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Paul Tripp: Sermon Podcast Profile

Paul Tripp: Sermon Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 127 episodes, 2 days, 22 hours, 30 minutes
Dr. Paul David Tripp connects the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life through the preaching of God's Word. For more resources, visit
Episode Artwork

[ADVENT] 4. The Plan

It's one of the most radical phrases is all of the Bible. "Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief." We know that God isn't a sadist or a masochist, but why does the crushing of Jesus pleasure the Father? In this final Advent sermon, Paul Tripp preaches on Isaiah 53:10 and what this verse means for us.
12/6/201728 minutes, 45 seconds
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[ADVENT] 3. The Announcement

It was the most important event to ever occur, accompanied by the most important song ever sung, containing the most important announcement ever made - "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased." In this sermon, Paul Tripp opens Luke 2:14 to evaluate the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ.
12/6/201727 minutes, 49 seconds
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[ADVENT] 2. The Promise

In this second Advent sermon, Paul Tripp breaks down the prophecy from Isaiah 59 to show where hope is truly found. Hope is never found in a situation, relationship, or location. Hope is only found in a Person, and his name is Jesus.
12/6/201745 minutes, 49 seconds
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[ADVENT] 1. The Need

In this first Advent sermon, Paul Tripp teaches from Genesis 6 and shows that the heart of the Lord is grieved at the wickedness of humanity. In holy justice, God sends a great flood to destroy the earth. He also shows undeserved grace to Noah and his family, saving the generation of Abraham for the coming of the Christ.
12/6/201728 minutes, 38 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Warnings of Danger and the Call of Grace

How do Christians, who have the Bible in their hand and the Holy Spirit in their heart, stray so far from righteous living? In this sermon, Paul Tripp discusses his past anger before unpacking Hebrews 3:12-13, helping us prevent a downward spiritual spiral.
8/31/201743 minutes, 6 seconds
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[MARK] 36. The Temple and the Tree

In this final sermon in his series from the Gospel of Mark, Paul Tripp ends by teaching on Jesus' interaction with the fig tree and his cleansing of the temple.
6/30/201729 minutes, 37 seconds
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[MARK] 35. David's King

What kind of Jesus do you want Jesus to be? In this sermon on the Triumphant Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, Paul Tripp teaches that the crowd wanted Jesus for all the wrong reasons, and many times, we miss the point of who Jesus is ourselves.
6/29/201723 minutes, 13 seconds
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[MARK] 34. What Do You Want Me To Do?

It's very tempting to read stories in Scripture through the lens of religion instead of the lens of the Gospel. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches when Jesus gives sight to Bartimaeus, and the right way and the wrong way to interpret the famous narrative.
6/28/201721 minutes, 43 seconds
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[MARK] 33. Life And Death

When Jesus foretells for a third time, James and John make a ridiculously selfish and insensitive request - "Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory." In this sermon, Paul Tripp discusses why the other disciples were angry for the wrong reasons, and why we may have made the same request if we were in their shoes.
6/27/201730 minutes, 22 seconds
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[MARK] 32. One Thing

"How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God." This famous statement by Jesus is followed by a much broader application, to all people, regardless of financial status. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches on the one thing that we need to have to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
6/25/201733 minutes, 35 seconds
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[MARK] 31. Like Children

If you're a Christian, God's plan is to never have you grow up. Becoming mature in the faith means having a child-like faith. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines why Jesus invited the little children to come to him, and why the disciples were wrong in denying them.
6/23/201726 minutes, 27 seconds
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[MARK] 30. What Is Marriage?

The protection of marriage, as God designed it, and a defense against unbiblical divorce, is rooted in the worship of God. In the sermon, Paul Tripp unpacks Jesus' teaching on marriage and divorce in four ways: worship of God as Lawgiver, Creator, Sovereign and Savior.
6/21/201734 minutes, 57 seconds
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[MARK] 29. Radical Commitment

What do you take seriously in your life? Each person has their own hobby or passion, but how seriously do we as Christians take sin? In this sermon, Paul Tripp talks about how seriously Jesus takes sin, and three ways in which we can apply it.
5/21/201732 minutes, 14 seconds
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[MARK] 28. What Is Greatness?

