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The Bible Study Podcast

English, Religion, 11 seasons, 890 episodes, 7 hours, 36 minutes
A bible study podcast by Chris Christensen.
Episode Artwork

#727 - 2 Corinthians 12 – Paul's Thorn

This episode is part 12 in a study of the book of 2 Corinthians. In this episode, Paul talks about a weakness given him, a "thorn in the flesh" and God's answer to his prayer.
9/2/202113 minutes, 24 seconds
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#561 - 1 Kings 19 – The Remnant

This is the episode is part 50 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Elijah is running for his life from Ahab and Jezebel to the mount of God. He thinks he is the only one left who is faithful to God in Israel
6/28/201812 minutes, 13 seconds
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#548 - 1 Kings 5-6 - Solomon Builds the Temple

This is the episode is part 38 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode Solomon gathers the materials and builds the temple as God had promised David he would.
3/22/201812 minutes, 45 seconds
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#547 - 1 Kings 4 – Solomon’s Officials and Governors

This is the episode is part 37 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode we see how Solomon organizes his new kingdom. We also see the torched passed to a new generation of leaders.
3/18/201813 minutes, 8 seconds
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#546 - 1 Kings 3 – Solomon Asks for Wisdom

This is the episode is part 36 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode God asks Solomon what he desired in a dream. Solomon shows wisdom by asking for wisdom.
3/8/201810 minutes, 33 seconds
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#545 - 1 Kings 2 – Heads Will Roll

This is the episode is part 35 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Before David dies he tasks he son Solomon to deal with some of the people who deserved judgement. So as Solomon becomes king, heads will roll.
3/1/201810 minutes, 44 seconds
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#544 - 1 Kings 1 – King Soloman

This is the episode is part 34 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Soloman becomes king after David but not without some drama as first his oldest brother declares himself king.
2/22/201813 minutes, 7 seconds
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#543 - 2 Samuel 24 – Sin by Census

This episode is part 32 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David decides to take a census and the whole country suffers. Not because God is against counting things
2/15/201810 minutes, 1 second
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#542 - 2 Samuel 23 – David’s Last Words

This episode is part 32 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. We get in this chapter, David's last words as well as a list of David's mighty men.
2/8/201815 minutes, 48 seconds
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#541 - 2 Samuel 22 – David’s Song of Praise

This episode is part 32 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. As we wind down the story of King David we hear a song of praise written by David that ends up not in Psalms but here in 2 Samuel.
2/1/201812 minutes, 31 seconds
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#540 - 2 Samuel 21 – Revenge and Last Battle

This episode is part 31 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Some old scores are settled by the Gibeonites who were wrongly attacked by Saul. King David goes to battle one last time.
1/25/201810 minutes, 38 seconds
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#539 - 2 Samuel 20 – Another Revolt

This episode is part 30 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David does not even get back to Jerusalem before a new rebelion happens. Sheba Rebels Against David and Israel proves itself fickle.
1/18/201812 minutes, 32 seconds
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#538 - 2 Samuel 18:19-33,19 – Aftermath

This episode is part 29 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David mourns his son Absalom. Joab has to scold the king that it appears that he would have preferred his son were still alive and that those who fought for David were dead.
1/11/201816 minutes, 14 seconds
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#537 - 2 Samuel 17-18:18 – Death of Absalom

This is the episode is part 28 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Absalom takes bad advise and is tricked. He is defeated and killed.
1/4/201813 minutes, 20 seconds
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#536 - 2 Samuel 16 – David Flees Absalom

This is the episode is part 27 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David once again finds himself fleeing for his life as his son Absalom proclaims himself king.
12/28/201710 minutes, 17 seconds
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#535 - 2 Samuel 15 – Absalom Revolts

This is the episode is part 26 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Absalom plots to overthrow his father David, who has to flee again to the wilderness. Then David starts his own plotting.
12/21/201710 minutes, 11 seconds
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#534 - 2 Samuel 14 – Absalom Returns

This is the episode is part 25 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Joab intercede with David to reconcile with his son Absalom. David can't seem to decide to punish or forgive him.
12/14/201710 minutes, 7 seconds
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#533 - 2 Samuel 13 - Amnon and Tamar

This is the episode is part 24 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Part of what the prophet Nathan foretold starts to happen as David has some terrible problems with his own children including rape and murder.
12/7/201710 minutes, 9 seconds
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#532 - 2 Samuel 12 – Consequences

This is the episode is part 23 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David things he got away with committing adultery with Bathsheba and got away with murdering her husband, until the prophet Nathan has a word with him.
11/30/201713 minutes, 44 seconds
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#531 - 2 Samuel 11 – David and Bathsheba

This is the episode is part 22 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David screws up and screws up big when he gets another man's wife pregnant. Then the coverup, as in most scandals, gets even worse.
11/23/201715 minutes, 9 seconds
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#530 - 2 Samuel 10 – A Foolish Leader

This is the episode is part 21 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David tries to do a nice thing and ends u with a war. This episode looks at how dangerous it is to have a foolish leader.
11/16/20178 minutes, 31 seconds
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#529 - 2 Samuel 8-9 – Good King David, part 3

This is the episode is part 20 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David wins victories wherever he goes. David looks for a son of Jonathan to show his love for Jonathan.
11/9/20179 minutes, 11 seconds
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#528 - 2 Samuel 7 – Good King David, part 2

This is the episode is part 19 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode, David plans to build the temple but God has other plans for David.
11/2/201710 minutes, 37 seconds
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#527 - 2 Samuel 6 – Good King David, part 1

This is the episode is part 18 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode King David brings the Ark of the Lord to the city of David, Jerusalem.
10/26/201713 minutes, 21 seconds
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#526 #526 2 Samuel 4-5 – King David... Finally– King David... Finally

This is the episode is part 17 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode David becomes king... if not in the way he would have wanted. He also captures Jerusalem and wins victories over the Philistines.
10/19/201710 minutes, 43 seconds
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#525 - 2 Samuel 3 – All About Abner

This is the episode is part 16 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. We learn that the son of Saul Ish-Boshethis larger in power only because of his general Abner when slights the general.
10/12/201711 minutes, 40 seconds
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#524 - 2 Samuel 2 – Civil War

This is the episode is part 15 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Saul is dead and David becomes King od Judah but Judah and the rest of Israel go to war.
10/5/201710 minutes, 30 seconds
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#523 - 1 Samuel 31 & 2 Samuel 1 – Death of Saul

This is the episode is part 14 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode Saul dies and David and Israel mourn.
9/28/201711 minutes, 13 seconds
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#522 - 1 Samuel 29 & 30 – Disaster and Delivery

This is the episode is part 13 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David leaves the Philistines and finds that disaster has struck while he has been away. See how David finds strength and direction from God.
9/21/201714 minutes, 11 seconds
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#521 - 1 Samuel 27 & 28 – Saul Consults a Medium

This is the episode is part 12 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David goes to live among his enemies. Saul breaks his own law to consult a medium... and gets very bad news.
9/14/201711 minutes, 18 seconds
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#520 - 1 Samuel 25 – David Spares Saul

This is the episode is part 11 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. The key person in this week's episode is not a king, but the wise woman Abigail who gets her foolish husband out of jam of his own creation.
9/7/201713 minutes, 53 seconds
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#519 - 1 Samuel 23 & 24 – David Spares Saul

This is the episode is part 10 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode David is still fleeing from Saul. When given a chance, David spares the life of Saul, the anointed king.
8/31/201712 minutes, 8 seconds
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#518 - 1 Samuel 21 & 22 – The Priests of Nob

This is the episode is part 9 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode David is fleeing from Saul and gets help from the Priests of Nob.
8/24/201713 minutes, 9 seconds
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#517 - 1 Samuel 19 & 20 – Saul Tries to Kill David

This is the episode is part 8 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. Working against his own son and daughter, Saul again decides to kill David. David goes into exile.
8/17/201712 minutes, 22 seconds
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#516 - 1 Samuel 18 – Saul Gets Jealous

This is the episode is part 7 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. David becomes a very successful warrior for Saul and Saul gets jealous. This is the start of something very bad.
8/10/201710 minutes, 54 seconds
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#515 - 1 Samuel 17 – David and Goliath

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode we look at the familiar story or David and Goliath.
8/3/201715 minutes, 15 seconds
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#514 - 1 Samuel 16 – David, Shepherd

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode we finally meet David. He is just a shepherd, the youngest of 8 brothers, but he is anointed as King in place of Saul.
7/27/201710 minutes, 20 seconds
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#513 - 1 Samuel 13-15 – Bad King Saul

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode Saul screws up and God rejects hi as king over Israel.
7/20/201713 minutes, 29 seconds
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#512 - 1 Samuel 11 – Good King Saul

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode we see briefly, what a good king Saul was... or at least could have been.
7/13/201710 minutes, 3 seconds
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#511- 1 Samuel 9,10 – Saul Becomes King

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode God tells Samuel that Sual will be the king of Israel.
7/6/201710 minutes
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#510 - 1 Samuel 8 – Israel Demands a King

This is the episode is part 1 in a study of the kings of Israel and Judah. In this episode we look at why Israel wanted and got a king... and why it may not be a great idea to get a king "to be like everyone else" when God wants you to be different.
6/29/201712 minutes, 2 seconds
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#509 - Ephesians 6:10-24 – The Armor of God

This is the episode is 9th and final part of a study on the Letter to the Ephesians. In this episode Paul talks about preparing for the fight against the devil and putting on the armor of God.
6/22/20179 minutes, 47 seconds
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#508 - Ephesians 5:21-6:9 – Instructions for Christian Households

This is the episode is part 8 i a study on the Letter to the Ephesians. In this episode we hear about Paul's instructions to husbands and wives, fathers and sons, masters and slaves. The bottom line is submit to one another.
6/15/201711 minutes, 10 seconds
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#507 - Ephesians 5:1-20 – More Instructions for Christian Living

This is the episode is part 7 in a study of the letter to the Ephesians. This episode continues to look at how we should live. Paul links things like course joking to idolatry. Really?
6/8/201712 minutes, 19 seconds
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#506 - Ephesians 4:17-32 – Instructions for Christian Living

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. This episode looks at Paul's instructions to the church about how they should live ad how they should treat one another.
6/1/201711 minutes, 55 seconds
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#505 - Ephesians 4:1-16 – Unity and Maturity

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of Ephesians. This episode focuses on Paul's urging the church towards unity, but a unity where everyone is differently gifted.
5/25/201710 minutes, 15 seconds
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#504 - Ephesians 3 – God’s Marvelous Plan

This is the episode is part 4 in a study of the book of Ephesians. We look in this episode where Paul talks about God's plan for gentiles. We also look at his prayer for the church in Ephesus which is a model we can use.
5/18/20179 minutes, 47 seconds
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#503 - Ephesians 2 – Made Alive in Christ

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the book of Ephesians. This episode looks at Paul's explanation of why Christ saved us or more specifically, what he saved us to do.
5/11/20179 minutes, 41 seconds
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#502 - Ephesians 1:15-23 - Prayers and Thanks

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of the book of Ephesians. We look of a section of the letter where Paul says he is prayer for the people of the church in Ephesus. Paul gives us a model of how we should pray for one another.
5/4/20179 minutes, 11 seconds
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#501 - Ephesians 1:1-14 - Introduction

This is the episode is part 1 in a study of the book of Ephesians. We look at the background of this letter from Paul to the church of Ephesus. We talk about predestination and grace.
4/27/201711 minutes, 51 seconds
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#500 - The Bible Summarized in 10 Minutes or Less

This is a special episode of the podcast, the 500th. We look at the overall theme of the bible through its first and last chapters, in Genesis 2 and Revelation 22. It starts in a garden and ends in a garden.
4/20/20179 minutes, 48 seconds
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#499 - Christian Maturity and Service

This is the episode is part 6 and the concluding episode on a study of Christian maturity. We look in this episode on what we do with our faith. As James would say, those deeds by which we show our faith.
4/13/201710 minutes, 32 seconds
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#498 - Christian Maturity and the Fruit of the Spirit

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on Christian maturity. This episode looks at the fruit of the Spirit, an outward sign of growing our inner relationship with God.
4/6/20179 minutes, 37 seconds
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#497 - Christian Maturity and Community

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on Christian maturity. We look in this episode at why we are called to live in community wit other Christians
3/30/201711 minutes, 6 seconds
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#496 - Christian Maturity and Prayer

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on what it means to be a mature Christian. We look at what the bible says about the call for us to persist in prayer and about the efficacy of prayer.
3/23/201710 minutes, 35 seconds
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#495 - Christian Maturity and Fear

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on what it means to be a mature Christian. This episode looks at fear and whether the mature Christian should live in fear. Guess.
3/16/201711 minutes, 12 seconds
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#494 - Christian Maturity - Bible Study

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on what it means to be a mature Christian. It looks at bible study through the lens of Jesus temptation in the wilderness.
3/9/201711 minutes, 21 seconds
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#493 - Proverbs 31 – Wife of Noble Character

This is the episode is part 31 and the last part of a study on the book of Proverbs. It looks at some sayings from sayings of King Lemuel (or his mom) and at what you should look for in a wife (or husband).
3/2/201712 minutes, 26 seconds
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#492 - Proverbs 30 – Sayings of Agur

This is the episode is part 30 in a study on the book of Proverbs. This episode looks at 33 proverbs from Agur including "Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread."
2/23/201713 minutes, 4 seconds
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#491 - Proverbs 29 – When the Wicked Rule

This is the episode is part 29 in a study on the book of Proverbs. This chapter has 27 proverbs like "when the wicked rule, the people groan" and "The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern."
2/9/201712 minutes, 26 seconds
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#490 - Proverbs 28 – As Bold as a Lion

This is the episode is part 28 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This episode looks at 28 new proverbs like: "The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.". Are we bold or do we live in fear?
2/2/201712 minutes, 9 seconds
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#489 - Proverbs 27 – Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

This is the episode is part 27 in a study on the book of Provers. In this episode we look at 27 more proverbs like "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring"
1/26/201712 minutes, 12 seconds
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#488 - Proverbs 26 – Flaming Arrows of Death

This is the episode is part 26 in a study on the book of Proverbs. This episode deals with 28 more proverbs on various topics like: answering a fool, sluggards, and never hiding behind “I was only joking".
1/19/201712 minutes, 12 seconds
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#487 - Proverbs 25 – More Wisdom from Soloman

This is the episode is part 25 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This episode looks at more collected sayings from Soloman like: "Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a ruling rightly given" or "Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of gifts never given".
1/12/201713 minutes, 17 seconds
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#486 - Proverbs 24 – More Sayings of the Wise

his is the episode is part 24 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This episode wraps up the 30 sayings of the wise such as: "Do not envy the wicked" and "Do not gloat when your enemy falls".
1/5/201712 minutes, 39 seconds
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#485 - Proverbs 23 – The Sayings of the Wise

