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Super Agents Live- Selling Real Estate Cover
Super Agents Live- Selling Real Estate Profile

Super Agents Live- Selling Real Estate

English, Finance, 7 seasons, 450 episodes, 1 day, 7 hours, 26 minutes
The #1 podcast for agents. We talk with Real Estate Agents who sell more than 50 Million dollars a year in volume and find out how they do it. We uncover their stories, secrets and tips & tricks. We bring on top producers, coaches and authors and do a deep dive
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LinkedIn Marketing Anthony Blatner

mastering marketing and the power of radio advertising in real estate and doubling your income with your sphere of influence (SOI)
11/20/202052 minutes, 52 seconds
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BulletProof your business and Capture market share - John Truman Wolfe

Theres so much going on that many of us dont know which way we should be going or what we should be doing. If your just starting to build a business you might be wondering if its ok for you to go out and knock on some doors and let your neighbors know you can help them ---let me assure you it is completely OK----this pandemic coupled with a very uncertain economic outlook has bolstered one to one, face to face interactions and right now might be the best time to capture market share.
8/19/202053 minutes, 40 seconds
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Where To Find Opportunity in this Pandemic Protest Environment

It is exactly these types cataclysmic events that are not just disruptive but, potentially apocalyptic for how some industries conduct business and what types of information becomes transparent.  These sorts of changes that are immediate and require a 180 degree shift in outlook are both phenomenally destructive to legacy infrastructure and ways of conducting business.  Let me give you my rundown for this pandemic protest economic timeline---in the future ill refer to this as PPE moving forward.     OK---let me try and briefly summarize the events and then get into how you can look at these changes to make a bunch of money.   Here in San diego we have been fully quarantined since  February 14.  This first started as a virus and we as a nation reacted to this as a serious threat to human life.  One by one large metro markets started to shut down business operations to curtail unnecessary human death.  I cant help but, think that the stance on whether to shut down or not to shut down had more to do with politics than with the actual infection or death rates of the virus.   On this note:  I should probably note that China was only seeing something like a 4% death rate which is terrible but, a 4% death rate doesn’t sound very bad when sars and mers the last two pandemics had death rates of 10 and 30%   Either way---- we were all looking at daily death rates and staying home to be on the safe side for a lot of people it started to feel like we were on summer vacation in high school.  While everyone is napping and getting their unemployment checks ---that extra 600 bucks a week and a forebearance on your mortgage started to feel pretty good.  That is until we started to see massive numbers in the unemployed ranks and for a lot of people when they see unemployment numbers like that its very easy to recall the financial crisis of 2008   Im recording this June 9 2020---the question on everyones mind right now is Are these changes to the employed rolls permanent When will these jobs come back Wheres the opportunity for me?  How can I win in this environment?   If your like me you want to talk about C.  Where is the new opportunity?  That’s what Im tyring to figure out.  I would love to heqr your ideas –send me an email.    On A)  The massive and immediate unemployment numbers are due to two basic factors.  The first is that it was mandated that non-essential workers stay home.  Simple cause and effect.  The 2 trillion dollar Cares act in principal was ideally a way to fund businesses to stay open by helping them pay their employees while juicing the actual enemployment payments 600 dollars a week.  A lot of lower paid workers were making more than if they were actually working. Theres lots of money running through the veins of our economy so far so good---whats the problem?  The problem that we all kinda forgot over the last few weeks is that the virus is going to be a problem until we get a vaccine and a typical vaccine can take a decade or more.  The fastest vaccine ever produced is 4 years for the mumps.  The good news is that there are 42 clinical trials underway so we could optimistically see something be developed within a year and we then need to mass produce it and mass distribute it.  For the US government a year sounds ambitious-----Bill Gates and Jeff bezos are throwing in a billion trying to crack this problem.  I have no doubt that private citizens can do this better than our federal government.    If we assume the best case 1 year scenario---that means that we need to develop new ways of working within the bounds of covid 19 and social distancing.  There will be markets like Texas that find themselves inclined to go completely open with no social distancing or a California that will open with timidly.  Before last week I would have been watching the open markets to see if we get outbreaks like we saw in NYC, now im going to be watching the large metro markets with massive and prolonged protesting like Minneapolis , nyc, Miami and los angeles.    If we see large swaths of new covid cases due to either the opening up of markets or recent large population events like protests. I want to note one quick but, crucial thing and that is that one of the main reasons that we went into lockdown and social distancing is that we knew that covid was airborne but, what we didn’t know is the disease Rnaught number.  If you want to look this up just google r not but, the actual spelling is naught like naughty.  An Rnaught number is a diseases infection rates----it can get complicated but, and R0 of 18 says that on average 1 sick person would infect 18 and that 18 would infect another 18 and so on.  With an Rnaught of 18 it would only take 1 sick person to infect roughly 105,000 people on the 4 th row meaning . 1 infects 18 that 18 turn into 324 turns into 5800 which then turns into 105000 people.  This can get pretty scary pretty quick and even now Im not aware that we know the non-social distancing Rvalue of this disease.   As I was writing this Dr fauci was just reported in the new York times as saying that “we are at just the beginning of this”.   I wanted to summarize where we have been and where we are mainly because I feel like a lot of people think this virus is nothing but, a different flu.  Whether it is or it is not----I know the world is not going completely back to normal in the near future   And that gap between our old reality and the new reality is where opportunity lies.  If we try and see between those gaps we can find ways in which we can be of maximum service and create a maximum amount of wealth.    Who was the famous hockey player that said---“I skate to where the puck is going instead of where it is”   This is where we find the winners and losers in the game of getting ahead in life because the margin for error is very small.  In order to make boatloads of cash we need to not only find the right lever to pull but, be able to pull that lever at the right time.   So—I know we this is  a podcast about real estate and we can certainly look at the gap between the old way of selling houses---very high touch and the possible new ways of llisting and selling houses.  We can do that but, sometimes its easier to spot opportunities if we can get a little more elevated viewpoint.    What I mean by that is that if we are going to talk about opportunities and where they lie we must first remove all the contstraints that you normally have.  A lot of people will miss opportunities right in front of them because they often tell themselves why they cant do something.  Most often people will say they cant do something –cant take advantage of an opportunity because they don’t have the resources specifically money   What I will tell you is that if you want to actually see opportunity---you must find a way to remove those constraints in  your mindset.  OK—lets look at a somewhat obvious example of looking at something at a macro view and then trying to extrapolate where opportunity intersects that viewpoint.   Lets look at education in this pandemic protest environment PPE   Education—specifically higher education; lets take a Harvard or Stanford as an example.  If classes cant resume on campus in fall----they must start educating online.  If all classes are online---how can Harvard or Stanford charge 100K a year?  If all classes are online why would entry into Harvard have such a high entry to barrier?  You shouldn’t need a 4.3 gpa and a eillingness to get 300K in debt. Everybody should be able to access an online class for little to no money   These institutions used to say that being on Stanford campus and having access to other really bright and connected people was worth the inflated tuition cost.  With online classes that argument collapses on itself.  One other thing is that if we have harvards library of content online why isnt higher education free or almost free?  That’s for a different discussion but, those questions can give us a glimmer of how we can up our game.   Im not sure exactly how they are going to justify charging 100K a year but, I know that they will  It would be worthwhile to look at how these institutions will change their model.  What can we implement in our businesses to follow these brands.   If we are on this vein it would be instructive to look at fashion.  In what way will the fashion industry cater to the high end and how will they change in addressing the midrange market.  What are they doing that we can implement to make improve our value proposition in  the market?  The reality is that most of you listening right now will not have a clear and present value proposition.  If I honestly asked you what is the real difference between you and the next guy down the block---most of you will make something up on the fly-----and more often than not its something like “Ill work harder than the next guy”  The problem is that you cant exactly quantify that.   I can guarantee that institutions like Harvard will have a very clear and concise answer to what is their value proposition.  So—what is your value proposition?  Don’t be afraid to change and this environment might be demanding we radically change right now.   One thing I have seen in this pandemic is that being locked down has accelerated things that were already coming but, we have been very slow to implement.  This lockdown has amplified the signals that were already in play and we see the world responding to them---we don’t have to look farther than the protests that then turned into riots.  I literally witnessed the san diego la mesa riot------my house is literally 7 minutes away from the little town of la mesa----this is the san diego riot where we saw a chase bank and union bank and a few other businesses literally burnt to the ground.  Again—Im not going to take a political stand here---all im going to say is that the market wanted something different than they were getting.  How can you be a leader in your market or industry to effect some change even if its only in how you operate?   One thing I have witnessed in this pandemic is that our technology is allowing  us to work in a very different way than we ever have in history.  Never in our history we us humans capable of earning a living and not having to live our homes.  Our  legacy systems demanded that we get in our car—go to the office and run our businesses onsite.   It is at this juncture we might be able to look at human behavior and take a more granular look at where we can use this information and find opportunity.  If we just look at the environment from a current pandemic viewpoint.    A few things pop out at us---if we just consider pandemic and real estate its almost self evident that in the near term commercial or large spaces are going to have to find a new way to exist.  Have you been inside a home depot during this pandemic?  The lines are ridiculously long for a store with a giant footprint.  Just to give you an idea---did you  know that the average home depot store is 105K square feet?  To put that in persepective a football field is only 57500 sq feet.  If this covid situation persists large footprint stores will almost definitely need to find a more efficient way of serving its customers.  Is there a giant opportunity here?  Absolutely   So if we now zero in on residential real estate where might we find an angle?  Wheres the opportunity?  If working at home becomes the new standard which I think it will just from a profit and loss viewpoint we will see properties in dense areas become less attractive and larger home spaces with office space will begin to be much more desirable.  In many markets this alone could create hot zones within established municipal areas.  We will also see cities begin to change zoning overlays to match consumer desires—here in California all residential properties could add a 1200 or 1250 granny flat regardless of the size of the primary home.  We will see more of  this ---- this will undoubtedly result in the need for underground fiber and super fast internet access.   OK---so lot of opportunistic areas to think about just in the real estate vertical.  How else m ight we look at this time in the environment and look for opportunity?   We started off dealing with a virus and it has since grown into a protest movement.  Again---I am in no way getting political or social.  Im simply relaying what I see happening in the world and trying to extrapolate that into zones of economic opportunity.  I feel its important to talk about all the factors that are changing the fabric of our economy and social life as we know it.   We locked down because of the virus and as pointed out earlier that gave way to an unintended and  unforeseen economic hit to the global economy.  This economic punch to the gut hit the more unfortunate in our social system.  People like me and hopefully you listening rolled with the punches of this lockdown…I stopped going out as much but, I continued to make money and working.  That is not the case for a lot of people and the second unforeseen and unintended consequence is that people that were being marginalized in our social and economic system started standing up and calling for reform.  The black lives matter movement has been aroud since 2013 when   OK---hold up here---this whole time I promised not to get political and man I really don’t want to but, I absolutely hate people in authority abuse that authority.  I hated it in teachers, I hated it in the kid that always told the teacher on me and I really dislike cops.  As an adult----Ive never really had any runins with the cops but, when I was a kid growing up in my small town---ive been billy clubbed by cops as a 16 year old—I was maced as a 17 year old and ive wanted to get even ever since. So when I see a fat cop doing fat cop stuff like hassling people for the fun of it and only doing because they are wearing a badge I detest those type of people.  I could go on and on about this but, I wont.  I will say that theres no doubt that cops and teachers do bad things and they will get away with it because they can and if they do get caught their unions will protect them.  Im angry about what happened to me as a white boy in central California---I cant imagine being a black guy in Detroit or LA and have to live with this kind of anger their whole life.  I totally understand why people want these legacy systems defunded and rebuilt.  I think we should---I say break the unions----rip away their pensions and start over.    And to bring this back around to looking for opportunity----I think we  could be on the brink of massive change.  We are changing the way we work---we are changing the way we live and we seem to be on the verge of a cultural change and man this change is happening fast.   Ive been writing this all day on June 10, 2020 and just in the last few hours---this is the last few hours there has been a call for the government to rename military bases like fort bragg and fort hood as those names are related to the confederacy.  Nascar has banned the confederate flag from its events and properties.  Amazon blocked the cops from using its facial recognition software and the show Cops was cancelled from being on the air.   We are seeing massive change to the systems that have been in place and the norm for the last 100 years.  Who knows what we will see tomorrow?  It just takes one idea to make you a decamillionaire which is a net worth of 10M or more.  We gotta keep our radar tuned to just start looking for high level patterns that are repeating or areas that must be rebuilt.   I gotta end this or I will keep talking for hours.  Let me end by sharing a few things I think I know for certain.  A lot of us  have put a massive amount of time into our careers.  We have been trying to get ahead based on a relatively stable economic and social platform called the usa.  That system, its rules and how it operates is now shifting below our feet----- I don’t know where we will end up.  I do believe that these events and the short term and long term uncertainty these events have created have given many people a new lens with which to view the world.  Some people will want to tear down legacy systems and others will simply opt out of trying to beat the system—a lot of people are opting for happiness today instead of a potential better life tomorrow.  The people that will demand change are the people that have been left out of full participation in this upwardly mobile society and as we have seen this is not only people of color but, all people 18 years old and up.    The late gen Xers were negatively impacted by the 2001 terror attacks---this is a time when we gave up civil liberty for safety.  We got used to long lines at the airport.   Millennials got dealt a 7/2 hand when the financial crisis of 2008 and the gen z graduating classes of 2018 to probably 2024 will come of age in probably the worst economy in modern America.   There is no question the world is in for massive change---the real question is how will you carry yhourself into the rest of this year and into 2021?  History has shown us that the easiest time to get rich is in times of economic or social upheaval---as for me—im going to try and keep the broadest mind in looking at events and looking for opportunity.  I hope that you will join me   If you think your business needs a fresh look-------I will be taking on 2 new coaching clients----with me------I don’t make anybody sign contracts-----use me for a month and if your not happy cancel at anytime.  I only want to work with people that are serious about building wealth in this environment.  My pone number is 619-301-0823 that’s xxxxxxxxxx and if you enjoy the show--------please leave a rating and review on itunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.   If you have any comments please email them to me at        
6/11/202054 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Smart Entrepreneurs are doing

Today on the show I bring one of the premier coaches in the industry and we talk about what entrepreneurs are doing to capture their piece of the pie in todays environment.  We talk about the options available for small business owners --- We talk about what the smart entrepreneurs are doing right now and how you should be structuring your business for this rocky road ahead of us.   Right now with quarantine and social distancing there is no better time for all of you to start building your platform and mining your database.  The first thing every single one of you should do is building your database and communicating with it and second you really should start your own podcast and you know what?  We can help.   Go to with a K and learn how we can help you setup your own podcast and do all of  the heavy lifting.  All you have to do is find a guest and schedule a time go to and watch your network grow   For your database---most people dont send emails simply becasue they dont know what to say copy and send has solved all that---for one annual fee you can get access to 300+ email templates---start mining your database toda
4/28/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 57 seconds
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Take the Rev Limiter Off Your Business and Get Everything You Ever Wanted - Rod Khlief

What I learned from losing a million dollars.  Today we talk about making the cash is only the first step.  The second, third and fourth step is not letting our egos get in the way of us keeping that cash.  Today's guest shares how he built a 50Million dollar empire and lost it all.  We talk about how he is getting it back and lessons learned along the way.  We also get into exactly how he is planning on attacking 2020.  
12/19/201959 minutes, 32 seconds
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Using College Kids to generate leads - chandler smith

Today we talk with a sales trainer who last year did 10M dollar in production from door knocking.  His name is Chandler Smith and after training hundreds of door knocking salespeople  today  he shares with us some surprisingly simple methods he uses to get prospects to say yes to an appointment in 5 minutes.  He shares why going from introduction straight to commitment is critical and how he went from being the worst salesperson in the company to the #1 spot after implementing 3 key ideas.  I break down exactly what hes doing—he has built teams of door knockers by using college kids and he is killing it.  We talk about how he finds them—trains them and even pays them.  I think you will be surprised once you hear his story.  
10/4/201950 minutes, 29 seconds
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Getting Things Done.......

