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The Manifest

English, Education, 1 season, 245 episodes, 3 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes
Welcome to The Manifest - a podcast for spiritual rebels who want it all & more! Hosted by Jenn Stevens - Bestselling Author, Manifestation Expert, Spiritual Business Coach + Creator of The Aligned Life.
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The Manifest Episode #150: Being Nice vs Being Kind: A Formula For The Good Girls Do you struggle with NOT being a good girl? With self-abandoning? With people-pleasing or perfectionism? Then today's episode is for you! I know that some of you struggle with the concept of being bad. So instead of trying to be bad (or good), let's focus on being KIND. That means: being kind to ourselves AND kind to others, so we can set boundaries, say no, and prioritize OUR needs & desires without alienating everyone around us. Listen in now! In This Episode: + Find out why our Good Girl programming is so damaging to us as adults + Break-up with the word "nice' and focus on being KIND instead + Get re-inspired to focus on your needs & desires FIRST, before serving those around you + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
6/9/2023 β€’ 11 minutes, 1 second
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The Manifest Episode #149: GET YOUR ENERGY RIGHT! ALIGNED DECISIONS + AUTHENTICITY Does your energy always match your actions? We've all been there: living in reaction mode. And while to a certain extent that's normal, it's also a sign that we're not truly integrity with who we are and what we want. Today I'm sharing an example of getting your energy right. Though we're talking about dating in this episode, this tip is incredibly useful for anyone--especially if you're wondering "what should I do". In This Episode: + Get a few examples of what reactions look like in contrast to aligned decisions + Get curious about times in your life when your actions might not have reflected your desires + Get inspired to line your energy up behind everything you do + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
6/2/2023 β€’ 15 minutes
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The Manifest Episode #148: GET BACK IN YOUR POWER! 3 QUICK TIPS FOR PERSONAL AUTHORITY Are you a people-pleaser or codependent? Perfectionist? Or are you just ALWAYS asking your friends What. They. THINK?? Don't sweet it, bb because today's episode is here for you. Today I'm reminding you of the importance of personal authority (aka being the boss b*tch of your own life) and giving you three POWERFUL tips to help you start creating it for yourself today! In This Episode: + Find out what personal authority is and why it's ESSENTIAL to your happiness + Learn what bad habit you need to break IMMEDIATELY for better mental health & happiness + Powerful pointers on how to start trusting yourself + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
5/26/2023 β€’ 19 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #147: 3 Powerful Questions to Bust You Out of a Rut Are you in a rut? Feeling stuck? Endlessly complaining about the same things or having the same problems over and over again? Don't worry it's NOT your fault. And today I'm here to remind you that you have a lot more power than you think! Listen in now to hear my three POWERFUL turnaround questions that are guaranteed to help you get unstuck and finally move forward! In This Episode: + Why mindset is everything--even when our problems seem outside of us + Get my 3 powerful turnaround questions to help you get unstuck or bust through a rut! + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
5/19/2023 β€’ 14 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #146: SPRING CLEANING FOR YOUR MIND & SOUL Tis the season for spring cleaning! Who doesn't love a fresh start right? I certainly do. But of course, I have to take things a little deeper than most. In today's episode, I want to inspire you to spring clean your LIFE. What isn't working for you anymore? Whether that's in your wardrobe or your relationships, there's never been a better time to hit the reset button. Listen in & get inspired now! In This Episode: + Find out why spring is the BEST time to set new intentions & check in with your goals + Get inspired to look at spring cleaning on a much deeper level + Get specific tips for clearing out everything from your mind to your closet! + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
5/12/2023 β€’ 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #145: POST-DIVORCE GLOW-UP, MY HOUSEWIFE THEORY & THE HOTNESS PRINCIPLE There's nothing more that I love to see than watching women win--and today's episode is all about that. For far too long, break-ups have had this sad aura about them. But funny thing: in the real world, I see so many examples of women literally getting hotter after their divorces--or break-ups! So today I'm chatting about it--and telling you why I strongly believe that being in the wrong relationship can even make you ugly? (Ummmm say what??) This is really an energy tip that can apply to anyone ( in a relationship or not) so tune in now & get ready for your glow-up! In This Episode: + Get some real-life examples of the Post Divorce (or break up) Glow Up! + Find out more about my Housewife Theory (pssst! it's an energy thing!) + Start using my Hotness Principle to kick out old TOXIC energy and allow more true LOVE into your life! + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
5/5/2023 β€’ 16 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #144: A QUICK HACK TO MASSIVELY BOOST YOUR SELF-WORTH Sometimes a girl just needs a QUICK & EFFECTIVE tip that will help her to see herself in a brand-new light! Life can be tough. It is all too easy to let your current circumstances dictate the way you see yourself. Been there, done that darling, and omg it's soooo boring. But the big question is: how can you get yourself out of it? How can you start to appreciate the true magic and genius of who you actually are? Listen in to find out how in today's episode! In This Episode: + Find out why it's so easy to let your current circumstances dictate your self-concept + Get inspired to call your power back with a simple yet EFFECTIVE AF tip that will get you to actually see your amazing-ness + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
4/28/2023 β€’ 14 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #143: Let's Get Selfish Babe! The Sacred Art of Prioritizing You Do you struggle with codependency? Anxious attachment? People-pleasing?Β  Or maybe you just feel constantly full of resentment. You are not alone! Many of us have problems prioritizing our own health & happiness. In fact, we've been PROGRAMMED to think that doing so is "bad". So here's a hack to put you in your rightful place: at the TOP of your T0-Do List. Let's. Get. Selfish. Rest assured, I don't mean completely ignoring the needs and wants of those around you. But instead, just making it a habit to always think about what you want before you take action. This is a POWERFUL way to get yourself over that feeling of not-enough-ness that most of us struggle with. Listen in now & take the challenge of becoming SELFISH for yourself over the next week! In This Episode: + Learn about how teaching kids to NOT be selfish has a secret dark side + Find out why adopting a selfish mindset is a genius way to prioritize yourself (especially if you are a people-pleaser) + Get inspired to think about your Ideal Future Self and become obsessed with making them a reality + Much more! πŸ’œ Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE your life. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. πŸ”₯ FREE INNER CHILD HEALING AUDIO: πŸ™ HEAL YOURSELF EVERY MONTH: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST PODCAST: βœ… FOLLOW ME HERE:
4/21/2023 β€’ 17 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #142: IS THERAPY SPEAK MAKING US SELFISH? SHARING MY THOUGHTS It's pretty hard not to notice the rising popularity of words like: Gaslighting. Boundaries. Narcissist! Yup. Guilty! These are words I use pretty darn often around here. But the question I'm asking this week is: have they gone too far? This week I read an article on Bustle called: Is Therapy-Speak Making Us Selfish?-- which very much implies that this language is making us MORE selfish than ever before. However, I completely disagree! Today I'm sharing a few of my own personal experiences with the power of language--as well as why I don't think it's the language that's to blame for this. (And what I actually think it is!) ✨ Has therapy speak gone too far? ✨ Has someone used this language against you? ✨ How do you feel about this trend in general? Listen in now and tell me what you think! Original article here on Bustle: In This Episode: + My own personal experience with the healing power of the right language + Why language isn't the REAL culprit in the Bustle article + How I think changing language reflects a change in society for the better + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
4/14/2023 β€’ 20 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #141: THOUGHTS ON THOSE TOXIC TIKTOK WEDDING VOWS Last week--much like the rest of the internet--I was completely horrified by those toxic misogynistic wedding vows. Originally I wanted to make a TikTok about it but I just had too much to say! So I'm sharing it here with you inside today's podcast. (Video here: In This Episode: + Find out my thoughts about these (terrible) viral wedding vows + Get inspired to stand up for yourself and stop settling for so much less than love and respect in your relationships + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
4/7/2023 β€’ 21 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #140: CULTIVATING MORE PLEASURE: THE NEXT LEVEL OF MINDFULNESS Can I ask you a personal question? What's YOUR relationship with pleasure? For many of us, pleasure isn't something we give a lot of time or thought. Sure, it happens from time to time. But we're not out there actively pursuing it. My question to you today is: well why the heck not? Life is just a collection of beautiful now-moments. If we create more pleasure in those moments, we will end up looking back upon a much more satisfying life. I'm committing to the art of finding pleasure in the everyday--and I invite you to join me on this journey! Listen in to get started. In This Episode: + Explore your relationship to pleasure and get real about how much pleasure you experience on the regular + Find out why pleasure is the next level of mindfulness + Get inspired to center pleasure as a major goal in your life + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
3/31/2023 β€’ 14 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #139: NEUROINFLAMMATION: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Have you ever heard a word so intriguing that it made you almost drop your coffee in the middle of a crowded cafe? Well I have! And the word that caught my very ADHD attention was: neuroinflammation. By now it's probably Hit You On The Head With A Cast Iron Pan obvious that I'm straight obsessed with anything relating to brain health and our overall happiness and well-being. And while I pride myself on my holistic brain-body approach, I have to admit that I haven't given much thought to our brain's actual physical health. (In retrospect....yikes 😬😬) But it's a good thing I did. Because, as it turns out, your brain can suffer from inflammation, just like any other part of your body. So if you're interested in feeling great and relieving stress, it's also important to think of your brain as the physical object it is--and to treat it well. (Spoiler: we can't live on a diet of Cheetos alone!) In today's episode, I'm giving you a primer on everything you need to know about neuroinflammation so you can optimize your brain health for happiness and wellbeing. In This Episode: + Find out what brain inflammation is & how it can affect you + Get tips on how to reduce your brain inflammation for optimal health and happiness + Start thinking of your brain as the important physical organ that it is + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
3/24/2023 β€’ 18 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #138: HOW TO CHANGE YOUR PERSONALITY (NO REALLY) Big question for you today: If you had to design your whole personality from scratch, what would you pick? That sounds like a crazy question at first. But it's actually something we should all think about. Because here's the thing friend: we actually are capable of changing ANY aspect of our personality. None of us are as set in stone as we've been taught to believe. So my question is: then why don't we change things around a bit? Today I'm sharing some of the newest science in this area and giving you some tips on how to begin shifting your personality starting right now! In This Episode: + Find out why your personality is not as set in stone as you've been led to believe + Get inspired to think of the many possibilities available to you (instead of feeling limited by who you think you are) + Learn a powerful way to shift your personality that actually works--(and is supported by science!) + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
3/17/2023 β€’ 16 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #137: HOW TO CREATE A NEW HABIT | MY BEST TIPS FOR SUCCESS Looking to create a wildly happy and successful new future for yourself? Then there's one thing you've definitely got to know how to do: Create new habits That's because it's just a fact of life: doing what you've always done will get you what you always got. (SO ANNOYING MY GOD) So if you want new results in life, you will have to create new actions to back them up. However, habits are not as easy as they sound. On the surface, this kind of work might sound boring or mundane. But let's be honest: how many new habits have you created for yourself recently?? (insert crickets noise here!) If you're struggling to think of even one, then today's episode is for you! I'm sharing my very own tried-and-true tactics for creating new habits along with some ever-important mindset work to go along with it. Tune in now! In This Episode: + Find out the one BIG habit-creation mistake you might be making right now + Get my two fool-proof formulas for creating new habits that stick + Learn some helpful mindset tips to help you keep going & become a success! + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: SLEEP ROUTINE EPISODE: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
3/10/2023 β€’ 18 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode #136: PEOPLE-PLEASER NO MORE! STAND UP FOR YOURSELF WITHOUT BEING A DICK Are you a people pleaser? Do you CHRONICALLY put everyone else first--always putting yourself last? Are you stuck in resentment or anger because of it? This episode is here for you! People-pleasing is a HUGE problem, especially for those of us socialized as women. And while it seems like the right thing to do in the moment, it always ends up leaving us feeling depleted or taken for granted. The solution? It's not to get everyone else to treat YOU better. It's to learn how to treat YOURSELF like a priority! Listen in to today's episode to get some self-healing tips to help you do exactly that! In This Episode: + Find out why people-pleasing is so toxic and how it always hurts us in the long run + Get some clarity around your people-pleasing tendencies + Learn one powerful technique for standing up for yourself and fighting back! + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
3/3/2023 β€’ 15 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #135: BEING GOOD ENOUGH | WHY YOUR PERFECTIONISM IS KILLING YOU Are you a perfectionist? Do you always find yourself pushing to reach that next level, award, or grade? Do you find yourself going above and beyond, in almost every area of your life? But lemme guess: you're also exhausted. Totally burnout from all that effort. From running and running after things but never quite getting "there". You always thought if you just tried a little harder you would finally get to feel good. But so far, that day hasn't happened. 😬 If you can relate, you're so not alone my friend! Perfectionism is a SNEAKY thing: it tells us we're being smart or productive, when behind the scenes it's slowly sucking dry our self-concept, our energy, EVERYTHING. It's always toxic, no matter what we've been telling ourselves over the years. If you're ready to ditch your perfectionist patterns and finally feel like you're ENOUGH, then today's episode is for you! We're gonna discuss a LOT more about the toxicity of a perfectionist mindset as well as give you some solid self-inquiry tips to help you start to heal your perfectionist mindset. Join us now for this radically self-healing episode! In This Episode: + Find out what perfectionism is & why it's so toxic to your happiness and well-being + Learn about where your perfectionism came from & the root cause underneath it all + Get some powerful self-reflection questions to kick start the healing process + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
2/24/2023 β€’ 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #134: SEEING THE WOUNDED INNER CHILD | A MINDSET SHIFT FOR UNDERSTANDING It's a cliche in the personal development world that everything goes back to your childhood. But that's for a good reason: it's true. It's why I have so much inner child and reparenting work inside my Recode program. And it's been a focus for me in my own life for the last few years. This has profoundly shifted the way I see both myself and the world--and today I'm opening up to share one of my most profound shifts. Listen in to find out my special reframe & start applying it in your own life! IN THIS EPISODE: + Learn about why inner child work is so essential to healing our everyday life + Find out my favorite shift that originated in inner child work, that's profoundly shifted the way I see myself & the world! + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
2/17/2023 β€’ 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Manifest Episode #133: BUSTING TOXIC RELATIONSHIP MYTHS | THE VALENTINE'S DAY EPISODE & THE COURAGE TO CHOOSE YOU Valentine's Day isn't all that for many single people. I know that this time of year can be extra hard if you are judging yourself for not being paired up. So let's shift that, shall we? In today's episode, I'm busting a few of the biggest myths about love and romance--and reminding you to ultimately fall in love with yourself. It's not just for the single ladies however--this is recommended listening even if you're in a relationship already! In This Episode: + Find out why some of the biggest cultural myths about love are in fact harmful & toxic + Shift yourself to a place of power no matter what your relationship status might be + Release loneliness for good with this one amazing tip + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN ME INSIDE RECODE:
2/10/2023 β€’ 26 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


The Manifest Episode #132: DO YOUR THING! FINDING THE COURAGE TO STEP OUTSIDE THE BOX "I wish I had the courage to do that." Have you ever found yourself watching someone and turning almost green with envy? Is there a dream inside you that's just dying to come out? Is there something you're doing in your life just because you think you "have to"? Then today's episode is for you, my friend! Honestly, it takes a LOT of guts to live life by your rules. It takes facing not only your perfectionism--but also your fear of judgment. So many times, our fear wins out over the things that we really want in life--including our own dreams and desires. Today I'm discussing why these fears might be getting in the way of you living your dream life--and giving you a permission slip to let yourself be your true wild & beautiful self! In This Episode: + Why perfectionism might be standing in the way of your dreams + Understand how your fear of judgment might be holding you back from your happy + Get the courage to get really weird and do what YOU want in this life! + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
2/3/2023 β€’ 14 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork


The Manifest Episode #131: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS LAZINESS (FIND OUT WHAT IT REALLY IS!) I've spoken about this on TikTok recently, but I wanted to do a deep dive with you here today on the podcast. I am always looking for the toxic shadow beliefs we hold about ourselves -- ESPECIALLY the ones we ones we learned from society at large. My big question here today is this: does believing in laziness actually help anyone....EVER? I don't think so and today I'm telling you why. In this episode, I'm sharing why laziness is such a big cultural idea PLLUS sharing what it really is. The good news is: that has nothing to do with your motivation or skill! If you're ready to free yourself from this toxic mindset, then listen in now! In This Episode: + Find out where the concept of laziness comes from in our society + Get a reframe about why this is SO toxic for us + Find out what laziness actually is & why it has NOTHING to do with your motivation! + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
1/27/2023 β€’ 17 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#130) The Toxic Law of Attraction Teachers of TikTok

The Manifest Episode #130: The Toxic Law of Attraction Teachers of TikTok Lately, I've seen some manifestation advice on TikTok that makes me CRINGE. Look, I will always be a fan of manifestation. But some of these teachers are telling you things that are straight-up HARMFUL. Today I'm talking about the world of manifesting a specific person, anxious attachment style, and limerence--and reminding you that finding someone to tell you what you want to hear isn't always the best thing for you! Would love to hear your thoughts on this one so don't be afraid to reach out! In This Episode: + Learn some examples of toxic teachings, especially involving "specific person" on TikTok + Why manifesting a specific person DOESN'T always work (& why that's okay) + What to concentrate your energy & time on instead + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can truly LOVE yourself. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life. ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
1/20/2023 β€’ 21 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#129) A Hypnosis for Letting Go

The Manifest Episode #129: A Hypnosis For Letting Go This week we're switching things up! I'm giving you a totally brand new & unique hypnosis for letting go. I'm such a huge fan of hypnosis and I wanted to kick off your new year by giving you a taste of what's possible. Just this short hypnosis can do SO MUCH to transform your life. (Imagine what even more hypnosis might do!) I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this so don't be afraid to reach out! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. This is where I give you weekly high-vibe doses of healing power and life inspiration so YOU can create your best life from the inside out. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you with the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
1/13/2023 β€’ 20 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#128) Make It Happen | Taking Action in 2023 (Reinvention Series)

