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The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast Profile

The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

English, News, 1 season, 334 episodes, 1 day, 9 hours, 44 minutes
The Arterburn Radio Transmission is a blend of cutting edge commentary, fused with guests who are the newsmakers and trailblazers of our time. Your host Tony Arterburn is a former Army paratrooper, entrepreneur, and historian. Tony brings his unique perspective to the issues facing our country, civilization, and planet.  
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#25 Paratruther - Live from Hangar 18

What happens when political landscapes shift overnight, and unexpected candidates rise to prominence? Join us in the inaugural episode of Paratrooper Live from Hangar 18 in North Texas as we unpack the shocking developments since Caesar's birthday on the 13th. We're joined by Mr. Anderson from an undisclosed location to make sense of Joe Biden's sudden withdrawal from the presidential race and his endorsement of Kamala Harris. We also speculate on Gavin Newsom's potential candidacy and discuss Donald Trump's surprising resurgence following his legal battles and the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.What do "rooftop Koreans" from the 1992 Los Angeles riots and a recent assassination attempt have in common? Symbolism and self-reliance, we say. This episode dives into these fascinating events, stressing the importance of staying calm and gathering facts before jumping to conclusions. From the curious case of the perpetrator's missing shoes to the potential influences behind JD Vance's meteoric rise, we leave no stone unturned, questioning the narratives and digging deeper into the stories.Finally, we tackle the big questions: how do adrenochrome theories, youth blood transfusions, and religious affiliations intertwine with political hierarchies? We explore these controversial topics and their implications on moderates, independents, and America’s political landscape. We also speculate on the roles of secret societies like Skull and Bones and the rapid ascension of political figures like Vivek and JD Vance. This episode encourages you to stay discerning and wise in these turbulent times as we critique global elites and their influence on our political system.
7/23/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 12 seconds
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# 477 Ozymandias’ Echo: Biden’s Exit Rumors, Dollar Decline & The Rise of Sociopaths

What if the very foundation of our society was built on a lie? Join us as Tony Arterburn delves into the rapid decline of the US dollar, the historical failure of fiat currencies, and the artificial pillars propping up our current economic state. Drawing from Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias" and an analogy from Alice in Chains' "Jar of Flies," Tony explores the consequences of overabundance and the manipulative roots stretching back to 1913 and 1971. Through a compelling mix of historical analysis and contemporary critique, we uncover the unsettling truths behind our financial systems.In a gripping analysis of political dynamics, we tackle the rumors surrounding Joe Biden's potential exit from the presidential race, comparing his situation to historical figures like LBJ and Truman. Tony and his co-hosts examine the deep state's influence in maintaining Biden's position and explore the potential implications for Donald Trump and future elections. We also shine a light on the rise of sociopathic tendencies within American governance, inspired by Doug Casey's article, dissecting how these traits mirror those seen in totalitarian regimes and the broader implications for our political landscape.Finally, we explore the seismic geopolitical shifts from the West to the East, spotlighting key organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Trilateral Commission. We discuss the importance of political engagement, especially concerning gun rights and the looming threat of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Wrapping up, Tony shares his excitement for the upcoming Bitcoin conference in Nashville and introduces a new segment called "Truth or Hitting," while expressing heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated audience. Tune in for an episode packed with thought-provoking insights and timely discussions.
7/18/202454 minutes, 35 seconds
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Legal Earthquake: Abortion Pill Ruling, FDA Failures & the Fight for Life

Can safeguarding women's health and holding the FDA accountable hinge on a controversial Supreme Court decision? Today, we dive into the profound implications of the Supreme Court's recent ruling on the abortion pill, joined by Dr. Ingrid Skop. We'll address the critical lawsuit where pro-life doctors challenged the FDA, arguing that the removal of essential safeguards around abortion drugs like Mifepristone and Misoprostol posed severe risks to women. Dr. Skop brings her medical expertise to the table, outlining the dangers these drugs present when used without medical supervision. We'll also explore how states like Missouri, Kansas, and Idaho are stepping up to represent affected women, pushing for greater FDA accountability.Moving beyond the courtroom, our conversation takes a deep look at the ethical and cultural landscape of abortion in the United States. Dr. Skopp provides a compelling narrative on the need for a national discourse about the inherent value of human life. We scrutinize the cultural ramifications since Roe v. Wade, the demographic crisis tied to low fertility rates, and the ethical pitfalls in treating pregnancy as a medical condition. Engaging with the historical context of euthanasia in Europe, we draw parallels to the current U.S. scenario, emphasizing the broader societal consequences of failing to protect the unborn. Join us for a thought-provoking episode that challenges conventional healthcare narratives and underscores the importance of supporting both unborn children and their mothers.
7/8/202429 minutes, 42 seconds
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#24 Paratruther - Fauci’s Dark Legacy: Gain-of-Function & Deep State Deceptions

What if Anthony Fauci isn't the hero the media portrays him to be? In our latest episode of Paratruther, we tackle the controversial rise of Fauci during the COVID-19 pandemic, likening his sudden prominence to a horror movie villain coming into the limelight. Through an eye-opening conversation with Mr. Anderson, we peel back the layers of Fauci’s extensive career at the NIH and NIAID, spotlighting his involvement in significant, yet contentious events such as the 1986 act shielding pharmaceutical companies and the controversies of the AIDS crisis. We don’t shy away from critiquing mainstream narratives, drawing parallels between Fauci's ascent and other political figures, and questioning the media’s role in shaping public perception.Gain-of-function research, Fauci's alleged deceit, and the ethical implications of risky scientific endeavors are at the heart of our discussion. We dissect Fauci’s public statements and private communications during the COVID-19 pandemic, scrutinizing inconsistencies and the potential cover-ups surrounding the virus's origins. From Operation Paperclip to the weaponization of diseases like Lyme disease, our critical analysis seeks to uncover the hidden motives and broader implications of Fauci's decisions on public health policies. This chapter is sure to leave you questioning the integrity of those in power and their true agendas.We wrap up with reflections on influential figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Kary Mullis, examining their criticisms and the broader societal impact of the pandemic response. The discussion touches on everything from early COVID-19 predictions and the mysterious vaping illnesses of 2019 to the more conspiratorial aspects like cryptocurrency patents and 5G technology. With a blend of skepticism, humor, and critical inquiry, we challenge you to rethink the narratives and consider the deeper, often unsettling truths shaping our world today. Tune in for a thought-provoking and engaging exploration of one of the most significant health crises of our time.
7/2/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 34 seconds
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#476 The Death of Debate, Biden's Fumbles & The Real State of the Nation

Is the American political debate dead? Join us as we reflect on the evolution of political discourse from the Nixon-Kennedy showdown to the upcoming Trump-Biden face-offs. We openly share our skepticism about today's political climate and tackle broader societal issues, including the pervasive influence of globalist agendas and the terrifying rise in military suicides. Our discussion underscores the importance of seeking the truth amidst the complexities of our contemporary zeitgeist.As President Biden grapples with declining poll numbers and public gaffes, we speculate on the risks and strategies for his upcoming debates with Trump. We tackle economic issues head-on, exploring voter dissatisfaction despite robust growth under Biden. From inflation to taxes and the surprising bipartisan support for tariffs, we delve into the historical context of economic nationalism and assess the potential implications of trade policies from both presidential candidates. We also reflect on how these economic factors are influencing voter sentiment and market performance.Our conversation takes a somber turn as we examine the state of the U.S. economy, marked by rising delinquencies and job losses. We discuss the decline in consumer confidence, the surge in homelessness, and the systemic issues plaguing military personnel, such as the alarming suicide rates among soldiers. In a heartfelt segment, we call for genuine appreciation and representation of those who serve. Don't miss our special Independence Day announcement, where we promise an engaging and patriotic live broadcast. Join us for a session that offers both critical insights and community interaction.
6/28/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 32 seconds
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#475 Globalist Puppeteers, Immigration Wars & The Roman Parallel

Has America become a puppet in the hands of globalists and the deep state? In this episode of The Arterburn Radio Transmission, we dissect the orchestrated decline of the United States, drawing unnerving parallels to the fall of historical empires like Rome. From the deliberate border crises and the concept of "weapons of mass immigration" to the loss of faith and cultural values, we examine the systemic dismantling of the nation. We express our frustration with the two-party system that prioritizes corporate interests over public welfare, and the perpetual state of war that seems to benefit only the elites. We also tackle the seismic shifts in global finance, focusing on the strategic moves by countries like China in the gold market and what it means for the future of the U.S. dollar. The episode then transitions into a heated debate on the proposed policy change regarding drafting women for military service. We question the need for current U.S. foreign policy and highlight the absurdity of the draft, drawing on historical insights and modern implications. This chapter features real-time interruptions, adding an authentic glimpse into the behind-the-scenes life of hosting a live show.Finally, we delve into the haunting similarities between the decline of the Roman Republic and the current state of the American Republic. We explore how deep state and controlled media have hollowed out our nation, akin to Rome's transformation from republic to empire. From the illegal immigration crisis echoing the barbarian invasions to the erosion of national values, we draw unsettling comparisons that underscore the urgent need for genuine leadership and cultural revival. Tune in for a raw and unfiltered discussion that aims to inspire a return to the values that once made America strong.
6/20/202454 minutes, 48 seconds
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#474 Gold, Globalist Goblins & the Great Reset

The petrodollar's reign is crumbling, and with it, the dollar's global dominance. Join us as we unpack the seismic shifts in global finance, sparked by Saudi Arabia's move to trade oil outside of US dollars. Discover how the Biden administration's green policies play into this landscape, signaling a profound transformation in fiscal power and the value of fiat currency. This episode serves as a critical wake-up call about the largest wealth transfer in history and its far-reaching implications.Is a "crypto coup" brewing in American politics? Explore the fascinating dynamics and stark differences in political attitudes towards cryptocurrency. From Joe Biden's controversial stance to legislative actions hinting at broader acceptance and regulation of digital assets, we dissect the potential for significant policy shifts. Transitioning to a historical and personal lens, we share extraordinary stories—like buying a historic home in Bonham, Texas, and unearthing a 1962 newspaper about the Cuban Missile Crisis—tying these tales to the broader financial narratives of today.The Great Reset isn't just a theory—it's unfolding before our eyes. This episode dives deep into the intentions of global elites to centralize power and wealth, with a particular focus on the implications of the World Economic Forum's agenda. Reflecting on historical cycles and the concept of an impending financial world war, we highlight the critical role cryptocurrencies may play in this evolving scenario. Join us as we explore state-level responses to these challenges, including crypto deregulation efforts and the resurgence of gold and silver as legal tender, painting a vivid picture of the battle for economic control.
6/14/202455 minutes, 22 seconds
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#23 Paratruther- Forbidden Tech, Telsa, & our stunted Century

What if our world is a carefully controlled illusion, designed to stifle the technological marvels we were promised? Today, researchers Chris Graves and Mr. Anderson join us to explore how elites might be suppressing technological progress, leading to a stunted 21st century. We spotlight Nikola Tesla's revolutionary contributions, from alternating current to wireless communication, and his struggles for recognition and funding. We ponder the idea that our technological trajectory has been manipulated to maintain control.Could the Trump family be linked to Nikola Tesla's mysterious inventions and even time travel? We dive into fascinating theories involving Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining," John G. Trump's handling of Tesla's papers, and the peculiar parallels in Ingersoll Lockwood's books about Baron Trump. This segment also examines the profound impact of oil magnates like John D. Rockefeller on our technological path, questioning whether our dependence on crude oil has stunted human ingenuity.Join us as we uncover the controversial history of alternative energy inventions and their suppression. From high-efficiency carburetors to water cars and energy machines, we discuss how inventors like Charles Pogue, Tom Ogle, and Stanley Meyer faced significant opposition and untimely deaths. We also explore concepts like zero-point energy and anti-gravitational propulsion systems, revealing the intersection of innovation, economic interests, and scientific debate. Throughout, we reflect on the ethical dilemmas faced by inventors in their battle between principles and success, and ponder the broader implications of suppressed technologies on our societal progress.
6/11/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 59 seconds
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INTERVIEW Saudis Abandon Petrodollar?