This is the episode is part 23 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This chapter contains sayings 7-19 from the Thirty Sayings of the Wise. Sayings like "Do not speak to fools".
12/22/201610 minutes, 45 seconds
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#484 - Proverbs 22 – The Lord is the Maker of all

This is the episode is part 22 in a study of the book of Proverbs. We get 29 more proverbs including the first set of the "Thirty Sayings of the Wise". We have proverbs on temper, laziness, borrowing and children.
12/15/201610 minutes, 15 seconds
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#483 - Proverbs 21 – The Plans of the Diligent

This is the episode is part 21 in a study on the book of Proverbs. We deal with 31 new proverbs on topics from planning to God's sovereignty, from lying tongues to quarrelsome wives.
12/8/201614 minutes, 38 seconds
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#482 - Proverbs 20 – Wine is a Mocker and Beer a Brawler

This is the episode is part 20 in a study of the book of Proverbs. We get 30 more proverbs including proverbs about drink, laziness, dealing with kings, dishonest measures.
12/1/201616 minutes, 41 seconds
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#481 - Proverbs 19 – Better to be Poor and Blameless

This is the episode is part 19 in a study of the book of Proverbs. Chapter 19 has 29 more proverbs covering things like what it's like to be poor and how we should treat the poor.
11/24/201614 minutes, 28 seconds
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#480 - Proverbs 18 – Lips of Fools Bring Them Strife

This is the episode is part 18 in a study on the book of Proverbs. We get 24 more proverbs this week. Many of them have to do with what we say. "The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating." Do you speak with wisdom?
11/17/201612 minutes, 46 seconds
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#479 - Proverbs 17 – Better a Dry Crust with Peace

This is the episode is part 17 in a study of the book of proverbs. With Thanksgiving Day coming up it is useful to hear "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife." and 27 other proverbs.
11/9/201615 minutes, 58 seconds
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#478 - Proverbs 16 – Pride Goes Before Destruction

This is the episode is part 16 of a study of the book of Proverbs. We reach the halfway point in a study of the book of Proverbs with 33 more proverbs. These proverbs deal with kings, pride, love and faithfulness, scales and weights, and self-control.
11/3/201615 minutes, 37 seconds
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#477 - Proverbs 15 – A Gentle Answer

This is the episode is part 15 in a study of Proverbs. This episode deals with 33 proverbs on topics like what we say, discipline, discernment and love. "Better a small serving of vegetables with love than a fattened calf with hatred."
10/27/201614 minutes, 19 seconds
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#476 - Proverbs 14 – Knowledge Comes to the Discerning

This is the episode is part 14 in a study on the book of Proverbs. This episode deals with 35 proverbs on topics like discernment, pride, honesty, mockers, prudence, and the cost of foolishness.
10/20/201615 minutes, 14 seconds
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#475 - Proverbs 13 – Walk with the Wise

This is the episode is part 13 in a study of the book of Proverbs. 25 more proverbs about being open to instruction, atching what you say and walking with the wise.
10/13/201615 minutes, 50 seconds
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#474 - Proverbs 12 – Whoever Loves Discipline Loves Knowledge

This is the episode is part 12 in a study on the book of Proverbs. It looks at 28 more proverbs on discipline, advise, speech, and insults.
10/6/201613 minutes, 29 seconds
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#473 - Proverbs 11 – Don't Inherit Only Wind

This is the episode is part 11 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This episode looks at 31 more proverbs talking about wisdom, gossip, and dishonesty. Solomon also gives some dating advice.  
9/29/201613 minutes, 41 seconds
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#472 - Proverbs 10 – Proverbs of Solomon

This is the episode is part 10 in a study on the book of Proverbs. In this episode we look at a grab bag of Proverbs from Solomon on things like laziness, righteousness, our lips and discernment.
9/22/201613 minutes, 56 seconds
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#471 - Sermon - On Being Lost and Found

This is a special episode of the podcast that comes from a sermon I gave recently at my home church of Bethel Lutheran Church in Cupertino, California. It is based on Luke 15 and Exodus 32, which are the stories of the Lost Coin, the Lost Sheep and the Golden Calf.
9/16/201616 minutes, 16 seconds
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#470 - Proverbs 9 - Invitations of Wisdom and Folly

This is the episode is part 9 in a study of the book of Proverbs. In this episode both Wisdom and Folly call out to those passing by, but with very different offers.
9/8/20168 minutes, 57 seconds
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#469 - Proverbs 8 – Wisdom's Call

This is the episode is part 8 in study of the book of proverbs. In this chapter Solomon personifies wisdom who is calling out in the city streets. "Nothing you desire compares with her".
9/1/201612 minutes, 35 seconds
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#468 - Proverbs 7 – Another Adulterous Woman

This is the episode is part 7 in a study of the book of Proverbs. Solomon warns again about being seduced by the adulterous woman, but might there be other people in our life seducing us?
8/25/20169 minutes, 5 seconds
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#467 - Proverbs 6 – Warnings Against Folly

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of the book of Proverbs. Solomon warns against the folly of laziness, lying, stirring up conflict and other things.
8/18/201611 minutes, 32 seconds
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#466 - Proverbs 5 – Warning Against Adultery

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of the book of proverbs. This episode looks at warnings against adultery and not forgetting the wife of your youth.
8/11/201612 minutes, 8 seconds
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#465 - Proverbs 4 – Get Wisdom at Any Cost

This is the episode is part 4 in a study of the book of Proverbs. Solomon encourages us to obtain wisdom "though it cost all you have", because it will set us on good paths. 
8/4/201610 minutes, 16 seconds
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#464 - Proverbs 3 – Wisdom Bestows Well-Being

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This chapter looks at more benefits form wisdom. Solomon says wisdom will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.
7/28/201613 minutes, 8 seconds
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#463 - Proverbs 2 – Benefits of Wisdom

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of the book of Proverbs. This episode looks at some of the benefits of wisdom. Where you will end up depends a lot on what path we take. Some paths leads to trouble.
7/21/20168 minutes, 57 seconds
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#462 - Proverbs 1 – Wisdom

his is the episode is part 1 in a study on the book of Proverbs. We look at Solomon, the source of wisdom and what wisdom is in this episode. 
7/14/201613 minutes, 17 seconds
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#461 - Matthew 28 – Resurrection

This is the episode is the 53rd and final part in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode covers the resurrection of Jesus
7/7/201610 minutes, 20 seconds
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#460 - Matthew 27:32-66 – Crucifixion

This is the episode is part 52 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode looks at Jesus's crucifixion. Jesus dies with the sound of jeering ringing in his ears.
6/30/201612 minutes, 21 seconds
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#459 - Matthew 27:1-31 – Jesus On Trial

This is the episode is part 51 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Judas deals (poorly) with his guilt. Jesus is put on trial before the Roman Governor and sentenced to death, just to keep the peace.
6/23/201610 minutes, 11 seconds
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#458 - Matthew 26:31-75 – Jesus Arrested

This is the episode is part 50 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Peter denies Jesus, just as Jesus predicted he would. Then Jesus prays for some plan B if the Father wouldn't mind. The Jesus is betrayed and arrested.
6/16/201610 minutes, 40 seconds
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#457 Matthew 26:1-30 – The Last Supper

This is the episode is part 49 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode tells Matthew's version of the Last Supper story. Jesus and his disciples sit down to a typical passover meal, but then things change.
6/9/201611 minutes, 30 seconds
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#456 - Matthew 25 – Sheep and Goats

This is the episode is part 48 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode we look at  the end of Jesus's public teaching. He talks about being ready and about how we treat others is important... really really important.
6/2/20169 minutes, 46 seconds
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#455 - Matthew 24 – End Times

This is the episode is part 47 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus is wrapping up his public ministry and talks about when he will come back and what the signs will be. Hint, it will be a surprise.
5/26/201613 minutes, 5 seconds
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#454 - Matthew 23 – Blind Guides

This is the episode is part 46 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. The Pharisees and teachers of the law may be done asking Jesus questions, but now he tells them what he really thinks of them. They are blind guides.
5/19/201612 minutes, 45 seconds
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#453 - Matthew 22:15-46 – Last Questions

This is the episode is part 45 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus answers more questions from religious leaders during Holy Week until they finally give up trying to trap him with words.
5/12/201610 minutes, 20 seconds
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#452 - Matthew 21:33-22:14 – A Vineyard and a Wedding

This is the episode is part 44 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus tells two parables about the kingdom of God, one about a vineyard and some terrible tenants and one about a wedding and some ungrateful guests.
5/5/20169 minutes, 52 seconds
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#451 - Matthew 21:18-32 – Doing and Saying

This is the episode is part 44 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus has a serious talk with a fig tree and the disciples about faith and with the pharisees about the difference between doing good and saying you will do good.
4/28/20169 minutes, 23 seconds
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#450 - Matthew 20:29-21:17 – Palm Sunday

This is the episode is part 43 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus enters into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The city receives him as king, but maybe not the king they had in mind. 
4/21/201612 minutes, 34 seconds
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#449 - Matthew 20:1-28 – Fair is Fair?

This is the episode is part 42 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus tells a parable that questions our sense of "fair". Is God worried about being fair? 
4/7/201611 minutes, 12 seconds
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#448 Matthew 19:13-30 – Rich Young Ruler

This is the episode is part 41 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus encounters a rich young man who wants to know how to get eternal life. To his surprise and the astonishment of the disciples, he learned that his riches were getting in the way. Are ours?
3/31/201611 minutes, 56 seconds
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#447 - Matthew 19:1-12 – Divorce

This is the episode is part 40 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus is asked whether people should get divorced. Spoiler, he says no.
3/24/201610 minutes, 33 seconds
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#446 - Matthew 18:10-35 – Lost Sheep

This is the episode is part 39 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus tells 3 stories to show how God forgives and pursues those who are lost and how we need to do the same.
3/17/201611 minutes, 41 seconds
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#445 - Matthew 18:1-9 – Millstones

This is the episode is part 38 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus talks about who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven when the disciples ask. He then talks about causing others to stumble, which we really really should not.
3/10/201610 minutes, 3 seconds
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#444 - Matthew 17:14-27 – Death and Taxes

This is the episode is part 37 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Even Jesus has to deal with death and taxes. He tells the disciples again that he is heading to Jerusalem to die. Peter is asked if Jesus pays the temple tax
3/3/20169 minutes, 22 seconds
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#443 - Matthew 17:1-13 – Transfiguration

This is the episode is part 36 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus and Peter, James and John climb a mountain and Jesus changes before them into the resplendent Son of God as he meets with Moses and Elijah.
2/25/20169 minutes, 52 seconds
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#442 - Matthew 16:13-28 – Messiah

This is the episode is part 35 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah... and then in the next conversation is rebuked by Jesus when he tries to define for Jesus what Messiah should and shouldn't be. 
2/18/20169 minutes, 2 seconds
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#441 - Matthew 16:1-12 – Demand for a Sign

This is the episode is part 34 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode the pharisees and sadducees ask Jesus to show them a sign. He declines and also warns the disciples about their teaching. Why?
2/11/201611 minutes, 25 seconds
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#440 - Matthew 15:21-39 - Gentiles and other Dogs

This is the episode is part 33 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This chapter has some challenging words as Jesus comes into contact with a Canaanite woman and at first says that what he is bringing is not for her.
2/4/201610 minutes, 29 seconds
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#439 - Matthew 15:1-20 – That Which Defiles

This is the episode is part 32 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus takes a conversation with the pharisees from handwashing and hygiene to heart. What comes out of our mouths is more important than what goes in them.
1/28/20169 minutes, 52 seconds
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#438 - Matthew 14:22-36 – Walking on Water

This is the episode is part 31 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus wraps up the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 by walking on the water. Peter tries it as well with less success.
1/21/201610 minutes, 19 seconds
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#437 - Matthew 14:1-21 – 5000 Plus Fed

This is the episode is part 30 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode we hear of the death of John the Baptist, but Jesus time of mourning is interrupted by crowds of people, so he teaches and feeds them.
1/14/20169 minutes, 55 seconds
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#436 - Matthew 13:44-58 – HIdden Treasure

This is the episode is part 29 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus uses two parables to compare the Kingdom of heaven with a man who discovers a hidden treasure and trades up all he has for that treasure.
1/7/201610 minutes, 18 seconds
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#435 - Matthew 13:24-43 – Weeds and Seeds

This is the episode is part 28 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus tells three new parables about the kingdom of heaven, including a couple parables about weeds and seeds.
12/31/20159 minutes, 55 seconds
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#434 - Matthew 13:1-23 - The Sower

This is the episode is part 27 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode looks at the Parable of the Sower and talk about a farmer (God) who is throwing seeds just everywhere.How does that relate to what God wants and what he calls us to do?
12/17/201510 minutes, 41 seconds
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#433 - Matthew 12:38-50 – No Sign for You

This is the episode is part 26 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Despite the fact that some of Jesus's last miracles made the Pharisees decide to kill him, they come to Jesus and ask for another sign.
12/10/201510 minutes, 19 seconds
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#432 - Matthew 12:15-37– A Kingdom Divided

This is the episode is part 25 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus drives the demon out of a man, but rather than rejoice the religious leaders accuse hime of doing so by the power of the devil. Jesus has some ideas on that subject.
12/3/201511 minutes, 27 seconds
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#431 - Matthew 12:1-14 – The Sabbath

This is the episode is part 24 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus and the Pharisees disagree over the sabbath. Why do they have such a different idea of what it means to keep the sabbath than Jesus does?
11/26/201510 minutes, 17 seconds
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#430 - Matthew 11:20-29 – "My Yoke is Light"

This is the episode is part 23 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus first warns all the cities around Galilee that if the miracles that have been done in them had been done instead in Sodom that Sodom would have repented. He then calls to all to follow and obey but says his "yoke is easy and his burden is light".
11/19/20159 minutes, 55 seconds
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AT#429 - Matthew 11:1-19 – Jesus and John the Baptist

This is the episode is part 22 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. John the Baptist, now imprisoned, sends a question to Jesus, "are you the one we are looking for?"
11/12/201511 minutes, 29 seconds
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Matthew 9:35-10:42 – Sent – Episode 428

This is the episode is part 21 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus talks about sending workers into the harvest then sends out the 12, turning disciples into apostles.
11/5/201512 minutes, 33 seconds
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#427 - Matthew 9:27-34 – Blind and Mute

This is the episode is part 20 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus encounters two blind men who have great faith and great disobedience. The religious leaders are challenged by Jesus’ ability to drive out a demon from a mute man.
10/29/201511 minutes, 49 seconds
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#426 - Matthew 9:14-26 – Dead and Alive

This is the episode is part 19 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode Jesus talks about old things and new things as he gets asked about fasting. He also interrupts one miracle to perform another on a little girl who is just mostly dead.
10/22/201511 minutes, 5 seconds
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#425 - Matthew 9:1-13 – Forgiveness and Healing