The Manifest Episode #128: Make It Happen | Taking Action in 2023 (Reinvention Series) The final installment of the reinvention series is here! This week we're talking about one of the most important pieces of the reinvention process: taking action. Yes, you will have to do new things in order to create the life you want. In this episode, I'm giving you some solid tips on how to do that as well as an important reminder to get out of your comfort zone. Listen in now & get excited for your next year! In This Episode: + Find out why action is so important to creating new results in life + Start to map out your game plan so you can begin taking small action steps now + Get inspired to challenge yourself to become your next-level self + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey toward healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
12/16/2022 β€’ 21 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#127) Up-Level Your Identity (Reinvention Series)

The Manifest Episode #127: Up-Level Your Identity (Reinvention Series) Continuing with our reinvention series, this week we're talking IDENTITY. Essentially, changing your life requires you to change your self-concept--and to turn the volume way UP on what you want and way DOWN on what you don't. Yes, this IS within your control--despite what your brain is telling you. So grab yourself a tea & get cozy--time to listen in & get inspired! In This Episode: + Find out why changing your identity is so damn DIFFICULT + Discover why an identity shift is required for your big reinvention + Get inspired to figure out not only what you want but WHO you really want to be + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
12/9/2022 β€’ 19 minutes
Episode Artwork

(#126) Reinvention | Listening In To Let Go

The Manifest Episode #126: Reinvention | Listening In To Let Go This week we're continuing the theme of reinvention! But instead of looking more closely at our dreams, we're going in the opposite direction. Sounds weird I know! But this is just as important as honing in on what you want in life. (If not MORE important.) As a reformed Pretend Everything Is Fine type of person, I can personally attest to how important this step is! (And hopefully, save you much of the unpleasantness I've experienced over the years.) Listen in now to get inspired & notice what needs the boot in your life! In This Episode: + Get inspired to notice where you might be frustrated, bored, or downright unhappy in your life + Start the authentic listening and noticing process to get way more aligned with your authentic self + Start to figure out what's not working so you can make plans to let it all go in 2023! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
12/2/2022 β€’ 17 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#125) The Art of Reinvention (Start New For 2023! Part 1)

The Manifest Episode #125: The Art of Reinvention (Start New For 2023! Part 1) The last part of the year is a funny time. But while we're busy with holiday madness, it's also the perfect time to stop and check in with you. Who are you & where are you going next? It's so crucial to ask these questions regularly if you want to create a powerful relationship with your authentic self. Whether you're wanting to begin your transformation process NOW or you need a little extra self-love time during this busy season, you'll get inspired to start the reinvention process with some deep reflection.Β  Listen in to get inspired to begin your next life cycle! In This Episode: + Start getting ready to rock your 2023 year starting NOW + Dream big and start the reinvention process + How to deeply connect with yourself whether you're ready to start making changes NOW or need a chill out mental space for the holidays! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING EXERCISE: JOIN RECODE:
11/25/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#124) Identity Magic | Shift Your Way To What You Want!

The Manifest Episode #124: Identity Magic | Shift Your Way To What You Want! This week we're returning to one of my favorite topics: mind magic. Specifically: identity shifting. Identity is one of our secret limitations and also one of our most powerful tools. So does your identity match up with what you really want in life? And if not, then why is that? This is the fundamental problem we're fixing in this episode, complete with some juicy questions on how to hone in on exactly who you really want to be. Listen in & start shifting now! In This Episode: + Find out why mindset & healing work is a potent form of magic + Discover the importance of your identity beliefs and find out the ways you can start shifting them + Get inspired to truly vision for your life and decide on who you want to be (so you can make it happen with ease) + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/18/2022 β€’ 16 minutes, 2 seconds
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(#123) Boundaries vs Resentments

The Manifest Episode #123: Boundaries vs Resentments No one likes to feel resentment. In fact it's one of those emotions that we love to bottle up and hide the most. But what if your resentments were here to teach you something? If you struggle with codependency and people-pleasing, this episode is for you! We're going use your resentments as a guide to find out exactly where to set your next boundary. In This Episode: + Learn more about the relationship between resentments and boundaries + Get inspired to look at your current resentments with new eyes + Find out some simple boundary setting tips that make standing up for yourself SO much easier + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/11/2022 β€’ 14 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#122) Embrace Your Ick! Why Listening To Your Feelings Is Key For Your Happy Future

The Manifest Episode #122: Embrace Your Ick! Why Listening To Your Feelings Is Key For Your Happy Future If you're anything like me, by now you're pretty damn good at gaslighting yourself. + Pretending you're okay +Telling yourself you should be grateful + Convincing yourself things really aren't that bad! If any of that sounds familiar, today's episode is for you! In my own life, I've learned the power of leaning into my ick and here's what I learned: Feeling and acknowledging what doesn't feel good shines a light on how to free yourself. If you're ready to use your uncomfortable feelings as a guide post, then listen in now! In This Episode: + Find out why your negative feelings are KEY to living your best life + Get the courage to stop running away from the ick in your life and find out how to transform your life instead + Stop wasting time & energy gaslighting yourself and actually make progress to what you want in life + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey toward healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE MANIFESTATION PLANNER: JOIN RECODE:
11/4/2022 β€’ 13 minutes, 56 seconds
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(#121) Changing Your Stories To Get What You Want

The Manifest Episode #121: Changing Your Stories To Get What You Want Tired of playing the victim card? Or feeling eternally broken? Honey---let's DROP the sad girl narrative for once and for all!Β  Without our even noticing it, we are the ones writing out so many of our current "problems". But with a little inner shift, you can change how you see everything--no matter what has happened to you in the past! Listen in to today's episode to remember the power you always have in rewriting your stories. In This Episode: + Find out why almost everything you believe is actually just a story--that YOU wrote yourself + Get inspired to take back control of your narrative and start presenting yourself as who you really want to be + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/28/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#120) Energetic Alignment | Mastering Your Inner Push & Pull

The Manifest Episode #120: Energetic Alignment | Mastering Your Inner Push & Pull How energetically aligned are you? Even though we talk about alignment here all the time, when it comes down to it, most of us are better at GASLIGHTING ourselves than we are at being actually aligned. In today's episode, I'm sharing more about what alignment really is, giving you tips on how to identify your own MIS-alignment, and sharing one big tip to get you back into alignment FAST! Stop gaslighting YOUR energetic experience & listen to today's episode! In This Episode: + Find out what energetic alignment is & why it's so important + Cultivate a better awareness of the energy dance inside of you when you achieve big things + Get my favorite big tip on how to create more alignment--almost instantly! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey toward healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/21/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#119) Prioritizing Your Pleasure

The Manifest Episode #119: Prioritizing Your Pleasure What's your relationship to pleasure? Even though we are human creatures, pleasure is not usually at the top of our priority list. To make things worse, many of the things we THINK are pleasurable aren't actually that at all. Even though it's been demonized, pleasure can be a powerful tool to connect us to the current moment and create more JOY in our lives. So today I'm giving you a pep-talk on why you should actively pursue pleasure as well as some ideas on how to do that! In This Episode: + Find out why the pursuit of pleasure is so RARE in today's age + Find out why your current idea of pleasure might not be so accurate + Get some ideas on how to make pleasure a real priority in your life + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/14/2022 β€’ 24 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#118) Invest In Yourself! Become Conscious Of Your Energy To Create A Happier Life

The Manifest Episode #118: Invest In Yourself! Become Conscious Of Your Energy To Create A Happier Life Do you ever find yourself wondering: Where DOES the time go? If you're like most people, you find it hard to imagine making more room for things in life--even the things in life that you actually really want to do. We all tend to go on autopilot--and unfortunately, sometimes that means we end up spending our time on things that don't really do us any good. So this week I'm sharing a powerful mindset tip to help you get control back and become conscious of how you're spending your own precious time and energy. Listen in for an energetic tune-up! In This Episode: + Find out what a buffering behavior is & why you need to watch out for yours + Learn how to change your relationship to your own time & energy for increased happiness + Stop wasting time on bad old habits that are draining you and open up more room for the things in life that you actually want! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents basement. It was terrible. But ultimately that moment catapulted me into my self-love and healing journey. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind allowed me to transform my world from the inside out! And now I'm here to help you to do the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/7/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#117) How To Love Someone

The Manifest Episode #117: How To Love Someone Listen up! This one's for anyone who's in a relationship with a human. πŸ˜‚ We all know that relationships are REFLECTIONS of us. They're also the place that can hurt us the most and where we can also hurt others all too easily. With the people we know and love the most, we tend to go on autopilot (because we're so damn comfortable!). However, that also means that we're probably NOT loving the people around us to the level that we could. In this episode, I'm inspiring you to take a look around at the people who you adore the most and to learn how to LOVE them in a way they will appreciate. A must for any relationship, big or small! In This Episode: + Find out why we don't always love the people who are important to us in the way that THEY need the most + Get inspired to watch and APPRECIATE how the people in your life show up for you + Get the tools to revive and rev up ALL your relationships whether they are friends, lovers + partners! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/30/2022 β€’ 20 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#116) Expanding Past Black & White Thinking

The Manifest Episode #116: Expanding Past Black & White Thinking Ever wonder why we go from absolutely LOVING someone to HATING them in the blink of an eye? It's not just you being overly dramatic. It's the black and white thinking that our subconscious mind LOVES. However, that same thinking often keeps us stuck inside of behaviors or situations that aren't really good for us. Find out more about black and white thinking, why we humans are so prone to it, and start learning your way out of it in today's episode! In This Episode: + Find out what black and white thinking is + Learn more about some times where black and white thinking might have NEGATIVELY impacted your life + Get inspired to be less black and white so you can embrace the reality of GRAY! (aka the beautiful nuance of being human!) + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/23/2022 β€’ 23 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#115) Feel Those Negative Feelings!

The Manifest Episode #115: Feel Those Negative Feelings! Why are you really afraid to go after what you want in life? The thing we fear the most is feeling "bad": stressed out, embarrassed, angry, etc. We are in fact so subconsciously afraid of those feelings that we'd do almost anything to avoid them. But unfortunately, that means avoiding doing the things in life that are important and would take us closer to our goals. If you haven't been able to figure out why you keep getting stuck, this could be why. So instead of hiding from the potential of feeling "bad" why don't we simply learn how to feel those feelings--and be okay with it all? What you resist, persists and there's nowhere that's more evident than with our feelings! Listen in now to get inspired to face your toughest feelings head-on! In This Episode: + Find out why your negative feelings might be holding you back + Get inspired to face your feelings head-on so you can feel empowered in any situation + Finally feel confident enough to take on anything in life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create your dream life. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Healing my subconscious mind helped me get my power back and totally transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) heal their negative programmed beliefs and low self-worth so they can finally feel happy and confident. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/16/2022 β€’ 20 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#114) Are You Playing Small? How To Go BIG Now!

The Manifest Episode #114: Are You Playing Small? How To Go BIG Now! Are you playing small in life? Honey, you are not alone! This is a game I LOVED to play--and I've done so much work to change over the years. However, there are some very BIG reasons why this might currently be a reality in your life. Today I'm sharing FOUR of those reasons, along with some helpful reframes so you can get out of your own way and start going BIG! In This Episode: + Get INSPIRED to get back in the drivers seat of your life + Find out four of the BIGGEST reasons why you might be playing small in life + Get helpful reframes and tips for how to heal those things + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/9/2022 β€’ 24 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#113) Loneliness: How To Face Your Fear To Supercharge Your Life

The Manifest Episode #113: Loneliness: How To Face Your Fear To Supercharge Your Life Are you letting your fear of LONELINESS hold you back? You might not think about loneliness very often. But avoiding loneliness is actually a huge driver of our behavior--and not always in the best way. In today's episode, I'm sharing some examples of how our fear of loneliness keeps us small, as well as some techniques to manage your fear and begin to value your own alone time! In This Episode: + Find out why your fear of loneliness might be BLOCKING your happiness + Learn how to embrace the concept of "being alone" to safeguard your own energy and happiness + Learn how to effectively process your fear or loneliness (or any negative emotion) so those feelings don't rule your life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can manifest the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SCHOOL OF LIFE: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/26/2022 β€’ 27 minutes, 16 seconds
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(#112) Hack Your Sleep! | Sharing My Sleep Routine Secrets

The Manifest Episode #112: Hack Your Sleep! | Sharing My Sleep Routine Secrets This week I'm getting a bit more personal and sharing my best hacks for getting a good night's sleep. I got a little obsessed with my sleep routine during the early days of the pandemic. These days I'm definitely more well-rested so I can confidently say my sleep hacking worked out! Today I'm sharing my evening routine and favorite products to inspire you to hack your sleep and feel better rested than ever! In This Episode: + Find out my current sleep routine, including all my Must-Haves + Get inspired to hack your sleep and get better rest + Learn a Kim K. approved sleep hack that also fights against aging! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create the life of your dreams. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/19/2022 β€’ 17 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#111) Become Your Own Cheerleader | Give Yourself Credit!

The Manifest Episode #111: Become Your Own Cheerleader | Give Yourself Credit For Your Growth! Not gonna lie: sometimes the journey of healing feels LONG. And sometimes it even feels like nothing is happening. That makes it easy to get down on yourself and maybe even give up on the whole process entirely. But please don't give up right now! Even though we might not get HUGE payoffs every day, it's still so important to show up and keep healing. In this episode, I'm expanding you to become less outcome-focused for your healing journey and more focused on the very real progress you are making every day. If you want to stay motivated even when things are "slow", this is the episode for you! In This Episode: + Get inspired to give yourself CREDIT for all of your healing: everything from showing up to meditate to actually breaking old toxic behavioral patterns + Learn why being outcome-focused on your healing journey is the WRONG approach and find out what to focus on instead + Fall in love with watching yourself GROW--which is really the most important lesson of all! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/12/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 55 seconds
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(#110) Expectation Management, The Recession & You

The Manifest Episode #110: Expectation Management, The Recession & You I was listening to an episode of The Daily recently & it got me thinking about expectations. Basically, that podcast episode was about the importance of how our beliefs affect our reality. I found this such a concrete example of how we're constantly manifesting our own results! It's not (just!) magic. What you believe about the world has an impact on your actions--and therefore creates your results. Today, I'm here to remind you to really look at your expectations for your own life. Are you expecting good things--or bad? Even as Conscious Creators, we often FORGET that our expectations truly are in our own power. So here's the kickstart you need to start truly looking at yours (and perhaps opting for some higher expectations!). In This Episode: + Find out why an episode of The Daily reminded me of the importance of expectations + Start looking at your own expectations for your life & decide on whether or not they're truly serving you + Get excited again about using the power of your MIND to create your own REALITY! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- (mentioned in the episode) THE DAILY: SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/5/2022 β€’ 12 minutes, 41 seconds
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(#109) Growing For Growth's Sake | A Fresh New Way To Set Goals & Intentions

The Manifest Episode #109: Growing For Growth's Sake | A Fresh New Way To Set Goals & Intentions Bored of your goals? Confused about what you want? Or maybe you feel too tired to even set them? Here's the REFRESHING new way to look at your goals. All too often our goals are determined by outside influence: society, our friends, what we see on social media. While there's nothing wrong with achieving those things, those goals will simply NEVER light us up the way our authentic goals will. So what if we switch our lens from keeping up with others to growing and stretching ourselves JUST because it's fun and we can? Listen in to get some goal-setting inspiration and fire yourself up for your own life again! In This Episode: + Find out why your goals might not have made you happy in the past + Learn why our goal "failures" often become a barrier to setting new goals + Find out the paradigm shift you needed to get INSPIRED to dream big and push yourself--even if your life already "looks good on paper"! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/29/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#108) Validating (& Invalidating) Emotions

The Manifest Episode #108: Validating (& Invalidating) Emotions This week I saw something on reality TV that got me thinking about emotional validation. This one scene between a mother and her child was a perfect example of how parents emotionally invalidate their children--likely without even realizing it. Does that sound familiar to you? If so, you're not alone! Emotional validation was definitely not something I grew up with. But it is in fact important for healthy emotional growth in children. One sign that you did not receive emotional validation as a child is that you cannot give it to yourself (or to others) in your adult life. But living without that validation is really difficult. So today I'm sharing some tips on how you can stop this sneaky form of self-torture and create a more healthy relationship to your feelings instead! In This Episode: + Hear an example of what emotional invalidation looks like in parenting + Find out what emotional validation is & why it's important (for both children & adults) + Start your healing process by learning how to emotionally validate yourself and those around you! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/22/2022 β€’ 16 minutes, 10 seconds
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(#107) Standards & Boundaries For An Epic Life

The Manifest Episode #107: Standards & Boundaries For An Epic Life To create a truly epic life, you need to have a handle on TWO things: your standards and your boundaries. But what's the difference between the two? While I'm a big believer in the power of boundaries, we actually don't have that many boundaries in our life. What we do have are STANDARDS (aka preferences). In today's episode, I'm clarifying the difference between standards and boundaries. You will learn why boundaries aren't a way to control other people and get re-inspired to think about the boundaries and standards in your own life! In This Episode: + Find out the difference between a standard and a boundary + Learn why boundaries are about YOU (not other people) + Get re-inspired to consider your own standards and boundaries, so you can adjust them where you need to + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/15/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 35 seconds
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(#106) Attachment Theory 101 | Transform Your Relationships

