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Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast Cover
Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast Profile

Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 387 episodes, 2 hours, 2 minutes
Podcast exploring the hidden reaches of human behavior - the Subconscious Mind. We will explore all aspects of human behavior, especially specific ways you can re-program the power of your Subconscious Mind to live the life you love. Join Thomas Miller as we "Enjoy the Journey!" Support this show See ( for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode Artwork

Podcast 391 - Author Samantha Fey Returns! Heavenly Alliance: Call on Your Spirit Guides, Ancestors & Angels to Manifest the Life You Want!

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
10/7/202444 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast 390 - NEW! Meditations for Prosperity Based On Catherine Ponder, Neville Goddard and Burt Goldman

Link to the Meditations Here: Thomas a Coffee! you!
9/29/202424 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast 389 - A Beautiful Manifesting Story - Free MBA Tuition!

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
9/25/202415 minutes, 19 seconds
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Podcast 388 - What's the Downside of Gratitude?

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
8/23/20249 minutes, 10 seconds
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Podcast 387 - "You Meant it for Harm, but God Made it for Good!" - New Fave Mantra

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
8/7/202423 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Love Dogs: What Does "Born Again" Really Mean?

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
7/22/202426 minutes, 35 seconds
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Podcast 385 - What is Happening in Churches, Part 2: Themes of Judgement and a High Timeline Shift

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
7/11/202420 minutes, 10 seconds
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Podcast 384 - What is Happening in Churches in 2024? Escaping The Iron Grip

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!
7/11/202423 minutes
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Podcast 383 - A Huge Lesson in Un-attachment From My Cousin During Cancer Treatment

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! Join the Fun Astrology  Lucky Stars Club Here!
6/12/202411 minutes, 44 seconds
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Podcast 382 - Part 3 of Elijah: The Widow's Son Dies...

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! Join the Fun Astrology  Lucky Stars Club Here!
5/23/202418 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast 381 - "Word Of The Lord" - Thomas Gets AI Cloned To Bring Daily Bible Verses to YouTube

Here is the YouTube Channel Link: Thomas a Coffee! you! 
5/13/202423 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 380 - What Happened After The "Brook Dried Up?"

This is a sequel to Podcast 378 so best to listen to it first.Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! 
5/7/202419 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 379 - My Favorite #1 Tool For Conscious and Subconscious Living

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! 
4/28/202420 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast 378 - Lessons from Elijah - When Your "Brook Dries Up"

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! 
4/15/202419 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 377 - Dealing with Spikey Energy

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! 
3/30/202418 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast 376 - The Shift: An Unexpected Separation of Timelines In My Family

Buy Thomas a Coffee! you! 
3/18/202421 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 375 - Manifesting From the Heart; Not the Head

Buy Thomas a Coffee!
2/28/202419 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 374 - A "Pass-Through" Manifesting Miracles Technique "Live!" with Caroline Horne in California

This was a special episode, finally getting to sit down in person with our Akashic Records reader, Caroline Horne in California. Many of you have had readings with Caroline and have experienced the connection we discuss in this episode. If you'd like to connect with her, here is the link in the Fun Astrology website shop:
1/27/202418 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 373 - Getting Back Up After a Setback

1/18/202414 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 372 - Monkey Mind or Intuition? Who's Talking in My Head?

1/5/202415 minutes, 27 seconds
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Vision Board Magic! - With Author, Jean Van't Hul

You can buy the book and support the show here: HighTimelineBooks.comEnjoy the Journey!Thomas 
12/12/202320 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 370 - Michele Blood Returns With Her Video Book: "Manifestation Through the Power of Mysticism"

Check out Michele's first ever Video Book, "Manifestation Through the Power of Mysticism" Here! you for listening and Enjoy the Journey! Thomas 
12/2/202346 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 369 - A New Phase in our Journey Together: High Timeline Publishing Launches With a "Phoenix" Subconscious Mind Story!

Here is the link to the website: you for your ongoing support and when you order here, that support continues. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
12/2/202320 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 368 - Sunday Series: The Journey is the Guru

11/19/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 367 - Sunday Series: Classic Catherine Ponder Affirmations

11/12/202324 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast 366 - Sunday Series: Inspiring Quotes for Highest Timeline Living

11/5/202324 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 365 - Sunday Series - Part 2 with Caroline Horne: Applying the Akashic Records Reading Positively!

10/29/202321 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast 364 - Asking the Akashic Records About Collective Energy, Part 1 with Caroline Horne

10/25/202316 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sunday Series: The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalms) & The Tao That Can Be Told Is Not the Eternal Tao

10/21/202321 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast 362 - How to "Neutralize" Negative Energy Easily

If you'd like to join our Facebook Group, click here Our products shop is open, too - here's that linkEnjoy the Journey!Thomas 
10/18/202322 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 361 - 5 Ways to "Flush Out" Deception Including Using Intuition

10/12/202319 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 360 - Is "Authenticity" a Higher Emotion than Love?

10/8/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast 358 - Sunday Series: Reality Shifting, Desired Realities, Parallel Universes - Let's SHIFT!

Here is the link to view the TikTok video on Parallel Universes of Self
10/1/202322 minutes, 25 seconds
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Podcast 358 - Clearing Entities Updates with Author Fred Dodson

The book is available here: don't need a subscription; you can buy it individually. It is also available in the audiobook section of Apple Books.
9/20/202327 minutes, 38 seconds
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Podcast 357 - Money Manifesting Story - "Guard Your Heart!" - Sunday Series

9/17/202335 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 356 - Re-Visiting "Parallel Universes of Self" - with Author Fred Dodson

Link to the book on Audible. (You don't need a subscription, just buy it individually!)
9/13/202332 minutes, 44 seconds
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Podcast 355 - The Dharma of "Waiting on the Lord"; Retrograde Season - Re-sist or Re-fresh?

9/10/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
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Podcast 354 - The Mantra of Parallel Universes of Self: "We Don't See the World As It Is..."

9/3/202326 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 353 - Identifying and Changing Limiting Beliefs

Following a request from Sarah Wakeman in our Facebook group (she is our Chief Engagement Officer!) I realized we don't have enough episodes on beliefs. So we're going to fix that! Two other podcasts cover this - Episode 19 and 242, but this will get us re-started in the conversation about how we develop beliefs - both ones that serve us and those that don't, and then how can we change them. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas 
8/26/202340 minutes, 48 seconds
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Podcast 352 - Finding Our "Purest Highest Timeline!"

This will be the final episode of our 4-part Sunday series on our spiritual path. We've covered this from all angles, but it was very real in my own life over this past month, so that's why we stayed with it. Hope you will do the work discussed at the end, too! We'll be back in September with new "Spiritual Sunday" topics! Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
8/20/202318 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 351 - Excerpt From the Revised "Levels of Energy" - Effort vs. Effortlessness

The new, revised edition of Levels of Energy is now available on audio! If you already own "Levels of Energy," simply remove the files from your device and reload them and you will have the new version. There's nearly 3 hours of new material! Thank you Fred for allowing me to share this with our audience. And remember, you don't need an Audible subscription to buy the book individually. A lot of people shy away from Audible because they make you think you have to subscribe. I don't...and neither do you! Just purchase it individually when you check out. Link to the Book: the Journey!Thomas 
8/16/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Podcast 350 - Protecting Our Spiritual Practice

8/13/202318 minutes, 24 seconds
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Podcast 349 - Clearing Potential Spiritual Entities

Have you ever felt like you were doing your best on your spiritual journey, yet, something was still "off?" This is Part 2 our our Series of exploring how non-physical entities might "feed" of our very spiritual practice itself. Look through history! There's ample evidence this is absolutely possible. Music by Fred DodsonEnjoy the Journey!Thomas 
8/6/202329 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast 348 - A "Spiritual Wellness Check" - Can 'Entities' Feed From Our Spiritual Energy?

This is going to be a mulit-part series on doing a basic well-check on our very spirituality, spring-boarding from the question of "can entities (malefic energies in the non-physical) feed off our own spiritual practice?" It's a valid question as we consider so many spiritual people and organizations gone bad. This is the introductory episode and we're going to listen to excerpts from Fred Dodson's "Clearing Entities" audiobook - available on Audible and Apple Books - to set the stage about entities and what they want from us. Then, hang in there, we'll bring this around to how we can not only examine, but also protect our own spiritual path from these "cosmic critters." Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
8/2/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast 347 - High-Timeline Living. Excerpt from Levels of Energy - Level 505

This episode is being recorded in late July, 2023 after having completed the re-narration of Fred Dodson's most influential book, "Levels of Energy." Fred revised the print and Kindle editions, adding nearly 3 hours of additional material, and I re-narrated the entire book. What a wonderful contribution to hopefully many decades ahead. For those of you who already own "Levels of Energy," in about mid-August you should be able to remove your existing download and re-load the book to get the updated version! Thanks so much for listening to Fred's books. It allows me to do what I do to provide this material for you. Enjoy the Journey,Thomas (with Fred!) 
7/28/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 346 - Sunday Series - "Dating" Source - Re-Kindle an Old Flame

The Footprints In The Sand PrayerOne night I had a dream…I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, andAcross the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; One belonged to me, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life, There was only one set of footprints.I also noticed that it happened at the very lowestand saddest times in my lifeThis really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it.“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,You would walk with me all the way;But I have noticed that during themost troublesome times in my life,There is only one set of footprints.I don’t understand why in times when Ineeded you the most, you should leave me.The Lord replied, “My precious, preciouschild. I love you, and I would never,never leave you during your times oftrial and suffering.For when you saw only one set of footprints,It was then that I was carrying you through.Enjoy the Journey,Thomas 
7/23/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 345 - Sunday Series - "Returning" to our Eternal Source

7/16/202328 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast 344 - Sunday Series Meditation: Stop Thinking and End Your Problems!

7/9/202327 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast 343 - Sunday Series - How Do We Manifest "As Gods..."

7/2/202326 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast 342 - Sunday Meditation - "Be Still and Know.....I am God"

This is a mediation to see how Jesus used a section from the Psalms to smack the "religious leaders" of the day in the face with their own BS. Be Still....and know that I AM GOD. Let's talk about it. 
6/25/202320 minutes, 24 seconds
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Podcast 341 - "The Stream of Life" - Excerpt from Levels of Energy, Revised Recording

This is from the revised recording of "Levels of Energy" and is still my #1 favorite Fred Dodson writing. This will change your perspective about your "Journey!"So, enjoy...: )Thomas (and Fred) 
6/23/202311 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast 340 - How Can I Be of Higher Service to Source?

6/18/202324 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 339 - Mommy and Me Healing Event with Chasity Wuergler

This is an amazing story of synchronicities, the hand of God, following breadcrumbs, and it all culminating in the launch of high-consciousness events in the Orlando area for families, particularly Moms and their Kids. Chasity Wuergler attended Fred Dodson's recent "Levels of Energy" seminar and we got to chat about how this program came together. The story is truly remarkable. This should encourage us all that there is a brighter future ahead. Source is moving. Hearts are being stirred. Lives are being changed and the consciousness of the planet is being raised. Chasity's event webpage is:
6/15/202344 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 338 - Sunday Series - Your Energy-Level Pictured on a Chart

"Energy is Everything" - That's a good mantra to remember. How we align with the scale of Energy, as outlined in Fred Dodson's book, "Levels of Energy," literally determines everything in our life. Our mood, emotions, outcomes, etc., are all driven by our predominant energy level. I get the question, "so how do I change my vibration?" Great question! Click here to download this graphic and we'll talk about it. 
6/11/202332 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 337 - Sunday Meditation: Us...and Source...and Everything Else

This came to me 3x this week, so have to explore and unpack this. Whenever Source gives us something synchronistic, our job is to lean in and explore. I hope this helps make more sense of the popular concepts of interconnectedness and Quantum Physics. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
6/4/202329 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 336 - Interview with the Participants and Fred Dodson After Levels of Energy Seminar

The traveling microphones are at New Smyrna Beach, Florida following the 3-day "Levels of Energy 2023" seminar by author, speaker and coach, Fred Dodson. This venue was literally right on the beach, which added to the already-high vibration. These post-seminar episodes have become some of the most favorite from the comments, and hopefully the vibration of this event comes through the speakers. If you haven't attended a Fred Dodson event yet, they keep getting bigger and better, so it is something to consider in the future. Enjoy the Journey!The Seminar Participants, Fred and Thomas 
6/2/202335 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 335 - Sunday Morning - The Pursuit of Wisdom

5/28/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast 334 - Sunday Morning - Viewing the Past Through the Energy of the Present

5/21/202321 minutes, 57 seconds
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Podcast 333 - Feeling Stuck? Here Are Some Ways to Get Un-Stuck!

As I record this episode, I'm preparing to leave for Fred Dodson's "Levels Of Energy 2023" seminar in Florida. I'm so excited about this one because it's the first time I will be assisting Fred in putting the seminar on. That's a huge breakthrough. But I also have a list of "unfulfilled wishes" and sometimes when we focus on that list, we can feel stuck. Like our "ox is in the ditch," to borrow an old analogy.In this episode we explore some ways to get out of the ditch, especially during these times that are challenging us a lot more than we're used to. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas  
5/16/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast 332 - A Meditation for Security from Source in Uncertain Times

This meditation will help you release insecurities, fears and doubts, while replacing them subconsciously with the emotions you want to feel. Music with permission by Fred DodsonEnjoy the Journey!Thomas 
5/9/202321 minutes, 57 seconds
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Podcast 331 - Subconscious Help in Difficult Times

We are experiencing changes we have not seen in modern times. That's an ominous statement, but many are feeling the resulting energy. On top of that, there are some alignments in the sky - "as above, so below" - that are contributing right now, too (May, 2023). I did some subconscious mind programming in 2018-2019 in anticipation of these changing times that I saw through the lens of astrology. In this episode, we talk about how to re-frame some of this so it can be less impactful, then quickly cover 7 points to consider to help with the reprogramming. Then, we create a mantra and close with a brief meditation to lock it into our subconscious. Here is the Mantra:I chose this timeTo come to earth I will find my highest service And assist in this transitionWhen I am uncomfortable I call the angels to help me And I receive instant love, comfort and support Sending LoveEnjoy the Journey,Thomas 
4/28/202324 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 330 - Fred Dodson Talks About a New First-Ever Project For Your Family & Friends!

4/26/202318 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 329 - The Electromagnetic Self with Fred Dodson

Fred Dodson joins us to talk about his latest book, "The Electromagnetic Self." Fred is known for his timeless classics "Levels of Energy and "Parallel Universes of Self." So I had to ask..."what is the difference between "energy" as in "Levels of Energy" and our "Electromagnetic Self?" Fred's answer might surprise you! You can buy the book here without a subscription (do it from our computer vs phone!)Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Fred
4/4/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 328 - Top 3 Lessons Over The Last 10 Years!

The Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast is 10 years old now. As we begin the new decade, let's talk about what the most impactful, significant and important lessons as we prepare for the next decade ahead. Thank you for being on the Journey with me. "Enjoy the Journey!" Thomas 
4/1/202318 minutes, 22 seconds
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Podcast 327 - Levels of Energy Applied & Live Event 2023 - With Fred Dodson

Fred is back and we're going to talk about several things that have happened related to Levels of Energy lately. Plus, he's going to elaborate about the upcoming Levels of Energy Seminar in New Smyrna Beach, Florida May 26-28, 2023. If you are listening before the event and want to look at attending, here is the registration link: is the link to Clearing Entities, which is discussed. You don't need a subscription! Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
3/12/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 326 - Combining Reiki and Akashic Records with Caroline Horne

No stranger to our podcast, Caroline Horne has expanded her services with a new Reiki certification that she obtained in Thailand. She tells the story how that unfolded. Then, she kind of "stumbled" onto that akashic records information would come through while she was doing reiki on fellow students in the certification class. That has spawned a new, unique, combination of Reiki + Akashic messages. Caroline is local to Los Angeles and Orange County and is available for in-person sessions as well as remote. Her website is: the Journey!Thomas & Caroline 
3/10/202324 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast 325 - The Matrix Game - Cracking the Embedded Code of Life!

This is a mediation story you can listen to over and over. It debuted on one of our recent Sunday night Level UP live meetings. I knew it needed to be memorialized as a podcast. Hopefully this little story will help you frame up the matrix we are in, and how to break through it! Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
3/6/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast 324 - The Jeep is in Jail!

This is an incredible story that just happened. My Jeep was locked inside a storage unit and the new owners didn't know how to tell me to get to it. How it got "sprung loose" is miraculous. It also is a classic example of what Fred Dodson writes about in "Levels of Energy" and why it is so important for us to know. If you haven't listened to the book - here it is on Audible:And you don't need a subscription to buy on Audible! You can buy the book without the subscription. I would highly recommend it, especially after you hear this story! Enjoy the Journey,Thomas 
3/4/202327 minutes, 43 seconds
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Podcast 323 - Combining Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression & Astrology with Stevie McGuire

This episode is a continuation of Podcast 314 with Stevie McGuire, the hypnotherapist who led me through that amazing experience referenced previously. Stevie is now certified and is doing readings publicly. Her contact info is:snmcguire01 at gmail dot com the Journey,Thomas 
3/4/202320 minutes
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Podcast 322 - Can Christianity and "New Age" co-exist?

This comes from another listener question, and is timely in light of the Revival that has been going on at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. There is a spiritual wind blowing, and all of us will be processing it in our own way, particularly in accordance with our unique subconscious background. In this episode we explore the story of someone who claimed God's Spirit left her body while at a recent "new age" seminar. But on closer examination, things may not appear as they seem. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
2/24/202337 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 321 - Listener Question About Overcoming Internal Conflict Reflected In the Astrology Chart

This is a great question from Annette, a listener in Denver. It is also something I have first-hand experience with because her astrological aspect of the Sun and Mars being very close together, is the same as I have. She asked where I began and what I did to work on it, and these are my thoughts. Thanks, Annette, for a great question! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas 
2/12/202335 minutes, 48 seconds
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Podcast 320 - Interview with Financial Astrologer Ray Merriman on His Outlook Ahead and "Parallel Timelines"

2/4/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 319 - Reprogramming Our Subconscious Patterns Under New Energy

In my view, the world shifted on January 12, 2020 when 2 planets aligned in the sky at the exact same point for the first time since 1518 AD. These planets - Saturn and Pluto - represent transformational Kryptonite that we can take advantage of right now to reprogram things in our lives that no longer serve us. In fact, I believe we chose this time to be on the planet, in order to do this work. Perhaps that's why there are so many of us on earth right now. Souls who wanted to take advantage of this energy. This episode reviews some easy steps to identify, modify and release these old "chips" that are embedded in our consciousness that no longer serve us. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
1/23/202324 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 318 - Clearing Entities with Fred Dodson

New audiobook is out and this one goes in the league of 5 or 6 "Must-Listen" Fred Dodson books, including: Levels of EnergyParallel Universes of SelfReality Creation TechniqueYou Can Heal AnyoneClearing EntitiesLives of the SoulThese are the books that most changed my own life, and we hope you benefit equally yourself. Fred is hosting the 2023 "Levels of Energy Event for those of you listening in real-time. It will be May 26-28 in Florida. Click here for more informationEnjoy the Journey,Fred & Thomas 
1/7/202340 minutes
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Podcast 317 - Interview With Fred Dodson - "History Is False" - And Why That Is Important Today

Fred Dodson has a new book, Kindle and audiobook out entitled "History is False." This isn't just digging up (pun intended) old bones of blatant historical inaccuracies. This is about looking around us today as we observe so much deceit and are deciding how to become conscious creators amidst the lies and deception. The Audible Link is Here (no subscription necessary)As always, Fred's insights are ahead of their time, are in tune with where energy is moving the strongest today, and are invaluable on our Journey. Enjoy the Journey,Fred & Thomas 
12/4/202254 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 316 - An Old Story of Letting Go of the Ego's Grip

This is blowing the cobwebs off an old story from just after the period of the "Year in the RV - Episode 21) that shows the struggle back then of releasing the ego's grip on our lives. I see things so much different today, and thankful for it. Here's a little "self-confession" of how I used to hold onto things that it would have been a lot easier to release. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
11/30/202220 minutes, 24 seconds
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Podcast 315 - Maximizing Intuition - Finding Lost Items

I couldn't add the photo in the notes, but I made the picture of the box the show image. Hopefully that is available on most players. If not, here is a link to what the box looks like:
11/27/202221 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 314 - A Very Unexpected Hypnosis Session & A New Discovery

This is a mind-bender. Only come to this episode with an open mind and no preconceptions of reality. And also, judgement-free. What may have happened as described in this episode may or may not make sense, but it was very real for me...and incredibly healing of lifetimes of old wounds. I also have set the intention that it speaks to many who are carrying unknown scars from the past, to be able to find and heal your own wounds and step into the power that brought you here in the first place! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas 
11/17/202234 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 313 - Welcome Back, Michele Blood! Enlightenment and the Power of Music and Manifesting!

Michele Blood is a powerhouse who worked alongside Bob Proctor for years, she used music to manifest healing after a near-fatal automobile accident, and she has just created a new app to help you in your manifesting journey! If you would like to re-visit her story, it is Episode 219 hereAnd the website where you can download the free goodies Michele mentioned, that link is hereEnjoy catching up with Michele and talking about living on your Highest Timeline! Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
10/13/202244 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast 312 - Fred Dodson Interview - Essays on Reality Creation Volume 7 & A Hurricane Ian Conversation

Fred Dodson is back! Everyone loves when Fred comes to talk to us and this time, it's about a new audiobook of his Essays on Reality Creation 7, now available on audio as well as Kindle and Paperback. And as it happened, on the day we spoke, Hurricane Ian had crossed the state of Florida. Fred talks about what he did to prepare. The audiobook is available on here or iTunes in the Book Library. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas & Fred 
9/30/202238 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 311 - When the Universe Says "NO!"

This is something that happened to me recently that was a perfect reminder that Highest Source, God, the Universe - has our back! It's a cool story when "No" might not have been what I wanted to hear, but it sure paid off the very next day. There are 2 videos mentioned in the episode; Fred Dodson's Muscle Testing Technique "Circuit" Technique: the Journey!Thomas
9/25/202222 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 310 - "The Awake Dreamer" - Meet Samantha Fey!

