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The Productivity Show

English, Management, 1 season, 430 episodes, 9 hours, 5 minutes
At The Productivity Show we believe you should get your important things done without having to sacrifice your health, family and things that matter to you. This is a weekly podcast where we show you ways to save time, increase your productivity and happiness. We cover topics such as goal setting, time management, personal development and efficiency. Listen to our podcast today and start doubling your productivity.
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The Future of Wearables, Burnout Breakthroughs, and Defining Productivity (TPS518)

Is the future of wearables a… ring? What can people do to recover from burnout? Do you have to “produce” to be productive? In this episode, we cover these topics and more. Learn to achieve true productivity without sacrificing your well-being. Get 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at Visit to start hiring […]
7/22/202438 minutes, 12 seconds
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How To Start Up Your Focus Engine

Do you struggle to dive into your tasks and maintain focus? In this encore episode, you’ll discover the concept of the “Focus Engine,” a powerful technique designed to help you start working immediately and maintain concentration effortlessly. Discover practical tips and strategies for settling down, sharpening your focus, and crushing your to-do list. This episode […]
7/17/20244 minutes, 47 seconds
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From Crutches to Crushing It: Staying Productive While Injured (TPS517)

Have you ever wondered how to stay productive when an injury sidelines you? In this episode, we tackle the realities of maintaining efficiency and focus while dealing with physical setbacks. Join us as we explore strategies for adapting your daily routine, prioritizing tasks, and even using AI to create personalized productivity plans. Whether you’re currently […]
7/15/202442 minutes, 10 seconds
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Achieve More with Monthly Planning: Tips for Intentional Productivity

Are you tired of setting monthly goals only to watch them fall apart within the first week? In this episode, we tackle the common pitfalls of monthly planning and reveal how to turn this crucial process into a powerful tool for achieving your long-term goals. Discover how to link your monthly plans to your quarterly […]
7/10/20244 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Summer Strategy to Level Up in Life (TPS516)

How can a focused summer project unlock hidden potential and set you up for success in the coming months? In this episode, we explore real-life examples of transformative summer projects and how to choose the perfect project to elevate your productivity. Sign up for a $1/month trial period at You can find links to […]
7/8/202417 minutes, 9 seconds
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3 Questions to Remove Productivity Blockers And Become Productive Again

Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels but getting nowhere? In this episode, we’ll uncover the secret to diagnosing what’s holding you back using the T.E.A. framework. Discover whether it’s Time, Energy, or Attention keeping you stuck and learn how to break free and boost your productivity. This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity […]
7/3/20245 minutes, 37 seconds
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Leadership & High Performance At Work with Sabrina Wang (TPS515)

For all aspiring and current leaders – this episode is for you. We dive deeper into leadership skills and what it takes to have high-performing teams at work. Our guest Sabrina Wang shares the foundation you need to have a successful team dynamic where everyone can do their best work and what it takes for […]
7/1/202443 minutes, 38 seconds
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Renewal Rituals: Energize Your Day, Every Day

Do you ever wish you could maintain your morning energy all the way to the evening? In this episode, you’ll discover the transformative concept of renewal rituals that can revolutionize your day. Imagine integrating small, powerful breaks into your busy schedule that not only refresh your mind but also boost your overall productivity. Whether you’re […]
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3 Keys to Organizing Your Time and Schedule (TPS514)

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly playing catch-up and can’t find a moment to breathe? In this episode, we dive into the three essential keys to organizing your time and mastering your schedule. We share our personal strategies and favorite tools for staying organized, as well as how to maintain flexibility while making sure […]
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Quick Tips to Apply The 80/20 Rule

Discover the secret to skyrocketing your productivity with the 80/20 rule. Learn how focusing on the most impactful 20% of your efforts can yield 80% of your results. This episode dives deep into practical strategies for identifying high-impact tasks, prioritizing effectively, and eliminating low-value activities. With real-life examples and actionable tips, you’ll find out how […]
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Apple Intelligence at WWDC: What You Need to Know To Unlock Productivity (TPS513)

Apple has announced lots of cool iOS and Mac features at WWDC 2024, but which ones will impact your productivity? Are there any that could make it worth buying new hardware? In this episode, we break down the key announcements and share the new features that have us excited and ready to upgrade. Get 40% […]
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Get in the Zone: Enter Flow State with Five Essential Strategies (TPS512)

Have you ever found yourself so deeply immersed in a task that time flies by without you even noticing? In this episode, we dive into this elusive state of mind known as flow. You’ll discover how to harness the power of the flow state to boost your productivity, creativity, and overall happiness. Whether you’re struggling […]
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Life Leveraged: Transform Your Tasks into Triumphs

Ever feel like you’re drowning in a sea of mundane tasks, with your creativity and passion collecting dust in a forgotten corner? In this episode, you’ll discover the game-changing concept of life leverages. Learn how to identify the intersection of your unique skills and passions and transform your daily routine into a fulfilling and joyful […]
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Kids, Chaos, and Productivity: Mastering Work-From-Home Parenting (TPS511)

Are your kids driving you to distraction while you try to work from home? In this encore episode, we tackle the ultimate challenge parents face everywhere: balancing work responsibilities while managing kids at home. You’ll discover how to create a productive environment amidst the chaos, ensuring you can finish your work without sacrificing quality time […]
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The Power of Creative Hobbies

Discover the five key benefits of incorporating creative activities into your routine and learn practical tips on how to balance these hobbies with your professional life. Tune in to find out how recharging through creative pursuits can lead to greater efficiency and fulfillment in your daily tasks. This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity […]
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Focus Like a Pro: Your Focus Roadmap for Optimal Output (TPS510)

Ever wonder how some people can effortlessly concentrate for hours while you struggle to stay focused for just a few minutes? In this episode, you’ll discover tried-and-true strategies for eliminating distractions, building powerful habits, and upgrading your brain for long-lasting concentration. Whether you’re battling constant notifications or simply want to boost your productivity, our step-by-step […]
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Beat Procrastination Now: 5 Quick and Effective Techniques

Thanh shares five practical strategies that deliver immediate results. These tips are designed to help you take action, build momentum, and achieve your goals more efficiently. Whether you’re struggling with a big project or just everyday tasks, this episode offers valuable insights to help you break free from procrastination and boost your productivity. Tune in […]
5/23/20245 minutes, 46 seconds
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Peak Energy: Set Smart Priorities for Success (TPS509)

Do you ever find yourself running out of steam just when you need it the most? In this episode, you’ll discover the secret sauce of maintaining peak energy and setting smart priorities to supercharge your success. We share energy strategies to help you stay energized and focused throughout your day, ensuring you get the most […]
5/20/202446 minutes, 46 seconds
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Declutter Your Commitments: The Art of Saying No

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your ever-growing list of commitments? In this episode, you’ll discover the transformative power of one simple word: no. Learn the art of decluttering your commitments without guilt and how it leads to enhanced productivity and reduced stress. Whether you’re dealing with a demanding boss or juggling too many projects, this […]
5/15/20247 minutes
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The Secret Sauce to Productivity: Accountability in Action w/ Debbie Rosemont (TPS508)

What do you think is the secret to achieving your goals and getting your important work done? It’s not time management. It’s not apps. It’s not tools. It’s accountability. In this episode, Debbie Rosemont, a veteran productivity consultant and professional organizer, joins us. Discover why tools and apps take a backseat to the powerful force […]
5/13/202448 minutes, 48 seconds
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Quick Choices, Big Wins: Mastering Rapid Decision-Making

Are you tired of getting bogged down by endless decisions? In this episode, we uncover the secrets to making quick, effective choices that don’t just save time—they enhance your life. Whether you’re running a company, leading a team, or simply looking to streamline your everyday decisions, mastering this skill is your ticket to a more […]
5/8/20244 minutes, 25 seconds
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Clean Sweep: Strategies for a Productive Calendar (TPS507)

Feeling overwhelmed by a cluttered calendar? In this encore episode, we share insights on how to declutter your schedule, ensuring that every appointment and task truly counts. Discover practical tips for transforming your chaotic calendar into a streamlined tool that aligns with your goals and daily life. Whether you’re overwhelmed by reminders or juggling too […]
5/6/202440 minutes, 22 seconds
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Unplugged: The Productive Power of a Digital Detox

Imagine pressing pause on your digital life—no emails, no social media, just pure, unadulterated real life. In this episode, we share how disconnecting dramatically boosts focus and productivity. It’s a journey into the peaceful quiet beyond the constant pings of our devices. Discover practical strategies to implement your own digital detox, whether it’s setting strict […]
5/1/20248 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Next Workcation (TPS506)

Thanh Pham, founder and CEO of Asian Efficiency, shares insights from his experiences as a digital nomad and the profound benefits of combining work with travel. Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just exploring this flexible lifestyle, this episode is packed with actionable advice to enhance your creativity, maintain balance, and achieve significant productivity […]
4/29/202438 minutes, 29 seconds
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Reset and Refocus: The Productivity Benefits of Stepping Away

Ever feel like you’re just pushing through your workday without really getting anywhere? In this episode, we explore why stepping away from your desk, even for just a few minutes, can lead to major gains in focus, creativity, and overall well-being. Discover how you can reset and refocus to boost your productivity, and why stepping […]
4/24/20246 minutes, 51 seconds
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Revitalize Your Weekend: Find Balance and Flexibility (TPS505)

Everyone looks forward to the weekend, but how often do you end up feeling more tired on Sunday night than when you started on Friday? In this episode, we dive into how to make your weekends more enjoyable, relaxing, and ultimately rejuvenating. Whether you’re dealing with a hectic schedule or just trying to find time […]
4/22/202423 minutes, 18 seconds
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Start Strong: The Secret to A Productive Start To Your Day

Ever feel like you’re scrambling from the moment you wake up, barely catching up? You’re not alone. In this episode, we’re diving into how a purposeful start can transform the entire trajectory of your day. Whether you’re an early riser or your day begins in the afternoon, it’s what you do after you open your […]
4/17/20245 minutes, 6 seconds
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Redefining Productivity: What to Do When You’re Just Not Feeling It (TPS504)

Are you having one of those days (or weeks, or months…) where getting things done feels like an uphill battle? There could be many causes: lack of sleep, lack of motivation, stress, being overwhelmed, or maybe just being bored with what you’re doing. Whatever the reason, you have things to do but are just not […]
4/15/202450 minutes, 55 seconds
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Micro-Progress: The Solution to Procrastination?

Are you tired of the endless cycle of procrastination? In this episode, you’ll discover the transformative concept of micro-progress, a powerful strategy for conquering procrastination. Whether it’s tackling a massive project or just getting started on your fitness goals, learn how this simple technique can make all the difference. This episode is brought to you […]
4/10/20244 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crafting a Clutter-Free Life: Essential Habits for Organization (TPS503)

You might not realize it, but clutter and disorganization do impact your productivity. In this episode, you’ll discover essential habits for getting organized. Whether it’s your crowded desk, the pile of clothes in the corner, or those daunting digital files, we’ve got practical and easy-to-implement solutions for you. Sign up for a $1/month trial period […]
4/8/202454 minutes, 15 seconds
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Self Management over Time Management

Have you ever set aside a whole day for an important task, only to find yourself spiraling down a rabbit hole of distractions? In this episode, we dive into the essence of self-management, a skill often overshadowed but incredibly vital. Find out how you can make the essential adjustments in your daily life to achieve […]
4/3/20246 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pathways to Progress: The Essentials of Investing in Yourself (TPS502)

Have you ever noticed that some people thrive in their careers and personal lives, and others just kind of… survive? In this episode, we dive into the power and necessity of investing in yourself. We explore three pivotal areas: advancing your career through skill development, the importance of building a robust network, and the transformative […]
4/1/202444 minutes, 46 seconds
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Uncover Time Traps: A Guide to Effective Time Audits

Does time feel like it is slipping away? Do you get to the end of the day and feel like you were busy but didn’t accomplish anything? It might be time for a time audit. In this episode, you’ll discover how to identify those sneaky time-wasters and gain back precious hours for the things that […]
3/27/20248 minutes, 33 seconds
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Rise Rituals Revisited: Build a Morning Routine That Sticks (TPS501)

Are you ready to start your day with a routine that actually sticks? In this episode, we dive deep into the secrets of crafting a morning routine — or “Rise Ritual” as we call it — that’s effective, enjoyable, and tailored just for you. Visit to start hiring now. Learn more at Cheat […]
3/25/202427 minutes, 38 seconds
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Beyond the Alarm Clock: Build a Rise Ritual That Works for You

Does success rely on joining the 5 am club? We say no! In this episode, you’ll discover how breaking free from the one-size-fits-all approach to starting your day can revolutionize your productivity and well-being. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, this episode offers practical tips to tailor your rise ritual to fit […]
3/20/20246 minutes, 33 seconds
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The TPS Eras Tour: Episode 500 (TPS500)

It is Episode 500 of The Productivity Show!  In this episode, Thanh and Brooks will take you on a tour of the five eras of The Productivity Show. You’ll discover productivity lessons and action items from the past ten years of the show. We don’t just play the hits, though: we share some under-the-radar deep-cut […]
3/18/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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Setting the Stage: How Daily Planning Fuels Success

Ever feel like you’re just putting out fires at work, getting nowhere fast? That was Thanh until he discovered the magic of daily planning. In this episode, you’ll discover how to start your day knowing exactly what needs to get done and focus on what really moves the needle. This episode is brought to you […]
3/13/20246 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Most Overrated Productivity Hacks and More (TPS499)

Is the Pomodoro Technique overrated? How about the Eisenhower matrix? Which productivity technique does Brooks and Thanh disagree about? In this episode of the podcast, we discuss overrated productivity techniques, Type-A relaxation, and the results of a country-wide 4-Day Workweek experiment that we shared in a previous episode. Sign up for a $1/month trial period […]
3/11/202450 minutes, 52 seconds
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Checklists: The Secret to Stress-Free Productivity

For something so simple, a checklist can be surprisingly transformative. In this episode, you’ll discover how checklists can streamline your routine, declutter your workspace, and enhance your project management, all while freeing up mental space for creativity and deep thinking. This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity Coaching – double your personal productivity, be happier […]
3/6/20246 minutes, 27 seconds
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Stuck to Streamlined: 5 Ways To Get Unstuck and Finally Beat Procrastination (TPS498)

Feeling stuck can happen to anyone. You might know what you need to do, but getting started never seems to happen. In this episode, you’ll discover easy-to-use tips to help you break through the procrastination wall. Whether it’s a big project or just daily tasks, you’ll get moving and stay on track. Learn more at […]
3/4/202440 minutes, 3 seconds
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Priorities Evolve, and So Can You

As our lives evolve, so do our priorities. The strategies that work in one situation may not serve you when your priorities shift, and so do your methods for managing your time, energy, and attention. In this episode, we share strategies for staying adaptable and learning to thrive with the passage of time. This episode […]
2/28/20247 minutes, 2 seconds
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Fridge Magnets That Save 2 Hours a Day, Achieve Goals with AI, and Beat Time Poverty (TPS497)

Can you save 2 hours a day with a… fridge magnet? Can an AI tool help you achieve your big audacious goal? In this episode, we’ll answer these questions, and you’ll discover 5 ways to break out of time poverty. You can find links to everything we share in the show notes by going to […]
2/26/202441 minutes, 50 seconds
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Master Your Day with the Focus Filter: Pinpoint What Really Matters

Have you ever found yourself staring at your to-do list, wondering, “Where on earth do I start?” Some days, it’s super clear what needs to be done, but then there are those times when everything looks important or due soon, and we just end up ticking off the easy stuff to avoid feeling buried. In […]
2/21/20245 minutes, 47 seconds
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Batching: The Productivity Tactic That Works (TPS496)

When you start researching productivity tactics, there is one big one that always comes up: batching like tasks together. It’s popular for a reason: it works! In this episode, we share the power of batching, and how we use it to be productive. We also share the results of a batching experiment. Is it really […]
2/19/202434 minutes, 31 seconds
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What’s on your Anti-Todo List?

Normally, on The Productivity Show, we recommend productive actions you should take to achieve your goals. Not this time. In this episode, we want you to stop doing something. Discover how to create your own Anti-todo-list to make time and space for what really matters. This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity Coaching – double […]
2/14/20244 minutes
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Health and Wellness for Longevity w/ Bert Massey (TPS495)

A major productivity trend we’ve identified for 2024 is health and wellness. If you don’t have the energy to do what you need to do, you can’t be productive no matter which task manager or framework you use. One of our most popular episodes on this topic is Thanh’s chat with his strength and conditioning […]
2/12/20241 hour, 21 minutes, 12 seconds
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Go From Stuck to Unstoppable with this Motivation Tip

Are you in a slump? Lack motivation? Feeling overwhelmed? If you said yes to any of these, then you must listen to this episode. Thanh shares two quick tips to get you back fully motivated and in momentum. Download this episode now and tune in! You can find links to everything that we share in […]
2/7/20247 minutes, 45 seconds
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Professional Athlete Bud Norris Shares His High Performance Habits (TPS494)

Former MLB pitcher Bud Norris shares his insights on resilience, performing under extreme pressure, and the secrets to sustaining peak performance – both on the baseball diamond and in the boardroom. From nail-biting moments in games to hilarious locker room tales, Bud’s got stories that’ll keep you hooked and entertained. But there’s more – he’s […]
2/5/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is AI Hype or Real? My Quick Take On It

Artificial Intelligence. Is it hype or here to stay? I’ve experimented with dozens of AI tools, spent over 100+ hours learning about it, and here’s what I’ve concluded. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity Coaching – double […]
1/31/20247 minutes, 29 seconds
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2024 Productivity Trends You Need to Know About (TPS493)

We held an exclusive webinar for Asian Efficiency clients on the 2024 Productivity Trends coming up. In this episode, we’ll share some highlights and insights from this webinar. You’ll also discover new productivity apps that we’re currently liking and other tools you have never heard of (and we like a lot). Tune in now to […]
1/29/202434 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rethinking Productivity Through the Lens of Shoshin

Unlock the secret of Shoshin, the Japanese concept of a ‘beginner’s mind,’ and how it can revolutionize your approach to productivity. Join us in this episode as we explore how embracing curiosity and openness can lead to innovative solutions and a more fulfilling work experience. Discover actionable steps to integrate Shoshin into your daily routine […]
1/24/20245 minutes, 53 seconds
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Your Career in 2024, ‘BS’ Jobs, and Flip Phone Experiments (TPS492)

What trends will shape our careers in 2024? Would you be willing to switch to a flip phone for a month? And how performative productivity creates “BS” jobs. In this episode, we talk about these topics and more (example: will AI be telling US what to do instead of vice-versa?) You can find links to […]
1/22/202454 minutes, 20 seconds
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Get better sleep, more energy and focus with this one device

Wearables are a new wave of productivity tools that are underrated. Thanh shares which wearable technology he uses to improve his sleep, have more energy, and focus in his life.  This episode is packed with valuable insights on harnessing technology for a healthier, more efficient life. Tune in to learn how small changes in your […]
1/17/20245 minutes, 45 seconds
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6 Books You Should Read This Year (TPS491)

Books are a productivity “cheat code.” In a few hours or days, you can learn something the author took a lifetime to figure out. The books you read don’t have to be life-changing — a good book can just be a good book, and sometimes, you never know when the dots will connect, even years […]
1/15/202440 minutes, 9 seconds
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This One Trait Will Make You Confident and Productive

A daily check-in can be a game changer in how you manage your work, your day and ultimately your life. In this episode, we’ll walk you through this simple but profound ritual. Be proactive and in control of your day, and set yourself up for success by focusing on the right things every single day. […]
1/10/20247 minutes, 9 seconds
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Discover How The DISC Personality Test Will Transform Your Productivity w/ Gloria-Jean Brown (TPS490)

Discover the power of the DISC personality test and how this renowned tool goes beyond mere personality assessment to become a key to unlocking your productivity potential. Gloria-Jean Brown, an expert in DISC, guides us through tailoring productivity strategies to your personal style, boosting team dynamics, and mastering communication. Dive into an engaging discussion filled […]
1/8/202447 minutes, 45 seconds
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Your Support System Makes All The Difference

When we set goals, especially at the start of a new year, we often focus on individual effort. But there’s a secret ingredient to sustained success that often goes overlooked: the people around us. The reality is that no matter how self-reliant we are, we all need support. In this episode, we share how to […]
1/3/20249 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 Tips to Stay Motivated in 2024 (TPS489)

Do you find it hard to stay motivated? Then this episode is a must-listen! Here are three quick tips you can use to keep yourself motivated and on top of your goals. For a limited time, get 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at Learn more at You can find links to everything […]
1/1/202427 minutes, 33 seconds
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Thank you and what’s next in 2024 for us!