The Manifest Episode #106: Attachment Theory 101 | Transform Your Relationships Constantly feeling anxious in love? Confused why your relationships never seem to work out? Frustrated by how HARD love feels sometimes? Today's episode is for you! We're taking a peek into the world of attachment theory, which will transform the way you think about yourself and how you relate to other people. You'll find out more about both anxious and avoidant attachment styles and find out why it's so important to understand (& heal!) your attachment style. I've been busy doing this work on myself recently and I'm so excited to share this with you today! In This Episode: + Find out what attachment styles are and how they are formed + Learn more about the predominant attachment styles: Anxious & Avoidant + Find out why Anxious and Avoidants tend to attract each other (then fizzle out) + Get inspired to heal yourself and move towards Secure Attachment! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create life from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/8/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 19 seconds
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(#105) You Are The Designer Of Your Life

The Manifest Episode #105: You Are The Designer Of Your Life Feeling resentful? Lost your ZEST for life? Today's episode is here to SHAKE some passion back into you! We all have times when we seem to lose our spark and feel the weight of daily obligation. But I'm here to remind you today that YOU are still the one in charge. Listen in for a few POWERFUL reframes that will snap you out of autopilot and put you back in touch with your Conscious Creator power! In This Episode: + Find out the reframe I use when I start feeling stuck or like I "have to" things + Snap yourself out of autopilot, consciously look at your life, and start adjusting what isn't working + Call back your power as a Conscious Creator and get busy designing a life you're WILDLY obsessed with! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/1/2022 β€’ 15 minutes, 44 seconds
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(#104) Holding Two Vibrations

The Manifest Episode #104: Holding Two Vibrations If you've been following the world of law of attraction for a while, you've no doubt heard about the importance of holding a vibration. However, we're only human! And from my own experience, I've found sometimes it's MORE important to hold TWO vibrations at once. As humans, we are FULL of contrast and contradiction. But when you try to fight for only ONE half of what you're feeling, that can create an internal emotional earthquake which leaves you feeling inauthentic. So let's stop resisting it! While it's still important to focus on what you want, let's try to do that while also processing what we're ACTUALLY feeling! In This Episode: + Why holding TWO vibrations (or feelings) at once might be the right choice for you + Why it's important to not create extra resistance and judgment to your emotions + Why you can let go and accept where you're at while STILL manifesting where you want to go! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels. I'll take you on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/24/2022 β€’ 22 minutes, 30 seconds
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(#103) We Have To Talk About Teal Swan

The Manifest Episode #103: We Have To Talk About Teal Swan I recently watched the Hulu series The Deep End and it really shocked me. I used to be a Teal Swan fan but my feelings about her have drastically shifted over the last year. Today, I'm talking about what my key takeaways from this series are, as they relate to trauma healing and spiritual leaders. And I'm so curious about what YOU think about Teal Swan and if this docuseries has changed anything for you. In This Episode: + Hear about my own history with Teal Swan and why she was important to my own growth process + Find out why I believe Teal's Completion Process is so dangerous + Learn one key red-flag to look for in any healer, guru, or spiritual leader + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! This podcast will take your on a journey towards healing your subconscious mind so you can create live from your beautiful soul. | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Coach & Healer & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author, Healer & Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/17/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#102) What I Learned About Relationships From The Kardashians

The Manifest Episode #102: What I Learned About Relationships From The Kardashians There was one scene in The Kardashians last week that really caught my attention. It was when Khloe and Kim started discussing the problems the family has with men in general. πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ Needless to say, my ears perked up! It was interesting enough to hear a new perspective on their romantic relationships. But as always, I found myself looking at what else that conversation might have meant, from a spiritual and energetic perspective. Yup! I'm talking masculine and feminine energy! You know, the thing that I struggle with at times in romantic relationships. So if both me and the Kardashians are struggling with it, perhaps you are too? Today, I'm using this as an example of how important it is to balance masculine and feminine energy in romantic relationships. Because romantic relationships can be tough, right? Anything we can learn to make them flow a little better is a great thing. So tune in to hear my spiritual spin on this hot topic and to find out what NOT to do in your romantic relationships! In This Episode: + Find out which conversation on The Kardashians last week I found interesting + Get a new reminder about how important it is to balance masculine and feminine energy in romantic relationships + Find out the BIG relationship mistake you might be making! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/10/2022 β€’ 22 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#101) Feel Your Feelings

The Manifest Episode #101: Feel Your Feelings Feelings aren't always fun! And most of us simply haven't been taught how to process and manage our own feelings. Instead, many of us have been taught to bury them--which is not the same thing at all. One of my big goals in life is to help the world understand more about their emotional state. We don't have to fear our emotions--ever--and when you don't it actually creates such freedom in your life. So today's episode is all about shining a light on our feelings. Whether you're new to this work or not, there are some golden nuggets in here so listen in now! In This Episode: + Find out why it's so important for everyone to understand more about their emotions and feelings + Find out why you might not have as much emotional intelligence as you think! + Get inspired to start feeling YOUR feelings so you can create a juicy and vibrant life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/3/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#100) Stop Waiting! Rev Your Energy Up Now

The Manifest Episode #100: Stop Waiting! Rev Your Energy Up Now Be honest: are you waiting for the world to be PERFECT before you can feel good? Even though you already know you're a Conscious Creator, we can still fall into this trap. And honestly? It's a sneaky way of you giving away all your creation power. Today's episode is just a fast reminder that YOU always hold the cards energetically no matter what. The big question is: how do you really want to feel & show up today? In This Episode: + Find out why waiting to feel good is a TRAP + Why choosing your energy no matter what is essential to consciously creating your life + Ideas on how to show up in a radical new way to shift your results fast + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/27/2022 β€’ 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#99) What Are You Ready For?

The Manifest Episode #99: What Are You Ready For? Are you secretly pushing away your manifestation desires because you don't really feel READY for them? This is a common manifestation problem. And today I'm sharing some inspiration and tips on how to get out of it. Remember, life is about our growth--not just achieving random goals or acquiring objects. You always get what you're ready for. So let's get you ready! In This Episode: + Find out why readiness might just be subconsciously blocking you from what you want + Get inspired to dig deep into your subconscious blocks and notice how you might be pushing your goals away + Find the inspiration and motivation to get ready for the life you REALLY want, even when it might be tough or scary! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/13/2022 β€’ 16 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#98) Turn Up The Volume On Your Own Life

The Manifest Podcast Episode #98: Turn Up The Volume In Your Own Life What would life be like if you started asking for more, being more, having more? That's the question I'm asking you this week--and honestly, it's the perfect question for spring. Many times, we fall back on what we used to expect or on our comfy routines to dictate who we are and what we do in life. But what if you leaned into your desires and started saying YES--even just a little bit? This episode is here to fire you up and to remind you of your own sacred Conscious Creator power! In This Episode: + Figure out if you've been living in your comfort zone or relying on your past to define your future + Get clear about where you could ask for more joy, sexiness, confidence + Challenge yourself to ask for more and stop waiting for permission to live a spectacular life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/6/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#97) The Truth About Victim Mentality

The Manifest Episode #97: The Truth About Victim Mentality If you've been here a while then you know I'm always talking about the problem with a victim mentality. I'm so passionate about this because I've been there: feeling stuck, lost, and definitely like the world was working against me. And it sucked. But what was even worse is that just thinking those thoughts actually made my life worse. (A lesson I can only see looking backwards!) I don't want anyone to suffer like I did, which is why I love talking about this so much. However, lately, I've seen some people implying that leaving your victim mindset behind also means denying or ignoring the things that happened to you in the past. That's actually not the case at all--and today I'm here to share more about this!Β  In This Episode: + Learn more about what victim mentality is and why it's so harmful + Find out why embracing a Hero Mindset does not mean ignoring your past + Get empowered to start writing your story, your way, no matter what has happened to you in the past + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/29/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#96) Hacking Your Brain's Happiness

The Manifest Episode #96: Hacking Your Brain's Happiness We all want to feel happy, right? When it comes to manifesting anything, that's really what we're after. So today we're cutting directly to the source: your brain's happiness chemicals. But don't worry: I'm not asking you to pop a pill. Today I'm sharing some simple ways you can create these chemicals all on your own--and make yourself feel really damn good in the process. In This Episode: + Find out what the DOSE formula is and why it will change your life + Get practical tips on hacking each one of these important chemicals + Create a game plan to give yourself more of the good stuff (happiness!) all the time + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/22/2022 β€’ 20 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#95) The 3 Essential Levels of Self-Care

The Manifest Episode #95: The 3 Essential Levels of Self-Care Stop! You might be rolling your eyes at the words "self-care" thinking you've heard it all a million times before. But I think we're ready to REVOLUTIONIZE the way we think of self-care. Today I'm bringing you an entirely BRAND-NEW formula for self-care that will have you thinking about yourself in a whole new way. Today we're digging into the 3 Essential Levels of Self-Care! Listen in to find out what they are. In This Episode: + Get reminded of the power of the self-care we already know & love + Find out the two NEW levels of self-care that will make you think about your self-care routine in a whole new way + Nurture your own self-love and feel good from the inside out! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/15/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#94) Main Character Energy! How To Deal When Times Are Tough

The Manifest Episode #94: Main Character Energy! How To Deal When Times Are Tough Struggling with something difficult in your life? I get messages all the time from people who are struggling--but trust me, I've been there and I know how much it sucks. From my past experiences, I know exactly what it feels like to feel powerless or helpless about your situation. When you're in it, it's so hard to see the world differently--when seeing the world differently is exactly the medicine that you need! Today I'm sharing how Main Character energy can take you from feeling hopeless back to being in your power! It's really just a simple shift in how you see yourself that can change everything. Even if you're just having an off Woe-Is-Me type of day, this episode will get you back on top! In This Episode: + Why your brain is tricking you when you feel stuck (+ a quick tip to get out) + Learn why thinking about yourself as the Main Character of your life can inspire you to keep going + The confidence to see your life in a whole new way and become THAT girl/guy along the way + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/8/2022 β€’ 17 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#93) What You Want Vs What You Need

The Manifest Episode #93: What You Want Vs What You Need When it comes to manifestation, we spend a LOT of time focused on what we want. But have you ever stopped to wonder: what do I really NEED? Today we're talking about the difference between wanting and needing and how you might be missing some IMPORTANT elements on your manifestation list. We're also discussing how life gives us what we need to grow always--and how your current tests are the key to what you really want. In This Episode: + Learn the difference between manifesting your wants vs needs + Find out why thinking about your true NEEDS is so important + Discover why life is giving you what you need right now--so what are you going to do with it? + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/1/2022 β€’ 17 minutes, 52 seconds
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(#92) Bad Vegan + Cult Brainwashing

The Manifest Episode #92: Bad Vegan + Cult Brainwashing This week I watched the Netflix series Bad Vegan and it really had me fascinated. I've spoken before here about the pitfalls and cycle of dating a narcissist. But what happened to Sarna Melngailis seemed to go even a step further. I actually see a lot of cult-like brainwashing techniques that were used in this situation. Which got me thinking - how would you know if this was happening to you? This episode is a must-listen for my girls out there in the dating world--but there will be some nuggets of emotional wisdom in there for everyone else too.Β  In This Episode: + Find out the red flags that would have sent me running + Discover why I felt Sarna was able to fall so easilty to such a wild-sounding story + Gain some perspective about brainwashing and cult-recruitment techniques that everyone needs to be aware of + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/25/2022 β€’ 25 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#91) 3 Types Of Money Manifestation Blocks

The Manifest Episode #91: 3 Types Of Money Manifestation Blocks Struggling to manifest money? You're definitely not alone my friend. Money manifestation is one of my TOP requests of all time--and I'm here today to shift you into abundance with a new way to think about your money blocks. In This Episode: + Find out why worthiness is the true key to manifest money (and everything else!) + Learn more about the three types of money blocks so you can start to troubleshoot where you're blocking your own money manifestation efforts + Get some practical tips on how to get over your blocks so you can manifest money with ease! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/18/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#90) 3 Ways To Boost Your Magnetism

The Manifest Episode #90: 3 Ways To Boost Your Magnetism Let's face it: magnetism is what you really want. (Who doesn't want their dreams and goals to just magically show up?) So the question is: how do you create that?Β  Magnetism can be a complicated topic of course! But today I wanted to give you three quick mindset shifts to help put you back in your manifestation power (instead of feeling oh so out of control!). In This Episode: + Remember why magnetism is up to you, only always + Learn 3 quick mindset shifts to root you back into your manifestation power + Stop wondering how, why, or when & focus on what's important! YOU + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my emotional rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/11/2022 β€’ 20 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#89) Balancing Calm With Caring

The Manifest Episode #89: Balancing Calm With Caring In a world where scary events keep happening, how do you create a sense of calm? I've been struggling with this topic myself over the last week but I felt inspired to come on here today and share my own thoughts and coping mechanisms. In other words, YES there is a way to be informed about the world, to show up and help people, and NOT get overwhelmed by the whole thing. Listen in to find out how! In This Episode: + Why turning your back is not an option + Tips for coping with reading the news during chaotic and unsettling times + My personal strategies to balance being informed with being overwhelmed + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/4/2022 β€’ 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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(#88) The Magic of Deciding

The Manifest Episode #88: The Power of Deciding Yes, you want to manifest all the good things. But have you actually decided that they're going to be yours? Most of us haven't--especially if we're still lingering in worry and doubt. I know lots of people struggle with this so today I'm giving you a simple strategy to lock that manifestation in for once and for all! In This Episode: + Why making a decision is important for manifesting + Learn how your energy is different when you're in indecision + A simple process to decide on your dreams right NOW + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/25/2022 β€’ 10 minutes, 34 seconds
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(#87) The Kanye & Narcissism Episode

The Manifest Episode #87: The Kanye & Narcissism Episode We're finally talking Kanye on the podcast! There has been a literal meltdown in celebrity land recently and I wanted to use it as a teaching moment about narcissism (and especially narcissistic break ups).Β  Emotional abuse is still something we're not trained to see in the world around us. But being aware of what it looks like will not only help the victims but help everyone as society moves forward. If you've been in a relationship with a narcissist or you've broken up with one in the past (or if you just want to arm yourself with knowledge about them!) then today's episode is for you. In This Episode: + Learn about the typical cycle of a romantic narcissistic relationship + Find out how to identify narcissistic patterns in advance so you can better avoid them + Learn about the toxic breakup patterns of the narcissist so you can stop feeling like a crazy person! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/18/2022 β€’ 25 minutes, 2 seconds
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(#86) Bridging The Manifestation Gap

The Manifest Episode #86: Bridging The Manifestation Gap Whenever you manifest, there's always that uncomfortable time in between deciding on what you want and having it actually show up. However, this isn't as big of a problem as our brain wants it to be! Instead, this is your opportunity to figure out your manifestation game plan. Today I'm sharing how to backward-hack your way to what you want--and make your manifestations faster than ever! In This Episode: + Learn about what you're REALLY after when you're manifesting (it's not what you think!) + How to stop feeling out of control while you're waiting to manifest + Learn a powerful technique that will ALWAYS take you closer to your manifestation goal + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/11/2022 β€’ 14 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#85) The 5 Core Childhood Wounds

The Manifest Episode #85: The 5 Core Childhood Wounds Did you know we ALL suffer from one or more of five core childhood wounds? In my work as a healer, I'm always looking for new ways to help you heal and reparent your Inner Child and when I found the work of Lisa Bourbeau I knew I had to bring it to you. In fact, this is what I'm teaching on this month inside Recode but I'm giving you a sneak peek on the podcast today! Listen in to find out more about the wounds and see which wound resonates the most with you! In This Episode: + Learn more about how the 5 core childhood wounds are created and how they might be affecting you aversely now in your adult life + Find out the 5 core wounds and their corresponding protection "mask" + Start noticing your own patterns so you can begin to heal them! + Much more -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/4/2022 β€’ 21 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#84) Love, Integrity & West Elm Caleb

The Manifest Episode #84: Love, Integrity & West Elm Caleb Last week, I definitely got hooked into the West Elm Caleb saga happening mostly over on TikTok. While there are lots of things that can be said about the situation, I wanted to offer my take. The whole thing made me think a LOT in particular about integrity and boundaries--two things that I teach on all the time inside Recode. This might not seem like it has anything to do with manifestation or personal growth but there are always important lessons to learn! So tune in whether you're in the need of fresh dating advice or not. In This Episode: + A brief recap of the West Elm Caleb situation that happened on TikTok recently + Notes on the difficulties of dating and why integrity is so important + Why villainizing people is not always useful + Lots of key takeaways for anyone in the dating scene or not! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/28/2022 β€’ 19 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#83:)A Love Note For The Courageous

The Manifest Episode #83: A Love Note For The Courageous This week I'm reflecting on courage: a topic that many of us shy away from admitting to ourselves. But make no mistake: it takes bravery, guts, and courage to create a truly aligned life. You are healing the patterns of old generational trauma and creating your own unique path in the world. And no matter what your unique life vision contains, that takes guts. Today I'm asking you to look back and notice all the ways in which you've been courageous in creating this life you currently have and integrating the idea of being a courageous being for whatever you have in store next. In This Episode: + Find out why courage is so key to creating an authentic and happy life + Learn why forging your own path in life will ALWAYS take courage + Embrace your own powerful and courageous nature and start leaning into it for your future manifestations and adventures! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome, dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/21/2022 β€’ 14 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#82) 3 Signs That You're Not In Alignment

