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The Creatively Paid Podcast

English, Finance, 2 seasons, 29 episodes, 17 hours, 58 minutes
This podcast is all about creative entrepreneurship! We will go in-depth about how photographers, graphic designers, videographers, and other creatives can make money with their passion the right way!
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CPP29: Social Media Growth, Building Community and Finding Your Creative Purpose with Hayley Akins

In this episode of the Creatively Paid Podcast, we have invited Hayley Akins. She is a motion designer, animator, and Founder and CEO of Motion Hatch, an online learning hub for motion designers and animators, helping them do better business through training materials, resources, a community, and podcasts. She has 11 years of experience in the motion design industry and has worked with high-profile clients such as Google, BBC, The United Nations, and the Gates Foundation. Her aim is to work on projects that have a positive impact on the world.In this episode with discuss building a creative community, social media growth, and finding your creative purpose. Growing a Community [10:51]Getting Feedbacks[12:50]Don’t be afraid to help [14:30]Helping Others [15:01]Knowing Your Purpose [17:55}Learning and Sharing [23:46]Importance of Pre-Selling [27:05]Top of the Mountain [30:02]Valuing Creatives [31:08]Inbound and Outbound Marketing [34:44]Consistency and Strategy [35:15]Getting into the Community [39:03]Learn more about Hayley Akins on:Social Media guide by Motion Hatch - Hatch:  
7/26/202143 minutes, 34 seconds
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CPP028: Do You Even Need A Website, Or Is Having a Social Media Page Enough?

As an entrepreneur, should you opt for building a website or social media? Which one of the two is better? A website and social media have their respective strengths and weaknesses, and although they are similar in terms of function, there is a distinct difference between the two when it comes to taking your brand to the next level! In this episode of Creatively Paid Podcast, Kasey Reid takes us to the website vs. social media battle! Learning the Basics[1:52]In the simplest definition, a website is a collection of pages that sits on the “web.” It’s static that contains and hosts various pages about something. A web application is designed for interaction with end-users, in this case, social media.[3:45]A social media is a web application based on its functionality – it’s dynamic, like a living being that lives on the internet. It serves a crucial role when it comes to serving your brand and business.Why opt to build a website?[04:56]Here are the advantages on why you should build a website:1.     You decide how you want to craft your personal brand. [06:56]2.     Your website can act as a hub. [10:03]3.     You are discovered easily because of how SEO works. [11:19]4.     Easy integration of a sales funnel. [11:51]5.     You can establish social proof and credibility. [14:24]6.     You can tailor your website to your brand. [16:03]7.     You have immense access to data. Why should you opt for building a Social media page?[17:33]1.     You can build anytime; it’s free!a.     You don’t totally own the content you produce. [18:55]b.     You can’t fully customize the user experience. [19:37]2.     You can use social media as a “vehicle.” [22:26]3.     You can develop and expand your brand and reputation. [23:15]4.     You can use social media to share your content. [24:01]a.     You don’t have a direct connection to your audience. [25:25]5.     You can reach a new audience. [26:21]6.     You can encourage interaction with your brand. The Verdict [27:53]With that comparison and contrast between social media and website, which one should you opt to build and focus on? It’s pretty obvious! Go for BOTH of them! Because they can help you build your brand and online presence.[30:24]If you are a beginner, there are free and cheap options for you to build your website. But like what has been emphasized earlier, “There is a ‘cost’ to free.” You would want to eventually have your website built by a professional who thoroughly understands web design tailored to your brand messaging, leaving a concise, beautiful, and impactful website that meets your goals, creates leads and generates sales! Learn more about Kasey Reid on:Website:<
7/20/202134 minutes, 45 seconds
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CPP027: How Creatives can Network And Get Clients (even as an Introvert) with Michelle Warner

