English, Old Time Radio, 1 season, 627 episodes, 3 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes
Sasquatch Chronicles
English, Old Time Radio, 1 season, 627 episodes, 3 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes
People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings and encounters, and talk to Bigfoot eye-witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Sasquatch. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at [email protected].
Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website (https://www.sasquatchchronicles.com/). Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.
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SC EP:1087 The Creature Waived At Me
Sean writes "Originally I wrote this a few years back when I first started listening to your show after my brother introduced it to me. Though I decided what I encountered at the time wasn’t big foot cause it didn’t really match my understanding of Bigfoot was, so I chalked it up to a weird encounter. More recently I’ve come across episodes talking about Sasquatch throwing rocks and mimicking people speaking that made me reconsider. My strange encounter was brief but memorable, I was working on a campsite in a valley back behind my moms house, this is a suburb next to a protected forest but like the very tip of it. I spent a week down there building a proper fire pit, occasionally I’d see the odd hiker come by and I’d wave hello or they would be on there way. Well this time I saw someone walk out the path I’d usually see the hikers come out and I noticed they were fairly tall, and wearing a fur coat and then a puff jacket around their waist. My first thought was “well someone doesn’t get out to the woods much” since they were wearing a black fur dress coat. They stopped in the middle of the path waved at me and said “hello” Expect they sounded tone def when they said “hello”. I stood up and waved and said hello, when I first stood up they slightly ducked as if I startled them which I thought was strange. They said hello again and continued to wave which at this point I was thinking they weren’t all there. They smiled and it honestly creeped me out. They had an extremely wide smile. I watched them curiously as I kneeled back down to make it looked like I was working and grabbed my hammer. They then ducked behind a tree and kept popping there head out as if they were playing peakaboo with me. At this point I thought they were a druggy because of the behaviour. They walked behind some fallen trees and brush and it looked like they climbed up into a tree and continued this peekaboo game. I no longer saw them then later a rock hit the other side of the valley, my first thought was some kids threw it down from above I looked and saw nothing. Then I saw another one and saw where it came from it was from this brush about 70-80 yards away. Where I saw the person walk off. This second rock was about 10 feet short of me which freaked me out then I saw this person those the rock and this time it landed right next to me. I bolted and run up the valley through someone’s backyard straight home. When I went back a week later with my partner at the time we checked out that area I saw the person and there was nothing to stand on I pointed out where there head would have been and it had be close to 8-9ft. Using me as a reference I’m 6ft flat and I put my arms up and it still didn’t reach where I saw their head. I’m thinking maybe I did see a teenager Sasquatch and it was screwing with me. I’m not really looking to be on an episode I’ll leave that up to you but I’d like to hear what you think." Then we will wrap up with Myles from New Mexico. He had a encounter in New Mexico while camping with friends. A lot of strange things happened during this trip but the following night terrified the group and they left immediately when the sun came up.
9/7/2024 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 56 seconds
SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch
Tonight we will be speaking to John. Over 41 years ago John had an encounter in Indiana while he was in the Boy Scouts. In 2018 John was driving when he noticed a large Orangutan like creature 40 feet from him. As John and I spoke he had a lot of strange things happen to him and has agreed to discuss events in his life.
8/31/2024 • 1 hour, 26 seconds
SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead
I will be speaking to David and Scott tonight. Scott writes "I just recently listened to episode 916 ( butter street monster) due to me living down the road from that area since I was 13 years old. Now I’m 36 and I live in Germantown right off butter street, I take that road everyday to and from work. I transferred schools to Carlisle Ohio, in the 7th grade and lived off of Martz Paulin at the time of my sighting on morning star road. I bring up my story because butter street and morning star are extremely close together and are surrounded by the same wooded areas and metro parks. Around 2008 I was driving down this road called Morning Star road in the middle of the night and witnessed what I can only imagine is Bigfoot related, or a guy in a very expensive Halloween costume. Background history of Morningstar road. Local town stories of people being killed at a camp site on the road in the 70’s, never really found any evidence about that part but there are some spooky spots on the road and some areas even now I would avoid at dark. Other stories from the road are an old house burnt down in the woods where the wife was running out in the middle of the road and was hit, or fell down the stairs and broke her neck(which ever side of the story is true I have no idea) ,which me and my friends were able to locate and find burnt remains of the forgotten house. Then the notorious Bigfoot sightings through out the years of this entire area. My stepmom was raised her whole life in Carlisle and recalls stories growing up of Bigfoot sightings along Morningstar road and twin creek(which bumps right up along the side of the road). I recall my old English teacher who told me a story of her returning home from the store one night and seeming a creature which she claimed was easily 7-8 feet tall walking across the street from one wooded part to the other. Anyways fast forward to my experience. It was dark out and winter time. There was snow on the ground which the moon light up and made it easier to see the wood line on the road. There’s a few S type turns on Morningstar road that you have to really slow down on to maneuver safely on the road. Trees over lap these areas and make it really dark out at night with only your headlights guiding the way as any back country road is. While slowly going through one of the turns, there it was. Standing in between a tree or trees connected that formed a Y shape. It stood way taller than a normal size person and was covered in brown hair from head to toe from the angle we were seeing this at. At this point we were going less than 5 miles per hour due to the roads being slick and the S turn. So the detail of what I seen was burnt into my memory. What ever it was squirted its eyes and covered its eyes with its hand to prevent from the lights blinding it I assume. First thing I noticed right away was when the light shine on its eyes, they were a yellowish color, almost as it had jaundice or something of the sort. The creature flash its teeth a little bit as it raises its freakishly big hand over its eyes blocking the light. The teeth didn’t seem to be in the best shape more browning yellow but bigger than normal human teeth. It turn its upper body and you can see the muscle definition in its back, tricep and lats before it turned the rest of its body and began walked down hill away from the vehicle. My friend began to freak out and scream while I began to yell just drive! My friend made it around the S type turn and floored it home. Which is only a min down the road. That image is forever remembered with clear detail. I tell this story all the time and everyone of my friends laugh at me lol, but it doesn’t bug me. Me being a avid hunter , I think about this thing every time I step in the woods in the morning to hunt deer. It didn’t show any signs of aggression but still a sighting that spooked me. I always try to debunk everything that happens out of the ordinary , but this one has stumped me. Like I stated earlier, it could of been some one in a costume, but it would of had of been a very expensive costume which I doubt that had 16 years ago. Would love to be on your podcast to tell my story. Huge fan! Thank you for taking the time to read this email." I will also be speaking to David who was driving in the foothills of the Allegheny National Forest and a large creature stepped out in front of him. He describes the creature as massive. He said "I came to a screeching stop as this creature stepped out in front of me. He put his hands on my hood and looked at me. I have never been so terrified, our eyes locked. The creature then stood up and looked behind me and that's when something hit the back of the car. I never saw what it was but my airbags went off. The creature then walked off into the forest. Everything happened so fast. Being a formal Marine this felt like ambush." After hearing his encounter I don't think it was an ambush. I asked him if it was a rock that hit the back of the car and witness said it was something much bigger then a rock. It bent the frame of the rear of the jeep. Looking at the pictures you can tell the door no longer lines up with the frame.
8/25/2024 • 48 minutes, 45 seconds
SC EP:1082 Guest Host Brent Thomas - Paranormal Portal
As I mentioned to the members I had dental surgery on Wednesday and I am still recovering. My mouth is swollen and it hurts to speak. I will return next week and shows will return to normal. This weeks show will be hosted by Brent Thomas from the Paranormal Portal. Check out the Paranormal Portal Podcast on your podcast player you can also find him on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ParanormalPortal/
8/17/2024 • 57 minutes, 34 seconds
SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch
Dakota grew up on a large property in Georgia. Over the years strange things have happened on this property but it wasn't until Dakota and his friend from college saw one of the creatures that Dakota realized the strange things he experienced growing up on this property might have been these creatures. Ill let Dakota go into it tonight. Dakota writes "I grew up on a property in Georgia and I’m convinced a family lives there. I’m not sure if it could be a portal or not I’m still learning about that but I have had all types of encounters with them. I have seen several, multiple different colors and sizes from different distances. To go in chronological order from a young age I would hear rocks knocking together behind my dads shop (25’ wide 75’ long 20’ high)and my parents couldn’t explain it they said it was my imagination. I used to ride atv’s and dirt bikes all over this property and in the area they live in I would always find trees down across the road, sometimes in an X sometimes just going one direction being young id cut the trees down and keep going. I always felt watched outside no matter when it was and as I got older and would hunt alone I had my first for sure Sasquatch encounter. My dad dropped me off at my stand (I’m 10-12 at the time) and he went back home. After he left about dusk I hear what I think I someone trespassing behind me, 50 feet maybe. Id like to add that about 300 yard behind me is where they live now that I know that. I texted my dad asking if it was him saying he was to close I could hear him and who was he talking to. He said it’s not him and said I was hearing the wind, at this point something is walking around me in a circle until dark when my dad came to get me and when I saw his flashlight coming through the woods it was over. That day I never saw a squirrel or heard anything near me. A few years later my dad and I built a deer stand in a tree that was split into 3 so we built it into the actual tree because my dad thought it was a promising spot. Well he only hunted back there a few more times and when he stopped he told me never to go back there again and wouldn’t tell me why. This stand was at the end of the road with the X trees on it. Then I went to high school and didn’t get in the woods much because I was a 3 sport athlete. Then college. I brought a buddy home in fall of ‘17 to hunt during fall break and we are on opposite sides of the property he on one side of a valley and me and my now wife on the other, we hear this roar that he said shook his chest( he was in a blind about 50 yards from that tree stand my dad and I built)Then summer ‘21 I came home for summer and my best friend came with me to work construction with me. He believed in something being out there just not Bigfoot he wouldn’t name what it was. I told him I knew they roamed a valley on the property so we set out mid afternoon just kind of showing him the property kind of looking for signs of Bigfoot. I’m showing him my stands, my dads, we start walking this valley and cut up the property line fire break and as a joke my buddy wanted to ‘whoop’ and I knew it was a bad idea. He did it anyways and in front of us about 75 feet we hear two whoops back to us. He thought I was pranking him and I was in pure disbelief. We are standing there looking at each other shocked and over his shoulder up the hill 100 feet maybe I see a 5’ jet black upright thing step out from behind a tree and at that point I was scared because the whoops came from the opposite direction. I show him what I saw and we are at this point having to calm ourselves down because we are between what we think is momma and juvenile. We walk forward towards the whoops about 25’ and all the sudden we hear what we both described as “a silverback gorilla beating on a piece of sheet metal” from down in the valley on the other persons property and we are gun freaks so we get back to back and draw our weapons because we are threatened and scared truthfully. Then we hear laughing but I now know as the chatter but it was at super speed and the same chatter I heard as a kid hunting and I’ve heard connected to so many Bigfoot sightings. We were surrounded by at least 5 of them so we haul tail up that hill back to the house and as soon as we look up to go up the hill there was that deer stand my dad built, I knew why I couldn’t be back there. We were followed out back to the house by at least 3 we never saw them but for sure could hear grunting, huffing, growling, etc. that was our huge encounter. The rest of the summer we would have encounters of them in the woods watching us at least 10 times some standing out more than other, once we heard a loud knock from the valley and then saw an arm swing and one walk away from a think area and about 15 minutes later we saw one back in that spot. quI shined a flashlight in there a we could see it’s leg we think thigh and it was absolutely massive this was a big male, the leg made Patty look small. This was a man. Another time, we were redoing a camper I had to live in when we went back to college and we would spend all night out there working on it inside and out at my grandparents house which is on the same property but the opposite side of the valley. We had rocks thrown at the camper we heard bi-pedal walking several times and I even saw a few more watching us. Nothing scary but these ones were brown or red. That’s mostly all of them. I’d just like to talk to someone about this Tony, Wes, anyone really who can help me out because I’m scared to go back to my parents house. I’ve since got married and moved to town and I have seen one cloaked outside my house. I’ve had a few more weird unexplained encounters at my new house. Thank you all for what you do and I look forward to hearing from you!"
8/10/2024 • 55 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:1078 He Was Screaming At Me
Tonight I will be speaking with Jeremy. Jeremy and his children were on a hike when a large creature charged them. Jeremy said “We tried to leave without being seen because there was more then one of them. As we tried to leave that’s when they saw us. I have never been so terrified in my life.” Jeremy writes “Hi wes, I’ll keep this as short as possible. Me and my two kids last year around July 4th went on vacation to Northern Wisconsin. We usually stay in a cabin on a lake for a week. We like to go to lake Superior in Michigan.. and we travel around the area looking at waterfalls.. we heard about this place called lake in the clouds I believe it’s one of the highest elevated lakes in the United States.. after we stayed and looked at the scenery at the top of this mountain we left and about a mile down the road there’s a river and this waterfall I believe it goes into lake in the clouds.. I’m not exactly sure but I believe it does or it might even go into lake Superior lake In The clouds is extremely close to lake Superior.. from the parking lot to the waterfall was about a 2 mile hike.. we decided to walk upstream and just do some hiking after about 1 hour of relaxing at the site with I guess you call them big boulders not just rocks. We had a very terrifying encounter with what you call a Sasquatch I guess I believe it was a family of Sasquatch.. it killed a deer it looked like it prayed over the deer after killing it noticed us and the leader or the dad/father / husband Sasquatch came charging at us.. it was horrifying after this encounter me and my kids were really never the same since that happened.. we have talked to a counselor/therapist which actually helped a lot talking about it and my daughter still goes to this day.. my friend told me about your channel I don’t know 6 months ago maybe longer.. and after a hearing some of other people’s encounters I talk to my kids about contacting you… Kids told me I should not give real names.. so I would like our names kept out of the story… I think it will help me talking to you.. I truly believe the therapist / counselor believes our story… I could care less if she did or not… I’m just rambling on so I apologize there’s only a couple people we told about this.. but if you would be so kind to get back to me I would appreciate it thank you and thank you for helping many other people.
8/3/2024 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 33 seconds
SC EP:1076 The Unknown In The Ozarks
Billy writes "I had an incident happen to me two years ago, in August 2022. This incident has affected my life in a serious way. I have stopped almost all of my outdoor activities, hunting, fishing, and hiking, which have been a big part of my life. Since the incident, I have been off and on in a state of depression, and I have gained about 35 pounds. I really need to talk to someone who has experience with these types of events and will take it seriously, and maybe help me move on from it. In summary, the incident involved being stalked on a daylight hike in the Ozark Mountains by something I could not see initially, which caused the entire forest to go silent and the air to seem to stop moving. The woods became so silent that I could hear myself breathing. I was videoing myself during this time and commenting about the lack of noise and that I could occasionally hear something off to my right following me, always just beyond my sight in the woods, maybe 30 meters. The woods are very thick in this area. At one point, I was taking a break and getting a drink when, looking back up the trail I came from, I saw a large black object on the side of the trail. My first thought was that it was a black bear. As I watched this thing about 300–400 meters away, it did not move. I ruled out the bear because it did not move and would have to have been sitting like a dog if it were a bear. I took out my iPhone 13 Pro and started to film. I zoomed into the thing, and it was black to a degree that could only be from something burnt. It had a sort of rectangle body, the head and neck was like a deer, with horns similar to those of a cow. The whole object was as black as anything I have ever seen, with no details. This sounds strange, but it is on film. I assumed it was a burned stump but wondered how I could walk past such a strange object and not notice it. On my return trip, I walked past where the object was but found nothing that even remotely looked like the object I filmed. However, the area just behind where the object was had been smashed flat, as if something large had walked or sat there recently; I filmed this as well. Near the end of the hike, I noticed a pile of animal scats in the middle of the trail. This was deer scat, but it was large for deer. I bent over to film it. I intended to show this to my brother, who has hunted this area a lot. While doing this, I heard a very large twig snap directly in front of me. I jerked my head up, still filming, looking into the woods. The woods were thinner here than on the rest of the trail. The twig snap was from a large twig; in order to break something that size it would take something large as well. I could see nothing in the direction of the twig snap. I felt a huge urge to run at this moment; it took everything I could muster to not to. I told myself it was daylight; I couldn't see anything, and if it were a mountain lion or something running, running could trigger an attack. I walked to my truck and was very nervous that it would not start or something and I would be stuck out there. My truck never had any problems, so that wasn't a normal feeling. I drove away and stopped for a few minutes down the road to think about what happened. I was pretty shook up. I stopped going into the woods after this incident. I would usually be fishing on a river near by, not near any roads and trails several times a week. Sometimes coming out after dark alone. I stopped scouting for turkey and deer seasons because I did this alone. I did not do any hunting the following year, even with others. About a year after the incident, I started to think about why I was so bothered by this incident. 1. Whatever was following me could have been a predator of some type, I suppose. However, bears are not that stealthy, I have seen a few of them in the wild. There are no mountain lions in the area. Whatever it was, it made the forest go absolutely silent. I stopped walking when I noticed this, it was so silent that I snapped my fingers a couple of times to make sure I had not lost my hearing. The air stopped moving, like I was in a vacuum. I don't know any animal that causes that. 2. The object I filmed. What was it, and why was it not there when I first walked by or on the return? I have zoomed and slowed the video I took of it, and it seems to have turned its head slightly at one point. I have not heard of anyone having an experience like that. 3. The twig snaps at the end of the hike. Why could I not see what caused it? Something large enough to break a large twig by stepping on it should have been easily visible, but I saw nothing. I focused on the twig snap and my lack of seeing anything. I thought about how quiet it was previously following me along the trail, but it was so loud at that point. I realized it made a mistake at that point right then by stepping on the twig. Why would it do that right then? I then realized that at that moment I was bent over, head down. filming scat. I was completely vulnerable and unaware of my surroundings then. I concluded that whatever it was, it probably saw its opportunity and charged me. Like you see in videos from Africa when a gazelle bends down to drink the cheetah springs on them. This thought really bothered me. What would have happened if the twig had not snapped? Would it have gotten to me? Why did it stop when I lifted my head up? I could not see anything, it could have continued for me. I was unarmed."
7/27/2024 • 55 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:1075 I Ran As Fast As I Could
Damon writes "Hello, I wanted to just share my encounter I had in Vancouver, Canada. I was on a hiking tour with my mom,aunt, and cousin through a redwood forest. I grew up in rural Louisiana. So me and my cousin had plenty of experience of exploring the woods. We were the kind of kids that were kinda rowdy and always getting into something at a young age. At the time I was around 16 years old when this happened. We were walking thru the forest getting bored of the hiking tour. So me and my cousin decided we were going to try to break off from this tour and walk through the forest ourselves, because we were passing up some really good areas that looked like they had some interesting things back off into the thickets. So we fell back to the back of the tour group, and saw a very heavily covered trail to our left and decided this is our chance. We ducked off through the bushes and made our way over some logs and branches. We walked through the winding forest for about 100-150 yards. Then we came up on a redwood tree that had fallen. This really amazed us. The size of the tree even laying down was more impressive. We walked along the tree, with it being on our left side. Rubbing our hands along it as we walked down the trunk of the tree, coming up towards the roots that was exposed. Once we got near the roots of the tree, we had to walk around them to our right to get pass the roots. I was leading the way. So once I came around the roots of this huge tree, what I saw had me in a total shock. I came around the roots and I was within 10ft of what I thought was a bear at first. I stopped. And froze. But my cousin was still walking up behind me, and he made a noise coming through the roots and brush. This thing had it's back to me and was in a squatting position. With shaggy reddish hair. It appeared to be about 5 feet in height at the shoulders. So that's why my first thought was "oh shoot, I just walked up behind a bear" I assume it heard my cousin, and it started to stand up and turn towards us. But it didn't stand like a bear. I saw arms come out from it's sides and stand up like a man. That's when I saw the legs and head and shoulders. I cant recall if I said any thing besides run to my cousin. And we ran through the way we came. I felt like this thing gave chase for a minute. But I was to afraid to turn around. We hit the tour trail and ran until we caught up with the group. We both were hyperventilating and couldn't talk. I tried to explain to the group what we just saw, but I couldn't say Sasquatch. I thought they will think I'm crazy. So I just said "Idk ,I saw something back there". We were both panicked. I always tried to deny what I saw because it wasn't the right color of big foot videos and pics I've seen on T.V. and books. So I told myself, it must have been a big orangutan the escaped or a red monkey. I've never told many people about this. Maybe 5 people my entire life. Just family members. Its was just to unbelievable even for me. Not until I heard a story on your show about a sasquatch the was a reddish color that I knew what I saw was exactly what it was."
7/21/2024 • 56 minutes, 57 seconds
SC EP:1072 Retired SWAT Officer
Mark writes "I thought I would give you some bullet points to a Bigfoot Weekend I was blessed to have experiences. This started on Friday July 21st and ended on July 23. Just so you know how the weekend started I responded to our camp site and picked as spot to pitch my tent. After setting up my area m met some people from outside Houston who were there with their ten year old son, closest to my tent. The ten year old asked to go to a nearby creek and look for some rocks there. He left but returned after about 5 minutes. He had chosen a way that was at the bottom of where two hills met. Add into this that I knew it had rained the night before in this area as I followed the weather in order to pack right for the weekend. The kid stopped about 25 feet from my tent and behind his parent's tent. He said, "I found a foot print." We kind of blew it off and then Jesse Morgan came by to introduce himself. The boy told him what he had found and he went to check. Sure enough there was a larger and smaller print. I took some photos. I attached the smaller one first and the second is the track that was plastered. That is the fourth photo. I found another track about 30 yards away from the other two and it was 15 1/2 inches. The plater cast measures 17 1/2 inches. Part of the foot did not get plastered as it was on a slight slope. That is what was found in my first 20 minutes after setting up my tent. Here are the bullet points for the rest of the weekend, I believe in chronological order. 1) Night hike with small tree breaks and a head seen by Alan Megargle through therm. 2) After that heard some light chatter by a stream. 3) One person in my group saw a shadow running bent over near the ridge. Second day: 1) We did a recon a mountain we had to bushwhack up into. No trail. Found these quartz rock circles set up in the ground. Not sure who did that. 2) We found many trees twisted and broken at about the six foot level. 3) We found a 15 inch track almost near the top with a small one next to it. 4) The mountain was completely quiet Second night: 1) Went back to mountain and bushwhacked up at about 10 pm. except for our start by the road the woods were silent. 2) We ascended (Myself and 6 other guys) to the top. Where I separated from the group. They eventually settled down and were quiet. I then heard something moving around my perimeter. It started around my 9 o'clock and stopped around my 2 o'clock. It stopped and it was dead silent. I then moved my position and it did roughly the same thing again. It stopped. 3) It stayed silent for about 5 or so minutes and then we all heard the howl from down in the valley. 4) It stayed quiet for some time and we decided to head down, getting lost in the process. This was around midnight. 5) As we were walking 2 guys heard something pacing us. 6) One guy saw green eye shine. 7) We stopped to get our bearing and one guy pulled his thermal scope out and saw one. He handed them to me and I clearly saw a head. 8) We started back down and I heard something, in what was like a conversational tone, right in front of me in a thicket, say something like,"HeeeeeeYou", which was just so close to me. It sounded like a twelve year old male. My wife and I did head back to the same mountain in late September and she found a small trackway. Like a bone head I did not photograph those.. Well, that was it, but there are details to fill in."
7/13/2024 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
SC EP:1071 Caught With Your Pants Down
Tonight I will be speaking to Jeremy. In 1984 he was on vacation with his family. The family stopped in Colorado to take a break from their road trip. Jeremy stepped out of the camper to pee and was face to face with a creature. I will also be speaking to Pete. Pete owns a home in rural New Hampshire. Recently he has noticed a lot of strange activity on his property.
7/7/2024 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
SC EP:1068 The Journey To Belief
Tonight my guest is Stacy Brown, he will be discussing his new film The Journey To Belief. From thejourneytobelief.com/ "Bigfoot: The Journey to Belief" is a four-part documentary series where Bigfoot researcher Stacy Brown Jr. attempts to prove the existence of Bigfoot to his skeptical filmmaker friend Joseph Badia. Joined by author Richard Laudenslager they hit the road as The journey begins with Stacy introducing Joey to thirteen credible witnesses who recount their harrowing encounters with the elusive creature. They then delve into the state of Florida's documents, searching for references to Bigfoot sightings in the journals of past governors, as well as requesting emails and reports from state agencies hoping to link modern-day encounters to historical legends. The series culminates in an expedition to a property with ongoing Bigfoot activity. "Bigfoot: The Journey to Belief" weaves firsthand accounts, document research, and fieldwork to explore whether these experiences and evidence can transform Joey from a skeptic into a believer. Link to the trailer
6/29/2024 • 57 minutes, 41 seconds
SC EP:1067 Bigfoot And Ghost Encounters
Kenny writes "I had an encounter in 2005 about a week after hurricane Katrina. I’m from a small town about an hour north of New Orleans called Ponchatoula. We didn’t get any structural damage but we did get a lot of downed trees. I was about ten years old and living with my grandparents. For the next couple of weeks after the storm me and my grandpa would clear as much of the trees and other crap out of the yard. After a few days we were starting to run out of clean clothes so my grandma had me go out to the pond in our backyard to get some water so that she could boil up and wash some clothes in this big 55 gal pot we had (typically used for crawfish) because we still didn’t have any power. I didn’t think much of it and went out there with some buckets. For some backstory we only lived about 3 miles aways from Manchac Swamp and were surrounded by pine forest except for the 7 acres of land we lived on which was clear except for about 30 pecan trees. Anyways, when I went down the bank I heard a bunch of noise like trees crashing from the other side of the pond. I started watching over there and then what I thought was a bear came out of the woods and stopped at the opposite side of the bank. I knew we had a few black bears in the swamp but had never seen any so I just stood still to watch it. After what felt like a few minutes I saw it reach into the water and snag up a catfish (cats were the only fish we kept stocked in the pond). Being a 10 y/o who loved nature I thought that was pretty cool until it stood up and stretched. The kind of way someone who just woke up would with its arms reaching up to the sky. I could see that it still had the catfish in its hand. Seeing that thing stand up I froze. I don’t think it ever noticed me because as soon as it got done stretching it simply turned around and went right back the way it came. After a few minutes when I couldn’t hear it anymore I just ran inside and needless to say we didn’t get any laundry washed that night. I never saw or heard anything else after that but yeah that’s my story and just thought that I would share.” Dusty writes "I've been thinking about writing you for a while now but haven't committed to the idea yet; well here goes. I have had many strange encounters with paranormal and supposedly "unknown" or at least "unpublished" entities. I had a sasquatch road crossing encounter when I was a kid. It was pretty basic, it just ran across the road in the middle of the night while I was out with a cousin of mine. I was 12, and my mom had passed away in March of 2000, and this encounter was close to the 4th of July. After my mom died I was kind of on my own most of the time, and would get dumped off with various people from time to time because I wasn't welcome at "home". Life was pretty traumatic at the time looking back, and maybe that's why that encounter didn't really stick with me to be honest. It happens at night, probably around 0100-0300 in the morning, I had been with an older cousin of mine who was more of a child than I ever realized, and he never really grew up. But when you're 12 and life goes tits up you don't think about those things. I would hang out with him and his drunken friends a lot and cruise back roads and things like that. I started learning to drive because they're getting drunk and stupid and I'd drive people home. We were going to his house from a local lake one night, and a sasquatch just crossed the road in front of us, probably in 3 east steps, and walked into a big field headed for a creek. I turned in my seat and watched it for a few seconds. We made it to the highway and turned and headed for town in shock. We made it to his house and I didn't think I slept much, and I was just flabbergasted the next few days. But nobody cared to notice, and my cousin was so drunk and hungover he didn't remember what happened. The creature was massive, bulky, tall, upright Harry and the Hendersons looking critter. It was a breathtaking experience and it happened so quickly that it almost didn't register for a while what we saw. We both just looked at each other, wide eyed and pale as could be. I remember saying we just saw a bigfoot!!! But that was about the end of that encounter. I went into the Marine Corps at 17, and was stationed in Washington DC in late 2006, at a ceremonial unit that marches funerals in Arlington, Presidential ceremonies, among other important ceremonial jobs for the Marone Corps. Our barracks was "out in town" as we didn't have a formal "base" it is just a small post just north of the navy yard. It is the oldest post in the Corps, and has been in place since 1801. During the war of 1812 when the white house was burned by the British, the Marine barracks and Navy Yard were attacked and the Marine barracks supposedly burned down. From the stories I've heard several Marines were killed in the collapsed barracks. One night while on duty I was walking down the lower parking area, an underground secure parking garage under the barracks. I heard screaming and yelling coming from the locked, heavy steel door that closed off the electrical equipment room for the barracks. A secure concrete room with a heavy steel door. It sounds like dozens of people inside screaming and yelling to get out, rifles slamming on the door from the inside, and then it just stopped. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, the temp dropped and it was so scary down there I just took off running. I hot the stairs well closest to me and ran up several flights of stairs in dress shoes, which isn't easy to do. I made it to my duty post and didn't leave for the rest of the night. Another night I encountered another spirit down there. Another "barracks ghost story" for which there was no shortage. A young girl had been run over one night playing with her ball on the ramp between parking levels. I was on duty walking the lower parking, and as I got closer to the ramp I could hear little feet slapping the concrete, a small girl giggling and a ball bouncing up and down the ramp. She was headed down the ramp to me as I ran past. That was the last time I was ever down there after dark alone."
6/23/2024 • 57 minutes, 38 seconds
SC EP:1064 The Tip-Toeing Sasquatch
Frank was hunting in 2010 with a friend of his in Georgia. Frank later found his friend in his truck shaking and he looked like he was in shock. He explained to Frank what he had seen that day. Many years later Frank would see a creature and he describes it tip-toeing up to a deer before grabbing it and running off into the woods.
6/15/2024 • 1 hour, 16 seconds
SC EP:1063 The Clicking Sound Surrounded Me
Tonight I will be speaking to Kelly and Zach. Kelly writes "I'm an avid outdoors person and have had multiple jobs which required me to work in remote locations, sleeping out under the stars and having experiences I can't explain. My brother turned me on to your podcast about a year ago after I had an encounter myself. I called and told him about it and he told me to listen to your podcast. After hearing some other stories I realized I had more encounters that I had never shared because I didn't know how to explain them. I'll just share some of them here and see if you would like more info. The encounter I told my brother about that had him recommend your show took place in western North Carolina near the town of Hot Springs. I was out exploring on my own, which I do a lot and found this abandoned road. I began following it and maybe a mile down the road I saw some skid marks. Being curious about the marks because the road was not accessible, I wandered off the road near the skid. About 300 yards away I found a small teepee type structure built that was about the size of a small tent. I kind of assumed it was built as a blind by hunters. There was no trail or anything. As I looked closer at the structure I could tell the branches had been snapped off to make this structure, not cut with a saw. Not knowing anything about sasquatch or the huts people have reported I looked at this thing a long time trying to figure out how a human would have made it. The other curious thing was the leaves on the inside of the hut were not disturbed, like the structure had been there a while without anyone going inside of it. I began looking around the area more and found two smaller, similar structures. At this point I thought it was a boy scout camp or something where they had built these. I looked around further and started noticing that small saplings had been snapped all around these huts. The only thing I could think is that a vehicle had driven over them but there was no way a vehicle could access this area without leaving a massive sign. I'm about 6'2 220 and I tried snapping them and couldn't get anywhere near being able to snap them. As I began to look around the area further I noticed all the birds stopped chirping and there was a weird chill in the air. I became pretty uncomfortable and then I started hearing what sounded like someone clicking their tongue extremely loud and occasionally a high pitched whistle. At this point I decided I must have stumbled into someone's property or drug area and started to move away. The clicking began to surround me and scared the shit out of me so I started moving quickly to get out. I then heard what sounded like rocks were being thrown. I never stopped to look back but just got to my vehicle as quickly as possible and drove to the nearest bar where I wrote down my encounter. After listening to other episodes I was reminded about a time I worked out at a hunting and fishing lodge in northern New Mexico. I used to get up at 4am every morning and drive around the ranch to make sure all the boats were cleaned and dried out for the guests. This was a gigantic ranch (they say it was bigger than Rhode Island) so you could easily go days without seeing another human. I drove to this remote area in the high country and came around a turn right around sunrise. I spooked this massive creature, which I assumed initially was a bear, it went from being on two legs down to all fours and ran like a wolf. The area it ran was through this open meadow that was probably about 1-2 miles long (if not further) downhill. Its hard to explain but the vantage point I had was from up above and the animal ran down towards a lake. This thing ran those 2 miles in under 10 seconds. It ran with long strides like a wolf but the ground it covered was insane. I told people about it at the ranch and they all made fun of me and said I was seeing things. I have a couple of other stories that are similar if you'd like to hear more. Thanks for taking the time to read this." Zach writes "I emailed you about 2 years ago regarding the footprints my uncle and I found in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. After taking some time to think about my own sighting and some other encounters and stories told to me by family, friends and coworkers.....I've decided to finally type up an email. My sighting: In April of 2014, I was in my last few months of high school and had been working at a nursing home in Pottsville, PA in the kitchen. My mother at the time was the supervisor of the the place and I was getting a ride home with her after working 0700-1500. We were driving south towards my hometown, which is only about 4 miles from this sighting. I was in the passenger seat looking out the window, down towards the Schuylkill River and railroad tracks that run along the same route. The train tracks are about 75 yards from the road on a 45 degree angle. The leaves were not on the trees yet because it was right before spring, so I can see the tracks pretty good. Next thing, I see this tall and lengthy.....creature. It almost had the look of Treebeard from the Lord of the Rings Movie. Very tall, long, thin appendages and I could see dark brown/black hair. This creature was standing on the side of the railroad closest to me, looking down at the ground. Not sure why, but it was so eerie and just didn't register in my head until we got home. I told my Mom and she really didn't react. Totally didn't think it could be a sasquatch until you described the different types.
6/9/2024 • 56 minutes, 26 seconds
SC EP:1061 The Bernie Chronicles
Bernie writes "Wes, I'm seventy three years old now and live in the beautiful Texas hill country southwest of Austin. This is what happened fourteen years ago. It was my last night at work and I was closing up my department in Salmon Creek, at the north end of Vancouver, Washington. My best friend called and asked if I was flying out soon. She wanted me to come by, and said she had a twelve pack of Blue Moon. "Prettiest lady I know" I affirmed as I headed toward Battleground. We hung out for a couple hours. Her boyfriend had cheated on her and I listened to her broken heart with sympathy, and I tried to give her hope for the future. We said our hasta la vistas. I got back on I-5 north and got off at Woodland and headed up Lewis River Road. I had been living there for six weeks in a spare bedroom I was renting. It was a ways to my boss's property, on up past the fish hatchery, almost to Ariel where D.B. Cooper supposedly bailed out of that airliner, west of Mt. St. Helens. The moon was nearly full on that night of August 22, 2010, as I parked in my spot 30 feet from the forest, just off to my left. My window was down and I was listening to the radio. The Foo Fighters were playing "Times Like These." The tree frogs loudly approved and I popped open my last Blue Moon that Darcy sent home with me. I lit a cigarette, reflecting on our good times, how much I was going to miss her, and hoping our paths would meet again. Speaking of missing, I was seriously missing my two teenaged daughters that currently lived in Texas for the past six weeks. Tomorrow was Monday, my son's 39th birthday, and I'd be in Raleigh with him Wednesday night. I had a lot on my mind. I looked to my right scanning for life. Tina's doublewide sat on 4 acres, and was dark and silent, the front door 80 feet from me at my 3 o'clock. No signs of her sister and brother-in-law, who were notorious for wandering in the moonlight, but it was only one o'clock in the morning right now. I had another smoke and nursed my beer as it had been a very long day at work. I couldn't believe my ears when suddenly out of nowhere, what sounded like a million birds started screaming in the forest just to my left. Every hair on my body stood out as I reached to kill the radio. This surreal cacophony went on for maybe a whole minute when I heard something that would have knocked me over had I not been sitting in my car. I have since listened to vocalizations on YouTube and the nearest thing to what I heard was "The Ohio Sound," except that was far away and I was probably less than 100 feet away from the source here. Also there was no descending vocalization once it reached it's deafening crescendo. The force behind that howl/scream was somewhere between a really hungry lion, and a very pissed off T-Rex. Think up-close Jurassic Park. I was sitting in my old Ford Contour and my bones and organs were vibrating. I have since learned that was the result of the infrasound it produced. I was terrified and felt disoriented, also effects of infrasound. Things have never really scared me. Hell, I'm an old guy from Texas. I'd seen lots of crazy shit, but I jus0couldn't move. I just sat there thinking someone like me might get eaten. When the roar finally peaked, the birds and frogs were totally silent; not a single peep or croak was heard, and I was still vibrating. The silence was broken by a few seconds of the sound of something moving away in the woods. There was a creek in a ravine out there about 50 yards straight ahead and I started hearing what sounded like large rocks smashing against others. I happened to look at the front porch as Tina turned the light on and stuck her head out, looked my way, dipped back and closed the door. I figured since the beast was in the ravine, I had a chance to make a run for the house. I was shaking when I entered, and she said I was pale and asked what was wrong. I told her I thought she had a Sasquatch in her back yard. She just laughed and laughed and laughed. I told her I was serious, but she snickered and I went to bed. It took a long time to fall asleep that night. The next day I avoided the backyard and drove into Vancouver to get my cat. I pretty much stayed in my room when we got back. The next day I sold my car to Tina's mother and stayed in my room. Wednesday, Tina drove me to Portland to fly to Raleigh. I told my son about it after I had been there a couple days. He was intrigued, and then I put it all in a box for several years. I knew people would laugh. I wish assholes were as hard to find as Sasquatches. I never mentioned it again. A couple months ago I started listening to podcasts, especially yours, and it's really been all consuming, but in a very beneficial way: the realization of the existence of an ancient, feral species that has no concept or need of money to survive. They are truly free. I feel we are the newcomers here, living our lives in chains."
6/2/2024 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds
SC EP:1059 They Were Not Bears
Randy writes "I'm from prince Edward island, Canada I'd like to tell you about my story that I had. When I was open Alberta, Canada, I was up Norris for appointment. My first encounter took place in 2012. I was driving a water truck and had to stop because a bunch of Caribou were crossing. I saw what I thought was a black bear and a brown bear crossing up ahead. I yelled "Hey Bear!" and they both stood up on two legs like a man." About two years later, I was on cold lake weapons range. It was either a male and a female or 2 I just seen the eyes.
5/26/2024 • 46 minutes, 56 seconds
SC EP:1057 I Believe in Bigfoot Project
I will be interviewing Kelley Lockman. Kelley is an American actor, director and screenwriter. Born and raised in Georgia, Kelley's passion for film eventually led him to film school and then to acting. Kelley has appeared in various TV shows and films, including Tyler Perry's "A Fall From Grace." He has written and directed his own work and recently completed "A Sunset in Winter," in which he wrote, directed and starred. He started a new project called I Believe in Bigfoot Project. You can watch the episodes on YouTube. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO04DCiqtp8 Kelley writes "We spoke a few years ago briefly. The Squatchwatchers made an introduction for me. At that time I was beginning the process of working on a documentary about Bigfoot. But since then things have gone a bit crazy! The path I started to go down led me into places I never expected and I’ve been able to document some truly amazing stuff! The story became so huge that its just too much for a movie. I am now releasing it as a series on YouTube and Rumble."
5/19/2024 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 9 seconds
SC EP:1054 They Chased It!
A listener writes “I’ve had a week of direct encounters with my dad, brother and uncles in central Utah back in the early 80’s while deer hunting. Over the following 30 years, I’ve had at least four more probable encounters in the same area. I think that I’d like to tell you about them.” Spoke to the witness and he has agreed to come on the show. He recounts a hunting trip with his father, brother and uncles back in the 80’s.