Thanh Pham, founder of Asian Efficiency, has something important to share with you. Please tune in and listen to what will be happening next. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity Coaching – double your personal productivity, be […]
12/27/20237 minutes, 20 seconds
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Evernote Strikes Again, Productivity Myths, and Sucking at Things (TPS488)

What are some of the biggest productivity myths that we wish more people knew were false? Is it OK to suck at things sometimes? Why is Evernote upsetting both paid AND free users? In this episode, we cover these topics and more (awesome Apple TV updates!) For a limited time, get 40% off a Calm […]
12/25/202344 minutes, 9 seconds
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Your Goals Are Missing This Simple Question

Making goals is easy, so why is it so hard to make them stick? There’s a simple exercise you can do to connect with your goals, and it doesn’t involve any extra work, apps, or tools. In this episode, we take you through it in less than 10 minutes. This episode is brought to you […]
12/20/20234 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Set Your 2024 Goals and Achieve Them With Confidence (TPS487)

Do you struggle with setting goals and accomplishing them? Then this episode is for you. We’ll share with you the Personal Strategic Planning method to set goals and achieve them without losing motivation along the way. Thanks Notion! Try Notion AI for free when you go to Right now you can get Two Memberships […]
12/18/202336 minutes, 7 seconds
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Mastering the Daily Check-in: Your Key to Thriving in Chaos

Ever felt like you’re lost in your to-do list app, especially in a high-speed work environment? Discover how a simple yet powerful routine can transform your chaotic days into focused productivity and reduce stress. Dive into this episode to learn how just ten minutes a day can bring order to your hectic schedule and keep […]
12/13/20236 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Productive Holiday Gift Guide (TPS486)

Looking for a gift that will make your special someone – or yourself – more productive? In this episode, we’re excited to present our listener-favorite Holiday Productivity Gift Guide. Whether you’re shopping for a busy professional, a creative thinker, or someone just starting their productivity journey, we’ve got you covered. Visit to start hiring […]
12/11/202349 minutes, 20 seconds
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One Tip to Manage an Overwhelming Todo List

Feeling paralyzed by the chaos of your growing to-do list? You’re not alone. Discover a compassionate approach to breaking through the paralysis and actionable steps to transform your daunting list into a manageable plan. If you’ve been avoiding your tasks, this episode is your first step towards not just confronting but mastering your to-do list. […]
12/6/20235 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Set Goals for 2024 (TPS485)

New Year’s Resolutions never work… UNLESS you do them the right way. In this episode, we will take you through a 3 step process to look back at the last year, set focused resolutions for the upcoming year, and actually achieve them this time. One-of-a-kind financing program at Learn more at Cheat Sheet: […]
12/4/202323 minutes, 19 seconds
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Embracing Gratitude and Positivity into December and Beyond

We dive deeper into how the simple act of gratitude can be a game-changer for your daily life and productivity. Discover how this often-overlooked practice can transform not just your December but your entire approach to life and work. Are you ready to unlock the secret to happiness and productivity that lasts all year long? […]
11/29/20235 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mastering the Art of Effective Breaks for Sustainable Productivity (TPS484)

Are you constantly pushing through work without taking a break, only to find yourself burnt out and less productive? Discover how strategically timed pauses can dramatically transform your focus, creativity, and overall productivity. Thanh shares his personal insights and practical tips on integrating breaks into your daily routine, challenging the myth that non-stop work equals […]
11/27/202340 minutes, 40 seconds
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From Burnout to Balance: Reviving Your Energy and Focus

Discover the often-missed signs and learn practical strategies to not just prevent burnout, but turn it around. If you’ve been feeling perpetually drained and stuck in a rut, this episode is your first step toward reigniting your passion and productivity. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going […]
11/22/20239 minutes, 3 seconds
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Sleep Smarter, Live Better: Sleep Tracking For Productivity (TPS483)

Happy people are productive people, and a good night of sleep on a regular basis is a key part of that happiness. Get cozy, and in this encore episode, let’s explore how you can use sleep tracking to tune into your body’s needs and transform your sleep into the ultimate productivity tool. One-of-a-kind financing program […]
11/20/202339 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Art of Concentration: Mastering Mindfulness for Peak Performance

Mastering the art of attention is more crucial than ever. But what if there’s a hidden dimension to focus, an untapped potential that could elevate your productivity to heights you’ve never imagined? We dive into the science and practical tips to master your focus. Tune in to discover the secrets of turning focus into your […]
11/15/20237 minutes
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How Many Hours of Focus Time Are Enough? How To Break Phone Addiction? & More (TPS482)

How many hours a day of focus time is considered good? How do you overcome the addiction to social media? How do you turn a bad day around into productive day? In this episode, we cover these popular productivity topics and more. Visit to start hiring now. You can find links to everything we […]
11/13/202338 minutes, 52 seconds
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From Setbacks to Success: Reclaiming Productivity in the Face of Adversity

How can you stay productive when life throws you curveballs? Discover practical tips to build resilience and regain your productivity, no matter what obstacles life presents. Tune in for inspiration, actionable advice, and a roadmap to turn adversity into a catalyst for success. Don’t miss this episode – your path to productivity begins here. This […]
11/8/20239 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Productivity Apps & Tools of Brooks Duncan (TPS481)

Discover all the apps, tools, services and workflows of The Productivity Show Co-host Brooks Duncan. In this episode, he dives deep into everything he uses to be productive. There may be some surprises! One-of-a-kind financing program at Sign up for a $1/month trial period at Learn more at Cheat Sheet: Become a […]
11/6/202338 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Productivity Apps & Tools of Thanh Pham (TPS480)

Discover all the apps, tools, services and workflows of the founder of Asian Efficiency. Thanh dives deep into everything he uses to be productive. You don’t want to miss this! Visit to start hiring now. For a limited time, get 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at You can find links to everything […]
10/30/202354 minutes, 33 seconds
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Unlocking the 80% Rule: The Japanese Secret to Balanced Productivity

Ever heard of the phrase “less is more”? Dive into this episode as we uncover the ancient Japanese principle of Hara Hachi Bu and its surprising connection to peak productivity. Discover why stopping at 80% might be the game-changer you never knew you needed. You can find links to everything that we share in the […]
10/25/20238 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Buy Back Time: From Time-Starved To Time-Rich (TPS479)

Here’s the problem with time – we have that clock sitting there as a constant companion but also a silent competitor. We always feel like we are racing against the clock and always feel like we just never have time. But what if we could change the rules of the game? What if we could […]
10/23/202344 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dealing With A Stressful Life? Listen to this now!

When life is stressful, we let go of ourselves. We lose motivation and our routines, and it can feel impossible to get anything done. If you’re in that situation, then this episode is for you. We’ll show you how to get back on track in less than 10 minutes. You can find links to everything […]
10/18/20239 minutes, 52 seconds
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Proactive vs. Reactive: Stop Living on Autopilot (TPS478)

Do you often find yourself reacting to circumstances rather than being in control of your life and productivity? In this episode, we dive deep into the crucial difference between being reactive and proactive and how mastering this distinction can supercharge your productivity and build permanent momentum. Go to and type in productivity show under […]
10/16/202336 minutes, 55 seconds
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Optimize For Happiness And Watch Your Productivity Skyrocket

Today’s episode has a simple suggestion: whatever you do, optimize for happiness. Thanh Pham, founder of AE, shares a simple practice and habit you do to optimize for happiness. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity Coaching – […]
10/11/20237 minutes, 48 seconds
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Processing vs. Fixing Depression, Best iPhone Features, Spying Wearables, & More (TPS477)

What do you do if you have lost all motivation and are feeling depressed? Would you buy a wearable that records everything? Is this the first significant iPhone feature in years? In this episode, we cover these topics and much more. Visit to start hiring now. For a limited time, get 40% off a […]
10/9/202354 minutes, 42 seconds
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Master The Q4 Sprint and Crush Your Goals In Less Time

Celebrate the end of the year with a productivity boost! Thanh Pham shares his Q4 Sprint strategy – a game-changer for finishing the year strong. Discover how to turn Q4 into turbocharged months. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to This episode is brought to […]
10/4/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Make Your Morning Routine a Rise Ritual To Win The Day (TPS476)

Want to be consistent and have a great day almost every day? Create an easy-to-follow routine that you follow after you wake up. Some people call it a “morning routine,” but we like “Rise Ritual” because you can do it anytime, not just in the morning. In this encore episode, we’ll share how you can […]
10/2/202330 minutes, 20 seconds
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Automation: Become Super Efficient and Effective With The Right Tools

If you’re currently not automating anything, you’re wasting your time. Find out how you can get started with automation and win back multiple hours a week! You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to This episode is brought to you by 25X Productivity Coaching – double your personal […]
9/27/20235 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Energy Protocol For More Energy, Focus and Productivity (TPS475)

Want to have more energy in your daily life? Thanh, the founder of AE, shares his secret for doubling your energy and having more capacity to be productive. Sign up for a $1/month trial period at and use code tps50 to get 50% off. Apply for the Rocket Visa Card today at […]
9/25/202330 minutes, 23 seconds
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Mastering the Power of ‘Focus Filter’: From Overcommitted to Focused Mastery

Feeling overcommitted and scattered? This short episode is for you. We delve deep into one of the most potent skills in the 25X productivity system – the ‘Focus Filter’ so you become focused, intentional and more productive. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to This […]
9/20/20236 minutes, 7 seconds
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Happy People are Productive People (TPS474)

Ever wondered why some people effortlessly churn out tasks with a smile while others struggle despite all the hacks they know? Discover what’s possibly been holding you back and the surprisingly simple tweaks to unlock not just efficiency but joy in your daily routine. If there’s one episode you shouldn’t miss, it’s this one. Uncover […]
9/18/202343 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stop Reacting, Start Acting: How 30 Minutes Can Transform Your Productivity

Feel like you’re always in “go mode” but never really getting ahead? In today’s episode, we introduce a game-changing skill that’s often overlooked: “Thinking Time.” We’ll share the transformative journey of Francesca, a mom and business owner, who went from feeling overwhelmed to feeling in control and organized. Tune in to discover how dedicating just […]
9/13/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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Q&A: How AE got started, best apps, and life hacks (TPS473)

Want to know our biggest successes — and biggest mistakes? Want to know what the deal is with the Asian Efficiency name? Curious about how Thanh structures his day and favorite apps and tools? And is it really possible to be productive with kids? In this episode, we turn the tables and do a Q&A […]
9/11/202359 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Prioritization is the Skill You Need This Fall: Your Guide to Surviving the Busy Season

Do you find the fall season overwhelming? So did I! Tune in to learn why Prioritization is your golden ticket to navigating a busy life, especially as you scale your career or business. Learn actionable steps to align your focus with your goals and how to go from overwhelmed to overjoyed. Don’t miss this episode; […]
9/6/20234 minutes, 47 seconds
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When You Can’t Get Out of Bed, Useless Note Apps, & More (TPS472)

We all have those days when we don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning, but what do you do if that happens ALL THE TIME? Also, are most note taking apps useless at the end of the day? What are some cheap things that don’t suck? In this episode, we cover these […]
9/4/202349 minutes, 25 seconds
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Find Your Rhythm and Watch What Happens With Your Productivity – Wisdom Wednesday

Juggling a demanding job, family, and pets? This episode of The Productivity Show demonstrates that Peak Positioning isn’t just for athletes or CEOs – it’s for everyone. Discover how aligning tasks with your energy can change the game, and how you can start applying it today.  You can find links to everything that we share […]
8/30/20234 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Energetic Advisor: How Nancy Fechnay Harmonizes Hectic Schedules & Hobbies (TPS471)

Ever wondered how a top-tier venture capitalist transitions to advising world-changing ventures, all while fostering a love for pickleball and kite surfing? Dive into this episode of The Productivity Show, where Nancy Fechnay reveals her productivity secrets that fuel both her professional excellence and personal passions. Discover how longevity practices can skyrocket your daily output […]
8/28/202337 minutes, 4 seconds
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Clone Yourself, Win Back Time and Reclaim Your Sanity – Wisdom Wednesday

Stuck in a never-ending cycle of chores and errands? This episode tells the tale of AE client Jasmine, a physician who worked 60-hour weeks and had no time for herself. Thanh shares how she transformed her life using the concept of Personal Outsourcing from our 25X Productivity System. Discover how you can also invest in […]
8/23/20234 minutes, 33 seconds
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Work Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Strategies To Be More Effective (TPS470)

You’ve heard that phrase before: “Work smarter, not harder.” Sounds great, but how do you do that? In this rare solo episode, Asian Efficiency CEO Thanh Pham shares five strategies that he uses with coaching clients so that you can be efficient AND effective. One-of-a-kind financing program at You can find links to everything […]
8/21/202337 minutes, 14 seconds
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Life Leverages: The Productivity Intersection – Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever felt like you’re spinning the wheels of your day, stuck in tasks that drain the life out of you? Today, we’re going to be talking about a game-changer concept called Life Leverages, which is a corner piece of the 25X productivity system. It’s all about pinpointing the intersection between your unique skills […]
8/16/20234 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Art of Being UnmessableWith: Achieve Your Dreams Now, Not Someday w/ Josselyne Herman-Saccio (TPS469)

Ready to become ‘unmessablewith’? We sit down with Josselyne Herman-Saccio, a woman who’s mastered everything from the Billboard charts to Hollywood, and now, she’s here to help you conquer your world. Dive in as we explore her journey and how she uses her unique approach to productivity to create dreams NOW. Discover what being ‘unmessablewith’ […]
8/14/202341 minutes, 21 seconds
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Four Thousand Weeks: How to Live a Meaningful Life with Limited Time (TPS468)

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list or you’re simply looking for ways to live a more fulfilling life, this podcast is for you. NYT bestselling author Oliver Burkeman shares his tips and insights on time management, productivity, and mindfulness.  We’ll help you understand the nature of time, how to set priorities, and how […]
8/7/202347 minutes, 47 seconds
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Rethinking Morning Routines with the Rise Ritual – Wisdom Wednesday

Tune in to learn how a Rise Ritual is an empowering routine that can set the tone for your entire day, irrespective of when you wake up. Embrace a new approach to starting your day, and experience the productivity surge for yourself. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes […]
8/2/20233 minutes, 32 seconds
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How We Organize Reading, Vision Pro, Money Wastes & More (TPS467)

There is SO much to read — how can you keep on top of it all? What apps are good, and what doesn’t stick? In this episode, we’ll talk about reading workflows, whether we will be lining up for the Vision Pro, what we consider massive wastes of money, and a lot more. Visit […]
7/31/202348 minutes, 56 seconds
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Level Up Your Productivity Game with Monthly Planning – Wisdom Wednesday

A daily check-in can be a game changer in how you manage your work, your day and ultimately your life. In this episode, we’ll walk you through this simple but profound ritual. Be proactive and in control of your day, and set yourself up for success by focusing on the right things every single day. […]
7/26/20234 minutes, 36 seconds
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Business, Balance, and Bliss w/ Amy Vetter (TPS466)

Do you keep trying for “work-life balance,” and it never quite works out? A better strategy is to focus on achieving work-life harmony instead. In this episode, we’re joined by Amy Vetter, a CPA who is the CEO of the B3 Method Institute. You’ll discover powerful leadership and mindfulness practices and how to re-center yourself […]
7/24/202349 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Reflection Ritual That Guides You to Your True North Star – Wisdom Wednesday

Learn how taking a weekly pause to reflect can align your actions with your goals, spark creativity, and lead to better decision-making. The Reflection Ritual is the compass that ensures you’re not just hustling but moving purposefully in the right direction. Discover how to turn this ritual into your secret weapon for success. You can […]
7/19/20235 minutes, 24 seconds
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Maximize Efficiency in the Workplace w/ Nick Sonnenberg (TPS465)

Discover proven strategies that can help you gain an extra full day per week in productivity and achieve your goals. Productivity expert Nick Sonnenberg, author of “Come Up for Air” shares his CPR Business Efficiency Framework for optimizing productivity and reducing overwhelm. Tune in now to discover how to work smarter, not harder, and create […]
7/17/202338 minutes, 39 seconds
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Focus Engine: Turn Your Brain Into an F1 Car – Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever been in the middle of an important task and suddenly your mind just drifts away? This isn’t a discipline problem, it’s a focus problem — and we all have it. Fortunately, there’s a way you can tune your brain and turbocharge it using a technique we call the Focus Engine. In this […]
7/12/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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Make Better Decisions With The Decision Doctor Constance Dierickx (TPS464)

Being a better leader means making better decisions. In this episode, we are joined by Constance Dierickx, a high-level consultant who helps leaders make decisions when the stakes are high. We discuss her new book Meta-Leadership: How To See What Others Don’t and Make Great Decisions, and she demonstrates — on Brooks! — how easy […]
7/10/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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Master Your Day: The Power of Daily Planning – Wisdom Wednesday

