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That Healing Feeling Profile

That Healing Feeling

English, Fitness / Keep-fit, 55 seasons, 74 episodes, 2 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes
Faith Ashenden is the Founder and CEO of That Healing Feeling. She is a Nervous System Coach who helps people from all over the globe heal chronic symptoms (including pain and anxiety) through nervous system regulation. Her background in neuroscience, NLP, hypnosis, and trauma release work has helped her develop a one-of-a-kind curriculum and approach that has helped over 1000 people heal themselves through her coaching programs.
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74. Why I Never Shared My POTS Diagnosis: What A Diagnosis Does To The Subconscious Mind

In today’s solo episode, I’m sharing my POTS journey with you, and going into why I’ve never publicly shared this diagnosis before. This journey taught me so many important lessons, specifically the importance of identity shifting from a chronically ill person to embracing my healed self. Dive into the impact of identifying with chronic illness labels with me through this episode while I give you actionable tools for you to use on your own healing journey. We’ll even take it one step further when I tell you about the Health Transformation Accelerator and its focus on helping women go through incredible identity transformations for lasting healing. If you're ready to learn my 3 secret steps to living your most healed, peaceful life, check out my free viral webinar by clicking the link!
7/16/202418 minutes, 42 seconds
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73. Morning Visualization To Release Chronic Pain & Have A Comfortable, Easy Day

In today’s episode, I am starting a series of meditations for you. This is something I provide regularly to my clients, so I want to make sure you have this at your fingertips as well!  This visualization is intended to be used first thing in the morning, before you start your day. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what’s imagined, so when you visualize your most healed day, your brain starts changing, before it's actually happened.  Keep this episode saved so you can easily access it first thing when you wake up! Sit up, pop on an eye mask, and enjoy this guided tour of your projected, comfortable and beautiful, healed day!!  And make sure that you’re in the loop with all things That Healing Feeling so that you never miss a free tip or tool by subscribing to the email list. I share free weekly tips to all my subscribers like guides, meditations, live webinars, and so much more! Subscribe to the list here:
5/29/20249 minutes, 2 seconds
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72. How to Hack Your Sleep To Optimize Your Health, Happiness, And Energy With Sleep Guru, Mollie Eastman

In this episode, I'm chatting with Mollie Eastman, the ultimate sleep guru! 🌙✨ We're diving deep into how to set yourself up for amazing sleep by winning the day. Yep, you heard that right, your daytime habits can totally transform your sleep game! Key Takeaways: Morning Sunlight: Get your daily dose of Vitamin D by soaking up that morning sunlight for at least 10-20 minutes. It's a game-changer for your circadian rhythm! Sunlight Throughout the Day: Aim for 30 minutes to an hour of sunlight exposure throughout the day to boost your melatonin production. Anchor Habits: Start with two simple anchor habits: paying attention to your light-dark environment and sticking to a consistent wake-up time. The Do Nothing Method: When you've had a rough night, avoid the urge to compensate by overloading on caffeine, napping too long, or going to bed super early. Stick to your routine! Managing Thoughts: Mollie shares some amazing insights into managing those late-night thoughts. Ever heard of thought timing? It's a game-changer! Remember, it's all about mimicking our natural rhythms. So let's win the day and get that amazing sleep we all deserve! 🙌 You can find more sleep tips and join Mollie's sleep community at and don't forget to follow her on Instagram @Molly.Eastman for your daily dose of sleep wisdom. Tune in and get ready to revolutionize your sleep routine! 🚀💤 If you enjoyed today’s episode please share the love by rating, reviewing, and sharing this podcast. Also, if you are interested in reserving your seat for the summer 2024 HTA cohort where we dive into how to hack your subconscious mind to regulate and healing chronic illness or anxiety, you can book a call with my team here: All HTA students have direct contact with me with high and frequent touch points so they can get handheld support on this healing, with lifetime access to my program.
5/21/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 56 seconds
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71. Navigating Setbacks on Your Healing Journey: How To Not Let Road Bumps Get You Down

Welcome back to another episode of The Healing Feeling podcast. I'm beyond thrilled to have you here with me today. Get ready because we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of dealing with setbacks on your healing journey. Let's get into it! Key episode insights: Macro vs. Micro Perspectives: In this healing journey, it's all about balancing that macro view—your long-term goals—and the micro view—those pesky setbacks and challenges that pop up along the way. Let's focus on the big picture while honoring the bumps in the road. Embracing the Temporary Nature of Setbacks: Everything in life is temporary, and setbacks are no exception! It's all about trusting the process and knowing that this too shall pass. Our brains love to freak out and hyperfocus on problems, but we're here to remind ourselves that it's just a season. Ride the wave and know that brighter days are ahead. Harnessing the Power of Intentional Focus: Ah, the magic of directing your attention! You have the power to choose where you put your energy. Shift your focus from the setbacks to the positives, whether it's your goals, your passions, or simply something that brings you joy. It's all about where you choose to shine your light! Rewriting Your Story: Time to flip the script! Let's challenge those negative narratives and rewrite our stories with a dash of positivity. Every setback is an opportunity for growth and evolution. Embrace the journey, and remember that you're the author of your own story.  If you enjoyed today’s episode please share the love by rating, reviewing, and sharing this podcast. *****Also, if you are interested in reserving your seat for the summer 2024 HTA cohort where we dive into how to hack your subconscious mind to regulate and heal chronic illness or anxiety, you can book a call with my team here: All HTA students have direct contact with me with high and frequent touch points so they can get handheld support on this healing, with lifetime access to my program. 
3/27/202428 minutes, 38 seconds
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70. Everything Self-Love: How To Become BFF’s With Your Nervous System

In today’s solo episode, we’re delving into all things self-love and nurturing your nervous system. I am bringing you some of the FAQs from my Health Transformation Accelerator clients when it comes to self-love, worthiness, and befriending the nervous system! I’ll answer each one for you so you have actionable tips to implement TODAY so you can start feeling better and healing. Key episode insights: Why worthiness matters & learning that it’s more within reach than you thought How to tune in to everyday cues & let them guide you to your path of healing Setting intentions on the small things and how that can lead to big change Learning to make self-love an effortless part of your day  Getting the most out of the daily rituals you are already doing If you enjoyed today’s episode please share the love by rating, reviewing, and sharing this podcast. *****Also, if you are interested in reserving your seat for the summer 2024 HTA cohort where we dive into how to hack your subconscious mind to regulate and heal chronic illness or anxiety, you can book a call with my team here: All HTA students have direct contact with me with high and frequent touch points so they can get handheld support on this healing, with lifetime access to my program. 
3/20/202438 minutes, 36 seconds
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69. Why Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork aren’t Regulating Your Nervous System

Today's episode is a game-changer, so get ready to have some light bulb moments! Ever wondered why yoga, meditation, and breathwork might not be the be-all and end-all when it comes to regulating your nervous system? Mind blown, am I right? Let's unpack this together and uncover why these practices, while crucial, might not be the whole picture.  I'll reveal the power of the subconscious mind and how it directly influences our nervous system's response. Plus, we'll explore how our beliefs and identities can either hinder or promote healing.  By the end of this episode, you'll have a whole new perspective on what it truly means to heal from within! As mentioned, the doors to my transformation program The Health Transformation Accelerator opened on January 31st and we are back BIGGER and BETTER than before with an extra month of coaching and 6 extra coaching calls!!  If you're ready to dive deep into subconscious reprogramming and unlock your true healing potential, HTA is for you. Join me for 12 weeks of transformative growth, weekly calls, and a supportive community. Click here to enroll or book a call with my team.  Doors close on February 29th or when seats are full! 
2/9/202427 minutes, 34 seconds
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68. Healing Burnout, Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, & Exhaustion: Kristy's Remarkable 8 Week Transformation In HTA

