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The Real Finance Mentor Podcast by Binod

English, Education, 1 season, 41 episodes, 1 day, 10 hours, 46 minutes
Podcast by Binod Shankar
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Podcast 41: Recruit for values. Train for the future.

Podcast 41: Recruit for values. Train for the future. by Binod Shankar
12/30/202252 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 40: Leadership takes Courage

It’s useful to get different perspectives on career and leadership and a Human Resources view from someone in the C suite is both fascinating and valuable. I’ve known Muhammad for a decade and have always been impressed by his calm, analytical and strategic take of life in general and career in particular. It’s an informed and candid view sculpted by 30 + years of experience in industry and consulting in the Middle East. We talk of mid-life career crisis, how to switch from industry to consulting, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), why many managers don’t make it to leadership, when you should (and shouldn’t) do an executive MBA, strategic HR, the future of HR etc. Listen, learn, grow. For more such relevant and amazing content visit: Follow me on: LinkedIn: Instagram:
10/30/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lessons from the other side

Lessons from the other side by Binod Shankar
9/30/202222 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 38: Invest in yourself

I’ve known Hazel vaguely for a decade but only got to know her really well recently. That’s when I discovered over a two hour chat her experiences, successes, skills and overall mindset and I decided that I wanted her to be my next guest. A UK trained lawyer who rose to become partner at a top law firm in the UAE, she is a successful litigator and negotiator. Recently Hazel quit to focus on consulting, entrepreneurship and mentoring young women. We talk at length and in depth about, among other things, her early influences, why managers get stuck (and how to get unstuck), issues facing women at work, how women self-sabotage (and how to deal with it), the imposter syndrome, how an unforgettable failure turned her into a good public speaker, how to get better at negotiation, tips on building self-awareness etc. The session also includes references to the many coaches, books and podcasts that helped her. Listen, learn, grow.
8/31/20221 hour, 55 minutes, 8 seconds
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Podcast #37: Win before you play

Its rare to find professionals who are successful, authentic and articulate, that too in banking. I sat down with Deepak for this interview because I’ve known him for close to a decade and we have had many deep, long, intellectual discussions about the human condition, specifically careers and leadership. He possesses not just a remarkable amount of self-awareness and big picture perspective but also a willingness to articulate these quite boldly and compellingly. He’s also a practitioner in asset management. We dig into mentoring, his career evolution, why leadership escapes many, avoiding the mid-life crisis, the future of asset management, who will survive the disruption, his next book, five career tips for senior professionals and more.
7/13/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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Focus on the next step: Podcast 36 - Avilash Bisht

A young man from very small-town India graduates from one of India’s top colleges. Then, unlike his peers, he does a 180 degree turn and walks away from a potentially lucrative corporate career, choosing his first love- the big mountains. He first cuts his teeth in guiding as an employee and then as an entrepreneur, co-founding a mountain guiding firm and taking clients to the peaks of challenging 7,000m peaks and thereby establishing a top brand in that space. We talk of why corporate was never a choice, what he learnt as an employee that helped in entrepreneurship, what it takes to climb mountains, how to build mental fitness, confronting the real risk of death at high altitude, how he’s managed to recruit and retain some great guides, the pros and cons of his job and how he’s managed to avoid the mid-life crisis & stay excited despite 25 years at the same activity.
6/22/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 35 Videoo Audio

A young woman packs her bags, moves to a different country, continent and culture 9,000km from home, starts off as a back-office junior and makes it to CIO. I was instantly attracted to her story. We talk about the power of relationships and networking, the harsh realities of investment banking (and how it changed her), how to stand out when you don’t have the right creds, asking for that promotion, how to recover from getting fired (twice!), the role of qualifications vs attitude and experience, the many ways by which women self-sabotage, crafting your future no matter what and much more. Listen, learn, grow.
5/28/202256 minutes, 31 seconds
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Start with gratitude_Podcast#34