This is an incredible episode. Samantha Fey is a podcast listener who is on a roll. She has a new book that we all should read or listen to (it is also an audiobook). This interview is one of the most captivating, energetic and info-packed we've done here in all these years. I hope you will put Samantha on your radar. This won't be the last we hear from her, I promise! Website: The Awake Dreamer LinkEnjoy the Journey!Thomas 
9/10/202249 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast 309 - Alan Watts: Jesus Was Pointing Us To Oneness with Source

This is a topic that has been debated for a long time, but philosopher (and even broadcaster) Alan Watts (1915-1973) had an interesting perspective on the unknown shadows of what really happened around the creation and preservation of the Bible as we know it today. Watts website is and is a great resource preserved by his son. I am in 100% support of that legacy, so I will point you there or to a number of YouTube videos you can find from him. In this episode, we explore some of his observations about how the Bible came to us, and how we can pretty quickly jump to the true meaning of Jesus time on earth. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
9/4/202222 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 308 - Building a Conscious Community in Florida

This is an interview with Sean and Brielle Keller who are building a conscious community of tiny homes in Graceville, Florida. The name of the community is Peaceville. How appropriate for what we need in our world. To live in Graceville and Peaceville! Here is the website: is something to take a look at if you are being called to community living, as many of you have already said you may be. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas
8/29/202252 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast 307 - Trusting the Intuitive Prompts: Another Amazing Story

This is from a recent chapter from my own life where a nearly impossible outcome that intuition said "hold the will be OK," did in fact work out OK. Hopefully this will be an encouragement to find and trust the intuitive process and learn to live the inspired life of the Higher Self. Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
8/28/202217 minutes, 26 seconds
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SMM 306 - Healing Light's Powerful Affect - Healing Cancer and the Planet

This is another update on the incredible things happening during our weekly "Healing Convergence" on Sunday night's at 8PM Eastern on Facebook Live and the Fun Astrology Podcast's YouTube Channel. Also, an excerpt from a TikTok video a listener sent that perfectly reflects what Healing Convergence is all about. Finally, Chapter 10 from Fred Dodson's (author permission granted to share) book "Essay's of Reality Creation, Book 7, currently in production as an audiobook. Links to all are below, including Fred's original published article from You are invited to check out Healing Convergence yourself this coming Sunday! TikTok video on the power of group meditation - Click HereFred Dodson's Original University study Article - Click HereSubconscious Mind Mastery Facebook GroupFun Astrology YouTube Channel Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 
8/23/202221 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 305 - When You Can't Hear "The Voice"

What do we do when we can't hear our intuition? When there is "no voice?"  This episode explores several reasons, blocks, and solutions - including 2 of Fred's audiobooks that will help: Intuition TrainingIntuitive Awareness MethodRemember - when you buy these audiobooks, you help keep me gainfully unemployed and able to do this work freely without "selling" other things. Plus, you get a really valuable resource you can keep forever! And you don't need an Audible subscription. You can buy all Fred's books on Audible or iTunes and you still have access to your library if you are on the free plan! Enjoy the Journey!Thomas
8/17/202231 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast 304 - Self - Muscle Testing Techniques by Fred Dodson

Here is the link to the video as it is published on YouTube: the Journey!Fred & Thomas
8/15/202233 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 303 - Dividing Timelines

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7/29/202214 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast 302 - "Someone" is Hearing Music!

Facebook has highly sophisticated servers that listen for copyright violations. Well, they have been listening to our Healing Convergence gatherings at 8pm Sunday nights, Eastern time, and flagging them for violations. Problem is....there is never any music being played. So what's going on? To join Healing Convergence every Sunday night: Or YouTube: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/27/202223 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 301 - What is "The Voice?"

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7/17/202228 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 300 - Meditation to Ground in Uncertain Times - Music by Fred Dodson

Songs for this meditation are granted with permission and composed/performed by Frederick Dodson Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/10/202224 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 299 - "You Can Heal Anyone" - Interview and Meditation With Fred Dodson

Author, speaker and coach, Fred Dodson rejoins the Subconscious Mind Mastery podcast to talk about his latest book and audiobook, "You Can Heal Anyone" - with all formats available now: Hardcopy from his website; Paperback and Kindle from Amazon and the Audiobook from Audible and iTunes. The music, "Higher Realms" used during the meditation is composed by Frederick Dodson and granted with permission and other songs by Fred are also under the Free tab on Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/8/202239 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 298 - "The Voice"

This is an episode about intuition. That connection with "The Home Office." And yes, I'm on a mission to re-connect us to that Home Office. Source. Universe. Yes, God. This is from a talk released by Temple Baptist Church on YouTube that is well on its way to going viral. I hope you will watch it and like the video to show them support for this amazing creation: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/7/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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Podcast 297 - Seeing Things Differently

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7/4/202217 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 296 - The Moment Divine Love Flowed

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7/3/202218 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast 295 - Remote Viewing With Psychic Medium and Remote Viewer Liz Cross

This is actually a deep-dive into the subconscious mind as you will see if you "wait for it" until the end! Remote viewer Liz Cross joins us to talk about what remote viewing is and her work. If you would like to contact Liz, her website is here: Enjoy The Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/12/202245 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 294 - Spiritual "Consciousness" Health Check-Up

#Subconscious #Subconsciousmind Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/6/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 293 - Why Do We Have Amnesia From Past Incarnations? Listener Question!

#SubconsciousMind #Subconscious Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/4/202222 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 292 - Jesus, Lepers and a Lesson in Gratitude

#SubconsciousMind #Subconscious Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/30/202210 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 291 - Lessons from a Fork in the Road - 42 Years Later!

#Subconscious Mind #Subconscious Fred Dodson Steve Forrest Audiobooks Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/24/202218 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 290 - "My Highest Timeline" Technique

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5/14/20226 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 289 - Excerpt from "Subconscious Mind Mastery's Science of Getting Rich" Audiobook - The Competitive Plane

I am producing another book and audiobook to be released soon! It is called "Subconscious Mind Mastery's Science of Getting Rich." It is most of the public domain 1910 book of the same name by Wallace Waddles, plus my commentary, stories and lessons-learned. I hope you will enjoy this sample. The Kindle is available for pre-order here at a discounted price. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/13/202214 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast 288 - New Book & Audiobook Coming: Subconscious Mind Mastery's The Science of Getting Rich

This is going to be my own rendition, commentary and updating of the 1910 classic by Wallace Waddles, "The Science of Getting Rich." I just started the project and am very excited to share some of the ideas and concepts with you here! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/2/202225 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 287 - Frederick Dodson Turns the Tables on Thomas Miller!

Frederick Dodson - - has written over 30 books that have also been narrated to audio by Thomas Miller. Typically when a new audiobook is released, Fred is a guest on the Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast. This time, we turn the tables for a fun surprise. This is the first episode being released from Thomas's "Mountain Recording Studio" in Western North Carolina...complete with some new equipment for an even better sound for the next 10 years! Enjoy the Journey! Fred & Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/28/202232 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast 286 - Manifesting, Law of Attraction, and Aligning with Source

....and oh yeah...some good ol' Subconscious Mind Re-Programming as well! Hear the story of how aligning with Source almost instantly manifested a new apartment in the mountains! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/20/202222 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast 285 - The Power of Intention Brought To Life in 2022

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4/12/202218 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 284 - 9th Anniversary Special: Akashic Records Reading with Caroline Horne

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4/1/202238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 283 - What If Up!

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3/24/20228 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 282 - Two Powerful Manifesting Stories from the Fred Dodson Reality Creation Seminar in Orlando, March 2022

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3/13/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 281 - Fred Dodson Interview Following the Reality Creation 2022 Seminar in Orlando, Florida

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3/8/202236 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 280 - Interview with Author Steve Forrest on "The Endless Sky" Audiobook!

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2/26/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 13 seconds
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Podcast 279 - "Van Life" Lessons From the Road

Here are 8 Lessons from the van to help all of us grow. Straight from the Journal: 1 - I have to conform to the van, it won't conform to me 2 - Being around other energies vs. pulling into my little shell 3 - How noisy the world has become 4 - Allowing things to come up. Welcoming the van as the catalyst 5 - The unpredictability of it all 6 - Praying Protection .... Like Pray-Rain. Not praying "for" protection 7 - The high value of daily quiet time to get centered 8 - Slow......down Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/25/202220 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 278 - "Unconscious" Subconscious Mind Program Uncovered & Still Alive & Well

This is a story about uncovering a very-much-alive old subconscious mind program that I thought was resolved. Through the process developed by Lynn Schaeffer - - something came to my consciousness that I thought had been mostly resolved 8 or 10 years ago. Ah, not so fast. And it begs the question...what programs might you have stuck in your own unconscious awareness (old subconscious mind programs) that might be driving your life as well. We will explore the first part of this Journey here, with more to come! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/11/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 277 - Intuition Van Stories

The topic of following intuition comes up a lot around here. It is often in our Facebook Group - Subconscious Mind Mastery and Fun Astrology Podcast Listeners on Facebook. "How do I tune into intuition? How do I know when it is intuition and not my ego, etc. In this episode, I talk about a couple recent van experiences where Intuition proved to be spot-on. I hope we have lots of other great van and road stories in the future! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/8/202218 minutes, 17 seconds
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Podcast 276 - A Tribute to Bob Proctor (July 5, 1934 - February 3, 2022)

"A Giant Oak Has Fallen" Teacher, speaker, mentor to millions, Bob Proctor has transitioned to his eternal soul. I found Bob in 2009 during my "Year in the RV, Part 1" and his work totally changed my life. He was the catalyst of me learning how to change my Subconscious Mind Programming, and how much of a difference that can make. Let's take just a few minutes to honor Bob Proctor's life and memory. Thankfully, he left us a plethora of materials to watch, listen to and read for years to come. His impact on this planet will not be long forgotten. Thank you, Bob. You lived it for us so that we could have better lives. Rest easy, precious soul. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/6/202220 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast 275 - A Chat with Fred Dodson by the Lake in Orlando

Fred Dodson joins us again, this time to talk about positive manifesting, tips we can use to get our "vibe" back after the pandemic, what he did to navigate the last 2 years positively, and how he gets so much done in his business and life. This is an informal chat by the lake in my Sprinter Van, Lord Jupiter, with the doors and windows open, cars driving by, life "happening" and mostly people (and us) enjoying a beautiful January afternoon. I hope some of this conversation gives you tips, techniques and encouragement. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/5/202225 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 274 - Angels and Awakenings with Julie Jancius - Connecting to our Angels to Find Our Life's Path

Julie Jancius was with us back in April, 2019 after launching her own podcast, "Angels and Awakenings." Now she has a book under the same name. Julie talks about connecting with angels, transcending the thinking and unconscious / subconscious mind through angel connections, and tells us about the book, which is also designed to help you do just that. Julie's website is And she has also agreed to join us in our Facebook Page, so you can stay in touch with her there, too! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/3/202241 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast 273 - From NYC to off-grid in Hawaii to a divorce to Worldwide Influence: Amanda 'Pua' Walsh of

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1/13/202256 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 272 - Fred's Escape, Part 2

If you didn't catch the previous podcast, please listen to it first as it sets the stage for this one. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/10/202234 minutes, 50 seconds
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Podcast 271 - LIVE Interview with Fred Dodson in Person - "Fred's Escape" Part 1

This is an incredible story of how Fred Dodson escaped the place he was living when the restrictions around the Covid-19 pandemic tightened to a point of intolerability for Fred. What he learned and saw is jaw-dropping, and threatens the freedom of everyone who values and appreciates personal liberty. Please listen with an open mind and realize what Fred saw could happen anywhere. Fred is holding a live seminar in Orlando March 4, 5 & 6, 2022 and already the registrations have been robust. He will be discussing the Top-5 Reality Manifestation Techniques that have been most effective in his coaching and personal life in the 3 decades of his coaching and Reality Creation work. Here is the link if you are interested: Enjoy The Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/10/202228 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast 270 - The Accident...

Here's a "confessional" episode where I clearly made the choice to allow my ego-driven self to "take the wheel," so to speak, and drive right into the rails. This is a story about how staying in high vibration, even amidst a "deadline" or "crisis" can make all the difference in the world. What a huge lesson that I'll think long and hard about again next time I think I have to take over, in order to make something happen by a certain time. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/8/202214 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast 269 - "Year in the RV" - Part 2!

We're back on the road. Well, soon. January 2022 begins a new Journey in my life. This time, traveling the United States in a Sprinter Van and a trailer, taking this "show on the road!" If you recall from Podcast 21, I spent 2009 living in an RV, traveling some but mostly in an RV park some friends owned near Dallas. Well, after my son blurted out, "Dad, you should be in an RV," recently, I decided to revisit the idea and Viola! I'm hitting the road in January! Hear how it all came down in this episode. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/19/202116 minutes, 48 seconds
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Podcast 268 - Fred Dodson Interview - "The Mysteries of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Fred Dodson has a new audiobook out - "The Mysteries of the Arctic and Antarctic." Things are not as they appear to be! Let's find out why Fred, the Reality Creation guy, wrote about the Antarctic! Audibook on Audible Fred's Website: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/9/202121 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 267 - What To Do When Someone Asks For Prayer (Pray Rain)

Sara's Website Mentioned: We had a request in our Facebook Group this morning ask for prayer for her cousin. That triggered a thought that I think is super-relative, especially now as we are still grinding out the days of this pandemic. "Pray for me" or "Pray for (relative, friend, etc)" has become all-too-familiar these past 2 years. What comes to my mind is Gregg Braden's story about "Pray Rain." I found a short version of it and wanted you to hear so that when people ask for your prayers, you give them something that has been proven through the ages to be effective, and calls on our connection with the Creative Powers of the Universe to fulfill our feelings and visions. May this help you, your friends, and those with whom you share this episode. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/30/20218 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast 266 - 3 Energetic - Vortex - Subconscious Alignments!

From 3 energy "centers" - our physical body, our subconscious mind and our conscious mind - drive our results. In this podcast we talk about the importance of the subconscious mind. Why? Because it still runs when we're asleep, or not thinking about it! It is what is "always on." This is a story where something in my own subconscious mind that showed itself this morning when I woke up. This often happens when something in our subconscious wants to come up and be resolved. This is how we align our 3 energy centers to manifest, attract, and vibrate on the level of what we really want to attract. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/27/202122 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast 265 - High-Impact Tools of Living a Powerful Subconscious Spiritual Life

How do you live a powerful, spiritual life? How do you reprogram your Subconscious Mind the fastest and most effectively? Here are my favorite tools....over 10 years down the road: Journaling Meditation (whether sitting, yoga, hiking, etc) Following Intuition Repetition - "Greatest Aid to Learning!" Imitation Fred Dodson's Audiobooks "You Are The Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza "Levels of Energy" and "Lives of the Soul" by Fred Dodson Astrology ( 101 Course to learn) Healing Convergence - Your life is your teacher You only love others to the degree you love yourself Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/23/202121 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 264 - The Power of Non-Attachment

In this Subconscious Mind Mastery episode, we explore the idea of "non-attachment," particularly to our beliefs, which are spawned by our Subconscious Programmed Paradigm. It's all about identifying that combination - subconscious programming and our resulting beliefs, and seeing how they are driving our lives....yes, subconsciously (un-conscious!). This special episode is dedicated to a long-time listener and friend, Mike O'Sullivan, who decided to "drop the mic" and exit quietly...a long time before I was ready for him to. Fly freely, my friend. This one's for you. Sending Love to All, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/13/202123 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast 263 - How Can I Love....Myself?

This is an exploration into self-love. It is an exploration into our very purpose. Our reason for being here. If this is something you have struggled with, there is a must-listen-to audiobook I'm going to suggest: "Lives of the Soul" by Fred Dodson It will really help you reframe how all of this was part of our soul's plan for us to grow to higher ground. Remember, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. (Pierre Tielhard de Chardin) Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/3/202121 minutes, 10 seconds
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Podcast 262 - The FLOW State Audiobook - Interview with Fred Dodson

Fred Dodson has a new book out - "The FLOW State" - and now the audiobook is also available on Audible and iTunes. In contrast to Manifesting, the "Flow State" is when you are "in the Zone" all the time. Athletes study and obtain this state when they are in peak performance. But it's not just sports where we can achieve this optimum-performance state. We can live in this zone more often than we realize! This book not only examines many aspects of the Flow State, but is chock -full of exercises to help you identify it, achieve it, and remain in it. Fred joins us to talk about this Flow State both in sports (he plays tennis 3 times per week) and in life. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/24/202131 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast 261 - Clearing Karmic "Jen-ga Blocks" Meditation

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9/22/202134 minutes, 6 seconds
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Podcast 260 - Using "Triggers" to Remove Karmic "Jenga Blocks!"

Latest lessons from the current Pandemic, and using a recent "trigger" of something I saw on social media to explore a new perspective on our soul's journey. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/12/202127 minutes, 35 seconds
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Podcast 259 - The Identity of the "Guru," Teacher & Self

Universe dropped this in front of me this week. Look up the audio program on Pandora, Spotify or YouTube from artist Krishna Das (Jeffrey Kagel) called "Pilgrim of the Heart." This is his story of leaving the band he was a co-founder of, "Blue Oyster Cult," for a life of chanting and studying the Higher Path in India in the early 1970s. In this program, he defines what this Journey is really all about. Want to know your "Life Purpose?" Listen to this episode. The Path is the Purpose! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/23/202112 minutes, 19 seconds
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Podcast 258 - A Galactic Subconscious Mind Mastery Si-Fi Movie

Let's go on an imaginary, illusory Subconscious journey to see if we can find some interstellar explanations for modern times. This podcast is a little different, and hopefully, no, I haven't lost my mind! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/15/202117 minutes, 22 seconds
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Podcast 257 - "For the Love of 2 Hippies!" - Let's meet Sarah Wakeman & Katie Cunningham and talk about their podcast!

Sarah Wakeman has been cranking the engagement on our Podcast Facebook Group: "Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast Listeners!" In March 2021, she and her cousin, Katie Cunningham, started their own podcast called "For the Love of 2 Hippies," and they are doing an awesome job with it! Here is a link to their episodes: We are going to have a super high-energy visit with Sarah & Katie and you will soon see why this is one to subscribe to and put in your podcast rotation. Sarah & Katie, thank you for what you are sharing in the world and we are anxious to hear your story! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/4/202151 minutes, 50 seconds
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Podcast 256 - Quantum Jumping with Burt Goldman & Parallel Universes of Self with Fred Dodson

This is a podcast about entering Parallel Universes (Fred Dodson, 2007) and Quantum Jumping, a technique invented by Burt Goldman, who recently passed in 2020 at the wonderful age of 92. Here are some of Burt's videos to get you started: Parallel Universes of Self Audiobook: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/31/202120 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast 255 - Meditation: Connecting With Your "Team"

This podcast accompanies Podcast 254 and is a guided meditation to connect with your "Inner Team." Music with License and Permission From: Fred Dodson - - Link to Other Music Here Evolution Sound - Affiliate Link Here Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/17/202140 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 254 - Healing Childhood Wounds - Rallying our Conscious and Subconscious "Team"

This episode continues the exploration we began in the last episode about healing childhood wounds. The transcript of the episode is provided below. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas And welcome in to the subconscious mind mastery podcast. Thomas Miller, back with us kind of a sequel. We're going to pick up on what we were talking about in the last podcast about healing, our inner wounds. So this has come from some of the Facebook responses of why people want to join something called the subconscious mind mastery podcast listeners on Facebook. And with those questions that are there at the top, why would somebody want to be a part of such a group? This is, was the runaway number one reason was to heal childhood wounds. I'll tell you this is opening up kind of a Pandora's box if you will, of stuff for me, because that conversation that I told you about in the last podcast with a friend and, uh, also a podcast list. As unleashed a few other things, because he shared something with me that has been meaningful to him and his recent past. And I was listening to this concept and I thought, Ooh, this is really interesting. So I started playing with it. And what it is is instead of just kind of thinking like our inner composition. Of being just our, let's say our ego self, our monkey mind, our conscious mind, whatever we want to call it. And not in a negative sense. I keep saying that as it's not in a negative sense that monkey mind is what makes us us, it's what gives us direction. It's what's helps us figure out the instructions, reading them. I mean, it's all right. So we have to have our conscious mind. I mean, that's who we are and then we have our subconscious. And of course, that's the part of us that we're really familiar with from listening to this podcast, but let's slice and dice that a little more because what I've come up with on this is there are pockets of us that resist some of the healing that we're trying to do out of skepticism. So let's break this down even more and I'll tell you the story that kind of started all of it. Is for a while. I had this feeling, this sinking feeling around my future security, finances, health, I don't know, just something about, and maybe it's a concern that all of us feel when we hit this phase in our lives of knowing that we have fewer work years ahead of us and what that looks like on the other side. So I was having this anxiety around this. So I used this concept and discovered some really incredible stuff. So here are the parts of us. I'm going to say six, and this is in the concept of our team. This is our team that whenever we try to do something, Whenever we try to shift to belief and behavior. Whenever we try to bring something in, whenever we want to create a job, whenever we want to change a circumstance, et cetera, heal and heal a disease, whatever it is as this is the team that is either working with us for us or against us. So let's consider these as individual parts. We'll break them down and then we'll continue the story and see how this unfolds. So first is the inner child, then our emotional body, our physical body past events stored inside our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. Okay. So let's break these down. First of all, the inner child, obviously we kind of know what that is, but let's just think about this. It's our hopes and dreams. It's that part of us that has always just wanted to play the factor of innocence, of hope, of a bright desire for the future, for the simplicity of life, for the desire to live for the desire to grow up healthy and free, to go run and play and just be a kid. And of course that inner child gets wound. The second part is let's consider our emotional body in astrology. This would be called our water, right? It's our emotions. It's the feeling part of us. It's tha
7/9/202124 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 253 - Healing Childhood Wounds

This Subconscious Mind Mastery episode comes from a few recent conversations and observations I had where a common theme came up: Wounds from our childhood. It hurts growing up. And, in a sad way, we often very unintentionally hurt our kids as well. This subconscious cycle can be broken - that's the good news! But, because we're dealing with others (and their often unhealed wounds), the process can sometimes be arduous. Let's talk about it! Thomas Welcome to the subconscious mind mastery podcast. Thomas Miller. Thanks for joining us. Glad you're here. We got an interesting topic today that really I think has come from you and I'll tell you why. Because as you know, we have a Facebook page, subconscious mind mastery podcast listeners on Facebook. And if you ask to join the group, it's a private group. There are four questions that are right there at the beginning. And a lot of people don't, they don't answer the questions. Well, one of the reasons the questions are there is because I like to see why you want to be in our group. I've been noting, making a list of all of the answers of those over a period of time. And it's very clear that the number one issue is healing. Childhood wounds. Which really shouldn't be any surprise because that's how this whole podcast got started in the beginning over eight years ago, from my own journey of exploring how to heal my childhood wounds. So why would it not be the number one issue? And I mean, let's be Frank about it for many of us growing up hurt. And then in the cruel irony of earth, when we set out to be parents. The last thing we wanted to do was hurt our kids. And what do we do? We hurt our kids and we carry that guilt. So I've seen three reminders of this, this week. And they were conversations basically where I observed one way or another childhood wounds. And in each case, the people weren't even aware of it. And that's the big deal. So we, we know that we have these childhood wounds, right. We know that our upbringing left us scarred in some way or another, and we've done the best to either mask it, deal with it. We've carried it X far, but life is peeling an onion. So we're here with it until we exit. I mean, I, I would imagine you could make great strides. And I would imagine that it also is something that the onion would never stop peeling. Maybe if you hit enlightenment under a boat eye tree, you might get, if you do, my email [email protected]. Right? Email me I'd love to know. So here was one example where this showed up was having a conversation with a friend and. I was thinking about this before the window opened up to say this, but it just was so perfect. So the universe opened up the space and as it worked out, it was just the perfect timing. So I wasn't going to say anything about it. And then it was like, oh, it just opened up. And it was in the context of the conversation. So I mentioned that this friend in our phone conversations would often interrupt me. Like I wouldn't even get the sentence finish. He was on his way to the, to the next thing, just cut, you know, cut off. And I, you know, I'm real, I realized that this is typical and common today. Fred pointed this out to me about me several years ago and same thing cutting off, jumping on, stepping on no dead air. I mean, look, I was a disc jockey my sophomore year in college, right? I mean, no dead air is the radio monitor. I mean, if you put silence into spoken word, now that it was only five seconds, but how many of you started thumping on your phones? There's something wrong. We can't stand it. So in our conversations, we just jump on the other person, which to me is a, a form of disrespect. And I get that now I've really, introspected this of allowing somebody else, just th
7/6/202123 minutes, 28 seconds
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Podcast 252 - Relationships After the Saturn Pluto Conjunction - Some Random Thoughts

These are some observations, musings, and thoughts we might consider about our relationships in light of this major energetic shift that began in January, 2020 under the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. I'm not right here...these are just some thoughts and observations from my own experience, from readings and hearing from some of you and some of my friends. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/26/202121 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast 251 - What is Your Subconscious Programming When Challenges Appear?

