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The Abundology Podcast Profile

The Abundology Podcast

English, Education, 1 season, 176 episodes, 1 day, 19 hours, 57 minutes
A weekly podcast on topics related to Abundance, hosted by Renee Spears. This positive energy-infused show features abundance conversations and weekly energy updates to boost your energy and create more abundance, love, joy, and money in your life.
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#337 - The Magic of Gratitude with Terry Bradford and Mary Wilmer

In this episode, Terry and Mary from Gratitude Perks unveil the magical power of gratitude and how it can transform our lives. Gratitude is the quickest way to elevate your state of being and is a true game-changer. By tapping into our feelings and emotions, we unlock the essence of gratitude, allowing us to feel great in the present moment. Practicing gratitude can instantly shift your mindset, bringing you into a state of presence and awareness. Terry and Mary share practical ways to incorporate gratitude into your life, such as Gratitude Walks, a Gratitude Jar, games, and journaling. They also emphasize the importance of personalizing your practice to make it meaningful. Starting with simple, everyday acknowledgments of gratitude and gradually deepening your practice is key. Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine is the most transformational thing you can do for your life. Tune in for practical tips and insights on cultivating a powerful gratitude practice that can transform your life and bring immediate joy and fulfillment.  Terry Bradford and Mary Wilmer, founders of Gratitude Perks, teach you how to harness the power of gratitude to elevate and transform your life. Mary has an entrepreneurial background which includes producing live events, and working with artist management companies and agents that represented some big names like Leslie Jordan and Jenna Elfman.   Terry is a singer-songwriter and music producer. He was the 1990 Star Search Male Vocalist Champion. Terry was also Celine Dion’s duet partner on her world tours. He also worked on The Lion King and with musical artists like Stevie Wonder, Linda Ronstadt, and Elton John.  You can connect with them on their website: And Instagram:
7/24/202448 minutes, 22 seconds
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#336 - Weekly Energy Update for July 21, 2024: Capricorn Full Moon & Leo Season

There was a Full Moon in Capricorn early on Sunday morning. This is the second full moon in Capricorn in a row. Every year, there are twelve Full Moons, each one taking place in a different sign. However, this year we have 2 Full Moons in Capricorn.  The difference between these 2 Full Moons is what’s going on with Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn. During the first Full Moon in Capricorn that took place on June 21st, Saturn was direct. However, since that full moon four weeks ago, Saturn went retrograde in Pisces, which is triggering a period of deep internal reflection. Saturn is associated with boundaries and now that it’s in retrograde, we have an opportunity to restructure some aspects of our lives. We're getting the chance to do things in a whole new way. We also are redefining what success looks like to us. Our entire concept of success has been turned on its head in the last month. This full moon occurs at the 29th degree, the very last degree of Capricorn. It may feel more intense than normal because it's on this potent last degree. There are four other major planetary events happening today too which add to the intensity of the day. The Moon's conjunction with Pluto is the main one. It will activate our insecurities, fears, and triggers. If you feel like the sky is falling, and there’s no hope, it isn’t you, it’s this moon. Monday is the start of Leo Season. Leo Season is our time to shine. From the moment Leo season begins, there will be a surge of energy helping us transform thanks to the two full moons in Capricorn and the Mars-Uranus Conjunction.   We are changing this summer. In a big way! Right now, we have the confidence to go after our dreams and the optimism to know we’re going to get there. Still want to register for Spiritual Summer School? Email me at [email protected]  
7/21/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
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#335 - Weekly Energy Update for July 14, 2024: Mars - Uranus Conjunction

I won't lie, this is an uncomfortable week.  The energy for Monday's Mars and Uranus conjunction has been building and we'll continue to feel it all week. Mars is associated with taking action. It's named after the Roman god of war. When Uranus, the planet of chaos, revolution, and change, is combined with this energy, it's like throwing gasoline on a fire. These two are meeting up in Taurus. Neither one of them likes being there. They feel uncomfortable there. Taurus is a slow steady energy and Mars and Uranus are definitely not slow and steady. Imagine Uranus bringing chaos and disruption and feeling uncomfortable meeting up with Mars, the planet of war and energy, which is also uncomfortable. Something is going to happen! This energy is especially helpful in moving us forward. It shakes things up. Wherever you’ve been stuck, this week you get unstuck. And it is not comfortable. We often resist change because it is too uncomfortable. Although change disrupts our lives and disturbs our peace, it's necessary. It’s time to change and move forward. We’re in this energy until Mars moves into Gemini on Saturday. This week is the grand finale of Mars’ journey through Taurus. We know how big and explosive grand finales are, especially when you add the chaotic energy of Uranus to the mix. Get ready for change. If you’ve been bored, stuck, or ready for what’s next, get ready to move forward in unexpected ways. Things are shifting and ending so we can move on to the next great chapter! Learn more and register for Spiritual Summer School at
7/14/20246 minutes, 44 seconds
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#334 - Weekly Energy Update for July 7, 2024: Venus in Leo

It's a good time to discuss how the current transit of Pluto into Aquarius is affecting our nation during this Fourth of July holiday. Pluto's 20-year journey in Aquarius marks a significant turning point in our personal and global futures. It will not only bring a revolution in science and technology, but also transform our political systems, and we’re already seeing the beginning. Pluto’s transformative energy is dismantling our outdated political structures. This might include revolutions, and protests, as these old systems are destroyed and new ones that are more ethical and more transparent are put in place. The good news is because Aquarius represents humanitarianism, the result of these 20 years is a more equitable society, with stronger communities and more peace. Pluto in Aquarius is also here to transform us spiritually. This time allows us to practice and deepen our spiritual beliefs. Venus enters Leo this week on Thursday, the 11th. Venus is all about beauty, pleasure, and love. It also governs our finances, self-worth, and values. The Sun rules Leo, a sign that brightens everything up! Romance, beauty, and creativity shine when these two connect.  Leo also loves to be in the spotlight. Now is a great time to launch creative projects and update your style. This transit is also about appreciating beauty, luxury, and the finer things in life. While it's a great time to treat yourself, be mindful of overspending or impulse buying right now. It's a time to celebrate love when Venus is in Leo. We are talking about big acts of love. Spoil your loved ones. Make the most of your time together and go above and beyond to celebrate love. Let's enjoy this lovely summer with Venus in Leo while it lasts, as we know we're in for some changes with Pluto's transit through Aquarius.
7/7/20248 minutes, 41 seconds
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#333 - Weekly Energy Update for June 30, 2024: Cancer New Moon, July Numerology, and Sirius Gateway

Summer is in full swing with July starting this week. July is a Universal Month 6 in numerology. Month 6 is about love, home, family, and responsibilities. It’s a time of harmony and balance as we focus on strengthening our relationships with our loved ones. A 6 month is also an ideal time to focus on decorating and home improvements. And simply enjoy hanging out at home with your people. This is the perfect energy for a long 4th of July weekend filled with leisure time. The Sirius gateway adds to this week's already lovely vibe. Every year, during the first week of July, when our Sun conjuncts the star Sirius, there is an event known as the Sirius Gateway.  As our "Spiritual Sun," Sirius is 23 times brighter than our Sun. When these two align, high-frequency energy recharges our bodies and souls and elevates our spiritual consciousness. This year,  the energy of the Sirius Gateway is amplified by the Cancer New Moon on July 5th. The start of a new lunar cycle closely linked to the Sirius Gateway brings an abundance of new, high-vibing energy that puts everything into perspective.  This is a lovely, gentle, optimistic energy that helps us soften, unwind, and stop taking things too seriously.  The New Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer puts the focus on our emotional and romantic lives. New moons start a new chapter and everything started now is likely to enhance our love and family lives, and help us to align with our goals. The advice for this New Moon is to listen to your soul and allow your heart to get a little more tender.   Retrograde season is ramping up this week too, Neptune goes retrograde on July 2. Neptune is the planet of dreams and spirituality and when it retrogrades, we’re able to look realistically at our fantasies. Illusions can come crashing down, and we begin to realize that people and things aren't who we believe them to be.  All the high-frequency energy from the Sirius Gateway and the New Moon in Cancer helps us feel more connected and allows us to receive messages and downloads that help us focus on the important things in life. Our lives will be transformed if we pay attention to the wisdom we receive.
6/30/20248 minutes, 21 seconds
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#332 - Weekly Energy Update for June 23, 2024: Summer of Retrogrades

The summer of retrogrades is here. This summer, there are five planets plus Chiron retrograde, which slows down everything. This Saturday Saturn goes retrograde, joining Pluto, which is already retrograde. Followed by Neptune next week. Next is Chiron at the end of July, Mercury in August, and Uranus at the end of summer.  When multiple planets go retrograde simultaneously, there’s a collective pause to reflect on practically every aspect of our lives. Everything slows down this summer. It's helpful to remember that setbacks and delays are typical during retrogrades. We're not used to slowing down, so it could feel difficult but if you can settle in, it'll be wonderful.  We have time to look inward and reflect this summer. We’ll rethink our goals and long-term career plans. This summer we can align our lives more closely with our values. It’s a time of personal and collective transformation.  Make the most of the leisurely days to reflect on your life. We’re examining everything to see if it still aligns with us.  On Saturday, Saturn goes retrograde. Saturn is the planet of discipline, rules, and work. When it goes retrograde, it's like school let out for summer. We all have a reason to relax this summer and let go of everything holding us back. Let go of the rules and enjoy a laid-back and relaxing summer. Because Saturn is going retrograde in Pisces, the planet associated with spirituality, the focus is also on reviewing and rethinking our spiritual path and practices.  It’s time to rethink spirituality and learn how to live more intentionally and connected. This slow summer gives us the time and space to practice being present. There’s no hurry this summer. Slow down, and practice being in the moment.   Access the Summer Solstice Spiritual Practice at
6/23/20248 minutes, 26 seconds
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#331 - Summer 2024 Astrology Forecast with Astrologer Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton brings you the Summer 2024 Astrological Forecast in this fun podcast episode. Get ready, because summers like this are rare! This summer, we’re basking in the positive, happy energy of Jupiter in Gemini, promising a season filled with lighthearted fun and creativity. The key is to go with the flow and not take anything too seriously. Mark your calendars for June 29th when Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces. This transit challenges us to ask, “What do I need to let go of to be my true self?” Then, on July 1st, a healing portal opens as Jupiter semi-squares Saturn. This is the perfect time to embrace your emotions and heal. The very next day, July 2nd, Neptune goes retrograde, urging us to look inward and perhaps receive some significant insights. Adding to the excitement, both Mercury and Venus will be in Leo during Leo season, infusing the summer with playful and joyful vibes. So, don’t overthink things—just enjoy the ride. However, keep in mind that both Mercury and Uranus will also be retrograde this summer, adding a bit of unpredictability to the mix. The big transit of the season arrives on August 19th when Jupiter squares Saturn. This powerful transit illuminates what no longer serves you, helping you shed old layers and step into autumn as a more authentic version of yourself. Tune in and prepare for an unforgettable summer! Listen to Astrologer Deborah Norton's Podcast at
6/20/202433 minutes, 29 seconds
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#330 - Weekly Energy Update for June 16, 2024: Summer Solstice, Cancer Season, and Capricorn Full Moon

This Thursday, the 20th, marks the start of the summer, with the Summer Solstice and the beginning of the Cancer season. And there is a full moon in Capricorn the very next day. It's a big, wonderful week! We talk a lot about the cycles of the moon and the other planets, but the sun is the center of everything, and the solstice is our day to honor it. Since the sun is 400 times larger than the moon, we can think of the solstice as 400 times more powerful than a full moon. We can think of it as a Full Sun. The tone for the entire summer is set by what is happening in the sky at the time of the solstice. At the exact time of the summer solstice, the sun will enter Cancer, starting Cancer Season. Cancer is nurturing, intuitive, compassionate, and a natural caregiver. Cancers are also homebodies, who love nurturing their homes and caring for their plants, pets, and people. Cancer season is just lovely. The next few weeks are ideal for lounging around with friends and enjoying the summertime. Adding to this week's magic is the Strawberry Full Moon on Friday, which falls only one day after the Solstice. It’s called the Strawberry moon because this is the time of year when the strawberries are ripe, not because of the color of the moon. The extraordinary thing about this full moon is that it’s the lowest full moon we’ve seen in years. Since the Moon happens on the solstice, the very day the Sun is absolutely at its highest of the year, and a full moon is opposite the sun, this full Moon is the very lowest full Moon, the lowest we’ve seen in years. This full moon is the first of two consecutive full moons in Capricorn. These two full moons are setting the stage for a fun summertime and accomplishing goals that may have been on the back burner for the last few years. What I love about this time is that the solstice, when the sun is at its highest, and the full moon, when it’s at its lowest are in perfect balance, helping us balance our lives. We can relax AND get things done. It isn’t either/or. It's both.  Allow yourself to sink into summer this week. Once you're enjoying the juiciness of summer, set your intentions for what you want to accomplish. Relax and flow first, then work.
6/16/20248 minutes, 6 seconds
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#329 - Weekly Energy Update for June 9, 2024: Celebrating 60

This is the final full week of Gemini season and the intense Gemini energy we have been experiencing. Next Sunday, both Mercury and Venus, who are currently in Gemini, will move into Cancer. Summer Solstice and the start of Cancer season are next week. Summer is right around the corner and once Cancer Season starts, we slow down and settle into a slower pace for summer. Mercury and the Sun both square Saturn this week. Saturn can be challenging. And squares can be challenging! Rather than fighting against a square's energy, we want to work with it. Now is an excellent time to concentrate on mundane household duties, repetitive and organized jobs, routine paperwork, or just planning your summer vacation. Saturn tends to make us a little gloomy with low energy. You may feel busy and like there isn't enough time to get everything done during this period of intense Gemini energy. It's not enjoyable to be overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to accomplish and lack the motivation to complete it. You might want to take the week off, call in sick, or just give up. Naturally, I would love to urge you to just unwind and take a rest, but that's not the most effective method to handle this energy. It's best to put your head down and work slowly and steadily. Avoiding responsibility this week catches up with you. Keep in mind, that the sooner you finish what needs to be done, the sooner you'll feel better, especially if you're under pressure to complete it all yet lack the energy to do so. We have to deal with things this week. They aren’t going away and we can’t ignore them. Buckle up and get it done! Thank goodness, this energy is only for a week. On the plus side, we'll get a lot accomplished and feel good about ourselves.  Next week the energy calms down and we settle into summer. Shop the 60th Off Birthday Sale on June 9th ONLY at
6/9/20247 minutes, 34 seconds
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#328 - Weekly Energy Update for June 2, 2024: New Moon in Gemini & June Numerology

June carries the energy of falling in love with our life. It’s an opportunity for new beginnings and a chance for a do-over. We're roughly halfway through the calendar year. If the year hasn’t gone as planned so far, June can be your turning point. June is a 5 universal month in numerology. The energy of five is about transformation and welcoming change. This is the month to shake things up and add excitement to your daily routine. Try some new things. Get out of your comfort zone. June kicks off with a parade of planets.  Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are in a straight line this week. When multiple planets are aligned like this, their energies combine and are amplified. This acts as a catalyst for change. Such alignments often bring new beginnings. It’s an excellent time to start new projects and set new goals.   There is a Venus Star Point on Tuesday, June 4. This occurs when Venus forms a conjunction—a straight line that joins the sun and the earth. This alignment represents a rebirth, bringing romance, self-care, friendship, and love front and center. This is a fated time for romance because this conjunction aligns with the Nodes of Destiny. All of this is building up to Thursday’s New Moon in Gemini.  This New Moon is dripping with Gemini, Jupiter, and Venus energy making it a powerful and magical time to set intentions.    It’s time to dream! This moon helps us to create anything we want. And fast! Gemini’s energy moves quickly. It’s possible to create any change imaginable during this time. Gemini helps you both speak and write your dreams into reality. Energy like this doesn’t come along all the time. Use it to create a life you’re in love with.   
6/2/20247 minutes, 56 seconds
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#327 - Weekly Energy Update for May 26, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini

Yesterday Jupiter moved into Gemini for the next year. This is a big shift from Jupiter in Taurus where it’s been for the last year. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and growth, and Gemini is lighthearted, fun, playful, and enjoys spending time with friends and family. Jupiter is amplifying this lovely Gemini energy. The month ends on a high note with an abundance of laughter, joy, and time to enjoy being with our people. Jupiter in Gemini asks us to examine our communication style and how we express ourselves to others. We must face where we haven’t been authentic or truthful. We’ll feel more inspired to write, teach, and share your stories. This is the year you publish the book and launch your YouTube channel or podcast. Jupiter in Gemini helps our voice be heard. Jupiter in Gemini also helps us balance our human sides and our spiritual sides. Given that one of the Gemini twins is mortal and the other is immortal, they represent the harmony between the material and spiritual realms. Gemini helps us get into greater balance and honor both sides of ourselves. Tuesday to Thursday, May 28–30, is when the Aldebaran Silver Gate Portal opens. Aldebaran is regarded as the star of enlightenment and is one of the Four Royal Stars. The Silver Gate Portal is a high-frequency energy portal that is activated when the Sun lines up with the Royal Star Aldebaran. This portal beams down energy that activates our third eye chakra.  This energy reminds us of our purpose in this lifetime. If you have ever wanted to do a past life regression, an Akashic records reading, or talk to your spirit guides, this is the time. You may also have dreams or intuitive downloads about your past lives and soul contracts.  Trillions of souls wanted to incarnate during this time on earth. And we get the privilege of being here. Being alive at this time is truly powerful. We can dread it or we can embrace it. Jupiter in Gemini helps us embrace it! Learn more about Private Women's Wisdom Circles at  
5/26/20248 minutes, 56 seconds
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#326 - Make Money in Gemini Season with Sarah Mac

Sarah Mac, a Creative Business Mentor, uses astrology to help people spread their message and increase their income. Sarah explains in this podcast how to harness the energy of Gemini Season to make money.  Gemini Season encourages us to ask for what we want. It's the perfect time to raise your fees or ask for a raise at work. Be willing to try new things. Gemini energy helps us take risks and branch out! Give yourself room to evolve. What small changes can you make to your business to make more money? Focus on your natural gifts and passions. Be willing to do things differently to raise your money vibration.  Daily money hygiene is another important topic Sarah covers. Money is a constantly renewing resource. We must take care of it every day. Sarah Mac is a Writer & Creative Business Mentor who works with coaches, healers, and artist-entrepreneurs who are ready for 6-figure years, more freedom and fun in life and business. She supports creatives to sell high-ticket coaching offers and digital courses and attract dream clients on repeat by sharing their authentic stories online. She's about to publish her first book, she has performed her original music internationally and traveled to 18 countries since starting her business in 2015. Originally from the UK, Sarah now lives in Los Angeles. She's also a singer-songwriter and host of the Creative Magic Club podcast.  Get your Free Creative Money Meditation at Learn more about Sarah at Listen to The Creative Magic Club Podcast at
5/22/202434 minutes, 55 seconds
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#325 - Weekly Energy Update for May 19, 2024: Gemini Season & Full Moon in Sagittarius

Gemini Season begins on Monday. This Gemini season kicks off with Jupiter in exact conjunction with the sun. This is known as a Cazimi. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, gifts, and luck, is amplified by the sun, giving us an extra dose of luck and optimism. The abundance continues on Thursday, May 23 with the full moon in Sagittarius bringing more adventure, fun, and play. Sagittarius's energy is uplifting and enlightening. This full moon helps us feel more optimistic about the future. We may not have seen how something would work out, but now we see a new way forward. If you’ve been in a funk, this full moon helps you get out of it. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Geminis are often excellent communicators. During Gemini season, there’s an emphasis on expressing ourselves. You can do this by writing or speaking. This is a fabulous time to launch a new podcast, blog, or give a presentation.  We’re more social and want to hang out and talk with friends during Gemini Season. We're excited to learn and try new things. This week also includes one of the biggest planetary shifts of the year on Saturday, when Jupiter leaves Taurus and moves into Gemini for the first time in over a decade. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was in 2012. Reflect on your life in 2012 to get some insight into what might happen this time. Jupiter in Gemini amplifies all things associated with communication, travel, and technology. Jupiter’s year in Gemini frees us from thinking small. This is the year you start saying, "Let me figure out how to do that," instead of, "I could never do that." Probably the most common thing we’ll run into is having too many options. You might feel like you’re constantly at a crossroads or overthinking your decisions. While having so many options is fantastic, it can also be overwhelming. Take some time this week to appreciate your life and yourself. Life is full of ups and downs, and this Gemini Season is an up! Enjoy every moment of it!
5/19/20247 minutes, 24 seconds
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#324 - Weekly Energy Update for May 12, 2024: Savor the Moment!

This is the last week of Taurus Season. The energy changes in a week when we move from sweet, slow, and steady Taurus season to busy Gemini Season. Gemini season brings excitement and newness. Taurus season’s vibes help us slow down and focus on the good stuff in life. Taurus season gives us time to catch our breath. Enjoy the finer things in life, such as food, music, art, and nature. Soak up every ounce of it. We have one more lovely week of this energy then life shifts again. The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all in Taurus, and on Wednesday, the 15th, Mercury moves into Taurus for the rest of the month. Mercury in Taurus helps us make good, practical decisions. We’re able to concentrate. We’re patient and think things through. It’s easier to claim what we want and need right now too. With lovely Venus and the good luck charm Jupiter in conjunction with Mercury, we feel more confident to ask for what we want. This also applies to asking the universe directly for what we want.  Have you seen the Northern Lights? We haven't had a geomagnetic storm this big in 20 years. The sun is currently in a peak period of solar flares and storms. This strong solar energy can knock out satellites and energy grids and affect our energy. It activates and stimulates our chakras, causing a shift in our consciousness. As energetic beings, we are experiencing an increase in vibration and consciousness due to the energy bombarding the planet.  The increased solar energy is assisting in our spiritual awakening and causing a change in global consciousness. Learn to Channel Spirit Guides 6-Week Course starts Monday 5/13. Learn more and register at
5/12/20249 minutes, 18 seconds
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#323 - Weekly Energy Update for May 5, 2024: New Moon in Taurus

After a month of looking backward because of Mercury retrograde and dealing with all the challenging shifts from the first two eclipses of the year, this week we reset all of that with a new moon in Taurus. On Tuesday, the 7th at 11:22 p.m. ET/8:22 p.m. PT is a grounding, optimism-boosting new supermoon in Taurus. This new moon and Taurus season encourage us to enjoy the human experience because we're only here to live for a short time. Though almost every new moon is an opportunity to set intentions and gain clarity about the future, May’s new moon in Taurus is specially designed to support us. The energy of Taurus helps us stick to our plan and achieve the goals we set under the new moon. With the sun, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, and the new moon all in Taurus, half the sky is filled with this fantastic energy. Venus, the planet of pleasure and beauty, and Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune, invite us to see ourselves standing at a threshold of endless possibilities.  Without a doubt, we're ready. The last few months have prepared us for this moment.  Don't be surprised if you feel an urge to make big changes in your life thanks to Uranus, the planet of change and breakthroughs. Expect some life surprises from the Universe this month.  Spend some time this week setting intentions for what you want to experience this summer and into fall. This is the time to make summer plans. What’s your summer quest? What do you want to feel and experience this summer? Use this fabulous new moon to set your intentions. Take advantage of this energy to propel forward into limitless possibilities! Learn more about the Learn to Channel Spirit Guides 6-Week Course at
5/5/20248 minutes, 36 seconds
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#322 - Weekly Energy Update for April 28, 2024: Pluto Retrograde and May Numerology

May is our chance to catch our breath, slow down, and focus on what we truly value. Taurus Season lasts for the first three weeks of the month, helping us refocus, get grounded, and lay the foundation for our next steps. May is a 4 universal month in numerology. In a 4 month, we focus on building solid foundations in our lives and establishing new routines and structures. This is the time to think about your long-term goals and plan how to achieve them. A 4 universal month is about putting in the effort and taking a practical approach to build the foundation for the next chapter. May starts with Pluto going retrograde this week on Thursday, May 2. Before panicking over another retrograde, remember that Pluto moves so slowly - it takes decades to pass through each sign. Its retrogrades aren’t felt as much as a faster-moving planet like Mercury. It will be retrograde until October, giving us a long time in this energy. Pluto is the cosmic makeover guru. Pluto represents death, transformation, and rebirth. It is associated with the god of the underworld in mythology and represents a profound transition as the old gives way to the new. This retrograde helps us turn inward for a period of self-reflection and transformation.  We’re changing how we think about ourselves and our roles in the world.  After going through all the changes we've gone through in the last few months, we're now digging deep to discover our true selves—who we are, what we do, and why—and build our lives around that new knowledge. The Universe has helped us get to where we're meant to be, and now it’s up to us to build the foundation for our next chapter. We’ve changed. Take some time to reflect on who you are and what you want. Be honest with yourself.  May helps us get back in balance, refocus, and remember to enjoy life. May is preparing us for an amazing summer.  Find more information on Private Women's Wisdom Circles at
4/28/20247 minutes, 44 seconds
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#321 - Weekly Energy Update for April 21, 2024: Pink Full Moon in Scorpio

This week we experience the most intense full moon of the year. The Pink Moon is on Tuesday, April 23rd. The pink moon is a symbol of rebirth, growth, and renewal. It represents the return of color to the world following winter. We’re getting our color back. We’re getting our spark back! What makes this full moon a whirlwind of transformation is that it's occurring in Scorpio. Scorpio is all about power and transformation. This is an emotional time. This Scorpio full moon comes with one of the most powerful aspects of astrology – a T-square. A T-square forms when at least two planets oppose each other and both square a third planet. In this case, Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is squared by the sun in Taurus and the full moon in Scorpio.  A T-square is like a pressure cooker of energy, anxiety, and stress.  There's always a sense of completion and ending with a full moon. It’s a good time to release the past and prepare for something new, but this full moon is especially powerful. It feels like the new us is being born. And this is not an easy labor. Get ready for the arrival of the new you! Change is here, and while rebirth is miraculous, the moments before it are deep, dark, and terrifying. However, we must burn down our past selves to become who we are.  We're laying the foundation for the next phase of our lives. We build a strong foundation by being clear about what we want, moving slowly, constructing it brick by brick, and enjoying the journey! Learn more about Private Women's Wisdom Circles at Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
4/21/20249 minutes, 20 seconds
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#320 - Weekly Energy Update for April 14, 2024: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