Our culture has mixed up what greatness is, what greatness does, and who embodies greatness. In many ways, we have believed the lies of our culture. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches on Jesus's saying, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first" and what biblical servanthood and true greatness look like.
5/17/201732 minutes, 41 seconds
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[MARK] 27. Powerful Prayer

Why are there so many stories of Jesus casting out demons from possessed people during his earthly ministry? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains how these narratives serve as a warning to us about the destructive and enslaving power of evil.
5/9/201732 minutes, 35 seconds
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[MARK] 26. The Pleasing Prophet Son

What was the historical and prophetic purpose of The Transfiguration? And does it hold any application for us today? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why Jesus was transfigured, and how the glory of Christ in that moment should shape the way we live.
5/3/201730 minutes, 36 seconds
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[EASTER] 2017 Part Three - The Gospel According to Nebuchadnezzar

What does the story of King Nebuchadnezzar have to do with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ? According to Paul Tripp, this story is the quintessential Easter story. In this sermon, he teaches on four themes that are the key to understanding the practical implications of our Risen Savior.
4/26/201744 minutes, 41 seconds
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[EASTER] 2017 Part Two - But By The Grace Of God

Those six words - “but by the grace of God” - may be the most important words ever spoken or written. Without them, there is no hope for us. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines how the grace of God radically transformed Saul to Paul, and how the resurrection grace of the gospel allows us to experience that same transformation in the here and now while we wait for our eternal life.
4/22/201751 minutes, 49 seconds
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[EASTER] 2017 Part One - Resurrection Amnesia and Everyday Life

The theology of the Bible is never meant to be impersonal, abstract, or academic; it's meant to be life-giving and life-changing. No Christian theology is more important than the resurrection, and in this sermon, Paul Tripp applies the practical truths of the resurrection to the everyday struggles of marriage, family, career, and finances.
4/20/201759 minutes, 21 seconds
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[EASTER] 2010. Do You Believe This?

God loves his children so much that he will put them in situations where they have nothing left but his glory to rely on. In this Easter sermon, Paul Tripp explains why Christ delayed his arrival to see Lazarus and how Christians should live with resurrected faith.
4/12/201718 minutes, 45 seconds
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[EASTER] 2009. After The Celebration

We have misunderstood the resurrection of Jesus Christ if we think that it simply is a moment of religious celebration. In this Easter sermon, Paul Tripp explains how the empty tomb should develop a radically different lifestyle for the Christian.
4/11/201721 minutes, 49 seconds
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[EASTER] 2008. Real Hope

The hope of the Christian faith is inextricably tied to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this Easter sermon, Paul Tripp explains what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote, “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.”
4/11/201718 minutes, 38 seconds
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[MARK] 25. His Cross, Your Cross

When Jesus foretells his death and resurrection, he speaks some of the most famous words of his earthly ministry. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines why Jesus calls Peter Satan, what it means to take up our cross, and asks does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul.
3/14/201738 minutes
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[MARK] 24. The Watershed Confession

"You are the Christ." This four-word confession from Peter of who Jesus is divides the gospel of Mark into two sections, and Paul Tripp applies how this watershed confession changes our daily living.
2/28/201729 minutes, 26 seconds
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[MARK] 23. Deaf and Blind

One of the most devastating effects on sin is spiritual blindness. Not only are we blind, but we're blind to our blindness. In this sermon, Paul Tripp talks about the difference of being willfully blind and blindly willful.
2/27/201732 minutes, 9 seconds
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[MARK] 22. Don't Tell It On The Mountain

Why do some Christians seem to have strong faith, while others have weaker faith? In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines three ingredients to biblical faith, but warns that we have still have confessional theology and disobedience living in the same heart.
2/23/201734 minutes, 30 seconds
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[MARK] 21. The Heart of the Matter

Legalism, moralism, or externalism - whatever you want to call the mindset ruling the Pharisees - is not unique to the Pharisees. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches from Mark 7, the most theologically heavy chapter in the gospel of Mark, and examines the emphasis that Christ puts on the heart.
2/11/201734 minutes, 8 seconds
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[MARK] 20. Mercy and the Messiah

Jesus was a deeply compassionate Savior. Every miracle he performed display his love for suffering people. But every miracle was meant to be more than a miracle. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines how the crowds stopped short of what Jesus was truly offering, and how we often ask for too little from our Lord as well.
1/31/201724 minutes, 16 seconds
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[MARK] 19. Seeing Ghosts

There are so many valuable lessons to learn when Jesus walks on the sea and calms the storm, but we quickly glaze over the narrative. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches on the theology of uncomfortable grace, the difference between amazement and faith, and much more.
1/30/201754 minutes, 58 seconds
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[MARK] 18. Bread and Water

Jesus feeding the 5,000 is one of the most universally known stories from the Bible, but Mark and John tell it differently. In this sermon, Paul Tripp looks at the characters and lessons of this story through a different lens.
1/28/201725 minutes, 49 seconds
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[MARK] 17. Conviction, Anger and Death

There is a war going on between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. In this sermon, Paul Tripp juxtaposes Jesus sending out the Twelve Apostles with the murder of John the Baptist.
1/28/201727 minutes, 42 seconds
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[MARK] 16. There's No Place Like Home?

