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Refusing to Settle

English, Fitness / Keep-fit, 1 season, 483 episodes, 5 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes
From buried in debt and living in his mom’s basement, to running a highly successful six-figure business, Clark is the epitome of an entrepreneurial underdog. Clark founded Refusing to Settle to help inspire others to stop settling and start living. Refusing to Settle is for those looking to disrupt the status quo and reach their highest potential. Who is Clark? He literally started from the bottom and now he’s here. Formerly a lost and confused soul, He’s now a professional drummer, high-performance coach, life-hack ninja and internet marketer. He is the creator of popular online courses including “Backstage Studio,” “Video Breakthrough Academy,” and “My Best Journal 2.0,”. To date, Refusing to Settle has published over 400 videos, receiving over 9 million views and 153,000 subscribers worldwide. You can drop Clark a line on his never-updated blog:
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12 Minutes will FOREVER Change HOW YOU THINK

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...    MY FAVORITE TOOLS 🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow - 🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos - 🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier - 🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries - ⚫️ Notion - my digital "second brain" -  SOCIAL   / clarkkegley      / clarkkegley      / theclarkkegley    WE'RE HIRING Apply to join the team: WHO AM I Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a former pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version. P.S. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you purchase through them. It's a great way to support the channel at no extra cost to you 👊 Refusing to settle, Clark
7/25/202412 minutes, 5 seconds
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Identity Shifting: How to OUTGROW your problems (4 Life Paths)

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...   MY FAVORITE TOOLS 🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow -  🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos -  🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier -  🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries -  ⚫️ Notion - my digital "second brain" -  SOCIAL  / clarkkegley    / clarkkegley    / theclarkkegley   WE'RE HIRING Apply to join the team:  WHO AM IHey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a former pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version. P.S. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you purchase through them. It's a great way to support the channel at no extra cost to you 👊 Refusing to settle, Clark
7/20/202426 minutes, 19 seconds
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Core Stories: The Most Underrated Way to Change Your Life (Identity Shifting)

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...    There's a saying, 'It's not the thing; it's the thing behind the thing.' Have you ever noticed that in your life, it's not that you procrastinate, but rather the fear of it going wrong causes you to put things off? It's not that you're scared of relationships, but you're scared to get your heart ripped out. We call that 'the thing behind the thing,' and in this video, we're diving deep into the stories you tell yourself. MY FAVORITE TOOLS 🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow -  🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos -  🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier -  🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries -  ⚫️ Notion - my digital "second brain" - SOCIAL   / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley   WE'RE HIRING Apply to join the team:  WHO AM I Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a former pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version. P.S. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you purchase through them. It's a great way to support the channel at no extra cost to you 👊 Video of Neurons Connecting courtesy of Dr Lila Landowski: © Lila Maree Landowski [originally published online 14/11/2019; video generated in 2010] VIDEO PREVIEW I can't emphasize enough how important this subject is. Once you see how it's affecting you, we'll discuss a 'film strip' of your life. We're also going to explore core stories and where they come from. Most people are running on three or four core stories, and that's it. These stories are literally controlling your entire life. I'll even pose a question or two on how you can address these issues. We often hear about the need to fix your limiting beliefs. It's all a mindset game, right? Here's why that perspective is flawed: you work in three layers—your thoughts, emotions, and core stories. Thoughts are on the outside, what we'll call beliefs. If you believe in yourself enough, you might take actions to build your business. If you have better thoughts, then you might feel successful or content. But it's not the thing; it's the thing behind the thing. What's behind thoughts? Emotions. Take driving, for example. When you're in a bad emotional state, your thoughts and actions change based on that emotion. Your thoughts are like files on a computer, and your emotions are the folders they're stored in. Change your emotion, and you'll notice your thinking changes as well. But there's one more layer, and that's what this whole video is about. What do you think this first layer is? It's your core story, also known as your identity or self-image. This is the most crucial element. Why does rewiring limiting beliefs often feel ineffective? Why does positive thinking feel so hard when we're in a low vibe? It's because most people try to change from the outside in, from layers three to one. But the fastest way you can change your entire identity and your life is to go from the inside out, from level one to three. When you change your story, your emotions and thoughts change too. Before we dive deeper into these concepts, let's briefly touch on what I mean by 'stories.' Since the dawn of humanity, information has been passed down through stories. This is literally how our brains evolved to store information—not with just ones and zeros like a computer, not with just linear thinking or absolute fact and logic. These are all tools, but we developed through passing down stories orally before written language. It was passed down around a campfire. Think of the last movie you watched. You probably can't recount every factual event that happened, but you can summarize the plot because that's what genuinely happens. In your life, have you ever questioned the story you're telling yourself about you? Let's continue exploring how your brain works because this is very important. Are you getting this? I hope this is making sense. You're essentially right here. Refusing to settle, Clark
7/11/202421 minutes, 2 seconds
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How I remember everything I read

You can check out shortform (the book summary app I love) here: Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs): The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: MY FAVORITE TOOLS 🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow - 🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos - 🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier - 🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries - ⚫️ Notion - my digital "second brain" - SOCIAL Refusing to settle, Clark
7/4/202415 minutes, 15 seconds
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NEVER PROCRASTINATE AGAIN (and become productive AF)

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...    What is the most prized skill of the 21st century? It's not intelligence, not social skills, not even confidence; it's focus. And does that feel like it's getting easier or harder for you? You're not alone. We're in an age of distractions. In 2007, it was estimated that you saw around 4 to 5,000 ads a day. You know what that number is estimated today? Over 10,000. 10,000 pieces of information trying to steal your focus away from you. And now, we've got what the metaverse coming, where we're all going to be locked in with our VR goggles, eyes literally peeled, and seeing like 20,000 ads a day. What's in this video is the solution, I promise, for someone who was super distracted, couldn't focus, used all the excuses in the world, to finally having something click, being able to lock myself down, and whatever I set my mind on, it gets done. We're going to cover what deep work is and what it's not, the three rules you need to know to work deeply, and the three best pieces of productivity advice. This video can be dense, but I promise it'll be one of the most important ones you watch all year. Full credit, this comes from Cal Newport's book 'Deep Work,' although this is not a book review, I'm pulling a lot from what's in here. Deep work is your ability to focus on a demanding task without distractions, not just any task, usually one that pushes your cognitive abilities. Now, obviously not everything is deep work, so there's also another type of important but different work called shallow work. Shallow work describes tasks that aren't cognitively demanding, things like answering emails, attending unproductive meetings, and more of just the day-to-day things that you have to do but aren't super cognitively demanding. Let's say you're a content creator; shallow work is answering your emails, using social media, planning, running payroll for your team, tweaking thumbnails, researching camera gear, etc. Deep work is filming and writing videos. Now, you're probably asking, well, okay, what is my deep work? Deep work is usually the things we're avoiding. If you wiped away everything and could only do one or two things that day, what would those one or two things be that actually like progressed you towards your goals? That's your deep work right there. So, that's deep work, that's shallow work, there's a third bucket called distractions, and these are what you want to minimize at all costs. The richest companies that ever existed are the social media companies, and they literally make these apps like slot machines, where it's random intermittent spikes, likes, notifications. So minimizing distractions is universal, and we all struggle with it. The more distractions that hijack your dopamine circuits, the less motivation you have. Remember, dopamine is that neurotransmitter that's for wanting, cravings, and drives. So if you're getting excess dopamine from all these distractions, no wonder you have less motivation to do your work, and no wonder you procrastinate more. So now that you know what deep work is, let's go over three reasons why it's really important for you and why it's super valuable and something you should prioritize. Our economy has moved away from Brute Force labor to more analyzing and applying information. The skills that are going to Succeed In This Modern economy are complex problem-solving, data analysis, computer programming, art—anything that requires deep work to really learn and execute. Put another way, your ability to work deeply is what is valued and will determine the future of if you're able to thrive in this economy or get wiped out with things like AI. Goldman Sachs estimates AI is going to replace 300 million jobs, and by 2030, McKinley's estimating it is between 400 million and 800 million; there will be new ones created from that, but that is a lot of jobs. So, this idea of job security that I'm just going to like learn a skill, and it's going to be secure, it doesn't really exist. The only thing that exists is if you know how to focus and you know how to work deeply, you're going to excel because the cognitively demanding tasks are the things that take a lot of presence and a lot of like you, that's the things that are going to stand out and be rewarded. Refusing to settle, Clark
6/27/202417 minutes, 51 seconds
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Surviving A Breakup: Your Ultimate Guide (No B.S.)

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs): The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
6/13/202417 minutes, 5 seconds
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The graph that changed my life: STOP chasing ‘better’ and START getting REAL

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...    / clarkkegley    / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team:  This video might be the most important thing we can talk about. We're talking about your dark side. Now, I don't mean dark as in evil—we're not talking about blood rituals hooded in a forest where we're chanting. I mean the dark side that we all have within us. It's the reason you self-sabotage your goals, it's the reason you push good people away in relationships, and it's the reason that's holding you back from making the amount of money you want. The good news is that once you know this chart that we're talking about in this video, change can happen really fast for you. We're keeping it really simple and real, so without further ado, I'll explain this chart. We'll apply it to you in several areas such as money, relationships, happiness, and then I'll give you the solution of how to fix this. I do want to give credit to Sam Ovens, where I picked up this chart from for the first time, and it changed my life. Here we have a basic oscillation chart, and you'll notice right here there's negative 1, 2, and 3, and then there's positive 1, 2, and 3. This represents your life, gaining +3, minus +3, gaining +2, minus +2, +1, minus one. Well, what does that net out to? It nets out to zero, as if you didn't have any of the positives because they're wiped out by some of the negatives. This is the cycle that controls your life, and this part right here is what is known as your dark side, or you can use the word your shadow side—the parts of you that are holding you back or self-sabotaging. And until you recognize this cycle, it's going to run your life. To kick this off, when I was 25, I was struggling financially, and it wasn't that I didn't work. I was working three jobs in college at once. I'd been working unofficially since I was 12 and got caught shoplifting Red Bulls wearing eyeliner and a My Chemical Romance shirt—thought I was really punk rock, story for another time. Parents like, "We're not paying for this, dude." I had to get a job and work as a golf caddy, carrying rich people's clubs and watching them throw fits when they missed the ball and break a club—it was real-life Happy Gilmore. "Son of a b, why didn't you just go home? Are you too good for your home?" So, I added up all the jobs because I was like, "Dude, I've been working since I was 12 years old, how do I have not a single dollar to show for this?" And I realized this lesson: I would make money, and then bills would come up, and then I would make some money, and I would spend it. I would make some money and find a way to spend it, and that netted out to $0. And that pattern didn't go away. Making more money, say $10,000 a month—good amount, I thought so too—until I looked back on the year of my first six-figure year. "How do I only have $5,000 left over?" This pattern appeared again where I would make $10,000, and I would spend $8,000, $9,000, $10,000, and it netted out to zero. And that's when I got really frustrated. I'm like, "I didn't work those 20 jobs by 25 for fun. I worked them to get ahead, yet I had nothing to show for it." This is the easiest way to illustrate this point: it's not about the money you make; it's about the money you keep. And that if you make a million dollars but you spend a million and one, you are worse off than the person who's making 50 and saving 30. Refusing to settle, Clark
6/9/202413 minutes, 31 seconds
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The 5 Journaling Techniques That Changed My Life

Here are the 11 questions to change your life (free):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...    / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley    / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
5/25/202413 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Easy Way to Extreme Discipline: 5 Mindset Hacks

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  In this video, we're talking about how you can build more self-discipline. These are the five mindset shifts you can make to be more effortlessly disciplined. The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...     / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
5/15/202410 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Stop Wasting Your Life (Avoid These 5 Things)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Welcome back! In this video... we're talking about how to stop wasting your life. We'll go over why you might have more time than you think, and how to reclaim the top 5 life-suckers draining your time from you. The best part? I'll show you why you have more time than you think! Coming Up: Unlock Your Hidden Time: Discover how to reclaim thousands of hours from everyday distractions. - True Productivity: Learn the shocking truth about why feeling 'busy' doesn’t mean being productive (and how you can change that). - Screen Time: How to drastically reduce your screen (easy tricks) - Break free from the social media comparison trap. - Practical Tips: Get actionable steps to maximize your energy, not just manage your hours, for a more fulfilled life. and much more! The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...      / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Thanks! Refusing to settle, Clark
5/9/202415 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Achieve More in 1 Week than Most People Do in 12 months

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Ever found yourself wondering why some people achieve so much while others seem to barely make a dent? Maybe you've looked in the mirror and thought, "I really thought I'd be further ahead by now." I've been there, at 25, feeling like I was wasting my potential and my life. But then, I discovered something that changed my life. Today, I'm stoked to share that it with you. In this video, we're not just talking about getting the most out of your time; we're delving into how to Get the most from your very existence. Because here's the truth: the ultimate productivity hack isn't about managing minutes on a clock; it's about waking up to the full potential of your life! Once you make this shift (and ask these 4 questions I'll give you), you'll never look back. You'll never again allow your days to slip away unnoticed. So, let's dive in and explore the key that unlocks a life of purpose and fulfillment: waking up. The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...     / clarkkegley    / clarkkegley    / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
5/5/202418 minutes, 40 seconds
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It took me 3 years to beat overthinking. I'll tell you how to in 5 steps

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  In this video, we're talking about overthinking! Or as I like to call it, 'the art of creating problems that were never there' 🤣. But perhaps more important than why you overthink is how to fix it! I'll share 5 personal methods that really work. Hope this video helps YOU! The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...    / clarkkegley    / clarkkegley    / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
5/4/202418 minutes, 16 seconds
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NEVER PROCRASTINATE AGAIN (this will make you productive AF)

Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs):  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...   What is the most prized skill of the 21st century? It's not intelligence, not social skills, not even confidence; it's focus. And does that feel like it's getting easier or harder for you? You're not alone. We're in an age of distractions. In 2007, it was estimated that you saw around 4 to 5,000 ads a day. You know what that number is estimated today? Over 10,000. 10,000 pieces of information trying to steal your focus away from you. And now, we've got what the metaverse coming, where we're all going to be locked in with our VR goggles, eyes literally peeled, and seeing like 20,000 ads a day. What's in this video is the solution, I promise, for someone who was super distracted, couldn't focus, used all the excuses in the world, to finally having something click, being able to lock myself down, and whatever I set my mind on, it gets done. We're going to cover what deep work is and what it's not, the three rules you need to know to work deeply, and the three best pieces of productivity advice. This video can be dense, but I promise it'll be one of the most important ones you watch all year. Full credit, this comes from Cal Newport's book 'Deep Work,' although this is not a book review, I'm pulling a lot from what's in here. Deep work is your ability to focus on a demanding task without distractions, not just any task, usually one that pushes your cognitive abilities. Now, obviously not everything is deep work, so there's also another type of important but different work called shallow work. Shallow work describes tasks that aren't cognitively demanding, things like answering emails, attending unproductive meetings, and more of just the day-to-day things that you have to do but aren't super cognitively demanding. Let's say you're a content creator; shallow work is answering your emails, using social media, planning, running payroll for your team, tweaking thumbnails, researching camera gear, etc. Deep work is filming and writing videos. Now, you're probably asking, well, okay, what is my deep work? Deep work is usually the things we're avoiding. If you wiped away everything and could only do one or two things that day, what would those one or two things be that actually like progressed you towards your goals? That's your deep work right there. So, that's deep work, that's shallow work, there's a third bucket called distractions, and these are what you want to minimize at all costs. The richest companies that ever existed are the social media companies, and they literally make these apps like slot machines, where it's random intermittent spikes, likes, notifications. So minimizing distractions is universal, and we all struggle with it. The more distractions that hijack your dopamine circuits, the less motivation you have. Remember, dopamine is that neurotransmitter that's for wanting, cravings, and drives. So if you're getting excess dopamine from all these distractions, no wonder you have less motivation to do your work, and no wonder you procrastinate more. So now that you know what deep work is, let's go over three reasons why it's really important for you and why it's super valuable and something you should prioritize. Our economy has moved away from Brute Force labor to more analyzing and applying information. The skills that are going to Succeed In This Modern economy are complex problem-solving, data analysis, computer programming, art—anything that requires deep work to really learn and execute. Put another way, your ability to work deeply is what is valued and will determine the future of if you're able to thrive in this economy or get wiped out with things like AI. Goldman Sachs estimates AI is going to replace 300 million jobs, and by 2030, McKinley's estimating it is between 400 million and 800 million; there will be new ones created from that, but that is a lot of jobs. So, this idea of job security that I'm just going to like learn a skill, and it's going to be secure, it doesn't really exist. The only thing that exists is if you know how to focus and you know how to work deeply, you're going to excel because the cognitively demanding tasks are the things that take a lot of presence and a lot of like you, that's the things that are going to stand out and be rewarded. Refusing to settle, Clark
5/2/202417 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Break Your Bad Habit

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY here:  Let's talk about how to break your bad habits for good! We're talking about habit change in this video. Here's what we'll cover: A guilt-free exploration of breaking bad habits (from nicotine to doom scrolling) - Why you're stuck and how to break free with practical, non-judgmental advice. - My personal journey of overcoming recent zyn nicotine addiction - The science of addiction & dopamine's role in your cravings and motivation. - Strategies that work, including flipping your perspective on what you're "giving up." - And so much more The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...     / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark
4/7/202415 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Mirror Principle: STOP looking, START becoming (Life-Changing)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: The Mirror Principle: Stop Looking, Start Becoming (Life-Changing). Face Yourself: The Uncomfortable “Mirror Principle” Revealed (Life-Changing). Looking In The Mirror: Brutal Truth That Changes Your Life. Why You're Stuck: The “Mirror Principle” and Life’s Brutal Truth Refusing to settle, Clark
3/28/202415 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Stop Giving a F*ck What Others Think of You

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  How to Stop Giving A F*ck What Others Think:    • How to Stop Giving a F*ck What Others...   (PART I) The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide... We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
3/23/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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3 Popular Self-improvement Concepts (doing more HARM than good)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...     / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley  We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark
3/19/202413 minutes, 25 seconds
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Identity Shifting: Your New Way to Reinvent Yourself (in 3-6 months)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...     / clarkkegley     / clarkkegley     / theclarkkegley   We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Refusing to settle, Clark      
3/9/202416 minutes, 9 seconds
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Breathwork | 3 Guided Rounds | NATURAL HIGH!

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/29/202415 minutes, 6 seconds
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I Spent 5 Years LETTING GO… (95% of People Get This Wrong)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, we're talking about letting go. This is how to let go by using a simple 3-step technique. Refusing to settle, Clark
2/25/202414 minutes, 26 seconds
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HOW to DETACH | Detachment will change YOUR life!

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/15/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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How I Brainwashed Myself to Success

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley It’s time to take control of a world that constantly bombards you with messages, orchestrating your desires and beliefs. Welcome to radical strategy: brainwashing for success. Before we get into the video, let’s break it down. Traditionally, brainwashing results in intense indoctrination. But what if I told you that this idea has a twist of change — one that’s made for you? Imagine reprogramming your subconscious mind, cutting off the relentless external noise racing for your attention. From the 6,000 to 10,000 ads we receive daily to the 5+ hours of scrolling through content carefully curated by the world’s richest social media influencers, your mind behaves. In this storm of external pressure, a stark reality emerges: If you don’t manipulate your mind, then you are being manipulated. But here's the secret they don't want you to know so you can sit in the programmer's chair. This journey does not require strength; It requires an unwavering unwavering mind. Ready to discover how you can get your sanity back and live the life you love? Let’s dive into the art of self-brainwashing. Refusing to settle, Clark
2/10/202414 minutes, 7 seconds
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If you feel behind in life, watch this.

Ready to get ahead instead of feeling behind in life? The secret is shifting your identity. If you want help doing this, here's some more info on how you can work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/8/202413 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Find Your Purpose (in 10-min)

Want to finally find your purpose? This video will give you my fav 4-questions I used to go from stuck to stoked! Hope they help you. If you're serious about crushing it this year and applying everything we talk about in these videos... check out how you can work directly with me to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. More info here 👉  Follow me on IG/TikTok for shorts: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
1/28/202411 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (2024)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
1/16/202417 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

The BRUTAL Truth about YOUR "SHADOW WORK" No One Will Tell You

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, we're talking about Shadow work. These are my two biggest lessons on Shadow work and how to use shadow work techniques and HOW TO do shadow work to change your life. Hope they help! Refusing to settle, Clark
1/11/202413 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 Life-changing books YOU MUST READ in 2024

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Got our first video of the year! Join me as I share "5 Life-Changing Books YOU MUST READ in 2024." Over the past 10 years, I've read over 300 non-fiction books on psychology, self-improvement, and mindset. They're not just books; they're gateways to new ideas and perspectives. Whether you're a seasoned reader or prefer audiobooks during your walks, these selections are sure to spark transformation. Remember, it's not just about reading; it's about the actions and decisions you make afterward. Dive in with me and discover that one book, idea, or insight that could change everything. Let's explore these life-altering reads together! 📚✨ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/7/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to MOVE ON and LET GO of someone you once LOVED (or EX)

Breakups are breakthroughs if you USE them! In this video, we're talking about how to let go of someone you once loved. We all know how painful breakups can be, myself included! So I wanted to drop my thoughts on how to use them FOR you instead of being crushed by the pain. This video's for anyone who can't let go of an ex, heartbreak, their past, relationships, etc. Hope it helps, but more importantly, I hope you take action with it! Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: [0:00] where you're at [0:42] why you can't let go [2:15] your secret to letting go [3:15] your first step [6:00] your second step [8:45] your third step Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/10/202311 minutes, 45 seconds
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12 HIDDEN Laws of the Universe (manipulate YOUR reality)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: [00:00] Why this matters to YOU [00:40] Hermeticism 101 [01:07] Law I [03:04] Law II [04:25] Law III [06:15] Law IV [07:30] Law V [09:23] Law VI [12:30] Law VII [15:17] Law VIII [16:42] Law IX [18:30] Law X [19:36] Law XI [21:00] Law XII Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark  
12/2/202322 minutes, 44 seconds
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STOP self-sabotage and START self-acceptance (unlock YOUR confidence)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/TikTok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
11/23/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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7 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever

Changing your life doesn’t have to be massive, in fact, it can be as simple as incorporating small habits. Done daily over a long enough period of time leads to drastic changes in your energy, vibe, and life. Today, I've got 7 for you that'll do just that. Some transformed my life, and I hope one or two might change yours. Let’s go Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: follow me on IG / tik tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
11/9/202314 minutes, 36 seconds
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SHADOW WORK: this stops 95% of people from LETTING GO

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, I'm going to share with you the TRUTH about "shadow work." NO ONE will tell you about it and it's a HUGE mistake to ignore it! Shadow work is one of best tools you can use for self-improvement. It's your ability to dig deeper down to the root causes of beliefs, stories, thoughts, fears, judgments, etc - instead of being trapped at the symptom level. In this video, I'm going to show you how to do shadow work and give you some tips on how to use it to your advantage. We're also going to look at the five biggest mistakes most people make when using shadow work. By learning about shadow work, you'll be able to work smarter, not harder. So watch this video and learn the truth about shadow work – it's worth it! Refusing to settle, Clark
11/2/202314 minutes, 21 seconds
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IDENTITY SHIFTING: how to reinvent YOUR life in 90-days

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/TikTok: @clarkkegley Shadow Work Playlist:     • BEST Shadow Work Videos For Beginners...   Refusing to settle, Clark
10/26/202319 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to ACTUALLY Get Rich: Your 7-Step No B.S. Guide to Personal Finance

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/15/202318 minutes, 14 seconds
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I Asked AI YOUR big life questions… and it got DEEP!

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/TikTok: @clarkkegley [0:00] YOUR Life with A.I. [0:42] 10 BEST Self-Improvement Books [1:55] 5 Steps to STOP procrastinating (under 10-min) [3:40] Habits for the perfect morning routine [6:20] How to RAISE your vibe (& feel GOOD) all day long [7:45] 3 Steps to Shift YOUR Identity [10:15] Shadow Work: 15 BEST exercises or questions for self-reflection [11:22] How to Get ahead of 99% of people by age 30 [14:00] What to do Next Refusing to settle, Clark
10/5/202314 minutes, 28 seconds
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I’m 30 years old… here’s what I’d tell my 20 year old self

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, we're going over some life lessons. These are what I'd tell my 20-year-old self now that I'm 32. Refusing to settle, Clark
9/28/202318 minutes, 18 seconds
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Shadow Work: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners (4 Techniques to LET GO)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Full Playlist:    • BEST Shadow Work Videos For Beginners...   In this video, we're going to teach you 4 techniques that will help you let go and start working with your shadow. My goal is that by the end of this video, you'll be able to not intellectualize what "shadow work" is, but actually experience it for yourself! We're going TACTICAL, not theoretical. Here's the perfect guide to shadow work for beginners. We'll look at: [0:00] How to use this video [0:27] What is your shadow? [2:17] Why focus on shadow work (isn't it negative?) [4:45] Example Story: Shadow Work In Action [6:30] Two important notes before you start! [9:07] Technique I [12:22] Technique II [14:15] Technique III [17:20] Technique IV [19:45] Your Next Steps Thanks! Refusing to settle, Clark
9/14/202321 minutes, 22 seconds
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3 Universal Laws I discovered after 1,000+ hrs in Metaphysics: Transform YOUR reality NOW!

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
9/7/202316 minutes, 3 seconds
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Top 5 Regrets of the Dying (don't make these)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/31/202315 minutes, 52 seconds
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One WORD ruining YOUR life (98% say it)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/24/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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5 Self-Improvement books that ACTUALLY WORKED!

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, we're going to share with you 5 self-improvement books that actually worked. Hope you find your next read on this list! And by "worked" I mean books that gave me a lasting personal transformation. So if you're looking for a way to improve your life, be sure to check out these 5 self-improvement books! Refusing to settle, Clark
8/17/202317 minutes, 12 seconds
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5 Habits that Instantly RAISE YOUR VIBE (You Will Feel Amazing)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/10/202315 minutes, 7 seconds
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Beyond SHADOW WORK: 4 Areas that BLOCK YOU 2.0

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, I'm going to teach you 4 key areas that BLOCK the 2.0 you. This is a very analytical form of shadow work that reveals a TON about yourself. So if you're looking for ways to improve your life, look no further than this video.   Refusing to settle, Clark  
7/30/202316 minutes, 29 seconds
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I dated for 10 years to learn these 3 lessons (Best Relationship Advice)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/23/202311 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Journal: 5 Lessons from 10 Years of Journaling

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE:  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Deep Dive Into Journaling 👇 2023 UGTKAJ:    • the ultimate guid...   2022 UGTKAJ:    • the ultimate guid...   5 JOURNAL Q:    • these 5 journalin...    INSIDE MY JOURNAL:    • 5 Life-Changing J...   You’ve probably heard ‘great minds think alike” — that’s true. So many great minds throughout history kept journals. I believe it's the number one tool you can do to change your life. Journaling is to self-improvement what diet is to exercise. You apply all the self-improvement lessons inside your journal so this 'education' doesn't turn into only 'entertainment.' So in this video, I'm going to give you 5 surprising benefits I’ve gotten from 10 years of keeping a journal. Hope you dig it! Refusing to settle, Clark
7/6/202315 minutes, 43 seconds
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Letting Go is EASY with this 4-Step Technique (Life-Changing)

Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, I'm sharing with you the "Letting Go Technique" that changed my life. This technique has helped me to detach from negative thoughts and feelings, and to live a more fulfilling, happy life. If you're looking for a way to improve your life, then you need to watch this video! The "Letting Go Technique" is a powerful tool that can help you to detach from negative thoughts and feelings and live a more fulfilling, happy life. If you're ready to try it out for yourself, then watch this video and learn how to let go! Refusing to settle, Clark
6/29/202321 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Dark Force at Your Heels Ruining Your Life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ In this video, we're deep diving into self-sabotage. This is the dark force at your heels pulling you down and ruining all your progress. And unless you understand how it works it will continue doing so. Self-sabotage is a hidden enemy that you can't see, but it's always there sabotaging your efforts to improve your life. In this video, I'm going to teach you about shadow work and how to use it to defeat self-sabotage. With shadow work, you can learn to recognize and deal with the negative self-talk that sabotages your efforts to improve your life. After watching this video, you'll be equipped to start healing your self-sabotage. Refusing to settle, Clark
6/17/202312 minutes, 1 second
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STOP chasing ‘better’ and START doing Shadow Work (life-changing)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Refusing to settle, Clark
6/8/202311 minutes, 28 seconds
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5 Lessons I've Learned From 10 Years of Self-improvement

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/3/202311 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to quickly get out of a rut

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/25/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to DETACH and LET GO (98% Get This WRONG)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley It's a big paradox in self-improvement: when you are over-attached, you're results are worse, not better! Sometimes the secret to getting what you want in life.... stop caring! This video, I'm sharing with you the powerful lesson of detachment. Detachment is the key to unlocking the true power that lies within you. Detachment is the key to unlocking the power that lies dormant inside you. This lesson is so important, and I believe it can change your life for the better. If you're ready to let go of the past and focus on the future, then watch this video and learn the power of detachment! Refusing to settle, Clark
5/18/202311 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ultimate Self-Improvement HABITS Tier List (BEST to WORST)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley In this video, we're going to be ranking the best to the worst self-improvement habits! We'll be covering 10 different self-improvement habits, and based on which ones are the most effective, we'll be ranking them. So whether you're looking to improve your concentration, your productivity, or your life, be sure to check out our self-improvement tier list! Refusing to settle, Clark
5/4/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Hustle Culture Paradox: Effective but Deadly

If you're looking for tips on how to succeed in the hustle culture, then this video is for Looking to reinvent yourself and get the dream life you know you're capable of having? Turn your 'burnout' into a breakthrough. Here's your solution ➡ Metamorphic Coaching ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley “hustle culture” — a message of excessively hard work in pursuit of success without regard for your self-care needs or relationships. In this video, I'm talking about the hustle culture paradox: effective but deadly. The hustle culture is a powerful force that can help you achieve your goals, but it can also be harmful if you don't understand how it works. The hustle culture is Popularly known as the "fast-paced, always-on" work environment. It's a great way to get things done, but it can also be dangerous if you don't understand how it works. In this video, I'm going to share with you some of the dangers of the hustle culture and how to avoid them. Refusing to settle, Clark
4/29/202315 minutes, 7 seconds
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Books That Will Change Your Life in 2023

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Let's mix it up today -- one of your most asked-for videos is a tour of my 300+ self-improvement book collection. So in this tour, I'll be sharing with you my top picks for the best self-improvement books! We're going through these seven categories: 00:00 Intro 00:45 1. Self-Improvement  03:50 2. Relationships  07:28 3. Philosophy 10:20 4 & 5 Spirituality & Unexplained 12:24 6. Biographies 14:43 7. Money These books can help you improve your life in a variety of ways, so be sure to check them out if you're looking for ideas for your own self-improvement journey. NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
4/20/202317 minutes, 50 seconds
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10 Things I Can't Live Without

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
4/15/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Cheap Dopamine: The Modern Day Devil Ruining Your Life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
4/6/202318 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Get Sh*t Done! 10 Focusing Tips (Try for 21 Days)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/30/202311 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Stop Giving a F*ck What Others Think

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle. Clark
3/23/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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5 Social Skills SECRETS that Make You Attractive AF

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) I want to share with you 5 secrets that will get people to LIKE you. WITHOUT people pleasing, being fake, or feeling manipulative. Just like learning makes IQ smart - learning these make your EQ smart. Despite what some say, charisma and likability are learnable skills. the problem? No one teaches you this stuff - so no wonder so many people struggle in this area. Rather you want to use these next dates to increase the chances of a second one, everyday life improves interactions with whoever you meet, at work climbing the ladder makes more money, and incorporating just one or two of these tips can make all the difference. Literally, dozens of tips, re-frame, and techniques, but I want to share with you five of my personal favorite. NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle,  Clark
3/16/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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I Quit Alcohol for 365 Days (why I’m NEVER going back)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/11/202317 minutes, 14 seconds
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7 Relationship RED FLAGS You Should NEVER Ignore

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/4/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

5 Pieces of Bad Life Advice I'm Glad I Never Followed

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic Coaching ➡ We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/23/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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300 Self-improvement Books Later: The Best 3 Lessons of All Time

Here are the best three lessons from reading over 300+ self-improvement books over the last decade. This is part II of our series. Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Part I: Best of Playlist:  Metamorphic Coaching ➡  Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley  
2/16/20239 minutes, 21 seconds
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The TRUTH About “raising your vibration” No One Will Tell You…

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/7/202318 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Identity Shifting: How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (in 2023)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Welcome back to the channel, crew! In this video, we explore the powerful concept of reinventing yourself and how it can help you get ahead of 99% of people in 2023. Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut? Are you hanging on to the past and not seeing the future? In this video, I'm sharing with you a secret strategy that will help you reinvent yourself in 2023. This is how you go monk mode and tap into your full potential. We'll go over three steps that will help you break free from the 99% of people who are still living in the past. By using this strategy, you'll be able to set yourself up for success in 2023 and beyond. We also touch on identity shifting - a powerful concept from my metamorphic program. If you're feeling stagnant and like you're running out of time, then watch this video and learn about monk mode. It may be the answer to your dreams and goals! NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/2/202315 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

5 life-changing (small) habits you should do in 2023

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Welcome to the new vid, 5 life-changing (small) habits you should do in 2023. In this video, I'm going to show you a few small habits that have changed my life in some way. These habits are easy to implement and require minimal effort but can make a huge impact on your overall well-being and happiness. So, if you're looking for some simple yet effective ways to improve your life in 2023, be sure to watch our video and (most importantly) start incorporating these habits into your daily routine today. Also, if you're diggin the content we put out, please don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more content & tips on how to shift into the 2.0 version of you 💪 Refusing to settle, Clark
1/24/202310 minutes, 1 second
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3 Simple Manifestation Techniques to Transform Your Life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
1/12/202310 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

5 life-changing books you must read in 2023

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley In this video, I'm sharing with you 5 life-changing books you must read in 2023. These books will help you change your life for the better! If you're looking to find new and exciting books to read in 2023, then you need to check out these five! These books will help you challenge your beliefs, learn self-improvement, build habits, and help you grow as a person. Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or just looking to explore new ideas, these books are a must-read in 2023! Refusing to settle, Clark
1/5/202315 minutes, 38 seconds
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the ultimate guide to keeping a journal (2023)

Journaling is (in my opinion) the number one thing you can do to shift into the higher version of yourself. It's become our little new year's tradition every year on the channel. Many people don't know where to start when it comes to how to journal for self-growth. So in this video, I'm going to show you the ultimate guide to keeping a journal. This works great for scripting, manifesting, the law of attraction, self-development, how to journal for self-growth, manifestations, goal setting, the list goes on! Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/29/202222 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Procrastination Cure: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Things Done

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/22/202210 minutes, 55 seconds
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10 simple things that make ANYONE Attractive AF

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ When we talk attraction, it's so tempting to focus on things like looks, beauty, youth, 16-step skincare routine. Here's the thing: looks help, but physical attraction is only one form. I believe that most of the attraction is an energy dynamic. How you carry yourself, your confidence, body language, your overall vibe, etc. Here's the good news: all of that can be taught! So in this video, we're going over 10 simple things that make anyone attractive AF. Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/15/202215 minutes, 11 seconds
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Do Shadow Work... It Will Change Your Life (Best Technique)

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/10/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
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This ONE thing is ruining your life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
11/24/202217 minutes, 7 seconds
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Identity Shifting: The ONE thing that changed my life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
11/17/202214 minutes, 34 seconds
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I read 7 books in 7 days... and it changed my life (MUST WATCH)

17,305 views Oct 31, 2022 17,305 views • Oct 31, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
11/3/202231 minutes, 37 seconds
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The WORST Productivity Advice Everyone Told You

30,445 views Oct 18, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/22/202215 minutes, 52 seconds
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How I remember everything I read

34,276 views Oct 11, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) This video is on how I remember everything I read. Use these retention hacks to increase your reading comprehension for self-improvement books. Now I’m not talking word for word memorization. That shouldn’t be the goal of reading in the first place. We’re talking about how a system you can use to remember, retain, and organize everything — so worst case scenario you get a 20% bump in retention. Best case scenario what you read directly benefits you so all this education is no longer entertainment. Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/15/202213 minutes, 58 seconds
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This 3-Minute Subconscious Mind Exercise Will Change Your Life

20,302 views Oct 3, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/6/202212 minutes, 42 seconds
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This 3-Minute Subconscious Mind Exercise Will Change Your Life

20,302 views Oct 3, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/4/202212 minutes, 42 seconds
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5 things I wish I knew at 20

39,953 views Sep 14, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
9/20/202210 minutes, 41 seconds
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This is why you’re not happy

33,789 views Sep 7, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
9/13/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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21 POWERFUL "I AM" Affirmations | Boost Your Self Love, Confidence, and Money

12,762 views Aug 29, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ This video contains 21 Powerful Affirmations. Use these positive affirmations to attract more Self Love, Confidence, and Money into your life. Refusing to settle, Clark
9/1/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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how to unf*ck your life

75,552 views Aug 15, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) This video is on how to reinvent yourself. Maybe you're in a rut, out of a long-term relationship breakup, or feel stuck in life. This video will give you three ways to reinvent yourself and motivate you towards self-improvement. Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/21/202212 minutes, 59 seconds
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The most important lesson you’ll learn in life...

33,201 views Aug 10, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/13/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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how to deal with toxic people in your life

9,896 views Aug 3, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign-up required) NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/6/202212 minutes, 35 seconds
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these 5 journaling questions let you COACH YOURSELF

47,795 views Jul 25, 2022 NEW free mini-course that helps you create The 2.0 Version of You in under 1 hour ➡ (for youtube subscribers only) Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle,  Clark
8/2/202211 minutes, 56 seconds
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4 habits that (actually) changed my life

50,658 views Jul 5, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/12/202210 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Design Your Life (Step by Step)

25,648 views Jun 20, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/25/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
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3 Hard Truths About Relationships You May Need to Hear

7,846 views Jun 13, 2022 Click here if you want to become the 2.0 version of yourself & let go of the relationship stories holding you back ➡ (no sign-up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/18/202210 minutes, 49 seconds
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I found the secret to happiness

24,956 views Jun 6, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Authentic Happiness Test ➡ (you'll need an account. It's free) Daily 60-second videos on Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/16/20224 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ultimate Self-Improvement BOOK Tier List (BEST to WORST)

1,199 views May 30, 2022 Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/31/202217 minutes, 14 seconds
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5 Life-Changing Relationship Books

Here are 5 relationship books that will change your love life. Hope you enjoy it. Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Video: Masculine & Fem Energy ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/17/20228 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why YOU SUCK at LETTING GO (3 reasons)

Let's talk about the three biggest reasons why you can't let go. Free training to shift your identity and permanently raise your vibe ➡ (no sign-up required) METAMORPHIC ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
4/26/202217 minutes, 55 seconds
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I read 300 self-improvement books to learn these 3 lessons...

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark
4/7/202213 minutes, 19 seconds
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shift your identity, change your life

Free training that goes deeper into identity shifting and how to use it to change your life ➡ (no sign up required) Metamorphic ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark
3/31/202211 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Kybalion Secrets | 7 Ancient Principles for Raising Your Vibe

This video will teach you 7 hermetic principles from the kybalion. The Kybalion distills knowledge from the emerald tablet - a legendary ancient Egyptian work that dates back to over 36,000 years B.C. Free training - how to shift your identity and create the 2.0 version of YOU (no sign-up required) ➡ METAMORPHIC ➡ Many of the teachings in the Kybalion are from “Thoth” the Atlantean priest-king (yes, the actual Atlantis). Ancient Greece called “Hermes” — and author of emerald tablets known as “Hermes Trismegistus” (try and say that one 3 times fast). In 1904 William Walker Atkinson put these teachings into a book and *p o o f* the Kybalion was born. WWA did basically a lot of the heavy lifting to compile ancient teachings together. What we’re left with now is known as the Kybalion. Meaning this little book’s teaching ain't just some self—help book published last 10 years. Its ancient wisdom survived and was passed down over 36,000 years. What’s in it? Let’s dive in together. The 7 Ancient Principles from The Kybalion: 1. The principle of mentalism "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." 2. The principle of correspondence "As above, so below; as below, so above.” 3. The principle of vibration "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." 4. The principle of polarity "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." 5. The principle of rhythm "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." 6. The principle of cause and effect "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law." 7. The principle of gender "Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes." Free training - how to shift your identity and create the 2.0 version of YOU (no sign-up required) ➡ METAMORPHIC ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/24/202213 minutes, 54 seconds
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Breathwork Techniques to RELEASE DMT! (3 Rounds)

In this video, we're talking about breathwork! I'm going to share with you the benefits of breathing techniques and breathwork exercises, Why you should (or shouldn’t) do it, and most importantly…. HOW to do it. This is a full breathwork tutorial with 3 guided rounds of breathwork for you to follow along with. Free training: How to create & shift into the 2.0 YOU. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) Resources Mentioned: Metamorphic: Josh Trent: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #BREATHWORK Warning - important safety message, please read carefully: The breathing exercise has a profound effect and should be practiced in the way it is explained. Always do the breathing exercise in a safe environment (e.g. sitting on a couch/floor) and unforced. Never practice the exercises before or during diving, driving, swimming, standing, taking a bath or in any other environment/place where, should you pass out, a serious injury could occur. Breathwork may cause tingling sensations and/or lightheadedness. Never push yourself past the point of faining. It means that you went too far. Take a step back next time. Do not practice the method during pregnancy or when having epilepsy. Persons with cardiovascular health issues, or any other (serious) health conditions, should always consult a medical doctor before starting Breathwork. Happy breathing! Refusing to settle, Clark
3/17/202214 minutes, 41 seconds
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How I get people to like me

Free training to shift into the 2.0 YOU ➡ METAMORPHIC ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/15/202210 minutes, 1 second
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How I get people to like me

Free training to shift into the 2.0 YOU ➡ METAMORPHIC ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/13/202210 minutes, 1 second
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The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (2022)

Alright! Stoked you all love our bro-science guide to chakras so much! If you're reading this and looking to raise your vibe, I've found the BEST way to do that is shift at the identity level. Almost no videos talk about this stuff. If you want to learn more, here's a free vid talking about the ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM FREE consult ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley CHAKRA 101: ENERGY CENTERS IN BODY. The easiest way to understand is to think of these “energy centers” like pieces of a car engine. All work together, no problems, fully working. Some go out of balance - others have to pick up the slack. Eventually, cause problems and break down. Same thing with energy centers in your body. We’ll get into each one. 🔴 1. Root Chakra Location = Base of Spine Use = Survival + Security (Basic Trust) BALANCED = Grounded, peace with survival needs/future BLOCKED = Fear of being on streets, don’t belong in the current house or town or environment, no “home” OVER active: greed, materialistic, money without healthy intention, prove to others HOW TO: plants, feet on grass, outside 🟠 2. SACRAL CHAKRA Location = Navel Use = Creativity, Sexuality BALANCED = JOY, pleasure, sexual charge, passion, optimism BLOCKED = low libido, guilt, unhealthy views around sex HOW TO: Dancing, Moonlight? 🟡 3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Location = Six Pack Abs Use = Wisdom + Power BALANCED = On purpose, willpower, good self-worth BLOCKED = low self-esteem, submissive, feeling THEM vs. ME HOW TO: Deep breathwork 🟢 4. HEART CHAKRA Location = Middle of chest Use = Regulate Emotion BALANCED = Love, love for others! unconditional, peace, empathy, acceptance, forgiveness BLOCKED = bitter, relationship issues, trust issues, SNAPPY towards others HOW TO: Pet animals, nature 🔵 5. THROAT CHAKRA Location = Bottom of throat Use = Communication BALANCED = Good communication BLOCKED = Secrets, withholding, 🟣 6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA Location = Between Eyes Use = Intuition, Inner wisdom, Visualization BALANCED = follow heart, empath, BLOCKED = Doubt, poor creativity, self-doubts 🟪 7. CROWN CHAKRA Location = Top of head Use = Spirituality, Consciousness, Oneness Refusing to settle, Clark
3/3/202216 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to STOP obsessing over someone and START letting go (No B.S. Advice)

Click for a free gameplan on how to create the 2.0 version of you ➡ METAMORPHIC ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/20/202210 minutes, 14 seconds
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The best relationship advice no one ever told you (2022)

Here are 3 (more) best pieces of relationship advice no one ever told you. Use these to improve your current relationship, attract love, or move on from someone you love. This is the best relationship advice. Free Training: Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) Metamorphic Coaching Program: schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) Instagram / Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/15/202210 minutes, 23 seconds
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5 Life-Changing Ideas from Neville Goddard

If you can control your feelings, if you can GENERATE feelings - you have ultimate control over life. In this video, we're talking about one massive point the law of attraction got wrong. I was reading Neville Goddard's "feeling is the secret" book yesterday and think he does a fantastic job articulating the importance of not just THOUGHTS (loa) but FEELINGS. And that if you don't generate feelings, there's really no point to all these manifestation techniques. Neville Goddard says: feeling is the secret. And in this video, we're going over the best 5 ideas. Enjoy! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark
2/6/202210 minutes, 42 seconds
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this 3-way DRAMA triangle is RUINING your relationships

Let's talk about the drama triangle and how it's ruining relationships. FREE coaching consult - get a custom gameplan to shift into the 2.0 version of you now ➡ (limited spots) Join our free Refusing to Settle facebook secret group for daily high vibe tools, tips, and techniques ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/29/20229 minutes, 11 seconds
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I DARE you to TRY this in 2022 (life-changing)

Let's talk about vision boards! Hands down, one of the BEST manifestation techniques out there to manifest anything in your life. In this video, we're going over how to make a vision board that WORKS. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ // VIDEOS: ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark  
1/18/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
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the ultimate guide to keeping a journal (2022)

This is our little new year's tradition every year on the channel. Journaling is (in my opinion) the number one thing you can do to shift into the higher version of yourself. Many people don't know where to start when it comes to how to journal for self-growth. So in this video, I'm going to show you the ultimate guide to keeping a journal. This works great for scripting, manifesting, the law of attraction, self-development, how to journal for self-growth, manifestations, goal setting, the list goes on! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley     Refusing to settle, Clark    
1/6/202213 minutes, 7 seconds
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5 Life-changing books YOU MUST READ in 2022

Here are the 5 life-changing books you MUST read in 2022! Enjoy. Last year's top 5 books: 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark  
12/21/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
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once I learned this my whole LIFE changed…

Once I learned this one concept my entire view of life changed! We're going over Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs and (more importantly) what that means for you to shift into the best version of yourself, manifest your dreams, self-actualize, and become that 2.0 YOU! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/16/202116 minutes, 52 seconds
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SHADOW WORK: The most IMPORTANT tool you’re NOT using! (POWERFUL)

Let's talk about shadow work. It's a concept that I've seen have a lot of confusion around. No, you don't need to make a crystal grid, sage your room, and chant in a different language to do it! Let's demystify shadow work in this video. We're going to look at WHAT shadow work is, HOW to do shadow work for beginners, and WHY we do shadow work to let go. Buckle up! One of the single best ways to do shadow work is with someone who is trained! That's why in our Metamorphic coaching program we specifically designed a type of shadow work you'll do 1 on 1 with a practitioner with 20+ years exp. Total badass btw! I've seen firsthand the results some get - nothing short of amazing. If you're someone looking to let go, create the 2.0 version of YOU and make this next year the BEST year of your life... click here to learn more now (no sign-up required) ➡ (Only 21 slots left for December coaching!) 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ SHADOW WORK VIDEOS: Ultimate Guide to Shadow Work: Shadow Work + Letting Go: Life-Changing Power of Shadow Work: Refusing to settle, Clark
12/5/202116 minutes, 41 seconds
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WHY "raising your vibe" DOESN'T WORK!

Secret FB group (GREAT place to be if you're trying to become the NEXT version of you!): 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
11/14/202116 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

It's OK to QUIT, but it's NEVER ok to SETTLE

here's the link to our secret FB group I mentioned (GREAT place to be if you're trying to become the NEXT version of you!): 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/12/202112 minutes, 36 seconds
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Getting over a breakup (or ex) is EASY when you do this

Do breakups suck or what? There's no sugar coating it! But when you boil it down.... you really only have TWO options. In this video, we'll look at both, how to get over an ex, how to work on yourself after a breakup, and how to let go and move on. OH! And here's the link to our secret FB group I mentioned (GREAT place to be if you're trying to become the NEXT version of you!): 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
10/7/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark  
10/5/202114 minutes, 30 seconds
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The NEW Letting Go Technique | Holistic Releasing (POWERFUL!)

Here's the new letting go technique! Super simple, yet super powerful! Want more techniques like this? The most powerful one I've ever come across is identity shifting. That's because, in order to manifest the life you want, you need to stop focusing on where you're going and start focusing on who you're becoming. Everything clicks when you stop looking for the right person, and you start becoming the right person! That's the secret. It's all about creating this dream 2.0 version of you and shifting into it! That's exactly what we walk you through step by step in our six-week coaching program, metamorphic. Want to know a bit more? Check out this free training and apply for a free 1-on-1 identity shifting consult with myself or my team to see if we can help ya ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
9/16/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
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🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/29/202110 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

WARNING: This ONE Spiritual Habit Most Get WRONG!

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/24/202115 minutes, 23 seconds
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The best relationship advice no one ever told you…

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ // COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/17/202111 minutes, 26 seconds
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My thoughts on Psychedelics, Business, Breathwork, and more…

Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ Questions: 00:00 Intro 00:20 how often do you use breathwork? 01:10 what are your thoughts on psychedelics? 03:22 how do I know when my affirmations work? 03:52 best book of the year? 05:42 Journaling - what has changed? 7:47 who do you follow online? 10:00 best advice for people starting a youtube channel or business? 12:40 are you still drumming/in the band? 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to setlle, Clark
8/12/202113 minutes, 22 seconds
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5 spiritual habits that changed my life

Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/5/202110 minutes, 54 seconds
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why YOUR manifestations are NOT working

Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/29/202116 minutes, 43 seconds
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LETTING GO: 3 most important THINGS You MUST DO

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Our video on the Letting Go Technique: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/17/202111 minutes, 19 seconds
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Nikola Tesla’s Hidden 369 Manifestation Code REVEALED

In this video, we're doing a deep dive on Nikola Tesla and his obsession with the numbers 3,6, and 9. We are going to look at why nikola tesla said "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” I will also share with you a 369 manifestation method that you try for fun and use to speed up your manifestations! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Engineering Made Easy Video:   Our Part I on Nikola Tesla's 369:   Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark     SHOW LESS      
7/11/202112 minutes, 56 seconds
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these 4 DEADLY beliefs LOWER your vibration

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/8/202113 minutes, 20 seconds
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AFFIRMATIONS: Magic or Waste of Your Time? (LAW OF ATTRACTION)

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/24/20219 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Law of Attraction TRAP: Why Manifesting makes you UNHAPPY

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley In this video, we're talking about the law of attraction, manifestation, raising your vibration, and how sometimes the process of manifesting for the intention of improving your life... can have the opposite effect if you take it too far. Refusing to settle, Clark
6/19/20218 minutes, 52 seconds
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3 Manifestation Techniques for Beginners in 2021 | LAW OF ATTRACTION

What are the best manifestation techniques for beginners in 2021? There's a lot of noise out there when it comes to the law of attraction, spiritual awakenings, raising your vibration, and manifestation. So in this video, we're looking at THREE simple beginner-friendly manifestation techniques anyone can use to manifest FASTER. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ TESLA'S 369 METHOD: ➡ IDENTITY SHIFTING: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle. Clark
6/15/202110 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Dirty TRUTH about Manifestation NO ONE tells YOU... (Law of Attraction)

In this video, we're covering one massive concept. I believe most people get into manifesting or law of attraction because they see it as a way to get the things they want FASTER. In my experience, the very act of pursuing a "fast route" actually is the thing blocking your manifestations. This video will explain why and show you what's a better path. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/10/20219 minutes, 57 seconds
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OSHO: The CULT LEADER with some GREAT Ideas (5 Best Ones)

In this video, we're breaking down the five best ideas from OSHO (aka Bhagwan Rajneesh). This is the dude from the Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country (a fantastic watch). Obviously, I'm not endorsing cults or what he did - but this video will hopefully attempt to separate the bad stuff and give you the good stuff, his ideas, in a concise manner. Here are my five favorite ones after reading lots of Osho's books ad studying his stuff over the years. Enjoy. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
5/29/202114 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Letting Go and Shadow Work is NOT WORKING for YOU

In this video, we're diving deep into TWO reasons letting go and shadow work are not working for you. Go behind the scenes on Instagram: 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark
5/23/202111 minutes, 30 seconds
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Most POWERFUL manifestation TECHNIQUE you'll EVER DO | The Synchronicity Map

Here's a manifestation technique that's really effective. I call it "The Synchronicity Map" - so many times we want life to be black and white ("If I put in 'X' I'll get 'Y'). But rarely is this the case. I've found when looking back at 'success' in my life... it comes in ways that seem random, but ultimately lead to the thing I wanted to manifest. In other words, I believe life (the universe, the law of attraction, manifestations, etc) works in synchronicities and coincidences. Doing this one exercise is how you can SEE these in your own life. It's a fun one and takes only ten min or so! Give it a shot. Ready to get more synchronicities and manifest faster? Check out our metamorphic coaching program. We walk you through identity shifting to create the 2.0 version of you in six weeks so you can finally start living at your full potential without it feeling fake, forced, or vague (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
5/8/202111 minutes, 59 seconds
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5 Spiritual Reasons Someone is Jealous of YOU

METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (limited spots) ➡ TIMESTAMPS: 0:00​ Why should you care? 0:45​ 1. Low Vibrations & The Zero-Sum Game 3:10​ 2. Sludge Monsters, Bad Reviews, & Raising Your Vibe 5:50​ 3. Tall Poppy Syndrome 8:30​ 4. Manifestation Secret ONLY The Advanced Know 11:05​ 5. WHY Protecting Your Energy is THE SECRET 13:20​ Want to Be Coached By Me & Create the 2.0 You? NOTES 1. NOT a ZERO sum game Understand jealousy: zero-sum game mentality, scarcity based, You watching right now probably DO NOT have that! Jealousy is extra confusing help you understand those // compassion // don’t get sucked down to their level. For someone to WIN doesn’t mean you lose EXAMPLE: I sell you a phone for $200 - then you sell it for $200 - $400 of value created but neither of us “lost money” The PIE keeps getting BIGGER and BIGGER 2. Think of a Trail of Scent: Imagine two people Hater first: Think of their energy - hater leaves and smelly sludge trailing behind them (like spirited away) - disgusting. You can LITERALlY see it! (i.e. amazon reviews - negative — yelp reviews — negative!) Now YOU — good energy - leaves rose pedals and seafood green oura. Everywhere you go - leave that trail ONLINE. EXAMPLE: I ALWAYS like + comment on videos that are helpful. You’ll literally see me on tech tutorial as top comment or band I like / etc. 3. Understand where they’re at in journey (vibration chart calibrate) to the Low vibrational people, they literally can’t comprehend success above it. Blinders on at that stage of evolution. 4. Tall Poppy Syndrome: Cut down the tallest plant - tear other people’s buildings down instead of building theirs up! EXAMPLE: I have videos go viral - positive comments until it hits 100k+ - then people pile on, roast it, etc. Nothing you can do - understand where they’re at vibrationally.   Refusing to settle, Clark        
5/1/202114 minutes, 18 seconds
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RELATIONSHIPS: the NO B.S. guide to masculine & feminine ENERGY

In this video - we're talking about masculine and feminine energy. The main principle is that we need BOTH masculine energy and feminine energy to make a relationship work. You'll usually be attracted to your counterpart via polarity. That's what keeps the attraction alive and your relationship work - this video will explain WHY that's the case and HOW to tap into divine masculine or feminine energy. Not understanding the polarities dynamics within a relationship is the cause of may relationship problems, fights, and confusion. NOTE: These are universal and transcend gender and sexual orientation. There are dude's with a very feminine energy, and women with a very masculine energy. And everything in between. We ALL have BOTH masculine and feminine energy. In relationships, you ARE what you attract. Stop trying to LOOK for the right person and start trying to BECOME the right person. Ready to do the inner work on yourself to become the best version of you so you can attract a relationship that's amazing and at your level? Check out our coaching program. This video will give you more info (no sign-up required) ➡​ (LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE) 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡​ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
4/24/202117 minutes, 38 seconds
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5 Life-Changing lessons from inside my JOURNAL

Here's a journal flip-through with five of the most life-changing lessons from inside my journal. Journaling has been the number one tool I've used to manifest anything, create the 2.0 version of myself, and transform my life. Hope this video helps you start a journal even if you're a beginner. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡​ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
4/20/202119 minutes, 37 seconds
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4 things that make changing YOUR life IMPOSSIBLE (Fix These NOW!)

Here are the four things that make changing in your life close to impossible. Everything you want happens by making a shift at the identity level. These four blocks will keep you stuck and stop your manifestations from working. Interested in joining a supportive community that raises your vibration? Check out our Metamorphic caching program where I'm working with you 1 on 1 for six weeks to create and shift into the 2.0 YOU ➡ 4. Have an environment supporting your current identity - think of any time you changed FAST - college, high school, new job… it’s because of changing your environment! - when i moved to Scottsdale vs. being stuck in Seattle. totally new person and a new identity. - people in rehab relapse because leave and back in same environment. - Maybe you SHOULD move apartments. - Why breakups for people can be breakthroughs! 3. You continue being defined by past traumas solution: reframe - watch our shadow work playlist below “We reinterpret or reconstruct our memory in light of what our mindset is in the preset” — more accurate to say the PRESENT causes meaning of the past, than PAST causes meaning of the present. unresolved past makes us STOP moving forward with lives 2. You have an Identity Narrative based on your past solution: create 2.0 identity with future - focus on who you’re becoming. allow yourself permission to shift evolution is about growth — about doing shit that’s uncomfortable (if it wasn’t you’d already have it by now) 1. Your subconscious keeps you consistent with your former self and emotions living from familiar past - patterns i.e. rock in crayons carved by a river running the same pattern. Solution: live from 2.0 you - future self (if you just did this… everything would change!) 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
4/18/202117 minutes, 44 seconds
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Hidden POWER of NEGATIVE Visualization (will BLOW YOUR MIND!)