My guest isn’t the typical finance professional who I usually have on this show. But you will relate to his fascinating journey and may even be inspired by it to transform your life and career. From childhood abuse to alcoholism, drug addiction, depression and suicidal thoughts, Harbinder has been to hell and back to tell the tale. Listen as he talks eloquently and frankly about generational trauma, his scarring childhood, the unforgettable watershed moment, his grueling recovery journey, key mental health myths, the big role of sponsors and counselors, how to stay mentally healthy etc. I have a strong bias towards covering subjects that few dare or care to cover. Mental health issues are soaring globally and hence this is undoubtedly a hot topic for our times. Stories like this deliver the essential awareness, acceptance and practical solutions to make life better. Listen, learn, grow.
4/29/202240 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 33: You define your success

Senior professionals bring a wealth of experience and insight and that’s what Pascale does in this interview. Every RFM episode dives deep and No 33 isn’t an exception. We talk about the effect of her upbringing, her role models, the impact of working overseas, why she chose product sales over CFA and portfolio management, how to juggle work and raising two kids, gender discrimination at work, the imposter syndrome (and how to tackle it), her best and worst hires (and why) and career tips for those in early career stage. Pascale and I both are focused on health and fitness and she shares details, challenges, and tips relating to her recent wellness journey. She comes across as patient, non-judgmental and super calm-all traits Yours Truly wishes he could emulate! -and it was so easy to deal with her. Listen, learn, grow.
3/25/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 43 seconds
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Saiyida Zainab Gardezi: Confidence is a skill that you must work on

How do you go from an under achieving and confused accountant stagnating in a small company in Sharjah to a Portfolio Manager and CFA charter holder with one of the largest independent wealth management firms in the US with an AUM of $ 35 billion? How on earth do you get hired in your chosen sector when you have zero industry experience and are totally new to a vastly different country? What’s the secret sauce of the metamorphosis from painfully shy introvert to confident public speaker? Etc. etc. This is truly a story of transformation. I’ve known Saiyida for many years now so it’s an inspiring saga that has also impressed and delighted me. Crucially, it shows the potential for dramatic change in all of us. Listen to Ms. Gardezi speak eloquently, openly, in detail and with passion. Quite a few insights in this episode so I hope you have pen and paper ready!
2/27/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast#31: Lessons Learnt

Podcast#31: Lessons Learnt by Binod Shankar
1/27/202258 minutes, 58 seconds
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Never underestimate yourself: Podcast 30

Everyone loves a success story from unlikely beginnings and this is one such. The podcast captures the remarkable saga of a young woman from naïve, timid young girl growing up in a highly conservative family in small town India all the way to CFA Institute’s pioneering program for young women before joining one of the largest asset managers on the planet. It’s about multiple constraints, limiting self-doubt, growing self-awareness, invaluable mentorship, supportive company culture and blooming confidence all leading to personal transformation. This is essential listening for the many out there with potential who are in similar circumstances and who want to break free.
12/28/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast_29: Ten more career truths

Podcast_29: Ten more career truths by Binod Shankar
11/28/202121 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast 28: Paul Smith- There is no substitute for the personal touch.

It is a huge pleasure and privilege to interview Paul, former President & CEO of CFA Institute, and someone I’ve known for several years. A global traveler, Paul comes with enormous experience, and he was extraordinarily generous with his time and advice. I took advantage of that to cover many hot topics (career planning, the criticality of patience and networking, grabbing opportunities, leading from the front, change management, the validity and future of sustainable finance, the future of asset management, scope for CFA charterholders, gender diversity in investing etc.). His trademark self-deprecating manner conceals a highly successful career and Paul was refreshingly down to earth and insightful. I hope you enjoy listening to this scholar and gentleman as much as I did interviewing him.
10/25/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 27:Fight the good fight every day.