When Jesus returned to his hometown, he was rejected by his family because they didn't believe he was who he said he was. In this sermon, Paul Tripp unpacks the reasons for belief and unbelief, and asks if we are more like Jesus' family than unlike them.
12/12/201629 minutes, 14 seconds
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[MARK] 15. A Second Opinion

A life of faith is radical. It will ask you to do the unthinkable with hope and courage. But faith placed in the wrong object is wasted faith. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches how Jairus and the bleeding woman had faith in the right Person, and how that makes all the difference.
12/12/201635 minutes
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[MARK] 14. Please Leave

Do we take evil as seriously as we should? And do we actually want Jesus to deliver us from evil as much as we say? In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches from Mark 5, when Jesus casts out the demons from Legion.
10/7/201634 minutes, 3 seconds
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[MARK] 13. When Fear Defeats Fear

How do respond in moments of difficulty when God doesn't seem to care? In this sermon, Paul Tripp tells the story of Jesus calming the storm and how the disciples' questions reveal what truly rules their hearts.
9/26/201616 minutes, 53 seconds
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[MARK] 12. Pictures of a Kingdom

Life in the Kingdom of God can be confusing. Often, things don't work out the way that you would hope and expect. In this sermon, Paul Tripp unpacks three little parables that speak into the confusion of the disciples who have given their lives to follow Christ and build His Kingdom.
9/1/201628 minutes, 17 seconds
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[MARK] 11. The Parable of the Soil

We know it as the Parable of the Sower, but it should be more accurately entitled The Parable of the Soil. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches how we should approach listening to the Word of God, and how to avoid living like rocky soil.
8/29/201633 minutes, 37 seconds
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[MARK] 10. The Delusion of Neutrality

C.S. Lewis wrote that we must make a choice we Jesus; it's impossible to remain neutral. He was either a lunatic on a level with a man who says he is a poached egg, or he is the Son of God. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches on the entire third chapter of the gospel of Mark and the 6 vignettes that display the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
8/20/201635 minutes, 27 seconds
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[MARK] 9. The Gospel of the Pharisees

The greatest enemy of the true Gospel is a fake gospel of self-congratulatory self-righteousness. In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why Jesus confronted the Pharisees so frequently, specficially on their traditionalism and legalism.
8/5/201635 minutes, 47 seconds
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[MARK] 8. Bad Company

If you were employed by Jesus to find 12 of the most qualified candidates to be his closest ministry partners, who would you choose? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains how Levi the tax collector would not make any of our lists, and how our attitudes are self-righteously similar to the Scribes who question Jesus' decision.
7/26/201632 minutes, 34 seconds
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[MARK] 7. What's Easier?

What do you tell yourself you need? What do you tell yourself the world needs? In this sermon, Paul Tripp preaches on the story of Jesus healing the paralytic, and how it's easy for us to place our priorities on things that are significant, but not essential for life.
7/22/201630 minutes, 19 seconds
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[MARK] 6. Say Nothing

To conclude his action-packed first chapter, Mark records Jesus' famous act of healing the leper. In this sermon, Paul Tripp draws parallels between us and the leper - not only his condition, his response to Christ's miracle of healing.
7/19/201624 minutes, 57 seconds
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[MARK] 5. Why Jesus Came

If you want to mature as a follower of Jesus, you must (by grace) align the desires of your heart with the desires of God's heart; what God wants for you, you must want for yourself; what's important to God must be important to you. In this sermon from the gospel of Mark, Paul Tripp reveals what Jesus came and did not come to do, so that we can begin to ask from Jesus what he would want us to ask.
6/29/201631 minutes, 10 seconds
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[MARK] 4. Gone Fishing

