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REDEEM Her Time | Time Management Tips, Life Balance, Daily Routines, Productivity Habits, Christian Women Cover
REDEEM Her Time | Time Management Tips, Life Balance, Daily Routines, Productivity Habits, Christian Women Profile

REDEEM Her Time | Time Management Tips, Life Balance, Daily Routines, Productivity Habits, Christian Women

English, Education, 1 season, 295 episodes, 5 days, 16 hours, 55 minutes
Welcome to the Go-to Podcast for Christian Women who want to make the best use of their time and be more present in this season… and in light of eternity! Do you wish you could stop… > Wasting precious time on less important things that take you away from your priorities? > Questioning what matters most and wavering in indecision or worry beyond the present? > Saying YES to demands or requests on your time when you’re already filled to capacity? > Being half-present with the people around you while thinking about all you should do? Good…cuz that’s not the life He intends for you. There’s a way to simplify and balance life so you can serve the Lord, nurture your family, make a difference…AND take care of yourself too! Hey, I’m Lissa, Christian Time Management Coach, Priorities Protector and Recovering To-Do List Girl. I’ve been teaching, leading and coaching Christian women for over 25 years. Once upon a time, my life was too busy– I was there on the outside, but not fully present inside. Something had to change. I asked the Lord where He wanted me to focus… and He led me to manage my time with faith as the foundation. Wanna learn how I make time for…spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into friendships, serving through my calling, stewarding my resources, organizing my home, pursuing my passions– and actually fit in SELF-CARE? On this podcast I’ll teach you how to be confident, consistent and fully connected in the key areas of your life by: > Redefining your God-given life plan to guide where you focus your time & attention. > Implementing a simple time management system to create regular rhythms and routines. > Overcoming the distractions that keep you from being effective and intentional. I can’t wait to help you let go of busy for good so you can be available to who + what matters most! BUSY is not a disordered calendar, it's a DISORDERED HEART. Grab something to sip, open up your heart & calendar…I’m about to show you how to make the best use of your time… with God at the center of it all. Let’s get started. L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis), Lissa NEXT STEPS 1. Grab the free REDEEM your Time in just 5 Min Guide 2. Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community 3. Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website: Email Me: [email protected]
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271| Name the Year. How to use a Word of the Year to Hear God’s Voice and REDEEM Your Time feat. Jenny Fulford

Hey CEO- Do you choose a Word-of-the-Year?Maybe you have in the past and it really kept you grounded. Or maybe you have in the past but forgot it somewhere along the way.Or maybe you’ve never put much thought into choosing a word…cuz how much can just 1 word do anyway?No matter where you find yourself right now, you’re in the right place. Because there is power in a single word. And you’re about to hear how naming the year with a word of the year not only helps you more clearly hear God’s voice, but to REDEEM your time cuz you’re more connected to the purpose behind it. Plus you’re gonna love the Name Your Year Journal to help you choose your word…and keep it in front of you all year long! That’s why today I’ve invited Jenny Fulford the creator of the Name Your Year Journal to join us.  Jenny Fulford is a follower of Jesus and child of God! She's also a wife, a new mom, and the founder of Laurent Paper Co., a stationery business that makes intentional paper products that help Christians tune into God's voice in their unique life season.You’re not only gonna be inspired to choose your word, no matter what time of year it is, but to allow God to use it to speak to you….so let’s dive into this conversation. Grab Jenny’s How to Choose a Word of the Year Guide hereShop the Name Your Year Journals and use code REDEEM10 to get 10% offCome join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!YOU. HAVE. TIME. Lissa + JennyP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
10/24/202445 minutes, 15 seconds
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270 | Annual Planning. 5 Steps to Planning your Business Growth for a Year

Hey CEO, It’s almost the end of another year so let me ask….is your business where you wanted it to be by now? No, I’m not trying to make you break out in a sweat!Now, some of you may be further than you had dreamed when the ball dropped on 2024…if that’s you, YEAH for you! But chances are, most of you are not quite as far as you envisioned you’d be (or nowhere near where you wanted to be) when you made that resolution, set that goal, declared that intention that this was the year you were gonna (fill-in-the-blank)…right? If that’s you, like I always say- no shame, no stories.  It just is or isn’t what you thought it would be. Either way, you’re in the right place, cuz no matter where you are at this point in the year, today I’m gonna share with you how to approach planning WITH God and the 5 steps to Planning your Business Growth a year out so this time next year you’ll not just be where you planned…but even further! Doesn’t that sound like a better ROI on your time than just hoping you’ve grown in a year’s time?  Girl, I’ve got you. And I’ve not only am I giving you the 5 Steps, but also the exact tool you need to keep you on track all year long…without feeling overwhelmed or behind. I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the REDEEM Her Time Balance Assessment hereYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaFollow REDEEM Her Time on IG hereFollow REDEEM Her Time on FB hereP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
10/21/202433 minutes, 10 seconds
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269 | Increase your Marketing Reach with Podcast Guesting feat. Sabrina Hammonds

Hey CEO- Are you leveraging Kingdom Connections (in a good way) to grow your reach?  You should. TRUE STORY: Somewhere along the way, my guest and I crossed paths and even done a pod swap, but just recently I heard her on another podcast and felt that Holy Spirit nudge to reach out and invite her to another swap now that our missions are even more aligned. So I sent a thoughtful video message and a week later, here we are recording her on my podcast and right after this me on hers, both adding value to one another’s audience and both expanding our reach! And I’ve already got some ideas for how she and I can continue to collaborate.So why do I tell you this? Because making Kingdom Connections is her expertise!  And you never know where a God-ordained connection will lead- to a new client, to a great connector or even to the perfect collaborator! Sabrina Hammonds is dedicated to helping faith-filled legacy leaders share their transformative stories. She believes our experiences are gifts meant to inspire others.She founded Kingdom Connections Podcast & Media Agency with a focus on quality over quantity, fostering strategic connections between clients and podcast hosts. This approach encourages collaboration, enabling believers to unite, support one another, and leverage their strengths for God’s glory.Girl, if you wanna increase the ROI on your time as a Christian business owner, you’re gonna want to lean in, cuz this is the kind of work that will lead to an abundance of fruit in your business…and for the kingdom!  And Sabrina is here to help us access “the MORE”. You ready to connect on a higher level? At the end, you’ll hear me invite both Sabrina and YOU into the REDEEM Her Time Community where Christian women business owners are making Kingdom Connections every day, and I have a feeling you’re gonna want to click the link in the show notes to join us so… Come join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityAnd grab Sabrina’s 30 Divinely Aligned Podcasts to Multiply Your Message, Impact, & InfluenceWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!YOU. HAVE. TIME. Lissa + SabrinaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
10/17/202450 minutes, 33 seconds
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268 | Are You a Planner Girl? Going Beyond the Paper vs Digital Debate (but settling that too)

Hey CEO…Just curious- are you a Planner Girl?  I find I run into 3 types of women- Those who ARE a proud and loud Planner Girl… and swear by a planner to keep them on track.Those who say they’re NOT a Planner girl… and just hope to get through the week without dropping too many ballsThose who WANT to be a Planner Girl…and pick up a new one with great intentions, but before long it gets added to the pileToday, I promised you we’d address the age-old dilemma of PAPER PLANNER vs DIGITAL…but as I thought about it, it goes way DEEPER than that. So no matter which of the 3 you are right now, I want you to know this episode is for YOU…because it has the power to make a BIGGER IMPACT on your TIME more than anything else...and YES, if you stick with me to the end, I promise to help you settle that PAPER vs DIGITAL debate once and for all…or at least for now.  You ready to get into your HEART + CALENDAR with me?  I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaFollow REDEEM Her Time on IG hereFollow REDEEM Her Time on FB hereP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
10/14/202431 minutes, 14 seconds
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267 | Leverage Time with Podcasting to get Seen, Heard & Known in Less Time featuring Kristin Chadwick

Hey CEO- Do you know (+ believe) that YOUR Story matters…and that YOUR Voice needs to be heard?  I talk all day long with go-getter Christian women business owners who want to be seen, heard and known as the expert God has made them, but let’s be honest...It’s a little NOISY out there…especially on social, right? And besides... you can spend all that time creating the perfect image and well-crafted copy and you may get a random like on someone’s scroll past to watch the cat video below you…that is, if the algorithm even decides to show it to them!  But there’s one visibility strategy that guarantees 100% of your followers will see what you share…podcasting.  And I believe this is the #1 way for Christian women to share their mission + message and actually be heard by your best clients…now that’s what I call leveraging time and growing your impact in less time. That’s why today I’ve invited my friend Kristin Chadwick to join us today, she’s a seasoned podcast industry expert and Podcast Coach, who desires to guide individuals in launching and growing their podcasts with confidence, authenticity, and purpose.If you wanna increase the ROI on the time you spend sharing your message, you’re gonna want to listen to this…Follow  Podcast Coaching for Kingdom EntrepreneursConnect with Kristin on her website hereCome join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!YOU. HAVE. TIME. Lissa + KristinP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
10/9/202451 minutes, 7 seconds
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266 | The Un-Time Management Tool for Christian Women who DON’T want to MANAGE 1 More Thing!

Hey CEO- Happy October!  You know what makes me more excited than pumpkin spice latte season- it’s REDEEM Her Time Planner Season!  And even though our official Reveal Day is not until Oct 29th, over the next few weeks, I’m gonna give you a peek inside…cuz I know this is gonna shift EVERYTHING about how you approach time and I can’t keep it all to myself till you get it in your hands. But I gotta warn you- this planner is NOT like what you’ll find in the office section at Target or even on the website of your go-to planner each year. This planner is the UN-Time Management tool you gotta have as a busy Christian woman who doesn’t want to manage 1 more thing!  Cuz you’re managing enough these days- from your family and friendships to your money and home to your wellness and service…not to mention the work, business or ministry you’re called to…. But guess what- you don’t have to manage one more thing (especially your time)…in fact, you don't have to manage any of it- how freeing would that be?  Stick around for this episode cuz I’m gonna show you how to UN-manage your time…and a lot of other things.  You ready to let go of that MANAGING role?  Good.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
10/7/202428 minutes, 11 seconds
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265 | 3 Steps to Steward your Business by Faith with an Abundance Mindset with Christine Jewell

Hey CEO, Do you tend to look at the cup as HALF-FULL or HALF-EMPTY?  May I just point out that BOTH perspectives focus on limits + lack. What if instead you looked at the cup as OVERFLOWING…That’s what we call a faith-filled abundance mindset. Because He doesn’t do anything just to capacity, right? He’s a God who does exceedingly abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine…to Him be the glory, amen.So if we are doing business WITH-God, it’s time to stop trying to manage things at capacity an instead focus on becoming the CEO He’s called us to be who can steward the abundance He has for us.That’s why today I’ve invited my friend Christine Jewell on the podcast…Christine Jewell is an author, keynote speaker, and faith based executive coach with  over 25 years of experience in the fields of Health + Peak Performance, Entrepreneurship + Human Behaviour . She is also the host of the Breaking Chains Podcast where I recently was invited to be a guest.As the Founder of Warriors Of The Heart, she specializes in guiding highly successful CEO’s and Impact driven leaders to break out of the superficial “life” they’ve built, redefine success and step into a whole new playing field grounded in eternal, life giving principles. Christine bridges the gap between the heart, fueled by faith & logic, fueled by practicality -  to help people receive more than they could ever imagine and claim the rich life they were created for.Get your hands on Christine’s book Drop the ArmorCome join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!YOU. HAVE. TIME.Lissa + ChristineP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
9/30/202441 minutes, 16 seconds
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264 | Growing Slow: The Only Cure for Hurry Sickness with Jennifer Dukes Lee

Hey CEO…I don’t know about you, but I was addicted to SPEED.No, not the drug kind, but the always-doing kind. You know- the always fitting more in, the forever checking more boxes, the constant being everywhere all-the time kind of speed- especially in my business cuz I had people to serve and goals to reach, you too?  Except all that speed only resulted in one thing- HURRY SICKNESS. Perhaps you’ve heard my story of my diagnosis of Hystericus Globus where my ignoring of the signs I was always going too fast finally caught up with me.  The same thing happened to my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee- except her doctor didn’t try to hand her a pill to make it all go away. He told her it was a HEART problem, not as in the pumping blood kind, but the what she was running after kind.  When I read her story in her book Growing Slow this summer and heard it took a diagnosis of hurry sickness for her too to finally embrace Growing Slow, I couldn’t put the book down and had to invite her to be on the podcast. Jennifer Dukes Lee is the bestselling author of several books, including Growing Slow, It’s All Under Control, and Stuff I’d Only Tell God. She’s a fan of queso, bright lipstick, and singing too loudly to songs with great harmony. She lives on a fifth-generation family farm in Iowa, where she and her husband have made a life of growing crops, pigs, two beautiful humans, and an enduring faith. And you’re about to listen in on a very real conversation as we walk through the 4 seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter on the farm and in our hearts and explore the purpose God has behind each one. I have a feeling this is one you’re gonna want to listen to again and share with your BIZ BESTIES who also may be addicted to speed and suffering (undiagnosed) from HURRY SICKNESS…cuz I think we all do, especially when trying to scale a business to 6 figures and beyond. What if by Growing Slow, you can put down the roots, sustain the growth and experience a harvest beyond what you ever thought possible?  Get your hands on Growing Slow + the Growing Slow Bible Study join the conversation  (+ slow growth) inside the REDEEM Her Time Community pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + JenniferP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
9/23/20241 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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263 | Are you Praying for Your Business? How to Let God of Control and Increase your Impact

Hey CEO- If entrepreneurship is 1000x harder than just showing up to a job, why are we not regularly plugging into the power source we have access to as believers through prayer? I don’t know about you, but for many years, I would spend my time with God in my fav spot on the couch with my Bible, a blanket and coffee in hand (do you have one of those spots too?)...and I’d spend plenty of time praying for my family, for my friends, for people in my church and in my community….even for my clients…but NOT MUCH for my business or for myself as the CEO.  It was like I left Him on the couch when it was time to head to my office…until the next morning.All the while, I was limiting the growth of my business because I was doing it as if it depended all on me- that’s because I saw myself as a manager of my time and business.  But all that changed when God showed me that it’s NOT about me.  And that my role was not manager, but STEWARD, because it didn’t belong to me and the purpose was not to build my kingdom, but His. And that’s when I started learning to pray specifically in my CEO Daily Meetings that we talked about last week on Ep 262. Prayer is how we connect with the One who holds everything we need…that’s how we can truly build our business WITH-God and see Him do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine to Him be the glory! That’s why I’m excited to bring you this conversation today with Gayle Chaky- Gayle is a transformational business mentor, speaker, host of the “With God as My CEO” podcast (where I will be a guest soon) and founder of the Impact Makers Journey mastermind series. She is passionate about helping women reduce decision-making fatigue and become strong, confident business owners operating with the Lord at the core of their business as they focus on successfully magnifying their impact for His glory. Gayle lives in New York with her husband of over 30 years and sweet pup Gracie.  Her life priorities are: faith, family and work in that order.  In her free time she loves walking, bike riding, gardening, sewing or just relaxing in her favorite chair with a good book.Be sure to listen in for to how to give up control of your business and for how to make prayer a Master’s mind priority…I have a feeling you’ll be so glad you did cuz your life + biz will never look the same. Take Gayle’s IMPACT Assessment here Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!YOU. HAVE. TIME. Lissa & GayleP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
9/16/202433 minutes, 26 seconds
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262 | Praying for Your Business: A Template for a Daily CEO Meeting With God

Hey CEO- Ever feel distracted in your time with the Lord such that it’s become another box to check off the day’s mile-long to-do list?  Or feel like after spending time deeply connecting with Him, you head into your work block and leave Him on the couch?  Been there, done both, didn’t work well. But it doesn’t have to be that way.If you desire as a CEO (a Christ-Empowered Operator) to bring God, your Chairman of the Board, with you into every aspect of your business, and no longer try to figure out building it on your own, a Daily CEO Meeting is the most important time you’ll invest all day…not only in your business, but also in your life.If you long for His wisdom, direction, and peace as you build your business, lean in, because today I’m gonna share with you how I transformed my time with God from a routine task into a powerful partnership that fuels my business and everything else in my day…And how it can help you no longer waste time with the #1 way Christian women in business waste time day after day after day….I have a feeling, after you hear the benefits, not only around your time, but also in your faith and everything else, you’re gonna want to grab the link to download my template, so here it is…Download the CEO DAILY MEETING WITH GOD TEMPLATE hereApply to the CEO Program + access the CEO IMPACT BONUS hereI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
9/9/202423 minutes, 30 seconds
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BONUS: How the Proverbs 31 Woman increases her IMPACT + INCOME...and how you can too before the end of the year!

Are you a Christian woman who wants to scale her business to six figures and beyond? The Proverbs 31 woman is a beautiful example of how to increase the ROI on your time to produce fruit to the glory of God. Listen to this bonus episode for the 4 CEO Essentials she has in place...and how you can acceess the TEMPLATES + SUPPORT to put those in place in your business to increase the ROI on your time as you increase your IMPACT + INCOME...before the end of the year!Wanna learn more about the CEO IMPACT Opportunity and take advantage of Challenge pricing before midnight on 9/6? Apply to work with Lissa at
9/4/202413 minutes, 32 seconds
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261 | C.E.O. Impact: 4 Keys to Increase your Impact (+ Income) Before the End of the Year

Hey CEO-Do you want to increase your IMPACT (+ income) in your biz before the end of the year?For too many years, I was just increasing my BUSYNESS because I was always checking my inboxes, always working, always multitasking, always trying to manage it all…I (wrongly) thought my BUSYNESS meant I was growing my business…BUT all I was growing was my guilt, my fatigue and my disappointment. But GOOD NEWS, after doing it all wrong for so long, I have discovered the 4 EXACT THINGS every successful Christian business owner needs to have in place…Not only will these 4 THINGS save you time (so you don’t have to wait for next Labor Day to take a well-deserved break), but they will also increase your IMPACT as a CEO…and along with it increase your INCOME.  How would you like to end the year in the black when it comes to your TIME + your INCOME?Before you head off to whatever you've got going on today, give me a few min of your time because I have a feeling having these 4 THINGS in place is gonna CHANGE EVERYTHING for you and your you (finally) see the growth (sooner than you think).Access the CEO IMPACT BONUS (and special pricing) when you join the REDEEMED Midlife CEO group coaching programI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
9/2/202424 minutes, 21 seconds
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260 | Believe You're a C.E.O. How to Increase your Impact + Income before the End of the Year

DAY 4: FIND-the-TIME CHALLENGE How to get rooted as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur.... so you can increase your IMPACT + INCOME in your business before the end of the year.Register for the link to access the full FIND THE TIME CHALLENGE + the community to get coaching + support at
8/30/20241 hour, 25 minutes, 44 seconds
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259 | Multitasking is NOT Your's your Kryptonite + the #1 Focusing Question to ask as a CEO

DAY 3: FIND-the-TIME ChallengeHow to ditch multitasking and FOCUS TIME by asking the #1 FOCUSING QUESTION.... so you can give your Biz your full attention and see the growth of your impact + incomeRegister for the link to access the full FIND THE TIME CHALLENGE + the community to get coaching + support at
8/29/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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258 | Saying 'Sorry We're Closed'? Stop Apologizing for your Limits

How to set HEALTHY BOUNDARIES around your time in business (aka your WORK + NON-WORK TIME)....and how to communicate it without the guilt!Register for the link to access the full FIND THE TIME CHALLENGE + the community to get coaching + support at
8/28/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 31 seconds
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257 | Think You Don't Have Enough Time? It's Time to Think Again

DAY 1: FIND-the-TIME ChallengeDiscover how to go from NEVER ENOUGH TIME to MORE THAN ENOUGH as a busy Christian woman juggling all-the-things in Life + Biz.Wanna access the rest of the CHALLENGE to transform how you approach TIME? Register at
8/27/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 19 seconds
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256 | Get Back Hours in Your Day #4: Time Management Tips that are Actually Wasting your Time

Hey CEO- Today we’re gonna talk about trying to manage time and I’m just gonna come out and say it…Managing anything (especially time) is a myth. True story: when my husband was deployed, I was the one left at home trying to juggle all the balls—business, household, homeschooling, serving—as you can imagine, it was exhausting. I can still remember that day when my daughter was young enough to be on my hip and I was standing on the stairs, feeling like no matter how much I tried to manage it all, I was constantly dropping all the balls. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and on the brink of burnout.And I remember crying out, “God, I can’t do this on my own.”  It was in those moments of struggle that I learned some of the most valuable lessons about time management and relying on God’s strength rather than my own.Now, here’s the kicker: in trying to manage my time better, I was actually wasting it! Sounds crazy, right? But what if I told you that many of the strategies we use to try and control our time can actually end up being counterproductive and waste our time instead?If you’ve ever felt like you’re just not doing a good job at managing it all (and should be better managing your time), I wanna invite you to listen in to this last of our 4-part series on How to Get Back Hours in your Day as an Entrepreneur series…cuz we’re gonna bust the myth of your need to try to manage it all and discover the solution God invites His daughters to instead. WARNING: This episode could change EVERYTHING for you!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab your spot (+ 2 FREE GIFTS) for the FIND THE TIME CHALLENGE here HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
8/26/202420 minutes, 2 seconds
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255 | Get Back Hours in Your Day #3: The Myth of Multitasking + the #1 Focusing Question You Need to Be Asking Every Day

Hey CEO, Today I want to start with a simple question: Do you think you can do 2 things at once…and do both WELL? Often, we as business owners who also have a home or family or other responsibilities to manage pride ourselves on being able to do all-the-things all at the same time, right? We THINK that multitasking is our superpower…but actually it’s our kryptonite. You might be able to walk and chew gum, but outside of listening to a great podcast while you're getting ready for the day, driving, or cleaning up the kitchen, multitasking is only going to cost you more time and more of everything else because your focus is divided.  And I don’t know about you, but I wanna avoid wasting time in my day.So I invite you to lean in because today, on this third part of the 4-part series to Get Back Hours in your Day as an Entrepreneur, I’m gonna share with you why Multitasking is costing you time + the #1 Focusing Question you need to be asking every day so that you not only DON’T WASTE TIME trying to multitask, but instead HAVE TIME to invest in what matters most that’s in front of you in your Life or Biz. I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Grab your free Guide + Screensaver to Get Back Hours in your Day when you register for the FIND THE TIME CHALLENGECome join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
8/19/202420 minutes, 22 seconds
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254 | Get Back Hours in Your Day #2: How to Set Work Boundaries to Work Less Time

Hey CEO…Do you know when it’s time to work on your business…and when it’s time to NOT work on your business?  Let me just say, as an entrepreneur who does 99.9% of her business online, I get it, the lines can get a little blurred…but may I be honest with you? For a long time, I was that girl who showed up to FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT...with her LAPTOP!Do you often blur the lines between business and not-business cuz YOU don’t have a clear stopping point for your work?  Just know you are in good company.  And I wanna invite you to lean in because today, on this second part of the 4-part series called 4 Ways to Get Back Hours in your Day as an Entrepreneur, I’m gonna share with you how I set clear boundaries around my WORK (and NON-work) TIME....So that you too can not only turn off your laptop and brain, but be fully present to time with the people God has called you to.Cuz I have a feeling you don’t always want to be working…right?  …and I have a GIFT for YOU (2 gifts actually) that are gonna help you with how + when you work (and DON'T work) to get back hours in your day…and life!  Grab your free gifts when you grab your spot for the FIND THE TIME CHALLENGEBecause who doesn’t want more time, right? I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
8/12/202417 minutes, 13 seconds
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253 | Get Back Hours in Your Day #1: How to Avoid Digital Distraction as an Entrepreneur

Hey CEO- Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, feeling pretty good about getting a quick task done. You turn to your family and say, “I’m just gonna check this one thing.” You know, just a quick peek at emails or maybe a fast scroll through social media. But, we all know how that goes- one thing leads to another…and to your surprise, an hour has flown by! It’s so easy to get caught up in the endless online world, and waste more time than you realize…with little to nothing to show for it. So today as we kick off a 4-part series on 4 Ways to Get Back Hours in your Day as an Entrepreneur, we’re gonna start with what is perhaps the most tangible time-waster of them all…Our DIGITAL DISTRACTION. Lean in because today I’m gonna share with you how I’ve gained time in my day by being wise with when I pick up my devices (and when I DON’T)…and I have a GIFT for YOU (2 gifts actually) that are gonna help you with how + when you pick up your devices to get back hours in your day…and life!  Grab your free gifts when you grab your spot for the FIND THE TIME CHALLENGEBecause who doesn’t want more time, right? I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Come join the conversation afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityYOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz
8/5/202418 minutes, 26 seconds
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BONUS | Wish You Could FIND TIME for it All? The Find the Time Challenge is Coming Soon

Hey CEO- YOU are invited to my new LIVE 4-day FIND the TIME Challenge happening Aug 27-30. Grab your seat at before any more time gets away. Because look, I know you feel it. In 2024, midlife women (especially those running a business) are BUSY- you’re more DISTRACTED, you’re less PRESENT, and you’re pretty much EXHAUSTED trying to keep up with it all, right?And no matter how much you wish for an EXTRA HOUR in your day or for time to STAND STILL so you can just catch up, the CLOCK. KEEPS. TICKING. Despite what the time management gurus tell you, the lasting solution to your busyness is NOT found in ORGANIZING your CALENDAR (or to-do list), it’s in rightly ORDERING your HEART and what you believe about the time you have.NOTHING will change if YOU don’t change- that’s why you are invited to PUSH PAUSE on your busyness to embrace 4 heart (+ calendar)-shaping truths: DAY 1: Think you DON’T Have Time? It’s Time to Think Again.DAY 2: Saying Sorry We’re Closed? Stop Apologizing for your Limits.DAY 3: Multitasking is NOT Your Superpower….it’s your KryptoniteDAY 4: You are a C.E.O…Believe it and Live it!While the world is out there CHASING TIME like it’s a limited resource that needs to be MANAGED, I know you’re ready for another way to approach your time, the WITH-God way. So decide to MAKE the TIME to invest in you, your faith, your business and your life. Join us the week of Aug 27th for the FIND the TIME Challenge and be sure to grab your spot at’ll be counting the minutes till we see you there. 1, 2, 3, 4….YOU. HAVE. TIME. LissaP.S. Schedule a 15 Min CEO TIME AUDIT…let’s uncover where your time is REALLY going and discover the key to MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityWatch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach Time 
8/1/20243 minutes, 46 seconds
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252 | 3 Simple Summer Habits to Create (& Maintain) an Organized Home

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #9Hey CEO- How’s your DWELLING (aka HOME) feeling this summer?Whether you have kids home for the summer or not, you may feel like it’s more stressful to keep things clean and picked up with all the coming and going… especially when you long to relax and take a break from your responsibilities. It’s amazing how when things are in order, you feel peaceful, rested and welcoming…and when they’re NOT, well let’s just say the doors may be shut but YOU still feel the disorder inside you!  So what’s a girl to do when she’s got a business to run, a home to manage, trips to plan…and MORE stuff, dust-bunnies and footprints than you have time to keep up with? Set realistic expectations with a doable plan for the season you’re in. That’s why I’ve invited Crystal Tharpe of the Organized Home to join us today…Crystal  is a Home Organization and Productivity expert, dedicated to helping busy Christian women transform their chaotic, cluttered homes into serene, confidence-boosting spaces. Through her proven habits, routines, and systems, Crystal guides women from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to enjoying peace, balance, and efficiency in their daily lives. And she is passionate about enabling women to thrive in their roles, aligning with God’s vision for a harmonious and fulfilling home life.What I love is that Crystal’s faith-centered coaching integrates her extensive knowledge with biblical principles that create a well-ordered environment and life which are crucial for spiritual growth and overall well-being.Speaking of trying to manage a home….ever feel like you’re Cinderella trying to manage your time?  “Cinderella do this.” “Cinderella do that.”  It seems like no matter how hard you work, there’s always something more for you to do before you can go to the ball. Why not change how you approach time so you’re not giving in to all demands that come your way?I love to listen to things while I do my household tasks, so while you’re putting today’s tips into practice decluttering or cleaning your home, why not listen to the Manage Your Time Masterclass and learn the bippity-boppity-boo secret to no longer chasing the clock before it strikes.  Grab on-demand access now at’t worry, you WON’T be inside cleaning all day when you implement these simple habits to STAY AHEAD of the clutter and the calendar so that way you can get out and enjoy your summer… Grab Crystal’s  Faithfully Clutter-Free GuideWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + CrystalP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
7/29/202432 minutes, 52 seconds
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251 | Make Doing What you Love a Habit by Planning your Intentional Summer

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #8Hey CEO- Are YOU having FUN this summer? Summer is the perfect season to make doing what you love with those you love a habit with all the opportunities it holds to get out of your office…road trips, beach days, picnics, family gatherings...Yet sadly it’s still easy to feel stuck behind a screen slaving away at your work in order to keep business growing while everyone else seems to be at the lake, pool or beach (at least that’s what their instagram feed shows)I gotta admit, for a long time, I DIDN’T have time for FUN…cuz there was just too much to do and too little time to run and scale my business.  But the truth was, I HAD TIME….I just wasn’t MAKING TIME to explore my passions and rediscover what I loved to do. I was on the fast track to burnout and really not much FUN to be around…can you relate? Whether you’re having too much fun, too little fun or somewhere in between, you’re gonna love my conversation with Jess Massey around simple habits to prioritize your PASSIONS…not just in summer, but in EVERY season. Jess is the host of The Hustle Sanely Podcast, a planner creator, and the founder of the community-centered productivity brand Hustle Sanely® where she uses her framework The 5 Keys to Hustling Sanely™ to coach ambitious women on how to pursue their goals while prioritizing their mental health and relationships. From adopting a positive mindset to getting clear on your vision to prioritizing your tasks and creating a schedule that makes sense for your season, Jess covers it all and is excited to help you create a peacefully productive life.And what I love most is that even with all the ways Jess intentionally incorporates passions + fun…her ultimate JOY comes from her relationship with Jesus.Speaking of not having time for fun…..if you don’t wanna miss out on life beyond your laptop, I wanna invite you to watch the Manage Your Time Masterclass to get a handle on your time so you no longer feel like there’s never enough…in fact, you can even take it with you to the lake, pool, beach or the back deck. Grab on-demand access at’t let the fact that we’re past the halfway mark in summer keep you from planning an intentional summer…let’s jump in today and make a splash! Grab Jess’ Summer Planning Guide here We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to have FUN!XO- Lissa + JessP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
7/22/202438 minutes, 3 seconds
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250 | Summer Energy Reset: 2 Simple Habits to Master your Energy using Natural Rhythms

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #7Hey CEO- How’s your ENERGY this summer? There’s just something about those DOG DAYS of Summer this time of year that makes you wanna SLOW the pace of your body, soul and spirit…and for good reason!Paying attention to the natural rhythms around you has a profound effect on your energy levels and long-term wellness.But the problem is, we DON'T always pay attention.  Too often, we find ourselves just getting BUSIER in each season of life… and that not only has an affect on your mental wellness, but also on your physical wellness and longevity.And then just like with trying to MANAGE TIME, we wonder why trying to MANAGE our ENERGY feels like we’re walking a tightrope that keeps moving on us!That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Ashly Torian of Ashly’s Heart Song TV, to join us for a conversation about mastering our energy and improving our wellness using the natural rhythms around usAshly Torian is the Vitality Coach, Speaker, and Author of Join Me in the E.N.D. Zone. She has a lifelong focus, education, and experience on understanding the psychology of eating, human physiology, emotional resolution, the mind-body connection, and how our outlook on these factors can either damage or enhance our lives.Ashly works with those who desire to set themselves FREE from the pain and struggle they experience by addressing the SOUL- the mind, heart, and emotions through her 3-brain approach.And more importantly I love that she helps women get out of the stress & back into your body, life, and business!You’re gonna love her SIMPLE HABIT IDEAS that go right along with the natural rhythms of summer to reset your energy instead of trying to manage it. And if you wanna stop walking the tightrope of trying to MANAGE your TIME, I invite you to watch the Manage your Time Masterclass. Grab on-demand access at and let go of trying to MANAGE it all so you can get back into your God-given life + biz this summer too!Now let’s dive into increasing our vitality by paying attention to the PACE of our body, soul and spirit.Grab Ashly’s Circadian Rhythm Rocks hereWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + AshlyP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
7/15/202424 minutes, 10 seconds
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249 | Discover your Money Mindset: Key Habits That Lead to Financial Stewardship

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #6Hey CEO- What thoughts come to mind when YOU think about money?  I know…Why do I ask when you’ve got plenty of other things on your mind this summer, and perhaps are seeing more going out than coming in with the costs of summer adding up and a potential decrease in business income? Because how you think leads to what you believe, feel and do…and before you know it, your results match your thoughts…yes, even when it comes to your money. Cuz you see, it’s not really about the balance in your bank account, but about what you make it mean…that’s why one person can look at a $100 bill in hand and see the abundance while another only sees the lack.Does that sound familiar?  It’s the same principle we talk about here on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast when we talk about our time and how our beliefs STEER our results. So no matter how much you have coming in or going out this summer, if you want to steward your finances well, you need to pay attention to what you’re believing about it... That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Amber Peterson of Amber Peterson Financial Coaching, to have a conversation around how to intentionally create your money mindset to steward your finances well.Amber Peterson is a wife to her sweetheart Zach of 19 years and a mother to 4 awesome kids. She is passionate about helping women and couples understand their money mindset, create growth, and build financial peace of mind. She has two books available to support women and their spouses about gaining clarity of what they believe about money and the role it takes in their financial reality.You’re gonna love her simple habit ideas that don’t just focus on the HOW-TOs, but on the KEYS  to help you intentionally build your money mindset this summer AND beyond… so no matter what number is in front of you, you see it as God’s abundance. And if you want to create the right mindset around your time to go from usually-never-enough to always-more-than-enough, you can now watch the Manage your Time Masterclass on demand. Grab access at and start to shift everything about what you believe about your time…and what comes of it!Now let’s dive into being good stewards of the resources God’s entrusted to us…including your money. Grab Amber’s ebook Discovering your Money Mindset hereWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + AmberP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
7/8/202425 minutes, 44 seconds
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248 | Summer Work Habits to Grow Your Business …and Prioritize Your Life

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #5Hey CEO- What does your business look like this summer?  Better yet, what do you want this summer to be about so that you don’t get to the fall and regret that life took over business…or business took over life?Let’s be honest, summer is the season where there seem to be more invitations (and distractions) that pull you away from your desk…and while it may feel good in the moment to put it away, you don’t want to get to the end of the summer and not like what you see because you didn’t give your business much time and attention…And you certainly don’t want the opposite to be true, where you find you’ve missed out on those moments to engage with those you love, the Lord and yourself. No matter where your summer is taking you, if you want your business to grow, you need to pay attention to it... That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Heather Schaefer of Branding You Big, to have a conversation around how to model running a biz + prioritizing family all while enjoying the season!  Heather is a Branding Coach who serves multi-passionate, mission-minded women entrepreneurs with her gift of a unique left brain-right brain combination, which allows her to think strategically and creatively to build a cohesive brand that stands out in the sea of sameness. She is a Premier Success coach with EWomen Network, an expert trainer for Small Business Owners Collective, a speaker and a published author on I love that Heather encourages women to raise kids to love the Lord while modeling entrepreneurship so they can grow up to do BIG things…and that Business and life don’t have to be separate for women, but rather go together to create a brand that aligns with YOU.You’re gonna love her simple habit ideas to help you grow your business this summer…AND prioritize the other parts of your life as you start with the end in mind. Take Heather’s Branding Quiz here We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + HeatherP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
7/1/202425 minutes, 51 seconds
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It's TIME for a Mid-Year Check In: 8 Questions to Conduct a Heart & Time Audit