Could the 50-year-old petrodollar agreement be on the verge of collapse? Join us for an eye-opening discussion with Tony Arterburn  from Wise Wolf Gold as we unpack the intricate details surrounding the potential end of this historic deal between the United States and Saudi Arabia. We explore the likelihood of Saudi Arabia diversifying its currency transactions with China and the BRICS nations and delve into the broader implications for global de-dollarization. Plus, we examine the establishment of a cross-border digitized payment system between Saudi Arabia and China, offering a comprehensive look at how these changes could reshape the world economy.Shifting our focus to global economic power dynamics, we analyze the rapid rate hikes by Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve's struggle with stagflation. Tony provides historical context around the petrodollar's relationship with oil and military power since 1971 and discusses the Great Reset, China's strategic accumulation of U.S. dollars and gold, and the decline of American manufacturing. This segment highlights the broader geopolitical and economic changes, including Turkey's interest in joining BRICS, underscoring the urgent need for a nuanced understanding of the global economic transition.Curious about the latest trends in gold investment? We delve into the relationship between kleptocracy, totalitarianism, and public-private partnerships in China, and the practical strategies for buying gold, such as fractionalized gold and the benefits of purchasing in bulk. Tony shares his insights on recent gold price trends, projections from banks, and the impact of geopolitical events like the Russia-Ukraine conflict on gold's role as a reserve currency. You'll also hear about new developments at Wise Wolf, including innovative payment systems, emphasizing the growing preference for stable, physical investments over volatile markets.
6/6/202445 minutes, 53 seconds
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#473 D-Day & the Death of the Petrodollar

What lessons from D-Day can still guide us today? Join us as we reflect on the historical significance of June 6, 1944, beginning with President Ronald Reagan's stirring speech honoring the valor of the Allied forces. We'll dive into personal reflections from a veteran’s perspective, focusing on the heroic efforts of American Rangers at Pointe du Hoc and the meticulous planning by Dwight Eisenhower. Discover the unsung valor of figures like Teddy Roosevelt Jr. and Jack Dempsey in a heartfelt tribute to the sacrifices that shaped history.Explore how America's involvement in World War II set the stage for modern societal shifts through the lens of the "Fourth Turning" theory by Strauss and Howe. Compare the eloquence of past leaders like Reagan and JFK with today's political rhetoric, and contemplate the implications of current geopolitical tensions, including military activities by China and Russia. We’ll also touch on emerging technologies like central bank digital currencies, which we controversially refer to as "Luciferian Bankster Notes," and their potential to create a control grid.Delve into the impact of American foreign policy across different administrations, from Trump’s rhetoric on ending wars to the lack of current peace initiatives. Examine U.S. involvement in Taiwan and Ukraine while critiquing the broader war machinery. We also address the decline of the petrodollar system and growing concerns over President Biden's cognitive abilities, questioning the motivations behind media narratives and the broader implications for American leadership and global standing. Join us for a comprehensive analysis that questions the status quo and seeks to uncover the deeper truths behind today's headlines.
6/6/202454 minutes, 55 seconds
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#472 Monster Boxes for M.I.C. Monsters

Freedom, finance, and warfare—are these the pillars or pitfalls of America today? Join us on the Arterburn Radio Transmission as we dissect the foundational importance of freedom and its erosion under the weight of the military-industrial complex. We'll discuss our exclusive interview with David Knight on the manipulation of silver prices by financial giants like JP Morgan Chase, urging the need for greater financial literacy. From the soaring costs of defense projects like the F-35 program to the economic forces driving military actions, we scrutinize the dissonance between America's ideals and its practices.We also tackle the grim realities of war and empire, reflecting on the human and moral costs of military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. Drawing from personal experiences and Christian values, the discussion critiques the alarming casualness towards nuclear warfare and the economic motives lurking behind military strategies. We'll uncover the staggering sums spent on defense and the deceptive media narratives that obscure the real financial and human toll of continuous armed conflict.Turning to the political arena, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s complaint about his exclusion from a presidential debate serves as a lens to examine the systemic barriers facing non-establishment candidates. By revisiting the struggles of third-party candidates like Teddy Roosevelt and Ross Perot, we shed light on the undemocratic nature of modern political processes. Finally, we question the relevance of America's outdated post-1945 world order, contemplating a shift towards nationalism and more localized security interests, as discussed with scholars Francis P. Sempa and Hal Brands. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that challenges conventional narratives and explores the urgent need for an America that truly lives up to its founding principles.
5/30/202455 minutes, 11 seconds
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#471 Economic Nationalism, Gold & the New World Order

Step into the arena of economic nationalism with me, as we dissect the forces shaping international power dynamics and question the status quo. Reflecting on the David Knight Show, we dove into the intricacies of tariffs and economic history, offering you crucial insights beyond the typical media rhetoric. As I recount my personal educational rebellion, fueled by Pat Buchanan's wisdom and lessons from a bimetallic currency past, we'll challenge the educational norms and inspire a pursuit of deeper knowledge that could redefine your understanding of America's place in the global hierarchy.Prepare to reframe your perspective on the workings of global trade as we scrutinize the seismic shifts caused by trade deficits and tariffs. Through a historical lens, we chart the journey from Henry Ford's industrial mastery to the stark warnings of Ross Perot, culminating in an examination of current administration policies that once seemed anathema to political elites. This provocative narrative peels back the layers of bipartisan consensus, revealing the raw impact on American industry and prompting us to ponder the true motives and implications of these economic pivots on the nation's future.As we bid farewell to Klaus Schwab's tenure at the World Economic Forum, we question the implications of his departure and the organization's vision of global governance. Casting a critical eye on secret societies and the Great Reset, against the backdrop of historical milestones like the gold standard's demise and China's rise, we'll explore whether the architects of the new world order have overplayed their hand. Wrapping up, we'll entertain the controversial prospect of a return to a gold standard, dissecting its historical significance and contemplating the transformative potential of precious metals in a fiat currency world. Join me for this enlightening journey that promises to arm you with the foresight to navigate our complex economic reality.
5/24/202454 minutes, 33 seconds
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Paratruther on the David Knight Show - The Illuminati & Communism

Unlock the shadowy history connecting the Illuminati, communism, and the financial elite as we investigate their grip on global events. Traverse the timeline from the Illuminati's mysterious inception to the revolutions that shaped our world, with George Washington's cautionary reflections and the stark brutality of the French Revolution contrasted against the American quest for liberty. Delve into the philosophies that have discreetly steered history and discover how Marxism's rise has subtly swayed both narratives and perceptions, with my guests Gerald Celente, Charlie Robinson, and Don Jeffries adding depth to this compelling exploration.Embark on a voyage through the corridors of power, where we analyze the enduring legacy of families like the Rothschilds and their influence on money and policy. Probe the nuanced roles of figures such as the Warburg brothers during pivotal conflicts and consider the chilling implications of documents like "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" that expose strategies for societal control. Hear firsthand accounts from my time on Star Trek Voyager, where fictional hierarchies eerily mirror our reality, and ponder the philosophical underpinnings of an entertainment giant that reflects our world's hidden power structures.Confront the battle of ideologies as we dissect the digital currency movement and its potential to erode personal freedom, with our esteemed roundtable guests offering critical insights. Chart the ideological shift from Darwin to Marx, probing the depths of how these philosophies, bankrolled by the same elite hands, have carved pathways to a society where nihilism reigns. As we untangle the web of elite control, question the nature of corporatism and the deceptive masquerade of democracy, urging a reawakening to safeguard the liberties that stand threatened by these silent wars.
5/23/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
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#22 Paratruther - 1983 & the Strangest things

Step beyond the veil where the realms of science and the supernatural collide, in an episode that promises to stretch the limits of your beliefs. My conversation with Mr. Anderson and Chris unveils the enigmatic world of the CIA's 1983 paranormal research, revealing studies that blur the lines between reality and the unimaginable. We navigate the murky legacy of Operation Paperclip and the notorious MKUltra, examining how moral boundaries were crossed in quests for mind control and psychic warfare. As we intertwine historical strands, prepare for a journey through a tapestry of conspiracy theories and government experiments that might just make you question everything you think you know.Haunted by the ghosts of Cold War tensions and technological advancements of 1983, we dissect a year fraught with political intrigue and near-catastrophic events. Unearthing ties between the Hinkley and Bush families, exploring Reagan's assassination attempt, and delving into the chilling "what ifs" of the Soviet Union's reactions to NATO exercises, we shine a light on covert historical narratives. The chapter on government experiments invites you to peer into the chilling history of the Montauk Project, while the recurring "Cameron" surname becomes a thread pulling us through a labyrinth of conspiracy theories.As if plucked from the darkest corners of science fiction, discussions of the Montauk Monster and speculation on government-sanctioned genetic experimentation send shivers down the spine. Yet it's not all shadow and dread; we balance the foreboding with insights into the powers of the human mind and the potential of psychic abilities. Join me as we uncover a world where fact and fiction merge, and stay vigilant—we’re here to uncover truths that may have otherwise remained cloaked in the shadows.
5/9/20241 hour, 31 minutes, 59 seconds
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#470 American Independence and the Shadow of the Great Reset

Confronting the stark realities of our times, I, Tony Arterburn, take you through a journey within the murky waters of global shifts in power and the looming threat of economic turmoil. As we peel back the curtains on the Great Reset and its potential to upend American sovereignty, we won't shy away from the hard questions: Why is the U.S. foreign policy playing a dangerous game with Taiwan and Ukraine, and what do these chess moves mean for the dollar's future? We unravel the enigmatic world of global banking and intelligence, probing into the World Economic Forum's sway over our political puppet masters, and dissecting the illusion of choice presented by our two-party system.This episode isn't just a theoretical debate; it's a call to arms for the discerning citizen. I dissect the staggering pace at which the U.S. national debt climbs and ponder the profound impact of our foreign policy decisions, especially those that seem disconnected from the nation's true interests. With a rallying cry for financial systems grounded in free markets rather than central bank digital currencies, we explore pivotal moments in history that shaped today's economic landscape, challenging listeners to critically assess the balance between free trade and national self-sufficiency. And with a respectful nod to Gard Goldsmith and the vital insights from the latest Arterburn Radio Transmission, we trek through the paradox of U.S. military aid to nations like Israel, questioning the principles guiding our international alliances.Moreover, we tackle the contentious issues surrounding war and the use of nuclear weapons, recognizing the grave implications far beyond rhetorical patriotism and political posturing. I share my personal journey as a veteran and my spiritual awakening that led me to question the very fabric of interventionist foreign policies. Reflecting on the experiences that have shaped my non-interventionist stance, we examine the nuclear capabilities that harken back to Cold War tensions and the urgent need for a global reassessment of the role of conflict in our shared future. Join me for an episode that promises to be a sobering reflection on the state of our world.
5/9/202458 minutes, 39 seconds
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The David Knight Show 5-3-24

Discover the untold connections between historical landmarks and modern-day ideological battles in our latest podcast episode. As I, Tony Arterburn, step in for David Knight, I take you along on an insightful pilgrimage to the Alamo, sharing the stories behind the 'Reimagine the Alamo' project and its controversies. We'll unravel the fabric of American history and economics with the help of Beans the Brave, exploring the transition from industrial prowess to consumer fragility and offering wisdom from financial mavens on navigating economic downturns.This episode's tapestry grows richer with the insights of our esteemed guests Gerald Salente, Donald Jeffries, and Charlie Robinson. Together, we illuminate the shadowy links between the ruling elites, secret societies, and the global events that have shaped our reality. Join us as we scrutinize the ideological roots of revolutions, draw parallels between the Illuminati and communism, and discuss the pressing issues in U.S.-China relations that could reshape the world's economic and political landscape.Conclude your journey through this narrative by reflecting on the cultural keystones that define our society. From the philosophical implications of classic literature to the foresight of "Star Trek: Voyager," we probe the forces that drive American politics and global dynamics. Prepare to engage with a dialogue that highlights the importance of unity in the face of challenges posed by financial systems and the elite's grip on power. This episode is a call to those who stand vigilant over our heritage, value mature diplomacy, and seek to comprehend the intricate connections between money and resistance.
5/3/20243 hours, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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#469 Battling the Digital Overlords for Economic Independence

As the shadows of globalist goblins grow longer, Tony Arterburn and his valiant companion, Beans the Brave, light a torch to reveal the truth. Witness our bold confrontation with the New World Order's specter, dissecting the consequences of foreign policies that trade lives for the gains of a select few and the moral quagmires they spawn. We expose the war on the middle class—a battle fought not with weapons but with the stealth of fiscal policies and the deployment of an IRS legion, all while multinational corporations lurk in the background, pulling strings to orchestrate a 'controlled demolition' of societal values and prosperity.Hear the alarm bells as we peer into the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the threat they pose to a cashless society's liberty. Our navigation through the Bitcoin ETF landscape underscores the urgency of financial literacy and sovereignty. With the World Economic Forum's fingerprints on the future, we champion decentralization and tangible assets like gold, silver, and Bitcoin as lifelines in these transformative tides—a clarion call to anchor your wealth outside the system's reach.Join us as we cast our gaze beyond the horizon where the brave stand defiant against the encroaching storm of digital currency and global control. I'm not just a voice on the airwaves but a fellow traveler on this path of resistance, investing in the currency of knowledge, conviction, and the tangible sureties that weather all storms. Until we meet again after the David Knight show next Thursday, let's continue to be the custodians of our own fates, nurturing assets that endure, and caring for the kindred spirits that make this journey worth taking.
4/26/202456 minutes, 44 seconds
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INTERVIEW From Fiat to Fractional Gold and Goldbacks