Ayesha Tariq has always been exceptional. From being one of the very few admitted into Standard Chartered’s graduate program to getting promoted AND relocated to a plum destination to never having had to apply for a job to leaving a big bank for entrepreneurship to raising a child as a single parent, she has had an interesting journey where she always stood out and hasn’t flinched from taking bold steps. Ayesha is also remarkably pragmatic, authentic and self-aware. I talk to her about the challenges facing women in finance, the upsides of networking, navigating the CFA program, leadership lessons, dysfunctional work-places and career tips.
9/23/202150 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 26 Audio

I deliberately select a variety of guests from different levels (junior, middle, senior), genders and nationalities all with the same focus of insight and inspiration for a finance career. So the moment I saw Ani Filipova's profile I wanted her to be a guest on RFM and you will want to listen to her for many good reasons. Quite frankly, a woman from Eastern Europe rising through the ranks of a giant multinational bank to be the Chief Operating Officer without any of the usual qualifications ( MBA, CFA etc) while working around the world with diverse cultures AND raising a family at the same time and then quitting all that at the top of her career to pursue her passions was too good a story to resist. And oh yes she's quite a nice person to interview- calm, open, flexible and diligent- and with many shared passions who knows one day we may do another project together! I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did making it happen.
8/24/202153 minutes, 10 seconds
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Eight tips on how to stand out

• How do you stand out? I mean the number of CAs, CFA charter holders, MBAs etc. are rapidly increasing every day plus the jobs are not increasing commensurately. So, qualifications alone may not do the trick. • With tough competition at work its often difficult to be visible. • This is also true for the job market- unless your resume is exceptional (and having the below will help) it won’t be picked for an interview. • Hence this episode is not just for people already in a job who want to get promoted or get a plum role or location in the same company. It’s also for anyone employed but who wants to remain employable even outside his current company. I spent 17 years in corporate life going all the way from Audit Senior to Executive Director- Finance and I learnt a lot about staying visible.
7/30/202116 minutes, 26 seconds
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You can’t take anything for granted| Podcast#24 - Ketaki Sharma

Ketaki is quite the outlier- an economist by training who you really want to keep talking to! Plus, she’s a corporate warrior turned successful entrepreneur. Ms Sharma is not just an interesting person but has informed views on a range of topics relevant to young professionals and one question led to another. All of which explains why this podcast interview happened. So, the interview covers a raft of insights on economics, using big data, the importance of coding, how to stand out, women and resilience, the entrepreneurship mindset (and why you don’t have to quit being an employee), work/life balance and mental wellness, the importance of reading etc, all important topics that I strongly believe in. Practical, positive and persuasive. Enjoy!
7/1/202144 minutes, 42 seconds
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The only way to master your future is to invest in yourself

The only way to master your future is to invest in yourself by Binod Shankar
5/29/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode22 Audio

Episode22 Audio by Binod Shankar
4/25/202151 minutes, 13 seconds
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RFM Episode 21 Dhruvish Pujara

RFM Episode 21 Dhruvish Pujara by Binod Shankar
3/21/202128 minutes, 29 seconds
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RFM Episode 20 Grishma Adani

We all love the story of the underdog who finally makes it. In this episode, fresh grad meets uber toxic workplace, ridicule and depression. She then finds the perfect mentor, excels at work, quits to master a valuable skill and lands a dream job working in investing with a major oil company. All while coping with personal tragedy and CFA prep. Listen to a story of struggle, awakening, determination, and success, all told with a raw and raw honesty
2/13/202159 minutes, 14 seconds
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RFM Episode 19 Minakshi

Hello, everyone. This is Binod Shankar here with the next episode of The Real finance mentor podcast, the podcast that delivers insight and inspiration for your finance careers. And today I have another special guest, someone who is quite young, who has done a lot in her young career. Let me introduce you to Minakshi Agarwal Todi.
1/16/202151 minutes, 6 seconds
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RFM Episode 18 Hanutosh Baria