Hey CEO- Did you realize we're at the halfway point in the year? That's why I'm interrupting our SUMMER HABIT SERIES for a Mid-Year Check In...and inviting YOU to join me in looking back + looking ahead with these questions...HEART CHECK: How do I feel knowing that we're at the halfway point in the year? Do I see the time that 'got away' or the time spent on what will 'never fade away'?LOOKING BACK: What's been getting my time/not getting my time? What's working/not working?What's been joy-full/stress-full?LOOKING AHEAD:What will I make time for/not give time to?What will I complete/let go?What will I no longer put off/will I save for later?RIGHT NOW:What has God put on my heart?If you're CHASING TIME, trying to control it and still feeling like there's NEVER ENOUGH...I encourage you to watch the Masterclass Replay to start shifting everything about how you approach time as an ABUNDANT GIFT to STEWARD on behalf of the One who controls it all. Grab replay access to the Masterclass here I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- LissaP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
6/27/20246 minutes, 38 seconds
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247 | Habits for Meaningful Friendships: Thoughtful Ways to Reach Out this Summer

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #4Hey CEO- How's the intentionality of your FRIENDSHIPS lately? Prov 27:9 reminds us that the counsel of a friend brings sweetness to the soul We all know friendships matter…but let’s be honest, when we’re feeling short on time with all of the hats we wear in life + biz, it can be easy to put friendships on the back burner…then before you know it, a lot of time has passed and you’re feeing disconnected and a little lonely out there on your own. We need friends to help keep us grounded through the seasons in our life- women who are there to say, “I see you.” “I got you.” “I understand what you’re going through.” That’s why we need to be proactive about making time for friendships…and no it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.My guest today, Dana Eriksson, is the founder of the Amazing Human Project. After serving in many seemingly different roles in her career, Dana realized the thing that really lights her up and the theme across her various career experiences is her desire to help people feel loved, valued, and connected with others. That’s why she created the Amazing Human Project as a way to bring more light into this world and to make it easier for people to stay connected with friends and colleagues to communicate value and thoughtfulness. Dana is also the Director of Community and Connection for an online community for eCommerce entrepreneurs and she loves helping people feel less lonely and united with others on similar journeys.Even though this season is full as a mom of young kids, a wife, daughter, sister, full time employee and entrepreneur, I love that Dana values her friendships and makes time to reach out in thoughtful ways. You’re gonna love how simple and doable she makes letting others know you care with 5 levels of reaching out… even when you feel short on time in a busy season like summer.Let’s dive into this conversation about simple ways to reach out to friends and show them you care!Check out the Amazing Human Project to make it easy to send a thoughtful gift to your friends  and be sure to use code ‘RedeemHerTime’ at checkout to get 10% offWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + DanaP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
6/24/202425 minutes, 28 seconds
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246 | Prioritizing Quality Time with Family: 5-Minute Habits to Try This Summer

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #3Hey CEO- It’s easy to get caught up with all-the-things in a busy season like summer, but when it’s all said and done, what will you regret more- not taking the time to send one more email, engage on one more post, hit one more milestone, do one more load of laundry…Or not making the time to invest in the relationships that matter most…aka your FAMILY. I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to create consistent habits around things like my faith-walk, my business, my wellness, my dwelling…and sometimes leave important relationships to fill the cracks in between. But the truth is, the TIME you invest now is laying a foundation for the future….and you’ll never regret building into those relationships!My guest today, Tonya Wirfs, Host of 5 Minute Habits for Mom Podcast, is a Habits Coach, an Ambassador for Birth It Forward and The Single Mom KC and mother of 5 plus 5 bonus kids. (Talk about a lot of family relationships to build into!)  How does she do it ALL? You know what allows her to balance Family + Business, to develop consistent habits, and to avoid burnout or stalling out?  She partners WITH-God in everything she does in her family and business!You’re gonna love Tonya’s simple ideas to create 5 min habits that will help you value your family relationships this summer, no matter who’s under your roof, and never make those you love most feel like you don’t have time for them. Now let’s dive into this conversation about 5 min habits to be intentional with those God has entrusted to us! Listen + Follow Tonya’s 5 Min Habits for Moms Podcast here We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + TonyaP.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
6/17/202432 minutes, 2 seconds
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245 | How to Build a Habit of Daily Bible Reading to Hear God’s Voice when Life gets Busy

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #2Hey CEO- Wish you could hear more clearly from God, especially when life + biz feels busy  or you’re out of routines, like in summer?  The good news is, God has spoken to us through His Word…if we’ll regularly turn off the noise of the world around us (and the voice inside us) and take time to listen. Maybe you’ve already got an intentional habit of daily reading the word, maybe it’s been hit and miss lately or maybe it’s still just a great intention you keep meaning to get around to…No matter where you find yourself, a consistent habit of bible study will keep you from drifting away, especially in a busy season like summer. But what do you do when you only have a few minutes to get in the Word?I’m so glad you asked.My guest today, Rosa Alejandro (aka Rosie) is a Certified Master Mindset Coach, Educator, and Spiritual Growth Mentor. She teaches Christian women how to hear God’s voice daily and grow closer to Him. She is the creator and host of the Her Intentional Bible Study podcast, a top 1.5 % global podcast.Rosie believes that to find true inner peace and grow in our faith, we must connect with God daily through His Word. She learned this lesson through her spiritual walk when in 2008, she drifted from her faith because she started believing the enemy’s lies and slowly allowed the world's worries to choke her faith and her motivation to be in God’s word. By God’s grace, her faith was restored in 2012 and since then she has developed effective Bible study habits that help her stay in close connection with God.She believes it is possible to hear from God every day, even when time is limited. She loves helping women get focused, confident, motivated, and connected to Jesus!You’re gonna love Rosie’s simple ideas to no longer let time be your excuse to not get in the word and instead use the time you have to create or maintain a bible study habit, even with all that summer holds. Speaking of which, if you’re feeling short on time (and like you should do a better job at managing it), I wanna invite you to join me this week, JUNE 11th or 12th for the live masterclass I’m hosting, Manage your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock…I’m gonna show you that trying to manage your time in your life + biz is not the solution, it’s actually what’s keeping you spinning in circles, feeling like there’s never enough. Get ready to shift everything about how you approach time with 1 simple question.  Grab your spot + all the details and replay access at let’s get to work building a habit of intentional bible study this summer, especially when you don’t feel like you have much time…Grab Rosie’s Bible Study Habit Starter Pack: Free Workbooks with a Bonus 30 Days of Proverbial Affirmations & Guided PrayerWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!XO- Lissa + RosieP.S. Register for the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the pivotal question to ask as a busy Christian Solopreneur juggling all-the-things in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
6/10/202428 minutes, 8 seconds
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244 | Connect with God in the Midst of a Busy Summer: Embracing Daily Kairos

SUMMER HABIT SERIES #1Hey Busy CEO- We all know spending daily time with God makes all the difference in every area of our lives, but do you sometimes struggle to make time to connect with Him in a way that’s meaningful…especially in a BUSY season like SUMMER that’s full of distractions?  We spend so much of our time chasing CHRONOS minutes that we often miss the KAIROS moments. What’s KAIROS?  KAIROS is the Greek word for time that’s not focused on what’s measured by clocks and calendars, but on the suitable time for something to occur or to be accomplished.  KAIROS moments are opportunities in which God makes it possible for someone (like you) to do or experience something of lasting importance and significance. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather embrace THAT kind of time more often.Today I’ve invited my friend Jordan Jones to join me for a conversation about how to use the Daily Kairos Journal as a tool to capture more KAIROS time and draw closer to God. Jordan Jones is a mama-preneur with a passion for all things marketing, minimalism, and making Jesus known. Jordan and her husband Pete created the Christian e-commerce brand, Daily Kairos to help busy Christians spend more time with God and in His Word. She also runs her own coaching business where she helps faith-filled mamas build simple + scalable businesses so they can steward their time and talents, serve others well, and scale their income - all without sacrificing time with the ones who matter most. Jordan is a firm believer that all of our work - both at home and in our businesses - can be done for the glory of God and the good of others, and she hosts the Work and Worship Podcast where she dives deep into the intersection of our work and faith with other Christian entrepreneurs. I’ve been using the Daily Kairos Journal now for the past several months and have loved it so much…I’M GIVING ONE AWAY THIS WEEK!Just leave a review of the REDEEM Her Time Podcast on Apple Podcasts by midnight on June 6th to be entered (or if you already left one, share the show or an episode with a friend, screenshot it and post it inside the REDEEM Her Time Community)Let’s not let any more time get away and jump into how to create a habit of daily meeting with God and draw closer to Him by embracing DAILY KAIROS. Check out the DAILY KAIROS JOURNAL here Be sure to use CODE: REDEEM15 to get 10% OFFWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!xo- Lissa + JordanP.S. Register for the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the pivotal question to ask as a busy Christian Solopreneur juggling all-the-things in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
6/3/202439 minutes, 13 seconds
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BIRTHDAY Give-Away + MANAGE YOUR TIME Masterclass: Timely Resources for June

Hey CEO- Can you believe it’s June 1st?  Not only does that mean it’s time to turn the page on the calendar to start a new month, it’s also a time when we find ourselves asking, “WHERE DID THE TIME GO?” Then often resign ourselves to living in what feels like an OUT-OF-MY-CONTROL TIME-WARP... cuz most days our attempts at slowing the pace is fruitless. They say in summertime, the living is easy, but for most of us, it’s anything but easy cuz no matter how much we try to MANAGE it, time seems to KEEP GETTING AWAY. That’s why I’m popping in on this short bonus episode to share 2 exciting resources with you…BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY: DAILY KAIROS JOURNAL. Leave a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts between June 1-6th sharing how this podcast has made a difference in your heart + calendar (or share the podcast with a friend + why you thought of them and post a screenshot inside the REDEEM Her Time Community). Then pop in the community on June 7th to see if you're the winner!MANAGE YOUR TIME WITHOUT CHASING THE CLOCK. Join me June 11th or 12th for a free live Masterclass to get to the root of why your attempts at Time Management haven't worked (or at least worked for very long) and the way to shift everything about how you approach time that will make all the difference as a busy Christian Woman Solo or Entrepreneur. Register here to grab a spot + LIVE/REPLAY access I pray these bless, challenge and move you to action!xo- LissaRegister for the Manage your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass …and discover the true key to time management to REDEEM your Time WITH-God in both Life + Biz Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
6/1/20249 minutes, 40 seconds
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243 | Create Lasting Habits: 4 Steps to Effective Implementation Intentions

Hey CEO, Be honest, when was the last time sheer willpower was enough to make your great intention into a habit that lasts?  Probably never.The problem with willpower is NOT that it’s bad, it’s just that it doesn’t work very well- or for very long, especially on our own.Left to ourselves, it’s easy to cut corners, let ourselves off the hook, quietly quit…or never even start.  And then we wonder why we’re not growing,But when we combine the process of habit formation along with the power of His Spirit, we’ll reap a harvest beyond what we thought possible. So today as we wind up our 5-part series on HABIT FORMATION, let’s look at how we can partner WITH-God through the 4 Steps of IMPLEMENTATION to become who He is calling us to be.Together let’s turn those great intentions into lasting habits with intentional IMPLEMENTATION.Grab the 2 +3 Timeblocking Guide here I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to (consistent) action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
5/27/202425 minutes, 54 seconds
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242 | HABIT FORMATION IRL: How to Make Habits Stick Knowing Your Motivation Style

Hey C.E.O.-Figured out YOUR habit motivation style yet?RESPONDER, CHALLENGER, INVESTIGATOR, DOERKnowing your HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE will help keep you from that endless cycle of starting to implement a new habit with great intentions… only to find it fell by the wayside along with all the others.  The problem with HABIT FORMATION is that most of us try to approach habits the “right” way, the way we see others doing it-then wonder why it doesn’t work for us… and assume we’re just not good at habits. BUT when you understand how God uniquely made YOU- what keeps you going- HABIT FORMATION becomes much more natural… and enjoyable. Soon you’ll find those new habits stick around long enough to actually stick!Today is HABIT FORMATION IRL (aka in real life). You’re gonna hear 4 different women with 4 different habit motivation styles talk about how knowing themselves is helping them figure out how to approach habits in a way that works for them…and what doesn’t work!If you haven’t listened to Ep 241 yet, no worries, stick around to hear how it’s put into action…then go back for a deeper dive into each of the 4 styles and access the HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE QUIZ inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.Lean in cuz you just might hear yourself in one of these ladies to help identify which habit motivation style YOU are…and finally make YOUR habits stick!And afterwards, be sure to come hang out with us inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where we’ll talk more about how knowing your Habit Motivation Style leads to successful habit formation!We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa, DeeAnn, Ashli Anna, MichelleP.S. Schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
5/20/202455 minutes, 14 seconds
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241 | What’s YOUR Motivation Style? The Key to Finally Stay Consistent with your Habits

Hey CEO-You up for a quick QUIZ that will make all the difference in helping you not just start, but finally be consistent with HABIT FORMATION that moves you in the right direction?  Let’s start with this question- How do you feel about making NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? I know, we’re nearly halfway through the year, but statistically 72% of us lost sight of those great intentions just a few weeks in, meaning most habits didn’t make it very far.Based on your answer, you might be a RESPONDER, a CHALLENGER, an INVESTIGATOR or a DOER…Just 1 question isn’t enough to determine which motivation style YOU are, so on today’s episode, I’ll go into more depth about each of the 4 MOTIVATION STYLES and how knowing yourself can help you with HABIT FORMATION…That could be HABIT-FORMING (pun intended)Listen in and let’s discover your HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE so you can make it start working FOR you…not against you.Take the full HABIT MOTIVATION QUIZ inside the REDEEM Her Time Community by clicking hereI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Schedule a CEO TIME AUDIT…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
5/13/202424 minutes, 9 seconds
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240 | Beyond Good Intentions. Intentional Habit Formation for Growth Over Time

Hey C.E.O.-How does your day typically go? Most people wake up and let life happen- unconsciously running from one thing to the next, mindlessly reacting to the next thing that comes their way, unintentionally giving time and attention to what they desire in the moment, with little to no thought to who they are becoming over time. That’s UNINTENTIONAL HABIT FORMATION. Because what we do repeatedly forms... or mis-forms us.If you’re honest, you may have way more UNINTENTIONAL habits forming you than INTENTIONAL ones. Either way, the question is- who are you BECOMING?Instead of waking up and living by default- letting newsfeeds, netflix and the next new thing get your time + attention, CONFORMING you to this world…choose to get up and live with intention to be TRANSFORMED to look more like who He is calling you to become.Once you’ve paid ATTENTION, it’s time to take the next step to creating habits that will form you in the right direction…INTENTION. And today we’re gonna take it beyond just good intentions…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Schedule a 20 min CEO TIME AUDIT…and discover the key to start living beyond getting through another day…and REDEEM your Time in both Life + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
5/6/202426 minutes, 21 seconds
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239 | What is Forming You? Build Habit Awareness to Grow in Life + Biz

Hey C.E.O.Ever stop to ask the question- What’s FORMING you?  Answer: Your HABITS. It’s really not a question of whether or not you have habits, cuz everyone does, even if they’re unintentional- it’s really about the effect your habits have on you…Habits either FORM or MISFORM your heart...and that affects everything in your Life + Biz.Whether you’re super intentional + consistent, pretty hit-and-miss or gave up long ago cuz habits never seemed to stick, this is for you because we all need to answer 2 questions-What are YOUR HABITS… and more importantly how are they SHAPING YOU?Today we’re gonna build some HABIT AWARENESS as the first step in forming the kind of habits that lead to fruitful growth in your WITH-God Life + Biz.You ready to let HIM shine the light on YOUR habits?  Let’s start by being AWARE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
4/29/202419 minutes, 37 seconds
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238 | Feeling Off? Balancing Life with 3 Steps to Renew Your Attention

Hey C.E.O.Feeling a little off or a lot out of balance?Just wanna say it can happen to the best of us.  In fact, it happened to ME in the last few weeks and I’m a time management coach who helps women build work-life balance….but I WASN'T.You see, after a few months of being in head-down, blinders-on, get-er-done mode, I wasn’t paying attention to what needed my attention until I crashed…I got TOO focused on the next thing in front of me to do and got OUT-of-BALANCE.It affected every area of my life- my faith-walk, my marriage, my friendships, my business, my stewardship, my wellness, my passions, my dwelling…and ultimately my joy. Let me just say, I wasn’t very present to God, to others or myself…and it showed (just ask my hubby)But unlike back-in-the-day when I’d just ignore feeling off and push on, this time I decided to listen to what I knew God was telling me to do-Pay attention to what I’ve called you to be present to.Pausing to practice what I preach has made all the difference in what I’m believing, how I’m feeling and where I’m going as I step into this new week…WITH-God.Although feeling this OFF and OUT of BALANCE is no longer my norm, I know it is for so many of you who are juggling all the things in midlife + biz…and I want you to know I know how it feels.But it DOESN’T have to stay that way.So this let’s-push-pause episode is for me (and for YOU)-the woman who’s a little off or a lot out of balance…and finally ready to admit she’s feeling it and do something about it!Together let’s follow His direction to REST, REFLECT & RESET our attention.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaTake the REDEEM Her Time Survey here to get your name in the drawing for a 1 hour Coaching Session with me…and imperfectly imperfect Time Management Coach who knows how it feel when time gets away from you!P.S. Schedule your BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
4/22/202431 minutes, 7 seconds
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237 | From People-Pleasing BUSYNESS to Kingdom-Aligned BUSINESS: Chesney's REDEEMED Midlife CEO Success Story

Hey C.E.O.-Ever had a WAKEUP CALL in life that made you RETHINK your time…where it went and the return (or lack thereof) on how you spent it? As busy Christian women, constantly pulled in a million directions, time feels like it flies…And it’s easy to look back and feel REGRET. As a result of a big life change in midlife, Chesney of Health, Hope & Heaven Coaching, found herself facing a lot of regret around where her time went and what she had missed out on….and she constantly felt the GUILT TUG-of-WAR. GUILT when she was with her family that she wasn’t working on her business…and GUILT when working on her business that she wasn’t with her family. Meanwhile Chesney had been told by the voices around her to fit her biz into all the nooks and crannies of her day, but realized having NO WHITE SPACE was catapulting her towards BURNOUT and missing out on connecting with those she loved… and even MORE REGRET when she wasn’t seeing success in her business.She started to believe the lie I AM NOT ENOUGH.But when Chesney joined the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, things started shifting from the inside out.  She laid down the lies of the enemy that were keeping her stuck and started to listen to the one voice that mattered most…HIS. Her PEOPLE-PLEASING actions were replaced by KINGDOM-ALIGNED intentions. And when unexpected changes happened in her previous business, she had the REDEEMED Midlife CEO biblical mindset, time management and biz growth strategies to say, “Ok God…What are we doing next?” He not only RECREATED her heart, but also how she was called to serve with her business. You’re gonna love Chesney’s story of how admitting she had holes in her boat, and connecting with the right system + support to plug them and point her in the right direction has her moving where God is leading in this next season of life + biz.Why am I sharing Chesney’s story with you today?  Because you may be cramming every minute of the day chasing success, but only finding that you’re not measuring up to what you or others said you should be….and be on the fast-track to burnout.But when you seek to hear “well done” from the RIGHT VOICE, He shows you that He can do big things in and through you.So if YOU don’t want to wait for a WAKEUP CALL to leave you feeling regret around where your time is invested and what it’s producing, I invite you to plant a seed of faith like Chesney and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program.  And when you do that by tomorrow, April 19th, you’ll not only save $497 but get to jump in with committed CEOs like Chesney (and me) where we’ll walk through the challenges we face around our time in life + biz together…and even better, WITH God.We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + ChesneyIf you’re a midlife mama who wants to see God do a renovation in your Heart + Health…Start by grabbing Chesney’s Busy Moms Meal Plan hereP.S. Learn more about the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH-God.
4/18/202445 minutes, 57 seconds
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236| From Hamster-Wheel BUSYNESS to Faith-Focused BUSINESS: Danielle's REDEEMED Midlife CEO Success Story

Hey C.E.O.-Feel like you're constantly on the hamster wheel, going in circles, carrying the responsibility of running a BIZ on top of ALL the other roles you fill...but NOT feeling successful at ANY of them? You’re not alone. Out of desperation for something to change, Danielle Foxx of 4F Accounting Associates, tried it ALL- the planners, the programs, the I-just-need-to-get-more-organized plans...but NOTHING seemed to work. It all just felt like ONE MORE TO-DO and all depended on HER doing more. That is until she found REDEEM Her Time and started to center everything she did in Life + Biz around her faith... and stopped doing it all on her own.She desperately wanted to join the REDEEMED Midlife CEO program, but as a numbers girl, couldn’t see how it was financially possible with her current level of business income. So Danielle decided to set aside time to pray and trust Him to provide. And wouldn’t you know... He answered with more than she expected, sooner than she expected!Not only did He give her a bigger vision for her business to bring her faith into her accounting services for solopreneurs, He also brought more clients than she was praying for, which made investing in her growth possible.  Now as part of the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, Danielle is first growing her mindset + belief with timeless BIBLICAL TRUTHS, then implementing the practical TIME MANAGEMENT TOOLS + BIZ GROWTH STRATEGIES inside the program to help her focus time on her growth.   And best of all she’s building a life + biz WITH-God... and finally experiencing REST.  You’re gonna love Danielle’s story of how a rightly ordered HEART leads to a rightly ordered LIFE + BIZ that's no longer defined by random busyness, but producing faithful fruitfulness. Why am I sharing Danielle’s story with you today?  Because YOU might be on that hamster wheel too, searching for a solution that will finally shift things in both YOUR heart + calendar.  And right now YOU may think there’s NO WAY you can make it work to invest in your growth too …But when you trust HIS leading and plant seeds of faith, you get to see how HE shows up even bigger than you had imagined!If you want to stop spinning your wheels on your own I invite you to take your next step of faith and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program.  When you apply by 4/19 you’ll not only SAVE $497, but even better get to learn and grow alongside amazing CEOs like Danielle who are committed to growing a WITH-God Life + Biz too. Can't wait for YOU to join us.We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + DanielleIf you're a solopreneur wanting to go beyond a plan for profitability to a plan for generosity…. Grab Danielle's free G.I.V.E. Guide here P.S. Learn more about the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH-God.
4/16/202440 minutes, 5 seconds
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235 | Find CONNECTION to Keep from Drifting Back to Should Do's in Your Business

BONUS: CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop SeriesHey C.E.O.-Welcome to the BONUS SESSION of the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series where we’re asking the question... WHAT NOW?But that’s where we run into a problem…often we leave a workshop like this filled up with CONFIDENCE, CLARITY & CONSISTENCY… but over time we start hearing all the noise again…and it’s easy for our attention + intention to fade and soon find we’ve DRIFTED back to listening to all those voices and adding SHOULD-DO’s back on our list.When you’re on your own, it’s easy to get DISTRACTED.And when we get distracted we start going in circles of indecision again leading to Untrue Belief #4…I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH.  I DON’T KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN.Do you see how that naturally flows from I AM NOT ENOUGH, I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH? When you focus on the not enough, you’re always searching for a way to fill the gap…often in all the wrong placesBut what if you had a voice behind you saying, “this is the way, walk in it”?Someone directing where you SHOULD GO to build your business?Today we’re gonna stop LOOKING, LISTENING, TRUSTING and FOLLOWING all the other voices and return to Him to find all that we need in life + biz.And we’re NOT gonna do it alone…cuz CEOs Don’t do it ALONE.Grab your workbook at so you can listen to the right voices and never again stand at a crossroads and say, I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH.And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn (and grab SURPRISE BONSES)!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Wanna stay CONNECTED to the System + Support you need as a committed C.E.O. to REDEEM Your Time to build a WITH-God Life and Biz?  Learn more about working with me and submit your application for the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Coaching Program
4/12/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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234 | Create CONSISTENCY in When you Work (+ DON'T Work) as the CEO of your Business

DAY 3: CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop SeriesHey C.E.O.-Welcome to DAY 3 of the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO series where now that we’ve shifted our belief around WHO we are and WHAT we’re called to in Biz…it’s time to start DOING. But that’s where we run into a problem…we often know WHAT we should do, but do we do it with FOCUS + CONSISTENCY? Or do we spend most of our time chasing all the SHOULD-DOs that keep popping up and demanding or distracting our time? Speaking of which, what are you thinking about your TIME lately…Is it something like…I have all the time I need for everything I’m called to.Or is it more like…If I had timeWhen I have timeWho has timeThere’s never leftover timeI can’t seem to find the time…If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, you probably feel like there’s never enough…then spend your days chasing the clock (or SHOULD-DO list) hoping to get it all in….but you never do, dropping in bed once again frustrated and exhausted, right? Our tendency to try to control it comes from Untrue Belief #3…I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.Do you see how that naturally flows from I AM NOT ENOUGH and I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH? When you focus on the lack, nothing will ever be enough, including your time.But each day God graciously + generously lays 24 hours in front of you…. do you trust He knows what you need? It is our DAILY BREAD.Today we’re gonna stop CHASING TIME as a limited resource to control for our own purposes (and complaining about how much we don’t have) and start RECEIVING TIME as an abundant gift to steward for His eternal purpose (and give thanks for what He’s given)Grab your workbook at so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn (and grab SURPRISE BONSES)!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.
4/11/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 14 seconds
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233 | Gain CLARITY on What You Do (and DON'T Do) as the CEO of your Business

DAY 2: CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop SeriesHey C.E.O.-Welcome back to DAY 2 of the series where instead of adding (or allowing) more SHOULD-DOs to clutter up our calendars & to-do lists, we’re taking time to honestly look at what tasks are filling our time and discerning what we SHOULD DO as a C.E.O…and what we shouldn’t!CLARITY around WHAT to do starts with CONFIDENCE in WHO you are and what you’re called to.So how do you feel about WHAT has been getting your TIME lately? Is it something like…I'm crystal clear on what tasks get my YES to produce fruit in my life + biz and have no problem saying NO to what will distract or detour my time.Or is it more like…I know I say yes to too many things.I dread saying yes, but powerless to say no.I’m a little overcommitted and a lot overwhelmed.I’m drowning in the regret of too many commitments.I hope there’s more to life than my to-do list.If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, you’re probably saying YES to too many things…and then realizing how much time, energy and resources they’re actually costing you, right?Our tendency to say YES to too much stems from the untrue belief…I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH. Do you see how that naturally flows from the untrue belief from DAY 1…I AM NOT ENOUGH? As if by saying yes (again) I will finally find fulfillment, satisfaction or success?But God has NOT called us to do it all…only what HE has called us to.Let’s push pause on all your DOING- and start deleting, delegating and delaying (with intention) so you can give more time to what’s delighting.Grab your workbook at so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH.And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn!  I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.
4/10/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 45 seconds
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232| Build Confidence in Who You are as the CEO of your Business

DAY 1 : CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop Series…Hey C.E.O.-You’re in luck cuz whether you joined us LIVE or are now catching the replay, this is for YOU if you are wanting to invest your time where it matters to go from random Busyness to Faithful FRUITFULNESS in your life + biz…and stop wasting it chasing your SHOULD-DO list. And contrary to popular belief (pun intended) it DOESN’T start with what you’re DOING as a C.E.O…but with what you’re BELIEVING.Speaking of which, what thought comes to mind when you hear the title C.E.O. applied to YOU? Is it…I am completely confident that I am the best CEO for this business + have everything I need to be wildly successful?Or is it more like…I don’t know what I’m doing.I don’t have what it takes.I’m not getting anywhereWhy would someone listen to me?Others are more successful than me.I’m just wasting time and money.I’ll never get everything done that I should.Maybe this isn’t for me…I should go get a real job. If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, it’s probably more the latter, right?Essentially those are all versions of…I AM NOT ENOUGH. If that’s you too, it’s NOT all your fault- cuz there are a LOT of voices out there telling us if we don’t check off all those SHOULD-DOs that’s true…the WORLD, the ENEMY, even “well-meaning” family + friends…and OURSELVES! But that’s NOT what God says…and HIS VOICE of truth is the one that matters. So together let’s push pause on the noise- turn off all those other voices (aka distractions), grab your workbook at and let’s dive into how CEO’s (I’ve got a new definition for you of what that means) DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs for good… so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I AM NOT ENOUGH.You ready to show up as the C.E.O. you’re called to be? Let's dive into DAY 1: Confidence in WHO you are as a C.E.O.And YOU are invited to join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn!  I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.
4/9/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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231 | Why "Get Organized" is BAD ADVICE for Busy Christian Women Solopreneurs

Hey C.E.O.-Feeling a little (or a lot) burdened by all the things on your SHOULD-DO List?  You know… ALL the platforms, the programs, the people, the posts, the plans, the podcasts, the protocols you feel like you SHOULD be using to grow a successful biz…Plus ALL the Bible studies, the family time, the coffee dates, the investments, the workouts, the food prep, the hobbies, the adventures you SHOULD be doing to create a balanced life…Not to mention ALL the dirty dishes, the dirty laundry, the dirty floors you SHOULD keep up with to just maintain your sanity…ALL the things that leave you feeling burdened or guilty…Cuz either they take up TOO MUCH of your time, pushing other things out OR you NEVER FIND-the-TIME to get around to them.Either way, SHOULD-DOs never produce much results, aka fruit.They just lead to a lot of BUSYNESS…or a desire to run away from it all. The gurus tell you you just need to “GET ORGANIZED” in your calendar, your to-do list, your systems- and then life + biz will be more productive…Or so they say.But I’m here to tell you that’s BAD ADVICE. cuz it doesn’t get to the ROOT of the problem…and things put in order eventually go back to disorder.So today I’m gonna tell you to NOT GET ORGANIZED when it comes to your biz…and do this 1 thing instead- DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs. Then, and only then, you will experience the SHOULD-DO FREEDOM you didn’t know you were missing. This episode has the potential to change EVERYTHING about how you spend your TIME when it comes to your Life + Biz….you ready for that kind of shift? I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLY BIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God + a FIND-the-TIME AuditP.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
4/4/202433 minutes, 35 seconds
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230 | Why Me? 5 Keys to Build CEO Belief in Your Specific Area of Expertise

Hey C.E.O.- Do you truly believe you’re a C.E.O.- a Christ Empowered Operator of your WITH-God Life + Biz?  If you were hiring a CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, wouldn’t it make sense that you’d be looking for someone who BELIEVES she’s the right girl for the job?  Of course it would.She would put together a resume with references showing her proven track record of training, talents and tactical results to demonstrate that she is not only qualified, but CONFIDENT in her ability to take the company to the next level of growth…Cuz WITHOUT that level of BELIEF, that girl WOULDN’T get the job. Do YOU have that level of CEO belief?  Or do you get caught in the trap of comparison or achievement trying to prove it to yourself, to others and to Him? Guess what, as a Christian woman Solopreneur, you ALREADY have everything you need to be the C.E.O. of your Life + Biz…Cuz God already put it in you. Whether you need to build it from the ground up, or wanna strengthen the belief you’ve already built, today we’re gonna use my 5 P’s Method to build your CEO belief resume…So that way you’ll NEVER again ask the question-WHY ME?  And NOT have a solid answer.You ready to start showing up as the C.E.O. He says you are? I hope so…and I’m here to help you.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-GodP.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
4/2/202424 minutes, 48 seconds
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229 | Putting God First. 3 Tools to Love God Above All Else with an Undivided Heart

ABOVE ALL ELSE #14Hey Friend- Over the past 13 episodes in this ABOVE ALL ELSE Lent series, we’ve addressed a number of potential idols to let go of that many of us struggle with in both our lives + businesses…Our Busyness.  Our Comfort + Control. Our Self-sufficiency. Our People-pleasing. Our Success + Work. Our Security + Wealth. Our Stuff + Dwelling. Our Body Image + Appearance. Our Relationship Expectations. Our Passions + Pleasure. Our Perfectionism. Have you noticed a common thread that ties them all together as things that can easily blur the line between a good thing and god-thing? I’ll give you a HINT, it has something to do with where you LOOK. In this last episode of the series, we’re NOT gonna add one more idol to the list, cuz undoubtedly there will be MANY MORE ways you will be tempted to MISDIRECT your WORSHIP toward something other than God…Instead we’re going to look at the 3 TOOLS God already gave us as His daughters to not only dethrone our current idols, but also to keep an UNDIVIDED HEART that loves Him ABOVE ALL ELSE for the rest of our lives. You ready to pick up these TOOLS with me today?  Good, cuz you and me both got some idols to GET OFF (and keep off) the thrones of our hearts.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-GodP.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/28/202436 minutes, 11 seconds
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228 | Overcoming Perfectionism. 3 Steps to Let Go of Doing Things “Right”

ABOVE ALL ELSE #13Hey Friend, What comes up inside when you hear the phrase, “Done is better than perfect”?  Great, I don't care anyway. Perfection is overrated, and honestly, I've got better things to do than fuss over every little detail. Let's just get it done and move on.Good, I'm tired of trying. I'm exhausted from striving for perfection and done is definitely better than perfect at this point. I just need a break from trying so much.No way, I can't NOT do it “right”. I struggle believing anything less than perfect is acceptable. I always aim for excellence, even if it means sacrificing my time.No matter your response, there’s a little bit of PERFECTIONISM in all of us.That’s because we’re made in the image of a PERFECT God, but we have IMPERFECT hearts living in an IMPERFECT world, and we’ll never reach PERFECTION this side of heaven.So instead of WASTING TIME bowing to the idol of PERFECTION, let’s admit we are NOT good enough, but He IS with the 3 steps to let go of this lesser thing that likely is getting too much of your time, attention + affectionAnd embrace PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION as instead of looking to yourself to be perfect, you look to Him to perfect you.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-GodP.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/26/202427 minutes, 55 seconds
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227 | Screen Addiction. Turning to Screens Before (& more than) Turning to God

ABOVE ALL ELSE #12Hey Friend,Do you know how many times the average smartphone user touches her phone in a day doing actions like typing, tapping, and swiping?  What’s your guess…100 times, 500 times, 1000 times a day?  All of those are a LOT.But actually it’s worse- studies find an average user touches their phone 2,617 times every day, with heavy-users clocking upwards of 5,427 touches. OH MY!No wonder we don’t have time….we’re giving it away to this LESSER THING that follows us around like an extra appendage cuz it’s never more than an arm’s reach away. Screens and devices aren’t going anywhere soon and they can be used for all kinds of good  in both Life + Biz to LOVE GOD + LOVE OTHERS…hence last year’s Lent Series named REDEEM Her PHONE TIME on Ep 105-122.I’m gonna guess your phone has even more of your attention than it used to back in the day...and even if it does have less of your time, it still has too much of your heart. Whether you think you have a diagnosis of SCREEN ADDICTION or just a mild case of SCREEN DEPENDENCY...chances are you have the heart problem of SCREEN IDOLATRY cuz it gets more of your time, attention and affection than God. So let’s touch on a topic (pun intended) that we all need to hear-Reaching out to HIM more than + before your device. That’s putting Him back on the throne.You ready to get in touch with your screens in a good way?EMAIL the word SCREEN to [email protected] for your free REDEEM Her Time Screensaver (or pop in the REDEEM Her Time Community)I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action...or putting your phone down!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/21/202428 minutes, 7 seconds
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226 | Pursuing Pleasure. Being a Lover of God through Your Passions

ABOVE ALL ELSE #11Hey Friend- We live in a world full of PLEASURABLE things- from a delightful meal or cup of coffee, to a good book or beautiful work of art, to a breathtaking landscape or historic architecture- as well as many things that stir the PASSIONS often buried deep inside- from building & creating, to teaching & leading to exploring & traveling.  And we’re told by the culture around us- DO WHAT FEELS GOOD. But is that GOOD…or God’s BEST for us?“When treasured as a gift given by God, pleasurable experiences and personal passions can sweeten our days, captivate our senses, showcase our unique qualities and utilize our giftings But when treasured like a god, pleasurable experiences and passionate pursuits can seduce us away from the giver of all good things.” More than Anything, the Daily Grace CoSo how do we as busy Christian women pursue PASSIONS & PLEASURES in a way that makes God the recipient of our greatest TIME, ATTENTION + AFFECTION?  The answer is NOT found in doing what feels good in the moment, but in finding HIM as the ultimate source of the delight & joy we experience in the things of this world.Let’s ENJOY the journey as we look at what’s ultimately on the throne of our hearts….together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/19/202426 minutes, 58 seconds
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225| RELATIONAL IDOLATRY. 3 Unrealistic Relationship Expectations to Avoid

