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The Crack Podcast

English, Comedy, 1 season, 47 episodes, 1 day, 2 hours, 23 minutes
Podcast discussing everything and anything. Get in touch!
Episode Artwork

Do You Have a Voucher or Certificate For Mini Golf ?

Yo. Late... again. I went out for mini golf and got messed up after. I shopped in Marks and Spencers. Also I have a new certificate. Yay. 
9/5/202430 minutes, 30 seconds
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Don't Stop Even For Blue Nails

Sorry for the delay between episodes. I have been sick. It wasn't fun. 
8/23/202430 minutes, 31 seconds
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Bumpers Up For Gambling Migaines

Been bowling, been having head pain, been winning money. Broke even. Don't take part in looting or riots, guys x 
8/7/202432 minutes, 11 seconds
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Police Lie but Three Goats Get Too Stoned in a Hotel

I'm burning. Not with passion. Sunshine has done this to me. I saw three goats, and had a flashback to some aviary hotel trip. Be good !
7/27/202433 minutes, 3 seconds
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Burgers and Death

Death is inevitable and generally perceived as a bad thing. Burgers, sadly, are not inevitable, and they're pretty good. As long as the cheese doesn't melt too much... but who's going to remember that when they look back ? 
7/18/202437 minutes, 16 seconds
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Retire Expensive Books and Be Psyched For a Roman Empire

Attended a lovely retirement celebration for a lovely co-worker. Speeches, poems... a buffet. Went to town (not on the food), and had a few drinks. All in all, a lovely time was had. Spent a bit of cash on books online and saw a film trailer that got my adrenaline going. Another week... another episode..!
7/10/202430 minutes, 36 seconds
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Let the Blood and Dodge the Seagulls With No Left Lens

Seagulls at Aldi's. Soon to be a badge for the blood. A pair of glasses becomes a non-pair. Get in touch and let me know how you're getting on!
7/3/202431 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lord, or Waitress, Have Mercy

It's been a couple of warm ones, guys. Too warm for my liking. Got some sweat on the brow there to wipe off. Saw 'Waitress' the musical, live... in the cinema. Prerecorded. It was good. Did someone mention politics?!
6/24/202432 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ignore the Alarm and Find the Lens

A fire alarm went off at the gym and no one batted an eyelid. A contact lens was absorbed into my eyeball. Election is coming up. And you better be having yourself. Enjoy !
6/17/202430 minutes, 45 seconds
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Fishing For Feedback

Had a fantastic day fishing. Got a first draft of a different podcast released. And some birds outside thought they'd found a great dinner. Enjoy !
6/2/202430 minutes, 10 seconds
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Legends of Lore Episode One: The Battle of Culloden / Battlefield Ghosts. DRAFT Hello. This is the first draft of a new podcast I'm hoping to start. If you do listen to it, please do leave feedback through the link above!    Thank you, Lewis 
6/2/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 15 seconds
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Smoothest Crows Feet Are Such a Eurovision

A footpack, a dead bird, and reflecting on a multinational singing contest. Another week, another episode. Hope you're behaving yourself. 
5/26/202428 minutes, 51 seconds
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Take Two With Better Energy

The first one didnt meet a standard set by no one but me. So I did another. A clean room for a clean mind - but never clean language. 
5/18/202430 minutes, 50 seconds
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BONUS EPISODE - Trying to Get Out of Mexico, America, and London

Maybe yesterdays episode was a bit too sentimental for you? Maybe not. Who knows. It was for some. Hopefully this will amuse -  a retelling of my journey home from Mexico in January 2023. Enjoy!
5/8/202439 minutes, 19 seconds
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Surrounded By Love Like an Ant in a Jar

A lovely week. Contacted lenses to give a clearer perception of the world, and a fantastic wedding was attended. Also, yes, I have a gherkin jar I've been putting ants in... 
5/7/202431 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why Doth the Boiler Scream So? (or Who Punches a Sleeping Man in the Face?)