Unlock the power of your day with Daily Planning! Discover how planning your day can skyrocket your productivity, reduce stress, and free up your mental energy. Don’t let your day run you. Claim your day, and maximize your productivity with Daily Planning. Listen now, and take the first step towards mastering your day! You can […]
7/5/20232 minutes, 57 seconds
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Productivity Paradox: How Collaboration Tools Can Hurt More Than Help w/ Jennifer Smith (TPS463)

Are you drowning in endless emails, constantly interrupted by Slack notifications, and suffering from Zoom fatigue? In this episode, Jennifer Smith, CEO of Scribe, will help you break free from collaboration overload and reclaim your work-life balance. Discover the hidden dangers of remote collaboration, the surprising reasons why productivity tools may be working against you, […]
7/3/202345 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Key to Fulfillment and Motivation – Wisdom Wednesday

Looking for motivation, fulfillment, and a clear direction in life? Dive into the power of discovering your ‘why’ in this riveting episode. Learn how knowing your ‘why’ can fuel your motivation, guide your decisions, and bring deeper fulfillment. Don’t just do, know why you’re doing. Start your journey of self-discovery today. Tune in now! You […]
6/28/20234 minutes, 41 seconds
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ADHD Productivity Strategies w/ ADHD Coach Skye Rapson (TPS462)

Have you been diagnosed with ADHD, or suspect you may be in the future? Or do you have a colleague or family member who has been diagnosed? You MAY have found that the “usual productivity advice” doesn’t always work. In this episode, ADHD coach and founder of Unconventional Organisation Skye Rapson shares how ADHD can […]
6/26/202347 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Secret to Achieving Your Goals – Wisdom Wednesday

Have goals that feel like they’re forever out of reach? You’re not alone. In this episode, we’ll share the secret to turning dreams into reality: the Goal Getting concept of the 25X Productivity System. Stop wishing, start planning, and turn those distant dreams into your everyday reality. Tune in now because your goals are waiting! […]
6/21/20234 minutes, 29 seconds
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From Zero to $100 Million: Productivity Power Moves for Amazon FBA Entrepreneurs (TPS461)

Discover the productivity secrets behind one of the most successful Amazon FBA entrepreneurs, Neil Twa from Voltage, as he shares his insider tips, tricks, and strategies for e-commerce domination. In this eye-opening episode, Neil takes you on a journey through his meteoric rise to success, revealing the productivity hacks that have fueled his multi-million-dollar achievements. […]
6/19/202329 minutes, 23 seconds
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Move to Improve Your Productivity – Wisdom Wednesday

Feeling lethargic, unfocused, or just generally ‘blah’? The solution might be as simple as getting up and moving. Boost your mood and enhance your brain power by adding this one simple concept into your daily routine. We’ll show you how in this episode. Tune in, and get ready to move your way to a more […]
6/14/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bookend Your Workday With Routines & Notion w/ Caroline Guntur (TPS460)

You’ve heard of morning routines and evening routines, but did you know that there are even more powerful routines you can implement to have a more productive day? Today’s guest Caroline Guntur (aka The Swedish Organizer) calls it “bookending your day”, and in this episode, we will share how to create your own routines and […]
6/12/202342 minutes, 59 seconds
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Upgrade Your Brain’s OS: The Crucial Role of Mindsets in Productivity – Wisdom Wednesday

Ever feel like you’re working incredibly hard but not seeing the results you want? The problem might not be with your strategies or tactics but with your mindsets. You’ll discover how to identify and challenge the mindsets that might be holding you back, empowering you to take control of your productivity like never before. This […]
6/7/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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From Burnout to Breakthrough: How This Engineer Achieved Career Success w/ Zach White (TPS459)

Are you an engineer feeling overworked, undervalued, and unsure of how to advance in your career? We speak to former engineer Zach White, who overcame burnout and personal struggles to achieve career success and personal fulfillment. Tune in to learn from his journey and discover actionable strategies for achieving career success and work-life balance. You […]
6/5/202338 minutes, 28 seconds
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Find Your Flow: Boost Your Productivity and Creativity – Wisdom Wednesday

Ever wondered how high achievers seem to accomplish so much effortlessly? The answer is your ability to get into a flow state. Discover how you can tap into this powerful state to supercharge your productivity, enhance your creativity, and find more enjoyment in your work. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unlock your highest […]
5/31/20232 minutes, 59 seconds
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How To Manage Stress: Unconventional Ideas for Busy Professionals (TPS458)

When was the last time you felt stressed out? Stress is such a productivity killer, and while there are lots of common ways to manage your stress — we promise we aren’t going to tell you to exercise — we’re going to give you some surprising ways you might not have tried before. In this […]
5/29/202341 minutes, 12 seconds
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Weekly Planning: Your Blueprint For Success – Wisdom Wednesday

Are you feeling like you’re constantly playing catch up with your tasks and your goals? Ever wish you just had a crystal ball to show you exactly what your week should look like? In this episode, we share something even better than a crystal ball: Our weekly planning process. Approach each week with a clear […]
5/24/20234 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Power of Nonverbal Communication: Boosting Productivity and Success w/ Blake Eastman (TPS457)

Unleash the power of nonverbal communication to boost your productivity and success with Blake Eastman, a distinguished behavioral scientist and founder of The Nonverbal Group. Discover how to decode body language, manage stress and anxiety, and enhance your communication and collaboration skills in any environment. Get ready to master the art of nonverbal communication and […]
5/22/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Power of the Daily Check-In – Wisdom Wednesday

A daily check-in can be a game changer in how you manage your work, your day and ultimately your life. In this episode, we’ll walk you through this simple but profound ritual. Be proactive and in control of your day, and set yourself up for success by focusing on the right things every single day. […]
5/17/20234 minutes, 39 seconds
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10 Tricks and Hacks to Turn Your Phone Into a Productivity Tool (TPS456)

Unlock your hidden potential in just minutes! We dive into ten secret phone settings that will revolutionize your daily routine. Don’t let your phone control you; take charge and make every moment count. Miss out on this episode, and you’ll miss out on invaluable time-saving tricks that could change your life forever. Say goodbye to […]
5/15/202338 minutes, 44 seconds
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Achieving Financial Freedom Without Sacrificing Your Family Life w/ Steve Chou (TPS455)

If you’re looking to achieve financial freedom while still prioritizing your family and health, this episode is a must-listen! We sat down with Steve Chou, founder of and author of “The Family First Entrepreneur.” Steve shares his personal story and practical advice for building a successful business without sacrificing your personal life or family […]
5/8/202333 minutes, 37 seconds
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Master the Daily Target for Unstoppable Success – Wisdom Wednesday

Are you ready to transform your productivity game and make every day count? We reveal the power of the Daily Target concept from our 25X Productivity System. Learn how to determine what makes a day truly productive, and never again end your workday feeling unaccomplished. Don’t miss this game-changing episode that will help you zero […]
5/3/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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New Alternative to Notion, 6 Bad Habits to Break, & Weekly Review Tips (TPS454)

We discuss the app that will crush Notion, six non-obvious habits that make you miserable, how to choose the best productivity apps, and how to conduct a weekly review. Visit to start hiring now. Thanks It could save you hundreds a year. Cheat Sheet: Become a member of TPS+ and get ad-free episodes […]
5/1/202347 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Focus Filter: Identify Your Key Tasks Every Day – Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever looked at your to-do list for the day and thought to yourself, “I have NO idea where to start”? Sometimes it is very clear, but other days everything has flags or due dates, or we just start checking off easy tasks because anything else is overwhelming. In this episode, we unpack the […]
4/26/20235 minutes, 49 seconds
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Find Your Unique Ability and Ikigai w/ Ali Nasser (TPS453)

Discover your unique abilities, skills and passions with entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author Ali Nasser. By the end of this episode, you will be able to identify your Ikigai and know the intersection of your passion, what you can get paid to do, and your contribution to the world. For a limited time, get 40% […]
4/24/202341 minutes, 21 seconds
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Unleash the Power of the Shutdown Ritual – Wisdom Wednesday

Discover the transformative power of the Shutdown Ritual, a game-changing evening routine designed to optimize your productivity and sleep quality. In this episode, we reveal the secret to waking up refreshed, focused, and ready to tackle your day like never before. Don’t miss out on unlocking your true potential with these three simple yet effective […]
4/19/20236 minutes, 39 seconds
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Free Up Time In Your Business Using ClickUp w/ Kaci Ackerman (TPS452)

Every business owner knows they should spend more time working ON their business than IN their business, but how do you do that? In this episode, Certified Business Manager Kaci Ackerman shares how to create white space in your life to focus on what really moves the needle, and how ClickUp is a productivity tool […]
4/17/202345 minutes, 49 seconds
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3 Must-Have Productivity Apps – Wisdom Wednesday

Do you have these 3 productivity apps? If not, you’re not as productive as you could be. Tune in and discover what they are. Learn more at Links: Become a member of TPS+ and get ad-free episodes a week before anyone else with other great bonuses like the famous “One Tweak A Week” shirt. […]
4/12/20236 minutes
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Invest In Yourself: 3 Ways To Accelerate Progress And Get Unstuck (TPS451)

Have you ever felt like your career or your life is stuck or not progressing as quickly as you think it should? Forward momentum doesn’t just happen on its own – YOU have to make it happen and to do that, you need to invest in yourself. And that is EXACTLY what we are going […]
4/10/202346 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ask The Right Questions To Make The Best Decisions – Wisdom Wednesday

We all know people who are great at making decisions. How do they know the right thing to do? Sometimes it is instinct, but more often than not, it is because they know the right questions to ask. In this episode, we unpack the concept of Thinking Time, and more specifically, we share a framework […]
4/5/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Do Your Apps Cause Procrastination? Plus The Quiet Weekend Trend & More (TPS450)

Are your favorite apps wasting your time with “sophisticated procrastination”? What would you buy if your company gave you a WFH budget? How can you have a “Quiet Weekend”? In this episode, we talk about these topics, Thanh’s new favorite app, and more. Visit to start hiring now. For a limited time, get 40% […]
4/3/202338 minutes, 52 seconds
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How To Find Your Peak Productivity Times – Wisdom Wednesday

How productive would you be if you could time things, so you got the right things done at the PERFECT time to do them? In this episode, we’ll cover a 3-part framework for finding your peak productivity times: the best times of the day when you are the most productive (and no, you don’t need […]
3/29/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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Doctor Reveals Top Productivity Tips and Workflows for Medical Professionals (TPS449)

If you’re a medical professional looking to boost your productivity and reduce burnout, you won’t want to miss this insightful conversation. Tune in as Dr. Don Pelto discusses actionable ways to streamline your workflow and maximize your time, all while maintaining high-quality patient care. Thanks Cozy Earth. Go to and get up to 35% […]
3/27/202348 minutes, 36 seconds
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Unlock Productivity and Save Hours a Day – Wisdom Wednesday

Discover how checking your email only twice a day can significantly increase your productivity and save you hours of valuable time. With practical tips and insights, you’ll learn how to avoid distractions, prioritize tasks, and achieve more in less time. Whether you’re a student, professional, or entrepreneur, this podcast will help you take control of […]
3/22/20236 minutes, 10 seconds
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Take Better Notes: Our Favorite Note-Taking Apps Right Now (TPS448)

Are you tired of messy, disorganized notes scattered across different platforms? Are you overwhelmed by the number of note-taking apps out there? It seems like there is a new “hot” app every week, but in this episode, you’ll discover the best note-taking apps right now and learn how to use them without getting overwhelmed. Every […]
3/20/202333 minutes, 49 seconds
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How To Build Renewal Into Your Day – Wisdom Wednesday

Imagine how productive you’d be if you had as much energy at the end of your day as you do at the start. We’ve all heard “you need to take breaks!” and “downtime makes you more productive!”, but how do you actually do that when you’re so busy? In this episode, we’ll talk about ways […]
3/15/20237 minutes, 58 seconds
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Find The Right Productivity Tool For You w/ Francesco D’Alessio (TPS447)

There are so many productivity tools out there; how do you know which tool is the right one for you? How do you avoid “Shiny Object Syndrome”? What are the latest trends in productivity? In this episode, we are joined by Francesco D’Alessio from Keep Productive and to talk about productivity tools, cutting-edge trends, […]
3/13/202352 minutes, 10 seconds
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How To Stay Consistent With Your Weekly Review – Wisdom Wednesday

Being consistent with your weekly review is, for most people, the hardest part of productivity systems like David Allen’s Getting Things Done. Doing it once or twice is easy. Doing it every single week? Not so much. In this episode, you’ll discover ways to be consistent with your weekly review and learn how to implement […]
3/8/20235 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Year Of Efficiency, Micromanaging Apps & AI Wars (TPS446)

How can your career thrive in “The Year of Efficiency”? Would you use an app that records EVERYTHING on your computer? Are productivity apps even worth it? In this episode we talk about these topics, the coming AI wars, and more. Visit to start hiring now. Cheat Sheet: Become a member of TPS+ and […]
3/6/202346 minutes, 48 seconds
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Productivity Insurance: How To Predict Productivity Problems – Wisdom Wednesday

Want to avoid productivity problems before they even happen? The unexpected will come up of course, but let’s face it — if we had thought about it, a lot of our issues could have been avoided or at least minimized. That’s where productivity insurance comes in; preventing productivity problems before they happen. In this episode, […]
3/1/20235 minutes, 21 seconds
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Travel Hacking and Remote Working Tips w/ Nomadic Matt (TPS445)

You can travel the world and work productively at the same time. Our guest is a NYT bestselling author, traveled to over 100 countries and built a successful business at the same time. Matt Kepnes, also known as Nomadic Matt, shares his best tips for travel hacking and how to be productive while traveling. Thanks […]
2/27/202333 minutes, 11 seconds
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Mind The Gap: Make Your Quarterly Plan A Success – Wisdom Wednesday

Goals aren’t enough! You need to know where you are now, where you want to get to, and what you need to do to get there. We call that Minding The Gap. In this episode, we’ll show you how to figure out how to do your own gap analysis, and create an action plan to […]
2/22/20235 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Best Calendar Apps for iOS and Android (TPS444)

Tired of constantly double-checking your schedule and missing important appointments? In this episode, we’ll dive into the world of calendar apps for iOS and Android. From the best apps for managing multiple calendars to the top features for increasing productivity, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to calendar chaos and hello to a stress-free schedule. […]
2/20/202332 minutes, 1 second
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Personal Outsourcing – Save Time, Energy, and Attention – Wisdom Wednesday

Want a next-level productivity hack? Focus as much of your time, energy, and attention as possible on things that bring you joy and move you closer to your goals. For everything else, eliminate what you can, and for much of the rest of it, you can outsource it to someone more suited. In this episode, […]
2/15/20236 minutes, 3 seconds
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Chris Bailey Teaches You To Calm Your Mind (TPS443)

The world is filled with stress and anxiety, but that doesn’t mean you need to be. It might sound surprising, but the way to true productivity is through.. calm. Hustling, grinding, and imbalance will happen from time to time, but eventually, we all realize there is more to life and that we are being productive […]
2/13/202359 minutes, 3 seconds
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Life Leverages – One Skill To Master Your Attention – Wisdom Wednesday

Have more time and feel less overwhelmed by creating leverage. We’ll show you how to do this in less than 10 minutes. This episode is brought to you by the 25X Productivity System Live – our live 2-day workshop in Austin TX Links: Become a member of TPS+ and get ad-free episodes a week before […]
2/8/20236 minutes, 7 seconds
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Was Your Password Manager Hacked? Is Clutter A Good Thing? & More (TPS442)

There is starting to be a pushback against decluttering in articles and social media trends. Can clutter actually be a good thing? Also, quiet quitters are getting quiet fired, and a popular password manager has been hacked yet again. Visit to start hiring now. For a limited time, get 40% off a Calm Premium […]
2/6/202340 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rise Ritual: Win The First 90 Minutes Of Your Day – Wisdom Wednesday

The first 90 minutes of your day will set the tone for everything that happens after. The best way to have a positive start consistently is with a Rise Ritual, a set of repeatable steps that you do every day. In this episode, you’ll discover how to create a Rise Ritual that works for you, […]
2/1/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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5 AI Tools To Save Time And Be 100X More Efficient (TPS441)

Discover 5 AI tools that will save you multiple hours a week and have you do less mundane tasks. This episode might change your life and the way you work moving forward. Don’t miss out on these new productivity apps and tools. Like it or not, AI tools are here, and AI features are making […]
1/30/202335 minutes, 26 seconds
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Monthly Planning The Easy Way – Wisdom Wednesday

Monthly plans get a bad rap because they can take a long time and often don’t work out. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can make a helpful monthly plan that is easy to do, and you’ll actually stick with. By setting aside time each month to plan and organize your upcoming […]
1/25/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Ultra Wealthy People Manage Their Money w/ Jim Dew (TPS440)

Get the secrets to managing your money and growing your wealth like billionaires do. We asked wealth manager Jim Dew, author of Beyond a Million: The Entrepreneur’s Playbook for Expanding Wealth, Freedom and Time, how he manages his time and money. How does he stay on top of everything in an industry where laws are […]
1/23/202353 minutes, 46 seconds
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Reflection Ritual: Learn, Grow, De-Stress, and Clarify – Wisdom Wednesday

A tool that helps you learn, grow, de-stress, and get clarity: what’s not to like? A Reflection Ritual is a quick process that helps you learn from the day, get stuff out of your head, and clarify what you are going to focus on. In this episode, you’ll discover the best tool for a Reflection […]
1/18/20239 minutes, 7 seconds
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Success In A World of Exponential Information w/ Futurist Ross Dawson (TPS439)

The amount of information we have to make sense of is staggering and overwhelming. However, it’s possible to not only survive this information overload but thrive! In this episode, we’re joined by futurist Ross Dawson, author of Thriving On Overload: The 5 Powers for Success in a World of Exponential Information. We talk about thriving […]
1/16/202351 minutes, 50 seconds
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Focus Engine: How To Get Focused Quickly – Wisdom Wednesday

Do you have problems getting started when you sit down to get something done? The secret is not more willpower, it is to have a Focus Engine — a reliable set of tools and techniques to help you get started, no matter what is going on around you. Your Focus Engine is like a car’s […]
1/11/20234 minutes, 19 seconds
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How You Can Live Longer and Be In Shape In Only 30 Minutes A Day (TPS438)

Live longer, lose weight and exercise for longevity. In this episode, we have a world-class strength & conditioning coach Bert Massey, who reveals how to exercise to live longer, and use technology to help you exercise more efficiently. Believe it or not, it is possible to work out in less than 30 minutes and only […]
1/9/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 57 seconds
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Roll With The Punches: A Productivity Superpower – Wisdom Wednesday

The ability to roll with the punches is a productivity superpower. It separates the people who throw up their hands at any setback from those who are able to get SOMETHING done in any circumstance. After this episode, you’ll be in the latter group. In this episode, we take you through the mindsets and tactics […]
1/4/20236 minutes, 39 seconds
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Evernote RIP? Should You Cancel All Meetings? & More (TPS437)