In this video, we're talking about the hidden power of negative visualization. We've done other videos on how visualization can help manifestations and rewire your subconscious mind. So in this video, we're talking about a couple techniques and stories to manifest and for manifestations that can help speed up shifting in the 2.0 version of you! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡​ Refusing to settle, Clark
4/11/202110 minutes, 23 seconds
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10 BIG IDEAS | The Untethered Soul | Life-Changing Book Review (Michael Singer)

Here are the 10 Big Ideas from The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. What an amazing book. It's all about rewiring your subconscious mind, removing negative thoughts, and manifesting the good things you want in life WHILE enjoying the process. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ Timestamps: 0:00​ Intro 0:05​ Story: The Worst Roommate 1:30​ Get This Book for Free 1:50​ Big Idea 10: Who Is It? 2:22​ Big Idea 09: Five Magic Words 2:50​ Big Idea 08: The Divided Self 3:50​ Big Idea 07: Who You REALLY Are 4:45​ Big Idea 06: Path I: FEAR 8:00​ Big Idea 05: Path II: 2.0 YOU 11:25​ Big Idea 04: 3 Simple Exercises to Try 13:50​ Big Idea 03: Story: Thorns & Shadow Work 15:50​ Big Idea 02: Raising Your Default Setpoint 17:20​ Big Idea 01: How to Handle Haters 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
4/10/202120 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Life-Changing Power of SHADOW WORK | Let Go of Your OLD Story

In this video, we're deep-diving into the power of shadow work. This is one of the most important tools you have to manifest faster and feel GOOD on a day today. We'll cover why shadow work matters, how to do shadow work for beginners, and also why letting go and moving on is powerful for your manifestations. Video's to Jump Down The Rabbit Hole: The 3-2-1 Technique ➡​ Fear Setting Technique ➡​ Letting Go Technique ➡ 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
4/1/202113 minutes, 34 seconds
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WARNING: 7 Lies you've been told about LAW OF ATTRACTION & Manifesting

The ironic thing about self-development or more spiritual concepts like manifesting or the law of attraction is that the reason most get into them is to feel good or make a positive change in their life. But sometimes these "positive" ideas can leave you with a big list of "to-dos" or rules that make you feel worse like you're not doing them the correct way! So in this video, we're going over 7 myths about manifesting so you can ditch the 'rules' and get back to the main benefit of feeling good about using them in the first place! These are common ones I hear people beat themselves up over after doing almost 300 1-on-1 hour-long calls with people. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE:​ (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST:​ (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST:​ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST:​ Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
3/27/202115 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why YOU should NEVER Manifest your Ex back | 3 Reasons

This is a question I get a lot - "CLARK! How do I manifest an ex back?" So in this video, we're going over why you should NEVER try to manifest an ex back, use the law of attraction to manifest an ex, and why I'm not a fan of the techniques or methods that teach you that. We'll attempt to explain why breakups suck and what you can do about it and how to let go! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE:​ (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST:​ (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST:​ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark  
3/23/202116 minutes, 54 seconds
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Letting Go Technique Explained in 5 Easy Steps (MUST TRY) | David Hawkins

Here's the Letting Go technique by David Hawkins SIMPLIFIED. In my opinion, a lot of info out there on this over-complicates it and leaves people confused. So in this video, we're showing you HOW to let go using five simple steps. We'll also go over why letting go is powerful for speeding up manifestations, the law of attraction, or spirituality and bringing peace in your life. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 0:00​ Intro 0:52​ Emotions over Thoughts | WHY 3:18​ The Hawkins Chart of Vibrations | WHAT 5:30​ The 5-Step Technique | HOW 8:30​ Isn't This TOO Simple? | TIPS & Q+A Step One: What am I feeling? — STRESS, DESIRE, FEAR, GUILT, SHAME, ETC (sit with this as long as you need to). Focus on the EMOTION not the thought loop of who did what. Non-judgment: “Wrong to feel this way” Step Two: Run TO it, not FROM it. — Spend 1-10 min here. Step Three: Can I allow this feeling? — NEUTRALITY Step Four: Could I let this go? — WILLINGNESS Step Five: Would I let it go? — SURRENDER 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
3/13/202112 minutes, 36 seconds
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The 4 Attachment Styles Explained | What’s Yours? (POWERFUL!)

Psychologists will say when you enter into a relationship you take on ONE of FOUR major personality types. These are known as “Attachment Styles” - And this video will be like seeing for the first time in your relationships! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Dig this video? Check out our other popular "Bro-science" guides: CHAKRAS:​ JOURNALING:​ BREATHWORK:​ SHADOW WORK:​ LAW OF ATTRACTION: Chapters: 0:00​ WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS 0:37​ Two Things BEFORE You Watch! 1:50​ Secure Attachment 2:45​ Avoidant Attachment 5:20​ The Attachment Matrix Explained 6:00​ Anxious Attachment 9:00​ Fearful Attachment 11:15​ The Best Relationship Advice Ever... Notes: 1. SECURE: Interdependent (50% POPULATION) Kinda the “Goal” or the “Ideal” — HIGH emotional IQ or EQ. Honest, equal, stable, relationships. Very rare 1. WORLDVIEW: Comfortable on your own AND with others 2. CONFLICT: Conflict — Instead of blaming partner or attacking - self-aware enough to ask for what they need. 3. INTERNAL SELF TALK: “he always calms me” — “She’s always there for me when I need her” 2. ANXIOUS: Dependent (20% POPULATION) 1. WORLDVIEW: NEGATIVE view of Self // POSITIVE view of others 2. CONFLICT: Fixers, Saves, or Wounded looking for saving! Mood swings, demanding, clingy, low self-esteem, emotionally end relationships 3. INTERNAL SELF TALK: FEAR of losing relationship (“He’ll leave me” — “She’ll let me down”) 3. AVOIDANT: Independent (25% POPULATION) 1. WORLDVIEW: Positive SELF-view, NEGATIVE view of others. 2. CONFLICT: Never serious / use humor to avoid talking about situations. Not afraid to threaten to leave. 3. INTERNAL SELF TALK: “I can take care of myself” — “I don’t need her” — “I’m fine without you” — “you’re lucky to have me” 4. FEARFUL: Somethin’ else… (5% POPULATION) 1. WORLDVIEW: Negative view of self // Negative view of others 2. CONFLICT: FEAR of being alone/abandoned. When people get too close they hurt them Paradox: They WANT intimacy but RESIST it at the same time. Inner conflict 3. INTERNAL SELF TALK: “No one can love” — “Love is a scam” — “There’s something wrong with me” Refusing to settle, Clark
3/4/202113 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to LET GO and MOVE ON from someone you once LOVED (or EX)

You all loved the past videos on some more relationship-centered detachment and letting go re frames. So in this video, we're talking about how to LET GO and MOVE ON from someone you once loved. This works very well with manifestations and detachment from outcomes. If you find yourself having obsessive thoughts about an ex or some relationship in the past, these are some of the best methods and techniques to STOP obsessing so you can finally move forward and move on! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
2/23/202110 minutes, 2 seconds
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If you CAN'T MEDITATE, watch this! (4 Easy Hacks for Meditation)

In this video, we're talking about meditation. These are four tips I use to meditate most days. Meditation can be over-complicated and create a lot of resistance. Use these 4 meditation hacks to meditate and start seeing all the benefits in your life. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE:​ (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST:​ (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST:​ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark  
2/20/20219 minutes, 49 seconds
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the TRUTH about LETTING GO, Obsession, and Detachment

One of the most CONFUSING concepts in this manifestation, the eastern self-development space is the one we’re talking about in this video. There is so much power in detachment and letting go. We're talking about how to detach from outcomes with your manifestations or the law of attraction in this video. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE:​ (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST:​ (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST:​ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/11/202113 minutes, 23 seconds
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The TRUTH Why Manifestations ARE NOT working for YOU

In this video, we're looking at the honest truth of why manifestations are not working for you. If you've ever thought you were doing everything right, like the affirmations, manifestation techniques, law of attraction, meditation, detachment & letting go, etc... but still have some blocks or things aren't manifesting into your life... I hope this video explains WHY that might be the case. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE:​ (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST:​ (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST:​ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark  
2/6/20218 minutes, 46 seconds
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5 Life-changing books YOU MUST READ in 2021

🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡​ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE:​ (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST:​ (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST:​ ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/4/202112 minutes, 43 seconds
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9 beliefs that LOWER your Vibration & BLOCKING your success

These are nine beliefs that are lowering your vibration and blocking your happiness in life. We're looking at the nine most comment cognitive distortions that people learn to recognize in CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Full transparency: I am not a licensed therapist, nor an expert in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. But I love the crossover between CBT stuff and self-development! This video is not intended to discount or replace therapy. Get the help you need and it's great to seek professionals who can work through these WITH you. Full credit: I got the inspiration from this video from Jonathan Haidt's book "The Coddling of The American Mind" - an absolutely fascinating read that I'm working through! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ 1. Emotional Reasoning: Letting Feelings guide your interpretation of reality. EX: “I feel depressed… so my relationship isn’t working out” EX: “I don’t feel passionate anymore… so I’ll quit and sell everything” 2. Dichotomous Thinking: BLACK and WHITE thinking All or nothing, binary thinking. Success OR failure. The middle is 99% of life. (i.e. “failed” relationships) 3. Catastrophizing: Focusing on WORST case Scenario (And seeing it as likely) EX: “If i start dating them they’ll cheat and I’ll be single again so what’s the point” 4. Overgeneralizing: Perceiving a global pattern of negatives based on a single interaction EX: “I tend to fail at a lot of things” “this always happen to me" 5. Mind Reading: Assuming you know what people think (w/o enough evidence or asking) EX: “My boss HATES me and is definitely gonna fire me” 6. Labeling: Assigning global negative traits to yourself or others. EX: I’m ugly, She’s an awful person, ect 7. Negative Filtering: Focusing Exclusively on negatives. (Seldom Seeing the positives) 8. Discounting Positives: Thinking the positive things you do/others do are trivial 9. Blaming: Focusing on the other person as the source of your negative feelings. Remember, anytime we refuse to take responsibility, we’re giving our power away. Refusing to settle, Clark
1/30/202115 minutes, 38 seconds
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STOP Manifesting LOVE or Your SOULMATE! | Law of Attraction

Most of what we think of as “true love” or manifesting “the one” or your "soulmate" is a bunch of bad advice. Be honest and ask yourself if you believe any of these: - True love is passionate love that never fades - if you are in true love, you should marry that person! - if love ends, you should leave that person (because it wasn't true love) - and if you can find “soulmate” or “right person” true love will never fade. I see that kind of advice thrown out here in the law of attraction/manifestation space a TON. In this video, we're gonna reframe why going after that kind of love is actually hurting you. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/28/20218 minutes, 55 seconds
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WARNING: STOP using the LAW OF ATTRACTION and START using the Law of Vibration!

Look, I love the law of attraction. This video is not bashing that movement. However, I think there's a TON of stuff the law of attraction & "The Secret" is MISSING to make it work for you. We've done a few videos ranting on some of the bad marketing in the secret and what it left out, but I think this video will fill in some gaps for you of why the law of attraction is not working. It comes down to not mastering the Law of Vibration and doing some more shadow work stuff in your life! This video will show you how to start getting the law of attraction to work for you so you can manifest in your life faster! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/23/202110 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Imposter Syndrome SOLUTION | 3 Quick Fixes to STOP Feeling FAKE

Ever felt like a fake? You hear that saying "fake it till you make it" but I think that is some of the WORST advice out there! You don't "fake it till you make it" - it's more like "fake it till you break it." The problem is this imposter syndrome is there for a reason, and in this video, we're going to go over WHAT imposter syndrome IS, and how to overcome imposter syndrome for GOOD using 3 simple reframes. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/17/202111 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to make them LOVE you | The 5 Love Languages

We all speak and receive different love languages. In this video, we're going over five love languages. If you do not master these, relationships and manifesting love is next to impossible. Or if you do attract love using manifestation or the law of attraction, you will not keep it for long. This is the best relationship advice for manifesting your dream partner or soulmate. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/14/202120 minutes, 43 seconds
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how to LET GO, move on, and STOP obsessing (power of detachment)

In this video, we're talking about using the power of detachment and letting go to get you BETTER results with your manifestations, goals, and the law of attraction. We often think that if we obsess about what we want, our results will be better. I've found it's the opposite. This video will show you WHY that's the case. It will also give you 3 re-frames to start letting go so you know how to let go and stop obsessing over someone or something. 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ LETTING GO VIDEO: ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark 
1/12/202111 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (2021)

This is our little new years tradition every year on the channel. Journaling is (in my opinion) the number one thing you can do to shift into the higher version of yourself. Many people don't know where to start when it comes to how to journal for self-growth. So in this video, I'm going to show you the ultimate guide to keeping a journal. This works great for scripting, the law of attraction, manifestations, goal setting, the list goes on! 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ Love the journaling content? Here's a playlist with ALL our best journal videos over past 5+ years. Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Journal Series | 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
1/9/202123 minutes
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Here's a fun one! It's time to update your crusty vision board (it's okay if it's currently collecting some dust) and make a digital vision board the RIGHT way. We're going over how to make a vision board to use the law of attraction, manifestation, goal setting, and the secret. This is hot to create a vision board (BEST METHOD). 🎯 Free Case Study - Discover ONE TOOL more powerful than manifestation, rewiring your subconscious mind, or the law of attraction. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/20/202021 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to STOP Obsessing Over Someone and START Letting Go (Best Relationship Advice)

Understand that when you’re OVER attached to anything, your results are worse, not better. Especially with love and relationships. This video is for those of you who want to manifest love or relationship into your life. 🎯 Free Case Study - Why Identity shifting is more powerful than manifestation, the law of attraction, or self-development. Click to watch now (no sign-up required) ➡ 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ BIG IDEAS: 1. Most people’s view on “love” or “relationships” is dependent or codependent love 2. Your need for FREEDOM is higher than you’re need for love. 3. Any time you’re not ‘free’ you will grow to resent that person. 4. Therefore the solution to love is to let go more and relax so you can tap into the power of interdependence relationships. 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
12/13/202012 minutes, 12 seconds
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3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Coming Your Way | Law of Attraction

Can you relate to this? I think the HARDEST part about practicing and using more esoteric concepts like manifestation, visualization, the law of attraction, etc.. how the heck do you know if it’s working? And this is actually a really good question! Even from people skeptical about LOA/hippie stuff! Maybe you're doubting if what you’re doing is working… I know that can be hard! AND Frustrating! So in this video will give you the 3 most common signs your manifestation is closer than you think. These are the three signs your manifestation is coming your way. Some of these signs I’ve gotten from people much smarter than myself, other’s I’ve seen a pattern in EVERY time leading up to something I’ve manifested… these are the 3 things that show up. 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/12/202017 minutes, 3 seconds
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Watch THIS if you feel STUCK in life (POWERFUL!)

Here's a video full of great reframes and what to do if the law of attraction or manifestations aren't working. When it feels like you don't know what to do... do this! 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/6/202011 minutes, 34 seconds
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Shadow Work: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners (LIFE-CHANGING)

We are talking all about shadow work in this video and how to do it. Your shadow self is a very powerful part you can tap into and heal. This video is designed to be the ultimate guide to shadow work for beginners. I will also give you an extremely powerful shadow work technique in this video that you can use TODAY to start benefiting from shadow work techniques. 🌙 THE METAMORPHIC COACHING PROGRAM IS OPEN! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (limited availability) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/3/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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3 DEADLY things that BLOCK your Manifestations | Law of Attraction

One of the biggest myths about the law of attraction is that you can manifest without taking action. In this way, I believe the law of attraction is actually DANGEROUS if you fall victim to this trap! So in this video, we're looking at why most people DON'T take action even if they believe in manifestations and the law of attraction. These are the three deadly action traps that block your manifestations and the law of attraction! You must know all three of these so you can recognize and avoid them in your life. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
12/1/202014 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (POWERFUL Law of Attraction Secrets In THE BIBLE!)

In this video, we're going to look at the hidden teachings of Jesus that explain manifestation & the law of attraction. We'll look at 6 different verses from the bible that help give deeper insights to modern concepts like the law of attraction, the secret, and manifestation. Note: this is not a religious channel. We are not taking a Christian view/spin on these teachings. Although you can do so if you'd like. I am not a practicing Christian (although I do have a background in theology). My point is that you can believe whatever you'd like. There are insights from the bible that are over 2,000 years old and still hold up today. I love looking at ancient wisdom because I feel when we get too caught up pursuing the new version of things and looking for the cutting-edge, we miss the good stuff that's been out there forever! Also, this is a follow-up video to our video breaking down the gospel of Thomas. In that video, we looked at the forbidden gospel of Thomas which wasn’t published in the bible but was thrown out with other gnostic gospels. Click here to watch Part I here: Refusing to settle, Clark
11/26/202011 minutes, 33 seconds
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Say these 3 Affirmations EVERY DAY to attract LOVE | Law of Attraction

This video will give you the THREE most powerful affirmations to attract love using the law of attraction. Say these 3 love affirmations every day for 21 days and watch what happens to your manifestations to attract love. These also work to attract a specific person, manifest a relationship, or as a meditation to attract love in your life. If you want to make affirmations work with the law of attraction, watch this video all the way till the end and apply it in your life! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
11/19/202012 minutes, 3 seconds
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I drank CELERY JUICE for 7 Days and this is what happened...

In this video - going t talk about my experience with the "Celery Juice 7-day Challenge." It's going to be a fun/different style video for sure! But I've been loving the results from juicing celery for the past seven days and wanted to share them with you in case you're up for trying something new! CHAPTERS 0:00 START 0:30 DAY 1 - Buying My First Juicer 1:00 "People Want to Buy Health" 2:30 Disclaimer 3:00 7 Scientific Benefits of Drinking Celery 7:20 DAY 2 - Results 7:56 DAY 4 - IT WORKS! All Day Energy and Mental Clarity? 11:36 HOW TO DO THIS - Step-by-Step Protocol 13:22 DAY 6 - Be Aware of This DIRTY Trick... 18:30 DAY 7 - Final Thoughts // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #CELERYJUICE #JUICING #DETOX This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
11/1/202019 minutes, 37 seconds
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Here’s Why Manifestation + Goal Setting WON'T Work For YOU | Law of Attraction

You probably have goals that you want to manifest in your life. And that's a GOOD thing. But why is it we self-sabotage ourselves? Or we get so close to achieving something and then it slips away from us. This video will show you why sometimes removing the "bad" or "blocks" from your life is MORE powerful than adding in the good. This video will talk about the law of attraction, law of attraction blockers, manifestation, manifesting techniques, and how to use the law of attraction for relationships and love. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
10/29/202010 minutes, 38 seconds
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the ONE Journal Exercise that CRUSHED my Anxiety and Overthinking | Fear Setting

Everything we want is JUST beyond the comfort zone. If it wasn’t we’d already have it. But here's the sobering truth: anything worth having is blocked by fear. This is completely normal. Your want certain goals, relationships, manifestations, your best life, etc... but then anxiety and overthinking about "worst-case scenarios" get in the way and blocks you. This video will show you a powerful journaling exercise I used to get rid of many of my fears about failing in life. Full credit: I first got this idea from Tim Ferriss in his Ted Talk "Why you should define your fears instead of your goals" - great talk you should watch after this video. I put my own spin on this and made it a little simpler and easier to apply. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️     Refusing to settle, Clark      
10/25/202010 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Law of Attraction is FAKE! Spirituality is A CULT! Manifestation is B.S!

I get questions about 3 areas a lot. So… instead of running from them (like most people do), I thought we’d answer them straight up! Let's cut right to the heart of the matter: is the law of attraction fake? Is manifestation a placebo? and is spirituality a cult? In this video, we're going to talk about the law of attraction, how to manifest what you want, what is spirituality, and how to manifest anything you want using the law of attraction. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Refusing to settle, Clark
10/22/202015 minutes, 36 seconds
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the ONE WORD that changed EVERYTHING in my life...

In this video, we're going over ONE word that changed everything in my life. Once I learned this, I was finally able to reprogram my subconscious mind, apply self-development, and get manifestations to work in my life. Here are the notes for this video: 4 LAYERS OF IDENTITY SHIFTING: ACTIONS: chaining techniques (temporary) EMOTIONS: chaining feelings (more powerful cause they guide actions. But trap when we do what love and avoid what we hate. Slave to just doing what’s easy/love) BELIEFS: More powerful but have millions of beliefs. Try to change them all? Not REAL cause - just symptom of mind. IDENTITY: Changing the root of who you are. Core. The root cause, not the symptom. Most go 1-2-3 and why most fail. Need to go 3-2-1 Most people don’t consider IDENTITY change when set out to improve. Just think “I want to be skinny” (outcome) and if I stick to a diet (habit) I’ll be skinny (identity) - friend lost 100lbs just by asking “what would a healthy person do in this situation?” The goal is not to not smoke, the goal is to become a nonsmoker The goal is not to write one page, the goal is to become a writer The goal is not to get into running, the goal is to become a runner Every action is casting a VOTE for the person you want to become We aren’t born with beliefs. Only collected through Evidence. (i.e. “I’m bad at math” I got from humiliated in 2nd grade) (i.e. “I’m a YouTuber / Entrepreneur” I got from filming 500 videos) (i.e. “I’m a liberal” get from watching only left fake news) Refusing to settle, Clark
10/17/202011 minutes, 49 seconds
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10 BEST IDEAS | Atomic Habits | James Clear | Book Summary

Habits control everything you do. So it's fair to say that if you want to change your life, you must FIRST change your habits. This video will show you an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. Talking about Atomic Habits by James Clear. Get this book for FREE on audible with a free trial ➡ (affiliate) NOTES: CAT STUDY: psychologist Edward Thorndike did an experiment on cats placed in a pitch-black box. Each cat did what you’d think — scramble around for minutes and freaking out! Clawing at walls. There was a lever that when the pressed door would open cat eventually found. Thorndike kept doing it to the same cats that escaped successfully. The response was after 20 or 30 times doing this avg cat escape in 6 seconds. It became habitual. Cats learned the power of habits - became conditioned and almost automatic. Saved all the panic of “OH MY GOD GOTTA ESCAPE!” -- Also got what they wanted FASTER with LESS effort: Out You might be thinking: “Won’t habits make my life dull? Robotic? Where’s the fun/spontaneity/freedom!?” -- It’s the opposite. (i.e. me filming content first thing in the morning vs. stress no schedule have to) - discipline gives you freedom ACTION // IMPLEMEMT What is ONE habit you KNOW would help you in 2.0 journey? (START DOING) What is ONE habit you KNOW is holding you back at 1.0? (STOP DOING) THINK ABOUT IT: Winners and losers have the SAME GOALS! Habits are what determines if you WIN or LOSE — NOT goals! THE GOAL IS NOT TO read one book BUT TO become a reader THE GOAL IS NOT TO make $1M dollars BUT TO become financially free THE GOAL IS NOT TO workout daily BUT TO become someone at 10% body fat Dopamine Addiction 1954 two neuroscientists ran an experiment testing desire - used electrodes that blocked the release of dopamine in rats… what happened? Less motivated? Lazy? Fat? WORSE! They DIED. NO desire to eat, drink, reproduce, or do anything else — died of thirst. All of them. Habits are wired into us ALL leading to one thing: avoiding pain and seeking pleasure! Refusing to settle, Clark
10/15/202018 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Visualize THE RIGHT WAY - POWERFUL Visualization Techniques & Methods for Manifesting

This video is the ultimate guide to visualization! We're going to geek out and have some fun! Maybe you've heard about visualization from the law of attraction or manifesting camps. Maybe you've tried meditation and it just didn't stick or you got confused on the difference between manifestation and visualization. Maybe you think this stuff is all B.S. Whichever camp you're in, this video is for you! I'll share some science behind the power of visualization in the Quantum Field of change, as well as a few tips and tricks to speed up manifestations through visualization! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
10/10/202019 minutes, 3 seconds
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WHY I UNFOLLOWED 73% OF PEOPLE… AND YOU SHOULD TOO! | Dopamine Detox & The Social Dilemma

Just got done watching Netflix's "The Social Dilemma" - a super thought-provoking movie. All about the effects of social media and how it makes us less happy. I know we've heard this 'rant' before, so I wanted to give my personal take on it. Here's how unfollowing 73% of people made me happier and more productive. Its the start of a dopamine detox! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️   Refusing to settle, Clark      
10/8/202014 minutes, 31 seconds
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How To manifest Your DREAM Relationship or Soulmate (2 Techniques That WORK)

In this video, we're giving you TWO powerful techniques to manifest love, your soulmate, or dream relationship. Both of these work for manifestation and the law of attraction. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
10/4/202013 minutes
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Identity Shifting MATRIX - What You Need to Know NOW!

We are talking about the identity matrix. This is a concept about the 4-levels of identity in your life. This is how to shift your identity and change your life completely. If you struggle with imposter syndrome, law of attraction blocks, manifesting, this video will shift you completely. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
10/3/202010 minutes, 21 seconds
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10 BIG IDEAS | LETTING GO | David Hawkins | Book Summary

FIVE WORDS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE: You are not your feelings. If you look at human life, we see that it’s essentially one long elaborate struggle to escape. Escape our fears, inner feelings, conflict, suffering, etc. People explain it as “the human condition” even. What’s the method for doing this? Going over that technique and 10 Big ideas from Letting Go - the Pathway to Surrender by David R. Hawkins. Get this book for FREE on audible with a free trial ➡ (affiliate) NOTES: STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THOUGHTS: when you hear the word “surrender” or “letting go” what comes up? Ask me that 5 years ago early 20s I would have said “DEFEAT!” or “GIVING UP!” - toxic narrative. Exhausting. Random. There’s peace in letting go/surrendering. Knowing which battles to choose in life - can’t fight them all. Can’t FIGURE everything out! The Point: Stop trying to change thoughts. You have 60k per day. Real root is the feeling. Go here. REAL ROOT IS FEELINGS: Research showing thoughts aren’t stored in the mind - they are categorized. Like a file on the computer. Categorized under FEELINGS. Thousands/millions of thoughts can be REPLACED by a single emotion “Emotions are a record of the past” -- Emotions are more Primitive in brain — thoughts are NEWER, so less priority. FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ SUPPRESSION // REPRESSION SUPPRESSION: Consciously done. REPRESSION: Subconsciously done. Repression is DEEPER - usually too much guilt/shame around event to deal with consciously. Stuff it down. The root of patterns we have in relationships, friendships, business, self-talk, money, family, etc. EXPRESSION Pressure valve to release a little inner pressure -- goes back to repressing and surpassing more “Isn’t it GOOOD to express feelings?” - sometimes! But can be SELFISH. i.e. friend who was dating a manipulative woman. ALWAYS needing to “have a talk” - just her way of PROJECTING onto him all responsibility of a relationship. Refusing to settle, Clark
10/1/202019 minutes, 50 seconds
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What is EGO in spirituality? (know this & CHANGE your life FOREVER!)

I see lots of videos, books, etc talking about the concept of an EGO. In my opinion, this is the most OVER complicated and overused word in the entire self-development, spirituality world. So in this video, we’re going to (attempt) to explain the concept of an EGO at a 5th-grade level *my level* - so that we can see how it’s holding us back AND how integrating it is very powerful. WHAT IS EGO? The EGO in one sentence: What we think we are. I AM the things I have, I AM my friends, I AM my job/status, I AM my past experiences make up me, etc. But this identity is NOT you at your core. Some unchanging constant that is you. i.e. INCEPTION: (Constant concept) - this is what a spiritual practice is. (some religion) TEMP. IMMORTAL SOUL. Temporary human body - the infinite soul. On earth, we can only observe and interact. BODY ARMOR: So we need armor (body) - think of it like scuba suit when diving underwater. Protect us. This is what the EGO is. Shield to separate us by definition. EGO knows a limited life span so it produces FEAR and STRESS for SURVIVAL. Immortality Complexes to keep us alive. E.G.O. - Edging God Out Wayne Dyer. We are ALL connected - Ego is the “I or ME” that separates us and divides us. In 2020 no secret ego energy is RAMPANT - turn on any news for 5 seconds divisive Wayne Dyer says EGO stands for: EDGING GOD OUT. Whatever god is to you: higher self, universal consciousness, something connects us all. But this identity is NOT you at your core. Who you are is always changing so it CAN’T be true. Been said we are immortal spiritual beings having a temper humans experience. Ego wants MORE and MORE. Hedonism. Primal Urges. Strong Masculine energy. Five senses only and sensual extremes. SOUL: some call “6th Sense” or Higher Self, Awakening, Third Eye, Empath, Star seed, call whatever you want. Refusing to settle, Clark
9/26/202017 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Manifest A Text WON’T WORK Unless You Do THIS FIRST!

How to manifest a text from a specific person WON'T WORK unless you do this FIRST! We've had almost 1M people view our "Manifest a Text" series. SO many people had INSANE results (just go read the comments on those videos). But I had the feeling some people didn't get any results. That's because they're doing THREE things wrong. In this video we're talking about the missing piece to manifesting. These are the THREE biggest BLOCKERS that keep manifestations and the law of attraction from working for you. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #manifest #manifestatext This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/24/202010 minutes, 54 seconds
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In Order to Change Your Life, YOU MUST DO THIS FIRST (Identity Shifting - POWERFUL)

In order to change your life, you must FIRST do this! We're talking about how to make a change at the identity level. This is how to shift your identity and change your life completely. If you struggle with imposter syndrome, law of attraction blocks, manifesting, this video will shift you completely. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) ➡ SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #identity #identityshifting This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️     Refusing to settle, Clark      
9/20/202013 minutes, 4 seconds
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Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Secrets - ONLY USE THIS FOR GOOD! (POWERFUL Techniques)

FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ VIDEO NOTES: A) Feeling Is The Secret Main points: the power of your Subconscious and STATE A-HA: Repetition is how it learns. That’s what fives life is internal, not external. So default easily is negativity - default is weeds in the garden. Most people are. So it takes ACTIVE (sometimes not so fun effort) to DE WEED garden! Dwell on neg eventually sub con believes it’s true - NOW we need to shift until flips another way! STATE: BUT! Probably thinking, well “clark! how can i do this FASTER? shortcuts?” YES! There IS…. The feeling is the SECRET. I believe EMOTION trumps repetition. That’s why people can fall in love overnight and change every belief they had about never dating again cause too painful. That’s why one youtube video or movie can flip you from giving up to pushing forward. They all have an INTENSE emotional charge to it! Visualize need to shift to feeling B) When You Visualize, do this Remember, the state is everything, You control this. Neville talks about two times most important: Before BED and Prayer Tips to do this? Five senses - use all these with what you want. Make colors vs. black and white. make loud vs quiet. Get into Theta state - out of beta waves (most important) -- WISHES FULFILLED: “Assuming the state of the wish fulfilled” - NG -- Letting go - equally as important -- TIP: at end manifestation and affirmations “It is done. It is done. It is done. Thank You” C) Living in the end result - feel the identity you want “Visionaries” - think of this term. Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, etc. People who can see far ahead BEFORE they create it. Then they do and everyone asks “HOW DID YOU DO IT!” We must create that VISION for our lives! Most important YOUR end result is unique and authentic to you. // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #NEVILLEGODDARD #MANIFEST #FEELINGISTHESECRET This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/19/202013 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why 'The Secret' is DANGEROUS for the Law Of Attraction (POWERFUL)

Let's talk about the 3 reasons the movie and book "the secret" is dangerous for the law of attraction. If you want to manifest anything using the law of attraction, you must FIRST make sure you're not doing these THREE MISTAKES that BLOCK the law of attraction from working for YOU! // FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #THESECRET #MANIFEST This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/17/20209 minutes, 34 seconds
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5 Journal MISTAKES You MUST AVOID When Scripting (That BLOCK The Law of Attraction)

After last week's video on scripting for the law of attraction, we got TONS of questions about how to keep a journal for manifesting. Here are 5 most common mistakes that BLOCK the law of attraction when journaling. FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
9/12/202010 minutes, 53 seconds
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THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: how to manifest anything you want! (100% WORKS 2020)

Realize you just attracted this video into your life. (okay, the algorithm helps too…) Look this video is NOT for the nerds who know everything about the law of attraction. It's NOT for those who know all the manifestation techniques, law of attraction theories, all the lingo and are fully bought in. This video is for TWO kinds of people: ONE: the SKEPTICS (those who have doubts about the law of attraction and manifesting) TWO: the CONFUSED. I get it. This spirituality space and lots of law of attraction info can get confusing! That's why in this video we're going to answer the SEVEN most asked questions about the law of attraction, raising your vibration, and manifesting! 7 LAW OF ATTRACTION QUESTIONS: 0:00 START 1:30 1. WHAT IS LAW OF ATTRACTION? 4:35 2. MANIFESTING VS LAW OF ATTRACTION? 8:45 3. ENERGY? FREQUENCY? VIBRATION? 12:55 4. HOW DO I KNOW I’M MANIFESTING RIGHT? 14:20 5. WHAT CAN I DO TO SPEED UP LAW OF ATTRACTION? 17:00 6. CAN CHRISTIANS USE LAW OF ATTRACTION? 18:55 7. HOW DO I KNOW IT HAS WORKED? // FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: Refusing to settle, Clark
9/10/202022 minutes, 19 seconds
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10 BEST IDEAS | STILLNESS IS THE KEY | Ryan Holiday | Book Summary

Here are the BIG 10 ideas from Stillness Is The Key by Ryan Holiday. Hope you geek out on this book summary as I did! Ryan Holiday has great books and this video will summarize the 10 big ideas from stillness is the key. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Get Stillness Is The Key For Free Here ➡ Free Audio Book With Audible (affiliate) Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED ➡ BOOK SUMMARY PLAYLIST: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #STILLNESSISTHEKEY #RYANHOLIDAY #BOOKSUMMARY This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/8/202021 minutes, 17 seconds
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Manifest Money FAST Meditation | Try For 21 Days | [EXTREMELY POWERFUL!]

Welcome to the meditation to manifest money FAST. I dare you to listen to this every day for 21 days and watch what happens in your finances. Please comment with your success story BIG or SMALL in the comments below! Manifest money starts by rewiring your subconscious mind. Many of us grew up in negative wealth environments or we saw a lack of money around us. This mediation works to rewire your subconscious beliefs around money through a guided meditation and affirmation series. Remember by just showing up and listening every day for 21 days, you ARE doing it right! There are NO rules with this meditation! Just sit back, relax fully, and have some fun! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life & subconscious mind ➡ AFFIRMATIONS: I am worthy of making money I deserve wealth Being rich is my birthright I am a magnet for money I now command my body and mind to move from poverty thinking to abundance thinking I am so happy and grateful now that all the money I want flows to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources I am FULLY OPEN and RECEPTIVE to all the wealth life offers me. I am debt-free, as money is constantly flowing into my life I accept wealth CONSTANTLY flowing into my life. I am so happy and grateful now that all the money I want flows to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources I now break free of my childhood conditioning around money My future rich life with money starts NOW. I release ALL negative energy over money NOW. I accept wealth CONSTANTLY flowing into my life. I embrace being a rich person FULLY. I am so happy and grateful now that all the money I want flows to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources I believe money and Love DO co-exist I am aware that more MONEY equals MORE opportunities for me to give to others and change the world. I accept that money is a positive force for GOOD. I am a generous person with my wealth - giving to others in need. I feel money comes to me NOW and I accept ALL of it. I am so happy and grateful now that all the money I want flows to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #MANIFESTMONEY #WEALTH #AFFIRMATIONS This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/6/202013 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to JOURNAL & Manifest ANYTHING Using SCRIPTING | Law Of Attraction (WORKS LIKE MAGIC)

Scripting in your journal is one of the most powerful Law of Attraction techniques. Classic scripting is where you do a journaling exercise about your life based on how you want it to be... And that’s great… but in this video, I want to give you a bit of an advanced long-term method to manifest with journal scripting. This is one how to keep a journal method I’ve shown millions of people on this channel and doing for over 8 years. It transforms the “scripting” manifesting process into an entire method you can use to coach yourself for years to come and finally get the results you want! Want more journal content? Here's a playlist with all our vids! ➡ Journal Series Playlist | Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ // FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/5/202020 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Most POWERFUL Techniques to REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind (Neville Goddard)

Welcome back to another video! You're going to get two of the most powerful techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind. These are inspired by Neville Goddard. Use these two techniques to rewire your subconscious mind and tap into manifestations or the law of attraction FASTER! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #NEVILLEGODDARD #MANIFEST This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
9/1/202014 minutes, 38 seconds
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In this video, I'm going to show you ONE journaling technique that is extremely powerful.... and involves fire? This journal method will reach deep into your subconscious mind and rewire any blocks holding you back. It also works great if you're trying to manifest with the law of attraction faster. Use this journal method for journaling and keeping a journal!   FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡   FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡   // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: //   RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ JOURNAL PLAYLIST: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this)   Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #JOURNAL #JOURNALING #SCRIPTING   This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️   Refusing to settle, Clark     SHOW LESS      
8/30/20209 minutes, 23 seconds
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Affirmations Meditation to Attract Love INSTANTLY | Manifest A Soulmate While You Sleep!

Welcome to the 21-day love affirmations meditation. This meditation is very powerful for manifesting love into your life. If you want MORE love, better relationships, a soulmate, twin flame, or more self-love you are in the right place! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ Begin by finding a quiet or comfortable place to sit or lie down Know that there’s no need for you to TRY or DO anything in this time Just showing up and listening to these 21 minutes IS enough Let’s start by remembering one thing: manifesting is not creating. Everything you want already exists both out there and within. Your dream partner or soulmate is already alive living their life right now at this very moment. Manifesting is not creating, It is attracting. By using this meditation and affirmations every day for 21 days you are attracting what already exists to you. AFFIRMATIONS I deserve love My heart is open and the partner I seek is also seeking me right now at this very moment, we are connected, tuned to the same frequency just as a radio tunes to a station to hear the music they want I tune to the frequency of love and so does my dream partner. I now release any blocks that are standing between us. I am letting go of what’s held me back with love in the past. I am making room for this amazing partner in my life. Love starts with me. I am 100% open and committed to attracting the perfect person for me. I love all that I AM and so does my partner. I am love. I am enough. I am lovable. I forgive myself. It is done. It is done. It is done. And so it is. I feel this love in every cell of my body I feel love begins to take over your entire body now. I feel love start to take over my entire body now, almost vibrating every cell in my body with unconditional love - and as it works its way now up my body starting from my legs - moving up to my core - slowly coming up to my arms - and neck - almost like my body being submerged slowly in water and it feels so good I hold this power to feel this good inside of me at ANY time I choose I am worthy of love I am good enough I am totally whole and complete I am on my own team I overflow with self-love sharing this love with others is effortless and natural to me people feel safe around me and are drawn to my energy Love follows me everywhere I go. Everywhere I look I can see the good in people I am surrounded by love every day, in every way The more love I can have for myself The more I am able to resonate with someone on the level I am seeking So my intention for every day - is to love myself more than the day before To start being unconditionally loving, compassionate, forgiving, to myself. Because I deserve this love. And I am so happy and grateful that this self-love follows me wherever I go I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a loving relationship with someone who treats me right I am amazing, I radiate confidence, life, and can be myself fully. People WANT to be around me. I deserve the best and I accept the best now. Thank you I am enough. I am whole. My heart is open. And I will attract someone who matches the same vibration. FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
8/29/202013 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Activate Your Pineal Gland FAST - Superhuman Potential (NO GOING BACK!)

In this video, we're going to show you a POWERFUL technique to open your Pineal Gland - also known as your THIRD EYE. This is a very simple but powerful method to activate your pineal gland! FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ NOTES: - Third eye “Pineal Gland” is the gateway to deeper spiritual connection and intuition - This is NOT new! Very old. PINEAL comes from the Latin word “pineia” which means pinecone. Size of a pea. - Your Third Eye (Pineal Gland) manages sleep/wake patterns. At night pineal gland is responsible for converting serotonin into melatonin. Circadian rhythm. Also, play a role in REM sleep. So if you struggle with sleep, energy levels, bad dreams, this method is a game-changer. - Every ancient culture has a reference to this as a spiritual center. - Important in melatonin production. If you alter that molecule one more time it becomes DMT psychedelic compound. People report spiritual experiences on Auyuasca or LSD or DMT - Referred to as the third eye because it is literally the third eye in the brain. Some research has shown what looks like cornea and retain and vision receptors. Allowing you to see beyond physical reality. - In fact, ancient Egyptians “Eye of Horus” symbol of protection, power, good health: is very close to anatomy of brain and location oof pineal Gland // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ MEDITATION MUSIC: ➡ BREATHING TECHNIQUE: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #PINEALGLAND #THIRDEYE #MANIFEST This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️ Refusing to settle, Clark
8/27/202016 minutes, 9 seconds
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DEADLY Words That BLOCK Your Manifestations and STOP The Law of Attraction From Working

Feels GOOD to be back! Thanks for your patience - had some stuff going on behind the scenes/in my personal life. Anyhoo, in this video we are going over the FIVE phrases that BLOCK the LAW OF ATTRACTION and STOP manifestations from working in your life. Never say these 5 words if you want to rewire your subconscious mind and reprogram beliefs. // 3 FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: 1️⃣ FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ 2️⃣ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ 3️⃣ Best program to rewire your subconscious mind for RAPID growth and life-long change: ➡ (FREE demo) // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED: ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #MANIFEST #LAWOFATTRACTION This description may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. We don't promote crap (unfortunately, there's a lot out there). Only products that I have personally used and paid for and LOVE! ✌️     Refusing to settle, Clark      
8/25/202014 minutes, 34 seconds
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BREAKING NEWS: 5 Ancient Alien Discoveries Will Make You Question Everything!

Here's what happens when you have too much time during quarantine and binge-watch all 13 seasons of ancient aliens. I love this stuff! If you do too, you're in for a treat. We're going to look at FIVE ancient alien mysteries that might actually be true. These ancient alien discoveries could rewrite history. Enjoy!' FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ 5. Gobekli Tepe In 1994 a sheep farmer in Turkey was out on his farm. Trips upon a big rock gets curious - starts to uncover one of the BIGGEST discoveries of last 200 years. Would later be known as Golbekli Tepe - a complex family of massive stones deliberately buried underground as a method of preserving them. Might be thinking “Clark, not so impressive… we got Stone Hinge” That was 4k years ago and perfectly simple to understand. Need to go back 7k MORE years in a low tech village in turkey where nothing was… to get GT. ALSO - this is 5k years OLDER than first known civilization in Mesopotamia. Crazy! 4. Egypt: Sphinx A) One of the most unexplained mysteries in Egypt is the Sphynx. The common timeline puts this at 4.5k years old… but that’s impossible if you believe what I’m about to share… John Anthony West says 10-12k years old AT LEAST Because… Water erosion on sphinx but hasn’t been heavy rainfall since last ice age or 10-12k years ago. Water erosion that occurs takes thousands of years to do 3. Egypt: Pyramids No way by common knowledge they should exist. Arguably the most puzzling structure on the face of the planet. The complexity of mathematical knowledge encoded into the structure. Even placement. CRAFTSMANSHIP: There are 2.3M stones on great Giza Pyramid Each weighting between 2-80 TONS (Average grown elephant weighs 5-7 Tons) Stones perfectly cut and put into place that you can’t even fit a piece of paper in between. 2. Puma Punku Almost 13k feet high up in highlands of Bolivia in the Andes there are blocks excess of 50 tons - stones 25ft high PLUS the weird thing about these blocks: Made of sandstone and andante… means transported up there. Use what? Wooden rollers? Impossible because no trees existed to make the rollers to transport these 50ton stones. 1. Dogon Tribe This is a remote tribe in Mali. Impossible to know knowledge about to share by today’s standards. In one of their caves they painted (700 years ago) show the star Sirius AND it orbiting that small star (Sirius B) takes 50-years to orbit this Sirius A. Modern day: takes 50.1 years. Not a coincidence at all - how they know such detailed info. Refusing to settle, Clark
7/25/202019 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!)

Here's a BRO SCIENCE Guide to Chakras. We're going to simplify the 7 major chakras and explain the at a practical level so that you can USE them and tap into the power of chakras for meditation, law of attraction, crystals, energy healing, aura, and more! 1️⃣ FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ CHAKRA 101: ENERGY CENTERS IN BODY. The easiest way to understand is to think of these “energy centers” like pieces of a car engine. All work together, no problems, fully working. Some go out of balance - others have to pick up the slack. Eventually, cause problems and break down. Same thing with energy centers in your body. We’ll get into each one. 🔴 1. Root Chakra Location = Base of Spine Use = Survival + Security (Basic Trust) BALANCED = Grounded, peace with survival needs/future BLOCKED = Fear of being on streets, don’t belong in the current house or town or environment, no “home” OVER active: greed, materialistic, money without healthy intention, prove to others HOW TO: plants, feet on grass, outside 🟠 2. SACRAL CHAKRA Location = Navel Use = Creativity, Sexuality BALANCED = JOY, pleasure, sexual charge, passion, optimism BLOCKED = low libido, guilt, unhealthy views around sex HOW TO: Dancing, Moonlight? 🟡 3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Location = Six Pack Abs Use = Wisdom + Power BALANCED = On purpose, will power, good self-worth BLOCKED = low self-esteem, submissive, feeling THEM vs. ME HOW TO: Deep breathwork 🟢 4. HEART CHAKRA Location = Middle of chest Use = Regulate Emotion BALANCED = Love, love for others! unconditional, peace, empathy, acceptance, forgiveness BLOCKED = bitter, relationship issues, trust issues, SNAPPY towards others HOW TO: Pet animals, nature 🔵 5. THROAT CHAKRA Location = Bottom of throat Use = Communication BALANCED = Good communication BLOCKED = Secrets, withholding, 🟣 6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA Location = Between Eyes Use = Intuition, Inner wisdom, Visualization BALANCED = follow heart, empath, BLOCKED = Doubt, poor creativity, self-doubts 🟪 7. CROWN CHAKRA Location = Top of head Use = Spirituality, Consciousness, Oneness Refusing to settle, Clark
7/23/202020 minutes
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How to Manifest ANYTHING In 24 Hours or Less LAW OF ATTRACTION

FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ // MORE FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ Best program to rewire your subconscious mind for RAPID growth and life-long change: ➡ (FREE demo) // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: // RESOURCES & VIDEOS MENTIONED ➡ FREE BOOK ON AUDIBLE: (affiliate) ➡ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST: (binge-watch this) Follow Me On IG/ Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/19/202013 minutes, 21 seconds
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Journal LIKE THIS for 21 Days to Manifest INSTANTLY (LOA SCRIPTING)

Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ // 3 FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: 1️⃣ FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ 2️⃣ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ 3️⃣ Best program to rewire your subconscious mind for RAPID growth and life-long change: ➡ (FREE demo) 4 // BEST COURSES: Refusing to settle, Clark
7/16/202013 minutes, 12 seconds
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Manifest Money FAST | This Is The Exact Formula I Use [WORKS!!]

FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ Let's talk about manifesting money. It comes down to this powerful cycle to manifest more money into your life: Thoughts — Feelings — Actions — Results I want to talk about ONE tip for all of these THOUGHTS: What is the EXACT amount you want to manifest? STORY I: scrubbing spots in college - wanted to make $10k) FEELINGS: ONE PHRASE SO POWERFUL: Affirmation: “I am so happy and grateful now money flows to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis” ACTIONS: Read these practical books: Science of Getting Rich Think And Grow Rich - Summary: I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Summary: Refusing to settle, Clark 
7/14/202010 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (NOT WHAT YOU THINK!)

You could make the case that what I’m about to share is the single BIGGEST breakthrough discovery of the last 200 years. We're going to look at the FORBIDDEN TEACHINGS of Jesus That Explain Manifestation & Law of Attraction (WARNING: This Was Kept This SECRET) FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ In 1945 workers in Egypt dug into an ancient Christian tomb where they found large Jar containing 13 leather scrolls manuscripts - Inside was 48 separate works. Later known as the “Nag Hamadi library” and the “Dead Sea Scrolls” But one manuscript that stood out because it gave such a different view on Jesus’s teaching’s: The Gospel of Thomas. (side note: short you can find PDFs online only about 114 verses or 12 pages) A great question to ask is “if all books and teaching weren’t included in the bible…Who decided what stays/goes? Constantine and Bishops in Council of Nicaea in 325AD. At least 45 books were completely taken away or tremendously edited. What the public was left with is what we now call “The New Testament” which makes up Christian theology. Essentially it was watered down. Goal so everyday person could understand. An example is removing lots of women from it. Wonder why never hear about Mary or her story? The entire gospel of Mary edited out. Goes into her mother who was 81 years old how she was 14 when given to Joseph. Much more! Refusing to settle, Clark
7/12/202010 minutes, 4 seconds
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BREAKING NEWS: Top Secret CIA Document DECLASSIFIED - The Gateway Process (Out of Body Experiments)

1️⃣ FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ BOOM! You ready for a fun one? Today we're going over a CIA declassified doc and what it means about meditation, out of body experiences, law of attraction, manifestation, and more! These experiments to put people into altered states of consciousness. So in this video, I want to give you 4 of my biggest takeaways from this declassified CIA doc that will blow your mind! This DOC left me with the confidence of millions of dollars of research they came to many conclusions that validate lots of “new age pseudoscience” - i.e. Hypnosis, Transcendental Meditation, Higher Self, Everything is Energy, and so much more. Einstein’s Theory of Quantum Change: any action you have is mired by the opposite in the quantum field. Think of every particle having a Siamese twin effect. Subatomic particles collide then go their different ways, they respond to actions even if they’re both halfway across the universe! (also explained with monkeys learning how to use tools on the island then mainland monkeys learned how to use those same tools without being exposed to monkeys!) The “Click out” Method Goes in-depth about why alternated states are actually proven. “Click out” which is based on Planck’s distance (10 to the -33 cm) - begins Alice in wonderland like experience. Refusing to settle, Clark
7/11/202014 minutes, 34 seconds
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Attract Your Higher Self | 20 Minute Meditation (VERY STRONG) | 432Hz

Couldn't find many 20-minute meditation music videos I liked on youtube, so I decided to make my own. Couple quick notes: 1. Remember there are NO rules! Do the full 20, do 5-min, do this with eyes open or closed! Doesn't matter. Whatever works for you is the RIGHT way. 2. Binaural Beats have been placed behind the music. We recommend listening to this meditation with headphones for full benefit! These will help get you into theta/alpha state faster so you receive the full benefit of meditation. 3. Be sure to "Favorite" this video so you can come back to it! Every time you do this meditation it will get stronger. 4. Mid-roll ads have been turned off, so please pay for/support this video with a "LIKE" and share it with someone who needs it! Please enjoy this 20-minute meditation on attracting your higher self :) Refusing to settle, Clark 
7/9/202020 minutes, 2 seconds
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7 BEST Books That Speed UP The Law of Attraction (MUST WATCH)

Welcome to the 7 BEST Books That SPEED UP The Law of Attraction! This video's going to be a ton of fun. Over the last 3 years, I’ve read over 200 books. Some books multiple times. You get MORE benefit re-reading GOOD books than you do new ones. Remember, your subconscious mind is only influenced VIA one of two ways: Emotion or Repetition. So in this video Want to give you 7 that I think are WELL worth re-reading. These are seven books on spirituality, law of attraction, manifesting, etc that I promise you haven't heard of before! And NO, “the secret” is not on here. Use these 7 books to speed up manifestations and Law of attraction! // 3 FREE GIFTS TO RAISE YOUR VIBE: 1️⃣ FREE course "Law Of Attraction In Action" How to Manifest, Re-wire Your Subconscious Mind, and Get the Law of Attraction to Work In Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ 2️⃣ FREE Journal Questions: 11 Questions to Change your life ➡ 3️⃣ Best program to rewire your subconscious mind for RAPID growth and life-long change: ➡ (FREE demo) // BEST COURSES: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly-profitable youtube channel and impact millions of people? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Refusing to settle, Clark
7/7/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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5 Steps to INSTANTLY Manifest A Specific Person (or Soulmate) Into Your Life | LAW OF ATTRACTION

In this video we're going over 5 steps to manifest a specific person (or soulmate) into your life. These are VERY important if you want to manifest a soulmate or specific person into your life using the law of attraction! NEW FREE Law of Attraction Course. Start using it in your life for MASSIVE breakthroughs: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On Instagram/Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/5/202010 minutes, 15 seconds
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7 Celebrities That Use The Law of Attraction (POWERFUL!)

In this video, we're going to look at 7 Celebrities That USE The Law Of Attraction. These are success stories from: Will Smith, Oprah, Jim Carrey, Conner McGregor, Drake, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lady Gaga, and more! NEW FREE COURSE: "The Law Of Attraction In Action" - use this free course to start tapping into the power of manifestation and the law of attraction in YOUR life! ➡ (CLOSING SOON) Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/4/202010 minutes, 4 seconds
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THE 7-7 CYCLE | Subconscious Mind Reprogramming | THINK AND GROW RICH!

In this video we're going to be going over the 7-7 cycle for reprogramming your subconscious mind. I got this from Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This subconscious mind cycle is extremely important to realize how your NEGATIVE emotions slip in by default. Watch this video to learn how to rewire your mind. Here's the FREE course on using the Law of Attraction to Transform Your Life (POWERFUL) ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On Instagram//Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
7/2/202011 minutes, 21 seconds
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10 Hacks to Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY! (MUST TRY)

In this video we're going over what the heck it means to "raise your vibration" and get into a high vibration INSTANTLY. I'll show you 10 POWERFUL methods to start raising your frequency and show you what it means to actually be in a high-vibe state. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On IG/TIK TOK: ➡ @clarkkegley #RaiseYourVibe #HighVibe #LawOfAttraction Refusing to settle, Clark
6/28/202013 minutes, 15 seconds
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You're overthinking if....You use Excessive “To-Do” lists and don’t get it all done… You are easily distracted/looking around if driving… You are in conversations wondering what there thinking/ you’re gonna say next… You rehearse your order at Starbucks before ordering… Spend excessive time worrying or anxiety about Anything… living in future. In this video - I'll show you one method VERY powerful to END and STOOP Overthinking. This works great with your subconscious mind and law of attraction to stop over-thinking NOW. Get our NEW FREE course "Law of Attraction In Action" and discover how to tap into the law of attraction and your subconscious mind ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On IG/Tik Tok: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/27/202011 minutes, 31 seconds
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Your brain is the ULTIMATE supercomputer: processing 2-11 MILLION pieces of information… not every day, not every hour, not even every minute, but every second. That’s between 10 and 50 MILLION pieces JUST in the time you’ve been watching this video. Here’s the kicker: you’re only conscious of about 40. What the heck? That doesn’t add up. You’re right. Because the other 90%+ is coming from your SUBCONSCIOUS mind. You don’t even know it’s happening because by definition that would be CONSCIOUS mind. Why this matters? Here’s the BIGGEST kept secret: when most people try to make a change, they do it consciously. Willpower - Habits, Study, New routines, New Year, etc. But 80% of people fail. Because they’re only FORCING change with that 10%. What if you could tap into the other 90%+? How much faster do you think you could change? I want to give you a 3-minute mind exercise that will change your life. NO GOING BACK. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On IG/TIK TOK: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND Refusing to settle, Clark
6/25/20208 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Affirmations & Subliminals Are NOT Working - 2 Mistakes (FIX NOW!)

Here are TWO major reason why Affirmations and Subliminals ARE NOT working for you. Watch this video and make sure you're not making these 2 mistakes! Let's quickly dive into what each of these are. BOTH subliminals and affirmations are designed to reprogram your subconscious mind. Why this matters? Because your conscious mind only accounts for around 10-20% of your thoughts— the other 80%-90% are subconscious. So you get WAY more benefits from going after THIS and reprogramming your subconscious mind, NOT just your conscious thoughts! This video will help show you how to do this. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On IG/TIK TOK: ➡ @clarkkegley #SUBLIMINALS #AFFIRAMTIONS #LOA Refusing to settle, Clark
6/20/202011 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Use Nikola Tesla's Divine Code "369" | (Manifest ANYTHING You Want)

If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On IG/TIK TOK: ➡ @clarkkegley #TESLA #369METHOD #NIKOLATESLA Refusing to settle, Clark
6/18/20209 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to MANIFEST A Text INSTANTLY From A SPECIFIC Person (or Ex) | Law of Attraction (PART II)

Here's How to MANIFEST A Text INSTANTLY From A SPECIFIC Person (or Ex) | Law of Attraction (PART II). Use this POWERFUL manifestation method to manifest a text from ANYONE you want to get in contact with. This works like MAGIC. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ THE SECRET: ➡ BREATHWORK VIDEO: ➡ PART I: Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #MANIFEST #LOA #THESECRET Refusing to settle, Clark
6/13/202010 minutes, 22 seconds
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My Top 3 Law of Attraction Success Stories (LIFE CHANGING!)

Wondering if the Law of Attraction actually works? In this video - I want to share with you my top 3 law of attraction success stories. This is how I was able to use the law of attraction to manifest money, success, and love into my life. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley   Refusing to settle, Clark      
6/9/202012 minutes, 55 seconds
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3 POWERFUL Manifestation Techniques THAT WORK - Neville Goddard (MUST TRY!)

In this video, you will discover THREE of the MOST Powerful manifestation techniques from Neville Goddard. Use these to speed up manifesting and the law of attraction. Neville Goddard was a manifesting beast and I know you will LOVE these 3 law of attraction techniques! Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel AND change the world while doing it? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Breathwork Video Mentioned: If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #MANIFEST #NEVILLEGODDARD Refusing to settle, Clark
6/7/202017 minutes, 38 seconds
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8 Signs Money Is Coming Your Way - Manifest Wealth!

How do you know if money is coming your way? If you're ready to manifest wealth fast, listen to these 8 signs money is coming your way. These work like magic with the secret or the law of attraction. Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? Click here for a FREE training ➡ If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #MANIFEST #LOA #MANIFESTMONEY Refusing to settle, Clark
6/4/202010 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to The Law of Attraction (MASTER IT IN ONE VIDEO)

This is the Ultimate Guide to the Law of Attraction. We are going to break it down STEP BY STEP in this video. By the end of this video, you will understand the secret and the law of attraction FULLY so that you can apply it in your life. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
6/2/202025 minutes, 1 second
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3 DEADLY WORDS that BLOCK The Law of Attraction From Working For You (NEVER SAY THESE)

Here's a video on the 3 most DEADLY words you can say to yourself that BLOCK the Law of Attraction and STOP the secret from working. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/31/202015 minutes, 27 seconds
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3 Law Of Attraction Secrets That Got Me Over 300K YouTube Subscribers (Success Story)

Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? Looking to do something meaningful and have an impact on the world? Click here for a FREE step by step youtube channel training ➡ (closing soon) Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/30/202014 minutes, 18 seconds
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Breathing Techniques to Release DMT! (MUST TRY)

Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ Becoming Supernatural (BOOK SUMMARY) ➡ Wim Hof Breathing: Refusing to settle, Clark
5/26/202017 minutes, 34 seconds
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Law of Attraction DEEP SLEEP TECHNIQUE For Attracting Anything You Want | Works Like Magic!

*NEW* How to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel... Click here for a FREE training ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/24/202013 minutes, 50 seconds
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Paul Chek On Anxiety, Over-Thinking, And Happiness

This is a short clip from our interview with Paul Chek. Check full hour-long conversation here 👉 PAUL CHEK: 👉 FOLLOW PAUL ON IG: @paul.chek 👉 CHEK INSTITUTE: 👉 YOUTUBE: CLARK KEGLEY: 👉 FOLLOW CLARK ON IG: @clarkkegley 👉 FREE TRAINING: Ready to start your own wildly profitable youtube channel? ➡ Click here for a FREE training: #RefusingToSettle #PaulChek Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
5/23/20203 minutes, 46 seconds
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Manifest Money FAST | 5-Part Law of Attraction Workshop [EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!]