Today, I’m so excited to introduce you to Kristy and her HTA Success Story. Kristy’s story is one that is relatable to so many women. She came to me when she was in a really challenging season of life. For years she struggled with burnout, extreme stress & anxiety, adrenal fatigue, and debilitating fatigue that left her in bed if she wasn’t working.  Very much like myself and many of my clients, Kristy had tried what felt like every modality under the sun to try and heal. And while the functional world offered her mild relief, she felt like she was walking on eggshells - avoiding stress at all costs and making sure she was taking all the right supplements and eating all the right food.  As a single mom with a demanding job, this just wasn’t working for her! And even after being told she might need 7 years to recover, she didn’t accept that as her reality.  Kristy has completely turned her life around in 8 weeks through HTA! Her story feels like one of those “miraculous” jaw-dropping inspiration stories that need to be shared across the world to inspire others to take the leap and believe in their own ability to self-heal.  In today’s episode, she not only shares her story but also her advice for anyone who is on their healing journey. She is full of wisdom and actionable tips, and I know you’re going to LOVE this episode.  As mentioned, the doors to my transformation program The Health Transformation Accelerator opened on January 31st and we are back BIGGER and BETTER than before with an extra month of coaching and 6 extra coaching calls!! Don’t miss this round. Click here to enroll or book a call with my team.  Doors close on February 14th or when seats are full! 
2/1/202453 minutes, 32 seconds
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67. Healing Chronic Illness & Quantum Leaping With Energy Work: An Interview With My Coach - River Ayla

In today's episode, I'm bringing you a very special guest - my coach!! River shares one of her many stories with us - one of healing her chronic illness with energy work. We dive into the link between trauma and chronic illness and dissect exactly how River helps her many clients work through their traumas. We speak about identity, beliefs, transcending reality - and so much more.  River has been such a light and supporter to me. She's helped me navigate my new upleveling and I'm grateful to be able to share her wisdom on my platform. Stay tuned, because we are going to come back with a part 2!  Here's how to find River and/or work with her. She has given this community a coupon code. Use "THF" at checkout.  Website:  Instagram: Coupon code: THFCoupon is active for these offers:3 RRT sessions: Energy Alchemy: Spiritual Mentorship: Self-love:
1/10/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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66. How to Heal Chronic Pain By Utilizing Pain Science & Subconscious Reprogramming - A Deep Dive Into BioPsychoSocial Healing

In today's episode, we're delving into a topic that's close to my heart: the incredible power of the nervous system and how it shapes our experiences of pain and healing. As a nervous system coach, I've witnessed countless transformations in people's lives as they embark on the path of healing through understanding and harnessing the incredible wisdom of their nervous systems. In this episode, we're going to explore the mind-boggling world of the biopsychosocial lens and how it can empower us to conquer chronic pain. Key Takeaways from Episode 66: -We dive deep into the biopsychosocial approach and how it revolutionizes our understanding of pain. -I explain phantom limb pain and how it explains how pain can be created without physical damage. -How pain perception is much more than just physical sensation. -How your emotions influence your pain perception. We explore how shifting from fear to joy can impact your physical experience of pain -Negative thought patterns, catastrophizing, and perfectionism can amplify chronic pain. We'll uncover how these tendencies are often trauma responses and can be reshaped. -I discuss the incredible power of reprogramming your subconscious mind. When you change your beliefs, you change your life, and yes, that includes your experience of pain. Understanding the biopsychosocial lens isn't just about healing your pain; it's about evolving your brain and taking charge of your life. Dive into the literature, educate yourself, and remember: you have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind. Today is the final day to enroll in my signature program, the Health Transformation Accelerator. This is your golden opportunity to supercharge your path to healing chronic illness. If you're ready to take a quantum leap in your healing journey and want to work directly with me, this is it. But time is running out. The doors to this life-changing program close on September 25th at midnight.
9/25/202354 minutes, 16 seconds
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65. Why You Are Stuck In Your Chronic Illness Healing Journey: Change Your Beliefs & Heal Yourself

Join me in this eye-opening episode where I reveal how our deeply ingrained beliefs can either be our greatest allies in healing or the very chains that hold us back. Discover how our subconscious mind influences our identity, beliefs, and actions, often without us even realizing it. In this podcast, we uncover the power of rewiring our subconscious to create lasting transformation and achieve the healing we desire. I'll take you through the key steps to challenge your existing beliefs and identity, helping you break free from the limitations they impose. Looking to eliminate chronic symptoms, rewire the brain for healing, and uncover beliefs that might be keeping you stuck? Join the Health Transformation Accelerator program and discover how your beliefs might be holding back your healing progress. In this transformative program, you'll learn to rewire your subconscious mind for wellness and create a life by design. 🗓️ But hurry! Our last round for 2023 is closing soon, and you won't want to miss out. Enroll before September 29th to secure your spot. Don't let your beliefs limit your healing potential. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you now!
9/19/202343 minutes, 8 seconds
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64. Healing Anxiety & Panic Attacks: Ale’s Remarkable Healing Transformation with HTA

Today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Ale and her HTA Success Story. Ale's journey from navigating the depths of anxiety and depression to discovering the profound healing potential within her through the Health Transformation Accelerator program is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the power of self-discovery. In this episode, Ale takes us on a remarkable journey, sharing the challenges she faced in her early life – feeling trapped by anxiety and depression. Longing for a way out, Ale's story is one I know many of you can relate to. Ale's path to healing shines a light on our own potential for transformation. As you listen, you might find echoes of your own struggles and aspirations. It's in these shared experiences that we recognize the universal longing for healing, peace, and self-discovery. If Ale's story resonates with you and you are ready to embark on your own healing journey, now is the time! The doors to my signature self-healing program, the Health Transformation Accelerator are open and we are accepting new students for only a few short weeks. Make sure to reserve your spot in the last round of HTA for 2023. Just as Ale found her way to healing, you too can discover the tools and support you need to rewrite your narrative and step into your own healing light. Tune in to this episode and let Ale's journey inspire you to embrace your own healing path. Remember, the doors to transformation are open, waiting for you to step through and awaken to the healing power within. Learn more about HTA and how it can transform your health. // Get more healing tips at ⁠⁠ Follow Faith on Instagram: ⁠@thathealingfeeling⁠ Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/11/202354 minutes, 36 seconds
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63. The Link Between Trauma, Anxiety, and Fatigue : The Aha Moment We Needed!

Today we're diving into a powerful topic: the intricate connection between trauma, anxiety, and fatigue. Join me as we explore how these elements are intertwined and how we can heal from their grasp. Let's jump in! Topics Covered: 1. The Triad of Trauma, Anxiety, and Fatigue 2. Understanding the Anxiety-Fatigue Loop 3. Trauma's Silent Impact on Energy Levels 4. Reclaiming Peace and Vitality By understanding and harnessing the power of your nervous system, emotions, and thoughts, you can rewrite your healing narrative and lead a life free from the grips of trauma. If you want more guidance and tools, make sure to check out my free Trauma Release Transformation program or get on the waitlist for my Health Transformation Accelerator program. Keep believing in your healing journey, and until next time, stay healing. This is Faith Ashenden, xoxo Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/31/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
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Understanding Trauma's Role in Chronic Illness

In this episode, we're diving deep into the connection between trauma and chronic illness. It's a topic that's close to my heart, and I'm here to provide you with insights that can truly transform your healing journey. Let's jump right in! Key Points Covered: -Trauma's Hidden Impact -Navigating the Nervous System -Shifting Perspectives -Bridge the Mind-Body Gap -Unlocking Self-Healing Take Action: Join the Trauma Release Transformation! If you're ready to take your healing journey into your own hands, I've got something special for you – the Trauma Release Transformation. This free 4-part video series is designed to gently guide you through releasing trauma, all without reliving painful memories. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, anxiety, or other health concerns, this program offers actionable steps to kickstart your healing process. Ready to dive in? Sign up for the Trauma Release Transformation Free Video Series and let's embark on this journey of understanding, healing, and transformation together. Remember, this episode is just the beginning of your journey toward healing. Tune in to That Healing Feeling on your favorite podcast platform to catch my weekly lectures and insights. We're in this together, and I can't wait to see the amazing progress you'll make. Stay strong and keep healing!
8/23/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 32 seconds
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61. How To Use Herbs To Regulate The Nervous System - Balance Hormones, Reduce Stress, & Sleep Better With Maddie Miles

