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Radiant Culture

English, Cultural, 1 season, 175 episodes, 6 days, 43 minutes
Every week Radiant Culture seeks to be a voice that speaks into, confronts and influences modern day culture. We ask questions, provide insight and challenge the status quo from a christian perspective. We are young, fresh and exciting, and we will get you thinking about the choices you make in life
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Episode 193- Have we lost the fire for Jesus?

In this episode we discuss and compare how it was like when we first got saved versus how it is now. Our passion serving God through various ministries and how life can dilute our passion for God- focusing on things such as life goals and being distracted by social media. Have we lost that fire we had when we first got saved and how do we revive that passion we had in the beginning? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
7/17/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 192- Danayi Madondo on fashion, art and God

In this episode we chat to renowned Zimbabwean fashion designer , Danayi Madondo , founder of Haus of Stone. We discuss fashion, art and God. As the saying goes, not all that glitters is Gold. We all want the good life, to look good and keep up with the latest fashion trends, most times make statement by how we dress. Fashion and creativity play an important role in this world. However, when it comes to the faith, when do we draw the line? Should Christians seek to be fashionable? What role does fashion play in a Christians life? What about the Creative arts as a whole. Many view the creative arts merely as forms of expression or outlets for creativity, but is art really just art? Is there a need to be more discerning when it comes to creating, engaging with or purchasing content and cultural products? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
5/24/202457 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 191- A conversation with Pastor Bonnie Deuschle

In this episode we have a conversation with Pastor Bonnie Deuschle. She has ministered to people across the world through songs that glorify and honour God. She shares on her upbringing in the USA, coming to Africa and what it really means to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. We also talk about her recently published book, The Greater Connection, a follow up to The Great Connection, which explores how to connect with God through praise and worship. Have a listen to this episode with loads of humor, laughter , wisdom nuggets and aha moments... Radiant Culture
4/19/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 190- The Empowered Woman vs Her Husband

In this episode we discuss the dynamics of a marriage where the woman is empowered. More and more women are making their mark in their chosen professions. The empowered women has rightly been celebrated, however, does this mean her chances of enjoying a good marriage are slimmer? There are many "traditionalists" who attribute domestic conflict and the widespread breakdown of marriages to women empowerment. Is this really the case? Can a woman have both a happy union and a successful career? How should married couples navigate their relationship and family life if both spouses are working?How does that dynamic work when it comes to the Christian family and requirements of submission. We will discuss these questions and more during this episode Radiant Culture
4/5/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 189- Interview with Temeko Richardson (American Entrepreneur)

In this episode we host our first international guest as we chat to American entrepreneur and film maker Temeko Richardson. We talk about her entrepreneurial background, her film making career and the role her Christian faith plays in all this. Temeko shares insights on how to be successful without loosing your integrity as well as how the Church can be more welcoming to people from different backgrounds. Have a listen and join the conversation.... Radiant Culture
3/22/202452 minutes, 15 seconds
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EPISODE 188-Is The Church Inclusive and Accessible?

In this episode we are joined by Craig Roberts from Hope Church (Zimbabwe) as we discuss if The Church is Inclusive and Accessible. Is every Church meant to accommodate everyone or Churches can target certain demographics to be more effective? What does an inclusive and accessible church look like? The church is often called to be more inclusive and accessible. However, do we really understand what this means and how it applies from a biblical context? How accommodating should the church be and what are the limits? We discuss this and more. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
3/9/202458 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 187- Sex and The Single Life

In this episode we discuss Sex and being Single. Many christian single people grapple with sexual purity or the temptation to have sex. As human beings, we have been wired to desire sexual intimacy, however, the word of God is clear that this should be experienced within the bounds of marriage. How then do we honour God’s word and deal with sexual temptation? What is sexual purity so important? Why do issues around sex and sexuality often go unaddressed in many churches? Have listen and join the conversation.... Radiant Culture
2/24/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 186- Living the single life

In this episode we discuss the single life. Marriage is often celebrated and idealized by the church. While marriage is indeed important, a life or period of singleness is often not highly regarded. There is therefore a need for Christians to have more conversations about singleness and the process of waiting for the right partner. Is marriage really for everyone? What should we be focused on during our period of singleness? How do we deal with societal pressure? How do we manage feelings of loneliness? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
2/10/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 185- Does Passion Mean Purpose?

In this episode we sit down with Sean Mambwere, a multi award winning Dance Choreographer who is passionate about the things of God.We discuss and explore the relationship between passion and purpose. Does passion mean purpose? Are the things you are passionate about an indication of God's purpose in your life? Have a listen and Join the conversation Radiant Culture
1/26/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 184- 2023 Reflections | The Highs The Mids and The Lows

In this episode we review and reflect on the the year 2023. We share and highlight the highs , mids and lows of the year, counting our blessings, forgetting what lies behind and sharing what we hope 2024 will be. Have a listen and Join the conversation... Happy New Year and here's to an awesome 2024.... Radiant Culture
12/26/202349 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 183- Christmas- The Good_The Bad and The Ugly

As the year draws to a close, there are many who look forward to celebrating Christmas. The festive season is widely known as a time of caring and sharing, however, it has both negative and positive aspects. In this episode unpack: The good: The celebration of Christ’s birth and the spotlight on charitable deeds. The bad: The commercialisation of Christmas through how it seemingly promotes materialism. The ugly: The increased desire to “let loose” (ke Dezemba) and the tendency towards ungodly and unsafe behavior We exploring the various ways and reasons people celebrate Christmas and the festive season in general. Have a listen and Join the conversation... Radiant Culture
12/9/202348 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 182- God we need to TALK !

Ever felt let down by God? Prayer not answered? We go through some things in life that are difficult to understand, deal with or accept and we wonder where God is and if he really cares. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand why God lets certain things happen. Why he answers certain prayers and seems not to answer others. In this episode we are joined by Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss times we have “felt” or it seems God has let us down. Radiant Culture
11/24/202347 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 181- Should you do business with the Church or people in the Church?

In this episode we discuss church and business. Should you do business with the Church or people in the Church?should there be a separation? Is church a place you should actively seek business or church is strictly for worship and Christian fellowship. Is doing business with fellow church members wise (as business partners or customers). Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
10/21/202350 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 180- Are Christians meant to be always nice and polite

In this episode we discuss if Christians are meant to always be nice and polite. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, love our neighbor but does this we should always be meek and allow others to take advantage of us? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
9/14/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 179- Choosing the best school for your Children as Christian parents

In this episode we are joined by veteran and passionate teacher Tsitsi Shambare as we discuss choosing the best school for your Children as Christian parents. Now more than ever Christian parents must really consider where they take their children to school. The bible says in Proverbs 22:6- “Train up your child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it”. With the mainstream school system becoming more secularised with ideologies contrary to the Christian faith being taught in school at times, what things should Christian parents consider when it comes to primary and secondary education for their children? What are the advantages/ disadvantages of faith-based schools in comparison to mainstream schools? What’s more important, academics or the values instilled in children? Is home school an option? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
9/3/202358 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 178- Deal Breakers Part 2- Things that can end friendships

In this episode we continue the conversation from the previous episode on deal breakers as we discuss the things that can end friendships! What things would make you end your friendship with some one close to you? Where does grace and forgiveness come in or are there boundaries that are meant to never be crossed. We discuss this and more. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
8/13/202334 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 178- Deal Breakers Part 2- Things that can end friendships

In this episode we continue the conversation from the previous episode on deal breakers as we discuss the things that can end friendships! What things would make you end your friendship with some one close to you? Where does grace and forgiveness come in or are there boundaries that are meant to never be crossed. We discuss this and more. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
8/8/202335 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 177- Deal Breakers in Relationships

In this very light-hearted episode, we discuss deal breakers in relationships, specifically from a christian guy's perspective. What would make a christian guy choose not to commit and marry a girl he is courting, what are the deal breakers? is it her cooking, the company she keeps, career goals? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
8/3/202349 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 176- Bryan K on becoming a Gospel artist

In this episode we sit down with Zimbabwean award winning RnB and Afro-soul artist Bryan K who released a powerful Gospel album titled Just As I am. Bryan speaks on his upbringing and relationship with God and how these have influenced his music. We also find out if this gospel album is a once off or is Bryan K now a Gospel Artist? Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
7/14/202349 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 175- Making an impact while it still counts

In this Episode we are joined by Tim From Zim, as we discuss how to start living a life of impact right now, where you are. Often times we procrastinate doing certain things that make a positive impact in our communities with the excuse that we will do it when we have time or enough resources. However that time may never come and we may leave this earth without making that impact while it still counted. How do we make the most of what we have and can do right now to make a difference in our communities for God's Kingdom and as we gain more capacity increase that impact. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
7/8/202355 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 174- Dealing with burnout from serving in Church

In this episode we discuss how to deal with burnout from serving in church or just Christian ministry in general. As much as we love serving God and others there comes a time when we give more of our serves than we can manage, eventually suffering form burnout. When that happens, we tend to be come less effective in our ministry. How do we deal with burnout from serving in church or any other form of Christian ministry, how do we manage our commitments and expectations so that we are more effective. Have a listen as we chat to Hanna Marks who did her masters dissertation on a related topic…. Radiant Culture
6/30/20231 hour, 1 minute, 27 seconds
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Episode 173- Angie Adams on how her Faith influences her creative work

In this episode we chat to GenZ Digital Content Creator and entrepreneur Angie Adams on how her Faith influences her creative work. At 21 , Angie is a popular Cosplayer, Visual Artist and entrepreneur who runs her own pop culture merch business in Harare. She talks about her journey in the Christian Faith, how she got saved and how her Faith influences her creative work to inspire her generation. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
6/2/202355 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 172- The Life and Times of a Gen Z Christian

In this episode we are joined by Munashe , a young, passionate and philosophical youth leader as we discuss What it’s really like being an “ama2000” or Gen Z Christian. Older generations have a lot of harsh criticism for our Youth of today, (they are lazy, uncultured, undisciplined, wild) but have we really taken the time to understand them? Their struggles, their pain points, their unique challenges and temptations growing up in a time of social media and accessible internet? we dig deeper into the challenges that our youth face, especially those in high school, and see what solutions can be found for them practically in the Word of God, and how best the adults in their lives can empathize and guide them. Have a listen and join the conversation… Radiant Culture
5/16/202353 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 171- Choosing the best Bible translations to read

