed? 12:30 - The unpredictable things that derail our goals 14:30 - Multi-tasking vs High-speed triage and prioritization 17:00 - 911 emergency response: Same event, different priorities - depending on POV (victim, officer, dispatch center) 21:30 - Our FOCUS, our ATTENTION, is where we have the capacity to create or change something 24:30 - Key concept: YOUR WILLPOWER is FINITE and EXHAUSTIBLE 26:30 - Dr. Baumeister's Experiment: Cookies, Radishes and Puzzle Solving 29:30 - The solution when we're seriously overwhelmed? Often we just give up 32:00 - David Goggins used the Rocky soundtrack on repeat when he broke the Guinness World Record for Pull-Ups 33:30 - Rocky IV - How Rocky fails, refuses to throw in the towel and Apollo Creed dies 39:00 - Strategy to transform your life: Start giving up on some things 41:00 - Stephen Covey's Four Quadrants from "7 Habits of Highly Successful People": Urgent & Important: Crisis, emergencies, pressing problemsNot Urgent & Important: Planning, prevention, relationship-building, healthUrgent & Not Important: Some phone calls, some meetings, "popular activities"Not Urgent & Not Important: Most social media, escapism, junk mail, mindless TV 47:00 - Spend your time working on the Not-Urgent & Important items in your life 49:30 - Maximize your energy by giving up things that don't serve you 51:30 - How to know your willpower is used up? Spending more than 20 minutes CHOOSING a show on Netflix 54:00 - The 8-year long remodel 57:00 - Flashlights vs Lasers = Same amount of energy, used differently 59:00 - What projects/goals can you cut from your life? Where can you throw in the towel? 63:30 - Success isn't a battle it's a war
1/14/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 57 seconds
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Never Split the Difference – Bookcast #9

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz Never Split the Difference is a riveting, indispensable handbook of negotiation principles culled and perfected from Chris Voss’s remarkable career as an FBI hostage negotiator and later as an award-winning teacher in the world’s most prestigious business schools. This book provides a gripping, behind-the-scenes recounting of dramatic scenarios from the gang-infested streets of Haiti to a Brooklyn bank robbery gone horribly wrong, revealing the negotiation strategies that helped Voss and his colleagues succeed where it mattered most: saving lives. As a world-class negotiator, Voss shows you how to use these skills in the workplace and in every other realm of your life. Life is a series of negotiations: whether buying a car, getting a better raise, buying a home, renegotiating rent, or deliberating with your partner, Never Split the Difference gives you the competitive edge in any discussion. Read and listen to "Never Split the Difference" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! "Never Split the Difference" Notes: 0:00 - Intro to "Never Split the Difference" Chris Voss, the FBI’s lead international kidnapping negotiator, teaches you the tools and techniques he's learned over several decades of experience to be successful in every negotiation you haveIntended audience: Anyone who wants to greatly improve their ability to get what they want from other peoplePeople who won't like it: Anyone who isn't ready to work on themselves 5:30 - How easy is the book to read? Enjoyable, chatty, fun to read but it will take some time to absorb - probably at least two read-throughs260 pages - 7-9 hoursAudiobook - 8 hours 6:30 - Reviews and Significance Well known 3,552 reviews, 4.8 starsCurrently (as of 1/2/20)#16 Current Amazon Charts - Overall#1 Amazon - Business and Communication Skills#5 Amazon - Communication Skills (overall)#53 Audible - Overall Audible books (just above our last book 12 Rules at #54)#1 Audible - Communication Skills 10:00 - Bio of Chris Voss 24 Year veteran of FBILead Crisis Negotiator for NY branch of FBI then became Chief International Hostage Negotiator for FBIBorn in Mt. Pleasant, IowaMasters of Public Administration from HarvardOriginally planned on being on the SWAT team, but he injured his knee and had to find a new career path. His application to become a negotiator was rejected at firstBegan his training process and acquired most of his experience working a suicide hotline. Chris says that the suicide hotline was an in-depth course on emotional intelligence - learning how to deal with irrational people and keep himself from getting emotionally engaged. Represented US in G-8 as international kidnapping expertAfter working over 150 intl hostage cases for FBI, left and founded The Black Swan Group, a consulting firm that provides training and advises Fortune 500 companies through complex negotiationsVoss has taught for many business schools, including: USC’s Marshall School of Business, Georgetown's McDonough School of Business, Harvard University, MIT's Sloan School of Management and others 12:30 - Major Themes of the Book CHAPTER 1 | THE NEW RULESHow to Become the Smartest Person . . . in Any RoomCHAPTER 2 | BE A MIRRORHow to Quickly Establish RapportCHAPTER 3 | DON’T FEEL THEIR PAIN, LABEL ITHow to Create Trust with Tactical EmpathyCHAPTER 4 | BEWARE “YES”—MASTER “NO”How to Generate Momentum and Make It Safe to Reveal the Real StakesCHAPTER 5 | TRIGGER THE TWO WORDS THAT IMMEDIATELY TRANSFORM ANY NEGOTIATIONHow to Gain the Permission to PersuadeCHAPTER 6 | BEND THEIR REALITYHow to Shape What Is FairCHAPTER 7 | CREATE THE ILLUSION OF CONTROLHow to Calibrate Questions to Transform Conflict into CollaborationCHAPTER 8 | GUARANTEE EXECUTIONHow to Spot the Liars and Ensure Follow-Through from Everyone ElseCHAPTER 9 | BARGAIN HARDHow to Get Your PriceCHAPTER 10 | FIND THE BLACK SWANHow to Create Breakthroughs by Revealing the Unknown Unknowns 15:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best? Voss teaches how anyone can master communication and use it to get what you want from other peopleWhat did you learn? How much I really have to learnCritique: None! Loved itWhat question(s) would you ask the author? What's Voss' confidential life story? How did he become who he is?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Caldini 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best? To get people to agree with your point of view and feel like it was their own idea What did you learn? Helped me professionally to make more $$ Critique: Technical issues with the ebook elements and website connected to the bookWhat question would you ask the author? How did he convince the experts inside the FBI to change their methods?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson Jay's favorite quotes from "Never Split the Difference" “Negotiation as you’ll learn it here is nothing more than communication with results. Getting what you want out of life is all about getting what you want from - and with - other people. Conflict between two parties is inevitable in all relationships. So it’s useful - crucial, even - to know how to engage in that conflict to get what you want without inflicting damage.” “The centerpiece of this book is...Tactical Empathy. This is listening as a martial art, balancing the subtle behaviors of emotional intelligence and the assertive skills of influence, to gain access to the mind of another person. Contrary to popular opinion, listening is not a passive activity. It is the most active thing you can do.” Matt's favorite quotes from "Never Split the Difference" “He who has learned to disagree without being disagreeable has discovered the most valuable secret of negotiation.” “Negotiate in their world. Persuasion is not about how bright or smooth or forceful you are. It’s about the other party convincing themselves that the solution you want is their own idea. So don’t beat them with logic or brute force. Ask them questions that open paths to your goals. It’s not about you.”
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WASM Classic – Embracing the Suck, Why You Must Fail To Succeed