I am incredibly honored to have on the podcast a long-time friend of mine, Maddie Miles - Board certified Integrative Health Practitioner and Women's Health Expert, as we dive into the world of women's health, hormonal regulation, and empowerment. Maddie shares actionable tips and insights to take ownership of your health, understand your body, and navigate common challenges like fertility, chronic stress, sleep, and more. Maddie shares her personal journey and expert advice to achieve optimal well-being and balance in all stages of life. Don't miss this empowering podcast that will leave you feeling informed, inspired, and ready to take charge of your health journey. Key Topics in this episode: -The significance of hormonal regulation and its impact on fertility (04:12) -Normalizing imbalances in women's health (07:45) -The body's ability to heal and the importance of balance (11:30) -Addressing chronic stress and its implications (17:50) -Personal experiences with sleep disturbances and the importance of sleep (25:15) -Tracking sleep and intentional decision-making (27:45) If Maddie’s story and wisdom resonated with you, you can find her here: Instagram: Website: Podcast: Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/28/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 8 seconds
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60. How To Support The Lymphatic System For Healing Chronic Illness Through Massage, Daily Habits, And Emotional Detox With Rebecca Faria

Welcome to this episode where I invite an amazing guest, Rebecca, a lymphatic specialist and owner of a spa in Beverly Hills. Rebecca has worked with notable clients such as Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian, and Courtney Kardashian. Today, we'll delve into the fascinating world of the lymphatic system and discover how it impacts our overall health. Rebecca shares valuable insights, practical tips, and the benefits of lymphatic massages. Key Points: - Understanding the Lymphatic System - Benefits of Lymphatic Massages - Pre- and Post-Surgery Lymphatic Care - Minimizing Toxin Intake for Chronic Symptoms - The Importance of Routine - Nighttime Routine and Sleep Optimization How to Connect with Rebecca Instagram: TikTok: Purchase her Tea: I'm so grateful to Rebecca for sharing her expertise and these valuable tips to help us optimize our well-being through caring for our lymphatic system. Remember, by implementing practical habits like routine, staying hydrated, and practicing self-care techniques, we can support our lymphatic system and overall health. Thank you for joining us today!
6/21/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 10 seconds
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59. What Anxiety Actually is, Why We Become Addicted To Stress Hormones, And How To Retrain Your Brain to Release Anxiety For Good

If you struggle with anxiety, this podcast is for YOU! I'm sharing a mini coaching session I did in my facebook group because I think it's really going to help you cognitively reframe anxiety and stress in your life. We cover: -What anxiety is from a primitive standpoint -The physiology of anxiety -The relationship between anxiety and chronic illness -Cognitive reframes for intrusive thoughts -Why and how we get addicted to stress hormones -How to do the inner work so you can be in the driver's seat of your mind Get a pen and paper for this one! You'll want to take notes, I promise. If this resonated and you're ready to do the work, get a seat in my absolute BEAST of a program - HTA. Only a few days left to grab your seat in my HTA program! Grab it here!
5/10/202338 minutes, 50 seconds
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58. The Link Between Trauma And Chronic Illness: The Physiology Of Trauma, How Trauma Impacts The Nervous System, And How Trauma Links To Chronic Conditions

In today's episode, we are diving into the link between traumatic experiences and chronic illness. It is my hope that by drawing this link for you, it streamlines your healing process. Instead of seeing trauma as a separate entity to heal than chronic illness, you can take one approach to healing both. This creates so much more ease, grace, and understanding. We will cover: -What is Trauma -What happens in the body when we experience trauma -How and why we get triggered after trauma -What happens in the body when we get triggered -The role of the subconscious in relation to trauma -How the nervous system ties in -How these triggers lead to chronic illness -How to heal it Join me for this mini-training that will give you all the "aha moments" to finally get HOW you got here in the first place. And if you're ready to take the leap and release the trauma and HEAL chronic illness make sure to sign up for the LAST round of HTA (my famous transformational 2-month program) this year where I will help you do the work to heal for good! You can snag your seat here.
4/24/202340 minutes, 10 seconds
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57. Live Coaching Session Recording: Working Through Dissociation, Hashimotos, Chronic Hip Pain & Identity Shifts With Community Member Stephanie Cogliano

I've never done this before!! This is the next level behind the scenes. I picked one member of my community for a FREE 90-minute live coaching session...AND I recorded it for you. Ever wondered what kind of support my clients are actually getting in our sessions? Behind the social media and podcasts? This is your chance to get a sneak peek...but what's more, you're going to get to hear her advice, which is 100% applicable to you. I give out all the info on: -How to release pain in 4 weeks with brain training -How to halt trauma responses -How to rewire the subconscious mind for true healing -How to silence the inner dialogue that causes anxiety -How to get out of your own way! Don't miss this if you're on your healing journey. It's behind the scenes like you've never seen before. And if you want more of what you're hearing here, make sure to get a seat in my transformation 8-week program - The Health Transformation Accelerator. The doors are OPEN only for a few days, a couple of times a year, so make sure to SECURE YOUR TRANSFORMATION NOW, so you don't miss out on a seat. In HTA, you will learn -How to create new neural pathways in the brain to significantly reduce and/or eliminate pain in one month -How to silence the inner voice that causes anxiety -How to create a sustainable structure in your life so you can fit in your healing habits, no matter how busy you are -How to regulate the nervous system to improve digestion, racing thoughts, pain, dizziness, migraine, etc. -How to begin to approach any remaining trauma in a safe and secure way Become your own healer with HTA.
4/19/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 30 seconds
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56. How Hannah Released Deeply Stored Trauma, Healed Debilitating Anxiety For Good, And Reduced The Symptoms Of Dermatomyositis With HTA (Hannah's Success Story)

If you're listening to this right now, it means the doors to my transformational 8-week program, The Health Transformation Accelerator are OPEN. We open the doors only for a few days, a couple of times a year, so make sure to SECURE YOUR TRANSFORMATION NOW, so you don't miss out on a seat. Today's guest is another success story from HTA. Hannah is a graduate of my most recent cohort, and she seriously takes trauma release and healing anxiety to the next level. Hannah shares her struggle with trauma - undergoing surgery at only a few weeks old, receiving a series of diagnoses and ultimately being bedridden only a few years ago. Hannah has struggled with debilitating anxiety throughout her life, and she was ready to finally get her life back. Her journey from anxiety to empowerment, from trauma to deep, deep trauma release and healing, and housebound to boxing is the example we all need to know that healing IS possible. We dive into what it took for her to create enough safety in the body through HTA so she could release the trauma that was holding her back. Hannah describes the experience of her trauma release that happened about midway through the program and what that release offered her in terms of healing. Hannah is an example of someone who does the work! You can see her dedication shine through as she touches on exactly how she got rid of her anxiety once and for all through the program. She is back to sleeping, working out, and enjoying life again. Listen in as Hannah shares how finding peace and healing through HTA changed her life in just 8 short weeks, and make sure to get a notepad and pen out to take notes on what she recommends others do to get started on their journey. To contact Hannah, find her on Instagram here. To get your seat in my HTA program, click here. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
4/17/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 4 seconds
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54. How Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Helps Whole Body Healing: A Deep Dive Into The Subconscious, How The Body Stores Trauma, and Healing Chronic Illness With Dr. Jo O'Brien

In today's episode, I am bringing you my brilliant practitioner, Dr. Jo O'Brien.  She has quickly become a fast friend and confidant after walking me through many seasons here in the UK. I am so excited to share this episode about  NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) because I genuinely believe it has the ability to change so many lives - including yours.    Today, we walk through the science behind Neuro Emotional Technique, and how it helps us release trapped emotions in the body so we can physically heal.  I personally have massively benefitted from this technique, and it has helped me take huge leaps forward in my healing journey. I used NET to release the trauma of my first birth and ended up with a beautiful home birth after releasing residual trapped emotions with Jo's work. Game-changing!    For more information on Jo's work, you can find her website here and her Instagram here.    Podcast References:   Book: Molecules Of Emotion Doctor Scott Walker // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
3/10/202342 minutes, 54 seconds
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53. Lessons Being A Mom Has Taught Me About Nervous System Regulation

