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The Sacred Womb

English, Health / Medicine, 3 seasons, 53 episodes, 1 day, 1 hour, 33 minutes
Come home to your true nature.
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Reclaiming The Divine Masculine To Restore The Divine Feminine

Welcome to another episode where Kim and I discuss the growing divine feminine movement and its pitfalls……as many women who are in this movement are struggling to turn ideas into reality, have a lack of internal authority and are using ‘the masculine’ as a dumping ground for traits that are not liked or deemed to be ‘feminine’.In the first half, we examine why and how our masculine part is often projected outwards, and in the second, we challenge the idea of labelling certain characteristics as masculine or feminine, emphasising the need to own our shadows (that which we think we are not) to reclaim our authentic masculine energy – which naturally restores our feminine energy.We also define and question the patriarchy, our role in its creation and sustanance, and explore what’s needed to dissolve the trauma preventing us from fully embracing and unifying both energies within. Support the showMelanie Swan is an internationally renowned leader in healing the physical womb, restoring the metaphysical womb, and connecting with the cosmic womb. She’s a Womb Medicine Woman and Mulit-dimensional Womb Healer with 20 year’s experience – who guides and empowers women to come home to their true nature. She hosts The Sacred Womb Podcast and founded The Womb Medicine Woman Training®, which she's been running for the last 7 years and is currently writing her first book The Sacred Womb, which is, at its core, a handbook for the empowerment of womankind; due for release in late 2024. Having traveled extensively she currently lives in Thailand, with her two much loved cats, Sophia and Lyra.
10/24/202326 minutes, 25 seconds
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Debunking 6 Menstrual Cycle Myths

Ready to debunk some myths about your menstrual cycle? I talk about 6 of the most common myths in the realm of ‘womb work’ that are limiting our experience of what the menstrual cycle truly is, and get clear on what the antidotes are.PMS is not a foregone conclusion! Rather, it's an access point to our subconscious, a time to listen to and align with our truth. Our pre-menstrual time can be SO powerful, and is natures way of helping us to see what’s really going on. As we start to understand and clear the what caused the underlying rage, anger, frustration - and are able to into alignment with ourselves, PMS symptoms disappear. Chasing the ‘perfect cycle’ is a fallacy. Our menstrual cycle is a barometer of our our spiritual, physical and emotional health. In the absence of a genuine connection with the ever changing undercurrent of our menstrual cycle, we can take on ideals that our outside of us and try to conform to them, resulting in trying to ‘fit’ our cycle with expectations, that inevitably don’t match. The way forwards is to clear the trauma that is blocking a genuine connection. Tired of battling your inner critic? This is a wounded part of us that we don’t have to manage, put up with or work around. It’s a part of us the NEEDS our attention, connection and love. Criticism comes from fear and this needs processing and integrating so that we can see clearly. It’s totally possible to do this!Bleeding On The New Or Full Moon Means Something SpecificNope! Only we know how the interaction between our unique menstrual cycle and the moon cycle is both supporting and challenging us. Again, when we don’t have a genuine connection, we can take on external beliefs and structures that keep us stuck in a certain way of  being. The antidote, as always is to do the work to get a genuine connection.Blaming The Moon or Astrology On Our State Of BeingNot necessarily directly related to our menstrual cycle, but very popular in the work of cycle attunement and women’s work….Attributing our state of being solely to the moon phases or astrological climate blinds us to what is really going on within. The antidote again, is to look within, understand what’s going on and then look at how the moon phase or astrological climate is amplifying that.The false premise that hormones are the only drivers of our health. I discuss how factors like trauma, synthetic hormones, the pill and toxins affect our hormones, and that we need a wholistic approach to heal and take care of our menstrual cycle. The antidote to all of this is to look within, attune to our unique cycle and listen to the information it’s giving us. Support the showMelanie Swan is an internationally renowned leader in healing the physical womb, restoring the metaphysical womb, and connecting with the cosmic womb. She’s a Womb Medicine Woman and Mulit-dimensional Womb Healer with 20 year’s experience – who guides and empowers women to come home to their true nature. She hosts The Sacred Womb Podcast and founded The Womb Medicine Woman Training®, which she's been running for the last 7 years and is currently writing her first book The Sacred Womb, which is, at its core, a handbook for the empowerment of womankind; due for release in late 2024. Having traveled extensively she currently lives in Thailand, with her two much loved cats, Sophia and Lyra.
10/6/202320 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Root Cause Of Keeping One's Self Small