Recording in the spare room presents its difficulties. Be it the clutter or the boiler in the cupboard whining like a spoilt child. Talking about how terrible I am at shopping, Amazons style of adapting books to series, and how I am not Dr Dolittle. 
4/30/202432 minutes, 35 seconds
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Watching Sugar Whilst Waiting For Rice But Don't Forget to Floss

Plenty to yammer about in this one. A haunted battlefield? A yappy dog? Fallout, Sugar, Ghostbusters? And the first time I've encountered a whole kitchen taking a break at once. All in this episode of The Crack Podcast. 
4/22/202433 minutes, 3 seconds
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Love is in the Air and a Car is in the Box Junction

I made a friend with a stranger at a box junction. Strange. Also danced at a wedding ceilidh, in which I had a lovely time !
4/15/202431 minutes, 26 seconds
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Stinky Drain by the Coffee Stain of a Dangerous Childhood

A blubbery hazard made for a stinky road near the flat. An ill-fitting takeaway cup lid gave my hoody some funky design. Memories of childhood have me counting my blessings. 
4/8/202431 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ding Dong From Border Force

Doorbells with no bells but cameras. Border Force have my post. Bought a Nerf gun too. Bleeding from balloons. 
4/2/202433 minutes, 59 seconds
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Seagull Stand Off in a Roundabout Rage

Seagulls like cowboys in the car park, and a sudden stop on the roundabout. Also a little bit of paranoia about what species may just decide to overthrow us one day. 
3/25/202434 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lizard Brain or Frog Paws with a Pair of Personalised Sandals for the Hen

Saw a lizard acting unlizardlike. Wondering if frogs have feet or paws. Another week, another episode!
3/16/202432 minutes, 17 seconds
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Memorable Order for a Spooky Address

Remembered for how I would ask for my food at an old place. Eerie place to live nearby. And a self inflicted injury. 
3/9/202435 minutes, 22 seconds
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Bad Veins for the Leap Year

Yesterday was a leap year. So happy March. This episode delves into the fascinating subject of phlebotomy. What is believed to have started with using leeches to first extract... yeah, not really. I went for a donation and my vein didn't do too great. Do-nut lie to me about how much a box of twelve may cost. And how heavy do I look?
3/1/202433 minutes
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No Showers or Broadband and Nae Chinese

What upsets me most? Not being able to shower comfortably? Not having broadband? Or the Chinese takeaway being closed? Who knows. Another week - another episode !  
2/20/202432 minutes, 18 seconds
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Deep Fried Adverts and Patches

Watched the (adverts) for the SuperBowl. Received a letter in the post... got a patch for my efforts. Why air fry chicken wings but deep fry chicken in batter?
2/13/202431 minutes, 55 seconds
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Monkeying Around in a Dirty Car in the Rain

Would have needed one more monkey for Noahs Ark last week. Another week - another episode. Primate on the loose, heavens opened up, and a car needing a clean. 
2/6/202429 minutes, 29 seconds
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Put the Birthday and Pancakes on the Credit Card

Getting this episode in just in time to keep up to the goal of one a week. A big birthday was had... as were a few pancakes. And a misplaced credit card. 
2/4/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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Resolutions on demand and prime, with a nice chianti

Keeping the episodes going. 4/4 so far. Getting closer to February, watching Amazon Prime, 4 on Demand, and a taste of wine appeared. 2024 off to a... not quite roaring start. But it has started. 
1/25/202435 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taking the Air for the Rail -Bruges

Just home to the snow. Going over a recent trip away to Belgium. Managing to stay on track with an episode a week! 3/52. Yay. 
1/19/202432 minutes, 10 seconds
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Foggy Car Censorship Rental

Another episode on track. That's 2 out of 52 so far. Gotta keep that going. A tired ramble about fog. Cars that have subscription features. Censorship in media... and that's about it. for contact and social links. Cheers, guys. 
1/8/202427 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Lion (King), The (Wicked) Witch, and the DeLorean

Happy New Year. We're back. And with all other good intentions lets try to get off to good habits. A more regular podcast uploading schedule. This first episode of 2024 talks about The Lion King, Wicked, and Back to the Future. Stage shows..! Check out the website to find all social links and contact method:
1/1/202430 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rodents, Goats, and Donuts

WARNING: Strong Language. - - There's mice in the garden. And goats in the car park. And donuts at work. It's all going on. - Podcast originally uploaded: 26-Apr-2023 - Thanks to @BlackmillMusic for the intro theme - Thanks to Co-Thràth for the logo - Listen to 'The Crack Podcast' on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean App, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Samsung Podcast App, Podchaser - Twitter - - Instagram - - Email - [email protected] - Thanks for listening. Feel free to get in touch. -
4/26/202331 minutes, 16 seconds
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Amazon Pheasant Safari

