Moojibaba invites us into one of the most radical exercises to transcend the force of the mind: the I-watching exercise.
By not following the constant stream of mind activity and returning to the space of witnessing, we begin to see through the layers of identity and revert to our true being—the essence of God within.
'Each time the mind arises, don't let it grow, don't water it; instead, bring it back into the emptiness from where the seeing of it is coming.
The outcome of this is the Oneness of Reality.
You are this Reality.
What you are doing here is making a shortcut to freedom.
This is a Master Pointing to that which is the Eternal about our Self.'
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9 September 2024
10/19/2024 • 11 minutes, 17 seconds
How to Find That Which Cannot Be Seen?
This inquiry is an urgent investigation into what is true beyond all appearances. Moojibaba emphasises the need for a mature seeker of Truth to be willing to let go of attachment to personal identity—not as a mental or philosophical exercise—and discover that which is beyond the relative world.
With compassion and clarity, he guides us to see that much of what we consider to be our 'self'—our thoughts, feelings and even the person we think we are—are impermanent and unreliable. The seeming solidity of our personal identity is questioned, revealing that it is ultimately perceived by something far more stable, pure, and timeless.
‘Nothing is going to satisfy you—Thank God! Nothing in the universe is going to satisfy you. Nothing at all. Until you find your Self.’
10/8/2024 • 24 minutes, 42 seconds
Find the Eden of Your Heart
During this morning with Moojibaba, we experience spontaneous existence as it unfolds in the presence of the Master. Throughout all of the encounters that take place, we witness and experience the grace of Self-knowledge: where knowing and being are one.
“We are meant to find the Unity first, and then it manifests through the diversity. But we are attracted to the diversity, and we lose sight of the Unity.
Open to the possibility that God Consciousness is unlimited. Open to the possibility of welcoming the unlimited in yourself. You already carry the
seed—you are the seed."
24 August 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9/25/2024 • 1 hour, 52 seconds
Transcend Your Own Mind and the World Will Not Trouble You
This satsang took place at the Feira Alternativa Festival in Lisbon, Portugal, where many seekers of Truth had their first opportunity to meet Moojibaba in person and bring forward their questions. Whether you are new to Mooji’s teachings or already familiar with his wisdom, this satsang offers a rich buffet of insights and guidance for all.
In closing, Moojibaba leads the 'Just Be' exercise, guiding us into the direct experience of our timeless, ever-present being.
Lisbon, Portugal
13 September 2024
9/15/2024 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
We Came to This World to Awaken to the Eternal
Throughout this satsang, Moojibaba imparts timeless teachings that point directly to the heart of being.
"If the person is being spoken about, it must imply that there is something more subtle than person. Before you entered into form, the Supreme whispered something deep inside your being. Now it’s time to remember and awaken to it. Keep the fire of yearning to respond to grace. This call and response is coming from within you - it begins with faith and trust. Develop a little discipline, because grace is responding to your deeper ‘yes.’ "
8 September 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9/8/2024 • 2 hours, 51 seconds
Detachment—The Door to Liberation
In this intimate and powerful talk, Moojibaba not only evokes the direct experience of unchanging awareness, but he also empowers us to confirm this here and now, in an authentic way. He inspires us to contemplate deeply, confirm our true place and discover the joy of living as impersonal awareness.
“As you wake up to the presence, power, and universality of the beingness, you see that life is unfolding perfectly.”
14 August 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
8/30/2024 • 26 minutes, 15 seconds
For One Minute—Be Awareness Only
Moojibaba shares the core of his teaching, beyond time, space or concept. He brings us the very present opportunity and direct way to find Truth – as he has done throughout these decades of sharing Satsang – and inspires a re-dedication of our hearts to This.
“For one minute, try to be only awareness. Let the mind stuff happen, but don’t feed it or identify with it. Be aware of it, but also be aware that you are being aware. Just for one minute. There is something inside you that is not pushed about by the mind, it causes witnessing of the mind to happen, but it’s quite apart. Just this. What is your experience?”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
11 July 2024
8/20/2024 • 24 minutes, 50 seconds
The Eternal Now
Moojibaba takes us by the hand into fresh step-by-step inquiry—everything, every thought, suggestion, image or sensation presented is still perceivable from a deeper place. All that is required is to have enough trust to apply the simplicity of this guidance.
‘What do you have to do to be? Or is it more what you have to do to stop becoming. There is no end to the becoming, and there is no start to being… The simplicity is this. Abide in this, and bear the itch to be pulled into the mind-field…The scenes can keep on changing but the seer is unchanging. Come to know that.’
27 July 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
8/6/2024 • 9 minutes, 57 seconds
The Power of Discernment
This important satsang looks into a subtle yet common pitfall along this path to freedom. This dialogue exposes where seeming knowledge can, in fact, become a pocket where personal identity remains unchallenged, and how only with persistence and openness to look does one move beyond all these ego mechanisms.
‘Something you perceive to be Truth today in the phenomenal way, the next moment you question it. Can Truth be something that is true one day and not another day? It cannot be. And the Truth I’m speaking of has no opposite like a lie. Truth is just being. It is already here before the world arose in you.’
7/25/2024 • 15 minutes, 48 seconds
Guided Meditation — Detach, Let Go and Fully Be
Moojibaba guides us to drop everything, and as a result we effortlessly remain as our true nature — the vast and limitless space of Being.
‘If you sit like this, the Truth will reveal itself in you. It is searching for the space that it can unfold its beauty in you. But we have been too busy planning to meet the Truth. Truth and yourself are one. Honour that.’
2 June 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
7/9/2024 • 22 minutes, 31 seconds
Who Am I? — Door to the Infinite
In this spontaneous satsang at the local café, Moojibaba shares his quintessential teaching and explores the subtle nature of our true Self.
“The question ‘Who Am I?’ provokes an introspection. All your relationships, all the knowledge, and all experiences are for ‘I’.
What is ‘I’?
‘I’ must be the experiencer. Before anything can be seen through the mind or the senses, it must report to this ‘I’.
What knows even this ‘I’?"
14 June 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6/22/2024 • 27 minutes, 18 seconds
Transcend the Fear That Blocks Self-Realisation
Moojibaba guides an earnest seeker to go beyond fear and other distracting mental forces by engaging in a subtle and profound self-inquiry, the result of which can be felt instantaneously.
“Something is afraid of the absence of you personally. The idea you have of yourself as a particular identity has been blocking you from going into the seemingly unknown. So the mind creates the unknown as a black hole, but what you are actually finding is that there is no black hole.
When you can bear and be the emptiness-silence that you are, you are free.”
31 May 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6/15/2024 • 20 minutes, 54 seconds
Overcome the Fear of Death…and Life!
Moojibaba speaks with two people who share fears around living and dying.
In both of these interactions, he gives us simple instructions on the way out of doubt and suffering, into the clarity of who we really are. He also offers a powerful guided sitting.
"See if when you become empty, you are unhappy, see if you are suffering, see if you are anxious, see if there is any fear lingering in you, see if you are worried about life or death, because you will have the capacity to see.
Don’t destroy—look with detachment, follow just this. It works."
14 April
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6/3/2024 • 41 minutes, 54 seconds
What Is Prior to 'I'? ~ Contemplation with Mooji
In a deep and reflective tone, Moojibaba brings alive a timeless contemplation that reveals the essence of who we truly are.
Listen and imbibe deeply.
"Beyond I, Beyond 'I am'. First must be 'I am', then the world will come. Prior to 'I am', I Am. What knows it Is?
These contemplations dry up the muddy waters of the mind."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
21 April 2024
5/18/2024 • 7 minutes, 15 seconds
In this short excerpt from the recent Satsang Intensive in Lisbon, Moojibaba invites us to plunge into the heart of Self-inquiry.
It is direct, profound, joyful and immediate.
“Beyond even the subtle ‘I’, who are you now?”
5/11/2024 • 23 minutes, 12 seconds
In this short and powerful guidance from the April 2024 Awakening Intensive in Lisbon, Moojibaba offers us the key back to overcome the subtle tricks of the mind.
Watch, follow and empower your discernment with great joy.
“Stay only as the formless witness. Don’t pick up anything from the mind.”
Lisbon, Portugal
4 April 2024
4/28/2024 • 17 minutes, 47 seconds
You Are the Sky of Pure Awareness
This rich satsang invites us into the ‘Commitment to Self-Discovery’ guidance—a profound sitting exercise from Moojibaba to ‘Just Be’. By putting our attention on Beingness, we are led from the forest of delusion to the sky of Pure Awareness.
"Any sensation can come. The sky, limitless, infinite, unending, welcomes all visitors. Moon, sun, clouds, rainbows. It doesn't complain, it manifests them. Yet nothing sticks. Everything is a tourist floating by, like all things born of time.
This is why the sages say, 'You are the sky of Pure Awareness.'
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
15 November 2023
4/14/2024 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
Guided Meditation with Moojibaba — Just Be!
In recent times, Moojibaba has been offering a direct and crystal clear guided exercise for abiding in the natural state of Beingness.
Seekers of truth from all backgrounds are finding this "Just Be" exercise highly relatable, immediate, and unexpectedly profound. When followed with earnestness and persistence, it acts as a mirror that reveals and supports the abidance in and as the non-dual Awareness.
"Have the attitude of leaving everything and keep the attention only in the natural sense that you exist and that you are here. Make a conscious choice not to engage or to be pulled into your mind stream. Just be aware of it, don't fight it, but stay empty, consciously."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
3 March 2024
3/26/2024 • 32 minutes, 58 seconds
Do This and Be This—Simple Daily Spiritual Practice
On this day, Moojibaba records an audio guidance first thing in the morning, and shares it with a few members of the sangha.
During lunchtime, Moojibaba joins the sangha in the dining area and shares this guidance: to begin the day with a 15-minute sitting to help stabilise attention in the space of presence.
This exercise complements the “Just Be” guidance that the sangha has been focusing on, providing a deeper understanding of this sitting.
If you are new to this guidance, you can find more videos that go to the heart of this exercise here:
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
3 March 2024
This is an excerpt from the Satsang "This Exercise Prepares You for Non-Dual Realisation”, available on Sahaja Express:
Sahaja Express is a powerful self-realisation support for earnest and dedicated seekers of Truth. This doorway into daily life with Mooji invites you to walk alongside him as he engages with his more mature students. Take this opportunity to move more deeply and swiftly into the ultimate realisation of the Self and be timelessly happy and complete.
Sahaja Express is not for the merely curious, but for those who are ready and destined to go all the way.
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
3/19/2024 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
In This Living Book, God Is the Divine Author
Moojibaba met with some sangha friends from the nearby village. What started off as a short visit for a cup of tea, turned into a profound inquiry into the nature of the Self.
This Satsang is full of essential pointers that are a great aid for anyone seeking spiritual liberation.
"It's all God's book, and He writes the book. There's only God, and God is not an entity—He is the totality of all there is and can ever be. And your essence is He.
He who is in search of himself finds God. And he who is in search of God finds himself.”
Aldeia, Portugal
23 February 2024
3/12/2024 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 15 seconds
How to Transcend Strong Emotions
Moojibaba offers grounding guidance to a devoted student seeking help. He encourages her to continue with the current exercise, saying that these fluctuations from person to presence are normal in the process of awakening.
"I'm not disappointed, because I know that we have to go through this. You have to taste failure. You have to taste what it's like to be back in your mind when you've been in your heart. It doesn't feel good, does it? But you know that's not your real place.
There's something in you that is not touched. It doesn't belong to the world. It's not touched by your moods or the world. It's independent of that. That space is the only thing about you that's permanent. This body will go. The mind will go. All these things will go except This."
2/28/2024 • 20 minutes, 35 seconds
Let Go — Just Be!
Moojibaba shows us how to bring the mind to the heart and awaken to the light of perfection within us. A profound satsang that brings us to the heart of self-discovery.
“It’s almost as though to find yourself, we have to remove something—like you have to forget yourself. Somehow we have to let go of all the ideas we have about ourselves.
Bring the attention to beingness. Relative to what it sees, the witness does not come and go. Even the functioning of witnessing is perceived. What remains? Is it personal or impersonal? No one can say—only you can say.”
2/18/2024 • 40 minutes, 40 seconds
The Purest Truth
A student seeks clarification on what Nisargadatta Maharaj meant when he said, "I have no use for my Beingness."
We are directed to an experiential discovery that cannot be grasped through the knowledge of the mind.
“We want to experience our dreams. We want to experience fulfilment in a phenomenal world. We want to preserve our sense of identity, who we believe we are, and yet who we believe we are is absolutely not true.
Above all, you have the sense that 'I exist'. Nisargadatta Maharaj is saying, "Before this 'I exist' feeling, I truly am."
31 January 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
2/8/2024 • 22 minutes, 28 seconds
Out of Many One People ~ A Song of Love and Gratitude to Moojibaba
This music video is an outpouring of love from the Sangha for Moojibaba’s 70th birthday.
It is comprised of 140 different International Sangha groups and 60 musicians from around the world, all expressing deep reverence and gratitude for our Master's guidance and presence in our lives.
May we live by the Light and Truth that you reveal in us, Moojibaba, and may we continue to see the whole world as one family, one people, and one heart.
2/1/2024 • 14 minutes, 3 seconds
True Life Beyond Ego
Moojibaba offers potent guidance on surrender through a practical exercise known as 'The Basket of God.'
He highlights the significance of persistently choosing to offer up egoic tendencies, unveiling the Timeless and Imperishable Self.
"Don't carry your bag of troubles around; put it all in the basket of God."
1/16/2024 • 22 minutes, 35 seconds
Train the Mind to Merge in Heart Consciousness
We are very happy to share this powerful Satsang with Moojibaba which took place on New Year's Eve. Moojibaba invites us to celebrate the New Year in the highest way: in contemplation of the eternal, timeless Self.
1/1/2024 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 41 seconds
A Powerful Christmas Message From Moojibaba
Moojibaba offers this powerful message for Christmas: say “Yes!” to God inside your heart, and with sincerity, ask for help. In this spirit of humility and surrender, everything is possible.
Mooji shares how this attitude of consciously inviting God’s help, combined with the recent sitting exercise he has been sharing with us, is the most powerful way to transcend ego.
May this powerful message of awakening reach all who are in search of true and lasting happiness. Merry Christmas!
12/26/2023 • 8 minutes, 43 seconds
Awake and Clear in 15 Minutes ~ Guided Exercise
Recently, Moojibaba has put a powerful focus on taking time to simply sit and bring our full attention and focus to resting in and as pure awareness. We are happy to share this powerful guided exercise with you in support of the full recognition and awakening to the timeless Self.
29 November 2023
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/21/2023 • 16 minutes, 16 seconds
A Most Profound Guided Exercise for Awakening
Mostly in life, we cooperate with our ego self, which goes by the name of ‘I’.
Here, we are offered this practical and immediate guidance, “A Commitment to Self-Discovery”, to train the attention to abide in the pure Awareness Self—our true Being.
This exercise, when combined with persistence, some discipline, courage, and a little faith, leads to the transcending of the limitations of the personal ‘I’
12/5/2023 • 34 minutes, 2 seconds
Awaken!—The Most Simple Yet Powerful and Important Exercise
Recently, Moojibaba has introduced a potent exercise for all earnest seekers of truth: A Commitment to Self-Discovery.
This exercise grants the clarity and strength to begin observing the realm of thoughts, feelings, and sensations with detachment. It reveals the true presence of being as our stable ground and dissolves the force of the mind and its projections.
This is the true power of self-discovery.
11/23/2023 • 28 minutes, 4 seconds
A Commitment to Self Discovery—The Greatest Gift You Will Receive From YourSelf
Moojibaba shares a very powerful and simple daily practice that brings us into the heart of being. Many people around the world have incorporated this exercise into their daily lives and are testifying to the immense fruits of this new call for commitment and dedication to Self-discovery.
“I want you to sit and just be aware of your sense of being, just the sense of ‘I am.’ However often the mind comes, it’s ok—don’t fight, just come back to awareness.
Even if you felt you did not succeed, you will feel a difference. There is a power in learning to observe with detachment, even if you think you fail, just do it!
This exercise is going to change your life, but only if you persist. This is the greatest gift you are giving to yourself, ever.”
28 November 2023
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
11/12/2023 • 32 minutes, 54 seconds
From Mind to Pure Being
Upcoming Online Awakening Intensive — 27 - 29 October
This 3-day Online Awakening Intensive is a fresh calling from Moojibaba into the heart of true seeing. Moojibaba’s heart wish is to meet us in the highest way, in the light of our own application of the core guidance offered. Rather than dwelling on personal stories, we are guided into the timeless discovery of Truth.
A student asks for freedom from the mind and shares how it creates a sense of bondage through the weight of personal responsibilities. Moojibaba's guidance cuts through all doubts and allows us to confirm the deep stillness and peace within.
“My path is a very peaceful path, yet the most powerful. It is the most powerful because it confirms the deep stillness and peace within you, so you know through direct experience that God is the core of your being. Not a fleeting experience, but the substratum of all experiencing.
Look, clarify and confirm your own Presence, which is sitting in the all-ness of God.”
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/22/2023 • 20 minutes, 20 seconds
The Power of True Seeing
Moojibaba offers this core pointing for learning to observe our thoughts, feelings and sense of self with detachment.
“Honour your capacity to observe with detachment. Learn to observe your mind, the person and it’s world by sitting inside your own awareness.”
25 February 2023
Portugal, Monte Sahaja
10/15/2023 • 24 minutes, 20 seconds
How Life Takes Care of Life
Do life's challenges come predestined for our spiritual growth?
Moojibaba directs our attention to that which is beyond all challenges and the influence of the ego. From this perspective it becomes evident how life takes care of life.
"Everyone who has an ego is dominated by the mind. When you are grounded in beingness, you are seeing with more godly eyes, and you don't have to plan or control anything. Your capacity as consciousness is to see everything in the highest light."
18 August 2023
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
10/7/2023 • 10 minutes, 53 seconds
I Am — The God Principle Within
We all know we exist. But as what do we exist?
Moojibaba speaks about the sense ‘I Am’, the sense of being, and encourages us to sit in this, as this. He continues that even this 'I Am'-ness can subside and what remains is the core of Awareness, the wordless state.
“But make sure this doesn’t become a concept. Stay with the sense of being and cross over the ocean of Samsara into the land of beingness.”
This is an extremely powerful and practical guidance that can be listened to over and over again.
9/25/2023 • 27 minutes, 46 seconds
How to Stop the Monkey Mind
Many seekers of truth complain of how noisy and restless the monkey mind can play, especially when there is an intention to be self aware as presence.
Moojibaba offers a straightforward guidance that exposes the monkey identity and reveals the pure space of the uninvolved witness.
“How to stop the monkey mind? — When you observe the mind with detachment, without logging into its energy it automatically slows down and is replaced by a sense of impersonal presence — which is definitely not monkey food.
It’s time to sit and just observe — let go of everything.”
9/10/2023 • 17 minutes, 6 seconds
Guided Meditation — Remain As You Are
This simple and easy to follow meditation directs the attention back to its source. We are guided to not identify with the body, thoughts or feelings but to remain as the detached witness. Like this we experience how it is to be just aware, how spacious, how natural. In a short time we find ourself back in our original, pure and timeless being.
“There is no technique of how to be. Just remember and be this. Fall in love with it. Protect it from the mind. Don't keep going into identity and all of this you will see remains always with you, as you.”
8/29/2023 • 10 minutes, 6 seconds
You Are Not A Failure, You Are The Pure Self
"Sometimes there is a deep, unrecognised message inside your being that you're going to fail."
Moojibaba exposes the false identity that is built around the idea of "not being good enough." This seed of unworthiness is the source of suffering, but it can be overcome by simply observing the minds fluctuations without interest. From this detached space of being we find true freedom from the burdens of self-doubt and fear.
"Don't just fall in love with practice. Do it and fall in love with that which it reveals in you. As long as your intention is for this, in your striving, help and grace will come to you."
8/20/2023 • 31 minutes, 12 seconds
Your True Self Cannot Be Seen
This satsang is an absolute gem and master pointing on Self Inquiry. It exposes the falsehood of the personal ´I´ and is highly recommended for repeated viewing to confirm our true essence as pure awareness.
"What is your position in this act of perceiving? Are you looking from the mind? Or are you looking at the mind? And if you are looking at the mind, who are you that's looking?"
8/13/2023 • 35 minutes, 9 seconds
Dis-identify and Observe How Harmoniously Life Unfolds
This must-watch satsang is at the very heart of Moojibaba's pointings. By remaining as the detached witness we are able to observe the mind and all its tricks which are appearing on the screen of consciousness.
Our work is simply to remain as awareness no matter what appears on the screen. Like this, the mind's power diminishes and peace is experienced effortlessly.
"Mind is producing different scenarios all the time. But at the place I speak from, it doesn't matter where you go, on the bus, on the train, on the airplane, on a rock. It doesn't matter. It's still the same. This is why I say, nothing else is really so much my teaching.
We are not going to be afraid of the darkness, because when the darkness comes, it only helps to polish our brightness."
8/2/2023 • 21 minutes, 24 seconds
An Invitation From Person to Presence — Interview with Johnny Wilkinson
In this illuminating conversation, Mooji and Jonny Wilkinson delve into the true nature of our being, the quest for freedom, and the power of letting go. After a long and successful career as a rugby player, Jonny turned to exploring Self realisation, and we are very happy to share this uplifting interview.
"If there's a shift, it's like a shift from person to presence. As you come more into presence and you begin to honor the presence, life becomes so much richer and broader in all its scope. All the antics of the person will gradually yield to the wiser being and you will know actually that within itself it is limitless and imperishable."
Johnny Wilkinson "I Am" podcast
Interview Bonus— Moojibaba's Story
17 May 2023
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
7/20/2023 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 17 seconds
How Can I Serve God? Wake Up!
The best way to serve God is to be empty of the sense of a personal "you".
By following Moojibaba's guidance we experience harmony with God and find absolute joy in the emptiness of being.
"To seek God for the sake of finding God, I feel this is serving the whole world."
7/8/2023 • 13 minutes, 55 seconds
Heart is Your Home
Often we desire things, believing they will bring immense happiness, but eventually realize they fall short of our expectations.
Moojibaba shares that true fulfillment lies within our heart and to make use of this life to fully awaken to our true nature.
"The call to awakening has to be in the now. There has to be the pulse of now-ness in you, because the rest is all mind and ego. There is something in us that easily falls asleep. Come out of the hole into the whole, the wholeness of grace and God's presence in you.
6/29/2023 • 4 minutes, 52 seconds
Observe with Detachment and Discover Your Natural State of Being
What does it mean to integrate? To continue to not identify with things that come up. We are not on a journey to refine the person — include also the sense of the person as a phenomenon perceived by something which cannot be seen.
The person is a restless state, searching for rest in fulfilling its projections. Be here in your unchanging being. Your real journey begins within — in this within-ness, you learn to observe with detachment and discover your natural state.
6/15/2023 • 17 minutes, 17 seconds
Dwell Inside Your Own Presence
Moojibaba's emphasis in this talk is on the importance of observing thoughts and sensations with detachment. From the stillness of the detached witness, peace and harmony infuse all of our daily interactions.
"The whole world is like a passing show. When you're still, you gradually begin to feel the full power of your presence. It resonates like peace, like a solid peace, a well beingness, joy, silent, content, happy, not happy about, just happy. Happiness is your nature."
6/6/2023 • 20 minutes, 42 seconds
Flowing as Existence, Still as Timeless Being
With a simple and direct approach, Moojibaba takes us to the heart of his guidance which leads to full and everlasting freedom.
"Before you pick up any instruction, sit with yourself. Don't engage with the noise of the mind. Come back to the place of being. This is key. Being with it consciously and devotedly, everything comes right."
5/25/2023 • 30 minutes, 1 second
Essential Pointer for Awakening
Moojibaba shares a simple 10 minute exercise to awaken to our true Self.
The exercise involves sitting down and emptying one's mind, staying present and aware of oneself and observing thoughts and feelings without identifying with them.
With practice, we become established in presence and experience a transformation in our being, realizing that the true self is not the mind-created identity, but consciousness itself.
"If you can follow this, you will find real happiness, real joy, and realize how precious your life is. Not your life lived to satisfy your egoic and personal identity, but the life that is eternal, unending and beautiful."
5/16/2023 • 11 minutes, 46 seconds
Through This One Door All Can Find Freedom
Through a simple yet direct guidance to observe the play of life with detachment, we discover the difference between the ego and the Self.
We are also reminded that each response from the Master is universal food for all, and not miss our chance for transcendence by holding onto the sense of a unique personal question or problem.
“This exercise has been followed for thousands of years. Many came out of the prison house of personhood and won themselves back.
Anywhere you sit resting in your being, that place becomes your temple, your mosque, your cave.”
4/25/2023 • 37 minutes, 11 seconds
This Singular Understanding Breaks the Spell of the Mind
In this potent talk, Moojibaba points to the singular understanding which can set us free from all of the suffering born from the mind and personhood.
“If I had to impart one thing, the greatest advice, what would it be? It would be that whatever arises as mind, you begin to observe it dispassionately. Don’t get involved — as though you are a mere witness on the scene. Keep out of the crime scene.
Observe with detachment, don’t cling to the sense of personhood. Don’t log into the mind wave — you can do it. At some point, all of the noise of the mind will drift away, and what will be left is the full presence of Presence. The health of your Being.
Uncomplicated, formless, perfectly at peace.”
11 December 2022
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/16/2023 • 16 minutes, 46 seconds
The Room of Being
Mooji gives a simple and essential guidance to observe the play of life as though we are sitting inside the room of our own Being — untroubled, with a sweet detachment and deepening peace.
