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Solution Focused Schools Unlimited Cover
Solution Focused Schools Unlimited Profile

Solution Focused Schools Unlimited

English, Education, 4 seasons, 42 episodes, 12 hours, 5 minutes
Learn about the solution focused approach as it applies to every situation in every school. From classroom management, RTI and team meetings, parent conferences, student behavior or mental health concerns, this approach and process will guide every educator and counselor into a land of possibilities. In that land, students, teachers and parents generate their own solutions as educators provide a context where those solutions are discovered. Support this podcast:
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Helping Teachers Show their Humanity! A Solution Focused Classroom Management Approach that Works!

Teachers often mistake control for being firm and stern and when that doesn't work, they become firmer and, more stern. Frustrated, they ask for help from administrators or counselors, who often tell them to do the exact same thing they were doing before. What's a teacher to do then? Enter the solution focused approach to classroom management, where teachers share their concerns and personal feelings about wanting to teach their students WITH their students. This podcast will assist you, your teachers or administrators with a dramatically different approach that calls upon students for help in achieving a classroom where learning is possible. For more information on Solution Focused Schools Unlimited, visit where you will find many free resources and upcoming trainings that can take you directly into solution focused land! If you are interested in more on the book, Counseling Toward Solutions, 3rd printing, you can purchase the book here: Join Linda Metcalf in her free bi-monthly SF Connection live webinars and meet school counselors and social workers from around the world who are learning the approach and using it every day.
1/22/202418 minutes, 39 seconds
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Finding Sherlock! 3 Ways to Shrink School Violence Now

This episode takes a different approach in conceptualizing how to keep students safe in a world of uncertainties. You will learn three ways that do not cost money, do not require a change of school policy and yet, incorporate every single staff member and students into a process that anyone can learn. Listen, as I share how the solution focused mindset can engage the "scary" student and pave the way for that student to feel important to the school. Learn how to re-engage students once they return from a suspension, conjuring up strategies together with an administrator to NOT be suspended in the future. From simple words that every teacher can use to de-escalate a situation to ideas that share the responsibility of safety, this podcast is unique and offers a glimpse into finding the miracle we are all looking for. For free resources and a view of upcoming events from Solution Focused Schools Unlimited go to: To email Linda Metcalf: [email protected]
4/5/202322 minutes, 19 seconds
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Bypassing Resistance and Finding Successes Everywhere!

This second installment to SF Basics will cover 3 constructs that contribute to the solution focused mindset.  The ripple effect, the ideas that resistance can be conquered through a mindset and ways to talk to frustrated teachers are just some of the ideas covered in this podcast. Whether your job is as a school counselor, administrator or teacher, in this podcast, you will hear stories that bring to life what it is like to be an educator who sees past problems and into the eyes of experts in front of you.  Website for more free resources and events: Professional Development inquiries:  [email protected]
2/27/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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Becoming Tinkerbell: Transform Resistance, Reluctance and Frustration into Possibilities

This podcast uses the comical Tinkerbell story to illustrate how the solution focused approach can help students, parents or teachers begin to realize the magic or expertise within themselves. Three basic constructs are discussed in this podcast, and illustrated through case studies. The listener will hear practical ideas for setting the direction of the solution focused approach with reluctant students, offering another mindset to a frustrating team meeting that focuses on problem talk and finally, how to reach the most resistant students of all. Listeners are invited to join the Solution Focused Schools Unlimited where they can receive free weekly resources:  To inquire about professional development training with Linda, email her at [email protected]
2/6/202325 minutes, 26 seconds
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Need a Miracle? Create a Miracle Worker Team!

This podcast will share how to create a Miracle Worker team, (MW)composed of teachers who learn the solution focused process and work as consultants to fellow teachers and their students together to build solutions. It is ideal for school counselors and administrators who have students constantly referred to them for misbehavior or disrespect.  The MW team takes those referrals instead, talking for 20 minutes to both teacher and student, creating a "preferred future" where they both describe what each person would be doing.  Since it involves both teacher and student, it is more efficient and the chances of a return referral decreases dramatically. For information on more free  resources, visit
1/3/202315 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Create Solutions from Exceptions

Exceptions are times when things go slightly better in our lives. In schools, exceptions are always there but are often overshadowed by a problem focused mindset. This podcast explains how noticing exceptions can change a student’s view of himself and create hope. Through a few case studies you will learn how to seek out exceptions from the most challenging students, showing them that they too, are exceptional. Visit my website for more free resources and training opportunities:
11/12/202115 minutes, 24 seconds
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Give Students a Voice! Planning Academic or Behavioral Strategies Together With Students: A collaborative podcast with Cheryl Kretz