WARNING: Strong Language. - - Well, I hit a pheasant with my car. Amazon had a wee mistake. And we went on a safari. Enjoy..!   - Podcast originally uploaded: 08-Apr-2023 - Thanks to @BlackmillMusic for the intro theme - Thanks to Co-Thràth for the logo - Listen to 'The Crack Podcast' on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean App, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Samsung Podcast App, Podchaser - Twitter - - Instagram - - Email - [email protected] - Thanks for listening. Feel free to get in touch. -
4/8/202325 minutes, 24 seconds
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Wax a Clothes Horse

WARNING: Strong Language. - - Hopefully 2023 has started alright for you. Got myself a wax for the first time, and moving the clothes horse last night was a loud experience.  - Podcast originally uploaded: 11-Jan-2023 - Thanks to @BlackmillMusic for the intro theme - Thanks to Co-Thràth for the logo - Listen to 'The Crack Podcast' on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean App, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Samsung Podcast App, Podchaser - Twitter - - Instagram - - Email - [email protected] - Thanks for listening. Feel free to get in touch. -  
1/11/202326 minutes, 17 seconds
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No Mans Land Before New Year. Smore’s, Trams, and Dog Sh*t

WARNING: Strong Language. - Happy Christmas! Hope you had a lovely one. Been down to Edinburgh. Used the trams. Got some lovely baked goods.  Discuss Christmas Day. Also... I apologise for something! - Podcast originally uploaded: 29-Dec-2022 - Thanks to @BlackmillMusic for the intro theme - Thanks to Co-Thràth for the logo - Listen to 'The Crack Podcast' on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean App, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Samsung Podcast App, Podchaser - Twitter - - Instagram - - Email - [email protected] - Thanks for listening. Feel free to get in touch. -  
12/29/202233 minutes, 46 seconds
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Giving Blood and Hanging Over

Been to visit Rooster (the cat), and recently gave blood. The hangover from my worknight out was justified for how fun it had been..! Get in touch [email protected]
12/7/202222 minutes, 10 seconds
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Going Home for Rooster, With No Service Plan or Theatre Etiquette

The cat has returned home. Welcome back Rooster.  The car doesnt have a service plan. And I went to the theatre tonight. A mobile phone went off. Lawrd have mercy. Excellent show though... especially in the second half when the energy picked up in the audience. 
11/18/202223 minutes, 59 seconds
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Early November Update!

Hello. So we're back. This is a small little what's going on explanation. Got a theme song. All is well. Hope you're all getting on fine. More to come. Thanks for listening!
11/10/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Halloween 2022 Spooky Stories

Recorded about 18 seconds after I recorded my absence explanation, this is just a few wee stories that (I hope) fit the mood of Halloween. Thanks for listening! Happy Halloween.
10/31/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Absence Explanation

Hello. Apologies for how long it's been silent. This is a very brief explanation as to what has been going on.  Thank you 
10/25/202217 minutes, 54 seconds
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Christmas Special 2021 - Audio Drama Noir

Hello, Happy Christmas! This is the 2021 Christmas Special episode of The CrackPodcast. It is my first attempt at audio drama. Skip ahead the first 2 minutes to skip the introduction.  It's about an old detective working the Christmas nightshift.  I hope you enjoy, and have a Happy Christmas!
12/19/202135 minutes, 33 seconds
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Halloween Special. Halloween Stories

It's been a year since the last Halloween special! (Makes sense... Halloween is usually around this time) TheCrackPodcast has some Halloween related stories for your spooky pleasure. Enjoy!
11/1/202151 minutes, 59 seconds
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True Crime Special. Orkney Murder 1994

True Crime special episode. Shamsuddin Mahmood was murdered 27 years ago in the town of Kirkwall on the Scottish island Orkney.
6/8/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds
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TheCrack Podcast Super-un-normal Special. Big Grey Man of Ben Macdui

Ben Macdui may be the second highest peak in Scotland... but it has something Ben Nevis doesn't have... an unexplained grey figure that strikes fear into the hearts of walkers and mountain climbers! Is it a ghost? A monster? Is there a simple, reasonable explanation? Have a listen and then get in touch with your thoughts. [email protected]
2/1/202152 minutes, 19 seconds
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TheCrack Podcast. True Crime Episode: Renee Macrae

A true crime story from the Highlands of Scotland. Get in touch [email protected]
11/13/202031 minutes, 27 seconds
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TheCrack Podcast. Halloween Special. Ghost Stories

Special episode for the spooky season. 4 ghost stories to give you shivers. Enjoy !
10/31/202040 minutes, 55 seconds