"Observe, but don't be too interested.
If you get interested,
you get identified very easily.
You are looking from a stillness,
there's no need to control.
Be aware of just being aware."
27 December 2022
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
3/23/2023 • 12 minutes, 41 seconds
Be Totally Empty, Like a Child In the Presence of God
Upcoming Online Weekend Retreat with Mooji — 17-19 March 2023
Mooji guides us through a potent and transformative Self-inquiry guidance, triggered by a questioner's frustration that sometimes he is not able to shift to the place of the Self.
“Right now, out of my love for you, I tell you, ‘Drop all of this with me.’
Don’t touch any of this. Just have one moment with me.
One moment with me, without anything at all.
One moment, not holding any shape at all.
Can you do it?”
Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening
3 December 2022
3/7/2023 • 23 minutes, 47 seconds
Shortcut to Freedom
In this powerful Satsang, Mooji points us beyond the mere intellectual understanding of his pointers to the direct experience of the timeless now.
"I’m not pointing you to a path of pain,
but a path of discovery.
You’re not just living life,
you are life itself.
You are consciousness, you are the God Self,
we are whole, and wholesome.
Know you are the Self,
know you are One—
let yourself dissolve."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
15 February 2023
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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2/26/2023 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 19 seconds
The Power of True Seeing
Mooji shares with us the quintessence of his pointings — to observe the mind, thoughts, feelings and sense of self with detachment, and find timeless freedom.
Moojibaba offered this special online Satsang via Zoom to benefit the work of the Pradiya Foundation. The Pradiya Foundation was created by Oinak Singh, who grew up at the Ramana’s Garden Children’s Home in Rishikesh, India. Inspired by the generous seva of Prabhavati Deva Dwabha, the founder of Ramana’s Garden, Oinak continues in this full spirit of upliftment with the Foundation’s current work in Oda, Nepal.
You can find out more information here:
If you would like to contribute to Pradiya's fundraising efforts, you can do so here:
2/26/2023 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 9 seconds
A Prayer and Blessing for Turkey and Syria After Catastrophic Earthquake
Moojibaba shares a powerful message for all those affected by the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria. His heart, prayers and blessings reflect that this is a time of great calling for our human family, a time to exercise our compassion and love for humanity.
“With all my heart I bless and pray that whatever help is required is not impeded by any obstacles. I encourage all who are so deeply touched—as a true human must wherever you may be—to dive deep within ourselves to find that place from where compassion arises
and love and forgiveness and a striving for harmony, unity and peace in our world.”
“May it be that such things bring us closer together,
brings out true humanity, the true beingness within our heart,
to be guided and to be transformed into a purity,
a growth, an awareness, an aliveness,
a love and a compassion to respond
to the call of the universe to show up.
Bless you wherever you may be.”
~ Moojibaba
2/8/2023 • 16 minutes, 52 seconds
A Powerful Exercise to Overcome Mind Attacks
Follow this powerful exercise and see how simple and harmonious life can be when you remain as the witness to all that comes and goes.
"When you are with this exercise, at some point you will feel that the everyday claustrophobic toughness of life will start to dry up. This noise is replaced by a quiet and still presence of being.
If the world of human beings did only this, this planet would already be transforming and taking on heavenly characteristics."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
29 January 2023
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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2/4/2023 • 18 minutes, 40 seconds
Follow This Guidance and Find the Eternal
Can awareness be distracted? Mooji uses this question as a mirror to reveal the most simple understanding of ourselves as unchanging awareness.
“Can awareness be distracted? Absolutely not, it is beyond being distracted. Nothing can happen to it — because of awareness, the world comes into play.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6 November 2022
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1/27/2023 • 18 minutes, 13 seconds
A Message of Love, Peace and Oneness
Mooji gives us a direct guidance and exercise to discover our inherent peace and stillness. By staying in this true place, we find that we don’t have to go out and change the world, but our very presence will begin to radiate peace and harmony.
“You don’t need more experience, rather find the very heart of experience and rest in your undivided self.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
31 December 2022
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1/14/2023 • 14 minutes, 40 seconds
Don’t Just Believe—Be the Truth You Are
In this powerfully clear talk, Mooji exposes the subtle ways of the mind that keep us feeling that we are not yet our true Self.
Mooji calls on two students to walk us through, step by step, the arising of negative and oppressive states, and how to transcend them by applying the simple guidance offered in Satsang.
Mooji shows us again how we can bring all the difficult feelings and oppressive thoughts that keep us feeling bound into the light of clear seeing, and be timelessly free.
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
22 December 2022
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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1/3/2023 • 25 minutes, 39 seconds
Direct Guidance to True Freedom
A profound yet simple guidance to observe life with detachment and to wake up from the limitation of personhood to your true nature.
Monte Sahaja
11 December 2022
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12/21/2022 • 8 minutes, 59 seconds
A Profound Guided Meditation ~ The Boundless Ocean of Being
Moojibaba opens this powerful guided meditation by reading from the Ashtavakra Gita. The guidance that follows is a direct transmission of grace from the Master to all those who are searching for liberation.
“You are not your name or gender; you are not that which is trapped in the past or reaching for future. You are timeless awareness. Where did it begin? How could it end?
Your Self is not a journey nor an object to possess. Abide persistently in this knowing, where knowing and being are one.
Be reminded, you are not merely a person. Say inside your heart: ‘I am the Self, without doubt, imperishable, unborn and unchanging.’”
4 December 2022
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12/8/2022 • 43 minutes, 38 seconds
The Real You Can Never Be Rejected
Online Awakening Retreat — 30 November - 4 December
Registration closes on 27 November as a Pre-Retreat Program begins on 28 November.
In a recent online retreat, a questioner exposes his fear of rejection and how this holds him back in his longing to awaken to the truth.
Through self inquiry, Moojibaba directs our attention away from not only the fear of rejection but all fears, to that space inside us which is pure and beyond all qualities.
“Some force within us identifies with a personal sense of self and part of that personal self feels vulnerable to the sense of rejection and criticism. All of that is perceivable to a deeper space of awareness. Whatever you perceive cannot be what you are, because when they go you would also be gone. You are here as the constant witness to all phenomena.”
8 October 2022
An excerpt from the Satsang, “I Am Home. This Is Home. We Have Been This Forever”
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11/24/2022 • 44 minutes, 45 seconds
From Anger to Awakening
Online Awakening Retreat — 30 November - 4 December
Registration closes on 27 November as a Pre-Retreat Program begins on 28 November.
A questioner shares that anger is a frequent theme in her daily life at the moment and seeks guidance on how to deal with it.
Using love, compassion and directness, Moojibaba shows the relationship between this feeling and one's personal identity. Through the Invitation to Freedom, he points to that in us which is eternal, unchanging and ever free.
“Most human beings have no idea that there is a space beyond our person. Satsang is for this, if you open right now to see where I am speaking from and to. If you want to verify for yourself, are you up for this exploration?”
23 October 2022
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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11/16/2022 • 36 minutes, 59 seconds
Welcome the Spirit of Harmony
On this joyful morning walk, Moojibaba shares about the natural harmony of life that is experienced the more we are drawn into the heart of true Self discovery.
“This is what I so much encourage, inwardly, one rests in a state of equanimity… almost a kind of emptiness, which is not preoccupied with projections and fear and anxiety. But there’s a natural confidence, you may call that faith, a growing faith, an expanding faith.
I say sometimes, God becomes your secretary–arranges all your meetings for you, and all of them become auspicious.”
27 April 2022
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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11/16/2022 • 8 minutes, 1 second
The Power of Being Centered
Upcoming Online Awakening Retreat (5-9 October 2022)
Registration open until Sunday, 2 October
We are very happy to share that there is a 5-day Online Awakening Retreat with Mooji taking place 5-9 October, 2022. This retreat is offered for mature and earnest seekers who have been in Satsang for some time and are deeply familiar with Moojibaba’s pointings, especially An Invitation to Freedom and what it reveals in you.
In this rich and insightful talk, Moojibaba responds to a questioner who asks how we can stay in our inner emptiness, the true Self, when life also calls us to engage with the troubles and sorrows of the world? How can we engage with others and see to our responsibilities in life without losing touch with our true nature?
“The whole world seems to be in this heightened tension of personhood and fears, anxieties and aspirations that come with that state. All situations and conditions are helping you to recognise, to discern, and to throw the attention back into the abyss of the unmoving Self.
If you are grounded, others may very naturally settle down in their being — that's the power of your own centered-ness.”
'A Call to Awakening' Online Retreat | 27 May 2022
An excerpt from the Satsang: "Turn the Window to the World Into the Mirror of the Self"
9/28/2022 • 20 minutes, 37 seconds
Abide In and As the Sky of Awareness
In this powerful Satsang, Mooji takes us into the heart of self-inquiry, urging us to follow the sense of ‘I’ and see what shapes we are still holding to be ourselves. Through the course of this guidance, we are brought to the still, empty and silent place of the formless witness.
“What truly is will not appear — everything else appears and disappears. What I’ve said today, unplanned, is enough to take anyone earnest home.
There is a play within each one, a play of avoidance. It’s as old as life.
Whatever it is that you give value to, your attention and energy will go there. Taste and see that the Lord is good.”
7 September 2022
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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9/11/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
The Eternal, Timeless Now
In this Satsang we are called to put our attention on the now. The now beyond time and the here beyond place, our very own true Self.
“The now has no history and no biography, it’s just the purity and quintessence of all that is.
Now is not a time quality, now is eternal, it’s timeless. It’s pointing only
to the presence, which I call the presence of God, which is the true nature of a human being.
Thinking about future is robbing yourself of the beauty and completeness of your now-ness.”
6 August 2022
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8/28/2022 • 9 minutes, 4 seconds
An Insightful Story of 2 Birds
A simple metaphor, the story of the two birds illustrates the shift from the personal doer, caught up in daily life, to the neutral, impersonal observing presence.
“Don’t try to stop the mind, let him run, if you don’t log into that activity and just observe, the mind becomes farther away and the observing space comes into focus.
At first it might seem that this is too passive, mind will say, 'You are not doing anything at all, your are pretending, what’s all this spirituality?'
Just be aware of that and continue seeing that’s just another voice arising in the space of observing. I don’t want to tell you anything more, discover what it is.”
27 July 2022
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8/13/2022 • 22 minutes, 1 second
"Mooji, How Do I Balance Good Effort with No Effort?"
In this Satsang excerpt, Moojibaba addresses the sense of ‘doing’ in spiritual practice — how can we balance the urge to meditate and strive for spiritual awakening with the recognition that there is nothing to do, and we are already that?
Mooji cuts right to the heart of the issue and directs us to the quintessential understanding:
“Nobody has ever found the balance. I take away that mischief from you. Only God is balance.”
Mooji points out that both the sense of doing and striving, and the one we take ourselves to be who is trying to attain something, are two sides of the same coin, and both are perceived on the screen of consciousness. Are we witnessing this play from the perspective of the person or from pure awareness?
29 June 2022
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7/30/2022 • 9 minutes, 49 seconds
Take 5 Minutes to Come to Total Rest
On one of his morning walks, Moojibaba meets a student who expresses she has been struggling with the busy-ness of daily life. In response Moojibaba shares this powerful exercise to stay with the sense of being.
“Give yourself the gift of 5 minutes in the morning, 5 minutes at lunch time and 5 minutes in the evening. Just sit for 5 minutes. Be aware of being. This basic ‘I-existence’ feeling and be conscious of it.
You will start to feel within these 5 minutes a slowing down of everything, and you come back to the space of being. That space of being is the most important thing in all of your life.”
4 May 2022
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7/3/2022 • 10 minutes, 4 seconds
Be at Peace Even with a Chaotic Mind
In this talk, Moojibaba brings us into the heart of his Satsangs in a fresh and powerful way. Mooji presents the quintessential understanding which we must sit with and contemplate until it combusts into spirit in our hearts.
“If your heart yearns for Truth, the grace of God is with you. If you are really understanding and really seeing, the way your life flows will change — it has to! It cannot be just a mental discovery.
Let go of everything. Don’t be anything. In my heart, I meet you as the Truth — the Truth you are. I converse with you on this basis.”
1 June 2022
More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express:
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6/12/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
"How Do I Stay as Awareness and Interact with the World?"
Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 25-29 May, 2022
Registration closes Monday, 23 May at 8:00am Lisbon time
In this insightful exchange, a student shares that he finds himself getting personally identified when interacting and speaking with others. He asks for Moojibaba’s guidance on how to remain as awareness in these moments.
“You must recognise that the one speaking is itself a movement inside the unchaining awareness. Awareness did not leave itself.
See that this is just a call to clarify your seeing: ‘Am I really what I am seeing?’
Whatever the scenario is, ask: ’Is this actually an authentic reading of my being?’”
27 March 2022
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5/21/2022 • 24 minutes, 39 seconds
A Holy Life – Glory to God
Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 25-29 May, 2022
Moojibaba has a wonderful conversation with one of his students who expresses and shares his understanding in a very practical and down to earth way. This interaction touches and inspires us to use his pointings with the same level of earnestness.
“The whole essence of the spiritual search is to go beyond the limitations of personhood.
To recognize that which is effortless within itself. And it is here! It is not one millimetre away from you.
When I can speak with you like this I am very happy to see how natural that recognition can be."
Online Weekend Retreat
20 January 2022
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5/8/2022 • 11 minutes, 45 seconds
The Supreme Lord Is Inside Your Heart — Happy Easter!
This Easter Monday, Moojibaba took a walk and recorded this uplifting message rejoicing in the presence of the Lord inside our very own Hearts.
"The Lord is in your Heart. Know this, be happy and take strength from that! Amen."
18 April 2022
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
4/18/2022 • 6 minutes, 14 seconds
An Invitation to Freedom ~ Monte Sahaja 2022
Moojibaba presents a powerful yet simple exercise — An Invitation to Freedom. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being.
The Invitation is the very heart and essence of Satsang with Mooji, having arisen spontaneously in Mooji after many years of guiding seekers of Truth. This guided seeing is supported by all of Moojibaba’s teachings, which help to clarify doubts and guide through any unexpected resistances that may arise. Those who are familiar with the Invitation are encouraged to listen as though you are hearing it for the first time.
“This is the Self. It is not perceived with the eyes or the senses. It is not imagined. It is not a belief, but a direct knowing. Inseparable. Indivisible. Without beginning or end.
I bless that grace will continue to shine within your heart, that in this life, we transcend the limitations of personhood and find that alone which is eternal and everlasting. Amen.”
2 April 2022
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
The full version of this Satsang is available on Sahaja Express here:
We also recommend the Invitation Toolkit, a selection of Satsang excerpts which address some of the questions, doubts, insights and experiences that may arise when following the powerful guidance offered in the Invitation.
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4/11/2022 • 23 minutes, 30 seconds
Practical Guidance: From Person to Presence
Upcoming event: Open Satsang with Mooji online on 26 & 27 February, 2022
Find out more here:
During this beautiful encounter, Moojibaba offers us an exercise to keep remembering our true place and to abide in our natural being.
“The more you honour and marinate your attention in the recognition that all things that manifest are perceivable, the more you see that that which perceives them is not trapped in the bubble of that scenario.
As you continue to focus, the sense of someone trying to become something increasingly dissolves in that recognition.
The background of the sense of one’s self shifts from being a personal self-image to the sense of presence, a quality of emptiness and spaciousness.”
28 March 2021
One Sangha Gathering
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2/21/2022 • 13 minutes, 27 seconds
Sangha Sharings ~ Gratitude for Moojibaba
Today we celebrate the birthday of our beloved master and teacher Moojibaba. With hearts of joy, we express our infinite love and gratitude for revealing in us that which is true and everlasting.
We are happy to share this video poem from Jonas, which was made in honour and appreciation for Moojibaba's presence and pointings. We were touched so deeply by this inspiring offering that we wanted to share it with the worldwide sangha on this auspicious day.
Video by Jonas Urvakis.
Music by Nirvan Murrell.
The soundtrack 'Dark Night' by Nirvan is part of his new EP 'Silent Sky' and can be found on his website.
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/29/2022 • 3 minutes
From Beginning-less Time, I Have Always Been Free ~ Guided Meditation in Honour of Thich Nhat Hanh
This guided meditation with Mooji is offered in honour and celebration of the life of the beloved and revered Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. It was shared as part of the A Call to Awakening online retreat with Mooji taking place from 19-23 January.
A most extraordinary spiritual teacher and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh touched and inspired millions of lives with his teachings and guidance. Known for his peaceful nature, tender compassion and bright wisdom, he is an immense force for peace and healing in the world. A true bodhisattva, he brings out the authentic radiance of Buddhism—we honour his presence and all that he imparted to the world.
Known as Thay to his followers, he began to transition at midnight, and passed away peacefully at 1.30am on January 22, 2022 at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, at the age of 95. Our love, prayers and blessings are with him and his Sangha at this profound time.
"This body is not me; I am not caught in this body, I am life without boundaries, I have never been born and I have never died. Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies all manifests from the basis of consciousness.
Since beginning-less time I have always been free. Birth and death are only a door through which we go in and out. Birth and death are only a game of hide-and-seek. So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye. Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before. We shall always be meeting again at the true source. Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life."
No Death, No Fear ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
1/22/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 55 seconds
Be the Calm in the Storm
Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 19-23 January, 2022
Moojibaba offers practical guidance on how to overcome what seems to be a common struggle for many. How is it possible to remain as our inner stillness, while being confronted with the busyness of daily life?
“Before you make one single effort, you know that you are. The basic intuitive way of knowing that you are, the feeling ‘I am’. Learn to stay with this.
Quickly you will develop some natural recognition and a sense of inner-spaciousness. The power of self-contemplation will somehow begin to pervade whatever movements are happening in your life."
Online Weekend Retreat
24 April 2021 | Evening Satsang
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1/10/2022 • 16 minutes, 11 seconds
Mooji on Forgiveness — Let It Go and Be Free
A gem of a Satsang unfolds when Moojibaba is asked for guidance on forgiveness. We are given a look at the mind’s insistence to keep treasuring its rooted concepts even when the false is exposed and the suffering has become unbearable.
“It is you who determines that you wish to forgive. You wish to forgive something because you don’t want to carry the burden of it. It doesn’t mean that it makes everything right. It just means ‘I make it right in my heart.’
Forgiveness is doing yourself a favour.”
17 November 2021
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
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12/13/2021 • 37 minutes, 25 seconds
I Am — Effortless Being
This beautiful and simple guidance is for everyone. Mooji points us to the affirmation 'I Am'—our pure presence before connecting to activity or intention. We are invited to simply rest in our own being.
“'I Am' is not a verb. It's a direct reference and affirmation of the Self, not the person. It is the beingness. That which is of God.
Take a little time to sit in this field of stillness, consciously.”
28 October 2021
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
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11/22/2021 • 7 minutes, 28 seconds
When Mind Storm Comes, Welcome and Transcend
This is a very important guidance for seekers of Truth to understand the storms of the mind and any attack of 'personal identity'.
"Please ponder on this over and over again! Look forward to your next mind attack. Say 'Mind, Please come! I am waiting for you.'
This is the goal of any authentic spiritual Self-realisation!"
12 October 2021
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
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11/8/2021 • 6 minutes, 43 seconds
Take One Minute to Discover the Timeless
In this talk Moojibaba shares the simple and fruitful exercise of paying attention to being-ness, and that even one minute of sitting with this is enough. This powerful explanation is not to be missed!
"You’re going to develop a longing in you to keep coming back here, and this is faithfulness. This is loyalty. This is the beginning of devotion. This is surrender. This is transcendence… to know the miracle of ‘to be.’"
The full version of this Satsang is available on Sahaja Express here:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/24/2021 • 18 minutes, 14 seconds
Free of Intention, True Life Unfolds
Free from intentions, desires, and obsessive planning, we are back in our natural state which is spontaneous and in harmony with all of life.
"Intention creates inner-tension.
Before you pick up something, what are you? Are you incomplete?
When you are aware of yourself beyond the functioning of the instrumental self, you are in your openness, you are in your God field."
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10/2/2021 • 9 minutes, 47 seconds
The Timeless Now
This Satsang is a direct transmission: Heart to Heart! No notebooks, no learning, no intellectual understanding needed. Just listen with an open heart...
"This day that I speak about is not a 24 hour day… it is a God day. Which is timeless.
With your mind you can only imagine time, we can only feel time. When I say timeless what do I mean? That which is aware of time and sees time as phenomenal."
8 September 2021
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
The full version of this Satsang is available on Sahaja Express here:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
9/17/2021 • 41 minutes, 35 seconds
Discover the Difference Between Your Self and Your Mind
This important guidance helps us to recognise the movements of mind and makes us aware that we are able to observe the mind’s activity. This observing brings us back into shapeless awareness.
“When you realise where you are and what mind is, then the mind returns to what I call 'natural mind,' and it is in service to the being-ness."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
2 September 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
9/6/2021 • 12 minutes, 3 seconds
I'm Giving You a Big Secret — Don't Fight the Mind
Mooji receives a question about how to deal with work-related stress and the feeling of getting lost in this.
“Don’t fight with the mind. Just pay attention to the space of Being. It seems radical, revolutionary even. Revolutionary simple! You stay as you are and you will see all the noise of the mind slowing down. It works every time!
Follow this simple advice and you will see that you become more established in the energy of the heart.”
Online Weekend Retreat
22 January 2021 | Evening Satsang
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The full version of this Satsang is available as part of the January Online Retreat package:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/14/2021 • 11 minutes, 10 seconds
Beyond the Clouds of the Mind — This Is the Highest Way I Can Be With You
This wonderful excerpt from the January Online Retreat is for those who want to come all the way home.
Through the simple 'Invitation to Freedom' guidance, Moojibaba brings us into the direct experience of our true Self.
“I ask you to be empty, empty, empty. When you are empty of all that you have learned, then I can ask you these types of questions. You are in the God zone and such peace is going to keep arising in you, such joy, unmerited, such aliveness. The Self can never leave you."
Online Weekend Retreat
23 January 2021 | Evening Satsang
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The full version of this Satsang is available as part of the January Online Retreat package:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/8/2021 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 20 seconds
Stand With the Sages
Will you go with your mind, or will you stand with the sages?
In this short and sweet animated video, Moojibaba invites us to stand in our true place—in the company of all the great masters of all time.
All our reverence and gratitude to our master and all the masters who have come before us.
Illustrated by Sky and Mukti Bird
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
29 April 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/30/2021 • 2 minutes, 50 seconds
What is the Purpose of Spiritual Practice?
A short reminder from Moojibaba concerning our spiritual practice.
“Practice is not a goal. Practice is the means to the goal. For seekers of truth, practice is the means to return to our original nature. The Self.
The practice should be cutting away the false, permanently. The truth you don’t need to get, because when the false is identified, what remains is the truth. In fact nothing relative can appear without the absoluteness of the truth.
Please remember that. Love you. God bless you.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
28 October 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/19/2021 • 3 minutes, 21 seconds
Stay As the Witness and Everything Becomes Smooth and Clear
In this talk we are guided through self-inquiry to see that whatever we perceive, remember, learn, think and experience are all sensations appearing in and witnessed by the consciousness we are.
“Sometimes I speak about the witness and people think it’s some mystical thing, but it just means that you are conscious. Consciousness is the witness. It is as simple as this.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
22 June 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/6/2021 • 12 minutes, 21 seconds
It's Okay
In this deeply touching talk, a student testifies that she is no longer following desires, and because of this her life is full and beautiful.
Mooji then refers to an ‘America's Got Talent’ video in which a young lady with cancer sings a song called ‘It’s Okay’, sharing that whatever happens in life, it’s okay.
“Most people wouldn’t look upon a situation like that as being a blessing. They would think 'oh wow, poor girl'.
But she has turned that into a blessing. ‘It’s okay to be okay.’ — I love that.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
17 June 2021
Here is the link to the song 'It's Okay' that Mooji is referring to.
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
6/23/2021 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds
What Is Our True Self? — Let’s Find Out
In this video, Moojibaba leads us on a powerful exploration into the true meaning of ‘I’ — from the earliest formation of our sense of identity to the dawning of our spiritual journey, triggered by these fundamental existential questions:
“What is this life and who are we in this life? — Where do we come from and where are we going?"
This guided inquiry leads us into a quintessential contemplation, to contemplate the pure and unassociated sense ‘I Am.’
“Is there a thing that gives you understanding about all things? — Understand what ‘I’ means. Those regarded as the sages, the Buddhas and the Christs, understood the power and truth of ‘I’.”
A film by Johannes Weingand
‘Bankei Yurt’ by Johannes Weingand
‘Nocturne’ by Vlad Leonidov
‘Frozen in Time’ by Peder B. Helland
The 'I Am' guidance in this film is available as a short excerpt here:
The Satsang video footage used in this film is from the Satsang excerpt "I Will Walk Alongside You, But the Discovery Is Your Own", which is part of the 'Best of Zmar 2019' collection:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
6/11/2021 • 12 minutes, 48 seconds
Simple Guidance for Anyone Struggling With the Mind
In this uplifting video compilation, a simple breathing exercise is presented that brings the attention from a cluttered mind to the silence of the heart. It is followed by direct and clear guidance on how to deal with doubts arising and a strong sense of personhood.
“As you breathe out, have the sense that all things in the mind plus identity are being taken out. When the air comes back in it comes back empty, it comes back in only as air and space.
Mind is growing because it has been fed by interest and identity, you believe what it says. The ‘I’-thought is direct fuel, it is the magnet thought that attracts other thoughts to it.
Just keep paying attention to that formless awareness in you and these things just vanish.”