"Embracing the Suck," Broke lottery winners, The importance of hazing, Cuddling up with suffering, Why you must fail to succeed Episode Notes Open your Google Assistant or Siri and say “Play The Superior Men Podcast” to get some great Pod anytime 24/7!! 6:00 - Embracing the Suck 9:00 - Dealing with difficulty 11:30 - Insisting you are a special snowflake = You’re miserable anytime difficult things happen 15:00 - Chutes, ladders and benefits you haven’t earned 18:00 - 70% of people who get major financial windfalls (lotteries, gifts, etc) return to broke in 5 years 21:30 - Basic Training / Why professional hazing exists 26:30 - Brandon Webb, Navy Seal and CEO / Webb learns how to “Embrace the Suck" Buy Webb’s excellent book: “Total Focus: Make Better Decisions Under Pressure” 33:00 - Making the decision to push through no matter what 35:30 - True failure is giving up; If you’re not giving up, you’re not truly failing 38:00 - How are you responding to YOUR difficulties? 42:00 - Change is hard. It hurts. Accept that discomfort. / The “Cold Shower Challenge” 47:00 - Day 2 of the “Cold Shower Challenge” - Watch your brain running from discomfort 51:00 - I don’t know what I don’t know / The Power of Committing 54:30 - Setting appropriate goals 58:00 - Cuddling up with failure 1:01:30 - Games on “God Mode” / Cheating removes satisfaction 1:04:30 - The moral dilemma of living with your parents 1:09:30 - “Losing must always be a possibility else growth will not happen. Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.” ~C.S.Lewis 1:12:00 - In order to succeed, your first job is to fail / The power of aiming for failure 1:17:30 - Being rejected by your robot lover 1:21:30 - “Success can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations we are willing to have and by the number of uncomfortable actions we are willing to take.” ~Tim Ferriss Email us and let us help support you in your goals! [email protected] Read the latest and greatest at Thanks to the great music by: Disconnected by Alex (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: ducket and Super Rich by Alex (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Hans Atom & Faded Millions
12/31/20191 hour, 29 minutes, 4 seconds
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TSMP #37 – How To Text Girls

Matt and Jay discuss How To Text Girls, the WASM Law of Texting, when to ignore her texts, why you can't seduce a woman using texts, the #1 thing you should NEVER do via text, the best reason to use texting, whether or not you should use Emojis, and much more! Surveys Page Link Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #8 “12 Rules for Life” available now! Episode 37 Notes WASM article: 6:00 - Every man texts, not many men know how to 9:30 - Over 23 Billion texts sent every day 11:00 - Texting is a NEW form of communication in this generation 13:00 - The 7-38-55 rule / "Conversation" is not "Communication" 15:00 - Because of the 55% rule, communicating with people in other languages is possible 16:30 - WASM Law of Texting: "What CAN be misinterpreted, WILL be misinterpreted." 17:00 - Bill Burr's hilarious "Bad Court Reading" 19:00 - Q: How often are you communicating? A: Always 21:30 - Texting removes the 38% tone of voice AND the 55% body language 24:00 - Rule #1 of Texting Girls: "Don't always be available" 26:30 - A woman will read huge amounts of data into HOW you communicate, regardless of what you're actually SAYING 28:30 - If your girl is your #1 priority in your life, she will quickly lose attraction to you 31:00 - Your attention is currency for a woman - tremendously valuable 32:00 - Dopamine is triggered when you get a text message 34:00 - When something is always available, we quickly lose interest 35:00 - Sometimes NOT responding to her text is the best choice 37:00 - If you haven't met a girl in real life yet, don't try to use texting to seduce her - do it in person 37:30 - Rule #2 of Texting Girls: "NEVER Argue Over Text" 41:00 - Texting girls when you first meet them: Text ONLY to coordinate logistics 45:30 - Texting girls after you're in a relationship: Text MOSTLY to coordinate logistics, plus occasional "thinking of you" texts 47:00 - Emojis add a SMALL amount of emotional info to your texts, but not much. Best to use them sparingly for fun and entertainment. 49:00 - When you're in person, DON'T TEXT OTHER PEOPLE. If you absolutely have to send texts, apologize, send the text very quickly, then return 100% attention to the person you're with. 50:00 - Don't Double-Text - After sending your first text, wait until they respond. Don't send several more texts. Desperate, needy, doesn't work. 52:00 - Use the 3/2 Golden Ratio of texting - She sends three texts, you send two Stay Superior!
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12 Rules for Life – Bookcast #8