Many women I come across talk of keeping themselves small. It's one of the core wounds that women in particular struggle with.In this episode, Kim Barnard and I explore the 4 aspects that form the 'root system' that keep us living with tethers on our life force, and how to heal. There are several expressions of keeping ourselves small, which are (but aren't limited to):Feeling not good enough, or unworthyBelieving that somehow we don't deserve love / money / successImposter syndrome (fearful that people will find out who we really are underneath)Feeling afraid to embody our life force and what will happenScared to share an opinionAfraid to do what the work we want to in the worldThe 4 areas of the root system and how to heal it are:Cultural influencesPast life roots:  exploring the 'trauma triangle' - victim, perpetrator and failed rescuer states of being within within our consciousness.Roots in this life that are part of our attachment template.Generational roots that amplify what's already running in our consciousness.The main take away from this episode, is that it IS possible to heal this, for the tethers to come off our energy, and to embody our life force again. We would love to hear how this lands with you, head on over to Instagram to share your experience. Support the showMelanie Swan is an internationally renowned leader in healing the physical womb, restoring the metaphysical womb, and connecting with the cosmic womb. She’s a Womb Medicine Woman and Mulit-dimensional Womb Healer with 20 year’s experience – who guides and empowers women to come home to their true nature. She hosts The Sacred Womb Podcast and founded The Womb Medicine Woman Training®, which she's been running for the last 7 years and is currently writing her first book The Sacred Womb, which is, at its core, a handbook for the empowerment of womankind; due for release in late 2024. Having traveled extensively she currently lives in Thailand, with her two much loved cats, Sophia and Lyra.
9/29/202326 minutes, 45 seconds
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It's Time To Shine: A Womb Medicine Poem Guided Practice

A short and sweet episode to share with you a Womb Medicine Poem to restore the beauty and wonder of the womb centre. It starts with a brief introduction, and then there's a guided practice to listen to the poem with your womb.I invite you to attune to the feel of the words, the energy, and the response from your womb.It’s a chance to dip your toe into the potency of your womb, to tap into the void from which all of life is born, and to resonate with the frequency of creation.I'd love to hear your reflections and experiences— it's your time to shine!See The Moon shineRegardless of phaseThis is your time beautyTo shine in all ways.No more push on regardlessNo more have to’s or should’sThis is your time beautyTo be as wild as wild woods.From the depths of your soulGo with your flowThis is your time beautyLet go, let go, let flow.Your womb is the voidFrom which you createThis is your time beautyTo connect and activate.Be lovingly ruthlessAs you intuit your wayThis is your time beautyDon’t waste another day.So shine beauty, shineThis is your timeThis is your timeThis is our time.By MELANIE SWAN Support the showMelanie is an internationally renowned expert in the menstrual cycle and working with the consciousness of The Womb. She hosts The Sacred Womb Podcast and founded The Womb Medicine Woman Training®, which she's been running for the last 7 years.She’s an experienced Multi-dimensional Trauma Healer, and is currently writing her first book The Sacred Womb, which is, at its core, a handbook for the empowerment of womankind; due for release in late 2024.She has traveled extensively and now lives in the gorgeous city of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, with her two much loved cats, Sophia and Lyra.
9/21/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Desecration Of The Word Woman Amidst Inclusivity