Michelle Warner, a business designer, and strategist joins us on this episode of the Creativity Paid Podcast. She helps solopreneurs and small businesses redesign their businesses.Difficulties of being a solopreneur and the benefits of networking It's hard when you're doing it all alone, many of the times it might end up on scratch, so you need to start all over again and find someone to connect to.It's best to network with people who might already know your potential clients so that you can build a natural partnership and collaboration. Two components of how a person can go about networking as a creativeFirst is getting some clarity about the foundation, it has a little bit of science. The second one is the actual implementation; it's going straight to being told that you should reach out to people.You should not be networking with your clients, instead, your networking goal should be meeting people who already have access to your clients, so that you can collaborate, it's called borrow an audience, where they can introduce you to an audience they've already gained. In that way, you can build some collaborations and natural referrals.Target Audience[08:10]So there are two parts to it. The first step is to get some clarity on the foundation, and then comes the actual implementation. It's always awkward because we jump right into implementation, right into being told you should reach out to people. And we don't take the 30 minutes or less it would take to get some clarity on how you should be doing that outreach and to whom you should be doing it. You should not socialize with your clients. Your networking goal should be to meet people who already have access to your clients so that you can collaborate and do what is called  “borrowing an audience”, where they can introduce you to the audience they've already gained, and you can build some collaboration and natural referrals in that way.Networking on social media[15:14]Don't get too caught up in creating your own feed; instead, spend more time on other people's feeds, especially if you're just getting started. Consider how you will be introduced and noticed in an authentic manner, as well as how you will build that relationship. Thanking them in DMs or comments is a great way to accomplish this. Examine their posts or work, and if you find something that has aided you, leave a comment or DM them to express your gratitude for that specific piece of advice. Most people will tell you that they are pleased that they were able to assist you. Now you have a plethora of opportunities to begin building a relationship and connection with them.Practical tips for networking on the physical side when attending networking events[21:07]The first step is to assess your own worth and determine how you can participate in these types of events. The second step is to determine who will be attending the event and select two or three people to meet. The two or three people you want to meet are the ones who can have the most impact on you. Michelle's tips for creatives[28:54]Consider who your ideal connection avatar is. Allow yourself to be creative and clear on this so you can connect with the right person. Send thank-you notes; thank you notes are the networking equivalent of gratitude journaling. Send a thank-you note if you're feeling lost and unsure how to connect.Connect with MichelleFree Networking Training - @Michelle.Warner
7/5/202132 minutes, 52 seconds
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CPP026: How to Productize Your Creative Services with Brad Hussey

In this episode of the Creatively Paid Podcast, we get to talk with Brad Hussey, a passionate and experienced freelancing web designer, developer, blogger, and digital entrepreneur. He builds custom websites, and provides design solutions for a wide array of clientele at his company, Brightside Studios, helps freelancers get fully booked and indie creative double their business. Today, we’re going to talk about productizing your creative services for your creative business.Below are the points we touched on and the timestamps for each one:From freelancer to teaching freelancing [1:51]Best Advice to make money from freelancing [4:02] Teaching Freelancing [4:32]Entering the Creative Entrepreneurship Side [7:41]The Transition from Freelancer to Creative Entrepreneur [10:03]Creating the Demand [13:39]Investing Time on Value [18:53]Figuring out what’s within You [22:25]The Productized Service [23:11]Bringing Value to the Market [27:11]Tips on how to start a Productized Service [30:45]Figuring out your Niche and Generating Ideas [36:13]How our experiences affect our freelancing career [39:39]What Clients really want [42:36]Tips for Freelancers that’s building something they love [46:29]Visit Brad’s website and learn more about the Productize Bootcamp at:Website: Bootcamp: Brad Hussey on his Social Media:Youtube:
6/28/202147 minutes, 45 seconds
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CPP025: The Legalities of Running A Creative Business: What You Need To Know with Wesley Henderson