This is a "Journal Page" episode, exploring and pondering how do we handle challenges when they appear? This is a process I go through now, pretty much automatically, when anything comes up that I want to work on uncovering Subconscious patterns and paradigms. In the episode, I talk about the following website, which is the work of Lynn Schaeffer, which I highly recommend if you are looking for ways to further explore into and unlock things in your subconscious mind. It worked powerfully for me, as mentioned. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/20/202119 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast 250 - How to "Keep On Keeping On!"

In a year where our "Collective Subconscious Mind" has been programmed along the lines of fear, loss, control, etc., how do we keep moving forward in the face of seeming adversity? Here are some thoughts and stories from my recent past on how I've been framing some of these recent events. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/12/202123 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 249 - Lessons from the Story of the Prodigal - When You Feel Like a Failure

There are some great lessons in the Bible about the Prodigal who wandered off from his home, only to find that things weren't so bad there after all. There are a ton of great lessons cocooned in this story that can help us on our own Journey. And speaking of... "Enjoy the Journey!" Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/5/202121 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 248 - How To Visualize & Release When Manifesting; Job Challenges & Healing With Our Thoughts - Listener Comments!

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5/16/202124 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast 247 - A Life-Changing Exchange of Alcohol for Consciousness - Himat Singh Dayvault

My Aspen ski buddy & friend, Himat Singh Dayvault re-joins us to tell his story & reasons why he stopped drinking alcohol over 3 decades ago. Was the "exchange" worth it? Well, it must be since he has stayed with it without regret all these years. We are shifting into an era of new and higher consciousness. Old structures are being torn down. This episode isn't for everyone. But if you are exploring how you can participate fully in this new energy...this new paradigm that is emerging, Himat's story may very well resonate. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/9/202124 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast 246 - Meditation For Support and Love When You Have Challenging Times

Music by Frederick Dodson - Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/8/202118 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast 245 - "Be in Motion" - Revisiting an old Bible Story from Genesis 1-3

This is a different springboard for this podcast...I'm trying something different. This has been on my mind and I wanted to ponder it out loud with you. So this is a "pondering" podcast - i.e. - thinking as we go. Hope it resonates. If you'd like to join our Facebook Podcast Listener's Group, we would love to have you - Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/30/202117 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 244 - Meditation Audio - Finding Your New Purpose, Intuition and Intention

This is not a typical podcast episode, this is a meditation to be used while in a relaxed state. It is intended to help you focus on your intuition, hear from Higher Source, and discover your role and next steps in the evolutionary changes going on in the world right now. The music is all by Fred Dodson. Other meditative tracks by Fred are on his website here: Or on SoundCloud Here: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/24/202125 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 243 - "Levels of Heaven & Hell" with Fred Dodson

The audiobook "Levels of Heaven and Hell" is now available on and iTunes (Apple Music). If you have ever struggled under the fundamental belief systems that mandated you do something specific to their teaching in order to "go to Heaven," this episode is for you. Fred explores Heaven and Hell as both spiritual and physical places and from the context of Energy, which he laid out in his original book, "Levels of Energy." This is a powerful concept that will answer many questions if you have been taught that your decision, or lack thereof, in this life will affect you for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever! On Audible: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/18/202132 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 242 - Fred Dodson Interview - Essays of Reality Creation Book 5, Covid, Vaccinations & More!

It has been over a year since we have had Fred Dodson on the podcast, and what a year it has been. One we will certainly never forget in our lifetimes, and one in which Fred has turned out a number of new books! One of them is featured in this episode - "Essays in Reality Creation, Book 5," which is available on and iTunes. Fred's Website: Audible: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/17/202143 minutes, 17 seconds
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Podcast 241 - How to Handle Angst & Uncertainty from the Science of Getting Rich

I have been reviewing Bob Proctor's Secret Science of Getting Rich audio program, the one I started my new spiritual journey with in 2008. It is always full of fresh, new insights, even though I have listened to it dozens of times. These are changing times, which I believe began with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January, 2020. Amidst this change has come angst for many of us. That is natural during such shifts. The question is...what are we focusing on with both our mind and emotions? That's the topic of this podcast, and a great reminder as there is some special energy right now to help support our soul-work. The astrological explanations are in Fun Astrology for April 8 and 9, 2021. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/8/202120 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 240 - Happy 8th Birthday, Subconscious Mind Mastery!!

Wooo Hoo!! Using Easter weekend as our marker, we turn 8 this year, so this is a podcast taking a brief look back but particularly a look forward at where we all might be in another eight years! Hope you enjoy the fun analogy of Spacesuits and Water Bottles, too! Happy Birthday Everyone & Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/2/202121 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 239 - Open Focus Technique, Alpha Brain Frequency & Clearing Subconscious Programming Blocks

This is a major step forward in programming your subconscious mind, or allowing your subconscious mind to reveal blocks that may be holding you back. This podcast combines several techniques from the resources listed below to put our brain in the Alpha Brain Frequency of near 10Hz, maintain a more open perspective, literally, and an exercise to quickly identify subconscious blocks that you were not aware of. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Open Focus Brain Book Silva Method The Reality Creation Technique Audiobook Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/20/202125 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 238 - Lessons from a Life Review

Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/14/202119 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 237 - The "High Consciousness Being" Game - Try it!

This is a little game I've been playing lately. Give it a'll enjoy the awareness it will bring you! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/17/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
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Podcast 236 - Lessons from Neptune - The Book of Water Excerpt from Steven Forrest

This is a section of the "Book of Water," which I am nearing completion on narrating from Steven Forrest, that hit me right between the eyes! In a good way. I have been waiting for this volume of the Elements Series since I started narrating on it last year. Why? Because Neptune hits me directly on my Sun. No worries if that astro-speak means nothing. Basically, I needed to hear these 12 minutes! And, so will you. It's not by chance that you are You, too, have Neptune influencing your life or you wouldn't have found this podcast. Steve's insights here are invaluable, so let's jump in. And if you'd like a wonderful resource set of astrological insight from someone who has been called one of the best ever in the field, take a look at The Elements Series - either book, Kindle, or audiobook - on Amazon, Audible and iTunes. Click Here for a Direct Link Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/25/202018 minutes, 37 seconds
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Podcast 235 - Thomas & Majona - Movie Producer Stephen Simon - What Dreams Have Come: Loving Through the Veil

This is the same episode Majona released on "Life After Life Radio" with movie producer Stephen Simon who co-authored a book with his wife, Lauren, but AFTER her transition through the veil. There are some fascinating nuggets of our reality in their story that can benefit us all. On Amazon - What Dreams Have Come: Loving Through the Veil Website: What Dreams Have Come Enjoy the Journey! Thomas, Majona, Stephen Simon Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/16/202043 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast 234 - Being Intentional With Self-Love - with Majona!

Majona joins Thomas for this story of giving YOU! This is especially relevant in these challenging times where our "inner child" may feel threatened or insecure. This is a beautiful story that will touch your heart. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/5/202020 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 233 - Increasing Your Energy - Tools & Tips

This is a "Journey" episode - where a chapter comes out of my own life with the intention of helping you on your own Journey. We are entering some uncertain times. The election...and its aftermath. Certainly astrological energy is changing now. Covid-19 picking up in a number of places as fall is here. I have a few things I've been doing to bump my energy higher & wanted to share them with you. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/12/202018 minutes, 25 seconds
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Podcast 232 - And another twist and turn in the Journey...

When I started this podcast in 2013, "living out loud," if you will, I never expected several things that have unfolded. I never expected to meet Fred Dodson via audiobook narration. I never expected to spend almost 3 years tromping around the spectacular mountains of central Colorado. I never really expected to return to Dallas. But even that part of the Journey has now morphed into another story. Another chapter. And, another podcast. Exactly like you, Majona and I have had a lot of changes in our lives these past few months since Covid-19 became part of our vocabulary. And as our Journey continues, we wanted to bring you up to speed on where we are, why, and what's ahead. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/15/202054 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 231 - Back to Basics: Our Thoughts = Our Reality

Here's the video mentioned: Some posts in our Listeners Facebook Group (click here to join) have brought me back to thinking about the Fundamentals. The Basics. Especially now, which is collectively a very high-programming condition for many of us. The most fundamental concept is simple: Our thoughts today = our reality tomorrow. Let's unpack this. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/1/202019 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 230 - When Karma Comes Calling! How Do We Respond? A Lesson in Authenticity From the Trenches

There's a news story in today's headlines that is relevant and worth unpacking under the energy of 2020. Collectively, and individually, we are all undergoing substantial change, upheaval, shifts, and new paths. Often, when old areas of inauthenticity are exposed, it's downright painful. Sometimes, like in our example here, it can be public. i.e - Busted! How should we respond when we observe this happening to others? How should we respond when we are in the midst of it ourselves? How can we send the best energy to others when they are hurting? Let's explore this very relevant topic during these challenging times. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/25/202018 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast 229 - "Help From Above"

We're going to meet an author I recently have been helping with his audiobook, David Arnold, who is the helicopter cameraman for many of the major TV shows and movies you've seen over the last decade. He will join us when his audiobook is out, but it is titled "Help From Above." It is no accident David intersected my own path recently because that has been the exact theme of what is going on in the world right now. So let's unpack "Help From Above." Books Mentioned: "Book of Earth" by Steven Forrest, narrated by Thomas Miller - Click Here "Help From Above" by David Arnold - Click Here "Book Title Generator" by Scott Lorenz - Click Here Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/1/202036 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast 228 - Centering Ourselves For The Long Game 2020 & Beyond

A recent not-so-nice review on iTunes combined with some of my own mutterings, plus a listener question combined to produce some thoughts on how we can set our outlook for the long haul, as the Covid reality is extending beyond weeks and months. Here is the brief article I mentioned at the end: Not everyone suffered during the Great Depression. More people became millionaires during this time than in any other time in American history. Opportunities, that were not present during the 1920s economic boom times, suddenly became available. An economic downturn is a good time to start a business. Start-up costs are much lower in a recession than in boom periods. Savvy entrepreneurs edged in and positioned themselves for when the economic climate improved. Many poorly run businesses closed during the Depression years and their equipment and assets could be bought at fireside sales for next to nothing. Commercial rents were cheap and wages were low. There was also time to get the business fundamentals right before increased orders made it too hectic for the entrepreneur to build and test his business model. It was these ‘if you can dream it, you can do it’ Great Depression entrepreneurs that made the best of the crisis to provide a service, or product, for new markets. Who were some of these maverick entrepreneurs? Some very famous names made their money during the Depression era. In Kentucky, a grandfather, called Colonel Sanders, started serving fried chicken at his gas station. By 1937 he had expended to a 142 seat restaurant due to popular demand. Two young electrical engineering graduates stared a electrical machine business in a rented garage during the 1930s. Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard officially became business partners in 1939 with only $538 in investment money. Many people with small amounts of liquid cash were able to buy bankrupt businesses at bargain prices. Towards the end of the 1930s some business people watched the upsurge in military spending by some countries. The world was preparing for war and those that invested in companies that made in-demand products for the government stood to make lots of money. Companies dealing with shipping, military vehicles, textiles (for uniforms, tents, etc.), metals (copper, steel, aluminum and iron), shipping and petroleum products made a fortune. Well known companies that were bought at this time were John Deere, Reynolds Metals and Douglas Aircraft. Another huge opportunity was real estate. During the Depression years, demand was low and thus prices were low as well. Visionary business people knew that real estate values would go up in the future and when they did they used the equity to leverage their business growth and expansions. Those wise folk that were not caught up in the stock market frenzy in the 1920s, and saved their cash, were well positioned to snap up bargain businesses and became millionaires as a result. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/15/202030 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast 227 - Triggers Can Reveal Underlying Subconscious Mind Growth Opportunities!

No doubt about it....these are tough times for all of us. We are each dealing with this in our own unique ways, and without a doubt, our subconscious mind's paradigm governs our responses. The dance is dealing with our own triggers, external triggers, then re-shaping our own soul's growth as we do our spiritual work. A listener question spawned this podcast as an answer to a great question that we set up in the podcast. Should we wear a mask, or not? And that opens up the question....what exactly does a mask represent? Let's dive into the depths of our subconscious mind and do some deep soul work around triggers. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/28/202026 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 226 - Subconscious Mind Programming With Neptune Retrograde!

The planet Neptune goes retrograde from June 22 - November 28, 2020 (Listen to the Fun Astrology Podcast for more info on all things astrology) giving us wonderful support from the Universe to do some really deep soul-level work. Neptune represents several areas of our lives, including intuition, our spiritual connection with Source, it also shows up in the opposite of that - i.e. fogginess, lack of clarity, confusion. It also represents areas where we are "addicted," or where we have too much of something in our life. These next 5 months (which happen about this same time every year) gives us beautiful support from the Universe (Source) to do some really deep soul-level work....IF you dare! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/22/202023 minutes, 6 seconds
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Podcast 225 - How To Get Your Mojo Back In Difficult Times

This is being recorded the morning after a night of rioting in the US. Things we haven't seen here since probably the 1960s, as far as breadth and scope. What is going on? This podcast also springs from a post in our Facebook group about what happens when manifesting boomerangs to bringing bad things into your life. How do you get unstuck? Let's talk about it. Join our Facebook Group here: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/30/202017 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 224 - Horse Therapy in the Texas Hill Country with Kelly Jones

I found the most amazing place in the Texas Hill country! My intention was to find a high-energy environment, and check out the design and build of a small cabin, I landed via the Universe and AirBnB at South Wind Equestrian & Retreat Center in Leader Texas and met its owner, Kelly Jones. Her whole story of finding, buying and developing the property as a horse ranch is amazing in itself, but what she is doing now in the area of horse therapy is like nothing I have ever seen or heard before. It is truly amazing, and for a brief while I was able to experience it myself. Kelly's contact info is: Kelly Jones swequestrian at gmail dot com (to help her not get spam-hammered, please put it all together) or call five one two, six eight nine, seven seven nine three Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/17/202043 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast 223 - Reprogramming Our Subconscious Mind in "Challenging Times"

These certainly are ominous times, ones which planet Earth, in its eons of history, has never experienced quite like this. And yet, as we reflect on how each of us is handling the situation, we observe that this is how we program our subconscious minds - the very same methods are with us now that we would deploy if we wanted to change our money paradigm, or our bad luck in relationships. Let's explore that in this episode. Here is the information I referenced in the early part of the podcast about the Saturn Period: From an online Blog: What is happening is that as this new Saturn-era which began in 2017 matures into the 2020s with the Sun's Grand Minimum that many people will face many events that they did not anticipate, and, as a result will suffer. A key to astrological knowledge comes from the number 9 which holds the mystery of the magic square of 3 + 6 which is based on the solar number 36. 36 is one-tenth of the prophetic cycle of 360 days or years. The seven days of the week are named after the Sun, Moon and planets. Each celestial body holds sway as a planetary ruler of an era in succession throughout seven cycles of 36 years equaling 252 years, as 2+5+2= 9. 252 years is one-tenth of the prophetic period of 2,520 years. In the course of a Jubilee period of 49 years, there are 42 working days and seven Sabbaths. These 42 days are represented by the seven planets each ruling for a week of six days. So every seventh day is a Sabbath. Every seventh year is a Sabbath Year. And every seventh Week of years is a Sabbath of Sabbaths, or a Jubilee Year. This interplay is an ancient astrological Hebrew method I learned as a boy studying Mundane Astrology. These are solar periods that take place in each sign of the Zodiac with the five planets, the Sun and the Moon extend over a span of 3,024 years as the progressional change of signs extends 5,184 years. One half of this period is 2,592 years, which is one-tenth of the Great Year of 25,924 years. This astrological sexagenary system gives prominence to the values of the numbers 6, 36, 216 and 1,296 with the number 6 as the Creative Number. The number 36 is the tenth of the Circle; as 216 the tenth of the equinoctial transit of each Zodiacal sign; and 1,296 is one-tenth of half the Great Year, being the precessional value for six Signs. The 36-year era cycle is known the 'Solar Cycle of the Prophets' and the days that represent each planet which rules it is read in retrograde motion through the days of the week ruled by each planet, which serves as planetary ruler of each 'era,' for a span of 36 solar years. Here I count from the year 1764 to the present time now. 1764 to 1800, Saturday, era of SATURN. 1800 to 1836, Friday, era of VENUS. 1836 to 1872, Thursday, era of JUPITER. 1872 to 1908 Wednesday, era of MERCURY. 1908 to 1944, Tuesday, era of MARS. 1944/45 to 1980/81, Monday, era of the MOON. 1981 to 2017, Sunday, era of the SUN. 2017 to 2053, Saturday, era of SATURN. In this new era ruled by Saturn: Among things to avoid: Immature & close-minded individuals. Dysfunctional & ideological people. Emotionally & Mentally ill individuals, groups, organizations. Indecision, inactivity, laziness. Inconsequential talk. Tardiness. Lack of Preparation. One of the things that you will notice as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto wane toward their new world conjunctions in 2020 is bad communication, poor acknowledgement in commu
5/7/202023 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 222 - Daniel D'Neuville - Higher Consciousness During Challenging Times - Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, Daniel D'Neuville tells his story of facing the awareness of death and consciously choosing (creating) another path. We then apply this very important lesson to the economic side of what many are experiencing in these times. You will hear how our subconscious mind affects so many outcomes, even those that could mean life or death. Daniel welcomes you reaching out to connect. Daniel's Website: Daniel's Email: [email protected] Extreme Gratitude Project on Facebook: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas, Majona & Daniel Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/18/202038 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 221 - Daniel D'Neuville - Higher Consciousness During Challenging Times - Part 1

My good friend Daniel D'Neuville joins us again for a conversation about what has been going on in his life during this virus. Daniel may have contracted it. He's fine now, but tells that story and (most importantly) the consciousness around it. Daniel is truly a master at teaching people how we create our own reality. In this first of a 2-part series, we talk about creating our own reality within the Covid-19 situation in which we currently find ourselves. This is pure golden Subconscious Mind programming at its core. Daniel's Website: Daniel's Email: [email protected] Extreme Gratitude Project on Facebook: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas, Majona & Daniel Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/18/202034 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 220 - Steven Forrest Interview: The Elements Series - Book of Fire

Ask around any group of astrologers, and nobody would disagree that Steven Forrest is one of the greatest of our time, and quite possibly for all time. His communication style is preciously unique. His understanding of the human experience is invaluable. And, he practices "Evolutionary" astrology - that is, soul-journey-based interpretation of the symbolism in the astrological chart. Right up my ally! Steve has allowed me to be the voice of the audiobooks for the "Elements Series" and Book 1, "The Book of Fire: The Life-Givers" is out on audio! Steve is obviously in very high demand, yet he generously gave us an hour to discuss his work, astrology, and especially some nuggets from the audiobook. This is a rare opportunity to share the wisdom and energy of one of the all-time greats. Audiobook on Audible Steve's Website Steve's Podcast Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/20/202058 minutes, 57 seconds
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Podcast 219 - Michele Blood - The Magic of Affirmation Power & Much More!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to a powerhouse of energy, passion, love and enlightenment! Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented lady. In addition to creating MusiVation™ products and seminars worldwide, her public Mystical Success Events have been held in over 16 countries. Her largest audience was 50,000 in Kuala Lumpur. After many years of meditation Michele’s Kundalini awakened and transformed her consciousness. She now teaches others how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the true heart of true happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life. Links: Download your FREE copy of "The Magic of Affirmation Power" and many other extras here: Michele's Website: The Mystical Experience Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/19/202051 minutes, 16 seconds
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Podcast 218 - Time Traveling (Into Higher Consciousness) - Fred Dodson Interview & New Audiobook!

There's a new Fred Dodson book now available also on audio - Time Travel Through Consciousness and Advanced Technology. Hear why Fred chose this topic, his long-time interest in it (and sci-fi when he was a teen) and the incredible benefit in higher consciousness you could get from incorporating this technique in your toolbox! (Wait for's at the end :) Info on the book & audiobook: Amazon - Audible - Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/4/202041 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 217 - Back to the Basics

There is a lot going on in the world right now. A raucous presidential primary season. A virus on the edge of pandemic state. An uncertain economy. Many lives are being shaken to the core, with no seeming end to the trauma and drama. In the midst of this chaos, we are going to take a big step back. Back to the basics. Let's pick up "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Waddles and pull a few lines from Chapter 4 in that book to refresh and reset our conscious - and subconscious - minds. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/1/202022 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 216 - Non-Linear Causality & Your Way of Being

I am finishing an audiobook for Fred Dodson now called Time Travel: Through Consciousness and Advanced Technology and it is awesome! It will be out on audiobook in March, but meanwhile I wanted to pull a theme from Chapter 7 in the book that is worth the whole price! Let's talk about our "way of being" and how things show up in our life. As Fred puts it - Non-Linear Causality. 222 - Non Linear Causality Transcription [00:00:00] and welcome back to another subconscious mind mastery podcast. Thomas and Majona in the booth. Rocking and rolling in here. Welcome everyone. We really are. We were listening to, so Dennis D. Young was the lead singer of sticks back in the day. Allianz and I was playing come sail away and just rocking in this booth with sheet. [00:00:27] The acoustics are amazing. And found out that he's coming to Dallas in the summer, so we're going to check out and see. Maybe we'll go to that. We were blasting from the past and, Hey, I'm sorry I can't listen to that stuff today. Well, I'm right there with you. I don't understand it, but those of you who do, that's great. [00:00:44] I love you. And I love the love the people who make the music that brighten our lives. Even our 17 year old Brock listens to Johnny Cash. [00:00:56] I mean, now that is doing it right. Yeah. See, see these young people, there is hope for the future Majona. There's hope for them that they know they have a musical ear. They're like, this stuff today has got to change. Anyway, sorry, we degress so first of all, thank you for all your notes on the Facebook page. [00:01:15] If you guys are not on there. We both have one. Majora has life after life radio, and I have subconscious mind mastery, which kind of is subconscious mind mastery. And the other podcast that I'm doing every day called fun astrology, and that's kind of where the party is because I'm doing those every day now. [00:01:32] And just following the energy as it affects our lives. For a quick little blip that is posted at 4:00 AM central time every morning, so you can get up and as many people in the comments say, have your coffee and listen to what's going on in the, in the energetic world above. You know what I think is the coolest part of that is to go back and look in retrospect. [00:01:58] That was the energy. Okay? [00:02:00] Globally, what happened that day? Because it's amazing. If you don't see it in your own life, look globally and boom, it's there. Well, and that's a great parlay to what we're going to. Pick apart today because here's the thing. When you think about, we still see in the comments on Facebook, your page, this page and emails that we get, you're seeing that people have an amped up increased. [00:02:27] Challenge and struggle in their life. So we're seeing it in social media. You see it in the context of social gatherings, and it just seems like the whole world is kind of on edge, and now you throw this potential pandemic into things and it's like, yeah, wow. In fact, as we're recording this right now, that one of the top headlines, if you searched today's news, is the locusts that have invaded Africa. [00:02:56] Have you seen that I have not. So the locusts have, they say they're wiping out entire fields of crops in 30 seconds and people are saying, and then you throw in the Corona virus, our people are saying, is this a biblical proportion kind of plague? You know? So I think that's the global energy that people are feeling. [00:03:19] And the biggest concern I have around that is if people go to fare and panic because there's always lessons to be learned and love is stronger. So I'm in the middle of a Fred Dodson audio book, which always refreshes my soul. It's called time travel. Through consciousness and advanced technology. [00:03:39] Recently published in 2020 we're going to get the audio book out and released hopef
2/15/202031 minutes, 10 seconds
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Podcast 215 - FEAR: Strategies to Reprogram and Reframe What We Fear

This is from a listener question about how to reframe and reprogram things in our conscious and unconscious mind that cause us fear. Hold on to the end of this episode for an "ah-ha" that helped me release about 90-percent of things that used to cause me great angst. These tips will help as you implement them with the confidence that the Universe has your back! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/20/202026 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 214 - "Belief Wrappers" with Fred Dodson from Essays on Creating Reality Book 4

This is a full chapter from Fred Dodson's latest book, "Essays on Creating Reality: Book Four" which is now being recorded as an audiobook. This chapter was so good, I asked Fred if I could play it for you and he agreed. (Hint: The rest of the book is just as good, this one especially stood out as relevant). Thank you Fred and enjoy the chapter! Book on Amazon: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/15/202011 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 213 - When Manifesting Stops - What is Happening? Listener Question

We love listener questions! Here's a good one: "I have been listening to your Podcast for the last two months and it has completely changed my life. There's a different kind of Hope and understanding to life. I am deeply grateful to you for this. For the past 1 month and more, whatever I've been focusing my mind and subconscious on has not been working. In fact the exact opposite has been happening. I can't help but wonder why has the law of polarity taken such dominance suddenly. What do I do? Continuous failure in manifestation, in fact getting the opposite is starting to make me lose hope." Let's talk about several factors that could be contributing to this young listener's shift. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/14/202031 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 212 - Major Epiphany Under a Very Special Sky

For almost a year, I've been observing and discussing a very special alignment that is over our heads in the heavens. And if the heavens do, indeed, declare the glory of God, this is one of those very special moments. One that only happens about every 500 years. I even recorded a special video on it, and the link is below. Under this very special sky, something that has been an unresolved part of my "Journey" revealed itself in a very special way. This is the story. WARNING: 2 parts of this are pretty graphic in today's standards. I provide ample warning and opportunity for you to skip ahead to avoid them if you want. Free Video: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Fun Astrology Podcast Majona's Life After Life Podcast Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/6/202025 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast 211 - Relationship Questions: A Reading for "Jane"

This is new to the podcast but is something Majona and I stumbled into doing our respective work and are going to roll out on a broader scale. This a joint reading where we use the astrological chart combined with Majona's perception with Spirit Guides and Angels coming through in the reading. A listener question about a relationship was the springboard, so we will show you what this is like. If you would like to get a reading like this, you can get more info here: Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/21/201924 minutes, 44 seconds
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Podcast 210 - "Blink!" - How to Hear and Follow Your Blink!