Prepare to have your perceptions of the global economy transformed as gold expert Tony Arterman joins us to navigate the currents reshaping monetary systems worldwide. From the unexpected emergence of a gold-backed currency in Zimbabwe to the Federal Reserve's futile efforts to curb gold's rise with interest rate hikes, this episode uncovers the seismic shifts that could redefine your investment strategy. As China hoards gold at an alarming rate and nations pivot away from dollar dependency, we dissect what these moves mean for the American investor, while also offering a critical lens on how central bank actions reflect on your portfolio's golden glow.Trade policies are more than political fodder; they're the chess moves in the grand game of global economics. Today, we dissect the profound implications of a blanket 25% tariff on manufacturing imports and the controversial call to scrap corporate taxes, debating their potential to revitalize American job markets or plunge fiscal responsibility into chaos. The specter of trade wars looms as we assess the dark underbelly of international commerce, including slave labor and digital economies, urging a reconsideration of tangible assets such as gold in an increasingly virtual financial landscape.As whispers of a looming economic reset grow louder, we explore the rising importance of gold and silver against the backdrop of a weakening dollar and an unpredictable market. Yet, it's not just investments in the crosshairs; personal sovereignty is at stake as we probe the tools of psychological warfare and the pressing need for self-reliance. Discover how everything from backyard chickens to local governance plays a role in fortifying your independence in an era of change. Finally, we demystify goldbacks and fractional gold, presenting them as innovative bastions of wealth amidst the tempest of economic transformation.
4/18/202439 minutes, 43 seconds
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#468 The High Cost of Fake money is real War

Discover the unshakable pillars of freedom that define the American spirit and how the shifting sands of global politics challenge these foundations. As your host Tony Arterburn, a warrior philosopher with firsthand experience on foreign battlegrounds, I take you on an enlightening journey through the transformative world of conservative thought, military might, and the often perplexing theater of politics. With the sharp-witted Beans the Brave by my side, we dissect my invigorating conversation with David Knight, revealing the pressing need for honest discourse in an age of distraction and political persecution.The landscape of conservatism is evolving, and with it, the debate over our nation's role on the global stage intensifies. We peel back the layers of foreign policy, questioning the wisdom behind our alliance strategies and the economic currents that flow from our military aid. From the Middle East to the Far East, I analyze the economic tremors caused by outsourced manufacturing and the potential flashpoints that could send shockwaves through commodity markets and industries worldwide. This episode challenges you to consider the true cost of interventionism and the search for economic harmony in an era of uncertainty.As we traverse through these complexities, we don't shy away from the consequences of global leadership—or the lack thereof—on the economy and society at large. I probe the eerie silence of our current leaders amid escalating geopolitical tensions, offering precious metals as a potential lifeline in the storm. With a candid look at the flawed two-party system and the toll of economic policies, this episode navigates the high seas of international finance, questioning the Federal Reserve's strategies and highlighting the unexpected turn of Zimbabwe towards a gold-backed currency. Tune in for a compelling narrative that doesn't just scratch the surface but seeks the profound truths beneath.
4/18/202456 minutes, 26 seconds
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#21 Paratruther - UFO series volume 2 - Moon Anomalies, Conspiracies, and Cosmic Puzzles

Is our moon harboring secrets beyond its quiet, cratered façade? Let's embark on a lunar odyssey with our guests, Chris Graves and Mr. Anderson, as we ponder the moon's beguiling anomalies and the thought-provoking tales of ancient cultures under a moonless sky. Our conversation weaves through the incredible odds of our moon's perfect solar eclipses, the strategic military significance that nearly led to lunar detonations, and the audacious skepticism that questions the authenticity of NASA's moon landings. As you listen, consider the possibilities: what if the moon is more than just a natural satellite orbiting our Earth?Venture further with us as we scrutinize the enduring conspiracies and Richard Hoagland's contentious claims of extraterrestrial architecture. Ranging from glass-like moon bridges to Martian pyramids, we confront the controversial and the unexplained, challenging our understanding of the cosmos. Our dialogue is rich with references to the satirical musings of Dave McGowan, the debated existence of an atmosphere on the moon, and the remarkable technological leaps during the space race. Prepare to have your curiosity ignited as we explore the enigmatic nature of our nearest celestial neighbor and the cosmic mysteries that remain just out of reach.
4/15/20241 hour, 31 minutes, 52 seconds
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INTERVIEW Gold Keeps Breaking Records — Economists Say It's Only Just Begun

4/12/202433 minutes, 9 seconds
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#467 Costco Gold Rush & the History of John Law's Frech fiat

Join me as I traverse the untamed landscapes of our financial ecosystem, exposing the trials facing fiat currencies and the unpredictable dance of the commodities market. Brace yourself for a tale from Zero Hedge that dissects the shadowy world of counterfeit currency, a subject that strikes a chord with my expertise. After a brief sojourn, Beans the Brave and I are back with tales from the Ozarks, ready to catch you up on recent escapades, including a rollicking time on Tinfoil Hat in Hollywood, and the scoop on Arterburn Radio Transmission plus the Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto Show's revamped broadcast schedule.This episode isn't just a show; it's a crusade to understand the decline of money velocity and its impact on the US dollar and gold's ever-climbing worth. As I unravel the knot of Washington's fiscal neglect and the whispers of a revolution in monetary commodities, you're invited to not only listen but to challenge the status quo and independently verify the facts amidst our shaky financial system. Gear up for a segment that underscores the necessity of personal diligence in making investment choices, as we wade through the economic uncertainty together.Finally, I shed light on the surprising upturn in gold bar sales at retailers like Costco, a beacon for those seeking stability in turbulent economic waters. We'll weigh the practicality of such purchases against the tailored expertise of dealers like Wise Wolf, while delving into the historical and geopolitical shifts signaling the onset of a new world order. This dialogue promises to spark curiosity and debate over the true essence of wealth and power in our society, drawing wisdom from the likes of Paul Volcker, Jesus, and John Law. Tune in for an episode that's not just informative, but a historical odyssey through the annals of wealth and financial manipulation.
4/11/202454 minutes, 29 seconds
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Tony on William Ramsey Investigates

Uncover the shadowy nexus of global finance and covert politics as we sit down with Tony Arterburn, a man whose expertise spans from the battleground to the trading floor. In a world where gold-backed BRICS currencies rise and the American dollar wobbles, we're peeling back layers of economic intrigue and geopolitical gambits. With Tony's transition from conservative talk radio to conspiracy analysis, he brings us a narrative that connects fraudulent financial systems to the machinations of power, offering a revealing look into the gold standard's demise and the whispers of manipulation in the precious metal markets.Venture into the depths of global resource control and witness the tug-of-war between state interests and private power. From the clandestine ties between intelligence agencies and oil magnates to the military-industrial complex's stronghold over foreign policy, we navigate through historical controversies and current dilemmas. This episode tackles everything from the significance of a handshake between Rumsfeld and Hussein to the precarious fate of global allies, all the while exploring how fiat currency fuels the wheels of war and deep-state agendas.Lastly, equip yourself with practical insights as we traverse the terrain of personal financial security through precious metals and cryptocurrencies. Tony and I dissect the underpinnings of silver's undervaluation and the potential for a Texan gold-backed currency, casting a critical eye on the mismanagement of fiat systems and their societal ramifications. Gaze into the crystal ball with us as we speculate on an economic landscape marked by diminished dollar dominance and the looming threat of conflict by 2030, arming you with the knowledge to navigate the uncertain waters ahead. Join us for a journey not just through the corridors of power, but also through the vaults of value where your financial future might just be forged.
4/10/202452 minutes, 32 seconds
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#466 Wealth, Warfare, and Waterloo

Uncover the veiled impact of the Battle of Waterloo on our modern-day geopolitical theater, as we trace the threads from historic conquests to the consolidation of global financial power. This episode promises a voyage through time, examining the Rothschilds' influence on monetary systems, the haunting legacy of war beyond triumph, and the shimmering allure of precious metals amidst fiscal turbulence. As spring political campaigns burgeon, we dissect the nexus of politics and economy, casting light on the interplay of war, fake politicians, and the very foundation of our monetary policy.Venture with us into the intricate ballet of US-China relations, as we dissect China's burgeoning military ambitions and the strategic echoes of Nixon's era. Witness the dramatic unfoldment of China's global ascent, the Sino-Soviet complexities, and the precarious dance of nuclear diplomacy under Mao Zedong's reign. Our analysis cuts through the prevailing narratives, offering a nuanced perspective on the geopolitical choreography that shapes our world's power structure, and the looming specter of Taiwan's future.Our final act grapples with the ominous shadow of national debt and the specter of conflict as a last-ditch effort to safeguard the American dollar's hegemony. From George Washington's warnings to our sprawling military footprint, we question the motives behind America's march toward war. With an impending economic downturn, we scrutinize the fiscal policies that may lead to the largest crash in history and prepare for the aftershocks of imminent rate adjustments. Join us as we untangle the web of finance and forecast the turbulent waters that lie ahead for our political and economic realms.
3/21/202458 minutes, 37 seconds
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INTERVIEW BlackRock, Biometrics, ETFs, CBDC, and Listener Questions

Tony Arterburn,,Time for an election and interest rate drops as scheduledBlackRock moves into tokenization & "digital liquidity fund"Liz Warren's Wealth TaxListeners' questionsHow to set up or roll-over a metals commodity IRAAnd moreMoney is only what YOU hold: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @[email protected] App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHT
3/21/202437 minutes, 34 seconds
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INTERVIEW Record Flight From the Dollar

Like rats jumping off a sinking ship, everyone is heading for the exits on the dollar as consumers and institutions join central banks, sending Bitcoin, Gold, Silver to new heights as 500 bank failures loom in the near future according to a Fed Reserve member and commercial real estate CEOTony Arterburn,, on why it's not going to stop but accelerateMoney is only what YOU hold: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @[email protected] App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTWitness the banking sector's precarious dance on the edge of a knife with Tony Arterburn and me as your guides. This episode peels back the layers of a brewing storm in finance, where the fall of smaller banks could herald an era of consolidation under the might of banking titans. We trace the lineage of financial crises, from the Glass-Steagall Act's dismantling to today's digital currency frontiers, and foresee how these events might fortify the bastions of centralized banking power.The tremors of a global currency reevaluation thunder through our discussion, with the U.S. dollar's dominance hanging in the balance. Feel the pulse of the markets with us, as investors cling to Bitcoin and precious metals, akin to lifeboats in a sea of dwindling dollar value. We scrutinize the chess moves of central banks, the twilight of essential support programs, and the burgeoning drive towards financial alternatives that could redraw the economic map.In the realm of cryptocurrency, we lock horns with the specter of government control, pondering its role in an increasingly scrutinized financial landscape. From the FTX scandal's fallout to Silvergate Bank's collapse, we question the motives behind these industry shake-ups and whether they're a precursor to the era of CBDCs. Indulge in a bit of satire with me as we toast to free speech and logic, echoing the provocations of the DavidNight show, and rally to think critically amidst the evolving tides of our financial systems.
3/15/202445 minutes, 19 seconds
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#465 Tik Tok, Taxes, & the Titanic

Prepare to have your perspective on American freedom shaken as I, your steadfast Texan host, unveil the distressing speed at which our national debt skyrockets—a trillion dollars every 90 days. With my vigilant Chihuahua mix by my side, we confront the elite forces and globalist agendas threatening our liberties. The spotlight is thrown onto the critical issues being eclipsed by the TikTok ban debate, such as potential conflicts abroad, border security, and the precarious position of our currency. This episode isn't just an exposé; it's a rallying cry for fiscal responsibility and a defense against the superficial politics that too often dominate our discourse.This broadcast doesn't shrink from controversy, as we scrutinize the bipartisan push to legislate against TikTok, putting the spotlight on the tug-of-war between national security and our First Amendment rights. Travel with me down the rabbit hole of government surveillance history, from the post-9/11 Patriot Act to today's digital skirmishes, questioning if we're sacrificing our personal freedoms on the altar of security. And as we pivot to financial currents, understand why today's economic trends are more than mere headlines—they're the cipher to decoding our future stability amidst an ocean of fiscal uncertainty.As we navigate the stormy seas of the markets, I hoist the flag of skepticism over Bitcoin's recent embrace by the financial elite and probe the potential for Silver to disrupt records. Gresham's Law sails into our discussion, charting a course through the murky waters of commodity investment. And a word to the wise: keep an astute eye on the looming specter of central bank digital currencies. So, join me for a voyage that promises not just enlightenment but the courage to question the status quo and the savvy to safeguard our financial future.
3/15/202459 minutes, 8 seconds
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#464 Trumpenstein And The Death Of Politics