ABOVE ALL ELSE #10Hey Friend- Would you say one of the most influential guiding factors behind how you spend your time each day is the PEOPLE you love? Your kids, your spouse, your friends are all probably near the top of the list, not to mention your parents, in laws, small group members, ministry teammates, neighbors, clients, peers, mentors, and that’s just the beginning…girl, you got A LOT of people in your life.If you’re like most busy busy Christian women juggling both midlife + business, it always feels like SOMEONE needs your attention and it’s hard to get to your quiet time or get to your work block or get to the gym or get to bed at a decent hour (or stay there) if you do happen to duck around the corner unspotted…Cuz SOMEONE always seems to suddenly distract, demand or delay your plans and your time. God created us as women with a desire to care for those He’s put in our care, no matter how young or old, near or far…but for far too many of us, we’ve got way too tight a grip and place unrealistic expectations on those relationships-even to the point of putting them on the throne of our hearts.Which means God gets pushed out.  That’s what we call RELATIONAL IDOLATRY. Before you tune me out, cuz you think you don’t worship your relationships, may I invite you to stick around…cuz it’s not just about what you do, it’s about what you don’t do.  And where you’re looking for validation that you are loved. Girl, I promise, when you get these relationships in the right place in your heart, they’ll be even better…for you and for them. You ready to do some heart work and look at how the way we’re trying give or receive love from others could become a lesser thing that gets our time, attention and affection? Let’s dive in…and I trust you and I will be better friends afterwards. I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/14/202443 minutes, 50 seconds
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224 | Keeping Up Appearances. 3 Keys to Put Body Image Issues in their Place as a Midlife Woman

ABOVE ALL ELSE #9Hey Friend-Looked in the mirror lately?  Let’s be honest, we probably can’t even count the number of times we glance at our reflection in a day…but regardless of what you see staring back at you…The TIME spent looking the wrong direction can lead to a HEART looking in the wrong direction too. Cuz we live in a world where we’re tempted to keep up APPEARANCES- our homes, our relationships, our business, our ministry…and even more so, the way we dress, and how our body looks. No wonder it’s easy to put BODY IMAGE ISSUES (or any other kind of appearance) in a wrong place in our heart, making it where we find our beauty, acceptance and desirability. But God doesn’t see as man sees- He looks at the HEART. And He wants our heart to be fully His… Cuz that’s what truly makes us BEAUTIFUL. So let’s KEEP UP APPEARANCES…but this time from the inside out. And let’s correct the wrong beliefs most of us hold around our beauty and body as women going through midlife so that our hearts are turned from worship of self to worship of Him.Ready to see your beauty through the eyes of Jesus?  Me too. Let’s take a good look at what we’re reflecting.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/12/202434 minutes, 21 seconds
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223 | HOME MANAGEMENT. How to Keep Your Home Such that it Doesn’t Keep You

ABOVE ALL ELSE #8Hey Friend- this week we’re going rogue on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast- no we’re not falling off our rocker, but up till now each episode of this ABOVE ALL ELSE SERIES about the Lesser things that have our hearts has been inspired by the More than Anything Study by the Daily Grace Co. But I noticed they missed something... You see, here at REDEEM Her Time we talk about 8 key areas of attention-FAITH-WALK. FAMILY. FRIENDSHIPS. SERVICE. STEWARDSHIP. WELLNESS. PASSIONS...all of which were on their list too...But we also address our DWELLING (aka our homes).Cuz let’s be honest, a lot of our time goes to making a home and then fighting the undoing of it.  There’s the dusting and wiping, the sweeping and mopping, the placing or shoving…a lot of time + attention goes to our dwellings, don’t you agree? And while our home can sometimes feel like the source of mundane tasks that someone has to do but we’d rather put off, or we’re constantly striving for the Pinterest or Instagram worthy photo and are never quite satisfied, making and keeping a home can definitely have a wrong place in our life…And dare I say, become an IDOL of the HEART.What if instead of never feeling like you can clean enough, own enough or stay organized enough, you let go of that picture of perfection and embrace where God put you and what you do have and actually clear some of the clutter (literally) to truly display the people and things inside that do matter? You just may find that your home is no longer something that controls you, but something that invites and engages others and creates a beautiful space to gather and grow WITH God? Girl, that’s the kind of DWELLING I’m after, so if you are too, let’s pick up that donate box and start decluttering our homes (& hearts)...together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/7/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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222 | Treasures in Heaven. Finding True Wealth in Secure Investments

Above All Else #6Houston, we have a problem. Our treasure (aka our material and financial wealth) has our heart. As people living in a very uncertain world with who knows what coming down the line financially, politically, biologically, environmentally, we often grasp for whatever we think will keep us safe when things come crashing down- savings accounts, investments, material goods, solid business plansThose things may make us feel secure in the moment and may get us through a few storms…but they certainly won’t last long, and one day will be no longer.Cuz one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth and none of the things we’ve stored up in this life will go with us, nor compare to the immense treasure we have stored up in heaven. But even though we may know what the Bible teaches about treasure + security, we still use our time and live like this world is all there is, seeking to find our peace in what it offers... All the while our desire for security and + financial gain get more and more of our heart till we’re ready to walk away from His call or worse, can’t even hear it over the noise of all we’ve accumulated. So what is treasure on earth?What is treasure in heaven?And what does this have to do with you and me as a busy christian women juggling all-the-things in midlife + business in this insecure world?  I’m so glad you asked…listen in to identify if SECURITY or WEALTH has your heart and where you can find true security that lasts. I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
3/5/202429 minutes, 51 seconds
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221 | Put God First. Business Growth Success for Christian Entrepreneurs

ABOVE ALL ELSE #6Hey Friend, Like it or not, WORK consumes our TIME…and let’s be honest, consumes US. Studies show we spend nearly ⅓ of our lives working…accumulating to an avg 90,000 hours…which adds up to 13 years of your life!And for those of us Entrepreneurs/Solopreneurs who most likely put in more than a 40 hour work when, especially when you’re getting started or hitting that next level of business success…It’s easy for business to take over your LIFE…and your HEART. Although we may wish to trade all work for all play… God does not whisk us off to heaven the moment we’re saved. Cuz He’s still got something for us in the in between TIME… and a good portion of that involves our WORK. Hard work is just that…hard. But it can be rewarding.And God not only calls us to our work, He also calls us to work well and glorify Him in it…which given enough time will lead to success at some level, shouldn’t it?Since work is not going away this side of glory, how can we have a right theology of WORK & SUCCESS and not let either take the place of God (aka become an idol of our heart)? Let’s do the work of how to rightly pursue business growth success WITH-God.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/29/202429 minutes, 46 seconds
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220 | 3 Steps to Seek the APPROVAL of God for Your Business as a People-PLEASER

ABOVE ALL ELSE #5Hey Friend-Seeing the number of likes and comments on a post, hearing a way-to-go after leading the event, getting a how-in-the-world-do-you-do-it question from a peer…It feels good to receive the APPROVAL of OTHERS, doesn’t it?Most of us appreciate outside affirmation of what we do in both life + biz …but when we wrongly place the source of our approval in the hands of men, we push our Creator, the only one whose approval of us matters in the end, off the throne of our hearts.  Whether you seek approval because you need the affirmation as someone who is always questioning your value, or because you like hearing how amazing the work you do is in the eyes of others…  Seeking the approval of man over the approval of God is not the mark of someone who knows whose she is…and besides, people are not always honest, dependable or intentional, so if you’re depending on them to fill your tank, you will be left feeling empty. But God’s approval is always genuine, loving and personal. And when it’s all said and done, when we no longer have anything we’ve done propping us up, don’t you want to hear, “Well done good and faithful servant”? Let’s dethrone PEOPLE-PLEASING & APPROVAL SEEKING of others to  find your value in what He says about you…And seek to please an audience of 1 together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/27/202425 minutes, 43 seconds
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219 | 3 Steps to Take when a Self-Sufficient Heart Leaves You All Alone

ABOVE ALL ELSE #4Hey Friend- “Life is Hard- too hard to manage single-handedly.  That’s why we are needy.”  That’s a hard lesson to learn when you’re an I-Got-This kind of girl and others see you that way too…is that you too?Life (+ Biz) IS hard and all of us ARE needy…Yet we live in a world that seems to glorify self-sufficiency and keeping up an illusion of needing to depend on no one and nothing.  While taking responsibility for your own actions and outcomes is commendable to a point, self-reliance is a way we misdirect our worship from the One we truly need to depend on and those He has put in our lives to walk side by side through the challenges of life + biz.It’s easy for SELF-SUFFICIENCY to become an idol of the heart.Especially as busy Christian women who are leading, directing and building lives and businesses that others look up to with awe asking, “How does she do it all?” it’s tempting to push away others and the Lord… Cuz WE GOT THIS...or so we think.All the while our distracted hearts are exhausted trying to keep up appearances, never feeling like we can rest cuz it all depends on us.  But that’s not what God has called us to as His daughters- He desires most importantly for us to rely on Him, the all sufficient, all powerful, all knowing God and then to live in intentional community because we truly do need others and cannot do life or biz alone.  Instead of trying to make it look like you’ve got it all together as a solopreneur, let’s admit we can’t do it all on our own- that we need Him and others to help shoulder the burdens and share the joys of life + biz in this world.You ready to be honest about if SELF-SUFFICIENCY has your heart?  Good…together let’s admit, I AM NOT ENOUGH.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/22/202426 minutes, 29 seconds
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218 | 2 Ways Holding on TOO Tight has your Heart: Confronting Desires for Comfort Zones + Being in Control

Above All Else #3Hey Friend- Got a too tight grip on the COMFORT + CONTROL of your life or biz lately? In a world filled with unknowns + uncertainties, it’s understandable that we desire to stay in our comfort zone and be in control of what happens in our lives and businesses…cuz it just feels better than the alternative of dis-COMFORT and out-of-CONTROLWe desire…Deep quiet times + impactful ministriesA thriving marriage + well adjusted kidsA growing business + plenty of money in the bankA clean bill of health + lots of enjoyment in lifeEven a clean house, folded laundry and empty sinkNow, there’s nothing inherently wrong with a desire to be COMFORTABLE or in CONTROL, but when we hold on too tightly, we take those roles away from the Lord and put our desires on the throne of our hearts…Making them idols that separate us from Him and fill our time with lots of striving to keep all-the-things right where we want them to be. But when we admit we CANNOT find lasting COMFORT in anything around us, NOR can we CONTROL it all, it causes us to look to Him…the One who truly is the God of all comfort and the One whose control cannot be thwarted. We can trust that as we loosen our grip, it’s more secure in His hands anyway. And funny how things always end up better when it’s up to HIM… not US!You ready + willing to loosen your grip and let Him be on the throne of your heart (and time)?  Good, me too. Let’s LET GO together…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to an additional $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/20/202429 minutes, 15 seconds
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217 | Bowing to the god of BUSYNESS. Is Being Too Busy an Idol for You?

ABOVE ALL ELSE #2Hey Friend- You BUSY?  I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to fall into being a busy bee with all the things you’re juggling in midlife + biz…You may be one of those women who loves a good long checklist, a overly scribbled calendar, and a laundry list of roles and responsibilities…and find a sense of satisfaction in seeing the tasks get checked off one by one-Even if that means you get less sleep than they say you should, drink more caffeine than they say you should and don’t see your family as much as you should.That was me too. Always doing, doing, doing. Always busy, busy, busy. But when people like you (and me) meet the God of rest, we have a problem. Why do we feel like we always need to be doing for a God who saves us by grace alone?Cuz we’ve made our BUSYNESS an idol. (Uh-oh, there’s that word again. Yep, this is part 2 of our ABOVE ALL ELSE Lent Series where we’re taking a hard look at what rules our hearts) If you already know BUSYNESS might be an idol, or even if you think you’re safe cuz you don’t enjoy being busy or delight in a full schedule, this episode is for you…cuz chances are it’s got a wrong place in your heart…but good news, Jesus gives us an example of how to live a life full of purpose that’s NOT busy. You ready to slow down with me and do some heart work? I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/15/202428 minutes, 13 seconds
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216 | ABOVE ALL ELSE. Only 1 King Can Rule Your Heart (& Time)

ABOVE ALL ELSE #1Hey Friend-I see you. You struggle because it feels like you never have enough time for ALL-THE-THINGS in your life + biz…but what if ALL-THE-THINGS are taking the place of God in your heart + calendar?  God calls (actually He commands) His people to love Him ABOVE ALL ELSE, but we regularly give our time, attention & affection away to LESSER things.  And anything that gets priority over God is an IDOL. Ouch.How we spend our time reveals what we truly worship. So when we elevate other things above God, we make them an idol. Maybe your time issue is really an IDOLS OF THE HEART issue.  You see, God is the only one who can fulfill and satisfy your every longing so it’s not only a waste of time to try to find it in other places, it’s actually a sin that separates you from the WITH-God Life. I know, that may not be what you wanted (or expected to hear) but it’s true, and since we know our BUSYNESS is really a HEART issue, together we’re about to embark on a 7-week Lent Series called ABOVE ALL ELSE.It’s time to dethrone your idols and truly love God above all else by reclaiming the time and devotion that other gods are getting in your life + biz and redirecting them to Him.You ready to uncover the idols in your heart that are affecting not just your time, but more importantly your relationship WITH-God? Let’s shine His light on what’s really going on…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I'll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/13/202427 minutes
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215 | 3 Keys to Sustainable Self-care for Busy Women… Cuz it’s NOT Selfish

Hey Friend- Feel like you’re carrying ALL-the-things in life + biz on your shoulders?  As an entrepreneur (and likely solopreneur) you’re likely wearing ALL the hats in your business… and as a Christian woman probably wearing a lot of hats too... YOU. ARE. DOING. A. LOT.  And most likely you’ve put things for yourself on the back burner.No wonder you often feel like you’re about to crash from exhaustion. But no matter what the world tells you (like you should do more, including the guilt trip if you don’t) or even what you hear Christians say (like you should always be putting others first and the shame if you don’t)...we’re here to tell you today… Self-care is NOT selfish.  It’s actually how you avoid having NOTHING to give cuz your cup is EMPTY. We speak from experience cuz we’re both military spouses who not only have a lot on our plates with life + biz, but have to do it all with our hubby’s across the world for long periods of time. Who is WE? Let me introduce you to my guest today, Christine Hendricks…daughter of God, wife, mom, podcast host and a lot more…What I love about Christine is her honesty about the struggle to do it all on what feels like your own…She’s been a military spouse for over a decade and knows life isn’t always easy and that we often sacrifice our dreams and sometimes put our lives on hold for those we love. We struggle with stress, with our self-worth, with our response to circumstances beyond our control. We feel stuck and unfulfilled. But her solution is not happiness, the perfect business or even a forever home…The answer is found in WHO YOU WANT TO BE and THE IMPACT YOU WANT TO MAKE.  And that starts by paying attention to what your mind, body and spirit need right where you are. Girl, whether you feel like you’re carrying life, biz or both on your shoulders right now, get ready for some sustainable self-care that fills you up…Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoAnd if you (or someone you know) is a military spouse, be sure to share this along with the MILSPOUSE Mastermind + PodcastWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + ChristineP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
2/8/202442 minutes, 9 seconds
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214 | Stop Fighting Algorithms: 5 Ways to Know If It's time to Start a Podcast to Grow your Business

Hey friend- Have you been torn since our last episode about putting your phone down to be more present to life… but also feeling the tug  to pick it up cuz you’ve been told you have to use social to grow your business? I’m here to tell you you can put that phone down…and SAVE yourself hours every  day!Today’s guest is my former coach and now friend, Stefanie Gass, who taught me everything I know about podcasting….and helped me build this show that you are listening to right now! (THX Stef! )I invited her on to share how podcasting works to grow an audience and build a business… how it allows you to SAVE time and energy by not having to SLAVE away on social media 24/7.You’re going to love Stefanie. She is a Christian business and podcast coach, boundary boss, and multi-six-figure CEO. She helps women grow their online businesses and make money online, using podcasting.And she is the host of a top 25 globally ranked business podcast, Online Business for Christian Women.Stef believes it's possible to partner with God to create income and impact without sacrificing your family, faith, or buying into the social media hustle.Wanna get access to her course Podcast Pro University that helped me quadruple my podcast downloads…go to if (when) you end up starting a podcast, she is the coach that can help you get there while keeping God front and center in your business….just like we talk about around here.Let’s dive in and hear from Stef- this is what I wish I knew years ago before I wasted so much time fighting algorithms and seeing little to no fruit for all my effort…We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + StefP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/6/202434 minutes, 22 seconds
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BONUS: How to Use My S.T.E.E.R. Belief Map | NOT seeing the FRUIT? Maybe it's NOT your STRATEGY...

Hey Friend- Today is your LUCKY many of the women inside the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program (myself included) have experienced transformation in their Life + Biz just by using this 1 simple tool...I can teach you all the amazing STRATEGIES, but if used with the wrong BELIEFS, they won't get you very far (if anywhere) cuz...What you BELIEVE always STEERS your RESULTS!That's why I created the S.T.E.E.R. Belief Map...and today I'm gonna not only walk you through HOW TO use it to grow in your Life or Biz...Watch me literally complete one on video here...I'm also giving you an OPPORTUNITY to access FREE COACHING FEEDBACK when you submit a COACH ME FORM here.Girl, I know this is GIVING AWAY my BEST SECRET to Growth in both Life + Biz...but when God says DON'T KEEP IT TO obey & bless others. Can't wait to see what BELIEF God wants to REDIRECT in YOU! Be sure to listen to this BONUS EPISODE, then use the COACH ME FORM to walk through the process and submit it for my input.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/2/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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213 | How’s Your Media Consumption? Screen Time Limits from an Influencer

Hey Friend- How’s your MEDIA CONSUMPTION these days? If you’re like most women living in this modern world with an extra appendage attached to your body nearly 24/7, it’s probably not a stretch to say it’s MORE than you’d like…right?Things are gonna get a little interesting on the podcast today cuz my guest, Amy Stout, helps influencers build their online presence…WHAT?? The one who is trying to get our eyes and clicks, is telling us to moderate our media consumption? Yep. And she’s doing it with true genuineness through her own personal example that I know will challenge and inspire you. Amy is the host of The Peaceful Entrepreneur, a podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneurs find a peaceful mindset in the everyday of building their business. She also runs a creative outsourcing agency for influencers called ABIDE Outsourcing. With 3 years of business experience, she is passionate about having balance and peace in her daily life, and helping her listeners and clients to do the same!You ready to take an honest look at YOUR media consumption and what God might be calling you to (or not to)?  Good, click play. I promise this media consumption will be well worth your time…Come inside the REDEEM Her Time Community to download the free REDEEM Her Time Screen SaverCheck out the Peaceful Entrepreneur Podcast (especially Ep 37) and grab Amy’s free Business Braindump + Energy Management Worksheets We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + AmyP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
2/1/202449 minutes, 21 seconds
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212 | Deep Work: 4 Keys to Make Time for Doing Meaningful Work

Hey Friend,I know I said we were going deep on our last episode…but this time we’re really going deep- as in DEEP WORK.DEEP WORK, what’s that?  I’m so glad you asked.It’s doing meaningful work. Work that matters. The kind of work that requires you to show up fully present (aka NOT distracted).I believe this is the kind of work God has called us to do as CEO’s (Christ-Empowered Operators) in our God-given businesses…And I can’t think of anyone better to help us dig deep than Suzy Hillegas. Suzy is a D.E.E.P. Work coach who lives in Kansas City, Missouri, but has helped women everywhere hold excellent conversations for over 30 years. Rather than feeling stuck in the Midwest, she loves to travel and her favorite place she keeps going back to is Bath, England. No wonder, cuz she loves a new adventure and meeting new people. What I love about Suzy is her heart to serve the Lord by encouraging women to Dive into D.E.E.P. Work and get unstuck from the hard projects in their life and in their work.YOU ready to really do some DEEP WORK with us today?Grab the RHT 12 Week Planner inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityAccess Suzy’s Deep Work PDF here  and purchase her Deep Work Workbook hereWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + SuzyP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/30/202440 minutes, 46 seconds
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211 | How to Know if Negative Core Beliefs are Holding you Back… and what to do about them

Hey Friend- Today we’re gonna go deep, so I hope you’re here for that…May I start out with a deep question-  Are negative core beliefs holding you back from becoming who God has called you to be and doing what He has called you to do?  We’ve talked a lot on the podcast about how our beliefs steer our results (hence the STEER Belief Map you’ve heard me refer to)...but sometimes our negative beliefs go deeper than that and require the help of a therapist in order for us to truly change things and move forward…and that my friend has a huge affect on your life, health, relationships and business!  Now I’m no therapist, but thankfully, I have two good friends who are…Tim & Ruth Olson have been married for 14 years and have very full lives raising and homeschooling their 5 amazing children as well as running their business. They are followers of Christ and strive to honor Him in all they do. As licensed marriage and family therapists, they have counseled many individuals, marriages, and families over the years, however, they are especially passionate about bringing healing to past trauma that is stifling change and growth and negatively affecting relationships. Together they host “Mr & Mrs Therapy" podcast and recently have launched their coaching program, Coaching with Truth!  We’re gonna have a deep but impactful conversation today about ESCAPING those negative core beliefs…so let’s go deep together…Access my STEER Belief Map inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityFollow the MR & MRS THERAPY Podcast and join their FB GroupWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + Tim & RuthP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/25/202456 minutes, 9 seconds
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210 | YOU. HAVE. TIME. The #1 Key to Christian Time Management

Hey Friend- I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again…As we speak (or actually as you listen) I should be jetsetting from the arctic freeze over the midwest to the always-83-and-sunny island of Antigua in the Caribbean….cuz my hubby is almost to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean!  So you know how right before you leave for a trip, you often turn to those you’re leaving behind to share a few last words, the most important ones you want them to remember while you’re away?  You know like… don’t leave the dishes in the sink, remember to feed the dogs and… I love you….Yeah, those last words.  Even Jesus had last words for his disciples before he left to go back to His Father in heaven, not that I’m putting myself on His level…But as I get all my ducks in a row and pack my bags for a few weeks unplugged from routines and far away from the cold to welcome my hubby back on land, I was thinking about what words I wanted to leave with you, the most important ones for YOU to remember…YOU. HAVE. TIME. The simplicity of these 3 words has the power to change everything about how you view + use your time in both life and biz, so before I go do another quick check to make sure I packed the sunscreen, let’s unpack these words together. And I’ll be thinking of you on the beach where I’ll be on island time- not chasing it, but simply receiving it. Cuz clocks don’t matter as much as the moments in Antigua…or anywhere.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Grab the IF ONLY CONFERENCE + VIP REPLAYSThen schedule your free BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALLL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/23/202428 minutes, 32 seconds
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209 | Execute your Plans: A Productivity Planner for Life + Biz Growth in 12 Weeks

Hey Friend- If you’re still hanging with me (and your New Year intentions) into the 3rd week of the year, you’re well beyond most people who already dropped out last week on Quitters Day.  Good for you NOT being most people.But there’s one thing that separates those who finish the race from those who start... but get off in the weeds somewhere along the way. Having a PLAN- the RIGHT kind of plan.I don’t know about you, but I don’t got time to waste going in circles or zig-zagging my way to what I sense God leading me towards this year. That’s why I’ve embraced a specific productivity planner…not just so I can feel good checking boxes, but so that I can cross that finish line and see the fruit of my hard work for His Kingdom.Wanna finally follow things through to completion in your Life + Biz this year?  Today I’m sharing 3 coaching tips to crossing that finish line with less stress and in less time than you’d think + I’m giving you exclusive access to my customized REDEEM Her Time 12 Productivity Planner so you can finish your race too. Let’s lock arms and get started…Grab your spot for the IF ONLY VIRTUAL CONFERENCE happening tomorrow, Jan 19thGrab the free REDEEM Her Time 12 Week Planner inside the REDEEM Her Time Community I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/18/202423 minutes, 18 seconds
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208 | Schedule your Time Blocks with this #1 Faith-Centered Time Management Tool

Hey Friend- Which do you find yourself asking most often these days as you juggle all-the-things between midlife + biz… What time is it?  OR   What is it time for? I know, they’re so close it may seem like that 1 extra word and a little different order hardly matters…except it matters very much.  And it’s exactly why if you’re asking 1 of these questions more than the other or 1 not as much as you should, you probably feel like you’re CHASING the CLOCK + CALENDAR all day long trying to make up for lost time, rather than RECEIVING the GIFT embracing your God-given TIME + OPPORTUNITIES in the moments.  Which question is which?  Wouldn’t you like to know!  LOLYou gotta listen in to find out… I guarantee that will be time well spent so that your TIME will be better invested in that priority you identified last time on Episode 207.Ready to discover the answer to making time for what matters in life or business once and for all? Let’s take the time to do it now…Grab your spot for the IF ONLY CONFERENCE VIRTUAL CONFERENCEAnd add the VIP IMPLEMENTATION COACHING SESSION for half-price at checkout!Grab my 2 + 3 TIME BLOCKING GUIDE + COACHING VIDEO I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/16/202428 minutes, 8 seconds
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207 | 2 Steps to Identify (& Protect) Your Priorities in Life + Business in a New Year

Hey Friend- Do you know what tomorrow is?  It’s National Quitters Day.  Kinda sad that most people don’t make it past the first 2 weeks of staying committed to what they said mattered when they rang in the new year.  But maybe it’s not entirely their fault, cuz chances are, they (or you) did what the gurus told you to- you made a New Year’s Resolution…But you didn’t do the 2 essential steps we’re talking about today to clearly identify (and protect) your priorities in life and in business (And no you can’t do it all, cuz that’s exactly how you end up not doing anything in no time flat!)Whether you’re still going strong, barely hanging on or never even started cuz you’ve always failed in the past, this episode is for YOU….That is if your goal for this year is to go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS…WITH God. Ready to do a little pruning and fence building with me today?Good, let’s dig in.Grab your spot to the IF ONLY CONFERENCE 2024 (+ be sure to add the VIP Implementation Coaching Session)I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/11/202422 minutes, 28 seconds
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206 | RETHINK your Time: A Fresh Time Perspective for the New Year

Hey Friend- How’s the new year feeling so far?  If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all-the-things in midlife + biz in 2024, I’m guessing even though you still have 356 days left in the year, you’re already feeling like it’s not gonna be enough to get it all done…The bible reading plan with the Lord to stick with. The alone time with your hubby to prioritize. The long-distance connection with family and friends to maintain. The business with new clients to grow. The stewardship with resources to invest. The health and wellness to finally get under control. The passions to do what lights you up to finally pay attention to…oh and the dwelling and home to de-decorate, organize and maintain.Yep, you’re carrying a lot…and most likely all or most of it is on your shoulders.  So before we go a minute further into the year, I wanna challenge you to RETHINK your Time perspective to go from lack to abundance…and no not because you repeated a mantra enough times, but because it’s what God says is true about the amount of time He has given you. And this fresh time perspective is what is going to shift everything about how you use your time this year! You ready to uncover some untrue beliefs and replace them with His truth? I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Grab your spot for the IF ONLY CONFERENCE 2024 L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/9/202421 minutes, 23 seconds
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205 | Faith-Fueled: How to take Every Thought Captive for Business Growth with Judy Weber

Hey Friend, New Year, New you, right?  Except no matter how many great goals you set for your life or business... and how many new planners or programs you start... You WON'T see new results in your life or biz if you DON'T change the 1 thing we’re talking about today…your BELIEFS. Are you aware how much how you THINK determines everything? (aka how productive you are, how much fun you have doing it, your results…) It’s true. And when your thoughts are FAITH-FUELED…watch out world, this girl is on FIY-AH!You are in for a real treat because today you get to hear from my personal coach, Judy Weber….yes coaches need coaches too! Judy Weber, Esq (that’s a fancy word for a female lawyer)., now Business Coach & Scaling Strategist, is on mission to normalize miraculous results for Christian women in business….and I am a living testimony to that having just come off my best launch ever! Judy is inspiring women across the U.S. & around the world to pursue the ‘impossible,’ boldly living their faith in their business (aka a faith-fueled business) that is abundantly beyond all we can ask or imagine according to the power at work within us.  As Judy says, Hallelujah!Get ready to have your MIND BLOWN today  to start seeing miraculous results…WITH God!Grab your spot for the IF ONLY CONFERENCE 2024Grab Judy’s Build Your 6-Figure Faith Fueled Business Workshop SeriesWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + JudyP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/4/202444 minutes, 20 seconds
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204 | R.I.S.E.: 4 Steps to Wake Up to REDEEM the Time in a New Year

Hey friend- Feeling like you need a nap after all the past few weeks have held? I hear ya.  But the problem is, it’s NOT just after the holiday rush that we’re a little SLEEPY…often it’s in our day-to-day living.How is it possible that while living in the midst of a really busy & distracting world that seems to keep going faster and faster, we can easily get lulled to SLEEP and be UNAWARE of the time passing us by?  Because even when we’re busy doing all-the-things, too often we don’t live in the present…and we’re not fully present to the moment.  You can’t go back and change things in the past, so don’t waste your time.You can’t borrow from the future, so don’t spend your time only dreaming.We only have this present moment, so RISE to the call He has on your lifeToday I want to share with you 4 steps to R.I.S.E in the new year and REDEEM the Time God has given you to be present to the present… so that way another year doesn’t just pass you by....and you don't miss out on what God has for you.You ready to wake up and R.I.S.E. with me today?Grab your spot for the IF ONLY CONFERENCE 2024I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/2/202420 minutes, 17 seconds
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HAPPY 2024! YOU are Invited to the IF ONLY 24 CONFERENCE

Hey Friend, Standing on the brink of a NEW YEAR, find yourself saying IF ONLY?What follows those 2 words is exactly what holds you back from stepping out in faith…IF ONLY I had the CLARITY on what He’s calling me to and how to do it.IF ONLY I had the TIME to take steps, follow through and make it happen. That's why I am partnering with my good friend, fellow podcast host and kingdom life coach Megan Nilsen to host our very first IF ONLY CONFERENCE 2024 to help busy Christian women just like you who have a God-size dream in your heart CAST THE VISION + CREATE THE TIME to see it come to fruition this year…and YOU’RE invited to join us! WHEN:  Fri, Jan 19th at 10mt/11 ct (LIVE + REPLAY access)WHERE:  On ZOOM (so you can login from the office or home)HOW MUCH:  Just $24…because we want you to plant seeds of faith for what God can do in 2024WHY:  Because you’re ready to move past your excuses of not having clarity or time and see what He can do when you put that dream you have in His hands. It doesn’t matter if you’re part way there, some of the way there or still have no idea what your IF ONLY might be…this is for YOU!  Take your first step in the New Year and go grab your spot at and invite some besties to join us! And be sure to add the VIP Implementation Coaching Session at checkout for half-price to get the coaching you need to start taking steps towards what God has showed you.Instead of saying IF ONLY for another year, what if you said WITH-God? Registration is now open at ifonlyconference.comWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + MeganP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
1/1/20244 minutes, 8 seconds
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203 | Year in Review: How to Measure Business Growth as a Christian Solopreneur

Hey friend- It’s that time of year again when on the one hand you can’t believe how fast the time went…but on the other hand you marvel at how long ago Jan 1st feels, right?  Whether the year felt fast or slow, as a woman desiring to live a WITH-God Life + Build a WITH-God Biz by design, now is a good time to push pause and evaluate the outcomes by doing a Year in Review.What growth did you truly experience in the past year?  And more importantly, how do you measure such a thing?  Great questions-  You can turn to your KPIs to get a picture of the metrics you track. You can open your planner to get a glimpse of where time went.  You can check your balances for what came in and what went out.…BUT is that all there is to measuring your growth and success- just the NUMBERS? Or you can answer those best and worst of 2023 questions...which will only get you so far.Which is why today I want to share with you, as a christian solopreneur, the #1 tool to measure your business growth in the past year and predict it for the next.  Yes, we’re gonna get to work on doing a year in review, but it may NOT be what you’d expect…and it will reveal far more about your results than just looking at the numbers.  Do you give me permission to get into your business today?  Good.  Let’s take a look together…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
12/28/202327 minutes, 36 seconds
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202 | EMMANUEL: What does God WITH Us Mean the Day After Christmas?