If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley= #LOA #MANIFEST #MONEYMINDSET Refusing to settle, Clark
5/21/20204 minutes, 36 seconds
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If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Check out our FULL Book Summary of "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr. Joe Dispenza here ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/19/20205 minutes, 18 seconds
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Russell Brunson - How to Get MORE Followers Online | TRAFFIC SECRETS

▸ Get Your Copy of Traffic Secrets for FREE: ▸ Watch Our Book Summary of Traffic Secrets: The biggest problem that most entrepreneurs have isn't creating an amazing product or service; it's getting their future customers to discover that they even exist. Every year, tens of thousands of businesses start and fail because the entrepreneurs don't understand this one essential skill: the art and science of getting tra­ffic (or people) to find you. And that is a tragedy. Traffic Secrets was written to help you get your message out to the world about your products and services. I strongly believe that entrepreneurs are the only people on earth who can actually change the world. It won't happen in government, and I don't think it will happen in schools. It'll happen because of entrepreneurs like you, who are crazy enough to build products and services that will actually change the world. It'll happen because we are crazy enough to risk everything to try and make that dream become a reality. To all the entrepreneurs who fail in their first year of business, what a tragedy it is when the one thing they risked everything for never fully gets to see the light of day. Waiting for people to come to you is not a strategy. Understanding exactly WHO your dream customer is, discovering where they're congregating, and throwing out the hooks that will grab their attention to pull them into your funnels (where you can tell them a story and make them an offer) is the strategy. That's the big secret. Traffic is just people. This book will help you find YOUR people, so you can focus on changing their world with the products and services that you sell. Refusing to settle, Clark
5/17/202026 minutes, 36 seconds
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How To VISUALIZE Anything YOU WANT - Manifestation Through Visualization (POWERFUL!)

If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Check out our FULL epic book summary of Dr. Joe Dispenza's "Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself" here ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/14/20204 minutes, 19 seconds
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How To VISUALIZE Anything YOU WANT - Manifestation Through Visualization (POWERFUL!)

If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Check out our FULL epic book summary of Dr. Joe Dispenza's "Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself" here ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
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The Most POWERFUL Cycle | The Quantum Model of Change | Dr. Joe Dispenza

If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Check out our FULL Book Summary of "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr. Joe Dispenza here ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
5/12/20207 minutes, 5 seconds
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How To Grow With 0 Views And 0 Subscribers (NOT WHAT YOU THINK!)

Subscribe to the NEW Second Channel: ➡ In this video - we're gonna talk about how to grow on youtube with 0 views and 0 subscribers. I will share with you the FIVE best ways to grow a youtube channel starting from zero. Great advice for new YouTubers or anyone looking to grow on youtube fast. Free YouTube Book "31 Weird Tactics You Need To Use to Start A YouTube Channel From Scratch" ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #GrowOnYouTube #YouTuber #RefusingtoSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
5/9/202012 minutes, 8 seconds
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10 BEST IDEAS | TRAFFIC SECRETS | Russell Brunson | Book Summary

▸ Get Your Copy of Traffic Secrets for FREE here: The biggest problem that most entrepreneurs have isn't creating an amazing product or service; it's getting their future customers to discover that they even exist. Every year, tens of thousands of businesses start and fail because the entrepreneurs don't understand this one essential skill: the art and science of getting tra­ffic (or people) to find you. And that is a tragedy. Traffic Secrets was written to help you get your message out to the world about your products and services. I strongly believe that entrepreneurs are the only people on earth who can actually change the world. It won't happen in government, and I don't think it will happen in schools. It'll happen because of entrepreneurs like you, who are crazy enough to build products and services that will actually change the world. It'll happen because we are crazy enough to risk everything to try and make that dream become a reality. To all the entrepreneurs who fail in their first year of business, what a tragedy it is when the one thing they risked everything for never fully gets to see the light of day. Waiting for people to come to you is not a strategy. Understanding exactly WHO your dream customer is, discovering where they're congregating, and throwing out the hooks that will grab their attention to pull them into your funnels (where you can tell them a story and make them an offer) is the strategy. That's the big secret. Traffic is just people. This book will help you find YOUR people, so you can focus on changing their world with the products and services that you sell. Refusing to settle, CLark
5/7/202030 minutes, 1 second
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10 Best Ideas | BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF | Dr. Joe Dispenza | Book Summary

🔥😱FLASH SALE 4 DAYS ONLY! Get our flagship My Best Journal 2.0 Course for only $67 (normally $197) and start tapping into the power of the NUMBER ONE tool that can transform your life ➡ (CLOSING SOON) Here's the BIG 10 ideas from Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hope you geek out on this book summary like I did! Love Joe Dispenza's work and books. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Get Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself For FREE with a trial of Audible ➡ (affiliate) Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Watch out previous Joe Dispenza Book Summary on "Becoming Supernatural" here: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #BreakingTheHabitOfBeingYourself #JoeDispenza #BookSummary Refusing to settle, Clark
5/5/202022 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Handle CORONAVIRUS - COVID-19 (Mental, Physical, & Economic)

If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Refusing to settle, Clark
5/3/202013 minutes, 56 seconds
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10 Best Ideas | BECOMING SUPERNATURAL | Dr. Joe Dispenza | Book Summary

Here's the BIG 10 ideas from Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hope you geek out on this book summary like I did! Love Joe Dispenza's work and books. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Get Becoming Supernatural For Free Here ➡ Free Audio Book With Audible Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #BecomingSupernatural #JoeDispenza #BookSummary Refusing tosettle, Clark
5/2/202017 minutes, 59 seconds
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DO THIS TO MANIFEST MONEY FAST | Law of Attraction [This REALLY Works!!]

Here's a video on how to manifest more money. Hope you use this video to manifest your goals and reprogram your subconscious mind! If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ Wealth Affirmations: ➡ Manifest Money: ➡ Morning Ritual Secrets Course: #MANIFEST #LOA #MANIFESTMONEY Refusing to Settle, Clark
4/30/202017 minutes, 9 seconds
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THE DENIAL OF DEATH - This video will CHANGE Your Life!

Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #THEDENIALOFDEATH #ERNESTBECKER #REFUSINGTOSETTLE So I'm well aware that after a week of absence doing a video titled the denial of death, you might be thinking Clark is everything okay? Are you good? And I'm okay guys. I'm just behind the scenes working on a new course. So things have been a little quiet recently but I spend every morning for the first hour reading a book, one book that I've been reading that I want to share an idea with from cause it's the cornerstone for how you go about life and how you think of everything is this book right here. It's a, you know, it's an inspiring read. It's called the denial of death. And it talks about two central ideas that you need to know. Cause again, these control, every single thing we do in life, human beings are the only animal capable of realizing that we're going to die one day. And he calls this the death tear. Animals like your dog, all they're thinking of is where's the next bone coming from? Walk, W A L K. right? Like they don't really think, conceptualize deep thinking enough that they're going to die one day. So we have this death terror and a lot of us that creates a lot of anxiety because Oh my God, time is running out and it develops around the age of, you know, three to five is what he says, and then it really solidifies at nine to 10 once you see people in your own life actually getting pulled away from your dying or not being around, you can't really conceptualize it until that happens. You might've had a pet growing up that died and you couldn't understand it. You're like, what the heck? How is it not here anymore? It was just here yesterday. Refusing to settle, Clark
4/28/20207 minutes, 39 seconds
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10 BEST IDEAS | Everything Is F*cked | Mark Manson | Book Summary (MUST WATCH!)

▸ FREE GUIDE: Discover The 30 Books to Read Before 30 | ▸ Get This Book For FREE on Audible: 10 BEST IDEAS | Everything Is F*cked | Mark Manson | Book Summary (MUST WATCH!) Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: Book Summary Playlist➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #BOOKSUMMARY #REFUSINGTOSETTLE #EVERYTHINGISFUCKED Refusing to settle, Clark
4/26/202034 minutes, 19 seconds
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5 DEADLY Things That BLOCK The Law of Attraction (STOP These NOW!)

Here are 5 DEADLY Things That BLOCK The Law of Attraction (STOP These NOW!). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ DEADLY LAW OF ATTRACTION CYCLE: ➡ MORNING RITUAL SECRETS: #LAWOFATTRACTION #MANIFEST #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/25/202017 minutes, 31 seconds
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THE MILLIONAIRE MINDSET - Powerful Motivational Speech

💸⚡️BIG NEWS: Tonight there is a FREE live training you do not want to miss. It's with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Here's a link to save your FREE seat: Be honest with yourself… do you feel deep down like you should be creating more impact, more income and more success with the influence you already have? Big or small? ... maybe your friends come to YOU for advice ... or you get a decent amount of likes than most on your social media posts ... or you SEE youtube vids and think "I know more than they do, how the hell do they have this big following?" ... and the scary one - you look yourself in the mirror and think "man... I really thought I'd be further ahead by now..." Here's the truth... YOU KNOW in your heart that you have sooo much MORE potential. To make an even greater impact and to create NEXT LEVEL success in your life. To REFUSE to settle. To make income taking what you already know and share it with the world. To take FULL ADVANTAGE of this one life you have and not settle for a 9-5 job or a "pretty good" life! You know all this already. Maybe you've heard it before... So my brutally honest question to you is... Why aren't you doing anything about it? I don't want you to wish for a better life, or more money, or more fulfillment. I want to push you (like a good coach does) to get out there on the field and PLAY IN THE GAME! You might be thinking "but clark! I WOULD... I just don't know where to start!" And that's what I'm sharing with you now... Right now you have the RARE opportunity to learn from two of the best people to teach you how to live the life you know you're supposed to be living. The best part? This training's FREE. It's with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Two dudes who definitely don't settle and two of the men I look up to the most. Use this special registration link to save your spot now: what they are going to share on February 27th will blow your mind… The first time they shared this gold standard blueprint, “The KBB Method” on a live training they had 200,000 people show up and nearly broke the internet. And they started a movement that I still struggle to wrap my head around and it honestly inspires me every day… Tony and Dean have reached 24,000+ people in under a year, in 150 countries around the world and in 4,000+ niches. I’m telling you... this method applies to you even if you don’t believe it! And widespread success is the best part. I’ve seen influencers and those wanting to influence, multiply their following and make so much more positive impact while at the same time creating NEXT LEVEL success. Here are just a few of the 125k comments a month they get in their private FB group:* “I should’ve had to pay $15k for this! The amount of material & knowledge received? Dean and Tony are a total class for “giving” this away! #mindblown” - T.S. “Dean and Tony have me shaking, crying, laughing, having multiple breakdowns followed immediately by breakthroughs…” - Karen “What an unbelievable collection of Wisdom and Guidance. Many thanks to Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. Both are forces for good and inspire the whole world.” -Roni So if you want access to (all new) mindset training from Tony Robbins (the most impactful person I know when it comes to human potential)... marketing training from Dean Graziosi who is the best on the planet at finding the right clients and getting them to say “yes”... and their combined tactics and secrets for implementing what you learn... Then you need to take advantage of this once a year opportunity. Missing this could potentially lead to more regret than you’ve experienced in a while. Use this special link I got and go register now: The spots and the live chat are limited so make sure to show up early so we can talk and ask them questions at the end! Plus you will get instant access to Pre-Event training from Tony and Dean. Once you’ve signed up, mark your calendar and set a reminder for Thursday, February 27th at 5 PM PST! See you there, Refusing to Settle, Clark 🤘🏻
4/23/20204 minutes, 13 seconds
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Powerful! Mind Secret you MUST know! - The Key To Permanent Change

If you're someone who wants MORE - Money, Impact, Freedom, and Aliveness... then I want to invite you to a FREE TRAINING: Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact (LIVE with Tony Robbins): (closing soon) Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ The Journaling Series: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ THE SECRET: ➡ Morning Ritual Secrets Course: #LIFECHANGINGMINDSET #LAWOFATTRACTION #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/21/20207 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Become Rich - 3 Secrets All Self-Made Millionaires Use (POWERFUL!)

FREE TRAINING: Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact (LIVE with Tony Robbins): (closing soon) Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ DEADLY LAW OF ATTRACTION CYCLE: ➡ MORNING RITUAL SECRETS: #HOWTOBECOMERICH #MILLIONAIRE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/19/20206 minutes, 38 seconds
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FREE GIFT: Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact: (CLOSING SOON) Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ DEADLY LAW OF ATTRACTION CYCLE: ➡ MORNING RITUAL SECRETS: #LAWOFATTRACTION #MANIFESTATION #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/18/202019 minutes, 3 seconds
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3 Business IDEAS to START in 2020 (with NO MONEY)

FREE GIFT: Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact: (CLOSING SOON) Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Money Monday's Series: Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ DEAN GRAZIOSI INTERVIEW: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ THE SECRET: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #PASSIVEINCOME #REFUSINGTOSETTLE #KBB Refusing to settle, Clark
4/16/202012 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Tony Robbins Uses “RPM Day-Planning” Method to DOMINATE Life (MUST WATCH!)

How Tony Robbins Uses “RPM Day-Planning” Method to DOMINATE Life (MUST WATCH!) Want a FREE One-time training directly from Tony Robbins? Click to Discover How to turn what you ALREADY KNOW Into Extraordinary successful business with an impact: (CLOSING SOON) Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ The Journaling Series: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ THE SECRET: ➡ Morning Ritual Secrets Course: #RPM #TONYROBBINS #RPMMETHOD Refusing to settle, Clark
4/14/202020 minutes, 1 second
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How to Attract ANYTHING In 17 SECONDS | Law of Attraction (POWERFUL!!)

Here's How to Attract ANYTHING In 17 SECONDS | Law of Attraction. This is the concept of the 17-second rule by Abraham Hicks. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ THE SECRET: ➡ Morning Ritual Secrets Course: #LAWOFATTRACTION #MANIFESTATION #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/12/202010 minutes, 10 seconds
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This SIMPLE Cycle Changes EVERYTHING in Your Life (Law of Attraction Secret)

Here's This SIMPLE Cycle Changes EVERYTHING in Your Life (Law of Attraction Secret). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going:➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ THE SECRET: ➡ Morning Ritual Secrets Course: #LOA #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/11/202012 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to MANIFEST A Text INSTANTLY From A SPECIFIC Person | Law of Attraction (Works Like MAGIC!)

Here's How to MANIFEST A Text INSTANTLY From A SPECIFIC Person | Law of Attraction (Works Like MAGIC!)). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ THE SECRET: ➡ VISION BOARD: #MANIFEST #LOA #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/9/202012 minutes, 10 seconds
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5 Ways To Make Your Ex Regret BREAKING UP With YOU (Not What You Think!)

Here's (5 Ways to Make Your Ex REGRET Breaking Up With YOU (Not What You Think!). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/5/202013 minutes, 48 seconds
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The 3 Minute MIND TOOL That Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! (You Will NOT Be The Same)

Here's The 3 Minute MIND TOOL That Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! (You Will NOT Be The Same). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ The Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley More Great Content: ➡ Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal 2020: ➡ 5 Step Law of Attraction Cycle: #LOA #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
4/4/202013 minutes, 52 seconds
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WARNING! The LAW OF ATTRACTION is Making YOU HURT & Broke! (Dirty Secret)

Here's a video on the dark side of the law of attraction. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Ultimate Law of Attraction: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #LAWOFATTRACTION #MANIFESTATION Refusing to settle, Clark
4/2/202011 minutes, 33 seconds
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LISTEN EVERY DAY! "I AM" Affirmations for Wealth, Health, Love, and Abundance!

Here's The "I AM" Affirmations for Wealth, Health, Love, and Abundance! Use these daily for more wealth, health, love, and abundance in your life. Ready to master the most important time of your day? click here: ➡ manifestations are powerful stuff. I created these 69 affirmations to help you get started tapping into the power fo affirmations and I AM affirmations in your life. These also help you use the law of attraction and the secret. Archive your goals faster and easier with these I AM affirmations daily. Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #AFFIRMATIONS #IAM #MANIFESTATION Refusing to settle, Clark
3/30/202022 minutes, 7 seconds
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POWERFUL Morning Routine For Law of Attraction (LIFE-CHANGING!!)

Here's POWERFUL Morning Routine For the Law of Attraction (LIFE-CHANGING!!). Stop doing what everyone says you're SUPPOSED to do as a morning ritual and start creating one for yourself. The NEW course that will show you HOW to tap into moring rituals... without waking up at 5AM (LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT) ➡ Related Videos: Celebrity Morning Rituals ➡ Law of Attraction Cycle ➡ Follow me on Instagram: @clarkkegley #LOA #MORNINGROUTINE #MANIFEST Refusing to settle, Clark
3/28/20208 minutes, 8 seconds
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Here's EASY 5-Step Morning JOURNALING Ritual. Stop doing what everyone says you're SUPPOSED to do as a morning ritual and start creating one for yourself. Here's the NEW course that will show you HOW to tap into moring rituals... without waking up at 5AM (LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT) ➡ #JOURNALING #MORNINGRITUAL #MORNINGPAGES All right, so we're going into, my office is going to be the new refusing to settle studio. There's not much in here. I'm putting up the wallpaper. I decided not to paint it black and I feel like, what the heck is this video, Clark? Well, I want him to go over five things I journal about every single morning and this taps into the law of attraction. This taps into manifestation. So with you you can attract, you can achieve whatever you want. You know, if you told me a year ago I'd be here in this place, I would've said you were crazy. I was going through a really rough time. I was pretty depressed coming off a tour, going all around the world, playing music shows to like anywhere from 500 people to 5,000 to 35,000 a night. So when it came back and really had to analyze what I wanted to do with this business and you know, my life, I was going through a rough time and that's really where journaling came in. And so, I mean, journaling has been the number one thing I've ever done for self-growth, for manifesting what I want in my life, to getting this house, apartment, dream complex, my car, all the physical stuff. But I think it's much more, it's deeper. It's the internal stuff that sometimes is unquantifiable, right? So I wanted to just give you a quick rundown of five things I journal on every single morning. So the very first thing I do, which is very easy for you to do, is I try to find at least one or two big ideas to journal on. And where I get these ideas are either from podcasts or books. Now, right? There is one box I was able to stuff in my Mustang. The others are on a new pod that somewhere in Arizona. Don't get me started on that. And so what I do is I'll flip through a book and just try to get, you know, some big ideas that I've either done in the past that I've highlighted underscored, and then I transfer it in the journal. Refusing to settle, Clark
3/26/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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POWERFUL Morning Rituals of Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Oprah, Obama, Tim Ferriss, and more

BIG NEWS! If you've been on the YouTube channel this past month you've heard me blab on about working on my NEW course, "Morning Ritual Secrets STOKED to announce... registration is OPEN! Click here to grab your spot in the limited edition Morning Ritual Secrets program! ➡ In this video we're talking about the morning rituals of steve jobs, ben franklin, tony robbins, obama, oprah, tim ferriss and more! These are some simple tips on what to do in the morning and in your morning routine or morning ritual for success. #MORNINGRITUAL #MORNINGROUTINE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE In this video we are going to be talking about morning rituals, not just any rituals, but rituals of the people at the top of their class. These are peak performers, entrepreneurs, celebrities, famous figures, and I'll give you their morning rituals so you can pick and choose and kind of Frankenstein your own morning ritual to get the best results. Steam motivated, energized all day long. It's Clarke with the feud and the settle. Let's go one second. Got a Oh breaking open. The LA crux. Is it LaCroix LA crux? I can never know. I call it Lux. I think it makes people a little angry. I am on a golf course right now, just moved down to beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona from gloomy Seattle and our stuff is currently somewhere in Arizona. It could be a hundred miles away, a thousand miles away. I don't know. So I don't have any film gear, a tripod, but the blessing in disguise because we get to get outside together and go through some morning rituals. You ready start off with Benjamin Franklin. He says what he does for morning rituals. I rise early almost every morning. I sit in my chamber without any clothes, whatever, reading or writing. You don't have to sit naked in a chamber, but that's what he does. He gets up early, he sits butt ass naked and he writes or reads for an hour or half hour every single morning and well, we can take away a lot of people have some sort of practice first thing in the morning where they're journaling, where they're reading, where they're reflecting, they're feeding their minds. And we'll talk a little bit more about why that's important and a little bit. Let's keep going. Another person at the top, Tony Robbins, he's a American motivational speaker. Uh, pretty much the top of the top. When you say motivational speaker, you think of Tony Robbins. Here's what he does first thing in the morning. He focuses on priming himself. Now there's three things he does when he's priming. First is he does three sets of a breathwork that I cannot pronounce. I'll put it right here, what it's called, but to my knowledge, it's a breath work where it's a inhale Hill. It's like a 30 or so of those. When I was reading his book unlimited power. He does this because it's has to do with clearing your lymphatic system. Not to mention the insane rush you get when you get an oxygen high. Okay? Like it's a natural high. We have a video with Wim Hoff on it and we talk about breathwork a lot. I'll tell you where in a little bit. Next thing Tony Robbins does is he practices gratitude with his eyes closed. Then he prays and asks for guidance throughout the day. Now I went deeper, I went deeper into Tony and I found some videos on YouTube of him doing his morning routine and it gets weirder. It gets crazier. Guys, it looks like it gets more fun. He had this one machine where he works out but only for 10 minutes. Okay. He had a reporter go to his house and Fiji and he would walk in his room and there's all these different machines and they look like torture device. What they do is there's no weights on these machines, so he's pushing against it and it uses some sort of resistance. I guess he's a co owner of it and it it the, the goal is just to flex your muscles as hard as you can go and he has 10 minutes of that and says it's as effective if not more effective with less strain than actually lifting weights and exercising. Okay. The next thing Tony does, which I thought was fascinating, he does a Scandinavian practice where he alternates between extreme hot and extreme cold. Okay. So he gets in the sauna, he sits there and then he has a cold plunge in his house. It's like a five foot sinkhole that's as cold as it can get without freezing and he jumps into that. There's a lot of benefits to cold exposure, whether it's cold showers or the Wim Hof method. Right. Or if you got a cold river around you, that's it. He can look into that further. So cold water exposure thought that was fascinating with Tony. Next people we're going to talk about are Oprah, Obama, Tim Ferris, Steve jobs, and then I got some rapid fire. Okay, so a lot more to come. But I want to briefly touch on why is it important first thing in the morning and it's so powerful. I've been geeking out.... Refusing to settle, Clark
3/24/202015 minutes, 52 seconds
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5 DIRTY Secrets to GIVE UP and RAISE Your Vibration Forever (WARNING! INSTANT RESULTS)

Here's a video on the 5 'Dirty' Secrets to Give Up and RAISE Your Vibration FOREVER. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #MANIFESTATION #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
3/22/202017 minutes, 55 seconds
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Here's The 5 Step LAW OF ATTRACTION Cycle That Will Change YOUR LIFE (NO GOING BACK!). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #LAWOFATTRACTION #MANIFESTATION #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
3/21/202012 minutes, 45 seconds
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Here's the REASON People Are JEALOUS of YOU - Fastback Freedom Friday

Here's a video on the REAL REASON People Are JEALOUS of YOU. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Fastback Freedom Fridays: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ Dean Graziosi Interview: #FastbackFriday #DealingWithHaters #RefusingToSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
3/19/20208 minutes, 56 seconds
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Here's How to OVERCOME Your FEARS In 5 seconds. Use this method of overcoming fear anytime you have anxiety or overthinking come up. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #OVERCOMEFEAR #TAKEACTIONNOW #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
3/17/202014 minutes, 5 seconds
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Here's This SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Cycle CHANGED My Life (POWERFUL! MANIFEST!). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #LawOfAttraction #LOA #RefusingToSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
3/15/202017 minutes, 35 seconds
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3 Reasons LAW OF ATTRACTION is HURTING You! (Do THIS Instead)

Here's a video on the 3 Reasons LAW OF ATTRACTION is HURTING You! (Do THIS Instead). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #LOA #manifest #thesecret   Don't you love that when you record a whole video, you think it's awesome. You get Branton and Raven and it wasn't even recording, so, um, anyway, round two that was a practice round. This round is going to be even better. Guys, we were talking about the three things that completely kill block stop you from achieving your goals, your visions, the law of attraction manifesting in your life. It's Clark with the fees and the settle. Let's go fusers welcome back. As you can see, I'm not frustrated about that first round. Just inspired, just amped up for you. I'm just real quick. Thank you for the support on the 30 for 30 last month in December, we did a video every day for 30 days straight. Didn't miss a single one even when we didn't really feel like posting, but thank you so much. Your feedback was awesome. The biggest feedback I got was in the metrics and stuff. A lot of the, what you guys wanted and resonated with was surprising to me. It was a lot of this content talking about manifesting and visualization, the universe, the law of attraction, the subconscious mind stuff beneath the surface, which I love. And we're going to geek out about this year, so thank you for that. I'm reconfirming the direction we're moving together as we all evolve past just making money, hustling and grinding. Because what does grind do? It grinds you down till there's nothing left. There's Lily a spec. Like you don't want to live life like that. That's not good. Okay. Trust me, I burnt out last year and um, I'll talk about that in another video of some health problems and whatnot. So in this video, we're gonna be talking about those three blocks that are going to hold you back. Let's just say you want to attract things in your life whether that's $1 million. Refusing to settle, Clark
3/14/202014 minutes, 2 seconds
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You MUST do this BEFORE You VISION BOARD! (WARNING: Life Changing!)

➡Here's a video on something SUPER important! Most people want to create vision boards and tap into the law of attraction... But they miss this step! It's SO powerful what we show you in this video for using manifestation and the law of attraction through vision boarding. DO NOT SKIP THIS VIDEO! If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Check out the PART ONE: How to Create A Vision Board That REALLY WORKS! ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #VISIONBOARD #LOA #MANIFEST Refusing to settle, Clark
3/12/202024 minutes, 43 seconds
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The RAW Truth about DATING as an Entrepreneur - Fastback Freedom Friday

Yo refusers! Been laying low the past week. Getting things in order for the move to Scottsdale AZ at the end of this month. Also been working on a NEW course for you. It's called "Morning Ritual Secrets" and will show you how to design your own POWERFUL morning ritual so you can be productive, happy, and full of energy all day long. It should be ready next week or so. More to come on that. Stoked to share it with ya. Here's the next Fastback Freedom Friday video. It's on "The RAW Truth about DATING as an Entrepreneur" - some raw thoughts about relationships when you're building a business I thought would be useful to you. If you'd like to get the Free YouTube Book "31 Weird Tactics You Need To Use to Start A YouTube Channel From Scratch" ➡ Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? We have TWO spots open for one on one coaching in 2020. Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months. Apply here: ➡ (serious applicants only) #FASTBACKFRIDAY #PASSIVEINCOME #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
3/10/202011 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to BUILD a Business That Lets YOU Travel The WORLD - Fastback Freedom Friday

Here's How to BUILD a Business That Lets YOU Travel The WORLD. If you'd like to get the Free YouTube Book "31 Weird Tactics You Need To Use to Start A YouTube Channel From Scratch" ➡ Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? We have TWO spots open for one on one coaching in 2020. Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months. Apply here: ➡ (serious applicants only) #FASTBACKFRIDAY #PASSIVEINCOME #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
3/8/20207 minutes, 44 seconds
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"I AM" Affirmations | 21 Most POWERFUL Affirmations to Reprogram Subconscious Mind (TRY FOR 21 DAYS)

Here's "I AM" Affirmations | 21 Most POWERFUL Affirmations to Reprogram Subconscious Mind. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ HOW TO USE THIS VIDEO: - The affirmations you about to hear will become your own - Accept these affirmations fully - Listen to these affirmations every day for 21 minutes Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ . Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #IAM #AFFIRMATIONS #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND Refusing to settle, Clark
3/7/202021 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Most DEADLY Cycle that BLOCKS Your Subconscious Mind And STOPS The Law of Attraction

Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Soul Sunday: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ Create Your Vision Board: #LOA #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
3/5/202016 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ultra Healthy SMOOTHIE for ENERGY All Day (quit coffee after trying this!)

Here's a video on Ultra Healthy SMOOTHIE for ENERGY All Day (quit coffee after trying this!). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ Organifi BEST Greens Supplement: ➡ BEST Probiotic (P3OM): ➡ Best Digestive Enzyme (mass enzymes): ➡ Ninja Blender: ➡ Maca Powder: ➡ Mucuna Pruiens: ➡ Vega One Protein Powder : #ALLDAYENERGY #SuperfoodSmoothie Refusing to settle, Clark
3/3/202017 minutes, 13 seconds
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WARNING! Don’t QUIT YOUR Job for Passive Income - Fastback Freedom Friday

Here's WARNING! Don’t QUIT YOUR Job For PASSIVE INCOME - Fastback Freedom Friday). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Free YouTube Book "31 Weird Tactics You Need To Use to Start A YouTube Channel From Scratch" ➡ Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months. Apply here: ➡ (serious applicants only) Miss last week's episode? Check it out here: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #FastbackFreedomFriday #PassiveIncome #RefusingToSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
3/1/20204 minutes, 8 seconds
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Massive GOAL SETTING Workshop - Make 2020 YOUR BEST Year EVER! (DON'T SKIP!!)

Yo refusers! Don't worry, I'm not depressed - just filming at like 7AM after meditation LOL. Wasn't planning on doing this video but thought you might get some value seeing the behind the scenes of my goal-setting process for 2020. You can even follow along and do it yourself with me! Here's Complete GOAL SETTING Workshop - Make 2020 YOUR Best Year Ever! If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #GoalSetting #HowToSetGoals #2020Goals Refusing to settle, Clark
2/29/202015 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (2020)

Merry Christmas, Refusers! This is our little tradition every year on the channel. FOR THE NEXT 48 HOURS MY BEST JOURNAL IS 50% OFF! You will also be entered to win on of the signed real journals shipped straight to your home. Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Here's The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Miss a UGTKAJ or any journaling videos? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Journal Series | Not sure what goals to set for 2020? Check out our 2018 Ultimate Goal-Setting Workshop: ➡ Goal-Setting Workshop | Use this method to plan your most productive week: ➡ Your Most Productive Week | Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Journal Gear: Pentalic Sketch Book ► Pilot G2 Pens ► Pilot G2 Ultra Fine Tip ► Sharpie Highlighter ► Best Journal Course ► #MYBESTJOURNAL #HOWTOJOURNAL #UGTKAJ Refusing to settle, Clark
2/27/202023 minutes, 56 seconds
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10 MIN BOOKS | How to WIN Friends & Influence People | Dale Carnegie

Here's 10 MIN BOOKS | How to WIN Friends and Influence People | Dale Carnegie. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Get this book for FREE w/ this link on Audible How to Win Friends and Influence People Summaries: Part 1 ➡ Part 2 ➡ Part 3 ➡ Part 4 ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #HOWTOWINFRIENDSANDINFLUENCEPEOPLE #BOOKSUMMARIES #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
2/25/202012 minutes, 2 seconds
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The 4 MOST Powerful Techniques to Reprogram Subconscious Mind (Ancient Methods)

Here's The 4 MOST Powerful Techniques to Reprogram Subconscious Mind (Ancient Methods). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here:➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Videos Mentioned: ➡ Money Affirmations: ➡ Vision Board: ➡ Journaling Series: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND #30FOR30CHALLENGE #REPROGRAMMIND Refusing to settle, Clark
2/22/202016 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Design YOUR Life!! (MUST WATCH video to achieve YOUR goals!!)

Here's a video on How to Design Your Life. This is the step by step of how to create a vision, purpose, and achieve your goals. Also why MOST fail and "Sleepwalk" through life. Do NOT do this! If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ My JUUL Story: #DesignYourLife #AchieveGoals #30FOR30CHALLENGE Refusing to settle, Clark
2/20/202013 minutes, 46 seconds
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How I Built 5 Streams of Income By Age 25 - Fastback Freedom Friday

Here's How I Built 5 Streams of Income By Age 25. Ready to get started with your own youtube channel? Check out our 10 dollar course quick-start here | Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #FastbackFreedomFriday #PassiveIncome #RefusingToSettle But at the time I was 25 I had five streams of income. Now these were all passive income, laughing, Scrooge McDuck in a swimming pool of gold coins all the way to the bank or sip and pina coladas on the beach of Bali. Some of these were jobs and so in this video I thought it'd be fun to give you a little trip down memory lane on the five streams of income by 25 so if you're in your first year as an entrepreneur, listen, if you're working a nine to five job, you want to escape, give you some options as well. It's Clark, which are fusing the subtle guys. Welcome with fast back Friday We're doing a new series. You and me, we're cruising going on a little drive cause the Fastback Friday, that's that freedom Friday. A lot of you watching, you're in your first 12 months of entrepreneurship. Maybe you're working a job and you're like, is this really for me, I kind of want to do something on my own now with the power of the internet where you can literally start a business for zero. We were just talking about ideas. That's a business. Um, so in this video I want to talk to you about if you're below 25 or maybe around in your twenties these were the first five income streams that I had. Okay. So let me know in the comments if you like the series number one, probably the most predictable. That was a nine to five job. Now, by the time I was in my twenties in college, university did go to university, had about, I don't know, 14 or 15 different odd jobs up until that point. For me it was scrubbing toilets and doing housekeeping on the dorm floor is at my university. Not glamorous, right? But what it taught me was that I could learn on someone else's dime. That's a huge takeaway for you. So while I was scrubbing the dishes or the toilets or whatever odd job I was doing, I was listening to podcasts in my ears. So stuff to make you better. I was listening to self-development, motivational speakers, scrubbing spots, very mr Miyagi, wax on, wax off. How you doing? So for you, I would definitely recommend take a job where you can learn on someone else's dime. Let's just say your goal one day is to open a brewery. Okay? You want to have like the best beer in town. You want to brew your own beer. It'd be stupid for you to go out from day one and open your own brewery when you don't know how. So why do that when you could get paid to work in a brewery, you're gaining experience. You see what I'm getting at here? If you want to start a YouTube channel, don't just burn the ships and start it from day one. Maybe take a nine to five where you can just download formats in your head of other people's YouTube channels. So that's the big takeaway. Nine to five, learn on someone else's dime. So I mentioned podcasting, that was the second job. So as I was scrubbing spots, as I was listening to podcasts, I'm like, I could do that. Great, I can totally do that. They're just having a cool conversation. The during the interview, like that's sounds bad ass. I want to do that. And so what I did is I'm like, okay, while I'm scrubbing spots, I'll learn about podcasting. And so I actually did my own podcast and I wasn't making much at the time. I think I was working for a freelance blog where I was getting about $200 an episode for me, $200 an episode. I'm like, that's 20 hours of spot scrubbing. So that was great. So I was making $200 an episode, but I was also networking with people, New York times bestselling authors, scientists, researchers, and learning. A lot of people talk about these high-income skills, right? Speaking, interviewing, doing all that stuff, practice. That was a high-income skill. So that was another example of learning on someone else's time. You see your own getting out here, podcasting, that was the second one. Third that led me into starting my own YouTube channel. Now the story behind that real quick compressed version, so I don't crash on the fast back is I was doing that podcast and I thought I'd made it, man. I was making 20 to 30 grand on my own terms, could work from anywhere, could travel, and just edit podcast shows and do it all virtually. Right? And then one day I went to a coffee shop, opened up a computer that I was on and got an email saying, Hey Clark, we're cutting the show. We don't need you anymore. So overnight the income was gone. Huge lesson I learned is build something on the side before you're ready, because you never know when that rainy day's gonna come, man. So I was at the time starting this YouTube channel that you're seeing right now. We're fusing the subtle, it wasn't called that back then. Refusing to settle, Clark
2/18/20209 minutes, 56 seconds
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5 Life-Changing Books YOU NEED to READ in 2020

We're going to be talking about the five best books to read in 2020 if you haven't read one of these books, promise, it's going to be a game changer for you now. Yes, some of these you might've heard them. Don't look, don't cheat guys. No cheating, no peeking, no posting in the comments, a list of all the books so you don't have to watch the video. And before I rant about that, guys, I'm so fricking excited to share with you. I'm gonna give you one sneak peek and then we're going to get into this video right there. That's all you get. May or may not be doing a series for you called Fastback freedom Friday where you and me are driving around in my a 65 Fastback. Can't wait just talking about freedom, earning your freedom. Before I get down that rabbit hole, let me take a seat. The way of the superior man. This is by David Deida. I love this book. The big idea from it and why I love it and why it's a life changer for you. If you haven't read it talks about one concept called polarity. Sometimes known as dualism that everything has a night in a day and up in a down East and a West. And regardless of gender or sexual preference, we have masculine and feminine energies. Okay? The masculine energy and we all have it, um, is to go out to achieve, to be more productive, like laser targeted focus. And there's a feminine energy, which is more like be in the moment, be present, give relationships, nurturing, all that stuff and that's balanced. So you need to balance it in yourself first, right? You need the masculine. Like for example, in my early twenties, probably like 18 to 25, man, I was full blown masculine energy, just like achieve, grind, hustle, those kinds of words. What do you think about when you think of the word grind and hustle to grind something is literally grind into like a salt shaker into a granular form. Do you want to grind yourself? That doesn't sound like the best way to go about life. So now that I've embraced this almost feminine energy approach focused more on relationships and spirituality, even emotional fulfillment, man, I have a new sense of energy. And really feel my life not outwardly is changing cause that's like an a masculine approach, right? Where you get the car, the house, the bank account. Internally, I feel like my life is changing where you wake up, not as stressed, not as anxious about things that you can ease into things and have a similar result. So that is way the superior man loved that book. That's the fifth one. It's talking about getting rich. You want to talk about getting rich? I will teach you to be rich. I won't, but this guy will bada Bing, bada boom. I mean Sadie both additions right here so you can tell this is a good book. I will teach you to be rich. I read this book on my first us tour in like 2017 I would wake up every morning at 5:00 AM go to the back of our tour bus going through like Iowa or Nebraska or something. Right. It was a lot to do out there and so I was reading this in the back of the tour bus and the guys in my band would come back like, Oh yeah, you're going to get rich with that book. They teach me how to be rich. Maybe you're someone right now who's a little overwhelmed with finances. Do you ever think about that? Like, Oh man, I should be saving money. I should be investing. I should know more about this or ah, but I'll, I'll put it off. I'll put it off till I have more money till you know I have a better job. [inaudible] you're the exact person that needs this book and needs to get started today because the sooner you put off finances, the less money you're going to have and actually the more stress it will be. Ignorance is not bliss with money. It's straight up is not. That's one huge lesson I learned in my twenties look, I was in a similar spot. Maybe you're at, I don't know where you're at, but I can imagine if you're someone who's making under 60 K a year and you got bills you need to got to pay for and stuff. I was like, you know what? I'll start saving. Once I make a lot of money, then I'll have more money to play with, or I'll start looking at my money once I know more about it. But the sooner you start, you invest in compounding and your money starts working for you, like the rich get richer. That's why that 1% keeps growing, growing, growing, and growing like this to a much less extent. That's how your finances work personally... Refusing to settle,  Clark
2/13/20209 minutes, 48 seconds
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5 Weird Insights From My Journal (Flip-Through)

Here's 5 Weird Insights From My Journal (Flip-Through). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Journal Series: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #JOURNALING #30FOR30CHALLENGE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
2/11/202016 minutes, 42 seconds
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10 Big Ideas | THE SECRET | Rhonda Byrne | Book & Movie Summary

Here's the NEW book summary on The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It's time to start manifesting your goals with the Law of Attraction! FREE 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ► Journaling Series: ► Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course! ► Miss an episode of the 10 Big Ideas book summaries? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ► Book Summary | 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
2/9/202029 minutes, 27 seconds
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4 WAYS TO Brainwash YOUR Subconscious to MAKE MORE MONEY

Here's 4 WAYS TO Brainwash YOUR Subconscious to MAKE MORE MONEY. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Money Monday Series: Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #MAKEMOREMONEY #MONEYMONDAY #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
2/8/202014 minutes, 25 seconds
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Here's a video on The EASIEST Way to PROGRAM Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND (POWERFUL). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here:➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ POWER OF NOW: ➡ VISION BOARD: ➡ MANIFEST MONEY: #SUBCONSCIOUSMIND #30FOR30CHALLENGE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
2/6/202030 minutes, 12 seconds
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Here's HOW TO CREATE A VISION BOARD THAT WORKS! - (Warning: this video will change your life!). If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Resources and Videos mentioned: ➡ VISION BOARD: link ➡ MANIFEST MONEY: link ➡ MISC: link #VISIONBOARD #30FOR30CHALLENGE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
2/4/202026 minutes, 37 seconds
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Sharran Srivatsaa | $3.4 BILLION in Sales (Used to Dumpster Dive For Food)

Welcome to Refusing to Settle. This is the one and only show designed to give you the shortcuts towards earning your freedom. Miss an episode? Check out the Official Refusing to Settle Show Playlist 👉 I’m your host, Clark Kegley. Today I’m joined by Sharran Srivatsaa. Sharran Srivatsaa is the CEO of Kingston Lane, a push-button technology execution platform for real estate. Sharran is a sought after keynote speaker and a respected thought-leadership resource for publications such as the Wall Street Journal, SUCCESS magazine, Huffington Post and Forbes. Most recently, he grew Teles Properties by 10x in 5 years, 4-year consecutive streak on the Inc. 500 list and led its acquisition to national real estate powerhouse Douglas Elliman, after which he served as the President of Brokerage for the Western Region. SHARRAN SRIVATSAA: 👉 FOLLOW DEAN ON IG: @sharransrivatsaa 👉 JOIN 5AM CLUB: 👉 YOUTUBE CLARK KEGLEY: 👉 FOLLOW CLARK ON IG: @clarkkegley 👉 Apply to Work 1 on 1 With Clark: Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind and make $10k/mo online w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months (serious applicants only) I want to remind you that this show is FREE. For you. We just ask that you give back in one way. Sharing this with others. If you’re getting value for yourself. Help us help others get on the path to a life where they can refuse to settle. Leave a comment with your biggest takeaway below — or share this with others It can be text, email, social media app — Take a screenshot Tag us on social media very likely to repost it. #RefusingToSettle #SharranSrivatsaa Refusing to settle, Clark
2/2/202040 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Journal For Self Growth

Welcome back to the Weekly Wednesday Journal series here on Refusing to Settle! Today we're going over how to journal for self growth! If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ LINK TO PLAYLIST Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #30FOR30CHALLENGE #Journaling #HowToJournal Refusing to settle, Clark
2/1/202021 minutes, 40 seconds
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10 Big Ideas | The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**K | Mark Manson

Here's the NEW book summary on The Art of Not Giving a F**K by Mark Manson. If you'd like to get the FREE 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Book Summary Playlist➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Get this book for FREE on Audible using the link below ➡ (affiliate) ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" ▸ Free Audio Book With Audible Refusing to settle, Clark
1/30/202023 minutes, 20 seconds
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21 Money Affirmations

Welcome back to the Money Monday series on Refusing to Settle! Miss an episode? Watch this playlist next ▸ Money Mondays | In this video, we're going through 21 money affirmations. Throw this video on and use the law of attraction so you can begin manifesting money into your life! Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet 💸► Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 21 MONEY AFFIRMATIONS IN 21 MINUTES YOU MUST LISTEN TO FOR 21 DAYS I am so happy and grateful now that all the money I want flows to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources I am a magnet for money. I am WORTHY of making money. I deserve wealth. I now move from poverty thinking, to abundance thinking. I am FULLY OPEN and RECEPTIVE to all the wealth life offers me. I am debt-free, as money is constantly flowing into my life I am a MAGNET for wealth and money I accept wealth CONSTANTLY flowing into my life. I believe my past does NOT equal my future. My future rich life with money starts NOW. I release ALL negative energy over money NOW. I am NOW letting go of what’s held me back with money in the past. I embrace being a rich person FULLY. I am a rich person. I believe money and Love DO co-exist I believe money is NOT the root of all evil. I believe more money does NOT equal MORE problems. I am aware that more MONEY equals MORE opportunities for me to give to others and change the world. I am a generous person with my wealth - giving to others in need. I accept that money is a positive force for GOOD. I feel money comes to me NOW and I accept ALL of it. Refusing to settle,  Clark
1/28/202021 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why You Feel Burnt Out & Tired All The Time | 4 Realms of Existence

Welcome to the new series Soul Sundays here on Refusing to Settle! In this video, we're going to talk about the 4 realms of existence and how mastering the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Realms, on top of the Physical, will bring you more success. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley RTS PLAYLISTS: ➡ Book Summary | ➡ Journal Series | ➡ Passive Income | ➡ BEST of 400+ Videos | ➡ Start Your Own YouTube Channel | ➡ RTS Interviews| #4RealmsOfExistence #30For30Challenge #RefusingToSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
1/26/202017 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Plan a Productive Week In Less Than 30-minutes

Welcome back to the Saturday Strategy series on Refusing to Settle! Miss an episode? Watch this playlist next ▸ Saturday Strategy | In this video, we're going to talk about how to plan a productive week in less than 30-minutes. These are productivity strategies to get more done in less time! That's how I start every video. I got to ask you a very serious question before I show you some cool stuff right here. I drew up for you. That question is, are you winging it? Are you just going about the week? Just ah, yeah. We'll just see what happens. Are you going about your days without structure? Are you going about your month? Are you going about your life without any structure? I know that sounds a little dramatic, but most people are and even if you think that you're planning a lot, I'm going to show you in this video how you can plan your perfect week so you can remove all the stress of what you should be doing and get into what actually matters. This is Clark with Refusing to settle . Welcome back to Saturday strategy. This is the first official one where we give you a strategy, more tactical, analytical stuff that you can apply in your life and get stuff done. Man. Today we're talking about how to plan your perfect week and I'm proud of this. I can't wait to show you some of this. We're going to talk about some big ideas here and ask you if you're drunk promise to go over that can affect your productivity by 40% so by the end of this video, you should have a clear plan of two or three different methods that I've used over the years and I'll tell you which one I'm using now to plan your week and everyone over complicates this. Okay? It comes down to your most important tasks, which we're going to talk about. Now. Look, I used to be someone who's like experimented with being really rigid. Like if I don't have a five hour morning routine and you know, cold shower, meditate, debriefing, smoothie workout, then I can't do my day till I realized all of that was just a distraction. When you simplify it, you strip it away, you actually get more done with less work. Let's go back to the question. Are you winging it? We opened it with, this is Michael Phelps winging it. Our pro athletes winning it, our pro basketball players winging it. No, they have a plan. They have training regimens. They show up. They put an effort and that's why they're the best in the world. They have discipline beyond it. Does Michael Phelps just wing it like when he gets in the pool? No, he's rituals and stuff. We'll talk about in this video. It's like, honestly, we got to ask ourselves, are we just winging it and if we want to be a professional, we want that professional level performance. Okay, you want to be a pro, you want to be the world's best. You want to make money, you want to crush it. Then you need this video, this perfect week. Here's the problem with how most people go about their day and excuse the candid set up here. Apparently I wasn't lazy because I drew some really good pictures for you, but I was too lazy to set up the shot to make this really all in one anyway. Most people plan their day like this. They say, okay, here's the 20% that gives me 80% of the results. You know that right? The parade of distribution that if you look at your closet, 20% of the shirts, like you probably see in videos, right? 20% of clothes get 80% of the, where 80% of the traffic is on 20% of the roads. 20% of your friends give you 80% of your happiness, and if we're really honest, 20% of your actions are giving you 80% of the money and the results. Okay, so we've got to identify that in this video. What are your high value tasks? What's that 20% that only you can do and everything else is almost irrelevant. Sometimes it's important, but it's not like the needle mover, which we'll talk about, okay, so this is how most people plan their day. They do everything else right here and then they only do that little 20% just 20% right there. This is how the pros do it. The pro athletes that aren't winging it, the pro ducted people, how you're doing, they have everything else here, that 50% and then they focused the other half their time on that 20%. Imagine if you only did the stuff that moves the needle. And I'll give you an example here. Like I'm filming videos. I got a buddy who's filmed every single day for like two years and he's crushing, has over 700,000 subs.... Refusing to settle, Clark  
1/25/202024 minutes, 3 seconds
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DEAN GRAZIOSI | How to Turn Your Disadvantages Into Your Superpower (The Underdog Advantage)

Welcome to Refusing to Settle. This is the one and only show designed to give you the shortcuts towards earning your freedom. Miss an episode? Check out the Official Refusing to Settle Show Playlist 👉 I’m your host, Clark Kegley. Today I’m joined by Dean Graziosi. Dean Graziosi is well-known as being a leading real estate expert, author, speaker and entrepreneur. Based in Scottsdale, AZ, Dean has written Multiple New York Times best-selling books and has touched the lives of Millions of people around the world with his powerful investing education. In this tell-all interview, Dean and I discuss what it takes to be successful in all areas of your life. The secret is tapping into what Dean calls "The Underdog Advantage" You like free stuff? Dean's team hooked us all up on Refusing to Settle with his new book for FREE (normally $20 on Amazon) 👉 DO YOU FEEL STUCK IN YOUR LIFE? HERE'S HOW TO FLIP THAT SWITCH! Finally the success road-map for those not born to privilege or advantage. Do things look good on the outside but on the inside, you feel like a prisoner trapped in mediocrity? Or maybe you feel like you missed your chance, or you can’t find your starting point and no matter what you do, nothing moves you forward? You’re the underdog—dismissed, counted out, lacking the right resources and unsupported. This book changes all that by taking you on a journey and showing you what successful "Underdogs" throughout time have already discovered. Your so called disadvantages are the fuel and the hidden superpower to accomplish anything you want. Especially once you know the secret on how to flip the success switch on in your life. This Book will show you that as an underdog (something we all are) you’re actually in a great position, and with one or two small shifts, you can unlock limitless potential. Being an underdog means you don’t have to worry about what other people think, you have a lot of room to improve, you can get easy momentum, you can sneak up on competitors, and you have incredible sources of motivation. Soon you will learn that being an underdog is actually your ultimate unfair advantage to next level wealth, prosperity, happiness and joy... And even if you're not officially an Underdog anymore, then it's time you gain the hunger and resourcefulness of the Underdog Mindset. Grab it for free here 👉 Refusing to settle, Clark
1/23/202052 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Overcome Social Anxiety And Shyness (4 WEIRD TIP)

Here's how to overcome Crippling Social Anxiety w/ These 4 Weird Tips. If you'd like to get the free 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Binge-watch these playlists like your fav Netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Book Summary | ➡ Journal Series | ➡ Passive Income | ➡ BEST of 400+ Videos | ➡ Start Your Own YouTube Channel | ➡ RTS Interviews| Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #socialanxiety #30FOR30CHALLENGE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
1/21/202012 minutes, 26 seconds
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Here's a new journal video on the 3 JOURNAL QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK! These are an absolute must if you want to get the most out of that journal! Even if you're a complete beginner. Want even MORE awesome questions? Claim your FREE 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode? Binge-watch this ultimate guide to keeping a journal playlist like your fav Netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Journal Series | Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #30FOR30CHALLENGE #HowToKeepAJournal #Journaling Refusing to settle, Clark
1/19/202019 minutes, 31 seconds
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THE POWER OF NOW | 10 Big Ideas | Eckhart Tolle | Book Summary

Here's the NEW book summary on The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. If you'd like to get the FREE 11 Questions to Change your life click here: ➡ Join the My Best Journal 2.0 Course and use this "weird" method of 6-in -1 journaling to change your life forever in under 10-min a day: ➡ Miss an episode of the 10 Big Ideas book summaries? Binge-watch this playlist like your fav netflix show and keep the party going: ➡ Book Summary | Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley Get this book for FREE on Audible using the link below ➡ (affiliate) #THEPOWEROFNOW #BOOKSUMMARY #ECKHARTTOLLE Refusing to settle, Clark
1/18/202029 minutes, 19 seconds
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Welcome back to the Money Monday series on Refusing to Settle! Miss an episode? Watch this playlist next ▸ Money Mondays | In this video, we're going to talk about the five ways you can manifest more money into your life. This is money manifestation stuff from the law of attraction! // VIDEOS MENTIONED: Vision Board ► 5 Money Beliefs Keeping You Poor ► Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet ► Money Mondays Playlist ► Follow Me On Instagram ► @clarkkegley Unlock The Power of Journaling and Change Your Life ► How to manifest money fast using five steps. That's what we're talking about in this video. This is Clark with the fuse and the settle. Welcome to the money Monday. leave me a comment. Do you use like the turtleneck when girlfriend bought it for me? She told me it was, it was daddy. So I don't know. I'm trying to manifest more daddy into my life apparently. Anyway guys, I want to give you these five steps, but I want to, let's open it up with the story. It guys like stories. Let's come back to those. So you're like, okay, manifestation. That's already sounds like a load of crap. If you're in the business camp like I was and you're so focused on the external, you're like, it's all about hard work and hustle. And then there's the other camp which is just sit on your ass all day and just manifest the check. Where's the check? Where's the check? I mean neither are good. You need balance. And one of my favorite stories, just listening to Jim Carey, right? Dumb and dumber. One of the all time American classics out there. One of my favorite movies. I don't know what that says about me. Jim Carrey was on Oprah. He was talking about this one story of manifesting, um, money, and he said he was a broke, struggling actor in Hollywood trying to make it for years. And he wrote himself a $10 million check and he would just picture that $10 million check every single day. He would look at that check, look at that check, and he went to acting gigs. And then his big first movie was dumb and dumber. You know how much the check they handed at him for that movie was, it was $10 million. So man, I got goosebumps when I heard that this stuff works and whether we can explain it 100% backed by science, that's not the point. The point is that there's countless examples. I'll share some from my life to not that I feel like I've manifested the most compared to whoever, but a good chunk. I look back on my journals, which you talk about all the time. That's a form of manifestation right there is knowing what you want and then your subconscious mind helps you achieve it instead of works against you, whether you want to call it the universe or law of attraction, whatever. That's not the point. Let's just different terminologies, knowing what you want, getting clear and going for it. So let's get into these five ways now. Sound good. Smash that like button if you're excited and leave a comment down below. Um, with anything along this video and if you can't see any of these points, uh, partially cause my handwriting, but I'll zoom in with this camera and do some B roll. The first thing you need to do, let's go back to Jim Carey. He got specific set. Specificity is power. Okay. So what is the exact amounts of money that you want? Is it a certain amount to replace your income so you can work full time? For me it was 10 K I wanted to make $10,000. So I would sit and just think about it. This was in college. You might've heard this story in other videos. I was working as a janitor. Okay. And I was sitting there scrubbing spots and toilets and all this stuff, really embarrassing. And I'm like, okay, well making like $10 an hour, I want to make $10,000. And so I said, okay, well how many hours is that scrubbing spots? And it was a thousand hours, good math. So I'm like, Oh my God, I have to scrub spots for a thousand hours of lose my mind. So there's so many podcasts you can listen to. And so I, I just, I said, you know what? $10,000 that is my goal. I was like 18 at the time. Never made that much money in my life. So I went back and started listening to podcasts and I was listening to this one underground wellness was Sean Croxton. I was like, I could do that. That sounds awesome. And so I started a podcast in my dorm room. Long story short, my first guests was Sean Croxton himself. And then he, the guy I was listening to, I got connected with him. He hooked me up with this blog that was looking for a freelance podcast or I'm 19, I'm not doing much.... #ManifestMoney #30FOR30CHALLENGE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE Refusing to settle, Clark
1/16/202021 minutes, 16 seconds
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I finally figured it out..

Annnnnnddd we're off! Who's ready for the 30 for 30 challenge SEASON THREE? Follow @clarkkegley on IG for behind the scenes cringe. Want a preview? Got some killer content lined up for you! Including: INTERVIEWS: - Dean Graziosi - Bedros Keuilian - Zander Fryer - Sharran Srivatsaa BOOK SUMMARIES: - The Power of Now - The Secret - Atomic Habits - Stuble Art of Not Giving A F**K - 10 Minute Books: How to Win Friends & Influence People Also, we'll be doing a weekly journal video. Stoked! leave a comment with what you want to see next! Clark ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Refusing to settle, Clark
1/14/202017 minutes, 45 seconds
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10 Signs You're Going to Be Successful

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley ★☆★ MY BEST VIDEOS ★☆★ ▸ BEST of 400+ Videos | ▸ 10 Big Ideas Book Summaries | ▸ Keeping A Journal | ★☆★ MY COURSES ★☆★ ▸ My Best Journal 2.0 | ▸ $10 YouTube Course | ▸ Coaching With Clark | (serious applicants only) #RefusingToSettle #SuccessHabits #SuccessMotivation Refusing to settle, Clark
1/12/202017 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to STOP Procrastination In Its Tracks w/ These 7 AMAZING TIPS

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Put the PRO in procrastination — maybe you’ ’re procrastinating by watching this video? aha all good! The sooner you fall behind the more time you have to catch up? Watch our Interview with Craig B here ► Here's a preview of this video. Watch the whole thing for full results! 1. LOWER YOUR QUOTA: "Two Crappy Pages Per Day" OBJECT IN MOTION STAYS IN MOTION Floss ONE tooth, Meditate for TWO minutes, Workout for THREE minutes 2. PROGRESS! Why you’re anxious is because you’re procrastinating. GUILT. Out of integrity w/ ideal and what you should do. DIS integrate (literally erode away) Progress is addicting. Feels AMAZING. (my theory: why people play video games — fake progress) 3. NOT TO DO LIST “What are your distractions?” “What should you STOP doing?” 4. BREAK IT DOWN TO SMALLEST PARTS “Little by little” quote buddha.. like a water pot is filled with drops of water Problem with goals: “where do you want to be?” can say anything… It doesn’t matter! Focus on the NOW and steps to get there! More likely to be successful. 5. Parkinson's Law! Tasks swell to time allotted. Set a deadline. STUDY: two student group write 3 papers in 30 days. Group A turn in whenever they want. Group B strict weekly deadlines. Ones in group B did WAY better than group A! 6. Audit yourself 20 min breakdown of day for a week. Like those using a food log lose WAY more weight! Same with this log - don’t do it forever. BONUS TIP: Start the night before. Write 2-3 things you WILL get done. Subconscious. Watch our Interview with Craig B here ► Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley Refusing to settle, Clark
1/11/202019 minutes, 27 seconds
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From BROKE Personal Trainer to $2M Per Year Business Coach | VINCE DEL MONTE

Welcome to Refusing to Settle. This is the one and only show designed to give you the shortcuts towards earning your freedom. Miss an episode? Check out the Official Refusing to Settle Show Playlist 👉 I’m your host, Clark Kegley. Today I’m joined by Vince Del Monte - and talk about a FULL story — you hear first hand how Vince went from being called “Skinny Vinny” by girls who wouldn’t even look at him. To transforming his bodying a WBFF pro fitness model, selling 80k copies in 120 different countries of his book “No Nonsense Muscle Building”, getting featured on,, and Men’s Health Magazine running one of the first-ever fitness youtube channels that grew to over 400k subscribers. But what’s more fascinating is how he walked away from that seven-figure fitness business to teach everyday people stuck in a 9 to 5 how to start & grow their own online business. Today Vince runs masterminds, coaching programs, and is a sought after keynote speaker. I know all this because I joined Vince’s mastermind in February and have been working closely with the group ever since. In fact, what you’re seeing right now, the “Refusing to Settle Show” was a product of Vince's coaching. If you’re someone who feels stuck in a 9 to 5 job you don’t like, and looking for what’s next, or you want to hit your first $10k/month faster - you can’t afford to miss what’s in this must-watch interview. Without further ado please welcome, the skinny guy savior and premier online business coach, Vince Del Monte VINCE DEL MONTE 👉 FOLLOW VINCE ON IG: 👉 YOUTUBE: CLARK KEGLEY: 👉 FOLLOW CLARK ON IG: 👉 Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind and make $10k/mo online w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months. Apply here: (serious applicants only) Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #RefusingToSettle #VinceDelMonte #7FigureMastermind I want to remind you that this show is FREE. For you. We just ask that you give back in one way. Sharing this with others. If you’re getting value for yourself. Help us help others get on the path to a life where they can refuse to settle. Leave a comment with your biggest takeaway below — or share this with others It can be text, email, social media app — Take a screenshot Tag us on social media very likely to repost it. Refusing to settle, Clark
1/9/202052 minutes, 40 seconds
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Powerful 2-Step Process To END Over-Thinking & Negative Thoughts 🤯

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ►Free Audio Book With Audible ★☆★ MY BEST VIDEOS ★☆★ ▸ BEST of 400+ Videos | ▸ 10 Big Ideas Book Summaries | ▸ Keeping A Journal | ★☆★ MY COURSES ★☆★ ▸ My Best Journal 2.0 | ▸ $10 YouTube Course | ▸ Coaching With Clark | (serious applicants only) #refusingtosettle Refusing to settle, Clark
1/7/202013 minutes, 12 seconds
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JOURNALING FOR MEN ⚡️3 Reasons DUDES Must Keep A Journal

In this video, we're going over how to transform your journal into the best book you've ever read. This one for the guys! Here's why all men need to keep a journal. Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Instagram | @clarkkegley Ready to fully master this journaling thing? If you want LASTING change in any area of your life join our MyBestJournal2.0 Course now: This is the course thousands of students have gone through and are now using the power of journaling to crush their goals and refuse to settle. #HowToJournal #Journaling #MyBestJourna 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Refusing to settle, Clark
1/2/20208 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Is The Best Business To Start In 2020?