5/11/2024 • 57 minutes, 39 seconds
SC EP:1053 Never Going Back To That Area
Kip writes "I guess I’ll get right to it. Back in the late 90’s I had 3 separate terrifying encounters with some type of large black creature over 3 years. The first two encounters were roughly in 1997 & 1998. I was in high school at the time and 16-17 years old. And the 3rd was in late 1999 so I was just about 18. I can honestly say that they were so disturbing that I have thought about them often ever since. Two of the encounters I had multiple buddies with me and the most disturbing encounter I was alone exploring the mountain behind our home on our 4 wheeler. I grew up in a Southern California city called Corona. Its roughly 1.5 hours north of San Diego and next to Riverside. At this time the upper portion of the city had miles of orchards extending from the edge of the housing developments all the way to the base of the mountains that separated us from the coast and Orange County. As a kid myself and my family spent a significant amount of time on this mountain range hiking, mountain biking, exploring the various canyons, and a few of the abandoned tin mines. Although there were known predators such as mountain lions and coyotes that we would see from time to time, I never felt scared being in this area but always knew to be cautious. At the time of what I would consider my first encounter our town was changing a lot. Hundreds of acres, if not thousands, of the orchards were being leveled to build more homes. At this time being of high school age this was a total bummer. All of the cool places we would explore or hang out were going away every week and being replaced with massive housing developments. Because of the size of one of the housing developments, there was a large storm drain project that the army core of engineers was in charge of. This project was situated near the mouth of one of the larger canyons and was intended to divert stormwater underground to who knows where? This area was completely fenced off with barbed wire fences and they even had an on-site security guard at night. This entire area was surrounded by thick orange groves and also avocado groves. Knowing that there was a massive underground tunnel being built and also being obsessed with exploring abandoned mines, there was no choice but to explore this. I did some recon during the daytime hours and figured out the best way to sneak in at night hopefully without being detected by their on-site security guard. Late on a Friday evening my buddies and I drove my truck on a dirt road deep into the orange groves and parked it behind a large pile of dead orange trees that they had ripped out of the ground. This was an area that I was very familiar with. In this area, they also had bulldozers, graders, and loaders parked near a water tank. We snuck through the trees, scaled a barbed wire fence, and at this point the Avocado Grove began. We easily made it in and explored these tunnels which were kind of a disappointment because there was really nothing to them other than concrete and scaffolding. Feeling somewhat underwhelmed we decided to head back to the truck which was roughly a half mile from the tunnel. Upon exiting the range groves we saw headlights coming our way so we quickly jumped behind some of the heavy equipment thinking the security was coming to bust us. To our surprise, it was a two-door Honda Civic with two chicks. Being curious teenage boys we were immediately wondering if they were hot. Lol. After spending some time checking out all of the cool heavy equipment we made it back to my truck. Knowing that the road they were driving on was eventually a dead end we were surprised to see that they still had not come back out. We decided to investigate to make sure they were ok. We assumed the girls were probably drinking or smoking weed because this was not a well known place and was quite creepy especially at night due to how secluded it was. The three of us piled back into my single-cab Chevy truck and started heading in their direction. As we rounded a sharp turn on the dirt road we could see their car parked at the dead end off in the distance. As we got within 100 yards of their car we could see something black crouched down behind the car. The first we thought we had was that maybe one of them was behind the car but as we got closer we could see that it was definitely not a girl and appeared to be completely black and hunched over as if it was hiding and watching them. I had one of those Walmart special 12 million candle spotlight that plugged into the cigarette lighter in my truck. My buddy Aaron turned that on and hung out the window shining it down the road. We then thought that it must be a bear of some other creature but it was not looking like anything that we were familiar with which was kind of a weird sensation seeing something that we were not even sure what it was. As we were now within 50 yards or less, to our horror, this creature slightly turned to look towards us and stood up. This was nothing that we recognized. We immediately began freaking out yelling at one another "what the hell is that thing?!!" I hit the gas and we accelerated towards their car while keeping the light on it! To the south of where the girls were parked was another barbed wire. (To clarify, all of these fences were roughly 7' tall chain link fences topped with like 18" of 3 strands of barbed wire. A sizeable fence). The fence was within 15 feet of the edge of the road only separated by a small ditch that may have been 2' deep. Beyond the fence was a wide open field that had already been scraped of all vegetation. The base of the mountain was probably 400-500 yards away from this location. This creature which I would estimate was between eight and 9 feet tall took two steps towards the edge of the road and literally vanished before our eyes. We saw this happen from maybe 50 feet away. I slammed on the brakes and we slid on the gravel road stopping about 10 feet behind the girl's car. We jumped out paying no attention to them and immediately started shining the spotlight into the field. When the creature vanished we could not understand what we really just saw. Our minds were thinking of rational explanations like maybe it dove into the small ditch just out of sight and squeezed under the fence somehow. Or, maybe it climbed over the fence really fast and somehow we didn't see that which makes no sense. We were grasping for any explanation besides it literally vanishing into thin air. In reality, we should have seen the creature maybe 20 feet away on the other side of this fence running across the wide open field if it had somehow jumped this fence but like I said it had vanished. We had all become very animated at this point yelling and freaking out at what we had just seen. Probably thinking we were absolute psychopaths, the girls in the car immediately started the engine lipped around and just took off. I did hear one of them yell "what's your F-ing problem???" Rightfully so. We calmed down after a few minutes and started to collect ourselves. There was no sign of the creature at all, and because it was a gravel road there were no visible footprints. We stayed shining spotlight for probably a half hour, absolutely shaken by what we had seen. We saw nothing, absolutely nothing. It was now close to 1 am and we rushed back to my house and immediately woke my dad up from a dead sleep and told him what we had witnessed. A little back story on my Dad, he grew up in Starvalley Wyoming. He spent most of his years as a youth as a youth and teens in the mountains hunting. In his late teens and into his 20's he was a hunting guide. He guided hunters from all over the world into the backcountry on horseback. My Dad was tough and fearless, and if anyone would have encountered something like this before it was him. He immediately got out of bed and once we settled down a bit he wanted to entire story, every detail. After listening to our story he became very quiet and serious. He sat down at the table and said "Boys, I have no doubt that what you saw tonight was real. I do not think this was any type of animal but rather a being. Sometimes we are allowed to see things from the other side of the veil or maybe even another dimension. I don't know why we do but I think this is what you experienced tonight. I do not want you going up to that area anymore." after that he told us this was nothing to mess with and not to ever pursue it. It was so unsettling and still to this day I could call either one of my two buddies and have them recount the exact same story word for word. This creature was not how I pictured the typical sasquatch. it did appear to have a shorter sleek jet black fur. Its fur almost absorbed our light and was almost difficult to distinguish any facial features at all. It was almost like a 3 dimensional shadow if that makes sense somehow? It was very tall and athletic-looking. It did not have a massive hulking build but rather a very sleek, powerful, and fast type of build if that makes any sense. Think fairly jacked sprinter instead of a giant bodybuilder. That experience has bothered me ever since. Monday came around and we thought we had the craziest story that we could ever tell at school. To my dismay, people thought we were so full of crap and honestly did not believe us. That really pissed me off but also disappointed me. We didn't really tell anyone else after that reaction from a few people in fear of being seen as weird or just lying. Second Incident This encounter still scares me to this day and I still have so many unanswered questions. This took place maybe 8-9 months later. maybe a year. My parents had sold our boat and bought some 4 wheelers instead. I loved this option! I spent everyday after school enjoying this amazing new found sense of freedom and exploring the mountain behind our neighborhood which was about 1/2 mile away. There were fire roads, old trails, and riverbeds leading up to the canyons. If you would ride to the top of the mountain on a clear day you could see the ocean and Catalina Island off in the distance. A girl that I was friends with who had very wealthy parents just bought a brand new 4 wheeler. She tracked me down at school and asked if I would every want to meet up after school and take her exploring. They literally lived at the base of the mountain but about 3 miles from my house. I was stoked! A few days later I loaded up the 4 wheeler into the back of my truck and met her at her house. I did not know this area very well so this was extra exciting to go explore a new area. We went down the road a ways and decided to cut up through some orange groves on a slightly overgrown road. We climbed a few windmills to get a good view of what was further ahead. After weaving in and out of the labrynth of trees and small dirt roads we ended up at a gate. On the other side of the gate were some avocado trees, bee boxes, and an overgrown trail that turned into switch backs leading up the mountain. This looked awesome and I was so intrigued by it for some reason. A few minutes later an old man pulled up in an old fafrm truck and was PISSED that we were in there. He yelled at us and he said "and don't you ever think about ever going up that road, never go up there!" At the time I though he was just being a grouchy old dick but now looking back I think he knew something and was actually trying to run us off to keep us safe. My defiant teenage brain now had absolute tunnel vision on returning a few days later, finding a way around the gate and exploring whatever that road led to. I had to know where those steel switchbacks led to. Sure enough, a few days later I went back...alone. I had a pocket knife, camelback full of water, and was getting in no matter what. I found a way to cut down into the river bed and up a very steel embankment which put me on the other side of the gate. I showed that old man! After cruising around atg the bottom of the hill for a few minutes I was disappointed only seeing old abandoned farming equipment in the weeds. Now it was time to follow the narrow trail up the steep mountain. Just as I was starting up the trail there was a really sketchy narrow section where it had washed out around a culvert. I carefully made my way around it trying to keep from sliding down into a washed out ditch. As I made my way up the vegetation began changing. There were tons of massive oak trees growing in a large ravine and and along the edge of the trail. By this time I was WAAY up the mountain and could easily see across the whole valley looking out at Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga way off in the distance. Then I found the most bizarre things ever. Huge, old, single wide trailers probably from the late 60's or 70's just sitting on the side of the mountain. There were 3-4 of them one above me on the trail and a few out on this point on the other side of the ravine filled with the massive oak trees. Areas had been dug into the mountainside for the trailers to sit on. I still don't even understand how they could have ever placed those up there unless by a massive helicopter or something. A trailer would literally be impossible. I thought "Well this is super weird but I'm totally exploring these. The first one was really beat up and had no windows or doors. I hiked down off of the trail and began cutting through the ravine to get to the others. The oak forest I was cutting through was thick. even though it was still very light outside, it was very dim under the shade of these massive thick trees. The ground was covered in probable 6' of leaves and was very noisy when walking through. I checked out the other trailers for probably another 45 minutes. Nothing amazing but still interesting. At this point the sun would be setting by the time I got down the mountain and I did not want to try to find my way back out in the dark so I started heading back toward the trail that my 4 wheeler was parked on. I was walking through the bottom of the oak filled ravine when all of a sudden something just stopped me in my tracks. Everything had become so quiet. I'm talking impossibly quiet and I immediately noticed it. I have never experienced anything like this. I was if I just walked into a soundproof room but in the middle of a ravine. I immediately had the feeling that I was not alone and that something dangerous was watching me. I slowly started scanning my surroundings and had such a strange claustrophobic feeling. All I could hear was ringing in my ears. No birds, no breeze, not even the sound of the trees moving slightly. I had never experienced anything like this. I began feeling a very distinct dark and creepy feeling. As I looked at the hillside in front of me, maybe 15 feet in front of me I experience the most intense fear I have ever felt to this day. A quick glint caught my eye and as I looked at where the glint came from the weirdest thing happened. The only thing I can compare it to is when you are staring at one of those weird stereogram pictures. You are straining your eyes and then all of a sudden the 3-D image comes into focus. I was staring at the hillside right in front of me which was covered in leaves. There was a large gray rock to the right and slightly above the rock but 3 feet to the left was the trunk of an oak tree. I was staring at the leaves and in the space between the tree and the rock I saw it. It was like all of a sudden my eyes came into focus and I could see it. I hated what I saw. It literally paralyzed me with fear. I was a sprinter on our schools track team so running was always my best option. I literally could not move. I was looking at what I believe was that exact same creature we spotted that night close to a year prior. It truly was probably 8-1/2 to 9' tall. The hillside in that spot was very steep so it was kind of laid back against the hill perfectly camouflaged between the rock and tree but its body was in full view. It did not move but its shiny black eyes just intensely stared at me. I stared right back. I do not remember seeing any whites to its eyes but could tell when its eyes moved because of the glint they created. The eyes looked like tow shiny pieces of obsidian or glass. This is the part that scares me the most. This was not a friendly encounter by any stretch of the imagination. This was not a goofy and happy harry and the hemdersons experience. This thing felt so mean and evil. As it stared into my eyes in that intense quietness I literally could feel that it hated me and did not want me there. I did not hear any type of voice but I could feel the most wicked and intense hate from it. I could literally feeling in my soul that I don't think I was even breathing for an unknown amount of time. I know that sounds weird. I don't know how long I stood there in that trance or whatever this experience was, but I distinctly remember feeling my lips beginning to tingle and feeling dizzy. It was enough to snap me out of it. I stumbled backwards and weakly scampered up the opposite side of the ravine. I was so slow and felt like all of my strength was just absolutely gone. I was pretty much in tears and felt like I may have just almost been attacked or killed. I got on my 4 wheeler and started backing down the trail as fast as could because it was too narrow and the hillside too steel to actually turn the machine around. I got to a switchback area and did probable the most frantic 20 point turn every performed. I was so certain that at any second this creature was going to come sprinting from the edge other oak trees and kill me. I raced down the trail and could not believe my eyes. The narrow area where the trail had mostly washed out around the culvert had large branches and brush literally piled up with other brush. It was probably 3 feet high and was no doubt there to block me or make me stop. I basically said F it and crashed right through the edge of it and made it right through. Getting back to the truck was a blur. That was probably the hardest that 4 wheeler would ever have been ridden. For quite awhile after that experience I really thought that creature could come back and find me somehow. I don't know what it did to me but it absolutely got in my head and I have never felt that much hate and disdain from anything like that in my life. After finding your podcast I have been thinking about that experience so often and recounting so many of the details. I can remember that experience like it was yesterday. I can tell you exactly what the temperature was like outside, what the air smelled like, the smell of the exhaust from the 4 wheeler, and the smell of the leaves and dirt in that ravine. I think that day is pretty much burned into my soul. That creature was the most terrifying thing I have ever laid eyes on. I honestly don't even know what exactly to classify it as. It shares some similarities to a sasquatch but it was so long and slender while still appearing very strong and fast. This might sound crazy but it really felt like it was from some other place or realm. I have had a few very close encounters with bears while camping and while that was scary, especially being in a tent, it wasn't even in the same universe as how terrifying encountering that thing was. I never ever considered going anywhere near that spot ever again and still would not even today. I felt beyond helpless against that thing and am just grateful nothing actually bad happened. I did feel like that experience was a strong warning from that thing. I have often wondered if it was extremely angry at the massive changes taking place in the area with the destruction of all of the orange, lemon, grapefruit and avocado groves. It could have been the perfect environment to remain unseen and an endless food supply. I honestly just don't know. Third Incident So this encounter I still don't understand. My buddies and Had just graduated from high school. It was the typical time in life when everyone start going their separate ways. One of my good friends Derek was getting ready to move to New Zealand for a few years and another immediately off to College in Utah. I was working with my Dad who was a general contractor and was working as a superintendent helping build our commercial construction projects. As a last fun hoorah 4 of us got together and went off-roading and exploring south of our town down the I-15 a little ways. This was an area somewhat new to us but as the housing developments continued to boom we knew in a few years most of those areas would be gone. I remember driving down a paved road and the area was heavily wooded with oak trees. I was driving and we came around a bend in the road. Now today as an adult, this would have been such an awesome place to have a home on a few acres. It was beautiful and secluded. All of the homes had a significant amount of land and were really spaced far apart. I noticed a long gravel driveway leading up to some large pepper trees. The front lawn of the home looked like it was dying and we could just make out the house back in the trees. The garage door was open and so was the front door. Out of curiosity we backed u and drove up the driveway towards the house. Sure enough it was completely vacant. I suspect that one of the large developers had purchased all of the land to later build one of the current golf course communities. We could not believe our eyes. The people must have moved out no longer than the week before. We yell\ed hello a few times before walking into this vacant home. It was immaculate! Literally clean and well kept. It was a decent size single level home with a 3 car garage. All of the furniture was gone but there were a few random odds and ends left behind in a few of the rooms and garage. We were not the kind of guys that would vandalize a place like this. We thought it was so cool and decided to come back later that night and camp out inside. I think we all told our parents the classic type of story that each of us would be at another house but in reality we were staying the night in this abandoned house. We grabbed sleeping bags, pillows, and my friend stole this massive red candle from his mom's Christmas decoration shelf in his garage. That was going to be our source of light since we didn't have a lantern that we could take without it looking too suspicious. We arrived back at the house just as it was almost all the way dark and boy this place looked creepy now. Especially with the way it was tucked back into the trees. And the house was a good size house which I would estimate between 2300-2500 sf. Backed my truck into the garage and glossed the old style wood garage door that had the big springs on the sides. The power had been shut off to the home so we had to open and close the garage door manually by pulling the disconnect on the opener. We set up shop in the center of the living room and had the angle sitting in a paint can lid with all of our sleeping beds spread out around it. We got settled in and were just talking about future plans, good times we had together throughout the years and just typical conversations. It was a really fun night. Just as we were all getting tired and winding down we thought we heard a weird sounding strange whistle outside. We all shut up and listened but didn't hear again. We blew out the candle. No more than 15 minutes later we heard something hit the large living room window really hard which immediately woke us up and scared the crap out of us! All of the blinds and curtains were gone so I felt like we were in a big fish bowl as soon as we relit the candle. As we were discussing what that loud noise was we heard the strange whistle again. It was a longer whistle and a lower tone than what you would normally whistle. We were so far from the town or really any real road. Nobody even know we were at this house. Then another really loud bang on the kitchen window and another on the dining room sliding glass door. Then another weird long whistle. We were absolutely crapping bricks. There would be a few minutes of complete silence followed by another loud bang on the windows or side of the home. Whatever was out there was seemingly walking in circles just pounding in the windows and would intermittently do a long weird sounding whistle. We were beyond terrified and knew whoever was out there could see us inside perfectly while we could not see it. I ran to the nearest bedroom and pulled off the bi-fold closet doors. My friends did the same and we started putting them up against the windows to block the view into the home. These loud pounds on the windows and sides of the home got more and more intense and began happening all around the home which really made us believe there were multiple people outside tormenting us. We yelled out some obsentities and threats telling them to get the hell out of there. This went on literally all night. We were so scared that we didn't even try to leave. it was pitch black outside. With my truck being parked in the garage that meant that someone would have to manually open the garage door and hold it open long enough for us to drive out and then be exposed for a minute outside of the truck. We were so freaked out that was absolutely not an option. We removed hanger rods as weapons or whatever we could find. We ended up with a shower curtain rod as a weapon too although it was really light weight and cheap. After hours and hours of this nonstop horrifying ordeal the sun began coming up and it stopped. We waited until it was fully light outside and tore out of there as fast as we could. Later that afternoon I got up from taking a an since I hadn't slept at all that night. It was Saturday. The more I thought about that experience the more it pissed me off. I wanted to go back with my Remington 870 shotgun and sneak in on foot and see who is there during the day. Maybe it was some rogue homeless people that were pissed that we took their spot? I called up my buddies Zach and Derek. They were down to go back and spy on the property to see the bastards that did that to us. Zach snuck out his dads 12 gauge shotgun so now we had two. We had no intentions on using them but wanted some sort of protection in case it was some creepy Charles mansion type people. By the time we made it back out there it was basically dusk which would give us cover with it getting darker. We went back to the house after parking 1/4 mile down the road and sneaking in on foot. We could not believe our eyes. The entire house had been absolutely destroyed. Every window broken out, every door kicked in and laying on the ground. The garage door we had opened to pak inside laid broken on the floor of the garage. we peaked inside the house and the amount of destruction inside looked like it would have taken a group if grown men hours to do. This house was 100% destroyed. Destroyed to the point that nobody would even think about trying to stay there. Broken glass was everywhere. All of the bedroom doors were broken right off the hinges and laying on the ground. The drywall had so many holes smashed through it. The ceiling fan in the dining room was ripped down. It was so insane we could not even believe what we were looking at. how could this be the same immaculate place we had stayed the previous night. At that point we were really pissed off. The gravel driveway continued up through the trees and towards the hillside which was basically the base of the mountain. We decided to go see what was up there. We walked a little ways further being as stealthy as possible and I immediately hated what I saw. There were two old mobile homes, very similar to what I had seen a few years before on the mountainside where I had that horrifying encounter with the black creature. The moon wasn't full but was providing a decent amount of light. We decided to check out the two trailers to see if it looked like someone had been squatting in them. Feeling brave being armed we checked them out, They were in terrible condition and disgusting inside. Leaking roofs and water damaged everything along with tons of sharp glass from all of the broken windows. They no longer had the wood steps to the front door so he had to hop down about 3' back into the ground. No sooner had we jumped down and walked out away from the trailer I heard that weird whistle again. Just as I looked up towards the hillside in front of us I caught a glimpse for just a split second of something that appeared to be tall and black. Just as I started realizing that someone, or something was like 30' in front of us a large boulder/rock about the size of a medium watermelon sailed right past my head in between my two friends. The strength it must have taken to throw a rock that large and heavy was unimaginable. Had it struck any of us it would have most likely been fatal. I didn't even think twice and started unloading my shotgun at where briefly saw this figure. I unloaded all 5 rounds and immediately started pulling more from my front pocket. My friends were completely shocked and began yelling at me saying just to run. We did, we ran away as fast as we could and didn't stop until we reached my truck a ways down the road. We never told our parents or anyone else. My friends were kind of mad at me for shooting at the figure even though that rock would have probably killed one of us had it hit us in the head. I didn't regret shooting at it, he, whatever it was. I really hoped I got a piece of him in return. We NEVER went back to that property or even the area in general. Nothing about that mountain felt safe anymore. 28 years later, as I have been replaying these experiences over and over since listening to your podcast I have started to research that area. i pulled up google earth and went as far back with the dates as I could which was the late 90's. I did this one night with my two oldest kids after telling them the story. It was actually very shocking to see how close each of these encounters happened from one another. As the crow fly's, the first two encounters happened only within 1/2 mile or even slightly less from one another. The last encounter/incident has only 1.5 miles away but also right at the base of the mountain where there were thick orchards and oak trees. Very interesting to say the least. Anyway, If you made it this far reading all of this I appreciate you hearing this experience. I have honestly been so reserved for so long in sharing these stories with anyone because I don't want to seem crazy or weird. But after listening to your countless episodes I realize that there are so many others that have had strange experiences that cannot be explained. We ditched California and moved to East Idaho 11 years ago. I spend a significant amount of time riding dirt bikes exploring our local mountains on remote singletrack. I ride with a cool group of buddies. We have seen wolves, black and brown bears, and mountain lions, but nothing even remotely as scary as what I encountered in our little local mountain range in southern California. Go figure." Link to Sasquatch and the missing man
5/5/2024 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:1051 Sasquatch And The Missing Man
As I mentioned on last night's show, I would be doing a swapcast for Merkel Media's new film Sasquatch And The Missing Man. I told Tony he could ask me anything he wants. I hope you enjoy our hour long conversation. Check out The Confessionals here: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/
4/28/2024 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:1049 He Slimed Me
Chad writes "In 2003 a hunting friend and myself had a very strange thing happen to us. I live in Mercer county Ohio, it's in West central Ohio, flat land, small box woods, and miles of corn fields. I live in a small town called Celina, we have one of the largest man dug lakes in the world its 5 miles wide and 10 miles long, it was dug by hand by German immigrants for a water supply for the cannel systems in Ohio . I'm telling you this because I think these things could travel the old cannels from time to time, the BFRO has a one report from back in the 70's close to the cannels. One night while out running our coondogs we had a very weird night. We had very nice hounds that did their job, no nonsense dogs. We cut 2 dogs into a section we often hunted, it didn't take long for my dog to open up on a track, and the my buddies dog opened up. Shortly after the dogs went quiet, followed by high pitched squeaks from both dogs and then not another peep out of either dog. We had tracking collars on the dogs but we couldn't get a signal from them , these collars can be tracked for 5 miles or so...But we had nothing. We looked at each other discussing why the dogs were acting strange, coyotes, running a deer, we didn't know. But our dogs almost never ran off game. It was early September so the corn was 7 or 8 feet tall and still green and we was standing in it, All of a sudden I had an overwhelming feeling of fear sweep over me, we heard something running around us in a circle, it sounded like more than one thing and it was big, it stopped moving and i could hear heavy breathing and they started moving again... Not going to lie I was scared very scared.... I moved closer to my friend and asked him if could hear that and what is it... He just said be quiet listen .. we heard some more movement and then nothing. We continued to try to track the dogs but nothing. All of sudden I heard something splatter I looked at John and he said what the....His shoulder was covered in a thick clear slime that smelled awful. It freaked John out. We headed back to the truck. Keep in mind these dogs are worth literally thousands of dollars so heading back without them wasn't an easy choice. We got back to the truck and found both dogs hiding behind the back tire of the truck, we had to drag them out from under the truck...Not normal, these big walker hounds could have easily killed any animal we have here. We loaded the dogs into the dog box got into the truck and the smell from johns jacket was the nastiest thing I have ever smelled, John actually had to put it bed of the truck... What do you think happened...? Was it cryptic related?"
4/14/2024 • 58 minutes, 41 seconds
SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell
I will be welcoming Jerry to the show. Jerry writes “I lived deep in Provo Canyon, in Utah, in a camper trailer with thousands of square miles of forest right behind where I lived. The first month and a half I lived there was peaceful. One day it felt like I was being watched and I had a bad feeling almost like I was sick. I fell asleep that night and woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. I had 2 “Wyze” cameras set up inside my trailer (Later I faced one outside so I could see what was happening, although they avoided the infrared light) that recorded 24/7 and they also have night vision but a crappy microphone for audio recording. So when I woke up I immediately felt like I was being watched and that something was wrong. I checked the recording on my phone from the camera as I just had a feeling that something woke me up. I looked at the recording from my cameras on my phone and there was a big BANG as if something slapped the side of my trailer thus waking me up. The video titled “Attack1” shows what I saw and what happened and you can hear me wake up from it. I was trying to justify what the bang was but something felt off so I stayed up all night and A LOT more happened. “attack2”, “attack3”, and “attack4” videos are all from that night some being very violent. the camera microphone is very cheap so you will need to turn the volume all the way up to hear what it sounded like and it still was louder in person. The cameras record clips when a sound is loud enough or when it detects motion. At that time the cameras were both inside my trailer recording the inside. The creatures were just outside my door that night and if I had opened my door I would have seen them. I was scared stiff in my bed trying to be silent and I was just frozen to say the least. I heard whistling and quick “whooops” coming from behind my trailer where some bushes were and also from the side and front of my trailer as I lay there all night not being able to move, breathe, or make a sound. My cat was very curious as to what was going on as you can see in the videos and you can tell where the sasquatch was standing from where my cat is. Once the sasquatch hit the trailer my cat would get scared and run back to me in my room. I could hear the sasquatch run away but only the first 3 steps as they left. then BANG they came back to hit the trailer again later in the night. I could hear the whistling and whooping throughout the night. The next day I quickly left my trailer with my camera once the light came out and Very quickly took pictures in the directions where I had heard the whistling and whooping. It took me some time to look at the pictures but when I did I was shocked once I zoomed in and studied the pictures. There was a BIG one hiding next to a house showing his teeth at me and this photo was taken from behind my trailer. Also, the black one hiding in the bushes was taken from the front of my trailer. In both photos, they are both about 200 yards away and the pictures were taken with a 1080p Sony camera which is why the zoomed-in photos are a little grainy. Now those videos are from 1 night, and the photos from the morning right after. I included pictures of both areas without the sasquatch for comparison as well. Yes, there were some tracks and I have some photos if you want them. I only stayed there as I was hoping the attacks would stop but after a month of trying they became bolder and bolder and I had to abandon the trailer, take what I could carry and my cat to my car while looking down at the ground so that I wouldn’t see one in person (seeing one in person with my eyes would have been way too much for my mind). Yes, I saw a HUGE male sasquatch, through the night vision camera and I have never been more scared in my life. this email would be a book if I wrote all that happened during that month and I am shaking while writing this and I feel sick. I included a video of a possible sasquatch on my landlord’s roof that has his arm reaching down and he pulls it up as he lifts his face towards the camera as if he hates it. His face is lit up by a light and infrared light which is why I think his face looks like it is glowing. It was also raining and it appears that there is a water droplet that moved and then the infrared becomes stronger on its face and that’s when you see his arm move up and face turn up. I am curious what you think about this video. there is another picture that appears to show a brownish female sasquatch and her arm standing to the left of what I think is the big one but I admit it is not the best photo. There is also a photo of a possible dogman but it is a long exposure. I heard sounds I can’t describe, my windows were ALL covered so I put my phone under the blanket covering the window and took the photo. I hope it’s not what it looks like but I figured I would include it and you can make up your own mind about it. I NEVER went back to the trailer to get my stuff. but that’s a long story I can tell you over the phone. As much as I love the mountains I have never been back to any of them since. I was a Boy Scout and lived for camping my whole life. I grew up and lived right next to Little Cottonwood Canyon and spent most of my life exploring, camping, and hiking in the mountains and all over Utah and it makes me cry that it has been ruined for me. I have so much more to tell you that I can’t write out but people need to know what can happen and that these creatures are real and to be careful. Once I got a little vocal about what was happening with my landlord, the other tenants, and my family (sometimes showing some of them just some of the pictures and videos I have) The other tenants moved out of the mountains 3 days later, my family thought I needed help, and the landlord KNEW (I have theories about him) about these things and then he also ended up moving around the time my lease was up (I had paid in full for 6 months upfront). Anyway, I am a bit worked up typing this as the PTSD from this is still there, although I am doing much better now and I can communicate much better in person and explain so much more in a way that makes better sense as it is hard to convey 40 days ish of being tormented and scared to death through a shortish email. Also, the aftermath of what can happen when you are vocal with the wrong people that “I had/have A LOT of evidence of these creatures”. I feel that this needs to be shared so others do not make some of the mistakes I made hopefully or at least get this off of my chest with people who know this is real. I apologize if this message does not make much sense and I hope to talk to you and go through what has happened to me while being trapped and tormented deep in Provo Canyon. People need to be warned and I need to get this message out of what can happen.” https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep1046-three-months-in-hell/
4/6/2024 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 28 seconds
SC EP:1045 I Thought Bigfoot Was A Joke
Turner writes "Wes, I have been listening to your show for over a year now. My background is in the outdoor industry. I have a degree in Forestry, I am an avid bowhunter, and I now do a YouTube channel that specializes in all things outdoors, hunting, fishing, shooting, ext. Because of my love of the outdoors, somewhere along my childhood the joke about Bigfoot was made and it became my thing. I always had a Bigfoot sticker on my truck or notebooks in school, but it was a joke. I never believed in Sasquatch and I also was pretty ignorant on the subject in general. As luck would have it, over a year ago a random person saw the sasquatch sticker on my truck and asked did I listen to your show. He then told me about an encounter that happened near where we lived in south Mississippi. (Ep. 761 as it turns out). Long story short I started listening and becoming interested on the subject until me and a friend got the bright idea to go to where Mike from 761 had his encounter one night. (I am very familiar with the area he hunted in as I have cruised timber there years ago) It's too much to type but we had a encounter that night where we got blasted with infrasound. Then later last year I had an encounter where I heard wood knocks and samurai chatter, and was paced out of the woods. We have also seen orbs and something strange on thermal. Like I said, it's a lot to try and type. Would love to talk over the phone."
3/31/2024 • 57 minutes, 35 seconds
SC EP:1042 The Silence
John writes “I have something to share with you from when I was 17 and bow hunting in the woods of NJ. I’m 46 now and I had a brush with a large 2 legged animal in the early hours of that fall day.” Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “It was about 2am and I was excited to go hunting. I was sitting in my tree stand when everything went dead silent. I became fearful and was not sure why. I could hear this thing coming to my tree stand and it was heavy, you could almost feel this thing walking and it was on two feet. It was in front of my tree stand and I pulled an arrow and it stopped. It was breathing heavy and I tapped the arrow against the bow and it took off running. In a matter of seconds it covered 100 yards and I saw it running through the corn field. I never went back.”
3/23/2024 • 1 hour, 1 second
SC EP:1040 The Wooly Man
I will be welcoming Edmund to the show. Edmund grew up on a farm and he had seen the creatures a couple of times. He said "I was a kid in 1978 and I was not afraid of them until it came to my window." It was looking through my bedroom window, and it scared me so bad I got up and ran into the living room. I was home alone with my cousin, who was asleep. As I was looking out our living room window, there was another one standing up on the hillside nearby. These two absolutely instilled me with fear. The previous one didn’t scare me a bit, but these felt malevolent." Edmund he said "It would flip it's lip up at me and I could see it's teeth. The teeth were like ours just much bigger. My mother later told me that she was aware of them being on the property."
3/16/2024 • 55 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake
Drew had an encounter in 1996 here in Washington up in Snohomish county. Drew describes a creature with an odd movement come out of the ditch into the road. The encounter still bothers him today. We will also be speaking to Chuck. Chuck had an encounter in 2015 at Diablo Lake. The lake is in WA state. Its a glacial-fed lake and in the summer turns a turquoise color because of fine rock particles that refract sunlight. Crater lake in Oregon has that same appearance during the summer. Chuck describes several creatures vocalizing and then it came into camp. Chuck writes "In 2015 I spent the day on a motorcycle ride over SR20 in WA State. We rode around Winthrop and Twisp, then broke up and went our separate ways. I had made plans to camp with another group of friends that night at Colonial Creek Campground at Diablo Lake. I had spent plenty of time in that area and was very comfortable there. After a day of riding with one group of friends I was excited to meet up with my other group of friends. We had a great time hanging out. Eventually we went to our own tents and went to sleep. I guess I laid down around 12:15am. It took me a bit to get comfortable and doze off. I think I fell asleep around 1am. Around 1:45am I heard a call, much like the Ohio sound from across the lake. I estimated it was four or five miles away, but the sound filled the entire valley and woke me up. I smiled, chuckled, and told myself that it was Bigfoot. This call went on for about five to ten minutes, when all of a sudden there was a return call on my side of the lake. I felt like the return call originated about three miles uphill, coming from Pinnacle Peak or Colonial Peak. I felt a sense of surprise, and was taken back by the volume and duration of the return call. This call started out low and soft then crescendo to very loud and bellowing. The sound resonated through me in a way that it instantly woke me up and I became alert. Before I could fully comprehend the return call there was another call from across the lake. This call had a shorter duration, my instincts told me that the call from across the lake was a female and the call on my side of the lake was a male. This went on for about 20 minutes, back and forth. I was in disbelief. I thought of every animal sound I knew and there was nothing like it. The duration and volume was beyond any wildlife’s capabilities, not to mention any human’s ability. It was fascinating to listen to and was an experience all on its own. Then things got terrifying. What happened next still causes me anxiety just thinking about it. What I will call the male, calling from my side of the lake started coming down the hill. It would stop to call back to the female on the far side of the lake. Each time it called the intensity of the volume became increasingly more intense. I typically carry protection when out in the woods. Mostly for a noise maker, my theory is that the biggest barks wins most of the time. I’ve had to scare off cougars using this method in the past. Regardless, I white knuckle gripped that 44 magnum and was convinced it was not enough firepower to stop whatever was coming down the mountain, much less a bigger bark. I laid there in my flimsy tent, tucked into my mummy bag, grasping my 44 as I cowered with each return call getting closer. At some point I started hearing footsteps. With each step the ground shook with a vibration that resonated through the ground. I could feel each step getting closer. What was hard to comprehend was the gait between steps. In my mind I envisioned this thing as “jogging”, not walking. I estimated the distance between each step to be 9 to 12 feet. This thing was now in the campground and still returning calls. The terror I felt was indescribably. I was literally frozen with fear. I didn’t dare make a sound, I couldn’t if I wanted to. My body went into an involuntary flight mode. I could not function my body, meaning I could not get out of my sleeping bag if my life depended on it. I was frozen in fear. My heart was racing, I was uncertain what was going to happen next. Not knowing was the worst part. And wouldn’t you believe it, this creature ran right through my campsite, only feet from my tent. It let out a call that sent me into a state of shock. The volume, the duration, the resonating force of sound, I was defeated and terrified. As quick as it came into my campsite it left, and without hesitation it jumped into the lake. Which in my mind sounded like an elk being dropped from 20 feet into the water, there was a huge splash. If you have ever been to Diablo Lake you know it's glacier fed. That water is extremely cold. This didn’t even faze it, much like a dog chasing a ball in to a cold lake, it didn’t hesitate. This behavior suggested to me that this was some type of animal or “primitive”. Not many humans would jump in that water at night, and if they did you would hear them screaming in shock, it's freakin’ cold! The moment it jumped into the lake and started its way across the lake I started to feel some relief. However, I lived in terror for years. I believe I suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. After that event I listen to your shows and use them as a type of therapy. I am able to relate to others and their experiences. Knowing that I am not alone gives me a sense of relief. I have told many people about my experience. I often encounter people who are dismissive, but this doesn’t faze me in the least. Once you know, you know. And for anyone who says they want a Bigfoot experience, I would caution them against it. It will change your life and most likely not in a positive way. It’s been many years now and I have not tent camped since. I have hauled my travel trailer to a State Parks, but I am not comfortable remote/primitive camping anymore. I could not bring enough fire power, nor do I think I am smarter than these things in their environment. I would not have a chance if they decided to harm me. I do go out on day hikes, but I am armed and I’m constantly looking for signs. I have turned around on trails before for no other reason than my gut told me something isn’t right. That being said I love the PNW and will continue to push myself back into the beautiful areas that this State and BC has to offer. However, I’m no longer naïve."
3/10/2024 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
SC EP:1036 A Conversation With A Skeptical Hunter
Chris writes "It has been several years since I have been hunting. My last experience, while hunting with an Uncle, had taken my comfort and confidence away. I have lived in Oregon my entire life other than being born in Colorado on an army base and some travel. Both sides of my family are from Southern Oregon. I was raised in the Portland area, due to parents separation when I was 2, and lived there until my early twenties. Though I spent many years spending my time in nature, I didn’t get into hunting until I moved down to Southern Oregon to live with my father in the late 90’s , my early twenties. My Father is a disabled veteran after a couple tours in Vietnam. After the Vietnam conflict, he tried hunting with his father but couldn’t stomach it anymore. He wanted me to have the experience so he introduced me to a couple of his local friends. They took me out a couple times and helped me with learning the area and strategies. Although I had heard many stories growing up and from a couple locals in the area, I was not prepared for what I would experience while in the woods… That is my basic story of what led up to my experiences in Southern Oregon and a couple more experiences. One later in the Tillamook NF on the Wilson River (2002) and the last experience in Central Oregon between Yamsay Mt. and Summer Lake (2015). I currently live in Bend and have since 2006. I am looking forward to getting back into the woods, just won’t be doing anymore solo trips."
3/3/2024 • 52 minutes, 41 seconds
SC EP:1034 The Boston Bar Creature
Luke writes “My sighting happened in British Columbia Canada in a small town named Boston bar where I was staying while I worked. This was maybe 2012-2013,I love the outdoors always have hiking camping anything outdoors I would do it. In the town I was staying in there where a bunch of side roads that would go up into the mountains where you could get to the top and walk the trails near the snow line. I wanted to check it out so I drive up there. I park get out and start walking this trail at the base of the snow line I see deer tracks moose tracks and as I’m walking I notice that these deer tracks have bare feet next to it following them. In my mind I’m thinking your crazy for walking up here bare foot. I didn’t even consider the size of the prints at the time. But as I’m walking I’m noticing it’s super quite which is weird and I start to feel very uneasy like I’m being watched. So because I’m alone I decide to head back to the car and I leave. I didn’t go back up there for maybe 3-4 days finally I get the day off of work and I go back up this time I bring my buddy Dave with me. I park in the exact same spot as before when I get out Dave even notices how quite it is I told him the same thing when I came up 3 days ago we start walking and we get to this small hill on the road and I notice again these deer prints going the same direction as where going as we get to the top of this small hill this rock goes flying past me and Dave it went past us like a fast ball being thrown. I’m like what the hell was that no sooner do we stop talking we can hear this deep deep guttural growl coming from the tree line now this tree line is thick and very hard to see in so we couldn’t see anything Dave is nervous and I’m starting to shake a bit cause there’s cougars up there and grizzly bears. My biggest fear seeing a grizzly or a cougar so as where standing there we start to hear it again this time there’s a huge knock coming from behind us about 60 feet away now where really starting to panic cause now there’s two of whatever it is I have the flight or fight starting to happen but I’m to scared to move so Dave says to me we need to move like now as we start to move slowly back towards where we came we hear the growl again this time it sounds closer then before now I’m really scared cause whatever it is is now on the move. We start walking at a good speed and we can hear these heavy foot steps in the tree line walking at the same pace as us. So now I’m starting to shake and panic is setting in. Dave is white as a ghost scared out of his mind. Where about maybe 4 mins from the car I’m out of breath at this point trying to catch my breath cause I don’t wanna stop. Another rock goes flying past us from behind this time so Dave stops and yells if someone is messing around if I catch you your F**king dead as soon as he says that this growl came from those woods that was so heavy and deep I knew this wasn’t someone messing around with us I turn my head to see how much farther we had to the car when I look I can see this dark black figure standing at the tree line by my car now where maybe 30 feet from the car this thing towered the tree it was standing next to. It looked like a hairy body builder it stood there for maybe 20 seconds and then it walked past my car went down the side of the road and was gone you could hear whatever it was that was in front of us in the tree line walking away the thunderous foot steps where so heavy it was breaking tree limbs as it walked the second we got the nerve to run we took off towards my car got in and took off down the hill me and him both didn’t say a word to each other the whole drive. I always believed in Bigfoot but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever encounter one. Since that day happened I never go into the woods or hiking unless I have two or more people with me it scared the hell out of me that something that big lives in the woods.”
2/24/2024 • 54 minutes, 27 seconds
SC EP:1032 The Teddy Roosevelt Bigfoot Story
Long before he was President; even before he was a Rough Rider, Assistant Secretary of War, or governor of NY state, Theodore Roosevelt tried his hand at ranching in the wilds of North Dakota (until the blizzards of 1886-87 wiped out most of his cattle herd). One of his books from these formative years ”The Wilderness Hunter” (1893) contains perhaps the first widely-distributed modern tale of a Bigfoot encounter with early American West pioneers. In his book, Roosevelt relays an account as told to him by an elderly frontiersman, describing nightmarish events experienced during his earlier excursions into the region. Tonight I will be speaking to Mike. Mike and his wife live in Texas and in 2020 they started noticing strange things happening on this property. Mike writes "I have a deer feed plot at the edge of the woods and I've always felt uneasy there feeling like I'm being watched, especially at night. I've been tossing a few apples near my feeder a few times a week and started seeing every apple gone the next morning, no pieces left anywhere. Then I noticed other things like no coyotes for the past 6-8 months, found a large mound of dark poop full of seeds by my feeder that didn't look like any scat I've ever seen and old trees that either fall over or get pushed over at night, but I dismissed all this as just odd. Recently, I heard an actual whoop around 8 pm that sounded like the one on your show's intro from about a hundred yards away or further. My wife has heard this too on other occasions. It's hunting season now, so I was out about 8 pm the other night tossing out apples by my feeder when I heard movement rustling leaves followed by a deep, low growl about 30-35 ft away to my left. Now I've been in some truly scary situations before but this really spooked me because I know animal sounds and what we have here and this wasn't a hog, coyote, cougar or dog and we don't have bears, but this felt distinctly like a warning from something intelligent to leave the area immediately, so I did just that and quickly got back in the house."
2/17/2024 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
SC EP:1031 A Witch Screaming
Tonight I will be speaking to Jason. Jason had an encounter 29 years ago in Ohio. Jason said "We were just a bunch of teenagers hanging out in the woods. I heard what sounded like someone walking into our camp area. I thought it was just normal wildlife. I wasn't a woodsman so we hear this thing walk into the camp, it breaks a large branch off of a tree and then started screaming at us. I was physically shook. You played a vocal on your show that was really close to what we heard. I haven't been that scared in my life. My buddy started yelling it was a witch screaming. I am pretty sure it was no witch. Today is the Super Bowl! Go Chiefs!
2/11/2024 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:1030 The Ozark Visitor
Tonight I will speaking with Ryan and Doug. Doug shares an encounter that happened in 1976 in Ohio. Doug was fishing with his cousin when this encounter happened. Ryan writes "In the Spring of 2014, I took my son turkey hunting for the youth turkey hunt. Where we camped was a designated campsite, however, it was more of a “cleared spot”. There is no electric or concrete pad. Just looks like maybe a couple times a year, the campsites are “scraped” to keep them from getting overgrown. This campsite is 3-4 miles uphill from any paved road. The gravel off the pavement turns into dirt a couple miles in. The sun had set and we were sitting around the campfire after eating dinner. I told my son (who was 12) we needed to turn in since we were getting up early in the morning. We had not been in the tent for 5 minutes, then we both heard footsteps. They sounded like bi-pedal steps. It walks into our camp and walks non-stop around our tent and fire for almost an hour. Now, after we have heard these steps for a few minutes, my son asks what is outside. I told him it was just a deer or raccoon and he should go to sleep – which he did in no time. At this point, I was getting scared. I wanted to look out the tent, but if by some chance it was a sow black bear with cubs nearby, and she saw me or smelled me, she could be on top of us before I could do anything. Besides our shotguns, I had a .40 SW on me, but my adrenaline was going crazy at this point and I knew my shot placement would be anything but accurate. I laid down and put the pistol across my chest, should I need to use it. My heart was absolutely racing. After almost an hour, the footsteps left the camp and headed back in the direction it came from. I laid there for the next 2-3 hours before I finally fell asleep. The next night, same thing – dinner, campfire, bed. I pulled the tent closer to the fire tonight. Just like the night before, bipedal footsteps came our way. My son was asleep in less than 10 minutes. The steps came into camp and again started walking circles non-stop around the camp. This time I was listening closely. I know it wasn’t a raccoon. I know it wasn’t a deer. I know it wasn’t a black bear. My heart was racing, and I can say, I felt fear like I’ve never known. This time it left after about 30 minutes, back the way it came. Now, just to be clear, where we were, there are no houses for at least 5 miles. No one lives there. You can hear trucks/cars coming up the road 10 minutes before they get to where you’re at – it’s a very winding road with steep drop offs, so, you go slow. We had driven around – we were the only ones up there. The next week, I was telling some guys at work about it. No one made fun, but one guy motioned me back to his desk. I walked over. He asked me if I thought it might have been a sasquatch. I didn’t know what to say to that. He told me there are lots of reports up there and make no mistake, they exist. He used to live in Alaska when he was younger. Long story short, he had gone fishing with his dad and brother (who was 17) while in AK. They were going down the road and it was dark. His dad pulled over and told him brother to check on the trailer because he couldn’t see the taillights. His brother got out, I’m assuming hooking the wiring back up to the truck. He said after maybe a minute, his brother came running back to the truck, screaming and crying “GO GO GO GO”. His dad took off. They stopped a couple miles down the road. They finally got his brother to calm down and talk. He said when he hooked up the wires and the taillights came back on, maybe 10 ft away, it lit up a sasquatch – he said it was 9 or 10’ tall. When all was said and done, he had lost all control of his bladder and bowels. Fast forward a couple month later, my family and I were at a cookout. My wife was a teacher’s assistant. The teacher and her husband were there. They were both from just north of the Buffalo, in Harrison, AR. I started talking to her husband and asked if he ever spent much time on the Buffalo. He said he did when he was younger, but not in awhile. I asked him if he ever saw a sasquatch up there. His eyes got big and I’d swear the color left his face – he looked scared (he was in the Army at the time). He pulled me aside and asked why? I told him my story. He asked if I was near the cemetery – the cemetery is where we turned off the paved road and it was just past a bridge that crossed the river. He said he and his brother was headed up there (basically the same area) to deer hunt. According to him they went there all the time to hunt. They were coming across the bridge around 4AM. Something totally black walked across the road in front of them. He said it was huge and made it across the road in 2 or 3 steps. He brother slammed on the brakes and was screaming “what is that”. They turned around and took off. He said a couple days later, they went back in the daytime. When they got to the bridge again, he noticed the yellow/black striped signs on the guard rails to warn people the road ended and the guardrails began. He said whatever it was they say was every bit as tall as the signs. But when they got out of the truck to look around, he noticed how the signs were at least 9-10’ tall. He is 6’3 and said he couldn’t reach the top of the signs flat footed. After that, he and his brother never hunted the Buffalo again. Fast forward 6 months. I was at a farm supply store. Outside, they had a big deer blind – it was made to look like a big tree stump. I was looking inside it. An older man walked up and said “those deer will never see you coming in that”. I said I wasn’t worried about the deer, just the sasquatches – I meant it as a joke. He gets a very serious look and said “What do you know about that?”. I told him my son and I had a weird experience on the Buffalo turkey hunting a few months back. He said “I’ve never told anyone this” (I knew the story was gonna be good), but several years earlier he had been bear hunting on the Buffalo – he went every year – and was sitting in his tree stand. I asked where on the Buffalo he was at (the Buffalo is pretty big). He literally asked me if I know where the cemetery is off the highway. I said I did. He told me he was a few miles up the road from the cemetery (again, basically the same area my son and I were hunting). In his stand, he heard something coming his way. He could hear footsteps and limbs breaking. He wasn’t sure if it was a bear or not, but the sounds got louder and closer. He said he heard whatever it was walk up to his stand – it was breathing hard and making a “huffing sound”, almost like when a deer smells you and blows. He said it was right below me – he could hear it grunting – but nothing was there. He couldn’t see anything. After a little while, it walked around his tree a few times, grunting. Then walked off. He said he was so scared, he wet himself, but was afraid to leave the stand, so he stayed the night in it – except he didn’t sleep. He said at first light, he mustered the courage to get down and ran all the way back to his truck (he said it was a mile or so away). He quit hunting after that. After my initial conversation with my coworker, I started doing some research/investigating on the internet. I had no idea about the sightings in Arkansas or in nearby Oklahoma/Missouri. I had seen Boggy Creek, but sasquatch was not something I was really into. I’m interested now.”
2/11/2024 • 59 minutes, 29 seconds
SC EP:1028 Bamboo Eating Sasquatch
Josh writes “My mom is a big fan of the podcast and suggested I share an encounter I had in Alabama back in 2012. At the time, we were living in Gadsden, Alabama right by Noccalula Falls. Every day when I would get home from school, I would go to the backyard to let our dog out of a run we had made and bring him into the house. One day, while I was going up the side yard, the dog was agitated for some reason and was barking more than he normally would. I wasn’t paying too much attention and was just looking down at the path I was walking on until I heard a noise of some kind in the bamboo by the house. For whatever reason, our house had a bunch of bamboo growing around it (it was the only one in the neighborhood that had anything like that around) and I looked up to see a black, furry figure of some kind squatting down, ripping leaves off of the bamboo. I don’t think it was a bear because I remember seeing it use a thumb pinch and grab leaves and things off the bamboo to eat. I froze where I was and watched it for a second and when it realized I was there it also froze and we just stared at each other for a few seconds before we both sprinted in opposite directions. I’ll also share that at one point after that, I remember waking up in the middle of the night and looking up at a window above my bed in my room to see a face with sunken-in features looking down at me. That window faced the same side yard where I saw the bigfoot too, so I don’t know if it or another one had come back to check it out again but it’s something I’ll never forget.”