The Manifest Episode #82: 3 Signs That You're Not In Alignment Being in alignment is the goal. But truth be told: oftentimes it's easier to see when we're NOT in alignment than to figure out when we are. Alignment is a topic dear to my heart and I'm always trying new ways to live with alignment in my own life. These are three things I've thought about deeply recently and I hope they help to light the way for you! In This Episode: + Find out why looking for typical signs of alignment (like angel numbers!) can be misleading + Learn how radical self-acceptance relates to alignment + Discover 3 places to look to notice if you're truly in alignment with your goals---or not! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/14/2022 β€’ 21 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#81) Sacred & Single

The Manifest Episode #81: Sacred & Single One of my TOP requests ever is: how do I manifest a partner? And I get it: we've all (especially us women!) been conditioned to look for love. Of course, a real conscious respectful relationship is a wonderful thing (and also a tool for higher growth). So why do I see so many people settling for NOT great relationships? This is a huge topic but today I'm sharing my own personal mindset hack to automatically transform the idea of being "alone". It's called being Sacredly Single: embracing the state of being single to it's ultimate expression (instead of waiting to be happy one day). Intrigued? Listen in to get inspired and join me on this journey! (Even you Boo'd Up types are gonna love it--promise!) In This Episode: + Gain the courage to stop waiting for someone or something else to give you permission to live life your way + Switch up your programmed state of lack and scarcity mindset around being single--for good! + Set yourself to call in your next actually amazing relationship from a calm and secure place + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/7/2022 β€’ 16 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#80) The 4 Practices That Shifted Me In 2021

The Manifest Episode #80: The 4 Practices That Shifted Me In 2021 Every week I'm here giving you tips on how to heal yourself and uplevel your life. But maybe you're curious as to what tips I use personally to help myself grow. I did a lot of work on myself this year and I also grew a lot. And it definitely wasn't always easy or pretty. So I leaned into my practices pretty hard at times and they definitely served me well. Today I'm going a step beyond what I've shared before and am giving you an inside peek as to what I've been using. Listen in to get inspired for your year ahead! In This Episode: + Learn the 4 practices I used the most this year, plus how they helped me and why I love them so much + Get inspired to add some new elements to your self-care routine + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/31/2021 β€’ 23 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#79) Soul Nourishment

The Manifest Episode #79: Soul Nourishment In today's episode, we're switching things up! Instead of talking about a concept and giving you practical tips, we're going to do a quick and effective self-love exercise. This one's perfect for this busy time at the end of the year! Think of it as my podcast Christmas gift to you. I hope it brings you a sense of inner peace, self-love, confidence, and calm! Much love my friend! In This Episode: + Listen for a simple self-love mind practice (semi-meditation/visualization) that will help you fully see and accept yourself, send your heart space love, and tune into what you want for the year ahead! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/17/2021 β€’ 13 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#78) The Season Of Giving....To Yourself

The Manifest Episode #78: The Season Of Giving....To Yourself It's the season of giving! Except that for us chronic control freaks, people-pleasers and codependents, this can mean we end up giving too much and burning ourselves out. If you feel the pressure to be the Superhero to your family & friends at this time of year, then just maybe this is you? This year I'm challenging you to come to giving from a healthy place--in a way that safeguards YOU (instead of turning you into a stressball). For almost all of us, there's something we can let go of at this time of year that will ultimately help our mental health. In This Episode: + Find out why giving can become toxic and unhealthy + Challenge yourself to let others show up and support you instead of trying to do it ALL + Let yourself relax and take care of yourself (at least a little bit!) instead of stressing yourself out trying to make things "perfect" + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/10/2021 β€’ 15 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#77) Balancing The Human & The Spirit

The Manifest Episode #77: Balancing The Human & The Spirit Your human self & your spiritual self are very different creatures! Finding the balance between the two is so important. You will never feel fully happy if you just listen to the human side of you. Get inspired to see & support both sides of you in today's episode! In This Episode: + Start to understand yourself better through two very different & opposing needs + Find out why the human is so opposed to what your soul wants + Get inspired to balance yourself out & create more harmony between body & soul + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/3/2021 β€’ 18 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#76) Your Diamond Standard

The Manifest Episode #76: Your Diamond Standard You dream BIG and want all the good things for yourself. Yet sometimes you still find yourself in less-than-stellar situations in life. Why is that? One of the many reasons for this is that we simply aren't holding space for our own dreams and goals. After all, that's a hard thing to do when you don't really trust what's possible just yet. This week I was thinking about standards and created a process to help you get excited about yours. Here's a way you can start the magic of manifestation goal creation AND stay inspired to keep on track. In This Episode: + Find out how you can get excited about your goals before they actually show up + Learn why dreaming is SUCH an important part of your overall magic + Discover a simple two-part process to keep you aligned with what you really want in life + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/26/2021 β€’ 13 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#75) 3 Capitalist Beliefs To Reprogram TODAY

The Manifest Episode #75: 3 Capitalist Beliefs To Reprogram Today What do capitalist beliefs have to do with your happiness? Potentially a whole lot! Today I'm highlighting the potential dangers in our programmed belief structures specifically concerning capitalism. When you start to see how easily we use these beliefs against ourselves, it's a lot easier to understand the effects of outside programming on our happiness and overall potential. Watch to find out more about 3 toxic capitalist beliefs and how they might be harming you! In This Episode: ++ Find out some important examples of capitalist belief programming ++ Learn more about how those beliefs can be used against ourselves, creating negative patterning ++ Get empowered to heal & choose new beliefs for yourself! ++ Much more ! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/19/2021 β€’ 16 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#74) Trauma, Trance States & Manifestation

The Manifest Episode #74: Trauma, Trance States & Manifestation Throughout my work, I teach about the importance of understanding trauma when it comes to manifestation. For me personally, this has been my biggest area of healing--and also the catalyst for my growth. However, I know that people still don't see the connection between their own childhood experiences and the blocks they're experiencing right now. The reason for that? Is the trance state. Today I'm sharing why it can be so hard to see our own patterns. You'll learn about what the trance state is and get some pointers on how to heal yours. I'm excited to share this one so be sure to watch! In This Episode: + Find out what a trance state has to do with trauma + Learn why trauma just might be the source of your biggest manifestation blocks< + Start noticing your own trance states so you can unlock and heal the source of your blocks + & So much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/12/2021 β€’ 11 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#73) Why Going Small Will Help You Go Big

The Manifest Episode #73: Why Going Small Will Help You Go Big Feel like your energy is scattered? You're not alone. In this modern life, we're all bombarded with new information and requests, day in and day out. However, spreading your attention everywhere is hardly efficient. Lately, I've been considering ways to constrain my own focus so I know I'll have energy for what's truly important. Today I'm sharing a pep-talk that will hopefully help you do the same! Watch & get inspired now. In This Episode: + Learn why constraining your focus can create BIG results + Find out why you should prioritize what's truly important to you + Find out how I'm applying this to my life & get inspired! + Much more -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/5/2021 β€’ 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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(#72) How To Remain Unbothered | 3 Powerful Tips

The Manifest Episode #72: How To Remain Unbothered | 3 Powerful Tips Is something bothering you? No matter how zen you might be most of the time, we all get triggered now and again. However, you do not have to let yourself get carried away by your negative emotions! Today I'm sharing three POWERFUL tips to help you stay in control of your mind and NOT completely lose it. Must-see tips for basically everyone! In This Episode: + Learn why it's so important to cultivate control over your mood & energy + Discover 3 powerful tips to keep you in charge, no matter what! + Feel more empowered to face anything life throws at you! + Much more -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/29/2021 β€’ 15 minutes, 37 seconds
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(#71) The Marilyn Monroe Approach To Manifesting | You NEED To Try This

The Manifest Episode #71: The Marilyn Monroe Approach To Manifesting | You NEED To Try This Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was a master of her energy? She was definitely a force to be reckoned with in more ways than one! In today's episode, I'm sharing a legendary bit of Marilyn lore and explaining a bit about the energetics behind it. Then I'm going to give you a step-by-step formula to start applying Marilyn's energy magick to your own life! It's super fun so you don't miss this one. In This Episode: + Hear a legendary story about Marilyn Monroe's energetic powers + Get excited to use out her energy hack and to step into your own star power + Energy hack your way to what you want (& have fun doing it!) + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/22/2021 β€’ 9 minutes
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(#70) Choosing & Practicing New Beliefs

The Manifest Episode #70: Choosing & Practicing New Beliefs Hey, there manifestor! Do you have a belief plan? That is: a plan to choose and integrate your beliefs so that they become second nature? Do not leave this to chance because it just won't happen. If you're serious about what you want, then you need to put some time into shifting your mind to match what you want. Luckily, today's training is here to help you do that! So dive on into it: In This Episode: + Find out why beliefs are so essential for manifestation + Learn a simple process to find the right beliefs for your desires + Start practicing your new beliefs today! + Much more -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/15/2021 β€’ 11 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#69) 3 Reasons Why You're Not Living Your Dream Life

The Manifest Episode #69: 3 Reasons Why You're Not Living Your Dream Life Are you feeling stuck? Tired of looking around and wondering why you're not THERE yet? (No matter where there is!) This is such a common problem in manifestation. So much so that you might start to take your supposed lack of results personally--and that's a bad thing. So today I wanted to give you three places t look if you're feeling this way. Not so that you can feel worse but so you can start self-diagnose and start healing exactly what you need to! You're so much more powerful than you think! So let's get back to feeling that way. In This Episode: + Find out why you're not doomed or unlucky or not worthy of what you want! + Learn 3 places to check if you're feeling stuck with manifesting + Get motivated to heal yourself, get your power back and get back on track! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/8/2021 β€’ 14 minutes, 29 seconds
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(#68) Can You Manifest For Someone Else?

The Manifest Episode #68: Can You Manifest For Someone Else? One of the most popular manifesting questions I get from you is: Can I manifest for someone else? Truth is, this is not a black and white issue. Like most things in life, the truth is gray. So yes you can do this in theory. But today I'm going to tell you why it probably won't work and make some suggestions on what to do instead. If you're falling into micromanaging and controlling, this episode is for you! In This Episode: + Find out why you (mostly) can't manifest for others + But also when you might want to try sometimes! + What to focus your manifesting energy on for your best interests + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/1/2021 β€’ 8 minutes, 58 seconds
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(#67) Why Fear Is A Normal Part Of Manifesting

The Manifest Episode #67: Why Fear Is A Normal Part Of Manifesting Is fear holding you back from manifesting what you want? The answer is probably YES. While few of us know how to deal with fear, the important thing to know is that fear is a normal part of the growth process. But if you don't understand this, your fear will create self-sabotage and prevent you from getting what you want. So today I'm giving you a little lesson on psychology and a great pep-talk to get you over your fears! In This Episode: + Why fear is a normal part of manifestation + How fear disguises itself (so you know what to look for) + Motivation to move past your fear towards what's important! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/24/2021 β€’ 12 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#66) Don't Do This! Top 5 Manifesting Mistakes

The Manifest Episode #66: Don't Do This! Top 5 Manifesting Mistakes Manifestation is simple but it's not always easy. In fact, you're already manifesting all the time. The only problem is: you're manifesting the things you don't want. Part of my mission is to help you learn how to manifest consciously instead of unconsciously. So today I'm sharing the top 5 manifesting mistakes to help you get back to manifestation success! In This Episode: + Find out the top 5 manifesting mistakes + Why thinking about something isn't manifesting + Discover why you always need to take action + So much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/17/2021 β€’ 14 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#65) Knowing Vs Believing

The Manifest Episode #65: Knowing Vs Believing | How To Shift From The Belief Wobbles To Knowing For Manifestation Have you ever noticed how some things are soooo much easier to manifest than others? One reason for this is that we all have one area of our life where our beliefs are truly solid. We just have a sense of knowing that things wll happen for us--and they do. When we manifest more things into our life in those categories, it comes to us effortlessly. But in other areas, our beliefs are not so strong--and neither are our results. Today I'm talking about beliefs vs knowing as well as explaining how you can start to move towards knowing if your current beliefs aren't so strong! It's essential knowledge for your manifestation success so be sure to watch! In This Episode: + Learn the difference between believing and knowing + Find out why it's so easy to manifest some things and not others + Start shifting your belief structures from one area to another for manifestation success! + Much more -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/10/2021 β€’ 13 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#64) Why Your Triggers Are Your Medicine

The Manifest Episode #64: Why Your Triggers Are Your Medicine No one likes being triggered. But from a spiritual and personal development standpoint, getting triggered is actually a SUPERHIGHWAY to your manifestation blocks. What triggers you is a place that requires healing. So those incidents aren’t just here to randomly ENRAGE you. They’re here to shine a light on what needs to change. This training will hopefully help you see your triggers for what they are–and get you started healing them faster so you can manifest MORE. In This Episode: + Find out why triggers are not just about the outer world but how they show you your exact wounds that need healing + Stop feeling helpless when triggered and use how to use your feelings for your own benefit + Jumpstart your healing in order to manifest + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/3/2021 β€’ 14 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#63) Getting REAL About What You Already Manifested

The Manifest Episode #63: Getting REAL About What You Already Manifested When it comes to manifestation, many of us focus on where we want to go. Which is mostly a good thing. (If you don't know where you're going, how are you going to get there?) However, looking only forward will not show us our existing manifestation blocks. The fact is your habitual beliefs have created the life you're living right now. So take a look around and see what you really believe! Changing our life starts with changing our belief patterns. But sometimes we get so focused on what we want that we think we must already believe in those things. But your current reality is proof of what's really going on! So I challenge you to use today's lesson as some manifestation tough love. I'm hoping this will help shine a light on the exact area you need to begin working on. In This Episode: + Start getting REAL with your manifestations by looking at what you've already manifested + Understand that your brain has created your reality and start to get clues about what you need to change + The empowerment to start acting like a hero instead of a victim in all areas of your life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/27/2021 β€’ 12 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#62) Trauma & Manifestation: What's The Connection

The Manifest Episode #62: Trauma & Manifestation: What's The Connection? Did you know your childhood trauma might be the very thing holding you back from manifesting your desires? We all experienced some sort of childhood trauma (not getting our needs met). That experience might not have been "terrible" but it can still have an impact on the way your brain works. Find out more about the link between trauma & manifestation & find out how to start healing! In This Episode: + Find out more about Small-T Trauma and how that might be affecting you + Learn more about how those trauma experiences can create your most stubborn manifesting blocks + Get tips on how to start healing + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/20/2021 β€’ 11 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#61) What To Do While Waiting To Manifest

The Manifest Episode #61: Episode #61: What To Do While You're Waiting To Manifest Waiting to manifest? Not sure what to do while your manifestation is coming through? Relax! While your brain wants to make this into a problem, it's really just part of the normal manifestation process. However, I know it can feel discouraging so today's training is going to help you to stay on track in the meantime. In This Episode: + Discover why waiting is an important part of manifestation + Learn what feelings indicate you're not really in alignment so that you can get back on track ASAP + Find out the things you can take action on while you wait + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/14/2021 β€’ 9 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#60) Emotional Alchemy: Turn Sh*t Into Gold

The Manifest Episode #60: Emotional Alchemy: Turn Emotional Sh*t Into Gold No matter how good at manifesting you are, eventually something "bad" is going to happen to you. So let's get this straight: it's not because you did anything wrong or that you deserved it. It's just that the "negative" is a part of everyone's life. However, it's up to you what you do with those events. You can let them define you and weigh on you for the rest of your life. Or you can learn emotional alchemy, turn that sh*t into gold and get back to the good stuff with lightning speed! Today I'm sharing how you can process the negative so that you can move onwards and upwards ASAP. This is a necessary life skill for everyone so be sure to watch! In This Episode: + Find out what emotional alchemy is & what it can do for you + Shift your mindset from victim state to empowered + Get control back no matter what is happening in your life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/7/2021 β€’ 12 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#59) How To Use The Law of Assumption

The Manifest Episode #59: How To Use The Law of Assumption Here's the only mind hack you need to manifest your desires quickly: The Law of Assumption This is a brain-game we can play to start assuming our way to what we want. After all, have you ever noticed how your assumptions tend to come true? So why not put that to use for ourselves? In this week's video, I'm sharing what the Law of Assumption is and how you can start using it to hack your way to what you want. Must see if you're serious about your desires! In This Episode: + Discover the Law of Assumption & what it means for your manifestations + Start applying the Law of Assumption to your manifesting practice + Shift your mindset from scarcity to confidence! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/30/2021 β€’ 11 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#58) Catfish Your Way To Manfestation Success!

The Manifest Episode #58: Catfish Your Way To Manfestation Success! Manifestation is all about BECOMING what you want so you attract it to you. Only problem? Most of us have NO idea about how to do that exactly. So why not try catfishing? Most of us would NEVER actually catfish someone. But what if we catfished ourselves as a tool to hack the manifestation process? Find out more about exactly how to do this in today's free training! In This Episode: + Find out why you need to shift your identity to get what you want + How catfishing yourself can be a tool for manifestation success + Tips on how to get started + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/23/2021 β€’ 12 minutes, 59 seconds
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(#57) Improve Your Self-Concept For Manifestation!

The Manifest Episode #57: Improve Your Self-Concept For Manifestation! The way you think about yourself is everything when it comes to manifestation. I always hear stories from readers that sound like: "I want to manifest money/love/etc but I can't because X/Y/Z." I know they can't see it but it's my job as a Holistic Manifestation Coach to point out that believing in those excuses is the problem. If this sounds like you, it's time to come back to remembering who you really are! Remembering your power is always the first step towards consciously creating your life. Watch this training if you need a reminder! In This Episode: + Learn why most excuses are just limiting beliefs + Find out what to focus on when you're stuck in your story + Remember your power as a Conscious Creator + So much more! In This Episode: -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/16/2021 β€’ 10 minutes, 37 seconds
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(#56) How To Manifest A Specific Person (Really Works!)