Embark on a journey through the veins of history and the pulsing issues of our time with the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Witness firsthand accounts from my travels to Anarcapoco and the heartland of America, providing a tapestry of insights into the ongoing battles for liberty, including fresh perspectives from an interview on remote viewing and a sneak peek into lunar enigmas. The fall of the Alamo resonates with today’s quest for freedom, as we dissect an article by Don Jeffries, and lay the groundwork for live-recorded themed shows that promise to bring history and current events into sharp relief.Navigate the treacherous waters of global economics where the credibility of the MAGA movement takes center stage, alongside the looming challenge BRICS nations pose to the SWIFT system and the US dollar's stronghold. As we dissect the potential upheaval, my emphasis on personal fortitude rings clear—with the ownership of physical precious metals as a cornerstone for weathering the economic ripples to come. This chapter of our transmission is a call to action, urging listeners to prepare for the geopolitical shifts that keep the world on a knife-edge.The legacy of Donald Trump’s presidency stands as a beacon of political paradox, many supporters caught in a maelstrom of hope and disillusionment. We dissect the "Trumpenstein Project," the puzzling QAnon narrative, and the enigmatic administration choices that left many supporters in doubt. As we analyze the impact of Trump Derangement Syndrome and legal entanglements surrounding the former president, the altered political landscape comes into stark view—highlighting the undercurrents of our time and the shifting allegiances that continue to shape our nation.
3/7/202459 minutes, 5 seconds
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#22 Paratruther -Remote Viewing, Psychic Spies, and the Unseen Realm of Conspiracy with Charlie Robinson

Unveil the clandestine world of remote viewing with us as we explore the shadowy nexus of psychic espionage and its implications on historical and contemporary events. With the keen insight of Charlie Robinson, we dissect the military's covert use of these psychic techniques, delving into their roles from unearthing Osama bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks detailed by Jim Mars. Prepare to have your understanding of reality expanded; remote viewing might not be just a supernatural gift, but a skill that you can develop, potentially tapping into untapped human capabilities.This episode isn't just a journey through the esoteric; it's a revelation of the hidden ties between remote viewing, UFO sightings, and the murky depths of secret government programs. Feel the chill as we discuss the potential influence of the CIA in Hollywood's portrayal of psychic phenomena, and consider the pivotal role of remote viewing in deciphering historical enigmas. As we honor the legacy of conspiracy analysts like Jim Keith and Jim Mars, we confront the enduring importance of their work in today's world of mysteries and hidden truths.With each chapter, we pull back the curtain on a world where the line between science and mysticism blurs, examining the curious intersection of psychic phenomena with national security and privacy. Join us as we navigate through the potent force of remote viewing and consider its broader implications, from the mystifying narratives surrounding George H.W. Bush's funeral to the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones. Charlie Robinson's presence enriches the conversation, ensuring that even the most skeptical listener will leave considering the unseen forces at play in our everyday lives.
2/23/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 22 seconds
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INTERVIEW Anarchapulco — Getting Out of the Fed System

Tony Arterburn on what he saw (and said as a speaker) at the annual anarchy-capitalist and voluntarist conference in Acapulco, Mexico.  And Tony takes AMA questions about gold, silver, and what's new at DavidKnight.goldMoney is only what YOU hold: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar
2/23/202447 minutes, 32 seconds
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#464 Globalists, Grifters, & Groundhog Day

AI Synopsis Imagine peering into the crystal ball of our future, where new world orders and philosophical comedies collide with the day-to-day. That's the tapestry we weave in our latest episode, where 'Groundhog Day' becomes more than a laugh track—it's a guide to self-improvement reflecting our own repetitive struggles. We sidestep the political theater to spotlight the real-life conundrums like fortress-like borders and the surge of grassroots zeal. The political arena is ripe for a shake-up, with career politicians facing their curtain call as I dissect media narratives painting caricatures of leaders like Biden and Trump.Your wallet feels it, that pinch at the grocery checkout that's become all too familiar. I tackle the elephant in the room: a staggering 25% price hike over recent years. From the tendrils of supply chain woes to the economic aftershocks of 2020, we unravel the causes behind the inflationary squeeze. Shifting gears, we scrutinize the Cloward-Piven strategy, pondering if today's economic scene is a chessboard for social architects aiming to checkmate capitalism. This segment isn't just about the problems—we're in for lively engagement with you, our audience, as we stress the vitality of rejuvenating the energy sector to anchor our financial ship.As the global stage brims with tension, we discuss the specter of conflict with Iran and a President's reach during wartime, as highlighted by Rep. Thomas Massie. Through this geopolitical maze, we question the integrity of politicians, juxtaposing true ideologues against those consumed with power lust. We'll close with a reflection on happiness that transcends material desires, inspired by 'Groundhog Day' and Aristotle's philosophies. And, with anticipation, we tease forthcoming conversations with the insightful David Knight and the compelling Don Jeffries, promising more enriching discourse ahead. Join us for this thought-provoking odyssey; it's a dialogue you won't want to miss.
2/2/202458 minutes, 22 seconds
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#21 Paratruther -Uncovering the JFK Assassination: New Orleans Nexus and the Web of Conspiracies

Embark on a riveting exploration of history's murky corridors with Donald Jeffries, as we, alongside Chris Graves, peel away at the New Orleans nexus of the JFK assassination. The enigma of Dean Andrews' beatnik affiliations and Jim Garrison's dogged pursuit of truth serves as our starting point, unraveling a tapestry of conspiracy theories that challenge the official narrative. Our dialogue weaves through the shadowy associations of Lee Harvey Oswald and the skepticism surrounding the "lone gunman" theory, painting a vivid picture of political intrigue and potential cover-ups that echo through time.With each twist and turn in our discussion, the specters of George H.W. Bush's formative CIA connections, David Ferrie's nefarious activities, and the possibility of political figures being entangled in covert operations, arise, casting long shadows over the Kennedy era. Through the lens of Oliver Stone's "JFK" and the stark realities we dissect, we trace the complex web of power and secrecy that may have orchestrated one of America's most profound tragedies. The implications of the assassination ripple outward, touching on policies from the Bay of Pigs to Israel's nuclear strategies, and we ponder the ways in which history's powerful entities bend public perception to their will.As the conversation culminates, the full scope of JFK's assassination emerges, suggesting a labyrinthine plot with tendrils reaching into the highest echelons of power. Our examination of Oswald's puzzling background, the credibility of evidence, and the potential for a fallback conspiracy illuminates the ongoing questions surrounding Kennedy's death. In the midst of these revelations, New Orleans stands as a pivotal crossroads, hinting at the city's role in a storyline brimming with more questions than answers. Join us as we connect the dots across this intricate web of secrecy and power, leaving no stone unturned in our quest for the elusive truth.
1/27/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 23 seconds
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#463 Border Crisis Realities and Red State Revolt: Unveiling Political Theater and the Global Influence on America's Sovereignty

The fabric of our nation is being tested, and at the heart of the struggle lies the US border crisis—a topic I've been passionately vocal about for years. Feel the pulse of our country's future as we discuss the stark realities of unsecured borders and the demographic shifts they've triggered. Our conversation traverses the landscape of political promises, unmasking the bipartisan charade that has kept our borders porous for the benefit of certain interests. As politicians leverage national security for votes and cheap labor, we draw parallels to other instances where liberty has been traded for a facade of safety, questioning if chaos is, in fact, the preferred state of affairs for those orchestrating these policies.Join us as we unpack the rallying cry of red states, led by Texas, demanding control over their own borders—a move that's as much about constitutional rights as it is about political theater. We're dissecting the timing of these declarations, especially in the heat of an election cycle, and debating the sincerity behind the actions of politicians like Governor Greg Abbott. Is it genuine leadership or merely posturing? The episode is enriched by personal anecdotes and our shared skepticism of political figures' true intentions, making for a deeply reflective and critical examination of the role of state sovereignty in protecting our local communities.Our narrative takes a global turn, scrutinizing the strings pulled by international bodies like the United Nations and the Trilateral Commission in America's migration saga. Could these organizations be architects of national instability? We discuss their covert influence and the urgent need for grassroots political mobilization to secure our borders as the 2024 elections loom closer. Meanwhile, we don't shy away from topics like geoengineering's impact on climate change or the subtle economic tremors of inflation. As the episode concludes, we leave you with thoughts on the discerning nature of genuine relationships and the sobering truth about the current state of our economy—insights that can only help fortify your understanding of the real value behind what we're all chasing.
1/27/202459 minutes, 5 seconds
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#462 Banks, Bullion, Billionaires & Bunkers

Could the political tides be turning towards a new world order? As your host, I've always been intrigued by the power plays and strategies in the political sphere, which is exactly what we're unpacking today. We're looking beyond the headlines to explore the rise of political influencers like Nikki Haley, the practicality of bunkers in our precarious world, and the military strategies that history has taught us. Together, we'll unravel the complexities of current events that signal a shift in our political climate and consider their long-lasting impact.Third-party candidates could be the game-changers in the 2024 elections, and I'm here to analyze their potential to reshape the political landscape. Remember Ross Perot's ripple effect in '92? We're taking a similar deep dive into the burgeoning influence of figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the implications of a strong Libertarian presence. Through a blend of past election insights and present-day policies, we'll examine how demographic shifts may sway voter allegiance and the tactical maneuvering both Democrats and Republicans may employ in the race for the White House.The global financial chessboard is in flux, with central banks amassing gold like never before. This episode peels back the layers on what this means for the US dollar's dominance and the potential fallout from de-dollarization. We're not just stopping at the surface level; upcoming guests on the Wise Wolf Golden Crypto Show will join me to delve into the subtleties of central bank strategies and the clandestine tactics behind gold acquisition. Plus, we'll take a critical look at NATO's stance on Russia and BRICS, questioning the wisdom of recent expansions and Western policies. Tune in for a thought-provoking journey through the intersections of finance, politics, and global security.
1/21/20241 hour, 21 seconds
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#461 The Secret Service as fiat enforcers, WEF laments deglobalization & robocops installed in grocery stores

Embark on a riveting exploration of America's monetary evolution and the Secret Service's pivotal role in it. This episode peels back the curtain on the transition from a gold-backed currency to our modern-day fiat system, guided by critical legislation and the Secret Service's expanding mandate. We delve into the allegorical "The Wizard of Oz" to shed light on economic debates that still resonate today. Let's navigate the murky waters of political apathy and dissect why the major political parties seem to be floundering with their base in an all-important election year, examining internal strategies, candidate squabbles, and the potential for alliances in the ever-dynamic political landscape.Uncover the historical shift from state bank-issued currency to centralized fiat money, under the watchful eye of the Secret Service. We trace the origins from the National Banking Acts and the birth of the IRS to the agency's adaptation post-presidential assassinations, which altered its course. The episode illuminates the intersection of protection and promotion of U.S. currency, capturing the essence of our move away from sound money principles. At the heart of this chapter is the enduring power play between personal freedom and financial regulation, scrutinizing the implications of hiring new IRS agents and the vital need for a shield against overreach.Prepare for lift-off as we preview our upcoming UFO series and share tantalizing tidbits from our exclusive interview with Don Jeffries. His insights from his latest book promise to elevate the weekend with a touch of the unexplained and unexplored. Monday brings the wise wolf golden crypto show, ensuring your podcast playlist remains charged with provocative and enlightening discussions. From uncovering the extraordinary to challenging the status quo, this weekend release with Arterburn News at the helm is your ticket to the forefront of thought-provoking content.
1/13/202456 minutes, 31 seconds
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#20 Paratruther- UFO Roundtable - Part 1

Discover the elusive truth behind UFO phenomena as I, Billy Ray Valentine, bring together a panel of experts including Mr. Anderson, Tony Arterburn, and Chris Graves for a compelling roundtable discussion. From historical encounters to the enigma of alien implants, we dissect the possibility of extraterrestrial presences, share our evolving beliefs, and recount how UFO lore intertwines with famous figures and places. Peer into the unknown with us and consider the implications of finding just one inexplicable object within the human body. Our collective insights promise to illuminate the shadowy corners of this cosmic puzzle.Venture further into the mysterious as we pivot to the topic of life after death, a path taken by the likes of Robert Bigelow and other industry leaders. This segment delves into the skepticism surrounding the commercialization of ufology and the integrity of research, as our guests share personal experiences of outreach in the field. Dr. Roger Leir's alien implant research gives us pause to ponder the profound implications of his findings. We navigate the fine line between genuine curiosity and profit-driven endeavors, stirring a rich conversation on the interconnectedness of UFOs, metaphysics, and consciousness.
1/13/20241 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
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#460 Bullion & Black Swans

1/5/20241 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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The David Knight Show 12-29-23

Could the keys to understanding today's global economic shifts and the truth behind historical events be hidden in plain sight? As I, Tony Arterburn, take the helm for David Knight alongside Guard Goldsmith, we uncover startling insights into Gen Z's perception of historical figures, the tectonic movements away from the US dollar by nations like Russia and Iran, and the potential impact of the IRS's new recruits. With the year drawing to a close, this episode is a treasure trove of deep dives into currency debasement, international relations, and the ripple effects of the JFK assassination through discussions with experts like Don Jeffries.Prepare to have your perspective on foreign policy and historical events challenged as we navigate through the hawkish stance of politicians like Lindsey Graham and the intricate connections and motives surrounding the JFK assassination. Questions arise about the political and ethical compromises made by those in power, and we investigate the psychological warfare that shapes public perception. Our conversation with Don Jeffries throws a spotlight on the New Orleans subplot of the JFK narrative, inviting listeners to examine the complex web of conspiracy with fresh eyes.As we wrap up, we confront the manipulation and censorship dominating social media platforms, and the ideological subversion that may be at play among the younger generation. With the rise of sophisticated mind control tactics and the shaping of political opinions online, this episode provides critical thought and alternative viewpoints to the mainstream narratives. The dialogue with Billy Ray emphasizes the urgency of maintaining independent thinking in an age of pervasive social engineering. Tune in for an episode that doesn't just recount history but urges you to reconsider it.
12/29/20233 hours, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
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Tony on the David Knight Show -INTERVIEW The Federal Reserve Conspiracy

12/24/202334 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tony with David Knight /INTERVIEW Reports of Inflation’s Death: Greatly Exaggerated

12/17/202332 minutes, 5 seconds
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#459 Veteran beheads Baphomet statue & other headline hilarities

12/15/202354 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tony on the David Knight Show -INTERVIEW Gold Boom! Why, and Will It Continue?