The term 'woman' is being eroded, replaced gradually with words like 'menstruators' or 'people with wombs'.  A thought-provoking question, I know, but it's one I had to ask in the wake of noticing this transition in our language. This episode captures my attempt to explore the implications of this shift, the pressures that come with it, and the potential unsafety it might be creating in women's spaces. While the intent behind this replacement may be to be more inclusive, it's essential to highlight the importance of not diluting the very essence of what it is to be a woman.I'm bringing you this conversation, as a call to action to preserve the sacredness of women's only circles; to respect and amplify the unique experiences of women, and to protect the healing space that is needed (I say this as a therapist with 20 years experience). This isn't about creating a divide, but rather about honouring everyone's unique identity without excluding or diminishing others. So, let's ignite this essential dialogue, to share experiences, and contribute to a more inclusive, loving and respectful world. Women’s only circles are Sacred. Women NEED women’s only spaces to heal, to share, to be with each other - just as men, trans men and trans women do.This isn’t exclusion, it’s an honouring of woman in her essence, so that we may come home to our true nature, and meet the world from that place.Women - let’s not give away our true essence in an attempt to be liked, to be seen or experienced as inclusive. I know many women who think like this but are scared to actually say it in our current climate.'WOMAN' is not up for cancellation! We can all live together, respectful of all, AND respect and celebrate each others differences. Join the conversation Instagram post, I'd love to hear your experience. Support the showMelanie is an internationally renowned expert in the menstrual cycle and working with the consciousness of The Womb. She hosts The Sacred Womb Podcast and founded The Womb Medicine Woman Training®, which she's been running for the last 7 years.She’s an experienced Multi-dimensional Trauma Healer, hosts the newly released CRM® podcast ‘Trauma Healing Tribe’ and is currently writing her first book The Sacred Womb, which is, at its core, a handbook for the empowerment of womankind; due for release in late 2024.She has traveled extensively and now lives in the gorgeous city of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, with her two much loved cats, Sophia and Lyra.
7/11/202311 minutes, 53 seconds
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Perimenopause: No More Bullsh*t!

Kim Barnard @sacred.womban and I get together for a great chat about Perimenopause!I’m in perimenopause right now (at the time of recording) and share my experience and how it can be a time of accelerated growth and change to align with our deeper truth.Saying NO with no attachmentsThe ability to respond rather than reactThe first signs of perimenopause – the grit! an adjustment of values, and a need for our outer world to align with those.What is ‘sacred rage’?Dismantling the patriarchy and owning our partWays to prepare and work WITH for perimenopause – emotionally / spirituallyWays to prepare for perimenopause – physically – Anthony William ‘Cleanse To Heal’ book for the liver cleanse. Support the show
3/14/202343 minutes, 59 seconds
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Self-Initiation: Reclaiming The Womb

Through oceans of time, women have been in some form of subjugated position and have looked outside of ourselves for our spiritual path and autonomy over our own bodies.This has resulted in a collective power imbalance that helps neither men nor women.Our collective dissociation from, general disgust with and medicalisation of the womb and menstrual cycle, has put a woman’s womb in a vulnerable position, leaving the door open for patriarchal systems based on external authority and validation, to take power over a woman’s reproductive system and cyclic nature.However, there IS a movement of women, a movement of consciousness, that wants to redress this imbalance. In order to actualise this shift, we as women must make the changes within and take responsibility for our own body, our own empowerment, and our own evolution.This Ceremony gives the framework, guidance and practices to embody our seat of power, The Sacred Womb. Or construct your own Ceremony – my message here is that we CAN redress the power imbalance by doing the inner work.Upcoming dates of Self-Initiation Ceremonies  Support the show
5/21/202217 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Sacred Womb Book Is Coming!