This is the episode is part 18 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus is brought a man who is need of healing, but pronounces him forgiven instead... much to the astonishment and consternation of all.
10/15/20159 minutes, 28 seconds
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#324 - Matthew 8:14-34 – The Cost

This is the episode is part 17 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Jesus does more healing, calms the seas and talks about the cost of following him as some potential disciples may miss the boat.
10/8/201511 minutes, 23 seconds
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#423 - Matthew 8:1-13 – Authority

This is the episode is part 16 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. After the sermon on the mount Jesus comes down and heals a leper and the servant of a centurion. In the process we learn something of his authority.
10/1/20159 minutes, 51 seconds
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#422 - Matthew 7:24-29 – Wise and Foolish Builders

This is the episode is part 15 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. We wrap up the study on the sermon on the mount with a story of two builders, one wise, one foolish
9/24/20159 minutes, 40 seconds
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#421 - Matthew 7:13-23 – Wide and Narrow Ways

This is the episode is part 14 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. We learn in this episode that there is a wide well-traveled road in life but it does not lead to heaven and God. There is a narrow road also. Jesus also talks about knowing a tree by its fruit.
9/17/20159 minutes, 19 seconds
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#420 - Matthew 7:1-12 – Judging and Asking

This is the episode is part 13 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode continues the study of the sermon on the mount as Jesus first tells us not to judge and then tells us to ask God for what we need.
9/10/20159 minutes, 48 seconds
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#419 - Matthew 6:25-34 – Worry

This is the episode is part 12 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode continues to look at the Sermon on the Mount with a section where Jesus talks about worry.  "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
9/3/201511 minutes, 7 seconds
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#418 - Matthew 6:16-24 – Where Your Treasure Is

This is the episode is part 11 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode continues to look at the Sermon on the Mount with a section where Jesus talks about money. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
8/27/201510 minutes, 51 seconds
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#417 - Matthew 6:1-15 – The Lord's Prayer

This is the episode is part 10 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode looks at doing the right thing for the wrong reason and at pray. It concludes with a study on the Lord's Prayer.
8/20/201511 minutes, 32 seconds
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#416 - Matthew 5:31-48 – Eye for an Eye

This is the episode is part 9 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode continues a look at the Sermon on the Mount with a section on the an eye for an eye, on oaths, on divorce and on loving our enemies.
8/13/201511 minutes, 31 seconds
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#415 - Matthew 5:13-26 – Salt and Light

This is the episode is part 8 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode continues a look at the Sermon on the Mount with a section on the law, salt and light. This is where we get the expression "salt of the earth" from and "don't hide your light under a bushel".
8/6/201511 minutes, 31 seconds
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#414 - Matthew 5:1-12 – Beatitudes

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode start so look at the Sermon on the Mount with one of the most well known parts, the Beatitudes. Will the meek really inherit the Earth?
7/30/201511 minutes, 25 seconds
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#413 - Matthew 4:12-25 – Getting Started

This is the episode is part 6 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode looks at the start of Jesus public ministry. His calling of the first disciples and his message, like John, to repent. But unlike John, Jesus is also performing miracles.
7/23/20159 minutes, 18 seconds
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#412 - Matthew 4:1-11 – Temptation of Jesus

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. This episode looks at the temptation of Jesus by the devil in the wilderness. Right after Jesus was affirmed as God's son, the devil attacks that certainty and tries to get between the Father and the Son.
7/16/201512 minutes, 20 seconds
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#441 - Matthew 3 – Baptism by John

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode we look at the public ministry of John the Baptist who appears in the wilderness calling for the people to "prepare the way of the lord".
7/9/201510 minutes, 10 seconds
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#410 - Matthew 2:13-23 – The Christmas Story part 2

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode we talk about the murder of the blessed innocents at Bethlehem and not one evil king but two from the same family. What will you do to keep what you have?
7/2/20159 minutes, 46 seconds
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#409 - Matthew 1:18-2:12 – The Christmas Story

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. In this episode we look at Matthew's version of the Christmas story which focuses on the faithfulness of Joseph and the persistence of the magi.
6/25/201510 minutes, 26 seconds
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#408 - Matthew 1:1-17 – The Genealogy of Jesus

This episode is part 1 in a study on the gospel of Matthew. Matthew's gospel starts with a geneology of Jesus that lists many of the notable people from the old testament as Matthew ties this story to that one.
6/18/20159 minutes, 32 seconds
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#407 - Psalm 75 - Tell of His Wonderful Deeds

This is the episode is part 55 in a study of the book of Psalms and the end of the first half of that study. We look at this psalm of praise and look back at the last 74 chapters to see what we have learned so far from the book.
6/11/20159 minutes, 53 seconds
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#406 - Psalm 74 – Why Have You Rejected Us

This is the episode is part 54 of a study on the book of Psalms. The psalmist stares at the ruins of the temple and cries, "O God, why have you rejected us forever?" Have you ever felt rejected by God? The people of God had turned their back on him but were ill prepared for the consequences.
6/4/20157 minutes, 40 seconds
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#405 - Psalm 73 – Envying the Rich

This is the episode is part 53 of a study on the book of Psalms. In this episode the psalmist he almost envied the prosperity of the wicked. What do we really value? What does God really value?
5/21/20159 minutes, 4 seconds
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#404 - Psalm 72 – Prosper the King

This is the episode is part 52 of a study on the book of Psalms. In a rare psalm by Solomon we look at a pray to bless in the Kind in every way so that the king can be a blessing to the people of God. Who is our King?
5/14/201510 minutes, 31 seconds
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#403 - Psalm 70-71 – God, Save Me

This is the episode is part 51 of a study on the book of Psalms. We look at too different psalms where the psalmists are calling out for the help of God. We see how often the psalmists are inspired to song in the most difficult times. How often we also learn the most in the most difficult times.
5/7/20159 minutes, 57 seconds
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#402 - Psalm 69 – In Deep Waters

This is the episode is part 50 of a study on the book of Psalms. In this Psalm of David, David calls out to God for help. He feels like he is in deep waters coming up to his neck. Have you had days like that?
4/30/20158 minutes, 57 seconds
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#401 - Psalm 67-68 – May Your Ways Be Known

This is the episode is part 49 of a study on the book of Psalms. Two different Psalms look at a majestic and mighty God and pray that God's ways will be known. God the father to the fatherless, the defender of the widows. God who has chariots in the thousands upon thousands. 
4/24/201513 minutes, 43 seconds
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#400 - Psalm 66 – Remember the Deeds of God

This is the episode is part 48 of a study on the book of Psalms. We celebrate the 400th episode of The Bible Study Podcast. The psalmist remembers the deeds of God, including the story of Exodus. One of the reasons that we study the Bible is to remember that an awesome and powerful God has his eye on us.
4/9/20157 minutes, 52 seconds
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#399 - Psalm 64-65 – Making Plans

This is the episode is part 47 of a study on the book os Psalms. These two psalms look at the plans of men and the plans of God. In Psalm 64 David complains about those with "evil plans". In Psalm 65 he turns his thoughts to the courts of God and the hope of all the ends of the earth.
4/2/201510 minutes, 22 seconds
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#398 - Psalm 63 – Thirst for God

This episode is part 46 in a study of the book of Psalms. This episode looks at another psalm of David that he writes from the desert. As he thirsts in the desert he uses that as an analogy of his thirst for God.
3/27/20158 minutes, 39 seconds
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#397 - Psalm 61-62 – God Our Rock

This episode is part 46 in a study of the book of Psalms. In these too Psalms David refers to God as his Rock. The rock that is "higher than I", "My rock and my salvation". Where do we look to for strength and stability?
3/19/20158 minutes, 30 seconds
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#396 - Psalm 60 – Restore Us

This episode is part 45 in a study of the book of Psalms. This episode looks at another psalms of David. David is praying to an angry God "you have been angry—now restore us". How can David hope that God will restore the nation?
3/12/20159 minutes, 10 seconds
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#395 - Psalms 58-59 - God My Fortress

This episode is part 44 in a study of the book of Psalms. Here are two more psalms by David to the same tune "Do Not Destroy" but in them David is asking for God to destroy his enemies. But in the end his security relies on God his fortress.
3/5/20158 minutes, 39 seconds
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#394 - Psalm 57 – Singing in the Dark

This episode is part 43 in a study of the book of Psalms. David takes time once again from fleeing his enemies to write a song to a popular tune. He calls out for God to shelter him under the shadow of his wings.
2/26/20158 minutes, 30 seconds
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#393 - Psalm 56 – The Light of Life

This episode is part 42 in a study of the book of Psalms. We look at another Psalm by David who takes time from fleeing his enemies to write a psalm. We look at the behavior of enemies who lurk, twist and conspire and talk about how not to be that guy.
2/19/20157 minutes, 43 seconds
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#392 - Psalm 54 and 55 – Overcome with Fear

This episode is part 41 in a study of the book of Psalms. We look at two different psalms of David. David is in fear of his life in both Psalms but in one he seems overcome with fear. What do we do on the days when it all gets too overwhelming.
2/12/20159 minutes, 51 seconds
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#391 - Psalm 53 – No One Does Good

This episode is part 40 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode the psalmist David despairs that "there is no one who does good, not even one". How do we live with hope in a broken world?
2/5/20159 minutes, 12 seconds
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#390 - Psalm 52 – Flourishing... in a Dark Place

This episode is part 39 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at another Psalm of David, written when he is fleeing Saul the King. David chastises someone for how he uses his tongue, then uses his own tongue to praise God.
1/29/20158 minutes, 55 seconds
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#389 - Psalm 50 – Lips vs Hearts

This episode is part 38 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we see a just God and a terrifying vision of a righteous God who is angry with a people who are just going through the motions. They have the law of God on their lips but something else in their hearts.
1/22/20159 minutes, 14 seconds
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#388 - Psalm 49 – Everyone Dies

This episode is part 37 in a study of the book of Psalms. The psalmists, the sons of Korah, look at the inevitability of death and also at the fact that no amount of riches can keep us from the grave. In what then do you put your hope?
1/14/20158 minutes, 17 seconds
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#387 - Psalm 48 – God's Protection

This episode is part 36 in a study of the book of Psalms. This episode looks at Psalm 48 which is another psalm of praise by the sons of Korah and looks at the protection of a loving God.
1/8/20157 minutes, 45 seconds
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#386 - Psalm 46 and 47 – Be Still

This episode is part 35 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at two songs of praise by the sons of Korah. Both are songs of praise. One looks forward to a day when all the wars will cease will the other seems to look back from that day.
1/1/20158 minutes, 13 seconds
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#385 - Psalm 45 – Wedding Song

This episode is part 34 in a study of the book of Psalms. This song was written as a wedding song and we look at it both as directed to a particular bride and groom as well as the analogy of the church as the bride of Christ.
12/25/201410 minutes, 7 seconds
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#384 - Psalm 44 - Remember What God Has Done

This episode is part 33 in a study of the book of Psalms. The psalmist remembers the deeds of God and how God has been faithful, but the psalmist does this from a time when he feels forgotten by God. Is God asleep?
12/18/201411 minutes, 10 seconds
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#383 - Psalm 42 – In a Dry Place

This episode is part 32 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at Psalm 42 where the writer of the Pslam finds himself in a dry place spiritually. "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." What do you do when it feels like God is far off and is this "normal".
12/11/20148 minutes, 23 seconds
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#382 - Psalm 41 – God's Got Your Back

This episode is part 31 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at another Psalm of David where David says that God cares for those who care for the weak and will heal them. Then we learn that David wrote it from his sickbed.
12/4/20147 minutes, 34 seconds
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#381 - Psalm 40 – Lifted from the Pit

This episode is part 30 in a study of the book of Psalms. David starts with praise to go in this Psalm as he says that God has lifted him out of the pit and placed his feet on solid ground. And yet we learn later on in the psalm that David's troubles are not over.
11/27/20148 minutes, 52 seconds
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#380 - Psalm 39 – The Tongue and Numbered Days

This episode is part 29 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this psalm David, is holding his tongue afraid to talk. When he does talk he dwells on how short and numbered our days are. How well are you spending your limited days?
11/20/20148 minutes, 27 seconds
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#379 - Psalm 38 – Taking Sin Seriously

This episode is part 28 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look again at a psalm of David where he is overwhelmed by guilt and is pleading with God. We look at what we can learn from this "man after God's own heart".
11/13/20148 minutes, 53 seconds
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#378 - Psalm 37 – Don’t Worry About the Wicked –

This episode is part 27 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this psalm David, now an old man, looks around and sees the wicked prosper. He tells the people of God not to worry about it, that in his life he has always seen the wicked fail and God be faithful to those who are faithful to him.
11/6/201412 minutes, 9 seconds
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#377 - Psalm 36 – Your love, Lord

This episode is part 26 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at Psalm 36 where David says "Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." David looks at the behavior of sinners and the love of the Lord.
10/30/20148 minutes, 50 seconds
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#376 - Psalm 35 – God, Fight for Me

This episode is part 25 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this Psalm the psalmist asks God to contend for him with those who contend with him. To my surprise these seem to be people the psalmist considered friends who have turned on him in his distress, people who take glee in his fall from Grace.
10/23/201410 minutes, 22 seconds
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#375 - Psalm 34 – I Will Praise the Lord

This episode is part 24 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this Psalm David has been pretending to be insane before Abimelek to protect himself. After he is safe David praises God for his protection.
10/16/20148 minutes, 47 seconds
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#374 - Psalm 33 – The PLan of the Lord

This episode is part 23 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at Psalm 33 where the psalmist looks at the plan of the Lord. Psalm 33 is a psalm of praise to a God whose plans are better than the plans of kingdoms. They are better than our plans as well.
10/9/20149 minutes, 54 seconds
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#373 - Psalm 32 – Forgiven

This episode is part 22 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 32 is a song of thanksgiving from David after David has been forgiven by God.  Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord." And you forgave the guilt of my sin.
10/2/20149 minutes, 51 seconds
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#372 - Psalm 31 – A Cry for Help

This is the episode is part 21 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 30 is a song of praise from David. In this Psalm David again cries to help for God. Could David have battled depression?
9/25/201411 minutes, 3 seconds
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#371 - Psalm 30 – A Prayer for Mercy

This is the episode is part 20 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 30 is a song of praise from David. In this Psalm David has strayed from the Lord and prays for mercy.
9/11/20148 minutes, 23 seconds
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#370 - Psalm 29 – The Voice of the Lord

This is the episode is part 19 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 29 is a song of praise from David. David focuses on the glory and strength of God and on the voice of the Lord.
9/4/201410 minutes, 19 seconds
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#369 - Who is Jesus? Sermon

We take a break from our study of Psalms this week. This is a sermon I just preached at my home church on the topic "Who is Jesus?". The sermon is based on Matthew 16 where Jesus asks the disciples "Who do people say that I am?" and "Who do you say that I am?" 
8/28/201412 minutes, 35 seconds
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#368 - Psalm 28 – Regard the Deeds of the Lord

This is the episode is part 18 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this Psalm David cries for mercy but also prays that God will deal with those who do not regard the deeds of the Lord. But, his view of who the wicked are... may come a little too close t
8/21/20149 minutes, 1 second
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#366 - Psalm 27 - Whom Shall I Fear?