A company tried to cancel all meetings during the summer. How did it work out? A country is recommending companies move to a 4-Day Work Week Permanently. Also, our thoughts on Evernote being bought out. RIP? Thanks It could save you hundreds a year. You can find links to everything that we share in […]
1/2/202333 minutes, 25 seconds
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1 Tweak to Change Your Life Trajectory – Wisdom Wednesday

Accomplish your goals, in less time, and with more consistency by introducing this one tweak to your goal setting. Most of us are good at writing down goals where we logically connect with a goal, but if you only logically connect with your goal, you’ll eventually lose steam and momentum that won’t motivate you to […]
12/28/20224 minutes, 6 seconds
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New Year’s Resolutions: How To Make and Keep One This Year (TPS436)

New Year’s Resolutions never work… UNLESS you do them the right way. This is the LAST episode of 2022! So we are going to be looking back at 2022 and share tips with you to set yourself up for a productive 2023. In this episode, we will take you through a 3 step process to […]
12/26/202223 minutes, 54 seconds
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Goal Getting: Don’t Just Set Goals, Get Them! – Wisdom Wednesday

What is the point of setting goals if you don’t do the right things to achieve them? That’s why we don’t like goal SETTING, we like goal GETTING. In this episode, we take you through a 5-step process for goal getting: making sure you actually achieve the things you set out to do. This episode […]
12/21/20226 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hunting Discomfort w/ Sterling Hawkins (TPS435)

Is discomfort actually a good thing? Many of us do whatever we can to avoid it, but in reality, discomfort can be a feedback system, and can help point us forward. In this episode, we’re joined by entrepreneur and keynote speaker Sterling Hawkins about the topic of discomfort and how you not only want to […]
12/19/202246 minutes, 50 seconds
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Movement – One Daily Activity To Have More Energy – Wisdom Wednesday

Have more energy, concentrate longer, and get more stuff done in the same amount of time. That’s what’s possible when you have daily movement practices in your life. If you think about it, Energy is one of the most important factors in productivity. It’s like if you have a fast car — it doesn’t matter […]
12/14/20223 minutes, 44 seconds
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Productivity For How You’re Wired w/ Ellen Faye (TPS434)

Want to be more productive, but just can’t figure out how? There’s so much productivity advice out there that is great… for the person giving it. But is it the right strategy for you? In this episode, Certified Productivity Leadership Coach Ellen Faye joins us to talk about finding your productivity style, and actionable tips […]
12/12/202257 minutes, 56 seconds
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How To Have A Productive Mindset – Wisdom Wednesday

Productivity is not just about tactics and apps – it is about mindsets. The most productive people you know have a productive mindset, and you can have one too. Think about the most productive people you know. The ones that always seem to get stuff done and deliver results. Is it because they have an […]
12/7/20225 minutes, 26 seconds
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Spaceboxing vs Timeboxing, iPhone Gimmicks, & America’s Productivity Woes (TPS433)

You’ve heard of “Timeboxing” to be more productive, but “Spaceboxing” is just as important. We talk about being more productive with your space, iPhone gimmicks, and discuss: why is America so much LESS productive this year? Go to for a FREE trial. You can find links to everything that we share in the show […]
12/5/202233 minutes, 22 seconds
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Flow State: Flip 3 Switches to Get Into Flow Anytime – Wisdom Wednesday

Get focused, get more stuff done in less time, and finish your projects faster than before. That’s what’s possible when you get into a flow state consistently. I’m sure you’ve had the experience where you’re working on a task, you’re really into it, time flew by, and before you know it, it’s dark outside.  That’s […]
11/30/20225 minutes, 14 seconds
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Notion Tips and Career Advice From Wall Street w/ Khe Hy (TPS432)

Be productive with Notion, advance in your career faster, and how to start a side hustle. We cover this with Khe Hy, a former Wall Street banker turned solo entrepreneur, who shares his best notion tips and career advice. Thanks to RocketMoney. It could save you hundreds a year. You can find links to everything […]
11/28/202252 minutes, 28 seconds
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Weekly Planning: Make Time For Your Priorities – Wisdom Wednesday

How do you find time to get everything done during the week? Trick question – you don’t. You MAKE time! And you do that with a Weekly Plan. Even if you’ve tried planning in the past and it didn’t work for you, you’re going to get a lot of value out of this episode because […]
11/23/20227 minutes, 39 seconds
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Win Back Time With Systems And How To Build Systems w/ Josh Fonger (TPS431)

Free up time and save yourself from headaches by having the right systems in place. We have systems-expert share examples of systems you can use in your life, for your family, and organization to win back time and save on costs. See for yourself why Chime is so loved at Chime is a financial […]
11/21/202239 minutes, 54 seconds
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Daily Check-In: 5 Minutes To Better and More Productive Days – Wisdom Wednesday

In only 5 minutes, you can make every single day an opportunity for learning and improvement. Improve your day, improve your week, and improve your life.  You can do this with the Daily Check-In, which is exactly what it sounds like: a very short check-in with yourself every day to see how things are going, […]
11/16/20227 minutes, 25 seconds
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Brain Hacks To Be Productive & Focused w/ Neuroscientist Andrew Hill (TPS430)

A neuroscientist explains how you can optimize your brain for health and focus. He also covers: The warning signs to look for that your brain health is in decline The supplements to consider for optimal brain health How to alleviate stress in your life Go to for a FREE trial. Thanks, Tommy John Get […]
11/14/202256 minutes, 40 seconds
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Daily Target: Have a Productive Day Almost Every Day – Wisdom Wednesday

“Did I Have A Productive Day?” is an important question you’re probably not asking yourself. Or if you are, you’re answering with “vibes” like “I crushed it!” or “Meh, it was OK,” or “I couldn’t get anything done.” But with productivity, “vibes” can be deceiving. If you spend all day checking off small tasks from […]
11/9/20226 minutes, 4 seconds
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Email Workflows, Accountability Tips, and Eliminate 40-Hour Work Week (TPS429)

Win back time with a new email app, hit your goals with accountability tips, and the way you’re working might be holding you back. We cover a wide range of topics to boost your productivity in this episode. We also cover what’s new like the new Amazon Kindle Scribe (a competitor to Remarkable 2), smart […]
11/7/202246 minutes, 38 seconds
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Focus Filter – Stop Overwhelm & Get Focused With This Skill – Wisdom Wednesday

How to prioritize your todo list and find one task that makes the biggest impact on your day. Let me ask you this. Have you ever looked at your todo list and everything on your list looked equally important? Do you have a hard time figuring out where to start and how to begin your […]
11/2/20225 minutes, 10 seconds
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Before You Go Minimalist, Listen To This w/ Courtney Carver (TPS428)

We go over the pros and cons of minimalism with Courtney Carver. She’s a thought leader on minimalism and shares her big mistakes and lessons learned from living a minimalist life. We go over: The mistakes and pitfalls of minimalism you need to be aware of How to build a minimalist wardrobe with her Project […]
10/31/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Shutdown Ritual: Get 8 Hours of Productivity – Wisdom Wednesday

Invest 90 minutes to get 8 hours of productivity. That’s what the Shutdown Ritual can do for you. One of the biggest multipliers for productivity is sleep. When you have a great night of sleep, you feel more energized, focused and productive compared to a poor night of sleep. I think we can all relate […]
10/26/20225 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Power of Silence in A World of Noise w/ Justin Zorn & Leigh Marz (TPS427)

How do you stand out in a world of noise? With silence! It may sound counterintuitive, but in this episode, leadership coaches Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn from Astrea Strategies share how you can use the power of silence, and how to find moments of peace and clarity in our increasingly busy lives. They also […]
10/24/202253 minutes, 44 seconds
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Personal Systems: The 3 Essentials – Wisdom Wednesday

There are SO many different productivity apps and tools out there. How do you know what is important and REALLY helpful? Three stand above the rest, and we call them the “3 Essentials”. If you have your 3 Essentials set, you’ll know what to work on, when to work on it, and have created the […]
10/19/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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How To Make New Friends and Build Big Relationships w/ Nick Gray (TPS426)

Discover a simple party-hosting formula with step-by-step instructions that help you meet new people, strengthen your relationships, and make you the person everyone wants to know. We also cover: How to host your first party and meet new people The 3 common mistakes you must avoid when you host social gatherings The word-for-word script of […]
10/17/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 49 seconds
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Thinking Time: Make The Right Decisions Using This Framework – Wisdom Wednesday

If you don’t ask the right questions, you won’t have the right information. And without the right information, you can’t make the best decisions. Thinking Time is essentially making time to think with a clarifying question so you get the right solutions to your problem. Spending a little bit of time upfront thinking is 20% […]
10/12/20226 minutes, 54 seconds
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Financial Independence: The 4% Rule Will Get You There w/ Alan Donegan (TPS425)

Become financially independent, save money and be extremely productive all at once. It’s possible and our guest Alan Donegan shares how you can do it. We cover: The 4% Rule for Becoming Financially Independent How Much Money You Need to Have Saved Up To Be Financially Free The Daily Routine of Someone Who’s Financially Independent […]
10/10/202250 minutes, 30 seconds
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Peak Positioning: Give Yourself The Best Chance To Succeed Each Day – Wisdom Wednesday

When you have little to no energy, it’s hard to get started on tasks and be productive. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are in Getting Things Done or some other productivity method — when you have no gas in the tank, things likely won’t go the way you want them to. The solution? Peak […]
10/5/20228 minutes, 15 seconds
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Reduced Distraction Phones, Killer iOS Features, & Team Personality Tests (TPS424)

News you can use from Notion, Apple, Wunderlist’s founders, and more productivity topics… Can a “Reduced Distractions” phone improve your Attention? Are iOS16’s Focus Filters feature as awesome as we think? Why Personality Tests are underrated for teams Go to to get your FREE life insurance quote today. You can find links to everything […]
10/3/202237 minutes, 30 seconds
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Time Audit: Get Back More Time Every Week – Wisdom Wednesday

Have you ever said I just don’t have time to do everything!” or “I’m SO busy all the time”? To fix your Time problem, you need to know what you’re doing during the week now. Use a Time Audit to discover how you’re spending time now and how to improve it in the future. It’s […]
9/28/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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3 Checklists Everyone Needs to Boost Productivity (TPS423)

Become organized and never forget things when you have these 3 checklists in place. You’d think the better and more experienced you get at something, the more consistent and error-free you are, but that’s often not the case: When we “know” what to do, we are often less careful Things get missed, balls get dropped, […]
9/26/202229 minutes, 14 seconds
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Renewal Rituals: Your Life Is A Series Of Sprints – Wisdom Wednesday

Athletes rely on a structured recovery ritual to get results in their training, and you can do the same thing for your productivity. Create a structured Renewal Ritual and use rest, recovery, and rejuvenation to become even more productive. It’s one of the 25 skills we teach as part of our 25X Productivity System, it’s […]
9/21/20228 minutes, 34 seconds
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How A Busy Professor Gets Organized and Stuff Done w/ Art Carden (TPS422)

Art Carden is a Professor of Economics who wears many hats and juggles commitments, responsibilities, and organizes and interprets a huge amount of information. He’s a professor of Economics at Samford University’s Brock School of Business, and his research has appeared in Business Ethics Quarterly, the Journal of Urban Economics, Applied Economics, and Public Choice, […]
9/19/202243 minutes, 49 seconds
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Self-Management: Advanced Skill To Master Productivity – Wisdom Wednesday

Overcome procrastination, meet your deadlines way before they are due, and become the person who is known to get stuff done. This is possible when you master self-management, an advanced productivity skill.  It’s one of the 25 skills we teach as part of our 25X Productivity System, and one of the least talked about. What […]
9/14/20225 minutes, 45 seconds
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9 Browser Tips to Save Time (Plus an Epic Lightning Round!) (TPS421)

Your Browser is your most important productivity tool. We share some of our favorite shortcuts, plugins, extensions, and ways you can be a productivity ninja with your browser on Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android. We usually think of the tools we use IN our browser – the web apps and websites – but not so […]
9/12/202235 minutes, 43 seconds
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Weekly Review: How To Be Fast and Consistent – Wisdom Wednesday

Why is it so hard to be consistent with a Weekly Review? Many people associate the Weekly Review with David Allen’s Getting Things Done productivity system, but anyone can benefit from it. Many people also have trouble being consistent with their Weekly Review, so in this episode we’re going to share ways you can solve […]
9/7/20229 minutes, 27 seconds
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Can Your Kids Get Better Grades With These Tech Tools? (TPS420)

There are so many tech tools to help kids with schoolwork. Even if you don’t remember anything from school, these apps and services can help your kids with math, languages, reading – almost anything. In this episode we’ll cover: 1. A math app that helps solve formulas and word problems – with the phone’s camera!2. […]
9/5/202235 minutes, 57 seconds
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25X Live Workshops Are Coming! (TPS419.5)

Introducing live workshops to supercharge your productivity! We have two workshops coming up for the 25X Productivity System, which is our new productivity method that will help you become more productive at work and in life. The dates for these workshops are: September 15-16, 2022 September 29-30, 2022 It’s a two-day workshop where you’ll learn […]
8/31/20226 minutes, 58 seconds
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How To Thrive In A Stressful Environment w/ Alexis Haselberger (TPS419)

Stress-free productivity: Alexis Haselberger is a time management coach who has worked with Google, Lyft, Workday, Capital One, Upwork, and many more. Thriving in those stressful environments is the through-line in this episode, but even if you DON’T work in corporate, there’ll be lots of practical and actionable advice for you too. Thanks! You […]
8/29/202240 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sleep Tracking: Discover How To Use Your Sleep Data To Improve Your Life (TPS418)

You probably don’t get enough sleep, and you’re not alone. The CDC says that 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep, and sleep is a huge part of the “Energy” part of the TEA Framework. In this episode, we are going to talk about a specific area of helping you with your sleep: Sleep […]
8/22/202241 minutes, 47 seconds
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Windows Productivity Apps & Must-Use Settings w/ Kimberly Charron (TPS417)

These Windows apps will make you more productive. Even if you can’t install them on your computer, we share our favorite built-in settings and MS 365 tools. Certified Online Business Manager Kimberly Charron joins us to share her tips, so if you use Windows at work, at home, or have Windows users in your life, […]
8/15/202233 minutes, 23 seconds
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Team Communication: How To Double Your Team’s Output (TPS416)

Improve your team’s time, energy, and attention with this simple tweak. We’ll share how you can build your team’s internal communication strategy, and the things to think about, and we’ll provide a link to ours that has worked well for us for years. We cover: 1. How to choose the right tool to communicate in […]
8/8/202235 minutes, 46 seconds
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Escaping the Metaverse, SpaceX Is Changing How We Work, and Hot Productivity Trends (TPS415)

Stay on top of the newest productivity trends like the Metaverse, how SpaceX is changing the way we work, and important Apple software updates. Other topics we’re going over: What is the point of a 3rd party password manager in 2022? The true “Work from Anywhere” might be coming Why we think “real life” is […]
8/1/202238 minutes, 54 seconds
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Team & Personal Productivity w/ CEO Aye Moah (TPS414)

The CEO of Boomerang talks about productivity, team-building, successful meetings, and creating a “Guiding Principles” book for your team. Aye Moah, CEO and Co-Founder of Boomerang joins us in this episode. If you’ve ever read any list of “ productivity tools and apps online, someone always mentions Boomerang, for good reason. Aye Moah shares her […]
7/25/202257 minutes, 59 seconds
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Productivity Tools, Apps, Workflows, and Plans We Use And Recommend (TPS413)

Whenever we do a Q&A or a webinar, we always get asked about our workstation, our favorite apps, tools, and workflows we personally use to get stuff done efficiently. In this episode, we’re going to cover all that and more. So if you’re looking to redo your setup at home, at the office, and want […]
7/18/202253 minutes, 10 seconds
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Want to Quit Social Media? (TPS412)

Social Media CAN be like productivity kryptonite – distraction and disruption are literally one tap away. One solution is the Cal Newport route – just get rid of social media altogether. He’s written books like Deep Work and Digital Minimalism – and was on TPS88 – where he makes the case that whatever benefit we […]
7/11/202237 minutes, 49 seconds
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Leading With Heart w/ Executive Coach Edward Sullivan (TPS411)

In this episode, I’m excited to welcome Edward Sullivan, who has been coaching and advising start-up founders, Fortune 10 executives, and heads of state for over 15 years. His clients include executives from Google, Salesforce, Slack, and dozens of other fast-growth companies. Edward is CEO & President of Velocity, which is an executive coaching consultancy. […]
7/4/202239 minutes, 26 seconds
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The 996 Work Culture, Super-Quick Meetings & A Surprising Report (TPS410)

Let’s catch up on what’s been happening in our industry and new trends that you need to be aware of so you stay ahead of the curve. Aside from the industry news, we also have 3 important topics to go over: The weird middle ground between DMs and meetings The problem with the “996 Work […]
6/27/202246 minutes, 23 seconds
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How To Start Over When You Lost Everything (TPS409)

Imagine you lost everything. How do you overcome that? I was recently traveling in Europe and had… an incident. Long story short, I lost pretty much EVERYTHING except my phone. As I recovered from this, I found that there are some things I had done well that helped me out, and there were some lessons […]
6/20/202241 minutes, 53 seconds
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Biohacking, Psychedelics, and More w/ Shawn Wells (TPS408)

Optimize your health following the latest health & wellness supplements. Today I’m joined by Shawn Wells. He is the world’s leading nutritional biochemist and bestselling author of the book The ENERGY Formula: Six Life-Changing Ingredients to Unleash Your Limitless Potential. He’s an expert on Health Optimization and has formulated over 700 supplements, food, beverages, and […]
6/13/202255 minutes, 52 seconds
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From Morning Routine to Rise Ritual: Be Consistent & Have A Great Day (TPS407)

One of the most important things you can do to help your productivity is to create an easy-to-follow routine that you follow after you wake up. We don’t even like the term “morning routine” – we prefer “Rise Ritual” – because you can do it anytime, not just in the morning. Doesn’t matter what time […]
6/6/202231 minutes, 10 seconds
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Protect Your Career Against AI, Single or Multiple Monitors, & More (TPS406)

Let’s catch up on what’s been happening in our industry and new trends that you need to be aware of so you stay ahead of the curve. Aside from the industry news, we also have 3 important topics to go over: Can you get away with the task manager built into your platform? Do you […]
5/30/202240 minutes, 57 seconds
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The 25 Steps to Productivity Mastery (TPS405.5)

Something we’ve been wondering for quite some time is this question: “How do you know when you’ve reached mastery of productivity?” Many people have told us what they like about AE is that we are not system, app, or tool-specific, and we are focused on PRACTICAL productivity, not just theory. With this in mind, we’ve […]
5/24/202229 minutes, 36 seconds
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How To Adapt GTD To YOUR Needs (TPS405)