In this episode of the Creatively Paid Podcast, I have invited Wesley Henderson, Founder of Drafted Legal, LLC. Wesley is a dedicated and creative attorney who puts the best of his legal expertise for the benefits of his clients. He helps his clients protect their interest and educate them as they take their entrepreneurship journey.In this episode we cover:  Why a Creative Entrepreneur or Freelancer Should Consider Getting Legal helpA Lawyer's Tips for Online and Offline FreelancersTrademarks & Copyrights for Producing Content and CoursesNon-Compete vs. Non-SolicitationUnderstanding ContractsHiring Someone Outside Your CountryWant to start into business? Form your LLC, Find Legal Templates, and Kickstart Yourself through an Online Course by heading into: sure to use the special discount “KASEYREID” if you purchase anything from the “Drafted Legal” website.Any legal concerns? Seek advice from Wesley Henderson himself by visiting: Drafted Legal on their social platforms:Facebook: 
6/21/202146 minutes, 6 seconds
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CPP024: The Art of Storytelling and Creating Content that Attracts with Cynthia Dieyi

In today´s episode of “The Creatively Paid Podcast”,  host Kasey Reid talks with guest Cynthia Dieyi, a Storyteller and Content Coach. Cynthia helps entrepreneurs craft content that attracts clients and customers. Here in this episode, they are talking about the power of storytelling and how to create content that actually attracts your ideal clients on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms.3 Key Points:1.     It's really important to have a sense of authenticity while drafting and posting content on social media; being yourselves and showing up authentically matters because your audience will sense that over a period of time.2.     The more authentic and cohesive your message can be, the better, says Cynthia. With today’s self-aware audiences, it is only through emotions that you can reach them.3.     Rather than selling products, tell people about the outcome, lead them on a journey that shows what that outcome means or what their lives could look like if they use your product, and the sales will come first.
6/14/202150 minutes, 13 seconds
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CPP023: From English Teacher to Freelance Web Developer : A Bumpy Path to Freelance Success With Tom Bisciglia

In today´s episode of “The Creatively Paid Podcast”,  host Kasey Reid talks with guest Tom Bisciglia, Former English Teacher and currently a Freelance Web Developer and Owner at ‘TechSharp Consulting’. Tom offers ways to find space in the Freelancing world and dives into his experiences and trials & errors across his journey in the Freelancing domain.Episode Highlights: ·       Tom Bisciglia introduces himself and gives insights on his professional journey.·       He reveals that while he was looking for a job he was actually hired as a Technical Recruiter.·       Initially he also did freelancing for and, which is now Upwork.·       Kasey mentions that if you are new to the freelancing space, it takes a lot of repeated good work for you to become a great freelancer.·       Tom quotes a gentleman named Taylor Pearson who mentions that to be a Freelancer you should know how to differentiate yourself from all the other people who have either got huge experience or are undercutting you like crazy on an hourly rate perspective.·       Tom says that as a freelancer it's about knowing your audience and knowing what you offer.·       He had a client that hired him for Drupal work and then turned out they had a problem with their API that was written in Python.·       As per Tom, it’s always good to push yourself to try your hands on anything new and challenging however at the same time there are limitations to it.·       Kasey asks about the things Tom observes when he has to hire & bring another creative onboard.·       Tom expresses that the one thing he has learned is that networking is the best way to find someone.·       It is great to build a solid network so that you're able to reach out to people you already know because it is pretty hard to work with someone that you've never met, reiterates Kasey.·       Tom stresses that one way he will sell his service at a higher rate is by emphasizing on starting small, by initially getting hired for just two or three hours to show how he works.·       Kasey asks Tom, “As a freelancer, would you see yourself as a Business Owner and what are the lessons you've of learned with working for yourself, as opposed to working for someone else?”·       Tom points out that like any Business Owner you have to tell yourself that – “I have some unique skills that others don't have and at the same time, there are some skills that I need to improve”.·       In Kasey’s view, when we are in a freelancing space it’s very easy to only rely on the skills that we have and not take into consideration the business side of it.·       Kasey expresses his happiness and pleasure that Tom shared his experiences as a Freelancer.·       “One of the biggest things is to find a definition of success that means something to you.” suggests Tom.3 Key Points:Being new in the freelancing space, it's easy to get very impatient with where you are because you see these great freelancers already doing some stunning stuff. But it requires a lot of practice and constant amazing work to reach at that level.To able to get into the Freelancing space, differentiate yourself with the existing cutting-edge Freelancers by presenting yourself in a way that doesn't feel like everyone else, because everyone is unique and everyone has their way of doing things.As per Tom, as a Freelancer, you should clearly know about your clients and yourself as well as repres
6/7/202146 minutes, 35 seconds
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CPP 022: Why Mastering Productivity Helps You in Business and In Life with Kierra Asnauskas

