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TeaLife Audio - Chado the Japanese Way of Tea Cover
TeaLife Audio - Chado the Japanese Way of Tea Profile

TeaLife Audio - Chado the Japanese Way of Tea

English, Spirituality, 118 seasons, 118 episodes, 4 days, 20 hours, 11 minutes
TeaLife Audio is a podcast about the Japanese Way of Tea and related arts. It is a round table discussion about various topics related to the way of tea, chado or cha no yu
Episode Artwork

TeaLife Audio - Episode 157 - Urasenke Guest Etiquette

Hosts Aaron Marius   A detailed walkthrough of the guest etiquette of Urasenke. Useful both for the Urasenke practitioner who wants to brush up on the details and also for students of other schools who want to prepare for an event.
9/30/20232 hours, 19 minutes, 33 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Ep 148 - Boysday

Hosts TJ Anthony Guest Marius   Topic - Boysday   Zengo 花紅葉綠 hana (wa) kurenai, ha (wa) midori "flowers are red, leaves are green" -or- 花紅柳綠 hana (wa) kurenai, yanagi (wa) midori "flowers are red, willow is green"   Information referenced Recipe   How to make an origami kusudama:  
4/20/202356 minutes, 58 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Ep 146 - Children and Tea

Hosts: Adam Anthony Marius Jiku: 日々是好日, 雲門日日是好日, 雲門日々是好日, 雲門好日, and 雲門十五日 Hibi kore kojitsu, or Nichinichi kore kōnichi    
3/10/202357 minutes, 33 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 115 - Toriawase

Hosts - Adam - Aaron - Ula - Marius Main Topic - Toriawase   Poem 79. 釣船はくさりの長さ床により、出船入船浮船としれ tsuribune wa kusari no nagasa toko ni yori, de-bune iri-bune uki-bune to shire A ‘floating boat’ vase evokes the sea for which it hankers Adjust its chain to evince an outgoing ship, incoming ship or ship at anchor  
6/9/202046 minutes, 3 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 97 - Thus Spake Mizuyathustra

Hosts - Adam - Marius - Anthony   Poem 65. 蓋置きに三つ足あらば一つ足まへにつかふと心得ておけ futaoki ni mittsu ashi araba hitotsu ashi mae e ni tsukau to kokoroeteoke for a three legged futaoki remember while using the tool one leg comes to the front and two to the back as a rule   Main Topic - Adams Mizuya Rules     Information Referenced -    
1/4/201959 minutes, 17 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 70 - Women in tea

Hosts - Marius Guest - Rebecca Main Topic - Women in tea - Information referenced: Books Corbett, Rebecca. Cultivating Femininity: Women and Tea Culture in Edo and Meiji Japan. (Forthcoming) Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, Spring, 2018. Guth, Christine. Art, Tea, and Industry: Masuda Takashi and the Mitsui Circle. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993. Kato, Etsuko. The Tea Ceremony and Women’s Empowerment in Modern Japan: Bodies Re-Presenting the Past. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004. Pitelka, Morgan. Handmade Culture: Raku Potters, Patrons, and Tea Practitioners in Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 2005. Pitelka, Morgan, ed. Japanese Tea Culture: Art, History, and Practice. New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. Pitelka, Morgan. Spectacular Accumulation: Material Culture, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Samurai Sociability. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 2016. Surak, Kristin. Making Tea, Making Japan: Cultural Nationalism in Practice. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2013. Kindle: Journal articles Corbett, Rebecca. “Crafting Identity as a Tea Practitioner in Early Modern Japan: Ōtagaki Rengetsu and Tagami Kikusha.” U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal 47 (2014): 3–27. Corbett, Rebecca. “Learning to Be Graceful: Tea in Early Modern Guides for Women’s Edification.” Japanese Studies 29 (2009): 81–94. Pitelka, Morgan. “Tea Taste: Patronage and Collaboration among Tea Masters and Potters in Early Modern Japan.” Early Modern Japan: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Fall–Winter, 2004): 26–38. Rath, Eric C. “Reevaluating Rikyū: Kaiseki and the Origins of Japanese Cuisine.” Journal of Japanese Studies 39, no. 1 (2013): 67–96. *You will need a subscription to access most of these journal articles, or you may be able to purchase a copy of a single issue from the publisher. Anyone with a university affiliation should be able to access these articles electronically through their university library, or obtain a copy via interlibrary loan/document delivery if the university does not have a subscription. For those without a university affiliation, you can try your local, state, or national library for electronic access, and again requesting a copy of an article may be possible through their interlibrary loan/document delivery service.    
9/22/20171 hour, 24 minutes, 58 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 66 - Tea Preparation And Leg Preservation