Getting Things Done, or GTD, is a productivity system developed by David Allen, and it was introduced to the world in the book “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.” Here’s the thing about GTD though; a lot of its promoters are very… opinionated about how you follow it. If you don’t follow it […]
5/23/202234 minutes, 12 seconds
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What’s Your Book, Tool, and Frog? (TPS404)

The Productivity Show podcast has been around since 2015 or so – this is episode 404 – and at the beginning, whenever we had a guest on, the host would end it by asking the guest three questions: “What’s your Book, Tool, and Frog”? Book: What’s a book you’re either loving right now or you […]
5/16/202243 minutes, 24 seconds
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Former Top 20 Poker Player Turned Productivity Pro Shares All Of His Secrets w/ Chris Sparks (TPS403)

Today I’m joined by Chris Sparks. He’s the founder of Forcing Function where he helps executives achieve peak performance. As a former top 20 poker player in the world, he takes lessons and frameworks that helped him become one of the best at poker to help others perform at the highest level and make better […]
5/9/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 31 seconds
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Conflicting Productivity Advice, Google Suggestions, Notion & More (TPS402)

Let’s catch up on what’s been happening in our industry and new trends that you need to be aware of so you stay ahead of the curve. Aside from the industry news, we also have 3 important topics to go over: Is the 40-hour workweek an outdated concept? Are Google’s suggestions helpful or annoying? What […]
5/2/202239 minutes, 4 seconds
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3 Ways To Buy Back Time (Anyone Can Do It!) (TPS401)

In this episode, we’re going to talk about 3 ways you can use your money to buy back time. We’ll be covering some very inexpensive ways, and some more advanced ways, you can get back more of that precious time. Because Time is the first part of our TEA Framework – the 3 levers of […]
4/25/202246 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Big 400! Our Favorite Episodes, Books, Stories & More (TPS400)

We’ve been helping people become more productive at work and in life since 2011. The podcast has been around since 2016 and we surpassed 11mm downloads which makes us the #1 productivity podcast in the world. We don’t take this for granted. We’re taking this episode to celebrate this major milestone. It’s fun to mix […]
4/18/20221 hour, 22 seconds
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Productivity Workflows and Strategies of A Consultant in the Non-Profit Sector w/ Alice Ferris (TPS399)

Today I’m joined by Alice Ferris, the founding partner of Goal Busters Consulting where she helps small to medium size organizations in the non-profit sector with fundraising. She has more than 30 years of professional fundraising experience. Fun Fact: Alice is the 90th fundraising professional in the world to earn the Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive […]
4/11/202255 minutes, 27 seconds
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Productivity Spring Cleaning For Your Schedule, Workflow, & Environment (TPS398)

In this episode, we’re going to talk about 3 ways you can revamp your productivity by doing a spring cleaning for your schedule, your workflows, and your environment. Even if it is not Spring where you live, do a little “fall cleaning” along with us. Here are 3 things you’ll get out of this episode: […]
4/4/202231 minutes, 56 seconds
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Are GTD Contexts Useless? Is Productivity Hurting Young People? & More (TPS397)

Today’s episode is a new format we’re experimenting with. We know many of you like listening to podcasts to learn new things and also to stay on top of what’s happening in the world. So we thought it would be helpful to also share some industry news on the podcast so you’re always up to […]
3/28/202238 minutes, 55 seconds
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How To Have A Good Weekend (TPS396)

In this episode, we’re going to talk about ways to have a good weekend that leaves you feeling refreshed and ready for whatever comes during the week. Even if you’re self-employed or an entrepreneur and don’t follow the M-F work week, you can apply these concepts to whatever leisure time you do take. Here are […]
3/21/202225 minutes, 47 seconds
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Double The Productivity Of Your Team (TPS395)

Let’s talk about team productivity and how you can double the output of your team without making drastic changes. We’ve been running AE since 2011 and learned a lot of things about individual productivity and team productivity. A few years ago we were always behind on schedule for product releases and nowadays we tend to […]
3/14/202234 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are you a jerk if you use Calendly? Productive TikTok? & More (TPS394)

Today’s episode is a new format we’re experimenting with. We know many of you like listening to podcasts to learn new things and also to stay on top of what’s happening in the world. So we thought it would be helpful to also share some industry news on the podcast so you’re always up to […]
3/7/202237 minutes, 43 seconds
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Wellness Apps: Our Favorites To Get Focused, Boost Energy, & Find Balance (TPS393)

Today is going to be another App episode, but this time we are going to get specific and talk about Wellness Apps. We’ll each share 3 apps that we love, broken into the following categories: FOCUS: How to zero in on what is important to you ENERGY: How to have the energy to do what […]
2/28/202226 minutes, 24 seconds
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Evernote: Can It Become Your All-In-One Super App? (TPS392)

It’s been a while since we talked about Evernote on the podcast, and this episode was triggered by the end of year letter that the CEO makes every year. In his 2021 recap, he said this “Your subscriptions propelled Evernote to its highest annual revenues in history. When we read that, we both said “What!!? […]
2/21/202235 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tips For The Productivity Skeptic That Can Make A Big Difference (TPS391)

Today’s episode was inspired by feedback from a listener: “My only feedback would be that the barrier to entry might be a little high, particularly for people who are already efficient and motivated but not bought in.” It made us realize we all know people like that: people who maybe could benefit at least SOME […]
2/14/202224 minutes, 17 seconds
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Date Night: Ideas and Making Time In Your Busy, Productive World (TPS390)

Today’s episode is going to be a bit different: we’re going to talk about… Date Nights! You might be asking yourself … why on earth would a productivity podcast be talking about date nights? Am I listening to the wrong podcast? We know Valentine’s Day is coming up and that many of you are in […]
2/7/202232 minutes, 56 seconds
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The 3 P’s of Productivity w/ Brittany Dixon (TPS389)

In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about the 3 P’s of productivity to use every day to make an impact. We’ll talk about what the 3 P’s are, and how to make the system work for you. We’ll talk about some specific tools and techniques you can use to stay on top of […]
1/31/202234 minutes, 28 seconds
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3 Ways To Keep Your Momentum Going This Year (TPS388)

This episode is all about how to Keep Momentum Going, no matter what time of year it is. Maybe you have goals or resolutions, or maybe you haven’t made them yet and are just taking what comes. Either way now is the time when many of us start to lose momentum, no matter how good […]
1/24/202232 minutes, 15 seconds
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Linking Your Thinking: Personal Knowledge Management w/ Nick Milo (TPS387)

In today’s episode, we’re going to be diving into the world of Personal Knowledge Management This is a topic that is super-hot right now, and linked editing tools like Obsidian, Roam, and others are having an impact in a way that I haven’t seen since the early Evernote days. There’s definitely something big going on […]
1/17/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Year Of The Supply Chain (TPS386)

Today we are going to talk about something that has been in the news a LOT this year and will likely impact most of us in the year ahead: issues with the global and local supply chain. You might have experienced that prices are going up, packages are delayed, and stuff you want to buy […]
1/10/202241 minutes
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What’s Your Plan? Student Procrastination & Productivity w/ Leslie Josel (TPS385)

In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about productivity and procrastination, but with a special focus on STUDENTS. 90% of students procrastinate, but the reasons are very different than with adults. We’re going to dive into that, and we’re going to share some special strategies to help the students in your life manage their […]
1/3/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Say No: Set Boundaries and Create Win-Win Situations (TPS384)

In today’s episode, we’re going to share how to set boundaries and SAY NO. This is the last episode of 2021. If you could set one intention for this upcoming year, a great one is to say NO to more things to prevent yourself from being overcommitted. It’s hard for a lot of us – […]
12/27/202134 minutes, 3 seconds
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How To Get Ready For The New Year (TPS383)

In today’s episode, we’re going to share how to get ready for next year. In our last episode, TPS382, we talked about how to review the past year, see how you did, and maybe come up with some changes you want to make for the next year. In THIS episode, we are going to connect […]
12/20/202131 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Four Day Work Week Experiment: Tips and Lessons Learned (TPS382)

Today’s episode is going to be a bit different. From time to time we do episodes about how we do things at AE, for two reasons:  Going back to the early days of the blog in 2011 and the podcast in 2015, we get a LOT of questions about behind the scenes aspects of running […]
12/13/202156 minutes, 8 seconds
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[Special] How I Built Asian Efficiency

Today’s episode is going to be slightly different than what you might be used to from us. This is Thanh Pham, the founder of Asian Efficiency. I was recently interviewed by Sachit Gupta, the host of the Conscious Creators Show: If that name sounds familiar, I actually interviewed Sachit on episode #348: This […]
12/9/202120 minutes, 46 seconds
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Calendar Cleanup: Win Back Time & Trust Your Calendar Again (TPS381)

In this episode, we are going to talk about Calendars, or more specifically doing a Calendar Cleanup. Any way you can get your Calendar in top shape will have an immediate impact today and going forward. There aren’t many productivity changes you can make that will do that! If your calendar has become cluttered with […]
12/6/202144 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Great Resignation: How It Impacts You (TPS380)

Today’s episode is going to be slightly different than what you might be used to from us. We’re always looking for ways to make the podcast better, more fun, and insightful. Every podcast episode is still actionable but the format might be different every now and then like today’s episode. We are going to talk […]
11/29/202141 minutes, 12 seconds
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The TPS Productivity Gift Guide – 2021 Edition (TPS379)

In this episode, we are going to do our Annual Productivity Gift Guide. What do you give to someone who is into productivity? Or maybe you’d like to give them something that would help them out. This year, we are going to do something different. We are going to share some of our favorite productivity […]
11/22/202142 minutes, 26 seconds
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How To Have Meetings People Actually Want To Attend (TPS378)

In this episode, we are going to talk about everyone’s favorite topic: Meetings. Believe it or not, there’s a way to make meetings less painful, and to even make them events that people WANT to attend (or at least don’t actively hate) If you run meetings, we’re going to give you tips to make them […]
11/15/202138 minutes, 44 seconds
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Focus Mode: Eliminate Distractions and Boost Focus On All Your Devices (TPS377)

Apple released a new feature for iOS and macOS called Focus Mode to help you focus and customize your notifications for fewer distractions. In this episode, we’ll unpack this feature, how we use it and how you can use it to focus and get less distracted. Even if you don’t use an iPhone or Mac, […]
11/8/202142 minutes, 28 seconds
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Staying Focused: How We Use Notifications and Reminders (TPS376)

A comment in a recent podcast recording Livestream made us realize that there’s this misconception that we are these notification-less monks, who have all of our devices on Do Not Disturb and never get notified about anything. This is not quite true – we actually embrace notifications and reminders! The only difference is that they […]
11/1/202138 minutes, 46 seconds
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Zoom & Teams Best Practices: Make Online Meetings Less Painful (TPS375)

Even if many of us are back in the office, at least part-time (or never left), it is inevitable that so much of our day is spent in online meetings. We fire up our computer, connect to Zoom or Teams, sometimes for back-to-back calls! There are some things you can do to make your Zoom […]
10/25/202133 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Recover From A Bad Day (TPS374)

We’ve all been there. You had a day that just went all wrong. Maybe you or someone else made a mistake, or some crisis came up and your day went totally downhill, or maybe you have some sort of habit you’re trying to keep (or break) and you backslid a bit. Maybe it was a […]
10/18/202136 minutes, 21 seconds
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Apps We Love That Make Us More Productive Every Day (TPS373)

Every year at The Productivity Show we have an episode where we share our favorite productivity apps. This time we’re making it different by only highlighting the apps we don’t frequently talk about, but we absolutely love. We have six apps for you that are about to make you more productive and efficient. You can […]
10/11/202141 minutes, 34 seconds
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Meal Planning: Save Time & Have More Energy, Even If You Hate Cooking (TPS372)

The average person spends about 2.5 hours a day on prepping food, cooking, eating and drinking. That’s a lot of time and an opportunity to save time. Not only that, many of you struggle with eating healthy because it might be time consuming. You come home, you’re tired and not sure what to eat, so […]
10/4/202143 minutes, 40 seconds
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Declutter Your Photos w/ Isabelle Dervaux (TPS371)

Over the years, we’ve done many podcast episodes about organization and decluttering, but we always get questions about one specific area: photos! We decided to call in an expert, so in this episode, I am joined by Isabelle Dervaux, a professional photo organizer and family photo curator. She has a background as an artist, is […]
9/27/202153 minutes, 35 seconds
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How To Run A Retrospective For Continuous Improvement (TPS370)

At Asian Efficiency we follow a project management philosophy called “Scrum”. You might have heard of it. It’s popular in the software industry but not so much outside of it which is a shame because it’s a powerful way of getting things done for teams. One of the elements of practicing Scrum is called a […]
9/20/202136 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Fuel Your Creativity w/ Jeffrey Madoff (TPS369)

Today I’m joined by Jeffrey Madoff, the founder of Madoff Productions, based in New York City. His company has produced commercials for brands such as Ralph Lauren, Victoria’s Secret, Tiffany, and other big name brands you’ve heard of. He also teaches a course on creativity at the Parsons School for Design, and that is also […]
9/13/202152 minutes, 46 seconds
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Beat The Energy Dropoff: Feel Energized Even At End of Day (TPS368)

Have you ever wanted to work on a project after work, you knew what you needed to do, you had the time to do it….you come home and then….you crash. You were too tired to work on it and then moved it to another day, for it only to repeat this cycle again. This is […]
9/6/202138 minutes, 57 seconds
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How To Do A Workation: What You Need To Know (TPS367)

Nowadays, many of us have the option to work remotely and from home. This opens a whole new world of possibilities. What used to be reserved for digital nomads, people like you and me can now work from anywhere in the world and still get stuff done. That’s what we call a workation, you get […]
8/30/202135 minutes, 29 seconds
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Chaos Contained: Tips For Overcommitted Moms w/ Valerie Recore (TPS366)

In this episode I’m thrilled to welcome Valerie Recore – she’s a productivity specialist who works with overwhelmed and overcommitted moms. With a background in mental health and corporate training, she helps people who feel like they’re pulled into different directions. Even if you’re NOT an overcommitted mom, you’ll get a lot out of this […]
8/23/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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Our Thinking Has Evolved On These Productivity “Rules” (TPS365)

Some of our favorite episodes are ones that come directly from listener feedback, and this episode is no exception – how has our productivity thinking evolved over the years? Are there any “productivity rules” we used to have, but we now do the opposite? What causes these changes, anyway? We’ll dive into all of it […]
8/16/202139 minutes, 21 seconds
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Our Favorite Trick To Build Any Habit And Make It Stick (TPS364)

On The Productivity Show we’ve talked a lot about the power of habits but we know it can be difficult to add new habits to your life. One strategy that helps you introduce new habits is called “habit stacking” and that’s what we’ll be going over today. It’s an easy way to add habits and […]
8/9/202131 minutes, 39 seconds
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3 Tips for Productive Post-Pandemic Travel (TPS363)

We’ve done travel podcast episodes before, but never one right during and after a global pandemic! You might be wondering what has changed and how you can do it in the most stress-free and productive way. You might also be wondering how to keep your routines going while traveling in this “new normal”. I’ve been […]
8/2/202140 minutes, 36 seconds
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Behind The Scenes- Our Podcast Gear, Workflow, and Rules [Major Milestone!] (TPS362)

This podcast episode is going to be slightly different. We recently surpassed 10 million downloads for The Productivity Show so we thought it would be fun to give you a look behind the scenes of what it takes to run a successful podcast. We’ll share what technology, gear, and workflows we use to produce our […]
7/26/202148 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Many Pomodoros Should You Do In A Day? (TPS361)

Have you heard of the Pomodoro Technique? It’s a popular time management and focus strategy and something we’ve been teaching for a long time at Asian Efficiency. One question we get often is how many pomodoros should you do in a day? Or in other words, how many hours of work should you do in […]
7/19/202133 minutes, 4 seconds
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CEO of on High Performance, Focus, Meditation, and Workflows w/ Dan Clark (TPS360)

Today I’m joined by Dan Clark. He’s the CEO of which is an app that offers focus music. I had the opportunity to discuss the science behind focus music, how the brain works, what we can do to focus better, and other ways we can be more productive in our daily lives using scientific […]
7/12/202144 minutes, 39 seconds
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Get Focused: How To Overcome Distractions and Boost Your Attention (TPS359)

We’re continuing our series on the TEA framework and this time we’re talking about Attention. How do you become more focused? How do you have more attention for what matters? How can you eliminate distractions? We cover all these topics today and more. If you feel like you want to become more focused, this episode […]
7/5/202144 minutes, 40 seconds
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Feeling Low Energy? Here are 3 Things You Can Do Today That Will Help (TPS358)

Do you find that even when you know what you want to do, it just doesn’t happen? Or maybe by the end of the workday you’re feeling so ground down, you don’t feel like doing things with friends or family or working on a side project or hobby. Chances are, it’s not a time problem, […]
6/28/202130 minutes, 55 seconds
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3 Easy-To-Implement Ways To Win Back Time (TPS357)

Do you wish there were more hours in a day? Are you starving for more free time? Then this episode is for you! We’ll show you 3 ways you can create more free time and we’ll share tons of examples of how we’ve done it ourselves to win back over 5 hours a week. Thanks […]
6/21/202136 minutes, 45 seconds
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One of The Most Productive People In The World Shares His Secrets w/ Ari Meisel (TPS356)

Today I’m joined by Ari Meisel of Less Doing. He helps founders replace themselves in their business and have more time for the things that matter to them. I heard of Ari many years ago when he shared his outsourcing philosophies but we never got to connect. We were finally able to do so and […]
6/14/202142 minutes, 20 seconds
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Which Productivity System Is Best For You? We Compare and Recommend (TPS355)

If you’ve been studying productivity for a bit you probably have come across different systems like the TEA Framework, Getting Things Done, 12 Week Year, and many others. They all promise to help you become more productive and in this episode, we’ll be comparing all of them and by the end you’ll know which one […]
6/7/202134 minutes, 20 seconds
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Back To Back Meetings: Win Back Your Time, Energy, and Attention (TPS354)

One of the biggest struggles many of The Productivity Show listeners and Asian Efficiency clients have is that they are in meetings all day. Oftentimes they’re on back-to-back-to-back meetings and they have no time for themselves so they end up working long days, on the weekends, and missing out on life. What can you do […]
5/31/202134 minutes, 6 seconds
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Productivity Music: The Power of Focus Playlists with Will Henshall of Focus@Will (TPS353)

Will Henshall is the CEO of Focus@Will which is a productivity music company. They have different genres of music and playlists that help you get focused and into a flow state. We talked about how different music works for different people, the 5 types of brains, how to take care of your brain for optimal […]
5/24/202155 minutes, 29 seconds
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Small Changes Lead To Big Results: How To Free Up 1.5 Hours of Your Time (TPS352)