In this episode we discuss Bible translations , interpretation and choosing the best translations to use for your devotion and bible study. The Bible is considered by many Christians as the infallible word of God, the source of truth and basis of the Christian faith. However it has had to be translated from the original texts into relevant modern day languages over the years. How accurate and reliable are the Bible translations we have at our disposal from the traditional ones to the modern versions such as the TPT and The Message. Which are the most reliable translations? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
4/28/202355 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 170- Random Questions for Pastor Tom Deuschle

Following an insightful chat with Pastor Tom Deuschle in the previous episode , we follow up a bit on the light hearted side in this episode as we ask Pastor Tom a series of random questions to get an intriguing inside look at his personal interests outside of daily ministry work. Pastor Tom also shares his perspectives and outlook on the church in Africa and the Zimbabwean people. Radiant Culture
4/13/202319 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 169- Pastor Tom Deuschle speaks on faith, ministry and serving God whole heartedly

In this episode we sit down with Pastor Tom Deuschle, Founder of Celebrate International (Celebration Ministries International), who shares powerful insights on faith, ministry and serving God whole heartedly. Having been in ministry of over 4 Decades Pastor Tom shares valuable lessons and insights from his journey on how to run your race effectively as a Christian according to God's calling on your life. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
3/31/202353 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 168: To get married or remain single?

In this episode we discuss to get married or not? With all the pressure for young adults in the church who are single to get married is marriage the ultimate accomplishment for Christians. Why is marriage put on such a pedestal in the Church. Is Marriage for everyone or some are called to singleness and will best serve God by remaining single. How do you know if you are called to singleness? For those who decide to get married, we also discuss whether God considers you married when Lobola has been paid or after the church ceremony? Radiant Culture
3/15/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 22 seconds
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From clubbing and sneaking alcohol into boarding school as a teenager to becoming a worship leader our podcast co-host Kookie Monsta is in the spotlight this time as he shares his journey in the faith and testifies on God's Faithfulness. Have a listen... Radiant Culture
2/25/202356 minutes, 49 seconds
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In this episode we sit done with renowned Southern African Music Executive Blahtee Muchemwa as we discuss The Christian Music scene and how it’s changed over the years? Has Christian music “conformed” to the world. Do most Christian artists still have the primary motive of leading people in worship and ministering the Gospel or its all about streams, views, and awards? Has the message in Christian music been diluted? We discuss this and more. Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
2/12/202339 minutes, 50 seconds
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In this episode we discuss staying the course in your spiritual walk. As we kick start the year its like a new start, new season for most people. We make goals, we fast and pray for God’s blessing and guidance as we navigate the year but then reality soon happens and sometimes we drift away or the fire dwindles. How do we guard against that and keep the passion and zeal going? We discuss the benefits of fasting at the beginning of the year, is it helpful or just a ritual we do at the beginning of the year? What we should intentionally put in place to ensure we stay the course and see growth in our spiritual walk. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
1/21/202357 minutes, 56 seconds
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Continuing from Episode 162 on Beauty- a gift or a curse? in this episode we discuss what ladies look for in a husband. What determines the value of a man? Is it mainly his earning capacity, wealth, Looks, Potential or Godliness? Also why do some Christian Women sometimes settle for guys who aren’t as spiritually committed? We discuss all this and more. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
12/30/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 163- Celebrity Culture in the Church

In this episode we discuss Celebrity Culture in the Church. Is there a place for celebrity culture in the christian community? Should Christians be lining up to get selfies with them and regarding them as celebrities just like the world regards secular personalities or should they be regarded as just vessels pointing people to Christ? We also discuss ticketing at Christian Concerts, should there be multiple tiers such as VIP and Golden Circle when we are all there for ministry and worship? Have a listen and Join the conversation... Radiant Culture
12/21/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 162- Is Beauty a Gift or a Curse?

In this very light-hearted episode we have a conversation about Beauty. Is it a GIFT or a Curse? What are some of the advantages and challenges that people specifically women who are generally considered "very good looking" have when it comes to finding a partner for marriage or even in their career? Is beauty a quality that bachelors should mostly consider when looking for a wife? Have a listen, a good laugh and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
12/2/202252 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 161- Faith vs Reality (PART 2)

This is a continuation of Episode 160 as we discuss Faith vs Reality. In this episode we discuss: - How do we practically live by faith in the face of contesting realities - Does faith mean the answer is always yes? what If God doesn’t heal or give the response that we expected, is it always because of a lack of faith - Jesus says in Jon 14:14 You may Ask for anything in my name and I will do it? What role does the sovereignty of God play in the things we believe and ask God for? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 160- Faith Vs Reality

At times as Christians we often struggle to believe or hold on to what the word of God says when the reality on the ground seems to be other wise. How do you apply faith in difficult situations? It seems like sometimes as Christians we are often acceptors of reality rather than changers of reality through our faith. Peter when Jesus was walking on water towards the boat he asked Jesus , if it was him to call him so he can walk on water too, and Jesus called him to come and he walked briefly on water until he faced the reality of the wind and the storm and he doubted and began to sink. Jesus attributes his sinking to a lack of faith. How do we build our faith such that we are those who walk by faith and not by sight in a world that throws everything at us? It’s easier said than done, but still possible because we are called to be those who live by faith. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
11/3/202227 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 159-Rekindling your passion for the things of God

When we first become believers and followers of Jesus we have such a passion for the the things of God and a hunger to grow spiritually. However when we reach a certain level of spiritual maturity we tend to get complacent and become less hungry to grow in our faith, at times our faith even diminishes. In the New Testament there’s a consistent call to believers for spiritual maturity and growth especially in Hebrews. That means consistently seeking to grow in our Faith moving from milk (elementary principles of faith) to meat (Substance and spiritual maturity). How do we get going again and rekindle a passion to continue to grow in the things of God? Radiant Culture
10/18/202257 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 158- MyTruth or Gods Truth

We live in an age where people are increasingly rejecting objective truth& God’s truth for their own personal truths. In this episode we discuss what is the danger in this new movement? What ways does it contribute to creating a more selfish society? How does it affect how people engage with God’s Word? If it’s all about “my truth” could we not ultimately end up doing away with God’s word completely? How can Christian’s walk in wisdom concerning this and ensure they don’t get caught up in this movement? Radiant Culture
9/2/202243 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 157: Christians vs Cancel Culture

There is a  movement currently trending in society called “Cancel Culture” which sees individuals  being “cancelled” by society for things they have either said or done. What defines this movement called “cancel culture”? Can Christians take part in it and still remain Christians? And how can Christian’s prevent the fear of being "cancelled" from impacting how they share the Gospel? Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
7/27/202254 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 156: The Great Misunderstanding or the Great Misleading

Recently, American preacher, Creflo Dollar preached a sermon titled “The Great Misunderstanding” in which he claimed that tithing is part of the Old Testament and is not necessary for Christians under the New Covenant. He then went on to urge his congregants to destroy his teachings on the topic. What did he mean by this? Is tithing really an “Old Testament thing” that we are to abandon completely? And what effect does it have on followers of Christ when ministers revoke their teaching like this? Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
7/15/202247 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 155: Christian social influencing

In this episode, continuing from their discussion on society’s craving for social validation, T-Mak and Kuki Monsta are joined by renowned gospel artist and social influencer, Tembalami, to talk about Christian social influencing. How do Christian’s use social media to positively influence others and share the Gospel? Is there a point in doing so? How can Christians keep from getting swept up in trends, compromising the Truth and succumbing to the pressure to seek validation from society? Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
6/9/202247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 154: Dealing with our craving for social validation

In our world today, with things like social media constantly measuring us, there's constant pressure to publish our successes and accomplishments and look our best. As a result we live in a state of constant performance, seeking validation from society. But how does Christianity address society's need for constant validation? Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
5/18/202245 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 153: Applying your faith at work and in your career

In this episode we discuss How to Connect Your Faith With Your Career. For some people the only true "Christian" career is being a pastor, but not everyone can be or is even called to be a pastor. So what about the rest of us? How do we pursue God and share the gospel in our various fields be it business, film or architecture? How do we apply our faith at work and is there such a thing as an ungodly or godly career, or is a "Christian" career what you make it?Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
4/25/202255 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 152: Finding The Right Church

In this episode we discuss how to find the right church to call home. You may have moved cities, left your church for various reasons or you have just become a Christian. With so many different churches, how do you know which one is the right one for you. What sort of things should you look for in a church or beware of? What counsel should you seek in finding one?Have a listen and join the conversation.. Radiant Culture
4/15/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 151: Rekindling the fire from when we got saved.

In this episode we are joined by Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss rekindling the fire from when we got saved. Life happens, challenges come, we get knocked down, get up, backslide, and come back toy the faith. Somehow we manage to hold on to the faith but without that zeal and passion we had before. How do we rekindle that passion for the things of God, for Jesus and the Gospel? We are meant to be moving in power, from Gory to Glory and not just holding on to our faith. Radiant Culture
3/31/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP150- 5 Year Anniversary Episode

Radiant Culture celebrates 5 years and in this 150th episode we reflect on the journey and experience so far. While this episode is full of humour and banter due to its light hearted approach, we share a lot valuable insights and lessons we have learnt along the way that have helped build up our faith. We also hear from some of our avid listeners as well as share the behind the scenes stories. Have a listen, a good laugh and be inspired as well as encouraged Radiant Culture
11/26/202159 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 149: God said...