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson In 12 Rules for Life, Dr. Jordan Peterson combines the great truths of ancient tradition with cutting-edge scientific research, distilling the world's wisdom into twelve practical and profound rules anyone can use to improve their life.   What can the nervous system of a lobster teach us about standing up straight and being successful? Why must skateboarding boys and girls be left alone? And also, why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street?  Read and listen to "12 Rules for Life" on Amazon! Listen to "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast" Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! 12 Rules for Life Notes: 0:00 - Intro to 12 Rules for Life What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Peterson attempts to distill the most valuable, practical knowledge of thousands of years down into 12 simple rules anyone can useIntended audience: Anyone who wants to improve their philosophyPeople who won't like it: Anyone who isn't ready to work on themselves 4:30 - How easy is the book to read? Challenging both emotionally and intellectually but worth every minute416 pages - 10-12 hoursAudiobook - 16 hours 6:00 - Reviews and Significance Famous 5,552 reviews, 4.6 starsIn 2018 when it came out 12 Rules was #1 bestseller (over 3 Million sold)Currently (as of 12/9/19): #2 Amazon - Ethics & Morality#3 Amazon - Applied Psychology#54 Audible - Out of all Audible books#1 Audible - Social Philosophy 10:00 - Bio of Jordan Peterson Dr. Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Raised in the frigid wastelands of Northern Alberta He’s been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, short-order cook, beekeeper, oil derrick bit re-tipper, plywood mill laborer and railway line worker. 1993 - 1997 teacher and researcher at Harvard University as an assistant and an associate professor in the psychology department. Afterwards, he returned to Canada and took up his current post at the University of Toronto.In 1999, Routledge published Peterson's now-classic first book “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief.” In 2013, Peterson began recording his lectures for YouTube. His YouTube channel has 2.3 Million subscribers and his videos have received hundreds of millions of views.Also created “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast.” Has included academic and celebrity guests such as Camille Paglia, Martin Daly, Ben Shapiro, Steven Pinker and many others. After the worldwide success of “12 Rules for Life,” Peterson has been in demand as a lecturer throughout the world, as well as appearing on hundreds of television and radio shows and podcasts.Peterson has also flown a carbon-fiber stunt plane, piloted a racing sailboat around Alcatraz, explored meteors with astronauts in Arizona and wrote the new forward to the 50th anniversary edition of “The Gulag Archipelago,” … he has a lovely wife, two kids and a two year old granddaughter... The dude is epic 12:30 - Major Themes of the Book Stand up straight with your shoulders backTreat yourself like someone you are responsible for helpingMake friends with people who want the best for youCompare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is todayDo not let your children do anything that makes you dislike themSet your house in perfect order before you criticize the worldPursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lieAssume that the person you are listening to might know something you don'tBe precise in your speechDo not bother children when they are skateboardingPet a cat when you encounter one on the street 15:30 - Jay's Perspectives What did you like best? Your opinion is always subjective and improvable. Keep looking and your situation can always get better!What did you learn? Psychology is really, really usefulCritique: Too erudite and difficult for the casual reader. Although I personally like wordy, complex prose and psychology, I think 12 Rules could gain a larger audience if Peterson worked with an editor to make his work more accessible.What question(s) would you ask the author? Do you believe in God?Any other related/connected books that you’d recommend to others?Peterson’s first book Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of BeliefHis upcoming sequel, slated for 2020 “12 More Rules for Life: Beyond Mere Order” 22:00 - Matt's Perspectives What did you like best? Wherever and whoever you are, young or old, you can use 12 Rules for Life to make your life betterWhat did you learn? Stand up straight with your shoulders back - how you present yourself sends an innate and powerful message to the worldCritique: It would be valuable to include something in the text to help readers prepare BEFORE they dig into the book itselfWhat question would you ask the author? How did Peterson get to where he is at now? Jay's favorite quotes from "12 Rules for Life" “Everyone needs a concrete, specific goal—an ambition, and a purpose—to limit chaos and make intelligible sense of his or her life. But all such concrete goals can and should be subordinated to what might be considered a meta-goal, which is a way of approaching and formulating goals themselves. …  This is both pragmatic ambition and the most courageous of faiths.” “If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.” Matt's favorite quotes from "12 Rules for Life" "Meaning signifies that you are in the right place, at the right time, properly balanced between order and chaos, where everything lines up as best it can at that moment. What is expedient works only for the moment. It’s immediate, impulsive and limited. What is meaningful, by contrast, is the organization of what would otherwise merely be expedient into a symphony of Being." "You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act. You simply don’t know what you believe, before that. You are too complex to understand yourself."
12/10/201930 minutes, 22 seconds
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TSMP #36 – Power In Relationships: Who Wears the Pants?

Matt and Jay discuss power in relationships, why every ship needs a Captain, the myth of TRUE equality, modern feminism and victim mentality, Male cops vs Female cops, the hormonal desires of men and women, 5 Rules to help Men lead in the home...and much more! Surveys Page Link Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #8 “12 Rules for Life” coming December 10! Episode 36 Notes 4:30 - Who wears the pants in a relationship? 5:30 - Every ship must have a Captain, every car needs a driver 7:30 - Modern masculinity under attack 10:00 - Captains don't - and can't - do all the work 12:00 - TRUE equality is impossible 14:00 - Feminism, Patriarchy and "The root of all societal evils" 16:30 - Feminism: The dictionary definition vs the modern definition 18:30 - Equality vs Dominance 20:00 - Modern feminism is a victim mentality 22:00 - Men and Women have natural strengths and weaknesses 23:30 - Male cops vs Female cops 26:00 - Which genders should work which jobs? 27:30 - Do women make good leaders? 30:00 - Power in relationships: A biological base 32:00 - Women in high-commitment jobs (C-level jobs, Lawyer, Doctor, Business owner, etc) often leave or downgrade hours to spend more time with family 33:30 - Do women WANT to be the leader in a relationship? 35:00 - Women who woo men... 37:00 - Why every romance novel and rom-com has the same Male/Female dynamic 40:00 - Men and Women are hormonally driven from birth to do different things 43:00 - In relationships, Women want a Man they can look up to and respect 45:00 - Hot Jock with cute mousy girl = Very plausible / Hot cheerleader with nerdy loner guy = Not plausible 47:00 - The Captain must CONTINUOUSLY EARN his position or else MUTINY!! 49:00 - Why Women don't want to lead 51:00 - "Give a Woman a house and she will give you a home" 52:30 - How you as the Man lead in home 54:00 - Lead - but don't be a dick 56:00 - Being a good leader means taking care of everyone in your group 58:30 - If you want to accomplish nothing, attempt to make everyone happy at all times
12/3/20191 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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TSMP #35 – How To Negotiate Successfully

Matt and Jay discuss how to negotiate successfully, the age old question "where do we go for dinner," the real reason Amazon is successful, when you should NOT compromise, the power of silence, using the 7-38-55 Rule and so much more! Surveys Page Link Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #8 “12 Rules for Life” coming December 10! Episode 35 Notes WASM Article: How To Negotiate Successfully For more great info, read Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss 5:00 - What is Negotiation? 8:00 - We're negotiating all the time - ie. The eternal question: "Where do we go for dinner?" 10:30 - Where to find non-fixed prices - Used items, Craigslist 13:00 - Service work is haggle-able 15:00 - Never let people treat you badly 17:30 - You can always walk away from ANY situation 19:30 - Matt's work negotiations 22:00 - Valuable non-monetary compensations 27:00 - 9 Tips for Successful Negotiating / Tip #1: Do Your Research 29:00 - Are you using the internet for research? DO IT! 33:00 - The greatness of Amazon = Reviews 34:30 - Tip #2: Cultivate An Abundance Mentality / Diversify! Have multiple families in different states 37:30 - Buy this product NOW or it will disappear in the next 5 seconds 40:00 - Tip #3: Avoid the "Middle Ground Fallacy" 42:00 - Compromise is often the answer but not always - NEVER compromise your dream 45:00 - Tip #4: Practice Active Listening ( 48:00 - Tip #5: Use "Mirroring" / Consciously mirror other people's words back to them 50:00 - Use 4 Seconds of Silence + I'm Sorry / Say "I'm sorry...your best offer is $14,995?" and then stay quiet, don't respond 53:00 - The power of silence 54:30 - Tip #6: Label Their Emotions / "It sounds like you're... angry (scared, upset, etc)" 56:00 - Tip #7: The 7-38-55 Rule 59:00 - Negotiate IN PERSON, not any other way 59:30 - Tip #8: Identify Game Changers & "Black Swans" 1:03:00 - Tip #9: Don't Accept a Bad Deal / ALWAYS be willing to walk away
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Extreme Ownership – Bookcast #7