Let me ask you something---how often do you have days where y our busy all day but, seem to get nothing accomplished?  Before we get to todays episode I want to share a tip that I have found useful for managing my daily calendar.  It is ususally around this time of the year that I start to get lax with my daily routine and calendar-----or so it seems.   Sometimes It seems like I just cant knock anything off my daily list-------here is what I have realized.  I often put down big items on my list.  I put one item on my list without breaking it up into its smaller parts.  This causes two big problems with your schedule that I want to discuss.
7/8/201918 minutes, 24 seconds
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Motivation and Conquering Time Constraints - Vinny Chopra

On today's show----my guest is a prolific investor and while we discuss investing--------although, this is much more of a rags to riches story.  He shares how he went from the streets of india to selling encyclopedias in California and where he found inspiration along the way.  We talk about managing our daily schedules---we talk about books he read to learn how to sell---how to face rejection and how he finally made it.    I think you will find his story very interesting ---I did and I got some good reminders along the way.   Every day I get emails with people asking me which brokerage they should join.  Who offers the most training?  Who offers the best splits---does anyone actually give an agent a website and all the tools you need?  My answer is always the same exp realty.  Exp gives you all the tools you need for free------they offer 20 hours of live training per week---for free and they offer better splits and lower caps than almost anyone.  And for those new agents, they offer an actual mentor program---from someone that has done it and is doing real estate.
6/28/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Only 5 things you need to do

We often cram our daily and weekly schedules with things like pay the mortgage or buy shampoo.  Our personal schedule cant help but bleed into our business life and thats when we start to get confused. Confused as to what items actually deserve our attention.  Do we start to knock off the little things?  Each line on our schedule means "success" right? Today I speak with Josh Smith---he has mastered the art of time blocking and has reduced weekly task list to exactly 5 items.  The 5 must do's in our business.
6/13/201946 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Proven Path to Wealth - matt ferry

We want everything in our live to be easier a little more effortless and the foundation begins with a quiet mind.  Matthew Ferry comes on and talks about his new book Quiet Mind—Epic Life.   How do we begin to recognize that all is well in the world and prosperity is knowing all is well in the world and in our lives.   We have legacy information encoded into our minds and it increases, doubt, uncertainty and we balance those with the toxicity of ego.  
5/31/201959 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Develop Your personal brand

What is the difference between a personal brand and a corporate brand?  In today's episode we get to the heart of how your brand directly affects your business by helping you to define your ideal client. We discuss the mechanics of targeting an ideal demographic in your marketplace.  How knowing your ideal demographic will help you get super focused on where to spend your time and money from a marketing standpoint.  
5/16/201958 minutes, 47 seconds
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Training Day with Tim Harris

Is the boom over? Everyone wants to know about the new new thing in lead generation?  We talk about macro trends, whats working and why you are spending money  in all the wrong places.  We talk about what the smart people are doing in real estate right now and why the broker you chooses matters.   A little housekeeping---I had 3 goals at the beginning of this year---1 get into better shape—learn krav maga and learn to play the piano-----I did the first two but, not the second---it just wasn’t compelling enough---I am replacing that third goal for another and its this.  I have a 2 year goal to make 10 millionaires---I don’t care if your starting from zero or half a million.  I want to build a small high horsepower group of people.  I want to build an inner circle where we can share deal flow and talk about how to be better as people.  If your interested in being considered send me an email to [email protected]
5/1/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 35 seconds
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Get Comfortable being uncomfortable

Toby Salgado interviews top producing real estate agents and they discuss sales, marketing, lead generation, coaching and their tips and tricks on how to become a super agent.
4/16/201953 minutes, 39 seconds
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Give Yourself a raise--how to increase your average sales pice

The easiest way to make more money year after year is by increasing your average sales price.  Todays guest is a coach helping agents sell luxury property and make more money. We talk a lot about how understanding a persons disc profile will help you close them.  Most people will cloak their actual intentions and almost everyone will fail at determining an individuals disc ---we discuss how to determine whats important to your sales prospect and how to unlock the code to get them working with you.
4/2/201956 minutes, 26 seconds
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6 Months to 6 Figures in Real Estate--Peter Voogd

Todays guest is the best selling author of a 6 months to 6 figures.  In this episode we talk about the critical pieces that most people are missing in their businesses-----no its not some fancy facebook chatobot or the latest new lead gen tool---its much simpler than that. We talk about why most people over complicate things and never achieve their potential and why most people get stuck along the way. We also discuss the few areas that each one of us can improve today to start getting better results tomorrow.  There is no silver bullet but, there is a tried and true path to success. Lets get to it.
3/20/201946 minutes, 34 seconds
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Go To Strategy for 2019 - Michael Helickson

Today we talk about the difference between selling houses and building a lasting business.  We cover how one mistake almost toppled an empire worth almost a billion dollars and why no matter where you are ---you can always get better. We have been getting tons of questions about exp---I made a video here Join me on twitter @superagentslive
3/12/201957 minutes, 42 seconds
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The iBuyer feeding frenzy--how to compete

Its all over the media--it seems like the iBuyer movement is actually effecting the traditional real estate agent but, is it? Too many agents are worried about being dis-intermediated by new technology and systems when they should really be focused on perfecting their business core......... Join the conversation on twitter @superagentslive
3/2/201952 minutes, 14 seconds
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Zero to 112 Units the First Year - Joe McCabe

I get sick of hearing the same thing all the time. Find your value proposition, be different, add value and take more action.  That very same person will also tell you to be a master closer, lead generator, social media expert and have 45 hours in each day. Life is not like that----to succeed in business you need to wear a lot of hats but, you dont need to be the end all be all in every field.  At the end of the day all you need to succeed at a high level is one measure of competency and a truckload of grit. Todays guest show us how he has built a team of 40 agents and 3 companies doing 112 transactions at the very young age of 26.    
2/22/201947 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taking Your Biz to the Next Level - Joe Gigletti

Todays guest shares with us what he learned after spending 5 million dollars in advertising on various platforms.  He explains how he builds facebook campaigns to earn a 100X ROI and how to automate your follow up. Join the conversation on Twitter: @superagentslive Level up your game with radio--- go to and fill out the getting started sheet
2/5/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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More Leads this year with these online and offline tips and tricks - Toby Salgado

Todays episode we talk about lead generation in both the online world and offline.  Which is best?  Where can you get the most leads? Where can you find the highest quality and most importantly --how much does it cost? We cover everything from online marketing to email marketing to radio and television ads. Twitter @superagentslive
1/22/201920 minutes, 35 seconds
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Video Ad Campaigns for Facebook To Get More Listings - Josh Anderson

Todays episode we talk about launching video ad campaigns on Facebook---how to use them, what to say and when to launch them.  In  this hyper-competitive market we need to be more focused on building an omni-channel marketing platform rather than rely on just one pillar. Twitter: @superagentslive Want more listings? Sign up at
1/17/20191 hour, 22 seconds
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Brand Identity and Closing More Deals - Toby Salgado

Todays episode I talk about a few things near and dear to my heart.  The first being how to find high quality leads in an over- competitive market and how having a clear brand identity will help you close more deals and create a life that is in alignment with your core beliefs. Hit me on twitter @superagentslive Subscribe to the show here
1/1/201934 minutes, 34 seconds
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326: Brand Identity and Closing More Deals - Toby Salgado

Todays episode I talk about a few things near and dear to my heart.  The first being how to find high quality leads in an over- competitive market and how having a clear brand identity will help you close more deals and create a life that is in alignment with your core beliefs. Hit me on twitter @superagentslive Subscribe to the show here
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325: IF you do this one thing--Find Your USP

Today’s show is another episode in the December daily category.  Today I want to talk about differentiation.   Being different is super important but, I think most people have a difficult time being different.  Some of this may stem from how we were when we were kids----kids strive for conformity not differentiation.  Some of this may stem from the belief that by being different we alienate a group of people.  I say that we must differentiate or die.  Whether we like it or not –we all migrate toward that thing which is different.  I would propose that every single company or artist rises to the top dependent on the level of differentiation in the product.  Cars are notorious in seeking out differentiation.  This brand has the best mileage, this brand is the safest and the other brand is the best value.  Can you name one industry where differentiation is not rewarded?  Art?  No.  Music? Nope; Fashion? No way—in fashion being different is just the start.  In art---- there is sameness everywhere but, it’s the artist that are different that makes his or her work more valuable.  If you didn’t know who Picasso was; how much would you actually pay for a ladies picture with offset eyes?  I hate his work but, you can’t argue with a 100 million dollar price tag.  Did you hear the recent story about Banksy?  He sold a piece of art for 1.3 million dollars and then shredded it ---now that piece of art is priceless.  In music, fashion, art, and automotive differentiation is the one area that you control and it’s the “je ne sais quoi”—that certain something that can catapult you to the top.  If you understand that differentiation is key.  If you can accept that you need to be different.  Why is it that most people resist change?  Some even have revulsion to being different.   Is your brand truly different from your competitors?  Let me tell you a story…………Listen to the podcast here P.S.  If you have any questions or comments—send them to me—–I might address them in an upcoming post.  Also—for anyone interested in joining my national team with EXP—send me an email to [email protected]  Toby Subscribe to the podcast Want to maintain momentum and growth this year?  Here’s how we can help
12/14/201817 minutes, 40 seconds
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324: How I lost $450,000 Dollars - Toby Salgado

Today I am going to share a story about marketing and how I lost $450,000 dollars by not knowing the right questions and how many of us "dont know what we dont know" Go to and subscribe to the show
12/14/201823 minutes, 51 seconds
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323: How resilient Is your Business

I hate fee’s.   I hate late fees, overage fees, carry fees, booking fees -----I hate anything that can be considered a “fee”. I hate them because I am paying for nothing.  Recently, I deposited cash into my Wells Fargo bank account and later I saw that they actually charged me for using cash!  Isnt that why banks were created?   I should have closed that account on the spot especially, since they charge me a monthly account fee but, I didn’t-----want to know why?  I didn’t close the account for a very dumb reason.  I didn’t close the account because I had a bunch of checks that my bookkeeper had printed.  For some reason I made a business decision to keep a bank account open (and pay fees) just so a few thousand pre-printed checks didn’t go to waste.   This is a very flawed reasoning but, its common.  I am sure there is some kind of term for this kind of thinking-----I just don’t know what its called but, I see it all the time.  I see this kind of thinking everywhere-----you want to cancel that 300 dollar a month cable TV subscription but, you don’t because its too much of a hassle to drive the equipment to the cable company.  You don’t like your business logo but, you don’t change it because you still have a bunch of cards.  Its everywhere and it effects everyone but, is it hurting your future.  Bank accounts, cards and cable isn’t the end of the world but, as we start the new year I would suggest we all take a look at the structural areas in our life and see what isn’t optimized.   Are you being challenged in your office or brokerage?  Are you getting the training and support you need to meet your goals?  Is your broker holding you back?  What is holding you back from making changes?  I think you should……….   (Want to hear the rest?  Listen to the podcast here)   P.S.  These are just some thoughts for the day—–I’m thinking that I will do this everyday  for the rest of the year.  If you have any questions or comments—send them to me—–I might address them in an upcoming post.  Also—for anyone interested in joining my national team with EXP—send me an email to [email protected]   Toby Subscribe to the podcast Want to maintain momentum and growth this year?  Here’s how we can help  
12/13/201814 minutes, 18 seconds
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322: Make Small Changes for Big Results in your Real Estate Business

Today has been one of those days.  My alarm clock didn’t go off---I spilled coffee all over myself in the car---dropped my kid off late and in the bathroom  realized there was no toilet paper just when I needed it.  Yeah---that was gross but, its those kind of days that we just need a mulligan.  We need a redo ---a fresh start.  For me---the New Year is new start—fresh beginnings.  It’s the little things that can have the greatest impact.  A really smart guy once told me that if I could get just 1% better each day---at the end of the year I would be 365% better----that stuck with me.  I’m trying to find the little things I can change.  The things I can do right now---today.  That might be something personal like doing 25 pushups today or something that impacts me financially like changing the coverage on my auto policies.  I just did that and saved about 1200 bucks a year----1200 dollars isn’t going to change my life but, it all matters.  How about you?  What is something structural that you can change today?  What is something that you can change this week or this month that will have a positive impact?  I’m not talking about making new years resolutions-----Im talking about taking action right now.  Do something in the next hour-----order some teeth whitening gel, cancel that online marketing contract or make that phone call that you have been putting off.  How can you get 1% better today?  How can you do just 1% more?  What can you be just 1% different than everyone else?  1% better or 1% different is easy right?  If its that easy why aren’t most people focusing on making these micro changes.  Let me illustrate.  If I gave you the choice of getting 1 million dollars today or a magic penny that doubled everyday-----which would you choose?  Most would take the million over the penny but, that magic penny that doubles is actually worth 1.3 million on day 28 and a little over 5 million on day 30.  This is the power of compounding interest.  Now that you understand the power of small and incremental change----let me ask you again----what can you change today?  Stay tuned—tomorrow we are going to talk about some of the places we can find some easy wins and set us up for a strong year.
12/11/201810 minutes, 4 seconds
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322: Whats Your Plan for 2019? - Toby Salgado

2019 is going to be an incredible year to make lots of money.    Let’s first go back to 2018 and let me ask some questions.  Did you accomplish your goals for the year?  Is your business growing as fast as you wanted?  Are you hitting your milestones or are you spinning your wheels?   2019 is going to be very different than what we saw in 2018.  As we wrap up the year we are already seeing market conditions changing.  In most areas of the country we are seeing slower home appreciation.  We are also seeing increased days on market for listings as sellers slowly adjust to the new “normal”.    We are at a 50 year low with unemployment rates.  The stock market is higher than it’s ever been although; the last 3 trading sessions have been horrendous from both a point drop and volatility levels and the federal reserve has been concerned about inflation and has reacted with 3 rate hikes this year and will most likely raise rates again in their next meeting December 18.   I am definitely NOT predicting the future but, this feels an awful lot like 2007.  Whenever I go into the grocery store and hear the kid bagging my groceries tell me he’s quitting next week to become a realtor----I get a little concerned.    Where is the opportunity in 2019?  I think that people should start looking at expired’s a little bit more in those markets where there are typically no expired listings.  I think that mass media like radio and television will be more powerful as sellers realize the market is changing.  I also think it will be particularly helpful to create an annual marketing plan for this year.  Uncertainty in the markets will create opportunities for those people with long term vision and planning.    P.S.  These are just some thoughts for the day-----I’m thinking that I will do this everyday for the rest of the year.  If you have any questions or comments---send them to me-----I might address them in an upcoming post.  Also—for anyone interested in joining my national team with EXP—send me an email to [email protected]   Toby   Subscribe to the podcast   Want to maintain momentum and growth this year?  Here’s how we can help
12/10/201820 minutes, 50 seconds
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322: Whats Your Plan for 2019? - Toby Salgado

2019 is going to be an incredible year to make lots of money.    Let’s first go back to 2018 and let me ask some questions.  Did you accomplish your goals for the year?  Is your business growing as fast as you wanted?  Are you hitting your milestones or are you spinning your wheels?   2019 is going to be very different than what we saw in 2018.  As we wrap up the year we are already seeing market conditions changing.  In most areas of the country we are seeing slower home appreciation.  We are also seeing increased days on market for listings as sellers slowly adjust to the new “normal”.    We are at a 50 year low with unemployment rates.  The stock market is higher than it’s ever been although; the last 3 trading sessions have been horrendous from both a point drop and volatility levels and the federal reserve has been concerned about inflation and has reacted with 3 rate hikes this year and will most likely raise rates again in their next meeting December 18.   I am definitely NOT predicting the future but, this feels an awful lot like 2007.  Whenever I go into the grocery store and hear the kid bagging my groceries tell me he’s quitting next week to become a realtor----I get a little concerned.    Where is the opportunity in 2019?  I think that people should start looking at expired’s a little bit more in those markets where there are typically no expired listings.  I think that mass media like radio and television will be more powerful as sellers realize the market is changing.  I also think it will be particularly helpful to create an annual marketing plan for this year.  Uncertainty in the markets will create opportunities for those people with long term vision and planning.    P.S.  These are just some thoughts for the day-----I’m thinking that I will do this everyday for the rest of the year.  If you have any questions or comments---send them to me-----I might address them in an upcoming post.  Also—for anyone interested in joining my national team with EXP—send me an email to [email protected]   Toby   Subscribe to the podcast   Want to maintain momentum and growth this year?  Here’s how we can help
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321: Chasing New Opportunities

Todays episode we talk about how to develop your brand.  Where to spend your money and how to prioritize your energies.  Most people will have only one or two lead generation sources and they wonder why they fail---others will have seven or eight lead generation sources and wonder why they go broke. We talk about where to start---where to spend your money and how to put it all together. If you want to talk about joining my national team --send me an email at [email protected] If you want to get more listings with radio go to  
12/8/201833 minutes, 51 seconds
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320: Social Media Marketing - Toby Salgado

Before we get to the show-----there are a few things that have been on my mind. Why do some people get rich in real estate and why others just have a job----maybe they are thriving --maybe they are just surviving. There are two things when it comes to real estate that matters and sadly--these two things many times get forgotten or just never spoken about.  The first is this-----business is a game of margins---not about production. Too many times in this industry-----people strive to sell 100 units or to make 1 Million in GCI and at many brokers (Im not going to name names) it is those people that get into the exclusive masterminds--those are the people that get on stage to tell others how they did it.  They wont tell you that they spent 800,000 dollars to make that 1 Million GCI. They will stand on stage and accept the award. Aftwer the ceremony---people will buy them drinks and ask how they did it. I don’t care what your Gross income is---I want to know what your net income is---how much did you put in the bank? Business is a game of margins--not about production.   I see a lot of entrepreneurs get into business and they are working it----- but, after some time---2, 3 or 4 years those entrepreneurs forgot why they are in business in the first place.  When I ask people “why are you an entrepreneur?” Most of the time I hear things like--I want more happiness. I want more security. I want more free time. However, when I look at what they have built or how they have built it---------I rarely see the design in place for happiness, security or more free time. I know a lot of entrepreneurs that are successful on the outside but, miserable on the inside.  They might be “successful” but, they dont own their own time. They are ignoring the “passive income” pillar.  True wealth is owning your time and getting to do what you want to do. I am very soon going to release what I plan on doing for 2019 and it involves building a passive income pipeline and helping others build their own passive income pipeline while they build their regular real estate business.  I am putting together a short list of people that want to be a part of my national team. I am looking for motivated people that want to change the way real estate is done. I have some pretty big ideas around mentorship, training and lead generation.  Send me an email if you would like to be considered. OK---lets get to the show----oh by  the way---I think I might do an expanded email on the income types and how to get leverage so stay on the lookout.  
11/9/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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319: Goals, Accomplishments and Being Present - Toby Salgado