Do you want to make a change in your life? Most people think you need to make drastic changes that usually don’t last. At Asian Efficiency we believe that when you make small, consistent changes you’ll have much better results getting what you want. In today’s episode, we’ll show you different ways you can make […]
5/17/202139 minutes, 21 seconds
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How To Organize Your Files, Notes, and Photos [Brand New Method] (TPS351)

We all have these things in our work and personal life we call Time Squanders — those 5-10 minute activities that somehow work their way into our days. These really add up and have a surprising impact on your Time, Energy, and Attention. A perfect example of this is dealing with your files, notes, and […]
5/10/202144 minutes, 38 seconds
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3 Steps To Create An Evening Routine To Sleep Better And Feel More Energetic (TPS350)

Back in 2013, at Asian Efficiency we first introduced the evening ritual which is the idea of having a routine at the end of the day to help you wind down, get ready for the next day and have a great night of sleep. Since then, we’ve helped people all over the world implement an […]
5/3/202136 minutes, 58 seconds
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How To Plan Your Month To Avoid Surprises (TPS349)

At Asian Efficiency we’re known for the TEA Framework which is our productivity method. It stands for Time, Energy, and Attention which are the three pillars of productivity. Today’s episode will help you maximize Time, the first pillar in our framework. On The Productivity Show, we’ve talked a lot about weekly and quarterly planning but […]
4/26/202137 minutes, 20 seconds
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Self-Awareness: The Ultimate Productivity Hack of Life w/ Sachit Gupta (TPS348)

Today I’m joined by Sachit Gupta, host of the Conscious Creators podcast and an expert helping people launch their platforms. We discuss how you can build self-awareness and why it’s the ultimate productivity hack, powerful questions to ask yourself for self-discovery, and his rules of productivity that allow him to be creative and get stuff […]
4/19/202150 minutes, 39 seconds
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Flow State: The Systems and Tools We Use To Get In The Zone (TPS347)

Have you ever been working away on something and you felt like time just melted away? You came out of it feeling like you made a ton of progress, and that everything just came together. That feeling was a state of Flow, and in this episode, we are going to share some tactical ways that […]
4/12/202133 minutes, 20 seconds
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Be A Better Writer With Our 4-Step Process and Recommended Tools (TPS346)

On the Asian Efficiency website, we have over 600 blog posts. That’s close to a million words that have been written and we didn’t even include all the newsletters, course materials, workbooks, and everything else we produce. We write a lot and in this episode, we’ll share how we get so much writing done. We […]
4/5/202142 minutes, 56 seconds
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The 3X Rule: Solve Your Recurring Problems Once And For All (TPS345)

How many things in your work or personal life do you just “put up with”? It could be mistakes that happen, a tool that annoys you, or someone that you work with that slows things down. At Asian Efficiency we have a principle called the “3 Times Rule” to get to the root of all […]
3/29/202136 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Power Of The Accountability Trifecta, w/ Debbie Rosemont (TPS344)

Want to know the secret to achieving your goals and getting your important work done? It’s not time management, apps, or tools – it’s ACCOUNTABILITY. But what does that mean? And how do you find accountability for yourself?  In this episode, I’m joined by Debbie Rosemont – a Certified Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant who […]
3/22/202146 minutes, 19 seconds
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Want To Do A Productivity Reset? Here’s What We Would Do (TPS343)

If you’re just starting out in your productivity journey, you are in a GREAT situation. You can optimize right away, and you can learn from what has worked for others and, where it makes sense, apply it to yourself. It’s a gift that will pay off for years to come. However, maybe you’ve been working […]
3/15/202129 minutes, 53 seconds
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Affordable Productivity Apps: How To Be More Productive With A $100 Budget (TPS342)

When searching for productivity apps, you’ll find thousands of apps out there. How do you know which one is right for you? What if you had a limited budget? It’s easy to spend hundreds of dollars on apps only to find out that most are garbage. So in this episode, we set a challenge for […]
3/8/202135 minutes, 49 seconds
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How To Keep Your Contacts Under Control And Uncluttered (TPS341)

I’m a big believer in the idea that a majority of our happiness comes from the people we surround ourselves with. Imagine when everyone in your family, friends, and closest contacts are all cheering for you, are regularly letting you know how much they care about you, and that you can always count on them […]
3/1/202144 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stay Secure Without Remembering A Million Logins (TPS340)

One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself online is to be smart about how you create and store your passwords. In 2021, you don’t want to be re-using the same passwords on multiple sites, writing them on sticky notes, or storing them in Passwords.doc on your Desktop. So what should […]
2/22/202145 minutes, 21 seconds
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The $100 Challenge – What Productivity Tools Would We Buy With Only $100? (TPS339)

Imagine for a moment that you only have $100 in your budget to spend on productivity tools. What would you spend it on? We asked ourselves that question and came up with a list of gear and tools that we would buy on a limited budget of just $100. Every dollar counts so we made […]
2/15/202145 minutes, 14 seconds
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Use Your Calendar Like A Pro With These 5 Calendar Hacks (TPS338)

Your calendar is so important – it’s the ultimate record of where you put your priorities and where you spend your time. It is also one of the productivity tools we use the most, so any improvement to the way you USE your calendar will have an immediate impact every single day. There aren’t many […]
2/8/202140 minutes, 46 seconds
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How To Do A Digital Declutter: 5 Ways To Reclaim Your Focus (TPS337)

Digital clutter is the hidden enemy of productivity. Bit by bit, it steals your time, energy, and attention. And since we use our computers, tablets, and phones so much every single day, the distraction and wasted time really adds up. In this episode, we will share 5 ways you can do a digital declutter, and […]
2/1/202149 minutes, 48 seconds
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Want To Stay On Track? Keep Your Goals Visible With These 5 Tips (TPS336)

When this episode is released, it’s the end of January and you know what that means – it means it’s the time when those goals and resolutions many of us made at the start of the year begin to fade away. Well, not this year 2021! In this episode, we are going to share a […]
1/25/202133 minutes, 50 seconds
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Family Productivity: How to Be Productive While Having a Family w/ Paul Maskill (TPS335)

Today I’m joined by Paul Maskill, a business coach helping home service business owners systematize and scale their businesses. He’s also a big productivity nerd like the rest of us and we dove into his personal productivity system, how he uses buffer blocks, why he wakes up every day at 5am, and how he delegates […]
1/18/202137 minutes, 46 seconds
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5 Simple Browser Hacks You Can Implement Right Away (TPS334)

The web browser is one of the most commonly used tools. You probably spend more than 4 hours a day using it and it’s a powerful tool. If you’re like most people you haven’t looked much into how to use this tool and turn it into a productivity powerhouse tool. That’s going to change today […]
1/11/202150 minutes, 53 seconds
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Personal Outsourcing: How To Win Back 5+ Hours/Week (TPS333)

Do you find it hard to find the time, energy, and attention to do everything you want to do each week? It could be that you’re doing things that you really shouldn’t be doing. Maybe they’re things you don’t like to do, or maybe they’re things that you ENJOY doing, but they are taking you […]
1/4/202154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Work-Life Balance: How One Family Man Stays Productive While Having Fun w/ Joe Fier (TPS332)

Today I’m joined by Joe Fier. He’s the co-host of the podcast Hustle & Flowchart where they interview successful entrepreneurs and go deep about their unique business strategies. He’s also the co-founder of Evergreen Profits where he helps people start and grow online businesses. In this episode, we talked about how to incorporate more fun […]
12/28/202035 minutes, 13 seconds
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How To Decompress: 5 Stress Busters That Really Work (TPS331)

It sounds counterintuitive, but sometimes we need to slow down a bit in order to achieve our goals. Burnout is a real thing, and it is impossible to stay productive if we are going at 100% all the time. The solution is to find opportunities to decompress — to find even short periods of time […]
12/21/202043 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Best GTD Apps: Be In Control And Achieve Your Goals With These 5 Tools (TPS330)

Here at The Productivity Show, we all use at least an adapted version of David Allen’s GTD or Getting Things Done productivity system. Once you start using GTD the question becomes – what do you use to keep track of your Projects, Tasks, and Next Actions? For most people it is an app, but which […]
12/14/202039 minutes, 55 seconds
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CRM Power Tips w/ Amy Payne – Productivity Consultant and Professional Organizer (TPS329)

If you deal with people in your business (and who doesn’t?), a key tool is a Customer Relationship Management system or CRM. Not having one can hold you back, and if you implement the right one the right way, it can help take your business to the next level. In this episode, I talk to […]
12/7/202044 minutes, 58 seconds
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Your 3 Step Guide To Make Sure Next Year Is Better Than The Last (TPS328)

2021 is just around the corner and we want to help you get ready for a productive year. I know 2020 has been a weird year for all of us, and we all want to forget about what happened but in order to have a great year ahead of you, you do have to reflect […]
11/30/202040 minutes, 37 seconds
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It’s Here! The TPS Productivity Gift Guide, 2020 Edition (TPS327)

The holidays are just around the corner and that means it’s gifting season for many of us. What would you gift someone who is obsessed with productivity? What would you give someone who you’d like to be more productive? And let’s be honest, many of us also like gift guides for ideas to spoil ourselves […]
11/23/202047 minutes, 7 seconds
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Happy People Are Productive People: Turn Your Mood Around In 10 Minutes or Less (TPS326)

Have you ever sat down to work on what you are supposed to be doing, and you just don’t feel like it? It’s not an energy problem, you feel fine, but you’re just… not in the mood. Being in a bad mood is obviously not an excuse to stop working, but you know the more […]
11/16/202040 minutes, 4 seconds
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Feel Exhausted? Try These 5 Proven Rituals to Increase Energy and Productivity (TPS325)

The most underrated part of our TEA Framework – which stands for Time, Energy, Attention – is ENERGY. Many of us are trying to improve our time and focus, when it’s often energy that is the real underlying problem. What do you do when you’re feeling low on energy? Like most people, you’ll down a […]
11/9/202040 minutes, 38 seconds
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Effectiveness Before Efficiency: How Most Productivity Advice Gets It Wrong (TPS324)

Since our name is Asian Efficiency, you might think that we are 100% focused on your efficiency. I mean, it’s right there in the name! Well, efficiency is important, but we think it gets too much focus — what’s just as important is making sure you are doing the right things efficiently. In this episode, […]
11/2/202042 minutes, 12 seconds
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How To Get Unstuck, Rebuild Your Habits, and Move Forward Now (TPS323)

We’ve all had situations where we know what we WANT to do to be more productive, but it just doesn’t happen. Maybe it’s a habit we once had but it fell apart over time, or maybe we are stuck and are having problems getting started. If that’s you, this episode will give you 5 strategies […]
10/26/202045 minutes, 57 seconds
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5 GTD Tips To Become A Power User And Get Things Done Consistently (TPS322)

Getting Things Done, or GTD, is one of the most popular productivity systems on the planet, and for a good reason — it helps you be on top of your tasks and obligations by getting them out of your overloaded brain and into your trusted system, so you can focus on execution, not juggling. In […]
10/19/202042 minutes, 38 seconds
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Do You Struggle With These Mental Blocks? Remove And Turn Them To Your Advantage (TPS321)

Welcome to The Productivity Show, a podcast by Asian Efficiency, to help you maximize your productivity so you can get everything done without having to sacrifice your health, family and things that matter to you. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people save time, be happier, and become more productive. What happens if you have […]
10/12/202046 minutes, 15 seconds
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When A Productivity Expert Wants To Be Productive This is What They Do with Jeff Sanders (TPS320)

I’m joined today by Jeff Sanders. He is a keynote speaker, productivity coach, author of The 5 AM Miracle, and host of the 5 AM Miracle Podcast. As a fellow productivity junkie, I asked him about his morning routine, what his personal productivity system looks like, and how he balances work and life while raising […]
10/5/202030 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ditch Digital Clutter And Stay Organized: 3 Simple Rules That Work (TPS319)

Is your downloads folder a huge mess? Do you find it hard to find email attachments you downloaded a few weeks ago? Do you easily get frustrated trying to find files and documents? Then you want to listen carefully to today’s episode! We’re going to share with you 3 tips to help you organize your […]
9/28/202053 minutes, 37 seconds
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Decision Fatigue: Here’s How To Outsmart This Productivity Killer (TPS318)

How often do you find yourself saying “I can’t deal with this right now… I’ll figure it out later” or you just avoid decisions altogether? For busy professionals, it’s extremely common, and the culprit is usually decision fatigue — the more decisions you make in a short period of time, the poorer quality your decisions […]
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Become An Outlook Power User – 5 (OK, 9) Easy Tips To Save You Time And Increase Focus (TPS317)

If you’ve worked in a decently-sized organization, there’s a good chance that you are, have, or will at some point use Microsoft Outlook. It’s everywhere. The problem is, most of us just start using it, and don’t spend any time making it work FOR us. In this episode, we’re going to share 5 – ok, […]
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A World Traveler and Entrepreneur Reveals His Personal Productivity System w/ Chris Reynolds (TPS316)

Today I’m joined by Chris Reynolds, the founder of the Business Method podcast and Get Shit Done Live! Chris’ business and events help entrepreneurs optimize their productivity to reach peak performance consistently, and scale their businesses rapidly using research-driven techniques. Chris has been a location-independent entrepreneur for 11-years, living in multiple countries & traveling the […]
9/7/202052 minutes, 57 seconds
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Need to Prioritize? Here’s Our Favorite Tool That You Can Start Using Today (TPS315)

How do you prioritize your projects? How do you know which project to work on first and ignore everything else? It’s not as simple as it sounds. Today we’re going to show you how we prioritize projects at Asian Efficiency using a tool called the ICE Matrix. It’s what we use for our annual goals […]
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How To Get Into Flow State and Make Massive Progress Quickly (TPS314)

Have you ever been working on a work or personal project and you realize you’ve made massive amounts of progress? It feels like the time just flew by, and instead of feeling drained after, you feel awesome and energized. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to get into a state of Flow, […]
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The Best Apps and Tools To Work From Home Productively (TPS313)

Being productive at home can be a challenge when you don’t have the right tools. By “tools”, we are talking about your physical gear – things like desks, chairs, technology, AND digital tools – things like desktop & mobile apps. Like any job, we think the tools you use can make working from home easier […]
8/17/202047 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tim Stringer on Managing Personal Tasks & Team Projects, Communication, and Holistic Productivity (TPS312)

In this episode, I am super excited to introduce Tim Stringer to the Productivity Show. Tim is a professionally-trained coach, productivity expert, and an accomplished yoga and meditation teacher. He’s the founder of Technically Simple and LearnOmniFocus. As you can imagine, we cover a wide range of topics like how to best use a task […]
8/10/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 4 seconds
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Your GTD Weekly Review: Be Consistent And Achieve “Mind Like Water” Each Week (TPS311)

If you’ve tried David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology, you’ve probably run into this scenario: You start doing your Weekly Review, and then you miss one, and then you miss another one, and before you know it, things are starting to slip. It doesn’t have to be that way — in this episode, we are […]
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How To Build a Second Brain and Be More Organized w/ Tiago Forte (TPS310)

Today I’m joined by Tiago Forte, founder of Forte Labs and the creator of Building A Second Brain. It’s a system he developed for organizing ideas and information to help people become more productive and creative. If you’re a knowledge worker and want to be more efficient and organized, then you’re going to love today’s […]
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The 5 GTD Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes… Do You? (TPS309)

GTD or “Getting Things Done” is a productivity system that has been a lifesaver for us going back to the mid-2000s. As we’ve talked to members of the community and podcast listeners over the years, we’ve found that there are certain things that almost everyone does when they’re just starting out, and most of the […]
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Has The Pandemic Put You Behind On Your Goals? Here’s What We Did To Get On Track (TPS308)

Had the pandemic put you behind on your goals? Maybe you’ve completely abandoned your goals altogether when life got too crazy. Given what has been going on in the world this year, you might be thinking “Goals? Those went out the window in March” — we get it. But there’s still half a year to […]
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How To Beat Zoom Fatigue, Even If You Don’t Use Zoom (TPS307)

Have you ever noticed that at the end of a long web conferencing call like on Zoom or Teams, you feel way more drained than if it was an in-person meeting? The term for this is “Zoom Fatigue”, and even if you use another tool like Microsoft Teams or Skype, it’s a real thing and […]
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Master Your Calendar: 3 Actionable Tips To Take Control of Your Day (TPS306)

Your calendar is your most important productivity tool. It represents so much — what your commitments are, what your opportunities are, and what is going on in your life and your work. In fact, we’d even say that your calendar is the true reflection of your priorities. It represents what you ACTUALLY spend your time […]
6/29/202047 minutes, 29 seconds
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See How Easily You Can Start a Side-Hustle w/ Jen Shultz (TPS305)

Today I’m joined by Jen Shultz, founder of The Non-Nine-to-Five where she helps people transition from a full-time career to starting a business. She has helped many people over the years and still manages to do everything herself without any staff which to me is crazy. So I asked how she’s able to be productive, […]
6/22/202047 minutes, 51 seconds
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Did You Choose The Right Goals? Here’s How To Find Out And Get Unstuck (TPS304)

At the start of the year or quarter you made a goal which sounded fantastic. You were all in. Now? Maybe you’re not so sure. How do you know whether the goal you THOUGHT was a good idea truly is a goal worth pursuing for the rest of the year? In this episode, we’re going […]
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Our Most Useful Productivity Purchases From The Last Year (TPS303)

We all know that you can’t buy your way to productivity. The biggest factor to you becoming more productive is for you to have focus and to execute as consistently as possible. HOWEVER, applying the right tool, app, book, or course can make things go faster, run more smoothly, or can just make things more […]
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Can Productivity Challenges Help You Grow? Yes! Here Are Ours (And What We Did) (TPS302)

If you’re listening to this podcast, we’re going to bet that you’ve had some sort of productivity challenge in your life. Maybe you found yourself repeating the same negative habits. Maybe you haven’t adapted as well to a new situation than you’d like, or maybe distractions get the better of you and you get to […]
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How We Improved Our Lives and Work With Journaling – And You Can Too (TPS301)

Do you find yourself with scattered thoughts, not sure what to work on at the start of your day, or do you go to bed with thoughts, tasks, and ideas swirling around in your head? One of the most underrated but powerful productivity techniques is to journal. It’s something that anyone can do, and it […]
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Ask Us Anything – Live Q&A On Productivity, Tech, Behind The Scenes, and Working for AE (TPS300)

This is Episode 300 of The Productivity Show, and we thought we’d celebrate by turning the show over to you! This is our first Q&A episode of the show, and we invited listeners of the podcast, readers of the Asian Efficiency blog, and our followers on Social media to ask us anything. There are questions […]
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4 Ways You Can Be Happy, Healthy, and Sane When Stuck At Home (TPS299)