The "Blink!" That intuitive prompt that Malcom Gladwell described in his classic book of the same name. That Blink comes from that part of us that is directly connected to Divine Source and can "see around the corner" of our lives. Plus, we have a great story from a recent road trip that perfectly illustrates how we tend to argue with that infinite information! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/20/201917 minutes
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Podcast 209 - Daniel D'Neuville Answers Your Questions about Life!

One of my precious friends for the past 10 years of this amazing journey has been Daniel D'Neuville. He had a tremendous impact on my life in 2009 with a simple Facebook post that he probably didn't even think would be a life-transforming message. Today he joins me in the new vocal booth to answer questions several of you sent via our private Facebook group! I knew about 5 minutes in, this one was going to go long! But I think you'll agree...the information here on how to live an empowered life is huge. Daniel is offering our podcast community some special offers on courses and other things he has on his website - check it out! Enjoy the Journey! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/6/201957 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast 208 - Programming the Subconscious Mind with Daniel D'Neuville Part 2

We pick up with the last episode (Part 1) of our conversation with Daniel D'Neuville, a very multi-faceted coach, firewalker, hypnotist, NLP Trainer, author and more - talking about the hypnotic, or trance, state and how we can utilize it to shift our past subconscious mind programming. To Contact Daniel and receive special Podcast Listeners Offers: Enjoy the Journey! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/5/201920 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast 207 - Programming The Subconscious Mind with Daniel D'Neuville - Part 1

My very good friend, Daniel D'Neuville, joins us in the new vocal booth today for a 3-part series on the subconscious (or "other-than-conscious") mind. In this episode, we begin our conversation with a look at that programmable part of ourselves that is so highly influenced by our childhood, and how these patterns get established. Get ready...this is going to be a great 3-part series, including answers to your questions in Part 3! To Contact Daniel and receive special Podcast Listeners Offers: Enjoy the Journey! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/5/201920 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 206 - Fred Dodson Discusses Lessons From the Water & Jet Skiing

Fred Dodson is back! On his blog recently, he posted this video showing pictures from a near-miss on a jet ski. The video is chilling (no pun intended) and speaks for itself, but Fred was kind enough to describe what happened and some of the thoughts & lessons gleaned. There is always something we can take away from Fred's insights to higher consciousness living and this is certainly no exception! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/2/201940 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast 205 - How to Invest in Yourself to Change Your Entire Journey!

Somewhere back in 2008 or 2009, I stumbled across a product being marketed online that changed my life completely. It was Bob Proctor's "Secret Science of Getting Rich" audio program. It wasn't so much the money part that reached me. What my soul needed to hear was the part about how we are conscious creators. Well, now about 10 years and a lot of accumulated experience later, we are releasing our own digital store! Just like "The Science of Getting Rich," these products are those that we designed and in some cases recorded, and are intended to radically change your life, just like that program did mine. There's a lot in here already, so check it out at: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/29/201918 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 204 - Intuition vs. "Monkey Mind." How to tell the difference!

Modern science says we think well over 50,000 unique thoughts every day. But...where do they come from? Where does a thought originate? And, how do we tell our infinite mind (our subconscious mind) from our finite mind? This is a podcast with information I haven't discussed before and one you should find interesting and....thought provoking! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas GoFundMe Campaign Link: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/16/201924 minutes, 13 seconds
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Podcast 203 - What's the Most Transformative advice I could give anyone going through tough times

This is from the listener mailbag - thank you for writing. A young man in LA is losing his 9-year soul partner relationship to someone else. The arrows pierce through one's heart at such times. Two young girls lose their mom to cancer a few months back and now their dad lies in a hospital from a massive heart attack. How do we handle these things? There is one piece of advice...a mindset really...that made all the difference in the world to me and we summarize it here. Also, if you stay to the end you will hear exciting news in our lives, and here is the GoFundMe link we mention in the podcast. Thank you for considering being generous and helping us extend this outreach to many more people! Namaste Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/11/201921 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 202 - Dealing with our Karmic Past: Healing & Revealing Prior Wounds

This is one of those inspirational episodes where I just got hit with an "ah-ha" awakening about my past. This was triggered by something that I was running the old pattern automatically - something that's been happening all my life. This was about digging out old wounds and especially old subconscious mind programming. It comes in all kinds of ways, including coming to the surface when we're ready to deal with it. There are some great lessons in here! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/2/201917 minutes, 58 seconds
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Podcast 201 - Happy Birthday, Thomas and a Manifesting Gift to YOU!

It's Birthday time around here. Time to turn another year...and decade. And, in the custom started several years back, YOU get a gift! Here's your link to redeem it! And, let's talk about manifesting! From one of you in the Facebook Listeners Group! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/30/201914 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 200 - Neville Goddard - Wishes Fulfilled. How The Subconscious Works

I mentioned in our Facebook Group (link to join below) that I'd heard Neville Goddard's name 3 times recently, so it was time to take a look. So I picked up a copy of "Feeling is the Secret" and found a treasure trove of great stuff in this very short read. So let's unpack some of Neville's core teachings and remind ourselves of the "roots" of manifesting - what we believe, how we think and feel, and making "pitches to the Universe!" Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/23/201918 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 199 - Delicious Aruvedic Tea Recipe from Himat Singh Dayvault

There's nothing better than the aroma of fresh cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom simmering on the stove! This is a yogi chai recipe from Himat Singh Dayvault that will warm your bones this fall/winter...and if you're in the Southern Hemisphere...will still taste great as the flowers bloom and the trees begin to bud in Spring. If you would like this recipe, email me at thomas - at - subconscious mind mastery dot com and I'll be happy to send it to you! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas, Majona & Himat Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/20/201914 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast 198 - Navigating Difficult Cosmic Energy

There is, indeed, difficult energy for many people right now. It's showing up on social media posts. Phone calls. Perhaps right in your own home. What is the source of this - that is affecting so many people? What is the purpose of it? Is this "malefic" energy, or "benefic?" I would advocate that all things are ultimately for our good...but when we're going through the forest, sometimes we need direction...and a shoulder to lean on. This is an update on the theme we've been talking about recently with the intention of giving you encouragement & tools to help along the journey! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/17/201917 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 197 - Yoga Tips for the Soul with Kundalini Yogi & Teacher, Himat Singh Dayvault

A while back, I offered to send a PDF of a morning Kundalini Yoga routine I was doing, and the response has been quite positive. I thought maybe you'd like to hear more from Himat Singh Dayvault - my Aspen Yogi buddy and ski partner - who has been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga for decades. Himat takes us deeper into the Journey, along with some great tips to help you get started in your daily practice! Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/9/201919 minutes, 58 seconds
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Podcast 196 - Structure - The Energy of the Universe is Calling for Structure

These, indeed, are ominous times. As I am recording this episode, there is serious discussion to impeach the President of the United States. Many are feeling and seeing more bizarre events in their lives, or the lives of their friends. This is very powerful energy that is influencing the entire planet and it is calling for one primary action on our part: Build Structure. So let's unpack this and talk about what actions we can take to align and maximize this powerful force. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/27/201915 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast 195 - How I Got Another Audiobook Deal!

I am so excited to now be affiliated with Steven Forrest, narrating his Elements Series book, "Fire: The Life Givers." While many of us are facing substantial challenges, the Universe is always on our side...especially now. This is my 200th episode, and is packed with info on what's going on energetically and what Majona and I are doing to navigate it. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/13/201926 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 194 - Gut Punches - How To Respond

I'm sure hearing a lot of people talk about more challenges in their lives. "Gut Punches," if you will. I had two this week that were as big and hard to swallow as anything I've experienced so far...including 2 divorces and everything else I've personally had thrown my way. But with different tools and new subconscious mind reprogramming, my responses this time are a LOT different than before. So let's examine what may be causing these hits, and a few lessons on how we can respond differently. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/7/201915 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 193 - Deeper Subconscious Mind Programming & Work - North and South Nodes of the Moon

Let's go deeper in this podcast. Something has been on my mind lately that I've been incubating and developing and that's about things that we brought into this life (called our Subconscious Programming) to deal with on a soul level. I've been researching how this shows up in our astrological chart, but it also just shows up in our life, and when we stop to think about it, we can probably pretty easily identify with it. This podcast goes deeper - and there are some resources at the end, so here are the links: Lives of the Soul Audiobook Thomas Miller North & South Node Astrological Readings September 2019 Special SoulFest 2019 Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/24/201940 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast 192 - Introduction to Kundalini Yoga with Himat Singh Dayvault

One of my best take-aways from Aspen will last a lifetime. My friendship with Himat Singh Dayvault. We became ski buddies, hiking buddies, now camping buddies, and we're co-producers of a new video training series that will be out soon on using some Kundalini yoga techniques for brain trauma, concussions, and dementia/Alzheimer's disease. Himat has been doing Kundalini yoga for 30 years now and as you will hear in his voice, is one of the most centered and grounded people I know. It was a pleasure to sit down with him at the Red River, New Mexico Convention and Visitors Bureau facility (which they were generous to provide to us) to talk about his journey in Kundalini. If you are ever in Aspen and want some highly spiritual, therapeutic, and just down right amazing bodywork, contact Himat via email here: himat7 AT Yahoo dot Com Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Himat Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/6/201926 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 191 - Surfing the Waves of High Energy!

The scale of consciousness (Levels of Energy) is an amazing tool once you realize just how powerfully it operates in our life. When we are in high vibration, good things are naturally attracted into our life - without us lifting a finger! Conversely, when we are projecting and living in a low vibration, that is when negative things (like energies) are naturally attracted. We are surfing a wave of super high vibration right now, and amazing things are coming into our lives....naturally. Effortlessly. Magically. Here's a story of the latest attraction, which is a MEGA game-changer for me! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona Fred Dodson Levels of Energy 2019 Seminar Registration Link: Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/4/201913 minutes, 35 seconds
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Podcast 190 - Jill Thomas, Hypnotherapist Part 2 - Past Lives, Past Life Regressions, Relationships, Hypnotherapy for Teens and MORE!

In this continuation of the last episode, San Diego based hypnotherapist, Jill Thomas and I talk about past lives and past life regressions, relationships, when to consider hypnotherapy for your kids or teens and the marquis topics of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation and weight loss. Jill has a thriving practice in Southern California and would love to talk to you if you're interested in a session. Jill Thomas Website: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/26/201918 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 189 - Exploring MONEY through Hypnosis with Hypnotherapist Jill Thomas

This is the first time on the podcast I have talked to a hypnotherapist, and wouldn't you know, it would be Jill THOMAS! She is based in the San Diego area and her website is linked below. Jill is an amazing communicator, a skilled hypnotherapist, loves to talk about all the things I like to, and her last name is THOMAS! How perfect for us to launch into what is going to be a multi-episode Subconscious Mind based conversation about all kinds of topics like money, relationships, past lives, stopping smoking, weight loss, how to start a practice if you have thought about becoming a hypnotherapist, and so much more! Jill Thomas website Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/26/201917 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast 188 - Encounter With the Universe! And How I Responded!

I am "in the moment" with an amazing encounter with the Universe, and wanted to capture it on this podcast. The backstory involves my brother, my failures, second chances (forgiveness), and current miracles. What happened today was amazing, but it had me question, and revise, my initial response to the "encounter." This podcast will give you a lot to think about...and more to practice! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/22/201911 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 187 - Can Your Soul "Split?" Majona has a great answer that will leave you thinking

Majona has her own podcast now! It's called Life After Life, and it is about her personal experience seeing the "other side." It has been very well received and getting a lot of downloads already! This is one of her recent episodes where she answers a listener's question about how "we/us" continues after we pass. What this really explores is our higher self, and the reality of infinity. This episode will get you thinking! Majona's "Life After Life Podcast" Would appreciate if you would subscribe, review, and comment! Show her some luv!! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas and Majona Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/15/201919 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast 186 - Energy of Events with Rosie Cutter From Destiny Card Products

Do you have an upcoming event in your life, like a wedding, graduation, corporate event, etc.? Would you like to know the energy around that event? We're going to use the upcoming Fred Dodson Levels of Energy Seminar in Dallas as a springboard to see how to read energies. Amazing as it is, the energy around this event is incredibly complementary to Fred's intentions for the event. You can use the process Rosie Cutter outlines in this episode to look at your own events. Using the combination of some easy astrology (you don't have to be an expert) and her Destiny Card system, you can peer straight into the energy of various events. This is a POWER packed episode! Resources: Rosie Cutter: Info on Cards Mentioned in Podcast: To Schedule Readings: Fred Dodson Levels of Energy Seminar Information: Astrology Calendar 2019 (Great Resource) Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/9/201922 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast 185 - Once in a Lifetime Energy for Karmic & Soul Work

Right now, as of about 9 pm last night, there is an energy available to every person on the planet to do soul and karmic work like we have never seen in our lives, nor will we ever see again in our lifetimes. This is a very unique alignment of several astrological energies represented by Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the South Lunar Node. These are all in retrograde now, and will be until at least August, when Jupiter goes direct again. What that means is we can do more soul-work now than we have ever been able to do, supported by universal energy. Rather than reading more about it, I'd like to just pour my heart out because I would love for everyone on the planet to know and be working with this incredible energy right now. So let's talk about it! Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/30/201913 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast 184 - I QUIT! Here's a myth-buster that "winners never quit and quitters never win" with the Quit Dr. Stan Robertson

You've heard the expression "winners never quit and quitters never win," right? Well, to a point, that's true. But true winners...those who are interested in elevating their consciousness and evolve during this lifetime, often do quit things that don't serve them so they can grow into areas that do. We are going to explore that myth with Dr. Stan Robertson, "The Quit Doctor." Dr. Robertson has four unique points on why we should thing differently about quitting. And this is a great metaphor to reprogram our subconscious minds, too. Being willing to release is the starting point! Here is the Quit Doctor's website And here is the book, "Quit: The Last Principal of Success" on Amazon Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/26/201925 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 183 - Our 6th Birthday - Anniversary Celebration!

Six years ago on Easter weekend 2013 I got a prompt to do a podcast. Only problem was I had no idea what to talk about, so I just started telling my story of what I had done to turn my life around. One thing I had learned was how our Subconscious Mind indeed gets programmed by experiences and influences from our past - especially during our childhood. I had observed how that played out in my own life. Through pretty simple deduction, I figured if one's subconscious could be programmed negatively, it could be programmed positively, too. Even after the main "programming window" had closed. So my quest was to figure out how to better program my Subconscious Mind toward what I wanted. After all, if a whole bunch of "negative" things had happened without me having to do anything, what could it be like if I just got things programmed positively...and left that on "Subconscious overdrive?" Well, this is a look back at the last six years since we began talking together. And I must admit, it has been one heck of a journey...with much more wonderful things ahead. Let's take a quick look back and capture some lessons on how to turn your life around by reprogramming your Subconscious Mind toward what you really want in life! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/20/201913 minutes, 35 seconds
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Podcast 182 - What is it like communicating with spirits in the non-physical with Julie Jancius and Majona

Since she was a child, Majona has been able to see, hear and feel spirits from the non-physical. This may seem threatening if someone is not familiar with this reality, but to Majona, it was totally normal. She thought everyone could. It wasn't until she was almost 10 years old that she finally realized she was very much in the minority and most people cannot communicate outside our Earth-reality. Now meet Julie Jancius who hosts the "Angels and Awakening" podcast, a new series that she is doing a great job with! I was recently a guest on Julie's show, and was so impressed, I wanted to introduce her to you! She has a deep connection with spirit and a beautiful energy that radiates right through the microphone! Majona and Julie talk about their mutual experiences communicating with those who have left the physical realm, but are still very much connected and interested in what is going on with us here. This will open you up to new dimensions and a realization that there is so much more than we are aware of here on Earth. Julie's website is here Julie's podcast is here Majona's new podcast - Life After Life - is here Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/18/201949 minutes, 19 seconds
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Podcast 181 - 2019 Energy Spotlight – Where Growth Is Right Now!

I have been in hyperdrive learning more and more all the time about this incredible “journey” we are on! Much has been about our soul path, our very reason for being here, why certain things are more difficult than others, and where we can focus our growth.  Along this line, I started a couple new podcasts you might want to check out – links to both are below.  Right now, and continuing through 2019, there is a very specific concentrated energy that should be taken note of – especially if you are serious about your own journey. That is what this podcast is about – where you can lean-in and find support in your growth right now!  Enjoy the Journey! Thomas  Fun Astrology Podcast Life After Life Podcast The post 2019 Energy Spotlight – Where Growth Is Right Now! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/15/201916 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 180 - Conscious Cinema with Nicole Wensel

Almost everyone enjoys a good movie or TV show now and then. And certainly, video is predominant on social media. It seems more than ever that our culture is consumed with video of all sorts. Let’s talk about how that affects us consciously and subconsciously with an expert in the field. Nicole Wensel grew up in Texas but got herself to LA as soon as she could because she knew as a child that she wanted to be in films. Today she is producing, directing and acting in films and videos but with a particular passion for consciousness in films – which is of particular interest to those of us who want to program our subconscious minds with what we want to show up in our lives! This is a relevant and interesting conversation with a delightful young lady with a bright future in an important industry. Nicole’s website: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona  The post Conscious Cinema with Nicole Wensel appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/8/201923 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 179 - Conscious Relationships – How to End in Namaste

There is perhaps no better way or place to boost our soul’s growth than being in a relationship. The highs and lows, struggles and elation, joys and agony – all contribute to each person’s growth – whether they are aware of it or not. We’ve had several listener questions lately about how to end a relationship that isn’t working. That’s a great platform to explore “Conscious Relationships.” Because it gets a lot easier when we are conscious that this reality is primarily about our soul’s growth. When we approach it from that perspective, and it comes time to end a relationship, it is much easier to both a) handle the emotions associated with breaking up and b) end in namaste toward one another.  Majona has some very good thoughts on this so we unpack “Conscious Relationships” in this episode of Subconscious Mind Mastery.  Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona  The post Conscious Relationships – How to End in Namaste appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/27/201920 minutes, 22 seconds
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Podcast 178 - Rick Clunn – The Mastery of Intuition in Bass Fishing

I had an intuitive prompt the other day to look back at a chapter of my past, going back some three decades ago. I was privileged to spend over 15 years on the production team of “The Bassmasters” TV show. Back then it aired on The Nashville Network, then on ESPN, and now it is on some of the outdoor channels. The show covers the Bassmaster Tournament Trail of professional bass fishing. It’s a phonetical niche market of people who are passionate about being outdoors, zipping to and fro in 6-figure bass rigs – all in pursuit of an elusive creature populating most of the freshwater lakes in the US: The largemouth bass.  Even though the TV show covered the tournament events, to those of us working on the show, the main goal was to get inside the heads of the winners…because that would help more people learn how to catch fish. And if you were watching a fishing show of any kind, it was because you wanted to pick up some little tip or tactic to help you next time at the lake.  One of the stand-out anglers back then and definitely still today is Rick Clunn. He is a true champion, and just a month before this is posted, he won another big tournament in Florida, hauling in almost 100 pounds of bass over 4 days! At age 72! Rick practices what he preaches, and is still as enthusiastic about his craft as he was 35 years ago.  Rick Clunn approaches fishing differently, as you will hear in the podcast. I didn’t really realize back then the power this guy had, even at that relatively early point in his career. Rick talks about how visualization, intuition and meditation guide him to what has been an unbelievable career in the sport of fishing. He talks about how powerful these are, and have been in his career.  Wow. Just, wow.  I pulled a few quotes I found recently on his approach, and I’m sure it will inspire and encourage you to not only hone your intuitive and visualization skills, but also to be your absolute best in everything you take on.  Thank you, Rick Clunn, for such a brilliant encouragement and perspective on how a true champion approaches his craft…and life.  Enjoy the Journey, Thomas  The post Rick Clunn – The Mastery of Intuition in Bass Fishing appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/22/201925 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast 177 - Destiny Card Weekly Reading Deck Instructions with Rosie Cutter

The post Destiny Card Weekly Reading Deck Instructions with Rosie Cutter appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/20/201919 minutes, 19 seconds
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Podcast 176 - Conscious Parenting the Subconscious Way

Between Majona and I are 6 kids. Four biological and one “adopted” into the family. And miraculously, all of them are great kids. While Majona’s kids and my kids grew up in totally different environments, they each are finding their own journeys.  This is a podcast for those of you in the parenting years. While this is a vast subject worthy of many hours of exploration, this is the first podcast here where parenting is explored.  Now-days we are becoming more aware of “Consciousness.” We hear of conscious capitalism. Conscious living. Even conscious parenting. In this episode, Majona and I talk about various intentions and ways we chose to parent, consciously or unconsciously, and some of the results.  Perhaps we will explore this more in future episodes, but at least this is a start.  Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona The post Conscious Parenting the Subconscious Way appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/20/201917 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 175 – Fred Dodson “Intuitive Awareness Method”

Get ready! Fred Dodson is back and after this interview, he said he thought it was the best one we have done in six years!  We’re talking about his latest book, “Intuitive Awareness Method,” or IAM for short. This is a 5-step process that will help you tune into your intuition, and gain clarity on what your soul is telling you is best for you.  When Fred talks about the “Stream of Life” (Reality Creation Technique) and (Levels of Energy), this is what he’s talking about – keeping your boat in the middle of the stream through intuition.  As a matter of personal testimony, I tried this right after finishing recording the audiobook and it steered me right in the direction I needed. It is very powerful indeed.  Links: Intuitive Awareness Method – Amazon Intuitive Awareness Method – Audible Fred Dodson Music (New 2019) Enjoy the Journey! Thomas, Fred & Majona The post Podcast 175 – Fred Dodson “Intuitive Awareness Method” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/15/201946 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 174 – More on Destiny Cards