How do we know when God speaks that it is truly him not our subconscious mind? Many times we say or hear people saying God said to me, or God told me this about you. While its all in good faith, how do we test prophetic words spoken over our lives. How do we know its really God when we receive a word to share with others? How do we test the spirits as the bible tells us? Have a listen and join the conversation.. Radiant Culture
11/19/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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What it REALLY means to follow Jesus

In this episode we are joined by Shingai Kuwaza as we discuss what it REALLY means to follow Jesus. Jesus came, pointed us to Truth and Life, proclaimed He is the way and called us to follow Him. This is essentially what Christianity is all about, but what does it really mean to follow Jesus? To what extent? Jesus didn't really concern himself with the hustles and pursuits of this world, the luxurious living, the worldly ambitions, but was humble and all about the Father's business. Should Christians be the same? The apostles left everything to follow Jesus, He commanded the rich young ruler to sell everything he had and follow him, are we literally meant to do the same? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/3/202147 minutes, 49 seconds
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What it REALLY means to live by faith

In this Episode we sit down with Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss what it really means to live by faith.The bible says without FAITH its impossible to please God. Faith is central to the Gospel, so crucial yet seems like a very difficult thing to grasp, possess or keep. how do you practically grow in Faith? The bible encourages us to live by faith not by sight, what does this mean on a practical level? There's also a thin line between faith and foolishness, and the word calls us to be prudent and wise. How do we differentiate living by faith and foolishness. When should we exercise faith in the supernatural, and when do we just need to be practical? Case in point when someone is sick but refuses medical attention because they believe God will heal them and visiting the doctor is deemed a lack of Faith that God can heal them. Have a listen Radiant Culture
10/15/20211 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
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Coping With Grief and Loss

In this Episode we are joined by LeeAnn Johnson, the Director of Counseling at Harare Christian Counseling Centre, as we discuss hoe to cope with grief and loss. Every single person has experienced some degree of grief and loss during this pandemic. Whether it's loss of a person, a job, an opportunity or our sense of community, we have all been affected. So in these , how do we avoid getting depressed, hopeless or even numb? Matt 5:4 says "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted"... how is mourning or loss a blessing? What does Godly comfort look like? What are some healthy ways that we can process all of this loss? How can we be there for people who are mourning or sick whilst also staying safe? Have a listen and join the conversation.. Radiant Culture
9/30/202150 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP145-Christian Life During Lockdown

In this episode we discuss how Christian life has changed during lock-down. How are Christians coping and dealing with the restrictions social distancing brings on fellowship which is vital to spiritual growth and Christian life? Are digital meetups sufficient? How are we staying connected and also how can we make the most of this time to develop our personal relationship with Jesus? Have a listen and join the conversation! Radiant Culture
9/18/202148 minutes, 50 seconds
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RC Podcast EP144: Power of the tongue-Can we really speak things into existence

In the Bible Jesus says "Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him." How much power do our words really have? Can we really speak things into existence as the scripture suggests? Can we really decree and declare and it happens? Doesn’t it all end up being blab it and grab it , all magical? what does it actually mean practically that life and death is in the power of the tongue? We discuss and more with Pastor Craig Ndoro. Have a listen and Join the conversation... Radiant Culture
7/2/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 31 seconds
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How what's happening in Israel-Palestine affects Christians

How should Christians interpret what's happening right now in Israel/Palestine against the backdrop of prophecy and end times? Does it affect us at all? Should it be a major prayer point for all of us? What's the history behind this conflict from a biblical and historical point of view and how does it impact us. Radiant Culture
6/21/202153 minutes, 35 seconds
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What it means to be African and Christian

In this episode we discuss what it means to be African and Christian in the modern day. What role does our African traditions, culture and identity play in the expression of our faith? Has the adoption of the culture of those who brought the Gospel to us caused us to neglect valuable aspects of our African culture and traditions that actually can help us live out the Christian faith better? Does being Christian mean we discard our African traditions and culture? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
6/6/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Balancing living in the now and preparing for eternal life.

In this episode we are joined by Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss dealing with the pressures and desire to live your best life here on earth versus seeking the Kingdom and preparing for eternity. Is it possible to be committed to seeking the Kingdom and still pursue your earthly ambitions and goals. Or are we meant to be fully preparing for the after life, winning souls, living the great commission. In the bible in Colossians, Paul encourages us to set our minds on the things above and not below. How does that work practically? How should we be living as we wait for Christ to return... Radiant Culture
5/19/202154 minutes, 27 seconds
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Podcast EP140: Could the Covid-19 Vaccine be the mark of the beast?

In the previous episode we discussed the pros and cons of getting the the Covid-19 vaccine from a medical perspective. However there are several concerns from Christians from a spiritual perspective. Some renowned Christian leaders have started campaigns discouraging Christians from getting the vaccine on spiritual grounds. We want to discuss if Christians should get vaccinated? Is the vaccine the mark of the beast foretold on in the book of revelations? is there any truth or biblical evidence for these claims? Have a listen as we discuss this and more... Radiant Culture
5/6/20211 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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RC Podcast EP139: To get the Covid Vaccine Or Not?

In this Episode we are joined by Doc Suli, a medical doctor based in Harare who is a Christian as we discuss the Covid-19 vaccines,the concerns and conspiracy theories around them from a medical perspective. Everyone is desperate to get back to a good level of the old normal since certain aspects of the new normal are here to stay but we want to be able to gather again and have that physical interaction as social beings. So how safe are the vaccines ? Are there any chips being planted or DNA altering elements? , How effective are they? Should Christians get vaccinated or not? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
4/29/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP138: Can Christians Look Up To Heroes Who Dont Share The Same Faith??

n this episode we discuss Heroes. There are so many voices that have taken centre stage in different aspects of our lives - be it business, sport, pop culture, academia. Many of these voices are not professing Christians & some even openly profess their non-belief in God, yet they are highly accomplished and respected in their fields. Can we really learn from, admire & follow people who don’t believe what we believe? Is it okay for Christians to have heroes who openly don't share their faith? What about Christian heroes? Is the whole idea of Christian Heroes Biblical or does that lean toward idolatry? In a society that is steeped in hero worship can we really avoid this as Christians? Have a listen and join the conversation.. Radiant Culture
4/10/202158 minutes, 30 seconds
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Can Christians look Up To Secular Heroes

In this episode we discuss Heroes. There are so many voices that have taken centre stage in different aspects of our lives - be it business, sport, pop culture, academia. Many of these voices are not professing Christians & some even openly profess their non-belief in God, yet they are highly accomplished and respected in their fields. Can we really learn from, admire & follow people who don’t believe what we believe? Is it okay for Christians to have heroes who openly don't share their faith? What about Christian heroes? Is the whole idea of Christian Heroes Biblical or does that lean toward idolatry? In a society that is steeped in hero worship can we really avoid this as Christians? Have a listen and join the conversation.. Radiant Culture
4/10/202158 minutes, 30 seconds
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PODCAST EP137- Sexual Abuse and Manipulation in the Church

In this episode we discuss sexual abuse and spiritual manipulation in the church. Spiritual manipulation is a technique used by abusive churches and leaders to control individuals and acquire personal gain. There are religious leaders who take Scriptures out of context to support their agenda. They isolate “proof texts” and “cherry pick” and dissect verses to persuade the uninformed that their interpretation is right, even to the extent of claiming they alone have “the truth” and everybody else is wrong. This creates an environment ripe for abuses to take place. Unfortunately instances of molestation in the church, across all denominations are far too many. Leaders abuse their authority for sexual gain. Often victims have been brainwashed and groomed or for various reasons feel that they stand to lose too much by coming forward. How can a victim go about seeking justice and freedom from such a situation? What is the process of healing and restoration when a place or person meant to protect you like a shepherd abuses you? How can we as congregants be more aware that there is spiritual manipulation taking place? Is the answer always to leave, knowing that abuses may continue? Why has the church been marred by this issue for centuries?Have a listen... Radiant Culture
3/5/202157 minutes
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Ravi-Fraud or flawed?

Ravi: Fraud or Flawed? Revelations and confirmation of Ravi Zacharias' sexual misconduct by RZIM , have shocked the millions who knew and followed him, Christians and non Christians alike. The impact and influence of his ministry was so huge that it is extremely difficult to imagine the same man doing what has now been revealed he was doing. We discuss if Ravi was just a flawed man like we all are or he was a Fraud? Have listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
2/22/202149 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lockdown Relationships

Most people around the world have now experienced some form of lock-down, which has led to people spending more time online. Then there is the loneliness combined with boredom too 😅 which we find different ways to combat. For singles, this may make them more open to making new friends online. Is getting to know someone purely online or over the phone enough to form a foundation for a relationship? Are you yourself the same online as you are in real life? How does courtship play out in the virtual realm, can you really become "official"? For those who are were already in relationships, either long distance or otherwise, not sure when next you're going to see each other, how best do you keep the momentum going in the midst of uncertainty. Does the extended time apart help or hinder in terms of maintaining your relationship? What are the best ways to keep the fire burning while you're apart? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
2/13/202152 minutes, 25 seconds
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When the righteous fall

A righteous man falls seven times but still gets up, says the bible, however is this a license to give in to temptation? We have heard and continue to hear news of Church and Christian Leaders here at home and world over who have compromised their morality. In this episode we are joined by Shingai Kuwaza as we discuss the lessons that need to be drawn from these scandals for church leaders and for every Christian. We know that no one is perfect, but the bible sets the bar higher for leaders, how do leaders stay above reproach considering the many temptations we all face? How do the people who look up to these leaders, process and deal with this and avoid the trap to use this as an excuse to allow moral failure on their part? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
1/29/202139 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to be THE LIGHT during the Pandemic

In this episode we are joined by Sean Mullens as we discuss how we are still deep in the middle of the pandemic a year on and it seems to be getting worse. The world seems to be in confusion, panic and out of solutions.What should Christians be doing right now? We are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, what does this look like and mean in this time? How can we be the light when we too are affected and have to deal with the effects of this Pandemic, how do we rise above this in order to help others? Radiant Culture
1/15/202135 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is Online Church sustainable if social distancing becomes a permanent normal

In this episode we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing church online. What does the future of Church and christian gatherings look like should social distancing become a permanent normal? What happens to the Mega Church model and can evangelism, counseling and discipleship happen effectively online? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
12/10/202059 minutes, 1 second
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Dealing with Church Hurt

In this Episode we chat with pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss Church Hurt. Sometimes congregants & even leaders end up leaving the faith altogether because they have been hurt in the church. How should Church hurt be dealt with? What is the root cause? Could it be that congregants have unrealistic expectations? have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/20/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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Small compromises that lead down a slippery slope

One of the reasons why seemingly good fun can end up leading to moral failure among Christians is the issue of making small compromises. In this episode we discuss how small compromises can lead down the backsliding slippery slope and how Christians can guard against this. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
10/10/202049 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bringing back the FUN in life as Christians

In this Episode we discuss how to bring back the Fun in our christian walk. IF you've been a Christian for a long time, you may remember a time when everything was an adventure. Going to Youth Group, Missions Trips, Evangelizing at school and attending Rallies, even church on Sunday seemed like such a blast. There just always seemed to be something fun happening, intertwined with growing in your faith. But as we get older and supposedly wiser, do we forget how to make our Christian walk fun and exciting? How do you define fun as a Christian? As you get older or grow in maturity do you find yourself overthinking indulging in certain activities because of how you'll look to others who you're meant to be setting an example for? How do we get that Youthful Zeal back in our lives? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
9/17/202052 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is Christian Political Activism Biblical?