2/3/2024 • 46 minutes, 15 seconds
SC EP:1026 America's Boogeyman And Sasquatch
Tonight I will be speaking to John. John writes “In 2017 we took our cadets out to an FTX (Field Training Exercise) near Tenino, WA. On the 1st night we heard what I now know to be tree knocks, which was curious but nothing unnerving, so we really paid no attention to it. But the 2nd night… around 0130 (1:30 am) we heard a LOUD, chilling, otherworldly yell, that got all the staff out of our tents at lightning speed and on immediate high alert. The length… of the howl / screaming growl; NOTHING I know of has a lung capacity that large. I’m a hunter & fisherman, so I spend a fair amount of time in nature (or at least, I used to) and I’ve never heard anything like that, ever, in my life. A sustained vocalization of approx 25-30 seconds in one breath. It was chilling. Almost paralyzing. What truly stood my hair on end, was some kind of infrasound reverb passing through my vital organs that accompanied the yell. Like a lion’s huff. I Felt the sound waves ripple through my body, vibrating my guts. The voice was strange too. As if multiple sets of vocal cords were overlaid, activating all at once. Like 2 or 3 voices of different octaves and pitch, but altogether, wrapped up in a singular voice. I know that sounds insane, but it’s difficult to describe. The 2nd vocalization had us back in our tents drawing our firearms… but for the first time, I had no confidence in my weapon against whatever made that sound. It was so intimidating. I felt thoroughly vulnerable, despite being armed. I mean Utterly helpless. We heard tree knocks again shortly after, and then another vocalization from the other side of the field in the opposite tree line and then tree knocks from that location as well. I don’t know if there were two of them communicating across the field, or if it was the same one circling and repositioning around our perimeter. Whichever it was, it sounded aggressive. It certainly wasn’t happy we were there. Like I said previously, we never saw it, because it was in the darkness beyond the glow of our bonfire in the center of camp. On the other hand, I hated being so exposed because we were at a tactical disadvantage. We were illuminated by the fire, so it could see us, but we couldn’t see it. I wish I had brought NVG’s. (I certainly will next time) A rock was thrown at our campfire where we, the staff were in befuddled conversation, about just what the hell to do. A few more rocks were thrown at us periodically but eventually it got quite. Obviously, we couldn’t go back to sleep. We stayed up, and remained on watch until sunrise. We packed up and left the following morning.”
1/27/2024 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 32 seconds
SC EP:1024 His Face Looked Like A Chimp
Carrie writes “Hi Wes! Your show is amazing, I have listened to every episode and when I’m done, I start all over again. I want to tell you my story. I grew up in Eagle Creek, Oregon, that is between Sandy and Estacada. This encounter took place at our home back in 1970, I was 11 years old. This happened on a summers’ evening, it was dark at the time and my mom wanted to go visit her sister, my Aunt. She lived 1/2 of a mile from our place. My brother Tim and I wanted to go with and visit our cousins so we piled in the back of the truck. We were old enough to sit on the sides and that is where I sat, between the tailgate and wheel well. My brother sat across from me on the wheel well. My mom was backing up to get on the main road, mind you, this is out in the country where there were no street lights. She continued backing up and got to the road, but she went farther than usual and almost went into the driveway of the neighbors’ across from ours. It was a long driveway and they had bushy-like trees close to the road. As my mom went partially onto their driveway, stopped to put the truck in gear, I saw this huge figure standing right next to that bushy tree. It was very tall, it was white or silver and he was lit up in red from the brake lights. That electrical wave of adrenaline, or whatever you want to call it, went rushing from my lower torso to my head. Time stood still and I could not breathe! Sitting on the side of the truck like I was, put me almost to it’s eye level, he was a bit taller than I was. His face looked like a chimps face only so much bigger. His eyes were dark, no whites did I see. They looked so spooky. His face did not have any hair and his mouth was wide like a chimps’ and he was like snarling at me. I did see his teeth and they were fang-like. He looked angry and I was so afraid! But I could not break my stare, nor did he. I figure I was approximately 10 feet from him, way too close. I could not breathe, I could not think, like I said earlier, time stood still. I suddenly felt the truck being put into gear and it broke that trance I was in. I remember breaking my stare and I lurched forward, falling purposely onto the bed of the truck as mom drove away, trying to lay as flat as I could so it wouldn’t see me anymore. I never said a word to anyone, never talked about it, I buried it deep inside some recess of my mind and it has been hidden safely until about 3 weeks ago. I do not know why that nightmare surfaced, but it did and I told my encounter to one of my nieces I was spending time with. I relived it all over again and it was just as scary telling her, as when it happened.”
1/20/2024 • 55 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:1022 The Female Chewbacca
The first 19 minutes of show I briefly discuss artificial intelligence. I know it isn't bigfoot related but it applies to the time we are living in. It is a creepy subject. I give two examples. Tonight I will be speaking to Andrew. Andrew is a Physical Therapist who moved from NY to CA. In 2002 he was mountain biking when he saw a large creature. In shock he was trying to get a better look and realized he was not alone. A short time after this sighting he caught something going through his trash and it wasn't a bear.
1/14/2024 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:1020 The Exchange Student
Mike writes "After hearing many accounts from people who say they didn’t know about Sasquatch at the time or simply didn’t put two and two together after experiencing something out of the ordinary, I reflected on whether or not some of the unexplained events I experienced as a boy growing up rural might have best explained as a Sasquatch encounter." Spoke to Mike and he shared a strange set of nights involving a foreign exchange student being terrified by something coming up to his window.
1/6/2024 • 53 minutes, 10 seconds
SC EP:1018 Grandfather Was Feeding Them
Brian writes “I grew up on a property and looking back, it would seem my grandfather had habituated a group. Moving in on the land he sat us down to explain his “rules” of living there. I basically all boiled down yo 1 simple rule. Don’t be on the property at night. In those days kids didn’t question. I wouldn’t have anyway since I had already witnessed to red eyes that I spent some time staring into from the window. Found out later that this seemed to be an epidemic among the other grade school kids on that side of the county. Although my parents did really well at trying to hide the truth from us and play things off this place was off the charts weird. Most friends I made only visited once and wouldn’t come back. The feeling was tangible as soon as you turned to corner of the driveway. There has never been a moment that you felt comfortably alone in these woods. From the voices, the name calling, to the late night vocals. Rock throwing while night fishing, and pinecones on occasion while hunting. Missing pets, tree structures, random animal body parts, discarded carcasses, the occasional stolen deer from where it fell after hunt. Which is what led to my eventual encounter. The smells, the lights, all the things we know nothing about sasquatch. Anyways, as I said before, it’s a lot to share. My encounter is something I’ve never shared considering the treatment I got for saying I’ve seen one. I’ve been bingeing your podcast since I found it. I’ve almost caught up with all the free shows. Hopefully after new year I’ll be able to join. I had given up on actually hearing from you and being able to share, but the situation has recently changed. A couple of months ago my son was discharged from the Marines. He decided to return to my parents instead of my home. I moved away from home for work. Now my son is messaging me regarding the odd occurrences he’s encountering.” Here is a link to Sarah McLeod YouTube Channel. Go subscribe and check out the song played tonight. Sarah gave me permission to play it and it is a same she only has like 2K YouTube subscriber's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb1OH1ahBXg&list=PL0sLO94JFopSmZSJjFLaBI3DmoEYN6xgV&index=116
12/30/2023 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 27 seconds
SC EP:1017 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles V
Tonight I will be posting the Best of Sasquatch Chronicles V. These episodes are chosen by the members. I want to wish all of the members Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you so much supporting what I do. I hope you guys and gals enjoy the show. 985 Creature Follows Farmer Home - Picked By Karla G Jacob writes “Last year in September in Minnesota I had a close interaction with a creature and have some video footage of it. Last year when this event took place I originally thought it was a dog man or wendigo or something of the sort. SC EP:825 The Locals Tried To Warn Me - Picked By Karen F Alex from Idaho writes “When I was a teenage back around 2007-2008 I had two terrifying encounters back to back with I believe the more dog type/dog face Sasquatch in the Pacific Beach part of WA.”] SC EP:974 The Ozark Wildman - Picked By Bill S Tom writes “In the summer of 1962, over 60 years ago, I schedule things that happened in my life around that time as occurring between when JFK came to my little Illinois town and spoke in the public square (Oct 1960) and when he was later assassinated (Nov 63). I think the year was probably 1961 or 1962. I can’t tell for sure. I was six or seven years old; my brother was two years older than I and I had two younger sisters spaced apart by about two years each. SC EP:956 The Arkansas Property Picked By Jennifer B I will be welcoming Pam and Paul to the show. They have been hunting this 80 acre property. In 2015 they purchased 40 acres. Pam writes “We live in northern Arkansas at the foothills of the Ozarks. My husband and I started hunting this 80 acre property around 2003 or 2004. Can’t remember exact year. My husband found tracks but at the time didn’t really know what it was. My husbands brother saw something big walking bi-pedal up the creek. I had something massive growl at me. We had heard wood knocks. I heard loud thumps behind my stand quite often. I had something pacing back and forth behind my stand but it was getting too dark and woods are to thick to see. I would always get this ominous feeling out here. We had a gifting situation and at the time we didn’t know what was going on. We knew nothing about Sasquatch. In 2015 we bought 40 of the 80 acres and started building a house. That’s when things ramped up. I found tracks in the front yard. Large handprints on the front window. In 2020 Pam had scary encounter with a creature very close to her home. It was not the last time she would see it. Here are some pictures they sent me with Pam’s notes. SC EP:841 We Are Moving Picked By Teresa M “I live in the hills of the Smokey Mountains. I was a non- believer definitely! Until I spotlighted one drinking I’ve heard from my Creek 3:30 a.m. one night I woke up from a dead sleep and had a feeling of danger or something very wrong. I went to my back door and have a giant spotlight I shined it towards my Creek which is always full of deer in my back field, never seen a bear the six years I’ve lived here and I saw something furry at the creek 90 yards from my back door drinking and I thought wow there’s a bear. Then it stood up and I saw a huge hands that hung past its knees big hands!! black furry sleek mahogany-ish dark hair about 12 in maybe hanging off the body it was probably about 4 ft across about 8 ft tall extremely muscular look like a bodybuilder, it leaned its head back and let out a scream that sent ripples through my body for my head all the way down to my feet like a base on the stereo turned up too loud I felt my organs vibrate I couldn’t not believe what I was seeing so I shined the light on it again it screamed for 30 to 45 seconds straight without taking a breath so long so loud the loudest sound I think I’ve ever heard in my life maybe besides air siren.” Spoke to the eyewitness and her husband bought a large piece of property six years ago in TN. The witness said “I did not believe in Bigfoot, I thought it was a joke. We have had some many things happen on this property. I do not know what these things are but we are actively looking for a different place to live.”
12/18/2023 • 2 hours, 52 seconds
SC EP:1013 Why Is There A Gorilla In Virginia?
John writes "This happened on the opening day of rifle season 1998 in the southwestern mountains of Virginia. Now to give a back drop to the property we used to hunt so you can get an idea. The parcel of land backed up to the New River, less than a mile above it. When I say above, you could walk to the river if not for the 100 foot sheer rock cliffs, caves and caverns that fall off to the riverbank. We had built a tree stand in an oak tree about 75-100 yards down in a holler. This stand was a 2-sided stand with a roof over top. The front side of the tree where we built the ladder was about 20-25 feet off the ground, whereas the backside was probably 60-70 feet above the kill zone. It was strategically placed this way because of the kill zone. The zone I mention is what you would call a super highway for deer. 3 different points coming together in an opening with an unobstructed view and vantage point. The leaves had fallen, so that Sunday afternoon I had taken a rake and swept them off the path to the stand. I always like to get into the stand by 530ish so if by chance I did spook a a buck it could have a chance to settle down. I got to the stand about 20 minutes late cause of forgetting my knife. I had walked this trail many times over the years so no need for a flashlight. Climbed up in full ghillie suit, got settled and waited. 20 minutes or so later, start hearing something walking my way. I could tell that it was on 4 feet, so I was expecting a deer at least. The sun had just started to come up, so I was just waiting on it to come to the bait pile that was set up about 30 yards from me. In the Laurel thicket im seeing movement and notice its too dark to be a deer. Well, I’m sitting there thinking to myself that’s got to be a bear, because deer do not make that much noise. When this thing/creature comes into my view the first thing I think is what the hell is a gorilla doing in the mountains of Virginia. It/she (breast In full view) makes its way to the bait pile, looks around to the thicket and here comes a smaller one. When I say smaller, I mean it looked like Cha-ka off the land of the lost episodes on tv only it was black and not copper. The adult stands up on all fours, starts looking around the forest. She grunted towards the small one and it instantly climbed on her back. She is scanning the forest, I don’t know if she scented me or just knew something was off. I was sitting completely still, not sure I was even breathing. She glanced up to the stand I was in and with a scowl on her face stared for a few seconds. She dropped back down on all fours, with the little one still on her back and let out what I can only describe as part scream part growl. 2 seconds later I hear a scream to the north from what I assume was another one, but this scream was much more intense, louder and more deeper. She turned and walked off down the trail. I sat there for at least an hour, maybe more without moving, barely breathing. After that time, I slowed lowered my rifle, which was a .270 ruger that I knew would have only pissed her off. Only way I think I could have done damage was a head shot, but the way I was shaking there’s no way I could have hit her. Besides I was worried about the other scream/howl to the north. I backed out up the trail turning complete circles to make sure I wasn’t being flanked. Once I got to the clearing, which was probably 50 yards wide, I sprinted like never before. Climbed to the fence, got on my knees to make sure I wasn’t followed. I ran to my truck, got in and left. The bigger one, I’m guessing the mom was at least 7 feet tall and probably had to weigh at least 600-700 lbs. Those guesstimates could be wrong because at the angle I was at and the shadows. The baby as I said looked just like Cha-Ka from the tv show Land of the Lost. It was on all fours the entire time so I could get a gauge on the size. I’d say even at the same time it was at least 100-150 lbs. When on all fours, they had a gait and body structure that resembled a hyena. The momma creature reminded me of a gorilla in the face. Sunken in eyes, protruding brow and flat nose. The face wasn’t hair covered. The body was completely covered in hair that seemed matted with mud. Hard to tell again with the shadows, but could tell it was somewhat long and unkempt. The skin on the face, hands and soles of the feet were a greyish color. I could see the feet when she turned and walked away. I didn’t notice any ears, but did notice that when she screamed that it looked like she had canines. I know you like to ask about what witnesses knew about the subject, so I’ll tell you. I thought ppl were crazy when talking about it. I laughed at a buddy once when he said he had seen one. I’ll never do that ever again. It’s been 25 years to the month and I have never spoken a word about this to anyone. I had seen the Patterson/Gimlin film and some things in the book but waved it off as delusional people."
12/10/2023 • 55 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:1011 The Swamp Monster On Grandma's Property
Kyle writes "I live in Kansas along the east border. I have been listening to your show for a while now after stumbling across it and have been hooked ever since. Now to begin my encounters. My very first altercation happened in 2007 in July I decided to fool around outside at around 9:45-10:00pm. As I was fooling around out in the pasture I began to hear a bipedal footfall just inside the tree-line to my south. From just inside the wood-line where the footfalls were coming from the most guttural piercing scream rang out in response to me. At that moment the most amount of fear and desperation to leave I bolted to the house. When arriving to the house cresting the front porch steps my dad threw open the front door asking rather frantically what that sound was me still excited stuttering out an answer of an I don't know. My second experience was August 23rd 2015 around 3:45pm. I recently got off work and was heading out to check trail cameras for the upcoming deer season. While walking down the trail I got the urge to use the restroom so I step off the trail and pee. Directly after stepping behind the tree I heard in the direction of my camera a tree sounding like it's breaking and falling over, but it was odd it cracked and freaked paused cracked then snapped then had a long pause then giant thud. I thought to myself that was weird didn't sound normal so I finished my business and moved on to my camera. Roughly 25 yards In front of my camera just out of line of the lens was a sycamore tree 6 inches in diameter broke off 3 feet from the ground and shoved back into the ground upside down. Then the most peculiar smell came about like a skunk bathed in the mud of a stagnant pond. I found this all quite odd and out of place and felt as though I wasn't alone so I quickly got my camera and got back out of the woods. Third encounter me and my little brother were out fishing at the the back pond and we were having a good time fishing catching and releasing bass. We were carrying on and on either side of this pond when out of nowhere a rock that is about 10-15lbs come flying and crashing out of the wood-line about 30 feet in the air and dropping into the pond. Me and my brother both watched it crash into the water then looked at the woods and then locked back onto each other and I began packing up he yelled what was that I told him doesn't matter time to go. I then got over to his side and the truck and told him let's load up he at first wanted to stay until we made eye contact and he saw the seriousness I had of the situation so we got everything loaded and got out of there. Fourth encounter was at 4:42 am January 18th 2023. I was on my way to work when I looked at my clock then looked back up and noticed movement. After locking onto this thing it looked at my truck but it's eyes were a foot and a half taller than the mile marker (6'6") sign on the side of the road. After that it proceeded to pick up it's pace take 2 more steps clearing the other half of the road then planting it's foot by this sign and jumping across the ditch (22') and landing firmly on the opposite side. Then sprinting through a drainage where a tree-line used to be that was full of 5' tall teasel plants arms above said plants and getting away from the road. Those are my encounters look forward to talking with you and I can elaborate with more details easier to tell the stories than type them."
12/2/2023 • 55 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:1010 The Giant Wars
Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history, and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Holy Bible and Gnostic scriptures, The Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications. I had Gary on before and we discussed his research into the Nephilim. He will be returning for a part two. Check out excerpts from The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part II Here. If you have not read the first book I highly recommend it.
11/26/2023 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 34 seconds
SC EP:1008 The Eyes
Tonight we will be speaking to Roland. Roland said "In 1996 I was 16 years old and was a brat. My uncle took me with him. He was a truck driver. He took me under his wing and was the closest thing I had to a father. One night we had this creature cross right in front of us. It took up the whole windshield. I have never seen my uncle scared of anything, ever but he was terrified. We will also be speaking to Dan. Dan is from New Hampshire. Dan said "For the last 13 years we have had a lot of strange things that have happened. We have a pond on the property and one night I was fishing and this huge rocks were thrown near me. We also caught sight of something with these fiery reddish eyes."
11/19/2023 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
SC EP:1006 Big Bay-Ty
I am posting a reloaded episode due to illness. I am still fighting a fever and this cold. Forgive me, I will see everyone next week. Scott shares an encounter he had with his cousin in Louisiana. Scott said I was 8 or 9 years old and I was fishing with my cousin who was 20 years old. I saw what I thought was a large human until I really got a look at it. It was huge and I noticed it was covered in hair. It looked like a human in the face but I could not believe how big it was. My cousin saw it as the creature was leaving and told me that was Big Bay-Ty and not to tell anyone and if he ever wants to go fishing with him again to never bring it up. We will also be speaking to Nick. Nick writes “One of my best friends and I went camping in December of 2005, in a vast wilderness area near Jack’s River Falls, in the Cohutta Wilderness area of northern Georgia. I was leaving for boot camp in 2 weeks, and he was going a couple of months later. This was a trip just for us. It was a bro-trip where we could go deep into the woods and be away from everything before our lives drastically changed. We were camping along a river situated between two mountains, many miles from any town or other trails, at a time when there is the least amount of traffic, too. It was around midnight when it happened. As we were talking next to the fire about what our futures looked like, we heard an incredible splash in the river around 30-40 feet from us. It sounded like an enormous animal jumped several feet off of the rocks into the water. And then we heard it walking/splashing the 20-30 feet across the river towards us. We both stood up as close to the fire as possible and stared into the black abyss. It was distinctly two legs moving through the water, just a splash-splash, as if an Olympic heavyweight wrestler was crossing the river. And then it stopped right at the bank. I have never been so scared in my life. We were too scared to speak or even look at each other at that point… just staring into the abyss beyond the firelight. I honestly don’t know how much time elapsed. It felt like an hour, but in reality it was probably 10-15 minutes. Nothing happened! Total silence, only the crackling of wood on the fire… all the while, I kept expecting to see something or someone come running into the light, charging us like a berserker. After what seemed like an eternity, we heard it start walking around us, the whole time remaining just beyond the blackness of our firelight. It felt like it was within 20 feet or so of us – just remaining out of site – intentionally. We heard an obvious left-right-left-right walking pattern. It sounded like a freaking dude walking in the woods.”
11/12/2023 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 50 seconds
SC EP:1004 A Tall White Shaggy Bigfoot
Luanna writes "About October 1983-84, It was a Friday evening, sister Lisa, her fiance Randy & myself went out, we lived in a small town. Nothing to do. So the normal thing to do was ride the back roads & have our beer. We went down Pebawma road, it was a road with no houses & hardly ever traveled. We had to stop for a pee stop, Randy went into the woods on drivers side, Lisa and I went behind the pickup on passenger side. We saw a shadow in front of truck, we both thought it was Randy, we looked up….& was shocked-scared shitless. It was a tall white shaggy Bigfoot walking on an angle across the road. We pulled our pants up & ran in the truck, Randy came running to truck. We all were shocked asking WTH was that?? We could not get out of there fast enough. This thing was like at least 7-8ft tall. Not in a hurry. Walked in front of truck with the head lights on, did not seem startled or afraid of us. It looked white with dirty shaggy clumpy hair its arms were very long & hung forward. This has been over 39 years ago, & to this day the 3 of us know exactly what we saw & swear to it. We have all gotten teased about it when telling our story. But I- we know they (Bigfoot) really are out there. I should also say I am from a family of 12 & lived on 45 acre farm, been in the woods my entire life & have never seen anything like this before or never again. This took place in Walkerville Michigan over by Pebawma Lake. Mike writes "I had a childhood experience when I was 8 at a dude ranch in Nebraska. It was at night and probably 60' away from me. It was a full moon and lots of stars over the summer. I did not see its face as all I saw was a silhouette. The encounter was for approx 2 maybe 3 minutes. A day before my encounter one of the girls ran into to boys section scared as hell. Said she saw an ugly black face in the bathroom window. The next morning we checked out that side of the building (one side for the boys the other side for the girls). I was only 8 at the time but the window seemed pretty high off the ground. There were handprints which were large and strange as far as thumb location. A couple other things happened at the dude ranch. Nothing truly bizarre but interesting. The horses were always jumping the gate for some reason. When I saw it I was asleep and just woke up feeling like I was being watched. Stood up, looked and I saw it. At first I thought it was a counselor trying to scare us but then I noticed the arm length, way too long for a human. Then I noticed hair all over the body. As I watched it started swaying which was real eerie. After 2-3 minutes it just walked down the hill to a real overgrown holler. I was surrounded by other kids and was unable to react, yell or anything. I know you are busy as hell but if you are at all interested would like to talk with you. Decades later I live in Georgia and have had some strange things happen. During the day I was just glancing in the woods and swore I saw two black legs. It was really thick vegetation as it was about two months ago. It was walking one direction then stopped and the legs turned towards me. I think it realized "oh shit, I've been seen". It took off so fast it was a blur. Twice we have loud smacks against the house. A week ago both our TV'S, me and my sons just went out. No power loss, just both TV'S at the same moment turned off. I called a cop one night and told him I saw a partial look of a guy in a gunney suit. Didn't want him to think I was nuts. He suggested a game cam. He looked around but being night saw nothing. Another two times we heard what sounded like someone beating their arms against their chest but it was really loud. You have a damn good show. If interested drop me a note some time. Would be willing to talk about it. Otherwise thanks for hearing me out. Have a good one.
11/5/2023 • 50 minutes, 45 seconds
SC EP:1002 Sasquatch, Dogman And A Mouse
Tonight I will be speaking to Harley who had an encounter in 2020 in Virginia. We will also be speaking to Brandon who had a very strange night of running into this werewolf type creature. Harley writes "I have a encounter I’d like to share with you. I have pictures of footprints, the creature, I have audio and what I believe to be a Bigfoot, would love to chat!" Spoke to Harley and he said "I always thought Bigfoot was nonsense. In 2020, I was hunting in Virginia and I saw this creature come out on the ridge and look at me then look down the ridge and look at me again. It kept doing this and it was massive. I was able to snap a picture then something strange happened on my phone camera. Later that night several of these things were going off and you could hear it echo through the valley." Brandon writes "I wanted to reach out to you to possibly discuss my strange encounter from back in February 2007 in Miami county Indiana. It isn’t so much a Sasquatch, but I don’t know how to describe it all because the whole experience is crazy. I’m not sure if you want all the details, but I’ll write it all out below. The short version is a coworker and I were both driving our own vehicles and had to swerve to avoid a large black shape in the road, then turned around to see what it was an encountered a large canine that stood up on two legs before running off. If you’re interested in talking with me, please let me know."
10/30/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 16 seconds
SC EP:998 Get In The F****** Truck
Ben writes “Well I finally got up the nerves to send this, back in 2015 I was a Jr in high school. My buddy had called me to see if I wanted to hangout and see his new toy. The toy was a Jeep Wrangler YJ that was abandoned. Even more interesting it was abandoned by a gentlemen that later that same year went to his friends house and shot him. He had some issues I guess. So whilst we went out there we swapped from my brothers truck to mine and proceeded to meet them in the woods. So this is Sweden Maine where he found this. Kinda middle of nowhere. So we get to the Jeep and my friend and my brothers friend go out in the Jeep, leaving my brother and I with my pickup in this clearing. We noticed it was very quiet where we were. Right about then is when a gum ball sized rock landed between us. We looked at each other and played it off. Both kinda bothered we agreed to go towards the entry of the trail to get out of there. (Guess it felt safer) well when we got a little further down the trailer my brother pulled over. (He always drove) it was getting dark probably like 6:30-7pm in May. When I jumped out I looked at this tree too admiring the sky. I saw an entire flock of birds fly out of this tree. I proceeded to slowly drop my head looking down the tree the whole time. When I got to the middle of the tree is when I saw something. I saw a figure in the woods. Left arm and leg obscured by the tree looked as if it’s left palm was against the tree. It was rocking slightly, it had a long arm that I could see on its right side and a big build. I couldn’t see the feet but the head, shoulder, torso, and leg all on the left was clearly visible (as a silhouette). It was rocking slightly left to right and could see it breather. I looked at my brother and he was frozen looking at it. I asked him “what is that?” He only responded with “get in the truck” I looked back and it was still standing there swaying. I looked back at my brother and said again “what the f— is that?” To which my brother responded with “get in the f—— truck.” My door was still open so I kinda dove backwards into it. My brother quickly had it started and the clutch already out and fishtailing away. I couldn’t bring myself to look backwards. But we were spooked. There was an interesting situation with a set of lights behind us upon our escape but I’m not sure what to make of it. We called the friends that we were leaving so they either had to ditch the Jeep or drive it back to his house. Oddly they too sounded distressed. But they agreed to meet on the trail. We flew back down the trail driving way faster than anyone should. We came up to them and they stuffed the Jeep in the woods. What caught my attention next was they ran and I mean RAN to my truck, keeping a hand on my hood the whole time. I slid up against my brother so to make room for them. It was a regular cab. We drove out of there and my brother and I not wanting to get played asked them why they were so worked up. They stated to us the they had gotten stuck for a moment and whilst working it out of the mud something slapped the side of the Jeep and rocked it side to side. It was too dark for them to see anything under the heavy tree canopy and the night setting in more. It certainly was a wild time. Only other thing was some vocalizations the year prior that sounded exactly like the other howl captured in Maine. That’s my story Wes thanks for doing what you do.”
10/21/2023 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 6 seconds
SC EP:996 That Overwhelming Fear
Brian writes "I live in Washington, in 2009 I took a friend turkey hunting. We drove up to MT Adam’s to a camp spot I selected while scouting we set up camp and went to sleep. Around 230 am I woke up in my sleeping bag with overwhelming fear I knew that something was looking through the side window of my canopy into the bed where I was sleeping. I pointed my pistol at the window and told myself if something touches that glass I’m shooting. After a few minutes the feeling left and it was quiet I didn’t hear anything outside of my truck. I fell back to sleep when we both got up in the morning and were getting ready to head out to setup Wayne says I heard you get up last night and walking around I didn’t say anything just thought this is strange we both started to walk out into this clear cut to glass for birds at sunrise as we were looking out into clear cut we heard a large branch break to our left. I looked over to see this large dark thing moving like nothing I have ever seen I asked Wayne what was that we both speculated maybe a bear but we could here the steps and clearly see the back of head and shoulders above the reprod that was easily 6 feet tall as I’m 6,1 we both watched this thing move away from us in a fluid motion down the hill. After chatting we decided to go to another blind about 1/4 of a mile from camp it took us about 30 minutes to get there I put out the Decoys and got into the blind I had constructed we botched leaned against a tree and listened after a few calls we heard two different turkeys gobbling. We sat and waited and waited calling every so often to keep the Tom interested. Thing got quite so quite it did not feel right a few seconds later it sounded like a cop car turned on it’s siren but just the first part kinda high pitched but loud and long it sounded like it was right behind me standing on the logging road on the other side of the tree we had leaned against I got out of blind with my pistol in hand only to catch the same one or type of creature go over a ledge breaking trees like a heard of elk sounds. My friend looked at me and said wtf was that I said I don’t know I grabbed the decoys and we left I have not been back to that spot since. This was in April. ……… now in September we are now hunting elk just on the edge of trout lake we go out in the morning and do our normal walk after moon Wayne calls me on the radio and tells me I need to make it to him to see something I look on my GPS and he is 2 miles from me we chat over the radio and he just keeps telling me I need to get to him so myself and another friend Vance walk and get to the river cross over in our boxers get our gear back on and walk to Wayne who is maybe 20 feet from where we came out of river he points down and we are all looking at a foot print in wet soft sand it was clear as day you could see the toes the bend of the foot as it pushed into the sand during its step all three of us where in disbelief we are all hunters and have spent our lives outdoors none of us have ever seen anything like this before. At this point I start telling Vance about the turkey event. We all still hunt and fish just not in that spot that track was in the middle of nowhere and in a nasty draw no one would walk barefoot down there especially with a foot that big. I missed some details about the camp and hunt trying to keep this kinda short. Thank you for your time Wes."
10/14/2023 • 1 hour, 12 seconds
SC EP:995 Creature Of West Virginia
Tonight I will be speaking to Kara who is from Maryland. She recently moved to West Virginia and describes seeing this upright canine. Kara said "I was frozen in fear." Then we will will wrap up with Tony Merkel from the Confessionals Podcast. While filming his new film we came across a missing man. Tony will give us an update on the missing man. Check out Shape of Shadows at Merkel Media
10/8/2023 • 46 minutes, 15 seconds
SC EP:992 The Baba Yaga
Tracy will be my guest on an upcoming show. In 1991 in North Carolina Tracy had an encounter with something. Tracy said “I was told about this strange creature on our hunting property.” Tracy didn’t believe his uncle and other family members, he thought they were just messing with him until he ran into it. Tracy said “It stood like a man but it was not a man. I just kept asking what is it? His Father and Uncle told him me they had seen it many times.”
9/30/2023 • 50 minutes, 51 seconds
SC EP:989 Two Police Officers Encounter Creature
Tonight I will be speaking to John. John is a police officer in 2003 in Louisiana was traveling with his training officer and when came upon a strange creature on the side of the highway eating roadkill. I misheard John during our phone conversation I thought he said 2013 but this encounter happened in 2003.
9/17/2023 • 54 minutes, 46 seconds
SC EP:987 Who Would Be Dressed In A Gorilla Suit?
Chad writes "In 2003, a friend, my 12 yr old son and I seen a Sasquatch at Fish lake, Beaver Swamp area. It was during the month of July, during Graffiti weekend. The whole point of this trip was to avoid the noise and people of the graffiti cruse. I’m a disabled vet and don’t much care for crowds of people anyway. This Fish lake is east of Canyonville, OR. We camped at the trailhead and decided to pack for a day trip the following day. We were both armed, my friend had a pistol and I packed a rifle amongst other equipment. Beaver swamp trail is ridiculously steep, going in 30 min, coming out easily an hour and a half all up hill. As we descended the trail it was a warm sunny day, we got to the bottom of the trail and preceded along the lakes edge we were met by a family on their way out. We made some small talk about the weather and fishing success. I noticed they had two big Rottweiler dogs both on a leash. They had a few kids also and between the dogs and the kids it was a very noisy exit. I believe the families exit covered our entrance. After we talked with the family we proceeded along the same trail and came to our spot at the north end of the lake and sat down in some tall grass in a bare spot to start fishing. After some time, the fishing was spotty, we had to chase away some ducks being bothersome. Everything seemed to get real quiet no nothing. My son was standing in the water in the tall grass and he related that someone had walked out of forest as was standing in the tree line wearing fur. My friend and I both stopped what we were doing to take a look as it was the month of July, very hot out, what would someone be doing in a very remote are dressed in a gorilla suit. As we layer our eyes on this individual we got a strange feeling, we all froze in place and were very confused. The Sasquatch stood there looking around as if trying to spot the previous people and those two dogs. Once the it figured the coast was clear it proceeded to the waters edge. It walked up right with big strides Ann’s you could clearly see daylight between its legs as it moved. It probably was twenty five feet from the waters edge and it seemed like the number of strides was greatly reduced to get to it destination. We were about 50 to 75 feet away and still concealed in the tall grass. I had a scope on my rifle and my son urged me lay my sights on the figure to get a better look, I refused to do that, my military experience had taught me not to point a weapon at someone unless your ready to use it. I told I would not scope out what it was, still in disbelief and confused. The figure was at the waters edge, you could see it turn it conical head, looking around on guard. It then dropped to its knees and put its arms in a posture like doing a push up, leaning down to the water and drinking. It did this about 4 times, it then stood back up again it looked around and walked back into the forest and disappeared with in seconds. After that we sat and tried to figure out what we had just seen, after about 30 minutes we decided to shoot up a few snags and logs to make a lot of noise. We thought maybe if they knew we were in there they would stay away and we could make our way out quickly.” We will also be speaking to Derek. Derek writes "Hi Wes, I did not think I would be emailing you! I was traveling from Gresham Oregon to Gardnerville NV. I exited Hwy- 5 to Hwy 89 south of the town Shasta CA heading east on Hwy 89. I passed the little towns of McCloud CA and Bartell. About 15 minutes after passing the town of Bartel at a speed of 70 MPH I saw what I originally thought was a backpacker with hiking poles and a large black backpack on the right shoulder of the road at about 300 to 400 yard ahead of me. it seemed to pause for a second and then proceeded to cross the highway. When it started to cross I still thought it was a backpacker until it was about half way across the road and I saw the way it moved. Its upper body and head rose with each step. It took 4 strides to cross the highway. Just as it was almost off the road it moved so that I could see the width of its shoulder and see that there was no backpack. Where it crossed the road it was darkened by the shadows of the trees and when it got to the other side of the road the sun shone down on its back and it looked like charcoal gray to me. That is when I knew it was not a person!! I had slowed down a little and thought I could get a good look at it but when I got to where I thought it crossed I could not see anything! This was approximately 10:30 am. The closest road I came across shortly after was Dina MacArthur. Wes I make this drive a lot and I have seen a black bear cross the highway near this location and I was able to see the bear run through the woods for a few hundred yards. This thing seems to just have vanished. Wes I would just like to know if anyone else has had sightings in this area. Please feel free to contact me
9/10/2023 • 51 minutes, 2 seconds
SC EP: 985 Creature Follows Farmer Home
Jacob writes "Last year in September in Minnesota I had a close interaction with a creature and have some video footage of it. Last year when this event took place I originally thought it was a dog man or wendigo or something of the sort. I recently my cousins talked to me and said I should contact you about this because what happened to me is very similar to the encounters on your podcast and after listening for a bit and hearing the Sierra sounds that's when I was convinced this was a sasquatch or big foot. Last year I was plowing a field for this farm I work at while on the phone with my older sister (for privacy purposes I'm not going to use anyone's real name besides my own) but her and I were chatting away about the day and some other stuff when from across the field mid turn around I noticed something in the corn field. It was big and black but from the distance I was at probably 1000 yards away I couldn't make out what it was but at first glance I thought the Andersons cows got out again, so I drove over to investigate. While I'm on the phone I'm explaining to my sister about how I see a cow and it got out so I got to go lead it back to the pasture area they have so it doesn't get in the way of me plowing the field. (I just want to preface that I grew up in Oregon in the cascade mountains so I'm very familiar with the legend of sasquatch and wild life in general as I grew up in the mountains and hunting) so as I'm driving over towards this corn field its just hitting me that this "cow" is absolutely massive. Its was huge, so I park the tractor about 250 yards away from where I see this cow and I start walking over towards it still on the phone with my sister. Mind you this entire time I'm telling her what I'm seeing you know because it was just an odd looking cow. So get about 100 yards away and I realize this isn't a cow by any means it's way to big. I thought it was a black bear, they aren't terribly common in Minnesota but it is possible. So I continue to walk closer because my curiosity was dying to find out what this creature was, but as I get closer it hits me that black bears are not this big I've seen grizzlies this big but black bears are very small compared to me as I'm standing at 6'5". So this entire time I am thinking to myself what the hell is this thing, so I get 50 yards from it and while I'm walking it's staring at me kind of swaying back and fourth, and then it stands up on 2 hind legs, now that's when I was flabbergasted because it's now standing taller than the corn field which is 7 ft tall. It was a good foot and a half if not 2 feet taller than the corn field and I'm explaining this to my sister and she is like what the hell because black bears cannot stand that tall and if they can I've never seen them that big when I was hunting. So I get 20 yards away and this thing bellows and does an ear piercing scream that rattled my rib cage and my sister starts freaking out she over heard it on the phone and I was a bit shook but I wanted to get an even closer look at this thing so I continued on. I get 15 yards away and that's when I realized I messed up because this thing tower's over me and it's roar was just something to behold. So I just stood there at 15 yards beholding what I am seeing because in most cases in nature animals are more scared of you vs them so I wasn't scared of it at first but I was just filled with pure dread I had never been more terrified in my life. My sister is yelling and yelling at me to get back to the tractor and leave before this thing gets real pissed off, as I am beholding it's absolute magnitude it bum rushes me, it starts to charge. The fear when I realized this creature was stupid fast and I mean it cleared 15 yards in the blink of an eye was absolutely insane so I did a quick oh no turned around and ran as fast as I could back to the tractor, I'm sprinting as fast as I possibly could back to what I thought was my saving grace, I turn around to take a peak as I hear these long strides and heavy thumps right on my heels and 5 feet to the side of me it's keeping pace and I had the feeling it could easily just reach out and grab me at any moment. I clear the couple hundred yards to the tractor in 1 leap I hopped in the tractor quickly trying to close the door on the tractor. I look out the tractor window to see it very quickly turn around and run back towards the corn field at what I imagine is full sprint, the absolute speed this gigantic being carried is something to behold. I almost felt sick because the way it ran I would explain as unnatural to any animal I have ever seen run or human for that matter in my entire life and I would describe it as morbid because it made me sick to my stomach just watching it run and then it vanished into the corn and I have not seen it since. The entire time I was running my sister could hear the entire altercation between I and the creature. I finished the field convinced what I saw wasn't real even though I have a video of what I saw. The next morning I went to my boss on the farm and everyone told me it was just a black bear. But later months after the interaction people were saying they saw the same thing cross the road or hoof it across a field it was never violent towards anyone but I just thought it was an absolutely wild event to take place and luckily I was able to escape from." https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep-985-creature-follows-farmer-home/
9/2/2023 • 57 minutes, 39 seconds
SC EP:983 Like It Was Running On A Escalator
We will be chatting with Mike. Mike and his family were on a vacation traveling up and down the west coast. On August 3rd Mike and his family were traveling through California when a large creature jumped up on two legs and took off running up the hill. Mike said “As we rounded the corner in our RV this thing got up and took off running like a man. It was too big to be a man and the speed and the way it moved left me in shock. My wife has never believed in Bigfoot and she was in shock.” I will also be speaking to Ronan who is from Michigan. Ronan writes “My brother and I have had a face to face encounter with a Bigfoot when I was about 9 and he was 7. I am now 18 and he is 16.” I spoke to Ronan and he said that they lived in the country and had these mini hatchet’s and were chopping tree’s and bushes and the creature was a little bit bigger then them but it wasn’t King Kong. When the creature approached it looked confused like it was running up on something else.
8/26/2023 • 58 minutes, 10 seconds
SC EP:981 A Large Wolf Like Creature
Scott writes “In the fall of 2022 my daughter and I were driving back from one of her high school choir performance. My wife decided to stay home this time with our son because he can be a little rowdy for these type of events as a toddler can be. On the way home it was between 9 and 9:30 or so. It was pretty dark and we were driving home on state route 50 just a mile or so out of town. My daughter, like most teenagers was on her phone so the car was pretty quiet and we were going about 50 or 55 miles per hour when suddenly this very large dark brown dog looking thing shot across the road from a dry creek bed into the field across the highway. I’ve been in the woods my entire life and I have seen Coyotes and all sorts of other animals. I grew up hunting and fishing. There isn’t an animal in our area that I haven’t seen in the wild. Bear, deer, fox, you name it. This was something very different. First it moved faster than any animal I had ever seen move in my life. It was like the flash in the comics. It was so fast that by the time I told my daughter look at that… she only got a quick peek and said. Big dog? I said I didn’t know, but I knew it was much much larger than any dog I had seen before and it move unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It must have covered 100 yards in just under a three or four seconds. It was like a blur almost. I remember seeing clearly though a large snout and ears that stood straight up like a Doberman. It had a vary large mane like around its head though, but the ears were sticking out of the hair. It almost reminded me of a Chow dog, but with a wolfs ears and muzzle. It was dark brown or almost black and it ran on all fours. I actually got up the nerve to stop at the spot in the road one day on my way home from work. It was daylight and I could see the creek bed, the fence, and the slope of the hill up to the road on the side where it took off from. I realized, it had to be almost 4’ tall on all fours as I compared my memory to the size of the fence and the road sign on the other side of the road. I cant get out of my mind it was so so fast. It gets weirder. I feel like I saw something very unnatural that night.”
8/19/2023 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
SC EP:979 Gorilla Man
Susan writes “In 1962, I was only 12 at the time of the encounter. This happened in Crandon, Wi and I have been reaching out to find others in this state who have seen a Bigfoot. I can give a very detailed description of the day, his face which I thought was so horrendous at that time and his hands, etc. something many people don’t get a good look at. This event happened late afternoon just before the sunset. It was very confusing as I thought I saw a gorilla man or else a freak that escaped from a circus freak show. It was an event that made me depressed and gave me many sleepless nights/weekdays with nightmares. I am attaching an AI picture that closely resembles the facial structure of the type I saw.”
8/11/2023 • 54 minutes, 33 seconds
SC EP:977 I Have No Idea What I Saw
Jane writes “I am a 29 year old mother from eastern Kentucky, and I had an incredibly strange encounter while deer hunting with our oldest daughter last year. I am skeptical about telling this experience, just because I am skeptical myself, but here goes nothin’…. Last year I had promised our oldest daughter, who was 6 at the time, that I would take her deer hunting on our property opening day of modern gun season. My husband and father I own around 40 acres on the Montgomery/ Menifee line, the entirety of which is almost completely wooded, and goes all the way to the top of Turkey Knob, which then backs up to hundreds of acres of uninhabited forest. We woke up that morning and we’re running a little behind because I had to feed our baby, and make sure our little boy and husband were set for breakfast. Once we headed into the woods the sky was starting to get lighter and I made to decision to find a good spot to sit on the ground because by the time we made it to our stand it would have already been daylight. Ended up at a tree that backed up to the top of Turkey knob, and we could see over the ravine into the ridge line where a big game trail was. We sat there for prob 30 mins or so and my little girl fell asleep in my lap, I was watching some gray squirrels play on a log down the hill in front of us when I heard a baby cry. The squirrels ran off and everything got really quiet. I thought maybe I was just hearing things, (our baby was only 4 months old at the time and I was still breastfeeding) but then I heard it again and again. I felt really disoriented, like I couldn’t figure out where the cry was coming from. While I was trying to figure out where the cry was coming from, I heard something BARRELING down the side of the mountain behind me. We have horses and it was every bit as loud as a horse would be galloping full force through the woods. My little girl was still asleep in my lap so I couldn’t jump up without waking her up and her making noise so I just sat as still as possible and grabbed my knife on my side (my rifle was leaned up against the tree). Out the side of my eye I saw something huge with long black hair coming down the ledge right behind me to the left of my tree. I thought it was a bear spooked from all the gunshots until I saw it’s face out the side of my eye. It was no bear. It was looking behind it, and when it looked forward it was like it was surprised that it saw me there, furrowed it’s brow, grunted and acted like it was going to charge me, but then, and I truly believe this, either saw I was a woman, or was holding a sleeping child, and it’s expression immediately softened and hunkered down, held both its huge hands out like to say “it’s ok, it’s ok” slowly backed away about three steps and turned And bounded back up the cliff completely out sight. I was fully prepared to fight that thing to the death to protect my girl, but thankfully it didn’t come to that. Wasn’t even that worried waking her up and walking back out of the woods. Felt like an unspoken thing between mothers to be honest. I have no idea what I saw, but I am almost certain she was female. When she stood all the way up she was probably six foot tall or so. She had a gray skin on her hands and face, human eyes. The whole thing had me dazed and confused. I haven’t told anyone this for fear of sounding like an absolute crack job. There’s been multiple odd things happen on this property prior to this, and a weird occurrence that has happened since then. I’d be happy to tell the whole story.”