  One thing we all struggle with is how do we get the most out of our day—in business and in life we are constantly seeking the low hanging fruit.  What is the thing that will give us the most bang for our buck?  How can I best use our time---a quote that I often requote is this----money is a renewable resource---time is not.  That quote can have massive impact not only on our businesses but, our personal life.  We work hard so that our family—our significant others and kids can have a better life but, often we work---make money and often prioritize family below our business successes.  Its sad but, true and I am guilty of this same thing. This summer I took some time off from the world----I didn’t check my email---I didn’t take many calls----I checked out---I did yoga and meditated.  I lost some clients---my wife got mad at me but, I think I earned a new perspective on living and operating my business.  Below are some of the ideas. First------Man lives by time. Inventing the future has been his favorite game of escape. We think that changes in ourselves can come about in time, that order in ourselves can be built up little by little, added to day by day. But time doesn’t bring order or peace, so we must stop thinking in terms of gradualness. This means that there is no tomorrow for us to be peaceful in. We have to be orderly on the instant. We have to be present---in the moment; not looking forward to what we want or looking backward and either reveling in our successes or beating ourselves up about what we did wrong.  A friend of mine once told me that to be present with a friend is a gift------a present and a gift are the same thing---that stuck with me. It is only when we are present that the mind is free because it is no longer desiring anything; it is no longer seeking; it is no longer pursuing a goal, an ideal—which are all the projections of a conditioned mind. And if you ever come to that understanding, in which there can be no self-deception, then you will find that there is a possibility of the coming into being of that extraordinary thing called creativity. II. Inventing the future is another way of saying “setting goals.” Success, especially in the West, then it becomes about achieving those goals. We accumulate accomplishments and call it success. Success means something very different to me, and I think being a great father will be about effectively communicating this different definition of success to my kids. Success is about building a set of daily practices, it is about growth without goals.  Continuous, habitual practice(s) trumps achievement-based success.  This is why I often say that the guy or girl that has hustle will always do better than the person with talent.  I think “accomplishments” are traps. Accomplishments, by their very definition, exist only in the past or future—which are not even real things. Pride is the worst of the seven sins and it is closely related to past and future accomplishments.  I personally, am full of pride –I am full of ego and I am working hard on getting rid of some of those traits that have served me so well in the past but, may not serve me well in the future. III. Most of the things we do and believe result from stories that we tell ourselves. The modern secular world looks down on religious traditions for their faith in unempirical stories, but we tell ourselves stories in the same way. “Most millionaires sincerely believe in the existence of money and limited liability companies.” To be fair, many of these stories have indeed led to human security and luxury—a better world. Some stories, though, are silly and destructive. The story that we are told in America is that achievement—money, power, awards—equals success. I had this idea deeply imbued at a young age. We are desire-fulfilling machines: the mind literally IS desire. My desires–and therefore my actions–were shaped by these stories, like the story of achievement. Now I try to ask, what stories are we telling ourselves that are bullshit? I wanted to write a book. Rather, I wanted to have written a book because I could carve a notch on my achievement belt.. How ridiculous! It felt good—not great—for a day. Now I just want to explore. That may mean blog posts, research papers, new investing strategies, letters, podcasts, long periods of nothing, or maybe climbing Eiger---that’s for sure on my list. But,--who knows? Exploration is continuous, there is no end    point. Focusing on exploration is very rewarding all the time. It may produce things that look like end points, like achievements, but those things are just byproducts. The same idea applies to investing. The continuous goal, in my case, is a portfolio that has distinct advantages versus the market along dimensions like value, momentum, capital allocation, etc. There are no price targets, no return targets, no staking my results on a given outcome for a given company.  A goalless process like this is incredibly hard to maintain in an industry which has convinced itself (I despise this particular “story” we’ve told ourselves) that the passage of three months requires that we get together and retrofit a narrative to explain what was likely pure noise. But hard as it is to maintain, I believe that a continuous process, informed by deep research, is the only way to beat Vanguard. IV. Jeff Bezos is an incredible figure. He is known for his focus on the long term. He has even funded a clock in West Texas which ticks once per year and is built to last 10,000 years—an ode to thinking long-term. But I now realize that the key isn’t thinking long-term, which implies long-term goals. Long-term thinking is really just goalless thinking. Long term “success” probably just comes from an emphasis on process and mindset in the present. Long term thinking is also made possible by denying its opposite: short-term thinking. Responding to a question about the “failure” of the Amazon smartphone, Bezos said “if you think that’s a failure, we’re working on much bigger failures right now.” A myopic leader wouldn’t say that. My guess is that Amazon’s success is a byproduct, a side-effect of a process driven, flexible, in-the-moment way of being. In the famous 1997 letter to shareholders, which lays out Amazon’s philosophy, Bezos says that their process is simple: a “relentless focus on customers.” This is not a goal to be strived for, worked towards, achieved, and then passed. This is a way of operating, constantly—every day, with every decision. V. There is an app called “Way of Life” which helps put this idea of “continuous goals” into practice. It’s just a daily checklist of things you want to do. As you check things off day after day, you create a long chain of green that you won’t want to break. It’s very effective. Here are the key ones on my list. No complaining 100 push ups Run No sugar Write 500 words Read Don’t eat until noon (intermittent fasting) Floss Spend time in the woods (running or hiking) Family Time Level Up The last one—level up—is my favorite. To be able to put a check mark next to “level up,” I have to do something that day which is new or better than what I have done before. I recorded an interview with a really interesting author and investor the other day.  Level up. I sent my wife flowers and a note. Level up. This simple reminder has proved invaluable. These things are their own reward. I did not back into these things from some other goal. They are continuous goals themselves. They make daily life wonderful, and I bet they will continue to lead to things that look like achievements from the outside. Maybe Scott Adams said it best: To put it bluntly, goals are for losers. That’s literally true most of the time. For example, if your goal is to lose ten pounds, you will spend every moment until you reach the goal—if you reach it at all—feeling as if you were short of your goal. In other words, goal-oriented people exist in a state of nearly continuous failure that they hope will be temporary. That feeling wears on you. In time, it becomes heavy and uncomfortable. It might even drive you out of the game… If you achieve your goal, you celebrate and feel terrific, but only until you realize you just lost the thing that gave you purpose and direction. Your options are to feel empty and useless, perhaps enjoying the spoils of your success until they bore you, or set new goals and reenter the cycle of permanent presuccess failure.   Goals sneak their way into my brain. I try, but sometimes fail, to snuff them out. I am working on it. There is always that stupid interview question: where do you see yourself in five years. Instead, we should ask, what things do you think are important to do every day? What is your morning routine?  That’s something I am going to start including in every interview. VI. I am incredibly happy in the woods. I love trees that grow sideways out of rocks and hills. They start small and survive because of some available sunshine. They grow whatever direction they must to reach more light. Their slow growth allows them to ultimately reach a form that looks tenuous or even impossible, but they are firmly rooted. I like to imagine the early days, the tree’s roots tinkering in the soil, quickly abandoning failed paths, building deep systems along better paths. These bizarre and beautiful trees end up this way because of a simple process. They operate according to a continuous goal, from the bottom up. It is in these woods that I’ve begun to teach my son and daughter this lesson: explore for the sake of exploration, without expectation. Discover essence in your surroundings and in yourself, free from external conditioning (stories) and expectations. Build from the inside out and bottom up. Great habits and practices make a great and successful life. Cultivate those and the rest will take care of itself.
10/29/201832 minutes, 21 seconds
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318: Spotting New Opportunities- Larry Goins

Todays guest shares how to see new opportunities in your current pipeline------there are other ways to find deals by utilizing your current marketing.    
10/29/201836 minutes, 2 seconds
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317: More Listings from New Business Lines

Todays guest explains how smart marketing and new business lines will improve  your business, decrease stress and allow you to build the business you deserve. @superagentslive --- join the conversation and let us know what you want to hear. --Lets supercharge your business with radio advertising.  
10/19/201858 minutes, 45 seconds
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316: Life gets in the way of living

This is just a quick update and a quick talk about delivery speed
6/10/201812 minutes, 19 seconds
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315: Don't Push Girls - Jason Sinard

Todays episode ---we explore a significant social factor in why many people are unable to compete at the highest levels.  We discuss why most people have a disconnect between what they want and actually getting it---even though----they know how to do it.
3/29/201838 minutes, 2 seconds
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314: How to go from 0 deals to 100 in a year - Jason

How do you start a business and take it from zero to 100 million dollars in just a few years?  Todays guest tells us why and how he did it--I have to be honest I was a little skeptical and I think you will hear me trying to drag it out of him.
3/17/201849 minutes, 24 seconds
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312--Don't do this - James Rembert

There are so many people trying to get you to spend you money here and there-----hear two digital experts disagree on what to do and how to do it. twitter @superagentslive
3/2/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 14 seconds
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312: Go From 20 Deals to 100 - Abe Shreve

Todays guest is an elite coach at KW---he only works with agents doing more than a million in GCI.  We talk about the traits that make top producers successful and the pitfalls and trap doors that throttle growth. @superagentslive      
2/7/201856 minutes, 21 seconds
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311: Social Media Maximized - Alex Caragiannides

Social media is more than just facebook.  Its everything from Twitter to Pinterest and each platform has its own unique parameters.  Each platform requires a specific voice.  Today we talk about what platforms are best to get your brand noticed and which platforms you should be deploying capital.
1/24/201858 minutes, 58 seconds
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310: Stepping Stones to success

Todays episode is from best selling author Dan Lefave whose book Stepping stones to success is all about mindset.  He shares how he failed in his first business but, was able to turn that around and double his income despite everyone thinking he was going to fail. Twitter: @superagentslive  
1/17/201851 minutes, 43 seconds
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309: New Strategies and Tactics - Toby Salgado

Todays episode I go over some of the things I feel you should be implementing for 2018.  What worked in a buyers market in 2016 does not work in a sellers market as we move into 2018.  Most people haven't yet figured out how to navigate these quickly changing waters------I did a quick brain dump on what I am thinking these days.   Join the conversation @superagentslive   Get more listings with radio Get some personlized help Mine your database
1/4/201820 minutes, 56 seconds
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307: How To: Increase Your Sales Price - Mike Lafido

Today's guest has a surefire method for moving into the luxury market in any city.  We also talk about why hustle matters more than talent and what it takes to win. Is your business growing or staying flat?  We might be able to help.  Check out some of the things we do to help agents increase their income and their lives Radio------- Start your own podcast: Our coaching program:
12/28/201753 minutes, 12 seconds
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307: Your Marketing Plan for 2018 - Chris Watters

Todays guest is a guy that has dominated his market with smart marketing ranging from radio to cold calling.  He explains what he does--the ROI he gets and what you should be doing. Twitter: @superagentslive go download my free ebook! Need some help check out Want more listings? Check out
12/15/20171 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
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306: Turning 50K into 500K - Dean Jackson

Dean Jackson is the Michael Jordan of marketing and copywriting in the world of real estate.  Today he shares some simple tweaks that can help you convert more leads. Twitter: @superagentslive ---- download my free book
11/29/201757 minutes, 37 seconds
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305: 7 Ways To Improve Your Pitch - Michelle Weinstein

Today's guest is a master pitch person----through the school of hard knocks, NLP and persuasion she shows us how to sell more. Twitter: @superagentslive Download a copy of my ebook here
11/21/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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304: Perfecting your pitch

This is a super quick episode on how to pitch.  Every has the same structure ----you should be unique
11/9/20175 minutes, 22 seconds
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303: How to get into luxury-- BJorn Farrugia

Increasing your production may be as simple as increasing your price point.  Here's how----
10/23/201750 minutes, 5 seconds
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302: Zero to a Million

Today's episode is about how to go from zero to a million in 15 months.  No matter how good your personality is----you need a hook---a USP Todays guest explains how he did it.
10/13/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
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301: Need More Leads?--Marketing - Josh Coburn

Today's guest is an internet marketing guy that is applying what he has learned online to the world of offline real estate.  Key takeaways is that if you think you have a lead problem---you probably have a conversion problem. We talk about how you go from 10 deals to 100 -------its really not as hard as you might think
9/25/201758 minutes, 38 seconds
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300: From Good To Great - Lars Hedenborg

Today's guest has built his business with the end in mind. He works two days a week and makes 7 figures a year. His background in corporate america gave him a bird eye view on why this industry can be so lucrative and how the competition can be beat. We talk strategy and tactics on building a business that lasts. Twitter: @superagentslive Want to get more listings?  Check out our radio arm
9/7/20171 hour, 19 minutes, 1 second
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299: Becoming a Master Closer - Kayvon

Today we talk about how to be a one call closer.  Todays guest shares how being an actor is paramount to closing deals and helping people make a decision. We talk about how his background and issues with ADD helped him to develop the self belief in order to launch his own business and go out on his own. Twitter: @superagentslive Go to the site and get on my list---I share things with my list that I dont share anywhere else.
7/21/201759 minutes, 34 seconds
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298: How To Win More..... Johnathan David Lewis

Best Selling author comes on the show and shares how to win more brand loyalty, retain talent longer and get stronger through co-opetition. He grew up on an indian reservation and takes the lessons learned in the wild and often socialistic environment and apply to those lessons to business in this hyper competitive environment. The key differences in why some companies thrive---some survive and most fail Join the conversation on Twitter: @superagentslive  
6/30/201750 minutes, 37 seconds
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297: 250K Your First Year - Parker Pemberton

Todays guest has been a listener for a year and has done over 70 deals and is on track to make 7 figures.  The key to his success is all execution of simple and inexpensive ideas. Need some help? Check out This is group coaching with actionable advice.
6/19/20171 hour, 52 seconds
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296: Tony Robbins has a kid? Jeriek Robbins

Todays guest is Tony Robbins kid---what has he learned?  How does the most coached coach live?
6/8/201752 minutes, 43 seconds
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295: The Funny Guys of Real Estate - Eric Simon

@thebrokeagent comes on the show and shares what they are doing as the funny guys of real estate--I let this one sit for over a year.  They share how they are taking the industry by storm and stealing the show at conventions around the nation.  Dont miss this one It took me 24 minutes to figure out what they are actually doing.  Want some comedy?  This is it.
5/24/201758 minutes, 20 seconds
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294: Scripting and Closing Techniques - Michael Ferraro

Todays guest covers his scripting techniques he uses to cold call 10 million dollar listings.  We cover how he handles objections and how he developed his unique value proposition.  
5/18/20171 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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293: Rags to Riches - Shon Kokozka

How to increase your income streams and get more passive income.
5/12/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 26 seconds
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292: There's No Such Thing as Work/Life Balance - Rachel Adams

5/8/201756 minutes, 52 seconds
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291: Getting More Referrals- Stacey Brown Randall

Todays guest shares everything from how to calculate lifetime value to understanding demographics as well as, how to get more referrals.
4/26/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
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290: Back To Basics - Stephanie Weeks

Today we talk about going back to basics and getting your foundation right. If your doing 30 deals or less---you need to listen to this episode
4/20/201747 minutes, 27 seconds
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289: Australia's Gary V! Glenn Twiddle

Meet Australia's Gary V--the renegade marketer.  We talk about how to get more listings and be more profitable. Its not often I get to talk with someone with true marketing chops and even rarer when I talk with someone who see's marketing in a similar vein. We talk about everything from having your own book to how people will turn marketing dollars with zero profit to become a local or national celebrity.
4/7/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
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288: Weaponizing Your Weaknesses - David Hill

Todays guest is one of only 25 Keller William University coaches. Her shares how he took a very rough and unstable background and turn it into success.  We talk about why many people make excuses about why they are not succeeding and become "blamethrowers". @superagentslive
3/31/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
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287: Smarter--Faster--Better Marketing (hacks)

Are you marketing like a big brand?  Here are some hacks for 2017. Most smart marketers want to utilize the platforms that will give them the biggest reach and while that works there is one definite drawback--You can't get personal. you using the same marketing tactics as big brands?  Today we discuss the future of 1:1 marketing.   Todays smart marketers understand that we are moving back to pre-industrial revolution type one to one marketing.  We are customizing our messaging to make the most impact on our prospects.  We are using "addressable" channels to create a relationship marketing messages. @superagentslive
3/24/201743 minutes, 47 seconds
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286: What You Didnt Know About Marketing and Referrals

Today's guest is the guy behind the guy--he invented many of the marketing strategies used in the industry. In this episode we talk about Direct Response marketing.  What it is and what it isnt----we not only talk about marketing at a high level we get into very detailed "how-to" pieces.   He shares a very detailed marketing strategy that will get you listing contracts over and over. After breaking marketing down for 40 minutes our guest shares how to generate at least 30 referrals every year.  We talk about the psychology behind referrals---even I learn something about my own psychology around referrals.
3/20/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 24 seconds
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285: Weaponizing Your Communication - Chris Voss

Former Head of the FBI shows us how to weaponize our negotiation tactics.   We all get up to bat but, the difference whether we close that deal is all about our interaction and communication with our propsects.  Todays guest explains how we can win more deals. @superagentslive
3/17/201757 minutes, 9 seconds
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284: Getting And Staying Profitable - Matt Miale

Why is it that some people selling 300 units a year are not profitable?  Todays guest and I dig into this topic and share some tips on getting and staying profitable in the world of real estate.
3/8/20171 hour, 43 seconds
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283: How To Build Your Team - Aaron Rian

Today's guest has built one of the most successful expansion team's in the nation.  We talk about how he has done it---the mistakes along the way and what he wishes he knew when he started.
2/25/201751 minutes, 56 seconds
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282: Get More Conversions with Better Copywriting - Brian Kurtz

Todays episode is all about copywriting.  Writing copy can move the needle---its the basis for every kind of marketing you do-----from writing scripts to facebook ads to direct mail.  Most agents are terrible copy writers---they are ordinary and boring. Todays guest is the Michael Jordan of copywriting----we talk about everything from building your list to manipulating emotions. The first part of the show I do a one off on how to close more deals If you want to get serious about growing your business go to and check out our grow your business tab.
2/17/20171 hour, 31 minutes, 47 seconds
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281: Developing Your Unique Selling Proposition

Todays  guest was named as one of the top 25 coaches in the nation by Inman.  We talk about lead generation and why you should categorize your leads as online, offline, free and paid.  We also talk about how to develop your unique selling proposition as well as, some tactics to tune yourself up if you are scared of door knocking
2/8/20171 hour, 12 minutes, 12 seconds
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280: Buying Signals