This is the episode is part 17 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 27 is another Psalm of David’s where David talks about fear. "The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear?" Is fear ever appropriate?
8/7/201410 minutes, 27 seconds
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#365 - Psalm 25 – I Trust in You

This is the episode is part 16 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 25 is another Psalm of David’s where David puts his trust in God and prays that that will prove to be a good choice in the long run.
7/31/20149 minutes, 26 seconds
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#354 - Psalm 24 – The Earth is the Lord’s

This is the episode is part 15 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 24 is another Psalm of David's where David reminds us that all we have is a gift from God. He encourages in poetic fashion to make welcome the King of Glory.
7/24/20149 minutes, 34 seconds
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#363 - Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepard

This is the episode is part 14 in a study of the book of Psalms. Psalm 23 is perhaps the best known of all the psalms. In it David compares the love of God to that of a shepherd who loves, leads and yes even disciplines his sheep.
7/17/201412 minutes, 9 seconds
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#362 - Psalm 20 – Some Trust in Chariots

This is the episode is part 13 in a study of the book of Psalms. This psalm of David reads like a blessing. David wishes for someone else protection from God and that theu will get what they design. He encourages them that "some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God."
7/10/201410 minutes, 4 seconds
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#361 - Psalm 19 - The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

This is the episode is part 12 in a study of the book of Psalms. This episode looks at Psalm 19, another psalm of David, which starts "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God". This psalm is a psalm of praise. David praises God for creation and then also at the low of the Lord. How are the two related?
7/3/20149 minutes, 39 seconds
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#360 - Psalm 18 – My Rock, Fortress, Deliverer

This is the episode is part 11 in a study of the book of Psalms. David praises the mighty God who has rescued him from his enemies. God has been his rock, his fortress and his deliverer.
6/26/201413 minutes, 7 seconds
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#359 - Psalm 16 - All My Delight

This is the episode is part 10 in a study of the book of Psalms. David revels in his relationship with God and with the people of God. May we do the same this week.
6/19/201411 minutes, 26 seconds
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#358 - Psalm 15 - Blameless

This is the episode is part 9 in a study of Psalms. Last wek we learned that "no one is righteous". That doesn't bode well when the Psalmist David asks this week who can dwell with God, and the answer is the righteous.
6/12/201412 minutes, 30 seconds
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#357 - Psalm 14 – No One is Righteous

This is the episode is part 8 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this episode we look at Psalm 14 where the psalmist looks around at a society that is moving away from God. He sees none who are righteous, not even one. 
6/5/201411 minutes
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#356 - Psalm 10 - Why Lord?

This is the episode is part 7 in a study of the book of Psalms. In this psalm the psalmist calls out: Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? We look at this call to God for Justice.
5/28/201410 minutes, 55 seconds
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#355 - Psalm 8 & 9 – Songs of Praise

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of the book of Psalms. This episode looks at two of David's praise songs. The psalmist looks at God the creator and also at God the righteous judge.
5/22/201411 minutes, 9 seconds
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#354 - Psalm 6 – How Long Lord?

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of the book of Psalms. David cries out "How Long Lord?" In Psalm 6, David is in need of God's mercy and fears his wrath. He puts his faith in a merciful God.
5/15/201410 minutes, 12 seconds
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#353 - Psalm 5 – Morning Prayer

This is the episode is part 4 in study on the Psalms. In Psalm 5 David, who is facing dangers and enemies, lifts his prayer to God in the morning. This song is a lament from David who is in need of rescue from evil men.
5/8/201410 minutes, 47 seconds
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#352 - Psalms 1-2 - Choices

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the book of Psalms. We look at the first two psalms where the psalmists talk about two choices, the live of the blessed and the life of the blessed vs the life of the wicked. We look at the a righteous God laughing at the kings who conspire against him.
5/1/201410 minutes, 37 seconds
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#351 - Pslam 51 - A Clean Heart

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on the book of Psalms. We look in this episode at the song David wrote when he was caught in sin by the prophet Nathan for adultery and murder. The most familiar lines in this song being "Create in me a clean heart".
4/24/20149 minutes, 51 seconds
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#350 - John 21 – Feed My Sheep

This is the episode is part 28 and the final final episode in a study on the Gospel of John. The disciples go fishing and Jesus shows up. Peter gets re-commissioned to "feed sheep" by Jesus and gets told that what Jesus has in store for John is none of his business.
4/17/201411 minutes, 1 second
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#349 - Psalm 22 – Feeling Abandoned By God

This episode of The Bible Study Podcast starts a study on the Psalms. This episode looks at Psalm 22, a psalm of David that Jesus quotes from teh cross. It starts with "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me"... but ends on a different not.
4/10/201410 minutes, 19 seconds
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#348 - John 20 - The Empty Tomb

This is the episode is part 27 and the final episode in a study on the Gospel of John. John gets to the point of the entire gospel when he tells the story of the empty tomb and of Easter morning. Jesus is no longer in his tomb. John tells us this story that we might believe and have life.
4/3/201412 minutes, 38 seconds
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#347 - John 19 – Death and Burial

This is the episode is part 26 in a study on the Gospel of John. In this episode we look at John's account of Jesus death on the cross and his subsequent burial in a borrowed tomb.
3/27/201411 minutes, 39 seconds
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#346 - John 18-19 - Trial Before Pilate

This is the episode is part 25 in a study of the gospel of John. Jsus is brought before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate because the Jewish religious leaders want to execute Jesus but only the Romans were allowed to do that. Pilate knows the right thing to do, but...
3/20/20149 minutes, 45 seconds
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#345 - John 18 – Arrest and Denial

This is the episode is part 25 in a study of the gospel of John. This episode looks at Jesus betrayal by Judas, the first part of his trial and at the denial of Peter.
3/13/201410 minutes, 10 seconds
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#344 - John 17 – Gethsemane

This is the episode is part 24 in a study of the gospel of John. This episode looks at 3 different prayers that Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane before his arrest, trial and death. 
3/6/201410 minutes, 47 seconds
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#343 - John 16 – Grief to Joy

This is the episode is part 24 in a study of the gospel of John. In this episode John concludes his retelling of the events at the Last Supper with Jesus talking about the grief that the disciples will soon feel and the joy that will follow it.
2/27/20149 minutes, 18 seconds
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#342 - John 15-16 – World's Hate and the Holy Spiriti

This is the episode is part 23 in a study of the Gospel of John. This episode looks at part what Jesus told the disciples on the night before his crucifixion. In this episode Jesus tells the disciples that the world will hate them as it hated Jesus.
2/20/20149 minutes, 29 seconds
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#341 - John 15 – The Vine and the Branches

This is the episode is part 22 in a study of the Gospel of John. This episode looks at part what Jesus told the disciples on the night before his crucifixion. In this episode Jesus talks about himself as the vine and them as the branches and says that the branch cannot bear fruit of itself. What is bearing fruit?
2/13/201411 minutes, 13 seconds
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#340 - John 14 - The Holy Spirit

This is the episode is part 21 in a study on the gospel of John. This episode looks at the end of the Last Supper when Jesus promises the disciples the Holy Spirit and leaves them with Peace, peace they will need before this night is through.
1/30/201410 minutes, 26 seconds
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#339 - John 13-14 - Love One Another

This is the episode is part 20 in a study on the gospel of John. Jesus gives further instructions to the disciples at the last supper. He predicts Judas's betrayal and Peter's denial. He gives them one last command to love one another.
1/23/201410 minutes, 39 seconds
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#338 - John 13 - The Washing of Feet

This is the episode is part 19 in a study on the Gospel of John. We first learn that despite all that Jesus has done some still don't believe or are afraid to show they believe. Jesus also gives the disciples one of his last lessons as he takes on the role of a servant to wash their feet.
1/16/201410 minutes, 32 seconds
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#337 - John 12 – Palm Sunday and Worship

This is the episode is part 18 in a study on the Gospel of John. Jesus comes to the house where Lazarus lived. Lazarus lives. Not many days before this story Lazarus did not live and this story looks at how Mary, Martha and the crowds react to Jesus because Lazarus lived.
1/10/20149 minutes, 25 seconds
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#336 - John 11 - Lazarus Raised from the Dead

This is the episode is part 17 in a study on the Gospel of John. Jesus comes to where his friend Lazarus lays dead and meets with his sisters Mary and Martha. But Jesus has not just come to help them mourn the loss of their brother but to restore him to life and to them.
1/2/201413 minutes, 25 seconds
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AT#355 - John 10-11 – Opposition and Death

This is the episode is part 16 in a study on the Gospel of John. In this episode Jesus again is challenged on who he is. The answer is clear enough this time that they pick up stones to kill him. Speaking of dead, Jesus hears that his friend Lazarus is dying.
12/19/201311 minutes, 3 seconds
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#334 - John 10 - The Good Shepard

This is the episode is part 15 in a study on the Gospel of John. In this episode Jesus starts making analogies about sheep. Jesus declares that he is the Good Shepard and also the Gate by which the sheep can enter.
12/12/201310 minutes, 38 seconds
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#333 - John 9 - Blindness and Seeing

This is the episode is part 14 in a study on the gospel of John. Jesus heals a man born blind on the Sabbath and starts a great kerfuffle about sin and healing and the sabbath and Jesus. In this midst of this a man born blind bears witness to what Jesus did and eventually to who he is.
12/5/201313 minutes, 59 seconds
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AT#332 - John 8 - Who is Jesus

This is the episode is part 13 in a study on the gospel of John. In tis episode Jesus and the religious leaders have a run in about each other's parentage. Jesus accuses them of being children of the father of lies and finally reveals to them who his father is with the results being about what you would expect.
11/28/201311 minutes, 59 seconds
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#331 - John 8 - Caught in the Act

This is the episode is part 12 in a study on the gospel of John. In this episode the pharisees try and trap Jesus by bringing to him a woman caught in adultery. What will he do? Will he condone killing her according to the law or not?
11/22/20139 minutes, 43 seconds
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#330 - Reactions to Jesus

This is the episode is part 11 in a study of the gospel of John. In this episode we hear some of the reactions to Jesus by the crowds, disciples, his brothers and the religious leaders. Some disciples fall away, unable to deal with hard sayings like "I am the bread of life".
11/7/201313 minutes, 46 seconds
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#329 - Two Reformers

We take a break from our study of John this week to bring you a sermon that I recently preached at my home church for Reformation Sunday called "Two Reformers". We look at the reformers of King Josiah and also Martin Luther.
10/31/201311 minutes, 55 seconds
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#328 - John 6 - Bread of Life

This episode is part 10 in a study of the gospel of John. In this episode we hear what happens after the feeding of the 5000. The crowds continue to follow Jesus and in response to the people asking for more bread, Jesus declares the he is the Bread of Life.
10/24/201313 minutes, 15 seconds
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#327 - John 6 – Feeding of the 5000

This is the episode is part 9 in a study on the gospel of John. Jesus feeds more than 5000 with 5 loaves and 3 fish.
10/17/20139 minutes, 36 seconds
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#326 - John 5 - Authority of the Son

This is the episode is part 8 in a study of the gospel of John. After healing a man on the sabbath, the Jewish leaders question the authority of Jesus. Jesus reveals himself as the one by whom all, living and dead, will be judged.
10/10/20139 minutes, 47 seconds
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#325 - John 4 - Jesus Heals

This is the episode is part 7 in a study of the gospel of John. In this episode John tells about the first two times, in his gospel, that Jesus heals someone.  First he heals a ruler's son and then a lame man at the pool of Bethesda.
10/3/201312 minutes, 48 seconds
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#324 - John 4 – More Samaritans

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of the gospel of John. It looks at what John the Baptist had to say about Jesus and then at Jesus encounter with a Samaritan woman at a well.
9/26/20138 minutes, 56 seconds
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#323 - John 3-4 - Woman at the Well

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of the gospel of John. It looks at what John the Baptist had to say about Jesus and then at Jesus encounter with a Samaritan woman at a well.
9/19/201315 minutes, 29 seconds
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#322 - John 3 - Born Again

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on the gospel of John. Jesus gets a visit by night from a teacher of the law named Nicodemus and ends up saying some of the most memorable phrases in John's gospel.
9/12/201313 minutes, 4 seconds
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#321 - John 1-2 - Disciples and a Silly Miracle

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the gospel of John. Jesus calls some more disciples and performs his first recorded miracle turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana.
9/5/201310 minutes, 3 seconds
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#320 - John 1 – John the Baptist

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on on the gospel of John. In this episode we look at John the Baptist as he points the way to Jesus.
8/28/201311 minutes, 9 seconds
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#319 - John 1 - The Word Made Flesh

This is the episode is part 1 in a study of a study of the gospel of John. In this opening section John retells the creation story and the story of John the Baptist through the lens of Jesus. So we see here in the first chapter how John deals with the theology of Jesus as unique and supreme.
8/22/20139 minutes, 50 seconds
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#318 - A Sermon on Abram

A special bible study podcast, this episode is a sermon that was given at my home church Bethel Lutheran Church in Cupertino, California - The subject of the sermon is the calling, or rather recalling of Abram
8/15/201315 minutes, 17 seconds
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#317 - Jonah - Jonah 4 - Jonah's Real Problem

This is the episode is part 3 and the final part of the study of Jonah. We finally learn that Jonah did not want to come to Ninevah and preach not because he was afraid but because he hated Nineveh and wanted it destroyed. So what does that have to do with us?
8/8/201310 minutes
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#316 - Jonah - Jonah 2-3 - Prayer and Repentance

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on Jonah. Jonah gets some time to think and pray inside the fish for 3 days and 3 nights before he repents and calls on the Lord. He goes to Nineveh that also repents and calls on the Lord.
8/1/20139 minutes, 32 seconds
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#315 - Jonah 1 - Jonah Runs Away

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on Jonah the reluctant prophet. Besides finding no mention of a whale we some other differences from the version you learned of this story in Sunday School. Jonah is called to preach against the city of Nineveh but instead he tries to run away from God.
7/25/20139 minutes, 49 seconds
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#314 - Marriage – Seeing Value, Building Value

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on marriage. We look at some versus from Proverbs about the wife of the writer and then reflect on what we are building in our marriages and how.
7/18/20138 minutes, 39 seconds
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#313 - Marriage - Unequally Yoked

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on marriage. In this episode we look at the issue of whether Christians should marry non-Christians. We look at some versus from Paul and at the life of King Soloman.
7/17/201310 minutes, 39 seconds
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#312 - Marriage - Sacrificial Love

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on marriage. We will look at some of the examples of marriage in the bible and then at some versus to Paul that call us to live sacrificially in our marriages.
7/5/201310 minutes, 33 seconds
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#311 - Marriage - Paul on Marriage