Being a mom has taught me so much about what it truly means to be happy, kind, peaceful, and REGULATED. There's nothing like little people to make you think deeply about your intentions, interactions, and priorities - am I right?!  In today's episode, I'm breaking down the top 5 things being a mom has taught me about nervous system regulation, and these tips are next level, trust me.   This podcast isn't just for moms! It's for anyone looking to find ways to regulate in the day to day. To challenge preconceived notions that are holding them back from being present, peaceful, and healed.    And of course, if you're wanting to implement these tips on a daily basis, from the comfort of bed, make sure to get on the waitlist for Regulate (my new app) - meditations for healing chronic illness through nervous system regulation! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
3/2/202340 minutes, 22 seconds
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52. How To Get Into Alignment With Healing Energy When You Feel Discouraged, Angry, & Disappointed With Your Chronic Illness

In today's episode, I am breaking down what needs to shift internally so that you can start to get in alignment with healing. I know it feels HARD when you wake up every day feeling exhausted, anxious, and/or in pain. I've been there. I get it. I hope this will help.   I'm starting out the episode by giving you an ethos that I absolutely live by. This will help you change your entire life so that you feel lighter, more encouraged, and just HAPPY.    Then I'm giving you a mini training on 4 cognitive shifts you need to make in your life to invite healing in. These are all shifts that you are not only capable of, but that makes you realize, and step into your power as a self-healer.    By the end of the episode, you will walk away with hours worth of self-reflection! Seriously - so many tangible, jumping-off points that I hope will change your life forever.    Happy healing, and make sure to check out my signature program - HTA, if you want to learn more about how I coach my clients so they can fully heal. // // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
2/23/202333 minutes, 16 seconds
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51. Here is the episode you’ve been waiting for! The home birth of my dreams.

After a hugely traumatic attempted out-of-hospital birth with my first baby, I wanted to do everything I could to have a redemptive experience with my second baby, right here in my home. I worked so hard on the mental piece, which I touch on in this episode, and I ended up manifesting the most beautiful, hands-off, biological home birth ever. I spent the entire time in self-hypnosis and ended in a pool of rose petals where my calm, beautiful, healthy daughter emerged. This episode fills me with so much joy and magic every time I listen to it, and I hope it does the same for you! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
2/8/202333 minutes, 36 seconds
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49. Self-Care Rituals For Nervous System Health, Beauty & Anti-Aging, and Calling In Manifestations

In today's solo episode, I'm bringing you all my current favorite self-care rituals and products. This "out of the ordinary" episode was so fun to record for you.   Most of my tips are absolutely free and require no experience to start implementing today. Many habits can be implemented into a daily routine in just one to two minutes a day, so I hope they can be sustainable, transformative solutions for you - like they have been for me!    I've thrown in some fun products that I've been loving and linked them for you below! As always, no products are sponsored in any way! Just my genuine experience and reviews from friend to friend.    We dive into:  -Why self-care is important for disease prevention and optimization according to Traditional Chinese Medicine   -How I create rituals around self-care  -How to fit habits into even the busiest of lifestyles  -The routines that have changed my life  -Products I'm loving now   Products Mentioned: Skincare: -Dieux Silicon Eye Mask -HoMedics Hot and Cold Facial Device -Facial Cupping Kit Bodycare:  -Jade Body Comb -Bamboo Body Tapper -My 40 ounce Tumblr  Beef Liver Supplements // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
11/7/202247 minutes, 16 seconds
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48. The Impact of Trauma On The Nervous System: What Is It, How To Release it, And Where Chronic Illness Fits In With Will Thomas

In today's episode, I am bringing you the founder of my trauma-informed coaching program - Will Thomas. I brought Will on because I want to highlight the deep connection between trauma and chronic illness. In an effort to provide you with the tools to become your own self-healer, I believe it's important to bring the topic to light but to provide more gentle, less "traditional" resources to releasing this trauma for healing. And that's exactly what Will does!    Will Thomas is a coach and therapist with over 25 years of experience in supporting people through trauma and difficult life challenges. He specializes in working with people with traumatic back stories and those from the LGBTQ+ communities, and he has a vast range of approaches for self-healing and for one-to-one support. He’s also had his fair share of trauma and knows how challenging it can be to live it and heal. He is a kind, knowledgeable, and empathetic person, and that really came through in our discussion together. I'm so excited for you to dive in because understanding trauma and how we can release it is absolutely imperative to becoming our own healers.    In this episode, we dive into:  -What trauma is   -How it is stored   -How trauma leads to chronic conditions  -The many ways we can release trauma without reliving it    For more information on how to work with Will or to read more about his work, check out his support and courses here:   Perfectly Wonky Life Self Study course online - celebrate and embrace the wonks and challenges in your life and learn cutting-edge ways to dial down emotions and heal trauma -   Trauma-informed Practice Course with optional Accreditation - a course for practitioners or those who want to understand trauma and learn new avenues for treatment -   Personal Coaching and Therapy - combining coaching, counseling, hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, NLP, and timeline therapy - // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
10/31/202243 minutes, 42 seconds
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47. How Jessica Overcame Long-Haul Covid with HTA (Jessica's Success Story)

Today, I am bringing you a Student success story from Jessica Tuck, an HTA graduate, sharing her journey of healing from Long Covid. Jessica shares with us her experience of contracting covid in early March 2020 when just a few cases had been reported in the United States.    Being young and healthy, no one expected that Jessica would suffer from extreme, prolonged symptoms but physicians could not find a cause or treatment for what she was experiencing. 8 weeks into her illness during a doctor’s visit, her physician became concerned for her health and immediately sent her to the emergency room. They quickly determined that she had 2 massive blood clots in her lungs and may not survive more than 48 hours.   Jessica shares with us her journey from surviving blood clots, her slow recovery, and what it was like to experience covid 2 more times, including Long Covid symptoms spanning across 2 ½ years.    Her desire to heal brought her to the Health Transformation Accelerator program and within days, she was experiencing a shift in her mindset and an improvement in how she could manage her chronic symptoms. She attributes her healing to the support she received in the HTA community, the tools she uses regularly, and the new mindset she has achieved through changing her beliefs around her healing.  Jessica is an incredible example of strength and determination and her story is an absolute inspiration for anyone experiencing chronic illness.    Resources/Links:  Connect with Jessica  Read Jessica's Success Story  Secure your transformation with HTA here (Self-Study Edition 40% off!) // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
10/24/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 46 seconds
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46. Healing Is Not Linear: My 5 Biggest Personal Setbacks During My Chronic Illness Healing Journey, How I Overcame Them, & The Biggest Lessons I Learned

If you're on your healing journey and feeling discouraged by the peeks and troughs that come along with it - then this is for YOU!    I'm taking you on a deep dive into what the lows really looked like for me. How they made me feel about my own capacity to heal, my identity, and the medical system itself. And how I learned to let go of the anger, disappointment, and helplessness that came along with it.    This highly requested episode goes through:  -My 5 biggest struggles during my 9-month healing journey  -How I learned to overcome them   -The profound lessons they taught me  -How they shifted my identity   -How I built a new identity around those particular struggles  -How to hear what the universe is telling you through your struggles   I absolutely recommend taking time to listen to this with a pen and paper, as I take a one-to-one coaching approach with this one!   And as mentioned in the episode, if you're ready to do this work, and it resonated with you, make sure to get the 40% off discount on my HTA Self-Study where we do this exact work in the 6-week program. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
10/17/202246 minutes, 43 seconds
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45. How I'm Brain Training For My Second Labor - Hypnobirthing, Hypnosis, Scents, Law Of Assumption, and Beyond

It's the episode all of the mamas or my mama-to-be friends have been waiting for! How I'm using my experience and training to prep for labor #2!   I went deep into a hypnobirthing portal with my first pregnancy, and labor was AMAZING! I had a 50-hour labor that results in a c-section at hour 49, but I fully labored at home, with just my husband, for 40 hours, with very little pain.    I am so excited to share with you how I'm using my experience and training to prepare for the birth of my baby girl, which is truly imminent by the time you're hearing this.    In today's episode, I break down:  -Hypnobirthing - what is it and how it helped me in having a virtually pain-free labor for 40 hours   -Hypnosis - how I'm using it this time around to preparation  - How I'm employing scent during prep and birth  -How I'm using the universal laws to support my confidence in the run-up to labor (and during)   -Any other small tips I can share!    I hope this episode is encouraging for you, and that it gives you some tips you might have not thought of before! If you have any questions, you know where to find me (insta DM's!!)    Resources:  Hypnobirthing: Practical Ways To Make Your Birth Better   Mindful Hypnobirthing: Hypnosis and Mindfulness Techniques for A Calm and Confident Birth   Rainbow Relaxation Download (Audio)  Pregnancy Hypnosis App // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
10/10/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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44. A Conversation About All Things Woo Woo And Healing Through Spiritual Awakenings with Ali Bonar (CEO & Founder of Oat Haus)

