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Positive Proof

English, Education, 1 season, 22 episodes, 7 hours, 17 minutes
Welcome to the Positive Proof podcast! Put your headphones in and get ready to chat with your host, Parmis Najmi, to talk about all things wellness, growth & lifestyle. FIND PARMIS: Instagram @parmisnajmi Instagram @positiveproofpodcast TikTok @parmisnajmi TikTok @positiveproofpodcast YouTube For sponsorship inquiries, please email [email protected]
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Consumerism, Materialism, & Minimalism

In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about how we've fallen victim to consumerism as a society and how we can take simple steps towards a more minimalistic lifestyle in order to increase our levels of peace, happiness and fulfillment. Support the show
4/6/202323 minutes, 50 seconds
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Breaking Free From An Eating Disorder

In todays episode, Parmis talks about her past struggles with disordered eating and how she broke free from the dark path she was on to a now balanced and healthy lifestyle where food is no longer the enemy. Support the show
3/29/202323 minutes, 33 seconds
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Navigating A Healthy Relationship

In this weeks episode, Parmis goes over 5 things that she thinks are the foundation of navigating a healthy relationship. She also shares her experience getting to where she is now with her boyfriend of three years. Support the show
3/8/202323 minutes, 26 seconds
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How To Manage Stress ft. Patricia Berenzon

Positive Proof introduces its very first guest on the show, Patricia Berenzon, to talk about all things stress management. Patricia has been working in the wellness and coaching space for some time now and she joins us today to share her experience and story dealing with high stress along with a PCOS diagnosis. FIND PATRICIA BERENZON: the show
3/1/202333 minutes, 56 seconds
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Setting Boundaries, Cutting Off Friends, & Putting Yourself First

If you are on a similar journey to become to best version of yourself then you’ve probably come come to the conclusion that one of the stepping stones in better yourself is to set boundaries, cut off people that don’t serve you and to put yourself first. And that’s exactly what Parmis talks about in this weeks episode. Support the show
2/17/202323 minutes, 2 seconds
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Time Management Tips

In today's episode, Parmis talks about a requested topic being how to manage your time more effectively in order for you to balance multiple things in your life all at once. Support the show
2/8/202323 minutes
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24 Lessons I've Learned In My 24 Years Of Living

In honour of turning 24 this past weekend, Parmis talks about 24 things she has learned in her 24 years of living. 24 things that have taught her to live a more fulfilling and happy life. Support the show
2/1/202323 minutes, 36 seconds
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Invest In Yourself - Save Or Splurge (Beauty & Fashion)

Investing in yourself externally can also play a role in your self-improvement journey and just overall process in levelling up in life. In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about some of the most popular beauty and fashion items that are either worth the splurge or that you should save your money on. Support the show
1/25/202323 minutes, 6 seconds
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How To Establish Healthy Habits

Our habits make up our routine and our daily routine determines our success. So it's safe to say that establishing healthy habits is SUPER important. But too many of us rely on discipline, willpower, and motivation to do this. In today's episode, Parmis talks about why that won't work and goes over 8 ways that you can establish healthy habits using technique and strategy. Support the show
1/18/202323 minutes, 20 seconds
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How To Build Your Confidence

The most highly requested podcast topic is finally here! In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about all things confidence. What it means to be confident, why you might be lacking it, how you can build your confidence, and how you can make it last. Support the show
1/11/202324 minutes, 53 seconds
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5 Ways To Elevate Your Life

If you're on your self-growth journey and you're looking for ways to improve your life, then this episode is for you. Parmis talks about 5 things that have helped her elevate her life. Things such as the people in your life, how you choose to experience life, your appearance, and physical/mental health. Support the show
1/4/202316 minutes, 28 seconds
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How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

If you want to stop comparing yourself to others, then this episode is for you. Parmis talks about 5 things you can remind yourself in order to focus less on others and focus more on you! Support the show
12/19/202215 minutes, 9 seconds
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"THAT Girl" Misconceptions

In today’s episode, Parmis defines what it means to be THAT girl & misconceptions associated with the trend that you need to be mindful of when pursuing a similar lifestyleSupport the show
12/12/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
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The December Checklist

If you want to set yourself up for the new year and get a head start on all your goals, this episode is for you! Parmis talks about 10 things she is doing this December as groundwork so that she can start off 2023 on a strong note. Support the show
12/5/202216 minutes, 49 seconds
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5 Mindset Shifts To Make Before 2023

In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about 5 mindset shifts you need to make and how to make them before heading into 2023.Support the show
11/28/202219 minutes, 13 seconds
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How To Manage The 5AM Morning Routine

Becoming an early bird can be a great lifestyle change but can also be extremely challenging. In today’s episode, Parmis talks about 8 tips that can help you manage the 5am morning routine.Support the show
11/21/202219 minutes, 58 seconds
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5 Ways To Increase Your Energy

You’re dealing with brain fog? Anxiety? Fatigue? Then this episodes for you. Parmis talks about 5 ways you can increase your energy levels.Support the show
11/14/202216 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why You're Not Reaching Your Goals

In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about all the things that could potentially be hindering your success & stopping you from reaching your goals.Support the show
11/7/202215 minutes, 38 seconds
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How To Get Out Of A Rut | Reset & Recharge

It's time to get up, it's time to get your act together, it's time to reset and recharge. And that’s exactly what Parmis is going to be talking about in this weeks episode. Support the show
10/31/202215 minutes, 48 seconds
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What To Do If You Feel Lost In Life

In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about 5 things to remind yourself if you feel lost in life and 5 steps you need to take to find your purpose, path, and/or passion in life. Support the show
10/17/202212 minutes, 50 seconds
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Social Anxiety Remedies

Overcoming social anxiety is so important if you want to feel connected with others, deepen your relationships, avoid missing opportunities and overall improve your quality of life. In this weeks episode, Parmis talks about remedies that have helped better manage her social anxiety. FIND PARMIS:Instagram @parmisnajmi @positiveproofpodcast the show
10/10/202218 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Begin Your Personal Growth Journey

To kickstart the launch of Positive Proof, Parmis talks about her own experience starting out her personal growth journey and shares some tips for you to do the same! If you want to start your journey to become the best version of yourself and don't know where and how to start then this episode is for you. FIND PARMIS: Instagram @parmisnajmi @positiveproofpodcast the show
10/3/202213 minutes, 8 seconds