On one episode of Shark Tank, someone demonstrated the "Man Candle" which is of course a line of candles that smell like golf courses. But ... Have you seen how smug and self-satisfied these inventors are after they give their pitch. They are even shocked when the investors give negative feedback. The crude, rude and brutal feedback is what we all enjoy seeing, it's the reason the show succeeds, and for psychological reasons I don't have time to explain, we love the feeling we get when we hear Mr Wonderful say, "This is the suckiest suck that ever sucked!" It's so important to understand, this is a TV show that entertains by having rich investors verbally destroy ideas like Man Candles, Pet Paint or Wired Waffles (all real products.) On a side note I just filed a lawsuit with a tenant of mine that hasn’t paid his rent in two months---3 days later I got a letter in the mail from Judge Judy inviting me on the show—im probably gonna do it because if I win ---I will the show will pay me instead of me trying to collect from my deadbeat tenant. Anyhow---lets get back to how actual buyers in our case people that want/need to list their homes. In the real world, where we all actually live ... our listing prospects do not rip you apart. They do not say funny and shocking things like ... - Don't call me, I'll call you. - I'm not trying to make friends, I'm trying to get my home sold for the most money.. I actually wish my prospects would say those things that way I would know exactly where I stand. Unfortunately, when they lose interest, when they know for certain they will not buy my products or services, when they want to get out of the meeting, these are the things they will do: Smile, laugh and give encouragement Ask easy softball questions Being overly interested in the tiniest product details Giving you positive feedback and helpful advice during the presentation Wait a second-----Aren't these things people do when they are interested? Doesn't engagement, questions and positive feedback show buying intent? Not in Enterprise Sales. Not in Venture Capital. Not in Private Equity. Not in the Fortune 1000 and most of the time not in the living  room of that million dollar listing If you're out asking to list someones biggest asset,  these typically are NOT good signs. In a weird twist, it's exactly the opposite: these are all signs that you have lost your audience. What should be happening? 1. Instead of laughing and quipping jokes they should be leaning forward and looking concentrated (focused on all the new & interesting things you are introducing.) Instead of asking questions on irrelevant facts or sidebar topics, they should be taking notes on the presentation -----this happens to me in every presentation. Instead of giving you advice they should beaskingfor your advice. And if they really aren't understanding your key ideas, they should be giving you direct and brutal feedback that the meeting is off-track. Getting direct, somewhat rude and even brutal feedback can be great, because you know where you are in the sale. Of course it's not a positive sign, but now you can adjust quickly. So, Is there anything you can do if your audience is just feigning interest? What to Do: When they are smiling, joking, laughing: I will laugh along for a bit and then get extremely serious. Say “it’s all fun and games until you blow 50K and 6 months before you realize your marketing isn’t working” Don’t give long-drawn-out answers to basic softball questions. Answer simple, no-brainer questions with ever shorter statements. Shrug those off. “That's always a good topic, but we have limited time here so let’s focus on the big stuff…” Don’t let them give you advice. Cut that conversation thread off immediately. You're the expert, you know this product better than anyone, and you're here to make a sale or close a deal. Today, you're not looking for a mentor, you're looking for a buyer. Stay focused onthat  In the final analysis we all needed to be more guarded and observant for real buying signs. What are the false buying signs that you often see?  Send them to me and I will publish them in a blog. If you have colleagues who should know this, share this article with them and see if they agree. If you want to get serious about growing your business go to and check out our grow your business tab. Toby
1/31/20178 minutes, 34 seconds
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279: School of Hard Knocks - Steve Pemberton

Building a business is hard.  We all need a good work ethic and it doesnt hurt if we get lucky along the way.  Most small business fail in the first 18 months ---it takes something special to build a company that has been growing for the last 40 years. Todays guest shares some of his hard earned wisdom about how he stays ahead of the competition and how he has stayed nimble and dodged everything from recessions to school yard fights Thats it!  You want more of these kinds of sessions let me know or just sign up for Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Mine your database with Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out  
1/26/201759 minutes, 6 seconds
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278: Getting Good Content Is Hard

If you ever wonder how we consistently get good content its not a stretch to say that we have to dig and dig----there are many interviews that we just dont air because they have no or very little value and we value your time.  Todays 20 minute episode is a look into the backend of what we go through to bring you good content. All names were taken out of the recording Check out our new site email marketing made easy
1/24/201729 minutes, 59 seconds
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276: Sales and Persuasion Expert Ross Jeffries

Todays guest is a sales and persuasion expert that shows us how to use language to influence a persons thinking and behavior. Todays guest has been on Dr Phil and was portrayed by Tom Cruise in the movie Magnolia. Ross shows us how to capture emotion so that you can insert filters using language--he even shows us how to embed commands using specific phrasing. We get into this at a very granular way.  I loved this episode--hope you find it as fascinating as I did. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio? Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast? Check out Need some help? Check out www.schoolofprofits. Go to to get your free summit ticket.
1/6/201756 minutes, 6 seconds
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275: Mindset Mastery: Aaron Whitenstein

Today's guest looks a lot like you--40 deals a year and wanting to grow.  We talk about the mistakes he has made along the way in both launching new business, hiring the wrong people and spending money where he should have never deployed capital. Our sponsor is the guesswork out of hiring. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio? Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast? Check out Need some help? Check out www.schoolofprofits. Go to to get your free summit ticket.
12/28/201650 minutes, 5 seconds
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274: Differentiate or Die - Joel Sherlock

Today's guest shares how he bought his first house while he was in college and was forced to sell.  While he first thought selling his house was nothing but a huge hassle quickly learned that he made 50K on a 10K investment.  He had never heard of "flipping" but, he was hooked. He explains how that was the start of his career in real estate and went from flipping to starting his own brokerage to now selling real estate in a traditional model.  He has learned a lot along the way including mainstays like "If you take care of the client the business will take care of itself". It took a few years but, he stumbled onto a strategy that I've never heard before in real estate----he has built a marketplace matching sellers to sellers and his unique value proposition is so strong that he easily does 100+ deals a year. If you are interested in getting a free ticket to our virtual conference please send me an email to [email protected]  You can go to to get a free personality profile and the 240 task list in real estate. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio? Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast? Check out Need some help? Check out www.schoolofprofits.
12/16/201659 minutes, 36 seconds
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273: Finding Flow In Your Business - Jay Niblick

Todays guest is a psychologist that has written the DISC profile tool for Anthony Robbins.  In this episode we discussed how smart entrepreneurs use their personality profile to find flow in their business and make better hiring decisions. We talk about how you can use this for personal growth and finding talent that is best suited for the job opening that you are trying to fill.  In real estate there are essentially 4 types of sales roles---the listing agent, the inside sales agent, the buyers agent and the helper. If you want to go to our virtual summit conference go to and get your free ticket.  You can go to to get a free personality profile and the 240 task list in real estate. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio? Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast? Check out Need some help? Check out www.schoolofprofits.
12/8/201645 minutes, 52 seconds
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271: How To Build Your Team: Dale Archdekin

This is the Thanksgiving episode------How do you hire?  What is team culture fit and making your first hires
11/24/201657 minutes, 41 seconds
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271: Your Logo is NOT Your Brand - Michael Oneal

Today's guest is a branding and marketing expert and fellow podcaster.  Michael Oneal of the comes and shares his expertise on how to build amazing relationships, how to dominate your farm and why "Hustle" is the most important thing you can have. Michael is a world class podcast host and all around good guy who has interviewed some of the biggest names in media and sports. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out
11/16/20161 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
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270: How To Close 50 Deals In Your First Year - Deborah Spence

Todays guest will close 50 deals her first year with a zero dollar marketing budget.  We dig into her story--going from selling cell phones this single mother of two had a lot of hustle and she shares how she will have a very successful first year. With no admin and no marketing budget and almost no training she focused on expired's and surprisingly made it work without a multi prong approach. In this episode I give her some ideas on what I would do in her shoes.  There are some nuggets in this one---just listen all the way through. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out
11/9/201648 minutes, 3 seconds
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269: Better User Experience = More Money -Eric Putoto

Todays guest is a trainer that wants to change the industry.  He realized very early in his career that most agents and the industry was commoditized and when you become a commodity-----price pressure is not very far behind.  He set out to change the consumer experience from an agent centric to a consumer centric process.  He feels that if you can provide a unified and high experience like big brands like Hilton or Mercedes you can charge a high end price. We spend some time talking about mindset and he shares how when he made it by all outside metrics he felt empty----he didnt feel right--like he was extracting from his clients instead of being additive. At the end he shares a course that he built for agents that want to level up make more money and with more joy.  Theres a 500 dollar promo code at the end. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out
10/31/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 10 seconds
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268: How To Build a Team: Lou Cardillo

My guest is doing 80 deals for 30Million a year.  He shares how he has built a team and how he stuggled with recruiting, hiring and building culture early in his career. We talk about how he finds leverage in his both his personal and business life to find balance to spend time with his young kids.  He also shares how he used the MREA book as a business manual. He also explains why you need your personal mission and vision statement before you ever launch your business.  He explains how he found his "big why" and what gets him out of bed each day. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out   We talk about how he finds leverage in his both his personal and business life to find balance to spend time with his young kids.  He also shares how he used the MREA book as a business manual. He also explains why you need your personal mission and vision statement before you ever launch your business.  He explains how he found his "big why" and what gets him out of bed each day. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out  
10/20/201657 minutes, 27 seconds
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267: Go To Market Strategy for 2017 - Toby Salgado

If you haven't nailed down your strategy for 2017.  Today I outline a complete go to market strategy for 2017.  I outline what you should be doing both online and offline.  Here is the rough outline Pillar number one that every business owner will have is their sphere of influence.  Get all these people in your database and make sure that you have their phone number, email address and physical address.  Throughout the year make sure that you touch these folks at least once a month.  It can be a quick email, phone call, direct mail piece, event (coffee) or video.   This pillar will be the most valuable pillar in your business. Pillar number two that every realtor should have is a FSBO and Expired channel.  You will use direct mail to begin to engage them. For all these pillars or groups of people we will be discussing there is a very distinct sequence that we will use to move them up the value ladder it is  Indoctrination (them knowing who we are and what we stand for) Engagement Ascension (moving them up the value ladder) Segmentation ( you will talk differently to someone who is going to list in 30 days as opposed to 180 days) The third pillar we all should have is a geographic farm.  We will use direct mail to engage this group.  We can also use our VA to circle prospect just listed/just solds and open houses as well as, outbound cold calls The fourth pillar we will have is that we will farm a demographic in our market using facebook ads. To be different---we can target NOD's notice of default home owners as well as, a divorced list. Thats it!  You want more of these kinds of sessions let me know or just sign up for Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out
10/8/201641 minutes, 28 seconds
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266: Mastering a Money Mindset - Tim Rhode

My guest shares how he went from painting house numbers on curbs to living in a 3 story mansion with an elevator.  He tells us the story of being a 25 year old grocery clerk to retiring at 40 years of age to travel the world. We talk about how he harnessed the power of mindset to deliberately craft his ideal life.  We also talk about how that has empowered him to work on the things he is passionate about--Gobundance an adventure travel group to his conference 1 life fully lived. For those of you that want to attend his conference he is offering a 30% off promo code here: SAL1LIFE Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out
9/27/201641 minutes, 52 seconds
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265: Building Your Database - Louise Phillips Forbes

Listing & Selling 10M dollars houses is tough. Our guest shares how she does 200M a year in the toughest market of them all NYC. I also share how I wrote a 7 part email engagement series and boosted my list building 4X in 36 hours.  I followed the internet marketers playbook of Indoctrination, engagement, Ascencion, segmentation and re-engagment Its easy and its free and we all know our list is our most valuable "spoke" in our business. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out
9/23/201655 minutes, 21 seconds
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264: Sell More...Without Selling - Toby Salgado

Craig Proctor became the #1 REMAX agent in the world at 29 but, he didnt start out that way. In fact, when Craig started he languished for a year surviving off the meager scraps that other agents would throw him. He continuously faced the frustration and pain of not being able to pay his bills while he watched others succeed. This combined with the fact that his marketing was costing him far more than he was making was enough to make him consider quitting in the early days. Craig admits that he made the same mistake that 99% of all beginners make. He simply looked around at what everyone else was doing and did the exact same thing. Since all his ads looked exactly the same it was impossible to even get the attention, let alone business of potential clients in the cutthroat real estate market. Its a blueprint for financial disaster and unfortunately this is all too common, and why most marketing is such a huge waste of money. Here are 4 bullet points to consider when building an attraction business  1 - The One Reason The only reason to advertise is to have prospects call you. Anything else is a waste and should not be attempted. Let's be clear: no one really cares about you or your image. 2 - Replace Image Ads With USP Ads The second breakthrough is to instantly replace all image ads with highly effective Direct Response style ads where the only objective is to get the potential customer to contact us. We create the desire to contact us by implementing a Unique Selling Proposition within the ads. This quickly sets us apart from every other provider in the market. 3 - Offer The Prospects A "Lead Magnet" They Actually Want What a revelation! At least in was in the Real Estate Business. Part of creating a compelling USP is to give the prospects exactly what they are looking for. In Real Estate for example most prospects are not looking for an agent, they are looking for a nice home. So instead of running ads that highlight services, you simply ran ads that highlight the emotional benefit that prospects were looking for. In the case: "Lovely homes, quiet street, great neighborhood." 4 - Advertise What The Prospects Want You may start to notice a pattern here; It's called "WIIFM." Or What's In It For Me? Many small business owners make the mistake of advertising what they sell: the product or service. The secret to getting predictable high-response rates from your ads is to connect with the prospects emotional "hot-buttons." What does your prospect desire and dream about? Find what that is and make sure that is what you are actually advertising. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business Want to start your own podcast?  Check out Need some help?  Check out  
9/12/201627 minutes, 55 seconds
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263: Is The Bubble Bursting? - Toby Salgado

Today's episode I ask the question: Is the bubble bursting?  There are lots pieces of data that points to an issue in today's market.  When we look at all these data points together I can make the case that we are at the tail end of a bubble. We are seeing 1.  Days on market increasing in the luxury markets while the lower end is still on fire 2.  The average sales price is the highest its ever been 3.  Purchased money loans have decreased by 4% despite the fact that helocs are rapidly increasing. While this should frighten you it also points to opportunity if you are able to shift and adapt to the market.  Here is what you need to do right now 1.  Develop a UVP unique value proposition 2.  Look at specific neighborhoods and see where days on market are increasing---there is where you will find motivated sellers 3.  Begin to scour FSBO and similar groups on Facebook Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
9/6/201625 minutes, 42 seconds
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262: Marketing Yourself Like a Celebrity - Knolly Williams

Todays guest shares how he went from having a black market candy business to founding a record label and making millions to dead broke.  He shares how he took what he learned from marketing entertainers to real estate. He shares his formula for success which he calls "The Process of Profit" and how to implement that in your business today.  He outlines how you can be pre-eminent with some very easy steps.  He poses the question "If you were running for mayor what would that look like?  Running for realtor is not that different". I will tell you that I found his back story so interesting that we spend a good 20-25 minutes on it before we get to how you can implement some of these steps in your business so if you feel like its going slow----fast forward to minute 30 or so. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
8/25/20161 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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261: The Zillow Killer - Todd Miller

Are you paying Zillow for crappy leads?  Todays guest wants to take them down with his new startup HominInApp. Zillow built a nine figure business based on people finding out their home value.  If you like most people this is one of those things that was staring right in our face the whole time and Im sure we have all asked ourselves "Why didnt I do that?" and the next question should be "Whats the next thing that is so simple it cant fail?" Thats what we talk about today with my guest Todd Miller. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business. Want to start your own podcast?  Check out
8/17/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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260: 7 Steps to 7 Figures - Pat Hiban

Todays guest is an author, investor and top tier real estate agent. In this episode he puts on his coaching cap and we dig into how you should be marketing and what you should be focusing on right now in the summer of 2016. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
8/10/20161 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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259: Investing for Cash Flow - Rod Khleif

Today's guest shares why agents are in the unique position to find investment grade deals and why they need to be investing for cash flow. We discuss how to  spot opportunity and how to use OPM--Other Peoples Money to buy these deals as well as, how to structure these deals. We talk about some of the common mistakes new investors make and the foundations of wealth. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
7/27/201649 minutes, 12 seconds
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258: Millionaire Mindset--getting to 7 figures Josh Anderson

Todays guest is doing about 300 deals a year and will never answer his phone past 5pm.  We discuss a wide range of topics from mindset to finding a mentor. We also discuss what specific strategies that is working for him right now---both online and offline strategies.  The cool thing is that many of these strategies are low to now cost---you just need hustle. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
7/21/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
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257: Creating your Brand Through Content - Chris Craft

How you should be using content in your business.  We talk about why you should be using content in your business and what platforms you should be using.  If you've ever struggled with finding your voice or how to distribute content to grow your business, differentiate your brand and be unique in your marketplace. We discuss why you need haters and why knowing your ideal client is the foundation of knowing where to find your next client and connect with your database. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
7/12/201646 minutes, 40 seconds
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257: Stop Chasing and Start Attracting - Brian Lewis

7/1/201648 minutes, 38 seconds
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256: Olympic Runner To REal Estate

Today's guest we talk about how he went from competing in the Olympics to running a successful career in real estate.  We talk about how being competitive will shape your life as well as, why we all need an abundance mindset. We discuss how he hated being a salesperson and that almost stopped him from going into business.  He shares how he got his lifetime idol to mentor him. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
6/24/201654 minutes, 7 seconds
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255: Making a Millionaire- Michael St Jean

Todays guest was pretty inspirational.  Its a story about how a high school dropout went on to found one of the most successful real estate companies in Cananda.  All at the early age of 31.  After being in real estate for a mere 7 years he is easily pulling down over 7 figures a year.  He is super aggressive and has his eyes on that elusive 1000 deals a year that hasnt yet been achieved in Canada. His whole motto is "I'm doin it my way"  I was inspired and I hope you are as well.  His book recommendation is Relentless by Tim Grover.  I got the book and I love it.  If you want a free copy use our link Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
6/16/20161 hour, 22 seconds
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253: Tom Ferry on how to stay ahead of the competition