RFM Episode 18 Hanutosh Baria by Binod Shankar
12/20/20201 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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Episode 17: Souad Al Serkal | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Successful. Young. Emirati. Woman. And oh yes, she was refreshingly honest, delightfully engaging and impressively articulate as well. Now that’s a combo (and an interview) I could not pass on! Souad has gone through a lot personally and professionally despite her young age. Hence we covered a LOT in the podcast- overcoming shyness, graduate employability, the importance of teachers and mentors, why parental support and direction are invaluable, battling (and killing) depression, how to be a good public speaker, career tips for youngsters etc. Souad’s energy and positivity are contagious and her story is a powerful reminder that we can transform ourselves and change our destiny if we are talented, optimistic and, very importantly, have the right support system. Listen. Learn. Grow.
11/9/202035 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 9: Fadi Al Said | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

ONE OF THE COOLEST THINGS ABOUT MY ROLE AS A PODCAST HOST IS THAT I OFTEN END UP HAVING A BRILLIANT CHAT WITH EXTRAORDINARILY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE WHO ARE ALSO FELLOW CFA CHARTER HOLDERS AND GOOD FRIENDS. I ALSO LEARN A LOT ABOUT PEOPLE, COMPANIES, AND INDUSTRIES. On The Real Finance Mentor’s 9th episode I corner Fadi Al Said CFA who is a big boy with Lazard Asset Management, and we chat about a raft of topics: How does one decide early on a career in asset management? Also, incredibly, how do you stay (and rise in that sector) for two decades? How did the charter help? Why the MBA after the CFA? What does Lazard look for when hiring analysts? What traits and skills do you need to break into asset management/research? Is Fadi really related to celebrity singer Nancy Ajram (!!)? Etc. etc. Listen, learn, grow.
10/25/202039 minutes
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Episode 16: John Perry | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

INSIGHT AND INSPIRATION COME FROM VARIOUS PLACES. I USUALLY INVITE MOSTLY PRACTITIONERS (CFA CHARTER HOLDERS) AND CANDIDATES ON MY SHOW. But I also value different informed perspectives. Hence my guest on this episode. John Perry is a published author, professor and a good friend who has thought deeply and written about mental toughness (the concept, not the phrase) and how you can improve your game. On this episode John and I have a wide-ranging conversation on sports and psychology, psychometric tests (the good and the bad), confidence among youngsters, employability, selecting your career, the impact of COVID etc. And of course, the invaluable 3 career tips for youngsters! And don’t be fooled by John’s aw shucks, down to earth, calm manner. Dr Perry is a remarkably self-aware brilliant young psychologist who has already made his mark in a few fields. So do listen carefully to what he has to say. ENJOY!
10/23/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 8: Binod's Real Talk About Finance Courses and Careers | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Yes! Finally, we have an episode dedicated to the big questions. No, not in life but in education. I tackle some common, important questions that many students don’t know the correct answer to, resulting in them signing up for courses without knowing the HOW or WHAT. Like what careers are CFA meant for? Equally importantly, what careers CFA does NOT prepare you for? What are the pros and cons of CFA vs MBA? How do you get into investment banking? How to pick a career? Etc. This episode is dedicated to anyone curious about certain finance careers and courses. It is a short, frank, and unbiased analysis that will be of most value before you start your journey. Realtalk. From the Real Finance Mentor. Learn more & get the full transcript at
9/23/202032 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 13: Karima Rahali |The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

This show was created to deliver insight and inspiration for finance careers. And nowhere is Insight more critical than when things get complex and technical. Such as the brave new world of the future, the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, coding, automation etc. Investment professionals must grasp the impact, education and opportunities to stay relevant. Episode #13 is Karima Rahali’s interesting personal story of a career over many domains as well as an articulate expert’s take on this new world. Listen, learn and grow.
9/23/202043 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 14: 10 Career Truths | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