Hey refuser! Had an hour free so decided to answer a question I see in the comments a lot "What is the best business to start in 2020?" Hope you dig this free-flow style. Big news coming soon... 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet 💸► ► Free Course 10 BEST Ways to Make Passive Income Online (Even If You're A Complete Beginner) | ► Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind and make $10k/mo online w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months. Apply here: (serious applicants only) Refusing to settle, Clark
12/31/201920 minutes, 44 seconds
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Hey Refuser! Experimenting with a new series, "10 MINUTE BOOKS" where we do our best to give you big ideas from awesome books in under ten minutes! I can talk, so you KNOW how hard this must be for me :) Here's episode one. This is on "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Our book summary from a couple years back has almost 600k views! Woah! Give this video a "like" if you dig it. Drop a comment with your biggest takeaway or something you want to add. Want More From This Book? Check Out Our Full Book Summary of Think And Grow Rich Here: 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life   Refusing to settle, Clark
12/28/201911 minutes, 28 seconds
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This video has ONE goal: it’s not to preach at you, sell you something, tell you what to do… this video’s goal is to honestly share with you 10 habits that radically changed my life. Not like some little 5%... but completely shifted it. Some are daily, others not so much. Put in comments any you’re going to apply. Want to change your life? Start with asking these questions ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life If you want to change anything in your life, change your habits! We are creatures of habit — habits literally control our lives. Might be out of order of video, but whatever! 10 LIFE-CHANGING HABITS: 1. LOOSEN UP not TIGHTEN UP Practice Non-Judgement 2. BASICS: WATER/SLEEP Aim for 1/2 BW in OZ Water Per Day. As little as 2% dehydration leads to decrease in performance. 3. Probiotics (P3OM) Body is made up of around 50% Bactria - Gut/Brain connection depression/ energy. You are NOT what you eat but you are only what you absorb. My ALL time favorite supplement for all day energy: (affiliate) 4. Fasting (w/ Snake Juice) Ridiculous diet but I tried it. Fasting benefits for sick patients — intermittent fasting was brutal felt fine then burnt out by first meal. 5. Wim Hof & Saunas BREATHING: It’s FREE. Feel AMAZING and high after. Check it here: 6. Journaling Greatest minds throughout histroy have done this. I've been journaling for 8 years now and it continues to be my number one habit! Don't do it the wrong way... Learn how to master a journal and change your life here: ▸ My Best Journal 2.0 7. Coaching, Coaches, Masterminds, Networking Live events change lives. Network is net worth. I’ve spent close to $66k in coaching, travel, and live events this year. 8. Quitting Juul Self love is being in integrity with what you say you’re gonna do and what you’re doing. Check out this video here: 9. Qapital (Auto-Saving) Get a FREE $5 with Qapital Here: (affiliate) My secret weapon. Remember that becoming rich is not about money you make - it's about the money you KEEP. I use that app to save portions of every check I earn online. It does it automatically for me so I don't see it happening! I set to freelancer rule - save 30%. If you download it though that link you'll get a FREE $5 when you make your first deposit. 10. Hard Stop & 2 Days OFF Per Week Guilt FREE OFF Switch — moving apartments soon. Don’t sh** where you eat! Busy not productive. Focus on what ACTUALLY Matters! It’s not checking email - it’s filming content. 👇 SUBSCRIBE NOW 👇 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley Free Audio Book With Audible   Refusing to settle, Clark
12/26/201923 minutes, 36 seconds
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The World's Most Disciplined Man Reveals His "Perfect Day Formula" | CRAIG BALLANTYNE

Welcome to Refusing to Settle. This is the one and only show designed to give you the shortcuts towards earning your freedom. Miss an episode? Check out the Official Refusing to Settle Show Playlist 👉 I’m your host, Clark Kegley. Today I’m joined by Craig Ballantyne. A man who’s no-nonsense coaching style is sought after by 7, 8 and even 9-figure entrepreneurs around the world. When I recently flew down to Santa Monica to attend his Unstoppable mastermind, I asked Craig for an exclusive interview that reveals to you how to design your perfect life through simple systems that work. You also get an inside look into Craig’s journey: from walking away from profitable multiple 7-figure fitness businesses that were featured in Men’s Health, GQ, and National geographic to spiraling downward battling a rock bottom crippling anxiety attack and how he used these exact strategies shared in this interview used to bounce back bigger and more successful than ever. Refusing to settle, Clark
12/21/201948 minutes, 38 seconds
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BRANDON CARTER | From Dealing Drugs to $2M+ Per Year | Full Interview

Welcome to Refusing to Settle Show. This is the one and only show designed to give you the shortcuts towards earning your freedom. Today I’m joined by Brandon Carter - King Keto and you’re gonna hear how he went from military school and coming up in Southside of Chicago where wasn’t a lot of hope… to a hyper-successful professional fitness model (Big brands you’ve heard of like Nike, Puma, Men’s Health) - an how he turned that into a seven-figure fitness business, and YouTube channel with over 750k subs. Before that, I want to remind you that this show is FREE. For you. We just ask that you give back in one way. That is sharing this with others. If you’re getting value for yourself. Help us help others get on the path to a life where they can refuse to settle. Leave a comment with your biggest takeaway below — or share this with others It can be text, email, social media app — Take a screenshot Tag us on social media very likely to repost it. Also, Brandon hooked all of you watching Refusing to Settle with his NEW book “Online Trainer Secrets” - The Proven Step by Step Guide to building a massively successful online fitness business in 12 weeks or less — using this link ► Without further ado please welcome King Keto, Professional Fitness model, and seven-figure marketer Brandon Carter. Miss an episode of the Refusing To Settle Show? You can watch them all here ► ► Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind and make $10k/mo online w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months. Apply here: (serious applicants only) Follow Clark On Instagram: @clarkkegley Follow Brandon On Instagram: @KingKeto 🔔 SUBSCRIBE #BrandonCarter #RefusingToSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
11/9/201934 minutes, 49 seconds
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ANDREW W.K. | The Party Hard Mindset | [INTERVIEW]

Hey This is Clark Kegley host of the Refusing to Settle Show. My next guest is Andrew W.K. — and we could talk about the external accomplishments he’s had: Like releasing one of the most iconic rock albums of the past two decades, I Get Wet - with the single “Party Hard” still being played everywhere to this day. It's the album Rolling Stone called “The Loudest and Funniest Metal You’ve Heard In Ages” ► Andrew WK Spotify: Take a screenshot of you watching this show and mention us on Instagram! ► Andrew WK IG: ► Clark Kegley IG: And it didn’t even stop at music. Andrew W.K. went on to have success in other areas such as network TV show “Destroy Build Destroy” - where teams of teenagers compete for the right to blow up each other’s creations. to then sharing his unique and counter-culture options as a Motivational Speaker and advice column writer But I think what’s more interesting than the external accomplishments, is the internal mindset Andrew used to achieve it all. That’s what you’ll get a look at today. A framework of thinking and yes, partying. In this one of a kind sit down authentic conversation, Andrew WK and I discuss some of the stuff we’d normally only talk about on the tour bus. I’ve toured with Andrew for the past years — Together we’ve played in 12 countries, over 120 live shows, six full-blown tours, late-night TV, and up to crowds of 35,000 fans screaming their faces off. that my one and only tattoo is “PARTY HARD” ► Andrew WK Spotify: ► Andrew WK IG: ► Clark Kegley IG: I Can NOT WAIT for you to watch this interview, I want to remind you that this is the ONE and only show where we bring on guests who can give you shortcuts towards earning your freedom and Refusing a 9 to 5. With every episode our goal is to remove the fluff/smoke in mirrors around entrepreneurship, success, self-development — ONLY giving you clear & actionable steps - gold nugget takeaways to help you earn more money and achieve more happiness. LASTLY, before we get into the show I want to remind you that this show is FREE. For you. We just ask that you give back by in one way. That is sharing this with others. If you’re getting value for yourself. Help us help others get on the path to a life where they can refuse to settle. Leave a comment with you biggest takeaway below — or share this with others It can be text, email, social media app — Take a screenshot Tag us on social media very likely to repost it. 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: ► Free YouTube Book "31 Weird Tactics You Need To Use to Start A YouTube Channel From Scratch" #AndrewWK #RefusingToSettle #PartyHard Refusing to settle, Clark
10/22/201948 minutes, 5 seconds
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⚠️ My Embarrassing JUUL Addiction That Almost Destroyed Me (5 Ways I Quit Vaping TODAY)

This is my embarrassing true story about getting addicted to vaping. My goal with this video is to help people that are done juuling/vaping. You want to quit but don’t know how. Or have thought about it. If you’re content with your juul habit and love it, skip this video now. I also don’t want to come off as your nagging mom or some dude scaring you straight prison mike! Just a normal dude who let addiction get out of control that could possible kill you. Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley NTOE: know there’s gonna be critiques out there in comments right now. YES i’m aware of the fake CBD pods, and VIT E acute, diethyl — NOT the point of this video. And honestly if you’re using those to justify JUULING I’d argue you’re MORE addicted cause justification of bad habits is huge sign of it. BEST 5 TIPS HOW TO QUIT: 1. 100% WHY: STORY: Guy I knew who quit drinking after 20 years. Bottle of Even Williams in morning, and night. Had to hide the second from him. Finally quit and said enough — went blind for 3 days! Cold turkey. I was talking to him this weekend about quitting and addictions and asked him if it’s hard or whatever he said “HELL NO” — clark, 99% is hard. if there’s 1% in you that’s like “maybe today I’ll JUUL” you’re gonna cave. But 100% is a breeze and 99% is a B****. YOU HAVE TO BE 100% 2. PAIN VS PLEASUER: How to get to 100%? Understand this concept everything changes: two ways to motivate a donkey: cart and stick. PART A) Humans are hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. PART B) You will work MUCH harder NOT to lose something than you will to gain something. Write down what this habit is COSTING you. When I did this: PAIN of Hospital bed, death itself, money costing, shame of sneaking away from business conferences, bad example for kids and I talk about self development, FEAR of not knowing what’s in them // long term effects 3. GUM: Habits hardest part! Nicotine —- started chewing n gum. 4mg at about 5 pieces a day. Now at 2mg at about 5 pieces a day. Tapering down from there. Was actually really…. easy? Health effects of Nicotine aren’t too bad (kinda like caffeine) but it’s HIGHLY addictive and causes anxiety. DO NOT START. But much better to just take nicotine than to juul or smoke cigs. 4. IDENTITY: Two most powerful words in language? “ I AM “ Switch your identity from “a smoker” to a NON vaper. Don’t have to get evangelical with it. 5. RESEARCH: LOTS of it! The more articles about death and danger you read the MORE likely you are to quit. That’s scary stuff. Reading an investing book. Talked about warren buffet and big hedge fund managers. They say the MOST DANGEROUS 4 WORDS: “This time it’s different” “It will never happen to me” — garbage! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #JuulAddiction #Vaping #HowToQuitVaping Refusing to settle, Clark
10/18/201924 minutes, 21 seconds
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🚛 From Truck Driving to $20k/Mo PASSIVE INCOME With YouTube 💸 (TRUE STORY)

Hey Refusers! STOKED to share with you this interview. Ryan is one of our success stories. You'll hear how Ryan went from driving semi-trucks to starting his own online business that generates over $20k per month. The coolest part is that he started with NO niche, NO idea, NO knowhow of how to youtube or sell online courses. But with our Refusing to Settle Products, he educated himself and is now crushing it. Here are the courses Ryan took to go from Truck Driving to Internet Freedom: ▸ Courses That Crush: ▸ Video Breakthrough Academy: ▸ Free ClickFunnels Course Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley Follow Ryan on Instagram: @tattooedentrepreneur 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #MakeMoneyOnline #PassiveIncome   Refusing to settle, Clark
10/13/201929 minutes, 22 seconds
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👨🏻‍💻7 Lessons on Time Management From Bill Gates (Productivity Hacks)

Bill Gates: He’s the poster boy for ultimate success, wealth, philanthropy. Moreover, he’s a billionaire founder of Microsoft and you could easily make a case for being the most successful man of last 100 years. He’s worth over $100B - makes around $33M per DAY at the time of recording this! or $22k per HOUR! Get this: If he drops a $100 would cost him more to bend over and pick up that bill (no pun intended) But he didn’t get here on luck alone. How is it that he has the same 24-hours we do, yet built most successful companies on planet earth? If you know anything about Bill Gates (or you've seen the new Netflix series "Inside Bill's Brain") you’ll find he’s extremely meticulous about the use of his time and HATES wasting it. Has multiple schedulers, personal assistants — all responsible for ONE thing. His TIME. So in this video, you’re gonna get his BEST 7 tips for time management now. You can apply these in your life to maximize those 24-hours. Even just one or two of these have the potential to save you WEEKS of wasted time over course of a couple years. Looking to read more books like bill gates? Check out these "30 Books to Read Before 30" here now. It's free, for you ► Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #BillGates #Productivity Refusing to settle, Clark
10/10/201912 minutes, 59 seconds
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RANT: You Don't Have Time to WASTE TIME!

🔥"How are you gonna run a 7-figure business with 6-figure habits?" Something I heard @realcraigballantyne say last week at his "Unstoppable Mastermind" that stuck with me. ⁣ ⁣ Here's a tracker I threw together this morning - thought I'd share it on IG⁣ ⁣ Heard a story about Jerry Seinfeld...⁣ ⁣ Someone asked Jerry "How do you become a better comic? Especially since Seinfeld has been running for 9 seasons and 180 episodes - how do you still have new material?"⁣ ⁣ Ya know what Jerry said that the secret is? ⁣ ⁣ ... with better jokes⁣ ⁣ ya know what the secret to better jokes is?⁣ ⁣ ... write one every day⁣ ⁣ Jerry writes a joke EVERY DAY⁣ ⁣ He has a giant wall calendar where he draws a GIANT red "❌" through each day he writes a new joke. ⁣ ⁣ Jerry says his secret is not breaking the chain.⁣ ⁣ That seeing a chain of red ❌'s motivates him to never break his streak.⁣ ⁣ Recently I've been feeling super overwhelmed with everything I "should be" doing...⁣ ⁣ It's lead to a lot of spinning wheels, feeling stuck, and being busy, not productive.⁣ ⁣ So when I was journaling this morning I asked myself: ⁣ ⁣ "What 10 tasks would 10X my business?"⁣ ⁣ Powerful question. ⁣ ⁣ I came up with a clear plan and got to work scheduling it. ⁣ ⁣ 6 steps to do this:⁣ ⁣ 1️⃣Answer: "What 10 tasks would 10X my business?"⁣ ⁣ 2️⃣ Write out your IDEAL work schedule (mine is M-F from 7 AM - 6 PM)⁣ ⁣ 3️⃣Block out time for each task (start with the most important ones first)⁣ ⁣ 4️⃣Write a 30-day tracker to hold yourself accountable⁣ ⁣ 5️⃣Draw a RED ❌ through each day you hit 80% of them. ⁣ ⁣ 6️⃣Don't break the chain⁣ ⁣ Curious what you come up with. ⁣ ⁣ Feel free to shoot me a DM with your tracker if you do this.⁣ ⁣ Refusing to settle,⁣ ⁣ Clark 🤘🏻
10/8/20197 minutes, 36 seconds
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JASON CAPITAL: $0 to $40 Million By 29 [FULL INTERVIEW]

Welcome to Refusing to Settle. This is the one and only show designed to give you the shortcuts towards earning your freedom. Today I’m joined by Jason Capital - who went from BROKE TO MILLIONAIRE in only 9 months when he was 24 years old. By age 29 did over $40 Million Dollars in digital marketing online. Teaching people how to replace “Rat Race Income” with “Laptop Income” - Which lead Jason to be named one of the top 100 entrepreneurs recognized by Whitehouse. FOLLOW JASON: @JasonCapital (IG) FOLLOW CLARK: @ClarkKegley (IG) In this exclusive sit-down Interview with Jason Capital we get into: - Why Jason QUIT the dating industry - What it means to be a "High Status" man - How to Have more confidence without faking it - Jason Capital's BEST advice for hitting your first $10k/month - When it's time to quit and how to do so... - and much, much more With every episode, our goal is to remove the fluff/smoke in mirrors around entrepreneurship, success, finances, self-development and ONLY give you clear & actionable steps - gold nugget takeaways to help you earn more money and achieve more happiness. A life where you can refuse to settle for a 9 to 5 and you can live life on your terms. Before we get into that I want to remind you that this podcast is FREE. For you. We just ask that you give back by in one way. That is sharing this with others. If you’re getting value for yourself. Help us help others get on the path to a life where they can refuse to settle. It can be text, email, social media app — Take a screenshot Tag us on social media very likely to repost it. ► Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind and make $10k/mo online with a REAL authentic business in 12-months | (serious applicants only) 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #RefusingToSettle #JasonCapital Refusing to settle, Clark
10/6/201943 minutes, 16 seconds
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7 Things I Wish I Knew In My 20s (Passive Income)

I filmed this on my 28 birthday. To be honest, sometimes I look myself in the mirror and think “dude, I really thought you’d be further ahead by now.” ⁣ ⁣ Uplifting, right? Hey! It’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to 🤣⁣ ⁣ But then I stop myself and get SUPER amped and realize this has been the biggest year for personal growth of my life. ⁣ ⁣ So I wrote down the 28 things I wish I knew before turning 28. Over the next week, you'll get 4 videos with top 7 lessons in the areas that matter: A) Relationships B) Happiness C) Business/Passive Income D) Money I was going to upload it as one giant video, but it came to over 45 min. I have the gift of gab 🤦🏻‍♂️ Here's the one on Passive Income Like and drop a comment with your favorite lesson or something you want to add! Refusing to settle,⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Clark 🤘🏻
9/30/201910 minutes, 14 seconds
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7 Things I Wish I Knew In My 20s (Happiness)

I filmed this on my 28 birthday. To be honest, sometimes I look myself in the mirror and think “dude, I really thought you’d be further ahead by now.” ⁣ ⁣ Uplifting, right? Hey! It’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to 🤣⁣ ⁣ But then I stop myself and get SUPER amped and realize this has been the biggest year for personal growth of my life. ⁣ ⁣ So I wrote down the 28 things I wish I knew before turning 28. Over the next week, you'll get 4 videos with top 7 lessons in the areas that matter: A) Relationships B) Happiness C) Business D) Money I was going to upload it as one giant video, but it came to over 45 min. I have the gift of gab 🤦🏻‍♂️ Let's start with some beach rants on happiness. Like and drop a comment with your favorite lesson or something you want to add! Refusing to settle,⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Clark 🤘🏻
9/25/201912 minutes, 38 seconds
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No Time To Start A Business? Steal The Money Matrix

💸 TIME AND MONEY ARE NOT RELATED! — but we learn this growing up (i.e. you get paid to do chores... AND this also teaches you only way to make money is doing what you DON’T like!) So in this video, we're going to look at how to start a business if you don't have time. It all comes down to one thing: The Money Matrix ► Free ClickFunnels Masterclass: Discover ONE TOOL Powerful Enough To Run Your ENTIRE Business & Earn Your Freedom... (PREVIEW OF CONTENT IN VIDEO) There are three levels of income: 1. MAINTENANCE MONEY (5%) 9-5 job (Not bringing in NEW revenue) HARD to get rich here! This is the stuff you outsource i.e PERSONAL TRAINING: They paid you, you show up, you get paid 2. MONEY NOW (15%) ANY Tasks bringing in money 0-30 days using a high-income skill for someone else i.e. ME: Podcasting for someone else i.e. ME: Coaching — I love it. But building someone else’s business. 3. MONEY LATER (80%) ANY tasks bringing in money 30-90 days + Build yourself an asset using a high-income skill for yourself (or developing one daily) BIG A-HA FROM THIS: SPEND FIRST 2 HOURS OF YOUR DAY IN MONEY LATER TASKS! - i.e. developing skill acquisition (high income) (media buying, copywriting, speaking, youtube) (SEE VIDEO FOR MORE) ► Free ClickFunnels Masterclass: Discover ONE TOOL Powerful Enough To Run Your ENTIRE Business & Earn Your Freedom... Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #HowToStartABusinessWithNoTime #TheMoneyMatrix Refusing to settle, Clark
9/22/201911 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Plan Your Most Productive Week Ever

Here's how to plan your most productive week ever. A little tracker I threw together, thought I'd share this productivity tracker with you on youtube. This is how to be more productive and get more done. Get the My Best Journal 2.0 Course here: 📓 ► Free ClickFunnels Masterclass: Discover ONE TOOL Powerful Enough To Run Your ENTIRE Business & Earn Your Freedom... Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #HowToBeProductive #WeeklyPlanner Refusing to settle, Clark
9/21/201910 minutes, 19 seconds
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Think about this: If we go to Amazon right now there are thousands of books in the “business space” — all giving you DIFFERENT conflicting advice. If we go to University there are professors teaching from the stage who if they were so good at business, they’d be running one! And if we go to instagram there are COUNTLESS “business coaches” selling “business coaching” who haven’t made 6 figures doing anything else… besides coaching coaches how to coach coaches! Does anyone see the madness? Not a fan of reading? Join Audible and get two free audiobooks! ❌📚 Now I'm not saying I’m the richest or flashiest Entrepreneur. You won’t see me driving Lambos and flexing Rolex - but I’ve done this full time now for past 5-years. Most proud of how I’ve done it, authentic hustle and staying true, not slimy - invest tens of thousands into courses, coaching, seminars, masterminds… but best insights have come from BOOKS! The more you learn the more you earn. So in this video, we’re looking at the 10 BEST books for entrepreneurs and I’ll also give you my BIGGEST take away from each. Not just gonna be another list. I hope to change your mind in this video about something or new perspective you can use TODAY save you time and money. If I do, comment it below and help others! ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #BestBusinessBooks #BooksForEntrepreneurs Refusing to settle, Clark
9/20/201921 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Sell A Product - 4 Bulletproof Methods to Sell Anything to Anyone

How do you SELL anything to anyone anytime? In this video, you're going to get 4 tactics that you can use today to sell anything. It doesn't matter if you're selling online, in person, or just want to become more confident and a better salesperson. There are 4 tactics gonna give you all of that. (PREVIEW OF CONTENT IN VIDEO) I Was having dinner with Ian Stanley. Dude is a professional copywriter who’s done over $100M in email sales. People pay him $25k to REVIEW a sales page. And 5% of future royalties made. Imagine you’re selling a product and making $5k/mo from it, Ian comes along - now all of a sudden you’re making $50k/mo. That’s his job. ► Best Playlist For Learning Sales on YouTube When I asked him how he does it - what’s his secret… you know what he told me? He says “Clark, I print out the entire long-form sales letter. Then I take a giant red pen and look for the answer to ONE question — what’s weird unusual, or interesting?” “Then, I do what most people DON’T - I start there!” Think about it IT’S BETTER TO BE DIFFERENT THAN IT IS TO BE BETTER LET ME ASK YOU A QUESTION: -- Who’s the FIRST person to fly across Atlantic ocean solo (Charles Lindberg) -- Who’s the FIRST person to break 4-minute mile (Roger Bannister) -- Who’s the FIRST trillion-dollar company (Apple Computers) Now, who’s the SECOND Atlantic ocean pilot? Bert Hinkler. Ever heard of him? Me neither. Even though he FLEW faster and consumed less fuel! ► Best Playlist For Learning Sales on YouTube Post-WWII first imported beer to the USA was Heineken. Still, #1 most consumed imported beer! decided later. Jeep was first 4-wheel drive vehicle. Gillette was the first safety razor. People don’t ask for a tissue they ask for a Kleenex! We don’t know 2nd person to fly across Atlantic but definitely know the 3rd. Amelia Earheart. Why is this? She created a category of one. First FEMALE pilot. Which category can you get into? Make it ONE. Make it first, not better. (SEE VIDEO FOR MORE POINTS) #HowToSellAnything #SalesTraining ► Want to Work 1 on 1 With Clark? Apply here: (serious applicants only) Let me walk you step-by-step how to escape your 9 to 5 soul-sucking grind and make $10k/mo online w/ a REAL authentic business in 12-months Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: Refusing to settle, Clark
9/18/20198 minutes, 21 seconds
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10 Books All Men Must Read

This video's for the dudes! Here are the 10 books I think all men should read. The point of this video is that men and women are different - communication, needs, wants, but more importantly how we develop. These books are from MY 28 years experience on earth as a dude and what I’d recommend if one of my guy friends asked me what books dudes should read. TWO THINGS BEFORE WE START: 1. THIS IS NOT A RED PILL VIDEO — not telling you women are devils and should never be around them. I love women. I love my mom and sister and girlfriend.. and one day hope to love all my wives. For all the guys who think a woman's place is in the kitchen, remember that's where the knives are kept. 2. THIS IS NOT A FAR LEFT VIDEO — You and me both don’t have the time to preface every statement that might offend someone or not include everyone for 5 minutes just to make one point. I’m going to be straight up and blunt. if I offend you or something in this video doesn’t have 100% sensitive info for all - leave. ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" Not a fan of reading? Join Audible and get two free audiobooks! ❌📚 Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: #BooksForMen #MustReadBooks #RefusingToSettle Refusing to settle, Clark
9/15/201926 minutes, 3 seconds
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🎬How to Start and Grow Your YouTube Channel from ZERO [1/7]

Looking to start a successful youtube channel? By the end of this video, you’ll know exactly What Your Channel Should Be About. Not only that but you’ll discover How you can research and find hit youtube videos before you hit record so you're not wasting your time! ► Get The Full Course "Video Breakthrough Academy" Now 🎬 ► PLAYLIST: How To Start Your Own Six Figure YouTube Channel 💻 ► Free YouTube Book "31 Weird Tactics You Need To Use to Start A YouTube Channel From Scratch" Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: Refusing to settle, Clark
9/14/201933 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Start A Journal for Beginners

Hey Refuser! In this video, we're going over how to start a journal for beginners. Journaling has been the NUMBER ONE tool i've used to transform my life over the past 8 years. It's how you can caoch yourself and make change stick! If you've never kept a journal or done this journaling method, I think it's one of the best for beginners. ► Watch the full journaling series here ► Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" ► Join My Best Journal 2.0 Now: ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley 🔔 SUBSCRIBE 👉 PREVIOUS UPLOAD: Refusing to settle, Clark
9/10/201910 minutes, 19 seconds
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10 Books That Changed My Life

► New Free Guide "30 Books to Read Before 30" READERS are LEADERS! The MORE you learn the MORE you earn! Those two quotes changed my life. In this video, I’m going to walk you through the 10 BEST books for you to read based on over 200+ I’ve read the past 5-years. Let’s face it, a lot of books say the same stuff, right? So the goal by the end of this video is to give you ONE or TWO that you’ll buy, read, and use! Also reviewed all these books 10 big ideas — linked here for each one so if you’re too lazy or cheap to read/order the book - NO EXCUSE! We’ll do it for you. Refusing to settle, Clark
9/8/201921 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (2019)

HOW TO JOURNAL Today we're going through my personal journal. Here are some of the biggest lessons. This is the ultimate guide to keeping a journal in 2019 ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Unlock the MyBestJournal2.0 Course here ▸ 🔔 SUBSCRIBE   Refusing to settle, Clark
5/4/201915 minutes, 32 seconds
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HOW TO JOURNAL | Top 3 Mistakes When Starting a Journal

HOW TO JOURNAL - here are the top 3 mistakes when starting a journal. In this video, we're going over how to transform your journal into the best book you've ever read. These are the top mistakes most people make when starting a journal ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life   Refusing to settle, Clark
4/27/20199 minutes, 39 seconds
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JOURNALING FOR MEN | 3 Reasons Dudes MUST Keep A Journal

HOW TO JOURNAL FOR MEN | 3 Reasons Dudes Should Keep A Journal - In this video, we're going over how to transform your journal into the best book you've ever read. This one for the guys! Here's why all men need to keep a journal. ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Unlock the MyBestJournal2.0 Course here ▸ 🔔 SUBSCRIBE   Refusing to settle, Clark
4/25/201919 minutes
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Top 10 Lessons From 157 Books

Hey Refusers! Here is a special video I put together for you. It's the TOP 10 lessons from 157 books. Most come from our book review and book summaries. Thanks for making those a hit! Enjoy this video. Let's crush next year together. ▸ FREE Audiobook with Audible | (affiliate) ▸ FREE COURSE: Discover The 10 BEST Ways to Make Passive Income Online (Even If You're A Complete Beginner) | //VIDEOS USED: "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss | "Tribe of Mentors" by Tim Ferriss | "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss | "Expert Secrets" by Russell Brunson | "The Millionaire Fastlane" by M.J. DeMarco | "Unshakeable" by Tony Robbins | "The Way of The Superior Man" by David Deida | "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki | "The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey | refusing to settle, Clark
4/14/201932 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Set Goals | THE 100% RIGHT WAY (+EPIC Workshop)

How to Set Goals! Hey Refusers -- today I got an EPIC 2019 goal setting workshop for you. Here is how to set goals and actually achieve them. ▸ Click to Discover The 10 BEST Ways to Make Passive Income Online (FREE Course) ▸ MyBestJournal2.0 Full Program | #GoalSetting #2019GOALS #goalsettingworkshop This workshop was how I was able to achieve my dream lifestyle and goal of traveling and doing what I love playing music. Wrote that in my 2015 journal. Two years later on stage playing a festival to 6k people after coming off a trip around the world 9 countries, pyramids, scuba diving in Bali, Tomorrowland Festival, Making six figures. ALL of these came from one thing: GOAL setting. “GROW or DIE - when you’re green you’re growing when you’re ripe you start to rot. ” WHY DO THIS?: Would you go on a road trip w/o GPS? Would you start a business w/o business plan? Would you be a coach w/o playbook for the team to run? write goals in the back of the journal somewhere you can see them daily somewhere you can update give blank spots! HOW TO SET GOALS triangle: Needs to be in balance. Life is in the middle WORK: CONTRIBUTION what do you want to contribute? what analytical numbers do you want? what time frame will you achieve these by? what are your quarterly, annual, and monthly benchmarks? REST: PERSONAL what are your health goals? what habits do you want to incorporate? what new skills do you want to develop? PLAY: adventure what FUN do you want to have? what materialistic things do you want? Best times in life are when you’re working towards things. ▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life refusing to settle, Clark
4/6/201923 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Force Yourself To Take Action NOW | Tony Robbins Motivation

How to Force Yourself to Take Action — (Tony Robbins Motivation) There are TWO main forces in life you MUST use if you want to take action or make a change: Pain vs. Pleasure — the question is which one is driving you? ▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | #Refusingtosettle #tonyrobbins #motivationalvideo 4 QUESTIONS YOU NEED TO ANSWER: 1. What are 4 actions you should be taking in your life? 2. What is the PAIN you associate with taking action? 3. What is ALL the pleasure you’ve gotten by NOT taking action? 4. What will it cost you if you DON’T follow through? 2-3 years? 10 years? never? WHAT’S the WORST that can happen? ▸ [FREE] 🌴Discover The 3 Secrets on How To Create Your First Profitable Online Course This Weekend | refusing to settle, Clark
3/17/201918 minutes, 7 seconds
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depression, breakups, and honesty

▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | ▸ [FREE] 🌴Discover The 3 Secrets on How To Create Your First Profitable Online Course This Weekend | ▸ Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life   refusing to settle, Clark
3/7/201938 minutes, 12 seconds
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If you go to AMAZON RIGHT NOW and type: “How to Find your purpose” guess how many books appear? OVER 404 Books! Please DO NOT read 405 books…. in this video we’re going over how to find your life purpose in 10 minutes. ▸ [FREE] The 11 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever Look — I believe there are three things we pursue in life: JOBS: pay the bills. Keep electricity on and food on table… Careers: Decent, but don’t have fulfillment. CALLINGS: wake up with PASSION and FIRE burning! Can’t WAIT to see what’s next! So in this video, we’re going over how to find your “passion” or “calling” in life. Stay to the end of this video - we’re doing something called the “3 Circles exercise” that will help you get results TODAY if you use it. ▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | ▸ [FREE] 🌴Discover The 3 Secrets on How To Create Your First Profitable Online Course This Weekend | ▸ Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life refusing to settle, Clark
3/5/20198 minutes, 37 seconds
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3 Reasons Why Most People Will NEVER Become Successful (animated)

WARNING: Violate these 3 success LAWS at your OWN RISK! Success leaves clues — but haven’t you already heard that before? Well, the opposite of CLUES are WARNING signs! Here are the 3 reasons why most people will NEVER be successful… ▸ [FREE] The 11 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever ▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | As human beings, We are hardwired to AVOID pain and we SEEK pleasure. After all… our REAL driver is NOT pleasure. if you don’t KNOW this, and USE it to your advantage consciously, you’ll never be successful because you’ll always avoid pain and never act on things that make a success. Think about it… Our REAL driver is avoidance of pain (after all… that’s what can kill us!) i.e. if you believe MONEY = Root of ALL evil! (PAIN) you’ll never hav it. OR to not have it is NOBLE! (PLEASURE) = you’ll always be broke. i.e. if you believe that in RELATIONSHIPS: Approaching people or asking them out = REJECTION! or relationships = heartbreak so it’s painful . But being single and having freedom or pornography or not having responsibility with commitments = pleasure you’re ALWAYS going to be single… pain vs. pleasure. Acknowledge this powerful force. Both drive you. The question is, which one’s making the decision FOR you? refusing to settle, Clark
3/3/20196 minutes, 48 seconds
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10 BEST IDEAS | The 4-Hour Work Week | Tim Ferriss | Summary (PART II)

Today’s book summary and book review: The 4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. The four hour work week is a game changer. Tim Ferriss wrote a killer lifestyle design book that has influenced entrepreneurs, world travelers and hackers for decades. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this - it’s killer! 🎧 Get This Book for FREE with Audible Using This Link | ► Watch Part I Here: ▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | ▸ [FREE] 🌴Discover The 3 Secrets on How To Create Your First Profitable Online Course This Weekend | ▸ Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life   refusing to settle, Clark
3/2/201925 minutes, 59 seconds
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Success Is IMPOSSIBLE Until You Understand This...

▸ [FREE] 🔥Learn How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel ▸ [FREE] 🌴Discover The 3 Secrets on How To Create Your First Profitable Online Course This Weekend | ▸ Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life refusing to settle, Clark
2/23/201912 minutes, 14 seconds
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10 Best Ideas | INFLUENCE | Robert Ciadini | Book Summary

▸ Get this book For FREE with Audible Trail | How do you Avoid Scams? You master things called “Weapons of influence” — know them, use as powerful tools. Don’t know them, they get used against you. These FREE tools you can use to win people towards your way of thinking. Today we’re going over 10 of those in the book of the month: Influence — They Science of Persuasion. Welcome back refusers to the channel where we help millennial entrepreneurs and future millionaires refuse the 9 to 5, make passive income, and earn their freedom. What We'll Cover: SOCIAL PROOF Nothing Draws a crowd… quite like a crowd. Look to others to guide them. would you rather click a add on facebook that NO ONE has liked or one with heart emojis and smily? Even kids delete IG posts if not performing well in first 15 min. Everyone is doing it! Super powerful. SCARCITY LIMITED time only! Only 3 left in stock. Amazon. When something’s getting taken away we want it more! “Going out of business” or tragic, but when an artist dies and BLOW up bigger than they were! LIKING We gravitate to people who share similar views, values, or areas like us. (1. Similar 2. Compliments and 3. Mutual Goals) CUT people off in traffic = IN box that distances everyone. No longer human, it’s a car. We’re NOT like them! would you do that in the grocery store? Mimic body language Reciprocation The NEED to reciprocate — keep mental unconscious tabs on favors. Mints in the restaurant. Tips went up crazy (3%) two mints = go up 14% but when smile and say for you two = 23%. (mint, fortune cookie, a smile on receipt). Monks at airport w/ flowers START INFLUENCING TODAY ▸ [FREE] 🔥FREE BOOK: "The YouTube Success Formula" Discover The 31 Tactics To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel From SCRATCH | ▸ [FREE] 🌴Discover The 3 Secrets on How To Create Your First Profitable Online Course This Weekend... EVEN IF You're Not An Expert and Hate Tech Stuff... (LIMITED TIME) ▸ Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life refusing to settle, Clark
2/9/201920 minutes, 39 seconds
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10 BEST IDEAS | The Millionaire Fastlane | MJ Demarco | Book Summary

▸ [FREE] 🔥 Discover How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel (CLOSING SOON) ▸ Get this book for FREE on Audible: How do you crack the code to wealth and live rich for a lifetime? Does this sound like an infomercial already? Going over that with 10 BEST ideas from “The Millionaire Fastlane” — It’s Clark from Refusing to Settle dot com — let’s go! Love this book - kind of… more like love-hate. Which is the vibe I get from MJ DeMarco. He’s kinda like the older uncle you never had. One thing I know is that he says 100% of what he means w/o sugar coating and that’s refreshing! One thing I will say, if you agree that the “slow lane” is bad (i.e. work for 40years then retire, get rich slow, etc) then skip the first 2/3 of the book. The whole first 200+ pages are just changing your beliefs about money, business, and life timelines. Get rich QUICK! This DOES exist! The basketball player who signs the 30M contract. The artist who’s song tops billboard and cashes in The entrepreneur who sells his company and is worth $2M overnight. Get rich QUICK does exist - and it’s worth pursuing. Get rich EASY does NOT exist! Can’t take shortcuts because there are none. 2. THE FAST LANE 3. The Slow lane 4. CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! They WANT passive income…. without working They WANT a business…. without a product They WANT comfort now… AND brilliantly successful business they never had to sacrifice for. Kind of like that story about baker “who will help me bake the cake?” 5. N: NEED - don’t do what you love. Fill a demand. HEALTH - WEALTH - RELATIONSHIPS Sell them what they want, GIVE them what they need! 6. E: ENTRY E: ENTRY - if anyone can start your business, probably not best to be in. (Ie. MLM, Network Marketing, life coach, etc). In a gold rush, done dig for gold, sell shovels! 7. X…? C: CONTROL if you’re not driving, who is? Responsibility 100%. Control every aspect of the company. Don’t crash. Don’t hitchhike, drive. 8. T: TIME passive income 24/7 vs an active 40hrs week. Can you detach yourself from business? If you can’t, you have a job. 9. EDUCATE slow laners need credentials to keep learning. Fast lanes constantly invest into mind. Need to get good at pulling out a wallet and paying. stop settling start living Clark
10/20/201822 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Get Over Your Ex | 3 Pieces of Breakup Advice

▸ [FREE] 🔥 Discover How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel (CLOSING SOON)  ▸ Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life How to Get Over Your Ex | 3 Pieces of Breakup Advice In this video, we're talking about how to get over your ex and why it’s so dang hard in the first place… Give you the summary of the question: "A Bit of a different topic but I’m in the middle of a breakup (long story) and having a hard time getting over them. Any advice on how to get over a relationship, ex, breakup, etc?" Look relationships have our biggest pleasure AND biggest pain. On TOP of the world when they’re going great. Gates of hell broke open when it’s bad. SO many of our needs are there right? Need for significance, certainty, connection, love, security, etc. Let’s talk about how to get OUT of one. How to move on from ex. How to deal with ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends in the past. Hopefully, this helps reframe things for you slightly. I like to think about this: There are THREE uses of your past. 1. DON’t: regret it i.e. talking to a friend once about HOW MUCH TIME HE WASTED on this girl. He started going on and on about what a waste, opportunity costs, ditching friends, traveling in Peru, etc. Don’t do this. The ONLY regret is that you stayed in it too long. Some people we grow up with, others we grow out of. POINT of relationship is to GROW more TOGETHER than you could alone. It’s OKAY to grow out of them. Doesn’t mean it’s easy, just means it’s okay. 2. DON’T: romanticize it ONLY think about good times — like some rom com or Episode of Bachelor where they picnic on top of a volcano in New Zealand…. Don’t forget about the hair around the sink. Don’t forget about the psychotic break out fights throwing dishes. Don’t forget how they put you down in past for dreams and aspirations. Make a list: ALL The reasons it’s a GOOD thing you’re not together anymore. i.e. Hardest time getting over ex-someone I barely dated, and it was back in high school. Got cut short 4 months. REASON it was SO hard was because this was BEFORE honeymoon phase ended! Couldn’t get to the “Real stuff” so it was ALL blissful. Not true. 3. DO: use it What did this person teach me about love? What did this person teach me about myself? What did this person teach me about what I want in a partner? What did this person teach me about what I DON’T want in a partner? How did I grow with this person? DON’T — LOSS, LESS, NEVER i.e. let’s hypothetically say you had a terrible ex, manipulative, etc — NOW you know exactly what to look for (avoid) in a future partner. MAYBE that ex saved you from marrying some psycho. OR saved you from dating crazier chick! stop settling start living Clark
10/18/20187 minutes, 25 seconds
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10 BEST Ideas from Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends & Influence People' (PART III)

▸ [FREE] 🔥 Discover How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel (CLOSING SOON) ▸ Get This Book For FREE on Audible: How to Win Friends and Influence People |10 Best Ideas | Dale Carnegie | Book Summary (Part III) The Most successful leaders all have one thing in common: They’ve read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Today’s book summary and book review: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (PART III) Watch Part I ▸ Watch Part II ▸ This book will rock your communication. Dale Carnegie's classic public speaking and interpersonal communication book, how to win friends and influence people is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! We’ve done TWO previous book summaries on this book! Definitely frequently requested. AWESOME concepts in here about communication. Second one had a sick mustache… I want to bring that back but my girlfriend literally said she’d break up with me. 1. SAY MY NAME “Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound” Names carry (AGE) years of meaning. Identity acknowledgment i.e. Even dogs know their names! 8. Get The Other Person Saying “Yes, Yes” Immediately EX: Psychology - we’re more likely to say yes to bigger task if said yes to smaller one first. 9. Talk in Terms of The Other Person’s Interests. Here’s why most life coaches suck and will never make any money: THEY VIOLATE RULE NUMBER FOUR! They ONLY want to talk about themselves! They expect people to pay them for them to talk about them…. WIIFM = most powerful tool I’ve used. (how I start these videos). All sales and marketing does this! i.e. someone’s about page on their blog…. is it about them or about you? 10. Talk About Your Own Mistakes Before Criticizing The Other Person. Call Attention to People’s Mistakes Indirectly. How do you give negative feedback without sounding like a jerk? or asshole? 6. Become Genuinely Interested In Other People "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” -Dale Carnegie 7. Let The Other Person Feel That The Idea is His or Hers. It's amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit for it. TIP: NEVER tell someone “you're wrong” — puts defenses up. Ego gets in way. 5. Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation Flattery is of the tongue, appreciation is of the heart. TIP: Honest and sincere doesn't mean BIG and massive. Simple, “Hey, you’re a really solid speaker. Room lit up when you said that joke about the museum” or “I really love how authentic you are when speaking to others.” 3. TIP: NEVER put people down! They will come back with a vengeance. i.e. “people to kill list in Billy Madison” “Even if you win… you still lose” Are you arguing for your cause or for your ego? 2. Use humor LEAST offensive or risky humor are jokes about yourself! stop settling start living Clark
10/16/201830 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Podcast - 5 Tips To Make Guests and Fans LOVE You

▸ [FREE] 🔥 Discover How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel (CLOSING SOON) Today I’m giving you my 5 BEST tips on how to interview someone. Wanted to start you own podcast and interview guests, just want an interesting conversation with someone, learn how to be a good host - stick around. clark from refusing to settle dot com. Let’s go! QUESTION: “Hello Refusers, I’m going to interview my first guest on my podcast this weekend. I would love to hear your advice and experience of hosting a podcast.” - Erwin Kwun I feel bad because NO ONE answered this. AND it’s an awesome question…. PROOF I ran PaleoHacks Podcast for 3-years - did over 100 shows with NYT best selling authors, bloggers, scientists, etc. I ran RTS // DWML // DWMH podcast before. Mostly from my dorm room in my boxers… 1. DO YOUR RESEARCH Nothing worse than being a guest and the host doesn’t know your story! Become OBSESSED with them. I had 4-pages of notes. BONUS: Research your favorite podcasts. How do hosts structure show? Questions? “Their Story” always toss up in first 5-min… “How did you get into all this?” for small guests is great. For BIG guests always start with a statement: “So you were a successful personal trainer in London, take me to the day where you walked out on your job….” Give them a head start on their story - they finish if they want. 2. to small talk or not to small talk? I had show with dude who HATED small talk — SO rude! I had guests who wanted to talk for 20-min BEFORE the interview. In general: Be brief and concise. BIGGER the guest the LESS time they have for an off-air talk. DO NOT keep your host after/ask them personal questions. MAYBE one or two. 3. What have they never said? Neil Strauss talks about this. What have they never said? Never spoke about before? Goal is to tap into PASSION Ask the question: “What are you most excited about in ________?” 4. Be present NOTHING worse than guest doing some big 10-minute rant and you’re holding on to the joke from the first minute waiting for a clever moment to sneak it in. BE PRESENT! In the moment with them. Let it fffflllloooowwwww If you do switch gears, SEGWAY! “Wow, so much good content we could keep talking about this for hours. But I really wanted to touch on ______” 5. Logistics Confirm and remind your guest! If they don’t show up… it’s YOUR fault, not theirs! Send confirmation 5-days before and 1-day before Let them know who’s igniting the call and where it will be head Some guests like Q’s ahead of time. ASK TIP: Before call check in 45min okay with the schedule? This is pre-recorded we like to keep it as casual as possible but if you need to stop or edit something out you get final cut of whatever’s in here. Just let me know. stop settling start living Clark
10/11/20189 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Ethically Cut People Out Of Your Life | 4 SIMPLE WAYS

▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ▸ 30-Day Coaching | How to ethically Cut someone out of your life -- YOU ARE THE AVERAGE OF THE TOP FIVE PEOPLE YOU HANG AROUND. How do you know if someone is averaging you… down? And… what can you do about it without being rude or hurtful? Show you that in this video This is Clark with refusing to settle dot come — let’s go I did this video 5-years ago on a bad webcam. People loved it. Thought I’d add some stuff to it for all you beautiful people. I got an email from a dude talking about close friend group pulling him down. They’d always talk smack about instagram people they follow, no motivation, wanted to drink, etc. A. notice: Birds of feather flock together You ARE who you hang around. See eagles flying with crows? See millionaires hanging with construction workers? See fat people — the study shows you’re 50% MORE likely to be obese if best friends are!! You MUST realize this that who you hang around… you become. NOTICE - if you think they’re toxic… just keep notes in your head. WARNING SIGNS: 1. Mad at your success 2. Project their limiting beliefs onto you 3. Lack ambition and long-term vision i.e. had a close friend who had girlfriend ALWAYS drinking. Binge drinking bottles of wine. Noticed this when I pointed it out to her that she drank a lot around that specific friend… but not others. She was like “oh, never noticed before” B. Ask: Give them changes to change! Most people take the easy route with this: say, JUST CUT THEM LOOSE! Are you kidding? That is super insensitive. Fact sometimes the best thing you can do when someone is toxic or struggling,… is be there for them. second chances - i believe strongly in them How do you know it’s too far? When it starts affecting YOU. i.e. friend: she asked if she thought she had a problem? Was met with mega resistance! i.e. “piviot” in business world — chance to change! B. Decide: it’s happening… but how A HA: in my life came when I realized that there’s some people you grow up with and theres others you grow out of…. What if you were forced to hangout with childhood friends ONLY. or ONLY the people you hung out with in middle school? Look at their facebook pages…. good god! What if you had to work same job as 14? We accept this in other areas,, but with cutting people out for some reason we can’t. i.e. drinking friend she knew had to cut out because it was affecting her, negative, etc 3. Cut: Let it rip! 1. BLUNT: Ethically do it: Have an honest real talk with them. Don’t have to be rude, but you’re telling them you don’t want to see them anymore. Break up. 2. PASSIVE: Slowly distance yourself from that person over time. 3. GHOST: No contact. Ever again. delete them off FB/phone/etc. stop settling start living Clark
9/29/20189 minutes, 7 seconds
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▸ Download Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ▸ Video Breakthrough Academy: Today I got a good ol fashion rant about passive income. If you ever wanted to make money online or want to own your own business or currently do, You need to hear this. clark from refusing to settle dot com. Let’s go! most people that do are looking for the opposite… Truth is 75% of emails I get have someone asking me how to make passive income… so they don’t have to work. When you peel back the onion that’s what they’re saying. See anything wrong there? Passive income and what they don’t tell you — takes a TON of work to set up! You don’t just walk into it. Have to EARN it. My point is this: If you pursue passive income from the place of trying to escape something, it won’t be sustainable. Because the thing you’re pursuing takes work, patience, and strategy. Not to mention it’s constantly evolving. And if you don’t love it, you’ll view changes from space of “OH NO! I LOST IT ALL” WHAT TO PURSUE INSTEAD: Here’s my ultimate goal: AUTOMATION “Systems” - you hear me talk about. That’s the best goal in my mind. Do you want to work ON your business or IN your business? If you don't have automation you don’t have a good business. NOW - downside is to get to a place of where you can outsource and hire, you have to grind for a while. Unless you invest money upfront. Growing pains of figuring stuff out. NEED to go through that in order to be a success! i.e. me 4-years ago, I could have run FB as and done all marking stuff, but it would have been a waste of money. i.e setting sail on trip with holes in your boat. OR setting sail with rusty boat. — fix it so you don’t drown in middle of ocean. stop settling start living Clark
9/27/20189 minutes, 25 seconds
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This 3 Step Magnetic Formula Attracts Success to You? | POWERFUL Law of Attraction Secret

▸ Download the Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life This video’s a little out there - but if you stick with it…. it will make everything in your life click. We're talking about a 3 step magnetic formula that attracts success to you. This goes beyond the law of attraction, manifesting, or affirmations. This dives deep into your subconscious and how to reprogram your mind for success! clark from refusing to settle dot com. Let’s go! Hey refusers - so if you’re watching this channel, it means 1. Belief i.e. 4-min Mile i.e. Steve Jobs — belief to build iPhone — those who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones that actually do!! 2. Attraction A) Specificity — EXACT number. EXACT day. (i.e. YouTube Subs, 100k Revenue, etc) B) Daily — NOT Amazon Prime! Can’t just one click it and expect it to drop off on the doorstep. 3. Action You will be tested i.e. — my drumming journey SAY NO to SAY YES stop settling start living Clark
9/25/201812 minutes, 36 seconds
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4 Signs You'll Be SUPER Successful One Day (+ My Embarrassing Story)

▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ▸ 30-Day Coaching | So you want to be successful — you’ve seen uber successful people and see yourself there, right? Athletes, business people, millionaires, actors, musicians — but how do you know if you’ll actually get there one day? This is Clark with refusing to settle dot come — let’s go 1. You risk it for the biscuit “no risk no reward” we understand this conceptually, but we really don’t apply it daily. Work much harder not to lose something than to gain something. Right? The reason it’s so scary to ask a women out on a date is because we view the LOSS of image getting rejected. The reason it’s so hard to to film youtube videos is that you’re viewing all potential haters. Negative comments! Tip: FLIP THAT! View it going RIGHT Not talking stupid risk here, but anything you do (acting, business, etc) is gonna require putting yourself out there - which ultimately means RISK 2. you can take failure Story: Goal in college was reading 4-hour work week! SOLD! Absolute Abs product in college. I had great business idea — fitness WITH drums. Shirtless drumming youtube WITH my first product… Absolute Abs. It sold 3 copies. I got TONS of hate. I “wasted” 6-mo of everyday pulling hair out outsourcing to Bangladesh - goal was just to make it BIG TIME. It turned into a big time failure. 3. you can REDIRECT Okay so why wasn’t absolute abs a total failure? because I used this third thing: REDIRECT! This is SO powerful if you get this concept. 2 degree change I 2 degrés changed into self-development. Instagram: 2 degree changed from address book into number one platform in world. You need to re direct your life from time to time, and that’s totally okay! You’ll make it big if you face this with brutal honesty. 4. you can LAUgh Face this “self-development” with such seriousness Ever see Dahlia Lama? Dude is always smiling, occasionally cracks inappropriate jokes! He’s playful. I know telling you to “loosen up” when you’re broke and grinding it out sucks to hear. Did for me. BUT Tony Robbins says: in 5-years you’ll look back on this and laugh, so why wait? Refusing to settle, Clark
9/23/201812 minutes, 17 seconds
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Expert Secrets | Russell Brunson | 10 Best Ideas - Book Summary

▸ Get Your Copy of Expert Secrets for FREE here: Your message has the ability to change someone’s life. But how do you find your voice so that you differentiate yourself and stand out when there’s so much noise out there today? Feels like everyone’s saying the same thing or might be overwhelming where to start? What does it take to be an “expert” at something? ▸ [FREE] 🔥 Discover How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel (CLOSING SOON) Hey refusers - so if you’re watching this channel, it means you’re going to be successful one day. This book knocked me over flat. I read it coming back from a festival in Mexico my band was playing to 6k people. And as I was looking out at the crowd I kept thinking - how do you build a movement like this? Get ALL these people here for a comment experience or goal or gathering? And in this book totally explained and laid it out in such an eye-opening format, not sure if I ever got SO much out of a single book. ANYWAY - I’m pumped! First, because this is one of my favorite books. Second, because you get it for FREE — YES! FREE.99! Just click the link below and pay for shipping it gets sent straight to you. GET YOUR FREE BOOK HERE: Let’s go over the top 10 ideas now. 1. To progress is to share One of the things you’ll need to do is LEARN. Taking IN information. Consuming machine. School, podcasts, books, seminars, youtube videos, etc. but there comes a point where that growth plateaus… right? You’ve probably experienced this: in gym workout going super well… then stops in diet lose tons of weight… then nothing in self-development learn all these awesome concepts… then seems to get repetitive am I right? In my experience, the only way to keep progressing is to switch from that consumer LEARNING role to the giving TEACHING role. 2. Figure out your epiphany “AND THAT WAS THE MOMENT WHEN…..” —Brendon Burchard i.e. for me: post-college mess, mom’s basement, 40k in debt, GF broke up with me all same month basically handed me a book that said, “how to get your S*** together”… at a time trying so many things online didn’t work bought 1-way ticket to SEA — traveled around the world, lived the 4HWW.. only one problem didn’t have the WORK component down! Sitting at Angkor Watt watching the sunrise at 4AM — hit me i had an untapped potential rising up inside me. Took out a journal and wrote down HOW my life was gonna go next 4 years. Knew i had to earn my freedom. to do that — had to REFUSE to settle. Since then, the six-figure business achieved nearly all my dreams, pro drummer for a band 6-mo out of the year. Play festivals and launch products doing what I love. Pretty epic. 3. ATTRACTIVE CHARACTER One of my biggest takeaways EVERY movie, EVERY TV show, EVERY book, EVERY story has at least ONE person to relate to. This is the attractive character. (Han Solo, Mickey Mouse, 4. The only three markets HEALTH WEALTH RELATIONSHIPS   stop settling start living Clark
9/20/201818 minutes, 50 seconds
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Epic 365-Day DIY Calendar -- How I Plan My Year In 30-Minutes

▸ [FREE] 🔥 Discover How To Start A Six Figure YouTube Channel (CLOSING SOON) ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Here's a little DIY 365-Calendar tracker I made the other night. Thought you might like it. Use this to plan your year and be more productive. Great for planning big projects in the future and setting goals that are far out. stop settling start living Clark
9/4/20188 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Journal: Top 3 Journaling Mistakes - Are You Doing These?