12/11/202332 minutes, 14 seconds
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#458 Day of infamy revisited & is this Gold's day ?

12/8/202358 minutes, 13 seconds
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#457 Gold breaks its all time high & does success ensure future failure ?

12/1/202358 minutes, 12 seconds
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INTERVIEW Will ”Election Interest Rates” Kick Off Gold? Will Silver Be the Signal?

Tony Joins David Knight show 
11/30/202331 minutes, 1 second
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#456 Culture, Carnivore & Conspiracy with Yecca

11/23/202358 minutes, 36 seconds
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#455 Fear & Loathing on Veteran's Day

11/11/20231 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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#454 The official broadcast of the apocalypse

10/27/202358 minutes, 39 seconds
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#453 Wars & Rumors of Wars

10/13/202358 minutes, 38 seconds
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#452 Parapolitics & Precious Metals

10/6/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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#19 Paratruther - Aleister Crowley, 9/11 & The New World Order with William Ramsey

10/3/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 27 seconds
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#451 No border brings a New World Order

9/22/202358 minutes, 39 seconds
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#450 Damn it feels good to be a Truther

9/15/202359 minutes, 32 seconds
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#18 Paratruther - The mystery & symbology of Kubrick's 2001 - with Chris Graves & Mr. Anderson

9/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 36 seconds
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The David Knight Show 9-1-23

9/1/20233 hours, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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#449 The Politics of Plato's cave

8/26/202359 minutes, 47 seconds
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#17 Paratruther - Politics, Power & Paleoconservatism with Rosalie Marie Escobedo

8/9/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 19 seconds
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#448 Parapolitics, World Coin, UBI & musing on the AI antichrist

7/28/20231 hour, 1 minute
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#16 Paratruther- The Ft. Riley Flu & the true origins of the 1918-19 pandemic

One of history's greatest mysteries, what was and where did the 1918 "Spanish Flu" come from. On this episode, we cover some of the alternative history that if true, would turn the modern disease & vaccine narrative on its head. Thank you for listening. 
7/23/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 26 seconds
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#447 7 Lessons from the Great Depression, a Russian CBDC & Ubiquitous UAPs?

7/21/202359 minutes, 31 seconds
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#446 The BIS, Banksters, and Bastille day

 Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Legalshield   Social: Instagram: @paratruther Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201 Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold
7/14/20231 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
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#15 Paratruther - Year in conspiracy 1947 - with Chris Graves & Mr. Anderson

The Paratruther crew once again delves into a year in conspiracy history, this time its 1947, from Roswell to the birth of the National security state.  Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Legalshield   Social: Instagram: @paratruther Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201 Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold
7/11/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 34 seconds
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#445 Demography is destiny & the dollar's war on gold

 Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Legalshield   Social: Instagram: @paratruther Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201 Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold
6/16/20231 hour, 37 seconds
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#14 Paratruther - The Infinite Fringeship with Billy Ray Valentine

Sit back and enjoy an in depth conversation between two good friends and fellow broadcasters about the state of our world, when it all started to slide casually into the abyss, and the nature of reality itself. 
6/15/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 43 seconds
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#13 Paratruther - Masking the Truth with Donald Jeffries

Chris Graves and Mr. Anderson are back for a roundtable discussion with Donald Jeffries on his  newest book  "Masking the truth, how Covid-19 destroyed civil liberties and shut down the world" 
6/13/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 41 seconds
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#12 Paratruther - 1913- Year in Conspiracy with Chris Graves & Mr. Anderson

Researchers Chris Graves & Mr. Anderson are back for a roundtable discussion on the year 1913, and why it may be the mother of all years in conspiracy . Thank you for listening !  Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Legalshield   Social: Instagram: @paratruther Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201 Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold
5/27/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 52 seconds
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#444 Decoration day & Mr. Useless Eaters turns 100

  Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Legalshield   Social: Instagram: @paratruther Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201 Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold
5/26/202359 minutes, 7 seconds
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#443 The real king of Technocracy & the road to CBDC

5/6/202359 minutes, 9 seconds
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#442 Texas History and headlines- live from Hangar 18

4/23/202359 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tony on the David Knight Show 4-20-23

Tony Arterburn, WiseWolf.goldConfidence in the dollar is collapsing and purchases of gold are explodingAnd, can you still use Bitcoin if (when) the Feds block on/off ramps and bitcoin mining? Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here:SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @[email protected] App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money is only what YOU hold: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silver
4/21/202336 minutes, 9 seconds
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#441 I shall finish the game

4/16/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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#440 Truth, Justice & the American way with Billy Ray

Host of the Infinite Fringe Podcast, Billy Ray Valentine joins the transmission to discuss Trump's indictment and the accelerating collapse of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. 
4/1/20231 hour, 58 seconds
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Throwback Thursday - Iraq war 10 years later a personal perspective

 This is my first article that I ever had published, seemed appropriate to revisit it 10 years on. Thank you for listening. 
3/31/202310 minutes, 19 seconds
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#439 The controlled demolition of the American dollar

3/25/202358 minutes, 30 seconds
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#10 Paratruther - Actual Activist - Matt Landman

Actual activist and director of the groundbreaking documentary "Frankenskies" Matt Landman returns to the show, this time without the constraints of radio or breaks to discuss Chemtrails, 5G, Organic Farming, Grounding, and the crisis/opportunity we have to take control of our minds and destiny in the months and years to come. Find Matt: 
3/24/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 41 seconds
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#438 Financial gain of function & warmongering weirdos

3/17/20231 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show 3-10-23

3/11/20231 hour, 27 seconds
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#437 Headlines, hidden history & betting against the system

3/3/20231 hour, 40 seconds
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#436 WW3 -UFOs -$12 balloons & the apocalypse with Billy Ray Valentine

2/24/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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#435 A $400k missile & a $12 balloon = weapons-grade incompetence

2/17/20231 hour, 37 seconds
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The David Knight Show 2-7-23

2/7/20233 hours, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
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#434 China “loses" a spy balloon, more G.O.P. cowardice & disturbing economic data

2/3/20231 hour, 25 seconds
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#433 Welcome to tomorrow- hammering out the headlines with Beans the brave

    Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold   Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
1/27/20231 hour, 57 seconds
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#432 Gard Goldsmith hosts A.R.T. Vultures leave Davos

1/25/20231 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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#431 Origins of Friday the 13th & is Biden document-gate beginning of the end ?

1/13/20231 hour, 1 second
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#430 Establishment shills show their teeth, and CIA analyst warns of nuclear exchange

1/6/20231 hour, 55 seconds
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#9 Paratruther - James Perloff - Missing Saints Missing Miracles

The great James Perloff is out with another magnificent book, this time he is bringing attention to the missing heritage of Christianity through the fascinating history of the Eastern orthodox church. James is also the author of the blockbuster "Truth is a lonely warrior" Please find his new book  "Missing Saints Missing Miracles"  at 
1/2/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
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#429 A barbarous relic or keeper of the peace?

12/16/20221 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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#428 Roosevelt's false flag & mystery gold buyer revealed

12/9/20221 hour, 34 seconds
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#427 WEF takes off its mask and Biden is happy with inflation

Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
11/25/20221 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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#426 An A.R.T. not a science

11/20/20221 hour, 55 seconds
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#425 Veterans Day Broadcast 11-11-22

11/11/20221 hour, 33 seconds
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#424 Covidian cult amnesty and will there be a red wave ?

11/6/20221 hour, 13 seconds
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The David Knight Show 10-19-22

10/19/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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The David Knight Show 10-17-22

10/17/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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#8 Paratruther- A border, not a New World Order with Kenric Ward

Discussing the decline and fall of western civilization, the border crisis and emerging Nationalist/ Populist political movements with paleocon journalist and author Kenric Ward 
10/16/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
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The David Knight Show 10-14-22

10/14/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
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The David Knight Show 10-12-22

10/12/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
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#7 Paratruther - DIA, the final destination for the New World Order ?

Researches Chris Graves and Mr. Anderson join Paratruther once again to discuss the high strangeness, mysteries, and symbology of the Denver International Airport. Thank  you for listening. 
10/7/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 22 seconds
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#423 State of the A.R.T. broadcasting

9/30/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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#422 Fools, Drunkards, and the United States of America

9/23/20221 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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#421 Radical Renegade Restorationist Radio

9/16/20221 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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#6 Paratruther - Black Helicopters over America with Chris Graves

9/10/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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Flashback Friday- 9/11 Reflections with Billy Ray Valentine 9-11-20

All the way back to September 2020 with the great Billy Ray Valentine of the Infinite Fringe podcast as we remember the 9/11 attacks and aftermath. 
9/9/20221 hour, 55 seconds
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#420 Labor day dystopia dissection with Chris Graves

 Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold
9/5/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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The David Knight Show 9-1-22

9/1/20223 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds
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#419 Orange man in an orange jump suit ? with Kenzie and Chris Graves

Kenzie aka Fringe & Chris Graves join the Transmission to discuss the possible indictment of Donald Trump and what that means for our political landscape. Articles:  Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/30/20221 hour, 38 seconds
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#418 The great Gard Goldsmith hosts ART -8-26-22

8/29/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
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#417 Welcome to Tomorrow

From the invasion on the southern border to the world's wealthiest companies pushing socialism through ESG,  the forces of Globalism are running at full steam toward 2030. Will America  awaken in time to turn back the tide ? Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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#416 U.N. Digital thought police & A.I. Antichrist with Chris Graves

8/19/20221 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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#5 Paratruther - Fact and Fiction with Gardner Goldsmith

One of the most entertaining and interesting commentators in alternative media Gardner Goldsmith joins Paratruther to discuss the state of the world and the world of the state on this extended and thought provoking episode. Thank you for listening. Gardner Goldsmith: G-A-Bgardnergoldsmith.substack.comOur Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616Donate:$wisewolfgold bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/18/20221 hour, 56 minutes, 52 seconds
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#415 Accelerating Acceleration with Chris Graves

Researcher Chris Graves joins the Transmission to discuss the Trump FBI document raid/ Psyop - The signs of escalation in the Ukraine/ Russia conflict/ WW3, and find out what is making Henry Kissinger nervous. Gold and Silver news and much more. Thank you for listening.   Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/15/20221 hour
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#414 It's all happening

From the raid on Trump's home, to 87,000 new IRS agents, to the CDC declaring C-19 over without actually saying it, it is indeed all happening at once. That and much more on the latest episode of A.R.T.  Thank you for listening.  Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold   Bitcoin: 
8/12/202259 minutes, 48 seconds
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#413 Fighting inflation with inflation with Chris Graves

Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold   Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  [MA1]
8/9/20221 hour, 5 seconds
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Paratruther - The Hidden History of 1979 with Chris Graves

 Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/9/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 11 seconds
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#412 The Controlled demolition of free speech

   Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/5/20221 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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#411 China, Taiwan, Monkey pox, & cannibalism with Chris Graves

Chris Graves rides shotgun on the Transmission this afternoon. We cover Taiwan, Monkey pox, Cannibalism and more.   Live broadcast 2pm CT Mondays and Fridays on   Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
8/2/20221 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
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#410 WW3 in 2023 ? and Space bubbles

7/22/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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#3 Paratruther -The demolition of the Devil’s monument - with Chris Graves & Mr. Anderson

As mysteriously as the appeared 42 years ago, the Georgia guidestones have now been removed from the face of the earth, following an explosion on 7-6-22. What were their true purpose? And why go to the trouble of mentioning a time capsule, and not actually having one placed on site? In this episode of Paratruther, Tony is joined by Chris Graves and Mr. Anderson to discuss the history, symbolism, myths and cultural impact of the guidestone's, and will they be built back better ? After destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, there is talk of rebuilding Elbert monument Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin: bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
7/15/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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#409 Georgia Guidestones leave room for nature with Kenzie

Following the bombing and demolition of the Georgia Guidestones - Kenzie joins the Transmisson to discuss their impact on society, and what comes next.  Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk 
7/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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#2 Paratruther - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars with Chris Graves

An informal discussion on the opening chapter of Behold a Pale Horse- Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars with researcher Chris Graves. 
7/7/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 29 seconds
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The David Knight Show 7-5-22

Special Guest Donald Jeffries 
7/5/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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#408 ESG stands for Expanding Socialism's Grip

7/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
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#407 ROE stands for rules of engagement in the culture war