I am a big believer in the theory that happiness (or disappointment) happens when reality doesn’t match expectations. This mismatch, if it happens too often or too severely can affect your performance and even derail careers. Hence I am here in this solo episode to talk truths, to create awareness and to set the right expectations (NOT “low” expectations) about careers and the occasional downsides. So that you are insulated from these pesky mismatches. The reason I highlight these truths is because what is sold to everyone are only the positives of careers. Of course “downside” depends on your mindset and perspective. In any case, I’d urge you to learn quickly from any negative episodes and move on. Welcome to Reality.
9/23/202014 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 12: How to Crack CFA Level 3 | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Enter the Final Frontier. So you’ve fought hard and won your way through two major battles (Level I and II) and you are almost there. Except that you’ve one more battle before you win the war. Level III is a weird level. How weird? To find out more I talked to three Level III candidates- Mark Gadalla, Vikas Gupta and Margarita Chirukova. Listen as we have a frank and detailed talk on, inter alia, the lessons from Level I and II, the unique challenges of Level III, study strategies and how to stay motivated. A must listen episode if you are writing the final level of the grueling CFA program.
9/23/202040 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 11: How to Crack CFA Level 2 | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Attention CFA exam takers – this episode is for YOU! Level II is probably the most feared level in the program. I still vividly remember my Level II journey (I almost didn’t make it!). How hard is it these days? Better to hear from the horse’s mouth. So I interviewed Samina Burhani and Ameen Saada, two Level II candidates who I like a lot and who are also my students. We cover, inter alia, the lessons from Level I, the unique challenges of Level II and of course, their solutions. I hope you pick up some tips. Listen, learn, grow.
9/23/202038 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 10: CFA Research Challenge - UAE Winners | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Wow RFM has now reached its 10th episode! So, I decided to make this special. Because you’ve to make an exception for exceptional people. Alan Mathew and Priyanka Awatramani are fresh graduates who have zero work experience. So why on the RFM? Because they recently nailed something noteworthy. Remarkably mature and resilient for their young age, they were part of the amazing Middlesex Uni Dubai team that won the UAE version of the 2020 CFA Investment Research Challenge, a project that Yours Truly managed. They even made to the EMEA finals, the first EVER team from the UAE to do so and one of the 8 teams (out of 45 from all of Europe, Middle East and Africa) to make it…. read the full transcript at
9/23/202041 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 6: Surabhi Chauhan | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Ok, so we cover a lot in today’s episode #6 of RFM because I am talking to someone who has achieved a lot at the young age of 28. Surabhi Chauhan is an asset manager based in Mumbai, a role she reached after experiencing the realms of equity research, private banking and investment banking. We, of course, talk about how to crack CFA despite a hectic work schedule and how the qualification has helped her. Then, we talk about careers. India is a big but tough market and she shares her hard-earned tips for success in all the four areas she’s worked in. Mentoring is invaluable in shaping a career and we talk about how she picked a mentor and what she learnt. Women in finance have always faced challenges; she is explicit about these, but we also talks about how she’s successfully tackled them. Before I let her go… Surabhi shares her top three career lessons. SO MANY EXPERIENCES. SO MANY TIPS. Listen, learn, grow. Learn more
9/23/202038 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 7: Vaibhav Jain | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Interviews in comfy five-star hotel rooms can make the toughest guest open up! Like this one which is probably my longest yet. Is it better to be a specialist or a generalist? What are the three skills that many youngsters in finance don’t have yet are essential? Why is it essential that a CFA charter holder or CA should have at least a basic idea of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? How is AI/ML transforming private banking? How does one get over the fear of public speaking? Why is that one skill that can save you in tough times in any company? All these and more are answered in my sit down with Vaibhav Jain CFA. From analyst to investment banker to private banker, he’s learnt a lot (and is still learning!) and is full of insights. Listen, learn, and grow. Learn more
9/23/202034 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 5: Amit Chakrabarty | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