8/4/2023 • 53 minutes, 12 seconds
SC EP:975 Moose And The Sasquatch
Moose writes "When I was around 9 or 10 years old, back in 1989 – 1990 in Jackson Wyoming where I was born and raised. I had a friend who lived down the street from me who got a horse for his birthday. So, I saddled up my horse and we hit the trail. Back then kids like us could take off for a few days before anyone started worrying. I think I remember that we rode those poor horses all over that country for 3 days. The second and third day we went way up Cache Creek Canyon to see how far we could make it and we got to a little spring where a tree had fallen across the trail and we realized our horses could jump over it so we must have ran them back and forth over that dam thing for an hour until the horses were all lathered up so we decided to unsaddle and let them cool off and we all drank from that spring. I remember clearly that my horse had his ears pinned forward and would give a little snort now and again, clearly concerned about something off in the timber, but I couldn’t see anything. Then I smelled something awful, a rotting flesh mixed with a wet dog smell. The first thing that came to my mind was it must be a dead elk because that canyon is a migration route for elk in the fall and spring so I told my buddy that I was going to go check it out to see if I could acquire some ivory. So, I went up to the base of this cliff that was about 60, maybe 70 foot tall and trees blocked the area between where my friend and the horses were and myself. As I was scanning the area I looked over to my right and this giant black man walked around the base of the cliff. The evening sun was behind me and the way the shadow played off the base of the cliff I could only see the top half of this man. Now, normally that would be cause for concern I suppose but, in my mind, it was another mountain man who decided to quit civilization and live off the land like in the old days. I had been with my dad and grandpa when we had met other men who would come down to stock up on supplies and then head right back up into the mountains, so I really just thought he was one of them. Yes, he was huge! But again, I was an ignorant little country boy who up to that point never met a black person before and the only thing I did know was what I saw on TV when we would watch the Packers play and I genuinely thought that black folks were bigger and usually better at sports then other folks and I was fascinated by the situation I found myself in and I wanted to meet this guy! LOL. The man was enormous, with long dreaded black hair and fairly long beard that was silver up the middle of it. He was bald on the very top of his head and I remember that it looked raw or something because he had a big scar running the length of the top of his head and I remember thinking, man that looks like it must have hurt. Another thing I noticed was his head was fairly pointed as well. He was wearing what I thought was a black bear skin coat because it was pitch black hair covering his upper body, but I could see his massive shoulder muscles and biceps moving under the hair. He raised one arm and grabbed a little ledge of the cliff and kind of leaned into it and at that point I realized it wasn’t a jacket he was wearing but in fact it was his own hair that thinned around the armpit and along his sternum and under his pecks. Now like I said I was fascinated and had no feelings of being threatened and I wanted to ask this guy a bunch of questions, so I raised my hand and waved and said “howdy” I’ll never forget the look he gave me; it was a look of annoyance. I knew the look well because I was an annoying kid back then. Then I asked, “what yuh doin?” still he did not respond and seamed like was more concerned about something else up the ridge because he would look up the ridge and study it for a bit then back at me and at one point he made a low growl, like I was in the way or something. I don’t remember how long the encounter lasted but it seemed to be a couple minutes maybe a little more. I do remember hearing some kind of whoop from off in the distance and he replied by making a sound with his tongue that sounded like a wood nock that we see in almost every bigfoot investigation these days. I had another buddy who could snap his tongue to the roof of his mouth, and it would make the same noise and he could make it really load but this guy’s was way more loud, at least that’s what I think happened. Then my buddy called out to me, and he snapped his head over and so did I and when I looked back at him he just pulled himself up the cliff and grabbed another ledge with his other hand and repeated it like 2 more times until he was at the top and disappeared from view. I yelled to my friend “did you see him?!” and as he walked up to me, he asked “who was that?” Later on I tried talking about it with him and he claimed he didn’t actually see anything or anyone. I was sure he saw him though. Anyhow, a couple years later we were taking a pack trip up to a place called Turquoise Lake and I remember I was 12 because that spring my cousin and I were taught how to train our first colts and we rode them on that pack trip. We got up to a covert that crossed the road that had holes in the top and our colts wouldn’t cross over it so as the rest of the group went on ahead, we stayed behind trying everything to get them fillies to go over that covert. It took quite awhile to get them over it and we set out to catch up with everyone else and we got to the steepest part of the trail so we took a rest for a awhile before the big climb, so we just sat and talked for a bit. I was on my horse when I realized that I was standing right next to that same cliff and I was right under that little ledge where that man had put his hand on. Let me repeat that, I was on my horse and I still had to raise my arm up to where his hand was. That was about 10 to 11 feet from the ground. I then proceeded to tell my cousin the story and what I saw but he immediately blew me off saying there was no way I saw a man that tall climb that cliff basically only using his arms. Even then I hadn’t thought much about it. It wasn’t until 2007 ish when I started getting into bigfoot and I saw that drawing of one that some guy had drawn after he had an encounter. I thought my mind was going to quit me. I scrambled to find a paper and pencil and I went to town frantically drawing and my hands were shaking so bad but when I was done I stepped back and just stared at it. There he was the man I had seen so long ago and all I did was make the creature the other guy drew bald and with a beard and it was exactly what I remembered. Now, say what you will but I still can’t bring myself to say I saw a bigfoot, but at the same time I can’t explain how that dude was so dam big. Anyway I don’t give a rip if you use my name or if you even want to share this. I’m to old to give 2 shits what anyone thinks of me or if anyone hears my story, My buddy just really wanted me to share it with you guys. I’ve really gotten sucked into your podcast and look forward to binging the whole dam thing. I attached the drawing of what I remember him looking like.”
7/28/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:973 The Wobbegong Monster
Chase writes "I’m from Southern Indiana. Over the years I’ve had several strange encounters with some pretty exciting action! The bulk of my encounters occurred over a 5-6 month period in 2021, but have had occasional encounters prior to that, feel free to reach out if you’d like! Thank you for your time!" Spoke to Chase and growing up his neighbor would let him use his property for fishing and hunting. Chase and his friend found these large human like tracks. He asked the neighbor about it and Chase said "He was an older gentleman and his eyesight wasn't the best and he said that was his friend, if they stay after dark they might see him. Chase thought the guy was talking about a human and wondered why his friend ran around without shoes on. Chase will be discussing recent activity in the area including his sighting.
7/21/2023 • 49 minutes, 3 seconds
SC EP:971 Behind My Parents Home
Jeff writes "I am 52 and grew up in Deep East Texas on Lake Sam Rayburn about 55 miles north of the big thicket area I have heard mentioned on your show. I spent 12 years as an Infantry soldier in the US ARMY and I have hunted all my life all over the US. The events I’m about to tell you about happened behind my parents house and in front of my grand parents as the crow fly’s about 3 miles apart. This is a really small community pop back then was 312 people. Today 172 last time I was home. The area is a largest lake in the state and multiple rivers The Angelina, Sabine a Trinity are all in close proximity. Plenty of water in the area along with very large national forest and private land. Beside the lakes and rivers the terrain is kind of hilly but covered in tall Pines with hardwoods mainly along the creeks and bottoms. Over the years a lot of clear cutting and replanting of pines also in the area. The first incident actually happened to my cousin on Christmas morning 1985. He had gotten a bicycle and took off down the dirt road from my grandparents. Everyone was at my Grandparents that morning and it was just another normal Christmas until he returned crying and scared to death and had even peed on himself. This is what he told us when he had calmed down. The chain had come off at a curve in the road where the creek crosses. Note not 30 yards from second sighting I will tell you about. While trying to fix the loose chain he heard something in the woods. He said he looked up and couldn’t see anything . He thought it was one of the dogs from my grandparents home but then something leaned out from behind a big pine tree and stared at him. He stated it was tall and hairy. At the time he was 13 and I was 15. No one ever thought about Bigfoot. We grew up in those woods from playing in them to hunting in them and never once ever though about a Bigfoot. Myself and the same cousin had parked my truck on the other side of the curve and creek I mentioned previously about 30 to 40 yards up the road in a lane that went into a pine sapling thicket where it had been clear cut and replanted. We got the dogs out and just like always turned them loose on the creek. It was windy that night so it was kind of hard to hear the dogs. After about an hour and a half of walking the woods and going up and down the hills and creek beds I had a feeling like something or some body was watching us. I stopped to listen for the dogs and turned to my cousin and before I could say anything he stated something just felt weird and I told him I agreed he stated he also felt like something was trailing us. We had herd rumors that there were big cats in our area but never thought much about it till then. We kind of just shook it off and kept hunting listening for the dogs. After we stopped two more times to listen we heard an extra step to our rear. We both heard it and looked at one another. I told him to get in front of me and the next time we stopped I would shine my light behind us and shoot if I needed to. I always had a 22 pistol six shot revolver with 10 in barrel. The older westerns style. We walked and stopped probably 3 more times and I would turn and shine and nothing was ever there. We then decided to just go back to the truck and come back in the morning and find the dogs. We had done that before I would leave a tshirt or jacket in the woods and the dogs would come back to it. As we started back to the truck one dog came back to us about 200 yards from the truck we put her on a lead rope and continued to the truck. Once we got to the dirt road across from my truck I heard something to the right and shined my light coming down the road was my male dog so my cousin caught him and put him on another lead rope. We went to step out of the bar ditch onto the road and neither dog would move they were locked up looking to the left where the creek crossed the road in the curve. Neither dog barked or growled they just stayed froze. My coon hunting light had separate spot light that I used when needing more light than the standard walking headlight I unsnapped it and shined to the left what I seen was not what I expected To my left about 30 yards was a hairy something about 7 foot tall the same color of dead pine straw a rusty brownish orange color. When I shined my light it raised its hand and covered its face its palm was darker color with huge long fingers I did not see claws the hair on the arm was short at the wrist but got gradually longer towards the elbow. I saw one eye shine for a second and it was a greenish yellow color nothing I can recall has ever shined that color, I told my cousin to get in the truck we drug the dogs across the road over the closed tail gate and into the back of the truck. The whole time I held my light straight in its face and watched it. Once I got the door open to get in the truck I seen it step off the bank of the creek and down into it. The creek was dry at this time and about 8 feet deep at this area. There was a big metal culvert that was under the dirt road at that point not a bridge. We both were scared at this point and I backed out and with out thinking headed back to my parents. I did not even back out enough to get fully on the road I went up the hill in the ditch and drug the side of my truck against the bank roughly 2500 dollars worth of damage. There are more times that I could say involved something we cant explain I can cover more in detail later."
7/14/2023 • 55 minutes, 15 seconds
SC EP:969 Danger Close
John writes “My encounter happened in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, where Umass is, in October of my senior year of college (October 16th, 2021); I was twenty-one years old. To slightly set the scene for you, I was home due to covid during the second half of my sophomore year and my entire Junior year of college. My senior year was the first year everyone returned to campus, with everything running as normal as possible. After a long week of midterms, I decided to take the Saturday to myself and hike in October Mountain State Forest in Lee, Massachusetts, to relax my mind. I was on the trail for about an hour and a half and prepared to return to my car around four o’clock in the evening so I would be at my car y the time it was dark. On my way back down the trail, the sun was starting to set, so I wanted to try to find a better view of the sunset. I found a trail that was not as finished as the main trail, which went up a small hill, so I figured I climb it to see the sunset better. I went upwards on the trail for what was probably twenty-five minutes when I just came across it. There was what appeared to be an ape-man sitting down staring at me as I stared at it. It was about my size, 6’1”. It had black fur, and its skin was a grayish-black color. It was holding a branch in its left hand, and I believe it was eating the leaves off of it and saw me as it was in the middle of chewing. It had its head tilted upwards with pupils on me. Its mouth was half open, and it had a confused and scared look on its face. What scared me the most was the eyes. There was so much human expression in the eyes alone that I was unsure what I was looking at. After about thirty seconds, it lowered its head and faced forward to its right side but kept its eyes on me. This side-eye it gave me made me feel sick to my stomach. I was looking at a human, but it wasn’t a human. The creature then moved its eyes off me, looked in the direction its face was facing, and then moved its eyes back on me, never moving its head. Thinking of the whites of its eyes is giving me goosebumps. This went on for about a minute when I heard a massive crunching of leaves come from out of nowhere in the direction the initial one was looking. The same creature came out from behind a tree, although this one was much bigger, closer to eight feet tall, and I just wanted to deflate on the spot. When it came out from behind its tree, its hand raised toward the smaller one with its hand up as if it was saying, “Stop.” The larger creature was female, as it had large breasts. The expression of the new monster was not aggressive. Her head was lowered with her eyes and her brows raised, looking directly at me. I started to shake my head to say no, and to be completely honest with you, Wes, I started to cry. I wanted to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth; my face was paralyzed but silent. The creature watched me, and I don’t think there was any sympathy, but I think it knew I was not a threat. She lowered her hand and stood straight up, looking at me, and she looked behind me and, for lack of a better term, spoke. It was a weird gibberish thing. I don’t even know how to describe it to you. She did not look back at me but at the smaller one, and then she slowly walked away. The smaller one looked at me weirdly; I don’t know if it was fear, confusion, disgust, or none of the above. It soon followed the female and kept looking back at me with the same expression. I didn’t know what to do because whatever I did when it was right in front of me kept it from attacking me. I felt like if I made one slight movement, it would come back and kill me. I was also terrified to turn around to go back down the trail because I was almost sure she “spoke” to another one of these things behind me. I was so scared to turn around, I was fully prepared to see another one, but there was nothing there. I was terrified after what I saw and wanted to get out of the woods as soon as possible. As I went to take my first step back, I vomited, which made me feel like I could bring myself to move my body. I walked in fear along the trail back to my car, not seeing anyone else, to my dismay. When I finally reached the end of the trail and could see the opening of the parking lot, I felt so much better. I moved faster as I got closer and felt like I wanted to cry again when from behind me, I heard a guttural “Ay.” I immediately turned around and saw another creature much bigger than the female I had seen earlier. It was standing behind a large rock which only allowed me to see the creature’s chest up and one of the creature’s feet planted on the ground. I could tell it was male; I don’t know if that is because the noise it made sounded like a man or because of intuition, but I am willing to bet this one was male. This interaction was far scarier even though less happened. It looked at me with absolutely zero expression except for its eyes and brows. Its brows were raised all the way, and its eyes were open so wide they looked like they were popping out. That is all it did. I believe it just wanted me to know it was there. Again I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to cry; however, I felt like if I had done what I had done earlier, I could be okay. I walked to the end of the trail at the opening of the parking lot and turned around to find the creature still standing there with the same expression on its face. I wanted to look away but was afraid to take my eyes off it. I made it to my car and drove back to Amherst with one hand clasped over my mouth and crying the whole way home; I was still terrified. My friends invited me out that night, but I refused; I stayed in my apartment and was awake all night. I had an awful feeling these things would somehow follow me home. Sorry, that encounter is so long. I’m not sure how long other people’s encounters are on paper. I can’t get into enough detail about what I saw, but I’m also getting emotional as I go through it again. I’m nervous about coming on the show if you feel like you would even want me. I’m embarrassed about how I reacted to these things, I always feel like I want to act like more of an adult than I am, but I guess when push comes to shove and I see something terrifying, I still cry like a kid. I’m also worried about how I might come off to people who listen, especially since I am relatively fresh out of college and am working to become a full-time classroom teacher. I don’t want to come off as crazy because I know how I must sound after seeing what I saw. But that’s my encounter; life hasn’t been the same since. I’m glad I work with fourth-grade students. They remind me of how naive the world can be, and I find peace in that. I wish I never saw these things because I can’t stand my viewpoint on the world since that day. If you would ever like to call and talk off the air, I would appreciate that I have yet to share my encounter with many people, and I don’t even think the people I told 100% believe me. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my email to you, and I hope to hear from you soon.” I will also be welcoming Jane to the show. In 2013 Jane saw these strange lights in Palm Springs, CA. She said "there was something sinister about the lights or that was the feeling I got." Stream Player Open New Player Window
7/7/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 8 seconds
SC EP:968 We Saw The Creature And It Was Gigantic
Lisa writes "I was 10 or 11 when it came up behind our house. I was in my bed and the window was open above my head. My mother was in the bathroom just finishing a shower and the bathroom window was open as well. The bathroom was next to my bedroom. I heard something walking outside that sounded like a man walking, breaking sticks and crunching leaves as it walked. It came close enough to my bedroom window that I could hear it breathing. It was a raspy deep guttural breathing not only on exhale, but also on inhale. I became frozen in place, terrified out of my mind. Just paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t speak or scream or move or anything. I’m not even sure I was breathing. My mom came running out of the bathroom yelling at me to get out of bed. I couldn’t answer her and I could hear the fear in her voice. She managed to come into my room and grab my leg and jerk on me while she said she avoided looking at the window. I guess that broke my paralysis and she managed to half drag me out of the bed and we ran into the hallway. Just as we were trying to explain to my grandmother what was happening, something hit the back of the house really hard. It shook the whole house. My grandmother got her gun and we huddled together in the kitchen. The kitchen had a small window not really big enough to see anything out of that might be in the backyard, so we eased our way into the dining room where a larger window was. At this time, they were thinking someone was trying to break into the house, maybe knowing only 2 women and a young girl were there. We tried to look out the big window, but it was pitch black and we couldn’t see anything, which didn’t make sense because there was always a light out by the driveway that would illuminate the back and front yard at least a little all the time. As my grandmother and my Mom were commenting on that, something moved away from the window sideways. At that moment, we all realized that we couldn’t see anything out of the window because this huge hairy thing was standing in front of it blocking the entire window! Now just imagine that feeling! We were freaked out! And even thinking back on this gives me chills every time I tell this to anyone. This big hairy thing was inches from our faces and we had no idea! Anyway, as it moved from center to the left of the window, back toward my bedroom, we saw that it was gigantic and covered in brown hair. I don’t remember the remainder of the night except that I slept in my mother’s room and the following day we moved my bed away from the window to the other side of the room. The breathing I will never forget. It has left a scar on me since that night. I guess it is a form of childhood PTSD. Though that term didn’t even exist back then. I never want to be that close again, but I gotta know exactly what that was, you know?” I will also be speaking with Alan. Alan and his father were hunting in Colorado. This incident took place in 1975, Alan and his father were awaken to their truck being rocked from side to side. To this day Alan's father will not speak about what he saw. In 2015 Alan was in Washington State and he describes this strange vocal he heard while fishing and everyone in the area left because of fear.
7/2/2023 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds
SC EP:965 Strange Encounter At Fort Hood 2002
A listener writes "I'm originally from the Wasatch front in Northern Utah and grew up with Bigfoot stories, and a few interesting encounters as a kid. However I served 11 years in the US Army, as a infantryman/ranger. In August 2002 I had a strange encounter during guard duty. It behaved similar to a Bigfoot, however it didn't. I was an NCO, and was in charge of a 3 man guard detail guarding ammunition for a live fire range. The story is a long one, as it stalked us and encircled us all night. I do not believe it was a Bigfoot, and I have been researching what it could have been for over 20 years. I had already been to Afghanistan at this time, and this may have been one of the most frightening moments of my life, and I don't scare easily. However one of your episodes talks about a creature that was nearly cloaked, and I believe that's what it may have been." Spoke to the witness and he said "We were preparing to go to Iraq. We setup a AHA (Ammunition Holding Area). I was relieving this NCO and he said coyotes were circling him all night and he did not sleep all night. I thought it was strange. He went into describing what happen that night that he was at the AHA area. Its a long encounter but it was a strange night. The witness describes the forest going silent, no insects..nothing. We had stuff that was taken from our staging area. I walked into a cold spot. There was foot steps walking straight towards me. One of the infantryman kept saying "oh $h**, oh $h**" what ever it was went into the thicket. I stopped and a rock was thrown at me, a very large rock. I am thinking someone is messing with us. This thing circled us for 2 hours that night. I could not figure out what it was."
6/24/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 29 seconds
SC EP:964 This Just Started On My Property
I will be speaking to the father about this property. The family has been on this property in California for a couple of years. I spoke to the son who is in high school and he said “We have heard strange whoops from the forest. They have a sharp whistle and then another one will respond from a different location. Many time we hear what sounds like people hitting trees with bats. “The day I saw it, was from a window inside the home. It was about 30 feet away. I was shocked by what I was seeing. It ran off like a man on two legs…but a very powerful man.” Check out the full encounter.
6/19/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
SC EP:961 A Strange World We Live In
Nick from Tales From The Grid Square on Instagram joins me. Nick discusses his new book Tales From The Grid Square Volume 2: Stories of military paranormal experiences. Nick collects encounters from former and current military soldiers. We will also discuss the recent UFO incident in Las Vegas. Here is a link to his books: Tales From The Grid Square Volume 2: Stories of military paranormal experiences
6/10/2023 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:959 The Jersey Devil
I will be speaking to Stefaun and his father Mike. Both men have seen this entity. Both men describe it as a mix of several animals. Mike said “it had a shimmer to it, it wasn’t see through but it had a weird shimmer. We have had a lot of really weird paranormal things happen while we were out there.” Mike and Stefaun have returned many times to get another look at it. I asked the witnesses if they have ever had something follow them home after going out to this area repeatedly.” Both witnesses said that they have and strange tracks appeared in their yard among other things.
6/2/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 47 seconds
SC EP:958 Living Next Door To The Minnesota Iceman
Mike writes “I lived next to Capt Francis Hanson (owned the iceman) growing up. My parents and myself are still excited speak with you. My father is a retired sheriffs deputy and my mother retired from Mayo Clinic.” I spoke to the family and they have agreed to come on the show. Carl who is Mike’s father said “I will tell you why the Minnesota Iceman disappeared. The building Capt Hanson had this creature in burned down.” Carl and his brother worked part time on the Hanson farm.
5/29/2023 • 58 minutes, 24 seconds
SC EP:955 Hunters Encountering Cryptids
Trevor writes “Wes, I hope all is well. I’ve been carrying around this experience 20 years now hoping that what I saw in the woods while turkey hunting in southern Indiana. While sitting beside a huge poplar tree on top of a ridge in the Hoosier national forest area of Martin county, that was blocking my view of anything coming on my right side. I was watching a few turkeys that were coming up the south ridge in front of me, they were startled by something and started acting strangely. That’s when coming from my right side I heard some small twigs and leaves rustling around and it was something of significant size by the sound of it. I slowly peaked around to see what it was and the thing I convinced myself of that I saw being a good sized bear somehow standing in a region of the country bears aren’t supposed to be. Suddenly I realize the shoulders were way too wide to be a bear it almost had the features of a dog, long snout pointy ears, in all these years I’ve yet to find what I seen that day researching bears. Only a month ago did I hear the same almost exact story from your podcast American werewolf. I don’t know why those cold black eyes didn’t choose me as it’s target but now I know what I saw was Dogman or something like him and am ready to release the burden of carrying this experience for good there’s more on how I managed to get away so please contact me and looking forward to sharing my experience.” We will also be speaking to Frank. Frank lived in Estacada, Oregon. In 1989 he was 17 years old and hunting with four friends. Frank said "My friend talked about seeing two of these creatures. I did not believe him. I did not believe in Bigfoot. Frank describes seeing this creature after hearing a limb break. Frank said "We all saw it. This thing paced us out."
5/20/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 2 seconds
SC EP:953 I Think We Snuck Up On It
Benny writes "Me and my buddy, Joe, where south of Bradshaw TX. This will be in the fall, 1989. We were crossing the creek in the truck with the headlights off . Had the dogs in the back trying to catch the scent of a coon crossing the road because the wind was up. Joe said to flip the headlines on because there’s a game warden that usually sits at the top of the hill when you come out of the creek. When I turn the headlights on something blew up in the fence line, right next to the truck, scared the crap out of Joe and he was headed up the embankment same direction we were going. When I looked over, I initially thought it was a buffalo. I could see a shoulder and his back. It was on all fours. The back road, we were on had a quick left turn then right turn down the fence line that would put us in the path that it was headed. When I made the right turn down the fence line, it turn right beside us and stood up and ran down the tree line about 5 to 6 strides then back into the tree line, heading down towards the creek Somewhere around 7 foot tall never stood directly straight up, ran bent over freaking super wide at the shoulders, narrowed down to the hips and really muscular, butt and legs. It was a brownish, reddish color, never saw the face the it’s left side in his back never got directly in the headlights. It was a very bright Moonlit night with a storm coming in and the wind blowing. That’s why we did not unleash the dogs to run track. Are usually come in from the north. That night we came in from the south wind in front of us. The water was running across the crossing with a bunch of rocks. Making a lot of noise because of the rain we just had that day. I honestly think we snuck up on it."
5/13/2023 • 55 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:951 A F***ing Kangaroo?
Tonight I will be speaking to Tim. Time writes "The first actual encounter I experienced was in the fall of 2020. It was a nice night. I had been working late which is often the case in my line of work. My wife and I have two pet rabbits who are fed a diet of Timothy Hay. We would get this hay from a friend who had a farm about 40 minutes away from where we were living at the time. Seeing that it was a nice night and the coming days were going to be quite busy for me, we decided to go for a drive and pick up some hay as we were getting pretty low. The drive from where we were living to the farm went through a variety of back roads and farm lands. The way out was pretty standard. A lovely, peaceful drive after a bit of a stressful day. We picked up the hay and headed back pretty much right away. By this time it was a lot darker. Pretty much a pitch black night. Low hanging clouds prevented any stars or moon from being seen. As we were driving through an area of thick trees we spotted eye shine about 100 yards ahead of the car. We both saw it pretty much right away. There's lots of animals out on these roads and we always would be on the lookout for any that we might see. We have deer, fox, coyote, skunk, raccoons and possums. There's some weasels out this way but they're pretty rare to see. So anyways, we spotted the eyeshine and were instantly wondering what we might be seeing. Since the eyes were close to the ground we were thinking it was one of the smaller animals that are familiar to this area. But... a moment later as our vehicle got closer, those eyes rose up to about 7 feet in the air and this tall shape bounced away to its right - our left - and disappeared into the tree line. Though it was fall all the leaves were still on the trees and were yet to fall so in an instant it was completely gone. Seeing it was such a bizarre moment. I still remember my brain not being able to justify what we had seen. I had spent a lot of time in Australia in my youth and have seen kangaroos in the wild. Seeing them bounce was the closest thing that I could correlate to what I had just seen. I turned to my wife and said: "Did we just see a F***ing Kangaroo?" She had no idea what to say. I spun our Jeep around and passed by the location again but it was long gone. For days I wrestled with what we had seen and the only thing that I think it could have been was a Sasquatch. Then years later after finding your show I heard similar accounts of them being low to the ground and hopping on occasion. The second encounter that I had happened in the spring of 2022 in Asheville, North Carolina. My wife and I were doing some pet-sitting on the western edge of the city. Near the house that we were staying in, at the front to be more specific, there was beautiful dense brush which led out into a forest. The trees and brush of North Carolina in spring were filled with butterflies, birds, rabbits and a host of beautiful life. We would hear a lot of noises coming from that area both day and night. The house we were at had a little door for the cat to come in and out at will, and seeing as though the weather was really nice, the cat would be out at all hours of the day. During our time at the house there was a lunar eclipse that was going to occur. The night that it happened was clear, calm and beautiful. My wife and I sat out on the back deck and watched it happen. It was actually a blood moon lunar eclipse and as it progressed the moon turned a blood red. When it got to be about midnight we decided to turn in. I was a little worried as the cat had not returned. As we went inside I suddenly felt very uncomfortable... like we were being watched. We got ready for bed and went to lay down knowing that the cat would meow if he wanted in. A few minutes after laying down we heard a horrifying scream/howl. The window in our bedroom was open and the sound... it tore through there. Worried about the cat, I got up and ran outside. My wife followed. We went out to the back porch and listened as the scream/howl continued. It was coming from the forest area at the front. It just kept going for what seemed like the longest time. It was something that was so unnerving that I instantly felt anxiety coursing through my body. After a while my wife convinced me to go inside, convinced that the cat would be okay. Reluctantly, I went inside. The screaming stopped. But... the worst part was that our bedroom was at the front of the house. The window in the bedroom faced the brush that led to the forest. Once we laid down my wife fell asleep almost instantly. I tried as hard as I could but... man I hate saying this, but it was like something was in my mind... like whatever was out there in the bush screaming was trying to get into my head... I felt like it was right outside my window, like right outside looking in. I can't tell you how intense, overwhelming anxiety and fear that I was feeling. I didn't sleep a single minute that night... and I was near frozen in terror until about 4:30AM when all of a sudden that feeling subsided. And when I say subsided, I mean it was just gone... instantly. Even now just writing this my body is tensing up. I have no idea what was happening that night but it shook me up man. There was something so familiar that was happening... like I felt like it was there for me. I know that sounds crazy but that was just the overwhelming sense that was running through me."
5/5/2023 • 51 minutes, 46 seconds
SC EP:950 American Werewolf
Tonight I will be speaking to Dave. Dave writes "I'm 57 years old and my first encounter was when I was 16 years old. The thing is, it wasn't a bigfoot, it was what I learned everyone is calling a dogman about 7 years ago. At the time I didn't know what it was and thought it was the only one. There is a lot to this story." Dave and his friends had run into this creature on this property spanning 6 years. When the creature was disposed of Dave said "I didn't know what it was, I shot this thing thinking it was the only one. I remember telling the old man who owned most of the property around my house that I shot that thing. He looked at his wife and said "Honey they killed it, they shot it and he wanted to know where it was. So we took him there."
4/30/2023 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 18 seconds
SC EP:948 Remembering Scott, ARK! ARK! Who Goes There!
I got an email last night. Dave writes "Hey Wes, this is Dave from episode 735 Ark Ark. It's with a great sadness to tell you my brother Scott passed away from heart complications on April 12th. I just wanted to thank you again for being such a great host and let us tell our story. I'll always be able to hear his voice thanks to you. Bless you. Dave." This reloaded episode is for you guys. I know Scott is listening tonight. Here is the original email from Jeff. Jeff writes “Wes, I had an encounter back in 1989, I was 15 yrs old in MI. Left Detroit when I was 10 in 1984 to MI. The woods were new to me, which I spent every waking moment in the woods as a 80’s kid especially since coming from the city. It was myself, my brother, my best friend Scott, his brother and a mutual friend of all of ours. We built a half pipe in the woods and we skating it. One night we all started smelling something rancid and after awhile we all heard something crashing towards us. Sounded like no other animal in the woods, it was charging at us and making a noise which I never heard before or afterwards in the woods. All I can say it was like an ARK vocal. It ran like a bulldozer, it was coming to our ramp. It was definitely bi pedal. Step after step going through bushes and trees, it was nuts. I have a lot more to tell and would like to talk with you and my best friend that was there. I never saw it, I ran. Scott saw it. Thanks for your time.” I spoke to three of the witnesses and they have agreed to come on the show. Scott the witness mentioned above was within 6 feet of the creature. I also spoke to his brother Dave. Dave also saw the creature that night. All men describe the creature making a strange sound, Scott said “It was weird…kind of robotic…it was screaming ARK ARK and right before it chased us one of the guys thought someone was playing a joke on us and said ARK ARK who goes there! It got REAL really fast, this was no joke.”
4/23/2023 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:946 I Could See The Wrinkles In Its Face
Pat writes “On my bachelor party, Friday the 13 august 2021 after we all were drinking, a Bigfoot stormed through our camp and growling and stomping in an absolute territorial display. It was probably more like the early hours of the 14th. This f—-r was stomping and growling At the same time. I could feel the growling and feel the stomping as well as hearing the stomping and growling! This was at the same time. Initially I thought it was my friend who was notoriously known for screwing with people, so when I got up I said out loud, “Grant, what the f–k are you doing?!” Then I heard a quick shuffle. I saw movement above my head….. I have to go back. I have a giant Costco tent. Its more like a barn than a tent. We didn’t have the rain fly on it because this is august. Thought it was raining, but it’s rocks. Before the growling. I’m sorry it’s all scrambled. However, after I thought it was my friend and I yelled out, I saw out of the corner of my eye through the top of the tent was a face. This face was larger than a five gallon bucket. It was quicker than a moment. This f—-r was looking down at me, and when I saw it, it was shocked I saw it. So, it looked at me and lurched backwards like it was scared. BUT, as it moved back it’s face changed from shock to absolute pissed off something fierce where I could see the wrinkles in its face. Before it yelled and growled down at me like I can’t explain In text. I saw it’s teeth. It’s nose. Hair line. There is so much more to this story, but I saw it’s teeth, face, wrinkles in the forehead. I can’t sleep. This is why I’m emailing you this late because I’m tired of being sick and tired.” Here is the image Pat sent me that was close to what he saw. Pat writes "It kind of looked like this only its teeth were clenched together with a taller forehead and darker but greasy looking skin"
4/16/2023 • 52 minutes, 46 seconds
SC EP:944 The Confessions Of Tony Merkel
Tonight my guest is Tony Merkel from The Confessionals Podcast. Tony talks about his recent film that is soon to be released called The Shape of Shadows. Tony talks about a new film he is working on focused on Sasquatch and his experiences while here in the Pacific NW. Check out The Confessionals here: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/ The Shape of Shadows: They want you to believe the paranormal ends at the gates of a ranch in Utah. But what if it doesn’t? Tony Merkel and his crew go on a road trip outside the boundaries of corporate TV to show you Skinwalkers and UFOs in a way you’ve never seen before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc2FMfky2VU
4/9/2023 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:941 Something Out Of A Nightmare
Come hang out with us. Merkel Media is heading to Washington state in a couple weeks to shoot our next fill investigating bigfoot encounter locations! While we are out there we are going to do an advanced screening of our next film “The Shape of Shadows” at Battle Ground Cinema on April 6th at 6:30pm PST! After the advanced screening, we will be doing a town hall where bigfoot experiencers can share with everyone in attendance. Lastly, after the town hall, we will wrap up the night with a Q&A section hosted by Wes Germer and Tony Merkel. If you are interested in this event then get your tickets now because they are going to sell out fast! GET TICKETS HERE: theshapeofshadows.com DATE: April 6th, 2023 TIME: 6:30PM to 9:30PM PST LOCATION: Battle Ground Cinema 1700 SW 9th Avenue Battle Ground, WA 98604 Tonight we will be speaking to Matt. Matt writes "Hello Wes, so I had a horrifying experience when I was 14 years old. I live in Youngstown, Ohio. I grew up on the Northside of town in the city. If you look up pics of the old steel mills in town you will get an understanding of what I am talking about. So my buddy literally lived across the street from the mills. We would regularly go down there and just investigate the MASSIVE AREA. All but shut down and dilapidated. Well we had certain old buildings that we frequented and one we made into our home base. We spent weeks making walls and strengthening spots so no one could get in and especially the wild dogs that also frequented the area and were especially vicious. They travelled in packs of 6 or more. The building we went to all the time had no stairs so we had to jump up to get in. Made it safer for us. I was right by an active railroad. The other working steel mill near used it to get supplies in and out. Fast forward to the summer and we were there one night. We always had guns as this was Youngstown, Ohio in the early 90’s. Murdertown, USA @ that time. Plenty of Bloods and Crypts. We had chosen an old factory building that was huge and we would have massive fires right on the floor of the 1st floor. We erected a wall of these metal U shaped things to give us privacy and safety. If anyone saw us from the railroad they would call the police and security and we would be in trouble. Well, we were hanging out and we heard a pack of dogs coming and we thought it sounded like they were chasing something. We went out to see and they ran near us over a huge mound of coke that steel mills use in the steel making process. They ran over and we hear a fight ensuing. Vicious attack going on, all dogs involved. After 6-7 seconds we hear a louder dog above all the others and the beginning screams of the wild dogs started. Then to our shock @ different times wild dogs we’re literally being thrown over the mound in different directions. Finally all the wild dogs run away in the direction they came but as fast as they could possibly run, some limping, some with obvious injuries. We were shocked. Then one of my friends screams “WHAT IS THAT?!…LOOK!!” At that moment, I kid you not, A GIANT Wolf like animal the size of which seemed quite honestly fake crawls on all fours to the top of the mound and is looking directly into the area the wild dogs ran, it lifts its leg and subsequently and substantially releases a urine flow that honestly seemed like it was released out of a garden hose. That right there, may sound amusing. It scared the hell out of us because it have the idea of just how large this thing was. My one buddy stumbled backwards into our makeshift wall and it then turns its attention to US. I cannot relay to you the amount of fear we all immediately felt. I feel it even NOW writing this to you. The hairs on my arm are standing up. It had yellowish amber colored eyes that literally glowed like they had a power source behind them. Looking back on it we agreed it was from the light of the huge bonfire that we had made in our home base. It growls next and it was so deep we all felt it. I said out loud that I just felt that in my chest. My 2 buddies said they were all of a sudden light headed and getting sick. I did not feel that as of that moment. But we all were horrified. It then did something so shocking, so alien to the status quo that we immediately felt in danger and ran inside the building and up 2 sets of broken, missing and falling apart concrete stairs up to a third level. We are all very lucky that no one fell to at least a broken bones type fall, maybe worse. It stood up on 2 legs, it’s back legs. They looked like a huge set of dogs legs but the large leg muscles were reminiscent of a body builder. But thicker. And just the look of its massive body was unbelievably impressive & intimidating. My one friend was crying he was so terrified. When we got to the third floor we had to smack and shake him to shut him up as well as cover his mouth until he almost passed out from lack of air. We hoped it left. It did not. After what seemed like an hour but only one or two minutes we hear it climb up on the outside and start to enter the building. We first saw the shadow of it which was 10 times as large as the beast. We all froze, no one dared make a sound, we should have dropped down out of sight but we’re so terrified we just stood there staring. It came into the light and we saw everything on the animal. It was at the very least the size of a grizzly bear. Again, the size was so large it was hard to believe that we were not dreaming, that this was real, it was and it was happening 20 feet in front of us. It was growling, sniffing the air and it just automatically looked straight up at us. It knew where we were. The whole time. It’s eyes glowing, the thing that stood out to us was it started drooling, but not a little. It was pouring out of its mouth, was it pouring from the idea it was about to eat? To kill us? It could have EASILY! It looked away from us and saw the stairs. We froze again and got a newfound feeling of horror. It was heading to the stairs to come up where we were. We started freaking out and looking around and had only 1 escape, an outside fire staircase going up to the roof. The part to go down had rusted and fell off however long ago. It hopped easily over the 3 steps missing and was instantly up on the 2nd floor. It was walking to the next set of stairs and at that moment we heard the most beautiful sound EVER! A train coming right by the building, slowly too, they had to see the fire because when they were passing the building they let loose the treason horn. And it freaked out the wolf creature. It looked towards the opening of the building and in 2 seconds was out of the building and gone! We all started screaming help which no one heard but also we just were screaming from stress and because we felt we were going to maybe be ok. When the train could no longer be heard, the fear set back in and we thought every single sound was the thing coming back in. It did not Thank GOD! We then started to remember we had 3 pistols with us. We all took them out, took the safeties off and started to make our way back down to the second floor, waited 20 minutes and then to the first floor and waited probably an hour before we ventured back outside pointing the guns and flashlights in front of us the whole time. Remember, we didn’t have LED lights in the early 90’s. These were cheap plastic ones that only lit so much. But 4 of them helped light the way. We thought for sure every second we were making our way back to my friends house that it was coming after us. We heard the wild dogs from a distance and started running. We ran until we got to my buddies house. Those of us that are still alive, talk about that night everyone time we see or talk on the phone. We will remember that until the day we die. I still am in awe that these things exist. Every time I see or hear a story about someone’s experience with one or more I freeze. I am instantly brought back to that night and I feel true fear again.”
3/31/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 9 seconds
SC EP:939 Salish Sasquatch - The Browns Property
Jonathan Brown returns to the show. I have talked about the Browns property on many shows. For newer listeners, I asked Jonathan to give us a history on his property. We will be discussing ongoing activity on the property. I will share some stories of when I was on the property and what Jonathan recalls over ten years later. I have always wanted to get his take on the night we saw the light and what sounded like a truck hitting the building we were standing next to. Check out and subscribe to his YouTube channel. He has some great audio on there. https://www.youtube.com/@salishsasquatch8373
3/25/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:937 The Helicopter Incident
Tonight we will be speaking to Joy. Joy had an encounter in the mid 70's, in Michigan. Joy and her sister were walking their dogs when a large creature covered in hair crossed right in front of them. Joy said "We didn't know what to call it besides a monster. I was seven years old at the time and the creature looked at us and turned and walked into the tree line. We will also be speaking to James and Amy. Amy writes "My husband is a truck driver and I ride with him. It was dawn and we were on I-94. Early morning traffic on one side of the road was a bear curled up and looked to be sleeping. Which was strange to me with all the traffic going by. Quarter mile from the bear on the other side of the road were two dairy cows laying on the side of the road (dead). Another quarter to half mile from the cows were three deer on the side of the road (dead). None of the animals had any blood or looked as if they had been hit. No tire marks that I had noticed. My husband and I discussed how strange it was and continued on our way to unload. We got unloaded, got reloaded and were headed onto our next delivery. We were on back to I-94 on a two-way highway traveling along the Mississippi River on highway 61 just past Lake city, Minnesota. We saw a black unmarked helicopter, blacked out windows, it looked like a two person helicopter with a cable hanging from it. We couldn't see what the cable was attached too, at first. As we past by, we were watching in the mirrors to figure out what it was trying to pull up from the banks of the river. It had a huge white bag attached to it. It looked like it was have issues pulling it up. About 20 to 30 minutes later, both my husband and I got text on our phones from an unknown number. All the text said was...."we need to speak with you." My husband and I just deleted the text and kept going. I'm not sure what all that was, But something is strange about it.
3/17/2023 • 56 minutes, 46 seconds
SC EP:935 Watch Out For The Wood Boogers
Marshall writes "My friend and I went walking from his family farm across the road to his grandfather’s hunting land which was formerly a dog training area, high fences, used for training dogs to run foxes and coyotes. They would trap them and then have the dogs trail them. That all stopped many years before we came along. My best friend (I’m gonna call him Chad to protect his real name as he is now an army sgt and I don’t want this to have an effect on his career, we also no longer speak much it’s been more than a year since we last spoke.) Told me that we could go into the old fox pen to squirrel hunt that day. So we took off with a single shot 20 ga and a pump pellet rifle. We noticed several things were very wrong once we got in there. Firstly, there was absolute silence throughout the forest. We’re talking about a 20-30acre tract of land that again has 8ft fences all the way round and three main lanes that meet a fire lane that encircles. There were no birds, no crickets no nothing. If I remember right it was early in the year march I think bc squirrel season had just reopened. It was cold and overcast, still we expected to see at least a bird but nope nothing. After about an hour of walking around, we came to the third lane (we went down the first, turned and walked up the middle lane, and then proceeded down the far lane which usually the deerhunters that since the fox pens closure don’t even hunt) about 5 minutes into our slow walk, we both had this electric feeling… seriously we thought lightning was about to strike nearby or something we were totally wigged out. We looked at each other and suddenly smelled the most godawful stench waft through the trees on a breeze. Within a minute of smelling that we hear/see what I can only describe as Paul Bunyan pissed off knocking down a tremendous pine tree. It started with a roar , I mean “RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH” with the sound of the wood splintering started about 1/3 the way through the roar. We could only see the top of the tree from where we were it was I’m guessing about 200 yards away from us in the deepest part of the area near the border fence. We watched/felt the tree fall and went into full panic. We ran the half mile back to the farmhouse where his grandfather lived and we were so scared we were in tears. That was it for the first encounter. His grandad laughed at us saying something like “yeahhh heeehee , told y’all bout the woodboogahs” Fast forward about 2 years and a couple months, I believe it was early spring – we were having abnormal flooding in the swamps due to torrential rain for days at a time. Everything was coming out the swamps, and our favorite passtime in the afternoons and nights was riding up and down the dirt roads of the local hunting clubs with buckets – the back creeks and ditch lines all ran together with the flooding swamp waters and pushed crawfish and catfish- etc up into the middle of the roads. We’d ride along with spotlights and jump out in our boots to catch them and then use them as fishing bait later on. One such night, we decided to walk up to the edge of the main road from his trailer house on the dirt road. It bordered a cotton field that split and became a soybean field. We were walking back from spotlighting the soybean field and I had to pee, Chad told me he was feeling uneasy and wasn’t waiting for me so I started literally peeing as I walked backwards behind him. Midstream- something …MUCH bigger than a cow or deer EXPLODED out of the ditch line to my right. It was so heavy we felt the footfall all the way to the middle of the cotton field. The trees and brush erupted and we heard something exhaling super hard like “WOOOHFFWOOFFFF.” It was cloudy and raining lightly but the moon was near full so there was some ambient light, enough that the cotton was illuminated in the field. When this thing took off it went straight across the cotton and what we saw from the road (we froze in fear for enough time to see it then bolted for his front yard about 300yards from where we were) was a HUGE black silhouette on two legs sprinting faster than Usain Bolt. We felt it’s footfall even as it reached the tree line on the far side of the field.
3/11/2023 • 47 minutes, 32 seconds
SC EP:933 My Grandfather's Property
Tracey writes "As a young person I grew up in Northern Oklahoma, My Grandfather owned property that butted up against the Cow Creek water sheds. To provide location it was about 30 minutes from Ponca, 15 Minutes from Pawnee and 15 Minutes from Red Rock. Lake McMurty was about 30 minutes away in the opposite direction from Red Rock. At one point he owned 500 Acres or basically a square mile. Over time he had sold the property off down to 125 acres or what is referred to as a Quarter. The property had 2 good Sized Ponds on it and a Natural Spring that constantly ran towards the water shed with crystal clear water. No One was allowed to hunt on his property, and no one did. He Purchased the land around 1942 or 43. He raised cattle, pigs, Quarter Horses and Welch Shetland Ponies, goats etc... virtually anything he could sell ac the Stillwater Auctions. In the Early 80’s he sold off the property. My First encounter was with my brother I was 10 and he was just about to turn 12, we were fishing at a neighbors pond with my dad and sister, my brother nor I was catching anything so we went snake hunting for ring necks and Horned Toads, as we were looking at the ground my brother said to me did you see that tree fall, I heard a dirt slide and my brother said lets go look as he thought he had witnessed an erosion event of a tree falling into a small crevasse from the edge of it, He ran over to the place where it fell, about 50 feet from where we were, screamed and told me to run as we were running back towards the pond, the tree, now looking like a bigfoot was running the opposite direction.