Hey Friend- Happy Day-After-Christmas. (No, I’m not a day late with this episode- I intentionally waited till after the celebration to have this conversation.) So, before the Christmas cheer gets packed away till next year, let me ask…what is your favorite Christmas song? Ooh, that’s a good one. Yes, I love that one too. Wow, forgot about that one. What’s mine? I’m so glad you asked…O Come O Come Emmanuel.And that song has taken on new meaning for me over the past year because of the journey I’ve been on about the WITH-God Life.O Come O Come Emmanuel is a song I plan to sing every day of the year.WHY?  Because the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear?  YES. Because many do not know the TRUE meaning of Christmas, Emmanuel God WITH us. But also because in the midst of a really loud world, my spirit needs that quiet reminder too. So today, let’s lean in & listen to His invitation to the WITH-God Life…and how it affects not only how we celebrate Christmas, but how we use our time every day of the year. You ready to continue the Christmas spirit with me?  Good, let’s unwrap the best gift ever…Emmanuel God WITH us.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.comJoin the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityGrab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video
12/26/202325 minutes, 59 seconds
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201 | Your Time is NOT Limitless. 3 Ways to Embrace Limits for Growth

Hey Friend- if you could have a SUPERPOWER, what would it be?  As a busy Christian Woman Entrepreneur juggling a lot of things between midlife and business I’m guessing it might be the power to EXPAND time, CONTROL time or DEFY time…am I right?  I know cuz I’ve wished for those things too…maybe not by donning a superhero cape and mask, but certainly by cramming my calendar and to-do list with more than I have time for, more than is under my control and more than I can do all at once.  Why? Because we desire TIME without LIMITS. But guess what, we don’t always get what we wish for…and good thing, cuz if we did we would be flying around in our own power! Instead we are dependent, in a good way. And we serve a God who is beyond time- One who is limitless, in control and everywhere.  So instead of fruitlessly trying to put ourselves in His place with how we try to manipulate the 24 HOURS we have to make it do what we want it to, what if we entrust our time into His hands and let HIM be the author of it? He is not only ALWAYS ON TIME…He is BEYOND TIME!  And He desires a relationship WITH those of us who have limits.If that’s you too, let’s lean in, let go and let God.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and Apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in Life + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/21/202326 minutes, 32 seconds
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200 | It’s NOT About You. Redeeming the Time in Life + Biz for His Glory

Hey Friend- As another year comes to a close, do you find yourself asking (again), “Where did the time go?” Good question- Where DID it go?  Where did you spend your time that really mattered?  Where did you spend your time that didn’t matter in the moment, let alone days, weeks or months later? More than likely, you can list a lot of ways you DIDN’T spend it wisely…but we’re not here for a guilt trip about all the shoulda, woulda, coulda’s of the past year…we’re about looking ahead to how God calls us a Christian women (who also happen to be juggling a lot in midlife + biz) to invest it moving forward…and that goes well beyond what our human calendars even measure…meaning into eternity!So today, on our 200th episode, let’s celebrate all we’ve learned together by looking at what His Word says redeeming the time in your life + biz really means…so that way a year from now,  you won’t have regrets cuz you’ll know you invested it wisely. Ready to open up your heart and calendar today?  I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/19/202325 minutes, 57 seconds
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199 | How to Prevent Burnout as a Solopreneur: Slow Down, Say No & Get Help

Hey Friend- Would you describe yourself as SELF-SUFFICIENT? SELF-SUFFICIENT (adj): seeking no outside help in satisfying one's basic needsWe live in a culture that celebrates SESLF-RELIANCE and INDEPENDENCE as a strength... and view those who need and ask for help as weaker.  As a entrepreneur, and most likely a SOLOPRENEUR, you may wear all the hats and try to be as self-sufficent as possible, but when we convince ourselves we must do everything on our own, we forget that God created us to RELY on Him and on others.  And worse, you’ll be on the road to BURNOUT with all that busyness…and that will definitely affect your fruitfulness in both life + biz. So instead, let’s decide it’s ok to slow down, say no and get help…and see how a slower pace actually leads to greater results. You ready to get to the root of your busyness? Let’s dig in…together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + BusinessVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/14/202325 minutes, 59 seconds
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Feel Like You're ROWING ALONE? How to NOT Row your Business All by Yourself

Hey Friend- On this day that my hubby starts rowing 3,000 miles across the Atlantic, I wanted to drop a quick BONUS because YOU, most likely a SOLOPRENEUR feeling alone, are on my heart and mind. Listen in to the REMINDER that HE is WITH you...and an INVITATION to be on this journey of Life + Biz TOGETHER. Cuz YOU ARE NOT ALONE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and Apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in Life + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/13/202315 minutes, 23 seconds
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198 | Prayer for a Successful Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

Hey Friend- After hanging out together so much last week, I wondered if you might be feeling ALONE…speaking of which, do you often feel ALONE in your business, especially as a SOLOPRENEUR? You may not walk into an office with lots of co-workers.And it may just be “me, myself and I” on the payroll. But I want to remind you- YOU ARE NOT ALONE. As Christian Woman Entrepreneurs (and most likely  SOLOpreneurs) building a WITH-God Business, He is WITH you. And I believe that means we should start each work day in a business meeting WITH God. What should be on the agenda?  Today I’m gonna share with you 6 things to pray over your business daily so you can really start seeing fruitfulness cuz you’re grounded in Him. And besides, YOU’RE NEVER ALONE when you have other like-minded, faith-centered women around you who are also committed to their business growth and want to support yours too…like ME!  Ready to start meeting with God and talking to Him about these 6 areas? Let’s do it!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + BusinessVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/12/202326 minutes, 33 seconds
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197 | God's SECRET to FRUITFULNESS for Christian Woman Entrepreneurs | BONUS #1: CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st

WELCOME to the BONUS OPEN HOUSE of the  CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series.  Today we’re going to take a deep-dive into what God has to say about our ENVIRONMENT in order to experience FRUITFULNESS in Life + Biz…and then we’re taking a behind-the-scenes look at the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, the faith-centered COACHING + COMMUNITY CEOs need to to not only be PLANTED (aka NOT scattered) but to see true FRUITFULNESS (aka NOT just busyness)And YES, when you apply to join the program, you can get $1000 OFF (it’s true) through Dec 14th….just DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 15th! So now it’s up to you to listen in to discover how this 1 ENVIRONMENT can help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in your Life + Biz. And you're invite to join us for BONUS #2: LIVE Q & A IMPLEMENTATION SESSION TOMORROW, Sat Dec 9th at 9 am CT- that way you’re not only more focused being in the room, but you also get the opportunity to get your questions answered LIVE…and get to WORK!Here’s the ZOOM link  IF YOU’VE LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR IN THIS SERIES and want to be SERVED AT THIS LEVEL by a FAITH-CENTERED COACH along with other FAITH-CENTERED WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS… I invite you to APPLY to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO. It’s the system + support you need to implement what you’ve learned and finally be consistent in this next year…and beyond.Cuz CEOs (even solopreneurs) DON’T DO IT ALONE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S.  (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and APPLY to the REDEEMED MIDLIFE CEO… go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/8/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 5 seconds
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196 | BUILD OUT your CEO Biz Workflows....DAY 4 CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series

WELCOME to Day 4 of the  CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series.  Today we’re going to look at the #1 PROCESS CEOs need to implement so you’re not wasting time trying to figure out where you left off or what you should do next …and I’ll show you my 4 C’s process to not only organize your to-do list, but to eliminate it!I know they say NOT to give away ALL YOUR SECRETS….but I just did! So now it’s up to you to listen in to discover how this 1 PROCESS can help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in your Life + Biz. After you listen, be sure to pop into the REDEEM Her Time Community to post your HOMEWORK + QUESTIONS to get my personalized feedback. And while you’re there, feel free to RSVP to get LIVE ACCESS for the rest of the series- that way you’re not only more focused being in the room, but you also get the opportunity to get your questions answered LIVE! AND IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR IN THIS SERIES… I invite you to APPLY to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO. It’s the system + support you need to implement what you’ve learned and finally be consistent in this next year…and beyond.Cuz CEOs (even solopreneurs) DON’T DO IT ALONE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S.  (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and APPLY to the REDEEMED MIDLIFE CEO… go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/7/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 3 seconds
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195 | BLOCK OFF Your Biz (and Non-biz) Hours...DAY 1 CEOs DON'T WAIT

WELCOME to Day 3 of the  CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series.  Today we’re going to look at the #1 STRATEGY to stop working 24/7 (or opting for binging Netflix + Hagendaz instead)…and I’m teaching you my 2 + 3 Time Blocking Method I guarantee will help you make better use of your time!I know they say NOT to give away ALL YOUR SECRETS….but I just did it again! So now it’s up to you to listen in to discover how this 1 STRATEGY can help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in your Life + Biz. After you listen, be sure to pop into the REDEEM Her Time Community to post your HOMEWORK + QUESTIONS to get my personalized feedback. And while you’re there, feel free to RSVP to get LIVE ACCESS for the rest of the series- that way you’re not only more focused being in the room, but you also get the opportunity to get your questions answered LIVE! AND IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR IN THIS SERIES… I invite you to APPLY to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO. It’s the system + support you need to implement what you’ve learned and finally be consistent in this next year…and beyond.Cuz CEOs (even solopreneurs) DON’T DO IT ALONE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S.  (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and APPLY to the REDEEMED MIDLIFE CEO… go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/6/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 19 seconds
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194 | BALANCE Your Life + Biz as a CEO...DAY 1 CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series

WELCOME to Day 2 of the  CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series.  Today we’re going to look at the #1 KEY to maintain BALANCE when you’re juggling a lot of balls between Midlife + Biz…and I’m giving you my signature assessment tool so you can see right away what’s out of balance!I know they say NOT to give away ALL YOUR SECRETS….but I just did…again! So now it’s up to you to listen in to discover how this 1 KEY can help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in your Life + Biz. After you listen, be sure to pop into the REDEEM Her Time Community to post your HOMEWORK + QUESTIONS to get my personalized feedback. And while you’re there, feel free to RSVP to get LIVE ACCESS for the rest of the series- that way you’re not only more focused being in the room, but you also get the opportunity to get your questions answered LIVE! AND IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR IN THIS SERIES… I invite you to APPLY to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO. It’s the system + support you need to implement what you’ve learned and finally be consistent in this next year…and FRUITFUL.Cuz CEOs (even solopreneurs) DON’T DO IT ALONE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S.  (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and APPLY to the REDEEMED MIDLIFE CEO… go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/5/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 58 seconds
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193 | BELIEVE You ARE a CEO...DAY 1 CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series

WELCOME to Day 1 of the  CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series.  Download the WORKBOOK here Today we’re going to look at the #1 THING that’s keeping you from SHOWING UP FULLY as the CEO God says you are…and I’m giving you a simple, yet effective tool to turn it around…literally!I know they say NOT to give away ALL YOUR SECRETS….but I just did! So now it’s up to you to listen in to discover how this 1 THING can help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in your Life + Biz. After you listen, be sure to pop into the REDEEM Her Time Community to post your HOMEWORK + QUESTIONS to get my personalized feedback. And while you’re there, feel free to RSVP to get LIVE ACCESS for the rest of the series- that way you’re not only more focused being in the room, but you also get the opportunity to get your questions answered LIVE! AND IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR IN THIS SERIES… I invite you to APPLY to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO. It’s the system + support you need to implement what you’ve learned and finally be consistent in this next year…and beyond.Cuz CEOs (even solopreneurs) DON’T DO IT ALONE.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S.  (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and APPLY to the REDEEMED MIDLIFE CEO… go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS in Midlife + BizVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website
12/4/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 6 seconds
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Did You Know CEO's DON'T Wait til Jan 1st? An Invitation to Get Live Access to the Workshop Series for Christian Midlife Women Entrepreneurs

Hey friend...Got a min?  I know the calendar just turned to December 1st, but we all know how time flies, especially this time of the year, right?  You have great intentions around your eating, your sleeping, your spending..and then it all goes out the window and somehow it’s Dec 31st already and you’re watching the ball drop wondering how another year went by so fast yet again And you’re not really sure what all you have to show for it. But what if you could slow down time to really make wise decisions with how you spend it so that you go from hamster-wheel BUSYNESS to Kingdom-focused FRUITFULNESS in both Midlife + Biz?  You can…when you start believing 2 Cor 9:8 that says, And God is able to bless you ABUNDANTLY, so that in ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need you will abound in EVERY good work. Which includes your TIME.  And when you have the SYSTEM + SUPPORT to guide you.So what if you woke up every day believing God has given you an ABUNDANCE of time for what He’s called you to?  Would that change how you use it?It could. No. it should. No really, it would.  So why wait till Jan 1st to start making the best use of your time WITH-God?  CEOs don’t wait till Jan 1st…and that includes YOU. Come get EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to LIVE COACHING + PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK during the CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series coming Dec 4-8...and not only REDEEM what's left of 2023, but get into action for what God has in store in 2024... and beyond.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
12/1/20234 minutes, 51 seconds
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192 | Personal Priorities on the Back Burner? How to Create Work-Life Balance as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur

Hey friend- A recent study showed 64% of Americans say they do not have time to take care of themselves…UM, excuse me- Did they ask busy Christian midlife women entrepreneurs?  Cuz I’m guessing pretty close to 100% of us would say finding time to take care of ourselves is an ongoing challenge. Would you say that’s true of you too?It’s easy to point the finger at everything around us as our excuse as to why we don’t have time for ourselves- if I had an empty nest, if I had a more supportive spouse, if I had a team for my business, if I had more in my bank account…But did you notice what all those had in common?   I.That means it’s really a ME problem…which also means it’s easy to fix.Now before you assume this is just another self-help podcast that makes it all about YOU, let me assure you that even though the problem is all about you, the solution is NOT about you…it’s about HIM. Curious as to how to put the personal priorities of Wellness, Passions and Dwelling (but dwelling not in the way you think) on the front burner and finally create work-life balance that’s NOT selfish as a midlife Christian woman entrepreneur?  Good, stick around till the end for the #1 Key you need to implement.And be sure to join the REDEEM Her Time Community to join the conversation and grab the REDEEMED Midlife Book Club List…plus get LIVE access to the CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series Dec 4-8.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/30/202325 minutes, 37 seconds
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191 | CEOs O.W.N. their TIME. How to Work Less as an Entrepreneur

Hey friend- may I ask a candid question as one entrepreneur to another?  Do YOU own your business…or does your business OWN you?  I know, that’s a question we often skirt around in the name of sacrifice for the sake of our business. Cuz if you don’t do all-the-things, let’s be honest, who will…and then what will you have to show for all your time and effort?For a season, it may be ok to lay down other things, like your time, in order to reach a certain goal, but for many entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, the problem is that this season of BUSYNESS in your business DOESN’T end…Which only leads to BURNOUT and then not only your business, but also your life come crashing down.So today we’re going to talk about the 3 Steps to O.W.N. your time (that’s an acronym to help you remember the 3 points) so you can finally work less hours and actually accomplish more.Ready to be the CEO that’s in control of not just your business but also your life…WITH God?  Good, let’s dive in togetherAnd be sure to join the REDEEM Her Time Community to get access to free coaching + community inside the CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series coming Dec 4-8I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/28/202321 minutes, 51 seconds
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190 | Grateful for Family + Friends? 3 Keys to Prioritizing Relationships in Every Season

Hey friend- Multitasking with your earbud in while you prep the turkey and trimmings for your Thanksgiving meal with close family and friends?  This is the perfect day for setting other tasks aside that are often at the top of your list to prioritize relationships…and express gratitude to God and those you love. But in the BUSYNESS of everyday, juggling all your roles and responsibilities in midlife + biz, it’s not always like that…Cuz BUSYNESS affects more than just our relationship with God and our Service and Stewardship…busyness also affects our relationships with those we say matter, like family and friends…probably more than you know or want it to.So what’s a busy woman to do when she’s got so many tasks and people calling for her intention? Prioritize her time for who + what matters most and show gratitude with not just her words, but also her time. Today we’re gonna cover... Where family and friends fit into the 3 priority circles, How busyness gets in the way of these relationships and The #1 thing you can do to make time to connect when you’re busy.You ready to truly be grateful for those you love with me?  Let’s dive in while the turkey is roasting…Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community hereI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/23/202325 minutes, 38 seconds
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189 | Prioritize To-Do's with 3 Levels of Business Task Management

Hey friend- See if you can relate….  You block off time to work on your business, but end up getting to your office later than you’d like because you had to call your daughter’s university to check on her financial aid….which of course took longer than you planned.  Once you finally sit down you open up your laptop and respond to random emails, scroll on random social media, then finally post something random and then realize more than an hour has passed so you dig through your google drive to find that random file for that coaching program idea you started only to get into it for a few minutes and realize it’s time to shut down things down for the day so you can make dinner and get to the women’s ministry meeting at church.  So much for making much progress on those biz goals… “Maybe tomorrow, ” you tell yourself. Doing random things at random times in random order…just gets you random results. That’s the principle of sowing and reaping at work…but NOT in your favor.Instead, today let’s take that simplified list of biz to-do’s from Ep 187 and prioritize them by what to do and when using the 3 levels of priority circles.  That way next time you sit down to work, you don’t waste any time getting ready to get ready…and you can let go of the busywork and replace it with what will lead to fruitfulness in life + biz. Sound like a better plan than NOT having a plan?  It is…cuz I used to be random like that too. So let’s dive in…Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community hereI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/21/202322 minutes, 47 seconds
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BONUS | My UN-Black Friday FREE GIFT for YOU...a WITH-God Life Vision Guide

Hey friend- I've got a FREE GIFT for you…but first I have a question…What will YOU be doing 1 WEEK from TODAY?  Instead of spending TIME (& MONEY) in-line or on-line on things that won't last (cuz I bet you can hardly remember how you spent it just a year ago)…why not invest TIME (for FREE) creating a WITH-God Vision for 2024 and beyond.What is HE calling YOU to in 2024 in your…FAITH-WALKFAMILYFRIENDSHIPSSERVICE/WORKSTEWARDSHIPWELLNESSPASSIONSDWELLINGEnvision a LIFE + BIZ that will glorify HIM in this season…and in light of ETERNITY.Here's my UN-BLACK FRIDAY DEAL (actually it's a FREE GIFT…cuz I'm SO GRATEFUL for YOU) Click here to join the REDEEM Her Time Community and access my brand-new WITH-God LIFE VISION GUIDE (usually reserved only for clients inside my program) Inside you'll get:Guide + Worksheets with questions + playlist for the 8 Areas of AttentionGuided Coaching Video to focus on working through the vision processFree Coaching & Feedback on your questions & implementation insideImagine going into the NEW YEAR with a VISION of where you're going WITH-God……that way you don't WASTE MORE TIME just hoping things will happen.Click the here to claim your FREE GIFT inside the REDEEM Her Time Community before you get into all your preparations …and I'll be waiting inside. L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/17/20233 minutes, 19 seconds
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188 | Service + Stewardship. Priorities for Work-Life Balance with a Service-based Business

Hey friend- How are your priorities lately?  More importantly does your calendar and bank account truly reflect your words and intentions? We started this Priorities for Work-Life Balance on Ep 186 when we addressed whether or not what we say matters really does and why the right priorities do matter.  Then we dove into the first priority, our FAITH-walk, which should be at the center as the foundation for all the rest. Today we’re going to address 2 more priorities we as Christian women Entrepreneurs need to think about rightly- our SERVICE (aka work) and our STEWARDSHIP (aka finances).  Work is from God and when you serve well through your BUSINESS you will see fruitfulness in your FINANCES…cuz when you increase your Impact, you increase your Income. That’s the principle of sowing and reaping…WITH God.In this second episode of the Fruitful Work-Life Balance Series, let’s look at What God’s word says about your SERVICE and STEWARDSHIP, How BUSYNESS can get in the way of FRUITFULNESS in these areasHow to make each a God-honoring PRIORITY. You ready to increase your IMPACT + INCOME with me today?  I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Join the free REDEEMED Midlife CEO Club for free resources + exclusive access to the CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series coming soon!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/16/202322 minutes, 41 seconds
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187 | 4 Steps to Audit your Biz To-Do’s for better Task Management

Friend- It’s time to have a heart to heart about your Business TO-DO list, so go ahead pull it out now…Now you may be thinking 1 of 3 things- I don’t have a business to-do list right now cuz I don’t have a business… If  that’s you, I encourage you to stick around cuz the 4 step process we’re gonna walk through applies to your life to-do list too.Or I’ve got business to-do’s, but they’re not all in one place and a lot is in my head…. If that’s you, I encourage you to gather them from all those random places (including your head) so you can see them all in front of youOr I’ve got such a long list that I don’t like looking at it cuz it makes me feel bad about all the ways I’m failing to complete it…If that’s you, I encourage you to get it out so we can do something about it…like reduce it down to just what matters. Got your to-do list in front of you?  Let me sum up the entire 4 step process into 1 simple phrase…TEND TO WHAT MATTERS.  That’s it. Simple, but not easy. Cuz if you’re like I was, and like most busy women trying to juggle all-the-things in life and business, you’re wasting a lot of time on what DOESN’T matter right now.  If you want to know how to change that, I invite you to stick around for this episode and jot down these 4 simple steps to audit your biz to-do’s for better task management.And be sure to join the free REDEEMED Midlife CEO Club for free resources + exclusive access to the CEOs DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series coming soon!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/14/202324 minutes, 18 seconds
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186 | Faith. Priorities for Work-life Balance as a Christian Woman

Hey Friend- Would you say your faith-walk is a priority? And ever said, "I'll read my Bible later"...but didn't? Chances are you’ve pushed off a priority you declared, like getting in the Word, because of your schedule.  If it happens every once in a great while, just give yourself grace and follow through on your commitment that next morning…but if it’s more often than not or more often than you’d like, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your priorities, starting with your faith-walk.No shame, no judgment.  Just spurring you on to follow through on what you say matters, cuz I’ve been there too!  Today we’re gonna dive into PRIORITIES for WORK-LIFE BALANCE and why the right ones matter, and then specifically how BUSYNESS gets in the way of your FAITH-WALK and how to make TIME for your faith-walk a priority even in a busy season.Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/9/202324 minutes, 42 seconds
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185 | Busyness to Fruitfulness. 3 Keys to Redefine Your Productivity

Hey friend…just gotta warn ya- I might be a little over-the-top excited on today’s episode, cuz going from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS has been on my heart and mind for a while now…Not only am I feeling a need for this in my own life, but also hearing it in conversation with a lot of christian women, especially those who are entrepreneurs who are building a life AND building a business and trying to fit it all in. Everyone in the world seems to be BUSY these days… YOU too?  I truly think it all comes down to our definition of PRODUCTIVITY and how that directs what we spend our TIME doing (or not doing). On today’s episode we’re gonna get our hearts under the microscope to diagnose the REAL problem around your BUSYNESS, redefine your definition of PRODUCTIVITY as a Christian woman & entrepreneur and prescribe the beliefs and actions that will help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS. But this going from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS is a lifelong journey so today we’re just getting started… and I can’t wait to share some of the truth + tools God has shown me to help you shift everything about your productivity and time in midlife and biz!  Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/7/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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184 | Know Your Calling. Have an Undivided Heart with Clear Vision

Hey Fellow Entrepreneur- Ever feel a little fragmented?  It’s no wonder cuz as a go-getter you’re most likely also a DO-er…chances are you’re doing a lot both in your life + business in this season. Am I right?And often, in our sincere desire to be great in what we do, we listen to a whole lot of voices besides His....including well-meaning family & friends or even peers & mentors.All of that can lead to a HEART (and CALENDAR) that feels a little all over the place. Can you relate?Today I want to remind you that you’re first called to BE in Him, then you can DO. And when you have an undivided heart with a clear vision from Him, you will see and feel more focused with your time in both life and business.That’s why I’ve invited my friend Karena Calhoun to have this conversation. Karena is a disciple of Christ, a podcast host, and a dedicated consultant and coach for women on their entrepreneurial journeys. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by women pursuing business ventures, transitioning into full-time entrepreneurship without prior experience, or juggling side hustles alongside commitments, Karena empowers women to overcome obstacles and achieve their aspirations as a trusted ally, offering guidance and inspiration every step of the way.And today you’ll hear BIBLICAL TRUTH + PRACTICAL TOOLS to create an undivided heart and GO BE GREAT…WITH God!Download Karena's Beyond Boundaries: The Confidence Catalyst ToolkitWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + KarenaP.S. Grab Lissa's free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website> Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community> Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat> Submit a question or comment…or leave a review>>> or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
11/2/202334 minutes, 15 seconds
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REST. RISE. SHINE. Behind the Scenes at our CEO Retreat

Hey friend- Wish you were with us at our recent CEO retreat...So instead, today I’m gonna give you a sneak peek behind the scenes.You see, I’ve been praying about having a group of Kingdom-Centered CEOs around me to not only challenge and encourage me in growing my WITH-God life + business, but who also could directly help my audience grow in their WITH-God life and business too…and God answered big time!&nbsp; Michelle McCoy with Treasured Wellness is all about helping women care for their body, mind, soul and spirit to have the energy to better live out what God’s called you to as a professional midlife woman and Ashli Anna Hurley with Bold Faith and Fashion is all about helping women find their true identity and beauty in Christ and then reflect that from the inside out by how you dress to show up for your kingdom calling as a midlife woman entrepreneur.&nbsp; You’ve probably heard them on my podcast as guests, and me on theirs….and stay tuned, cuz you’re gonna be hearing more from them in the future too!WHY?&nbsp; Because we all have a heart for YOU-the busy woman in midlife who’s trying to juggle all the roles you play as well as the business you run…and some days it’s getting the best of you in your health, time and confidence leaving you feeling fatigued, frustrated and frumpy…am I right?&nbsp;&nbsp;And then what do we as Christian women tend to do? Put our needs and desires on the back burner cuz there doesn’t seem to be enough time to fit it all in and we’ve got things to do!&nbsp; Can you relate?&nbsp;But that’s not the life + biz He’s called you to…that’s why the 3 of us are coming together to help you fill up so you can pour out as His daughter who’s restored, refocused and reflective… WITH-God!&nbsp;On today’s bonus episode, we’re having a candid conversation about our hearts to serve you in your wellness, time and closet, and the vision He has given us to help you REST, RISE and SHINE and take your growth in your life + biz to the next level WITH God.&nbsp;&nbsp;Be sure to listen till the end, cuz we each offer a free gift to help you get started in each area.&nbsp; Plus if you’re a podcast listener, you’re gonna want to follow both their shows too.&nbsp; First, listen to our hearts…and then grab the links in the show notes to start growing your WITH-God Life + Biz with us!&nbsp;&nbsp;FOGGY &amp; FATIGUED Blueprint YOUR CUP FIRST Guide GUIDE boldfaith@[email protected] (put STYLE GUIDE in subject line)We pray you're blessed, challenged and moved to action-L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa (+ Michelle and Ashli Anna)Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide&gt; Join the free <a href="" rel="noopener...
11/1/202345 minutes, 12 seconds
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183 | To-Do List Tips. Use Power Hours for Better Time Management

Ok friend- Today we’re gonna talk TO-DO Lists…I actually call them SHOULD-DO lists, cuz they always make you feel like you SHOULD be doing something. I know, cuz I was controlled by mine.&nbsp; Whenever I thought of something that I should do, whether it was related to my life or biz, it went on one long list.&nbsp; But the problem was, that list never got completed, only got longer and always weighed me down with a lot of SHOULD-DOs.So a few years ago, I ditched to-do lists and feeling like there’s always something I should be doing... and instead implemented power hours- and let me just tell you, it’s lifted that TO-DO list burden.&nbsp;If you have a to-do list of any length, you’ll wanna lean in and listen today cuz we’re gonna cover the problem with to-do lists and how to finally eliminate them. Be sure to listen to the end for the 5 steps to create a consistent power hour routine to better manage your time and get those few important miscellaneous tasks on your to-do list off your plate.&nbsp;Ready to ditch your TO-DO list today?&nbsp; Good. Grab these To-Do List Tips..then you can shred it for good!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/31/202317 minutes, 34 seconds
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182 | Love Your People Well. Tools to Parent Young Adults as a Midlife Mom

Hey Midlife Mama- Feeling the changes with your kids as they leave the nest?&nbsp; Midlife is a time where you will experience a lot of changes in family relationships as you support launching kids, aging parents and a fellow-midlife spouse…And you may feel a sense of uncertainty as to your role in their life, especially as you parent adult (or nearly adult) kids.&nbsp;&nbsp;Remember, they do still need (and want) you around.&nbsp; It’s just that they don’t need you in the same way as when they were younger.&nbsp;&nbsp;And no life does NOT get less busy once they’re gone, cuz now they're all spread out...So what’s a midlife girl to do when home life is changing and those once littles are now spreading their wings?&nbsp; Stick around cuz today I'm having a conversation with Jessica Hayes, founder of the Love Your People Well Ministry.Jessica is a marriage and family therapist, pastor's wife, and mom of 4. When her kids were born, she left the counseling room to start a digital ministry to help Christian moms build stronger family relationships and find ways to love every minute of family life. She is the host of the Love Your People Well podcast and has written a variety of devotionals and other resources to help moms in the areas of deepening their faith, enjoying marriage and motherhood, and building a home life filled with godliness and joy.And today, she’s gonna share one very important question we as moms need to ask no matter where our kids are right now...Download Jessica’s ebook Build Your Mom ToolkitWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa +&nbsp;JessicaP.S. Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/26/202345 minutes, 52 seconds
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181 | Build a Family Communication Routine to Save Wasted Time

Hey Friend- Ever feel like you're talking but no one is listening or you’re not hearing from those you love?&nbsp; For many women in midlife, with lots of changes in your family situation, there’s often a lack in family communication.&nbsp; Since family is one of the 8 areas of attention, and it’s most likely at the top of your priority list (and perhaps frustration list too), today we’re gonna tackle how to create a routine so your communication lines don’t get crossed.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now, I know it may sound odd to think about putting communicating with those you love into a routine, but let me ask…how is it working for you without an intentional plan?&nbsp; Probably a little frustrating.&nbsp;So let's not stay there.Today I’m breaking this down into the 2 types of communication you’re most likely desiring (or lacking) and then we’ll apply the 5 steps to create a routine that works for your specific situation with your people and saves wasted time (and energy) on miscommunication.&nbsp;Trust me, you (and your family) are gonna thank me!Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step to create Work-Life Balance in all 8 areas of attention and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are currently open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/24/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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180 | Stop Money Stress. Expert Tips on Wise Financial Stewardship

Ok friend, It’s time to have an honest conversation about something we often don’t like to talk about…MONEY. How do you feel when you think about your finances?&nbsp; BLESSED, STRESSED…a little (or lot of both)?&nbsp; As Christian women in midlife and biz we can be all over the place when it comes to our money and put off talking (or even thinking) about it.&nbsp;But here’s the thing, just like with your TIME, if you don’t push pause to honestly look at where it’s going, where you want it to go and the steps you need to take to be a good steward, it’s never gonna happen…and will only lead to more stress in your marriage, in your business, in your life!&nbsp;&nbsp;No worries, you can BE KNOT AFRAID when it comes to your money.My guest today, Kimberly Demerest is the owner of Be Knot Afraid Financial Coaching. In March 2010 she was finally back to work after the great recession but nearly $50,000 in debt! That didn’t include her mortgage. Realizing that 75% of her take home pay went to debt and even worse thinking/stressing about money daily! That fired her up to take back her time and her paycheck. Budgeting then helped her and her husband become debt free, including their house, in September 2015. And as of today, she’s helped 100’s of individuals and families create a money plan that works for their lives.Not only does she show you how to get back control of your MONEY, but how to regain the TIME you used to spend thinking (and stressing) about it.&nbsp;Sneak peek…once you hear her definition of a BUDGET, you’ll never cringe at the thought of it again!&nbsp;&nbsp;Book a free Coaching Session with Kimberly at https://beknotafraid.netAnd take your next best step and schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session…and let’s look at your TIME!&nbsp;We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + KimberlyP.S. Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/19/202344 minutes, 26 seconds
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On Time. A Bill Paying Routine for Good Financial Stewardship

Hey Friend- Do you know the condition of your flock (aka your personal + biz bank account)?&nbsp;&nbsp;If you’re like me, you remember the days when you waited for the monthly paper statement and then sat down and balanced your checkbook to make sure you knew exactly what was in your account.&nbsp; And probably, you either paid for things with cash or a check, and had to drive to the bank to make a deposit, so you physically saw it coming and going.&nbsp;Now I’m not suggesting we should go back to the old days of paper and pencil for managing our finances, but I will say we’ve gotten a bit lazy around our stewardship…aka how we’re viewing and using our resources.&nbsp;And when I polled the REDEEM Her Time Community, bill paying was one of the areas women mentioned that created stress in their week, hence it needs a Recurring Routine...Be sure to grab all 5 steps to create a Bill Paying/Financial Routine that fits your life + biz to make the most use of not only your time, but also your resources (aka money)…so you can invest it in who + what matters most.&nbsp;Take your NEXT BEST STEP to know where your TIME is going…and the key to changing how you view + use it. Schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/17/202319 minutes
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Putting things Off? Put off Procrastination to Save Lost Time

Hey friend- Are you a REACTOR&nbsp; or a PROACTOR?&nbsp; (Yes, I made up that second word…but you know what I mean, right?)&nbsp; A REACTOR is someone who reacts in the moment by making a decision that is usually more about survival in the short term…but a PROACTOR is someone who plans ahead how she will respond, taking into account her best interest in the long term.&nbsp;Did you know PROCRASTINATION is actually being a REACTOR to your emotions?As women in midlife, especially going through all the changes in emotions throughout menopause, we are prone to a rollercoaster of emotions.&nbsp; Hence, plenty of opportunities to procrastinate.&nbsp;Learning to better manage your mind and emotions translates into having more time for what's truly important, cuz not only does procrastination not help move forward, it also costs you more time to get back on track.No worries, I won’t leave you on that rollercoaster of procrastination.&nbsp;My guest today, Laura Naiser, is a mindset and life coach for faith-driven entrepreneurs who are ready to better manage their mindset, emotions and behaviors so they can take their business and life to the next level of success, freedom and fulfillment without burnout. Laura has a degree in Business, is certified through The Life Coach School and has more than twenty years experience teaching and leading in both church and business settings as well as running her own coaching practice. She and her husband Matt live on a ranch outside of Austin, Texas where they raised their two sons and are now enjoying the empty-nest lifestyle.You’re gonna want to grab all 6 steps you need to put off procrastination…for good.&nbsp;&nbsp;Just promise me you won’t put off using them…Take Laura’s Finally Stop Procrastinating Course&nbsp;And Grab your free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching&nbsp;We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa + LauraP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/12/202345 minutes, 54 seconds
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Always Cleaning? A Weekly Household Cleaning Routine Saves Time

Hey Friend- Feel like you’re always cleaning cuz there’s always something needing your attention: the pile of laundry, the sink full of dishes, the dust bunnies under the bookshelf?&nbsp;&nbsp;Our dwellings (aka homes) require our time and attention…did you know that a recent study shows that women spend on average 21 hours a week doing housework? That’s like having a part time job on top of running a business and everything else you do.&nbsp;For many women in midlife, it feels like the chores are never done…but it doesn’t have to be that way.&nbsp;We all know routines save us precious time, especially on recurring tasks, so today we’ll use the 5 steps to create a household cleaning routine…&nbsp;That way you don’t feel like you’re never done.&nbsp;Wouldn’t it be amazing to sit down to work on your business or enjoy a movie with your hubby and NOT feel like you need to get up from your desk or off the couch to switch the laundry or dust that shelf?&nbsp;&nbsp;Let’s cut down the time you give to those household chores so you can invest it in who + what matters most instead…Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching VideoI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/10/202322 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Matters Most. 3 Keys to Simplifying Life in this Season

Hey Friend- Ever feel overwhelmed, frustrated and exhausted in your season of life?&nbsp;You are not alone.&nbsp; And guess what, you’re not the first woman in midlife to experience this either.My advice is to find someone a little further down the road that can help you discover not only HOW to get out of survival mode, but more importantly WHY to get out... so you don’t crash in the present &amp; lose sight of eternity.&nbsp;Most likely their hindsight will tell you the answer lies in SIMPLIFYING LIFE.My guest today, Aimee Niblack, is a homeschooling mom of 6 living children ages 6-18 and has been married to her husband, Will, for 19 years. A few years ago, God called her to step out of her comfort zone to start encouraging overwhelmed Christian women via her blog, Mama Reflections and to start coaching them to simplify their lives so they can live with peace and purpose in their season of motherhood.&nbsp;Sound like something you’d like in this season of your life too?You’re gonna love how this conversation about the 3 Keys to Simplifying Life resonates so much with what we talk about on REDEEM Her Time …so listen in and get ready to be blessed, challenged and moved to actionWe pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa (&amp; Aimee)Be sure to grab the 5 Guaranteed Solutions to Mom Burnout eBook &nbsp; Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/5/202332 minutes, 20 seconds
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What's for Dinner? How to Meal Plan Weekly to Save Time

Hey friend…how do you feel around 5 pm when whoever is under your roof asks, “What’s for dinner?”Are you able to give a CONFIDENT ANSWER because you know you have both the TIME + INGREDIENTS on hand to prepare it?&nbsp;&nbsp;Or is it a little STRESS-INDUCING because to be honest, you hadn’t stopped to think about it yet and have NOTHING THAWED and LITTLE TIME?Growing up, every time a certain friend came over, she’d go straight to my kitchen counter and exclaim, “I know exactly what you’re having for dinner this week.”&nbsp;How? Cuz my mom had a neatly written notecard with the days of the week and the meals she had planned laying there.&nbsp;“Well yeah,” I responded, “Doesn’t everyone know what’s for dinner?”Apparently not…which is why so many women end up at the grocery store&nbsp;checkout, in the carry out line or with the cereal box at 5:15 pm… yet again.NOT having a weekly MEAL PLAN not only costs you valuable time, it also costs you money…and potentially progress towards your health goals!&nbsp;&nbsp;Today we’re addressing another area of life that needs a ROUTINE- MEAL PLANNING.&nbsp; That way you’ll always know what’s for dinner…and NOT waste time, energy or your wellness trying to figure it out in the moment (or even in the morning).Ready to get MEAL PLANNING with me?Go listen to my friend Michelle on the Treasured Wellness Podcast if you want an expert Health Coach to do a Food &amp; Lifestyle ReviewI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaLearn more about the FAB4 Formula I use from Kelly Leveque hereP.S. Take your next best step to create routines for important needs in your life and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
10/3/202323 minutes, 38 seconds
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Declutter your Life: Simplify Your Stuff to Save More Time

Hey Friend- When I asked you to look around your home on our last episode, what else did you notice besides those piles?&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps a little (or a lot) of STUFF? Aka clutterBefore we go any further, my guest today and I want you to know... you are NOT the only one &amp; you are certainly NOT alone.&nbsp;&nbsp;CLUTTER tends to matter how hard we try to keep our stuff in order.&nbsp;&nbsp;But like we often say about our time, CLUTTER is NOT a disorganized drawer, shelf, closet or home…it’s really a disorganized HEART.&nbsp;&nbsp;That’s why when you try to just organize your stuff, it goes from ORDER back to DISORDER.But when you address the root issue with the truth, a right mindset and right action, you’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to clear not only the space, but also your heart and head.&nbsp;And that frees up precious time and attention to invest in what matters most.&nbsp;My guest today, Anne Storino, balances life as a Christian woman in midlife as a wife, mom, and grandmother who enjoys boating, jet skiing and spending quality time with loved ones. She is also the co-owner of Organize with Anne (which she does with her 13 yr old grand daughter Gianna). With over 3 decades of experience in organizing and implementing systems, Anne is dedicated to helping women bring order back to their lives and transform their lives with peace and joy.&nbsp; With Anne, you can trust your journey towards a more organized and fulfilling life is in capable and caring hands.&nbsp;So you ready to to DECLUTTER your life?&nbsp; Let’s start with your STUFF.&nbsp;We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaGrab Anne's free Guide: Declutter Your Life: Let's Start with Your StuffGet inspired + supported on your Decluttering Journey at organizewithanne.comBinge the More of Less Series Episodes 68-75P.S. Take your next best step to declutter your TIME + CALENDAR and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/28/202335 minutes, 53 seconds
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Master Paper Piles: 5-Step Routine to Control Paper Pile-ups