Part 1: 2 April 2021, Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Part 2: 24 March 2021, One Sangha Gathering
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 15 May 2021
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The second part of this compilation is an excerpt from the full Satsang, “The Spirit of God Brought You Here, Don't Worry If Your Mind Doesn’t Understand” available on Sahaja Express here:
The full Satsang sessions from the One Sangha Gathering 2021 are available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/15/2021 • 25 minutes, 8 seconds
Seeing Without Eyes, Knowing Without Mind — Guided Meditation with Mooji
In this profound guided meditation, Moojibaba offers sublimely simple yet immensely powerful guidance for all seekers of Truth.
It transmits a sweet purity and deep silence, where the listener comes to effortlessly recognise their shapeless, history-less source and being. Accompanied by gentle, uplifting music.
“There is nothing to reach, nothing to create,
nothing to change, nothing to control—just this infinite expanse.
This is the root, the very ground of Being”
Music: ‘Frozen in Time’ by Peder B. Helland
Zmar Silent Retreat
9 October 2019 | Silent Sitting
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 9 May 2021
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This Meditation is an excerpt from the Audio Guided Meditation with Music that is available in our shop:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/9/2021 • 10 minutes, 46 seconds
Remember These Words — Don't Take Shape
In this exercise, Moojibaba guides the attention back to the essence of your Self, the very ground of being.
“Whatever it is that has been knocking from inside in your head, don’t pay any attention.
Don't take shape and trust that. You’ll see how freeing it is and at the same time how truly responsible, how efficient and harmonious.
Accept it and let it be released in you. This is your Self here and now!”
24 March 2021
One Sangha Gathering
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 2 May 2021
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This video is an excerpt from the full Satsang, “The Spirit of God Brought You Here, Don't Worry If Your Mind Doesn’t Understand” available on Sahaja Express here:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/2/2021 • 20 minutes, 45 seconds
Openness — The First Step in Spirituality
Walk with Moojibaba
In this precious exploration, Mooji speaks about how Truth has the ability to expand our consciousness. As we begin to experience the fruit of this looking, a wider world opens up giving us more joy and peace.
“Be willing to be open, so that you can find the space that is greater than your mind is presenting.
Spirituality is that experience that comes to open you up, to take your limiting walls away and to release you back into your space.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6 April 2021
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 25 April 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/25/2021 • 6 minutes, 36 seconds
The Bridge Between Maya and Freedom Is the Mind
In this interaction we zoom in on the subtle mind that acts as ‘the one awakening’, claiming to be aware of the coming troubles yet still stuck ‘on the bridge between freedom and Maya’.
“The mind is creating these scenarios, don’t purchase them. Mind can also play the game of awakening and yet the smell is not good because there is still a subtle ‘I’. It will disappear if you don’t grab it. You remember yourself and by remembering yourself you find a completeness. Are you with me or are you on the bridge?”
28 March 2021
One Sangha Gathering
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 18 April 2021
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This video is an excerpt from the full Satsang, “Amazingly, When It Seems There Is No Way, God Makes a Way For You” available on Sahaja Express here:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/18/2021 • 21 minutes, 37 seconds
“I Am” – This Is Going to Be an Amazing Beginning to Your Discovery
Mooji guides us beyond the restless mind and into our most essential and primal knowing, the intuition and sense ‘I am.’
“Without knowing and resting in your own awareness Self, you will not be satisfied. You must make this your first discovery, your first satisfaction.
When you feel the sense ‘I am’, it is already the announcing of consciousness, of the God presence within you. Stay with that.”
This talk is an excerpt from “I Am” – This Is Going to Be an Amazing Beginning to Your Discovery
21 January 2021 | Afternoon Satsang
Online Weekend Retreat
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 11 April 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/11/2021 • 22 minutes, 22 seconds
The Parable of the Sower and the Seed — As told by Mooji
Moojibaba shares one of his favourite stories from the bible, which is a teaching from Jesus. This animated video illustrates a deep truth about our own opportunity for transcendence. In the light of this story we are shown how to grow into mighty trees of wisdom.
"Over the years I saw the power of these parables when they land inside the heart stream.
Happy Easter, God Bless you, in Jesus name today."
Violin by Brahmdev Malewicz
Animation by Mukti Bird
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
11 April 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 4 April 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/4/2021 • 11 minutes, 2 seconds
This Is Your Escape Button from the Mind
Mooji shares this simple 'escape button' metaphor and guided inquiry to take us beyond mind identification and into our natural joy and freedom.
“Even here in Satsang, you must have an escape button. Where is your escape button from the mind? Stay as the formless witness!
When you escape you realise, this which you are here, was never trapped. Can you feel the power of it?
I’ve shown you a very simple way, but you must trust it and apply it.”
One Sangha Gathering
26 March 2021 | Satsang with Mooji
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 28 March 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
3/28/2021 • 23 minutes, 50 seconds
Today Meet Shiva Inside Your Own Self
In this special Shivaratri Satsang, Mooji meets online with the Indian Sangha. Through this powerful guidance, you are pointed home to the very heart of yourself as pure consciousness.
“I want to show you that which will never be lost, in which you are naturally happy, naturally yourself.
Everything is coming and going, but not this. This is the timeless, the eternal one. Today you meet Shiva inside your own self.
Om Namah Shivaya, God bless you.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
11 March 2021
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 21 March 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
3/21/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 39 seconds
You Are Life Itself
A beautiful guided meditation with Mooji into the space of pure being.
“Everything is in place for life to unfold in its natural way. Be aware of this. You are not apart from life, but life itself.
You are simply here - undivided, whole, complete, happy. Be confirmed in your completeness.”
Sahaja Retreat
18 September 2016 | Guided Meditation
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 14 March 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
3/14/2021 • 16 minutes, 18 seconds
"This Is Not True!" — A Simple and Profound Exercise
"This Is Not True!" — A Simple and Profound Exercise
Moojibaba gives a simple but powerful exercise which he calls ‘mind watching.’
He asks us to scrutinise our thought activity. When a thought is seen to not be true, actually say: “this is not true” and immediately cut the attention to it.
Like this we quickly come to recognise the vast and impersonal space of being.
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
27 February 2021
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 7 March 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
3/7/2021 • 6 minutes, 3 seconds
What Is the Best Way to Start the Day?
Walk with Moojibaba — What Is the Best Way to Start the Day?
During his morning walk, Mooji offers simple and practical guidance for how best to start the day grounded in presence.
“Just be aware of the sense of being, it is not personal.
Of all habits this is going to be the most fruitful, the most delivering. And this habit becomes integrated in your being.
The more you try this, the better it gets!”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
10 November 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 28 February 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
2/28/2021 • 5 minutes, 13 seconds
Moojibaba's Notebook Readings — Part 3
“Now that you are in the process of awakening, watch that you do not go back to sleep.”
Moojibaba reads from his handwritten notebook, offering profound and timeless pointers, which reveal our formless Self and point the way home to true liberation.
“Just simple sober seeing with an open heart and an earnest intention for truth, is already sufficient and will yield the true fruit of life. Recognise and be true to what is revealed inside your heart.
Timeless grace be upon you."
Online Weekend Retreat
27 September 2020 | Evening Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 21 February 2021
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “What I Share Is Not for Your Mind to Remember, But For Your Mind to Dissolve In” available as part of the September Retreat package:
More intimate, spontaneous talks are available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
2/21/2021 • 24 minutes, 4 seconds
Look, Discover and Be — This Is the Power of Satsang
Look, Discover and Be — This Is the Power of Satsang
This Satsang with Mooji is an immensely rich opportunity to look into the source of our true being and deepen into the very heart of this self-discovery.
“Give yourself this gift for a few moments, to leave everything aside. Be totally empty, empty, empty. Look how possible it is.
This is a direct, non-dual recognition of the Self you truly are. This is the very essence of what I call the invitation to freedom.
You are in the proof of yourself.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
7 February 2021
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 14 February 2021
The full version of this Satsang is available on Sahaja Express:
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
2/14/2021 • 43 minutes, 8 seconds
Your True Nature Is Happiness
Your True Nature Is Happiness
In this beautiful sharing, Mooji reminds us that it’s possible to be truly happy - and that this natural happiness, peace and timeless truth flows from inside your own heart.
“The real happiness is like the natural perfume of who you are, of your being-ness.
The more human beings become aware of their natural inner being and the flow of the life force, the more we will discover the natural happiness that is the natural perfume of all of life.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
10 July 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 7 February 2021
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
2/7/2021 • 5 minutes, 31 seconds
A Simple Yet Profound Exercise: 'I'-Watching
A Simple Yet Profound Exercise: 'I'-Watching
Mooji offers a simple yet significant exercise of watching our 'I'- sense. Through this sober looking, we come to a great expanse of being and discover the self-awareness that is natural in each of us.
“This is a simple pointer!
What I'm saying to you now, I hope you can recognise and prove into yourself. I'm going to show you a new exercise – it's called 'I' watching. Watch your 'I' - sense.
It is here that you begin to recognise that what is and what you are is one, and that you spontaneously know that what you are is imperishable.”
Rishikesh, India
28 February 2019
1/31/2021 • 11 minutes, 28 seconds
Start by Saying Thank You
Walk with Moojibaba
Mooji shows us how the simple act of saying ‘thank you’ allows us to lose the heavy baggage of the ego and come into a sense of harmony with life.
"Simply start by saying ‘thank you'.
Thank you that I’m able to hear words like this inside my heart and to feel a sense of their magnitude of what they point to as the spirit of truth and what I truly am in myself.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
8 October 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 24 January 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/24/2021 • 6 minutes, 24 seconds
Discover Your Natural Self and Overcome the Mind
During this powerful exchange, a participant asks Mooji, “I would very much like to know who I am.” Mooji invites us to leave everything aside and we are guided into a deeper understanding experientially of who we truly are.
“You are coming to recognise that you are what you have been seeking and now discovering.
The mind will still come, but you will overcome him. I’m with you.”
Online Weekend Retreat
25 September 2020 | Welcome and Retreat Opening
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 17 January 2021
This video is an excerpt from the talk, “Oh Mind, It Is Already Too Late for You” available as part of the September Retreat package:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/17/2021 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
See With the Eyes of Consciousness
Upcoming Online Weekend Retreat 22 - 24 January 2021
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During the September Online Retreat, Mooji shares this powerful illustration of the two birds. We are guided to look together with him, and see from our natural state of pure and formless consciousness.
“This is immediate sadhana. Meaning, as you’re looking from your place of stillness, you can verify now. You can see with the eyes of your own intuition and consciousness.
We are looking together, we are verifying together. But the experience is taking place in your being itself. This is the state of the awakened ones."
Online Weekend Retreat
26 September 2020 | Afternoon Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 10 January 2021
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “God Is Growing the Seed of Awakening in You” available as part of the September Retreat package:
More intimate, spontaneous talks are available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/10/2021 • 33 minutes, 42 seconds
Peace Begins With You
“Today, I don’t just want to talk about peace, I want to show you how to find peace.”
In this New Year’s message of peace, Mooji invites us into a simple discovering to experience the fullness of who we are — the true peace of God within our own heart.
“Today, this moment, you are discovering peace. The peace that is. The love and joy that is.
If we are seeking to live in a peaceful world, peace must begin inside our own heart.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
31 December 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 3 January 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/3/2021 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
An Invitation to the Greatest Discovery
Through this profound Invitation guidance, Mooji presents an auspicious opportunity into the greatest discovery - to confirm from your own being the timeless Truth within yourself.
“We each have to be tested. You are tested so that you can confirm the greatness and the glory of God in you.
Today, you are confirmed in the Truth. May your heart always remind itself of its sublime perfection.”
This Satsang ends with a beautiful offering of heartfelt music by Sebata.
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 20 December 2020
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An Invitation to Freedom is a profoundly clear and direct pointing leading to Self-realisation. For additional resources relating to this powerful guidance by Mooji, you can find the Invitation Toolkit here:
Music after Satsang: "Make Me the Light" by Sebata Manyofa & Prem, performed by Sebata Manyofa, Omkara, Gotama & Omraj
Watch more music from the heart of Satsang on the Mooji Mala Music Channel:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/20/2020 • 30 minutes, 23 seconds
Moojibaba's Notebook Readings — Part 2
“It’s a blessing that this arose in your heart.”
In this second part of Mooji’s handwritten notebook readings, he shares powerful contemplations about awakening, prayer, death and ways to overcome the ego.
"When the Self is realised it will be obvious that it was, it is and will always be - perfect, timeless, unchanging and imperishable.”
Online Weekend Retreat
27 September 2020 | Afternoon Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 13 December 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “Meeting You Is My Sign of the Love and Care of God for Me” available as part of the September Retreat package:
More intimate, spontaneous talks are available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/13/2020 • 13 minutes, 28 seconds
What Is This Life About?
Join Mooji on this morning walk, as he shares spontaneous wisdom and guidance, reflecting on important questions such as, ‘What are we here for and what is this life all about?’
“One time you will come to see, ‘I have lived with so many people, with so many things. Now I must find the one I cannot live without.’
This one is your own heart. He’s already calling you from within.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
1 December 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 6 December 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/6/2020 • 6 minutes, 38 seconds
Three Easy Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety
Mooji shares three easy and simple ways to overcome states of fear and anxiety. As you take a little time for yourself to follow this guidance, you will come back into your natural state of being.
“I have given you a few exercises; make these a part of your day. You can say, ‘These five minutes belong just to myself.’
Just be very present and you can begin to experience the natural vastness of being that is present here.
What I’ve shared with you today is enough, you can just follow this.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
19 August 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 29 November 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
11/29/2020 • 15 minutes, 37 seconds
Know Thyself — This Is the Highest Knowledge
“You have studied so many things in life, now I ask you to study yourself. When the ancient ones have said ‘know thyself’, what are they speaking about?”
A beautiful introspection on a morning walk, where Mooji reflects on what it truly means to study oneself and shares powerful guidance on self-inquiry; pointing us back to our natural place as pure awareness.
“These are questions that come with the quest for awakening to the real. All contemplations, if they are true and successful, come back to the Self.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
13 November 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 22 November 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
11/22/2020 • 18 minutes, 47 seconds
Having a Blah Day?
What’s the secret for how to overcome a ‘blah day’? Mooji shares this ever-fresh and simple guidance on how to meet these blah moments and to discover the wonderful possibility of just being.
“Sometimes life goes ‘blah’, in the mind. It’s nothing at all.
I want to introduce to you the total natural-ness of yourself. Stay clear, stay empty, remain true to yourself.
You will see that you are bearing witness to the magnificence of God.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
15 October 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 15 November 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
11/15/2020 • 7 minutes, 37 seconds
Moojibaba's Notebook Readings — Part 1
Mooji reads from his own handwritten notebook and shares with us profound pointers to liberation. Each guidance is a complete and stand-alone pointer, full of timeless wisdom. In receiving this simple advice, you come to discover the total joy and harmony of your natural state.
“In times of seeming trouble, keep the mind inside your heart.
When the face of the mind is washed away,
the face of God shines in you.
Pursue your own Self, not your personal self.
Pursue the Lord within your heart.”
Online Weekend Retreat
26 September 2020 | Evening Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 8 November 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, "How Many Lives Have I Wasted, But Now I Am Home" available as part of the September retreat package:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
11/8/2020 • 40 minutes, 30 seconds
The Power of Observing
Mooji takes us through the simplicity and power of learning to observe. The more we place importance on this conscious looking and stay in our silence, the less we enter the noise of the mind.
“We all need to learn to observe more than to go with our reactions. The power is in staying as the Self. This is natural for everybody, it is here in you right now.
You’re coming back into your immeasurable being.”
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 1 November 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/31/2020 • 12 minutes, 43 seconds
Morning Spiritual Exercise ~ How to Live as Presence
Moojibaba shares very simple and practical advice on how to begin the day grounded in presence.
"I am not saying these things for the mind to learn them but for the mind to dissolve in them. Stay with the presence, this is going to be the best ten minutes you are going to spend."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
19 October 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 25 October 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “Most Practical Advice — Start Your Day In a Blessing” available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/25/2020 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
The First Great Step of Awakening: From Person to Presence
Moojibaba reflects on the words of the great sage Ramana Maharshi, which leads to a powerful satsang that shifts our attention from personhood to the deeper state of presence.
“Once freed from the cage of personhood, you are coming to the place of ‘I Am’. The ‘I Am’ removes the ‘I-person’ identity and again abides naturally in the ‘I’. Now you are experiencing yourself more as being. This is the first great step of awakening — the shift from person to presence."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
1 October 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 18 October 2020
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More intimate, spontaneous talks are available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/18/2020 • 11 minutes, 16 seconds
There Will Never Be a Peaceful World Until You Are Peaceful
During the September Online Retreat, a woman brings forward a very current concern for many people, relating to panic and anxiety about the world today. Mooji addresses this in a universal and beautiful way, by guiding us to leave the affairs of the world to God and directing our attention inward back to its source.
“There will never be a peaceful world until you are peaceful.
Pay attention only to your Self. It is the most wise, the most universally loving thing you can do. You are going to see that as you discover this again, your feelings about the world will change.
You have to make your world beautiful by waking up to the Truth of your true Self.”
Online Weekend Retreat
25 September 2020 | Evening Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 11 October 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, "I'm in Love With the Self as the Self Itself" available as part of the September retreat package:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/11/2020 • 30 minutes, 43 seconds
Guided Exercise: Stay as the Sense 'I Am'
This recording is part of the 'Best of Zmar 2019' collection:
The team in Monte Sahaja reviewed the 30+ hours of Satsang from Zmar, and distilled them into five hours that represent the most powerful, instructive, enlightening moments within the retreat. This compilation allows us to fully receive and digest the essence of this powerful retreat.
In this retreat excerpt, Moojibaba gives a potent and distilled guidance into the recognition of the pure sense ‘I Am.’
“Remain conscious just of the sense ‘I Am,’ without connecting to anything else. This itself will be a marvellous exercise for you. Then I would like to ask you after, ‘What did you find?’
The more you are stabilising in this ‘I Am,’ you will see the wealth of this. You will feel the health of this. You will see the unending-ness of this. You will feel the joy and the love of this. You will feel the compassion and the wisdom of this. This you must find.”
6 October 2019 | Excerpt from Morning Satsang
Zmar Silent Retreat
9/27/2020 • 20 minutes, 6 seconds
Universal Love Makes 'You' Universal
This beautiful interaction takes place during the April Online Weekend Retreat, where Mooji addresses the topic of personal love, moving more into universal consciousness and the greater opportunity of awakening to your Self.
“Something is calling for a higher movement towards a greater love and a more all-encompassing wholeness in yourself.
Move into the higher and feel the love that fills and encompasses everything. The lesser choice promises what it can’t fulfil. The greater opportunity fulfils everything.”
Online Weekend Retreat
24 April 2020 | Evening Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 20 September 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “Universal Love Makes 'You' Universal” available as part of the April retreat package in the Mooji Sangha Shop:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
9/20/2020 • 14 minutes, 26 seconds
Bring Your Mind Inside Your Heart and the World Will Not Trouble You
Through wisdom and clarity, Mooji addresses a questioner’s universal concerns around fear and trusting in life and offers powerful contemplation.
“When we come to the recognition and acceptance of who we truly are, it is only then that you will be able to confirm and see that life takes care of life.
Bring your mind into your heart and the world will not trouble you. Please don’t let yourself miss this opportunity. This is the best thing I have to share with you today.”
Online Weekend Retreat
27 June 2020 | Afternoon Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 13 September 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “Bring Your Mind Inside Your Heart and the World Will Not Trouble You” available as part of the June retreat package in the Mooji Sangha Shop:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
9/13/2020 • 39 minutes, 22 seconds
Master Pointing — My Teachings in a Nutshell
A powerful and universal guidance into the heart of one’s true nature.
“If I had to put my teachings in a simple nutshell, it is just what I’m sharing now.
There’s nothing more to be taught actually. And arising out of the proof of this is the bliss of one’s true nature. The harmony that is the harmony of God, of the true Self. Amen.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
25 August 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 6 September 2020
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9/6/2020 • 8 minutes, 13 seconds
The Immensity of Being
This audio is an excerpt from the album “The Immensity of Being”, available in the Mooji Sangha Shop:
All proceeds support the sharing of Satsang.
In this short and powerful spontaneous guidance, Mooji reminds us we are awareness itself; that our sense of personhood with all its history, memories, desires and attachments is simply the illusory play of the mind. He encourages us to keep opening up, letting go, staying empty, light and free.
“The one who knows the Self is the Self
Whatever is the state of the body-mind,
The ever-perfect one is in the heart of you.
It is your truest truth, your only constant.”
~ Mooji
This and many other videos can be viewed on Mooji.TV:
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening #meditation #Moojibaba #SriMooji
9/2/2020 • 4 minutes, 43 seconds
The True Yoga of Life
This uplifting and inspiring short guidance is an excerpt from the Guided Meditation “You without ‘you’ — the Light of Consciousness.” Available in the Mooji Sangha Shop on the album “The True Yoga of Life”:
All proceeds support the sharing of Satsang.
In this guided meditation, Mooji encourages us not to be entangled in small, personal troubles that are exaggerated in our own consciousness. He reminds us that we are the light of consciousness that never goes out, and guides us to begin to appreciate our Self—the eternal One—thereby breaking the spell of separation.
“Our nature is freedom.Our perfume is peace, joy, wisdom, silence and love. We cannot even study or develop these, you’re only discovering that all this is ever present in you, masked momentarily by the fascination with personhood.”
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening #meditation #Moojibaba #SriMooji
9/2/2020 • 4 minutes, 54 seconds
Mooji, I Only Want to Know Who I Am
During this powerful exchange, Mooji receives a request from someone who desires simply to discover his true self. The profound opportunity of this must-see Satsang, is the complete recognition of the timeless truth and with this - lasting happiness and true peace.
“Just keep recognizing this and it will get deeper and deeper. What you have found now, keep being there. Everything in your life will begin to move in this real harmony.
Always I am longing to meet somebody like you.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
22 August 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 30 August 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, "Personal Growth or Universal Awakening, You Choose" available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/30/2020 • 23 minutes, 20 seconds
What Is Here Before the Beginning?
"What is the outcome of such a discovery? We are here to work this out today.”
By receiving and reflecting upon these introspections in a meaningful way, one comes to a point of authentic and clear seeing.
"This is the beauty of your Satsang. Only see - not create, not imagine. If the guidance is authentic, then the seeing must be un-missable."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
16 August 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 23 August 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, "Taste and See the lord Is Good" available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/23/2020 • 34 minutes, 2 seconds
If the Kingdom of God Is Within You, Then Who Are You?
As Mooji shares about the freedom of non-doing and reflects on some stories from the Bible, these rich and simple contemplations emerge. The emphasis is to become free of concepts and to confirm the place of total peace, joy and natural completeness.
“Greater than all the kingdoms of the world is inside us. If the Kingdom of God is within you, who are you?
It’s like putting a mirror in front — God’s mirror. This mirror is Satsang actually.
All this Satsang has been preparing you just to accept yourself.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
8 August 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 16 August 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/16/2020 • 27 minutes, 11 seconds
Live a Life in Love, Truth and Liberation
“I would love you to see yourself as I see you. I encourage and invite you to the same level of living true to yourself.”
In this truly inspiring Satsang, Mooji shares the very heart of the pointings and the importance of living and imbibing this Truth.
“The opportunity is here to wake up! And wake up means to really see without prejudice, to see without distortion, to live in love and truth, with respect and appreciation for each other and this planet, God and the Self.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
22 June 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 9 August 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/9/2020 • 12 minutes, 44 seconds
This Is Exactly What the Buddha Discovered
During the June 2020 Online Weekend Retreat, Mooji has a clear and universal exchange about the purpose of life, selfless service and the idea of doership. Mooji also offers powerful guidance inviting us to leave everything aside, bringing our attention back to the direct recognition of our natural stillness and true being.
“Your realisation is what’s important — that you wake up to the Truth of who you are. That is your work. That is your purpose and your opportunity, above all things.
Exactly this is what the Buddha discovered. I only try to show you where you are totally at rest, totally at peace, totally happy, totally fulfilled and it is not a personal accomplishment. This is your imperishable life.”
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 2 August 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, “This Is Exactly What the Buddha Discovered” available as part of the June retreat package in the Mooji Sangha Shop:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
8/2/2020 • 48 minutes, 24 seconds
The Power of Clear Seeing ~ Mooji on Self Inquiry
This recording is a compilation of two talks in which Mooji addresses the topics of ‘mind attacks’ and ‘cling-on thoughts.’
With humour and simplicity, Mooji walks us through the immediacy and power of self-inquiry as a tool to bring us to clear seeing. As we follow this guidance, we discover that delusions cannot survive and we come to verify our true position as the unchanging essence.
“You are unrelenting in your looking, don’t give up! That is how you are going to face these mind attacks. When you identify as the ‘what is,’ as the witness of them, they can’t sustain their power in the light of such looking.
Just your in-turned attention is already burning this delusion out of your system. That is the power of the inquiry, functioning on your behalf.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
14 July 2020
This is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 26 July 2020
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“Mind Attacks” is an excerpt from the talk, “Beyond Bound, Beyond Free — The Natural State” available on Sahaja Express:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/26/2020 • 34 minutes, 14 seconds
No Experience Can Limit You
“When you begin to recognise that formless awarenesses is your only true reference, then you don’t get captured into a personal state.”
During this morning walk, Mooji shows us in a simple way how to overcome challenging states of mind and clarifies that our current state is not a true reading for who we really are.
“When it comes to the point where you see that all states of mind are temporary, they come and go in that which really is, then the grip of delusion is over for you. It’s the most powerful pointer when grasped.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
14 July 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 19 July 2020
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A longer version of this talk is available on Sahaja Express:
"From Moonlight to Sunlight, Consciousness Remains Unchanging"
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/19/2020 • 11 minutes, 8 seconds
Listen! You Are Not What You Think You Are
“If you were not, the world would not be.”