Extreme Ownership: How US Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin As leaders of SEAL Team Three's Task Unit Bruiser, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin's mission was to help US forces secure Ramadi, the most violent and dangerous battlefield in Iraq. In gripping, firsthand accounts of heroism, tragic loss, and hard-won victories, they learned that Extreme Ownership is the most important factor in whether a team succeeds or fails. Returning home from deployment, they instituted SEAL leadership training to pass on their harsh leadership lessons. After leaving the military, Willink and Babin launched the company Echelon Front to bring these same principles to the civilian world. Since 2010 Echelon Front has taught countless leaders in virtually every sector how to use Extreme Ownership to develop their own high-performance teams and effectively lead those teams to dominate their battlefields.  Read and listen to "Extreme Ownership" on Amazon! Listen to the "Jocko Podcast" Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Extreme Ownership Notes: 0:00 - Intro to Extreme Ownership Navy SEALs Jocko Willink and Leif Babbin teach how the principle of Extreme Ownership has led their teams to victory, both on the battlefield in Iraq and in corporate AmericaIntended audience: Anyone who wants to eliminate excuses from their life and take themselves and their team to the next levelPurpose of the book: To change the way you think about Personal Responsibility 4:45 - How easy is the book to read? Fast read, thrilling, edge-of-your-seat war stories, valuable business applicationsPrint: 317 pages (6-8 hours)Audio: 9 hours 33 minutes 5:30 - Reviews and Significance 2,985 reviews, 4.8 stars#1 in Audible Military History#2 Kindle Business Teams#52 out of all Audible Books 7:00 - Bio of Jocko and Leif Jocko Willink Spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer. Commander of SEAL Team Three's Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi. Task Unit Bruiser became the most highly decorated Special Operations Unit of the Iraq War. After Iraq, Jocko served as Officer-in-Charge of training for all West Coast SEAL Teams. During his career was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and numerous other personal and unit awards. In 2010, retired from the Navy and launched Echelon Front where he teaches leadership principles across a wide-range of industries and fields. He runs one of the top-ranked leadership podcasts: is also the author of the children's book Way of the Warrior Kid and the New York Times bestseller Discipline Equals Freedom. Leif Babin A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Leif served thirteen years in the Navy, including nine as a Navy SEAL. Babin was SEAL platoon commander in SEAL Team Three's Task Unit Bruiser. In addition to his work in Iraq, Babin became the primary leadership instructor for all officers graduating from the SEAL training pipeline. He is the recipient of the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart. In 2011, Leif left active duty and co-founded Echelon Front where he serves as leadership instructor, speaker, and executive coach. Babin’s editorials have been published in the Wall Street Journal and he has appeared on a variety of national television news shows, radio programs and podcasts. 9:30 - Major Themes of the Book 12 Principles divided into 3 Sections Victory from Within (principles 1-4)EXTREME OWNERSHIPNO BAD TEAMS, ONLY BAD LEADERSCLARITY AND BELIEFMANAGE EGOVictory in Combat (principles 5-8)COVER AND MOVE (TEAMWORK)KEEP THINGS SIMPLEPRIORITIZE AND EXECUTEDECENTRALIZED COMMANDSustaining Victory (principles 9-12)SOUND PLANNINGLEAD UP AND DOWN THE LINEBE DECISIVE AMIDST UNCERTAINTYDISCIPLINE BRINGS FREEDOM 14:30 - Jay's perspectives I love how the philosophy of this book completely eliminates victim mentality.Wherever you are you can lead. Even at the bottom of a hierarchy you can still lead.Critique: The book is dry in parts, especially during the sections about corporate America.Q for the authors: Why did you write the book? What parts were cut for national security?Recommended reading: "Dichotomy of Leadership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, "Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins and Adam Skolnick 21:00 - Matt's perspectives Step by step instruction on how to better yourself and to lead, a playbook to do itAs a newly minted manager, this book has helped me to become a better leader for my teamCritique: I'd like more application of Extreme Ownership in real life, less storiesQ for the authors: I'd love to get corporate training from Willink and BabinRecommended Reading: "Way of the Warrior Kid" by Jocko Willink and Thor Willink Jay's favorite quote from "Extreme Ownership" “You can’t make people listen to you. You can’t make them execute. That might be a temporary solution for a simple task. But to implement real change, to drive people to accomplish something truly complex or difficult or dangerous—you can’t make people do those things. You have to lead them.” Matt's favorite quote from "Extreme Ownership" “The test is not a complex one: when the alarm goes off, do you get up out of bed, or do you lie there in comfort and fall back to sleep? If you have the discipline to get out of bed, you win—you pass the test. If you are mentally weak for that moment and you let that weakness keep you in bed, you fail. Though it seems small, that weakness translates to more significant decisions. But if you exercise discipline, that too translates to more substantial elements of your life.” Maybe by DoKashiteru (c) copyright 2009 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: AlexBeroza
11/12/201929 minutes, 32 seconds
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TSMP #34 – Sexual Imagination and Fantasy

Matt and Jay discuss Sexual Imagination and Fantasy, Fish Sex and Dominatrixes, Four Rules To Get Her Thinking About Sex, the Dressing Rooms at Victoria's Secret, the power of Erotic Storytelling, the risks of sexual fantasies, and much more! Surveys Page Link Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #7 “Extreme Ownership” coming November 12! Episode 34 Notes WASM Article: Exploring Sexual Imagination and Fantasy 5:00 - Today's episode is part 3 of our "Sexual Satisfaction" series 7:30 - Biggest and most powerful sex organ 10:30 - Fish sex and Dominatrixes 13:00 - We have a record of every second of our lives stored in our subconscious 16:00 - Prepping a woman's brain for sex 17:30 - Choreplay vs Foreplay 19:30 - Attraction isn't negotiated / Why you need to be "large and in charge" 21:30 - Like it or not - it's the man's job to initiate sex 25:00 - Sexual Starter Question: "What's one of your favorite romantic songs?" 28:30 - Judging women and having fun doing it 29:30 - Sexual Starter Question: "I really want to see you in XYZ sexy clothing" 32:00 - Your woman will remember the things you enjoy - so tell her about them! 33:00 - Sexual Starter Question: "Do you remember your first kiss?" 35:00 - The one question you should NOT ask her 38:00 - Four Rules To Get Her Thinking About Sex 41:00 - One of the most popular fantasies: Sex in the changing room 44:00 - Why you must use Erotic Storytelling 45:30 - Erotic Storytelling Starter: "What's your favorite erotic book/movie?" 48:00 - Why you need to Lead her sexually vs Pushing her to be sexual 51:30 - Erotic Storytelling Starter: "What's a sexy story from one of your friends?" 54:00 - The goal is to move her towards the question "What's one of your fantasies?" 56:00 - Don't ask her a sexual question unless you're prepared for her answers - and also to give YOUR answers 58:30 - More naked than naked: Exploring sexual imagination and fantasy is much riskier and scarier than just having sex 1:00:00 - Discussing fantasies requires strong trust and communication 1:02:30 - Great sex means learning more about someone 1:04:00 - We don't choose what turns us on / Fantasies aren't a choice
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TSMP #33 – Travel, Work and Relationships: Staying Close When You’re Away From Home