Hey friend…are you listening to this episode at home? If not, no worries- you can do this simple exercise when you get home. But If you’re already there, I want you to stop and do a 360 to look around you. What piles do you see?&nbsp; If you’re like most busy women in midlife I’m guessing you regularly see piles of PAPER- newspapers, magazines, books, catalogs, flyers, bulletins, mail, paperwork...?&nbsp; All things you’ve been meaning to get to and go through.Am I right?&nbsp; Ask me how I know.&nbsp;Even though we’ve moved into what they call the Digital Age, PAPER still tends to PILE UP.&nbsp;And how does seeing those piles make you feel?Are you embarrassed, so you HIDE it in cabinets, or bins or drawers or boxes… or bathroom tubs if someone is coming over?&nbsp; Do you feel overwhelmed so you AVOID it and then feel a sense of angst every time you walk past about what’s in there that really should be taken care of?Either way, your solution to put it off till later may feel good in the moment, but it never fixes the real problem…which is why it keeps PILING UP.Cuz it's NOT just a PAPER issue- as in how high the pile is or how many piles you could count around your actually reveals a HEART issue.Would you rather feel FREE + CLEAR as you walk around your home?&nbsp; Good- let’s apply our 5 step system to create a ROUTINE around dealing with all that PAPER…for good. That way you can stop wasting time shuffling it from one place to the next.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/26/202322 minutes, 6 seconds
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Master your Morning: 6 Steps to a Life-shaping Morning Routine

Hey Friend- Be honest, what’s the first thing you do in the morning when you have a busy day ahead- get working, keep snoozing, spend time with Jesus? Truth be told, it’s often the first two. As believers we are called to steward our time by recognizing it is a gift from Him to build His Kingdom, so that should include spending time with Him first…but how often do we wear busy like a badge of honor and just start checking boxes?&nbsp;I know- you’ve got a lot on your plate. You may think you don’t have time to care for your soul and faith-walk, but my guest and I are here to tell you, this life-shaping morning routine is THE way to master your morning with THE Master- Him.&nbsp;Gail Root is a Kingdom Business Coach, Author, Podcaster, Course &amp; Program Creator. She works with Women of Faith who are called to Lead in Direct Sales and Network Marketing by helping servant leaders create and grow a business and team that honors God and attracts others who want to do the same! Everything she teaches is dedicated to awakening women to biblical truths in their life &amp; business so they can see their work as a ministry and RISE UP to create a purpose driven life that they love and help other women to do the same. Gail inspires women work smarter not harder, with boundaries that allow them to fully enjoy their life, family, business….and faith walk.What you’ll hear today is that when you make space for time with Him first , you will be filled with His peace and wisdom for all that your day holds….and that my friend is a life-shaping morning routine. Get ready to take notes cuz we’re gonna dive into the 6 steps to Master your Morning...with Him.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Get a copy of Gail's Master Your Morning Book on Amazon And if you're in Direct Sales or Network Marketing, learn more about Gail's services at gailroot.comL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/21/202343 minutes, 2 seconds
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Reclaim Your Time: 5 Steps to a Healthy Phone-time Routine

Hey friend- Right now, go grab your phone…I know it’s on you or at least within arms’ reach so it will only take a second…right?&nbsp; Now Go to settings &gt; Screen Time and look at your daily average screen time. What number do you see?&nbsp;If you’re average, your number will be around 3 hours 14 min (give or take).&nbsp;Whether yours is far more or way less than that, what matters most is your answer to this question- How does it feel to think about that much of your precious time going to your phone?&nbsp;I’m guessing no matter where you find yourself today, you might be surprised at how much it adds up… and wish it was less. Am I right?Perhaps you even listened to the REDEEM Your Phone Time series back on Episodes 105-122 (yes we covered this topic in depth) but despite your good intentions, your your old habits have crept back in. Do you know why?&nbsp;&nbsp;Cuz you didn’t turn the desire to change into a sustainable routine.&nbsp;No worries, that’s all gonna change today as we talk about the GRAND DADDY of distractions- aka our devices- and how to create a healthy routine around WHAT, WHY and WHEN you give it your precious time.&nbsp;&nbsp;You here for that?&nbsp; Good- let’s dive in and grow in this area together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/19/202324 minutes, 48 seconds
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Get Time Back with a System for Doing this 1 Thing Every Morning

Hey Friend- Coming to you from my closet today....and for good reason. Do you have any idea how much time you spend in yours getting dressed each morning?&nbsp; Do you even want to know?&nbsp; There’s the time picking something out, trying it on, looking in the mirror, taking it off, trying on something else, looking in the mirror again, making more tweaks or resigning yourself to the fact that nothing looks good on you anyway…For the average woman that adds up to 22 min a day!Not only does that cut into your MORNING REFILL time, but it ADDS UP…..22 min a day x 365 days comes to 137 hours a year!&nbsp; That’s the equivalent of nearly 6 full days (or more) hiding in your closet.&nbsp; I can think of a lot better ways to spend my time than standing in my closet with a pile of rejected clothes on the floor around me…not only will that cost you more time to hang up or fold and put away, but it also sets up a mindset about how you look and feel that follows you into the day.&nbsp;That used to be me, till I found a system to customize my personal style, clear out what didn’t serve me (that I never wore anyway) and fill my closet with only what I love and feel good in. All thanks to my closet BFF…Ashli Anna is a wife, homeschooling mom &amp; worship leader as well as a Personal Style Coach and Podcaster at Bold Faith and Fashion. She brings over 10 years of experience at Stitch Fix to help busy women create stylish wardrobes with clothes and accessories they feel GOOD wearing that match their lifestyle and "right now bodies." And I love that she does all of this through a biblical lens so that women can practically show up in clothes they feel good in while being confident in whose they are… and ensure that what they are wearing coordinates with what God has called her to do each day.&nbsp;&nbsp;I’m just gonna say if you feel like you waste precious time, money or energy getting dressed…after today, she will be your Closet BFF too!Email Ashli Anna ASAP to grab a 1:1 Coaching spot at [email protected] out the Bold Faith and Fashion FB Group Listen to the Bold Faith and Fashion Podcast Come answer the community question + connect with Ashli Anna inside the REDEEM Her Time Community I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a...
9/14/202343 minutes, 7 seconds
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TAME Your TIME: 10 Tips to Build a Calendar Management Routine

Hey Friend- Now that we’re a few weeks into FALL do you find yourself saying there’s never enough time for all those things you said you were gonna do... because SOMEONE ELSE always seems to need you and SOMETHING ELSE always seems to come up? I hear you and feel you my friend.&nbsp; When you leave where your time goes up to chance cuz you’re winging it or in the hands of others cuz you’re just reacting to one demand after another, it’s easy to feel a little SCATTERED, a lot DISTRACTED and very OVERWHELMED.&nbsp;&nbsp;But it doesn’t have to be that way…that is if you have a PLAN for your TIM.&nbsp; Cuz like they say, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Now I know there’s no such thing as a perfect plan (or the perfect day or week for that matter), but I guarantee you’ll have way more time for what you want than if you go into it with no plan at all.Listen in to today’s episode as I share 10 Tips to Tame your Time by building a Calendar Management Routine…that is the Big-Daddy of all routines to keep your day and week running smoothly!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/12/202322 minutes, 47 seconds
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Are you a PEOPLE PLEASER? 3 Steps to Please an Audience of One with Tanya Engesether

Hey friend- Would you say this is true...“Most busyness comes from our wild ongoing attempts to please others.”&nbsp; I think you're agreeing...cuz when we’re trying to be all things to all people, that’s exhausting, and actually a big WASTE of TIME.BUT...what amazing peace we experience when we leave behind seeking the approval of others and seek to please an audience of one- Him! And when we find our identity and value in what He says about us, then we’re not busy doing for Him, but simply doing with Him.&nbsp;My guest today, Tanya Engesether, understands people-pleasing well cuz she’s a self-proclaimed one…As a recovering people-pleaser, Tanya spent most of her life and career trying to find worthiness through achievement, only to find herself feeling unfulfilled and burned out. It wasn’t until she truly claimed her identity in Christ and started to understand what it means to be a Child of God that she found freedom from approval seeking. God has shown her a new way of living and leading, in partnership with Him. Now Tanya is passionate about helping other women gain a heart-knowledge of who they are in Christ, become fueled by grace, and find freedom from people-pleasing so that they can create more time for the things that matter most.&nbsp;Ooh girl, if you call yourself a PEOPLE PLEASER (on any level) you’re in for a real treat today.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaGrab Tanya’s free 7-day Gratitude Journal here&nbsp;&nbsp;P.S. Join the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program for the SYSTEM + SUPPORT to make time to hear His voice and live a WITH-God life that’s truly fulfillingVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/7/202332 minutes, 40 seconds
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Got SQUIRREL BRAIN? How a Time + Task Management System will help Create Order and Life Balance

Hey Friend- Now that Labor Day weekend (the unofficial end of summer) is in the past, this FALL thing is for real. I’m all about bringing on the pumpkin spice lattes, the sweaters and flannels, the changing leaves…but for many women, fall also brings on a lot of busy.&nbsp;“I need to be at that... I have to pick up that... I should take care of that... I can’t believe I forgot that! When will I have time for that?!”…fill in the blank with all that the season of life you’re in this fall holds.&nbsp;&nbsp;It’s enough to drive a girl crazy…can you say SQUIRREL BRAIN!?!&nbsp;&nbsp;Squirrel brain is exhausting and honestly unproductive, cuz if you’ve ever tried to chase 2 squirrels, you know you won’t catch either one (I know cuz I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work)…And even if you’re just chasing one squirrel at a time, without a solid system you’ll still be running in circles and likely come up empty handed… and on the ground looking up a tree.&nbsp;So as we head Back to FALL (whether that means back to school for your gang or not), let’s commit to NOT going Back to BUSY - deal?&nbsp; We’re all about going from busy to balanced…so we can be present.&nbsp;And the key to creating order &amp; balance in your life is a TIME + TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM…that way you’re NOT chasing squirrels all day.&nbsp;Y’all ready to dive into fall…WITHOUT squirrel brain?I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Join the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program to get the SYSTEM + SUPPORT you need to create order + balance in your WITH-God Life... without the busyness.Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
9/5/202325 minutes, 11 seconds
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3 Keys to to Know You're #MeantForMore + Go after the BIG dreams God Put on your Heart with Charity Majors

Hey friend, I see you over there- You’ve got one earbud in listening to this podcast while you multitask picking up the kids, cleaning the house or walking the dog. You clicked play cuz you’re kinda curious as to how in the world you could know you’re meant for more than just surviving the day with all that’s on your plate...let alone have permission to go after it with all the demands and distractions on your time.&nbsp;If that’s you and you’re not sure this #meantformore thing is even possible cuz your life is REALLY BUSY… Can I just say, your next best step is to join the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program, where not only will we help you get clear on what you’re called to in this season, but then take the next step to make the time to go after it, even with all that life holds.&nbsp;&nbsp;And I’ve extended the FALLYALL SALE through Monday, Sept 4th so you can still snag $100 OFF lifetime access, plus get invited to the private community + live coaching support and take advantage of the TIME BLOCK REVIEW BONUS…but once Labor Day is over, so is summer…and so is this sale.&nbsp;Head over to for all the details and to grab a spot right away with code FALLYALL&nbsp;I guarantee, you’ll be so glad you did, especially since you’ll be inspired that you really are meant for more with today’s guest, Charity Majors...Charity is an author, inspirational speaker, and founder that has empowered over 1000 women, all around the world, to step into their greatest potential, grow their confidence, align with their purpose so they can grow their income, increase their influence and make a major impact.After struggling with limiting beliefs and journeying through the loss of a child, Charity was given the gift of unshakable confidence that we are all here on purpose, for a purpose. With this belief (along with the tools she learned along the way), she equips others to unlock their purpose and step unapologetically into who they are meant to be and how they are meant to live out their calling.She is a former TV host, Founder of Meant For More Ministries, she's the host to the popular "MeantFor More" Podcast, author and has been speaking, training, and facilitating transformational events &amp; building community for over 15 years.Her favorite titles are “Babe” to her husband, Chris, and “Mama” to her son, Judah &amp; daughter Eden. They call Boise, Idaho home while also taking Majors Adventures. She also is a recovering plant killer, she finds herself somewhere in the middle of the unforced rhythms of grace and pursuing the big God-sized dreams in her heart, while juggling #momlife, date night, girl time, and sitting at the feet of Jesus. One of her favorite days was when her and her family went to Africa and gave over 100 pairs of shoes to orphans and children's centers.&nbsp;Talk about making time for what matters…Connect with Charity (and download the poem she shared) at pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Join the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program and use code FALLYALL to get $100 OFF + all the BONUSES before Sept 4thVisit the REDEEM Her Time...
8/31/202342 minutes, 15 seconds
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Are you a RULE Follower? 3 Questions to Create a RULE OF LIFE for Better Life Balance + Time Management

Are you a RULE FOLLOWER?&nbsp; Here’s the truth, whether you admit it or not, you actually are.&nbsp; We all have a rule of life we follow, whether intentionally or unintentionally...and it’s that rule that shaped our past, shapes our present and will shape our future.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know- for many of us, the word rule may bring up negative memories of strict parents, stern teachers, unsympathetic police officers…so don’t let the word rule put you off.&nbsp; So maybe you just need to look at it differently in order to embrace it and intentionally use it to flourish and grow in your WITH God Life… Cuz the right kind of rule&nbsp; is the way to make the best use of your time this fall…and in the seasons to come.Speaking of which, tomorrow is the last day to get in on the FALLYALL Sale going on right now to join the REDEEM Her TIme Coaching Program… inside you’ll find the exact step-by-step framework you need to not only create your Rule of Life in the 8 areas of attention for this season, but also to tools to focus where your time goes (and where it doesn’t) so you can consistently live out where He’s called you.&nbsp;With code FALLYALL, you not only get $100 off lifetime access to the framework, but you also get access to the exclusive student only Inner Circle Community + Spotlight Coaching Calls to get all the support you need…plus an extra bonus of a personalized time-block review to help you get your time organized before any more time gets away from you.&nbsp; Sound amazing?&nbsp; Don’t take it from me, go check it out for yourself and hear from those who have already gone through the program at the discount + bonuses all go away at midnight tomorrow, Aug 30th, so my advice is…don’t even wait till the end of this episode….right now, go visit and grab your spot to lock in your discount + bonuses before they’re gone.&nbsp;Then come back to this episode cuz I’m gonna not only show you why a rule is a good thing, but how to start creating your own rule of life.&nbsp;Ready to grow together WITH God?&nbsp; Me too, let’s get started.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Join the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program and use code FALLYALL to Get $100 OFF + all the BONUSES before they expire Aug 30thVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/29/202324 minutes, 46 seconds
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REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 5 Replay | Where Are you Looking for Wisdom to Make the Best Use of your Time?

Hey Friend- Just in case you got BUSY and couldn't join us LIVE for DAY 5 of the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge inside our Community…or if you meant to, but got DISTRACTED, or if you been caught up in the-back-to-school rush (even though you may or may not have kids in school) and you were UNAWARE it was even happening...I didn’t want you to miss out on this important conversation that could CHANGE EVERYTHING about your time this fall…or in any season for that matter.On DAY 5 we address the biggest MISTAKE we as busy Christian women often make- looking in all the WRONG places for answers about how to use our time- that only leads to worrying, wandering, and wasting. But when we look to HIM, it brings purpose, peace and presence.&nbsp; Not only do I share my most embarrassing moment, which happened in 4th grade because I was looking in the wrong place, but how everything changes when we intentionally REDEEM our TIME WITH Him… and WITH others.If you already know you’re ready to ditch the squirrel brain- running on empty from one thing to the next, trying to squeeze "just one more thing" into an already busy life, taking on all the things you think you should do (or others think you should) and looking to the world as the standard for your time...Then YOU are invited to join me inside the REDEEM HER TIME COACHING PROGRAM!We’ll do a deep dive into your WITH God Life&nbsp;with the exact SYSTEM + SUPPORT you need to create Life Balance, have better Time Management &amp; follow through with Consistency on what you say matters- or better yet, what God says matters.&nbsp;And guess what...YOU can get started for $0 today when you use code FALLYALL (one word) at checkout. Head over to to join today…And when you get started TODAY, Aug 25th, you get the FAST ACTION BONUS- an invitation to join an exclusive KICKSTART YOUR FALL COACHING CALL with an expert (me) + other like-minded women like you!&nbsp;Listen in to DAY 5 of the Challenge-I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Start the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program&nbsp; use code FALLYALL to get started for $0 through Aug 30, 2023Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/25/202344 minutes, 29 seconds
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REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 4 | Too Much on Your Plate? 4 Must-Do’s to Simplify Your Obligations (+ Others’ Expectations)

It’s DAY 4 of the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge!&nbsp; Today we’ll tackle a common mistake women make that wastes their time…piling all those things you think you should do on your plate (or letting others add to it). Let’s apply a truth from God’s Word + tool from the REDEEM Her Time Program to simplify what’s on your plate and keep it from getting too full again!This series is going to be jam-packed with 5 full days of life-shaping TRUTH + TOOLS that will absolutely help you clear your plate, make time for yourself and focus where He is leading in this next season.And we’re doing a GIVEAWAY each day of the challenge, with a GRAND PRIZE on the last day for one lucky listener to win a full-ride scholarship as a VIP student inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.HOW IT WORKS:&nbsp;Tune in each day, then head over to the REDEEM Her Time Community (link below) and post the short assignment I give at the end of each episode so you’ll be in the drawing for that day’s giveaway!&nbsp; And to be eligible for the grand prize drawing on Friday, you need to complete all 4 days of homework and join our LIVE at 12 pm CST Friday, Aug 25th (or at least watch the replay).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Someone’s gotta WIN &amp; you got TIME to redeem…so might as well be YOU!Let’s dive into the TRUTH + TOOLS that will help you be intentional with your time this fall (or in any season).Download today's FREE RESOURCE to help apply the 4D's to ELIMINATE inside the CommunityI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/24/202318 minutes, 32 seconds
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REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 3 | Multitasking ISN’T your Superpower. 3 Essential Time Blocks to better Save Time & Be Present

It’s DAY 3 of the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge!&nbsp; Today we’ll tackle a common mistake women make that wastes their time…giving your attention to too many things at once…aka multitasking. Let’s apply a truth from God’s Word + tool from the REDEEM Her Time Program to focus your attention, save time and be present.This series is going to be jam-packed with 5 full days of life-shaping TRUTH + TOOLS that will absolutely help you clear your plate, make time for yourself and focus where He is leading in this next season.And we’re doing a GIVEAWAY each day of the challenge, with a GRAND PRIZE on the last day for one lucky listener to win a full-ride scholarship as a VIP student inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.HOW IT WORKS:&nbsp;Tune in each day, then head over to the REDEEM Her Time Community (link below) and post the short assignment I give at the end of each episode so you’ll be in the drawing for that day’s giveaway!&nbsp; And to be eligible for the grand prize drawing on Friday, you need to complete all 4 days of homework and join our LIVE at 12 pm CST Friday, Aug 25th (or at least watch the replay).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Someone’s gotta WIN &amp; you got TIME to redeem…so might as well be YOU!Let’s dive into the TRUTH + TOOLS that will help you be intentional with your time this fall (or in any season).Download today's FREE RESOURCE to help you TIME BLOCK your POUR-OUTS inside the CommunityI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/23/202319 minutes, 16 seconds
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REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 2 | Stop DOING from Sun-up till Sun-Down. 2 Must-Have Time Blocks to Avoid Feeling Drained

It’s DAY 2 of the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge!&nbsp; Today we’ll tackle a common mistake women make that wastes their time…pouring out from the break of dawn till the wee hours of the night. Let’s apply a truth from God’s Word + tool from the REDEEM Her Time Program to ensure you won’t feel drained…and always have something to pour out!This series is going to be jam-packed with 5 full days of life-shaping TRUTH + TOOLS that will absolutely help you clear your plate, make time for yourself and focus where He is leading in this next season.And we’re doing a GIVEAWAY each day of the challenge, with a GRAND PRIZE on the last day for one lucky listener to win a full-ride scholarship as a VIP student inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.HOW IT WORKS:&nbsp;Tune in each day, then head over to the REDEEM Her Time Community (link below) and post the short assignment I give at the end of each episode so you’ll be in the drawing for that day’s giveaway!&nbsp; And to be eligible for the grand prize drawing on Friday, you need to complete all 4 days of homework and join our LIVE at 12 pm CST Friday, Aug 25th (or at least watch the replay).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Someone’s gotta WIN &amp; you got TIME to redeem…so might as well be YOU!Let’s dive into the TRUTH + TOOLS that will help you be intentional with your time this fall (or in any season).Download today's FREE RESOURCE to help you TIME BLOCK your REFILLS inside the CommunityI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/22/202317 minutes, 32 seconds
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REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 1 | Don’t Keep it All in Your Head. 1 Simple Hack to Save your Time (and Sanity) in a New Season

It’s DAY 1 of the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge!&nbsp; Today we’ll tackle a common mistake women make that wastes their time…trying to keep it all in your head (or in all those random digital places). Let’s apply a truth from God’s Word + tool from the REDEEM Her Time Program to not only save you time, but also your sanity!This series is going to be jam-packed with 5 full days of life-shaping TRUTH + TOOLS that will absolutely help you clear your plate, make time for yourself and focus where He is leading in this next season.And we’re doing a GIVEAWAY each day of the challenge, with a GRAND PRIZE on the last day for one lucky listener to win a full-ride scholarship as a VIP student inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.HOW IT WORKS:&nbsp;Tune in each day, then head over to the REDEEM Her Time Community (link below) and post the short assignment I give at the end of each episode so you’ll be in the drawing for that day’s giveaway!&nbsp; And to be eligible for the grand prize drawing on Friday, you need to complete all 4 days of homework and join our LIVE at 12 pm CST Friday, Aug 25th (or at least watch the replay).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Someone’s gotta WIN and you got TIME to redeem…so might as well be YOU!Let’s dive into the TRUTH + TOOLS that will help you be intentional with your time this fall (or in any season).Download today's FREE RESOURCE to help you BRAINDUMP + SORT inside the Community.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/21/202316 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 Tips to Intentionally Say YES to Someone Who Matters...YOU! With Michelle McCoy, Board Certified Health Coach

Hey Friend-Sometimes it’s a struggle for us as Christian women to say YES to ourselves…but by saying YES to others first, we often put OURSELF on the back burner.&nbsp;&nbsp;You may not see or feel the effects right away, but over time they continue to pile up and before you know it, what you have not intentionally GIVEN attention to now DEMANDS it…and it always costs more.&nbsp;But it doesn’t have to be that way…and it’s never too late to live with intention.My guest today, Michelle McCoy, is a Board-Certified Holistic &amp; Functional Health Coach, Certified Facial Analysis Practitioner and Host of the Treasured Wellness Christian Podcast.I love that Michelle supports women who have been struggling with ongoing Fatigue &amp; Pain to reclaim their health with anti-inflammatory lifestyle changes and natural solutions… using a Godly approach.Want to intentionally say YES to your wellness and regain your energy naturally as you transition to a new season?&nbsp;&nbsp;Listen in and learn to TREASURE YOUR WELLNESS with intention.We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Grab the Foggy &amp; Fatigued Blueprint for FREE sure to check out Michelle’s resources + the Treasured Wellness Podcast https://treasuredwellness.comL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)Lissa &amp; MichelleP.S. REDEEM YOUR TIME THIS FALL CHALLENGE Coming Aug 21-25Wanna MAKE TIME for your wellness this fall? Be sure to join me for this free 5-day Challenge right here on the podcast and inside my communityHere are 3 QUICK STEPS to GET READY…STEP 1: Follow the REDEEM Her Time PodcastSTEP 2: Join the REDEEM Her Time CommunitySTEP 3: Complete the REDEEM Her Time WorksheetVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/17/202342 minutes, 20 seconds
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3 Ways to Lovingly Say NO to Expectations & Busyness...and Give Your BEST YES to what Matters in this Season

Hey Friend- I’m just gonna say it like it is…or at least how someone else said it&nbsp; in something I read recently….&nbsp; “Most BUSYNESS comes from our wild, ongoing attempts to PLEASE others."&nbsp;Whether you’ve labeled yourself a PEOPLE-PLEASER or not, you have to admit, a lot of what we run around doing is because of the EXPECTATIONS we receive or perceive from those around us.Ever said (or thought)...I dread saying yes but feel powerless to say no, I hope there’s more to life than my to-do list, I’m a little overwhelmed and a lot worn out, I’m drowning in regrets of too many commitmentsWe say YES to a lot of things…but are they what we’re called to?Why do we as women and as Christians feel bad about saying NO…and how do you get comfortable with saying NO when you’re at capacity or it’s just not a fit for you?&nbsp;&nbsp;If you’re serious about REDEEMING your time this fall, you’re gonna have to let those go… and actually say the “N-word”On today’s episode I have 3 ways to lovingly say NO….without the guilt.Who needs permission right now?&nbsp; Let’s dive in together….WITH God.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM YOUR TIME THIS FALL CHALLENGE Aug 21-25Wanna get clear on what your BEST YES is this fall (and what ISN'T)? Be sure to join me for this free 5-day Challenge next right here on the podcast and inside my communityHere are 3 QUICK STEPS to GET READY…STEP 1: Follow the REDEEM Her Time PodcastSTEP 2: Join the REDEEM Her Time CommunitySTEP 3: Complete the REDEEM Her Time WorksheetSee you on the Challenge soon!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/15/202326 minutes, 54 seconds
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Find TRUE REST: Jesus' Time Management Strategy for Weary, Burdened, Burned Out Christian Women

Hey Friend- just checking in…How are you feeling lately- Weary? Burdened? Burned out? &nbsp; I see you…and feel you- cramming your life with all-the-things to keep up your relationships, work, finances, health, personal growth, household…and leaving space for the unexpected phone call, doctor visit, crisis, out of town guests…It’s easy to feel exhausted just thinking about what’s soon gonna be on your plate and in your calendar with all the duties, demands, distractions…and fall hasn’t even started yet!&nbsp;&nbsp;That’s what happens when we try to carry the weight of life on our own.&nbsp;But Jesus offers a different way of doing life for those who follow Him-one that’s easy and light.As John Mark Comer points out in The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (I can’t seem to get away from this book)...An easy life isn't an option, but an easy yoke is.&nbsp;Let’s not live like everyone else around us who's carrying life alone…cuz that’s strategy’s not working for anyone.Instead, let’s say yes to His invitation to a WITH-God life with His yoke.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get ready for the free 5-day REDEEM Your Time this Fall ChallengeSTEP 1: Follow the REDEEM Her Time PodcastSTEP 2: Join the REDEEM Her Time CommunitySTEP 3: Complete the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Pre-WorksheetVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/10/202319 minutes, 40 seconds
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You'll NEVER Find the Time ...3 Steps to Make Time for what You Meant (or Want) to Do

Hey friend, we ARE friends right? Good. Cuz I wanna make sure you hear this in love…you know that “thing” you kept saying you’d get around to&nbsp; this summer or that you’ll get back to this fall when you HAVE the time, when you GET the time, when you FIND the time…I hate to break it to ya- but it’s probably not gonna happen. Cuz the truth is, even if you’re sending kids back to school or staying close to home now cuz summer travels are over- You'll NEVER just HAVE, GET or FIND the time.&nbsp;&nbsp;That’s what I call the ONE-day, SOME-day or ANOTHER-day plan…and it never works.&nbsp;There’s actually a better plan than just WISHING for MORE TIME.On today’s episode, I’m gonna share with you the 3 steps to MAKING the TIME this fall, or in any season…that way you won’t waste time searching for it.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. REDEEM YOUR TIME THIS FALL CHALLENGE Aug 21-25Wanna MAKE THE TIME this fall? Be sure to join me for this free 5-day Challenge right here on the podcast and inside my communityHere are 3 QUICK STEPS to GET READY…STEP 1: Follow the REDEEM Her Time PodcastSTEP 2: Join the REDEEM Her Time CommunitySTEP 3: Complete the REDEEM Her Time WorksheetVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/8/202323 minutes, 56 seconds
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Got TIME ANXIETY? 3 Steps to Take Your Anxiety About What's to Come to Him with Erika Diaz Castro

Hey friend- how ya feeling when you think about the season that’s yet to come?&nbsp; Often women find themselves in a state of WORRY over what is not yet (or may never be)...and over time that wrong thinking starts to affect every area of our lives- our faith walk, our relationships, our work/service, our wellness, our home…and especially our joy.But as Christian women who have put our faith in the One who holds it all, we don’t have to get stuck in that endless loop of worry &amp; anxiety.&nbsp;Today’s guest, Erika Diaz Castro, is a committed Christ follower, wife, mama and the host of the podcast Her Renewed Strength. She’s also a life coach for anxious, overwhelmed Christian women, helping them develop a biblical mindset which leads to getting more done with less overwhelm.&nbsp;&nbsp;Doesn’t that sound like a better alternative to anxiety and worry?&nbsp; Amen my friend…you’re gonna love her authenticity and conviction and the 3 simple steps she has to share about how to take our anxiety at any level about what’s to come to Him.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Wanna connect with Erika for more resources on how to take your worry to God?&nbsp; Find her at DAY REDEEM YOUR TIME THIS FALL CHALLENGE Aug 21-25Wanna eliminate your TIME ANXIETY this fall? Be sure to join me for the free 5-day Challenge right here on the podcast and inside my communityHere are 3 QUICK STEPS to GET READY for the CHALLENGE…STEP 1: Follow the REDEEM Her Time PodcastSTEP 2: Join the REDEEM Her Time CommunitySTEP 3: Complete the REDEEM Her Time WorksheetVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/3/202343 minutes, 28 seconds
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DON'T Rush into this Next Season by Making this #1 Time Management Mistake

Hey Friend- Did you wake up this morning in a panic cuz now that it’s AUG 1st, it feels like summer is slipping away with the demands of fall just around the corner? Crazy that it only took turning another page on the calendar to change everything.&nbsp;&nbsp;But it doesn’t have to be that way.&nbsp;Whether you have just a few days, several weeks or the rest of this month before you go back to fall routines, I wanna lovingly tell you 2 important things today…1. SUMMER ISN'T OVER YET... that means it’s not too late to finally give your time + attention to what you intended to before it started2. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE...What’s the #1 MISTAKE women make with their time when heading into a new season?&nbsp; You’ll have to stick around for this episode to find out.&nbsp;&nbsp;Plus I have a special invitation to help you REDEEM Your Time this Fall so you can make the best use of it …in this season and in light of eternity.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get ready for the free 5-day REDEEM Your Time this Fall ChallengeSTEP 1: Follow the REDEEM Her Time PodcastSTEP 2: Join the REDEEM Her Time CommunitySTEP 3: Complete the REDEEM Her Time WorksheetVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
8/1/202318 minutes, 49 seconds
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Define + Direct this Season of Life with a Focus Word for Life Balance

Hey Busy Girl- Got a focus word for this season?&nbsp;I know it may seem like choosing a word is a task we should have been talking about back in December or January when we started the new year, but having a BANNER WORD that defines + directs your focus is important any time of year, especially if you want to live with intention.&nbsp;Plus it’s what I’ve been focusing on in my Her REDEEMED Year Journey this month as I look ahead at where God is inviting me…When you’re paying attention to what He’s doing, you’re not just pulling a word out of thin air or copying someone else’s… you clearly see where He wants you to focus.So whether you’ve already got a word…you had one, but lost it somewhere along the way… you thought you should have one, but never got around to it, or you ditched the word-of-the-year idea because it felt like a have-to, not a want to...&nbsp;Listen in to today's episode to stay committed, recommit, finally commit or be willing to commit to this simple way to focus in this season of YOUR life.My Banner Word for my Her REDEEMED Year is WITH…Wanna know how I found it + how to choose yours? Good…let’s dive in…together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/27/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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Got the Attention of a Goldfish? Part 3- Top 10 TO-DON'Ts that will Only Waste Time on your Phone this Summer

Hey Friend- Feel like summer is flying by? I lost count of how many times I’ve heard that from women I’ve talked to lately....I didn’t say anything other than to just enjoy what’s left of it…&nbsp;But the more I think about it, the more I believe IT'S OUR OWN DOING. We make time fly by wasting it on what doesn’t really matter…and when you look at how much time goes to your phone, no wonder you feel this way, especially in the summer!&nbsp;On Episode 147 we talked about HOW MUCH we are on our phones.On Episode 149 we talked about the Top 10 reasons WHY we pick up our phones.On Episode 151 we talked about the Top 10 times WHERE we mindlessly pick up our phones.With all that in mind, and since summer is already half over (or you still have half of it left, depending on how you look at it), today I want to give you a Top 10 TO-DON’T list…the Top 10 things to NOT do on your phone if you want to be more present with who + what matters most and 3 simple steps to choose wisely the rest of the summer…or in any season for that matter.Wanna hear what they are?&nbsp; Let’s dive in together…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/25/202320 minutes, 14 seconds
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Spiritual Multitasking Hack to Find Time to get in Scripture (Bonus: It Helps with Anxiety too) with Nevitta Mason, LPC

Hey Friend- chances are, you struggle with anxiety on some level.&nbsp; Did you know that as a woman you are 2X as more likely to struggle with an anxiety disorder than men and that nearly 25% of women deal with this on a regular basis?&nbsp;&nbsp;Sometimes as Christians we’re told to JUST PRAY MORE…but today’s guest is here to share that it’s OK to have Jesus + a Therapist!Nevitta Mason is &nbsp;a wife, mother and former teacher turned counselor who blends her teaching knowledge, counseling knowledge and love of Jesus into her work. Nevitta is an avid hiker, paddle boarder and gardener... and is also a former foster child, Foster parent and Court Appointed Special Advocate. Because of Jesus’ direction in her life, she is a first generation graduate of high school, college and graduate school and is currently writing a book called Day Old Doughnuts.&nbsp; And she is my friend.&nbsp;Listen in cuz Nevitta is gonna not only show us how our physical, spiritual and emotional health is all connected... but also how to use 2-FERS (a fun way to spiritually multitask) by slowing down your head (and heart) with truth....that way you won't waste your time worrying.Can’t wait to hear what your 2-FER will be so you can turn “I don’t have time to get in the Word” into something as natural as breathing…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!Follow Nevitta Mason Counseling on Facebook or visit her website for more spiritual mental health resources.And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/20/202333 minutes, 56 seconds
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Got the Attention Span of a Goldfish? Part 2: WHEN You Mindlessly Reach for your Phone + HOW to Focus on What Matters More

Hey Friend-&nbsp;Statistically speaking in less than 8 seconds, your attention will be diverted to something else- SQUIRREL!&nbsp; With all-the-things competing for my attention via my phone, some days I feel like my dog Maggie, chasing after the squirrels in our backyard. And if you recall, even a goldfish has an attention span longer than a human these days.&nbsp; Sure a goldfish and a dog don’t have a device in hand nearly 24/7, but they also don’t have a sense of what matters beyond the moment either.God has put that knowing in our hearts as humans...but let’s be honest we still are tempted to give our best time and attention to lesser things. Maybe you’re more mindful now or maybe you’re still in default mode when it comes to HOW OFTEN and WHY you pick up your phone....either way, paying attention to WHEN you pick up your phone is the next step to intentionally choosing HOW to fill the void with what truly matters.&nbsp;&nbsp;So let’s pay attention to WHEN…and CHANGE it TOGETHER.And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/18/202317 minutes, 50 seconds
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5 Steps to Set Healthy Boundaries around your Time this Summer to give you More Freedom

Hey Friend- Enjoying the FREEDOM of your time this Summer?&nbsp; This is the season where we often shed the stuffy schedules and opt for a go-with-the-flow mentality…it may feel MORE FREE in the moment, but in reality takes you further from what you wanted the FREEDOM to enjoy in the first place.&nbsp;&nbsp;How do I know? Cuz I’ve done it both ways.&nbsp;So before any more summer time passes, hear me out and see if perhaps setting some HEALTHY BOUNDARIES around your TIME actually gives you MORE FREEDOM to enjoy what God has for you in this season too.Grab something cold and let’s chill for a few min together…and set some a good way!And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/13/202319 minutes
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Got the Attention Span of a Goldfish? Part 1: WHY You Pick Up your Phone So Often + HOW to Fill Those Needs with Truth

Hey Friend-Are you DIGITALLY DISTRACTED these days? Let’s get right to it cuz studies show I have a mere 8 seconds to grab your attention, otherwise you’re already clicking on something else…did you know that’s LESS THAN a goldfish?&nbsp; It's true. And sadly this downward trend is related to what’s in you hand&nbsp;(aka your phone)I know I’m way past that time by now, so if you’re still here and you’re curious about WHY you pick up your phone so often + HOW to change that in light of God’s truth, stick around for a little longer…I promise it will give you back hours of your time!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time CommunityL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/11/202314 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Secret to Increasing Your Capacity to Do More (Hint: it's NOT Adding More Time) with Michelle Grosser

Hey friend- Feel like you’re already at capacity, or worse spilling over, as you go through your day? Just like a pool that’s filled to the brim, every cannonball that comes its way sends water in every direction…leaving the water level constantly changing. The same happens when you’re at capacity, or in deficit, in regards to your time- that next demand, or request, on your time,&nbsp; just might make a big mess all around cuz you are filled to overflowing and your NERVOUS SYSTEM is dis-regulated.God did not design us to live that way.&nbsp;My guest today, Master Coach Michelle Grosser, is my go-to girl for how to regulate your mind and body so you can increase your capacity to hold more of the big, beautiful life God has given you…cuz the alternative is to constantly live in a state of disregulation. Michelle is a mom of two, lawyer turned life coach for millennial moms, and host of The Calm Mom Podcast. By teaching women how to access their mind-body connection, she helps them heal and grow through things like self-doubt, burnout and setting healthy boundaries so they can rediscover the deep joys of life and what they are called to in this season.Come jump on in with us in today’s episode…I promise, the water is nice!&nbsp; And then afterwards join the conversation over inside the free REDEEM Her Time Community. Check out the Calm Mom PodcastAnd learn more about working with Michelle in The Calm Mom Academy at michellegrosser.comI pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…door open again soon, just in time for getting back to fall routines!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/6/202344 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Declaration of Digital Independence from our Phones...Wanna be FREE?