Back on Feb 9 we did podcast (#170) with Rosie Cutter introducing Destiny Cards, a system I now understand goes all the way back to the Atlantean period over 12,000 years ago. As we've been playing with it, some pretty cool things have opened up by our own observation. In this podcast, we go a little deeper based on our own observations, particularly discussing how the Cards can help us find and stay on our karmic life purpose.  Here are the resources mentioned at the beginning of the podcast:  Robert Lee Camp – Blue Book Robert Lee Camp – Love Cards Rosie’s Cards of Destiny Weekly Reading Deck Destiny Card App Enjoy the Journey!  Thomas & Majona  The post Podcast 174 – More on Destiny Cards appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/12/201922 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast 173 – Listener Question on Subconscious Programming and OCD

This is a great question from a listener – what do you do if you are diagnosed OCD and have a propensity to think negative thoughts…won't that program your subconscious mind negatively? Great question, and it shows you understand how subconscious programming works! Majona and I talk about this very relevant question. Disclaimer: If you have any kind of mental challenge, please see a professional. The opinions we offer here are either based on our own personal experience or what we have heard and read. We are not licensed clinicians, we do not diagnose, and we do not treat. Please see a professional for all proper physical, mental or emotional treatment. The post Podcast 173 – Listener Question on Subconscious Programming and OCD appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/8/201916 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 172 – As One Chapter Closes…

This is a podcast of reflection and lessons from nearly 3 years in Aspen, Colorado. One chapter closed as you will hear, and another has already opened. The biggest eye-opener lesson I learned from this was on our soul's journey, there is often a strong pull to completion. To close loops, if you will. The big question is will we hear the pull…and will we respond. Here are some big-time lessons from a few years spent in literal paradise, and then the openness to move on when that time came as well. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona The post Podcast 172 – As One Chapter Closes… appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/7/201924 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 171 – Intuition: Still and Small

Intuition has become the #1 topic in coaching, conversation and listeners asking about, so in this episode, Majona is back to talk about a couple ways we can better tune into that still, small voice called Intuition. Intuition is our connection to Divine Source. It is our “true self.” It is that part of us that can “see around the corner.” It is what helps know the right thing to do in times of crisis. It helps lead and guide us along the way and in-between. Fred Dodson, no stranger to the Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast, has written a new book called “The Intuitive Awareness Method,” and the audiobook is not out as of the day of this writing, but will be any day. Fred mentions that following intuition has become his go-to method for connecting to higher Source. So let's get intuitive. If you have a difficult time either hearing, or following, intuition, this podcast will help give you two exercises to practice getting more in tune. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona The post Podcast 171 – Intuition: Still and Small appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/14/201918 minutes, 37 seconds
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Podcast 170 – Destiny Cards with Rosie Cutter

Have you ever heard of Destiny Cards? I hadn't either, but today you're going to learn about a really cool, easy, fun new tool to help you on your journey! This system pre-dates using a 52-card deck of what we think of as playing cards but were actually used for a whole other purpose before their popularity for solitaire and poker! There is a hidden map of your life – from birth up to right now – in these cards! We're going to unpack it for you here. Our guest is the person who I found the cards from – Rosie Cutter. She's an astrologer, reader and so much more who hails from Aspen, but is very well traveled, including Jackson Hole, Hawaii, and many other places. A former professional musician (from the cards!), she now does readings for a wide variety of clients worldwide. Here are some links to help you get more acquainted with this amazing system: On Destiny Cards:Rosie Cutter's Destiny Card Products Site 52 Destiny Cards – Quick Reading Robert Lee Camp's Site (Rosie's Partner in the Deck) Products: Rosie Cutter – Card Deck Rosie Cutter – Readings Robert Lee Camp's Books on Amazon The post Podcast 170 – Destiny Cards with Rosie Cutter appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/9/201933 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 169 – “Rejuvenaging” with Dr. Ronald Kaiser

Want to know the secret to aging well? Actually, it's no secret. It's a series of steps you follow when you are younger, so when you hit those “golden years,” you have well-laid the subconscious programming for an amazing life in your later years. We have a walking testimony to that very process with us in this podcast! But this show isn't age-related. ANYONE can apply this amazing material at any age. Today, we are talking to Dr. Ronald Kaiser, a clinical psychologist and author of a new book, “Rejuvenaging: The Art and Science of Growing Older with Enthusiasm.” Isn't that a great title? And check out the results – they speak for themselves. I won't give away his age here, it's in the podcast, but he looks great when you hear how young he is! He shares with us his 7 keys to follow – at any age – as the foundation to living a great life from the way you think first….then how it plays out as the years unfold. Here are some links so you can get to know Dr. Kaiser better. I joined his “gym” which he also discusses in the show. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas Rejuvenaging Links: Via Amazon Here Via Dr. Kaiser's Website Here Rejuvenaging Video Here The post Podcast 169 – “Rejuvenaging” with Dr. Ronald Kaiser appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/26/201927 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 168 – Fred Dodson Interview – “The Pleiades and Our Secret Destiny”

Fasten your seat belts & come go on a dive into worlds of consciousness you probably didn't know existed…or even think could possibly exist! There is a new book and audiobook out by author Fred Dodson titled “The Pleiades and Our Secret Destiny” and it should be the basis of a movie. The book was spawned by a re-visit Fred had in 2018 by the Blue-Skinned people he first mentioned in his bestseller, “Parallel Universes of Self.” This time, obviously as a very conscious adult, Fred captured the moment and within two weeks, wrote about it from what he describes as a totally different consciousness level. The main take-away here is that you can expand your awareness of consciousness we can only imagine as mere humans. But levels that are not that far away, and that we might one day actually experience too! The book is available on Amazon and the audiobook via Audible and iTunes. Amazon Here Audible Here The post Podcast 168 – Fred Dodson Interview – “The Pleiades and Our Secret Destiny” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/19/201933 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 167 – Miracles & Manifesting!

This is about miracles! I had one happen physically that I'd been working on for a couple years, but had pretty much surrendered because there was nothing doctors could do for this. Well, thanks to the tools we talk about, the “Reality Creation” techniques Fred Dodson has taught me through narrating all his audiobooks, through putting to use everything that makes us co-creators of our reality…I've had an absolutely amazing Miracle drop right in my lap! This is the story of a total game-changer and hopefully an encouragement to you to be a powerful co-creator as well!  Turmeric link mentioned in the podcast: The post Podcast 167 – Miracles & Manifesting! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/9/201815 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 166 – What If I Don’t Buy Into This 100-Percent?

We have a listener question that is a great springboard to examine a couple of topics – someone is going through a major mid-life challenge including divorce and a job change. Plus, this person asks a very relevant question: What if I don't believe all this New Age stuff anyway? Am I just wasting my time?We discuss a totally different perspective that is illustrated beautifully in Fred Dodson's audiobooks listed here: 
11/22/201826 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 164 – Saturn Return – How It Affects Our Life

This is a listener-triggered podcast that has had me thinking for a few days. This guy is 29, and when I heard that…combined with what he's going through…I was reminded of something I've been wanting to talk about anyway, so this seemed like a perfect time to do it. The topic is called the “Saturn Return.” It's a little astrology lesson of something that happens when we are 29 and about 59 (and around 88 if you are so fortunate!). There is an energy that occurs in our life when Saturn makes a full lap around our astrological chart. We're not going to get bogged down in the semantics, but everyone listening is either A) approaching your first Saturn Return, B) in-between your first and second, or C) after your second and heading toward your third! With that in mind, we talk about what this means in your life, and how best to deal with it. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona The post Podcast 164 – Saturn Return – How It Affects Our Life appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/8/201822 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 162 – Karma is a Bitch

Ever heard the expression, “Karma is a bitch?” Well, it certainly can be if we're not on the right side of our deep healing. In this Podcast, Thomas and Majona talk about one particular spiritual law that we may experience when we're young, that can boomerang back around on us when we're adults. This came from an audiobook Thomas is narrating where the author discussed “roots of bitterness” we can form against our parents, and, according to the law of cause and effect, this can come back around as challenges when we're adults. If you take it one step further, we can even go back to lives before this one…and that's when it really gets interesting! But if we get on the right side of what the Universe is trying to teach us, karma may not be so bad after all. And karmic healing can prevail! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona Book Mentioned: Power of TED – The post Podcast 162 – Karma is a Bitch appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/9/201827 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 161 – The Stream of Life by Fred Dodson

Life is metaphorically like a stream that we are floating down. We are in a boat with oars that we can use in many different ways. Many of are always paddling upstream. Some are gently rowing downstream, letting the river take them where it is going. They are “Enjoying the Journey!” But sadly those are often more the exception, not the rule. Author Fred Dodson wrote of this river metaphor in “Reality Creation Technique” and “Levels of Energy” books and audiobooks. When I first read this in 2013, I was blown away by its accuracy and relevancy. It so re-framed my struggles up until then, and quickly gave me the vision of what I wanted my life to look like. In this podcast, we play a few brief excerpts from “The Stream of Life” and discuss how they can be applied in our lives. Enjoy your Journey! Thomas & Majona For Reality Creation Technique Click Here For Levels of Energy Click Here Order Your Retro Edition of “The Science of Getting Rich” at an exclusive 30% Discount for Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast listeners only! Get it here!  The post Podcast 161 – The Stream of Life by Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/28/201821 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 160 – Moon Astrology and MORE with Dawn Champine!

Astrologer Dawn Champine (Goddesstrology on Twitter) joins us today for a more in-depth conversation about manifesting with the moon. In Podcast 113, I talked about this for the first time, then we followed some lunar cycles into the 2017 total eclipse. I crossed paths with Dawn via Twitter, and she helps us take a much deeper dive on all things lunar – new moons, full moons, the path of the moon, and lunar nodes. If you want to take your manifesting game up a notch, this will be a great podcast to help your awareness of how much the moon affects us…much more than we think if we are unconscious to it. This is an especially important conversation with the upcoming full moon on September 24, 2018 being “heavily aspected.” What that means is the energy has, once again in 2018, been excessive. We talk about how that can affect us as we approach full moons. Even though you many not hear this around that full moon, when things in the sky are “wonky,” it's worth being aware! Dawn does private sessions and can be contacted both from her website and Twitter: Tweets by Goddesstrology   Astrology Apps Mentioned:  Time Nomad – Time Passages – The post Podcast 160 – Moon Astrology and MORE with Dawn Champine! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/22/201841 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 159 – Our Soul’s Journey After Transition

This is a sequel from the previous podcast 158. In this episode, Majona and I break down some of the things Megan Kelly's two guests said as part of their near-death experiences. There are some fascinating lessons we can capture from what happened to these two amazing souls. Did you know, we agreed to this life? Many of the crazy things that happen to us that we think are “bad,” are likely really part of a wonderful tapestry of events, specifically and carefully designed to help our soul grow. We talk about that in depth in this podcast. Enjoy the Journey!     The post Podcast 159 – Our Soul's Journey After Transition appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/16/201824 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 158 – Near Death Stories from Megyn Kelly Show

I wanted to share something with you. Think of this like sharing a Facebook or Twitter post. I ran across 2 clips from the Megyn Kelly show on NBC of stories from people who had near death experiences (NDE). What is remarkable about these stories is they almost perfectly collaborate what Fred Dodson talks about in Lives of the Soul. White light, loved ones who have gone before. Extremely peaceful; almost bliss. Meeting a soul guide. It's all here. These are two amazing interviews and stories, especially if you are looking for comfort if you recently lost a loved one or if you are looking for a deeper meaning of life. The audiobook “Lives of the Soul” is available on Audible or iTunes. The post Podcast 158 – Near Death Stories from Megyn Kelly Show appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/12/201822 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast 156 – Lessons from the OR

Majona is back this episode and is going to give us a glimpse at a few pages out of her journal. Lessons she learned after major back surgery that can help all of us as we reflect on another's lessons and adapt some of the principals to our own Journey. The post Podcast 156 – Lessons from the OR appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/30/201815 minutes, 44 seconds
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Podcast 155 – Career Astrology – Are You In The Right Job?

This podcast lays the groundwork we will be continuing about using the miraculous system of astrology to help determine your best career. This is something I worked on during the Majona's hospital stay and post-operative recovery, and it blew me away! It's using several elements of astrology to help determine what your best career areas are. Astrology can often be mis-understood and sometimes mis-used, but in the proper context, astrology offers beautiful insights into how we are intricately empowered for the many twists and turns life brings our way. We are definitely souls on a journey, and this system is highly accurate at showing us where energy hot spots are in our life. If you would like to discuss career astrology relative to your own job pursuits, please visit the coaching page here or email me at [email protected] Enjoy the Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 155 – Career Astrology – Are You In The Right Job? appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/7/201828 minutes, 25 seconds
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Podcast 154 – What Might Happen After Death?

What happens after we die may be one of the most asked-about questions in many circles today. Volumes have been written about it, and yet, at the end of the day – nobody on earth really knows. However, we have a multitude of synchronous stories and insights from those who have incredible perception beyond the physical. There are spiritual and religious writings that give us glimpses into the other side. Majona has extensive experience with the other side and I've seen it personally with a friend who passed from a sudden trauma. She shares her thoughts, experiences and opinions on what happens after we – or our loved ones – leaves the physical realm. This will be an interesting podcast, especially if you have been interested in what might happen after our transition, or if you have recently lost a loved one. Here are some resources that can shed further light on this, if you are interested in digging deeper: Here's my interview on the “We Don't Die” Podcast with Sandra Champlain “Lives of the Soul” Audiobook by Fred Dodson/Thomas Miller Must read/listen: “Dying To Be Me” by Anita Moorjani – Story of her NDE Enjoy the Journey, Thomas     The post Podcast 154 – What Might Happen After Death? appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/22/201819 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 153 – How You Can Regain Power In Areas of Your Life

Do you ever feel like there are areas of your life that you just can't get on top of? Same issues keep coming up over and over? Someone or somewhere always seem to bring you down? We all have areas of our life where we are losing power (or energy). This is a 3-part process I learned from Amir Zoghi where you can identify where you are losing power, and how you can get it back. This is material that you haven't likely heard in this way before…and it can change your life! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona The post Podcast 153 – How You Can Regain Power In Areas of Your Life appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/14/201825 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 152 – Synchronicities and Pain

Not to give this away here, but there's some news to share…we just got back from a surgeon's office. This is a little talk about synchronicities, pain, and how you adjust to what life throws at you. There are some valuable lessons that come from challenging times, and this podcast talks about how we can handle life's curve balls. The post Podcast 152 – Synchronicities and Pain appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/11/201815 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 151 – Atlantis, The Garden of Eden and Fred Dodson

We're talking to author and speaker Fred Dodson on this episode to learn many things you would never have thought existed regarding our origin, including what may have happened to Atlantis, Lemuria and other ancient civilizations. There is a preponderance of evidence from different cultures around the world that many of the “origin stories” we may have been told in our youth need to be re-examined in light of very different archeological discoveries. Fred Dodson has amassed thousands of pages of information, traveled around the world multiple times exploring this first-hand, and has produced two new audiobooks assembling what he discovered. This amazing evidence may shatter old belief systems, give you ample evidence that will help you re-formulate new belief systems, and help show you just how big and wonderful our Source Energy that created us really is. Both books are available on iTunes and Audible – “Atlantis and the Garden of Eden” “Ancient Aliens of Atlantis” Enjoy the Journey! Thomas & Majona The post Podcast 151 – Atlantis, The Garden of Eden and Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/2/201845 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 150 – And now you know why I’m back in Texas!

This is a continuation of Podcast 149. As I had been feeling prompts as far back as last fall that things might be shifting as far as moving from Colorado. As I was looking at all the reasons and options of what that might look like, there was one more missing piece if I was going to return to Dallas. This podcast explains… Enjoy the Journey, Thomas & Majona The post Podcast 150 – And now you know why I'm back in Texas! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/26/201825 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast 149 – Back to Texas!

When you start to live a life based on intuitive prompts and guidance that is outside of our mind, sometimes that Journey can throw you unexpected hooks and curves. That certainly happened to me this summer, as an unexpected twist in my own path just occurred, and I am now back in Texas! Shock, huh? You'll hear the full story in this, and the next, episodes. Upcoming – Fred Dodson joins us (and has a cameo in this podcast too) talking about the Atlantis audiobook series I just completed. Also, a podcast on a very cool process I learned driving from Colorado to Texas that I can't wait to share with you! Lots of good stuff upcoming! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 149 – Back to Texas! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/23/201823 minutes, 37 seconds
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Podcast 148 – Life or Death Choosing, Tolerating or Accepting with Stuart Couch

In Podcast #8, I interviewed my good friend Stuart Couch about the mental aspect of his battle with Stage 4 prostate cancer. Six years later, Stuart is still going…and looking better than he has this whole time. I caught up with him last week and had to ask what it was that kept him going (he should have died multiple times). His answer greatly surprised me, and was worth capturing to share with you! It brings a totally new meaning to the term “Enjoy the Journey…†Blessings, Thomas Podcast 8 – Life or Death Subconscious Programming   The post Podcast 148 – Life or Death Choosing, Tolerating or Accepting with Stuart Couch appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/3/201821 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast 147 – When Energy Shifts & Not For The Good

Have you had those times in your life when you're just going along and all of a sudden, the wheels just come off the bus? You get a call or a text and it just changes everything. Or an accident or something else “bad” happens. Your energy was great, things were going well, then BAM. Everything changes. What's up with that? Why do things jump out of the closet like that? Why does energy just shift randomly and “out of the blue?” We're going to explore that in this podcast, including a trick I learned from Fred Dodson on how to shift energy – the 5-to-1 technique. This podcast is loaded with good, practical information you can apply any time your energy shifts. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 147 – When Energy Shifts & Not For The Good appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/14/201819 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast 146 – Minimalism and Weight Loss with Mark La Licata

We're talking about the minimalistic lifestyle with my friend Mark La Licata, who was part of the Parallel Universes of Self Fred Dodson seminar we both attended in Hawaii in 2017. Mark has been practicing minimalism for about 20 years, and coaches the US Military on being minimalistic. In this episode, we discuss Mark's definition and application of minimalism. Also, he has applied this concept to weight loss, with significant results. He even helped Fred Dodson lose weight following the seminar. If you'd like Mark's contact info – On Linked In – Mark La Licata By email – [email protected] The post Podcast 146 – Minimalism and Weight Loss with Mark La Licata appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/13/201818 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast 145 – Take Evaluation of Your Growth

Personal growth. Spiritual growth. Where are you on your journey? Are you in a “growth spurt?” Or are you in a pause mode, taking a bit of a break to absorb and enjoy the growth you have undertaken in the past? All are good, but a few days ago I was challenged to crank it up a LOT! Honestly, I've been back on my heels of late, resting on the laurels, if you will. This challenge had me realize there are so many areas where we can grow. I'm going to return to that child-like hunger that provided for so much growth in my life 10 years ago and learn things that will take me to new levels of growth. Will you join me? Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 145 – Take Evaluation of Your Growth appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/4/201810 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 144 – The Still Small Voice

Do you hear intuitive guidance? I'm surprised at how many people I talk to who don't. I just got one this morning that changed my whole day, and when you hear the context (I chose NOT to go skiing!) you'll see what I'm doing now to hear and follow intuitive guidance. If you've had some challenges around hearing…or folllowing…intuition, this podcast should help give you some pointers on how to open up to hear from inside. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 144 – The Still Small Voice appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/18/201812 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 143 – Neville Goddard – “Believe It In” – Part 2

This is a continuation of Podcast 142, talking about what it means to “Believe It In,†as was taught over 50 years ago by Neville Goddard, a teacher and lecturer based in Los Angeles during the last century. If you haven't listened to Podcast 142, hop back there now and we'll see you back here for the conclusion of how we steer our outcomes through our imaginations combined with plugging into our Great Source. Here's a link to the “Believe It In†article and a YouTube video of one of Neville's talks: Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 143 – Neville Goddard – “Believe It In†– Part 2 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/6/201818 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast 142 – Neville Goddard – Believe It In

This is a special request from our Facebook Group, which if you haven't joined is here and we would love to have you: The request was to elaborate on an article written many years ago by Neville Goddard, who was a prominent teacher of the imagination and thoughts becoming our reality. He lived in LA and taught mostly in the 50's 60's and 70's of the last century. This request took me a lot deeper, and in this podcast and in the next in Podcast 143, we unpack not only how to “Believe It In,” but how we are part of the Great Source from which all things come, and by connecting with that Source, we can draw to ourselves all that we need and want from that Great Supply. Here is the “Believe It In” article by Neville Goddard and a short lecture from YouTube to just expose you to more of his work: Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 142 – Neville Goddard – Believe It In appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/6/201823 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 141 – “I Can Have What I Want!”

This podcast is a tip and a story that comes from a couple of sources. First, as a matter of background, check out Gregg Braden's story of “Pray Rain.” This is an amazing manifesting technique and is a perfect lesson on what real “prayer” is! (video) (story) The other place it came from is Jeanette Maw's LOA Recon podcast where she talked about “having what I want!” (podcast) This unfolded in my own life recently while my kids were here in Aspen skiing. This story will blow your mind! The post Podcast 141 – “I Can Have What I Want!” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/22/201816 minutes, 35 seconds
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Podcast 140 – How to Know Your Soul Path – North and South Nodes

I said in the introduction to this podcast, it may be the most important podcast I've ever done. Why? Because this episode talks about how you can know what your soul's “journey” is in this life, what you brought with you, what your “strong suits” are and what you have to work on in order to complete your soul's path in this life. We're exploring the North Node and South Node of your astrological chart. You don't have to know anything about astrology to understand this podcast. All you have to do is know your birthday and go to a couple free websites. It's literally that easy. Here are step-by-step instructions how to go to the websites: Click Here Please listen to this episode very carefully. It has implications about our subconscious mind, how we are programmed to default back to what we brought in (moving us away from our soul's path), and how the Universe supports with many opportunities to grow, as long as we are aligned with our purpose (as reflected in our North Node).   The post Podcast 140 – How to Know Your Soul Path – North and South Nodes appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/4/201823 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast 139 – Audience Q&A with Fred Dodson

Fred Dodson needs no introduction to this podcast audience, but instead of talking about audiobooks, we're going to be asking Fred some questions….from you! This podcast actually began in our facebook group – Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast Listeners, which can be found here: Fred and I both team up to answer five great questions. There's a lot of great information packed into this podcast, so enjoy. Here are some additional resources around this episode: All Fred Dodson Audiobooks here: Dodson's website: Fred Dodson Q&A session on YouTube: 2017 – 2016 –   The post Podcast 139 – Audience Q&A with Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/28/201838 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 138 – A vision fulfilled

This is a really cool story about a clear “heart-felt” vision I've had over the last couple years fulfilling right in front of me, without any effort. THIS is manifesting, allowing and receiving from the Universe at its finest. Such a contrast to the way I used to live. My intention is this short story is an inspiration and source of hope for you! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 138 – A vision fulfilled appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/25/201814 minutes, 37 seconds
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Podcast 137 – Acting “As if” Part 2

This podcast continues from #136 with more thoughts on how to act as if a reality you want to show up in your life is already there. This spawns from my revisiting the “Science of Getting Rich” audio program featuring Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith. I heard some material in the program with all new ears, and this podcast reflects on that. I also tell a story of Bob Proctor's heart valve replacement surgery some years ago and how he certainly used his thoughts to recover to the remarkable shape he is in today at age 83. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 137 – Acting “As if” Part 2 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/3/201820 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast 136 – Acting “As If…”

Have you been aligning your vibration with what you want but no results? That's when the ego kicks in with doubt, fear, and resistance to how the Universe really works. The marvelous system we live within has a beautiful built-in method of aligning what shows up in our life with the predominant vibration we're putting out. Think of it like a little radio tower sitting on top of our head. WE (what is truly inside of us) are the radio station disc jockey. What we put out, the Universe picks up and delivers back to us. If we have embedded fear, doubt or resistance it can block things flowing to and through us like a concrete wall. I was recently asked by a listener to talk about how to act “as if” things we want to show up in our lives has, even when it seems so far away. I had a recent experience that was a perfect illustration of how to do this the best way possible. I hope you enjoy the stories and get the points illustrated. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 136 – Acting “As If…” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/31/201723 minutes, 28 seconds
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Podcast 135 – Amir Zoghi Interview on Following Your Heart

Amir Zoghi was mutually introduced by my new Aspen friend, Kirra Sherman, and I was immediately drawn to his work. What interested me particularly was when I heard he was taught by his mom (mum in Austrailia) to follow his heart and be himself. That is the basis of how this conversation begins, and it ends with a very special offer at the very end to do a year-long program together with me. Here is Amir Zoghi's website, where you can also check out his WTF Experience Course and his OMG Coaching Program. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 135 – Amir Zoghi Interview on Following Your Heart appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/24/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast 134 – When You Encounter Energy

Ever have something happen and wonder, “where the heck did that come from?” We have it happen all the time. In this podcast, we'll look at what's underneath those appearances. Sometimes, it can be because we clearly have something in our life that is attracting it. Sometimes, it's just the Universe helping us clear blocks. Peeling the onion. Removing obstacles to open paths that we will need that area resolved in order to move forward. That happened to me on the ski slopes, and in this episode, I'll show you what I did to inquire and find out what the Universe was subtly showing me. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 134 – When You Encounter Energy appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/17/201714 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast 133 – Kirra Sherman on Intuition

Do you believe in synchronicities? Those little appearances or “signposts” from the Universe? I LOVE when Highest Source shows up in these fun little ways. I invite them and am looking for them to show up frequently. Well, one such “synchronicity” in my life recently was meeting Kirra Sherman, who is also dedicating her life and work to helping others hear and follow intuition. Kirra and I were introduced by a mutual friend, Jillian Livingston, who runs Aspen Real Life Blog, so if you'd like to peek in and see what's going on around here, this is the place to find it! Anyway, Jillian knew that Kirra and I were breathing the same air when it comes to living a life guided by our higher self…by intuition. We sat down at the Aspen Library and did an interview that will definitely enlighten you to more stories and situations on how intuition works and shows up in our lives. Kirra's website is here Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 133 – Kirra Sherman on Intuition appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/15/201751 minutes, 28 seconds
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Podcast 132 – Synchronicities!