Matt and Jay discuss how to maintain your important relationships while working long hours, 5 Tips To Improve Your Work/Life Balance, juggling multiple wives, energy healing over the phone, getting rid of Captain Save-a-Ho, a guaranteed way to be more attractive to your woman and staying close when you're away from home! Surveys Page Link Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #7 “Extreme Ownership” coming in November! Episode 33 Notes WASM Article: Staying Close When You're Away From Home 6:30 - Matt on the road for work a lot: He's spent 91 nights away from home in the first 9 months of the year 9:00 - Work and travel with a wife and 4 kids 11:30 - The major benefits of working from home 13:30 - Energy healing over the phone 16:30 - Even if you don't travel for work, improving your work/life balance is key 17:00 - 5 Tips to Improve Your Work Life Balance / Tip 1: Have a Great Partner 19:30 - If your partner isn't okay with you being gone long hours for work, eventually things will fall apart 22:00 - Know your partner, know yourself: Not everyone is emotionally capable of being apart from their SO for long periods of time 24:00 - The insanity of Captain Save-a-Ho 26:00 - Tip #2: Set Expectations and Revisit Those Expectations Regularly 28:30 - Using a shared electronic calendar to coordinate the family (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Cozi app, etc) 33:00 - The more organized and coordinated you are, the less stressed your woman will be and consequently the more attractive you will be to her 34:30 - Tip #3: Being Gone Doesn't Mean Being Absent / Staying connected 37:30 - Be aware of when your wife is available...and when she is NOT available 40:30 - Coordinate regular times for communication / adapt your system for what works for both of you 43:00 - Don't multi-task while having important conversations with women. Schedule uninterrupted time. 44:30 - Tip #4: Handle Your Shit 45:30 - Divide responsibilities into two sections: 1. Things you have to be home for, and 2. Things you can do remotely 47:30 - Tip #5: When You're Home, Be Present for Your Family 50:00 - How to coordinate your multiple wives 52:00 - Make sure you're rested and healthy when you get home so you can spend quality time with family 55:00 - Managing your tremendously valuable time with family when you work 80-100 hours a week 58:00 - The work is never done. Actively manage your travel, work and relationships so you'll always be staying close when you're away from home
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TSMP #32 – Unlocking Her Sexual Desire

Matt and Jay discuss females in heat, weird fetishes, affirmative consent laws, taking control in the bedroom and how to use your 3lb sex organ to drive women wild! Surveys Page Link Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #6 “Fitness Confidential” available now! Episode 32 Notes WASM article: 7:30 - Today's episode is Part 2 of our 'Sexual Satisfaction' series. Head here to catch up listening to Part 1. 10:15 - Sex in LTRs - "She used to like it, but not so much now" 13:00 - Jay's interest in ladyboys 14:30 - Everyone has a 3lb sex organ 17:30 - The difficulty finding actors for Snuff Porn 19:30 - The evolution of sexual porn 22:15 - Weird fetishes / 'Voraraphilia' takes the phrase "eat me" to a whole other level 26:00 - The biology of unlocking her sexual desire 29:00 - Men are hormonally driven to pursue sex, but... 32:30 - Study: Men AND Women with higher T-levels have more sexual partners 35:00 - Females in heat / Matt's horny cat 37:30 - Men in LTRs: It will continue to be your responsibility to initiate sex 39:00 - Women in strip clubs displaying sexual receptivity 42:30 - There's no guaranteed technique to get sex from a woman 100% of the time 47:00 - A woman's tremendous emotional perceptivity makes her better able to judge a man's sexual attractiveness 51:00 - Want more sex? Do the things that make a woman feel biological attraction to you 55:30 - Actions you can take to start unlocking her sexual desire 1:00:30 - If you want to turn her on, better to tell her "Do this" rather than say "Is it okay if we do this?" 1:03:00 - Affirmative consent laws killing attraction 1:06:30 - Learning to read contextual emotional cues
10/8/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 14 seconds
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Fitness Confidential – Bookcast #6

Fitness Confidential: Adventures In the Weight Loss Game by Vinnie Tortorich and Dean Lorey America’s Angriest Trainer, Vinnie Tortorich, exposes the nasty underbelly of the fitness industry while getting you into the best shape of your life. For over 20 years, Vinnie has been Hollywood’s go-to guy for celebrities and athletes looking to get fit fast. Now, in this hilarious and R-rated memoir, he holds nothing back. What’s the best piece of fitness equipment money can buy? What’s the fastest way to lose weight: diet or exercise? Why are health clubs worse than used car lots? In "Fitness Confidential" Vinnie tells all. Get ready to get fit, get inspired and get the dirt with Hollywood’s most outrageous personal trainer! Read and listen to "Fitness Confidential" on Amazon! Listen to the "Fitness Confidential Podcast" Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Fitness Confidential Notes: 0:00 - Intro to Fitness Confidential Underlying theme: "Your good intentions have been stolen, I'm here to help you get them back"Intended audience: Anyone who is ready to improve their healthPurpose of the book: Help you lose weight, get fit, change your diet, kick your ass - all while being entertaining as hell 5:45 - How easy is the book to read? Easy reading, great stories, super entertainingPrint: 250 pages (5-6 hours)Audio: 7 hours 6:45 - Reviews and Significance Well known (1,550 4½-star reviews on Amazon)#84 in Audible Health and Fitness WASM Article: The Best Diet You've Never Heard Of 11:00 - Bio of Vinnie Tortorich Born September 27, 1962 - 57 Years Old Grew up in New Orleans. Attended Tulane University on a football scholarship. Became strength & conditioning coach (aka PE Teacher) for Newman High School and then branched out into personal training.Hosted “Talking Fitness” the top-rated radio show in New OrleansMoved to Beverly Hills and became an elite fitness trainer for HollywoodHis appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show is #7 most-watched OWS of all timeUltra athlete. Has competed in multiple ultra distance races, including the world championships of 24-hour mountain bike racing and the legendary Furnace Creek 508Wrote a kid’s novel called “Monty: A Friendship Can Lead To a Miracle” (nobody has heard of this book) 12:30 - Major Themes of the Book Growing up as a skinny, scared kid and how lifting weights changed everything for himTransitioning from personal training and radio show in New Orleans to Hollywood personal trainer Becoming ultra athlete - repeated failures - Furnace Creek 508Leukemia battleSuccess! Becoming a best-selling author and famous podcaster Jay's perspectives Super entertaining / Lots of personal stories about TortorichI learned: It's great to love your clientsCritique: Book is too short!Q for Tortorich: What do you eat on an 18-hour bike ride?Recommended reading: "Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It" by Gary Taubes Matt's perspectives The first nutrition book I got into / Tortorich is a true trainer that has changed thousands of livesThis book changed my paradigm about foodCritique: Too short - I want moreQ for Tortorich: If you have questions, listen to his podcast!Recommended Reading: "Eat Happy: Gluten Free, Grain Free, Low Carb Recipes Made from Real Foods For A Joyful Life" by Anna Vocino Jay's favorite quote from "Fitness Confidential" “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes up, you’d better be running (African proverb)....This is true for lions and gazelle everywhere, except in one place - captivity. They don’t run because they don’t have to. Their food is provided for them. All they have to do is eat it. So they sit there lounging and grazing contentedly, not realizing that the price they’ve paid for this easy living is that they’re stuck in a cage until they die….We’re the same way.” Matt's favorite quote from "Fitness Confidential" “Exercise is a great leveler. It doesn't matter how rich you are, you can't just buy your way into a great body. You have to do the work. I find that comforting. It's one of the few things in life where we're all on a level playing field.” Maybe by DoKashiteru (c) copyright 2009 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: AlexBeroza
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TSMP #31 – 10 Books Men Must Read