In today's episode, I'm bringing you Ali Bonar, founder and CEO of Oat Haus, and more importantly, one of my first "Insta" friends! Ali and I go deep on this podcast as we reflect on spiritual awakenings and deep dive into what that has looked like in Ali's life.  I love how open and honest Ali is about her past trauma, her business, and how she has found deep healing in her life. We talk a lot about the different ways we have tried to connect with ourselves and the universe, and what is next on the horizon for both of us on our spiritual/healing journeys. We definitely go into all things "woo woo" so be prepared to keep your mind and heart open, because it's a fun ride! To know her is to love her - she is so REAL and honest, which is a breath of fresh air these days. I hope you enjoy this chat as much as I did.  To connect with Ali, find her on Instagram // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
10/3/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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43. The 6 Steps To Reversing Chronic Illness - If You've Stagnated In Your Healing Journey, This Is Why!

Have you ever felt like you are actually doing all the right things, but you've just hit a wall? You eat all the right food and have the best products and routines, and yet you're still experiencing the same symptoms?   This episode unpacks WHY that's the case. Once you understand this, you will start seeing better and faster results from what you're already doing, and you will have new tools to add to the toolkit that is so much easier (and not to mention FREE).    In this episode we cover:   -Why following a healing protocol in a specific chronological order makes the process more effective  -3 completely free tools that will massively move the needle forward in your healing  -The 6 exact steps I used to heal, in order, and the formula I teach my clients in my programs  -Easy, actionable tips you can use today to see a reduction in unwanted symptoms   If you're listening to this before September 19th, make sure you snag a seat in my FREE live training on September 19th - "Your 5 Step Plan To Reducing Chronic Symtoms In 5 Days" where I will go even deeper into how to expedite the healing journey and actually give you some of my best tips, for free!! Register HERE. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/12/202250 minutes, 14 seconds
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42. I'm Doing Something For You That I've Never Done And Will Never Do Again - What You Need To Know About How I'm Serving You On Maternity Leave

This is HUGE, you guys! My team and I have been forming this plan in the background for months now, and I'm so excited to finally announce/release it to you!!! We are about to drop the biggest, one-time only, sale EVER. Starting September 1st, I am going to offer you a maternity, one-time-only Self-Study HTA product for 40% off (mic drop!). I am a huge advocate of the product retaining its value, and I do not intend to ever discount the full product again as it's important to me that it retains the integrity of all it has to offer. HOWEVER, I am going to be taking the live component out of the program during maternity leave, allowing me to make the new price possible. What does this mean for you? -Full access to my signature curriculum -Access to homework AND personalized weekly feedback -Exclusive and private Slack support with access to myself and my trained team -Three months of FREE access to my membership (all levels) post program completion with a personalized road map to continue your brain training progress If you're worried or anxious already about the cold weather, holidays, and all the pressure that this season brings OR if you've been on the fence about taking the leap, then now is the time to snag my maternity leave offer. We've designed it to strategically support you through the REST of 2022 AND into 2023, so you are regulated and feeling GOOD walking into 2023. ...Seriously - that's FIVE months of support packed into one product. Think of it as a Christmas miracle :) When am I off? October 2022. When am I back? January 2023. ...And, in January 2023, my normal programs and rates resume! // Want to find out more? Click here Ready to take the leap? Click here Need a payment plan? (I got you!) Click here Curious about the success stories of past HTA students? Click here  // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/7/202223 minutes, 27 seconds
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41. How I Use 4 Hours A Week To Stay In Alignment With Healing - A Freebie Training (My Process)

This mini training is FIRE! If you are wondering how to get in alignment with the goals you desire for your life, then this podcast is going to change the game for you. So..many...light bulb..moments!!    In today's training, we cover:  -How to goal set effectively   -What getting in alignment with your goals actually means  -How to use universal laws to call your desires into reality   -How to take radical responsibility for your healing  -My exact process of how I organize my week (every week) to stay in alignment, and how I do it consistently   -How I was able to finally realize a manifestation I set into motion in 2019, and how you can use what I learned to expedite your manifestations as well    If this podcast helped you realize what you've been missing when it comes to finding true healing, make sure to let me know by sharing on your stories or giving us a rating and review below.    Also, make sure to join us in The Self-Healing Sanctuary community where you can access all my brain training and add it directly to your calendar with a click of a button! Ping me on slack once you're in and let me know you're there!! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/6/202253 minutes, 14 seconds
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40. Does Brain Training Cure Symptoms Or Convince You They're Gone? Understanding This Is Crucial!!

Let's talk about the foundational principles that underly the practice of brain training because it is SO important for you to understand this if you're ultimately looking for full healing!   After many calls with my most recent coaching clients, I realized that there's a huge question that is being left unanswered in this brain training community - does brain training really "heal" symptoms?   In today's episode, I dive into how we would answer this at THF and WHY understanding and aligning with the answer is actually crucial for healing.   If you are interested in nervous system regulation or brain training, then I highly recommend you list to this podcast and make sure you have a clear understanding of the why behind the tools you're consciously acquiring.    And as always, please share on social media if you found this episode to be helpful!   To join my community of healers, head to The Self-Healing Sanctuary membership for daily brain training/regulation tools that will help you get into alignment with your healing so you can start living the life you desire! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/30/202230 minutes, 52 seconds
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39. 5 Ways To Manage Pessimism During Chronic Illness

This week, I'm serving you up a "bite-sized training" to help you start to lean into abundance once and for all. We go through 5 high-level and actionable steps that will get you into alignment with your healing so you can step into 2023 a healthier, happier version of yourself.    In today's episode, we cover:   1. The importance of the full spectrum of emotions and how to keep your heart open   2. How your definition of healing is impacting your perspective of "healing is not linear"  3. How your beliefs about your ability to heal define your ability to heal   4. How to create habits in alignment with the healed version of yourself   5. How to cultivate a community around you that supports your spiritual and mental healing    If this episode spoke to you, keep in mind that I break down the processes discussed today in spades in my transformational, signature 6-week hybrid coaching program - The Health Transformation Accelerator. We launch ONE more time in 2022. We start on August 22nd, and this is the LAST chance to enroll until January 2023.   Explore the coaching page here, or book directly with admissions here. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/15/202232 minutes, 46 seconds
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38. How Erin Eliminated Asthma Flares And Conquered Health Anxiety (Erin's Success Story)

If you're listening to this right now, it means that the doors to my transformational 6-week signature program, the Health Transformation Accelerator are OPEN. This is the LAST CHANCE in 2022 to join. SECURE YOUR TRANSFORMATION NOW, so you don't miss out on a seat in the last cohort this year.    Today's guest is such an inspiring success story you won't want to miss! Erin shares with us her struggle with Asthma from an early age, just 2 years old, and how life-threatening medical events lead her to find answers outside of the mainstream medical community. Her journey from fear to empowerment is such a beautiful example that each of us has the ability to heal ourselves and live full, passionate lives.  We are going to dive into what it took for her to heal in such a dramatic way and her advice for anyone starting on their own personal healing journey.   After joining Health Transformation Accelerator, Erin saw progress she never thought possible. She attributes her inner growth and ability to overcome her fears & phobias to the work she did in the HTA program. She proudly lives her life without relying on an inhaler. Listen in as Erin shares how finding joy in life changed her mindset, allowed her to pursue more in life, and heal her asthma.   Resources/Links:  Secure your transformation with HTA here (The last cohort of 2022 launches on August 22nd)    Connect with Erin on Instagram: a_a_ron7777 // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/9/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 14 seconds
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37. Creating An Intentional Home For Nervous System Healing & Health