This is all about synchronicities, those little sign-posts from the Universe that can show up unexpectedly, pointing you in a direction your soul wants to go. In this podcast, I describe the exact process I used just yesterday to invite and receive 5 amazing such sign-posts from the Universe in one day! Boy, when you open up and invite, the Universe delivers! But there's one key to receiving synchronicities and that is to not be looking for them after inviting them! We explain in the podcast. Also, we have three new audiobooks from Fred Dodson out: Lives of the Soul, Love, Sex, and Soulmates, and Infinite Consciousness. You can find direct links of all three at the website I created to put all the books in one place – Enjoy the Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 132 – Synchronicities! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/11/201721 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast 131 – Love, Sex and Soulmates

This is the first audibook (and book) written by Fred Dodson that is totally dedicated to relationships. On this podcast, we pull a couple of sections from the book on whether to stay in a relationship or leave it and how to deal with a broken heart. “Love, Sex and Soulmates” is a quick listen and definitely worth picking up from Audible here.   The post Podcast 131 – Love, Sex and Soulmates appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/1/201716 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 130 – Fred Dodson Interview – “Lives of the Soul”

Fred Dodson is back talking about “Lives of the Soul” book and audiobook. This book shifted my entire perspective on the “journey” of the soul. It begins when we die, and follows the soul from there all the way through the next incarnation. It sheds so much light on how we sculpt this life on earth to help our soul grow – the good, bad and the ugly. All of it to help us grow. It gives you a completely different perspective on challenges. You can look at obstacles and hurdles as being intentionally put there – by you – to help you grow. Wow, what a concept. Also, want to point you to the new Facebook Community Page – Fred Dodson Audiobooks. Come join us! You can also connect with me personally on Facebook by sending me a message in Messenger. The books I recommended are in this order – and can all be found on our new website – Fred Dodson Levels of Energy Lives of the Soul Journeys in Spectral Consciousness Realms of Consciousness Intuition Training These are truly the “Tools of Life!” And if you're interested in coaching, this is the BEST time to sign up. You get the Introductory price AND some free audiobooks. You can't beat that anywhere! Click here to sign up. The post Podcast 130 – Fred Dodson Interview – “Lives of the Soul” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/17/201737 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 129 – Fred Dodson “Levels of Energy” Trilogy Interview

For this and the next podcast (Podcast 130), we're going to be talking to Fred Dodson! There are several Fred Dodson audiobooks hitting the market this fall, and this series of Levels of Energy (Book 1 through 3) and “Lives of the Soul” really go together. When you grasp the higher consciousness journey of the soul, combined with how the scale of energy not only affects life on earth, but also the realms beyond, it becomes a very powerful set of tools to not only deploy here on the earth-school, but also as we transition back to the non-physical realm. If you have lost a loved one recently, these two podcasts will be especially beneficial to you. You will hopefully be encouraged that our soul finds peace and serenity in the realm beyond, and we will discuss why, especially in Podcast 130. This is incredible material that (once you really absorb and implement it) will totally change your perspective on life, the afterlife, and literally everything around you. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 129 – Fred Dodson “Levels of Energy” Trilogy Interview appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/5/201738 minutes, 58 seconds
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Podcast 128 – Seeing Through the Eyes of the Soul

This is the annual birthday podcast and the gift I'm giving on my birthday is perhaps one of the most valuable spiritual and practical lessons that may even exist on planet earth. That's a pretty bold statement, but this morning, on my birthday, I finished narrating “Lives of the Soul,” by Fred Dodson. This audiobook examines what happens to the soul after death, and more importantly, what happens in-between our life incarnations. The reason I say it may be one of the most valuable lessons available to us is when you get the perspective that A) the soul continues living quite vibrantly after death and B) we carefully plan and map out our soul journey long before we are born for the specific purpose of growth into higher consciousness, it allows us to see the events of our life through an entirely different perspective. With our eyes open to the soul's dimension, perspective, objective, then we can make decisions on who we will be and how we will act on completely different terms. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 128 – Seeing Through the Eyes of the Soul appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/30/201735 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast 127 – Higher Consciousness Exercise

In this podcast, we explore 3 levels of energy from the Bhagavadgita that the Hindu teachings say affect everything in the physical world – we humans, places, objects, even food. These Gunas also correlate to the Levels of Energy that Fred Dodson talks about in the audiobook and book of the same name. Links: Levels of Energy Series on Amazon Levels of Energy Series on Audible (Audiobooks) The three levels of Tamas, Rajas and Sattva correlate closely to the Levels of Energy. The exercise mentioned toward the end of the podcast will help you focus your attention on your own level of energy, and help you focus on higher realms of consciousness throughout your days and week. Enjoy the exercise, and “Enjoy the Journey!” Thomas The post Podcast 127 – Higher Consciousness Exercise appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/22/201720 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast 126 – Levels of Energy Trilogy

The Levels of Energy Trilogy (author Fred Dodson) is complete on audiobooks and I've been sick with an early season flu bug….which in this podcast, I'm advocating is also related to energy. Find out why. Levels of Energy Audiobook Series on Audible: Book 1 – Levels of Energy – Book 2 – Spectral Consciousness – Book 3 – Realms of Consciousness – TO BE RELEASED SOON The post Podcast 126 – Levels of Energy Trilogy appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/8/201721 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 125 – Silencing the Mind

This is an audiobook excerpt from the Fred Dodson book that I am recording as an audiobook called “Realms of Consciousness, Levels of Energy Book 3.” This excerpt speaks directly to what I'm personally working on right now, and is still the crux of the coaching program, as I've seen is the biggest need most people have. The excerpt from the audiobook is about silencing the mind so you can hear intuition speak. When you do that, I can tell you from personal experience, everything in your life changes. If you'd like to check out a new website I just built for the audiobooks, go to and you will see all of our audiobooks in one place, with direct links to Audible. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 125 – Silencing the Mind appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/8/201715 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 124 – What Is Holding You Back?

In the midst of the amazing energy surrounding the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse, a quote came clearly to me as I observed those watching the eclipse with me. Think about this – “The greatest hindrance to the life you want to live is the one you're living now.” In other words, the old subconscious programs (paradigms) that are running your life may even not be know consciously, but are operating under the surface to hold you back. We examine the reality of these subtle programs deep inside the subconscious mind and bring them to light. Something for you to think about – Is the greatest hindrance to the life you want to live, the one you're living now? Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 124 – What Is Holding You Back? appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/26/201711 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 123 – an “Intentional” Bear Story!

This is a backwash of the Eureka Springs trip – still in that amazing energy – and several things “clicked” in the week after the trip. One, I found a really cool drag-and-drop website builder for WordPress, so I've been able to really take-off with web design in a way I've not been able to ever! Answer to intention/prayer #1. Then, on a long walk dealing with some pent-up business that just needed some time in the woods to work through, I asked for a sign…specifically that a bear cross my path on this hike. You'll have to listen to hear answer #2! The verse I mention in the podcast is Proverbs 3:5-6 from the Old Testament. Here it is again, with my notes: Trust in the All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Present-Everywere, All-Loving Infinite Energy that created the worlds we see and can't see says to “trust in me with all your heart.” i.e. – the very essence of your life/being. TRUST! And do not lean on your own understanding (the conscious mind and it's 70,000 thoughts per day. Don't rely on it! “In all your ways…” i.e. – everything you do. EVERYTHING. “Acknowledge this amazing, powerful energy, and it will direct your paths.” When we do, you will be guided right along the path that YOU are supposed to live….and on that path you really can… Enjoy The Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 123 – an “Intentional” Bear Story! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/17/201722 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 122 – Eureka Springs Road Trip, Part 2

This is a continuation of Podcast 121 with the concluding story and summary of lessons from a road trip with a listener and coaching student to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. If you haven't heard Podcast 121, go back and listen first. This trip was full of “surprises from the Universe,” and was a prototype of how setting intentions and manifesting works. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas   The post Podcast 122 – Eureka Springs Road Trip, Part 2 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/6/201724 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast 121 – Road-Trip Report From Eureka Springs!

This road trip broke the mold! This was purely an intuitive journey that originated from my first coaching student. On this trip, she got to see first-hand, the process of setting intentions, releasing and letting the Universe show up! This was an early-August trip to the Ozarks to one of my favorite places, Eureka Springs. But neither I, nor my coaching student – turned traveling friend – ever imagine what would unfold. It was divine. Magical. Mystical and a perfect illustration of how the process of manifesting works. Come listen to some of the trip details and hopefully in communicating them, you get some of the same lessons and take-aways we did. Enjoy The Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 121 – Road-Trip Report From Eureka Springs! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/6/201734 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 120 – Noah Lampert, host Synchronicity Podcast and Mind Pod Network

Have you ever thought about doing your own podcast? We're going to shine the light today on the world of podcasting and introduce you to Noah Lampert. Remember Brandon Park on Podcast 111? Brandon and Noah are best friends, so we were mutually introduced after Brandon was on the show. Noah started the Synchronicity Podcast and also the Mind Pod Network of like-minded podcasters with similar messages, but different approaches (the beauty of podcasting!). This is a really great interview with a lot of good energy and information from a guy who has not only built his own platform but is helping others with theirs. Synchronicity is everywhere if you're looking for it. I got a wonderful lesson on this from the Universe just yesterday, as I'm writing this, so let's roll with Syncronicities and meet Noah Lampert. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 120 – Noah Lampert, host Synchronicity Podcast and Mind Pod Network appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/28/201729 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast 119 – How to Turn Off Racing Thoughts – Giovanni Dienstmann

In the Subconscious Mind Mastery Coaching Program, the Number One issue clients (listeners) are asking about is Money. The #2 issue is how to turn off the ego/self chatter that dominates the mind, in order to hear the intuitive voice of Higher Self. Good question! I wanted to turn to an expert in Meditation, our friend from Podcast 109, Giovanni Dienstmann. Giovanni meditates up to two hours every morning, so he is very in tune with silencing the ego/self. Giovanni also has a Meditation Course, which we mention in the podcast, and you can purchase that directly by clicking here. The tips from Giovanni and me in this podcast should certainly give you things to practice in calming the ego/self voice, then if you want to really take your practice up another notch, get the course. I also mentioned the Audiobook by Fred Dodson, Intuition Training, which is available on Audible or iTunes or by clicking directly here. Enjoy The Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 119 – How to Turn Off Racing Thoughts – Giovanni Dienstmann appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/22/201718 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 118 – Fred Dodson on MONEY!

Fred Dodson is back with us on Subconscious Mind Mastery, this time talking about 3 new audiobooks that all deal with the topic of money, career and finances. The 3 books are available on Audible and iTunes, with links here: Success Attracts Success Prosperity Consciousness Magnetic Wealth Attraction These three books will provide you with practical, energetic and spiritual information about money. It is Fred's and my suggestion that you consider picking up all 3 and playing them over and over and over until this material completely absorbs into your subconscious mind and becomes a natural part of your consciousness. Then, things around money will begin to happen effortlessly, as Fred talks about in the program. Enjoy Your MONEY Journey! Thomas   The post Podcast 118 – Fred Dodson on MONEY! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/22/201747 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 117 – New Moon Manifesting in Leo – July 17, 2017

This is the third podcast in our 3-part series of “Manifesting With The Moon,” including Podcast 113 and Podcast 115. The new moon this month is in Leo, which adds that “Hear Me Roar” energy to this month's intention list. Also, as you will hear in the episode, not only are the Sun AND moon sitting at 0-degrees Leo, but Mars is right next door at 1-degree Leo, meaning we can add an extra edge of Mars power, urgency, creativity and edgy-ness to the mix as well. This has been a fun series, and especially educational for me, as you will hear. I was tested the last 2 weeks on every area of the releasing list I created under the full moon. Powerful stuff we're dealing with here, fellow creators and Subconscious Mind Masters, so enjoy this and incorporate Lunar Manifesting into your toolbox. Enjoy The Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 117 – New Moon Manifesting in Leo – July 17, 2017 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/22/201714 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast 116 – Cornelius Simon

Meet speaker, coach and corporate trainer, Cornelius Simon. Cornelius talks about his transition from computer engineer to moving to San Diego from Atlanta and starting a speaking and coaching career. Many of you would like to expand your own platform, and I talk to Cornelius about that. Here's a link to Cornelius' website: Enjoy the Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 116 – Cornelius Simon appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/18/201732 minutes, 22 seconds
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Podcast 115 – Full Moon Manifesting

This is the continuation of our podcasts on manifesting with the moon, specifically around the full moon of July 9, 2017. Don't worry if you're hearing this podcast long after this date – we talk about full-moon manifesting in general. However, this specific full moon has some extra strong characteristics that could add some extra “juice” this month, so if you find yourself in a state of transformation, this manifesting podcast is for you! Learn from a listener why 4 days on either side of a full moon is especially powerful for requesting manifestations from the Universe. Also, we review the cycle of beginning creation during the new moon, completing it with the full moon, then starting our releasing list for the next 2 weeks following the full moon. This is powerful information on how to use the energy around us to help fulfill our intentions and manifestations! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas   The post Podcast 115 – Full Moon Manifesting appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/8/201716 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast 114 – Let’s Go On a Hike Together!

This is a break from the norm. Not from the sense of what we're about here on Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast, but from a recording standpoint. This is a phone-recording of the last part of a hike, after I had spent about the previous hour on the mountain dialoging with my subconscious mind about issues in my life and those that were showing up for others through the coaching program. Also, this wasn't inspired from the conscious mind saying “record this,” but rather from the subconscious – intuition – saying very softly to capture this for you. So, this is an invitation for you to join me on a hike to listen to how I do the dialogue between the conscious and subconscious minds. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 114 – Let's Go On a Hike Together! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/7/201726 minutes, 8 seconds
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Podcast 113 – Manifesting With The Moon

This podcast is about following the energy of the lunar cycles in between the full moon and the new moon to enhance your creating and your releasing. I firmly believe we can use the astrologic energy to our advantage to not only focus on what we want to release and create, but also to be intentional with action lists to take specific steps toward what we want in life. As I mentioned in the podcast, here are some pictures from the new moon ceremony I did in July, 2017 at the top of Independence Pass, just east of Aspen. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Ceremony”] The post Podcast 113 – Manifesting With The Moon appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/28/201728 minutes, 16 seconds
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Podcast 112 – Coaching Program is LIVE!

This podcast officially introduces the “Subconscious Mind Coaching Program” that parlays the podcast. Occasionally on our journey, there are times when we need a “bump.” A little assistance to take us to the next level. That's the intention of this coaching program. In working with several people already, one key thing I've noticed is connecting with Higher Self. Intuition. That still, small voice inside that will guide you along your soul's path every time. That is a focus on the coaching program, but we also delve into what is going on in your life, right now. If you are interested, click here and you will find out all about how the program works, and how to enroll. See you online! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 112 – Coaching Program is LIVE! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/26/201713 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast 111 – Interview with Brandon Park

Brandon Park recently produced two publications on mindfulness, consciousness and meditation. Both are available through the website My contribution was on meditation, particularly meditation while doing an activity like walking, hiking or biking. As we progressed, Brandon came with some questions of his own, and “as it turns out,” what we discussed was one of the main issues I've seen in the coaching program. So enjoy not only my interview with Brandon, but Brandon's interview with me! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 111 – Interview with Brandon Park appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/23/201749 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast 110 – Synchronicity and Higher Power

Have you ever experienced synchronicity? Something that lines up over and over, or those “sign posts†from the Universe that point you in a certain direction? When I was growing up, we would drive by what they call “Burma Shaving Signs.†Those were a series of signs you'd see on the road, each sign announcing something about the business up ahead that they were pointing to. Synchronicity is like that. Like the Burma Shaving Signs along the way of your journey to show you (from your higher self) what is up ahead, or things you should pay attention to. In this podcast, the synchronicity is about connecting on a deeper level, a surrender level, to higher source. I stumbled across a video from David R. Hawkins, where he discusses this: So watch for the sign-posts in your own life and follow them without questioning, doubt or fear. THAT is your Higher Self contacting you. Be grateful for the information, and step into it powerfully. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 110 – Synchronicity and Higher Power appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/15/201729 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast 109 – Meditation with Giovanni Dienstmann

We certainly live in uncertain times. A recent New York Times article was entitled “The Prozac Nation is Now The United States of Xanax,†and discusses one person who said she has suffered from severe anxiety since she was four years old. It's amazing what we are facing today, and the lack of skills to cope with it. When they say this generation of youth may be the first to not outlive their parents, between that and rampant obesity, you could certainly see why. We're stressing ourselves to death. Giovanni Dienstmann is going to teach us about meditation in this podcast. He puts his money where his mouth is because his “Miracle  Morning†routine includes 30 minutes of yoga, then two full hours of meditation! Giovanni Dienstmann tells us how he does it, plus talks about the importance of the subconscious mind, and an interesting analysis of spirituality around the world today, particularly with the Millennial generation. This podcast is loaded with great information on a very important and timely topic. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Visit Giovanni's website here: Master Your Mind: An In-depth 5-Week Meditation Course The post Podcast 109 – Meditation with Giovanni Dienstmann appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/12/201738 minutes
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Podcast 108 – Jason Hansra Interview, Part 2

This is the second part of Podcast 107 with healer and coach, Jason Hansra. In this episode, among several other questions, we talk about his main techniques for reprogramming the subconscious mind. If you would like to contact Jason for coaching or a free consultation, you can reach him through Facebook at: The post Podcast 108 – Jason Hansra Interview, Part 2 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/4/201723 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 107 – Jason Hansra Interview, Part 1

Jason Hansra is multi-faceted in the spiritual world of healing. From his base in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Jason works with clients all over the world on anything from reprogramming subconscious beliefs to digging up old energies in the akashic records. Jason and I met some years ago in an online group of about 25 people who spent 90-days encouraging each other to take their life to a higher level. As you will hear in the podcast, that was the point Jason's life really took off. He left a corporate position, started his coaching business, and has never looked back. He is fulfilling both his dream and life purpose. In Part 1 of the interview, he talks about that journey and transition, then in Part 2 (Podcast 108), we cover several topics that you'll certainly enjoy. If you'd like to contact Jason, you can reach him on Facebook here: The post Podcast 107 – Jason Hansra Interview, Part 1 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/4/201720 minutes, 16 seconds
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Podcast 106 – “You Are The Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza

A book (not written by Fred Dodson!) has captivated my attention lately. “You Are The Placebo” is an excellent account from a physician/scientist perspective of how our thoughts and emotions actually create neurological pathways in our brain, then hormones are dispensed to our body to support the emotion we are feeling with the thought. Dr. Dispenza did an excellent job describing the science of how our brains engage to support our thoughts and emotions in a similar way the body mobilizes white blood cells around a cut to prevent infection. This is truly amazing science, and Dr. Dispenza and his team have been doing studies to quantify and prove what the neuroscience has indicated. The stories are simply mind blowing. This podcast reviews the book from my take on it and highlights some of the major take-aways. In Part 2 of the podcast, I do some “thinking out loud” on possible upcoming trips and adventure tours with our Subconscious Mind Mastery listener family, in response to some of your requests. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 106 – “You Are The Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/1/201729 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast 105 – Wabbit Magnet! A scale of Desire & Reistance

Video: This is our 4th Anniversary podcast and what a four years it has been! I can't wait to see what the 5th lap around the calendar brings. In today's anniversary podcast, we talk about desire and resistance. Jeanette Maw over at triggered my thoughts with an email I received today and she describes our resistance as a “Charge.” I love that term for resistance, because it expresses it in the context of vibration. That led to a new visual in the podcast – the “Wabbit Magnet!” You'll have to listen to find out what the Wabbit Magnet is. Also, the 11th audiobook for Fred Dodson has been released – “Increase Your Energy.” It's over 10 hours of extending and putting feet to the concepts of “Levels of Energy.” If you haven't heard that one, be sure to pick it up and listen first, then you can put feet to your high energy quests, get “Increase Your Energy.” The post Podcast 105 – Wabbit Magnet! A scale of Desire & Reistance appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/16/201723 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast 104 – Lessons from a Listener: Intuition

This podcast came from one of you, and I must say some of the best overall questions I've received in the nearly 4 years of doing this podcast! This is a lesson on intuition and what gets programmed in our subconscious mind when we're kids that plays out as adults. This listener asks some excellent questions about the difference between our thinking (programming) and intuition. And as you'll see, there is a very clear and unique distinction that can make a HUGE difference in your life. Through this podcast, you'll be inspired to study intuition more, learn how to recognize it and apply it to your life. Sometimes, as you'll hear, intuition can help you avoid accident and injury. It's THAT critical. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 104 – Lessons from a Listener: Intuition appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/25/201740 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast 103 – Palmistry, Tarot & the Subconscious with Author Cynthia Clark