Show notes Can’t Hurt Me – David GogginsExtreme Ownership – Jocko Willink and Leif BabinThe Prince – Niccolo Machiavelli12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos – Jordan B. Peterson1984 – George OrwellThe 48 Laws of Power – Robert GreeneThe Rational Male – Rollo TomassiThe Way of the Superior Man – David DeidaThe Mindful Attraction Plan – Athol KayThe Way of Men – Jack Donovan
9/24/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 4 seconds
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TSMP #30 – Turn Your Woman Into a Nympho

Matt and Jay discuss what women really think about sex, how most people aren't getting enough nookie, doing chores to get blowjobs, why attraction isn't negotiated and how you can turn her into a nympho! Our “Sexual Magnetism” book is coming soon! We’ll be offering limited advanced copies and deep discounts but ONLY if you've signed up for our email list! To sign up head over to For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription. Bookcast #6 “Fitness Confidential” coming October 1! Episode 30 Notes WASM article: 6:00 - Do women love sex? 9:30 - Yes women love sex! But your reality determines what's possible for your sex life and all the parts of your life 11:30 - Americans have sex once a week (masturbation not included) 13:30 - Depressing sex statistics 17:00 - Can you turn women on by doing household chores? / ATTRACTION IS NOT NEGOTIATED 19:30 - Fifty Shades of Spanking: 150 Million copies sold 23:00 - Study: Female college students have sex with attractive strangers as often as guys...when they feel safe and socially accepted 25:30 - When women watch porn they watch for longer than men do 29:30 - Dartmouth study: The more sex women have they happier they are 32:00 - Safety: Single women vs Women in a relationship 35:30 - Emotional reasons she won't have sex 37:00 - If you want to have sex as a man you must get used to being rejected from time to time. Initiating sex is the man's role, accepting sex is the woman's role. 40:00 - What's sexy: Girl with her top off vs guy with his pants off 44:30 - Contemplating potential pregnancy 48:00 - A woman's sexual response is not nearly as straightforward as a man's 51:30 - What do all women like in bed? Answer is different for every woman! 54:00 - Key Principle: "Become a Student of Sex" 57:00 - How to find a woman's clitoris? Sexologist Dr. Ian Kerner shows you everything you need to know in this article about cunnilingus 1:00:00 - Women are built for multiple orgasms 1:04:30 - An evening at sex school / Only orgasms for her that night 1:07:00 - Women love to be taken, possessed and lavished with passion 1:10:00 - The more you learn about your woman's sexuality, the faster you can turn her into a nympho Further reading to enhance your sexual knowledge: “She Comes First” by Dr. Ian KernerKinsey Reports by Dr. Alfred KinseyMasters and Johnson Studies“The Hite Report” by Shere HiteSex in America Survey
9/10/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 26 seconds
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Can’t Hurt Me – Bookcast #5

Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins and Adam Skolnick For David Goggins, childhood was a nightmare of poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse. But through self-discipline and hard work he transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man into a U.S. Armed Forces icon and one of the world's top endurance athletes. In "Can't Hurt Me" Goggins illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear and reach their full potential. Read and listen to "Can't Hurt Me" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Can't Hurt Me Notes: 0:00 - Intro to Can't Hurt Me Underlying theme: You can overcome the impossible if you do the workIntended audience: Everyone who wants or needs to change Purpose of the book: Goggins shares the powerful mental tools he has learned to help anyone to accomplish greatness 4:30 - How easy is the book to read? Easy to read, challenging to implement290 Pages14+ hours of audio 5:45 - Reviews and Significance Amazon 4.8/5 - 2,630 reviewsAudible 4.9/5 - 46,895 reviews#16 in Audible Audiobooks (See Top 100 in Audible Audiobooks)#3 in Success Self-Help#3 in Memoirs (Books) 9:15 - Bio of David Goggins David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and is the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training (including three Hell Weeks), the U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as Enlisted Honor Man) and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training.Has completed over 60 ultra-marathons, triathlons, and ultra-triathlons, setting new course records and regularly placing in the top five. 2013 Guinness World Record for most pull-ups completing 4,030 in 17 hoursFamous public speaker. Over the years, he’s shared his story with hundreds of thousands of students across the country, numerous professional sports teams and the staff at Fortune 500 companies.All of the awards, medals, accolades and magazine articles mean nothing to David. That’s not why he does what he does. David chooses to run the toughest races and put himself through some of the hardest military training programs in the country for no other reason than to see what he’s made of. For him, physical and mental suffering are a journey of self-discovery - no other experience makes him feel more clear, focused and alive. 13:30 - Major Themes of the Book Growing up sufferingMilitary careerUltra athlete WASM Article: How David Goggins Lost 106 Pounds In 3 Months Jay's perspectives Goggins wants to help YOU to destroy your mental barriers to successIf you can honestly accept your weaknesses then you can improve themCritique: This book will force you to changeQ for Goggins: Are you at peace with yourself?Recommended reading: Living with a Seal: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man On the Planet Matt's perspectives Coming from a horrible background Goggins carved himself into an incredible manIf you have that drive inside you it will make all the differenceCritique: Good details about his childhood, not enough details about his adult lifeQ for Goggins: What's going on in your personal life? Jay's favorite quotes from "Can't Hurt Me" “In the military we always say we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” “The reason it’s important to push hardest when you want to quit the most is because it helps you callous your mind. It’s the same reason why you have to do your best work when you are the least motivated. That’s why I loved PT in BUD/S and why I still love it today. Physical challenges strengthen my mind so I’m ready for whatever life throws at me, and it will do the same for you.” Matt's favorite quote(s) from "Can't Hurt Me" “But visualization isn’t simply about daydreaming of some trophy ceremony—real or metaphorical. You must also visualize the challenges that are likely to arise and determine how you will attack those problems when they do. That way you can be as prepared as possible on the journey.” "Even the best pep talk or self-help hack is nothing but a temporary fix.  It won’t rewire your brain.  It won’t amplify your voice or uplift your life.  Motivation changes exactly nobody.  The bad hand that was my life was mine, and mine alone to fix.” Maybe by DoKashiteru (c) copyright 2009 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: AlexBeroza
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TSMP #29 – Digital Life / Setting Up Your Smart Home