Should Christians stand up , protest and publicly speak Truth to power when there is social injustice caused by political or governance crisis or our business should be focused on preaching the gospel only and through that, change the hearts and minds of people who lead.? Is Christian political activism biblical? What is the Church's role in the political and state governance space? We discuss all this in this episode. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
9/3/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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The case for Christianity as a Faith for Africans

In this episode we discuss the case for Christianity as a Faith for Africans against the notion that its a western religion and therefore not for Africans. We are joined by theology lecturers Hannah Marks and Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss why Africans who had their own religion and beliefs should now worship the "God" of their "colonisers"? What was wrong with the African gods? Should Africans go back to their traditional religion? Could this be the cause for poverty and hardship in Africa?Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
7/18/202059 minutes, 36 seconds
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Christian Stance on Black Lives Matter

With the #BlackLivesMatter Movement trending and social justice issues in the spotlight right now what should Christians be doing about it. What guidance does the bible give, should Christians be involved. Is the Church doing enough about social justice issues? What more can be done?We are joined by Hannah Marks, a Theology lecturer as we discuss this pertinent issue Have a listen and Join the conversation Radiant Culture
6/12/20201 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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Christian Apologetics: Why Christians need to learn how to defend their Faith

In this episode we discuss Christian apologetics and why its important for the believer to learn it. Christian apologetics is when a christian defends the christian faith and doctrine by arguing their position with unbelievers, usually resulting in the unbeliever having a better understanding of the Faith and ultimately becoming a believer. We also discuss what the Bible says about apologetics and what it’s role is in a believer’s life?Is it for everyone? How does one get started? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
6/7/202058 minutes, 38 seconds
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A tribute to Ravi Zacharias

This episode is a tribute to Ravi Zacharias, who sadly passed away on the 19th of May 2020. We discuss how his ministry RZIM was a major influence and inspiration to Radiant Culture. RZIM's primary mission is to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and RZIM consistently challenged and inspired us as Radiant Culture in pursuing our calling. Have a listen as we pay tribute, honor and respect to Ravi Zacharias, Radiant Culture
5/24/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 51 seconds
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Migration- To relocate or to Stay, What is God saying?

On this episode we have a chat with Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss how to tell if its God's will to relocate or not when things get tough. In the Bible we see that Abraham went down to Egypt during a famine and it worked out for him but Isaac was told not to leave and it worked out for him too when he stayed put. What should Christians consider before making a decision to relocate? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
3/19/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Climate change, disease outbreaks etc signs of the endtimes?

On this episode we discuss natural disasters a.k.a Acts of God? Some think it's punishment from God. Others think it's just a result of man's poor management of the resources he's been given which has led to climate change, which has a knock on effect. Because after the flood, God promised not to do that to man again, so are these disasters really orchestrated by Him? Are these disasters just a sign of the times we are in, the end is nearer now? how should Christians respond to these things? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
2/22/202031 minutes, 44 seconds
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Match made in Heaven?

In this episode we chat to our very own TMak (who recently got married) and her husband as they share their amazing and dramatic romantic journey of courtship to marriage and how they came to the decision of committing to each other forever. Have a listen, laugh, be intrigued, marvel and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
2/13/202058 minutes, 44 seconds
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Choosing to be happily single for life

In this Episode we discuss the option to choose a life of Singleness and celibacy for life? Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 seems to elevate a life of singleness over married life highlighting the several challenges married life comes with.However the Church seems to promote marriage over singleness. How does one discover that they have this gift of singleness and celibacy for life? Do you choose this life or does life choose you. If you have the gift, are you excluded from all romantic interactions or will you just stop short of marriage - what are the practicalities of this lifestyle? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
2/6/202045 minutes, 9 seconds
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How polygamy should be handled in the church

In this episode we continue from the previous episode as we discuss the issue of polygamy from a Church leadership perspective,How can church leadership deal with the issue of polygamy in a way that is both loving and truthful. Why is this family set up shunned upon if we must be fruitful and multiply? Should a man who no longer subscribes to being a polygamist divorce his wives, and if so which should he pick? Radiant Culture
1/18/202044 minutes, 51 seconds
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Can a polygomous family really work

In this episode we continue the discussion from the last episode on polygamy. While its debatable and not very clear if polygamy is biblical ,can a polygamous marriage actually thrive? can a man equally love 2 or more wives? Have a Listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
1/10/202043 minutes
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Is polygamy biblically approved?

In this episode we discuss polygamy. Is it biblically approved? Does the fact that God allowed polygamy in the bible necessarily mean he not only condones it but encourages it? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
12/5/201959 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should Christians care about the legalisation of abortion

In this episode we discuss whether Christians should care about the legalisation of abortion or not. With many countries making abortion legal, what should the church's stance be and what is the biblical perspective on abortion. We also discuss the Pro-Life vs the Pro-Choice debate. have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/22/201956 minutes, 48 seconds
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How growing up fatherless has impacted today's generation and how we relate to God

In this episode we discuss the consequences of fatherless in today's society. We discuss the importance of the role of a father and how growing up fatherless impacts a generation and their worldview. How can a generation of men and women who have grown up without fathers fill that gap and do better? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/18/201957 minutes, 57 seconds
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Are you really christian if you commit suicide?

Suicide is often a consequence of depression, can a Christian be depressed, or you are not really saved/committed if you are depressed? If God is sovereign and all powerful, why would he allow His child to commit suicide? Is suicide spitting in God's face & the unforgivable sin- a statement of your beliefs that is tantamount to blaspheming the Holy Spirit and rejecting Jesus? Does a Christian who has committed suicide go to heaven? Does the reason for suicide matter, whether it's intentional or a lapse in judgement? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/9/201950 minutes, 43 seconds
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Kanye West's Gospel Album: Is he for real or its a publicity stunt?

As Radiant Culture turns 3 we mark this milestone by discussing Kanye West's latest Album, which is a Gospel Album. Mixed feelings among Christians. Is he foreal or its just a publicity stunt? Are Christians being judgemental instead of embracing him as a fellow believer? We also celebrate our 3rd anniversary by reviewing the journey thus far and thanking those who have been part of it. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
11/2/201935 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Important are Finances in Dating Relationships and Marriage

In this episode we discuss the area of Finances in dating relationships and marriage. It has been said (by Myles Munroe for example) that finances are the top two causes of conflict in marriages and divorces. So is it the lack of financial stability or financial abundance that causes the most strife in a marriage. Does either of these situation cause either spouse to act differently or treat their spouse differently. Does it matter who is responsible for providing in the marriage? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
10/26/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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Can christian women dress modestly and still be attractive?

In this episode we discuss whether christian women can dress modestly and still be attractive? . Are modesty and attractive mutually exclusive? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
10/10/201955 minutes, 8 seconds
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Divorce! is it an option for Christian couples? Part B

This is part B of the episode on divorce, a continuation from part A. With divorce rates even in the church at high rates has the Church failed the institution of marriage? Is divorce an option for a Christian couple, what is the biblical stand point? Is there such a thing as irreconcilable differences? How can a marriage in trouble be saved? what about life after divorce, can you marry again? Have a listen as we dicsuss and explore what the bibles says concerning these matters Radiant Culture
9/28/201939 minutes, 52 seconds
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Divorce! is it an option for Christian couples? Part A

With divorce rates even in the church at high rates has the Church failed the institution of marriage? Is divorce an option for a Christian couple, what is the biblical stand point? Is there such a thing as irreconcilable differences? How can a marriage in trouble be saved? what about life after divorce, can you marry again? Have a listen as we dicsuss and explore what the bibles says concerning these matters Radiant Culture
9/28/201935 minutes
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From Lobola to the Wedding

In this episode we are joined by Pastors Bothwell and Rumbi Murindagomo as we discuss the journey of a Christian couple from lobola to the wedding. What cultural and or tradditional things must they look out for and avoid and whats okay? Also is it okay to have sex during this period, they are technically married? We also discuss bachelor's and bachelorette parties/kitchen tea/ bridal showers, is there any value in these? What's the "Christian way" of doing these. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
9/13/201947 minutes, 31 seconds
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All about Pre Marital Counseling

In this episode we talk about Premarital Counseling with Pastor Craig Ndoro. He explains what Premarital counseling is, why its very important and how it must be done for it to be effective. He also gives advice on choosing counselors (esp for couples that go to different churches) and what to expect and not expect from premarital counseling. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
9/2/201949 minutes, 17 seconds
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Faith vs Medicine when it comes to healing

When you get sick and have a health problem as a Christian what should you do first?Should you get prayed for i.e go for healing and deliverance instead of going to the doctor? Should we always be seeking divine healing? Is it a lack of faith to go to the doctor instead of your Pastor for healling? In this episode we discuss how we should deal with health issues as christians with our resident theologian Shingai Kuwaza and Dr Tonde Gomo who is a medical doctor. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
8/1/201956 minutes, 34 seconds
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PODCAST S2 EP106: Lets talk about Mental Health

In this episode we discuss Mental Health and why everyone should take it seriously. We are going through very challenging times economically and socially, so how do we cope and manage stress levels? We chat to a practising Clinical Psychologist, a Mental Health Researcher and someone who has experienced and dealt with mental health illness as a Christian. Is mental health a spiritual thing? Are pastors and Christian cousnelors well equiped to deal with Mental Health issues? Is it a lack of faith to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist for help instead of a Pastor? We also talk about what to look out for and how to take care of your mental health. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
7/27/201954 minutes, 24 seconds
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Persevering until you succeed in your calling

In this episode we chat to renowned gospel artist Pastor G about Staying The Course in your calling and what it reallly means to fight the good fight. We draw insights from how he has managed to stay the distance in his career for over 20 years despite economic and various challenges. Pastor G shares some very practical wisdom on how to keep going, persevering and succeeding in the dreams you are pursuing. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
7/19/201933 minutes, 46 seconds
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Born for such a time as this?