In today´s episode of “The Creatively Paid Podcast”, host Kasey Reid talks with Kierra Asnauskas, a Productivity Coach, a Lifestyle Design Strategist, and the Founder of ‘Miss Unconventional’.  Kierra talks about productivity, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship and service-based entrepreneurs in particular. Episode Highlights: ·         How to set a goal and why you should?·         Tips on the ways to address procrastination. ·         Kierra talks about the right way of content consumption.·         How much and what type of content one should consume throughout the day.·         Delegation of shallow tasks outside the business goals.·         Find smart ways to get the tasks done.·         As a creative business, how do you deal with overwhelm?·         Don't let other people's agenda, affect what you're doing.·         The importance of setting boundaries.·         Kierra says, start telling your time where to go instead of wondering where it went3 Key Points: Productivity is doing the right things at the right time for the right reasons.We should consciously consume content; don't feed on unnecessary content.If you really believe in the 80/20 principle, then you know that 80% of the results that you see in your business come from 20% of the effort you put in.Resources:Permission To Pivot Granted book available here on Amazon :·         Kierra Asnauskas website:·         Kierra Asnauskas: Instagram ·         Kierra Asnauskas Podcast: The Productive Boss Podcast·         The Creatively Paid Podcast website:·         Kasey Reid : Instagram 
5/31/202153 minutes, 39 seconds
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CPP 021: Why Having A Brand Strategy Is Essential For Your Business With Melissa Packham

Why Having A Brand Strategy Is Essential For Your BusinessWith Melissa PackhamIn today´s episode of The Creatively Paid Podcast, host Kasey Reid talks with Melissa Packham, an independent Brand and Marketing Strategist, based in Brisbane, Australia, who is currently working for small to medium size businesses. She is helping businesses understand the power of branding and how to implement end-to-end brand strategy.Episode Highlights: ·         How to strategically build a brand? What is branding?·         Melissa describes branding and gives tips on personal branding for creative entrepreneurs.·         As per Melissa, in simple terms, difference between Starbucks Coffee and Plain Coffee is Branding.·         Branding involves clarity of purpose, effective personal selling and reminding clients about the benefits you can bring to them.·         Take feedback from clients on your brand, a good brand strategy is made-up of insights and not on assumptions. ·         See what resonates with people.·         Importance of identifying right audiences on social media platforms; value your time.·         What are some of the biggest branding mistakes?·         Do not make assumptions about what clients want.·         After clarifying the brand, how to market that brand? Is it expensive marketing a brand?·         Melissa says, you do not have to spend money on advertising and the strategy should be to have a consistent social media presence.·         Strategic partnership is a way through which we can tap into other people’s audiences and cross promote each other’s businesses.·         Partner with people who can potentially refer you clients, it will save cost.·         There are misconceptions that branding needs hefty budgets and spending.·         Melissa and Kasey recommend everyone to read the book - ‘Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business’.·         Traditional business building mindset is not the golden standard anymore; online business and marketing has changed the landscape altogether.3 Key Points: You don’t actually have to be a giant agency to attain the revenue that you want to make.  Think and analyze the scale you want to achieve and figure out the right marketing channels and approaches you need to be on.Networking is a great marketing strategy and there is no need to spend money to attract people; make some great connections and that might elevate the message further.Independent small businesses do not have to spend money on marketing or ads. They can strategically do it themselvesResources:CPP listeners who really want to learn more with Melissa - Get 10% off with KASEY21 for her Brand Kickstarter WorkshopBook Mentioned - The Company Of One by Paul Jarvis  -·         Melissa Packham website:·         Melissa Packham: Linkedin Instagram ·         The Creatively Paid Podcast website
5/24/202139 minutes, 46 seconds
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CPP 020: The Video Business Card: Telling Your Business' Story on Autopilot with Marvin Flavien