Matt and Jay discuss life before the internet, old-fashioned porn and why less connectivity can be better - plus the dangers of FaceApp, how to configure your smart home, using "smart devices" to upgrade your digital lifestyle and much more! For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription! Episode 29 Notes TSMP 1st Birthday in July: TSMP Classic Men’s 3-Pack - ENDING THIS WEEK!! “Masculine Strength”Covers masculine strength and the separate but distinct biological advantages of men and women“Hyper-Masculinity and Conflict Resolution”Digs into a man’s deep craving to fight and how to channel it to achieve greatness“How To Create Successful Habits”Provides you with powerful tools to rewire your brain and shape your habits.All three TSMP Classic episodes go back into the vault at the end of August! Bookcast #5 “Can’t Hurt Me” coming September 3! WASM Article: Setting Up Your Smart Home / Digital Life 6:00 - Living a digital life / Before the internets 8:00 - America Online and a bajillion AOL CDs 11:30 - $600 international phone bills / WhatsApp and internet phone calls 14:00 - Matt avoids social media 17:30 - Being always available (phone, text, email, social media) impacts our functionality in life  19:00 - Use “batching” to improve your efficiency 23:00 - Why working 7 days a week isn’t the best choice 29:00 - How we solved arguments before Google 32:00 - Porn before internet porn 35:00 - The big fat guy in his parent’s basement throughout history 37:30 - Jay’s weekly vacation 40:00 - Why you need to set up your personal “Available Hours” so people know when you will and won’t respond 43:30 - What is a “Smart Home”? 48:00 - “Smart” vs “Dumb” devices 51:00 - Customizing your Smart Home 57:00 - Smart devices that will automate your home and your life 59:30 - Privacy! / Is FaceApp safe? 1:02:30 - If you’re not paying for the product, you ARE the product  1:05:30 - Upcoming in the WASM Digital Life Series: Anonymity, Staying secure and safe online, Who you are vs Who you are online, Unplugging to connect
8/27/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 48 seconds
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TSMP #28 – 5 Rules For Running Your Marathon

Matt and Jay discuss Jay's recent first marathon, the tests we can't cram for, learning to live past your comfort zone, why pain is your friend and much more! Listen to this episode in your favorite podcast player: iTunes, Google, Spotify, Stitcher For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription! Episode 28 Notes TSMP 1st Birthday in July - Your present: TSMP Classic Men’s 3-Pack “Masculine Strength”Covers masculine strength and the separate but distinct biological advantages of men and women“Hyper-Masculinity and Conflict Resolution”Digs into a man’s deep craving to fight and how to channel it to achieve greatness“How To Create Successful Habits”Provides you with powerful tools to rewire your brain and shape your habits.All three TSMP Classic episodes available now...for a limited time! WASM Article: 5 Rules For Running Your Marathon 7:00 - This show is about running all kinds of marathons (athletic or otherwise) so if you’re not a runner don’t worry the material will still apply! 10:00 - Lesson #1: Marathons are 95% training / 5% race 11:30 - Training is about making mistakes...and then learning from them 13:30 - There are some tests that are so big you can’t cram for them 14:00 - Cheating on your marathon / Frank Meza in the Los Angeles marathon 19:30 - Perfect practice makes perfect 21:00 - A kind of learning that happens only when you’re beyond your limits 23:00 - What is your big test?  26:00 - Break down all the steps necessary for your test - and then know them all inside and out 29:00 - Lesson #2: The 5% Race Is Key To the Entire Training Process 31:30 - Did you commit to the process yet? / The difference between “dreams” and “goals” 36:00 - Check your big goals before commiting: Do you really want a BS in 18th century basket weaving? 41:00 - Using Kaizen to analyze and grow your training process 43:00 - Lesson #3: It’s Not About Winning, It’s About Not Stopping 46:00 - Not everyone finishes their big race 48:00 - If you can’t do your training, you’re going to end up quitting (and breaking your promise) 51:00 - It’s gonna suck. Prepare yourself. 55:30 - What is YOUR marathon?  57:30 - Lesson #4: Pain Is Your Friend 59:00 - Matt breaks his jaw - and didn’t use pain meds. Because he’s crazy.  1:02:30 - Dean Karnazes “Suffering is the sole origin of consciousness….There is a magic in misery” 1:05:00 - Lesson #5: Run Your Own Race / Lucia kicks Jay’s ass 1:08:00 - 5,000 runners have 5,000 different personal stories 1:12:00 - Don’t compare yourself to someone else - compare yourself with who you were yesterday / Using the 5 rules for running your marathon
8/13/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 10 seconds
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The 48 Laws of Power – Bookcast #4

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this book is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control. If you don't know these laws it is certain you are being controlled by someone else who does! Read "The 48 Laws of Power" on Amazon! Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! The 48 Laws of Power Notes: 0:00 - Intro to 48 Laws of Power Underlying theme: How to acquire and maintain power over othersPurpose of the book: To describe in detail and without moral bias the exact method various historical figures have used to gain powerIntended audience: Those who want to learn how power is gained and lost 5:00 - How easy is the book to read? Easy reading, fascinating storiesPrint: 452 pages (15+ hours)Audio: 23 hours 6:00 - Reviews and significance Famous (2735 4½-star reviews on Amazon)Over 10,000 4.5 star reviews for Audible book#1 in Biographies of Historical & Political Figures#1 in Political History & Theory 10:00 - Bio of Robert Greene Greene was raised in Los Angeles. Graduated from University of Wisconsin with a degree in Classical Studies (aka Liberal Arts). He estimates he had “80 jobs before becoming an author,” including construction worker, translator, magazine editor and Hollywood movie writer.Influenced to write 48 Laws while working in Hollywood, watching the power plays at work around him every day.Arguably the single most popular author for rap artists. He’s been endorsed by Jay-Z, Kanye West, Busta Rhymes, Ludacris, Drake and many others.Has written several best-selling books, including :The Art of Seduction, October 2001Mastery, November 2012 12:30 - Major Themes of the Book Each of the 48 Laws is designed for achieving, maintaining or at the very least understanding powerBook is fully amoral. There’s no “right” or “wrong” answers in this book and it requires your own moral compass to use these laws.Quick reference of all laws (for another browser tab) 15:30 - Jay's Perspectives As a man who strives to live a highly moral life, the amoral nature of this book was very uncomfortable48 Laws shows the inner workings of power in a way few others doCritique: Without your own moral compass this book will be very dangerousRelated books: George R. R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" Series 21:45 - Matt's Perspectives This book is a wide description of power at big and small levels48 Laws of Power teaches how to calculate the various political and personal moves that can be made at any time in your lifeCritique: None. 48 Laws is incredible.Question for Greene: What motivated him to study and write this book?Related books: Robert Greene's "Mastery" Jay's favorite quote from "The 48 Laws of Power" Law 28: Enter Action With Boldness: “If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous: Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.” Matt's favorite quote from "The 48 Laws of Power" "Half of your mastery of power comes from what you do not do, what you do not allow yourself to get dragged into. For this skill you must learn to judge all things by what they cost you. As Nietzsche wrote, 'The value of a thing sometimes lies not in what one attains with it, but in what one pays for it—what it costs us.' Perhaps you will attain your goal, and a worthy goal at that, but at what price? Apply this standard to everything, including whether to collaborate with other people or come to their aid." Maybe by DoKashiteru (c) copyright 2009 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: AlexBeroza
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TSMP #27 – Scheduling Every Minute