Happy Independence Day my friend…I hope you have meaningful ways planned to celebrate... but before we move on to the parades, the cookouts and the fireworks, let's gain INDEPENDENCE from our devices (aka phones). That’s why I am declaring July as DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE MONTH.In the words of Benjamin Wallace (played by Mel Gibson in The Patriot)… Why have we traded the rule of a TYRANT 3,000 miles away (aka King George), for the rule of 3,000 TYRANTS just an arms length away?YES, you have 3,000 TYRANTS on your phone....Let me explain on today's episode.I promise to keep this short, sweet and real so you can be present with what your day holds…so what do you say? Wanna break the chains of TYRANNY of our devices together?Come join the DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE inside the REDEEM Her Time Community. I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
7/4/202321 minutes, 42 seconds
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5 Key Mid-Year Reflection Questions to Look Back before Moving Forward

Her REDEEMED Year Month 1 UpdateDid you know by this time tomorrow we’ll be exactly halfway through 2023?&nbsp; Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun (and let’s be honest, even when you’re not, right?).&nbsp; At this point in the year when it comes to your WITH-God Life, you’re only in 1 of 3 places- either you’re ahead of where you wanted to be, you’re right where you wanted to be or you’re behind where you wanted to be…or maybe you have no idea where you want to be, cuz you haven’t taken the time to even think about it. But what actually matters more than where you are at this moment is not what you’ve done up till now…but rather what you will do next.&nbsp; Might I suggest you NOT DO anything, but instead slow down to BE WITH God (and yourself)?&nbsp;I know what you’re thinking- what’s a girl to do to slow down and reflect when time just flies by? You implement an intentional practice of reflection.&nbsp;In fact, I’ve been incorporating the practice of reflecting as part of my Her REDEEMED Year… and it’s made all the difference already in month 1.&nbsp;I promised to keep you up in the loop with what I’m doing to celebrate my 50th year, so today I’m sharing 5 Key Reflection Questions so you can practice looking back before moving ahead too- whether it’s the middle of your calendar year, the beginning of your REDEEMED year… or any other time in your year.&nbsp;We’re gonna do this episode workshop style so you can reflect on them yourself before any more time flies by in your life. &nbsp; You ready to look back with me? Open up your heart and journal and let’s dig deep….I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday 5 Min FIND-the-TIME Coaching Chats before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/29/202325 minutes, 13 seconds
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Maintain (or Build) Momentum with Foundation Habits this Summer

Hey Friend- We’re just 1 week into Summer and already you may feel like you’re in quicksand when it comes to where your TIME is going…wish there was a simple way to maintain the momentum of intention and growth you had just a few weeks or months ago?&nbsp; OR maybe you’re that girl who wishes there was a simple way to build any kind of momentum in the first place, right?Now I’m no architect, but I do know a thing or two…you first need to lay a solid foundation- whether that’s building a new house in the neighborhood of your dreams…or building your WITH-God life in the 8 areas of attention.&nbsp;So today I want to teach you the 3 simple steps to lay FOUNDATION HABITS- that way, when you’ve got a strong foundation, no matter what life brings- surprises, struggles, storms, seasons (aka summer)…you’ve still got something to stand on.Grab your calendar and journal…we’ve got some building to do…together. I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday 5 Min FIND-the-TIME Coaching Chats before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/27/202320 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tuned into God's Vibes? Practicing Presence WITH Him with Juliana Page

Ever have the check engine light come on in your car, but ignore it?&nbsp;Been there, done that.&nbsp;Let it go too long and you may end up somewhere you don’t wanna be.&nbsp;The same is true when the check engine light comes on in your spirit…you can pretend it’s not flashing or be completely oblivious by your busyness, but eventually it will catch up with you…and by that point, you’re further down a road you may not want to be on.&nbsp;External warning signs like feeling separated, stretched, or stressed are an indication of an internal problem.So what’s the solution when living in a really busy and distracting world?&nbsp;Practicing presence WITH God.My amazing conversation with today’s guest,&nbsp;Juliana Page, will inspire you to tune into God regularly.&nbsp;Juliana is a bestselling author and master certified life coach.&nbsp;She faithfully serves the Lord as a leadership and self-mastery strategist for organizations, companies, entrepreneurs, and individuals.&nbsp;Through her coaching and podcast,&nbsp;she delivers practical wisdom and tools that empower purpose, spiritual wholeness, sustainable health, financial freedom and relational fulfillment.Tune into GOD'S VIBES with us today.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaTODAY'S COMMUNITY QUESTION:What is 1 way you will practice His presence to tune into God in your life?P.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday 5 Min FIND-the-TIME Coaching Chats before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/22/202343 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 Steps to Finally Follow Through on Completing your Summer Projects

Hey Friend- got BIG PLANS this summer? I’m not talking about your annual week long beach vacay or your long weekend getaway…I’m talking about those projects you keep saying, “I’ll do that this summer.”You know- that closet you’re meaning to clean out and organize, those pictures you’re wanting to print and store, that side business you’re wanting to plan and grow, that volunteering you’ve been wanting to give time and attention to…Got one of those kind of plans?&nbsp; My guess is yes.So let me ask, how did that go for you last summer…and the summer before…and the summer before?&nbsp; Yeah, thought so.&nbsp;&nbsp;You started off with great intentions, but it never really happened- and before you knew it, it was fall again and that project got tabled till later.&nbsp;No worries, we’ve all been there.&nbsp;Since summer officially starts tomorrow, I thought today would be the perfect time to share the 3 steps that will help you finally follow through on completing your summer projects…and still enjoy the sunshine!&nbsp;Roll your sleeves up girl…oh wait, you’re probably wearing a tank top by now, so better yet, cuff your jeans cuz we’re gonna get to work!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/20/202321 minutes, 46 seconds
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How does She Do It All? A Tribute to the Proverbs 31 Woman...and my Mom

Just curious…How do you feel when someone mentions the Proverbs 31 woman?&nbsp; If you’re like many women, this section of Scripture might bring up feelings of inadequacy and comparison that lead to hustle, guilt… or giving up on even trying, right?&nbsp;And it might bring up questions like…is she for real? How does she get it all done in a day? Does she even sleep?&nbsp;I don’t think God’s intention was to give Christian women an impossible standard to constantly strive to reach…and always come up short. Rather I believe he is painting a beautiful picture of what it looks like to live a WITH-God life in each of the 8 areas we talk about here on the podcastOn this episode, I wanna show you how Proverbs 31 touches on all 8 key areas of attention, share the secret to her ability to do it all…and best of all, give a special tribute to a woman in my life who has faithfully sought to live her life in this way for 75 years!So open up your heart, calendar and Bible…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action, beautiful friend!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday 5 Min FIND-the-TIME Coaching Chats before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/15/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pouring from an Empty Cup? 4 Steps to Make Quiet Time with God a Priority... Even in the Summer

Hey Friend- It’s summertime…and the living is easy.&nbsp; Or at least that’s how we want it to feel. That’s a good thing cuz God knew we needed seasons of rest and changes in routine.&nbsp;&nbsp;But sometimes when things are too laid back, it’s easy to not be intentional about things that really matter…like a regular quiet time with God.&nbsp;I don’t know about you, but when I’m not intentional about that alone time with Him, I feel it all day long…and so does everyone around me!&nbsp;&nbsp;So today on the podcast, I’m gonna share with you WHY this daily time is something you’ll want to make time for + 4 STEPS to make it happen…even in the Summer, or any season for that matter.&nbsp;Let’s commit to no more excuses, no more saying we just don’t have time and skipping it yet again…you with me?I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/13/202323 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Do I know if it's His Voice or Mine? Untangled Faith with Megan Nilsen

Hey Friend-&nbsp;Is it just me or do you ever wonder…is that God’s voice or mine?&nbsp;&nbsp;As Christian women who want to let Him lead us in this WITH-God Life, sometimes it’s hard to quiet the noise around us, and let’s be honest the noise inside us, so that we can hear HIS voice above all the others…And then often we second guess whether or not it was really Him or just our great idea…have you been there too?&nbsp;That’s why on today’s episode I want to introduce you to one of my very good friends, Megan Nilsen. Megan is a speaker, author, life coach, and founder of the Beautiful Exchange Community. She offers Christ-centered coaching for those seeking kingdom alignment and strategy during a transitional season in faith, relationships, or vocational calling. She loves discovering what God put in the hearts of women that will help them walk in greater confidence, fulfillment, and purpose.&nbsp;Now do you see why I have her in my life?It was actually a discerning question Megan asked me that led to faith being up-front-and-center with all I share through REDEEM Her Time…thank you Megan, I am forever grateful for your wisdom and challenging me to listen to God’s voice and walk in obedience.And friend, I know you’re gonna glean some wisdom today to apply in your life&nbsp; too. Why not listen in on our conversation…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaGrab Megan’s Untangled Faith Book + JournalFollow Megan’s Podcast The Kingdom Life Coaching PodcastConnect with Megan and Book a Curiosity Call on her website&nbsp;P.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over!&nbsp;Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/8/202342 minutes, 50 seconds
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LIVE COACHING: 3 Tips to Overcome Overwhelm with your Time

Hey Friend- Ever feel like there are just too many demands on your time...hardly leaving room to breathe as you jump from one thing to the next day after day, week after week?&nbsp;No wonder you find yourself on the couch mindlessly scrolling or binging netflix rather than facing it all.&nbsp;And guess what…You are NOT alone.&nbsp;Today on the podcast I have a special treat for you- a LIVE FIND-the-TIME COACHING CALL with our L.Y.L.A. of the month from inside the REDEEM Her Time Community, Danielle. Here’s what I gotta tell you about Danielle, she loves Jesus and she is balancing a LOT in this season…Good thing FAITH is her FOUNDATION…cuz HE gives her the strength!&nbsp;Thought you might wanna listen in on our coaching call and pick up a few nuggets you can use too- sometimes someone else asks what you didn’t know to ask…or what you were afraid to ask.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my 50 Birthday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over…P.P.S. And hop over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community to post a screenshot of your REVIEW or SHARE with #100K…today is the last day to enter!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/6/202335 minutes, 52 seconds
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My BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY is Almost Over...but the CELEBRATION isn't! Get in the Drawing TODAY

Hey Friend- Just in case you thought you were too busy to listen to Episode 138 (or you were multitasking and didn't get back to it), I wanted to quick pop in your library to let you know TOMORROW is the LAST DAY to be entered in the BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY DRAWING...What can you WIN? A DISTRACTION-PROOF Coaching Bundle (valued at 297) or a Full-Ride Scholarship to the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program (valued at 497)...How do you ENTER? Just leave a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts (or if you already did, SHARE the podcast with a friend), take a SCREENSHOT of your REVIEW and/or SHARE and post it with #100K inside the free REDEEM Her Time Community...can't wait to hear what you love best!FOR ALL OF JUNE I'm offering 50 free FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls as my gift to you! Grab a spot before the party's over at be sure to follow the podcast for updates on my YEAR-LONG journey I'm calling Her REDEEMED Year...learn more about how I'm creating my own year of Jubilee on Episode 138I can't wait to BLESS you, my friend! L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over!&nbsp;P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/5/20235 minutes, 29 seconds
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Let's Celebrate. How I'm Marking 10K + 50 Years in a REDEEMING Way

Hey Friend…you’re just in time for the party! Happy 10K to us, Happy Birthday to Me, All Glory to God, Let’s Have a Jubilee…Today we are celebrating…and we’re CELEBRATING BIG!&nbsp;What’s there to celebrate you ask?&nbsp; We just passed 10K downloads of the REDEEM Her Time Podcast + the calendar is about to turn 50 years of His faithfulness in my life.&nbsp;Yep, I’m hitting some big milestones, so I’m taking a moment to PAUSE + PONDER... to reflect on what God is doing through this WITH-God Life where He graciously extends His Divine Invitation to do life with Him + yet somehow in His providence still allows for My Participation.&nbsp;In today’s episode, I’ll share the party invite + party favors you can take home with you over the next few days, month and year.&nbsp;Ready to celebrate His goodness together?&nbsp; Grab your noisemaker, cuz the praise is gonna get loud around here…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
6/1/202326 minutes, 35 seconds
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An Invitation to Move from Productivity to Purposivity WITH-God...and Me!

Hey Friend- Are you tired of feeling held back from pursuing your God-given calling and achieving the faith-led assignments He has put on your plate?Are you ready to unlock the secret to accomplishing your WITH-God goals &amp; priorities while staying true to your values and purpose in this season? I'm thrilled to invite you to the most empowering online summit of the year: Purpose Driven Productivity! And guess what- it's FREE!We'll be covering life planning, time management, routines &amp; habits, focus &amp; mindset, and truly hearing from God. And let me tell you, the lineup of speakers is absolutely incredible- I am honored to be sharing the stage with such amazing faith-led women.You're gonna want to grab a spot and upgrade to the VIP All-Access Pass to not only get lifetime access to all the interviews, but to also get exclusive Bonus Gifts...For all Summit attendees I am offering my brand-new WITH-God Life Vision Guide...a simple framework to help you map out your WITH-God Vision in just 30 min.And for all VIP attendees, in addition I am giving you my never-seen-before WITH-God Life Assessment &amp; Reflection Guide...the first step to living out your WITH-God Vision.Can't wait to see you online June 12-16th...and since it's virtual, you can take the interviews with you wherever you are and listen at the best time for you during the summit dates. Let's make this a summer of not just PRODUCTIVITY, but PURPOSIVITY WITH-God.See ya there L.Y.L.A.S. !LissaUse this link to register for the Purpose Driven Productivity Summit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/31/20235 minutes, 17 seconds
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Still Be Intentional with Your TIME this Summer Using the 5-Step F.O.C.U.S. Framework

Hey Friend-&nbsp;Ready to roll out those hazy, crazy, lazy days of summer? Whether your kids are out for summer break or you no longer live off a school schedule…do you still feel that urge to be more laid back with your time in the summer?And yet, at the same time you might be feeling the tension as a Christian woman between enjoying time off… and still being intentional about what you’re doing with it.&nbsp;I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing- not all work and no play, nor all play and no work.On today’s episode, I’m gonna share with you my 5-Step Framework to still be intentional with your TIME this summer (or in any new season)…and not miss out on the fun!Grab something to sip, a comfy chair on the deck…and let’s dive into your summer TIME together!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaEp 71 Don't Drop the Ball this SummerEp 95 Focus on Your 1 Thing...and Leave the RestEp 102 Create your 12 Week WITH-God PlansP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/30/202322 minutes, 37 seconds
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What is Your Closet (+ Calendar) Saying about Your Heart? Maybe It's Time for a Refresh

Hey Friend-Ever stood in front of your closet and said to yourself, “I have nothing to wear” when you have hangars full and drawers filled with plenty of clothes?&nbsp; I know, right now you might be thinking, why is a Life Planning + Time Management Coach talking about clothes???It’s because I’ve been thinking a lot about the parallels between our closets and our calendars. Have you ever noticed those?Think about this… ever opened up your calendar (whether it’s filled with neat color- coded boxes or messy every-which-way scribbles) and said to yourself, “I never have enough time” when you have the same 24 hours in a day as everyone else?&nbsp; Yep. Me too.&nbsp;So let’s take a look at what your closet (and your calendar) are telling you about your heart…and what you might wanna do about it.&nbsp;Ready to dig in?&nbsp;Together, let’s do a refresh…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/25/202317 minutes, 10 seconds
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Stop Wasting Precious Time Getting Dressed using this 1 Simple Formula with Stacey Herndon

Hey Friend-Just curious-How long did it take you to get dressed- this morning?&nbsp; I mean from the moment you first set foot in your closet till the time you finally stepped out feeling amazing (and didn’t make any more outfit adjustments)?&nbsp;&nbsp;You may not have an answer cuz you don’t even realize how much time getting dressed may be wasting each morning- the stats on today’s episode will certainly make you more mindful of this daily event…And better yet, my guest today will give you the 1 Simple Formula to get 200 hours (or more) of your time back each year!&nbsp;&nbsp;Stacey Herndon is the owner and founder of Radiantly Dressed, a color and image business geared towards helping Christian women gain confidence and feel put together- in less time and with less you can move forward with your day to do the things God has called you to do.Leave that discard pile from this morning on the floor and let’s see what God has to say about our closets…and how to start redeeming that time for what you’re called to!I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaBe sure to grab Stacey’s free COLOR PALETTE BUILDER and check out her Podcast Personal Style for Christian Women for more support with your closetAnd don’t forget to Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program to dig into your calendar…and your heart!Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/23/202336 minutes, 40 seconds
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Find Time in this Season. Learning to Trust God More as a Mom in the Military with Megan Gephart

Hey Friend- In the midst of a really full season of life the question you should be asking is, “WHERE IS GOD TEACHING ME TO FOCUS IN THE PRESENT?”&nbsp;At least that’s the advice my guest today has to share, and I second that.&nbsp;Megan Gephart is a wife, mom to 2 boys (4 and 1.5), an active duty Army officer, coach, and fierce advocate for military moms. She is on a mission to help her sisters in arms &amp; sisters in Christ heal from burnout, find more balance, and live out their faith in motherhood and male-dominated environments. She helps high-achieving Christian women give their family their best, while also making the unique impact God is calling them to. A certified Life Coach and certified Pregnancy &amp; Postpartum Athleticism Coach, she is especially passionate about supporting women through the demanding seasons of pregnancy, postpartum, mothering littles, and the challenges of military life.Not in the military yourself like Megan or married to someone in the military like me? Don’t skip this episode cuz the nuggets and truth you’ll hear in our conversation will help you get to the root of restlessness in any season of your life.&nbsp;Plus May is Military Appreciation Month plus Mother’s Day, so I thought this would be the perfect way to truly appreciate those who serve our country and those who serve our families.&nbsp;And if you do know someone who’s serving in both ways like Megan, I guarantee you’ll want to pass on this episode.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaGrab Megan’s Free Guide:&nbsp;Overcoming Overwhelm Megan’s Armed to the Heart Podcast:&nbsp; the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/18/202341 minutes, 54 seconds
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Let's RUTHLESSLY ELIMINATE HURRY Together. 3 Steps to Slow Down for Good as a Busy Christian Woman

Hey Friend- In a HURRY to get things done…and rush and rush till life’s no fun? Maybe the band Alabama was on to something- ever wonder why YOU’re in such a hurry?&nbsp;It seems everyone is HURRIED these days…and the pace of life is not slowing down anytime soon.&nbsp;&nbsp;God never tells us to hurry. Jesus never modeled how to hurry.&nbsp;So why are we listening to the world around us that says we need to HURRY…to the detriment of our souls?If you’re ready to do something about the HURRY in your life, no matter where you are on the spectrum, LET’S RUTHLESSLY ELIMINATE HURRY…TOGETHER.&nbsp;&nbsp;On this episode we’ll talk about what HURRY really is, why it’s a problem …plus the 3 STEPS to take now to SLOW DOWN for good as a busy christian woman.Push pause on your HURRY for a few min and listen in- it just might save your life…and your soul.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Book a 1-Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Find-the-Time Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/16/202317 minutes, 23 seconds
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Be Present Busy Mama. 3 Keys to Follow Jesus's Example to Not Be in a Hurry

Hey Busy Mama…is it just me or does 18 or so years under your roof go by way too fast? When your kids were little, those days (and nights) seemed to never end, yet somehow the years flew by.&nbsp;If only you could slow down the pace of life.And when it feels like there’s always so much to do as a mom with kids of any age- cleaning, cooking, consoling, carpooling- how in the world can you cram all you need to do to raise amazing kids who love the LORD into 18 short years without being in a hurry?&nbsp;You can’t- at least not the world’s way…and definitely not on your own.&nbsp;Today we’re gonna take a look at how Jesus had a sense of urgency, yet lived life at a slower pace which allowed Him to be truly present in the moment… and how we can follow His example as busy Christian mamas.&nbsp;Ready to slow down our hearts as we think about our roles in any season of motherhood (or life for that matter)?&nbsp; Good.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Join us for the LET’S RUTHLESSLY ELIMINATE HURRY 5-day ChallengeP. P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Unstuck Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/11/202321 minutes, 20 seconds
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Permission Granted Busy Mama. The 5 Steps You Need to Put YOU on the List as a Christian Woman

Hey Busy Mama- Feel like it’s hard to get a moment of quiet to take care of your own needs lately? Ah, Mom Life.&nbsp;Whether your littles are still underfoot, your school-agers are in the backseat, your teens are hardly around or your young adults are off on their own….it’s still easy to put your needs on the back burner.&nbsp;Cuz let’s be honest, someone else is always needing something, right?So this Mother’s Day, I’m giving you a gift- PERMISSION to not only put YOU at the top of the list, but also the 5 STEPS you’ll need to actually make the time to do it!.&nbsp;And NO, that’s not SELFISH.&nbsp; Here’s why…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Join us for the LET'S RUTHLESSLY ELIMINATE HURRY 5-Day ChallengeP. P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Unstuck Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/9/202320 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Redefine Hustle as a Busy Christian Woman with Erin Harrigan

Hey Friend-You’re in for a real treat today- I think my special guest and I were sisters separated at birth… cuz we both have a passion for Jesus and a mission to help busy Christian women use our time like He did!Erin Harrigan is a Christ follower, wife, empty nest mom, entrepreneur, author, coach and speaker.&nbsp;And I love her story in a nutshell: Ambitious woman gets lost on her way to the top, finds herself on the ground and unfulfilled, looks up, finds Jesus and He says, “Why don’t you let me drive for a while, and you hold this map (the Bible)?” After some struggle, and a LOT of redirecting (aka pruning), He says, “Now, go share this map with my ambitious daughters!”YES…now do you see why I wanted you to meet her?&nbsp;As busy Christian women, how we use our time really starts with REDEFINING HUSTLE…Listen in to our conversion- I know you’re gonna be blessed…and stretched to think and do hustle different.&nbsp;And go check Erin out here (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Unstuck Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/4/202331 minutes, 38 seconds
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DOUBLE BOOKED & OVERLOOKED. Lessons from My Recent Failure to Manage My Time Well

Hey Friend-&nbsp;Have you ever fallen…and can’t get up? (I just couldn’t resist the urge to reference that iconic commercial) But seriously, have you ever failed and needed a hand to get out of that hole?&nbsp;&nbsp;I blew it again…and I’M supposed to be the one teaching others how to manage their time well!? This was not a stellar moment for me for sure…Cuz recently, I was DOUBLE-BOOKED &amp; OVERLOOKED some important things…embarrassingly so.&nbsp;&nbsp;But don’t shed a tear for me- I didn’t stay in the slip up, instead I used it as an opportunity to get up and make my time management even more intentional…and settle the great DIGITAL vs PAPER Planner Debate once and for all.&nbsp;On this episode, I’m passing on some lessons I learned, cuz if you’re like me, you might need them too.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching ProgramVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Unstuck Call&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
5/2/202319 minutes, 9 seconds
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Get Your Time Back with 3 Biblical Perspectives on Time as a Busy Christian Woman

Hey Friend-Ever wondered how 2 people can view the exact same situation and yet have 2 completely different perspectives?&nbsp;&nbsp;It’s not just what you see, sometimes it’s what you DON’T see. &nbsp;Over the past few episodes you’ve heard the story of other people’s perspectives- over a broken leg and over a broken relationship…if you missed them, we talked about how our perspective made all the difference in how we viewed that time in our lives…But today it’s time to talk about YOUR perspective with 3 key time perspectives…and get His perspective on it.Ready to get your time back by choosing your perspective wisely?&nbsp;Good. Let’s do it together…&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!And be sure to grab your Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session to get another perspective on your time!&nbsp;L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab a time for a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
4/27/202322 minutes, 36 seconds
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My Story of Pain to Power + 3 Steps to Handle a Difficult Season

Have you heard the advice, “Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes to another person’s highlight reel?”&nbsp; It’s true.&nbsp; As women, we’ve struggled with this for a long time (think Sarai and Hagar back in Genesis 16)…and it doesn’t help that our devices have now made it even easier to see what others share that makes it look like they’ve got it all together and always have….and feel like you don’t and never will.But it doesn’t just happen when watching someone on social…it happens just as much when listening to someone on a podcast.&nbsp;That’s why today I am pulling back the curtains and talking all about me…cuz I want you to know that I haven’t always had it figured out…and still don’t. But God is at work and used a difficult season in my life to make me who I am today to equip me to serve women like you who are navigating how to make the best use of your time in the midst of a challenging season too.&nbsp;Stick around, cuz it’s actually not all about me…I pray as you hear me share my story of Pain to Power with my good friend Beth Montpas, that you will also reflect on your story and what God might be doing in the midst of it. And at the end I will share 3 steps to handle a difficult season in your life (or to support someone you love in theirs)Let’s pull back the curtain…together.L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaGet in the boat with us for FIGHT OAR DIE at https://fod23.orgFollow Beth’s Podcast Pain to Power Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
4/25/202338 minutes, 55 seconds
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It's All In Your Perspective. Embrace the Tough Times with Relentless Gratitude as a Christian Woman

Hey Friend-You know what they say- Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it…would you agree? I have learned that lesson over and over as I choose my response to what God allowed in my life…As Christians, we ought to be looking for His hand in everything…and in everything give thanks!&nbsp; Cuz He just might have a gift for you in it.Today I have a special guest, Karla Aghedo, wife, mom, lawyer, speaker, healthy living event facilitator and daughter of the King who candidly shares her story about the perspective to pursue relentless gratitude when her plans got interrupted…I know you’ll be inspired and encouraged to learn the lessons God taught her- without having to go through the pain she did!&nbsp;&nbsp;So open up your heart and get ready to be blessed, challenged…and moved to action.Grab Karla's book on Amazon here Gifts from a Broken Leg- 6 Lessons of Relentless Gratitude in the midst of a Bad BreakConnect with Karla on her website here https://karlajaghedo.comAnd go grab your spot in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program with code FLASH20 at checkout (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
4/20/202334 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why is it so Hard for Christian Women to Name What Matters? 5 Steps to Clarify your WITH-God Life Plan

Hey Friend-Ever find it hard to name what matters?&nbsp; For a long time I didn’t know either…honestly because I never stopped doing all-the-things long enough to sit until I had an answer.&nbsp;Cuz let’s be honest, as Christian women who are serving everyone else, when was the last time someone asked what you wanted anyway?Sometimes it’s hard for us to name what matters.Spoiler’s now easy (or at least easier) for me to name what matters by using a faith-led life planning framework. And the secret to why it works is…well, I think I’ll save that for the episode.&nbsp;&nbsp;So if you often (or even just sometimes) find it difficult to name what matters, stick around cuz I’m sharing the 5 steps you can take today to know with confidence.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!And be sure to grab your spot in the REDEEM Her Time Coaching program here use code FLASH20 to get 20% OFF at checkoutL.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab your spot for the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
4/18/202325 minutes, 4 seconds
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What's REALLY Distracting You? 5 Truths from Proverbs about where Your Distractions Come From as a Busy Christian Woman

Hey Friend-&nbsp;Ever pointed the finger to shift the blame?&nbsp; The problem is, most of the time, they are not the problem…you are.&nbsp; But often we’re too blinded to see it.&nbsp;When you point a finger at someone (or something) else, you’re pointing 3 fingers back at yourself.&nbsp;&nbsp;Maybe the source of all your distractions isn’t the people, things or world around you…maybe it’s inside you.&nbsp; Permission to skip this episode if you don’t like to look yourself in the mirror and hear some tough love…But if you really wanna pull the distraction weed up from its roots you’re my kind of girl, so stay with me, cuz there’s hope for us yet!&nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll share the 5 reasons you’re really distracted + 5 truths from Proverbs to get you refocused on what God has for you instead.So open up your heart and Bible…and let’s get digging.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question or comment…or leave a review&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
4/13/202323 minutes, 53 seconds
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Always Busy? 2 Key Time Management Tips to Keep Time from Getting Away from You

Hey Friend-It’s nearly April 15th…and you know what that means- TAXES! Got yours in? No, we are not talking about tips for filing your 2022 return today- although if you follow the principles we teach on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast you undoubtedly already got yours done because you had a plan and time blocked it and a way to be held accountable…right?&nbsp;Either way, when it comes to TAXES, there are 2 things that make most women shudder- AUDITS + FORMS...and we do everything we can to stay as far away as possible, don't we?But on this episode, I’m gonna share with you how AUDITS + FORMS are actually a GOOD THING and something you should embrace when it comes to your TIME... especially if you’re wanting to keep it from getting away from you.&nbsp;Let me explain…Open up your heart and calendar…I’m gonna show you how to redeem your time with God a the center of it all.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Time Website; Grab your spot for the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program&gt; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!
4/11/202322 minutes, 22 seconds
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This is Not the End. 10 Reflection Questions to Help you Keep REDEEMING Your Phone Time

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #18Hey Friend- Ever come to the last episode in a great Netflix series and not want to press play because you don’t want it to be over just yet?&nbsp;I get it- that’s how today feels as we conclude the REDEEM Her Phone Time Challenge Series.&nbsp;&nbsp;But I have good news…it’s not really over yet.&nbsp;Today I’m asking you 10 questions that will help you reflect on what you’ve learned and sharing how to carry those important lessons with you moving forward.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now that you’ve hit play already, we might as well bring it to an end…kinda.And for you multi-taskers out there (cuz I gave you permission to do that), here are the 10 questions…I’d love to hear what comes up for you over in our REDEEM Her Time CommunityWhat phone-time habit(s) most concerned you before we started?What phone-time habits(s) do you still need to address?How has this challenge helped you love God more?&nbsp;How has this challenge helped you love others more?What changes have you seen in your screen time?&nbsp;What changes have you seen in your top used apps?&nbsp;What new phone-time habit(s) do you want to keep?How has having an eternal perspective helped you make better use of your phone-time?When you are 100, how do you want others to remember you? And what will they say about your phone?&nbsp;How will you stay accountable to using your phone well in light of eternity?And if you didn’t get a guide, come inside the group and you will find it pinned to the top- or just shoot me an email at [email protected] pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the Entire REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones&nbsp; for Better Time ManagementEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;<a...
4/6/202314 minutes, 20 seconds
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FORGETFUL? 5 Ways to Redeem Your Phone Time to Remember God's Faithfulness as a Busy Christian Woman

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #17Hey Friend-&nbsp;Ever forget stuff you wanted to remember?&nbsp;&nbsp;Especially things God has done over the years? You are not alone.&nbsp;We are a forgetful people. &nbsp;And although God has continued to show Himself clearly to us from back in Genesis 1, we still struggle to remember.&nbsp;&nbsp;Today as we embark on our penultimate episode of the REDEEM Her Phone Time Series, I not only have a surprise for you, I’ll also share with you 5 ways to use your phone well to remember God’s faithfulness, share it…and NOT forget!&nbsp;So get your phone ready and let’s start REMEMBERING....I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones&nbsp; for Better Time ManagementEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian WomanEp 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your TimeEp 116&nbsp; 4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1Ep 117&nbsp; Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-TimeEp 118 4 Things from the Psalms that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 2Ep 119 5 Times in Your Day it’s Actually Good to Multitask. Use Your Phone Time to Grow as a&nbsp;
4/4/202324 minutes, 6 seconds
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There is More to Life. 3 Ways an Eternal Perspective Directs your Phone Use and Time Management

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #16Hey Friend-&nbsp;Ever feel like this life can’t be all there is?&nbsp; You’re right.&nbsp; God has put eternity in the hearts of men and that should be what directs your phone use and time use in this life.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This life is but a breath, so by creating an eternal perspective, you are creating a healthy sense of urgency about what you do today.&nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll share 3 ways from Ecclesiastes that an eternal perspective changes (or should change) what you do in this life…so get your heart and your Bible ready and let’s start digging.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones&nbsp; for Better Time ManagementEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian WomanEp 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your TimeEp 116&nbsp; 4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1Ep 117&nbsp; Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-TimeEp 118 4 Things from the Psalms that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 2Ep 119 5 Times in
3/30/202318 minutes, 11 seconds
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5 Times in Your Day it’s Actually Good to Multitask. How to use Your Phone Time to Grow as a Christian Woman

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #15Hey Friend-&nbsp;Are you a chronic multitasker?&nbsp; In most cases that’s not a good thing cuz your attention is divided in an attempt to cram more things into a short amount of time…usually that plan fails and you’re left having to spend more time to redo it or clean up the mess.&nbsp;But there are times when multitasking can actually be a purposeful way to fit in ways to grow using your phone as a Christian woman.&nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll give you permission to multitask in 2 ways using your phone and share the 5 times in your day you won’t be taking away from what you’re doing if you do two things at once…so get your phone and your daily plan ready and let’s start multitasking.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones&nbsp; for Better Time ManagementEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian WomanEp 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your TimeEp 116&nbsp; 4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1Ep 117&nbsp; Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-TimeEp 118 4 Things from the Psalms that are Better that Should Make you...
3/28/202320 minutes, 37 seconds
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The REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program is Finally Here!