Your hands can tell you more than you have ever imagined, and up until now, known. Cynthia Clark is an author, healer and now podcaster who lives in the Aspen, Colorado area. She is also a highly skilled palmist, or one who reads the lines, size and shape of your hands and fingers, and can tell volumes about what is going on in your life – all from your hands! Cynthia also has connected palmistry with the Major Arcana Tarot cards to tell her clients their Archetype, or the very life purpose why your soul incarnated here on planet earth. Once you know your Archetype, Cynthia says, you can align everything in your life according to that plan. How amazing is that! Join us for a very interesting interview with Cynthia as she walks us through how all of this connects, including with/to our subconscious mind. This is a fascinating conversation! Also, if you'd like to get in touch with Cynthia, here website is: Here is the Amazon link to her book:   Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 103 – Palmistry, Tarot & the Subconscious with Author Cynthia Clark appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/22/201735 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 102 – Parallel Universes of Self Seminar Followup

This podcast is dedicated to the participants of the Parallel Universes of Self Seminar with Fred Dodson, held in Maui in February, 2017. After the seminar was over, one of the participants asked if we could record another podcast to memorialize the energy the group was feeling at the moment this amazing event concluded. So I was happy to pass the mike around and let everyone share their thoughts. What came from it was not only the love and diversity of people from five countries, but are some very powerful reality creating and life-shifting principals. Listen as one guy came for one purpose, then through several days of self exploration, found an entirely different reality…AND, the Universe rewarded him with a really cool dream as well. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 102 – Parallel Universes of Self Seminar Followup appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/14/201738 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 101 – LIVE Interview with Fred Dodson

Two more Fred Dodson audiobooks are out since our last podcast – Journeys in Spectral Consciousness, Levels of Energy Book II and Hidden Realities. Both deal in the realm of comparative religion, and between these two works, Fred answered virtually all the questions I had from my upbringing. But on top of that, we gathered the participants of the Parallel Universes of Self Seminar, held in Maui, Hawaii in February 2017, around the table for a group conversation. So not only do you get to hear from Fred Dodson, but some of the other participants chime in too for a lively discussion. Enjoy the podcast and if you want to see the entire library of Fred Dodson audiobooks now, go to and search both Fred Dodson and Frederick E. Dodson for the full library, as more are being added regularly. The post Podcast 101 – LIVE Interview with Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/7/201741 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 100 – Reality Creation and Manifestation w/ Fred Dodson

Milestone! 100 episodes of Subconscious Mind Mastery and what a better way to celebrate than with Fred Dodson and another audiobook. Why? Because…it is the very proof and essence of this podcast – a dream of mine was to do one audiobook for Fred, much less, now seven! THAT's what this podcast is all about so of course we would celebrate with Fred and the latest Audible and iTunes audiobook – Reality Creation and Manifestation. Also, note, toward the end Fred talks about an upcoming course he's hosting called the Parallel Universes of Reality live course. It would be worth your while to get the details and see if you could join me in setting an intention to come be part of the live event. February 3-7, 2017 in Maui, Hawaii. Hope to see you there! Frederick Dodson Frederick Dodson YouTube Channel The post Podcast 100 – Reality Creation and Manifestation w/ Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/13/201640 minutes, 28 seconds
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Podcast 99 – Attention and Awareness with Fred Dodson

We're back with another audiobook and interview with author, speaker and reality creation expert, Fred Dodson! Fred is in the process of publishing a number of books and this is the 6th that I have had the privilege to record as an audiobook. You can find the book and all the others in the Fred Dodson collection on, and in the iTunes store. In this interview we talk about where our attention goes creates our reality. It's far more than the Law of Attraction or “The Secret,” it's ALL ABOUT ATTENTION! Frederick Dodson Frederick Dodson YouTube Channel The post Podcast 99 – Attention and Awareness with Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/1/201652 minutes, 27 seconds
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10/1/201652 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast 98 – Tom Nehrer on the Bible

Tom Nehrer visited us on Podcast 72, talking about his take on the Subconscious Mind. In Episode 98 we're going to discuss his perspective on the Bible and how Scripture came together in the early 4th century. This is a deep discussion from his scientific perspective that will surely open you up to some new thoughts and ideas on the Bible. In the end, I really appreciate and like what Tom advocates how we approach this very important and sensitive topic – to take what Jesus said and learn the very valuable principles therein, and leave the rest alone. Let's hear again from author, speaker, researcher, scientist – Tom Nehrer The post Podcast 98 – Tom Nehrer on the Bible appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/11/20161 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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Podcast 97 – The “Lightening Round” w Rob Mitchell

There's a TV show on the financial channel CNBC featuring a guy who places as much value on entertainment as his market commentary. His name is Jim Cramer and on his weekly afternoon show, he does a feature called the “Lightening Round,” where he takes rapid-fire questions about individual stocks, then offers his comments about them. Since Rob Mitchell spends his days following the financial markets, we figured a little spoof on that might be fun, with metaphysical or “new age” topics we talk about here as the questions. So, without further adieu, welcome to the “Lightening Round!” After the episode, if you'd like to make a donation to the show, you can go to and click the link there – always appreciated. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 97 – The “Lightening Round” w Rob Mitchell appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/13/201628 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 96 – Rob Mitchell Series – Part 2

We're going to roll right into our 3-part series with Rob Mitchell of If you missed Episode 95, listen to that first and you will have the introductory context of who Rob Mitchell is and what makes him tick. We will have a fun, fast-paced Lightening Round to conclude this series on Podcast 97, so be sure to join us there as well. The podcast is now accepting donations from listeners who are inclined to do so. Taking action in the Universe (Mike Dooley calls it “Pitches to the Universe”) is a key to things unfolding in our life according to what we create and see in our minds and what we hold in our thoughts. Taking an action step – even if it's $2, or the equivalent of a Starbucks, or more, will both of us. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 96 – Rob Mitchell Series – Part 2 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/12/201633 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast 95 – Rob Mitchell Interview Part 1

Meet a new friend in my life, Rob Mitchell. Rob's website is where every Monday – Friday he leads a group of futures traders not only in the skills of the market, but as much or more in the skills of life. Trading the markets has a very efficient way of causing you to face yourself squarely – your fears, your lust and greed, your aggression or passiveness – all as you “launch” something you can't control. I have come to know Rob Mitchell as someone who is not only brilliant in his craft, but has taken his analytical and statistical approach to trading and applied it to philosophies of life. We capture some of that in this 3-part series about how life works, trading and in part 3 a pretty fun and fast-paced “Lightening Round.” If you would like to make any size donation to the podcast, you may do so here and it is greatly appreciated: The post Podcast 95 – Rob Mitchell Interview Part 1 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/12/201627 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast 94 – Heart to Heart

Today's podcast is about the B-word. Bliss! In a recent email, my friend Jeanette Maw said if you lay out your life experiences on a 0 to 10 scale, zero being totally painful and 10 being a state of bliss, focus most of your time on 8 and above. That's pretty good advice. This podcast is an update on the past month plus a new challenge. The link to make donations as mentioned is here: Thank you in advance to those of you who are willing to take action! Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 94 – Heart to Heart appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/2/201622 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 93 – Your Opinion Please!

This podcast is a little different format, and I'll warn you in advance, it comes with an agreement. If you're new to this series, please pass this one by. It won't make any sense. If you've been around for a while, and don't mind agreeing to help me out, the first three minutes will catch you up on the latest journeys, the Sedona trip (which is two weeks away) and tell you what you're agreeing to! For those of you who stay with this one to the end, I really appreciate your investment and time. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 93 – Your Opinion Please! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/7/201621 minutes, 28 seconds
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4/7/201615 minutes, 25 seconds
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Podcast 92 – “Assumptions”

There's a video that's worth watching and is a basis for this podcast where we talk about doing the work, addressing fear ( and a new word introduced in the podcast – “Assumptions.” Find out what assumptions are in context of manifesting miracles in our lives and reprogramming our subconscious mind! The post Podcast 92 – “Assumptions” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/27/201615 minutes, 8 seconds
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Podcast 91 – “FEAR Busters” Author Interview with….Myself!

My FIRST BOOK – “Fear Busters” is out on Amazon, with an audiobook and paperback soon to follow! I'm so excited about this – it was a big week getting everything pulled together, submitted and released! There is a FREE audio meditation that goes with the book that you can pick up from the website which is You can also pick up a PDF e-book if you don't have an e-reader like Kindle. The whole story is on the podcast, so as always…. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas   The post Podcast 91 – “FEAR Busters” Author Interview with….Myself! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/20/201617 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast 90 – “Blink!”

We're updating our Sedona trip – looking for one female traveling solo who would like to team up with an amazing roommate from Canada for a few days, a person who is highly intuitive and would be a true joy to be around. We're also taking wait list reservations and may have a few more slots open up – so visit and you can contact me there. Well, the shift happened. My life changed this week, and this is an amazing story of how not only the subconscious mind plays a role, but how I'm training my “BLINK” muscle more and more every day. This is a podcast I'm confident you'll relate to in some area of your life. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 90 – “Blink!” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/14/201619 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 89 – Following Intuition with Leslie Thornton

Leslie is co-hosting our Sedona 2016 Energy Vortex Tour coming up April 20-24, 2016. If you haven't been to the website yet, check out Also, we have a Facebook Group you can join Sedona 2016 Energy Tour. Leslie is one of our co-hosts and is going to be demonstrating her powerful work to identify and clear blocks. We talk about that in this podcast, and it's one you'll definitely benefit from, whether you're able to join us in Sedona or not. If you are remotely interested in the trip, please email me at [email protected]. Seats are filling quickly, and we want to make sure you are aware of the booking process and that we get your name on one of the remaining slots. Enjoy The Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 89 – Following Intuition with Leslie Thornton appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/26/201631 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast 88 – LOA with Jeanette Maw of Good Vibe Univeristy!

This is a podcast I've been so excited to do. I found Jeanette Maw's work some time ago, and have wanted to introduce her to you. She has some of the best Law of Attraction collective material – perhaps anywhere. Jeanette tells us her story of how she became interested in LOA through a direct personal experience, and also conveys one of her favorite, most consistent LOA techniques. This is a podcast worth spending some time with. If you'd like to contact Jeanette, her email is [email protected] Enjoy the Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 88 – LOA with Jeanette Maw of Good Vibe Univeristy! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/21/201645 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 87 – Being Present with Daniel D’Neuville

We now have a website for the Sedona 2016 trip! This podcast is with Daniel D'Neuville, my friend and brother of a different mother. Daniel is one of the most “present” people I know. He emanates it from his core being. When I was meditating on the Sedona trip, Daniel came strong to mind, and when I asked him to come help lead us in some insight and exercises in being present, he agreed. In this podcast, Daniel and I catch up about being present, and talk about his last experience in Sedona, which is as alive today as it was then – almost 20 years ago! If you'd like to join us, please email me for more information at [email protected] Enjoy The Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 87 – Being Present with Daniel D'Neuville appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/13/201650 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast 86 – SEDONA! 2016 Energy Tour

Happy New Year 2016! We're going to kick the year off with a bang – with a Subconscious Mind Mastery Energy Tour to Sedona, Arizona April 20-24, 2016. We are going to explore the four main vortexes, do some hypnosis under the stars and form friendships and bonds that could last a lifetime. I'm joined in hosting this by Leslie Thornton, a fellow listener, coach and hypnotherapist from Albany, New York and my good friend Daniel D'Neuville from Dallas. Leslie is going to lead us in some group hypnosis sessions and Daniel is going to be guiding us into his specialty, which is an amazing aura of presence. This is going to be a trip you'll never forget, and the podcast has all the details. If you are interested, please go to the comments box on the website or email me as soon as possible at [email protected] so we can begin discussing details. The post Podcast 86 – SEDONA! 2016 Energy Tour appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/9/201633 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 82 – Intuition Training with Fred Dodson

The audiobook “Intuition Training” which I narrated, written by author and speaker Fred Dodson is now available on Audible (Amazon) and iTunes! This is a super-powerful book that is stuffed with great material on how you can develop, hone and perfect your own intuition. Every time I do a new book with Fred, there are several bars that get raised in my own life, and this is possible for YOU too! Fred Dodson and I talk about the book, and some ways you can step right into an intuition lifestyle for yourself. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 82 – Intuition Training with Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/5/201532 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast 81 – New Location, New Audiobook, New Outlook!

This podcast is the “Rocky Mountain High” podcast, coming to you from incredible Aspen. Yes, it's been quite a journey from defeat, divorce and despair to my own version of being High on life in the Rockies! You'll hear the story, plus news about my new podcast “SheCanTrade” which is on iTunes (audio) and YouTube (video). The website is If that weren't enough, I'm gearing up to record “Intuition Training” for Fred Dodson and that should be released in early December, 2015. THAT happens to be my next major focus – learning to live by intuition, so the audiobook was timely. Enjoy YOUR Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 81 – New Location, New Audiobook, New Outlook! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
11/14/201521 minutes, 38 seconds
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Podcast 80 – Clearing Past Wounds

If you are a living, breathing, functioning adult, you have likely been hurt somewhere along life's journey. These wounds can impact us deeply, leaving scars that can often take a lifetime to address. But there are ways to examine these scars in a positive way that can lead to a full-circle of healing. While much of what we have covered in the past 79 podcasts address the process, or the “journey,” I recently had a whole new light shed on a decades-old wound that originated, and now completed, in Vail, Colorado and that is the main topic of Podcast 80. Enjoy The Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 80 – Clearing Past Wounds appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/26/201521 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast 79 – MAJOR Breakthrough

Don't you love it when the lights just turn on?  Epiphanies are wonderful and I had a big one this week.  This came from a series I'm doing called “The Mind Master” by Dr. Sean Sullivan, and right in the middle of it I had a very unexpected “ah-ha” moment.  Let's talk about reprogramming an old subconscious belief that I've been dragging through my life for decades. Enjoy the Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 79 – MAJOR Breakthrough appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/30/201523 minutes, 47 seconds
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8/29/201523 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 78 – BONUS Episode – Reality Creation Technique Testimonial

This is a bonus episode.  I got a text the other day from a buddy of mine, Steve Zellers, who said he had just listened to the Reality Creation Technique audiobook, which I recorded for the author, Fred Dodson.  Steve said it had really made a difference to him so we jumped on a call and I wanted you to hear how the book made a difference in someone's life. If you haven't picked up these amazing, life-changing audiobooks by Fred and me, I'd encourage you to do so.  They are each in their own way, life-changing: Reality Creation Technique Parallel Universes of Self Levels of Energy Communications Course Enjoy YOUR Journey! Thomas The post Podcast 78 – BONUS Episode – Reality Creation Technique Testimonial appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/26/201513 minutes, 22 seconds
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Podcast 77 – Up Your Game!

On this edition of Subconscious Mind Mastery we talk about 3 main things:  One is upping your personal productivity.  I revamped mine by renovating my workspace at home, and found peel-and-stick white boards by At-A-Glance that have revolutionized my workflow and ability to capture ideas.  Another game-up is Dr. Sean Sullivan's Mind Mastery program.  I've talked about this in previous podcasts, but it's an awesome program that can help you take your life up a notch.  He begins the program with a personal awareness exercise that was off the charts for me, as you will hear.  Finally, we discuss a new book I'm in the process of writing that is going to be on a topic that is my karmic twin!  I got this from fellow listener Leslie Thornton who led me through an amazing muscle testing exercise to reveal subconscious blocks.  You'll hear that story here as well. Here are the resources I mention in the podcast: The Mind Master Program: Leslie Thornton Enjoy YOUR Journey! Thomas Miller The post Podcast 77 – Up Your Game! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/22/201535 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 76 – Centered & Grounded

We're going to talk about staying centered and grounded.  What does that mean?  I have two definitions – one energetically.  The other cognitively.  Energetically, there are people, circumstances, situations, events, places that can move us toward our energetic center, or away.  I'll expand on that and give you four tools you can use to get your energy back in balance. Also, our “centeredness” is affected by the decisions we make every day.  This podcast is practical and useful to help you evaluate where you are, and take actionable steps to get yourself back in the flow. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 76 – Centered & Grounded appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/8/201523 minutes, 16 seconds
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Podcast 75 – How To Have A Weight WIN!

Meet Leslie Thornton, a podcast listener who has fully immersed herself in all aspects of how the subconscious mind affects our lives.  She is now a certified hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and certified life coach working with clients from her home in Albany, New York. Today we're going to discuss the subconscious elements of winning with your weight!  Hear Leslie's story about how food and eating were part of her early life and affected her subconscious programming.  Then, hear what she did to work through it and the results will surprise you!  She made a dramatic and complete change such that things that controlled her five years ago are gone today.  On top of that, she is now able to effectively manage not only her weight, but her mindset toward food. With weight being such as prominent part of our culture today, what we talk about here is critical to anyone wanting to have power over their physiology.  If you don't change your mindset first, no diet program will be effective.  Change your mindset, and you will be able to design your perfect body and step into it. Enjoy Leslie Thornton! The post Podcast 75 – How To Have A Weight WIN! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/31/201548 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 74 – RV-II, The Sequel

Do you remember Podcast 21 about the year I spent in 2009 living and some traveling in an RV, and the multitude of lessons learned?  That was the shifting point for me of when my life really pivoted from the negative patterns of the past to the truly incredible journey of today.  It was where I learned about programming the subconscious mind and how our subconscious mind works. Well, it's time again.  I'm back in the market for a motorcoach to live and travel the United States, pursing a dream I've had probably since I was a kid.  This came to me on the Mt. Shasta trip and it leapt off the page when I heard the words that I should buy and RV and travel. It's time. So the journey began a few days ago and already there are some incredible manifesting principals we can glean from my story that hopefully you can adapt and adopt in yours.  So here's what's been going on since I was definitely prompted to pursue RV-II. Enjoy the journey, Thomas The post Podcast 74 – RV-II, The Sequel appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/15/201534 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 73 – High Energy from Mt. Shasta

7/8/201526 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 72 – Author Tom Nehrer

We are going to meet a new friend, Tom Nehrer, a former chemical and software engineer who many years ago took up the quest to explore the reaches of the subconscious mind.  Perhaps Tom and this “Tom” are brothers of a different mother, because he has studied and teaches the information parallel to what I discovered by trial and error about how to identify, change and reprogram your subconscious mind in the direction of what you want to achieve in life. Also today, my good friend Daniel D'Neuville joins us.  I had a little throat procedure a couple weeks ago – everything is fine, but I'm still scratchy – so Daniel agreed to help co-host this podcast.  Daniel has an extensive background in NLP and hypnosis and is a teacher at several venues in the DFW area. You will enjoy new insight into programming the subconscious mind, including the process Tom uses to identify and impact changes in his life. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 72 – Author Tom Nehrer appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/28/201539 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 71 – Examining Your Identity

I've had some windshield time lately and chose to dive back into Parallel Universes of Self Audiobook while I was driving.  Some very interesting things came up from this, including one section from Chapter 5 of the book that talks about how we attract into our lives those things that vibrationally match how we see ourselves.  Our Identity. We're going to lift about 6 minutes out of the audiobook where Fred Dodson discusses four steps of identifying and changing your identity.  This is such critical information that can literally instantly shift everything about what is coming into your life now, and in the future.  This is not passive listening.  This is “get your pen, journal and roll you sleeves up” listening.  This one is for those who are serious about making some huge and positive changes in your life. It's time to find a new identity and anchor that in your subconscious mind. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 71 – Examining Your Identity appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/6/201533 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 70 – Ashes to Ashes…

Aunt Patty was my last “upline” relative to pass away and we had her memorial in Oklahoma and Arkansas recently.  It was a stark reminder that we will all return to the earth one day, but what ENERGY we create in our lives, here and now, is what will remain in the cosmos for the ages. No matter where you are in your life right now, young or old, healthy or not, etc., what matters is what we are creating every day and how we intentionally live our lives.  The journey often begins with programming our subconscious mind. Let's memorialize Aunt Patty and in the process take a reflective look at our own lives and the energy we will one day leave behind.   Enjoy The Journey, Thomas The post Podcast 70 – Ashes to Ashes… appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
5/10/201524 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast 69 – Staying Centered in Busy Times

There's no doubt, when we're busy, it's often harder to stay in touch with our subconscious mind, hear intuition or stay grounded.  One of our UK listeners had an excellent question for a podcast topic, so here we address some tips and techniques I've been using lately as I have found myself in a very busy phase of life. The post Podcast 69 – Staying Centered in Busy Times appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/25/201524 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast 68 – The Big Sell

Coming to you today from London, where we have the #2 following of the podcast from around the world, so thanks to all of you in England who listen to Subconscious Mind Mastery.  At the airport, I picked up a copy of “The Sell” by Fredrik Eklund, of the Bravo TV Hit Series Million Dollar Listing New York.  Frederick NAILED it.  He embodies everything we have talked about in this podcast – from dreaming and envisioning himself as an 8-year old boy being #1 in New York City. Today his real estate brand extends to 3 countries and will sell over $1 Billion of real estate this year alone.  This is a truly a amazing story, and a book that will motivate you to take your life up a notch. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 68 – The Big Sell appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/18/201511 minutes, 2 seconds
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4/18/201510 minutes, 46 seconds
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4/10/201544 minutes, 43 seconds
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Podcast 67 – Why I Left Google – Catching Up With Arman Assadi

If you haven't visited his site, it's time. Arman Assadi calls in and we have a wonderful conversation about what is going on in both of our lives.  Arman talks about his travels and his solopreneur lifestyle that he has been doing for almost three years now.  Arman discusses various ways he is generating online income now, but elevates the conversation to higher calling and purpose of what our life really means. This is a fascinating interview that is going to trigger a lot of thoughts and ides for you, particularly on how important the subconscious mind is to fulfilling your career. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 67 – Why I Left Google – Catching Up With Arman Assadi appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/10/201544 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 66 – Easter Sunday and New Beginnings

This podcast is recorded on Easter Sunday 2015 – a day commemorating new beginnings, redemption, forgiveness, love, transformation, resurrection.  Something we may find many of us desiring as a basic human need, especially if we have wandered astray at some point in our lives. In this podcast, we review the basic story of Easter, tracing it back to the book of Genesis in the Bible where the original need for redemption unfolded, according to Jewish tradition.  It's a reminder that we are still creators of our lives, particularly when we choose to live from intuition, then create the life we choose, not one that is chosen for us.  Then we impress that created vision on our subconscious minds, aligning our conscious and subconscious for its fulfillment.  That's living a created life. Also, I promised you an excellent video.  This runs an hour, but is some of the best and most inspiring material on getting in touch with, and living from, your intuition.  Oprah mastered it early in her life and career, and with excellent illustrations, talks about how she used intuition to help guide her career. This is something I wish for each of you this Easter 2015 – to live a truly created life. Enjoy the Journey, Thomas Miller   The post Podcast 66 – Easter Sunday and New Beginnings appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
4/6/201520 minutes, 13 seconds
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Podcast 65 – 2-Yr. Anniversary Podcast

It's been 2 years of these podcasts now and what an amazing two years it has been.  In 2013, the last Sunday in March was Easter Sunday, and out of an intuitive prompt, I felt the desire to start a podcast.  Had no idea where it would go, but the one area I did understand that helped me turn my life around at a late age was to come to grips with the programming of my past and see the direct correlations of how it affected my life. This understanding of our subconscious mind and how it affects our beliefs, actions and outcomes had the most powerful impact on me personally, so I decided to share it with you. And in this podcast, we catch up with some old friends like Fred Dodson, Joan Harrison, Stuart Couch, Dr. David Slater and Arman Assadi.  Then, we turn our sites on today's most important lesson and that is intuition.  When we live from the inside instead of being controlled by our outside environment, that's when life really starts to take off. Thank you for making Subconscious Mind Mastery successful these past two years and at the end of the podcast, we talk about some things you can expect in 2015. Enjoy The Journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 65 – 2-Yr. Anniversary Podcast appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/29/201524 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast 64 – Conscious Living