Hosts: - Adam - Marius - Anthony 姥口は圍爐裏緣より六 七分低く据えるぞ習いなりける ubaguchi wa irori-buchi yori roku nana bu hikuku sueru zo narai narikeri For a kama with A mouth like a toothless hag Sink it below the Hearth frame by six or seven bu Learn this well at practic Main Topic - Tea Preparation - And Leg Preservation
7/28/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 48 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 65 - Gomei

Hosts - Marius - Aaron - Adam - Anthony Poem 冬の釜囲炉裏縁より六七分高くすゑるぞ習ひなりける Translation 1: The rule is to set the winter kettle [so its lip is] six to seven bu (approx. 2 cm) higher than the ro frame. Translation 2, by Adam: In the colder months Set the kama so its mouth Rests higher than the Hearth frame by six or seven bu Learn this well at practice Main Topic: Gomei Information Referenced:
7/14/20171 hour, 28 minutes, 37 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 64 - 3D PRinting

Hosts - Adam - Marius - Anthony Guests - Katie Poem 品々の釜によりての名は多し釜の総名鑵子とぞいふ Kettle names abound, as the name have to with each particular type of item, but the general term for kettle is “kansu.” 3D Printing Information Referenced: - Marius thingivers designs  - Sou at e-bay:  - Food Safe 
6/30/20171 hour, 30 minutes, 59 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 63 - Lauren

Hosts: - Marius - Damian - Anthony Guests - Lauren Poem 外題あるものを余所にて見るときは先づ外題をば見せて披くよ When you are at someone else’s place and look at a scroll that has an outer title label, firstly show that title label and then open the work. Information referenced - -
6/16/20171 hour, 46 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 62 - Student Teacher Relationship

Hosts: - Marius - Anthony Guest: - Adam   Poem 床にままた和歌の類をば掛けるなら外に歌書をば飾らぬと知れ If in the alcove you will hang a scroll of the type featuring a Japanese poem, know not to display poetry elsewhere, too. Main topic: Student teacher relationship
6/2/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 42 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 61 - Adam, Kimono and Presentation

Hosts: Marius Anthony Guest: Adam Poem 掛物の釘打つならば大輪より九分下げて打て釘も九分なり If you are to affix a peg for hanging scrolls, affix it nine bu (approx.. 27 mm) below the edge of the ceiling; the peg, too, should be nine bu long.  Information referenced kuginuki mon 釘抜紋   sangaibishi 三階菱 Uedakiri mon 上田桐紋 Asano Clan kaemon (2nd crest) Asano Clan kaemon (2nd crest)    
5/19/201759 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tea Life Audio - Episode 60 - Changing for furo

Hosts - Marius - Anthony Guest - Ula Poem 絵掛けものひだり右向きむこふむき使ふも床の勝手にぞよる The use of a left- or right-oriented or frontal oriented pictorial scroll depends upon which side of the alcove is nearest the room’s service entrance. Main Topic - Changing to furo
5/5/201750 minutes, 52 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 59 - Tea and relationship

Hosts: - Marius - Anthony Guest - Katie POEM: When hanging a pictorial scroll, it is also fine to pull the wrapping cord away to the side having the artist's stamp. 絵の物を掛ける時にはたくぼくを印ある方へ引きおくもよし Main Topic Has Tea impacted on your relationships or how you approach relationships? Information Referenced: - - Katies 3D at work is Ultimaker 2+ ( ), which is the winner of this review in the Prosumer class: - Katies filament: - Incense NHK program  
4/21/20171 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 58 - Tatami and Tables

Hosts: - Marius - Anthony POEM: When hanging a bokuseki (calligraphic scroll by a Zen figure), by and large pull the wrapping cord aside towards the lower seat. 墨蹟をかける時にはたくぼくを末座の方へ大方はひけ  
4/7/201750 minutes, 24 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 57 - Chabana