▸ My Best Journal 2.0 Course: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Here are the three mistakes most people make when keeping a journal. You do not want to be making any of these journaling mistakes. This is great advice on how to journal for beginners and how to set up your journal for 2018.   stop settling start living Clark
9/1/20189 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide To Keeping A Journal (PART 04)

▸ My Best Journal 2.0 Course: ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life It's THAT time of year again guys! This is the Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal (Part 04). I want to share with you a system so powerful, it has the potential to change your life forever. It’s that time of year — going to walk you through WHY WHAT HOW of keeping a journal. By the end of this video, you will have the power to coach yourself. Why journal? Over the last 10 years, the self-help industry has grown to over a 10-billion dollar industry. Life coaches and gurus popping up left and right, seminars costing $3,000+ and growth books are great, but they leave you crash and burn type motivation! We can get all amped up (think new years high) but then there's a massive let down when the motivation doesn't last. What if you could maintain that drive and motivation year round? What if you could look back on 2017 and check off every BIG box on your goal list? Make more money? Got in shape? Relationship? Business? Whatever it is, all takes CONSTANT motivation and drive. Keep that momentum. You need to coach yourself. The best part is that it doesn’t cost anything more than the cost of a pen and about ten bucks. Could be the very key, the missing link between knowing and doing! Master Journaling ► stop settling start living Clark
8/30/201829 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ultimate 2018 Goal Setting Workshop - How to Set Goals

Hey Refusers! Today I got an EPIC 2018 goal setting workshop for you. Here is how to set goals and actually achieve them. ▸ Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ▸ Get 30-Day Coaching Here: This workshop was how I was able to achieve my dream lifestyle and goal of traveling and doing what I love playing music. Wrote that in my 2015 journal. Two years later on stage playing a festival to 6k people after coming off a trip around the world 9 countries, pyramids, scuba diving in Bali, Tomorrowland Festival, Making six figures. ALL of these came from one thing: GOAL setting. “GROW or DIE - when you’re green you’re growing when you’re ripe you start to rot.” WHY DO THIS?: Would you go on road trip w/o GPS? Would you start business w/o business plan? Would you be a coach w/o playbook for the team to run? write goals in back of journal somewhere you can see them daily somewhere you can update give blank spots! HOW TO SET GOALS triangle: Needs to be in balance. Life is in the middle WORK : CONTRIBUTION what do you want to contribute? what analytical numbers do you want? what time frame will you achieve these by? what are your quarterly, annual, and monthly benchmarks? REST : PERSONAL what are your health goals? what habits do you want to incorporate? what new skills do you want to develop? PLAY : adventure what FUN do you want to have? what materialistic things do you want? Best times in life are when you’re working towards things. Happiness comes from the process. (River rafting trip) stop settling start living Clark
8/26/201813 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Dying Person's Guide on Living -- The 5 Regrets of The Dying (RTS Saturday Strategy)

Saturday Strategy: “A Dying Person’s Guide on Living — The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying” ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► 30-Day Coaching Program: Hey Refusers, here are the top 5 regrets of the dying. All credit goes to Bonnie Ware -- an Austrailian nurse who worked with terminally ill patients. She asked hundreds of patients “what do they regret most?” Then, she distilled themes and found these were the TOP FIVE things. Here they are: 1. “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me” “This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realize until they no longer have it.” 2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard LOTS of male patients said this as top one.Are we here to do as much as we can? Are we here to BE as much as we can? 3. “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings” Don’t hold it in. Again more common with men she worked with. 4. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends” Don’t need 50k friends! Why are we so “connected” but disconnected on social media. Need quality over quantity. Get more from 3-4 close friends than 30+ friends. Okay to simplify here. 5. “I wish I had let myself be happier Is happiness is a choice? If I have ______ then I can feel ______ = A MINDSET!We want things so we can have feelings. Give yourself those feelings, allow yourself to FEEL the win. Personal story: Remember when I made $12,00 in a single week, VBA course. I worked my ASS off for that - soon as I got the check and it was in my bank…. nothing. No feeling at all. Felt exact SAME! Realized that it was a choice. ► Join the 30-Day Coaching Program: stop settling start living Clark
8/23/20187 minutes, 12 seconds
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Top 5 Money Management Apps | How to Save Money

► Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: The top 5 Money Management Apps Today we’re merging technology with finance. SMART displays on the money. Money doesn’t care about our feelings. It’s binary. Ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to what’s happening in our bank accounts. Note: ALL of the apps I’m showing you ARE FREE! Score! Note: Some links are affiliate links - I will receive a (small) commission if you choose to use it. This is at no additional cost to you. Note: I am not a financial professional and no professional investment advice is being given in this video. 1. Qapital My number one favorite app Automate all savings ► (FREE five bucks when you download/use that link) 2. Truebill ► 3. Mint ► 4. Coinbase How to invest in alt currencies and bitcoin Very user-friendly and simple ► Get $10 FREE Bitcoin when you invest $100 with Coinbase: (affiliate) 5. Apple Stocks N/A stop settling start living Clark
8/21/201810 minutes, 43 seconds
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The 5 Books Every Man NEEDS to Read

What are the FIVE books every guy needs to read? I’ll give you my top 5 in this video. ► Get A FREE Audiobook with Audible: ► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind 5 Books Every man needs to read hey refusers, Clark from refusing to settle dot com. before we get into it: NO, these recommendations are not gospel, I’m giving them to you because these are the best 5-books I’ve read about manhood. I put myself in the role as your older brother or close friend. Ladies, this one is for the guys! 80% of the channel (demographics tells me) - so women, feel free to sit this one out or watch, up to you. 1. The Way of the superior man My #1 recommendation All about polarity - dance between men and women why women challenge men why women say one thing but mean another why women seem like communicating with a different species altogether. 2. the 5 love languages Awesome for understanding communication 3. She comes first one of the best books you can read for your partner most guys think their PROS in the bedroom we have lots to learn DOENS’T come naturally! You need to educate yourself on it. Humble yourself and learn - best gift you can give 4. the truth Neil Strauss kind of forgotten book - overshadowed people don’t talk about lots fantastic book about relationships, upbringing, alternative lifestyles, and the journey to find what works for you. this book will challenge you and your views on relationships. Neil is a very talented writer and this book is addicting. 5. engineering the alpha or some sort of fitness/health book read about hormone optimization read about working out get healthy - physical health will carry overconfidence into so many other areas self-improvement starts usually with health/body (did for me) ► Get A FREE Audiobook with Audible: stop settling start living Clark
8/19/20189 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Read 2-3 Books EVERY Week (Without Reading?)

How to Read MORE books without reading. Here are 4 awesome ways to read 2-3 books PER week. ► Get A FREE Audiobook with Audible: ► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Get this: The average CEO reads around 60 Books PER YEAR. The average American reads less than ONE book per year. It’s been said that READERS are LEADERS, but what do you do if you…. hate sitting down to read or just don’t have the time? Going to show you in this video. STORY: I told you avg CEO reads 60 vs. 1 book. I knew this but was struggling to find time to sit and read. Too busy or didn’t want to slow down. ALSO — when I would read I thought I had to read every word otherwise didn’t count. Thought I was a bad reader. Dyslexia. Wrote off reading completely. Then it hit me in late college — books are BEST of that author. They pour HORUS and YEARS of life to deliver these thoughts to you in form of a book — NEED to tap into that for awesome results. TIME ARBITRAGE Look at life and realize we have SO much time, just not in one large lump sum. It adds up over week! LOVE to multitask can’t sit still and would feel bad. DITCH Reading — switch to audio. Cooking breakfast, drive in car, walking to coffee shop work. DON’T DO: Speed reading. You’ll hear advice one YT saying SKIM the book or READ faster or READ Table of contents, then first paragraph of chapter and last. — Never resonated with me even though I researched it. Felt like treadmill and setting pace. Sucked. Vs. not thinking when running in nature. felt rushed and stressed from speed reading. Couldn’t retain anything because of that stress. Felt like memorizing for a test in class. Short term memory. STORIES how info gets into LONG TERM. MEMORY: Learn MORE from an audiobook especially if traveling, doing something. Heard study in a class students retained MORE when they doodled and listened than just listen. Same with Audiobooks. I remember I did a puzzle and listened to QUIET — remember so much of it. Same with Joe Rogan podcast in Laos riding motorbike Ian Edwards podcast. Can almost get a photographic memory 1. FREE: Youtube Book summaries on YouTube TIP: Create a “to read” list on your phone with recommendations 2. FREE: PODCASTS Get the actor on a radio show Usually sums up the big thesis of the book in around 1-2 hours. 3. Audible Realize by buying audiobooks you’re BUYING your time back! ► Get A FREE Audiobook with Audible: speed or 2x speed (can even do this on YouTube videos) i.e. I read “Secrets of Millionaire Mind” and it was great. 4. Blinkist App that summarizes thousands of books. Fantastic — spark notes but in a way that will stick with you. Also have audio person reading them too you. Only con: Stories and delivery is HOW info sticks with you and resonates. This works great for RECAPS and BIG overviews. Inspiration for new ideas help connect the dots. I recommend BOTH audible and this. ► Check out Blinkist for FREE here: stop settling start living Clark
8/18/20188 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

How My Journal Makes Me Over $8,333 PER MONTH

Journaling — This ain’t your sister’s diary. Here is how my journal makes me over $8,333 per month. This is how to use a journal for entrepreneurs or your business to make passive income. Enjoy! ► Watch the full journaling series here Get the NEW MyBestJournal2.0 Program Here ► Hey Refuers! Clark with another DAILY upload. Woo-hoo - we're flying by. The goal of these videos is to serve you and inspire you to take on this method of success journal — photos from all around the world. All ages. All incomes. All goals. All journal! Over 550,000 people have SEEN journaling series videos. Emails and photos flooding inbox. Community online of Journal Nerds— walk through five great tips for you in this video on how to keep a journal. Get the NEW MyBestJournal2.0 Program Here ► stop settling start living Clark
8/12/20189 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Chinese Bamboo Tree (RTS Saturday Strategy)

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind stop settling start living Clark
8/11/20185 minutes, 18 seconds
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Top 5 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read

What books will make you a better entrepreneur? We’re going over the 5 MUST READS in this video. ► Get A FREE Audiobook with Audible: ► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Hey Refusers,Clark from 1. To sell is human GET OVER YOUR FEAR OF SALES. NOW You will NEVER be successful if you can’t sell Best way to get over it? Change your mindset This book does that The more you EARN, the MORE you can SERVE Moral obligation to sell if your product can help others 2. dot com secrets Russell Brunson - my mentor for funnels I’m such a geek with his stuff DotCom Secrets: McDonald's makes all their money on fries/drinks - not the burgers. Maximize profit and minimize customer acquisition cost. Tactics to do so in this book. If you do ANYTHING online - this is a MUST read. You can get DotCom secrets for FREE through this link: ► Affiliate link to 14-day free trial here: 3. The millionaire Fastlane Get rich quick DOES exist Get rich EASY does NOT exist Raw and to the point books - tells you how it is. OR 3. The four-hour work week Classic with lifestyle design (you’ve probably read it by now) Inspired so many business with this. 4. The one thing Why am I doing 50/50 challenge? It’s my ONE thing The BIG first domino - knocks all the others over i.e. health: ONE thing is getting to the gym i.e. relationships: ONE thing is approaching and starting the conversation i.e. business: ONE thing is sales. EVERYDAY. The heartbeat of business. HINT: The thing you’re probably avoiding :) 5. The war of art FEAR of creating is really FEAR of rejection Deep rooted Resistance is the enemy - not that you’re a “procrastinator” Turn pro: Show up no matter what Suck it up - if you want to write, get over it if you want to be a youtuber, get over it! if you want to approach women, get over it! Only other option: fail and be stuck forever. stop settling start living Clark
8/9/201811 minutes, 51 seconds
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EXPOSED | The 3 Passive Income LIES

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: The myth of passive income - have you been lied to? In this video, we’re talking about the big fat lie of passive income Lot’s have followed this journey together. Just struggling online, down and out, ready to quit, snapping into refuser mode and going for it - building this channel and business from scratch to this year six-figure business. In one of MOST competitive spaces, self-improvement. lots of you on this channel identify as future millionaires. don’t want to settle - you want the BEST life you can live. Know freedom gets you there 3 BIGGEST CONS 1. HUSSLE: Saying go after passive income for freedom is like you want a kid for more freedom — beginning stages change diapers and pick up spit up. Not glamours Instagram page with private jets. That’s the TOP - think about it, kind of like musical being discouraged from day one not selling out arenas. 2. (VOLITILITY) SELF : Take lack of results as you’re not good enough, self-worth in quantifiable metrics. B. OTHER : Government (net neutrality) or Google or Facebook SLAPS 3. PATIENCE: Does NOT happen overnight. Most people say that’s bullshit. AND that’s not what it’s about. It’s about who you need to become to make passive income. Like a kid who grew up with money super spoiled. You don’t want to turn out like that. stop settling start living Clark
7/29/201812 minutes, 24 seconds
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Saturday Strategy: Know Your Strengths

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Saturday Strategy: Know Your Strengths DO THIS BEFORE YOU GO FURTHER: Need you to play a little game have some fun here. Look at the signature strengths in this description or my comment below. Write a comment with what you think your top 5 strengths from this list are - read them and try to think what five make up you. Pause this video now and do that. Meet you back here after this sick intro. list of the 24 signature strengths: creativity, curiosity, judgment,  love of learning,  perspective bravery,  perseverance,  honesty,  zest love,  kindness,  social intelligence teamwork,  fairness,  leadership forgiveness,  humility,  prudence,  self-regulation appreciation of beauty and excellence,  gratitude,  hope,  humor,  spirituality ► 24 Signature Strengths Test: Hey, Refusers! Clark Kegley with back with another Saturday strategy short — give you a big idea to apply this weekend and make your life better! Talk about something today that isn’t a tactic or 5 things you need to do, it’s more internal focused and less output focused. Talk about something called your signature strengths. But first a little background on this: Martin Seligman is kind of the grandfather of positive psychology. He said we were good at making depressed people to normal levels, but we sucked at making normal people to higher levels. What makes people happy? Spent his whole life studying this. Distilled it down into one sentence: KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS AND USE THEM OFTEN Think about when you’re really good at something. Doesn’t it feel awesome? Say you’re really good at a sport - best member on team feels great. Member in a band that crushes, or at a job good team player - why does it feel so good? It’s because of how people VIEW you. You need to view yourself this way. As “GOOD” at what you do in life. Easiest way is to know what you’re good at. This is where signature strengths come into play. Go to and get your free assessment. I think it’s around 250 questions about life and at the end you get a rank order of your strengths - look at top 5 out of 25. Write these in your journal. Ask yourself: How can i use my strengths every day? Ask yourself: How can i use my strengths in service to the world? Post comment with your signature strengths are YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ►   Go out there and crush this! Clark
7/28/20184 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Two Types of Rich - How To Get Rich Without Dying Trying

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: The Two Types of Rich - How To Get Rich Without Dying Trying Hey Refusers! Today we have a very special video. My good friend, Gavin Stevenson from Wake Up Fulfilled is coming on to talk about the TWO types of rich. These are things that you might not think about when you want to become rich, yet still, matter. Also, I posted a video on Gavin's channel today. It's about how I accidentally manifested becoming a rockstar. You can check it out here: stop settling start living Clark
7/26/201817 minutes, 19 seconds
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3 Methods to Gain More Self Discipline

If there’s one thing all successful people have, billionaires, millionaires, Olympians, politicians, you name them they have this… intense extreme discipline. And in this video I want to walk through 3 unique ways to gain more self-discipline in your life. ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Hey Refusers, Clark back from You’re on this channel because you want to improve every area of your life, right? You are someone who refuses to settle for average - you want what’s possible because you have faith in yourself and your abilities to achieve it! Good, keep watching. The ONE thing you’ll need on your journey is the ONLY thing that will stop you — Self Discipline. Think about it. What don’t you need discipline for? Only thing I can think of are things that probably won't make you happy, rich, or satisfied in the long run. Today we’re talking about how you can frame it to get more. Isn’t this boring? Why do I want this, Clark? Discipline equals freedom Jacko Willinks — Everything you want is on the other side of discipline FREEDOM of nice body at beach = DISCIPLINE to stick at health FREEDOM of money and abundance = DISCIPLINE to not spend everything FREEDOM of relationship and love = DISCIPLINE to commit and go all in w/ person FREEDOM of great future = DISCIPLINE to sacrifice short term pleasure QUOTE: “Entrepreneurs do the things others wont, so they can have the freedom and lifestyle that others don’t.” Most people in life DON’T even think about discipline. You’re already above average. But here are the 3 things because we all struggle from time to time with this or low motivation - on how to maximize your self discipline. 1. USE the STICK You will work much harder NOT TO LOSE something, than to gain something. i.e. most people would never go to Vegas and bet house all on black to double money. EVEN if it were 50/50 odds the risk of loss is too great. twoards pleasure or away from pain - how we are wired as humans. What is the PAIN you will feel by NOT taking action? Tap into this! ex: what you’re seeing right now — publicly declare 50 for 50 challenge. EVERY day till new years. pretty easy to tell if I miss a day or skip out. How can YOU leverage the stick in your life? Make it HURT. Make it MATTER. Make it HAPPEN 2. USE THE CARROT See it going RIGHT How will your life look 5-years from now if you do things you say you’re gonna do? How will your body look? How will your bank account look? How will your house/lifestyle look? How will other’s treat you? Recommended: Vision Board video - DO this! 3. MOST IMPORTANT THING STORY: I was in college when I became obsessed with personal development. Changed every area of my life. But I was so rigid, I’d track everything. It NEEDED to have a checkbox next to it or it didn’t count. Remember having a daily to-do list that looked like a costco receipt. GYM ROUTINE, Morning ritual for 1hr, meditation two times daily, hangout with girlfriend (she hated this one). I BURNT OUT — TOO many things and changes at once. Don’t do this. LESSON: Commit to ONE area - what’s the single most important thing right now? Use all your willpower here. Willpower is not on will-call. It get’s used up just like energy ATP in the gym. Can’t train all body parts in one day to the intensity you can over one week. As you leave this video, comment below with your A) Area (health, wealth, relationship, self growth) and B) Your goal that you WILL be disciplined in. I’m going to post an update video within 6-months and remind you to come back here and check on your comment to see if you did what you said. Should be fun! stop settling start living Clark
7/24/201810 minutes, 32 seconds
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5 Life-Changing Books You Need to Read in 2018

Maybe you don’t have the time to read 100 books people throw your way. Maybe get overwhelmed with all the options. In this video, I’ll give you my top 5 book recommendations that if you’re on this channel could change your life in 2018! ► Free Audiobook with Audible: ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life 5 life-changing books you need to read in 2018 1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Ecker BIG IDEA: Our biggest need is the need for our actions to match our self-image. However, we view ourselves becomes our reality. If you want to become a millionaire, you need to view yourself 100% as one. Most people do not - they grow up hearing saying like “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “money is the root of all evil.” We then wonder why we don’t have any or if we get it, the money always disappears. It’s because we have conflicting identities of who we are when it comes to wealth. Get “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” here: 2. Expert Secrets Russell Brunson This book was a game changer. Might be the best book I’VE read in five years. Hit JUST the right sport for where I’m at with my business. The fact is most of us have a hard time identifying as an expert, yet we want to lead and change the world for better. An Expert is just someone who reads one chapter ahead. An Expert takes on the identity of an Attractive Character - presents him/herself in a way that’s marketable to an audience. An Expert creates a CULT-ture and identity around their movement. Get “Expert Secrets” for FREE here: Get a 14-day free trial to Clickfunnels here: 3. My journal Yours Truly Feels kind of silly to put this one on here, but whatever. I still believe the single BEST book you will ever read is the one you make for yourself. It’s completely custom to you. Whatever lessons stick out, you put in here. It’s a way you can coach yourself. nearly everyone who’s successful does it as well. Get “MyBestJournal” here: 4. I will Teach You to Be Rich Ramit Sethi I read this book in the back of a tour bus. Got up at like, 11AM (which is 5AM rockstar time) and would read this for 2-hours a day. REALLY good starting place for anyone in the 20s or 30s to get into investing, financial planning, and not be bored to death or overwhelmed with all the info our there. Get “I Will Teach You to be Rich” here: 5. Screw it, Let’s do it Richard Branson Love the stories in here. Very short Saturday morning read. I think it’s around 100 pages. One of my favorite ways to get motivated to THINK BIG is to read about successful people and how they go there. Richard Branson had a hell of a time building Virgin into the multi-billion dollar behemoth it is today. This book will leave you saying Screw it, Let’s Do It! Get “Screw it, Let’s do it” here: stop settling start living Clark
7/22/20188 minutes, 18 seconds
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Saturday Strategy: "OWAWOFPG"

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Some thoughts from back on the farm life :) stop settling start living Clark
7/15/20184 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Journal for Beginners | 5 Tips on How to Start a Journal

Hey Refuers! Clark with another DAILY upload. Woo-hoo - we're flying by. The goal of these videos is to serve you and inspire you to take on this method of success journal — photos from all around the world. All ages. All incomes. All goals. All journal! Over 550,000 people have SEEN journaling series videos. Emails and photos flooding inbox. Community online of Journal Nerds— walk through five great tips for you in this video on how to keep a journal. Get the NEW MyBestJournal2.0 Program Here ► SUMMARY: 1. This is NOT a diary. Think of it as a success log to coach yourself. Don’t treat it as an area to make problems smaller - your journal is a tool to take your success and make it bigger! 2. Get a sketchbook. blank - no rules. good gear - also helpful (G2/sharpie highlighter) 3. Use Your Front Cover for Self Summary i.e. What are YOUR rules? What do you live by? Constitution for USA, Mission Statement for Business. Use your front cover to list all that sort of stuff. i.e. inspiration, BEST quotes, Power of I AM, Signature Strengths 4. Set Goals in Your Back Cover If you’re not GROWING you’re dying. So many people talk, few people DO. — NY resolutions!? The secret to achieving your goals is to revisit DAILY. Set goals in three areas: WORK/REST/PLAY. Also awesome: look at previous years BIG goals and see what you were working on/BIG goals for that year 5. Frequency ONLY ONE RULE: when you feel like it. don’t force it - a place of inspiration NOT an obligation. Get emails from people who are ashamed they stopped or beat themselves up for missing a week. ALL GOOD! Look at the journal and get AMPED. Only positive feelings with it - don’t ever look and think “I really should…..” once per year - swap out completely even if not full 6. Get GOOD Questions good questions are MAKE or BREAK. upgrade life = upgrade questions you’re asking. I got 30 days of questions in NEW MBJ2.0 30-Day Coaching ends with 2-3 questions. 60-90 of them total!! You can check it out here ► stop settling start living Clark
7/11/201810 minutes, 20 seconds
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HOW TO BE A REAL MAN | The Way of Superior the Man (II) | David Deida | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind How do you become a superior man? What does that even mean? Can you really live at your edge and discover what you were born to do? Find out in this weeks book review: THE WAY OF THE SUPERIOR MAN (PART II) Take the best books in personal development, business, finance, psychology, condensing down 300+ pages into ten BIG ideas you can walk away with and take action on. My most gifted book, EVER. A book I’d recommend every many reads at least ONCE in their life. If you’re a woman - read it! Understand men/ego / unique struggles 100% better (spoken to 4 or 5 different successful women who said it’s changed their relationships completely). 1. BE BOLD This weeks book Way of the Superior Man. In a world that’s SO P.C. — can’t say anything without getting in an argument or prefacing for 20min before you say your statement (at least in Seattle) this book is a breath of fresh air. You will disagree with 25% LOVE 50% and be left utterly confused by 60% — and wonder why I didn’t pass 3rd-grade math. 2. POLARITY THINK ABOUT THIS: Name one thing in life where there isn’t an opposite? Night/day. Monochrome / color Up / down hot / cold east / west moon / sun infinity / zero Can you even name one? The main concept this book is centered around This is what creates ATTRACTION - magnets. Literally polarized. Men and women - masculine and feminine energy 3. You are what you attract like attracts like According to book: 10% couples neural polarity — 10% feminine dude and masculine woman and 80% are masculine dude and feminine woman. 4. disagree: “never change your mind to please your woman” There’s danger in loops and quotes ringing in your head. This book does this, take things lightly. OLD Clark: had this in back of my head playing — wouldn’t apologize because they’ll see that as weakness, never change mind and stay the course, no directions, etc. NEW CLARK: Focus on the 80/20. On the 20% of BIG picture stuff — DON’T LISTEN. Highest goals is up to YOU, not THEM. Small shit, give in! Let he win. 5. stop hoping for your woman to get easier SAME person today, is SAME person of 10-years just a decade older. 6. PRAISE HER FREELY. Men grow through challenge (i.e. bet you can’t jump over the fence, make a million, etc. women grow through praise. 7. what she wants is not what she says TESTS women will give you MEN: tornadoes — HIT HARD then gone. You KNOW what’s happening WOMEN: Hurricanes — get warnings weeks in advance, still have no clue what’s happening or how bad it is until the after math. Floating down river with your dog on a raft. 8. Don't hope for completion in life IN H.S. - make it through to get to college. IN COLLEGE - make it through to get to ENT. IN ENT. Make it through to get to 30’s Millionaire. IN 30’s probably going to hope kids graduate all-time in the world. 9. purpose over the relationship MUST prioritize OTHER missions beyond relationship 10. Don’t fix your woman Biggest boner killer: Mr. Fix It. Just wants to be listened to and encouraged - not fixed. Speaking to your woman, call glass half full not half empty Praise qualities you want to see GROW stop settling start living Clark
7/8/201818 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Get Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers FAST | YouTube Hack

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► TubeBuddy (affiliate) Feeling stuck on getting YouTube subscribers? Check out these FIVE awesome tips in this video. Here is how to get your first one thousand youtube subscribers fast on YouTube. stop settling start living Clark
7/5/201811 minutes, 51 seconds
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Saturday Strategy: Be the Hero of Your Own Movie

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Credit goes to Joe Rogan. Be the hero of your own movie. Always ask yourself "what would the highest version of myself do in this situation?" Stack up that moment to wins, that's how you get ahead! stop settling start living clark
7/3/20184 minutes, 14 seconds
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7 Powerful Tips to Be a More Confident Public Speaker

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind 7 POWERful public speaking tips- NEVER GET NERVOUS AGAIN It’s time to make you look good the next time you have to speak in public! Here are 7 awesome tips you can use next time it’s your time to shine. Check out part 1 here: Hey Refusers, Clark back again from Now whether you know it or not — you WILL have to do public speaking. Maybe you just want to get better at Snapchat or Instagram video stories, not feel like an idiot? Toast at a wedding? Interview with multiple people? Run a business and do videos? If these events cause anxiety or nerves, you’re not alone. 3/4 of Americans report fear of public speaking — ranks in top 10 phobias (above small spaces, spiders, even death) I can’t give you a way around it. Sorry. But I can give you 7 ways to hopefully ease the nerves: 2 Tips on how to NOT get nervous then 5 Tactics on how to CRUSH what you say. Things you can do literally use today if you have a speech in like, an hour. Sound good? 1. EMBRACE THE NERVES Tiger Woods best golfer on earth says “The day he’s not nervous is the day he quits” because nerves correlate with passion. I’m on the road. Backstage before a show at the festival to 4k people. Everyone is nervous. Because of we all care! Realize that because you’re nervous — is BECAUSE YOU CARE! Not a bad thing you’re trying to get rid of, it’s a GOOD thing and sign you should take action. 2. DO NOT PICTURE AUDIENCE NAKED That’s gross. Trust me, you DON’T want to see most of the audience naked… unless you’re into big group nudity. But that’s none of my business. Just picture audience as ONE to ONE communication. Most people hate PS because they picture it ONE to 500, ONE to 1000, ONE to 5 - etc. Now FIVE tactical stuff 3. ASK W.I.F.F.I.M WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? = that line right there will make you millions. Notice how I start my videos — what’s in it FOR YOU. Not how great i am (although that would be the best video in the world). WHY do they care? WHY are they there? WHY are they listening to you? Frame what you talk about in this mode. 4. SLOW DOWN AVG speaking pace around 110 -150 WPM. Most people get on stage and go 200WPM. SLOW it down. EX: Last mile of one mile each lap feel like run faster than previous. Minimize caffeine before the event. 5. GIVE THEM ANCHORS Notice how you’re still watching this right now I’m willing to bet it’s because you’re waiting for the next number I’m essentially giving you a checklist (1-7) and as we’re going down it you’re getting the satisfaction of completing a number. Checking off in your mind. DO that with audience. Say “A,B,C” or “1,2,3” or “the 3 things I want to talk about today” NOTE: DO NOT say “the 34 things today” 6. TRIM THE FAT Lose someone’s attention in first 10 seconds you’ve lost them forever. Cut as much as possible For me struggle with these videos is that I want to get WHY you should listen, INTRO of what we’re talking about, then points. Like book summary. So I’ve started putting point 1. turned into the introduction (tools of Titans) Has worked great. 7. STROY, STUDY, EXAMPLE How I write outlines (If you’re in VBA you know this. Walk you through and give you outlines) stop settling start living clark
7/1/201810 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Market Yourself on Social Media | 5 Awesome Personal Branding Tips

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Hey Refusers, today I’m going to show you how you can build your personal brand, and stand out on social media in a world that’s noise than ever. A lot of you realized and asked me about name change “Why switch from clark kegley to refusing to settle” and members in VBA FB mastermind private coaching group as well. Thought I would give you my thoughts on personal branding in 2018. SO crowded. Especially space I’m in — Self-development. LITERALLY, ANYONE can talk about life. “Hey! this will make your life better” all say the same shit. I’ve built a brand and channel for over 130k people — six-figure business. JUST NOW starting to click in with direction and who we are as a community. Something I’ve been researching lots about. Something I’m deep diving into and geeking out on thought I would share it with you 5 eye-opening tips, is that okay? Alright, awesome. REAL QUICK NOTE: In VBA I go over Upgraded branding boot camp — 45 min walkthrough of how to start brand from scratch/logo/slogan/fandom — so if you like this and haven’t joined already, DO IT :) https://https://www.myvideobreakthrou... 1. AUDIENCE Start here — IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU! Most people start with THEMSELVES. So so so wrong. Need to Know exactly WHO you’re talking to approach them the right way. i.e. Avatar of ideal customer — Megan and Justin sitting on my wall. Random pictures of them off google! i.e. REFUSERS community. There’s an edge to us. Not into cheesy self-help. We reject what’s average and we Refuse to Settle! EVERYTHING I DO from dress, backdrop, branding, speech, etc is targeted towards who I’m trying to reach! 20-30s. 2. PERSONAL OF REAL "Personal Brand” is hot right now. I disagree — do both at the same time. Create something BIGGER than you! People need a cause, a new opportunity to follow (Christ, Hitler, Mass Movements) Also: Clark Danger, Clark Kegley, vs. Refusing to Settle — easier to put out there when it’s not… you. A Little buffer is easier mentally (for me). 3. Be consistent Set yourself apart used to take 1-3 exposures now takes 6-12! i.e. on this channel what I'm using to get to 250k is going deep into my brand. You HAVE to be polarizing. Not generic. Stand OUT! 4. IMAGE Get a logo — this is where most start…. Your BRAND is NOT a logo. Simple over Complex Choose 3 colors — one accent. Look up color combos online. Also… YOU. (i.e. outfit, style, speaking, cussing? tonality, stories, examples, your story, etc) 5. FANDOM Community Russell Brunson: create your CULT-ure Give them a name! “REFUSERS” Something to be a part of! Creating a refuser manifesto stop settling start living clark
6/29/201811 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Make a Vision Board - The Ultimate Guide to Making Vision Boards

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Hey refusers, In this video, we're going to cover how to make a vision board. Vision boards are fantastic if you can get past the stigma of them only being for teenage girls. Seriously give this a shot! Especially if you're a too cool for school bro -- you will benefit the most from this! Vision Boards allow you to tap into the Law of Attraction. This is how you can attract anything into your life. YES, you will need to work hard and set goals, etc - but thinking something is the first step to turning the invisible and making it real! Here's to crushing 2018 -- SET YOUR GOALS PEOPLE! with love, stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
6/21/201817 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Be Rich - 5 Things Rich People Do That The Poor Do Not | Money Monday

► Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind why is it that lottery winners can win millions, follow them up years later and 70% are bankrupt (National Endowment for Financial Education). How come pro athletes get $30M — just to declare bankruptcy 12 months after they stop playing? It’s the MINDSET - the strategies they don’t know. Makes the top 1% rich. Here are 5 of them. 1. WEALTH THERMOSTAT: Financial IQ FALSE BELIEF: “Rich inherited the wealth” - 80 of the worlds wealthiest, only 11 did. Other 69 built it over years and strategies. They knew these 4 things I’ll share. secrets of the millionaire mind Raise your thermostat to do these things: False beliefs about money 2. MAKE MONEY WORK FOR THEM: The poor and middle-class work for money - The rich make money work for them. Compress time to get wealth 3. GET RICH LONG TERM: The poor go after get rich quick schemes - The rich are patient 85% of surveyed high-net individuals (over $3M investable) said BEST returns and majority of wealth came form LONG TERM investments. Stocks + Bonds (89% preferred this approach) Comments: “I hate the idea of waiting 30 years to get rich.” That's the exact same mindset that leads you to invest in stupid friend’s business idea and going broke. smart way: Do both! Do the slow route… just in case we’re not as smart as we think in 20’s. What do you have to lose? You’ll be guaranteeing you succeed! 4. HATE FEES LIKE THE PLAGUE The poor think fees are so small they don’t matter - The rich know that fees can make or break a portfolio’s profitability. 5. STAY ON TRACK TO GETTING RICH:  The poor are frantic when change happens - The rich stay the course story of unshakable in 2008 crash. Hedge fund manager. One line email to clients saying sky is falling — “Stay the course”. LOTS of people couldn’t take it, pulled out money. LOST HUGE. but how much did you lose if stayed the course? ZERO. POOR PEOPLE: 44% people say never invest in stock market because it’s “Too risky” (60% were millennials… YOU WATCHING THIS) RICH PEOPLE: The PAST does NOT equal the future. Look at past 100 years, not past 10 years. ► Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
6/18/20188 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Become Rich | THINK AND GROW RICH (Part II) | Napoleon Hill | Book Summary

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind If you interviewed the 500 most successful businessmen of all time on how they became successful, then distilled their advice down into 13 principals, what would those be? This week's book review is for Think And Grow Rich. Check out part 1 here ► Think And Grow Rich is a classic book by Napoleon Hill. This book summary and book review of Think And Grow Rich will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Napoleon Hill's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill GET THE BOOK: 30-Day Coaching: Join the RTS FB mastermind ✖️ Want a free $5? Save with Qapital App using this link ✖︎ BY POPULAR DEMAND! We are back :) 1937 Napoleon Hill (over 30 Million copies sold) SPECIAL NOTE: Napoleon Hill after he spent over 20 years spent researching the accomplishments and attributes of 500 of the most successful people in business. The book sets out the 13 key principles for success as identified through this research. 1. Blueprint BLUEPRINT: Everything is created twice. (iPhone/ computer/ your life) EX: Think about a time in your life you thought through a BIG decision. LOA: Think it then it happens — Touring in a band, Six figures TAGR all about allowing yourself to think big. Create it first in your mind. Commit right now to not be brought down by the haters. Don’t let people bring your dreams down to their level. Keep that blueprint alive and you’ll succeed. 2. Obsession How bad do you want it? STORY: Eric Thomas tells in viral motivational speech: When you want to succeed as MUCH as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful. 3. Demand Best business advice I ever got: Don’t try to create a demand, try to solve one. ALL business you love fill a demand: EX: UBER — solved problem taxis were bad experience and cost too much/ unreliable when you need them EX: Instagram — picture worth 1,000 words. Cut all spam with text and links give us the goods! EX: Snapchat — took it a step further and personal fun image texting! EX: This Video You’re watching — fill the demand for MORE book knowledge with less Effort (why the last one got 100k views!) 4. Specialized Knowledge Figure out your specialized Knowledge to fill a demand.General (school) vs. Specialized (personal study).Pays VERY well to know a LOT about a little. 5. On "Finding Your Passion" Since I know a lot of you watching this. The BIGGEST question I get is “how do I find my passion” Simple answer? Figure out what you don’t love and fill in the gaps. 6. Act As If There will be times we feel as if we’re not qualified for something. Whenever you want to do something BIG you’ve never done, you’re going to feel a level of imposter syndrome. Take Away: Always act as if you ARE what you’re doing. Align over time. 7. Organized Planning Thought I would touch on chunking/goals. If the goal is too far out, discouraging. Make it NEAR to you. Cannot stress importance making goals NEAR you / breaking down into baby steps importance. 8. Big Breaks Luck is when opportunity meets hard work. 9. Master Mind You are AVG. of top 5 people hang around. Get a group of people together for a specific purpose. EX: Group of men together in college. Small group. Accountability. Massive growth. aren’t going to tolerate you settling. Start living. Closed RST FB group. 10. Revisit Fundamentals stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
6/6/201816 minutes, 16 seconds
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When to QUIT - How Do You Know When to Quit

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind WHEN TO QUIT the job that’s not fulfilling, the dream you’ve been working on, the relationship you’re questioning its direction…. today we're talking about how to know the difference of when to quit vs. when to keep going. This could be a whole book…. If you do any type of creative work, an entrepreneur, or want to go for something BIG — you’re going to run into this: when is it time to stick at something vs. when is it time to quit and move on. cliches float on romanticizing persistence! “quitters never win and winners never quit” or “follow your bliss” But when you boil it down, the two main narratives conflict: A) ALL ABOUT Persistence! (Hustle and grind) vs. B) Follow Your Passion! (fulfilling work, follow your dreams, it will happen) There they were, sitting in the back of my closet. The $200 pair of jeans I bought a year ago, ripped down the middle yet couldn’t throw out. Why? I paid $200 for them! — economists would call it the “sunk cost fallacy” - I call it being stubborn. Sunk costs are everywhere: and y they’re affecting you more than you know. But what if passion… isn’t working? What if… you burn out and start to resent it? What if… you feel like moving on but feel like you’ve put too much into it Enter: "The Dip." The Dip is a concept from Seth Godin. Things that are valuable… are HARD! That’s what makes them scarce. With hard work comes low points, or, “the dip” Easy to start things — who isn’t having fun!? Hard to finish things — hit the dip and push past it? e.g. becoming Navy Seal — brutal BUDS training — who’s gonna ring the bell? e.g. becoming Doctor — organic chemistry college pre-med weed out class. e.g. million dollar business — quit when not seeing results? jump ship? shiny object? TWO LESSONS: 1. QUIT SOON: It doesn’t make sense to start something if you’re going to quit! Why waste your time? e.g. seen/been in a relationship w/ someone you KNEW wouldn’t work out? What are they (you) doing? — The opportunity cost of staying in something: missing out on other things that could be working! The opportunity cost of meeting someone you could be perfect with! 2. KNOW THE Difference! The Dip vs. Dead End? Some people I get emails from with 50 videos… can just tell. They’re gonna make it! Passion in them, keep improving, pay for education, seek out feedback. Everyone get’s discouraged. Then other people, have 500 videos… 50+ views. NO ONE is listening. Been doing it for YEARS. Listen to me very closely, doing the RIGHT things at the WRONG time is the same as doing the WRONG THING! Doing unimportant things well does NOT make them important. HOW THE HELL DO I TELL THE DIFFERENCE!? 3 Questions: 1.Is this growing? (i.e. all numbers in green)(e.g Amazon kept getting customers year after year. Look for “Forward Motion”) 2. Have others done this? (i.e. model business. success leaves clues) 3. What Advice Would I Give Someone Else in my exact same situation? (dispassionate objective look at your situation. What would the most honest person you know say about it?) stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
6/4/20189 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tribe of Mentors | Tim Ferriss | 10 Best Ideas | RTS Book Summary

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Get the book here: ► Tools of Titans Book Summary: What if you had access to over 100 of the worlds BEST mentors — what advice would they give you? Going over 10 BIG ideas in today’s video: Tribe of Mentors. ► Get the book here: Today we have the book summary and book review on "Tribe of Mentors" by Tim Ferriss. This is the follow up to Tim's last book, Tools of Titans. Tim Ferriss has written classic books such as "The 4-Hour Work Week" and "The 4-Hour Body". Tribe of Mentors comes from Tim's show The Tim Ferriss Experiment and the best lessons he learned from interviewing some of the world's top performers. You might also consider getting the audiobook for this – it’s killer! Hey Refusers! Clark back from - back with book review series. This is where we take the best books in personal development, business, finance, psychology, condensing down 300+ pages into ten BIG ideas you can walk away with and take action on. This weeks book is Tribe of Mentors. This is a super cool full circle moment. I started this channel because I read 4HWW when I was 18. Tim’s a huge mentor to me, taken podcasts traveling in rainstorms on a motorcycle or on Joe Rogan WWOOFing in Hawaii. Tim’s team reached out to me and sent it to me b/c seen book review series, so thank you Tim’s team and thank YOU for making these so freaking successful! subscribe right now if you haven’t - grab your coffee - grab your pen to take notes — let’s jump into to this weeks book 1. SIMPLIFY Tim Ferris if you don’t know — 4 Hour Work Week (my life changing book) — investor/podcaster/TV host/ Experimenter Background on book — Tim turned 40 and had series of questions “What would this look like if it were easy?” He’d send an email to most successful people, same questions, analyze patterns for answers Put them into this book The question you can ask “What Would This Look Like If It Were Easy? 2. MACRO FOCUS. MICRO Execution STORY: I was out drinking one night — drunk guy sits down in our booth, puts arm around me and says: “GUYS! hours make up days. days make up weeks. weeks make up months. make up years. make up decades = your life” Hate to admit it, but his drunken rant stuck with me. We worry too far into the future and not enough about present Gary Vaynerchuk Everyone stresses about MACRO: “What will i do in 20-years?” or “What if I try something that doesn’t work in 10 years” or “Wasted time” Not enough on MICRO: “why am I checking Instagram 22 times day and watching Netflix 4 hours a night” Instead: FLIP IT. Squeeze every last second out of day — won’t HAVE to worry about 20-years from now because you’ve made THE MOST from it! 3. Early Rejection Common theme in this book: every major success had a major failure When asked “What most impacted life?” 9/10 it were the “negatives” Challenge and struggle where growth happens. Discomfort. Ex: Tony Hawk — THProSk8 ($1.4 BILLION) got rejected first time. Good thing b/c they wouldn’t have same vision to make it 1.4B 5. Top 5 book recommendations 1. Man’s Search for Meaning 2. Sapiens 3. The Rational Optimist 4. The Better Angels of Our Nature 5. Poor Charlie’s Almanack ► Get Tribe of Mentors here: stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
6/1/201818 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Save Money | 4 Surprising Ways to LOVE Saving Money | (RTS Money Monday)

► Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: This video, we’re going to go over four surprising ways to LOVE saving money. Heres how you can budget and save money without stressing out. Hey, Refusers! Clark from back with another Money Monday video. If you missed last week's video on how to budget and save money, you can check it out here: ► Also, this video is a follow up to our video How to Save Money Part I which you can check out here: ► Okay! Back to this video -- Saving money can cause a lot of negative thoughts. Some people resist it, ignorance is bliss? Not with finances. The thing about money is that it's binary, we either have it or we don't. Money doesn’t care about our feelings or if we feel ignorance is bliss. It will run or not run with or without us. THE GOOD NEWS: Saving money doesn’t have to suck. In fact, you can systematize it and can even be FUN. Using systems is how you remove the stress of NOT knowing what your money's doing or having it be out of your control. One big A-HA I realized is that not spending is the SAME as making money. Your bank account doesn’t know the difference where a dollar came from! One thousand saved is a thousand earned. Here are some big points to listen for in the video: Give Yourself headroom Give yourself fun money Give yourself GUILT FREE spending money Allow yourself to automate it Use the Free Quapital App AND get a free $5 when you make your first deposit using this link: And much, much more! Happy watching. See you tomorrow :) stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
5/28/20186 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Build Confidence In Yourself | Fake It Till You Make It? | Imposter Syndrome

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind how to be confident when you feel like a fake? In this video, we're alking about How to Build Confidence In Yourself. You'll learn how to stop feeling like a fake during times where you need to perform at your peak. Should you fake it till you make it? How to shake off imposter syndrome. False choice — not the only two options: 1. Fake it or 2. Look unprofessional. You can be CONFIDENT without being fake or trying to pretend you know things you don’t. Here's what you DON’T do: The tacky way: you start your business online, write your bio in 3rd person and say you’re the CEO — see this EVERY email. (i.e. Robert Vance, CEO and Success Coach Consultant of Robert vance dot com). People can see right through that. Here’s what you SHOULD do: Document the process. Every industry is different, go back through on my channel look at older videos. I wasn’t trying to posture anything, still connected with people. In fact, even MORE so because people LOVE being along for the journey. (i.e. WOOFing videos/vlogs — people loved it! Still get messages today) Wrong: fake it. Right: Act as if. NEXT TIME Act as If — write that down Get nervous: INTERVIEW: ACT AS IF you’re family friends who know you for 10 years talking DATE: ACT AS IF there’s no pressure. The only time you’ll see them. Go out there and ACT AS IF! stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
5/25/20187 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Sell A Product - Sell Anything to Anyone - The A.I.D.A. Method

► Free YouTube Passive Income Course: In this video, I’m going to teach you how to sell SO well people will literally pull out their wallets and say “TAKE MY MONEY” WATCH PART 1 HERE: Hey I’m Clark from This is a 4-Part video, write these down to get most out of it — here we go USE them 1. A: Attention SCIENCE: there is a great famous video called the "Invisible Gorilla." Can't play it due to copyright reasons. Basically, students pass a basketball back in forth you count 9 seconds in gorilla walks through. At end of video, 50% people don’t notice the BIG gorilla. They are in such a trance state focusing on the basketball passes, they miss the most interesting part. If you want to SELL something. Snap people out of their everyday patterns-- PATTERN INTERRUPT EXAMPLE: Why you see nearly every ad on YT saying “HEY HET STOP EXAMPLE: Why every commercial try to be ridiculous (jack in the box, burger king, etc) MY EX: “STOP what you’re doing right now” If you want to SELL something - they have to LISTEN to you. If you want them to LISTEN, you have to SNAP them out of trance state. 2. I: Interest What I JUST did there - is NUMBER TWO —- INTEREST Get attention for the wrong reason? MY EXAMPLE: “last video got 1.2 M views - this one’s better” 3. D: Desire Why would I ever buy something I didn’t desire? How to get someone desire product — CRAM down logical reasons they need it! (Specs, amount of data, better than other products, etc) We BUY with EMOTIONS, not Logic Connect to emotions to get the sale Use these 3 things and tell stories. 1. “picture this” 2. “I want you to imagine” 3. “What would it feel like to….” Goal is to get them FEELING same emotion EXAMPLE: In writing a lot of people skip this. Say I was writing about being depressed. BAD: “And then I struggled with depression. It sucked” BETTER: “It felt like rain clouds everywhere I went. I wondered if it would end” GOOD: “I opened the email, and immediately felt my stomach knot up. skipping over the body of the email and racing down to the bottom of it where it read “I’m sorry this had to end this way” — that was the day I lost my job. That was the last thing I had to lose. That was the day, rock bottom started.” SHOW THEM, DON’T TELL THEM Take them with you on the journey 4. A: Action Call to action — URGENT call to action 5 things that get better CTAs 1. Scarcity (EX: Limited time only. Limited space. Bonuses. Etc) 2. Social Proof (EX: 1.2 Million views on the first video) 3. Likability (People will buy more if they like you.) 4. Objection Handling (know objections before they say them) 5. Limited CTA — ex: email marketing ex: apple comps ex: jam study No more than 2 CTAs okay for online — ONE CTA for physical selling. Download the free guide to learn how to CRUSH selling with YouTube videos and make passive income: ► See you tomorrow stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
5/23/201812 minutes, 24 seconds
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Saturday Strategy: Dominos

► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind The Big Domino -- Saturday Strategy How can you get MORE done with LESS work and LESS stress - got a quick tip for you today that will BLOW your mind. HEY, REFUSER! Clark from —Saturday Strategy Short — short bite-size advice you can apply this weekend. This weeks concept is "DOMINOS" What's great about Domino's is that they can knock over another domino up to 50% larger. This doesn't seem like a lot, but it adds up over time: -1D 2” -23D Eiffel tower -31D Mt. Everest -57D Moon This shows that small changes - or habits -- all build on each other. It's how we compound our results and get momentum. Another story comes from Tim Ferriss. He says that he spends most of his day doing....noting. But what he is actually doing is thinking about what is the ONE thing that will knock down all other dominoes? Not taking action is STILL action So - what's the ONE domino YOU need to knock down to set everything else in motion? That's it for this week's Saturday strategy! See you tomorrow. stop settling start living clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Money Monday Series ► The BEST OF Series ► Journaling Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL: Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Instagram ► @clarkdangerous MY COURSES: MyBestJournal 2.0 ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links) Camera 1 ► Camera 2 ► Lighting ► Computer ► Music ► TubeBuddy ► Journal ► The App I used to save $11,000 in 6 Months without noticing ► (get $5 FREE when you download/use that link) Note: Please always check with a professional before making any moves with your money. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Never listen to anyone online who tells you to not check with a professional! Go out there and crush this! clark
5/5/20184 minutes, 2 seconds
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2 Things You MUST Do With Your Money

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Here are two things you must do with your money. Why is it that 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth, it’s what we’re going to talk about today. Something Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world. How to stop working for money and make money work for you. All that and more… coming up. Stop settling start living Clark The course on how I made money while traveling the world: ► The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/27/20187 minutes
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One Tough Question You MUST Ask...

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life It’s a simple question - just one question I want you to ask yourself. Maybe hard to do. I want to give you this question, but first I want to tell you a story. All this comes from NEW My Best Journal 2.0 Course and the 30-Day Coaching Program inside the course. The entire course is packed full of bite-size daily lessons for an entire month. Get the 30-Day Coaching Program here ► Stop settling start living Clark The course on how I made money while traveling the world: ► The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/23/201812 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Prevent Burnouts

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Heres a simple video on how to prevent burnouts. Burnouts are a thing any success driven person will need to learn to master. This lesson comes from the NEW MyBestJournal 2.0 course. You can get this full lesson, along with 29 other lessons in the Bonus 30-day coaching program that comes with MBJ2. Get the full 30-Day Coaching Program: ► Stop settling start living Clark The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/20/201814 minutes, 5 seconds
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5 STUPID Mistakes I Made My First Year as an Entrepreneur

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life It's been said "success leaves clues" -- these are clues of what to do so you can achieve similar results. I thought it'd be fun to flip the script. In this video, I’m touching on FIVE stupid mistakes I made as an Entrepreneur year one. These are the Top 5 Mistakes I Made Year ONE As An Entrepreneur - failures also leave clues. DO NOT DO THESE five mistakes! Stop settling start living Clark The course on how I made money while traveling the world: ► The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/16/201814 minutes, 30 seconds
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HOW TO BECOME RICH | I Will Teach You To Be Rich - Ramit Sethi | 10 BEST IDEAS BOOK SUMMARY

►Free Money Monday Cheat Sheet: ► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: My Favorite App That Makes Saving Money Easy and Painless: ► Is getting rich a skill that can be taught? In this video, we’re going over 10 ideas that could literally make you a fortune if you apply them…. or cost you if you don’t. Hey, there it's Clark from - back with another book review series. This is the book summary series where we take the best books in personal development, business, finance, psychology, condensing down 300+ pages into ten BIG ideas you can walk away with and take action on. This weeks book is "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi. I Will Teach You to Be Rich is the BEST book with the WORST title. I love Ramit - took a couple of his courses and he goes the extra mile with content. I read this book last month when I was on tour, get up every morning and go to the back lounge and read this for two hours. I got so motivated when I got home took my tour pay and did everything this book said to the T. Loved what was in here and how ACTIONABLE the advice was. Especially if you’re in early/mid 20’s. DISCLAIMER: I always like saying this before the video - check with a professional before taking ANY advice on youtube. Never listen to ANYONE who doesn’t tell you to get a second opinion. Remember, it's always your call - don’t put responsibility in someone else. THE 10 BIG IDEAS: 1. RICH LIFE A lot less than you think Nice suit? Nice watch? Instagram bling? It’s all a lie… 50% of millionaires surveyed said never bought a suit more than $400 or a watch above $200! What does “rich” mean to you? 2. START TODAY power of getting rich is in compounding You’re already LOSING money by not taking action 3. CREDIT DEBT 70% of USA in credit debt (AVG $7,000) 70% of USA carry a balance - 50% won’t reveal how much to best friend! When surveyed 75% USA said they make a big credit purchase they pay it off immediately. GET OUT NOW (30% of credit score is based on amount of debt you carry) Ironically, (borrowing other people’s money aka “credit”) credit is CRUCIAL for getting rich. BIG wins - credit purchases are huge (house, car, etc) and the interest rate you get depends on credit score/report. Could literally save or cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the course of 20/30 years! 4. Index funds Warren Buffett favorite - leave his kids all money in these These stocks use computers to find funds and average the market (SP 500 or NASDAQ). VFINX is one I like to follow (don’t own YET, explain next point). low fee index funds are key — (0.2%-0.75% annual) 5. Lifecycle funds Get rich if you’re lazy? Rebalancing portfolio takes work, time, knowledge, research, etc. Lifecycle or “Target Date Funds” Specific type of mutual fund helps diversify portfolio for you based on your age. I own VFIFX - vanguard lifecycle 6. 401k MAX OUT EX: Assume I made a bet with you - for every $1 you put into investing, I’d give you $1 for free. Up to $5,000. No risk to you. Would you do it? THAT’s WHAT 401k IS! 25 and under age less than 1/3 participate in 401k program (less than 4% max out). if employer offers 401k match - do it! 7. Rethink owning a house “best investment” A) Extremely risky (not diversified portfolio if $777k in one area) B) Hidden fees we don’t think about (purchase price + Interest (can double cost) + Taxes + Insurance + Maintenance + Major repairs or improvements = TOTAL (3-4x purchase price). C) Investment? Who sells the house then keeps the money in smaller house? No one! We get a BIGGER house - never invest profits we “made” from the investment. 8. Roth ira MAX OUT Everyone should have (especially in your 20s) 59 and 1/2 can withdraw everything tax free 9. don’t be normal Being average is NOT good in the USA 76% of USA living on paycheck to paycheck 66% USA overweight or obese 10. Emergency Fund Quapital app: ► stop settling start living clark The course on how I made money while traveling the world: ► The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @refusingtosettle Facebook ► /refusingtosettle Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/13/201820 minutes, 40 seconds
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REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind | The 3 Most Powerful Techniques (feat. Aaron Doughty)

Hey refusers, today's a special video! My friend Aaron Doughty is filling with an awesome video about how to reprogram your subconscious mind! So much of what we think and how we behave we are not conscious of! It's sort of like an iceberg where our conscious thoughts are only the visible stuff, that 10% above the surface and the other 90% beneath the water is our subconscious thoughts. Needless to say, this stuff is important. He's got a great channel all about reprograming your subconscious mind, The Law of Attraction, Sleep Hypnosis, and lots more! be sure you check out Aaron's Channel here:► Stop settling start living Clark ► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
4/10/201815 minutes, 37 seconds
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3 Dangerous Words That BLOCK Success | Words That Stop You From Attracting

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life You’re watching this right now because you’re success driven. You have that drive and ambition to do big things. Today we’re going over 3 words that can block…. all of that. What have I done!?!? 😱  Do you ever get over ambitious and make a commitment only to realize... it was probably TOO BIG. Whatever. I'm still going for it! In my last video, I talked about starting my 50 for 50 video challenge. That means I’ll create a NEW video every single day for fifty days. It also means I will have no social life. Oh and get this! As of today, there are only 50 days left in 2017. Crazy, right? Now's a perfect time to finish this year with all you got. What are you committed to? Let’s crush it! stop settling. start living clark The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/6/20188 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Successful People DON'T Do

► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Let me ask you something: No judgment here. but can you honestly say you’ve applied what you learned in the last book you’ve read? On a scale of 1 being nothing and 10 being cover to cover application? Mental Masturbation is when you get off on ideas. It’s undeniable. There’s a TOTAL rush from learning. Get it from reading and figuring things out. Feels GOOD. Get so amped up. Then… move on to next book. Next seminar. Next Ted talk. Next Online Course. These are also called "Success Fantasies" Every guru tells you to DREAM BIG (LOA) “ONE DAY” is the daydream FANTASY: Business “ONE DAY” I’ll start — passive income — beach pina colada. REALITY: Takes startup time — everything sounds easier when you’re listing to someone talk about it. Like in class vs. a real test. Like practice vs. actual game. Like alone practice drums vs. on stage in front of 4k people. SOLVE: Kid going through my VBA course — posted in facebook group about how he’s going to do xyz - ALL plans - I stopped him. Forbid him from watching another single video until he took action today. Film FIRST video. EVERYTHING else in the course will become so clear once you have that video. You start to see things differently FANTASY Health: Ran a podcast for 3 years. Emails so detailed asking minute questions. “ONE DAY” I’ll get in shape when I know enough. People trying to LEARN health and make it perfect. REALITY Getting healthy and making changes sucks. Long process. Started, they would LOSE the fantasy daydream about getting in shape. See the p90X infomercials and get PUMPED by picturing yourself there. Me too! SOLVE Ditch the fantasy. Start applying what you know. What do you know that you honestly aren’t doing? see you tomorrow! stop settling start living clark The course on how I made money while traveling the world: ► The app I used to save $11,000 for my trip without noticing: ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Twitter ► @refusingtosettle Facebook ► /refusingtosettle Instagram ► @refusingtosettle Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ►
4/3/20186 minutes, 17 seconds
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5 Comfort Zone KILLERS - How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Today we're talking about the one thing EVERYONE watching needs.: The skill of breaking out of your comfort zone Real quick: this video intended to be a recap of strategies you already know — to serve as a reminder to use them! I'd recommend you find 1-3 of these strategies and test them out. Also, most of these strategies are from the NEW 30-Day Coaching for MyBestJournal2.0 program. If you like content like this, you'll love what's inside the 30-Day Coaching Program! Okay, now to those tips :) 1. Try Something ANYTHING. New — find your passion by just trying things. Embrace the unknown. i.e. Was I passionate about men's hair products? Was I passionate about talking about internet marketing/digital courses? — I’d argue the obscure passions (not everyone’s doing or has) are the ones that FIND YOU. No great time to travel the world — you have to go for it. No Great time to start a business — go for it. Who’s permission do you need? As you expand, so does your capacity! Elastic. You are elastic and malleable. 2. Dynamic Tension: Rubber Band: Capable doing vs. Actually doing. (too much= jump out of plane w.o. parachute). WOSM: “Get HONEST with your TRUE edge. Lean just beyond it.” i.e. I’m counting calories for the first time. Get honest with actual calories I need. Brutally honest, not what I think I need, estimated — actual numbers. Then…. push yourself. Eat LESS. Lean just BEYOND that TRUE edge = results. 3. The 3 Second Rule: Area we can all relate to with comfort zone: DATING. In an older video, I told you the story of asking out my girlfriend. Outside of my comfort zone. Used the 3-second rule on that situation and just hit SEND. Still dating 3-years later. 4. Be Active, Not Passive What in life just get’s handed to you? What in life don’t you have to work for? Everyone watching RIGHT now has dreams, has goals, has ambition. You want to refuse to settle. Sounds obvious, but you HAVE to move towards them! Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 5. Project outward: What will it look like if you don't take action? Courage not the absence of fear, courage is taking action in spite of it. Don’t be afraid to go ALL in. It’s okay if you fail because you went ALL in. Always learn way more. “Is this the thing I feared?” Project out the WORST possible outcome that could happen. Write them down! Not as bad or hard to solve as you think. Please LIKE and SHARE the video if you found these tips useful! stop settling, start living, Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
3/30/201810 minutes, 12 seconds
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5 Comfort Zone KILLERS - How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Today we're talking about the one thing EVERYONE watching needs.: The skill of breaking out of your comfort zone Real quick: this video intended to be a recap of strategies you already know — to serve as a reminder to use them! I'd recommend you find 1-3 of these strategies and test them out. Also, most of these strategies are from the NEW 30-Day Coaching for MyBestJournal2.0 program. If you like content like this, you'll love what's inside the 30-Day Coaching Program! Okay, now to those tips :) 1. Try Something ANYTHING. New — find your passion by just trying things. Embrace the unknown. i.e. Was I passionate about men's hair products? Was I passionate about talking about internet marketing/digital courses? — I’d argue the obscure passions (not everyone’s doing or has) are the ones that FIND YOU. No great time to travel the world — you have to go for it. No Great time to start a business — go for it. Who’s permission do you need? As you expand, so does your capacity! Elastic. You are elastic and malleable. 2. Dynamic Tension: Rubber Band: Capable doing vs. Actually doing. (too much= jump out of plane w.o. parachute). WOSM: “Get HONEST with your TRUE edge. Lean just beyond it.” i.e. I’m counting calories for the first time. Get honest with actual calories I need. Brutally honest, not what I think I need, estimated — actual numbers. Then…. push yourself. Eat LESS. Lean just BEYOND that TRUE edge = results. 3. The 3 Second Rule: Area we can all relate to with comfort zone: DATING. In an older video, I told you the story of asking out my girlfriend. Outside of my comfort zone. Used the 3-second rule on that situation and just hit SEND. Still dating 3-years later. 4. Be Active, Not Passive What in life just get’s handed to you? What in life don’t you have to work for? Everyone watching RIGHT now has dreams, has goals, has ambition. You want to refuse to settle. Sounds obvious, but you HAVE to move towards them! Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 5. Project outward: What will it look like if you don't take action? Courage not the absence of fear, courage is taking action in spite of it. Don’t be afraid to go ALL in. It’s okay if you fail because you went ALL in. Always learn way more. “Is this the thing I feared?” Project out the WORST possible outcome that could happen. Write them down! Not as bad or hard to solve as you think. Please LIKE and SHARE the video if you found these tips useful! stop settling, start living, Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
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HOW TO GET RICH | Rich Dad Poor Dad | Robert Kiyosaki | 10 Best Ideas