In this episode we have a chat with Pastor Evan Mawarire about the reason we are alive during times like these. We are facing so many challenges in Zimbabwe and the world over economically, socially and politically that we often ask ourselves why we were so unfortunate to be alive during this era, and being the nationality we are. Where we born for such a time as this? Is this part of God's plan to position us for a calling greater than our own individual interests. What should we as Christians be doing during these challenging times. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
7/9/201949 minutes, 33 seconds
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While God is an Avenger, Are back to sender prayers biblical?

In this episode we have a chat with Sean Mullens (aka Wasu) as discuss if there is a biblical basis for the increasingly popular "back to sender prayers". This is when we basically ask God to return to those who persecute us, the harm they had intended to do to us. Is it biblical? While scriptures such as 1 Thessalonians 4:6 talk about God being our avenger when we have been wronged, should we be actively praying for God's vengeance on those who oppose us? Jesus instructs us to turn the other cheek, is that not contradictory to seeking God to avenge for us? We also discuss how we can get healing over the hurt and bitterness we feel when we are wronged and the person seems unrepentant. Have a Listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
6/20/201950 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to sift through the entertainment jungle to find wholesome content.

In this episode we discuss the good, the bad, the ugly when it comes to entertainment and how to sift through the entertainment jungle to find wholesome content as a christian. We also give recommendations of awesome Christian content/ wholesome content to check out. have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
6/14/201955 minutes, 21 seconds
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How your passion for things like sport or TV series can affect your devotion to God

In this Episode we host Pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss how the things we are passionate about can hinder us from being fully devoted to God. Seemingly innocent passions we pursue and follow such as sport, TV series, your business hustle or even church programmes can easily become obsessions that draw us away from God slowly. Have a listen as Pastor Craig shares on how to tell when these things start competing with your devotion to God and what to do about it. Radiant Culture
6/7/201949 minutes, 43 seconds
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THE 100th EPISODE: The story behind Radiant Culture

In our 100th episode we have the Radiant Culture team in studio sharing the journey thus far. The producer shares the story behind Radiant Culture, how it all started, the ups and downs and whats in store for the future. The other team members share their experience, what they have learnt and how being part of the team has changed their lives. Get a feel of what happens behinds the scenes in this fun, light hearted and inspiring episode. Radiant Culture
4/28/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
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Church or Cult? how to tell the difference in these times

With the proliferation of churches its become increasingly important for believers to be extra careful when choosing a church family to fellowship at. Some are actually cults disguised as Churches. In this episode we sit down with Dazzle as she shares her story about how she found herself as part of a church that had cultic tendencies. She shares her experience, how she innocently got involved and how she managed to get out when the signs where glaring. Radiant Culture
4/20/201939 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is it possible to totally miss your God given calling in life even while serving God? Purpose (part 2)

Is it possible to live life, serving God with zeal only to discover you have totally missed your God given calling at the end?We continue from the previous episode as we discuss how to discover your God given calling and purpose and why its absoltely critical to do so in order to live a meaningful life. have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
4/11/201936 minutes, 47 seconds
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Discovering your purpose and calling (Part 1)

In this episode we discuss Purpose, calling and gifting with Pastor Craig Ndoro. How do you discover your purpose? What has God called you to do. Are purpose and calling the same thing? Is your area of gifting necessarily linked to your calling? Have a listen and join the conversation. This is part 1 of a two episode series so look out for part 2 after listening to this one. Radiant Culture
4/3/201942 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Dating Relashionships Due Diligence (Part 2)

In this episode we continue from part 1 with Pastor Evan Mawarire as he shares 15 questions dating couples must ask each other before they commit to each. He calls this the Relationships Due Diligence, and he explains why its critical for dating couples to know the answers to these questions before they commit to each other to have a better chance at making their relationship successful. This is part 2. Have a listen and join the conversation….. Radiant Culture
3/14/201940 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Dating Relationships Due Diligence (Part 1)

In this episode we get advice from Pastor Evan Mawarire as he shares 15 questions dating couples must ask each other before they commit to each. He calls this the Relationships Due Diligence, and he explains why its critical for dating couples to know the answers to these questions before they commit to each other to have a better chance at making their relationship successful. This discussion is in 2 parts, so in this 1st part we discuss the first 5 questions and the rest continue in the next episode so look out for part 2 after this one. Have a listen and join the conversation..... Radiant Culture
3/8/201942 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bible Master Class

In this episode we discuss how to read and study the bible with our resident theologian Shingai Kuwaza (aka Mr Coolwazza). Reading and studying the bible can be a challenge for many believers. For a lot of young people its TLCR (Too Long Can’t Read), and we often wonder where to start. Shingai helps us understand why the bible is so important to the believer’s walk with God, how its still relevant today and how to get full value from studying it, have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
3/1/201952 minutes, 9 seconds
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Prayer MasterClass Part 2

We continue from Part 1 of the Prayer Masterclass as we discuss how God speaks to us, how to hear from God, praying in tounges and more. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
2/15/201948 minutes, 9 seconds
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Prayer MasterClass (Part 1)

In this episode we begin a 2 part series discussing prayer with our resident theolgian Shingai Kuwaza. The goal is to get clarity and understanding about prayer and how it really works from a biblical perspective. We will focus what prayer is and how and why we must pray. Is it meant to be a 2 way conversation with God? why is it that for most it seems like a one way conversation and God doesnt really talk back? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
2/7/201938 minutes, 2 seconds
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How does prayer really work? (Perceptions Part 3)

How does prayer really work? Many of us believe if we ask God for something he will immediately give it to us there and then. Or if we pray a certain way or use certain words we can cconvince God to give us what we ask for. But is this how prayer really works? What does the bible say? Have a listen to this discussion and join the conversation on social media... Radiant Culture
12/21/201817 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are all Christians going to heaven? (Perceptions Part 2)

In this Episode we continue the discussion on certain perceptions we have formed about christianity that are not really true, but may have been shaped by the media or what we have heard, and how these can affect our faith. In this episde we focus on heaven. Are we all going to heaven? Where do we go when we die? What does heaven look like? What do angels look like? What will happen when teh rapture happens? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
12/21/201842 minutes, 3 seconds
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How certain perceptions you have formed about Christianity can affect your faith

In this Episode we discuss certain perceptions we have formed about christianity that are not really true, but may have been shaped by the media or what we have heard and how these can affect our faith e.g misconceptions about God, Jesus, Satan, Heaven, Hell and Prayer. Our resident "theologian" Shingai Kuwaza helps us draw biblical truths about these perceptions so that we get a bettter understanding of the truth to build our Faith. have a listen to this intriguing and informative discussion Radiant Culture
12/13/201826 minutes, 25 seconds
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Is Christmas as we know it really a Christian holiday?

In this episode we have a discussion on Christmas. Is Christmas as we know it really a Christian holiday? Should Christians be celebrating Christmas considering its pagan origins. Is there any biblical basis for celebrating Christmas and what should we be teaching our children about Christmas. Have a listen as we discuss all this and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
12/8/201842 minutes, 48 seconds
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Tariro neGitare's powerful testimony

In this episode we chat to Tariro neGitare as she shares her powerful testimony about how she literally left and let go of everything to pursue God! Its been an amazing journey for her as she narrates how her life was beautifully broken by God (losing her property, friends and career opportunities) only for Him to rebuild it again, and she is loving every minute of this new journey. She shares some the encounters of her renewed Faith in Jesus, the ups and downs and how her life is so much better now. She also gives us an exclusive listen at the end to some of her new Jesus inspired music she will release soon. Enjoy and be inspired Radiant Culture
11/15/201840 minutes, 47 seconds
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How I was healed of Cancer

In this episode we have a chat with Ngonidzashe Mavera (AKA Prophecy), a renowned Christian Artist with an amazing testimony. He shares his story about how he battled cancer, got healed and how it could only have been God, the way it happened. He shares the journey, the ups and downs and how his Faith in God played a crucial role in his batte with cancer. Have a listen and be inspired Radiant Culture
11/5/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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Faith in a Crisis

In this episode we host Pastor Evan Mawarire as we discuss having faith during a crisis. How do we hold on to our faith when things are tough, trials at every corner, deep economic crisis and the circumstances seem beyond our control. How should we respond to the crisis? Is hoarding in times of shortages a lack of faith, selfishness or is it shrewdness? We are meant to be the salt of the earth and light of the world, how do we stand out and influence during this time? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
10/12/201849 minutes, 50 seconds
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The St Johns College Saga: how should Christians respond

In this episode we discuss the St Johns College Saga. Recently the St Johns 6th form deputy head revealed his sexual orientation at a school assembly. This was followed by a statement by the school board supporting him and encouraging an environment of tolerance to diversity interms of race, religion and sexual orientation. Was this the right stance taken by the school board? What is the correct Christian and biblical stance on issues such as freedom of sexual orientation? How must the Church respond to or deal with such issues. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
9/28/20181 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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Why most Christians dont observe the Sabbath day and the law of Moses

In this episode we continue the discussion from the previous episode as we focus on The Law given by Moses. Does it still apply and is it relevant to Chrsitians since we now live under Grace. Are Christians still required to uphold any part of the law? Jesus says, according to the bible, I have not come to abolish the law but to uphold it. What does this mean for the Christian? Why does a section of Christians still observe the Sabbath day and another does not and meets on Sunday instead? Have listen and join the discussion Radiant Culture
9/27/201857 minutes, 33 seconds
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Old vs New Testament: Tithes and First Fruits part 2

We continue the discussion with Pastor Craig Ndoro and Pastor Sean Mullens from part 1. Does the New testament nullify or bring to an end some of the old Testament practices such as giving of the tithes and first fruits? Has God’s expectation with regards to giving changed? Malachi presents some very serious consequences for not giving and very attractive blessings for those who give their tithes and offerings, does this still apply? Also what is the difference between giving and sowing? Are they the same? Giving implies generosity whereas sowing implies an investment, yet we receive something out of both i.e. Give and it shall be given back to you (Luke 6:38) and you reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7, 1 Corinth 9:11)? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
9/21/201841 minutes, 14 seconds
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Old vs New Testament: Does the law of Tithes and First Fruits still apply today?