Welcome back to the podcast after an 8 month break! I give an update on what’s been happening the last year, details of my move to Thailand and an update on The Sacred Womb Book. Below is a summary of THE Book 🙂For millennia, women have been in a subjugated position. Handing on over our power for safety, protection, and money and care. And it’s not worked. We have ended up struggling with a collective power imbalance, and in order to redress this, we must make the changes within and stand up to take responsibility for our own evolution.Women are becoming more empowered. Yet something is missing. It’s our Womb. An organ that nurtures life, without it the human race would die out. Yet it is a part of the female body that has been attacked, pushed away and ignored for as long as HIStory dates back. Women generally don’t like their menstrual cycle. And that’s just the first level. This disdain ripples out into not liking their womb & whole reproductive system, which holds the power to birth consciousness in the form of babies and new concepts and ideas for the evolution of the human collective.Our collective consciousness is starting to shift though. Periods are becoming less taboo, there a few books on the shelves of mainstream book shops; periods have been addressed on screen, for instance in Sex In The City 2, and a feature length cartoon; period advice features in magazines; we have great period pants (a wonderful advancement from the old inch thick surf boards, no wonder we dreaded ‘that time of the month’!) Some secondary schools are starting to teach cycle awareness to girls; there are several podcasts out about periods, some extending to the power of the womb; and in general conversation between women, it’s much more of an open topic. This is all a great start. Yet is it just the beginning.Generational trauma and emotional pain from this life show up in the menstrual cycle, in many different ways, and it will be empowering for women to understand how to read these signs and symptoms, so that they know how to navigate their healing process from the inside out. This sort of grounded information is not yet written down. These two topics are not yet written down and linked in a way that women have access to. This book does that, in a very practical, grounded way that will guide women to heal.What is also not yet written is the true power of a woman to birth new consciousness for personal and collective evolution . A grand concept, yes. Yet, I have been doing this for years myself, and training women how to do it. It works. This is a handbook for the empowerment of women: through the physical womb, the energetic womb and the collective womb. It is a book that will make a place in time, where women were given the information, guidance, healing information and practices to re- embody the wisdom of their true nature. It will redirect women from looking outside themselves for their power – to a source within that is Divinely designed.  Support the show
4/30/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
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Healing Generational Trauma with Lisa Schwarz

In this inspiring and rich episode, Lisa talks us through;What is Generational Healing? How generational healing can help symptoms (such as addictions, relationship problems, medical conditions) in THIS lifetime/timeline.What is the Spiritual Lineage?What exactly we’re looking for in generational healing – what created the split – the separation from Source, what created the need for one’s relationship with certain spiritual practice to be stopped, or changed into different spiritual practices. What 'Death Truths' are and an example of how they can be passed on.How feeling suicidal can be rooted generationally.Re-membering generational glories, strengths and resources – and why they might have been forgotten.The potential this work has for individuals, communities and our collective consciousness on a global scale.Lisa’s goal to bring this work to 1,000’s of people across the globe – to clear the roots and origins of trauma that keeps us fragmented and separate from self and Source.Training in CRM® and The CRM® Foundation, donations are now open and will be very gratefully received!USEUFL LINKSThe CRM® Foundation website – use this link to make a donationCRM® Training and ScheduleABOUT LISA SCHWARZLisa Schwarz, M.Ed. is a licensed psychologist, consultant, and international educator working in private practice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.She is the developer of The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM)®, a trauma therapy model that employs brain-based physiological safety as the foundation for healing and is the primary author of The Comprehensive Resource Model®: Effective therapeutic techniques for the healing of complex trauma.Lisa has, for the past 28 years, been dedicated to creating innovative methods for working with severe dissociative disorders (Complex PTSD, DID, DDNOS), attachment disorders, and gestational trauma.Her work bridges neuroscience and consciousness in trauma healing through a combination of traditional psychotherapy, somatic therapy, and indigenous healing methods. Support the show
8/15/202148 minutes, 20 seconds
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An Introduction To Dissociation With Gordon Barclay

In this introduction to dissociation, Gordon talks us through:What is dissociationHow do we know if we’re dissociatingStarting to relate to what we have pushed away‘Separating to connect’ & finding ways to respond to the patterns of reaction, rather than just reactingLow arousal dissociation and high arousal dissociationWhy dissociation is there for a reasonCreating a sense of safety before connecting to what was previously too much to feel (creating a mis-match)When and how dissociation dismantlesA scale of dissociation and how it can manifest in daily lifeThe difference between re-membering whilst present and becoming lost in the experienceNormalising dissociation and how we can start thinking about it in our mental health systems.ABOUT GORDON BARCLAYGordon Barclay was an NHS consultant psychiatrist in Argyll on the west coast of Scotland until 2019, now works privately in Glasgow and is an active CRM® Trainer and Supervisor, and has a special interest in the treatment of psychological trauma and dissociation.Contact Gordon on [email protected] for more information and to book:– An Introduction To Working Relationally With Dissociation, 30th October 2021.– CRM® Basic Training Online, 1st-5th September 2021. Support the show
7/17/202145 minutes, 27 seconds