The Manifest Episode #56: How To Manifest A Specific Person (Really Works!) Want to manifest a specific person? Whether it's a celeb, your crush or your ex, there ARE things you can do to make this happen. This was much requested so I'm finally giving it to you! As always, I recommend you use caution with this. (Because loads of you are trying to make toxic people not so toxic.) But since this was highly requested, I thought I would just go ahead and give it to you finally. So please enjoy and have fun manifesting love and romance! In This Episode: + A reminder of why sometimes manifesting your specific person is NOT the best + A simple system to call in the EXACT person you're thinking of + Lots of reminders to stay in your power in the process! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Holistic Manifestation Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock bottom. Overnight, I lost my partner, my business, and my home, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/9/2021 β€’ 9 minutes, 42 seconds
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(#55) Holding The Frame Quick Manifestation Tip To Strengthen Belief

The Manifest Episode #55: Holding The Frame Quick Manifestation Tip To Strengthen Belief In order to manifest your desires, you have to learn how to hold the frame! That's a way I've come up with for describing how important it is for you to hold your belief steady while you wait for your manifestation to show up. So if you're experiencing belief wobbles while waiting to manifest (like most of us do!), this episode is for you! In This Episode: + Learn what "holding the frame" means & find out how to apply it to your manifesting practice + Find out the BIG manifesting mistake most people are making + Start strengthening your belief NOW to improve your results! + So much more -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/2/2021 β€’ 11 minutes, 5 seconds
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(#54) Why You Don't Need To Find Yourself

The Manifest Episode #54: Why You Don't Need To Find Yourself Are you struggling to find yourself? Or maybe you are wishing that you knew your life purpose? Time to stop focusing on those things because they're leading you down the wrong path (and probably making you feel worse). Today I'm sharing a simple trick for what to focus on instead that will make you feel more powerful and be way more useful. A must-watch if you're after happiness! In This Episode: + Find out why finding yourself isn't the best idea + Learn what else to focus on so you can go through life feeling in control + Find the confidence to truly go out there and live instead of waiting for someone else to press play + So much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/26/2021 β€’ 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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(#53) On Getting Back To "Normal"

The Manifest Episode #53: On Getting Back To "Normal" This week I'm sharing a personal story with you. We're getting back to "normal" recently here in Germany. But that means going out there and doing things that used to be normal but don't feel normal after 7 months in lockdown. Let's face it: things can get awkward! But please don't blame yourself. I'm sharing some of my experiences and coping tips with the hopes of normalizing this experience and letting yourself slowly build back to "normal" without judgment. In This Episode: + A few stories from my recent "return to normal" + The anxiety & drama my brain created + Coping tips to help you get through it all! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/18/2021 β€’ 16 minutes, 4 seconds
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(#52) Can I Prove The Law of Attraction is Real?

The Manifest Episode #52: Can I Prove The Law of Attraction is Real? Are you new to the Law of Attraction world? Maybe it all sounds very exciting but a part of your brain is loudly saying: "Ha! There's no way." First off, it's totally okay to have those kinds of thoughts. And guess what? You get to manifest your desires anyway. But to help you prove the Law of Attraction is real, today I'm sharing a simple game you can play to see just how easy and powerful manifesting really is! This is also great for seasoned manifestors so be sure to try it out and let me know how it goes! In This Episode: + Find out why you don't need to believe in the Law of Attraction at all for manifestation + Discover more about why manifestors have problems manifesting (Hint: It's not what you think!) + Learn a simple game to help prove the Law of Attraction is real for once and for all! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/11/2021 β€’ 9 minutes, 21 seconds
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(#51) Do I Have Bad Manifestation Luck?

The Manifest Episode #51: Do I Have Bad Manifestation Luck? Do you have bad manifestation luck? Sometimes it seems like everything goes wrong when we try to manifest. But is that really true? Fortunately, it isn't--and today I'm sharing my thoughts about this! This episode is a must-watch for anyone who thinks they're manifesting wrong or have manifestation bad luck! In This Episode: + Find out why the "bad" things that are happening to you aren't your fault + Learn the one mental shift that will help put any bumps in the road into perspective + Get inspired and empowered to keep going on your manifesting journey + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/4/2021 β€’ 9 minutes, 5 seconds
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(#50) Become The Badass Boss Of Your Life

The Manifest Episode #50: Become The Badass Boss Of Your Life Are you acting like the Badass Boss of your life? Hint: if you're still putting your power outside of yourself then the answer is NO. This is a common trap for us to fall into. But we're the only ones who can get out of it! So today I'm challenging you to get your power back! Stop waiting for approval or advice and go in on YOUR dreams! In This Episode: + Learn some signs of being out of alignment + Find out how you can stop outsourcing your happiness and take action yourself instead + Get inspired to start being the true BOSS of your life! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/28/2021 β€’ 13 minutes, 18 seconds
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(#49) Getting Started As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

The Manifest Episode #49: Getting Started As A Spiritual Entrepreneur Are you an aspiring coach, healer, or service provider? Know you want to serve your people but you're having problems getting started? Today I'm sharing my best advice for spiritual entrepreneurs (as well as a few of my own failures) so you can stop feeling sorry for yourself and get aligned with what's actually important. However, even if you're not an entrepreneur this is great inspiration for everyone and a reminder of why mindset is so important! In This Episode: + Learn more about my entrepreneurial journey & some of the mistakes I made (so you can avoid them) + Stop feeling confused & unsure as a new spiritual entrepreneur + The most simple equation to create success in your business fast + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/21/2021 β€’ 10 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#48) How Can I Become More Confident?

The Manifest Episode #48 | Ask A Coach: How Can I Be More Confident? | Mindset Tips #askacoach #confident #mindhack Are you wishing you were more confident? Do you think that confidence is just something you are born with? You're not alone my friend! In fact, confidence is something I struggled with for years. But the good news is that confidence isn't just something you're born with. It's actually something you can create and today I'm sharing a lesson on how you can start creating more confidence starting right now! In This Episode: + Stop wishing for confidence and get inspired to CREATE it! + How confidence is important for happiness & manifestation + Find out the one thing that will boost your confidence, no matter what else is happening in your life + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/14/2021 β€’ 8 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#47) Can I Manifest If I'm Anxious?

The Manifest Episode #47: Can I Manifest If I'm Anxious? #anxious #anxiety #manifest One of the most popular manifestation methods can be summed up as: feel good so you attract more of what you want. So what happens if you're going through a rough patch or experiencing anxiety or depression? Fortunately, this way of explaining manifestation is just a little too simplistic. It's not entirely wrong but trust me, you can still manifest no matter how you might be feeling. In this episode, I'm sharing why that is and giving you tips on what to focus on instead of just "feeling good" (& failing). In This Episode: + Leave the fluffy feel-good manifestation paradigm forever and find out what manifestation truly depends on (not your feelings) + Gain confidence to keep manifesting no matter what's happening in your life right now + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/7/2021 β€’ 8 minutes, 6 seconds
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(#46) Not Dreaming Big Enough?

The Manifest Episode #46: Not Dreaming Big Enough? When it comes to manifestation, people tend to fall into two categories: those who ask for huge things (like right now!) And those who have problems setting juicy goals, if they even set them at all. Today’s video is for the latter! (Which I think is the majority of people watching!) As I explain in the video, this has everything to do with fear and self-worth. Basically, if your dreams aren’t scaring you a little, you’re probably not aiming high enough! Today’s training is a pep-talk for anyone struggling to ask for what they want (and to ultimately receive it!). In This Episode: + Find out why most people don’t set big manifestation goals (If they set any at all) + Learn more about fear and how that holds us back from even dreaming + Get motivated to set some juicy manifesting goals for yourself! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE MANIFESTATION PLANNER: JOIN RECODE:
4/30/2021 β€’ 10 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#45) Rating Popular Law of Attraction Quotes

The Manifest Episode #45: Rating Popular Law of Attraction Quotes If you don't know, I'm a total Pinterest freak. I'm on there all the time. And as you know if you're anything like me, Pinterest is heaving with Law of Attraction quotes. But how good are they? While I'm sure they all mean well, not every quote you see over there is worth its weight in gold! Today I thought it might be fun to dissect some of those popular quotes and tell you how I really feel about them! In This Episode: + Find out my thoughts on 5 popular Law of Attraction quotes + Learn why typical manifesting advice is not usually enough to help you manifest! + Get the mindset tips that will have you manifesting the right way + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/23/2021 β€’ 14 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#44) Ask A Coach: How Can I Let Go?

The Manifest Episode #44 | Ask A Coach: How Can I Let Go? In today's episode of Ask A Coach, I'm answering one of your most burning manifestation questions: how can I let go? There's no question this is a tricky topic! I mean, how exactly do you desire something enough to manifest it while also staying detached from the outcome? It's really not as simple as it sounds at first! So make sure you tune and get my best letting go manifestation advice! In This Episode: + Discover why it's so easy to manifest some things and so hard to manifest others + Find out why fun and no-attachment are necessary ingredients for every successful manifestation + Plus learn my mindset trick that will make it 1000 times easier to manifest through letting go! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/16/2021 β€’ 10 minutes, 28 seconds
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(#43) Ask A Coach: Why Can't I Manifest Money?

The Manifest Episode #43 | Ask A Coach: Why Can't I Manifest Money? Have you been trying to manifest money for months (or even years) and can't seem to make any progress? This a common question that I receive. So today in Ask A Coach I'm giving you the answer! Find out what the biggest problem with money manifestation is plus get some action strategies that will help you actually start to manifest more abundance and wealth. We could all use a little money manifestation help so be sure to watch this one! In This Episode: + Find out why manifesting large amounts of money isn't a great strategy + Learn about why lottery winners don't actually solve their money issues (and what happens when they don't) + Get my three-step action plan for getting back to manifesting money like the bad-ass you really are! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/9/2021 β€’ 12 minutes, 53 seconds
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(#42) Balance Your Masculine & Feminine Energy To Manifest!

The Manifest Episode #42: Balance Your Masculine & Feminine Energy To Manifest! Is your energy out of balance? If you're having problems manifesting, then the answer is probably YES! Most of us have no idea just how important both our masculine and feminine energies are to our manifestations. But we really do need both to step into our full power as both a manifestor and a confident human! Today I'm sharing tips on what both energies look like and giving you a plan to get back into balance! YES, this is important for every human, regardless of gender so listen in! In This Episode: + Learn about the characteristics of masculine & feminine energy & why each one is important + Find out what an energy imbalance looks like for both masculine and feminine energy & how that blocks your manifestations + Get some practical tips on finding your balance + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/1/2021 β€’ 22 minutes, 16 seconds
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(#41) The Problem With Hyper Independence

(#41) The Problem With Hyper Independence Being an independent person isn't a bad thing! Or is it? Actually, like everything else in this world, becoming too independent is toxic. So many of us opt into hyper-independence as a coping strategy even though it ultimately leaves us feeling stressed and lonely. If that rings any bells, then today's training is for you so! (And don't worry--there is a way out of it!) In This Episode: + Find out what hyper-independence is and why so many of us are hyper-independent + Learn more about how hyper-independence ends up depriving us of the fulfilled life we crave + Learn some coping strategies to tame your need for independence and learn how to trust again! + Plus much more! ---------------------------------------------- So what do YOU think? I'd love to hear about your experiences and opinions below. Sharing your stories helps raise the vibe of this community of Conscious Creators so don't be afraid to share! ---------------------------------------------- Jenn Stevens: Spiritual Life + Business Coach | Bestselling Author | Creator Of The Aligned Life ---------------------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/26/2021 β€’ 22 minutes, 37 seconds
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(#40) How To Cope With Corona Anxiety & Stress

The Manifest Episode #40: How To Cope With Corona Anxiety & Stress Corona has been a fact of life for an entire year now! And while we can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel, this is still a stressful and scary time for many. Today's training is all about how to manage your mindset when it comes to Corona. But honestly, these strategies can apply anytime, anywhere! I hope you apply these tips today so you can start feeling better ASAP. In This Free Training: + Find out how why your brain is literally wired for stress and anxiety + Learn a practical strategy for managing your thoughts and emotions around Corona /COVID-19 + Learn some practical ways to calm the inner turmoil and start feeling better fast! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/19/2021 β€’ 28 minutes, 37 seconds
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(#39) 3 Toxic Thoughts That Are Blocking Your Next Level!

The Manifest Episode #39: 3 Toxic Thoughts That Are Blocking Your Next Level! Are toxic thoughts blocking YOU from manifesting your next level? We all have toxic thoughts! But the biggest problem is that few of us even realize it. Instead, we let these thoughts go unchecked and rule over our lives--and our results. Today I want to shine a light on toxic thinking and share three common thoughts that you might have without even realizing it! In This Episode: + Find out why toxic thoughts are so pervasive & why they end up blocking us without us even realizing it + Learn 3 examples of toxic thoughts to become aware of in yourself + Start managing your mind for a happier YOU! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight, and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/12/2021 β€’ 22 minutes, 54 seconds
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(#38) Permission To Be A Hot Mess Success!

The Manifest Podcast Episode #38: Permission To Be A Hot Mess Success! In This Episode: + Find out why your brain wants you to think of yourself as a Hot Mess Express + Learn more about the mechanisms that feed this negativity--and why it's so important to stop them! + Get coping tips to help you reframe your judgment so you can leave those low-vibe thoughts behind forever! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/5/2021 β€’ 22 minutes, 42 seconds
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(#37) Stop Competing In The Pain Olympics!

The Manifest Podcast Episode #37: Stop Competing In The Pain Olympics! Are YOU competing in the Pain Olympics? If you’re constantly comparing your levels of pain to other people’s, then YES you probably are. When we think we β€œshould” feel better because someone else has it worse we’re NOT really healing ourselves. This whole idea is completely unhelpful and it’s time for ALL of us to stop doing this! In This Episode: + Find out what the Pain Olympics are and why this weird way of thinking is so harmful + Step out of comparison-itis especially when it comes to the negative things in life + Tips on how to become an advocate for your own healing process-the only way to truly move forward! + So much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/26/2021 β€’ 19 minutes, 54 seconds
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(#36) Recode Your Childhood Media: Did Your Favorites Hurt You?

The Manifest Episode #36: Recode Your Childhood Media: Did Your Favorites Hurt You? Did your childhood favorite movies hurt you? Sounds like a weird question, right? But think about it: Our subconscious mind is particularly susceptible to outside influence as children, especially to the things we take in over and over again (like children do). And even though your favorite movies might not have meant to teach you things about money, love or the world at large, you definitely took in some of those messages as if they were reality. Part of being a Conscious Creator is getting curious about all the various ideas in our mind so we can do the work to heal, recode and ultimately surpass these potentially harmful ideas. So in this week's training I'm explaining in more detail how this all works and giving you some juicy homework to get you curious about what you might have learned (without even realizing it!). This is must-know stuff for your happiness so dive in: In This Episode: + Understand why we're so susceptible to external messages as children + Get some (funny!) examples of movies that I watched & the potential negative ideas I got from them + Get a simple homework exercise to get you curious about your own childhood media diet! (The first step in healing it!) + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/19/2021 β€’ 21 minutes, 3 seconds
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(#35) Desire & Suffering: What You Need To Know For Manifesting

The Manifest Episode #35: Desire & Suffering: What You Need To Know For Manifesting It’s very common in manifestation: once you start to DESIRE something, that very desire can kick up all kinds of unhealthy feelings. While it IS possible to have a healthy relationship with desire, most of us don’t! So how are you supposed to balance that out if you're also supposed to feel good while you're manifesting? Here’s what you need to know to make the journey to manifesting your desires much more enjoyable! In This Episode: + Find out why desire is uncomfortable, to the point that some of us don't even want to ADMIT our desires + Learn about the Tightrope of Desire: that while desire is GOOD focusing, on lack just creates more scarcity in our life + Discover how to reframe the desire process so you can feel whole and happy during the entire manifestation process + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/12/2021 β€’ 23 minutes, 19 seconds
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(#34) Why Mindset Work Is For Everyone

The Manifest Episode #34: Why Mindset Work Is For Everyone Are you still wondering about the importance of mindset work? Well, I’m here today to tell you why this is important for everyone! Basically, the more control we have over our own emotional state and mind, the happier and more successful we’ll be. If you’re tired of feeling like an emotional ping pong ball (always bouncing off the walls!) then you need to get your mindset under control. This stuff is life-changing–and I hope that you’ll agree with me after listening to this episode! IN THIS EPISODE: + Some thoughts on why this easily accessible FREE tool is still not taken seriously + Why mindset work is so important to helping us achieve our goals + How mindset work has the potential to change the world by allowing us to address issues (such as racism!) -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/5/2021 β€’ 27 minutes, 19 seconds
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(#33) Forgiveness Vs Inner Peace

The Manifest Episode #33: Forgiveness Vs Inner Peace Our culture puts a pretty high level of importance on the concept of forgiveness. We’ve all experienced that pressure to β€œforgive and forget”. But while not holding onto anger and resentment is important, is forgiveness always the right answer? Today I’m exploring how forgiveness itself can be toxic and giving you an alternative if you are having a tough time forgiving someone. In This Episode: + Why forgiveness can actually become gaslighting + How not making forgiveness a given actually creates more meaning + What's ultimately more important than forgiveness (useful if you're struggling!) + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/29/2021 β€’ 19 minutes, 29 seconds
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(#32) Slowing Down To Speed Up Your Manifesting