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on marriage. We will look at two different sections in the book of 1 Corinthians. One is read at many Christian weddings and the other is actually written by Paul about marriage.
6/27/201311 minutes, 51 seconds
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#310 - Marriage - Created by God

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on marriage. We look at the verses in Genesis 2 where God creates marriage, in the creation of eve. We will also look at how Jesus interprets that passage to mean that marriage is created by God and not meant to be ended with divorce.
6/20/201310 minutes, 8 seconds
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#309 False Teachers and Money – 1 Timothy 6

This is the episode is part 7 and the final part of a study on 1 Timothy. This episode looks at false teachers and the love of money
5/30/201312 minutes, 47 seconds
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#308 - Widows, Elders and Family - 1 Timothy 5

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of the book of 2 Timothy. Paul gives Timothy specific advise for how he should treat those in the church... like family. He then also talks about the roles of widows and the roles of elders. Along the way he tells us we are called to be accountable and not idle gossipers.
5/23/201314 minutes, 4 seconds
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#307 - Good and Bad Teaching - 1 Tim 4

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on 1 Timothy. Paul talks to Timothy about two kinds of teaching. One type of teaching he says was "taught by daemons". He encourages Timothy instead to focus on the truth and train to be godly.
5/16/201314 minutes, 19 seconds
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#306 - Leadership and Maturity – 1 Timothy 3

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on the book of 1 Timothy.Paul gives us character traits that he is looking for in people who would become church leaders. We look at this list as a model for Christian maturity.
5/9/201314 minutes, 2 seconds
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#305 - 1 Timothy 2 - Of Worship and Women

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the book of 1 Timothy. We find Paul talking about prayer and worship which is the most important part of this chapter, but we may get too distracted by Paul talking about women to see that.
5/2/201314 minutes, 18 seconds
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#303 - Paul, A Sinner – 1 Tim 1:12

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on 1 Timothy. In this part of Paul's letter he reflects on his faith journey as he went from someone violently persecuting Christians to someone planting churches. Through Paul's life we can see the grace of God. Paul thinks that that is why he was saved by God, so he could be an example of the love and mercy of God.
4/25/20139 minutes, 38 seconds
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#303 - Introduction - 1 Tim 1

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on the book of 1 Timothy. Timothy is a younger man and a "spiritual" son to Paul who writes him this letter.
4/18/20139 minutes, 50 seconds
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#302 - Philemon - Paul Asks A Favor

This is a one episode study of the book of Philemon. In this very personal letter Paul asks a favor for a dear brother named Philemon on behalf of a runaway slave named "Useful".
4/11/201311 minutes, 5 seconds
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#301 - Colossians 4 - Final Instructions and Greetings

This is the episode is part 7 and the final episode in a study on the book of Colossians. Paul wraps up this letter with encouragement for the believers to pray and to keep him in prayer and to be wise how they act towards non-believers. Then he closes the letter with personal greetings from those he ministers with.
4/4/201313 minutes, 28 seconds
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#300! - Colossians 3:12-25 Rules for Holy Living

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of the book of Colossians. Paul has established that our old self died with Christ and that we have been raised new. Now he deals how we should treat one another.
3/28/201312 minutes, 23 seconds
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#299 - Colossians 2:16-3:11 - Old Rules and new Selves

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of the book of Colossians. In this episode we look at a life that has died with Christ as Paul encourages us to leave some of those dead man's things behind us and live instead a new life.
3/21/201311 minutes, 15 seconds
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#298 - Colossian 2:6-15 - Spiritual Fullness in Christ

This is the episode is part 4 of study of Paul's letter to the Colossians. In this episode Paul starts to talk about how we should live as Christians. The phrase "in Christ" and "in Him" are one theme that Paul looks at and also a Spiritual circumcision, that separates us from our fleshly desires to live a new and full life.
3/14/201313 minutes, 1 second
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#297 - Colossians 1:24-2:5 - Paul’s Labor for the Church

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the book of Colossians. We look at what Paul has to say about hmself and his labor for the church. What are Paul's goals as he teaches this church? What does he desire for them?
3/7/20137 minutes, 47 seconds
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#296 - Colossians 1:15-23 - Supremacy of Jesus

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of the book of Colossians. In this part we look at the second section of the letter where Paul looks at the special position of Jesus above all of creation, include and especially the church and us.
2/28/201311 minutes, 14 seconds
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#295 - Colossians 1:14 - Introductions and Prayers

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on the book of Colossians. Paul introduces himself and then talks about what he is praying for when he thinks of the church at Colossae in what is now Turkey.
2/21/201312 minutes, 17 seconds
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#294 - Faith - Then What?

This is the episode is part 9 and the final part of an episode on faith. In this episode we look at the possibility that faith is not the end of a journey but the start of a journey.
2/14/201311 minutes, 43 seconds
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#293 - Faith - Our Faith

This is the episode is part 8 in a study on faith. This episode challenges a western "my faith" look at the topic of faith by looking at versus that put our faith into a context of community.
2/7/201312 minutes, 2 seconds
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#292 - Faith - When Faith Fails

This is the episode is part 7 in an study on faith. In this episode we look at an incident where Jesus and then Peter walks on water. But Peter after good start starts to sink. What do we do when our faith fails?
1/31/201310 minutes, 29 seconds
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#291 - Faith - Faith and Healing

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on faith. This episode looks at faith and healing. We look at a number of the stories in the gospels where Jesus says things like "your faith has made you well" and at at least one place where a person with great faith is not healed.
1/10/201312 minutes, 13 seconds
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#290 - Faith - Gaining Faith

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on faith. This isode looks at the faith of David, at his struggles, at how his faith grew and at how our faith can grow through the experience of others.
1/3/201311 minutes, 47 seconds
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#289 - Faith - Losing Faith

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on faith. This episode looks at the moments we lose faith through the experience of the prophet Elijah. After his victory over the prophets of Baal he finds himself running for his life. So far as he knows he is the only left faithful to God.
12/20/201210 minutes, 49 seconds
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#288 - Faith - Faith and Deeds

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on faith. We look at what the book of James has to say about the difference between faith and belief and how how faith is shown through actions.
12/13/20129 minutes, 42 seconds
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#287 - Faith - Faith full and Faithful

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of Faith. We will look in this episode at our our call to walk, like Noah and Abraham, faithfully with God. We will start to look at the difference between faith and belief.
12/6/201211 minutes, 51 seconds
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#286 - Faith - A Cloud of Witnesses

This is the episode is part 1 in a series on faith. We look at Hebrews 11 in this episode with its definition of faith and its list of the faithful witnesses from the Old Testament that have come before us.
11/29/201214 minutes, 52 seconds
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#285 - Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks

This is the episode is a stand alone episode on giving thanks just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday in the U.S. What does the bible tell us about being thankful.
11/22/201210 minutes, 24 seconds
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#284 - The Story of Two Widows – Sermon

This is the episode is a sermon that I gave at Bethel Lutheran Church in Cupertino about two stories, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament about windows. The first story is the story of Elijah and the widow of Zeraphath and the second Jesus's encounter with a widow in the Temple.
11/15/201213 minutes, 39 seconds
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#283 - Fundamentals of Christianity – Be Like Jesus

This is the episode is part 7 and the final part of a study on the fundamentals of Christianity. We sum up Christianity in this episode fairly simple as "be like Jesus". As Jesus loved us we are called to love. As Jesus served us we are called to server. As Jesus gave us grace we are called to show grace. It's just that simple.
11/8/201211 minutes, 1 second
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#282 - Fundamentals of Christianity – Graceful People

This is the episode is part 6 in a study on the fundamentals of Christianity. This episode looks at not being judgemental people but instead our calling to be a people full of grace.
11/1/201215 minutes, 10 seconds
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#279 - Fundamentals of Christianity – Loved

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on the fundamentals of Christianity. In this episode we will look at Grace. We are the receivers of God's Grace. We have a standing with God not because of what we have done because we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But by grace, but a gift we do not deserve, we have standing with God.
10/26/20128 minutes, 45 seconds
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#280 Fundamentals of Christianity – Called to Love

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on the fundamentals of Christianity. As we have been loved by God we are called both to love one another and we are also called to love our enemies.
10/19/201213 minutes, 42 seconds
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#279 - Fundamentals of Christianity – Loved

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the fundamentals of Christianity. This episode looks at the messages in the bible that talk about God's love for us. Do we live as people who know they are loved?
10/4/201210 minutes, 40 seconds
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#278 - Fundamentals of Christianity – Forgiving

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of the fundamentals of Christianity. In the last episode we looked at the forgiveness that God has given us. In this episode we look at a call for us also to forgive others.
9/28/201211 minutes, 8 seconds
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#277 - Fundamentals of Christianity - Forgiveness

This is the episode is part 1 in a study of the Fundamentals of Christianity. Who gets to decide what are the fundamentals of Christianity? I say the bible does and this study will look at it. This study starts with the ministry of John the Baptist as he talks about Jesus he says his ministry is about forgiveness.
9/13/201212 minutes, 13 seconds
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#276 - Kingdom of God - Second Birth

This is the episode is the final part in a study on the kingdom of God. We look at the only verse in John that mentions the Kingdom of God which is the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus. Nicodemus comes to talk to Jesus and all Jesus wants to talk about is the Kingdom of God and second birth.
8/30/201213 minutes, 4 seconds
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#275 - Kingdom of God - Coming

This is the episode is part 10 in a study on the Kingdom of God. We look at verses in Luke where Jesus talks about his coming again as well as the Last Supper. In both we learn a bit more about the Kingdom of God.
8/23/201216 minutes, 9 seconds
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#274 - The Kingdom of God - Coming

This is the episode is part 9 in a study on the Kingdom of God. Jesus answers the question about when is the Kingdom of God coming. The people have a different idea of what that means, probably expecting an earthly kingdom, lines on a map and someone on a throne.
8/17/201216 minutes, 9 seconds
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#273 - Kingdom of God - A Party

This is the episode is part 8 in a study on the Kingdom of God. Jesus tells a few parables about the Kingdom of God. He compares it to yeast, a narrow door and to a party. It is a party that you may be surprised who attends and how does not.
8/10/201213 minutes, 38 seconds
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#272 - Kingdom of God - Is Near

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on the Kingdom of God. This episode looks at some verses that talk about the nearness of the Kingdom of God.
8/3/201210 minutes, 1 second
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#271 - Kingdom of God - Good News

This is the episode is part 6 in a study on the Kingdom of God. We learn that Jesus saw sharing the good news about the Kingdom of God as his mission. We learn that Joseph of Arimathea was changed by waiting for the Kingdom of God. We also learn that the poor are call blessed because "theirs is the Kingdom of God".
7/26/201213 minutes, 42 seconds
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#270 Kingdom of God - What's Important

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on the Kingdom of God. This episode looks at two different stories that talk about what is important. In the first Jesus tells is that it is better to choose life and one hand than death and two. In the second we see a teacher of the law quiz Jesus on the most important commandment.
7/19/201212 minutes, 1 second
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#269 - The Kingdom of God – The Power is God’s

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on the Kingdom of God. We look at the Transfiguration where the disciples get a glimpse of the power of God in Jesus. We also look at the time when Jesus says tel let the children come to him for "of such is the Kingdom of God". 
7/12/201210 minutes, 4 seconds
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#268 - The Kingdom of God – Here, Now, Not Obvious

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the Kingdom of God. We look at some of the references to the Kingdom of God in the Gospel of Mark. We learn that the Kingdom of God is her, now, and not obvious.
7/6/201211 minutes, 52 seconds
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#267 - The Kingdom of God – We Are Just Renting

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on the Kingdom of God. Jesus is asked about his authority and responds to the pharisees and teachers of the law with two paribles that teach us something about the Kingdom of God.
6/29/201211 minutes, 38 seconds
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#266 - The Kingdom of God - 2 Kingdoms, 2 Sides

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on the Kingdom of God. In the New Testament, one phrase that Jesus ues over and over is the "Kingdom of God". In this study we will look at those versus and see what we can learn about God through them. Matthew 12:22-29Matthew 19:16-26
6/21/201212 minutes, 40 seconds
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#265 - 2 Samuel 24 - David Enrolls the Fighting Men

This is the episode is part 20 and the end of a study on 2 Samuel. In this episode David screws up again, but how he does it is more subtle as all he does is ask for a census of his fighting men.
6/14/201211 minutes, 30 seconds
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#264 - 2 Samuel 23 - David's Last Words

This is the episode is part 19 in a study on 2 Samuel. In this chapter we hear the last words of David. We also hear about David's mighty men, who helped him win his many victories.
6/7/201215 minutes, 17 seconds
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#263 - 2 Samuel 22 - David's Song of Praise

This is the episode is part 18 in a study of 2 Samuel. Here at the end of 2 Samuel is one of the Psalms (songs) of David. This song praises God who has protected him from his enemies.
5/31/201214 minutes, 10 seconds
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#262 - 2 Samuel 21 - Famine and War

This episode is part 17 in a study on 2 Samuel. We start to wrap up the story of David. He has to deal with a famine that comes from an oath that Saul broke before he even became king and also more wars with the Philistines.
5/24/20129 minutes, 19 seconds
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#261 - 2 Samuel 20 - Another Troublemaker

This is the episode is part 16 in a study on 2 Samuel. King David does not even make it all the way back to his palace after defeating Absalom before another troublemaker starts a rebellion against him.
5/10/20129 minutes, 55 seconds
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#260 - 2 Samuel 19 - David Mourns

his episode is part 15 in a study of 2 Samuel. Absalom’s death leaves David in morning instead of celebrating victory until Joab tells David he is shaming his army. David then returns to Jerusalem as king.
5/3/201213 minutes, 1 second
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#259 - 2 Samuel 18 - Absalom's Death

This episode is part 14 in a study of 2 Samuel. Absalom's rebellion ends and Absalom is killed, but he is killed against the orders of David who, despite all Absalom has done, was first concerned about his son's safety.
4/26/20129 minutes, 8 seconds
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#258 - 2 Samuel 15-16 - Bad Advice and Loyal Friends

This is the episode is part 13 in a study of 2 Samuel. David is on the run from his son Absalom. David is aided by loyal friends and Absalom  is thwarted by bad advice.
4/19/201213 minutes, 14 seconds
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#257 - 2 Samuel 15 - Absalom's Plot

This is the episode is part 12 of a study of 2 Samuel. Absalom plots over the course of 4 years and takes the hearts of the people away form his father David. Then Absalom takes over and David again flees for his life.
4/12/201210 minutes, 37 seconds
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#256 - 2 Samuel 14 - What About Absalom?