From humble beginnings in a small town to massive steel stockyards to banking IT project management to the heart of Investment Banking in London and now back home making an impact in education with CFA Institute, our next guest has gone through a LOT. How does being an engineer change your way of thinking? What can a MBA from a top global school teach you? How do you jump from IT to IB? How IS it working in investment banking in the City? How do you survive an onslaught of layoffs? Why quit corporate life when you are doing so well? What are the issues holding back youngsters in finance, particularly women? Why should you learn to spiral bind (!!) documents? All this and more on this episode with Amit Chakrabarty. I pick my guests because they have a unique story to tell. And this is yet another saga. Listen. Learn. Grow.
9/23/202037 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 4: Femina Huddani | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

At The Real Finance Mentor, we will continue bringing you interesting stories and insights from some of the most experienced people in thE CFA SPACE. In episode #4 of our podcast, we have Femina Huddani. I have huge respect for working women who succeed despite multiple challenges. And this lady has reached where most CFA students aspire to be; a portfolio manager!  Femina left India for the US when she was a teenager. She competed her degree, fought biases, got into research, transplanted to the UAE, struggled her way to the top and oh yes raised a family and nailed the CFA charter along the way. Classic narrative of sheer ambition and persistence, a story I’ve seen at close range for a decade.  Listen and be inspired. Head to to learn more.
9/23/202037 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 3: Biharilal Deora | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

We are back with Episode #3 of The Real Finance Mentor podcast by Binod Shankar. In this episode, we chat with Mr. Biharilal Deora, otherwise known universally as ‘BD’. BD is someone you must listen to. Chartered accountant. CFA charter holder. Credit analyst. Private banker. Academic. Mentor. Asset manager. CFA board member. I’ve known him for nearly a decade. BD is super versatile and very clear in his thinking and he has an authentic and compelling story to tell, full of practical, valuable tips. Anyone planning a career in finance will benefit enormously from this episode. Listen. Learn. Grow.
9/23/202050 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 2: Mira Raley | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Ready for Episode #2 of The Real Finance Mentor podcast? Let;s do things a bit different this time. No, this episode isn’t directly about finance or CFA, BUT you better listen if you’re in finance!  Mira was an indifferent student who somehow wandered into hospitality. She’s now an expert in the psychology of work and is a respected behavioral facilitator and coach to a wide range of executives from junior to middle to senior  management to senior across multiple nationalities.  In this episode, she talks with clarity and conviction on some critical topics such as how to find your passion, mentoring, the folly of badge collection, the importance of resilience and a growth mindset,  the soft skills that really count and more.  Head to to learn more
9/23/202038 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 1: Karishma Bhatia | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

Presenting to you Episode 1 of The Real Finance Mentor podcast by Binod Shankar. In this episode we have Karishma Bhatia. Karishma is a girl who has tons of grit. She’s a CFA charter holder, a working mom and a finance professional. But those are not the only reasons why she’s our guest. Her CFA journey was long, grueling and eventful. She had a tough time balancing personal, work and exam life, badly underestimated the difficulty, got solidly kicked in the ass by the CFA exams (and recovered) twice and switched employers and careers, all with a smile. Listen as she talks about her hard won lessons on how to crack level II and III, the importance of a reliable partner(!), challenges faced by women in finance and her journey from couch potato to endurance athlete.
9/23/202034 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 15: Shwetabh Sameer | The Real Finance Mentor Podcast

YEP WE ARE NOW IN EPISODE #15 (HOW TIME FLIES!). MY NEXT GUEST IS A BRIGHT YOUNG FINANCE HOTSHOT WHO’S ALSO A REALLY NICE GUY AND REMARKABLY CLEAR SIGHTED AND MATURE. So this podcast is about the lessons and skills, both personal and professional, learnt by a CFA charter holder in a fascinating journey from engineering graduate through passive/index investing to behavioural science and applied statistics in a global financial services firm. It’s loaded with tips and perspectives that will be of interest to anyone starting a career and not just in finance.
9/14/202055 minutes, 20 seconds