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Sex and Other Human Activities Profile

Sex and Other Human Activities

English, Comedy, 1 season, 180 episodes, 5 days, 1 hour, 37 minutes
Each week, Marcus Parks and Jackie Zebrowski explore the worlds of screwin' and bad brain business as they answer questions from you, the listener! Email us at [email protected] to ask us questions!
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Episode 183: I Want Your Musk on My Musk

Jackie & Marcus discuss the pressure from family to get married, slowly growing apart from a SO and answer a listener's email about issues orgasming while on medication. Got a question? Email us at [email protected]
2/2/201829 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 182: Choose to Phoenix

Jackie and Marcus discuss using anger productively, getting back up after falling on your face, and tiny tantrums.
1/19/201837 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 181: In The Small Shell

The hiatus is over and Marcus and Jackie are back in studio to discuss breakups, fake anxieties and starting life all over again.
1/12/201835 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 180: Moving On

Marcus and Jackie discuss what it means to be able to end a therapy cycle, and hear from a woman who has trouble communicating her emotions to those closest to her.
6/6/201726 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 179: The Good Steam

Jackie and Marcus discuss recovery from a bout of depression, and read a letter from a woman who is concerned about starting the wrong medication.
5/10/201729 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 178: Concrete Columns

Marcus and Jackie discuss the idea that part of growing up is learning to communicate the hard stuff with yourself and your loved ones, and respond to a letter from a listener trying to decide if they’re on the right medication.
5/3/201733 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode177: Big Into Mouths

Marcus and Jackie are back after a brief hiatus to talk about how paranoia can affect a relationship, and answer a letter from a woman who is having trouble balancing her sex-positive world views with her desire to date monogamously.
4/25/201724 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 176: Eraserhead

Jackie and Marcus talk about bad dreams and answer a question from a guy wondering whether he should get a hold of an ex girlfriend to ask for forgiveness.
2/21/201729 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 175: Thing Ba Thing

Jackie and Marcus talk about how to both say no and avoid the anxiety that comes along with it and answer a question from a woman whose husband is oh so addicted to porn.
2/15/201735 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 174: Tough Mudder

Marcus and Jackie talk about the road to the right medication and answer questions from a woman whose boyfriend is driving all her friends away with his constant demands on her time.
1/25/201729 minutes
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Episode 173: A Fine Fat Goose

Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about accepting the realities of medicating and answer a question from a gal looking for self esteem tips and a guy wanting to know how to deal with homesickness during the holidays.
12/21/201633 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 172: Future Thinking

On today's SAOHA: Jackie talks about dealing with her anxiety about the immediate future, whatever it may be, and answer a letter from a woman wanting to keep her own kids from having the combative relationship she's got with her own sister.
12/14/201627 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 171: Golden Handcuffs

This week on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to appreciate the person on the other side of your mental struggles and answer questions from a nanny looking to get out of her job and a girl looking to control her OCD-induced anger.
11/21/201635 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 170: A Minor Bitch

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about holding on to the good shit and answer a question from a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder.
11/3/201626 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 169: The Bombasidor

This week on SAOHA: Jackie talks about a friend going through a sticky time and we answer a question from a woman thinking about getting into escort work.
10/27/201621 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 168: License To Mope

Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about a recent huge milestone in Jackie's life and answer a question from a Democrat in love with a Republican.
10/20/201632 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 167: Grudge

This week on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about poison grudges and answer a question from a woman asking about her fiance's non-existent sex drive.
9/29/201631 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 166: Back Again

Marcus and Jackie are back after a long hiatus to talk about what's been going on these last couple of months and answer a letter from a gal asking if she should just give up on romantic relationships.
9/22/201634 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 165: Human

Jackie and Marcus finally figure out a good way to talk to someone who doesn't live with mental illness and answer a question from a woman trying to figure out how to not get bored and chuck away every relationship she's a part of.
5/26/201620 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 164: Sturgill

Today on SAOHA: Jackie talks about her recent experience seeing Sturgill Simpson and how it relates to courage in artistic expression and the two answer an email from a woman asking about getting married too early.
5/3/201631 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 163: Chill Bill

This week Marcus talks about unlocking memories through music and he and Jackie hear a response letter from someone with some very encouraging words for last week's letter writer, Shotput.
4/7/201624 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 162: Scary and Hard

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to self-reflect without self-hating the fuck outta yourself and answer a letter from someone who ain't sure if what they're doing in life is what they're meant to do.
3/24/201628 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 161: A Fine Night for a Curse