On today's episode, I'm sharing how I'm using principles in spirituality, Fung Shui, and minimalism to create a home for my family and myself that helps everyone feel regulated, connected, and healthy. During this episode, I break down how the lessons I'm learning from my own shadow work are manifesting in my home - especially when it comes to infusing intention into organization, color, scent, and ease of maintenance.    Our focus is on the nervous system and how to make regulating in the home easy and seamless. It's such an easy way to help you in your journey to healing (and not to mention a fantastic creative outlet!!).  The tips are actionable and sustainable, so I hope you feel inspired and enriched after tuning in!!    For Information on my Group Coach Program//HTA + Apply  Have a question for me?? Send a DM on Instagram  Apply to HTA Directly with my Head of Admissions // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/8/202244 minutes, 51 seconds
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36. 5 Things I'd Never Do as a Brain Training Coach Who Healed Chronic Illness

Today we are talking about the top 5 things I don’t do now that I have healed my chronic illness. I really hope this propels you forward in your healing and answers some questions as to what could be holding you back. I did my best to consolidate and make this really bite-size, digestible and actionable so you can see changes in your life today.  Make sure you click on the link for the free Brain training webinar as mentioned in the podcast to get lots of information on the science behind brain training and help assimilate what you learned today. Go to Brain Training Here  Just a reminder my hybrid group coaching program is only running one more time in 2022! If it has been on your heart and your mind to take the leap and invest in your healing so you walk into 2023 as your best self, please snag a seat with the links below.    More Information about the HTA program + Apply  Send a DM on Instagram Here  Apply Directly with my Head of Admissions  // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/1/202235 minutes, 44 seconds
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35. The Link Between Fear And Pain: Using Hypnosis & Rewiring for an Empowering Birth & Implications on Chronic Pain with Hypnobirthing Practitioner Poppy Child

What a FUN and enlightening conversation with the one and only Poppy Child, a hypnobirthing practitioner, who is super passionate about educating and empowering women to feel confident and safe during labor. I was drawn to her message around birthing because our work both revolves around the understanding of pain science and how if we understand the link between fear and pain, we can control and improve the experience.    She shares with us the techniques she uses to help women have an enjoyable and positive birthing experience. She also dives into the history of birth and how hypnobirthing has changed the experience of labor for women. If you are someone who suffers from chronic pain or is interested in a hypnobirthing experience, this is a conversation you won't want to miss!   Poppy Child Resources/Links:  Poppy Child on Instagram  Poppy Child on TikTok  Poppy Child Podcast   P.S. If you're interested in brain training to reduce/eliminate pain and you're struggling with a chronic condition, then secure your transformation in my signature group coaching program, The Health Transformation Accelerator, where I will guide you through how to regulate the stress response so you can release pain experience them miraculous healing that you deserve. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/22/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 19 seconds
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34. How Maria Eliminated Painful Interstitial Cystitis Flares In Less Than 2 Months (Maria Success Story)

Today, I am bringing you another student success story with our HTA program graduate, Maria Lantermo. She joined HTA already having committed to her healing journey. She knew she needed to learn brain training techniques to reprogram her nervous system response.    Maria’s condition began with abdominal pain and quickly increased to a burning sensation down her leg and bladder emptying issues. After testing, trying antibiotics, and any treatment prescribed to her, she was finally diagnosed with an incurable, chronic condition, interstitial cystitis.  After devoting her life to her healing journey, she was able to make progress but she still didn’t feel 100%. Soon after, we would meet on Instagram and my personal healing journey was the hope she needed that she could heal her chronic illness as well.    After joining the Health Transformation Accelerator program, Maria felt she was understood and empowered by the HTA community. She was able to gain invaluable knowledge and lose the fear around chronic illness, allowing her to heal. Maria is now spreading the word of healing to others: “I don’t think I will ever stop learning or spreading knowledge, and I think Faith and I share that same passion. After beating our illnesses on our own and fighting the mental battles, we became our own best sources of evidence that healing is possible.”    Resources/Links:  Connect with Maria on Instagram  Secure your transformation with HTA here (upcoming Cohort starting July 11th, 2022) // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/14/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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33. How Self-Love Transforms Your Reality So You Can Attract Abundance With Luke Mind Power

Luke overflows wisdom and joy in everything he does, and it's no wonder that he is a motivational speaker and coach building an empire that is changing lives. In our conversation, we go deep on his journey to self-love and acceptance and how it helped him revolutionize his life and finally step into a reality wilder than his wildest dreams. This podcast is for you if you know you WANT to be happy, but you're struggling to find it.   Luke is a motivational speaker and coach. He is the host of the number 1 motivational podcast in the world - The LukeMindPower Podcast. His purpose is to inspire you to love yourself and live your dreams by unlearning old subconscious and unconscious beliefs so you may know your worth and discover true inner peace.  You can find him on all social media platforms at @lukemindpower.   Website: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/1/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 25 seconds
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32. How To Expedite Your Healing Journey - 5 Levels Of The Mind Mini Training

This mini-training takes you through how to take a quantum leap in your healing by using the 5 levels of the mind to access the parts of you that will accelerate your healing in ways that you never thought were possible. As you will learn, most people are operating at levels of the mind that are addressing surface-level hindrances, which is why it takes so long to heal in this space.  When you access the top 3 levels of the mind, you will find healing for the mind, body, and soul all at once, in a quick, efficient manner!  You're going to want to listen to this one at least twice. I recommend one time to move through the audio and then another time where you can sit down and take notes!   P.S. If this training spoke to you and you want to start accessing the layers of the mind that will help you get your life back, then secure your transformation in my signature group coaching program, The Health Transformation Accelerator, where I will guide you through how to not only access these levels but how to unlock them for good so you can experience the miraculous healing that you deserve. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
5/11/202246 minutes, 20 seconds
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31. Brain Training For Hyperemesis: Overcoming Unwanted Physical Sensations In My First Trimester

You wanted to know how I deal with hyperemesis during my pregnancy, not just physically, but emotionally. Being sick like this takes me back to my days of chronic illness and waking up every single day feeling physically in a bad place. SO, I pulled together my best tips and tricks to help YOU get yourself out of a dark place and into a space of healing, safety, and happiness. Enjoy and Happy Healing!    If this resonates with you on a deep level, and you want to realize this kind of freedom in a more habitual, regular way, make sure to snag a seat in my signature group coaching program - The Health Transformation Accelerator! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
4/26/202240 minutes, 20 seconds
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30. THF Got A HUGE Makeover: Why I Shifted into a 100% Nervous System Regulation Focus With Brain Training

That Healing Feeling is going through a total overhaul and will now be primarily nervous system focused as a brain training program. 🎉  In today's episode, I drop the details behind the big brand shift and how exactly I will be serving you now. In my past 3 years at THF, I knew many people suffering from chronic illnesses who were:  -Nourishing their bodies by using food as medicine  -Avoiding toxins  -Drinking filtered water  -Inhaling clean air   So why weren’t they healing, too?!?   After doing some introspective work, I finally figured out the difference between myself and those who weren’t healing from their chronic illness.   ➡️ It was all about the inner work.   I realized that only 1% of what we need to heal is outside of us.  Because, IMO and professional experience as a Brain Training Coach, 99% of what we need is the nervous system regulation component. I realized that this was the one thing that was missing for my clients.  No one was talking about the nervous system component and how ESSENTIAL it is as a foundation to healing! ...Well, now it's all I'm talking about! Buckle up, it's going to be a transformative ride.    P.S. If you are as excited as I am about my decision to focus 100% on nervous system regulation, join me in the Health Transformation Accelerator where I'll give you the knowledge you need to unlock the healer inside of you and take back your life! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
4/13/202235 minutes, 12 seconds
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29. Healing Her Dairy And Gluten Intolerance in Less Than 2 Months (Audrianna Daniel Success Story)