After this disorienting eclipse season, we need some time to get our bearings before we move forward into our new chapter. Fortunately, this week will help with that as we enter the grounding energy of Taurus Season on Friday, the 19th.  Taurus season serves as a reminder of how amazing life is. Taurus season is a time to be more present, mindful, and simply enjoy life. That's because Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of relationships, values, beauty, art, and pleasure.   Taurus adores luxury, harmony, and feeling good, and takes its time with everything. We move slowly and steadily forward during Taurus season, which is a big change from the pedal to the medal energy we experienced during Aries season. We are slowly adjusting to the changes the eclipses brought. Jupiter and Uranus will connect for the first time since 2011 less than twenty-four hours after the sun moves into Taurus. This event is pretty rare. The last time the two met up in Taurus was 83 years ago in May 1941. Jupiter is considered the most abundant and luckiest of all the planets. Uranus brings sudden changes, epiphanies, and creative and scientific brilliance. When the two come together, there will be change, excitement, and abundance. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is a big moment for the world at large. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, uprisings, and revolution. And Jupiter makes everything it touches bigger. Jupiter- Uranus conjunctions are historically a time of big revolutions. It shakes things up. And since it’s taking place in Taurus, an earth sign, it may literally cause the earth to shake, which is likely to result in more earthquakes. On a large scale, this transit will cause revolutions and upheavals. It will also cause similar changes in our personal lives. It feels like we are on the edge of stepping into a whole new, thrilling chapter of life. Jupiter is bringing abundance and expansion, and Uranus makes it sudden, and exciting! This conjunction is about the future. It’s an opportunity to shift our thinking about what’s possible and imagine how tomorrow could be better than today. It’s our chance to create a new reality for ourselves and break free from what’s holding us back. It’s time to shake things up and stop playing small. Think bigger! 
4/14/20249 minutes, 8 seconds
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#319 - Weekly Energy Update for April 7, 2024: Solar Eclipse

Get your eclipse glasses ready. The magical day we've been waiting for all year is tomorrow, Monday, April 8, when there will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. During solar eclipses, the moon is directly between the Earth and Sun and the moon blocks out the sunlight. Solar Eclipses are supercharged, more intense New Moons that mark powerful new beginnings and start a brand-new chapter of our lives.  A Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is always an incredibly powerful event. This is the first New Moon of the Astrological year. We are kicking off this astrological year as if we're being shot out of a cannon. Aries is all about starting fresh, new beginnings, and renewal. It’s a fire sign and this eclipse is lighting our inner fire, setting us on a new path that we hadn’t ever imagined for ourselves. This eclipse is also conjunct Chiron. Chiron being activated with the eclipse helps us accept and forgive ourselves so we can move forward as our more powerful selves. This eclipse gives us the courage to face our fears about living our soul’s purpose and step into the most alive, greatest version of ourselves.  This eclipse also occurs near Mercury, which is currently retrograde. A solar eclipse that occurs while Mercury is retrograde gives us the chance to rethink and reprocess past experiences in order to let them go. It sheds light on what is holding us back.  This Eclipse a big deal. It's been a while since we've experienced an Eclipse this strong. Right now, our bodies are being affected by an incredible amount of life-changing energy. This may show up as sleep issues, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, and sudden, intense emotions.  We can think of this eclipse as a mini dark night of the soul, once we go through it, we're never the same! It shifts our consciousness. Eclipses are a wild ride, we have no idea of what’s happening or where we’re going. This is a powerful turning point. A whole new cycle is beginning. Have the courage to go for exactly what you want. Shop the Anniversary Sale thru 4/8 at
4/7/20248 minutes, 1 second
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#318 - Weekly Energy Update for March 31, 2024: Eclipse Season & Mercury Retrograde

That optimistic springtime vibe always happens in April. And Aries is mostly responsible for it. Until the 19th, we are still in the Aries season. Aries is known as the first spark of life. And that spark becomes even more intense this week.  From tomorrow through the 25th, Mercury will be retrograde in Aries. On Thursday, Venus enters Aries for the month. Then, the most intense event of the year—the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries—occurs next week on Thursday, the eighth. To say this week will be intense would be an understatement. You're not alone if you feel anxious, unsettled, agitated, or can't sleep. The weight of the world feels heavier right now. With Mercury Retrograde in Aries, it’s important to think before speaking and not jump to conclusions. Aries is well known for its fiery, explosive, and passionate energy. It is the “god of war,” after all. Occasionally, this intensity can result in severe tantrums. With Mercury involved, this will show up as a miscommunication. Double-check your text messages and emails and think before speaking to avoid saying something that you may regret later. The energy is building this week leading up to the Solar Eclipse. Allow extra time and build wiggle room in your schedule. Rest, reflection, and emergency naps are recommended. Make time to process everything that’s coming up. We are in the thick of a powerful, transformative eclipse season. When Mercury retrogrades, it helps us rethink whether this is the direction we want our lives to go. Changes are rarely made when things are peaceful, simple, and going well. We often get our biggest epiphanies about things stirred up and we're knocked off course. Allow yourself to marvel at the magic of life this week, And laugh. The best way through is with a sense of humor and plenty of laughter.   Shop my 5th Anniversary Sale at  
3/31/20248 minutes, 56 seconds
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#317 - Weekly Energy Update for March 24, 2024: Lunar Eclipse

It's eclipse season! We've been building toward this all year. Eclipse season is when things ‘happen’.  The eclipse portal opens on Monday with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra and closes on April 8 with the Solar Eclipse. We're entering a two-week eclipse portal of powerful energies, bringing swift shifts, epiphanies, intense experiences, and unexpected twists and turns.  All to help us align with our life's path and purpose. When an eclipse happens, we feel it! While all eclipses are unpredictable, the sign it is in can give us clues as to the theme and energies of that eclipse. And this one is in Libra. Libra is the sign of relationships & partnerships. Libra is ruled by Venus, the love planet. This eclipse will spotlight matters of the heart to help us heal our relationships. This energy is so powerful that we want to be emotionally prepared. The best approach is to relax and reflect. Take things slow and pay attention to what comes up. We’re getting an energetic push forward right now. Sometimes, forward motion can feel disruptive to your nervous system, and you may resist it. But there’s no moving backward. When the Lunar Eclipse reveals something in your life that needs to be released, find the least dramatic way to do so and then move on. This is a powerful time of fated events. Remember, all of this is happening for our highest good. We’re leveling up. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Just relax, reflect, and roll with it. Learn more and register for the Women's Wisdom Circle at
3/24/20247 minutes, 47 seconds
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#316 - Spring Astrology Forecast with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton shares what to expect in Spring 2024 Astrology. This Spring's astrology is active and transformative and launches us into the next level of our lives.  Deborah discusses the upcoming eclipse season, which includes the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 and the total Solar Eclipse on April 8. The eclipses activate the nodes of fate making this an important time for our transformation. Cycles are ending and beginning. The Lunar eclipse winds down last year's energy allowing us to start fresh with the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.  Mercury going retrograde in the middle of the Eclipse season and the Mars conjunct Saturn transit on April 10 add to the intense energy. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on April 20th. Uranus is sudden change and revolution and Jupiter will amplify that energy.  Jupiter leaves Taurus and enters Gemini in May. Great news for Geminis! This Spring is a wonderful time to reboot your life! Deborah Norton is an Astrologer who helps you decipher your astrological chart to better understand yourself and have more control over your destiny. Deborah works closely with each client to create a customized astrology reading tailored to their needs and goals. Schedule an appointment with Deborah at Listen to the Cosmic Disruption Podcast at Register for Deborah's Eris Class at  Register for Deborah's Astrocartography Class at  
3/18/202455 minutes, 11 seconds
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#315 - Weekly Energy Update for March 17, 2024: Spring Equinox Astrology

Change is in the air this week, as the sun shifts from dreamy Pisces to the fiery sign of Aries.  On Tuesday, March 19, the Equinox takes place, marking the beginning of Aries season and the astrological New Year. The Equinox is a significant spiritual and astrological event that we can use to tap into the wisdom and energy of the Universe and Mother Earth. The hours of light and dark are equal on the Equinox. It's one of the two days in the year when the earth is in balance, and it's much easier to find balance in our lives. Take a minute on the Equinox to consider where you may be out of balance. We’re starting a new chapter and we want to begin in balance.  Along with the powerful Equinox energy, we also celebrate the start of the astrological year with the arrival of Aries season, the first sign of the zodiac. We’re beginning a new trip around the Sun that allows us to experience the energies and vibration of each of the twelve zodiac signs all over again. The energy of Aries is bold, passionate, and motivated and energizes us. We can use this energy to jump-start something new.  There’s a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air, thanks to the heightened energy of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on March 25th. We want to use the Equinox energies to set intentions for what we want. There’s a powerhouse of energy available to us right now. There are no limits on what we can manifest. This energy is a gift, but it’s up to us to use it. Learn more and register for the Women's Wisdom Circle at
3/17/20249 minutes, 4 seconds
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#314 - Weekly Energy Update for March 10,, 2024: Pisces New Moon

This morning, Sunday, March 10, at about the same time daylight savings time began, there was a new moon in Pisces. This is the last New Moon of winter, the astrological year, and Pisces season. With the Spring Equinox just over a week away and eclipse season starting only a week later. This is a pivotal time of change. This moon has a lot of other planetary alignments that make it especially intense. It is creating space in our lives for something new. This is the beginning of something significant. This new moon jump-starts our future.  This moon is the one they refer to as "shooting for the moon." This is the moon to reach for the highest aspirations possible, even if they seem difficult or out of reach. We’d be missing out if we didn’t use this moment to take seriously our wildest dreams. It’s also important to be fully present on this new Moon. Limit your distractions. This new Moon is for being rather than doing. Give yourself time to sprout. A lot is happening under the surface.  Set aside time to do nothing and let your mind wander and dream. Give your dream space to breathe. When things are ready, they will pop to the surface. For now, things can't be forced. Have patience.   We're also, as of this weekend, officially in Eclipse season! Eclipse seasons begin about two weeks before the first eclipse. The energy of the upcoming eclipses is starting to intensify. The energy is building toward our transformation. To make room for new experiences, we’re letting go of old habits, thinking, and circumstances that no longer serve our highest good.   Today’s New Moon is the last lunation before the game-changing eclipses come. Make the most of this time to ground yourself, get as much rest as possible, dream, and set your intentions for the future. Even while it could seem like nothing is happening, a lot is growing and stirring beneath the surface. Everything is happening precisely as it should.
3/10/20249 minutes, 1 second
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#313 - Weekly Energy Update for March 3, 2024: March Astrology

Although March is the third month of the year, it is an 11-universal month according to numerology. An 11-month is for spiritual growth. It’s a powerful month for personal and spiritual development. An 11-month is perfect for the astrology of March. March is an epically important month. With a lunar eclipse and the start of Aries season, this month is full of transitional energy. Three planets are changing signs this month. The energy of our social lives, relationships, and energy levels shift as chatty Mercury, romantic Venus, and passionate Mars all change signs. We celebrate the Equinox and the beginning of the astrological new year in the middle of the month. As Pisces season ends and Aries season begins, there’s potential for incredible new beginnings. This is fresh energy that gets us excited about the future.  At the end of the month, relationships are likely to be on our minds when we begin our first Eclipse Season for the year. Eclipses are transformative, and this eclipse season the focus is on our relationships. March is also the last month of the year that’ll be completely retrograde-free, allowing us to use this forward energy for new beginnings. It’s all systems go this month! March is for shedding old skin so we can embrace new beginnings. Mercury enters fire sign Aries on Saturday, March 9th, moving out of dreamy Pisces. This shift lights a fire inside of us. Use this fiery energy to make forward progress before Mercury goes retrograde again next month. If there are projects you need to start, conversations you need to have, or loose ends you’d like to tie up, this is the time to do it.  We begin a new cycle on Sunday, March 10th, when the New Moon occurs in Pisces. It's a lovely, dreamy, romantic new moon. This New Moon is one of the most powerful New Moons all year for visualizing and manifesting.  This is the week before everything starts to shift, the week before Go time. Take a deep breath, appreciate the beauty of your life, and look forward to all the amazing things that lie ahead. Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
3/3/20247 minutes, 59 seconds
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#312 - Weekly Energy Update for February 25, 2024: Leap Year Numerology

This week we celebrate the leap year.  A Leap Year happens once every four years and was created back in 45 BC by Julius Caesar to balance the calendar. For centuries, Leap Day has been believed to hold spiritual power, mainly due to the numerology but also because it creates an energy portal that allows us to leap forward. In numerology, the 29th's 2 and 9 added together totals 11. The number eleven has spiritual significance. It is a master number, the number of enlightenment and awakening. Since February is the second month of the year, its number is 2. Two holds the energy of your soul purpose. It's a feminine energy that supports us in giving birth to and manifesting our ideas in the physical world. February 29 is a unique energy that we only encounter once every four years. Because the 29th of February is such a rare vibration, it causes a type of ripple effect within us. This ripple creates an opportunity for us to “leap” forward at this moment in time and play catch up in our lives.  We can leap forward in our own lives in the same way that the earth makes a "leap" around the sun on this extra day. It's an opportunity to catch up with the changes that have occurred in our lives. We've experienced a great deal of change recently, and this year will bring even more. We need a break and time to give our bodies, minds, and souls time to catch up with all that change. Leap years are also believed to bring good luck and fortune. They are auspicious times for making important life choices or starting new things. To make the best use of this energy,  try bringing awareness to something that you want to leap forward in your life. Decide what area you'd like to devote more time and energy to, then send your intentions out into the Universe to do just that. Consciously choose to leap forward. Learn more and register for How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides at
2/25/20247 minutes, 53 seconds
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#311 - Lunar Bath Ritual and Moon Cycles with Tori Daw

Celebrate the Virgo Full Moon with a Lunar Bath Ritual with Tori Daw of Healistic Reserve. We can use the power of the moon phases to connect with our higher selves and manifest our dreams through the sacred practice of lunar bath rituals. Baths help amplify and strengthen our connection with ourselves and the divine.    Tori walks us through the moon's cycles and how each cycle affects us at the beginning of the podcast. The new moon offers the chance to start again and is a period of potential, ease, setting intentions, being present, and possibility.      With the first quarter moon, the moon's energy is beginning to build. We start to feel more energized and take action to bring the intentions we set at the new moon into reality. The full moon is for releasing and letting go. The moon's energy is waning with the last quarter moon, making this the ideal time for shadow work.   The Lunar Bath Ritual starts at 25:25.    Tori guides us through a Full Moon in Virgo Bath Ritual, but this ritual can be used for every moon. The secret of a lunar bath ritual is to be intentional at every step.    Step 1 - Prep the bath space. Set the tone energetically to create a sacred bath ritual. Gather your scrubs, bath balms, candles, and crystals. Cleanse the energy of your space with incense or essential oils.  Step 2 - Start your bath water. Be intentional about the energy of the water filling your tub. Step 3 - Set your intentions for the bath with journaling. Align your mind and spirit with the intentions of the bath.  Step 4 - Immerse yourself in the bath and visualize your energetic and physical body opening to the energies of the bath.  Step 5 - Scrub and exfoliate to remove any energy blockages and drains.  Step 6 - Use a guided meditation on your intentions for the bath. Inhale the lightness and clarity of authenticity.  Step 7 - Drain the bath. Intentionally visualize everything you released going down the drain. Step 8 - Massage the energies of the bath into your body with lotion after the bath.    Tori Daw, the Founder and CEO of Healistic Reserve, defied the limitations of a tumultuous upbringing as the child of a narcissistic mother. Through her journey of self-healing, Tori shattered victim mentalities by embracing spirituality, energetics, and Universal energy as transformative forces rooted in love and abundance.   Guided by her love for hot baths and their symbolic power, Tori founded Healistic Reserve, a community of self-healers and manifestors. With her guided lunar bath rituals, Tori bridges intuition and embodiment, empowering individuals to break free from past traumas and manifest the lives of their dreams. Tori Daw is a testament to resiliency, self-determination, and the genuine possibility of self-healing.   Learn more about Tori and sign up for her bath rituals at   Access The Sacred Symphony, Guided Bath Ritual A step-by-step walkthrough on how to honor the Divinity of the body, wash away the pains and shame of the past, and embody the energy of the Higher Self at
2/23/202444 minutes, 32 seconds
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#310 - Weekly Energy Update for February 18, 2024: Pisces Season & Full Moon in Virgo

Today we enter Pisces season and are finally leaving some of the Aquarian energy that we've been in over the last four weeks behind. Pisces is a magical, mystical, and emotionally intelligent sign. They are natural-born healers making Pisces season an excellent time to prioritize your inner healing. Because Pisces are so compassionate, you may be tempted to put other people's needs ahead of your own. It’s important to put yourself first this month. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams, and mysticism. We’re more connected and intuitive this month and can have wild dreams.  Our subconscious and higher selves—including our guides—communicate with us through dreams. This month, pay attention to your dreams; they contain messages for you. We feel more creative than usual in Pisces Season. The next few weeks are for pouring yourself into creative projects.  We had a lot of fresh ideas during Aquarius season, so now is the time to think of inventive and creative ways to carry them out. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and is believed to hold a little energy of all the other 11 signs. This is a magical time of the year when we can focus on clearing out the old and getting ready for the new. We start to experience a feeling of completion and finality,  and that something has come to an end. All the endings we’re experiencing are leading to a rebirth with the Spring Equinox just one month away. On Saturday, the 24th, we have a Full Moon in Virgo to cap off the week. This is the Snow Moon, and it’s a micro moon. This is a supermoon's exact opposite. A micro moon occurs when the moon is at its furthest point from Earth. Even though this is a micro moon it’s still a potent one. Full moons are turning points, culminations, endings, and awakenings. This moon occurs during the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, which helps us let go of the past and welcome the present. In addition, it is the final full moon of the astrological year, the last full moon before the eclipse season, and the last full moon of winter. There are lots of endings and shifts with this moon. This full moon is in Virgo. Virgo is a practical, grounded, and efficient sign. We are purging everything we don't need, which includes relationships, friendships, jobs, and household items. While there is a lot of purging energy in the air, there is also a lot of positive energy that supports our focus on wellness and healing our bodies. We get a month to heal what's needed before we move on to our next chapter. This healing includes necessary endings. This is the time to walk away from what's not working in your life.  Pisces season is the month to prepare for what's next. We accomplish that by prioritizing ourselves, being kind to ourselves, and focusing on our inner healing to emotionally prepare ourselves for this powerful year.  
2/18/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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#309 - Weekly Energy Update for February 11, 2024: Valentine's Day Astrology

This week, with a stellium in Aquarius, we are experiencing the peak of Aquarian energy. Stelliums are formed when three or more planets align within the same sign. This week, Pluto, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and the sun will all be in Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign known for its forward-thinking and innovative energy. It takes us beyond our current reality and into the realm of possibility and potential.  Pluto recently entered Aquarius and is only beginning its 20-year journey there, which makes this stellium in Aquarius quite significant. Pluto is a sign of power, rebirth, and metamorphosis. This is a time of radical new beginnings. A year from now, we won’t even recognize ourselves. The planets of sex and love, Mars and Venus, spend the entire month of February traveling side by side. On February 13 and 16, they will enter Aquarius arm in arm, which is ideal for Valentine's Day. Pluto is in the mix, so Valentine's Day week will be intense. However, intensity can be a good thing in love and romance if it's channeled correctly! If channeled correctly, we’re talking about a hot and steamy Valentine’s Day. If not, jealousy might surface. This Valentine's Day, if you're feeling off, don't blame your spouse or yourself; instead, accept that it's just the intensity and energy of Pluto. The conjunction of Chiron and the North Node in Aries this week represents one of the most profound and significant events in 2024. The deep soul healing we experience from this conjunction helps us leave the old versions of ourselves behind and move into the next chapter as our more powerful, healed selves.  Ready or not, we’re moving forward. It's time to make the life changes you’ve always wanted. We have the energy of the universe propelling us toward our highest good. We might as well use that energy to make some huge leaps forward. Shop the 40% Off Sale through 2/14 at Access the Lunar New Year Spiritual Practice at
2/11/20248 minutes, 31 seconds
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#308 - Weekly Energy Update for February 4, 2024: Year of The Dragon

This is the week we’ve been waiting for! This week celebrates the beginning of the Year of the Dragon and the new moon in Aquarius.  There's powerful transformational energy associated with this Friday's new moon in Aquarius.  This new moon is the time to begin something new and make changes in your life. Additionally, the Year of the Dragon starts with this new moon.  The fiery and bold Year of the Dragon is exactly what it sounds like.  And fortunate, since the Dragon is considered the luckiest sign in the zodiac. The Dragon is highly respected in China. It is regarded as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, and its years are full of vitality. It’s a time of great prosperity when everything is possible. If you want a shift in your life, this is the year it happens. Dragons aren’t the only lucky thing about 2024. Its Chinese zodiac element of wood enhances its luck. Brace yourself because things move fast during a Wood Dragon year. This is a year of good fortune and unlimited potential and prosperity for everyone.  One Lunar New Year tradition is to clean your house from top to bottom before Saturday's Lunar New Year to rid yourself of all the bad luck from the previous year. Additionally, you don't want to clean in the first few days of the New Year or all the new luck will be swept away.  Purchase some citrus fruits, such as oranges and tangerines, and arrange them in your kitchen to bring in extra good fortune this year. They symbolize prosperity and good luck. What happens during the start of the New Year is indicative of how the rest of the year will go. Mentioning death, pain, debt, or anything unpleasant is unlucky. The most important rule during the New Year's celebration is to keep the day happy, peaceful, and harmonious. Shop the 40% Off Love Sale at  
2/4/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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#307 - Weekly Energy Update for January 28, 2024: February Numerology & All Planets Direct

Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, which has been retrograde since August, turned around yesterday and is now moving direct. Due to Uranus' retrograde during the past few months, we have not moved forward as quickly as usual.  We get a burst of energy and motivation as Uranus moves forward which helps us make significant progress. With Uranus moving direct, all planets are now direct. There are no planets retrograde until April. Nothing is holding us back. When all the planets are direct we have smooth forward momentum. This is an auspicious time to start new projects and relationships and take advantage of this momentum.   We are currently in Aquarius season; Pluto recently made a once-in-a-lifetime transit into Aquarius; Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius just went direct; and in February, Mercury, Mars, and Venus will join the Sun & Pluto in Aquarius. This is a metric shit ton of Aquarian energy. There’s a lot of newness and change in the air since Aquarius Energy is innovative and forward-thinking. Things improve as we let go of the old and welcome the new. According to numerology, February is a Universal Month 1. A 1-month carries the energy of new beginnings, and fresh starts, and marks the beginning of a new 9-month chapter. This is the time to take charge of your life and move forward.  We are at the threshold of new beginnings. Old ways of doing things are ending. Old traditions are ending. Old versions of us are ending. In a decade, when we look back, we’ll realize that this was a pivotal year when everything changed for both society and ourselves.
1/28/20248 minutes, 1 second
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#306 - Weekly Energy Update for January 21, 2024: Full Moon in Leo

We’re still in the energy of yesterday’s move of Pluto into Aquarius and the start of Aquarius season. We will be feeling the effects of this for a while since Pluto moves slowly and this was a big energy shift. This is the beginning of a new 20-year cycle that transforms both our individual and collective lives. The first Full Moon of 2024 is also affecting us. The Wolf Moon is on Thursday, at 9:54 a.m. PT and 12:54 p.m. ET.  Full moons are turning points, a time of endings and awakenings. It is a time when our emotions and intuition are heightened, and we can see things more clearly. The wolf moon is a time of stillness and profound self-reflection. This week is an ideal time to clarify your goals and intentions for the new year.   While full moons can stir up drama or intense feelings, this full moon is all about letting go of any fears and insecurities that are limiting your potential as we move into this next chapter.  This full moon is fortunately in Leo. And Leo gives us the courage to face what lies ahead and bravely step into the unknown. Spiritually, this full moon pushes us to live more fully in our truth and gives us the courage to try new things and step outside our comfort zone as we begin a new 12-month cycle this year and Pluto's 20-year journey in Aquarius. Leo brings self-love energy and encourages us to fall in love with ourselves and our lives.  Make the changes needed to fill your life with more joy, passion, and happiness.  Do what brings you joy and makes you happy.  And have the guts to let go of everything holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Schedule your appointment at
1/21/20248 minutes, 21 seconds
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#305 - Weekly Energy Update for January 14, 2024: Aquarius Season

Aquarius Season begins on Saturday, the 20th, and that same day, we have one of the most important transits of the year, Pluto moves into Aquarius. This is the start of a whole new era. This upcoming Aquarius season is different than others. It’s more powerful and more transformative. It’s the beginning of a new 20-year cycle bringing significant changes to our individual and collective lives. When Pluto enters Aquarius, it’ll bring advancement and changes in healthcare, technology, AI, robots, humanitarian work, and global consciousness. By the time Pluto leaves Aquarius, society will have shifted from one that emphasizes individualism and the pursuit of money and power to one that supports the collective.  Aquarius season and Pluto moving into Aquarius encourage us to be our authentic selves. We’ll feel pushed to transform and change what’s not in alignment.  Toward the end of Aquarius season in mid-February, Venus and Mars will join the sun, Mercury, and Pluto in Aquarius. Five planets will be in Aquarius, intensifying this transformative energy. Over the next month, we feel the vibe shifting. It feels as though a new chapter has started. We’ll experience a surge of confidence and optimism. It will make us want to take charge of our lives. Here we go, change is here, and we’re embarking on a new chapter in our lives, one that is more true to who we are. Yes, it can be a little frightening, but remember that all the change is for our highest good. The universe has our back.
1/14/202410 minutes, 15 seconds
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#304 - Weekly Energy Update for January 7, 2024: 1/11 New Moon in Capricorn

It feels like 2024 is finally starting this week. The first New Moon of the year arrives on Thursday morning which is also 1/11. It's exactly the energy we need to shake off 2023. We’ll feel motivated and ready to move forward. If you’ve been feeling lethargic or sluggish from wrapping up last year, this new moon will jolt you awake. A new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is a time for new beginnings, growth, and renewal. This moon is our chance to hit the reset button and get back on track after the holidays. This new moon is in Capricorn. Capricorn represents hard work, achievement, and responsibility. That urge you feel at the beginning of every year to set resolutions and change your life? That’s Capricorn energy. January is overflowing with Capricorn energy. In addition to this new moon in Capricorn. Mars moved into Capricorn on the 4th, giving us a sense of purpose and direction that we may not have felt yet this year. Also this week Mercury moves into Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn gives us structure and motivation. The fact that this fantastic new moon occurs on the first numerology portal of the year—the 1/11 portal—is the icing on the cake. In numerology, the number one represents fresh starts and opportunities. The 111 portal carries the energy of a fresh beginning, birthing and creating. It’s a powerful day to manifest and set intentions. This day's energetic alignment also creates a "portal" for spiritual awakening, enabling us to establish a closer connection with our spiritual self. Since the new moon takes place on 1/11, the portal activates and supercharges the energy of the new moon in Capricorn. This is positive new beginning and fresh start energy on steroids. I can’t imagine a much better way to start a new year! Learn more and register for the Women's Wisdom Circle at
1/7/20247 minutes, 50 seconds
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#303 - The 2024 Numerology Forecast