Matt and Jay discuss optimizing your work, why (and how) we waste so much time at the office, Steve Jobs fashion choices, the 16-hour workday, sleeping in blocks, using Army Ranger-style "backstops" to reduce stress and why scheduling every minute works! Listen to this episode in your favorite podcast player: iTunes, Google, Spotify, Stitcher For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Make sure to listen to our 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" - available now with your TSMP subscription! Episode 27 Notes WASM Article: Scheduling Every Minute Anniversary Episode / Favorite stuff from the last year Check [link in show notes] for our favorite stuff / favorite elements / favorite parts of the last year. That article is available now! 3:00 - TSMP anniversary 4:30 - Bed, Bath and Beyond - and Armageddon 6:00 - Is scheduling every minute truly functional? 7:30 - Matt is a huge spreadsheet nerd 9:30 - Blocking every moment of your day 10:30 - David Goggin’s 24-Hour Mission: 3 Blocks, 8 hours work, 8 hours play, 8 hours sleep 12:00 - Steve Jobs’ most boring uniform in the world 13:30 - How to use “batching” / Only checking email 2x/day 15:30 - Setting up boundaries, reducing distractions 16:30 - BLS Statistics: Average American “works” 8.8 hours/day...but this is what they’re actually doing during that time 18:30 - Smoke breaks and looking for new jobs - on company time 20:30 - Average worker only productive 2 hours 53 minutes/day 22:00 - How Americans used to work 16 hour days 26:30 - Work Block: Actual work, skill building, education 28:30 - Multitasking / Texting while giving a massage 31:30 - Does working out qualify as work? 33:00 - Play Block: Wife, kids, hobbies, games, whatever your real priorities are 35:00 - Sleep Block: How to sleep better - use 90 minute blocks 38:00 - Make sure to sleep 7 hours and 30 minutes per night or more - 6 hours MINIMUM (but often damaging) 40:00 - Balancing Work / Play / Sleep Blocks 42:00 - Choose your priorities based on what matters / Maybe not using a 8/8/8 split 44:00 - Using Backstops to orient (or re-orient) yourself / Army Ranger School 46:00 - Don’t give up on your goals if your initial plan doesn’t work out / Setting reminders 49:00 - Your woman is an amazing reflection of your goals to yourself 51:00 - Improve your relationship and your family by organizing your day and your life 54:30 - Instead of saying “I didn’t have time for that” say “It wasn’t a priority” - powerful and true 56:00 - Deep Work vs Light Work: Challenging brain activities vs easier, less complex tasks 1:00:00 - How many hours/day are humans able to seriously concentrate? 1:01:30 - Stretch once an hour 1:04:30 - Jay’s experience with Scheduling Every Minute 1:07:00 - Cutting things out of your day that don’t matter / Paying attention to how spend your time 1:09:30 - Stephen King’s excellent book “On Writing”: How to become a novelist in 15 minutes a day 1:11:30 - Focus on what matters to you - and do that!
7/30/20191 hour, 18 minutes, 52 seconds
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TSMP #26 – Using Kaizen To Get Better At Everything

Matt and Jay discuss the powerful philosophy of Kaizen, using the PDCA Cycle to get better at absolutely anything, how to make buildings your bitch, the agony and the ecstasy of Tough Mudder - and lots more! Listen to this episode in your favorite podcast player: iTunes, Google, Spotify, Stitcher For faster access, tell your mobile assistant or smart speaker "Play 'The Superior Men Podcast'!" Our NEW 30-minute book review show "The Superior Men Bookcast" is available now with your TSMP subscription! Episode 26 Notes WASM Article: How Kaizen (改善) Will Make You Better At Everything 5:00 - The far-ranging value of philosophy vs a specific skill 7:00 - Do you want to make more money? This can help 9:30 - How Charles Polquin creates gold medal olympians 10:30 - The Japanese philosophy of Kaizen (改善) -- Kai = Change, Zen = Good 12:00 - The story of Japan, Kaizen and Toyota after World War II 14:00 - W. Edwards Deming: The Productivity Guru / First letters for names 16:30 - Deming’s “PDCA Cycle” won him great respect in Japan / The Deming Prize now given by Japan for over 50 years 20:00 - How does Kaizen actually work? / The philosophy of small, continuous improvements 23:00 - Make buildings your bitch! / Climbing stairs in skyscrapers 26:00 - Growth always happens slowly (except in your pants...hehe) 29:00 - Focusing on one step at a time 31:30 - PDCA Cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Adapt 33:30 - OODA Loop: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (designed by USAF Col. John Boyd) 36:00 - The cyclical nature of action and progress 38:00 - How to increase your maximum capacity “No matter who you are, who your parents are or were, where you live, what you do for a living, or how much money you have, you’re probably living at about 40 percent of your true capability.” - David Goggins, Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds 40:30 - Roger Bannister breaks the 4-minute mile - scientists said running that fast was physically impossible 43:00 - “Don’t drive angry!” - Bill Murray, teaching the groundhog how to drive in Groundhog’s Day 46:00 - Using Kaizen to run a marathon 47:30 - Matt and Jay do a Tough Mudder and Matt almost dies Sign up to do a Tough Mudder today! It’s awesome. Every guy should do at least one. 50:00 - The joys of electrocution 53:00 - Matt running at the military academy - with support from friend did more than he ever thought possible 58:00 - We have no idea what we’re truly capable of accomplishing 1:02:00 - Learning to run fast AFTER you’re so tired you can barely move Waking Up Meditation Course and App by Sam Harris
7/16/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds