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The Pest Geek Podcast Worlds #1 Pest Control Training Podcast Cover
The Pest Geek Podcast Worlds #1 Pest Control Training Podcast Profile

The Pest Geek Podcast Worlds #1 Pest Control Training Podcast

English, Finance, 1 season, 367 episodes, 5 days, 21 hours, 43 minutes
The PestGeek Podcast is a weekly podcast for the pest control and lawn care professional to help you start, manage and grow your pest control business, with guest interviews, news, products and procedure along with sales, marketing, new media, seo, social media and management advice to give you a killer edge.
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Wildlife Control: 5 Powerful Tips for Humane and Effective Management

Welcome to Another Episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast! Join wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel as he dives into the fascinating world of wildlife management. In this episode, Stephen shares valuable insights and practical tips on handling wildlife conflicts effectively. Whether you're a professional in the field or simply interested in learning more about wildlife control, Stephen's expertise will provide you with the knowledge you need to address and resolve wildlife issues safely and humanely. Latest Techniques in Wildlife Control and Management Stephen Vantassel starts this episode by discussing the latest techniques in wildlife control and management. With advancements in technology and an increased understanding of wildlife behavior, new methods are continually being developed to handle wildlife conflicts more effectively. Stephen highlights the importance of staying updated with these techniques to ensure humane and ethical wildlife control practices. Real-life Case Studies One of the most engaging parts of this episode is Stephen's discussion of real-life case studies. He shares detailed stories of wildlife conflicts he has encountered and how they were successfully managed. These case studies provide practical examples of how to apply various techniques in real-world situations. They also highlight the challenges that wildlife control professionals face and the innovative solutions they come up with to resolve these issues. Common Wildlife Problems and Practical Solutions Stephen addresses some of the most common wildlife problems that homeowners and professionals encounter. From raccoons in attics to skunks under porches, he provides practical solutions for dealing with these nuisances. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the behavior and biology of the species you're dealing with to effectively resolve the conflict. Humane and Ethical Wildlife Control Practices A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to discussing the importance of humane and ethical wildlife control practices. Stephen stresses that while it is essential to resolve wildlife conflicts, it is equally important to do so in a manner that is humane and ethical. He provides guidelines on how to ensure that your wildlife control methods meet these standards. Tips on Preventing Wildlife Conflicts Prevention is always better than cure, and this is especially true in wildlife control. Stephen offers valuable tips on preventing wildlife conflicts before they start. From securing trash cans to sealing entry points in your home, these preventive measures can save you a lot of trouble down the road. Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practices Stephen also addresses frequently asked questions from listeners. These questions cover a wide range of topics, from dealing with specific species to the legality of certain control methods. Stephen's answers provide clear and practical advice, making it easier for listeners to implement the best practices in wildlife control. The Importance of Education and Training Throughout the episode, Stephen emphasizes the importance of education and training in wildlife control. He believes that continuous learning is crucial for staying updated with the latest techniques and best practices. He encourages professionals in the field to seek out training opportunities and stay informed about new developments in wildlife management. About Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Stephen M. Vantassel is dedicated to helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research. As a Certified Wildlife Control Professional (CWCP) and Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE), he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. His work focuses on providing effective, humane, and ethical solutions to wildlife conflicts. Stephen's commitment to education and ethical practices makes him a respected authority in the fi...
7/13/202434 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why are thistles such a difficult weed in Ohio and the Miami Valley area?

Thistles are difficult to manage and control for several reasons: Aggressive Growth: Thistles, such as the Canada thistle, are perennial weeds that can spread rapidly through both seeds and root systems. Their extensive root networks can produce new shoots, making them hard to eradicate. Seed Production: Thistles produce a large number of seeds that can be dispersed by wind, water, animals, and human activity. These seeds can remain viable in the soil for several years, ensuring the persistence of the plant. Resilience: Thistles are highly adaptable and can thrive in various soil types and environmental conditions. They are drought-tolerant and can outcompete native vegetation, especially in disturbed areas. Physical Defenses: Thistles have spiny leaves and stems that deter herbivores and make manual removal challenging and painful. These physical defenses protect them from being eaten and reduce the likelihood of damage from grazing. Herbicide Resistance: Some thistle species have developed resistance to common herbicides, making chemical control less effective. This resistance necessitates the use of multiple methods for effective management. Regenerative Ability: Thistles can regenerate from root fragments, meaning that incomplete removal can result in new growth. Even small pieces of root left in the soil can develop into new plants. Competition: Thistles compete aggressively with crops and native plants for resources such as light, water, and nutrients. Their presence can reduce crop yields and hinder the growth of desired vegetation. Effective thistle management typically requires an integrated approach, combining mechanical, chemical, and biological methods to reduce their spread and impact. For more information or help in Greenville Ohio or the Miami Valley Area visit: Miami Valley GreenGuard Solutions LLC(937) 476-1992 Services Reviews
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Lyme Disease Prevention: Top 5 Tick Control Tips | Expert Advice for Effective Pest Management

Lyme Disease Prevention Tips Welcome to another episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with your trusted wildlife control consultant, Stephen Vantassel! In this episode, we dive deep into the world of vertebrate pest control, sharing the top 5 tick control tips for effective Lyme disease prevention. Join us as Stephen provides powerful insights to help you manage ticks and protect your health. Don’t miss out on these essential strategies for keeping your environment safe and tick-free! Meet Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Stephen M. Vantassel, a Certified Wildlife Control Professional (CWCP) and Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE), is your go-to expert for all things related to wildlife control. In this podcast, Stephen provides a professional and technically accurate perspective on vertebrate pest management. As part of the Peste Podcast family, "Living the Wildlife" is dedicated to helping you stay ahead in the field by delving into the technical issues and research literature that aren’t typically covered elsewhere, giving you a competitive edge in pest control. The Serious Problems Caused by Ticks In this episode, Stephen addresses the serious issues caused by ticks, including the debilitating Lyme disease. While Lyme disease isn’t officially recognized in Montana, ticks remain a significant concern in the area. The discussion highlights how ticks can affect both pest control professionals and their clients, underscoring the importance of understanding tick behavior and the risks they pose. Ticks are notorious for causing severe suffering for hundreds of thousands of people in the United States and around the world. Despite Montana not being officially recognized as a Lyme disease location, many people in the state still dispute this claim. Stephen emphasizes the importance of recognizing the dangers ticks pose, especially for those working in pest control or living in tick-prone areas. Exploring a 2024 Article on Rodent and Tick Bait One of the key highlights of this episode is Stephen's discussion of a 2024 article about a rodent and tick bait. He plans to explore this article in-depth, providing you with cutting-edge information on how this new development can help manage tick infestations and reduce the risk of Lyme disease. Practical Tips for Managing Tick Infestations Stephen shares practical tips on managing tick infestations and minimizing the risk of Lyme disease. These tips are invaluable for both pest control professionals and homeowners dealing with tick problems. Here are some of the strategies Stephen discusses: Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect your property for signs of tick activity. Pay close attention to areas where pets or wildlife are likely to frequent. Proper Landscaping: Keep your lawn well-maintained. Ticks thrive in tall grass and brush, so keeping these areas trimmed can reduce tick populations. Use of Pesticides: Apply pesticides in areas where ticks are commonly found. Be sure to follow all label directions and local regulations when using these products. Personal Protection: Wear protective clothing when working in tick-infested areas. This includes long sleeves, pants, and using insect repellent on exposed skin. Tick Control Products: Utilize tick control products on pets to prevent them from bringing ticks into your home. Understanding the Interface Between Vertebrate and Insect Pests Stephen discusses the interface between vertebrate and insect pests, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to pest management. This involves understanding how different pests interact and the best strategies for controlling them effectively. Whether you’re a professional in the field or simply interested in learning more about pest control, this episode is packed with valuable information. Connect with Stephen M. Vantassel Stephen M. Vantassel is dedicated to helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching,
7/5/202430 minutes, 40 seconds
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35 Years of Pest Control Success: Uncover the Powerful Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Pest Control Success Welcome to another insightful episode of the Pestgeek Podcast with your host, holistic pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez! In this episode, we dive into the fascinating world of business operations by exploring a thriving pest control company that's been in the game for an impressive 35 years. Building a Strong Foundation Every successful business begins with a strong foundation, and this pest control company is no exception. Established by the current owner's father and his partner, the company has grown from humble beginnings into a robust and sustainable operation. Their hard work and dedication over the years have been instrumental in shaping the company's future. The founders' vision and commitment laid the groundwork for what has become a well-oiled machine in the pest control industry. Lean Management Structure One of the key factors contributing to the company's success is its lean management structure. With just one service manager and a field supervisor, the company efficiently oversees 14 residential routes and 13 salespeople. This streamlined approach ensures that operations run smoothly and that resources are utilized effectively. The lean management structure not only reduces overhead costs but also promotes a culture of accountability and responsibility among employees. Strategic Marketing Approach In an era where marketing often means spending exorbitant amounts on advertisements and promotions, this company has taken a different route. Instead of relying on heavy marketing, they focus on word-of-mouth, referrals, and strategic partnerships. This approach has helped them build a solid reputation and maintain a steady influx of new clients. By delivering exceptional service, they have turned satisfied customers into advocates, who then spread the word about their positive experiences. The Role of Termite Inspections A significant part of their business model includes termite inspections for new homes. This service not only provides peace of mind for new homeowners but also serves as a gateway to offering additional services. They offer discounts on termite treatments if clients opt for their services, making it an attractive proposition for potential customers. By transitioning from free to paid inspections, the company has been able to avoid exploitation and ensure that their services are valued appropriately. Sustainable Growth Without Aggressive Marketing One of the most remarkable aspects of this company's journey is its steady growth without the need for aggressive marketing. Instead of chasing rapid expansion, they have focused on maintaining quality service and building long-term relationships within the community. This approach has allowed them to grow organically, ensuring that they do not compromise on the quality of their services. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and long-term relationships, they have created a loyal customer base that continues to grow. Community Engagement: A Key to Success Community engagement plays a crucial role in the company's success. They actively network through local chambers of commerce, realtor boards, and other community organizations. This strategy helps them maintain visibility and foster valuable relationships. By being an active and contributing member of the community, they have built a strong local presence and earned the trust and respect of their peers and customers alike. Networking and Strategic Partnerships In addition to community engagement, the company has also forged strategic partnerships with various stakeholders, including realtors, lenders, home inspectors, HVAC companies, and property management firms. These partnerships have been mutually beneficial, providing a steady stream of referrals and business opportunities. By working closely with these partners, the company has been able to expand its reach and offer comprehensive solutions to its cl...
7/2/202456 minutes, 32 seconds
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Discover the Fascinating Diet of Eastern Moles: 5 Powerful Insights for Wildlife Control

Eastern Moles Welcome to the Living The Wildlife Podcast Welcome to another episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with your host, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel! In this episode, Stephen delves into the fascinating diet of the Eastern Mole, providing insights into their behavior and how to manage conflicts with these unique creatures. Whether you're a professional in wildlife control or simply interested in learning more about wildlife, this episode is packed with valuable information. Understanding the Eastern Mole The Eastern Mole (Scalopus aquaticus) is a small, burrowing mammal commonly found in eastern North America. Known for their cylindrical bodies, powerful forelimbs, and velvety fur, Eastern Moles are remarkable diggers. Despite their tiny eyes and ears, which are often hidden beneath their fur, these creatures have adapted well to a subterranean lifestyle. Their primary habitats include lawns, gardens, pastures, and meadows where they can create intricate tunnel systems. The Diet of the Eastern Mole One of the most intriguing aspects of the Eastern Mole is its diet. These moles are insectivores, meaning their diet consists mainly of insects and other invertebrates. Earthworms are a primary food source, making up a significant portion of their diet. In addition to earthworms, Eastern Moles also consume beetles, ants, and various larvae. Their feeding habits are essential for maintaining soil health, as they help control insect populations and aerate the soil through their tunneling activities. Behavioral Insights Understanding the behavior of Eastern Moles is crucial for effective wildlife management. These moles are solitary creatures, spending most of their lives underground. They are active year-round and do not hibernate, which means they can be a persistent presence in your yard or garden. Eastern Moles are most active during the early morning and late afternoon, although they can also be active at night. Managing Conflicts with Eastern Moles While Eastern Moles play a vital role in the ecosystem, their tunneling behavior can cause conflicts with humans. Molehills and surface tunnels can damage lawns, gardens, and sports fields. Managing these conflicts requires a strategic approach that balances the ecological benefits of moles with the need to protect human interests. Non-Lethal Management Techniques Habitat Modification: Reducing soil moisture through proper irrigation practices can make your yard less attractive to moles. Additionally, removing mulch and leaf litter can reduce the availability of food sources. Barriers: Installing physical barriers such as wire mesh around gardens and flower beds can help prevent moles from entering these areas. Ensure that the barriers are buried at least 12 inches deep to be effective. Repellents: There are various commercial mole repellents available that use castor oil or other natural ingredients. These can be applied to lawns and gardens to deter moles from tunneling. Lethal Management Techniques Trapping: Trapping is a common method for controlling mole populations. Various types of traps, such as harpoon, scissor-jaw, and choker loop traps, are available. It's essential to place traps in active tunnels and follow local regulations regarding their use. Toxicants: In some cases, toxic baits may be used to control moles. However, this method should be used with caution and only as a last resort due to potential risks to non-target species and pets. The Role of Professional Wildlife Control For persistent mole problems, consulting a professional wildlife control expert like Stephen Vantassel can be highly beneficial. Professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools to assess the situation accurately and implement effective management strategies. Stephen Vantassel, CWCP, ACE, and his team at Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, specialize in helping people resolve conflicts with wildli...
6/29/202426 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hearing Loss Prevention: 7 Powerful Tips for Long-Term Health and Safety in Pest Control

Hearing LossProtect Your Hearing: Insights from the Living The Wildlife Podcast Welcome to another episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel! This episode delves into a critical aspect of health and safety in the wildlife control and pest management industries: protecting your hearing. Stephen Vantassel shares his personal experiences and expert insights to highlight the importance of hearing protection, ensuring you can maintain your auditory health while working in potentially noisy environments. The Importance of Hearing Protection in Pest Management Stephen Vantassel, a seasoned wildlife control consultant, opens this episode by emphasizing the vital role of adhering to laws and regulations in pest control. He introduces his latest book, the "Vertebrate Pest Handbook, Third Edition," which provides comprehensive information on managing commensal rodents. However, the primary focus of this episode is on a different yet equally crucial topic: protecting your hearing. Stephen Vantassel’s Personal Experience with Hearing Loss Stephen shares his personal battle with hearing loss, which stemmed from a combination of ear infections and prolonged exposure to loud noises. His story is not uncommon; statistics show that 15% of American adults report some level of hearing loss, with men being twice as likely to suffer due to occupational exposure. This statistic is particularly relevant for those in the pest management industry, where the use of loud machinery and equipment is routine. Understanding OSHA's Guidelines on Noise Exposure The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides clear guidelines on acceptable noise exposure levels to help protect workers' hearing. According to OSHA, workers should not be exposed to noise levels above 90 decibels (dB) for more than 8 hours per day. As the noise level increases, the permissible exposure time decreases significantly. For instance, exposure to noise at 100 dB should be limited to just 2 hours. Common Sources of Loud Noise in Pest Management Stephen outlines several common sources of loud noise that pest management professionals might encounter, including: Music Players: Prolonged use of high-volume music players can contribute to hearing damage. Chainsaws: Frequently used in wildlife control, chainsaws produce noise levels that can be harmful without proper protection. Jackhammers and Heavy Machinery: These tools are common in construction and pest control and are notorious for their high noise levels. By comparing different noise levels, Stephen underscores the importance of understanding and mitigating the risks associated with prolonged noise exposure. Effective Hearing Protection Measures Protecting your hearing requires proactive planning and the use of appropriate protective measures. Stephen discusses several effective options: Foam Earplugs: These are a cost-effective and widely available option for reducing noise exposure. Custom-Molded Earplugs: Tailored to fit the user's ears, these provide enhanced protection and comfort. Canal Caps: These are convenient and easy to use, offering good protection for shorter periods. Earmuffs: Suitable for high-noise environments, earmuffs provide substantial noise reduction. Stephen advises against using earbuds for hearing protection as they can exacerbate hearing damage instead of preventing it. Planning and Consistency in Hearing Protection Stephen emphasizes the need to plan for noise exposure by preparing the necessary protective equipment and ensuring its consistent use. He reiterates OSHA’s emphasis on the actual use of hearing protection, rather than merely having it available. Proper planning involves assessing the noise levels of different tasks and selecting the appropriate protective measures accordingly. Long-Term Health and Preventing Isolation
6/22/202429 minutes, 57 seconds
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Effective Wildlife Control Strategies: 5 Proven Techniques for Positive Results

Welcome to Another Episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast! Join wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel as he shares his expert insights on managing wildlife conflicts. In this episode, Stephen delves into the latest techniques and strategies for effective wildlife control, offering friendly advice to help you resolve your wildlife issues. Whether you're a homeowner dealing with pesky critters or a professional in the pest management industry, Stephen's wealth of knowledge and practical tips are sure to provide valuable guidance. Expert Insights on Managing Wildlife Conflicts Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE, is a dedicated wildlife control consultant with years of experience in the field. He has helped countless individuals and professionals resolve their wildlife conflicts through teaching, training, writing, and research. Stephen brings a unique perspective and a deep understanding of wildlife behavior, ensuring that his advice is both practical and effective. In this episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, Stephen delves into the latest techniques and strategies for effective wildlife control. He covers a range of topics, from identifying common wildlife issues to implementing humane and eco-friendly control methods. Stephen's friendly and approachable style makes complex topics easy to understand, providing listeners with the knowledge they need to tackle their wildlife problems confidently. Latest Techniques and Strategies for Effective Wildlife Control One of the key highlights of this episode is Stephen's discussion on the latest techniques and strategies for effective wildlife control. He emphasizes the importance of understanding wildlife behavior and using humane methods to manage and mitigate conflicts. Stephen shares valuable tips on how to identify the root causes of wildlife issues, implement preventive measures, and choose the right control methods. For homeowners dealing with pesky critters, Stephen offers practical advice on how to deter wildlife from entering their homes and gardens. He discusses various exclusion techniques, habitat modifications, and repellents that can help keep wildlife at bay. Stephen also provides guidance on how to safely and humanely remove wildlife that has already entered your property. For professionals in the pest management industry, Stephen's insights on advanced control techniques and best practices are invaluable. He covers topics such as trapping, relocation, and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. Stephen's expertise in the field ensures that listeners receive up-to-date information on the most effective and ethical wildlife control methods. Comprehensive Resources for Wildlife Conflict Resolution Stephen M. Vantassel is committed to providing comprehensive resources for anyone looking to address wildlife conflicts responsibly and sustainably. Through his blog, research papers, YouTube channel, and podcasts, Stephen offers a wealth of information and practical advice. Connect with Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE: Blog: Wildlife Control Consultant Blog Papers: Stephen M. Vantassel on Academia Videos: Wildlife Control Consultant YouTube Channel Podcasts: Living The Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast Phone: 406-272-5323 (Mtn Time) Stephen's blog is a valuable resource for anyone interested in wildlife control. It features articles on a wide range of topics, from identifying common wildlife problems to implementing effective control strategies. Stephen's research papers provide in-depth insights into the science behind wildlife behavior and control methods, making them a must-read for professionals in the field. Valuable Video Content and Podcasts The Wildlife Control Consultant YouTube channel is another excellent resource for learning about wildlife control. Stephen's videos cover a variety of topics, including how-to guides, product reviews, and expert interviews.
6/17/202430 minutes, 41 seconds
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Want To Get Out Of Poverty Become Self Employed | Service Geek Live

On this episode of Pestgeek Live with Franklin Hernandez, the Pestgeek, I discussed the events of the past week, including losing a tech and the process of hiring a new one. We delved into the realities of long-term marketing ROI, enjoyed a Padrón 60 ring gauge cigar, and explored how to escape poverty by starting your own business. Additionally, we talked about raising godly kids with character and work ethic, respecting the hustle, why we live in the greatest country in the world, being thankful, and how to make yourself the most valuable employee. #PestgeekLive #FranklinHernandez #Podcast #MarketingROI #TechHiring #BusinessTips #EscapePoverty #Entrepreneurship #Parenting #WorkEthic #RespectTheHustle #GreatestCountry #Thankfulness #CareerAdvice #PadrónCigar
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Raccoon Roundworm: 5 Powerful Tips for Positive Wildlife Control

Exploring the World of Vertebrate Pest Control with Stephen Vantassel Join wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel in another enlightening episode of "Living the Wildlife," part of the Pest Geek Podcast family. This episode takes an in-depth look at vertebrate pest control, specifically focusing on the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis), a serious parasite with significant health implications for humans, especially children. Understanding the Raccoon Roundworm The raccoon roundworm is a critical health concern in wildlife control. Raccoons are the primary reservoir for this parasite, shedding it in their feces. Stephen Vantassel explains how raccoons can tolerate this worm and the process through which they spread it, posing risks not only to humans but also to other animals. The episode provides detailed insights into the lifecycle of the raccoon roundworm and its broader ecological impact. The Risks and Transmission of Baylisascaris Procyonis Baylisascaris procyonis is a nematode that primarily infects raccoons but can also infect humans and other animals. The eggs of this parasite are passed through raccoon feces and can remain viable in the soil for years. When ingested, these eggs hatch into larvae that can migrate through various tissues, causing severe damage. Children are particularly at risk due to their tendency to play in the dirt and inadvertently ingest contaminated soil. The Importance of Research-Based Information Stephen Vantassel emphasizes the podcast’s commitment to providing research-based information on complex pest control topics often overlooked in other forums. This dedication ensures that listeners receive accurate and comprehensive insights into the challenges and solutions in pest management. By focusing on these intricate topics, the podcast equips professionals with the knowledge necessary to handle difficult situations effectively and safely. Resources for Wildlife Control Professionals Listeners are encouraged to explore Stephen’s website for a wealth of additional resources. These include personal consultations and his highly regarded "Wildlife Damage Inspection Handbook." This handbook is a vital resource for identifying and managing wildlife damage, offering detailed information that is both technical and user-friendly. Stephen continuously updates his materials to include new species and deeper insights, making it an invaluable tool for professionals in the field. Engaging with the Podcast Community Stephen Vantassel invites listeners to subscribe to the channel to stay updated with the latest episodes and developments in wildlife control. He also welcomes feedback and suggestions for future shows, highlighting the importance of community engagement. By participating in the conversation, listeners can contribute to the ongoing discussion about best practices and new developments in the field of vertebrate pest control. Contact Information and Additional Resources For more insights and updates, be sure to check out the following links: Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Stephen M. Vantassel on Academia Videos: YouTube Channel Podcasts: Pest Geek Podcast Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Stephen is dedicated to helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research. His extensive knowledge and experience make him a valuable resource for anyone dealing with wildlife-related issues. Practical Advice and Prevention In addition to understanding the lifecycle and risks associated with raccoon roundworm, Stephen provides practical advice on prevention and control. This includes strategies for reducing raccoon populations in residential areas, safe handling and disposal of raccoon feces, and effective sanitation practices to minimize the risk of infection. By implementing these measures,
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What I Want In An Employee Is The Skills I Cannot Train On | The Service Geek Live

Uncovering the Essential Traits of Exceptional Employees In the competitive landscape of today’s job market, finding the right employees can make or break your business. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the crucial skills that go beyond what can be taught in training sessions. From commitment to creativity, communication to confidence, we explore the traits that make an employee an invaluable asset to any team. Committed: The Foundation of Reliability Commitment to their role and the success of your business is a non-negotiable trait in potential hires. Employees who are committed show up consistently, meet deadlines, and go above and beyond their job descriptions. This dedication fosters a sense of reliability, creating a stable work environment where the entire team can thrive. Why Commitment Matters Committed employees are more likely to stay with your company long-term, reducing turnover rates and the costs associated with hiring and training new staff. Their dedication also inspires their colleagues, leading to a more motivated and cohesive team. When employees are invested in their roles, they are more likely to contribute to the company's success, taking ownership of their tasks and striving for excellence. Communicative: The Key to Team Success Clear communication is key for success in almost every position within your company. Effective communicators ensure that information flows smoothly, preventing misunderstandings and fostering collaboration. This skill is particularly important in team settings, where the ability to articulate ideas and provide feedback is crucial. The Impact of Strong Communication Strong communication skills enable employees to work well with colleagues, clients, and management. They can convey their ideas clearly and listen actively, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making. In a fast-paced work environment, good communication helps to keep projects on track and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Confident: Driving Innovation and Risk-Taking Confidence breeds innovation and risk-taking. Hiring confident employees can drive your company forward by encouraging a culture of bold ideas and proactive solutions. Confident employees are not afraid to take risks and think outside the box, leading to breakthroughs that can set your company apart from competitors. Building a Culture of Confidence Confident employees are more likely to take the initiative and lead projects, providing a sense of direction and purpose. They are also better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. By fostering confidence within your team, you create an environment where innovation can flourish. Creative: Staying Ahead of the Curve Hiring individuals who challenge the status quo and bring fresh ideas to the table keeps your company ahead of the curve. Creativity is not limited to artistic roles; it is a valuable trait in problem-solving, strategy development, and everyday tasks. Encouraging Creative Thinking Creative employees contribute to a dynamic and adaptable work environment. They approach problems from different angles and come up with innovative solutions that others might overlook. Encouraging creativity within your team can lead to new products, services, and processes that enhance your company's competitive edge. Detail-Oriented: Ensuring Accuracy and Reputation Attention to detail can make all the difference. This skill is vital for project accuracy and maintaining the company's reputation. Detail-oriented employees catch mistakes before they become bigger issues, ensuring that work is completed to the highest standards. The Benefits of Precision Detail-oriented employees help maintain quality control, reducing errors and improving customer satisfaction. Their meticulous nature ensures that all aspects of a project are considered,
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Master BOIR Compliance: 7 Powerful Tips for Small Business Success

BOIR Compliance Mastering the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR) with Stephen Vantassel Welcome to another episode of the Living the Wildlife Podcast with wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel! In this informative video, Stephen dives into the complexities of the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR), providing essential guidance for small business owners. This blog post will summarize the key points discussed in the episode, offering valuable insights for anyone needing to comply with this new federal requirement. Introduction to the Living the Wildlife Podcast In this episode, Stephen Vantassel introduces himself and the Living the Wildlife Podcast, a part of the Pest Geek Podcast family. The podcast is dedicated to providing research-based technical information about vertebrate pest control. Stephen's expertise in wildlife control and his engaging presentation style make this podcast a must-listen for professionals in the pest control industry. Memorial Day Reflection Stephen records this episode on Memorial Day, taking a moment to remind listeners of the importance of honoring those who have sacrificed their lives for the country. He hopes that everyone had a meaningful and enjoyable extended weekend. This reflection sets a thoughtful tone for the episode, connecting the audience with the broader context of the day. Overview of the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR) Stephen explains the new reporting requirement imposed by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The BOIR mandates that all small business owners file this report to disclose their financial interests and ownership. This requirement aims to increase transparency and reduce financial crimes, making it crucial for business owners to understand and comply with the regulations. Steps to File the BOIR Stephen provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you file your BOIR: Visit FinCEN's Website: Navigate to Access the BOIR Section: Click on the Beneficial Ownership Information link. Choose Filing Method: Decide between the online version and the PDF version. Fill Out the Form: Provide necessary information, including your legal company name, tax identification number, address, and owner details. Submit Identification: Upload a scanned copy of a state-issued driver's license, U.S. passport, or foreign passport. Save Documentation: Ensure to save the confirmation number and documentation for future reference. Importance of Compliance Stephen stresses the importance of complying with this federal requirement to avoid severe penalties. The BOIR is part of the government's efforts to reduce financial crimes. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and legal complications, making it essential for business owners to understand and fulfill this obligation. Practical Tips and Personal Experience Stephen shares his personal experience with the filing process, noting initial difficulties with the PDF version and ultimately finding the online version more straightforward. His practical advice includes preparing all necessary documents in advance to streamline the process. This hands-on perspective is invaluable for listeners who may face similar challenges. Closing Remarks In his closing remarks, Stephen encourages listeners to subscribe to the channel, engage with the content, and reach out with suggestions for future episodes. He underscores the importance of staying compliant with regulatory requirements to avoid legal issues. This proactive approach ensures that business owners are well-informed and prepared to meet their obligations. Contact Information For more insights and discussions on pest control and related regulations, stay connected with Stephen Vantassel and the Pest Geek Podcast! Phone: 406-272-5323 (Mtn Time) Blog: Visit Here Papers: Read Here Videos Videos: Watch Here
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5 Powerful Tips to Master Stress Management for a Healthier Life

Understanding the Impact of Stress on Physical Health: Insights from Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Welcome to another insightful episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, where holistic pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez shares his personal journey with stress and its profound impact on physical health. In this compelling video, Franklin opens up about the challenges he faced and the invaluable lessons he learned along the way. His narrative is both relatable and heartfelt, offering valuable insights that many can identify with. The Pressure Cooker: Balancing Business and Personal Life Franklin begins by describing the overwhelming stress he experienced while trying to manage both his business and personal life. The demands of running a successful business, coupled with home-related issues, created a high-pressure environment that was difficult to navigate. Over the years, Franklin found himself constantly battling colds, unaware that these recurring illnesses were actually stress-related. The process of building a business from the ground up, managing employees, and handling high-pressure situations contributed significantly to his stress levels. Franklin’s approach to stress was to internalize it—a coping mechanism that eventually led to severe physical symptoms. He experienced debilitating back pain, which became so intense that he required regular sessions with a massage therapist to find relief. A Year of Unprecedented Challenges: The Trifecta of Stressors in 2017 The year 2017 was particularly challenging for Franklin. He faced a trifecta of stressors that pushed his health to the brink. First, a hurricane loomed, creating a high-stress situation as he prepared for the storm. The imminent threat of the hurricane added to the already mounting pressure. Compounding this, Franklin had been without his blood pressure medication for a week due to a discontinuation, which caused his blood pressure to spike dangerously. To top it off, personal issues came to a head when his wife asked for a divorce. The combination of these stressors led to severe chest pains and an alarming spike in his blood pressure, reaching levels as high as 160 over 110. The Health Crisis: Seeking Urgent Medical Attention This health crisis prompted Franklin to seek medical attention urgently. He underwent extensive tests, including a calcium score test, to determine the cause of his symptoms. Despite the severe symptoms, the tests revealed that his heart was healthy. There were no signs of disease, plaque, or valve damage. The doctors concluded that his symptoms were purely stress-related, highlighting the profound impact that stress can have on physical health. Lessons Learned: Managing Stress and Maintaining Health Throughout this ordeal, Franklin learned valuable lessons about managing stress and taking care of his health. One of the most important realizations was the need to find healthier ways to cope with pressure and not to internalize stress. Internalizing stress had led to severe physical symptoms, which could have been avoided with better stress management techniques. Franklin began to implement changes in his lifestyle to better manage stress. He started prioritizing self-care, taking time off when needed, and seeking support from friends, family, and professionals. He also learned the importance of addressing stress proactively, rather than letting it build up to dangerous levels. The Importance of Proactive Stress Management Franklin’s story is a powerful reminder of how crucial it is to address stress proactively and seek support when needed. Stress is often referred to as the "silent killer" because of its insidious nature and the severe impact it can have on both mental and physical health. Left unchecked, chronic stress can lead to a multitude of health problems, including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and mental health disorders such as depression and...
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Master DIY SEO: 7 Powerful Tips for Budget-Friendly Website Optimization Success

DIY Tips for Effective Website Optimization (SEO) on a Budget Join Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez as he shares essential DIY tips for effective website optimization on a budget. In this blog post, you'll learn why mastering your own SEO techniques is crucial when you can't afford costly marketing services. Franklin breaks down the steps to create and optimize your web pages efficiently, ensuring you get the best results without breaking the bank. He covers everything from interlinking pages, creating schema markup, and producing backlinks, providing practical advice to help you succeed in the competitive digital landscape. The Importance of DIY SEO In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business. However, hiring a marketing company to manage your SEO can be prohibitively expensive, especially for small businesses and startups. This is where DIY SEO comes into play. By learning and implementing your own SEO strategies, you can save money while still achieving significant results. Understanding the Basics of SEO Before diving into specific techniques, it's important to understand the basics of SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. This involves various strategies and techniques designed to improve your site's visibility and attract more organic traffic. Creating and Optimizing Web Pages One of the first steps in DIY SEO is creating and optimizing your web pages. This involves a few key tasks: Keyword Research: Identify the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition. Content Creation: Create high-quality, valuable content around these keywords. Ensure that your content is informative, engaging, and provides real value to your readers. On-Page Optimization: Optimize your web pages by including keywords in strategic locations such as titles, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the content. Also, make sure to optimize images by using descriptive file names and alt text. Interlinking Pages Interlinking is a crucial aspect of SEO that involves linking your web pages to each other. This helps search engines understand the structure of your website and can improve the ranking of your pages. Here are some tips for effective interlinking: Use Descriptive Anchor Text: When linking to another page, use descriptive anchor text that includes relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of the linked page. Link to Relevant Content: Ensure that the pages you are linking to are relevant to the content on the current page. This provides a better user experience and can improve your site's SEO. Create a Logical Structure: Organize your website in a logical manner with a clear hierarchy. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages. Creating Schema Markup Schema markup is a type of microdata that you can add to your website to help search engines understand your content better. This can improve your site's visibility in search results and enhance your search listings with rich snippets. Here's how to create schema markup: Identify the Type of Content: Determine the type of content you want to markup, such as articles, products, reviews, or events. Use Visit to find the appropriate markup for your content type. This site provides a comprehensive list of schema types and properties. Add the Markup to Your HTML: Incorporate the schema markup into your HTML code. You can use JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa formats. JSON-LD is the recommended format by Google. Test Your Markup: Use Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure that your schema markup is correctly implemented. Producing Backlinks Backlinks, or inbound links,
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Fair Pay Vs Competitive Compensation | Service Geek Live

Hiring is not easy and deciding what to pay isn't any easier there will, you may think you are offering fair pay for what you are wanting but are you really offering a competitive salary ore are you offering what you can afford to pay? As an employer, you will never pay a fair wage. You have to be competitive to win. If you feel $20 an hour is fair, but someone else can make $24 doing a similar job, you might think you are paying a fair wage, but you’re not competitive. Technicians turned self-employed often get stuck on the notion of fairness. Business is not about fairness; it is about competitiveness. You compete for market space, customers, talent—you compete for everything you want to achieve. If you can’t be competitive, you can’t even play the game, much less win it. Get over this fairness mindset and start being competitive. Fairness is neither quantifiable nor qualifiable; it’s a feeling, and you can never compete with everyone’s feelings. Treat people with dignity and respect, and do what is right. However, in many cases, you will do what you think is fair and still lose. That is the reality of business and life in general. You’re not paying what is fair; you’re paying what you can afford to pay. The question is: can you find someone willing to work for what you can afford to pay? #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Essential Ladder Safety: 10 Powerful Tips for Preventing Accidents

Ensuring Ladder Safety: Essential Tips from Stephen Vantassel Welcome to another episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel! In this episode, Stephen delves into essential ladder safety tips, emphasizing the importance of following OSHA guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries. The Importance of Ladder Safety Ladder safety is crucial for anyone working at heights, whether it's for professional purposes or DIY projects at home. Following proper safety protocols can prevent serious injuries and even fatalities. Stephen highlights the critical aspects of ladder safety, starting with the need to follow all ladder markings and ensure they are readable. Understanding and Following Ladder Markings Ladder markings provide vital information about the ladder’s capacity and usage guidelines. Stephen stresses the importance of ensuring that these markings are readable and adhering to them strictly. Overlooking these details can lead to misuse and potential accidents. Avoiding Electrical Hazards Electrical hazards are a significant risk when using ladders, particularly aluminum ones. Stephen advises being extremely cautious around electrical lines and always assuming that any line could be live. He recommends using fiberglass ladders in areas where electrical hazards are present, as they are non-conductive and safer. Inspecting Your Ladder Before Use Before using a ladder, it’s crucial to inspect it for any signs of damage or wear. Stephen advises checking for missing screws, warping, frayed ropes, and worn-out rubber feet. Regular inspections ensure that the ladder remains safe to use and helps identify any issues that need to be addressed before they become serious problems. Maintaining Three-Point Contact Maintaining three-point contact is essential for ladder safety. This means keeping two hands and one foot, or two feet and one hand on the ladder at all times. Stephen emphasizes that this practice provides stability and helps prevent falls. He also suggests using tool belts or ropes to carry tools, ensuring that hands are free to maintain contact with the ladder. Using the Appropriate Ladder for the Job Choosing the right ladder for the job is crucial. Stephen emphasizes the necessity of using a ladder that is rated for your weight and the equipment you carry. Overloading a ladder can cause it to fail, leading to serious injuries. He also points out the importance of using ladders that are appropriate for the specific task, whether it’s an extension ladder, step ladder, or a specialty ladder. Keeping Ladders Clean and Free from Slippery Materials Slippery surfaces can cause accidents. Stephen advises keeping ladders clean and free from any slippery materials such as oil, grease, or mud. Ensuring that the rungs and feet of the ladder have good traction helps maintain stability and prevent slips. Placing Ladders on Stable, Level Surfaces A stable and level surface is essential for ladder placement. Stephen recommends using ladder levelers if the ground is uneven. He also advises against placing ladders on unstable surfaces or materials that could shift or give way under the ladder’s weight. Proper Extension of Ladders Extension ladders should extend at least three rungs above the roofline or the level you’re working on. This ensures that there is enough ladder to safely transition onto the roof or platform. Stephen also advises maintaining a 1:4 ratio of distance from the wall to the height of the ladder to ensure the correct angle for safety. Using Cones or Hazard Tape in High-Traffic Areas In high-traffic areas, it’s important to use cones or hazard tape to alert others to the presence of the ladder. Stephen emphasizes that this practice helps prevent accidents by keeping people and vehicles away from the ladder, ensuring a safe working environment. Checking All Locks on Extension Ladders
5/18/202417 minutes, 21 seconds
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5 Powerful Team Management “Strategies to Boost Your Team’s Performance with Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ Hernandez

Introduction to Effective Team Management with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Join Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez on an enlightening new episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, titled "How to Create a Motivated and High Performing Team." This podcast delves into the intricate details of team management and development, essential for any leader aiming to enhance workplace dynamics and performance. Understanding the Connection Between Employee Benefits and Revenue Goals In this episode, Franklin explores the direct correlation between employee benefits and revenue goals. By aligning these two elements, businesses can significantly boost motivation and performance among their teams. He shares insights from his personal experiences, detailing how improvements in health plans and paid time off (PTO) policies can create a more supportive and growth-oriented work environment. Tackling Challenges in Reward Management Managing disparities in rewards can be a challenging aspect of team management. Franklin discusses the delicate balance of rewarding employees and the potential pitfalls of a one-size-fits-all approach. The discussion extends to the challenges faced during adversities, such as the pandemic, and how these situations demand flexible and resilient management styles to keep teams productive. Enhancing Team Dynamics through Adaptive Management Styles One of the key themes of the podcast is adapting management styles to meet the needs of diverse teams. Franklin provides practical examples and strategies for boosting team dynamics, supporting high achievers, and recognizing the risks associated with indiscriminately rewarding all levels of performance. This segment encourages leaders to reflect on their management practices and to consider innovative ways to inspire and lead their teams effectively. Stay Connected and Continue Learning Listeners who wish to connect with Franklin and the broader Pestgeek community can do so through various platforms: Join the PestGeek Community on Facebook to engage with like-minded professionals. Follow the PestGeek Podcast on Facebook for updates on new episodes. Listen to past episodes and subscribe on iTunes. Connect with Franklin Hernandez directly on LinkedIn for professional insights. Visit the official PestGeek website for more resources and information. Conclusion: Crafting a Motivated and Effective Team Don't miss out on the invaluable advice shared in this episode of the Pestgeek Podcast. Subscribe and tune in to learn more expert tips on crafting a motivated and effective team. With Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez's guidance, discover new ways to lead and inspire your team towards sustained business growth and success. Tags: #TeamManagement #EmployeeMotivation #BusinessGrowth #Leadership #PestGeekPodcast This comprehensive approach to team management, highlighted by Franklin in the podcast, offers leaders a blueprint for fostering an environment where employees feel valued and motivated. It’s an essential listen for anyone looking to elevate their team's performance and achieve their business objectives effectively.
5/15/20247 minutes, 55 seconds
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Boost Your Domain Authority: 5 Powerful Strategies to Outrank AI Competitors

Introduction to Domain Authority and AI in SEO Welcome to a compelling episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, where your host, Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, delves into the increasingly relevant topic of domain authority and the integration of AI in SEO. As the digital landscape becomes more saturated with AI-driven content, understanding and implementing strategies to enhance your website's visibility on Google has never been more crucial. Understanding Domain Authority Domain authority is a metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). A higher domain authority score suggests a greater potential for ranking, making it a critical focus for any business aiming to enhance its online presence. Franklin kicks off the discussion by explaining the fundamentals of domain authority and why it's a pivotal aspect of digital marketing strategy. The Surge of AI-Driven Content The advent of AI has revolutionized content creation, allowing for the production of high-volume, SEO-optimized content at an unprecedented scale. Franklin discusses how this surge in AI-driven content impacts your ability to rank and stand out among competitors. He emphasizes the importance of not just quantity but quality and relevance of content to your specific audience. Practical Strategies to Boost Your Domain Authority One of the highlights of this episode is Franklin's practical, actionable strategies that businesses can use to improve their domain authority. From enhancing internal linking structures to acquiring high-quality backlinks and optimizing on-page content, Franklin provides a comprehensive guide to the tactics that matter most in today's SEO landscape. Embracing AI to Propel Your Business Moving beyond traditional SEO, Franklin discusses how embracing AI can transform your business's approach to online marketing. He covers tools and technologies that assist in keyword research, content generation, and data analysis, explaining how these can lead not only to improved SEO performance but also to better customer engagement and conversion rates. Tackling the 'Chicken and the Egg' Challenge A significant part of the podcast is dedicated to addressing the 'chicken and the egg' dilemma many small businesses and startups face: the need for domain authority to attract visitors and the need for visitors to build domain authority. Franklin offers innovative solutions for new websites to gain traction quickly, such as participating in high-authority forums, leveraging social media platforms, and collaborating with established influencers in their niche. Conclusion: Leveraging AI for Business Success In the concluding segment, Franklin encourages businesses to view AI as a tool for growth rather than a challenge to overcome. With the right strategies, AI can provide a competitive edge in SEO, helping businesses to not only survive but thrive in a digital-first world. Connect with Us Don't miss out on more episodes packed with expert insights. Connect with the Pestgeek Podcast community and Franklin Hernandez for continuous learning and growth in the field of pest control and beyond: Join our Community: Facebook Group Follow us: PestGeek Podcast on Facebook Listen and Subscribe: PestGeek Podcast on iTunes Network with Franklin: on LinkedIn Explore More: Visit PestGeek Join us on this journey to mastering the digital domain and ensure your business not only adapts but excels in the era of AI and beyond. Subscribe to the Pestgeek Podcast for more invaluable insights and strategies for your business's online success. Hashtags for Engagement Boost your interaction on social platforms using these targeted hashtags: #DomainAuthority, #DigitalStrategy, #AICompetition, #SEO, #PestGeekPodcast, #BusinessGrowth, #OnlineMarketing, #TechSavvy, #WebPresence, #FranklinHernandez. Engage with us and share your thoughts on how AI is reshaping the ...
4/30/202454 seconds
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Unlock the Secrets of Bait Making: 5 Proven Strategies from Expert Dave Ciphers for Effective Vertebrate Pest Control

[powerpess] Discover expert tips and innovative strategies from Dave Ciphers in "Unlock the Secrets of Bait Making," your guide to mastering effective vertebrate pest control. Introduction to "Living the Wildlife" Podcast Welcome to another fascinating episode of the "Living the Wildlife" podcast, a proud part of the Pest Geek Podcast series. In today’s session, our host, Stephen Vantassel, a veteran wildlife control consultant, delves deep into the complexities of vertebrate pest control, emphasizing the art of bait making. We are joined by Dave Ciphers from Wildlife Services, a renowned expert in the field, who will share his profound knowledge and experience. Expert Insights on Bait Making Bait making is an essential skill in wildlife management, requiring both a scientific understanding and a touch of artistry. In this episode, Dave Ciphers discusses his methods for crafting effective baits that are both enticing and humane. His expertise in the field is backed by years of experience, making him a coveted consultant across the industry. Distribution Strategies and Practical Advice Dave also touches upon his strategic approach to distributing his baits. His products are available through well-known suppliers such as Wildlife Control Supplies, Tomahawk Live Trap, and Presley's Outdoors. These collaborations ensure that his high-quality baits reach a wide audience, helping professionals effectively manage vertebrate pests. Tailored for Professionals This episode is packed with technical insights and actionable advice, specifically tailored for professionals in wildlife management. Whether you are an experienced practitioner or new to the field, the discussion provides valuable perspectives that can enhance your practice and improve your results in the field. Learn More About Stephen Vantassel Stephen Vantassel is not just a podcast host; he is a passionate educator and consultant dedicated to resolving wildlife conflicts. His work spans teaching, training, writing, and research, all aimed at promoting humane and effective wildlife control practices. Blog: Dive deeper into Stephen's insights on his Wildlife Control Consultant blog. Research: Explore Stephen's academic contributions on Videos: Watch more of Stephen's educational videos on his YouTube channel. Podcast Episodes: Catch up on all episodes of the Pest Geek Podcast featuring Stephen at Pest Geek Podcast. Stay Connected and Informed To get in touch with Stephen directly, contact Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC at 406-272-5323, available during Mountain Time hours. Legal and Safety Considerations It is crucial to adhere to national, state, provincial, and local laws when using pesticides and other control methods. Always read and follow label directions for any products you use. Neither Stephen M. Vantassel, Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, nor the Pest Geek Podcast are responsible for the application of information provided here or elsewhere. Conclusion and Call to Action We hope this episode provides you with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively manage wildlife conflicts. Don’t forget to subscribe, ring the bell for updates, and leave a five-star review if you found this discussion helpful. Your feedback not only supports our work but also helps spread valuable knowledge to those in the field. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the fascinating world of wildlife management. We look forward to bringing you more insights in future episodes of "Living the Wildlife." #LivingTheWildlife #PestControl #WildlifeManagement #BaitCraft #VertebratePestControl #StephenVantassel #PestGeekPodcast #WildlifeControl #EcoFriendly #PestControlEducation
4/26/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 59 seconds
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Wildlife Control Mastery: 5 Essential Strategies for Ethical Management

Navigating Wildlife Control: Insights and Challenges Welcome to another insightful episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, where we dive deep into the nuances of wildlife control. Our mission is to enlighten and guide you through the complex world of managing wildlife interactions responsibly. However, today's journey takes an unexpected turn. We aimed to dissect and share comprehensive insights from a video titled "RabiesPreExposureShots," featured on the Pest Geek Podcast Pest Control Training channel. Unfortunately, due to the video's subtitles being disabled by the creator, we're unable to provide a transcript-based analysis as intended. Nonetheless, our commitment to fostering engaging and educational discussions remains steadfast. Adapting to Challenges in Wildlife Control The field of wildlife control is as unpredictable as nature itself. Today's hiccup with the "RabiesPreExposureShots" video underscores a fundamental aspect of wildlife management: the necessity for adaptability and resilience. Whether it's dealing with the technical limitations of sharing knowledge or the ever-changing dynamics of wildlife behavior, the ability to pivot and find alternative solutions is crucial. This incident, while minor, serves as a reminder of the larger challenges we face in wildlife control and the importance of being prepared for any situation. Stephen M. Vantassel: A Beacon for Wildlife Control Practitioners In the heart of our educational endeavors is Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE, of Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC. Stephen's contributions to the field through his teaching, training, writing, and research have made him a cornerstone of our community. His expertise not only helps practitioners navigate the technical aspects of wildlife control but also fosters a deeper understanding of the ethical and environmental considerations involved. A Repository of Knowledge Stephen M. Vantassel has curated a wealth of resources for anyone interested in wildlife control. Here are some key platforms where his work can be accessed: Blog: Wildlife Control Consultant Academic Papers: Kings Divinity Academia Educational Videos: YouTube Channel Podcast Episodes: Pest Geek Podcast Each of these resources offers unique insights into the multifaceted nature of wildlife control, from technical guidelines to ethical discussions and beyond. Engaging with the Community A significant part of our mission is to engage with you, our listeners and readers. Your journey towards mastering wildlife control and contributing to responsible wildlife management is important to us. We encourage you to dive into the resources mentioned, and always keep in mind the importance of adhering to national, state, provincial, and local laws when employing any control methods. It's crucial to understand that Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, along with the Pest Geek Podcast and all affiliated entities, emphasize safe, ethical, and legal practices in all wildlife control activities. Looking Forward As we continue to explore the vast landscape of wildlife control, we remain committed to bringing you the most relevant, up-to-date information and advice. The challenges we encounter, like today's inability to share detailed insights from the "RabiesPreExposureShots" video, are simply stepping stones in our collective journey of learning and growth. We invite you to stay tuned for future episodes and to reach out if there are specific topics you're interested in or if you require personalized advice on wildlife control. Together, we can navigate the complexities of wildlife management, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with the natural world around us. Your engagement and feedback are invaluable to us. Whether it's through our podcast, blog, or direct communication, your insights and questions help shape the direction of our content, making it as relevant and helpful as possible.
4/6/202435 minutes, 42 seconds
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Boost Your Business: 5 Powerful Marketing Strategies Unveiled by The Pestgeek Podcast

[wordpress] Navigating the Maze of Marketing and Sales for Business Growth: Insights from The Pestgeek Podcast Introduction Welcome to another episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, hosted by the insightful Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. This platform has long been a beacon for those venturing into the complex world of pest control management, blending practical advice with innovative strategies. In our latest episode, aired on April 3, 2024, Franklin takes us through the intricacies of marketing and sales strategies crucial for business growth, emphasizing the power of upfront investment in marketing and the role of content in capturing market share. The Essence of Strategic Marketing Investment Franklin opens the episode with a bold statement about the necessity of investing in marketing from the get-go. He shares his personal commitment to injecting $112,000 into marketing efforts in a new market, underscoring the strategy behind content saturation on social media platforms. With an ambitious target of 54 posts a day, Franklin outlines how a dedicated, cost-effective social media team based in South America has been instrumental in this endeavor. Quality Over Quantity However, Franklin is quick to point out that this isn't a mere numbers game. The focus on quantity is matched by an unwavering commitment to quality and alignment. Leveraging AI-driven content creation, Franklin ensures that every post, every piece of content, resonates deeply with the brand's unique voice and identity. This approach not only captivates the audience but also builds a strong, recognizable brand presence in the market. Debunking Myths and Setting Realistic Goals One of the episode's highlights is Franklin's candid discussion on the myths surrounding overnight success in business. Through his journey toward a goal of $2 million in company revenue and the potential sale of the business at a lucrative valuation, Franklin shares invaluable insights into the importance of persistence, strategic planning, and long-term vision. The Realities of Business Growth Franklin does not shy away from discussing the gritty realities of scaling a business. He emphasizes that success is not about quick wins but about steady, persistent efforts and strategic investments in marketing. This segment of the episode is particularly enlightening, offering listeners a raw, unfiltered look at what it takes to truly grow a business. Harnessing the Power of Holistic Pest Control Management In addition to marketing strategies, Franklin also touches upon the essence of holistic pest control management. This approach, focusing on understanding and managing pest behavior through environmentally friendly practices, mirrors the strategic and thoughtful approach required in marketing. Connecting with The Pestgeek Podcast Community Franklin encourages listeners to engage with the Pestgeek community, a hub for like-minded professionals and enthusiasts who share a passion for innovative pest control management and business growth strategies. Join our Facebook Group: A vibrant community where members share insights, ask questions, and connect with fellow pest control professionals. Like us on Facebook: Stay updated with the latest episodes and announcements. Listen on iTunes: Access a wealth of knowledge on the go, with episodes covering a wide range of topics in pest control and business management. Connect on LinkedIn: Engage with professionals in the industry and expand your network. Visit our Website: Your go-to resource for all things pest control, featuring blog posts, episode archives, and more. Conclusion The Pestgeek Podcast continues to be an invaluable resource for those navigating the challenging yet rewarding path of business growth in the pest control industry. Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez's insights into marketing, strategic planning, and holistic management practices offer both inspiration and pra...
4/4/202411 minutes, 49 seconds
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5 Proven Fixes to Stop Your SR 200 Myster Leaks: A Quick & Effective Guide

Introduction to Holistic Pest Control Management with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez and your SR 200 Myster Welcome to the latest installment of the Pestgeek Podcast, the premier platform for holistic pest control management insights. Hosted by Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, our podcast serves as a beacon for professionals and enthusiasts alike, navigating the intricate world of pest management with a holistic approach. In this special episode, aired on March 28, 2024, we tackle a prevalent issue in the field – leaks in your SR 200 backpack mister. The Common Culprit Behind SR 200 Myster Leaks Leaks in the SR 200 backpack mister are a familiar headache for many in pest control. The root cause? A pair of O-rings that, over time, succumb to wear and tear. This issue is exacerbated when the mister is used with 25b products, known to degrade non-Viton seals. The result is a leak that can hinder your pest control efforts, costing time and resources to address. A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Your SR 200 Myster In our latest 96-second tutorial, "How to Fix Your SR 200 Backpack Mister: A Quick Leak Prevention Guide," Franklin sheds light on a straightforward solution to this problem. The guide outlines an easy-to-follow process involving the replacement of the faulty O-rings with a simple O-ring replacement kit. Moreover, Franklin shares an invaluable pro tip: upgrading to Viton seals. This upgrade is a proactive step to prevent similar issues in the future, ensuring your mister remains leak-free and functional. Why This Episode is a Must-Watch for Pest Management Professionals This episode transcends a mere tutorial. It is an essential guide for anyone looking to maintain their SR 200 backpack mister in optimal condition. By addressing a common yet critical issue, Franklin empowers listeners with the knowledge to not only fix but also prevent future leaks. The episode highlights the importance of regular maintenance and the benefits of upgrading to more durable components, like Viton seals. Connect with Us for More Holistic Pest Management Tips The Pestgeek Podcast is your gateway to a wealth of knowledge on holistic pest management. We invite you to connect with us across our various platforms for more tips, tricks, and insights into effective pest control: Facebook Group: Join our vibrant community for discussions and insights. Join here Facebook Page: Like our page for updates and tips. Like us here iTunes: Listen to our episodes on the go. Listen here LinkedIn: Connect with Franklin and the community. Connect here Website: Visit our website for resources and more. Visit here Conclusion: Your Journey to a Leak-Free SR 200 Mister The journey to maintaining a leak-free SR 200 backpack mister is both critical and rewarding. With the insights shared in this episode, you're now equipped to tackle one of the most common challenges in pest management. Remember, preventive maintenance and upgrades are key to ensuring your equipment remains reliable and effective in your pest control endeavors. Stay tuned for more episodes of the Pestgeek Podcast for invaluable insights into holistic pest management. Happy pest managing, and here's to keeping your SR 200 backpack mister in peak condition! #SR200MisterRepair #LeakFreePestControl #EffectivePestManagement #PestControlSolutions #HolisticPestControlTips #PestGeekPodcast #DIYPestControl #ProfessionalPestManagement #EcoFriendlyPestControl #PestControlEquipment
3/29/20241 minute, 35 seconds
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5 Revolutionary Rodent Management Strategies to Outwit Stubborn Rodents: Empower Your Home with Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’

Introduction to Advanced Rodent Management Welcome to a fascinating episode with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, our esteemed holistic pest control management expert. Today, we delve into an intricate battle against a severe rodent infestation within the walls of a historical residence in Coral Gables, Florida. Constructed in the vibrant era of the mid-1920s and subjected to multiple expansions, this property tells a tale of resilience, not just architecturally but also in its fight against persistent rodent invaders. The Battle Against Time and Rats Despite an investment exceeding $3,000 in pest control efforts, including state-of-the-art rodent trapping and exclusion services spanning nearly four months, the challenge remains daunting. This episode provides a deep dive into the world of pest management within older homes, highlighting the unique structural and plumbing challenges that come with the territory. Engineering Solutions: Beyond the Basics Our journey reveals the complexity of managing pests in environments where modern solutions meet aged infrastructure. With every nook and cranny sealed, the cunning rats still find their ingress. In an innovative response, Franklin introduces a groundbreaking technique—a smoke test conducted with a custom-engineered, non-toxic smoke machine. This method is not just a testament to our team's creativity but underscores our commitment to environmentally friendly pest control solutions. A Closer Look at the Smoke Test Method The smoke test represents a significant leap in pest detection technology. By filling potential entry points with visible, harmless smoke, we can identify even the most obscure breaches in a building's defense against pests. This section of our discussion will walk you through the science behind the smoke test and its pivotal role in our holistic pest management strategy. Holistic Pest Management: A Sustainable Approach In this segment, we explore the philosophy of holistic pest control, a method that extends beyond mere extermination to include preventive measures, environmental consideration, and a deeper understanding of pest behavior. Learn how integrating these principles leads to more effective and sustainable outcomes in pest management. The Pest Geek Podcast: A Resource for Empowerment Join our vibrant community of learners and experts on various platforms where we share insights, experiences, and advancements in the field of pest control. Our mission is to empower homeowners and professionals alike with knowledge and tools to tackle pest issues in the most effective and environmentally responsible manner. Facebook Group: Engage with a community of like-minded individuals passionate about pest control. Join here. Facebook Page: Stay updated with our latest episodes and pest control tips. Follow us. iTunes: Access our comprehensive podcast library on the go. Subscribe now. LinkedIn: Connect with Franklin Hernandez and expand your professional network in the pest management industry. Connect here. PestGeek Website: Dive deeper into our resources, blog posts, and more. Visit now. Conclusion: A Call to Arms Against Pests The saga of combating rodents in a century-old home is more than a story of pest control; it's a narrative about innovation, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of creating safer, pest-free living spaces. By sharing our experiences and insights, we hope to inspire a new wave of holistic pest management practices that respect our environment while ensuring our homes remain sanctuaries, free from the threats of infestations. Like, share, and subscribe to the Pest Geek Podcast for a continuous stream of expert advice, innovative solutions, and the latest trends in pest control. Together, let's champion the cause of holistic pest management and safeguard our homes for generations to come. #PestGeekPodcast #RodentControl #HolisticPestManagement #InnovativeSolutions #Environme...
3/28/202410 minutes, 8 seconds
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Unlock the Secret to Integrity in Hiring: 5 Essential Strategies with The PestGeek Podcast

Navigating Small Business Hiring with Integrity: Insights from The PestGeek Podcast In the latest episode of the PestGeek Podcast, we dive deep into the core of small business hiring strategies, emphasizing the paramount importance of integrity. Hosted by Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, a holistic pest control management expert, this episode is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone at the helm of a small business, especially within the pest control industry. Let's unpack the essential takeaways and insights that Franklin shared, emphasizing why integrity is the cornerstone of any successful hiring strategy. The Non-Negotiable Value of Integrity in Hiring Franklin Hernandez begins the discussion by stressing that integrity is a non-negotiable trait when considering potential hires. He eloquently points out that integrity cannot be taught or purchased; it is an inherent quality that prospective employees must bring to the table. This episode delves into why this trait is so crucial in the pest control business and, by extension, any small business. Transitioning from Solo Work to Team Building One of the critical junctures in any entrepreneur's journey is the transition from working solo to making the first hire. Franklin shares his insights on navigating this transition with patience and discernment. He emphasizes the importance of taking the time to find the right fit for your business, rather than rushing the process. Molding Less Experienced Employees There's a significant advantage in hiring less experienced individuals who possess a strong foundation of integrity. Franklin discusses how these employees can be molded to meet the specific standards and practices of your business. This approach not only fosters a learning environment but also cultivates loyalty and a sense of belonging among new hires. Flexibility, Self-Initiative, and Small Business Dynamics The episode also touches on the benefits of flexibility and self-initiative in a small business context. Franklin argues that these qualities are invaluable in employees, enabling them to adapt to the dynamic needs of a growing business. He shares how fostering a culture that values self-initiative can lead to innovative solutions and a more resilient business model. Personal Hiring Experiences Franklin gets personal, sharing his own experiences with hiring, including the challenges and rewards of working with family members. He offers a candid look into the process of growing his team, providing listeners with practical advice gleaned from his journey. Join Our Community for More Insights For those eager to connect with a like-minded community and explore further insights from Franklin and other experts, the PestGeek Podcast offers several platforms: Facebook Group: A vibrant community of professionals sharing tips and advice. Facebook Page: Updates on the latest podcast episodes and events. iTunes: Subscribe for easy access to all episodes. LinkedIn: Connect with Franklin Hernandez and expand your professional network. PestGeek Website: A hub for all episodes, articles, and pest control resources. Closing Thoughts This episode of the PestGeek Podcast is a must-listen for small business owners looking to refine their hiring practices. With a focus on integrity, patience, and flexibility, Franklin Hernandez offers timeless advice that transcends the pest control industry, applicable to any small business aiming for sustainable growth. Join the PestGeek community today and embark on a journey towards achieving excellence in your hiring practices and beyond. Engage with us on social media and share your thoughts on this episode. Whether you're in the pest control industry or navigating the complexities of small business management, we're here to support and guide you through the journey of building a team grounded in integrity and excellence. #PestControl #SmallBusiness #HiringIntegrity #PestG...
3/27/20247 minutes, 27 seconds
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5 Proven Business Strategies to Boost Your Business: Unlock Success Today!

Dive Into the Essence of Business Mastery with Franklin Hernandez Introduction Welcome to an extraordinary journey into the heart of business excellence with none other than Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. In the latest episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, titled "Mastering Essential Business Skills for Success," broadcasted on March 26, 2024, listeners were treated to 38 minutes of profound insights and wisdom from Franklin, a beacon of knowledge in the pest control industry. The Art of Sales Mastery The episode commences with Franklin recounting an engaging story about delivering a flawless one-hour lecture, setting the stage for a deep dive into the critical role of sales in business success. With a diverse background that spans corporate sales, wholesale, and entrepreneurship, Franklin unveils the core of selling. He emphasizes the importance of comprehensive sales training, positioning it as the foundation of any successful business venture. The Significance of Sales Training Sales, often perceived as a daunting task, is demystified by Franklin through his engaging narrative and practical advice. He illustrates how effective communication and understanding customer needs are pivotal in sales. Franklin's advocacy for structured sales training underscores its value in empowering sales teams, enhancing performance, and ultimately driving business growth. Marketing Mastery Within Shifting gears, the podcast delves into the crucial aspect of marketing, particularly focusing on the strategic benefits of managing marketing efforts in-house. Franklin shares his personal strategy for handling marketing for his projects, including the Pest Podcast and Nature Pest, demonstrating his commitment to excellence and efficiency. Embracing SEO and Social Media Marketing In a world where digital presence is paramount, Franklin guides listeners through the intricacies of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media marketing. By managing these endeavors internally, Franklin highlights how businesses can maintain control over their brand narrative, ensure consistency in messaging, and adapt quickly to the digital landscape's ever-evolving nature. A Goldmine for Entrepreneurs Franklin's candid recollections of his journey in the pest control industry serve as invaluable lessons for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals alike. The podcast emerges as a treasure trove of actionable insights for refining sales and marketing strategies, with Franklin leading the way as a guiding light for navigating the entrepreneurial journey. Building a Community The episode concludes by inviting listeners to join the Pestgeek community, a platform for engagement, learning, and growth. With resources like the Facebook Group, PestgeekPodcast on Facebook, iTunes, LinkedIn, and the PestGeek website, the community offers a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities. Conclusion "Mastering Essential Business Skills for Success" is more than just a podcast episode; it's a masterclass in business acumen, sales, and marketing. Franklin Hernandez, with his vast experience and insightful perspectives, provides listeners with the tools needed to excel in their endeavors. By embracing the principles shared in this episode, entrepreneurs and business professionals can navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence and achieve lasting success. Join the Pestgeek community today and be part of a movement towards entrepreneurial excellence and sustainable business practices. Together, let's shape a future where success is not just a goal but a journey of continuous learning and development. #PestGeekPodcast #BusinessMastery #SalesSkills #InHouseMarketing #EntrepreneurialSuccess #PestControlIndustry #FranklinHernandez #BusinessStrategies #SEO #SocialMediaMarketing #ProfessionalDevelopment This blog post serves as an in-depth exploration of the themes discussed in the Pestgeek Podcast,...
3/26/202438 minutes, 28 seconds
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Unlock Avitrol’s Secrets: 5 Innovative Strategies for Effective Bird Control

Unveiling the Secrets of Bird Control with Avitrol: A Deep Dive Introduction Welcome to another insightful episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast. Our host, Stephen M. Vantassel, a passionate wildlife control consultant, brings you closer to the intricate world of vertebrate pest control. Today, we're delving into the innovative approaches of Avitrol, a leading name in bird management solutions, through an in-depth conversation with Mr. Dillingham. This episode, "AvitrolPart2," continues our exploration into Avitrol's unique chemical frightening products and sheds light on the critical aspects of product application and measurement methods. The Importance of Precision in Pest Control Achieving effective pest control requires more than just knowledge; it demands precision. This segment discusses the significance of accurate mixing ratios and why the "volume method" falls short compared to the "weight method." We'll take you through the evolution of product application ratios, moving from a traditional 1:5 ratio to the now preferred 1:40 ratio, demonstrating a remarkable reduction in active ingredients while maintaining effectiveness. This journey highlights the product's efficiency and the evolving standards within the industry. Innovating Solutions: Introducing Easy Blend In response to the challenges faced in product application, Avitrol introduced "Easy Blend," a revolutionary solution designed to simplify the mixing process. This innovative product aims to minimize errors and ensure consistent treatment outcomes. We are thrilled to discuss the success of Easy Blend, marked by a significant decrease in incidents since its introduction, illustrating its impact in streamlining pest control practices for professionals. The Future of Bird Management with Avatrol As we anticipate the third part of this series, we look forward to offering more insights into Avatrol's strategic approach to bird management. Each episode enriches your understanding of wildlife management, supported by Stephen's expert advice and comprehensive discussions. Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes that continue to explore the frontiers of pest control. Connect with Stephen M. Vantassel Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE, is dedicated to resolving wildlife conflicts through education, training, writing, and research. For more of Stephen's insights: Blog: Wildlife Control Consultant Academic Papers: King's Divinity Videos: YouTube Channel Podcasts: Pest Geek Podcast Contact: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Stephen's commitment extends beyond advice, offering a foundation for those looking to navigate the complexities of wildlife control responsibly. Disclaimer In adhering to national, state, provincial, and local laws, it's crucial to follow label directions for any product used in pest management. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, and Living the Wildlife Podcast, including Stephen M. Vantassel and affiliates, disclaim liability for the misuse of information provided. Always prioritize safety and efficacy by adhering to product guidelines. Conclusion The journey through Avitrol's advancements in bird control highlights the importance of innovation, precision, and responsibility in wildlife management. Through Stephen M. Vantassel's guidance and Avitrol's pioneering solutions, we're reminded of the delicate balance between human needs and wildlife preservation. As we continue to explore these themes, our understanding deepens, fostering a more harmonious coexistence with the natural world. Join us as we navigate this ever-evolving field, ensuring a safer, more sustainable future for all.
3/23/202432 minutes, 39 seconds
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5 Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Service Business Growth: Insights from ‘The Pestgeek’

Navigating Business Growth: Insights from 'The Pestgeek' Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, where Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, a seasoned expert in holistic pest control management, takes us through the intricacies of scaling self-employed service businesses. In the episode titled "Every Self Employed Service Business Has The Same Challenges Growing," uploaded on March 19, 2024, Franklin delves into the common hurdles faced by service-based entrepreneurs. This 3-minute and 55-second podcast not only captures the essence of growth challenges but also offers actionable solutions. Expanding Your Digital Footprint with SEO In today's digital age, expanding your business's reach across various media platforms is crucial. Franklin introduces an invaluable SEO masterclass designed specifically for local businesses. This course, priced at an accessible $299, is a goldmine of information, comprising 16 comprehensive lessons along with bonus material. Drawing from a decade of experience, Franklin aims to enrich this course further with advanced keyword research and on-page SEO strategies, ensuring that businesses can maximize their online visibility effectively. The Truth About SEO and Content Production Franklin candidly discusses the realities of using software to mass-produce content and build websites overnight. While these tools offer efficiency, they do not negate the need for meticulous editing, strategic keyword usage, and smart linking practices. It's a reminder that, despite technological advancements, the core principles of SEO and content marketing remain grounded in quality and precision. Building an In-House Agency One of the episode's highlights is Franklin's insight into his in-house agency, designed to elevate his brands, including Pest Geek and Nature Pest. His ambition to cater to every home service industry underscores the universal applicability of his strategies. This approach not only streamlines operations but also ensures that the marketing efforts are closely aligned with the brand's vision and goals. The Shared Journey of Technicians and Entrepreneurs Franklin sheds light on the common journey of professionals across various service industries—from pest control and inspection to roofing and electrical work—as they transition from technicians to entrepreneurs. This shared experience highlights the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in the entrepreneurial journey. Franklin recommends "The E-Myth Revisited" and "Profit First" as essential reads for anyone looking to shift their business mindset from a purely technical focus to a strategic, growth-oriented approach. Staying Connected with the Pestgeek Community The Pestgeek Podcast is more than just a series of episodes; it's a community of like-minded professionals and entrepreneurs seeking to grow and improve their businesses. Franklin encourages listeners to stay connected and engaged with the community through various platforms: Facebook Group: A space for listeners to discuss episodes, share insights, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Facebook Page: The go-to source for updates, episode releases, and more. iTunes: Where listeners can subscribe and listen to episodes at their convenience. LinkedIn: For professional networking and connecting with Franklin directly. Pestgeek Website: The central hub for all podcast episodes, resources, and additional content. Conclusion Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez's latest podcast episode is a testament to the challenges and rewards of growing a self-employed service business. By sharing his expertise and insights, Franklin not only educates his audience but also inspires them to take actionable steps towards their business growth. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing SEO, content marketing, and a holistic business strategy becomes increasingly important.
3/19/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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5 Proven Strategies for Successful Technician Hiring in Pest Control: Boost Your Team’s Performance Today!

Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Technician Hiring in Pest Control In the ever-evolving world of pest control, finding and retaining the right talent is crucial for success. Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez brings this critical issue to the forefront in an insightful episode of the Pestgeek Podcast titled "The Biggest Mistake Made When Hiring Technicians." This blog post delves deep into the conversation, uncovering the nuanced challenges and frequent pitfalls in the technician hiring process within the pest control industry. Understanding the Importance of Quality Control and Accountability One of the central themes of this discussion is the indispensable role of quality control and accountability in hiring practices. Franklin shares personal anecdotes and professional insights, highlighting how a lax approach to vetting potential employees can have detrimental effects on service quality and company reputation. The Perils of Misplaced Trust A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to examining the consequences of misplaced trust in the hiring process. Franklin points out that trusting too easily, without proper verification, can lead to the retention of underperforming technicians. This, in turn, can hinder a company's ability to deliver effective pest control solutions. Balancing Communication Skills with Technical Proficiency Another critical aspect discussed is the balance between communication skills and technical proficiency. Franklin stresses the importance of not only hiring technicians who are skilled in pest management but also those who can communicate effectively with clients. He argues that integrity and the ability to convey trustworthiness are as vital as technical skills in the pest control industry. Learning from Mistakes: A Path to Improvement The conversation also touches on learning from hiring mistakes as a pathway to refining recruitment strategies. By sharing lessons learned from past hiring experiences, Franklin provides listeners with valuable strategies to avoid common errors and enhance their hiring processes. Connecting with the Pestgeek Community For those looking to dive deeper into the world of pest control and gain further insights into effective technician hiring, Franklin and the Pestgeek Podcast offer a wealth of resources: Join the Conversation: Be part of the Pestgeek Podcast's Facebook Group and engage with a community of pest control professionals. Stay Updated: Follow the Pestgeek Podcast on Facebook to get the latest episodes and updates. Expand Your Knowledge: Listen to insightful episodes on iTunes and learn on the go. Professional Networking: Connect with Franklin Hernandez on LinkedIn and expand your professional network in the pest control industry. Explore More: Visit the Pestgeek Podcast website for additional resources, episodes, and pest management insights. Conclusion In "The Biggest Mistake Made When Hiring Technicians," Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez offers an invaluable look into the complexities of recruitment in the pest control sector. By emphasizing quality control, accountability, and the importance of a balanced skill set, this episode serves as a guide for businesses striving to enhance their team and service quality. The Pestgeek Podcast continues to be an essential resource for those dedicated to excellence in pest management. Stay connected with the Pestgeek Podcast for more insights into pest control management and join our community to share your experiences and learn from peers in the industry. Facebook Group Facebook Page iTunes LinkedIn Website Enhance your pest control knowledge and skills with us, and let's navigate the challenges of technician hiring together.
3/16/202415 minutes, 37 seconds
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Discover 5 Breakthrough Strategies for Ethical Bird Control with Stephen Vantassel’s Avitrol Insights

Avitrol Unveiled: Navigating Ethical Bird Control with Stephen Vantassel Introduction to Ethical Wildlife Management Join Stephen Vantassel on the Living The Wildlife Podcast, an integral part of the Pest Geek Podcast family, as we dive deep into the world of vertebrate pest control. In a particularly enlightening episode titled "Avitrol Unveiled: Ethical Bird Control and the Future of Wildlife Management with Stephen Vantassel," Stephen sits down with Sheldon Dillingham, the visionary behind Avitrol Corporation. This conversation marks a significant point in understanding how Avitrol, a chemical product, plays a pivotal role in ethically managing bird populations. Understanding Avitrol Avitrol is not just another chemical; it's a groundbreaking approach designed to humanely deter unwanted bird flocks from specific areas without causing harm. The science behind this fear-inducing method is as fascinating as it is important for responsible wildlife management. This episode aims to debunk common myths about its use and highlights the product's journey and the challenges it faced in altering perceptions within the industry. The Evolution of Avitrol Sheldon Dillingham shares the inspiring evolution of Avitrol, detailing the initial challenges and the ongoing commitment to stewardship and ethical practices in pest control. This narrative is not just about a product but about a movement towards more responsible wildlife management practices. The Importance of Ethical Pest Management As the discussion unfolds, Stephen Vantassel and Sheldon Dillingham explore the lesser-known aspects of wildlife management, emphasizing the critical need to preserve and responsibly use vertebrate pest control products. This segment sheds light on the importance of ethics in pest management and how Avitrol aligns with these principles. Stephen M. Vantassel: A Profile in Wildlife Control Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE, is a Wildlife Control Consultant dedicated to helping individuals resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research. This episode is a testament to his commitment to advancing the field of pest management while adhering to the highest standards of ethics and legality. Resources and Contact Information Blog: Wildlife Control Consultant Papers: Videos: YouTube Channel Podcasts: Pest Geek Podcast Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Conclusion: Ethical Considerations in Wildlife Management This episode not only explores the technical aspects of Avitrol but also delves into the ethical considerations that must guide wildlife management practices. Stephen Vantassel's discussion with Sheldon Dillingham is a compelling reminder of the importance of responsible product use and the role of education in promoting wildlife stewardship. Disclaimer Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, the Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wildlife Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel, and their/his affiliates are not liable for the follower’s use of the information provided. It is crucial to follow national, state, provincial, and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests and to read and follow label directions for any product used. This exploration into the ethical dimensions of pest control highlights the balance between human needs and wildlife preservation, encouraging listeners and readers alike to consider the impact of their actions on the environment and the creatures that inhabit it.
3/16/202432 minutes, 48 seconds
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Unlock Success: 5 Powerful Strategies to Transform Your Wealth Mindset with Pestgeek Podcast

Discovering Growth with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Embarking on the journey to success and financial freedom requires more than just hard work; it demands a transformative shift in your wealth mindset. "Unlock Success: 5 Powerful Strategies to Transform Your Wealth Mindset with Pestgeek Podcast" offers you an exclusive guide, curated by the insightful Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, to redefine your perceptions of wealth, success, and personal growth. In this compelling exploration, we dive deep into five revolutionary strategies that promise to empower you, reshape your approach to achieving prosperity, and set you on a path of limitless possibilities. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a professional striving for excellence, or simply someone seeking to enrich their understanding of wealth, these strategies are designed to ignite your potential and propel you towards a life of achievement and fulfillment. Join us on this transformative journey with the Pestgeek Podcast, where each step forward is a step towards unlocking your true success. In the transformative world of the Pestgeek Podcast, host Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez embarks on an exploratory journey into the realms of personal and professional evolution. His profound insights into the societal influences on our growth journey redefine the narrative surrounding success and wealth. This extensive discussion not only breaks down barriers but also builds bridges towards a fulfilling life, marked by independence, financial freedom, and ethical integrity. The True Essence of Wealth At the heart of Franklin's discourse lies the often misconstrued notion of wealth. Contrary to popular belief, the pursuit of financial success transcends the mere accumulation of material wealth. Franklin passionately argues against the societal stigma attached to wealth, advocating for a paradigm shift towards viewing financial success as a means to achieve freedom, support loved ones, and secure a future marked by independence and security. Parenting: A Foundation for the Future Franklin’s personal narrative extends into the domain of parenting, where he emphasizes the cultivation of independence, a robust work ethic, and a forward-thinking mindset in children. By sharing his own parenting philosophy, Franklin illuminates the path to raising grateful, responsible individuals who appreciate the value of hard work and the significance of stewardship over their actions and resources. Workplace Ethics and Integrity A cornerstone of Franklin's message is his unwavering commitment to workplace ethics. With a zero-tolerance stance on wasteful attitudes towards company resources, he narrates the tough decisions made to preserve the integrity and hard work that form the backbone of his company's values. Through these anecdotes, Franklin illustrates the intrinsic link between personal integrity and professional success, urging us to uphold our principles, irrespective of external circumstances. Beyond Pest Control: A Quest for Self-Improvement This episode transcends the boundaries of pest control, venturing into the intricate process of mental and ethical cleansing. Franklin challenges listeners to introspect their associations, beliefs about success, and the ethical standards they maintain. It's a clarion call to eradicate the pests of limiting beliefs and negative influences that hinder our path to growth. Join the Pestgeek Community Embark on a journey of self-improvement and professional excellence with the Pestgeek Podcast. Engage with a community of like-minded individuals seeking to make a difference in their lives and the world. Connect with us through our various platforms and become a part of a transformative movement. Facebook Group: Connect and engage with fellow listeners and growth enthusiasts. Join us here. Facebook Page: Stay updated with the latest episodes and insights. Follow us.
3/13/202413 minutes, 3 seconds
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Unveiling the Secrets of Branding in Pest Control: A Chat with Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ Hernandez

Introduction to the Art of Branding Welcome to a captivating session of the Pestgeek Podcast, where we delve into the nuanced world of branding alongside the acclaimed holistic pest control management specialist, Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. In an episode that goes beyond the conventional, Franklin ignites cigars and spreads out "shakeri boards" to set the stage for a discussion that promises not only knowledge but also an enjoyable time. This segment, titled "Logos, Branding, And Marketing In Pest Control Business," is not your average talk; it's a comprehensive exploration into how branding can significantly elevate your pest control business. The Power of a Logo A logo does more than represent your company; it encapsulates your brand's essence and communicates it to the world. In our conversation, Franklin emphasizes the transformational power of the right logo. Imagine elevating your pest control business to the stature of a "mega franchise." Yes, it's possible, and yes, we delve into how it can be achieved. The episode is peppered with laughter, personal anecdotes, and the golden rule of branding: simplicity and directness. Overcomplicating your logo? Franklin explains why that might repel rather than attract prospective clients. Navigating the Branding Rollercoaster Every business's journey includes its share of ups and downs, especially when it comes to branding. Redesigning a logo can feel like a rollercoaster, filled with moments of excitement and bouts of uncertainty. In this enlightening dialogue, we dissect the challenges and triumphs of creating a brand identity that resonates. From tales of logo redesigns to strategies that bolster business calls, increase revenue, and enhance online presence through SEO and a compelling website, this episode is a treasure trove of insider knowledge. Embrace the Branding Journey Embarking on the branding journey can seem daunting, but with the right mindset and strategies, it becomes an adventure leading to growth and success. Franklin's insights provide a roadmap for not just surviving but thriving in the competitive pest control market. The importance of a cohesive brand identity that tells your story and appeals to your target audience cannot be overstated. It's about crafting an image that's memorable, appealing, and reflective of your company's values and strengths. Conclusion: Why Branding Matters As we wrap up this enriching episode, it's clear that branding in the pest control industry is not just about a logo or a marketing campaign; it's about building a legacy. It's about making a mark in a crowded marketplace and connecting with your customers on a level that transcends transactions. Uploaded on March 12, 2024, and running for just under four minutes, this episode is a must-listen for anyone eager to elevate their pest control business through effective branding. Join our thriving community and connect with fellow pest control professionals and enthusiasts who are passionate about growing their businesses and sharing their journeys. Be part of our Facebook Group, follow us on Facebook, listen to us on iTunes, connect with Franklin on LinkedIn, and visit our website for more episodes packed with valuable insights and tips. #PestGeekPodcast, #PestControlBusiness, #BrandingTips, #LogoDesign, #MarketingStrategy, #PestControlMarketing, #BusinessGrowth, #SEOForBusiness, #SmallBusinessTips, #Entrepreneurship, #HolisticPestManagement, #PestManagementProfessionals, #BrandIdentity, #DigitalMarketing, #BusinessBranding Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Pestgeek Podcast. Remember, in the world of pest control, your brand is your promise to your customer. Make it a powerful one. Subscribe and stay tuned for more insights from The Pestgeek! Join our Facebook Group | Like us on Facebook | Listen on iTunes | Connect with Franklin on LinkedIn | Visit our website Welcome to our community,
3/12/20243 minutes, 54 seconds
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5 Essential Techniques to Master Wildlife Control: Elevate Your Success with Steven Vantassel

Master Wildlife Control: Navigating Business Success with Steven Vantassel Welcome to a transformative episode on the Living The Wildlife Podcast, featuring the insightful "Mastering Wildlife Control: Overcoming Biases for Business Success with Steven Vantassel." This episode, released on March 9, 2024, serves as an essential resource for professionals in the wildlife control industry. Steven Vantassel, with his wealth of knowledge, takes us through a 34-minute journey covering various aspects of vertebrate pest control. His guidance emphasizes compliance with legal standards and the introduction of innovative tools to enhance pest control strategies. Understanding the Legal Landscape in Wildlife Control Steven begins the episode by stressing the importance of adhering to national, state, provincial, and local laws when managing pest wildlife. This segment highlights the necessity of staying informed about the legalities surrounding wildlife control, ensuring that professionals operate within the bounds of the law. This approach not only safeguards wildlife but also protects the professionals and their businesses from potential legal issues. The New Tool in Your Pest Control Arsenal One of the episode's highlights is the introduction of a tracking photography card, a revolutionary tool designed to improve the way professionals capture and analyze pest tracks. This credit card-sized device is not only practical for showing scale in photographs but also includes a key for identifying common animal tracks. Such a tool becomes indispensable for those looking to enhance their pest control toolkit with something that aids in accurate identification and analysis. Deep Dive into Technical and Research-Based Approaches "Living the Wildlife" with Steven Vantassel is more than just a podcast; it's a commitment to delving into the technicalities that others might overlook. Steven's narrative is enriched with research-based content that provides a comprehensive understanding of vertebrate pest control. This episode, in particular, encourages professionals to look beyond traditional methods and consider innovative approaches that are backed by scientific research and proven results. Overcoming Biases for Business Success One of the core discussions of this episode revolves around the impact of biases on business decisions. Steven sheds light on how certain preconceived notions can hinder growth and limit the potential of wildlife control businesses. By recognizing and overcoming these biases, professionals can open new avenues for success, ensuring their business strategies are aligned with best practices and forward-thinking methodologies. Connect with Steven Vantassel Steven M. Vantassel, a renowned Wildlife Control Consultant, is dedicated to helping individuals resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research. His work spans various platforms, including blogs, academic papers, videos, and podcasts, offering a wealth of information to those in the field. Steven's contact information and disclaimer remind professionals of the responsibility that comes with wildlife control, emphasizing the importance of following legal guidelines and ethical practices. Final Thoughts Watching "Mastering Wildlife Control: Overcoming Biases for Business Success with Steven Vantassel" is more than just an educational experience; it's an invitation to embark on a journey of professional growth and self-improvement. This episode, part of the Pest Geek Podcast, is a testament to the complexities and challenges of vertebrate pest control, offering solutions, insights, and motivation for those looking to excel in the industry. With Steven Vantassel's guidance, wildlife control professionals are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the industry with confidence, overcome biases, and achieve business success. This episode is a must-watch for anyone committed to advan...
3/9/202434 minutes, 21 seconds
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Escaping the 9-5 Trap: 5 Power Moves with Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ for Career Freedom and Fulfillment

Unlocking Career Freedom: Beyond the 9-5 with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Introduction: The Chains of Comfort and Fear Welcome to a transformative episode of the Pestgeek Podcast titled "It's Easier To Stay In A Prison of a Job Than To Be Free." Hosted by Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, this episode dives deep into the mental barriers that bind us to unfulfilling careers and how to courageously step towards what truly fulfills us. The Comfort Zone: A Psychological Barrier Franklin begins by exploring the comfort of familiarity that makes the known, no matter how unsatisfying, seem like a safer choice than the vast unknown. He unravels the psychology behind our reluctance to leave jobs that feel like prisons but offer the illusion of security. Fear of the Unknown: The Biggest Hurdle to Freedom The discussion moves on to dissect the fear of the unknown, which Franklin identifies as the primary obstacle to career freedom. This fear, deeply ingrained in our psyche, often overshadows the potential for growth and fulfillment lying just beyond our comfort zones. Practical Advice: Navigating Towards Independence Franklin doesn't just highlight problems; he offers solutions. He provides listeners with practical advice and strategies to overcome these psychological barriers. From identifying one's true passion to taking the first steps towards independence, Franklin lays down a roadmap for breaking free from job dissatisfaction. Motivational Insights: Fueling Your Journey to Success Injecting a dose of motivation, Franklin shares insights that inspire action. He emphasizes the importance of persistence, resilience, and the joy found in the journey towards professional independence, reminding listeners that true success comes from within. Connect with the Pestgeek Community Join Our Journey: Engage with the Pestgeek Facebook Group for a community of like-minded individuals. Stay Updated: Follow the Pestgeek Podcast on Facebook for the latest episodes and expert advice. Wisdom on the Go: Enjoy our episodes on iTunes and gain insights into pest control and beyond. Professional Networking: Connect with Franklin on LinkedIn for more professional insights. Explore PestGeek: Visit PestGeek for a comprehensive exploration of the pest control industry. Conclusion: Your Path to Career Freedom Watch this episode for a deep dive into breaking free from job dissatisfaction. Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez is not just a guide; he's a beacon for those ready to transform their professional lives. Whether eyeing a career change or seeking to elevate your current path, this episode is your call to action towards achieving career freedom and success. Join us on this enlightening journey with the Pestgeek Podcast, where each episode is a step closer to realizing your professional and personal dreams. #PestGeekPodcast #CareerFreedom #JobSatisfaction #ProfessionalGrowth #PestControlIndustry #BusinessManagement #FranklinHernandez #Motivation #CareerChange #Independence #SuccessTips #Entrepreneurship #SelfImprovement #PersonalDevelopment #PestControlTips #Leadership #FreedomInCareer #BreakingFree
3/7/202412 minutes, 52 seconds
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Lead People, Manage Stuff Panel Discussion Kalamazoo MI April 27 28

LEARNING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LEADERSHIP AND TEAM CULTURE Sponsored By Hive Mind Consulting Maria SorrentinoTaylor Hughes Hosting. Michele Coy- DISC personalityLaura Borer- Hiring and RecruitingAlan Feuer- Training and Onboarding Special Guest- Paul Bello Date and time April 27 · 8am - April 28 · 3pm EDT Location Pest Pros of Michigan5068 South Sprinkle Road Portage, MI 49002
3/2/20241 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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EPA Updates & 5 Essential Sales Script Strategies in Wildlife Control with Stephen M. Vantassel

Unveiling EPA Updates and Crafting Winning Sales Scripts: A Deep Dive with Stephen M. Vantassel Introduction: The Cutting Edge of Wildlife Control Welcome to a pivotal episode of Living The Wildlife, presented by Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, and part of the enriching Pest Geek Podcast series. Stephen M. Vantassel, a luminary in wildlife control consulting, leads this session, focusing on the latest Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updates and the art of creating effective sales scripts tailored for the wildlife control industry. EPA Updates: Navigating the New Regulatory Landscape Stephen embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the EPA's recent regulatory changes, detailing their significance and potential impact on the wildlife control sector. This segment offers a primer on adapting to these changes, ensuring businesses not only comply with new regulations but also leverage them for improved service delivery. The Art of the Sale: Crafting Effective Sales Scripts The core of this episode revolves around the development of compelling sales scripts. Stephen shares his wealth of knowledge on engaging potential clients, highlighting strategies to make your services stand out. This advice is gold for anyone looking to elevate their sales approach in a competitive marketplace. Expert Insight: Stephen M. Vantassel's Wealth of Knowledge Broadening Horizons Through Education Stephen's dedication to the field extends beyond consultation. Through his blog, research papers, and YouTube videos, he provides invaluable resources for ongoing learning and development in wildlife control. Engaging with the Community Listeners are encouraged to dive deeper into Stephen's insights via the various platforms he contributes to, including the Pest Geek Podcast. His comprehensive teaching, training, writing, and research work aims to resolve wildlife conflicts with informed and humane approaches. Staying Compliant: A Note on Regulatory Adherence It's crucial to adhere to all relevant laws when applying pesticides or other control methods. This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of compliance and the responsibility of professionals in the field to follow label directions diligently. Conclusion: Forward-Thinking in Wildlife Control This episode with Stephen M. Vantassel is a treasure trove of insights for anyone in the wildlife control industry. From staying ahead of regulatory shifts to refining sales techniques, the knowledge shared here is designed to propel businesses into a successful future. Connect with Stephen M. Vantassel To further explore Stephen's work or to get in touch, visit the following links: Blog: Wildlife Control Consultant Academia: Stephen's Research Papers YouTube: Stephen's Channel Podcast: Stephen on Pest Geek Podcast Stephen's commitment to education and excellence in wildlife control continues to inspire and guide professionals across the industry. Don't miss out on this episode for a deep dive into EPA updates and mastering sales scripts. Elevate your understanding and application of these critical aspects in wildlife control with Stephen M. Vantassel.
3/2/202418 minutes, 35 seconds
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Florida’s Wildlife Control Laws: 5 Key Updates Every Professional Must Know for Enhanced Compliance and Conservation

Navigating the New Terrain: Unpacking Florida's Updated Wildlife Control Laws Introduction: A New Chapter in Wildlife Management The Pestgeek Podcast, hosted by Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, serves as a beacon for those immersed in the pest control and wildlife management industry. A pivotal episode has recently aired, shedding light on the significant shifts within Florida's wildlife control laws. This episode is not just another discussion; it's a comprehensive guide designed for both the seasoned expert and the newcomer, aiming to navigate through the state's evolving regulatory landscape. The Genesis of Change: A Collaborative Effort At the heart of these legislative changes lies a story of unity and collaboration. Franklin delves deep into the concerted efforts of diverse groups - from pest control professionals and farmers to landowners and animal welfare advocates. This coalition's goal? To craft laws that balance the needs of humans with the welfare of wildlife, ensuring both effective management and humane practices. The Impact Unveiled: What This Means for Professionals Understanding the Amendments The podcast episode acts as a crucial resource, offering an in-depth analysis of the impending modifications to the wildlife control regulations. What changes can professionals expect? How will these adjustments affect daily operations, client interactions, and wildlife handling practices? Franklin leaves no stone unturned, providing listeners with a clear picture of the future. Strategy and Compliance With change comes the challenge of adaptation. This section of the podcast focuses on strategic approaches to align with the new laws, ensuring that your business remains compliant, ethical, and efficient. It's an essential listen for anyone looking to seamlessly integrate these changes into their operational framework. Staying Connected: A Community of Support The Pestgeek community stands as a pillar of support, offering continuous updates, insights, and advice on managing through the regulatory shifts. By engaging with this vibrant community, professionals can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring they're not just compliant but also thriving in the industry. Join the Conversation Pestgeek Facebook Group: A platform for discussion and support among peers. Pestgeek Facebook Page: Stay updated with the latest podcast episodes and industry news. Pestgeek Podcast on iTunes: Access a wealth of knowledge anytime, anywhere. Franklin Hernandez on LinkedIn: Connect with Franklin for more professional insights. PestGeek Website: Your go-to resource for comprehensive information and updates. Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Wildlife Control The episode titled "What's Happening In New Florida Wildlife Control Laws" is more than just a podcast; it's a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the industry's future. As Florida's wildlife control laws enter a new era, professionals equipped with the right knowledge, strategies, and community support are poised for success. Tune into the Pestgeek Podcast for this enlightening episode and stay at the forefront of the pest control industry with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez and other leading experts. Together, we can navigate the changing tides of wildlife management with expertise, ethics, and a collective commitment to progress. Watch the episode now and arm yourself with the knowledge to thrive in the evolving landscape of Florida's wildlife control laws. #WildlifeControl, #FloridaLaws, #PestManagement, #RegulatoryChanges, #PestGeekPodcast, #FranklinHernandez, #PestControlIndustry, #WildlifeConservation, #HumanePractices, #ProfessionalDevelopment, #CommunitySupport, #IndustryUpdates, #LegislativeShifts, #EnvironmentalCompliance, #AnimalWelfare, #PestControlProfessionals, #FloridaWildlife, #EvolvingRegulations, #IndustryCollaboration, #StateRegulations
3/1/20243 minutes, 42 seconds
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Embracing Growth: 5 Powerful Strategies to Thrive Amidst Resistance on the Pestgeek Podcast

Navigating Growth: The Journey to Success with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Embracing the Challenges of Expansion Join us on the Pestgeek Podcast for an enlightening journey through the challenges and victories associated with both personal and business growth. In the eye-opening episode titled "When You Grow You Will Piss Off Everyone Around You," holistic pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez delves into the turbulence that inevitably accompanies expansion. Growth, while exciting, is often accompanied by discomfort—not only for those directly involved but also for peers, competitors, and even friends. The Art of Pushing Boundaries Franklin discusses the natural resistance that arises when pushing beyond comfort zones and striving for greatness. This resistance can manifest in various forms, from peer pushback to competitive tension, and even misunderstanding among friends. The episode sheds light on why striving for more is crucial, despite the obstacles that may arise. Strategies for Graceful Navigation With a focus on maintaining grace and vision, Franklin offers invaluable strategies for staying resilient and focused amidst opposition. He emphasizes the importance of keeping your eyes on the bigger picture and staying true to your path, even when faced with backlash. This guidance is essential for anyone aiming to elevate their business or personal life to new heights. The Power of Resilience and Focus This must-listen episode provides listeners with tools to remain steadfast and undeterred by dissent. Franklin's expertise and insights are a beacon for those navigating the choppy waters of growth, offering a blueprint for emerging stronger and more determined on the other side. Dive Into the Realities of Growth Don't miss this empowering discussion that explores the true essence of growth and the strength required to thrive. Watch the episode now for a comprehensive exploration of growth's realities and strategies for success: When You Grow. Connect with the Pestgeek Community For further insights into pest control management and personal development, stay connected with the Pestgeek community. This vibrant community offers a wealth of knowledge, support, and resources for those dedicated to growth and excellence in the pest control industry: Pestgeek Facebook Group: Join the community Pestgeek Facebook Page: Stay updated Pestgeek Podcast on iTunes: Tune in Franklin Hernandez on LinkedIn: Connect professionally PestGeek Website: Explore more Conclusion: Growth as a Catalyst for Success The Pestgeek Podcast with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez is not just about pest control; it's a platform for learning about growth, resilience, and making a significant impact in your industry. Tune in for invaluable lessons that transcend the pest control sector and apply to anyone on the path to personal and professional development. Embrace the journey of growth with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez and discover how to navigate the path to success with confidence and determination.
2/29/202415 minutes, 22 seconds
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Overcoming Sales Objections: 5 Powerful Strategies to Deliver Unmatched Value in Pest Control

Mastering Sales Objections and Delivering Value in Pest Control Introduction: Elevating Sales Through Expertise In the latest enlightening episode of the Pest Geek Podcast, host Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez delves into the crucial aspects of overcoming sales objections and delivering exceptional value within the pest control industry. This discussion is rooted in Franklin's experiences and emphasizes the transformative power of expert consultations in the lawn care segment. The Power of Consultative Selling Franklin shares a compelling personal anecdote that underscores the importance of showcasing expertise and conducting comprehensive evaluations. He argues that these practices are key to justifying premium rates, positioning consultative selling as a cornerstone of successful pest control services. Demonstrating Expertise The episode highlights how demonstrating in-depth knowledge and offering tailored solutions can set a pest control business apart from its competitors. Franklin explains that clients value expertise highly, and when they see the level of insight and customization a company provides, they are more inclined to accept premium pricing. Setting Realistic Expectations Franklin stresses the significance of setting realistic expectations right from the start. This approach ensures that clients have a clear understanding of the services they are receiving and the results they can expect, fostering a relationship based on trust and transparency. Honesty and Transparency in Sales In a market where competition is fierce, Franklin advises against the allure of making misleading promises to secure a sale. He champions honesty and transparency, guiding businesses to educate their clients on realistic outcomes and the true value of thorough, professional pest control services. Building Trust and Lasting Relationships By being upfront and honest, pest control professionals can build a foundation of trust with their clients, leading to lasting relationships. This trust is essential for long-term success, as satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend your services to others. Watch the Full Episode Gain deeper insights into refining your sales strategy and ensuring your clients understand the value you provide by watching the full episode: Why aren't you dealing with objections in the sales process and giving more value. Stay Connected with NaturePest and Pestgeek For further professional guidance and to join vibrant discussions on pest control, stay connected with NaturePest and the Pestgeek community through our various platforms: NaturePest Twitter: Follow us for updates NaturePest Website: Explore our services NaturePest Facebook Community: Join the conversation NaturePest Instagram: See our work in action NaturePest LinkedIn: Connect with us professionally Google Maps: Visit NaturePest Latest Updates: Stay informed Dive into the Pestgeek Community The Pestgeek community offers a wealth of knowledge for those passionate about pest control: Pestgeek Facebook Group: Engage with peers Pestgeek Facebook Page: Like for updates iTunes: Listen to Pestgeek Podcast LinkedIn: Network with Franklin Hernandez PestGeek Website: Discover more resources Conclusion: Enhancing Your Approach to Pest Control Sales The DIY Naturepest Podcast with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez is your go-to source for invaluable pest control tips and strategies to navigate sales objections. By embracing consultative selling and prioritizing client education and value, you can elevate your pest control business to new heights. Tune in and transform your approach to sales and service in the pest control industry.
2/28/20244 minutes, 3 seconds
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Powerful Stihl SR200 Mosquito Myster Leak Fix: 3 Expert Tips to Ensure Your Myster Stays Dry and Efficient

Eliminating Leaks in the Stihl SR200 Mosquito Myster: Expert Solutions from Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Introduction: Tackling Common Leakage Problems Join Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez in this comprehensive episode of the DIY Naturepest Podcast as we address a frequent concern among pest control professionals—the leakage from Stihl SR200 Mosquito Misters. Franklin unravels the mystery behind why these misters leak even when not in use and presents a fail-proof solution to keep your equipment functioning optimally. The Simple Fix: O-Ring Replacement Discover the straightforward method to halt leaks by replacing the O-rings within your mosquito mister. Franklin guides you through the process, from identifying the issue to selecting and using a replacement kit. This segment ensures your mister remains efficient and leak-free, regardless of usage frequency or storage method. Insider Tips: Selecting the Right Seals Franklin delves deeper into the maintenance process, advising on the best types of seals to use. Learn how to choose viton seals that withstand the wear and tear caused by 25b products, ultimately extending the life of your mosquito mister and enhancing your pest control efforts. Watch the Guide: Fixing Your Mosquito Myster Don't let equipment malfunctions slow you down. Access Franklin's tutorial for a detailed walkthrough on fixing leaks in your Stihl SR200 Mosquito Mister: Fix Leak In Stihl SR200 Mosquito Mister. This guide is an indispensable resource for maintaining high standards in your pest control service. Connect with NaturePest and Pestgeek for More Insights Stay ahead in the pest control industry with more expert guidance from NaturePest and the Pestgeek community. From professional advice to lively discussions, these platforms offer a wealth of information: NaturePest on Twitter: NaturePest Twitter Our official Website: NaturePest Join the Facebook Community: NaturePest Facebook Follow on Instagram: NaturePest Instagram Connect on LinkedIn: NaturePest LinkedIn Find Us on Google Maps: NaturePest Google Maps Latest Updates: NaturePest Google Posts Visit Our Location: 4140 NE 24th St, Homestead, FL, Call (786) 222-7069 Dive into the Pestgeek Community For those seeking deeper knowledge and community engagement, explore the Pestgeek community's rich resources: Facebook Group: Pestgeek Facebook Group Pestgeek on Facebook: Pestgeek Facebook Podcasts on iTunes: Pestgeek Podcast Connect with Franklin on LinkedIn: Franklin Hernandez LinkedIn Visit the PestGeek Website: PestGeek Conclusion: Enhancing Your Pest Control Practice Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to maintain your pest control equipment in top condition. Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez shares invaluable tips and maintenance tricks to ensure your Stihl SR200 Mosquito Mister—and your pest control practice—operates flawlessly. Tune into the DIY Naturepest Podcast for these insights and more.
2/27/20241 minute, 35 seconds
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Employee Legal Issues Mastery: 5 Key Strategies for Pest Control Businesses with Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ Hernandez

Employee Legal Issues in Pest Control: Expert Insights with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Introduction: Navigating Legal Challenges in Pest Control Welcome to an essential episode of the Pestgeek Podcast with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, where we tackle the crucial subject of employee legal issues within the pest control industry. This episode is dedicated to guiding pest control business owners and managers through the complexities of legalities in the workplace. Delving into Lawsuits and Risk Management Franklin, a holistic pest control management specialist, provides an in-depth look at the intricacies of handling lawsuits. He discusses effective strategies for managing risks and ensuring legal compliance, offering insights drawn from his extensive experience. Strategies for Legal Compliance and Workplace Management This segment of the podcast focuses on the importance of creating a legally sound work environment. Franklin shares practical advice to help business owners protect their operations while fostering a positive and compliant workplace culture. Essential Insights for Pest Control Professionals Franklin's expertise in both pest control and business management makes this episode a valuable resource for anyone in the industry. His approach to navigating the legal landscape offers clarity and confidence to listeners. Watch the Episode: Navigating Employee Legal Issues Gain essential insights into business management and legal compliance by watching the episode now: Navigating Employee Legal Issues. Stay Connected with the Pestgeek Community For more expert advice and engaging discussions, stay connected with the Pestgeek community: Facebook Group: Pestgeek Facebook Group Facebook Page: Pestgeek Facebook iTunes Podcasts: Pestgeek Podcast LinkedIn: Franklin Hernandez LinkedIn Website: PestGeek Conclusion: Enhancing Your Business Strategy Join us on this informative journey with the Pestgeek Podcast. Enhance your pest control business strategy and learn how to confidently handle legal issues in your workplace with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. #PestControlLaw #BusinessManagement #PestGeekPodcast #FranklinHernandez #HolisticPestManagement
2/24/20249 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cholecalciferol Unveiled: 5 Key Strategies for Effective Rodent Control with Stephen M. Vantassel

Introduction: A Deep Dive into Rodenticides Join expert Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE, in a captivating episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, proudly presented by Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC. In this insightful session, Stephen, a veteran in wildlife control, takes us on an exploratory journey into the world of rodenticides, placing a special focus on Cholecalciferol in the realm of vertebrate pest control. Stephen's Expertise in Wildlife Management With years of experience under his belt, Stephen offers an in-depth analysis of Calciferol, showcasing its effectiveness and application in managing rodent populations. This episode serves as an invaluable resource for both professionals and enthusiasts eager to delve into advanced pest control methods. Cholcalciferol: A Key Tool in Rodent Population Management Discover the nuances of using Calciferol as a strategic tool in rodent control. Stephen's expertise sheds light on the practical aspects of its application, making this episode a must-watch for those seeking effective solutions in wildlife management. Watch the Episode: Cholecalciferol in Focus: Advanced Rodenticide Strategies with Stephen Vantassel Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of rodenticides in wildlife control. Watch the episode now for a comprehensive learning experience: Cholecalciferol in Focus: Advanced Rodenticide Strategies with Stephen Vantassel. Connect with Stephen M. Vantassel for More Insights Stephen M. Vantassel is committed to educating and assisting in wildlife conflict resolution. Connect with him for more wisdom in wildlife control: Stephen's Blog: Wildlife Control Consultant Blog Academic Papers: Stephen's Academia Educational Videos: YouTube Channel Podcasts: Pest Geek Podcasts Contact: Phone 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Disclaimer and Responsibility in Wildlife Control Please be reminded that Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geek Podcast, Living the Wildlife Podcast, and Stephen M. Vantassel are not liable for the use of information provided. Always adhere to legal guidelines when applying pest control methods and follow product label directions. #WildlifeControl #RodentControl #PestManagement #StephenVantassel #LivingTheWildlife #PestGeekPodcast #WildlifeConsultant #Rodenticides #Calciferol #PestControlTraining
2/24/202427 minutes, 33 seconds
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Family Business Success: 5 Powerful Strategies for Doubling Growth

Why Family Business Grow 2X Faster: Insights from Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Introduction: The Power of Family in Business Join us in a captivating episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, where Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, a holistic pest control management specialist, explores the thriving world of family-run businesses. In "Why Family Businesses Grow 2X Faster," Franklin uncovers the secrets behind the remarkable growth rate of family-involved enterprises. The Game-Changing Impact of Family Involvement Discover how family participation can transform a business from an average startup to a flourishing enterprise. Franklin shares his valuable insights and experiences, highlighting the unique advantages that family dynamics bring to the business table. Leveraging Family Strengths for Business Triumph This episode is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone from small startups to expanding businesses. Learn how to utilize the inherent strengths of family members to fuel business success and overcome common industry challenges. The Episode: A Must-Watch for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Don't miss this chance to gain a fresh perspective on the role of family in business growth. Watch the episode now: Why Family Businesses Grow 2X Faster, and embark on a journey to understanding the core of family-driven business success. Stay Connected for More Business Insights Keep up with the Pestgeek community for more insights into the fascinating world of pest control and business management. Join our discussions and expand your entrepreneurial horizons: Facebook Group: Pestgeek Facebook Group Facebook Page: Pestgeek Facebook iTunes Podcasts: Pestgeek Podcast LinkedIn: Franklin Hernandez LinkedIn Website: PestGeek Conclusion: Embracing Family for Business Success Join Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez in this enlightening journey and enhance your understanding of the critical role family plays in business growth. Embrace the insights from the Pestgeek Podcast and unlock the potential of family in your business venture! #FamilyBusiness #BusinessGrowth #PestGeekPodcast #FranklinHernandez #PestControlExpert #Entrepreneurship #FamilyInBusiness #BusinessSuccess #HolisticPestManagement
2/23/20242 minutes, 23 seconds
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Pest Control Success: 7 Powerful Growth Strategies Revealed by Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ Hernandez

Discover Growth Strategies in Pest Control with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez Introduction: Embracing the World of Pest Control Join us in an exciting episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, featuring the holistic pest control management expert, Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. In this enlightening episode titled 'You Have To Execute On What You Know', we venture into the intricacies of business growth within the pest control industry, enriched with real-life stories and actionable strategies. The Journey to Business Growth in Pest Control Franklin Hernandez, renowned for his holistic approach to pest control, shares his vast expertise in this field. This episode is a treasure trove of insights, offering invaluable guidance for both established professionals and newcomers in the pest control industry. Learning from Real-Life Stories and Effective Strategies Engage with compelling stories from the field that illustrate the challenges and victories in pest control. These narratives, combined with Franklin's effective growth strategies, provide a comprehensive understanding of how to thrive in the pest control business. Practical Advice for Every Professional Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, this episode offers practical advice and inspiring tales to navigate the pest control industry successfully. Franklin's expertise shines through in every segment, offering listeners a roadmap to success. Tune In: 'You Have To Execute On What You Know' Don't miss the chance to gain wisdom from one of the best in the business. Watch the episode now: You Have To Execute On What You Know and delve into the dynamic realm of pest control growth and management. Connect with the Pestgeek Community Join our vibrant Pestgeek community for continuous learning and discussion: Facebook Group: Pestgeek Facebook Group Facebook Page: Pestgeek Facebook iTunes Podcasts: Pestgeek Podcast LinkedIn: Franklin Hernandez PestGeek Website: PestGeek Conclusion: Enhancing Your Pest Control Expertise Embark on this informative journey with the Pestgeek Podcast. Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez's insights are not just lessons; they are catalysts for growth and success in the pest control industry. Tune in, engage, and transform your approach to pest control today! #PestControlGrowth #BusinessInsights #PestGeekPodcast #FranklinHernandez #HolisticPestManagement #PestControlSuccess #PestIndustryGrowth #RealLifePestControlStories #PestControlStrategies #ProfessionalDevelopmentInPestControl
2/22/20247 minutes, 19 seconds
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5 Proven Growth Strategies to Skyrocket Your Pest Control Business with Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ Hernandez

Introduction: Navigating the Financial Landscape in Pest Control Welcome to an enlightening episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, featuring the renowned Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. In our latest episode, "Are You Making Enough To Hire Your First Tech?", we delve deep into the financial nuances and growth strategies crucial for the growth of any pest control business. This episode is more than just a guide; it's a comprehensive exploration into the financial dynamics that drive a successful pest control enterprise. Maximizing Revenue for Sustainable Growth Here, we explore the critical concept of revenue optimization. It's about more than just making money; it's about strategically reinvesting earnings for scaling your business and executing impactful marketing initiatives. This section provides detailed insights into how to allocate financial resources wisely to achieve long-term growth and stability in the competitive pest control market. Perfect Timing for Team Expansion Expanding your team is a significant milestone in any business. This segment of the podcast focuses on the art of timing this expansion. Learn to understand and analyze your business growth to predict the best time to bring new technicians on board. This part of the episode will offer tools and techniques to assess when your business is financially and operationally ready to support additional team members effectively. The Importance of Financial Literacy Financial literacy is the cornerstone of any successful business. In this essential segment, Franklin emphasizes the need to deeply understand your business's financial health. You'll gain insights into essential financial metrics and how they impact your decision-making process, especially when it comes to expanding your workforce. Setting and Achieving Production Goals In this part of the podcast, we dive into the mechanics of setting realistic production targets and how these targets tie into overall business profitability. Discover strategies to adjust your pricing and service offerings to not only meet but exceed your production goals. This segment is packed with actionable advice on balancing operational efficiency with customer satisfaction for optimal financial performance. Establishing Revenue Goals for Your Technicians Determining viable revenue targets for your technicians is crucial for maintaining a profitable business model. This section provides an in-depth analysis of how to set achievable yet ambitious revenue goals for your team. Franklin shares his expert knowledge on benchmarking these targets and aligning them with your business objectives. Conclusion: The Road to Financial Mastery in Pest Control "Are You Making Enough To Hire Your First Tech?" is an invaluable resource for pest control entrepreneurs aiming to expand their team and grow their business. Each segment of this episode is filled with rich insights and practical advice, making it a must-listen for anyone in the industry. Connect with the Pestgeek Community Join our vibrant community for ongoing support and insights: Facebook Group: Pestgeek Facebook Group Like our Page: Pestgeek Facebook Listen on iTunes: Pestgeek Podcast Connect with Franklin on LinkedIn: Franklin Hernandez Explore our Website: PestGeek #PestGeekPodcast #PestControlBusiness #BusinessGrowth #HiringStrategies #FinancialPlanning #PestControlIndustry #Entrepreneurship #BusinessExpansion #RevenueManagement #MarketingStrategies #TeamBuilding #PestControlTips #BusinessInsights #FranklinHernandez #PestManagement #ScalingBusiness #Profitability #WorkforceDevelopment #PestControlTraining #IndustryExpertise Embark on a journey of discovery and mastery in the financial aspects of pest control with Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. Tune in, learn, and transform your pest control business today!
2/21/20245 minutes, 58 seconds
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5 Breakthrough Insights: Calciferol Transforms Rodent Control in Stephen Vantassel’s Living The Wildlife Podcast

Get ready for an exciting adventure in pest management with Stephen M. Vantassel on "Living The Wildlife Podcast." In our special episode, "5 Breakthrough Insights: Calciferol Transforms Rodent Control," Stephen warmly guides us through the innovative world of calciferol usage in rodent control. As a knowledgeable Wildlife Control Consultant, he shares engaging and enlightening insights on how this remarkable rodenticide is revolutionizing our approach to managing rodent populations. Join us for a friendly, informative journey as we uncover the top five game-changing breakthroughs in the field. Whether you're a professional in pest control or just curious about wildlife management, this episode is a treasure trove of knowledge and practical tips, all presented in Stephen's engaging and approachable style. Introduction to Living The Wildlife Podcast Welcome to another captivating episode of the "Living The Wildlife Podcast", hosted by the esteemed Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE. This podcast is a proud member of the Pest Geek Podcast family, and today we're delving deep into the intricacies of vertebrate pest control with an emphasis on effective wildlife management strategies. Calciferol: A New Era in Rodent Control In this episode, Stephen Vantassel continues his insightful journey through the world of pest control research, specifically focusing on calciferol, a unique rodenticide, and its profound effects on the control of house mice populations. Groundbreaking Research by S.P. Nolan Building upon discussions from a previous episode, Stephen examines the influential thesis by S.P. Nolan (2018). This critical research rigorously evaluates the transition effects from non-toxic baits to calciferol rodenticides on the consumption habits, bait station interactions, and movement patterns of wild house mice. Detailed Analysis of Mice Interaction with Bait Stations The highlight of this episode is a thorough analysis of the third chapter of Nolan's dissertation. Here, we get an in-depth look at how wild house mice interact with bait stations, adapting to various baiting strategies involving calciferol. Enhancing Control Measures Against Mouse Populations Discover how this research significantly contributes to advancing control methods against mouse populations. Through Stephen's narrative, gain a comprehensive understanding of the adaptive responses and behaviors of mice to different calciferol baiting techniques. Unraveling Mice Behavior in Response to Calciferol Stay with us for an extensive exploration of this collaborative research. The goal is to decode the activity levels and behavioral patterns of mice in response to exposure to calciferol-treated bait stations. Connect with Stephen M. Vantassel Discover more about Stephen M. Vantassel and his work at Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC. Dive into Stephen's academic papers at Kingsdivinity. Watch more insightful videos on YouTube. Listen to more episodes on Pest Geek Podcast. Get in touch with Stephen at 406-272-5323 Mtn Time. Stephen is dedicated to resolving wildlife conflicts through education, training, writing, and research. Legal Disclaimer Always adhere to national, state, provincial, and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods for pest management. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wildlife Podcast, and Stephen M. Vantassel, along with their affiliates, are not liable for the use of information provided here or elsewhere. Always read and follow label directions for any products used. Engage with Our Community Enjoy this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel, and hit the notification bell for the latest updates. We value your comments and feedback. This episode is also available on Rumble at Wildlife Control Consultant. Stay tuned for more enthralling episodes and expand your knowledge on wildlife control with Stephen Vantas...
2/17/202425 minutes, 56 seconds
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Empowering Business Leadership: 5 Proven Key Insights from Michele Coy on Pestgeek Podcast

Business Leadership. Hey there, Pestgeek Podcast listeners! It's your host, Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, and I'm thrilled to bring you another engaging episode of our podcast. Today, we have the privilege of hosting Michele Coy, an acclaimed Leadership and Business Strategist who brings a treasure trove of knowledge and experience to our show. Welcome to a new episode of insight and inspiration on the Pestgeek Podcast, where today's focus is on Business Leadership. Join us as we delve into the world of strategic management and effective leadership practices with our esteemed guest, Michele Coy. With her extensive experience and dynamic approach to business leadership, Michele brings a wealth of knowledge that's invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills in the business world. Get ready to be empowered with strategies and insights that can transform your approach to leadership and business success. Michele Coy: A Powerhouse of Expertise Michele Coy is not your ordinary guest. With an impressive career spanning 28 years in accounting and finance, bolstered by her Master of Accountancy from the University of Phoenix, Michele stands out as a true expert in her field. Her mastery doesn't end there; she's also a skilled practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, providing her with an exceptional ability to understand and influence unconscious behaviors. Michele's journey in coaching is equally remarkable, with significant experiences with the John Maxwell Leadership Team and the Dale Carnegie Program, where she excelled as a 7x Graduate Assistant. Unlocking Potential: Michele's Approach to Development What truly sets Michele apart is her unique approach to helping individuals recognize and refine their abilities, turning them into strategic assets. She excels in guiding business owners to see how personal development can have a direct impact on their financial success. Michele's passion for sharing her expertise on Leadership, Communication, DISC Personality Styles, and the Basics of Accounting is evident, whether through speaking engagements, training sessions, or one-on-one coaching. The Ultimate Accounting Experience: 'Cracking the Code' Michele Coy's insights are not just limited to our podcast. She's also the instructor of the transformative course 'Cracking the Code: The Ultimate Accounting Experience'. This course is an incredible opportunity for anyone looking to master financial acumen. It's a gateway to understanding the complexities of accounting in a way that's both accessible and empowering. Enroll in 'Cracking the Code: The Ultimate Accounting Experience' Key Topics in Today's Episode In our discussion with Michele, we dive into several crucial areas: The Importance of Basic Business Finances Understanding the foundational elements of business finance is essential for small business owners. Michele sheds light on why establishing a strong financial base is critical for growth. Leadership and Employee Retention At the "Lead People Manage Stuff" event in Michigan, Michele will share her insights on leadership principles and employee retention strategies. She'll also discuss how understanding different personality types can dramatically improve communication and leadership skills. Michele's Inspirational Journey We also explore Michele's journey, from her initial steps in an accounting firm at 16 to her influential role in governmental accounting. Her passion for teaching and engaging with others has been a constant throughout her career. Join Us for Unparalleled Business Insights This episode promises to be a treat for any business owner looking to enhance their management and leadership skills. Michele's depth of knowledge and experience offers invaluable insights for anyone eager to elevate their business game. Got questions or need more details? Reach out, and we'll ensure you get the answers you're looking for.
2/15/202452 minutes, 50 seconds
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Revolutionizing the Industry: Green Pest Control Secrets Unveiled by Pest Geek Podcast’s Frank

A Journey Through Green Pest Control with Frank of Pest Geek Podcast Welcome to a remarkable exploration with Frank, the engaging host of the Pest Geek Podcast Pest Control Training. In his latest video, "The Pestgeek Core Social Media Strategy Never Released Before," Frank reveals a world of insights that blend professional acumen with personal experiences, truly embodying his deep knowledge and passion for the pest control industry. The Paul J. Bellow Conference and Austin Frishman's Influence Frank's journey begins with his experiences at the Paul J. Bellow conference. Here, he shares his profound admiration for Austin Frishman, a titan in the pest control world. This conference set the stage for Frank's inspiring journey in pest control, which began in May 2006. Transition to Greener Practices A pivotal moment in Frank's career was his shift to greener, eco-friendly pest control methods, inspired by organic farming. This significant transition not only refined his techniques but also enabled him to offer high-end services to his clients, marking a milestone in his professional growth. The Technical Side of Sustainable Pest Control Frank delves into the technicalities of adopting sustainable pest control practices. He explores various aspects such as soil biology, the crucial role of nitrogen, and the beneficial impact of microbes. His pioneering work with amino acids and bio-products, especially his early experiments with Bavaria Basiana, highlights his innovative approach to pest management. Frank's Personal Touches Beyond work, Frank's personal preferences, like his love for cigars and Cuban coffee, add a unique flavor to his narrative. These elements reflect his bold and vibrant personality, making his professional journey even more relatable and engaging. Collaboration and Innovation Frank shares exciting details about his experiments with worm casting teas, essential oils, and his collaboration with Rockwell Labs. These efforts were aimed at creating eco-friendly pest control solutions, showcasing his commitment to sustainability. Faith and Professional Philosophy In a heartfelt revelation, Frank discusses his commitment to sustainable pest control and how his personal beliefs and faith have been integral to shaping his professional journey and philosophy. What to Expect Next? As a follower of the Pest Geek Podcast, you can look forward to more engaging insights on enhancing your social media presence in the pest control industry, learning about the evolution of greener pest control practices, and discovering how Frank blends his professional expertise with personal values. Don't miss out on the latest trends and discussions in pest management. Follow the Pest Geek Podcast on various social media platforms and support them on Patreon for continuous updates and learning opportunities in the pest control world. This blog post is a celebration of Frank's journey in the pest control industry and a testament to his impactful contributions. Stay tuned for more insightful content from the Pest Geek Podcast Pest Control Training channel! Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/14/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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Conquering Burnout and Building Dreams: An In-Depth Chat with Christian Allen on Pestgeek Podcast

Burnout and Building Dreams Introduction: A Warm Welcome to the Pestgeek Community Hey there, Pestgeek fans! It's Franklin Hernandez, your friendly neighborhood pest control podcaster, and today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast promises to be an extraordinary one. I'm thrilled to introduce our esteemed guest, Christian Allen from Tailor Made Pest Control, a true visionary in the industry. Picture this episode as a laid-back backyard gathering with good friends, brimming with laughter and fascinating stories that are sure to captivate you. Christian Allen: The Long-Awaited Guest We kick off this episode with the much-anticipated appearance of Christian Allen. It's been a long time coming, and we can't contain our excitement. Christian, with his charming persona, doesn't hold back in expressing his admiration for the podcast, describing it as a 'brain-tickler' for those in the pest control world. His presence adds a refreshing touch to our discussion, setting the stage for an engaging and insightful conversation. Tackling Burnout: Christian's Personal Journey One of the highlights of our chat is Christian's candid take on burnout – a topic that resonates with many of us. He shares his personal battles with burnout, infusing humor and raw honesty into his stories. These anecdotes aren't just entertaining; they're packed with life lessons that strike a chord, reminding us of the delicate balance between work and personal life. Dreams and Goals: The Drive Behind Tailor Made Pest Control Christian then delves into the aspirations and ambitions fueling Tailor Made Pest Control. He opens up about his future plans, including those coveted retirement days. His transparency about the financial ups and downs of running a business is relatable, likening it to the everyday dilemma of choosing salad over pizza. Generational Perspectives on Saving and Planning We explore how different generations approach saving and future planning. Christian's outlook is a blend of seizing the moment while staying future-focused – much like maintaining a balanced diet that allows for both healthy choices and indulgent treats. The Reality Behind Running a Business As our conversation nears its end, Christian reflects on the hard work and dedication behind Tailor Made Pest Control. He shares his feeling of being 'running-on-a-treadmill' tired, offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the relentless effort and commitment required to run a successful business. Conclusion: A Casual Yet Insightful Discussion Throughout the episode, our chat remains casual, yet packed with valuable insights. The easygoing banter between Franklin and Christian makes even serious topics approachable and relatable. So grab your favorite snack, get comfortable, and join us for this incredibly enlightening episode with Christian Allen on the Pestgeek Podcast. #PestgeekPodcast #PestControl #ChristianAllen #TailorMadePestControl #PestManagement #Entrepreneurship #BusinessInsights #PestControlTips #IndustryExperts #PestControlIndustry Connect with Us and Show Your Support For more fascinating insights and stories, follow our journey: Tailor Made Pest Control Support Us On Patreon Pestgeek Podcast Website Pestgeek Podcast on Social Media
2/13/20243 hours, 49 minutes, 58 seconds
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“Mosquito Control: The Number 1 Challenging Task” Immediately becomes “Mastering Mosquito Control In Miami: Is It Impossible?”

Chapter 1: Comprehensive Mosquito Control in Miami's Climate This chapter delves deeper into the unique challenges of mosquito control in Miami's humid and warm climate. Franklin Hernandez on the Pestgeek Podcast discusses the heightened mosquito activity during the summer months and the common errors residents make in addressing this issue. It emphasizes the complexity of mosquito control, including the problem of breeding in confined spaces and the impact of neighboring properties, demonstrating the need for a more strategic and informed approach to pest control in this region. Chapter 2: Identification and Management of Mosquito Breeding Sites Hernandez provides an in-depth exploration of identifying mosquito breeding sites, often overlooked in everyday settings. He gives detailed examples, including small containers of stagnant water, hot tubs, certain types of plants like bromeliads, and bird baths. The chapter then guides on effectively removing or treating these breeding grounds using larvicides, such as igr, bti, or spinosad, and stresses the importance of a bi-weekly treatment schedule to effectively prevent mosquito breeding. Chapter 3: Addressing Mosquito Issues in Small Spaces and Neighboring Areas This chapter focuses on the unique challenges faced by smaller properties, where there are no visible breeding sites, yet mosquitoes persist due to neighboring areas. Hernandez discusses the limited effectiveness of spraying adulticides in such scenarios and emphasizes the need for a collaborative approach in educating and working with neighbors. It highlights the importance of a community-driven effort in controlling mosquito breeding and the necessity of a comprehensive approach rather than relying solely on one method. Chapter 4: The Role of Professional Pest Control and Neighborly Cooperation Here, the discussion shifts to the role of professional pest control services in the battle against mosquitoes. Hernandez explains the expertise professionals bring in identifying breeding sites and implementing effective treatment plans. However, he also points out the challenges professionals face, especially when breeding sites extend beyond the target property. The chapter stresses the significance of educating neighbors about mosquito control, emphasizing that a single untreated property can affect the entire neighborhood. Chapter 5: Advanced Control Measures and Personal Preventative Strategies This chapter explores a range of advanced mosquito control strategies, including environmental management tactics, various larvicides, physical control methods like traps and nets, and the innovative use of technology in mosquito surveillance and control. Additionally, it covers personal protection measures, advising on the use of appropriate clothing, repellents, and physical barriers like mosquito nets and screens on windows and doors. This part of the discussion highlights both the community and individual responsibilities in reducing mosquito populations and protecting against bites. Chapter 6: Looking Forward: The Future of Mosquito Control and Summary In the concluding chapter, Hernandez looks toward the future of mosquito control, reflecting on potential advancements in genetic modification and other technologies. He weighs the ethical and safety considerations of these emerging methods. The chapter summarizes the key points from the book, reiterating the importance of understanding mosquito breeding habits, the necessity of community-wide efforts, and the role of professional pest control services. It ends by emphasizing that effective mosquito control is a continuous, collaborative effort requiring vigilance, cooperation, and a multifaceted approach. #pestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #larvicide #IGR #BTI #Spinosad #breedingsites #insectgrowthregulator #adulticide #FrankThePestGeek #MiamiPestControl #bromeliads #neighborhoodmosquitoes #preventivemeasures #backyardmosquitoes #mosquitobreedin...
2/13/202437 minutes, 55 seconds
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7 Pioneering Insights into Humane Pigeon Control: Unveiling the Evolution with Ovo Control’s Eric Wolf

Join us as we unpack the compelling insights from his conversation with Eric Wolf, CEO of Ovo Control, and explore the revolutionary approach to pigeon control. Urban wildlife management is a constantly evolving field, requiring innovative and ethical solutions. Stephen Vantassel, a prominent figure in the world of wildlife control, recently delved into this fascinating topic in an episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast. The Genesis of Ovo Control's Pigeon Solution Stephen begins the podcast by introducing Eric Wolf, whose company has been at the forefront of humane pigeon control. They discuss the origins of Ovo Control's birth control product for pigeons, tracing its development back to the 1950s. This segment reveals how a solution initially intended for the poultry industry found its way into urban wildlife management, showcasing the adaptability and innovation inherent in the field. Advancements in the Poultry Industry and Its Impact The discussion takes an intriguing turn as Eric explains the rapid advancements in the poultry industry. He highlights how these developments have influenced modern farming practices and the challenges faced in densely populated environments. This part of the conversation offers a unique perspective on how agricultural practices can inform urban wildlife management strategies. Ethical and Non-Lethal Approaches to Wildlife Control A significant focus of the podcast is on the ethical implications of wildlife control. Stephen and Eric explore the importance of non-lethal methods in managing urban animal populations. They delve into the reasons why such approaches are not only more humane but often more effective in the long term. The Role of Innovation in Urban Ecology Innovation is a recurring theme throughout the episode. The speakers discuss the role of creative solutions in addressing the complex challenges of urban ecology. They emphasize the need for ongoing research and development to keep pace with the changing dynamics of wildlife populations in urban areas. Challenges in Disease Management in Crowded Environments One of the more technical aspects of the conversation revolves around managing diseases in crowded environments, a challenge both in poultry farming and urban wildlife management. The podcast sheds light on the parallels between these two fields and the lessons that can be learned from each. Listener Engagement and Community Involvement Stephen encourages listener interaction, inviting comments, thoughts, and even criticisms. This section of the blog highlights the importance of community involvement and feedback in shaping the future of wildlife management practices. Final Thoughts: Looking Towards a Sustainable Future The podcast concludes with a forward-looking perspective on wildlife control. Stephen and Eric discuss the need for sustainable practices that balance human needs with those of the environment. This closing segment leaves listeners with a sense of hope and inspiration for the future of urban wildlife management. The episode with Eric Wolf not only educates but also inspires, serving as a reminder of the importance of ethical, innovative, and sustainable approaches in wildlife control. Whether you're a professional in the field or simply someone fascinated by the intersection of humanity and nature, this podcast episode is a must-listen. Tune in to the Living The Wildlife Podcast for more enlightening conversations on wildlife control today! #LivingTheWildlife #PestControl #PigeonManagement #OvoControl #WildlifeConservation Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time
2/10/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 17 seconds
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Unlocking Digital Marketing Success: 7 Key Insights from the PestGeek Podcast on Google Ads

The PestGeek Podcast, hosted by the insightful Franklin Hernandez, known as 'The Pestgeek', has recently aired an episode that is a goldmine of knowledge for solo entrepreneurs and small business owners. Titled "Is Google Ads Worth It For A One Man Show?", this episode delves deep into the world of digital advertising, specifically focusing on Google Ads, and is particularly beneficial for those in the pest control industry. Understanding the Real Cost of Google Ads Frank begins by addressing a crucial question that resonates with many solo entrepreneurs: the effectiveness and practicality of investing in Google Ads. He explains that the costs associated with running a Google Ads campaign go beyond the apparent ad spend. Frank elaborates on the hidden layers of cost, including ad management and supervisory expenses, which are crucial for a successful campaign. Navigating the Technicalities of Google Ads A significant portion of the podcast is dedicated to the technical aspects of setting up and running a Google Ads campaign. Frank breaks down the process, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right keywords, understanding the bidding mechanism, and the criticality of waiting for data to analyze the campaign's effectiveness. He also highlights the need to identify and eliminate negative keywords that do not align with commercial intent to avoid unnecessary expenditure. The Trial Process of Ad Campaigns Frank advises listeners to view ad campaigns as a trial process. He recommends at least a three-month period to gather data, test various strategies, and refine the approach based on the feedback received. This trial period is essential to understand the nuances of effective ad spending. Crafting Compelling Ad Content Creating compelling ad content is another key topic Frank discusses. He points out that merely stating qualifications or experience isn't enough to make an ad successful. Instead, he suggests focusing on crafting an irresistible offer that can attract potential customers and outshine competitors' ads. Advertising as an Investment Frank delves into the concept of advertising as an investment. He explains that, like any investment, ads require time to mature and start yielding returns. This perspective is vital for business owners to set realistic expectations about the long-term nature of advertising investments. The Role of Business Owners in Advertising Towards the end of the episode, Frank highlights the importance of the business owner's active involvement in the advertising process. He stresses the need for owners to analyze and scrutinize ad performance data, effectively playing the role of a chief marketing officer. Conclusion: A Must-Listen Episode for Digital Marketing Success Overall, this episode of the PestGeek Podcast is an invaluable resource for anyone in the pest control industry considering Google Ads as a marketing tool. Frank's detailed and practical advice provides listeners with a comprehensive understanding of digital advertising's complexities and offers actionable strategies for successful ad campaigns. #PestGeekPodcast, #GoogleAds, #DigitalMarketing, #PestControlBusiness, #SoloEntrepreneur, #SmallBusinessTips, #OnlineAdvertising, #MarketingStrategy, #AdCampaigns, #PestControlIndustry, #BusinessGrowth, #Entrepreneurship, #MarketingInsights, #AdManagement, #SEO, #PPC, #CostEffectiveMarketing, #BusinessAdvice, #PestControlProfessionals, #MarketingSuccess, #OneManShow, #PestManagement Connect with the PestGeek Podcast Support on Patreon: Pestgeekpodcast Patreon Official Website: PestGeekPodcast Join the Facebook Group: Pestgeekpodcast Group Follow on Facebook: Pestgeekpodcast Page Follow on Twitter: @pestgeekpodcast Connect on LinkedIn: Franklin Hernandez LinkedIn Business Page: PestGeekPodcast Follow on Instagram: @pestgeekpodcast Follow on Pinterest: Pestgeekpodcast
2/2/202416 minutes, 29 seconds
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7 Essential Strategies: Transform Your Pest Control Business with Powerful SOPs for Unmatched Growth

Introduction to SOPs in Pest Control In the insightful episode of the Pest Geek Podcast titled "Pest Control Business SOP Standard Operating Procedure With Alan Feuer," host Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez delves into the world of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and their pivotal role in the pest control industry. This blog post aims to encapsulate the rich insights and practical advice shared in this episode, offering valuable guidance for pest control professionals. The Importance of SOPs in Pest Control Business Growth Franklin initiates the conversation by emphasizing the significance of SOPs in aidig pest control businesses to grow and manage operational challenges effectively. SOPs are not just procedural documents; they are the backbone of a business's operational strategy, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and quality in service delivery. Customizing SOPs to Fit Unique Business Environments Alan Feuer, a respected figure in the pest control field, shares his expertise on tailoring SOPs to suit individual business needs. He stresses the importance of considering local factors such as pest species, climate, and regulations. This customization ensures that SOPs are not only effective but also relevant to the specific challenges and environments that each business faces. Transitioning from Technician to Business Owner One of the key topics discussed is the transition challenges faced by technicians as they step into the role of business owners. Alan advises that developing SOPs is crucial even for single operators, as they lay a solid foundation for training and consistency, which is vital for maintaining quality and efficiency as the business expands. SOPs: Living Documents in a Dynamic Field A significant point highlighted is that SOPs are living documents that require regular updates and revisions. In a dynamic field like pest control, where factors such as pest behavior, technology, and regulations can change rapidly, the adaptability of SOPs is essential. Alan introduces the acronym UR ROCK (Understand, Retain, Obey, Complain) to underline the importance of understanding, adhering to, and providing feedback on SOPs. Empowering Employees through SOPs Alan and Franklin discuss how SOPs not only standardize operations but also empower employees to contribute feedback and suggestions for improvement. This collaborative approach ensures that SOPs are practical, relevant, and continuously evolving with the business and industry. The Holistic Approach to SOP Development Alan stresses the importance of involving various departments in the SOP development process. This holistic approach ensures that the procedures are comprehensive and consider all aspects of the operation, from technical operations to customer service. Conclusion: A Treasure Trove of Information The episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone in the pest control business, particularly for those looking to establish or refine their SOPs. Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez, with his engaging hosting style, facilitates a conversation that is both informative and practical, offering viewers valuable insights into the world of pest control business management. Supporting the Pest Geek Podcast For more insights and discussions like this, support the Pest Geek Podcast through their Patreon, visit their website, and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.
2/1/20241 hour, 29 minutes, 33 seconds
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5 Revolutionary Strategies to Tackle the Iguana Crisis: Insights from Iggy Trap’s Trailblazing Journey

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Iguana Crisis Confronting the Iguana Invasion: Innovative Trapping Solutions with IggyTrap In the latest "Living the Wildlife" episode from the Pest Geek Podcast, host and Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel delves into "Confronting the Iguana Invasion: Innovative Trapping Solutions with IggyTrap." This chapter introduces the escalating issue of iguana infestation in South Florida, inviting readers to explore the innovative solutions and strategies discussed in the episode. Chapter 2: The Genesis of Iggy Trap Meet Pierce, the president and owner of Iggy Trap, who shares his journey into wildlife control, starting from his days at Florida Atlantic University. This chapter explores how Pierce's firsthand experiences with iguanas in Boca Raton led to the inception of IggyTrap, a company at the forefront of iguana trapping technology. Chapter 3: Understanding the Iguana Invasion Pierce provides an in-depth look at the iguana infestation in South Florida, highlighting the Green Iguana as the most prevalent species. This chapter examines their status as an invasive species and traces the history of their proliferation in the region, from Orlando to Key West. Chapter 4: The Environmental Impact of Invasive Species This chapter sheds light on other invasive species in South Florida, such as the Argentinian tegus, and draws parallels with the environmental impacts caused by invasive Burmese pythons. It emphasizes the need for effective wildlife control strategies to maintain ecological balance. Chapter 5: Innovative Solutions for Iguana Management Focusing on the challenges in managing the iguana population, this chapter discusses the innovative solutions and strategies presented in "Confronting the Iguana Invasion." It highlights IggyTrap's role in developing eco-friendly trapping methods and offers insights for those facing similar wildlife control dilemmas. Chapter 6: The Way Forward in Wildlife Conservation Concluding the discussion, this chapter reflects on the importance of sustainable solutions in wildlife control. It underscores the need for continued innovation in tackling invasive species and preserving ecosystems, encouraging readers to engage with Stephen Vantassel for further queries and discussions on wildlife control. Conclusion: "5 Revolutionary Strategies to Tackle the Iguana Crisis" provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and solutions in managing iguana infestations, as discussed in the Pest Geek Podcast. It serves as a valuable resource for wildlife control professionals and enthusiasts alike, offering practical insights and strategies for effective and sustainable wildlife management. #IguanaInvasion #WildlifeControl #IggyTrap #PestGeekPodcast #LivingTheWildlife #InvasiveSpecies #FloridaWildlife #EcoFriendlyTrapping #IguanaManagement #WildlifeConservation #SustainableSolutions #EnvironmentalImpact #WildlifeExpert #NatureBalance #EcoSystemProtection Contact Stephen M. Vantassel at Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time. Visit for more insights into wildlife control and conservation. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 (Mtn Time) Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here o...
1/30/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
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Navigating Business Growth and Management with Franklin Hernandez

Introduction: Embracing the Challenge of Business Growth Welcome to our deep dive into the world of business growth and management, inspired by Franklin Hernandez, the host of The Pestgeek Podcast and a holistic pest control expert from Naturepest. Chapter 1: The Landscape of Business Expansion Franklin begins by addressing the complexities of business expansion, particularly in the pest control sector. However, his insights are not limited to this industry alone. We'll delve into how these strategies apply across various fields, including landscaping, house cleaning, plumbing, and HVAC, and discuss the universal challenges and opportunities that come with business growth. Chapter 2: Scaling Your Business Effectively One of the most significant challenges in business is scaling effectively. Franklin offers practical advice on how to grow your business without compromising quality or efficiency. This chapter will break down his approach to scaling, including how to balance growth with maintaining core business values. Chapter 3: Delegation and Task Management A key to successful business management is effective delegation. Franklin discusses the importance of task management and how to delegate responsibilities to streamline operations and enhance productivity. We'll explore techniques for identifying which tasks to delegate and how to ensure they are carried out effectively. Chapter 4: Mastering Marketing Strategies No business can grow without a solid marketing strategy. Franklin sheds light on implementing successful marketing tactics that resonate with your target audience. This chapter will cover the essentials of creating a marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and reaches your desired customers. Chapter 5: The Hiring Conundrum Recruiting skilled employees is a challenge for any business owner. Franklin talks about the nuances of the hiring process and how to attract and retain the right talent for your business. We'll discuss strategies for making your business an attractive place to work and how to maintain a strong team dynamic. Chapter 6: Financial Aspects of Scaling a Business Finally, Franklin addresses the financial implications of scaling a business. This chapter will delve into the increased expenses associated with growth, such as hiring new staff, purchasing equipment, and boosting marketing efforts. We'll explore how to manage these costs effectively while ensuring the financial health of your business. Conclusion: A Guide for Growth and Success Franklin Hernandez's insights provide a roadmap for business owners and entrepreneurs in the service industry and beyond. His practical guidance is invaluable for anyone looking to nurture and manage their business ventures successfully. Join us in exploring these strategies and applying them to your own business journey. #PestgeekPodcast, #BusinessGrowth, #PestControlExpert, #Entrepreneurship, #BusinessManagement, #ScalingBusiness, #HolisticPestControl, #Naturepest, #SmallBusinessTips, #IndustryInsights, #ServiceIndustry, #BusinessStrategy, #FranklinHernandez, #BusinessChallenges, #MarketingStrategies, #OperationalExcellence, #BusinessAdvice, #EntrepreneurMindset Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
1/18/202432 minutes, 36 seconds
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5 Proven Strategies to Masterfully Eliminate Roaches with Advion Roach Gel: A Breakthrough Approach for Guaranteed Results

Welcome to "5 Proven Strategies to Masterfully Eliminate Roaches with Advion Gel: A Breakthrough Approach for Guaranteed Results." In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of effective roach control, focusing on the powerful and innovative Advion Roach Gel. Roach infestations can be more than just a nuisance; they pose significant health risks and can be challenging to eradicate. However, with the right approach, you can tackle this problem head-on. This guide is designed to empower you with knowledge and practical strategies, ensuring you can confidently and masterfully eliminate these pesky invaders from your home or business. Chapter 1: Introduction to Advion Roach Gel Discover the world of Advion Roach Gel, a popular choice for combating roach infestations. Understand its composition, how it works, and why it's a preferred method for pest control professionals and homeowners alike. Chapter 2: The Science Behind Roach Baits Dive into the science of roach baits, focusing on how Advion Roach Gel operates. Learn about the concept of horizontal transfer, secondary, and tertiary kills, and how these mechanisms make Advion an effective solution against roaches. Chapter 3: Application Techniques for Maximum Effectiveness Explore best practices for applying Advion Roach Gel. This chapter provides detailed instructions on where and how to apply the gel for optimal results, considering different levels of infestation and environmental factors. Chapter 4: Understanding Bait Longevity and Efficacy Addressing the common question of how long Advion Roach Gel remains effective after application, this chapter discusses factors that influence the bait's longevity and how to ensure it remains potent for as long as possible. Chapter 5: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Roach Bait Usage Learn about the common pitfalls in using roach baits like Advion. This chapter covers the importance of avoiding contamination, the risks of using over-the-counter sprays in conjunction with baits, and how to maintain the bait's effectiveness. Chapter 6: Monitoring and Reapplication Strategies Delve into strategies for monitoring the effectiveness of Advion Roach Gel post-application. Understand when and how to reapply the bait in cases of heavy infestations, and how to assess the reduction in roach populations to determine the success of the treatment. In conclusion, the "5 Proven Strategies to Masterfully Eliminate Roaches with Advion Gel" offers a transformative approach to dealing with roach infestations. By understanding the unique properties of Advion Gel and implementing these effective strategies, you can achieve guaranteed results in your battle against roaches. Remember, the key to successful pest control is not just in the product you use but in how you use it. With this guide, you're now equipped with the knowledge and power to create a roach-free environment, ensuring health, safety, and peace of mind. Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
1/16/20246 minutes, 18 seconds
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Transforming Wildlife Control: 6 Key Insights from GetBent Academy’s Innovative Techniques

In "Transforming Wildlife Control: 6 Key Insights from GetBent Academy's Innovative Techniques," we dive into the heart of modern wildlife control, exploring groundbreaking methods and educational strategies pioneered by GetBent Academy. Guided by Mark Citis' expertise, this in-depth exploration sheds light on the transformative approaches reshaping how professionals address wildlife challenges. From hands-on training in metal bending to the philosophy of collaborative growth, the podcast with Stephen Vantassel offers a rich tapestry of insights, underscoring the evolving landscape of wildlife control and its future trajectory. Chapter1: Introduction: The Evolution of Wildlife Control Stephen Vantassel, a renowned Wildlife Control consultant, introduces the podcast by welcoming viewers and encouraging engagement. He then introduces Mark Citis, owner of Wildman Mark Enterprises LLC, who shares his journey from animal handler at the Philadelphia Zoo to a wildlife control expert. This chapter sets the stage for discussing the GetBent Academy and its impact on wildlife control. Chapter 2: The Birth of GetBent Academy Mark Citis discusses the founding of GetBent Academy, emphasizing its focus on metal bending in wildlife control repairs. He highlights the financial significance of quality repairs in the industry, differentiating it from mere animal removal. This chapter explores the academy's unique approach and its importance in professional wildlife control. Chapter 3: Training the Next Generation: GetBent Academy's Approach This section delves into the specifics of the academy's training program. Mark details the hands-on learning techniques and the range of skills required in wildlife control. The chapter underscores the importance of comprehensive training in metal fabrication and installation techniques. Chapter 4: Collaboration vs. Competition in Wildlife Control Mark advocates for a collaborative approach over competition within the industry. He shares personal experiences of partnering with competitors on larger projects, stressing the benefits of shared knowledge and collective growth. This chapter highlights the philosophy of elevating industry standards through collaboration. Chapter 5: A Glimpse into Metal Fabrication: Techniques and Tools Here, the focus shifts to the practical aspect of metal fabrication. Mark provides insights into the specific techniques taught at the academy, from scribing to custom metal bending. This chapter offers a glimpse into the detailed, hands-on approach of the academy's training. Chapter 6: Looking Forward: Future Trends in Wildlife Control The final chapter discusses the future of the wildlife control industry, with predictions and insights from Mark. He emphasizes the growing need for skilled professionals capable of handling diverse wildlife scenarios and the role of advanced training programs like GetBent Academy in meeting these demands. In conclusion, the podcast episode from Living The Wildlife with Stephen Vantassel featuring Mark Citis offers valuable insights into the world of wildlife control. Through the GetBent Academy, Mark Citis demonstrates how specialized training, particularly in metal bending, can revolutionize wildlife control practices. His emphasis on quality repairs, collaboration over competition, and the need for continuous learning underscores the dynamic nature of this field. This episode not only highlights the importance of skill development in wildlife control but also points towards future trends and the growing need for expertise in this niche industry. As we move forward, embracing such innovative approaches and collaborative efforts will be key to elevating wildlife control standards and ensuring effective, humane solutions. #WildlifeControl, #GetBentAcademy, #InnovativeTechniques, #WildlifeManagement, #AnimalControl, #ExclusionMethods, #WildlifeControlTraining, #PestManagement, #EcoFriendlySolutions,
1/13/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 57 seconds
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Unlocking the Mighty Potential of Brodifacoum: 6 Vital Insights for Wildlife Control Success

Understanding Brodifacoum. Chapter 1: Welcome to the Wildlife Adventure Welcome, folks! It's your friendly wildlife control consultant, Steven Vantassel, and I'm thrilled to have you on board for another wild ride with "Living the Wildlife." We're like one big family here in the PES Geek Podcast world, and I'm genuinely excited to have you with us. So, before we dive into the nitty-gritty of today's topic, do me a favor - hit that subscribe button, ring the bell, and if you love what you hear (which I hope you will), drop us a fantastic five-star review! And if you're new here, let me break it down for you - this podcast is your go-to guide for all things related to dealing with critters that have a backbone. We're not your run-of-the-mill wildlife control show; we take deep dives into the fascinating world of pest management, sharing insights and knowledge to help you stand out from the crowd. Chapter 2: Unveiling the Brodifacoum Mystery Okay, let's talk about the big elephant in the room, or should I say, the tiny but mighty brodifacoum! Last time, we started unraveling the secrets of this rodenticide, and today, we're going in for round two. Brodifacoum, or 'bacum' for short, is like the superhero of rodenticides, only without the cape (figuratively, of course). It's incredibly toxic, especially to those pesky commensal rodents. Some folks might want to ban it altogether, but here's the deal - it's a vital tool when you're dealing with those super stubborn infestations and tricky situations where other methods just won't cut it. But, and it's a big but, it's essential to understand the risks and use it with utmost care. Chapter 3: The Long and the Short of Half-Life Alright, let's get a bit scientific here. Ever heard of 'biological half-life'? No? Well, it's the time it takes for a critter to eliminate half of a particular substance from its body. Now, for brodifacoum, this half-life is pretty mind-blowing - a whopping 120 days! That's four months, my friends. This extended duration is not just a fun fact; it's a serious concern because it raises the chances of non-target animals, especially those on the endangered list, getting poisoned. Chapter 4: Metabolism vs. Excretion - The Inside Scoop Now, here's where things get interesting. Brodifacoum doesn't follow the same rules as other rodenticides. Instead of getting broken down by the liver, it gets pushed out through feces. That's right; it's like a stubborn guest that refuses to leave! This unique characteristic brings up some intriguing questions - like, could insects munching on rodent droppings become carriers of this toxic stuff? We don't have all the answers, but it's worth pondering. Chapter 5: Brodifacoum in the Wild World So, what happens when we take brodifacoum out into the wild world? Field studies have shown that it's a rock star! It's delivered control rates ranging from 95% to a perfect 100%. Impressive, right? Especially in those challenging places like crop storage or where livestock hangs out - those are like gourmet buffets for rodents. But, here's the catch - this high effectiveness also means we need to be extra careful in how we use it. Chapter 6: Secondary Poisoning - The Unwanted Consequence Secondary poisoning is the dark cloud hanging over brodifacoum's head. It occurs when non-target animals gobble up poisoned rodents. Take barn owls, for example - they've been found dead after feasting on rodents that dined on brodifacoum. This reminds us why we need strategic placement and control measures to minimize the risk to our non-target buddies. Conclusion: A Call for Responsible Action In a nutshell, brodifacoum is like a supercharged tool in the wildlife control arsenal. But, as the famous quote goes, "With great power comes great responsibility." The extended half-life, secondary poisoning risks, and potential harm to non-target species all shout out for a cautious and strategic approach.
1/6/202429 minutes, 5 seconds
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Bromadiolone: Unlocking its Potent Secrets And 6 Ways It Ensures Positive Pest Control

Chapter 1: Welcome to "Living the Wildlife" Podcast In the intriguing realm of wildlife control and pest management, there exists a niche that demands our utmost attention - the world of rodenticides. In the heart of this industry, the "Living the Wildlife" podcast emerges as a beacon, led by none other than the seasoned wildlife control consultant, Stephen Vantassel. Join us in this riveting exploration, as we delve deep into the dark alleys of rodent control, seeking to understand one of its most potent tools – Bromadiolone. The "Living the Wildlife" podcast is your haven if you're entrenched in professional wildlife control, an arena often referred to as vertebrate pest control. Unlike many mainstream podcasts, we take pride in our dedication to providing you with exceptional, out-of-the-ordinary insights, backed by sound technical knowledge. But this isn't just an academic exercise; we're acutely aware of the real-world applications that you, as a business professional or fieldworker, desperately need. In fact, let's be clear: if you're simply doing what everyone else in your industry is doing, you're not going to gain that competitive edge. And that's precisely where our podcast comes in. We're here to elevate the industry, supercharge your bottom line, and potentially save you invaluable time, money, and even, in some cases, your life. Welcome aboard this journey. We're thrilled to have you here. Chapter 2: The Critical Role of Understanding Rodenticides To appreciate the significance of Bromadiolone, one must first comprehend the intricacies of rodenticides as a whole. These chemical tools wield incredible power but come with a distinct caveat: they are not universally effective. The rodent world, diverse and varied, presents unique challenges when it comes to controlling them. This is precisely why a nuanced understanding of rodenticides is paramount. Imagine a scenario where your chosen rodenticide fails to deliver the desired results. This isn't an academic exercise; it's a real-world challenge faced by pest management professionals daily. It underscores the importance of digging deeper into the world of rodenticides, exploring their nuances, and appreciating the variations in impact on different rodent species. But rodent control is not a one-size-fits-all affair. It's an intricate tapestry of strategies, where sanitation, exclusion, trapping, and rodenticides play distinct roles. An effective approach requires a comprehensive understanding of these tools' limitations and strengths. Only then can you orchestrate them harmoniously to achieve your desired outcome – rodent-free environments. Chapter 3: Meet Bromadiolone (Brodifacoum) Let's take a closer look at the star of our podcast – Bromadiolone, a second-generation anticoagulant rodenticide. Picture it as a tiny chemical powerhouse, capable of bringing down rodents with extraordinary efficiency. The very structure of Bromadiolone, denoted by its CAS number, embodies its potency. What sets Bromadiolone apart is its remarkable stability. It's not prone to breaking down easily, even under harsh environmental conditions. This attribute is crucial when considering its deployment, especially in regions with extreme temperatures. It ensures that, once deployed, Bromadiolone remains a lethal force for an extended duration, ready to tackle rodent infestations. The journey of Bromadiolone began as a response to the growing resistance among rodents to the older warfarin-based rodenticides. Developed in the mid-1970s, it emerged as a game-changer, offering a potent alternative to combat resistant rodent populations. This historical backdrop sets the stage for our deep dive into the world of Bromadiolone and its significance in modern pest control. Chapter 4: Understanding Toxicity Levels As we embark on our journey to comprehend Bromadiolone, one of the key metrics we encounter is LD50, which stands for Lethal Dose 50%.
12/30/202335 minutes, 22 seconds
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Trap-Wise Animals: Mastering Wildlife Control With 5 Proven Strategies To Best Tackle Them

Chapter 1: Trap Shy vs. Trap Wise Animals When it comes to wildlife control, understanding your adversary is paramount. In this first chapter, we'll delve deeper into the intriguing distinction between trap-shy and trap-wise animals. Trap-Shy Animals: Trap-shy animals are characterized by their initial fear or wariness of traps. This wariness often stems from their lack of prior exposure to these contraptions. They're cautious creatures who may have stumbled upon a trap and realized that it's something to be avoided. Think of it as the natural suspicion that many animals have towards novel objects in their environment. They're not necessarily outsmarting us; they're simply acting on their instincts for self-preservation. Trap-Wise Animals: On the other hand, trap-wise animals are the true challenge for wildlife control professionals. These critters have not only encountered traps before, but they've also learned to outsmart them. They've developed the ability to recognize a trap's danger and actively avoid it. Some of them even go to the extent of testing traps, poking at them, and figuring out how to get to the bait without triggering the mechanism. To handle these crafty creatures effectively, it's essential to distinguish between trap-shy and trap-wise behaviors in the field. The former may simply require time and patience, while the latter demands a more strategic approach. By understanding these nuances, you're better equipped to tackle the issue of trap-wise animals head-on. Chapter 2: Change the Trap Now that we've established the difference between trap-shy and trap-wise animals, let's move on to the first strategy for dealing with trap-wise critters: changing the type of trap you're using. Adaptability is Key: The beauty of wildlife control lies in its dynamic nature. What works for one situation might not be suitable for another. Trap-wise animals are intelligent and observant, so adapting to their behavior is crucial. Switching Trap Types: Consider the scenario of a stubborn gray squirrel. Gray squirrels are generally easier to trap, but what if one particular individual refuses to cooperate? This is where adaptability comes into play. In this case, switching from a standard squirrel-sized trap to a larger raccoon-sized trap was the game-changer. The squirrel, so used to evading traditional traps, fell for the unexpected, ultimately leading to a successful capture. Size Matters: Size is one variable to play with when changing traps. Depending on the target species and the specific animal's behavior, a larger or smaller trap may be the key to success. Think of it as offering a new challenge to these intelligent creatures, one that they can't resist. By varying your trapping tools, you're keeping trap-wise animals on their toes, making it more likely that they'll take the bait – both literally and figuratively. Chapter 3: Vary the Bait and Baiting Technique In the world of wildlife control, adaptability isn't limited to trap types. It extends to bait and baiting techniques, as well. Deploying Multiple Traps: An essential strategy in wildlife control is to deploy multiple traps at a single site. This not only increases your chances of capturing the target animal but also allows room for experimentation. You can afford to diversify your baiting techniques when you have several traps in play. Experimenting with Bait: Different animals are attracted to different types of bait. While one animal might be lured by a protein-based bait, another could be enticed by something sweet. Glandular lures can also work wonders in some situations. The key here is to know your local wildlife, their preferences, and their tendencies. Record and Adapt: Keeping detailed records of which baits work best at each site is essential. Over time, you'll develop a repository of knowledge that helps you choose the right bait for the right situation.
12/12/202324 minutes
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Unlocking the Secrets of Animal Speed: 13 Fascinating Insights for Wildlife Control

Chapter 1: Introduction To Animal Speed In the world of wildlife control, understanding your adversaries is paramount. It's not just about knowing their habits and habitats; it's also about grasping their physical capabilities. How fast can they move when they're on the run? In this episode of "Living the Wildlife," we're delving into a fascinating study from 1954 that sheds light on the top speeds of various small mammals. Hosted by Steven Vantassel, a Wildlife Control Consultant with a wealth of experience, this podcast aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical pest control techniques. When it comes to managing wildlife conflicts, knowledge is power. Professionals in the field need a comprehensive understanding of the animals they're dealing with to ensure effective and humane solutions. This episode seeks to unravel an intriguing aspect of wildlife behavior—their speed. By the end, you'll not only appreciate the diversity in animal velocities but also recognize the practical implications this knowledge has for wildlife control strategies. Chapter 2: The Host and the Show Before we dive into the fascinating world of animal speeds, let's take a moment to get better acquainted with our host, Steven Vantassel. He's not just a wildlife control expert; he's also your guide to the "Living the Wildlife" podcast. As part of the Pest Geek podcast family, this show is dedicated to disseminating knowledge about vertebrate pest control. But what sets this podcast apart? It's not just about offering quick tips for trapping or repelling critters. While those topics do make appearances, "Living the Wildlife" takes a deeper dive. It ventures into scientific territory, exploring studies, research findings, and other aspects of wildlife control that often go unexplored. This podcast isn't just about doing the job; it's about doing it smarter, more ethically, and more effectively. Chapter 3: The Fascinating Study Now, let's delve into the heart of this episode—the intriguing study conducted in 1954 by James N. Lane and Allan H. Benton, titled "Some Speeds of Small Mammals." This research was no simple endeavor. Its goal was straightforward: determine how fast various small mammals can run under stress-inducing conditions. Imagine these researchers setting up experiments in the field, capturing animals, and then coaxing them into a race of sorts. It wasn't a typical race, of course. Instead, they sought to measure the distances these animals could cover in specific timeframes. This process allowed them to calculate the animals' speeds, providing valuable insights into their physical capabilities. Chapter 4: Speed Demons and Tortoises The study examined a diverse range of animals, from the lightning-fast big brown bat, which can reach nearly 11 miles per hour, to the slow-moving northern short-tailed shrew, which barely hits 2 miles per hour. In between, there's a spectrum of speeds that wildlife control professionals might find surprising. Gray and red squirrels, for instance, displayed impressive speeds, with the gray squirrel topping out at a remarkable 13 miles per hour. It's essential to note that these speeds aren't sustained over long distances; they represent short bursts of velocity. Nevertheless, these findings shed light on the considerable variation in animal speeds, providing a fascinating glimpse into the world of wildlife behavior. Chapter 5: Practical Applications Understanding the speed capabilities of different animals is not just trivia; it's a practical consideration in wildlife control. Armed with this knowledge, professionals can better strategize their approach to managing and capturing these animals. For instance, knowing the swift pace of a gray squirrel might influence trap placement and bait choices. If you understand that a particular species can cover a certain distance in a short amount of time, you can position traps strategically to maximize your ...
12/3/202321 minutes, 41 seconds
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Introduction to Local SEO Masterclass For Pest Control Businesses

Chapter 1: Introduction To Local SEO Masterclass - Taking Control of Your SEO Destiny Are you tired of being at the mercy of SEO agencies that promise results but fail to deliver? Are you looking to take control of your online presence and generate leads for your local business? Look no further! Join Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez in this exclusive Local SEO Masterclass and unlock the secrets to effective local SEO. In this chapter, we'll dive deeper into Franklin's personal journey with SEO. He'll share the challenges he faced when he entrusted his SEO efforts to various agencies, hoping to free up his time for other aspects of his business. Despite the initial allure of quick results, Franklin found himself in a precarious situation when one of these agencies employed black hat tactics that led to his SEO crashing, leaving his online presence in shambles for over 30 days. It was this pivotal moment that led Franklin to a crucial realization: entrusting your SEO to others without a firm understanding of the process can lead to costly mistakes. He recognized that taking control of your SEO destiny is not just about saving money but also about ensuring the long-term success of your local business. By sharing his personal experiences, Franklin aims to empower you to make informed decisions about your SEO strategy. He knows that SEO agencies often prey on business owners' lack of time and knowledge, making them easy targets. Franklin's Local SEO Masterclass is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to manage your SEO effectively. Chapter 2: Mastering Google Business Profile In Chapter 2, we'll explore the critical role of Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) in your local SEO strategy. Franklin will guide you through the process of setting up your Google Business Profile correctly, emphasizing the common pitfalls that many local businesses fall into. Imagine this: a potential customer in your area searches for a service you offer, and your Google Business Profile pops up in their search results. However, if your profile is incomplete or incorrect, you might lose that valuable lead to a competitor. Franklin will help you avoid this scenario by detailing the essential elements that should be included in your profile. Whether you already have a website or not, Franklin will show you how to harness the full potential of Google Business Profile. You'll learn how to optimize your profile for maximum visibility in the local search results, ensuring that potential customers can find and contact you easily. By the end of this chapter, you'll have a solid understanding of how to make Google Business Profile work for you, whether you're a one-person operation or part of a small local business looking to expand its online presence. Chapter 3: Understanding Semantic SEO and Entities In Chapter 3, we'll delve deeper into the evolving landscape of SEO, specifically focusing on the shift from keyword-centric SEO to semantic SEO and the importance of entities. Understanding this shift is crucial because it directly affects how your local business appears in search results. Franklin will explain why Google has moved away from purely keyword-based search results and how it now focuses on entities. Entities refer to the interconnected relationships between topics, services, and businesses. For instance, if you own a pest control company, Google understands that you offer services for ants, roaches, rodents, termites, and more. This interconnectedness plays a significant role in how Google ranks and displays search results. By grasping the concept of entities, you'll gain insight into why SEO agencies sometimes generate leads that seem unrelated to your business. These agencies prioritize lead quantity over quality. Franklin will show you how to turn this to your advantage by partnering with local businesses that provide services you don't offer.
11/30/202321 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mastering Rodent Traps: 5 Game-Changing Strategies for Unrivaled Capture Success

Welcome to a comprehensive guide that will transform your approach to dealing with rodents. In "Mastering Rodent Traps: 5 Game-Changing Strategies for Unrivaled Capture Success," we delve into the world of pest control with a focus on rodent management. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a homeowner seeking effective solutions, these five strategies will elevate your trapping game to new heights. Join us as we unlock the secrets to achieving unparalleled success in capturing and controlling rodents. It's time to take control of your pest problems and emerge victorious in the battle against these unwanted guests. Chapter 1: The Intriguing Rodent Trap Choice Dilemma: Finding the Perfect Fit Greetings, everyone! I'm Stephen Vantassel, your host for another riveting episode of "Living the Wildlife." Before we dive headfirst into today's captivating subject, let's pause for a moment. If you've had a fantastic week, great! I've been working tirelessly on multiple recordings to ensure you have a steady stream of engaging content. And now, as we approach the holiday season, I find myself producing more episodes to keep you entertained. Now, here's a simple request before we proceed any further - if you haven't already, I urge you to subscribe to our channel. A simple click of the button can do wonders! Don't forget to ring the notification bell, ensuring you're always in the loop with our latest updates. But hey, I get it; not everyone's a fan of YouTube. If that's the case for you, you can still reach me on Rumble. I maintain an account there under "Wildlife Control Consultant." And for direct inquiries or collaborations, you can reach me at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact me using my trusty old email address, [email protected]. Chapter 2: Unearthing the Research Gem In the early 1990s, a trio of researchers - Mr. Jorgenson, Dearis, and Witor - embarked on a scientific journey that would ultimately shed light on the complex world of trap design and its impact on capturing rodents. Their research, conducted in 1993, became the focal point of our discussion today. The title of their article, "The Effect of Box Trap Design on Rodent Captures," published in the Southwestern Naturalist's Volume 39, Issue 3 (pages 291-294), was deceptively simple, hiding a wealth of insights waiting to be uncovered. The central question that ignited this research was both straightforward and crucial: Are box traps with solid walls more effective at capturing rodents than their cage trap counterparts? You see, the world of wildlife control, while vastly different from academic research, often hinges on the same fundamental question - what works best? In their quest to provide an answer, these researchers brought a rigorous scientific approach to the matter. Chapter 3: Demystifying Rodent Trap Types Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of this groundbreaking research, it's essential to distinguish between the two primary trap types involved in this study: box traps and cage traps. Box Traps: These traps, epitomized by the well-known Sherman trap, are compact, versatile, and the darling of many researchers. The Sherman trap is characterized by its collapsible design, which allows for easy transport and storage. Furthermore, they can be stacked together, making them a space-efficient choice for conducting large-scale rodent surveys. The solid walls of the box trap provide a confined space that often proves enticing to inquisitive rodents. Cage Traps: On the other side of the trapping spectrum, we have cage traps. These traps are somewhat similar in size to box traps but possess distinct design features. The defining characteristic of cage traps is their wire mesh construction, allowing trapped animals to be visible from the outside. Cage traps are often used in situations where live capture and release are necessary, such as in humane wildlife removal scenarios. ...
11/28/202318 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mastering the Art of Wildlife Control: Unleashing 6 Game-changing Insights from the Living the Wildlife Podcast

Chapter 1: The Art of Wildlife Control Welcome to "Living the Wildlife," the podcast that delves deep into the art and science of wildlife control. Hosted by wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel, this podcast is your go-to source for resolving conflicts with wildlife effectively. Wildlife control is a field that requires a unique blend of knowledge, skill, and dedication. In this chapter, we'll explore why this podcast is essential for anyone interested in wildlife control. Wildlife issues are more common than you might think, especially in areas where human development encroaches upon natural habitats. Whether it's raccoons raiding trash cans, skunks taking up residence under porches, or red foxes causing disturbances, conflicts with wildlife can be a significant concern for homeowners and businesses alike. "Living the Wildlife" aims to provide you with the tools and information you need to tackle these issues head-on. From understanding the behavior of various species to implementing effective trapping and exclusion strategies, this podcast covers it all. But why is wildlife control so important? The answer lies in maintaining a balance between humans and wildlife. While we share our environment with these creatures, sometimes they venture a little too close for comfort. Wildlife control allows us to coexist peacefully by mitigating conflicts and ensuring the safety of both humans and animals. So, if you're intrigued by the prospect of mastering the art of wildlife control, you're in the right place. In the following chapters, we'll dive deeper into specific aspects of this field, equipping you with valuable insights and expertise. Chapter 2: Bait Dynamics in Wildlife Control In this extended chapter, we'll explore the fascinating world of bait dynamics in wildlife control. Bait is a critical component of trapping, but its effectiveness can vary greatly depending on environmental factors. Picture this: you're dealing with a raccoon problem in your area. You've carefully selected a bait that's known to attract raccoons effectively. However, your success depends not only on the type of bait but also on the environmental conditions. Temperature plays a significant role in how long bait remains effective. High temperatures can cause bait to spoil quickly, losing its scent and appeal. On the other hand, lower temperatures can prolong the life of bait, giving you a better chance of attracting your target animals. But that's not all. Sunlight can also impact bait. In hot, sunny conditions, bait can dry out and become less aromatic. This is why you might notice that your bait loses its potency during a heatwave. What about humidity? It's a critical factor too. In areas with high humidity, odors tend to linger longer in the air. This can be an advantage when trying to lure animals. However, in exceptionally dry conditions, bait odors may dissipate quickly, reducing their effectiveness. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for any wildlife control professional. It allows you to time your trapping efforts effectively and make the most of your resources. You don't want to waste time and money rebaiting traps prematurely, right? In the world of wildlife control, knowledge is power. By grasping the nuances of bait dynamics, you gain a competitive edge and increase your chances of resolving wildlife conflicts efficiently. Chapter 3: The Intriguing Study: Wind and Humidity's Influence Prepare to delve even deeper into the world of wildlife control as we explore an intriguing study conducted by Rebecca E. Rusika and Michael R. Conover. This research focuses on the impact of wind and humidity on meso-predators, such as raccoons, skunks, and red foxes. These meso-predators are unique because they rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate prey. Unlike larger predators that might rely on sight or sound, meso-predators navigate their environment primarily through scent cues. ...
11/18/202319 minutes, 56 seconds
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6 Chapters of Pest Control Wisdom: Marty’s Journey of Perseverance and Success

Chapter 1: Introduction To Pest Control Wisdom Welcome to a special edition of The Pestgeek Podcast! In this exclusive series, we dive deep into the world of pest control and integrated pest management (IPM). Join us as we explore candid conversations with industry experts, picking their brains for insights, tips, and valuable lessons.Our guest for this episode is Marty Jones, a seasoned pest control professional with over four decades of experience in the field. Marty's journey in the pest control industry is filled with wisdom and inspiration, making him the perfect guest for this enlightening discussion.Marty's passion for pest control was ignited by a desire to provide an essential service to his community. His story is a testament to the fact that success in this field is not reserved for those with formal education in entomology or biology. Marty's journey shows that with perseverance, dedication, and a thirst for knowledge, anyone can make a meaningful impact in the world of pest control.In this blog series, we'll explore the various aspects of Marty's career, from his unconventional beginnings to the creation of a thriving pest control business. We'll also delve into his experiences, highlighting the lessons he's learned along the way, and how his commitment to building lasting relationships with clients has shaped his success. Chapter 2: The Path Less Traveled Marty's introduction to the pest control industry was far from typical. Unlike many professionals who start their careers with formal training or education in entomology, Marty embarked on this journey with no such background. However, what he lacked in formal education, he more than made up for with determination, resourcefulness, and an unwavering commitment to success.In the early days of his career, Marty didn't have the luxury of advanced training programs or access to cutting-edge technologies. He learned the ropes through hands-on experience, gradually developing a deep understanding of pest behavior, biology, and effective control methods. This willingness to learn and adapt became one of his defining characteristics.Throughout his career, Marty demonstrated that success in the pest control industry is not limited to those with a traditional academic path. He proves that the keys to success lie in a strong work ethic, a passion for serving clients, and a constant quest for knowledge. His story serves as a beacon of hope for individuals looking to enter the field without formal qualifications. Chapter 3: Building a Thriving Business Marty's journey in pest control wasn't solely about applying chemicals to eliminate pests. It was about creating a comprehensive service that prioritized exceptional customer experiences, the health and safety of his clients, and the establishment of trust.In this chapter, we'll delve deeper into Marty's approach to building a thriving pest control business. He emphasizes the importance of fostering a "fans first" environment, where clients aren't just satisfied but become advocates for his services. The key takeaway is that success in this industry hinges on more than just technical expertise; it's about providing real value and peace of mind to clients.Marty's journey serves as a testament to the power of customer-centricity. He shares stories of going above and beyond for his clients, ensuring their homes are not just pest-free but truly protected. This commitment to excellence allowed him to build a loyal customer base that sustained his business for decades.By understanding the core principles of building trust and delivering exceptional service, Marty's experiences can guide both newcomers and seasoned professionals in the pest control industry. Whether you're just starting or seeking ways to enhance your business, his insights offer valuable lessons for success. Chapter 4: Learning from Industry Legends One of the standout moments in Marty's career was attending a pest control conference hosted b...
11/17/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 43 seconds
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Bat House Installations: Bolster Bat Populations With 9 Proven Strategies for Creating Bat-Friendly Habitats

Chapter 1: Introduction to Bat House Installation Welcome to "Living the Wildlife," your trusted source for all things related to vertebrate pest control. I'm Stephen Vantassel, your host and experienced wildlife control consultant. In this comprehensive guide, we're going to delve deep into the art of bat house installation. Bat houses are not just wooden structures; they are essential components of pest control, providing shelter for bats and helping to keep them out of human dwellings. Let's explore the ins and outs of mastering the art of bat house installation. Bat houses are not just about conservation; they are about striking a balance between human habitats and nature's pest control experts. Bats play a pivotal role in our ecosystems by consuming a vast number of insects nightly. However, when they take up residence in human homes, it can lead to conflicts. That's where bat houses come in. They offer an alternative, providing a safe haven for these beneficial creatures while keeping them out of our living spaces. But why should pest control professionals like you be interested in bat houses? Well, apart from contributing to the preservation of these remarkable creatures, bat houses can serve as eco-friendly and natural solutions to pest problems. By installing bat houses in the right locations, you can encourage bats to set up their colonies nearby, helping to keep insect populations in check. In this guide, we'll equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to become proficient in bat house installation. From understanding the significance of bat houses to choosing the right design, finding the perfect location, building or purchasing the ideal bat house, and finally, installing it effectively, we'll cover it all. So, let's embark on this educational journey and master the art of bat house installation together. Chapter 2: Understanding the Importance of Bat House Installation Before we dive into the practical aspects of bat house installation, it's crucial to grasp why these structures are essential. Bats are often misunderstood and maligned creatures, yet they are nature's pest control experts. They play a pivotal role in maintaining the ecological balance by devouring countless insects each night. However, their nocturnal habits can sometimes lead them to seek refuge in human homes, resulting in conflicts and concerns. This is where bat houses come into play. They offer a humane and eco-friendly solution to the challenge of coexisting with bats. By providing a designated roosting space for these winged wonders, we can keep them out of our living spaces while allowing them to continue their invaluable pest control services. Bat houses serve as a bridge between our habitats and the natural world, allowing us to reap the benefits of bats' insect-munching prowess. But what exactly are those benefits? Well, bats are voracious predators of night-flying insects, including mosquitoes, moths, and agricultural pests. A single bat can consume thousands of insects in a single night, helping to reduce the need for chemical pesticides. This makes them valuable allies for farmers, gardeners, and anyone looking for natural pest control solutions. In addition to their pest control contributions, bats also play a vital role in pollination and seed dispersal. Some bat species are essential pollinators for plants like agave and the famous saguaro cactus. Without bats, these plants and the ecosystems that rely on them would be at risk. In this chapter, we'll explore the multifaceted importance of bats and how bat houses serve as a win-win solution for both humans and these extraordinary creatures. By the end, you'll have a deeper appreciation for the critical role bats play in our ecosystems and why bat house installation is a worthy endeavor. Chapter 3: Choosing the Right Bat House Design Bat houses come in various shapes and sizes, but not all designs are created equal.
11/11/202324 minutes, 12 seconds
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Critiquing the Victor M4620 Zapper Max: 6 Ways to Enhance Your Rodent Control Arsenal for Ethical Success

Chapter 1: Introduction To Victor M4620 Zapper Max Welcome back to another enlightening episode of "Living the Wildlife," where we bring you the latest insights in the field of wildlife control. I'm your host and seasoned wildlife control consultant, Stephen Vantassel. Today, we embark on a comprehensive journey to unravel the intricacies of the Victor M4620 Zapper Max outdoor rat trap. This cutting-edge electronic device has garnered considerable attention for its potential to redefine the way we approach rodent control while reducing our reliance on conventional rodenticides. Join us as we delve deep into its features, benefits, and critical considerations for professionals and homeowners alike. In the world of wildlife control, constant innovation is key to staying ahead of ever-adapting pests. New tools and technologies continually emerge, promising more efficient and humane solutions to age-old problems. One such innovation that has generated considerable buzz is the Victor M4620 Zapper Max outdoor rat trap. But what sets this electronic trap apart, and why is it gaining traction among pest control professionals and homeowners alike? Chapter 2: The Trap's Unique Features The Victor M4620 Zapper Max presents itself as a versatile tool, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Its adaptability allows pest control professionals to diversify their strategies while providing homeowners with a powerful solution to their rodent problems. However, the trap's instructions and parts diagram have raised concerns about their clarity and ease of use. Upon closer examination of the trap's instructions, it becomes evident that they may benefit from a user-centric overhaul. Clearer language and detailed step-by-step visuals could significantly enhance user comprehension. By addressing these aspects, we not only make the trap more accessible to professionals but also empower homeowners to take effective pest control measures into their own hands. Chapter 3: The Power of Lithium Batteries One point raised by a listener is the potential for extended trap longevity with the use of lithium batteries. We'll explore the validity of this claim and its implications for trap performance. As we delve into the role of batteries in ensuring consistent and reliable operation, we'll evaluate whether investing in lithium batteries is a cost-effective strategy that can prolong the trap's effectiveness. When it comes to battery selection, the choice between standard alkaline and lithium batteries can significantly impact a trap's performance and lifespan. Standard alkaline batteries are readily available and budget-friendly, but they tend to have a shorter lifespan, especially in outdoor conditions. On the other hand, lithium batteries boast a longer shelf life, better performance in extreme temperatures, and reduced risk of leakage. However, they come at a higher initial cost. Chapter 4: Critique and Improvements In this chapter, we turn our attention to the constructive criticism offered by one of our listeners. They highlighted several areas for improvement, including the trap's bait cup design, the absence of an LED notification when the lid is closed, and the inconvenience of dealing with seven screws to access the battery compartment. These points deserve a closer look to determine their impact on the trap's overall functionality. The bait cup design is a critical aspect of any rodent trap. It should be intuitive and easy to use, ensuring that users can effectively bait the trap without hassle. Addressing any ambiguity in the bait cup's operation can streamline the setup process and minimize user frustration. Additionally, considering the user's perspective, an LED notification system to confirm that the trap is armed and operational after closing the lid could provide peace of mind and improve user experience. Finally, the accessibility of the battery compartment is crucial for maintenance and replacement.
11/4/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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6 Powerful Lessons for Entrepreneurs: Navigating Challenges, Achieving Success, and Igniting Growth

In "6 Powerful Lessons for Entrepreneurs: Navigating Challenges, Achieving Success, and Igniting Growth," we embark on a compelling exploration of the entrepreneurial world, guided by the experiences and expertise of seasoned visionaries. Chapter 1: The Entrepreneurial Spark Ignites In this enthralling episode of 'The Pestgeek Podcast,' listeners are treated to a deep and intimate conversation between Franklin 'the pestgeek' Hernandez and Christian Allen. The episode begins with Christian expressing his profound admiration for Franklin's podcast, a sentiment many of Franklin's listeners undoubtedly share. He commends the 'Pestgeek Podcast' for its role in stoking his curiosity and furthering his education in the field of pest control. Franklin modestly describes himself as more of a guide than a guru, someone who encourages his audience to ask questions and explore the vast realm of pest control. The conversation swiftly transitions into a discussion about the art of asking the right questions. Both Franklin and Christian share their thoughts on the significance of framing questions correctly, a skill crucial for anyone in the pest control industry. Franklin underlines how, at times, people inadvertently ask the wrong questions and, as a result, receive unsatisfactory answers. He explains the pitfalls of approaching the wrong people with the right questions, leading to frustration and wasted efforts. As the conversation unfolds, a common thread emerges—the importance of having a clear endgame in mind. Franklin points out that many individuals embark on entrepreneurial journeys without a well-defined destination. They fail to ask themselves the fundamental question: Why are they building a business? Is it for personal satisfaction, financial growth, or perhaps an eventual exit strategy, like selling the business? These considerations are pivotal for charting a successful course in the pest control industry. Chapter 2: A Reluctant Entrepreneur's Journey Christian's journey into entrepreneurship is a fascinating tale of reluctance and resilience. He candidly shares his experiences, providing a window into the challenges and triumphs he has encountered. At 53 years old, Christian possesses a wealth of life experiences that set him apart from many young entrepreneurs. He reflects on the unique hurdles he has faced throughout his entrepreneurial career, offering valuable insights to others who may be on a similar path. The heart of Christian's story lies in his initial reluctance to embrace entrepreneurship. He grappled with the decision to leave a stable job and strike out on his own. The security of a regular paycheck and the comfort of knowing what to expect each day can be difficult to relinquish. However, Christian's yearning for something more, something that aligned with his long-term goals, ultimately propelled him forward. In Christian's case, the endgame was clear—he aspired to build a business that would secure his retirement. His motivation stemmed from a desire to have financial stability in his later years, recognizing that traditional retirement options might not be sufficient. Christian's proactive approach to securing his future showcases the forward-thinking mindset of an entrepreneur. He acknowledges that saving for retirement is essential and understands the limitations of relying solely on traditional retirement plans. Chapter 3: Battling the Invisible Enemy - Burnout A significant turning point in the conversation arrives when Christian opens up about his personal encounter with burnout. Burnout is an affliction that can affect entrepreneurs and professionals across various industries. It can manifest as physical and mental exhaustion, a sense of detachment from one's work, and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment. Christian's willingness to share his experience sheds light on the challenges many entrepreneurs face but may hesitate to discuss openly.
11/2/202328 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Glue Board Ban: 6 Vital Strategies to Revolutionize Pest Control Forever

The Glue Board Ban in Wales. Introduction In this engaging episode of "Living The Wildlife," hosted by the distinguished wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel, we delve into a topic of paramount importance. This subject resonates not only with seasoned professionals in the field but also with anyone deeply concerned about the nuances of pest control practices. The focal point of our discussion is the recent prohibition on glue boards in Wales, and the far-reaching implications this ban holds for the pest control industry on a global scale. Chapter 1: The Glue Board Ban in Wales Wales, one of the prominent constituents of the United Kingdom, has recently instituted a sweeping ban on the use of glue boards for pest control purposes, effective as of October 17th, 2023. This groundbreaking move has set the stage for significant transformations within the industry and serves as a harbinger of shifting perspectives regarding conventional pest control techniques. The ban's implementation in Wales is a critical development that propels us into a realm of questions and contemplation. It prompts us to explore not only the immediate consequences of this prohibition but also the potential domino effect it might have on the global pest control landscape. Chapter 2: The Impact on Pest Control Practices Glue boards have, for an extended period, occupied a vital position in the toolkit of pest control professionals. Despite being a subject of controversy, they have consistently proven their effectiveness in capturing rodents and various other pests. Consequently, the ban in Wales raises questions about how professionals will adapt to this transformation and what innovative alternatives will emerge as prominent contenders in the field. In this phase of adaptation and evolution, it is crucial for professionals to remain open to exploring inventive strategies and alternative tools for effective pest control. This chapter delves into the ensuing discussions within the industry, as experts grapple with finding new solutions that strike a balance between efficacy and humane treatment. Chapter 3: The Moral Shift in Pest Control Beneath the practical ramifications of the glue board ban lies a more profound transformation—a shift in societal values concerning the treatment of animals, even those traditionally categorized as pests. In recent years, rodents have increasingly been viewed through an ethical lens, forcing professionals to grapple with profound moral questions. This transformation calls for a reevaluation of our relationship with the animal kingdom. As we embark on this introspective journey, we must consider how evolving ethical considerations can influence the way we approach pest control. How can we effectively address pest issues while upholding a commitment to minimizing unnecessary suffering? Chapter 4: The Necessity of Pest Control Pest control stands as an indispensable pillar in safeguarding public health and maintaining the integrity of food production. The glue board ban compels us to revisit the delicate equilibrium between efficient pest management and animal welfare. Are there alternative methods that can adeptly address pest concerns without inflicting undue harm on animals? In the pursuit of responsible pest control, it becomes evident that professionals must remain vigilant. The ban on glue boards serves as a reminder of the importance of striking the right balance, where pest control is not only effective but also ethically sound. In this chapter, we explore how these intertwined objectives can be achieved. Chapter 5: The Role of Professionals and Associations As the landscape of pest control undergoes significant transformations, the role of professionals and industry associations takes on added importance. These entities are tasked with proactively addressing these changes, advocating for the judicious and ethical use of pest control methods,
10/31/202323 minutes, 30 seconds
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6 Powerful Insights into Alpha Chloralose: Mastering Rodent Control

Chapter 1: Introduction to Alpha Chloralose Welcome to another engaging episode of "Living the Wildlife" with Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel. In this installment, we're about to embark on an enlightening exploration into Alpha Chloralose, a relatively novel rodenticide making waves in the United States' pest management scene. Alpha Chloralose, though a bit of a tongue-twister, is a fascinating chemical compound. It emerges as a chlorinated acetal derivative, with its origins rooted in glucose, a fundamental sugar molecule. This rodenticide arrives in various forms, including convenient paste bait formulations and user-friendly satchets. Its versatility and distinct characteristics set it apart in the world of pest control. Chapter 2: What is Alpha Chloralose? Delving further into the subject, Alpha Chloralose is a chemical substance that has earned several names. For simplicity's sake, we'll consistently refer to it as Alpha Chloralose throughout our discussion. Its multifaceted nature is underscored by the variety of names it goes by, such as A-Chloralose, Alpha-Chloralose, Chloralose, Chloral alocane, and Gluco Chloralose, among others. As we continue our exploration, it's important to note that Alpha Chloralose has its roots traced back to Europe. While it's relatively new to the United States, it has enjoyed a more established presence across the Atlantic. This unique perspective highlights how pest management solutions can differ worldwide, reflecting local challenges and regulations. Chapter 3: How Does Alpha Chloralose Work? Understanding the mode of action of Alpha Chloralose is crucial to appreciate its effectiveness. This remarkable rodenticide operates by affecting the central nervous system of the rodents it targets. Upon consumption, it initiates a chain reaction of physiological responses in the rodent's body. The journey of a rodent exposed to Alpha Chloralose begins with a sudden sense of drowsiness, setting in within a mere 15 minutes. This initial lethargy is the first step towards the rodent's eventual demise. What follows is a loss of motor control, leaving the rodent staggering and uncoordinated, akin to a human inebriated by excessive alcohol consumption. One of the most intriguing aspects of Alpha Chloralose's mode of action is its impact on the rodent's breathing patterns. It disrupts the normal respiratory processes, adding another layer to its potency. Moreover, Alpha Chloralose induces hypothermia in rodents, causing them to lose body heat rapidly. This phenomenon accelerates their decline and leads to a rather unique demise. Chapter 4: Best Uses of Alpha Chloralose Incorporating Alpha Chloralose into your pest control strategy isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Like any tool in the pest management arsenal, it has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding how to maximize its potential is key. Alpha Chloralose excels in colder temperatures. It has a remarkable ability to hinder a rodent's capacity to regulate its body heat effectively. As temperatures drop into the 50 to 61 degrees Fahrenheit range, the efficacy of Alpha Chloralose rises. At these lower temperatures, you can achieve up to a 95% success rate in controlling rodent populations using this rodenticide. This aspect makes Alpha Chloralose a valuable asset in the colder months when mice and other rodents seek shelter from the elements, often in the structures we occupy. It provides pest management professionals with an extra tool to combat infestations during the winter. Chapter 5: Risks and Safety Concerns While Alpha Chloralose has proven to be an effective tool in the hands of pest management professionals, its use comes with certain risks and safety considerations, particularly concerning dogs. This rodenticide poses a moderate risk to dogs, with an LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of the population) range of 100 to 600 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
9/30/202329 minutes, 3 seconds
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6 Powerful Lessons in Entrepreneurship: Navigating Resilience, Self-Improvement, and Success in ‘The Bluechair Chronicles’

Lessons in Entrepreneurship Chapter 1: Introduction to Lessons in Entrepreneurship As I delve into my entrepreneurial journey, I'm compelled to share the rich tapestry of experiences, challenges, and wisdom that I've accumulated over the years. This voyage has been documented in 'The Bluechair Chronicles' podcast, where I've had the privilege of offering insights into the intricate world of entrepreneurship. Now, let me take you on an immersive journey through the lessons and anecdotes that have defined my path. Chapter 2: The Grit of Resilience Early in my journey, I grappled with the relentless demands of entrepreneurship. Those 60-hour workweeks, where it felt like I was pouring my heart into my business and reaping little in return, taught me the value of resilience. I realized that true success goes beyond innate talent and luck; it hinges on our ability to weather storms and persevere in the face of adversity. Chapter 3: The Relentless Pursuit of Self-Improvement A constant theme in my life has been the pursuit of self-improvement. From my humble beginnings in pest control to my deep dives into the intricacies of SEO and business, I've embraced the role of a perpetual learner. It's not just about acquiring accolades; it's about honing the knowledge and skills that empower us to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. So, never cease to invest in yourself because the path of entrepreneurship is an unending journey of growth. Chapter 4: Navigating the Intersection of Personal and Professional Growth Beyond the realm of business, my journey is intertwined with personal growth. I want to emphasize that personal and professional development are intricately linked. My experiences, from grappling with anger issues to seeking professional help and finding healing, have underscored the significance of personal growth. Embracing this facet of development isn't just about becoming a more adept entrepreneur; it's about becoming a better human being. Chapter 5: Harnessing the Power of Mentorship and Collaboration One guiding principle that has illuminated my journey is the immense value of wise counsel. Whether it's crafting intricate business strategies, managing personal challenges, or merely seeking guidance, mentorship and collaboration have been the bedrock of my progress. The lesson here is clear: never hesitate to seek advice from experts and surround yourself with individuals who possess the knowledge you seek. There's immeasurable strength in learning from others and leveraging their expertise. Chapter 6: Forging a Legacy and Giving Back As my journey unfolds, my perspective on success has expanded. It's no longer a mere accumulation of wealth but the creation of a lasting legacy and a positive impact on others. This lesson holds profound significance for me. I'm a firm believer in giving back, in sharing knowledge, in mentoring, and in making a difference in the lives of others. True success isn't measured solely by what we amass but by the transformative effect we have on those around us. In summation, my entrepreneurial odyssey, as narrated in 'The Bluechair Chronicles,' is a mosaic of trials, tribulations, and victories. It stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of resilience, the unwavering commitment to self-improvement, the inseparable fusion of personal and professional growth, and the transformative power of mentorship and collaboration. I hope these insights resonate with you, my fellow entrepreneur, as you navigate your distinct journey toward success. Always remember that the path is as significant as the destination, and every step along the way presents an opportunity for profound growth and impactful change. #Entrepreneurship #Resilience #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Mentorship #Collaboration #LegacyBuilding #GivingBack #SuccessJourney #BusinessWisdom #LifeLessons #TheBluechairChronicles Support Us On Patreon: https://www.patreon.
9/29/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 48 seconds
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Unveiling the Top 3 Wildlife Control Myths: Protecting Truth, Not Egos

Welcome to today's blog post where we embark on a journey to debunk some prevalent 'Wildlife Control Myths.' In the world of wildlife control and trapping, misconceptions often run rampant, shaping perceptions and practices. Today, we're peeling back the layers of common myths to shed light on the truths behind them. Join us as we uncover the reality of wildlife control, one myth at a time. Chapter 1: Introduction To Wildlife Control Myths Hi everyone, Stephen Fantastic here, your Wildlife Control consultant, bringing you another episode of "Living the Wildlife" as part of the Pesky Podcast family. I hope you've had a great week. I've had a shorter workweek recently due to a prior appointment in Billings. However, it's been a busy one with some additional firefighter training. As I'm getting older, I'm finding it tougher to bounce back from these busy weeks. But hey, the weekend's here, and I'm glad for it. Before we dive into today's topic, I want to encourage you to subscribe to the channel and ring the bell. This way, you'll stay updated with our future episodes. If you could also take a moment to leave us a review and perhaps give us a five-star rating, that would be awesome. If you prefer alternatives to YouTube, you can find me over on Rumble. Just search for Wildlife Control consultant, and you'll find my podcasts listed there. I've been working on a new project, revising Dr. Freshman's book, which has gone out to some reviewers. One of the criticisms I've received is about the placement of answers. Instead of having them at the end of the book, they're now at the end of each section. This encourages more active thinking and learning rather than just recognizing answers. Now, let's dive into the heart of today's episode. Chapter 2: Challenging Myths in Wildlife Control In this episode, I'd like to tackle some common myths within the wildlife control and trapping industry. You might think, "Well, I'm not a trapper," but the truth is, whether you're a fur trapper, a predator controller, a wildlife control operator, or even someone in the pest control industry occasionally handling vertebrate pest control, trapping plays a significant role in our field. Let's dig into these myths that often persist in our profession. Chapter 3: The Myth of Instant Conibear Kills The first myth we'll address is the belief that Conibear traps instantly kill animals. While these traps are indeed effective, they don't always lead to instant death, especially when dealing with larger and resilient animals like raccoons. It's crucial for us, as professionals, to accurately convey the reality of these traps to our clients. Chapter 4: The "Highly Regulated" Trap Industry Moving on, we often hear that trapping is highly regulated. This term is used to assure both ourselves and others that our industry is closely monitored and controlled by the authorities. But is it truly highly regulated, especially when compared to other professions? This myth begs examination. Chapter 5: The Not-So-Humane Act of Translocation The third myth we'll explore is the belief that translocation, or relocating captured animals, is a humane practice. We'll delve into the potential issues with translocation, such as animals' unfamiliarity with their new environment, the risk of disease transmission, and the challenge of finding resources in a foreign location. We'll invite you to reconsider whether this practice is genuinely humane. Chapter 6: The Importance of Truth and Transparency Throughout this episode, we emphasize the significance of being truthful and transparent about the realities of wildlife control and trapping. Providing accurate information to our clients and the public is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility within our industry. If you have thoughts, ideas, or would like to discuss these myths or any wildlife control topics, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email at WildlifeControlConsul...
9/23/202333 minutes, 34 seconds
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6 Powerful Strategies for Effective Vole Population Control

[powepress] Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of vole population management, a critical aspect of wildlife control and lawn protection. In this in-depth guide, we delve into the world of voles and the essential steps you need to take to safeguard your lawn from their potential damage. As the autumn season approaches, it's the perfect time to focus on vole population control to ensure a lush and thriving lawn in the coming spring. Join us on this journey as we equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to tackle vole-related challenges effectively. Chapter 1: Introduction Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Living The Wildlife! I'm Stephen Vantassel, your dedicated Wildlife Control consultant. I'm delighted to have you with us today as part of the Pest Geek Podcast family. Before we dive into our topic, let me take a moment to thank you for your ongoing support. If you haven't already, please subscribe to our channel, hit that notification bell, and consider leaving a comment or a five-star rating. Your feedback is invaluable. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. Chapter 2: Understanding Voles Today, we're delving deep into the world of voles, not moles, but voles! As the autumn breeze sets in, it's the perfect time to explore vole control strategies, ensuring your lawn remains lush and free from unsightly damage when spring arrives. Let's kick things off with identification. Voles primarily belong to the genus Microtis, characterized by their small ears. They're stocky, mouse-sized creatures, but unlike mice, they lack slender features and have relatively tiny ears. Chapter 3: Economically Significant Voles In the United States, several vole species hold economic significance. These include the Meadow Vole, Prairie Vole, Montane Vole, Long-tailed Vole, and the Woodland Vole (also known as the Pine Vole in some regions). Understanding these species' biology is essential, particularly their rapid reproductive tendencies. Some can produce five to ten litters each year, with a gestation period of just three weeks! Chapter 4: Vole Population Eruptions Vole populations don't cause problems every year. Instead, they tend to experience eruptions. While scientists continue to study the exact triggers for these eruptions, one theory suggests that mild springs with early green-up play a crucial role. When springs are warm and wet, females enter heat sooner, leading to rapid population growth. These eruptions typically occur every four to six years, though it's not an exact science. Chapter 5: Damage Control and Habitat Modification Now, let's talk about damage control. Voles can wreak havoc on lawns, trees, and gardens. During harsh winters, they often gnaw on bark when their preferred food sources become scarce. To prevent this damage, habitat modification is key. Encourage clients to maintain short grass, clear debris, and make bird feeders less accessible to voles. Chapter 6: Rodenticides and Bait Stations One highly effective method for vole control is the use of rodenticides specifically designed for these pests. However, always ensure you have the necessary licenses and follow label instructions to the letter. Be aware of any restrictions on rodenticide use in your area, especially if you're near sensitive environments. Proper placement of bait stations is essential. Voles do not enter structures, so your bait stations must be within 100 feet of a permanent structure. Measuring equipment might be necessary to guarantee this distance, particularly if there are outbuildings. Consider boundaries, gardens, and other factors when deciding on bait station locations. Chapter 7: Building Your Own Bait Stations For those who prefer a DIY approach, you can construct your bait stations, such as inverted T stations. These can be both efficient and cost-effective.
9/16/202323 minutes, 55 seconds
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Mastering PowerPoint Presentations: 6 Expert Strategies to Captivate Your Audience

Discover 6 expert strategies for mastering PowerPoint presentations and captivating your audience. Elevate your presentation skills with these invaluable tips Chapter 1: The Power of a Great PowerPoint Presentation In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is key. Whether you're a business professional, a teacher, or a student, chances are you've had to create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation at some point in your life. But what separates a forgettable presentation from a memorable one? In this blog post, we'll explore the art of crafting compelling PowerPoint presentations that captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Chapter 2: Understanding Your Audience Before you even open PowerPoint, take a step back and consider your audience. Who are they? What do they already know about your topic, and what do they need to learn? Understanding your audience is the first step in creating a presentation that resonates with them. In this chapter, we'll delve into the importance of audience analysis and how it can shape your entire presentation. Chapter 3: The Science of Attention In today's digital age, attention spans are shrinking. People are bombarded with information from all sides, making it challenging to hold their focus. So, how do you grab and maintain your audience's attention? We'll explore the science behind attention and share strategies for keeping your audience engaged throughout your presentation. Chapter 4: The Art of Visual Communication A picture is worth a thousand words, and in PowerPoint presentations, visuals can make or break your message. This chapter is all about leveraging the power of visual communication. We'll discuss the importance of using images, graphs, and diagrams effectively to convey your ideas. Plus, we'll offer tips on finding and selecting high-quality visuals for your slides. Chapter 5: Crafting Clear and Concise Slides One of the most common mistakes in PowerPoint presentations is overcrowded slides filled with text. In this chapter, we'll guide you through the art of simplicity. You'll learn how to craft clear and concise slides that emphasize your main points and support your narrative. We'll also delve into font selection, size, and color choices to ensure your slides are visually appealing and easy to read. Chapter 6: Navigating the Presentation Landscape You've prepared your content, designed your slides, and practiced your delivery, but there's still more to consider. How do you manage your time effectively during a presentation? What about handling questions and interactions with the audience? In this final chapter, we'll explore practical tips for navigating the presentation landscape, from timing and engagement to post-presentation follow-ups. In conclusion, mastering the art of effective PowerPoint presentations is a valuable skill that can benefit professionals, educators, and students alike. By understanding your audience, harnessing the science of attention, embracing visual communication, creating clear and concise slides, and navigating the presentation landscape, you can take your presentations to the next level. Stay tuned for a deep dive into each of these chapters as we explore the secrets of impactful presentations in the digital age. #PowerfulPresentations #PresentationSkills #EngagingAudiences #MasteringPowerPoint #PublicSpeakingTips #VisualAids #EffectiveCommunication #ProfessionalDevelopment #CreativePresentations Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant,
9/9/202337 minutes, 49 seconds
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6 Amazing Key Strategies for Successful Wildlife Control: Mastering the Art of Skedaddle

Chapter 1: Meet the Host - Stephen Vantassel Welcome to the enthralling world of "Living the Wildlife," a podcast dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of wildlife control. In this exclusive interview, your host, Stephen Vantassel, a recognized expert in the field, engages in a captivating conversation with Bill Dowd, the President, and CEO of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. Join us as we dive deep into the unique and essential profession of wildlife control. Chapter 2: The Evolution of Wildlife Control Wildlife control has come a long way since its inception, and Bill Dowd, with over 30 years of experience, has witnessed its evolution firsthand. In this chapter, we embark on a journey through time to understand how technology has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing wildlife control. In the early days, exclusion technology was the name of the game. The process of reuniting young animals with their mothers was one of the core aspects of this industry. But the transformation didn't stop there. Dowd emphasizes how the integration of modern tools and technologies, such as databases for homeowner information, drones, infrared cameras, and even alarms on technicians' hips, has propelled the industry forward. Discover how these technological advancements have not only enhanced the efficiency of wildlife control but also ensured the safety of both professionals and the animals they work with. Skedaddle Wildlife Control, under Bill Dowd's leadership, has harnessed these innovations to maintain its position at the forefront of the industry. Chapter 3: Navigating the Labor Challenge One of the most pressing challenges in the wildlife control industry is navigating the labor force. In this chapter, Bill Dowd shares invaluable insights into attracting and retaining top talent. The demand for skilled professionals in this field is ever-present, and finding the right team members can be a daunting task. However, Dowd provides a beacon of hope for businesses. He highlights the importance of offering competitive compensation packages, company vehicles, and fostering a strong team-oriented culture. These elements are not just perks; they're essential for retaining the best workforce. Discover why a dedicated team can make all the difference when addressing wildlife issues. As Dowd puts it, wildlife control isn't just about solving problems; it's about creating a better living environment for both humans and animals. Chapter 4: Profit Sharing: Motivating the Workforce Employee motivation is a critical factor in the success of any business, and Bill Dowd has an innovative approach - profit sharing. In this chapter, we delve into the intricacies of this method and how it's more than just an additional line in an employee's paycheck. Profit sharing, as Dowd explains, aligns the entire team toward common goals. It transforms the workforce into a collective force, working towards shared objectives. However, the challenge lies in ensuring that profit sharing doesn't become a static part of an employee's salary. Learn from Dowd's experience how to keep this motivation alive, ensuring that employees treat profit sharing as a bonus, not an entitlement. Discover the art of recognizing exceptional efforts and how it can lead to a motivated and loyal workforce. Chapter 5: The Future of Wildlife Control The future of wildlife control is as dynamic as the industry itself. In this chapter, we turn to Bill Dowd's crystal ball to gain insights into the growth areas and emerging challenges the industry will face. With a keen eye on trends, Dowd predicts the emergence of new species and wildlife-human conflicts. As our world changes, so do the habitats of animals, often bringing them into closer contact with humans. Dowd offers his insights into how the industry can adapt to these shifts, providing humane solutions while protecting both people and wildlife.
9/2/202347 minutes, 4 seconds
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Unlocking 6 Incredible Key Chapters to Mastering Sandhill Crane Coexistence: Insights, Challenges, and Solutions

Sandhill Crane Coexistence: Navigating Agricultural Landscapes and Conservation Harmony In the heart of sprawling farmlands and wetland sanctuaries, a delicate dance unfolds between humanity and the wild. Welcome to a world where the ancient elegance of Sandhill Cranes intersects with the modern complexities of agriculture. This six-chapter exploration delves deep into the realm of Sandhill Crane coexistence, where the beauty of these majestic birds contrasts with the challenges they pose to crops, and where the idea of a hunting season raises questions about equilibrium. Join us on a journey through the intricacies of balancing nature's magnificence with the needs of humanity. Chapter 1: A Majestic Encounter: Unveiling the Sandhill Crane In the heart of the avian world stands the Sandhill Crane, a creature both captivating and enigmatic. Part one of our journey with Anne Lacy, the North American Director of the Eastern Flyway for Sandhill Cranes, takes us into the depths of their existence. We unveil the intricate details of their migratory patterns, the mesmerizing courtship dances, and the role they play in maintaining the delicate balance of their ecosystems. From the vast wetlands they call home to the distant landscapes they traverse during migration, the Sandhill Crane's story is one of nature's grand narratives. Chapter 2: The Dance of Sandhill Crane Coexistence and Conflict Agriculture sustains nations, yet the boundaries between human cultivation and wildlife habitat are not always clear-cut. Anne Lacy guides us through the realm of coexistence and conflict where the Sandhill Crane treads. We explore the challenges faced by farmers as these majestic birds traverse their fields. Focusing on the intricate interaction with corn and potato crops, we delve into the complexities of balancing agricultural yield with the preservation of wildlife. The chapter unfolds as a tapestry of challenges, where economics and ecology intersect. Chapter 3: Avipel's Promise: Innovation in Action When hurdles arise, ingenuity follows suit. Anne Lacy introduces us to Avipel, an ingenious seed treatment that holds the promise of deterring Sandhill Cranes from damaging crops. This revolutionary solution alters the perception of food sources, showcasing the potential of science to mitigate conflicts. We journey through the mechanisms of Avipel, exploring how this innovation transforms fields from foraging grounds to protected zones. The chapter paints a vivid picture of the dynamic relationship between human innovation and ecological harmony. Chapter 4: The Uncharted Territories of Hunting Sandhill Cranes As dawn breaks on new perspectives, the idea of a regulated hunting season for Sandhill Cranes emerges. Anne Lacy navigates us through this uncharted territory, where questions multiply. Could hunting offer an economic lifeline to farmers bearing the brunt of crop damage? Can conservation ethics and regulated hunting coexist? The chapter is a portal to discussions that bridge economics, ethics, and the intricate dance of wildlife management. Chapter 5: Humans in the Equation: Shaping Perceptions In the intricate web of human-wildlife interactions, our perceptions play a pivotal role. With the prospect of hunting on the horizon, Anne Lacy guides us through a profound shift. Sandhill Cranes, once seen as crop nuisances, transform into potential economic resources. The narrative widens to encompass the potential of hunting as a revenue source, an opportunity to fund conservation efforts. This chapter reveals the nuanced interplay between human dimensions and ecological dynamics. Chapter 6: The Symphony of Solutions: Forging a Sustainable Future As our journey nears its end, a symphony of solutions comes into focus. Anne Lacy's insights orchestrate a harmonious blend of strategies. Habitat management, non-lethal deterrents, compensation mechanisms, and the debated hunting concept form the instruments.
8/27/202338 minutes, 40 seconds
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10 Expert Insights: Scaling Your Pest Control Business with Delegation Mastery

Chapter 1: Introduction Welcome to an insightful journey into the world of entrepreneurship, delegation, and scaling your pest control business. In this captivating blog post, we'll delve deep into the wisdom shared by Franklin Hernandez on the Pestgeek Podcast. With a focus on two parts, we'll explore essential concepts, real-life experiences, and practical advice to empower both aspiring and established entrepreneurs. Chapter 2: The Foundation of Growth Understanding the 6 Genius Test Franklin Hernandez kicks off this enlightening podcast series by introducing the revolutionary concept of the 6 Genius Test. He takes us through the significance of this approach in building effective teams and identifying innate skills. Learn how diverse talents contribute to successful business growth and the power of teamwork.Unveiling Your Working Genius In this segment, Franklin expertly breaks down the Working Genius framework. Dive into the intrinsic traits that fuel your entrepreneurial drive, whether it's daydreaming, invention, rallying people, and more. This understanding of your inherent abilities is crucial for nurturing your passion and driving entrepreneurship. Chapter 3: Empowering Business Success The Power of Delegation Franklin shares invaluable insights into delegation, a cornerstone for scaling your business. Explore the challenges and rewards of entrusting tasks to others, whether through software automation or hiring personnel. Discover how effective delegation can drive efficiency and growth, allowing you to focus on strategic aspects of your business.Balancing Dreams and Realities Entrepreneurship is often a delicate balance between grand visions and practical limitations. Franklin guides us through maintaining equilibrium while pursuing your business aspirations. Learn how to tackle tasks step by step, even when instant results may seem elusive, and gain insights into effective marketing plans and website development. Chapter 4: Sustaining Growth and Discipline Embracing Discipline Discipline is a key driver of entrepreneurial success. Franklin delves into the role of discipline, especially when dealing with tasks outside your comfort zone. Explore the strategic approaches and automated tools that can streamline processes and pave the way for sustainable growth.Navigating the Path to Scaling Join Franklin as he shares his personal entrepreneurial journey, complete with ups, downs, and invaluable lessons. Gain firsthand accounts of how he transformed his approach, delegated tasks, and scaled his business while maintaining focus on his unique strengths. Chapter 5: Maximizing Opportunities Navigating Lost Opportunities Franklin highlights the importance of seizing every opportunity in your pest control business. Dive into historical insights, where he discusses how capturing immediate assistance leads can significantly impact growth. Learn from his experiences and ensure that your business doesn't miss out on valuable prospects.Identifying Unique Abilities Using real-life examples, Franklin discusses the concept of working geniuses. Learn how traits like enablement, invention, and tenacity can drive project completion and implementation. Understand the distinction between planning and executing, and how to harness these traits for your entrepreneurial journey. Chapter 6: Aligning Actions for Success The Art of Execution Discover the art of execution through the lens of Franklin's experiences. Gain insights into staying focused on a single project until completion. Compare this meticulous approach to the challenges entrepreneurs face when juggling multiple ideas and tasks.Understanding Entrepreneurial Wiring Entrepreneurial tendencies are often innate, and Franklin underlines the importance of understanding and working with these traits. Learn how to align your actions with a long-term vision, exercise patience, and seek sustainable growth through counseling...
8/27/202340 minutes, 9 seconds
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Unlocking 6 Dynamic Strategies for Coexisting with Sandhill Cranes: Anne Lacy’s Expert Insights

Get ready to dive into the fascinating realm of coexisting with Sandhill cranes. In this exciting adventure, we're about to uncover not one, not two, but six dynamic strategies that will help us peacefully share our world with these incredible birds. Anne Lacy, our go-to expert, is here to spill the beans and provide insights that are pure gold. So, buckle up as we journey into the wild and learn how to chill with the Sandhill cranes like a pro! Chapter 1: Introduction to "Living The Wildlife Podcast" Hello, fellow wildlife professionals! Stephen Vantassel here, your Wildlife Control consultant, back with another thrilling episode of "Living The Wildlife." We're thrilled to be a part of the Pesky Podcast family. If you're enjoying our content, please take a moment to subscribe to our channel, hit the notification bell, and kindly leave us a five-star review. Your support means the world to us. If you're looking to connect, drop me a line at [email protected]. We're always excited to hear your thoughts on the show, suggestions for future topics, and even constructive criticisms. You can also join our lively discussions on the Pesky Podcast Facebook page. It's a community where you can Join the Revolution, as Franklin likes to call it. Share your wins, challenges, and questions about Wildlife Control. Today, we have a fascinating episode lined up, and we'll be joined by an incredible guest, Anne Lacy, the North American Director of the Eastern Flyway Project from the International Crane Foundation. Our discussion will delve into the world of Sandhill cranes, their growing populations, conflicts, and how to manage them legally and effectively. Chapter 2: Exploring Sandhill Cranes and the Eastern Flyway Sandhill cranes are capturing attention across the country as their populations grow, but conflicts inevitably arise. Anne Lacy, an expert in crane restoration, brings her expertise to the table. The International Crane Foundation, located in Baraboo, Wisconsin, has been at the forefront of crane conservation efforts, particularly in the Eastern Flyway region. Chapter 3: The Fascinating World of Sandhill Cranes Anne Lacy enlightens us about Sandhill crane behaviors and characteristics that distinguish them from other avian species. The distinction between cranes and herons is revealed, including flight formations and nesting preferences. Sandhill cranes are unique with their hind toe and ground nesting habits, setting them apart from other wading birds. Chapter 4: Crane Restoration Efforts and Challenges Anne Lacy's journey into crane conservation began in 2000 when she embarked on an internship at the International Crane Foundation. Her focus on cranes and crop damage marked the beginning of her dedication to crane restoration and protection. With a special focus on Sandhill and whooping cranes, Anne and her team are actively engaged in restoring their natural habitats and populations. Chapter 5: The Intricacies of Sandhill Crane Behavior Understanding Sandhill crane behavior is key to effective management. Anne delves into the life history of these remarkable birds, from their migratory patterns to breeding habits and chick rearing. Longevity, territoriality, and the challenges they face during their early years are highlighted, offering a deeper appreciation of their life cycle. Chapter 6: Managing Crane-Human Conflicts For Wildlife Control professionals, the growing Sandhill crane population brings unique challenges. Anne Lacy provides insights into managing crane-human conflicts. Techniques like scaring devices, cannons, and repellents are discussed. However, Anne emphasizes that approaches need to be carefully selected and applied, considering the cranes' behaviors and the legal framework surrounding migratory bird protection. Stay tuned for Part Two of our conversation with Anne Lacy, where we'll continue our exploration of Sandhill crane management strategies...
8/20/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
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7 Proven Strategies for Maximum Wildlife Control Success: Unveiling Research-Backed Techniques and Expert Insights

Attaining Wildlife Control Success: Navigating Research and Techniques for Professionals Chapter 1: Let's Get Started Hey there, fellow wildlife control pros! In this discussion, we're diving deep into the world of wildlife control practices, and we're going to talk about what really works and why. We all know how important it is to stay on top of our game, using methods that are backed by solid evidence. But here’s the catch – good research is hard to come by in our field. That's why we often end up relying on word of mouth and what the product companies tell us. In this chapter, we'll set the scene and see why it’s crucial to trust the research. Chapter 2: What's the Big Deal with Research? Alright, let's break it down. Not all information is created equal. When it comes to figuring out what works in wildlife control, peer-reviewed research is the key to wildlife control success. We’ll look at what sets it apart from other types of info. Ever wondered how scientists make sure a technique actually does what it claims? That’s where the peer review process comes in. We'll dig into why this process is like the superhero of research validation. Plus, we’ll talk about why we should invest more in good research, even though it’s not always cheap or easy. Chapter 3: Taking a Second Look at Manufacturer Techniques We all love our gadgets and tools, and many of them come with big promises from the companies that make them. But there's a catch – these companies have a stake in selling their stuff. So, we need to be smart and not take everything at face value. In this chapter, we’ll learn how to read between the lines of manufacturer claims. We’ll use a real-life example to see how things can get a bit tricky. The key takeaway? Let’s not be blindly led by the manufacturers but instead put on our detective hats. Chapter 4: The Nitty-Gritty of Measuring Wildlife Control Success Now, this one’s important. How do we even define success in our line of work? It’s not always as clear-cut as we might think. We’ll tackle the tough questions – like whether a technique is actually working or if it's just a coincidence. Ever heard of correlation and causation? These come into play more often than we might realize. And let's not forget, what works like a charm in one situation might flop in another. It’s all about context. This chapter is all about getting real about what success means. Chapter 5: Learning from Our Mistakes We’re all in this together, and that means sharing our successes but also our failures. Wildlife behavior isn’t always predictable, and the environment throws curveballs at us. So, it's time to embrace a learning attitude. Let’s encourage companies to be open about their successes and failures, and let's not shy away from trying something new, even if it sounds a bit crazy. Also, research isn’t just fancy papers – conferences and casual discussions count too! Chapter 6: Shaping the Future of Our Field As we wrap up our chat, here’s the bottom line – good research can totally transform how we do wildlife control. But it's not just up to the scientists. It's on all of us – professionals, researchers, and even the product makers – to team up. We need to raise the bar together. It's time to mix the best of all worlds – solid research, field experience, and yes, even those tidbits from product folks. By being transparent, critical, and committed to what actually works, we’re setting up our field for success. Conclusion Our journey into wildlife control practices has shown us how vital research is to wildlife control success, and why we need to be cautious about where we get our info. Balancing peer-reviewed studies with practical know-how can level up our game. Remember, by coming together and holding ourselves to high standards, we’re not just improving our techniques – we're shaping the future of wildlife control for the better. So, let’s keep learning, experimenting,
8/17/202341 minutes, 2 seconds
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10 Dynamic Decision-Making Strategies for Wildlife Control Success

Navigating Strategic Decision-Making Strategies: Insights from Wildlife Control Expert Stephen Van Tassel Chapter 1: Greetings from the Wild: Stephen Van Tassel's Latest Insights Stephen Van Tassel, the acclaimed Wildlife Control consultant, is back with another captivating episode of "Living The Wildlife," brought to you by the Pesky Podcast family. Join us on this thrilling journey as we delve into the intricate realm of strategic decision-making, a skill crucial for success in the wildlife control industry. Chapter 2: Paddling through Decisions: A Peek into Stephen's Adventures While sharing his expertise, Stephen also shares glimpses of his recent escapades. From canoeing down the Missouri River to exploring historical sites, Stephen's busy yet adventurous life sets the tone for tackling decisions head-on. Just as Lewis and Clark had to make vital choices during their expedition, we too face decisions that shape our journey. Chapter 3: Engage and Connect: A Call to Subscribe, Review, and Participate Before diving deep into decision-making insights, Stephen extends a warm invitation to join the "Living The Wildlife" community. Subscribe, ring the bell, and leave a five-star review to be part of this informative wildlife journey. You can also catch the podcast on Rumble and connect with Stephen via email for questions, concerns, or suggestions. Chapter 4: Structured Decision-Making: A Foundation for Wise Choices Stephen introduces a powerful concept - structured decision making. Although not directly related to vertebrate pests, it's an essential skill for every wildlife control professional. Structured decision making involves a systematic approach to making informed choices, reducing impulsiveness, and ensuring thoughtful actions. It's a tool to avoid regret and maximize positive outcomes. Chapter 5: Annie Duke's Wisdom: A Poker Champion's Insights on Decision Making Drawing inspiration from poker champion Annie Duke, Stephen discusses the parallels between poker and decision-making processes. Poker players make swift, calculated decisions with limited information – a skill applicable to complex decisions in wildlife management. Annie Duke's work emphasizes aligning decisions with values, predicting outcomes, and self-accountability. Chapter 6: The Art of Making Wise Choices: Elements of Structured Decision Making Unpacking the structured decision-making process, Stephen outlines six crucial steps: Framing: Defining decision parameters, deadlines, and impacts. Clarifying Values: Aligning decisions with personal and professional values. Handling Trade-offs: Evaluating pros and cons, considering impacts. Gathering Information: Seeking relevant data for informed choices. Predicting Outcomes: Analyzing potential consequences and likelihoods. Explaining the Decision: Ensuring rationale and accountability. Chapter 7: Decision-Making Strategies: Insights for Smarter Choices Stephen offers practical strategies for improving decision-making: Identifying "free roll" decisions – low-consequence choices. Establishing quitting thresholds to avoid overcommitment. Employing Ulysses contracts for accountability. Avoiding "resulting" – evaluating decisions based on outcomes. Considering emotional satisfaction for better predictions. Embracing the ability to adjust decisions as circumstances change. Chapter 8: Reflecting and Growing: The Post-Decision Process After a decision is made, self-reflection is vital. Stephen emphasizes the value of postmortems – evaluating decisions, assessing outcomes, and learning from experiences. He encourages listeners to develop a balanced, adaptable approach to decision-making, acknowledging that wise choices contribute to a successful wildlife control career. Conclusion: Empowerment through Strategic-Decision Making Mastery As we conclude this episode of "Living The Wildlife,
8/16/202333 minutes, 28 seconds
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Mastering Bird Control: 6 Proven Strategies for Success With Rolie Calzadilla

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of avian management in this riveting LWL episode: "Mastering Bird Control: 6 Proven Strategies for Success." In this enlightening journey, we delve deep into the intricate realm of bird control, uncovering six meticulously crafted strategies that stand as pillars of success in the field. Guided by the expertise of renowned wildlife control consultant Stephen Van Tassel and an array of industry experts, each episode unlocks a wealth of insights, techniques, and visionary perspectives. Whether you're an aspiring avian management professional or a seasoned operator, this series is your key to mastering the art of bird control and embracing a future of unparalleled success. Join us as we navigate the skies of knowledge, unravel the mysteries of avian behavior, and soar towards excellence in "Mastering Bird Control: 6 Proven Strategies for Success." Chapter 1: Introduction To Mastering Bird Control Welcome back to another exciting episode of the "Living The Wildlife" podcast! I'm your host, Stephen Van Tassel, a Wildlife Control consultant, and I'm thrilled to have you here as part of the pesky podcast family. As always, I appreciate your support, and I hope you're as excited as I am for today's episode. If you haven't already, please take a moment to give us a five-star review, ring the bell, and subscribe to the channel. Your engagement means a lot to us, and it helps us bring you more valuable content. Before we dive into today's topic, I want to remind you that your feedback is crucial to us. If you have comments, suggestions, or even want to be a guest on the show, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. Your input helps us make sure we're covering topics that matter to you. In today's episode, we have a special guest joining us – Rolie Calzadilla. Raleigh is the owner and manager of Pest Wildlife Pro, based in sunny Miami, Florida. He specializes in bird control, a challenging aspect of wildlife management that many professionals struggle with. Birds are incredibly mobile creatures, often finding their way into places they shouldn't be, causing various issues that require expert solutions. Chapter 2: Unveiling Raleigh's Journey Raleigh Calzadilla's journey into the world of pest and wildlife control is an inspiring story of adaptation and passion. Like many of us, Rolie's career path took unexpected turns that eventually led him to his true calling. Raleigh's background was in construction, and he even held a general contractor license. However, the economic downturn during the Great Recession forced him to reconsider his career options. As fate would have it, Raleigh stumbled upon the world of pest control. Intrigued by this new avenue, he decided to dive in and explore. His interest in birds and their control developed naturally. Rolie's unique set of skills from his construction days proved to be an advantage in understanding and addressing bird-related challenges. He started with a company called Stereotech and spent three years there, learning the ropes and honing his expertise. Rolie's journey took another turn when he started his own venture, Bird and Bee Removal, in 2008. For eight years, he successfully managed his business, specializing in bird control. However, an opportunity arose that led him back to Stereotech, this time as their wildlife expert. The company's evolution through mergers and acquisitions exposed Raleigh to diverse experiences and allowed him to cultivate a deeper understanding of the industry. With a wealth of knowledge and experience under his belt, Raleigh eventually founded Pest Wildlife Pro, focusing on a broader range of wildlife control services while maintaining his specialty in bird control. Rolie's story is a testament to the power of adaptability, passion, and a willingness to explore new horizons. Chapter 3: Decoding Bird Control As any wildlife control expert knows,
8/12/202346 minutes, 9 seconds
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10x Your Wildlife Control Business: Unleash Profits, Mindset, and Success With Business Coach Dominic Rubino (Part 2)

Mastering Your Wildlife Control Business: Insights from the Living The Wildlife Podcast with Business Coach Dominic Rubino (Part 2) Chapter 1: Introduction: Living The Wildlife Podcast In the dynamic world of wildlife control, Stephen Van Tassel, a seasoned Wildlife Control Consultant, welcomes you to another engaging episode of "Living The Wildlife." A proud member of the Peskgeek Podcast family, this show promises an insightful journey into the intricacies of the industry. Van Tassel extends a warm invitation to subscribe and stay tuned to upcoming episodes for a wealth of expert insights. Chapter 2: Navigating the Wild Terrain of Business with Dominic Rubino Van Tassel dives into an exciting two-part interview with Dominic Rubino, the mastermind behind 10x BLT. Rubino, a distinguished business coach, and Van Tassel engage in a thought-provoking conversation about enhancing business profitability and growth. Listeners gain valuable perspectives on scaling up, improving comfort levels, and adopting new mindsets to thrive in the wildlife control industry. Chapter 3: Creating Value in Wildlife Control Businesses Rubino elaborates on the profound concept of creating value in wildlife control businesses. He sheds light on the challenges of distinguishing a business and highlights strategies to stand out in a competitive landscape. Rubino's unique blend of tenacity, curiosity, and strategic thinking emerges as the cornerstone of success for entrepreneurs, ultimately driving sustainable growth. Chapter 4: The Formula for Difficult Conversations The conversation takes a pragmatic turn as Rubino unveils a powerful formula for navigating difficult conversations—Dissatisfaction multiplied by Vision plus First Steps, all overcomes Resistance. This formula, rooted in disaster PR recovery, becomes a transformative tool for effective communication. Rubino illustrates its application through captivating examples, emphasizing the significance of empathy and strategic dialogue. Chapter 5: Mindset Matters: Tenacity, Curiosity, and Frustration Rubino delves into the mindset of successful business owners, highlighting their blend of tenacity, curiosity, and a hint of frustration. This unique mindset fuels entrepreneurs to persistently seek solutions, challenge norms, and drive growth. Rubino underlines the importance of embracing discomfort as a catalyst for innovation and cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit that paves the way for business triumph. Chapter 6: Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Building Your Legacy In the final chapter, Rubino shares an inspiring message on the essence of entrepreneurship and its role in driving economic progress. He encourages listeners to recognize their potential as job creators, emphasizing the profound impact of businesses on society. By exploring Rubino's wisdom, entrepreneurs are empowered to embrace challenges, forge their path, and build a lasting legacy in the dynamic world of wildlife control. Conclusion As this captivating episode of "Living The Wildlife" concludes, Stephen Van Tassel invites you to take action. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, the insights shared by Dominic Rubino offer a fresh perspective on achieving business success. To explore further, reach out to Stephen Van Tassel at Wildlife Control Consultant via email: [email protected]. Your questions, thoughts, and experiences, whether good, bad, or even ugly, are invaluable in shaping the future of wildlife control businesses. Join the conversation and be a part of the journey toward unlocking your full potential in the world of wildlife control. #BusinessSuccess #WildlifeControl #Entrepreneurship #BusinessGrowth #StrategicMindset #WildlifeManagement #PodcastInsights #LegacyBuilding Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC
8/11/202328 minutes, 54 seconds
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10x Your Wildlife Control Business: Unleash Profits, Mindset, and Success With Business Coach Dominic Rubino

Mastering Your Wildlife Control Business: Insights from the Living The Wildlife Podcast with Business Coach Dominic Rubino Chapter 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurial Mindset In the dynamic world of wildlife control and business management, the Living The Wildlife Podcast, hosted by wildlife control consultant Stephen Van Tassel, delves into a realm where pest control meets entrepreneurship. In this captivating episode, Van Tassel introduces his audience to a thought-provoking guest, Dominic Rubino, a seasoned business coach with a distinct approach to helping wildlife control professionals take charge of their ventures. The chapter highlights the importance of mindset, curiosity, and business acumen for a successful entrepreneurial journey. Chapter 2: Unveiling the Power of Mindset Rubino emphasizes the significance of mindset in building a thriving wildlife control business. Drawing parallels between entrepreneurship and sports, Rubino reveals how a winning attitude and curiosity can transform an individual's approach to challenges. The conversation flows seamlessly, touching upon the resilience required to overcome obstacles and the transformative journey of transitioning from a technician to an entrepreneur. Chapter 3: Crafting a Vision for Wildlife Control Business Growth Delving into the heart of business development, Rubino and Van Tassel explore the process of envisioning and manifesting success. Through engaging anecdotes and thoughtful insights, they dissect the entrepreneurial journey and reveal the essential role of discipline, vision, and determination in creating a sustainable and profitable wildlife control venture. Chapter 4: From Technician to Leader The podcast deepens its exploration of entrepreneurial roles, focusing on the transition from technician to leader. Rubino shares anecdotes and experiences that highlight the challenges and triumphs of this evolution. Listeners gain valuable insights into cultivating leadership skills, delegating tasks, and making strategic decisions that drive business growth. Chapter 5: The Art of Effective Business Coaching Rubino provides a comprehensive overview of effective business coaching, shedding light on the unique coaching philosophy of 10x BLT. The discussion delves into the differences between accounting-focused consultations and comprehensive business coaching. Rubino's wisdom and expertise shine through as he demystifies the process of finding the right coach and tailor-made solutions for wildlife control entrepreneurs. Chapter 6: Transforming Dreams into Reality The final chapter of this episode brings the conversation full circle, reinforcing the essence of entrepreneurship and self-discovery. Rubino and Van Tassel explore the diverse motivations of wildlife control entrepreneurs, whether it's caring for loved ones, pursuing personal dreams, or achieving financial freedom. The episode concludes with an inspiring note, encouraging listeners to harness their entrepreneurial spirit and embark on a journey to transform their aspirations into reality. In the Living The Wildlife Podcast's insightful dialogue with Dominic Rubino, wildlife control business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs gain a newfound understanding of the power of mindset, leadership, and effective business coaching. This episode serves as a compass guiding individuals through the intricate landscape of business ownership, offering practical strategies and illuminating anecdotes to ignite their entrepreneurial fire. In the dynamic world of wildlife control and entrepreneurship, the path to success is paved with determination, the right mindset, and strategic guidance. As we wrap up this insightful discussion with Dominic Rubino from 10x BLT, we've delved into the intricate interplay of business coaching, personal mindset, and the art of building a thriving enterprise. Final Thoughts Remember, being an entrepreneur isn't just about the numbers ...
8/10/202330 minutes, 57 seconds
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Unleashing the Power of Armadillo Control: 6 Innovative Methods for Wildlife Damage Management

Chapter 1: Introduction Hi everyone, Stephen Van Tassel here, Wildlife Control consultant, bringing you another episode of "Living the Wildlife" as part of the Pesky Podcast family. I'm glad to have you on board, and I hope your week is going well. Today, I wanted to talk about armadillo control and a new method for capturing them that I came across in an article. Armadillos can be quite destructive, especially to people's turf and ground-nesting birds. They also pose some health risks, such as leprosy and Chagas disease. So, if you're dealing with armadillo issues, this alternative capture method might interest you. Let's dive into the details! Chapter 2: Capturing Armadillos - Traditional Methods In the article I mentioned, the authors discussed various traditional methods of capturing armadillos. These methods include capturing them by hand, using a hand net, baited cage traps, drift nets, fences with cage traps, and even footholds in some areas where it's legal. Each method has its pros and cons, but none of them provide a foolproof solution, especially when it comes to baiting armadillos. There is no universally effective bait for these creatures. However, the authors introduced a new approach that involves using dogs in combination with traps. Chapter 3: The Dogs and Trap Combo Method The researchers in the article experimented with training dogs to key in on armadillos, similar to training them for raccoon capture. They found that dogs could identify active armadillo burrows and signal their presence. The researchers then set traps at these locations to capture the armadillos. This method proved to be effective, especially when carried out during specific conditions. Chapter 4: Optimal Conditions for Capturing Armadillos The researchers discovered that the best times to search for armadillos were at dusk and nightfall. They also noted that the temperature range between 70 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit was ideal. The humidity level should be over 50 percent, as humid air carries odor better, aiding in armadillo detection. Additionally, partly to fully overcast conditions were preferable to lower wind issues and keep the dogs cooler. These conditions helped enhance armadillo activity and made the dogs' job easier. Chapter 5: Practical Applications for Wildlife Control Operators While this method may not be applicable to all wildlife control operators, it can be valuable for those working on large landscape areas where armadillo removal is required. Many wildlife control operators already have dogs accompanying them on jobs, and training them to assist in armadillo capture could be a beneficial addition to their skill set. By utilizing this method, wildlife control operators can potentially resolve armadillo problems more efficiently, saving time and increasing their profits. Chapter 6: Conclusion In conclusion, armadillos can cause significant damage and pose health risks. Traditional methods of capturing them have limitations, particularly when it comes to baiting. The dogs and trap combo method introduced in the article offers a viable alternative for capturing armadillos, especially in large landscape areas. By training dogs to locate active armadillo burrows and setting traps accordingly, wildlife control operators can enhance their effectiveness in addressing armadillo issues. It's essential to consider the optimal conditions for this method, such as specific temperatures, humidity, and lighting conditions. While this approach may not be suitable for all situations, it can be a valuable addition to the toolkit of wildlife control operators dealing with armadillo problems. #Armadillos #WildlifeControl #DogsAndTraps #CapturingArmadillos #WildlifeManagement #ArmadilloDamageManagement #DogTraining #TrappingTechnique #EffectiveCapture #AlternativeMethods Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog:
6/24/202320 minutes, 11 seconds
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Unmasking Odor Mysteries: 6 Powerful Strategies to Find and Eliminate Wildlife-Related Odors

Chapter 1: Unraveling Odor Mysteries: Strategies for Finding and Resolving Wildlife-Related Odors Welcome to another episode of "Living the Wildlife," the podcast series hosted by Stephen van Tasser, a Wildlife Control consultant. In this blog post, we will delve into the first part of Stephen's transcription, where he discusses the challenges of identifying and eliminating odors associated with wildlife. As wildlife control professionals, it is crucial to understand how to locate and address these odors to effectively assist our clients. So, let's dive in and explore some strategies for finding and resolving these mysterious odors. Chapter 2: Types of Odors In this chapter, we will explore the different types of odors that wildlife control professionals encounter. While this list may not be exhaustive, it provides a starting point for understanding the various sources of odors and the implications they have for odor detection. Food Odors:Stephen shares an anecdote about a unique food odor he encountered during a job. He highlights the importance of considering food as a potential source of odors, such as when food falls between appliances or remains unnoticed in microwaves or refrigerators. Dead Animal Odors:Dead animal smells are distinct and often unforgettable. Stephen emphasizes the significance of recognizing and identifying the scent of decaying animals, as it can help narrow down the search for the source of the odor. Urine Odors:Urine odors, often associated with restrooms or uncleaned areas, can also be relevant in wildlife control. Stephen discusses how recognizing the distinct smell of urine can assist in locating areas affected by animal activity, such as those frequented by cats or rodents. Mold Odors:Stephen points out that not all odors are animal-related. Mold and water issues can sometimes be mistaken for wildlife-related odors. By being aware of the possibility of mold, wildlife control professionals can guide clients towards addressing the actual problem effectively. Skunk Odors:Skunk related odors are a common challenge in wildlife control. Stephen shares his experiences with the potent smell of skunk and explains how it can permeate through foundations, making it crucial to consider skunks as potential odor sources. Living Animal Odors:Certain living animals, such as bats, mice, and raccoons, can also emit distinct odors. Recognizing these smells can aid in identifying the presence of these animals, especially in situations where they remain in an area for an extended period. Chapter 3: Interviewing the Client To effectively address odor issues, Stephen emphasizes the importance of conducting a thorough interview with the client. In this chapter, we delve into the key questions to ask and factors to consider when gathering information from the client. Identifying the Strongest Odor Location:Determining where the client smells the odor most strongly is crucial for narrowing down potential sources. Stephen advises asking clients about specific areas within the house, such as bedrooms, basements, bathrooms, or upper floors, where the odor is most prominent. Timing and Frequency of Odor Occurrence:Understanding when the odor is noticeable to the client can provide valuable clues. Stephen suggests asking clients if the odor is constant or if it occurs during specific events, such as when the furnace turns on or when entering certain rooms. Client Activities and Pest Control Measures:Inquiring about the client's recent activities and pest control measures can help uncover potential causes of the odor. Stephen discusses scenarios where the use of rodenticides or other control methods might result in the presence of dead animals, highlighting the importance of considering such factors. Sensitivity to Odors:Odor perception is subjective, varying from person to person. Stephen advises wildlife control professionals to understand the client's sensitivity to odors and h...
6/24/202338 minutes, 46 seconds
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Revolutionize Wildlife Pest Control Communication: Unveiling the #1 Power of Fierce Conversations for Success

Chapter 1: Introduction to Effective Communication in Wildlife Pest Control In the first chapter of today's episode of the "Living The Wildlife" podcast with Stephen Van Tassel, we delve into the importance of effective communication in the field of vertebrate pest control. Stephen Vantassel, a wildlife control consultant, emphasizes the significance of clear communication when managing pests and complying with national, state, and local laws. He introduces the concept of "Fierce conversations" and how they can revolutionize the way professionals in this industry communicate with one another. Chapter 2: The Truth Behind Fierce Conversations In this chapter, we explore the underlying truth behind the concept of "Fierce conversations." Stephen Van Tassel challenges the notion that better communication alone can solve all problems. Instead, he highlights the importance of addressing deep-seated issues, being honest with oneself, and seeking resolution rather than simply trying to convince others of our point of view. The chapter emphasizes the need for open and forthright communication in order to foster progress, harmony, and genuine resolution. Chapter 3: Communication Challenges in the Wildlife Control Industry Stephen Van Tassel shares his observations on the challenges faced by professionals in the wildlife control industry when it comes to effective communication. He discusses the unique characteristics of individuals drawn to this field, such as their preference for solitude and hands-on work. However, he also acknowledges the struggle many face in effectively communicating with customers, colleagues, and employees. The chapter explores how these challenges can lead to strained relationships and the potential for destructive conflicts within the industry. Chapter 4: Unveiling "Fierce Conversations" by Susan Scott This chapter focuses on the book "Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time" by Susan Scott. Stephen Van Tassel introduces Susan Scott as the owner of Fierce Inc., a consulting company that helps corporations and executives navigate communication challenges. He highlights the popularity and relevance of the book, which has gone through 39 printings since its publication in 2017. The chapter sets the stage for delving into the strategies and insights presented by Susan Scott in her work. Chapter 5: Strategies for Successful Fierce Conversations Building upon Susan Scott's work, this chapter explores the strategies and principles outlined in "Fierce Conversations." Stephen Van Tassel emphasizes the importance of truly listening and understanding the perspective of others before reacting or attempting to persuade. He highlights the significance of doubting our own perspectives, questioning our understanding of the truth, and being willing to consider alternative viewpoints. The chapter introduces the concept of "mineral rights conversations" as a technique for delving deeper into root issues and facilitating meaningful dialogue. Chapter 6: Applying Fierce Conversations in Wildlife Pest Control In the final chapter, we examine the practical application of "Fierce Conversations" in the context of wildlife pest control. Stephen Van Tassel encourages professionals in the industry to embrace these strategies in their interactions with employees, colleagues, and customers. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining relationships while addressing challenging issues, fostering a culture of open communication, and seeking truth without sacrificing empathy and understanding. The chapter concludes with a call to action for professionals to implement the principles of "Fierce Conversations" and improve communication within the wildlife control industry. #WildlifePestControl #EffectiveCommunication #FierceConversations #RevolutionizeIndustry #OpenDialogue #ImprovingRelationships #EmpathyandUnderstanding #SuccessfulStrategies #WildlifeManagement #...
5/27/202334 minutes
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Mastering Mole Trapping: Insights into Utah’s Beauty, Montana’s Conditions, and More – 6 Key Chapters for Wildlife Control Success

Uncover the secrets to "Mastering Mole Trapping" in today's episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast. Explore the stunning beauty of Utah, the unique conditions of Montana, and more in six key chapters for wildlife control success. Gain valuable insights, expert advice, and discover the essential strategies to become a master in the art of mole trapping and wildlife control. Join us on this enlightening journey and unlock the key to effective wildlife management. . Chapter 1: Introduction and Conference Recap On today's episode of The Living The Wildlife Podcast, we delve into Stephen Vantassel's introduction and his recent trip to Utah for the Wildlife Damage Management Conference. He shares his experience in Logan, Utah, and expresses his appreciation for the beauty of the area. He also mentions the upcoming spring season and the preparations many professionals are making. Chapter 2: Conditions in Montana and Wildlife Control Stephen discusses the specific conditions in Montana, where he is located. He discusses the elevation and the impact it has on their spring season compared to other parts of the United States. Stephen highlights the presence of snow on the ground but also mentions the emerging signs of spring with grass peeking through. He emphasizes the importance of moisture for fire prevention and invites readers to subscribe to his channel and leave reviews. Chapter 3: Engaging with the Wildlife Control Community Stephen encourages readers to reach out to him and provides his contact information. He expresses his eagerness to hear thoughts, comments, suggestions, and even criticisms from the audience. He also mentions his fascination with the phenomenon of people being hesitant to appear on his podcast and asks for insights from listeners. Stephen acknowledges the primarily professional audience but extends a welcome to non-professionals as well. Chapter 4: Reviewing "Modern Mole Trapping" Book Stephen also focuses on a book review of "Modern Mole Trapping" by Richard Huberty. He provides details about the book, including its publication date, length, and cost. He discusses the content and structure of the book, mentioning its chapters, images, and the author's background. Stephen emphasizes the value of books as a source of in-depth information that videos may not always provide. He acknowledges the book's potential usefulness for mole trappers, but also points out its limitations for wildlife control professionals looking for more comprehensive business strategies. Chapter 5: Pros and Cons of "Modern Mole Trapping" Stephen presents the pros and cons of the book "Modern Mole Trapping." He praises the author's attempt to be comprehensive in covering various aspects of mole trapping, such as prevention, biology, and control methods. Stephen appreciates the inclusion of lesser-known mole traps, but expresses disappointment with the use of wiggle words and the lack of scientific authority in some sections. He highlights the author's discussion of repellents and toxicants, as well as his exploration of debunked methods. However, Stephen notes the absence of evidence or personal experiences to support certain claims made in the book. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Reflections on Education Finally, Stephen wraps up the blog post by emphasizing the value of education and different perspectives in the wildlife control field. He encourages readers to approach training and information with an open mind, even if they may only gain a single new insight or tip. Stephen reiterates the importance of challenging oneself, thinking outside the box, and continually learning to gain a competitive edge in the industry. He concludes by acknowledging the limitations of current research and the significance of anecdotal knowledge shared by experienced professionals. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog:
5/20/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Choosing the Right Gloves for Safe and Effective Handling of Bats: 6 Essential Tips for Wildlife Control Experts!

Chapter 1: The Importance of Gloves in Handling of Bats Wildlife control is a risky and challenging job that requires a high level of expertise and careful handling of wildlife animals, including proper techniques in the handling of bats. One of the most critical aspects of wildlife control is personal protection, particularly for the hands, which are prone to injuries from animal bites and scratches. To minimize the risk of such injuries, wildlife control consultants and experts use gloves to protect their hands from animal bites and scratches while handling wildlife animals, including bats. In this episode of Living the Wildlife, Stephen Vantassel, a wildlife control consultant, explores the different types of gloves available for wildlife control, the balance between dexterity and protection, and the importance of selecting the right glove for the job when handling bats. Chapter 2: Understanding the Puncture Resistance of Gloves In The Handling Of Bats Dr. Patricia Freeman and Dr. Cliff Lemon, both mammologists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, conducted research to determine the puncture resistance of gloves for handling bats. They aimed to balance protection for the hands with manual dexterity to enable wildlife researchers and consultants to physically manipulate bats, take measurements, and perform scientific research on bats. The research focused on the handling of bats, specifically. The researchers developed a puncture tool that mirrored the sharpness of a bat's tooth, which they used to mechanically test the puncture resistance of various types of gloves. They tested natural leathers, such as split cow, pig, deer, goat, top grain cow, and elk, as well as cotton and rubberized cotton gloves, and analyzed the data for the handling of bats. Chapter 3: Finding the Right Balance Between Dexterity and Protection The results of Dr. Freeman and Dr. Lemon's research showed that the thicker the glove, the greater the protection, but the lower the dexterity, specifically when dealing with bats. Conversely, the thinner the glove, the higher the dexterity, but the lower the protection when handling bats. The researchers recommended using gloves with a thickness of at least 0.5mm to balance protection and dexterity, especially when handling bats. When selecting gloves for wildlife control and bat handling, wildlife control consultants should consider the type of animal they are handling, the level of protection required, and the level of dexterity needed, with specific emphasis on bat handling techniques. It is crucial to use gloves that provide adequate protection against bites while enabling you to take measurements and perform scientific research on bats safely. Chapter 4: Understanding the Different Sizes of Bats According to the article "Puncture Resistance of Gloves for Handling Bats," medium-sized bats are those that weigh between 15 to 25 grams, while small bats weigh between 5 to 15 grams, and large bats up to 90 grams, such as the greater spear-nosed bat and up to 70 grams, such as the great fruit-eating bat. It is important to know the size of bats you are dealing with, especially in terms of the proper bat handling techniques and the specific level of protection required when handling bats. Chapter 5: Best Gloves for Protection and Dexterity Split cowhide gloves offer the highest protection when handling bats, while deerskin gloves offer about 82% of the protection provided by split leather gloves. Although deerskin gloves are not as protective as split cowhide gloves, they are still a good option for those who need to balance dexterity with protection, especially when dealing with small to medium-sized bats, and require specific bat handling techniques. Chapter 6: Rabies Prophylaxis Shots and Conclusion It is highly recommended to consult with a physician about getting rabies prophylaxis shots before handling bats, as bats are known carriers of rabies.
5/15/202323 minutes, 36 seconds
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3 Foolproof Keys to Excellent Customer Service: The Pestgeek’s ABCs of Service: Always Be Caring

The game-changing ABCs of service you NEED to know! The pest control industry is highly competitive, and businesses need to differentiate themselves from their competitors to succeed. One way to do that is by offering excellent customer service. In this podcast, Franklin Hernandez, aka The Pestgeek, shares his ABCs of service, which stand for Always Be Caring. He believes that being a caring person is more important than being a salesperson. Hernandez offers three foolproof keys to providing excellent customer service: care about what's important to your customers, believe in your product or service, and have pride in your workmanship. Chapter 1: Always Be Caring According to Hernandez, people don't care how much you know; they only know how much you care. When you care about what's important to your customers, such as their family, pets, or property, they will listen to you and respect you. Hernandez advises pest control technicians to be trusted experts rather than salespeople. When customers feel that their concerns have been heard and understood, they are more likely to be satisfied with the service they receive. Chapter 2: Believe in Your Product or Service Selling comes down to one simple thing: believing in yourself, your product, your service, your training, your support, and your brand. If you believe in what you're selling, you will feel comfortable selling it to your clients because you will project confidence. Hernandez points out that having pride in your workmanship is crucial to projecting confidence. Technicians who take pride in their work and have the latest equipment feel comfortable and confident in their work, which translates to a better customer experience. Chapter 3: Have Pride in Your Workmanship Hernandez emphasizes that all the training should not go into the sales force only. The technical force should receive adequate training to provide quality service to customers. Technicians should be equipped with the latest gear and given the best training possible. Hernandez believes that when companies invest in their technicians' training and equipment, they instill pride in workmanship. Technicians who are proud of their work and have the latest equipment feel more confident in their ability to provide excellent service to their customers. Chapter 4: The Importance of Caring Hernandez notes that many pest control businesses focus too much on making sales and not enough on providing excellent customer service. He believes that when businesses prioritize caring for their customers, they will be more successful. Customers want to feel important and cared for, and when they do, they are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend the business to others. Hernandez advises businesses to train their technicians to be caring, even if they are introverted, as caring is a quality that customers appreciate. Chapter 5: The Pitfalls of Not Believing in Your Product or Service Hernandez warns that if you're not excited about your company, product, or service, you should quit and do something else. If you don't believe in what you're selling, you won't be able to convince others to buy it. Hernandez emphasizes the importance of believing in your brand, as that confidence translates to the customer experience. When you believe in what you're selling, you will feel confident in your ability to provide quality service to your customers. Chapter 6: The Benefits of Pride in Workmanship When technicians take pride in their workmanship, they provide better service to customers. Hernandez believes that pride in workmanship instills confidence and leads to a better customer experience. Customers can tell when a technician takes pride in their work, and that translates to customer satisfaction. Hernandez advises businesses to invest in their technicians' training and equipment to instill pride in workmanship.
5/7/202312 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 Key Areas for Explosive Business Growth: Retention, Referrals, and Acquisition: Insights From Marketing Pro Tate Morgan

Chapter 1: Unlocking Business Growth In today's competitive business landscape, business growth is essential for success. Whether you're a startup or an established company, identifying and prioritizing the right areas for growth can make all the difference. Retention, referrals, and acquisition are three key areas that businesses need to focus on if they want to expand and succeed in the long term. In this article, we'll explore these three areas and explain why they are so crucial for business growth. Van Tassel continues the second installment of this podcast by interviewing Tate Morgan, the president of Lead Squirrel, a marketing firm. Morgan shares some tips on how businesses can market themselves within their local community. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of how to leverage these key areas to maximize your growth potential and achieve your business goals. Chapter 2: Tips for Marketing in the Community As a marketing specialist, Morgan recommends strategic communications, sponsorships, and partnering with local sports teams as cost-effective ways to get the name out in the community. Morgan explains that sponsoring a local sports team for as low as $200 to $300 a season can get the company's name out to the parents of other teams, and the sponsorships are often covered in local publications. He recommends that businesses write a quick press release and send it to editors of every local newspaper, highlighting their partnership with local teams. He says this can lead to local press coverage and local backlinks, which are essential for SEO. Morgan stresses that marketing does not have to be overly complicated, and often the simplest ideas are the most effective. Chapter 3: The Role of AI in Marketing While Morgan sees AI as a valuable tool that can help marketers adapt faster to changes, he acknowledges that there are fears about AI taking away jobs from creatives. Morgan believes that AI will not necessarily be a disruptor in the marketing community as a whole, but it will disrupt the old-school SEO, PPC, content, and communication strategies. He predicts that AI will make good creatives better and make people who are doing mediocre work irrelevant. Morgan compares the impact of AI on the marketing industry to the impact of website builders on the web development industry, which led to a hollowing-out effect that left only the best website designers and developers in demand. Morgan advises marketers to try AI tools and see if they can embrace them. If marketers hate the idea of what AI is doing to the industry, they can choose not to use it. However, he warns that good people will learn to use AI tools very well, and those who refuse to adapt might get left behind. In conclusion, Morgan encourages marketers to use AI tools to write agreements faster, which saves time and helps them focus on other important tasks. Chapter 4: The Importance of Being Responsive Stephen Vantassel and Tate Morgan discuss the importance of being responsive in the marketing industry. Morgan emphasizes that being responsive means being available to clients and answering their calls and messages promptly. He notes that many marketers fail to realize the importance of responsiveness and often lose clients because they do not pick up the phone or respond to emails and text messages. Morgan warns that if marketers do not track conversions by answering the phone, they might miss important opportunities to convert leads into clients. Vantassel and Morgan agree that being responsive is crucial in the wildlife control industry because it involves dealing with emergencies that require immediate attention. Morgan advises wildlife control professionals to have a system in place to respond to clients promptly, such as setting up a chatbot or hiring a virtual assistant to answer calls and messages. He stresses that being responsive not only helps businesses ...
5/6/202340 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Second Generation Rodenticide Ban You’ve Been Warned Of: An Eye-opening Review Of The Current Situation and 2 Potential Solutions

Rodenticide Ban: Current Situation and Potential Solutions The current situation regarding the rodenticide ban is complex, with different regulations in place across various regions. For example, in the United States, California banned second-generation rodenticides, but others are still available for use. In the European Union, a complete ban on second-generation rodenticides has been implemented, and only first-generation rodenticides are allowed for use. Chapter 1: Introduction Integrated pest control specialist Franklin "The Pestgeek" Hernandez received a letter from a listener concerning second-generation rodenticides that are currently under attack. While these rodenticides have decreased, they are still being used in specific situations. However, certain products are being encouraged for use instead, and the letter from the British Pest Control Association was sent to their government asking them not to remove the second-generation rodenticides. Chapter 2: The Current Situation in California The situation in California is similar, and as pest control operators, professionals are careful with their usage of rodenticides, particularly second-generation ones. For general household and commercial pest control, rodenticides must be used with care, and rodent stations must be properly secured to prevent children, pets, and other animals from being exposed to the bait. Chapter 3: The Importance of Proper Use and Disposal Unfortunately, there are instances where improper use and disposal of rodenticides can occur, and this can lead to harmful consequences. Loose rodenticide packs may be left in public areas, where they can be easily accessed by children or pets. Some customers may choose to use rodenticides in inappropriate areas, such as attics or crawl spaces, where the bait can be consumed by other animals or lead to a foul odor from dead rodents. These actions can lead to a negative impact on the environment and, in some cases, serious health issues. Chapter 4: Licensing, Training, and Certification To ensure proper use of rodenticides, licensing, training, and certification are required for pest control operators. Unfortunately, those who are not certified and do not have training may misuse or misapply rodenticides, which can result in harm. There is a need for manufacturers to consider the safety of the public and the environment, rather than just sales, and take responsibility for the potential harm caused by their products. Chapter 5: Potential Solutions To address these issues, education and outreach to the public are necessary. A better understanding of the harm caused by rodenticides can help individuals make more informed decisions about their usage. Manufacturers can also play a significant role in promoting safety and environmentally friendly products. Additionally, government agencies should take responsibility for the safety of the public by enforcing regulations and restrictions on rodenticide use. Chapter 6: Our Responsibility Overall, the use of second-generation rodenticides must be carefully monitored and regulated to prevent harm to the public and the environment. While pest control professionals take precautions to ensure the proper use of these products, there are still instances where they are misused. With a focus on education, manufacturers, and government regulations, we can create a safer and more environmentally friendly world. It's important to note that rodent control is essential for maintaining public health and safety, but it should be done responsibly and with consideration for the environment. By taking steps to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, we can ensure that we are protecting not only ourselves but also the ecosystem around us. The second-generation rodenticide ban is a critical issue that we should all be aware of. It's essential to understand the current situation and potential so...
4/29/202332 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Tate Morgan’s Wild Insights Could 10x Your Revenue: LeadSquirrel Wildlife And Pest Control Marketing Agency

Can LeadSquirrel Marketing Agency Help You Boost Your Revenue? Welcome to another episode of "Living the Wildlife" with host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Van Tassel. In this episode, Stephen is joined by Tate Morgan, the president of Lead Squirrel, a company specializing in wildlife and pest control marketing.  Chapter 1: Introduction and Background Tate begins by sharing his background and how he got into the marketing industry. He initially went to school for physical therapy but realized he did not enjoy the work. He then began working in e-commerce marketing for a company in the outdoor industry that produced hunting blinds and game feeders. During his time there, he learned about wildlife and conservation efforts and how they intersect with marketing.  After leaving the outdoor industry, Tate worked at an agency, where he had the opportunity to work with various businesses. He also freelanced on the side, picking up clients in the pest and wildlife removal industry. Eventually, all of his freelance work became focused on wildlife and pest control marketing.  In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and businesses across all industries were impacted. Tate shares how he and his team at Lead Squirrel pivoted their wildlife and pest control marketing strategies to help their clients during this challenging time. They shifted their focus from acquiring new customers to retaining existing ones, providing helpful information to their clients, and improving their online presence.  Chapter 2: Marketing Strategies for Pest and Wildlife Control As a wildlife and pest control marketing expert, Tate shares some insights into effective marketing strategies for these businesses. He emphasizes the importance of establishing trust with potential customers by providing them with valuable information and demonstrating expertise in the field.  Tate recommends that wildlife and pest control companies have a website with clear and concise messaging that communicates their services and expertise in wildlife and pest control marketing. He also suggests using Google My Business to improve their online presence and show up in local search results.  Social media is another essential tool for wildlife and pest control marketing. Tate recommends creating content that is both educational and entertaining, using social media to engage with customers and build relationships in wildlife and pest control marketing.  Tate stresses the importance of reviews and testimonials in wildlife and pest control marketing. Positive reviews and testimonials can help build trust with potential customers and differentiate a business from competitors in wildlife and pest control marketing.  Marketing is a vital aspect of any business, including wildlife and pest control marketing. By establishing trust with potential customers, providing valuable information, improving online presence, and engaging with customers through social media in wildlife and pest control marketing, wildlife and pest control companies can increase their customer base and grow their businesses. Chapter 3: The Importance of Revenue and Packages In this chapter, the interviewee discusses the importance of revenue and how they structured their service offerings around it. They believe that the 10 to 1 revenue metric is a good one to go by and have structured their packages around it in wildlife and pest control marketing. The packages are designed to help businesses keep their marketing expenses within 10% of their revenue figure. The intro package, for example, is priced at $499 a month and is best for solo operators and small teams who are doing less than $100,000 annually in wildlife and pest control marketing. This package gives businesses a little breathing room to add on other marketing efforts that the company may not cover, like business cards, flyers, and pamphlets,
4/29/202334 minutes, 52 seconds
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Vulture Control: Understanding the Migratory Bird Treaty Act And 5 Effective Control Measures

Navigating Vulture Problems: Understanding Federal Protections and Regulations Introduction Wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel received a question about vulture control and decided to create a podcast episode to help people with this particular issue. Vantassel acknowledges that vultures are not a primary project for most people but says that learning about niche subjects can help broaden one's knowledge and provide new perspectives. He proceeds to discuss the migratory bird treaty act and how it affects vultures, emphasizing the importance of understanding federal protections and regulations when dealing with these birds. Chapter 1: Understanding the Migratory Bird Treaty Act The migratory bird treaty act is an international treaty between the United States, Mexico, Canada, Japan, and Russia that protects birds that cross international boundaries. Essentially, all native birds to the United States are protected under this act except for those that are regulated under hunting seasons. The treaty was created to prevent one country from over-hunting a particular species, ensuring that all countries can participate in using the resource. However, the downside of this act is that it impedes wildlife control efforts, particularly when it comes to vultures. Federal regulations make it illegal to shoot vultures, making it challenging for states and municipalities to deal with vulture problems. Therefore, understanding the migratory bird treaty act is critical for those seeking to control vulture populations in their area. Chapter 2: Understanding Vultures Now that we've covered the legal aspect of dealing with vultures, let's dive into understanding these unique birds. Vultures are often associated with death and decay, but they serve a crucial role in the ecosystem as scavengers. They help clean up carcasses and prevent the spread of disease by consuming carrion that might otherwise attract vermin and disease-carrying insects. In fact, vultures have such a strong digestive system that they are even able to consume bacteria such as anthrax and botulism. There are two types of vultures in North America: the turkey vulture and the black vulture. The turkey vulture is the more common of the two and is known for its bald red head, large wingspan, and distinctive V-shaped soaring pattern. The black vulture is smaller with a dark black plumage and a shorter wingspan, and tends to be more aggressive and opportunistic than its turkey vulture counterpart. Vultures are social creatures and often roost in large groups, referred to as a wake or committee. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even urban areas, and they have a keen sense of smell that helps them locate carrion from miles away. While vultures are not typically aggressive towards humans, they can become a nuisance if they begin roosting on or near buildings or if they cause damage to property. Vultures are protected under federal law, which means that non-lethal methods must be used to deter them. Chapter 3: Vulture Control Measures Vultures can be a nuisance for homeowners and business owners because they scratch and gouge things with their sharp beaks and talons. They also produce a lot of excrement that emits an ammonia smell, leading to a sense of doom for the people living or working in the affected area. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the emotional and psychological aspect of vulture infestations and provide sensitive support to the clients struggling with them. To control vultures, habitat modification is an essential measure. Managing waste, trash, and garbage appropriately and ensuring that ranchers and livestock people are calving undercover can help eliminate food sources for the birds. However, eliminating food alone cannot solve the problem, but it can help reduce the time vultures spend in a particular area. Vultures are scavengers and rely on dead and sick anim...
4/26/202335 minutes, 25 seconds
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Unlocking the 1 Secret of Value-Based Pricing: See How TaylorMade Pest Control Grew Their Customer Base!

Revolutionizing Your Pricing Strategy: The One Key to Success Unveiled by TaylorMade Pest Control's Incredible Growth Story! Are you struggling to set prices for your products or services that accurately reflect their value to your customers? The answer may lie in value-based pricing, a strategy that focuses on setting prices based on the perceived value of your offering to your target audience. In this video, we'll take a deep dive into the world of value-based pricing and how it helped TaylorMade Pest Control revolutionize their pricing strategy, leading to impressive growth in their customer base. By implementing a value-based pricing model, TaylorMade was able to attract more customers, increase their revenue, and differentiate themselves from their competitors. Join us as we uncover the one secret to successful value-based pricing and learn how you can apply it to your own business. Chapter 1: Introduction Pricing is a critical aspect of running a successful pest control business. It can determine your profit margins, customer base, and business growth. In this transcript, Christian Allen, owner of TailorMade Pest Control, shares his thoughts on pricing and knowing your worth in the industry. He explains that it's essential to understand the market, customer preferences, and the value of the service you provide. This blog post will explore his insights further and highlight the importance of knowing your worth in pest control pricing. Chapter 2: Christian's Journey Christian's pest control journey began with pricing his services higher than other competitors in the market. He believed that the value he brought to the table justified the premium pricing. However, he realized that most customers were fixated on price and lowered his rates to attract more business. He waived initial fees and offered discounts to build a base of regular clients. Over time, he built his business to earn around $3,000 per month. Christian admits that he is still more expensive than most of his competitors, but he is comfortable with his pricing, given the value he offers. Chapter 3: The Impact of Inflation on Value-Based Pricing Christian notes that the rising gas prices and inflation have led many pest control businesses to raise their prices. However, he believes that he can maintain his current pricing strategy despite inflation. In fact, inflation has made his pricing more competitive than ever. He adds that he might consider raising his prices eventually, but for now, he is not too busy to handle his current rates. He suggests that other pest control businesses should understand their worth before making any hasty decisions to raise their prices. Chapter 4: The Importance of Knowing Your Worth Knowing your worth is crucial in any business, and pest control is no exception. Christian urges business owners to read the book "Value-Based Fees" or listen to it on Audible to gain a better understanding of value-based pricing. He believes that it will help them make more informed pricing decisions. Christian advises business owners to avoid getting caught up in the race to the bottom, where businesses lower their prices to attract more customers. Instead, they should focus on the value they provide and charge accordingly. Chapter 5: Balancing Profit and Customer Base Satisfaction Pricing in pest control is a balancing act between profit and customer satisfaction. Christian understands that some companies may get greedy and raise their prices during peak seasons. Still, he chooses to prioritize customer satisfaction by offering a fair price for his services. He emphasizes that it is essential to know your market, customers, and target audience when setting prices. Christian's business model focuses on selling peace of mind, and he asks customers what peace of mind is worth to them. This approach highlights the value that TailorMade Pest Control provides, which helps justify the pricing.
4/16/202315 minutes, 24 seconds
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Introducing the Goodnature A18 Trap for Ethical and Humane Management of Wild Animal Populations: Maximizing Effectiveness in Wildlife Control

Welcome to today's episode of the Living The Wildlife With Stephen Vantassel, wildlife control professionals! Are you looking for an ethical and humane way to manage wild animal populations? Look no further than the Goodnature A18 trap. This innovative trap is designed to be highly effective while minimizing animal suffering, making it a valuable tool in any wildlife control strategy. Chapter 1: Introducing the Humane A18 Trap The world of pest control is constantly evolving, and the Goodnature A18 trap is the latest addition to the arsenal of pest control professionals. Stephen Van Tassel, the host of Living the Wildlife podcast, recently reviewed the A18 trap and shared his thoughts on the product. The Goodnature A18 trap is a larger version of the popular A24 trap, which is designed to catch rats and smaller rodents. However, the A18 trap is specifically designed to catch squirrels, which can be a little larger than rats. Although Van Tassel hasn't had a chance to try out the A18 trap, he is excited about the technology and the possibilities it presents. The A18 trap is a bit pricey, but it comes with impressive technology that makes it stand out from other traps. The trap's packaging has clear labeling on both sides, which makes it easy to identify. The quick guide included in the box is a helpful resource, especially for those who are new to the product. Van Tassel cautions that not all states allow the use of such traps, and pest control professionals should make sure to check their local regulations before using them. As with any trap, it's important to handle it carefully and ensure that it is used correctly. Chapter 2: The Importance of Wildlife Control The Goodnature A18 trap is a useful tool for wildlife control professionals, but why is wildlife control so important? Van Tassel addresses this topic in his podcast and shares some insights into why wildlife control is essential. Wildlife control is necessary because wild animals can cause significant damage to property and pose a threat to human health and safety. Animals such as raccoons, skunks, and bats can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. In addition, animals like squirrels and beavers can cause damage to buildings, landscaping, and other property. Pest control professionals have a responsibility to manage wildlife populations in a humane and ethical way. This means using traps and other methods that don't cause unnecessary harm to animals. The Goodnature A18 trap is a good example of a trap that is designed to be effective while minimizing harm to animals. Van Tassel emphasizes that wildlife control is not just about removing animals from a property. It's also about understanding the animals' behavior and biology to prevent them from returning. Wildlife control professionals must be knowledgeable about the animals they are dealing with and understand the best methods for managing them. Chapter 3: Collaboration in the Pest Control Industry The pest control industry is constantly evolving, and collaboration is essential for staying up-to-date with the latest technology and techniques. In his podcast, Van Tassel talks about the importance of collaboration and shares some tips for professionals who want to network and collaborate with others in the industry. One way to collaborate with others in the pest control industry is to attend industry events and conferences. These events provide an opportunity to learn about new products and techniques, as well as meet and network with other professionals. Another way to collaborate is to join industry groups and organizations. These groups provide a forum for pest control professionals to share information, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. The pesky podcast family is one such group that Van Tassel mentions in his podcast. Finally, Van Tassel emphasizes the importance of social media in the ...
4/16/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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Unpacking the Future of Pest Control: The New Rodenticide Law You Need to Know!

The Real Challenges Faced by Pest Control Business Owners: Navigating the Economy, Laws, and Sustainability Welcome to our latest video, where we dive into the future of pest control and unpack the latest developments in the industry. In today's episode, we'll be focusing on a critical topic that all pest control professionals and business owners need to be aware of - the new rodenticide law. This new legislation is set to change the way we approach pest control, and it's essential that we understand its implications to stay ahead of the curve. So, without further ado, let's dive in and explore what the new rodenticide law means for the future of pest control. Chapter 1: The Challenges Faced by Pest Control Business Owners As a pest control business owner, you face a lot of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the slowing down of the economy, which has made it difficult for many people to afford your services. In fact, around 30% of your clients may not be able to pay for your services, which means you'll have to raise your prices again to deal with the situation. This is especially true if you're based in South Florida, where rents are increasing, and inflation is at an all-time high.To stay competitive in this tough environment, you need to raise your prices by over 30% or even double them in some cases. It's not an easy decision, but it's necessary if you want to survive as a business. On top of that, you're facing a new rodenticide law that will cause more problems for your business.This law will affect your food supply and raise prices, which will lead to more problems for your business. You knew this was coming since 2018, and you warned other pest control professionals to keep an eye on California, Europe, and Canada. But very few people listened to you. Now you're facing the consequences of not being prepared for this new law.The good news is that you've been talking about these issues for almost a decade now. You're the only person in the pest control media who's openly talking about the real issues that pest control professionals face. You're not just looking to become the next pest control millionaire. You're looking to solve the real problems that your clients face. Chapter 2: The Importance of IPM and Holistic Pest Control As someone who owns a pest control business, you know that IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and holistic pest control are critical for the industry's future. You've been talking about these issues for years, and you've been called the camel for your balanced approach.You're not just a chemical company; you're looking for solutions that work for both your clients and the environment. You've been accused of being a chemical company, but you know that's not true. You've been advocating for IPM, holistic, natural, and organic solutions that are effective, safe, and sustainable.You're aware that most people who use scare tactics to promote natural and organic solutions are full of crap. You're also aware that many people who push 25B products as a cure-all for pests are full of crap. You believe in using science and facts to solve problems, not scare tactics or marketing gimmicks.You're the first person who's been balanced on these issues. You're looking at what can be done, what can't be done, and what's scientifically proven to work. You're not beholden to anyone. You're not afraid to speak the truth, even if it means getting a dead horse's head in your bed.Clearly, as a pest control business owner, you face a lot of challenges. The economy is slowing down, and a new rodenticide law is coming. But by focusing on IPM, holistic pest control, and using science and facts to solve problems, you can overcome these challenges and thrive as a business. Chapter 3: Selling Pest Control Services in a Difficult Market If you are a pest control business owner, you're probably familiar with the challenges of selling your services in a difficult market.
4/7/202331 minutes, 43 seconds
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Professional Wildlife Photography Photo Results with These Wildlife Control Secrets

Are you looking to take your wildlife photography to the next level? Look no further! In this informative video, we're going to share with you some of the best-kept secrets of the wildlife control industry. Wildlife control consultant, Stephen Vantassel, will show you how to get professional photo results with these wildlife control secrets. Whether you're evaluating an insurance claim or creating training materials, having clear and precise photographs can make a significant difference. Join us as we share essential tips and techniques for capturing quality photos, including how to show scale and determine the size of objects. Get ready to take your wildlife control photography skills to new heights! Unlocking the Secret to Professional Wildlife Photography: Expert Tips from a Wildlife Control Consultant Photography is an essential tool for wildlife control professionals, but taking good quality photos is easier said than done. In this episode of Living the Wildlife, Stephen Van Tassel talks about the challenges of taking good quality photos, particularly when it comes to showing scale. Van Tassel explains that as the industry becomes more mature, professionals are more likely to be involved in legal issues that require high-quality photos as evidence. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that the photos we take have enough quality to hold up in court if necessary. Chapter 1: Why Good Quality Photos are Essential Photographs are essential tools for wildlife control professionals. They help us document and understand the wildlife behavior and damage we encounter, and they are a crucial part of our reporting to clients and authorities. However, taking good quality photos can be challenging, especially when it comes to showing scale. It's crucial to be able to show the size of the wildlife, the damage they cause, and the tools we use to control them, as this can be relevant to many different aspects of our work. One of the most common reasons to take photographs in our line of work is to document wildlife damage. For example, if a client calls us to report damage to their property, we need to be able to assess the situation and determine the cause. If we find evidence of wildlife damage, we will need to take photographs to document the extent of the damage, what caused it, and what tools and techniques we will need to use to fix it. In this case, scale is often essential, as we need to be able to show how big the damage is and how it relates to the size of the animal that caused it. Another reason to take photographs is to document wildlife activity. For example, if a client reports hearing noises in their attic, we may need to set up cameras to capture images of the wildlife that is causing the problem. In this case, scale is also important, as we need to be able to identify the species of the animal based on its size and appearance. Finally, photographs can be essential in legal situations. For example, if a client files an insurance claim for wildlife damage, we may need to provide evidence to support the claim. In this case, photographs that clearly show the extent of the damage and the tools and techniques we used to control the wildlife are crucial. If the case goes to court, these photos will need to hold up as evidence, which means they must be of high quality and show scale. Chapter 2: The Challenges of Showing Scale One of the most significant challenges of taking good quality photos is showing scale. Scale is critical to understanding the size of the wildlife, the damage they cause, and the tools we use to control them. However, showing scale is not always easy, especially when taking close-up photos. When taking close-up photos, it can be challenging to provide a reference for scale. For example, if you take a close-up photo of a track or scat, it can be difficult to determine the size of the animal that left it. Similarly, if you take a close-up photo of damage to property,
4/7/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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Discover the Benefits of Pest Control: What Joining Industry Associations Can Do For You

Being a part of local and national pest control associations can make a significant impact on your business success. In this video, Christian, the owner of Tailor-Made Pest Control, shares his personal experience and highlights the benefits of being an active member. You can voice your opinions on industry regulations and stay informed about changes. Networking and building connections within the industry are crucial factors, and being a member of an association fosters a sense of camaraderie. As a small business owner, Christian faced challenges but encourages entrepreneurs to join associations and participate actively. Don't miss his valuable tips in the video and share your feedback in the comments below!#association #pestcontrol #pestcontrolbusiness Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/31/202314 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Solve the Raccoon Latrine Dilemma: An Unbelievable Proposal!

This document outlines a comprehensive protocol for Wildlife Control Operators (WCOs) to safely and ethically clean up raccoon latrines within structures. Raccoon latrines can pose a significant health risk to humans due to the potential presence of Baylisascaris procyonis, or raccoon roundworm. While there are guidelines for outdoor latrine removal, there is a lack of industry standards for indoor cleanup services. This protocol aims to ensure the safety of clients and WCOs and prevent unethical business practices. Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: #wildlifecontrol #raccoon #trapping Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACEWildlife Control Consultant, LLCBlog: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided hereor elsewhere.Be sure to read and follow the label directions for any product you use.
3/25/202335 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why I’m Refusing to Do THIS to Get Rid of House Crickets…

Great to know you are taking a thoughtful and responsible stance towards pest control, taking into consideration the well-being of both people and the environment. It's essential to understand that chemical treatments might not always be the optimal solution, and alternative approaches can be equally effective. In this scenario, it would be prudent to examine the reason for the pest infestation in the vacant field opposite the street, rather than merely addressing the problem in the specific townhouse. Collaborating with the HOA and neighboring properties could also result in successful pest management within a society. It's motivating to witness pest control professionals taking a more comprehensive and eco-friendly approach to their job. This approach not only safeguards humans and the environment but can also provide long-lasting and efficient pest control solutions. #pestcontrol #pestmanagement #integratedpestmanagement Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/24/20234 minutes, 36 seconds
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Solving Plant Problems: Here’s the Secret to Submitting Samples To UF/IFAS!