3/4/2023 • 55 minutes, 41 seconds
SC EP:930 The Creature At My Uncles Cabin
Kevin writes "To give a little more detail I had went up to my uncles log cabin on North Pond in Woodstock ME. We were up there using his place to go snowboarding at Sunday River Ski Resort about 20-25 minute car ride away. My uncles place is on a dirt backroad and situated about 100 yards up from the pond. It was snowing for most of the weekend and the first night there we had lit off some fireworks out front of the house and towards the end of one of the fire works we heard a loud scream like noise. We paused before continuing and looked around like what the hell was that but decided it must have just been a weird sounding firework. As soon as the next one went off we heard a much deeper and guttural roar that lasted about the length of the last four shots of an XL Roman candle. Now right across from the driveway which is perpendicular to the road my uncle lives on is a large cliff like slope that runs up about 35 feet almost straight up. At the top there are more trees and this was the direction it had came from and the direction we were shooting toward. Next thing ya know and enormous log from a birch tree comes hurling down over our heads and into the driveway followed by another roar. It wasn’t more than 5 seconds before we were back inside doors locked and freaking out. We had been drinking some and we were arguing over whether it was noise from the fireworks, from a bear, whether the weight of snow snapped a tree limb. I mean we were thinking of everything. The rest of the night we wouldn’t even look outside but that was it nothing else. Fast forward to the next day we woke up at first light and went snowboarding all day. We returned around 4 pm and went inside to shower up and go back to the mountain to watch the patriots afc championship game at one of the mountain lodge bars. When we walked outside to leave, behind my friends jeep was the same log thrown at us the previous night, laid perfectly straight across the driveway behind the jeep! At this point we all thought one of the others were messing with us while getting ready but no one owned up to it. We moved the log and drove to the mountain. After watching the game we drove back to my uncles. Upon arriving me and my friend who also smoked stayed outside to have a cigarette before going in. While out front on the stairs we heard what we thought were footsteps, like crunching snow and then the flood lights over the garage would set off and it would stop abruptly. We couldn’t see anything although these lights were pretty strong. It was a very eerie feeling being out front and uneasy for us both. We finished and went inside. Now my uncles cabin was custom built, a beautiful home and custom picked out wood that was shipped out and hand picked from a catalog where they literally let you choose pre designed or custom features then come to your land and build it for you. After about ten years my uncle started spending more time up there so he built a two story garage to the right of the house and expanded the driveway. Now the lower level held his snowmobiles and a snow blower, lawn mower, etc. upstairs was a fully furnished game room with a bar a bathroom, wood stove, a futon, dart board, and a tournament style pool table. This is where we spent most time just hanging out up there. We would drink play pool watch tv and then one person had a bed to sleep in up there. To get to the garage he also built a breezeway that connected the main cabin to the garage. It was like a hallway/mud room. On both sides were large pane windows so on one side you can see the lake through the trees on one side down hill a bit and the front driveway on the other. We had sent my friend to the main cabin to get more beers at one point in the night and he said when walking back to the garage the moonlight was shining off the ice from the lake and reflecting through the trees. That’s when he said he saw it. At first he thought it was just another tree because it was back lit but it then put an arm which he thought was a branch down by its side. With an armful of beers he scrambled to open the door to the stairs for the game room, dropping and breaking multiple bottles and came up white as a ghost. Me being pissed off he was trashing my uncles place starts to yell at him and he just sat down silent staring blankly off into space. While asking what the hell was going on it was like he snapped out of it and as fast as he could pulled the blinds down on the back windows while almost closing his eyes as if scared to look outside. We got his story and it was hard to believe at first and being 25 at the time we were of course breaking his chops. But then for the remainder of the night it sounded as if someone or something was circling the house. We didn’t hear this until we went to bed and the radio, tv etc were all turned off. We heard some other weird noises almost like a train whistle but there were no trains I knew of in that area. We had 2 or 3 days left in the weekend to go and the next morning we packed up, shut off the water to the house and rented a hotel room at the snow cap inn at Sunday river. I had no clue what to think of all this for years until hearing some of your shows and it makes me wonder what else you might’ve heard from this area or what you might think it is.”“To give a little more detail I had went up to my uncles log cabin on North Pond in Woodstock ME. We were up there using his place to go snowboarding at Sunday River Ski Resort about 20-25 minute car ride away. My uncles place is on a dirt backroad and situated about 100 yards up from the pond. It was snowing for most of the weekend and the first night there we had lit off some fireworks out front of the house and towards the end of one of the fire works we heard a loud scream like noise. We paused before continuing and looked around like what the hell was that but decided it must have just been a weird sounding firework. As soon as the next one went off we heard a much deeper and guttural roar that lasted about the length of the last four shots of an XL Roman candle. Now right across from the driveway which is perpendicular to the road my uncle lives on is a large cliff like slope that runs up about 35 feet almost straight up. At the top there are more trees and this was the direction it had came from and the direction we were shooting toward. Next thing ya know and enormous log from a birch tree comes hurling down over our heads and into the driveway followed by another roar. It wasn’t more than 5 seconds before we were back inside doors locked and freaking out. We had been drinking some and we were arguing over whether it was noise from the fireworks, from a bear, whether the weight of snow snapped a tree limb. I mean we were thinking of everything. The rest of the night we wouldn’t even look outside but that was it nothing else. Fast forward to the next day we woke up at first light and went snowboarding all day. We returned around 4 pm and went inside to shower up and go back to the mountain to watch the patriots afc championship game at one of the mountain lodge bars. When we walked outside to leave, behind my friends jeep was the same log thrown at us the previous night, laid perfectly straight across the driveway behind the jeep! At this point we all thought one of the others were messing with us while getting ready but no one owned up to it. We moved the log and drove to the mountain. After watching the game we drove back to my uncles. Upon arriving me and my friend who also smoked stayed outside to have a cigarette before going in. While out front on the stairs we heard what we thought were footsteps, like crunching snow and then the flood lights over the garage would set off and it would stop abruptly. We couldn’t see anything although these lights were pretty strong. It was a very eerie feeling being out front and uneasy for us both. We finished and went inside. Now my uncles cabin was custom built, a beautiful home and custom picked out wood that was shipped out and hand picked from a catalog where they literally let you choose pre designed or custom features then come to your land and build it for you. After about ten years my uncle started spending more time up there so he built a two story garage to the right of the house and expanded the driveway. Now the lower level held his snowmobiles and a snow blower, lawn mower, etc. upstairs was a fully furnished game room with a bar a bathroom, wood stove, a futon, dart board, and a tournament style pool table. This is where we spent most time just hanging out up there. We would drink play pool watch tv and then one person had a bed to sleep in up there. To get to the garage he also built a breezeway that connected the main cabin to the garage. It was like a hallway/mud room. On both sides were large pane windows so on one side you can see the lake through the trees on one side down hill a bit and the front driveway on the other. We had sent my friend to the main cabin to get more beers at one point in the night and he said when walking back to the garage the moonlight was shining off the ice from the lake and reflecting through the trees. That’s when he said he saw it. At first he thought it was just another tree because it was back lit but it then put an arm which he thought was a branch down by its side. With an armful of beers he scrambled to open the door to the stairs for the game room, dropping and breaking multiple bottles and came up white as a ghost. Me being pissed off he was trashing my uncles place starts to yell at him and he just sat down silent staring blankly off into space. While asking what the hell was going on it was like he snapped out of it and as fast as he could pulled the blinds down on the back windows while almost closing his eyes as if scared to look outside. We got his story and it was hard to believe at first and being 25 at the time we were of course breaking his chops. But then for the remainder of the night it sounded as if someone or something was circling the house. We didn’t hear this until we went to bed and the radio, tv etc were all turned off. We heard some other weird noises almost like a train whistle but there were no trains I knew of in that area. We had 2 or 3 days left in the weekend to go and the next morning we packed up, shut off the water to the house and rented a hotel room at the snow cap inn at Sunday river. I had no clue what to think of all this for years until hearing some of your shows and it makes me wonder what else you might’ve heard from this area or what you might think it is.” Kevin writes "To give a little more detail I had went up to my uncles log cabin on North Pond in Woodstock ME. We were up there using his place to go snowboarding at Sunday River Ski Resort about 20-25 minute car ride away. My uncles place is on a dirt backroad and situated about 100 yards up from the pond. It was snowing for most of the weekend and the first night there we had lit off some fireworks out front of the house and towards the end of one of the fire works we heard a loud scream like noise. We paused before continuing and looked around like what the hell was that but decided it must have just been a weird sounding firework. As soon as the next one went off we heard a much deeper and guttural roar that lasted about the length of the last four shots of an XL Roman candle. Now right across from the driveway which is perpendicular to the road my uncle lives on is a large cliff like slope that runs up about 35 feet almost straight up. At the top there are more trees and this was the direction it had came from and the direction we were shooting toward. Next thing ya know and enormous log from a birch tree comes hurling down over our heads and into the driveway followed by another roar. It wasn’t more than 5 seconds before we were back inside doors locked and freaking out. We had been drinking some and we were arguing over whether it was noise from the fireworks, from a bear, whether the weight of snow snapped a tree limb. I mean we were thinking of everything. The rest of the night we wouldn’t even look outside but that was it nothing else. Fast forward to the next day we woke up at first light and went snowboarding all day. We returned around 4 pm and went inside to shower up and go back to the mountain to watch the patriots afc championship game at one of the mountain lodge bars. When we walked outside to leave, behind my friends jeep was the same log thrown at us the previous night, laid perfectly straight across the driveway behind the jeep! At this point we all thought one of the others were messing with us while getting ready but no one owned up to it. We moved the log and drove to the mountain. After watching the game we drove back to my uncles. Upon arriving me and my friend who also smoked stayed outside to have a cigarette before going in. While out front on the stairs we heard what we thought were footsteps, like crunching snow and then the flood lights over the garage would set off and it would stop abruptly. We couldn’t see anything although these lights were pretty strong. It was a very eerie feeling being out front and uneasy for us both. We finished and went inside. Now my uncles cabin was custom built, a beautiful home and custom picked out wood that was shipped out and hand picked from a catalog where they literally let you choose pre designed or custom features then come to your land and build it for you. After about ten years my uncle started spending more time up there so he built a two story garage to the right of the house and expanded the driveway. Now the lower level held his snowmobiles and a snow blower, lawn mower, etc. upstairs was a fully furnished game room with a bar a bathroom, wood stove, a futon, dart board, and a tournament style pool table. This is where we spent most time just hanging out up there. We would drink play pool watch tv and then one person had a bed to sleep in up there. To get to the garage he also built a breezeway that connected the main cabin to the garage. It was like a hallway/mud room. On both sides were large pane windows so on one side you can see the lake through the trees on one side down hill a bit and the front driveway on the other. We had sent my friend to the main cabin to get more beers at one point in the night and he said when walking back to the garage the moonlight was shining off the ice from the lake and reflecting through the trees. That’s when he said he saw it. At first he thought it was just another tree because it was back lit but it then put an arm which he thought was a branch down by its side. With an armful of beers he scrambled to open the door to the stairs for the game room, dropping and breaking multiple bottles and came up white as a ghost. Me being pissed off he was trashing my uncles place starts to yell at him and he just sat down silent staring blankly off into space. While asking what the hell was going on it was like he snapped out of it and as fast as he could pulled the blinds down on the back windows while almost closing his eyes as if scared to look outside. We got his story and it was hard to believe at first and being 25 at the time we were of course breaking his chops. But then for the remainder of the night it sounded as if someone or something was circling the house. We didn’t hear this until we went to bed and the radio, tv etc were all turned off. We heard some other weird noises almost like a train whistle but there were no trains I knew of in that area. We had 2 or 3 days left in the weekend to go and the next morning we packed up, shut off the water to the house and rented a hotel room at the snow cap inn at Sunday river. I had no clue what to think of all this for years until hearing some of your shows and it makes me wonder what else you might’ve heard from this area or what you might think it is.”“To give a little more detail I had went up to my uncles log cabin on North Pond in Woodstock ME. We were up there using his place to go snowboarding at Sunday River Ski Resort about 20-25 minute car ride away. My uncles place is on a dirt backroad and situated about 100 yards up from the pond. It was snowing for most of the weekend and the first night there we had lit off some fireworks out front of the house and towards the end of one of the fire works we heard a loud scream like noise. We paused before continuing and looked around like what the hell was that but decided it must have just been a weird sounding firework. As soon as the next one went off we heard a much deeper and guttural roar that lasted about the length of the last four shots of an XL Roman candle. Now right across from the driveway which is perpendicular to the road my uncle lives on is a large cliff like slope that runs up about 35 feet almost straight up. At the top there are more trees and this was the direction it had came from and the direction we were shooting toward. Next thing ya know and enormous log from a birch tree comes hurling down over our heads and into the driveway followed by another roar. It wasn’t more than 5 seconds before we were back inside doors locked and freaking out. We had been drinking some and we were arguing over whether it was noise from the fireworks, from a bear, whether the weight of snow snapped a tree limb. I mean we were thinking of everything. The rest of the night we wouldn’t even look outside but that was it nothing else. Fast forward to the next day we woke up at first light and went snowboarding all day. We returned around 4 pm and went inside to shower up and go back to the mountain to watch the patriots afc championship game at one of the mountain lodge bars. When we walked outside to leave, behind my friends jeep was the same log thrown at us the previous night, laid perfectly straight across the driveway behind the jeep! At this point we all thought one of the others were messing with us while getting ready but no one owned up to it. We moved the log and drove to the mountain. After watching the game we drove back to my uncles. Upon arriving me and my friend who also smoked stayed outside to have a cigarette before going in. While out front on the stairs we heard what we thought were footsteps, like crunching snow and then the flood lights over the garage would set off and it would stop abruptly. We couldn’t see anything although these lights were pretty strong. It was a very eerie feeling being out front and uneasy for us both. We finished and went inside. Now my uncles cabin was custom built, a beautiful home and custom picked out wood that was shipped out and hand picked from a catalog where they literally let you choose pre designed or custom features then come to your land and build it for you. After about ten years my uncle started spending more time up there so he built a two story garage to the right of the house and expanded the driveway. Now the lower level held his snowmobiles and a snow blower, lawn mower, etc. upstairs was a fully furnished game room with a bar a bathroom, wood stove, a futon, dart board, and a tournament style pool table. This is where we spent most time just hanging out up there. We would drink play pool watch tv and then one person had a bed to sleep in up there. To get to the garage he also built a breezeway that connected the main cabin to the garage. It was like a hallway/mud room. On both sides were large pane windows so on one side you can see the lake through the trees on one side down hill a bit and the front driveway on the other. We had sent my friend to the main cabin to get more beers at one point in the night and he said when walking back to the garage the moonlight was shining off the ice from the lake and reflecting through the trees. That’s when he said he saw it. At first he thought it was just another tree because it was back lit but it then put an arm which he thought was a branch down by its side. With an armful of beers he scrambled to open the door to the stairs for the game room, dropping and breaking multiple bottles and came up white as a ghost. Me being pissed off he was trashing my uncles place starts to yell at him and he just sat down silent staring blankly off into space. While asking what the hell was going on it was like he snapped out of it and as fast as he could pulled the blinds down on the back windows while almost closing his eyes as if scared to look outside. We got his story and it was hard to believe at first and being 25 at the time we were of course breaking his chops. But then for the remainder of the night it sounded as if someone or something was circling the house. We didn’t hear this until we went to bed and the radio, tv etc were all turned off. We heard some other weird noises almost like a train whistle but there were no trains I knew of in that area. We had 2 or 3 days left in the weekend to go and the next morning we packed up, shut off the water to the house and rented a hotel room at the snow cap inn at Sunday river. I had no clue what to think of all this for years until hearing some of your shows and it makes me wonder what else you might’ve heard from this area or what you might think it is.”
2/25/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:928 Sending Hot Lead Down Range
Tommy writes “I am a retired lawman/judge still in my 50’s and going strong, when you become a cop at 18 and get your 30 you get to retire early and then go enjoy life. I own a cattle ranch in Texas. One got real up & close to me in the Sabine National forest and I gave him a dose of hot lead as he followed me or skirted me down a logging road. He screamed and roared as he tore through the brush running the other direction, we tracked him for about 2 days and did not find him. I made the huge mistake of telling some of my co workers (other Law Enforcement Officers) about what I had seen and witnessed on my many trips into the woods. I was set to be promoted to Sgt Investigator and when the date passed for promotion I inquired as to what happened? I was informed that when I shared some of my BF encounters with others I became no longer credible and therefore not up to the standards of supervision. I shut my mouth and did not share any BF info with anyone for sometime except others close in the know…. I had enough of that treatment so I ran for office as the local Judge or Justice of The Peace. Needless to say I began keeping my BF hunts, outings or excursions to myself or just my tiny little group.”
2/18/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
SC EP:926 "You Saw The Slurry Troll"
Tonight I will be speaking with Kenny who had an encounter when he was young. A creature came up to his window and stared at him. Kenny said "The window is 8 feet up and this thing was just standing there looking at me. Later my mother told me about things that happened on the property and told me she believed me. Kenny has a podcast called Melchizedek Chronicles. Check out his site at https://melchizedekchronicles.org/ We will also be talking with Z. Z writes "In 2003 I was just out of high school with nothing to do. I worked with my dad at a goldmine somewhat north and east of Fairbanks, Alaska. One afternoon after a particularly long shift, we were driving off the mountain and I lit a cigarette and leaned my head back to look out the window. A couple hundred yards below us was a copse of tree trunks left over from a forest fire the year before. As my eyes rested on them I saw what looked like a burned tree start walking like a man up the valley just below us. The valley is drainage for the mine and is full of a superfine mud that’s left after gold is processed—we called it slurry—it’s very dangerous to walk across and the area was fenced off so it was strange to see a man down there but it was late April and much of it could have still been frozen enough to walk on however he’d gotten in there. I pointed it out to my dad who had to stop and lean over me to see and he saw it just as it cleared the tree line. He said he didn’t know how he got down there but we agreed he looked pretty big. We were fairly exhausted so we drove home and I forgot about it for the night. The next morning I asked a coworker if they’d caught the guy down in the drainage pond. His brother worked security so I assumed he’d have heard anything if there was anything to hear. He hadn’t but he asked what I was talking about and I told him what we’d seen. He laughed and said “ohhh, you saw the Slurry Troll”. He then told me that nobody calls it a Bigfoot but people had seen it up around the mine since the late 80’s and there was a rumor it even attacked a guy around ‘95 but I never heard any corroboration. I did speak to one operator who saw it from the bottom of a tunnel but he wouldn’t say much beyond that it was at least 8 feet tall because he saw it leaning over to look down at him. The miners don’t like to talk about it because it risks a highly paying job so I’m not surprised I never heard much else. What we saw was a jet black silhouette that sort of resembled Shaq, the arms and legs were sort of skinny compared to the barrel body. We didn’t see any sharp features beyond maybe some hair on the forearms."
2/11/2023 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 59 seconds
SC EP:924 A 10,000 Mile Journey
Tonight I will be speaking to Jake. Jake writes "My encounter goes all the way back to when I was about 12 years old in Greenfield, Tennessee, which is a small town in the northwest portion of the state. When I was growing up, I would spend a great deal of my time playing out in the woods. This one time, which is when I had my encounter, I was walking along the sand creeks as I often did. These creeks run for miles and miles through the woods, and I was probably about a mile out from my house. Anyway, I was alone and walking around a bend when I thought I saw a bear. I had never seen a bear out there, nor had I ever heard of any being in the area, so I was really shocked to it see it. After I walked around the bend, I was probably fifty feet from it, which, being a kid with no experience with bears, I figured I was at a safe distance, so I stood there to watch it. I quickly realized that it had a deer underneath it and it appeared to be eating it, although it had its back to me, and I couldn't really tell what it was doing. After watching it for about twenty seconds, I realized it had arms and was pulling the deer apart. And right as I realized that, this thing stood up, and I knew then that this thing was not a bear at all. I immediately took off running back to my house and never told anyone this encounter until now. I never saw it's face or anything because it had its back to me the whole time, but it certainly wasn't a bear and it certainly wasn't a man. It was probably around 7' tall or so and had jet black hair. Actually, at the time, I didn't even think that I'd seen a sasquatch. I went years thinking there was some kind of monster living in the woods and didn't want to tell anyone out of fear of being ridiculed. I have gone back into those woods since then, although I never went back to that location. I never saw anything again, though, but I was always uneasy after that. Fast forward a few years, I ended up joining the Army and became homeless after I got out of the service due to losing everything during a tornado. I then began walking between towns to look for work, but I wasn't having much luck at finding any work. However, I realized walking and sleeping under the stars seemed to be helping with my PTSD, so I decided to walk across America to see if any opportunities would arise, as well as being my kind of therapy. Alone and unsupported, I spent the next three years traveling on foot from Tennessee to Delaware, to California, to Florida, to Alaska, back to Florida, and back to California again. During that time, I had, what I believe to be, two other encounters. I never saw anything during those two encounters, but I did have rocks thrown at me and heard sticks banging against trees. One of those times was near Silver Creek, Mississippi and the other was just north of Rumsey, California." Check out Jakes book called "Walking America: A 10,000 Mile Journey of Self-Healing" Jakewalksamerica.com You can also get it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Walking-America-Mile-Journey-Self-Healing/dp/B086PPJJKZ
2/4/2023 • 56 minutes
SC EP:922 Those Monkeys Are Back
Tonight I will be speaking to two brothers that were hunting near Crater Lake in Oregon. They had a scary night walking down the center of the highway while two creatures were screaming and growling at them. The brothers ended up in a defensive position back to back and started shooting. We will also be speaking to Jeff. Jeff said “When I was around 11 years old I went to visit my grandmother. She was at the beginning stages of dementia. My grandmother said “Oh those monkeys are back” as she looked out the window. No one in my family listened to her because they thought she was losing it. My cousin and I walked over to the window and there was three creatures walking in the creek bed. There was two that were upright walking on two legs and a little one wrapped around one of them. The creature in the front was bigger then the one behind him by at least a foot. The third one was small and hanging off of the creature in the back. I remember being in shock and telling my uncle to come look but he just said “They are just bears.” At that young age I knew this was not bears. It wasn’t until later in life I saw the Patterson-Gimlin film and realized that is what I saw that day.”
1/28/2023 • 55 minutes, 28 seconds
SC EP:920 A Monkey In The Barn
Josh writes “I live in Western KY. Almost all the encounters happened within 5 miles of each other, several on the same property. I’d be more than happy to share my experiences. I’m not seeking fame, I just want to get these out there so other researchers can use the info to help them.” Spoke to Josh and he shared over 20 years of sightings on his uncles property. Josh said “The first time my uncle was clearing trees off his property and I heard what sounded like a lion roaring. I heard it over all of the equipment we had running. I remember feeling like I was being watched and my uncle had this old barn on the property that had the roof falling in. I looked over and saw this….monkey a very large monkey standing in the doorway watching me. This wasn’t the only time I had run into these things. I really did not know what it was at the time.
1/21/2023 • 53 minutes, 11 seconds
SC EP:918 The Beast Of The United Kingdom
Tonight I will be speaking with Paul Sinclair. Paul is recognized within the field of unexplained phenomena for his honest no nonsense approach to the subject. He prefers to follow the research wherever that may lead, even if it means putting himself in locations and situations most people would not want to be in. Paul is currently working on a new documentary called Wolfland, about unusual cryptid sightings in the UK. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/wolfland-documentary-2023/ Check out Pauls Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@paulsinclairtruth-proof9740
1/14/2023 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 2 seconds
SC EP:916 The Butter Street Monster
Tonight I will be speaking to Leslie and she had an encounter in the early 1980's in SE Ohio. The locals called the creature in that area "The Butter Street Monster." I will also be speaking to John. John had an encounter on a jobsite in 1992 in PA. read the full encounters here https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep916-the-butter-street-monster/
1/6/2023 • 59 minutes, 45 seconds
SC EP:915 Why Is That Guy Running?
Drew writes "I had an encounter with a Sasquatch 6 years ago in the Navy while on leave back home in Arkansas duck hunting. Visual sighting then what I assume was the animal in the woods about 2 hours later while hunting. I remember the encounter vividly and it could have only been two things a large full grown naked African American male or a Sasquatch . I was not a “Sasquatch” hardcore believer previous to this but after the encounter I spent weeks racking my brain to come to the conclusion that the most likely case was that it HAD to be a Sasquatch.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I saw what I thought was a guy running across this open field. I was going to my area where I duck hunt. I stopped the truck and sat there watching this “guy” and I was shocked how fast he was running. There are large ditches in this area and he ran up and down those ditches like it was nothing. I thought it was weird but I thought it was just some guy. I got to the area where I duck hunt and I could not stop thinking about what I saw. Whatever I saw must have followed me there. It still bothers me.”
12/25/2022 • 43 minutes, 32 seconds
SC EP:914 Lance Corporal Shoots Sasquatch
John writes "I served as a US Marine from 1999 – 2003. While I was in I was stationed at Kings Bay Naval Sub Base in southern Georgia. I was part of a CQB (close quarter battle) team and was a DM (designated marksman). As a DM I carried a M40A3 (308) and a M9 (9mm pistol). While serving at Kings Bay, I was called into my Platoon Commanders office prior to my team going to the LA (limited area). My Platoon Commander informed me that there were reports coming from lake D (a lake on base approximately 400 yards from the LA) of a wild animal being aggressive towards campers around the area. He asked me if I had a tree stand and ordered me to go to Lake D instead of the LA. He told me a DM from team 2 would take my spot in the LA. He said I was to locate, close, and destroy the animal and not to come back until I did. I ran back to my house and grabbed the necessary supplies, my hooch, tree stand, food, and water and headed to the north east side of Lake D. I had fished this lake several times and knew of a game trail closest to the LA that butted up to swamp land and the Saint Mary’s river. I arrived around 0900hrs and set up camp. Read the full report at https://sasquatchchronicles.com/upcoming-show-lance-corporal-shoots-sasquatch/
12/24/2022 • 53 minutes, 57 seconds
SC EP:912 The Appalachian Trail Encounter
Alex will be a guest on an upcoming show. In 2006 he was hiking down the Appalachian Trail. Alex said “I thought some serial killer was following me. He matched me step for step. I stopped on the trail and caught sight of someone or something in wearing a black hoodie. I thought it was a person. I kept moving down the trail and that’s when the rocks started whizzing past my head. I started running and this thing gave chase. It was knocking over small tree’s, it sounded like a bull dozer. I will also be speaking to David. In 2009 David was returning from a funeral when a large creature stepped in front of his vehicle. David said "The driver coming in the opposite lane stopped and this thing went straight up a mountain side. I didn't know what it was but it looked like a man, a big man walking across the road.
12/16/2022 • 47 minutes, 10 seconds
SC EP:910 A Pissed Off Monkey With A Grudge
Lee writes "I’m reaching out because this past September my son and I had a run in with what we believe were multiple Sasquatch while kayaking the Lower Buffalo River, wilderness section. We were on day 2 of our trip and we were specifically there to fish for smallmouth bass. It was around 4pm when we went through a narrow section and around an obstruction and all hell broke loose. This thing was at the rivers edge when it bolted through the woods like a bulldozer. The crazy thing about it is that it sounded like a pissed off monkey as it ran tearing through the woods. We went a little over 2 River miles and made camp on a narrow gravel bar. While we were setting up camp we heard a tree knock across the River from us. We joked about it being Bigfoot and just kept on with setting up camp. After camp was established I broke out my weather radio to check our regional forecast for the next day due to a high percentage of rain in our area. After about 20 minutes of listening to several regional forecasts I cut the radio off. Right after that we heard a yell come off the ridge from us close to the tree knock location. Well from that point until 4am all hell broke loose. We experienced rocks being thrown off the bluff into the river, more tree knocks, the pissed off monkey sounds multiple times, deep chatter, a log being snapped into, and a freaky sound that was like something singing. We had to set up a lighted perimeter and we pulled a cot out of one of the tents and set it up by the fire. We set up a 2 hour fire watch shift where someone would be awake the entire time. When the log snapped just inside the tree line behind us it was around 3:30 am. We were both awake and we decided to break down camp to show that we had intentions of leaving. Everything ended at that point and we were in our kayaks at first light. As soon as we were getting into our kayaks the last rock came flying of the ridge clipping trees on the way down and hit the river. We were done and got off the river that day. The worst thing about it all was we were on a section of the river we’ve never been on so we weren’t able to run it in the middle of the night. We were stuck between the river and the woods on a narrow gravel bar. We literally had no where to go. I truly believe if we would have done one thing wrong we wouldn’t be here today. There was nothing friendly about that night and it seemed the pissed off monkey was extremely upset that we surprised him and held a grudge. After returning home I contacted a Ranger friend of mine that put me in contact with a Ranger stationed on the Buffalo River. That was an extremely interesting conversation. I want to let people know there is definitely something on that river and my whole purpose reaching out to the Ranger was for safety reasons. I didn’t want to read about a family getting hurt on that section of the river and me not say anything."
12/10/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 11 seconds
SC EP:908 The Coon Hunter And The Devil
Happy Holidays! Tonight I will be speaking to Joe. Joe is from central Texas and 34 years ago he was hunting and came upon a creature with red eyes. Joe said "I thought I ran into the devil." We will also be speaking to Ben. Ben had an encounter in New Hampshire. Ben said "I thought it was a guy dressed all in black but he was big and he had this ridiculously long arms.
12/3/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
SC EP:905 Bigfoot Of The Rockies
Tonight I will be speaking to Jason Frank. Jason had his world turned upside in 2007 while out turkey hunting. Jason and his wife found tracks they could not place with any animal that is known to science. He later became friends with members of the BFRO. His friends would take him to areas that are known for encounters. Jason writes "I was born and raised in Western Colorado. While Colorado has always been my home, my father’s career as a gold miner required that the family follow the work and therefore we lived in North Central California, all over Colorado, and Moab Utah where my father worked at a uranium mine during the Cold War, before Moab was the tourist destination it is now. I was raised hunting, fishing, hiking, and all things outdoors in a family that has generations of outdoorsman and women, cowboys, miners, farmers and explorers. As an adult, I joined the U.S. Army in the early 1990’s and served as an Airborne Infantryman in the 82nd Airborne Division based in Ft Bragg North Carolina and a tour in Sinai Egypt. In 1993 while in Sinai Egypt, I was stricken with a serious and mysterious autoimmune disease that severely impacts my life to this day." Jason wrote a book, “Hairys” True ongoing stories of Sasquatch in the Rockies. The book is available at https://bigfootoftherockies.com/ Also check out his YouTube channel "Bigfoot of the Rockies Outdoor Adventures."
11/19/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
SC EP:903 The Kentucky Massacre
Tonight I will be speaking with investigator David Eller for a discussion of his findings in Tennessee. David looked into the Kentucky Massacre and what he found convinced him the attack was not done by a known predator.
11/11/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 33 seconds
SC EP:901 The New Hampshire Incident
Andrew writes "Hey Wes, wanted to reach out to you about a situation I found myself in this morning about 3 am eastern time. I live in the south western part of New Hampshire and last night/ this morning we walked into the woods to a spot I wanted to show him. On our way out to this location which is about a half mile up a rail trail along side a big pond, we made sure to be noisy to alert any black bear that may be around. We made it to the spot which turns into a peninsula surrounded by water. We made sure there were no animals or anything in this little peninsula and walked in. We were quickly closed in by two things that sounded to be bipedal and heavy footed. We had a very bad feeling so we loudly yelled “ okay we are leaving”. As we approached the rail trail, the sound of those two things on either side of us run across the trail into the woods across the way. We made it to the trail and walked back toward the car but this whole time, we could hear one of them walking along side us in the tree line. This is where it gets even more strange. Two doe about 100 feet ahead of us hop out of the woods and wait for us on the trail and walked out with us as this thing was still along side us."
11/4/2022 • 54 minutes, 45 seconds
SC EP:899 Creature On The Farm
Tonight I will be speaking to Steve. Steve is from Kentucky and he had an encounter when he was 13. Steve and a friend decided to camp on the property when something large and stunk kept saying "Ike." I will also be speaking to Tristian is from from Missouri and he shot "something" on his property. Tristian said "The shoulders had to have been 5 feet across. It was on all four the whole time and it ran off screaming and roaring." Steve has a podcast called "News Worthy??" check it out here: https://slindsey10822.podbean.com/
10/28/2022 • 55 minutes
SC EP:897 “Movement up the hill!”
Ric writes “I am a 22-year Army Veteran. It was the greatest joy in my life being a soldier next to being a father of two. At that time, my MOS was 11B (Infantry) and my specialty was Infantry Scout. I attended One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Ft Benning, GA, where I was taught the skills necessary to be an effective scout. I did deploy to Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Bosnia, Kosovo, OEF, and OIF. In my heart, I know I served with integrity and honor. So it makes it a bit difficult for what I am about to tell you, but on the eyes and souls of my children it’s the Gods honest truth. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep897-movement-up-the-hill/
10/21/2022 • 55 minutes, 6 seconds
SC EP:895 The Creature On Grandpa's Property
I am currently trying to resolve the log in issues with the app. I know there was about 10% of the members that kept getting errors with the app. You might have issues logging into the website till Sunday. I apologize for the inconvenience but I want the app to run like a well oiled machine. This is also why you have not seen any new blogs because of the transfer of servers. Tonight I will be speaking to Kody writes "I hope that you’re doing well; I had come across your podcast while listening to and researching to find the answer to the phenomenon that we all call Bigfoot… That being said, I had a run in with a creature that has me questioning everything that I’ve ever known in the woods. I’m an avid outdoorsman and have fished and hunted my entire life. Although being born and residing in Texas, I grew up in Southeastern Oklahoma, hunting the mountains with my dad, uncle, brother and grandpa. The majority of my extended family still lives in a small area in south east Oklahoma so we normally go up a couple of times a year during the holidays to see them. Which in my case being an avid outdoorsman gives me the opportunity to deer hunt. I love being in the outdoors and had aspirations to be a wildlife biologist, but was turned towards a business degree when I was afforded the opportunity to play football in college. Every waking moment when I was out of class or practice I would be headed off to hunt of fish. 2008- Onto my story, I was redshirted due to a football injury in college and had time off between school and football practice in Texas. I called my best friend to go make a trip up to my grandads in Oklahoma just in time for the opening weekend of Turkey season (April/ May timeframe). We had a cold front move in the day before season had opened, which in turn shut down the turkey gobbling and activity. It was early afternoon and we both split up to different sides of the ranch in hopes of roosting a gobbler for the following day. I traveled up a canyon with hopes to travel up to the top of the ridge and get some higher ground to at least be able to roost one before it got dark. I jumped a creature (up out of its bed I’m assuming) at very close range (10ft away from me) that brought on a range of emotions and things that I cannot explain and have not discussed with anyone outside of my family and a couple of my very close friends. After the whirlwind of events during and after this encounter, years of strange things happening while I was hunting in the woods began to add up. I am familiar with every animal big and small native to North America and the creature that I ran into was like none that I’ve ever seen in my entire life or care to see again. I’m 6’7” and this thing dwarfed me and made me lock up like a baby. I’d like to discuss in detail if you have some time in the near future."
10/14/2022 • 54 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:894 I Was Being Stalked
John writes “January of 2017 I moved to Pikeville, Eastern Kentucky. The apartment complex I moved into was an old abandoned coal mine holler that had been converted which had an old coal road that went up a mountain and then swing around it with acre’s of woods. Well, whenever Id sit in the picnic area to have a cigarette id notice around 10+ at night this howling out in the nearby hills which now i can say sounded almost identical to the Ohio Sounds. I’d hear one howl and then maybe 30 seconds later there’d be another one from another hill that was maybe a mile or so away, and then I’d hear another, and another, and you could listen to these call and responses for hours without end. Well by April I was trying to get back into shape and I love to hike so I decided I’d get up around 6 am and hike up that coal road and back. As I’m hiking up and it got darker and darker up that road I noticed this strange bird whistling at me. It was strange because of how loud it was, and I mean the pitch was just so loud and I thought to myself, “that’s a big damn bird!” And I whistled back. Wes, my grandpa was a Green Beret in Vietnam who partly helped raise me, and I’ve been in the woods of Illinois and Wisconsin my whole life and never encountered much that was weird, although my Grandpa did and told me stories here and there, but I wasn’t afraid of much. Well, I’m hiking up and not only is that whistling getting closer, and I mean close to where it was like ten feet from me in the treeline of woods. I turned on the flash light on my phone and couldn’t see anything it was so dense. But then I noticed this “bird” was keeping pace with me. Then small pebbles started landing in front of me as I walked down. At first I thought it was just loose rock sliding down, but then it became apparent that something was tossing them right at my feet. At this point I’m about 300 feet up this old road in the pitch dark. So, I gently tossed one back, and then a big one, maybe 1/2 pound rock flung right at my feet. I froze man! Now, I gently yelled out, “is someone out there?” And that bird whistling started up even louder than it had before! Idk what overcame me, but I started belting out the St. Michael prayer in Latin and then the Hail Mary pretty audibly, and not wanting to turn back continued up that road. All of this whistling, keeping pace, and Pebble tossing just amped up as I was coming to a bend in the road that turned with the mountain. Idk what it was, but as I reach it with rosary in hand I got this bad bad feeling like something is really wrong here, and I spoke aloud and said, “idk what ya are, but im just walking here…” And the Pebble tossing got more intense and I could now hear “things” trudging through the wood at paces that I knew werent people. So I turned around and calmly began to go home. I thought that this could be bear or well hell a damn bigfoot. How loud the trudging was, combined with the whistling, and Pebble tossing I wanted to run the hell outta there down back into that holler, but if ya think that there’s an animal ya just don’t do that. And idk why, but something told me do not turn your back to them. So I’m trying to make it down while keeping an eye on what’s behind me, and the moments that I looked down the road towards the apartment complex something just leaped from the side of the mountain onto the road, and then down into a bunch of thicket. And I stopped and yelled, “what the fuck was that!” If it were a man he’d have fallen 400 feet down a vertical fall and broke his neck or something I mean it was steep! And covered in thicket and thorn bushes. And how loose the rocks were I mean if you did get a footing you’d just fall on your ass and slide and tumble down. Whatever this was got it’s footing and slid and trudged down with great volume like stomping through a huge snow drift. So there I am feeling like a fool the sun is begging to make the horizon pink up just a little at this point. I kept thinking to myself that this is not how I’m gonna die! By this point I felt with all of the noise that had to be five to eight things in the woods stalking me. Honest to God I knew that I was being followed and scrutinized and that I had pissed something off with my presence! The pebbles were being tossed at an alarming rate, there were by now eight or so “big birds” whistling at me from about ten or so feet in the woods, branches were snapping, and it was like multiple freight trains just trudging through those woods! This is a steep hill I mean it is steep I cannot imagine men being able to do this without falling down the only flat surface was the road. When I got about 100 feet down before the apartment idk what overcame me but something told me to just book it for the farm lamp and I ran like hell until I got to it spun around. I stood there watching and couldn’t see anything! They had stayed up there, but were still just making all sorts of noise. Idk what I started, but after that I felt like I was being watched whenever I was outside in that holler. If I went outside my apartment by my car to smoke pebbles would start getting tossed right at my feet in the parking lot from a mountain side, or a big bird would start whistling at me. And we had huge street lights shinning onto our parking lot. And as this is happening I’d take out a big old flashlight and shine into the woods. I did get eye shine a couple of times, but couldn’t make out faces of what they were which just creeped me out to no end. I went up the mountains couple of times in the day and found what appeared to be tree breaks, a couple of structures, sticks in the road. Now idk, these sticks were just laid ever so carefully in the road. What creeped me out was that they’d appear when I was coming back down. On one hike, idk I got dizzy on the way home. Now I do have epilepsy, but this was different. I’m hiking down the road and suddenly I got dizzy, the sound in my ears was like tv static, and I wanted to take my shirt off because I felt so hot, but I laid down in the dirt ditch for a few minutes and just felt drained of everything I just thought of my mother and picked myself up and forced myself down that road. When I got home I just collapsed in bed and slept for a good six hours. Now I think looking back that that was side effects of infrasound. But then one night my roommate and I went out to one of the picnic areas to smoke and talk and as we’re making it back toward my building idk Wes the ground shook to the point I felt like I’d lost my footing like a giant was stomping in front of us BOOM BOOM BOOM and let out this scream I’ve never heard before or since it was like a woman mixed with a bear, a lion, and a witch all in one terrifying scream idk, but I JUMPED like three feet up and just ran up a picnic table and I could not look at it! We were stuck in that parking lot until the sun came up! Everytime we even made an attempt towards my building it would scream and we couldn’t find it, couldn’t see it! We had the sensation that it was behind this old 100+ year old white oak tree, but we made five attempts to go home and it was not having it. But when the sun began to rise we made our sixth attempt and then heard something just trudge up that mountain side in time that no man or woman could! I’m talking a 100 foot vertical hike that this thing scaled in seconds and just kept going until we saw trees moving at about 500 feet up. We never went that far out at night again and that was a lighted parking lot/picnic area in the middle of an apartment complex. After that I’d smoked at night at the door dealt with the whistling and Pebble tossing give it the finger and go inside. I moved to Louisville in June and never went back! I’m not afraid of the woods or anything, but I definitely will never go in them again without a 30-30 or something bigger! The power just in the lungs of this thing it could have killed us if it had wanted to! I ldk what we did that night; we weren’t messing up in the woods or nothing and I feel like I was being stalked for having gone up there, but over residents went up there, but not at night. I have a deeper respect, appreciation of the mountains and the woods. Since all of this the guns I have and carry with me in the woods are enough to take down a bear, but yeah, like I said I will never go in the woods unarmed again.” I will also be speaking to Brian. Brian said “I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in Washington state. We were running a training exercise and we saw what we thought was someone in a ghillie suit. This made no sense since we all had the same equipment and there was not any snipers present. This “guy” was huge he was about 7 foot tall, I am 6’4. I did not know anyone in my unit that big. We decided to track it and find who is was. That is when it stood up. I thought it was 7 foot tall but it was crouched. When it stood up it was closer to 9 feet. Five of us saw it that night.”
10/9/2022 • 59 minutes, 24 seconds
SC EP:891 Sasquatch Encounter Brigade
Jonny will be joining me tonight from Georgia. Jonny never gave Sasquatch another thought. He had a strange experience on his property with strange lights. Shortly after the lights showed up, Sasquatch showed up. Jonny started a YouTube Channel where he post his evidence. The channel is called The Sasquatch Encounter Brigade. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtRbSsqqwOzl_Vb_-bbKzQ/featured
9/30/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:890 Somebody Save Me
Tonight I will be speaking to Casey who grew up on a ranch in Humboldt County, CA. Casey and his family have seen the creature on a few occasions. Casey said "A friend and I decided to camp next to the river on the property and something walked across the river and was coming to their tent. Show Notes: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep890-somebody-save-me/
9/25/2022 • 50 minutes, 14 seconds
SC EP:887 Heroes Are Remembered But Legends Never Die
Until we meet again my friend
9/16/2022 • 46 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP: 886 Something Out Of A Nightmare
Next week I will be traveling but I am going to pack my equipment and do some interviews. I am also going to try to do some video production. I am packing up for PhenomeCon. If you are going to be in Vernal Utah next week stop by and say hi. Tonight I will be posting a rewind one of my favorites. Something Out Of A Nightmare Bill writes “I was 15 it was second day of buck season. It was around 7am. It was snowing so the sun wasnt out full like usual. I heard what sounded to me like a damn bull running through the thickets. There was a deer run just next to it. My stand was about 25-30 yards from where the deer run shot through the thickets. I had clear shots all around. Our stands were built 360 around two giant oak trees. Anyway I was seriously waiting to see a damn brama bull come plowing through this scrub. So I sat on the bench up there and figured whatever it is my chance of getting a buck were gone for next few hours. So I leaned back against the tree and put my 30.06 across my lap. My dad insisted we always loaded heavy with hollow points. My dad reloaded all out ammo. I’m not sure what grain he used in the shells. But I know you couldn’t buy them with that much grain powder in them. Anyway. All sudden everything just goes silent. You know that Erie silence you hear when it is snowing. Like the snow absorbers all sound. No more birds, squirrels, nothing there was no sound. Lime mother nature hit the mute button. Then I saw movement. It was about 6 doe trying to sneak by. When they got near the thicket my jaw dropped. These doe jumped straight up in the air! And there legs were running in mid air as well. 4 doe sprinted away when the hoofs hit the ground. But what exploded out of the thorny thicket was these two massive BFs they were on top of these does in milliseconds grabbed them by the throats and snapped the does necks as if they were breaking twigs! These monsters were both reddish brown. Their faces were something out of nightmares. I froze. Did not move a muscle. I just watch as they threw these does probably about 150 pounds each over there should like I would have my book bag from school. And then they walked right under my stand. And stopped. Then what happened next it was all I could do not to piss myself. From right under me came this Unholy roar. That seemed to go on forever. The tree stand was vibrating from the sound waves. Then when the roast stopped, I heard the other go like humph!! And then they walked away with their prize over there shoulder. As they walked I watched them and it was if the trees swallowed them up and they were gone. Next I heard running towards my stand, but it wasnt heavy. It was my dad. He ran to me when he heard the roar. He was running towards me with the intent to shoot anything to save me. My dad did three tours in Vietnam. He was running as if he was going into battle. I didnt recognize it when I was 15, but after my training in the Navy. I was a Navy Corpsman with 2nd Marine recon battalion out of camp legune NC. When I saw there faces I became terrified because it triggered a memory from when I was like 5 or six. And something with that sinister face and teeth would stare through the window in my bedroom of that cabin. I was to terrified to run to my dad. I couldn’t even speak. I was frozen in fear. My mind must have blocked it out, until I saw them that day when I was 15. My dad had to climb up to me in the tree stand and assist me down the tree. It was if my brain locked every muscle in my body. I couldn’t even speak for about 10 minutes or so. I was in shock. That roar right under me sent a fear through every fiber in my mind body and soul.”