We bring Tom Ferry back on the show and talk about what he sees for the future of the real estate industry. Overall---Tom's always thinking about how to stay 25 steps ahead of your competition. He shares a few very interesting ideas on building relationships with hedge funds and the other players that are currently holding thousands of homes in their inventory and why now may be the time they will be looking to unload them and move that money  into other asset classes. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business. Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
6/7/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 39 seconds
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253: The Art of Closing The Deal - James Machio

Todays guest we cover how to kill it with expansion teams, why you should be tech saavy, how to be #1 in your market and why you need to be courageous and ask for the business
6/1/201641 minutes, 8 seconds
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252: REaching Your Optimum Self - Abe Shreve

Todays guest is a super high level coach---only working with people who do a minimum of 40M dollars in production.  He has coached 13 of my previous guests.  This is a wide ranging discussion covering mindset and reaching your potential.  Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business.
5/25/20161 hour, 24 minutes, 53 seconds
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251: Drive Traffic and get seller leads - Melanie Piche

Todays guest started her career with 2 mottos that being "I will never knock on a door" and "I will never make a cold call".  She has since gone on and built a team of 8 and is doing a few hundred deals a year and have a 2M GCI goal. We talk about everything they are doing for online marketing to drive traffic and seller leads.  The first very critical thing that she did to fine tune her marketing was to identify her ideal client--Age, gender, income and family structure ie. single, married, kids That one piece of information has allowed her to fine tune messaging as well as, clearly identify marketing mediums and locations.  Most of this stuff is surprisingly simple however, it takes work. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Ready to level up and do radio?  Go to and see how you can double your business. Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
5/18/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 57 seconds
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250: Going PT to FT to 200 agents - Dawn Dunavant

Today's guest went from flipping houses in college to building a 200 person brokerage.  We talk about risk tolerance and how to conquer the fear of building your own business.  We also discuss how she went from part time agent to selling real estate full time. We chat about how she was a stay at home mom and how her husband being diagnosed with cancer changed the game.  She also shares some tactical advice about using social media as well as, strategies for cold outreach. We spend a few minutes on discovering your why and how introverts can succeed in real estate. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show! Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
5/6/201651 minutes, 15 seconds
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249: Making A Millionaire - Tom Ruebens

Todays guest is a coach that doesnt believe in coaching.  He has gone from trading commodities on wall street to owning professional sports teams to coaching people to reach their potential. Todays guest spends all his time thinking about how to make more money--we talk about the difference between a startup personality to becoming a professional manager. We discuss how to find your "WHY" and become a purposeful entrepreneur and how to create a business that attracts money instead of chasing money. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
5/3/201646 minutes, 25 seconds
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248: Your The Average of The 5 People- Beth Alsford

We talk about why you need to play to your strengths and outsource your weaknesses.  Todays guest shares how and why to build a team and the systems and processes you should deploy with your team. We talk about why you need to level up and surround yourself with successful people---we also spend some time talking about driving internet leads like an internet marketer. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
4/26/201638 minutes, 15 seconds
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247: Think Bigger! - Ruth Pugh

Todays guest has a team of 20 with 4 admin and shes pulling down 292 deals for 2M in GCI.  We talk about how she got fired from a family business for not thinking big enough-----now--shes thriving and the family business is out of business. We talk about how she is able to adapt and stay current with a shifting economic climate as well as, how she adds at least 1000 people in her database each year.  We also talk about her super power of prospecting. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
4/19/201638 minutes, 34 seconds
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246: 2M GCI--You Cant Teach Hustle - Richard Acevedo

Todays guest was a day laborer until he saw a real estate agent open a door and sell a house earning 10K in a snap.  He dropped his hammer and nail bags and started hustling real estate.  He did the work---cold calling, door knocking and meeting people. We talk about how he built a super profitable business earning 1.9M GCI in a few years.  We talk about how if you have hustle---you can win in this business. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
4/15/201650 minutes, 35 seconds
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245: How To Sell Luxury - Peter Hernandez

Todays guest is a guy with a long pedigree of winning --from running coldwell banker global to launching his own brokerage focusing on selling luxury properties. He shares that one key to his success is to always stay learning based and the importance of staying humble. We talk about how to hire and build culture first organization and how alignment with your goals and actions reduces friction and makes success a byproduct We also discuss how he has managed to close 94% of the last 200 listing presentations he and his inner circle have done. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
4/12/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 17 seconds
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244: Tuning Up Your Technology - Matt Barba

Today we brought on the co-founder of Placester.  We talk about digital marketing.  How to get noticed online and the best SEO practices for the current climate. We discuss the importance of differentiation and having a niche that you dominate and how to then go out and deliver massive value.  We also do a little visioneering and talk about what the industry is going to look like in 5 years and how you can best position yourself today. We talk about the importance of a CRM and how making sure all your databases are compatible with one another.  We unpack the notion that technology wont disintermediate realtors and how its going to be realtors with technology that will disintermediate those without tech. Want to build more relationships and mine your database for deals?  Take a look at our new podcast production company  Send us an email and lets get started. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
4/8/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
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243: From 1 Flip to Owning 1500 Units with NO Money - Andrew Cushman

Todays guest has an interesting backstory---from selling golf balls as a kid to becoming a chemical engineer before getting into real estate. In this episode we talk about how to get a mentor, how to find deals, how to generate passive income and how he went from doing 1 flip to buying a 92 unit apartment complex. From identifying deals to raising capital ---we discuss the full stack of going from broke realtor hocking houses to setting himself up for a cushy retirement. And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!  
4/5/201657 minutes, 44 seconds
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242: Using YouTube For Marketing - CJ Hays

Our last episode (240) on marketing was a big hit.  We brought on a master marketer to talk about how the big boys are marketing their businesses.  We cover some very specific areas like Yelp and Youtube--these are low cost strategies that you can implement today. He gets into some very detailed mechanics of how to rank higher in Google and get you content seen.  Some of this is content that pro marketers will never share on a stage or seminar. And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!  
3/29/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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241: Mindset Over Marketing - Tamara Dorris

Today’s guest is a best selling author. She focuses on mindset but, takes it from a scientific point of view. We discuss the differences in gender—men and women and what hold different genders back. She says that women struggle with self worth and men struggle with the fear of failure. We talk about why its critical that your actions and thoughts are in alignment for the universe to manifest the business and life you want to build. We spend some time on why “modeling” is so important. Why envisioning to a very specific degree on who you want to become will help train your subconscious brain to consistently seek out opportunities and relationships to make that happen And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!  
3/25/201654 minutes, 32 seconds
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240: Building Your Digital Strategy - Blaise Dietz

Today’s episode is all about how to market like an internet marketer and find low hanging fruit. Are you focusing on the two most important spokes in your business? Building your list and mining that list for deals. Do you have a digital strategy? Do you have a mobile strategy. If you are running a business in 2016----its not enough to just pick up the phone and call people---if you want to truly leverage your time----- you need a digital strategy that is mobile focused.  We talk about the 3 most important pieces of building a business---following up with past clients in a completely automated way---building the brand of you and growing your list/database/databank.  We talk about creating and using unique content---what kind of bribes are ethical and we get into some ninja facebook advertising tactics---get you pen ready.  If some of this is over your head---you can get some help---take a looking at this is where we help people get on track and build a scalable, repeatable and predictable business.  Of course—if you want to build your company as a media company and turbocharge your list building head over to’s get your podcast launched. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
3/22/201651 minutes, 24 seconds
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239: The Psychology of Selling - Sheri Fluellen

We are always on the lookout for talent.  Todays guest is a phd in psychology-  I wanted to bring her on to discuss the psychology of selling.  I wanted to find out how we should be approaching sales prospects, how to quickly build rapport and the things we need to be aware of when dealing with clients We talk about the power of touch, why you shouldnt assume everyone makes decisions the  same way you do and why having a blueprint for each encounter is important as well as, why you need to debrief after each meeting to get better at your craft. You can find me on twitter @superagnetslive---hashtag for the show is unpackthatidea. If your not on my list---go to—download my free ebook---I hsare tips and strategies with my list I don’t share anywhere else.  And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
3/18/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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238: Exposure Is The New Social Currency- Andrew Obrien

We live in an influence economy---as consumers we want to see good reviews on everything from Yelp to Amazon.  You may have the most amazing service but, if people arent aware of you and what you do----nobody can buy from you. Todays guest specializes in getting people exposure---on tv, radio, newspapers, blogs podcasts etc.  We talk about why you should focus on getting your name out there as well as, how to do it---no money--just hustle. You can find me on twitter @superagnetslive---hashtag for the show is unpackthatidea. If your not on my list---go to—download my free ebook---I hsare tips and strategies with my list I don’t share anywhere else.  And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
3/15/201633 minutes, 42 seconds
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237: Business or Betrayal? - Chuck Swidzinski

  Todays episode is brought to you by Viralkast the first and only completely done for you podcast production service. Build new relationships---create a deeper connection with your database and get exposure to new audiences  Heres how it works—you interview influencers----you start building a new relationship------you take that valuable content and share with your database---your guest—then shares the content with their list. Everyone wins---you build new realtionships---create a deeper connection with your list and get exposure to new peple –this  If your currently mining your database with video stop---audio is the new reality---go to ViralKast with a K to learn more. And right now for the first 25 subscribers we are offering 50% off the getting started price.  Before we get to the content-----I wanted to share a story—this is something that many of you may have experienced. Betrayal----Im always confused when “friend” betrays me---or says one thing to my face and another to everyone else. I see it as betrayal and they call it business. When did the world get so scarcity minded that they will throw others under the bus just to improve their chances of winning in the market? I wont say names or the name of his company on this platform but, some of you may be familiar with him---in fact hes even been a guest on this show.  Why am I sharing this with you? Well I guess its because I wanted to highlight the fact that these people are out there and there may be more of them than we actually believe and more of them than we want to believe exist  It’s a reality and each of us needs to choose how we will respond to these people when this happens to us. Will we get hurt? Yes—its hurtful---will be get mad? Of course---we will be mad at them and we will be mad at ourselves for allowing this to happen but, how we actually respond is the true test of who we are as individuals---our character. Being successful in life is more than the amount of money we make----being successful is being able to navigate the sharky waters of the marketplace and never lowering ourselves and become anything like those bottom feeders that will lie, cheat and debauch themselves to win the deal. I wanted to share---because I wanted to let this be known as a public affirmation. I commit to each and everyone of you that in business and in life I will continue to lead a life of abundance and gratitude. I hope you will continue to join me as we all build the business and lives we were destined to have. Todays episode we talk with a guy who with just him and a few admins is able to do 130 deals a year---not work more than 40 hours a week and will never work on weekends. This guy has developed the kind of business we all got into real estate for==-==time freedom and financial freedom. We cover why you should hire an admin or va right now----how to be super efficient and the tools he uses to get stuff done. You can find me on twitter @superagnetslive---hashtag for the show is unpackthatidea. If your not on my list---go to—download my free ebook---I hsare tips and strategies with my list I don’t share anywhere else. And if your feeling stuck in your business and feel like you could use some help, support or just new ideas go to You can get some coaching there for less than 100 bucks a month Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!   This show is produced by me Toby Salgado with help from our research team and production done by ViralKast. If your building a team and want to make sure your doing it the most efficient way----reach out to corocoran coaching—they coach 83 of the nations top producing teams and for our listeners they will give you a free business evaluation-----send an email to [email protected] and let them know I told them to call.
3/11/201636 minutes, 7 seconds
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236: Surrounding Yourself With RockStars- Bruce Mcalpin

In today’s episode we cover the top 20% of action items that will result in 80% of your results. We spend a lot of time talking about how to recruit top talent. How to surround yourself with people that will keep you motivated and how to find a mentor to keep you laser focused. We also talk about what is working for him in his business right now.  He shared that the most valuable “spoke” in your business is your database. If you want to nurture your database and grow your list the most valuable tool to do that is start your own podcast. Go check out to learn how we can make this drop dead simple for you. If you sign up now---you can save 1,000 dollars on your setup fee. Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
3/8/201656 minutes, 1 second
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235: Finding a Partner In Crime: Zinicola & Erlanger

Todays episode is a duo interview—a team that is comprised of an attorney and former corporate sales guy. They have cracked the code and have generated 500+ deals last year and on track for a 750 deal year. We go over scripts and how to go from being a buyers agent and transitioning into a listing agent. We talk about the marketing they use to take down deals and how they teach others to become productive and only work on their business instead of “in” their business. You want to do your own podcast? We are rolling out viralKast at done for you podcasting service---build new relationships, deepen connection with your list and get exposure to new prospects. Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
3/4/201659 minutes, 3 seconds
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234: 100 Deals A Year As A SoloAgent - Lawrence Belland

Todays guest is a soloagent that is doing about 100 deals a year on his own.  We spend a bit of time talking about how he does it and stay sane.  We also spend some time talking about the world of real estate and how China is buying up tons of real estate and how the fed has artificially kept interest rates low and what effect rising rates will effect real estate values. We discuss how student loan debt is effecting first time homebuyers and how a lack of first time home buyers is effecting move up buyers.  We also spend some time talking about the world of macro economics. If you want to build your database and make a deeper connection with your database while building new relationships-----you gotta do a podcast---check out our new podcasting service  
3/1/201655 minutes, 56 seconds
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233: Skills + Mindset = Making a Fortune - Jeff Quintin

Todays guest breaks down what skills you need develop to make a fortune in real estate.  He shares how he teaches his team how to get out of their own way and think like a baller. One of the first things he does to get his team to stretch their goals is to write a list each week of the things They want to do The places they want to go and The things they want to own. We spend a lot of time talking about how to master scripting as well as, timeblocking in order to get your mindset and business in alignment. If you want to make a splash in your business----do a podcast.  We just launched the only "done for you" podcasting service Build deeper connections with your database---build new connections with your guests and get exposure to your guests database.  We are living in an influence economy and exposure is the new social capital we are dealing with.
2/26/201658 minutes, 41 seconds
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232: Diversify Your Business - Tamra Wade

Todays guest does around 400 deals a year but, it wasnt always like that--just a few years ago she was a solo agent.  Recently she has begun building a team and adding multiple pillars of business.  From working with Builders to doing regular retail business---she does it all. In this episode we discuss why you should diversify your business Why you need to continually be touching your database Why you need to find a mentor and Why you need to know your value proposition and shout it from the rooftops
2/23/201648 minutes, 1 second
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231: Key Takeaways from Keller Williams Family Reunion - Gary Keller

Todays episode is some key takeaways I took from going to the Keller Williams Family Reunion Conference Gary was on stage and although he spoke for more than an hour there was 3 key items he focused on.  The first key takeaway was a warning---he said "Winter is Coming'  he explained how the real estate industry is cyclical and that the boom times last 7-10 years.  He postulated that the recovery started in 2011 and that the good times are coming to an end. While I understand that he wants to be early in giving warnings-----I feel this is too early.  In most parts of the country---the recovery began in 2013 which would push our date to 2020 and the earliest and as late as 2023. The second key takeaway is that permission marketing is a pillar you should be focusing on.  This is a fancy way of saying market to your database.  Gary went so far as to say---"Your database is your business"  While he said this he gave no tactical strategies or ideas on how to do this.  We will be covering specific tactics you guys should be implementing over the next few weeks/months
2/20/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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230: Million Dollar Year - Nick Waldner

Hey guys---show notes are a little sparse for right now----Im currently in new Orleans for family reunion. If you are here---lets meetup. Im going to be at the pavilion lounge Sunday night 6p-9pm.   One last thing---super excited about our new done for you podcasting service---its as simple as making a phone call-----we record, edit, produce and publish---send me an email if you want to know more
2/16/201650 minutes, 59 seconds
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229: Thriving in any economy - Jason Stockwell

Hey guys---show notes are a little sparse for right now----Im currently in new Orleans for family reunion. If you are here---lets meetup. Im going to be at the pavilion lounge Sunday night 6p-9pm.   One last thing---super excited about our new done for you podcasting service---its as simple as making a phone call-----we record, edit, produce and publish---send me an email if you want to know more
2/12/20161 hour, 3 seconds
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228: Building a Referral Business - Brian Huff

Todays guest is 29 years old and is doing about 400 deals a year. We talk about how he buys a new Lamborghini each year and how that keeps him motivated. He shares how he spent the first 5 years grinding until he got to smooth sailing—Lambo Style  He shares how he feels his that secret sauce is his discipline and spending his first 3 hours each day prospecting        We go over some of the scripts he uses as well as, the 6 basic questions he asked everyone he gets on the phone.  We spend a ton of time digging into how he mines his database as well as, how he gets referrals. We also talk about the strategy he uses to figure out his exact return on every phone call, note and party he throws You want to do your own podcast? We are rolling out viralcast---a done for you podcasting service---send me an email and we can chat.   Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
2/9/201654 minutes, 22 seconds
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227: Scripting, Tech & Time Blocking - Rick Brenkus

Todays guest is a husband and wife team that is doing about 300+ deals a year. In this episode we go over why your business should be prospecting based with a marketing focus and how coupling these two skills add a multiplier effect in your market.  Check out minutes 18-22—he unpacks a very condensed strategy for building your business. We cover why you should have a FSBO and expired channel as well as, why you need to time block.  We spend a ton of time going over scripting for FSBO’s and expired’s.  This is one that you will want to listen to twice. One takeaway I want you to take away is the money is unlimited---its just energy expended on the right tasks.  You want to do your own podcast? We are rolling out viralcast---a done for you podcasting service---send me an email and we can chat.  Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!  
2/6/20161 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
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226: Building Your Business in The Cloud- Brandon Marchand

Technology won't disintermediate realtors---its realtors with technology that will disintermediate realtors---will that be you? Todays guest is a former software technologist-----he built software prior to getting into real estate---we spend a ton of time talking about how a technologist like him uses tech---we talk about how he went paperless and how he leverages technology to make everything easier from creating ads to video This one is a little techy and we get into the weeds a bit but, stick with it One key takeaway is how he is uses SEO to drive organic search in his market--he shares how when people start searching they start very broad----"I want a new SUV" but, as they learn more they start to get more specfic---Honda SUV with 4x4.  He explains how he uses long tail keywords to drive traffic Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!  
1/29/201657 minutes, 15 seconds
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225: Lead Generation Games - Anton Stetner