This short excerpt takes us straight into the heart of Mooji’s pointings and Satsang. From engagement with the idea of our personal self, the mind and the senses, we’re shown the place of observing, which remains untouched and perfect.
“The most important thing is to know who you are.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
14 June 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 28 June 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/12/2020 • 8 minutes, 51 seconds
Discover Your True Self ~ POWERFUL guidance from Mooji
In this simple and powerful introspection, Moojibaba guides us into the clear recognition of our own timeless being.
“Whatever is perceivable, you are already here. You don’t have to work for peace or love, spontaneously they will manifest. All that is beautiful and pure of consciousness is already within you.
Be grateful to the recognition of your own silence, your own self. It is the Lord of the universe, manifesting in each heart.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
18 August 2019
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 12 July 2020
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This video is an excerpt from the talk, "You Have Smelled the Perfume, Now Find the Source"
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7/12/2020 • 18 minutes, 34 seconds
The Cure From Suffering
A talk to cure us from the sickness of ego!
"The whole world is suffering from becoming personal, it takes a little while to get out of it, but it can be done!
The cause of suffering is ego, and the cure for suffering is the exposing that you’re not the ego.
To be free of the ‘I,’ that is the greatest attainment in the human kingdom. To be free of the belief, ‘I am this body, I am this person.'"
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
15 June 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 28 June 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
7/8/2020 • 19 minutes, 5 seconds
Can Happiness Come From the Ego?
During the April 2020 Online Weekend Retreat, Mooji has a very clear and illuminating exchange about the true nature of happiness, and how the mind can promise future happiness as a distraction from the happiness that is natural to our being.
"Happiness is now. Happiness, in the truth, is always just happy — it's not happy "about," it's just happiness. And happiness and my Self feel like one.
I am not going to postpone my present happiness to follow an idea of happiness, promised. The search or the promise of happiness can itself mask or eclipse our natural happiness!"
This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, "By the Power of Your Faith, It Is Done"
Online Weekend Retreat
26 April 2020 | Evening Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 21 June 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
6/21/2020 • 14 minutes, 18 seconds
My Nature Is Freedom, There Is No Delusion for Me
This powerful excerpt from the 2019 Lisbon Intensive presents an opportunity to come to an effortless place of peace, our natural state.
"Follow, listen and observe and you will find that you are in a field which is not physically so tangible, yet is irrefutable in your heart. You know it exists. It is not a form and because it is not a form, all forms are perceivable in their true light."
This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, "My Nature Is Freedom, There Is No Delusion for Me"
Lisbon Intensive
15 June 2019 | Afternoon Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 6 June 2020
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Music after Satsang: "Grace" by Prem
Watch on Mooji Mala Music YouTube Channel:
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
6/7/2020 • 29 minutes, 20 seconds
Freedom at the Eleventh Hour
In this must-listen freedom Satsang, Moojibaba brings our attention from the mind state into the direct experience of our true being.
“Becoming yourself is the best deal in the world. Simply see and transcend the tendencies which keep us time bound, shape bound, when you can remain shapeless and unbound.
If Satsang is a success for you, the emphasis should not be that you learn something, but more that it brought you back to your emptiness. This is really the purest, groundless ground, from which I can really relate authentically with who I know you to be.”
27 May 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 31 May 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/31/2020 • 51 minutes, 42 seconds
Winners Are They Who Walk Through the Storms of the Mind ~ Part 2
In this rich and honest sharing, Moojibaba offers clarification to a variety of questions from the sangha. This direct exploration into the nature of the Self reveals our nature beyond suffering.
Moojibaba offers guidance and encouragement, "Just hold onto your nothingness. I call that self-attention. Let everything happen. Every happening feels like a mere blip in the immensity of the non-happening."
17 May 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 24 May 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/24/2020 • 53 minutes, 26 seconds
Winners Are They Who Walk Through the Storms of the Mind ~ Part 1
Upon meeting the UK Sangha online, a truthful and universal conversation unfolds, sparked by sharings from those who have spent time in Monte Sahaja.
"Here consciousness is conversing with consciousness about its own Self and source."
Moojibaba directs us to look and see, "That beyond the field of the changeful, which includes the ego personality, is the unchanging Awareness Self."
17 May 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 24 May 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/24/2020 • 49 minutes, 13 seconds
A Morning with Moojibaba in the Forest
Join Moojibaba as he takes a beautiful walk through a nearby forest, offering spontaneous guidance and wisdom along the way.
In this talk, we are reminded that, "Fundamentally, even in the greatest ignorance, the same unpolluted truth is here as the substratum. If life is worth anything, at the highest level, it is to awaken to this truth and live as the truth you are. This is Satsang."
28 April 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 17 May 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/17/2020 • 48 minutes, 48 seconds
Living Without Ego
Moojibaba addresses what happens when one becomes decreasingly attached to the world and talks about the inner experience of those who begin to transcend the pull of the mind.
“The more you grasp of your true nature, the more you are living constantly in a field of peace and a calm mind. In the inner realization of the Truth, you are discovering something tremendous.
The peace that I speak about is coming from the Truth within you.”
23 April 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
This and many other videos can be viewed on Mooji.TV: and
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/14/2020 • 7 minutes, 38 seconds
You Are Sahaja Itself — The Natural State
When a close sangha member shares a heartfelt testimony, Moojibaba calls this the true way of conversing: “This is Satsang, in fact.”
In this authentic conversation Moojibaba reflects on what a sage truly is and how - through Him - you can find out who you are. He also reflects on the power of meeting his own master and what the ashram of Monte Sahaja means to him.
“Sahaja became our physical home but we were the ashram inside ourselves first. It became a place for me that I regard as a holy place, but WE are still the ashram. We are still Sahaja, because Sahaja means the natural state. So the land of Sahaja is only the body of the formless Sahaja, which is ourselves.”
1 May 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 10 May 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/10/2020 • 28 minutes, 25 seconds
Your Awakening Is Your Gift to the World
"How can I purge this stubborn fear of death?"
This fear of losing loved ones is seemingly standing in the way of freedom.
A very beautiful and rich excerpt in which a questioner comes to rest in the understanding of her ever-perfect nature. She expresses great gratitude for the guidance shared. Moojibaba shares many beautiful analogies and powerful pointings which invite us into experiential recognition.
"I don't see anything standing in the way of your freedom. By honouring yourself, you are the gift. Discover the gem of your own self, a hidden beauty.
This is your uncreated self, and it is always stable, always peaceful, always true, always loving, it is always open and it is imperishable. Beautiful — beauty full."
This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, "Your Awakening Is Your Gift to the World"
Online Weekend Retreat
26 April 2020 | Afternoon Satsang
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 3 May 2020
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#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
5/3/2020 • 30 minutes, 14 seconds
How to Overcome Mind Attacks
In this beautiful and profound talk Moojibaba encounters a student on one of his morning walks. Together they reflect on how mind attacks can be used to discover our own true Self.
“Mind attacks are great opportunities to check in:
Who or what is the mind attacking?
The mind can only attack the idea you have of yourself—
your person, your ego or self image.
It cannot attack the pure consciousness.
Consciousness is not disturbed.
It is like space.
Your Self is That.”
15 April 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
This and many other videos can be viewed on Mooji.TV: and
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/29/2020 • 10 minutes, 16 seconds
A Conversation With No One
A student proposes that being aware does not mean that she is awareness. She asks further if there is a deeper seeing that places her even before awareness. A deeply revealing talk ensues, in which Mooji clarifies many terms which we encounter in Satsang, as he points us to the reality of ourselves.
“That was a very important talk. I know that there are many of you who are able to be present with it. If you follow from that place of where I’ve been pointing you to, then you will be delighting in confirming, ‘Ah, it is like this!’”
This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, "The Silence Is Silencing Me"
Online Weekend Retreat
24 April 2020 | Retreat Opening and Welcome
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 26 April 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/27/2020 • 23 minutes, 5 seconds
Life Beyond Mind
On this morning walk, Moojibaba introduces us to the real opportunity of a human life—to discover our very own nature beyond ego.
“The only fact that is unchanging in us is that we are pure consciousness or pure awareness. All the interrelated opposites that we perceive through the mind, through our feelings, are observed as appearing within us, they come and go.
What is witnessing the coming and going?
And if you are drawn to such introspection, then you’ll find that a wonderful force begins to open up to take you deeper.”
15 April 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here:
This and many other videos can be viewed on Mooji.TV: and
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/22/2020 • 7 minutes, 18 seconds
A Teaching From Jesus ~ Easter Message from Moojibaba
Moojibaba shares some of his favourite stories from the Bible and reflects on the power of these parables when they land inside the heart.
“God is truth and love. There is only one God, not two. Only one reality. Different names, but the same one power.
What better way to be at home, than to be reminded of the truth of our inmost being.
Happy Easter today. God bless you. In Jesus name today, thank you, thank you.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
11 April 2020
4/19/2020 • 22 minutes, 6 seconds
We Are Being Offered a Higher Path
In this inspiring and uplifting short video, Moojibaba offers us great encouragement during the coronavirus pandemic.
He shares that this challenging time is a powerful opportunity for humanity to come together, to put aside our superficial differences and use this time to begin to change and to wake up to our true nature.
"Within you, there is a place of real stillness and peace, a depth and a beauty. God bless you that this coronavirus will do its work but come to an end and we will continue to grow as human beings and indeed maybe even come to create a very wonderful world.”
These words are from the video, “Remaining True in a Time of Crisis,” which you can watch here:
4/19/2020 • 5 minutes, 28 seconds
Fear, Pain and Awakening — Mooji Answers #7 During Coronavirus
"We are going through one of these challenging times now, it will pass, but at the same time, while it is here, make the best use of it. We are forced to stay at home, and I want you to choose to discover your inner home. The home of being and your true nature."
In this 7th letter session, Moojibaba addresses some of the topics that many of us may face while being in a lockdown: anxiety, panic, fear, pain, and being separated from loved ones. Although many challenges can come up during this time, Moojibaba also points out that hardships have a lot of spiritual vitamins, and are one of the greatest tools to wake up to what is real.
"When there's no way, consciousness, the Lord supreme, will find a way for you. Especially those of you who trust and hold to the truth, it will show you the way. So all is not lost and there’s much to gain.
Your challenges come from love to set you free."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
8 April 2020
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 19 April 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
4/19/2020 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 54 seconds
Know Your True Self
“I want to encourage you by telling you: this is one of the most powerful things you can discover.”
In this short and potent guidance, Moojibaba simply invites us to sit down and be present for 10 minutes. By following this guidance you come to rest in a deeper sense of yourself, which has tremendous benefits.
“My heart just wants to encourage you, to remind you that your existence is a wonderful existence. Your spirit is pure and eternal. But I want you not just to hear me but to know that and experience this.”
This is an excerpt from the talk, “Remember — Your Spirit Is Pure and Eternal”
You can watch it here:
More videos from Mooji are available on Mooji.TV: and
4/10/2020 • 6 minutes, 41 seconds
A Simple, Powerful Prayer in Challenging Times
In this beautiful talk, Moojibaba addresses the concerns and fears that many are facing in the midst of the current global crisis. Mooji shows us a powerful exercise and prayer which is a tremendous support during such trying times — a ‘thank you’ prayer.
“I’m going to show you right now a very simple practise to help you to feel calm and integrated again. Of all the mantras, of all the wonderful things you can think about, or say, or feel, saying, ‘Thank you’ is one of the most effective and great mantras or prayers you can make.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
28 March 2020
More videos and Satsang resources in the light of the current crisis can be found on this page:
4/1/2020 • 11 minutes, 45 seconds
Remaining True in a Time of Crisis
In this touching talk, Mooji addresses the growing concerns we face as a human race in the light of the coronavirus pandemic. He offers great encouragement on the topic of fear, and shares guidance on how to stay true and wake up in this time of crisis.
“I see that this time, challenging as it is,
is also offering us a new path; a path of Grace.
Life is offering us an opportunity to go within.
The love of God serves every living being.
So Grace is here to guide us through difficult times.
I pray from my heart that each one will grow inwardly.
That we come to a higher level of life in the true sense.
That we see with more a unitive sense that we are one family,
living together with greater love and understanding.
Bless you, bless you, each and every one.”
~ Mooji
3/27/2020 • 18 minutes, 8 seconds
Begin Discovering Your True Self Today
Moojibaba invites us to use this time when many around the world are in self-quarantine for the highest aim: to discover the peace and harmony of our true nature.
"Amongst all the activities that we do, we rarely give enough time to sit quietly by ourselves. I would like to introduce to you not just to sit alone, but to guide you into your inner Being.
What you truly are is not merely what we think we are, not merely what we have been brought up to believe we are. Actually, surprisingly, beautifully, we discover a level of peace and natural well-being-ness, joy, and silence. And right here in the depth of our Self, a great calmness you will discover.
This, that we are going to discover today, you will see that it is always here. That is the most wonderful thing about this."
23 March 2020
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
3/27/2020 • 42 minutes, 8 seconds
Sit Inside Your Own Radiance ~ Silent Sitting with Mooji
In this afternoon’s silent sitting with Moojibaba during the Rishikesh satsang season, we are given the opportunity to sit together in silence with the Master, and to be present and open.
“Each time it is completely new, but it is likely that at some intervals you might hear my voice. I won’t be speaking to your mind, so the best way to listen is just to be in a neutral, open space. Understanding will take place, a pointing will come to remind you. It is only in some way a synopsis and the quintessence of the pointings I have been making over these days.
Never mind the mind; there is nothing to fix or to change. You are already the Self — for a long time dreaming you are separate from the Self. Now you rest inside your own splendour. Sit inside your own radiance.”
Rishikesh, India
23 February 2020
These talks are available in video and as downloadables on
3/24/2020 • 51 minutes, 34 seconds
This powerful and intimate guided silent sitting was recorded for us while Moojibaba is in self-quarantine, inviting us all to sit with him in the room of Being.
“I’m only guiding you, your attention, back to your natural state of stillness. A peaceful life is priceless, a peaceful mind is priceless. Here peace and contentment go together.
Effortlessly at rest, no striving to be somewhere else or to be in any other state, and notice that your entire being is enjoying this rest. The more that you allow this sort of shutting down, the more you will love it. Your life, responding to this, becomes very harmonious, very silent, very happy.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
19 March 2020
3/22/2020 • 22 minutes, 43 seconds
This Is Seeing — The Dissolution of Delusions
This exchange between Mooji and a questioner shows the beautiful and immediate invitation of Satsang — to cast off delusions and come back to our original freedom.
“Both the voice that’s saying, ‘You’re not ready,’ and the one that’s believing, ‘I’m not ready,’ are both perceivable from a deeper consciousness in you. You can see them, it’s just that you’ve not been cultured to look like that. Nobody has invited you to look. You don’t have the sense yet that you exist beyond this person you presently take yourself to be.
You are the formless inside the form, but this has to become your experience arising out of the authority of your own direct seeing — today.”
Rishikesh, India
26 February 2020
These talks are available in video format and as downloadables on
3/18/2020 • 48 minutes, 55 seconds
"How Can I Stay As Is-ness In Daily Life?"
Moojibaba answers a common question among spiritual seekers — how to stay as the is-ness, that unmoving witnessing space, in the midst of daily responsibilities, work and interactions?
Moojibaba’s guidance clarifies the relationship between the awareness-self and dynamic life with its joys and challenges. We are not required to give up our lives, but we should not get lost in them either.
“Your wisdom will be there always. You’ll find that you are active and you are non-active. But give some space to this contemplation, sit with this, be confirmed in it. In the heart of the time is the timeless. Be in the place of the timeless, and time will be your friend.”
Rishikesh, India
1 March 2020
3/18/2020 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds
Mooji On Grief, Loss, and Relationships
Mooji reads a letter from someone who has recently lost their partner, and is experiencing feelings of grief and a wish to just escape from this feeling. Moojibaba’s response is beautifully universal and touches on grief, loss, as well as relationships and attachments in general. We are shown how to make use of these difficult feelings and pain for our awakening.
“The pain has a role to play. It will clean something, refresh something, awaken something. Many people, their true spiritual life blossomed out of tragedy and pain.”
Rishikesh, India
1 March 2020
3/18/2020 • 11 minutes, 18 seconds
The Storm of the Mind Will Come, But I Stand With You
Before leaving Rishikesh, Moojibaba shares these important parting words and blessings with the Sangha.
“Without doubt, it has been one of the most profound seasons of Satsang in Rishikesh. The storm of personhood will come, and I want to encourage you that the highest forces in the universe are with you. What is true is already with you, I can only help you, by the power of God, to be free of the untrue.
If you don’t get pulled into the shape of a person, you will rise again even higher. The storm of the mind will come, but it will also go. You remember that which doesn’t come or doesn’t go. You be found there. I stand with you.”
Rishikesh, India
12 March 2020
The daily Satsangs from Rishikesh, as well as many powerful excerpts, are available to watch on
Many of the spontaneous Satsangs from the India season have been and continue to be added to Sahaja Express:
3/15/2020 • 23 minutes, 48 seconds
This Exercise Exorcises Fear
A questioner writes in from Hong Kong to say that with the recent virus outbreak, she has been experiencing fears around death and asks for Mooji’s help in overcoming these feelings.
Moojibaba guides us: “Begin to observe not just the fear, but the one who is afraid. We must do this, until you see it is actually possible and becomes easy and natural.”
Rishikesh, India
1 March 2020
3/10/2020 • 7 minutes, 49 seconds
Mooji Answers — The Master Key to All Problems
In this must see Satsang, Moojibaba takes the opportunity to read a selection of letters that have come in from online viewers during the Rishikesh 2020 Satsang season. A variety of topics are addressed, from grief to chronic pain, struggling with the Invitation, the importance of sangha, transcending fear, and many others. Moojibaba's responses are direct and rich with insight. Very highly recommended!
Rishikesh, India
1 March 2020
The recordings and downloadables of these talks are available on Mooji.TV:
3/10/2020 • 3 hours, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
Satsang: Adventures in the Non-Happening
One day to the end of the 2020 Rishikesh season of Open Satsangs, this Satsang starts with a questioner's testimonial admitting to the simplicity of Moojibaba’s pointings to Self-recognition, and asking for help in stabilising in this understanding when the mind brings up doubt.
Many other topics are discussed in this Satsang as Moojibaba offers guidance about couples being in the search for for Truth together, facing mind storms after profound insights, and prayer.
The beautiful uplifting song by the Sangha at the end is followed by a powerful testimonial of Self-recognition by a seeker.
Rishikesh, India
7 March 2020
The recordings and downloadables of these talks are available on Mooji.TV:
Live music after Satsang: "Don't Take Shape" by Mukti, Rishi, Prem, Brahmdev & Omraj (not available on an album yet)
3/10/2020 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 24 seconds
"I Am" — The Purest and Simplest of Meditations
“Is there something you can know that gives you understanding of all things? Yes, there is. Wise it would be to find what this thing is.”
This powerful exercise from Mooji takes us into the heart of “I Am” — pure, unassociated being.
29 February 2020
Rishikesh, India
This excerpt is available as a video on Mooji.TV:
This is an excerpt from the Satsang, You Say, "I'm Ready" — I Say, "You Are Already"
Available on Mooji.TV:
3/4/2020 • 19 minutes, 18 seconds
Love Is Your Nature — You Don't Have to Learn to Love
In this spontaneous Satsang, Mooji speaks about the importance of moving in trust, transcending the idea of ‘doership,’ and the spontaneous unveiling of positive qualities in the mind and heart of the one who is awake.
“Love is your nature. You don't have to learn to love. Love is just set free from ignorance.
You don't have to learn to love,
you don't have to learn to be peaceful,
you don't have to learn to be natural,
you don't have to learn to be eternal.
You don't have to learn to be happy.
You don't have to learn to be free.
It's all there, just covered over a little bit—apparently—while we're in the state of duality, in the state of personhood.”
24 January 2020
Tiruvannamalai, India
More Satsangs from Tiruvannamalai:
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 9 February 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
2/9/2020 • 53 minutes, 48 seconds
An Invitation to Freedom ~ Tiruvannamalai 2020
Moojibaba presents a powerful yet simple exercise — An Invitation to Freedom. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being.
For more related to 'An Invitation to Freedom,' please visit
The Invitation is the very heart and essence of Satsangs with Mooji, having arisen spontaneously in Mooji after many years of guiding seekers of Truth. This guided seeing is supported by all of Moojibaba’s teachings, which help to clarify doubts and guide through any unexpected resistances that may arise. As such, it is intended to be followed in the broader context of Satsang with Moojibaba.
Moojibaba encourages us to experience this Invitation again and again, as the mind and attention marinate and become grounded in their natural source. This is the power and grace of Satsang, to merge the ego-mind in the universal Being which is our true home.
May all who are seeking freedom in the heart come fully home to themselves through this guidance.
This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, “The Invitation — The One Who Follows Will Find”
Available on Mooji.TV:
Recorded on 26 January 2020 in Tiruvannamalai, India
2/5/2020 • 26 minutes, 39 seconds
I Am Nothing — That Is My Highest Joy
This spontaneous Satsang from Tiruvannamalai is rich with insights. Moojibaba answers a variety of questions and reminds us in many ways of the beauty and power of our natural, formless state.
“To transcend the worldly level, you must come to that state where you can bear your own shapelessness. You may take shapes, but momentarily, so you are making shapes inside your shapelessness. You are touching the finite inside your infinite-ness. And what joy! You are so happy that this understanding has come to you.
I am nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! That is my highest joy.”
26 January 2020
Tiruvannamalai, India
More Satsangs from Tiruvannamalai:
This talk is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 2 February 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
2/2/2020 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 51 seconds
Enough Seeking, Now Find — This is My "Whoosh" Satsang!
Tiruvannamalai, India
24 January, 2020
On day three of the Tiruvannamalai Satsangs, Mooji doesn’t hesitate to challenge our misconceptions. “To stay in the Awareness is an idea arising in Awareness. You already are.”
He unrelentingly encourages each questioner and all of us to pay attention to Now! This idea you have of yourself does not exist! This simple statement leaves us in the pure joy of not needing to be anyone.
You are already what you are searching for. “Enough seeking, now find!"
Music after Satsang: “Om Namah Shivaya“ (traditional) from the album Shunyam by Radha Raychaudhuri (not yet released)
This talk is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 26 January 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/26/2020 • 1 hour, 53 minutes
Your Wisdom, Love and Clarity Are the Greatest Gifts You Can Give to This World
Moojibaba guides a seeker of Truth to explore what his deepest wish is.
Would it be to have a purpose in life, or to find inner peace and freedom? From here stems a very rich and profound guidance on recognising one's absolute awareness state (Nirguna Brahman). It is by this recognition that one comes to experience life in its harmony, to care for it, but without attachment.
"Your happiness, clarity, wisdom, and love is the greatest gift you can give to this world.”
Recorded on 31 December 2019
Music: "Shivoham" (traditional), performed by Radha Raychaudhuri, available on the album "Rise Up - To the Most High Awakening Vol.2" by Mooji Mala ( More music from Radha Raychaudhuri available on
More music & lyrics from Mooji Mala available on
This talk is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 19 January 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/19/2020 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 34 seconds
"Can You Help Me Turn Off My Mind?"
“In my way of working, I help people to realise the highest thing first.”
A woman speaks to Moojibaba about the search for happiness in a driven modern-day society. Moojibaba not only widens her question to embrace the truth of existence, but also guides her to an experiential understanding of the ever-available peace that she is searching for.
“Perhaps for the first time consciously, you are back with yourself. That’s what existence really means. Every human being, at some point, is searching consciously or unconsciously for this. Because until you really come to this discovery, you’ll never fully be happy. All spiritual practice is to eventually come here.”
Note on terminology: Saguna (brahman) refers to the evolving nature of consciousness, Nirguna (brahman) is the pure, absolute consciousness — original mind.
Music: "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" by Krishnabai, Omkara & Tara Souček, available on the album Rise Up - to the Most High Awakening CD 1
1/15/2020 • 56 minutes, 25 seconds
The Golden Buddha
A special must see satsang! In this powerful exchange between Moojibaba and the Bangalore sangha, Moojibaba guides the whole room into a place of clarity with the invitation, and answers many universal questions. He uses a wonderful metaphor about a pure golden buddha, disguised in paint, to illustrate our true nature.
“We are 100 percent pure, painted with ego. It’s always been there but not seen.
To sit and bring the focus to rest on your own Being is the highest bliss.”
5 January 2020
Bangalore, India
Music after Satsang: “Tuja Saguna Mhano ki Nirguna Re" by Sant Dhyaneshwar Maharaj, sung by Radha Raychaudhuri and Athmika Menon. More music from Radha available from Mooji Mala:
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 12 January 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/12/2020 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 19 seconds
The Highest Point of Recognition
In this profound encounter with Moojibaba, we listen to a flow of contemplations of truth as they unfold from moment to moment.
“These things are not meant for us to go and say, ‘OK, go and figure it out’. They are an instant transmission of something. It’s like throwing salt on ice, immediately it’s dissolved.
When will it come that we can say, ‘Why do you speak about these things, knowing that they are just the junk food of the mind?’ What is the impetus for evolving beyond anything? When you can contemplate the contemplator, what will be the result?
This is the subtlety of that contemplation which must combust into the destruction of ignorance.”