[powerpress} A key facility of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is the UF/IFAS TREC Plant Diagnostic Clinic is (UF/IFAS) located at the Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) in Homestead, Florida. The clinic's mission is to provide diagnostic services and support to commercial growers, landscapers, nursery operators, extension agents, and homeowners in the identification and management of plant health issues. Address:Tropical Research and Education Center18905 S.W. 280 StreetHomestead, FL 33031Phone: (305) 246-7000 The UF/IFAS TREC Plant Diagnostic Clinic offers a range of diagnostic services, including: Disease diagnosis: The clinic is equipped to identify various plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. The staff uses advanced diagnostic techniques, including microscopy, serological tests, and molecular methods to accurately identify the causal agents of disease. Insect identification: The clinic provides assistance in identifying and managing insect pests, offering recommendations for integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to reduce their impact on plant health. Nutrient deficiency diagnosis: The clinic can help determine nutrient deficiencies or imbalances by analyzing plant tissue samples and soil samples. Based on the results, the clinic provides recommendations on appropriate fertilization and soil management practices to improve plant health. Nematode assay: The clinic offers nematode extraction and identification services to help growers manage nematode problems in their fields or nurseries. Educational outreach: The clinic provides educational resources, workshops, and training programs to help growers, landscapers, and homeowners better understand and manage plant health issues. When submitting samples to the UF/IFAS TREC Plant Diagnostic Clinic, follow these guidelines: Complete a submission form with relevant information about the sample, including the grower's contact information, plant species, symptoms, and any other pertinent details. Collect and package the samples following the clinic's guidelines to ensure accurate diagnosis. Label the samples clearly, including the date, location, plant species, and a brief description of the observed symptoms. Choose an appropriate shipping method, such as overnight or express shipping, to ensure the samples arrive at the clinic in good condition. Contact the clinic to notify them of the incoming samples and confirm any associated fees for diagnostic services. For more information on the UF/IFAS TREC Plant Diagnostic Clinic, including their hours of operation, fees, and additional resources, visit their website or call the clinic directly at (305) 246-7000. #plants #pestcontrol #horticulture Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/22/20231 minute, 48 seconds
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Cody Barbour is Revolutionizing Pest Control and Wild with His B2B Referral Platform – Don’t Miss Out!

Baton represents a state-of-the-art B2B referral platform that caters to pest control and home services firms. Its cutting-edge features transform the way these businesses interact and exchange customer referrals. The company's ultimate goal is to simplify and optimize the referral process, allowing businesses to convert low-quality leads into lucrative revenue streams and brand development prospects. #leadsales #leads #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided hereor elsewhere.Be sure to read and follow the label directions for any product you use.
3/19/202339 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Animal Euthanasia Practices Does the AVMA Allow?

The AVMA has established guidelines for the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in euthanizing wildlife animals. Below are some of the recommended best practices for CO2 euthanasia, as outlined by the AVMA: Trained personnel should administer CO2 euthanasia. Proper training should include instruction on equipment usage, administration methods, and successful euthanasia indicators. The euthanasia should be carried out in a quiet and stress-free environment with minimal distractions. This can help reduce the animal's anxiety and improve the overall process. Equipment used for CO2 euthanasia should be well-maintained and regularly checked for leaks and proper functioning. Prior to euthanasia, animals should be properly restrained, calm, and given appropriate sedation if necessary. CO2 should be delivered in a gradual and controlled manner to minimize the animal's distress. The flow rate and concentration of CO2 should be appropriate for the animal's size and the equipment used. Personnel should monitor the animal throughout the euthanasia process to ensure that it is unconscious and experiencing minimal distress. Signs of successful euthanasia include a lack of movement, slowed or stopped breathing, and dilated pupils. After euthanasia, the animal's body should be disposed of in a respectful and appropriate manner according to local laws and regulations. It should be noted that these guidelines are not exhaustive and may vary depending on the specific circumstances and type of wildlife animal being euthanized. Consultation with a wildlife veterinarian or animal welfare professional is always recommended for guidance on best practices for CO2 euthanasia of wildlife animals. #pestmanagement #wildlifecontrol #wildlife Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided hereor elsewhere.Be sure to read and follow the label directions for any product you use.
3/11/202333 minutes, 11 seconds
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Is Your Marketing & Ads Strategy Worth the Time? Find Out Now!

The duration required to assess the success of advertising, marketing, and strategic sales strategies can vary significantly depending on factors such as the product, target audience, industry, and competition. Typically, advertising and marketing campaigns take time to establish and produce measurable outcomes. Therefore, it's vital to have practical expectations and give the plan sufficient time to generate meaningful data before deciding whether to continue or alter the approach. It is generally recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising or marketing campaign between three to six months. This duration allows sufficient time for the campaign to gain traction and collect adequate data for informed decision-making. However, it's crucial to continuously monitor and analyze the results throughout the campaign and make adjustments as necessary. In the case of strategic sales, the time required to determine success can vary depending on the industry and product or service being offered. Some sales cycles may be brief, while others may take several months or even years to complete. It's essential to set clear goals and expectations for each sales opportunity and frequently assess progress to decide whether to continue or adjust the strategy. Overall, the timeframe to allow for a strategy to work before considering abandoning it should be based on realistic expectations, industry standards, and ongoing evaluation of results. #advertising #marketing #grit Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/11/202341 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Does a VKORC1 Gene Mutation Impact Rats? Uncovering Their Resistance to Rodenticides.

Dr. Niam Quinn and Dr. Toni Piaggio are leading groundbreaking research on genetic mutations in rats that provide resistance to second-generation rodenticides at the National Wildlife Research Center. The study focuses on the VKORC1 gene, which produces the VKOR enzyme responsible for blood clotting and targeted by various anticoagulant rodenticides. The researchers aim to identify mutations in the VKORC1 gene to enhance understanding of how rats can withstand these toxic substances. This study has significant implications for rodent control and wildlife management. #rats #rodentcontrol #wildlifecontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
3/8/202326 minutes, 52 seconds
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Uncover the Secrets of Wildlife Trapping & Rodenticide Research with Niam Quinn!

The 'Living The Wildlife' podcast, hosted by wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel, has an ongoing interview series featuring guest Niamh Quin Ph.D., and this is the third part of the series. Niamh Quinn Ph.D.Photo of Niamh Quinn Ph.D.Human-Wildlife Interactions AdvisorSouth Coast Research and Extension Center7601 Irvine Blvd.Irvine, CA 92618949 301-9182 [email protected] Create VCardhttp://ceorange.ucanr.eduAlso in:San Diego CountyLos Angeles CountyIntegrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide ProgramSouth Coast Research & Extension Center Quinn, N; Kenmuir, Sylvia; Krueger, Laura (2019). A California without rodenticides: challenges for commensal rodent management in the future. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 13:2. Burke, C. B.; Quinn, N. M., et al. (2021). Use of rodenticide bait stations by commensal rodents at the urban–wildland interface: Insights for management to reduce nontarget exposure. Pest Management Science. 77:7, 3126-3134. Baldwin, R.A.; Becchetti, T.A., et al. (2021). Potential impact of diphacinone application strategies on secondary exposure risk in a common rodent pest: implications for management of California ground squirrels. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28:33, 45891-45902. Baldwin, R.A., Meinerz, R., Becchetti, T.A. and Quinn, N., 2020. Does Diphacinone Application Strategy Affect Secondary Exposure Risk Associated with Management of California Ground Squirrels?. In Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference (Vol. 29, No. 29). Burke, C.B., Quinn, N.M. and Stapp, P., 2020. Use of Rodenticide Bait Stations by Commensal Rodents in Southern California. In Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference (Vol. 29, No. 29). #rodentcontrol #pestmanagement #integratedpestmanagement Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
3/1/202333 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Wildlife Operators Control Rodents WITHOUT Poison | Niam Quinn Reveals Secrets Pt. 2

Discover alternative approaches to rodent control that do not involve the use of rodenticides by tuning into an informative video led by Niam Quinn, a wildlife scientist and specialist in human-wildlife interactions. In this video, Niam will provide insights into safe and effective pest management strategies that include the use of rodent bait stations, traps, and exclusion methods. By learning these methods, you will be able to control rodent populations without resorting to harmful rodenticides. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from one of the experts in the field at the West Coast Rodent Academy. Keywords: Niam Quinn, West Coast Rodent Academy, Pest Management, Rodent Control, Pest Control, Rodent Bait, Rodenticides, How to Use Rodent Bait Stations, DIY Pest Control, Mice. #rodentcontrol #rodents #wildlifecontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
2/24/202336 minutes, 36 seconds
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What’s Causing a German Roach Invasion in THIS Apartment Building?

Do you have a severe infestation of German roaches in your apartment complex? This video will give you a startling tour of a building plagued by a massive German roach problem and reveal the areas where these insects are emerging from the walls. Furthermore, we will showcase effective techniques for managing a German roach infestation, such as using professional pest control services, roach baits and gels, and other non-chemical approaches. By adopting the appropriate measures, it is possible to successfully handle a sizable German roach infestation in an apartment complex. Take a moment to view this video and learn how to recognize and handle a German roach infestation in your apartment complex while safeguarding the welfare and well-being of your residents. roachcontrol #pestcontrol #roaches
2/24/20233 minutes, 38 seconds
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Master German Roach Control: Place Bait in the Perfect Spot

This video demonstrates one of the most efficient ways to eliminate pests, which is the use of roach bait. To effectively bait for German roaches, it is necessary to place the bait in areas where the roaches are commonly found, such as behind appliances, in cabinets and drawers, and near garbage cans or other food sources. Aside from roach bait placement, this video also covers other effective methods for controlling German roaches, such as non-chemical controls like vacuuming and sealing cracks and crevices. Moreover, the video offers tips on how to prevent future infestations through good sanitation practices and regular pest control inspections. Whether dealing with a minor infestation or a more severe problem, this video provides viewers with the necessary information and tools to control German roaches in their homes. Therefore, it is recommended to watch the video to learn how to properly bait for German roaches. #pestmanagement #roaches #roachcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
2/22/20233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Hear Tom Miche’s Secrets to Dominating the Pest Control Market!

This video features an interview with Tom Miche, a renowned expert in the pest control industry, where he shares his insights on effective marketing strategies for pest control businesses. Various marketing channels such as PPC, PPL, D2D, SEO, and other forms of online advertising are discussed. Whether you are seeking pest control marketing ideas or interested in expanding your pest control business, this video is a valuable resource. Tom shares his experience and expertise on how to use digital marketing and Google Ads to improve online visibility and generate more leads. Tom, a seasoned pest control marketer, offers practical advice on creating an effective marketing mix to distinguish your business from competitors and attract more customers. Whether you operate a small pest control business or a large enterprise, this video provides actionable insights that can be implemented right away. To enhance your pest control advertising and drive growth for your business, take advantage of this opportunity to learn from one of the industry's best experts by tuning in to this video.
2/17/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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Breaking Down Large Patch Disease on St Augustine: Find Out *Why*!

[pestgeek] St. Augustine grass is a well-known turfgrass variety used in warm-season areas, but it is susceptible to Large Patch Disease, a prevalent fungal disease also known as Rhizoctonia solani. This disease causes brown patches in lawns, which can be unsightly and frustrating for homeowners. The fungus that causes Large Patch Disease thrives in cool and damp conditions, making it most common during fall and winter when humidity levels are high. Poor drainage or overwatering can create the moist conditions necessary for the fungus to grow. Soil compaction and nutrient deficiencies, particularly low levels of potassium, can also contribute to the disease's onset. To avoid Large Patch Disease, proper lawn care practices are crucial. This includes proper watering, fertilization, and mowing techniques. Regular soil testing can also help identify nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that can be corrected through proper fertilization. If the disease is already present, fungicides can be used to treat the affected areas, but it is essential to follow label instructions carefully to avoid damaging the grass. Severe cases may require re-sodding the affected areas to restore the lawn's health and appearance. In summary, Large Patch Disease is a common fungal disease that can be prevented through proper lawn care practices. However, if the disease is already present, it can be treated with fungicides while taking precautions to avoid damaging the grass. #lawncare #lawncarebusiness #lawn
2/15/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Unravelling Rat Control: Pro Secrets from Ph.D. Advisor Niam Quinn

[wordpress] Niamh Quinn is the Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor for the University of California Cooperative Extension and is based at the South Coast Research and Extension Center in Irvine. Her role is to foster communication and information sharing among university academics, CE advisors, and community members. Niamh focuses on coordinating CE programs addressing human-wildlife conflicts, especially in residential and industrial areas of Southern California, with a concentration in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties. Issues related to human-wildlife conflicts, such as the negative effects of wild animals on agriculture, food safety, public health, forestry, and natural resources, are increasingly critical. Niamh has previously studied human-wildlife conflicts in California nut crops and Southeast Asian lowland rice ecosystems. She holds a BS in zoology and a PhD in small mammal ecology, both from the National University of Ireland, Galway. Why do traps work better than rodenticides? A rat trap in a bait station is more effective than a bait in a bait station. Niamh's articles include: "Assessing Individual and Population-Level Effects of Anticoagulant Rodenticides on Wildlife""A California without Rodenticides: Challenges for Commensal Rodent Management in the Future""Managing Roof Rats and Deer Mice in Nut and Fruit Orchards"Tracking tunnels are also utilized, which are designed to identify species and even individual mammals by the size of their feet. Niamh can be reached at [email protected].
2/11/202339 minutes, 27 seconds
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Reviewing And Assessing The Book “The 6 Types of Working Genius” For Pest Control Business Owners.

The 6 Types of Working Genius" by Patrick Lencioni delves into the essence of genius in the realm of leadership and team building. Through thorough research and practical examples, Lencioni categorizes and explains 6 distinct forms of working geniuses, each possessing its own exclusive strengths and weaknesses. This book is a must-have for anyone seeking to enhance their leadership abilities and promote organizational wellness. Lencioni's 6 geniuses furnish a robust framework for comprehending the abilities and limitations of different leaders and team players. This information is critical for anyone in a leadership or managerial role, seeking to assemble a productive, high-performing team. The book identifies the following 6 types of working geniuses: the strategist, the thinker, the harmonizer, the adventurer, the executor, and the visionary. Each type is explored in depth, including its strengths and weaknesses, and how it impacts the success of a team. In "The 6 Types of Working Genius," Lencioni also introduces the idea of "the table group," which emphasizes that all team members should have equal status at the table, regardless of their title or position. This concept is crucial in establishing a positive organizational culture, and is at the heart of Lencioni's leadership development approach. The book not only identifies the 6 types of working geniuses but also includes a strength assessment tool to assist readers in determining their dominant genius type. This self-awareness is vital for personal growth and leadership development, enabling readers to comprehend their own strengths and limitations, as well as those of their team. For those striving to enhance their leadership skills and construct stronger teams, "The 6 Types of Working Genius" is an indispensable resource. With its insightful analysis and practical advice, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in leadership growth and organizational health development. In conclusion, if you're eager to elevate your leadership abilities and become a better leader and team builder, then "The 6 Types of Working Genius" by Patrick Lencioni, also known as Pat Lencioni, is the book for you.
2/9/20231 hour, 40 minutes
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Is Your Trash Bin the Key to Dismantling a German Roach Infestation?

German roaches in apartment buildings can quickly spread and become a nuisance. One often overlooked source of infestations is trash bins and cans. This video will show you how to handle German roach problems in these areas by identifying their hiding places and best pest control methods. First, we'll go over proper inspection techniques and where to find roaches in trash containers. You'll learn how to detect roaches so you can tackle the infestation at its source. Next, we'll discuss using natural and organic pest control options, such as roach gel bait, and show you the most effective ways to use them. Other roach bait options like cockroach bait and roach gel bait will also be discussed. Regular pest control is key to preventing future infestations, and this video will cover that too. Whether you're dealing with an infestation or just want to prevent one, watch now for all the information and tools you need to handle German roaches in your apartment building.
2/8/20232 minutes, 24 seconds
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Living The Wildlife’s Stephen Vantassel Interviews Christian Alan of Tailor Made Pest Control – Part 2

Join Stephen Vantassel as he continues his interview with Christian Alan of Tailor Made Pest Control, Louisville, KY. #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
2/4/202341 minutes, 17 seconds
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German Roach Control: How Often Should You Follow Up?

Follow-up frequency is critical in controlling German roach infestations. Quicker follow-ups allow for faster identification of new infestations and elimination. Guidelines for follow-up service frequency: Initial follow-up: Inspect the effectiveness of the treatment within a few days of the initial service. Regular follow-up: Inspect the infestation at regular intervals, usually every 2-4 weeks, based on its severity. Long-term follow-up: Once the infestation is under control, continue to inspect at least every 3-6 months to prevent re-emergence. Note that the frequency of follow-up services may vary based on the severity of the infestation and the risk of reinfestation. By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively manage and maintain control over the pests.
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Dealing With Unreasonable Expectations In The Age Of Entitlement And The Customer Experience

Handling unrealistic expectations from entitled customers can be a challenge for businesses as it can affect the customer experience negatively and result in dissatisfaction. To manage entitled consumers and their expectations, follow these steps: Clearly communicate company policies, procedures, and standards.Train employees to handle difficult customers with active listening, conflict resolution, and empathy skills.Offer personalized customer service to meet individual customer needs.Anticipate and address customer needs proactively.Show empathy and listen to the customer's concerns.Address complaints quickly and resolve them to customer satisfaction.Entitled consumers are a reality in modern business, and companies must be equipped to handle them effectively. By implementing these steps, businesses can enhance the customer experience, manage expectations, and achieve customer satisfaction.
2/2/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 54 seconds
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PPE Safety Guidelines for Fertilizer Use & Inhalation Hazards

PPE is necessary while handling fertilizers due to the risk of inhaling hazardous chemicals and dust particles which may cause respiratory issues. Some fertilizers may also contain harmful substances that can lead to skin irritation or other health problems upon contact. Wearing PPE like gloves, goggles, masks, and protective clothing can reduce these risks by creating a barrier between the user and the fertilizer. It's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and always wear the required PPE. If you have any doubts, consult a professional or the manufacturer for guidance. Proper use of PPE ensures safe and effective use of fertilizers, reducing the chance of harm to you and others. There's a 3.33% higher incidence of inhalation hazard on YouTube compared to other sources. #ppe #fertilizer #hazard Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
1/31/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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Living The Wildlife’s Stephen Vantassel Interviews Christian Alan, Owner of Tailor Made Pest Control

Interview with Christian Alan, owner of Tailor Made Pest Control in Louisville, KY, conducted by Stephen Vantassel, discussing his first year in business. Stephen Vantassel Interviews Christian Alan of Tailor Made Pest Control in Louisville, KY after his first year in business #pestcontrol #pestmanagement #startup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research
1/27/202331 minutes, 20 seconds
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Travis Bottoms of Polit Pest: How Social Media influencers can help grow your pest control business.

Collaborating with social media influencers can be a highly effective strategy for pest control companies to expand their audience and improve their brand image. As suggested by Travis Bottoms of Polit Pest in Mesa, AZ, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube can be utilized to connect with influencers in the home improvement or pest control industry. These influencers can generate sponsored posts or videos that feature your business, which can attract new customers and fuel business growth. Additionally, Facebook groups can serve as an invaluable tool for connecting with potential customers and fostering relationships with them. To be an efficient social media marketer, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the different platforms and how to use them effectively. A social media manager is a professional who assists businesses in managing their social media presence and creating successful marketing campaigns. When working with social media influencers, consider researching influencers in your industry, building relationships with them, creating sponsored content that aligns with your business, leveraging the influencer's following to your advantage, and measuring the success of your campaigns. Overall, working with social media influencers can be a powerful way to grow your pest control business, increase brand awareness, and reach a larger audience. However, it's important to research influencers in your industry, build relationships with them, and create sponsored content that aligns with your business. Additionally, it's crucial to measure the success of your campaigns. #socialmediamarketing #socialmediainfluencers #socialmediastrategies Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
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Don’t Be Fooled: Good Lawn Care Doesn’t Fix Bad Landscape Design

When it comes to maintaining a beautiful and functional landscape, simply focusing on lawn care is not enough. A well-designed and properly maintained landscape takes careful planning and execution from the start. It's important to remember that landscapes play a significant role in shaping our communities and should be created with the needs and wants of the community in mind. Poorly designed and maintained landscapes can have negative impacts on the environment, community, and even the health of those living nearby. If you're considering starting a career in the landscape industry, it's crucial to understand the importance of proper landscape design and maintenance. And for those seeking professional landscape maintenance services, make sure to thoroughly research the design and maintenance options available to you. #lawncare #lawncarebusiness #landscaping Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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How to Handle Dead Animals with Rabies & Carcass Decomposition

In this video, Stephen Vantassel will be discussing the dangers associated with handling dead animals and carcass decomposition. Rabies can be a serious health risk and carcass decomposition can cause environmental pollution. Always treat the carcass of animals as if they were infected even if decomposed. Wear the appropriate PPE and take all precautions. Stephen covers each of these topics in detail and providing tips for how to avoid these dangers. If you're working with or around dead animals, be sure to watch this video to learn about the dangers and how to protect yourself. By doing so, you'll help to keep yourself and your loved ones safe! #rabies #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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German Roach IPM Apartment Building Project: How to Treat a Trash Bin with Cockroach Gel Bait

If you're a pest management professional performing an extermination service in an apartment building with German cockroaches, then this video is for you! In this video, we'll show you how to treat trash bins with cockroach gel bait. This is an effective way to get rid of German cockroaches, and it's safe to use around food and children. We'll show you how to use cockroach gel bait to get rid of the infestation through an IPM Process. This method is the safest to use around food and children, roach gel is an effective way to get rid of cockroaches. So don't wait any longer, watch this video and get rid of German cockroaches. #pestmanagement #roaches #roachcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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40 Employees: How Pete Angel LaQuaglia Built a Natural Pest Control Business from Scratch

[powerpress} What does it take to start and grow a natural pest control business from 1 to 40? Today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast welcomes Pete Angel LaQuaglia. In this video, Entrepreneur Pete Angel LaQuaglia shares how he grew a natural pest control business to 40 employees! Pete shares his business model, how he ran the pest control business effectively, and tips for anyone looking to start a pest control business. If you're looking to grow your pest control business, be sure to watch this video! Pete shares valuable information about the business, including the steps he took to grow the business and reach its current level. #startup #pestcontrol #growth Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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16 Employees in 5 years – How Maria Sorrentino of Pest Pros of Michigan grew her pest control business

If you're looking to start or grow your pest control business, be sure to watch this video with Maria Sorrentino Of Pest Pros Of Michigan! Maria's story will inspire you to reach for your goals and aim high. In this video, the Pestgeek Podcast welcomes Maria Sorrentino of Pest Pros of Michigan. Servicing the Greater Kalamazoo Area, this locally owned and operated pest and termite company prides itself on serving its great community and customers with the best solutions for stopping any unwanted pest. Maria has played a vital role in building this pest control business from the ground up and she shares with us some of the tips and techniques of trying every pest control marketing available that she has used to achieve success. From office manager to 16 employees in five years, Maria's story is proof that it's possible to achieve anything if you work hard and focus on your goals. In this video, we're gaining insight into Maria's first steps in the pest control industry. business growth strategies, advertising strategies, and more. #businessgrowth #marketingstrategy #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales
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Interview: Stephen Vantassel, Wildlife Control Consultant, Talks to Colorado State University Entomologist Melissa Schreiner

Melissa Schreiner is an entomologist with the Colorado State University. She has expertise in the study of Triatomine bugs. This interview is a must-watch if you have questions about these pests or if you're simply interested in learning more about them! On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel is joined by Melissa to discuss the Triatomine bug (also widely known as Kissing Bugs) and Chagas Disease. Triatomine bugs are cone-nosed bugs, and blood suckers which can live indoors, in cracks and holes of substandard housing, or in a variety of outdoor settings that include: Beneath porchesBetween rocky structuresUnder cementIn rock, wood, brush piles, or beneath barkIn rodent nests or animal burrowsIn outdoor dog houses or kennelsIn chicken coops or houses Triatomine bugs are a type of reduviid bug that can carry Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease and are typically found in the southern United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America (as far south as southern Argentina) #entomologystudy #entomology #chagas #rodentcontrol #rodentremoval #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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Are You Struggling to Rank in Google? See How Brutally This Honest Website SEO Analysis By Pete Angel LaQuaglia Can Help You

If you're not ranking well in Google, then it's time to fix your website SEO. Are you feeling like you're failing on your small business SEO? If so, then you're not alone. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez welcomes SEO specialist Pete Angel LaQuaglia. Join us as Pete Angel LaQuaglia shares his brutally honest analysis of our Naturepest website's SEO performance, and what we can do to improve it. If you're struggling to rank in search engine results pages such as google, then this video is for you. Pete Angel LaQuaglia will show you how to analyze your website's SEO performance and identify the areas where you need to make modifications. From there, he'll help you put into action a plan of action to improve your SEO ranking. So if you're feeling like your SEO is falling short, give this video a watch. #seo #businessgrowth #websiteranking #targetaudience #smallbusiness #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel Explains Changes To EPA’s Anticoagulant Rodenticides Part 2

This video is important for anyone who uses or is affected by these rodenticide policy updates, as it will help you to better understand the changes and their impact. Stephen will also answer any questions that you may have about these changes. Do not miss this second part to this video which addresses new changes to the EPA’s anticoagulant rodenticide policies. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel continues his discussion on new changes to the Environmental Protection Agency’s anticoagulant rodenticides policies concerning licensing and labeling of pesticides with the goal of reducing the number of human exposures and non target exposures. The challenge with anticoagulant rodenticides is that there are secondary poisoning issues. These changes will impact the way wildlife control professionals administer these pesticides, and Vantassel provides an overview of the changes and how they will affect the profession. Anticoagulant rodenticides are a crucial tool in the arsenal of wildlife control professionals. This video is a valuable resource for professionals who need to know more about these products and the changes that are happening to them. #pesticide #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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New EPA Anticoagulant Rodenticide Regulations: Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel Explains What You Need to Know

If you work with Anticoagulant Rodenticides, this is an important video that you won't want to miss! In this video, Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the recent changes to the EPA’s anticoagulant rodenticides. These changes may have a significant impact on the way that wildlife control professionals carry out their work. If you're interested in wildlife control or pest control, then be sure to watch this video! Stephen provides an in-depth analysis of the changes, and highlights the implications for wildlife control professionals. #pesticide #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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How To Create A Healthy Company Culture and Business Growth With Pete Schopen of Schopen Pest Solutions

If you're looking to create a healthy company culture and grow your business, then you'll want to watch this video! On today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez welcomes Pete Schopen of Schopen Pest Solutions. CEO Pete Schopen's passion is helping people and providing genuinely excellent pest management programs. In addition to being a published author for Pest Management Professional magazine, he is also a founding member of the Greater Chicago Pest Management Alliance, a former board member of the Wisconsin Pest Control Association, and a former regional Vice President for the Illinois Pest Control Association. On today's episode Franklin and Pete discuss creating a healthy company culture and as well as what it takes to grow a company and deal with the stress of managing a company in constant growth. #entrepreneurship #businessgrowth #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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New Pesticide Restrictions Prevent lawn near bodies of water from looking its Best

[wordpress] Do not skip this video as we'll be discussing how state and federal pesticide restrictions prevent beautiful lawns and gardens near bodies of water. Pesticide laws and safety are important issues that need to be discussed, especially when it comes to lawns and gardens near bodies of water. We have serviced this lakefront property for well over a decade but we have never been able to fix some issues with this beautiful lawn lined with over 30 palm trees. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast with integrated pest control management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez explains how lakefront properties place two important restrictions on pest control services. Ten to fifteen feet from the water, it is illegal to treat this lawn with fertilizer and the problems are clearly visible: weeds. Florida and federal laws do not allow insecticides nor fungicides to be sprayed within ten to 15 feet from a body of water. Another issue is the fact that the lawn is being 'scalped' (mowed at 1 inch length). The optimum length should be at least three inches.It should be noted, however, that chemicals do not make the grass green. What makes grass green is proper cultural care. 5 things that every lawn needs to grow successfully: -right plant in the right place (correct growing environment)-right amount of irrigation-right mowing frequency-right mowing height-sharp blade #pesticides #lawncare #lawntips #lawn2022 #pesticide #fungicides #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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The NWRC 2021 External Stakeholder Report: What Is It And Why Does It Matter? Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel Explains.

By defining the term 'stakeholder' and the role of the NWRC, today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast addresses the role of the NWRC in the wildlife control field. The National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) is the research division of the USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services program. Scientists and support staff are dedicated to finding solutions to challenging wildlife damage management problems related to agriculture, natural resources, property, and human health and safety.Some of the topics studied by researchers at the National Wildlife Research Center involve human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife damage, nuisance and pest animals, wildlife disease, invasive species, overabundant wildlife, and overall ecosystem health. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant and host Stephen Vantassel' discusses the NWRC 2021 External Stakeholder Report which primarily focuses on determining the best way to allocate resources to address many of the concerns mentioned above. #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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How To Grow From 2 To 22 Employees With The Eickman Bros Of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services

From 2 employees to a thriving 22 employee business? How is it done and do you have what it takes? On today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast with host and integrated pest control management specialist Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez welcomes The Eickman brothers of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services. Operating since 2005, Abra Kadabra Environmental Services is a family-owned business, serving Minneapolis metro residents and business owners with exceptional pest control services. Matt Eickman and his team provide the absolute best, giving their clients peace of mind when it comes to pest control and personal safety. Abra Kadabra is a member of the National Pest Management Association. Technicians are certified by the National Wildlife Control Operator’s Association and licensed by the Minnesota Pest Management Association. Having taken this business over from his father in law, Mike discusses how he was able to take Abra Kadabra to the next level and what it takes to grow. The reality of growth, the 'sell at any cost' mentality, the 'tech' mentality vs. the 'entrepreneurial mindset' as well creating a healthy culture at work. #entrepreneurship #businessgrowth #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Lance Griggs Of Spectrum-3d Presents The Spectrum X1 Rodent Bait Station On The Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel.

This patented Three-in-One Rodent Bait Station allows for extreme customization for all unique accounts. You do not want to skip this video! On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel is joined by Lance Griggs founder and owner of Spectrum -3d to present the innovative Spectrum X1 rodent bait station which comes in gray, white and brown. It can be used in "Monitor" mode to discretely catch rodents, spiders and insects on its custom glue insert that comes with each station. It can also be used in "Bait" mode to put in one's bait block of choice. In addition, it can be color matched to the environment it is being placed in. #rodentcontrol #rodentremoval #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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The Challenges Of The Hiring Process With Alicia Turner of Turner Recruiting & Consulting.

The hiring process can be one of the most daunting challenges a small business owner has to face. In some cases, the best option is to hire a professional recruiter. So when is it the right time to do so? Find out on today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, as host and integrated pest control specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez is joined by Alicia Turner of Turner Recruiting & Consulting to discuss the realities and challenges of the hiring process in 2022. Alicia is a well- seasoned recruiter that has been in the recruiting business since 2010. Having originally started on the National Recruiting Team for an authorized retailer for Verizon wireless, she was able to assist over eight markets from the beginning of the hiring process to setting up final interviews. To Alicia, the hiring process is not just the company needing someone to fit their needs of the position, it’s also about finding what is a good fit for the candidate and their families. #hiringtalent #recruiting #businesstips #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel Explains Wildlife Image Copyrights, Use Rights And Watermarks On This Edition Of The ‘Living The Wildlife’ Podcast.

With a shortage of quality wildlife photography available, understanding wildlife image copyright, licensing is key in the wildlife control field. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the importance of wildlife image copyrights, licensing and watermarking. After a brief overview discussing the difference between selling and licensing, he discusses the lack of good wildlife images available in the wildlife control field. #wildlifephotography #watermark #images #rodentcontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACEWildlife Control Consultant, LLCBlog: 406-272-5323 Mtn TimeHelping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and researchWildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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From Throwing In The Towel After A Year To Rediscovering His Inspiration: Benjamin Williams of Pest Ref Services On The Pestgeek Podcast With Franklin ‘The Pestgeek’ Hernandez

Anyone who thinks running a pest control business is easy needs to watch this video. On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez interviews Benjamin Williams of Pest Ref Services. Pest Ref Services is described as a family-owned and operated pest control company, dedicated to focusing on serving residential and commercial properties by providing customers with safe and effective pest control methods. Today's program addresses the difference between the technical mind vs. the business mind; making the transition from technician to business owner, throwing in the towel to rediscovering the inspiration to carry on as well as the entrepreneurial mindset. #businessinspiration #businesslife #businessmentoring #businesscoach #cancersurvivor #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Is A One Time Roach Control Service Enough To Control A German Roach Infestation? Here Are The Facts!

How do we understand and determine the effectiveness of a German roach control service? On today's episode of Pestgeek Podcast, host and Integrated Pest Management Professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez shows how glue boards are placed under the refrigerator and stove to monitor the reduction of a German roach population. This one in particular was placed on a Friday and inspected on a Monday. Live nymphs are clearly visible. After 3 months of service, this board contains about 3 times less than on previous visits. Many customers insist on a one time service. This is not possible however and Franklin explains why through a brief overview of German roach biology. On this board, we see about 35 nymphs. Why is this important to take into account. The ratio of nymphs to adults is about 80/20. On this occasion, we see egg casing. The reality is we need about 3 visits to attain a dramatic decrease of the infestation. Franklin explains why. Watch the video! #roachcontrol #roaches #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel Discusses Beaver Water Management Devices: Culvert Protection

Due to the extirpation of beavers from many of their home ranges, it is paramount that wildlife control specialists take this into consideration when dealing with culvert protection. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the importance of beaver water management devices, specifically culvert protection which prevent beavers from damming in culverts. Stephen also addresses flow devices installed in beaver dams. #culverts #beavers #rodentcontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACEWildlife Control Consultant, LLCBlog: 406-272-5323 Mtn TimeHelping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and researchWildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
11/19/202239 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why Knowing Your Market & Understanding The Long Game Is Key To Your Pest Control Startup! Part 3 of ‘Surviving Stage 4 Cancer To Startup With J. Macaluso III’

if you are considering starting your own pest control startup, understanding your market is essential. Not only is this essential but it goes hand in hand with long term goals: the long game plan is key to success. On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez interviews stage four cancer survivor John Macaluso III who is an industry veteran who is at the initial stages of founding his own pest control startup. After successfully having undergone treatment for stage 4 cancer, John realized he wanted more for his family and children. As a subscriber to the Pestgeek Podcast, John's past in the pest control industry and health issues have been pivotal in leading him to go solo and seek Franklin's business expertise in the pest control industry. On this third segment, they continue sharing their thoughts on the challenges of owning and running a small business, burnout, chronic fatigue, the entrepreneurial mindset, among other things in this insightful interview. Watch the video. #businessmentoring #businesscoach #cancersurvivor #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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This Restaurant Is Plagued By Roaches Coming In From The Sewer And Here’s How To Fix That!

The last place you need a roach infestation is at a restaurant! On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez discovers a nesting site that is enabling roaches to come out of a drain and into a restaurant. This is a severe cockroach sewer infestation. There are literally hundreds of roaches in the drainage and this will need to be covered permanently. This cannot be treated and there is not too much that can be done to stop it from coming in from the sewer. In short, we'll need to cover it permanently. #cockroaches #restaurantmanagement #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/17/202234 seconds
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‘Understanding Slip And Fall Hazards And Other Problems Related To Isolated Birds’ With Living The Wildlife Host And Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel.

What can a wildlife control professional do when bird activity becomes a cause of dread for clients or when bird activity such as feces can become a slip and fall hazard? On today's the edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen M. Vantassel discusses isolated birds. In addition to this, Stephen gives his thoughts on the the issue of protects species of birds vs. unprotected species of bird. #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #birdcontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
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Beating Stage Four Cancer To Launching A Pest Control Startup: The John Macaluso III Interview (Part Two): Finding Your Niche

Considering starting your own pest control management service? You do not want to skip this video! On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez continues his interview with stage four cancer survivor John Macaluso III who is an industry veteran who is at the initial stages of founding his own pest control startup. Having undergone treatment for stage 4 cancer, John realized he wanted more for his family and children. As a subscriber to the Pestgeek Podcast, John's past in the pest control industry and health issues have been pivotal in leading him to go solo and seek Franklin's business expertise in the pest control industry. On this second segment, they discuss the need to find one's niche. Franklin draws an interesting parallel between The Ringling Brothers Circus and the The Cirque du soleil as it relates to Premium Organic Pest Control. Watch this video!#nichemarketing #businessmentoring #businesscoach #cancersurvivor #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
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Inspecting An Attic Of South Florida Home For A Difficult Ant Infestation

Ants getting into the bathroom through the extractor vent? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management expert Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez inspects a south Florida home for white footed ants over bathroom vents and finds evidence such as the smell of dampness in the attic crawlspace.As Frank is unaware of what kind of treatment has been applied by other pest management companies dealing with this issue at this home, he is wearing a respirator to protect himself. Safety first! As he finds evidence of moisture, this issue provides a good possibility of difficult ('white-footed ants') which are known to be attracted to moisture. In addition to this, a careful inspection of the bathroom extractor may signal an entry point of ants climbing up to roof because of the trees and using the bathroom extractor to get into the bathroom. A lot of dead ants in the insulation. Dead ants over the toilet also seem to suggest this possibility. Diagnosing difficult ant problems is a challenge. Entry points are currently being treated but we are still trying to find out how they are getting in. What's next? The typical Delta dust pyrethroid pesticide used by most pest control companies is not the answer here. At this juncture Diatomaceous Earth (powder made from diatomaceous earth and selected baits that causes insects to dehydrate and die within 48 hours after contact) or Silica Gel (a desiccant known to whisk away moisture to create a protective environment of dry air) is the best option to deal with this as we work to find a solution to this difficult ant problem. #antconrol #ants #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Linkedin Business Page:
11/9/20227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Using Google Earth In Your Service Areas With Stephen Vantassel Wildlife Control Consultant.

Committing fuel and time to service areas without knowing the specifics on certain properties can be counterproductive and costly. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses how Google Earth can be used to get a a bird's eye view of your service area or perhaps answer a client's questions about a service that you provide by checking out the service area before driving out there. With the web version of Google Earth, you don't even have to install anything. Watch this video to learn how Google Earth can improve your services. #removalservice #googleearth #wildlifecontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACEWildlife Control Consultant, LLCBlog: 406-272-5323 Mtn TimeHelping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and researchWildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
11/4/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others! On Today’s Edition Of ‘My Journey in the Journey’ With Christian Allen

For many pest control business owners, it is easy to despair when comparing one's progress to other small businesses. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, pest control professional Christian Allan owner/operator of Tailor Made Pest Control brings us some motivation by sharing his thoughts on comparing yourself to others. In fact, Christian reminds us that everyone is on their own journey and how important it is to be ok with one's definition or expectations of success. Tailor Made Pest Control is a small, local, minority owned pest control business located in Louisville, KY proudly serving Southern Indiana, Louisville, and the surrounding areas. #motivation #success #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales AllanOwner/[email protected] Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/4/20226 minutes, 18 seconds
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This Is Why You Suddenly Have Rats In A Brand New Townhouse In Homestead Florida

Possibly the most aggravating thing to experience in a brand new townhouse is a rat infestation. How on earth does this happen?! On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management expert Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez explains how a beautiful brand new townhome can already be plagued by rats. This brand new construction can already have rats, ants, large roaches, spiders and silver fish. For starters, air conditioning is going to be installed and the conduits 99 out of 100 are going to be left open enabling rats to climb up the tube right up the wall in between two floors and get inside the home. There are plenty of rats, rodents -usually roof rats- all over this property because there is no rodent control being done. In addition to this, there are a lot of these openings that aren't sealed properly- especially with the spigots. A rat needs only a half an inch opening the size of one's thumb to get through. With new construction that isn't sealed one can see now other problems, for instance: the attics aren't sealed. If a rat goes up this unit it's going to go across the attic and come into another unit. Often sounding like cats doing laps on the roof, one needs to understand that when moving in, a new construction needs to get sealed with an excluder product (exclusion service) that the rodents can't eat through. In fact, if one puts foam only, they can eat through foam. Do not skip this video! #rats #ratcontrol #exclusion #rodentcontrol #ants #roaches #silverfish #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Linkedin Business Page:
11/2/20221 minute, 52 seconds
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Matthew Rivera of The Inspection Boys Franchise Explains Home Inspections On This Edition Of The Pestgeek Podcast

It is very likely, if you are a pest control professional, that you will often cross paths with a home inspector. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez interviews Matthew Rivera CEO of The Inspection Boys Franchise to discuss home inspections, termites, liabilities and how the pest control industry can work better with the home inspection industry to offer customers better results as well as generate more revenue. The Inspection Boys prides itself as an experienced and affordable home inspection company that has protected both home buyers and sellers. Lead inspector, Matthew Rivera, is a New York-licensed residential and light commercial inspector with eighteen years of construction-related experienced. In addition to this, Matthew teaches and runs a home inspection school on Long Island Matthew is also a CERTIFIED HOME INSPECTOR, and Full Member in Good Standing, with InterNACHI (International Association of Certified Home Inspectors). Recognized and respected by millions of real estate professionals, InterNACHI is the world’s largest home inspection association. Do not skip this video! #HomeInspectionTipsforBuyers #homeinspectiontips #homesinspection #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/28/202256 minutes, 40 seconds
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Find Out Why Your Pest Control Roach Bait Failed: German Cockroach Inspection In Palmetto Bay Property

You placed your roach bait as usual but the problem is only getting worse. What is the issue? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez gives us a quick breakdown of the areas that are most often overlooked when performing a German roach inspection. On this episode, we come across a German roach evidence in cracks and crevices along kitchen cabinets as well as gaps along the floor and even in cabinet door hinges. Following holistic pest control management protocol -regardless of the severity of the infestation- is essential. Today's video shows us why. #roachcontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #exterminating #termite #ants #rats #pestfree #mice #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #pestfree #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/26/20224 minutes, 33 seconds
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Casey Lewis Of Rhino Digital Media Inc. On Today’s Episode Of The ‘Living The Wildlife Podcast’ With Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel.

If you are a small business owner who needs to get a better grasp of the marketing side of your business, you do not want to miss this one. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel interviews Casey Lewis of Rhino Digital Media Incorporated Rhino Digital Media, Inc. is a talented inbound marketing firm that prides itself on serving small to medium sized organizations. Their content marketing strategy and comprehensive list of products and services are designed to increase online visibility, generate leads, sales and customer loyalty. #smallbusinessmarketing #inboundmarketing #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #exterminating #exterminator #termite #ants #rats #mice #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolnearme #holisticpestcontrol #naturalpestcontrol #mosquitocontrol #pestmanagement #antconrol #roachcontrol #roaches #cockroaches #ants #antcontrol #mosquito #mosquitoes #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolconsulting #pestcontrolsales Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACEWildlife Control Consultant, LLCBlog: 406-272-5323 Mtn TimeHelping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and researchWildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
10/22/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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Beating Stage Four Cancer To Launching A Pest Control Startup: The John Macaluso III Interview (Part One)

This is an episode that you do not want to miss. On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez interviews stage four cancer survivor John Macaluso III who is an industry veteran who is at the initial stages of founding his own pest control startup. After successfully having undergone treatment for stage 4 cancer, John realized he wanted more for his family and children. As a subscriber to the Pestgeek Podcast, John's past in the pest control industry and health issues have been pivotal in leading him to go solo and seek Franklin's business expertise in the pest control industry. On this first segment, they discuss the challenges of owning and running a small business, burnout, chronic fatigue, the entrepreneurial mindset, among other things in this insightful interview. Watch the video. #businessmentoring #businesscoach #cancersurvivor #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
10/21/202239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Fields Development & Supply On Today’s Edition Of The Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel.

"Unique Products""Solid Workmanship""Fair Prices" Fields Development & Supply is today's topic. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast', host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel Reviews Fields Development & Supply.Located in Groveport, Ohio, FD&S is a family owned and run business that takes pride in providing unique products for nuisance wildlife control and veterinary management. As stated on their site, FD&S specializes in providing : "Unique Products""Solid Workmanship""Fair Prices" [email protected] Watch this video! #smallbusinessowner #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACEWildlife Control Consultant, LLCBlog: 406-272-5323 Mtn TimeHelping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and researchWildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
10/15/202225 minutes, 36 seconds
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Welcoming The Latest Addition To The Pestgeek Podcast Family: Christian Allan Of Tailor Made Pest Control In Louisville, Kentucky.

Today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast is special as we are happy to welcome Christian Allan owner/operator of Tailor Made Pest Control to the family. Tailor Made Pest Control is a small, local, minority owned pest control business located in Louisville, KY proudly serving Southern Indiana, Louisville, and the surrounding areas. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Christian tells us how he got his start in the industry and the goals he has set for his pest control business. Join us! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife AllanOwner/[email protected] Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/14/202214 minutes, 53 seconds
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What You Need To Know About Porcupine Winter Movement Behavior With Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

Porcupines are known as large rodents with coats of sharp spines, or quills, that protect them against predation. It is also known that the term covers two families of animals: the Old World porcupines of family Hystricidae, and the New World porcupines of family Erethizontidae. On today's episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us a brief overview of porcupine damage. Having explored the biology of this animal in past episodes, Stephen explores the winter movement behavior in this episode as well as the reason control is essential in these cool winter months. Tree damage is the primary problem, herbaceous foods are not green anymore at this time which results in food stress for these animals as they seek to find alternatives to feed on. Porcupine tend to strip off the outer bark of trees to reveal the cambium layer containing nutrients. Tree wounds therefore expose the tree to larger elements of infection or pest predation. This impacts lumber industry as well as forestry. #porcupines #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #urbanwildlife #rodentcontrol Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos:  Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife  & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
10/8/202229 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Does The New Townhome I Just Purchased In Homestead Fl Have Roaches?

On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management expert Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez explains how a beautiful brand new townhome can already be plagued by bugs. This brand new construction can already have ants, large roaches, spiders and silver fish. So how does this happen? First of all, it has been exposed to the weather for at least 12 months. More importantly, every product brought into this construction comes from warehouses where the chain of custody is unknown. In other words, we do not know if and how pests are being controlled at those warehouses. Material has been brought in from a lumber yard where there are insects. In fact, even in the completed construction, there are boxes and boxes that may be already infested with bugs. To make matters worse, there is food and water left behind. We can also see land with untreated soil that may have ant fauna such as big headed ants, crazy ants, white footed ants, and carpenter ants. Townhomes are a problem because you one part of a whole structure. #ants #roaches #silverfish #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
10/7/20223 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Streamlight Protac 1L 1AA Carry Light Product Review By Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel.

This super bright dual fuel tactical flashlight is the perfect everyday carry light. It accepts a single lithium or alkaline battery, providing ultimate flexibility in the field to ensure professionals always have a beam when needed. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel reviews the PROTAC® 1L-1AA EVERYDAY CARRY FLASHLIGHT. #productdemo #wildlifecontrol #urbanwildlife #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #pestcontrolmarketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
10/1/202228 minutes, 36 seconds
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Book Review By Stephen Vantassel: ‘Key Questions in Urban Pest Management’ (Partho Dhang)

Host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel reviews ‘Key Questions in Urban Pest Management’ By Partho Dhang on today's edition of the Living The Wildlife podcast. This publication offers knowledge and training in this field vital for professional and trainee pest managers. It is specifically intended to provide an aid to such candidates. The book contains 500 multiple-choice questions (and answers) grouped into the following major topic areas: · The history of urban entomology· Household pests· Cockroaches· Flies· Mosquitoes· Bed bugs· Termites· Sporadic pests· Stored product pests· Vertebrate pests· Pesticides and pesticide formulations· Handling pesticides· Integrated Pest Control #wildlifecontrol #urbanwildlife #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #pestcontrolmarketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
9/23/202228 minutes, 3 seconds
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Discussing Home Inspections, WDI Inspections and Pest Inspections With Eric Snider of Unity Property & Pest

After briefly discussing Eric's background and pathway to home inspection and pest control he moves onto discuss what exactly constitutes a home inspection. If you are considering a career in home inspection or regularly deal with home inspectors, this interview is for you. On today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast with integrated pest control specialist Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) interviews Eric Snider of Unity Property And Pest located in Akron, Ohio. Eric launched Unity Property and Pest in 2020 to combine, WDI inspections, home inspections (light commercial & residential), radon testing, sewer scope inspections, mold sampling and pest control. Contact Info Unity Property & Pest: (330) 957-2178Email: [email protected]:// #homeinspection #homeinspector #termitecontrol #moldinspection #pestcontrolservice #pestcontroltraining #rodentcontrol #exclusion Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/23/202256 minutes, 43 seconds
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These Ixoras Are Beyond Our Scope And Here’s Why We Can’t Fix Them

This landscape has been under our care for about 15 years. Much of the Ixoras look wonderful, however, there is another section where the problems are clearly visible. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, we explain why some things are beyond our scope, we simply cannot solve the problem. On numerous occasions we are able to restore Ixora plants on a landscape using our unique blend of Bio-based eco-friendly products. However, in some cases, no matter what methods we try, the results are less than satisfactory. We have tried iron fertilizer, excess iron, more nitrogen. Can it be a soil problem or contractor's disease? We find stress and irrigation problems. We avoid Noenicitinoid sprays on shrubs to protect the environment. Still the same issues. #gardencare #plantcare #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #pestfree Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/21/20222 minutes, 58 seconds
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An Overview Of Biological Issues Regarding Porcupines With Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

Before getting into the specificity of porcupine control in upcoming episodes, Stephen will address several biological issues as they relate to porcupine. On today's episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us a brief overview of porcupine biology. Porcupines are known as large rodents with coats of sharp spines, or quills, that protect them against predation. It is also known that the term covers two families of animals: the Old World porcupines of family Hystricidae, and the New World porcupines of family Erethizontidae. #porcupines #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #urbanwildlife #rodentcontrol Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
9/17/202233 minutes, 39 seconds
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How Deciding To Do Your Best By Being Diligent Can Open Doors.

On today's edition of the Pestgeek podcast, host and integrated pest control expert Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez discusses the importance of diligence even when no one seems to acknowledge your effort. The takeaway is how diligence can play a key role in helping you become the best and how this will open doors and help you achieve your goals. Need some motivation or inspiration? Watch the video! “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.” ― Eric Thomas, The Secret to Success Survey: 63% of 20-Somethings Want to Start a Business The Best Age to Start a Business — Spoiler: It’s Not Your 20s I’m Too Old To Start UpA 60-year-old startup founder was 3 times more likely to launch a successful startup as a 30-year-old startup founder. The Average Age of a Successful Startup Founder Is 45 The research also looked at 2.7 million business start-ups between 2007 and 2014 and found the average age of people who founded a business and went on to hire at least one employee was 42. The average age of an employed Pest Control Technician is between 39 and 41 years old. If your job provides a steady paycheck, and you are comfortable.If you get more work or overtime, you won’t invest in yourself. The Reluctant EntrepreneurThe Situational EntrepreneurThe Happenstance Entrepreneur Americans filed paperwork to start 4.3 million businesses last year, according to data from the Census Bureau, a 24 percent increase from the year before and by far the most in the decade and a half that the government has kept track. From: Are you willing Fail?Fear of FailureFear of Criticism About 90% of startups fail.82% of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow.57.1% of home-based businesses brought in less than $25,000 in revenue.44% of home-based business owners $5,000 or less to start their businesses.The average income for a small business owner is around $68,000 a year. to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2020 was $984 per week or $51,168 per year. Pest Control Technicians are paid an average annual salary of $34,801. 20% Fail after first year34% of startups close within their first two years.50% of businesses make it to their fifth year.25% of businesses make it to the 15-year mark. More than 69% of U.S. entrepreneurs started their business at home.79.7% of U.S. small businesses employ only the founder.
9/16/20222 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why Homeowners Living Near Florida Turnpikes Have Serious Problems With Mosquitoes And Why We May Not Be Able To Help Them.

Driving along a Florida turnpike during rainy season reveals miles of stagnant water. This is not good news for homeowners living nearby. On today's episode of the Pestgeek podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez discusses the challenges of mosquito control on properties of homeowners living along Florida turnpikes and expressways during the rainy season. What we find is miles and miles of stagnant water which becomes a breeding site for millions of mosquitoes. No matter what pest control company tries, it will not be able to control the breeding ground because it is literally miles of stagnant water near the expressway. #mosquito #mosquitocontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/14/202246 seconds
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Feral Pig Baiting With Stephen Vantassel & Guest Lee Williamson (Wildlife Biologist At Texas Parks & Wildlife).

Having discussed the challenges of feral pig baiting within the last few weeks, on today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel welcomes guest wildlife biologist Lee Williamson (Texas Parks & Wildlife) who has extensive experience with the reduction of feral pig populations through mammal pesticides developed over the years. In fact, he has authored several publications focusing on movement, habitat utilization and forage habits of large ungulate such as elk and mule deer in Northern California. In addition to this, he has taken part in a joint research project by the USDA and Texas Parks & Wildlife to uncover differences in feral pig feeding habits with the goal of finding better ways of designing and deploying poisons to target pigs and not other wildlife. This edition finds them discussing feral pig baiting. #feralhogs #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #foraging #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
9/10/202246 minutes, 9 seconds
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This Is How I Have Managed To Become One Of The Highest Paying Pest Control Companies In Miami

If you are a pest control technician that wants to become a pest control operator or a solopreneur, this video is for you! On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management expert Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez gives us an update on changes he's made on a personal level as well as upgrades to the business. At this point, Naturepest is the highest paying pest control company in Miami. Franklin gives us an overview of the strategies put in place to achieve this milestone as the owner of Naturepest. Among other topics covered in this episode, Franklin discusses his motive for starting a business, financial freedom. #smallbusinessowner #pestcontrolcompany #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
9/8/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Your Rental Property Customers Need To Understand About Their Roach Problems And Their Landlord.