Today on SAOHA: Marcus discovers a new dimension to bipolar disorder and the two answer a question from a listener wondering what to do about her fuck-up brother.
3/21/201628 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 160: Action Jacket

We're back! Jackie and Marcus talk about the seasonal fuckupery that caused our hiatus and answer letters from one listener thinking about going into the Canadian Armed Forces and another worried about a possible mental health diagnosis.
3/3/201634 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 159: She Knows

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus wax Bowie and answer a question from a listener who's a might bit afraid of getting out into sex land.
1/14/201632 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 158: A Different Stress

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about swapping New York stress for home stress and answer a question from an Australian asking if she's doing it right.
12/20/201531 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 157: Stressful and Brown

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about how to not forget the things that make you happy when dealing with maintaining your shit and answer a letter from a friend that's wanting to know how to get through a grieving Christmas.
12/10/201535 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 156: Done with Cattitude

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus answer letters from a girl whose boyfriend's best friend has decided to go full dickhead and a nurse who is at her wit's end with her job.
12/3/201532 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 155: On the Jackie's Edge

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about supressing their inner bully and answer a question from a younger gal with some overwhelming feelings for an older man.
11/19/201535 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 154: Stinking on Purpose

It's a short one today as we talk about how to deal with getting through the low lows after a high high and what happens when everyone seems to be stinking on purpose.
11/12/201515 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 153: Panties for Days

Today on SAOHA: Marcus laments a loss that is nowhere as bad as he thinks he is and the two answer a question about a problem that is nowhere as insurmountable as the writer thinks it is.
10/29/201527 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 152: Lime City

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about better ways to push that pleasure button and answer questions about a sexual experiment gone possibly wrong and how to reconnect with a friend who cut you off for the right reasons.
10/15/201539 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 151: Bird Flu

Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie talk about the difference between giving up and letting go and answer letters from a guy wanting to know if he's crazy (he isn't) and a girl who has a sex problem with her new beau.
10/1/201537 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 150: Bottom Feelers

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about Marcus' lack of responsibility last week and answer a letter from a girl who's skeptical about a family trip with her boyfriend.
9/24/201530 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 149: Who Framed Snakes

Today on SAOHA, Jackie and Marcus wax philisophical on Who Framed Roger Rabbit and answer questions from a dude looking to separate friendships and another wondering how to get over his social anxiety when it comes to finding like minded people at college.
9/10/201538 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 148: Gunx Lyfe

Jackie and Marcus return from a particularly inspiring vacation in the Gunks upstate and answer a question from a Humane Society employee with compassion fatigue.
8/26/201541 minutes, 27 seconds
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Girls In Bikinis

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk why the phrase "Who wears the pants" is weird and unhelpful plus answer a question from a girl looking to help out with her friend in her fight against her mother,
8/6/201536 minutes, 45 seconds
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus and Jackie meditate on the words "choice", "must", and "will", and answer an email from a guy on the verge of moving back home.
7/30/201531 minutes, 17 seconds
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Today on SAOHA: Marcus prepares look for the difference between chemical and organic when it comes to the bad brain and the pair answers a question from someone on their way up.
7/22/201532 minutes, 40 seconds
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What to Do Now

On today's episode Jackie and Marcus talk about being recently touched by suicide and answer a question from a girl who needs to get the hell out of a bad relationship.
7/20/201534 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 143: Time For Me To Eat My Cat Food

Marcus and Jackie talk about Marcus' recent misadventures in depression over the last couple of weeks and answer a return letter from a guy looking to get his girlfriend more comfortable with masturbation.
7/12/201527 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 141: The Raymond

Jackie and Marcus talk about the new documentary The Nightmare about sleep paralysis and answer a question about how far is too far when knowing what's best for someone else.
7/12/201534 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 140: You Go F*ck

Today on SAOHA: Jackie and Marcus talk about the release of the Cowmen album and answer a question from a woman looking to see how to not waste time with her husband.
7/12/201533 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 139: Twin Sisters

Jackie and Marcus talk (and kinda argue!) about whether or not satisfaction is a dirty word and answer a letter from a guy who has a bitchy, possibly evil friend of his significant other.
5/7/201535 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 138: Geiner

This week Jackie and Marcus talks about how Marcus relates not to fifties double murderer and skin aficionado Ed Gein but to the kid who befriended him and answer a letter from a guy wanting to help out his dad with a malicious gold digger.
5/7/201536 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 137 Mayonnaise In Your Eggs