Every day, in schools around the world, educators construct strategies  for student problems with the purpose of helping their students to succeed. It is an admirable task that sometimes ends with frustration, when the strategies, created in isolation from the student,  fail to work.  Yet, by simply including the students in all of the meetings that affect them, the student has an opportunity to share what might be helpful to increase success.  Whether it is a team meeting, RTI or parent conference, including students in the conversation can serve several purposes:  1.  The students' voice becomes a source of information for strategies that are more likely to succeed.   2.  The student and teachers engage and are focused on the same goal.   3.  Relationships change between the student and teacher, resulting in different interactions.  After many years of going to home campuses to meet with her private clients at school, Dr. Metcalf reports a 98% success rate for student improvements, academic and behavioral when students were with  her in meetings with all of the student's teachers.  This podcast with share how it is done.  Get ready to alter your meetings for Fall 2021! Link for new copy of Counseling Toward Solutions:
6/29/202142 minutes, 22 seconds
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Pack Your Bags! We Are Almost at the Finish Line

The school year is coming to a close. You have worked diligently to be at your best. How do you hope the last few weeks go, so your students recall your time with them as exceptional? This podcast will simply serve to remind you of the power you have to impact others in a great way, by being at your very best. Get ready for some visual insight in this podcast, designed to commend you on your diligence and remarkable abilities.
3/31/202117 minutes, 2 seconds
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Becoming a solution focused genius

Something is changing around us- in a good way! This podcast shares two real life cases where students surprised their teachers and counselor. The opportunities to amplify changes are sometimes hidden, but becoming a solution focused genius who sees beyond how a student or teacher is labeled gets easier with a new lens. Hear some ideas for amplifying new actions and take to heart the idea that noticing and being curious creates change. Tune in for words to say that give you a chance to make someone’s day. Doing that...will also change yours. Join me at the Free SF Connection webinars this spring by registering at
1/13/202120 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ok, but can the solution focused approach work with this? YES!

When people learn about the solution focused approach and begin to apply it to certain situations at schools, they still get stuck at times when situations outside of their comfort zone arrive at their door.  Well, its the solution focused approach to the rescue again!  No matter the dilemma, no matter the issue, (outside, of course, of basic needs, but even then...) the three steps of the solution focused process can assist you in having a productive conversation of solution building.  This segment will explain how to see requests from people as best hopes. It will share a scenario about a group of educators who had learned the approach then, once the training ended, wondered how to implement it.  Voila, the solution focused approach helped them with implementation, just following the three steps.    If you like what you hear, visit for more resources.   May the solution force be with all that you do.
7/9/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Talk So Parents Will Listen and How to Listen So Parents Will Talk!

This podcast gives a case from the forthcoming 2nd edition of Parenting Toward Solutions- a book written for parents that gives them the chance to use the solution focused approach in their parenting. Listeners will hear questions to ask to empower parents and facilitate conversations so that parents learn how to build solutions as unique as their children.
5/26/202015 minutes, 5 seconds
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Finding Relief from Grief and Loss

This episode includes ideas, developed from the article by Michael White, “Saying hullo again: The incorporation of the lost relationship in the resolution of grief (1988).” A mention of a clip from Finding Neverland, a movie, provides a nice way of explaining the act of keeping loved ones close after their passing. Questions to ask students, teachers and other adults virtually or in person are included so that the listener has a guide to this new way of comforting people dealing with grief.
5/14/202017 minutes, 44 seconds
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The expert within you: Pushing through the pandemic

This episode describes qualities that can ultimately help us work with students, clients, teachers and parents as we are challenged by the pandemic. Listen for solution focused questions throughout that can help you recognize your expertise and the expertise of those you work with. There is always an expert- we just have to focus enough to see the expert inside each of us.
4/7/202030 minutes, 50 seconds
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Getting Fit in a Time of Crisis

When crises occur, most people panic and reach out to others for assistance in adapting to change. This episode takes the solution focused approach and demonstrates how it can be adapted to working with anyone dealing with a critical situation. The ideas here can be used with individuals, families, groups and debriefing situations. To purchase Counseling Toward Solutions, 3rd edition, go to:
3/25/202022 minutes, 3 seconds
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Got Test Anxiety? Ask a Student for Help!

This episode focuses on how students can generate their own strategies for eliminating test anxiety and other challenges through the solution focused process. It also goes over typical ways schools attempt to help students succeed during test season and invites schools to carefully examine strategies that have worked before. Purchase Counseling Toward Solutions at
3/9/202011 minutes, 16 seconds
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Administrator Relief! How to lessen your load and improve student behavior

This episode shares some information about using the solution focused approach to decrease student suspensions and misbehaviors. Steps to take are included that honor policies but add a different strategy to dealing with students of concern. Order the book here:
2/25/202012 minutes, 55 seconds
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Make it Brief- 3 steps to a solution focused conversation

Learn 3 steps to use in conversations with school clients (students, teachers and parents) to help create a preferred future of where success becomes a possibility. Getting tons of forms to use in the book, Counseling Toward Solutions! Click here to see the book:
1/30/202012 minutes, 46 seconds