The 2024 Numerology Podcast shares what to expect in this 8 Universal Year and your personal numerology year. In numerology, every year has a universal year number associated with a number between 1 and 9. This number gives us some insight into the energy the year holds. 2024 is an 8 Universal Year.  The Universal Year Number is like a giant horoscope, predicting the year's energy and what we can expect. Each number has a unique vibration and meaning. Eight is very fortunate and linked to prosperity, material growth, and financial success. An 8 year in numerology is a time of abundance, balance, and success. Eight is also considered to be a karmic Number. We will reap what we have sown. You will reap success and abundance this year if you put in the work. There are also some challenges with the number 8. This isn’t going to be an easy-breezy year. If we don't learn to strike a balance between our personal and professional lives, the strong and intense energy of the eight can be difficult to manage at times and eventually result in burnout and tiredness. Remember to take breaks and pace yourself.  This 8 Universal Year is full of opportunities. To make the most of the energy of 2024, it’s essential to stay grounded and balanced. Avoid becoming too focused on material success at the expense of your well-being. Jupiter, the abundance planet, which has been retrograde since September, finally turned around and became direct yesterday, kicking off an incredible year filled with amazing things. And tomorrow, on the first, Mercury retrograde ends. What a fantastic way to begin the new year! Purchase the Astrology & Abundology package through 1/2 at Learn more about the Women's Wisdom Circle at Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
12/31/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
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#302 - 2024 Astrology Forecast with Astrologer Deborah Norton

The 2024 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast: Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter conjunct Uranus, eclipses, and more! In this fun podcast, Astrologer Deborah Norton delivers the 2024 Astrology Forecast. Deborah provides a month-by-month breakdown of 2024 so that we can prepare for the year ahead. This year, two significant events are influencing our lives. The first one takes place on January 20th, when Pluto enters Aquarius. Because Pluto changes signs once every two decades, Pluto's entry into Aquarius is very significant. This transit results in major technological and scientific advances. The other is the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20 starting a new chapter that shapes the next twenty years. We’ll all feel this futuristic energy this spring as Uranus—the planet of transformation, new ideas, science, and genius—gets uniquely magnified by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion, and good fortune. Whenever Jupiter and Uranus meet, we feel a surge of innovative ideas and the desire to create a new reality. This year’s rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus is associated with sudden changes in the weather and the world, as well as the need for freedom and liberation.  Deborah also discusses Mercury's retrogrades, Jupiter's entry into Gemini, Jupiter conjunct the North Node, Jupiter square Saturn, and the spring and fall eclipses. Purchase the Astrology & Abundology Package at Deborah Norton is an Astrologer who helps you decipher your astrological chart so that you can better understand yourself and have more control over your destiny. Deborah works closely with each client to create a customized astrology reading that is tailored to their specific needs and goals. Schedule an appointment with Deborah at Listen to the Cosmic Disruption Podcast at
12/28/202351 minutes, 1 second
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#301 - Weekly Energy Update for December 24, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

We wrap up 2023 with one final magnificent full moon that oozes harmony, warmth, and positive vibes. The last full moon of the year occurs on Tuesday, the 26th.  The fact that this full moon is in Cancer makes it emotionally potent. Cancer is the Moon's "home sign" or ruler sign. The moon loves being in Cancer. Cancer is known for being emotional, nurturing, and sensitive. Cancer is a reminder to take it slow and take care of ourselves. Pause, think, and let go during this full moon to prepare for the new year.  Sirius and the full moon are perfectly aligned. Sirius is known as our Spiritual Sun, and when the Full Moon aligns with Sirius, it gets activated and beams positive energy down on us.  Sirius helps us emotionally let go of everything holding us back and preventing us from being authentic. We may also receive energetic downloads.  Sirius energy strengthens our psychic senses. All the clairs will be activated, and you may have some powerful dreams. Jupiter is also very active with this Full Moon. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and luck! And when it’s activated, it shines positive vibes and good energy down on us and amplifies the power of the full moon and Sirius. Jupiter is retrograde for another week. Retrograde Jupiter reminds us that our expansion is an inside job. If we want to manifest or materialize something, it all starts inside. Jupiter retrograde asks us to make sure that our energy matches what we want to manifest. Jupiter is also trine the sun, which helps us put things into perspective. Regardless of what happened this year, this moon wants us to appreciate the big picture and feel the joy that surrounds us in the present moment. This moon is our reminder to tune into gratitude. We have much to be grateful for, even if we only have a little. This Full Moon feels like a gift from the Universe as we wrap up the year and move into the vibration of 2024. Slow down, enjoy its energies, and soak up the powerful high-frequency energy that Sirius is sending out! Learn more about the Astrology & Abundology Sale at  
12/24/20237 minutes, 37 seconds
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#300 - Weekly Energy Update for December 17, 2023: Winter Solstice & Capricorn Season

Join me to celebrate the 300th episode of The Abundology Podcast! This Thursday, December 21, at 7:27 p.m. PT/10:27 p.m. ET marks the Winter Solstice and the beginning of the Capricorn season. The literal meaning of Solstice is “Sun stands still,” and when it does, we get an extra boost of energy that revitalizes us. The solstice offers us an opportunity to pause and reflect on our lives. It is also a time for balance and to set intentions for the upcoming year.  The intentions we set now start to pick up steam as the days get longer and when Mercury, Jupiter & and Chiron go direct by the end of the year. On Thursday evening, take a minute for yourself. Light a candle, sit in front of the fire, and pause. Reflect on the year how much you’ve experienced, and how much you’ve grown, and allow yourself to be proud. The solstice also aligns with the sun’s move into Capricorn and the start of Capricorn season. Capricorn is a Cardinal sign. Cardinal signs carry the energy of new beginnings and fresh starts. Each cardinal sign represents a different area of life where these new beginnings are associated. Capricorn is associated with career, ambition, and long-term goals. This is the time to start planning, focusing on success, and building foundations. This year, Capricorn Season is also a time for slowing down and tying up loose ends because this is the last big gasp of retrograde season which officially ends in January. December is our last chance to go back and tidy up 2023. Mercury is in its fourth and final retrograde of the year until January 1st. On the 26th, Chiron ends its retrograde. Jupiter is also retrograde until December 30th. The Winter Solstice chart shows a strong Jupiter influence, which means that the intentions we set now are successful and start growing in spring as Jupiter gains forward momentum. The astrological chart for the beginning of a new season hasn't been this auspicious in a long time. Before the year ends, savor this lovely time. This is the time to rest, reflect on your growth, and set some intentions for the future. The solstice marks a turning point in our lives; we’re closing one chapter of a transformative year and beginning a new, amazing one. Purchase the Astrology & Abundology Package at
12/17/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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#299 - Weekly Energy Update for December 10, 2023: New Moon in Sagittarius

The New Moon on Tuesday is the last new moon of 2023 and is full of positive vibes that help us close out the year on a good note and give us an extra dose of optimism about next year.   This New Moon is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a joyful and enthusiastic sign that has a lovely way of helping us see the big picture and all of life's possibilities. This new moon is a time to look to the future and ask yourself, "What’s the best that could happen?" This is not a Moon to wonder if your intentions will manifest. It’s a Moon to wonder when. The final numerology portal of the year, 12/12, also coincides with the new moon. Every year on December 12, an energetic portal opens, filling us with confidence and self-determination. Because the 12/12 portal falls on the new moon this year, its power will be at its highest. If you've been looking for the perfect time to write out your New Year's intentions, 12/12 at 12:12 is your chance. Less than 24 hours after the new moon, Mercury goes retrograde for the rest of the year. Mercury Retrograde always gets a bad rap. True, it can cause problems with technology, travel, and communication, but this year it allows us to get our lives in order before the new year. We tie up loose ends and clear out anything that doesn't align with our 2024 intentions.  Jupiter, the ruler of this moon, is also retrograde now. With both Mercury and Jupiter retrograde, this is the perfect time to take a deep look back into 2023. Take some time to reflect on how much you've grown this year. Jupiter retrograde ends on New Year’s Eve, and Mercury retrograde ends on New Year's Day. We can use the next 3 weeks, until they go direct, to create our plan and get ready to start fresh at the beginning of the year. Purchase the Astrology & Abundology Package at Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
12/10/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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#298 - Weekly Energy Update for December 3, 2023: Venus in Scorpio & Neptune Direct

December is a busy month as we get ready for the upcoming year. You might have already been thinking about next year and may even want to start making your New Year’s resolutions ahead of next week's New Moon. This is the week to have fun and begin daydreaming about the future. Let’s break down the energy this week, beginning Monday when Venus moves into Scorpio. Venus, the planet of love and harmony,  in Scorpio, is a very passionate place, and we can expect to see an increase in intimacy. Love takes center stage for the month ahead when Venus is in Scorpio. Neptune has been retrograde since June 30th and finally becomes direct on Wednesday. When Neptune goes direct, a fog lifts, and we start planning how to turn our dreams into reality next year. We want to use our dreams as a roadmap for what we want to create in 2024. Next weekend is going to be amazing because the two luckiest planets in the sky, Venus and Jupiter, will be positioned opposite each other on Saturday! Jupiter is all about growth, expansion, and abundance, while Venus is all about love, beauty, and harmony. Jupiter magnifies whatever it comes into contact with, and when it is in opposite Venus, it intensifies happiness, optimism, and positivity.  Overall this week is great for getting ready for next year. Start to make some plans for 2024. If there’s anything you want to get finished this month, I suggest doing it this week before Mercury goes Retrograde the following week. This is a week to celebrate and enjoy all the wonderful things in life. Make the most of it, go out with friends, and have fun! Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
12/3/20239 minutes, 48 seconds
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#297 - Weekly Energy Update for November 26, 2023: Full Moon in Gemini

On Monday, with the last Full Moon of Fall, we have the chance to release and let go of anything that we don't want to carry into 2024. It's time to start thinking about what you want to be free of in the upcoming year so we can move through 2024 with greater ease, grace, and alignment. Full moons are about completion and endings, and as this moon transitions us into the colder months, we want to let go of things that don't serve a positive purpose in our lives as we slow down, turn inward, and prepare for next year. This full moon is in Gemini. The Gemini twins represent the duality of our human side and our soul side. Geminis are funny, outgoing, curious, and often the life of the party. Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, is known for its excellent social skills, making the Gemini Full Moon a fantastic time to party, have fun, and spend time with friends. A lot is happening under this Full Moon. It may be hectic and even a little disorganized. Mars is in the mix and so is Saturn, plus the goddess, Lilith is active too. All of this energy combined gives this Full Moon a fiery edge. Both Mars and Lilith are very strong forces that can charge us up and create some tension. We may find ourselves feeling a little irritable or frustrated. This full moon in Gemini helps us balance all the releasing we’re doing before winter with some fun, social activities. Adding the lightness of fun and getting together with others makes it easier to navigate through any tense energies from the Full Moon. December arrives on Friday. December is a 1 universal month in numerology. The number 1 signifies the birth of something new. A Universal Month 1 carries the energy of new beginnings and starts a new cycle of independence and leadership.  December invites us to take charge of our lives. This full moon is our opportunity to start preparing. Use this full moon to let go of everything that doesn’t fit into your vision of your ideal life.  Access the BLACK FRIDAY SALE and save 40% on all appointments, gift certificates, and packages through 11/26 at  
11/26/20238 minutes, 5 seconds
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#296 - Weekly Energy Update for November 19, 2023 - Sagittarius Season

It’s time to finish out this year and start preparing for 2024. We want to start preparing now because next year is an 8 universal year in numerology. An 8-year is an accelerator with a lot happening.  An 8-year starts the three-year push time of finishing up the 9-year cycle we’re in and ushering in a new one in 2026. Ask yourself what you need to be fully prepared for next year. Do you need some downtime? Do you need to get your finances in order? Is it time to organize your home or business? Should health be your primary concern? Whatever it is, now is the moment to get started. And as we enter Sagittarius season on Wednesday, the 22nd, we get help with this. Our energy shifts from the intense Scorpio season to the joyous and generous Sagittarius season.  Sagittarius season carries fresh, liberating energy that’s clearing the path for new beginnings. Consider Sagittarius season as your final opportunity to tie up any loose ends and give your life a deep cleaning for the winter. Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters Sagittarius this week on Black Friday. Mars transiting anywhere on Black Friday is very interesting. Black Friday battles are not out of the question; at the absolute least, there will be a lot of yelling and anger. If you're out and about, keep calm and resist the need to act out your rage. Additionally, Saturn will make a difficult 90-degree square with the Sun and Mars on Saturday. This square is full of tension and it might lead to some fights at the dinner table. Next weekend is bookended by another stressful event with the full moon in drama queen Gemini on Monday, November 27.  Knowing that the Thanksgiving weekend has some intense energy, you may want to adjust your plans, perhaps by shopping online. You also shouldn't feel obligated to spend Thanksgiving with people you don’t want to. If you’re already questioning whether you want to spend time with someone, don’t do it. This energy is going to amplify any typical dysfunction. This is dysfunction on steroids energy. Instead, set your boundaries and do what's for your highest good. On the other hand, if you love your people, this is an excellent weekend to spend together. There’s an abundance of lovely Sagittarius energy with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars amplifying it.  Sagittarius is mutable energy, it can go either way. It is up to us how we respond to the energy. If you are positive and balanced this will be an outstanding Thanksgiving weekend. If you’re out of balance, the planet's placement will exacerbate any imbalance you may already have.  Mars's entry into Sagittarius helps us feel that everything is possible. The best way to grease the wheels for the future is with gratitude. Start a daily gratitude practice if you don't already have one. Amp up your daily practice if you have one. Let's go into the new year fired up. And gratitude helps us do just that.
11/19/20239 minutes, 14 seconds
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#295 - Weekly Energy Update for November 12, 2023: New Moon in Scorpio

This new moon in Scorpio is the first New Moon after Eclipse season. It’s the first time since 2021 that a New Moon in Scorpio isn't an eclipse. This would normally be a welcomed break, yet the energy is still pretty intense. We know that Scorpio season is intense, and it will last for another week and a half. In addition, the sun has been very active lately.  There have been solar flares and geomagnetic storms that have shaken everything up. And now the New Moon in Scorpio is adding to this energy! Scorpio is an insightful and perceptive sign that can see right through all the BS. Scorpio is a master of digging up and revealing the truth. Scorpio brings the unconscious to the surface and insists that we look within and be honest with ourselves to let go and move on. This new moon is opposite Uranus and is going to bring sudden and abrupt changes to our lives. We’re talking about shakeups, breakups, and breakdowns. These events may not be pleasant, but they ultimately lead us to the road that is meant for us by making us confront realities we have been avoiding. Additionally, there is a Mars Cazimi on Thursday, the 17th. A Mars Cazimi is an exact conjunction between the Sun and Mars. Mars Cazimis occur every two years but we haven’t had one in Scorpio for thirty-two years. Planets enter a new cycle when they join the Sun.  We can think of this Cazimi as an opportunity to make a fresh start. This is not a comfortable new moon. Yes, new beginnings are on the horizon, but we need to let go and move through some discomfort first. To clear away what holds us back we have to know what’s kept us stuck. And to help us with that clarity are the new moon, Scorpio, Mars, Saturn, and even the solar flares. But aren’t you ready to move on to the next, better iteration of yourself? Aren’t you ready to just rip off the Band-Aid and get on with it? This New Moon is part of that process.   Learn more and register for Millionaire Manifesting Mondays at
11/12/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
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#294 - Weekly Energy Update for November 5, 2023: 11/11 Energy Forecast

November begins in the middle of Scorpio season. Scorpio season is known for its intense vibes. This year, the action-oriented planet Mars spends most of the month in Scorpio. Doubling down on the intensity, but also doubling down on determination and focus. This is the energy we’ve been waiting for to move forward. Saturn turned direct yesterday. For the past five months, Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure, has been retrograde. When it was retrograde, it felt as though the teacher had left the classroom and we were left without structure and discipline. Now that it's direct, it's time to get back to work and focus on obligations that have been on the back burner since June. On Wednesday the 8th, romantic Venus enters its home sign of Libra, sprinkling its lovely harmonious magic over relationships, intimacy, and balance. Everyone's love life is getting a boost! This week ends on 11/11. There is spiritual significance to November 11. It falls in the middle of Scorpio season, a sign of rebirth and transformation, and the date itself also represents transformation. The number 11 is considered a master number and represents good luck in numerology. The energy is amplified on the 11th when the number 11 is repeated, which makes it a fortunate day of powerful transformation. We're reminded that we are on the right path whenever we see the number 1111 in any form.  Our thoughts and intentions are powerful and when this number appears, we're able to manifest our desires into reality. This is a powerful day to visualize and manifest.   And for the cherry on top of this year’s 11/11? The moon and Mars align forming a Finger of God with Venus and Pluto. This is a rare arrangement of the planets that brings fated and destined events. 11/11 has fated moments in relationships written all over it because all the planets involved are quite dramatic, sexual, and emotional.   Just allow the positive energy on 11/11 to permeate your day. Allow yourself to feel lucky.  Buy a lotto ticket. Take a chance on yourself.  This is a fated day so pay attention to the people you meet and things that happen that day. It’s also a powerful day to set intentions. Put your intentions on paper. Practice visualizing your intentions as if they’ve already come true. And simply enjoy a fantastic day!   Learn more and register for Millionaire Manifesting Mondays at
11/5/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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#293 - Weekly Energy Update for October 29, 2023: Extended Edition featuring the Lunar Eclipse & November Numerology

This week's podcast is extra-long to cover the Lunar Eclipse, November Numerology, Saturn moving direct, Halloween, Samhain, and Day of the Dead.  Let's start with yesterday's lunar eclipse and full moon. Lunar eclipses help us complete a journey and shift the course of our lives in some way. This lunar eclipse brings a strong energy of closure to the last two years because it’s the end of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle we’ve been in for two years. This moon eclipse is here to help us progress. It's a cosmic push that takes you out of stagnated energy and old patterns. We want to consciously purge the old. This eclipse represents our opportunity to transform and shift old patterns into new ones. All you have to do is let go. Not because of some important event, or someone is pressuring you, or you feel you have no choice. But just because you choose to. Because this lunar eclipse and full moon are in Taurus, they are gentler and less intense than some other eclipses. Taurus is a sign of stability and steadiness. When the world throws us a curveball, Taurus helps restore our inner peace. Taurus is the energy we want when life feels overwhelming. Taurus helps us connect to nature. Then comes Halloween, just a few days after the dramatic eclipse. Halloween is rooted in the Celtic festival of Samhain. Samhain and Halloween fall at the midpoint between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. At a time when nature is undergoing significant transformations, and so are we! In numerology, November is a 9 Universal Month. The number nine represents completion, transition, and spiritual growth. It's time to finish up loose ends and get ready for new beginnings. It's normal to feel the need to finish projects, end relationships, or bring closure to things we're done with during a 9 Universal Month. As we release, there's room for new things to enter. We’re laying the groundwork for new beginnings that will come. Saturn going direct is the first transit in November.  Saturn is a slow energy. Even though the lunar eclipse concluded a two-year cycle, and November is a nine-month wrapping up this year's cycle, we are not racing toward the new thing. We need patience right now. Think of November as a soft month. Give yourself time. Give yourself grace. Practice living with more ease and flow just like nature does.  It's time to tell your past goodbye and say hello to your future.  Shop the Eclipse Package sale through 10/31 and get TWO 30-minute Sessions for only $111 at
10/29/202315 minutes, 36 seconds
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#292 - Weekly Energy Update for October 22, 2023: Scorpio Season and Lunar Eclipse

This week is full of high-energy events. Scorpio season begins tomorrow, and the energy is building all week toward the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday. Scorpio season can be an intense time. Scorpio is the sign of transformation and this year is especially intense due to the eclipse and the fact that both Mars and Mercury are in Scorpio, increasing the Scorpio energy. Scorpio isn't satisfied with surface-level anything and wants to go deep. We're talking about deep transformation here! We're transforming our power, our most intimate connections, our willingness to be vulnerable and daring enough to try new things. Then, just a few days after Scorpio season begins, we'll experience the year's final eclipse - a lunar eclipse and full moon — in Taurus. A lunar eclipse is an especially powerful full moon. They tell us to let go, surrender, go with the flow, and allow the eclipse to do the work. We may want to control the transformation process. However, there is no way to control what happens during an eclipse. Because this Taurus Eclipse is the last of a Taurus-Scorpio cycle, it has tremendous power for endings. If there is something you want to let go of, use the Eclipse energies to do so and say goodbye to all that is no longer serving your soul. Be gentle with yourself since the Eclipse energies are volatile and we are undergoing enormous transformation. This is an excellent moment for self-discovery work. Journaling, meditation, and therapy are all great options. When this Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse cycle is complete, we will have reached a new stage in our evolution. We've evolved and are now in a greater plane of consciousness than before. And by the time we reach the Scorpio New Moon on November 13th, fresh energies will be flowing, and we will leave Scorpio season feeling transformed, renewed, a little more settled, and ready to begin a new chapter. Shop the Double Eclipse Package Sale and get TWO 30-Minutes Sessions for $111 at
10/22/20237 minutes, 35 seconds
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#291 - Weekly Energy Update for Oct. 15, 2023: Eclipse Portal and New Beginnings

Saturday's New Moon Solar Eclipse opened an eclipse portal that we'll be in for the next two weeks until the full moon in Taurus on October 28th. This two-week portal is a powerful period for reflection and transformation, as new chapters begin and fated events occur. The good news about eclipses is that we can trust the direction they are guiding us in. Eclipses bring events into our lives that are part of the cosmic plan, yet eclipses don't cause something to happen in our lives but allow us to see things more clearly than before.  This eclipse season set the intention that you will be aligned with MORE; more love, more truth, more joy, more purpose, more creation, more connection, and more YOU. We can expect some post-eclipse clarity this week when the Sun in Libra meets Mercury in Libra, forming a Cazimi. When Mercury is Cazimi it provides clarity, insights, breakthroughs, and downloads. Pay attention to the downloads you receive this week. They are important.  As humans, we are going through a series of fated decision points and changes. This is a difficult time for all of us. As my friend Linda Cohen says, "Focus on kindness." Kindness to yourself and others. All of this transformation requires energy, which may leave you exhausted. Slow down, rest, reflect, listen for messages from your higher self and the universe, and give the changes time to integrate. This will pass, and we will come out stronger as a result. Shop the Double Eclipse Package Sale and get TWO 30-minute Sessions for just $111 at Access the Solar Eclipse Spiritual Practice at
10/15/20239 minutes, 18 seconds
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#290 - Weekly Energy Update for Oct. 8, 2023: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

This week's New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs on Saturday morning. This is a spectacular annular solar eclipse with a 'ring of fire'. The Moon is farther away from Earth during an annular solar eclipse than it is during a total eclipse, making it appear smaller and creating a 'ring of fire' around the Moon where the Sun is visible. Not only will this be visually stunning, but eclipses also shift our consciousness and bring change. The total blockage of the sun acts as a reset button. It's as if we're being turned off and then back on. Solar eclipses occur during a New Moon and can be thought of as supercharged New Moons. New Moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle as well as the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. We can think of eclipses as portals to higher states of consciousness. They help us to make quantum leaps forward. They fast-track our soul contract and propel us toward our destiny. As a result, eclipses tend to bring fated events and they place us wherever we need to be. We can't prepare for what's to come since eclipses are so unpredictable. There will very certainly be unexpected twists and turns. And because these twists and turns are fated, we can trust that we're being guided in the direction the Universe knows is best. To understand an Eclipse more we look at the sign it’s in.  And this one is happening in Libra, so we can expect some themes around balance. Libra is represented by the scales and regulates the flow of giving and receiving in our lives. Remember that all of these fated changes will not occur only on the day of the eclipse; we will be in eclipse energy for the next month. Even though all of the unexpected changes are aligning us with our highest good, this is A LOT of powerful energy!  Take it easy. Rest, lay low, surrender, and allow the eclipses to work their magic. Know that whatever unfolds during this eclipse is not the whole story. This is only the start of something new and wonderful!  Schedule your appointment with Renee Spears at
10/8/20238 minutes, 8 seconds
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#289 - Weekly Energy Update for Oct. 1, 2023: October Numerology and Eclipse Season

This October is a powerful month of growth and change. It's hard to believe that Halloween is just four weeks away, Thanksgiving is eight, and Christmas is twelve. Four of the planets currently retrograde will turn direct over the next three months too, including Pluto on October 11th.   The fantastic news is that we begin the last quarter of the year with an 8-universal month. In numerology, each month carries a unique energy. October carries the energy of 8. An 8-month is a powerful time that encourages us to step into our power and take charge of our lives.  The number 8 represents abundance. It is considered particularly lucky and is referred to as the money number. 8 is also associated with karma. This month is full of karmic events. On the 14th, there will be a solar eclipse in Libra, and on the 28th, there will be a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses bring accelerated change and major shifts in our lives. Since eclipse season begins about two weeks before the first eclipse, we. re currently in eclipse energy. And it'll get stronger over the next two weeks as we approach the solar eclipse. The eclipses, the placement of the moon and planets, and the energy of this karmic 8-month all contribute to inevitable changes. Knowing that these changes are for our highest good and part of our destiny can help us to relax a little. The best approach to October is to step into your power and embrace the changes with surrender and acceptance.  Access the 1/2 Price Summer Money Reset for $16.50 at Schedule with Renee Spears at
10/1/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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#288 - Weekly Energy Update for Sept. 24, 2023: Super Harvest Moon

This final week of September is full of powerful energy. Fall began barely two days ago with the Equinox and the start of the Libra season. And tonight, at sundown, the holiest day of the year in Judaism, Yom Kipper, begins. The week concludes on Friday with a spectacular Harvest Full Moon. Unlike other full moons, which may have catchy titles like strawberry moon or pink moon but don't actually look any different from other full moons, September's Harvest Moon is generally large and orange or red. Because it's a supermoon, it'll appear even larger and more colorful than usual. And this is the year's final supermoon. Full moons are ideal for letting go of the past to make room for fresh energy and opportunities. This full moon teaches us about identifying imbalances in our lives. When the moon is full, it shines a spotlight on our emotional world, revealing hidden things, and this month it reveals where we are out of balance. What I like best about this Aries Full Moon is that it serves as a powerful reminder that we are the creators of our lives. Because of the retrogrades this summer, we may have felt at the mercy of the universe and forgotten how strong we are. It's time to remember how powerful we are and get on with creating our lives. 
9/24/202310 minutes, 16 seconds
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#287 - Fall Astrology Forecast with Astrologer Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton shares the Fall 2023 Astrological Forecast in this entertaining podcast. This fall is a time of profound rebirth and transformation beginning with the Autumn Equinox. The Equinox provides us with a clean slate to start our next chapter. With all of the retrogrades and reflection we've done this summer, we've gained a lot of clarity. And now we’re moving forward with that knowledge.  The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14 and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28 are both times of pivotal change. The eclipses offer us the opportunity to align our internal and external worlds.   Deborah addresses Pluto and Saturn going direct, as well as the powerful energy of Pluto and Eris Square happening the first week of October.   Deborah Norton is an Astrologer who helps you decipher your astrological chart so that you can better understand yourself and have more control over your destiny. Deborah works closely with each client to create a customized astrology reading that is tailored to their specific needs and goals.   Schedule an appointment with Deborah at Listen to the Cosmic Disruption Podcast at
9/21/202348 minutes, 55 seconds
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#286 - Weekly Energy Update for Sept. 17, 2023: Fall Equinox & Libra Season