This week it's all about getting your mayonnaise and eggs in order as we talk goal sheets, how to return to a place after a long absence wherever it may be, and how to deal with alcoholism creeping in to your life.
5/7/201538 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 136: Bless This Mess

It's a pinballin' episode today as we discuss how being a terrible person makes the world a terrible place and answer a letter from someone looking to break the habit of feeling like he fakes every aspect of his life.
5/7/201542 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 135: The Pew Next To You

Jackie and Marcus delve deeper into the negative impacts of religion on mental health with a discussion on the similarities between certain sects of Christianity and Scientology and answer a letter from a woman who wants to know how to reconcile her depression with her boyfriend's anger.
5/7/201542 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 134: A General Ninny

Marcus and Jackie talk about the processes that made them into accepting themselves as the people they are today and answer a question from a listener looking to up her ability to not pay attention to the Hollywood types.
5/7/201543 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 133: Fresh Outta Hecks

Having become fresh outta hecks, Marcus comes out of a long depression and question one woman looking to leave her job at Walmart and a response from a woman with a narcissistic mother gives her input on the last episode.
5/7/201538 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 132: Turtle Shooter

Jackie talks about strange journey of grief and relief she's been feeling over the last week and letters from a woman in an unsatisfying sexual relationship and a couple asking about a decision between moving and Europe are answered.
5/7/201548 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode: 131 Rewards

Jackie and Marcus talk about tackling their current addictions and answer letters from a guy who's got a girl using him for attention and a lady wondering whether she should tell her fiance about her past.
5/7/201548 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 129/30: You Got It!

Marcus talks about a horrific panic attack brought on by new medication and the two answer questions from a guy looking to help his brother out of a toxic relationship.
5/7/201539 minutes
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Episode 128: My Thighs Are Wet

Jackie and Marcus answer letters from a former addict looking to break out of her depression and a guy from the UK living in Japan looking to bridge the cultural gap with his Japanese girlfriend.
5/7/201541 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 127: Spread

Jackie and Marcus talk about the mental illness memoirs Jackie has been reading and answer a question from a girl looking to get back into the fuck game.
5/7/201527 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 126: Toothpicks

Marcus unlocks a new chamber in his mind brain and sheds another lasting layer of Christianity, plus questions and comments from the Facebook page get addressed!
5/7/201539 minutes
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Episode 125: Lizard Eye

Jackie and Marcus talk about a letter from a friend who got over his PTSD using meditation and answer a question from a kid whose friend is being a dick.
5/7/201528 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 123: Speaking in Tongues

Jackie and Marcus talk weird-ass meditation and answer a question from a gal looking to help her significant other with his anxiety and depression.
5/7/201546 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 124: Existence

Marcus talks about the completely sober visions he's been experiencing and the duo answer a question from a high schooler looking for friends and take a follow up from our old pal Wigwam.
5/7/201552 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 122: First Mate Sloth

Jackie and Marcus talk about how horror movies fit into the scheme of relationships and how to tackle panic attacks that come years apart.
5/7/201544 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 121: Spin Off Into Space

On the second of two episodes this week, Jackie and Marcus talk the anxiety of meeting new people and answer questions about masturbation technique and what to do when you you're paranoid about medication making life too easy.
5/7/201538 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 120: A New Rug

Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie's liberating weekend photo shoot and answer letters from a guy looking to put his life back together after a bad meds trip and a girl worried about getting a new therapist.
5/7/201549 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 119: Good Stop Switch

Jackie and Marcus talk about a new way of dealing with paranoia and answer a particularly rough question from a new bride.
5/7/201540 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 118: Between Ball and Sphere

Jackie and Marcus talk about sizes of love and answer questions from a dude wanting to know how to buy condoms and respond to a woman who was a survivor of domestic abuse.
5/7/201539 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 117: Rock Snake

Jackie and Marcus talk about mental phantom limbs and answer questions from a person who's got it all figured out but just doesn't know it yet and a guy looking to come out to his Marine dad.
5/7/201542 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 116: Rat Maze

Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie being confused for a domestic violence victim and answer emails from a girl wondering whether it's depression or hormones and a long-time listener at the end of her rope.
5/7/201548 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 115: Nance

Jackie tells of a magical medicolegal death investigator that she met upstate and we answer a letter from a wife looking to solve a familial dispute over money, which is always terrible.
5/7/201546 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 114: Capability

Jackie and Marcus talk about how to get over feeling guilty about things that haven't even happened yet and answer questions from a follow up involving a traveling husband and a girl asking about repressed memories.
5/7/201555 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 113: World's Greatest Dad