The Manifest Podcast Episode #32: Slowing Down To Speed Up Your Manifesting Did you know: your relationship to TIME can affect everything, including your manifesting? It's true and in today's episode, I'm getting you to question your own relationship with time. Why rush through life when there's a more successful and pleasurable option? In This Episode: + How your relationship to time impacts both your happiness and manifestation success + Why living in time scarcity is so common and some mindset tips to start choosing time ABUNDANCE instead + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/22/2021 β€’ 23 minutes, 7 seconds
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(#31) A Lesson On Small-T Trauma

The Manifest Episode #31: A Lesson On Small-T Trauma Our childhood experiences inform so much of our adulthood. Let's face it: not everything that we experienced was sunshine and roses! Limiting beliefs can form from a number of things but what I call Small-T Trauma is a big contributor. This week I'm sharing an example that was recently made public to the world (Bean Dad!) as a way of talking about this kind of trauma, in the hopes that we can understand our own and give ourselves the chance to heal.Β Β  -------------------------------- In This Episode: + A brief explanation of the internet drama of Bean Dad + An illustration about how limiting beliefs can be formed by small-t traumatic events & why this happens to everyone + Why it's important to consider these moments in your own childhood (so you can heal them) + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/15/2021 β€’ 23 minutes, 16 seconds
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(#30) Self-Love & The 5 Love Languages

The Manifest Podcast Episode #30: Self-Love & The 5 Love Languages You've probably heard about Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages. And maybe you've even applied them to your romantic relationships. But have you thought about applying them to yourself? Until recently, I had not--so let me tell you, this concept was life-shifting. In today's episode, I'm walking you through this valuable self-knowledge lesson so that you can learn to love yourself in the way that you're really craving! A must-listen for anyone interested in creating a truly happy life! -------------------------------- In This Episode: + Why it's so important to understand the different ways people experience, give and receive love + A brief overview ofΒ  each of the 5 Love Languages so you can better understand your own needs and the needs of people important to you + Ideas on how you can apply your love languages to your own self-care & self-love routine! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/8/2021 β€’ 31 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#29) Self Sabotage & Manifestation: 8 Signs To Watch For

The Manifest Episode #29: Self Sabotage & Manifestation: 8 Signs To Watch For Are YOU sabotaging your efforts at manifestation? If you're NOT looking at your subconscious mind, then the answer is YES. Today I'm going to explain how this works & give you 8 examples to watch out for! In This Episode: + Find out more about how important the subconscious mind is to our manifestation results + Find out why self-sabotage is so common during manifestation + Learn about the 8 signs of self-sabotage so you know what to look for + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/1/2021 β€’ 32 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#28) Becoming The Highest Expression Of You

The Manifest Episode #28: Becoming The Highest Expression Of You Ready to become the highest expression of YOU: the you living life without self-doubt and fear? There is a path for you to become your very best self and in today's episode I'm giving you an easy plan to achieve it! In This Episode: +Β  Connect with YOUR Highest Expression so you have purpose and passion in life + Fool-proof your attempts at levelling up and learn some patterns to watch out for + Learn my 3-step system to ensure your Highest Expression success! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/18/2020 β€’ 22 minutes, 29 seconds
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(#27) Self Punishment Vs TRUE Motivation (What You Need To Know!)

The Manifest Episode #27: Self Punishment Vs TRUE Motivation (What You Need To Know!) Hey beautiful! Question for you: Are YOU punishing yourself to get what you want? Do you think that's the ONLY way to create momentum? Are you feeling progressively WORSE about life the more you push towards your goals? Then today's episode is JUST for you! Today I'm talking about ALL the dangers of trying to punish ourselves into performing. We're going to contrast that with a few of the secrets of TRUE motivation. Hopefully, this episode will give you the mindset shift you NEED to stop feeling worse about yourself while trying to create your dreams! In This Episode: + Learn why being mean to yourself is NOT the best way to create what you want in life (no matter what your brain tells you!) + Start reframing your own negative self-talk to be more loving (instead of punishing) + Get some tips on how to actually ensure your success without the mental mind drama + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) learn how to manage their human minds so they can live their true divine purpose. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/11/2020 β€’ 25 minutes, 58 seconds
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(#26) How To Notice Your Thoughts

The Manifest Episode #26: How To Notice Your Thoughts Your thoughts can truly make or BREAK the results you get in your life! But how many of us know how to interact with our own thoughts? If you're serious about manifesting, you SHOULD! In this episode, I'm sharing some of my favorite mind management tips to get you started noticing your thoughts! In This Episode: + How simply choosing one new thought can open the doors of possibility in your world + Tips on how to start changing our beliefs from low-vibe to high-vibe empowered thoughts + My favorite thought-management tips to get you back into your power as a Conscious Creator! + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/4/2020 β€’ 27 minutes, 30 seconds
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(#25) Energy, Consciousness, The Universe & You

The Manifest Episode #25: Energy, Consciousness, The Universe & You Ready for an adventure? Today I'm taking you on a wild ride through spirituality. I'm sharing some big ideas about energy, consciousness and The Universe--and of course, finishing it off with ideas to help strengthen your manifestation practice. This episode's for the spiritual explorers out there and I sincerely hope you enjoy. Sponsored By:Β  Quantum Manifestation Workshop The Black Friday Sale In This Episode: + A new way to think about consciousness and energy + How this theory can explain SO many things from telepathy to the Fiobonnacci sequenceΒ  + What you need to know to start using this powerful concept in your own manifestation practice + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ened up living in my parents basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/27/2020 β€’ 26 minutes, 31 seconds
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(#24) Normalizing Failure

The Manifest Episode #24: Normalizing Failure Failure is a fact of life, yet few of us have the tools to do deal with it when it happens. Instead, we make it mean something bad about us and we suffer silently while feeling massive amounts of shame. But if it's something we all experience, then isn't it time to normalize this experience? This can't happen if we don't address it so in this episode I'm taking the skeletons out of the closet so we can begin the healing process! In This Episode: + Failure is a fact of life! And it's time we learned the tools to cope with it instead of suffering silently for YEARS + Discover a powerful reframe to help release any shame and guilt you have around failure so you can bounce back fast + Find out why judging our past failures is so toxic to our current life + Much more! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ened up living in my parents basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/20/2020 β€’ 30 minutes, 2 seconds
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(#23) Scarcity & Your Root Chakra: Heal Your Way To Abundance

The Manifest Episode #23: Scarcity & Your Root Chakra: Heal Your Way To Abundance Are you struggling with money or abundance in your life? There's one reason for that that you might not be aware of: Your Root Chakra Even in the spiritual world, many of us overlook the importance of the root chakra! But if this chakra is out of whack so is everything else in your world. In this episode, I'm talking about how this might be manifesting for you, the various factors that affect it and a simple way to reconnect and heal your own root chakra! Listen to this episode to discover: + An introduction to the Root Chakra & why it's so important for your happiness and abundance + A brief overview of the many factors that are affecting your root chakra + A mini-meditation grounding exercise to help you heal your root chakra ** Don't forget to rate, review & share with your Soul Fam! ** -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business, and my home overnight and ended up living in my parents' basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/13/2020 β€’ 33 minutes, 53 seconds
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(#22) Turn Your Problems Into Your Potential

The Manifest Episode #22: Turn Your Problems Into Your Potential Are you struggling with a problem? We ALL experience them from time to time...but that doesn't mean you need to suffer from them. What if you could turn the whole problem on its head? Today I'm sharing a way to reframe your problems so you EXPECT and EMBRACE them--and can therefore solve them and get back to feeling happy ASAP! IN THIS EPISODE: + Why your brain freaks out when things go wrong + A reminder that when things "go wrong" it doesn't mean anything bad + A powerful reframe to help you expect your next problem and come to solve it in a powerful way + Much more! Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ened up living in my parents basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/6/2020 β€’ 23 minutes, 42 seconds
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(#21) The Spiritual Boss Episode

The Manifest Episode #21: The Spiritual Boss Episode Call all Spiritual Boss Babes! This episode is for you. Today I'm talking all about some of the BIGGEST lessons I've learned in my spiritual business journey. (And not to worry--there's something in here for YOU even if you're not an entrepreneur!) In This Episode: + I share three points that EVERY spiritual boss babe should know + The only two things you need for a successful business + Battling imposter syndrome & the importance of a truly CONFIDENT business mindset + Focusing on what REALLY matters and why you need to stop with the Comparisonitis! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ened up living in my parents basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/30/2020 β€’ 26 minutes, 33 seconds
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(#20) Can You Let It Be Easy? How To Experience Divine Trust

The Manifest Episode #20: Can You Let It Be Easy? How To Experience Divine Trust Fact: the Universe is ALWAYS on our side. It's just our human brains who LOVE to forget this fact. In today's episode, I'm sharing some of my recent mind drama and the lessons I received about TRUST. Listen to this episode to discover: + a mini-life update & Corona pep-talk + a reminder about our true nature as spiritual beings + lessons on how we're always being divinely guided + how Divine Trust can create so much more SPACE for joy in your life ** Don't forget to rate, review & share with your Soul Fam! ** -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- ABOUT JENN A few years ago, I hit my rock-bottom. I lost my partner, my business and my home overnight and ened up living in my parents basement. It was my lowest moment--but one that ultimately reunited me with my own power and potential as a Conscious Creator. These days, I'm a Bestselling Author and Spiritual Life & Business Coach living my dream life, in Berlin, Germany. Shifting my mindset transformed my world! And now I'm here to help you to the same. The Aligned Life is where I help thousands of smart people (just like you!) ditch their fears & limitations so they can manifest their dream life & business. Welcome dear Conscious Creator! I'm so happy to have you here. -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/23/2020 β€’ 21 minutes, 54 seconds
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(#19) Creating Sovereignty: Your Path To Becoming Queen

The Manifest Episode #19: Creating Sovereignty: Your Path To Becoming Queen Have you thought about your sovereignty lately?Β  I have--and personally, I have been loving this concept for remembering to call back in my power and become the leader of my own world. It's all too easy to live our lives chasing after the dreams and beliefs of other people. Reclaiming your sovereignty allows you to respectfully let go of all that noise so you have more time and energy for the things that really matter to you. Listen now and get inspired to step up and lead in your own life! UNFUCKWITHABLE: -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/16/2020 β€’ 23 minutes, 58 seconds
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(#18) One Tiny Secret For MASSIVE Transformation

The Manifest Episode #18: One Tiny Secret For MASSIVE Transformation Struggling to change something BIG in your life? Starting to feel run down & powerless? Today I'm sharing the mindset tip you NEED to get yourself unstuck and back into your full power as a Conscious Creator! Listen now to discover my favorite tip for moving PAST any problem and to start manifesting like the Bad-Ass you really are! BUSINESS COACHING: -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/9/2020 β€’ 22 minutes, 51 seconds
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(#17) Don't Know What To Manifest? Here's Why

The Manifest Episode #17: Don't Know What To Manifest? Here's Why Feel stuck when it comes to manifest? Interested in using the Law of Attraction--but you're not sure where to begin? You're NOT alone! There's actually a very common reason why some of us struggle to think of something to manifest. In this episode, I'm sharing my thoughts on this with the hope of helping you step into your full power as the Conscious Creator you were born to be! SPONSORED BY: MANIFESTATION JOURNALING || -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/2/2020 β€’ 22 minutes, 26 seconds
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(#16) The Spell Doesn't Matter! Magick, Minimalism & Manifestation

The Manifest Episode #16: The Spell Doesn't Matter! Magick, Minimalism & Manifestation I know some of you absolutely LOVE the spells and rituals of magickal practice. But while those things are wonderful tools, they're NOT actually what creates our results! Today I'm diving into the topic of magick, manifestation and minimalism and ultimately reminding you of all the power you already have inside of you. This one's a must-listen for magickal types or anyone who's always on the look out for their next teacher or coach. SPONSORED BY: WEALTH | -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/25/2020 β€’ 20 minutes, 53 seconds
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(#15) Letting Go Of The Past To Step Into Your Magic

The Manifest Episode #15: Letting Go Of The Past To Step Into Your Magic One of the hardest things you'll ever have to do is learn how to let go of who you THINK you are in order to become who you WANT to be! In today's episode, we're taking the concept of identity shifting one step further and exploring why some of your ideas about who you are might not be serving you today! Listen in to find out about this & start your own healing process. -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/18/2020 β€’ 28 minutes, 36 seconds
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(#14) Emotional Recovery For Empaths: Calling All Crybabies!

The Manifest Episode #14: Emotional Recovery For Empaths: Calling All Crybabies! Were you told you were too sensitive as a child? Perhaps you were even called a crybaby?Β  Your childhood might seem a long ways away right now but if you can relate to these experiences it might be time to think about them in a deeper way. The painful lessons we learned as children can often result in protective mechanisms that last well into our adulthood. Today I'm exploring what feeling shame around being a super-feeler might be creating in your world now--and giving you some tips on how you can start the emotional recovery process! SPONSORED BY: BETTER HELP || -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/11/2020 β€’ 31 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#13) 3 Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Manifesting

The Manifest Episode #13: 3 Beliefs That Are Stopping You From Manifesting In last week's episode, I shared all about the importance of belief work and how beliefs affect everything in your world. But today I wanted to bring it back to the world of manifestation and talk about how beliefs can prevent you from manifesting. We all have beliefs that are tripping us up and hopefully this episode will shine a light on what you need to clear in order to start manifesting! SPONSORED BY: UNBLOCKED GROUP COACHING || -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/4/2020 β€’ 27 minutes, 27 seconds
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(#12) The Magical Power Of Belief

The Manifest Episode #12: The Magical Power Of Belief (Why It's EVERYTHING) MANIFESTATION JOURNALING (NEW PROGRAM!) Today I'm talking all about one of my favorite topics: beliefs. Beliefs are things we ALL have yet few of us take the time to really understand what they are or decide on whether the ones we have are serving us. In this episode, I'm explaining why belief work is everything in personal growth, manifestation and magic and I'm also challenging you to start some belief work of your own! (This one's a game changer!) -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/28/2020 β€’ 26 minutes, 15 seconds
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(#11) Boundaries Are Spiritual AF!

The Manifest Episode #11: Boundaries Are Spiritual AF! Boundaries are absolutely ESSENTIAL for those of us you are interested in living our best lives! But when was the last time you thought about YOUR boundaries? In my opinion, this is essential work for empaths, lightworkers and manifestors! So in this episode I'm sharing why they're so important as well as giving you some pointers on the boundaries YOU need in your life. -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/21/2020 β€’ 28 minutes, 2 seconds
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(#10) The Cosmic 2x4 Moment: How To Get Over It

The Manifest Episode #10: The Cosmic 2x4 Moment: How To Get Over It At some point in your life, you're going to get handed some LEMONS: breakups, divorces, lay-offs, moves etc. As someone who's had her fair share, I know those moments are NEVER fun--but I also know that there are some ways to release and reframe it while it's all happening. Get some inspiration on how to deal with your next Cosmic 2x4 Moment (or learn how to get through it if you're in one now!) -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/14/2020 β€’ 21 minutes, 34 seconds
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(#9) Getting Out Of Your Own Way

The Manifest Episode #9: Getting Out Of Your Own Way It's just a fact: we are always our own worst enemies when it comes to manifesting the life of our dreams. We know what we want but when it comes to creating it we are EXCELLENT at tripping ourselves up. In this episode, I'm sharing how this happens and reminding you of the importance of your dreams. I'm also sharing three tips to help you get out of your own way so you can finally break free and create the life you want! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
8/7/2020 β€’ 25 minutes, 11 seconds
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(#8) Better Thinking To Get Unstuck & Step Into Your Next Level

The Manifest Episode #8: Better Thinking To Get You Unstuck & Step Into Your Next Level The one big thing I've learned over the last few years is that the quality of your thinking impacts everything. The problem is, not many of us even realize how low-quality our thinking is, especially when we're feeling stuck! In this episode, I'm shining a light on one simple way you can start seeing your low-quality thoughts and how to start trading them for something better (and in turn, get unstuck and finally become happy!) -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/31/2020 β€’ 22 minutes, 45 seconds
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(#7) Victim Or Hero? The Identity Shift You NEED To Manifest

The Manifest Episode #7: Victim Or Hero? The Identity Shift You NEED To Manifest Are you stuck in your old "poor me" Victim story? Well that might be the EXACT reason why you can't manifest your desires. Find out why the victim mentality is keeping you stuck and get inspired to become the HERO of your own life! TODAY'S SPONSOR: FREE MANIFESTATION PLANNER: -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/24/2020 β€’ 22 minutes, 46 seconds
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(#6) Make The Journey To Manifesting Feel GOOD

The Manifest Episode #6: Make The Journey To Manifesting Feel GOOD Admit it: sometimes it's hard to feel good about manifesting when you're constantly thinking about where you want to go (& all the reasons why you're not there yet!) So is there a way to actually make manifesting feel good while you're doing it? The answer is YES and today I'm sharing three tips to get you back into enjoying the JOURNEY to manifesting! SPONSORED BY: UNBLOCKED GROUP COACHING -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/17/2020 β€’ 24 minutes, 48 seconds
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(#5) The Magic Of Becoming Your Own BFF! (My 3-Part Framework)

The Manifest Episode #5: The Magic Of Becoming Your Own BFF! (My 3-Part Framework) Truth be told, most of us have in incredibly TOXIC relationship with ourselves! We want good things for ourselves but we get in our own way on so many different levels.Β  So today's episode is all about how you can start to change that! What would your life be like if you could be your own BFF? Don't miss this. In this episode, I'm giving you a three-part framework to get started! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/10/2020 β€’ 24 minutes, 11 seconds
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(#4) How To Embody Your Future Badass Self! Identity Work To Manifest

The Manifest Episode #4: How To Embody Your Future Badass Self! Identity Work To Manifest Think about YOUR dream future. Now think about the you that's already "made it". Today I'm sharing why this version of you really isn't so far away! Plus I'm giving you a four step process to connect you with your Future Badass Self. This episode is a must-listen to get you back to feeling EXCITED and empowered about your future! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/3/2020 β€’ 25 minutes, 8 seconds
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(#3) Are You Brave Enough To Leave The Old You Behind?