Pumpkin Spice season officially begins this week with the Fall Equinox occurring on Friday night. Not only is this when the Sun is directly over the equator, resulting in an equal length of day and night, but it is also when the Sun moves from Virgo into Libra, kicking off Libra Season. The Equinox is one of the year's major turning points. It’s when we energetically start moving in a new direction. It’s a time when our lives change. Libra season gives you permission to soak up all of the fall vibes. It's also a time for creating balance in every area of life and prioritizing harmony above all else. If we desire peace and harmony in our lives, it must start internally. What we experience inwardly manifests itself externally. Internal harmony is achieved through establishing a sense of balance, calm, and alignment inside yourself. It is all about getting your thoughts, emotions, and actions in sync. It is easier to achieve that state during the equinox. It’s easier to start new mindfulness and meditation practices right now. So, as you embrace everything Fall this year, make time to BE present. This might be as basic as watching the changing of the leaves. On the Equinox, you should feel an energy shift. We'll feel like we're gaining momentum, and we'll notice some changes in our lives beginning to take shape. This momentum will gradually build over the next month. This is a significant life change, and these changes take time. Over the following month, we'll see changes gradually appear. Leading up to a historic solar eclipse and new moon on October 14th. Shop the 50% Off Sale through 9/18 at
9/17/20238 minutes, 26 seconds
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#285 - Weekly Energy Update for Sept. 10, 2023: Virgo New Moon and Mercury Direct

This week, we gradually gain clarity and feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, thanks to a magnificent New Moon on Thursday and Mercury ending its retrograde and going direct on Friday.  This Virgo New Moon is here to help us get our sh*t together. Every month, we have a new moon which gives us a fresh start. And the Virgo new moon is one of the most powerful opportunities to reset and refocus. This is the last new moon of the summer before the Equinox and Eclipse Season begins, so it lays the foundation for the upcoming changes. While the retrograde activity has left us feeling somewhat stuck, this New Moon is a turning point and is preparing us for change. The new moon occurs just hours before Mercury moves direct again. This Mercury retrograde in Virgo has been shining a spotlight on our wellness, daily routines, and inner balance, so now is a fantastic time to reflect on how you care for yourself emotionally and physically. This new beginning energy is preparing us for Fall, which begins next week. The shift from summer to fall is one of the most difficult in Ayurveda. We are transitioning from the Pitta season of summer to the Vata season of autumn. We want to start shifting away from the raw foods and salads of summer and eat more root vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, and hearty soups. It also helps us transition by maintaining a consistent routine, particularly in sleeping, waking, and eating. This, of course, perfectly aligns with the energy of the New Moon in Virgo, which is all about getting organized and structure in your life. Happy New Moon! Shop the 50% Off Fall Sale at
9/10/20238 minutes, 12 seconds
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#284 - What is Flow? Featuring Michelle Wirta

Flow is one of life's most pleasurable states of being, immersing us completely in the present moment and allowing us to be more creative, productive, and happy. We've all heard about how important it is to "Be in the Flow," but what exactly does that mean?  In this episode, business coach Michelle Wirta discusses flow and how to access it. Michelle describes flow as a practice of presence and it is in this practice that we find it. Flow is humbling and requires getting into our bodies and creating healthy habits. Flow is always there. We only need to show up and consistently do the simple things to find ease and the sweet spot of flow in them.    Michelle Wirta is a seasoned entrepreneur, coach, and energy reader, now guiding creative women with her F.L.O.W. Biz Growth Coaching as well as in teaching fluid art for greater creative freedom. She specializes in merging mindset, Idea Alchemy, her method of Somatic Manifestation, and simplified strategy to help you craft your signature offer and find flow with purpose and your business' elemental prosperity blueprint. Michelle has generously offered Abundology Podcast listeners a 30-minute FREE mini Idea Alchemy Session. Sign up for your session at If you'd like to join F.L.O.W. after your free session, save $150 with coupon code: ABUNDOLOGY150GIFT at Learn more about Michelle at and  
9/8/202334 minutes, 41 seconds
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#283 - Weekly Energy Update for Sept 3, 2023: September Numerology & Jupiter Retrograde

According to numerology, September is a 7 universal month, and 2023 is also a 7 universal year.  This month we are doubling down on 7 energy. The energy of 7 is all about taking things slow and going inward. The theme of this month and year is spiritual growth. And this month amplifies that. We’ve changed this year and despite how well you believe you know yourself, it's possible that you've changed in ways you weren't even aware of. It's now time to integrate the changes and move forward with a stronger sense of self-awareness.  We get support with our inward reflection when Jupiter goes retrograde for the rest of the year on Monday, September 4th. Compared to other retrogrades this one can be advantageous. Jupiter retrograde does not translate to our luck running out but rather our idea of happiness being rewritten.   During a time when everything seems out of our control, magical Jupiter comes along and gives us second chances and an opportunity to get back in balance. Jupiter is associated with good fortune, abundance, and knowledge. It helps us connect with our soul’s purpose. This is an excellent moment to consider what is weighing you down. We often do things because we believe we should enjoy them or they should make us happy. Jupiter retrograde is your opportunity to be honest about what is no longer working for you. We're getting clear about what we need to live a happy, fulfilling life. Before we can ask for what we want, we must first define it. The next four months are about figuring out what makes us happy. What truly makes us happy, not what should make us happy. Shop the Annual 50% Off Sale at
9/3/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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#282 - Weekly Energy Update for August 27, 2023: Super Blue Moon in Pisces

All summer long, we've been preparing for this time. With the Super Blue Moon on Wednesday night, this week is a powerful time of new beginnings.  Since blue moons only occur once every 2.5 years or so, the expression "once in a blue moon" refers to their extreme rarity. The fact that the blue moon this year also happens to be a supermoon, when the moon is at its closest to Earth, makes this moon even rarer. A supermoon super-sizes the energy of whatever sign it’s in and this one is in Pisces.  This means that we’re going to experience some deep feelings such as grief, sadness, and heartbreak, which have been stored in our psyches. We're about to get deep, so get the Kleenex ready. Sometimes, going through these emotions is the only way to move past them and let them go. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac. It rules the dream world and subconscious mind. It allows downloads and spiritual guidance to flood in by opening our spiritual channels. The strong retrograde energy also strengthens and amplifies our intuition and psychic abilities.  We can expect to receive lots of unmistakable signs, serendipities, and messages in our dreams. Even our deceased loved ones, our spirit guides, or our angels may visit us.  With this Blue Moon, there is a soul transformation taking place. We are undergoing some significant events as well as incredible energetic frequencies. Even though things could become a little shaky, all of these astrological events are intended to do one thing, which is to move us forward to more authentic lives. Learn more and register for the Women's Wisdom Circle at
8/27/20239 minutes, 31 seconds
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#281 - Weekly Energy Update for August 20, 2023: Virgo Season and Mercury Retrograde

Every time a zodiac season ends, the universe hits the ‘reset’ button. After the sun has spent the last month in Leo, it’s moving into the sign of Virgo on Wednesday the 23rd and we’re hitting the reset button. During the next month, we’ll experience Virgo energies, which include being productive, hard-working, and a perfectionist. We feel most energized and productive during this time of year.  The Virgo season offers us a fantastic opportunity to get things done and establish a regular schedule. It’s all about achieving balance in our day-to-day schedule. Because this Virgo season coincides with Mercury in retrograde, it’s a little trickier than usual to get into a solid daily routine. Mercury rules Virgo and Mercury going retrograde on the same day that Virgo Season starts makes us feel like a kid being dragged back to school after an epic summer vacation. If you’re already feeling tired, disoriented, and like you’re just not yourself, there’s a good chance we can blame it on Mercury retrograde. Mercury, the planet of cognitive function, has a way of making your brain have to work twice as hard to function when it is spinning backward. Even though Mercury retrograde is generally disliked, it's important to keep in mind that it's not the end of the world. Mercury retrograde is not only a common occurrence—it occurs three to four times a year—but it also plays a crucial role in your soul journey. This particular Mercury Retrograde gives us the opportunity to go back to the basics and rebuild our Universe. It’s time to simplify and focus on building a life that keeps you centered and balanced. Also keep in mind that Mercury is known as the trickster planet and while it is retrograde, it enjoys making our lives as inconvenient as possible. There are often delays, frustrations, misunderstandings, and problems with our technology, providing us an opportunity to practice remaining centered no matter what is going on.
8/20/20239 minutes, 40 seconds
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#280 - Weekly Energy Update for August 13, 2023: Leo New Moon

Wednesday's Leo New Moon starts a new lunar cycle that we can use as a chance for a fresh start. During this retrograde season, you have undoubtedly had several aha moments and realizations about things you want to change. We don't have to wait for the retrograde season to end to make changes in our lives. We have the opportunity to change today thanks to this new moon. A Leo New Moon is a lovely time when we're in tune with our hearts, connected to love, and feeling especially creative. It's a period when it's easier to focus on the good things in our lives. The current Venus Retrograde in Leo is activated by this New Moon in Leo. Venus Retrograde stirs up relationship issues, not just relationships with others but also our relationship with money and our self-worth. Venus Retrograde offers us the chance to learn how to set boundaries, handle conflicts, and know when to walk away.  The fact that this moon is tightly square Uranus, the planet known as the "Great Awakener," means unexpected events could occur or that your life could suddenly change dramatically. With the combination of Uranus, Venus, and the New Moon, the unexpected news we receive may result in major changes to our relationships. This new moon generally makes us feel better and helps us take some action as it has been a bit of a lazy retrograde period and you may not have felt very motivated lately.  This summer, we’re going through a lot of change and shedding things we’ve outgrown. While we may be sad to see some of them go, we are ready to release others. However, life constantly moves forward, and this moon gives us a clean slate and a chance to start over again. Access the Summer Money Reset at
8/13/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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#279 - Weekly Energy Update for August 6, 2023: 8/8 Lions Gate Portal

We are currently living in a particularly intense and transformative period. This is the retrograde high season. There are currently four planets and Chiron retrograde, and now Mercury has entered its shadow period, preparing to go retrograde and join the party. Retrogrades direct our focus to the past and can be cosmic "grace periods" during which we can complete projects and other unfinished business. The prefix re- means to go back. Retrogrades are all about re-words. Old friends, lovers, and past issues may resurface providing an opportunity to reconnect or revise. Retrogrades can be used to resolve arguments, revisit ideas, or renew a commitment. Retrogrades can be highly beneficial. We finish projects, improve our style, let go of relationships that are not working for us, and heal our insecurities. The 8/8 Lions Gate on Wednesday helps with healing. The Lions Gate Portal is an annual astrological event that occurs between July 26th and August 12th, with a peak on August 8th. Because of the numerology of 8/8 and the Sun reaching the halfway point or 15 degrees of Leo, which is the height of Leo energy, August 8 has become the day we celebrate the portal. This is also the astrological halfway point between the June Solstice and the September Equinox. The Sun aligns with the star Sirius, which is considered our spiritual sun, during this period, and this cosmic alignment creates a powerful portal that fills us with high-frequency energy. This high-vibing energy brings new beginnings, and these new beginnings are often dramatic. These transformative times offer incredible positive movement in soul growth and life fulfillment, but the process can feel turbulent and scary. Allow yourself some downtime. Rest. Unplug. Avoid activities that you find shallow or depleting. It’s OK to say no to things you don’t want to do right now. And keep in mind that everything, and I mean everything, is happening for our highest good this month. Thank you retrogrades, and thank you 8/8 Lions Gate. Thank you for the push we need to move forward.
8/6/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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#278 - Weekly Energy Update for July 30, 2023: Aquarius Full Moon

The month of August begins and ends with a supermoon. The Full Super Moon in Aquarius occurs on Tuesday, August 1st, while the Pisces Super Blue Full Moon occurs on August 30th. With two Full Moons in the same calendar month, August will be a time for letting go, clearing, and releasing. Everything that no longer resonates with us will be released, and there will be some empty spots in our lives by the end of the month. We also begin the month with Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron retrograde, and by the end of August, Mercury and Uranus will be retrograde as well. All of this retrograde energy has the potential to make us feel sluggish. We may feel as if we are going around in circles or that we need to redo things that we thought we had previously dealt with. And there won't be much we can do to speed things up. This month will be uncomfortable for those of us who are used to pushing through and getting things done no matter what. The key is to surrender. Surrender and enjoy this slower time. Surrender means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality. The Full Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, the 1st, is the month's first significant cosmic event. This Full Moon is very healing. While the energies this month are powerful, this full moon is gentle and holds our hand while unveiling anything that is no longer serving our highest good.  In Numerology, August is a 6 Universal Month. The energy of a 6 month is all about the good things in life. It’s about harmony, love, and balance. It’s about focusing on our family and relationships, it helps us enjoy our homes. It is about improving your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, as well as bringing more ease and harmony into your life. Life is slow right now. Enjoy a slow August. Surrender and let this month be one of the best of your life. Shop the 40% Off Summer Sale at Download the Summer Money Reset at
7/30/20238 minutes, 15 seconds
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#277 - Weekly Energy Update for July 23, 2023: Leo Season, Venus & Chiron Retrograde

A lot is happening in the sky this weekend. Leo season began last night. When I say this year’s Leo season is going to be dramatic, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Leo Season started just 17 minutes after Venus went retrograde. And today Chiron goes retrograde. The Sun in Leo will make us feel more loving, positive, creative, and active. This is one of the most fun months of the year regardless of what the retrogrades bring because the Sun is in Leo, its favorite sign!    Like the Sun, Leos radiate their personalities out into the world and now is the time for all of us to do the same. Leo season is all about owning yourself, being yourself, and expressing yourself. This Leo Season is particularly important because of the increasing number of planets becoming retrograde. During Leo Season Venus and Chiron will both station retrograde.  Venus Retrograde can have a significant impact on our lives and hearts, especially since it's in Leo, the sign of the heart. While it is in retrograde for the next 40 days and 40 nights, we are healing our hearts, our self-confidence, and our perspectives on money and finances. Since Venus rules money, we can expect our finances to be up and down this summer. Avoid blowing cash on fancy dinners and expensive vacations. Simplify. Enjoy the beauty of inexpensive things. Chiron retrograde is also helping us heal and use our wounds as a source of strength. Chiron doesn’t want us to heal because it will make us “better.” It wants us to discover how to draw strength and wisdom from our wounds. Instead of attempting to "fix" ourselves to be worthy, this level of healing practice focuses on transcendence. We are already worthy, regardless of wounds. Download the Summer Money Reset at Shop the 40% Off Abundology Summer Sale thru 8/1/23 at Learn more about the Montana Spiritual Retreats at
7/23/202310 minutes, 57 seconds
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#276 - Weekly Energy Update for July 16, 2023: New Moon in Cancer

A brand-new chapter is beginning with the new moon in Cancer on Monday, July 17. But this isn’t the only new beginning energy this week. Just a few hours after the new moon, the lunar nodes, also known as the North Node of Destiny and the South Node of Fate will move to the Aries-Libra axis until January 2025.  Our lives are on an emotional roller coaster thanks to this new moon. Cancer reminds us to slow down, be patient, and feel. This new moon is all about slowing down long enough to feel the emotions we have conveniently avoided until now in order to heal.   This week we want rest and solitude so we can feel all the emotions that come up. There are major changes coming, and in order to move forward, we must first process the past, which takes time. The New Moon on the same day that the lunar nodes change signs makes this a very powerful and life-defining time. The new moon is the start of a new emotional journey in life while the lunar nodes push us toward our destiny. The shift of the nodes to the Aries-Libra axis is one of the more significant astrological shifts taking place this year and it changes the direction of both our individual and collective evolution throughout the next 18 months. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and as it moves into the north node, we feel a spark of inspiration to start something new and go in a new direction. Achieving this, however, takes courage, the courage to claim what we want and then take action. The shifting of the nodes invites us to embrace our destiny and purpose. We’re experiencing the inevitable growth and change of life. We can embrace it by having the courage to feel and examine our lives, admit what is not working, and then having the bravery to make the necessary changes. Download the Summer Money Reset Program at
7/16/202310 minutes, 15 seconds
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#275 - Weekly Energy Update for July 9, 2023: Pitta Dosha, Mars in Virgo, and Mercury in Leo

Four of the warmest days on record for our planet occurred this week. All this heat affects our energy, especially our Ayurvedic Pitta Dosha. Pitta, our internal fire, is amplified by heat, which can upset the pitta's delicate balance. When it's out of balance, it might manifest as burnout, irritation, anxiety, and even anger. It can also cause rashes, heartburn, and hot flashes. Eating sweet, juicy fruits like melons and peaches can help us balance our Pitta, which is vital for our physical and mental wellness. Limit foods that are spicy, salty, greasy, and fried. The good news is that dairy soothes pitta. Eat the ice cream! Although the hard-working, get things done, and give our lives some structure energy from the fantastic Full Moon last week is still with us, there are a few energy shifts taking place this week. The first one occurs when Mars enters Virgo on Monday, July 10th. This transit brings a big boost of energy. We are more productive and feel more motivated. This is the motivation you've been looking for to get going if you've been feeling unmotivated or lethargic.  Then, on Tuesday, Mercury enters Leo for the next two weeks. When Mercury is in Leo, we have more confidence and think bigger. The focus is on our goals, and the bigger they are, the better. We've reached the point in our life when we get to focus on the important things like our purpose and living an authentic life. Right now, the minor details don't matter as much.  We must always keep in mind that we are at the right place at the right time. Everything is working out perfectly even if it may not seem like it. The universe is conspiring in our favor. Prioritizing rest and relaxation will help you maintain the right place/right time energy you'll need to balance all the effort you'll be putting out this week. Schedule an appointment with Renee at
7/9/20237 minutes, 46 seconds
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#274 -Weekly Energy Update for July 2, 2023: Full Buck Moon in Capricorn

July begins with a Super Moon! It’s the first of three Super Moons in a row, the next two are in August. This is the Full Buck Moon and the first Full Moon of Summer. The full moon's energy depends on the sign it's in, and this one is in Capricorn. Full moons are all about letting go, whereas Capricorn is all about hard work and striving for success despite all obstacles. The energy of this Full Moon is about focusing on our careers, long-term goals, and our achievements. Capricorn Energy emphasizes responsibility and the need for structure. This moon is shining a spotlight on the places in our life where we need more structure. If we look at where we’ve been feeling stuck in our lives, that’s the place we can use more structure. This moon is truly a gift to help us get unstuck.  Keep in mind that we’re still in Cancer season. Cancer energy encourages us to stay home and rest which at first seems to clash with the active forward-moving, hard-working energy of Capricorn.  But this is the perfect balance of energy. This moon and Cancer season help us slow down, enjoy the moment, and remember the important things in life. This balances out all the Capricorn energy of planning, organizing, and hard work we’ll be doing. This is one of the best full Moons energetically in 2023 due to the placements of other planets and the Star Sirius. Every year during the first week of July, the sun and Sirius align and when they do it opens this sacred portal of high vibrating energy.  Sirius is 23 times brighter than our Sun and is referred to as our "Spiritual Sun" and helps in raising our spiritual awareness. Its energy helps us release our limitations and whatever is holding us back. Sirius multiplies the energy of this full moon illuminating where we’ve been stuck so that we can move forward and turn our goals and dreams into reality. Download the Capricorn Full Moon Spiritual Practice at
7/2/20237 minutes, 59 seconds
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273 - Overcoming People Pleasing with Heidi Gustafson

Do you try to please everyone? When you're young, being told to be nice, be a good girl, and put others before yourself can make you a people-pleaser. Saying yes to everything is a common trait among people pleasers, which may result in resentment and anger. Because they prioritize the wants and needs of others over their own, people pleasers lack self-awareness and don't know what they want or like.  In this podcast, Hypnotist and Mindset Coach Heidi Gustafson explains how trying to please other people can lead to perfectionism and living an unauthentic life. Learn how hypnosis is the best way to help you overcome people pleasing and live a more authentic life.  Heidi Gustafson is a Board-Certified Hypnotist and Mindset Coach, who teaches others the techniques and tools she used to go from being a people pleasing, procrastinating, perfectionist to a woman who sets healthy boundaries, knows what she values, and lives life by HER parameters, not by what her past or society tells her she should. She teaches how our thoughts, stories, and beliefs create our everyday reality, and how if you’re not getting what you want in life, it’s not because THEY or IT need to change. The change needs to come from you. It’s an inside job. Learn more and work with Heidi at Download the Free Guide - "20 Ways To Say 'No' Without Guilt"  at Join Heidi's Private Facebook Group and Take the July Challenge at Listen to the Mastering Midlife With Heidi Podcast at
6/28/202338 minutes, 43 seconds
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#272 - Weekly Energy Update for June 25, 2023: Neptune Retrograde and July Numerology

Neptune, the planet of illusions and fantasy, goes retrograde in Pisces this week, helping us to understand ourselves and gain clarity. This is the perfect moment to reevaluate our lives and get clear about what we truly want. Since Neptune is the planet that can lead to confusion and uncertainty, when it goes retrograde, we experience clarity instead of confusion and uncertainty. If you’ve been struggling to see things clearly, the fog lifts over the following five months of Neptune's retrograde.  Neptune is the planet of spirituality, and its retrograde strengthens our intuition and connection to the universe. We may feel more drawn to mystical experiences, meditation, and spiritual practices. This is the time to attend a drumming circle, take a sound bath, or try something new to deepen your spirituality. Our creativity is at its peak during Neptune retrograde, especially when it comes to music, writing, and the arts. Now is the time to begin writing that book, learn to paint, and pick up a guitar or set of drums.  Neptune's retrograde brings us a spark of inspiration. July is a 5 universal month in Numerology. Five months are the perfect time to be adventurous and shake things up. The month of July is perfect for breaking old habits and getting unstuck. The number 5 is restless and adventurous. It doesn’t do boring and wants variety and excitement in life. It also sparks new ideas, solutions, and clarity. Even while it may appear that not much is happening right now on the outside, there is a ton going on within. We are becoming clear about what we genuinely want and the next steps to take. Give yourself this time; the rest of the year will thank you. Purchase the Astrology and Abundology Solstice Package thru 6/27/23 at Download the Abundology Spiritual Practices at  
6/25/20239 minutes, 48 seconds
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#271 - Summer 2023 Astrology Forecast with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton shares the summer 2023 astrological forecast in this podcast. Given that nine planets will be in retrograde by September, this summer is one of surrender. Over the next three months, 7 other planets will join Saturn and Pluto in their retrograde.  Deborah teaches how to work with the retrograde planets for our highest personal and spiritual growth. Find out how the retrograde motions of Neptune, Venus, Eris, Chiron, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will impact us this summer. Deborah helps you decipher your astrological chart to better understand yourself and have more control over your destiny. Deborah works closely with each client to create a customized astrology reading that is tailored to their specific needs and goals. Schedule an appointment with Deborah, sign up for her newsletter, and listen to her podcast Cosmic Disruption at Purchase the Astrology & Abundology Solstice Package thru 6/27/23 at
6/20/202349 minutes, 3 seconds
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#270 - Weekly Energy Update for June 18, 2023: Summer Solstice and Cancer Season

The Summer Solstice, on Wednesday, is the main event this week. For millennia, people have held celebrations, rituals, and gatherings in celebration of the summer solstice. Ancient civilizations erected buildings that coincide with the solstice, such as Stonehenge and Machu Picchu. The solstice is a time of renewal, growth, and abundance.  The summer solstice is a cosmic invitation to step into the spotlight of your own life. It’s a moment when the universe supports your personal growth and transformation.  This year's solstice is extraordinary due to a special connection between the sun and the north node of fate. These are two of the most crucial placements in astrology when it comes to fulfilling your life’s purpose. When the sun and north node align, as they will with 2023’s summer solstice, it’s a sign from the universe to bet on yourself. The solstice is also when the sun enters Cancer and the start of Cancer season. Cancer season brings nurturing, homebody energy as we move away from the busy, social vibes of Gemini season. It’s all about heart and home and it’s the ideal moment to mother yourself and others. This is cosmic mama energy! The Sun is associated with active yang energy. The contradiction is that Cancer is ruled by the emotional moon and rules the receptive yin energy. This makes it the perfect time to consider how we can balance the yin and yang in our lives. Where are you able to be a bit kinder?  Where could you yang it up and be more decisive and take action? The solstice is like our cosmic reset button. This is our opportunity to hit the reset button and get back in balance! Learn more about the Summer Solstice Astrology & Abundology Package at  
6/18/202311 minutes, 42 seconds
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#269 - Weekly Energy Update for June 4, 2023: Sagittarius Full Moon and Venus in Leo

June is one of the most positive months of the year. The intense eclipse season and Mercury retrograde are behind us, so this month's energy shift brings in a new and exciting beginning to our next chapter. Since connections with others are a major feature this month, it is appropriate that June is named after the Roman goddess Juno, who was the patroness of marriage and love. June's energy links us to others in heart-centered ways since it straddles both the caring Cancer season and the sociable Gemini season. We want to socialize with others, spend time with friends, go on dates, and find love. On June 5th, when Venus, the planet of love, moves into the fire sign Leo, this love energy truly comes to life. This is the perfect energy for falling and being in love this summer. And we are still basking in the optimistic energy of Saturday night’s full moon in Sagittarius.  Full moons are a time of release. We’re releasing our outdated versions. We’re releasing ways of thinking and being that we’ve outgrown. This full moon is about looking back on where we were six months ago and how far we’ve come. And to think about the future and consider what’s next. With the help of this full moon, we can let go of the version of ourselves from six months ago and step into our new identity. This full moon is preparing us for our next quest. We are getting rid of items that won't fit in our baggage or backpack as we prepare for the quest. We're releasing things that won't be needed on the journey. This full moon gives us the confidence to move forward. We feel so optimistic about the future and where we’re going! Access the Sagittarius Full Moon Spiritual Practice at
6/4/202310 minutes, 2 seconds
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#268 - Weekly Energy Update for May 28, 2023: Full Moon in Sagittarius