Todays guest shares why he thinks real estate in the best game ever invented. He shares his feelings of why he feels that the low barrier to entry in real estate is hurting the industry as a whole.  He explains why you should build your business like a business and why you need to act as an advisor and not a salesperson.  He shares why you need to be flexible in your business and why he treats everything like a game---from lead gen to getting twitter followers.  He is a firm believer in failing forward and staying on track and focused on daily dollar productive activities. Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
1/26/201655 minutes, 18 seconds
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224: Real Estate Marketing Hacks - Ray Wood

Todays guest is a real estate Marketing specialist. He also has a podcast called top agents. The theme of this episode is “differentiation”—early in his career to stand out he wrote a book on how to get the most money for your house. The book was a hit and was soon teaching others. He explains how everyday in every city---someone wakes up and decides they are going to sell their house----unless they know who you are---youre not going to get the deal. We talk about how making little tweaks to the copy on your website can have amazing effects and how one of his clients has doubled her business every year by blogging with long tail keywords. He also shares that being up to date on technology can help your business----little things like having a mobile responsive site can yield massive results in organic ranking on google.  Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
1/22/20161 hour, 6 minutes
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223: The Secret Sauce Of Growth - Barry Ezerski

Averaging 576 deals a year for almost 10 years-----He shares his secret sauce of buying up teams that were getting out of the business.  He shares how he got into real estate---he was a journalism major and wanted to be Tom Brokaw—one day on Christmas eve—he had to fire 7 people. He hated it and wanted to do his own thing—he looked at real estate and got the bug.  He shares how he grew rapidly buying up “books of business” that were getting out of the business----for NO money.  He shares how being in a military market has helped him survive during the financial meltdown from 2008-2013.  He shares how another piece of his secret sauce is that they focus heavily on their people—both team and past clients.  He explains how you need to be tracking every single dollar you are spending on marketing----without tracking you will not know what’s working---he shares how radio and television for him is magic----he’s buying television spots for almost nothing.
1/19/201650 minutes, 10 seconds
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223: 2 Years to 200 Deals! - Courtney Atkinson

Today’s guest got to 200 deals in 2 years as a listing agent.  We talk about how to break into a market and generate leads of this magnitude. We discuss something you guys ask me a lot and that is how to go from being a part time agent to a full time agent. He shares why he thinks you should join a team and learn on someone elses dime.  He also shares why he feels that in order to break the 50 deal mark you need to learn how to delegate and manage responsibly. Courtney is a life long learner and believes that his success has been dependent on learning something new everyday. Check out our new coaching product for $99 dollars a month you can get coached by some of the best minds in real estate.  Learn from folks that have actually done it. Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
1/15/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 32 seconds
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222: Diversify Your Business & Monetize - Ed Laine

Going from 25 deals to 100 with smart marketing targeting sellers. We talk about how he deploys his marketing dollars for maximum impact and how he has built a diversified company built to monetize every lead he captures.  We discuss why you need to have a diversified business to monetize every lead that comes across your desk—by building a full stack business you can serve you client in house with everything from retails sales to property management decreasing your cost per lead. Todays guest owns 9 different companies to be properly diversified. We spend a lot of time talking about his software lead gen company.  Scaling up needs systems his quote is “If I have to do something twice I build a system”  We talk about how he uses Facebook ads that convert—we dig into copy, font and button color and sizes.  Want to get some coaching? Go to Join my calls with top producers, get an accountability partner and join a thriving community Todays show is brought to you by Real Estate Radio Experts.  If you want to level up–change the game and get more listings—radio is the secret weapon.  Fill out the getting started sheet and let’s talk. You can follow me on twitter @superagentslive Get a free copy of the book by signing up for audible with this link
1/12/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
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221: Marketing in 2016 - Steven Clarke

Todays guest has spent 2 years in the business and has done 50+ deals and cleared 179,000 dollars in GCI.  Todays guest started listening to the show prior to doing even 1 deal. He shares that he has listened to the show and implemented the nuggets from the show. His secret sauce is that he has taken an internet marketer’s approach to his real estate business. Using this internet marketer approach he has built his business where 60% of his business has come from online and 40% referrals.  Prior to launching his business he shares how he spent a ton of time reverse engineering all the components of a real estate business and hit the ground running when he finally launched.  We talk about how he builds his list, systems and fostering community. We talk about the tools he is using as well as, where and what he outsources. Check out our new coaching program at www.schoolofprofits   Sponsor Real Estate Radio Experts If you want more listings radio is the secret weapon of top producing agents Join the Conversation Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Hashtag: #unpackthatidea Find A Mentor We’ve partnered up with Bob Corcoran and his team to get you a free coaching call. E-mail [email protected] and let him know you listen to the show!
1/8/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 23 seconds
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220: 3 Essential Pillars Of A Real Estate Business - Kuc & Vexelman

Can you really get 1000 seller calls a day?  Today's guest is a marketing powerhouse that through their marketing prowess they get 1000 calls a day.  The secret sauce in their business model is that they take a marketing consultative approach and offer an investment side, a wholesaling arm as well as, a traditional retail side. They send out over 10,000 mailers a month and drive a ton of calls and using their call center and normalizing the sales process they are able to lock up any type of deal that calls in. One thing that is missing in most real estate businesses is that they typically only focus on one thing----investment or wholesaling and most of the time just typical retail real estate.  Today's guest promotes doing all three.  I hope you like it. Get a free copy of his book by signing up for audible with this link Todays show is brought to you by Real Estate Radio Experts.  If you want to level up–change the game and get more listings—radio is the secret weapon.  Fill out the getting started sheet and let’s talk. You can follow me on twitter @superagentslive
1/5/20161 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
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219: Attract Don't Chase - Michael Maher

Today's guest is a best selling author of 7 Levels of Communication.  We discuss why the typical new agent is out of business in a year and why the way you've probably been taught to sell is all wrong.  Why and how should you change you're approach to selling. We discuss building a business that you love and working with clients that love you back.  We talk about how to build strong relationships with influencer's in your market and why 1 strong relationship is worth 250 mediocre relationships. We discuss why you should start with the end in mind---what do you want people to say about you when you die?  That you were a slick sales guy or you were a giving and loving business owner? What is the lifetime value of you're customers?  You spend money getting leads and converting them but, most people fail to continue to develop that relationship to yield fruit over the lifetime of that client. He also shares why tweaking something as simple as doing initial consultations will increase conversions and increase referrals. Get a free copy of his book by signing up for audible with this link Todays show is brought to you by Real Estate Radio Experts.  If you want to level up--change the game and get more listings---radio is the secret weapon.  Fill out the getting started sheet and let's talk. You can follow me on twitter @superagentslive
12/30/20151 hour, 22 minutes, 38 seconds
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218: Finding Opportunity in a Noisy Market - Ace Chapman

As entrepreneurs we are always looking for the low hanging fruit.  Sometimes there are deals right in front of us but, if your radar is not tuned in --you will miss it. I dig in and find out what are the tips and trick he uses to uncover hidden deals.  We talk about the easiest way to build passive income and the strategies that he uses to buy existing companies with equipment and revenue with NO money out of pocket. We also discuss the reason why we as solopreneurs need to be experts at everything--from marketing, sales, management and leadership If you want to level up and get some coaching–we will be launching our new product called the School of Profits before the end of the year. Our sponsor—Real Estate Radio Experts–If you want listing leads go to Fill out the getting started sheet and see if you’re a good fit. Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Connect on LinkedIn Friend me on FB:
12/22/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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217A- Leveling Up and Finding a Mentor - Tim Heyl

Today's guest is 28 years old and makes 2 Million GCI.  We talk about how he got some coaching from Gary Keller and that changed the game for him.  He found the top guy in his market and modeled the best of the best. He shares how he quickly figured out the math of mapping out exactly the number of calls and the number of appointments he needed to do each month.  He shares why coaching was the second weapon in his arsenal that helped him level up.  He explains why you need to be able to take risk and bet on yourself. If you want to level up and get some coaching--we will be launching our new product called the School of Profits before the end of the year. Our sponsor---Real Estate Radio Experts--If you want listing leads go to Fill out the getting started sheet and see if you're a good fit. Follow me on twitter @superagentslive Connect on LinkedIn Friend me on FB:
12/21/20151 hour, 52 seconds
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216: Building A Listing Business - Noah Ostroff

Todays guest is a powerhouse.  Coming out of the construction world and with no sales experience he started his business by copying the corporate home builder management model.  From day 1--he developed his business from the listing side.  He explains how he implemented systems and processes PRIOR to having the leads or team to support that but, he explains how being proactive allowed him to skyrocket his business and surpass competitors that have been in the market longer. The foundation of his business stems from him putting the right people on the bus.  He built this with a true management team from CFO to COO the management foundation helped him turbo charge recruiting, retention and leads. Because he built his base on listings he knew he had to build a marketing business.  He explains how smart marketing he has built an "attraction" business instead of a "chase" type of prospecting business. Noah has done a great job of using leverage to grow.  This is a key aspect of building a business that will last----the difference between good to great. If you want to level up and accelerate your listings and conversions there is no better way than radio.  Go to --fill out the getting started sheet and see if you are a good fit. Follow me on twitter Friend me on Facebook Connect with me on LinkedIn
12/15/201556 minutes, 15 seconds
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215: Advise Your Way To Wealth - Wydler Bros

Todays guests—it’s a 2 sided interview---2 brothers---one guy was a laywer from Vanderbilt law school and the other went to Yale Undergrad and then Harvard business school----both of these guys are super smart and could have done anything---we dig into the insights they had that led them into real estate and oh by the way they are doing 220 Million dollars in volume.  We talk about why they would come from the hardest institutions to get into and migrate into the easiest industry –real estate  We will hear the one of the insights that led them into real estate was the fact that most agents don’t view realtors as advisors---everyone has a financial advisor, a legal advisor, a tax advisor but, when it comes to your most expensive asset real estate people don’t view their realtor as a true advisor and get a yearly checkup. We talk about the importance of having a strong network in building a solid foundation for your business and why building your list should be one of the first things to focus on and once you built your list and foundation---nurture it. The guests shares how relationships are everything and why you should looks at your clients as a client for life.  We talk about the value of being a real estate agent-----you’re not only making money but, changing lives along the way. We talk about how these ultra-pedigreed guys---made more money their first year selling real estate.  We talk about the dynamics of working together as brothers----being competitive, keeping the peace and the power of trusting your partner.  We also discuss why it’s imperative to discuss how to break up with your business partner early and often.
12/11/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
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214: 5Xing Your Business - Mike Shulman

Can you really 5X your business in one year?  Today's guest probably looks a lot like you.  He kept looking for the next best thing and while, some of those tactics worked out in the short term it wasn't great for a long term play. We talk about the exact steps he took to go from 2Million to 10Million in one year.  We talk about the steps he took to find a business partner that complimented his skillset.  Once Mike on-boarded his partner he realized that doing work that he by outsourcing those jobs he to someone else that work got done cheaper, faster and better than he cold do it himself. We talk about when and how he got his first isa and how doing professional photography he sells houses at 99% of list price and sells them faster than 90% of other agents in the market. We talk about radio has grown his business by 42% in the last year.  We also cover what things he should have done sooner and what he should not have done. We also discuss about the specific steps he took for form partnerships, alliances and uses social media to grow his business.  We talk about the splits he gives his ISA and partner. If you want to level up and do radio go to and fill out the getting started sheet. Subscribe to Super Agents Live podcast on iTunes. Toby Salgado is the host and managing director of Super Agents Live (podcast) and Real Estate Radio Experts (radio agency). Follow him on Twitter
12/8/201558 minutes, 52 seconds
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213: Adding Wholesaing To Your Business - J Massey

Today's guest is a professional investor.  We talk about how to add wholesaling business line in your real estate business.  You all see deals at one time or another but, very rarely pull the trigger because you don't have the money.  We talk about how you should be putting those deals under contract and then sell the contract to another investor. We cover a ton of items around macro economics and how it will effect real estate.  We talk about how he feels the foundation of real estate is the ability to build long term relationships as it takes multiple people to do any one deal.  We cover a ton in this episode.  Why you should be creating content each week.  Why you should build your list and your database is essential to your success.  How to find opportunity and raise capital.  We talk about where you can find opportunity in residential vs commercial as well as, geographic locations where you can find opportunity. Why you should focus on technology and how you can leverage it in real estate. If you ready to level up and get more listing leads go to and fill out the getting started sheet. If you want to know more feel free to connect with me on twitter @superagentslive or LinkedIn and you can always hear more of my interviews with top producing agents at If you want to know more about using radio for listing leadss visit our site
12/4/201559 minutes, 31 seconds
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212: 30 Deals To 108 In 2 Years - Ryan Smith

How do you go from 30 deals to 108 deals in one year?  Today's guest shares how he built lead generation and transaction management systems to quickly scale his business.  We talk about how he took the typical real estate business to consumer model to a business to business model working with builders. We talk about how he was relentless---not leaving the office until he got at least 1 appointment per day.  How his military background left him unprepared to become an entrepreneur.  We spend a lot of time talking about building the systems that has allowed him to build a fast growing business. If you want to level up and get listing leads there is no better channel than radio.  Go to and fill out the getting starting page---Let's chat and see if your a good fit.
12/1/201555 minutes, 30 seconds
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211: Generate Listing Leads On Linkedin - Josh Turner

Getting free listing leads with Linkedin is easier than you might think. If you’re on social media you’re most likely spending it on Facebook but, you might be missing some low hanging fruit when it comes to listing leads. If you are looking to grow your business with a limited budget; there is no better place to look than Linkedin. I recently sat down with Josh Turner, a best-selling author of “connect” teaches people how to hack Linkedin. This episode is more of training than just a straight interview. To give you some context--- businesses can broadly be classified as a prospecting or marketing based business. Let me illustrate; Stockbrokers are prospecting based and your local dentist is marketing based. Stockbrokers are the kings of cold calling making 100 to 300 calls a day looking for leads while your local corner dentist simply hangs out his shingle. Whether your business is marketing based or prospecting based you still have the same end goal: Make a sale. The difference is how you get there. Marketing businesses ATTRACT buyers while, prospecting businesses CHASE buyers. By using proven Linkedin strategies you can build your list, grow an audience and build credibility.  For listing leads the best thing we have seen in the market is radio.  Go to and check out some of our videos.  If you think your ready to level up --fill out the getting started sheet and we can chat.
11/24/201553 minutes, 5 seconds
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210: Building A Cloud Based Business - Brett Kepler

Today's guest is 34 years old and makes 1 Million in GCI. How does a corporate marketing guy crack the world or real estate and build a cloud based business.  At the core of any business you have sales and marketing but, none of it can be optimized if you don't have systems.  In todays episode we talk a lot about building in systems to automate day to day tasks like following up on that inspection or getting the financing contingency signed off. Most other industries from legal to HR to sales all have systems they follow.  Real Estate is the only industry that does not operate on standardized systems. We spend a lot of time talking about the tools he used to build a cloud based brokerage.  Here are a list of what we cover Mailchimp for emails Dotloop Docusign Zip Forms Centralized Showings Gmail Google Hangouts Follow up Boss Odesk
11/20/201556 minutes, 53 seconds
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209: The 5 Pillars of Real Estate - Kymber Menkiti

Most real estate agents and small business owners build their businesses as a lifestyle business.  The result of that is that they often porpoise --their business has ups and downs.  They never build systems and processes into their model and because of that they never build a repeatable and predictable cash flow. Today's guest comes from the non-profit world and they entered into the world of real estate not only to build a business but, to make a difference in the community.  They set out to change peoples lives with where they live and in the process they did something remarkable---they changed the city. We discuss the importance of choosing a geography to focus on (farm) and why your office should be in the center--not just of the area but, the center of the community by utilizing the press, events and marketing. We also discuss why they built a "real estate platform" with not only a sales arm but, with a development, and brokerage with rental and staging arm in the planning.
11/17/201547 minutes, 47 seconds
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208: Lead Gen, Systems & Radio - Joy and Chris Daniels

This is a husband & wife team that doubled their business twice.  They went from 20M to 40M.  We talk about how they built their team and how systems have been a cornerstone in growing their business. We get very specific in the CRM they use, the systems they implemented as well as, their marketing systems.  We cover how much they spend in advertising as well as, where they deploy that capital.  They share with us how they leveraged radio to add 10M in production their first year.  By implementing radio and TV they grew by 5X from 20M to 90M. In addition to covering whats working for them we also cover the struggles they had with converting leads to closed deals. If you want "Come list me leads" go to  we would love to chat with you and see if your a good fit.  Radio is the secret weapon in growing your real estate business.
11/13/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 1 second
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207: How to break 100 deals and finishing strong

Todays guest has a team of 6 but, is doing 150 deals a year.  In this episode we talk about what he did when he started.  How he migrated from working with buyers to working with sellers.  How you should build your business with automation and delegation in mind.  How he has used facebook ads to crush his competition and why consistency is king. In the beginning part of the show I answer your questions about what to do when you have some extra cash.  I also talk about what we are doing with our year end planning.  I discuss why you should think about what business you are really doing as well as, urging you to go out and find a niche.  Whether that is waterfront, condos or apartment buildings----having a niche is key to growth as you need to build your brand around your niche----no niche equals a vanilla brand which equals a mediocre business. I cover going thru your identity and then ask how each of the legs of your business support and grow the other.  I also discuss distribution channels as well as, the sales channels that we will focus on in 2016. For listing leads go to fill out the getting started page and lets see if your ready for radio. 
11/10/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 19 seconds
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207: Make 700K In 1 Day A Week? - Jeff Cohn