This is the episode is part 11 of a study of 2 Samuel. Joab tries to convince David to bring his son Absalom back from exile.
4/5/20129 minutes, 59 seconds
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#255 - 2 Samuel 13 - Amnon, Tamar and Absalom

This is the episode is part 9 of a study of 2 Samuel. Amnon, son of David, rapes he half sister Tamar. Absalom, son of David and brother of Tamar kills Amnon and goes into exile.
3/29/20129 minutes, 4 seconds
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#254 - 2 Samuel 12 - Consequences of David

This is the episode is part 8 in a study of 2 Samuel. The prophet Nathan confronts David about sleeping with Bathsheba and about having Uriah killed. David is forgiven yet there is still consequences of his sin.
3/22/201217 minutes, 28 seconds
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#253 - 2 Samuel 11 - David and Bathsheba

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on 2 Samuel. David is in the wrong place at the wrong time and is tempted to sin after seeing his neighbor's wife naked. Then David makes his problems worse trying to cover up his sin he eventually commits murder.
3/15/201211 minutes, 46 seconds
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#252 - The Psalms of David part 1

This is the episode is part 6 in a study on 2 Samuel. We are going to take a break in this episode from David's life and look at some of the 23 Psalms written by David.
3/8/201214 minutes, 23 seconds
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#251 - 2 Samuel 9-10 - King David's Kindness

This is the episode is part 5 in a study of the book of 2 Samuel. David is going out of his way to be kind to the sons of two different men who were kind to him. The first is practically adopted as a son. The second misunderstands David's kindness and starts a war instead.
3/1/20128 minutes, 31 seconds
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#250 - 2 Sameul 7-8 – God’s Promise to David

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on 2 Samuel. Everything is going well for David who is being faithful to God. David now resides in a fine palace and wants to build God a temple, but God says David's son will build the temple instead.
2/23/201211 minutes, 30 seconds
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#249 - 2 Samuel 5-6 - David is Finally King

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on 2 Samuel. David finally is made king of all of of Israel. David starts the most successful part of his reign. He is faithful to God and God is faithful to David. David wins victories including capturing Jerusalem, the City of David. He also brings the ark of the Lord into Jerusalem.
2/16/201212 minutes, 47 seconds
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#248 - 2 Samuel 3-4 - The Death of Enemies

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of the book of 2 Samuel. Both Abner the leader of the army of Israel and Ish-Bosheth, son of Saul, its king are murdered. While these two deaths open up Israel to David's kingship, neither is greeted as good news.
2/9/201212 minutes, 14 seconds
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#247 - 2 Samuel 1-2 – Saul Mourned, David King... Sort of

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on 2 Samuel. David hears news of Saul's death and mourns for him. David becomes king but only over Judah.
2/2/201212 minutes, 8 seconds
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#246 - 1 Samuel 30-31 - Utter Defeat... Sort of

This is the episode is part 22 and the last part in a study  on the book of 1 Samuel. In both of these chapters it would seem that people of God have been dealt a complete defeat. But neither defeat, even the death of Saul and his sons, is as complete as it might appear.
1/26/201210 minutes, 50 seconds
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#245 - 1 Samuel 28-29 - Saul's Death Foretold

This is the episode is part 21 of a study on 1 Samuel. On the eve of battle with the Philistines Saul is told by Samuel through a medium that he and his sons will die. Meanwhile David is told he cannot fight in the battle on the side of his old enemy the Philistines.
1/19/20129 minutes, 26 seconds
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#244 - 1 Samuel 26 - David Again Spares Saul

This is the episode is part 20 of a study on 1 Samuel. Remember all those promises that Saul made how he would not pursue David after David spared his life. Yeah, that didn't happen.
1/12/201212 minutes, 4 seconds
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#244 - 1 Samuel 25 - The Fool and the Wise Woman

This is the episode is part 19 in a study on 1 Samuel 19. David, while still living in the wilderness encounters a fool Nabal and his wise wife Abigail.
1/5/201212 minutes, 47 seconds
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#242 - David Spares Saul - 1 Samuel 23-24

This is the episode is part 18 in a study on 1 Samuel. David is still fleaing from Saul and is protected by God from Saul. Saul is then put in a situation where he is at David's mercy, but David spares Saul.
12/29/201111 minutes, 57 seconds
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#241 - 1 Samuel 21-22 - David Flees From Saul

This is the episode is part 17 in a study of 1 Samuel. David flees from Saul. He protects himself at first only with his wits and with lies, but then people start gathering around David. Saul starts war against any who protect David, including the priests of the Lord.
12/22/201110 minutes, 54 seconds
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#240 - 1 Samuel 20 - We Need More Jonathans

This is the episode is part 16 in a study on 1 Samuel. Jonathan finds out the truth that his father is trying to kill David. But Jonathan is faithful to David and to God and saves David again from his father King Saul.
12/15/201110 minutes, 14 seconds
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#239 - 1 Samuel 19 – Saul Tires to Kill David

This is the episode is part 15 in a study of 1 Samuel. Saul once again tries to kill David but is foiled by both his son Jonathan and his daughter Michal.
12/8/201110 minutes, 39 seconds
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#238 - 1 Samuel 18 - Saul Fears David

This is the episode is part 14 in a study of 1 Samuel. David is victorious in battle but his rising fame causes Saul to at first distrust him and then to start to seek his life.
12/2/201111 minutes, 6 seconds
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#237 - 1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath

This is the episode is part 12 of a study of 1 Samuel. In this chapter the young David the shepherd meets and defeats the Philistine champion Goliath. Goliath is sure of his victory because he is stronger and a great warrior. David is sure of victory because God is on his side.
11/24/201112 minutes, 46 seconds
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#236 - 1 Samuel 16 - King David... Kind of

This is the episode is part 11 in a study on 1 Samuel. Samuel is sent from God to the house of Jesse to anoint a new king to replace Saul. God shows that the youngest, David, is the man, or boy, that he has in mind. Later Saul sends for David to live in the palace, not knowing that he is inviting his successor to live with him.
11/17/201110 minutes, 51 seconds
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#235 - God Regrets Making Saul King

Saul is disobedient to God when he is told to attack and destroy the Amerlikites. God regrets making Saul king and tells him through Samuel that his kingdom will be torn from him.
11/10/201110 minutes, 56 seconds
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#234 - 1 Samuel 13 & 14 - Saul Rebuked

This is the episode is part 9 in a series on 1 Samuel. Saul is disobedient and is told that he will be replaced. Saul's son is full of faith and starts a victorious day against the Philistines. But Saul is rash in the process and nearly losses his son through his rashness.
11/3/201118 minutes, 51 seconds
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#233 - 1 Samuel 11 & 12 - Saul The King

This is the episode is part 8 in a study on the book of 1 Samuel. Saul was already anointed King and chosen by lot to be king but in this episode Saul starts acting like a king when the Ammonites invade.
10/27/201111 minutes, 52 seconds
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#232 - 1 Samuel 9 & 10 - Saul Appointed King

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on the book of 1 Samuel. Saul meets Samuel while searching for lost donkeys. Instead Samuel tells him that God has chosen him to be the king. Saul's only obvious advantage is that he is tall.
10/20/201113 minutes, 42 seconds
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#231 - 1 Samuel 7 & 8 - Samuel as Judge, the People ask for a King

This is the episode is part 6 in a study of 1 Samuel. All of the middle years of Samuel's life are covered in chapter 7. In chapter 8 as Samuel is now an old man, the people of Israel ask for a king.
10/6/20119 minutes, 49 seconds
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#230 - 1 Samuel 5 & 6 - The Ark of the God of Isreal

This episode is part 5 of a study of 1 Samuel. In this episode we see the consequences to the Philistines after they captured the ark of the God of Israel. Eventually the Philistines decide to return the ark because their people are being afflicted by God.
9/29/201110 minutes, 20 seconds
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#229 - 1 Samuel 4 – Defeat and Death

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on 1 Samuel. This episode looks at one of the darkest period in the book 1 Samuel. Eli and his sons die on the same day as God foretold. On the same day the ark of the Covenant is captured by the enemies of Israel.
9/22/201110 minutes, 47 seconds
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#228 - 1 Samuel 3 - The Calling of Samuel

This is the episode is part 3 of a study on 1 Samuel. This episode deals with the calling of the prophet Samuel while he still a young boy.
9/15/201111 minutes, 56 seconds
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#227 - 1 Samuel 2 - Hannah’s Prayer / Eli's Sons

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on 1 Samuel. This chapter contrasts the song of praise from Hannah to a God who has answered her prayer for a child with the unfaithfulness of the sons of Eli who insult God with how they are treating their role as priests.
9/8/201110 minutes, 57 seconds
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1 Samuel 1 - The Birth of Samuel - Episode 226

This episode starts a study of 1 Samuel. Samuel might be said to be the last of the judges and ushers in the time of the kings. This first chapter looks at the birth of Samuel.
9/1/20119 minutes, 24 seconds
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#225 - Freer than Free - Freedom

This is the episode is part 6 and the final episode in a study on freedom. Paul and Silas are arrested, beaten and thrown into a jail in Phillipi. There they do what anyone who has been in that situation would do (?), they pray and sing praise to God. An earthquake opens the jail and breaks the chains of all the prisoners. How many do you think escape?
7/21/201113 minutes, 14 seconds
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#224 - Freedom and Slavery - Freedom

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on freedom. Why did people use the bible as a way to justify slavery and why doesn't the bible outlaw slavery. What can we learn about freedom from these verses.
7/14/201113 minutes, 57 seconds
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#223 - Freedom from the Law - Freedom

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on freedom. As we looked at Exodus we see the people of Israel were freed from Israel and were immediately given the law. In Galatians Paul is angry with the church in Galatia because they have now given up their freedom from the law and believed those who told them they needed to be Jewish to be Christian.
7/7/201112 minutes, 36 seconds
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#222 - Sabatical Year - Freedom

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on freedom. We look at the portion of the Leviticus that deals with the year of jubilee. God built into the law a mechanism to renew the freedom he gave the people of Israel.
6/30/20119 minutes, 56 seconds
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#221 - Freedom - Free and not Free

This is the episode is part two in a study on freedom. God sent Moses to get the children of Israel out of Egypt. It only took 10 plagues which was a fairly easy thing for God. Getting Egypt out of Israel turns out to have been a much more difficult problem.
6/23/201110 minutes, 44 seconds
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#220 - Children of Abraham - Freedom

This is the episode is part one in a study on freedom. Jesus while teaching in the temple tells his listeners that they hold to his teachings they will be set free. They protest that they are children of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. Oh? What about the Egyptians? What about the Babylonians? What about the Romans? Jesus says that they are slaves to sin.
6/16/201111 minutes, 16 seconds
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#182 - Daniel's Prayer - Daniel 9

This is the episode is part 8 and the final part in a study on the book of Daniel. We pause one more time in the second half of Daniel to look at a message given to Daniel while he prays for Jerusalem to be restored. He is told when the anointed one of God will come.
6/9/201118 minutes, 30 seconds
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#218 - Daniel and the Four Beasts - Daniel 7

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on the book of Daniel. This second half of Daniel is much less obvious than the first half as we switch from narative to prophesy. Daniel sees a vision of 4 beasts which represent 4 kingdoms. Are these past kingdoms, present or future ones?
6/2/201116 minutes, 35 seconds
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Daniel in the Lion's Den - Daniel 6 - Episode 217

This is the episode is part 6 of a study on the book of Daniel. This is the more famous story in the book of Daniel where Daniel is thrown into the lions den because he refuses to stop praying even when it is made illegal.
5/26/201110 minutes, 42 seconds
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#216 - The Writing on the Wall - Daniel 5

This is the episode is part 5 of a study on the book of Daniel. The king of Babylon literally sees the writing on the wall for his kingdom. Daniel is sought to interpret the writing and give the king the bad news. Babylon is brought down by God because of the arrogance of the king.
5/19/201111 minutes, 42 seconds
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#215 - Another Dream - Daniel 4

This is the episode is part 4 in a study of the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar has a second dream which Daniel is called to interpret the dream for the king. The dream is bad news. The king has become proud and will be humbled.
5/12/201113 minutes, 8 seconds
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#214 - Fiery Furnace - Daniel 3

This is the episode is part 3 in a study of the book of Daniel. Daniel's three friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego get in trouble with King Nebuchadnezzar because they refuse to worship a gold statue that the king has erected. The king orders them to be executed, but God has other plans.
5/5/201112 minutes, 22 seconds
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#213 - A Dream and An Impossible Request - Daniel 2

This is the episode is part 2 in a study of the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream that disturbs him. He asks his wise men to interpret the dream, but... he will not tell them the dream. Can anyone on Earth tell the king his dream and its interpretation?
4/28/201113 minutes, 41 seconds
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#212 - Daniel 1 - 4 Young Men Chosen

Daniel 1Daniel’s Training in Babylon 1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. 2 And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Babylonia[a] and put in the treasure house of his god. 3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility— 4 young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.[b] 5 The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king’s table. They were to be trained for three years, and after that they were to enter the king’s service. 6 Among those who were chosen were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. 7 The chief official gave them new names: to Daniel, the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abednego. 8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. 9 Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel, 10 but the official told Daniel, “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has assigned your[c] food and drink. Why should he see you looking worse than the other young men your age? The king would then have my head because of you.” 11 Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 12 “Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” 14 So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. 15 At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. 16 So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. 17 To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. 18 At the end of the time set by the king to bring them into his service, the chief official presented them to Nebuchadnezzar. 19 The king talked with them, and he found none equal to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah; so they entered the king’s service. 20 In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom. 21 And Daniel remained there until the first year of King Cyrus.Footnotes:   1. Daniel 1:2 Hebrew Shinar   2. Daniel 1:4 Or Chaldeans   3. Daniel 1:10 The Hebrew for your and you in this verse is plural.
4/21/201111 minutes, 21 seconds
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#211 - Calling from the Wilderness

This is the episode is part 4  in a study on the wilderness. This episode looks at John the Baptist who is described as a "voice calling in the wilderness".
4/7/201112 minutes, 16 seconds
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#210 - Stuck in the Wilderness

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the wilderness and where it shows up in the Bible. We hear about the children of Israel who spend 40 years in the wilderness... but did not have to. They end up stuck in the wilderness for 40 years because they lose faith in God.
3/31/201112 minutes, 14 seconds
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#209 - Alone in the Wilderness

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on the theme on the wilderness. A relationship to God does not promise to be a paradise. This episode looks again at the prophet Elijah who spends time in the wilderness when he is ready to die, exhausted by being (so far as he knows) the last one faithful to God.
3/24/201113 minutes, 38 seconds
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#208 - Tempted in the Wilderness

This is the episode is part 1 of a series on the wilderness. This episode looks at Jesus' 40 days in the wildreness and his temptation by the devil.
3/18/201112 minutes, 59 seconds
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#207 - Called to be Holy - Holiness

This is the episode is part 3 and the final part of a study of Holiness. We look at the calls in the New Testament for us to live lives as God's holy people.
3/10/201110 minutes, 28 seconds
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#206 - Holy and Seperate – Holiness

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on holiness.  We look at verses that deal with the holy mountain and the Holy of Holies. What do we learn about the holiness of God in the Old Testament and in  the magesty of God's Holiness.
3/3/201110 minutes, 51 seconds
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#205 - Holy Day, Holy Ground, Holy People - Holiness