These final few days of May are special. The Sun crosses the star Aldebaran every year between May 28 and May 31. Aldebaran is one of the Four Royal Stars. The Royal Stars serve as both the guardians of the sky and gateways to higher realms of consciousness. When the Sun activates Aldebaran it sharpens our minds. This energy is sweet, sweet medicine for our mental health. We begin the abundant and happy month of June this week. According to numerology, June is a 4 universal month. A four month is about laying the groundwork for the future. We’re building the base and foundation for this next chapter of our life. On Saturday, June 3rd, we feel uplifted by a Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is the last full moon of spring and it’s known as the Strawberry Moon. The Strawberry Moon is a symbol of good luck, happiness, and growth. And serves as a reminder that there will always be better days ahead no matter what difficulties we face in life. Sagittarius is an optimistic sign that only wants to focus on the positives. This Full Moon is much lighter than the ones we’ve experienced recently. It holds a playful vibe, reminding us to make time for fun, joy, and adventure. Step out of your comfort zone and try some new things.  Unlike a New Moon, which is about starting something new, the Full Moon is about reflecting on what we planted six months ago, and how it’s coming to fruition. It gets us to think about what comes next. Sagittarius inspires us to look into the future toward our biggest goals and set our path toward them. Learn more about Renee Spears Abundology at
5/28/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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#267 - Weekly Energy Update for May 21, 2023: Gemini Season

Gemini season has arrived! Now we’re back to reality. Eclipse season is over making life a little more predictable and we begin to feel more optimistic. We're more outgoing and sociable and will want to go out with our friends and have fun.  Gemini is represented by the twins. The twins represent our body and soul, one twin being mortal and the other immortal. The immortal twin serves as a reminder that our soul is eternal and that we are spiritual beings, while the mortal twin serves as a reminder that life is fleeting and that we are here to enjoy a physical experience. To be our full selves, we must step fully into both. This Gemini season helps us bring the two into balance and restore our equilibrium after the wild ride we’ve experienced the past few months. Right now we need to lighten up and have fun to get back into balance. Geminis don’t take themselves too seriously. They love to laugh and have fun. It’s time to shake off the fuddy-duddy and welcome the new. Gemini season is also an excellent time to slim down. We’ve had some heavy energies lately and to hold those energies you may have put on a little weight. Losing weight is easier than usual now because the energies are lighter. We get some help moving forward and getting our projects off the ground with powerful Mars in Leo energy. There's no stopping us when Mars, the planet of power and action is in the enthusiastic sign of Leo. We get a major boost of self-confidence, and we become more determined and optimistic. Mars is Leo is the burst of energy we’ve been waiting for! Schedule your appointment with Renee Spears at
5/21/20238 minutes, 18 seconds
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#266 - Weekly Energy Update for May 14, 2023: Jupiter in Taurus and New Moon in Taurus

This week marks a turning point. Mercury Retrograde ends on the 14th although we'll still be in the retroshade energy for the next couple of weeks. This space between Mercury retrograde and Mercury direct is the time to reflect on what’s happened over the past month. We are now processing what we have gone through. And as a result of all this processing, this is frequently a time when we make significant life choices. We get some help implementing these life-changing decisions when Jupiter, the planet of abundance and wisdom, enters Taurus for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter in Taurus helps things grow. Our new lives start to grow. We’re gradually moving into our new ways of being.  We could not possibly have better energy than this right now. This is the perfect moment to start new things, even if you are unsure about how they will pan out. This is a seed-planting moment. We are growing something beautiful and long-lasting.  Do you know what else is growing? Our money! Jupiter in Taurus brings good fortune. Investments pay off and we receive expected pleasant surprises. This is a great time to start a business or a new job.  The first lunar cycle since the start of Eclipse Season occurs on Friday with the New Moon in Taurus. The chaotic and transformative energies of the Eclipses start to calm down and fade into the background. This New Moon grounds and stabilizes us, which feels great after all the chaotic energies of the Eclipse season. We have been through a lot of change, and taking some time to ground and rebalance ourselves helps us reconnect to a state of ease.  Purchase 40% off Gift Certificates for Mother's Day Sale at View all Abundology Academy class recordings including How to Attract Money at
5/14/20239 minutes, 18 seconds
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#265 - Weekly Energy Update for May 7, 2023: Venus in Cancer Brings a Big Cosmic Dose of Gentleness

We've made it through the eclipses! But eclipse energy doesn’t end when the eclipse is over. It'll last for another couple of weeks. The powerful Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that happened on Friday was all about endings, closure, and life-altering events. All of these changes can be unsettling. What I love about the changes that happen during eclipse season is that they are fated. Destiny. Just knowing that whatever unexpected events have happened are meant to be might bring some peace of mind.  The good news is that starting on May 7th, when Venus, the planet that rules love, enters caring, sensitive Cancer, we begin to feel some relief. This transit just brings a big cosmic dose of gentleness. It is as though the universe is wrapping us up in a big spiritual blanket, giving us a forehead kiss, and tucking us into bed. This energy also brings the warm, fuzzy feeling of domestic bliss. You’ll want to light some candles, cook dinner at home, cuddle up to watch movies, and piddle. This is prime piddle around the house energy and an excellent time for sprucing up your home and garden. We have one more week of Mercury Retrograde. Pluto is also retrograde now. With Venus in Cancer and these two powerful retrogrades, we are being urged to slow down and make every move more mindful. Since we are still integrating all the changes brought about by the eclipse season and the two major planetary moves in March of Saturn and Pluto, this time is a blessing in its own way. We’re not the same people we were a couple of months ago. We have an opportunity to BE our new versions when the Sun and Uranus align on Tuesday. Switch up your daily routine, dress differently, learn new things, and BE this new version that may not feel natural - instead of just talking about it.  Purchase 40% off Gift Certificates for Mother's Day at View and purchase Abundology Academy Class Recordings at
5/7/20238 minutes, 44 seconds
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#264 - Weekly Energy Update for April 30, 2023: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

We begin the month of May in the thick of Eclipse Season. We had a powerful solar eclipse a few days ago, and this week on Friday, the 5th, there will be a lunar eclipse in Scorpio.  While a solar eclipse opens the door to new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse helps us complete our shift to the new. Full Moon Eclipses bring endings, closure, and transformative events that move us from one state of consciousness to another.  This eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life.  Lunar eclipses bring us information from out of nowhere. Some of the things you learn could catch you off guard. Not all of the information is bad.  It could provide you with the motivation and inspiration you need to make changes in your life. It’s also important to understand that everything is happening to move you forward. We’re getting an energetic push from the universe to move us out of stuck energy and old patterns. This eclipse is our opportunity to step into our power. It’s here to remind us of our power and point out where we are limiting ourselves. One thing that stands out under this Eclipse is some of the magic symbolism and synchronicities behind it. This Eclipse falls on the 5th day of the 5th month at 14 degrees of Scorpio. The number 14 adds up to five as well, making the 5 energies very strong. The number 5 is all about change and is a master about being able to go with the flow.  It is happiest when things are fresh and full of possibilities. The only thing this number is truly attached to is being unattached. Being unattached and going with the flow is the way to embrace this time. Fated events are taking place. You can’t change fate.  Accept what may come and know that this is exactly the transformation you need to make in your life at this time. Surrender to the timing. Allow whatever comes to come, and allow whatever goes to go. This energy is part of a continuous path that will continue all year. Allow yourself to naturally transform. You are precisely where you need to be right now for your highest evolution. Be gentle to yourself. Remember to be kind to others, as they are going through these intense energies as well. Sign up for my newsletter at
4/30/202310 minutes, 38 seconds
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#263 - Weekly Energy Update for April 23, 2023: Eclipse Corridor & Mercury Retrograde

We are in the heart of the first eclipse season of the year, which began with the powerful solar eclipse last week and ends with a lunar eclipse next week.  Eclipses arrive in pairs and occur two weeks apart. This two-week period is eclipse season. And the period between the two eclipses is known as the eclipse corridor. We are currently in the eclipse corridor with mercury retrograde.  Mercury Retrograde can have the same disruptive and upsetting effects as eclipses. The two weeks in this eclipse corridor can be very challenging, and it might seem as though they go on forever.  Eclipses show us that after the dust settles, there truly is a lesson to be learned and a new path forward. Eclipses are not for intention setting and seed planting. They’re about surrender. Change is inevitable here. It’s happening. You can either fight it all the way, or you can surrender and allow the changes to move you forward. The eclipses and Mercury's retrograde make it even more crucial to relax right now. Give yourself permission to pause. There's no need to rush.  Moving slowly and steadily is the antidote for the chaos in our outer world. Taurus is perhaps the biggest self-care advocate of the zodiac, and this season will be the ultimate invitation to lean into what makes you happy. We want to embrace comfort, luxury, and relaxation, as well as the joy that goes along with it.  Taurus season is the season when you can connect to the magic and beauty of life. Relax, take some time for yourself, and trust that everything is happening for the best. Schedule your appointment with Renee Spears at
4/23/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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#262 - Weekly Energy Update for April 16, 2023: Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde

Everything changes this week. This week's events, including the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the beginning of Taurus season, and Mercury Retrograde, help us transition to our new lives and identities. Over the past six months, we've undergone some major internal and external changes, and now we're in the home stretch. This is a rare hybrid solar eclipse. Hybrid Eclipses only happen a few times a century and carry the energy of shifting between 2 worlds. This new moon is our gateway to a new reality. Doors will open, bringing even more new opportunities and new pathways. This is the second new moon in a row in Aries. Having two powerful new moons back to back in Aries makes this one more intense. To add to the excitement, this eclipse occurs at the final degree of Aries. Having such a powerful Eclipse on this highly charged point indicates a karmic event or destiny that is unfolding.  This eclipse carries so much "new beginning" energy that it has the power to dramatically alter the course of our lives. This eclipse puts us back on track if we've gotten off it in any way. 24 hours after this eclipse, Taurus season begins. This is a big energetic shift. When the sun moves into Taurus, things slow down, allowing us to take a break. Taurus season is about focusing on simple pleasures. Let yourself sleep in, order takeout, and watch your favorite movies. This is our opportunity to get grounded and settle into our new lives. And then within 24 hours of Taurus Season starting Mercury goes Retrograde. This is our first retrograde planet since January. Mercury retrogrades are the best times for “re” activities: reviewing, revising, rethinking, and redoing.  Even if you haven't noticed it, you have been going through a big internal transformation. This is our opportunity to slow down and settle into our new selves. We've had many life upgrades over the past few months, so give yourself the time you need to integrate them. There's no rush. This next chapter lasts for years, so ease into it and enjoy the ride. Take advantage of the Happiness Sale thru 4/18 at
4/16/202311 minutes, 49 seconds
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#261 - Weekly Energy Update for April 9 2023: Sun Conjunct Jupiter

This week is the cherry on top of the important astrological chapter we've gone thru the past few months! The stars have aligned and on Tuesday, April 11th, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, will be in a rare and powerful conjunction with the sun and which is known as a “Cazimi.” It is thought to be the luckiest day of the year when the Sun and Jupiter align, which happens only once a year. The Sun's alignment with Jupiter is known as "The Day of Miracles." Every time the sun and a planet align, a new cycle begins, making it a particularly special moment. This is a biggie!  Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, and the sun, which is the center of our solar system, are combining forces to begin a brand-new 12-year chapter in the sign of Aries.  Jupiter also governs over the higher mind and our quest for knowledge and wisdom. The Cazimi can lead to incredible psychological growth and knowing ourselves on a much deeper level. This is a time when we can break lifelong patterns because we finally understand why they’re happening. There is a feeling of well-being, happiness, and optimism brought on by this transit. In all facets of life, from relationships to income, "expansion" is the name of the game. It's a great time to start new projects, and relationships, or learn something new. Right now the universe is on our side and everything is falling into place. Shop the Happiness Sale and sign up for The Secret to Being Happy at
4/9/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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#260 - Weekly Energy Update for April 2, 2023: Full Moon in Libra

Spring is here and we’re in the thick of Aries season. There’s a lot of excitement bubbling beneath the surface and we can't wait to get going. What a wonderful moment to be alive! We are in a brand-new chapter now that the big astrology shifts in March are behind us. The energy is fresh, shiny, and new. According to numerology, April is a #2 Universal Month.  A #2 month, also known as the “Two of Hearts,” is about partnership, balance, and harmony. It’s relationship time. A time to focus on your relationships, whether they be familial, romantic, or professional. The month begins with a Full Moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5th. Full moons in Libra are pivotal moments for creating peace and harmony. Where do you feel unbalanced? Where in your life do you need greater harmony? Also in April, there's a moon total solar eclipse on April 20th. Then, on April 21st, Mercury enters retrograde after three months without any planets doing so. No need to panic because this Mercury Retrograde gives us a chance to fine-tune our brand-new lives, projects, and ways of being. Passover begins on Wednesday as well. Passover represents a transition from our ego and a life that is all about me to the freedom of a better, more benevolent, and more harmonious world. The focus is shifting from ME to WE. This week's vibe is new and fresh. This #2 universal month and the Full Pink Moon on Wednesday are all about relationships, harmony, and balance. In this new chapter, we're learning how to maintain balance in all areas of our lives. This chapter isn't about going it alone. There's so much more joy in life when we share it with others. Learn more about the Secret to Being Happy class and Montana Spiritual Retreats at
4/2/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
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#259 - How to Interpret Dreams with Angela Shelby

Interpreting a dream is like getting a mini-life makeover. Dreams are a conversation between our conscious and unconscious minds that can provide insight into our soul's journey. The process of interpreting your dreams is broken down in this podcast with Dream Interpreter Angela Shelby. Angela emphasizes the importance of keeping a dream journal and getting a good dream book. Noticing recurring themes and patterns of numbers, feelings, and colors helps with understanding the meaning of your dreams. Angela also goes into detail about the meaning of common dreams like sex,  flying, and being naked. Angela Shelby is a Dream Interpreter and a Certified Quantum Touch Energy Healer who uses her psychic abilities to communicate with clients' bodies and spirit guides during sessions.  Learn more about Angela and her company Enlightened Energy Works at Abundology Podcast listeners can save 50% on a dream Interpretation with Promo Code: DREAMS2023. Learn more about Spirit Guide Channeler and Spiritual Mentor Renee Spears at  
3/30/202335 minutes, 29 seconds
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#258 - Weekly Energy Update for March 26, 2023: Mars in Cancer

Welcome to the final week of March. This month has been fantastic for getting us aligned and moving forward, and now the energy is shifting slightly. Yesterday, Mars entered Cancer, giving us a much-needed change of pace. Mars asks us to slow down as it enters the wonderful, calming energy of Cancer. Our motivation may be slightly watered down. We won’t be feeling that super intense drive. Even though we’re still taking action and making progress, we’re doing so more softly and easily. The time is fabulous for developing your spiritual practice. Your spiritual practice serves as a constant reminder to you that you are a part of something far greater than yourself. A daily practice anchors you. It eases anxiety, depression, and stress. And because Mars is in Cancer at the moment, which can be emotional, we also need a bit more assistance with those things. It’s time for us to settle into our new identities, realities, and lives. Practice self-acceptance and self-love. Of course, the universe always provides us with exactly what we need, as demonstrated by the fact that Venus and Uranus join together in Taurus on Thursday, March 30. This is radical love energy and one of those transits that will unexpectedly change our lives! This is love at first sight energy. Get out of the house that day if you're single. It’s time for anything involving pleasure and fun. This week in addition to love surprises, we’ll also get money surprises. Venus conjunct Uranus brings change and excitement with love and money. Enjoy this lovely time. Cherish your life. And have some fun! Register for the Abundology Academy How to Be Present class at
3/26/20239 minutes, 17 seconds
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#257 - Spring Astrology Forecast with Astrologer Deborah Norton

In this podcast, Astrologer Deborah Norton shares what to expect this spring according to astrology. There is a lot of energy shifting this spring as the large planets shift signs. March is a pivotal month. Together with the Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries Season, Saturn moves into Pisces and Pluto moves into Aquarius. A period of spiritual discipline is brought on by Saturn in Pisces. Take advantage of this opportunity to establish a committed spiritual practice that can result in new spiritual insights. Pluto is about deep transformation and uncovering what's hidden. Pluto's transit into Aquarius brings fresh energy and a chance to step into your power. Deborah discusses the changes you can anticipate in your life depending on the placement of Pluto in your natal chart, which is determined by your rising sign and the 12 houses. Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life. Schedule your appointment with Deborah Norton at
3/20/202350 minutes, 43 seconds
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#256 - Weekly Energy Update for March 19, 2023: Fresh Starts & New Beginnings

We have been preparing for this week all year. This week, everything changes. Monday, March 20th is the Spring Equinox and the start of Aries Season. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and the start of the astrological new year. This is "new year, new me," energy. We'll feel revitalized and confident. And the fresh start energy continues on Tuesday with a new moon in Aries. New moons are the cosmic resets of the astrological world. Because this New Moon occurs right after the Equinox and at the beginning of the astrological new year its energy is amplified! This is a powerful New Moon for new beginnings and manifestation work. Then comes the main event—not just for the week but for the entire year. Pluto, the planet of transformation, will enter Aquarius on Thursday, March 23, for the first time since 1798. Pluto changes signs only a few times in our lifetime so when it does, it is a major deal.  And when it does, it starts a brand new generational cycle. Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years so this is the beginning of a brand new 20-year cycle. The beginning of this cycle coincides with the Spring Equinox, the start of the Aries season, the astrological new year, and an Aries new moon. This is fresh start energy on steroids! Since 2008, Pluto has been in Capricorn. That chapter is over. And the next 20-year chapter is beginning. We have a clean slate right now. It’s all about new beginnings and getting us back on our soul path. If ever there was a time to GO FOR IT, this is it.  Sign up for the Abundology Academy classes at
3/19/20239 minutes, 54 seconds
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#255 - Weekly Energy Update for March 12, 2023: Jupiter and Chiron Conjunction

We’re halfway through March, the powerhouse month of 2023, the month when all the action happens. All the monumental shifts unfolding this month are laying the groundwork for a new evolution of our soul journey. We’re being elevated to the next level and the next chapter of our lives. Let's be clear: All of this transformation can be uncomfortable. It may reveal aspects about ourselves that we didn't know or that we have outgrown and need to let go of. As Jupiter and Chiron come together in a rare conjunction in the sign of Aries on March 12, we receive a little help to soothe and heal our discomfort. On average, Jupiter and Chiron only cross paths in Aries once every 50 years. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to confront and heal our identity wounds. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance, and Chiron is an asteroid known as the wounded healer. When they come together this week, we get a blast of healing energy that touches every part of our being. This is good stuff, and it comes at a crucial moment for us as we confront these often difficult truths about ourselves. What’s happening this month is that our identity is changing and we’re getting the chance to uplevel our lives and step into our power. This uplevel can be uncomfortable and oftentimes painful and Jupiter and Chiron are coming along at the exact right time to ease some of that hurt. This week, remember that we are here for a reason and that is to fulfill our human potential.  What one can be, one must be, according to Maslow. This quote perfectly captures the essence of our journey this year. The energy right now is supporting us to step into our power, uplevel our lives, and become who we were meant to be. Sign up for the Step Into Your Power Class at
3/12/202311 minutes, 22 seconds
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#254 - Fly Fishing and Mindfulness with Sue Kerver

Mindfulness and fly fishing go hand in hand. When you're fly fishing, you enter into a state that resembles meditation allowing you to be fully present. In this podcast, Fishing Guide Sue Kerver shares how fly fishing benefits the mind, body, and soul. Sue empowers women by teaching them to fly fish which builds confidence through self-mastery and connection.   Fly fishing is a deeply meaningful and spiritual activity. Spending some "me time" in nature helps you gain perspective on life and improves your ability to handle stress. Because fly fishing requires you to be highly focused, you are much less likely to worry or think about anything that might be stressing you out. Sue Kerver has long held a passion for service and helping others.  As an avid fly fisherwoman, an outdoor enthusiast, and a Coast Guard licensed Captain, Sue is on a mission to use her knowledge and personal experiences to help women become confident in the outdoor space.   In 2020, Sue attended Sweetwater Guide School in Montana and, a year later, moved to Bozeman where she obtained her Montana State fly fishing guide license.   With an emphasis on fly fishing, Sue founded Two Gals and a Boat to educate, encourage, and empower women through both classroom training and hands-on, skill-building opportunities.     She spent twelve years on active duty in the United States Coast Guard. Before joining the Coast Guard, Sue served for two years in the Peace Corps and taught English and Sustainable Development in Areka, Ethiopia.     Learn more about Sue at   Sign Up for the fishing class at   Save $50 off a class package with COUPON CODE: FISHERWOMAN2023 Class starts Tuesday, April 25, 2023
3/10/202323 minutes, 59 seconds
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#253 - Weekly Energy Update for March 5, 2023: Full Moon in Virgo

Thanks to a Virgo Full Moon that occurs early Tuesday, March 7th, this week starts with some wonderful healing energy. This month's full moon will feel like a healing tonic made just for us to help us navigate all the changes taking place. It’s exactly what we need at this stage of our soul’s evolution. Health and healing are the themes around this Full Moon. Chiron, the wounded healer, and Jupiter, the planet of abundance, are highly active, amping up the healing energy and helping us move forward and leave the past behind. Less than an hour after the Full Moon, Saturn moves into Pisces. This is one of the biggest cosmic events of the year. For the first time in 30 years, Saturn, the planet of boundaries and reality moves into dreamy Pisces. This shift means it’s time to get serious about our dreams and potential. We’re taking off our rose-colored glasses and getting a reality check. We are more powerful than we think, which is a wake-up call for us. We are being asked to step into our power. We’re being challenged to examine the areas of our lives where we’re playing small. This transit is profoundly spiritual and a catalyst for spiritual growth. Things that once seemed impossible will come to pass. Be very intentional with the things you say, think, and do. Learn more and register for the Abundology Academy at
3/5/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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#252 - Weekly Energy Update for February 26, 2023: March Energy Update

This March is a game-changer. We’ll feel like our lives are changing, on a personal and collective level. And that’s because they are. This month delivers some of the biggest and most significant cosmic events of the year including the transits of Saturn into Pisces, and Pluto into Aquarius, as well as the spring equinox, which marks the beginning of the astrological new year. These monumental shifts are paving the way for a new evolution of our soul journey. They are elevating us to the next level, opening new doors, closing old ones, and changing our states of consciousness. We’re being guided to level up. We may hit rock bottom and feel very uncomfortable just before a level-up. The parts of ourselves we dislike become front and center. This happens to make us so uncomfortable that we commit to making changes to our lives.  March is a 1 Universal Month. And that means a brand new numerology cycle begins. This is numerology energy for believing in yourself. It’s time to take the risk, put yourself out there, and start prioritizing yourself. Go after what truly lights you up. We want to take full advantage of this energy since it gives us a sense of power and confidence. Saturn, who has been in Aquarius since December 2020, enters Pisces on March 7th, where it will remain until February 2026, making it one of the transits that make March an epic month. Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma, so when it moves it tends to stir up karmic lessons we need to learn and grow from.  As Saturn enters Pisces, we start on a new journey of karmic lessons. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for to start new projects and for big fresh starts. Do the things that scare you and feel just a little out of reach. This is the time to stretch, power up and go for it! Sign up for The Abundology Academy Spring 2023 Semester at
2/26/20239 minutes, 4 seconds
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#251 - Weekly Energy Update for February 19, 2023: New Moon in Pisces

The first of the three months this year without a planet retrograde has passed. The New Moon in Pisces on Sunday, February 19th, fuels our forward momentum, which was initially a little slow to build. This new moon is a magically potent time to start something new. What you do with that fresh start, though, is all up to you. Pause for a moment to take stock of where you're at. What are you hoping to accomplish this year? What about next year? Allow yourself to dream big. Don’t think about being practical right now. Just dream, the biggest dream you can imagine. This is a very important new moon. The intentions you set and the actions you take now have repercussions for the next 3 years. Saturn will enter Pisces this lunar cycle, reactivating the same spot in the sky in which this new moon takes place. Saturn will stay in Pisces for the next three years and the actions we take and things we start to manifest now will have long-term effects on us and last for the next 3 years. Venus and Pluto are sitting at the final degree before changing signs. This marks the end of a cycle, and Pisces is all about surrendering and letting the wheels of fate and transformation take over. Change is in the air, and with all of the planetary shifts occurring in March, we will be completely different people after this lunation. This Venus-Pluto connection is something we can take advantage of. Realizing a dream come true is possible now.
2/19/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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#250 - Weekly Energy Update for February 12, 2023: Valentine’s Day and Pisces Season

This week is full of “drunk in love” energy. This is one of the best Valentine’s Days we’ve had in years. Venus is in Pisces right now, which is its favorite sign of all time, and love is in the air. Everyone will be in a romantic and sensual mood, and Valentine's Day has a sexy, sweet atmosphere. The conjunction of the love planet Venus and the dreamy planet Neptune amplifies the passion and romance even more. This is fairy tale romance energy! It doesn’t matter if you're rolling solo, have a crush, or are committed to a long-term partner, it's important to show yourself some love on Valentine's Day. This self-love vibe continues when Pisces Season begins on Saturday, February 18th, and runs until the March 20th Equinox, which marks the beginning of the astrological new year. This gives us an entire month to soak up the healing, loving energy of Pisces. You can count on your intuition to be heightened and sharp this month because Pisces is a highly intuitive sign that is also linked to psychic powers and a connection to the beyond. Because Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and our astrological year is drawing to a close, it is a season of endings and forgiveness. This energy helps us move on and flow into the future. This is the time to tie up any loose ends and make room for the new. Our intuition will be on point as we go into the spirituality season. You can experience one of the most spectacular months of your life if you tap into this wonderful Pisces energy. Take advantage of the Flash Sale thru 2/14 at Sign up for Calling in The One Women's Circle at
2/12/202310 minutes, 6 seconds
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#249 - Weekly Energy Update for February 5, 2023: Full Moon in Leo

Sunday, February 5th, welcomes a dramatic Full Moon in Leo. Astrologers consider the Leo Full Moon one of the most intense. Full moons are usually intense because they're a time of release, but this full moon is more intense because Leo is a fire sign and it brings a fiery energy to our hearts.  Leos love to be the center of attention; they are charming and playful, and they shine in the world with courage and confidence. This full moon gives us the chance to own our power. Under this Full Moon, there is no hiding. Own your life. Step into your power with confidence. Believe in yourself. The planet of change and the great awakener, Uranus, is opposed by this Moon. Uranus shakes things up to awaken us to a higher truth and understanding. It clears the way for what resonates with your soul and shakes free anything that doesn't. The Universe is likely to deliver a clear sign of what is no longer working in our life as a result of all this change energy from Uranus. Don't be afraid to take action once you see the sign; Leo gives us the courage and confidence to make changes and the fact that we have zero planets in retrograde gives us the boost to go for whatever our heart desires! While this Full Moon has a bold, forward-moving energy, it's important to remember one of the core principles of Leo energy, which is simplicity. While Leo is grand and sparkly on the surface, he also loves to keep things simple. Often the simplest answers and the simplest actions can be the most profound. Keeping everything simple and following the path of least resistance can keep us in a state of ease and in the flow of energy.
2/5/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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#248 - The Benefits of Equus Coaching with Sue Willoughby