Jackie and Marcus talk about suicide and answer letters from a girl trying to escape a sociopath.
5/7/201541 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 112: Bush

Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie's murder dream and answer letters from a guy looking for the best way to approach strange women and a dude who wants to get out of a bad situation.
5/7/201536 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 111: Wacky Thomas

Jackie and Marcus talk about adjusting to single life and answer letters from a guy looking to keep his family from imploding and a girl who's trying to keep her friends from bringing her down.
5/7/201541 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 110: Just for the Halibut

Jackie and Marcus both return from wonderful vacations and answer questions from a couple dudes with similar dating problems and we get a sweet-ass update from our local fetish guy.
5/7/201535 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 109: Lung Users

Jackie and Marcus talk about summer stress and answer letters from a dude wondering what he should do with his creative endeavors and a gal who's about to move to the big city.
5/7/201538 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 108: American

Marcus and Jackie talk about being American and answer questions from a guy looking to accept his own fetish, another who got caught stealing medication, and another who might need to rethink a bit.
5/7/201554 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 107: Standing on the Edge

Marcus and Jackie go through the ups and downs of child psychology and answer a question from a guy struggling with his schizophrenia.
5/7/201541 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 106: Defension

Jackie and Marcus talk about a new way to look at life and answer questions from one gal looking to improve herself in a single situation and another who needs to get the hell out of a bad situation.
5/7/201541 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 105: Dad Catch

Jackie and Marcus talk about how to talk about work with your significant other and answer questions from one kid who needs to know how to get over a gal and another who is worried about his counselor leaving.
5/7/201544 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 104: Biejos

Jackie and Marcus get letters from two encouraging gals who've sought help and another from a girl with body issues of the opposite side of the spectrum.
5/7/201542 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 103: It Always Blows

Jackie briefly loses it over a piece of fan fiction and the two answer letters from a woman looking to get away from her grandmother and another looking for some real help.
5/7/201542 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 102: Crash

Jackie talks about a recent near-death experience and the two answer a letter concerning something they've never had to face before.
5/7/201533 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 101: Boss Level

Jackie talks about old struggles come back to haunt while she and Marcus answer a follow-up letter from a guy who just learned some hard truths about himself and his family.
5/7/201551 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 100: Love the Snake

Marcus and Jackie talk Easter, fight the darkness, and answer a letter from a girl that has some issues with a salty mother.
5/7/201552 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 99: Sharpshootin' Maggert

Jackie and Marcus talk about facing the darkness in the world and answer a letter from a guy who is having his soul corroded by a girl.
5/7/201549 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 98: Write It Down

Jackie talks about taking a new direction in life and we answer questions from a guy who wants to know how to deal with difficult therapy sessions and another who is having problems with sexual attraction.
5/7/201547 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 97: The Brotherhood of Antidepressants

Jackie and Marcus talk about the positive and negative effects of a damn good TV show on the psyche and answer a question from a dude looking to cool it on his emotional neediness.
5/7/201546 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 96: Winona Dunridher

Jackie and Marcus talk exhaustion and answer a letter from a gal who's a bit confused as to the purpose of Tinder.
5/7/201558 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 95: Darlene Love

Jackie and Marcus discuss 20 Feet from Stardom and smoking and answer a letter from a gal looking to choose between what she wants to do and what everyone else wants her to do.
5/7/201540 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 94: Ratchet

Jackie and Marcus talk about the future to come and answer letters from a guy looking to keep connected with a gal pal and another dude looking to get rid of his.
5/7/201545 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 93: Deep Cuts

Marcus and Jackie welcome special guest Justy Dodge into the studio to help out a listener who's been having problems with self-harm and answer a letter from a man who doesn't know what to do about a friend's possibly violent dilemma.
5/7/201559 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 92: Dickishness Necessary

Jackie talks about how to deal with an annoyance in her own home and the duo answer questions from a girl looking to reach O and a guy looking to extricate an ex-girlfriend from his life.
5/7/201538 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 91: Make Noise and Free Yourself

Jackie and Marcus talk winter depression/happiness, follow up on our girl who wasn't getting the required love from her husband, and tell a kid looking to come out to his parents in the worst way possible to maybe find a better way.
5/7/201557 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 90: Lewis and Clarkin' It

Jackie and Marcus talk about ending friendships and answer a letter from a woman whose husband's sex drive has been lacking.
5/7/201548 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 89: The Act of Vincent