There is a lot of information out there about working from home, but most of it is little hacks and tips and tricks. Those are definitely useful, but they ignore the mental and physical side of being stuck at home. We always say that happy people are productive people, and that theory has never been […]
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Family and Working From Home: How To Get Things Done When You’re Stuck Together 24/7 (TPS298)

The perfect storm has finally happened. Many of us are working from home whether we want to be or not, and if that wasn’t complicated enough, if we have family members, they’re stuck at home too! If you are working from home with kids, you’ll know how hard it is to get your work done […]
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Working From Home? Productivity Tips From Decade+ Work From Home Veterans (TPS297)

Recently a lot of people transitioned to work from home and feel out of their element. They’re finding it harder to focus and get things done. They don’t have the right tools, they have their kids at home, a partner around them 24/7 and they’re going crazy staying inside the whole time! Don’t worry, anyone […]
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How to Focus While Fear, News and Social Media Is Dominating Your Life (TPS296)

Recently, we did a survey of the Asian Efficiency audience and did a check-in: we asked what kind of impact the global pandemic we’re going through is having. As we suspected, a *lot* of us are struggling. Even if you and your family are healthy, and even if you’re used to working from home, there’s […]
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3 Simple Ways to Bounce Back From Failure and Thrive (TPS295)

Let’s talk about failure. It is easy to be productive when everything is going well, but what happens when you have a setback? Even a small failure can be discouraging and get you in a rut. What can you do to get yourself to be productive again? We’re going to share 3 strategies for how […]
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Q1 Goal Check-In: How We’re Doing, And How You Can Stay On Track With Yours (TPS294)

The first quarter of the year is done — how are you doing on your yearly goals? Are you on track? Are you behind? Have you dropped some goals and added any new ones? Have you even made any goals for the year? In this episode, we will be reviewing the goals we made on […]
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How To Plan Your Perfect Week (TPS293)

Do you ever get to the end of the week and realize that you haven’t made real progress on any of your goals and priorities? You see stuff on your todo list that didn’t get done. And then maybe you thought to yourself: “How did this happen?” The key to having a productive week is […]
3/30/202043 minutes, 51 seconds
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Our Controversial Productivity Beliefs (And Why They Work) (TPS292)

I did a Google search for “productivity advice”, and it brought back 210,000,000 results. A lot of those results are giving the same advice over and over, and a lot of time we just accept it. Someone puts it in a book, so it must be true! Here’s the thing though: it may not be […]
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COVID-19: How To Be As Productive As Possible During Coronavirus Isolation (TPS291.5)

As you know we’re in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. We thought it was our duty to help you stay productive throughout this period, and that’s why we put this bonus episode together at the last minute. The reality is, for most of us life goes on and we have to adapt to what’s […]
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How To Design A More Focused and Productive Work Environment (TPS291)

Whether you are working in an office or working from home, the environment you are in is either supporting or hurting your productivity – you just may not know it! This episode is about designing your environment. We don’t mean whether your walls should be “Raspberry Truffle” or what size your baseboards should be — […]
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Have A Side Hustle? 5 Ways To Maximize Your Time, Energy, and Attention With a Job and a Freelance or Passion Project (TPS290)

Today’s episode is about how you maintain a full-time job while starting and growing a side hustle. This could be a passion project, freelancing gig, or something else you want to start on the side while maintaining your full-time job. It can be tough to balance the two without feeling overwhelmed and for a lot […]
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Work-Life Balance Is A Myth, But Here’s How To Be Better In Your Work and Personal Life Without Falling Apart (TPS289)

One of the most common questions we get is: “Should I keep my work and personal tasks together? Or should I separate them? How about my email and calendar?” In this episode, we’re going to tackle this controversial topic and give you 4 strategies that have worked well for us and others in the Asian […]
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The 12 Week Year: The “Secret Sauce” To Achieving Your Goals Every Quarter (TPS288)

Do you have trouble achieving your goals? Even if you’ve meticulously planned out your year, taking those plans and translating them into accomplishments doesn’t always work out the way you hope. A powerful framework for achieving your goals is called The 12 Week Year, which is based on a book by Brian Moran and Michael […]
2/24/202044 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is Evernote Dying? Nope! Here Are Our Favorite Tips and How We Use It Now (TPS287)

If you’ve looked at productivity apps at all, you will have come across Evernote. Some people think about Evernote as a “note-taking app”, but it is so much more than that. It’s where you can remember everything that is important, and it’s the tool you can use to stay organized, wherever you are in the […]
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A Licensed Clinician Shares ADHD Strategies That Work w/ Eric Tivers (TPS286)

I’m joined by Eric Tivers who runs the podcast ADHD Rewired and is a licensed clinical social worker who helps people with ADHD succeed in life. We dive deep into what ADHD is, how to diagnose it and what to do be productive if you think you have ADHD. Thanks to Freshbooks for supporting The […]
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10 Health Hacks to Feel More Energized and Focused (TPS285)

We talk about health quite a bit here on the podcast, and for good reason: we believe that good health leads to energy, and energy is a key part of our TEA Framework: if you don’t have enough energy, it doesn’t matter how focused you are or how much you master your time – you […]
2/3/202048 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Maker and Creative Entrepreneur Reveals Her Personal Productivity System (w/ Best Self’s Cathryn Lavery) (TPS284)

I’m joined this time by Cathryn Lavery. She’s the co-founder of the Best Self company that you might recognize as the creator of the Self Planner and Self Journal. Cathryn considers herself a maker and creator so we dove deep into how she approaches the creative process, gets things done and what her personal productivity […]
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How Anyone Can Have A Prosperous And Productive Lunar New Year (TPS283)

This isn’t going to be your normal “New Year” productivity podcast. You may or may not know that a few days after this podcast is released, it will be the start of a new Chinese New Year, or more accurately called Lunar New Year. 5,000 years of Asian culture can’t be wrong, so since this […]
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Web Automation: The Easiest Way To Be More Productive Online (TPS282)

Usually when people talk about “automation”, they’re talking about turning the lights on and off with smart lights or automating things on the computer like moving files around or text expansion. Those are all super-useful automation, but what about a huge chunk of our work and home technology use: the web? In this episode, we’re […]
1/13/202036 minutes, 12 seconds
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6 Simple Ways To Stick To Your Goals This Year That Don’t Involve Willpower (TPS281)

In today’s episode, we’ll be covering 6 strategies for how to stick to your goals this year and even if you lose momentum, we’ll give you practical tips for picking it back up. We know that this is going to be an awesome year for you, and we want to give you the tools to […]
1/6/202048 minutes, 32 seconds
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What Do Productivity Ninjas Do To Prepare For An Amazing 2020? (TPS280)

The day this podcast is released is the day before New Year’s Eve. By the time you’re listening to it, it will either be right at the end of the year, or your new year has already begun. Either way, it is never too late to set yourself up for success for the rest of […]
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Here’s How To Improve Every Year Using Our Annual Review Template (TPS279)

In today’s episode, we’ll be giving you the tools to conduct an annual review the right way and share new practices we’ve learned over the past year to help you achieve your goals. Whether you’ve never done an annual review before or you already do them, if you want to make 2020 your best year […]
12/23/201945 minutes, 57 seconds
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How To Succeed At Both Work and Education Without Feeling Overwhelmed (TPS278)

Working while studying has many benefits, but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. Don’t let the juggle between the two overtake your life or jeopardize your academic or career success. Whether you’re working your way through college, working in a field that you love or expanding your experience and knowledge while having a full-time […]
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A Single Mother Reveals How She Runs a Business And Live Life On Her Terms (TPS277)

Today I’m joined by Corina Frankie, the founder of Brand Besties that helps companies with experiential marketing services. She’s a good friend of mine and a very smart, successful single mom and entrepreneur. We talk about how she’s able to run a business while raising a kid by herself, how she approaches work-life balance and […]
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Productive Networking: 5 Secrets To Connect That Anyone Can Do (TPS276)

Today we are going to be talking about Productive Networking. You’ll discover 5 tips and strategies you can use for your next networking event to meet new people. Whether you’re introverted and have trouble meeting people, or you are looking for ways to improve your networking, this episode is for you. Thanks to Grammarly for […]
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Revisiting The TEA Framework: Should We Add This 4th Pillar? (TPS275)

A year ago we unveiled the TEA Framework here on the podcast, which is our simple framework that will help you get laser-focused on the root cause when your productivity dips. We’ve learned that there are three currencies that you must master in order to be as productive as you can be, and one year […]
11/25/201957 minutes, 3 seconds
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Want To Start Over? Here’s How We Would Do It (TPS274)

Think back to when you started your productivity journey — are there things you know now that you wish you did back then? Is there anything you’d do differently? Are you just getting started and want to make sure you start off on the right foot? In this episode, we will be talking about the […]
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Notion and Choosing The Right Productivity Tool For You w/ Francesco D’Alessio (TPS273)

In this episode, Francesco D’Alessio from the Keep Productive Youtube channel returns to the podcast. We talk about Notion, a productivity tool that has been getting a ton of buzz over the past year, as well as how to pick a productivity tool that’s right for you. We also do a lightning round where Francesco […]
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How To Stay Focused When You Get Bored Working On Your Goals (TPS272)

Do you get easily bored with your goals after a while? Do you get easily distracted even though you know you should be focusing on your goals? Then this episode is for you. I’ll share 5 tips with you to help you stay focused when you get bored working on your goals. This episode is […]
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A Million Mile Traveler Reveals Her 5 Productivity and Travel Tips (TPS271)

Today I’m joined by Katherine Fan, a senior writer for The Points Guy, one of the leading websites on travel. She has flown a million miles in her lifetime so she knows a thing or two about traveling productively and efficiently. That’s what we’re diving into today and how she does it while staying productive […]
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Strategic Planning: Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be (TPS270)

When people talk about planning, usually they talk about planning your day, planning your week, or even your quarter or year. But what about higher-level strategic planning? In this episode, we’re going to talk about making sure you are doing the right things and making sure that what you are doing is actually taking you […]
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3 Simple Steps To Win The Last Quarter Of The Year (TPS269)

Can you believe it’s already the final quarter of the year? Q4 is often a time where one of two things happens: either we feel down because we haven’t accomplished what we thought we would during the year, or we’re motivated to make a final push to finish up the year strong. This episode will […]
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An Evernote Consultant Reveals How She Uses The Tool To Manage Busy Life and Business (TPS268)

Today I’m joined by Stacey Harmon, a certified Evernote consultant who helps people get setup and use Evernote. We dive deep into how she uses Evernote to run her life and business, we share examples of how other people use Evernote and some advanced tips and tricks to get the most out of the tool. […]
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Start Yourself On A Lifetime of Unlimited Physical Energy and Amazing Sleep (TPS267)

A couple of weeks ago, I took a hair test that tested for mineral deficiencies. I learned about this when I met Barton Scott, founder of Upgraded Formulas, that helps people identify mineral deficiencies in their bodies and then makes recommendations for you to optimize your health and which supplements to take. On this episode, […]
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Which Of These 10 Tools Over $100 Would We Invest In Again? (TPS266)

Last week we shared with you our favorite productivity tools under a $100. This time we’ll share our 10 favorite tools over $100 that we personally use to help us save time and be more productive. Thanks to Clearbanc for supporting The Productivity Show. If you’re doing over $20,000 per month in revenue, Clearbanc is […]
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The 10 Best Productivity Tools Under $100 (TPS265)

At Asian Efficiency we have dozens of productivity tools that we use to save time, to be more productive and effective. We put together a list of our 10 favorite tools under $100 dollars that we personally use and can recommend to you. Cheat Sheet: Thanh and Brooks’s top three productivity tools for this week […]
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15+ Things Asian Efficiency Implemented to Double Team Productivity and Collaboration (TPS264)

Asian Efficiency has always been a remote team and we have team members all over the world. We all come from different backgrounds, different cultures, and with different ‘quirks’. Despite all these differences, we are able to work well together because we always work as a team. But, it wasn’t always without problems. We have […]
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15+ Ways TPS Listeners Save Time and Have Time Freedom (TPS263)

Are you curious about automation, but want some examples of what others like you do, to spark some ideas? In this episode, we continue our mini-series on Automation that we started last week in TPS262, but this time we share more examples of what Asian Efficiency readers have automated to save time. Without spoiling too […]
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5 Examples of Tasks You Can Automate To Save Yourself An Hour a Day (TPS262)

Have you ever wanted to start with automation, but you weren’t sure where to start? Then this episode is for you. We talk about our 5 biggest personal automation wins, and where we think you should start if you want to get started with automation. We also share an exciting new automation course that we’ve […]
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How To Get Started With Personal Finance With Proven Workflows, Apps and Tools w/ Charles Ngo (TPS261)

What’s the best way to get started with personal finance? How do you track your money? Which personal finance apps do you recommend? We get these questions a lot from Asian Efficiency readers and podcast listeners. That’s what we’ll cover in this episode. I’m joined this time by Charles Ngo, a successful entrepreneur and one […]
8/19/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 24 seconds
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There’s No Action Without ACT w/ Mridu Parikh (TPS260)

Today I’m joined by Mridu Parikh, productivity coach, speaker, and trainer at Life Is Organized. We talk about the biggest challenges her productivity coaching clients face, how busy professionals can squash overwhelm, and ways to commit to your biggest priorities. Thanks to Gusto for supporting The Productivity Show. Gusto is offering our listeners 3 months […]
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Stop Wasting Time! Try These 5 Productive Power Break Ideas Today (TPS259)

How many times have you found yourself with a few minutes in the middle of the day, and you decide to “check social media” or hit up YouTube or watch TV and then next thing you know an hour is gone and you feel like the time has been totally wasted? In this episode, we […]
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ADHD, Lack of Focus, No Time – Which Do You Want to Overcome? w/ Jamie Masters (TPS258)

I’m joined this time by Jamie Masters. She’s been a top Business Coach for over 10 years and has helped hundreds of 6 & 7 figure Entrepreneurs and Business Owners optimize every area of their business. She’s also the host of the online show – Eventual Millionaire, where she’s interviewed over 400 self-made millionaires. Jamie […]
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Attention ADD-er: Expert Reveals How to Be Productive When You Have ADHD w/ Alan Brown (TPS257)

In this episode, Thanh is joined by Alan P. Brown, author of “Zen and the Art of Productivity” and host of Thanh and Alan talk about ADHD, productivity, and tactics and strategies that work. Thanks to Lumen5 for supporting The Productivity Show. Lumen5 is offering our listeners 50% off their first month of Lumen5’s […]
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How To Be Productive Through Illness and Recovery (TPS256)

So you’re feeling fairly productive and then wham – a life change happens. It could be any number of things, but in today’s episode we are going to talk about one specific topic: being productive during illness or recovery. I’m joined by Jennifer Lava and James Lott Jr., two professional organizers and productivity consultants who […]
7/15/201959 minutes, 7 seconds
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Become Productive Again: 6 Ways To Get Back On Track (TPS255)

In the past, we’ve talked about making goals and creating rituals. What do you do when you have those goals and rituals that work well for a while but then… don’t. How do you get back up when your productivity or goals have slipped? Sometimes it’s a sudden change, but other times it’s so gradual […]
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Here’s A Quick Way To Stay On Track With Your Goals All Year (TPS254)

At the beginning of the year, we set personal goals, family goals and for some even business goals. At the end of the year, we evaluate our achievements and weed out what didn’t work versus what did work. You don’t need to wait 12 months to evaluate your goals. A mid-year check-in is as equally […]
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Confessions of an 8-Figure Entrepreneur w/ Noah Kagan (TPS253)

I’m joined this time by Noah Kagan. He runs several companies and we got into how he is able to do that and still live a great life outside of work. We talked about goal setting and his unique systems for achieving goals, what his daily routine looks like and he shares his top-down approach […]
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Use These 5 Tips To Travel Stress-Free and Organized This Summer (TPS252)

Are you about to go on vacation? Before you do, be sure to listen to today’s episode where we share our top 5 tips for summer travel. You’ll discover the best travel apps, what you need to pack on your trip, and how to best prepare for your upcoming trip for it to be stress-free […]
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The Summer Juggle — Can You Be Productive When The Kids Are On Summer Break? (TPS251)

Remember how happy you were when you were in school and that final bell rang before the summer holidays? Now that we’re out of school and working we know the other side of that equation — the parents that have to figure out how to get work done while the kids are off school. In […]
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Escape The Summer Productivity Slump With These 7 Tips (TPS250)

Summer is coming up and for most people that means vacations, extended time off and more time outside. The summer productivity slump is a real thing. But for some of you, you need to be productive and make the most of your summer. Maybe you’re studying for something, starting a business or you’re behind on […]
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How to Improve Your Time, Energy, and Attention With These 10 Tools (TPS249)

In today’s episode, we are finishing up our 3 part series about our favourite things to get things done. We’ve talked about our favorite apps for the computer, our favorite apps for mobile, and now we are going to talk about our favorite physical devices and tools. These are the things we use every day, […]
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Here Are Our 10 Favorite Mobile Apps To Help You Get More Done (TPS248)

This is episode 2 of our 3-part series on our top 10 favorite apps and tools. In today’s episode, we are going to do the monumentally difficult task and narrow down our 10 favorite mobile apps for iOS and Android that we use, love, and that makes us more productive. This was hard because there […]
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Our Top 10 Mac and Windows Productivity Apps And The “10X Rule” (TPS247)

In today’s episode, we are going to get super-tactical. A question we get asked all the time is “what are your favorite apps?”, or “what is the best app for X?” While we believe that the best app is the one that is best for YOU, there are some that prove themselves time and time […]
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Low Productivity, Procrastination, Back Pain…These Are Some Of The Penalties For Neglecting Your Posture w/ Rick Mathes (TPS246)

I’m Thanh Pham, founder of Asian Efficiency, and today I’m with Rick Mathes. He is the owner and clinic director of The Egoscue Clinic in Austin, Texas. Rick and his wife have helped thousands of people get out of pain by helping them understand that if they’re hurt, the problem isn’t the condition of their […]
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We Were Tired of Forgetting The Books We Read — So We Use This System (TPS245)

Books are an amazing source of learning and leverage. For little or no money, you can quickly learn what someone else has spent years figuring out, and you can avoid the mistakes that they made. However, there’s a big difference between READING a book and LEARNING from a book, and more importantly IMPLEMENTING what you’ve […]
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How To Lose Weight Efficiently with the Ketogenic Diet and Fasting w/ Scott Rose (TPS244)

I’m with Scott Rose, The Inspirational Nerd, and we’re going to talk about how you can lose weight efficiently without working out much. We’ll be diving deep into the ketogenic diet, a somewhat controversial diet that he and I both follow. We’ll be talking about fasting and how Scott coached me through my first 3-day […]
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5 Home Automation Techniques To Make Your Life Easier (TPS243)