Have you ever wondered how horses can help on your personal growth journey? Equus Coaching is an opportunity to experience self-discovery in the presence of a horse. In this podcast, Sue Willoughby, a Certified Equus Coach, shares her wisdom on how horses can help us trust and believe in ourselves. Since horses are prey animals, their only survival mechanism is raw instinct and being present in the moment. When horses interact with humans, we become part of their herd. They connect intuitively with us on a biological, emotional, and spiritual level and provide a clear reflection of our true inner being. Horses can sense our personal incongruence and help guide us to a state of grounded awareness. When we can align body, mind, and heart we learn to unravel the stories and break down the limiting beliefs that stand between us and our authentic selves. Sue Willoughby has had a heart connection to horses her entire life and is a Certified Equus Coach. She was led by them to discover the incredible world of Equus Coaching® and the Center for Equus Coaching®. Sue's experience in management and corporate learning development allowed her to hone her coaching, mentoring, and listening skills. Sue enjoys volunteering at local therapeutic riding facilities and horse rescues and is also a licensed equine massage therapist.   Sue has generously offered a $50 discount on any coaching service with Coupon Code: ABUNDANCE Learn more about Sue and schedule coaching at More info on the Retreat Event: Care Fur Life Equine rescue:
2/1/202333 minutes, 26 seconds
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#247 - Weekly Energy Update for January 29, 2023

Love is in the air! For the first time in what feels like forever, we’re starting a month with no retrogrades. Now that all planets are direct and everything is a bit clearer, this is the time to think about where you want to go and who you want to be. Venus is in Pisces to launch these three months of magical forward motion. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and luxury, is at its most potent when it is in Pisces. This is the time to go all in on beauty, luxury, and love. The energy encourages us to embrace luxury and make our life more aesthetically pleasing, including our homes, our bodies, and our wardrobes. Luxury does not have to be expensive. Luxury has everything to do with how you feel and nothing to do with how much money you're spending. Find ways to add romance to your life with fresh flowers, watching romcoms, reading romance novels, or maybe a playlist of love songs. Make plans for Valentine’s Day now. In numerology, February 2023 is a 9 Universal Month. This month's energy allows us to learn valuable lessons about letting go and frees us up to move forward. We have three months of forward momentum, so you must let go of whatever is holding you back. Cut cords with anything in your life that you don't love. Learn more about the Calling in The One Women's Power Circle at
1/29/20239 minutes, 6 seconds
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#246 - Weekly Energy Update for January 22, 2023

Happy Lunar New Year! 2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit. The rabbit is the fourth animal sign in the Chinese zodiac and is known to be the luckiest of the 12 zodiac animals and symbolizes peace and longevity. The Lunar New Year represents new beginnings and the renewal of good health, happiness, and fortune. The year 2023 is predicted to be one of hope and optimism. Chinese Astrology also incorporates the five elements: Water, Metal, Wood, Earth, and Fire. The Water element represents sensitivity, intuition, and, in its most positive form, the way to inner peace. The Water Rabbit Year promises a period of rest and reflection after the dynamic Year of the Tiger. Some refer to 2023 as the "Year of the Black Rabbit" since the Yin Water element is related to the color black. This is a significant moment for new beginnings, especially in light of yesterday's Aquarius New Moon. That was the first new moon of 2023 and was very powerful for planning because it occurred in the future-oriented sign of Aquarius. The new moon also formed a very tight, harmonizing sextile to Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. This brings a wave of enthusiasm, joy, and optimism and invites us to take the initiative and move forward. This is one of those lovely moments in life when the energy inspires us to make a fresh start and live more authentically. We've been given a second chance at life. Everything is supporting us. This is the time to adjust anything that you aren't completely satisfied with. Bask in this energy and get ready for your life to change.
1/22/202310 minutes
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#245 - Weekly Energy Update for January 15, 2023

This is the week we’ve been patiently waiting for when we start planning, dreaming, and finally moving forward again! Both Mercury and Uranus end their retrogrades. Aquarius season starts and the new moon in Aquarius is perfect for setting intentions to launch us into the new year. All of this is building up to next Sunday's Lunar New Year. This week as Mercury goes direct and we enter Aquarius season, things begin to move again. The stagnancy we’ve been feeling begins to clear and we start to get our spark back. With the first new Moon of 2023 on January 21, this spark continues to grow and motivates us to completely embrace the future. New Moons are about fresh starts and hold the potential in which everything is possible. That is particularly true with this new moon. Anything and everything is possible this year! And with no planets retrograde for the next 3 months, we'll feel like we've been shot out of a cannon. We certainly want to get ready this week before it occurs. The traditional way to prepare for the lunar new year is by cleaning your home. We want to clear out the old stagnant chi and welcome fresh energies before the Lunar New Year. It truly feels like the beginning of 2023 during this Lunar New Year. Get ready for the year of the Water Rabbit which is very positive, full of opportunities, and good luck!
1/15/20239 minutes, 36 seconds
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#244 - Weekly Energy Update for January 8, 2023

The month and the year get off to a slow start with Mars, Mercury, and Uranus currently retrograde slowing us down. These retrograde planets give us a couple of bonus weeks to think thru our future and get clear about what we want. Mercury retrograde asks us to rethink, redo, and revise and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now.  The wonderful news this week is that on January 12th, Mars will finally finish its retrograde and turn direct. Mars retrogrades are frustrating. And this one has been especially frustrating since it’s happening in Gemini. Like Mars, the planet of action and ambition, Gemini likes to move fast. We’ve had to slow down and get used to not feeling like we're making progress. When Mars' retrograde ends, we begin to get some of the missing energy and drive back. Our goals and plans become clearer. We all want to get moving quickly coming out of this retrograde but may not see movement happening until Mercury and Uranus end their retrogrades later in the month. This means we need to be patient a bit longer. When all three move forward, we can do the same — quickly! Because no planets will be retrograde for three months after the 22nd, things move quickly and we make significant progress. Allow yourself to slow down. It’s OK if you don’t have a word for the year yet or a clear sense of your direction. Is it frustrating? Yes. But it would be even more frustrating to push ahead and be met with obstacles I recommend using this time to feel into what you want to create over the next few months. When you get that intuitive hit to act on it, things will flow much more easily than they would have if you had moved forward earlier. The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
1/8/20237 minutes, 36 seconds
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#243 - Weekly Energy Update for January 1, 2023

2023 is a 7 Universal Year. In numerology, all years have a number that tells us the theme or energy of the year. This energy is felt by everyone on the planet.  The energy of the 7 is all about diving inward. Its focus is on spiritual and personal growth and evolution. To make the most of this 7 year, we want to slow down. Think of 2023 as a sabbatical or a retreat. This is an important year to take a collective pause as we prepare for a massive reset. Starting in 2024, we will enter a three-year “push” time of global transition and transformation. The energy of 7 asks us to go inward, slow down, and sit with ourselves. To study, analyze, ask questions, and peel our personal “onions.” Our shadows emerge as we reflect on these larger questions of life providing us with the chance to heal before continuing. The first full moon of the year happens this week on Friday, January 6. This Full Moon in Cancer is a good time to remind ourselves of what is important to us and what we truly care about. Cancer full moons are the time to take a step back and ensure that our heads are in sync with our hearts. The fact that this Full Moon is active smack in the middle of Mercury and Mars Retrograde could bring tension. When both of these planets are retrograde, it can be difficult for us to go forward because we may feel stuck, foggy, and confused. Although this moon is cloudy and confusing, it is a great moment to reflect and reconnect with yourself. The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
1/1/202312 minutes, 32 seconds
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#242 - Weekly Energy Update for December 25, 2022

This week is a gift from the universe. It's one of those times we dream about where all we have to do is relax and rest. We are now at the turning point of a new year, a new energy, and a new chapter of our life after the New Moon on Friday served as a window to look into our future. This week is our opportunity to sit down with our intentions, goals, and dreams for the year ahead.  However, you'll note that I didn't suggest that the moment to act is now because it isn't. Mercury goes retrograde for the final time this year on Wednesday, December 28. Mercury is the planet of thought and communication, so when it goes retrograde, we often feel foggy and confused.  Mercury Retrograde is something that many people dread, yet it's important to honor it as a natural rhythm and cycle of the Universe.  Mercury is regarded as the Messenger of the Gods, therefore when we encounter hiccups and mix-ups while it is retrograde, it is frequently a higher message for us. Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas. This week, happily give yourself some well-earned rest. Take advantage of this opportunity to rest, recharge, and take a mental break. 
12/25/20225 minutes, 50 seconds
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#241 - 2023 Astrology Forecast with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton breaks down what to expect in 2023 according to astrology. Mercury and Mars will be in retrograde at the beginning of 2023, which slows down our forward progress. Mars serves as our engine and propels us forward. When Mars is retrograde we feel lethargic. On January 12, when Mars Retrograde ends, we'll finally start to move forward and feel productive again. When Saturn enters Pisces and Pluto enters Aquarius in March, there are significant energy shifts that take place. These are important changes that help us clarify our religious and spiritual beliefs and may even lead to a collective spiritual awakening.  We have nearly three months in 2023 without any planets going retrograde. There are no planets in retrograde from January 23 to April 21 and this helps us make huge forward progress in life. But when eight planets turn retrograde from the end of August through mid-September, progress slows down. This year, we should expect significant energy shifts that will help us awaken to our higher selves and the spiritual world. Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life. Learn more about Deborah Norton at The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
12/21/202243 minutes, 46 seconds
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#240 - Weekly Energy Update for December 18, 2022

We begin a brand-new chapter this week with more clarity and a down-to-earth game plan. On December 20, Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, leaves the dreamy sign of Pisces and enters Aries, where it will remain for most of 2023. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, starts a new twelve-year cycle when it enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This big shift brings new beginnings and a sense of urgency to move forward.  Even though we may feel this internal push to move forward, the time isn't quite right because Mars is currently retrograde and Mercury will turn retrograde at the end of the month. Our brand-new start is being slowed down by the retrograde motion of these two planets. Our goals are in a state of flux right now, and it's challenging to find something or someone to inspire you to get moving. Even though you may feel like you "should," you simply won't be able to push yourself to move forward.  The Winter Solstice, which occurs on Wednesday, is one of the most powerful times of the year as the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts, and moves in the opposite direction. This moment of stillness is a powerful metaphor for the energy available to us at the Winter Solstice to change the direction of our lives. Capricorn Season officially begins at the solstice. Capricorn is the hardest-working zodiac sign. It rules the tenth house of ambition, and in the Capricorn season of 2022, there is an emphasis on your career. Our work is changing, restructuring, and leveling up. This is also the perfect time for reinventing yourself. The last New Moon of 2022 falls on Friday, December 23rd. This Capricorn New Moon falls at one degree of the zodiac sign, a highly charged and karmic degree that is all about fresh starts and new beginnings. Your purpose and the reason you're here this lifetime are activated under this Capricorn New Moon. The Astrology and Abundology Package Sale has ended.
12/18/202211 minutes, 27 seconds
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#239 - Weekly Energy Update for December 11, 2022

The fact that Monday is the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year is highly significant in numerology and spirituality. The number 12 is considered a master number and is connected to self-awakening and spiritual enlightenment. Twelve also has to do with completion. It signifies the end of one cycle and the start of another. It means that something is coming to an end and that a new beginning is just around the corner. The future is starting to bubble up.  We're finally moving into our life purpose and reason for being. COVID  woke us up, and now that we've had time to assimilate those changes, we're finally prepared to step into higher, more connected versions of ourselves... and move on. And right now is the time to think about what's next. This time could be called The Fertile Void. The fertile void can be described as an experience where “meaning-making ceases and being begins." It could feel like an empty, hollow feeling or a lack of meaning in life.  And this is where we learn the art of being. Another name for 12/12 is the Ascension Gateway. Many mystics think that the number 12:12 is a sacred code that opens a door to enlightenment and helps raise our vibration so that we can access higher states of consciousness. These higher planes of awareness help us figure out why we're here this lifetime. This is some big stuff! Before the solstice next week, take advantage of these shorter days of the year to meditate, journal, be still, and think. No need to try to figure out what's next. Simply be quiet, reflect on life, and the life-changing epiphanies about what's next in life will come.  Save 50% on Gift Certificates at Learn  more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at  
12/11/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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#238 - Weekly Energy Update for December 4, 2022

The final Full Moon of 2022 has arrived. There will be a Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, December 7th at 11:08 p.m. ET and 8:08 p.m. PT. Full moons are about endings and are the perfect time for reflecting and since this full moon is the last one of the year we’re reflecting on the past year. Instead of jumping into the next new thing, this is the time to reflect on what you have done, where you have been, and how you have spent this year. How have you changed since the beginning of 2022? This Full Moon is accompanied by some heated and charged energies, largely due to the presence of Mars, whose conjunction with the Moon and present retrograde amplifies its energy.  Mars is the planet of motivation, action, and energy. While in retrograde, we reevaluate our motivations and actions and question why we do the things that we do. This Full Moon is highlighting what is worth spending our energy on and what needs to be released. Neptune is another planet active during this Full Moon. Neptune is the planet of intuition and we may find ourselves getting confirmation for something we've been feeling intuitively for a while. Trust your intuition and if you need confirmation ask the universe for signs. This full moon has a lot of energy, so the best way to honor and celebrate it is to just sit your ass down. Relax. Cleanse your space, body, and mind, then kick back. Remember, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be—so revel in it, for a moment. Learn more about Montana Spiritual Retreats at
12/4/202211 minutes
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#237 - Weekly Energy Update for November 27, 2022

As hard as it is to believe, the final month of 2022 has arrived. December is arguably one of the most chaotic — but also completely magical — months of the year. Until December 21st, we are in joyful Sagittarius season. Sagittarius which is ruled by go-big-or-go-home Jupiter is optimistic, adventurous, and capable of making even the most mundane moment a bit more entertaining and enjoyable According to Numerology, December 2022 is a 9 Universal Month. Nine is the last number in the Numerology Cycle. Because this is the last month of the year and the last number in the numerology cycle, this month is about closure and holds very, very valuable lessons about letting go. The purpose of this 9-month is to free you -- to free up your time, your attention, and your life-force energy so that you can focus on the true purpose of your life. Anything that leaves your life this month is not in service of that, so let it go willingly and easily.  The first few weeks of December have some bold energy, notably the fiery Gemini Full Moon on December 7—the year's last full moon. With the Antares Star Gate Portal opening from December 2–4, we also have some incredible galactic energy to work with. When this Star Gate Portal opens our heart chakra is activated, allowing us to access higher levels of knowledge about love—not just the love we give and receive, but the love we are. This is a good time to review how far you’ve come this year. This year, we've all undergone significant change. We've grown and changed partners, careers, and living spaces. We have epiphanies. We’ve stepped into higher versions of ourselves. Many of us have had spiritual awakenings. This year has been HUGE! December this year is magical. Right now we’re filled with optimism, thanks to Sagittarius season. Because of the energy of the universal number 9, we are freeing up time, space, and energy so we can focus on our life purpose. And with the uplifting spirit of Antares, we're reviewing our year to be proud of what we've accomplished and how far we've come.  Take advantage of Renee's Gratitude Sale thru 11/28 at
11/27/20229 minutes, 53 seconds
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#236 - Weekly Energy Update for November 20, 2022

I think it's safe to say that we're all ready for a shift in energy after a long, emotional past month. On Tuesday, November 22, we start the fun-loving, adventurous Sagittarius Season, which causes us to shift emotional gears this week.  The vibe right now is so much chiller than it’s been in the past few months. We’re enjoying the good life, whatever that means to you. It could be travel and partying to the crack of dawn or staying home cooking and playing board games with your favorite people. The theme this month is to embrace the good life. This year, Sagittarius Season kicks off with an optimistic new moon on Wednesday, November 23, making it the ideal time to manifest and plant seeds for the coming weeks. This new Moon is an opportunity to step away from your fear and consider the best-case scenario.  What if everything works out?  On this new Moon, Jupiter is stationing direct and forming a trine with the Moon and Sun. This is a very fortunate alignment. Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter. It's often thought of as the planet of luck, but it's more about faith and believing in ourselves. Jupiter helps us believe in ourselves and the best-case scenario. There are times in life when it is easier to dream bigger and improve our lives and this new moon is one of those times. Choose the best possible outcome! Believe in yourself!
11/20/202210 minutes, 19 seconds
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#235 - Weekly Energy Update for November 13, 2022

We’re on the other side of those life-changing eclipses and the energy settles down as we move into healing mode this week. Our spirits soar as the energy for the remainder of the month gradually lightens up. A Grand Water Trine, which is currently in effect, brings profound healing and balances the intensity of the previous month. This Grand Water Trine includes a total of seven astrological influences that form a sacred geometry triangle above us in the sky. The energy of this Grand Trine is magical and cleansing. When there is an abundance of water energy like this, intuition is typically off the charts. Expect plenty of psychic revelations and precognitive dreams. We get additional help healing and lightening up when Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius this week. Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius ask us to fall in love with life again. There is a sense that life is on your side. Dream big and have hope.  This week, things start to change. We survived the eclipses and have emerged stronger, wiser, and back on our life's path. Relax, enjoy some baths and soaks in hot springs, try something new, do something in a novel way, and remember how fortunate you are to simply be alive. You need only BE; nothing more is necessary. Simply BE, and you will see miracles everywhere.
11/13/20229 minutes, 13 seconds
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#234 -Weeky Energy Update for November 6, 2022

There will be plenty of surprises, lightning-quick endings, and cosmic twists of fate during Tuesday, November 8's Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon in Taurus. Events like this don't happen every day, every year, or even every decade. This lunar eclipse occurs on the same day as the midterm elections. It is more powerful than a typical eclipse. This eclipse propels us toward the future at the speed of light revealing startling truths that shake up the very foundations on which we have built our lives. This is taking place both collectively and individually. The result is a huge shift in both our personal and societal value systems, as well as in our understanding of money, love, and relationships. We are letting go of old attachments, old identities, and outdated ways of being. We get clarity and understand things more deeply than we ever have before. We will feel the effects of this eclipse for the next six months. The energy of the cosmos is calling us to release something that has been building inside us for the entire year. We can expect powerful revelations and insights that may be hard to hear, hard to understand, and hard to swallow. Everything feels big and larger than life at this time because this is an emotionally charged and dramatic event. Epiphanies and a kind of crisis, which could be a crisis of consciousness, provide us with a golden opportunity to move forward in a very different way. Lunar eclipses bring fated events and speed things up that were going to happen anyway. They mark dramatic endings. They reveal things and bring situations to light.  Schedule extra time in your calendar to account for unexpected events. Rest and sleep every chance you get. Take some naps. And prepare to enter a completely new chapter. Learn more and Register for Calling in The One Women's Power Circle at
11/6/202210 minutes, 42 seconds
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#233 - Manifesting Love and Money: How to Start

Are you ready to attract love or money? Let's get started! In this fun podcast, Addie Beall discusses her journey to manifesting one million dollars, and Renee Spears shares about attracting her soulmate. They both agree that the first step is allowing yourself to dream big and go all in on life. Renee and Addie discuss the importance of committing to yourself and aligning your energy with your goal. There are several powerful strategies to align your energy including planning, visualization, meditation, and manifesting with a group of people committed to the same goal. When limiting beliefs arise, simply Whac-A-Mole those suckers and keep moving forward. Learn more about Addie and join her journey to manifesting a million dollars at Join Renee's Calling in The One Women's Power Circle at
11/4/202242 minutes, 11 seconds
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#232 - Weekly Energy Update for October 30, 2022

Eclipse season is currently in full swing. The universe takes control during eclipse season and transforms your life. An eclipse helps you get back on track and turns your life in the right direction if you've strayed from it. This year, the energy is much stronger than usual for this time of year. Halloween falls on a cross-quarter day, meaning it’s the midpoint between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice.  On October 31, the moon also moves into its first quarter phase. First-quarter moons occur every month, but this one is especially significant because it occurs on the exact lunar midpoint between the approaching lunar eclipse on November 8 and the recent solar eclipse on October 25. This first-quarter moon is going to activate the energies of the current eclipse cycle and may stir up any difficulties from last week’s solar eclipse or foreshadow some of the breakthroughs that will occur during the lunar eclipse next week. November 2022 is an 8 Universal Month in numerology. The number 8 is related to money, wealth, and power. We want to use this potent energy to anchor the life changes we are making. Keep in mind that this is the Scorpio season. Scorpio is the sign of transformation.  We are digging deep into our past, memories, and emotions in order to better understand who we are and transform into new, improved versions of ourselves. You know when you reflect on your life and you can point to a particular moment when everything changed? This is one of those moments. One chapter of our life is ending and another is about to begin. Register for the Calling in The One Women's Power Circle at
10/30/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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#231 - Weekly Energy Update for October 23, 2022

Ready or not, change is coming! The sun enters Scorpio on Sunday, October 23, bringing with it the start of the Scorpio season that lasts until November 22. Scorpio season is famously known as a time of transformation and change — it's a sign that's meant for rebirth and reimagining. Our lives are about to undergo huge transformations. Scorpio is no stranger to change and transformation but coupled with the new moon and solar eclipse both in Scorpio on Tuesday, October 25, we're on the verge of a major shift that can radically alter the course of our life. This new Moon and solar eclipse bring fated events, speed up timelines, and mark the beginning of a new chapter. Additionally, because it's infused with Scorpio energy, it’s also about releasing, surrendering, and metaphorical dying. Like all great things, this eclipse will be both a beginning and an ending. It serves as a reminder that before we can move forward, we must let go of the things that are holding us back, including our anxieties, fears, wounds, and patterns. Along with the Sun, Mercury is in Scorpio. Our intuition will be spot-on during this time! Allow your intuition to lead the way. Your intuition is on fire and that bitch is spot on right now. Trust that whatever happens is meant to be. Get ready for fated life changes!
10/23/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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#230 - Weekly Energy Update for October 16, 2022

This week we're transitioning from the healing energy of the full moon last week to the huge changes that are about to occur. Scorpio and Eclipse seasons both begin next week. These, together with Mars going retrograde will bring a significant energy shift. The remainder of the year will be intense and full of changes. Think of this week as the calm before the storm. Prepare for what is to come by asking yourself what you need, and then give it to yourself.   Our Sun will be in alignment with the star Arcturus for the next three days. Arcturus is about 25 times bigger than our Sun and will be beaming down on us the energies of prosperity, abundance, and psychic powers. Arcturus is also believed to be home to an advanced alien race that’s all about love and compassion.  Venus will line up with the Sun on Saturday, October 22. This is known as the Venus Star Point energy and shifts Venus from a morning star into an evening star. When Venus is a morning star, the love it radiates shines outward, but when Venus becomes an evening star, the love it radiates shines within. This helps us focus our thoughts and feelings on our own needs rather than what those around us expect.  Register for the Abundology Academy Class Develop & Trust Your Intuition at
10/16/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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#229 - How Botanicals Can Help You Heal with Katherine Clancy

Aromatherapist and Botanical Perfumer Katherine Clancy shares her expert knowledge of botanicals in this educational podcast. Katherine explains how botanical perfumes are different than essential oils and how using them can help us change habits and feel a sense of peace and confidence. Perfumes capture the essence of plants and the subtle energies of nature to bring harmony to our lives. Botanicals are high-impact low-cost products that can relieve pain, anxiety, or lack of motivation to help you reach the next step in your healing journey. They not only have healing qualities but also smell delicious! Katherine Clancy is a National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Certified Professional Aromatherapist, trained perfumer, and environmental scientist.  She has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2009.  Her business, Meet the Herb Halfway, specializes in natural solid perfumes.  Katherine Clancy combines modern extraction with ancient infusion techniques to achieve beautiful 100% natural botanical fragrances that are layered, and complex. She has been blending for many years and recently won an international award: Best Botanical Perfumer 2022 (LUX Beauty and Wellness Awards).  Her favorite way to honor the botanicals found in her perfumes is by developing guided meditations associated with their fragrance, aroma, and subtle energy.  Her clients have had profound shifts in mindset from experiencing her perfumes and meditations.  Learn more about Katherine at
10/13/202231 minutes, 21 seconds
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#228 - Weekly Energy Update for October 9, 2022

Tonight's Full Hunter's Moon in Aries is happening alongside the Orionid meteor shower. With both a full moon and shooting stars lighting up the sky, this is the time to wish upon a star, and anything your heart desires will come to you. This Full moon brings healing. However, this healing doesn’t come in a neatly wrapped package; rather, it comes from reaching the point where there is nothing left to do but surrender. This is the energy we experience when we hit our limits and just can't continue the way we have been. As challenging as this is, it also brings with it the healing magic of surrender, most of which is attributed to the asteroid Chiron, which joins forces with this Full Moon. Chiron promises healing, not from trying to fix, control, or force, but from surrender. Chiron teaches us that despite having wounds, being broken, grieving, unhappy, lonely, or depressed, we can still live a beautiful life. When we experience powerful energy like this, it's best to channel it into movement. We must move; we cannot simply remain where we are. This may be physical movement like dancing, working out, or running. It may also manifest as the need to just move forward in any direction in order to change or advance something in our own life. And this step is not a metaphorical one, it is a literal and intentional step to shift the energy in our lives. It doesn’t need to be big, even a small step counts! And lastly, we also have a Grand Trine, activated by the Sun, Saturn, and Mars which brings ease. Think of it as the universe’s way of soothing our wounds and helping us heal. As intense as this Aries Full Moon could be, there is enough calming and healing to soften and remind us that life is meant to be both beautiful and messy.
10/9/202210 minutes, 4 seconds
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#227 - Weekly Energy Update for October 2, 2022

October 2022 is a 7 Universal Month in numerology. As the year closes out, this month moves in to slow us all down. We’ve come a long way this year, October is our month to rest, reflect and recharge. This is a pivotal time in the year. Even so, it might not actually feel like it, because the number 7 tends to do its work on the inside and impacts your spiritual wellbeing. This month is all about spiritual and personal growth. The energy supports real soul-searching, and not just because it's a fun way to pass the time! Finding your purpose (or at least starting to seek it) is the foundation upon which everything else in your life stands. Once you know your purpose, everything else in life falls into place. The astrology for October is the most dramatic of 2022. We've had six planets in retrograde, and this month Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all station direct. We also have a solar eclipse, Mars in retrograde, a square between Saturn and Uranus, and Halloween. There are a lot of moving parts and shifting energies making it hard to plan anything concrete. This month, the only thing that is consistent is change, therefore we need to counteract all of this activity with some downtime to recharge. The good news is that Mercury Retrograde is finally over today as Mercury turns direct, which is the news everyone has been waiting for!  With Venus transiting extremely close to the sun over the entire month of October, relationships continue to be a theme. Venus in Libra is definitely the high point of our month and it helps heal wounds and fears in our relationships. The focus of the Libra season is on partnerships and relationships. New friendships and romantic partnerships are forming. The season of love is now! Register for the Abundology Academy class on Developing Your Spiritual Gifts at  
10/2/202210 minutes, 49 seconds
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#226 - How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome with Caelan Huntress