If you're listening to this right now, it means that the doors to my transformational 6-week signature program, the Health Transformation Accelerator are OPEN. SECURE YOUR TRANSFORMATION NOW, so you don't miss out on a seat in the next cohort.    Today I'm bringing you a special student success story with an inspirational powerhouse - Audrianna Daniel. Audrianna is someone who came into HTA feeling like she was on  "death's doorstep with every food intolerance in the world".  After being admitted to the hospital for four days after a flare that involved fever,  severe cramping, bloating, plus elevated white blood counts, she got released with zero answers from the many specialists she saw.  That’s when she hit her lowest point.   One day, I popped up on her TikTok, and her life was forever changed. Audri applied for HTA with the hope of finding answers, hope, and community. What she gained was nothing short of a testament to her dedication, determination, and the power of self-healing. After joining the Health Transformation Accelerator, Audrianna successfully reintroduced gluten, dairy, eggs, and alcohol without flaring in less than 2 months. She found the increased energy to start using her personal trainer again, and the FREEDOM to take her life back and start living again. In fact, Audrianna's story was so powerful, that she decided to join MY TEAM as the head of admissions for the program :)    Audrianna is passionate about empowering others to take their healing into their own hands. She is on a mission to bring HOPE back to the hopeless as she shares her story that healing IS possible.    Links/Resources: Secure your transformation with HTA here   Connect with Audrianna on Instagram    THF links    Follow me on Instagram // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
4/4/20221 hour, 40 seconds
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28. Shift Your Internal World To Allow Healing - Solo Coaching Session

This solo coaching episode guides you through the phrase "your external world is a representation of your internal world" and how to implement that knowledge so that to invite healing into your life. Sit back, grab notes and a pen, and start digging deep to shift your internal terrain.    And if you like what you heard, make sure to snag a seat in my membership - The Self-Healing Sanctuary, where I go deep into how to become the master of your internal world so you can heal from the inside out! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
3/3/202234 minutes
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27. Drop Your Health Anxiety With This Brain Training Hack

This episode offers you a brain training solution to stop health anxiety in its tracks!   I guide you through:  -The function of anxiety   -Becoming a conscious observer  -The separation from your higher self and your mind  -Brain training    For more brain training exercises, make sure to sign up for my membership, The Self-Healing Sanctuary, to get on-demand access to all my training, live webinars, and direct support from me on Slack! Happy healing! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
2/22/202233 minutes, 36 seconds
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26. The Reason You Got Sick In The First Place

This episode is designed to give you clarity on where to focus when it comes to healing your chronic illness. There is so much noise out there about what methods will really move the needle forward, but the truth of the matter is that every single chronic illness has a couple of common threads: systemic inflammation in the body and nervous system dysregulation.   I dive deep into these two key areas of focus in order to give you the tools to start getting your health back so that you can become empowered to be your own healer.    Make sure to check out my new membership here: The Self-Healing Sanctuary for all of my brain training and food as medicine tips!  Once you're there, you will have direct access to me on slack and you can DM me with any questions!  Cheers to your health and healing.    -Faith xx
2/9/202239 minutes, 49 seconds
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25. 5 Tips For Releasing Holiday Anxiety Around Food And Routine Changes

The holidays can come with extra anxiety and heavy emotion around food and routine change, but when reframed, I see it as an opportunity to lean into a nervous system reset that allows us to tune into the present, connect, and step into emotions that allow for physiological changes of healing and restoration.  In this episode, I walk you through my 5 tips for releasing anxiety and fear and inviting healing and abundance.    Merry Christmas, beautiful human! See you in the New Year!    xx, Faith   For information about my Jan group coaching launch, snag a seat at: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
12/21/202135 minutes, 50 seconds
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24. Up-level Your Health With Raw Animal Products: The Truth About Meat That No One Taught You with Josh Rainer Gold

When you start to ask the hard-hitting questions, you realize that the narrative you've come to believe about animal products, specifically raw animal products, may not be true after all. I'm delighted to introduce my podcast guest: Josh Rainer Gold, a lifelong athlete and eater who has always been trying to ask better questions that no one is teaching us, in pursuit of true health.   In this episode, we cover all the taboo topics like:   -Eating raw animal products  -Why do raw animal products receive a bad reputation in the first place  -Why we started cooking and pasteurizing our animal products  -What we can learn from looking at how our ancestors ate   -What the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet are and how to incorporate them    You can find Josh at IG & Twitter - @joshrainergold   For health coaching inquiries, please email [email protected] // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
12/15/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
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23. Favorite Wellness Hacks To Round Out 2021

Most of these hacks are FREE, which is what makes them so great!!  These hacks are changing the game for me, and they're so simple and accessible. Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know what you tried and what worked for you! Happy healing. xx   // Apply for the Health Transformation Accelerator here if you're ready to become your own self-healer. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
12/9/202136 minutes, 8 seconds
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22. How To Use the Power of Intention to Accelerate Healing

Sign up for the Health Transformation Accelerator Here. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
12/1/202133 minutes, 48 seconds
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21. How to Be the Boss of Your Brain: Regulate Your Nervous System and Take A Quantum Leap

Listen to this to start your quantum leap and heal. This is how we live life by design, instead of autopilot.    Click here to enroll in group coaching: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
11/4/202156 minutes, 18 seconds
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20. How to Find the Right Practitioner - My Signature Method Spelled Out

In today's episode, we dive deep into my signature method for finding the right practitioner. Grab a pen and some paper and make sure to follow step by step so that you can make sure you make the most out of your time and money so you can get answers fast!     Key website: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
10/18/202126 minutes, 54 seconds
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19: A Therapist and a Mindset Coach Talk Mindset Hacks for Healing Chronic Illness, with Grace Mackey LPC, RYT-500

Grace Mackey is my first 1-1 client to ever come on the podcast, and boy is it a GOOD one! Her story is so inspiring, and it's incredible evidence that healing is possible. That healing isn't linear, but that there's so much beauty in the journey.   Honestly, we dug deep into mindset and lifestyle hacks as we picked each other's brains and reflected on the experience. I can't wait to hear what you learn from this!    You can find Grace at:  Grace's Instagram:  Evolve's Instagram: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/29/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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18. Cannabis: The Healing and Medicinal Properties of This Gentle Plant with Shayda Torabi from Restart CBD

Cannabis got me through the darkest times in my life, and it will always have such a special place in my heart. I want to get the information about HOW and WHY cannabis works so well for people suffering from any type of chronic condition. This is why I got one of the biggest names in the industry on the podcast - Shayda Torabi!    Her passion more than shines through as we deep dive into how you can start using it for yourself in a legal and sustainable way.    Get in touch with Shayda at Instagram - sda   Website: use code THATHEALINGFEELING for discount // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/22/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 50 seconds
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17. Biohacking Your Neurotransmitters: Superfoods and Adaptogens That Take You to The Next Level with Katey Yurko

Let's dive into how we can biohack our brains for more clarity of thought, energy, and "feel good" hormones. Katie Yurko and I go deep into our favorite biohacks as well as cover all Katie's tips and tricks that she's gleaned as the Founder and CEO of Violet Fog Potions.    Find Katey's potions here: Find Katey on Instagram: Read her blog: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
9/8/202155 minutes, 42 seconds
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16. What a Near Death Experience Teaches Us About Healing the Physical Body with Anastasia from The Healing Heart

In this episode, Anastasia shares her wisdom from helping over  600 people heal through reiki, life coaching, and nutrition. After finding her on TikTok, I knew I had to get her on the podcast so she could share these tools with you. We deep dive into what her near-death experience taught her about our purpose on earth, and how we can use that to physically heal our bodies so we can start living the most fulfilling life possible.    Find Anastasia at The Healing Heart.   // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/31/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 18 seconds
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15. How to Heal Chronic Illness and Start Living Your Life's Purpose with Holly Murray, a Graduate of My Foundation's Program

In this special episode, I interview Holly Murray, one of my inspiring, beautiful, smart, and graceful students - a recent graduate from my Foundations Program!!! Her testimony of overcoming chronic illness is the evidence that those who are in the thick of it NEED to hear. After years of battling with her symptoms, she finally overcame them, and she breaks it all down in this episode. As of just a few months ago, she has launched her very own copywriting business and she is KILLING it. It was in overcoming her illness that she was able to come out as the most powerful, joyful version of herself and lean into her passions.    Enroll in the Foundations program here and take YOUR power back.    Find Holly at   Find Holly on Instagram // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/25/202156 minutes, 14 seconds
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14. Manifestation For Healing Explained - Start Here to Attract Abundance

Le'ts talk all about attracting healing into our lives by getting in alignment!! This solo episode was recorded while I was walking on the river. There is nothing that gives me more clarity of thought than being in nature, and so I was super excited to have the opportunity to snag my headphones and record this for you! Everybody wants to know HOW to get into alignment and start manifesting their desires. I love to focus in on how to manifest healing in particular. In this episode, I break down what getting into alignment actually means, and how you can start attracting the healing that you desire. Let me know how you FELT after listening to this episode by DM'ing me on instagram and/or writing a review. Sending you all the healing vibes! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/23/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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13. Achieving Sustainable Wholeness with a Functional Medicine Approach with Dr. Alex Carrasco, M.D.