The Manifest Episode #3: Are You Brave Enough To Leave The Old You Behind? No matter what you really want in life, you're going to have to get your identity on board with it if you're serious about making it happen! However, identity shifting isn't as easy as we'd like it to be. In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 of the factors that make up our identity so we can start to recognize and replace the beliefs that are getting in our way. Thanks for listening! Please screenshot & tag me on Instagram stories so I can shout you out! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/26/2020 β€’ 25 minutes, 45 seconds
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(#2) 3 BS Beliefs In The Law of Attraction & Spirituality

The Manifest Episode #2: 3 BS Beliefs In The Law of Attraction & Spirituality Today's episode is a bit of a call out! Over the last few weeks we've collectively experienced some huge shifts. However, I've noticed some not-so-great moments in the spiritual and Law of Attraction communities. Today I wanted to address what I call "shallow spirituality" specifically with three BS beliefs. My aim is not to shame anyone but to give you something to think about (always with love!). -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/19/2020 β€’ 24 minutes, 24 seconds
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(#1) Callling All Spiritual Rebels! The Manifest Is Here

The Manifest Episode #1: Calling All Spiritual Rebels! The Manifest Is Here We're back with another podcast series! Welcome to The Manifest: a podcast for spiritual rebels who want it all & more! In today's podcast I'm explaining where I've been and what a spiritual rebel is with the hope to inspire a little spiritual rebellion in you! I'm so happy to be back! Please enjoy. -------------------------------- Welcome to The Manifest! A Podcast For Spiritual Rebels | Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Bestselling Author of The Mindful Witch, Spiritual Life & Business Coach & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/12/2020 β€’ 13 minutes, 1 second
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(#25) Trauma Healing (For Everyone!)

Modern Girl Magic Episode #25 Trauma Healing (For Everyone!) When you hear the world trauma, you probably think of some very dark things. You might not think this word has anything to do with you--but that's what I'm here to talk about today! We ALL experience trauma and most of us have no idea at all. Today, I'm explaining what Small-T trauma really is and the importance of acknowledging it so you can release it. -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/26/2020 β€’ 25 minutes, 28 seconds
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(#24) Who Do You Think You Are? Identity & Your Success

Modern Girl Magic Episode #24: Who Do You Think You Are? Identity & Your Success One key factor that might be limiting your success? Your concept of who you think you are AKA your identity! After all, believing thoughts about who you are has created your current world! So who do you have to become to go where you want to go next? -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/19/2020 β€’ 23 minutes, 4 seconds
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(#23) How Mindset Work Can Help Conquer The Patriarchy

Modern Girl Magic Episode #23 | How Mindset Work Can Help Conquer The Patriarchy I know the world of personal growth and mindset work can often look shallow and self-absorbed to some people. But the truth is, mindset work is not only important for you but it's important for all women and all people. In this episode, I'm sharing why we ALL need to do this work on ourselves to hopefully INSPIRE you to incorporate mindset work into YOUR self-care regime! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/12/2020 β€’ 23 minutes, 56 seconds
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(#22) What You're Getting WRONG About The Law Of Attraction

Modern Girl Magic Episode #22: What You're Getting WRONG About The Law Of Attraction Is it hard for you to use the Law of Attraction? Maybe you even think it doesn't work for you? Relax gorgeous! I'm here to clear up one of the most common errors we make when we try to use the Law of Attraction consciously! If you find manifesting tricky, then this is a must-listen episode for you! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Certified Life Coach, bestselling author & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/5/2020 β€’ 23 minutes, 11 seconds
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(#21) One Trick To Communicate With The Universe!

Modern Girl Magic Episode 21: One Trick To Communicate With The Universe! Do YOU want to communicate with The Universe? The truth is babe--you already are! But you probably don't realize just how much information is coming to you all the time already! In this episode, I'm sharing ONE easy trick for you to open up the lines of communication and RECEIVE information from the Universe--all while improving your existing relationships! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/29/2020 β€’ 21 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#20) Are You Creating Emotional Drains? How To Get Your Power & Energy Back!

Modern Girl Magic Episode #10 Are You Creating Emotional Drains? How To Get Your Power & Energy Back! | Most of us spend a LOT of our time worrying about things that we cannot control! Exhibit A: Other People. Yes, it's true: no matter how much you plan or plot you can't control (or even predict!) other people. So why do we waste our precious energy on this? In this episode, I'm sharing why this common thought pattern is so draining and how YOU can shift out of it! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/22/2020 β€’ 26 minutes, 28 seconds
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(#19) Here's What's Missing From Your Personal Growth

Modern Girl Magic Episode #19: Here's What's Missing From Your Personal Growth We all love podcasts (of course!), blogs and books--but are you REALLY getting something out of your personal growth addiction? In this episode, I'm sharing my thoughts on the matter as well as the one tip I'm applying NOW to make sure I'm ACTUALLY using what I learn! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/15/2020 β€’ 26 minutes, 13 seconds
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(#18) Spiritual Boss Babes! Find Out The One Thing I Wish I'd Known

Modern Girl Magic Episode #18: Spiritual Boss Babes! Find Out The ONE Thing I Wish I'd Known | Tune into this one whether you're a boss babe or not! Today I'm sharing a little of the history of The Aligned Life & the ONE thing I wish I'd done differently from the start. This is mindset advice everyone needs to hear! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: MODERN GIRL MAGIC: FREE STUFF: THE ALIGNED LIFE: BETTER HELP: COACHING: INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE:
1/8/2020 β€’ 24 minutes, 56 seconds
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(#17) Expecting Miracles

Modern Girl Magic Episode 17: Expecting Miracles What are YOU expecting to show up in your life? Most of us walk around expecting some pretty terrible things--which then are proven to be true over and over agin. But if we create our reality, why do this to ourselves? In this episode, I'm asking you to EXPERIMENT and start expecting miracles instead! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/18/2019 β€’ 23 minutes, 24 seconds
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(#16) Showing Up For Yourself

Modern Girl Magic Episode #16: Showing Up For Yourself Are you showing up for yourself in your life? So many of us are NOT--meaning we fall prey to self-sabotage and eventually, failure. That's why it's time to get really HONEST with yourself about who you are and what you want so you can DROP these old patterns and actually start to become your best self! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/11/2019 β€’ 27 minutes, 13 seconds
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(#15) Becoming That B*tch

Modern Girl Magic Episode 15: Becoming That B*tch You know who that b*tch is: the girl or guy who has it all together, who oozes confidence, the one who's got all their shit together. Well the good news is: that's just a version of you who isn't nearly as far away as you think! In this episode, I'm sharing a technique so you can connect to that energy--and start becoming that future version of you right now! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/4/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 5 seconds
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(#14) How To Make A Difficult Decision

Modern Girl Magic Episode 14: How To Make A Difficult Decision Do you have to make a difficult decision? We all have to do this at some point in time--and today's episode is designed to make it all a little easier. Let's get you out of feeling stuck and confused and back into your power! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/27/2019 β€’ 25 minutes, 33 seconds
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(#13) Magical Anger

Modern Girl Magic Episode 13: Magical Anger Are all negative emotions something to be afraid of? Of course not! Anger, like all other emotions, is just part of the human experience. It's time to stop denying and hiding our anger and instead learn to embrace it. Because it actually has something positive it can bring to your life if you're willing to feel and acknowledge it! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/20/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 25 seconds
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(#12) 3 Signs Of A Scarcity Mindset

Modern Girl Magic Episode 12: 3 Signs Of A Scarcity Mentality Do you know what a scarcity mentality really looks like? Most of us don't--even when we're suffering from one ourselves! In this episode, I'm sharing 3 signs of a scarcity mentality for you to look out for so you can work on healing and coming back to a place of abundance. -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/13/2019 β€’ 27 minutes, 42 seconds
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(#11) 3 Things You Can Do When Life Doesn't Seem So Magical

Modern Girl Magic Episode #11: 3 Things You Can Do When Life Doesn't Seem So Magical We ALL have bad days (or even bad weeks or bad months!). But there's always a proactive action you can take to help turn things around. In this episode, I'm sharing 3 tips to help you shift your perspective when you're feeling down! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/6/2019 β€’ 35 minutes, 40 seconds
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(#10) The Truth About Lying To Yourself

Modern Girl Magic Episode 10: The Truth About Lying To Yourself We love to think that we're truthful honest people! But in reality, most of us are lying to ourselves and each other all the time. In this episode, I share some of the ways in which we lie the most so that you can see how damaging this bad little habit really is and so you can start to change for the better! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/30/2019 β€’ 23 minutes, 43 seconds
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(#9) Respectful Disengagement

Modern Girl Magic Episode 9: Respectful Disengagement | Do you rely on routines and habits in your life? And are you still feeling fully engaged with your choices? In this episode, I'm talking about the idea of respectful disengagement--a way for us to press the pause button on certain parts of our life. This way we can see if we're still taking the best action for us and also test to see if maybe there's something new we should try instead. Connection is so important for our happiness and when we lose our conscious reasons for doing what we do then we risk falling into feeling helpless and maybe even depressed. I hope this episode inspires you to get truthful with yourself about what you're doing in your life and maybe even inspire you to take a respectful disengagement break yourself! -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/23/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 20 seconds
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(#8) Feminism + Your Magic

Modern Girl Magic Episode #8: Feminism + Your Magic | It's sad but true: talk of manifestation and still gets a roll of the eyes in some circles! But women's interest in manifestation and magic is no mystery; this is stuff collectively we've all been interested in for centuries. In this episode, I'm exploring the link between magic and feminism and explaining why it's so important to be "out" with your magic. -------------------------------- Welcome to The Modern Girl Magic Podcast! Hosted by Jenn Stevens: Manifestation + Success Mindset Coach, author of The Mindful Witch & creator of The Aligned Life -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/16/2019 β€’ 20 minutes, 8 seconds
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(#7) Magic & Your Money

Modern Girl Magic Episode #7: Magic And Your Money | If you're a spiritual type (and especially if you're a spiritual entrepreneur!) then you might have a somewhat complicated relationship with money. On the one hand, you need it for survival (Duh!) but on the other hand, you have all kinds of guilt and fear of charging what you're worth. In this episode, I'm talking all about magic, money, self-love and self-worth--and why YOU probably need to pick up your money game ASAP! (PS - be sure to send this one to a friend who needs to hear it!!) -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/9/2019 β€’ 23 minutes, 50 seconds
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(#6) Forging Your Own Path

Modern Girl Magic Episode 6: Forging Your Own Path | It's a FACT: you'll never be able to recreate success by following someone else. We're all here on a unique journey which means your success in life is ultimately up to you! Here's how to get your confidence back about this and how to trust yourself again. -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/2/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 39 seconds
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(#5) What's Missing Is Your Magic

Modern Girl Magic Episode #5: What's Missing Is Your Magic | The only thing getting in the way of your dreams is YOU! We think our problems are in our outer world (& therefore aren't ours to handle) but that's actually not true! Taking responsibility is how you get to move forward. Here's how remembering your magic can get you to your next level. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/25/2019 β€’ 25 minutes, 20 seconds
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(#4) Self Worth & Your Magic

Modern Girl Magic Episode #4: Self Work & Your Magic! Without a strong belief in yourself, your life really can't be all that magical! In this episode, find out why wishing for something is not enough. You also have to do the work to make sure you feel actually deserving of it if you really want it to happen! ----------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/18/2019 β€’ 23 minutes, 49 seconds
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(#3) Stop Creating Your Life In Reverse!

Modern Girl Magic Episode #3: Stop Creating Your Life In Reverse! Remembering the past is one thing--but trying to live there is entirely another! Don't fall for the belief that your best years are behind you. The best tool you can have for a happy future is your willingness to CREATE something that's better than ever! ----------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/11/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 40 seconds
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(#2) The Secret Art Of Emotional Alchemy

Modern Girl Magic Podcast Episode #2: The Secret Art Of Emotional Alchemy When life hands you a major disappointment, it can be difficult (if not impossible!) to see the silver lining. But it really is true: the worst experiences we have in life always yield some of our most-cherished lessons. Knowing this (and being able to work through your own experiences) will leave you feeling empowered instead of bullied by your external circumstances. This is the magic of emotional alchemy--a too -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/4/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 49 seconds
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(#1) Welcome To Modern Girl Magic

Modern Girl Magic Episode #1: Welcome To Modern Girl Magic! Welcome back! It's me--formerly Unf*ckwithable You--with a brand-spanking new name, look and feel. I'm excited to revamp this podcast I'm still going to be tackling my two favorite topics here: mindset and manifestation--and more importantly how you can harness both of them to create your best life! I hope you stick with me for the magical journey ahead! -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/4/2019 β€’ 13 minutes, 12 seconds
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(#70) You Don't Have To

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 70: You Don't Have To | Are you resenting something or someone in your life right now? Resentment happens to the best of us--and the funny thing is we often end up feeling resentful of situation we actually wanted for ourselves. In this episode, I share a quick mindset shift that will help you get your power back and start feeling gratitude instead of stress. -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/20/2019 β€’ 21 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#69) Dropping The Shoulds

Unf*ckwithable You #podcast Episode #69: Dropping The Shoulds | Are your rules for life keeping you small and stuck? The "should's" that we all tend to follow are yet another one of the sneaky ways we get in our own way. Learn more about how toxic "shoulds" are for your growth and learn what to focus on instead! #mindset #psychology #lifecoach #personalgrowth -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/13/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#68) How To Be Confident

Unf*ckwitable You Episode #68: How To Be Confident | If there's ONE thing that can take your life from blah to bananas, it's confidence! Confidence is really just a sign of high self-worth, which is essential to pretty much anything you want to take on in life! But please don't sit around waiting for confidence to just happen! In this episode, I'm sharing 4 tips to help you begin your own confidence journey. -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/6/2019 β€’ 27 minutes, 44 seconds
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(#67) Letting It Be Easy

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 67: Letting It Be Easy | So many of the problems in our life are due to our own mindset! In this episode, I'm sharing 3 techniques you can use to let go of the normal stress and drama to create more space and ease. -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/30/2019 β€’ 27 minutes, 24 seconds
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(#66) Buffering

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 66: Buffering | Questions: are YOU buffering your negative feelings away? This is actually a common phenomena! We all tend to hide and numb our feelings from time to time. However, this can only ever bring temporary relief. Find out what buffering is and why we do it so you can learn to identify your own patterns and start moving through them with power! -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/23/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 20 seconds
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(#65) You Create Your Personality

Unf*ckwitable You Episode 65: You Create Your Personality There's one damaging lie you've been conditioned to believe your whole life and that's the idea that your personality is set in stone. It's actually not the case at all! If you could change part of your personality, what part would that be? Here's some inspiration to make you more empowered about what you choose to believe about yourself! -------------------------------- THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/16/2019 β€’ 23 minutes
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(#64) Stop Trying

Unf*ckwithable You Episode #64: Stop Trying Are you busy trying to make your dreams happen (and failing)? The problem might actually be with the word itself. Trying is a cop-out that is far too easy for us to fall into! In this episode, I share four reasons why trying isn't your friend and how to get back into your power. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/9/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 42 seconds
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(#63) Radical Positive Thinking

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 63: Radical Positive Thinking Your thoughts really DO create your life! And perhaps the reason your life isn't where you want it to be is because your thoughts aren't supportive enough. In this episode, I explain the importance of mindset and hopefully inspire you to take your thinking to the next level! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/2/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 59 seconds
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(#62) Avoiding Life Paralysis

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 62: Avoiding Life Paralysis Is there a big decision you're putting off? An important action you need to take? A difficult conversation you need to have? You just might be suffering from LIFE PARALYSIS - a common condition that keeps you from moving forward and taking action. Here are four common ways this manifests as well as how to DEAL with it so you can move back towards your BEST life! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/25/2019 β€’ 35 minutes, 25 seconds
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(#61) Your Happiness Bubble

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 61: Your Happiness Bubble The Happiness Bubble is what I call our minimum practices around our own happiness! The truth is, like it or not, we're all responsible for what's in our life and therefore for our own happiness! Maybe it's time to start acting like the bouncer of your own party and kick out the things that aren't serving you. In this episode, I share four ways you can start safe-guarding your own happiness today for a happier and healthier tomorrow. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/18/2019 β€’ 31 minutes, 43 seconds
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(#60) Communication

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 60: Communication It's not just you. Communication is hard for everyone at times! But effective communication is imperative to our most important relationships. In this episode, we're diving into the many ways our communications can get messed up despite our best intentions! This episode is designed to enlighten and hopefully give you a lighter attitude toward any communication mishaps. - THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/11/2019 β€’ 28 minutes
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(#59)Managing Your Expectations

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 59: Managing Your Expectations Expectations can be really helpful in achieving what you want! But unfortunately, there's also a toxic side to them. Discover what expectations really are and find out how they can be damaging. There's really no need to suffer from your own thoughts but you have to see the problem to avoid it! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/4/2019 β€’ 25 minutes, 43 seconds
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(#58) How To Handle Arguments

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 58: How To Handle Arguments Arguments happen to all of us at some point, especially in our closest relationships! But an argument that isn't handled well can be damaging to our happiness and to our relationship. So today I'm sharing six points to help you keep perspective during an argument. There is a way we can walk away from this experience having learned something so listen to this episode to find out how! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/28/2019 β€’ 28 minutes, 58 seconds
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(#57) The Path To Forgiveness