In this episode we discuss giving Tithes and First Fruits with Pastor Craig Ndoro and Pastor Sean Mullens as we begin a series of episodes on Old vs New Testament. Are there practices in the Old Testament that do not apply in the New Testament? In this episode we focus on Giving Tithes and offerings. Giving is highly encouraged in the NT and the OT however with a different emphasis. The OT seems to imply that giving generously to the poor was over and above the required giving of the tithes and first fruits etc. whereas in the NT, giving to the poor seems to be the core focus. Does the NT nullify or bring an end to the way of giving taught in the OT, i.e is the systematic giving of tithes and offerings still required? We know that the sin and guilt offerings were abolished by the work of the cross, what about tithes, free will offerings, first fruits, are these still required? There is hardly any instruction on tithes and first fruits in the NT, does this mean these are no longer required and replaced with giving towards the work of the Gospel and giving to the poor? Have a listen and enjoy the conversation Radiant Culture
9/21/201834 minutes, 22 seconds
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Analysing prophecies on the nation of Zimbabwe

In this episode we will be looking at some of the prophetic words that have been spoken on Zimbabwe e.g. The Cindy Jacobs Guatemala prophecy on Zimbabwe 1998, which Steve Blomefield countered, arguing that it was not an accurate prophecy as it contradicted the Prophecy he gave in 1997 (a year prior). We discuss how we can evaluate whether a prophetic word is True or Not. Steve Blomefield's 1997 prophecy on Zimbabwe seems to have been fulfilled, does this then necessarily make Cindy Jacobs one innacurate? What value do these prophecies bring to the believer’s own life and the church as a whole? Should the ordinary believer even pay attention to these prophetic words? We also discuss how we should react to these and other prophetic words, esp. the ones that are prophesying doom and destruction. Have a listen and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
9/13/201843 minutes, 7 seconds
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Prophetic or Pathetic Revised Edit

On this Episode we discuss the prophetic with Shingai Kuwaza, a guy who is very passionate about theology and the prophetic. We discuss prophets in the modern day era. how do we distinguish real and fake prophets? Are prophets still relevant today, since we have the Holy Spirit, do we need prophets? What happens when a prophet delivers a prophetic word and it doesn’t happen? Does that make him Fake? Its informative, its uncut and its #realtalk Radiant Culture
9/6/201837 minutes, 58 seconds
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Im slipping, Im falling, I can't get up

In this episode we discuss backsliding and what leads some of us to fall away into sin. There are moments where we are trapped by our desires and in sin and we can see that we are backsliding but struggling to catch a grip, . How do you prevent from yourself slipping further and how do you rise back up. The Bible tells us in James 1 that God does not tempt us, but each of us is tempted when we our lured away by our own desires. How do we guard ourselves from our own desires? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
8/30/201838 minutes, 15 seconds
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Do we need faith only or works matter as well?

In this episode we sit down with pastor Craig Ndoro as we discuss "Faith and Works". The bible says faith without works is dead. But there's also the guy who hung on the cross next to Jesus who entered paradise, but he didn't necessarily have a lifetime of works. He just had one moment with the Savior and that was enough. We learn from the bible that it is by grace we are saved and not works so no one can boast. However, the same bible tells us that each one will be rewarded according to his/her works (Revelation 2:23). How important are these works to God and what are works anyway? What can be considered works? Just being a goodie, being kind and generous? Or its more feeding orphans and widows; evangelising and serving in church. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
8/24/201847 minutes, 37 seconds
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How I overcame depression

In this episode we discuss depression and its potentially devastating effects. Sharon (Dazzle) shares her inspiring story as she opens up on how she battled with depression form childhood and how God helped her deal with it and eventually overcome it. Radiant Culture
8/16/201853 minutes, 6 seconds
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Where's God when it hurts?

In this episode we sit down with Sean Mullens, Pastor at One Church in harare, to discuss why God allows certain things to happen e.g. an innocent girl being attacked and raped, people suffering with cancer and other chronic diseases etc. We set out to understand it from God's perspective based on what we know from scripture. Is it some form of judgement of past sins? Is everything God's will? Sean also gives his testimony at the end on how God has strengthened him through suffering. He alos gives a powerful word of encouragement and prayer for you if you are hurting or going through suffering and feel like God has abandoned you. Have a listen Radiant Culture
8/9/201854 minutes, 20 seconds
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PODCAST E76: The Bible-fact or fiction?

How do we know that the events recorded in the bible are true? Are the stories in the Bible true or are they just Jewish mythology just like we have Greek mythology with books such as the Iliad by Homer? Is the bible really the word of God? Many Christians find it difficult to defend their faith and the authenticity of the bible when challenged. How can we prove that the bible is authentic and the events recorded in it accurate? We have discuss with our resident theologian Shingai Kuwaza as he outlines how we can prove the credibility of the Bible as The Infallible Word of God. Have listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
7/26/201859 minutes, 42 seconds
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How God helped me overcome my addiction

In this episode we have a chat with Robin, a guy passionate about youth ministry, a strong love for God, who overcame an addiction to substance abuse and alcohol. Robin shares his inspiring story, how he became an addict, the struggle and how he conqured his addiction through Jesus Christ who strengthened him through His love. Addictions are very difficult to overcome, and many people often struggle in silence because they do not want to be judged if people know they have an addiction. Some do not even want to admit that they are addicted, even to themselves. Have a listen to this episode and be inspired. You may know someone who is addicted to porn, alcohol or drugs, Robin's story will enlighten on how you can help such a person. if you are an addict, let Robin's story encourage you. There is hope. Radiant Culture
7/19/201845 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bending the rules or being shrewd?

In this episode we discuss if it is ever okay to bend the rules as Christians, even when the reasons for it are justified? For example is it okay for Christians to buy cash on the parrallel market when they cannot get it from the bank? Bringing in goods without declaring and paying duties for the goods at the border or at the airport? Can this be justified? Is it bending the rules or being shrewd as jesus encouraged us? What would Jesus do in the times we live in? Have a listen to this intriguing discussion and join the conversation. Radiant Culture
7/14/201850 minutes, 32 seconds
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Modern day idols: The things we love that can easily become idols in our lives

In this episode we discuss some of the things that we love, that God has given us to enjoy and how they can easily become idols in our lives. God is very clear in the bible, he is a very jealous God and commands us to not have any idols. But sometimes we restrict this to mean physical idols like those mentioned in the bible. However an idol is anything that we prioritise before God. So we often find ourselves making more time for things like soccer, watching series, music, our phones, social media etc than we've ever made for prayer and God. Have thes things become idols in our lives? How do we practically reprioritise the things in our lives such that we give more priority to what's really more important? Have a listen and join the coversation... Radiant Culture
6/28/201854 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is The Church Preparing Christian Couples Well For Sex In Marriage?

In this episode we are joined by guests Pastor Evan Mawarire and Anna as we discuss the hot topic of sex and the church's role in sex education. We have bachelor's/ bachelorette parties, premarital and marriage courses in church but do they add any value in terms of preparing couples for the sex aspect of marriage? Is the church doing enough in terms of sex education? What needs to change? Where does the Christian learn about having sex, the right way? How best can they be prepared? What goes and what doesn't when it comes to sex in marriage? Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
6/21/201854 minutes, 2 seconds
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SEX Education and good moral behaviour? Is enough being done?

In this Episode we host Coach Taff, A renowned Life Coach in Zimbabwe as we discuss the videos doing the rounds of high school students from a popular girls only school in Harare. They say ' it takes a village to raise a child' but what happens when the child turns out bad, is it the village or the child to blame? Did the African village die in the Global village? Who's responsibility is it to teach good moral behaviour? What's the role of the parents, the community and the church? Radiant Culture
6/15/201856 minutes, 49 seconds
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Who's music is it anyway, God or Satan?

In this episode we have a hot discusion with some of Zimbabwe's renowned Christian artists and producers as guests. We chat to Tembalami, Tinashe Nyamukapa and Tremier Msipa about music, its power and how Christians must handle music, i.e both artists and listeners. Is there anythings such as God's music and satan's music or is all music God's music since he created everything? Should Christians listen to secular music at all? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
6/1/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 20 seconds
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Does Christianity require us to discard our African culture and tradditions?