Today, we’re going to be talking about 5 ways to automate your home. We’ll share the tools and devices we use to save time and make life more convenient. Home automation is a relatively new topic and one we’re excited to explore with you today. If you’ve ever thought of purchasing an Amazon Echo, Google […]
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4 Tools to Automate Your Technology and Save 100+ Hours a Year (TPS242)

Something we say a lot at AE is that small changes or improvements to the things you do every day can add up to big savings over time. This is really true with technology: we all have these little points of friction that we just accept because we think that’s just the way it is […]
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Automate Your Life: How We Save Over 500 Hours/Year With 5 Time-Saving Techniques (TPS241)

This episode is the first in a 3-part series all about automation. Usually, when we think about automation we think of technology, but there are other types of automation as well and that’s what this episode is about. We discuss 5 ways you can automate your life to save time and make life more convenient. […]
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Being Good At Your Job Is Not Enough For Growth: You Need To Create This Plan (TPS240)

In this episode, we talk about creating a Personal Development Plan. Setting yourself, and your team, up for success doesn’t just happen. You want to figure out where you want to go and what you need to do to get you there, and Marmel and Brooks will take you through 8 questions to help you […]
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9 People Just Like You Reveal How They’ve Doubled Their Energy (TPS239)

This is the 3rd episode of our podcast series on energy. In this episode, we asked AE team members and clients what they have done to increase their energy and double their productivity. You’re going to discover a new type of coffee that gave an AE client crazy amounts of energy, how one tweak to […]
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Do These 3 Things, and Your Energy and Productivity Will Skyrocket (TPS238)

This is the 2nd episode of our 3-part series on increasing your energy and doubling your productivity. The lack of energy can be doubly tough: we don’t feel like doing what we want or need to do, but we also don’t feel like we have the energy to truly focus on important things. In this […]
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Fatigue, Procrastination and Being Unproductive…These Are Some of the Penalties of Ignoring This One Thing (TPS237)

We’re going to kick things off with a 3-part podcast series on how you can get more energy and double your productivity. Most of you listening are probably looking for different ways to increase your productivity. You might have tried a lot of different things and not many have worked. One of the biggest breakthroughs […]
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How to Get Healthy and Stay Sane While Saving Time w/ Betty Jean Bell (TPS236)

I’m with Betty Jean Bell today and we’re talking about how you can improve your health. You’re going to learn how you can get more energy and lose weight efficiently without spending a lot of time and money throughout the process. We also share how we shop for groceries and prepare our meals for the […]
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How to Save Hours of Chaos and Damage Control With A Family Calendar (TPS235)

The more people you have in your family, the more having a reliable and trusted family calendar becomes critical. How do you keep everyone in the loop, and do it in a way that avoids conflict and mismatched expectations? We’ll share the 3 requirements a family calendar needs to have, best practices around sharing a […]
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Would You Like A Team Calendar That Gets Everyone Aligned? Use “The Anchor” (TPS234)

Working with others can provide a lot of challenges, and one challenge in particular is managing your calendar. How do you balance getting your deep work done, while at the same time collaborating with your teammates? And how do you do that in the most efficient, effective, and reliable way? We’ll share our philosophies around […]
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The Hybrid Calendar System That Will Help You Stay On Top Of Everything (TPS233)

Have you ever considered using an analog calendar with a digital calendar? A lot of people like the feeling of writing on their paper or wall calendar but they miss the portability and speed of a digital calendar. If you’ve tried both approaches and you haven’t found a working solution yet, then you’re going to […]
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Simple Strategies To Find Time to Parent Without Feeling Guilty w/ Julie Morgenstern (TPS232)

Today I’m speaking to Julie Morgenstern, who is the author of five books including the New York Times bestsellers Organizing from the Inside Out and Time Management from the Inside Out. We’re going to drill down into the topic of parenting, and ways you can organize your life to bring out the best in your […]
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The Calendar, Planning, and Theming Strategies You Need To Win Your Week w/ Lauren Goldstein (TPS231)

Today we have Lauren Goldstein, an entrepreneur and business strategy consultant from Austin, TX. Lauren and Thanh have known each other for a while and we invited her to come on the podcast to share her unique approach to productivity. You’re going to get specific tips on how to use a calendar to run your […]
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Level Up The People You Surround Yourself With, Without Cheesy Networking (TPS230)

Welcome to The Productivity Show, a podcast by Asian Efficiency to help you maximize your productivity so you can get everything done without having to sacrifice your health, family, and things that matter to you. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people save time, be happier, and become more productive. You probably have heard of […]
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How To Stick To Your Goals This Year And Every Year (TPS229)

Welcome to The Productivity Show, a podcast by Asian Efficiency, to help you maximize your productivity so you can get everything done without having to sacrifice your health, family and things that matter to you. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people save time, be happier, and become more productive. In today’s episode, we’ll be […]
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If You Focus On This, You’ll Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet (TPS228)

Welcome to The Productivity Show, a podcast by Asian Efficiency, to help you maximize your productivity so you can get everything done without having to sacrifice your health, family and things that matter to you. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people save time, be happier, and become more productive. Now that it is a […]
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How To Do An Annual Review The Right Way (TPS227)

In today’s episode, we’ll be covering how you can conduct your own annual review. This has allowed Thanh and others on the team to achieve our goals, be happier and be more fulfilled in our lives. Unfortunately, it’s something that most people are not doing because there isn’t a lot of great information out there […]
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Can The “Sandwich Technique” Solve Your Focus Problems? w/ Erin Chase (TPS226)

In today’s episode, Brooks interviews Erin Chase, one of the most productive people we know and a very successful businessperson who helps busy and overwhelmed home chefs learn to spend less money on groceries and get organized in the kitchen. She’s the founder of 5 Dollar Dinners, the author of the $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook […]
12/17/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Get the Most Value Out of Conferences and Implement What You’ve Learned (TPS225)

This episode is all about how to maximize the value you get from conferences. We’ll share strategies and tips for how to pick the right conference to go to, how to implement what you’ve learned, how to maximize your time at a conference and make sure it’s worth your time and money – especially if […]
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Mike’s Favorite Lessons, Podcasts, Books, and Productivity Tips (TPS224)

Today’s episode is going to be a little different. Mike Schmitz will be leaving Asian Efficiency and The Productivity Show and he’s going on to do other big and exciting things. We thought it would be great to have Mike share his lessons and experiences he learned over the years that would benefit others like […]
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Productive Workouts and Recover Like a World-Class Athlete w/ Garrett Salpeter (TPS223)

Today’s guest is Garrett Salpeter, the founder of NeuFit. He invented a device that has helped Thanh recover from shoulder surgery in only 2.5 months – something most people would take 6 months to do. We dive deeper on how he’s changing the way world-class professional athletes recover from injuries and surgeries, and how you […]
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Transformation: From Unorganized to Uber-Productive w/ Lynan Saperstein (TPS222)

In today’s episode, Thanh interviews Lynan Saperstein, a very successful businesswoman who travels all over the world and someone who has a very unique approach to productivity. She wasn’t always this productive though. About 5 years ago, when she started her business, she didn’t know anything about productivity and she couldn’t keep up with the […]
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TEA Framework, Level 3: Maximizing Your Attention & Focus (TPS221)

We’re back for the conclusion to our series on the TEA Framework, a simple mental model to help you identify and overcome the specific productivity obstacles that may be keeping you from reaching your full potential. Today Brooks and Mike will be diving into the last of the 3 Pillars of Productivity and talking about […]
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TEA Framework, Level 2: Maximizing Your Energy (TPS220)

Today we’re continuing our exploration of the TEA Framework and the 3 pillars of productivity with pillar number 2: Energy. We’ll be sharing our own struggles with energy and how we overcame them to be productive, we explain the 3 key areas to keep an eye on when it comes managing your energy, and we […]
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TEA Framework, Level 1: Making the Most of Your Limited Time (TPS219)

Today Brooks and Mike continue the conversation that Thanh and Mike began last week on the TEA framework, a simple mental model to help you identify which levers to pull to get unstuck and help you reach your full potential. We’ll dive deep on the first pillar of the TEA Framework, explain the 3 parts […]
10/29/201857 minutes, 28 seconds
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Introducing TEA: A Simple Framework for Getting Unstuck and Achieving Your Goals (TPS218)

Today we’re introducing you to our new productivity framework, which we call TEA. This simple framework will help you identify the root causes when your productivity dips and show you which levers you need to pull to get back on track. If you feel like you’re not living up to your full potential but can’t […]
10/22/201856 minutes, 48 seconds
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Atomic Habits: 4 Laws for Changing Your Identity & Living the Life You Want w/ James Clear (TPS217)

Do you have trouble getting your habits to stick? Or maybe you have trouble breaking bad habits that keep you from realizing your full potential? Either way, you won’t want to miss today’s episode with James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits and creator of the Habits Academy. James’ writing combines ideas from a wide […]
10/15/201856 minutes, 48 seconds
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Get More Done by Scheduling Your Tasks w/ the Developers of Sorted (TPS216)

Leo & Harry, creators of the iOS app Sorted, come on the show to talk about their unique approach to task management. We dive deep into the topic of scheduling your tasks, and why they believe it’s so important if you really want to be productive. We discuss how this intentional approach towards organizing your […]
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How To Design the Life You Want w/ AJ Yager (TPS215)

Today’s episode is with Thanh, the CEO of Asian Efficiency, who’s having a conversation with his friend AJ about how to design the life you want. He goes into detail about how you can envision the perfect lifestyle and take actionable steps to build it. They share their personal productivity strategies for doing it – […]
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Speed Up by Slowing Down: Sleep Secrets to Boost Your Focus and Maximize Your Productivity (TPS214)

For many of the people we work with here at Asian Efficiency, the thing that is holding them back from reaching their full potential is simply the ability to focus free from distraction on the things that they already know are important. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do about those distractions – you can’t stop […]
9/24/20181 hour, 26 minutes, 9 seconds
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Focus Tips From the Most Productive Man You’d Ever Hope to Meet w/ Chris Bailey (TPS213)

Mike is joined today by productivity expert Chris Bailey. Chris is the internationally bestselling author of The Productivity Project, and most recently his second book, Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction. Chris writes about productivity at and speaks to organizations around the globe on how they can become more […]
9/17/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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Simple Strategies to Help You Overcome the 4 Natural Enemies of Mindfulness (TPS212)

Do you ever find yourself reacting emotionally to things that are beyond your control? Maybe you don’t fly off the handle and say something you’ll regret later, but you still find certain people or things in your work or personal life that make your blood start to boil. This is known as the fight vs. […]
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In-Person Productivity: The Secret Sauce to Making a Remote Team Work (TPS211)

A lot of people dream of working remotely. They picture themselves checking email occasionally from the beach or working a couple hours a day when it’s convenient for them. But anyone who works on a remote team knows there’s much more to it than that. Sure remote work gives you freedom and autonomy, but working […]
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Meditation for the Rest of Us: 10 Surprising Benefits from Making Mindfulness a Habit (TPS210)

Do you have trouble focusing on one thing for any length of time? You’re not alone – in today’s crazy-busy society, we’ve become addicted to distraction. Today we’re going to show you how you can fight the urge to be always-on through establishing a mindfulness meditation habit. We talk about what mindfulness meditation is, how […]
8/27/201859 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Art of Finding Time to Focus w/ Curtis McHale (TPS209)

We talk a lot about the concept of deep work here at Asian Efficiency, which is all about maximizing your intensity of focus so that you can produce excellent work and be more productive. But that assumes that you have time to focus on your important projects, which for many people is a luxury they […]
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Work the System: How to Make More and Work Less w/ Josh Fonger (TPS208)

Everyone wants to make more money and work less hours, and in this episode Josh Fonger shows us how it’s possible using simple systems mechanics. Josh is a business performance architect and the co-founder of Work The System. He is an international business consultant, coach, and speaker. He’s had the unique experience of personally helping […]
8/13/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
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Personal Retreat Handbook: The 7-Step Process to Make Achieving Your Goals Inevitable (TPS207)

Do you like the idea of the 12 Week Year, but have trouble achieving your 12 Week Year goals? So did Mike, until he started implementing the concept of a personal retreat (or thinking day) that we’re about to share with you in this episode. Brooks and Mike talk about how to make the most […]
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The Overwhelm Survival Kit: Tips & Strategies to Help You Get the Space & Control You Need (TPS206)

Do you ever get overwhelmed? Ever feel like you’ve lost control of your day and there’s absolutely nothing that you can do about it? Do you get frustrated with having to respond to things other people declare are urgent and find yourself with no time left for the things that are important to you? If […]
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4 Strategies For Making Your Friends & Family More Productive (TPS205)

It can be difficult balancing close relationships with the important people in your life and your desire to get things done as efficiently as possible. What do you do when you have friends or family members who don’t share the same approach to getting things done? How can you win them over and convince them […]
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The ONLY Way You Can Inspire Change in Others & Make Them More Productive (TPS204)

Do you ever get frustrated because your team or family members “just don’t get it” and insist on doing things in a way that’s completely unproductive? If so, you’re not alone. We all struggle with people who are close to us that haven’t yet seen the light when it comes to the way they choose […]
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2 Ways to Instantly Create the Motivation You Need to Accomplish Any Goal (TPS203)

Ever wonder why so many New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick? It’s because most people rely solely on willpower to achieve their goals. Don’t be like so many who start things but can’t finish them. Tune in to understand why willpower alone isn’t going to allow you to achieve your goals, the 2 different approaches you […]
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7 Keys to Setting Up Your Home Office for Maximum Productivity (TPS202)

People seem to self-identify into 2 categories: those that thrive working from home, and those that say they could never do it. But working from home is like any other productivity challenge – if you set yourself up for success, become aware of some best practices, and apply some creativity and flexibility, anyone can do […]
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The Secret to Making the Most of Your Limited Time w/ Curtis McHale (TPS201)

Ever wonder why some people seem to get so much more done than others? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so what makes some people super-productive while others just can’t seem to get things done? In this episode, we dive into the strategy of timeblocking and how high-achievers use it to […]
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Revealed: The Quarterly Planning Formula We Use to Achieve Our Business Goals (TPS200)

You’re listening to the 200th episode of the Productivity Show which is a major milestone for us. Three years and almost 5mm downloads later we’re still going strong and helping people like you achieve your goals in record times with our actionable content. To celebrate this special occasion we will reveal something at Asian Efficiency […]
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10+ iPhone Productivity Strategies from Apple Tech Jedi David Sparks (TPS199)

It’s hard to think of something that has made as big an impact in the way we live and work during the past decade than the smartphone. The iPhone in particular, introduced with its large touchscreen and lack of a physical keyboard, has had a profound impact on our productivity and changed the way we […]
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3 Simple Steps to Help You Master Your Calendar (TPS198)

Ever wonder why some people get so much done compared to others? Behind every super-productive person is an intentional approach to how they manage their calendar. In this episode, Brooks and Mike dive deep on how to set your day up for success by managing your calendar well. They talk about why you need a […]
6/4/20181 hour, 23 minutes, 18 seconds
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Achieving Next-Level Productivity Through Conative Understanding w/ David Kolbe (TPS197)

Do you ever feel like things are harder than they should be? Then today’s episode about conative productivity is for you. Mike is joined by David Kolbe, CEO of Kolbe Corp, who has lived and breathed the Kolbe Concept® since its inception. 

Today David joins us to talk about how making small adjustments based on […]
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The Simple 6-Step Process to Start Your Productive Day the Night Before w/ Dave Caolo (TPS196)

Do you ever find yourself frustrated because the day has just gotten away from you? If so, we’ve got good news for you: there are things you can do to set yourself up for a successful and productive day. Today Mike is joined by writer, author, and podcaster Dave Caolo. Dave was the managing editor […]
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6 Tips for Running More Effective Meetings (TPS195)

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting thinking to yourself, “when is this going to end?” or even “why am I here?” If so, you’re definitely not alone. Meetings can waste a ton of time and are often not helpful in getting your actual work done. So in this episode, we dive into the […]
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The Ultimate Guide to Task Managers: Selecting the Right One w/ Mat Rhein (TPS194)

How do you know which task manager is right for you? Task managers are great because they allow you to filter your available tasks and only display the ones that are appropriate right now, but the problem is there are so many to choose from. And moving everything over from system to system to see […]
5/7/20181 hour, 32 minutes, 37 seconds
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2 Travel Hackers Reveal Everything They Know About Traveling Stress-Free (TPS193)

Thanh & Ben share their best travel hacking tips to make your next trip stress-free. Ben is a good friend of Thanh’s who runs a very successful Artificial Intelligence company that has Fortune 100 clients and works with big corporations hire him from all over the world. Ben is based in Germany but he’s rarely […]
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Inside the AE Mastermind: What Really Successful People Do Differently to Fix Their Blind Spots (TPS192)

One of the best ways to improve your productivity is to get around other productive people who can help you see your blind spots and share what really works. And that’s exactly what facilitated last November for some of our best customers when we invited them to come to Austin, TX for the Asian Efficiency […]
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Our 3 Biggest Challenges of Implementing Scrum & How We Overcame Them (TPS191)

Marmel Becerial, Asian Efficiency’s very own scrum master, joins Mike to dive deep on how we use scrum here at Asian Efficiency. This episode explains how we use the scrum framework in order to consistently and systematically create podcast episodes, video courses for the Dojo, and everything else related to Asian Efficiency’s day-to-day operation. We […]
4/16/20181 hour, 1 minute, 13 seconds
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How to Get Started with An Executive Assistant w/ Tim Francis (TPS190)

Have you ever considered hiring an assistant to help you? Today we are talking to an expert on finding and hiring assistants, Tim Francis. Tim has hired more than one hundred assistants so he knows a thing or two about the topic. In this episode, you’ll learn how to know when you’re ready for your […]
4/9/20182 hours, 28 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Professional Scrum Master’s Best Advice for a Productive Team w/ Lucas Smith (TPS189)

In this episode, Mike is joined by Lucas Smith, an agile trainer, coach, and scrum master for LitheWorks, LLC who has over 14 years experience in software development, delivery, management, product development, coaching, and training. Lucas is one of only 50 Professional Scrum Trainers in the United States and in addition to being a Professional […]
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Pomodoro 2.0 w/ Esington Method Founder Rudy Marsh (TPS188)

Rudy Marsh joins us to talk about procrastination, the pomodoro method, and goal achievement. Rudy is the founder of the Esington company and creator of the Esington Glass, a beautiful Pomodoro timer that you can use to help you overcome procrastination and take action on your goals. Rudy grew up in a multi-ethnic family in […]
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20+ Best Mac Productivity Apps in 2018 (TPS187)

In this episode, Brooks and Mike revisit our favorite productivity apps for the Mac with our 2018 Mac Productivity Draft. A lot has changed since last year, including many of our favorite apps switching to a subscription model (and a new service that allows you to get a bunch of them at a discount). We […]