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 57: The Path To Forgiveness Bitterness, anger and resentment are all things that will ultimately weigh you down and keep you playing small in life. In order to be the best version of you, it's time to let go! Here are three main areas of life you need to learn to forgive in order to be a happier & healthier version of you. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/21/2019 β€’ 30 minutes, 21 seconds
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(#56) Freedom From Judgment

Episode #55 Freedom From Judgment Truth be told, we're all EXPERTS at judging each other! But the things that we're judging can actually hurt us. Here's a some new perspectives on judgment which can help you to understand yourself better PLUS I share a coping technique that keeps you out of the judgmental mind. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/14/2019 β€’ 22 minutes, 44 seconds
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(#55) Experimenting Through Life

Episode 55: Experimenting Through Life Have you ever spent a lot of time trying to figure out what the "right" choice was? Then this episode is for you! Most of us have been brought up to think that there are right and wrong answers in life--but what if that's not true? Listen to find out how reframing the way you see things can give you more ease and happiness as you journey through life! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/7/2019 β€’ 30 minutes
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(#54) Validate Yourself

Unf*ckwithable You Episode #54: Validate Yourself Are you a victim of validation? So many of us use people or things in the world around us as an excuse to feel good about ourselves! Of course, the truth is, we are the only ones who have the love and acceptance that we crave. It's time to stop giving our power away and start learning to love ourselves instead! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/28/2019 β€’ 24 minutes, 11 seconds
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(#53) Mind Management

Unf*ckwithable You Episode 53 Mind Management Here's an episode everyone can benefit from! Sadly, few of us were taught how our brain works and even fewer of us take advantage of that knowledge! In this episode, I share five principles that will help you not only understand the way your brain works but how you can start changing things for the better! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/21/2019 β€’ 27 minutes
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(#52) The Abundance Method

The Abundance Method | Like always, I'm switching up my focus this year to include what I call The Abundance Method! The truth is abundance is about much more than just money. It encompasses love, friendship, success and anything else you could want in your life. In this episode, I share my three principles of the Abundance Method: the mindset technique you must adopt to encourage more abundance in your life. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/14/2019 β€’ 21 minutes, 4 seconds
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(#51) Shine Your Light

Episode 51 Shine Your Light | Don't think for a second that your personal development journey is about just you! You are able to bring more light or darkness to the world--and it's YOUR choice! We need more people to shine their light and share their wisdom to help collectively raise the vibe of the planet! Listen now & get inspired to be your best self through the holiday season & beyond! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/21/2018 β€’ 17 minutes, 20 seconds
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(#50) Radical Responsibility

Episode 50: Radical Responsibility | The urge to live in victim mode is overwhelming at times! We've all experienced trauma and tragedy, setbacks and disappointments. However, holding onto those stories from the past will definitely not help you to create the future of your dreams! If you're truly ready for something new then it's time to step up and become your own HERO by taking responsibility. This episode should leave you feeling inspired for what's to come. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/13/2018 β€’ 18 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#49) Scarcity Vs. Abundance

Episode 49: Scarcity vs Abundance | Are you suffering from a scarcity mindset? Scarcity is not as well-known but it's just another aspect of fear. In this episode, I share 4 examples of common scarcity beliefs that might be hurting you more than helping you. Then find out why choosing abundance is the kinder choice for your own well-being and success! - THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/6/2018 β€’ 18 minutes, 20 seconds
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(#44) The Power Of Putting In The Work

The Power Of Putting In The Work | Contrary to what you might think (from being a manifesting teacher & all!) I am a fan of hard work. However, just the idea of hard work can become one of our biggest barriers to success! In this episode, I share some techniques to get over this limiting belief so you can get unstuck and start making progress! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/1/2018 β€’ 15 minutes, 26 seconds
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(#48) It's All A Choice

It's All A Choice | It might seem obvious but your life is made of your choices! However, connecting to the reasons you've made the choices you have is a wonderful way of reconnecting to your own power. Anytime resentment or jealousy rears its head, come back to remembering your choices and you will remember why you've created your life the way you have. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/29/2018 β€’ 16 minutes, 30 seconds
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(#47) Authenticity

Authenticity | Authenticity is a key component of living an unfuckwithable life! In this episode, I share why being authentic is important for your relationship with yourself and with others as well as why being authentic can actually allow you to be more energetic. Listen to the episode and get into alignment! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/22/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 35 seconds
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(#46) The Worst Case Scenario

The Worst Case Scenario | Usually, I'm an advocate of positive thinking (as thoughts create your reality!). But in this episode, we're diving right into the darkness! Fear is one of the biggest obstacles on your path to creating the life you want. And exploring whatever you think is the Worst Case Scenario for your life is the perfect way to deflate those fears and bring them back to reality. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/15/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 7 seconds
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(#45)Stop Waiting For Permission

Stop Waiting For Permission | Last week I shared a journal prompt with my Instagram followers & it was so good I was inspired to do a whole episode about it! The question is: what are you secretly waiting for permission to do (or from who)? The idea of permission is actually what's secretly holding many of us back. I'll explain how this tendency was taught to us in the school system and tell you why wanting permission as an adult is so damaging. This episode is all about getting your power back so make sure you tune in! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/8/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 15 seconds
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(#43) What If It Could Just Be Easy?

What If It Could Just Be Easy? | Think about your goals and dreams and now tell me: do you really think it will be easy to achieve them? For most of us, the answer is no! But the funny thing is that so much of the drama and noise we create around our goals is actually created by US! In this episode, I share 3 ways in which we accidentally make things harder than they need to be. Listen to the episode & start freeing up more of your energy for what really matters! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/25/2018 β€’ 15 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#42) Reframe Your Game

Reframe Your Game | Want to master your mind? Reframing the way we think about things is one easy way to do that! In this episode, I share what a reframe is and give you guys a powerful way to reframe your story that will have you feeling optimistic and powerful again! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/18/2018 β€’ 14 minutes, 37 seconds
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(#41) Access Your Intuition

Access Your Intuition | Your intuition is one of the most powerful tools you can use to create your best life and manifest your dreams! But do you know how to use it? In this episode, I explain how powerful intuition is and an easy way you can start working with your own intuition. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/11/2018 β€’ 14 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#40) The Power Of Why

The Power Of Why | Knowing your purpose is a SUPERPOWER! It's crucial to connect with your why when you're tackling big goals in life, so you protect your own energy and so you make sure you're focusing on what's best for you. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
10/5/2018 β€’ 14 minutes, 6 seconds
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(#39) Learning How To Be You

Learning How To Be You | You have only ONE big job in this life: learning how to be the best version of YOU! We're all different. We all have different strengths, weaknesses & aptitudes. So what works for your best friend might not work for you at all! That's why you ALWAYS have to put in the work to see what makes YOU tick. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
9/27/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 46 seconds
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(#38) Redefining Failure

Redefining Failure | Fear of failure is often what keeps us from pursuing our dreams! In this episode, I share why it's time to adjust what our definition of failure means. When we remove the shame from it, we're no longer able to be controlled by it so we can get back to kicking ass in life! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/27/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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(#37) Getting Uncomfortable

Getting Uncomfortable | Though we'd all LOVE to stay in our comfort zone, that's just not possible if you want to live life to its full potential! In this episode, we discuss why being comfortable is not the main goal of life and start to understand why getting uncomfortable is necessary for growth. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/20/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#36) Jealousy

Jealousy | Do you run away from or downplay your jealous feelings? In this episode, we discuss why jealousy really isn't such a bad thing and how you can use it to discover more about yourself. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/12/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#35) Cut The Confusion Crap

Cut The Confusion Crap | Have you ever been stuck trying to make an important decision? Here's why the answer "I don't know" is not good enough! We explore this form of procrastination and find out why taking any action is preferable to taking none. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
7/5/2018 β€’ 12 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#34) Become The Expert On You

Become The Expert On You | QUESTION: if you don't become the expert on you, then who's going to be? Listening to yourself and TRUSTING your own emotions and intuition is an important skill. So often we set ourselves up for a fall by NOT listening to the wisdom inside of us! But the more you practice trusting yourself, the easier it gets! In this episode, we find out what becoming the expert on you really means and why it's so important. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/28/2018 β€’ 16 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#33) Are You Addicted To Being Busy?

Are You Addicted To Being Busy? | Busy-ness is an epidemic in our modern society! But being busy does NOT mean you're actually doing work that's important to your well-being. In this episode we dive into the meaning of being busy and see what busy-ness can be a mask for. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/21/2018 β€’ 16 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#32) One Shift To Change Your Life

One Shift To Change Your Life | The process of changing your life can be quite overwhelming at first! Where to begin? What to focus on? Confusion often leads to overwhelm, which means you end up doing NOTHING. In this episode, I share why shifting just one small habit can end up changing everything. If you're feeling stuck or lost, this episode is for you! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/14/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#31) Relationship Reciprocity

Relationship Reciprocity | One of the keys to great relationships? It's reciprocity! But don't worry--this isn't about tallying up everything 50/50! (Because that can't ever happen!) Rather, it's a great way to gauge the relationship's health to see if things have turned toxic. If one of your friendships isn't quite what it used to be, this is the perfect episode for you! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
6/7/2018 β€’ 15 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#30) How To Make A Decision

How To Make A Decision | Making decisions FAST is a superpower--and it can be one of YOUR superpowers too! Here's how to shift your mind about making a decision so you can stop stressing and spinning your wheels and start taking ACTION. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/31/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#29) Magic Of Routines

Magic Of Routines | Your values are ALWAYS reflected in your daily activities! But that means many times when we're trying to create a change in our life, we need to adjust our habits to match. This episode is all about the magic of your daily routine and why they're so important. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/24/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#28) Suffering Is Optional

Suffering Is Optional | Here's the truth: things are just going to go wrong sometimes! But while pain is inevitable, suffering is not! In this episode, I share the difference and give you a solid strategy for turning around ANY situation. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/17/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#27) The Problem With Why

The Problem With Why | Getting closure is the ideal but it's not always possible! Sometimes we just don't get to know everything--as much as you want to! The problem with why is that we can get stuck there wasting our time and energy for far too long. It's time to cut the cords and just get on with your life! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/10/2018 β€’ 16 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#26) Goals With Soul

Goals With Soul | Setting goals CAN be utterly terrifying! But it's so important to keep setting them, even when it scares you. In this episode we talk about how to bring some ease and flow to your goal-getting. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
5/3/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#25) Don't Take The Bait

Don't Take The Bait | Sometimes it only takes a relatively small even to completely throw you off your game! In this episode, I talk about the importance of not taking the bait! Your mood has a tendency to spiral but only YOU have to power to control if it spirals up--or spirals DOWN. BLOG: COACHING: INSTAGRAM:
4/26/2018 β€’ 14 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#24) Limiting Beliefs

Limiting Beliefs | Are limiting beliefs holding YOU back? Unless you've done this work before, then the answer is likely to be YES! In this episode, I explain what limiting beliefs are so that you can begin the work of finding yours! If you've ever felt block or stuck in your life, then make sure you check out this episode! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/19/2018 β€’ 12 minutes, 6 seconds
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(#23) Personal Power

Personal Power | Don't ever forget the amount of POWER you have over your own life! So many of us opt to live in victim mode--but that only keeps you trapped in your past. If you want to make a change, it's time to DROP the old story so you can move forward with confidence and ease. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/12/2018 β€’ 12 minutes, 12 seconds
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(#22) Breaking Patterns

Breaking Patterns | Are you stuck? Feeling like you're in a rut? The real problem is just that you're repeating the same pattern over and over again! If you want to make progress, the best tactic is to simply figure out how you can break the pattern! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
4/5/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#21) The Power Of Now

The Power of Now | When we stop focusing on the future or on the past, we give ourselves an incredible source of power! An amazing life is just a collection of amazing current moments--so it's important that you tune into your now to make it the best it can be! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/29/2018 β€’ 15 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#20) Destructing Your Identity

Destructing Your Identity | Did you know the ideas you have about your own identity can actually get in the way of becoming the person you really want to be? In this episode we explore how ideas that stemmed out of our childhood experiences are forming our current reality and why we might want to change that. BLOG: COACHING: INSTAGRAM:
3/23/2018 β€’ 18 minutes, 28 seconds
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(#19) Creating Urgency

Creating Urgency | One of the best keys to switching out of slump mode is to TRICK yourself into taking action. Creating an artificial sense of urgency is an amazing way to tune us into what's truly important. If you're in a slump or if you're putting off making a major decision, this episode is for you! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/15/2018 β€’ 17 minutes, 6 seconds
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(#18) The Power Of Dreaming

The Power Of Dreaming | Dreaming (and daydreaming) is generally frowned upon in the adult population! But the very act of dreaming can yield some important clues for where you want to go next in life! Dreaming is not something we should ever stop doing! It's part of our life force energy and can show us what we need to work on next in our life. In this episode, I share exactly why it's so important and why you need to make sure you set aside time for dreaming in your life. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/8/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 25 seconds
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(#17) What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do | Have you ever felt like you just didn't know what you wanted to do with your life? I definitely have--and it sucks! It feels confusing and can make you feel like something's really wrong with you. This is something that's happened to me time and time again so in this episode I'm sharing my coping strategy to help you shift that confused feeling and start to make progress! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
3/1/2018 β€’ 15 minutes, 35 seconds
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(#16) Reactions

Reactions | This week on the podcast we're talking about something we've all experienced: reactions! I'm sure you can think of a time where you behaved badly and later regretted it. That's because reactions happen fast and they're typically motivated from our subconscious mind. In today's episode, I'm sharing two techniques to help you avoid over-reacting and stay in a calm and conscious state of mind. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/22/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#15) Perfectionism

Perfectionism | Perfectionism is one of those invisible forces that SEEMS logical and reasonable but is actually holding you back! Find out how perfection might be getting in your way, even if you don't think of yourself as a perfectionist! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/15/2018 β€’ 15 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

(#14) Boundaries

Boundaries | Boundaries are a critical piece of our relationships with other people. But if you're anything like me, no one has really explained to you what they are, why you need them and how you can use them in your relationships (both platonic and romantic). In this episode, I shed a little more light on this important topic so you can start thinking about how you can define and enforce boundaries in your own life. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/8/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 58 seconds
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(#13) Denial

Denial | Denial is a surprisingly strong yet almost INVISIBLE negative force in our life! In this episode I discuss two of the most common ways in which this insidious feeling can get in our way: by denying that anything is wrong with our life or by denying that we are unhappy. The more we deny the TRUE way we feel, the less of an authentic life we're able to live. It's crucial to become aware of your own patterns of denial so that you can start making changes that will bring you real HAPPINESS. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
2/1/2018 β€’ 11 minutes, 54 seconds
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(#12) Radical Self Acceptance

Radical Self-Acceptance | Radical self-acceptance is a necessary ingredient of a conscious life! While no, no one can change the past, learning how to accept your mistakes and flaws will free up your mental energy and allow you to finally move forward instead of obsessing over the past. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/25/2018 β€’ 10 minutes, 47 seconds
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(#11) Language

Language | Your words can TRULY change your life! Find out much more about the power of language in this episode. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/18/2018 β€’ 13 minutes, 48 seconds
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(#10) Resentment

Resentment | This week we're talking about what resentment is, how it can effect you and how a simple mental shift can remove any resentment you might be feeling. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/11/2018 β€’ 10 minutes, 22 seconds
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(#9) Intention

Intention | On this episode, I explore the power of intention. You don't have to wait for New Year to set intentions for your life! Here, I give some examples of how working with intentions in your daily life can create big life changes. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
1/3/2018 β€’ 10 minutes, 10 seconds
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(#8) Joy

Joy | Joy is the high-point emotion of our life so let's talk about how we can bring more into your life! The first step of figuring out how to add more joy to your life is finding where yours is! After all, if you don't know, then how can you create more joy? THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/21/2017 β€’ 11 minutes, 25 seconds
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(#7) Your Shadow Self

Your Shadow Self | In this episode, we start exploring the dark recesses of our psyche. We each have a Shadow Self, which is the part of us who is very often hard at work undermining all our good intentions! We're going to shed some light on what the Shadow is so you can start to become conscious of yours. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/14/2017 β€’ 14 minutes, 19 seconds
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(#6) Life Design

Life Design | This week we tackle the topic of life design: the basics of thinking about how you want your life to be so you can start taking action! Think of this like giving yourself a checkup! I give you a 10-step framework so you can start evaluating the various elements of your life to see where you need to put your attention next. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
12/7/2017 β€’ 18 minutes, 55 seconds
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(#5) Fear

Fear | Fear is the BIGGEST obstacle you will face on the path towards creating the life of your dreams! In this episode, I talk about what it is, why it happens and why it's so important to overcome yours. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/30/2017 β€’ 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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(#4) The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction | This week we're diving into another of my favorite topics: the Law of Attraction. We're discussing what it is & how it works so you can start applying it to your own life! THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/23/2017 β€’ 12 minutes, 6 seconds
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(#3) Self-Love

Self-Love | On episode 3 of the Unf*ckwithable You podcast, we're tackling another one of my favorite topics: self-love. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/16/2017 β€’ 12 minutes, 42 seconds
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(#2) Alignment

Alignment | This episode is about the concept of alignment: what it is & how you can bring more of it to your life. We also cover what happens when you fall out of alignment. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/8/2017 β€’ 12 minutes, 57 seconds
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(#1) Introduction

Introduction | The first episode of the Unf*ckwithable You podcast where introduce myself and share my vision for the podcast. THE MANIFEST: FREE DAILY HEALING KIT: JOIN RECODE:
11/2/2017 β€’ 11 minutes, 2 seconds