In this episode we have a chat with Tinashe Rusike, a pastor dedicated to taking the gospel to remote and rural parts of Zimbabwe. We discuss the relationship between the faith and our Culture. What are the conflicts and how do we deal with them. What are some of the tradditions we need to let go. What's the biblical perspetive on things like Totems (Mitupo), tradditional ceremonies (Lobola, kusungira etc). We also discuss deliverence, how one as christian can be delivered from the spiritual implications of having participated in some of these tradditions. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
5/24/201856 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is the use of Technology in the Church a blessing or a curse

Is the way we do church helping us become effective disciples or its time we change the way we do church? Should the church adapt and incorporate technology more. Does technology help people connect and grow more as Christians or is it more of a distraction? Is it adding value or taking away? Have a listen to this intriguing discussion as we host Craig Roberts (assistant Pastor Harvest Church) and Shamiso Bobo from the Methodist Church on this episode. Radiant Culture
5/18/201850 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is the church welcoming enough

In this episode we discuss some of the possible barriers hindering church growth. Why are we not seeing more people coming to church? Why are some people leaving the church? Is the body of christ really growing or are churches redistributing members. Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
5/10/201847 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why the church must change its stance on politics

In this episode we have a chat with Advocate Fadzayi Mahere about the Church's role in politics and the election process. She shares her journey as a Christian called to politics, the challenges, the faithful hand of God and why she is passionate about positive change. Our resident theologian Shingai Kuwaza is also in the house and so we also discuss if democracy is biblical? As Christians should we participate in the election process, if so how should we decide who to vote for? How should the church help aspiring political leaders among them? What should church leaders teach and advise their congregants when it comes to politics and elections. Is it time for churches to include conferences and programs on politics and civic society as they do for business? Have listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
4/26/201859 minutes, 17 seconds
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I have a friend of a friend

In this episode we answer and discuss questions from our listeners, mainly on relationships. We asked people to send messages or voice notes on issues they want biblical clarity on. These are questions about things which the bible isn't explicitly clear about such as looking for signs to know if they are The One, Cohabiting, Abusive Relationships and more. Have a listen to this very intriguing discussion and join the converstaion Radiant Culture
4/19/201851 minutes, 47 seconds
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Touch Not My Anointed

In this episode we discuss the whole notion of "Touch Not My Anointed" that is often used in the Christian circles to defend Men and Women of God against persecution, being criticised or being challenged. When and where should this scripture apply? and is it being used out of context? Does this mean that Christian leaders cannot be challenged, criticised or held accountable by congregants and the community at large? How is the accountabilty structure for the church supposed to look like? Have listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
4/12/201853 minutes, 17 seconds
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Set apart or conformed?

In this episode we discuss Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the patterns of this would but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. What does it mean on a practical level to not conform? To be in the world but not of it but still being functional and useful in society. At the same time where do we draw the line between relevance and conformity?Is the Christian today really set apart or have we conformed? We have some very cool guests on this episode, have a listen to this intriguing discussion. Radiant Culture
4/5/201851 minutes, 42 seconds
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Christian Women leading in the workplace

We continue the conversation from the previous episode as we discuss women taking up leadership roles. The bible has a clear stance when it comes to women taking up leadership roles in the Church, does the same apply in the workplace? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
3/29/201840 minutes, 51 seconds
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Women Leading in Church

As we Continue Celebrating Women's History month in episode we start the conversation on the role of women in the church, home and workplace. Gender roles in the modern society are changing and the lines are getting blurred, both parents now have full time jobs. Can women take up leadership in the church? We have 3 exciting guests on the show. Have a listen and join the conversation... Radiant Culture
3/22/201846 minutes, 35 seconds
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Is feminism biblical?

As we celebrate Women’s History month we have two lovely ladies as guests on this episode. One who is a staunch feminist and the other a former feminist. We have an intriguing discussion and debate on feminism and religion. Is feminism biblical? Is the patriarchal bias of the bible a reason to actually question the authenticity of the Bible itself as being God’s authoritative voice? Feminists are challenging religion at its core but are they right? Have a listen and join the conversation Radiant Culture
3/16/201854 minutes, 52 seconds
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No Ring Fair Game

Would you date your friend's Ex? Does her having a boyfriend stop you from trying your luck? What are the boundaries when it comes to relationships for Christians. Is infidelity a deal breaker. we discuss all this and more in this episode Radiant Culture
3/9/201843 minutes, 54 seconds
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What we learn from Black Panther Story

In this episode we continue discussing the Black Panther Story, Yes we just couldnt get enough of it. We pick up where we left of from the previous episode but this time we go deeper. We have nn indepth discussion on the story, drawing lessons from it and how we can rediscover our African Identity, values and pride whilst remaining in Christ Radiant Culture
3/1/201857 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why African Christians must watch Black Panther

In This Episode we discuss the blockbuster movie Black Panther with Biscuit (who is actually Danai Gurira's nephew). The movie has inspired a black consciousness and african pride movement by its compelling African story which portrays a different Africa from the one usually portrayed in movies. We discuss why African Christians should watch it and what we can learn from the movie.We also discuss the power of story telling and why Christians should be telling more stories to advance the Gospel. Radiant Culture
2/23/201849 minutes, 39 seconds
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The pressure to get married

There is so much pressure to get married esp in the church. In this episode we have an intriguing discussion with Pastor Sean Mullens as we discuss what exactly paul means in 1 Corinthians 7. Have listen.. Radiant Culture
2/15/201840 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dating, Courtship and THE ONE

So the Subject of Dating/ Courtship is quite controversial especially in the Church. There are so many teachings about the right way and the wrong way to go about finding a partner. In this episode we hangout with a super cool couple who share their journey to marriage with us. They talk about how they met, how long the dated for and how the ended up getting married. We also discuss the concept of The One? Do they exist?Should people be asking God for signs or should they just trust the process? What are some of the critical things you must deal with when dating before you commit to getting married? Have a listen to this fun, lighthearted but very informative episode Radiant Culture
2/9/201853 minutes, 47 seconds
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Christianity: Still a faith or now a lifestyle Brand?

Are we still walking the talk or has Christianity become a lifestyle brand that we put on and off when its convenient? # Blessed, #BlameItOnJesus # GodsChild. Where do we draw the line between showing off and testifying the goodness of God? Are we seeing a rise in people having a form of Godliness yet denying the power as written in 2 Timothy 3:1-5? Okay so maybe we are judging and some will say "Dont Judge me, only Jesus can judge me" Is this a valid excuse or is this scripture being taken out of context? How do we stand up and defend the faith? Radiant Culture
2/2/201847 minutes, 27 seconds
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Prayer 101 (Part II)

We continue where we left off in the previous episode as we discuss prayer. How should we pray? How does God answer prayer (if he actually does), how do we hear from God? why won't God answer certain prayers? Have a listen and joing the converstation Radiant Culture
1/24/201828 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer 101

In this episode we discuss some of the questions many of us Christians have on prayer. Prayer is a very complex subject for many Christians. Its often clouded in mystery and various doctrines make it sound like a secret art, while others make it seem like a magic wand that can solve all your problems. Its often not seen as cool enough by millenial christians who are used to receiving likes and follows and prayer hardly seems to give them that kind of instant feedback.What is prayer, its role and importance in our lives? Why and how should we pray? Does God answer all prayers or just the ones he is pleased with? How do we get our prayers answered? Can prayer change God's mind? have a listen and join the converstation on our social media pages Radiant Culture
1/18/201832 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Word Of the Year

In this Episode we kick off 2018 with a discussion on The word of the year! What is it all about, is it biblical, where does it come from, how does it work? what happens when the Pastor declares a word of the year that is different or contrary to the word i received from God? Radiant Culture
1/11/201836 minutes, 38 seconds
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Overcoming Rejection

We continue the conversation from episode 49 as we chat with Shazzle. What do you do when you parents don't approve of the career you are passionate about pursuing? how do you deal with that? In this episode she goes in to detail about how she started her business from a flea market table to owning her own upmarket Jewellery store. She details how she overcame rejection, failure and shame through perseverance. Have a listen to her encouraging story which will inspire a never give up attitude needed to succeed Radiant Culture
12/28/201728 minutes, 28 seconds
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Thriving in the face of adversity

So you have had a bad year, or maybe you started off well and then your plans, goals and dreams came crashing down knocking you down with them. How do you get up from that? We are often taught to persevere in the face of adversity but what does it mean on a practical level? We are often encouraged to wait on the lord? What does that mean practically and how do you keep hope alive when everything is going against all hope Radiant Culture
12/19/201731 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why God allows suffering

Over the past 15 years or so, Zimbabweans suffered as the economy struggled, families seperated or even torn apart. Infact world over we see innocent people suffering at the hands of a few. Why does God allow it? Is it part of his will or suffering is just a consequence of peoples action? Must those affected just forgive and forget? What needs to happen for healing to take place? Radiant Culture
12/13/201738 minutes, 44 seconds
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The New Zimbabwe- Was it God or the People?

As Radiant Culture we cannot ignore the incredible events that took place over the past few weeks that have ushered in a "New" Zimbabwe. The international community described it as a "Soft Coup", but could it have been a Coup if the citizens were behind the Military intervention? Whatever it was, it brought with it a sense of unity,hope and purpose to a people that had been politically, socially and racially divided. The main question remains for most christians- was this a direct act of God or just the people deciding enough is enough? Who did it? We have a chat with Sean Mullens about this. Have a listen. Radiant Culture
12/1/201745 minutes, 58 seconds
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Are your Dreams and Ambitions God's Will?

On this Episode we have a chat with Pastor Keith Mawoyo and we discuss the conflict between our personal desires and ambitions and God's will. Where do our dreams and ambitions fit in God's plan? Most of us desire to do big things, make our mark in soceity and accumulate wealth but that often is in conflict with what the bible says God's will is. What does Jesus really mean when he says if anyone comes to him he/she must deny him/herself? Does that mean our dreams and ambitions go out the window? We discuss all this and more Radiant Culture
11/17/201750 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why are "Religious" nations Poor?

In this Episode we hang out with Tinaye Munonyara , A pastor and entrepreneur based in London as we discuss why it seems as though the most religious nations are poor while the more secular states are wealthy. African nations are known to be very spiritual and religious yet we have some of the poorest nations on earth on our continent. Why is this so and how does our generation change that? Radiant Culture
11/10/201747 minutes, 35 seconds
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Does the Christian leader have your vote?