It dawns on me that many people don't live consciously.  In fact, in retrospect, I realized I spent most of my life living unconsciously.  Not that I didn't have my own successful television business, got married, had kids, bought and sold houses, etc., but it was mostly done from an unconscious perspective of reaction and response. We are creators by nature, and I was never aware of that until I started learning a new way of life.  Not only can we create and align ourselves with what we want vibrationally, but our subconscious mind and our higher self are always there to help lead and guide us to our highest and best purpose. In this podcast, I'll tell you several ways I use to help dial into your intuition through various forms of muscle testing. So if you feel like you're bouncing around life like a ping-pong ball and not guiding and directing your life purposefully, this podcast will encourage you to live by Intention – Intuition and letting Resistance go (IRR for 2015).   Enjoy The Journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 64 – Conscious Living appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/21/201529 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast 63 – Dream Interpretation

Dreams are a vital way our subconscious mind communicates with our conscious mind.  Yet, we often just think dreams are silly vignettes that have little or no meaning. It has been estimated that by age 60, you will have slept 175,200 hours, dreamed for 87,000 of those hours, and had a total of 197,100 dreams. There are several types of dreams we discuss in the podcast – Daydreams – awake, but still subconscious communication Lucid Dreams – where you direct and control the dream Recurring Dreams – subconscious mind graciously trying to get your attention Nightmares – often subconscious with a warning Prophetic Dreams – More urgent warning – something about to happen Many people don't remember their dreams.  Here are a couple suggestions to help you remember dreams: Spend 2-3 minutes before bed meditating and invite your conscious and subconscious mind to help you remember tonight's dreams. Set an intention to remember Keep your journal and a pen at bedside so you can capture the details of the dream quickly after you wake up.  If you don't capture it right then, you'll forget it. How do can we remember dreams?  Several suggestions we discuss in the podcast, including – Think of any other characters in the dream as you. Give the dream a headline, like a sensationalized newspaper story Revisit the dream when you're awake and try to interact with the characters Reconstruct the dream as a mini-novel with these parts Introduction Plot Conclusion This is a very informative podcast and will help you become conscious and aware of how you can glean more meaning from your dreams.  This will be an excellent way to help you connect the conscious and subconscious minds more effectively. Sweet Dreams & Enjoy the journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 63 – Dream Interpretation appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/13/201528 minutes, 57 seconds
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Podcast 62 – Digging Out Resistance

This is a process you can use to really take your life to a higher level.  This involves probing both your conscious and subconscious mind to find pockets of resistance – areas where you are holding your self back from receiving the things you want into your life. This parlays Podcast 57, so if you haven't listened to that yet, you probably should because this will make much more sense to you. The main steps of this process are: Get into a meditative state, and best if you will set an intention before-hand that you intend to identify and clear any resistance that may be holding you back. Pick the area of your life you want to work on – it could be money, relationship, career, health, where you live, etc.  We use money in this example, but pick yours in advance. Empty – or “lose” – everything in that area of your life.  Completely lose everything so you're down to absolutely nothing in that area.  Probe your conscious and subconscious mind for what resistance comes up.  Where are you uneasy? Negotiate with your subconscious, a mutually agreeable solution. Now, experience lavish abundance in every area where you just imagined loss.  Make it over the top lavish.  You are ABUNDANTLY blessed to the point where, again, resistance forms.  This is indicating the cap, or the lid, on how much abundance your subconscious mind will allow. Shift your subconscious programming by coming up with a way you can feel good about that much abundance, plus more. This will help by not only clearing pockets of old resistance, but it will open you up to new and unlimited resources when your subconscious believes and truly enjoys the idea that anything is indeed possible for you. Enjoy The Journey, Thomas Miller The post Podcast 62 – Digging Out Resistance appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/6/201525 minutes
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Podcast 61 – 2 Ways To Eliminate Resistance

When we set intentions, often the Universe will test us around that area.  And when the test comes, often our subconscious mind, trained to protect us, will throw up resistances – often out of the good intention to keep us safe. But that resistance can keep us from experiencing the very blessing of our intention.  In that way, resistance is not protection at all, and is exactly where we have to release the resistance, then re-program our subconscious mind to lay down the resistance and accept the good that is coming into our life.  This is transformation at its core. I reviewed two good old classic systems recently that are both effective in helping to release. The first is called the Sedona Method, developed from the work and teachings of Lester Levenson.  It asks four basic questions.  A good resource to read up on it more is here: Another excellent system to help you identify things within yourself that you may be projecting to others is called “The Work” by Byron Katie.  Her website is a treasure trove of free information that will guide you through the process. And, in this Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast #61, we talk both methods, along with some tips and ways you can apply them to your life. Enjoy the Journey   The post Podcast 61 – 2 Ways To Eliminate Resistance appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/28/201530 minutes, 13 seconds
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2/22/201523 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast 60 – 5 Steps To Change Subconscious Mind Programming

There are deep-rooted programs in our subconscious mind – from our childhood, our upbringing, parents, culture around us as we were growing up, etc.  Those that are more emotional and intense form deep emotional “roots” and our subconscious mind develops various flight or fight ways to overcome them. In this podcast, we're going to talk about how to reprogram those deep emotional subconscious patterns.  I'll take you through 5 steps that will help you literally change the operating system, and the way you responded, to these triggers that formerly would fire-off when you found yourself confronted with a particular situation. If you would like the notes, feel free to copy/paste them from here. STEP 1 – Clarity Get out your journal and write as specifically as you can word it – what the issue is STEP 2 – Add Emotion What we’ve done so far is in your conscious mind. It’s a game plan. Now, we have to add emotion, because the negative programming is CHALK FULL of negative emotion. You have to re-condition your emotional aspect and this is the hardest part of the assignment You could do affirmations and that would be fine for the conscious mind, but let’s go deeper than that STEP 3 – Clearly define a different response next time it comes up. Make it empowering – using the trigger for how you would like to respond next time Step 3-A – Repeat listing the emotions as before STEP 4 – Re-programming the subconscious mind #1 – Go into a meditative state – Alpha or Theta (Use one of Kelly Howell's audio's from if you prefer) #2 – Neutralize the old emotion Go back and listen to #57 where Fred did the guided meditation with me and how he masterfully neutralized the negative side of running out of money. Do that same process here. Magnify the negative Be careful here – especially if it is a deep scar, particularly abuse. You may need professional help with this, depending on where you are Magnify it and make it so crazy silly that you get yourself to laughing You can dress the other people up in costumes – like clowns. Make it a cartoon. Foghorn Leghorn or Daffy Duck #3 – Visualize what it would look like for you to emit (whatever it is) -pure love – from your being Become totally absorbed with that feeling Magnify it huge in your mind-movie Recall a time in your life when that emotion was at its very highest peak Then magnify it even more Feel the emotion of what that feels like You should be really smiling and feel very warm at this point – if not, then keep working on it until you do. You MUST shift your emotion STEP 5 – Anticipate the next situation Journal when it could possibly occur – expand the details around that You are creating preparedness – you’ll be ready Then go back into meditation and see yourself responding with love, diffusing the situation and everyone is happy and loving See your situation in a positive light. Visualize it happening in precise detail.   Repeat this every day for at least 30 days if you want to really reprogram something There is no drive-through for this If you’re really, really serious:  30 Days MINIMUM   Last Point: Be ready & alert. The Universe will be happy to present you with a situation to test this! …..Enjoy the Journey     The post Podcast 60 – 5 Steps To Change Subconscious Mind Pr
2/22/201523 minutes, 49 seconds
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2/14/201525 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 59 – Talk To Your Subconscious Mind

Did you know you can talk to your subconscious Mind – literally carry a dialogue with it?  Most people don't even know this is possible, or even think about doing it, but when your conscious and subconscious mind are aligned and in agreement, and when you FEEL positive emotions about what you're doing, amazing things can happen.  That's when mountains begin to move. In this podcast, I'm going to show you how I re-named my subconscious mind – actually IT renamed itself, and then we're going to do a mock-demonstration about talking to your subconscious mind about manifesting a new car. This is very much a how-to demonstration of something that has become a very powerful tool in my personal subconscious mind toolbox. The post Podcast 59 – Talk To Your Subconscious Mind appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/14/201526 minutes, 8 seconds
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Podcast 58 – Connecting With Your Subconscious Mind

Did you stop to think it's possible to actually connect with your subconscious mind? Often we operate only from our conscious (logical, thinking, rational) self while there's a whole other dimension to our being that is actually bigger and more powerful than our conscious mind.  It's obviously our subconscious, and it is about 3x more powerful than our conscious mind.  That means, if you try to use your brute willpower without the support of your subconscious mind, you likely won't get anywhere.  But when you combine your will (conscious) with the power (subconscious), then you have will-power. This is taken from Harry Carpenter's book “The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind and How To Use It”.  We're going to talk about his book in the context of ways you can literally begin to communicate with your subconscious mind.  Then, in Podcast 59, we're going to go through a session showing you what it might sound like to communicate directly with your subconscious. The post Podcast 58 – Connecting With Your Subconscious Mind appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/14/201523 minutes, 29 seconds
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Podcast 47 - Welcome Home mixdown.mp3

2/10/201529 minutes, 47 seconds
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Podcast 41 - The Lost Combination.mp3

2/10/201521 minutes, 44 seconds
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Podcast 57 – Coaching Call w/ Fred Dodson

Subconscious Mind Mastery – Coaching Call with Fred Dodson   This is an amazing podcast.  This is like listening in on a coaching call with the Master of Reality Creation, Fred Dodson.  When I set up the interview to talk with Fred about The Communication Course, our latest co-venture project where I recorded his audiobook, Fred said I could talk about anything.  So, I took him up on it and after a yoga meditation, the Universe put on my mind what to ask.  Specifically, about how to break through fear of expanding this work, especially not being financially successful enough to sustain my lifestyle. Fred takes me through a guided meditation, which shifted multiple aspects of the thinking for me instantly.  This is an un-edited replay of the session – just as I heard it.  You could use the structure for whatever issue you would like to work on, or for even better and faster results, contact Fred for a Skype session at his reality creation website and schedule a session for yourself. This is a true gem, so enjoy the journey! The post Podcast 57 – Coaching Call w/ Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/7/201530 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast 56 – Communication Course w/ Fred Dodson

Fred Dodson is back!  This time we're talking about his newest book, The Communication Course. I had the privilege of narrating it as an audiobook for  Click the link to go directly to Audible to buy the book.  In this podcast, we highlight several key sections from the book, including how communication is really a transfer of energy between two people, authenticity in communication, dealing with fear and we even talk about public speaking. You will learn a lot from the podcast, and hopefully you will pick up the audio and a copy of the book as well. The post Podcast 56 – Communication Course w/ Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/6/201534 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 55 – Super Bowl 49 & Life Lessons

I couldn't help recording a new podcast after last night's Super Bowl 49.  Sports is often a great venue to learn some valuable life lessons and this game may have been one of the best ever, not only as a Super Bowl Championship, but also as a place to grab a few take-aways of how we can make our lives better.  While the subconscious mind programming that we talk about is certainly part of the process, for now, let's just reminisce this great game  and think about what we need to do when we make  a “bad call”. The post Podcast 55 – Super Bowl 49 & Life Lessons appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
2/3/201515 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 54 – 2015 I-I-R

Happy New Year! This year we're going to kick it off with 3 tremendous Reality Creation Tools – Intention, Intuition and Resistance.  Let's talk about how they affect our subconscious minds and affect what manifests in our lives.  This is a powerful podcast, inspired by 2 weeks in Sedona and you'll feel the juice. Let's get this year kicked off right… The post Podcast 54 – 2015 I-I-R appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
1/16/201531 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast 53 – Levels of Energy with Fred Dodson

GREAT NEWS! The audiobook of Levels of Energy is out now on and  As he has previously, Fred Dodson is back to talk about the book and the audiobook.  There's an extra benefit in this interview of how I averted a near-tragic traffic accident, purely by applying what Fred talks about in Levels of Energy. Click Here to go to the book on Audible The post Podcast 53 – Levels of Energy with Fred Dodson appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/17/201431 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast 52 – Look UP!

There's an ancient metaphysical principal that when you're at the end of your rope, look up.  Look around.  Keep your eyes open for the answer or a clue.  My coach even has a proprietary adaption of this concept that is very powerful, but I had a little “Lesson from the Universe” this weekend that underscored it beautifully.  Remember in Podcast 50, Fred Dodson talked about “playing” with manifesting?  In other words, no attachment to the outcome.  This weekend is a holiday in the U.S. and I decided to “play”.  But the outcome will surprise you!   The post Podcast 52 – Look UP! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
9/1/201420 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast 51 – Journaling

One of you listeners wrote in asking about some of the experiences of Journaling, so this is the podcast to give you some thoughts and ideas of how journaling helped transform my life.  It was a key part of what took me from being on a road that was not working out to living the life of my dreams.  This is what worked for me.  It's important in this are, because of what could come up for you, that whatever you choose to do be suited and tailored for your situation.  What worked for me, may not work for you, but here are some ideas you might implement. The book I mentioned in the Podcast is by Esther Hicks, called “Ask and It Is Given:  Learning to Manifest Your Desires”.  It's a good book to accompany this podcast. The post Podcast 51 – Journaling appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/17/201431 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 50 – Parallel Universes of Self

Fred is back, so this means another audiobook has been completed!  This time, Fred and I talk about Parallel Universes of Self, which in my opinion, is the equivalent of the Bible regarding manifesting and living a created life. If you haven't ordered your copy yet, do it now!  Here are the links: Paperback – click here Kindle – click here Audiobook – click here The post Podcast 50 – Parallel Universes of Self appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/3/201452 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast 49 – Mailbag

Some really amazing things have been happening in YOUR worlds, so this podcast is from you.  You'll hear from our friend Joan Harrison (Podcast 10) who is up to some great things because of this podcast!  You'll also hear from a listener whose Angels are very close.  And finally, a heart-tugging story from someone who is struggling to find their spirituality after growing up in a communist country. As promised, here are 2 links: Joan Harrison's new email:  [email protected] Angels Song: The post Podcast 49 – Mailbag appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/30/201421 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast 48 – 4 Horsemen of Manifesting

Two will take you TOWARD the life you love and two will take you AWAY from it. Vibration Intention Desire Resistance Let's look at these 4 elements and get a clear understanding on how and why some things seem to circle back into our lives, even when we don't want them to! The post Podcast 48 – 4 Horsemen of Manifesting appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
7/6/201425 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast 47 – Welcome Home!

When you've been away and you finally come home, it feels great doesn't it.  Think of that favorite childhood memory of home and you know what I'm talking about. This is a celebration podcast because life had shifted on it's axis for me, and this explains some of what all has taken place.  It's been like the Universe has been saying, “Welcome Home!” Here are the resources mentioned in the podcast: Parallel Universes of Self – Click Here to purchase audiobook on Parallel Universes of Self – Click Here to purchase on Amazon Reality Creation Technique – Click Here to purchase on Reality Creation Technique – Click Here to purchase on Amazon Anu Shi Asta – Angel Therapy Session –     The post Podcast 47 – Welcome Home! appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
6/14/201430 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast 44 – “The 3 Rs”

Three R's:  NOT Reading ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic! How about:  Resistance, Reacting and Releasing. There are subconscious reactions, resistances to people, events and circumstances in our life, and generally often we don't want to release and all of these combine to keep the things we want further away from us.  In this episode, we take a deep dive on what are likely the fastest ways to manifest – or NOT to manifest – everything in life you want. Also, this is our “Happy Anniversary” podcast.  This series began a year ago, so enjoy the celebration!     Mastering the Power of your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 44 – “The 3 Rs” appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
3/25/201440 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast 42 – Subconscious mind and Angels with Anu Shi Asta – Part 3

This is the third of our interviews with Anu Shi Asta, creator of Angel Light Hypnosis, a program that I'm going to be doing in January.  Anu was kind enough to visit with us for 3 podcasts, and in this one, we go straight to the Subconscious Mind.  You'll hear how Anu has incorporated subconscious programming in her life, and how Angels can come along side and assist in the process as well.  Plus, final details on the 6-month Certification program beginning in January 2014. For more information, visit   Enjoy the journey…. Mastering the Power of Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 42 – Subconscious mind and Angels with Anu Shi Asta – Part 3 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/21/201322 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast 41 – The Lost Connection

I was reading Gregg Braden this week.  The Lost Mode of Prayer and The Isaiah Effect.  He advocates that much of the ancient writings that give us the full package of what is required to quickly, fully and powerfully manifest our prayers was taken from our western writings in the early 4th century.  If you've ever prayed, and NOT had that prayer fulfill, you'll be interested in this podcast. Also, check out the video below.  I reference this in the audio, but this is of a woman in China who, through the combination of what we discuss today, had a 3-inch tumor in her bladder literally disappear in less than 3 minutes. This truly does demonstrate the power of the Subconscious Mind. Enjoy the journey…       The post Podcast 41 – The Lost Connection appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/14/201322 minutes
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Podcast 40 – Why He Left Google – Part 2

We continue straight on from Podcast 30 with Arman Assadi's story of why he left Google. At a relatively young age, he was living the dream, then in mid-2012 he left the iconic culture of Google for his own destiny.  In this episode, we find out what it's been like since leaving, and Arman turns the table and interviews the interviewer!  It's a great conversation that I hope will inspire you and give you several things to work into your own life. Enjoy the journey….   Mastering the Power of Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 40 – Why He Left Google – Part 2 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/11/201334 minutes, 6 seconds
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Podcast 39 – Why He Left Google – Part 1

Imagine landing one of Silicon Valley's dream jobs.  Making Big Bucks working for Google, helping develop the Apps division, then being invited into a new initiative called Google Wallet – and one day deciding to make a change.  Deciding to leave Google because you are literally being pulled into another realm.  That's Arman Assadi's story, and it's not only inspiring but we're going to get underneath the reality of what it took to make such a decision, and what's happened since. Enjoy the journey…. Master the Power of Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 39 – Why He Left Google – Part 1 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
12/8/201325 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast 37 – Resolving your Past

This is a Special Edition, one that can only roll around once a year, the Birthday Edition Podcast, and what a better time to talk about your past life than when you celebrate the beginning of this one. This being my birthday and all, I thought I'd bring you Part 2 of Anu Shi Asta's interview we recorded a couple weeks ago. In this podcast, we're talking about Past Lives. Forgiveness. Resolution of past issues. Setting the stage for the future. Anu has done a substantial amount of training and work in this area, and is even available for Past Life Regression sessions. We even talk about Atlantis. Ever heard of it? You will! If you'd like to connect with Anu, her website is Please enjoy my birthday present to YOU!   The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 37 – Resolving your Past appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/30/201332 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast 36 – Job Growth

The Universe is alive and well and most certainly the Law of Attraction is always “On”!  I received some very timely and appreciated emails from some of you this week that were timely, encouraging, and exactly along the same line of where I have been recently.  Like attracting Like, for certain.  There was a common theme of all these emails, and it involves job situations.  Change.  Uncertainty.  Or, clarity that we are to leave our employment and pursue something greater. In the near future, I am going to introduce you to Arman Assadi whose website is He will join us in a future podcast and tell his compelling story.  And he is just as certain that he was called to leave his job (yes, at THE Google) as you or I might feel called to stay put for a while. So in this Podcast, we go back to the roots – how do we program the Subconscious mind, because wherever you find yourself in your job situation, one thing is certain:  You create your reality, and you can create a new reality.  Let's explore.   The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 36 – Job Growth appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/27/201327 minutes, 53 seconds
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Podcast 35 – Uncertainty

If you were to pick a time in history to be alive and in the prime of life, I would certainly pick this time.  With the incredible advances in technology, so much more is possible now than any other period in the human experience.  Yet, in spite of these incredible opportunities, there is seemingly an off-setting air of change.  Things move faster these days.  Look around, and you see change everywhere.  That leaves us, often, with a greater uncertainty about the future than we may have experienced in previous decades. Tony Robbins has long taught that we have 6 basic human needs, and one of them is Certainty.  Ironically, the second of his six is that we need uncertainty.  As in, variety.  But sometimes uncertainty leads to worry, doubt, fear.  It can throw us off our game, and take our eye off our goal.  Dealing with Uncertainty.  Here are several points that will help.   The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 35 – Uncertainty appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/21/201328 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast 34 – Angels & Manifesting with Anu Shi Asta

Please meet Anu Shi Asta.  She is a radio show host, advisor, author, writer, speaker, and helps people meet and work with their Angels.  In her spare time (lol), she donates a few minutes of a Sunday afternoon to join us here on Subconscious Mind Mastery!  I had the pleasure of interviewing Anu today and we talked about Angels, how they  impact our journey, how they can help us manifest our heart's desires, and how they add a multi-dimensional component when we invite them into our lives. The topic of Angles may be quite familiar to you, or something totally new in your quest.  This podcast will certainly open you to a new perspective of an unseen, but very real, beautiful and available world, if we just ask. Resources mentioned in Podcast: For Anu Shi Asta's website:  Click Here Heaven on Earth Radio show on  Click Here Radio show I called in also with Guided Meditation to meet your Guardian Angel: Click Here Anu Shi Asta's Readings on  Click Here Angel Light Practitioner Certification Course Info:  Click Here     The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 34 – Angels & Manifesting with Anu Shi Asta appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/14/201338 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 33 – September 2013

WOW!  Where did September go?  Yes, we've been on a little hiatus while Life and the Universe had their own plans and agendas.  Sometimes, it's good to take a break to go deeper, and this is a recount of all that happened in September, 2013. In the Podcast, I mentioned my reading list for this month. These are all in my Amazon Store, so Click Here for a direct link Dan Millman The Life You Were Born to Live Peaceful Warrior Darren Weissman Heart of the Matter Awakening to the Secret Code of your Mind The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude Michael Samuels The Universe-ity:  A Spiritual Education Using the Law of Attraction Just Ask the Universe:  A No-Nonsense Guide to Manifesting your Dreams Fred Dodson Parallel Universes of Self The Reality Creation Technique The Reality Creation Technique Audiobook (Link to Audible)     Master the Power of Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 33 – September 2013 appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
10/6/201323 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast 32 – Fred Dodson Interview

Author, speaker and coach Fred Dodson joins us to talk about our new collaborative project – the Audiobook of his 2010 masterpiece, “The Reality Creation Technique”.  Fred joins us via Skype from Europe, and discusses his roots, his perspectives on consciousness and manifesting, and offers some wise advice that is a perfect overlay to the book.  Regardless of where you are on your journey, seasoned veteran or newcomer, this interview will touch you. To buy the audiobook on, click here To buy the book from Amazon, click here (Affiliate Link) To buy Parallel Universes of Self, click here (Affiliate Link) To buy Levels of Energy, click here (Affiliate Link)     The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 32 – Fred Dodson Interview appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/30/201355 minutes, 20 seconds
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Podcast 31 – Food for the Subconscious Soul

I'm so excited!  The audiobook written by Frederick Dodson, “The Reality Creation Technique”, which I had the pleasure of recording, is released!  This is a quick listen, at only 2.5 hours, and the other best-part is it costs about as much as a latte at Starbucks, but is a lot better for you!  This book is about manifesting and bringing things into your life, and has some very practical techniques you may not have used before.  And in Part 3, Fred tells some personal stories of things that showed up in his life by applying these tools, and the stories themselves are encouraging. Also this week, Hay House released a hot new book from a not new author, Noah St. John. Plus, I've been digesting material by Steven Pressfield and I saw a highly inspiring movie about how your subconscious mind directly affects your health, and how you can program health issues out of your life. Great food for the soul, all available now, and we review everything in the Podcast! Click Here to download the Audiobook – Reality Creation Technique  Click Here to buy Afformations by Noah St. John – Paperback Click Here to buy The Cure is….Movie Steven Pressfield The War of Art  Do the Work Turning Pro   The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind The post Podcast 31 – Food for the Subconscious Soul appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery. Support this show Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.
8/25/201319 minutes, 29 seconds