Have you been picking up on the hints I've been dropping about the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program? Well, it's finally here! And there are 10 EARLY BIRD spots available, so snag one while you can cuz it will never be this price again. Wanna know more? Head on over to for all the details and to grab your spot before they're filled.
3/27/20232 minutes, 6 seconds
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4 Things from the Psalms that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 2

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #14Hey Friend-&nbsp;Do you long to slow down life long enough to truly experience the life God has for you? The problem is, we live in an ever-connected world that keeps our mind, body and spirit constantly on the move- it’s almost like we forgot how to slow down. As believers, we don’t have to live like the rest of the world around us.&nbsp;And it all starts with putting down your phone so you can experience what’s better.&nbsp;&nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll take you to 4 Psalms that help us hear the heart of God and His desire for us to Slow Down, Be Still, Rest and Live Quietly…so get your phone and your Bible ready and let’s start savoring together.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time insider&nbsp; here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones&nbsp; for Better Time ManagementEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian WomanEp 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your TimeEp 116&nbsp; 4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1Ep 117&nbsp; Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the...
3/23/202320 minutes, 23 seconds
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Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-Time

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #13Hey Friend-&nbsp;Here’s me reaching out through our devices to say YOU ARE LOVED.&nbsp; When was the last time you used your phone-time to love others like God has called you to?&nbsp; It doesn’t matter if you’re near or far, technology allows us to reach out and touch someone, but in this case, you are the one that needs to pick up the phone.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And the best part is that God initiates His love towards us not because of what we’ve done, but because of who He is…and that’s what allows us to love others well.&nbsp;&nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll share my current FAV 5 that help me use my phone-time to love others well instead of wasting it trying to get others to notice you …so get your phone and your app store ready and let’s start downloading.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones&nbsp; for Better Time ManagementEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian WomanEp 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your TimeEp 116&nbsp; 4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community
3/21/202326 minutes, 5 seconds
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4 Things Jesus Teaches are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #12Hey Friend- Life is short…so aint no one got time to waste on things that don’t matter…right?&nbsp; The problem is that we often get distracted by all-the-things competing for our attention. Even Martha of Bethany needed to be reminded to choose the better thing.&nbsp;Our phones DISTRACT us from the 1 thing that’s necessary…a relationship with Him. &nbsp;On this Episode, I’m gonna share with you truths from Martha’s encounter with Jesus + 4 things Jesus taught that are better…and should make you put your phone down …open up your heart &amp; bible and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones to Make Better Use of your Time AnywayEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Make Better Use of your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (&amp; heart) as a Christian WomanEp 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots...
3/16/202319 minutes, 52 seconds
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Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-Time

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #11Hey Friend- Before you flush your phone down the toilet cuz it’s so distracting, you might want to think about how this tool can be a blessing that helps you love God more.&nbsp; It’s all about how you look at it….and what you put on it.&nbsp;Think about the access to truth we now have when we use our phones well as Christian women. Why would we NOT use our phones to love God more and more? &nbsp;On this Episode, I’m gonna share with you my 5 fav apps that will help you love God and His Word more and more too…you’re gonna want to download these and start using them today …open up your heart &amp; app store and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones to Make Better Use of your Time AnywayEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeEp 114&nbsp; Don’t be a Hypocrite.&nbsp; 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (&amp; heart) as a Christian WomanVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to...
3/14/202317 minutes, 28 seconds
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Don’t be a Hypocrite. 3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (& Heart) as a Christian Woman

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #10WARNING:&nbsp; This episode may trigger you…and you may even get mad at me.&nbsp; But if you hang with me till the end, I promise you’ll love where it takes you…even if it does get a little uncomfortable (and personal) in the middle.Are YOU a hypocrite- especially when it comes to how you use your phone as a professing Christian?On this Episode, you’re gonna get some tough love straight from God’s Word about what, but no worries, I won’t leave you there.&nbsp; I’ve got 3 steps you can start taking today to REDEEM your phone-time (&amp; heart) as a true follower of Christ …open up your heart &amp; calendar and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones to Make Better Use of your Time AnywayEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Ep 113&nbsp; 5 Speed Bumps to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your TimeVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
3/9/202319 minutes, 34 seconds
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5 Speed Bumps to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Make Better Use of your Time

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #9Hey Friend- How can a hair band slow down your access to your phone? You’ll have to listen to find out. Just like speed bumps in a parking lot, there are things you can do to make your phone less accessible so you won’t reach for it as often... and do much better things with your time.&nbsp;You need a pattern interrupt.&nbsp; That’s how you break a habit.On this Episode, I’ll share 5 Speed Bumps you can create to make it harder to get to all that distracting stuff on your phone. I promise you’re not missing anything…in fact, they just might protect you from wasted time …open up your heart &amp; calendar and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones to Make Better Use of your Time AnywayEp 112&nbsp; Is your Phone Shaping You?&nbsp; 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead&nbsp;Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
3/7/202320 minutes, 20 seconds
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Is your Phone Shaping You? 3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #8Hey Friend- What voice is shaping you? There are 2 main voices you can tune into- the world’s or God’s…which one do you hear louder (and more often)?&nbsp; That device in your hand (aka your phone) is a main channel of communication and information, so what are you listening to?The voices we listen to shape us, so as Christians we need to be wise.&nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll share what God’s Word says about what shapes us + 3 questions to ask if you wanna be transformed by God instead…open up your heart &amp; calendar and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question to get featured on the podcast&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!Binge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanEp 111&nbsp; Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones to Make Better Use of your Time AnywayMentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
3/2/202326 minutes, 20 seconds
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Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones to Make Better Use of your Time Anyway

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #7Hey Friend- Feel like your phone is ALWAYS by your side (and in the hands of those around you too)? Maybe it’s time to declare some NO-PHONE ZONES.&nbsp; And today I’ve got 5 of them for you.&nbsp;&nbsp;These 5 places are where you’d rather spend your time looking around at what matters most, rather than looking down at a screen and missing what’s right in front of you….which will help you make better use of your time too.Curious which 5 they are?&nbsp; Let’s get started…I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action (or inaction when it comes to your phone)!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Ep 110&nbsp; 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian WomanVisit the REDEEM Her Time Website; Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)&gt; Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver&nbsp;&gt; Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session&gt; Submit a question or comment&gt;&gt;&gt; or DO ALL-THE-ABOVE!Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
2/28/202326 minutes, 36 seconds
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Whose Kingdom are You Building? 3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Christian Woman

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #6Hey Always-in-a-Hurry Girl-&nbsp;Feel like you’re constantly rushing around from one thing to the next in life?&nbsp; That’s one way the Enemy keeps us from building God’s Kingdom here on earth- by keeping us distracted.&nbsp; And another is lulling us into thinking there’s no rush for eternity… cuz it feels like a long way off.&nbsp;&nbsp;You SHOULD be in a hurry…but only when it comes to preparing for eternity.&nbsp;If we truly have set Him on the throne of our hearts, then we will be about the task of building His Kingdom, not ours. However, much of the time, we are more focused on the things of this world and what we want to build around us, especially with our phone-time.&nbsp;On this next episode in the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge Series, we will first look at our heart and who is truly on the throne…then we’ll look at the 3 steps to build first His Kingdom with our phones as busy Christian women.&nbsp;Cuz only 1 Kingdom will last…and I hate to break it to you, it’s NOT yours. But that’s a good thing.&nbsp;&nbsp;So let’s use our time and phone-time well in this season…and in light of Eternity to build HIS Kingdom.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the full REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time BoundariesEp 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersEp 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?&nbsp; 5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day&nbsp;Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
2/23/202322 minutes, 9 seconds
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5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to Get Rid of Distraction & Get More Time in your Day

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #5Hey Girl with a Smart-phone (aka almost everyone)…Is your phone truly a communication tool or a distraction device? &nbsp;Once you take a look at your heart, cuz that’s really the root of the problem, now it’s time to take action to do something about it…otherwise nothing will change.&nbsp;I’m gonna challenge you today with 5 tips to use (or at least 1 of them) to make your phone less attractive and distractive so you will use it less and intentionally focus on what + what matters that’s in front of you.&nbsp;It’s gonna get tactical, practical…and a little uncomfortable- in a good way!Together we’re getting ready for the REDEEM Her Phone Time Challenge that officially kicks off tomorrow…so this is a great place to start!&nbsp; Then come join us inside the free REDEEM Her Time Community for the resources + support you’ll need to follow through on using your phone to glorify God and to love Him + others more and more.&nbsp;&nbsp;Grab something to sip + something to write with…Open up your heart &amp; calendar and let’s do this.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + grab all the resources + schedule a free 15 min Strategy Session here For a limited time get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries&nbsp;Ep 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What MattersMentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
2/21/202325 minutes, 8 seconds
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Don’t Live off Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What Matters

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #4Hey Good-Intentions Girl-If you wanna see true change, you gotta have a plan.&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you heard the illustration Jesus gives in Luke 11 about the unclean spirit that left a house, but came back and brought 7 of his kind with him to dwell there?&nbsp; The state of the house was worse than the first.&nbsp;&nbsp;The problem is, if you just clean up your phone-time on the outside, it will only fill back up with what you didn’t want.&nbsp;That’s because the problem is not your phone, it’s your heart.&nbsp;Once you realize God is the only one who can transform your heart, you’re ready to create a plan to change your phone-time habits…with Him.&nbsp;Today I’m sharing the 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize what Matters Most.&nbsp;ATTENTION.INTENTION.IMPLEMENTATION.REFLECTION.Cuz…those good intentions will only get you so far.&nbsp;So go get something to sip &amp; something to write with,&nbsp;open up your heart &amp; calendar and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources mentioned + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries&nbsp;Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
2/16/202323 minutes, 11 seconds
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Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #3Hey Always-Connected Girl-Breaking up is hard to do…until it isn’t.Remember back in the day when you were with a guy you knew was not the best use of your time and you wanted to part ways?&nbsp; Did you allow your relationship to stay the same?&nbsp; No way.&nbsp; You broke up.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you could do it then, you can do it now…with your phone.&nbsp;The question is… do you want to break up with the control your phone has on your time?First you must be aware of where you are, and second decide to change.&nbsp; And just like any romantic relationship, no one else can decide that for you- it has to come from you.&nbsp; Once you do, you’ll be ready to get started.Today I’m sharing the 3 Steps to start setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries so you can focus on what matters most.&nbsp;Take a Break.Define the Relationship.Fill your Time with other things.Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to experiencing freedom from your phone. So go get something to sip &amp; something to write with, open up your heart &amp; calendar and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources mentioned + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time ManagementEp 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital DistractionEp 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries&nbsp;Mentioned in this episode:REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching spots going fast...Grab a spot for the REDEEM Her Time Beta Coaching Program. Email the word "ME" to mailto:[email protected]
2/14/202322 minutes
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Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital Distraction

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #2Hey Distracted Girl-&nbsp;Feeling like you’re drawn to your phone more often than you’d like…and it’s hard to get away from? You are not alone.&nbsp;&nbsp;The average iPhone user touches (his or) her phone 2,617 times a day.(and that’s NOT letting you Android users off the hook!)All that influence is affecting us inside and out, in body and soul. As believers we need to ask, “Is my phone-time leading me to love God and others MORE and MORE…or is Satan using it to keep me distracted?It seems like you can’t get away from your phone in this modern world, but the good news is, you don’t have to.&nbsp; You can learn to use it well.&nbsp;You can REDEEM your phone-time. &nbsp;On this Episode, I’ll share 2 key steps for Christian Women to overcome digital distraction.&nbsp; It’s not as hard as you think, but it does take intention…and for good reason!&nbsp;&nbsp;Plus, when you join us for the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge inside my free community, you’ll have all the resources + support you need to let go of distraction and use your phone as a tool for His glory.&nbsp;I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources + a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in the drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcastsBinge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time SeriesEp 105&nbsp; No Time?&nbsp; The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time Management
2/9/202318 minutes, 36 seconds
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No Time? The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time Management

REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge #1Hey Never-Enough-Time Girl…If you’ve ever said you don’t have time, felt like you don’t have time or never want to feel that way…this is for you.&nbsp;&nbsp;Are you up for changing that?&nbsp;Good, cuz it’s gonna get real UNcomfortable starting today….why?Cuz we’re kicking off the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge.&nbsp;And on today’s Timely Tip,&nbsp; I’m gonna share with you the #1 tip to find 1-4 hours in your day for better time management….plus truth from God’s Word to move you to change when it comes to your phone time.&nbsp;Get ready, cuz you’re gonna get some tough love…and a challenge to join us to do something about where too much of your time is going.&nbsp;So grab something to write with, open up your heart and calendar-And let’s get started…I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here And join the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge inside our Community here You can still get your name in the drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on apple podcasts (borrow a friend’s apple device if you need to)
2/7/202313 minutes, 31 seconds
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Grace or Grit? 2 Ways a Renewed Perspective Changes how Christian Women Use their Time

If you’ve ever thought “Just give yourself GRACE”...and then keep trying harder to earn your value by DOING (aka GRIT), this episode is for you….Maybe we have it backwards- it’s not GRIT to get GRACE, it’s GRACE over GRIT.&nbsp;&nbsp;Today I’m sharing what the Bible says about GRACE + GRIT…and how this renewed perspective changes how you use your time.&nbsp; You’re gonna want to take notes…and put them into practice. So grab something to write with, open up your heart and calendar…And let’s get started…I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple PodcastsMentioned in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
2/2/202316 minutes, 54 seconds
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INTERRUPTED Again? 3 Ways to Handle Interruptions so your Plans aren’t out the Window

If you’ve ever felt a little thrown off by someone or something messing with your perfectly laid plans (ok, or completely turned upside down), this episode is for you!Maybe there’s something you can do to avoid it (besides hiding in the back of the house with the door closed and the lights off)...or just maybe God has a bigger purpose in that interruption.&nbsp; You open to that?&nbsp;Today I’m sharing a question we got inside the REDEEM Her Time Community from Danielle about interruptions…and how to handle them so they don’t throw your plans out the window.You’re gonna want to take notes…and put them into practice.&nbsp;So grab something to write with, open up your heart and calendar…And let’s get started…I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here You can still get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show…and if you have an android like Danielle, borrow a friend’s apple device!Mentioned in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/31/202315 minutes, 22 seconds
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Part 4: Build your WITH-God Plans. The 1 Simple Way to Follow Through with Your Intentions.

Hey WITH-God girl…We’ve made it to the final episode of our 4-part WITH-God series to set up your year…and this episode is what you need to finally follow through with your great intentions.If you’ve ever said you’re gonna do something one day, some day or another day, and that plan HASN'T worked for you, then this is for you….Instead of leaving our best intentions to how we feel or what’s happening around us, let’s create a plan to be intentional about implementation.&nbsp; Cuz if you don’t create a plan, that’s still a plan too…and probably won’t take you where you wanna go, right?&nbsp;Today I’m sharing the 1 Simple Thing you need to do to follow through with your intentions…finally.&nbsp; You’re gonna want to take notes…and put them into practice. So grab your journal or your notes app, open up your heart and let’s get started…I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here the WITH-God SeriesEp 94 Create Your WITH-God Vision 96 Create Your WITH-God Goals 98 Create Your WITH-God Priorities Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show
1/26/202321 minutes, 24 seconds
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2 Ways to Make Daily Habits Easy…so you can’t NOT do it!

Hey Christ-centered Girl-&nbsp;Got a habit that you wanted to finally make stick this year?&nbsp; Whether you’ve ditched it long ago, or are still hanging on, this is for you.The best time to start a new habit was 30 years ago…and the second best time is TODAY.&nbsp;But sometimes that new habit loses its newness and it gets harder and harder to do.&nbsp;&nbsp;Good news- you can make your habit EASY.&nbsp;&nbsp;On this Timely Tip, I’ll share 2 ways to Make your Habit Easy…so you can’t NOT do it!&nbsp; It’s a matter of following 2 simple rules.I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here the New Habits Timely Tips SeriesEp 95 Focus on 1 Thing…and let go of the rest!&nbsp; 97 Make it Obvious…and not forget it! 99 Make it Attractive…and actually do it! Be sure to leave a review to get your name in the drawing for $100 OFF the REDEEM Her Time Program coming soon!Mentioned in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/24/202315 minutes, 11 seconds
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1 Min for $100...How to get in on the 100th Episode CELEBRATION Drawing

Hey friend- Got a min? Good, cuz I didn't want you to miss this opportunity to get $100 in your pocket. It'll only take you a minute...and I'll thank you generously! Leave a review on Apple Podcasts and your name will be automatically entered to get $100 off the new REDEEM Her Time Program. And when you do, more busy Christian women can find the show to get what the tips, tools and truth to Be More Present too. TIA girl!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)-LissaWanna see what else is happening on the podcast? Check it out here.
1/20/20232 minutes, 2 seconds
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Celebrating 100 with a Big Surprise + 5 Steps to truly be Faith-led

Hey Faith-led girl…We’ve got something BIG to celebrate today on the podcast…and I’m giving away something BIG to celebrate!&nbsp; Be sure to get in on the party in this episodeI won’t ruin the surprise for ya, but I will give you a sneak peek….Do you ever find yourself SAYING you are faith-led, yet when you get up off the couch from your quiet time, you head off into the demands of your day pretty much on your own?&nbsp; That was me for so long too.We’ve all got great intentions about letting God lead, but too often we put ourselves in the driver’s seat.&nbsp; If you’ve ever done that or don’t want to do that any more, listen in…Today I’m sharing the 5 Steps God showed me to truly be faith-led.&nbsp; You’re gonna want to take notes…and put them into practice. So grab your journal or your notes app and let’s get started…I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)-LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the showBinge the WITH-God SeriesEp 94 Create Your WITH-God Vision 96 Create Your WITH-God Goals 98 Create Your WITH-God Priorities in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/19/202325 minutes, 59 seconds
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2 Ways to Make your Daily Habits Attractive...and actually Do it!

Hey busy lady-&nbsp;Got a new habit you committed to start at the new year (or any time of year), but when push comes to shove that next Netflix episode that’s about to autoplay sounds way more fun than lacing up your tennis shoes and getting out for a walk? You are not alone.&nbsp;&nbsp;We all tend to gravitate to things (and habits) that are more attractive.&nbsp;&nbsp;But good news- you CAN make the habit you need to do to move toward long-term results more attractive than the one you want to do for short-term satisfaction.&nbsp;On this Timely Tip, I’ll share 2 ways you can make your Habit More Attractive so that you’ll actually WANT to do it.&nbsp; It’s just a matter of changing up these 2 things…so get your journal or notes app ready and let’s dive in.I pray this blesses, challenges... and moves you to action!L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)LissaP.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the showBinge this Timely Tip Series:Ep 95 Timely Tip: Focus on Just 1 Thing 96 Timely Tip: 2 Ways to Make New Habits Obvious in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/17/202316 minutes, 39 seconds
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Part 3: Identify your WITH-God Priorities. 3 Ways to Focus on Less

YOU. CAN’T. DO. IT. ALL. Even good things.&nbsp; That’s why on this episode we’ll talk about Why it’s important to narrow down your list of goals to the ones that matter most as a faith-led woman. And you’ll walk away with 3 Simple Ways to identify your Top 8 WITH-God Priorities in this season.Cuz when you focus on actually do MORE (in a good way).&nbsp;&nbsp;Want a Coach to help you set your Priorities? I’d love to be your girl…for freeSchedule a 15 Min Strategy Session at to have the System + Support to follow through with your Priorities?&nbsp;&nbsp;Join the REDEEM Her Time Community in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/12/202328 minutes, 51 seconds
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2 Ways to Make your Daily Habits Obvious....and NOT forget about it!

Got a new goal or habit you want to implement as you head into the new year? Today’s Timely Tip will give you 2 simple ways to help make your new action OBVIOUS- IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS + HABIT STACKING…That way you can’t say, “I didn’t think about it.”&nbsp; And instead create consistency….finally.&nbsp;&nbsp;And to make it easy for ya, here’s the formula for creating your own IMPLEMENTATION INTENTION...I will (ACTION) at (TIME) in (LOCATION) before/after I (CURRENT HABIT)Wanna create your Implementation Intentions with a Coach?&nbsp;Book a 15 Min Strategy Session at to be held accountable to Implementing your Intentions? We're doing a 31-Day Habit Challenge inside my membership community...come join us and get your first 3 days free! Join the REDEEM Her Time Community
1/10/202313 minutes
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Part 2: Set your WITH-God Goals. A Formula to create Intentions that STICK

Whether you’re pushing hard towards your goals for the New Year…or you’ve given up on the whole idea after too many failed attempts, this episode will enlighten you as to the 3 reasons most goals don’t last. And I'll share my simple formula to make your intentions STICK-y.&nbsp;Here's a sneak peek-S pecificT ime-basedI&nbsp; mportantC challengingK ingdom-drivenLet’s create WITH-God goals in each of the 8 areas that STICK…finally!&nbsp;(And just wait till you hear about the Challenging goal my hubby has set this year- if you wanna know more, send the word ROW to [email protected])&nbsp;Come join us inside the REDEEM Her Time™ Membership Community where we’re working on making our WITH-God goals STICK-y together.&nbsp; Learn more at if you want me to give your goals personal attention, schedule your free 15 min Life-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/5/202325 minutes, 26 seconds
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Focus on just Your 1 THING...and Let Go of the Rest for Better Time Management

Did you know… Most people’s New Year Resolutions don’t make it past Jan 17th…and for good reason- we’re SO DISTRACTED.&nbsp; On today’s Timely Tip episode, I’ll give you 1 simple question to ask that will focus your attention where it matters most…and make your new habit stick well past the month of January.This episode will be well worth your time.Wanna PUT IT TO THE TEST with us?&nbsp; You’re invited to join us inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where we’re taking on the 30-Day 1 THING CHALLENGE.&nbsp; Join us here leave a review or ask a question? Visit (Scroll down to Like What you Hear);&nbsp;And if you’re serious about making lasting change to Redeem YOUR Time, schedule a free 15 min Life-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me by email at [email protected] in this episode:Give me 5 Min and I'll give you Hours back!Download the free REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min you'll be ready for when you feel pulled in too many directions
1/3/202316 minutes, 16 seconds
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Welcome to the REDEEM Her Time Podcast

This top-ranked show is the go-to place with earbuds for busy faith-led women who want to move from PRODUCTIVITY to PURPOSIVITY in partnership with God.&nbsp; If you long to let go of the…Expectations from others to keep saying yes to all-the-things,Obligations from inside that if you’re not doing enough, you’re not enoughDistractions from all around that constantly compete for your time &amp; attention…you’re in the right place girl, cuz there IS a way to be more present without feeling pulled in so many directions.I’m Lissa, Time Management Coach and Recovering To-do List Girl who went from OVER-WHELMED to ON-PURPOSE by clarifying WHO I was and WHOSE I was… and letting that guide how I use my time.Wanna hear how God taught me to Redeem My Time?&nbsp;On this podcast you will learn…How to redefine your God-given purpose and create a WITH-God vision and planHow to manage your time wisely so you invest in who + what matters most in this season and for eternityHow to overcome distractions like obligations, expectations, busyness, fear, guilt, and laziness...and so much more.Is that your cuppa tea too?&nbsp; Good.&nbsp; Speaking of which, go heat up something warm or stir up an iced fizzie…Oh- and grab your journal or your notes app, cuz we’re gonna get to work girl. I pray this both blesses and challenges you…you ready? More Resources:Grab your free guide to REDEEM your Time in 5 Min the REDEEM Her Time Community more and connect with me at
12/29/20222 minutes, 45 seconds
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Part 1: Create your WITH-God Vision. Reconnect in 8 Areas of Attention

With so many things competing for your attention lately, it's easy for what matters most to get lost in the shuffle. So during this week between Christmas and New Years (or whenever you're ready to reconnect with God and yourself), push pause in life with me to get clear with God about the 8 AREAS of ATTENTION in your life. FAITH-WALK. FAMILY. FRIENDSHIPS. SERVICE. FINANCE. WELLNESS. PASSIONS. DWELLING.Who is God calling you to be in each area in this season?What would following His call in each area look like?Why does giving each area attention make a difference?This episode is intended to give you a simple step-by-step process to write out your With-God dreams for each area....and in Part 2, we'll work on your INTENTIONS. Come join us inside the REDEEM Her Time ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Be More Present. Learn more at if you’re serious about making lasting change to&nbsp; Redeem your Time in your life, schedule a free 15 min Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at;I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
12/27/202224 minutes, 46 seconds
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Do you Really wanna use the B*** Word? 3 Ways to Stop Being Busy

Remember those devices that hung on a wall with a cord? If you called and the person on the other end was already on the phone, you got a BUSY SIGNAL telling you they were focused on someone else, right? What message are you sending to those around you (and yourself) when you say "Life is BUSY"? On this episode we're gonna define BUSY and really evaluate whether that's what you want to define your life...and if God wants that for you. And if you're ready to ditch BUSY with me, I'll show you how to change your mindset, commitment and actions.Maybe we should be less available to things that don't matter...instead of to those that do. Wanna get a gift from me? Leave a review below, screenshot it and email me the word review at [email protected] out our REDEEM Her Time Book Club at the free DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st REPLAY at check out the REDEEM Her Time Membership Community and enjoy your first 3 days FREE in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
12/20/202225 minutes, 56 seconds
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Still Making a List (and Checking it Twice)? 3 Ways to Detox from To-Do Lists

Does a long list of should-do's dictate your day? That's what a to-do list is. And it can become a heavy burden and keep you from being more present with who + what matters most...I know cuz I was addicted to my to-do list.But I'm not anymore and I'm here today to share 3 ways you too can detox from your to-do list and experience more purpose, peace and presence...and feel like you have time to live out what He has called you to. I'll give you a sneak peek... Narrow down your list. Create routine flows. Establish time boundaries. You can do 1...or all 3...and ditch your longer-than-your-arm-list for good.Come join us inside the REDEEM Her Time ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Be More Present. Learn more at if you wanna Redeem your Time in your life, schedule a free 15 min Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at;I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
12/13/202228 minutes, 20 seconds
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Be More Present. 3 Ways to Follow His Example when Life is Busy

Do you know what most faith-led women truly desire? To Be More Present. Instead of feeling rushed and pulled in so many directions, I'm guessing you want to be more present too. Good, cuz we have a great example to follow when life gets busy (like during this upcoming Christmas season). Today we’re gonna talk about what Presence is, 3 ways Jesus modeled it and how you can follow his example to be more present right away.Come join us inside the REDEEM Her Time ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Be More Present. Learn more at if you wanna start to Redeem your Time in your life, schedule a free 15 min Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at;I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
12/6/202223 minutes, 1 second
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Year-in-Review- 8 Key Questions to Audit how you Spent your Time this Year

Is another year almost over again already? Before you're tempted to coast into the new year, take a few minutes to do a Year-in-Review to Audit your Time. There's value in looking back, no matter what time of year it is. When you look back, you'll see where your time was wisely invested and foolishly spent. And then you can make better use of your time moving forward.Here are the 8 Key Questions (cuz I promised ya) What are the 3 best things that happened in 2022…and how did those bless you? What are the 3 hardest things that happened in 2022…and what lessons did you learn?What are 3 meaningful goals you hit in 2022…and why do you think those happened?What are 3 goals you missed in 2022…and why do you think that happened?Who or what were the 3 biggest influences in your life in 2022…and what role did they play?What did I spend way too much time doing this year…and what did I not spend nearly enough time on?What is 1 thing you would do differently?What is 1 word to describe my year of 2022?Good News: My thank you gift for being a listener does not expire...come enjoy 7 DAYS FREE inside the REDEEM Her Time Community with this link don't wait to RSVP for the free DON'T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop coming soon (replay available) Grab your spot + workbook at if you wanna go deeper and take Redeeming your Time to the next level in your life, schedule a free 15 min Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at;I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected]
11/29/202216 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is it UN-Grateful to Expect More from God? 7 Ways to Practice deeper Gratitude this Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving, so of course you're giving thanks...but are you truly grateful in the way God wants you to be? He wants us as faith-led women to expect more from Him...and no, that's not being UN-grateful. It's this kind of life-shaping gratitude that will guide how you REDEEM your time. On this episode I wanna introduce you to the concept of GRATEFUL ANTICIPATION and give you 7 ways to practice a special gift to make it even better for you. Get out your journal or your notes app...cuz we're gonna get to work giving thanks!Spoiler a THANKS for being a listener, I'm gifting you 7 Days Free inside the REDEEM Her Time Community so you can practice Grateful Anticipation with us. Go to to come on inAnd if you wanna go deeper and take Redeeming your Time to the next level in your life, schedule a free 15 min Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at;I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
11/22/202219 minutes, 59 seconds
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Got your Gratitude on Girl? You're Invited to a free 7-day GRATEFUL ANTICIPATION CHALLENGE

Hey girl- when you see this pop up in your library more than once in the same know it's something good! Today it's to THANK YOU for being a listener, whether you've been faithful since the beginning or just stumbled across the most recent episode. I am SO GRATEFUL you are here.And with GRATITUDE in my heart, I have... 1 ASK...that you leave a review (and hold me accountable to reviewing the podcasts I've been binging lately)1 GIFT...a special invite to join the REDEEM Her Time Community for our 7 day GRATEFUL ANTICIPATION CHALLENGE...and get 7 days FREE! We kick off Sunday, Nov 20th, so don't put it off...But you gotta use this link if you wanna go deeper and take Redeeming your Time to the next level in your life, schedule a free 15 min Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session and let’s chat.&nbsp; Book yours at;I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected]
11/16/20225 minutes, 27 seconds
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Don't Wait till Jan 1st- 3 Simple Steps to Redeem your Time during a (Busy) Holiday Season

When “regular” life tempts us to throw up our hands in surrender (a.k.a. grab the remote and a plate of cookies), what’s a girl to do when you add on holiday events, hosting, decorating, shopping, traveling…??? That’s certainly not the time of year you want to be thinking about anything extra, including your new year goals, but I’m here to tell you, you CAN…and you SHOULD.&nbsp;Now before you say you don't have time cuz you're busy with the holidays, I wanna say, you DO have time.&nbsp;&nbsp;And I'm sharing 3 simple steps to help you REDEEM your Time no matter how busy life gets so you can roll into Jan 1st with momentum- I promise, you’ll be so glad you didn't put it off...again.Wanna come to my free DON'T WAIT TILL JAN Workshop? Register at join our 1 THING BOOK CLUB email the word BOOK to [email protected] hang out inside the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Get, Stay and ultimately Be Focused.&nbsp; And get your first 3 days FREE as my GIFT to you! Learn more at if you wanna go deeper and take Redeeming your Time to the next level in your life, check out my coaching and courses at always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
11/15/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
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2 Things God DOES NOT want for You (Busy & Distraction)...and 2 things He DOES

This episode is gonna be special because YOU have been on my heart. As I look around at most faith-first women living in this crazy-busy world, I see 2 things God most definitely DOES NOT want for your life...and 2 things He DOES. And once you know, the next step is to live in light of that. I know you're gonna be challenged...and blessed by this one my friend.Come hang out inside the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Get, Stay and ultimately Be Focused.&nbsp; Learn more at if you wanna go deeper and take Redeeming your Time to the next level in your life, check out my coaching and courses at always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
11/8/202217 minutes, 47 seconds
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"I Can't Add 1 More Thing" 3 Questions to Ask when your Plate is Full

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcast I cannot tell you how many times I've heard women say, "I can't add (fill-in-the-blank) to my plate" or "My plate is too full" or "I can't fit 1 more thing." And my heart goes out to you cuz I know how it feels...but instead of keeping on keeping on, passing up an opportunity that could change everything for you, I wanna challenge you to push pause (after you push play on this episode of course) and ask yourself these 3 important questions... What's really on my plate? What do I really want on my plate? What will adding this 1 thing do for what's on my plate?I'm telling you this could help you avoid a lot of wasted resources....and not miss exactly what you need to simplify your focus. Don’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership CommunityCome join the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership Community for the resources, coaching and connection you need to finally put your intention into action. And I'll gift you the first 3 days grab your 2 FREE welcome gifts on the inside.
11/1/202224 minutes, 16 seconds
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Permission to Focus on ME First. Why Self-care is not Selfish.

As women, we wear always serving others as a badge of honor and willingly sacrifice ourselves as a martyr...So it may seem counterintuitive to Focus on ME (ie You) first when you've been told to always put others first. Maybe you've not understood correctly...&nbsp; Because what happens when you always put others first and don’t take care of yourself?&nbsp; You don’t have as much to give.&nbsp; You can’t pour from an empty cup my friend.Tune in to Episode 85 for Permission to put ME first (not that you needed it, but it may convince you it's really ok)Don’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected]
10/25/202217 minutes, 11 seconds
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Is it the Most Wonderful Time of the Year? 4 Steps to Simplify your Holidays

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastWe sing about it being the most wonderful time of the year...but for most of us who already feel buried, scattered and distracted most of the time, the holidays add a layer of expectations and obligations that can put you in a tail spin. What if this year was different...or even better...because it was simpler? On this episode I'll share 4 Steps to Simplify your Holidays so you (and everyone around you) feels better too.Grab a pen and paper cuz this episode is a workshop. Check out the full article I referenced here check out the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Get, Stay and ultimately Be Focused..and I'll gift you your first 3 days free.&nbsp; Learn more at;Grab your ticket for lifetime access to the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course plus get 1 MONTH FREE inside the Membership Community here &nbsp;Don’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:START FOCUSED Retreat 2023Grab your spot for the 2023 START FOCUSED Retreat January 17-20 in Orlando, FL. Space is intentionally limited. Learn more and get your ticket at
10/18/202223 minutes, 10 seconds
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Are You Living from Cause or Effect? Change your Perspective to Change your Results

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastRemember the Law of Cause and Effect you learned in science class? Turns out, it was not just for the lab, it also is for life. The problem is, most women are not using the law in their favor to create the outcome (effect) they desire. Tune in for how to leverage the law in the right direction by asking yourself good questions. I promise it's way better than science class.Come check out the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community that opens this week...and snag a Founder Member spot before they're gone! your ticket to the START FOCUSED Retreat coming January 2023. Learn more at’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:You need this 5 Min Guide to Simplify Your FocusIf you're that girl who's feeling pulled in a million directions all at once, set a timer for 5 min, open up this guide and simplify where to focus that matters most. Just tell me where to send it at
10/11/202218 minutes, 49 seconds
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Are you Engaged in the Right Community? What 2 acorns teach us about our Environment

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastEnvironment is everything. Just ask the 2 acorns in the story I share on today's episode. The question is, which acorn are you? Your answer (and action) will make all the difference in your growth.Come check out the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community where you’ll find all the resources, coaching and connection you need to Get, Stay and ultimately Be Focused.&nbsp; Learn more at;Get your ticket to the START FOCUSED Retreat coming January 2023. Learn more at’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership CommunityCome join the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership Community for the resources, coaching and connection you need to finally put your intention into action. And I'll gift you the first 3 days grab your 2 FREE welcome gifts on the inside.
10/4/202215 minutes, 49 seconds
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Authenticity: 3 Reasons You may NOT want to Listen to Me as your Coach

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastI know- telling your listeners why they may NOT want to listen to you is NOT listed in the Top 10 ways to build your podcast ...but I value humility and accountability so I felt like I need to share these 3 things with you in case I'm not your girl. I'm hoping you'll stick around. Wanna have 2 way conversations? Come check out the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community where we have the resources, coaching and connection you need to Simplify your Focus. Learn more here your ticket to the START FOCUSED Retreat coming January 2023. Learn more at’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so if you are sticking around, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership CommunityCome join the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership Community for the resources, coaching and connection you need to finally put your intention into action. And I'll gift you the first 3 days grab your 2 FREE welcome gifts on the inside.
9/27/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
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WHY You Need to Get-away at least 50 Miles from Home to Start 2023 Focused

If only you could see and hear what I'm experiencing right now at the Figgy Farm. The guys are all here for the annual course and although WHAT they're learning is different, WHY they got away to come together is the same. And that's WHY you'll want to be at the next SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Retreat. Don't worry, you won't be sleeping on a mat in my basement.Tune in to hear what I'm talking about...and then get all the details + your spot (before they fill up) at’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:START FOCUSED Retreat 2023Grab your spot for the 2023 START FOCUSED Retreat January 17-20 in Orlando, FL. Space is intentionally limited. Learn more and get your ticket at
9/22/202210 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Pillars is Your Life Built Around? The 4 Pillars of REDEEM Her Time ™

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastIf you want to build a structure that stands the test of time and weathers the storm, you need strong pillars. The same principle applies to building a life that matters- it needs to have strong pillars, or values, to support it. On this episode we'll cover...Why having pillars helps build a life that mattersHow to identify your personal pillars.What 4 pillars SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ is built around (Clarity. Intentionality. Accountability. Humility.)Wanna be part of a community built around those 4 pillars? Join us inside the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Membership Community. Get your name on the waitlist for early-action pricing at the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course at referenced- What are Your Values?’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:START FOCUSED Retreat 2023Grab your spot for the 2023 START FOCUSED Retreat January 17-20 in Orlando, FL. Space is intentionally limited. Learn more and get your ticket at
9/20/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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Which Acorn are You? Why you'll want to Join the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Community

Have you heard the story of the 2 acorns? Listen in to this short, but extremely sweet episode I have for you...and why your environment matters. Check out all the perks of the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Membership Community with the link below and get your name on the waitlist for when the doors officially open in a few questions? Let's talk on a SIMPLIFIED FOCUS Strategy SessionGrab a spot here
9/15/20224 minutes, 27 seconds
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What if You Could Truly LIVE MORE Present? 7 Questions to guide you as a busy faith-led woman

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastWhat if instead of DOING MORE you could start LIVING MORE? Sadly, most women don't even know what that would look like because we're too busy doing all-the-things. Tune in for 7 questions to help guide you towards a life where you DO LESS + LIVE MORE. And the key to know where to start.It's not too late to register for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course...if you missed it live, you can still get lifetime access to the replay.&nbsp; Grab your ticket at’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
9/13/202214 minutes, 55 seconds
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Beware the 3 Snares to DO MORE as a busy Faith-led Woman.