Feeling like an imposter is a natural part of growth. In this episode, Business Coach Caelan Huntress discusses ways to deal with imposter syndrome utilizing the law of attraction and principles of manifestation, such as acting as if and being unattached to the outcome. The gap between who you are and who you want to be is imposter syndrome. Filling that gap feels inauthentic, therefore the key is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Don't let imposter syndrome drive. Befriend and work with it. Imposter syndrome is proof you're growing! Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a dynamic speaker, trainer, and business coach, who started his career as an acrobat in the circus. His skills as a theatrical performer and marketing strategist combine to make compelling virtual experiences. As the Creative Director of Stellar Platforms, a digital marketing agency that helps experts and entrepreneurs set up smart marketing systems, he has helped thousands of people increase their income, impact, and influence.   Get a free Chapter of Marketing Yourself book at Learn more about Caelan at and
9/28/202230 minutes, 50 seconds
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#225 - Weekly Energy Update for September 25, 2022

A magnificent new moon in Libra occurs on Sunday, September 25. This is the first lunar event of fall and it's not your average new moon in Libra. There are six planets currently in retrograde. And this is the closest that Jupiter will get to earth in our lifetime. It hasn’t been this close since 1951. And it won’t be this close again until 2129, which is 107 years from now. Because Jupiter is so close, this new moon is funneling down success, good luck, and happiness. Do you know those moments when everything just feels a little brighter? This is one of them. Everything will seem to fall in place. Go ahead and bask in this feeling. Enjoy all the abundance coming your way. Jupiter is highlighting all of the aspects of this new moon that are associated with partnerships, balance, and the beginning of new chapters.  Hopeless romantics are in luck right now, this is your time. It's a terrific time to work on improving your relationships and embrace love because new relationships are beginning. And this particular new moon is especially good for setting intentions related to partnerships as well as money, values, and beauty — basically all things Venusian. New moons always signal fresh starts and at the moment, when Jupiter is highly active, this is helping to open the doors of prosperity and opportunity. It's time to plant seeds and set your intentions for the next six months. Utilize this powerful moment to get crystal clear on how you want your life to be in six months. We now have the chance to have it all thanks to the new moon! Take advantage of Renee's 50% off sale thru 9/26 at
9/25/20229 minutes, 56 seconds
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#224 - Fall 2022 Astrology Forecast with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton breaks down what to expect this fall according to astrology. Deborah starts with the week of 9/19 which features a beautiful trine in the earth signs of Pluto, Uranus, and Venus. The sweet energy of Venus which is about our values and self-worth combined with the deepness of Pluto and the inspiration and epiphanies of Uranus result in a week when we can release old trauma. There are currently 6 planets in retrograde. This time is all about the RE words; rehashing, remembering, refreshing.  Pay attention to the messages you're getting from your guides. They're sharing important information now. We're entering the fall season of letting go. It's OK to let everything go and relax into this time. Deborah shares how the last hit of the Pluto return of our country in December and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in October may affect the midterms. More information will come to light. Something is going to pop! We also go down the woo-woo rabbit hole and talk about timelines colliding and UFOs over Ukraine.  Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life. Learn more about Deborah Norton at Take advantage of Renee's Annual 50% Sale thru September 26, 2022, at
9/20/202232 minutes, 24 seconds
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#223 - Weekly Energy Update for September 18, 2022

Fall officially begins this week on Thursday, September 22. The Fall Equinox is a moment of stillness before the Earth shifts directions. This sacred day of equal parts light and dark allows our past and future to merge in the present. The Northern Hemisphere has been titled closest to the sun for the past six months. The equinox brings this chapter to a close. Spring and summer are about outward movement. Fall is a slower pace, a time of going inward. Spring and summer are about doing. Fall and winter are more about just being. The Equinox coincides with the start of Libra Season, a sign of the zodiac that is strongly connected to finding our balance. Libras work hard to achieve harmony and balance in all areas of their lives. Libra season highlights where we are out of balance, especially imbalances in relationships. When we’re in Libra season, we're more aware of the state of our one-on-one relationships. Relationships are often our greatest teachers. We need them to thrive, grow, and understand who we really are. Beginning a fresh chapter is a theme of both the equinox and the Libra season. This chapter is about balance and shifting from outward to inward, from doing to being. Spend some time thinking back and appreciating how far you've come in the last six months as you get ready for what comes next. Take advantage of Renee's 50% off sale thru 9/26 at
9/18/202210 minutes, 32 seconds
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#222 - Weekly Energy Update for September 11, 2022

The Full Harvest Moon occurred yesterday in Pisces while we are still in the Virgo season. On the zodiac wheel, Virgo and Pisces are in opposition to one another and help us achieve balance. Virgo is practical and grounded earth energy focusing more on the details of life. In contrast, the water sign of Pisces is concerned with spiritual matters. Pisces teaches Virgo about all that is unseen and only felt on a spiritual level, and Virgo teaches Pisces about the value of organizing life on a practical level. They find complete balance when the spiritual is integrated into our practical lives. Additionally, Pisces' ruling planet Neptune and this full moon are conjunct. We can better appreciate the idea of living in flow thanks to Pisces and Neptune. Starting from the concept that flow already is.  We simply have to drop ourselves into it, like a field of energy that we are suspended above, and allow life to carry us in the direction it chooses.  This is where the importance of this particular Full Moon comes in. This is the moment to release outdated beliefs about how life works and drop into faith and trust. Virgo helps us keep all our moving parts held together and work efficiently, but unless we allow the universe to guide our journey, we suffer. Pisces is where we learn to surrender to a force greater than ourselves. Everything we're experiencing right now is helping us understand balance and flow on a deep level. The practice of Ayurveda helps by aligning us with the cycles of nature. By eating seasonally and creating a daily routine we can balance our Vata for the upcoming season. It's time to embrace nature since being outside and observing the changes in the natural world will help us experience balance and flow. Take advantage of the Annual 50% off sale and register for the Abundology Academy at
9/11/202211 minutes, 48 seconds
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#221 - Weekly Energy Update for September 4, 2022

September starts big with both Mercury going Retrograde and the Full Harvest Moon this week! Mercury Retrograde will bring up things we have hidden away or chosen to forget and allows us to deal with and release them including outdated beliefs and relationship imbalances. Now is the perfect time to rebalance our lives, especially in terms of meditation, inner peace, and spirituality. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and right now we’re getting messages everywhere. If you find yourself dealing with tech issues or travel delays, pay attention to what Mercury may be trying to tell you. Then look for the beauty in the situation.  On September 10th, there will be a full moon in Pisces. The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox always takes on the name "Harvest Moon." Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers more evenings of moonlight to finish their harvests before the fall frost arrives. Since Pisces is a mutable water sign when the Full Moon is in this sign, we might feel as though we are floating and that things are dispersed or hazy. We could experience confusion, a lack of direction, and struggle to feel grounded. Enjoy this full moon's airy sensations. Simply accept it. Allow yourself to float, and don't worry if you don't finish everything on your to-do list today; tomorrow will bring more opportunities. We're letting go of everything that isn't serving our best and highest good.  We're also harvesting the results of all our hard work over the past six months under the influence of this powerful Full Moon. Enjoy the gifts! Sign up for How to Attract Money and Abundology Academy Courses at
9/4/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
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#220 - Weekly Energy Update for August 21 and 28, 2022

Virgo season starts on Monday, August 22nd, and brings major going-back-to-school vibes. Virgo season is all about leaning into practical routines, healthy habits, getting organized, and taking action to move into our new lives and embody the realizations we had during the Lion’s Gate Portal. Virgo is also the ruler of the sixth house which is about health and daily routines. This is the ideal time to shake off the indulgences of summer and return to our healthy habits and spiritual routines. Start managing your energy for fall. How do you want to BE this year? This is the perfect time to begin if you wish to live in the flow of universal energy and be at peace, calm, and present. Virgo season is one of the most relaxing zodiac seasons and asks us to not only take care of ourselves but to examine our routines and make adjustments where need be—it's all about peace and growth this go-around. We get extra help with this on Saturday, August 27th with a New Moon in Virgo. This is the final lunar cycle of the summer. New moons are a time of new beginnings and this new moon is the perfect time to start new routines and get your day-to-day life organized. It's clear that something new has emerged in the last month, and it's time to move forward. It's time to take action and squeeze every last ounce of joy out of summer!   Register for the Abundology Academy classes at 
8/21/202210 minutes, 24 seconds
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#219 - Weekly Energy Update for August 14, 2022

All of us are going through some form of upgrade and up-leveling after all the changes in our lives over the past few weeks. We're reinventing ourselves. We integrate and absorb all those changes this week. We’ve essentially been rebooted and it’s time for a new beginning. We get help from August 2022 numerology. The vibration of August 2022, which is a 5 universal month, is one of freedom and transformation. It's the spiritual powerhouse of 2022—packed with upgrades, breakthroughs, activations, and downloads. Mars enters Gemini on Saturday, August 20, and we start moving forward with our new lives. There will be a noticeable energy shift when this happens. Things are going to pick up speed and energy. Mars is fire and action, and when it enters Gemini, we are being asked to change the way we think. We must adopt a brand-new style of thinking to fit our new way of being.  We change our lives by changing our thoughts and words. Words carry a vibration. The words we speak and think affect our vibration and ultimately the quality of our lives. This is our opportunity to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk. Register for the Abundology Academy at    
8/14/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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#218 - Weekly Energy Update for August 7, 2022

We welcome the potent energies of the 8-8 Lions Gate Portal this week. This portal is incredibly powerful because it combines the numerology of 8-8, the Sun in Leo the Lion, and the rising of the star Sirius. This Lion's Gate opens a portal that essentially, showers our planet with an abundance of positive energy and potential for creativity and growth. The energy of Sirius, also known as the "spiritual sun," has been known for thousands of years to be synonymous with the energy of abundance and part of what makes this day so powerful.  The significance of the number eight is another. Eight is one of numerology's luckiest numbers and is believed to bring good fortune. This day has a lot of auspicious energy because it falls on the eighth day of the 8th month and is considered the ultimate cosmic alignment. The number's connection to wealth, abundance, success, and prosperity makes this a very potent time for spiritual growth and manifesting. It helps us to step into our power, take control of our lives and make big life changes. Spend time looking inward. Where are you spending your power? Where are you playing small? This portal is sweeping all of humanity into our next phase and leaving behind whatever isn't serving our highest and best evolution. On Thursday, August 11, a full moon is added to the mix. The last supermoon of the year, this Aquarius Full Moon is all about fate. We can expect intense mindset shifts, drama, and our life foundations shifting. The universe is giving us a wake-up call to remember why we are here, to step into our power, and to stop playing small. The 8/8 Lion's Gate's abundant, positive vibes help us in doing this by amplifying the efforts we put in and keeping us motivated to do the work until we shift. 
8/7/20229 minutes, 52 seconds
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#217 - Weekly Energy Update for July 31, 2022

The energy has been building and we’ve been preparing all summer for the very rare and unusual Mars, Uranus, and North Node conjunction happening on Sunday, July 31, and Monday, August 1. Everything is influx. This is a holy shit the world is changing moment! This is also our chance to make a Quantum Leap forward. The North Node represents where we're headed, our soul's purpose. Radical change, awakening, and reinvention are all happening right now. We can take comfort in the fact that all this change is destined to happen.  We're refreshing our soul GPS to get back on track with the reason we came this lifetime. If you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time to take a new path, expect this transit to bring it. Taurus helps us best deal with these changes. Think nature and trees. Get outside. Go barefoot in the grass. Eat natural things like fruit and veggies and slow down. Give yourself some time to reflect. It's also OK if you need to take a break from life to gather your thoughts or deal with surprises. Even though the decisions we make now might not seem like a big deal at the time, we will realize in the future that they were turning points that changed the course of our lives. Right now, the universe is on your side. Take a leap of faith!
7/31/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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#216 - Weekly Energy Update for July 24, 2022

This week, on Thursday, July 28, we get one of the most lovely new moons of the year. This new moon is extremely lucky and filled with positive energy. Because this new moon is in Leo, its vibes are all about going big, letting go of our fears, and being prepared to stand tall in our power. This new moon helps us to embody the most fabulous versions of ourselves and allow our goals to take center stage. As we move forward with complete faith in ourselves to make magical shit happen, we'll feel full of confidence and ready to think beyond what we previously believed was possible. This is one of the best times of the year to set intentions. Leo energy wants to be the best and shine the brightest and is willing to work hard until it reaches the top, so now is not the time to doubt yourself or your abilities. This new moon reminds us of the importance of believing in our unlimited potential. If you had no limitations whatsoever, what would you want? All of this is leading up to the Uranus, Mars, and North Node conjunction happening next Sunday. The North Node represents your soul purpose and soul destiny in this lifetime. This is a fantastic chance to expand your thinking about what is possible. Set aside time this week to think about the Robert Schuller quote "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” And then do that!
7/24/20228 minutes, 5 seconds
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#215 - Weekly Energy Update for July 17, 2022

This week marks the end of Cancer Season and the beginning of passionate, upbeat Leo Season. We are entering a season ruled by one of the most optimistic signs in the zodiac. The sun rules Leo and is in charge of identity, self-image, and confidence. It's a fixed fire sign that's all about standing in your power and finding the positive in any situation. Leo season brings a big boost to our confidence and optimism. While the sun is in Leo, we’re going to feel more empowered, action-oriented, and self-assured than usual. It's a time of year that can make you feel unstoppable. Focus on building confidence this month. Confidence is one of the most important qualities we can develop. Confident people lead happier lives. We’re getting an opportunity to believe in ourselves and know that no matter what happens in the outer world that our inner world will be fine and we can handle anything put in our path. This boost in confidence gets us ready for the important Mars, Uranus, and North Node conjunction that happens at the end of the month. This is a huge spiritual awakening time. Get ready for the awakening of your spiritual gifts!
7/17/20229 minutes, 55 seconds
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#214 - Weekly Energy Update for July 10, 2022

The biggest supermoon of 2022 occurs this week. The Buck Moon or Thunder Moon is the name of the full moon that occurs on Wednesday, July 13. This full Moon is powerful AF. Full moons shed light on what's hidden, they shed light on our deepest desires. It's shining a spotlight on everything you've been denying or brushing under the rug because it's the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year. Everything happening this week wakes us up to realize what we really want in life. The moment is perfect to make big changes. Incredible transformations are happening. These are profound, fated changes to our soul's path. This full moon in Capricorn is the perfect time to set mid-year resolutions. It encourages us to think big-big picture. Capricorn is all about perseverance and productivity. We're going to want to take our future more seriously. These vibes are all about pulling yourself up through good ol' fashioned hard work.  Full moons are thought of as a time for closure and release, however, this moon validates the idea that when one door closes, another one opens. Not only that another door opens when one shuts,10,000 new doors open when one door shuts. This week's mantra is: I allow myself to live the life of my dreams.
7/10/20229 minutes, 55 seconds
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#213 - Weekly Energy Update for July 3, 2022

July offers us an opportunity to take our lives from ordinary to extraordinary. According to Numerology, July is a 4 universal month. This #4 month, we are connecting with divine alchemy. Alchemy is the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary. This month we are the Alchemists of our life. We get the opportunity to turn our lives into something extraordinary.  We get help doing this on Tuesday, July 5th,  when Mars, the planet of action, ambition, and desire leaves its all-time favorite spot in Aries and enters into chill Taurus, where it'll stay until August 20. Mars doesn't exactly love hanging out in Taurus, mainly because the sign moves a bit too slow. Mars loves to go for it full tilt, but in Taurus, we are reminded that sometimes the best way to speed up is to slow down. Taurus is very hardworking but also knows the best way to do your sacred work is from the place of a full cup. This transit comes to remind us to tend to our inner garden with self-care, downtime, and pleasure as a way to nurture our outer lives. This transit helps us stay focused and keep working on plans and ideas, not from a place of scarcity but a place of abundance. Allow yourself to go slow this summer. Allow yourself to refill your cup. Take time to think through the changes you want to make and then take baby steps forward.
7/3/202210 minutes, 16 seconds
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#212 - Weekly Energy Update for June, 26, 2022

On Tuesday, June 28th, we have the first new moon of the summer in Cancer. New moons are about beginnings and this new moon blesses us with a clean slate for the next month. We are setting a new foundation and it's important to get our energy straight before we set the new goals that take us into fall. In general, Cancer new moons are the time for self-reflective practices like meditation, journaling, doing a ritual with your tarot cards or crystals, or even just carving out time to connect with your important people. Cancer is the sign of the home so anything domestic will bring you a sense of comfort and security. Cooking a favorite meal, tending to your plant babies, or sprucing up your home will all help ground you. Every year, between July 3 and July 7, Sirius and the Sun align. This is a powerful energy that has a significant effect on our planet. This is a particularly potent period when significant changes within us happen. Expect some HUGE aha moments. This week take time to reflect, get in touch with your emotions, and ground yourself by doing things around the home and practicing gratitude. Take advantage of the last two days of Renee's Summer Sale at
6/26/20229 minutes, 1 second
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#211 - Weekly Energy Update for June 19, 2022

Finally, summer has arrived! Summer officially begins on Tuesday, June 21 with the summer solstice. The summer solstice celebrates the return of light and serves as a reminder of the light that resides inside each of us. It has to do with awakening and becoming enlightened. In the same way the solstice marks the start of summer, it also represents a time to look forward to what’s to come. It’s an energetically charged day that starts a new chapter and is a powerful time to set intentions for the remainder of the year. The solstice signifies a complete energetic reset because it falls on the first day of the Cancer Season. The energy of Cancer is new, fresh, and initiating because it is the first cardinal sign and the first water sign of the zodiac. It is a crucial time in our astrological year. It is a resetting of the collective's overall energy. We'll want to spend more time at home and strengthen our bonds with our families during Cancer season. Since the beginning of 2022, most of us have been going nonstop; however, now that the year is halfway through, it's time to take a break. Put rest first this month. This is a chance to take a break in the middle of the year, rest, and refocus. Take advantage of the 25% Summer Sale and schedule your appointment at
6/19/20229 minutes, 26 seconds
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#210 - Summer Solstice Astrology with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton breaks down what to expect this summer according to astrology. This summer is life-changing. Our destiny is activated when Uranus conjuncts the North Node in Taurus. This is a time for fated awakenings. Uranus surprises us and can change our lives in unexpected ways. This summer we get the opportunity to get unstuck, move out of our comfort zone, and make forward progress. Jupiter in Aries helps us focus on what we want to create. Follow your instincts and go for what you want. Take the leap of faith. The universe has your back.  Deborah also talks about how we can see Astrology in action with the recent flooding in Yellowstone and the January 6th Congressional Hearings.  Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life. Learn more about Deborah Norton at Save 25% and take advantage of Renee's Summer Sale thru June 27, 2022 at Listen to Deborah's 2022 Astrology Forecast Podcast at
6/18/202251 minutes, 53 seconds
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#209 - Time Bending: How to Create More Time with Addie Beall

What is the key to having an endless supply of time? The ability of spacetime to be bent is discussed by Einstein and quantum physicists. Just as we can move in all directions in space, we can do the same thing with time. One can physically bend time to make more of it. In this episode, Addie and Renee discuss the concept of time bending and how we create the amount of time in our lives. Being present and living in the flow are the keys. Whenever you hurry or feel you have too much to do, you are vibrating in scarcity and blocking the flow of everything abundant, including time.  Discover that how you talk and think about time has a direct impact on how much of it you have.  Addie Beall aka Slayer of Namaslayer is a Spiritual Weight Loss Guide, Chopra Certified Meditation Instructor, and Heartsing Podcast Host.  Learn more about Addie at Listen to the Planning Your Summer Salad with Renee Spears Podcast at Sign up for Addie's MeFirst Guide Summer Experience at Listen to Addie's Einstein Time Podcast at Save 25% and take advantage of Renee Spears Abundology Summer Sale thru 6/27/2022 at
6/17/202239 minutes, 3 seconds
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#208 - Weekly Energy Update for June 12, 2022

On Tuesday, the 14th, we welcome a lovely Full Strawberry Super Moon. Full moons are illuminating.  Their energy helps us in releasing things that no longer serve us and seeing situations in fresh ways. Because this is the last full moon of the spring season, it has a strong releasing energy that encourages us to clear our slates in preparation for the Summer Solstice next week.  Working with the full moon's energy helps us to align with nature's cycles and use that energy to our advantage. This full moon is a good time to reflect on what we've accomplished and learned so far this year. This is a week to celebrate our progress and growth as we prepare for the summer's new adventures. This Strawberry Moon is magical because it reminds us that life can be sweet. It's the rainbow that finally emerges after the eclipse season storm.  The sun is shining, the Strawberry Moon is rising, and life is full of promise. This full moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, and it has big release energy.  Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion and the planet that rules Sagittarius is currently in Aries. This brings us an extra boost of good luck.  Allow this full moon to remind you of what makes life worth living.  Sagittarius is known for choosing the beauty of the journey above the certainty of the destination. Take the scenic path, travel without a plan, and try something new.
6/12/20229 minutes, 54 seconds
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#207 - Weekly Energy Update for June 5, 2022

June is a #3 Universal Month. The number 3 is connected with creativity and social activity. June will be a very busy month. May was a month for self-reflection and soul-searching, and now June is the time for fun. Keep an eye out for fun. Make plans to have some fun! It's important to remember that our thoughts shape our reality. Do you want to experience what it's like to have to work hard in order to succeed and make money? Or would you rather have fun and be happy in order to make money and be successful? Saturday, June 4th, Saturn went retrograde for the next 4.5 months. Saturn's retrograde is often more beneficial than harmful. The Planet of Karma is all about structure, and its retrograde can help us reorganize and adjust the structures in our life to make them work better. When it retrogrades, we revise everything we have recently learned about career, boundaries, and responsibility. Situations from the past resurface for review during this transit. We'll have a chance for do-overs! After the first five months of the year, we have a lot more knowledge and insight, so we're going to do it much better this time. Venus will align with Uranus in Taurus on June 11th. This connects you with the right people at the right time, but not in the way you might expect. Use this surprising and exhilarating transit to explore life outside of your typical routine. Explore new neighborhoods and restaurants, take a different route home, hike new trails, and try new things, for example.
6/5/20228 minutes, 2 seconds
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#206 - Weekly Energy Update for May 29, 2022

The New Moon in Gemini on Monday is an excellent opportunity to put eclipse season behind us and set intentions for the rest of the year. We are back baby, after a difficult first five months of the year and then the eclipses resetting us by turning us off and on like a computer, we are back. We've been transformed from the inside out, and the more challenging energy is now behind us, at least for the time being. Now is the moment to brush yourself off, pick yourself up, and start fresh. This is the ideal energy for setting intentions, but due to the mercury retrograde for another week, we will have to wait a little longer for what we want to materialize. Patience is key right now. This is enjoying the journey and not the destination energy.  We'll manifest our desires; they're already happening; they just won't happen as quickly as we'd want. This new moon is also the perfect time to clean and charge your crystals to release the energy of the past 5 months for new beginnings.  This week's mantra is "I am enjoying the journey."
5/29/202210 minutes, 1 second
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#205 - Weekly Energy Update for May 22, 2022

We're on the other side of the eclipses. Things are starting to settle down, and there is a noticeable shift in energy as we go from Taurus to Gemini season. Integration is the theme of the Gemini season. All of the aha moments and changes we've had in the last few months, especially around eclipse season, are now being applied to our life. We've gained clarity on how we want to proceed in life, and we're now putting what we've learned into practice. Right now, we're transitioning from spring to summer energy. This is a significant change for our bodies. As we progress from May to the summer months, Kapha energy drops and Pitta energy grows. Go to bed on time, drink plenty of water, eat leafy greens, melons, and berries, eat breakfast, spend time outside, and meditate to keep Pitta in check. On the 28th of May. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Taurus, the sensuous earth sign. Taurus is one of Venus' houses, making it one of her favorite signs to be in. Venus in Taurus is a reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. It's taking a walk and listening to the birds sing, flowers grow, and neighbors converse. It's admiring life's beauty. This is precisely what we need following eclipse season. Soak up this energy and be grateful for all the wonderful things we get to experience simply by living.
5/22/202210 minutes, 57 seconds
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#204 - Weekly Energy Update for May 15, 2022

The Total Scorpio Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs this Sunday. For the past few months, we've been building up to this moment. During this time, all of the changes we've experienced over the last few months begin to come together. Eclipses are powerful movers and shakers that have to do with fate and destiny. The shifts that occur during eclipses are fated, which means that everything that happens would have happened regardless, but the eclipses' strength speeds things up. This is the peak moment of the year's most difficult month. This life-changing eclipse is affecting every inch of us. All of the surprises, transformations, and aha moments are assisting us in establishing our new identity. We're stepping into new and more powerful versions of ourselves. Rest, do things slowly, eat nutritious food, be gentle with yourself, and look after your mental health to help you cope with these major changes. Working in the garden, going for walks in nature, and getting a massage will all help you feel better. 
5/15/202211 minutes, 45 seconds
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#203 - Weekly Energy Update for May 8, 2022

With Mercury retrograde and Jupiter entering into Aries this week, we're in the thick of life-changing energies leading up to a Total Scorpio Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. Mercury retrograde, as we all know, is notorious for throwing our electronics, travel, and communications into disarray. I'm not going to lie to you: it's not pretty. This retrograde will be a little bumpy because it falls in the middle of eclipse season. All of these occurrences happening at the same time can make us feel disoriented and anxious. Mercury retrograde is always a period of deep reflection during which the cosmos begs us to slow down. Jupiter enters Aries on the same day as Mercury turns retrograde, Tuesday the 10th. Jupiter's shift from sleepy Pisces to relentless Aries can be startling, like waking up to the sound of a fire truck siren. And everything can feel as if it had to be completed right away. There's a sense of urgency here, perhaps a false sense of urgency. This isn't a good vibe. Both world wars began when Jupiter was in the sign of Aries. There is tension and frustration in the air. Knowing this and taking extra precautions to keep calm and balanced can assist tremendously. This week, taking care of our mental health is the top priority. And it's all leading up to next Sunday's Total Scorpio Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses help us stay on track. They slam other doors shut to open new ones. Everything happening this week is waking us up and forcing us to let go of what no longer serves our souls. "I am centered and balanced, moving forward toward the life of my dreams," is the week's mantra.
5/8/20229 minutes, 37 seconds
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#202 - Weekly Energy Update for May 1, 2022