9/4/2022 • 58 minutes, 8 seconds
SC EP:883 The Spider Crawl
Tonight I will be speaking to John. John writes “I am a Registered Nurse at the hospital here in town. My encounter happened on approximately November 17, 2020. As Covid was in full swing many of us had to take our turns working on the Covid unit. My home unit had high risk patients so I was being swabbed twice a week to try and prevent Covid from coming onto that floor. Prior to leaving work on Tuesday morning, the 17th, I was swabbed for Covid prior to going home with the plan to come back to work that evening at 7 PM. As I was ready to leave for work that evening I received a phone call from the hospital. I was told I could not come to work because my Covid swab from that morning came back positive and I would need to quarantine for the next 7 days. My problem was that my Father-in-law, who would be considered high risk if he contracted the virus, was staying at our home during that time. My wife and he were not in the house when I found out I had the virus so I formulated a plan and called her. The plan was that I would get out of the house and go quarantine at our cabin at Rough River Lake, KY. She brought my Father-in-law home and met me in the parking lot at the grocery store. I waited out in the parking lot in my pickup while she went in and bought enough groceries to last me during my quarantine and came out to my pickup and she put the groceries in my tool box so we had no contact. The next morning, my wife and Father-in-law went and got tested and were negative- thank goodness because I would have been the one to have given it to them and I did not want to have harmed them. The Drive from Owensboro to the lake was about 56 miles and it was really dark that night. I remember seeing only a sliver of the moon earlier, but by 9 pm or so when I made my drive it was just really dark with no moonlight that I could see. On the way up to the lake I had the radio off (it is usually on) as I was deep in thought about the whole situation. As I drove on I came to realize that my biggest fear would be laid to rest one way or the other in the morning when my wife and Father-in-law would be tested for the virus. I then thought about how I could actually make the most of the quarantine by calling people I hadn’t spoken to in a while and working on my book which I was working on at the time and has been published since. The route I take to the lake once I get through Owensboro is Highway 54 east for roughly 25 miles. When I got through the small town of Fordsville, I turned left to go North on 261. This is an 11 mile stretch to get to a junction called McQuady where I would turn right on 105 south to take the rest of the way to the lake. Ten miles in on the aforementioned 11 mile stretch is where I had my encounter. I had been deep in thought coming through the dark, wooded area. I came to an area that had a row of trees along the road to the left coming off a ravine. When I passed the end of that there was a second ravine with trees about 30 yards back that came to an end roughly 100 yards farther than the closer ravine. What initially caught my attention was the yellowish/white eye shine of a deer off to the right side of the road. I started to slow up as this really nice white tail buck walked right onto the road in front of me and just stopped in the middle of the road. He was not looking at me and paid no attention to me coming toward him! He was gazing to the left side of the road toward the end of the second tree row/ravine I mentioned. As I got within about 20 yards of this deer and had almost come to a stop, I looked over toward where the deer was watching. You know how your car headlights cast light off to the left and right of the vehicle? Well, in that cast off light I picked up what I would describe as very large orange eye shine, about 4 feet off the ground near the end of this stand of trees. It was coming from the back side of the trees around the tip or end of the tree stand, so It was facing me at about 9 o’clock position when I picked up the eye shine. I can only describe that I saw a dark creature, moving like a spider but about 4 feet off the ground, with a large head with eyes almost as large as silver dollars around 6 or 7 inches apart that shined orange. When I looked back at the deer standing on the road before me, it suddenly took off in the direction it was facing into open field. I then saw this spider creature turn toward the running deer and started to quickly move toward it. That’s when I about dropped a biscuit as this thing rose up onto 2 feet in fluid motion to take flight after the deer! I rolled my window down to see if I could smell anything which I did not, but I heard in the trees to the right side of the road, where the deer had initially come, what sounded like a large branch breaking, so I hit the gas and got the heck out of there. I feel that there was a creature on the right side of the road in the woods that pushed this deer toward another creature at an ambush point and I came along at the wrong time. As fast as this thing took off, in an open field, I have no doubt it would catch up to the buck.”
8/26/2022 • 53 minutes, 47 seconds
SC EP:882 Beasts of the World
Andy writes “Beasts of the World is a seven-part series, which seeks to investigate the histories, evidence, and common theories surrounding the numerous cryptid creatures that have been reported around the globe. In Volume 1. – Hairy Humanoids, we examine the diverse collection of hairy, bipedal, man-like monsters that are believed to inhabit the world’s remote and lonely regions and ask the question – do they represent a single species, or, could there be other lesser-known varieties of Wildmen, yet to be revealed? This book seeks to classify some of these distinct kinds and proposes a separation (even when two or more ‘types’ or ‘species’, appear to be sharing a similar geographic area) based upon key physiological and behavioural differences. And so, we find that the Man-Ape – Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest, is something quite different to the Wildman – Almasti, of the Caucuses Mountains; and that the Relict Ape – known as the Yeti, is more akin to the Florida Skunk Ape, than the Chinese Yeren… Are these mysterious monsters surviving Gigantopithecus, extant Neanderthals, undiscovered apes, hidden tribes, or simply folklore and fable, repackaged for the modern world? Join me, as I go in search of these Hairy Humanoids and the many yet to be discovered Beasts of the World.” Check out the book here
A listener writes “I am a Tribal member with the Hoopa Valley Tribe and grew up here all my life, my homes about 20 miles from where the Patterson film was shot at Bluff Creek, during the summer of 2018 me a friend and her family decided to go camping at this little campsite off the mountain road of Bald hill.” Spoke to the witness he said his grandmother was a medicine woman and had warned him not to go into this area after dark. The witness will be sharing the Hoopa Valley Tribe’s beliefs on these creatures. He also discusses the canine creature known as Dogman but they have a different name for it.
8/5/2022 • 54 minutes, 22 seconds
SC EP:875 The Kern River Monster
Nate writes "We decided to go night fishing for catfish in the Kern River canyon because it was too hot during the day. I decided not to go too deep into the canyon but to the first or second campground off the 178hwy. We arrived to lower richbar around 12:30am just after midnight. All three of us were armed, just for protection like we always do. Haul our fishing gear and started fishing with chicken liver as bait. By 1:30am we caught at least 6 catfish in a stringer. We were happy that we didn’t really had to use the flashlight since the moon was out. As we were talking, we heard this roar. Roar so loud that we felt instant fear as it vibrate through our chest. I have heard many animals nothing like this. Then we all noticed across the river by a tree, this thing stood up, all black, tall 9-10ft, muscular. We all froze. It proceeded to push the tree next to it into the river. The tree snapped and echo throughout the canyon. I grabbed my knife and cut my fishing line. My friend and brother also in a hurry brought their poles to cut our lines. As I’m finishing up with that, it jumped into the river and was swimming (more like walking through the water) towards us. At that moment, I drop the poles, pulled out my gun, and keys. Told the guys to run to the car. Understand that this river, Kern River, have killed many people, trying to swim across or drowned. We all ran to the car with left our poles, the fish and stringer, and tackle box. Running in fear to the Lexus and drove off. I must’ve been going 70mph. After a couple miles we came out of the canyons towards Bakersfield, I slowed down, and utter the first words. Wtf was that? We were in shock but asking that it snap the guys back. My friend said the .45 wouldn’t do a thing to it. We laugh but we’re all still in shock, how big it was, how it was swimming through those rapids, like it was in a indoor swimming pool. Like the river current wasn’t an obstacle to get across. It shook all of us. Let me know if you like to hear the second story.”
7/29/2022 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:873 I Thought I Shot A Man
David said "In 1981 I was in North Louisiana and I came across this creature. He came from around a tree that was about 6 feet from me and we stared at each other. I wasn’t sure what it was but I could tell by his facial expressions he was mad and working himself up to attack me. I shot it and I know it was a lung shot. I could describe every detail about him. This has weighed on me for the last 40 years, I have only told one person about it. It bothers me that I shot but from the way it was acting I thought it was him or me.”
7/19/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
SC EP:871 Strange Creature At Grandma's House
Tonight I will be speaking with Chris. Chris will be sharing with us his families experiences back in the 70's in Kentucky. Chris said "I don't think anyone knew what it was, it was large and hairy and walked around like a man but it wasn't a man." The Smithsonian Institution makes a surprise appearance in this families encounter.
7/15/2022 • 56 minutes, 32 seconds
SC EP:869 Strange Man In A Ghillie Suit
In 1999 Bo and his father were hunting in South Carolina. Bo said “I was in my tree stand and at first I thought it was a bear but it did not walk like a bear it walked like a man. Than I thought it must be a huge man in a ghillie suit. I watched him take his foot and scratch his calf just like a man would. When it saw me it took off so fast. I don’t even know how to describe it. It was like on a zipline. It was so smooth and fast.” Here is the link for Phenomecon. The event is in September, stop by and say hi.
7/9/2022 • 45 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:867 Encounter On The Mogollon Rim
Tonight I will be speaking with Aaron. Aaron will be sharing with us an encounter he had almost 30 years ago with his brother in Arkansas. We will also be speaking with Dan. Below is Dan's account. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep867-encounter-on-the-mogollon-rim/
7/2/2022 • 58 minutes, 24 seconds
SC EP:866 A Little Gravel In Your Travel
Tomorrow night I will be speaking with Roslyn who is from Georgia. She will be discussing her encounter near her home. I will also be speaking to Evan. In the fall of 2013, Evan was driving north on I-49 in South Louisiana.
6/26/2022 • 55 minutes, 29 seconds
AREA 51: Former Counterintelligence Officer
I wanted to share this presentation in a podcast format. Sometimes when you are searching for answers it is important to look at other topics or genres. If this topic interests you, take a listen. Richard Doty’s presentation centers on his assignment as a counterintelligence officer at Area 51. He will disclose never before publicly released incidents involving UFOs/UAPs and extraterrestrial contact and research projects.
6/20/2022 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 15 seconds
SC EP:864 The Chewy Road Incident
Tonight I will be speaking with Miranda, Jeanette and Carol. The family is from Oklahoma and they will be sharing their encounters from their time on this property.
6/19/2022 • 53 minutes, 28 seconds
SC EP:861 What Did I Just See?
Justin writes "In 1991 and we moved back to Ohio. It was a your typical warm night in August sometime. The corn was fully grown. Me, my cousin and her friend were out riding in my 66 Chevelle. We started down the hill on county road 1281. The road dips into a shallow valley where Buck Creek runs through it. And crosses and set of railroad tracks before heading up the other side. I crossed the tracks and started up the other side. As I crested the top I noticed eye shine. Not yellow like racoon or like deer. This was different and had my attention. As I got closer I noticed a dark shape in the bushes. This is a gravel road. And I was only doing around 15 mph. These eyes where a lime green in the headlights.
6/11/2022 • 54 minutes, 18 seconds
SC EP:859 I Thought They Were People
Tonight I interview Mike from CA. Back in 1975 he encountered these creatures. Mike also discusses a UFO encounter 20 years later. Check it out at https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep859-i-thoug…they-were-people/
6/3/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 12 seconds
SC EP:858 Paralyzed With Fear
Tonight I will be speaking to Matt and Eugene. In 1985 Matt and a friend were hiking in California. Matt said "I thought they were hikers, the man was really tall. As we got closer to where we first saw them I realized they were not hikers, whatever it was one was male and the smaller one was female." Eugene grew up hunting and fishing his whole life. Eugene said "I live out in the middle of nowhere. I have always loved the outdoors and I hunt to feed my family." Eugene first sighting happened in 2014 while fishing with his son.
5/30/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
SC EP:856 Alaskan Killer Bigfoot
Jeff Davis has a BS in Anthropology and an MA in Archaeology. He lived in England for nearly a year, while working on his Master’s Degree on the Vikings in Greenland. He also worked for several years as a field archaeologist in the Pacific Northwest. Jeff spent many years in the U.S. military, serving in Italy, South Korea, Japan, Bosnia and Afghanistan in a number of positions, ranging from Infantryman to military historian, to putting on puppet shows at orphanages. Jeff has written several books on military history, ghosts, mythology, and archaeology. His best selling books were Weird Washington and Weird Oregon. Topics To Be Covered: Kennewick Man The Solutrean Hypothesis (Origins of the Clovis People) Alaskan Killer Bigfoot Paisley Cave Weird Oregon: Your Travel Guide to Oregon's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets Weird Washington: Your Travel Guide to Washington's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets https://www.ghostsandcritters.com/main.html
5/22/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 9 seconds
SC EP:853 It Ran Past Me
Spoke to Brandon and he grew up in Georgia. Brandon talks about an encounter he had when he was 13 years old. This was not the last incident. Check out Phenomecon 2022: https://www.strideevents.com/phenomecon/event-information
5/13/2022 • 54 minutes, 27 seconds
SC EP:851 The Runaways
Phil will be joining me tonight and over 20 years ago he was a runaway teenager. He lived in the Pine Barrens for some time. One night Phil and his friend had an aggressive encounter with a creature he had never seen before. I will also be speaking to Jeanette. Over 30 years ago Jeanette and her boyfriend were fishing at a campground when they saw this huge creature stand up and walk away. Jeanette said "It was not a bear and it was not a man, I did not know what it was."
5/6/2022 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
SC EP:850 The Desolate Highway
Tonight I will be speaking to Kyle. Kyle had a very recent encounter in PA. He is a long haul truck driver and had a very strange experience. Here is the full encounter https://sasquatchchronicles.com/tonights-show-the-desolate-highway/ I will also be speaking to Timothy Renner from the Strange Familiars podcast to discuss his new book The Witch Cloud: The Haunted Bridges of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It is available on Amazon and on https://www.strangefamiliars.com/ At the beginning of the show I played a clip from the Paranormal Portal podcast I was on. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JxZxm4d2rM
5/2/2022 • 59 minutes, 47 seconds
SC EP:847 Encounter In Connecticut On Family Property
A listener writes "I recently came across your podcast on Spotify and figured I would reach out to you. A few years ago I had two brief sightings and heard an odd vocalizations. At my home in CT. At the time I reached out to the BFRO and reported them. Eventually after years it was posted on their site as a class A sighting but after trying to get back in touch with them it's been radio silence. I love your show and have a few encounters I'd be like to share!. Let me know if you are interested in some more info!"
4/22/2022 • 50 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:845 Correlations Or Coincidences Part Two
Rick returns for part two as we deep dive into Sasquatch, UFO’s and the Paranormal. Timothy Renner from Strange Familiars Podcast joins the discussion. Are there correlations or coincidences? Rick writes “I’m a regular listener to your podcast and find it very informative. On one of your recent shows, I believe you mentioned getting a Ufologist, Paranormal Researcher, and Cryptid Investigator together in order to compare notes on the potential similarities/ connections within all three fields. During my tenure with MUFON, I investigated many sightings to include the abduction phenomenon. I found that many of those cases had elements of the paranormal associated with them, which intrigued me. I then began investigating the paranormal with the Center for Paranormal Research and Investigation (CPRI), also in Virginia. I’ve investigated many cases. Some involved negative entities or the “demonic”. One of these cases was featured on an episode of “A Haunting” entitled “Mark of Evil”. That was a rather serious/ horrific case that changed my life dramatically. I’m still with that organization. However, my wife and I also started the Virginia chapter of the North American Dogman Project (NADP). We’ve been investigating Dogman/ cryptid cases for the past five years. During my research, I’ve seen some cases that have “crossover elements” to them.”
4/15/2022 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 38 seconds
SC EP:844 Retired Detective And Former MUFON Director
The listener writes "I’m a regular listener to your podcast and find it very informative. On one of your recent shows, I believe you mentioned getting a Ufologist, Paranormal Researcher, and Cryptid Investigator together in order to compare notes on the potential similarities/ connections within all three fields. During my tenure with MUFON, I investigated many sightings to include the abduction phenomenon. I found that many of those cases had elements of the paranormal associated with them, which intrigued me. I then began investigating the paranormal with the Center for Paranormal Research and Investigation (CPRI), also in Virginia. I’ve investigated many cases. Some involved negative entities or the “demonic”. One of these cases was featured on an episode of “A Haunting” entitled “Mark of Evil”. That was a rather serious/ horrific case that changed my life dramatically.
4/11/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
SC EP:842 Seeing Is Believing
Will writes "A childhood friend and I were scouting places to conceal a turkey blind in a very inaccessible location in northwest Alabama. Having taken a 4 wheel drive in, then unloading 4 wheelers, and then again having to abandon those to walk where we wanted to be gives you an idea how deep we decided to go. Approximately 2 miles in on foot a large rock landed directly between my friend and I. We both looked at each other thinking the same thing, someone is messing with us. However the we also thought the other unnerving thing, no one knows we’re here and no one is anywhere close. Approximately 30 minutes later and about another mile in I caught the second rock in mid air out of my periphery before it hit. I immediately turned my head in the direction I thought it came and there that big bastard was. Only 70-80 feet away, no more than 30 yards."
4/4/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
SC EP:839 I Thought I Shot A Man
With my moms passing yesterday I will be playing a rewind from episode 820. One of my favorite witnesses. SC EP:820 I Thought I Shot A Man Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “In 1981 I was in North Louisiana and I came across this creature. He came from around a tree that was about 6 feet from me and we stared at each other. I wasn’t sure what it was but I could tell by his facial expressions he was mad and working himself up to attack me. I shot it and I know it was a lung shot. I could describe every detail about him. This has weighed on me for the last 40 years, I have only told one person about it. It bothers me that I shot but from the way it was acting I thought it was him or me.”
3/20/2022 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 27 seconds
SC EP:836 Sounds With Jim Sherman
Jim Sherman is a High School Teacher who searches for Sasquatch. Jim says “I had an experience when I was camping with my father. I was terrified of being out in the woods alone after dark. I started to really investigate the subject of Sasquatch. Jim has captured some of the best Sasquatch audio. I will be playing some of Jim’s audio. We will discuss capturing the audio and Jim’s insight on this subject. Subscribe to Jim's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LordCryptid
3/12/2022 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 8 seconds
SC EP:835 What Are We Chasing?
Dianne writes "As it came closer it stopped right behind the wood line. I could see the massiveness of this creature. It had to be over 9' tall and shoulders 4' across. I could only see parts of it. It seemed to know it was obscured by the trees. I could see the torso area of shiny black hair. At that point I lost my nerve to keep looking and frankly if I would have seen it's face I probably would have had a heart attack. My body went into what I've coined LIQUID TERROR. My insides felt like jello. I decided to pretend everything was just ok and with shaking hands I started beading again. It actually helped me calm down but IT WOULDN'T LEAVE. I thought if I ignore it it will go away. No such luck."
3/7/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
SC EP:832 Its Face Was A Man's Face
Tonight I will be speaking to Gabriel who is from California where his encounter happened. This took place 32 years ago. Gabriel and his friends had a run in with a creature but not before finding something strange. Here is the full report: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/its-face-was-a-mans-face/
2/26/2022 • 59 minutes, 36 seconds
SC EP:830 U.S. Marine And The Creature
James writes “Around 2006 I was about 16 and I had a girlfriend that lives about 2 miles away from me in ft. Drum which is a very small town puts of okeechobee." James describes running into a creature. Mike will also be coming on and sharing an encounter from MI in 1981.
2/19/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
SC EP:828 The Squatch Watchers
Tonight I am joined by the Squatch Watchers. David, Taylor and Tate will be sharing their experiences on a property they have been investigating in North Carolina. Check out their YouTube Channel here.
2/12/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 8 seconds
SC EP:828 The Squatch Watchers
Tonight I am joined by the Squatch Watchers. David, Taylor and Tate will be sharing their experiences on a property they have been investigating in North Carolina. Check out their YouTube Channel here.
2/12/2022 • 0
SC EP:828 The Squatch Watchers
Tonight I am joined by the Squatch Watchers. David, Taylor and Tate will be sharing their experiences on a property they have been investigating in North Carolina. Check out their YouTube Channel here.
2/12/2022 • 0
SC EP:827 Put One In The Chamber
*Due to a technical issues and some podcast player not playing the show, I am uploading this again. My guest is Josh. Josh comes from a military family. He will be sharing his Sasquatch encounter with us along with other strange things that happen to him on the military base.
2/7/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 53 seconds
SC EP:827 Put One In The Chamber
*Due to a technical issues and some podcast player not playing the show, I am uploading this again. My guest is Josh. Josh comes from a military family. He will be sharing his Sasquatch encounter with us along with other strange things that happen to him on the military base.
2/7/2022 • 0
SC EP:824 The Face In The Window
Tim writes“My first encounter happened in the state of Vermont. Between Clarendon and Tinmouth. My father was with me. And we was deer hunting. To start from the beginning. My father was a minister and he had started a church in Rutland. We had a family that had started coming on a regular basis. And it was almost rifle season and we didn’t really have a place to go. So in conversation with this family and my father, we got invited to go out to there farm. This would be my first hunt. Like I said, we didn’t really know where to go. But the man told my father that they had deer on there property and if we wanted to go, we were more than welcome to hunt there. I was excited since this would be my first time hunting and my dad was going to let me use my aunt’s old rifle. She was short and the butt of the stock had been cut so she could shoulder it. I had shot it before. And I could shoot it quite well. It was a Winchester model 54 and chambered in a 30-06 caliber. My dad was using a ruger chambered in a 7mm Magnum. We got up early that morning. It was November and cold. We left our house early because dad wanted to get out and get settled in before it got to light out and things had time to get quiet. We got out to the property, found the barbed wire gate and dad got out opened the gate and drove the truck in and closed the gate behind us. There was what we called a two track road that we could drive on. It had grass in the middle of it and we drove a ways in and found a place where we could get the truck off so the man if need be could get by if he chose to come out. Vermont is mountainous and rocky and lots of ridges and ravines. We got out threw on some warm insulated hunting clothes on and loaded up and started walking up and over ridges. Dad as we walked said that the highest ridge would give us the best advantage to see. By the time we reached the ledge of the highest ridge daylight was breaking. Dad pointed out a huge sugar maple that would be good to sit up against and I made my way to it. Dad said that he would go down farther on the ledge and still be within eye sight if I needed him. I cleared the leaves where i was going to sit at up against the trunk of the tree so if I needed to move , I could without any noise. The mountain was still behind me and it was steep so I was expecting deer to feed among the ridges and ravines for acorns. I bunched my knee’s up against my chest so I could use them as a steady rest. It wasn’t long and I could hear something coming down from behind me and it was coming fast. 4 does came full tilt running and ran down the ledge I was sitting on and they never stopped. They ran through some spruce tree’s and was out of sight. It wasn’t long and something else was coming down from behind me and it was coming fast. Now Wes, I noticed just from feeling the ground with the steps it was taking that this wasn’t deer. I literally froze , and didn’t move a muscle. Whatever it was , was behind the tree I was leaning against. From this point on. Things went into very slow motion. I heard what sounded like a nut hatch bird sounded like on the side of the tree. I heard dirt or bark hitting on my left shoulder. Moving my head extremely slow a looking up and over my left shoulder was a HUGE and dirty hand. This hand had enormous fingers. If I was to compare the size of the diameter of the fingers I would have to say that they were as big around as the packaged eckrich sausage is that you see in the grocery store meat coolers. They were extremely dirty and a dark grayish black in color hair on top of the back of the hand that wasn’t really thick hair because you could still see the skin. From where my head was I’d have to say that the hand was every bit of 5ft above me. I seen breath as it was breathing as it plumed out from behind me. I literally lost all bodily functions. I soiled my pants as well as wet myself. It emitted a very low but vibrating growl. I don’t know if you have ever heard alligators during the breeding season where they do a low growl and the water literally vibrates off there backs in the water. But it was very similar. I could feel it inside myself. It then took off down the ledge where the deer went. It moved with such a speed that you cannot comprehend. The hair looked black at the base and where it was longer it looked almost a deep brownish red. It was every bit of 9ft tall and the shoulder width was massive. Probably 4 and a half to maybe 5ft .the hair on the back where the shoulder blades are located looked longer in length. And it had mud matted in the hair wherever it had been sitting. I never at one time thought about the rifle that I had in my hands. After it took off my Dad came running over to me and asked me if I was ok. He said that he would have shot it but was literally afraid that if he did then it would have probably killed me. We cautiously made our way back to the truck. Which wasn’t easy with the way my pants was. I vomited before I got into the truck and we left. We got to the gate opened it and closed it and never returned to the location. I was shaking violently on our way home. We pulled into the driveway and dad shut the truck off and told me. Don’t you ever talk about what had just happened. We would be ridiculed in town and school for me. This happened in 1979. I just told my wife whom I’ve been married to for 26 years. This encounter has given me a paranoia every time I’m around woods or I’m outside in the dark.”
1/29/2022 • 56 minutes, 45 seconds
SC EP:823 The Hypnotic Eyes
I will be speaking to Will and he had an encounter while hunting in Alabama. Many years later Will was hiking with his family in TN. Will said "When me and this creature locked eyes I felt like I could not move. We will also be speaking to Emily and George. Emily writes "I believe I had an encounter. I was camping in a van in the Mark Twain national Forrest last month while hunting with my boyfriend and friend.
1/17/2022 • 56 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:821 Which One Did You See?
Robert writes “I had encounters in the Daniel Boone National Forest in the 90’s. I think it’s still a hotspot but most people won’t talk about it. Most of my encounters were brief except for one. I had a bear walking towards me and one came running down the mountain and actually chased the bear off. I was walking back down a gravel road as my car was broke down. It actually jumped into the road, slid in the gravel before coming to a complete stop. Turned towards me and bluff charged me twice to push me out of the area. It was 7.5 to 8 fat tall, browns oh red with white hair which made me think it was an older one. Right before it turned towards me I could see it looked like it had “road rash” on the back of its left shoulder. You could see it had hair missing as it looked scabbed over. Kind of like the aftermath of sliding in gravel while wearing shorts for us. There are a lot more details about that encounter but too many to type up.”
1/9/2022 • 58 minutes, 1 second
SC EP:819 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles IV
I was scheduled to take off the week but I wanted to stop by and wish you guys and gals Happy New Year! Be safe out there!
12/31/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 50 seconds
SC EP:818 The Yellow Towel
Tonight I will be speaking to Adam. Adam writes “I had an encounter with a male and female “Bigfoot” in the summer of 2003. It’s very difficult to go into details while writing. But I would love to speak with you personally about what happened.” Spoke to the witness and he has agreed to come on. The incident took place in 2003 while hiking in the Mark Twain National Forest. The Mark Twain National Forest is a U.S. National Forest located in the southern half of Missouri. We will be also speaking with Estevan and his wife. They had an encounter in Virginia while camping. Merry Christmas Everyone!
12/20/2021 • 54 minutes, 58 seconds
SC EP:816 I Saw A Monster
Tonight I will be speaking to Darren and he will be sharing an encounter he had when he was 13 years old. Darren talks about finding a structure in the woods and this monster came from around the structure. Darren and his friends were about 30 feet away from the creature. Darren said "At the time I did not know what it was..."
12/12/2021 • 54 minutes, 56 seconds
SC EP:814 Bigfoot Odyssey 168 Hours
Tonight I will be speaking to Kerry Arnold about his documentary called 168 hours. Kerry filmed this week long expedition with 10 people in South Florida. Check out Kerry's channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsICDPD2PTD27IWbeI9a6hw
12/6/2021 • 47 minutes, 54 seconds
SC EP:812 A Higher Call (Holiday Show)
A little Holiday show for everyone. On 20 December 1943, Franz met the B-17 bomber named "Ye Olde Pub" and its pilot Charles "Charlie" Brown for the first time. Franz had shot down two B-17s earlier that day and he soon caught up to a wounded B-17 flown by Charles Brown. Lining up to finish the bomber and shoot it down, he noticed the tail gunner never moved the guns. Upon further inspection of the airplane, he saw through large holes in the fuselage a frantic crew trying to save the lives of their fellow airmen. Franz is quoted as saying "and for me it would have been the same as shooting at a parachute", in reference to a statement by his commander and mentor Gustav Rödel; "If I hear of one of you shooting a man in a parachute, I'll shoot you myself!". Stigler motioned to Brown to land his airplane in neutral Sweden because of the extensive damage. However, Brown didn't understand, and decided to keep flying towards England. Stigler escorted the B-17 and its crew to the North Sea coast, protecting it from German anti-aircraft gunners.
12/3/2021 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
Video Message: Happy Holidays
Holiday Thanksgiving message and update for this week!
11/26/2021 • 1 minute, 13 seconds
SC EP:811 The Thermal Camera Incident
Tonight I will be speaking to Greg and Charles. The guys were hiking in the Daniel Boone National Forest at night when they had an encounter with a creature. The men were able to see the creature through Greg's thermal camera. The night did not end there.
11/22/2021 • 54 minutes, 30 seconds
Deep in the darkest heart of the Philippines sits a terrifying creature. As night falls it begins the hunt for human blood, stalking its prey in the shadows of your town, neighborhood and even your own home. Its tongue drips in hunger, emitting a tick-tick-ticking noise from the vast darkness. This is the aswang, the most feared creature in Philippine folklore. According to Philippine folklore, an aswang is an evil, shapeshifting creature that shares the grotesque characteristics of werewolves, vampires and ghouls. It has no consistent image or description because its appearance varies per region. People have often characterised them based on hearsay, which is why the term aswang has commonly been used as a catch-all description for most evil creatures that lurk in the night. But sometimes….things are not quite as they appear. “To the superstitious, the Huk battleground was a haunted place filled with ghosts and eerie creatures.” -Air Force Brigadier General Edward G. Lansdale
11/12/2021 • 50 minutes, 12 seconds
SC EP:807 The Little Monkey
Tonight I will be speaking to Mark. Over the last 30 years Mark has had two sightings of the creature. Mark is from Nebraska and moved to Colorado. He spent most of his life as a hunter. One of the encounters that Mark had was with a smaller creature. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep807-the-little-monkey/
11/7/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
SC EP:804 “It’s a Boo La, Boo La!!”
Tonight I will be speaking to two guest. Dylan who was in GA for a visit got into an argument with his girlfriend and decided to take a walk in the woods to clear his head ran into a creature he did not think existed. We will also be speaking to Ed who had an encounter in 1977 while hunting in California.
10/29/2021 • 56 minutes, 15 seconds
SC EP:803 Sierra Sasquatch
I will be speaking to Jaime Avalos and he writes "In June of 2006 I would see something that has forced me to question who we are and where we fit in the web of life. If you told me prior to this event that I would be scanning the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in search of something that science says does not exist, I would of just laughed at you. Now I spend many hours in the wilderness alone, without a gun, food, use of lights or many other creature comforts. Through the years I have thought about the best way to be able to have sustained contact with these indigenous people as well as creating a formula that would help me locate them throughout the seasons. A measureable, repeatable, predictable formula that would work anywhere. A scientific approach. The resulting data has been promising."
10/25/2021 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
SC EP:800 I Am Not Sure What We Saw
In the summer of 2005, I had moved back home. So had my friends Ryan and Kelly. The 3 of us grew up in the same cul de sac with each of our houses being one house apart. Kelly had just finished college and me and Ryan just needed to move home for whatever reason. We were all about 23 or 24 years old. One day, I believe it was in August, we were out playing softball with some friends at the local high school. Kelly’s girlfriend helped couch the team so she had a key to the fields. When we had finished, we were all going to go home, clean up, and then meet back up with everyone at Applebee’s. Since Ryan, Kelly, and I lived in the same cul de sac we had driven together. When we got home, Kelly went to his house, but me and Ryan went to Ryan’s house to have a beer and smoke a cigarette. We’re sitting on his back patio just hanging out when Kelly calls to see if we were ready to head out. We told him we had been chilling having a drink. He came up to join us. (We we’re not drunk or on any drugs during this. We had 1 beer and we’re smoking cigarettes). Ryan’s back yard is where this happened. His back yard has a concrete patio directly out from the kitchen. It’s on ground level. Extending along the back of the house from the patio is a concrete basketball court with a hoop at the far end. His yard is completely fenced off and the gate was closed. The yard itself goes slightly up hill from the patio/basketball court with a shed in the corner of the yard. There are flowers lining the fence. They had been doing yard work so there were various tools around. There was a wheelbarrow lying on its side under the hoop and a shovel leaning against the house near the kitchen door. On the patio was a patio table which is where we were sitting. Kelly sat with his back to the basketball hoop, Ryan was to Kelly’s left, so his right side was to the hoop facing the shed, and I sat to Ryan’s left directly facing the basketball hoop. As we sat there talking, the sun was going down. We didn’t have any lights on except for the light coming out from the kitchen. There was a faint light from that pre dusk just before the sun sets. This is where things start getting weird. So, as we’re sitting there I notice that there is these lights up in the top of the evergreen trees behind the shed. It looked like someone had two flashlights and was moving them in circles next to each other. Those trees are pretty tall. I pointed it out to the other two. It was weird enough to take note of, but we were just like, that’s weird, but whatever. Not weird enough to freak us out or anything. Then, like 2 minutes later, from behind the wheelbarrow crawled this creature. I was facing towards it so I pointed and was like, “What the f*** is that?!?” This creature looked at me with as much surprise as I had. I looked at this thing in the face. Next, it took off running fast up the hill, and it sounded like a horse of a race track. Like it was heavy. It ran hand over feed and it was booking it up the hill and then it jumped OVER THE SHED into the trees where the lights had been shining.
10/14/2021 • 47 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:798 No Creature, No Deer and No Light
Tonight I will be speaking with Johnathan. Back in 2018 he had a very strange encounter happen to him while driving back to his cabin in Virginia. I have personally heard many accounts like this and I am happy Johnathan decided to come on the show and share it. Johnathan said after the encounter “I am left with no creature, no deer and no light. All I have is confusion. This incident has bothered me ever since.”
10/9/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 6 seconds
SC EP:796 The Stand Off
A listener writes “I’m a private person, a 20 year military combat veteran and have only told this story to two other people. My wife and my cousin.” Spoke to the witness and he has agreed to come on the show. He said “I bought some property in Oregon and wanted to get away from everyone. I was dealing with PTSD. I was staying in a trailer while I was working on building a home on the property. One night I thought people were messing with my equipment. I armed myself and ran out of the trailer. I was face to face with these creatures. I have NEVER seen anything like this.”
10/1/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
SC EP:794 A Strange Place To Camp
Read Charlie's full encounter here https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep794-a-strange-place-to-camp/ Check out the Sasquatch Chronicles Shorts on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/SasquatchChronicles/playlists
9/24/2021 • 54 minutes, 17 seconds
SC EP:793 Law Enforcement Officer Encounters Sasquatch
Tonight we will be speaking to Dan. Dan is a former law enforcement officer and back in 1995 he had an encounter with a creature while camping on the Oregon Coast.
9/19/2021 • 59 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:790 We Ran For Our Lives
Mark writes "My first sighting was in October 1st I was out bow hunting with one of my buddies and 20 years later I ran into something else I didn't know what the hell it was for sure what it was and I shot this deer and the tracking string went where it wasn't supposed to go up in the trees and then I start finding part for the dear I don't know man it was crazy." Spoke to Mark and he said "In 1989 my friend and I were walking along the train tracks and we ran into this thing. It wasn't a bear and it was too big to be a man. It started walking towards us."
9/11/2021 • 52 minutes, 18 seconds
VideoCast: Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch
This is a VideoCast if the video does not play, download the CastBox . You can also watch the video at https://sasquatchchronicles.com Duane Ollinger has sunk everything he has into hunting for what he believes is a vast fortune of gold on his property. But with each step he takes closer to finding the treasure, the land seems to hold on tighter, stopping him in his tracks. http://blindfrogranchtour.com/
9/8/2021 • 21 minutes, 35 seconds
SC EP:789 I Thought It Was A Large Man
Tonight I will be speaking to Scott. Scott was a small boy in the 70's and he lived in Ohio. Scott describes running into a creature he thought at first it was a large man with a fur coat. We will also be speaking to Jennifer. Jennifer was with her family on vacation in Georgia. They rented a cabin and Jennifer said "At first I was not sure what was going on at night. Something was throwing rocks at the cabin."
9/5/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
SC EP:786 My Father Shot It In Our Front Yard
Wade will be my guest tonight. Wade writes "The childhood experiences with my 5 sisters and 1 brother all older have being horrifying to all of us when we lived in Rainier Oregon. Dad was a pipe fitter and worked on a new nuke plant there. Mom was a stepford wife so to speak. Not long after we moved there odd things happened..no one could explain..starting with the 3 other houses that no one came out at night. Animals disappeared and or twisted and put in trees. Lots of foot prints. The lumberjacks dad hired kept leaving. The well drillers pulled off twice. And then it got way worse. Bangs on the house, broken windows. We think there were 5 for sure....they all looked different and had NO fear of us. This was over a 3 year span. It had a life long no BS effect on the family. I talked to my older family about Rainer and it was way worse than could 10 year old to grasp. I went back there 2 years ago. It continues to this that day. It's hard to piece together so so many things over the years. There were a hell of a lot of stuff people knew back then. And we were warned by the very old couple dad bought the land from."
8/28/2021 • 53 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:785 Pastor Films Creature (Audio Version)
I noticed the video was not playing on Spotify. Here is an audio version of the show. If you have an Apple phone, It should be in the Apple Podcast Player. if you have an android check out CastBox it is a free podcast player app. You can get it from the Google Play Store. Every Podcast Player plays the video except for Spotify. I hope this helps. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep785-pastor-films-creature/
8/26/2021 • 36 minutes, 16 seconds
SC EP:785 Pastor Films Creature
Spoke to the witness who took the video and he has agreed to come on the show. A listener writes “Hey everyone, So, I wanted to share my video with y’all , that I took a few Saturdays ago on 7/24. First of all, I wanted to tell you a little about myself. I’m a pastor of a small country church for the past 15 years and I’m also the lead vocalist for a Christian rock band called: Stained Red. I live in Royse City Texas and The morning of the sighting was very hot and dry and I was basically just outside early in the morning sipping my coffee about to go in my prayer room, when I noticed a couple fields over from my farm something moving very quickly to the North. So, I thank God that I grabbed my phone and began to video this creature. I also noticed that it had a white tail doe on its back. ( I did have my phone on zoom) But notice how quickly it crosses the fence, which I measured at 48”, but no hair to be found , and the ground was to hard and grassy for any foot prints. The grass was 3’ at fence line, but it was still moving very gracefully. I couldn’t get any closer when I was filming because I was already against my fence line to my prayer room. And honestly I was a little scared to go down and look for it, not knowing if it had babies down in trees that it might try to protect. Tell me what you think, your friend IronMan of Stained Red . I would believe that it was about 7.5’ tall easy and very heavy. God bless you all!!!” It will be uploaded to the podcast players shortly.
8/23/2021 • 36 minutes, 11 seconds
SC EP:782 I Did Not Think It Was Real
Tonight we will be speaking to Patrick who comes to us from Louisiana. Patrick has been hunting his whole life and grew up thinking Sasquatch was nonsense, made up bedtime stories for people to tell their kids. In 2003, he was hunting and was chased out of an area by a female creature. Patrick said “I could not believe what I was seeing.”
8/13/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
SC EP:780 The Cobble Creek Monster
A listener writes “I had an up close and personal encounter with a big foot back in 1984 when I lived in Massachusetts he was 10 feet or less to my car‘s windshield he was about 8 feet tall hair all over except for the face he had huge round bright red eyes black face and he looked like a gorilla with a round head.” Spoke to the witness and she has agreed to come on the show. She said “It walked up to my windshield and I was eye to eye with this creature. The creature was not aggressive at all. Something strange happened during this face off I still cannot explain.”
8/7/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
SC EP:778 Military Encounters | What Is A Box Witch?
Tonight we will be chatting with Nick who is currently serving in the United States military. He is going to share with us his experience while training at Fort Polk. Nick said “It was a strange night and I wasn’t the only person to experience this thing, whatever it is. I have also seen the lights on Fort Polk. There is a term that is used among solders and we call it the box witch.” The term has nothing to do with a witch but Nick will explain why they call it that. Nick said I’ve started a side project of collecting Soldiers stories, specifically what they’ve experienced with “not normal.” It’s on Instagram @Tales_From_The_Gridsquare.”
7/26/2021 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:775 Sasquatch In Afghanistan
Tonight I will be speaking to Jack. Jack is military veteran and will be sharing an experience he had when he was talking with a Taliban leader about seeing these creatures in Afghanistan. I will also be speaking to George who is also a military veteran. George writes "In 1978, I was in the USAF stationed at March AFB, in Riverside, California. I was raised in the West side of San Antonio, Texas. I was in the Military Police, Security Police while in the AF. I was very close to Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks and I would go to one or the other every chance I got. George shares what happen to him. Check out the full story at: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep775-sasquatch-in-afghanistan/
7/16/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
SC EP:774 I Hit It With My Car
Doug writes "The reason I am emailing you is because a few months ago here in Arkansas I was driving down a two-lane highway just after dark when something that I could have swore was a orangutan with reddish hair came hauling ass up onto the highway from out of the woods and it had a raccoon hanging out of his mouth."
7/12/2021 • 51 minutes, 12 seconds
SC EP:771 A Caveman Stole Our Fish
Steve writes"As I said first sighting when I was about 10 years old in East Central Kentucky on a fishing trip with my dad, my dad's best friend and his son who happened to be about my age. Me and the boy had picked out on s'mores over the campfire that we had built on a sandbar in the middle of the river because that's where we were camping. Approximately 3:00 a.m. I woke up with a bad stomach ache (probably from all the s'mores I gorge myself on) and was outside of the tent and stoked the fire back up when about 10 mins later I heard some swishing in the water as if somebody was walking in knee deep water against the current, it came up to within approximately 20 ft of me but did not come onto The Sandbar but stopped short to reach down and grabbed one of the two fish baskets and lifted its head up looked at me as if to say "I'm taking these fish, please and thank you" then walked back downstream with the basket of fish and I had no idea where it went after getting out of site of the fire glow. I got no ill intent from it, I was freaked out but not in a scared way. Told my dad about it when he got up..and he told keep quiet about it until we could be alone and talk openly.. which we did 2 days later. I have had one other siding which was a fleeting glimpse of a Sasquatch running back into the woods from the edge of a field, and have had two or three other weird experiences that later in life I've come to a tribute to Sasquatch experiences."
7/3/2021 • 58 minutes, 11 seconds
SC EP:769 Wildlife Biologist Shoots Dogman
Matt writes “Back in 2019 I had an encounter and actually shot what I believe is commonly referred to as the Michigan dogman.” Spoke to the Matt and he works for the government. He said he thought it was a huge wolf. He watched it from a distance and noticed it was stalking him. The witness decided to shoot it. He said “I know I hit it in the head. It shook like it had been hit hard in the head, that’s when the strangest thing happened. It stood up on two legs, like a man. I was in shock.”
6/26/2021 • 55 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:768 Father's Day Reloaded
Jessie had an encounter with two creatures while hiking with his dog. He said one of the creatures appeared to be female while the other one looked very much like a male. The story doesn't end there.
6/20/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 42 seconds
SC EP:766 Encounter In North Texas
TJ said "In 1979 I was hunting in North Texas. I saw this creature, it was about 50 feet away. It was massive and it was so close I can tell you it was male. The hair on the arms were hanging down about 5 or 6 inches long. The one thing that really stays with me is the red eyes. I took off to get away from the creature and get to my brother and the creature chased me. I was able to get away from it. I told my brother what I saw and he did not believe me. When my brother found the creatures tracks he was shocked. He did see the creature but he did not tell me what he saw until many years later. A good friend of mine lives near me. He has had major problems with these creatures. He never believed in these creatures until he saw them. I would like to discuss what is going on this property"
6/14/2021 • 56 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:763 Kryder Exploration
Tonight I sit down with Robert Kryder. Robert had an encounter when he was 14 years old. He spent most of his later years working in archaeology and treasure recovery. In 1995 while investigating an area he was looking to do a dig on he filmed a large black figure on a hill watching him. Robert said "For years we had been running into these creatures but it wasn't until years later I started really investigating Sasquatch." Website https://kryderexploration.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/KRYDEREXPLORATION/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/kryderexploration
6/5/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:761 The Creature Was Talking
Mike from Mississippi was out hunting when he had a run in with a creature he has never seen before. Mike said "This thing was talking....gibberish but it was talking. I was in shock. I did not really believe in Bigfoot before this." Read the full account at: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/i-looked-dead-at-this-creature/
5/29/2021 • 1 hour, 50 seconds
SC EP:759 It's Right There!
Pansy will be joining me tonight. She is from Kentucky and writes "I have now seen Sasquatch two times where there is no doubt, and 2 other possible sightings. I'm not crazy and I'm not seeing things! I grew up in the country hunting, fishing, playing paintball and hide-and -seek in the woods, riding 4 wheeler and horses all through the woods. I'm also the daughter of a retired taxidermist, I know what all the animals look like from the inside out, I'm not mistaken on what I have seen."
5/21/2021 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:757 The Science Of Sasquatch
John from episode 754 will be returning to the show. John will be sharing his background as a scientist. He spent the last two weeks refreshing himself on Dr. Melba Ketchum's paper. What is wrong with the paper, what is right about the paper and why other scientist refused to accept it. Go to sasquatchgenomeproject.org to get a copy of the paper if you want to follow along.
5/14/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 22 seconds
SC EP:755 The Most Terrifying Night
John writes "I stepped out of my tent and turned on my spot light and Wes I’ll be honest I pissed my pants I was so scared. About 10 yards stood a family group of 4 or 5 creatures that stood about 10 feet tall the small ones were about 6 1/2 feet tall they screamed and whooped and threw rocks and it got much much worse. This is the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had and I haven’t gone back to this property since. I can’t tell you everything through email because this story would take about an hour or so to fully describe what I saw that night.”
5/7/2021 • 58 minutes, 7 seconds
SC EP:753 Unexplained Mysteries And Encounters
Tonight I will be speaking with John, he comes to us from Texas. John and has family own a large amount of land. John said "We have all sorts of odd and strange things happen on that property. I thought we had poachers and what I saw was not a man." I will be back on Sunday for the members I have a great show for you guys.
5/1/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
SC EP:751 Surrounded And Pushed Out Of Camp
I will be welcoming Tanner and Hunter to the show. Both witnesses share their encounters. Hunter's encounter really scared him and his friend enough to leave camp. Read the full account at https://sasquatchchronicles.com/
4/24/2021 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:750 Hulu: Sasquatch
Hulu: Sasquatch - Journalist David Holthouse calls the urban legend “the craziest story I’ve heard heard,” and he’s just crazy enough to look into whether the tale actually happened in Hulu’s Sasquatch, as seen in the exclusive trailer above. Tonight we will be speaking to the director Joshua Rofé on his new documentary. A must see! We will also be speaking to Rob who is a Canadian and a Veteran of the military. Rob shares with us his strange encounters in the Canadian forest. Rob has had two sightings of the creature.