Hosts: - Marius - Damian - Anthony Guest - Ula POEM: 客になり底取るならばいつにても囲炉裏の角を崩し尽くすな If you are a guest and are to scoop the ash out of the ro, never totally break down the corner parts. Main Topic: Chabana   Information referenced: - Light strips Marius has in tokonoma: - To use the light strip you need a bride: - Motion sensor mentioned: - Light Switch Anthonys chabana books - The art of chabana: - Zen flowers:
3/24/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 29 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 56 - Chashaku

Hosts: - Marius - Anthony Ocha Zanmai Sunday, April 30, 2017 - POEM: 客になり風炉の其うち見る時に灰崩れなん気づかひをせよ When you are a guest and you look into the furo, be cautious not to cause the ash to crumble. Main topic: Chashaku Please support us on
3/10/201746 minutes, 11 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 55 - Chaire

Hosts - Aaron - Marius - Anythony Poem 風炉の炭みることはなし見ぬとても見ぬこそ猶も見る心なれ One does not get a view of the furo charcoal; but because one does not, one must try to see it in one’s mind. Main topic - Chaire
2/24/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 54 - Kyoto

Hosts - Marius Guests: - Grzegorz Adamczyk - Maireanu Marian Poem 炭おくも習ひばかりにかかはりて湯のたぎらざる炭は消え炭 Charcoal, though placed exactly according to the way it is taught, is dead charcoal if it does not boil the water. Main topic - Sumi and Midorikai  
2/10/201746 minutes, 19 seconds
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TeaLIfe Audio - Episode 53 - Light and Atmosphere

Hosts - Marius - Damian - Anythony Poem 崩れたるその白炭をとりありあげて又たきそへることはなきなり By no means should you remove the white twig-charcoal that has fallen apart and then once again add it to the fire. Main topic - Light and atmosphere  
1/27/201747 minutes, 55 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 52 - Books we love

Hosts - Marius - Damian - Anythony Uno Safety Date YouTube Click:   Poem 燃え残る白炭あらば捨て置きてまた余の炭を置くものぞかし If there is a white twig-charcoal that remains unburned, the thing to do is leave it alone and add the extra [twig-] charcoal. Main topic - Books we love Books mentioned by Damian: Tea Life Tea Mind - The Enjoyment of Tea - Books mentioned by Anthony: Moon By the Window - Chado The Way of Tea - A Japanese Tea Master's Almanac - Books mentioned by Marius: The spirit of Tea - Kuchi Kiri Chaji no kokoromi - Chashitsu no ..... - Other books mentioned Urasenke Chado Textbook - The Way of tea - The book of Tea - Damians dogu book -
1/13/201757 minutes, 10 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 51 - In the Tea Room

Hosts - Aaron - Marius Guest - Ula Poem: 炭つがば五徳はさむな十文字縁をきらすな釣合をみよ If you are laying charcoal, do not have the pieces flank the tripod or lay them in a cross pattern or have gaps between them, but observe the overall balance. Information Referenced - Photo Hanging the chakin on a tsutsu chawan - Temaebook index
12/30/201629 minutes, 34 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 50 - Modernizing Chaji

Hosts - Marius - Anthony Guest - Adam Poem: Kyaku ni nari sumi tsugu naraba sono tabi ni takimono nado wa kubenu koto nari 客になり炭つぐならばそのたびに 薫物などはくべぬことなり If you are to lay charcoal as a guest, on that occasion you should not add incense and such to the
12/16/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 58 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 49 - Oribe

Hosts - Marius - Anthony Guest - Adam Poem: Sumi oku wa tatoe narai ni somuku tomo yu no yoku tagiru sumi wa sumi nari 炭置くはたとへ習ひにそむくとも 湯のよくたぎる炭は炭なり Even though the charcoal placement may be contrary to the way it is taught, charcoal that brings the ho   Information referenced: Adam doing tea in Gana: Photo gallery  You can support the podcast: By visiting By using our links when buying teabooks from Amazon 
12/2/20161 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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TeaLife Audio - Episode 48 - Warigeiko

Host  - Marius   Guests - Adam - Stig   Main Topic - First day of warigeiko in a new school. 
11/18/201624 minutes, 15 seconds