Music: "Grace" by Bholenath, performed by Bholenath (vocals and harmonium) and Lluis Martinez Ten (cello), available on the album 'Rise Up - To the Most High Awakening Vol.1’ by Mooji Mala,
All Podcasts from Mooji available on Soundcloud and most other podcast services under the title, ‘Satsang with Mooji’
1/7/2020 • 36 minutes, 55 seconds
I Am Nothing, Appearing to Be Something, and Now Enjoying Both
This very potent and deep Satsang is triggered by a questioner who raises the doubt that she still feels like a person experiencing a sense of vastness, rather than the vastness itself. Moojibaba's guidance invites us into the depths of self-realisation.
"You are not a person experiencing emptiness, you are the emptiness in which the dream of the person appears. All the while, the immensity of the Self is here.
This awakening is open for everybody."
7 October 2019 | Morning Satsang
Zmar Silent Retreat
Music after Satsang: "I Hear You Call" by Sangita, performed by Sangita and Prem Sweeney and Igor Malewicz. Available on the album 'Rise Up - To the Most High Awakening Vol. 2’ by Mooji Mala (
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 5 January 2020
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
1/5/2020 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 2 seconds
Just Contemplate This One Thing and Win Your Eternal Existence
In this clear and penetrating talk, Mooji guides us into his core pointing — can there be personal problems without personal identity? And can the personal identity continue to cause trouble when we discover our true nature as impersonal awareness?
“If you go and you’re only the consciousness, can your mind trouble you in Satsang? Isn’t there something significant in this? If you were told just to come to the fullness of that understanding completely, earn your time here completely, and you are liberated… how much more help do you need than this? Is it a work you can do by yourself?
Reflect on what I’ve just talked about, and you’ll find you have the happiest day today.”
13 November 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
You can watch the Satsang which followed this talk the next day here:
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 29 December 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/29/2019 • 45 minutes, 33 seconds
You Cannot Do It With the Mind, and Without the Mind There’s No Need to ‘Do’ It
“Please be patient, this is a very good conversation actually. You are what again?”
Questioner: “If I think, I am the body-mind, if I am not thinking—I am nothing.”
Moojibaba: “You choose.”
We spend a penetrative morning looking together as a lively and profound discussion takes place in Satsang. Moojibaba reveals to us the simplicity of the highest.
“But there is That which is beyond evolution, It simply is. There is nothing I am aspiring for from this place.”
An excerpt from the Satsang, “You Cannot Do It, and Without the Mind There’s No Need to ‘Do’ It”
22 October 2019 | Morning Satsang
Zmar, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 22 December 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/22/2019 • 58 minutes, 58 seconds
By Answering One Question, I Answer a Thousand Questioners
“It is a good question being asked today. Is it that your question is asking me, ’Can I show you what the Truth is?’, or “Can I get rid of the thing that makes you feel that you are separate from the True?’
This, what we are looking at, is a certain paradox that somehow is holding the whole world in some kind of suffering by not understanding.
If you feel, ‘Thank you life, you have brought me to this place where I can begin to look at the delusions that have captivated my mind’, may the grip of this delusion be broken. Or you follow, listen, look, stay with it. Prove it once, twice, three times, four times, keep looking. Because when you discover what the Truth is, anytime you look for it, it is always the same.”
6 December 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 15 December 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/15/2019 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
Learn to Observe: Look But Don't Link
This Satsang is a gem for all. From the seed of one question, Moojibaba addresses the full spectrum of humanity’s quest for truth. He reveals the essence and the cornerstones not only of what can seem to hinder our awakening, but also the marvellousness and simplicity of finding and abiding as that which we truly are.
“I am here to point out your full nature. If you are determined to be free, nothing can stop you from being free. Satsang is going to be the nest where Buddhas are hatched — where Christ consciousness comes alive again.”
1 December 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Grace" by Sam Garrett (available on the album Grace by Sam Garrett
Live music after Satsang: "I Am Here" by Sebata Manyofa, Gotama & Omkara, performed by Sebata Manyofa, Omkara, Gotama & Omraj (more info about Sebata on
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 8 December 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/8/2019 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 22 seconds
The Capacity to Observe Oneself Is the Beginning of Spiritual Freedom
“What I am sharing with you is not a teaching — it is bringing you to emptiness.”
This Satsang with Mooji and the Sangha feels particularly deep and profound — Mooji answers questions and offers potent guidance into our true nature. Spontaneous utterances follow each other seamlessly, each one serving to settle the mind back into an ever deepening silence.
“Whatever brought you here is serving your awakening. Whatever is required, you have it in abundance. The words I am speaking in you, if you follow them, they are already converting into spirit.
Conquer the world of your own mind and you will find yourself in harmony with all worlds.”
24 November 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music after Satsang: "Make Me the Light" by Sebata Manyofa & Prem, performed by Sebata Manyofa, Omkara, Gotama & Omraj (more info about Sebata on
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 1 December 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
12/1/2019 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 23 seconds
Go Back the Way You Came — Contemplate the Sense 'I Am'
Moojibaba gives a potent and distilled guidance into the recognition of the pure sense ‘I Am.’
“Remain conscious just of the sense ‘I Am,’ without connecting to anything else. This itself will be a marvellous exercise for you. Then I would like to ask you after, ‘What did you find?’
The more you are stabilising in this ‘I Am,’ you will see the wealth of this. You will feel the health of this. You will see the unending-ness of this. You will feel the joy and the love of this. You will feel the compassion and the wisdom of this. This you must find.”
Excerpt from the Satsang, ’I Am' — Is It An Incomplete Statement or the Most Complete?
6 October 2019 | Morning Satsang
‘First’ Zmar Silent Retreat
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 24 November 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
11/24/2019 • 50 minutes, 44 seconds
How Amazing Is Your Life When Seen With True Eyes
This satsang weaves together potent metaphors and direct guidance, as Moojibaba reminds us of the natural peace and harmony to be found in a life uncontaminated by personhood.
“How amazing is your life when seen with true eyes. Nothing is wrong with you, but you must see with pure eyes and pure mind. If your mind is pure, you’ll be very grateful. You’ll say, ‘Thank you so much, what a blessed life. You send me exactly the problems I need!’”
14 November 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Improvisation on Handpan" by Santosh
Live music after Satsang: “Blinded by Your Grace" by Ramdev & Roshan
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 17 November 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
11/17/2019 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 22 seconds
Without Personal Identity, Can Mind Cause Trouble?
At the start of this satsang, Moojibaba brings us immediately to the very heart of true understanding with a few potent questions about the relationship of mind and personal identity. Without personal identity, can mind cause trouble?
“Answer this with your entire being fully present and see. Even the answer coming is also seen. You have even surpassed thinking.
Own your words, digest your seeing. Don't leave them as words, the words themselves must combust into spirit.”
3 November 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Music after Satsang: "Only Love Is True" by Claudia Bergomi
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 10 November 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
11/10/2019 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 13 seconds
If You Hear These Words Inside Your Heart, You Are Free Today
In these closing words of the Zmar Silent Retreat, Moojibaba reads a letter which opens up a deep looking into the nature of pure consciousness, 'I Am' presence, and the arising in consciousness of the conditioned person.
Moojibaba explores in depth the difference between ‘Nirguna Brahman’ — God without attributes, absolute awareness — and ‘Saguna Brahman’ — God with attributes, the divine Presence.
“We love to taste the honey, but we don’t want to be the honey. Here, you are tasting the honey, and you are also the honey. We are running out of words. Though speaking, when I speak of Nirguna, it is wordless, there are no concepts. It is really what you are.
This is a communication from heart to heart in the presence of the Absolute.”
26 October 2019 | Closing Words
‘Second’ Zmar Silent Retreat
This talk is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 3 November 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
11/3/2019 • 1 hour, 2 seconds
For Many, These Are Perhaps the Most Important Conversations on the Planet Right Now
In this wide-ranging Satsang from the Zmar silent retreat, Moojibaba takes a variety of questions and uses each one as an opportunity to point us to our deeper nature, and clarify the relationship between ego, mind, and the true Self. These discussions highlight the universal themes which human beings must navigate to find their own inner harmony and stillness in the midst of whatever situations life might present.
Mooji had the following to say about the chosen title for this Satsang:
“We are constantly speaking about problems and their solutions as being something external, but it is our experience that human beings must first change from the inside to find within themselves the capacity to be truly universal.
Everybody may not agree, but we have found that it is only through this universal understanding that we can work for harmony in the world.”
25 October 2019 | Morning Satsang
‘Second’ Zmar Silent Retreat
Live music after Satsang: "Thank You" by Tara & Nirmal, performed by Tara, Nirmal & Santosh
This talk is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 27 October 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/27/2019 • 2 hours, 45 minutes, 51 seconds
I'm Not Proving That You're Not the Body, I'm Proving That You Are Consciousness
Q: I don't have the experience that I am not the body.
A: I’m not proving you are not the body, I’m proving that you are consciousness!
With this one fundamental exchange, Satsang dives into an immediate depth of understanding. Mooji leads us through what he calls ‘simple capsules of pointing’ to the basic truth of ourselves.
“What I am speaking can be swallowed neat, because what I show is already here. Make today your best Satsang. You are going to be the tarantula who leaves its false skin."
25 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Improvisation on Handpan" by Santosh
Live music after Satsang: "Door of my Heart" (Bengali Chant translated by Paramhansa Yogananda) performed by Sangita, Brahmdev & Gotama (alternate version available on the album By your Grace by Mooji Mala
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 20 October 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/20/2019 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
The Power of Silence
"This is not an exercise, but an invitation to sit in your own company."
In this Satsang from the October Zmar silent retreat, Moojibaba guides us to the profound recognition of the 'I Am' awareness. We are invited to deepen and mature in this awareness of our fundamental nature, our own inner harmony.
"Greater than being with the king of a country is to be in the company of your own Self. Stay only as 'I Am'—it's going to be the most profound, wonderfully beautiful recognition for you."
7 October 2019 | Evening Satsang
‘1st’ Zmar Silent Retreat 2019
Live music after Satsang: “Only Love” by Prem, performed by Prem and Sangita
10/13/2019 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 35 seconds
What Is Enlightenment? Just You as Your True Self
In response to a questioner’s request for guidance in becoming free, Moojibaba breaks down, step for step, how the sense of bondage arises. We are invited to see and to recognise clearly that what we are is always present and always free.
“Find truth as your own Self; it can never leave you. Ours is not a time for grieving or celebrating — just resting in your own being. Your understanding and openness cause this freedom. If you have it in you to have the sense of just handing your affairs over to God, that will be good.”
23 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Improvisation on Bansuri Flute & Tanpura" by Agustín Cosentino & Hazel Lightfoot
Live music after Satsang: "I am Free" by Sharon Sweeney, performed by Sharon Sweeney, Jiří Dosoudil & Hazel Lightfoot
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 6 October 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
10/6/2019 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 53 seconds
'The I Removes the I Yet Remains the I' - The Essence of Life in a Nutshell
“When consciousness awakens from the dream of personhood and realises that it is the pure Self, that is called liberation, that is called awakening, that is called God-realisation.
Is this what you are here for?
Now is my time to ask you, ‘How have you understood my teachings?’ I have put a divine sword in your hand—a great power in you I have pointed to. So now I want you to tell me what it is and how you can use it.”
21 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9/29/2019 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 11 seconds
Shape Happens, But You Remain Shapeless
A deep and timeless gem. When Moojibaba and a Sangha member sit down to look at what it means when consciousness goes into shape, this profound talk unfolds:
“What I’m speaking about has to be universal, it cannot be about a person. The person is a shape. If the shape of the person is not entered, then I remain in my shapelessness.”
"Let our Name be Amen" by Omkara & Martin Rixen (lyrics from The Mala of God by Mooji)
15 August 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9/27/2019 • 42 minutes, 36 seconds
MUST LISTEN! Live and Be the Truth You Have Discovered
In this must-see Satsang, Moojibaba strongly urges the Sangha to make use of the opportunity of Self-discovery. He challenges the complacency that can often come up, so that we may rediscover and live up to the standard of our seeing. We are invited to stand in the light and power of our truth and to fall in love with this recognition.
"The more you become alive to what is true in you, your life flourishes with that presence, that power and that seeing.
There has never been a time on this planet that has been without awakened beings, I’m only saying it’s time you are one of them. You came here for life, everlasting.”
18 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9/22/2019 • 35 minutes, 54 seconds
Can You Hear the Avadhut?
Moojibaba calls the Sangha together to—as he puts it—‘sit together consciously in presence.'
It is a rich and profound sitting in which spontaneous utterances flow. Readings and clarification of the Avadhuta and Ribhu Gita are shared, amidst many stories, anecdotes and varied pointings. Each word serves to settle us into that one place of our true being.
“There is an understanding that is beyond the understanding of the mind. It becomes spirit. Can you hear the words of the Avadhuta?“
9 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music after Satsang: “Rise up” by Sangita, performed by Sangita, Jiří Dosoudil & Igor Malewicz
9/15/2019 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 39 seconds
In God’s Lottery, Every-One Wins
In this Satsang, Moojibaba presents the richness and core of his pointings in many different ways for our complete understanding. A beautiful poem is offered by a Sangha member, expressing her deep respect and gratitude on behalf of those present to Mooji for this truly ‘must-see’ Satsang.
‘We are receiving the highest pointings from you, who are an embodiment of love and grace and joy. With what love, with what patience you say the same thing in so many hundreds of ways, with directness, with humour. You will not let anyone get away with even a sentence. How relentless. You show us how to live in your own example. It’s such a potent package.
In a lottery, usually only one person wins, but I think we all won.’
5 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music after Satsang: "Jesus' Baptism Prayer" by Lluis Martinez Ten
9/8/2019 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 38 seconds
Silent Sitting with Moojibaba ~ Papaji Mahasamadhi 2019
This silent sitting takes place on the Mahasamadhi of Sri Poonjaji, Moojibaba’s Master, and is dedicated to him.
Moojibaba expresses the profound understanding in his heart that came many years ago when he heard that his Master had left his body. “The Master does not die. It is the mister that dies. The Master, that eternal Satguru principle, alone is real” reminding us at the outset to find the eternal in ourselves.
“I am the consciousness, roaming to find the one in whom I can take rest. Will I find your house? Knowing what I am, I need no walls, I need no room. I am consciousness dancing inside my infinite stillness. Everything comes, everything goes. I remain the same, always. To know this is freedom; to doubt it, bondage.” ~ Moojibaba
In deep reverence, gratitude and love to beloved Papaji and Moojibaba.
6 September 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9/6/2019 • 51 minutes, 17 seconds
If You Are Called for Freedom Today — Are You Ready?
"If you are called today for freedom, are you ready today?"
This powerful Satsang begins in a contemplative mood as Moojibaba speaks of his life during the first years of awakening. Many of those present take the opportunity to bring fresh concerns and current insights to Moojibaba. He draws from his own life to guide and inspire us to fully blossom in the seeing.
“Once you begin to see, seeing is freeing. It is here, watching the practice take place. It is here, watching the meditator trying to reach what it is. I am That."
9/1/2019 • 1 hour, 39 minutes
You Have Smelled the Perfume, Now Find the Source
“Suppose the sniffer dog is out there, sniffing away and before he finds something, the thief is hiding and gives him a doggie biscuit, the dog takes the biscuit and abandons the search...“
With this and many more potent contemplations, Moojibaba shows us the myriad ways in which the mind can entice us to believe in its whisperings. Moojiji makes it unequivocally clear that with every question and every sharing placed before him, he is holding us up to nothing less than what is truly true. Like this, we cannot not find ourselves at the very heart of his core pointings.
“What must change to go from, ‘I am here for this’ to ‘I am here as this?’ It must be clear for you that without you there is nothing.”
18 August 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Improvisation on Handpan" by Benno Sinkwitz
Live music after Satsang:
"What the Lord Has Done in Me" (traditional Gospel), performed by Dji Adogli
"It's Our Time" by Prem (not on an album yet)
This talk is also available as a video on
8/25/2019 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 37 seconds
‘I’-Watching — The Miracle of Self-Discovery
From fear to freedom!
In this powerful talk Moojibaba shows us how we can use the challenges that come up in life, including our fears, to find out who we truly are. From here we are pointed to a very potent and practical exercise: ‘I’-watching.
“Fears help you to find your truth, because without them you don’t have any motivation or incentive to look. They are enzymes for introspection. They propel you to go in and go to the place that is beyond them.
Awaken to the miracle of existence which is within your own Self. This is the power of ‘I’-watching.“
13 August 2019
On the road, Portugal
This talk is also available as a video on
8/18/2019 • 44 minutes, 19 seconds
Make Your Life Your Satsang
A small group meets with Mooji to clarify pointings and seeings. When a questioner brings up the idea of being outside of Satsang, Moojibaba powerfully reminds us that every moment of our lives is our Satsang, not just the formal time of looking together that takes place in the Satsang hall.
"Satsang means your life. For you, Satsang is your life. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. Satsang means to be aware of your Self, aware of what is true. You’re never out of Satsang—Satsang means to continually check in when you speak, who are you representing your 'I' as?"
18 June 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This talk is also available as a video on
8/11/2019 • 58 minutes, 10 seconds
The DNA of Every Form Is Emptiness
This beautifully simple and direct talk takes us into the heart of Mooji’s pointing, and offers a clear and concise explanation of what is meant by ‘emptiness,’ and how it is the key to our awakening.
“What I’ve shared right now is the essence of all the scriptures. The essence of what the highest scriptures are trying to convey, I’m sharing with you right now, so that it becomes your experience.
Most things are trying to tell you about something — a shape, a movement, a thought or feeling or experience… Nothing talks about the nothing. Anything can only be anything, and everything can only be everything, because they appear in no-thing. And you are that!”
17 July 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This talk is also available as a video on
8/5/2019 • 41 minutes, 50 seconds
The Caged Bird Has Flown and Is Now Sitting in the Great Banyan Tree
If you wish to be set firmly into the heart of Moojibaba’s pointings, this Satsang is for you. From beginning to end, Mooji demonstrates his quintessential pointing — what we are is always just here.
“Mind is telling you ‘near’, but truth is telling you ‘here.’ There is no water to be found in a mirage. If you try to possess Him, He will become like a mirage. If you recognise Him, He will never go away. Awareness is there before ‘before,’ and after ‘after.’”
21 July 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Improvisation on Handpan" by Benno Sinkwitz
Live music after Satsang:
"Om Purnamadah Purnamidam" (traditional Vedic mantra) performed by Laura Dorsett
"Alone as Everything" by Martin Rixen (available at
This talk is also available as a video on
7/29/2019 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 14 seconds
When You Forget Yourself, Maya Is Strong – When You Remember Yourself, Maya Does Not Exist
“All I am sharing here, I hope that it will be proven in you.”
Moojibaba welcomes the newly arrived guests to Monte Sahaja and a profound Satsang unfolds as he speaks about the role and functioning of maya or delusion in the play of awakening.
“Maya comes from God, Grace comes from God, you also come from God — all this is God’s play. You have to be wise to overcome Maya’s voice. When you forget yourself, Maya is strong — when you remember yourself, Maya does not exist.”
18 July 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: "Improvisation on violin" by Igor Malewicz
Live music after Satsang: "From Heaven's All Gracious King" by Shivali, performed by Shivali, Igor Malewicz & Jiří Dosoudil
(Lyrics based upon the poem "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" by Edmund Sears)
This talk is available as a video on
7/21/2019 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 37 seconds
Grace Is Upon You ~ Silent Sitting with Mooji on Guru Purnima 2019
Guru Purnima 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
A beautiful blessing and prayer offered by Moojibaba on Guru Purnima. He conveys from his heart the significance of this auspicious day.
Moojibaba thanks his own Master and all the Masters and teachers who give their lives to elevate the consciousness of humanity and become lasting lights in this world.
"I just want to share a message of encouragement, that what we are searching for is already the only thing that is perfect in ourselves.
God bless you, may God bring light and joy and peace into your heart and your life and amongst the lives of your loved ones, and even those who may not be considered your loved ones. For the one who is really awake, everyone is a form of the Beloved One.
May this day be a day of God for you that does not end.”
Music: "Let It Be So" by Krishna Prasad
This is available as a video on
7/16/2019 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 44 seconds
What Do You Have to Hold Onto to Let Go of Everything Else?
In this powerful and rich Satsang, Moojibaba guides us into the direct experience of our true Self, and shows us how to navigate the resistances that come from the mind and the challenges which life will bring.
“If you have that attitude, ‘I’m totally here for this,’ then Grace put that attitude in you. Come what may, however much the tree of life is changing, my roots are in you. My roots are in the True.
With such an attitude, how can you fail?
You’re waking up in love, through love, for love. This love is life itself.”
A touching follow up meeting took place with the second questioner after this Satsang and can be found here:
8 July 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Music before Satsang: "Hare Ram, Hare Krishna" (traditional Indian Bhajan) performed by Mahababa, Viktor Nemeth & Arun Melwani
This talk is also available as a video on
7/14/2019 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 55 seconds
Mind Is a Cloud but the Heart Is the Infinite Sky
Mind Is a Cloud but the Heart Is the Infinite Sky
This talk takes us into the heart of recognising who we are, beyond belief and beyond mental understanding. Moojibaba looks with us at what it means to be free.
“Whatever you perceive and whatever you conceive, whatever you aspire for, whatever you take yourself to be—all these are unstable. They are like clouds passing in front of the infinite and unchanging sky. You are more like the sky than the clouds, mind is cloud but the Heart is like the infinite sky.
The power of these sharings is not so much to teach you but to transmit and to make you empty—to experience the immensity and the boundlessness of the Self.”
30 June 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Music before Satsang: Improvisation on handpan by Benno Sinkwitz
7/6/2019 • 48 minutes, 41 seconds
You Can't Put It Into Words — That For Me Is Eloquence
You Can’t Put It Into Words — That For Me Is Eloquence
This Satsang excerpt takes us immediately into the depths of our introspection. Moojibaba’s guidance highlights the subtleties of the mind which can obscure our understanding, and points us to the clear light of our timeless Self.
“That by whose light even the function of perceiving is also perceived… Don’t imagine—if you imagine it’s already too late.
The mind is a poor and inadequate instrument to try and find it. Even the one seeking to find it is perceived in it. It is not a riddle—it is more direct than a reflection. It appears to be a mystery until it is recognised… when it is recognised it becomes the obvious.”
An excerpt from the Satsang, ‘David, You Have to Slay the Goliath of the Ego’
17 June 2019 | Morning Satsang
Lisbon Intensive
Music after Satsang: "Walking in the Truth" by Jesse Sandhu and Mukti Ziegler, performed by Mukti, Jesse, Siddhartha & Joey Murrell
This video is the ‘Satsang of the Week’ for 30 June 2019
To subscribe or watch this weekly service, please visit
#Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening
6/30/2019 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 44 seconds
God Is the 'You' You Don't Know Yet
“In your heart, you can know God.”
When a questioner comes forward to express she wants to be finished with her spiritual quest NOW, this Satsang unfolds.
“Even the one who will do it must itself be given up. You want direct? I’m Mr. Direct at the moment! If you don’t have time, this is what I will tell you.”
19 June 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Music before Satsang: "Improvisation on Handpan" by Benno Sinkwitz
Music after Satsang: "One Love" by Bholenath, performed by Bholenath & Gurdeep
6/23/2019 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 51 seconds
How Can You Really Know What Is the Truth?
In this Satsang excerpt, Moojibaba invites us to contemplate one of the central dilemmas of human existence: how can we really know what is true, how do we recognise and discern the truth?
Mooji points out that truth ultimately can’t just be an intellectual concept, it must relate to a deeper intuitive knowing that has the power to set us free.
“That which removes the fear of death and even the fear of life also — that is true. This is the truth that I pray we all discover, a truth without dogma, without prejudice, it is the truth that is representative of everybody.
That is the truth of God — the truth that serves everyone. That reveals into the heart of everyone that they are loved and valued… that is true, that is truth.”
3 June 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6/5/2019 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
We Are Here To Discover The Wordless One
In this clear and direct Satsang excerpt, a questioner steps forward to express that he feels that, despite years of spiritual seeking, he is still in an in-between state, not totally crossed over into freedom. Moojibaba uses this question to guide us into a clear seeing of what is here and now, in the heart of our being.
“You are here, I’m not asking you to turn to the left or right, or do anything at all. Just in your natural awareness of yourself as being here… what is this ‘here’?
Not one millimetre apart from you, right in the very heart of your being, what is here?
I don’t want you to learn, I want you to see. A seeing that is immediate.”
Recorded 22 May 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
This talk is an excerpt from “Truth — Not Just to Be Learned, But to Be Recognised”
Available on Sahaja Express (
Music: "Lord I Love You So" by Prem, performed by Prem Leela.
More music by Prem Leela on the album Live in Monte Sahaja (
5/30/2019 • 1 hour, 26 seconds
The One Who Is Awake Knows You Are the Self
A questioner reports with great enthusiasm to Moojibaba about discovering that everything is observable. Mooji takes this opportunity to speak of the human evolution into its highest destiny—the enlightened state and the importance of the urge for freedom.
“We live comforted by the apparent known when all the while, you are the unknown, unendingly existing.
There is no urgency to wake up unless there arises in you, an urgency to wake up to the greater truth of yourself.”
Excerpt from "We're At the Very Edge of Your Discovery, but Your Mind Is in the Chai Shop"
Rishikesh, India
24 February 2019
3/24/2019 • 20 minutes, 8 seconds
We Are in God's Boot Camp
Moojibaba gives an inspiring speech to some visitors about freedom and the importance of reaching the peak where you feel intolerant about your own ego. Because it is that level of intensity, that triggers real chance.
“The minute the ego gets exposed, that is the beginning of your healing. The healing that will lead to your awakening.”