4/18/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 29 seconds
SC EP:748 The Dogman Phenomenon
For decades, the creature described as a man with a dog’s head, or a dog that walks upright has been spotted by many eyewitnesses. Join me as we examine the Dogman phenomenon. The Beast of Bray Road, also known as the Bray Road Beast and the Wisconsin Werewolf, is a purported humanoid wolf-like creature allegedly witnessed in or near the rural community of Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Named for the farm road in which it was first allegedly sighted, Bray Road, reports of the creature in the 1980s and 1990s prompted a local newspaper, the Walworth County Week, to assign reporter Linda Godfrey to cover the story.
4/11/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:746 Does Sasquatch Have A Language
Tonight, we will be discussing the many vocalizations that Sasquatch make. Do these creatures have a language? Take a listen and lets discover the answers together.
4/7/2021 • 48 minutes, 14 seconds
SC EP:744 Father And Son Encounter Sasquatch
A listener writes "Because of my interest in Bigfoot my wife and kids like to rib me quite a bit about it. And because we lived in Nevada for the last 18 years (although in the process of moving to Idaho), I assumed there would be no chance of my ever coming across one anytime soon since I had not really heard of any sightings in Nevada. So in mid-April of this year (2020) my 19 year old son, Dylan was driving my truck home alone from his friend’s house and came running in the house at about 11:40 pm and yells “Dad! I just saw a bigfoot or something outside the gates to our development- I swear!” Well I found that hard to believe, but since I do love all things bigfoot I decided to at least take a look." The father went out but did not see the creature at the time, although he would later see the creature.
4/3/2021 • 54 minutes, 56 seconds
SC EP:742 I Shot It Out Of Fear
Spoke to Kris and he said “We have family property in East Texas. After my dad passed away I would visit the property just trying to find peace after his death. I ran into these creatures on three different occasions and the last time I was sure they were going to kill me. I was in tears and shaking….I fired. I hit it center mass. I watched it fall and moan almost like a human. I did not mean to shoot it I was trying to scare it off…I struggle with this….
3/27/2021 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:740 Hide And Seek Champion
Darvill said “18 years ago, I was in the Uinta Mountains. We were hunting and having fun. I remember seeing this big guy dressed in all brown. I thought he had on a brown sweatshirt and sweatpants. I watched him more and thought someone was dressed in a bigfoot suit. While hunting you yell at each other in a whoop or woo sound just to say I am over here. I made that sound and this thing jumped behind a tree. It happen so fast. I did not think at the time how impossible it was. Confused I sat there waiting for him to come out. I finally decided I was going to walk towards the tree. As soon as I did this thing took off. It was not a man, it was something I had never seen before.” I will also be speaking to Jeff. Jeff had an encounter with a white creature when he was young. Jeff said it was strange I didn't know anything about Bigfoot. I had no idea it was in the Ozark Mountains.
3/19/2021 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
SC EP:738 It Was Too Big To Be A Man
Tonight, I will be welcoming Johnathan to the show. He had an encounter in Utah in 2020. Johnathan said "I was camping with my family and we kept hearing this bonking sound in the woods. I had no idea what it was. Long story short I ended up seeing what I thought was a guy in a ghillie suit but the suit looked strange, it was too thick. That is when I saw the muscles flex on this creature. I never really thought about Bigfoot before this moment."
3/4/2021 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
SC EP:737 I Quit Hunting After That Day
Ted who comes to us from Idaho, he had several strange incidents happen to him over the years. In 2003 Ted and his hunting partner were in between this creature who was in the valley below them. As the two hunters were communicating via two way radios, the creature was heading Ted's way. Ted said "I never hunted again. I gave it up. I thought it was some guy at first but this was no man."
3/1/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 7 seconds
SC EP:735 ARK! ARK! Who Goes There
Jeff writes “Wes, I had an encounter back in 1989, I was 15 yrs old in MI. Left Detroit when I was 10 in 1984 to MI. The woods were new to me, which I spent every waking moment in the woods as a 80’s kid especially since coming from the city. It was myself, my brother, my best friend Scott, his brother and a mutual friend of all of ours. We built a half pipe in the woods and we skating it. One night we all started smelling something rancid and after awhile we all heard something crashing towards us. Sounded like no other animal in the woods, it was charging at us and making a noise which I never heard before or afterwards in the woods. All I can say it was like an ARK vocal. It ran like a bulldozer, it was coming to our ramp. It was definitely bi pedal. Step after step going through bushes and trees, it was nuts. I have a lot more to tell and would like to talk with you and my best friend that was there. I never saw it, I ran. Scott saw it. Thanks for your time.”
2/22/2021 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 42 seconds
SC EP:732 Physical Effects And Symptoms
I will be inviting Ken to the show and he had an encounter in 1962 in Montana while hunting. Ken said “I thought it was a man but I knew it was impossible for a man to move like that.” Damien Nott will be returning to the show. I interviewed Damien on episode 723 The Strange Light Phenomena. One of the encounters he had with the lights almost killed him and he has been suffering from what appears to be radiation sickness. I wanted to discuss it on episode 723 but I wanted to make sure he was ready to talk about it. Damien Nott (Australian Aerial Phenomena Investigations) began investigating and researching the UFO phenomenon after a sighting he witnessed at the age of 9. He went public in 2012 after multiple sightings and considerable media attention and has become a passionate voice both nationally and internationally for the phenomenon. Damien regularly gives presentations across Australia showing his UFO captures and speaks about his own experiences and research regarding UFO’s. His goal is educate those who are interested in the phenomena, as well as those who may find themselves having had an experience or encounter of their own.
2/13/2021 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 51 seconds
SC EP:730 Where the Footprints End II
Tonight I will be chatting with Timothy Renner and Joshua Cutchin. Their book is called "Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volume II: Evidence." The guys write "Despite continued attempts to uncover the truth, proof of the bigfoot phenomenon has eluded researchers and cryptozoologists for decades. Witnesses regularly describe seeing and interacting with something like a large, undiscovered hominid... and yet, such sightings regularly produce evidence directly at odds with conventional scientific explanations. It seems impossible to reconcile these peculiarities—among them mystery lights, UFOs, unusual sounds, mindspeak, cryptic stick signs, and anomalous footprints and trackways—with the notion of flesh-and- blood creatures evading detection in the modern frontier. As remarkable as the discovery of a manlike primate would be, what if bigfoot is something stranger still?" Also check out Tim's Podcast: https://www.strangefamiliars.com/
2/6/2021 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 1 second
SC EP:729 Leave Or I Will Kill You
I welcome David and Jeff. While hunting in Oklahoma they were stalked and harassed by a creature. After one of the hunters shot at the creature he thought this encounter was over. Several creatures returned and circled the hunters camp. Read the full encounter here: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/terrifying-encounter-with-something/
2/1/2021 • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 17 seconds
SC EP:727 They Took My Flesh
On this episode, we are joined by Tony Merkel from The Confessionals podcast, who will be our Sasquatch Chronicles guest host, while Wes hosts an episode of The Confessionals for Tony as part of this special swapcast! Tony brings guest Michael to the show, who shares with us all about a life riddled with unusual experiences pointing to him possibly be an alien abductee at the age of three. Michael was visited by entities at that time, and later came to understand that they were Grey extraterrestrials. He lays out a series of events which followed as he grew older that sometimes left him feeling so terrified he was afraid to go to sleep at night. The feeling of ice cold hands grabbing him eventually became a tell that alerted him he was being attacked. Once while he was sleeping he found himself in a type of sleep paralysis state from which he could not awaken, and all the while he felt like something was peeling the skin off of his feet. When he finally came out of it, hediscovered he really was missing chunks of skin! Michael also describes another instance when he felt the ice cold hands grabbing his ankles and pulling him off his bed, only to drag him down the hall. What happened as he was being dragged is hard for himto describe or understand because it seemed like he was being taken into a whole other realm. Michael shares as many bits and pieces of these abduction events as he can remember on this week’s swapcast episode, ‘They Took My Flesh. If you want o hear me on The Confessionals, come listen to at https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/theconfessionals/307-billy-the-kid-the-man-who-died-twice
1/25/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:724 The Sounds They Make
Patrick writes "It was October 13th 2016. I was bow hunting in my deer blind outside of St Clair Missouri just off the meramec river. Times were tough. I had just gotten laid off and my older sister who's land I was hunting on had just lost her job and her husband was disabled so there was little money. I was hunting for food to feed us. I had been scouting for several weeks and had been seeing deer every day. For about a week prior to the 13th I had noticed the deer had seemed to disappear. I thought that they had gone into an early rut and the bucks were chasing the does at night and running them ragged. Check out the full encounter at https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep724-the-sounds-they-make/
1/15/2021 • 1 hour, 49 seconds
SC EP:723 The Strange Light Phenomena
Will-o’-the-wisp appears in traditional legends of numerous countries and cultures; notable will-o’-the-wisp include St. Louis Light in Saskatchewan, The Spooklight in Southwestern Missouri, Marfa lights of Texas, the Naga fireballs on the Mekong in Thailand, the Paulding Light in Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the Hessdalen light in Norway. Damien Nott will be my guest tonight. Damien Nott (Australian Aerial Phenomena Investigations) began investigating and researching the UFO phenomenon after a sighting he witnessed at the age of 9. He went public in 2012 after multiple sightings and considerable media attention and has become a passionate voice both nationally and internationally for the phenomenon. Damien regularly gives presentations across Australia showing his UFO captures and speaks about his own experiences and research regarding UFO’s. His goal is educate those who are interested in the phenomena, as well as those who may find themselves having had an experience or encounter of their own. Link to Damien's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmkhnKSi5za99OCcf0-dMXA Australien Skies https://www.amazon.com/Australien-Skies-Damien-John-Nott/dp/B0197FOWW0
1/11/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 27 seconds
SC EP:720 What I Saw Is Not Supposed To Exist
Tonight I welcome Leann and John. Leann had an encounter in WY. John had an encounter in Ontario Canada. Leann assumed she saw a naked man crawling across the highway. John witnessed the creature avoiding the spotlight on the property. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/
1/2/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
SC EP:718 The Christmas Show 2020
Merry Christmas everyone! It has been a rough year to say the least. Join me tomorrow night as we look back at some of my favorite guests from 2020. The Christmas show is an extra long show, I hope to see you all there!
12/21/2020 • 2 hours, 40 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:715 These Monsters Chasing Me
A listener writes "Long story short, 10 years ago I went on a 30 mile hike through the Big Cypress National preserve and encountered 7 different bigfoots 3 of which I saw. Beginning this last year I have been going back out into the swamp and have gathered some interesting photos and videos." Spoke to the witness and he describes a long night of several creatures around his camp upon leaving he saw two large creatures watching him, the creatures began to harass and stalk him. The witness said "I was a runner and I could out run anyone back in the day, I have never ran so hard in my life and every time I looked back this creature was right there. I thought I was going to die. As I was leaving I saw a smaller one sitting in a tree watching me. I stopped and looked up at it. I continued to run. I was so exhausted and overheated as I came out of the woods, I was in bad shape. I ended up going to the hospital. I was mumbling monsters to the EMT's and medical staff, this has haunted me for the last ten years, I cannot get it out of my dreams at night."
12/11/2020 • 1 hour, 28 seconds
SC EP:713 Dead Mountain
The Dyatlov Pass incident was an event in which nine Russian hikers died in the northern Ural Mountains between 1 and 2 February 1959, in uncertain circumstances. Tonight I am joined by Kerry Arnold from the Bigfoot Odyssey to discuss the Dyatlov Pass incident. There have been many theories put forth on what happen to these hikers. Tongiht we share our take on what happen and the answer might surprise you. Check out the Bigfoot Odyssey YouTube Channel
12/4/2020 • 50 minutes, 13 seconds
SC EP:712 The Michigan Encounter Reloaded
On Friday night we heard from Rick who had a recent encounter in Michigan. Rick spoke about his fathers encounters. I spoke to Scott who is the father and he shared what happen to him growing up on a farm in a rural area. He saw the creature a few times and many strange things happened on the property.
11/30/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 7 seconds
SC EP:709 The Mogollon Monster
Ron shares an encounter he had on the the Mogollon Rim. The Mogollon Rim is a topographical and geological feature cutting across the northern half of the U.S. state of Arizona. It extends approximately 200 miles (320 km), starting in northern Yavapai County and running eastward, ending near the border with New Mexico. It forms the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau in Arizona. Ron describes being stalked for most of the night around his camp by an unknown creature. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep709-the-mogollon-monster/
11/21/2020 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
SC EP:708 It Looked More Human Like
A listener writes “I was born and raised in Lee County AL. One morning on the way to work in about 2008 I saw a Bigfoot standing in a pine thicket. It was about eight feet tall and looked like a hairy human. Didn’t look animal like to me but more human like.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I grew up in Alabama hunting and fishing and I have never seen anything or heard anything regarding Bigfoot. The state had just clear cut this area where I saw this thing. I have been camping, hunting and fishing in this area. I never believed in Bigfoot and I was in shock looking at this creature. It looked like a huge hairy human, it looked at me and I looked at it. It wasn’t a bear and it wasn’t a human being. I would say it looked more human like.”
11/15/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
SC EP:705 A Country Boy Can Survive
Jake writes "I live in granbury texas, I have had several encounters happen to myself and my family, I took a picture of a foot print I found in the woods when I was a teenager, which has a crazy story to it. I wrecked my truck one night driving home from one of these things running out in the road, I've been chased on foot by one and even had rocks thrown at me, my father chased one through the woods in his truck once."
11/6/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:704 Living Next To Skinwalker Ranch
Roland writes “I live on Northern Ute tribe here in Utah. I have seen a lot of things being an outfitter and guide here for about 20 years I have had run-ins with Bigfoot and we did see one that we almost shot But I didn’t realize what it was until now. I have seen some strange things, I grew up 2 miles from Skin Walker Ranch” Roland returns to the show and shares strange events from his life. I was speaking to Roland last night and he said “As a kid I was playing next to Skinwalker Ranch and I think something followed me home.” The story that he shared next was disturbing. Roland will be sharing some of the more scary accounts living next to the ranch.
11/1/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 42 seconds
SC EP:702 The Unnatural Fear
Tonight I will be speaking to two eyewitnesses. Jacob writes "I'm 32 years old Oregon woodland firefighter. I have hiked around a lot of woods. I am also a skeptic, I'm not sure what exactly it was that I saw or experienced. I will also be speaking to Roland. Roland writes "I live on Northern Ute tribe here in Utah. I have seen a lot of things being an outfitter and guide here for about 20 years I have had run-ins with Bigfoot and we did see one that we almost shot But I didn’t realize what it was until now. I have seen some strange things, I grew up 2 miles from Skin Walker Ranch"
10/26/2020 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 37 seconds
SC EP:699 The Uninvited Visitor
Tonight we will be speaking to two witnesses. Stephen comes to us from AR. He had an encounter while driving with his family and this huge black creature rushed his car. Stephen said " We bought a piece of property in the middle of no where and we have had several strange things happen. We will also be speaking to Mark who had an encounter in 1984 in Canada.
10/16/2020 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 51 seconds
SC EP:697 A Whirlwind Of Weirdness
Cindy writes "Hi Wes, I've thought a lot about sharing what has been happening here and to be honest, when it all started I had no idea what was going on! We have lived in this house for 20 years. It's in a Beautiful area in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. When we bought this house, we were traveling 9-10 months of the year... only coming home occasionally. This pattern continued until 2015 when we started a different path. My husband is a Speaker, Professor and does work for the State Department, so he was still Very busy. At that point, I was home alone 98% of the time. I started to hear noises in the woods At night... and Knocking! The Master Bedroom has a Balcony off of it that faces in to the woods. It's at least 14 ft off the ground." Cindy goes on to share her encounters with these creatures and how the aggressive behavior would ramp up. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep697-a-whirlwind-of-weirdness/
10/9/2020 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 55 seconds
SC EP:696 Fishing Trip From Hell
The witness is a veteran and has agreed to come on the show. Chris writes “Wes, I recently discovered your podcast and have been listening and enjoying it. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in Bigfoot/Sasquatch and believe enough evidence has been found to prove their existence. On to my possible encounter. In June of 2006, my fishing buddy and I were on Lake Ouachita (pronounced wosh-i-taw) in Arkansas. We hit the water around 1900 that evening, launching from the Joplin recreation area boat ramp. The breeze was calm and the moon was bright, a perfect night for fishing. Around 2200, we had been fishing the perimeter on one of the many islands on the lake. This particular island has a nice long inlet on one side that has a finger protruding just off center and we always catch some nice fish there. This evening was no exception. After landing my second bass, there was a loud splash from a decent sized rock being tossed in the water. I looked back to my buddy giving him the WTF look only to notice he was giving me the same look. As we were about to say something to each other, there was another splash in front of the boat. Now we knew that neither one of us had done this as a joke on the other as we were facing each other when the second and third splash occurred. We exchanged a few words while scanning the bank looking for who was throwing these rocks when the fourth splash was made to our left and very close to the boat. I remember my buddy saying “oh shit” and pointing to the crest of the island shortly after that splash. My eyes followed to where he was pointing, and standing next to a large pine tree was a hulking figure. While neither of us could make out any details, we knew it was massive. As stated earlier, the moon was bright and almost full that night, and what we were looking at was standing in the shadows of the tree it was beside. There was low, deep growl unlike anything I have ever heard before. This thing grabbed the branch it was standing behind, tore it from the tree, and began walking to our right, down the ridge towards the front of the boat carrying this limb.
10/4/2020 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 14 seconds
SC EP:694 Sasquatch Evidence Of An Enigma II
Cater will be returning to the show, he has investigated and created many eyewitness reports for the BFRO. This is part two of our conversation. Carter writes “For those that believe, or want to believe, this book should be a good place to start. I cover basics of investigations, mine, and others theories, as to who they are and what they may be capable of behavior wise.” https://www.relichominid.com/
9/27/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 26 seconds
SC EP:692 The Explanation
9/24/2020 • 14 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:691 Sasquatch Evidence Of An Enigma
Cater agreed to come on the show, he has investigated and created many eyewitness reports for the BFRO. Should be a great show! Carter writes “For those that believe, or want to believe, this book should be a good place to start. I cover basics of investigations, mine, and others theories, as to who they are and what they may be capable of behavior wise." https://www.relichominid.com/ We will also be speaking to author and bigfoot enthusiast Greg Walter. Greg Walter is also an entrepreneur, veteran, research historian, U.S Coast Guard and veteran who spends most of his time hiking trails throughout the Pacific Coast. Greg had an encounter with a Sasquatch and spent a lot of time with many different Native American tribes trying to find answers for what he saw. He will be sharing his encounter along with what he learned from Native Americans. Greg wrote a book called The Ridgewalkers. http://www.theridgewalkers.com/
9/20/2020 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:689 Strange Hooded Snowmobilers
Tonight Ethan shares an encounter he had in Minnesota while ice fishing. He describes two creatures staring at him. The creatures were so tall he thought they were standing on their snowmobiles behind the reeds that were six feet tall. https://www.facebook.com/northwindstudio/ We will also be talking to Lenny who is from Washington state and he describes a strange encounter he had being bluff charged by something.
9/13/2020 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 40 seconds
SC EP:686 Municipal Court Judge Encounters Dogman
Shane who is a Municipal Court Judge in Ohio writes “When I was a teenager I was stalked and chased by what I later found out to be a Dog Man. If you are interested in hearing about my encounter, let me know.”
9/4/2020 • 58 minutes, 56 seconds
SC EP:685 Red Eyes At My Window
Tonight Wyatt who is 12 years old and he will be sharing his encounter along with his father Wes. Both have experienced strange things on their property in Oklahoma. Wyatt said "I something large looking in my window and it had red eyes, I was scared". A short time later Wyatt saw something else on the property. We has also experienced strange things while hunting near his property. We will also be speaking to Nathan and father Dan. While on the school bus in a rural area of Utah, Nathan saw a strange creature in a farm field. Dan and Nathan went back to investigate. We will wrap up with Dan who is from Oregon. He was driving on McKenzie Pass and had two separate encounters.
8/30/2020 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:683 Terror At Caddo Lake
Three brothers decided to camp at Caddo Lake in Texas during the off season. The first night they were stalked and harassed by something. The following day they had a run in with a strange creature. It was a camping trip they will never forget.
8/23/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
SC EP:681 The Foo Fighters Reloaded
Tonight we will be speaking to a retired police officer in California who encountered strange balls of light on his property. Jeff discusses seeing these lights on his property and he decided to investigate. Much like the Foo Fighters the lights seem to be intelligently controlled. We will also be speaking to Bo Kennedy from The BUMP Podcast. Bo will be sharing his encounters with us. The BUMP Podcast is a place for Believers of the Unexplained, Monsters, and the Paranormal to share ideas and encounters about all that goes BUMP in the night. https://anchor.fm/thebumppodcast
8/16/2020 • 1 hour, 15 minutes
SC EP:679 The Murderers Creek Incident
Murderer’s Creek, Oregon was named in the 1860s, or so the story goes, after a party of eight prospectors who were exploring its banks were murdered. On tonight's show a group of hunters have a couple of run ins with a creature who has been watching them. Check out Justin's wife's podcast: The February Room The fly tying vise is like a campfire...bust one out, sit back, and listen to the stories unfold. Our vise is located in the "February Room", a Montana basement where the juices flow, and wild and wooly experiences are recounted. Hosted by Lauren Karnopp.
8/9/2020 • 46 minutes, 30 seconds
SC EP:678 The Hunting Lease
Tonight I will be speaking to three guests. My first Cassidy had several strange experiences on a hunting lease in Wisconsin. I will be playing some sounds tonight that resemble what the witness heard. Cassidy talks about something walking up to his trailer on the property and tapping on the windows. I will also be speaking to Travis who had an encounter with several creatures while on a trail in Pennsylvania. We will wrap up with Matt who is a truck driver from Western Pennsylvania and witnessed a creature on the side of the road. Matt said “I wasn’t sure what it was the eyes were red, which confused me. I never looked into Bigfoot before this and did not realize their eyes could be red…it was strange.”
8/8/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
SC EP:677 The Story Of Robert
A listener writes “Hi Wes, I had an encounter in 1979-1980 in Goshen, Virginia. We were at the Boy Scout Camp and got up early to try and see deer. I lived outside of Washington, D.C. so catching sight of a deer would have been a highlight for a young kid. As we walked through the woods near our cabins, there was a thick morning fog. We were being lead by one of the Scout leaders, it was a small group of maybe four or five people. As we walked along for maybe 10 minutes, I felt that there was another person or group with us. It was not the feeling of being watched but more like we were walking along two parallel paths in the woods. I recall hearing the irregular sound of sticks cracking etc. I wasn’t familiar with these particular woods so I wouldn’t know what was normal or unusual. As we stopped to look at some tracks, I recall looking into the woods and seeing something but not seeing it. It was as if something (a man-like creature) was standing flush against the trees..
8/2/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
SC EP:675 It Looked Like A Primitive Man
Tonight I will be speaking to Jack who had an encounter when he was young. Jack says "I lived in a rural area in Pennsylvania. I remember going down this road and I had this bike and the chain would always come off. I looked down at my chain and had a feeling I was being watched I looked up and saw this thing watching me. We will also be speaking to Will who is from Canada and he had a recent encounter. Will says "I thought it was a basketball player with a hoodie on. It had a small tree or branch in its hand and when it dropped what it had in its hand I noticed the deltoid muscle was the size of a basketball. It reminded me of a primitive man."
7/27/2020 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 31 seconds
SC EP:673 The Skunk Ape Lives
I will be having three guests on tonight. Orrin who is from Washington describes seeing this small creature on two legs cross on front of him and his family. We will also be chatting with Gabe who had a strange encounter while camping in Washington back in 2017. We will wrap with with Stacy Brown who will share his encounters and talk about his new documentary called The Skunk Ape Lives which is available on Amazon
7/19/2020 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 53 seconds
SC EP:670 I Thought I Was A Dead Man
A listener writes “I was running my airboat on the upper St. Johns River, Florida doing what I like to do best frog jigging on a Friday night. It wasnt the first time I was out on the river at night,I use to run the north and south parts of the river all the time.I still do but I rarely go at night and if I do it’s with 5 or 6 other boats..Anyway I was coming up on the oak’s.The oaks are located right next to Duda’s property.Just a wee south of Lake Winder. I figured I would pull up into the oakhead and drink a few cups of joe before I started to gig.Out of the corner of my eye I saw something bolt into the cabbage palms.I figured it to be a hog,I really did not know what it was the last thing on my mind was it could of been the big guy.Anyway I ran up on dry ground about 15 yards spun my boat around so it was pointed toward the river and shut it down.I just poured a cup of joe when I heard something about 10 yard behind me. It sounded like it was wrestling with a cabbage palm or maybe rolling around in a bunch of palms.that’s when I heard something hitting the ground and making a God awful noise then out of know where I heard a thump right next to my boat. I looked but did not see anything then again I heard it behind my boat then something hit my rudders I turned on my head lamp and saw mud on my rudders I then saw a bunch of mud fly over me and hit my bow I shined my light in the direction of where it was coming from and I saw his face and a good portion of his body he was pissed all I could think was my holy father please deliver me from evil.I lost all feeling in my body I just about passed out I was lost I didnt know what to do. I was in total shock I figured I was about to be ripped apart by this giant he was huge, I looked at him for 15 to 25 seconds it seemed longer I paired him with the front of my boat and this thing was huge. He definitely was a he, it had Male junk he had brown hair not very long and a leathery face. I just about peed my pants I was so scared. I never in my natural born life moved so fast to crank my boat and got the heck out of there I was amazed my boat cranked as fast as it did I was waiting to get pulled off my seat and got the tar beat out of me I was amazed my boat started, I gunned it I really dont even remember starting it .I almost sank my boat when I hit the river. I just went north knowing I would be in the lake.I was scared to drive home so I parked in the middle of Lake Winder and took a few sips of drink to calm my nerves and try to talk my self out of what I saw, I stayed there until first light. I was afraid to try and head back down the narrow part of the river in fear the big guy could snatch me off the boat and kill me, sitting in my front seat of my boat I sit 9 feet above the ground I was just about eye level with him during my confrontation. I have never been back to that spot again I was asked by a researcher if I could bring them there which I said I would but only during the day and I would be armed. It really ruined my life I use to love going out on the river and loved going camping and couldn’t wait to do it with my sons when they got old enough but you wont catch me out there at night, the sounds it made and the size it was is forever etched in my memory forever just writing this is got me crying from emotion.”
7/10/2020 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
SC EP:668 I Think It Followed Me Home
"I think something followed me home and we have had several other weird things happen, my wife and two small kids seeing things that are alarming.”
7/3/2020 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 1 second
SC EP:667 Exploring the Unexplained
Jeff Belanger is one of the most visible and prolific researchers of folklore and legends today. A natural storyteller, he’s the award-winning, Emmy-nominated host, writer, and producer of the New England Legends series on PBS and Amazon Prime, and is the author of over a dozen books (published in six languages). He also hosts the New England Legends weekly podcast, which has garnered over 2 million downloads since it was launched. Always one for chasing adventures, Jeff has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, he’s explored the ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, he’s searched the catacombs of Paris, France (where he encountered his first ghost), he faced his life-long struggle with basophobia on his birthday by going skydiving, and he’s been ghost hunting all over the world from a former TB asylum in Kentucky, to medieval castles in Europe, to an abandoned prison in Australia. Jeff got his start as a journalist in 1997, where he learned how to connect with people from all walks of life. For his work, he’s interviewed thousands of people about their encounters with the profound. https://jeffbelanger.com/
6/26/2020 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 54 seconds
SC EP:665 Eerie Florida
My guest tonight is Mark Muncy. Mark has written numerous books regarding everything strange in Florida. Most know Florida as the land of endless sunny beaches, but the state is home to numerous eerie legends and mysterious creatures. The Everglades is home to the elusive Skunk Ape, a strange bipedal creature recognized by its odor. An uncanny doll reputed to have a life of its own greets visitors in a Florida Keys museum. An ancient monster is reported to roam the rivers in the northeast corners of the state, and in South Florida, a man built "America's Stonehenge" via mysterious means. http://www.eerieflorida.com/
6/21/2020 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 33 seconds
SC EP:663 I Thought that is NOT a Bear
Bob Strain is a retired firefighter/paramedic with a lifelong interest in the outdoors. When he was 18 years old, he had a daytime visual sighting while hunting in remote Idaho. Many years later, this experience, along with others, led him to pursue this mystery and become involved in investigating to the extent he is today.
6/14/2020 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 39 seconds
SC EP:661 DEVOLUTION With Max Brooks
Max Brooks is an American actor and author. He is the son of comedy legend Mel Brooks and actress Anne Bancroft. Much of Brooks’s writing focuses on zombie stories. He is known as the godfather of the cultural phenomenon of the zombie genre. His first book, The Zombie Survival Guide (2003), published by Three Rivers Press, describes in depth the origin and lives of zombies. The book was followed up by The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks (2009), a graphic novel depicting several of the events detailed in the first book’s latter section. In 2006, Brooks followed with World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, which deals with the war between the human race and zombies. Paramount Pictures acquired the movie rights, and Brad Pitt’s production company, Plan B Entertainment, produced the film. The #1 bestselling author of World War Z returns with a horror tale that blurs the lines between human and beast, and asks, What are we capable of when we’re cut off from society? Max has a new book out called Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre
6/8/2020 • 51 minutes, 52 seconds
SC EP:659 Where the Footprints End
Timothy Renner and Joshua Cutchin will be my guests. They co-authored the book Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volume I: Folklore. It is available on Amazon.
5/31/2020 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 12 seconds
SC EP:658 It Reminded Me Of A Man
Spoke to the witness and had a brief conversation, he said "while driving in York, Pennsylvania I saw this huge creature. It was bent down next to a creek. I stopped to look at it and other drivers pulled over. The creature stood up and had this look like it was upset it had been seen. It had something in its hand. The creature turned and looked at us. It reminded me of a man...a large...hairy man.
5/29/2020 • 1 hour, 29 seconds
SC EP:657 The Bridgewater Triangle
“The Bridgewater Triangle” hosts an unusually high volume of reports involving strange happenings, baffling mysteries and sinister deeds. From ghostly hauntings and cryptid animal sightings, to UFO encounters and evidence of satanic ritual sacrifice, this 200-square mile region in Southeastern Massachusetts serves as one of the world’s most diverse and well-known hotspots for paranormal activity. Chris Balzano who hosts the podcast Tripping On Legends will be my guest. Chris Balzano is a teacher and has been investigating the unknown for many years. He has authored many books that are available on Amazon. He was in the movie The Bridgewater Triangle which is available on Amazon.
5/24/2020 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 19 seconds
SC EP:655 An Anthropologist Encounters Sasquatch
Tonight I will be speaking to two guests. James writes "When I was younger my family would have reunions in the summer at my grand parents house and the kids would camp out in tents in the early morning hours before day light a few of us would wake up to howls in the distance not really loud but like they were far away we heard this almost every night. When we visited our parents just played it off and teased us that it was the boogie man eventually my parents was transferred to Pennsylvania from Virginia we moved to the next county over from the one my grand parents lived we lived in a very rural area. I made a friend that lived about a half a mile from me we met at the mom and pop store it was early summer, school was out he asked if I liked to fish and said yes so we rode our bikes to a dnr service road about a mile up the rode was a train trestle that went over a good size creek. We explored all day, we did this for about two weeks everyday. We decided to do a weekend camping and fishing trip and go deeper into the woods to find a better place to fish. The first day was good we made camp got fire wood then started to fish things got really quiet no birds or squirrels we could here pebbles hitting the water from the ridge above where the gravel road we heard something moving around we thought it was a black bear because we have seen one earlier that week about a mile up the creek. We started to holler go away bear and make noise to let it know we were there so we had a radio and turned it on we built a fire pit and started a fire it was getting dark so we ate about 11 pm we went to sleep we were woke up a few times that night to what we thought was a bear snooping around the camp. What I now know as wood knocks we woke up that morning and our fire pit was wrecked and our fishing poles were scattered around but we just really didn't think about it but later that day was going to change our lives again pebbles started falling from the ridge above the movement now was like something was pacing back in forth above us every now and then we heard a huff and rocks would land behind us in the woods we still had no clue what it was a bout an hour later this thing starts coming down the ridge like a tank through the woods about 20 yards up from us and walked right into the creek. It looked at us growled then 2 strides to the other side and went into the woods on the other side we both was shaking all over and both peed our pants could not move then my friend hollered let's get the the F out of here. We ran and left everything we ran all the way to my house my parents was like what's the matter we were white as ghosts. We told them and they wanted to go there the next day I didn't wanna go so they called the dnr office and they sent a officer to talk to me and my friend. We reluctantly took him there and he found foot prints and cast them but told us it was a bear but I know what I saw and it was no bear I have only to my family about this and got teased alot about it so im so glad for you and your show thank you wes for what you do ." I will also be speaking to Kathy Strain. Kathy Strain is a West Coast investigator who studies the role of bigfoot and Native American cultures. She holds a master’s degree in anthropology from California State University, and is employed as the Forest Heritage Resource and Tribal Relations Programs Manager for the Stanislaus National Forest, located in Sonora, California, where she continues to study sasquatch. She has worked in archeology, and is an author who in 2008, published the book “Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture,” a compilation of stories about the “hairy man” phenomenon in North and South America.
5/17/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 52 seconds
Upcoming Show: Strange Property
A listener writes “I have had one sighting of Bigfoot in the open. And several bizarre encounters around a private piece of land In north Texas and a possible UFO landing spot.”
5/14/2020 • 7 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:653 Collecting A Specimen With Matt Pruitt
Matt Pruitt joins us tonight and discusses collecting a specimen and determining the value of evidence. Matt is apart of The North American Wood Ape Conservancy. The group is trying to actively collect a specimen. For more information check out the North American Wood Ape Conservancy.
5/10/2020 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 54 seconds
SC EP:651 It Chased Our Truck
Jay writes “I grew up on a big cattle ranch in eastern Oregon where I hunted and farmed from a young age. I pride myself in saying that can track a cotton ball in a snow storm and guiding many hunts for people for bear, elk, and deer. I have seen and experienced every predator in the Pacific northwest and know what track they lay, and how old. But one experience changed my life forever and I feel maybe you could bring some insight, and or knowledge. I would like to get into the mountains as much as possible and find new spots or fishing holes. I was traveling east on mountain roads in between cascadia and sisters on a road system on the north side of green peter and foster dam. I would stop occasionally and walk a little bit of the road to ensure it wasn’t overgrown or sunk in. It was around the first of May nobody goes up where I was because it can be a bit dicey. But i would check if there was any spots i could drop off the side and fish or gold pan. I did this until i hit a dead end. I was literally in between sisters and Cascadia when i had to turn around and head back to another road system. On the way back I rounded a corner and saw a pile of rocks on the road. They were stacked in a pyramid.. big from small, top to bottom. They were not there on the way up, but almost in the middle of the road on the way back. So I parked the my jeep, I was about 30 yards from the pile. I exited my jeep and walked to the pile, but was in shock.. this is how the Iraqis would mark IEDS, and almost in shock. There was and embankment going up to my left almost vertical about 30 feet, and tapered off a little bit to the top of the hill, and almost a sheer drop off to my right. As I studied the rock pile for a few seconds something started to charge me from on top of the mountain on my left. I’m always carrying a gun so I drew my pistol and held it where the sound was coming from and as soon as I drew it, it stopped. I was frozen with my pistol held where the sound came from with the mentality I’m about to smoke this bear. I have about 30 feet to move left or right while dumping 230 grains of hollow points in it, but it never showed. It froze when I did.. I held that position for about a minute when I decided to start moving towards my vehicle. As I moved towards my jeep I could hear it parallel me on the ridge above out of sight but I never dropped my weapon. That’s when i knew something else was going on. I have experienced bear, cougar and every predator in our mountains and a bear wouldn’t have known if someone drew a pistol. So I was thinking human possibly? But didnt know, because how would it know to stop when I drew down? As I got to my jeep and held for a bit to make sure I wasn’t imagining things, or hearing things.. I switched to off hand with my pistol while holding up the mountain, started my jeep and drove off. I was so confused when I drove off that I headed straight to my hunting partners house and told him we needed to head up there to see what’s going on. When we got back up there the rock pile was still there.. and we heard nothing but silence for the first few minutes. It was around 10 minutes of studying the rock pile and seeing strange tracks behind us going up the cliff when we heard whoops. They were in sequences of 3 directly to our south. It was just a whoop, whoop, whoop. It happened until towards the Bend of the road to the north started doing a whoop.. this was also in a sequence of 3. We were super confused, then around the Bend of the road on the east side the whoops started there… and both spots in between whoops started, but at this point there was only 1 whoops per area. It sounded like a grouse mixed with Hercules or hulk. Idk… but not right..we decided to get out of there. We went back 2 days later with a fire team and track whatever it was. When we got above the cliff it was like a nuke went off. Tree barks everywhere… loke 8-10 in dug firs pulled from the ground and shoved top first into the ground. Root was and all. Tree breaks on break breaks. I’ve never seen anything like it. The strangest thing was we found 3 separate tracks, human like barefoot tracks different sizes. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever encountered and from this day I will not go into the woods alone. Some of the guys I was with say wiccans and their summer solstice festival, some say bigfoot. I can only say what the tracks tell me, and no human could have came at me that fast down the mountain, and stop when I drew my pistol.” Kelly writes “We was riding dirt bikes in the back country of Central Utah. When we stopped to gauge the trail things were just weird. Dead no birds nothing my little brother pointed out to me. My cousin walk up the trail to see how bad it gets when he call my name to come look. As I stated walking I had a really weird gut feeling. As we’re walking up hes walking down. He catches something out of the corner of his eye to left up the Hill. Screaming as he drops to the ground faster than I’ve ever seen anyone I see a large tree coming horizontally at him breaking smaller trees as it went. I looked to see what was going on and I saw the biggest thing that I ever seen. There is so much more to this encounter id be typing all day I’m not very good with emailing I apologize for the grammar and spelling and punctuation.
5/3/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
SC EP:649 Hunter Encounters Sasquatch
A listener writes “I had 4 encounters on 3 different properties, 2 of which I know was Bigfoot and 2 that couldn’t have been anything else and nothing else makes since. All these encounters took place while deer hunting here in northeast Alabama. I also have a strange story about the balls of lights that my grandma told me about on the property we’re I had 2 of the encounters.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I was hunting and the neighbor had a huge dog.I thought this large dog had its back to me in the treeline and I was mad because he was going to ruin my hunt. I looked away scanning for deer and when I looked back at what I thought was the dog I was shocked. It was now standing on two legs staring at me. I was in shock and could not wrap my head around what I was looking at.” We are also going to speak to David and his son who had an encounter in Utah. David's son ran ahead of him on the trail and saw a creature on the trail. His son screamed and David thought he was hurt as he caught up to his son he heard something very large tearing through the woods.
4/27/2020 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:647 Into The 400
Luke writes “Hey Wes, I am from Connecticut. I wanted to reach out to you specifically because of some odd experiences that keep me wondering what really happened that night. It was about July and I was feeling ambitious so I decided to camp up in Northwestern hills solo in a hammock. The Wyatenoic state forest seemed remote enough. As darkness set in, I was circled in my hammock and heard a grunt just out of sight. I left soon after with the fear of being too deep in the woods without any real protection from cougars, bears.. I want to add the other event that took place in Dudleytown on December 26 2018.. I wanted to check out the place and explore the ruins. We were not too far into the woods when my buddy started to go back towards the car due to increasing paranoia about something in the woods. Ill admit I wasn’t concerned as him, but there was something large that seemed to parallel us. As he walked back I stood in the woods looking around and taking in the beauty. I closed my eyes for maybe 30 seconds just happy to be there.. After that I walked back to my friend who was moving quickly up the trail with stone walls.. I turned around and a small black figure moved from the trail to behind the tree.. It was the same size as my friend who is 6 foot but was much smaller in build than him.. I was perplexed because it seemed rather lanky and kept me guessing if I saw a shadow figure.” We also be talking to the guys from Into the 400. It is available now on Amazon. Check it out here Follow along as four researchers investigate a private property in the Ozarks known as "The 400" where they uncover compelling evidence that a group of Sasquatch may inhabit the area. We will wrap up with Jarrett. Jarrett writes “I was camping at my property, 22 acres in western PA. I go there every once in a blue moon. Since this quarantine, I figure it it’s a great place to isolate on the weekends. Briefly my tent was around 50 ft away from my car. In the middle of the night my car alarm goes off.. I’ve had the car for 2 years through hail and snow storms the car alarm has never gone off. It starts going off in the middle of the night. I had a gun in the tent with me, I run out without knowing what’s going on and shot a round into the air. All I can see is a figure running away from the blinking lights of my car alarm. This is 8ish feet tall at 4am in the middle of nowhere.”
4/19/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
SC EP:644 Cliff Barackman
Cliff was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Throughout his youth, his interests were drawn towards both the physical and biological sciences, as well as to music. These interests later brought him to dabble in a wide variety of sciences in college before later deciding to pursue his degree in Jazz Guitar. Cliff can be heard performing guitar around the Portland area, when he’s not busy in the field. Cliff’s interest in the sciences drove him to a teaching career where he could share his love and appreciation of the natural world with young people, and particpate in the occasional sing along. While Cliff was navigating his life, his growing interest in the bigfoot phenomena drove him to travel to other parts of the country to look into the mystery. By extensively travelling the West Coast, he found himself unsatisfied with living in Southern California and wanting to live closer to bigfoot habitat. After living in various parts of California and Washington State, he eventually settled in Portland, OR where he lives today. https://northamericanbigfootcenter.com/
4/10/2020 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 20 seconds
SC EP:643 Let The Stealer Steal No More
James writes "I had on my uncle small farm in Ozark County, Missouri. This happened during the summer of 2017. My uncle owns and operates a small beef cattle farm where he has cows, chickens, and goats. I was visiting my family that live in the area because I live in Kentucky now. We was talking and he was telling me about how some of his chickens a had been pulled out of there pens and disappeared over the last couple weeks. We both agreed there may be a coyote or two getting into his chicken pin. I like varmint hunting so I agreed to spend a couple nights out there and see if I bag the coyote for him. I had brought my .300 AAC AR build to shoot with some of my family. It was equipped with a day and night sight because I mainly use it for coyote and smaller game hunting. Well one the second night I was posted up in the top of his barn that has a small opening on the second floor that faced the wood line. I was scanning the woodline with the night setting when I noticed something moving some small trees about 150 yards to my left. So i focused on it. As I watched this 7 and half 8 foot tall creature stepped out. It was covered in dark hair. The moon was almost full so I had alot of illumination to help my night sight. At first I seemed like someone in a ghillie suit. But I quickly realized it wasn't as it cover the halfway to the chicken coops in just a few steps. I yelled out stop or I'm going to fire. The thing stops and I can see it stare directly up at me and bare its teeth. It let's out this ungodly roar and barrels toward me. I quickly switched my weapon to fire and open up on it at about 75 ft. I empty my first mag and was reloading my second when it slammed the side of the barn shaking it. It aimed down and emptied another half a mag directly down on it. It looked up at my yelled and again and made a beeline straight back into the woods. My heart was pounding. I have done 2 combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and this rattled me to my bones. I waited till morning to climb down and make my way back to uncle's house. I told him what I saw and what I did. We went back and couldn't find blood but found some partial tracks. We ended up calling our family friend who was a Missouri Conservation Officer and he came out. I told him my story and with a serious face and tone he told me dont tell anyone and hed handle it. Well there's my story." Al in Connecticut writes "Hey Wes, I had a short encounter, I know what I saw and I am a huge skeptic...WAS." Spoke to Al and he owns a farm in Connecticut. He said after weeks of animals coming up missing he saw what was taking his animals. Al said "It was so strange I had doors to the cages and whatever was taking the animals had hands because it had to open the doors. Early one morning I went out to find several doors open and I felt like I was being watched. I was saw what I thought was a tree stump. Something wasn't right, I picked up a stick and threw it at it and this thing stood up and took off running on two legs. It was huge."
4/5/2020 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:640 Quarantine Trivia Game
James “Bobo” Fay from the podcast Bigfoot and Beyond returns to the show along with Tony Merkel from the Confessionals Podcast to play the Quarantine Trivia Game. There will be a surprise guests as well. "Due to extensive community transmission of COVID -19, the CDC urges citizens to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days effective immediately," Quarantine Trivia Game for you guys. I hope you enjoy it.
3/29/2020 • 29 minutes, 26 seconds
SC EP:639 James “Bobo” Fay Part II
James Fay, or Bobo, was born and raised in Manhattan Beach, California, and has been interested in the Bigfoot mystery for as long as he can remember. As a teen, he became an avid surfer, a skill set he would eventually use to investigate reported Bigfoot sightings in remote areas of the country. While in college, Bobo spent his downtime in the woods attempting to locate a Bigfoot. Following college, he took logging jobs on Native American crews to absorb their knowledge of the Sasquatch legend. In addition, he increased his Bigfoot knowledge by taking jobs building roads and commercially fishing in Northern California. Bobo says that he saw his first Sasquatch while on an investigation with veteran Bigfoot researcher John Freitas in 2001. Since his initial sighting, Bobo claims to have glimpsed Bigfoots on a few other occasions, but it was this first visual sighting that moved him the most.