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Let's talk about getting rich. What do the rich teach their kids about money? Today’s book summary and a book review: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is one of the most successful finance books out there. Robert Kiyosaki's classic wealth income and money making off real estate book, Rich Dad Poor Dad is packed full of actionable ideas and takeaways. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki Get a FREE $5 and automate your savings with my favorite app, "Qapital" here: 1. FEEL RICH Want to become rich? Switch that mindset! FEEL rich.“Being broke is temporary - being poor is eternal” -RK 2. ASSETS "Know what an asset is, acquire them and become rich.” BIG IDEA: For most people, their profession is their income. For rich people, their assets are their income. Businesses (that do not require your presence) Stocks Bonds Mutual funds Income-generating real estate Royalties 3. LIABILITIES A liability, something which takes money out of your pocket. Keep your expenses low and reduce your liabilities. “If you own a $700 iPhone but not $700 in Apple Stock what’s wrong” —Tony Robbins. You’re a consumer, not an owner. Do you want to make Apple rich or yourself rich? YOU CAN’T SAIL WITH MASSIVE HOLES IN YOUR BOAT Learn to live off of 75% of your paycheck.“Grow your income, not your lifestyle.” 4. PAY YOURSELF FIRST My favorite way to hack this? An app called Quapital. Get a FREE $5 with Qapital Here: This has been my secret weapon. Remember that becoming rich is not about the money you make - it's about the money you KEEP. I use that app to save portions of every check I earn online. It does it automatically for me so I don't see it happening! I set to freelancer rule - save 30%. 5. Earn more money sounds stupid? obvious? But ask yourself this: what’s stopping my RIGHT now from making an extra $1,000 per month? $12k/ yr significant lifestyle change. or Invest $10k/yr! Well on your way. Ask Simplest way: ask for a raise! Time: $10/hr job - 3 hr per day. Most spend that playing video gamesConnections: Download Uber App or Amazon Fresh or DOZENS of other App jobs Passion: Why can’t you make money off you passion? What I did. YouTube channels reviewing my favorite books! It’s POSSIBLE. Now full-time income. Launch courses/marketing — made over $15,000 last month. Video check it out — Journal Question: What do I pay to do? How can I get Paid to do what I love? 6. The Hidden Power of Compounding COMPOUNDING 8TH WONDER OF WORLD — WHY RICH 1% GET RICHER! “HOW COMPOUNDING MAKES YOU RICH” TONY ROBBINS GOLF:Golf — make it interesting, bet a dime a hole. How many holes? 18. Only $1.80 — not much fun. Let’s double the bet every hole. Hole 1: $0.10 Hole 2: $0.20 Hole 3: $0.40 Hole 4: $0.80 Hole 5: $1.60 Hole 6: $3.20 — NOT BAD 1/3 WAY THROUGH Hole 7: $6.40 Hole 8: $12.80 Hole 9: $25.60 Hole 10: $51.20 Hole 11: $102.40 Hole 12: $204.80 Hole 13: $409.60 Hole 14: $819.20 Hole 15: $1,638.40 Hole 16: $3,276.80 Hole 17: $6,553.60 Hole 18: $13,107.20 That IS compounding. The sooner you start in life investing, the more time you have to get ahead (and the payouts get much bigger as the holes increase). 7. FREEDOM “The poor and middle-class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” 8. Check your WEALTH Models Money/Beliefs are LEARNED - most the time not consciously. — Ask yourself: “What do I believe about money that I learned from X”? 9. Financial IQ Schools teach people how to work for money, but they do not teach them how money can work for them. 10. GETTING STARTED: ACTION STEPS Stop settling start living Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ►
2/26/201821 minutes, 24 seconds
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The 7 BEST Journaling Tips of ALL Time - How to Keep A Journal

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Journaling — This ain’t your sister’s diary. The BEST Thing to upgrade your life. Tool for the right job. Looking to make BIG changes. Looking to actually achieve goals. Looking to sustain motivation - not burn out 3/4 way through - keep watching. Clark from creator of the MBJ2..0 program! Go raw with you. Do what most people would never dream of — FLIP THROUGH journal. All my dirty laundry might see something I forget to edit out if look close enough. Whatever. The goal is to serve you and inspire you to take on this method of success journal — photos from all around the world. All ages. All incomes. All goals. All journal! Over 550,000 people have SEEN journaling series videos. Emails and photos flooding inbox. Community online of Journal Nerds— walk through my 7 BEST tips for you. Let’s go. Watch the full journaling series here ► Get the NEW MyBestJournal2.0 Program Here ► 1. Use the RIGHT Tool The right tool for the right job. This is NOT a diary. Think of it as a success log to coach yourself. Don’t treat it as an area to make problems smaller - your journal is a tool to take your success and make it bigger! 2. Get A Sketch Book blank - no rules. good gear - also helpful (G2/sharpie highlighter) 3. Take on The 6 in 1 Method choose 6 sections and break it into these Mine: business, growth, gratitude, book notes, video online, freedom Other: travel, music, goal, parent, relationship, best 1% ideas, quotes, drawings, pictures, etc. 4. Front Cover i.e. What are YOUR rules? What do you live by? Constitution for USA, Mission Statement for Business. Use your front cover to list all that sort of stuff. i.e. inspiration, BEST quotes, Power of I AM, Signature Strengths 5. Back Cover If you’re not GROWING you’re dying. So many people talk, few people DO. — NY resolutions!? The secret to achieving your goals is to revisit DAILY. Set goals in three areas: WORK/REST/PLAY. Also awesome: look at previous years BIG goals and see what you were working on/BIG goals for that year 6. Frequency ONLY ONE RULE: when you feel like it. don’t force it - a place of inspiration NOT an obligation. Get emails from people who are ashamed they stopped or beat themselves up for missing a week. ALL GOOD! Look at the journal and get AMPED. Only positive feelings with it - don’t ever look and think “I really should…..” once per year - swap out completely even if not full 7. Get GOOD Questions good questions are MAKE or BREAK. upgrade life = upgrade questions you’re asking. I got 30 days of questions in NEW MBJ2.0 30-Day Coaching ends with 2-3 questions. 60-90 of them total!! You can check it out here ► Stop settling start living Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/25/201821 minutes, 38 seconds
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LAW OF ATTRACTION EXPLAINED - 5 Steps to Easily Manifest More Money NOW (feat. Jake Ducey)

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Hey refusers! Killer video today from my good friend, Jake Ducey. This dude knows his stuff and has results to back it up. Definitely, check out and subscribe to his channel for more awesome content here: stop settling start living clark ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send an email with "RE: Coaching" in the title to: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/23/201831 minutes, 53 seconds
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Too Many Passions? How to Pick The BEST One

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Too Many Passions? How to Choose the BEST One! Today we're talking about how to find your passion and how to find your life purpose using only three circles. Hey guys, Clark back from - entrepreneur, drummer, and journal nerd. This video’s question comes from emails I get ALL the time saying - “clark, I have so many passions how do I choose?” This is my go to 4 things to do: 1. The Tree Circles Exercise: divide into vein diagram 1. Last 5-10 years doing? Credibility 2. What people pay for? Demand 3. Saturday Night test? Passion i.e. This channel — business advice, life experiences, journaling. 2. Don’t Be A Donkey! Derek Sivers - CHOOSE SOMETHING Doesn’t mean you have to do it forever i.e. My role model: Joe Rogan — FEAR factor, Comedy, UFC, Podcasting. Started with stand up/acting, THEN moved into UFC, podcasting. ONLY because others were successful. Choose something, not everything. 3. Master ONE Thing First Shiny object syndrome — stop jumping i.e. me and online business — BLOG/PODCAST/FACEBOOK/AMAZON FBA the list went on. Simplify. TWO things — email and YouTube. BOOM, business took off! NOW everything else I want to do can be MORE successful. Establish on ONE platform before taking on another. EX: How would it work out if we said I want to date 20 women and see who works? Watch the bachelor - shit is a MESS! ALWAYS end bad! Cheating in business — ALWAYS end bad! 4. Your 20% Time Google 20% time concept Give yourself permission to pursue side projects! Don’t lose balance. i.e. EDM Production for me — getting pretty deep into it. STILL know that this channel is priority. Stop settling start living Clark SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/22/201811 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Save Money | 7 Surprising Ways to Save Over $11,000 in 6 Months

In this video, I’m going to walk you step by step how I saved over $12,000 in under seven months without penny-pinching, freezing my credit cards, depriving myself of night outs. ► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life This video is not going to be about budgeting, save money on lattes, cut back on spending. This video’s going to be unconventional truth I used to save money. Here is how to save money fast and some ways to save money quickly even if you're on a strict budget. Most of these methods were kind of easy…. to my surprise. Saving money quick is about setting the RIGHT systems in place to make money work for you, not work for it. Quick Disclaimer — I’m NOT a finical expert! No finical advice is being given here. ALWAYS check with your financial provider before making any big moves with your money. 1. Quapital App: Get a FREE $5 with Qapital Here: My secret weapon. Remember that becoming rich is not about money you make - it's about the money you KEEP. I use that app to save portions of every check I earn online. It does it automatically for me so I don't see it happening! I set to freelancer rule - save 30%. If you download it though that link you'll get a FREE $5 when you make your first deposit. Quick disclaimer: I wasn't paid for my endorsement nor am I directly making money promoting these guys, but I get a $5 as well if you sign up/deposit and it's a cool way you can support the channel! Here are some other methods I used: 2. Pay Yourself FIRST 10% of everything you make yours to keep! -- Make yourself rich! AUTOMATE — DON’T TRUST YOURSELF 3. Ice Cream Freezer GOING to eat it. Money in same bank account = GOING to spend it. Set up entirely different bank account (checking for one bank, savings in another bank) 4. BIG wins I will teach you to be rich -- focus on BIG wins and don’t stress about small stuff — negotiate your salary, good student loans, stay out of credit debt or pay it off, debt free first. 5. Minimalism If you can’t afford to buy five, don’t buy one. Get rid of things - shows you what you don’t need. Strip down to basics. Reverse consumerism. Step out of momentum/mix up spending pattern. Get out of impulsive buying - expenses grow to your income (more money more problems). Parkinson's Law: tasks expand to time allotted. TIP: If you DO buy, switch to cash — hard to do! 6. Audit Yourself Don’t be scared of numbers — most truthful thing out there. Binary. Know your 90-day number. Money in vs. money out. HAVE to know your numbers = HAVE to know your calories to lose weight. 7. Educate Yourself Use to track spending Unshakeable: Money! Master the Game: “Richest Man in Babylon” book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book “Men, Women, Money” Kevin O’Leary Watch every video in out "Become A Millionaire" playlist: Stop settling start living Clark Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/21/201811 minutes, 53 seconds
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Become A Productivity Machine- 4 Ways To END Procrastination For GOOD!

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life How to Stop Procrastinating — 4 Steps to END PROCRASTINATION TODAY Okay refusers - let’s talk about procrastination! In this video, I'm going to give you 4 ways to END procrastination for GOOD. Here are some of the BEST strategies you can use in the next 5 minutes on how to overcome procrastination for GOOD. Remember: “The sooner you fall behind the more time you have to catch up” 1. Simplify Procrastination comes from one of two things: A) Overwhelm — TOO much to do, TOO many decisions, don’t choose any (EX: Jam Study) — found 20% of people B) Perfectionism — HAS to be perfect or it can’t be done. (EX: Editing videos) Lower your quota! Health: Eat ONE healthy meal Music: Play ONE note (rick rubin) Business: One sales call Writing: two crappy pages of writing per day (TF) Break down into simplest form — chunking. START with what you like best (intro, hook, joke, etc) QUESTION: What would this look like if it were easy? 2. Be Productive, Not Busy QUESTION: Am I being busy or productive? Excuse and cop out. (EX: Outlining videos vs. filming them)(EX: Anatomy Physiology text book, highlight/annotate but didn’t learn info) 3. NOT to Do List Put first things first — create RULES Busy or productive? Do things right or do the right things? Set some rules for yourself — example: No email outside of my home. Delete off phone. Stress out constantly. Feels productive, but it’s a happiness sucker. 4. Just Show Up The War of Art — amateur vs. pro = they show up. Consistency is hard to feel good about but the ONLY way to get what you want. (i.e. ripped six pack? investing money? relationship?) Little improvements — the power of 1%. What would it be like if you proved 1% each day? EX: Mandarin (learn word each day. Ni how/she she) = 365 words one year! Dr. Sues wrote Cat and The Hat with only 100 words - then Green eggs ham with 50!! Best selling children books of all time. How do you overcome procrastination? You Simplify, Be productive (not just busy), create a NOT to do list, and you Show Up. Stop settling start living Clark SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/20/20189 minutes, 5 seconds
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10 Signs You Will Be Successful One Day

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life 10 Signs You Will Become Successful Hey refusers, Clark back from - entrepreneur, drummer, and journal nerd. Today's video is a good one! We're going over the TEN signs you will become successful one day. These are the signs all successful people have. 1. You Refuse to Settle 2. You Value Energy Above All Time/Energy/Money = 3 currencies of life 3. You Pursue Side Projects GOOGLE: 20% time. Use that 20% time to explore. 4. You Commit to Never Ending Improvement Everyone who’s good at something was once awful at it! 5. You Only Move Forward “If I could start over today, would I still be doing _______” Don’t let past influence future — don’t let present hold you back form tomorrow. 6. You Bank On Work, Not Luck 7. You Can Figure It Our Yourself 8. You’re Not Afraid to Ask For Help When You Can’t If you want to become a millionaire, stop spending time on $10/hr tasks. It’s okay to pay for help — outsource. Sign of strength. TIP: Know the basics first before you outsource or ask for help — MUCH easier for you to learn, and MUCH easier for another person to help you. 9. You Collect Experiences, Not Things life is about getting the most experiences. If you have valuable, memorable, life changing experiences before the end, you win. 10. You Know It’s About The Execution, Not The Ideas i.e. “The Snuggie" and the death of the million dollar idea. Sold 30M units in first five years. Over half a billion dollars off a blanket with two sleeves from Dr. Suess. Stop settling start living Clark Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/19/201814 minutes, 22 seconds
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EXPOSED: Passive Income - The 6 Dirty Myths They Never Told You

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life EXPOSED: The Passive Income Myth — 6 Things They Never Told You Ahh passive income, the holy grail. Click a few buttons and sip pinna collides all day? Not so fast. In fact, If you don’t get what I’ll share with you in this short video, you’re in for a rough ride. Here is the dirty truth when it comes to making passive income. Got what it takes? Here are 6 things no one told me before pursuing passive income that I wasn’t expecting. Making this video to dispel some of the bullshit floating around out there about it — what to REALLY expect if you’re committed to making money online. Hey refusers, Clark from I’ve been online since 2011. Read 4HWW obsessed with leveraging power of the internet. Dreams and learning about millionaires. Clicking buttons checking in internet cafes. Sounded like my lifestyle. Then I tried it…. MUCH harder than I thought. Fast forward to now, fluctuates but make average of $6,000 month online, (some months $12k others $3k) most considered passive. What I want to share with you in this video. No bullshit about passive income. Disclaimer: niche I am in: SOLO Entrepreneur — digital content marketing: blogging, podcasting, video, online courses, email marketing, publishing, SEO, etc. Other kinds (I won’t touch on in this video): real estate, stocks, businesses, drop shipping, amazon FBA, etc. 1. Takes TONS of Active Effort to Set Up i.e. have an online course — took me 40 hours x week for 4 months to set up. Took me five years to amass a following to sell it to. Took me five years and thousands of hours to develop the skills to talk about content. Took me hundreds of videos to get credibility. YES. It takes WORK. It’s worth it in the end: Possibility. Scaleability. Flywheel. i.e. sell $47 prod at 3% to list of 3k built up over 12 mo = 90 sales ($4,230) i.e. sell $47 prod at 3% to list of 30k built up over 24 mo = 900 sales ($42,300) i.e. sell $47 prod at 3% to list of 300k built up over 60 mo = 9,000 sales ($423,000) 2. Takes Active Maintenance i.e. My YT channel here — if I don’t post video? not as many sales, not as fast of growth, in 2017 NEED to stay relevant. Your constant content is like heart beat contracting — circulates existing blood throughout body. 3. Takes A FUCK LOAD of Patience Long term game. Most books trying to tell you otherwise. 4. Takes A Brand — Differentiation You can type on a keyboard… so can EVERYONE else! what makes you different? In 2017 — it takes a BRAND not just content. i.e. self-help space — no degree, no credentials, high burnout. Everyone can talk about these motivational ideas. Everyone knows a “life coach” — how many people use them? 5. Takes Adaptation Cell phone from 2005 — would still work…. not well. Need to constantly update you model.i.e. Facebook ads. Instagram platform. Snapchat. These things evolve. Can’t escape the change, you will ALWAYS be in this. 6. Bonus: Don’t Write off Active Income i.e. coaching and consulting — not passive. It’s hourly. I love it. Stop settling start living Clark SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► Master Journaling ► NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) *Earnings Disclaimer* Income statements made by this video are ONLY estimates only of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.
2/18/201812 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is College A Scam? Why I DIDN'T Drop Out of University

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Is college a scam? Should you go to college? What are the pros and cons of going to college vs dropping out? In this video, we’re going to break down step by step if you should go to college or ditch it all together! Got an email I’ve actually received multiple times from different people — just of it is saying should you go to college? is it a scam? is it a waste of money? TWO Things before we break down everything about yes or no college: First thing I’ll say: most of the people online giving the classic “drop out of college advice” saying drop out of college, they’ve never been —easy to have ANTI-establishment view/etc. I’ve actually BEEN to college, I’ve graduated, I had an RA job where I was on floor counselor for freshmen/sophomores — many struggled with this and a few even dropped out! I have mixed feeing still…. Second Thing: …..COLLEGE IS EXPENSIVE! Here Are The Facts: 65% Americans have college debt total credit debt isn’t as much as total college debt! adjusted for inflation: gone up 300% over past couple decades! No longer a simple yes or no answer anymore —I’M NOT GIVING ANY ANSWERS Individual decision, here are some thoughts. Hope the resonate with you. Other Notes False choice: A or B — try to choose C Why is it COLLEGE or DREAMS? Either way, you go, you’ll have resentment towards yourself, your job, something that you didn’t choose the other. The best option is the one that creates MORE options. My take: YES! should you go to college? YES! should you pursue your dreams YES! Collect experiences! The real benefit of college for me: Gave me time. Exploration — without judging myself if I made the right choice. Confidence that I was doing something let me pursue other “backup plans” so to speak and those panned out to be what I’m doing now. Note on The Debt: Debt that constricts freedom — even heard people calling college a conspiracy! In fashion to shit on college and be “rebel” not a “SLAVE” to the system. I came out 20k in debt — $$235/mo for seven years. Sucks, but it’s not unlivable. Do side incomes that can pay $235 a month. Don’t have to pay for 6 months after. “Successful People Dropped Out”: “Bill Gates and Mark Z dropped out” — look at those two. TWO people out of how many? They dropped out of HARVARD. Not some state school. MZ didn’t drop out to START facebook, they started it in college then once it was so successful, made the call to do it full time. Tim Ferriss interview: Everyone he meets who didn’t go to college or finish college carries that insecurity with them in some way. Straight Answer tl;dr YES — paid for, specific job, unsure NO — self-fund, FOMO, unsure Stop settling start living Clark SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► Master Journaling ► NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/17/201821 minutes, 25 seconds
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Deep Marketing Strategies - SO GOOD These Should Be Illegal!

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Okay, here are some deep marketing strategies for small businesses or personal branding. Let's get into these! Four months ago I posted a video about how to sell anything to anyone. Half million people saw that video, (and about half a million funny comments as well) but it was missing something.... The thing is before you jump to selling something to someone, you need to understand exactly who you’re selling to. Get INSIDE their heads. Successful marketing is the precursor to unlimited sales — see past the superficial layers customers will say, and dive into the deepest truth of what they won’t say. Talk about how to do that in this video. ► Part II: How to Sell A Product - Sell Anything to Anyone with The 4 P's Method: Hey it’s Clark back from — creator of Video Breakthrough Academy. One of the biggest struggles I had, when I was first starting my online business, was deciding who I was talking to. You’re going to have a hard time selling if you don’t know how to market or brand yourself. WARNING: Use this only for good - can be manipulative. Actually hurt you if you don’t do this tastefully. Watch the entire video carefully. Before I go further, WHOLE module on this in VBA — get deep inside audience’s head. Credit: Mike Fishman on the Social Triggers podcast. Three steps: 1. Can Say First, is focusing on what they can say — the obvious stuff. Sometimes, the most PC stuff/ easy to say. EX: Health — I want to lose weight so that I can be healthy EX: Business — I want my business to be successful so that I can impact people EX: Dating — I want to find someone who I can treat well. Worth investing into. Relationship with and Friendship with. How to find this out? Obvious because they will tell you! 2. Won’t Say Second is focusing on what they WON’T say — the deeper stuff. Often times we know this about yourself, but wouldn't share it outright. EX: Health — I want to lose weight so that I can take off my shirt at a beach and feel confident. EX: Business — I want to get filthy rich so that work is a bonus, not a have to. Drag me out of bed slave to an alarm clock each morning. Don't have to beg for 2 weeks off each year. EX: Dating — I want to be desirable, know that when I walk away from talking to women she’s going to tell her friends about me. BONUS TIP: paint the picture. Say things like “picture this” or “what would it feel like” REAL world examples that resonate with people “i.e. slave to alarm clock” 3. Can’t Say Last, is focusing on what they CAN’T say — the deepest, subconscious layer. You know them better than they know themselves! Point out things they don’t even realize. Most people aren't marketers, don’t get this deep into their own heads…. but they FEEL it. The last video, we buy with emotions and justify with logic. WARNING: this can get manipulative. Too soon = offensive. EX: Health — I want to get a six pack so that women will want me, men will be jealous, and I can take photos for Instagram and be proud of my body. EX: Business — My reason: I want to make so much money that my family never has to worry about finances ever again. I can be a provider, someone my wife brags about at parties. Someone who has “made it” EX: Dating — women true example: I thought I’d have someone by now, all my friends having children and seem further ahead than me, I don’t want to miss my biological clock and never be able to bear children. Stop settling start living Clark YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous SONGS Get royalty free music for your videos (what I use) ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES Video Breakthrough Academy ►http:// The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/16/20189 minutes, 17 seconds
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WHY NOT YOU?! | How to STOP Watching Other People's Success

► Get Instant Access to Video Breakthrough Academy: ► FREE 4-Part Passive Income with YouTube Course: (no credit card required) ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind Are you watching other people's success? Some raw rants on success fantasies, F.O.M.O and how to stop being jealous of others. Remember that the BEST time to get started with something is today. It's never too late to refuse to settle and start pursuing the life you want. stop settling start living Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS All music is from Epidemic Sounds here ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/15/20182 minutes, 50 seconds
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Here's Why People Are Jealous of YOU

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Here's why people get jealous of you. Remember that haters are jealous when you start reaching success. Realize that you're the one playing on the court while they watch from the sidelines. Get out there and CRUSH it. Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► stop settling start living, Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS All music is from Epidemic Sounds here ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/14/20182 minutes, 20 seconds
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3 Decisions You'll Regret Forever

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind At end of life look back not at what we did, but at what we didn’t do. Ask these three questions in some form... I’ve been doing a ton of deep work lately and just wanted to rant on 3 things I see. At the core of what we all want in life, to know that we actualized our full potential. Two paths: Safety path (job, don't go for it, secure, etc) but Risky path (go for it, leave a legacy, reward). Ultimately the riskiest thing we can do is to play it safe — end up at end of life with one of these three questions... The PAST does NOT Equal the future. Don’t let what you DIDN’T do or DIDN’T follow through with hold you back from what you WILL do or WILL follow through with. What is that for you? The business you half started/burnt out on, Relationship that hurt you, Health diet program didn’t deliver, discouraging I know — but every day is new and a different chance to MAXIMIZE your 32,850 days. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► stop settling start living Clark 1. DID I CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH? Don’t be a donkey: Donkey is standing between a bucket of hay and bucket of water. Not knowing that he can have one, then the other, he falls over dead stuck in the middle. WE can’t be like that donkey. In life, have SO MANY decisions, I get it. Overwhelming. But life is about choices. 2. DID I GIVE IT MY ALL? 32,850 - # days till 90 avg. 78 y/o — 28k days — if you’re 20-30 that’s around 19k days left. How are you going to maximize them? 3. DID I WASTE MY POTENTIAL? Best advice I go? Stop trying to LOOK for right person, start trying to BECOME the right person (business, relationships, health, success, etc) Get Your FREE "YouTube Passive Income" video series here: ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS All music is from Epidemic Sounds here ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
10/31/20179 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Handle Haters, Trolls & Harsh Criticism

Get Your FREE "YouTube Passive Income" video series here: ► At some point in life, we're going to come across people trying to tear us down. We will need to learn how to handle haters. This video is about how to deal with haters at work, on youtube, in life, or negative people in general. Here are my five favorite ways to crush haters, trolls, and harsh criticism. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Video Breakthrough Academy is now LIVE! Enroll now and learn how to start, grow, and make passive income off your YouTube channel ► stop settling start living Clark NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ 1. H.A.T.E.R.S having anger towards everyone reaching success 2. Tall Poppy Syndrome Look at their Yelp/Social page — single positive review on there? e.g. THINK OF ANYONE: MLK had haters, Mother Teresa had haters, Gandhi had tons of haters STORY: Video went semi-viral, the MORE popular it got the MORE haters it brought! Same with your life. The MORE successful you become, the MORE haters you will attract. Bigger target. “Go till your haters ask if you’re hiring” 3. Don’t Engage Buddha — “If someone brings you a gift and you choose not to accept it, who’s gift is that?” Every minute you spend focusing on THEM is one less on YOU or a FAN. 4. Force For GOOD Leave a trail of positivity wherever you go. Positive amazon reviews Positive YouTube comments Positive facebook comments Praise Folder on desktop Success log in journal 5. Listen to Them STORY: My LONG email — bitching about my name and 50 other things. Could he be right? Made me reflect on a couple other things. The difference between “hate” and criticism. Often times unsolicited advice is seen as criticism. STORY: “Oh, what a wonderful opportunity for personal growth” Get Your FREE "YouTube Passive Income" video series here: ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS All music is from Epidemic Sounds here ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
10/24/201710 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Get 32k Real YouTube Subscribers in Under 90 Days

Get Your FREE "YouTube Passive Income" Book (limited time giveaway) Click here: ► Hey, all! We're back with another Video Breakthrough Academy lesson. This one is how on to get subscribers. These are REAL strategies to gain more subscribers on youtube. Subscribers are the people who will explode your channel and help grow your YouTube channel fast. Getting more subscribers is essential to your long-term growth on this platform. Over the past 90 days, I earned 32k REAL youtube subscribers without ads, buying views, or any scammy tactics. Here is my on-screen proof and walkthrough in the hopes that it speeds up your learning curve or that you can replicate some of these methods onto your channel. Quick note: I did not talk about my posting strategy -- but it was basically a 3 video x 10min each for 10 weeks. Try this out and see what happens. There is NO chance you will gain subscribers if you're not posting any videos. If you like these tips be sure you pick up the FREE YouTube Sucess ebook here ► Stop settling start living ✖︎ Clark Master Journaling ✖︎ NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ 1. GO WHERE PEOPLE ARE FISHING Utilize "The dirty restaurant method" Look at TubeBuddy (affiliate link): 2. Make It Evergreen Two types of content First: Trending content — e.g. Donald Trump election in 2016 polls Second: Evergreen content — people STILL searching for years later. This lets you get more long-term reach. What we want. 3. Use Titles That Sell and Keywords That Get Discovered TubeBuddy: YouTube Search Bar Tags — related in TubeBuddy 4. Don’t Cheat DO NOT pay for traffic EVER! Do NOT do “sub for sub” comments 5. Collaborate Find similar sized channels. You MUST bring them value. GO ALL IN when you do — make it AWESOME and make it natural. If you like these tips be sure you pick up the FREE YouTube Sucess ebook here ► ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS All music is from Epidemic Sounds here ► ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Video Breakthrough Academy ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
10/16/201719 minutes, 38 seconds
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The 5 Books That Make Millionaires - How to Become Rich

Get Your FREE "YouTube Passive Income" Book (limited time giveaway) Click here: ► What are the top five books on how to become a millionaire? Here are my personal favorite books on how to become rich or how to be a millionaire. Remember that any book you read is worthless if you don’t take action. But all the information is here — It’s up to us to take advantage of this information and apply it. Watch the last video "The Ultimate Guide to Passive Income" here: ► Here are my top five books to become a millionaire. (affiliate links) 1. The 4-Hour Work Week ► Escape the 9 to 5 mindset — why waste BEST years of your life slaving away at a job for some holy grail retirement? Broken system. (use “mini-retirements” throughout) Escape the hours for dollars mindset. Remain OPEN — open to possibilities and paths. If you want this, it CAN happen. 2. Unshakeable ► Start toady. Don’t touch it. Leverage your time, compounding. Don’t listen to naysayers or chicken little distractions. Index funds = own a LOT of a little. (Buffets favorite) 3. Think and Grow Rich ► Mass desire — channel hunger and drive into generating wealth. My story: Housekeeping affirmations that lead to $10,651 4. The Millionaire Fast Lane ► Slow lane: Work for 60 years. Get rich quick DOES exist (IPO/ Sell Company/ Critical Mass). Get rich easy does not. Most of this comes down to YOUR mindset 5. I Will Teach You to Be Rich ► “Save money on lattes” is bad advice. Focus on BIG wins. (negotiate salary = $10k/yr)(Buy/ Sell house =$30k++). Willpower finite resource. Set auto savings systems in place. Be sure you download my FREE 100% FULL ebook on how to make passive income with youtube videos ► Stop settling start living ✖︎ Clark Master Journaling ✖︎ NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS USED Get the music I use here - Epidemic ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) *Earnings Disclaimer* Income statements made by this video are ONLY estimates only of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.
10/10/201712 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Passive Income - 4 Ways to Make Money Online (NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED)

Your FREE Copy of "The YouTube Success Formula" for Making Passive Income Online ► The Ultimate Guide to Passive Income - 4 Ways to Make Money Online (NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED) Passive income — the holy grail. Picture setting systems in place today - so you profit tomorrow. and for months, even years to come. If you’re someone who’s willing to invest a little bit of work up front, this can be extremely powerful way to subside your income (extra couple hundred a month? got to a nice dinner, pay off debt, take a trip you couldn’t otherwise afford) or completely REPLACE your income (work from anywhere in the world, no limits grow exponentially). I’ve done both of those stages. and as someone in the second stage This video has ONE goal: Cut down the learning curve for you. Learn methods that are instantly possible — don’t waste time spinning wheels. Special bonus for you at the end. Keep watching. Here are my FOUR favorite Passive Income Methods for beginners. Be sure you download my FREE 100% FULL ebook on how to make passive income with youtube videos ► 1. YouTube Videos -Create what I call "video assets" - The BEST way to do this is to serve people. -Build a relationship with them -72% all content will be video on the internet by 2019 *Cisco 2. Affiliate Marketing -Look into Amazon Associates -Look into Clickbank products to promote 3. Kindle Publishing -Create short (6,000-10,000 word) ebooks and publish them to the kindle store. -You Don’t have to write them -K Money Mastery Course: 4. Online Courses Self-Hosted (UGTKAJ) Provider Hosted Skillshare, Udemy, Teachable Ready to learn how to maximize this/ get started? shave years off your startup time with this free download ► Stop settling start living ✖︎ Clark Master Journaling ✖︎ NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS USED Get the music I use here - Epidemic ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) *Earnings Disclaimer* Income statements made by this video are ONLY estimates only of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.
10/3/201725 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Avoid Burnout and Stay Motivated

FREE Make Money with YouTube ebook ► Hey all - just some thoughts on how to avoid burnout and stay motivated. Avoiding burnout can be one of the best ways to keep your self driven and stay motivated over the long term. This video was an excerpt of my upcoming course, "Video Breakthrough Academy" launching April 27th. I am SO excited to share more about this course with you. It's going to be EPIC. Much love - let's CRUSH 2017 together. OH! And be sure you're in the RTS Private Mastermind Group on Facebook ► Stop settling start living Clark ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS You can find all the music I use here: ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
9/25/20179 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your One Word | How to Find Your Passion and Become A Successful Entrepreneur w/ Evan Carmichael

FREE 11 Questions to Change Your Life ✖︎ Get The ONE Word Book here: Some have used the ideas in this book to build multi-billion dollar businesses. I’m going to give you the surprisingly simple-yet-powerful formula that they used (and you can also use) to realize your dreams. Hey guys, we're back with this week's book review: "Your One Word: The Powerful Secret to Creating a Business and Life That Matter" The book was written by fellow YouTuber Evan Carmichael. He coaches entrepreneurs for peak performance. At 19, he built then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a VC helping raise $500k to $15mil. Evan was named one of the Top 100 Great Leadership Speakers for your Next Conference by Inc Magazine and one of the Top 40 Social Marketing Talents by Forbes. He has been interviewed or featured as an entrepreneur expert in The New York Times, The Wall St. Journal, Forbes, Mashable, and elsewhere. He now runs, a popular website for entrepreneurs. He speaks globally and is based in Toronto. And his One Word is Believe. ✖︎ CONNECT WITH EVAN on YouTube: Thanks for the support with Refusing to Settle. SO stoked to share with you what I've been working on in the next couple weeks :) Here's the playlist I spoke about in this video: Stop settling start living ✖︎ Clark Master Journaling ✖︎ NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ Get The ONE Word Book here: ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS "Sugar Dream" - Epidemic "Growing Concentration 2" - Epidemic "Slow Hands" - Epidemic "Tied Up" - Epidemic "Top Down" - Epidemic ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
9/18/201729 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Get RICH - Tony Robbins on Unshakeable |10 BEST Ideas

► Ready to Make Passive Income Online? Claim Your FREE YouTube Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions ebook: UPDATE: The first story was of "Theodore Johnson" NOT Paul Tudor Jones. Apologies for mixing up the names so badly! What would it feel like to know that no matter what happens in life, you’ll have enough money to be okay. No matter what the government does (or doesn’t do), no matter what your job does, no matter if you don’t have to have a job - the stress of finances are gone. Get the book ✖︎ Get the Quapital App ✖︎ Quick Disclaimer — I’m NOT a finical expert! No finical advice is being given here. ALWAYS check with your financial provider before making any big moves with your money. we’ll cover that in the 10 best ideas so you can have that freedom in this weeks book review “Unshakable” You Financial Freedom Playbook Hey guys, Clark back from - welcome to the book review series distilling down best BOOKS that make your life better in around 20min or so. I take those 300 pages and give you the BEST 10 ideas from them. Get the book ✖︎ Talking about a lot lately: Tony Robbins - the headline act in peak performance, went from homeless to life coach or US presidents 40 Million copies of infomercial. coach to top leaders: Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, Oprah. Tony feeds MILLIONS on annual basis - committed 100% profits of latest book to feeding the homeless. Stop settling start living ✖︎ Clark Master Journaling ✖︎ NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ Get the book ✖︎ ✖︎ 10 BIG IDEAS 1. Your Wealth Tax Paul Theodore Jones story -- Getting rich requires two things: Discipline and Time. Right now you need to COMMIT to yourself just like Jones did, make a wealth tax. Save “x” amount and automate it! 2. Start TODAY 19-year old saves $300/mo until age 27 ($28,000). (grow at 8-10% annually doesn’t touch it) 29-year old starts $300/mo until age 65 ($140,000). 19: $ close to 2MILLION dollars at age 65 29: $ over $300,000 LESS than other guy! 3. Compounding Full Investools video: Most powerful tool in making you rich. Einstein calls the 8th wonder of the world Get the book ✖︎ 4. Fear & Chicken “The sky is falling” or “Winter is coming” — crash coming. 44% of USA never invest in stocks post 08’ crash because they believed it was too risky. 5. Can’t Time The Market “The point of market forecasters is to make fortune-tellers look good” -Buffet Can’t time the market, and the WORST thing you can do is be OUT of the market. 6. Buffet Bullets “Rule number one, don’t lose. Rule number two, don’t forget rule number one” “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful” Get the book ✖︎ 7. Diversification: Four Kinds Fight the natural human tendency to do what we know. — One trick pony 1. Asset class (stock/bond/property/etc) 2. Within the asset class (index fund/ REITS/ etc) 3. Countries (USA/International) 4. Time (young/adult/old) 8. Owner or Consumer? If you own iPhone 7 for $700 but you don’t own $700 worth of Apple stock what’s wrong? You’re a consumer, not an owner. If you want to be rich need to attain assets not liabilities. -RDPD 9. Index Funds 10. Resources and Apps Unshakeable: Money! Master the Game: Quapital App ✖︎ ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS All music from this video can be found here: Epidemic ✖︎ SOURCES Investools Video: "Test Flight" drone footage Author: Ricardo Mantilla Author webpage: Licence: ATTRIBUTION LICENSE 3.0 ( Downloaded at ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
9/11/201715 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Successful People Think - 3 Things Holding You Back

FREE 11 Questions to Change Your Life ✖︎ Watch the previous video on getting rich► How successful people think. Here are the three things holding you back from the life you want. Some thoughts and rants on how to become successful by developing a success mindset and learning to master your mind. Stop settling start living ✖︎ Clark Master Journaling ✖︎ NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ✖︎ ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Journaling Series ► The BEST OF Series ► How to Get Rich Series ► ✖︎ SOCIAL Join the NEW RTS FB Mastermind Group ► Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous ✖︎ SONGS "Sugar Dream" - Epidemic "Growing Concentration 2" - Epidemic "Slow Hands" - Epidemic "Tied Up" - Epidemic "Top Down" - Epidemic ✖︎ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► ✖︎ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
9/4/20179 minutes, 12 seconds
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The 4 Money Mindsets You MUST Master to Attract Wealth

► Ready to Make Passive Income Online? Claim Your FREE YouTube Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions ebook: Watch the previous wealth video The 4 Money Mindsets You MUST Master to Attract Wealth What if you took the top 1% of performers in the world -- the self-made billionaires and millionaires and looked at what they all had in common. Going to share with you FOUR money mindsets they have to attract more wealth into their life. These are four things millionaires believe. Full Disclaimer: I AM NOT A MILLIONAIRE. Using these 7 habits I am well on my way by age of 30. Speaking of not being a millionaire, I worked with middle schoolers every day for 3 years. When you ask a 12-year-old kid what car they want to drive, always get the same response: LAMBO, FERRARI, BMW never get “Prius” or “Subaru Outback with great safety rating” But what happens later in life? The reality is most people don’t drive Lambos. Take any 100 people follow them for 40 years from when they started working and here’s what you’ll find. According to Social Security Administration: 1 will be wealthy 4 will be finically secure 5 will continue working (not because they want to, because they have to) 36 will be dead 54 will be dead broke Master Journaling ► Join the RTS FB mastermind ✖️ Want a free $5? Save with Quapital App using this link ✖︎ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Tools of Titans ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (Part III) ► I Lost My Job Today ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous RTS FB mastermind ✖️ SONGS USED: "Sugar Dream" - Epidemic "Growing Concentration 2" - Epidemic "Slow Hands" - Epidemic "Tied Up" - Epidemic "Top Down" - Epidemic ✖️ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
8/28/201710 minutes, 4 seconds
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Best Productivity Advice: Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

FREE 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Best Productivity Advice: Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time. This is the number one thing I've used to increase my rate of getting things done and becoming more productive. We all have a limited supply of energy at any given point. Learn to manage that, not worry so much about time! Join the RTS FB mastermind ✖️ Master Journaling ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Tools of Titans ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (Part III) ► I Lost My Job Today ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
8/21/20173 minutes, 21 seconds
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7 Ways to Deal With Toxic People In Your Life

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ Let’s talk about how to deal with toxic people in your life. When you hear “toxic people” I’m willing to bet at least ONE person popped into your mind. Think about them in this video. Dive into seven quick steps on how to recognize when someone's holding you back and if they are, how to cut them out of your awesome life. Before get fully into this, acknowledge there are SOME people you CAN’T get rid of. No excuse not to watch the video, these tips still work. Use them as much as possible! So if you’re with me, hit that like button and let’s dive into it. ★★★ BEST 7 TIPS ★★★ 1. You Are Who You Hang Around Study: found if your best friend became obese you are 57% more likely to be obese as well. Study: found couples start to look alike physically over time! Because they mimic each other's facial expressions so much, changes their own! (also with pets and people). You’ve probably heard “You are the Avg of top 5 people you spend the most time with” of “Birds of feather flock together”. Ask, do I want to be like who I’m hanging around? My body to look like them? My mindset? My style? 2. Sunk Costs I define toxic as anyone who is sucking more energy from you than they provide. Energy vampire. I believe this: “There are some people you grow up with and others you grow out of”. Whatever it is, if you’re going to change you’ll need to get over “sunk costs”. Devil, you know better than the devil you don't. When to make that tough call — don’t let sunk costs influence your thinking. 3. Why People Suck Two ways to have the tallest building in town: way one is to build it. Takes a lot of time/energy/effort. Way two is to tear everyone else’s down. Knew someone who had a best friend of 8 years who FORCE another one to eat/drink excessively — had to cut out. When the friend didn’t want to hang around them she got defensive and said: “You’ve changed” or “think you’re too good for us?” etc. Good sign bad person: when they try to convince you to enable their bad habits. Feels better to them if you get on their level. 4. Tell Them. Give them a chance! I don’t recommend to just cut people out of the blue. Give them a chance to change. Have a conversation with complete honesty about their behavior. Know that everyone has own struggles. We ALL go through rough patches. My biggest beef with personal development is that it can be SELFISH! Remember that relationships are a place you go to give, not a place you go to get (end rant). EX: That same friend who drinks too much and says awful things. Didn’t accept that behavior, told them. Nonjudgmental way. Nonaccusatory. “Hey, notice you get a little rowdy drinking. if anythings up ever need to talk about things, I’m here”. Worked on for years with that person. Still nothing. Give them multiple chances to fix things. 5. Distance TRUST YOUR GUT! Dr. Phil put a person on a “watch list” radar “There are some people you grow up with. Others you grow out of.” Ease out of things. 6. Model Like attracts like. You attract what you are. Ever see a 10 with a 4? 10s attract 10s! Work harder on improving yourself than anything else you do and you’ll be successful. You’ll attract people to you. Refuse to settle for anything less than you deserve. 7. Your Online Top 5 I’m apart of a group that has over 7k+ members on Facebook - all over the world, post photos of newborn babies, raise money for health crisis — what would you guess the groups about? MENS HAIR PRODUCTS. Point being whatever you’re into there are people out there. Pursue your interests and you’ll find people. 8. 80/20 Analysis Write a list of everyone you spend time with. Work, family, relationship, friends. What 20% of people gave me 80% of my happiness? Focus on spending 80% of your time with that 20% and you’ll be happier. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
8/14/20179 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in Under 3 Seconds

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ I’m going to show you ONE TIP to overcome fear and anxiety in under 3 seconds. I want to tell you a quick story about how I met my current girlfriend (relates to fear). I know you can relate to the fear of dating someone or asking someone out. There I was, 23 years old out of college. Just got out of a 2-year relationship in college, figuring out what I was going to do in life, self-esteem was pretty rock bottom. Talking about getting out there again with an old friend from high school + reminiscing about fun times “back in the day”. Later that night, I was on Facebook — and a woman we spoke about who I haven’t seen in over 4 years pops up. One of those moments in life where things line up — literally talking about this girl 4 hours ago for the first time in 4 years, what does this mean? Superstitious. She looks really good — check. Stalking Facebook profile seems like she's gone to college and intelligent — check. In Seattle — check. Okay — I’m going to shoot her a message to catch up. Then it hit me. The fear, the thoughts — “what if she says it’s creepy” or “what if she doesn’t remember me” or “what if she has a boyfriend”. So I shut the laptop and walked away. I froze up. Even sending some stupid text message online scared me half to death. But what I did next is what I’ll share with you, and it took 3 seconds — but it’s changed my life the past 3 years. All felt fear before. Maybe asking someone out? Maybe before you got up to speak in front of people? Maybe when you were asking a boss for a raise? Maybe when you were about to drop in a halfpipe skateboarding — the thing that determines your success or failure in life is HOW you handle FEAR. Three things you need to know before getting over fear: 1. Fear is good 2M-year-old brains keep us alive — not shoot DMs to people we knew 4 years ago online. 2. Fear is primal. Fraud says fear is so primal — ripped away from the mother at birth and cry. Need another person to survive for 5 years+ of our life. Trying to fill that hole or needs we never met. 3. Courage is not the absence of fear — believe it’s the response TO fear. if you want to do ANYTHING great in life, need to master fear. So back to that 3-second rule, I was going to share with you. I used to follow pickup artist community back in high school. How do they do it? These guys with severe social anxiety overcome and go to clubs with goofy hats, bracelets, and are 3/10 walk away from the night with a 9/10!? I took and still use today is this. That is, when you feel fear come up, take action w/ in 3 seconds. FORCE yourself — THROW yourself into whatever it is before 3 seconds, and you’re much more likely to DO IT. 99% of the time, it will work out and you’ll get the response you wanted. If it doesn’t work out, guess what? failure is feedback — adjust approach and try next time! More data. EX: fear Ask boss for raise — they say no. WORST that can happen. So if we were to look at that bet, the WORST thing is they say No, the best thing is you make extra 15% this year doing the same job! 3 SR cuts off your logical system in brain — the part that normally allows you to rationalize your way out of taking action. MY EX: So I used this to shoot a message to my now girlfriend. Met up and instantly clicked. Still going strong to this day. Me my girlfriend would never have traveled to Thailand. She's now my best friend. Best relationship I’ve been in. Traveling this year with her. Would have NEVER had any of that if I didn’t do that little 3-second rule take action trick. stop settling start living: feel the fear and do it anyway Nervous? Anxious? Think about this: What if you DON’T do it? FOR SURE nothing will happen. Stay the exact same. Picture everything going right if you do it. What you will gain. What will your life be like if you DON’T do this? MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) ✔︎ SOURCES Music Contributors: 1. Intro song by “Where Are U Now” by Late June, follow him here : 2. Song by “Perth (Bon Iver Remix)” by Mi Ka, follow him here : Video Contributors: 1. "City Fair Date” by Steven Alen VIA Mazwai CC 2. "City Night” by Videovo VIA Videvo CC 3. "LA Mountain Sunrise” by mikesteinkamp VIA Videvo CC
8/7/20174 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Sell A Product - Sell Anything to Anyone with The 4 P's Method

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ How to Sell A Product so That People MUST Buy - 4 P's Method Promise In this video, I will teach you how to sell so good people will pull out the wallet and say “TAKE MY MONEY”. Before you learn this must promise me: I WILL ONLY USE THIS METHOD FOR GOOD. I WILL NOT MANIPULATE. If you can’t promise that, aka you’re a sociopath do not watch this video. Picture If you’re watching this video I’m willing to bet you’ve had to SELL something at some point in your life. physical product? IDEAS? Sell yourself in an interview. Whatever it is, picture having a method that works for anything — A master key in the back of your pocket you can pull out any sales situation and it fits perfectly. Unlock the results you want with one turn. Teach you that simple formula I use for writing persuasive content, sales pitches, convincing girlfriend where we should eat — list goes on. Proof I use this SAME method every video. In fact, what you’ve been watching this entire minute IS the method I’m going to teach you. Still watching? Proof it works and has held your attention this long. Credit for this goes to Mike Del Ponte on the Social Triggers Podcast. The 4 P’s Method. Want to learn how to sell yourself using video marketing? Get the YouTube Success Formula ebook Kindle Edition for ONLY $2.99 Inside you’ll discover….. ►How to grow your YouTube Channel 5-year worth in 5-months ►How to make 10 x the money you’re currently making on AdSense ►The secret to getting discovered on YouTube and creating videos your fans can’t stop watching. Click Here for Instant Access ► ★★★ The 4 P's ★★★ Content: The 4 P’s 1. Promise Short punchy ONE line about what you want to give them. EX: Ad — hook in first 5 sec or other 60 doesn’t matter. EX: Movie — hook in the first scene! MY EX: Teach you how to sell so good people will pull out wallet and say “TAKE MY MONEY” 2. Picture We buy with our emotions. We rationalize with logic. A feature is great, but give me BENEFITS. What will this DO in my life for me? 3. Proof Apple story graphic designer. Don’t TELL ME. SHOW me. This method: Look in the description of this video. I’ve included my entire word for word outline. 4.Pitch Now we’re current with where you’re watching and I’m talking. It’s time for me to close this video with last P: The Pitch. What is your call to action? If you’re watching this, you know about the pitch. This is where people focus all energy on learning. Skip first 3 P’s. EX: Every email has ONE CTA for best click-throughs. Because people overwhelmed with options, won’t choose any. ONE thing want them to do? Principles to include Scarcity, My Pitch So here’s my pitch to you: If you got this far — like this video. Share this video with someone who you’ve spoken about sales or persuasion with. Want to Be Coached By Me? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) Video Gear I Love: YouTube Success Formula ► TubeBuddy ► Canon T5i ► Canon G7x ► Video Mic ► Studio Backdrop ► Studio Lighting ► External Hard Drive ► Memory Card ► Connect With Me On Social: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► My Products & Courses The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► My Hair Company ►
7/31/20177 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to NOT Get Nervous Speaking in Front of People

► Ready to Make Passive Income Online? Claim Your FREE YouTube Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions ebook: How to NOT Get Nervous Speaking in Front of People This video is going to make you look good the next time you have to speak in public. 3/4 of people report MASSIVE fear of public speaking! Ranks higher on top 10 fears list than spiders, heights, small spaces, even DEATH! Problem? Most of us won’t find ourselves giving a ted talk anytime soon. STILL need these tips. Public speaking is EVERY DAY: class, joke w/ friends, on a date, job interview, toast at event, group of friends. I’ve spoken in front of hundreds of people — planning on doing more in 2017. Comm in university. Created over 500 YT videos public speaking/ podcast to Millions of downloads worldwide. Love public speaking — still get nervous! Five things I wish I knew 5 years ago. TOP 5 TIPS: 1. DON’T picture Audience Naked You sicko. Picture them as your friends. Write to a close friend. Talk to a close friend. Use same language as friends. Use their OWN words. No posturing. 2. SLOW down AVG speaking pace around 110 -150 WPM. Most people get on stage and go 200WPM. SLOW it down. EX: Last mile of one mile each lap feel like run faster than previous. Minimize caffeine before event. 3. Structure Benchmarks of speech to hit. Small goals motivating. DON’T say “top 34 things” say BIG 4 things. 4. Act As If Anxious because you see it all GOING WRONG. Flip that. See it all going RIGHT. Sing in public? Go into a kindergarten class and ask every hand goes up. 5. LEARN! HTWFIP/ HTTA Our previous videos on confidence + CommunicationWB said DC class best investment he’s made. LEARN about public speaking! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Tools of Titans ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (Part III) ► I Lost My Job Today ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
7/24/20179 seconds
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How to Read More (Without Reading)

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ Video with Practical Psychology: In this video, I’m going to show you a couple kick-ass fail-proof ways to read faster and maintain MORE of what you read. Look, the actual act of reading I do not find enjoyable. In fact, I am dyslexic and had a reading level labeled 2 grades below my peers throughout school. If you can relate, it takes me 2-3 times just to read one sentence (only once if I have coffee). Reading is frustrating, time-consuming and challenging. I hate reading, but I LOVE knowledge. Discover a couple ways to hack down the time reading and increase the output from each book. Do book reviews on this channel - one of most ASKED questions is “Clark, how do you read so many books?!” I read over 100 books in 2016. But quite honestly doesn’t matter the amount, matters how much you retain and use! Use following 3 methods. Let me share them with you on how to retain more of what you read. 1. I don’t read them Get to move while you do this. Not locked into staying put. Enhance retention! EX: riding my motorcycle in Thailand and I remember everything with images. Puzzling - when I look at that puzzle quotes/studies/points from Quiet come back! Think of it like a song you hear again you listened to in middle school. Brings back memories. Or smell someone wore you smell again - BOOM like they’re there in front of you. 2. I move fast Painfully slow narrator. Also, do this on Podcasts/ YouTube videos/ everything you want to get through. BONUS: Find interviews of the author on podcasts by searching their name or boo title. Hear 80% of what books about in 1 hour (or 30min if you 1.5 x :-) 3. I skip most the book Tai Lopez: Took his 67 steps (actually a really good program). Mining for “gold nuggets”. Get the 67 Steps here: YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Tools of Titans ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (Part III) ► I Lost My Job Today ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
7/17/20176 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Become Rich - 7 Secrets All Self-Made Millionaires Use

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ What if you took the top 1% of performers in the world -- the self-made billionaires and millionaires and looked at what they all had in common. Going to share with you 7 things they all do. Full Disclaimer: I AM NOT A MILLIONAIRE. Using these 7 habits I am well on my way by age of 30. Speaking of not being a millionaire, I worked with middle schoolers every day for 3 years. When you ask a 12-year-old kid what car they want to drive, always get the same response: LAMBO, FERRARI, BMW never get “Prius” or “Subaru Outback with great safety rating” But what happens later in life? The reality is most people don’t drive Lambos. Take any 100 people follow them for 40 years from when they started working and here’s what you’ll find. According to Social Security Administration: 1 will be wealthy 4 will be finically secure 5 will continue working (not because they want to, because they have to) 36 will be dead 54 will be dead broke 1. Think BIG Zero Based thinking - Don’t let your past determine your future. 2. VALUE: I am not compensated for my time, I am compensated for the value I create 3. SIZE: The more I serve, the More I earn. “The more you serve, the MORE you earn” - Jim Rohn serving MANY, not the FEW. 4. Communicate Listen to Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Obama, Bill Gates — all have a great vocabulary. Know how to speak in public. WB said took DC course best desiccation he’s ever made. TF: “A person’s success or failure in life can be determined by how many uncomfortable conversations he/she is willing to have” 5. Decide. Commit. Achieve. Make it your obsession. Success obsession. Laser targeted focus. EX: Bill gates 10 dark years. Didn’t try 50 things during that timeframe. Committed to one thing until it was successful. 6. Speed “Create faster than anyone else can copy” 7. Model Mentors/ coaches. Model success of those you admire. Act as if: TR: Become that person. Join the RTS FB mastermind ✖️ Want a free $5? Save with Quapital App using this link ✖︎ Get the YouTube Success Formula ebook Kindle Edition for ONLY $2.99 Click Here for Instant Access ► YouTube Gear I Love: (affiliate links) YouTube Success Formula ► TubeBuddy ► Canon T5i ► Canon G7x ► Video Mic ► Studio Backdrop ► Studio Lighting ► External Hard Drive ► Memory Card ► Other YouTube Success Videos: How to Get More Views on YouTube 2017 ► MUST WATCH: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel FAST ► YouTube Branding and Marketing Advice ► How to Rank Your YouTube Videos FAST ► Connect With Me On Social: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► My Products & Courses The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company ► Want to Be Coached By Me? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) ✔ SOURCES ✔ Videos: "City Night” by Videovo "Flying Over Forest" by Videvo VIA Videvo CC "Downtown Detroit” by DJKNOWLEDGE313 VIA Videvo CC "City Fair Date” by Steven Alan Via Mazwai [Movieclips Trailers] — “Steve Jobs Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet Movie HD” — [BlackScoutSurvival] — “Pick Locks with Paperclips” — [RousseBen Motivation] — “Workout Motivation 2016” — [Tony Robbins] —“I Am Not Your Guru” — [king5evening] — “1991 Interview with Bill Gates” — [EverythingApplePro] — “Every iPhone Speed Test Comparison 2016!” —
7/10/201710 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Be Happy - The Formula For Happiness

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ What makes us happy? How can we manipulate it to get MORE happiness instantly? This is a formula for happiness. Here is how to be happy. Master Journaling ► What IS happiness? Just like word “success” happiness comes with SO many different definitions. In order to truly know what makes you happy, you'll need to understand what that word means for you. I was reading the book "Sapiens", that we’ve evolved everything, buildings - disease - money - technology…. but are we happier? If not, what was everything for? Isn’t that the entire goal of everything we’ve been doing….? Jonathan Haidt give this formula I love in his book “The Happiness Hypothesis” H = S + C + V Happiness = Set Point + Conditions + Voluntary Actions We may not be able to change our biological set point, but we sure can focus on Conditions and our voluntary actions. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Tools of Titans ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal (Part III) ► I Lost My Job Today ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Podcast ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Hair Product Company I own/use "Kegley & Co" ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
7/3/20179 minutes, 33 seconds
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Tony Robbins on How to Overcome Depression

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ Tony Robbins on how to change your state and overcome depression. Remember that suffering comes from a focus on yourself. To snap out of it find a way to give more. The brain we have is 2 Million years old. It's designed to keep us alive and make us survive. The reason you’re suffering is you’re focused on yourself. “Suffering comes from three thought patterns: “loss, less, never” The following is a clip from our book review on "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss. Watch the full video here: Get the book here:► Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) ✔ SOURCES ✔ Videos: [Tony Robbins] —“I Am Not Your Guru” — [How I Became A Billionaire] —"Billionaire Rich Lifestyle - Lifestyles Around The World 2015” — [] — "Man Riding on a Motorbike” [mortrek] — “Time Lapse of Sunflower from Seed to Flower” —
6/26/20173 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal (Part III) | Journaling Secrets