The Video Business Card, Telling Your Business' Story on Autopilot with Marvin FlavienIn today´s episode of The Creatively Paid Podcast, host Kasey Reid talks with Marvin Flavien, Owner and Video Production Specialist at MK FLAV VIDEO, a video marketing company based in Asbury, New Jersey. Kasey Reid and Marvin Flavien have a discussion about video strategy, the best practices to be utilized, and how important the format of video is for creatives and their businesses.  Episode Highlights: ·         What exactly is a video business card and how is it helpful?  ·         Marvin shares what he would say to someone who is unsure about showing up on video. ·         Video develops deeper connections with people and people buy from who they know and like.  ·         Raw videos can feel more authentic than extremely commercially produced videos during vlogs and personable videos. ·         How should someone go about developing a video strategy?  ·         How do you create videos for defense and how do you create videos for offense?  ·         What if a person is an introverted creative and trying to get involved in video? ·         Get obsessed with helping people. ·         What does the future of video look like to Marvin Flavien? ·         How should people use video properly?  3 Key Points: 1.    Video business cards are video assets, around about two minutes long, that drive business, and they showcase what a business does and how they go about helping their customers.   2.    Video can scale intimacy with people around the world and they can feel like they met you in person.   3.    If you have a great product, service, or story… show it. Resources:·         MK FLAV VIDEO website:·         Marvin Flavien: Linkedin Instagram Facebook·         The Creatively Paid Podcast:·         Kasey Reid : Instagram 
5/17/202130 minutes, 46 seconds
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CPP 019: How to Create A Website that Serves You: Intentional Website Design with Danbee Shin

How to Create A Website that Serves You: Intentional Website Design with Danbee ShinIn this episode of The Creatively Paid Podcast, host Kasey Reid talks with Danbee Shin, Web Designer, and Copywriter, about creating websites that are intentionally made to serve customers and clients and showcase the business owner effectively.Episode Highlights: ·       What are some of the important things we want to be communicated on our websites? ·       Danbee shares her tips for the first things that should be on a website ·       Be very specific about what you offer. ·       How can you solidify trust when people come to your website? ·       Show a picture of yourself for people to have a face to go with your words.·       People don’t talk enough about themselves.·       Be clear about why you work with the people you work with. ·       People crave authenticity. ·       How can people show people how to engage?·       Have a contact form on your website. ·       What are the biggest objections that people have for not getting a website? ·       Learn to say ‘no’ to difficult clients. ·       Talk to other people to get feedback on your ideas. 3 Key Points:1.     Questions that every website should be answering clearly are: how you are able to help people, why they should trust you to do it, and how they can work with you once they are ready.  2.     People are more willing to talk to you when they realize that you are serving their needs.    3.     Building trust means building relationships.   ·       Homepage Checklist:·       The Creatively Paid Podcast website:·       Kasey Reid on IG : Instagram ·       Danbee Shin website:·       Danbee Shin: Linkedin Instagram Facebook
5/12/202143 minutes, 34 seconds
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CPP 018: Now is the Time to Get Creatively Paid - Life Update and the Future of the Creatively Paid Podcast

Welcome to Season Two of The Creatively Paid Podcast! In this episode, I give a brief life update and give details of what's coming up in this season of the podcast!
5/12/202119 minutes, 18 seconds