Today's guest makes 700K a year and only works a few hours a week.  We talk about how he does it and how he built his team and looks for in agents.  We talk about when you should begin building your team and working to exit your business and become a manager instead of an operator. He feels that its not the talent on your team but, the systems and process that you plug them into.  We discuss in detail the specific systems and processes that he uses.  This is one of those episodes that you will definitely want to take notes. If you want to level up and get listing leads go to and fill out the getting started sheet. Follow the show and conversation on twitter.  My handle is @superagentslive Be sure to sign up for our free membership site at
11/6/20151 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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205: Growth Hacks: How To Grow Fast - Nick Krautter

Todays guest is a best selling author of "The Golden Handoff".  In today's episode we talk about specific steps to take over businesses from agents that are looking to retire.  Most agents will try to sell their businesses when they retire but, Nick explains how to take over a retiring agents book of business for now money.  We talk about specific steps to find agents that want to retire---specific splits, scripts and the value of a database.  As I mention in this episode we will be doing a "Your Questions Answered" episode next week.  What are your questions?  Send them to me and we will answer them on the air.  Send questions to [email protected] If you want to get more listing leads----radio is the key.  Go to ---fill out the getting started page and lets see if your a good fit.
11/3/20151 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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204: Stop Selling-Start Acting - Albert Garibaldi

Albert will make 900K this year and his kids dont think he has a job.  We cover how he is moving into the luxury market  We talk about how he has reinvented himself year over year by adding value to everyone he meets.  How he uses the phones to build relationships and why you shouldnt be afraid of the phones and asking past clients for help. Our mission is to help real estate agents make more sales, close more deals and convert leads. Get listing leads
10/30/201553 minutes, 46 seconds
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204: Stop Selling-Start Acting - Albert Garibaldi

Albert will make 900K this year and his kids dont think he has a job.  We cover how he is moving into the luxury market  We talk about how he has reinvented himself year over year by adding value to everyone he meets.  How he uses the phones to build relationships and why you shouldnt be afraid of the phones and asking past clients for help. Our mission is to help real estate agents make more sales, close more deals and convert leads.
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203: Find The Low Hanging Fruit - Deborah Harris

10/27/201541 minutes, 42 seconds
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202: How To Go Full Time - Brian West

10/23/201553 minutes, 26 seconds
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201: Become a marketing machine - David Kramer

10/20/201551 minutes, 59 seconds
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200: Cash Out With 30M Cash - Brenton Hayden

10/16/20151 hour, 17 minutes
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199: Head of FBI Hostage Negotiation Unit - Gary Noesner

10/13/201540 minutes, 27 seconds
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198: How to go Luxury

10/8/201554 minutes, 13 seconds
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197: Triple Your Business Each Year - Lance Loken

9/25/201559 minutes, 12 seconds
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196: Maximizing Your ROI - Richard Nassimi

9/22/201531 minutes, 27 seconds
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195: How to Win Every Pitch - Oren Klaff

9/18/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
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194: The Future Of Coaching - Greg Mcdaniel

9/15/20151 hour, 47 seconds
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193: How To Market Like Amazon - Peter Levinson

9/9/201555 minutes, 50 seconds
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192: Doubling Your Growth Every Year - Aaron Rian

9/1/201553 minutes, 40 seconds
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191: Improve Your Closing Rate By 30% - Patrick Harvey

8/28/201559 minutes, 18 seconds
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190: Bob Burg - To Go-Giver

8/21/201546 minutes, 35 seconds
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189: Mompreneurs Cracking 100 Deals A Year

8/18/201542 minutes, 32 seconds
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189: Building A Luxury Brand - Ivan Sher

8/7/201544 minutes, 4 seconds
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188: 6M First Year In Business - Kimberly Knapp

8/4/201544 minutes, 46 seconds
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187: Becoming A Top Producer - Josh Anderson

7/31/201546 minutes, 30 seconds
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186: Targeting Luxury With Expired's - Florence Shapiro

7/28/201538 minutes, 27 seconds
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185: How To Get 100 Referrals A year - Timothy Reeder

7/17/201542 minutes, 29 seconds
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2 Million GCI and Counting - Martin Bouma

7/10/201535 minutes, 17 seconds
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Building Systems Into Your Biz - Dan Holt

7/7/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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182: How To Get More Referrals - Michael Maher

7/3/201550 minutes, 54 seconds
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181: Overcoming Whats Holding You Back - Jenny Wemert

6/30/201546 minutes, 25 seconds
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180: Selling Real Estate Like An Internet Marketer

6/26/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 59 seconds
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179: What You Should Be Doing Now - Adam Duckwall

6/23/201553 minutes, 17 seconds
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178: Finding A Mentor - Alison Socha

6/19/201536 minutes, 56 seconds
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177: What Top Producers Do Differently

6/16/201541 minutes, 51 seconds
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176: Scaling from 50K to 350K - Travis Robertson

6/12/201551 minutes, 44 seconds
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175: Jump Start Your Business

6/9/201536 minutes, 12 seconds
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174: Systems, Processes and Scripts - Jim Brooks

6/5/201556 minutes, 26 seconds
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173: Reinventing Your Business - Jim Soda

6/2/201546 minutes, 52 seconds
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172: Capturing Leads From Your Website

5/29/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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171: Close More Listings - Misty Wood

5/26/201542 minutes, 26 seconds
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170: Hire For Your Weaknesses-- Amy Moline

5/22/201552 minutes, 53 seconds
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169: Branding Yourself - Jason Hartman

5/19/201535 minutes, 20 seconds
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168: Finding Your Niche & Farm - Steve Volker

5/15/201557 minutes, 50 seconds
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167: Using Video For Higher Conversions Bob Sokoler

5/12/201556 minutes, 24 seconds
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166: Driving 1,000 Leads A Month -Cody Gibson

5/8/201549 minutes, 22 seconds
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165: What Other Agents Dont Know - Mark Hagan

5/6/201537 minutes, 5 seconds
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164: Social Media & Team Building - Lisa Archer

5/1/201549 minutes, 59 seconds
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163: How To Own Your Time - Marc George

4/28/201557 minutes, 7 seconds
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162: 65M With Zero Marketing Budget- Josh Smith

4/24/20151 hour, 17 minutes, 13 seconds
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161: Building A Repeatable and Duplicatable Business - Aaron Rian

4/21/201554 minutes, 40 seconds
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160: 400 Deals Using Internet Leads - Samer

4/17/20151 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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159: Systems, Processes and Efficiency- Anna Kalinski

4/15/201559 minutes, 23 seconds
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158: Tactics For Breaking Into Luxury - Jack Cotton

4/10/201549 minutes, 6 seconds
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157: Perfect Lead Generation Channels - Justin Hoffmann

4/3/201551 minutes, 18 seconds
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156: Maximzing for ROTI instead of ROI--David Brenton

3/31/201531 minutes, 42 seconds
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155: Godfather of Radio Advertising- Russell Shaw

3/27/201554 minutes, 46 seconds
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154: Marketing Hacks For Luxury

3/24/201540 minutes, 41 seconds
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153: Open House Strategy That Kills

3/17/201556 minutes, 32 seconds
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152: The 3 Pillars that matter-- Andy Peters

3/13/201545 minutes, 58 seconds
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151: Social Media and Expansion Teams

3/10/20151 hour, 57 seconds
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150: Open House Strategies

3/6/201548 minutes, 37 seconds
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149: Running A Virtual REal Estate Business -- Erik Brown

3/3/201559 minutes, 56 seconds
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148: Determining Your Destiny---Tregg Rustad

2/27/201556 minutes, 8 seconds
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147: How to Double Your Average Sale --Justin Seeby

2/24/201554 minutes, 2 seconds
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146: How to Own a Market--Chris Cooke

How to dominate a market.  The #1 real estte agent in Baltimore shows us how he did it using lead generation, coaching, and smart marketing.
2/20/201557 minutes, 3 seconds
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145: Building Your Database--Vincent Napolean

2/16/201541 minutes, 33 seconds
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144: Mastering Negotiations With Language

2/11/201551 minutes, 29 seconds
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143: Dominate Your Market--Steven Cohen

2/6/20151 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
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142: Actor To RE Agent-How To Sell---Dylan Hoffman

2/4/201539 minutes, 8 seconds
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141: How To Build A Sphere Of Influence

1/30/20151 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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140: Online Lead Generation--Bob McTague

1/27/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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139: Get 6 Months Ahead Of Your Competition--Chris Smith Curaytor

1/23/201555 minutes, 55 seconds
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138: Starting From Zero---Cory Meyer

1/20/201539 minutes, 33 seconds
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137: How To Break Into UltraLuxury--Vincent Horcasitas

1/16/201548 minutes, 8 seconds
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136: Highest Price Point with Most Volume=--Russell Rhodes

1/13/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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135: Open House Strategies, FB & PPC and How To Hire

1/9/201557 minutes, 6 seconds
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134: No Niche--No Worries--Shane White

1/6/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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133: Breaking 100M in 4 Years

1/2/201558 minutes, 45 seconds
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132: Breaking 100 Deals A Year--Brian Moses

12/30/201454 minutes, 21 seconds
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131: Saw The Collapse of 08 Coming?---Cassie Robertson

12/23/201459 minutes, 23 seconds
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130: Doing 1,000 deals a year-The Unicorn of Real Estate-Ryan Oneil

12/19/20141 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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129: Hacking Real Estate Success---Jim Keaty

12/16/201453 minutes, 7 seconds
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128: Hedge Fund & Investor Clients---Greg Kurzner

12/12/201454 minutes, 8 seconds
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127: The Fountain of RE Knowledge--Bubba Mills

12/11/201454 minutes, 21 seconds
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126: Diamonds and Real Estate--Richard Nassimi

12/9/201452 minutes, 30 seconds
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907 Deals and 700K Marketing Budget--Jim Allen

12/5/20141 hour, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
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124: 900 Transactions and Growing---Chantel Ray

12/2/201452 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Get A 10 Million Dollar Listing ---David Parnes

11/21/201454 minutes, 36 seconds
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122: Breaking Into Luxury Markets---Dianne Williams

11/18/20141 hour, 3 minutes, 12 seconds
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121: Real Estate Is A "Contact" Sport with Greg Harrelson

11/14/201450 minutes, 21 seconds
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120: Scripts, Dialogues and Building A Database

11/11/201459 minutes, 59 seconds
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119: Building a Company That Runs Itself--Jeff Cohn

11/7/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 26 seconds
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118: Be Everywhere Marketing Campaign with Adrienne Lally and Attilio

11/4/201451 minutes, 21 seconds
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117: The Magic Sphere (SOI) Mining Strategy

10/31/201453 minutes, 20 seconds
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117: Techniques For Database Marketing with Greg Mcdaniel

10/28/20141 hour, 40 seconds
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115: Unique Real Estate Deals with Bob Zachmeier

10/24/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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114: Zero Cost Marketing Plan with Charlotte Mabry

10/21/201445 minutes, 10 seconds
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113: Bulletproof Marketing Plan with Wes Madden

10/17/201453 minutes, 13 seconds
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112: Working With Investors with Roy Cleves

10/14/201449 minutes, 46 seconds
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111: Discovering Your Unique Selling Proposition with Hoss Pratt

10/10/20141 hour, 4 minutes, 17 seconds
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110: Building A Team with Cathy Manchester

10/7/201439 minutes, 51 seconds
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109: Lead Conversion And Staying Top of Mind with Anthony Graham

10/3/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
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108: How Much You Should Spend On Marketing

9/30/201445 minutes, 46 seconds
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107: Change Your Life One Brick At A Time

9/26/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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106: Tap Corporate Relocation Departments Leads wit Teresa Cowart

9/23/201456 minutes, 34 seconds
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105: The Master Of Mindset with Rock Thomas

9/19/201459 minutes, 33 seconds
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104: Bulletproof Real Estate Systems with Lance Woodley

9/16/20141 hour, 34 seconds
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103: How To Build Your Business With Investors---Charlie Butler

9/12/201455 minutes, 21 seconds
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102: How to say Hi and make cash!

9/9/201435 minutes, 4 seconds
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101: Building a Thriving Real Estate Business In Any Market

9/5/201458 minutes, 56 seconds
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100: 400 Transactions Working Part Time--Lars Hedenborg

9/2/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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099: Miilionaire Mindset-Starting Your Day

8/29/20141 hour, 5 minutes, 5 seconds
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098 Riches To Rags Real Estate Lessons

8/26/20141 hour, 28 seconds
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097: From Flipping Cars to 100M In Sales

8/22/201455 minutes, 17 seconds
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096: The 56 Million Dollar Woman--Kathy Toth

8/19/201445 minutes, 8 seconds
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Lead Generation & Picking the Right Brokerage

8/15/201457 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Back-Country Real Estate Billionaire--Tim Rhode

8/12/201457 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Millionaire Maker---Part 2

8/8/20141 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Millionaire Maker--Part 1

8/5/20141 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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6 Months to 6 Figures in Real Estate

8/1/20141 hour, 6 seconds
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Zero to 90 Million in 7 Years

7/25/201455 minutes, 17 seconds
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Secret to Breaking Out!!

7/23/201432 minutes, 26 seconds
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Real Estate Innovator

7/21/201452 minutes, 37 seconds
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Wall Street to Main Street Real Estate

7/18/201456 minutes, 23 seconds
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List Building Strategies And How It Can Make You Happier

7/16/201432 minutes, 23 seconds
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How To Systemize Your Success---Danny Griffin

7/11/201458 minutes, 33 seconds
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Take Action and Build Your Ideal Life--Toby Salgado

7/9/201448 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to generate Web Leads---Howard Tager

7/7/201455 minutes, 59 seconds
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Using Radio & Building A Team

7/4/201430 minutes, 34 seconds
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Social Media And Geo Farming---Joanne Mills

7/2/201456 minutes, 24 seconds
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330 Transactions And Growing---Lucy Ham

6/30/201439 minutes, 59 seconds
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How To Make 2 Million Dollars A year And Never Knock On A Single Door

6/27/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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Turbo Charge Your Business with Frank Klesitz

6/25/20141 hour, 3 minutes
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Creating The Perfect Sales Funnel

6/23/201444 minutes, 56 seconds
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Conveying Your Value In 5 Steps

6/20/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 53 seconds
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How To Go From 6 Deals to 106 In 12 Months--Chris Speicher

6/18/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 15 seconds
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Improving Your Negotiation Skills

6/16/201442 minutes, 27 seconds
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Building Wealth & mindset mastery

6/13/20141 hour, 1 second
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The Power of Persistence

6/11/201436 minutes, 5 seconds
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Farm Leads VS Web Leads---Alison Van Wig

6/9/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Art Of Selling---Dont Close?

6/6/201454 minutes, 27 seconds
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Create Super Fans in your real estate business

6/4/201454 minutes, 59 seconds
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Using Google Hangouts in Your Real Estate Business--Brandee Sweesy

6/2/201445 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Power of Mindset--JV Crum III

5/30/201448 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lead Generation Streams---Jeff Lobb

5/28/201454 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to get people to say yes in real estate

5/23/201459 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Art of Being Social--meet 100 people today--Aaron Woodman

5/21/20141 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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Dominate Your Niche--Vince Scuncio & Toby Salgado

5/19/201451 minutes, 24 seconds
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REal lead generation in real estate--Grier Allen and Toby Salgado

5/16/201457 minutes, 29 seconds
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Get a TV Show by Blogging--Toby Salgado

5/14/201450 minutes, 25 seconds
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Zero to 20M As A Part Time Real Estate Agent---Wendy Papasan & Toby Salgado

5/12/201453 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why Expired's Should Be Part of your Real Estate Strategy

5/9/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lifetime Value of Your Clients--knowing that will drive your business directives--Toby Salgado

5/7/201448 minutes, 42 seconds
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Double End Every Deal and Creating Multiple Streams of Income

5/5/201457 minutes, 19 seconds
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Build Your Team With virtual Assistants

5/2/20141 hour, 11 minutes, 51 seconds
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I Can Make You Rich--Toby Salgado on life by design

4/30/201455 minutes, 22 seconds
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1000 Real Estate Leads A Month and 300 Transactions--Buddy Blake

4/25/201459 minutes, 28 seconds
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Do More Real Estate Deals and pay less in taxes

4/23/201455 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lead Generation and Hunger Equal Success

4/18/20141 hour, 4 minutes, 23 seconds
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Create a Killer Introduction That Converts

4/16/201449 minutes, 19 seconds
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Steve Harney: The 3 Big Trends of 2014 and How You Can Leverage Them

4/14/20141 hour, 13 minutes, 44 seconds
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100 doors a day to become a real estate multimillionaire in 3 years

4/11/201457 minutes, 2 seconds
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Testimonials, Scripts and Real Estate Apps

4/9/201452 minutes, 57 seconds
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Passion & Profit and Millionaire Mindset for Real Estate Agents--Chris Stafford

4/7/201449 minutes, 21 seconds
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Grant Cardone on Dominating your market and reaching your potential

4/4/201457 minutes, 5 seconds
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Finding a niche in Millenials

4/2/201444 minutes
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Build a 50M dollar real estate business without spending a nickel--Josh Smith

3/31/201459 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Match a Six Figure Salary in 2 Months with Real Estate--Nicole Truszkowski

3/28/201450 minutes, 36 seconds
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6 Kids and 3,000 deals--Marguerite Crespillo explains how she built her real estate business

3/26/201447 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to get on the cover of Wall Street Journal--Toby Salgado and Catherine Marcus talk real estate

3/24/201448 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tom Ferry--Real Estate's #1 Educator

3/21/201452 minutes, 1 second
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Spotting Opportunity in your real estate Market--Todd Miller and Toby Salgado

3/19/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to be an expert in finance, contracts and an inspections--Gary Gold

3/17/201458 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jay Papasan--New York Times Best Selling Author Breaks It Down

3/14/201450 minutes, 6 seconds
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BulletProof Real Estate Branding Strategies with James Festini

3/12/201459 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Power of Thinking Big and The 50 Million Dollar Man--Doug Liebinger

3/10/201439 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to dominate a small real estate market

3/7/201452 minutes, 47 seconds
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Super Agent Peter Hernandez and Toby Salgado Riff About Real Estate

3/5/201457 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to build a referral business that will last a lifetime--Toby Salgado and Keith Berry talk real estate

3/3/201442 minutes, 3 seconds
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Complacency is Death and Consistency is King-Toby Salgado

2/28/201454 minutes, 16 seconds
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033: Parachute Into a New Market and Win in Real Estate–Jay Kinder gets detailed on how to kill it

Jay is in a small market with a low average sales price of 125,000 dollars and he shares how he captured 15% of his market and is #2 in his city. In this episode Jay spends a lot of time explaining what you need to do to be successful. He shares: How he captured 15% […]
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Parachute Into a New Market and Win--Jay Kinder gets detailed on how to kill it

2/26/201455 minutes, 59 seconds
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032: Why Door Knocking Works–Andrew Mortaza explains how he went from accountant to Super Agent

Going from accountant to Super Agent–Andrew Mortazza explains how he went from the back of the office to being the face of the business. In this episode he explains: How he listed the first door he ever knocked—a Year later! The difficulty of going from being an employee getting paid every 2 weeks and then […]
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Why Door Knocking Works--Andrew Mortazza explains how he went from accountant to SuperAgent

2/24/201444 minutes, 29 seconds
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031: The Power of Belief–Tom Rubens shares how to uncover the pillars of truth and succeed!