In this episode we discuss the relationshop between faith and leadership especially in politics. Do christians make better leaders? Will people really see the change they want if Christians are voted into leadership? The Bible talks about how God is the one who places people in positions of authority hence the command to submit to the authorities. Does that mean that your vote doesnt count, if God has already chosen the leader? Should christians even think about voting? Have a listen and join the conversation.. Radiant Culture
10/26/201747 minutes
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Conquering the cut-throat business world as a Christian

In this episode we pick up from where we left off in the previous episode as we discuss the application of the christian faith in business. Can entrepreneurs with strong christian values make it in the cut-throat world of business? What areas of business should christians avoid? How do we deal with Kick backs, bribes etc? We also address the concept of "tent making" for pastors, a concept where Pastors of congregations run a business during the week and still fulfill their pastoral duties after hours and on weekends. How feasible is it? Radiant Culture
10/19/201743 minutes, 19 seconds
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Can Christian Businesses Practically Exist

On this episode we are joined by our resident theologist, Shingai Kuwaza, as we discuss the concept of a Christian Business or Kingdom Business. What does it mean to run a Christian business? Is it practical in this cut throat corporate world? Is it a biblically supported concept? This is the first part of our series on business and leadership, and what role our faith plays in these Radiant Culture
10/13/201736 minutes, 45 seconds
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Has the Church lost its significance in society?

This episode ends our series on Relevant vs Radiant and we are joined by a Pastor Craig Ndoro, an influencial Pastor in Harare. We discuss the role of the Church in today's society. Has the Church lost its significance? The Church in the 20th Century was at the forefront of social and economic advancement especially in Africa: building schools and critical infrastructure as well as playing a role in the establishment of justice. Where has that influence gone in the 21st century? Is the Church still Important? Have a listen and join the conversation on socail media Radiant Culture
9/27/201748 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is the Church effectively reaching millennials?

In this Episode we continue our discussion on the Church's relevance in the 21st Century. We discuss why a lot of young people are not going to or not serious about Church. Is the way Church is done becoming outdated?Have a listen to this interesting discussion Radiant Culture
9/20/201737 minutes, 6 seconds
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Can you really be a Christian and still be popular

Are Christians meant to be unpopular? The Bible surely seems to make a number of references to that. In this Episode its a Guys affair with Kuki-Monsta and Biscuit running the show as T-Mak takes a lil break. We are joined by one of Zimbabwes best Cinematograhpers, Clemence Wonder, as we address this contentious question. What did Jesus really mean in john 15:18-25 by saying that the world will hate us? Does that mean as Christians we shouldn't seek popularity? Have listen, enjoy and share. Radiant Culture
9/13/201740 minutes, 9 seconds
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Radiant vs Relevant

Kuki-Monsta is back! In this episode we discuss whether Christians should be radiant or relevant to pop culture, or maybe both. As believers we are called to be the light (Radiant) of the world right? So how can we be radiant if we are relevant (blend in) to culture? At the sametime how do we reach out to the world if we are not relevant to the world? further more how to we become relavant without being absorbed by "worldly culture". That's the dilemma we face. We also discuss the collabo between Tasha Cobbs and Nikki minaj and the controversy around that. Is Tasha Cobbs striving to be relevant inorder to be radiant?Have a listen to this interesting episode. Radiant Culture
9/7/201751 minutes, 20 seconds
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Part II of The case for Christianity in Africa

We continue from episode 36 as we discuss the relationship between Christianity and African culture. Now that we have adopted the Christian faith what does this mean with regards to our culture.Christianity was brought by western Missionaries, and with it they brought their own culture and traditions. Are we necessarily supposed to practice our faith based on western culture (as most of us do) or we can still keep our African tradition and culture and adopt the Christian faith? Have listen, enjoy and share Radiant Culture
8/28/201723 minutes, 10 seconds
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The case for Christianity in Africa

On this episode we sit done with one of the fathers of the Christian Faith in Zimbabwe, Pastor Langton Gatsi. We discuss be the relationship between African tradition, culture and Christianity. The Christian faith is something we received mainly from western missionaries during the colonial times. What did we believe as Africans, particularly Zimbabwean tribes? What was wrong with that way of worship in comparison to the Christian faith? Have a listen as Pastor Gatsi shares from his own experience why he abandoned African religion and became a Christian. Radiant Culture
8/25/201729 minutes, 59 seconds
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The African Identity Crisis

In this episode we discuss the African identity crisis. One of the effects of colonisation is that it stripped us of some of our original African identity. Our culture has been diluted and infuenced by western culture. However there is a growing group of africans who now want to rediscover their identity as africans, but its not as simple as just discarding the influence of wersten culture. We have 2 awesome guests in the studio who help us unpack this topic and discuss how this has an impact on Christian Africans. Radiant Culture
8/10/201740 minutes, 25 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts 101

Have you ever been in a situation where a loved one is sick and you just wished you had the power to heal them? Well guess what?... you actually can! You just dont know it yet.In this episode Kookie Monsta and T-Mak go AWOL and biscuit finds himself in the driver's seat to demystify this concept of spiritual gifts. He is joined by Bishop Chikuni who explains in depth about how spiritual gifts work. Ok so we know that there are "Spiritual gifts" that all christians are entitled to, but how does one get them? How do i know if I have the gift of healing or not? Have a listen and share Radiant Culture
8/2/201736 minutes, 56 seconds
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Part II of heaven and back

In this episode our guest continues sharing her testimony from where she left off in the previous episode. In this part II, she goes into detail about her encounter with the demonic, with God and how she came back to life. Have a listen, be wowed, and share.! Radiant Culture
7/26/201746 minutes, 11 seconds
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Heaven and back Part I

In this episode we have a chat with a lady with an AMAZING testimony! We were blown away! We continue with the same theme from the previous episodes on Angels and demons and this lady has actually had an experience with them. These things are real people! Our guest (who only wants to be identified as Cheny), Shares her story about how she met God in heaven, asked him to come back to earth for her children's sake and he granted her request. She also recounts her battle with demons and how God rescued her from them. Its a 2 part series so there is a part II coming next week. in this First part she gives us the background of the story and in Part 2 she describes her encounter with God in detail. Listen, be blown away and please do share! Radiant Culture
7/19/201731 minutes, 18 seconds
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#AngelAndDemons Part II

Its the 2nd part of the previous episode and we continue discussing the spiritual realm with Shingai Kuwaza to get a better understanding of “this spiritual world” from a biblical perspective. We explored Angels in part I and in this part we explore demons in greater detail. Do demons exist? What are they like? What are their powers? How can one tell that they are demon possesed or they just have issues. When they say someone has a spirit of something what does it mean. Lastly what about Ghosts? Spooky I know! but have a listen and get a better understanding of the spiritual world and know how to deal with it when you need to. Radiant Culture
6/28/201747 minutes, 30 seconds
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In this episode we discuss the spiritual realm with Shingai Kuwaza to get a better understanding of “this spiritual world” from a biblical perspective. What is the spiritual realm and do Angels and demons exist? What role does the spiritual realm play in our lives and what do we need to know about it. How do we as Christians deal with spiritual things? In this Episode we mainly focus on Angels and on the follow up episode we will dig deeper into demons. Radiant Culture
6/21/201732 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Prosperity Gospel

In this Episode we are joined by Bishop Albert Chikuni as we discuss a very hot topic "The Prosperity Gospel". Is prosperity really part of the Gospel message that Jesus taught or is it a seperate gospel altogether. Should Christians be seeking to be prosperous here on earth or should we be more concerned about the prosperity waiting for us in heaven as is written in Matthew 6:19 to not store your treasure here on earth... If not, why is there so much emphasis by most preachers on earthly prosperity? Also Is prosperity dependant on sowing seed to a "Man of God" Radiant Culture
6/14/201750 minutes, 14 seconds
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Christian life in the "Selfie Era" Part II

Its part II of the previous epsiode and we continue the discussion on Social Media and its role in a christians life. We focus more on "selfies", what is the intention and dont we run the risk of projecting a false impression of who we really are to the public, thereby being hypocrites instead of "the Light of the world". We still have our guests from the lasy episode, Chido and Tashinga. Radiant Culture
6/7/201735 minutes, 38 seconds
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Christian life in the "Selfie Era"

In this episode we discuss the role of social media in a christian's life, what's the good, what's the bad and what sets us apart from the world in today's selfie generation. We are joined by two amazing young people as our guests, Chido and Tashinga. Most people on social media are seeking to gain popularity, approval and show off their latest acqisitions (or borrowings for some, lol). Should this be the same for christians? Is the selfie culture suitable for the kingdom, can it really be part of the kingdom culture? #IAmBlessed show off pics. Also how effective can evangelism be on social media? How can Christians effectively be the light on Social media without seeming vain, self centred or "worldly"? #ForwardThisIfYouLoveJesus Radiant Culture
6/1/201729 minutes, 52 seconds
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Trendy & Modest fashion: Where do christians draw the line?

In this episode we have a chat with Valerie Chingonzo (World title winning model) and Belinda Chaora (fashion entrepreneur) about fashion and if it's possible for christians to balance being trendy and being modest as paul advises in 1 Timothy 2:9. Should christians even be thinking about being fashionable? Does God really care about how we dress or is he just after the heart? On one extreme you have christians who lose their fashion sense altogether when they become christians and on the other you have those who go overboard with their dressing in the name of dressing up for Jesus. Does focusing on Jesus mean we lose our desire to look good and fashionable? Have a listen to this very interesting discussion. Radiant Culture
5/24/201744 minutes, 20 seconds
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If it's not "Churchy" does it mean it's "UnGodly"

If it doesn't sound churchy is it necessarily unGodly? In this episode we continue our interesting debate with Janet Manyowa and Adiona Chidzonga on whether all types of music can be use to praise and worship God in Church. We also discuss secular music and if it has a place in our lives as christians. Radiant Culture
5/17/201740 minutes, 6 seconds
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Can Hip-hop or dancehall music etc be used to worship in Church?

In this episode we have a heated debate on which types of music can be used to worship in Church. Can Hip-hop, dancehall, rock music used to worship God, or only certain genres are fit for such a reverent act? We host multi- award winning gospel artist Janet Manyowa and Idols East Africa runner up Adiona Chidzonga on the show as they share different perspectives on music and worship. This episode will get you to revisit you position on worship and give you a lot to think about. Radiant Culture
5/11/201731 minutes