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The Leap of Faith W/ Avery Anderson Cover
The Leap of Faith W/ Avery Anderson Profile

The Leap of Faith W/ Avery Anderson

English, Religion, 2 seasons, 16 episodes, 7 hours, 48 minutes
Hey y’all! Welcome to 'The LEAP OF FAITH' where we'll be talking about this storm called life and how we're taking leaps into faith everyday! We'll be discussing, our faith walk, entrepreneurial journery and anything else in our lives that we want to because we have life because of our faith! Here’s a little background story! My husband and I would have just taken one of the largest leaps we could ever take by packing up and leaving our home, businesses, family and friends in The Bahamas and moving to the United states starting from SCRATCH! I’ll be inviting guests to talk about their experiences in life and I pray that everyone and everything said here will bring revelation and be a blessing in your life. You can LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & FOLLOW me on my social mediums to get notifications for new videos, be encouraged and get ready to have your faith strengthen! Have a great one, I love you guys! Also never stress about the little things in life, your job is to have faith that the living God will work it out! Your job is so easy you just have to faith it out, while God works it out.
Episode Artwork

Jeremiah 8 - The Valley of Slaughter - Kill the sin in you, or be doomed!

Hey Everyone!! I trust that you are having a faith filled week! This episode is a candid episode of Bible Study with My husband and I. We're reading scripture and just throwing out some revelations we would have gotten while reading.Ultimately, I encourage all of you to heed God's warning and never believe you are too good for correction! God loves us and those whom He loves He chastises. Give your life to God and do not sin agaisnt him! Have a great one, remember God loves you and so do I! Bye Guys!Music in episode from TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™
3/1/202335 minutes, 28 seconds