Master Journaling ► It's THAT time of year again guys! This is the Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal (Part III). I want to share with you a system so powerful, it has the potential to change your life forever. It’s that time of year — going to walk you through WHY WHAT HOW of keeping a journal. By the end of this video you will have the power to coach yourself. Love this content? The FULL Journal course is now LIVE! Discover how to transform your life in under 4 hours! Learn to create the best book you've ever read over at Why journal? Over the last 10 years the self-help industry has grown to over a 10-billion dollar industry. Life coaches and gurus popping up left and right, seminars costing $3,000+ and growth books are great, but they leave you crash and burn type motivation! We can get all amped up (think new years high) but then there's a massive let down when the motivation doesn't last. What if you could maintain that drive and motivation year round? What if you could look back on 2017 and check off every BIG box on your goal list? Make more money? Got in shape? Relationship? Business? Whatever it is, all takes CONSTANT motivation and drive. Keep that momentum. You need to coach yourself. Best part is that it doesn’t cost anything more than the cost of a pen and about ten bucks. Could be the very key, the missing link between knowing and doing! Video Set Up Structure: PART I Front Cover Set Up (COMPAS: Mission, ONE thing, Quotes) PART II 6 in 1 Journaling Six Sections (gratitude, growth, video online notes, brain dump, books, freedom) PART III Back Cover Set Up TRACKING: goals, work rest play, challenges Master Journaling ► FULL Journaling Series: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal - PART III (2017) ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal - PART II (2016) ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal - PART I (2015) ► How to Journal: Top 3 Mistakes When Starting a Journal ► Journaling For Beginners: How to Effectively Start A Journal ► Don't Journal Until You Ask These 4 Journaling Questions ► A Look Inside My 2015 Journal.... (I was scared to post this) ► Journal Gear:   Pentalic Sketch Book ► Pilot G2 Pens  ► Pilot G2 Ultra Fine Tip  ► Sharpie Highlighter ► Best Journal Course ► Social: Blog ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous Email ► [email protected] MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) Intro song by “Where Are U Now” by Late June, follow him here :
6/26/201740 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tim Ferriss on Tools of Titans the 10 Best Ideas | Book Summary

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark What are the tactics, routines, and habits of Billionaires, icons, and world-class performers? Looking at that in this week's book review “Tools of Titans” Get the book here:► Today we have the book summary and book review on "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss.This book is a must read for 2017. Tim Ferriss has written classic books such as "The 4-Hour Work Week" and "The 4-Hour Body". Tools of Titans comes from Tim's show The Tim Ferriss Experiment and the best lessons he learned from interviewing some of the world's top performers. You might also consider getting the audiobook for this – it’s killer! Get the book here:► ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:10) 1. Model The Masters “Success Leaves Clues” -Jim Rohn (1:50) 2. Derek Sivers Sold CD baby for $22 Million dollars. One of most memorable podcasts I’ve heard.“If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs” (4:00) 3. Tony Robbins Brain we have is 2 Million years old. Designed to keep us alive and make us survive. The reason you’re suffering is you’re focused on yourself. “Suffering comes from three thought patterns: “loss, less, never” (7:20) 4. 1,000 True Fans - Kevin Kelly “Success need not be complicated. Just start with making 1,000 people extremely, extremely happy." MORAL: Don’t try to make EVERYONE happy. Focus on your TRUE tribe and all energy into serving them. Don’t overcomplicate success. (10:00) 5. Profile: Wim Hoff Hold over 20 world records - including climbing past “death zone” altitude on Mount Everest wearing NOTHING but shorts and shoes. Stayed in ice baths 1hr 58 min. I asked him why couldn’t make the extra 2 minutes? He said he so he can impress people when he breaks it next time. (17:00) 6. Tim’s 8 Best Interview Questions When you think of the word “successful” who’s the first person who comes to mind and why? What is something you believe that other people think is insane? (18:30) 7. Profile: Rick Rubin Need to get unstuck? Make your task laughably small. Give artist push past writer's block: play ONE note. That’s it. Write ONE word. That’s it. Then more naturally starts to come out. (20:00) 8. 8 Surprising Habits of Ultra Successful… Trends after interviewing 100+ World Class successful: 1. 80% of them had some form of daily mindfulness practice 2. Surprising number of males didn’t eat breakfast 3. Use ChiliPad device ( cooling bedtime (CUT OUT FOR TIME) 9. Productivity Hacks for The Manic Depressive (21:30) 10. No Failures. Only Outcomes This too shall pass. Believe that failure is NOT durable. SOCIAL: Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)  
6/19/201724 minutes, 21 seconds
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32,850 - Motivation to Live Life to The Fullest

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark This is a motivational video about living life to the fullest. I hope this success video motivates and inspires you to live your life to the fullest. Remember: number of days you have to 90 (32,850 days) Average Life exp. in USA: 78 (28,470 days) My days left till 90: 23,725 My days left till avg. USA lifespan: 19,305 What are YOUR numbers? How are YOU going to maximize them? Get out there and crush 2017. Stop settling. Start living. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How to set and achieve your goals ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► How to Win Friends & Influence People ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
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How to Set and Achieve Your 2017 Goals

► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark Today, we’re going over a formula to achieve anything you want in life. How to Set and Achieve Your 2017 Goals. Today we're talking about goal setting! Now setting goals doesn't have to put you to sleep. It's actually one of the most powerful things you can do to stay motivated and successfully achieve what you want in 2017. This goal setting video will go over why YOU NEED to be setting goals. It will also cover what I call the "Five GOALden Rules for Setting Goals". Picture this. It’s December 31 2017. You achieved everything you wanted to this year. It was the best year of your life. Made more money than ever before. Paid off debt. Moved into a new place. You finally traveled checked off that that bucket list trip you’ve been dreaming of. You got in the best shape of your life, friends family complimenting you asking “How you did it?” Now the other picture: it’s December 31 2017. Another year went by and nothing changed. You’re doing the exact same things TODAY as you are a year from now. EVERYTHING. 100% the same. What’s the difference? The second picture is how most people go about things: WING IT. Let days come and go - do it tomorrow motto. The first picture is what we’re doing today, setting goals. Crystallizing your vision so you can achieve anything you want in life. I’ve seen the power of goal setting work with clients I’ve coached but more importantly FIRST hand in my own life. There I was I was stuck. For more workshops and complete lessons ► ★★★ BIG IDEAS ★★★ Let me walk you through the BIGGEST 5 rules of setting goals. 1. Quantify 2. ONE BIG goal in each area Area. Health, Business, Money, Relationships, Contribution, Travel, Adventure. (have smaller supporting goals). The number of goals you set is up to you - don’t set too many then you won’t achieve any. 3. MUST SHARE THEM! A) Post in a comment below! B) Tweet them or share publicly on social. C) Tell your friends & family. 4. Revisit Goals EVERY DAY. Write it in shower? Write it in Journal? Write it above bed? 5. Take Immediate Massive Action NEVER leave the sight of setting a goal w.o doing something towards its attainment. One of best ways to do this: Keep a journal! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How To Set Goals Pt. I ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► How to Win Friends & Influence People ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only) ✔ SOURCES ✔ Videos: "Typing on Laptop 4K” by Videvo VIA Videvo CC [RousseBen Motivation] — “Workout Motivation 2016” — [HF Marketing] — “The Wolf of Wall Street Inspiring Speech” — "Couple At Fountain” by M_Broz VIA Videvo CC "LA Mountain Sunrise” By mikesteinkamp VIA Videvo CC [Tony Robbins] —“I Am Not Your Guru” —
6/5/201711 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2017

► Ready to Finally CRUSH YouTube? Claim Your FREE YouTube Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions ebook: How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2017 Look, I get it. You’re creating amazing content on YouTube, and no one's watching. Each time you post a new video, you think “this is it.” and crickets. You know YouTube works. You’ve seen other channels have massive success, and wonder “how are they doing it?” Maybe these channels even started after you did. Maybe these channels have videos that aren’t even as good as yours. There’s a formula to what successful channels are doing - I want to teach that to you in this video. Remember, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the entire world! If you build it, they won't come unless you master these five things! Tired of posting videos that barely get any views? Sick of seeing other channels gain subscribers faster than you? Get the YouTube Success Formula ebook Kindle Edition for ONLY $2.99 Inside you’ll discover….. ►How to grow your YouTube Channel 5-year worth in 5-months ►How to make 10 x the money you’re currently making on AdSense ►The secret to getting discovered on YouTube and creating videos your fans can’t stop watching. Click Here for Instant Access ► ★★★ BEST 5 TIPS ★★★ How to Get More Views on YouTube 2017 1. RESEARCH: Create Videos People Can FIND. Go to where people are fishing. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. For research I love the tool TubeBuddy. Click Here to Download TubeBuddy ► 2. Make Longer Videos Remember that the number ONE metric YouTube ranks off of is watch time! Longer videos allow your viewers to consume more of your content. 3. Upload Correctly! See our FULL video walkthrough on this: 4. Stop Complaining Do not get discouraged by the time it takes to grow a channel. Keep plugging along and put all your focus into creating the BEST videos you can. Enjoy the process. 5. Think Long Tail Longtail is 3+ keywords. Go after these for video titles and ranking. This is especially important when just starting out. They are much less competitive. Example: SHORT TAIL: "Journaling" LONG TAIL: "Journaling for Beginners" YouTube Gear I Love: (affiliate links) YouTube Success Formula ► TubeBuddy ► Canon T5i ► Canon G7x ► Video Mic ► Studio Backdrop ► Studio Lighting ► External Hard Drive ► Memory Card ► Other YouTube Success Videos: How to Get More Views on YouTube 2017 ► MUST WATCH: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel FAST ► YouTube Branding and Marketing Advice ► How to Rank Your YouTube Videos FAST ► Connect With Me On Social: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► My Products & Courses The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► Want to Be Coached By Me? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
5/31/201712 minutes, 10 seconds
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5 Books Every Entrepreneur MUST Read for 2017

FREE Book on How to Maximize Your Business Using YouTube: Here are the 5 Books Every Entrepreneur MUST Read for 2017. Are you an Entrepreneur or internet marketing looking for legit advice? In 2017 there is more noise than ever, how do we cut through the clutter and get to the sources worth listening to? Here are the five books for entrepreneurs I would recommend anyone read if they're in business. These are some of the best business books you must read in 2017. Most of these books were responsible for insights I used to grow my business 853% in 2016. ★★★ BEST 5 BOOKS ★★★ 1. The 4-Hour Work Week Buy: (affiliate) 2. The Millionaire Fastlane Buy: (affiliate) 2. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing Buy: (affiliate) 2. Re-Work Buy: (affiliate) 2. The ONE Thing Buy: (affiliate) Sick of seeing other YouTube channels grow faster than you? Get instant access to your free ebook to discover: ►How to grow your YouTube Channel 5-years worth in 5-months ►10x the money you're making with AdSense ►The secret to getting discovered on YouTube and create videos your fans can't stop watching. Access here: SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
3/7/201712 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Six Human Needs | Tony Robbins Motivation

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: The Six Human Needs - Why we do what we do - Tony Robbins Motivation Today's video is on why you do what you do. All credit for the concept of the 6 human needs goes to Tony Robbins. I think he gave it in his TED talk a couple years back. Mad respect for Tony and his work! The Six Human Needs: 1. Certainty 2. Uncertainty 3. Significance 4. Love / Connection 5. Growth 6. Contribution Master Journaling ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Way of The Superior Man ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► How to Win Friends & Influence People ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Master Your YouTube Course ► (coming 2017) Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
3/2/20178 minutes, 16 seconds
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Don Miguel Ruiz on The Four Agreements | Best 5 Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What are the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering? Can we adopt and live by a code of conduct with only four rules? this week's book review The Four Agreements Welcome back to the book review series distilling down best BOOKS that make your life better in around 20min or so. I take those 300 pages and give you the BEST ideas from them. Normally 10, but today different - only 5. Shorter for this shorter book. The Four Agreements is an awesome book by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book summary and book review of "The Four Agreements" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Don Miguel Ruiz's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: The Big 10 Ideas THE FOUR AGREEMENTS - Don Miguel Ruiz 1. Simple Does Not Mean Ineffective “The definition of a genius is taking the complex and making it simple” -Albert Einstein This book “too simple” or “we already know this” Reviews on Amazon - BASIC. Writing style of 4th grader / etc Often times easier to write something off then practice fundamentals (health hacks / tactics vs. fundamentals). Yes, these 4-agreements you have heard in some way before, have we lived them? Internalized them? Reminded of them. 2. Be Impeccable With Your Words Your word is your bond. Words are most powerful force we have. In book: words spell cast on people - double edged, used to uplift or tear down. Why? because words implant thoughts witch can lead to beliefs and turn into actions. Your words influence. 3. Don’t Take Anything Personally Nothing anyone does is because of us. Example: BAD DAY: missed deadline / hung over / 5 hours sleep / stressed - how would you treat your wife? GOOD DAY: got promotion / paycheck / saw friends at lunch - how would you treat your wife? Same person, same situations - two totally different moods because of a day. Two different outcomes. Nothing anyone does is because of us. MARCUS AURELIUS: tell us not to worry about the opinion of other people who don’t even have a good opinion of themselves! He tells us: “The approval of such men, who do not even stand well in their own eyes, has no value for him.” Only reason we take things personally are because we agree with them! “You are stupid” - only bugs us if we let it in + agree. 4. Don’t Make Assumptions When you assume it makes an “Ass-“ out of “-ume” EX: Me with politics and voters book. Blind guy I thought was douche bag. All had story made up in our head about someone wronging us, play it out - full conversation. When they say X i’ll say Y. Job / boss / workplace / etc. Ever happened and then they were nice about it? Feel awful. Catch yourself making assumptions. 5. Always Do Your Best Louis CK bit: do your job - isn’t it worse? Will change moment to moment but still give whatever your best is that day. (energy flux / mood flux / season flux / etc) Click here to master journaling: You May Also Like: ➤6 PILLARS OF SELF ESTEEM ➤WAY OF SUPERIOR MAN ➤OUTLIERS ➤STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST Links & Social: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous ➤MASTER JOURNALING: ➤APPLY FOR BUISNESS COACHING: [email protected]
2/28/201710 minutes, 59 seconds
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Journaling For Beginners: How to Effectively Start A Journal

MASTER JOURNALING: FULL journal course is now LIVE! Journaling is the #1 thing you can do to change your life - today going to show you HOW to get started with a method of journaling…. that doesn’t suck! STEP 1: DON’T BE SO DAMN HARD ON YOURSELF -Ditch your quota! -Associate joy / growth with journaling not obligation. -Journal when you feel inspired. -NEVER force yourself to journal! STEP 2: GOAL - WHERE’S THE WHY? -What are you using this journal for? -Growth? Diary? Travel? Money Log? Brainstorm / creative work? Art sketch? -No right or wrong - get clarity! -MY USE: Fast track personal growth. TOOL for human performance. Just like use weights to grow muscles, journal to grow personally. STEP 3: CREATE SECTIONS -Choose 6 or 7. -EX: MONEY / TRAVEL / BOOKS / GRATITUDE / BRAIN DUMP STEP 4: GET AMAZING QUESTIONS -11 Q to change life: -How to Think Like Leo (BOOK): STEP 5: MAKE IT YOURS FULL Journaling Series: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal - PART III (2017) ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal - PART II (2016) ► The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal - PART I (2015) ► How to Journal: Top 3 Mistakes When Starting a Journal ► Journaling For Beginners: How to Effectively Start A Journal ► Don't Journal Until You Ask These 4 Journaling Questions ► A Look Inside My 2015 Journal.... (I was scared to post this) ► Journal Gear:   Pentalic Sketch Book ► Pilot G2 Pens  ► Pilot G2 Ultra Fine Tip  ► Sharpie Highlighter ► Best Journal Course ► Social: Blog ► Twitter ► @clarkdangerous Facebook ► /clarkdangerous Instagram ► @clarkdangerous Snapchat ► @clarkdangerous Email ► [email protected] MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/24/20171 minute, 44 seconds
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Robert Greene on The 48 Laws of Power | 10 BEST IDEAS Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: The number one book requested in prisons - for psychopaths or psychologically curious? going over it this week's book review “The 48 Laws of Power” The 48 Laws of Power is an awesome book by Robert Greene. This book summary and book review of "The 48 Laws of Power" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Robert Greene's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great (and .... evil). Get The Book ► Full Blog Post ► (coming soon) Mp3 Version ► (coming soon) Master Journaling ► ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. Why Power Robert Greene writer in Hollywood. These 48 Laws getting used against him. Put in non judgmental book to do w. what you will. Put in book so you can use or see when getting used against you. 2. Never Outshine The Master “Ensure that you don’t shine so bright that your boss and peers have to hide in the shadows” Make those above you feel superior. Do not show your talents too much, makes them insecure. Get The Book ► 3. Always Say Less Than Necessary “Silence has a powerful effect when used in the right situation. Make silence your ally, not your foe and one thing you must not forget: You don’t learn anything new by talking.” Ever talked to someone who had almost a blank stare? Intimidating or welcoming? When trying to impress, the more you say the more common you look and less in control. Be vague. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. For more workshops and complete lessons ► 4. Get Others to do the Work for You, But Always Take the Credit. “Why would you send your heavy troops into the heart of the battle while you still have mercenaries & auxiliary troops at your disposal, willing to do your work?” Use the skills of others to do the work for you, never do yourself what others can do for you. Your efficiency will appear god-like. 5. Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor "Too much circulation makes the price go down: The more you are seen and heard from, the more common you appear.” EX: Blink 182 broke up - reunion tour 10x bigger than if kept going EX: Scarcity creates value. COUNTER: With business, don’t use this until people really care. consistency to build! For more workshops and complete lessons ► 6. Concentrate Your Forces “When looking for sources of power to elevate you, find the one key patron, the fat cow who will give you milk for a long time to come.” 80/20 principal - GSD list productivity on this channel. 7. Re-Create Yourself “Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define if for you. Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. ” Zero based thinking. Starting over today, would I do ______ Who would I swap places with? Who are my mentors? How am i like them? Not like them? 8. Control the Options: Get Others to Play with the Cards you Deal “Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose.” 9. Despise The Free Lunch “What is offered for free is dangerous – it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit.” Reciprocity Principle: If i hold door for you, you’re likely to do so for me next door. If we get something for free - in danger of buying bigger ticket item out of obligation. 10. Avoid Stepping Into A Great Man’s Shoes “Do not get lost in their shadow, or stuck in a past not of your own making: Establish your own name and identity by changing course. Set bar low it’s easier to jump over. Big shoes are hard to fill. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► ★★★ YOU MAY ALSO LIKE ★★★ I Lost My Job Today ► Way of The Superior Man ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► ★★★ SOCIAL: ★★★ Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► ★★★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★★★ The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► Master Your YouTube Course ► (coming 2017) Gear & Resources I Recommend ► ★★★ WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? ★★★ Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/21/201718 minutes, 18 seconds
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Double Your Productivity | 9 Hacks to Be More Productive Today

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How to double your productivity and be more productive. This video is on 9 hacks that will make you productive today. I have personally used all 9 of these productivity hacks over the past seven years to increase my focus and be more productive. This video was from a suggestion for more productivity videos (via email list). If you're not already on the email list, you can subscribe here: Please let me know what you'd like more videos on in the future. Next full book review on "Thinking Fast and Slow" coming later next week! We have something special planned for it too :) MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ THE 9 HACKS ★★★ 1. SET A DEADLINE 2. ULTRADIAN RHYTHM 3. CLEAN YOUR DESK 4. USE A SONG ANCHOR 5. FLOW STATE 6. BIG TASKS FIRST 7. 2-MINUTE DAVID ALLEN GTD RULE 8. GOLDEN HOURS 9. UPGRADE YOUR ENVIRONMENT And as always, REPLY in the comments with your favorite productivity hack! What is your best tip for staying focused? How do you get things done? talk soon, Clark p.s. to get access to FULL workshops and content like this, join the "Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal" course. This is the number one method I use to stay productive and achieve anything SOCIAL: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous MASTER JOURNALING:
2/17/201712 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary (PART II)

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: The Most successful leaders all have one thing in common: They’ve read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Today we have PART II of the book summary and book review on "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.This book will rock your communication. Dale Carnegie's classic public speaking and interpersonal communication book, how to win friends and influence people is packed full of actionable ideas and takeaways. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie (PART II) FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. Don’t Criticize Condemn or Complain Puts everyone on defensive. Some people grow through praise, others through criticism. 2. Arouse In The Other Person An Eager Want There are 3 motivations: First two are push / pull. Think of carrot or stick. Avoid pain or go towards pleasure. Third is above both those. Higher motivation. Third is your why - often gets overlooked. Driving force behind everything we do. For ourselves need a why that makes you cry (read Start With Why). 3. Smile Shows people two things: 1. You are happy (as if having good time) 2. Friendly (oddly enough in animal kingdom means threat, but hey - humans are weird) GET THE BOOK: 4. Be a Good Listener. Encourage Others to Talk About Themselves. EX: My mom, “making friends is easy. you just smile and ask questions about the other person.” Everyone has that ONE area they can get wound up on and just GO. Lights them up. EX: My grandma quiet farm woman, get her ranting about conspiracy theories and you’re there all day. TIP: Become an expert at finding that secret passion everyone has. Ask questions! 5. Make The Other Person Feel Important - and Do It Sincerely EX: Jim Kwik my friend. Bill Clinton - amount of presence he brings shocking. and he’s highest ever can get in world! Still does this! EX: Say, “your right, NAME” or “You’re so right about that, NAME” or “You hit it on the head when you said ____” GET THE BOOK: 6. The Only Way to Get The Best of An Argument is to: A) Avoid it! B) Show Respect For the Other Person’s Opinions. Never say “You’re wrong.” C) If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. (sincere apology) D) Begin in a friendly way. 7. Be Sympathetic With The Other Person’s Ideas and Desires. "Three-fourths of the people you will ever meet are hungering and thirsting for sympathy. Give it to them, and they will love you.” - Dale Carnegie 8. Begin With Praise and Honest Appreciation. Massage people into conversations. Ease into something 9/10 works better. Foreplay before you get to the meat. Even if most of us define as “no b.s / straight shooter / no beat around bush small talk” person - different when it’s personal! Harder to do. Compliment sandwich. Praise - criticism - praise. 9. Call Attention to People’s Mistakes Indirectly. How do you give negative feedback without sounding like a jerk? or asshole? EX: Swap “BUT” for “AND” EX: “We’re really proud of you, Justin, for getting better grades this quarter. But if you worked harder in your math class, you would’ve done better.” vs. “We’re really proud of you, Justin, for getting better grades this quarter, and if you continue to work just as hard next quarter, your math grade could be as high as all the others.” 10. Praise The Slightest Improvement and Praise Every Improvement. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How to Win Friends and Influence People (Part I) ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)[email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/14/201721 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Be More Confident: 4 Hacks to Instantly Boost Your Confidence

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Let's talk about confidence. Here are my 4 go to confidence hacks for feeling more confident. This is our third video in our mini "Conquer Confidence" series. Let me know if you'd like more videos on confidence in the future. PART ONE: "How to stop caring what people think of you" PART TWO: The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem (Book Review) link HACK 1: STOP TRYING -Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. -Give up the act and expectations. -The more you try, the less confident you look. -Never get tribal tattoos or Affliction shirts. Ever. HACK 2: DO AWESOME SHIT -Create a lifestyle you would want to emulate. -Think about what's on your "GROWTH LIST" in your journal. Start to chip away at this. -Consider traveling solo. HACK 3: KNOW THYSELF -Remember that wherever you go, there you are. -Start to know yourself / become your own best friend. -11 Questions That May Change Your Life: -Master Journaling: HACK 4: TWO INSTANT TIPS -TIP ONE: "The Weird Acting Thing" Use the word "confidence" as an incantation. Say "confidence" out loud over and over again until your physiology follows your vocabulary. -TIP TWO: "Breath Work" Before your event, take 4-10 deep breaths. Do NOT rush these. Focus on breathing deep into your belly and exhaling fully each breath. ______________________________________ ★★★ S O C I A L ★★★ ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous ➤JOURNALING:
2/10/20179 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Set and Achieve Your 2017 Goals

FREE 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Today, we’re going over a formula to achieve anything you want in life. How to Set and Achieve Your 2017 Goals. Today we're talking about goal setting! Now setting goals doesn't have to put you to sleep. It's actually one of the most powerful things you can do to stay motivated and successfully achieve what you want in 2017. This goal setting video will go over why YOU NEED to be setting goals. It will also cover what I call the "Five GOALden Rules for Setting Goals". Picture this. It’s December 31 2017. You achieved everything you wanted to this year. It was the best year of your life. Made more money than ever before. Paid off debt. Moved into a new place. You finally traveled checked off that that bucket list trip you’ve been dreaming of. You got in the best shape of your life, friends family complimenting you asking “How you did it?” Now the other picture: it’s December 31 2017. Another year went by and nothing changed. You’re doing the exact same things TODAY as you are a year from now. EVERYTHING. 100% the same. What’s the difference? The second picture is how most people go about things: WING IT. Let days come and go - do it tomorrow motto. The first picture is what we’re doing today, setting goals. Crystallizing your vision so you can achieve anything you want in life. I’ve seen the power of goal setting work with clients I’ve coached but more importantly FIRST hand in my own life. There I was I was stuck. For more workshops and complete lessons ► ★★★ BIG IDEAS ★★★ Let me walk you through the BIGGEST 5 rules of setting goals. 1. Quantify 2. ONE BIG goal in each area Area. Health, Business, Money, Relationships, Contribution, Travel, Adventure. (have smaller supporting goals). The number of goals you set is up to you - don’t set too many then you won’t achieve any. 3. MUST SHARE THEM! A) Post in a comment below! B) Tweet them or share publicly on social. C) Tell your friends & family. 4. Revisit Goals EVERY DAY. Write it in shower? Write it in Journal? Write it above bed? 5. Take Immediate Massive Action NEVER leave the sight of setting a goal w.o doing something towards its attainment. One of best ways to do this: Keep a journal! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How To Set Goals Pt. I ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► How to Win Friends & Influence People ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
2/7/201711 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Stop Caring What People Think of You

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Let's talk about confidence. How to stop caring what people think of you. Just some thoughts and three tips on how to increase your self esteem / confidence to stop caring what other people think of you. Hope it helps! TIP 1: IT'S A GOOD THING YOU CARE -Evolutionary wired to care. -Why we care at the core: FEAR of rejection. -Every artist has conquered their fear, not gotten rid of it. TIP 2: NO ONE CARES ABOUT US -People are too busy worried about themselves to worry about us. -Never value the opinions of those you don't respect. TIP 3: CREATE A GROWTH LIST -In your journal -ALL the things you want to do -Start doing them today! -Master Journaling: ______________________________________ ★★★ S O C I A L ★★★ ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous ➤JOURNALING:
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32,850 - A Call to Live Life to The Fullest

FREE 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Stop settling. Start living. This is a motivational video about living life to the fullest. I hope this success video motivates and inspires you to live your life to the fullest. Remember: number of days you have to 90 (32,850 days) Average Life exp. in USA: 78 (28,470 days) My days left till 90: 23,725 My days left till avg. USA lifespan: 19,305 What are YOUR numbers? How are YOU going to maximize them? Get out there and crush 2017. Stop settling. Start living. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: How to set and achieve your goals ► Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins ► How to Win Friends & Influence People ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
1/31/20174 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tim Ferriss on Tools of Titans | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What are the tactics, routines, and habits of Billionaires, icons, and world-class performers? Looking at that in this week's book review “Tools of Titans” Get the book here:► Today we have the book summary and book review on "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss.This book is a must read for 2017. Tim Ferriss has written classic books such as "The 4-Hour Work Week" and "The 4-Hour Body". Tools of Titans comes from Tim's show The Tim Ferriss Experiment and the best lessons he learned from interviewing some of the world's top performers. You might also consider getting the audiobook for this – it’s killer! Get the book here:► ★★★ BEST 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:10) 1. Model The Masters “Success Leaves Clues” -Jim Rohn (1:50) 2. Derek Sivers Sold CD baby for $22 Million dollars. One of most memorable podcasts I’ve heard.“If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs” (4:00) 3. Tony Robbins Brain we have is 2 Million years old. Designed to keep us alive and make us survive. The reason you’re suffering is you’re focused on yourself. “Suffering comes from three thought patterns: “loss, less, never” (7:20) 4. 1,000 True Fans - Kevin Kelly “Success need not be complicated. Just start with making 1,000 people extremely, extremely happy." MORAL: Don’t try to make EVERYONE happy. Focus on your TRUE tribe and all energy into serving them. Don’t overcomplicate success. (10:00) 5. Profile: Wim Hoff Hold over 20 world records - including climbing past “death zone” altitude on Mount Everest wearing NOTHING but shorts and shoes. Stayed in ice baths 1hr 58 min. I asked him why couldn’t make the extra 2 minutes? He said he so he can impress people when he breaks it next time. (17:00) 6. Tim’s 8 Best Interview Questions When you think of the word “successful” who’s the first person who comes to mind and why? What is something you believe that other people think is insane? What is the book you’ve given most as a gift? What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last 6 months? What does the first 60-minutes of your day look like? What are your morning rituals? What is the worst advice you see being dispensed in your field? What advice would you give to your 20/ 30/ 40-year-old self? What have you changed your mind about in the last few years? Why? (18:30) 7. Profile: Rick Rubin Been called “Most influential music producer of last 20 years”. Worked with Jay-Z/ Black Sabbath/ Slayer / Lady Gaga. Need to get unstuck? Make your task laughably small. Give artist push past writer's block: play ONE note. That’s it. Write ONE word. That’s it. Then more naturally starts to come out. (20:00) 8. 8 Surprising Habits of Ultra Successful… Trends after interviewing 100+ World Class successful: 1. 80% of them had some form of daily mindfulness practice 2. Surprising number of males didn’t eat breakfast 3. Use ChiliPad device ( cooling bedtime 4. Loved books: Sapiens, Poor Charlie’s Almanack, Influence, Man’s Search for Meaning 5. Listen to Song Anchor on loop. 6. Invest OWN money and OWN time complete “spec” work projects before making a dime. 7. Belief that “Failure is not durable” 8. Almost everyone able to take obvious “weakness” and flip it to signature strength. (CUT OUT FOR TIME) 9. Productivity Hacks for The Manic Depressive (21:30) 10. No Failures. Only Outcomes This too shall pass. Believe that failure is NOT durable. Discover how to change your life in under 4-hours ► SOCIAL: Blog ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► iTunes Podcast ► MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping A Journal ► YouTube Success Formula (Kindle) ► Gear & Resources I Recommend ► WANT TO BE COACHED BY ME? Ready to take your business or YouTube channel to the next level? To apply for business coaching send me an email: [email protected] (serious applicants only)
1/26/201724 minutes, 21 seconds
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Tony Robbins on "Unlimited Power" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you find your true purpose, design a life you’re constantly proud of, and live with non stop passion? discovering it in this week's book review “Unlimited Power”. The New Science of Personal Achievement" Unlimited Power is an awesome book by Tony Robbins. This book summary and book review of "Unlimited Power" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Anthony Robbins' book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. MODELING “Success Leaves Clues” - Jim Rohn Modeling comes from “NLP” - main “new idea” (at time) of this book. No one who’s successful was born that way. Pathway they used - model it get similar results. Sow similar seed get similar rewards. Musicians = model scales. Painters = reproduce masterpieces. Kids = alphabet. Drums = cover songs. Who are your heroes? How can you model them? 11 Questions to change life ebook. 2. SUCCESS CYCLE All success can be broken into four steps: POTENTIAL - ACTIONS - RESULTS - BELIEFS - wind this bad boy up as fast as possible! Roger BANISTER SUCCESS STORY: On may 5, 1954 - conventional wisdom said it was impossible to run a mile in under 4-minutes. Never been done. Next day Rodger Bannister ran the mile in 3:59.4 - then 6 weeks later Australian ran it one second faster! Since 1954, 14 others have broken the 4 minute mile. Previous year alone - about 50 people broken it! Even high schoolers. 3. RAISE YOUR STANDARDS We get in life what we settle for. Everyone gets their “musts”. Not everyone gets their “should” “I should workout more. I should invest ore money. I should find a way to peruse music. I should tell partner I love them more. I should spend time with family” stop should-ing on yourself! Secret to lasting change is transforming should to musts. 4. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION Decision happen in a moment - getting ourselves to make a change that takes time. EX: In relationship, where you KNEW it wasn’t right for you. Complete wrong person. Either of you? But you couldn’t make the hard call. Take years? Months? Eventually you did and felt weight lifted. Cakes years to take action. QUOTE: “If you keep doing what always done, keep getting always got”For things to change, we’re going to have to change. It’s our moment to moment decisions that shape our lives. 5. QUOTES Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers. A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish. 6. GROWTH GROW OR DIE. everything in life growing or dying. Progress is what makes us feel alive. Any job you had, felt somewhat stimulating at first. No matter what job it was, day one felt shorter than day 100? Why was that - what is BOREDOM. It’s when you stop growing / learning. 7. SECRET TO LIVING IS GIVING All this personal achievement means nothing if we’re not sharing. Give to get. 1 + 1 = 3 (Wayne Dyer) (how serration in our brains works) 8. SUFFERING COMES FROM FOCUSING ON YOU If you’re feeling depressed, if you’re suffering, if you’re anxious it’s because of a one thing. A ME FOCUS. Suffering is a ME focus. Selfish - all about you. 9. BEST RESOURCES TO LEARN MORE TED Talk: Program: Book: 10. APPLICATION OF THIS Remember, ideas a worthless. Knowledge is potential power. ACTION is what real change comes from. Take action on this. I remember hearing these ideas back at 16 - no clue how to take action, just started writing them down. Kept refining that method of success journal - 8 years later I put it into UGTKAJ course, get at - best ways to take action on these ideas. For more workshops and complete lessons: ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ 6 PILLARS OF SELF ESTEEM WAY OF SUPERIOR MAN OUTLIERS STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected]
12/21/201626 minutes, 36 seconds
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Carol Dweck on "Mindset" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you learn new things without judging yourself, get on your own team, go from mediocrity to excellence? One simple shift can make all the difference - discovering it in this week's book review "MINDSET. The Psychology of Success" Mindset is an awesome book by Carol Dweck. This book summary and book review of "Mindset" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Carol Dweck's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. FIXED MINDSET "A fixed mindset comes from the belief that your qualities are carved in stone – who you are is who you are, period. Characteristics such as intelligence, personality, and creativity are fixed traits, rather than something that can be developed." "NOW" mindset CHALLENGE avoids OBSTACLES gives up EFFORT minimal CRITICISM avoids SUCCESS OF OTHERS feels threatened 2. GROWTH MINDSET "A growth mindset comes from the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through effort. Yes, people differ greatly – in aptitude, talents, interests, or temperaments – but everyone can change and grow through application and experience." "NOT YET" mindset CHALLENGE embraces OBSTACLES fortitude EFFORT works hard CRITICISM learns SUCCESS OF OTHERS celebrates 3. PROGRESS MINDSET How our brain works shows that less about getting things right and more about progress. Something we all know - go to the gym can't lift 300lbs off the bat. Keep showing up get stronger and stronger. 4. HEALTH FIXED: Health consulting and podcasting - get all the time: I'm fat. I'm genetically disadvantage. I'm big boned. No diets work for me. Guys trying to get bigger, "all genetics" GROWTH: I CAN change this! This is where I get serious. Going to model successful weight loss stories/ etc. 5. SPORTS MICHAEL PHELPS Won 25 medals! record for ANY olympian of ANY time in HISTORY. As a kid diagnosed with ADHD. Kindergarten teacher told mother “Michael can’t sit still / quiet / not gifted / never be able to focus on anything”. Michael spend lots of punishment time by lifeguard stand of pool disruptive behavior. Flash forward today his coach Bob Bowman (been with M since 11) says “Michael’s ability to focus = strongest attribute”. Utilized selected focus. From 14 onward trained 7 days / wk 365. Training Sundays got extra 52 days yr. Spent up to 6hrs a day swimming. FIXED: I can’t focus - screw this. GROWTH: I want this - keep showing up. Training 7 days a week. 6. BUSINESS FIXED: My channel - "Nothing works". Discouraged and ready to quit. GROWTH: Realization that the only real metric that matters is growth. As long as the growth percentage rate is increasing - everything will follow. Over time. So i decided to hustle and push myself harder than I had ever pushed. Model successful channels, see what works here (book summaries), make it less about me and what I want to talk about - more about you and fill a need. Over 6 months channeled doubled. On track to double every 3 months. Have +4,000 subscribers a month growth vs. back in March had +300. 7. MONEY FIXED: I'm POOR - I can't afford it GROWTH: I'm BROKE - how can I afford it? 8. RELATIONSHIPS FIXED: Mindset in relationship: "Never find love again” “I’m unlovable” “Im a bad person they didn’t want to be with”. FIXED: If we have to work at it, means we're not good together. or Blame partner for everything. GROWTH: "Good you broke up, only have so much time / room in your life - now you have that to find a healthier person for you. Wouldn’t want to be with anyone who didn’t want to be with us!” GROWTH: How am I that? Always 2 sides no matter how thin slice it. 9. TWO MOST DANGEROUS WORDS Carol Dweck talk: 10. GET ON YOUR OWN TEAM How to change your mindset? One of ways: Coach yourself! Journal course - best way to develop growth mindset. For more workshops and complete lessons: ______________________________________ ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ 6 PILLARS OF SELF ESTEEM WAY OF SUPERIOR MAN OUTLIERS STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________
12/14/201619 minutes, 57 seconds
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Napoleon Hill on "Think And Grow Rich" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: If you interviewed the 500 most successful business men of all time on how they became successful, then distilled their advice down into 13 principals, what would those be? This week's book review is on Think And Grow Rich. Think And Grow Rich is a classic book by Napoleon Hill. This book summary and book review of Think And Grow Rich will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Napoleon Hill's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (2:15) 1. MINDSET The real thing that will make you rich is your mindset. Focus on modeling how successful people think. Thoughts ARE things. (3:00) 2. DESIRE Want it bad enough - it becomes an obsession. "Burn the ships" mentality video: BILL GATES: 10 years in cubicle grinding it out - no one shows this. STEVE HARVY: Homeless sleeping in his car driving to gigs that paid $50 - gas was $30. Becoming successful does not come without work or sacrifice. (6:00) 3. FAITH Fake it till you make it advice: “Dress for job you want, not job you have” BETTER ADVICE: Act as IF. Get this into your MIND! Think AS IF it has already happened. (8:00) 4. TWO QUOTES “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” (9:20) 5. SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE Two kinds of knowledge: GENERAL vs. SPECIALIZED Become the "Linchpin" - the thing they CAN’T OUTSOURCE will make you rich. JOURNAL QUESTION: What is something YOU and ONLY you can do? (11:00) 6. ORGANIZED PLANNING Achievement. “Grow rich” massive goal - takes lifetime. How do we stay motivated on the day to day? Solution - make it NEAR to you. HOW to achieve BIG goals? Break into small ones. EXAMPLE: You want to get 6 pack abs. Currently 30b overweight and don’t exercise. Possible! First step? Get gym membership. Next? Get online program / coach / trainer. Next? Lose 3 lb. Then 6 lbs. Then 10 lbs. Celebrate THOSE wins. Keep fine tuning / learning = better results. NEED to just START. EXAMPLE: Travel SEA. First step? Save money - buy ticket - research lonely planet - all separate goals break into smallest step. Our brain built for milestones! check lists / to do boxes LAST THING: My mentor tells me: Clark, NEVER leave site of setting a goal without doing something twoards it’s attainment. Take the FIRST step NOW. Literally buy a program online - sign up for gym today - buy book online - etc. (14:50) 7. PERSISTENCE STAY WITH IT. NO goals happen overnight. Ditch the “big break” mentality (i.e. ONE thing missing. ONE deal make you rich. ONE blog post go viral. ONE diet lose hundreds, etc). Don’t look for your “BIG BREAK” - create it. How create it? Do the work, show up! (17:00) 8. MASTER MIND You are AVG. of top 5 people hang around. Get a group of people together for specific purpose. Learn from their 20/30 years of complete different experience and life. (Private mastermind facebook group coming soon). (19:15) 9. BECOME BORED THINK and grow rich. Requires HARD work do the deep dive. “all of man’s problems arise with his discontentment of being able to sit in a room alone” -Seneca Do the work. Active form of boredom by journaling: (21:00) 10. JOURNAL WORKSHOP MONEY FROM CH. 2 1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. 2. Determine exactly what you intend to give for this money. 3. Establish a definite date by which you intend to acquire this money. 4. Create a definite plan to acquire the money, and take the first step immediately. 5. Put the four items above into a clear, concise sentence describing each part. 6. Read the statement aloud twice daily, in the morning and at night. For more workshops and complete lessons: ______________________________________ ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ OUTLIERS STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST THE 4-HOUR WORK WEEK RICH DAD POOR DAD ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________
12/7/201627 minutes, 21 seconds
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Nathaniel Branden on "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Everybody wants more confidence. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were six traits that could double yours? Going over those in This weeks book review: The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem is a classic book by Nathaniel Branden. This book summary and book review of "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Nathaniel Branden's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. Arrogance vs. Self Esteem Put your mask on first. Can’t give what don’t have. Arrogance is comparison-based (ironically a sign for rather low self-esteem) Self-esteem is self-love based (taking joy in being who you are without the need of comparing yourself to another person) 2. Kill Your Inner Pessimist Signs of low self esteem: A) Self fulfilling prophecies B) Self sabotage C) Nothing is enough Confidence is not automatic state. Brain 2M years old designed to keep us alive. Looking for what’s wrong constantly. RE WIRE THIS = confidence. 3. PILLAR I: Living Consciously TAKE AWAY: Don’t live life on autopilot. Practice awareness. EX: 32,850 - number of days till 90. The days are LONG but the years are SHORT. GET THE BOOK HERE 4. PILLAR II: Self-Acceptance EX: Tighten up or Loosen up? Stop beating yourself up! Only animal punishes ourselves repeatedly for same mistake. Improve on what you CAN change - forgive what you CAN’T. Would you hang out with you? Voice in head. (kick ass if someone that negative!) 5. PILLAR III: Self-Responsibility STUDY: Shock experiment - Learned helplessness = Dog's response. Non-victim. Control over your life. I am 100% responsible. I am 100% in control. 6. PILLAR IV: Self-Assertivness Stand up for yourself. Believe in you. IN BOOK: Affirmation: “My life does not belong to others and I am not here on earth to live up to someone else’s expectations.” 7. PILLAR V: Living Purposefully Have a goal - strive twoards things in life. Grow or die. CTA: Need clarity! Journal about this. UGTKAJ - and definitely do the 11 questions to change your life. 8. PILLAR VI: Personal Integrity STORY: Coach playing sports stuck with me: “Clark, character is what you do when no one is looking”. Voice ringing in my head - wash dish in sink or leave for roommate to find. Go extra mile at work even though won’t get credit. Put effort in at check out even though leave in 20sec. GET THE BOOK HERE 9. Ditch The Need to Look Important “To find it humiliating to admit an error is a certain sign of a flawed self-esteem.” ~ Nathaniel Branden 10. Top Affirmations and Mindsets I have a right to exist. I am of high value to myself. I have a right to honor my needs and wants, to treat them as important. I am not here on earth to live up to someone else’s expectations; my life belongs to me. (Also, no one is here to live up to my expectations.) I do not regard myself as anyone else’s property and I do not regard anyone else as my property. I am lovable. I am admirable. I deserve to be treated courteously and with respect by everyone. If people treat me discourteously or disrespectfully, it is a reflection on them, not on me. It is only a reflection on me if I accept their treatment of me as right. If someone I like does not return my feeling, it may be disappointing or even painful, but it is not a reflection of my personal worth. No other individual or group has the power to determine how I will think and feel about myself. I am worthy of happiness. I am “enough”. I am able to rise again from defeat. I have a right to make mistakes; that is one of the ways I learn. Mistakes are not grounds for self-damnation. For more workshops and complete lessons: ______________________________________ ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ WAY OF SUPERIOR MAN OUTLIERS STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST THE 4-HOUR WORK WEEK RICH DAD POOR DAD ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________
11/30/201617 minutes, 29 seconds
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David Deida on "The Way of the Superior Man" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you become a superior man? What does that even mean? Can you really live at your edge and discover what your were born to do? This week's book review is on The Way of The Superior Man. The Way of The Superior Man is a classic book by David Deida. This book summary and book review of The Way of The Superior Man will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from David Deida's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “The Way of The Superior Man” by David Deida GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (2:00) 1. POLARITY Polarity - Masculine and Feminine - Night / day. - Black + white / color - Up / down - hot / cold - east / west - moon / sun This is what creates ATTRACTION - magnets. (0:00) 2. Stop Hoping For Completion If you’re not doing it right now - probably won’t ever do it. Success fantasies - can be the REASON you hurt and the reason you don't take action. (0:00) 3. Live At Your (REAL) Edge (don’t fake it) 32,850 - number of days from birth to 90 y.o. Lean just beyond edge. Small gains. Gym - increase slowly. Safety path (educate 20 / work 40 / retire 20) vs. Danger path (risk it all) (0:00) 4. Never Change Your Mind to Please Your Woman Or anyone for that matter Safety mechanism - b/c if your idea fails = ALL on you. If change mind = safety of blaming someone else. BUT if it succeeds = you DON’T feel confident (not your idea). Add stock to your own decision making skills, not others. (0:00) 5. Discover Your Purpose Today Know Thyself - True North - You and Only You Can Do! Discover your STRENGTHS today! Martin Seligman “Know your strengths, use them often” - strengths finder (24 sig. strengths) (0:00) 6. Enjoy Your Friends Criticism “You are the AVG of top 5 people you hang around most” We can be too close to ourselves / need objective perspective Someone who knows you WELL - willing to call you out. (0:00) 7. Do Not Use Your Family As An Excuse S.E.A. - travel saw people from EVERYWHERE. Hostel. People who “didn’t fit mold” (eat pray love / infinity sign tattoo / granola hippie whole foods) Are you willing to give up excuses? Everyone has eliminated the excuses traveling = why people get along so well! Never going to get easier. NEED to start TODAY. (0:00) 8. Praise Her #17 - Praise Her Freely Men grow throw challenge (jump fence / lift weight / dare you to X) Women grow through praise (X looks great on you / so pretty) Both superficial - deeper in relationships. She NEEDS praise form you. NO MR. FIX IT. Just wants to be listened to and encouraged - not fixed. Speaking to your woman, call glass half full not half empty. Praise qualities you want to see GROW (0:00) 9. Live As If Your Father Was Dead Baggage from dad - Kid who looked to others of what to do. “What we should do” - get rid of those expectations (0:00) 10. Hear Her Complaints As Warning Bells #31 Her Complaint is Content Free When a woman “nags” should be taken as “get it together” Trying to make you better. Deeper issue. Not that you didn’t clean the garage when you said you would 2 weeks ago - that she can’t trust you + you don’t keep word. No follow through - flake. Lack of integrity. Your word is your bond - your masculine core - your integrity - the polarity that’s attractive! For more workshops and complete lessons: ______________________________________ ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ OUTLIERS STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST THE 4-HOUR WORK WEEK RICH DAD POOR DAD ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous ➤FACEBOOK:/clarkdangerous ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________
11/16/201623 minutes, 6 seconds
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Malcolm Gladwell on "Outliers" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What makes someone successful? It’s not Intelligence, or ambition - something completely different that we’re going to dive into in this weeks book review on “OUTLIERS” the story of success. Outliers is a great book by Malcolm Gladwell. This book summary and book review of Outliers will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Malcolm Gladwell's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell FULL VIDEO SHOW: GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:30) 1. 10,000 HOUR RULE TEACHER = 4,000 hours GOOD = 8,000 hours WORLD CLASS = 10,000 hours This is seen everywhere else too (chess players / fiction writers / figure skaters) (Motzart sucked at first) (4:00) 2. DELIBERATE PRACTICE NOT just 10k hours of practice. DELIBERATE practice. EX: Drumming - vs. practicing rudiments / playing with a metronome EX: GYM. MOST results come from exercises you…. DON’T WANT TO DO (pull ups / deadlifts / leg day) (6:45) 3. NOT HOW GOOD YOU ARE - HOW GOOD YOU WANT TO BE Talent is OVERRATED. BILL gates - spent 1,500 hours in first 7 months learning code. Next 7 years 7 days a week put into coding. “DARK YEARS” - said never took a day off for 10 whole years. No one filmed sexy cubicle with glasses 10 years from 9-9. GET THE BOOK: (9:00) 4. EFFECTS WE CAN’T SEE Hockey Players - Birthdays Best ones born in march. WHY? Because of cut off dates (DEC.) This cutoff makes all the difference. Those born in beginning of year = end of cut off date (5/6/7/8 months older - but those months of practice viewed as talent = stand out) Not skill - it was physical maturity. (10:00) 5. DEEPER LAYER "It's not enough to ask what successful people are like. It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeeds and who doesn't" (12:20) 6. SUCCESS STORY: THE BEETLES The Beatles performed live in Hamburg, Germany over 1,200 times from 1960 to 1964. WAY more than 10k hours. Biography writer said "So by the time they returned to England from Hamburg, Germany, 'they sounded like no one else. It was the making of them.' GET THE BOOK: (13:30) 7. ONE THING Success goes to those who master THE ONE THING BOOK REVIEW: (14:45) 8. LIFESPAN OF MASTERY (16:00) 9. TRACK IT “What get’s managed get’s measured” Need tools to track progress of mastery / see results get motivated! Tangible skills (coding / drumming / writing / etc) Intangible skills (relationship dev. / personal dev / self growth) USE A JOURNAL! Best thing you can ever do for self growth. Watch videos on this channel in description. Go to for more info - change life in under 4 hours. (18:30) 10. BIG RECAP When you put in the effort - you get rewards. Factors you CAN’t CHANGE Focus on what you CAN change - MASSIVE effort behind it. GO ALL IN. Success comes to those who MASTER ONE THING. Get clarity and Track Your Progress (My Best Journal) (19:30) BEST BOOK YOU'VE EVER READ Write it today: (19:40) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: GET THE BOOK: ______________________________________ ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ THE ONE THING THE 4-HOUR WORK WEEK RICH DAD POOR DAD STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________ "Malcolm gladwell" "malcolm gladwell" "Outliers book" "Outliers audiobook" "Outliers summary" "Malcolm Galdwell Podcast" "malcolm gladwell podcast" "Audiobook full" "New 2017"
11/9/201612 minutes, 53 seconds
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Austin Kleon on “Steal Like An Artist” | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Let's talk about stealing shit. Why did The Beatles started as a cover band? Can you write a bestselling book with just 50 words? Why is “art” really “theft”? And good artists copy, but great artists really steal? These are 10 things no one told you about being creative. Steal Like An Artist is a great book by Austin Kleon. This book summary and book review of Steal Like An Artist will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Austin Kleon's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:40) 1. NOTHING IS ORIGINAL Start viewing art as objective not subjective. There’s not “good ideas” or “bad ideas” - only ideas worth stealing & ideas not worth stealing. We can embrace influence, not run from it. When people call something original, nine out of ten times they just don’t remember where influences came from. (3:00) 2. EVERYTHING IS A REMIX We are all remix. Mother + Father = You. 1 + 1 = 3. Process of evolution. We are the average of the top five people we hang around most. We are also the sum of our role models and influences. Create your own "Influence Family Tree". (5:45) 3. DON’T WAIT - START BEFORE YOU’RE READY It is not that we must “know who we are” before we create, it is in the process that we find who we are. Life isn’t about “Finding ourselves” life is about CREATING OURSELVES (7:45) 4. IMPOSTER SYNDROME Shift in identity is hard - might feel as if not there yet. Can’t view it that way. Imitation is how we learn. Musicians = scales. Painters = reproduce masterpieces. Kids = alphabet. Drums = cover songs. Remember: even The Beatles started as cover band. Paul McCartney said the only reason The Beatles wrote their own songs was so other bands couldn’t copy set! GET THE BOOK: (9:20) 5. STEAL, DON’T PLAGERIZE Plagiarism: to try to pass someone else work as own. Plagiarism is self defeating. When you plagiarize something you deny your own creativity. Like a mechanic takes apart car to see how works. We reverse engineer ideas. WILSON MIZNER: “if you copy from one author it’s plagiarism, but if you copy from many, it’s research.” (11:00) 6. GO DEEPER Don’t just copy style, copy thinking behind style. Conan O’Brien says all comedians start by emulating heroes, fall short, then find own style. Kobe Bryant says there isn’t a move that’s a new move. Watched tapes of heroes and tried to copy. Then realized didn't have same body type to pull off - became “original”. (11:40) 7. WRITE THE BOOK YOU WANT TO READ Scratch your own itch - EX: male cosmetics / hair products. Couldn’t find any made from scratch / good ingredients that didn’t kill my soul using. Salon style / etc. Start business you want to run. Play music you want to hear. Build products you want to use. (13:40) 8. LIFESPAN OF A PROJECT See also: THE DIP - WAR OF ART - RESISTANCE - BURN OUT (16:30) 9. WRITE IT DOWN Importance of keeping a journal. Write it today: (17:40) 10. SIMPLIFY No more than 3 points videos. Apple = obsessed with clean and simple. iPhone only have ONE button! Streamlined. Dr. Sues wrote “The Cat in The Hat” with only 236 words! Then editor dared him with 50 words = Green Eggs and Ham. One of bestselling children's books of all time. Creativity is subtraction. (20:00) BEST BOOK YOU'VE EVER READ Write it today: (21:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: GET THE BOOK: ______________________________________ ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★ THE HAPPINESS HYP. THE ONE THING THE 4-HOUR WORK WEEK RICH DAD POOR DAD ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________ "Austin Kleon" "Steal Like AN Artist" "Steal Like An Artist Animated Book summary" "Book review" "Steal like an artist audiobook" "Austin Kleon Interview" "
11/2/201623 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Robert Kiyosaki on Rich Dad Poor Dad |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: (CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE) Let's talk about getting rich. What do the rich teach their kids about money? Today’s book summary and book review: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is one of the most successful finance books out there. Robert Kiyosaki's classic wealth income and money making off real estate book, Rich Dad Poor Dad is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: BIG 10 IDEAS (2:30) 1. MODELS FOR WEALTH The book focuses mostly on the education and financial learned from his rich dad. We all have models for wealth. Money / Beliefs are LEARNED growing up - most the time not consciously. Become conscious of our beliefs / models in order to change them. (4:20) 2. YOU’RE BROKE, NOT POOR “Being broke is temporary - being poor is eternal” -RK Even if you don't have money now, view yourself as broke, NOT poor. (5:20) 3. FINICAL FREEDOM “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” We have two options in life: 1. Work hard, pay taxes, save what little is left over, then get taxed on the savings (sounds fun). 2. Invest in our financial IQ and use it to create assets that allow us to achieve finical freedom. The rich ALL take option 02. The rich don’t work for money. (7:50) 4. FINICAL IQ Schools teach how to work in a job. Not how to get rich. EX: You get more money - spend it all. Money is a “X” multiplier for whatever going in your head already. Athletes who get GIANT contracts (no finical IQ) now bankrupt. EX: Lap band surgery for fat person - don’t change mindset / habits = gain ALL back. Solution? NEED to increase our Finical IQ Finical IQ composed: ACCOUNTING:understand financial statements. INVESTING: The science of money making money. UNDERSTANDING MARKETS: supply and demand; technical (emotion-driven) and fundamental (economic sense) investments LAW: Understanding taxes / avoiding lawsuits. (11:10) 5. E.B.S.I. EBSI: Employee / Business Owner / Self Employed / Investor Four possible paths for us (can be a mix of all.) (12:40) 6. ASSETS "Know what an asset is, acquire them and become rich.” BIG IDEA: For most people, their profession is their income. For rich people, their assets are their income. ASSETS ARE: Businesses, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual funds, Income-generating real estate, Royalties, Anything which appreciates in value over time (15:00) 7. LIABILITIES and a liability, something which takes money out of your pocket. Keep your expenses low and reduce your liabilities. Learn to live off of 75% of your paycheck. Favorite advice: “Grow your income not your lifestyle.” (16:10) 8. POWER OF COMPOUNDING VIDEO SOURECE: Why the 1% get richer. Look into the power of compounding. Einstein: Compounding is the 8th wonder of world (16:50) 9. PAY YOURSELF FIRST Pay yourself first. Before you pay your bills each month. Save 10%. MY TIP: If there's ice cream in freezer, it WILL get eaten. Separate bank account for this 10% money. Automatic withdrawal from paycheck. (19:00) 10. GETTING STARTED: TEN ACTION STEPS Be VERY clear here: NOT giving personal finical advice - not qualified for that. telling you what I am doing / what is recommended in this book. 1. Learn about investing before you invest. 2. Every dollar is plus one or minus one. 3. Learn to live on 75% of your paycheck. 4. Pay yourself first. 5. Choose friends careful. Who you hang around avg of top 5. 6. Always ask “How fast do I get my money back?” 7. MINT.COM 8. CHARLES SCHWAB INDEX 9. MONEY MASTER THE GAME (read this book) 10. TEACH IT! comment with insights down bellow. (19:50) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: L I N K S & S U P P O R T  BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] _________________________________________ "Robery Kiyosaki" "Rich Dad Poor Dad" "Rich Dad Poor Dad Audiobook" "Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Summary" ""Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki" "Robert Kiyosaki Donald Trump" "Robert Kiyosaki 2016"
10/5/201623 minutes, 35 seconds
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Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: (CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE) The Most successful leaders all have one thing in common: They’ve read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Today’s book summary and book review: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book will rock your communication. Dale Carnegie's classic public speaking and interpersonal communication book, how to win friends and influence people is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: BIG 10 IDEAS  (1:30) 1. Become Genuinely Interested In Other People "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” -Dale Carnegie (2:45) 2. Let The Other Person Feel That The Idea is His or Hers. It's amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit for it. (4:30) 3. Talk About Your Own Mistakes Before Criticizing The Other Person. Call Attention to People’s Mistakes Indirectly. How do you give negative feedback without sounding like a jerk? or asshole? TIP: Swap “BUT” for “AND” (6:50) 4. Dramatize Your Ideas. Break the script. Implant and anchor a reference can’t get out of head. EXAMPLE: Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk with sugar wheelbarrow: (8:45) 5. Talk in Terms of The Other Person’s Interests. Best point if you’re in sales / leadership / wok to influence people. WIIFM = most powerful tool I’ve used. (how I start these videos). (10:20) 6. Get The Other Person Saying “Yes, Yes” Immediately. EX: Psychology - we’re more likely to say yes to bigger task if said yes to smaller one first. (12:45) 7. Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation Flattery is of the tongue, appreciation is of the heart. TIP: Honest and sincere doesn't mean BIG and massive. Simple, “Hey, you’re a really solid speaker. Room lit up when you said that joke about the museum” or “I really love how authentic you are when speaking to others.” (14:20) 8. Give the Other Person a Fine Reputation to Live Up to. EXAMPLE: working with kids: “(NAME) you’re a leader. The other kids see you as one” - Conform to that identity. (16:00) 9. IDENTITY The Power of “I AM”. Two most Powerful words in english language? “I AM” NEG FRAME - Ex: I AM too old / young Ex: I AM too fat / skinny Ex: I AM a woman / man Ex: I AM a depressed person Ex: I AM too broke Ex: I AM not educated enough Ex: I AM not in the right location POS FRAME + Ex: I AM able to accomplish anything I put my mind to Ex: I AM someone who overflows with positivity to others. Ex: I AM not the kind of person who chews tobacco (big one for me) Ex: I AM someone who provides massive value and deserves to be compensated fairly. Ex: I AM someone who gives their all in a relationship at all times (17:40) 10. SAY MY NAME! “Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound” Names carry (AGE) years of meaning. Identity acknowledgement EX: Even dogs know their names! (19:50) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: ______________________________________ L I N K S & S U P P O R T  BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________ “how to win friends and influence people" "how to win friends and influence people audiobook" "Dale Carnegie" "win friends and influence people summary" "how to win friends influence people book review"
9/28/201620 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dr. Gary D. Chapman on The 5 Love Languages | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: What’s the one book that will have the biggest impact on your relationships? The 5 Love Languages! Today’s book summary and book review: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. This book will rock your relationships. If you read only one book that will have biggest impact on your relationships, it’s this one! Gary Chapman’s amazing relationship book that has influenced millions of couples worldwide for decades. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer! Special note: This book is not just for intimate relationships. The book works great for every relationship you have (co-workers / family / strangers / sales / etc). Here are the best 10 ideas from “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. GET THE BOOK: Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (2:15) EMOTIONAL LOVE TANK Metaphor like our car has a gas tank, our love life has a love tank. keep this tank full. If we neglect our love tank, we’ll start to get bigger problems. we need love… stats show we’re not too good at it: 40% of marriages in USA divorce 60% of second 75% of third What’s happening? Where do we go wrong? (3:45) DON’T BE IN LOVE Falling in love is the opposite of what we should strive for. That honeymoon style / chick flick / notebook rain make out scene. Dr. M Scott Peck: falling in love is NOT love for three reasons: 1. Not act of will or conscious choice (fall in love with people not compatible with) 2. Effortless. Real love requires work. 3. Not centered on growth of other. Gives us false sense we have arrived / at the peak (8:00) LANGUAGES OF LOVE (LEARN THEM) Quality Time Words of Affirmation Physical Touch Gifts Acts of Service In order for the other person to feel loved, we must understand and speak their love language to them. Otherwise we might as well be speaking in Chinese when they understand English. (10:00) QUALITY TIME This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention. Most “typical” love language. HOW TO & TIPS: Intentional date night - schedule it in! Avoid routines. Relationship killer. Table topics: (12:45) WORDS OF AFFIRMATION This love languages uses words to affirm other people. Not just words - but deeper reasons behind them. Give them the “WHY” “I love you” vs. “I love you because…..” or “Great job with that project” vs. “Great job with that project - you put a lot of time in it shows” HOW TO & TIPS: Focus on giving one killer compliment x a day. Compliment in presence of peers / brag about them in front of people. No longer “Thank you” it’s “Thank you for….” (15:15) GIFTS Not materialistic. Not diamonds everyday. Gifts can be cards, can be flower, can be favorite soda from Trader Joes. HOW TO & TIPS: Remember important dates. Focus on thoughtful ness behind gift. Keep log in your phone if she mentions something she likes - order it in bulk one day, disperse over time. (18:00) ACTS OF SERVICE For these people, actions speak louder than words. My dad: Would do my laundry and clean my room. Wash my car. This was his love language. HOW TO & TIPS: Don’t be lazy - pisses this person off like no other. Cook them dinner. Do their Laundry. Make the bed. Clean their space / room / desk / etc. Volunteer to help out more. (19:30) PHYSICAL TOUCH To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch (not bedroom only). Hand holding / hugs / PDA / etc. (22:00) FIND YOURS TEST ONLINE: TEST IN BOOK: (22:45) CHOOSE LOVE Unpopular truth is that love requires work. Unglamorous side of things. Toilets don’t get flushed - hair in sink. Get realistic with it - kill fantasies. Not a finish line - real work starts after honeymoon. (24:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: ______________________________________ ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★ ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________ “the five love languages" "The Five Love Languages audiobook" "Gary Chapman" "5 love languages summary" "5 love languages review"
9/21/201626 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jonathan Haidt on The Happiness Hypothesis 10 BEST IDEAS|Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Where does happiness come from? This week going over best 10 ideas on: The Happiness Hypothesis. Today’s book summary and book review: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. A great read on the positive psychology movement and studying where happiness comes from. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this! GET THE BOOK: Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: BIG 10 IDEAS  (1:15) ELEPHANT AND RIDER Lots of divisions in past have been made: BODY vs. MIND / Right brain vs. Left brain / Superego id and super Id / etc Internal conflicts + sometimes want different things. Body mind need to work together. EX: Want monogamy - body attracted to different people EX: Want health but body craves sugar / salt / fat EX: Want start business but love sleeping in (2:15) HAPPINESS ORIGINS -STORY: Me in Thailand w/ monks. Doing whole life sitting / meditating. Rid of attachments. Other extreme: USA strive / compete / climb corporate ladder - consumer everything. Feels empty. What is middle path? Are there attachments worth striving for? 1. GET WHAT YOU WANT (i.e. post goal / achievement / hedonism) 2. COMES FROM WITHIN (Buddha / enlighten / exist) COMES FROM WITHIN, ALSO WITHOUT (middle path! / ARE things worth striving for in life / Strive for the RIGHT attachments) (4:00) HAPPINESS SET POINT We adapt to set point New TV week one is HUGE. Hot tub is HOT. Adapt over time. EX: 20million or be paralyzed from neck down - who’s happier? (within a year both similar to base line level of happiness w/in 10%) “Hedonic treadmill” - we don’t just habituate, we recalibrate (6:15) HAPPINESS FORMULA H = S+C+V EX: Plant: Spring back to life if get conditions right. Almost dead - but can be fixed. Same with us. Happiness = set point + conditions + voluntary actions Don't worry about what you can'y control (set point). Focus on what we can control (Conditions & Voluntary Actions) and maximize that! (9:30) LOVE + ATTACHMENTS 2 kinds of love Compassionate love vs. passionate love VIDEO HERE: (11:15) HAPPINESS SUCKERS NOISE: linked to more stress COMMUTE TIME: Never adapt or get used to LACK OF CONTROL: Wellspring of human happiness SHAME: sucks self worth RELATIONSHIPS: Need to handle conflict healthy way (14:10) HAPPINESS BOOSTERS Strong marriages physical touch meaningful relationships religious affiliation (16:15) VALUE CONSTRAINTS Suicide study = less likely the more constraints we have. Beneficial to have lines (coloring inside lines can be fun) (18:00) GOAL ATTAINMENT Pre goal striving vs Post goal striving Astronaut Syndrome: Whole life working for a goal, go to moon and back, shake president hand.... now what? We get more pleasure from making progress twoards our goals than we do from achieving them. (19:20) PURPOSE OF LIFE QUOTE: “I don’t believe there is an inspiring answer to the question ‘What is the purpose of life?’” he says. “Yet by drawing on ancient wisdom and modern science, we can find compelling answers to the questions of purpose within life. . . . Happiness is not something you can find, acquire or achieve directly. You have to get the conditions right, and then wait.” Focus on what you can do - get conditions right, keep improving and striving / accepting more. Certain level can force happiness. Just exists. (20:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools:  L I N K S & S U P P O R T  BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: PODCAST: MASTER JOURNALING: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________ “The Happiness Hypothesis" "The Happiness Hypothesis book summary" "Happiness Hypothesis full audiobook" " Jonathan Haidt Interview" " Jonathan Haidt 2016" " "Jonathan Haidt"
9/14/201620 minutes, 56 seconds
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Gary Keller on The ONE Thing | 10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Today’s book summary and book review: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. How can you cut through the clutter, overcome the overwhelm feeling, and achieve your 5 year goal in 5 months? Today we’re going over the 10 BEST ideas from: The ONE thing You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this! GET THE BOOK: FULL Video Version: BIG 10 IDEAS: (1:50) DOMINOS Dominos can knock over next one up to 50% larger 1D 2” 23D Eiffel tower 31D Mt. Everst 57D Moon Small change - habits build on each other (2:50) THE ONE THING Try to chase 2 rabbits, won’t catch either EX: Starbucks - coffee EX: KFC - chicken EX: Starwars - merchandise EX: Google - search (5:40) THE 3 MYTHS Multitaskers (-28% of day due to multitasking. / To juggle is an illusion - only hold 1 ball at time (College) / Distracted driving = 16% all car fatalities in USA) Willpower - (like a muscle - more you use more you lose. Prioritize MIT in morning) (STUDY: Stanford undergrad. memorize 2digit # or 7 digit number. cake or healthy snack - 7 digit number crew 2x likely to chose cake!) 80/20 - real quick summary (busy or productive) (10:45) RUBBER OR GLASS? "Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life." (11:15) PARKINSON'S LAW tasks expand to time allotted set deadlines weddings / term papers / projects all have deadlines (12:50) THE SUCCESS LIST 80/20 your to do list priority not being busy (13:30) THE FOCUSING QUESTION “What’s the one thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?” EX: These videos - film on MONDAY (14:40) LIVE BY PRIORITY BIG picture - small focus (15:30) THE 4 THIEVS 1. Inability to say “no" 2. Environment unsupportive 3. Poor health practices 4. Fear of chaos (17:10) APPLY THE ONE THING! Q: “What would this look like if it were easy” Q: “What’s the one thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?” Q: “What’s the ONE thing I could do that would have biggest impact on my: relationship / family / finical / health" Q: What are my ONE year goals? (journal back of notebook) - goals: 39% more likely when write down - 76% more likely when weekly report / accountability. (19:30) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: ______________________________________ HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION: 1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous 2. EMAIL Q: [email protected] 3. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - BEST 10: 7 HABITS OF H.E. PEOPLE BEST 10: THE 4-HOUR WORK WEEK TOP 5 LESSONS FROM THE WAR OF ART ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton) “youknowme” (Eli Filosov) “drift” (TREGS) “flood” (TREGS) “perth” (mi Ka Remix) “refute” (nimino) “Back of Your Hands” (nimino) EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: MASTER JOURNALING: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________ “The one thing" "The ONE THING (book)" "Gary Keller" "The ONE Thing Audiobook" "Gary Keller Interview" "The one thing book summary"
7/5/201622 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tim Ferriss on The Best 10 Ideas The 4-Hour Work Week