 The massive political earthquake of Roe V. Wade being overturned by the Supreme court has begun to shake the very foundations of our perceived social reality. What will be the ramifications? We dive into that, and more of the on purpose implosion of our economy. Thank you for listening.  Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  [MA1]
6/24/20221 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
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#406 A tale of two doctors and Georgia guidestone economics

As cultural Marxism lays the groundwork for the clown world order, we take a look at the tale of two very different types of doctors, and very different outcomes for their beliefs. Also, are the foodplant fires, killing off of livestock, and artificial shortages part of sophisticated war against the west and the U.S. ? You decide.  Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
6/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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#405 SADS & the 10 Creepiest & Dystopian things from the WEF

Thank you for listening. - Find out about SADS ( sudden adult death syndrome) and how at least some of the world's elite are being exposed for using fake vaccine passports while they tell us the jab is "safe and effective" Gold and Silver prices and more.   Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
6/10/20221 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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#404 Banksters build back Bilderberg

There are disturbing economic  warning signs on the road ahead, but Biden says Americans are doing great LOL. Plus the world's elite are at Bilderberg again,  and we discuss an interview with Alex Newman of the New American, that makes the case that the globalists are desperate and losing and why that's dangerous.  Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
6/3/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #1 Paratruther - Owen Shroyer of Infowars

 In the debut episode of Paratruther, we are joined by my friend Owen Shroyer of Infowars. Always a great conversation with Owen, a magnificent broadcaster and human being, who loves America deeply. You can find him on at 3pm Central time for the War Room.   Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
6/1/202250 minutes, 19 seconds
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#403 A Coward dies a thousand times

 ART is back, and leapfrogging Monkey pox onto the latest evil to befall our society. This should be a true wake up call for all warriors. Are you ready to protect our children from satanic murderers ? Gun control is a bankrupt idea and a ploy to disarm those who would protect the defenseless. What can we learn from Uvalde ? And find out why you cant give these experimental injections away.   Articles:  Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
5/27/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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The David Knight Show 5-20-22

Guests Kenzie Billy Ray Valentine 
5/20/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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The David Knight Show 5-18-22

Guests- Gary Barnett Charlies Robinson 
5/18/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 59 seconds
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The David Knight Show 5-16-22

Special Guest- Donald Jeffries 
5/16/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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The David Knight Show 5-13-22

Open Lines 
5/13/20223 hours, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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The David Knight Show 5-12-22

Donald Jeffries & Gard Goldsmith 
5/12/20222 hours, 6 minutes, 46 seconds
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#402 In the PSYWAR of misinformation be a Paratruther

In the latest attack on true research and reporting,  the head of the F.D.A says that any info not coming from on high is the leading cause of death in the U.S. - More clown world economics as precious metals ( on paper) get dragged down with the casino stock market. - Lady Lindsay Graham is ready for you to die in a nuclear fire - How to plan your off-grid shelter and bug out.  Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  
5/10/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 28 seconds
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Tony on the David Knight Show 5-4-22 How to safely buy gold

5/4/20221 hour, 15 seconds
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#401 The Antihuman roots of the Great Reset agenda

Thank you for listening. All paths of conspiracy track right back to the great reset and it's antihuman agenda.  Monday's ART covers both it's intellectual influence and the  geopolitical strategies working to make it a reality.  Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
5/3/20221 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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#400 The official broadcast of the Apocalypse

Thank you for listening . Breaking down the headlines with Beans the brave.  Is the storm of war on the horizon? What is the  news of The DHS's new "disinformation" unit telling us about the potential for WW3?   Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk 
4/30/20221 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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#399 Elon closes on Twitter and is China waging sophisticated warfare on the West ?

Kenzie joins the Transmission to discuss the news of Elon Musk closing the deal with Twitter- The mystery of the latest lockdowns in China, are they a new form of sophisticated warfare aimed at the West?   Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  [MA1]
4/26/20221 hour, 1 minute, 41 seconds
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America Unplugged- Planes crashing into food storage and CNN + gets aborted

Don Jeffries and Tony talk about the latest incidents of planes crashing into food storage facilities - CNN plus gets the axe - Life expectancy dropped by 2 years since 2019- Plus Open lines. Be sure and subscribe to America Unplugged on Podcast: www.americaunplugged.comDon 
4/23/202259 minutes, 32 seconds
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#398 I want a border - Not a new world order

The failure of the  U.S. southern border tells us everything we need to know about the contempt our leaders have for we the people.  Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  
4/21/202259 minutes, 22 seconds
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Patriot's Day Throwback Special 4-19-21 OKC and false flags with Documentarian Christopher Emery

Waco - OKC 1995 and false flags with Documentarian Christopher Emery. Links  Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold  Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  
4/19/202259 minutes, 41 seconds
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#397 Foretelling the Fatal Fallacy of Fiat with Fringe (Kenzie)

Kenzie joins the Transmission to discuss Joe Biden's Easter Bunny handler and the latest call by bought and paid for U.S. politicians for American troops to be sent to Ukraine. Also, a new meet up for Agenda 2030 is on  the horizon for 2023, Tony and Kenzie go over what is being hailed as "multilateralism with teeth"  Articles: Fringe: Wolf Gold and Crypto Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  [MA1]
4/19/20221 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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#396 Liars, Lizards, Serpents & War Pigs

Friday's ART wades into the debate on Twitter & Elon Musk. Is it possible to make a big tech platform profitable and honor free speech ? Also, the new documentary making the rounds in alternative media is claiming Covid-19 is snake venom that has been added the water supply, and Tony breaks down why this latest grift is an extension of the Q-a Don Psy-Op. Finally, a Veteran Wall Street analyst thinks the west needs WW3 to save their economies:.  Articles: Our Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast: Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk[MA1]  [MA1]
4/16/202258 minutes, 58 seconds
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The David Knight Show 4-13-22

The laughable propaganda that is the phrase "Putin's price hike" - Status on the escalating war in Ukraine to enrich U.S. weapons manufacturers- Inflation and the de-dollarization of the world are upon us, and the goal is a digital currency that will be used for total enslavement. Guests for today's show :Donald Jeffries: Charlie Robinson: Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio Podcast RSS: Apple Podcast:  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616   Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
4/13/20223 hours, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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#395 The de-dollarization of civilization

 Even the MSM is starting to cover the inevitable decline of the U.S. dollar supremacy- We also breakdown  the true cost of inflation for American families- And does Claus Schwab really have a bust of Lenin on his book shelf- And what does that tell us?   Articles: Sponsors:Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Emergency Food – Prepping- Water Filtration  Social: Instagram: @arterburnradio  Mail: 827 West Main Street #201            Branson MO, 65616  Donate:$wisewolfgold Bitcoin:  bc1qg36y6nkfcjr62wflz4ngyrzsauejkj4mp0xxwk
4/12/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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Tony on the Ochelli Effect Radio Show 3-30-22

3/31/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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#394 The New World Disorder

3/25/202258 minutes, 22 seconds
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The David Knight Show 3-15-22

Special Guests: Charlie Robinson Don Jeffries Robert Gore 
3/15/20223 hours, 3 minutes, 17 seconds
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#393 Demolishing the Disinformation with Xan John

3/15/202258 minutes, 58 seconds
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#392 War is the ultimate cover for the criminal class

Link for Review :Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Exchange on GoogleCheck out Wise Wolf Gold & Silver Exchange on Google!
3/11/20221 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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#391 The Truth is War's first casualty

3/4/202259 minutes, 40 seconds
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#390 Titans of Liberty

3/1/202257 minutes, 47 seconds
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#389 Russia invades Ukraine and the Globalist goblins activate their propaganda puppets

2/24/202259 minutes, 45 seconds
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#388 The Gears of War are slowly grinding, & Washington's Birthday matters

2/22/202259 minutes, 8 seconds
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#387 Gold is Up and Biden says Russia will invade Ukraine again for the first time

2/18/202259 minutes, 1 second
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#386 The boy, the horse, and the Zen Master

2/15/202258 minutes, 18 seconds
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America Unplugged with Don Jeffries

2/12/202255 minutes, 23 seconds
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#385 The power to save yourself with Gary Barnett

2/8/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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#384 Nation or Notion? Ideology and the roots of decline

2/4/202259 minutes, 7 seconds
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#383 Headlines and the Philosophy of Groundhog day

2/2/202259 minutes, 32 seconds
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#382 The medical industrial complex & talking in the free world

1/28/202259 minutes, 19 seconds
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#381 Unraveling the timeline of Conspiracy with James Perloff

1/27/20221 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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#380 Navigating the Clown World Economy with Kenzie

1/26/202259 minutes, 52 seconds
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#379 Your Last Chance with Robert Gore

1/24/202259 minutes, 33 seconds
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#378 Time for LBDC's ? (Luciferian Bankster Digital Coins )

1/21/202259 minutes, 23 seconds
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#377 The nattering nabobs of the negative narrative

1/20/202257 minutes, 40 seconds
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#376 Fiat is fake its the head of the Snake

1/19/202259 minutes, 27 seconds
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#375 from 12-6-19 James Perloff, Peral Harbor & Roosevelts 9/11

1/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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#374 Deciphering the disinformation with Xan John

1/17/202259 minutes, 28 seconds
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#373 The politics of Global control with Gardner Goldsmith

1/14/202258 minutes, 45 seconds
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#372 Supremes smack down Vax mandate & 50 ways to know if you are a terrorist

1/13/202259 minutes
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#371 Keep your eyes on the Frankenskies with Matt Landman
1/12/20221 hour, 57 seconds
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#370 Clown World Headlines with Xan John

1/10/202259 minutes, 39 seconds
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#369 Coffee, Chaos and Controlled Opposition

1/7/202259 minutes, 9 seconds
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#368 The fix of J6

1/6/202258 minutes, 59 seconds
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#367 News of the day with Billy Ray

1/4/202259 minutes, 27 seconds
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#366 Deciphering the Disinformation with Xan John

1/3/202259 minutes, 53 seconds
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#365 2021 the year of fear gives up the ghost

12/31/20211 hour, 4 seconds
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#364 Buy the numbers ?

12/29/202159 minutes, 29 seconds
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#363 Civilizations die by suicide not by murder

12/28/202159 minutes, 20 seconds
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#362 Decoding the Dystopia with Xan John

12/27/202159 minutes, 39 seconds
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#361 Merry Christmas from ART

12/24/20211 hour
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#360 The War of all against all & the worship of Phobos

12/23/202159 minutes, 18 seconds
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#359 Breaking down the headlines with Xan John

12/22/20211 hour, 56 seconds
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#358 The politics of population control

12/21/202159 minutes, 42 seconds
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#357 Robert Gore of

12/18/20211 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
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The David Knight Show 12-17-21

12/17/20213 hours, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
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#356 Sign posts on the road to collapse ?

12/11/202158 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bonus episode - Prime Time with Billy Ray Valentine 12-2-21

12/8/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
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The David Knight Show 12-3-21

12/3/20213 hours, 2 minutes, 39 seconds
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The David Knight Show 12-2-21

12/2/20213 hours, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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The David Knight Show 12-1-21

12/1/20213 hours, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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The David Knight Show 11-30-21

11/30/20213 hours, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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The David Knight Show 11-29-21

Filling in for the great David Knight  11-29-21 Guests - Donald Jeffries author of Hidden History and Kenzie- host of Fringe Files. 
11/29/20213 hours, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show 11-23-21

Gold slumps on news Jerome Powell is staying on as fed chair- Get ready for $1.25 tree, - Bitcoin powered by Volcanos in El Salvador 
11/24/202159 minutes, 37 seconds
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#355 The Creature of Jekyll Island and JFK

Broadcasting live on WWCR and dive into the headlines of the day as well as the strangeness of Nov 22nd in history. Gold, Silver and bitcoin news. 
11/23/202158 minutes, 34 seconds
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I Protest with Don Jeffries 11-19-21

Tony joins Don Jeffries on his new show " I Protest" on Aftermath.FM Topics include the Rittenhouse verdict and the great unveiling taking place because of Covid-1984 
11/20/20212 hours, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto Show 11-16-21 Aftermath.FM

Gold stalls on a 'stronger" dollar LOL !  And is Ripple making waves ? 
11/17/202158 minutes, 49 seconds
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#354 Monday Night Live on WWCR

11/16/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Veterans Day double feature

Happy Veterans Day! Episode includes David Knight interview from 11-10-21 and Full Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto show on 11-9-21 Subscribe to the Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto Show by going to www.goldandcrypto.newsTony : David Knight: Sponsor: 
11/11/20211 hour, 56 minutes, 33 seconds
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#353 Pale Horse Tracker

Tracking down the memory of William Cooper with Mr. Anderson 
11/6/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
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#352 Politics & Precious Metals
11/4/202159 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork debut for Wise Wolf G&C show 
11/1/202156 minutes, 58 seconds
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#351 The Clattering Train 
10/29/202152 minutes, 54 seconds
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#350 Crimes and Cover Ups in American Politics with Don Jeffries 
10/22/202159 minutes, 23 seconds
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#349 The New World Order with Xan John