One of the most effective ways to deal with a roach infestation is to perform exclusion services on a property. If your customers rent, however, it is possible you will never be able to solve the problem for them. Why? On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and Integrated Pest Control Expert Franklin Hernandez explains why in some cases tenants may never be rid of American cockroaches because exclusion is the only way to deal with an infestation. The cost of exclusion, however, lands on the landlord who in most cases is unwilling to foot the bill. #cockroach #exclusion #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #pestfree #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/7/20228 minutes, 55 seconds
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Host And Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel Welcomes Dr. Michael Wierda For A Brief Discussion On The Importance Of Wearing Respirators

Join us for today's discussion on the importance of wearing respirators. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel welcomes Dr. Michael Wierda for a brief discussion on the importance of wearing respirators. Dr. Michael Wierda is an Assistant Professor in Extension with Utah State University and the Pesticide Safety Education (PSE) Program Director. Closely working with groups and agents across Utah, his main focus is to enhance trainings and integrate PSE into IPM trainings and IPM into PSE trainings. In his current position since July 30th, 2018, Dr. Wierda has dedicated countless hours to the development of online training modules and manuals. Dr. Wierda’s primary goal in PSE is for people to understand personal, family, community, and environmental health concerns related to pesticides and how implementing IPM principles can reduce this risk.Watch this video! #integratedpestmanagement #pesticides #utahstate #ipm #wildliferemoval #wildlifecontrol Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
9/2/202252 minutes, 48 seconds
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When Other Pest Control Companies Fail, It’s Your Chance To Own ‘The Problem’ By Asking ‘Why’!

When it's clear that other companies have failed, you have an opportunity! Asking why is key to becoming the pest solution customers need. 'Owning' the problem other pest control companies refuse to deal with is today's topic on this edition of the Pestgeek Podcast as host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez discusses the importance of 'owning' problems that other pest control companies refuse to deal with. When customers call, it is essential to understand why you are being called. For example, evaluating construction to understand why other companies fail is an opportunity to 'own' that problem: to become the pest solution . This is part of a 3 hour startup business consultation. #businessowner #businesscoach #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM
9/2/202254 seconds
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Roaches Getting In Through A Crawl Space And Into Your Client’s Home? This Is How We Solve That With Exclusion!

On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and Integrated Pest Management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' demonstrates how crawlspaces are easy access for roaches to make their way into a home. This kind of problem calls for exclusion. For this we were able to create custom-made aluminum vinyl coated crawlspace vent that will not discolor not corrode and will last at least 10 years. Rodents, rats, mice, racoons and American roaches will be kept out. #exclusion #roaches #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #rats #pestfree #like #mice #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/1/20221 minute, 14 seconds
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Reviewing Albert Taylor’s ‘Fundamentals Of Mantracking’

If you are a wildlife control professional, you need to watch this video. On today's edition of Living The Wildlife, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel reviews the Fundamentals Of Mantracking. Stephen discusses his passion for inspection, particularly wildlife damage inspection, identifying signs of animals that will ensure we do proper control over the right species. In fact, Stephen has authored a book addressing this: The Wildlife Damage Inspection Handbook. If you are in the wildlife control business, you are already aware that it takes an incredible amount of energy to get that last bit of technical information. This kind of material is important because in order to expand your knowledge base in a fundamental way, you need to reach out of your experience to learn from someone else. Sometimes you have to reach outside of your discipline to see how other people gather information. Classroom, videos, podcasts and books are a good way to see information packaged in a different way. In the area of mantracking, Stephen reviews the book Fundamentals Of Mantracking by author and border patrol employee Albert 'AB' Taylor. #mantracker #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/26/202228 minutes, 28 seconds
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What You Need To Know About Feral Hog Targeting, Baiting & Trapping.

Feral pigs should be a concern for many wildlife control specialists as this species is invasive and in some cases crossing borders into areas previously foreign to them. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses feral pigs and the concerns that this invasive species represent in terms of diseases they can potentially carry into the northern tier of the U.S.. In fact, not only is the concern in regards to the host of diseases they carry but the devastation they cause to the environment namely flora and fauna, plant life and wildlife. Erosion issues are also a concern as they are known to tear up soil which causes damage to cropland. Better bait alternatives than corn are also explored. It Is worth noting that trapping is one of the primary means of managing this invasive species with the aim of capturing the entire sounder (herd of feral hogs) rather than actually dispersing them by shooting. If you are a wildlife control pro, do not skip this video! #wildlifecontrol #feralhogs #wildliferemoval #trapping #integratedpestmanagement #urbanwildlife Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/19/202234 minutes, 14 seconds
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If You Can’t Charge Premium Prices In Your Area, You Need To Sell Exterior-Only IPM Services; Here’s Why!

Originally a 3 hour integrated pest control management business consultation, on today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' discusses the need to understand your market and strategize based on your target area, the type of house construction and average income levels of those areas. It makes sense to prioritize selling exterior only service if you cannot charge premium prices. Here is why! #burnout #burnoutprevention #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/18/202239 seconds
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Watch This Video Before You Attempt Replacing The Hose On Your Ryobi Backpack Sprayer. It Is A Nightmare &This Is Why!

Although Ryobi backpack sprayers work well, the hose tends to damage easily and needs to be replaced often. If you attempt to do this yourself, you need to watch this video first because it can be a challenge. On today's edition of the Pestgeek podcast, host and integrated pest management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez discusses the problem of replacing the hose on a Ryobi Backpack Sprayer. This sprayer is only 4 months old and its hose already needed to be repaired previously and is already showing additional cracks along the tubing. As the hose cracked near the adapter this time, to remove this hose, one needs to buy a couple of special screwdriver sets. In fact, one screw is almost impossible to get to with a regular screwdriver. The hose itself is an 8 millimeter gauge which is difficult to find online. If you get a Ryobi backpack, it works well but replacing the hose is a major task. #ryobi #backpacksprayer #diyrepair #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #rats #pestfree #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/17/20222 minutes, 15 seconds
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Stephen Vantassel Discusses The Humaneness Of Traditional Methods Of Wildlife Control On This Edition Of The Living The Wildlife Podcast.

The quality of compassion or consideration for animals is a concern that is increasingly important in today's world. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel, we explore the issue of the humaneness of wildlife control methods as we witness growing concern around the country about these issues. In Fact, more people are raising questions as to what the best way to manage wildlife control conflicts is. Wildlife control operators need to have a rationale for the choices made when managing wildlife. The notion of using the same old methods of the past without reflection to see if there are better options is outdated mode of thinking. As our society moves towards a more animal welfare/rights view of animals, older traditional methods of wildlife control are being put into question. #wildlifecontrol #humanenvironment #wildliferemoval #integratedpestmanagement Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/12/202227 minutes, 23 seconds
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Tech Burnout & How Pest Control Management Companies Need To Address This Problem

Though rewarding on many levels, this job presents professionals with many challenges that involve grueling shifts in extremely hot weather often with little time to recover or hydrate. On today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' discusses the reality of tech burnout in the field of pest control management. Burnout is very real in the pest management field. Pest control companies need to establish policies that ensure that their techs are given time to recover and take measures to prevent burnout. For example, truck idling policies that provide a pest control tech 15 minutes to cool off in 90 degree weather go a long way to prevent burnout. Cramps and lack of electrolytes are common and over time can lead to burnout. Pest companies need to implement policies that can help prevent this. #burnout #burnoutprevention #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/10/20221 minute, 7 seconds
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Fertilizing Landscape Palms In South Florida Can Be Nearly Impossible For Integrated Pest Control Techs: Here’s Why!

A poorly thought out landscape design can create major issues for IPM tech's to maintain. Find out why. On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, we have another example of an impossible landscape. Three Royal palms and one Bismarck palm on an elevated uneven surface with rocks in between as well as tight ends that make mowing with a lawnmower impossible; a landscaper cannot mow this correctly. To maintain this, only a line trimmer or weed eater can be used with very limited success. To compound the problem, this lawn is almost entirely in the shade all day. The solution is to resod every few years. It is possible to kill the weeds that grow but it is not possible to make the grass grow in this environment. This is the reality of certain South Florida landscape designs that are poorly thought out. Plants are living organisms that need to be given what they require or they will not thrive. Having your own trouble with impossible landscapes? Contact Integrated Pest Control Specialist Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez @786.222.7069 #garden #palmtrees #fertilizer #lawncare #plantcare #gardencare #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/10/20222 minutes, 3 seconds
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Beaver Trapping With The Bailey Beaver Trap: A Product Review By Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

Today's video finds wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel (Host of Living The Wildlife) giving us an overview of the The Bailey Beaver Trap. Do not skip this video if you are involved with beaver control as a wildlife control or removal specialist. A personal favorite of Stephen's he is quick to clarify that he does not suggest that this is not the 'end all be all' of beaver trapping. In fact, his use of this particular trap is the result of the state of Massachusetts's ban of so-called 'cruel' traps. This in effect forced Stephen as a wildlife control operator to transition to the use of caged traps. What are the pros and cons of the Bailey Beaver Trap, watch this video and find out! #wildliferemoval #beavertrapping #wildlifecontrol #pestcontrolservice #urbanwildlife Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/5/202229 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Discipline to Self Manage Is Essential As An Integrated Pest Management Business Owner

If you are an IPM technician considering starting your own IPM business, this is something to think about. With a great number of pest control professionals coming from a diverse background that ranges from teachers to I.T. professionals, wrestlers and so on, it is clear that there is no particular background needed to become a pest management control professional. However, one the discipline to self manage is an essential quality if you are looking to succeed in the IPM field.On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' discusses how self management plays a decisive role in the success of an IPM professional and how this factors into the life an integrated pest control management business owner. Do not skip this video if you are considering starting your own IPM business. #ipmcareer #pestcontroltechnician #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolcareer #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #fogging #rats #pestfree #pestcontrolmiam #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/4/20221 minute, 15 seconds
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If A Green Island Ficus With Ligustrum Is Dropping Its Leaves And Turning Yellow It Is Because Of A Lack Of Water

Although initially thought to be water damage on this ficus tree, the evidence points in another direction. On today's episode of the Pestgeek podcast, we are inspecting a Green Island Ficus on a Miami property with exposure to sun all day long. Having tested this irrigation system we find a stressed green island ficus. When a ficus tree is losing leaves and turning yellow, it is due to a lack of water. In fact, having experienced a month long draught with temperatures of 80s and 90s, the irrigation system was still adjusted to winter. Consequently, we find evidence of draught stress. Although there has been a tropical storm and some rain in the past month, this does not make a major difference as plants do not recover in just 30 days. Once a plant gets stressed, it will continue to get stressed. In addition to this, this zone is adjacent to a zone that is in full shade which presents another problem for an optimum irrigation system. #ficusplant #greenisland #lawncare #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #fogging #pestfree #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/2/20224 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is There Value In Belonging To An Association Or Club As A Wildlife Control Professional?

[wordpress] For many reasons, a considerable number of professionals in the wildlife control industry choose to remain independent of any industry associations. More often than not, they simply fail to see any value in joining an industry association. However, it is undeniable that more often than not, our voices are more effective collectively than as a single individual. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the pros and cons of belonging to an association vs. a club. To start, Stephen clarifies his thoughts on the need for wildlife control professionals to be united as an industry to make their voices heard, to lobby government more effectively. In fact, Stephen delves into the quality of the associations you belong to. Not all associations are healthy. However, there is value in joining associations. Find out why. #wildlifecontrol #urbanwildlife #association #wildliferemoval Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/30/202222 minutes, 58 seconds
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Figuring Out How To Incorporate Exclusion Services In Your IPM Startup Business Using The 80/20 Rule

Making the transition from pest control tech to pest control business owner is never an easy step. Along the way, however, there are several things you can do to ensure you have the best chances of doing this successfully by learning from others. According to the Bureau of Labor, there are only approximately 83,000 pest technicians in the country. Not only does this make it clear that there is plenty of room to get into integrated pest control but the earning potential is very high. There are a few things anyone thinking about getting into the holistic pest control business needs to consider well in advance as they embark on the journey towards building and running a successful pest control management business. On today's edition, holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' discusses the importance of incorporating exclusion services in one's IPM Startup Business using the 80/20 Rule. #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #insects #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #pestfree #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/28/20221 minute, 20 seconds
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Why Integrated Pest Control Professionals Need To Do Irrigation System Inspections On A Regular Basis!

The yard on on this Miami property is maintained on a monthly basis. However, less than 30 days from our last visit, we find clear signs of draught and other problems caused by misaligned irrigation nozzles that need to be readjusted. On today's edition of the Pestgeek podcast, host and integrated pest management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez explains why you need to perform regular irrigation system inspections. Chinch bugs and grub are not the problem here; it is a problem with the irrigation system failing to cover certain areas. We also find a large Oak tree with roots reaching far into the landscape and competing for water. Watch this video! #irrigationsystem #irrigation #lawncare #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/26/20222 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why You Need To Understand Rodenticide Risk In The Wildlife Control Field With Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

Even if you do not use rodenticide as a wildlife control professional, this topic is relevant to you. One of the most difficult topics of discussion with a client: How do you explain to a client the threat that the use of rodenticides or the use of traps pose? The truth is, as wildlife control professionals all of our methods involve some level of risk. How do you explain risk to people who are not familiar with the complexities of risk. Research seems to suggest that we psychologically tend to 'amplify' risks for things that we do not understand or things that are out of our control. Do not skip this video. #rodentcontrol #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/23/202226 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is Running An Integrated Pest Management Business For You? It Can Be A Lonely But Rewarding Job Here Are The Pros & Cons

Running a business is hard enough. Running an IPM business is often a lonely endeavor. The question is: are you the right fit for this task? On today's Pestgeek Podcast, holistic pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez consultation with former high school math teacher Fred Estopier as he embarks on his own journey to running his own Integrated Pest Control Business. Fred Estopier's amusing story about how a missing tailgate on his Dodge Tacoma led him to stumble upon the world of pest control. This is part of a 3 hour consultation that covers what you need to know if you want to startup a pest control business. In this episode, Frank discusses the lonely nature of working as an IPM business owner. The fact is that if you are not used to self managing, the freedom that comes from working independently can actually become a stumbling block. Watch this video! #ipm #smallbusinessowner #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #ipmcareer Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/21/20221 minute, 10 seconds
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Some Landscapes Are Impossible & Integrated Pest Management Cannot Do Much To Solve Their Problems

As integrated pest ;management professionals, we pride ourselves on doing our work efficiently and effectively. However, sometimes, no matter how we try, there just is not way to fix this. On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management specialist Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez reveals why certain landscapes are beyond the effective control an integrated pest management professional thereby rendering all attempts to maintain a beautiful lawn a task with very limited success. Over the course of ten years, we have struggled to maintain this lawn with limited success. Why? This patio for instance contains a massive oak tree that casts a shadow over considerable area of this beautiful law, blocking essential sunlight. In addition to this, this oak tree has enormous roots which are competing for resources. We find old ficus trees competing for resources as well. The areas of the lawn that benefit from the direct sunlight are beautiful and healthy as expected while the shaded areas remain in stark contrast to the healthy areas. We also find a deck with no access to irrigation beyond it which results in weeds and possibly chinch bugs during draught seasons. This patio is near a lake where product is restricted from use by law within 10 feet of a body of water. We also find additional shade from Palm trees that restrict growth there. #lawncare #oaktrees #ficusplant #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
7/20/20222 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why Should Wildlife Control Associations Lobby Their Government? Because If They Don’t Others Will And This May Impact Your Business Dramatically

Find out why making your voice heard on many topics that impact your business is vital. You may not think lobbying your government for your interests as a wildlife control professional matters to you or your business but it actually should. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the importance of learning to lobby the government in favor of the interests of the wildlife control industry. One of the resources covered is the division known as APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) which is a subgroup under the United Stated Department Of Agriculture (USDA). These agencies have subgroups that are tasked with different activities. As part of its initiative to fully represent your interests in its strategic plan, APHIS has extended its comment period to allow wildlife control professionals to share their thoughts and recommendations to guide the agencies work over the course of the next 5 years. Watch this video! #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #pestcontroltraining #pestcontro #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/15/202230 minutes, 8 seconds
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When You Are Hiring, The Right Pest Control Tech Needs To Have Soft Skills & To Relate To People More Than Having Good Tech Skills

Of all the steps needed to launch your Integrated Pest Control business, there are 3 items most business owners struggle with. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and Integrated Pest Management Specialist Frank 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez discusses the importance of three things when you are starting your own integrated pest control management business: -How to get customers -How to market -How to hire the right people Of these three: learning how to hire is the greatest challenge as a business owner. The technician turned owner believes the technical is the most important part. However, if your tech has no people skills you're biggest problem is getting customers. What matters most in hiring is locating candidates with soft skills and the ability to relate to others. This is actually more important than possessing good technical skills. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #pestmanagement #pestcontrollife #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessmentoring Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
7/14/202247 seconds
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Maintaining Impossible Landscapes: Choosing A Beautiful Lawn Or Beautiful Trees To Give Shade On A High End Property?

Impossible landscapes to maintain on today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast with integrated pest control management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez. This beautiful lawn on a lakefront property lined with over 30 palm trees has been serviced by us for close to 15 years yet we have never been able to fix some issues with it. Lakefront properties place two important restrictions on our services: ten to fifteen feet from the water, it is illegal to treat this lawn with fertilizer and the problems are clearly visible: weeds. Florida and federal law do not allow insecticides nor fungicides to be sprayed within ten to 15 feet from a body of water. Another issue is the fact that the lawn is being 'scalped' (mowed at 1 inch length). The optimum length should be at least three inches.It should be noted, however, that chemicals do not make the grass green. What makes grass green is proper cultural care. 5 things that every lawn needs to grow successfully: -right plant in the right place (correct growing environment)-right amount of irrigation-right mowing frequency-right mowing height-sharp blade #lawncare #lawntips #lawn2022 #pesticide #fungicides #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/12/20224 minutes, 27 seconds
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Understanding The Difference Between Alligator Euthanasia & Humane Alligator Dispatch As Presented By Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

There is an important distinction to be made by wildlife control professionals to help the public have a proper understanding of these procedures without perpetuating myths. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us a brief presentation on alligator euthanasia which consists of terminating an alligator while it is unconscious vs. humane dispatch which involves a rapid killing of the animal while it is still conscious. Watch this video! #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #alligator Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/8/202231 minutes
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If You Are A Pest Control Tech, This Is Why You May Be Better Off Starting An Integrated Pest Management Business.

Are you a pest control pro who struggles with growth potential in your field? On today's edition of the Pestgeek podcast, host and integrated pest control management professional Franklin Hernandez discusses the limited growth potential of an IPM technician versus an IPM business owner. In fact, the numbers show that there is plenty of room for all as the Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country. Are you a pest control technician? This video might be the nudge you need to start your own IPM business! Do not skip this video! #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolprofessionals #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolservice #pest#pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife
7/7/202237 seconds
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The Burrow Buddy Gopher Trapping Tool Review By Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

Having trouble with gophers? On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel reviews the Burrow Buddy gopher trapping tool. This tool is useful for catching pocket gophers, widely referred to simply as gophers (burrowing rodents of the family Geomyidae endemic to North and Central America. Gophers are commonly known for their extensive tunneling activities and their ability to wreak havoc on farms and gardens. Stephen came across the Burrow Buddy on champion gopher trapper Gerald Fesky's (inventor of Burrow Buddy trapping tool) YouTube channel. This tool is used in tandem with the DK-1 gopher and mole trap which is normally set in a fresh hole no more than several days old. Do not skip this video! #rodentcontrol #wildlifecontrol #rodent1a #gopher Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/2/202215 minutes, 20 seconds
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If Integrated Pest Control Management Is Such A Rewarding Career, Why Is It So Undervalued?

It may be a little known fact that most pest control professionals in the IPM industry come from diverse backgrounds. In fact, many IPM professionals come from different academic backgrounds and careers altogether. Having gotten his start in the IT field as a programmer, host and integrated pest control management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez would eventually transition to sales and finally find a rewarding career in holistic pest management. On this consultation with former teacher and IPM startup business owner Fred Estopier, we find out why such a rewarding career in pest control is undervalued. Thinking about getting into the holistic pest control business? There is plenty of room for all as the Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country. So what does it take? Click here for the whole consultation. #pestcontrolcareers #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/30/20221 minute, 12 seconds
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Stagnant Water Along Miami Turnpike Is the Ideal Breeding Ground For Millions Of Mosquitoes

You are well aware that standing water is the number one breeding spot for mosquitoes if you are an integrated pest management professional,. Mosquitoes breed by laying eggs in stagnant water. Mosquito larvae thrive in standing water, the larvae require only minimal amounts of water. In fact, something as small as a puddle of water on a discarded plastic bag can house them. On today's edition of the Pestgeek podcast, we discuss the a turnpike in Miami that is with several miles of stagnant water creating the ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed in astronomical numbers. If you are having major issues with mosquitoes in this Miami area, this is most likely the source of your problem. Watch the video! #mosquitoes #mosquitocontrol #getridofmosquitoesnaturally #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #integratedpestmanagement #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/28/202246 seconds
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A Brief Overview Of Wildlife Baiting Theory & Tactics By Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

If you are in the wildlife control business, you do not want to miss this video! Basic wildlife control baiting theory and tactics are the focus of today's episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast as host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us a brief overview of the wildlife baiting theory and tactics. To start, he takes through the proper definition of wildlife attractants (materials that entice animals to approach a location through sight, sound, taste or any combination) as well as bait (solid attractants eaten by wildlife) and lure (liquid or aerosol attractants smelled by wildlife). In addition to this, Stephen walks us through the proper way to setup a cage trap or foothold to make it attractive to an animal. Baited sets or sets with attractants need to entice animals and Stephen shows us how. Watch this video for more! #wildlifecontrol #wildliferemoval #urbanwildlife #rodentcontrol Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
6/24/202231 minutes, 3 seconds
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What You Need To Understand About Burnout If You Are An Integrated Pest Control Business Owner

Over the past year, a lot of things have changed at the Pest Geek Podcast. Since our last 'Blue Chair Chronicles', on all fronts, we have faced all kinds of challenges that have led us to reassess, refocus and address those changes with clarity and resilience. In today's video, we present another episode of the 'Blue Chair Chronicles' with integrated pest control management expert Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek'. Today's topic is burnout. Dealing with crippling losses and facing the challenges of running a successful IPM business has been the source of chronic stress for many business owners. Having to deal with these challenges means that you often have no support. This has certainly been the case for Franklin as he discusses cancer, separation, divorce and loss have all been a part of the road and the reality of burnout. So how do you deal with it? Watch this video! #PestControlOwner #pestcontrolbusiness #businesstalks #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/23/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 13 seconds
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Regardless of how much spraying, baiting, placing In2care traps or Inzecto traps we do, mosquito control will not be attainable if water is accumulating elsewhere on the property. On today's episode of the Pestgeek podcast, as we follow up on a mosquito control program for a client, we come across the unfortunate sight of stagnant water with mosquito larvae. #mosquitogoaway #getridofmosquitoesnaturally #getridofmosquito #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/21/20221 minute, 46 seconds
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Roof Rat Control Methods For The Wildlife Control Professional With Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

In our previous episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gave us a brief overview of Rattus Rattus biology. On today's edition Stephen gives us a brief overview of roof rat control methods for wildlife control professionals. This rodent is generally referred to as the black rat or the roof rat, ship rat, or house rat. It is a common long-tailed rodent of the stereotypical rat genus Rattus, in the subfamily Murinae which is likely originated in the Indian subcontinent, but now found worldwide. It is widely known as the roof rat due to its tendency to find shelter in the upper parts of buildings. Watch this video as a refresher as Stephen discusses these rodents and their habits, habitat and biology. Of particular note, Stephen discusses Scott E. Hygnstrom's 'Organizational Model Of Control Methods' which covers habitat modification, frightening devices, repellents, toxicants, shooting, trapping, exclusion and biological controls. Watch this video. #rodentcontrol #rats #wildlifecontrol #repellent #exclusion#pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here suburban wildlife control what is a roof rat roof rats Scott HygnstromDouglas R. Stephens Chair in WildlifeProfessor(715) 346-2301TNR [email protected]
6/17/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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Does A Career In Integrated Pest Control Management Await You In Your Future?

It may come as a surprise to many that the majority of pest control professionals come from all walks of life? In fact, many pest management professionals come from a diverse background that ranges from teachers to I.T. professionals, wrestlers and so on. On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, guest Fred Estopier discusses his serendipitous start in the IPM business. Interestingly enough, Fred is a math teacher who also holds a bachelor's degree in Biology. Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' got his start in the IT business later transitioning to sales and eventually to pest control. Clearly, there is no particular background needed to become a pest management control professional. So why is there a shortage of pest control pros? Find out! #ipmcareer #pestcontroltechnician #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolcareer #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #yellowfevermoquito #yellowfever Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
6/16/20222 minutes, 47 seconds
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Major Improvement To Ugly Miami Lawn Within 5 Days Of Irrigation System Adjustment

This lawn has always been healthy. Suddenly, it started showing severe signs of draught stress since we serviced it prior to our last visit . A significant number of draught patches were visible in several areas of this lawn. So our first step was to initiate a thorough inspection of the lawn irrigation system which found several problems with the automation programming. In short, several zones simply were not being irrigated at all. In addition to fully re-programming this irrigation system, we also decided to add some amino acids, nitrogen and micro nutrients to aid this lawn in its recovery. After 5 days, this lawn is on its way back to healthy and beautiful. Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek'786-222-7069 #lawnrestoration #fertilizer #lawnnutrients #irrigationsystem #lawnirrigation #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/14/20221 minute, 27 seconds
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This Is What You Need To Know About Roof Rat Biology In The Wildlife Control Field

Today's video is a refresher as wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the roof rat, its habits, habitat and biology on today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast. The Rattus rattus is commonly referred to as the black rat or the roof rat, ship rat, or house rat. It is a common long-tailed rodent of the stereotypical rat genus Rattus, in the subfamily Murinae which is likely originated in the Indian subcontinent, but now found worldwide. It is widely known as the roof rat due to its tendency to find shelter in the upper parts of buildings. #rodentcontrol #rats #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
6/11/202228 minutes, 7 seconds
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Find Out How A Missing Tailgate Led Me To Start A Holistic Pest Control Business

Does starting a holistic pest control business sound like something you would like to do? What does a tailgate have to do with pest control? On today's Pestgeek Podcast, holistic pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez hears Fred Estopier's amusing story about how a missing tailgate on his Dodge Tacoma led him to stumble upon the world of pest control. This is part of a 3 hour consultation that covers what you need to know if you want to startup a pest control business.From high school math teacher to Integrated Pest Control Business owner. Fred Estopier is on a journey to building and running a successful pest control management business. There is plenty of room for all as the Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country. So what does it take? Click here for the whole consultation. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/8/20221 minute, 34 seconds
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Why This Major Draught Problem With Lawn Is The Result Of Irrigation System Issues In Miami Property

We service the lawn every 2 months. The last time we were here, the lawn looked great. This time, it has severe draught problems, why? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and holistic pest control management specialist Franklin 'The Pestgeek' gives us a rundown on a major draught problem with a client's lawn that is most likely due to issues with the irrigation system at a property in Miami. Misaligned sprinkler heads, clogged nozzles, draught stress on lawn, all signs evident on a lawn that is serviced every 2 months. A complete irrigation inspection is needed. Upon close inspection, we see leaves are closing in half. We find runtime mis programming with certain zones not getting any water at all. Watch this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/8/20227 minutes, 49 seconds
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An Overview Of The Use of Chloroform In Wildlife Control & The Controversy Behind It with Stephen Vantassel of The Living The Wildlife Podcast

The use of chloroform in wildlife control can be a source of contention on both sides of the industry. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us an overview of the often controversial use of Chloroform in wildlife and pest control. Among the topics discussed, listen for methods and pitfalls, the definition of 'euthanasia' and 'humane dispatch' in wildlife control. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
6/3/202240 minutes, 16 seconds
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Watch This Testimonial From A Holistic Pest Control Business Consultation With Franklin Hernandez ‘The Pestgeek’

Before starting this consultation, guest Fred Estopier discusses how watching many of our videos and posts have helped to shape his views in terms of how to start a holistic pest control business. In today's video, this holistic pest management business consultation starts off with a personal testimonial of how a new mindset has been formed thanks to videos, posts and messaging by Franklin Hernandez, the Pestgeek. This is snippet from a 3 hours consultation that explores the planning, strategy, marketing and insight needed to successfully run an integrated pest management business. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/2/202254 seconds
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How To Use Aluminum Phosphide Properly & How To Use A Fumigation Management Plan.

Commonly known by pest control specialists for its use in fumigating and controlling insects in grain bins, Aluminum phosphide is used to a lesser degree with burrowing rodents on the landscape. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the proper use of Aluminum Phosphide and the need for a fumigation management plan. This includes prairie dogs, pocket gophers and ground squirrels. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
5/27/202245 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Does It Take To Run A Successful Holistic Pest Control Company? Watch This Consultation.

So what does it take to run a successful IPM business? Are you thinking about getting into the holistic pest control business? There is plenty of room to get into the holistic pest control business. In fact, the Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country.On today's edition, we present the full 3 hour consultation with holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek'. This is what you need to know about starting an IPM business.From high school math teacher to Integrated Pest Control Business owner. Fred Estopier is on a journey to building and running a successful pest control management business. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/25/20222 hours, 54 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Preview Of Our Custom Designed Mosquito Misting Prototype in Miami

Are mosquitos keeping you from enjoying family time in your backyard? You do not want to miss this one! On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control specialist Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' gives us a preview a custom designed proprietary mosquito misting prototype that is not only ecofriendly and safe for the family but available at an unheard of price thousands less than comparable misting systems in today's market. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/24/202212 minutes, 45 seconds
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This Is How We Deal With Skunks In Special Situations By Stephen Vantassel

Are you a wildlife control specialist and you need to deal with skunk removal? On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us a brief overview of how to deal with skunks in special situations. Promoted by a recent call from a client, Stephen discusses basic skunk biology and behavior and his advice for how to handle skunk removal from property. Do not skip this video. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
5/21/202239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Startup Consultation with Fred Estopier: What You Need To Know Before Starting An IPM Business Pt.3

Startup Consultation with Fred Estopier What You Need Before Starting Up A Pest Control Business Part 3. On today's edition, the final episode of this consultation, holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' continues his consultation with Fred in part 3 of starting an IPM business and what you need to know before you begin.From high school math teacher to Integrated Pest Control Business owner. Fred Estopier is on a journey to building and running a successful pest control management business. There is plenty of room for all as the The Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country. So what does it take? On this episode, Franklin covers three key points to keep in mind when starting up.How do we get customers?How de we market?and if we grow as a company, how do we hire successfully? #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/19/202258 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

What You Need To Understand About The Nitrogen Ban In Fertilizer & Its Impact On Pest Control In Miami

How are new bans on nitrogen in fertilizer going to affect pest control in Miami? On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and integrated pest control management professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' gives us an overview of the new ban on Nitrogen in fertilizers. These new fertilizer bans are coming to Miami Dade and these new laws that will affect homeowners, landscapers and Integrated Pest Control Management Professionals. Phosphorous is out all year long and Nitrogen will also be banned effective May 15th until October 31st. This means that the use of nitrogen will be prohibited on landscapes, palm trees, shrubs or lawns here in Miami-Dade county. This is due to Biscayne bay being polluted with algae bloom. This is how we need to comply with the new laws. Expect higher prices and license fees. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/17/20227 minutes, 3 seconds
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Understanding EPA Guidelines For Carcass Disposal As Wildlife Pest Control Professionals

If carcass disposal is part of your work as a wildlife control professional then you need to watch this video. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with Host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel takes us through an overview of how wildlife control professionals should manage carcass disposal according to EPA guidelines. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
5/14/202235 minutes, 32 seconds
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What You Need To Know Before Starting An IPM Business Pt.2: Startup Consultation with Fred Estopier

So What should you be aware of before you start an IPM business? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast (the second of a series), Holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' continues his consultation with Fred in part 2 of starting an IPM business and what you need to know before you begin.From high school math teacher to Integrated Pest Control Business owner. Fred Estopier is on a journey to building and running a successful pest control management business. There is plenty of room for all as the The Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country. So what does it take? On this episode, Franklin covers three key points to keep in mind when starting up.How do we get customers?How de we market?and if we grow as a company, how do we hire successfully? #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/12/202258 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Label Is The Law! This Is Why Fertilizer Must Be Treated As A Pesticide By Following Label Instructions Carefully.

If you are a pest control professional, you are aware of the hazards of handling product. Fertilizer is no exception. In fact, it must be treated with the same caution as pesticide. On this edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, host and holistic pest control management expert Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez owner of Miami IPM 'Naturepest' explains why he treats fertilizer as a pesticide. In addition to this, he explains why fertilizers contain an inhalation hazard warning on their labels. Dust masks or respirators are key in preventing exposure to toxic ingredients especially when you are a pest control professional. As labels specify, fertilizers can be corrosive and cause damage to internal organs. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/10/20223 minutes, 56 seconds
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This Is What You Need To Know About Cliff Swallows And How To Control Them

Cliff Swallows are protected birds. There are state laws that must be understand when dealing with the humane and ethical treatment of these birds in the wildlife control field. Do not skip today's edition of Living The Wildlife Podcast with host & wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel. On today's video, Stephen discusses a genus of birds known as Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon). The genus name Petrochelidon is from the Ancient Greek words petros, "rock", and khelidon, "swallow". In addition to discussing how to control these birds, Stephen discusses the laws that protect and regulate how these birds are to be controlled humanely and ethically. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
5/7/202224 minutes, 55 seconds
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New Pest Control Business Startup Consultation with Fred Estopier: This Is What You Need Before Starting Up A Startup

Meet Fred Estopier. Fred Estopier is on a journey to building and running a successful pest control management business. Watch as he discusses how he, this high school math teacher, has started his journey towards becoming an Integrated Pest Control Business owner. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' sits down with Fred to take him through the steps. There is plenty of room for all as the The Bureau of Labor reports that currently there are only 83,000 pest technicians in the country. So what does it take? On this episode, Franklin covers three key points to keep in mind when starting up.How do we get customers?How de we market?and if we grow as a company, how do we hire successfully? #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami #IntegratedPestManagement #IPM #pestcontrolbusiness #businessconsultation #businessstartup Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/5/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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Learning How To Deal With The Yellow-Banded Millipede On A Miami Property

Most people tend to think Millipeds are insects when, in fact, they are not. On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, we find a yellow-banded millipede (one of several kinds of millipedes native to Miami). There is really no product designed to control millipedes. This is a matter best dealt with through exclusion. Millipedes are not insects but myriapods. The term "millipedes" refers to the appearance of having a thousand legs. They are known to be elongated, cylindrical with many body segments and legs.Sliding doors with bad seals or doors that are not properly sealed. This is why exclusion is recommended. Another possible reason is the presence of excess mulch in which case removing organic matter from the home can reduce population. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/3/20222 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tularemia : What You Need To Know About Rabbit Fever In The US.

What is Tularemia and should you be concerned about it? You may be surprised. On today's edition of Living The Wildlife with host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vanstassel we discuss Tularemia. Commonly known as rabbit fever or deer fly fever, this is a rare infectious disease that typically attacks the skin, eyes, lymph nodes and lungs. Tularemia is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. The disease mainly affects rabbits, hares, and rodents, such as muskrats and squirrels. In fact,Tularemia can also infect birds, sheep and domestic animals, such as dogs, cats and hamsters. Tularemia spreads to humans in several ways, including insect bites and direct exposure to an infected animal. Tularemia is highly contagious and potentially fatal, but can usually be treated effectively with specific antibiotics if diagnosed early. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami
4/29/202236 minutes, 29 seconds
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On Our Third Service Visit, Our Glue Board Monitors Show A Dramatic Reduction Of A Heavy German Roach Infestation In Miami

Do not skip this edition of The Pestgeek Podcast with Integrated Pest Management Pro Franklin Hernandez as we see a dramatic reduction of a heavy German roach infestation in a Miami household. Evidence of fecal matter, nymphs and adult roaches are seen on glue boards placed behind a stove, a fridge and a bed. After the third service, we usually notice nymphs but here we have a large number of adult males in addition to egg casings. We also see a lot of nymphs. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
4/28/20227 minutes, 15 seconds
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Part Two Of Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel’s Top Ten End of Year Activities For Wildlife Control Business Owners

As a wildlife control consultant, what do you need to do to see growth this year? If you want to see growth, you owe it to yourself to check out these tips covering marketing, accounting, etc. On today's edition of The Living The Wildlife Podcast with wildlife host and consultant Stephen Vantassel takes us through the second half of the top ten end of year activities for wildlife control business owners. . #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
4/23/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Is How We Managed To Obtain A 95% Reduction On A Roach Infestation In Miami Trash Room With Pyrethroid And Bait On Glue Board Monitors

This Miami trash room had a severe roach infestation. However, after a trial period of two weeks, the trash room shows a reduction of over ninety five percent through the use of a pyrethroid application with IGR (insect growth regulator). On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Integrated Pest Management expert Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez demonstrates how Miami Pest Control Naturepest managed to obtain a ninety five percent reduction on a roach infestation in a Miami trash room. To manage this, pyrethroids and bait were used on glue boards as an experiment. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
4/21/20223 minutes, 17 seconds
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Finding Nesting Site with hundreds Of Roaches In Drain Pipe Coming From Sewer In Miami Property And How To Solve This Problem

On this episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, Miami based integrated pest control professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' shows us how a nesting site with hundreds of roaches in drain pipe coming from sewer are getting into this Miami property. The only option here is to seal this entry completely. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
4/19/202234 seconds
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Top Ten Wildlife Websites of 2021 (Part Two) By Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel

If you are a wildlife control professional, you need to watch this video. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant and host Stephen Vantassel takes us through the second half of hist top ten list of wildlife websites of 2021. Among sites reviewed, there are sites that will help wildlife control professionals improve their skills in inspecting structures, a/c systems, mobile homes, wildlife damage prevention for homes, etc. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #pestcontrolmiami #pestcontrolmiami Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
4/15/202240 minutes, 32 seconds
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This major American Roach Infestation Was Caused By Large Gaps In Crawl Spaces As Well As Damaged Attic And Vent Screens.

Do not miss this video. On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, we have a major American Roach infestation due to large gaps in a crawl space as well as damaged attic and vent screens. Integrated pest management professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' shows us how easy it is for American roaches to get into home through poorly installed vent screens and crawl spaces. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
4/14/20221 minute, 58 seconds
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When A Roach Only Needs A Gap The Thickness Of Two Quarters To Get Inside A Home, It’s Time To Figure Out The Best Way To Exclude

All a roach requires to make its way into a home is the thickness of two quarters. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, integrated pest management professional Franklin Hernandez 'The Pestgeek' figures out the best way to exclude using siliconized caulk. Despite finding insulation on this property and tight enough to protect against rats and other rodents, there are gaps big enough to let roaches through. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
4/12/20221 minute, 20 seconds
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Living The Wildlife Podcast’s Stephen Vantassel Reviews Government Publication On Bat Rabies And Other Lyssavirus Infections

Do not skip this episode of the Living The Wildlife podcast as host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel brings us brief overview of the circular 'Bat Rabies And Other Lyssavirus Infections' published by the U.S. Department Of The Interior and authored by Denny G. Constantine (additional info below).This publication offers readers an overview of the virus variants that cause bat rabies, and geographical patterns in occurrence of this disease. Of particular note is the section Species Susceptibility which describes infection rates and trends among bats, humans, and other animals. Do not skip this video! Publisher location: Reston, VADescription: xii, 68 pPublisher: U.S. Geological SurveyYear Published: 2009 Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp
4/9/202240 minutes, 13 seconds
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Watch As Pest Management Pro Franklin Hernandez Demonstrates How Ant Bait Is Carried Into Ant Colony five Minutes After Placing

Do not skip today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast as Integrated Pest Management Expert Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) demonstrates how ant bait is carried into an ant colony just five minutes after being placed. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
4/5/20222 minutes
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How To Deal With Government Personnel: On Today’s Edition Of The Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel

On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel shares his tops on dealing with government agencies such as pesticide bureaus, federal agencies at EPA levels in addition to tools, licenses and methods for animal removal. Wildlife control operative licenses and pest control applicator licenses are also discussed. Tip #1: make sure you are following the law. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
4/1/202235 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why Is This Red Congo Healthy In Some Areas While Suffering Devastating Damage In Others?

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to philodendron rojo congo care. The red congo plant is widely known for its glossy leaves which unfurl to reveal a striking red color. First blooming in a burgundy light red or even a much darker orange, before eventually turning into classic deep green as it’s exposed to more light. On today's episode of The Pestgeek Podcast, integrated pest management control professional Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) shows us why this particular red congo is healthy in some areas while suffering devastating damage in others. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/31/20223 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bad Landscaping Choices: Installing A Bougainvillea Bush Which Has Thorns In A Parking Area?

Native to eastern South America, the Bougainvillea Bush is known to have thorns and these thorns can be vicious. So why place them near a parking spot? On today's edition of the Pestgeek podcast, Integrated Pest Management professional Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) discusses the questionable placement of a Bougainvillea bush in a parking area. Usually found in a rainbow of color choices - red, pink, purple, white, orange, yellow, and many variations in between - this is one of the best Florida shrubs for year round color. This is especially true in winter, when fewer things are generally in bloom. However, as mentioned earlier, it is known to have thorns and these thorns can be vicious. This of course requires the right area for planting. Wearing protective clothing and gloves when you handle this plant is a must. So we do we find one in a parking area where the trunk of a car comes into direct contact with thorns? Find out on today's video. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/29/202240 seconds
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The Pig Brig Feral Hog Trap System On This Edition Of The Living The Wildlife Podcast With Host Stephen Vantassel.

Living The Wildlife Podcast host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel reviews the Pig Brig feral hog trap. On today's edition, Stephen gives us an overview of this innovative patented trap which features easy, fast, one-person assembly, lightweight transport, and no need for cell service or subscriptions #.pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
3/26/202228 minutes, 32 seconds
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How We Successfully Manage To Control Aedes species mosquitoes and their larvae With Inzecto Mosquito Traps.

Learn how we successfully managed to gain control of mosquitoes on this property after a two week period of testing. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Integrated Pest Management expert Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) gives us an update on Inzecto Mosquito Traps he placed in order to to kill Aedes species mosquitoes and their larvae. As posted previously, the Inzecto Mosquito Trap employs two modes of action to kill Aedes species mosquitoes and their larvae. The larvicide kills mosquito larvae as they hatch from eggs in the water inside of the trap. In addition, there is an adulticide which kills adult mosquitoes as they come in contact with the internal surface of the trap. The trap features a unique patented design that provides an ideal environment for breeding mosquitoes laying eggs. Research has shown that mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs in Inzecto traps versus other breeding grounds. This in turn reduces the amount of eggs mosquitoes lay in alternative water containers. A patented coating within the trap’s internal surface ensures a slow release of larvicide and adulticide. Nine out of ten adult female mosquitoes die upon contact with the trap’s internal surface. Even if mosquitoes lay eggs before dying inside the trap, the larvae from those eggs are killed by the pesticide in the water once the eggs hatch. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/24/20221 minute, 47 seconds
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Can You Control Aedes Species Mosquitoes And Their Larvae Using The Inzecto Mosquito Trap?

Is it possible to kill Aedes species mosquitoes and their larvae using the Inzecto Mosquito Trap? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Integrated Pest Management expert Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) tests out Inzecto Mosquito Traps. The Inzecto Mosquito Trap employs two modes of action to kill Aedes species mosquitoes and their larvae. The larvicide kills mosquito larvae as they hatch from eggs in the water inside of the trap. In addition, there is an adulticide which kills adult mosquitoes as they come in contact with the internal surface of the trap. The trap features a unique patented design that provides an ideal environment for breeding mosquitoes laying eggs. Research has shown that mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs in Inzecto traps versus other breeding grounds. This in turn reduces the amount of eggs mosquitoes lay in alternative water containers. A patented coating within the trap’s internal surface ensures a slow release of larvicide and adulticide. Nine out of ten adult female mosquitoes die upon contact with the trap’s internal surface. Even if mosquitoes lay eggs before dying inside the trap, the larvae from those eggs are killed by the pesticide in the water once the eggs hatch. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/22/20223 minutes, 9 seconds
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Stephen Vantassel Discusses The Highlights Of The 30th Vertebrate Pest Conference.

What is the Vertebrate Pest Conference? It is the longest and oldest running vertebrate pest control conference in the world. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife consultant and host Stephen Vantassel discusses several highlights from the 30th Vertebrate Pest Conference. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
3/19/202238 minutes, 8 seconds
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Using An EVO Express Bait Station With Built In Weight To Solve The Large Ant Bait Station Problem on South Florida Properties

Bait stations, especially large ant bait stations are notoriously mistreated by landscapers. Keeping ant bait stations intact when landscapers do their work is often a losing battle. It doesn't have to be though. This is why we set out to solve the giant ant bait station problem using an EVO Express bait station with built in weight. On today's edition, we customize an ant trap so that it will not be moved or destroyed by a landscaper. To this end, we customize an Evo-express ant trap to catch big headed ants and carpenter ants. Enough gap is left to catch roaches as well and to keep out rodents. This is an essential part of integrated pest management that is often a problem with landscapers. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/17/20223 minutes, 10 seconds
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Understanding Why Big-Headed Ants Sometimes Refuse To Take The Bait And How A Pest Control Pro Can Deal With This.

[powerpess] After the most meticulous of integrated pest control protocols, there are times when Big-headed ants simply won't go for the bait. On today's edition of the Pest Geek Podcast, Franklin Hernandez ('The Pestgeek) shows us why this may happen and what a seasoned pest control professional can do to regain control of big-headed ants. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/15/20227 minutes, 8 seconds
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Controlling Voles As Population Declines For Wintertime

Voles are mouse-like creatures (sometimes called Meadow Mice) found in North America, Europe and northern Asia. They are known to be stout rodents with short ears, legs and tails. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife consultant and host Stephen Vantassel discusses the steps you need to take to get control of voles as population declines during winter. Although it is possible to control voles during springtime, it will not help prevent the damage that will occur over the course of wintertime. Do not skip this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp
3/12/202232 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Fruit Fly Apple Cider Vinegar And Soap Bait vs Proprietary Home Blend; Which Will Be More Effective?

Two organic approaches to fruit fly control: one consists of apple cider vinegar and soap; the second, a proprietary homemade blend. Which one will be more effective? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) sets up a side by side test. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/10/202244 seconds
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How To Use Organic Bait To Prevent Fruit Flies From Getting Into a Home.

Fruit flies are getting into my house. Does this sound familiar? Here's How To Fix That Using Organic Pest Control. On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin Hernandez 'The Pest Geek' tests an attractant to catch fruit flies. The evidence, larvae, eggs are there. So this attractant is working. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/7/20225 minutes, 13 seconds
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Top Ten Wildlife Websites Of 2021 According To Living The Wildlife Podcast Host And Consultant Stephen Vantassel (Part 1).

If you are new to the wildlife control industry, you won't want to miss today's program. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant and host Stephen Vantassel' takes us through his top ten list of wildlife websites of 2021 in the first of this 2 part episode. The order of appearance is not in order of importance and this list is actually only a sample of many more resources available that include peer reviewed literature and peer edited literature. Research quality ranges from high level to anecdotal but surely represents a wealth of useful information. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
3/5/202232 minutes, 21 seconds
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Taking The PETRA BEAST Cart Sprayer Apart After Two Months To See Why It Failed

On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) takes apart the 12 Gallon Battery Powered PETRA BEAST Cart Sprayer With 100Ft Hose. After two months of work on the field, this battery pack sprayer cart has serious issues. We take it apart to find out why! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
3/3/20223 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Find Out Why This P12 Gallon Battery Powered PETRA BEAST Cart Sprayer With 100Ft Hose Has Serious Issues After Two Months In The Field!

After just two months on the field, this battery powered sprayer is seriously failing. On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, holistic pest control professional Franklin Hernandez (The Pestgeek) reviews the 12 Gallon Battery Powered PETRA BEAST Cart Sprayer With 100Ft Hose. After two months of work on the field, this battery pack sprayer cart has serious issues. Find out why! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
3/1/20226 minutes, 7 seconds
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Living The Wildlife Host Stephen Vantassel Interviews Former PVE Wildlife Control Owner Phil Nichols

The wildlife control industry really got its start in the 80s. On this edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel welcomes former owner of PVE Wildlife Control, Phil Nichols. Considered a godfather of the wildlife pest control industry, Phil takes us through his start in wildlife control and things learned as the founder and former owner of PVE Wildlife Control. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
2/26/202254 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is It Ok To Use An IGR When Applying A Non repellent like Alpine WSG for German roaches?

When applying a non repellent like Alpine WSG for German roaches, when would you use an IGR (insect growth regulators) ? This question was sent to us in regards to a German roach treatment. On today's Pestgeek podcast, Franklin 'The Pestgeek' discusses using Alpine WSG which is labeled for residential use and is considered a reduced risk product due to how it is applied. In addition, Franklin discusses Neonicotinoids class 4 non-repellents. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/24/202223 minutes, 48 seconds
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How effective are indoor bug traps? Katchy vs. Flyweb Indoor Bug Trap Product Review.

So how effective are indoor bug traps? On today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast, we compare 2 popular indoor bug traps: The Katchy indoor bug trap vs. the Flyweb Indoor Bug Trap. This product demo and review covers basic functionality though we understand that we are not talking about insect control as these products can only kill bugs but not control pests. It's worth mentioning that theseinsect light traps are marketed for commercial and industrial applications and feature glue traps, safe UV lights and automatic sensors ideal for catching fruit flies, gnats and mosquitoes. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/22/202210 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Victor M460UC Zapper Max™ OUTDOOR Rat Trap On Today’s Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel Demos

Looking for a professional-grade rat trap that is humane? Do not skip this video! On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel demos The Victor M460UC Zapper Max™ OUTDOOR Rat Trap. This electronic trap provides humane, high-voltage shock to eliminate mice and rats and requires 4 “AA” lithium batteries. Itsdurable, weather-resistant design allows for use both indoors and outdoors.This professional-grade trap is easy for trappers of all experience levels and features a dual-entry design that increases the chances of a catch. In addition to this, its safety mechanisms keep small hands and paws away from the electrified plates while the Kill-Switch technology automatically shuts off the trap when the lid is open. Do not miss this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
2/18/202212 minutes, 14 seconds
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Diligence- Getting It Done Every Day! Part 6 Of The 12 D’s Of Achieving Anything You Want In Life

Are you needing some guidance in reaching your business goals? On today's edition, The Pestgeek continues the series '12 D's to achieving success in anything you want'. Today, the 6th part is 'Getting It Done Every Day '. The Pestgeek discusses the importance of 'Diligence'. Unfortunately, 'getting things done' is a legitimate struggle for most people. Not only is developing a plan or strategy an important part of your course of action but being diligent is ultimately your most essential trait if you are serious about making your dream a reality. Franklin takes us back to his success in the integrated pest control field and how diligence played a key role in achieving his goals. Need some motivation or inspiration? Watch the video! “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.” ― Eric Thomas, The Secret to Success Survey: 63% of 20-Somethings Want to Start a Business The Best Age to Start a Business — Spoiler: It’s Not Your 20s I’m Too Old To Start UpA 60-year-old startup founder was 3 times more likely to launch a successful startup as a 30-year-old startup founder. The Average Age of a Successful Startup Founder Is 45 The research also looked at 2.7 million business start-ups between 2007 and 2014 and found the average age of people who founded a business and went on to hire at least one employee was 42. The average age of an employed Pest Control Technician is between 39 and 41 years old. If your job provides a steady paycheck, and you are comfortable.If you get more work or overtime, you won’t invest in yourself. The Reluctant EntrepreneurThe Situational EntrepreneurThe Happenstance Entrepreneur Americans filed paperwork to start 4.3 million businesses last year, according to data from the Census Bureau, a 24 percent increase from the year before and by far the most in the decade and a half that the government has kept track. From: Are you willing Fail?Fear of FailureFear of Criticism About 90% of startups fail.82% of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow.57.1% of home-based businesses brought in less than $25,000 in revenue.44% of home-based business owners $5,000 or less to start their businesses.The average income for a small business owner is around $68,000 a year. to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2020 was $984 per week or $51,168 per year. Pest Control Technicians are paid an average annual salary of $34,801. 20% Fail after first year34% of startups close within their first two years.50% of businesses make it to their fifth year.25% of businesses make it to the 15-year mark. More than 69% of U.S. entrepreneurs started their business at home.79.7% of U.S. small businesses employ only the founder #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page https://www.facebook.
2/17/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 28 seconds
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5 Kinds Of Ants On Rooftop: This Is A Job For An Integrated Pest Management Senior Technician

On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, We find 5 different kinds of ants at this location is a bigger concern: big headed ants, carpenter ants, crazy ants, ghost ants, etc. Technicians do not climb on top of a flat roof. This is a 1% job that requires a senior technician, a lead technician, a service manager to do this kind of investigative work and provide a solution to the problem. Bait has been placed all around this metal aluminum on this roof. In addition to this we need to install some liquid ant stations and some granular stations. Do not skip this video. This is when an Integrated Pest Control senior technician is needed! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/15/20221 minute, 21 seconds
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How To Use Marketing Swag To Promote Your Wildlife Control Business On Today’s Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel

Do not miss today's edition of 'Living The Wildlife' wildlife control consultant and host Stephen Vantassel as he discusses the challenges of learning to market oneself and understanding how to use company swag (promotional items) as part of your marketing strategy. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
2/12/202217 minutes, 16 seconds
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Need To Get Rid Of Ants In A Roof? This Is How We Do It Using A B&G Insect Bait Station

Do not skip this video! On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin Hernandez, The Pestgeek, shows us how to get rid of ants in a roof using a B&G insect bait station. This bait station is great for delivering liquid, granular, or gel baits to control a variety of crawling insects, especially ants around the perimeter of residential and commercial buildings. The baits are held in a station that is flush with the soil surface and protected by a secure plastic top. Held in the ground by a 3 in. or 6 in. ground spike, this station provides season-long control for school or residential IPM services. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/8/20221 minute, 7 seconds
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Dr. Roger Baldwin of The Vertebrate Pest Conference On Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel

On this edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant and host Stephen Vantassel interviews Dr. Roger Baldwin of The Vertebrate Pest Conference. Doctor Baldwin is a wildlife specialist for the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology @UC Davis. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp PestgeekFacebook Group
2/5/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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This Is What Pest Control Business Owners Need To Know About Hiring The Right People

How do you know if you are hiring the right person for the job? What does it take to hire the right people? What is the criteria and when is it the right time? On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin Hernandez discusses the right criteria for hiring the right people, his approach to the hiring process and when it's time to do so. If you are an integrated pest control management business owner looking to expand or a sole operator getting into hiring for the first time, you need to watch this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/3/202256 minutes, 40 seconds
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How To Document German Roach Population Reduction Using Monitor Glue Boards

On today's episode of Pestgeek Podcast, we use glue boards to monitor the reduction of a German roach population. Every 2 weeks we can verify the control over a roach infestation. The ratio of nymphs to adults is 80/20. On this occasion, we see egg casing actually hatched on the board and more adults than nymphs. Watch the video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
2/1/20224 minutes, 46 seconds
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Do Not Miss This Video If You Own A Wildlife Control Business: Top Ten End of Year Activities

The end of the year is always a good time to assess your business goals and your trajectory as well as think of new strategies to attain those goals. On today's edition of The Living The Wildlife Podcast with wildlife host and consultant Stephen Vantassel takes us through the top ten end of year activities for wildlife control business owners. If you want to see growth in this coming year, you owe it to yourself to check out these tips covering marketing, accounting, etc. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
1/1/202255 minutes, 44 seconds
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Find Out How To Generate More Income 3 different Ways If You Are A Solo Operator In The Integrated Pest Control Field

On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin talks about 3 ways to generate more income if you are a solo operator in the integrated pest control field. Key points to listen for: unmanageable workloads, sales, hiring infrastructure, training systems, premium pricing and understanding that nothing sells itself. Watch this video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/30/202130 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Excess Moisture Combined With Excess Shade Can Produce Weeds And Disease

On today's episode, we'll explain how excess moisture combined with excess shade can produce weeds and disease in a beautiful lawn. The signs of disease are all here: disease patches, dead grass rings and dollarweeds pointing to excess water. Irrigation needs to be adjusted. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/28/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
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Understanding Why The Gig Economy Is Making It Hard To Get Workers To Work More Hours And To Find New Employees

It's clear that we have entered a new economic reality. On today's Pestgeek Podcast, we explore how and why the so called gig economy is making it hard to get workers to work more hours and to find new employees. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/23/202140 minutes, 1 second
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Unusual Burrows In Beautiful Lawn: Mole Crickets!