Music: "Who You Are" by Prem
Recorded on 11 October 2018
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
1/9/2019 • 27 minutes, 26 seconds
"Help Me to See Things As They Are"
A deeply clarifying talk takes place between Moojibaba and an intimate group. They speak unreservedly of their seeing and Moojibaba offers pointed and appropriate guidance that serves to refine and strengthen a deeper understanding.
"The further out you go to try and look for answers, the more erratic the state becomes. So catch it at the very first activity to arise. In the end, there is no knowledge to be kept. The knowledge just serves as a mirror to show you your true place. You're going to start moving in much bigger steps, gigantic steps.
We don’t have to entertain many questions. You get one question that resonates and you take that into your sleeping bag with you. Genuine enquiry leads to a natural surrender. In this ocean of Samsara, there is nothing to hold on to to rescue you from drowning and something just trusts that. Then you find, but you’re just water—you become water.”
Music: "Invocation" by Siddhartha
20 October 2018
1/7/2019 • 46 minutes, 1 second
Life Is Full of Unexpected Brilliance — Be Open to See It
In this short clip, Moojibaba addresses a deeply existential question which many of us may have stood face-to-face with, 'Why did I need to come into this body in order to re-connect to the pure Self?'
“It is a master game, a master play! How each one is in their own flow to try and find and all come to the same place, back where we started. It is full of marvellous, unexpected, brilliance — if you have the aptitude and openness to find it. In our life, God leaves little clues around to see if you will be sensitive enough to notice them, and each of them is a divine gem.”
Moojibaba goes on to relate the poignantly fitting story of the donkey and the celestial gem.
Excerpt from "Whatever It Takes To Awaken, You Have It in Abundance"
Zmar Silent Retreat
29 September 2018
1/7/2019 • 11 minutes, 40 seconds
Your Real Self Is Just Magnificent
This talk takes place one evening while Moojibaba visits the UK and meets with a small group of the London Sangha. Mooji dives straight into sharing the discoveries he has found in his heart from his own direct experience.
"It is possible for every human being to wake up to our essential nature. Your real self, irrespective of what you have done, good or bad, is just magnificent. Your real self is far beyond your imaginary self or any idea you may have about who you are. It is not a person, I call it pure consciousness.
This is the great mystery, that there is a seed of awakening inside everyone, but that seed has to sprout. So right now I don't want to teach you anything, I just want to tickle that seed in you."
This audio podcast is an excerpt from the Sahaja Express video with the same title: "Your Real Self Is Just Magnificent"
7 July 2018
1/7/2019 • 32 minutes, 8 seconds
The Invisible Monk — Stay As Awareness
“Stay in the natural awareness – just be with this. Gradually you see that your activities don't disturb this. It's like all this is happening in the immensity of Is-ness.”
Moojibaba shares the funny story of 'the invisible monk' as a way to help us see what our attachments are that can seem to pull us back into the mode of personhood. Mooji speaks of trusting life and guides us back into the experience of our natural and timeless being.
“Now you have discovered timelessness. You will come to know and see that life takes care of life. Your life will be an unfolding. Just trust. You are back in the source, just be here.”
Excerpt from "The Self Image Is Being Replaced By the Self"
Zmar Silent Retreat
16 April 2018
1/7/2019 • 18 minutes, 46 seconds
Use the Light of 'I' to See Your Self
Moojibaba powerfully reveals the quintessence of his pointing in this Satsang.
“The mind is inviting you from 'I' to take another step, and I tell you no, stop in this ‘I’. Be one with it, observe, feel.
You may feel a lot of I-person coming up, so much relation, so much projection, so much interpretation. How will it serve you to wake up? The very thing itself is sleep, it is dreaming because you left your ‘I’. You used it as a switch to see the world, now you must use it to see yourself.
Use the light of the ‘I’."
Excerpt from "Use the Light of the 'I' to See Your Self"
Monte Sahaja Silent Retreat
19 June 2018
1/7/2019 • 29 minutes, 4 seconds
The Understanding That Showers Blessing Upon the World
During a retreat Satsang, Moojibaba reads some letters from online participants – the first letter starts with a deep urge to understand a question:
"If 'I' as Is-ness is not the doer, how does it appear that things are done?"
"The doer functions on behalf of the Is-ness - it is the Source.
As the consciousness becomes more refined, the belief or the need to be an individualised doer of actions becomes less significant. It’s when we are still in the mode of a personal, choice-making self, that your choices, and the sense of what you do or don't do, seem really important.
You don’t have to know all these things to be free – you may know them when you are free. All there has to be is an urge within you, 'I must go beyond my present limitations of seeing.'
That must have brought you here."
Excerpt from "I Heard God Laughing"
Zmar Silent Retreat
23 April 2018
1/7/2019 • 22 minutes, 13 seconds
You Are the Destination, the Journey, and the Awakening
"When I ask the question, ‘Can the perceiver be perceived,' it’s terrifying me."
This finding is brought by a questioner to Moojibaba and we are invited to look at this together. The pointings deepen as a second questioner joins the conversation. The crystal-clear revelations and spontaneous utterances which follow serve our understanding and leave us as our quintessential nature.
“When all forms are changing and changeful, all objects are interpretable, what is our common reference point? Isn’t the one who is trying, seen? You must look and confirm.
If even the seeing is seen, what remains? Who is there? This is why I am not speaking about the future.
I am the unbroken now. I have no future, therefore, I am supremely happy."
Excerpt from "All This I See, but What I Am I Can Only Be"
Lisbon Satsang Intensive
26 February 2018
1/7/2019 • 29 minutes, 14 seconds
God Is Infinite Awareness
This podcast offers a beautiful opportunity to be in silent sitting and prayer with Moojibaba. The guidance is immediate and simple and we find ourself in the deep silence of our true nature, resting as the pure consciousness of being.
“It is the attention that bears witness that This is. May what we call our lives be in perfect alignment with you, Father. May our attention and minds never drift away from the glory of God. Let our conscious at-one-ment with God — let this be our life."
25 March 2018
Music: "Glory to God" by Siddhartha
1/7/2019 • 21 minutes, 21 seconds
The Seeker Becomes the Discovery
In this powerful and introspective talk, Moojibaba conducts a deep discussion about the phenomenon of perception, as he points us to a non-dualistic recognition.
"This question 'can the perceiver be perceived?' is a very powerful question… it’s not a mental question. As you start to look, even if you start off mentally, your orientation begins to change. If you’re serious, it changes how you feel, the whole chemistry and psychology inside the body begins to change with this question.
So what is the purpose of the question if an answer cannot be given? It is to draw through the process of meditation to not leave a dualistic conclusion like ‘I can see something’ — the perceiver cannot be something seen. So what is the name of the thing that cannot be seen? That has no quality? And can the one who will now answer be separate from the thing itself?
It pulls everything into this introspection."
31 August 2017
Music: "You Are With Me" by Prem and Lluis
1/7/2019 • 32 minutes, 20 seconds
The Pure Joy of Awakening
Moojibaba has a spontaneous meeting with a devotee and these beautiful reflections and utterances emerge.
"The perceiver and the Is-ness, they must be one, at a point. The Is-ness can only be perceived by Is-ness. When the attention is allowed to be guided through these pointers back to the first expression and prior to the first expression, some recognition happens in that second, but it's not of a thing. Something is deepening and at the same time, in this unchanging awareness.
Something just feels so totally right. You're happy for no reason, you're at peace even at times that would ordinarily be felt as full of turmoil, there's a kind of peace. Even when things go a certain way where others would feel this is so terrible. Something feels a serenity and gratitude for life in all its expressions.”
Recorded on 16 December 2017
Music Artist - Sam Garrett
Song - Grace
1/7/2019 • 55 minutes, 9 seconds
How Long Will It Take You To Come To Nothing?
In this short yet potent talk, two devotees come forward to speak with Moojibaba. Through the Master's wisdom and grace, we are encouraged and guided to make full use of the powerful questions that arise and we are shown that in dropping everything, a deep silence is evoked and our true being remains.
“We have to sometimes come to a point where I can tell you, throw everything away right now. How long it will take? A blissful second.”
Music: "Radhe Radhe Govinda" by Sam Garrett & Samadhi
This podcast is an excerpt from a Sahaja Express video called "For the Highest Question You Must Be the Answer"
20 November 2017
1/7/2019 • 15 minutes, 23 seconds
Is Your Person a Fact or Fiction?
During a Sunday Satsang at Monte Sahaja, a father comes up and speaks to Moojibaba about the strong attachment he has for his child, and the distraction he feels it has caused from his spiritual life.
"You love your daughter, this is totally righteous, but attachment is something else, and it's good that we don’t get mixed up about it, because it is a sort of neediness and it brings you into feelings of fear.
Use the power of this attachment to find who exactly is attached any why. What is it that's trying to be protected here?
These questions start to come, and they open up areas that you’ve not looked at. You go more deep, and more true. What a wonderful opportunity life has given you!"
This podcast is an excerpt from the Sunday Satsang entitled
"God Is Not Close, He Is More Here Than You"
Sunday Satsang – 10 September 2017
Music: "Only He Is" by Shivali and Lluis
1/7/2019 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Mooji on Addiction – The Greatest Drug Is the Addiction to ‘I’
In this auspicious interaction, which takes place during the May Zmar Silent retreat, a questioner brings forth a sincere request to discover his true place as the Is-ness and to be free from ongoing addiction. During this podcast, Moojibaba guides us through both the 'Invitation' and a powerful guided inquiry, that deconstructs the addict identity and confirms the direct recognition into the Self.
"The greatest drug of all is the addiction to the 'I' person. If there's an identity, there must be an 'I' entity. Turn your attention and see if it can be felt. Let's see if you can experience the proof. Let's see if you can find the addict. What is important, is your looking – and your looking has a great power. You may just discover something that is going to be revolutionary for you. Experience your discovery. The I am-ness cannot be an addict. Your looking is your discovering and it's going to have a power today!"
Recorded on 26 May 2017
Music Artist - Radha
Song - Shiva Shivam Shivaya
1/7/2019 • 38 minutes, 45 seconds
The Thinker Itself Is a Thought
During a Sahaja retreat, a devotee confesses, "I found that the thinker doesn't exist."
To this Moojibaba replies: "The thinker itself is a thought, but you must come to it profoundly. Identity is also a thought, ego is also thought. Don't collect any thoughts. Make use of them, stay empty.
Observing each and everything passing, and even observing your observing of everything passing.
It is finished. Mind can't provoke. There is no one to provoke. It's like thieves in an empty house."
Extract from: "Trust This Master - Everything That He Says and Does Is True"
2nd Sahaja Retreat, August 2017
Music: 'Remember, I Am You' by Omkara
1/7/2019 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
There Is a Wealth in Poverty and a Poverty in Wealth
In this short podcast Moojibaba relates the story of the book of Job and talks of the wisdom of Solomon.
"Sometimes you may find that you have nothing at all but that may turn out to be something very, very powerful for you."
5 November 2017
Music: "The Love for My Master" — Piano by Omkara
1/7/2019 • 7 minutes, 25 seconds
Expose Everything and Be Free
This podcast opens many doors through which self-inquiry can be approached. When one questioner exposes feelings of pride, Moojibaba offers this profound and direct guidance.
"You begin your inquiry in the simplest way, and if you genuinely want to discover, Grace will come and help you to get better at the inquiry. It becomes a beautiful adventure to look, and in the power of your own looking all that is untrue collapses by itself.
There’s a thief within, now you’ve caught it. Be grateful in your heart and say thank you to life. 'Thank you God for even the troubles, because now I’ve found a way to convert mud into gold. You have cleaned my mind.’"
Excerpt from "You Are Shining Again in Your Natural Light"
Monte Sahaja Silent Retreat, August 2017
Music: "Only You" by The Platters, performed by Omkara, Prakash and Karuna
1/7/2019 • 42 minutes, 48 seconds
Wake Up Out of the Sleep of Personhood
A beautiful satsang emerges in which Moojibaba begins with clarifying about meditation techniques, and quickly turns the focus to the urge and power to awaken now. He offers some potent pointings and questions to contemplate that are pivotal to awakening.
"Spirituality is only to wake up and to come back to your pre-birth awareness. Sometimes the questions are more powerful than the answers because they create opening and space for you to look.
To overcome that limitation and that conditioning is the greatest transcendence, actually. You get burnt up first, then around you auspicious fires will start."
31 October 2017
Music: Nocturne by Vlad Shiryaev
1/7/2019 • 26 minutes, 9 seconds
"Can You Show Me God?"
"Can you show me God?", a seeker asks Moojibaba.
The Master's response is direct.
“Be totally empty even beyond the concept of emptiness, no interpretation from your mind. You don't see God because you keep remembering you. When you forget you... all there is, is He.”
10 October 2017
"I and the Father, We Are One" by Bam Bhole Bhajans
1/7/2019 • 14 minutes, 10 seconds
Discover Your Self as Life — It Is Enough
From beginning to end, this talk is beautiful in its profundity and simple clarity. While being very, very funny, Moojibaba addresses the question of how to stop clinging to images and thoughts by showing the ridiculousness of belief and identification.
"That is how you are going to face these mind attacks. You have to use them because if they don’t manifest, you don’t know they are there. It is only when you are identified as a person that you are behaving like a victim. But when you identify as the What-Is, as the witness of them, they can’t sustain their power. The victim is going to run, but the observer is going to stay."
This Satsang is available in the online Satsang shop: "God's Joke Is Finishing Off a Lot of People Today"
Sahaja Retreat, July 27, 2017
1/7/2019 • 21 minutes, 3 seconds
I Return Again, Like the Blossoms in Spring
'If you see the mind taking over your life, don’t worry. I cut off its root in a sacred way.’
In this podcast, we listen to a beautiful rendition of a poem by Rumi. Moojibaba goes on to speak about the poem and what it reveals for us, the deepest significance of Rumi’s words.
"We have come to look in a new way that this one, the one who feels held by the mind, suppressed by the mind, is connected with the mind also, and is itself very changeful.
It is not enough to think, ‘I got it'. You have to be it, not know it only, but be it. It is happening already, actually. But I want to show you that on a daily basis there is no time when you are off duty as the Self."
“I Return Again” by Rumi (from ‘Divan-e Shams’)
I return again like blossoms in Spring.
I return again to break the lock of the prison
and the grip of the mind.
I return to destroy the power of the mind that is
eating away the heart of the human being.
From the very beginning I vowed
to give my life to this path.
To break this promise would be to break
the very back of that which has given me life.
If you see the mind take over your life, don’t worry,
I cut off its root in a sacred way.
You said ‘yes’ to me and let me come to your home.
I destroy everything, everything madly
until nothing remains.
I return again to break the lock of the prison
and the grip of the mind.
I return again like blossoms in Spring.
This podcast is an excerpt from the Satsang "Wake up You Are in Zion — Stop Thinking You Are in Babylon"
One Sangha Gathering, June 23, 2017
This Satsang can be found on Sahaja Express
1/7/2019 • 32 minutes, 50 seconds
You Become That Which You Love
This beautiful podcast starts with Moojibaba reading a letter regarding how to continue one's spiritual practice in light of the Invitation. Moojiji approaches this with a powerful answer on the true meaning of spiritual practice.
“If you love this Is-ness so much, your love cancels out that which is less.
It's not that you are doing, doing, doing, and I am giving you a whole pile of things you have to tick off and do. Just your openness is needed, your earnestness to stay with This. This deep yearning inside the heart to be free and to honour what you see. And to approach Truth with devotion and openness. This is all, stay put here."
This podcast is an excerpt from the Satsang "I Was Born to Awaken"
Monte Sahaja Silent Retreat, 22 July 2017
Music: Mere Gurudev by Krishna Das, performed by Krishnabai
1/7/2019 • 25 minutes, 40 seconds
Message in a Banana
During the One Sangha Gathering, a being comes to the microphone to share her fear of having no money and Moojibaba shares his own experience, which is followed by a powerful pointing of how to trust life.
"Whatever way it turns out, it will be fine.
So long as you are dedicated in your heart to the search for Truth and not determining in your mind, 'I do not want to work.' Don't make any premature conclusions about anything. Just stay open and be moment to moment with life because that's something we have not done. It brings you again into the now-ness of your being."
Recorded on 19 June 2017
1/7/2019 • 18 minutes, 46 seconds
You Break This Spell By Looking
In this potent and rich Satsang, Moojibaba guides us again and again through the powerful steps of self-inquiry, which leaves one empty of identity and confirms our true place as that which is unmoving.
“Try to identify the one who is afraid. Use the energy of the fear and look at 'Who is the one who is afraid?' This is the most powerful question, rarely asked. In the very looking itself, see if it can be caught. See if the fearful one can be recognised. Take the steps and walk with them and look. How to find this one? Not just the fear, but the one who is afraid – they are linked. This real in-turned's going to burn something. You break this spell by looking, by being willing to be found out.
When you search for the sense of the 'I', where does it rise from? In response, what do you find? Just this vastness - it's just arising out of this vastness and you have to get used to this feeling of emptiness.
All this is just like a funnel, deepening, deepening, deepening. And every deepening is sweetening and sweetening... It's too much. It's too much. It's too peaceful. It's too beautiful.
It's too wonderful. It's too wise. Please try and see. That is the inner maturing.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
19 June 2017
1/7/2019 • 24 minutes
The Door to Your Awakening Is Already Open
In this wonderful 30 Minute Podcast recorded during a Silent Retreat at Zmar, Moojibaba explores freedom - a great new way for mankind: Moojibaba explains what freedom is and why as a species we have not really moved so powerfully towards this goal of joy and unity as one family of humanity.
Here, Moojibaba touches on some of the most crucial aspects of freedom as he describes it as simply the opportunity to come 'home' - not through a lot of practice or suffering or struggle, or spiritual gymnastics or lectures but through something clean, direct and immediate.
"Freedom is not for the ego, freedom is from the ego.
You have to be free of the ego, not for the ego."
Zmar, Portugal
26 May 2017
'Om Namah Shivaya' by Ananta Garg, performed by Radha
1/7/2019 • 37 minutes, 32 seconds
Anything in Life Can Become Your Teacher
In this interaction, one being reveals to Moojibaba that he had been experiencing his life as being very difficult. After reading a quote of Ramana Maharishi, hung on a wall in Monte Sahaja, his perspective of his life changed.
Moojibaba reminds us that the words of the sages are "powerful hints for the one who is already attuned."
"Anything in the life can become your teacher in that moment. Everything becomes like a little mirror to your beingness, everything reminds you again, brings you back to the source. For a while, the attention is only going outward. The mind is shopping through the senses to the sense objects to get the juice from them. That’s called sleep, dream. Then at some point, it starts to go heart-ward and everything it sees reminds it, 'I am here.’"
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
18 June 2017
1/7/2019 • 11 minutes, 37 seconds
An Invitation To Freedom ~ Monte Sahaja Retreat August 2017
Moojibaba presents a powerful yet simple exercise — An Invitation to Freedom. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being.
The Invitation is the very heart and essence of Satsangs with Mooji, having arisen spontaneously in Mooji after many years of guiding seekers of Truth. This guided seeing is supported by all of Moojibaba’s teachings, which help to clarify doubts and guide through any unexpected resistances that may arise. As such, it is intended to be followed in the broader context of Satsang with Moojibaba.
Moojibaba encourages us to experience this Invitation again and again, as the mind and attention marinate and become grounded in their natural source. This is the power and grace of Satsang, to merge the ego-mind in the universal Being which is our true home.
May all who are seeking freedom in the heart come fully home to themselves through this guidance.
Music : 'Mere Gurudev' by Krishna Das, performed by Krishnabai.
1/7/2019 • 37 minutes, 46 seconds
"Help Me See the World the Way You See It"
'Guruji, please help me to see the world the way you see it, with your eyes.'
From this earnest request of a devotee unfolds a beautiful Satsang where Sri Moojibaba reminds us how we love to be empty, how we love when the mind is not full of strategies, projection and desires. Life is taking care of itself and it flows beautifully when we give up the idea that we can do a better job!
"The function of perception in you must be clean. Gradually if you meditate in the heart you will find that a lot of desires that you feel that they are so important, the start to drop away."
"I could not do better than it is, happening by itself. It is always happening by itself but your mind is giving the wrong interpretation. The mind is always doing something for you to be dissatisfied because as long as you are dissatisfied you will not be peaceful."
"I see both finite and infinite. This and that. Everything can be there but I know their origin and I am their origin also."
18 June 2017
1/7/2019 • 10 minutes, 56 seconds
Step Inside the Fire of Grace
“Whatever is not of the kingdom of God inside, of freedom, offer it up to the light — take it, let it burn. Be so empty and don’t take it personally, just let it burn out. What a joy behind this. That’s where you are trying to be, where you can be left alone and not molested by whatever it is that's interfering with your original peace.
That's the work of Sahaja actually, it's not in planting trees only, it's to burn down inner forests. Plant outer trees, burn down inner forests.
When I see it, I never feel sorry for you, I always feel happy that what you came here for is activated.
Some things come up for me also that feels like burning and I have to take that as Grace, to fully go into it. Really feel like you step inside the fire, not just you offer the things, you also step inside this fire. Say, 'Let whatever it is that’s here burn, in order to be in full harmony with the Truth. Just burn whatever it is.'
The fire knows what to burn, you are under grace at the moment."
Recorded on 14 July 2017
Music : 'Courtship Melody' by Siddhartha Corsus
1/7/2019 • 13 minutes, 34 seconds
Compelled to Change
"Some things come for you to look at them and to deny them. The easy way is that something in us wants to go along with that thing and that's a pointer in itself. You have a propensity toward a certain thing – that is the seed that is inside you, an energetic seed that is attracting that kind of vibration to come to you. But on the surface you're not consciously doing anything, these things just come to you.
You may say that it happens within the permissive will of God – meaning that life offers the space for that to happen, but also gives you the strength, the reasoning, the discernment to look and say, 'No I've been here before. I know where that's likely to lead. No thank you.' I feel it's a very, very valuable lesson. Because very often we want our projections to be fulfilled, but sometimes we hide them, we don't want to admit that we have them.
Unless grace intervenes abruptly, it's likely to go on. A time comes when the pain becomes unbearable and we are forced to change. It's not that we can boast that 'Yes, we made a choice to change.' We were compelled to change because of pain."
24 December 2016
Music : 'Moojiji Show Me the Way' by Dawid Oswal
1/7/2019 • 5 minutes, 48 seconds
Blessed Are We That We Are Of His Kingdom
"I am presenting God here, not as a person, but as a field of Truth. When you genuinely are open and searching, then you see the glory of God very quickly, because your heart is in the right place.
Every part of life comes from God.
If, in the heart of tragedy, we can embrace each other and love each other, we can console and comfort each other, encourage, if we can heal, repent and forgive, repair in God’s name, that will be something. Blessed are we that we are of His kingdom. Blessed be all that they may be of His true kingdom."
Recorded on 14 June 2017
Music: 'Hanuman Chalisa' by Maheswari and Haridas
1/7/2019 • 17 minutes, 20 seconds
We Are Not Good, We Are Perfect
Recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
24 April 2017
A beautiful and intimate encounter takes places where Mooji Baba looks with one being into the nature of relationships, that which comes and goes, and that which is perfect and unchanged.
“Actually we are not good , we are perfect.
But we are not living life conscious of our perfection, we are living life identified with the sense of being a person, and thats where the sense of good and evil come. Nobody can be that good, consistently, you know. Always something will come and make you think “Oh I didn’t do so good”, but its just based on thoughts, and feeling and conditioning.
When you know that these things they don’t happen because of something you’ve done, it's just that they come to strengthen your clarity about it, and really to go back to the Source, because when you’re back in the Source, it’s like it’s nothing, these things are nothing, they just come and go.
The most important thing is just to come to the place - that empty room, because there you’re in your natural state, before even the world is created.. the perfection is there, its unchanged.”
'Ondas -(Waves )' by Martin Rixen
1/7/2019 • 24 minutes, 3 seconds
The Same One Everywhere Is Here Inside Your Heart
In your earliest being there is no history or story, there is a space of neutrality behind all that plays out. Any frustration of personal energy is just a cloud and the one who thinks the cloud shouldn’t be there is also a cloud.
Mooji points out how our true being doesn’t want anything.
This one, is the same one who is everywhere and inside your own heart.
Music: Om Namah Shivaya by Shivaratri Café from the album This Night We Will Not Sleep
Recorded 1 April 2016
1/7/2019 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
You Cannot Find What Is Perfect, Only Drop What Is Imperfect
In this short podcast Mooji talks about self-inquiry and the importance of listening and really understanding. He points out the difference between a clever mind and true wisdom, and uses a beautiful story about the Buddha to illustrate this point.
"You cannot find what is perfect, you can only drop what is imperfect, this is called 'to drop sleep'. Learn from everything and awaken to your true Self."
Music: Asatoma Sadgamaya by Radha from the album Sahaja Samadhi
Recorded 7 March 2016
1/7/2019 • 10 minutes
This Question Must Quench Your Thirst
"Joy and peace may come. This is the perfume of the Self. These are not to be rejected. Sometimes though even the most fragrant flower has no smell. The perfume is also perceived, the fact that it is perceived means it is another phenomenon, it is not stable, it can come and go. Enjoy but don’t say I am that.
What watches the coming and going? Is that also coming and going? All is temporary. Now turn the attention away from looking at the objects of the senses, and turn it towards that which is observing them. Can the observer be observed?
Try and solve this question. It is the key to your own Self."
Music: 'Shiva Shambo' by 'Dawid Osial'
1/7/2019 • 22 minutes, 22 seconds
You Are Already Smelling Victory
Moojibaba has a short spontaneous talk with a small group at Monte Sahaja in which there is French translation.