Tony: www.Arterburn,news Xan John:
10/21/202158 minutes, 36 seconds
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#348 Build Back Never

What do the natural cycles of history have to do with the elites and their plans for world domination ? Tune in and find out as we explore the concept of a fourth turning in contrast to  the "Great Reset" . Welcome to Tomorrow. Articles:                      www.preparewithart.comTony:
10/15/202153 minutes, 46 seconds
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America Unplugged : Dangerous times with Cynthia McKinney

Join Billy Ray Valentine, Don Jeffries and Tony Arterburn on America Unplugged. Available at Podcast:
10/11/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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#347 Dystopia Down Under

9/24/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Titans of Liberty 9/11/21

Tony joins Jason Lo at the Titans of Liberty show on to discuss the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 and the disaster that was the Afghanistan exit. Titans of Liberty :
9/13/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
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#346 Decoding 9/11 with James Perloff

Author of Truth is a Lonely Warrior James Perloff joins the Arterburn Radio Transmission to breakdown the mysteries of 9/11, both material and metaphysical. Less than one hour does not do justice to the wealth of knowledge or the research done by Mr. Perloff, but we hope we to have him back soon on an extended interview. James Perloff: www.jamesperloff.netTony:
9/10/202154 minutes, 17 seconds
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#345 Fake vaccine passports are criminal but fake news, fake money, and fake politicians are not

Articles: Sponsors:www.wisewolf.goldwww.preparewithart.comContact:
9/6/20211 hour, 3 seconds
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#344 Our wars, leaders, and variants are Mu (Made Up)

Examining the aftermath of the Afghanistan retreat & President Fauci informs us of another "variant" Does Mu stand for made up ? Gold and silver prices and much more. Articles: Sponsors
9/3/202157 minutes, 55 seconds
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America Unplugged with Don Jeffries - Afghanistan and America's fiat foreign policy

Recorded on 8-21-21Don Jeffries and Tony Arterburn discuss the unraveling situation in Afghanistan, and the history of modern American foreign policy. Be sure to subscribe to the American Unplugged Radio Podcast as well as our exclusive video channel on Jeffries:  www.donaldjeffries.newsTony Our
8/31/202148 minutes, 29 seconds
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#343 Tyranny from A-Z

Covering John W. Whitehead's article from 8-11-21 Tyranny from A- Z , how to survive hyperinflation, gold and silver prices and much more. 
8/20/202153 minutes, 51 seconds
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#342 A Fiat Foreign Policy fails in Afghanistan

Personal reflections on the Taliban retaking Afghanistan and what comes next. Gold, Silver and Bitcoin Prices as well. 
8/16/202156 minutes, 50 seconds
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#341 Fiat turns Fifty - and Afghanistan is falling

Sunday August 15th is the 50th anniversary of Nixon taking the U.S. off the gold standard. What are the long term effects of having endless monopoly money propping up our economy and culture? Also, Afghanistan is falling or rising, depends on how you look at it. Will democracy triumph or will history deliver a verdict of noncompatible ?
8/13/202156 minutes, 30 seconds
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#340 Make America Texas Gym Again

Aired 8-6-21 on the road in Rockwall Texas, we talk about he vaccine and possible variants caused by the injections themselves. Spiritual problems will never have a political solution- and a personal reflection on how a 1990s America worked just fine in a hole in the wall gym in a rough area of Dallas. Welcome to Tomorrow. Tony:www,Arterburn.News Our Sponsor:
8/9/202153 minutes, 24 seconds
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#339 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Things fall apart - the center cannot hold. Meditations on a dying system and the decline of our civilization. What comes next and what are the positive impacts of this psychosis and tyranny ? Gold and Silver Prices and much more. Welcome to tomorrow. Articles: 
7/30/202156 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Infinite Fringe Live on Aftermath.FM

Pulled from the Archives (June 7th 2021) a  fun and candid conversation with Billy Ray Valentine of the Infinite Fringe on Aftermath.FMWe discuss the concept of photographs stealing your soul, the future of A.I. and the power of your subconscious mind. Billy Ray Tue, Wed, Thursday 8pm CT.
7/26/202153 minutes, 21 seconds
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#338 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Fiat is Fake- Its the head of the snake.  We explore the origins of our Fiat Currency system and the damage done by the Bankster  class to all mankind. Also, find out what entity a former DHS official thinks is the greatest  National Security Threat. Gold, and Silver Prices and Much more. Tony:www.Arterburn, Articles:
7/23/202157 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Infinite Fringe Live on Aftermath.FM

7/21/2021 The Infinite Fringe Live on 8pm CT Tue-Wed-Thur Billy Ray Valentine, Don Jeffries and Tony Arterburn breakdown the calls for new mask mandates and lockdowns in the ongoing saga of Covid-1984, plus Dubai is creating rainfall in an age when weather modification is still considered a conspiracy theory by the mockingbird media. Donald www.Americaunplugged.comBilly Ray Valentine: Tony 
7/22/202152 minutes, 40 seconds
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#337 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

When a man hath no freedom.Poetry - Politics and stream of consciousness, plus why the  border is a grift. Gold and Silver Prices and much more. Tony Articles:
7/16/202156 minutes, 50 seconds
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#336 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

North East West and South (NEWS) Today, Beans the Brave and I take on the World Economic forum and the next simulation they are running (Cyber Security) and the Great Reset. Find out if the  capital LEGOs were assembled or was that fake NEWs lol?  The Clown show continues with NY Times calling Freedom an anti government slogan. The Dollars final Crash down a Golden Matterhorn Welcome to Tomorrow Articles:
7/12/202157 minutes, 53 seconds
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#335 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Meditations on an 1879 Morgan silver dollar, and what truly stands the test of time? Will bad ideas last? The U.S. has its second Saigon moment with the draw down of Troops in Afghanistan, and we discuss the implications. Also, five reasons you should start stockpiling food ASAP. Gold and Silver  Prices and much more. Articles:
7/9/202155 minutes, 50 seconds
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#334 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Happy Birthday America- A breakdown of two songs about America 20 years apart.  Plus  what do  Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson have  common ? Hint- being censored completely if CNN and the deep state get their way. Gold and Silver Prices and much more. Thank you for listening. 
7/5/202157 minutes, 27 seconds
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#333 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What is the Real War? On todays ART we discuss the death of Donald Rumsfeld, Facebook combatting extremism by sending you a notice lol, and who killed Ashli  Babbitt? Also- five plagues that are making headlines in the U.S.  Gold and Silver Prices and much more. Articles : Sponsors: 
7/2/202157 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Tony joins the Titans of Liberty Show on Thursday the 17th of June 2021, for a discussion about, Trump, Operation Warp Speed and the future of American Politics. Our Sponsors:
6/21/202154 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Special Guest of We've Read the Documents - John Brisson You've heard of the CFR- but do you know about the CNP? Secret Think Tanks of the right make for an interesting conversation. Enjoy and Welcome to tomorrow ladies and gents. John Brisson: twitter- @weve_readYoutube -  Arterburn: (888)-667-1836
6/18/202158 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Arterburn Radio Transmission

The good, the bad, and the Ugly today on the Transmission. The latest news on bitcoin, gold and silver, plus the a lesson in fake conservative politics. We don't need a wall, we need a will , when it comes to immigration. Fraudci says he is the science,  so we go into the archives and expose the myth of science being a benevolent god. Articles: Sponsor: 
6/11/202158 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What drives Conspiracism ? Today we explore how true conspiracy research gets drowned out and nullified by the Q- Anon Psychological operation  and the cult of political personality . Gold and Silver Prices and Beans the Brave joins the broadcast. Articles: Sponsors:                        
6/4/202158 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Decoration Day/ Memorial Day Episode. The Philosopher Plato said that only the dead had seen the end of war. We explore the justifications for our modern perpetual conflicts and how to best honor those who died fighting for the American military. Articles: Sponsors: www.wisewolf.goldwww.preparewithart.comContact Tony -
6/1/202158 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto Show

All new project with with Fringe from Wall Street Stackers and Fringe Files on You Tube. Introduction on the all new Wise Wolf Gold and Crypto show- Breaking down the week on both precious metals and Crypto Currencies. Subscribe to the new Podcast anywhere Podcasts are found or just go to:www.goldandcrypto.news Fringe on Twitter @fringe_files Find Tony - 
5/28/202135 minutes, 54 seconds
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5-19-21 The Arterburn radio Transmission

See for privacy information.
5/20/202152 minutes
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5-17-21 The Arterburn radio Transmission

Special guest - Author Donald Jeffries- We discuss his magnificent book- Survival of the Richest. Don Jeffrries Facebook - - @DonJeffriesdonaldjeffries.wordpress.com for privacy information.
5/17/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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5-14-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

See for privacy information.
5/14/202152 minutes, 21 seconds
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5-10-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

America Unplugged edition with Special guest Charlie Robinson Charlie Robinsion - Don Jeffries -  donaldjeffries.wordpress.comBilly Ray Valentine - Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
5/10/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 1 second
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5-7-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Broadcasting with Beans the Brave. We cover the new Woke Military Industrial complex, The sovietization of America, Gold Silver, Bitcoin and much more. Welcome to Tomorrow. Our Sponsors -                                            Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
5/7/202151 minutes, 57 seconds
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4-30-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Silver Stackers of the World Unite !  On the eve of  May Day, We talk Illuminati, Communism, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin and Luciferian Bankster Notes Our Sponsor :               Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/30/202151 minutes, 56 seconds
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4-26-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Special Guest -Frank CavanaghFind him on Twitter  @full_metal_magaWise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/26/202159 minutes, 7 seconds
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4-19-21The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Waco - OKC 1995 and false flags with Documentarian Christopher Emery. Links Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/19/202157 minutes, 5 seconds
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4-15-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Wise Wolf Radio9:25 AM (7 hours ago)to meSpecial Guests - The Liberty Broadcast Liberty Broadcast Social Facebook @TheLibertyBroadcast Twitter @TheLibertyBcastYoutube Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/16/202151 minutes, 54 seconds
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4-9-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Biden declares war on the 2nd Amendment, White house Re-Imagines immigration and the law itself. Nominee for head of the ATF took part in the crime and cover up of  Waco. Gold and Silver prices and much more. Welcome to Tomorrow. Articles: Sponsors : www..preparewithart.comwww.wisewolf.goldWise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/9/202152 minutes, 6 seconds
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4-5-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Thank you for listening.Once more into the Fray. Today we examine how empires and civilizations pershish, and why a strange website may be correct in its grim prediction of the future. Articles: Sponsors : Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/7/202155 minutes, 1 second
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4-2-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Awake but now Woke- Happy Friday from Beans the Brave and the entire ART family Ladies and Gents Articles - Sponsors :                 Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
4/2/202152 minutes, 7 seconds
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3-29-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

See for privacy information.
3/29/202154 minutes, 14 seconds
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3-19-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Breaking down the twin monsters faced by the federal reserve in the coming months and years. Plus a quick update on the border. Tony E. Arterburn Jr. 8452 Fredericksburg RoadSuite 138San Antonio, Texas 78229  Cell-(469)-610-1680See for privacy information.
3/19/202127 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

3-15-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Beware the Ides of March. Thank you for listening. Solo show today- Enjoy. Our Sponsors:               Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
3/15/202156 minutes, 11 seconds
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3-12-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Special Guest- Robert Gore of Our Sponsors: Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
3/12/202151 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

3-8-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

My guest today is Billy Ray Valentine of the Infinite Fringe Podcast.. We discuss the existential issues within the Truth movement, and where alternative media goes in a post Trump & Q Anon era. Billy Ray Valentine: Twitter @Obi1unomeWise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
3/8/202157 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

3-5-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Truth is a cross beside the road in 2021. Today we ask who imperils the Republic? What connections can be made of the Bad, the Clown, and the Ugly.  Gold and Silver prices and why a glaring bright shining Truth in our skies is ignored by our elite. Our Sponsors:                         www,  Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616 (888) See for privacy information.
3/5/202151 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

2-26-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Biden is now the third President to bomb Syria, and it is only the beginning of the next phase in the  deep state's plan to bog us down in a protracted conflict to prop up the petro-dollar. Today we help you quell your fears of both Terrorism and Covid-1984 with one glaring example. Gold and Silver prices and why the paper market is a fraud. Welcome to tomorrow. Our Sponsors: www. Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
2/26/202151 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

2-22-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

See for privacy information.
2/22/202155 minutes, 47 seconds
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2-19-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Talking gold and silver with Fringe Files. Follow her on YouTube - Fringe Files --Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
2/20/202152 minutes
Episode Artwork

2-5-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Appreciate you listening. Today we continue to break down the biggest story not covered this week, and that is the continuing manipulation of silver. Find out what happens when a California man was refused service for not wearing a mask, hint ( he wasnt chicken). Also, are you droning material ? Find out if flying death robots will target you for being MAGA. NEWS of the day and much more. Welcome to Tomorrow. Our Sponsors: Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
2/5/202151 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