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastWatch out...these 3 snares can easily trap you into thinking that the answer to creating the life &amp; outcomes you desire is to DO MORE. Once you are aware of these common traps, you can take action to avoid them, or at least recognize them and not let them weigh you down...and instead DO LESS.I'll give you a sneak peek:EXPECTATIONSOBLIGATIONSDISTRACTIONSWhich snare are you most susceptible to? I'd love to hear so we can talk more about how to avoid it in future episodesRegister for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course happening LIVE on Sept 14th...if you missed it, you can still get lifetime access to the replay. Grab your ticket at’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected]
9/6/202213 minutes, 51 seconds
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The REDEEM Her Time™ Vision. How to Clarify your Vision with a Simple 4-Step Formula

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastIs your vision Cloudy or Clear? Without a clear vision, you're left stumbling around in life and most likely won't get where you truly desire. So today on the podcast, I'm sharing the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Vision + the simple formula to write YOUR vision and make it YOU can run with it. Simple VISION FormulaWHO + WHAT + HOW + WHYGrab pen and paper (or your notes app) cuz this episode is a mini-workshop. Speaking of sure to check out the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course coming soon and book your ticket with the link below. Don’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
8/30/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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REDEEM Her Time ™ How Did We Get Here...and Where Are We Going Next Together?

Note:&nbsp; we updated the name of the podcast to better reflect our vision + mission after this episode aired…so you’re still in the right place for the REDEEM Her Time podcastEver wake up, look in the mirror and wonder...Who am I? How did I get here? And where am I going? Me too. There's so much value in looking back to where you've come from and looking ahead to where you're going. And in case you didn't notice, there's something NEW around here on the podcast and I can't wait for you to tune in to Episode 76 for the news and what's in it for you.Don’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life&nbsp; I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
8/23/202218 minutes, 13 seconds
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Welcome to the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Podcast

What is the SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Podcast? Is it for you and more importantly... What's in it for you? I'm so glad you asked. Join us each week for tips + tools for women living in today's busy world to break free from distractions and simplify your focus around what matters most. A SIMPLIFIED Life IS possible.Grab your free SIMPLIFIED FOCUS ™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 Thing in this Season of's my gift to YOU as a listener. I'd love to hear from you, so find me on social @lissafiggins or email me at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
8/20/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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What If you had More Time, Money & Energy? The Benefits of Simplifying

Have you ever said, "If I had more time, money or energy I'd (fill-in-the-blank)? Guess what, you have more than you think- it's just that it's all tied up in your stuff. So as you start to implement what we've talked about in this SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF series, you'll find you free up those precious resources. And the best part is that now you can invest your time, money and energy in what matters most. After all, that's what SIMPLIFYING is all about. Get your access to the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF Summer Masterclass Series and invite a friend for free your free SIMPLIFIED LIFE Strategy Session and let's chat about what clutter might be getting in the way of where you want to be your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
8/16/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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10 Simple Tips to Maintain your Simplified Life...and not go back to the clutter

Let's be honest...just like with losing weight, no one wants to undo the work you've done to simplify your stuff by finding the clutter again, right? So whether you've removed 1, 100 or 1000 items from your space, let's not let it fill up again. These 10 tips will help you maintain your simplified life and not go back to the way things were (at least not for very long). Grab your notes app or notebook and listen in for how to incorporate these into your life and make simplifying a lifestyle...with benefits that last.Make your bedWash dishes right awayMaximize garbage dayLeave room in your closetsKeep surfaces clearUse the 2 min ruleDeal with it right awayKeep the recycling nearbyPut things away right awayDo a nightly clean sweepAccess the Simplify Your Stuff Summer Challenge Masterclass Series at 1/2 OFF when you bring a friend free. Just visit or email the word summer to [email protected] your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
8/9/202218 minutes, 45 seconds
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10 Tips to Simplify Your Stuff...and try Living with Less

How amazing would it feel to to have less in your life? Guaranteed you’ll be breathing in the spaciousness.&nbsp; After laying the foundation of WHY you want to simplify, it’s time to get to work removing things… for good. This week’s episode is short, sweet and simple- 10 Tips to Help you Simplify Your Stuff.&nbsp; Grab some paper, or open your notes app and jot down these nuggets to help you let go and a fun way to learn what you can (and can’t) live without.Define your whyStart with the obviousSort into 3 bagsTouch every itemEliminate duplicates and what-ifsGive new life to the no-longer-lovedCreate self-imposed boundariesMake a rule to put it away right awayKeep only your faves &amp; put them in SightExperiment with living with lessJoin the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SUMMER CHALLENGE to put attention and intention on clearing the clutter so you can get out and live more. &nbsp; your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
7/12/202220 minutes, 50 seconds
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Simplifying for Busy Women. Freedom from what's Behind all your Stuff

Ever wonder WHY you have all the things you do? It's tempting to blame the culture, advertisers or social media...but really YOU are the one responsible. When you understand your personal motivation for WHY you hold on to what you have and accumulate more, only then you can make change to be free from the power of your stuff. Which of the 3 personal motivations do you most resonate with? And more importantly, how will knowing that lead you to taking action? In this episode: A recap of the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SERIESThe Consumption Culture all around usThe Truth about where the Stuff Problem startsThe Top 3 Personal Motivations for AccumulatingHow to Turn your Accumulation Motivations AroundJoin the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SUMMER CHALLENGE to put attention and intention on clearing the clutter so you can get out and live more. &nbsp; your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
7/5/202217 minutes, 22 seconds
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Don't Drop the Ball this Summer

We interrupt this summer (and our simplify your stuff summer challenge series) to bring you an important reminder:&nbsp; if you drop the ball now on your goals, you’re taking yourself out of the game.&nbsp;&nbsp;While it may feel good to throw all routines out the window, you'll have more work to do come fall to get back on track...and we all know how easy it is to write off back to school and the holidays...and before you know it, it's the new year.So today I'm sharing the 7 steps to live with PURPOSE around your goals this summer...I promise it won't stop the fun and you won't regret it!00:00 What Happens when you Drop the Ball04:14 7 Areas to Not Forget this Summer05:21 7 Steps to Live with Purpose this Summer08:55 The 7 Minute Summer ChallengeAre you clear on your life purpose, your 5 year vision and your short term goals?&nbsp; Do you have a system + support for taking daily action steps?&nbsp; Do you have community + accountability to keep you on track?&nbsp; If not, or you wanna step things up this summer, schedule a SIMPLIFIED LIFE STRATEGY SESSION and let’s talk about how you can live a more simplified and purposed life.&nbsp; your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
6/28/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
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Simplifying With Your Purpose in Mind as a Faith-led Woman

Simplifying feels good in the moment, but to create lasting change (or keep you going when you don't feel like it) you need to do it with your purpose in mind. This process is not one-size-fits all- it's your own journey to discovering what your simplified life looks like. Once you know where you are and where you want to be...the steps to get there will be clearer. But there is one truth we all have in common- excess stuff keeps you from fulfilling your bigger purpose.3 Steps to Simplifying with PurposeNotice it.Neutralize it.Next it.00:00 What is Simplifying again?04:33 Simplifying with Purpose08:35 Purpose-based Decisions11:36 Identifying your Purpose12:53 Your Next Step to Simplify with PurposeJoin the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SUMMER CHALLENGE to put attention and intention on clearing the clutter so you can get out and live more. &nbsp; your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
6/21/202216 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Simplifying Is...and What It Isn't

Simplifying (a.k.a minimalizing) often brings to mind images of bare walls &amp; plainness, self deprivation &amp; emptiness...but actually it's about freedom, choices, contentment, and a full life. Let's deconstruct 2 misconceptions about Simplifying and discover how it it's not about what you give up, but about what you gain.00:00 What is Simplifying?04:45 Simplifying is not Organizing07:36 Simplifying is not Giving it all Away09:07 Your Next Step to SimplifyJoin the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SUMMER CHALLENGE to put attention and intention on clearing the clutter so you can get out and live more. your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. And as always, I invite you to connect with me at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
6/14/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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5 Ways Your Clutter is Costing you the Life You Desire

Remember when as a kid the only thing standing between you and the freedom to play outside was a messy room? As an adult your clutter costs much more than is costing you the life you desire. So instead of shoving more into the nooks and crannies of an already full life, what if you simplify to create a spaciousness for what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE? 00:00 Intro Clutter is a Problem07:18 Cost #1 Clutter wastes Time, Energy &amp; Resources08:21 Cost #2 Clutter creates more Stress09:30 Cost #3 Clutter feeds Comparison10:30 Cost #4 Clutter creates more Burden11:20 Cost #5 Clutter creates Distraction12:27 Simplifying is the SolutionSteps to SimplifyNotice the ClutterIdentify what Matters MostRemove what DistractsInvest in what you want to GrowJoin the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SUMMER CHALLENGE to put attention and intention on clearing the clutter so you can get out and live more. your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day. And as always, I invite you to connect with me at [email protected] in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
6/7/202217 minutes, 22 seconds
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ReLaunch Yourself After 40

How do you relaunch yourself in midlife and move past what's holding you back?&nbsp; My final guest this season of RePURPOSED After 40, Hilary Decesare, is an award winning entrepreneur, transformational-neuro certified coach, CEO of The ReLaunch Co, featured speaker and relentless philanthropist. She’s made it her commitment to help women fire up possibilities in mid-life, taking a time most try to bypass and turning it into time of focus, clarity and alignment to create a purposed lifestyle and life you love.&nbsp; Having faced several setbacks herself, Hilary shares a unique foundational process to go from stuck to soaring that combines the head, heat and higher self.Learn more about Hilary's new book by texting RELAUNCH to 55444 or visit therelaunchco.comRelaunch yourself every morning with intention. Download my free SIMPLIFIED AM Plan join my free SIMPLIFIED LIFE CLUB on FB.&nbsp; Together we’ll embark on the journey to a simpler life that’s designed around what matters most and clears the clutter of all-the-things that are distracting you. &nbsp; while you’re here, learn more about my INNER CIRCLE with the system + support to get you on your way to living a life by design;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
5/31/202237 minutes, 29 seconds
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Create a Powerful Financial Plan as a Woman After 40

Do you have a powerful financial plan for after 40? My guest on Episode 66 of RePURPOSED After 40, Nicholle Overkamp, is a personal finance expert and coach, providing wealth coaching, educational programming and financial planning for ambitious women through her coaching Coaching and Financial Group. She is also the Co-author of the best-selling book that serves as a guide for smart women to own their financial future.&nbsp;Get ready to jot down some financial tips and grab these resources:Connect with Nicholle Overkamp on her Linktree: intentional in where you invest your time (and money) with this free Simplified AM Plan join my free SIMPLIFIED LIFE CLUB on FB.&nbsp; Together we’ll embark on the journey to a simpler life that’s designed around what matters most and clears the clutter of all-the-things that are distracting you. &nbsp; while you’re here, learn more about my INNER CIRCLE with the system + support to get you on your way to living a life by design;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
5/24/202228 minutes, 18 seconds
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All your Messy Pieces Build an Abundant Life

Always have people in your life who challenge you to LIVE ABUNDANT, no matter what life has held. My guest today on RePURPOSED Live, Leith McHugh, is a connector, inviter &amp; truth-teller. What makes Leith jump out of bed every day is supporting women in living a vibrant and abundant life that is in alignment with themselves, their intentions and values, by giving them practical tools to implement in life so they can put their messy pieces together to build an ABUNDANT Life.You'll be inspired by this story + tipsSelf Care Filter Questions-Is this good for me?-Is this going to move me forward?-Does this produce fruit in my life?-Is this relationship/job/thing life-sucking?-Am I staying in my own lane (minding my own business)?-What is my motivation for what I am doing/saying?Connect with Leith and her resources on her websitewww.leithmchugh.comGrab your free DO LESS, LIVE MORE CHECKLIST to help you only do what’s on Purpose … and stop striving and hustling day in and day out!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free SIMPLIFIED LIFE Clarity Call when you download yours at join my free SIMPLIFIED LIFE CLUB on FB.&nbsp; Together we’ll embark on the journey to a simpler life that’s designed around what matters most and clears the clutter of all-the-things that are distracting you. &nbsp; while you’re here, learn more about my INNER CIRCLE with the system + support to get you on your way to living a life by design;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
5/17/202234 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Bio-Hack your Health as a Busy Mom

Do you have the Support you need for your health in this stage in life?&nbsp; My guest, Kelly Anderson, is the founder of Bio-Hacker Mom where she inspires and trains women and moms after 40 in all things health and anti-aging.&nbsp; Her vision to serve and lift up women who are single moms was born out of her own journey as she knows first-hand the unique challenges they face and she supports them in living out their optimum potential inside and out.&nbsp;Pick up some bio-hacking tips from our conversation and grab these resourcesGrab Kelly's Bio-hacking tips and tools on her website on her Bio-hacker Mom Youtube channel your free DO LESS, LIVE MORE CHECKLIST to help you only do what’s on Purpose … and stop striving and hustling day in and day out!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free SIMPLIFIED LIFE Clarity Call when you download yours at join my free SIMPLIFIED LIFE CLUB on FB.&nbsp; Together we’ll embark on the journey to a simpler life that’s designed around what matters most and clears the clutter of all-the-things that are distracting you. &nbsp; while you’re here, learn more about my INNER CIRCLE with the system + support to get you on your way to living a life by design;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
5/10/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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Be in Alignment with your Mission

Are you in alignment with your mission? My guest today, Elona Lopari , helps mission-driven service entrepreneurs globally scale to 6 &amp; 7 figures organically with proven marketing &amp; sales strategies so that they can build their mission-aligned business with their purpose without sacrificing their income and impact. Listen to our episode on the LifeSchool Masterclass Show Podcast Elona's FB group your free DO LESS, LIVE MORE CHECKLIST to help you only do what’s on Purpose … and stop striving and hustling day in and day out!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free Coaching Call when you download yours at join my free SIMPLIFIED LIFE CLUB on FB.&nbsp; Together we’ll embark on the journey to a simpler life that’s designed around what matters most and clears the clutter of all-the-things that are distracting you. &nbsp; learn more about the next 4 Week RePURPOSED Virtual Experience to craft your RePurposed Life Statement + create your RePurposed 5-year Vision + commit to your 7 Breakthrough;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
5/3/202235 minutes, 13 seconds
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Create Sustainability and Abundance in your Life & Biz

Ready to live sustainably in all areas of your life? Christina Weber is the CEO and founder of Christian Biz Owners on Fire, where she helps faith-based entrepreneurs who want to generate more abundance in their life &amp; business while keeping God, their relationships, and their purpose first on a daily basis. She helps others create a blueprint that allows them to provide great value, while experiencing the peace and joy of living aligned with their values, vision, and mission.Listen to our episode together on Christian Biz Owners on Fire Podcast Gift: 5 Manifesting Mistakes and (How to Correct Them) your free DO LESS, LIVE MORE CHECKLIST to help you only do what’s on Purpose … and stop striving and hustling day in and day out!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free Coaching Call when you download yours at join my free SIMPLIFIED LIFE CLUB on FB.&nbsp; Together we’ll embark on the journey to a simpler life that’s designed around what matters most and clears the clutter of all-the-things that are distracting you. &nbsp; learn more about the next 4 Week RePURPOSED Virtual Experience to craft your RePurposed Life Statement + create your RePurposed 5-year Vision + commit to your 7 Breakthrough;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
4/26/202242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Redefine Hustle & Pursue Success God's Way

Are you hustling &amp; pursuing Success the right way? Erin Fagan Harrigan is a Christian wife, mom, international coach/speaker, guiding ambitious Christian women break free from overwhelm, overachieving and under fulfillment so they can carry out God's assignment with clarity, serenity and fulfillment. Through her speaking, coaching and writing, Erin teaches women how to tune out the world, tune into God's truth and turn up their focus to redefine hustle and pursue success God's way.Grab the CLEAR THE CLUTTER CHECKLIST + access the DECLUTTER YOUR LIFE REPLAY&nbsp; out The Hustle with H.E.A.R.T. Podcast on all major networks and at&nbsp; your 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle and Escape Overwhelm guide at&nbsp; your free DO LESS, LIVE MORE CHECKLIST to help you only do what’s on Purpose … and stop striving and hustling day in and day out!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free Coaching Call when you download yours at more about the next 4 Week RePURPOSED Virtual Experience to craft your RePurposed Life Statement + create your RePurposed 5-year Vision + commit to your 7 Breakthrough my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
4/19/202240 minutes, 59 seconds
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Move Away from a Diet Mindset with Simple Meal Planning

Healthy eating can be Simple. Alicia Connor, founder of Quick &amp; Delish by Alicia Connor is a registered dietitian nutritionist and chef who is passionate about encouraging lifestyle shifts with a focus on meal planning and simplifying healthy eating. As a young adult facing hereditary vision loss, she took control and pivoted to another career as a dietitian and has seen the impact of meal planning and nutrition in her clients through their increased energy, empowered weight loss journeys, and increased confidence to pursue more of their passions.Move away from the mindset of dieting and build a toolkit of strategies to reduce stress and increase peace of mind.Get a sneak peek to Alicia's Quick &amp; Delish meal planning guide, this will get you started!&nbsp; her on Youtube, subscribe, and share the love your free DO LESS, LIVE MORE CHECKLIST to help you only do what’s on Purpose … and stop striving and hustling day in and day out!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free Coaching Call when you download yours at in the next 4 Week RePURPOSED Virtual Experience to craft your RePurposed Life Statement + create your RePurposed 5-year Vision + commit to your 7 Breakthrough my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
4/12/202242 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Best Time to Plan for your Financial Future

The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago...and the second best time is today. The same is true for planning your financial future. Karen Altfest is a personal wealth advisor who specializes in educating and empowering women and widows by teaching them to be a financially savvy woman. Now is the time to position yourself for financial strength and growth.Find out more about Karen on her website www.altfest.comGrab your free GOAL-ACHIEVED GIRL TO-BE LIST to get you thinking like that girl first … and getting results faster and easier than you’d expect!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free GOAL-ACHIEVED Success Call when you download yours at in the next 4 Week RePURPOSED Virtual Experience to craft your RePurposed Life Statement + create your RePurposed 5-year Vision + commit to your 7 Breakthrough my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
4/5/202226 minutes, 46 seconds
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Successful women never settle- they always strive for better. My guest Lachelle Wieme is the curator of the Better Club FB Community and host of the popular podcast UNSTUCK. She is driven to help women get out of their own way by developing the courage, belief and confidence to keep going and make the impact you are meant to make. It's time to get UNSTUCK.Check out Lachelle's Website lachellewieme.comTune into Lachelle's UNSTUCK podcast Lachelle's Mind Mastery Blueprint your free GOAL-ACHIEVED GIRL TO-BE LIST to get you thinking like that girl first … and getting results faster and easier than you’d expect!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free GOAL-ACHIEVED Success Call when you download yours at in the next 4 Week RePURPOSED Virtual Experience to craft your RePurposed Life Statement + create your RePurposed 5-year Vision + commit to your 7 Breakthrough Goals my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
3/29/202236 minutes, 4 seconds
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It's Not About the Cupcake- How to End Emotional Eating

Theresa Vermillion is the Lighter Life Coach and author of the book Micro Shift. As a physical trainer, she noticed that diet and exercise alone are not enough to get most people to their health goals and decided to address the emotional component of WHY you eat what you do.Theresa guides clients to a deeper understand of emotions and shifting their mindset for greater success with health goals; helping women to end the struggle with overweight and overwhelm so they can have a Lighter Body and a Lighter Life. It’s NOT about the Cupcake!Grab Theresa's free resource here ItsNotAboutTheCupcake.comAnd check out her website LighterLifeCoach.comGrab your free GOAL-ACHIEVED GIRL TO-BE LIST to get you thinking like that girl first … and getting results faster and easier than you’d expect!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free GOAL-ACHIEVED Success Call when you download yours at my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
3/22/202229 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Encourage a Friend through Cancer

Do you know someone battling cancer? She needs a friend who supports her well. My guest today, Mary Wells, is best known as The Encouragement Expert from her Breast Cancer Thrivership of 8 years plus. She is Christian and Chief Visionary Officer with faith-based business One Word Encourage whose goal is to share God’s Words of encouragement worldwide for people to thrive through any of life’s challenges. Check out Mary's One Word Encourage LLC website for encouragement through Breast Cancer Awareness Essentials Kits, journals, wearables, face masks, and jewelry: onewordencouragement.comAnd read her Career Mastered&nbsp;Magazine Article Breast Exam Essentials Article in the Winter 2022 Edition your free GOAL-ACHIEVED GIRL TO-BE LIST to get you thinking like that girl first … and getting results faster and easier than you’d expect!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free GOAL-ACHIEVED Success Call when you download yours at my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
3/15/202230 minutes, 42 seconds
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Transform Your Health 1 Habit at Time

What's a girl to do to pay attention to her body to keep from reaching the breaking point so she can live whole and happy? Start with 1 healthy habit at a time. &nbsp;My guest Whitney Prude is a practicing Board Certified Clinical Pharmacist at Mayo Clinic, as well as a public speaker, entrepreneur and CEO of Whole &amp; Happy Living, a virtual health and wellness coaching company. Whitney has a deep passion for health and wellness and an even deeper passion for helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. Because after all, it’s not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years.&nbsp;To access the free portion of Whitney's online course visit:&nbsp; visit Whitney's website at&nbsp;www.mywholeandhappylife.comGrab your free GOAL-ACHIEVED GIRL TO-BE LIST to get you thinking like that girl first … and getting results faster and easier than you’d expect!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free GOAL-ACHIEVED Success Call when you download yours at my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I always invite you to Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
3/8/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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3 Steps to Create a GOAL-ACHIEVED Self-Image

The key to being that GOAL-ACHIEVED Girl who shifts her results is to create a Self-Image that serves you by living how she would today. It's simple- when you find you have results you don't want (or don't want any longer) just follow these 3 steps and you'll be believing, thinking and acting like that girl who already has what she desires. Grab your free GOAL-ACHIEVED GIRL TO-BE LIST to get you thinking like that girl first … and getting results faster and easier than you’d expect!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your free GOAL-ACHIEVED Success Call when you download yours at my free GOAL ACHIEVED GIRLS- Live on Purpose FB Community. Together we’ll discover how to shift the thoughts + habits that got you where you are to the ones that will take you where you want to be.;And I invite you to connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
3/1/202221 minutes, 20 seconds
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Detox the Right Way for Less Stress & More Health

Do you think SCARY when you hear DETOX? There IS a healthy way to do it. My guest today, Pavanne Veltman is a High Performance Coach who helps busy women with a holistic approach built on the belief that physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing is the key. Listen in to grab some tips for how to do a little Spring Cleaning that will give you less stress &amp; more health.Ready to Eliminate Self-Sabotage, Include Self-Love and Create a right Self-Image? RSVP for the ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Event here&nbsp; Pavanne's website to learn more and download her free ebook https://yourholisticlifereset.comGrab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
2/22/202233 minutes, 14 seconds
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Book Clubs as the place for Real Connection for You and your Business

Bit by the BOOK CLUB bug yet? My guest, Beth Montpas, is a Life Coach, Speaker, &amp; Trainer. She loves to motivate &amp; inspire others to bounce forward in their life or business. Beth's passion is running high vibe book clubs for women to shift into their raw, real authentic selves... and create a business with ease.Wanna join Lissa’s new BOOK CLUB? Check out my INNER CIRCLE here&nbsp; your free BOOK CLUB PLANNER here&nbsp; to get PAID TO READ leading a book club as a way to attract your audience to you&nbsp;Highvibebookclub.comGrab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
2/15/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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Change your Perspective on Time to be Productive

Wanna be PRODUCTIVE in your day (without losing your SANITY)? My guest, Julie Jones, is an Award-winning Speaker, Author and Coach, with the Get Sh!t Done Platform. Julie is passionate about supporting purpose driven entrepreneurs to live their best life NOW without regrets and as a former police officer knows that there is no promise of tomorrow and coaches others to face the fear and live in the moment. Get ready to get comfortable with taking risks in your pursuit of a better and bolder life that is more productiveReady to focus on what matters most in your life? Download your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER here&nbsp; out more about Julie at&nbsp;www.JulieJones.bizGrab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
2/8/202226 minutes, 27 seconds
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You have a Personal Style- How to let it shine

Ever feel like you don't have a Personal Style when it comes to how you dress everyday?&nbsp; My guest Tracy Pohlmann is an award winning speaker, certified trainer, entrepreneur, and personal image expert. Tracy has assisted over 9,000 women in creating a stylish and professional personal image to advance their careers and attract their ideal customers. Tracy is passionate about helping professional women discover a simple, cost-effective way to dress so they can feel great about the way they look no matter their age or shape, exude more confidence, and create an impression that makes them shine in their career.Now that’s my kind of style!&nbsp;Download my free journaling guide to push pause and consider where you are and where you want to be...&nbsp; with Tracy about how to create a personal image that you love and propel you in your professional business. your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
2/1/202231 minutes, 16 seconds
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Thoughts lead to Results- How to get the results you desire

Think you already know how to think??? THINK AGAIN! My guest, Delynn Miller, is a proud Network Marketing Professional and Mindset Coach. She is committed to showing women how to get everything you desire in your life and biz by working with Universal Laws while also feeling awesome in your body along the journey. Get ready to have your BELIEFS shift!What if you paused to DREAM about what you want inthe 7 key areas...what would be different? Grab my free DREAM LIFE PLANNER + WORKSHOP to get more from Delynn and book a call here (and tell her I sent you) your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
1/25/202246 minutes, 27 seconds
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Be a Maven of Your Midlife

What's a girl to do to set self-honoring boundaries to reassess her passion + purpose so she can be a maven of midlife &amp; beyond? C. René Washington, is a master-certified life coach, podcast host, author, and midlife maven. After a successful 28-yr corporate career managing and developing executives and professionals, she created a new life chapter grounded in passion and purpose. Known for her straight-no-chaser style, she coaches women to break through whatever’s blocking their goals and dreams and start living them. Right boundaries are the key to shifting from life grounded in soul-sucking obligation to a life that lights you up!&nbsp;&nbsp;Tired of putting YOU on the back burner and NOT honoring yourself?&nbsp; Grab my free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to decide what you want to prioritize in your life in the 7 key areas…and then actually DO it! all things Rene, check out her website here https://crenecoach.comJoin my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
1/18/202237 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Set Authentic, Actionable & Achievable Goals

If you want to set and achieve goals that are meaningful to you, and make this year different than all the rest, you need a system and support. Let's rethink your goals and how you will go after them.RSVP for the Design Your Dream Life Workshop + get a free Workbook here your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
1/11/202227 minutes, 39 seconds
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Push Pause before Moving On- Your Year in Review

Before you go any further into the new year...let's take a min to push pause, look back at where you've been and where you are now so you can better move forward. Get out a paper and pen and get ready to work with this episode. You'll be glad you did.RSVP for the 2022 Design Your Dream Life Workshop here your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
1/4/202222 minutes, 19 seconds
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Do You Even Remember how to Have Fun?

It's easy to leave fun out when you've got a busy life... But what if it was as simple as doing 1 new thing? My guest Ann Bingham is the Founder of the One New Thing Project which stimulates your brain's need for new and novel experiences, interspersed with a little fun and community. As a former educator and certified Oola Coach, Ann uses this unique and engaging way to help working women over 40 who feel stuck, like they aren’t living to their potential and have lost their spark, to hack your creativity, resilience, and confidence. And guess what…Ann has done more than 300 new things over the last decade!How do you get fun into your day? Join the One New Thing Project and find out how!&nbsp;Www.theonenewthingproject.comGrab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
12/28/202139 minutes, 43 seconds
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Don't be that STRESSED-OUT Girl this Holiday...or Ever!

When you normalize stress, it becomes your new normal. Dr. Melissa Balizan Bestselling Author, International Speaker, &amp; Short Talks TV Star, has a passion for working with clients who are frustrated with only treating their symptoms and desire to uncover the root cause. As a consultant and concierge pharmacist, she serves as an advocate for individuals' health and medicine needs to help one more experience vitality and remove your stress.Get focused on the 7 Key Areas of your Life to reduce Stress- Grab my free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER here&nbsp; a free call with Dr. Melissa&nbsp;;Reduce your stress with Melissa's ebook&nbsp; my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here;Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
12/21/202132 minutes, 21 seconds
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Put Your Mask on First for your True Health

Are you too busy serving others to pay attention to your own wellness? My guest Sara Pagel is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner who empowers others to reclaim lost health and vitality by teaching them the greatest model of opt in self care- to put your mask on first! Sara combines data with experience to identify hidden stressors and healing opportunities to create a plan to catapult you towards optimal health.Ready to put your mask on first in the 7 Key areas of your Life so you can start moving towards where you want to be? Grab a FREE LIFE PRIORITIES AUDIT Call here&nbsp; lean more about Thin Line Consulting visit Sara's website here www.thinlineconsulting.orgGrab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at my REPURPOSED Inner Circle for women after 40 committed to growth. As a member you’ll use my #1 tool to design your life, set goals in the 7 key areas and take daily action. &nbsp;Inside the group you’ll get coaching, tips, resources and&nbsp; accountability…not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;To learn more or join us click here with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
12/14/202140 minutes, 32 seconds
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Don't Be a Next Year-er...3 Keys to be Proactive with your Priorities

It's tempting to put things off, especially around the holidays, but it will always cost you more later. Everyone procrastinates, but you don't have to be a procrastinator. This year, instead of being a Next Year-er and putting it off till January 1st, stop and ask yourself, why not do something today? 3 Keys to be Proactive with your Priorities.Grab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at our membership community REPURPOSED for women after 40. Inside the group you’ll get coaching from me to become more balanced, practical resources to experience more growth and lots of inspiration &amp; accountability to keep you on track to create more impact...not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;Find the best fit for you here;Wanna learn more? Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
12/7/202114 minutes, 34 seconds
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Success Starts with Inner Transformation

If success is an INSIDE-OUT job, what are you doing about it as an After 40 woman? My guest Rita Karydas, is a Certified Aroma Freedom &amp; Essential Oil practitioner.&nbsp; Rita helps ambitious women entrepreneurs who are exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated and are ready to reduce the stress and anxiety in their life so they can improve their clarity, focus, relationships and overall well-being. Out of her own personal struggles, she now helps women take control of your emotions, feelings and live the life you deserve.&nbsp;&nbsp;Your Health is Your Wealth to Your Inner Transformation.Download my free Reflect &amp; Resolve Journaling guide here&nbsp; Rita’s FB group here your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at our membership community REPURPOSED for women after 40. Inside the group you’ll get coaching from me to become more balanced, practical resources to experience more growth and lots of inspiration &amp; accountability to keep you on track to create more impact..not to mention a great community of amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;&nbsp;Find the best fit for you here;Wanna learn more? Connect with me at lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
11/30/202127 minutes, 44 seconds
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3 Tips to Not Lose You when Raising Kids (No matter how old they are)

Are you CONSCIOUSLY (or UNconsciously) PARENTING your kids? My guest&nbsp; Kim Muench is Certified Conscious Parenting Coach who specializes in working with mothers of adolescents. Knowing moms are the emotional barometer in their families, Kim is passionate about educating, supporting and encouraging women to raise their children with intention and guidance rather than fear and control into healthier, happier, more functional matter how old they are.You are the manual your grandkids will be raised by.&nbsp;Check out Kim’s mission, book and services at www.reallifeparentguide.comGrab your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week lissafiggins.comMentioned in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
11/23/202130 minutes, 30 seconds
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Does your Personal Style Match Who You Truly Are?

Your personal style should match who you are inside. Solita Roberts is the creator of Style To Impact, an image consulting platform where she teaches Growth-Focus Female Leaders &amp; Entrepreneurs how to look the part by wearing authentic, impactful outfits to increase their confidence, influence, and income. Solita believes that if more women are showing up in a confident and purpose-driven way,&nbsp; dreaming bigger, raising their voices for what matters, and becoming leaders in the business and communities they serve, we will change the narrative on how society sees us and how we see ourselves.&nbsp;Like it or not, style matters...So Style To Impact!&nbsp; And Dress to Influence.Book your free Style Consultation Solita’s Ebook The Style To Impact Formula- Your Guide to Unshakable Style Confidence&nbsp; your free reusable DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER come join the conversations after the episode in our FB group Women REPURPOSED After 40 where you can hang out with me, our fantastic podcast guests and amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;;If you enjoy this podcast, and think it would add value for someone else, it would mean the world to me if you leave a review at or on this platformConnect with me on socialLinked In &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
11/16/202152 minutes, 54 seconds
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3 Power Actions to RETHINK your relationship with your Business

Trina Newby is a Business Success Coach, Financial Wellness Advocate, Speaker, Author and Radio Host of Successful Women Radio.&nbsp; As the Founder/CEO of Women about Biz, she teaches women to work smarter to stop the overwhelm and generate more income.&nbsp; She also founded Lifestyle For Her, a spiritual, business and personal development company to provide support in vision and goal setting.Learn more about Women About Biz and schedule a free Power Talk with&nbsp; Trina here https://womenaboutbiz.netWanna join my free 7-Day GRATITUDE CHALLENGE? RSVP here to keep it top of mind with a daily text your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at come join the conversations after the episode in our FB group Women REPURPOSED After 40 where you can hang out with me, our fantastic podcast guests and amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;;If you enjoy this podcast, and think it would add value for someone else, it would mean the world to me if you leave a review at or on this platformConnect with me on socialLinked In &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
11/9/202135 minutes, 17 seconds
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GRATITUDE CHALLENGE: Overwhelmed or Overflowing?

Ever feel like life is OVERWHELMING? What if you shifted your perspective and instead saw it as a good way? Today it's just me and you and I'm getting vulnerable about what's been going on in my world, how I responded to it and what I'm doing to change my perspective.And I'm inviting YOU to join me for a free 7-day GRATITUDE can sign up here your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at come join the conversations after the episode in our FB group Women REPURPOSED After 40 where you can hang out with me, our fantastic podcast guests and amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;;If you enjoy this podcast, and think it would add value for someone else, it would mean the world to me if you leave a review at or on this platformConnect with me on socialLinked In &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
11/2/202112 minutes, 17 seconds
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WARNING: Your Hormones are Aging

After 35, the aging of your body often causes symptoms to appear of hormone do you know what to look for and natural solutions that can help?&nbsp; Thankfully my guest Lyn Hogrefe, founder of the Happy Hormone Cottage, does.&nbsp; Through her own journey, she found a gap between what women are told and what their bodies need.&nbsp; After fighting her way back to wellness, she now educates women about natural options to balance hormones, prevent disease and experience wellness.Connect with Lyn and the Happy Hormone Cottage here my free PERSONAL WELLNESS ASSESSMENT to see where your wellness is here your free DAILY PRIORITIES PLANNER to get you thinking about your priorities in 7 key areas, doing them… and actually sticking with it!&nbsp; Be sure to look for your SPECIAL FREE PRIORITIES AUDIT BONUS when you download yours at come join the conversations after the episode in our FB group Women REPURPOSED After 40 where you can hang out with me, our fantastic podcast guests and amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;;If you enjoy this podcast, and think it would add value for someone else, it would mean the world to me if you leave a review at or on this platformConnect with me on socialLinked In &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here
10/26/202124 minutes, 45 seconds
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Let's RETHINK What You Can Do After 40

What if you could REPURPOSE what you're good at to create a life you love and give you the time to spend on what's most important? My guest found that being downsized at work at 40 was actually a blessing in disguise and now she's making it easier for others build a business around their own lives too.Schedule an introductory call with Michele here Michele's FREE GUIDE with 5 steps to create a powerful lead magnet here&nbsp; one of my free PRIORITIES AUDITS here with your 2 min assessment&nbsp; come join the conversations after the episode in our FB group Women REPURPOSED After 40 where you can hang out with me, our fantastic podcast guests and amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.&nbsp;;If you enjoy this podcast, and think it would add value for someone else, it would mean the world to me if you leave a review at or on this platformConnect with me on socialLinked In &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week in this episode:Learn more or grab your ticket for the DO LESS, LIVE MORE Mini-Course here