He looks with one being who is seeking truth and finding fear come up while doing self inquiry. He points that all these things coming up, like fear, doubt or the sense of ‘not getting it’ are only sensations.
“There comes a time when you are so singularly fascinated with coming to the end of all these little mysteries.
It’s a wonderful state to be in, there’s a sweet tension, it’s full of auspiciousness. It’s like you are already smelling victory.”
Music: 'Mooji Baba' by 'Maheswari and Haridas' from the album 'Guru Meri Puja'
Recorded 20 June 2016
1/7/2019 • 8 minutes, 7 seconds
It's Your Time to Wake Up
"My job in this life here with you is to remind you of this–to come to the place of the 'I am', the consciousness, which is not mixed up in all these things.
It’s your time to wake up."
1/7/2019 • 8 minutes, 19 seconds
Wherever You Are, The Spirit of God Is There
“Wherever you are the spirit of God is there. Just allow it to do its thing. To push would be to go into your human thing. This is one thing that I want that we all come to gauge. Sometimes the energy can feel a bit flat, and we have no energy for some things, but if there is a 'you' going into it, you know it is wrong. Leave 'you' out of it. Don’t speak three sentences of untruth. Leave it immediately.
Very often we are talking from the past. Can you come from this moment? Have you ever just entered this moment? God is here. If you allow yourself to move out of the way you will see Him.”
Music: Temple of Fire by Shivali
1/7/2019 • 9 minutes, 49 seconds
There's Only the Wholeness
"Prayer, surrender, inquiry, all are good. It’s important to put your attention inward.
Ultimately you must merge your sense of separateness into the whole, There’s only the wholeness."
Mooji points to help us see that the small roles or parts we think we play in life are just fractured ideas, he says “This position must be merged into total consciousness. Meditations help you to unform you. Spaciousness inside becomes tangible.”
Keep bringing your attention into neutrality, boundaries fall away, your whole perspective shifts and a “spiritual chemistry” takes place.
1/7/2019 • 7 minutes, 33 seconds
How Does God See the World?
If God is love, why is there so much hate and selfishness in the world? Love has to start with you. Why be so afraid? Peace is not enduring when it is written on paper as a kind of treaty. It has to start from within. Your peace will touch the world a lot more than any propaganda will. If you met God, I wonder how you would see the world during and after such an encounter?
Recorded in Rishikesh, India
25 March 2016
Music: Sangha ~ Bham Bhole
1/7/2019 • 40 minutes, 38 seconds
Look and See — Don't Defend Your Ego
Recorded on 12 June 2016
In Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Know immediately when the person is speaking. Only the person will feel these types of feelings like, “where do I belong”? The person who suffers this cannot be found. It does not exist. Keep looking, and each time you look, you will see it is never there. Your identification with it strengthens the feelings of its reality. This just masks, the fullness of your already complete state.
The ultimate state of Truth is here. Everything else is imagined. Give up your loyalty to your sadness. Offer your self up for what you will find.
Music: Hare Krishna by Radha
1/7/2019 • 33 minutes, 6 seconds
You Are Your Higher Somewhere
Spontaneous talk recorded in Rishikesh, India
8th March 2016
“How are you spending the waking state? Where’s your attention living?”
In this podcast Sri Mooji invites us in to contemplating these very profound questions.
“Is it outward? How much time do we give to meditative states or holding the attention in stillness or neutrality of the self? Rest in being rather than in becoming.”
He points that one does not have to give up daily activities to have a deeply peaceful life.
“In Sahaja Samadhi functions happen but one is so naturally self-absorbed that it does not interfere.”
Music: "Sail Me Away" by Brahmi
1/7/2019 • 16 minutes, 38 seconds
Be Put in the Soil of God
Recorded on 25 May 2016 in Zmar, Portugal
In this beautiful short talk Mooji points out how important it is to have the qualities of trust, faith and openness alive in you.
“The seed of trust must be tender in you, whether you are conscious of it or not. So that when it's put in the soil of Grace it has to grow. If you trust and you live on the sand, he will make that seed grow. Even if you are standing on stone and you trust, God can make this seed grow. Without trust, without faith, without love, even in the best soil, he won’t grow, if you come only with your mind.”
Grace is knocking at the door of the heart, when Sri Mooji felt this inside his own being he said “Take me, take me , take me,” and was stirred into awakening. “I knew nothing, I didn’t know where I was going, I only knew that God is. He satisfies my every need, I have no life apart from him.”
Music: "As One" by Shivali from the album Temple of Fire
1/7/2019 • 9 minutes, 34 seconds
The God of Brilliance and Love
Recorded on the 10th of June, 2016 in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Moojibaba points out how utterly beautiful, great and powerful these contemplations and pointings are.
“Looking into the mirror of God to see the Truth of who you are, that is the greatest- in one glimpse you secure your position- you cannot sleep no matter what happens. Rejoice in the total discovery of this, which never wears out, it just keeps getting more beautiful. (And) as consciousness awakens to its own true Being, it brings that light into the world, it introduces the world mind to the purity, the ability ,the beauty, the limitlessness, the imperishable-ness of the Supreme Being and only then is the world enjoyed in the most pure way.
It is increasingly delightful to keep on finding how pure and how free God is .”
1/7/2019 • 21 minutes, 16 seconds
Why Do You Keep God Waiting?
"Where is the perfect Self until it is discovered? Where is the Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Nature, the Krishna Consciousness, the Shiva Being, until it is discovered?
Who will come to emptiness first? Come to emptiness, and see if there's 'after emptiness.' Come to emptiness, and see if any doubts stay in your mind. Who will take the darshan of emptiness? Every day, the invitation of Satsang is to drop all things, or to see from the place of the unassociated Being. How long it will take you?"
An excerpt from the Satsang "He Sees Only the Infinite Sky of Your Being"
Recorded in Lucknow, India
April 1st, 2016
1/7/2019 • 41 minutes, 58 seconds
The Lord Has Set A Table For You — Come, Sit, Eat!
An audio excerpt from Sunday Satsang on June 5th, 2016 in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
During a Satsang at Monte Sahaja, Mooji addresses the question of a devotee about his perceived postponement of being true. Moojibaba shows how we are not the one who is postponing and that we need not take the blame for the mind. The words are coming and we are too quickly claiming them but they are not yours.
1/7/2019 • 25 minutes, 36 seconds
Let Your Mind Always Be Pure and Empty
Recorded on the 8th of April, 2016 in Varanasi, India
"Don’t treat this as an experience and give it to time, or it will pass. Treat it as the fragrance of the experiencer and it will keep on growing inside you. It will never leave you.
It is you who are great, it is your being that is great. The experience is only to confirm that."
1/7/2019 • 39 minutes, 8 seconds
One With God
"Better than striving to be close to God, is to be one with God. Not equal, but in harmony with the Supreme Being, which is your Self.
Openness makes way for that."
Recorded 16th January, 2016
Christ Light by Shivali from the album Temple of Fire
1/4/2019 • 11 minutes, 3 seconds
Break the Spine of This Delusion
"If you look to your consciousness, you see that everything is perfectly fine. And you see that most things that we worry about - physical, psychological, emotional, mental - is just the mind, playing it’s games.You are going to get it for a while, like you have to go through some tight space to come out again, because you don’t win freedom so easy.
Welcome everything. Pain and suffering is only for a bit, this life is only for a bit, in the infinite expanse of what is. But You are not for a bit. Something is telling you - don’t care about you so much, because that is not your eternal nature. When you accept this, you find a tremendous space which is not born from time.
My happy news is that after a while you break the spine of this delusion."
Music: Bara Vara by Krishnabai
Spontaneous talk recorded in Mooji Sangha Bhavan
13 September 2014
1/4/2019 • 20 minutes, 21 seconds
Offer Up Yourself Inside Your Own Yes
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9 July 2014
"You cannot learn the self, you can only discover. Open your heart fully to the all possible—don’t try to understand why and how and if and but… just hold in your heart that your life can be miraculous. Don’t try to explain everything, just come to this fire, fully.
However diverse the ways of consciousness plays through the mind as duality, the power in you is that you are always greater."
Music: 'Take Me All the Way Home' by Omkara
1/4/2019 • 45 minutes, 42 seconds
Live This Life as the Living Truth
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
27 September 2014
"The consciousness has to get over its own projections. The more you carry on the more you strengthen your belief, the more you perpetuate and strengthen your identity. The more you complain about it the more you give it strength. The more you push it away the more you give it reality. But when you see it from the real place it vanishes just like incense smoke in the wind.
You must exercise your power! It is not difficult, it is not complex. The power of the Self is the least complex of powers because it doesn’t go to work operating on anything. It simply knows and honours itself. And everything is working automatically. Everything starts to flow automatically."
Music: 'Lord of Creation' - Soham
1/4/2019 • 26 minutes, 58 seconds
Parables Of Christ — Rise As The Harmony Of God
"This play is going on over and over again, every day. We are being led into the wilderness. First you're being baptised, then you go into the wilderness. You're going to be tempted, but you must rise up again. But not as the old you--not even as a new you! But as the timeless one... as the harmony of God."
Music: 'Glory' from the album 'Take Me All the Way Home'
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
5 September 2014
1/4/2019 • 19 minutes, 33 seconds
Go To the Source
"What really is, can never not be. What is not, can never be.
Much of what we experience only exists in our minds. We cannot call this real.
We perceive according to our conditioning but to meet from the source we have to be open and empty.
We cannot discuss reality, we can only be real.
The one who is awakening must grow in the power of discernment.
Be steady and present with the dignity of your love."
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
2 July 2014
1/4/2019 • 17 minutes, 36 seconds
Be Silent in Your Heart
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
2 September 2015
"Don’t make an appointment with freedom. If you’re looking for freedom I serve you first. Be silent inside your heart."
"Only what is constant is important, all the rest is not. Everything is being watched from here. And here and you are the same. Leave everything else. Keep concentrating on this. Be this place, look from this place."
MUSIC: Sita Ram - Bam Bhole Album
1/4/2019 • 41 minutes, 14 seconds
Cut the Umbilical Cord To Identity
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
27 July 2014
“If you cut the umbilical cord to this psychological identity, it cannot live!
Who is really suffering this? See if you can identify without using imagination, is there really something suffering this? Let your power stay only in the witness and see.
When you beat it, you see it is nothing. You feel—‘If I can beat you here, I can beat all of you, actually.’ If you can beat one of these forces, something comes in your heart—I can beat all of them. It’s very beautiful…”
Music: Pathless Path by Omkara
1/4/2019 • 17 minutes, 6 seconds
You Are This Life
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
6 May 2015
"You, the consciousness, the soul of God, you have to wake up from this dream that you are this person, who is a mind built person, having his own mind projections about life, and missing life, being blind to the real life, that it is you, you are this life.
You are this life.
There isn’t someone else more this life than you. You are this life. You have to swallow that."
Music: Hare Ram by Shivali
1/4/2019 • 17 minutes, 14 seconds
The One Whose Sight Is Enough to Replace All Stories
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
7 May 2015
"Once you put the name on it as ‘I’, something from you stepped inside that space and said, ‘Yeah this is me.’ But at the same time it is watched. So which is the stronger watching? The one that puts on the ‘I’ and then begins to move in the world? Or that which is observing, who doesn’t have a story but whose sight is enough to replace all stories…
Which one are you, if any, or both? What would you be?"
Music: Open by Soham
1/4/2019 • 15 minutes, 38 seconds
Go Before 'I'
Spontaneous Satsang recorded on the 26th of August, 2014
in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
"I am not committed to any concept, not relying on any concept at all. How is it possible? Not even the concept of 'I.' Before the concept of 'I,' how can time come? Time came after I came. So if 'I' cause you trouble, you must go before 'I' come. Then why would you talk about time?"
Music: Nataraaja by Mooji Sangha
1/4/2019 • 28 minutes, 40 seconds
Leave It All to God
Spontaneous talk recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal
3 February 2015
"You can’t always be a caterpillar. When it’s time to emerge in the butterfly, we feel the power of Grace and the power of the Holy Presence. There comes a time when step has to be taken, but it’s God who makes this step also. "
Music: Everything Is Shiva by Omkara
1/4/2019 • 9 minutes, 4 seconds
Live in the Oxygen of the Spirit
Spontaneous Talk recorded at Monte Sahaja, Portugal
13 December 2014
"You want to use the mind to know who you are and you cannot know through this the mind.
It’s not a kind of knowing like that - like you and you knowing the Self.
You are the Self.
To know is to be."
Music: Gayatri Mantra by Krishnabai
1/4/2019 • 25 minutes, 52 seconds
Path Into the Heart's Intuitiveness
A Spontaneous Satsang Recorded at Monte Sahaja
13 December 2014
“There is this pull, this longing that you may not understand. You have an intuition that’s a pull towards something, that at a deeper level you need to go where this longing is taking you. But you cannot know what that exactly is. The mind wants to know ‘where am I going’, ‘who am I going to meet’, ‘how am I going to do this’ - it wants to prepare. But the intuitive Heart functioning in the seeker doesn't need to know in that way. The impulse is enough.
It is the impulse of Love, of Life.
It doesn't know what Life is going to bring, just the impulse to be, to live.”
Music: Heart of Fire by Omkara
1/4/2019 • 22 minutes, 15 seconds
Be in the Height of Your Being
Spontaneous Satsang Recorded at Monte Sahaja
10 December 2014
When you know your stories are untrue, they have already lost their power. You naturally move from personhood to the state of presence, and you begin to lose interest in the stories of others, as well. When other beings find that you are not interested in taking on their illusions, they have to come back to themselves.
"Everything is freed up again, when your mind cannot hold a grip, cannot grip anything. That’s the power of staying in the presence."
Music: Shree Lord Shiva by Shivali
1/4/2019 • 15 minutes, 50 seconds
Truth Is Not Affected By Person
Spontaneous Satsang Recorded at Monte Sahaja
31 July 2014
"In authentic seeing, very quickly questions drop away. It is not a matter of getting somewhere, but of clarifying your seeing. Nothingness is not ‘something else,’ it is here, now. Is that which perceives ‘the person’ caught in the bubble of personhood?
The Self does not stand to gain or lose anything, and so it is totally free."
Music: Sita Ram by Ben Ciel, performed by Krishnabai
1/4/2019 • 38 minutes, 51 seconds
The Movie of Life
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja.
29 November 2013
"The real self neither doubts nor believes. But the dynamic self, the child of the pure self, must grow in trust, appreciation, humility, and love. That's what somehow, in the game, converts that very limited state into the all-possible."
Music: Song of Freedom by Krishnabai
1/4/2019 • 31 minutes, 49 seconds
Lord Give Me the Life That Is You
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
18 July 2014
"To really follow a master’s teachings, you have to do that as a devotee. You have to do that as one who really feels that the only thing of value in this life is Truth. Everything, every single thing, one day will be gone. Why not give it now, and be rich in God?"
Music: The Lord Is Here by Shivali and Soham
1/4/2019 • 15 minutes, 14 seconds
The World Works Beautifully Without 'You'
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
17 August 2014
"Forget the notion of relationship or any other concept, and just move from emptiness, just come from emptiness. You are fine! I think we struggle a lot with the roles that we play through concepts, and thinking ‘this is how things should be.’ If you are free of this concept of how things should be, you will find such tremendous flexibility and openness and joy.
It’s like you cannot be captured, you cannot be oppressed. You are having the best relationship, because somehow there is no pressure in you. If you don’t have a sense of how things should be, strictly, then there’s space for the whole world to fit in you. "
Music: Song of Freedom, Artist: Krishnabai
1/4/2019 • 14 minutes, 51 seconds
One Good Chop Will Bring This Tree Down
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Mooji Sangha Bhavan
29 July 2014
"As you remain as neutral awareness, there is a feeling of refinement and maturing, against a backdrop of unchanging awareness. Things that used to have power drop away as you stabilise in the state of presence, joy and peace.
We must see through the tendency to identify with the mind. Trust the changes that are happening through satsang, don’t identify with the mind’s beliefs and concerns. Your power returns to you as you remember your one-ness."
Music: Infinite Dance by Omkara
1/4/2019 • 56 minutes, 36 seconds
You Are Always Here
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
13 October 2014
Nobody beats you but you. The mind has no power to distract you without your cooperation. It doesn’t have the power, it doesn’t have the desire. Your mind cannot take you away. It’s just that you believe that and then it feels like it’s true. But there is something that remains completely untouched.
Music: "Be One With This" by Soham
1/4/2019 • 27 minutes, 3 seconds
Everything Is In Its Right Place
The peace of god is with you.
The light of pure awareness is with you
The joy of being is you
A Guided Meditation recorded at Mooji Sangha Bhavan
29 July 2014
1/4/2019 • 18 minutes, 22 seconds
The One Who Is Waiting For God Is God Himself
"You want to use your mind to go beyond your mind. But you are already beyond your mind. When you believe in your identity, you have to go back to the mind again, and the mind can only bring confusion. The mind keeps putting conditions, like maybe I need to do this first, do that first. But there is nothing you have to do to be yourself, because it is already there.
What are you going to do for something that’s already there? Can you make a King a King? He is already King. You only have to recognize ‘but that is the King!’ Ah, OK! Then everything comes spontaneously."
Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
8 September 2014
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 22 seconds
A Blessed Fire
"This fire is a blessed fire...
It burns only what you are not."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
22 November 2014
1/4/2019 • 40 minutes, 11 seconds
Shiva Wipes Away Your Delusions
"Offer yourself up and give yourself fully. It is such a small price for what replaces it. Give your heart to Shiva and he will wipe away your delusions."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
3 October 2014
1/4/2019 • 20 minutes, 14 seconds
The Evidence of Truth
"You are not being offered knowledge to keep and to store up, like in a book, you have to become the book of life itself. So that your presence will shine as the embodiment of Truth."
A Spontaneous Satsang Recorded at Monte Sahaja
1 January 2015
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 46 seconds
Self-Inquiry Is the Most Direct
"The greatest understanding comes only by Grace, not through studying. We like to wait for special effects, for special kind of feelings. But it is not the happening we have to focus on but the one in whom the happening arises."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Rishikesh
18 February 2015
1/4/2019 • 17 minutes, 2 seconds
Vanish Inside Your Own Being
“Quietly and silently vanish inside your own being. The world will see you but you will not see yourself—You will only Be.”
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Maravillias
13 September 2014
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 38 seconds
Nothing Happens To You Ever
"The person is always late because its tendency is to keep linking to the past. It does not adapt to the freshness of now. Whenever you look into the mirror it never shows you a face of the past. The consciousness is just like that, it is always fresh."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
29 December 2014
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 20 seconds
Podcast: Love Is the Climate of Your Presence
"The consciousness in this form has tremendous capacity. We can function on so many different levels but when it begins to function on a level where love, joy, peace and wisdom are the climate of your presence, then you are in the realm of God."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Monte Sahaja
11 August 2014
1/4/2019 • 9 minutes, 27 seconds
You Have To Do It
"Do not use the enquiry merely as a pain killer. The one who feels free from pain will again experience pain at another moment. Go deeper than that and find the one who has had enough of suffering and the one who is thankful for being free from suffering. The fruit of self-enquiry is that you become completely empty, that nothing is left of you."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Zmar
29 September 2014
1/4/2019 • 35 minutes, 36 seconds
Inside the Unmoving
“When the sense of personhood comes, let it come and watch it from consciousness and see what happens to it.”
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
15 August 2014
1/4/2019 • 10 minutes, 57 seconds
A Dead Man's Night Out
"You want to have a nice mind, a spiritual mind. You want you and your mind to walk to heaven together. Well, it might not happen. You might have to leave him. You are going to come to this place where it doesn't matter what the mind says.
Until we know that the mind is what you take it to be, it seems to have an independent power. To say: forget about everything, for me is pure love. Drop it. Can you? You'll immediately find love. This love is not a sentimental love ... this love is pregnant with wisdom.
Be dead ... but fully alive. Such a wonderful opportunity to forget about yourself."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
27 May 2013
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 8 seconds
God Is Love
"Prayer is not some kind of poetry or art; it is the most beautiful contemplation. There is nothing you can say that could offend God. The love of God is so great, it gives you the freedom to be nothing. Only the one who has met God has the confidence and the joy to be nothing."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
12 May 2014
1/4/2019 • 23 minutes, 58 seconds
The Beauty of Self-Recognition
"What is the question, 'Who am I?' driving at? If this question cannot give me what I am, then what is the purpose of this question?"
It's not a mantra or a mental method. The purpose of this question is to find out what arises as 'I'. Everyone assumes 'I' to be the person, and this is where the confusion begins.
Being in Satsang can stir up dormant energies which often arise as resistance or fear. Mooji reminds us that anything can arise; but, what is important is to recognize that you are the witness of whatever arises.
"You cannot just solve a problem personally, because the person itself is illusory. Don't focus so much on the person; instead, keep bringing the attention back into your impersonal consciousness and that itself takes care of all the rest spontaneously, automatically. This is the beauty of Self-recognition."
Mooji encourages us to keep turning the mind towards inquiry; it is totally possible for everyone to recognize what they are, consciously.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in India
7 December 2010
1/4/2019 • 23 minutes, 13 seconds
Fall Fully Apart
"You have be struck by lightning and fall fully apart. You must have this much courage for freedom. Something much more then cleverness is required, something much more profound than intellectual understanding. There is no time to plan for this. You must be ready to offer yourself up for whatever it will be it will be a small price to pay for Self-Discovery."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
13 June 2013
1/4/2019 • 4 minutes, 18 seconds
Moving From Person to Presence
One person reports to Mooji over a Skype phone call that through her inquiry, she has realized that many concepts and ideas she has believed in — including the idea of who she thought she was — are not true. She says that she does not really understand what is happening right now and sometimes feels lost, but that she wants to know the truth of what she is.
Mooji responds by saying that actually, this is a common phase of the inquiry. Through the power that comes from real 'inner' looking, stale emotions and stale thinking are being burnt and there is a changing over from being a person to being presence; this feeling of being lost is just the feeling of being lost from your usual context of being. Mooji assures her not to worry, because, "A human being does not move into this deeper place without the call and support of Grace."
The beingness is pulling the personality into itself, and it is a much more expansive state. Lastly, Mooji says to just let things happen, and to be the silent witness of them. It's a new way, and it's going to show you something very beautiful.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
3 September 2010
1/4/2019 • 36 minutes, 19 seconds
Struck By Lightning
"These words provoke and inspire something inside us that is primal and ancient - older than ancient - before ‘how-to-do’. This is not a how-to-do place. Sometimes if you’re lucky, life throws you something that you don’t know how to do. Is being empty something you can do? How do you shake off this old partner, the ego, who robs you at every turn, even while you’re sleeping? How do you give up going to this mind that gives you empty promises? How do you do it?
Maybe for once, you get thrown to the sharks so-to-speak, and something gets produced out of that."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
2 May 2013
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 7 seconds
Without Awareness There Is Nothing At All
Self-Enquiry cannot just be a mental, dry understanding. It has to have the fragrance of the Self and the energetic presence of the miraculous. Then it will do its work and set you free from the limitations of your imagined identity.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
9 February 2014
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 23 seconds
Your Real Life Is Not A Story
Someone who seems to be heavily involved in family issues asks Mooji for guidance on how to remedy her present situation. The conversation begins with report after report of what is going wrong in her life and the lives around her, and of stories of trying to cope with daily life. Mooji points out that her present identity is shaping what she is experiencing and guides the attention back to awareness. Awareness is completely independent of the struggling mind and does not have a story.
Can you go to the place where there is no story? By the end of the conversation, there is a recognition of this place of emptiness that does not belong to a person, and also a realization that greatest 'action' to take is to remain as the Self, not to waste any energy putting out fires.
A Skype Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
22 September 2013
1/4/2019 • 55 minutes, 25 seconds
The First Kiss From God
"Life is not about doing or not doing; it is about the quality of your being. The invitation is to be empty. There is nothing you are going to do on this planet that will bring you the profundity of that peace, of that love. When you are again your Self, you are unconquerable. Even death cannot touch you. Your real Self is always here. Remember that."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
13 December 2012
1/4/2019 • 30 minutes, 34 seconds
The Witness Remains Untouched
Through this conversation Mooji leads us to a clear seeing of how personal conditioning and education strengthen the mistaken identification with the ego and the phenomenal world. He points to the power of observing with detachment and the joy of recognising the only truth: awareness is really what we are. He also speaks about the positive effects of strong experiences such as panic attacks, rejection and feeling lost. Finally, emphasising the simplicity of self-inquiry, he leads a seeker into clarity through the question "Can the perceiver be perceived"?
A Skype Satsang
21 April 2010
1/4/2019 • 34 minutes, 41 seconds
Come To The Ultimate Place
"Go to the birthplace of duality. This is your final place, the ultimate place. When you confirm yourself as the pure, unattached witness, nothing can trouble you, nothing can overwhelm you."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
8 August 2013
1/4/2019 • 33 minutes, 41 seconds
Open Space of Being
"This is looking in the mirror when you yourself have no face. What is the point of it?
The end of suffering is the point of it. The end of delusions is the point of it. To be one with the experience of the highest truth and not to come out. To recognise that you are timeless, eternal, undying - that is the point of it. An end to the troubles that come out of duality and yet to see the divine in duality is the point of it. To have the experience of love, of sharing, of compassion, of wisdom, of experiencing without delusion, is the point of it."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
15 November 2012
1/4/2019 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit
While the physical body is here and the vital force, some activity will be going on, some duality will be playing out. It is very important that these things come and take you out of your projected state. We still have a relationship with our mind, with our sense of identity, with how we want things to be and how we want to be perceived.