2-2-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Appreciate you listening. Today's episode covers the kick in the 'Shorts" that silver has taken over the past 24 hours. Learn why Libertarians are the new ISIS, according to deep state degenerates anyway, and why Texas can legally leave the Union. Welcome to tomorrow, Our Sponsors: www.wisewolf.goldwww.preparewithart.comArticles:\ Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
2/2/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

2-1-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

See for privacy information.
2/2/202155 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

1-22-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Thank you for listening. Todays episode is all about Building Back Bitter. Gold and SIlver Prices and much more. Enjoy Our Sponsors:  www.preparewithart.comwww.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comArticles : Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/23/202152 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

1-20-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Trust the Plan comes crashing down. We take a gallows humor look at the Clown World order, and their coronation today. Gold and silver prices and the rumors of wars in the air. Welcome to Tomorrow. Our Sponsors:www.preparewithart.comwww.wisewolf.goldArticles Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/22/202156 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

1-19-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Thank you for listening. The Crash test dummy for the deep state Biden will be sworn in as your Overlord tomorrow, and we take a look at the clown show to come. Plus some tips on prepping, gold and silver prices,  and the big picture in terms of the NWO. Welcome to tomorrow. Our Sponsors: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/19/202154 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

1-18-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Politics, Precious Metals, Prepping, and the  Paranormal . Welcome to the end of politics, and welcome to Tomorrow. Our Sponsors : Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/18/202156 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

1-14-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Fiat is fake, its the head of the Snake. Headlines and History today. Gold and Silver prices, plus bitcoin bounces back. Our Sponsors: Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836See for privacy information.
1/15/202155 minutes, 34 seconds
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1-13-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Thank you so much for listening. Today we cover things to come in foreign policy, the latest on censorship, the great debate in Christian end times theology, gold and silver prices and much more. Our Articles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/13/202155 minutes, 53 seconds
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1-11-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Thank you for listening. Today we talk about the future decline and fall of our beloved republic and how being prepared for the next level is our highest calling. Learn why gold and silver will always be worth something, unlike fiat paper currency. Also, new narratives about domestic terrorism will shape every aspect of our political future.Our Sponsors: Articles : Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/11/202153 minutes, 46 seconds
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1-8-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Thank you for listening. The System has failed - Now What?  Articles : Sponsors: Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/9/202152 minutes, 2 seconds
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1-7-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Trust the Plan, Trust the man, Trust the Scam.Special guest Fringe Files Finge:          Youtube - Fringe Files          Twitter   @fringe_files   Our Sponsors : Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/7/202156 minutes, 5 seconds
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1-6-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmision

History happening, Pence folds ,and the new narrative machine rolls on. We discuss the tragedy and hope of it all, and prepare for a dark winter. Our Sponsors: www.preparewithart.comArticles: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/6/202152 minutes, 1 second
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1-5-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Decoding the Dystopia with Fringe Files  Fringe:  twitter @fringe_files  Youtube Fringefiles  Our Sponsors : www.preparewithart.comArticle: Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/6/202155 minutes, 29 seconds
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1-4-21 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

First Transmission for 2021! Briefly looking at the dumpster fire election, further evidence of the cowards in the G.O.P becoming evident. Why are Gold and Silver & Bitcoin up as the stock selloff continues? Two articles on the Satanic Great Reset as well as analysis on whats to come in 2021. Welcome to Tomorrow and thanks for Tuning in. Our Sponsors: Articles :// Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
1/4/202152 minutes, 14 seconds
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12-30-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Joined in studio with Charlie the Chocolate lab, we dive into the latest concerning the Covid-1984 conspiracy. Find out who Big Pharma has threatened to Kill for speaking out on Vaccines. Plus learn why the Christmas day Nashville bombing is an important to OKC 95. 180 days to UFO disclosure is in the new relief bill, so get ready for project blue beam. Gold and Silver Prices and much more. Our Articles : Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
12/30/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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12-29-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Wise Wolf Radio4:34 PM (1 hour ago)to meToday we find out what people who wear masks in their car are really saying. Plus the goblins in Washington just voted to give you a $600 cake to eat, and we break down why that arrogance will have lasting impact. UFOs will start being more of a regular part of your news and we explore possible reasons why, plus an update on Roswell 1947. Your calls and much more.Find us  Twitter @tonyarterburn Our Sponsors Articles for privacy information.
12/29/202056 minutes, 2 seconds
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12-24-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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12/25/202053 minutes
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12-23-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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12/25/202055 minutes, 26 seconds
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12-22-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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12/22/202051 minutes, 55 seconds
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12-21-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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12/22/202051 minutes, 51 seconds
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12-18-20 ep2 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

State of the ART Friday TFR transmission. Welcome to tomorrow. --Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
12/19/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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12-18-20 ep1 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Special Friday Guest - Fringe Files Twitter @fringe_files --Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
12/19/202055 minutes, 5 seconds
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12-17-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

A sad day for broadcasting as the news of Infowars firing David Knight hits close to home. We navigate the dystopia and talk about rights of passage, and the war on real money. Thank you for listening- Welcome to tomorrow. www.preparewithart.comWise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
12/17/202057 minutes, 29 seconds
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12-16-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Behold a Tea Party- anniversary of the Boston Tea Party and episode one of WWCR live 2pm CT. Bitcoin hits an all time hi and UFO sightings in NYC are also breaking records. Buckle up and welcome to Tomorrow. Our sponsors --Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
12/16/202056 minutes, 33 seconds
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12-15-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Will TEXIT be a reality? Tony takes a side on the question of secession. Plus can you guess who called the vaccine "Toxic Waste" ? Why we are fortunate to have such a clear vision of the globalists goblins and their plans, gold & silver prices and much more. Welcome to Tomorrow. Our Sponsors- Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange 827 West Main Street #201Branson, Missouri 65616(888)-667-1836www.wisewolfgoldandsilver.comSee for privacy information.
12/15/202051 minutes, 56 seconds
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12-14-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

The truth content of the following broadcast is rated WG for Weapons Grade. Time to reset the table and look beyond the fallacy of the left right paradigm. Time to stand up and be counted in the battle for human freedom and dignity. The Great Reset is bearing down on us, and this abomination of a vaccine is only the beginning. Will you submit or resist? The GOP is not here to help you, they just want to fundraise. Welcome to tomorrow. See for privacy information.
12/14/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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12-11-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Back again Finge Files fills in for Tony. Another weapons- grade level of Truth! Find Fringe twitter @fringe_filesOurSponsors: See for privacy information.
12/11/202051 minutes, 51 seconds
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12-4-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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12/4/202051 minutes, 49 seconds
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12-3-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Back from break and its time to get Kraken. Today we discuss the real war being waged, and its not Dem Vs. Republican, its the plutocrats vs. the People, or the technocracy vs. humanity itself. Find out which ex Presidents are willing to get the covid vaccine live on T.V. why the GOP loves foreign workers more than Americans, and we examine how the Fed will come into direct conflict with the American Empire as the dollar slides into oblivion. Welcome to tomorrow. See for privacy information.
12/4/202051 minutes, 57 seconds
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11-25-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/26/202051 minutes, 49 seconds
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11-24-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/25/202051 minutes, 51 seconds
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11-23-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/24/202051 minutes, 51 seconds
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11-20-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/24/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
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11-18-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/19/202051 minutes, 50 seconds
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11-16-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/17/202051 minutes, 52 seconds
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11-11-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/12/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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11-4-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/5/202052 minutes, 2 seconds
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11-2-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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11/3/202051 minutes, 51 seconds
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10-30-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Weapons grade Truth- Cutting-edge Conservative radio on this last day of October. Election analysis and this day in history, gold and silver prices and much more.  Welcome to tomorrow. Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange www.wisewolf.goldwww.arterburn.newsSee for privacy information.
10/30/202051 minutes, 50 seconds
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10-23-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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10/28/202053 minutes, 21 seconds
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10-27-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Stream of consciousness, Supreme court has a new Justice and the left is ready to stack the court. Learn about foods that have a potential for shorages, gold and silver prices, and much more. www.arterburn.newsSee for privacy information.
10/27/202051 minutes, 57 seconds
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10-26-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Day 1 of reverse engineering the dystopia. Life can only be understood in reverse, so we start to look back at our timeline, and how the elites are closing in on their endgame for total control. Articles from Gold and Silver prices and much more. Welcome to tomorrow. www.wisewolf.goldwww.arterburn.newsSee for privacy information.
10/26/202051 minutes, 55 seconds
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10-20-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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10/21/202051 minutes, 55 seconds
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10-19-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What the Laptop giveth, the Laptop taketh away.  A vote for Trump is a vote for 1857 instead of 1861. Today we cover the disruption of the Matrix that is the Trump Presidency when it comes to China and why that matters now. Several articles from and ,Gold and Silver prices and much more. Welcome to tomorrowSee for privacy information.
10/19/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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10-14-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission - Robert Gore

The amazing Robert Gore joins us once again to talk about election and what appears to be our future National Divorce. Find his work at www.straightlinelogic.comSee for privacy information.
10/15/202051 minutes, 52 seconds
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10-14-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Hunter Biden is the Uday Hussien of American politics and other musings on our meltdown. Gold and Silver prices and Beans and Charlie join the TransmissionSee for privacy information.
10/15/202051 minutes, 59 seconds
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10-8-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Looking into the past false flags of the 1990's to explain strange headlines of our time. Also, why is big business losing profits and still supporting the lockdown? Gold and Silver Prices, Cold war with China heats up, and much more. Welcome to Tomorrow. See for privacy information.
10/8/202051 minutes, 56 seconds
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10-2-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Charlie, Beans and Melissa Join the Transmission. We talk about POTUS testing positive for the crappy Chinese bioweapon, and how he can use it to his advantage. This day in history and musings on the mayhem. www.arterburn.newsSee for privacy information.
10/2/202051 minutes, 58 seconds
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10-1-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

10-1 in History. Plus Globalist predators prepare to harvest 500,000 sharks for the covid Vaccine, and we break down the true meaning of critical racial theory. Gold and Silver prices and much more. www.wisewolf.goldSee for privacy information.
10/1/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
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9-29-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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9/29/202051 minutes, 50 seconds
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9-25-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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9/25/202051 minutes, 56 seconds
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9-24-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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9/24/202052 minutes, 10 seconds
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9-22-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Decoding the Dystopia with Fringe Files and her hound dogs. What will be the October Surprise ? See for privacy information.
9/22/202052 minutes, 12 seconds
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9-21-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What is the true reason for the globalists targeting the Trump admin? Covid1984 is global, but why the big push to collapse America's economy above all else? We discuss what the passing of RBG and what that means for our political system and the election. Also, gold and Silver prices and much more.See for privacy information.
9/21/202052 minutes, 7 seconds
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9-14-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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9/14/202051 minutes, 58 seconds
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9-11-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Tony joins Billy Ray Valentine of the Infinite Fringe Podcast to discuss 9/11 and its aftermath. See for privacy information.
9/11/202057 minutes, 56 seconds
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9-10-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

All the rage in the Mockingbird press is Cryogenicly unfrozen Bob Woodward's new book- We talk about the part where our elite Generals wanted to turn us into a banana republic with nuclear weapons. Bill Sardi from has an article on the cashless society. Gold and Silver prices and much more. #welcometotomorrow See for privacy information.
9/10/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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9-7-20 The Arterburn Transmission

Special Labor day edition of ART- We dive further in the propaganda hit piece of President Trump’s “losers” and “suckers” comments. The CDC is now Americas Landlord, and breaks a huge story of the World Bank moving Covid-19 tests in 2018? Gold and Silver prices and fighting globalist goblins.  See for privacy information.
9/7/202051 minutes, 50 seconds
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9-4-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Did Trump actually call the fallen soldiers from WW1 France “losers” and “suckers” We dive into what appears to be a complicated piece of modern propaganda. Also, did you know you can get a mask for your Dog now? And what the heck is happening to the Moon? Gold and Silver prices and much more. Welcome to Tomorrow. #TonyArterburn #Gold #Silver   See for privacy information.
9/4/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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9-1-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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9/1/202051 minutes, 57 seconds
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8-31-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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9/1/202051 minutes, 56 seconds
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8-28-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/28/202052 minutes, 2 seconds
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8-27-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/27/202052 minutes, 1 second
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8-25-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/25/202051 minutes, 59 seconds
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8-24-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/24/202051 minutes, 52 seconds
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8-19-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/20/202053 minutes, 39 seconds
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8-13-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/14/202053 minutes, 24 seconds
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8-12-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/14/202053 minutes, 14 seconds
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8-11-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/12/202052 minutes, 5 seconds
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8-10-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/11/202052 minutes, 2 seconds
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8-7-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/7/202051 minutes, 54 seconds
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8-3-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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8/4/202052 minutes, 13 seconds
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7-31-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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7/31/202052 minutes, 3 seconds
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7-30-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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7/30/202052 minutes, 27 seconds
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7-28-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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7/28/202052 minutes, 9 seconds
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7-27-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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7/28/202052 minutes, 4 seconds
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7-24-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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7/25/202052 minutes, 8 seconds
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7-23-20 The Arterburn Radio Transmission

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7/23/202052 minutes, 2 seconds