Today I’m interviewing Dr. Alex Carrasco, Founder of Nourish Medicine in Austin, Texas and best selling author of  Bloom: 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Health, Cultivate Your Desires, and Reignite Your Spark.. Dr. Alex happens to be my doctor, and she personally helped me overcome my illnesses by using a root cause (functional) medicine approach. I’m honored to be able to call her my doctor and now to be able to call her a friend. She is a wealth of knowledge and the best example of empathy and credibility all in one. Find her book Bloom on amazon. Check out Dr. Alex's practice, Nourish Medicine, for helpful tips and/or to book an appointment. Find Dr. Alex on Instagram. Follow Alex’s sister project Hey Mami Life for functional and practical tips on preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/18/20211 hour, 20 seconds
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12. If You're Currently Battling With Your Chronic Illness, You MUST Listen To This

Today I'm reading you an email that I wrote to job that I was applying for in 2014 that happened to be some powerful foreshadowing for my life today. I feel like this is going to help so many people. It is going to put so much into perspective. If you're struggling with self-doubt or just struggling with the idea that you will ever be healed, this episode is for you!!! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/11/202141 minutes, 36 seconds
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11. Pediatric Functional Medicine - From Preconception to the First Years of Life, How To Optimize Your Child’s Health and Prevent Disease with Jana Roso, MSN, APRN, CPNP

On this episode, I interview Jana Roso, a pediatric functional medicine practitioner (who happens to be Leo's pediatrician). She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to using root cause medicine to optimize children's health and prevent disease. We went deep into preconception, the first year of life and beyond. I hope you feel as empowered as I did when speaking to her and that it gives you the confidence to implement new tools right away. Enjoy! Resources: Find Jana on Instagram Learn more about Neuronutrition Associates Resources from Episode: Nourished Beginnings Baby Food Book Westin Price // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
8/3/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 24 seconds
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10. Conscious Healing: Brain Training for Healing Chronic Illness with Lindsay Mitchell from Vital Side

Lindsay Mitchell is one of the most brilliant testimonies of healing that I've ever had the honor of witnessing. After being told that her tick borne illness was the "worst case they had ever seen", she dove deep into understanding the impact that the brain has on the body and proceeded to use brain training to heal fully. Now she helps others do the same. In this episode, Lindsay explains exactly how brain training works and what changes we can make on a physical level with our thoughts alone. She radiates wisdom, joy, and healing energy, and I can't wait for you to take some practical steps from this episode so you can start feeling better today. Find out more about Lindsay's program Vital Side: Follow Lindsay in Instagram: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
7/28/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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9. Nine Ways To Release Anxiety for FREE

Feeling anxious? Unwind and invite in all the healing energy with my top 9 tips for relieving anxiety.  I believe that you have 99% of what you could ever need inside of you. Hack it by becoming aware. Snag a non-toxic home audit with me here: Check your water with the Environmental Working Group Water Database: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
7/20/202126 minutes, 50 seconds
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8. A Look Inside the 5G & EMF Exposure Epidemic & Becoming Intelligent With Practical Steps for Protection with Daniel Debaun, Inventor of Defendershield and Co-Author of Radiation Nation.

On this episode, I interview Daniel Debaun, the brilliant founder and inventor of Defendershield - a company that offers the best and most effective EMF radiation shielding in the world for ultimate safety while using today’s modern technology. I was blown away by what I learned. Daniel breaks down… -The impact that 5G and EMFs are having on our health, with direct correlations between exposure to even specific bacteria in our gut -The science behind the exposure and what this actually means in practical terms -Extremely actionable and practical ways we can protect ourselves today and make a massive impact I hope this helps you protect yourself and your loved ones as it already has for me! More information (links): Learn more about Defendershield at: Daniel’s book: Radiation Nation : The Fallout of Modern Technology: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
7/14/20211 hour, 8 minutes
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7. Energy Healing and Releasing Trauma with Shaman Olivia Griffith, Co-Founder of Tachyon Wellness

On this episode, I interview Olivia Hardt Griffith, cofounder of Tachyon Wellness and renowned shaman. We dive deep into the spiritual side of releasing trauma and what exactly Tachyon Energy can do for health, healing, protection, and much more. I have been using my Tachyon rods religiously and have already experienced massive changes in my life. Enjoy! Learn more about Tachyon Wellness at: Use code thathealingfeeling for a discount on your order. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
7/7/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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6. The New Wave of Non-Toxic Oral Care with Kori Estrada (Founder of Risewell)

On this episode, I spoke with Kori Estrada, co-founder at Risewell, about their non-toxic and highly effective products that are making massive waves in the oral care space. The impact that conventional oral care products are having on our health cannot be ignored, and RiseWell is dedicated to educating consumers about the impact of these conventional products while offering up some of the most innovative solutions in the world. Use code ‘healingfeeling10’ on their website for a special discount! Find RiseWell at // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/22/20211 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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5. Why I Created My Foundations Program

In this podcast, I spill all the details about my new program - Healing Chronic Illness: The Foundations. I'm sharing why I wrote it for you, what it will do for you, and what makes it different than the other healing programs on the market. It's been such an honor walking students through it and hearing their testimonies of healing already, and I can't wait to continue to watch all of the health and healing that lies on the other side of truly setting the right foundations for full body healing - mind, body, AND soul. Snag a seat here: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/15/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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4. Mindset Work For Hacking Reality and Healing

In this episode, I share my favorite hacks for healing with mindset work. I truly believe that the right doctor, food, medicine, and supplementation is secondary to busting through limiting beliefs and reframing reality through the power of perspective. After 10 years of suffering, I found healing only after I realized this and completely changed the way that I interacted with the world. I hope these tips are as revolutionary to you as they are to me! // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/8/202131 minutes, 21 seconds
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3. The Transformative Power of Breathwork with Christina Schooler from Rooted Method

On today's episode, I interviewed Cristina Schooler from Rooted Method. We talk all about healing through breathwork and nature. Cristina gives actionable tools that help us step into parasympathetic quickly and easily, and I can't wait for you to dive in! Cristina's background is in neuro-linguistic programming, authentic relating, meditation, nature connection, and breathwork. She combines this knowledge with her personal experience in nature and around the globe and designs mystical and pragmatic programs to help women live  their most full, free, and purposeful selves. Rooted Method is at the intersection of brain training, mysticism, community, and authentic expression. You can find Cristina on Instagram: Website:" // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
6/2/202129 minutes, 40 seconds
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2. Holistic Chiropractic Care for Chronic Illness Prevention with Dr. Katherine Melot

On today's episode, I interviewed Dr. Katherine Melot of Birth Baby Body. We bust myths about the work chiropractors are really doing, speak about the importance of adjustments for preventing chronic illness and treating chronic illness, take a deep dive into the role of the nervous system, and guide you through how to find the right chiropractor to help you find true healing and/or optimize your health. Dr. Melot graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. After graduating from Palmer she continued her education at Life University by completing a Masters in Positive Psychology. She also pursued a Prenatal and Pediatric Chiropractic certification and Webster Chiropractic certification through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. At Birth Baby Body Dr. Melot focuses on prenatal, postnatal, pediatric, and family chiropractic care. You can find Dr. Melot here: Instagram: Website: // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
5/25/202150 minutes, 20 seconds
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1. Introduction

Welcome to That Healing Feeling! Faith is a patient empowerment coach and biohacking expert who has created the first ever comprehensive patient advocacy framework that has helped thousands of women across the globe hack the system and heal from their chronic symptoms. // Get more healing tips at Follow Faith on Instagram: @thathealingfeeling Send questions and feedback at [email protected]
5/20/202114 minutes, 58 seconds