A Customer complains about strange burrows in lawn. The Pestgeek knows who is to blame: Mole Crickets ! On today's episode of the Pestgeek Podcast, learn how to deal with mole crickets in your beautiful lawn using holistic pest control management. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/21/20211 minute, 10 seconds
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Stephen Vantassel’s Wildlife Damage Inspection Handbook

Join us on today's episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, as host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel gives us an overview of his Wildlife Damage Inspection Handbook. This manual is designed for people to do damage inspection in a human impacted environment. That is, cities, towns, urban areas where hard concrete and soil make it difficult to find signs of damage; for instance: racoon smudge marks. It is a forensic guide of over 200 pages divided into topics within the wildlife inspection realm: getting started, legal and risk issues of disease, on site inspections, damage inspection by calendar, phone inspections, etc. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
12/18/202132 minutes, 12 seconds
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‘Doing’: The 5th ‘D’ Of The 12 D’s Achieving Success At Anything You Want

Dream, desire, direction, decisiveness; all part of the journey towards success. On today's edition, The Pestgeek continues the series '12 D's to achieving success in anything you want'. Today, the 5th part, is 'doing'. The Pestgeek discusses the importance of 'doing'. Unfortunately, 'doing' is the part that most people actually fail at. Developing a plan, a strategy is essential if you are serious about making your dream a reality. But getting started and actually doing is where most seem to stop short. Franklin takes us back to his success in the integrated pest control field and how the cards were stacked against him: high school drop out, growing up on section 8 and food stamps, cancer, losing his father as a child. Need some motivation or inspiration? Watch the video! “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.” ― Eric Thomas, The Secret to Success Survey: 63% of 20-Somethings Want to Start a Business The Best Age to Start a Business — Spoiler: It’s Not Your 20s I’m Too Old To Start UpA 60-year-old startup founder was 3 times more likely to launch a successful startup as a 30-year-old startup founder. The Average Age of a Successful Startup Founder Is 45 The research also looked at 2.7 million business start-ups between 2007 and 2014 and found the average age of people who founded a business and went on to hire at least one employee was 42. The average age of an employed Pest Control Technician is between 39 and 41 years old. If your job provides a steady paycheck, and you are comfortable.If you get more work or overtime, you won’t invest in yourself. The Reluctant EntrepreneurThe Situational EntrepreneurThe Happenstance Entrepreneur Americans filed paperwork to start 4.3 million businesses last year, according to data from the Census Bureau, a 24 percent increase from the year before and by far the most in the decade and a half that the government has kept track. From: Are you willing Fail?Fear of FailureFear of Criticism About 90% of startups fail.82% of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow.57.1% of home-based businesses brought in less than $25,000 in revenue.44% of home-based business owners $5,000 or less to start their businesses.The average income for a small business owner is around $68,000 a year. to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2020 was $984 per week or $51,168 per year. Pest Control Technicians are paid an average annual salary of $34,801. 20% Fail after first year34% of startups close within their first two years.50% of businesses make it to their fifth year.25% of businesses make it to the 15-year mark. More than 69% of U.S. entrepreneurs started their business at home.79.7% of U.S. small businesses employ only the founder. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group https://www.facebook.
12/17/202140 minutes, 2 seconds
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This Is How Ficus Defoliation Is Caused By Whiteflies In A Miami Beach Neighborhood.

This is how we inspect for ficus defoliation caused by whiteflies. On today's edition, after four months of treatment, we redid the treatment as there is evidence of defoliation. On close inspection, we find little defoliation on our client's property but considerable defoliation in the neighborhood located in Miami Beach. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/14/202110 minutes, 39 seconds
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Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassal Reviews ‘The Closer’s Survival Guide’ By Grant Cardone

Sales is often a dirty word that many sole operators or business owners view in a negative light. However, it doesn't have to be this way. If sales is something that keeps you from attaining the levels of growth and success your business is in dire need of, you need to watch today's episode of the Living The Wildlife Podcast with Stephen Vantassel. The 'close' is the goal. Today's takeaway on this edition of The Living The Wildlife Podcast with Wildlife Control Consultant and Host Stephen Vantassel. Why is the 'close' important and why one needs to be careful with one's words that may affect the outcome of the sale. Grant Cardone's 'Closer's Survival Guide' addresses the process of driving your client toward a decision to buy your service. Demeanor and attitude. Stephen addresses his Asperger's syndrome. Do you believe in your product and the lack of confidence and how clients can pick up on this energy. If this sounds like you, watch the video! #grantcardone #grantcardonesales #closer"ssurvivalguide #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
12/10/202135 minutes, 51 seconds
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Initial Inspection Fail: German Roach Infestation In Overlooked Places & Grain Weevils In The Pantry

Following holistic pest control management protocol -regardless of the severity of the infestation- is essential. Today's video shows us why. 20-30% of our business is single-unit apartments. Most of the time, our techs follow protocols but sometimes miss areas that require insatiable curiosity. This is easy to miss when one in tech mode. Occasionally, we come across something that is not normal and this requires one to stop and ask oneself 'why'. On this episode, we come across a German roach infestation that actually came from a bag of chickpeas in a pantry; grain weevils were the tip-off. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/7/202129 minutes, 45 seconds
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How To Control Woodpeckers: Tips and Techniques

One of the challenges of wildlife control services is bad regulation. Controlling woodpeckers requires doing so within the scope of the law. On today's Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel, learn about woodpecker control techniques and products that can help you as well as the importance of doing things by the book. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
12/3/202133 minutes, 9 seconds
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12 D’s To Achieving Anything You Want Part 3: Direction In Achieving Your Goals

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." On today's edition, holistic pest control expert Franklin Hernandez 'the Pestgeek' discusses the importance of figuring out who you are as a person at an early age. Do not try seek validation or identity from others. Direction is today's topic. Part of the '12 D's to Achieving Anything You Want." #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
12/2/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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Treating Cool Season Lawn Diseases Through Holistic Pest Control

Cool season disease have started and brown patches on grass are already visible on a healthy lawn. The signs are there. Lawn diseases are common in South Florida. Spraying the whole lawn during winter is an expensive proposition, spot treatment is a more affordable alternative. Holistic pest control management encompasses several approaches that include fungicide and proper lawn irrigation. On today's episode, this is how we deal with cool season lawn diseases through holistic pest control management. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
11/30/20215 minutes, 5 seconds
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How To Assemble An Ant Station That A Landscaper Won’t Ruin.

{powerpress} Ant stations are often destroyed by landscapers and are require replacement because of this. On today's edition, this is how we customize an ant trap so that they won't get moved or destroyed by a landscaper. For this, we're customizing an Evo-express ant trap to catch big headed ants and carpenter ants. We leave enough gap to catch roaches as well but to keep out rodents. This is an essential part of integrated pest management that is often a problem with landscapers. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/27/20211 minute, 21 seconds
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How Desire Can Help You Achieve Anything You Want: Part 2 Of The 12 D’s To Achieving Anything You Want.

Over 65% of people dream of running a small business and working for themselves. Dreaming and doing however are 2 very different things, though. On today's edition, The Pestgeek discusses the importance of desire as part of the 12 D's to achieving anything you want. Unfortunately, dreaming about running your own business is not tantamount to taking action towards achieving that goal. Developing a plan, a strategy is essential if you are serious about making your dream a reality. Franklin takes us back to his start in the integrated pest control field. Studies show that people in their 60's are likely to be more successful at running a business because of the skills, experience and work ethic acquired along the way. Need some motivation or inspiration? Watch the video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/24/202135 minutes, 44 seconds
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Organic Pest Control Exclusion On a Re-roof After American Roaches Start Making Their Way Into Home

On today's edition, The PestGeek finds American cockroaches in a home after a recent re-roof. On close inspection, he finds a multitude of gaps and entry points that give these roaches open access to this home. The challenge here is provide comprehensive exclusion services on this property. Tune in. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/23/20211 minute, 13 seconds
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Understanding The Basics Of Masonry Chimneys And What To Do When You Find Racoons In Your Chimney.

On today's edition of Living The Wildlife, host and wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel takes us through the basics of Masonry Chimneys and how to deal with racoons hiding in your chimney. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
11/19/202145 minutes, 4 seconds
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12 D’s To Achieving Anything You Want Part 1: ‘Dreaming About Starting A Small Business vs. The Realities Of Running A Small Business’

Sometimes, the right question makes the difference. Do you have what it takes to start a small business? Do you dream about running a small business? On today's edition, Franklin gets into the realities of what running a small business really entails. Hard questions and hard facts. Dream What is your dream is it more time, more money, flexibility, In 2018 one study showed that 62 percent Americans want to make their dream of owning a business 2020 4.3 million applications to start a business were filed in the US 1.3%                 In 2019 10.6% of Americans own a business Control over The Work work life balance Meaningful work Control over Finances Fear of Failure Pride of Why are you doing it, is it because you are dissatisfied? 14% of American adults say they’re very happy Sadly, only less than 50% of U.S. workers feel that they are in good jobs. There is a nexus between the quality of one’s job and the overall quality of a person’s life. While a number of workers in good, mediocre jobs rate their overall quality of life as “high,” most of those in bad jobs feel the contrary. 85 percent of respondents are either somewhat or very satisfied with their jobs. “Meaningfulness” was the biggest contributor to overall happiness, Employee burnout is a significant problem across business sectors. According to Deloitte, 77% of professionals say they have experienced burnout at their current job. Employee burnout is a significant problem across business sectors. According to Deloitte, 77% of professionals say they have experienced burnout at their current job. Burnout affects millennial retention: 84 percent of millennials say they have experienced burnout at their current job, compared to 77 percent of all respondents. Nearly half of millennials say they have left a job specifically because they felt burned out, compared to 42 percent of all respondents. Yet more than 70 percent of workers say they don't feel satisfied with their career choices, and I believe we have serious epidemic on our hands. Yet a full 77% of respondents said they’re extremely happy and plan to continue running their business. Even with 44% who say they’re working more hours than they did this time last year. 65% who reported they worked at least every other weekend. Read Start with Why, E-Myth, Profit First and ClockWorks, Scaling Up Listen to Are you breeding your own competition #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: https://www.linkedin.
11/17/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 34 seconds
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Fantastic holistic Eco-Friendly IPM Lawncare Results Even When Our Clients’ Neighbors Neglect Theirs.

On today's episode, this is how we get our clients' lawns fantastic results even when neighbors do not take care of their lawns. Our approach to lawncare is 100% natural. We use amino acids. humic acids, carbohydrates, virtually no fungicides. In fact, we manage to gain fungal control with no need to use chemicals on the lawn. Weed-free. Watch the video! Fantastic results with the right holistic eco friendly integrated pest management (IPM) service. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/15/20212 minutes, 7 seconds
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Free Range & Feral Cat Publication For Wildlife Control Professionals

If you run a wildlife control business and are struggling to control feral or free range cats, do not miss this video. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel takes us through the recently released Free Range & Feral Cat Publication to which he contributed as an author. This publication is a great resource for wildlife control professionals and wildlife control business owners. pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
11/12/202137 minutes, 4 seconds
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Bringing Exoras Back To Life With Our Eco-friendly Bio-based Products.

A year ago, we were called to treat these severely damaged Exora plants. We began treating them with our natural eco-friendly approach to landscape care. On today's edition, we show you how we restore Exora plants on a landscape using our unique blend of Bio-based eco-friendly products. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/11/20215 minutes, 4 seconds
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This Is Why We Use Glue Traps And Monitors To Trap American Cockroaches As Part Of Our Approach To Holistic Pest Control Management.

On today's edition, we discuss why we use glue boards and monitors as part of our holistic approach to integrated pest control management to gain control of a roach infestation. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/9/20213 minutes, 27 seconds
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Understanding How Carbon Monoxide Fumigation Works

On today's edition of Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses the basics of Carbon Monoxide Fumigation. In particular, this episode focuses on carbon monoxide as a component of carbon monoxide fumigation. Throughout today's edition, he'll discuss vertebrae control, aerosols, pesticides and other formulation differences. He'll also discuss advantages and disadvantages in this kind of wildlife pest or rodent control. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
11/5/202136 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

This Client Has Been With US Close To 15 Years & This Is How We Keep Their Plants Gorgeous With Our 100% Natural Proprietary Blends Pestgeek

No granular fertilizers were used to get this plant to look healthy and gorgeous. In fact, we employ 100% natural foliar spray combinations with micronutrients and Humic acids in our proprietary combination of oils and fertilizer blends. This is our holistic approach to integrated pest control management. We are showcasing one of our earliest and oldest client's Ixoar plants on today's edition. Ixora is a tropical to semi-tropical evergreen shrub that is suitable for landscapes in USDA zones 9 and above. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/4/20215 minutes, 27 seconds
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Quarterly Pest Management Services On Residential & Commercial Properties in South Florida? Actually, It Is Not Such A Good Idea. Here’s why!

Within a period of 3 months, it is easy for many problems to arise. Especially in South Florida, this can be a recipe for disaster. On today's edition, we discuss the problem with quarterly residential and commercial pest control management services. Integrated pest control not only requires a holistic approach to pest control but also meticulous quality control by pest control professionals. On today's edition, this is a 15 year old account. Within a period of 3 months, however, we find some serious issues in shrubs and branches, poor irrigation, problems with the sprinkler system as well as Lobate Lac Scale (Paratachardina lobata). Watch the video! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
11/2/20217 minutes, 14 seconds
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Living The Wildlife Podcast host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel Interviews Eric McCool Of Critter McCool Management Group

On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel Interviews Eric McCool Of Critter McCool Management Group. Very popular on social media, Eric McCool is the owner and president of Critter McCool Management Group which provides permanent and long term solutions regarding stinging insect issues through services, education, training, and research that are safe and beneficial to the people, and insects, as well as the environment worldwide while providing unparalleled knowledge and professionalism. Join us as Eric discusses how he got into the field of stinging insect control and honeybee extraction, the ups and downs of the business and valuable lessons learned. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp
10/29/20211 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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Sedge Weeds, Broadleaves and Grassweeds: Understanding The Difference And Why You Need Multiple Products To Control Them

[wordpress] On today's edition of the Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin discusses the difference between weeds: sedge, broadleaf and grassweed. In addition to this, he'll explain why this kind of weed control requires more than just one product. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/28/20214 minutes, 16 seconds
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Living The Wildlife Podcast’s Stephen Vantassel: “The Connector Trap” Product Demo

On today's edition, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel demos "The Connector Trap" by Bud's Trap Company, LLC. “The Connector” was designed to create another tool for a lethal trapping method among wildlife/Pest Control experts. Weighing only 2lbs, it is dark brown in color to minimize attention while set for a target animal. In addition to this, it Waxed double torsion for optimal speed and strength This multi functioning mountable trap can be attached almost anywhere for most small rodent issues. Target species would include: rats and squirrels. It also features a removable trap hood- the hood narrows down the animal’s path once the trap is mounted to ensure quick, reliable dispatch. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/22/202122 minutes, 35 seconds
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Dealing With Mosquito Population in South Florida Using Inzecto Mosquito Traps

Controlling a mosquito population in South Florida can be a daunting task. On today's edition of Pestgeek Podcast, we discuss how to deal with mosquito populations in South Florida. On this property we have approached mosquito control with a variety of products such as Catchmaster Final Feed Mosquito Bait which controls Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. We have also tried In2Care Mosquito Trap which attracts and kills Aedes mosquitoes with ingredients that target both larvae and adults. However, we have seen the best results with INZECTO Mosquito Traps which utilize a micro-dose of pesticides embedded into the surface of the Mosquito Traps. Designed for Mosquito Prevention, we can utilize this product at the beginning of the season to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases such as Zika, West Nile, and many others. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
10/21/202110 minutes
Episode Artwork

This Is How We Inspect A Garage In Integrated Pest Control Management.

Exclusion is organic pest control and on today's edition, we inspect a garage for gaps that might give bugs open access to a home. This kind of holistic pest control requires exclusion. One point to consider is that concrete outside of the home contains PH which will neutralize product within a couple of weeks. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/19/20212 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Future Of Professional Wildlife And Pest Control Trade Associations: Thinking Strategically vs. Thinking Tactically

On today's Living The Wildlife Podcast, host Stephen Vantassel discusses the concept of thinking strategically about the future of professional wildlife and pest control trade associations. The challenges of emerging business models that are game changers in the industry and how to process and stay ahead of these changes. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
10/15/202131 minutes, 36 seconds
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These Are The Top 3 Sales Strategies Every Pest Control Technician Needs To Master To Become A Successful Pest Control Professional

The thought of selling makes most people squirm. With most pest control techs, it's no different. Here's the good news. It turns out, in many cases, you are already in sales without being aware of it. On today's edition, The PestGeek discusses the top 3 sales strategies every pest control technician needs to master to become a successful pest control technician. Here are a few tips. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
10/13/202136 minutes, 20 seconds
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Lawn Care Troubles: Why Is Your Lawn Dying; How Are Your Palm Trees Killing Your Lawn?

On today's edition, as part of our premium lawn care services, we examine dying grass and try to locate the source of the problem. In our first inspection, we find that it is the actual fertilizer used. In the second lawn inspection, we find palm trees are the main culprit. The question now is: can it be fixed? #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/12/20214 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Truth About Wildlife Control Certifications.

On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife with Stephen Vantassel, we discuss the truth about certifications in the field of wildlife and pest control. It is true that a certificate can demonstrate more dedication to a field but is it representative of expertise? Tune in and find out. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
10/8/202132 minutes, 48 seconds
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Essential Lawncare Product Demo: 12 Gallon BEAST Battery Powered Cart Sprayer With 100Ft Hose.

Don't miss today's edition, as part of our holistic approach to integrated pest management, Franklin demos an essential lawncare product, the BEAST Battery Powered Cart Sprayer which can handle 12 Gallons of our specially formulated shrub treatment. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/7/20211 minute, 11 seconds
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This Is What A Lady Palm (Rhapis Palm) With Anthracnose Disease, Chlorosis and Necrosis Looks Like.

On today's edition of The Pestgeek Podcast, Franklin inspects a Lady Palm (Rhapis Palm) with anthracnose disease, chlorosis and necrosis. Interestingly enough, the most severe issues are found in the parts exposed to the sun whereas the areas in the shade are much healthier. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
10/4/20213 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Reality Of Charitable Giving For The Wildlife Control Business Owner

On today's edition of The Living The Wildlife Podcast With Stephen Vantassel, we discuss the challenges of charitable giving for the small wildlife control business owner. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
10/1/202127 minutes, 50 seconds
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Testing Bait Placement On Glue Boards In Trash room Previously Sprayed With Pyrethroid against German roaches

On today's edition, we placed bait on 5 glue boards in a trash room previously sprayed with pyrethroid against German roaches. This is the first time we do this and as the trash room had already been sprayed we want to avoid contaminating the bait and give ourselves a week to see what the results are. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/28/202135 seconds
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Living The Wildlife Host Stephen Vantassel Interviews Jordi Segers: Coordinator of the White Nose Syndrome Program Canada

On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, host Stephen Vantassel welcomes guest Jordi Segers, Coordinator of the White-Nose Syndrome Program in Canada to better understand the threat White-Nose syndrome poses to bats and what the means for the ecology. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp PestgeekFacebook Group PestgeekFacebook Group
9/24/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 35 seconds
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Even When He Is Off Duty, An Integrated Pest Control Management Professional Is Always On Duty: Here’s Why.

American roach eggs at a commercial facility bathroo, on today's edition. American roach feces are often confused with mice feces or rodent feces. A roach infestation is clearly evident in this bathroom. It just shows that a pest control professional is always on duty if even he is off duty. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/23/20211 minute, 36 seconds
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Tips For Healthy Lawn Care : How To Get A Beautiful Green Lawn Without Nitrogen Fertilizer

On today's edition, lawn care tips. This is how you to get a beautiful green lawn without using nitrogen fertilizer. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/21/20215 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mike Martin and C.Gotlibowski of Join Stephen Vantassel to discuss their journey into pest and wildlife control.

Stephen Vantassel Interviews Mike Martin and C.Gotlibowski of to discuss their journey into pest and wildlife control. Featuring rat traps, chipmunks removal tips. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
9/17/202148 minutes, 4 seconds
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How To Cope With Trials And Tribulations While Running A Successful Integrated Pest Control Business.

How To Cope With Trials And Tribulations While Running A Successful Integrated Pest Control Business. Trials and tribulations are a part of everyday life. Running a business brings a whole other challenge to this. On today's edition, the Pestgeek discusses the trials and tribulations of running a successful small integrated pest control business. Today's edition covers inspiration, faith, loss and realities through a short, candid, motivational talk about coping with these challenges. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/16/202123 minutes, 41 seconds
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Termites in house? Wood left behind in new construction could attract termites

On today's edition, we find out why there are termites in this house. It turns out that when construction was done, wood was left behind. Termites will find their way to this wood as it is touching the ground. There is also evidence of wood decay fungi. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/14/202146 seconds
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How Understanding Bird Damage in Cherry Orchards Can Help You Protect Other Fruit Trees

Bird damage in cherry orchards can give you an insight into protecting fruit trees in general. On today's edition of the Living The Wildlife Podcast, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses why understanding bird damage in Cherry orchards can help you apply techniques and principles to protecting fruit trees in general. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
9/10/202123 minutes, 8 seconds
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Playing the sales game or simply failing, that's the game. On today's edition, The Pestgeek discusses the reality of being a pest control technician turned sole operator vs. being an integrated pest management sales pro. This is the dilemma of the solo operator. At the end of the day, most do not have the stomach for doing what needs to be done to succeed. This includes getting rejected. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/9/202129 minutes, 1 second
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This Palm Tree Is Not Aware That It Is Actually Dead

On today's edition, an unhealthy palm tree: wrong size, wrong color. Most techs would likely recommend fertilizer. However, on close inspection we find the culprit: Ganoderma. This is a bacterial disease caused by a wood-decaying fungi known as Ganoderma. Once we find conk, it is too late to save. To prevent Ganoderma we recommend a trunk injection with Oxytetracycline (OTC) every three months. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/7/20211 minute, 50 seconds
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What You Need To Know About Active Ingredients In The Rodenticide Known As Bromethalin

Starting with the Non-anticoagulant, fat soluble and relatively fast acting characteristics of this rodenticide and its effect on the nervous system, Stephen ends it with a wake up call to all professionals whose clients decide they can do their own pest control with the same chemicals and no training.On today's edition of Living The Wildlife with Stephen Vantassel, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel takes us through an in depth look at the active ingredients found in Bromethalin. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
9/3/202135 minutes, 54 seconds
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This Is How You Can Improve Your Tech’s Selling Skills & Confidence In Integrated Pest Management Through Role Playing.

How important is it to hone those selling skills as an integrated pest control technician? On today's edition, the Pestgeek discusses the challenges of getting techs to upsell and why it is essential to hone those integrated pest management selling skills through role-playing. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
9/1/202115 minutes, 5 seconds
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Living The Wildlife With Stephen Vantassel: Introduced Rats And An Endemic Roundworm

Wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses introduced rats and an endemic roundworm on today's Living The Wildlife. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/27/202131 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Are You Really Going To Do When Your Only Pest Control Tech Gets Injured, Quits Or Gets Fired?

On today's edition, some more realities about running a small IPM company. The challenges of being a sole operator and running an integrated pest control management business can never be overstated. What happens when an IPM tech is injured? What are the challenges of hiring a new tech when one quits or is fired? Tune in. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/25/202126 minutes, 49 seconds
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Seal And Proof An Attic Against Roaches, mice, rats and other rodents Using Exclusion Foam.

On today's edition, roaches are getting into home through the attic. This is how our organic pest control takes care of sealing and proofing an attic against cockroaches using exclusion foam. This will also help proof the attic against other rodents such as mice and rats. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/23/202149 seconds
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Stephen Vantassel of ‘Living The Wildlife’ Interviews Michael Beran of ‘Wildlife Command Center’

Michael Beran is the founder and owner of Wildlife Command Center. On today's edition, Michael takes us through his remarkable journey from a stint on a nuclear submarine, to his rise up the corporate ladder, his success as a construction business owner, a short career in the movies as an extra and his venture into wildlife control with a reality show coming soon on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. Not to be missed, tune in! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/20/202142 minutes, 31 seconds
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Scaling your business while being the most expensive pest control company is not possible unless you can demonstrate value.

Today we discuss the touchy subject of demonstrating value in integrated pest control and why scaling an IPM business is such a challenge. Also, the realities of selling an expensive pest control service. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/19/202133 minutes, 18 seconds
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How we get beautiful results on commercial landscapes using our proprietary blend of natural insecticides and fertilizers

Getting a landscape to look this beautiful is the result of careful and meticulous planning. On today's edition, we show you how we get beautiful results on commercial landscapes using our proprietary blend of natural insecticides and fertilizers containing amino acids, kelp, sugars. See how we can do better without synthetic fertilizers. We improve soil biology to get these results. See how we inspect a Cocoplum and find no evidence of Lobate Lac Scale nor Sri Lankan weevil damage on leaves. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/17/202112 minutes, 46 seconds
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Living The Wildlife Podcast with Stephen Vantassel: Thomas Kaps of Flock Free Bird Control Systems and Service Interview.

On this edition of Living the Wildlife, wildlife control consultant Stephen Vantassel once again welcomes Thomas Kaps of Flock Free Bird Control Systems and Services. Thomas is a Commercial Bird Control Specialist and founder of Flock Free Bird Control, experts in affordable and effective bird control for commercial properties. Their goal is to develop a comprehensive bird control solution that leaves you free to focus on other aspects of managing your business. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp FlockFree 644 Cross St, Suite 4 Lakewood, NJ 08701 USA [email protected] Office – 732-987-5400 Toll Free – 877-935-6250 Fax – 732-987-4551 Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
8/13/202130 minutes, 18 seconds
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Life is unfair, so what?! This is really why you’re not succeeding as a pest control professional running an IPM business.

The issue of fairness in business and life in general is too often just an excuse for giving up. On today's edition, why are you not succeeding as a pest control professional running an integrated pest management business? #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/11/202131 minutes, 47 seconds
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Not enough to place Rodent Stations when doing pest control in Miami, You Need Exclusion Services too!

Integrated pest control is requires much more than placing rodent stationsYou need rodent exclusion. You need to proof your property against rats, roaches, mice and other rodents. This is why many homeowners fail. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/10/20212 minutes, 30 seconds
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What it’s like to work with a government agency and his role in wildlife regulation and law in Montana (Living The Wildlife with Stephen Vantassel).

On today's edition, Wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses his 'day job': what it's like to work with a government agency and his role in wildlife regulation and law in Montana. Tune in as he briefly discusses his role as a founding member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association and his academic standing within the field. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 MT Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here vv
8/6/202138 minutes, 47 seconds
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On The Road With The Pestgeek: The IPM Work Ethic, The Entrepreneurial Mindset and The Price of a Better Lifestyle

The challenges of running a small integrated pest control business during a pandemic and the truth about pest control experience vs. pest control expertise. On today's edition, The Pestgeek is on the road discussing why callbacks are not a problem when exceptional customer service is priority. It's also the truth about being an entrepreneur; The Entrepreneurial Mindset and paying the price for a better lifestyle. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
8/5/202133 minutes, 42 seconds
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This Is How You Can Identify Rat Activity In Your Home Through Rub Marks on Textured Drywall And Entry Points Into Attic.

On today's edition, we find rat activity in a home through rub marks along textured drywall. Rat proofing the home is needed here as well as rodent proofing the property in general. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
8/3/20211 minute, 10 seconds
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The Need for Urban Wildlife Research with Wildlife Consultant Stephen Vantassel

On today's edition of 'The Living The Wildlife Podcast', wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel gets candid about wildlife research. Hands on field research is sorely needed for the wildlife control industry to move forward. Stephen discusses the Yellowstone model vs. urban habitat research. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
7/30/202132 minutes, 59 seconds
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Lisa Myers Botts (Owner operator at Peacock Pest Prevention) discusses Women In Pest Control With The Pestgeek

Lisa Myers Botts (Owner operator at Peacock Pest Prevention) discusses Women In Pest Control With The Pestgeek On today's edition, our guest Lisa Myers Botts of Peacock Pest Prevention discusses the challenges women face as owner/operators in the integrated pest control industry. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/29/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 54 seconds
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Customer Complained All of The Sudden They Have Dozens of Mosquitoes Inside The Home: Here’s why!

Dozens of mosquitoes suddenly appearing inside a home. After a brief inspection, we find mosquito larvae in the water of a plant inside the home. Learn how to get rid of mosquitoes by first locating stagnant water sources. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/27/202139 seconds
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How To Paint A Rat Cage To Maximize Its Effectiveness Against Rats: Tips From Wildlife Consultant Stephen Vantassel.

A few tips on properly painting a rat cage to maximize its effectiveness against rodents. On today's edition of 'Living The Wildlife' with host and wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/23/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
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Selling Without Selling Out: Sales For Technicians Or Non Sales People In Pest Control.

Being a pest control business owner requires a lot of hats. Being a salesperson is the hat that most do not enjoy. On today's edition, how to sell without selling out. If sales is not your forte in pest control or you are a technician and find it difficult to sell, this is for you. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/21/202137 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Integrated Pest Control Perimeter Inspection can help Determine How Rats Got Into Home

A newly bought house with rats getting into home. Part of a holistic approach to integrated pest control involves locating the entry points and sealing them. On today's edition, a perimeter inspection will show what entry points rats and other pests are using to gain entry into this home. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/19/20212 minutes, 16 seconds
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Stephen Vantassel and Mike Hoggan (formerly of USDA wildlife) talk about ‘Select-a-catch’ snare traps.

As opposed to old snare systems that are inhumane to animals, the Select-A-Catch is a cable restraint animal capturing device that is capable of capturing lions, coyotes, bears, feral hogs, stray dogs as well as other animals without hurting them. On today's edition of Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel of Living The Wildlife interviews Mike Hoggan (formerly of USDA wildlife). Today, we discuss the foot-snare trap device called 'Select-a-Catch' today's edition of Living The Wildlife Podcast, host and wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel of Living The Wildlife interviews Mike Hoggan (formerly of USDA wildlife). Today, we discuss a foot-snare trap device called 'Select-a-Catch' which is a side snare . #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
7/16/202133 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Are The Challenges Of Running a Small Integrated Pest Control Business And Working For A Small Business?

Pest control in Miami is a very competitive field. Running a small integrated pest management business is quite a challenge. On today's edition, it's the realities and challenges of running a small integrated pest control business. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/14/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 6 seconds
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Maintaining An In2Care Mosquito Control Trap

On today's edition, how to maintain an In2Care Mosquito Control Trap. If mosquito control is part of your pest control routine, here's what you need to know. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/13/202111 minutes, 14 seconds
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On This Edition Of Living The Wildlife with Stephen Vantassel: The Frye Rat Inspection Tool Demo .

On today's edition of Living The Wildlife, Wildlife Consultant Stephen Vantassel demos the Frye Inspection Tool originally developed in conjunction with urban entomologist, Matt Frye, PhD. The F.I.T. tool is an essential aid to pest control professionals and building managers by allowing quick and accurate identification of rodent entry points. Easily demonstrate and communicate issues to costumers and building owners. Some of the key features: Can be used in photographic documentation of rodent entry points as well as other evidence of rodent activities such as droppings and gnaw marks. It includes inch and centimeter scales as well as Dropping identification and Gnaw mark identification. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
7/10/20215 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Much Of A Gap Do American Roaches Need To Get Into Your Home?

So how much of a gap do American roaches need to actually invade a home. It turns out, not much. On today's edition, a stove exhaust vent with a tiny gap and an adult American cockroach illustrate how easy it is for these insects to make their way into a home. Cracks are especially prone to be a major access point. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/7/20211 minute, 4 seconds
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Rat Trap Safety: Using Ambush Rat Station and Trapper T-rex Combination To Ensure Safety

On today's edition, we catch a juvenile rat alongside an adult rat using an Ambush rat station and Trapper T-rex inside. This is done for safety reasons. Find out how we do it. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/5/20211 minute, 21 seconds
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What Is It Like To Be A Show Guest on LIVING THE WILDLIFE with Stephen Vantassel (Wildlife Consultant)

Wildlife consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses a wide range of topics that address wildlife conservation, wildlife control as well integrated pest management. He also hosts a variety of guests. On today's edition, he talks about the value of using today's media platforms to get your message across and how he approaches interviews. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Pestgeek Facebook Group FaceBook Itunes Linkedin PestGeek
7/2/202133 minutes, 42 seconds
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Soon After Roof Job, cockroaches Invade Home and customer freaks out.

After new roof job, customer calls to complain about roaches invading home . We find gaps in new roof and recommend excluder(exclusion foam). The gap is enough for roaches to get through. As part of our integrated pest management (IPM) protocols, we seal these gaps to avoid intrusion by cockroaches and other bugs or rodents. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects #bedbugs #rodentcontrol #pests #fumigation #rayap #exterminator #termite #ants #fogging #hunting #rats #basmirayap #pestfree #like #mice #cleaning #bhfyp #jasapembasmihama #bhfyp Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
7/1/20211 minute
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Snake Repellent Barriers: Living The Wildlife With Stephen Vantassel

On today's edition, Wildlife Control Consultant Stephen Vantassel discusses snake repellent barriers. #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
6/26/202123 minutes, 49 seconds
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Controlling plaster bagworms through removal with vacuum or brush.

On today's edition, it's plaster bagworms. Little worms (inside a caccoon they build) that feed offof bacteria on your garage walls. There is no chemical treatment for these worms. This kind of integrated pest control involves simple hygiene.That is, physical removal with a vacuum or brush. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/24/20211 minute, 31 seconds
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It’s going to rain today, Can you spray another day?. The challenge of Integrated Pest Control in Miami.

On today's edition, the truth about trying to work during rainy season; the challenge of doing lawn care in 100 degree Miami summer weather. This is the challenge of integrated pest management and organic natural pest control. Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/22/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
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Understanding firearm and discharge laws in Wildlife control

Today’s edition is to help you identify and find firearm laws in your state. Wildlife consultant Stephen tackles the issue of Firearms and firearm laws. There are a myriad of laws governing the possession of firearms and laws concerning discharge. This is a rather complex issue and today's edition is a start in this discussion. #wildlifecontrol #wildlifeconsultant #pestcontrol Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife  & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
6/19/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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Too much mulch or not enough mulch? How to get it right Pest Control Pro.

Mulch becomes organic matter and provides places for insects to burrow and make nests. What does this mean? It means more insects around the house. This is the problem with mulch. In addition to this, something to consider is what's necessary for plant health? Too much mulch around a plant can actually rot the trunk. Three to four inches is recommended. More than this can result in more pest problems around the house. The podocarpus on today's edition is a good example of organic matter buildup and the potential problems this presents. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
6/16/20212 minutes, 1 second
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Inspecting a Podocarpus plant at a home garden

Growing and caring for a Podocarpus. On today's edition, join us for a routine inspection of a Podocarpus, also commonly known as a Podocarpus Macrophyllus. This species also goes by the names fern pine, yew plum pine, and Buddhist pine. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/15/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
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On today's edition, chinch bugs were the main suspect but as it turns out, the owners gave us the final clue. The roof was pressure cleaned with bleach. That bleach made it onto the lawn which caused chemical burn. Integrated pest control isn't always easy to do when it comes to lawn care. This info is key and only came up after having a talk with the homeowners. Detecting insect damage vs. disease damage can be a challenge. It's always good to do some detective work. #naturalpestcontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolmiami PestgeekFacebook Group
6/8/20212 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Caution Before Installing XCLUDER X2 Bottom Door Seal System

The right Rodent exclusion is a key component of Integrated Pest Control. Sealing off gaps in your garage is priority. On today's edition, Stephen Vantassel shares his experience having an Xcluder door seal system installed. #naturalpestcontrol #pestcontrol #pestcontrolmiami PestgeekFacebook Group
6/5/20218 minutes, 42 seconds
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Finding Evidence Of Skeletonizers (Zygaenidae Moths) On The Leaves Of A Key Lime (fruit bearing tree)

Burn marks, mite damage, webbing from spiders and crinkled leaves which are evidence of Skeletonizers (moths in the family Zygaenidae). On today's edition we inspect a Key lime tree which is a fruit bearing tree. We find strong evidence of Skeletonizers which are known for sucking along the top of the leaf. For this job, we will treat this tree with a natural blend of products. Lawn care chemicals cannot be used here. It should be noted that unfortunately many pest control technicians do not know how to identify fruit bearing trees and this can create bigger problems. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #skeletonizers #lawncare Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/2/20211 minute, 47 seconds
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Installed a new aluminum porch and did not repair damaged soffit vent Roof Rat got in attic.

roof rat (rattus rattus) can easily get in the can jump, climb and drop onto a roof from almost anywhere. performing repairs Rodent proofing exclusion is the long term solution all the rodenticide in rodent bait stations will not prevent a future rodent entry. #rats #roofrats #rattus Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
6/1/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
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Stephen Vantassel interviews Kyle Waltz of ‘Conserv’: “Finding Success in Wildlife Control’

On today's edition of Living the Wildlife, Stephen Vantassel interviews Kyle Waltz of 'Conserv'. Kyle takes us back to his start in wildlife control and how he set up his business and the evolution of his company. We discuss hiring the right people, implementing the right processes and systems to ensure quality control. Business growth, delegating and how to make the transition.Figuring out your strengths and weaknesses and surrounding yourself with people that are assets in those areas. sales, pest control Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
5/28/202158 minutes, 7 seconds
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This Is The Problem With People Being Able To Buy Rodenticide Bait Stations For $9 Online.

Being able to buy a rodenticide bait station for $9 online is fairly easy. But if you are not a qualified rodent control specialist, is it a good idea?Turns out, a cheap rodenticide bait station with no weight to hold it down can be the perfect excuse for a pet or child to turn it over or actually have rodenticide spill out on your lawn. Rodenticide poisoning is no joke. On today's edition, we get into the problem with cheap bait stations.#pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #baitstations Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/27/20211 minute, 10 seconds
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This is How Our Exclusion Inspection Finds Where Rodents Are Getting in and How We Fix This Problem

A thorough exclusion inspection includes crawl spaces, electrical, garage doors and much more. On today's edition we find unsealed rooftops that include openings to bats, rats, German roaches making rodent control much more difficult. We also find poor quality rodent stations with no weights exposing pets or even children to rodenticide poisoning. Tune in. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #rodenticide #exclusionservice Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/26/20218 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Do You Create The Right Culture of Coachable People At a Pest Control Company?

Following an initial service done 6 months prior, there are American roach problems again. On today's edition, we find issues with remodeling allowing rodents and pests to get in. Gel bait everywhere done by a contractor, missing door seals, holes everywhere, crawl spaces with open access to rodents: major construction issues now requiring attic treatments, exclusion services. If you are a contractor you need some pest biology basics. We discuss the reality of first year techs failing to spot these problems when clients are oblivious to all of these issues. This brings us to a second issue: improving communication channels and creating the right culture of coachable people. Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/26/202118 minutes, 9 seconds
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Finding German Roach Evidence of Nesting Sites The Right Amount Of Roach Bait In The Right Place

Learning to find where german roaches are hiding in order to place the right roach bait products in the right place with the right amount. #pestcontroltraining #baits #roaches Support Us On Patreon: Site:…Facebook Group…Facebook Page…Twitter:…Linkedin Business Page:…Instagram:…Pinterest:…
5/25/20215 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to handle beaver conflicts

How to handle beaver conflicts. Today, Stephen talks about the largest native rodent in the U.S.: Castor canadensis (The beaver). Beavers can grow up to 60 lbs. or more. Though they are an incredible animal due to their engineering capabilities, they can cause flooding, do severe damage to trees and undermine embankments by creating tunnels and bank dens. #rodentcontrol #wildlifeconsulting Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here.
5/22/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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Apartment with German Roaches and Severe water leak and sewage backup not fixed by landlord.

This is what we have to deal with slumlords in Miami that refuse to properly maintain their units and provide a safe place to live and we have to try to control impossible situations. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #slumlord Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/21/20211 minute, 4 seconds
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How To Trap and Control Roaches in Your Garage Monitoring And Trapping Pestgeek

Garages are the easiest way pests like roaches, snakes, rats, and mice get into the home using a glue board is the easiest and least toxic method to catch and help control them. Plus Exclusion #pestcontroltraining #traps #monitors Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/20/202149 seconds
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Content creation strategy session across Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, Facebook and website.

On this edition, we go behind the scenes and take a look at the process we follow to distribute our pest management training content across platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. This is our daily process. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #instagrambusiness Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page: #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice #pestcontrolconsultants #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur
5/19/202119 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to prevent Rodents, Roaches And Flies In Dumpster Rooms using holistic pest control.

On today's edition, we see what a dumpster room with no maintenance looks like: overspill and overflow of food, accumulated dirt and a serious lack of pressure washing. These trash chutes are in dire need of cleaning. A monthly treatment is needed to decontaminate it in order to prevent flies from breeding. This kind of neglect makes this a haven for rodents, German cockroaches and filth-flies. #pestmanagement #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/18/20211 minute, 57 seconds
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Ground Dog Food VS Monitor Traps With Intice 10 For Attracting and Trapping German Cockroaches

On today's edition, we test what sources of food German roaches are drawn to. It's a side by side test and the results are not too surprising. Dog food out overnight? You should not miss this one! #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/15/20213 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Problem With Chipmunks and Charging For Services To Control Them.

On Today's editon, Stephen Vantassel talks about the challenges of controlling chipmunks as well as the challenges of charging for this specific service.Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife & Pest Geek Podcast DisclaimerAlways follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests.Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
5/15/202141 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to select the best pest control product by getting the right pest identifying proper Pest ID

lots of techs ask the question what is the best product to use for roaches or for ants, the question should be what is the process to control a specific species which could include insecticide sprays, gel baits, granular baits, exclusion, trapping, or dust depending on the specific species using a targeted approach. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pest Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/14/202117 minutes, 2 seconds
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Where Pests Like To Hide and How To Get Rid of Bugs IPM Holistic Pest Control Apply Where Pests Are

Pest love to hide in tight spaces like cracks, and crevices applying a pesticide baseboard spray isn't going to control a pest that is hiding in a void in a wall, you have put the pest control products where the pests are to control them. Insecticide spray contaminates the home without offering real control. you need a holistic pest control solution that is safer pest control. #natural #organic #holistic Pestgeek Facebook Group FaceBook Itunes Linkedin PestGeek
5/13/20219 minutes, 50 seconds
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Reducing food and water competition when using baits to control pests as part of an IPM program.

Pest needs food and water to survive in your home, by reducing the food sources you can greatly reduce pest populations and prevent competition with pest control baits. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pests Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
5/12/202117 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to get eighty percent control of pests without chemicals if you understand how pests get in

Exclusion is Pest Control, if a pest cant make its way in it cant infest the property, Sealing and pest proofing a property is the most natural pest control you can perform for your clients. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #exclusion Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page Business Page:
5/11/202133 minutes, 49 seconds
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Living The Wildlife With Wildlife Consultant Stephen Vantassel: The Label Is Not The Entire Law!

You've heard a million times. The label is the law. The label is the law. That's right. However, the label is NOT the entire law. Stephen discusses a topic that is actually a bit more complicated. #wildlife Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos:  Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife  & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
5/8/202132 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why misusing a product does not get you pest control no matter how much you spray even a double dose

I have seen pest control technicians misapply, over-apply, and use more than label rate and still fail to get control, why because more isn't better. using a product in a safe and effective manner in selecting the right formulation for the target pest based on pest biology, not pesticide bias. IPM Integrated pest management has been proven to control and prevent pests better than spray services alone. Utilizing a holistic approach versus a single active ingredient with a single mode of action. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pesticide Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
5/7/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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Holistic Pest Control Strategy In 5 Easy Steps To Solving The Most Difficult Pest Problems

Solving difficult pest problems are not the result of using more of different active ingredient whoever you can switch formulation from sprays to baits and be more effective but it comes down to 5 basic steps anyone can follow to get the best pest control result. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #holisticpestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
5/5/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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Franklin Hernandez ‘The Pestgeek’ Interviews David Krupp of Heat Injector System.

#christianethics #christianentreprenuer Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
5/5/20212 hours, 15 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Challenge Of Defining IPM Integrated Pest Management

[powerpress[ Defining IPM can be very difficult for most because IPM is not a legal definition but rather the EPA has IPM guidelines to follow but does not have an IPM protocol for species nor an IPM Law. Most school-integrated pest management programs do have clear protocols to follow when dealing with certain pest species. Observational Biology and Assessment-Based are both part of IPM which is a Holistic Pest Control Method. #IPM #Integratedpestmanagement #holisticpestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
5/4/202112 minutes, 47 seconds
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LIVING THE WILDLIFE with Stephen Vantassel: ‘Contracts: The Thing We Love To hate!’

On today's edition, we discuss the importance of contracts in the pest control industry. If you do not have one, you need one. You need a contract vetted by a lawyer knowledgeable in business law in your state or service area. Today's takeaway, If we can standardize our contracts across the nation, we can develop a stronger service contract for our industry. #wildlifeconservation #businesslaw #smallbusinesstips Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos:  Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife  & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here
5/1/202138 minutes, 41 seconds
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IPM is Not Sexy: The Challenge Of Making It Marketable.

On today's edition, we discuss the pushback coming from the industry. Eco friendly is something our customers have come to expect from us as we are unable to 'sell' IPM as a marketable thing. It is simply not sexy. With 20 years of experience in the IPM industry, Janet Hurley shares the scope of IPM and the challenges of validating one's work: putting on the detective hat and going out to solve a pest problem. We discuss the use of sticky traps as well as tawny crazy ants and chemical applications to deal with them. In addition, we cover glue traps as passive monitors and the need for heavy chemicals -during the pandemic- to control roaches and bedbugs in laptops at a few school districts. Sometimes it takes throwing the bat first and then combat! Tune in. #gluetraps #pestcontrolchemicals Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
4/30/20215 minutes, 55 seconds
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IPM: understanding Integrated (holistic) Pest Control vs. Pest Management.

On today's edition, we discuss what Integrated Pest Management is and what it is not. From the IPM pyramid model to chemical treatment within an urban residential setting. Implementing monitoring with German roaches. Extension Program Specialist Janet Hurley at Texas A&M talks about the challenges of debunking the popular notion that spraying will eliminate all bugs. There is a shift however that falls within Integrated Pest Management that requires educating customers in pest biology: German roaches for example do not simply walk into a property; they are the result of person to person contact. Tune in #ipm #pestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
4/29/20217 minutes, 35 seconds
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PESTGEEK MOBILE VIDEO OPTIMIZATION: Creating Blended Backgrounds With Titles and Logo.

On today's edition, we get into creating a blended background using Adobe Premiere Pro. We discuss shortcuts to cut and splice as well as easy tips for creating contrast between video and backgrounds. We also get into adding titles and layering logos. If you are a pest control professional who handles your own digital content, tune in for some helpful tips. #pestcontrolbusiness #premierepro Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page In: In Business Page: Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page In: In Business Page: Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page In: In Business Page: #premiereprotutorial #editingtutorial
4/28/202111 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to use a Modified B&G Bulb Duster To Place granular Bait In Areas That Are Tough To Reach.

German cockroaches tend to stay in the access points, voids and gaps of your kitchen. This is why the B&G Bulb Duster is the best way to get bait into those hard to reach places under or behind kitchen cabinets and appliances such as your fridge. On today's edition, we are using a modified B&G Bulb Duster to deal with German roaches. Our product of choice to deal with American roaches or German Roaches is MaxForce Complete granular Insect Bait. Tune in. Find these products available at the links below. Order DIRECT With FREE Shipping Maxforce Complete Insect Bait​ B&G Bulb Duster​ 1/4 inch hose​ #americanroach #germanroach #doityourselfpestcontrol​ #pestcontrolmiami​ #domyownpestcontrol Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linkedin: Linkedin Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
4/28/20213 minutes, 15 seconds
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On today's edition, we take you behind the scenes and into our process for optimizing video content for mobile screens. If you are a pest management pro who would handles your own content, you'll find this process video especially handy. Today's we'll talk about editing your videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. How to crop and scale a video to fit a mobile screen as well as some handy shortcuts for cutting, pasting, zooming in/out and trimming unneeded footage. We'll also get into rendering for IGTV and TIKTOK. Tune in! adobepremierepro #smallbusiness #IGTV Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page In: In Business Page:
4/26/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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LIVING THE WILDLIFE with Stephen Vantassel: How To Plan Out Your Retirement.

On today's edition of Living the Wildlife, Stephen Van Tassel gets into what you need to know as a business owner when planning out your retirement. Develop a Life Goals Plan. Being honest and realistic about the numbers is a good starting point. Among other things, appraising the future value of your business is an important thing to thing to think about as well as having an exit strategy. Other things to consider: assets and investments, retirement planning options and your will. Tune in. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos:  Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife  & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here #wildlifeconsultant #wildlifeconservation
4/23/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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What The Heck Is IPM? With Janet Hurley IPM Specialist (AgriLife Extension)@Texas A&M University

[wordpress] On today’s edition, we go deep in demystifying integrated pest management. For starters, today’s guest Janet Hurley (ACE, MPA Extension Program@Texas A&M AgriLife Extension) gives us a definitive view of IPM’s holistic nature. We discuss integrated pest management as a strategy that relies on accurate identification and scientific knowledge of target pests, pest infestation, reliable monitoring methods to assess pest presence, preventative measures to limit pest problems, and thresholds to determine when corrective control measures are needed. Within the scope of IPM, whenever it is economical and practical, multiple control tactics can be used to achieve best control of pests. These tactics may possibly include, but are not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides. Among other topics discussed, we get into biological assessment, anaphylactic shock, the evolving language of IPM. One of today's takeaways is that there is no legal definition for IPM. Not even the EPA has one. Tune in! Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: LinkedIn: LinkedIn Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest: #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #ants #ghostants #fireants #bugs
4/22/20211 hour, 59 minutes, 46 seconds
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Following up on an American Roach Problem; Inspecting Unsealed Access Points in Cabinets and Garage.

6 months with American cockroaches. After having remodeled and renovated, owners began to see roaches. The first course of action is to verify that all access points are sealed. Now, American cockroaches cannot be in the home if everything has been sealed. At this point, I perform and detailed inspection of cabinets only to find at least 7 access points that hadn't been sealed. Unsealed gas lines, plumbing problems and unsealed wiring access. The key here is inspection, inspection, inspection and observation. On today's edition we discuss tech mode vs. inspection mode. #Americancockroach​ #Insect​ #pestcontrol #diypestcontrol #pestprevention Support Us On Patreon: Site: Group Page In: In Business Page:
4/22/20219 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is The Label Really The Law Or Is The Labeling The Law?

Is the label really the law or is the labeling the law? According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) website: pesticide labels are LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE. In fact, these labels carry the same statement that says it is a violation of federal law to use a product in a manner that is inconsistent with its labeling. If the 'label is the law', why does this statement point to the labeling. What does this mean? How is the labeling different from the label? On this edition of the Pestgeek podcast, we examine the 'labeling vs. label' issue. Our starting point is based on the FDA's definition: Labeling is defined as all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matters (1) upon any article or any of its containers or wrappers, or (2) accompanying such an article. Depending on the circumstances, labeling may include packaging, product inserts, Web sites, and other promotional materials. Section 201(k) of the Act defines the term "label" as, "a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container of any article." Tune in. #pestcontroltraining #epa Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linked In: Linked In Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest:
4/20/202126 minutes, 52 seconds
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Living The Wild Life with Stephen Vantassel: Don’t Lie!

On today's edition of Living the Wildlife, Stephen deals with the issue of lying. "People forget that if you are going to be in business for a long time, sooner or later those lies are going to be caught out because it's very difficult to be a good liar. Because to be a good liar you have to remember what the truth is, what you told a lie about and you have to remember who you said it to. That's a lot of information to keep in your head at the same time. That's how a lot of people, when they're being interviewed by the police, get caught out. Because it's very difficult to maintain a lie for an extended period of time. You have to remember so many different things. It's so much easier just to believe the truth." Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos:  Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC’s Living the Wildlife  & Pest Geek Podcast Disclaimer Always follow national, state, provincial and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wild Life Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here #wildlifecontrol #biblicalethics
4/16/202128 minutes, 44 seconds
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This is why you need to raise your prices, pest control business owners!

Gas prices doubling. Product prices going up. Inflation rate outpacing 3% . Our techs deserve raises. What is the right call, sacrifice level of service and make it up in volume or maintain the level of service that people know us for and expect and pay a 3% raise. It's ok to lose a few if they won't appreciate the quality of service we provide. On today's edition, we get into the issue of raising prices. Pest control professionals need to ask themselves these questions and make some hard choices. Tune in. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolbusiness Support Us On Patreon: Web Site: Facebook Group Facebook Page Twitter: Linked In: Linked In Business Page: Instagram: Pinterest: #pests #pestcontrol #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrolbusiness #pestcontrolservice  #pestcontrolconsultants #wildlifecontrol #lawncare #pestcontrolmarketing #marketing #entrepreneur
4/16/202113 minutes, 22 seconds