This is the episode is part 1 of a study of holiness. We look at the first places in the Bible that talk about holy or holiness. We will look at the sabbath as a holy day, Moses meeting God on holy ground and a calling for the people of Israel to be a holy people.
2/24/201111 minutes, 58 seconds
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#204 - New Life - Newness

This is the episode is part 7 and the final episode on a study of newness. The bible talks a lot about life. It also talks a  calling to and a freedom to live a new life. We are bound with Jesus in baptism to his death on the cross so that our old life can die with him. We are then freed up to live a new life.
2/18/201115 minutes, 22 seconds
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#203 - New Covenant - Newness

This is the episode is part 6 in a study on newness.  This episode looks at the theme of the new covenant which was promised by the prophets in the Old Testament and which was fulfilled in Jesus who is the Priest and Sacrifice that establishes the New Covenant.
2/11/201114 minutes, 37 seconds
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#202 - Renewed - Newness

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on Newness and will focus on a being renewed. We look at verses from Ephesians, Romans and Isaiah that talk about being renewed vs conforming, renewed vs being weary.
2/3/201114 minutes, 36 seconds
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#201 - New Heart – Newness

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on Newness and will focus on a new heart. David was a king with a problem. He had sinned against God as an adulterer and as a murderer. He wrote Psalm 51 asking God to create in him a new heart. Is that OK to ask for? Is God in the new heart business?
1/27/201114 minutes, 26 seconds
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#200 - New Names - Newness

John 1:35-4235 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”37 When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38 Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?”They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” 39 “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon.40 Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. 41 The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). 42 And he brought him to Jesus.Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter[g]).Revelation 2:1717 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.Revelation 3:1212 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.Isaiah 62:22 The nations will see your vindication, and all kings your glory;you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow.
1/21/201110 minutes, 50 seconds
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#199 - Creation - Genesis 1 - Newness

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on new and newness. It is my claim that one of the main themes in the bible is creation and newness. The bible ends with recreation as we saw last week. This week we look t the first chapter in the bible to see that it starts also with creation. We see in this chapter that God takes great joy in creation and in the act of creation.
1/14/201113 minutes, 3 seconds
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#198 - All Made New - Revelation 21

This is the episode is part 14 an the last part in a study on the book of Revelation. It is also the first in a study on newness. In this chapter we see where all the bible is heading. Like it started the bible ends with a story of creation. In this case God creates a new heaven and a new Earth, and this one without sorrow.
1/6/201112 minutes, 27 seconds
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#197 - King of Kings - Revelation 19 & 20

This is the episode is part 13 in a study on the book of Revelation. All of the world and all of history is headed towards. This part of the book shows Jesus the Word of God revealed at the head of a heavenly army. Satan, the Beast and the false prophet are defeated and thrown in the lake of fire. Then the Book of Life will be opened and  all will be judged.
12/30/201011 minutes, 29 seconds
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#196 - Woes and Hallelujahs for Babylon's Fall - Revelation 18 & 19

This is the episode is part 12 in a study on Revelation. Babylon the Great (whoever that may be) has fallen and some people are filled with sadness but the people of God rejoice that justice has finally come.
12/23/201013 minutes, 46 seconds
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#195 - Revelation 17 - Babylon the Great and the Beast

This is the episode is part 11 of a study on Revelation. Babylon the Great and a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, the vision gets very obscure as things wind down towards a final battle.
12/15/20109 minutes, 52 seconds
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#194 - 7 Angels / 7 Plagues - Revelation 15 & 16

This is the episode is part 10 of a study on Revelation.  Things start to wind down as 7 angels are given 7 bowls of the last 7 plagues.
12/9/20108 minutes, 36 seconds
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#193 - Payback - Revelation 14

This is the episode is part 9 of a study on Revelation. All those who had received the mark of the beast are in for judgment. As the beast will be punished so those who he owns will receive God's wrath.
12/2/20109 minutes, 13 seconds
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#192 - The Beast - Revelation 12 & 13

This is the episode is part 8 on a study of the book of Revelation. This chapter looks at the downfall of Satan from heaven and at the rise of the Beast who is a servant of Satan who wages war against the people of God.
11/27/201013 minutes, 50 seconds
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#191 - Two Witnesses - Revelation 10-11

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on the book of Revelation. This episode looks at the introduction of the two witnesses who are raised up as prophets, are killed, and then are raised by God. Is this in the first century or still the future?
11/4/201013 minutes, 14 seconds
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#190 - Woe, Woe, Woe - Revelation 8-9

This is the episode is part 6 in a study on the book of Revelation. This section talks about the end of the seven seals and the blowing of seven trumpets, all of which cause very bad things that kill a 3rd of life on Earth and yet those that remain do not repent.
10/28/201013 minutes, 17 seconds
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#189 - 4 Riders of the Apocalypse / 144,000 - Revelation 6 & 7

This is the episode is part 5 of a study on the book of Revelation. Chapter 6 looks at the calamities that come on the Earth when the seven seals first mentioned in Revelation 5 are opened. Chapter 7 looks at the 144,000 who are sealed and the multitude who are brought out from the tribulation that is happening on the Earth.
10/14/201013 minutes, 18 seconds
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#188 - Visions of Heaven - Revelation 4 & 5

This is the episode is part 4 or a study of the book of Revelation. John is caught up in the spirit and finds himself in the throne room of God. Here he sees God and Jesus worshiped and he sees a scroll with seven seals. Only Jesus is worthy to cut the seals of this scroll.
10/7/201010 minutes, 22 seconds
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#187 - Mostly Dead - Revelation 3

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the book of Revelation. This episode looks at 3 more letters to the churches. One church is mostly dead. One church that is weak but faithful. One church that is lukewarm
9/30/201013 minutes, 28 seconds
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#186 - Letters from God – Revelation 2

This is the episode is part 2 of a study on Revelation. The risen Christ sends letters to the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira. Jesus tells them the churches the things that they have been doing right and what they have been doing wrong.
9/23/201016 minutes, 39 seconds
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#185 - John gets a Revelation - Revelation 1

This is the episode is part 1 of a study on the book of Revelation. John is minding his own business on the island of Patmos when the Lord shows him a vision and tells him to take a letter for the seven churches in Asia.
9/16/201011 minutes, 27 seconds
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#184 - Elijah the Prophet – Elijah Exits – 2 Kings 2

This is the episode is 6th and final part of a study of Elijah. Elijah leaves Elisha who takes up the role as prophet in the power of Elijah. Elijah is taken to heaven.
9/9/201011 minutes, 1 second
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#183 - Elijah the Prophet – Ahazaih Gets Bad News – 2 Kings 1

2 Kings 1 The Lord 's Judgment on Ahaziah  1 After Ahab's death, Moab rebelled against Israel. 2 Now Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice of his upper room in Samaria and injured himself. So he sent messengers, saying to them, "Go and consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, to see if I will recover from this injury."  3 But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, "Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, 'Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?' 4 Therefore this is what the LORD says: 'You will not leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!' " So Elijah went.  5 When the messengers returned to the king, he asked them, "Why have you come back?"  6 "A man came to meet us," they replied. "And he said to us, 'Go back to the king who sent you and tell him, "This is what the LORD says: Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending men to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore you will not leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!" ' "  7 The king asked them, "What kind of man was it who came to meet you and told you this?"  8 They replied, "He was a man with a garment of hair and with a leather belt around his waist."       The king said, "That was Elijah the Tishbite."  9 Then he sent to Elijah a captain with his company of fifty men. The captain went up to Elijah, who was sitting on the top of a hill, and said to him, "Man of God, the king says, 'Come down!' "  10 Elijah answered the captain, "If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!" Then fire fell from heaven and consumed the captain and his men.  11 At this the king sent to Elijah another captain with his fifty men. The captain said to him, "Man of God, this is what the king says, 'Come down at once!' "  12 "If I am a man of God," Elijah replied, "may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!" Then the fire of God fell from heaven and consumed him and his fifty men.  13 So the king sent a third captain with his fifty men. This third captain went up and fell on his knees before Elijah. "Man of God," he begged, "please have respect for my life and the lives of these fifty men, your servants! 14 See, fire has fallen from heaven and consumed the first two captains and all their men. But now have respect for my life!"  15 The angel of the LORD said to Elijah, "Go down with him; do not be afraid of him." So Elijah got up and went down with him to the king.  16 He told the king, "This is what the LORD says: Is it because there is no God in Israel for you to consult that you have sent messengers to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? Because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!" 17 So he died, according to the word of the LORD that Elijah had spoken.       Because Ahaziah had no son, Joram [a] succeeded him as king in the second year of Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah. 18 As for all the other events of Ahaziah's reign, and what he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? Footnotes: 2 Kings 1:17 Hebrew Jehoram , a variant of Joram
9/2/20108 minutes, 45 seconds
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#182 - Elijah the Prophet - Ahab Condemned - 1 Kings 21

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on Elijah the prophet. King Ahab (of more accurately his wife his wife Jezebel) murders an innocent man and God declares through Elijah that God is done with Ahab. But then something surprising happens.
8/26/201011 minutes, 26 seconds
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#181 - Elijah - Flight - 1 Kings 19

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on the prophet Elijah. After his challenge with the prophets of Baal, instead of having a victory celebration Elijah finds himself again fleeing for his life. He is so discouraged that he is ready to die.
8/19/201011 minutes, 24 seconds
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#180 - Elijah the Prophet - A Test

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on the prophet Elijah. In this episode after 3 years of famine and drought it is time for Elijah and King Ahab to meet. Elijah proposes a test, a contest, between him and the 850 false prophets of Ball and Asherah on Mount Carmel. Let's see which is the one true God.
8/12/201016 minutes, 41 seconds
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#179 - Elijah the Prophet - Drought

This is the episode is part one in a study on the prophet Elijah. Elijah is called to be a prophet to the north kingdom of Israel. The kingdom of Israel has turned to other Gods so we first meet Elijah telling king Ahab that there will be a drought. The Lord then cares for Elijah in this time of drought first directly and then later by sending him to a widow in Sidon.
8/5/201013 minutes, 1 second
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#178 - Fruitful Parenting - Patience, Faithfulness, Self-Control

This is the episode is the 6th and final in a series of studies on parenting that looks at the fruit of the Spirit as a template for how we should be parents. This episode looks at patience, faithfulness and self-control and how they may be different aspects of living life life with a long-term view.
7/29/201011 minutes, 48 seconds
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#177 - Fruitful Parenting - Gentleness and Kindness

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on Parenting called “Fruitful Parenting”. This episode looks at the spiritual fruit of kindness and gentleness. We also look at discipline. What does it mean to discipline a child and yet be a kind and gentle person.
7/23/201012 minutes, 3 seconds
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#176 - Fruitful Parenting - Peace and Joy

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on Parenting called "Fruitful Parenting". This episode looks at the spiritual fruit of peace and joy. How do we live out a life of peace and joy within our most important relationships?
7/8/201012 minutes, 47 seconds
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#175 - Bad Biblical Parenting Examples - Fruitful Parenting

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on fruitful parenting. This episode looks at the parenting skills of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron, Eli, David and Solomon. What can we learn from their parenting?
7/1/201010 minutes, 27 seconds
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#174 - Love – Fruitful Parenting

​What is the most central verse in the bible on parenting? Is it Solomon’s advice that to spare the rod means to spoil the child? Chris makes the argument that one of the most central verses in Gal 5 where it talks about the fruit of the spirit. If this is a verse that describes the attributes of a mature Christian shouldn’t this be a verse that describes how we behave towards those we love?
6/28/201011 minutes, 22 seconds
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#173 - Fruitful Parenting - Our Father

This is the episode is part one in a series on Parenting. What can we learn about God through the parenting relationship? How is the relationship of a parent to a young baby similar to the relationship of God to us?
6/17/201012 minutes, 40 seconds
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#172 - Money - My field is your field

This is the episode is part 8 and the last episode in a study on what the bible says about money. This study looks at the behavior of the early church and how their faith almost immediately changed how they dealt with their money and their possessions.
6/10/201013 minutes, 56 seconds
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#171 - Money – Where is our Treasure?

This is the episode is part 7 in a study on money. This episode looks at where our focus is, or as the bible puts it where are we storing up our treasure? The bible says that where out ​
6/3/201014 minutes, 4 seconds
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#170 - Money - Stewardship

This is the episode is part6 in a study on money. It looks at a topic that is usually called "stewardship" in the church. The idea is that all that we have is God's and is given from God for his service. What do we do with what God has given us?
5/27/201017 minutes, 5 seconds
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#169 - Foolish Rich People

This is the episode is part 5 in a study on money. This episode looks at 3 different chapters. In the first two we look at two of the harshest passages in scripture about riches and rich people including one rich person who ends up in torment in hell apparently for being rich. What do we... as people who are rich compared to many in the world... need to do?
5/20/201011 minutes, 3 seconds
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#168 - Money - Being Content

This is the episode is part 4 in a study on what the bible has to say about money. This episode looks at some of the verses that call for us to be content. What makes us discontent? What is the "secret" to being content in all circumstances that Paul talks about?
5/13/201012 minutes, 54 seconds
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#167 - The Problem with Money

This is the episode is part 3 in a study on what the bible says about money. This episode looks at the "problem of money". We look at some well-known verses like "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil". We look at what are our priorities when it regards money.
5/6/201013 minutes, 8 seconds
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#166 – Money – Being Blessed Means More Money... Right?

This is the episode is part 2 in a study on what the bible has to say about money. We looked last week at verses in the Bible that said that obedience leads to blessing, but does obedience lead to riches. First we look at promises that say that Go will be with us in troubles and then at at least one person who money was the curse and giving it up would have led to the blessing.
4/29/201012 minutes, 41 seconds
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#165 - Money - God Wants You To Be Rich... right?