Jackie and Marcus talk about the documentaries they've been watching lately including Vincet: A Life In Color and The Act of Killing and answer a letter from a dude who just can't get over the woman who left him for another man.
5/7/201539 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 88: Gagglies Always Jickin'

Marcus and Jackie talk about open relationships and answer letters from a girl with a great example of not listening to terrible friends and another from Canada with a bit of but not really a boy problem.
5/7/201536 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 87: Stalker

Jackie and Marcus talk about the breakthroughs of Christmas and answer letters from a girl looking to get rid of a terrible friend and another who is dealing with the beginnings of a stalk.
5/7/201553 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 86: Pork Dumpling

Jackie takes a tumble much to the delight of a group of Brooklyn teenagers and we answer letters from a kid looking to get over a breakup and a girl who who needs to find a new group of friends.
5/7/201540 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 85: Merry Effin Christmas

Marcus and Jackie answer letters from a college student in Luxembourg with an anger problem and a kid from upstate who is terrified of graduating.
5/7/201544 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 84: Stuck on the Roof

Jackie and Marcus talk about people as cats, Marcus' finger puppet monster thoughts, and the wonderful Thanksgiving they just had.
5/7/201543 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 83: Happy Birthday

Jackie and Marcus talk about the miracle of Thanksgiving and whether or not we live in a fallen world. We probably do.
5/7/201532 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 82: Porno Burning

Marcus mourns the singed remains of his teenage porno collection and we field a question from a kid worried about a friend who's smoking a bit too much weed.
5/7/201528 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 81: Obstruct Obstacle

Jackie pulls Marcus out of the depths of negativity and the duo answers questions from a dude asking about his irregular ejaculations and an old listener looking to solve a potential family conflict.
5/7/201539 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 80: Animal Shambles

Jackie talks about a tense interaction with a homeless guy on the bus and a letter from a dude with a bi-polar girlfriend is answered.
5/7/201536 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 79: Theremin/Coke

Jackie and Marcus answer questions from a listener who's all mixed up about his sexuality and talk about the dangers of doing coke and listening to theremin music for hours on end.
5/7/201533 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 78: Cracker Spawn

Marcus and Jackie talk about their future progenies and answer questions from a kid looking to get laid in college and another asking if he should rekindle an old flame.
5/7/201541 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 77: True Horse

Jackie and Marcus talk about Jackie's drunk-ass country vacation and answer questions from a Tallahassee dude asking advice on a long distance relationship and a woman looking to regain her confidence after having a kid.
5/7/201539 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 76: Lift The Horse Again

Marcus and Jackie talk about the zodiac signs of serial killers, just how long someone should wait after a full mental break before setting out on a new stage of their life, and the terrible people who cry wolf about having a mental illness. Today's letter: a fratboy comes out of the closet and is having a hard time finding a life-bro.
5/7/201553 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 75: Insignificant

Marcus and Jackie talk about a return to weed, Calvin and Hobbes, and a letter from a listener asking about her bipolar disorder.
5/7/201547 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 74: The Hottest Panic Attacks In Town

Jackie and Marcus survive a heat wave and give advice to a woman trying to escape a horrible relationship with a soldier.
5/7/201528 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 72: Plus Two Speech Skills

Marcus and Jackie answer questions from a dude having trouble hooking up in his home country of Canada, a teen looking to see how he can stamp down sexual urges with his girlfriend, and a fantastic woman asking if she's doing the right thing in trying to gain custody of her cousin's children. She is.
5/7/201544 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 71: Irish Grinds

Marcus and Jackie answer questions from a trio of teens, from a girl asking about whether or not she should get back with her boyfriend to a guy stuck in a meth-fueled love triangle.
5/7/201541 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 70: Fluid

Marcus and Jackie give advice on how to not murder your significant other upon moving in together and answer questions from a woman seeking further advice on social paranoia and a girl looking to make her father understand her panic attacks.
5/7/201557 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 69: Borderline Psychopath

Jackie and Marcus answer questions from a girl looking to come out bisexual, a kid who's got a problem with social paranoia, and a long-time listener who gives us a follow-up on a previous question about a toxic home life.
5/7/201549 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 68: Of Grandmothers and Ghosts

Marcus and Jackie talk about a friend rushing headlong into marriage and answer questions from a longtime listener looking to get out of their current situation and a lady who is having problems separating from her boyfriend when he goes out of town.
5/7/201545 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 67: Nothing Ever Changes