3/27/2020 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 16 seconds
SC EP:638 Caesar From Planet Of The Apes
A listener writes “I am originally from Miami, Florida. I lived with my grandparents in Clewiston, Florida which is right by lake Okeechobee. They lived in an unincorporated community called pioneer which is about 23 miles from Clewiston. And about 80 miles from Big Cypress preserve. A very rural part of the country indeed. I was about 10 at the time the encounter. It occurred during the summer time. So bearing this in mind many of the canals in the area were low of water. My grandparents owned a couple of acres of land, so they were far apart from neighbors. I loved being outside trying to find different animals and trying to catch black racers, rat snakes, and different turtles in the area. The surrounding area around the property were full of palmettos which were towered by evergreen trees. I would like the fence in the back of the property to go catch reptiles. I walked a half a mile deep in the woods and hit a small dry creek bed, which is where I found different animals from time to time. The creek extended to about a mile which fed into a canal. As I was looking for reptiles heard the brush move from across the creek bed. I was used to rustling in the wood, so I didn’t pay attention until I saw something step out from the brush out of the corner of my eye. What I am about to tell you still haunts me to this very day. What stepped out was 7 ft tall ape looking thing. Its fur was a deep reddish brown. It was almost boxy in shape with legs longer than its body. It almost seemed designed to live in the swamp. I just froze. I knew it would not be wise to run through this brush. So I did something that learned from years of watching nature documentaries. I crouched down and pretended I was eating leaves. I remember seeing a documentary about Diane Fosse, and I recalled she would do this as to not provoke the silverback. I was too scared to do anything else, and whatever I was doing was keeping me alive. Every so often I would glance up at it, and it was just standing there tensely examining me. It would also look back and forth almost over me almost to assure I was alone all the while making a huffing sound. The only thing separating us was a dry creek bed. Which may have been 15 ft of space. It was doing this for about 3 minutes, but it felt an eternity. Then that’s when it went down on its haunches and squatted. I felt the courage to raise my head and look at it. We were just examining each other. At this time I noticed it was female due to the breasts. I also noticed at the time that she wasn’t alone. I saw small arm draped over her shoulder. We just kept looking at each other for about another 5 minutes. The whole time my body was telling me to run. Like some primordial instinct saying danger, but my mind remained extremely calm. At the same time I was expecting to smell a stench, but none ever came. I only thought this because I have heard what a skunk ape was and heard the stench they exude, but she wasn’t smelly. After five minutes she reached behind her never taking her eyes off me the whole time and held her baby. It was looking at me with intent. Examining me like its mother. It couldn’t have been more than a month old. It was kind of small but bigger and more advanced than a human infant. She must have given birth to it last month. I felt as if she was teaching her baby what a human was, but at the time I think she may have been confused what I was considering my skin is dark brown like hers and I had long curly black hair. While she was holding her baby, I could notice scars on her face. I figured she was old. Never did she bare her teeth at all during this encounter. About 6 minutes later she stood up and turned her body, slung her baby on her back, and stared down the creek bed when I noticed a bigger one of these things was standing 50 feet away. He was staring directly at me with disgust. This one bared his teeth at me. He looked kind of like Caesar in rise of the planet of the apes only taller and more muscular. He may have been half a foot to a foot taller than her. I noticed the stench and she also began to reek of this smell. I can only describe it as hot garbage, and dead animals mixed into a vat. I later concluded maybe they only smelled when they’re stressed, or angry. They both started to puff up. Meaning that they were trying to make themselves bigger than they were. The female then positioned herself between me and the male. As if to almost protecting me. Maybe it was all those motherly hormones in her that told her this. The standoff lasted for maybe at least two minutes. Then the male walked back in to the brush on the side where the female came out of. She then without looking back at me began to make her way back in the brush as well. I think she was making sure that male didn’t follow me, I have no idea. I turned to leave very quickly and didn’t turn back till I was back inside the house. I never went back in the woods ever again behind my grandparent’s property. I tried telling my mom what happened, but my mom was more of a city woman, so she did not believe me. That really hurt me. I did however tell my grandma what I saw, and she simply said, “I believe you”. I never knew if they had any encounters with them considering none of them ever came on the property.”
3/22/2020 • 46 minutes, 12 seconds
SC EP:635 Stalked In The Woods
James writes "I've seen what could have only been a Sasquatch in Huntsville AL. Back in the 90s and since I've been living here in Washington state I have had three times things happen to me that can only be describe as weird and not normal animal behavior."
3/19/2020 • 1 hour, 20 seconds
SC EP:634 Lakota Tribe Member Part Two
Tom writes “Hey Wes I just listened to episode 628. I have some stories that line right up with what that guy was saying about the little people. I’m happy to share if you’d like to hear them.” Spoke to the witness and he shared with me several stories about the little people, lights and Sasquatch. The Lakota are a Native American tribe. Also known as the Teton Sioux, they are one of the three tribes of the Great Sioux Nation. Their current lands are in North and South Dakota. They speak Lakȟótiyapi—the Lakota language, the westernmost of three closely related languages that belong to the Siouan language family. Tom returns tonight to discuss little people, strange cryptids and giants.
3/16/2020 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 24 seconds
SC EP:632 James "Bobo" Fay
James Fay, or Bobo, was born and raised in Manhattan Beach, California, and has been interested in the Bigfoot mystery for as long as he can remember. As a teen, he became an avid surfer, a skill set he would eventually use to investigate reported Bigfoot sightings in remote areas of the country. While in college, Bobo spent his downtime in the woods attempting to locate a Bigfoot. Following college, he took logging jobs on Native American crews to absorb their knowledge of the sasquatch legend. In addition, he increased his Bigfoot knowledge by taking jobs building roads and commercially fishing in Northern California. Bobo says that he saw his first sasquatch while on an investigation with veteran Bigfoot researcher John Freitas in 2001. Since his initial sighting, Bobo claims to have glimpsed Bigfoots on a few other occasions, but it was this first visual sighting that moved him the most. Today, Bobo makes a living as a commercial fisherman out of Eureka, California. He continues to take odd jobs in unrelated fields, most of which are centered on trying to spot a Bigfoot. His close relationship with the community in which he lives helps him keep his "ear to the ground," and he collects dozens of local Bigfoot sighting reports each year.
3/8/2020 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 48 seconds
SC EP:630 Camping In A Boneyard
Johnathon writes “I would like to tell you my experiences. I grew up in a small town or village (depends on how you define Either or ) Slana, Alaska. Growing up me and my family didn’t have power or running water. My first experience was when I was 7 so to get water for the house we would have to load buckets in to the old station wagon drive down to the river. My job was to sit in the back and hold the jugs so they don’t tip over not like hold them on my lap but just hold them still. I remember pulling out of the pullout at the river and looking out the back window and seeing a (as I put it to my parents) big hairy dude stand up out of the ditch on the other side of the ditch. He had vary thick brown and dirty wight hair on his chest and on what we would consider his beard. Of course my parents didn’t believe me said I was just imagining things. The scary experience is what I’m really hear to tell you about to say nothing ever tried to interact with us would be a misrepresentation of the reality of living out there. From small things like sitting in the outhouse and having acorns thrown at you to coming home to find something has ripped your door off the hinges taken all your food and trashed your cabin (normally blamed on bears) witch is rare but does happen. One day my friend mat came to visit me and my family from the city so me and my sister decided to take him camping up in the mountains. Me and my sister packed up with a shotgun an SKS with her dog Lucius food and couple tents set off. to get to the trail it was a 2 hour drive plus a 3 hour walk to get to where we wanted to camp. When we got to the clearing we noticed moose bones but we thought it was just a hunter’s camp but now looking back Hunter’s wouldn’t have left the antlers. We set up the camp and it was an uneventful day the dog was happy running around it wasn’t tell we all laid down for the night it was me and mat in one tent my sister and her dog in the other tent. It was about midnight when I woke up to branches breaking outside of my tent I called over to my sister did you hear that she called back that I was just hearing things then it sounded like something ripped a tree down. We jumped out of the tent we could hear things circling the clearing we were in running around. We could tell that they were on two lags it’s a varey distinct sound but at the time we were thinking wolves trying to get the dog so we built up the fire and shot off a couple rounds from the SKS cuz we had bear slugs in the shotgun. It dies down for about 15 minutes then it starts up again just running around the camp then we realized that they were not making any noise no barking or growling bears and wolves make lots of noise when they are hunting.so we fired off a bunch more rounds but they didn’t leave this time mat came running over saying something was touching the tent he was in we ran over and we found the dog in the tent he had peed on himself and refused to come out he is a big boy to pit bull American bulldog cross about 90 pounds was still young at the time. He has been around bears wolves and links nothing has scared him but now he won’t move. So we decided it was time to leave we packed up the camp we went to the tree we put are food in then we could see shadows in the fire we never heard them walk up on us it was like the running was just a destruction. I had to carry the dog so my sister had the shotgun mat had the pots and pans and the SKS my sister was up front with the flashlight and mat was in the back with a flashlight so me and the dog were in the middle so nothing could try and grab him.we could hear them following us all the way down the mountain but half way down we had to take a break when mat put the pack down it made a loud clang then we heard something Sprint off it was standing only about three feet away from mat and we had no clue it was there. The dog never stopped crying but they seemed more interested in mat we made it back to the car and drove away very fast. We never got a good look at what they were and we shot at the noise but I don’t think we hit any thing. I think we accidentally walked in to where they were staying for the night. There is more experiences but this email is already long winded so thank you for your time.” Fox is my second guest. He comes to us from Florida and will be sharing an encounter he had camping with friends, and some strange things that happened to him while hunting. Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
3/1/2020 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 2 seconds
SC EP:628 The Little People
Ed from Indiana writes, “Listened to one of your shows tonight. He said he saw a little green man. I had an experience similar to his. I was arrowhead hunting here in Indiana, in the banks of the Ohio River. I had crossed over with a friend’s neighbor to the Indiana side. Just caught a ride over with him, and his wife on their boat. My plan was to walk from West Point Ky, back to New Albany Indiana. Well, I mean I started out across from West Point. This was the summer of 93. It was a great day, and I found lots of points. Some places were overgrown with poison ivy, and sumac. I had anticipated this problem, and had food, and essentials in plastic bags, so I could swim, or wade if I needed to. I stopped for about two hours to rest, and eat. I found a small runoff area, that had cut a channel down from the cornfields, to the river bank. So, I’m sitting there, just resting after I had eaten. I was facing south towards the Ky bank just enjoying the quiet of the river. I heard something off to my left,coming through the small willows that grow in a band, along the middle part of the bank. I’m sitting back up in the runoff so I couldn’t see what it was immediately. I was thinking it was a beaver at first, they love the young willows to eat. Then around the edge of the runoff, two small “men”, for lack of a better word, come walking around the edge of the runoff. It was just like you, and your guest, stated. They weren’t green though, they were more like small Native Americans. Not proportioned like a dwarf, or midget, but like a grown person. Say about the size of a four year old child. The one in front saw me, and he made this buzzing type sound, the other stopped when he did this. I say he, because they appeared to be male. In breechclout, with leggings. It was like looking at woodland era Native Americans. He looked at me, made the sound, the other stopped, and the one in the lead just stood there, staring at me, and me at him. Then they just turned and walked away. Not in a hurry, or alarmed, they just turned and left.” Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
2/29/2020 • 1 hour, 5 seconds
SC EP:627 I Put My Gun Up And Fired
Dustin from Colorado writes, "Two years ago my oldest daughter of 9 at the time keep begging me to take her bear hunting so I did and all we did is drive the side by side around because taking a 9 year old out and blowing on a call hoping to have a bear come at you at a dead run and hope your gun shoots true and the shot is effective and the dam thing don't get pissed and kill you is stupid with a 9 year old girl in tow. Well fast forward to last fall I had a big bear coming into the water hole I had sat at for a few days, but the timing never was right to fill my tag. My kid keep begging to go and being the mean dad I am I said no. so one day my kids where at my fokes house while I was working and my oldest went to my dad and told him she wanted to go out hunting tomorrow with me but I wouldn't let her and why is that papa. Well he told her it's not safe to take your kids at a younger age out predator hunting. Deer and elk hunting is safer but not bear and he told her this story that I had never heard until that evening but the strange thing is I have memories about some of it even before dad relayed it to me that day but we will find out why. When I was 5 years old it was still legal to bait in bear with bait barrels in Colorado so one afternoon dad was babysitting me his only kid at the time and mom was running late from work to relieve him so he could go hunting so he scooped me up and out we went now I can't tell you where he was hunting at the time due to me not asking. so anyways we get there, and he was just going to put the few pig heads in the barrel and head home and hit it first thing in the morning on his own. Well he walks me into the area, and he had a few of the pig heads with him he places them in the barrel, and he placed me down and said stay. so, he turned around to walk the 30 ish yards to the Honda 3-wheeler for the other pig heads. He only went 10 to 15 yards and I started screaming for him and he flipped around to find me hauling ass down to him. He scooped me up and walk back to the bait station to see what he told my daughter at the time was a bear running of in the timber. But later that night when I asked him about that story, he said I'm not going to lie to you son it was a f&%$#$% bigfoot walking off with the pig heads. It came up took the heads out of the barrel with you sitting 5 yards away. All I remember is seeing the pig heads and riding on the gas tank of the 3-wheeler and seeing a barrel not much before are after but he said the barrel was in a tree about 3 feet when we arrived and he had to pull it out of there and reset it. So there's my first experience with them. My dad has a few more very hair raising story's that he had years prier but they are his story's not mine and I will talk with him about sharing them with you over the phone. I have returned to those areas and had my own experiences also. My second one was in around spring of 2007 I was upriver ridding my four-wheeler and I was in this area where I could see down 300 to 400 yards below me into this meadow and there's a tree line and above the tree line is a road. Well I stopped and was sitting, and I looked down to that meadow with my binoculars to see a dark figure walking across the meadow towards the road. My first thought was holy shit moose but after further monitoring it. It was on two legs swinging its arms in a kind of way I've heard a few people on your show say crazy bag lady kind way only this thing looked like it was frolicking through the meadow like something on the little house on the prairie. So I'm not sure what I'm looking at then 2 dirt bikes come screaming down the road above the tree line and this critter turns towards my direction and starts running still on two legs then dropped to all four and it runs right to the timber line then does this barrel roll looking deal into the timber and was gone no smell no noise. I later ran into something else. I'll be honest with you Wes this was no bigfoot, but I don't want to say dog man I'm still on the fence with that critter. So its 2013 and myself and my wife are out shed hunting in one of my favorite places out in mule deer country north of my land in this place that I called slaughter gulch due to the unreal amount of dead deer you would find everywhere back then. Yes, the place is packed full of coyotes and mountain lions but you did find a lot of dead coyotes also at that time so anyways my wife and I where out. It was a beautiful day we had been walking all day with lots of luck well we got back to the four wheeler and she wasn't done so she took off walking up the draw nearby and I stayed at my machine I busted open a cold one and was sitting looking at our trophy's for the day so far and trying to think about where to head to next. Then straight Infront of me to the west I saw movement about 200 yards out in between two huge boulders so I put up my binoculars and could see a dark figure with points on top of its head that well looked like ears on a dog. I could kind of make out eyes and a noise so I pulled the binoculars down and look at it with my naked eye then put the binoculars back up and once I found it again with the binoculars its ear twitched and it turned its head to reveal and canine nose then looked back at me for a second and ran towards me on all fours a few feet then dropped into this huge wash in between it and me and that was the first and last I saw of it but to this day my wife will even tell you my attitude that day change bad for a few hours. I have never been as scared as the day I saw that. I mean one month later I got hurt at work and literally was staring death in the face for a few weeks and I was not as scared as that day not even with the encounters I have wrote so far. Going to continue to wright to you. There was no smell or sound to this one. I'm pretty sure its to blame for most the dead deer and dead coyotes. Because I have noticed a huge drop in the dead deer, I found out there and I continue to shed hunt out there never seen it again but have had other issues after that with my dog out there. But even to this day I avoid that area ill ride two miles out of my way up to the top and glass the bottom but I wont walk in there anymore. So fast forward to 2016 I have heard whoops out in the timber. I have smelt bad smells worse than a 3-week-old dead elk in July, kind of smells while bow hunting and bear hunting for years. So, I made buds with a coworker. I have never really felt like I could talk about the fury one's to anyone that would take me serious besides my dad and uncles and with them it was taboo to talk about the fury ones and there other native monsters. so, my new buddy and I worked the same shift's 7 on 7 off day's and night's and we got to talking one day when he saw one of my bigfoot book's laying on the seat of my company truck. So, he jumps in, He says to me, "dude you believe in bigfoot," and I said ya if you laugh, I'll beat you into the gravel. He said no he believes to. So, after many weeks of talking about bigfoot with him, and him turning me on to your Facebook page. He goes out and buys a side by side and asked me to build it up for him, so I put some light bars on it a lift kit and a few other things. Once I was done with it, I called him to come get it. So, he came out and said lets ride tonight and hang out. So I took my four wheeler and he brought out this so called bad ass military guy who turned out to be fake he never served or even signed up to serve so anyway. We headed out upriver I think we put 25 miles on the machine's and stopped cooked some burgers and just BS for a few hours. Around 10 pm we headed to the pickups. There was a set of pond's that we stopped at on the way up and looked for bear track's earlier that day. when we started to approach the pond heading back I caught eye shine in my light bar then my machine dropped down a water bar in the road and once it came back up the eyes stood up and stayed. So my first thought was it must be a bear drinking then stood up, On his back legs to look at us. then it started running and the eyes stayed at around 6 plus ft high. and Wes bear cant run like that so boom its him!! The fury guy so I flipped around backwards on my four wheeler with it still rolling and started digging into my bag for my big spotlight once I get ahold of it the machine has come to a stop and my buddy rolls up next to me and said what's the deal bud. I look at him and said eye shine he said "so" I looked him dead in the face and said "f#$%^& tall eye shine running". he goes "oh crap" jumps out I have always carried my H&K USP 45 and that guy has way to many gun's to list I think he had a 40 on him that night so any way we go walking across the field and his tag along guy stayed at the side by side per my command. I didn't like nor trust him so me and my buddy keep walking spotlighting the trees and BOOM eyes peaking from behind a tree. You could see the hand's holding the tree, and this thing peaking around the tree. so, we are staring at it and it's staring at us then I hear the rack of a hand gun and I turn back and look at my buddy with his gun loaded and in position for action. I calmly but in a loud sort of way I say put it away and he says "it's for protection," and I said his "name" PUT IT AWAY NOW!! so he does we look back in time to see a tall figure run deeper into the timber. We back up slow and get back onto the machines and head out my buddy claims that once he gets back to his machine his friend said what's the deal? He told him we just saw a bigfoot! and that dude melted down freaking out!! I went back up a few days later in the day light there's cattle tracks everywhere, so ground evidence was gone but I think I found the tree. If it was the right tree it would have had to of stood 8ft tall. I have a picture of a footprint in that location from a few years later. My dad told me that back in the mid 90's there was some small logging in that area and he had heard that there equipment was always getting messed with at night and strange noises could be heard in the later part of the day .There is a huge pile of logs that showed up in the middle of the meadow out of no where one day and some of the logs I cant even get my arms around them. I have pictures of the various log piles. My fifth, Is with my same coworker. We had been out multiple time's ridding with nothing to report so later that fall myself and my wife went camping in a different area up river and my coworker planed to show up later and stay for two nights. So, after 2 days and 2 nights of ridding and fishing and multiple nap's my buddy shows up later in the evening and talk's me and my wife to go for a night ride. So, we go out my wife him and I. I tell you what I about left the guy because every puddle/creek any kind of dirt we came to he had to find a way to avoided it he says he must keep his buggy clean. The only reason I bring it up is because it will be used later in this trip, so after hours of laying my coat in puddles for him to keep his shoes clean we get up to where I had my experience in 2007 my wife is the first to notice! The smell the worst I have ever smelled. So, we stop and sit a while and we hear a few tree knocks and very strange noses that left me very confused. I kind of wonder if it wasn't a hunting party there where grunts and some strange chines jibber talk. We headed back to camp about an hour after that I had a very uneasy felling in my gut that night. The next morning, we load up my four-wheeler and his side by side and head back up just to ride and after avoiding any kind of dirt/mud/bird poop, we get to the same location as the night before. I take them down into where it is. It's really nice country its full of elk and bear there's a huge creek that splits into 2 creek crossing's one after another. We cross that and sit in a spot that I use to camp years ago all the time. We eat lunch have a beer or two and right before we leave my buddy said hay can I shoot my shotgun here? I said do it! So, he kill's a tree reloads kills it again. We head out back to camp. After dinner and its dark. he pipes off and said, "let's go back up and see if we can hear them noises." So, against by better judgment I load up my wife and we head up and as we are leap frogging mud puddles I'm getting this bad feeling just chewing at me and the further we get up there the harder the feeling chews at me. So yes, I want to hear them noises again I want answers but dangit I had my wife in tow, and even native Americans would say you keep girl's away from these big guys. In mid ride I stop my machine get off tell my buddy if we are doing this she goes back first. Something's bad and it has had a mouth full of me this whole ride so far. I'm not doing this, so we turn around and get to camp well he's not giving up so against my better judgment I leave my wife behind at the camper 20 miles away she's safe there. We load up in his side by side and after a hour of a bad feeling chewing on me and the pure boredom of riding with this guy who will not get dirt on his machine we get to the double creek crossing and right before we cross. A owl comes and lands in front of us on a branch across the first creek crossing and if you follow native American folk lore that could be good or bad sign. The one I follow that's a bad sign. We cross making sure we don't get any of that clean water on that machine. Right across the creek is where we stopped that day and he shot his gun, so we pull in turn around and parked on the road shut the buggy off and get out. I put a lantern on the toolbox in the bed of his machine he kind of wanders around for a minute. a few minutes go by and he said we should record just sitting here and I told him he's pissing in the wind. That creek is to loud and that's all it will pick up. so behind us the road come's down towards us at a angle and just to freak him out and get a laugh I told him to look up the road and he did, at the same time I said picture a monster running down that, at you! He responds with a "F you pal." so I go to the front of the machine to relieve myself, he stayed at the opposite side of the machine at the back, talking to me so for the shits of it. I let out the best whoop I have ever done! and he cheered me on for it. So, all done I come back to my side of the rear of the machine to continue talking with him. A few minutes later in the conversation he lights up a cigarette and with that pause in the conversation comes this huge crack of a limb getting busted right behind us, about 30 yards both of our eyes get big. We sit for a bit and once we start talking again there is this huge thud right behind my buddy and he starts yelling, "f this lets go." so we both jump into his machine and right before he takes off I shine my spotlight through the back of his buggy to see this huge dark figure with its arm's down. He punched the gas as we came to the creek crossing he never slowed down it was a wall of water on the buggy with both crossings and as we flew up the switch backs I had to tell him to calm down before he wrecks and send us back down the mountain to that things feet. The whole time out of there that goofy basterd was screaming there not supposed to be real and if they are real, they don't live here in Colorado. So, after that wild hairy ride hitting every puddle and lighting him 3 smokes he asked for another. I told him to stop and light one himself we are in the clear now! So, he stops and we are both really shook up. He lights a smoke and we head back to camp. The next day after he leaves I leave my wife back at camp so she can sun bathe and I fly up to that location for answers what I find is a big limb that both my hands couldn't reach around that was broke off at least 12ft up on the tree and a rock right next to the peal out marks of his buggy that I could barely roll let alone pick up there was no smell with this big guy. I'm willing to bet he was in there earlier that day when he was shooting and realized it was the same dumb rednecks that came back and that was his polite way of saying get the heck out. In the fall of 2018 I was with my same buddy and my youngest brother in-law and we headed up to where me and my buddy had are first experience together. well the forest service had done a lot of work up there on the ponds and one pond in particular had a lot going on there. Their was tracks witch I have pictures, there was a log thrown in the middle of the pond right after they finished digging it and my buddy is a big guy and him and my brother in-law couldn't pick it up we found the other end of the log and there was no drag marks just foot prints. so we get to a good look out and for a few hours its silent then around 8 pm the coyotes start going off all around then out of nowhere there's tree knocks and the worst deepest howling that completely shut the coyotes up. All I could say is it sounded like a wolf imitation but to me it sounded like a damn hell hound and the whole place goes silent and the same change happens to my brother in law he was almost brain washed quiet and he stayed that way even a few days later when he arrived home he just wouldn't talk but he's fine now. Last spring of 2019, Wes I'm not sure what this is but I will tell the Division Of Wildlife was even looking for this thing. There were dogs killed, goats and chickens this thing was seen in daylight just moseying around by multiple people even a D.O.W agent saw it so I was told. So I have a very nice flock of chickens and ducks well when one of my mallard hens took to hatching her second batch of chicks the first batch a weasel got to them days before they where to hatch well I think it was a weasel anyway she made a nest up in the oak brush in my back yard and she hid herself good so after a few weeks her and the eggs just up and disappeared no egg shells like before on the first attempt her and the eggs gone. A month after that my daughter, my same brother in law from the prev encounter and myself where heading out to shed horn hunt. My wife calls me to say there is a huge bobcat in our yard, so I told her to shoot it. So she runs out in the front of my house 22 mag in hand and my mom behind her on the phone talking to me. So when my mom and wife get to the front of the yard after locking up the livestock they see this thing disappear behind the rimrock wall that borders my land and my mom still on the phone says "Dustin this isn't a bobcat or mountain lion ".My father is a taxidermist so mom knows what them critters look like. Once myself and my kid and brother in-law get home my wife tells me what she saw it was a tan cat thing with very long legs, no tail, very tall pointy ears but the strangest of them all it had a canine muzzle. I have security cameras around the house but of course it didn't catch that critter. So I set up a trail camera right at the horse water trough that my wife seen it at. So after three days of it being set up we took it down and the images where very hard to explain. It took video of me setting it up of course and my brother in-law testing it out and one of the ducks in the water trough but after that the only thing it videoed was me anytime I walked by it, it had me but not the ducks that swim in there all day long, I saw my kids dancing in front of it and the many deer and elk that we know drink from there hell we got them on my security camera drinking there but not on the game camera. Two days later myself and my brother in law where on my back wraparound porch talking about the next days shed hunting plans when just over his head on top of the rimrock wall under a cedar tree I could see this thing looking at us. So told him I would be right back and went inside grabbed my 223 rifle and stepped out to find it still in the same spot I put the gun up found it in the scope and oh god the face on it ugh I touched my gun off and we heard it hit and it jumped back but once we got up there to where I saw it all I found was blood I never found a body and there has not been anymore animal killings after that."
2/21/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
SC EP:625 Dragged Off By A Monkey
Happy Valentines Day! Tyler from Indiana writes “I have a few encounters myself with something I can’t explain but my ex-girlfriend had a monkey thing try and drag her to the woods when she was about two years old. Her uncle came outside when she started screaming and it let go of her then it grabbed their dog and drug it up a tree her uncle grabbed her ran inside got a gun and shot it and killed it. They called the sheriff’s department and they came out and told them to dig a hole and burn it then cover it up and as far as to my knowledge its still there in the ground because they said nothing came and took it out.. They said there was more then one of them but they only shot one little one. I thought she was pulling my leg but when I went to her grandmother’s house she pulled out the newspaper clipping of the event happening its a small town in Indiana..” Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
2/14/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 4 seconds
SC EP:624 The Abomination
I will be welcoming Cliff to the show. Cliff is from Louisiana and has hunted his whole life. Cliff had an encounter with a wolf like creature he stumbled on while hunting. He said “I don’t know…I just don’t know but this thing terrified me, when it stood up it was 13-15 feet away from me and it was big. It turned and looked at me and it felt evil, I raised my gun and it took off. I have never seen anything like it before and I have never seen anything run as fast as this thing did. FABRIK, who you'll recognize from their song "Black Lake" played on our outro, is working on their second album. Let's show them some support! Dave (bassist for FABRIK) writes, "Our second album, Impermanence, is ready for release. We’re so proud of it that we think it deserves to be on vinyl. So, we’ve set up a Kickstarter campaign for you to pledge and pre-order your copy on vinyl or CD, along with a few other goodies." Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fabriktheband/impermanence-by-fabrik International Bigfoot Conference 2020 Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 West Grandridge Blvd, Kennewick, WA 99336 Admission tickets are good for all three days of fun and films with access to all speakers and vendor tables. Come on out and get in on the weekend of friends, filmmakers and serious researchers from all over. For those who will only be popping in for one day, a $25 ‘One Day Pass’ will be available at the door. For tickets and more information visit: https://www.internationalbigfootconference.com/ Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
2/9/2020 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 9 seconds
SC EP:622 What Was That?
Tonight I will be speaking to three eyewitnesses. My first guest Carl comes to us from Ohio, and he shares with us an encounter he had as a child outside their rural Ohio home. Our second guest Scott (also from Ohio) writes, ""My encounter took place in the fall of 1983 or 1984. Me and a friend were coming back from getting Pizza around 6:30 at night as you know in the fall the sun goes down early so it was quite dark along this stretch of road. This road was 2 lanes with a 3-foot berm that was 2 or 3 feet lower than the fields beside the road. we were coming around a corner and we saw a dark mass standing on the side of the road. When we got closer we could see it was brown and very tall, my friend had a Subaru that had a sunroof in it and when we drove by it looked down at us it's head was over the road and I look through the sunroof and its head was right there. I couldn't make out any facial features but the eye shine was red. We just looked at each other and said did you just see that we both agreed we did and agreed not to say anything about it. Because people would think we were crazy. I did go back to the location the next morning and looked around but I didn't see any tracks just some mashed down grass. Judging from the distance from the road it had to be a least 9 and a half to 10 feet tall" We'll wrap up tonight with Jason from Upstate New York who shares a few encounters, including a strange object in the sky. Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
2/2/2020 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 32 seconds
SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind
Winston writes "I had an encounter in 2010 from central Texas. I saw this thing from head to toe....within 30 to 40 yards from me. No obstructions between us. I seen it all....muscles moving under the fur, the mid tarsal break halfway up the foot, it’s face....everything." Spoke to the eyewitness and he said "I was heading towards my deer blind and I smelled what smelled like a dead animal. This thing was looking in my deer blind....I was shocked... I drew what I seen and put a quick me side beside it for comparison" Check out the episode page on our website to see Winston's drawing here: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep620-this-thing-was-looking-in-my-deer-blind/ I will also be welcoming Pat to the show who is a military veteran from Canada. He will be sharing his Sasquatch encounters with us. When I spoke to the witness he said "I wanted to tell you about this strange black dog I had a run in with in Afghanistan. It was jet black and seem to show up out of no where. I think it was more of an entity than a dog." I have heard about two dozen accounts of veterans describing these large jet black dogs in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have searched the web but it is hard to find any information on it. Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
1/26/2020 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds
SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man
I will be welcoming two guests to the show: Cathy had an encounter in Washington State, and Chris had an encounter in Canada. Both witnesses thought they were looking at a bear until the creature got up on two legs and walked off. Cathy said “I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, I thought it was a strange bear until it popped up on two legs and walked off like a man.” Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
1/19/2020 • 59 minutes, 34 seconds
SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard
Tonight we speak with Norm who is a retired California Highway Patrolman. Norm goes into great detail about what he saw back in 1958 on his father's property. He said “We were doing work for my father on the property when this thing showed up. Keep in mind this is the late 50’s and no one talked about Bigfoot or Sasquatch like they do today. I got a great look at it, we tried to keep up with it in this 1941 pickup. I would be happy to come on and share what I saw many years ago. I eventually became a police officer and never spoke about what I saw. There was other strange things going on that property but it was always blamed on something else." Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
1/12/2020 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 29 seconds
SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt
We speak to Devin, Todd and Mason from New York. Devin writes, “I was using my hen call and I was getting no response from anything it was pin drop quiet with a slight fall breeze every now and again would pick up. I came to the edge and I could see the shelf and it was empty no turkey’s so I went down to see if I could find a track. Once I popped over the edge it hit me the feeling of like I am being watched looking for tracks. I ignored it thinking it was just a squirrel or something so I ignored it continuing my investigation for the disappearing Turkey. I looked for about 10 minutes duck walking around looking for tracks when I stood up next to this tree looking down into the ravine with my gun propped on my boot like Daniel Boone would with his Kentucky long rifle. This overwhelming feeling like I was being watched was still in the back of my head when my brain said “TURN AROUND NOW!” so I did and as I turned from the corner of my eye I saw a massive red, brown auburn blur retreat from the edge which I just dropped down from. My first though was oh it was a deer but then it occurred to me why didn’t I hear leaves crunching or it running through branches? So I said maybe it was my eyes playing with me so I tried to recreate the “blur” and I couldn’t. I will not lie when I say at 17 in the woods with the cannon I was carrying at this moment I was scared shi#less. My heart was racing and the adrenaline kicked in. I raised that shotgun to my shoulder and I started walking back along this shelf heading south back to the camper because it came right out to the driveway within eye site of our camper.” He went on to say “A lot has happened, we returned to the area and this thing or things are still in the area. I have found a lot of strange structures what appear to be hunting blinds. My friend was roared at.” Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
1/5/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 39 seconds
SC EP:612 The Last Show
The last show of 2019! Doug from Utah tells about a strange encounter he had while working as a hunting guide. We'll also be talking to Matt from Arkansas who writes, “When I was a child at my grandparents farm. I was playing outside when I saw a little animal as I approached the little one a big one came from behind a tree. He motion for me to come to him I backed away then he pointed at the baby then pointed at me and wave for me to come. I started towards him and he stepped towards me then my grandma yelled for me to come to the house he heard her and blended behind the tree that when I noticed there were more and they all disappeared. The baby crawled like a cat. Both my brothers had encounters so has my dad. I was also hit in the head with a rock once. I lived in southern Arkansas when this all happened. Sorry for the messiness of the email doing it on my phone. If you would like to hear the story I would like to tell you about it I’ve never told anyone because I felt crazy.” Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
12/28/2019 • 58 minutes, 37 seconds
SC EP:610 Encounters With The Strange
Patrick from Ohio writes “I’ve debated sending this email. I honestly wrote off this particular experience as an over active imagination as a youngster but after listening to your podcast for about a month now I am wondering. When I was about 10 I saw a “predator”-esque large human shape in a tree in my backyard. I had not seen the predator movie until 2 years later or so but when I did I immediately went back to what I witnessed. I have also experienced ghosts, angels and demons. And when I saw some glowing red eyes out of a back window at a small church I was a pastor at I initially thought it (again) my imagination. However, I gotta say I think it may have been something different. Not sure if this is any interest to you but having heard several other folks offer similar stories has suggested a different potential answer to these experiences. Just thought I would briefly share it with you.” Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
12/20/2019 • 1 hour, 10 seconds
SC EP:609 I Do Not Hunt Anymore
Kevin from Texas shares a terrifying encounter he had while out hunting, which caused him to give up hunting all together. Here is an excerpt from his original email, "...I stood up, turned and took step back around the island of brush in the little clearing/secondary cover heading towards the truck, which was still running by the way, that is when I heard, then felt and then briefly and vaguely saw the scariest thing I have ever encountered, anywhere. It was the longest 1 1/2 to 2 minutes of my life. It felt like I was moving in slow motion I heard the raspy, gruff high pitched scream almost simultaneous during my standing and about face to move in it’s direction, and looked up at an angle in the place where I thought it originated. I did not see anything, but I definitely heard it. I could feel the steps it took as it started to run away. Looking back, I think it was startled in my sudden change of position or was having issues locating me. Anyway, I looked up, what would be up, what the hell would be up? What the….hell…was that? I stepped forward once and I drew my gun and pointed in the direction almost immediately. Then started to back up and point my gun in the direction of the running sound and the outline of the figure I could see running on the other side of the brush island..." Russell Acord returns to discuss Travel Channel's "Expedition Bigfoot" first episode. Episode Two: “With one team member down, Russell and Mireya must forge ahead and return to the forest to hunt down their leads. Their intensive investigations uncover the group’s first pieces of potential Bigfoot evidence.” Check out "Expedition Bigfoot" HERE. Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
12/15/2019 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 31 seconds
SC EP:607 Expedition Bigfoot
Tonight "Expedition Bigfoot" debuts on the Travel Channel. Russell Acord will be stopping by to discuss the new show and what we can expect. Here is a description of the show “An elite team of Sasquatch specialists journey into the unforgiving Oregon wilderness in search of Bigfoot. The three-week expedition, based on science and expertise, may finally pull the elusive beast out of the pages of legend and lore and into reality.” For more information on "Expedition Bigfoot," check out their page HERE. Bill will also be joining the show and sharing encounters he has had on his property in NY. Bill said "We always had strange sounds and odd things go on that property. It has been in my family for years. My son saw what was causing all of the strange occurrences." See the drawing Bill's son did of the creature he saw on our website HERE.
12/8/2019 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 2 seconds
SC EP:604 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles III
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying some time off and spending time with loved ones. As is now tradition for this time of year, tonight we’ll be looking back at some of my favorite episodes from this past year for the “Best of Sasquatch Chronicles Volume III.” Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
11/27/2019 • 2 hours, 5 seconds
SC EP:603 Strange Encounters
Blake, who has lived in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia has had several encounters. He writes, "My first encounter was in 2011 in Highlands, NC, the Nantahala, in what was basically my back yard. I didn't know what it was until later. I sort of let it go. My next encounter was with a friend outside of Fletcher, Nc. We were charged by a (roughly) 7 foot individual in the dark... then lights appeared and my paradigm started to change after that. I had to figure out what this was. So, in 2013 I started my investigations almost daily."
11/25/2019 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 17 seconds
SC EP:601 This thing was WHITE yes WHITE!!
Tonight we will speaking to three eyewitnesses. Mike from Virginia writes “Summer of 1989 a few friends and I “6 to be exact” decided to go to a very rural gravel backroad to party, drink etc. In my home state of Virginia. We all piled in my buddies Toyota 4wd pickup and headed out, it was a terribly hot and humid night, but very clear with a full moon. One of my friends was a female, who would sneak out to be with her boyfriend “One of my other friends with me”. We arrived somewhere close to 11PM and began to drink, laugh, and kid around. We had the radio going, but not very loud at all. Out of nowhere we heard a HUGE CRASH, sounded just like something fell out of a tree “Looking back I’m convinced that’s what it was” immediately after that we could hear VERY heavy footsteps. I’ve been in the woods all my life, and have heard about everything walking. This thing was different, it was MOST DEFINITELY walking on 2 legs. It circled us for what seemed like FOREVER roughly 50 to 75 yards deep in the treeline. The area is so thick I had a 1 million candlelight spotlight and it wouldn’t penetrate the cover. It was making VERY unusual deep grunting/growling sounds. One thing I noticed looking back was there were NO usual forest sounds. No cicadas “Which flood Virginia” in the Summer. No frogs, no crickets, no whiperwills NOTHING. We tracked the sounds to about 150 to 200 yards behind us, all of a sudden this thing let loose a ROAR that I could NEVER even attempt to explain. We FELT IT from that distance, it scared us to DEATH. Immediately after the roar it stepped out of the treeline to give us our first glimpse. This thing was MASSIVE at least 8ft tall and 4ft wide. This thing was WHITE yes WHITE!! It climbed what looked to be a 30ft bank up to the road in about 3 steps. Immediately we scrambled to get in the truck, I was driving and floored the gas spinning gravel. It was on top of us in a matter of seconds, one of my buddies hit it with a 30 ton bottle Jack that was in the back of the truck and it just bounced off. It scared us so bad that 3 of us lost control of our bladders. The girl I mentioned earlier that snuck out, she had a nervous breakdown she was FRANTIC!! We had to take her home to her parents “Who had no idea she’d even left the house” and try to explain to them what had happened.” We'll also be speaking to Dustin who had a strange encounter with his brother in Michigan. We'll close the show with Delbert from Colorado who had an encounter while fishing with friends. Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.
11/17/2019 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 21 seconds
SC EP:599 I Was Looking At This Creature
Shiloh writes So I'm writing this because my uncle has urged me to do it. I had a big foot encounter when I was 17-18 driving home late one night. It was literally right in front of our farm. I've also had three other incidences where I've heard monkey sounds in our words and have been screamed out on two occasions When taking care of my uncles dogs. It always happens the same time of year. And I'm getting ready to take care of my uncle's dogs again and I figured I would say something at this point because it's pretty much like clockwork that the same things happen. My uncle also had an encounter while burning Grass along his Fence line." Melissa writes “In December of 2017 I saw a being from my back porch. I have told no one but my husband and I only told him because I wanted to protect him, make him aware to be on guard.And then I didn’t even tell him exactly what I saw, just to be careful because I saw a shadow of a huge animal about 150 feet from our house. My mind was overwhelmed and for a long time I called it a shadow but, in reality it was the creature I was looking at. It doesn’t feel right to call it a Sasquatch or a bigfoot, It looked and felt way to ominous to be just an undiscovered hairy hominid. It was early December, possibly late November, around 7:30 pm, dark outside except for an exceptionally bright moon, they mentioned the bright moon on the news earlier and that was the only way I would have seen it. My husband was going somewhere and I walked out talking to him as he was leaving, I glanced to the right and saw it and to this day I have no idea what I was saying at the time, I stopped talking and just stared. The next thing I remember is looking up at my husband and he was looking down at me like, well, go on, what is the matter with you? We talk about everything but, all I could do was say, be careful, I love you, have a good time. He looked at me funny and said ok. I watched him get in his truck and leave, to make sure he wasn’t out there and I couldn’t see it anymore, so I went inside and locked the door. I could only see it from the bottom of his bicep up, a huge bicep, I kept focusing on that. Because the moon was shining on the white siding of a building next door. Here’s the thing that shuts me up, the siding was only on the second story of that building, above a garage door opening where, now abandoned, big trucks were stored. I am trembling now. Dear God, how tall does that make it? The shadow was the darkest black I have ever seen and the whole silhouette was that same color. The only movement was from side to side, like it was gliding on a skateboard. It had a protruding brow ridge and mouth and the nose was completely flat in between, it was a side view.
11/10/2019 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 21 seconds
SC EP:597 Bigfoot Odyssey
Kerry Arnold of “Bigfoot Odyssey” returns to the show and it has been so long since I have had him on he recounts his encounter again. Kerry shares what he has learned since his encounter and also an upcoming expedition he has in Florida. its going to be a great follow up show! Check out Kerry’s YouTube channel “Bigfoot Odyssey” here.
11/3/2019 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 51 seconds
Bonus Show: Randy White “The Manster”
i am traveling this week. I met hall of fame legend Randy White while I am down here in Dallas. I could not pass up the opportunity to interview him. This will be a bonus show, it has nothing to do with Sasquatch but if you enjoy football you will love this interview.Randy White is a former American football defensive tackle. He attended the University of Maryland from 1971 to 1974, and played professionally for the Dallas Cowboys from 1975 to 1988. He is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame (1994), the Pro Football Hall of Fame (1994) and the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame.
10/25/2019 • 43 minutes, 5 seconds
SC EP:593 Terror On The Job Site
Spoke to Doug and he had a scary encounter on a job site in the California mountains. Several creatures showed up and were very aggressive. Doug was bluff charged trying to leave the area. There was damage to his car from the rocks being thrown. I was trying to figure out why there was so much aggression towards a guy working. The answer might surprise you.
10/25/2019 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
SC EP:592 Confessions Of A Retired Police Officer
Kurt writes “I had an incident in 1995 in Northern Michigan that I would like to run by you. I was jogging and this thing got up and took off running. It looked like shaquille o neal in a ghillie suit. I have never disclosed this to anyone but my wife…… but now that I am retired (training units only), I’m not so nervous about speaking about it.” Spoke to Kurt in depth about his encounter including other strange calls he has been on. One account Kurt relates was a call where the home owner said there was a prowler on the property. When the officer’s arrived they said there was large canine tracks around these peoples home. These tracks were larger than normal and there was scratch marks on the side of the house about 8-9 feet up. Kurt relates “I got a call one time about a lady who said someone was walking on her roof. When we arrived we walked around her property and could not find anything. There was a lot of snow but as I shined my light up on the roof I saw what appeared to be footprints on this ladies roof. It was odd….I remember getting in my patrol car not sure what to make of this.” Kurt will be sharing this and many more incidents that he encounter as a police officer. Join me as we pull the curtain back and take a look at law enforcement from behind the scenes.
10/20/2019 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
SC EP:590 Big Game Hunter Shoots Sasquatch
Spoke to the witness and he said “I am a seasoned hunter, I have been a hunting guide in several states. I want to discuss with you about a time I shot one of these creatures in Idaho. Myself and several other hunters saw this thing including a deputy sheriff. I ended up shooting it as it came towards our camp. I know some people say it looks human….this did not look human. This wasn’t the first time I have seen the creature. Several years back my father and I had a run in with one in Colorado. We will also be speaking to Amanda who is from Texas and will be sharing a strange encounter she had while doing trail maintenance.
10/13/2019 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 59 seconds
SC EP:588 Vietnam Veteran Encounters Sasquatch
Eli said “I had two encounters the first one was when I was on leave for my 2nd tour in Vietnam. I was deer hunting and had a deer run up to my deer blind and lay down. I could not figure what it was doing. Shortly afterwards I saw what it was running from. I could not understand what kind of creature I was looking at and there was more than one. My second encounter happen about 16 years later and it became violent. We were camping to going grouse hunting in northern Minnesota. Something picked up our tent with all of us in it and threw it a couple of feet to the side. I ended up shooting what I am sure was a bigfoot, three times with #7 bird shot from 20 to 30 ft away from me and my three companions” *Truck Diver Interrupts The Creatures Hunt Armando is a long haul truck driver and he stopped on the side of the road in Texas to use the bathroom. The driver’s little dog ran off into the woods. The witness said “I kept calling my dog to come back but he wasn’t coming back. I heard wild hogs and it sounded like they were running. I heard one of the hogs make a sound and I thought oh my god they are killing my little dog. I went into the wood line and saw my dog and he was whining. He would not look at me, he was looking up in the tree. I looked back and up to see what he was looking at and I saw this monkey in a tree. It was huge! This thing vocalized and another one came running. This one was much larger and it was carrying something. I realized he was carrying a 200lbs hog in his arm. The one in the tree screamed at me and then the larger one screamed/roared at me. I thought I was dead. I just held my dog and was shaking…..”
10/6/2019 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 44 seconds
SC EP:586 The Creature Never Took His Eyes Off Me
A listener writes “Thought I’d share an experience that I had back in the mid 80’s. Probably not as exciting as many of those encounters that I’ve heard on your podcast, but non-the-less interesting. The entire experience was at least a 10 minute observation which I shall never forget