Happy Beltane! Beltane is about celebrating all of the optimism, warm sun, and abundance of the earth's benefits for half of the year. Beltane is the period when spring is at its most vibrant. The fairies and nature spirits begin to reawaken at this time. We're still in the throes of the Solar Eclipse. Eclipses accelerate our timeline, delivering events that were bound to happen sooner or later. Things can move swiftly during an eclipse, and this is especially true this time because Uranus, the planet of surprises and unexpected changes, is active. This month's abrupt adjustments and transitions may make you feel uncomfortable. Spending time in nature and slowing down can help to balance out all of the fast-paced energy. Venus and Jupiter, the two positive planets, begin a new cycle on May 2 and May 10, respectively, when they both enter Aries. This is the start of a four-month period during which we will feel more confident and like ourselves than we have in a long time, if not ever. Prepare to kick butt and take name names while enjoying this empowering energy!
5/1/202212 minutes, 30 seconds
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#201 - Navigating Life as an Empath with ZofiaRennea Morales

Are you a highly sensitive person and feel like an energetic sponge? You may be an empath. Learn how to navigate life as an empath in this informative podcast with ZofiaRennea Morales. Learn the different varieties of empaths and the common dysfunctional coping skills that can develop. Zofia shares practices and exercises such as muscle testing and shielding that help empaths regulate emotions and develop this powerful spiritual gift.  ZofiaRennea Morales is the Host of the talk radio program Sovereign Self (Mondays at 4pm Pacific time and the creator of the Conscious Enlyghtment Process, a transformation alchemist and teacher guiding clients to find the gold within their most painful life transitions, helping people from all backgrounds notice how life wraps the best gifts in the shittiest wrapping paper. Zofia’s scientific and corporate background appeals clients who appreciate the way she integrates a pragmatic woo and real life into her work. Seasoned with love and laughter, Zofia guides her clients through their own spiritual crises and onto their paths of passion and purpose with warmth, joy, tenderness and play.  Listen to Sovereign Self at Take the Super Power Quiz at  Learn more at and
4/29/202250 minutes, 57 seconds
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#200 - Weekly Energy Update for April 24, 2022

Get ready for a life makeover! Because of a remarkable five-planet stellium in Pisces, Pluto Retrograde, and the first eclipse of the year this week, we are entering a time of massive transformation.  The stellium in Pisces opens the floodgates of cosmic consciousness and brings opportunities for love and romance. Pluto starts its five-month retrograde this week. Pluto is the planet of rebirth and this retrograde gives us a fabulous life makeover. Positive changes in your love life, finances, and way of thinking will occur, all of which will lead to spiritual growth and soul evolution. Finally, April comes to a spectacular finish on Saturday, April 30 with the second new moon of the month, which is also a solar eclipse in Taurus, bringing a lovely transformation to our lives. Eclipses are known for bringing rapid shifts and unexpected twists of fate into our lives, and they help realign us with our destiny, even if our lives get turned upside down in the process. Eclipses activate our soul contract and bring fated events that help us get to the next chapter of our spiritual evolution. They always put us where we need to be, even if it doesn’t feel like it at first! Eclipses can accelerate our timeline, bringing forward things that were ultimately inevitable. Things can happen quickly under an Eclipse and that is extra true with this one because Uranus, the planet known for surprises and unexpected changes, is active during this eclipse. This week, and especially this eclipse, is your chance to get crystal clear on what you want your life to be. And you do it by relaxing, allowing yourself time to be, paying attention to any downloads that provide you with essential information, and going with the flow.  
4/24/202211 minutes, 5 seconds
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#199 - Weekly Energy Update for April 17, 2022

Happy Full Moon! We're still in the lovely Libra energy of Saturday's Full Moon. Libra teaches us that while our life’s mission is of great importance, our inner peace is the highest priority. Nothing is as important as maintaining inner harmony. When we are energetically settled, we see clearly and we know the next steps to take. Libra helps us cultivate inner peace and use it as our greatest tool. This week we move out of Aries Season and into Taurus season. If Aries Season was all about going, going, going, Taurus season will be all about taking it easy. Taurus season is a more grounding, mellow, and down-to-earth time. It’s the time to indulge in extra self-care and pampering, spending time in nature and beautifying our lives. After the active Aries season we’ve had, Taurus season is about slowing down and focusing on simple pleasures. Let yourself sleep in, have a picnic, watch your favorite movies, and listen to beautiful music. There is a more relaxed vibe to the world around us. Take things at your own pace and stop and smell the roses. Taurus loves to sit back, relax, and enjoy the sun, so give yourself the space to chill for the next month.  
4/17/20228 minutes, 35 seconds
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#198 - Weekly Energy Update for April 10, 2022

Get ready for a special week! One of the biggest astrological events of the year happens on Tuesday, the 12th with the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction. Jupiter and Neptune have not met in Pisces since 1856 and it won’t happen again until 2188! This particular get-together is exceptionally special because these two planets co-rule the sign of Pisces. This means that they're both very happy to be there right now, and combined, their energy is incredibly strong, positive, and magical. In addition to this wonderful conjunction, we also have the first full moon of the astrological year on Saturday the 16th. This is the Pink moon and because it’s in Libra, the sign of partnerships, connections, and balance, this moon helps us feel balanced and that everything is right with the universe.  This is once-in-a-lifetime energy. Spiritual awakenings are happening. You’ll be getting important messages and intuitive hits. Trust your intuition. Slow down and BE this week. Take stuff off the to-do list. We want to focus on getting in balance before eclipse season starts in 2 weeks. 
4/10/202210 minutes, 29 seconds
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#197 - Signs From the Universe with Natalie Viglione

Do you have the feeling you're missing something important? Are you looking for signs from the Universe but can't seem to find them? Natalie Viglione, a Light Warrior, and Priestess-Healer, explains how the Universe communicates with us through dreams, visions, angel numbers, and animal guides. All of these signs encourage us to pay attention to our higher selves. Natalie advises not to dismiss a hit. As soon as you see, hear, get, or feel it, write it down immediately and trust it's a message! Natalie Viglione blends creativity with science as an entrepreneur. She’s a cycle breaker, truthseeker, intuitive healer, and a vessel for life and business guidance.   She helps entrepreneurial humans take their power back so that they can heal in both their life and business and be empowered to creatively push their gifts into the world through clarity and intention. She guides people to remember how to become conscious co-creators with the Universe.   Learn more about Natalie at Learn more and sign up for Natalie's Tap Into Your Magick Course at The article referenced about universe consciousness can be read at
4/9/202242 minutes, 47 seconds
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#196 - Weekly Energy Update for April 3, 2022

This is a good week to remember that great things take time. That is especially apparent this week when Mars conjuncts Saturn testing our patience. The speed-demon Mars collides with Sunday-driver Saturn, giving us a case of whiplash by either slowing us down to get more intentional or giving us a jump-start to move forward or both! Whatever changes you want to be permanent in your life, this is the time to start. Changes stick right now. This energy is good for getting hard things done and finding the stamina to go the distance on bringing our goals and dreams to life.  
4/3/202210 minutes, 48 seconds
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#195 - Weekly Energy Update for March 27, 2022

This week brings a New Moon in Aries early Friday morning April 1st. This is the first new moon of the astrological year and it is supercharged with the magic of a powerful fresh start. With the arrival of April, we’re officially a quarter of the way through 2022. April 2022 is a 1 Universal Month meaning a brand-new numerology cycle has begun. This cycle is about everything new. Romance and love vibes are in the air and we also have the opportunity to heal old childhood wounds this month. We're feeling powerful and courageous so take action and use this time to make big leaps forward in your life. Find more info about my Montana Spiritual Reset at
3/27/20229 minutes, 59 seconds
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#194 - Weekly Energy Update for March 20, 2022

Spring is here! Sunday, March 20th is the Spring Equinox. Spring Equinox is a significant turning point that means we’ve survived a long, harsh winter, and now, we’re ready to embrace life and rebirth. The Equinox also takes place at the exact moment the sun enters Aries, the first sign in the zodiac. This is known as the "astrological new year". Aries is the go-getter of the zodiac. Aries season gives us a cosmic fresh start. We’re hitting the reset button on life and anything and everything is possible. Go for the big dream! Get your energy flowing in the direction of your dreams by setting intentions and taking action.  Learn more about Renee's Montana Spiritual Reset at
3/20/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
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#193 - Spring 2022 Astrology with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton breaks down what to expect this spring according to astrology. The Spring Equinox and Aries Season usher in the start of a new cycle. This spring we get the opportunity to come to terms with old stories and release them. The eclipses in April and May are on the Taurus/Scorpio axis to help us think about values and money. Taurus focuses on security, comfort, valuables, possessions, and money. Scorpio deals with our shadow, power struggles, and hidden agendas making this the time to dig up and release outdated money beliefs and rewrite our money story. Deborah also talks about the meaning of our North and South Nodes and how they are activated with the eclipses this year. Saturn, Mars, and Venus are all in Aquarius giving us fresh ideas and solutions. Pisces' energy is big in the spring chart allowing us to dream big. If you're a Taurus, Scorpio, or your nodes are on the Taurus/Scorpio axis then this podcast is a must-listen! Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life. Learn more about Deborah Norton at  
3/18/202240 minutes, 53 seconds
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#192 - Weekly Energy Update for March 13, 2022

This week we welcome the final full moon of winter. The spiritual meaning behind the Full Worm Moon on Friday, March 10th is fresh starts and shedding old habits for a better and wiser version of ourselves. This Virgo Full Moon prepares us for the Equinox and the start of the Astrological New Year next Sunday. Full Moons represent points of release, so this is the perfect opportunity to purge all that we no longer wish to carry into the new year. We're on a life-improvement mission right now. This is serious clean-up-your-act energy. Cleanse your life of anything and everything that doesn’t make you feel like a million bucks. Embrace I feel like a million bucks energy!
3/13/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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#191- Raising Conscious Kids with The Spirit Mamas

The Spirit Mamas share their secrets for raising conscious kids in this inspiring podcast. The Spirit Mamas stress the importance of developing a spiritual practice, tuning into your energy, and trusting your intuition. We also talk about modeling conscious behavior and using affirmations to empower children. Our kids are here to teach us. Listen and learn from them. This generation of moms is healing ancestral wounds and raising enlightened kids. At Spirit Mamas we’re cultivating a community of loving, beautiful, energetic beings who show up to life perfectly imperfect. Our mission is to uplift spiritually conscious mamas, helping them trust their intuition and power with ceremonial circles, energy work, rituals, and magic, so they can bloom into that next version of themselves fuller, brighter, and better than they ever thought possible! Learn more about them at Victoria Nielsen is an Akashic Records Reader, Breathwork facilitator, intuitive energy healer, and mama. Her personal mission is to help new and old mamas everywhere find the love in their hearts for themselves that they have for their babies. Tiffany Wilkes is a certified Reiki Energy Healer, Sound Practitioner, and Spiritual Coach.  As a wife and mother of two su(o)ns, it is very important for her to show them how to live their true life’s purpose. Sign-up for a free membership trial at Information on Healing the Mother Wound:
3/9/202234 minutes, 34 seconds
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#190 - Weekly Energy Update for March 6, 2022

Spring is in the air! The key to enjoying a healthy spring is to balance the Kapha dosha. Balance your Kapha energy by eating more vegetables and less dairy, meat, and fried foods. Eat more asparagus and green juice, and less ice cream. Also add some warming herbs to your diet like cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper. Get outside for a walk to move any stuck energy out of your body and attune to nature. Slow down and notice the arrival of spring. Renewal and transformation are all around us. Our intuition is amped up and spot on this week. Trust how you feel. Allow yourself to feel how good your life is.  
3/6/20229 minutes, 59 seconds
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#189 - The 5 Self-Love Languages with Jenelle Woodlief

The Five Love Languages is a concept created by Gary Chapman. It refers to the five ways that we give and receive love. Specifically, how we communicate our love to others and how we feel loved by others. The Five Love Languages absolutely apply to SELF-love as well. We can strengthen our relationship with ourselves and our bodies through exploring the languages in the context of self-care. Transformational Bodyworker and Self-Care Advocate, Jenelle Woodlief, shares easy ways to practice self-love based on the 5 love languages of physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, and acts of service. Jenelle Woodlief is a Transformational Bodyworker, Trauma Healer, and Self-Care advocate. Her signature 12-session series guides people through a deep healing journey with massage, bodywork, and self-care coaching. Jenelle has a gentle way of challenging people to release old stories and step into a new relationship with their body, and her work is repeatedly described as life-changing. Her masterclass on Up-Leveling Your Self-Care Using the 5 Love Languages is an innovative and playful approach to radicalizing your self-care mindset and systems.  Learn more about Jenelle at  Save 50% on Jenelle's 5 SELF-Love Master Class thru 3/31/22. Use Coupon Code: ABUNDOLOGY  at Previous podcast episodes with Jenelle: The Self-Care Revolution at Radical Self-Care at
3/3/202238 minutes, 31 seconds
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#188 - Weekly Energy Update for February 27, 2022

The winter’s final new moon on Wednesday, March 2nd brings us nothing but good vibes. At the time of this new moon in Pisces, we'll have four planets in Pisces - the sun, moon, Jupiter, and Neptune - forming what's known as a stellium in astrology and increasing the positivity of this moon and making it easier than usual to connect to spiritual energy. Pisces is associated with our subconscious, sleep, and dreams, making this an ideal time for dreamwork, creating a sleep ritual, and soaking in a bath, hot springs, or hot tub. This magical new moon in Pisces sets the tone for the entire month of March. March is all about new beginnings with the spring equinox and the astrological new year. New beginnings coupled with all the planets moving forward means wonderful new changes are coming our way. Embrace the changes. This once-in-a-lifetime energy helps us take a leap of faith and follow our dreams. Trust what's happening is for your highest good.   
2/27/20229 minutes, 6 seconds
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#187 - Weekly Energy Update for February 20, 2022

This week we have two things happening that will never happen again in our lifetime. There’s the Pluto return of the US and 2/22/2022. This powerful numerology week is full of palindromes, meaning the date reads the same backward and forward. Of course, the big day this week is 2/22/22. Twenty-two is considered to be a master number in numerology, and this special date has not one, but two 22's in it, so the spiritual energy is off the charts. A whole week of palindromes and balanced numbers makes this the perfect time to work on balance in your life. We're experiencing huge changes in both our country and personal lives. Embrace the changes and take advantage of this energy to propel your life forward.
2/20/20229 minutes, 39 seconds
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#186 - Weekly Energy Update for February 13, 2022

Get ready for a full week of love vibes! It starts with the Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday, February 16th. That same day is the yearly magical Mars and Venus Conjunction. When Mars and Venus come together it's one of the most magical days of the year bringing romance, love, great sex, new relationship beginnings, and money. The nodes of fate and destiny are activated at the same time extending the good love vibes of Valentine's Day a few more days. And just as we come down from this full moon love high, Pisces season starts on Friday the 18th. Pisces season is almost always easy and dreamy, and this year it's set up to be absolutely magical!   
2/13/202210 minutes, 33 seconds
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#185 - Food Energetics with Erin Vanderkooy

Is what you eat raising or lowering your vibration? What and how we eat impacts our energy and can affect us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This podcast with Health Coach Erin Vanderkooy is full of useful information on how to raise the vibration of the food you eat. Learn how to infuse your food with positive vibes, what to eat to feel grounded, and the magic of adaptogens and herbs. Erin Vanderkooy is a Health Coach and Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practioner who helps people eradicate unwanted symptoms and balance their own unique bodies. She teaches that this can be done by learning how to connect with what your body is telling you, and by making small incremental changes that can produce life-changing results. You can be empowered with your food choices, and Erin helps add unique-to-you tools to your toolbox. Sign up for Erin's upcoming program - See all the ways you can work with Erin -   Listen to Empowered Eating Podcast with Erin at Antiviral tea -1 serving 1/2 tsp. thyme 1/2 tsp. rosemary 1/2 tsp. oregano 1/2 tsp. sage 1 inch fresh ginger root or 1/2 tsp. ground ginger 1 tbsp. peppermint 1 tbsp. green tea or a green tea bag 1 whole bay leaf – optional 2 slices of orange or lime   Pour hot water over herbs and let steep for 5-10 minutes - can be enjoyed hot or cold!  Remember to drink within 24 hours and refrigerate if not drinking right away  
2/9/202240 minutes, 10 seconds
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#184 - Weekly Energy Update for February 6, 2022

For the first time in almost a year, all the planets in our solar system are direct. We're feeling motivated and moving full steam ahead! This is the time to go for your dreams. Don’t hold back. It is of the utmost importance to seize the day now—until April 29, after that, the entire year will be filled with some form of planetary retrograde, slowing down life, your relationships, and your plans. 28 Days of Making Money on Youtube at
2/6/20229 minutes, 53 seconds
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#183 - Weekly Energy Update for January 30, 2022

Happy Year of the Water Tiger! The Lunar New Year and New Moon in Aquarius have powerful “new year, new me” vibes. New moons always usher in new beginnings, and this particular one is supercharged with optimistic, forward-moving, change-the-world energy thanks to Venus and Mercury's retrogrades coming to an end. We’re leaving the past behind and laying a new foundation for the future. It's all happening!
1/30/20228 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #182 - Weekly Energy Update for January 23, 2022

Get ready for a major energy shift this week when Mars moves into Capricorn on Monday, January 24th. This is the energy we've been waiting for as we move into major get-shit-done mode. Mars in Capricorn gives us a laser focus to tackle all the things we may have been procrastinating. Prepare for next week's Lunar New Year by cleaning old stuck energy out of your home. Put out some tangerines and oranges to attract good luck and happiness in the coming year.
1/23/202211 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode #181 - Weekly Energy Update for January 16, 2022

This week's Full Wolf Moon in Cancer on Monday, January 17th, places a magnifying glass over our feelings. We'll become more sensitive and emotional leading to sudden life revelations. These aha moments help us make important decisions that activate our destiny and change the course of our lives. The big news of the week is that the Lunar Nodes change signs. The North Node shifting into Taurus means it’s time to start building a solid foundation for the next part of our lives. Big stuff! The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at
1/16/202212 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode #180 -Weekly Energy Update for January 9, 2022

The first Mercury Retrograde of the year happens on Friday, January 14. With both Venus and Mercury Retrograde right now, this is time to really think about where you want to go and revise and rethink your plan to get there. Take this time seriously by allowing yourself to slow down and make adjustments to your life.  Changes you make now have a big payoff and will dramatically make your life better! The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at
1/9/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #179 - Weekly Energy Update for January 2, 2022

This year starts with a wonderful New Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, January 2nd. The new moon sets the tone for the year ahead, and it's all about getting down to business, taking action steps, and focusing on family and career. 2022 is a 6 Universal Year. In Numerology, the number 6 is the energy of nurturing. It emphasizes relationships, being responsible, and savoring home and family. We also break down all 9 Personal Years in this podcast. Enjoy the lovely, grounding energy of 2022! The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at
1/2/202214 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode #178 - What are the Akashic Records? with Jamie Bulrice

Learn everything you've always wanted to know about the Akashic Records in this podcast with Akashic Records Reader, Jamie Bulrice. Jamie shares how the records can identify your soul's purpose and help you heal to live a happier, more abundant life. Renee and Jamie bring the Woo in this fascinating conversation about soul families, your soul guidance team, expansion of consciousness, soul fragmentation, spirit attachments, and Quantum Healing. Jamie Bulrice is an Akashic Records Reader and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner. She helps you to reconnect with your inner power and purpose, receiving clear messages from your Higher Self and Spirit Team through your Akashic Records. Learn more about Jamie at The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at
12/29/202141 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode #177 - Weekly Energy Update for December 26, 2021

We’re ending the year and starting 2022 on a high note, as the lucky planet Jupiter enters Pisces on Tuesday, Dec. 28, where it’ll stay through much of next year. Jupiter in Pisces is just the injection of positivity we've been waiting for and Jupiter is bringing luck, abundance, growth, opportunity, and wisdom to 2022. This week we're resting, basking in the good vibes of Jupiter in Pisces, and getting a detailed plan together for next year. The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at
12/26/202111 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode #176 - Weekly Energy Update for December 19, 2021

This is a big week with Venus Retrograde, the Winter Solstice, the start of Capricorn Season, and Christmas. The energy is all about slowing down, getting clear on what's important to you, and making a plan. We're at the very start of the next stage of our life. Until the first of the year, all you need to do is think about what you want and make a plan to get there. Perfect timing for a new vision board. Be sure to slow down and celebrate this sacred week. The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at The Free 28 Days of Making Money Program offer has expired.
12/19/202110 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode #175 - 2022 Astrology Forecast with Deborah Norton

Astrologer Deborah Norton breaks down what to expect in 2022 according to astrology. 2022 is the year to align with your values, deal with your stuff, and get your life in order. The energy this year is perfect for decluttering and getting rid of everything that's not serving you. We also discuss Venus Retrograde, the eclipses activating our destiny, and the much anticipated Pluto Return for the U.S. One thing is for sure, we'll feel much lighter at the end of the year! The Astrology, Akashic Records & Abundology Sale has ended. Schedule an appointment with Renee Spears at Deborah Norton is an Astrologer that helps clients find their superpower, make a love connection, and get their life together. Deborah translates your astrology chart into plain English so you can gain clarity and move forward in life. Learn more about Deborah Norton at
12/18/202147 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode #174 - Weekly Energy Update for December 12, 2021

Get ready for a Full Moon in Gemini on Saturday, December 18th which brings optimism, good luck, prosperity, and happiness. There will be opportunities for material and spiritual growth to make you healthier, richer, and wiser. Venus also goes retrograde this week giving us an opportunity to reflect and examine our thoughts about love and money. Opportunities abound!
12/12/202111 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode # 173 - Weekly Energy Update for December 5, 2021

We've started a new life chapter. It's time to follow your BIG dreams! Planning, taking baby steps, and trying new things get this new energy flowing. We’re also experiencing relationship overhauls and people may be exiting your life. Keep your vibration high by asking yourself "does this thing (or person) raise or lower my vibe."
12/5/20218 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode #172 - Weekly Energy Update for November 28, 2021

The Total Solar New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius on Saturday, December 4th, is a very powerful moment and brings us to the destination we have been working hard to reach. Eclipses direct us wherever we need to go. Trust the process and don't force things that are not meant to be. Solar Eclipses bring new opportunities and new beginnings. Stay open to whatever comes your way!
11/28/20219 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode #171 - Weekly Energy Update for November 21, 2021

Sagittarius Season is here! Sagittarius Season is one of the best times of the astrological year when there’s a sense of adventure and optimism, making us feel ready to take on the world. This is an opportunity to hit the reset button on anything that isn't working in our lives. We’ll be in a positive headspace which allows us to focus on happiness. Remember that you are exactly as happy as you allow yourself to be.
11/21/202110 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #170 - Weekly Energy Update for November 14, 2021

Eclipse Season is here! On Friday, 11/19, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses serve as celestial checkpoints and help illuminate our karmic path. Astrologically speaking, they speed up time. Eclipses want you to live your best life, so if anything is not in alignment the eclipses will change it. They open new doors by slamming others shut. Stay grounded by meditating, taking a social media break, getting outside in nature, doing things for others, and breathing with affirmations. 
11/14/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #169 - Weekly Energy Update for November 7, 2021

Until the end of the year, we’re in a time of deep change and transformation. November 11th is always a powerful day, but this year since it falls on a #9 Universal Day, it's considered the most powerful manifesting day of the century. On this super powerful day, the rare combination of 1s and 9s puts us in a unique (and totally magical) position where we are standing at the precipice of incredible power and infinite possibility. Remember that everything changing now is for our highest good. Embrace the changes!
11/7/202114 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode #168 - Weekly Energy Update for October 31, 2021

On Thursday the 4th, the New Moon is carrying us straight into the heart of Scorpio Season and the depths of our souls. This powerful moon serves up some tension, turmoil, and unexpected twists - but it’ll also help us get our shit together. Big things are brewing and we're about to make huge steps forward in our lives. Spend some time alone, acknowledge what you want to change, and then set your intention to change it on the new moon. This is a huge transformational time!
10/31/202112 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode #167 - Weekly Energy Update for October 24, 2021

We've officially left lighthearted Libra season and entered intense Scorpio season for the next month. This Scorpio season is especially intense and will both give us an opportunity to really come to terms with some of the changes we've lived through over the past several months, and help propel us forward into a new season of our lives. This is the time to practice developing your psychic gifts. The veil between the earthly plane and the spiritual world is thin and we’re more tuned into the spiritual world. Pay attention to the signs and messages you get from the universe right now!
10/24/202111 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #166 - Weekly Energy Update for October 17, 2021

This Wednesday, October 20th, we welcome the Full Hunter's Moon. This Full Moon in Aries is perfect for starting new things and ending things that no longer serve us to clear the way for new beginnings to take place. This moon brings ambition & go-getter energy to all of us. Mercury goes direct on Monday and is no longer blocking our creative juices from flowing, so now's the time to get your life back on track.  
10/17/202110 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode #165 - Weekly Energy Update for October 10, 2021

Between October 6 and 18, four planets (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury) end their retrogrades and turn direct. And the pace of life starts picking up. We start to move forward again with fresh energy. We'll get an extra boost of confidence and feel more lighthearted as new opportunities start to open up. Just be present, pay attention, and allow yourself to feel all the joy!  
10/10/20219 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode #164 - Weekly Energy Update for October 3, 2021

This week starts with 6 planets retrograde making it difficult to move forward with our plans and get a clear picture of our future. We get some relief on Wednesday, October 6th, when both a New Moon in Libra and Pluto going direct bring intense fresh start energy.  We get a fresh start when it comes to pursuing romance, strengthening partnerships, and finding peace. This is a good week to improve boundaries by examining how you spend your energy.  
10/3/20219 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #163 - Create Your Future Self with Addie Beall

What does your future self look like? Spiritual Weight Loss Guide, Addie Beall, shares how she uses the Slayer of Namaslayer persona to create her future self.  Addie and Renee talk about their future selves and using personas to move to a new vibration. The journey to your future self starts with allowing yourself to dream and putting yourself first. Addie Beall is a spiritual weight loss guide, podcast host, Chopra-certified meditation instructor, motivational speaker, and chief inspiration officer at Namaslayer. Led by her core values of authenticity, fun, adventure, love, and inspiration, she uncovered her alter ego, Slayer, left her corporate job, lost 100 pounds, bought an RV, and is creating the life of her dreams. Over the past few years, she launched the MEfirst Sisterhood to guide, support, and inspire other women to discover their inner guides, find their own unique paths, and transform their lives. Learn more about Addie at Listen to the Heartsing Podcast at FREE Facebook Group for Heartsing Podcast listeners to engage in the topics and learn together: FREE intro to Meditation Course:
10/2/202138 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode #162 - Weekly Energy Update for September 26, 2021

The final Mercury Retrograde of 2021 happens on Monday, September 27th. The good news is this Mercury Retrograde happens in Libra, which is a sign known for being peaceful, harmonious, and relationship-oriented. Mercury retrograde is all about the RE-words like revise, rethink, and redo. We’re getting the opportunity to revise and rethink our one-on-one relationships especially our relationship with money.
9/26/202110 minutes, 9 seconds