Marcus and Jackie realize while answering a question from a 16 year old that nothing ever changes plus they answer questions from a guy just coming out of a ten year relationship and a girl whose close friend has decided to cut her out of her life.
5/7/201544 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 66: Technology Sucks

Jackie and Marcus talk about why you should never mess with Jackie's Duck Dynasty and a recent incident involving a tech conference that sticks in their craw a bit.
5/7/201541 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 65: Stressed Little Monkey

Marcus and Jackie talk about the stresses of being entertainers in New York City and answer questions from a guy stuck in a seemingly inescapable situation and another dude who can't stand his stepfather and doesn't know what to do.
5/7/201538 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 64: Blood and Sex and Awesome

Marcus and Jackie talk about strange awesome makeup sex (not the kind of makeup you think) and answer questions from a girl edging close to making a big mistake, a dude dealing with his father's illness, and another girl struggling with an intense case of the old manic-depressives.
5/7/201554 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 63: Mystery

Jackie and Marcus talk about reset buttons and the people who actually know what they're doing when it comes to mental health and answer a question from a dude who has completely cut out a family member because of a horrible thing she's done.
5/7/201543 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 62: All Worked Up

Jackie and Marcus talk about Silver Linings Playbook, the need to connect with people while staying away from Facebook, and answer a question from a listener about helping a friend with depression.
5/7/201549 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 61: Horse

Jackie and Marcus talk about the strange sex game Jackie is playing at work, tell weird party stories from college, and answer a question from a listener who is stuck in a bad situation with an ex-girlfriend.
5/7/201558 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 60: Molten Lava Soul

Jackie and Marcus talk about a group of unruly feminists hassling a female friend of theirs, knowing when to leave your significant other alone with themselves, and the difference between a soul and a brain.
5/7/201550 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 59: Somethin' Trashy

Hilarity ensues Marcus goes to see Django Unchained with his girlfriend who happens to have the same race as the main character and a listener writes in with a question about what to do when your parents get older.
5/7/201548 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 58: Ebony in Black

Jackie and Marcus talk about their formative porn experiences, Jackie pregames for therapy, and a listener has a question about the old herpes.
5/7/201551 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 57: Demon Grandmother

Marcus talks about The Great Satan at Large and turning 30, Jackie talks about a particularly rough trip home, and they both share stories of what happened the summer they met.
5/7/201545 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 56: Facebook Depression

Jackie and Marcus make an argument for getting the hell out of the depressing world of Facebook and answer a question from a listener struggling with panic attacks.
5/7/201548 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 55: Hurts for Days

Jackie and Marcus talk about Uncle Buck, the best of all holiday movies, guilt trips, and when to discuss what kind of porn you watch with your partner plus an email from a listener looking to make sure her relationship doesn't go to hell is answered.
5/7/201551 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 54: Somebody To Do Acid With

Marcus and Jackie express their intense hidden anger, talk a bit about the election and how to deal with family members concerning politics, and answer a question from a lucky listener looking for advice on which romantic endeavor to pursue.
5/7/201542 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 53: Party To Death

Marcus and Jackie discuss their respective experiences in therapy (Jackie's involves a lot of broken lamps) and answer a question from a fella looking to get over a recently ended long distance relationship.
5/7/201539 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 51: A Subscriber of Cosmo

Marcus and Jackie discuss the finer points of cunilingus and Jackie admits to her lifelong subscription to a certain magazine.
5/7/201519 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 50: It's Jackie!

Join us as we welcome our new co-host, Jackie Zebrowski from Round Table and Page Seven! In this, our first of three gettin'-ta-know-ya episodes, Jackie and Marcus talk about LA, the time Jackie got lost in an aquarium while on acid, and death.
5/7/201529 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 49: End of an Era

Yup, it's Sara's final show on the old SAOHA. Join us as we answer questions from a girl who has a friend in a horribly abusive relationship and a dude who just can't seem to get it working with his wife.
5/7/201546 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 48: Movin' On

Sara and Marcus give advice to a kid who just broke his first heart and answer an Aussie's question about her general dissatisfaction with life.
5/7/201547 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 47: TalkerAndFucker

Marcus and Sara answer questions from a kid who's waiting to lose his virginity by choice and talk about the compartmentalizing of romantic interests.
5/7/201533 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 47: The Heart

Marcus and Sara give a surprising update on a formerly suicidal listener, give advice to a woman with a rare medical condition, and tell a particularly disgusting story.
5/7/201547 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 46: Orange and Terrifying