Serial Entrepreneur Tom Rubens shares his experiences owning a basketball team and selling real estate.  I promise that you will be inspired from this episode. In this episode Tom shares: How to build your business by mastering time management How to focus on daily dollar productive activities Why you should go out and hire your […]
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The Power of Belief--Tom Rubens

Serial Entrepreneur Tom Rubens shares his experiences owning a basketball team and selling real estate.  I promise that you will be inspired from this episode. In this episode Tom shares: How to build your business by mastering time management How to focus on daily dollar productive activities Why you should go out and hire your first team member and replicate yourself How he took a risk and bought a basketball team even though; he knew nothing Why mindset is everything in your business and your life How to uncover your own personal greatness and win How to unlock the key to dealing with rejection Why door knocking will get you to the top in every industry How to not let rejection define your business Why to always offer something of value to your clients and market How to find ways to interact always and often with your clients Why you should always be servant hearted Understand the power of belief and how he bought a franchised team Understand your own pillars of truth--who you are and what you stand for The power of begging your day with your desires Dont allow negative energy to penetrate your life---just BELIEVE! Book:  The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz   The War of Art by Steven Pressfield Personal Habits: Tenacity and a refusal to lose 3 Steps:  Get a mentor-----Listen and practice that they teach Reach out to Tom at: email: [email protected] Phone:  937-938-0004
2/21/201449 minutes, 35 seconds
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031: The Power of Belief--Tom Rubens

Serial Entrepreneur Tom Rubens shares his experiences owning a basketball team and selling real estate.  I promise that you will be inspired from this episode. In this episode Tom shares: How to build your business by mastering time management How to focus on daily dollar productive activities Why you should go out and hire your first team member and replicate yourself How he took a risk and bought a basketball team even though; he knew nothing Why mindset is everything in your business and your life How to uncover your own personal greatness and win How to unlock the key to dealing with rejection Why door knocking will get you to the top in every industry How to not let rejection define your business Why to always offer something of value to your clients and market How to find ways to interact always and often with your clients Why you should always be servant hearted Understand the power of belief and how he bought a franchised team Understand your own pillars of truth--who you are and what you stand for The power of begging your day with your desires Dont allow negative energy to penetrate your life---just BELIEVE! Book:  The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz   The War of Art by Steven Pressfield Personal Habits: Tenacity and a refusal to lose
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Mastering Scripts and Diologues to Build a real estate Referral Business--Jason Daniels

Jason Daniels went from framing houses to being a Super Agent and closing more than 100 Million dollars in volume. In this episode Jason goes deep on: He talks about what its like to work in a family business and the difficulties he faced Why you need to master scripts and dialogues to build a referral business Why you should go out and knock on doors today for business this month How to begin building your list and market to that list Why you should pick up the phone and be aggressive about finding leads How he sends out hand written notes and why it works How to market to your sphere of influence at church or parents at school Why you should send something of value to everyone on your list and then follow up How to get free food for your prospects by leveraging local restaurants Why you should set your clients expectations How to build your team and replicate yourself right now Why you should get clear on how much money you want to make an hour and outsource all tasks that are not dollar productive Your first 2 hires are critical and they should be an assistant and VA Why you should get clear on your goals and write them down and review often How to build your ideal schedule We discuss how to best utilize facebook and Twitter Why consistency is king Why you need to create a database with everyone you know and let them know that you sell real estate Why you need to conquer Fear. Book: The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller Tool:  CRM--RealPro  
2/19/201448 minutes, 21 seconds
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029: How to Play Golf and Make Millions–Ryan Davis shares how he plays golf to find leads

From insurance agent to Super Agent in 3 years.  Ryan Davis shares his inspiring story about how he had a dream of playing golf everyday and becoming a millionaire selling real estate in the process.  He has only been in the business for 3 years and did 68 Million dollars last year. Ryan shares how […]
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How to Play Golf and Make Millions in Real Estate--Ryan Davis & Toby Salgado talk about getting out and hitting the pavement

2/17/201439 minutes
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028: One of the Most Influential Women in Real Estate–Kelly Mitchell gets real on passion and purpose

Kelly fell into real estate after the dot com bust and now is named Inman’s 100 most influential people in real estate. In this episode Kelly shares how her unexpected fail in technology led to her being a Super Agent in real estate:  She also shares her ideas about: How she uses her ability to […]
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One of the Most Influential Women in Real Estate--Kelly Mitchell get real on why your passion should be aligned with your niche

2/14/201446 minutes, 5 seconds
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027: Plumber to Million Dollar Net Worth–Rhyan Finch shares why you should stay hungry

Rhyan believes that by staying hungry and outworking the next guy is the key to achieving massive success.  In this episode we talk about mindset, constant improvement and bucking the trends. We get into: How he bet on himself and did 30 transactions his first year; 60 his second and 120 year 3 Why he […]
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Plumber to Million Dollar Net Worth--Rhyan Finch

2/12/201453 minutes, 50 seconds
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027: Creating a Winning Listing Presentation

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026: The Psychology of Selling; Scripts, Body Language and Tonality–Albert Garibaldi shares his methods

Creating relationships for life is Albert Garibaldi’s mission.  He has transformed himself from an underachieving student to an over-achieving Super Agent. In this episode Albert shares: The importance of being consistent Why you should let go of your ego and manage your mindset for success How to get your body and mind in peak shape […]
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The Psychology of Selling--Scripts, Body Language and Tonality--Albert Garibaldi does a deep dive on his methods

2/10/20141 hour, 11 minutes, 37 seconds
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025: Mindset & Wealth Go Hand In Hand–Bob Corcoran explains how to create a millionaire mindset

Wealth & Mindset; get those right and you will achieve success and happiness. In this episode Bob Corcoran breaks it down and explains how to create your dream life.  He explains how to be successful in life by building the right mindset. Bob shares: Bob thinks everyone should get a coach How to create your […]
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Mindset & Wealth Go Hand In Hand--Bob Corcoran explains how to create a millionaire mindset

2/7/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
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024: How Video Testimonials Will Increase Your Referrals–Dana Cataldi breaks down

Dana Cataldi the caring agent explain how she became a super agent. In this episode Dana breaks down why you should: Always manage client expectations Get referrals by getting video testimonials and the best time to get them How to conquer fear in your business and level up and get bigger deals Why you should […]
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How Video Testimonials Will Increase Your Referrals--Dana Cataldi breaks down

2/5/201446 minutes, 13 seconds
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023: Tracking Leads For Higher Conversions and Productivity Hacks——Super Agent Carin Nguyen shares her strategies for creating a dream life

Success is in the details; Carin shares how planning and tracking everything in her day yields massive success. In this episode Carin reveals: Why mindset is so important in the prospecting process Why picking an office for splits is bad and why you should look for more training How her team prospects and how office […]
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Tracking Leads For Higher Conversions and Productivity Hacks------Super Agent Carin Nguyen shares her strategies for creating a dream life

2/3/201449 minutes, 52 seconds
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022: Mike Ferry Rockstar Coach Delivers The Goods On What It Takes To Be A Top Producer

Mike Ferry explains what it takes to be a top producing agent. In this episode he covers—Everything: He tells us why you should invest in yourself and get a coach Why you should be a voracious reader He explains how top producers always move the goal post further down the field How mindset is key […]
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Mike Ferry Rockstar Coach Delivers The Goods On What It Takes To Be A Top Producer

1/31/201449 minutes, 54 seconds
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021: Write It Down–Break It Down–Take It Down–Toby Salgado on creating your ideal 2014

This episode is about planning–and yes I know that its almost February and the reason I am releasing this episode on planning is that 1.  most of us dont develop a good plan and 2. If we do develop a plan by Jan 18—we have already fallen out of our plan guidelines.  So this episode […]
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Write It Down--Break It Down--Take It Down--Toby Salgado on creating your ideal 2014

1/28/201428 minutes, 15 seconds
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020: How To Keep Your Hustle In Your 70′s–Sandra Hadley shares how hustle and marketing go together

Keep your hustle even if your 70.  In this episode 74 year old Sandra Hadley tells us how she keeps motivated to out perform the majority of younger agents. You will hear Sandra talk about: The importance of finding a mentor/coach How marketing and Hustle go hand in hand How she meets people everywhere and […]
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How To Be a Hustler Even If Your 70---Sandra Hadley Shares Her "Be Everywhere" Strategy

1/27/201434 minutes, 10 seconds
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019: #1 Keller Williams Agent–Leo Pareja On Surrounding Yourself With Excellence

Leo is an amazing guy with a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful. In this episode you will hear Leo talk about: The Rich Dad-Poor Dad book taught him leverage and how that changed his mindset Why all agents need to start their careers with a budget How he sold his car […]
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#1 Keller Williams Agent--Leo Pareja

1/24/201446 minutes, 31 seconds
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018: How to Dominate a geographic farm in 8 Weeks-Chad Goldwasser Bartender to 120 Million in Sales Explains

How to dominate a farm.  Chad tells us his secrets on how he went from bartender to super agent and what is driving his business today. In this episode Chad shares: How to dominate a geographic farm in 8 weeks —step by step He gives us tips on how to be a lead generation machine […]
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How to Dominate a Geographic Farm in 8 Weeks--Chad Goldwasser Bartender to 120 Million in volume explains

1/22/201448 minutes, 20 seconds
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017: 26K in Debt to MultiMillionaire in 3 years–Toby Salgado talks about his start in real estate

Toby Salgado is a serial entrepreneur and he talks about how he has used his sphere of influence to create 3—- 7 figure businesses. In this episode he talks about how he got his start in real estate by working with publicly traded home builders.  He discusses how after the housing crash he formed a […]
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From 26K in Debt to Multimillionaire-Toby Salgado talks about his start in real estate

Toby Salgado is a serial entrepreneur and he talks about how he has used his sphere of influence to create 3---- 7 figure businesses.   In this episode he talks about how he got his start in real estate by working with publicly traded home builders.  He discusses how after the housing crash he formed a 12 Million dollar fund and how he became a hard money lender and secured all the deals with real estate.  He then talks about how he was able to buy a 73 Million dollar land portfolio from a bankrupt home builder out of Sacramento.  
1/20/201445 minutes, 53 seconds
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016: TV Celebrity and Super Agent Josh Flagg Shares How He Sold 200 Million Last Year

Television Celebrity Josh Flagg shares how he uses old school marketing and leverages it to produce 200 Million in sales volume. In this episode Josh shares: How he got into selling high end properties when he was still in High School He thinks selling real estate is simply—marketing, marketing and more marketing Know your inventory […]
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TV Celebrity and Super Agent Josh Flagg Shares How He Sold 200 Million Last Year

1/16/201420 minutes, 45 seconds
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015: 7 “How To’s” to Build A Rockstar Social Media Strategy

In this episode I talk with Kyle Gosselin a social media strategist and we talk about how real estate agents can pick up their game with social.  We discuss tips, tricks and strategies of Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Kyle tells us that realtors have no idea just how good places are like Twitter are for […]
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7 "How To's" to Build A Rockstar Social Media Strategy

1/15/201443 minutes, 2 seconds
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014: 100 Hires in 12 Months–Coach Extraordinaire explains what it takes to be #1 in your office–Anthony Vulin

In this episode Anthony Vulin explains how after hiring and training 100 new agents he knows what it takes to be successful.  Anthony has founded multiple new offices for Keller Williams and he has always built the top producing office and agents in the company.  He then went and founded his own firm–The Collective. Anthony […]
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100 Hires in 12 Months--Coach Extraordinaire Explains what it takes to be #1 in your office--Anthony Vulin

1/13/201440 minutes, 14 seconds
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013: I Dare You to Level Up and Think Bigger–Toby Salgado on Planning An Exceptional 2014

Hi this is Toby Salgado and we are doing a little bonus content.  I hope you enjoy this post and I want to dedicate this post to my friend Dominic—-he is a guy like many of you that has tons of talent and potential but, has not yet tapped into the giant he can be—I […]
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I Dare You to Level Up and Think Bigger--Toby Salgado on Planning An Exceptional 2014

1/12/201418 minutes, 46 seconds
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012: How to Niche Down and Grow Your Business—Rick Edler–Realtor of The Year

In this episode Rick Edler shares how he went from being a beach bum to becoming realtor of the year doing 54Million dollars in sales. This was a fantastic episode and Rick tell all.  Rick gives actionable advice on how he became a super agent.  Rick has done some interesting things along the way to […]
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Rick Edler -Beach Bum to Realtor of The Year

1/10/201433 minutes, 6 seconds
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011: Why Your Net Worth equals your Network. 54 Million Dollar Rockstar Richard Schulman

Welcome to Super Agents Live Podcast. To subscribe to the show use the links below: Click here to subscribe in itunes In this episode Richard Schulman brings the thunder—–this 54 Million dollar super agent spills his guts.  He shares how he went from selling almost nothing in his first year to how he has achieved […]
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Why your net worth equals your network--54 Million Dollar Rockstar Richard Schulman

1/8/201428 minutes, 37 seconds
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010: Social Media Genius of Better Homes and Gardens–Rebekah Radice gives up the goods on how big brands use social media

In this episode Rebekah Radice gives up the goods on big brands and social media.  She is the social media maven in charge of social media for Better Homes and Gardens–GLOBALLY! We were lucky enough to have her on the show to discuss what it means to be on social platforms.  We discuss the biggest […]
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Social Media Genius of Better Homes and Gardens--

1/6/201449 minutes, 53 seconds
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009: 76 Million at 32 years old–Patrick Ginn explains how he went from being an accountant to Super Agent in a few short years

In this episode I talk with the youngest Super Agent ever on the show.  Patrick Ginn is 32 years old and last year he did 76 Million dollars using a high end niche and a social media strategy.  He told me how he kind of stumbled into the high end when he got a referral.  […]
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76 Million at 32 years old--Patrick Ginn explains how he went from being an accountant to Super Agent in a few short years

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4  
1/3/201435 minutes, 22 seconds
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008: 57 Million Dollars in Volume by Coldwell Banker’s Top Performing Agent–Colleen Lawler

In this episode Coldwell Banker’s top performing agent digs in deep—she gets into the nitty gritty on marketing  and the tools she uses for lead generation and follow up. She explains how she deconstructed the day in the life of a real estate agent to develop roles within her team.  She explains the team building […]
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57 Million Dollars in Volume by Coldwell Banker's Top Performing Agent--Colleen Lawler

1/1/201442 minutes, 9 seconds
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From Farmer to 44 Million in sales

12/30/201331 minutes, 44 seconds
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007: From Farmer to 44 Million Dollars in annual volume–Sherri Stoneberger explains how she went from being a farmer to becoming a 44 Million dollar Super Agent

In this episode Sherri Stoneberger tells us how she went being a farmer to becoming a Super Agent.  Sherri is a super disciplined marathoner that contributes her personal habit of working out for 1 to 1.5 hours each day to her success.  She is a firm believer in just getting out there and working harder […]
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006: 13,000 to 5.3 Million a year–Billion Dollar Agent Pat Hiban shares how he made over 5 Million dollars in a year

In this episode Pat Hiban shares his story on how he went from making 13,000 dollars a year to making 5.3 Million dollars.  He tells us how he had a 2.6 GPA and only went into Real Estate because that was the only job he could get.  He realized the secret to success was in […]
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13,000 to 5.3 Million a year---Billion Dollar agent Pat Hiban shares how he earned 5.3 Million in a year

12/27/201346 minutes, 43 seconds
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005: Marketing to your list–Hal Sweasey explains how he went from stringing tennis racquets to doing 65 Million dollars in sales

In this episode Hal Sweasy tells us how he went from stringing tennis racquets to doing 140 transactions and 65 Million dollars in sales. Hal explains how he keeps in touch and market to his list using new media.  Hal develops his customers using a video blog and that high touch method has increased his […]
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Marketing to Your List--65 Million Dollars a year

12/25/201329 minutes, 1 second
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110 Million dollars and counting--Patricia Cliff gives insights into how she became a Super Agent

12/23/201329 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Millionaire Real Estate Agent author---Dave Jenks

Dave co wrote the new york time best selling book The Millionaire Real Estate Agent with Gary Keller.  Dave spills his guts in this episode and explains why you should build a team for 7 figure growth as well as, why Super Agents are learning based.
12/20/201335 minutes, 22 seconds
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Build a 7 figure real estate brand with social media--Herman Chann

Herman tells us how he went from being a model to building his social media brand to become a real estate internet celebrity
12/20/201330 minutes, 10 seconds
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Super Agents Live will change your life--Toby Salgado

Conceiving the show and what Toby hopes to accomplish
12/19/201314 minutes, 40 seconds