The stain of identity is one of the last ones to be removed. In Satsang this stain is dissolving, like ice in a glass of warm water.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
6 December 2012
1/4/2019 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Fall Back Into the Lap Of God
"In a way, even the gods are seasonal; there are gods that have been worshipped at a certain time and that have been replaced by other gods because even the gods belong to the realm of names and forms. But no one can grasp the Supreme for it is beyond time."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
24 May 2014
1/4/2019 • 20 minutes, 19 seconds
Eternally Home
This talk begins with Mooji reading a touching letter from one devotee - a plea to help facilitate a recognition that will end separation and suffering forever - a burning desire to come home completely.
Mooji looks side-by-side with the devotee at some statements in the letter in order to clarify - to reveal what is true and discard what is false. The devotee expresses that he hates existing because it is synonymous with pain, and also that he does not feel home.
Mooji asks him some penetrating questions like, "Is existence only synonymous with pain? Is there pain in the objects that you see, or is there pain in the perceiving of them?" And also, "Why would the Self say, 'Not home'? The Self itself is home. The Self cannot show you home because Self is home. Self is where the perceiving is coming from. It's the birth of the perceiving itself; it's arising out of the Self."
One-by-one, the apparent reality of his statements and the one who suffers them dissolves in the light of real looking. Mooji then asks the question, "Can the seer be seen?", and the devotee comes to a full recognition of his true Self, and an understanding that he has never really suffered — that he is eternally home.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in India
2 December 2010
1/4/2019 • 38 minutes, 40 seconds
At His Feet
When your mind and your reasoning doesn't belong to you anymore, you don't become dead. You are dead of ego but fully alive as what Is.
The ultimate expression of love is when you can’t find the other - even the most loved one.
Behind and beyond the finding - you are there.
In this love you take away death from me because if this death happens then I am in you, so I am living - as you.
This is probably how you save the whole world.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
28 May 2013
1/4/2019 • 20 minutes, 41 seconds
Don't Know Anything At All
"Don't be afraid of not knowing. It is only the idea of knowing nothing that brings fear. We carry and hold on to a lot of concepts, a lot of mental garbage. We want to be free but we want to be free with our garbage. We want to preserve our identity at all cost because we believe identity to be what we are. And we are afraid that to find the Truth means to lose our existence, to lose consciousness. But you are only going to lose your non-existence, your un-truth.
This is the most auspicious and most beautiful discovery. When you understand your true nature then this entire dream is undone."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
17 June 2013
1/4/2019 • 44 minutes, 11 seconds
The Sky of Your Own Being
All experiences are emerging from within the Joy of Being. Even anxiousness, tiredness, pain - everything becomes bearable because it is arising and seen from this place.
Like all clouds are a movement against the background of the vast sky, all experiences arise on the sky of your own being. Everything is passing and has a beginning and an end, only the sky is unmoving, endless and untouched.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
11 June 2013
1/4/2019 • 19 minutes, 4 seconds
Today Is a Good Day to Realise the Self
"Never feel that today is not a good enough day to awaken to the Truth. If you make plans for realising the Self in the next 6 months it will take you at least 6 months.
What you are is always here, it can never not be here. The experience may be that you are growing into emptiness, growing from something into nothingness, into emptiness. And this illusion of growth takes you to where you have always been.
We don't value emptiness until we perceive from there - then it is priceless. Throw everything into this emptiness. Not to get anything in return - just do it. Give your heart and your mind to the Self and don't worry about anything."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
4 May 2013
1/3/2019 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
Truth Is Beyond Notions
"For the wise one, everything that happens has a thank you message in it. In the beginning, you might only be able to be grateful in retrospection but one day you will find yourself saying thank you even while it is hurting. This is using life wisely."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
7 November 2013
1/3/2019 • 28 minutes, 19 seconds
Lose Your Mind In God
"In true seeing, life becomes empty but full in the sense that nothing is missing. It is like being a mustard seed. Inside the mustard seed, everything is complete.
It is not doing anything. The energy inside it is existence itself. What a wonderful privilege to have the freedom to surrender everything. Nothing stops you."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
19 October 2012
1/3/2019 • 7 minutes, 25 seconds
Solve It As Consciousness
"You can use Satsang for your relationship but I advise you to use your relationship for Satsang."
If you solve your challenges as consciousness you are out of the trap, if you solve them as a person it will last only until the next problem. For a while the mind is everybody's guru but at some point you must discern what is authentic. You must use your power!
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
27 June 2012
1/3/2019 • 38 minutes, 3 seconds
As What Are You Here?
In this spontaneous Satsang, Mooji guides us to enquire into who is the one that is giving so much attention to the mind. Stop and question who is listening to the mind and look who observes all of this. It is immediately assumed that it is ‘I’, ‘me’ who is doing this. But see if what you call ‘I’ is truly here and not just a thought. The enquiry is very swift and precise in exposing the myths of what we assume to be true. When ‘I’ arises inside, clarify who this ‘I’ is, as what are you here? Look, even if you don't know how, the looking in itself has a power.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
6 June 2013
1/3/2019 • 25 minutes, 9 seconds
A Fundamental Insight
In this illuminating and multifaceted Satsang, Mooji covers many subjects prompted by questions from the listeners who are gathered around.
Mooji begins by asking everyone, "What is boredom?" After some insightful responses to this question, Mooji then speaks about 'unsuccessful inquiry' versus 'a place where the inquiry never fails', the play of personality, confusion and helplessness as another opportunity of seeing from your true place, and the highest potential of words. One person reports that sometimes the inquiry is 'cloudy' and doesn't seem to be successful; Mooji challenges her to look further into this: "If you think there is something to see, then immediately there comes a possibility that something can block your seeing. But if your seeing has to do with understanding who you are - which means that you don't have to go outside of your skin to look at something - then what does cloudiness have to do with anything? Because you're only looking for the seer, and the seer cannot be a product as a phenomenon to recognize; the one searching for the seer IS the seer. This is a fundamental insight!"
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in India
21 December 2010
1/3/2019 • 1 hour, 42 seconds
Welcome to Satsang
At the opening of the Silent Retreat in Tiruvannamalai, India, Mooji talks about the opportunity of Satsang. He says, "The emphasis here is not on teaching and learning, but on discovery, direct recognition, direct experience."
Opening Talk from the 2009 Silent Retreat in Tiruvannamalai, India
19 December 2009
1/3/2019 • 22 minutes, 10 seconds
Stop Identifying With and Defending What Does Not Serve Truth
"Why is it that after all this spirituality, so few people seem to be waking up?
It's because at the bottom line, you're still defending your person!
We must give up this lazy part of ourselves, to find the power to confront what is unjust, to stop perpetuating the dark side by making excuses. Something in us resists salvation; be willing to tackle yourself, to stop identifying with and defending what doesn't serve truth."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
8 February 2014
1/3/2019 • 24 minutes, 36 seconds
The Most Essential Discovery
"The purpose of the inquiry is to be clear about the identity of yourself."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
3 April 2010
1/3/2019 • 28 minutes, 16 seconds
In the Acid Of Life I See God
"Is spirituality only for people who have everything else in life, who have a comfortable and cosy life, or also for people who go through a lot of suffering, who experience wars and great destruction?
Life cannot be without suffering, it cannot be without pain and jealousy because all of this helps human beings to mature and to find Truth. Without it we are very weak and shallow. Many times material abundance leads to internal weakness and selfishness while real hardship can open up the hearts of people and shines as compassion and strength.
Going through suffering and pain is of great benefit for our spiritual growth. It cuts the trivial mind with its pettiness and fantasies and brings us back into the present. Sometimes we don't recognise great blessings because we have a different belief of what a good life should be like. Terrible experiences in life often set us on fire, and this fire will burn what is valueless and untrue."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
4 November 2013
1/3/2019 • 31 minutes, 27 seconds
Listen With The Ears Of Consciousness
"Remember that you are living in already answered prayers. Many things that you are experiencing now, a while ago you have longed for them. And when you attained them, after a while, they lost their glitter and their shine. All things, after a while lose their shine because there is not really a shine in them, the shine is coming out of you.
Listen to the voiceless Self. There is an understanding that is taking place when you listen with the ears of consciousness. Listen acutely to that one that has no voice and somehow you find yourself in the presence of God. When you find yourself in the presence of God, let there not be two there."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
27 April 2013
1/3/2019 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
Don't Miss Your Chance!
"Don’t miss your grace! Don’t miss this opportunity of falling completely inside your own ocean. Don’t miss this opportunity of not trying to control the world or your feelings or other people or what they think. But be completely empty. Start right now - you can do it.
Throw away all your thoughts and let this be your final night."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
16 August 2013
1/3/2019 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 15 seconds
A Sweet Remembering
"By giving attention and importance to our thoughts, we actually believe them into existence and then suffer their impact on us. All our life we are trying so hard to change and improve something which does not even exist. But something inside is totally untouched… and a sweet remembering washes this entire struggle away.
This is really the beauty of Self-remembering — you are reminded of what you already know, of what you already are."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
7 June 2013
1/3/2019 • 39 minutes, 17 seconds
Take Big Steps And Trust
This is a spontaneous Satsang which occurred shortly after the Monte Sahaja Sunday Satsang. Mooji speaks about the resistance and mind-attacks that can often come after one has had an opening or a breakthrough in their own seeing. When these mind-attacks happen, many people run away because they feel it is a painful experience, but the mind-attacks should not be taken personally. Almost every being who has had to re-enter themselves has had to go through these type of experiences. Mooji encourages those who have an attraction for Truth to take big steps and trust -- trust is one of the most powerful tools.
Hold your ground in this undivided seeing and all of this will pass.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
2 December 2012
1/3/2019 • 9 minutes, 24 seconds
Don't Waste Any Time
There is still a lot of superficial judgement in people, spiritually prejudiced judgement and very often we just want to display that we are spiritual. You have to remain true to your own Being and be open. Any thought can appear in your mind, even terrible ones because no thought belongs to you until you make it yours. Allow all thoughts to come but don’t engage with them. And find out who is the one that suffers the impact of thoughts.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
18 November 2011
1/3/2019 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 6 seconds
What Is Always Is
Mooji touches on very subtle points of the inquiry and speaks about That which simply Is. What Is always Is, whether there are doubts or not. When someone says that sometimes they are aware of this Is-ness and sometimes not aware of It, Mooji asks: Which is greater? The apparent ‘Is-ness', or the ‘me' that says, "I am not aware of the 'Is-ness'?" The one who says this appears to be the final acknowledger of what is true; this one appears to be a fact. Is this true?
Contemplation of these questions can lead to profound insight: Is there a difference between the function of seeing and the seer? Is there a seer seeing?
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Tiruvannamalai
20 October 2011
1/3/2019 • 44 minutes, 6 seconds
Only the Infinite Can See the Infinite
"There is only the One and there is nothing that exists that can stand up in front of the One, not even you. Just follow my words and naturally, if there is an openness and humility present, you will come to the place where you know spontaneously. Humility opens the doors for grace very well and angels will rush forward to help you."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
6 October 2012
12/27/2018 • 9 minutes, 40 seconds
The Power of the Self
"It takes only one instant of clear seeing for the illusion to disappear; in the moment you recognise: You are! There is nothing you have to fix, nothing to heal, nothing to remember. You don't have to defeat your mind, you only have to know yourself.
Knowing yourself is the holy way of bringing your mind back into harmony."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
5 January 2013
12/27/2018 • 18 minutes, 52 seconds
The Joy of Not Knowing
"This is the opportunity to gaze inside your own being and to feel where you are really looking from. We don’t know for how long we have been looking from the position of person hood. The breakthrough is when you begin to realise and recognise that the person you have been taken yourself to be itself is phenomenal. Why? - Because it is also perceivable, that there is awareness of this. This is the essence of satsang."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
23 May 2014
12/27/2018 • 11 minutes, 27 seconds
The Invisible One
In this beautiful talk that happened just before leaving for the day, Sri Mooji reminds us that nowhere in the world of forms, we can find eternal satisfaction because the world of forms is the world of changes. To find the unchanging one must go to the formless. He invites us to contemplate whether the one who is receiving this advice is with form or without form.
”When you determine whether it is with form or without form, it will tell you whether you are near to your answer or you are your answer. If it is without form then right there you have found your lord. If it is with form, then your search continues.”
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
10 January 2015
12/27/2018 • 12 minutes, 21 seconds
Drink Yourself In
"Don't be so keen to share your discoveries with people. Through your enthusiasm for describing the silence you have found, you can become noisy. It's like writing a 300 page book on Silence.
Just imbibe, Drink yourself in. Don't give someone else a straw to drink you. Just be in That."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
26 June 2012
12/27/2018 • 14 minutes, 25 seconds
God's Dream
"Your true position is that of the ultimate seeing which is free of attachment and free of need. If you can confirm this in yourself, that state is already called the Buddha consciousness. Let our minds be baptised in that wisdom. If not yet in wisdom, at least in the yes-ness of the Heart that takes us to that wisdom."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
28 July 2012
12/27/2018 • 10 minutes, 16 seconds
Shower Of Grace
"The life of Truth is truly beautiful, peaceful, happy, free, light, open, holy, kind...
And yet there is such resistance against it. This is the paradox: Man seeks all these things but he wants to find it through his mind, through his projections... The opportunity to find it as himself scares him and makes him want to run away.
Don´t give much credence to the one, that wants to run. This one is the very one that needs to move out of the picture.
You must have the courage to stand up and fight for yourself."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
13 August 2013
12/27/2018 • 45 minutes, 19 seconds
White Fire
When you start to inquire into your true nature, the vasanas (strong tendencies of the mind) can't hide. It is as if they are living in a glass house. They will come, but the good news is that you have all the artillery, all the power, to transcend them. Step truly into the fire and say "Yes" — yes to Truth, yes to completeness. Let "Yes" be your highest mantra. This will clean everything. Inside your heart - just humming "Yes".
Recorded in Tiruvannamalai, India
5 February 2012
12/27/2018 • 46 minutes, 34 seconds
Everything Is a Blessing
"Everything is blessing, even the curses are blessings, for the One whose eyes are bright enough to see Them.
I don’t know anything more profound than That. That does not have any distance. That has no otherness, no separateness, it is not a person, It simply Is. Knowing That, the world and the manifest worlds are observed to be just functioning, which includes this body as well... so great is this power, it takes care of everything, even when it appears not to.
Nothing can hide from It. Nothing manifest can hide from It, nothing unmanifest can hide from It, nor exist apart from It. If you begin to contemplate in this kind of way, you will bend your knees in front of something you cannot see….so don’t try and work it out, just collapse right There and be done with it… Let That One pick you up."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
4 June 2013
12/27/2018 • 28 minutes, 48 seconds
Bottomline Be Empty
If you follow Mooji’s guidance to stay as the Self, all other instructions and practices fall flat, they are not needed. This inwardly directed attention brings you to emptiness, to the pure recognition of your natural state. Find that emptiness within your self and be one with that - without the mind or beyond what the mind has to say about it. Just be empty. Now, what can be greater than that?
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja
5 June 2013
12/27/2018 • 20 minutes, 12 seconds
To Know This Is To Be This
"If you are listening from the position of the person you are not going to get it. Freedom is not for the person, it is from the person. Don't even try to find yourself because the place from which you are accustomed to looking is itself creating separation and confusion.
Stay as the timelessness beyond even the concept of timelessness."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
11 December 2012
12/27/2018 • 32 minutes, 23 seconds
A Door Into Your Own Self
Can the Absolute be seen phenomenally? In this Spontaneous Satsang, one seeker reports to Mooji that through the inquiry, he can see what he is not, but cannot see what he is. Mooji explains that realizing the Self is like a non-phenomenal recognition - recognizing something which is not a phenomenon. Asking the question, "Who Am I" will not show you yourself; it is more like a door into your own Self.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in India
30 December 2011
12/27/2018 • 31 minutes, 44 seconds
Jump Into This Fire
What is Knowledge?
"It is not words and concepts but energetic resonance that is knowledge. When you feel you don't know anything at all - that is knowledge. To not know anything, you are just left as Being.
If you put the attention on the consciousness, it is compelled to open its flower. If your heart is in a position of 'Yes", your true seeing is immediate. 'Yes' means: I am open to That, to the infinite All-ness that Is, to remove any notion of separateness."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
5 October 2012
12/27/2018 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
The Song of the Angels
One of the questions that is being put to Mooji is: How do you perceive yourself while watching yourself on video or in photos? Mooji gives an explanation of his experience; he says, "I am there in this but I am also beyond it so I'm able to watch the movements taking place. Actually, I am not doing anything at all. This is my most truthful place."
He also says that when we think we are talking about the material world we are almost always talking about the physical world coloured by our own imagination, feelings and fears.
Our normal conditioned state of consciousness cannot comprehend the magicality of Truth; only when you are nothing, this wisdom which has no boundary can dance.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal
10 July 2011
12/27/2018 • 47 minutes, 45 seconds
The 'Deeper' Is the Depth of Subtlety
"The power of the universe is in thought. You think something is a big deal and it becomes a big deal. Mostly we are invested in the ‘buzz’ of the dynamic manifestation in life, and not aware of that place which is completely untouched and uncorrupted, original to any happening.
There are some beings that don’t put any value on events. In fact they don’t even register them as event but merely as personal concoctions.
A simple person will understand what I am speaking, sometimes even children will understand. Because I am not speaking for you to learn – I am speaking for you to discover."
Recorded in London
1 April 2013
12/27/2018 • 16 minutes, 57 seconds
An Acquired Taste
"Truth has to become an acquired taste. This is the whole game and the movement of spirituality: a gradual turning of the head back towards the Heart, recognizing and honoring the Truth of our self. What I call true self-respect is this."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal
10 May 2012
12/27/2018 • 43 minutes
The Modern Gate Is Yes
When Mooji is asked, 'How did you do it'? He says, "I didn't do it actually. ‘It' did me." They say, "But if you didn't do it, how are you asking other people to do it?"
Mooji says, "The same One who did me is inside here trying to do you, but you're saying, ‘No no, not ready, not ready!', and, ‘How can I be sure'?" You have to be wrung out; all this nonsense has to be combed out. And you, you don't have that comb; all you can say is, 'Yes'. The questions, 'Who am I?' and 'Where am I?' or ‘What am I?, where this leads you, the questioner… this is the highest thing. Who is the questioner even? This inquiring has to have some ‘yes' power in it.
You are the answer to this question, but to feel the answer, you must burn in the fire of this question.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
7 November 2012
12/27/2018 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 40 seconds
You ARE That Peace!
"You are the peace that remains before, during, and after the occurrence of any apparent event."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
2 April 2010
12/27/2018 • 27 minutes, 42 seconds
Guided Meditation: Remain As You Are
"This Guided Meditation is a simple and unmistakable pointing to our true Self as timeless, unmoving awareness. Listening to Mooji's words and 'course-corrections', it is easy to recognize the truth of who you are, and that you cannot have any form or label; upon clearly recognising this, all burdens fall away.
Mooji says, "You are the witness of time; time does not witness you. You are the unborn. There is no date of birth for you, there is no date of end for you. You are like unbound space. There is neither death nor life for you. You are immaculate awareness. There is neither high nor low for you. There is no inside or outside. All these appear through the mind. Mind itself is only ideas appearing in your own Self."
Mooji directs the listener to remain without identity, and says that this natural detachment does not require effort. "However beautiful or appealing any idea is, it really gives nothing to your true-being. Your Self is beyond all change, all improvement; it cannot be damaged or hurt or stained by any thought or any action [...] Remain as you are now. How can you not remain as you are? Only by touching the thought, 'I am something else -- I am this body, I am mind, I am thought, I am past, I am man or I am woman.' All these are secondary to you, not original. Original is that you are Supreme Being. Be one with this. Be one with this."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
8 October 2010
12/27/2018 • 33 minutes, 39 seconds
The Heart of the Bhakta
Some people have a very powerful relationship with God built on devotion. This path of Bhakti, can by some be looked upon as duality, but this duality removes separateness and is full of humility. It opens the heart and is beyond merely human love.
Jnana - the path of wisdom and self- inquiry, in combination with Bhakti, are like the two wings of the same bird. Both wings are needed for the bird to fly.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in St. Petersburg
27 October 2013
12/27/2018 • 13 minutes, 56 seconds
The Youless You
"This silence does not belong to anybody. It is no one's property, nobody's skill. It is not personal, not fragile nor delicate. It doesn't need protection. It cannot be kept.
Through Satsang, something in us is being brought back to emptiness. It is knowledge without evidence; you are the evidence, you are the treasure."
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal
6 November 2011
12/27/2018 • 22 minutes, 19 seconds
All Your Experience Is Happening In Totality
"The whole universe is one living being, and all the streams of apparent opposites are within the one totality. Awareness is not in conflict with the manifest world - it is the womb of the manifest world. As soon as your attention is turned inwards and resting inside the heart of the source itself, the doors begin to open, bringing you into the sacred space of the kingdom of God."
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in Rishikesh
25 February 2014
12/27/2018 • 38 minutes, 47 seconds
Kryptonite For The Ego
It is about the energy in the words, not the words themselves. It is about where you are speaking from, not what you are speaking about.
Everything that is a problem comes from a personal perspective, so in order to suffer we need identity. Instead of lingering in the realm of insecurity and the changeful, Mooji is pointing us back to that space of completeness that we all are.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal
19 May 2012
12/27/2018 • 46 minutes, 19 seconds
The Power of God — Part 2
This talk divided in two parts. It is an exploration into current scientific paradigms in relation to desires, ego and ultimate freedom.
Mooji's points us from his own experience to the Truth of who we are. Very few human beings give the universe a chance to show what it is without personal wants and desires. Very few human beings come to a place where they are not in a position anymore to be demanding, wanting and needing but more co-operating with what life expresses naturally inside themselves; they understand that desires are actually fool's gold.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
12 April 2013
12/27/2018 • 42 minutes, 35 seconds
The Power of God — Part 1
This talk divided in two parts. It is an exploration into current scientific paradigms in relation to desires, ego and ultimate freedom.
Mooji's points us from his own experience to the Truth of who we are. Very few human beings give the universe a chance to show what it is without personal wants and desires. Very few human beings come to a place where they are not in a position anymore to be demanding, wanting and needing but more co-operating with what life expresses naturally inside themselves; they understand that desires are actually fool's gold.
A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
12 April 2013
12/27/2018 • 24 minutes, 9 seconds
The True Position - Part 2: Grace Reveals It In You
The second part begins with this same questioner asking if he must "do something" now that he has seen.
Mooji explains, The one who sees... somehow you have to keep saying "Yes" to your seeing, because the eyes of the mind want to go back to sleep again, to sleep in desire and identity and all of this. But something will remind you. Don't panic. It's not a question of knowing how to do something. It is revealed in you; it will be revealed in you more and more if you don't try to project two, three, four steps ahead and just remain in the presence.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
27 October 2010
12/27/2018 • 12 minutes, 1 second
The True Position - Part 1: The True Position
A questioner begins by asking Mooji for a practice or method to purify, as he has heard that purification is needed before seeing can happen. To understand, does one need to purify oneself?
Mooji responds saying, "You need to understand the true position of really what you are. This is totally possible. It is possible now."
The questioner's misunderstanding is swiftly clarified in this deep encounter - one which Mooji describes as a "straight arrow", as he finds no obstacles for his words.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
27 October 2010
12/27/2018 • 18 minutes, 21 seconds
A Changing Over Of Power — Part 2
In this second part, Mooji speaks about his own experience and the subsequent awakening through inquiry: the burning off of identification, the tendencies of mind, the power of attachment and ultimately, the letting go of all concepts. Finally, he points to the joy of recognizing and transcending the play of mind in the light of Self-recognition.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
20 April 2010
12/27/2018 • 33 minutes, 47 seconds
A Changing Over Of Power — Part 1
Mooji has a clear and confirming conversation with some friends in which he touches on various topics and aspects of Self-inquiry. In this first part, he speaks about belief, the oscillating attention and mistaken identification of the Self with the body mind as the volatile combination that leads to delusion and suffering. He also speaks generally about relationships and the fear of loneliness, the myth of ego and the gradual transformation from person to being and beyond.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London
20 April 2010
12/27/2018 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
Whoosh! - Part 3 - Convalescing in the Truth
In this Satsang, Mooji takes out his sword and chops everything that is not true.
Mooji says, "Freedom is not for you. Freedom is from you. Things keep coming up [for the mind] because there is somebody that they come up for. It's not about things. It's about you."
28 September 2010
12/27/2018 • 19 minutes, 11 seconds
Whoosh! - Part 2 - The Dispelling of Illusion
In this Satsang, Mooji takes out his sword and chops everything that is not true.
Mooji reminds us: "You exist before remembering and forgetting of yourself".
28 September 2010
12/27/2018 • 12 minutes, 44 seconds
Whoosh! - Part 1 - Nothing Exists
In this Satsang, Mooji takes out his sword and chops everything that is not true.
Mooji throws everything away. Concern about the breath, yoga, scriptures, thoughts of becoming free... everything is thrown out. Nothing is valid now, Mooji says. It is all past; it doesn't exist.
28 September 2010
12/27/2018 • 20 minutes, 45 seconds
Stay As The Self
"Just by keeping your attention on Being, your sense of weight will vanish. There's an old itch to go back to the mind to play, but this can simply be observed. Mooji says that only if we have the habit of plunging into the objects of perception, then the waters of the Being get disturbed; but even disturbance is also just an idea, from the position of Being. The simplest and most powerful is to just stay as the Self.
Why stay? Why remain? Because It is already there. Don't become, because it would mean that you were not It before. Remain means: Don't go with the mind."
Note: Due to the type of recording device used for this talk, there is a lot of ‘white' noise, but Mooji's words can still be heard clearly.
Recorded at the Katu Shiva Pond in Tiruvannamalai, India
15 February 2012