Sara and Marcus answer a question from a suicidal teen and Sara talks about her latest spray-tanning experience. Spoiler alert: they don't tape up the cooch.
5/7/201546 minutes
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Episode 45: Sex Tent at the Renaissance Festival

Marcus discusses the recent loss of a friend to cancer and Sara talks about, what else, sex tents at the Renaissance Festival. They really do tie in together nicely.
5/7/201534 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 44: Da Wax

Sara goes into the details of a Brazilian Wax, plus a question is answered on what the hell to do with yourself when you've been laid off.
5/7/201548 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 43: Drinkin' With Ben

Sara and Marcus welcome CCR mainstay Ben Kissel into the studio to discuss a whole smattering of dirty, dirty things, as is his wont.
5/7/201532 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 42: El Gyno

Sara recounts her recent trip to the gynecologist and Marcus describes his many trips to the STD clinic.
5/7/201529 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 41: Don't Do It!

Sara and Marcus answer a letter from a suicidal teen hellbent on a path to destruction.
5/7/201544 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 40: NYC Skin

Today's SAOHA brings you the challenges both men and women face in NYC as the seasons change and skin returns to the streets and trains of our fair city.
5/7/201537 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 39: Tragedies and Triumphs of SXSW

Sara and Marcus recount their respective South By Southwest experiences. One involves shrooms and Gogol Bordello. The other involves cookies. Guess which one is which.
5/7/201532 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 38: Therapy

Sara and Marcus give advice to a listener who wants to get therapy but is woefully bereft of funds.
5/7/201549 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 37: Dispatches from the Road: Part Two

Sara recounts her experience being interviewed on WTF with Marc Maron in Los Angeles, plus a reader gets a question about a dear friend answered.
5/7/201518 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 36: Dispatches from the Road: Part One

Sara's on her book tour but that we ain't gonna that stop us! On today's episode, Sara recounts her most recent experiences on the road and we answer a question about pubic hair.
5/7/201532 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 35: The Older Man/Woman

Sara and Marcus discuss dating people of a considerably older or younger age, plus we give an insight into the lives of comedians.
5/7/201535 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 34: Moving On

Sara and Marcus address the problems associated with moving on from a comforting yet stifling relationship and discuss Marcus' happy goofy demon dick.
5/7/201544 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 33: The Big Reveal!

It's here! The big reveal we've been talking about for weeks is finally upon us. What is it, you may ask? Tune in to find out! You've probably already guessed correctly, though.
5/7/201548 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 32: Live at Creekstarter!

Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave on January 14th to commemorate the creation of our Kickstarter appeal, this special episode features comedian Nick Turner reading questions submitted by our live audience!
5/7/201526 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 31: Subtleties

If there's one thing Sara and Marcus love more than answering your questions, it's hearing about how you're doing now. Join us this episode as we read follow-ups from Archie, the man whose ex-wife gave him the clap, and Nick Cave The Gay Teen!
5/7/201554 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 30: Texas, and the Dangers Contained Within

On this, their first episode of the new year, Sara and Marcus discuss the horrifying place that is Marcus' part of Texas and answer questions from a teen who has recently came out to the world at large and a man who caught the clap from his ex-wife.
5/7/201559 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 29: Comedy!

Sara and Marcus focus on the Other Human Activity of comedy and their respective origins in the field as per a request from a listener.
5/7/201539 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 28: Military Mayhem

Sara and Marcus talk about their recent struggles with their brain-brains and answer a question from a soldier in Afghanistan whose girlfriend is cheating on him.
5/7/201537 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 27: Sex Toys and Other Unreturnable Things

Marcus and Sara answer questions from a lovelorn Brit, a man who wants to donate his gently used sex toys, and a woman with a stunning follow up to a question Sara answered years ago.
5/7/201540 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 26: Belladonna I Love You

Sara and Marcus discuss their recent excursion to the Fleshbot Awards, plus a listener informs us of a disturbing literary trend.
5/7/201525 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 25: Dinner Party!

Sara and Marcus discuss how to throw a dinner party for disgusting people and answer a question about interracial dating.
5/7/201540 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 24: Jaguars!