This is the episode is part one of a study on what the Bible has to say about money. In this episode I will look at a theology, sometimes called the theology of glory, that says that if I am a Christian God will make me prosper. If I become a Christian God will make me rich.
4/22/201012 minutes, 2 seconds
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#164 - Acts 28 - Paul Arrives in Rome

This is the final episode in a study on the book of Acts. Paul arrives in Rome where he is greeted by the church and continues to preach to the Jews there.
4/15/201010 minutes, 45 seconds
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#163 - Acts 27 - Storm and Shipwreck

This is the episode is part 26 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul is headed to Rome as a prisoner but along the way their storm is caught by a storm and driven along until it sinks.
4/8/201010 minutes, 29 seconds
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#162 - Acts 26 - Paul before King Agrippa

This is the episode is part 25 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul appears before governor Festus and King Agrippa to again make defense of his actions and of his faith.
4/1/201010 minutes, 42 seconds
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#161 - Acts 24 & Acts 25 - Paul before Felix and Festus

This is the episode is part 24 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul appears before governor Felix and then because Felix does nothing for 2 years Paul appears his successor governor Festus.
3/25/201012 minutes, 53 seconds
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#160 - Acts 23 - Paul addresses the Sanhedrin. Plots

This is the episode is part 23 in a study on the book of Acts.  Paul gets a chance to defend himself before the Sanhedrin which just leads to shouting and almost to bloodshed. The Jews plot to kill Paul but the plot is discovered and he is whisked away to the hands of the Roman Governor.
3/18/201011 minutes, 19 seconds
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#159 - Acts 22 - Paul Speaks to the Crowd

This is the episode is part 22 in a study on the book of Acts. After the riot in Jerusalem where Paul is only saved from death by the intervention of the Romans, Paul gets  a chance to address the crowd and tell them his person story, his testimony. He tells them about how he persecuted Christians and how he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus.
3/11/201010 minutes, 19 seconds
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#158 - Acts 21 - Paul's Return and Arrest

This is the episode is part 21 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul is told over and over on his way to Jerusalem that he will have trouble there and will be arrested. When he gets to Jerusalem he has trouble there and gets arrested. He is beaten and would have been killed if the Romans did not intervene.
3/4/201010 minutes
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#157 - Acts 20 - Paul Says Goodbyes

This is the episode is part 20 of a study of the book of Acts. Paul spends the end of his 3rd missionary journey going back to the churches he has helped found to say goodbye. Paul is being told by the prophets that he faces prison and hardship as he heads back to Jerusalem.
2/25/201013 minutes, 40 seconds
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#156 - Acts 19 - Paul in Ephesus

This is the episode is part 19 of a study of the book of Acts. In this chapter Paul travels to Ephesus where he stays for 2 years. He preaches and performs miracles there until all in the province have heard the word of the Lord. Paul is so successful that the craftsmen who make the small idols of Artemis (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world) see their livelihood threatened and they riot.
2/18/201014 minutes, 49 seconds
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#155 - Acts 18 - Paul in Corinth, intoducing Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos

This is the episode is part 18 of a study of the book of Acts. Paul teaches in Corinth for some time as he is protected by God and by Rome. In Corinth he meets Priscilla and Aquila  and works with them. He then sails for home to check in with the church. Meanwhile Priscilla and Aquila  meet and teach Apollos which is a great teacher.
2/11/20108 minutes, 35 seconds
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#154 - Acts 17 - Those Pesky Thessalonians

This is the episode is part 17 of a study of the book of Acts. Paul preaches in Thessalonica before he runs into opposition. The then preaches in Beria until again he runs into opposition from the Thessalonians. The Paul is called on in Athens to explain his strange new teaching.
2/4/201011 minutes, 49 seconds
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#153 - Acts 16 Introducing Timothy, Introducing Luke... sort of

This is the episode is part 16 of a study of the book of Acts. Paul meets both Timothy and Luke in this chapter although Luke fails to mention that latter fact. If you are a prisoner locked in a jail and a earthquake opens the doors and the chains... what would get you to stay?
1/28/201014 minutes, 47 seconds
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#152 - Debates and Disagreements

This is the episode is part 15 of a study on the book of Acts. A debate arises whether gentiles need to become Jewish before they become Christians. The issue is debated in Jerusalem at the first council of Jerusalem. That issue is resolved but then Paul and Barnabas have a falling out over whether they should bring along that momma's boy John Mark.
1/21/201013 minutes, 30 seconds
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#151 - Acts 14 - Barnabas and Paul in Asia Minor

This is the episode is part 14 of a study on the book of Acts. Paul and Barnabas continue on their missionary journey (commonly called Paul's first missionary journey. They come into what is now Turkey in Asia minor preaching the gospel and starting churches. They encounter resistance and violence with Paul at least once stoned and left for dead.
1/14/20109 minutes, 52 seconds
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#150 - Acts 13 - Barnabas and Paul in Cyprus

This is the episode is part 13 of a study on the book of Acts. In this episode Barnabas and Paul are called by God and sent out on their first missionary journey. They travel to Cyprus where they preach in the synagogue and start a church.
1/7/201013 minutes
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#149 - Acts 12 - Persecution and Escape

This is the episode is part 12 of a study on the book of Acts. Herod who is now king in Judea decides to persecute the Christians. He has James the brother of John executed and attempts to execute Peter also but God stages a prison break. Later God deals with Herod.
12/31/200910 minutes, 24 seconds
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#148 – Acts 11 – Gentile "Christians"

This is the episode is part 11 of a study on the book of Acts. Peter has to explain his actions why he has been preaching to gentiles and eating with them. Barnabas and later Paul are called to Antioch to tend the church there. In Antioch the word is preached to gentiles as well as Jews. Also in Antioch the name Christian is first given to believers.
12/24/200911 minutes
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#147 - Acts 9:32-42, Acts 10 - Gentiles for Jesus

This is the episode is part 10 of a study on the book of Acts. In this chapter we see Peter and the church given a clear vision from God that gentiles can also become Christians as Peter is given a vision that prepares him for an invitation to the house of a Roman soldier named Cornelius.
12/17/200911 minutes, 54 seconds
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#146 - Acts 9:1-31 - Saul's Conversion

This is the episode is part 8 of the study of the book of Acts. A young man named Saul becomes the chief persecutor of the church by arresting, imprisoning and even by having Christians killed. But Jesus has other plans for Saul and strikes him blind on his journey to persecute Christians in Damascus. He then uses a faithful disciple named Ananias to heal Saul and restore him.
12/10/200912 minutes, 47 seconds
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#145 - Acts 8 - Persecuation and Phillip the Evangelist

This is the episode is part 8 of the study of the book of Acts. Persecuted for their faith after the martyrdom of Stephen the disciples scatter but they take the good news of Jesus with them. Phillip goes to Samaria many come to faith. Simon the Sorcerer accepts Jesus but tries to buy the power he sees in the apostles. Phillip also teaches the Ethiopian Eunich who comes to faith and changes a country.
12/3/200913 minutes, 34 seconds
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#144 - Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7 - Stephen - The First Martyr

This is the episode is part 7 of the study of the book of Acts. Stephen who was chosen one of the 7 in the chapter we looked at last week performs miraculous signs and teaches in such a way that he could not be refuted. He is accused falsely, tried and then stoned.
11/26/200912 minutes, 51 seconds
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#143 - Acts 5:17-42 - Persecution and The Seven

This is the episode is part 6 of the study of the book of Acts. God busts the Apostles out of jail and then gives them confidence as they stand before the Sanhedrin. We also look briefly at the calling of the 7 deacons who help the apostles deal with a conflict that arise in the church.
11/19/200911 minutes, 33 seconds
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#142 - Acts 4:32-37, Acts 5:1-16 - Encouragement, Sharing and Lies

11/12/20099 minutes, 51 seconds
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#141 - Acts 4:1-31 - Peter and John Speak Truth to Power

This is the episode is part 4 of the study of the book of Acts. Peter and John are thrown into jail... not for the last time. They then have to appear before the Sanhedrin, the religious leaders who want to know in whose name they have healed the lame man from the previous chapter. Peter stands before the leaders who condemned Jesus only a few weeks previous and preaches that Jesus is not only alive but the holy one of God.
11/5/20099 minutes, 41 seconds
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#140 - Acts 2:42-47,3 - The Church, Walking and Leaping

This is the episode is part 3 of the study of the book of Acts. First we get a short view of the church. It is a church without buildings, committees, clergy or even offerings. It is a church that is generous and supportive. It is also a church of miracles as we see when Peter and John heal a lame man. Peter preaches another sermon.
10/29/200912 minutes, 35 seconds
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#139 - Acts 2 - The Day of Pentecost

This is the episode is part 2 of the study of the book of Acts. The disciples have been told to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit comes. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit comes and comes in power. He empowers the apostles to speak in tongues and Peter to preach. On this day the church is started and adds 3000 new beleivers.
10/22/200910 minutes, 53 seconds
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#138 - Acts 1 - Called to Action

This is the episode is part 1 in a study on the book of Acts which is the second part of Luke's gospel. This book looks at the start of the church and the acts of the apostles.  This is a book about action and about a church called to action, called to be Jesus's witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the ends of the earth. The church is still called to action.
10/15/20099 minutes, 3 seconds
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#137 - Luke 24 - Jesus Resurrected!

10/8/200912 minutes, 14 seconds
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#136 - Luke 23 - Trial and Crucifixion

This is the episode is part 35 in a study of the gospel of Luke. Jesus is taken by the chief priests and the elders to Pontius Pilate the Roman governor who would have the authority to put Jesus to death. He is tried twice by Pilate and once by Herod and found innocent but eventually Pilate gives into the urging of the crowd and sends Jesus to be crucified. Jesus is crucified between two thieves, one who mocks him and one who proclaims him.
10/1/200916 minutes, 21 seconds
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#135 - Luke 22:39-71 - Prayer, Betrayal, Arrest and Trial

This is the episode is part 34 in a study of the gospel of Luke. Jesus prays in the garden to avoid the cross but still submits to betrayal, arrest and trial because there was no other way.
9/24/200912 minutes, 27 seconds
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#134 - Luke 22:1-38 - Last Supper

9/17/200912 minutes, 31 seconds
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#133 - Luke 21 - A Widow's Faith, Coming Destruction, Second Coming

This is the episode is part 32 in a study on the gospel of Luke. In this chapter Jesus praises the faith of a widow who gives her last two coins over that of the rich people giving from their abundance. He then also foretells the destruction of Jerusalem and talks of the end times.
9/10/200911 minutes, 5 seconds
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#132 - Luke 19:28-47,Luke 20 - Holy Week Starts

9/4/200913 minutes, 13 seconds
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#131 - Luke 18:30-19:26 - A Blind Man, A Short Man, A Doomed Man, A Faithless Man

8/27/200912 minutes, 31 seconds
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#130 - Luke 18:1-29 - Persistence, Prayer, Pride and Prosperity Problems

8/20/200913 minutes, 4 seconds
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#129 - Luke 17 - Sin, Thanks and Second Coming

8/13/200911 minutes, 9 seconds
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#128 - Luke 16 - Jesus on Money

This is the episode is part 27 of a study on the gospel of Luke. Jesus talks in this passage about money and our relationship to it. We cannot serve both God and money.
8/6/200914 minutes, 17 seconds
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#127 - Luke 15 - God Loves the "Lost"

7/30/200912 minutes, 7 seconds
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#126 - Luke 14 - The Cost of Discipleship

7/23/200912 minutes, 3 seconds
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#125 - Luke 13:10-35 - Healing, Regrets and Rejection

This is the episode is part 24 in a study of the gospel of Luke. In this episode Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath (and gets in trouble with the religious leaders), says that not everyone will be saved and mourns for Jerusalem that has continued to reject God and his prophets.
7/16/20099 minutes, 37 seconds
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#124 - Luke 12:35-13:8 - Jesus's Second Coming, Time Is Short

This is the episode is part 23 of a study of the gospel of Luke. This section talks about Jesus second coming. It is not complicated prophesy that calls for complicated interpretation. Jesus is saying that you won’t know when he comes back so he focuses on the important lessons of Jesus second coming which are: You don’t know when it will happen You wont know when it will happen Live your life in a way worth of your calling so that you are ready
7/9/200912 minutes
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#123 - Luke 12 - Hypocrisy, Worry and Greed

This is the episode is part 22 of a study of the gospel of Luke. Jesus reminds us the truth that more than one politician, hypocritical religious leader or email sending has learned the hard way. The truth will come out. The deeds done in the dark will be exposed to the light. So why try and pretend to be one way in public and another way in private? And why worry? We worship a God who knows the hairs on our head. We worship a God who clothes the flowers of the field in splendor... and loves us even more. And why do we try and save up treasure here where thieves, rust and stock market crashes can take it from us?
6/25/200911 minutes, 40 seconds
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#122 - Luke 11:37-53 - Clean on the Inside

This is the episode is part 21 in a study on the gospel of Luke. Jesus tells the pharisees and the teachers of the law what he really thinks about their religion. He describes them like the product of some bad dishwasher who washes only the outside of the cup. They are outwardly religious and inwardly corrupt. Is our faith only skin deep?
6/18/200911 minutes, 47 seconds
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#121 - Luke 11:14-36 - Seeing with the Eyes of God

This is the episode is part 20 in a study of the gospel of Luke. In this section of Luke Jesus is driving out demons and the accusation is made that he is only able to do so because he is working with the devil. Jesus explains that he is doing so because God is stronger than the devil and goes on to diagnose a case of spiritual blindness which is effecting his listeners.
6/11/200910 minutes, 46 seconds
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#120 - Luke 10:38-11:13 - Prayer and Spending Time with Jesus

This is the episode is part 19 in a study on the gospel of Luke. This episode looks at two stories. The first is a story of busy Martha and apparently lazy Mary holding a dinner party. Martha does all the work and all Mary wants to do is spend time with Jesus. The second is a request from the disciples to teach them to pray. Jesus teaches them the Lord's prayer and other things about how to pray.
6/4/200912 minutes, 47 seconds
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#119 - Luke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan

This is the episode is part 18 in the study of the gospel of Luke. Jesus is quizzed by a Lawyer on how to inherit eternal life. The lawyer knows he needs to love God and love his neighbor but he is a little unclear on the whole neighbor thing. Jesus tells him a parable about the good Samaritan to illustrate what God means by love.
5/29/200911 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 118 - Luke 9:46-10:24 - Arguments, Excuses and Last Chances

This is the episode is part 17 in the study of the gospel of Luke. Possibly flush with excitement from the transfiguration of Jesus that 3 of the disciples saw they start to argue among themselves who is more important. Then Jesus encounters 3 men who have excuses why not to follow him. Lastly, Jesus who is heading towards Jerusalem and death sends out the 72 to give the towns in his path one last chance to accept him during his earthly ministry.
5/15/200914 minutes, 15 seconds
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#117 - Luke 9:18-45 - Who Is Jesus

This is the episode is part 16 in the study of the gospel of Luke. Jesus asks the big question, "who do you say that I am" and then reveals for the first time to the disciples who he is and what he is here to do: be betrayed, suffer, die and rise again. He tells them more than once but they don't get it. Peter, James and John get a glimpse of the glory of Jesus in the transfiguration.
5/7/200911 minutes, 47 seconds
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#116 - Luke 9:1-17 - Jesus Provides: Power, Authority, Food

This is the episode is part 15 in a study of the gospel of Luke. This section looks at Jesus sending out the 12 Apostles with the power to heal and cast out demons and at the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. Both stories show the provision of God.
4/30/200910 minutes, 13 seconds
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#115 - Luke 8:22-56 - The Power of Jesus

This is the episode is part 14 in a study on the gospel of Luke. The last episode focused on the teaching of Jesus but this episode focuses on the power of Jesus through 4 different stories where Jesus shows he has power over the window, waves, demons, sickness and death.
4/23/200913 minutes, 18 seconds
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#114 - Luke 8:1-21 - Listening and Hearing

This is the episode is part 13 in the study of the gospel of Luke. In this section Luke relates 3 stories that center around listening and hearing. The most well known of these is the story of the sower that talks about God spreading the seed of the word of God all over the place and about 4 different types of hearing and 4 very different results.