11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Today’s book summary and book review: The 4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. The four hour work week is a game changer. Tim Ferriss wrote a killer lifestyle design book that has influenced entrepreneurs, world travelers and hackers for decades. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this - it’s killer! GET THE BOOK: FULL VIDEO VERSION: BIG 10 IDEAS: (2:45) THE NEW RICH Freedom multiplier (What / when / whom / where) Amount of W’s you control is how free you are! (4:08) D E A L Definition: Replace self-defeating assumptions. Elimination: Forget time management, learn to ignore the unimportant. (provides time) Automation: Learn to put cash flow on autopilot. (provides income) Liberation: Create freedom of location. (provides mobility) (6:09) Time Wealth Rolf Potts on interview here Value time over Money Having all the time is not the goal! Doing what excites you is! Only so many Pina Colada you can drink before bored (7:00) Why Retirement sucks 1. Assumes you hate what you do 2. Cost of living keeps increasing (30+ years is a TON of money) 3. Bored by week 3 (8:30) QUOTE “A person’s success or failure is determined by the amount of uncomfortable conversations he/she is willing to have” Noting’s going to be easy! Going to be uncomfortable - how you grow. What’s uncomfortable: Relationships dating / travel / starting a business / living new place / new job Those are also the most rewarding things. (9:40) TRAVEL on the cheap Reason I traveled was read “live like a king for $500 in Thailand” Did it! Solo travel - Hawaii x2 while working job Backpacking SEA w/o quitting job (11:30) Less is NOT laziness Simplify EX: Gym. Exercise stimulus comes in first 20min. 80% benefit in that first 20. If you only worked out (everyday) for first 20min better shape than if worked out 1.5 hrs 5-6x week Being busy IS being lazy (avoiding unimportant. Lazy to procrastinate. Lazy to check you email 50 x day) (13:40) Don’t shit where you eat! Separate spaces for work / rest / sleep (14:30) BEST: 80/20 and Parkinson's Law task swell to time allotted (16:50) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: ______________________________________ HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION: 1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous 2. EMAIL Q: [email protected] 3. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - BEST 10: 7 HABITS OF H.E. PEOPLE TOP 5 LESSONS FROM THE WAR OF ART ROLF POTTS VAGABONDING ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton) “youknowme” (Eli Filosov) “drift” (TREGS) “flood” (TREGS) “perth” (mi Ka Remix) “refute” (nimino) “Back of Your Hands” (nimino) EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: MASTER JOURNALING: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________ “Timothy Ferriss (Author)” “The 4-Hour Workweek (Book)” “the 4 hour work week” “the 4 hour work week audiobook” “the 4 hour work week review” “Four Hour work week” “Tim Ferriss” “Tim Ferriss Podcast” “Audiobook” “Free Download”
6/27/201619 minutes, 49 seconds
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Stephen Covey on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | BEST 10 IDEAS

GET THE BOOK: WATCH THE FULL VIDEO SHOW: Today’s book summary and book review: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the best books in self-development. Stephen Covery’s classic book has been influenced leaders for decades. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this - it’s killer! BIG 10 IDEAS: (1:20) HABIT 1: Be Proactive Close the stimulus response gap What do you WANT (not don’t want) Focus goes energy flows - focus on goal not problem EX: Housekeeping in College (3:00) HABIT 2: Begin With The End In Mind Funeral Test Neil Gamen “Make Good Art” + climb the mountain : (6:20) HABIT 3: Put First Things First “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least” -Gothe Make a “Not to do list” M.ost I.mportant T.ask Am I being busy or being productive? (7:30) HABIT 4: Think Win-WIn 5 Potential outcomes: w/w w/l l/l l/w or W. The best outcome: 6th WIN WIN OR NO DEAL Negotiating salary? Selling car on craigslist? Compromises in Relationships? Win / win or no deal. (9:15) HABIT 5: Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood EXAMPLE: BBGC - listen vs. not listen. Too busy in their own head to listen to you! Understand first: Bonus you can communicate with them even better! Empathetic listing. (11:30) HABIT 6: Synergize Sum greater than parts EX: Apples on tree too high. Sit on shoulders to get for both of you. Compete or corporate? (Kegley + CO. & Pomade brewers) (12:30) HABIT 7: Sharpen The Saw EX: Cut down tree (too busy chopping to sharpen saw!) How? JOURNAL = #1 WAY! All these ideas in my journal. Coach yourself 11 Q to change your life: (14:20) THE 8th HABIT Secret to living is giving Depression / anxiety / stress is a “ME” focus. Need a “WE” focus to feel better (15:20) THE 4-QUADRANTS URGENT - NOT URGENT - IMPORTANT / NOT IMPORTANT (16:20) BLUEPRINT Everything is created twice! (17:30) YOUR FREE TOOLS! Your free tools: ______________________________________ HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION: 1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous 2. EMAIL Q: [email protected] 3. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - TOP 5 LESSONS FROM THE WAR OF ART HO TO PLAN YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE DAY EVER HOW I BEAT PROCRASTINATION ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton) “youknowme” (Eli Filosov) “drift” (TREGS) “flood” (TREGS) “perth” (mi Ka Remix) “refute” (nimino) “Back of Your Hands” (nimino) EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: MASTER JOURNALING: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________ “The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (Book)” “Stephen Covey (Author)” “the 7 habits of highly effective people audiobook full” “the 7 habits of highly effective people audiobook” “the 7 habits of highly effective people by stephen covey” “the 7 habits of highly effective people review” “the 7 habits of highly effective people summary” “7 habits, covey” “Leadership”
6/20/201620 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

5 Steps to Overcome Loneliness & Social Isolation

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: What do you do when you feel lonely? Is there a difference between loneliness and being alone? How do you overcome loneliness and social isolation instantly? Here are 5 steps to combat that feeling of loneliness that you can use today to not feel socially isolated! 1. TAKE THE INITIATIVE 2. DON'T UNDERVALUE OLD FRIENDS 3. MAXIMIZE "SMALL" INTERACTIONS 4. SOCIAL MEDIA MINFULNESS 5. FIND A MEETUP Available now: Etsy: Use the coupon code "DANGERYOUTUBE10" for 10% off your entire purchase! HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION: 1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous 2. EMAIL Q: [email protected] 3. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - A RANT ON SUCCESS SET GOALS THAT DON'T SUCK Q+A #001: BEST MORNING RITUAL EVER ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Runaway" Price Fulton EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤WEBSITE: ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤TWITTER: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
6/14/201613 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Life Never Makes Sense

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Just some thoughts while writing the journal product. Here's some thoughts on why life doesn't make sense (and never will). Why is perspective more important than doing the "right thing". How to apply the cliche "hindsight 20-20". Also threw in a store about mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs. Got a lot out of his appearance on the Tim Ferriss podcast for those of you curious what podcast mike Rowe was on. (MASTER JOURNALING: IDEAS: 1. Where we touch the elephant = viewpoint on life. 2. Life only makes sense in hindsight, never foresight 3. Listen to your intuition = avoid regrets & make most sense out of life. HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION: 1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous 2. EMAIL Q: [email protected] 3. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - HOW I BEAT PROCRASTINATION GIVE YOUR TIME AWAY FOR FREE A RANT ON SUCCESS ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton) "Be Back Soon" (D N Z) "Refute" (Nimino) EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: MASTER JOURNALING: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
6/7/201625 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

How I Beat Procrastination

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Just some thoughts while doing the journal product. Here's some thoughts on ending procrastination and how to stop procrastinating. How I stop procrastination. IDEAS: 1. 1% increase = 3.5 x better in a year! 2. You don't have to be great to get started. Available now: Etsy: Use the coupon code "DANGERYOUTUBE10" for 10% off your entire purchase! HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION: 1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous 2. EMAIL Q: [email protected] 3. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - GIVE YOUR TIME AWAY FOR FREE OVERCOME SOCIAL ISOLATION A RANT ON SUCCESS ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Perth" (Mi Ka Remix) EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: ➤SUBSCRIBE: ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous ➤WEBSITE: ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤TWITTER: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
5/31/201615 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Ultimate Journal Insights of 2016

Master journaling : Product coming soon! - sign up for exclusive pre launch deals. Starting a journal & doing brain dumps are my go to tool. This is part two of my journal flip through inside my 2015 journal - and the top lessons I learned. For more "how to journal" videos or "flip throughs", see the links below! FREE Journal Questions: Stop settling, start living. -Clark _____________________________________ - H I G H L I G H T S - (0:19) (first ever course) (1:40) WHY JOURNAL? (2:20) FLOW STATE (3:40) APPRECIATION OF BEAUTY (6:20) THE TOP 5 REGRETS OF THE DYING (9:20) SAY MY NAME (11:15) GOALS = GROWTH (13:20) DOING OVER DREAMING (15:50) BIG RELATIONSHIP LESSONS (19:50) VOCAB (22:40) RADICAL HONESTY (26:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS ______________________________________ - G E A R & T E C H - STUDIO CAMERA t5i: STUDIO MIC KIT: MAIN CAMERA G7x : ACTION: GoPro: JOURNAL I USE: SONGS USED: "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton) "Be Back Soon" (D N Z) "Refute" (Nimino) EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro X ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - FLIP THROUGH PART ONE ULTIMATE JOURNAL GUIDE PT. II ULTIMATE JOURNAL GUIDE PT. I _____________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤WEBSITE: ➤INSTAGRAM: ➤TWITTER: ➤FACEBOOK: ➤PODCAST: ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: ➤DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] TAGS: "how to journal" "ultimate guide to keeping a journal" "Journal" "journaling" "journals" "Brain dump" "Flip through" "inside look" "gratitude journal" "mind map" "Wreck this journal"
5/24/201627 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

6 Steps to Overcome Anxiety, Weed and Adderall

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Dealing with fear? Social anxiety? General anxiety? Depression? Here are six steps on how to overcome anxiety. Hey guys - thanks for the feedback on the last anxiety video. Here are some steps to overcome anxiety and fear. Let me know what steps you use in the comments! ______________________________________ BADASS GROOMING:Available now: Use the coupon code "DANGERYOUTUBE10" for 10% off your entire purchase! HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION:1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous2. EMAIL Q: [email protected]. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ FULL STEPS: 1. PROJECT OUTWARD2. BELLY BREATHING 3. DRAIN THE BATTERY 4. LAUGH MORE5. DITCH THE FRONT6. QUIT COFFEE ______________________________________   -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK:➤SUBSCRIBE:➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous➤WEBSITE:➤HAIR PRODUCTS:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
4/4/201638 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

25 Motivational Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: Love motivational quotes? What are the best quotes on motivation? Here are my top 25 inspirational quotes of all time. Some are famous quotes, others are just great quotes on life. Let me know what your favorite motivational quote is in the comments! FULL VIDEO: BADASS GROOMING:Available now: Use the coupon code "DANGERYOUTUBE10" for 10% off your entire purchase! HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION:1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous2. EMAIL Q: [email protected]. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ FULL QUOTES: 1. The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. –- Harry Truman 3. The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. -- Henry David Thoreau 4. The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. -- Ann Landers 5. We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. --Rabindranth Tagore 6. Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die. --Brian Vaszily 7. Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something. -- H. Jackson Brown Jr. 8. It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.— Henry Ward Beecher 9. “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 10. “Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” ~Charles Kettering 11. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” ~George Addair 12. “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” ~Karen Lamb 13. “To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” ~Elbert Hubbard 14. “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” ~Jim Rohn 15. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson 16. “if you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it does and it ceases to be what your love. So, if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation. -OSHO 17. “knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. - Laozi 18. “seeking happiness in ones material desires is as absurd as suffering because a banana tree will not bear mangos” - Buddha 19. “an individual who wants to be a leader must be controversial. Otherwise they don’t stand for anything” -Richard Nixon 20. “by working faithfully 8hrs a day you may eventually get to be a boss and work 12 hours a day” -Robert Frost 21. “the easiest thing is to react. The second easiest is to respond. But the hardest thing is to initiate” -Seth Godin 22. “to go fast go alone. To go far go together” - African Proverb 23. “I have often wondered, how it is every man loves himself more than the rest of men, yet sets more values on other’s opinions than on his own” -Marchs Aurelius 24. Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -- Howard Thurman 25. “Oh, what a wonderful opportunity for personal growth” -Farmer Floyd ______________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - SET GOALS THAT DON'T SUCK GUIDE TO TOUGH DECISIONS TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY - G E A R & T E C H - FILMED ON:Canon t5i: G7x : Hero Session: EDITED WITH:Final Cut Pro X JOURNAL I USE: ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK:➤SUBSCRIBE:➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous➤WEBSITE:➤HAIR PRODUCTS:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
3/21/201611 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Live In Hawaii for Free| WWOOFING in Hawaii Walkthrough

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: WWOOFING in Hawaii Walkthrough | Everything You Need to Know About WWOOF Lots of you have asked about wwofing in Hawaii. How can you live in Hawaii for free? WWOOF is an awesome opportunity I'd recommend if you have the call to travel or take an adventure. Awesome times farming and working on a farm in hawaii. Thanks for the support dudes! Hair Pomade Available now: p.s. Use the coupon code "DANGERYOUTUBE" for 15% off your entire purchase! FREE Journal Questions: HOW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION:1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous2. EMAIL Q: [email protected]. FB MESSAGE: ______________________________________ TIME STAMPS (1:00) WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT(3:45) WHY DO THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE?(5:43) I'M 18 - SHOULD I WWOOF?(7:13) WHAT TRAVELING DOES TO YOU(9:20) HOW TO TRAVEL WITHOUT MONEY(10:20) WHAT IS WWOOFING(12:30) MASTERING THE 3 F'S(15:50) HOW TO FIND A FARM: WALKTHROUGH(21:50) SAMPLE EMAIL YOU SHOULD SEND TO FARMS(28:20) QUESTION OF THE DAY! ANSWER THIS(29:06) YOUR FREE TOOLS(29:20) HOW TO HAVE PERFECT HAIR______________________________________ SAMPLE EMAIL (THIS IS IN DESCRIPTION OF VIDEO!) Aloha (FARM NAME) My name is Clark and I'm a hardworking registered WOOFer! I read your profile and was super interested in what you have going on!I felt so called to contact you and give it a shot!Your description sounds amazing. I am super drawn to (INSERT SPECIFIC ASPECT ABOUT FARM THAT INTERESTS YOU) Here's a quick snap shot of my experience: -Currently 21 year old -Health & Wellness degree at Seattle Pacific University (2014)-Previous WOOFing experience (Hana, Maui 2011)-Owner / Entrepreneurship of own business ( of iTunes podcast "DUDE! Where's My Health?!"-Host of iTunes Podcast: "Paleo Hacks Podcast"-Host of "Pura Vida" (my own Youtube show)-Health nut.-Holistic Health lover-Hard worker & able to lift heavy stuff!-Openminded and willing to lean!-Drummer of all kinds. (played Vans Warped Tour 2011) I'm looking for a potential long term stay between (DATES YOU ARE TRAVELING). I love what you have going on with your community and thought it was worth a shot to see if you had room for one more! I would be so honored to become a student of everything you have on your farm! Thanks so much and I hope to hear back from you soon! Feel free to look me up on any of my signature links! (NAME)(EMAIL)(PHONE #) ____________________________________ -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - HOW TO TRAVEL SOUTHEAST ASIA YOU CAN LIVE IN HAWAII FOR FREE IN HAWAII - G E A R & T E C H - FILMED ON:Canon t5i: G7x : Hero 2: SONG USED: "In Too Deep" (Kasum Remix)"Midnight Snow" (Derlee.)"Hop n Skip" (LoneMoon) EDITED WITH:Final Cut Pro X JOURNAL I USE: ______________________________________ ➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected]
3/2/201625 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Set Goals That Don't Suck | 3-Part Goal Setting Workshop (like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown & Brian Tracy)

Get Your Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: How to set goals that don't suck? Goal setting doesn't mean you have to wear a piece suit in a crowded airport seminar room. In this video - we'll touch on how do you set goals and actually achieve them? What are some common myths when it comes to goal setting? PLUS - I'll go over my step by step goal setting workshop for maximum personal development and success. Time to set goals just like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown & Brian Tracy FULL VIDEO VERSION: FREE Journal Questions SUBMIT A QUESTION:1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous2. EMAIL Q: [email protected]. FB MESSAGE: -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK:➤SUBSCRIBE:➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Please feel free to email me for any time fo
2/19/201624 minutes
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What Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?

What Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?  FULL VIDEO HERE Advice to my younger self. Good advice for freshmen in High school or freshmen in college. Invest in yourself! Good question today "what advice would you give your 18 year old self" - here's the response. FREE Journal Questions: SUBMIT A QUESTION:1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous2. EMAIL Q: [email protected]. FB MESSAGE: -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK:➤SUBSCRIBE:➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
2/14/20164 minutes, 29 seconds
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Morning Routine | The BEST Morning Ritual Ever for Productivity?

Morning Routine | The BEST Morning Ritual Ever for Productivity? FULL VIDEO HERE What is my morning routine? Should you have a morning ritual or dive straight into your one thing? What is the best morning routine for productivity? Today's question is on "How to plan your day" FREE Journal Questions: SUBMIT A QUESTION:1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous2. EMAIL Q: [email protected]. FB MESSAGE:     -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK:➤SUBSCRIBE:➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] ______________________________________
2/12/20163 minutes, 44 seconds
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ROLF POTTS | Vagabonding, World Traveling, & The Electronic Umbilical Cord

Rolf Potts Interview: Vagabonding & World Travel Get Rolf's (awesome) book here: _____________________________________ ➤ROLF POTTSGet Rolf's Book here: TWITTER: @rolfpottsROLF WEBSITE: ➤CLARK DANGERGet Clark's Book here: SNAPCHAT: @clarkdangerousCLARK WEBSITE: ______________________________________ ➤ H I G H L I G H T S - (1:55) WHAT IS VAGABONDING? (4:00) ROLF'S STORY : WHY YOU SHOULD QUIT YOUR 9-5 AND TRAVEL THE WORLD (7:30) TIME WEALTH : WHY HAVING A BILLION DOLLARS IS A TRAP (9:50) BUT..... I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY (11:30) NEGOTIATING WITH YOUR JOB - TIPS TO GET 3 MONTHS OFF WITHOUT GETTING FIRED (13:48) HOW TO NOT GET MURDERED TRAVELING (17:40) DANGERS OF USING TECHNOLOGY WHILE TRAVELING (18:40) HOW TO UNPLUG TECH. UMB CORD. (22:30) BALENCE IN THE MOMENT VS. DOCUMENTING (25:50) PHOTOSHOP YOURSELF INTO PHOTOS = BETTER THAN TAKING THEM? (27:03) BEST 2-3 PLACES TO VAGABOND FOR CHEAP (29:33) ALL TIME BEST TRAVEL RESOURCES WHILE TRAVELING (31:28) ROLF’S UPCOMING MIDLIFE CRISIS BOOK ______________________________________ ➤ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E - ➤ HOW TO BACKPACK SOUTEAST ASIA➤ BACKPACKING HIGHLIGHTS 2016➤ WWOOFING HITCHHIKING IN HAWAII ➤ G E A R & T E C H - FILMED ON:Canon t5i: G7x : Hero 2: SONG USED: "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton) EDITED WITH:Final Cut Pro X JOURNAL I USE: ______________________________________ -L I N K S & S U P P O R T - ➤SUBSCRIBE:➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: ***NOTE: All amazon links are amazon affiliate. You can help support the channel by buying through them - I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected]______________________________________     TAGS Rolf Potts Interview, Rolf Potts, Rolf Potts Vagabonding, vagabonding, rolf potts tim ferriss, time wealth, how to travel, world travel, how to travel southeast asia, how to travel cheap, how to travel free, Rolf Potts (Author), tim ferriss blog, rolf potts no baggage, tim ferriss rolf potts, clark danger, 
2/5/201634 minutes, 38 seconds
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3 Things Nobody Told Me About Life

Stressed out, depressed or dealing with anxiety? These are 3 things no one told me about how to view life. Work / life balance is an incomplete way to view things. Stress is in the eye of the beholder, and it's about how to deal with stress. Here are 3 areas I view my life from when I'm dealing with stress, depression or feeling anxious. Full video version:click here Text summary:COMING SOON Get your FREE tools:click here (0:00) GOLDEN TRIANGLE EXPLAINED(0:48) WHY THIS MATTERS TO YOU(1:21) WORK (1:48) “KNAAAWWWLEDGE” (3:33) HOW STRESS MAKES YOU FAT (3:07) REST (4:45)  WHY RETIREMENT SUCKS (6:00) PLAY (6:14) UNDERWEAR MODEL?(8:35) HOW TO FIX THIS (10:21) BONUS: :) - R E L A T E D V I D E O S - VLOG #001 YEARS RESOLUTION VIDEO JOURNAL VIDEO (pt 1) FREE Journal Questions: THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Stop settling, start living. -Clark ➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected]  
1/19/201614 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Keep Your 2016 New Years Resolutions

How to Keep Your 2016 New Years ResolutionsTruth is, goals and resolutions can be set any day of the year. New years resolutions can be fun though. Here are my 3 steps on how to start and finish a new year resolution. I hope 2016 is your best year yet! 1. M: Meaning2. M: Momentum 3. M: Measure -Clark Full video version:click here Text summary:COMING SOON Get your FREE tools:click here   1. (2:06) MEANING-Find a why that makes you cry-The deeper your reason, the greater your chance of success. 2. (5:18) MOMENTUM-An object in motion will stay in motion.-IMAGE: Snowball + compounding-When you take a step towards something, it moves towards you.-2 degree changes compound over time 3. (7:37) MEASURE-What gets measured, gets managed.-Find a way to measure your results gives you small wins. -Journal for extra gratitude and wins. - V I D E O S M E N T I O N E D - 2 DEGREE CHANGE VIDEO: FULL JOURNAL VIDEO (pt 1) HOW TO MEDITATE FREE Journal Questions: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Stop settling, start living. -Clark ➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] TAGS: How to Keep Your 2016 New Years Resolutions, new years, 2016 new years, new years resolutions, new years resolution, resolutions, how to set, my new year resolutions, 2016 new years, how to set goals, goal setting, best way, how to achieve your goals, setting new years resolutions, clark danger, tony robbins
1/11/201613 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Ultimate Meditation Guide for Beginners - How to Meditate

How To Meditate - The Ultimate Meditation Guide for Beginners. These are effective meditation techniques, plus a guided 5 min how to meditation video. This is a video on how to meditate for beginners (even if you’ve never meditated before)  Stop settling, start living. -Clark Full video version:click here Text summary:click here Get your FREE tools:click here 1. WHY meditate?2. WHAT is meditation?3. HOW do you meditate? 1. (0:30) Why Meditate?-Slow down and see things.-Lessons from a Buddhist monk: 3 kinds of wisdom (learn from others, practice, thought out). We often lack the thought out wisdom. Meditation develops the third kind. (TIP: Journaling does this as well!). 2. (3:04) WHAT is Meditation?-Meditation is a time to fill yourself up.-Meditation is a time to focus on your breathing.-Meditation is a time to focus your mind (not silence it)-IMAGE: Training your mind is like training a dog. Think of a newborn puppy - walking the puppy is near impossible at the start. What should be a 10 min walk around the block turns into a 45min "stop and sniff everything" session. To train the puppy, we have to constantly redirect it back on track. Overtime, the dog learns how to stay focused. If we are consistent enough training our dog, eventually it can walk itself off leash. 3. (8:37) HOW to Meditate?-TOOLS: My top 3 meditation anchors. Use these to make the most out of your meditations. BONUS: (13:45) GUIDED 5 min Meditation Practice BONUS: (19:45) Exclusive behind the scenes footage from my stay at the monastery in Thailand - V I D E O S M E N T I O N E D - FULL S.E.A VIDEO: FULL JOURNAL VIDEO (pt 1) FULL JOURNAL VIDEO (pt 2) FREE Journal Questions: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: (full disclosure: that's my affiliate link, but doesn't cost any extra to you.) Stop settling, start living. -ClarkWEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE?" PODCAST: PALEOHACKS PODCAST: DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] TAGS: meditation, meditate, beginner, beginners, technique, How to Meditate Ultimate Meditation Guide Beginners, meditation technique, how to meditate, guided meditation, guided, how to, guided meditation
1/5/201623 minutes, 9 seconds
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Motivation: Crush Self Doubt and Limiting Beliefs

Self doubt, fear, anxiety, insecurities.... all these can be traced to limiting beliefs! Don't worry, this is not a NLP technique, hypnosis or wu-wu video.... What are limiting beliefs? A LB is anything that's holding you back that you believe to be true. In this video, I'll touch on limiting beliefs in 3 major areas: Money, Health, and Relationships. I hope this video gives you motivation and inspiration to breakthrough limiting beliefs. Stop settling, start living. -Clark   Full video version:click here Text summary:(coming soon) Get your FREE tools:click here     - SOCIAL LINKS - WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE?" PODCAST:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2 PALEOHACKS PODCAST: DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] TAGS:"limiting belief" "limiting belief" "self doubt" "how to overcome fear" "overcoming" "get rid of fear" "anxiety" "depression" "false belief" "how to" "How to breakthrough limiting beliefs" "the myth of limiting beliefs" "NLP" "NLP technique" "hypnosis"
12/23/201513 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Look Inside My 2015 Journal.... (I was scared to post this)

Starting a journal & doing brain dumps are my go to tool. This is a flip through inside my 2015 journal - and the top lessons I learned. For more "how to journal" videos or "flip throughs", see the links below! FULL VIDEO VERSION: TEXT SUMMARY: VIDEO PART ONE: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Journal FREE Journal Questions  GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE (full disclosure: that's my affiliate link, but doesn't cost any extra to you.) VIDEO: BACKPACKING THROUGH SOUTHEAST ASIA Stop settling, start living. -Clark WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE?" PODCAST: PALEOHACKS PODCAST: DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: [email protected] TAGS: "how to journal" "ultimate guide to keeping a journal" "Journal" "journaling" "journals" "Brain dump" "Flip through" "inside look" "gratitude journal" "mind map" "Wreck this journal"
12/21/201519 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

3 Styles to Learn Anything (which one are you?)

#037 3 STYLES TO LEARN ANYTHING // FULL SUMMARY:   TEXT: Get the “11 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever” for FREE at CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2   ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.  
12/15/20158 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork


#036 THE WAR OF ART - STEVEN PRESSFIELD // FREE ONE PAGE SUMMARY: Hey guys - Clark here. Thanks for tuning into this week's book review on "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. Sorry about the audio quality - i'm switching to a new format and doing a lot more video. Figured i'd upload this anyway. Head on over to the YouTube channel if you want the interactive version. Thanks for your support! Love the hell outta ya!   TEXT: Get the “11 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever” for FREE at CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2   ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.  
12/12/201514 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


#035 Why More Is Less - The Paradox of Choice  In This Episode: How supermarkets increased sales 1000% by REDUCING choices 400% Is the culture of abundance robbing you of your happiness? 3 tricks to avoid paralysis by analysis (when too much info backfires) Striving for “good enough” - the secret of satisfaction The secret of satisfaction   TEXT: Get the “11 Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever” for FREE at CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2   ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.  
11/20/201512 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


#034 3 Success stories that fooled everyone  CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2   ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.  
11/13/201519 minutes, 54 seconds
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#032 3 Tricks That Make You 80% More Productive  NOTE: Had a beer or two recoding this. I recommend you do the same while listening! :) In This Episode You Will Learn: How to become 80% more productive, in 20% of the time. What is the ONE thing you must STOP doing if you want to be productive. Reclaim 23% of your time back with one trick (it's so simple) Task batching, the secret behind doing more with less   CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2   ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.  
11/7/201522 minutes, 36 seconds
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#032 Wayne Levine - Don't Make These Mistakes in Your 20s!   In This Episode You Will Learn: How to move beyond self doubt the BIGGEST mistake most men make in their 20s One unique tool that will change your life (and every situation you enter) Ways to ask for support without sounding weak How to get what you want during times of conflict (in a healthy way) Gain clarity and insights on your purpose in life  NOTE:This interview was recorded in 2012 and originally appeared on the "What Makes A Man" podcast.    CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   CONNECT WITH WAYNE TWITTER: @MensLifeCoach FACEBOOK: Better Men Coaching   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2     ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.  
11/3/201551 minutes, 29 seconds
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IS IT OKAY TO LIE? (what Sam Harris taught me)

#031 Are You a Liar?  Some insights and lessons learned. 1. Are make up & cosmetics lies?  2. Lies with others: weight loss, shitty actors and broke friends. 3. Lies with yourself: living in your mother's basement....   NOTE: Ideas from this episode were pulled from Sam Harris's book "Lying". Be sure to check that book out.   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2 CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   ABOUT "DUDE! WHERE'S MY LIFE" "DUDE! Where's my Life" is a podcast for the anti frat bro. For the man who is wants to crush his 20's, but is wondering "is this all there is"? The man who wants to travel the world. The man who wants to have authentic & real relationships with women. The man who's sick of fake interactions. The man who's ready to stop settling and start living. Get your shit together. Join the tribe. Topics include: Travel, Mindset, Relationships, Health, Nutrition, Manhood, Sex, Authenticity, Entrepreneurship, Money, Lifestyle design, Behavior change and more.
10/30/201516 minutes, 55 seconds
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#030 The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida pt. 1 Some insights and lessons learned. 1. Stop hoping for completion 2. Life as if your father was dead 3. Live at your true edge 4. Never change your mind to please your woman 5. Discover your purpose now 6. Enjoy your friends criticisms  7. Don't use your family as an excuse   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2 CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   The "Dude! Where's My Life?" Podcast is an uncommon approach to personal development, lifestyle design and getting your s**t together! I Synthesize the BEST lessons I've learned throughout life. Failing a TON and messing up so you don't have to! Topics include: Lifestyle design, Behavior Change, Sex, Money, Mindset, Manhood, Authenticity, Relationships, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Holistic Health, nutrition, wellness, fitness, paleo, low carb, fat loss, muscle gaining, being unstoppable and more! Be sure to leave a review / rating if you dig it! Stop Settling, Start Living. -Clark
10/26/201519 minutes, 51 seconds
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#029 How to Be Confident When You Should Be Embarrassed Some insights and lessons learned. 1. Rock it 2. No one cares about you 3. Never value the opinions of those you don't respect   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2 CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   The "Dude! Where's My Life?" Podcast is an uncommon approach to personal development, lifestyle design and getting your s**t together! I Synthesize the BEST lessons I've learned throughout life. Failing a TON and messing up so you don't have to! Topics include: Lifestyle design, Behavior Change, Sex, Money, Mindset, Manhood, Authenticity, Relationships, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Holistic Health, nutrition, wellness, fitness, paleo, low carb, fat loss, muscle gaining, being unstoppable and more! Be sure to leave a review / rating if you dig it! Stop Settling, Start Living. -Clark
10/23/201511 minutes, 23 seconds
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#028 Spice up & Kick Ass - Variety  Some insights and lessons learned. 1. Chicken & broccoli life? 2. Beer drinking monkeys & tourists 3. Drowning in relationships 4. SuperBad + The 4-Hour Work Week 5. HOW TO ADD IN VARIETY   YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2 CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]   The "Dude! Where's My Life?" Podcast is an uncommon approach to personal development, lifestyle design and getting your s**t together! I Synthesize the BEST lessons I've learned throughout life. Failing a TON and messing up so you don't have to! Topics include: Lifestyle design, Behavior Change, Sex, Money, Mindset, Manhood, Authenticity, Relationships, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Holistic Health, nutrition, wellness, fitness, paleo, low carb, fat loss, muscle gaining, being unstoppable and more! Be sure to leave a review / rating if you dig it! Stop Settling, Start Living. -Clark  
10/21/201514 minutes, 1 second
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This is the truth behind "Dude! Where's My Health" Some insights and lessons learned along the way.  Connect with me INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: [email protected]  
10/16/201518 minutes, 3 seconds
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BONUS | Justin Manning Interviews Clark Danger on "Keep Health Alive" Podcast

Yeah yeah yeah, I don't want to hear it! Truth is, I have NO clue when this show will be back (if ever). BUT I wanted to share this episode with you all. My main man Justin Manning brought me on his "Keep Health Alive" Podcast about 9 months ago. Check out his other work for more killer interviews! Thanks for the support. Feel free to shoot me an email anytime for any reason: [email protected] Love hearing from you crazy animals. Pura Vida -Clark   WWW.CLARKDANGER.COM   BONUS | Justin Manning Interviews Clark Danger on "Keep Health Alive" Podcast
12/28/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sex, Love, Drugs & Monkey Nipples

Sex, Love, Drugs & Monkey Nipples Two ways to keep us commerical free & support the show: 1. Please rate / comment on iTunes!  2. Donate on Thanks for the support on the show! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" "Sex, Love, Drugs & Monkey Nipples" "Sex" "Monkey Nipples" "Love"
12/28/20137 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why society is MESSED up. (and what you can do about it) | What Zig Ziglar taught me

Why society is MESSED up. (and what you can do about it) | What Zig Ziglar taught me Two ways to keep us commerical free & support the show: 1. Please rate / comment on iTunes!  2. Donate on Thanks for the support on the show! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" "Zig Ziglar taught me" "Highlight the good" "Motivational speech" "Zig ziglar speech" "Why society is messed up" 
12/26/20136 minutes, 33 seconds
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The absolute FASTEST way to get what you want

The absolute FASTEST way to get what you want Two ways to keep us commerical free & support the show: 1. Please rate / comment on iTunes!  2. Donate on Thanks for the support on the show! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" "give" "Giving" "The power of giving" "how to give" "Give back" "Wayne"
12/23/20137 minutes, 51 seconds
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Watching the news makes YOU stupid!

Watching the news makes YOU stupid! Two ways to keep us commerical free & support the show: 1. Please rate / comment on iTunes!  2. Donate on Thanks for the support on the show! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" "Watching the news makes you stupid" "News" 
12/16/20135 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stop trying to be happy!!!!

Stop trying to be HAPPY!!! Two ways to keep us commerical free & support the show: 1. Please rate / comment on iTunes!  2. Donate on Thanks for the support on the show! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" 
12/3/20137 minutes, 32 seconds
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ALWAYS be skeptical

Always be skeptical. Thanks for the support on the show guys! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life""Always be skeptical" "Skeptical" "Why you should" "The fastest way to"
11/30/20135 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stop trying to fix people

Stop trying to fix people Thanks for the support on iTunes! Please rate / review if you haven't already! REALLY helps the show out! Control your life, don't let life control YOU. -Clark TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"
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The RISKIEST thing you can do (what Ralph Waldo Emerson taught me)

The RISKIEST thing you can do (what Ralph Waldo Emerson taught me) Two ways to keep us commerical free & support the show: 1. Please rate / comment on iTunes!  2. Donate on Thanks for the support on the show! TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" 
11/24/20136 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Tim Ferriss taught me - The Minimal Effective Dose

What Tim Ferriss taught me - The Minimal Effective Dose TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"
11/22/20136 minutes, 13 seconds
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Make YOUR Art. - (What Seth Godin Taught Me.)

Make YOUR Art. - (What Seth Godin Taught Me.) Thanks for the support! Control your life, don't let life control you. TAGS: Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"
11/20/20137 minutes
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The ONLY way to deal with Rejection Thanks for the support. -Clark
11/16/20138 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why You're NOT "Over It" (and what you can do about it)
11/4/201316 minutes, 19 seconds
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Shed Your Skin: The Only Way to Overcome Hardship Thanks for the support with the show guys! I hope this episode finds you well. Control your life, don't let life contol you. -Clark Danger [email protected]
10/26/20137 minutes, 59 seconds
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Two Tips That Will Change Your Life... FOREVER.

Two Tips That Will Change YOUR Life... FOREVER. (Thoughts are things) (Gratitude) (Tony Robbins, The Secret, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tim Ferris, style) These are TWO BIG ones, guys! What up dudes and dudettes! Clark back again with another episode! Now if you follow the Youtube channel you know we've been coving the mindset this week. KEY POINTS 1. Thoughts Are Things -What you think about you bring about! -We have 60,000 thoughts per DAY! -Most of those thoughts are the same as YESTERDAY and NEGATIVE! 2. Gratitude  -The single FASTEST way to get back on track. -Develop a gratitude practice. -What 5 things are YOU most greatful for today? Thanks For the Support: ★ Website: ★ FB: ★ Tweet: ★ iTunes Podcast 1:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506 ★ iTunes Podcast 2: ★ Subscribe: ★ Drums Channel: ★ Fitness Product: Control your life, don't let life control you! -Danger TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"
8/25/201314 minutes, 13 seconds
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CLARK DANGER: Top 40 Things I Learned In 2012 : Relationships

8/16/201324 minutes, 36 seconds
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CLARK DANGER: Top 40 Things I Learned in 2012 : Business & Passion

Here's the second episode on the Top 40 List! As you know, I'm HUGE on mindset. Each month I'll be going solo to bring you some of the biggest / most impactful / personal development ideas and practices. I hope you get something out of this week's session as I go through my top 8 things I learned about Business & Passion in 2012.  Success leaves clues. Why take one new massive goals when you haven’t even reflected upon this past year’s success? I guess that’s why I’ve never been good nor seen the point with “New Years Resolutions”. If you want to replicate ANY form of success, you need to REFLECT on WHY and HOW you were successful. It is for this reason I feel that it’s much more important to reflect upon what you’ve learned over the past year. It’s in the reflection that we are reminded of life’s lessons. As always: can’t WAIT to hear your feedback at the end! Which lessons did you connect with? Where in your life did you experience something similar? Real quick: I’d also like to note that I’m in no way trying to sound preachy. These are as much reminders for myself to look back on throughout the years as they are to you! May we all get something out of these! STOKED! Top 8 Things I Learned About: Passion / Business9. ABSOLUTE ABS Launching a business / product is HARRRDD! SHIT! I had no idea how much time / effort this would all be. Hiring a programmer, web developer, online banker, videographer, producer, camera man (YOU’RE MY MAN HARRY!), Film editor, graphic designer, AND writing / creating the program. WHEW! Glad that’s done! HOWEVER! SO thankful that I’ve learned how to do it all so I can be better prepared for the next products! Thanks for the support on Absolute Abs guys! (had to plug it). 10. TWO ULTIMATE RESOURCES Time and money. Ultimately, you’re time is more valuable. You have to choose which one of the two you want to spend. The other will suffer. Spending all those hours editing / producing Absolute Abs saved me thousands, however my whole summer was spent a slave to Final Cut Pro! 11. DHARMA This one could go in any category really. Dharma a concept I ripped of Deepak Chopra’s must read: “The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success”. The seventh law is the law of Dharma. Basically Dharma is a concept that we are ALL put here for a unique purpose. The “Universe” or “God” or “Creator” (whatever you want to label it) NEVER duplicates. Each and every one of us were given unique talents / gifts. By not fully using those gifts or fully expressing yourself you do a disservice to yourself, but more importantly everyone else who could of benefited from them! My English teacher would kill me for that run on sentence, but you get the point! Dharma. Powerful stuff! 12. EVERYTHING IS CREATED TWICE. Once in your mind, and once in reality! This is the concept of blueprinting! We gotta give ourselves permission to dream big and think even bigger! Once you’ve created something in your mind, all that’s left is to get a M.A.P. or “Massive Action Plan.” Take action and manifest that blueprint into a reality! Dream it up peeps! 13. EARN A DEGREE IN G.S.D: GET SHIT DONE Sometimes you just need a degree in G.S.D or “Getting Shit Done!” Turn the distractions off, lock yourself down, and make a to-do list. GSD! Oh and shout out to my roommate / best friend Harry with this one! 14. OUTSOURCE If you want to be a millionaire, then you need to stop doing $10/hour tasks! Word. Sri Lanka does great work as does South Africa! has saved me SO MUCH MONEY. Tim Ferris thought me this one for sure. Not just in business, but in every area of your life. There’s only so much time that we have. What’s the 5% of things that you and ONLY you can do? Do them and outsource the rest. 15. START & STOP “What’s the #1 thing you should START doing. What’s the #1 thing you should STOP doing?” Hands down, one of the BEST questions I ask myself whenever I’m feeling off-task or off-centered. It’s not surprising at all how many times the answer has been some form of social media…. What a time-eater facebook is, good God! 16. GIVE GIVE GIVE I said it last year, but it’s worth repeating. THE SECRET TO LIVING IS GIVING Thanks for the support guys! As always, head over to to get the full top 40 list. Control your life and don't let life contol you! -Danger HOME: ABS:
4/2/201333 minutes, 12 seconds
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ELLIOTT HULSE: Strongest Version of YOU, Four Layers of Strength, Steroids, Depression, Meditation, Balls Brain : Episode #7

YO DANGER ZONE! What does is mean to yield into you balls brain? How would it feel to fully cash in on the four layers of strength? Is there something holding you back from being the strongest version of yourself? This show's the money maker! Today on the show we got Pro strongman, Non Jobber, and fellow holistic health lover Elliott Hulse. Stick around to hear how YOU can become the STRONGEST VERSION OF YORSELF. To do this you must utilize the FOUR layers of strength, while yielding into your heart & your balls brain. SPEED ROUND TOPICS: Meditation, Steroids, Depression, Parenthood, and MORE! Control your life don't let life control you! -Clark WHERE TO FIND US:  ELLIOTT HULSE: @ElliottHulse CLARK DANGER: @ClarkDangerous
3/4/201353 minutes, 25 seconds
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CLARK DANGER : Top 8 Things I Learned in 2012 : Personal Development

Hey dude! We got something a little different this week, you up for it? As you know, I'm HUGE on mindset. Each month I'll be going solo to bring you some of the biggest / most impactful / personal development ideas and practices. I hope you get something out of this week's session as I go through my top 8 things I learned about Personal Development in 2012.  Success leaves clues. Why take one new massive goals when you haven’t even reflected upon this past year’s success? I guess that’s why I’ve never been good nor seen the point with “New Years Resolutions”. If you want to replicate ANY form of success, you need to REFLECT on WHY and HOW you were successful. It is for this reason I feel that it’s much more important to reflect upon what you’ve learned over the past year. It’s in the reflection that we are reminded of life’s lessons. As always: can’t WAIT to hear your feedback at the end! Which lessons did you connect with? Where in your life did you experience something similar? Real quick: I’d also like to note that I’m in no way trying to sound preachy. These are as much reminders for myself to look back on throughout the years as they are to you! May we all get something out of these! STOKED! Top 8 Things I Learned About: Personal Development 1. “WHAT ONE CAN BE, ONE MUST BE” In short, this has become my life’s philosophy. What Abraham Maslow is saying is that all of us have this divinely inspired need of self-actualization. It’s corny but true, that everyone is as unique on the inside as they are on the outside. The universe NEVER recreates. You were put here for a distinct purpose. We must fully express ourselves and use our unique gifts / services to better serve the world. Don’t cheat us from your unique gifts! 2. THERE’S NO “HOLY GRAILS”. “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Did you know that back in Jefferson’s day, the word “pursuit” actually meant, “PRACTICE”? Pretty different than our common interpretation of “to chase after”. If we want happiness, whatever that means to us, we can’t be caught up in this Holy Grail chase of “one day”. We must practice it EVERYday. VIDEO: 3. EXPRESS OR DEPRESS . Probably my most important lesson this year. Everything in nature has a polar opposite. There’s hot / cold, night / day, male / female, depression / expression. If you want to get out of a rut, you NEED to express yourself. This looks totally different for everyone. My favorite way is through Dynamic Drumming Meditation. All you drumming buddies know what I mean! EXPRESS OR DEPRESS! 4. CONSISTENCY ON THE FUNDAMENTALS. Not taking time for yourself is like saying that you’re too busy driving to stop for gas! Ridiculous right!? Yet we do this SO much. Doing the fundamentals or things that FILL you up is a must. My big ones are: Exercise, good nutrition, proper hydration, expression, restful sleep, and personal development books. What are yours!? Do them! 5. REAL COURAGE IS… Real courage is NOT getting rid of fear; REAL courage is taking action in spite of fear. I feel there’s a huge myth in our society that we’ll “one day” or “somehow” completely rid ourselves of fear. Let’s listen to good ol’ Mark Twain with this gem: “courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” Take action. Yesterday you said tomorrow. Begin it today. 6. WHEN YOU’RE GREEN YOU’RE GROWING “When you’re green, you’re growing. When you’re ripe, you start to rot.” -Ray Kroc. In short, never stop learning. Oh MAN is this true! There’s something so beautiful about growth. As is in nature when something stops growing, it dies. The same is true with us! You may not die in a literal sense, but you’ll be one of those people who die at the age of 25 and continue walking around like a zombie till 70! Never. Stop. Learning. 7. KNOLEDGE COMES IN THE REFLECTION I’ll be the first to admit, this one’s super hard for me to practice. I feel the constant need to be in the “Action Mode” when in reality, real growth happens in the “Reflection Mode”. Journaling has become a huge practice of mine. I feel that this is where everything really soaks in. Knowledge without application is useless. 8. 95% A BITCH, 100% A BREEZE How true is this title? There’s that monkey on your back when you don’t fully commit. It’s always going to beg the question of “is this the 5% day?” That 5% will start turning into 50, then pretty soon you quit! When you’re REALLY 100%, there’s NO question and NO guess work! It’s a breeze because there’s no thinking! Take the 100% and live it! Thanks for the support guys! As always, head over to to get the full top 40 list. Control your life and don't let life contol you! -Danger HOME: ABS:
2/11/201330 minutes, 40 seconds
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ABEL JAMES : The Fat Burning Man on a Wild Diet : Episode #5

Real food. Real Results. Is it really possible to get absolutly shreded with only 5 min of sprints a day? Can you REALLY acheive optimal health while eating WHOLE sticks of Raw Organic Butter? My next guss sure can. Today we have the none other than the Fat Burning Man Abel James from the #1 Fitness and Nutrition podcast on iTunes. Abel and I touch on why you should chase your coffee with your vodka. How eating almost all fat is brain food. Why you shouldn't be a soy sucker and why you won't see Abel fist pumping on the jersey shore anytime soon. And how dubstep just might be worse for you than Justin Beiber or Ke$ha for your musical brain! Speed round topics: Superfoods, Supplements, Safe Carbs, Paleo Primal, Coffee Thanks for your support on guys! Feel free to leave an honest review / rating on iTunes and let me know what you think! I'll bake you cookies!  Pura Vida -Danger Where to find us: ABEL JAMES: @Fatburnman PODCAST: The Fat Burning Man Show CLARK DANGER: @ClarkDangerOUS
2/4/201356 minutes, 32 seconds
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TROY CASEY : Principals of Optimal Health : Episode #4

Are YOU a certified..... HEALTH NUT!? My next gues sure as heck is! Troy is living ENERGY. I think this will go down as the show in whcih I talk least. It's all good becaue today's guest has some serious truth to rant up! Troy is a wild dude's whos mission is "Teaching holistic health, self care & our symbiotic relationship with planet earth". In this episode troy rants it up about the SEVEN principals of optimal health: Clean air, water, sunshine, whole foods, walking, loving relationships, and PASSION. Also, find out why we should be "SEXUAL ANIMALS" and how the political corroprations are literally destroying our environment, health, while making YOU pay the big bucks! You all KNOW I ask troy about his take on Intermittent fasting, Paleo, and cold showers. Hot Speed round topics: Chakras / Coffee / Death / Wold Peace and MORE. Crank this podcast up and let me know what you think! Thanks for all the support guys! Control your life and don't let life contol you! Pura Vida, -Danger TROY: @MrHealthNut CLARK: @ClarkDangerous
1/28/20131 hour, 7 minutes, 47 seconds
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SEAN CROXTON : Fat Loss, Personal Development , and Jillian Michaels : Episode 2

OHHHH BABY! So SOTKED for this weeks interview with the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Sean Croxton. Sean is the founder of Underground Wellness ( and author, wellness activist and just all around good dude. He also hosts The Underground Wellness podcast and wrote a super sweet ebook titled "The Dark Side of Fat loss". In this episode Sean and I hit on what's sext in the holistic health realm and why you should blog for your mom! Also, why Tim Ferriss' new book the 4-hour chef is the equivalent to crack PLUS all you single ladies can find out how you can score a date with Sean (although Jillian Michaels might have a leg up on you). Finally, I get sean in the speed round with hot topics such as being a Vegan, Alcohol, and being a Paleo caveman. Take a listen, and let us know what you think! Later guys! -Danger
1/21/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

DUDE! We Got A Podcast! Episode #1

Super stoked to get this show on the road! Wanted to make a quick episode introducing myself and give you all an idea of what's to come! Got some big plans for us!
1/21/201311 minutes, 42 seconds