This week, Sara and Marcus discuss proper strip club etiquette, help out a closeted gay teen in need, and carefully give advice on how to broach the subject of a threesome.
5/7/201535 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 23: The Icy Pedestal

On today's Sex and Other Human Activities, Marcus and Sara give advice to a girl looking to lose her v-card in the harsh environs of NYC.
5/7/201546 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode: 22 Vagina Christmas

Vaginismus! It's a real thing, and a real problem for one of Sara and Marcus' listeners. Tune in to hear the duo try to solve our boy's (or should we say, his lady's) problems.
5/7/201544 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 21: Cuts, Sluts, and Secrets

Sara and Marcus discuss a woman whose desire for a more exciting sex life is overshadowed by a bigger problem and give advice to a young lady in need.
5/7/201536 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 20: (Possible) Sleazeballs

Sara and Marcus answer queries from a teenager who may or may not have racist parents and a butch lesbian who is curious about the cock and the ways to go about gettin' some!
5/7/201530 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 19: The Lady Returns!

Sara's back and ready to talk about her recent absence from the podcast world and the reasons behind it all. In addition to that and on a less serious note, Marcus's new medication is cutting in to his boner time. Curses!
5/7/201547 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 18: Depressed and Horny

Sara and Marcus are horny and depressed--two things that go together like your mom and apple pie! Plus, reader mail!
5/7/201553 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 17: Pregnancy - The Worst STD

On this episode, Sara and Marcus give advice to a man whose pregnant wife won't touch him, we answer our very first Turkish email, and Sara's brother schools us on the homo history of the Revolutionary War.
5/7/201533 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 16: Live at the Cave Comedy Radio Launch Party!

On our first live mini-episode, butt talk! Plus we answer a weird beetle woman question and discuss rape fantasies!
5/7/201516 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 15: Wait!

A guy's wife comes out, and his first thought is how he's going to start dating while they still live together with their kids? Marcus and Sara call bullshit.
5/7/201536 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 14: Gay Love!

Sara and Marcus welcome tall comedian and co-host of Abe Lincoln's Top Hat, Ben Kissel. Plus, gay love! Xoxo
5/7/201552 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 13: Frustration!

Brilliant comedian Matt McCarthy stops by to help Marcus and Sara tell a chronic homewrecker dude that he needs to stop humping married ladies!
5/7/201526 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 12: Love and War

Sara and Marcus welcome humorist Mike Sacks and their old friend Benari to discuss sex and disabilities, booze, war, and other important stuff. And it’s funny!
5/7/201551 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 11: No, She's Mine!

Two ex-dope addicted sex workers in love (not Sara and Marcus) need boner help. Plus, Marcus and Sara have their first fight, and it’s about a GIRL.
5/7/201550 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 10: Afghanitastic!

A soldier stops by before deploying to Afghanistan and favors Sara and Marcus with some sex advice. Marcus is in a drought, and Sara wants to bone all the Doctors. Write us a review on iTunes, why doncha?
5/7/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 9: Dildos and Clay

Sara and Marcus play with dildos and clay. Plus, YOUR queries answered!
5/7/20151 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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Episode 8: Hot Young Virgins and Creepy Old Dudes

Sara and Marcus give sexy answers to questions about hot young virgins, creepy old dudes, and more.
5/7/201539 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 7: A Different Kind of Squirt with Jake Fogelnest

Sara’s 7th grade TV crush grew up to be a radio star and one of NYC’s coolest young gents. Jake Fogelnest joins us in studio to talk about fucking, rocking out, and staying friends with your ex. Plus, we solve listeners’ problems!
5/7/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 6: Breakups, BSG, and Doctor Who

Sara’s ex blogged about their breakup. Plus, Marcus and Sara cry about Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica. No, seriously.
5/7/201553 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 5: Hot Flirting and Bad Etiquette

Sara and Marcus deal with triflin’-ass hoez. Plus, hot tips for flirty gals, and listener mail!
5/7/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 4: One Night Stands (And Their Consequences)

Sara Benincasa and Marcus Parks discuss the darker side of the one night stand. Plus, a man with a Bible yells at Sara outside Planned Parenthood and Marcus has a bloody great first time!
5/7/20151 hour, 16 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 3: We Hate Handjobs

We hate handjobs! Plus, Sara fucks up her unemployment benefits.
5/7/201558 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 2: Co-Worker Lovin'

Sexy producer-boy Marcus Parks and I explain how to shtup your coworkers. Plus, a listener needs advice on life after art school.
5/7/201551 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 1: It Has Begun!

I’m so excited to introduce my new weekly podcast, Sex and Other Human Activities! Each week, the handsome and dashing Marcus Parks and I delve deep into one sexual activity and one other human activity. To kick off the festivities, we’re talking Solo Sex and Solo Dining. Get ready for delicious, filthy, boner-inducing hilarity!
5/7/201539 minutes, 44 seconds