What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? The Gospel According to Mark provides a much different answer than most of 21st century Western Christianity. In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains how Jesus calls his first disciples, how they responded, and what that means for our discipleship today.
6/24/201637 minutes, 3 seconds
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[MARK] 3. The Right Time

The gospel according to Mark decimates moral neutrality by presenting us with an absolute truth to accept or reject - the kingship of Christ. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines what it looks like to accept Christ's kingship - "repent and believe in the gospel."
6/2/201635 minutes, 53 seconds
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[MARK] 2. Substitutionary Temptation

Mark has a very efficient way of characterizing events in his gospel, so it could be easy to miss the significance of Christ's temptation in the wilderness. In this sermon, Paul Tripp reminds us that the hope of humanity rest on Jesus's shoulder in these two short verses.
5/16/201625 minutes, 9 seconds
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[MARK] 1. The Beginning of the Gospel

The gospel of Mark is a hard-hitting, fast-paced narrative, one where the author doesn't permit readers to remain neutral when it comes to the central character - Jesus Christ. In this opening sermon, Paul Tripp calls attention to the radically divisive opening sentence that launches Mark's gospel.
5/4/201632 minutes, 29 seconds
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[LOVE] 3. Love's War

You probably won't find this phrase on a Valentine's Day card, but love is a war. In this final sermon on love, Paul David Tripp reveals where the battle for love is being fought and how victory can be won.
2/10/201629 minutes, 31 seconds
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[LOVE] 2. Love's Model

1 John 4 is arguably the New Testament's most "easy-to-understand" description and application of love. In the second sermon in this three-part series, Paul David Tripp defines love. But you won't find this definition in a dictionary; you find it in a Person.
2/10/201637 minutes, 50 seconds
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[LOVE] 1. Love's Rescue

You may not be called to full-time vocational ministry, but if you are a child of God, you have been called to a lifestyle of love. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches from 1 John 4, one of the New Testament's most focused definitions of love.
2/10/201634 minutes, 27 seconds
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[1st PETER] 14. Standing Firm

What's the key to standing firm in the midst of difficulty? In this final sermon from 1st Peter, Paul Tripp summarizes the epistle and provides three directives for steadfastness: celebrate grace, love one another, and find peace in the Gospel.
11/16/201528 minutes, 59 seconds
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[1st PETER] 13. Carefree Living

How often do you have your head in your hands, discouraged and distraught by the difficulties of life? In this sermon, Paul Tripp provides five directives for living with a "carefree mentality" even in the most trying of times.
11/9/201527 minutes, 25 seconds
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[1st PETER] 12. The New Normal

If you were able to design your perfect week, where everything went the way you wanted it to go, what would that week look like? Chances are it would be free from suffering! In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why suffering should be our new nromal and 6 ways to respond biblically.
11/3/201534 minutes, 28 seconds
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[1st PETER] 11. Defensive Thinking

Why do self-defense classes exist? Because we live in a world where danger exists, and people need to arm themselves against danger. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches on "defensive, Christological thinking" and how it prepares us for suffering, temptation, the coming judgement and eternity.
10/27/201533 minutes, 22 seconds
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[1st PETER] 10. Once For All

If you ever need to speak to an individual or group of people that you don't, and you want to speak a word that will apply, speak a word of encouragement or comfort. In this sermon, Paul Tripp looks at the encouraging words that Peter has for Christians experiencing mockery, rejection, and persecution.
10/20/201527 minutes, 25 seconds
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[1st PETER] 9. How To Suffer

There are times when we suffer because we sin and experience the natural consequences. But other times, we suffer because of Christ. In this sermon, Paul Tripp looks at three profound principles about suffering from the book of 1st Peter.
10/6/201544 minutes, 12 seconds
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[1st PETER] 8. I Fight Authority

Whether he knew it or not, John Mellencamp penned profound theology with his famous lyrics, "I fight authority; Authority always wins." In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains the purpose of human authority and why we should submit, even if it appears flawed and unjust.
9/28/201538 minutes, 26 seconds
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[1st PETER] 7. Aliens, Soldiers and Ambassadors

Have you ever thought that we overcomplicated the simple message of the Christian life? In this sermon, Paul Tripp defines the fundamental job description of every Christian with three basic commands: live like an alien, fight like a soldier, behave like an ambassador.
9/21/201536 minutes, 59 seconds
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[1st PETER] 6. Chosen

What is the greatest danger to modern Christianity? There are many external threats, but in this sermon, Paul Tripp opens 1st Peter to show that the biggest threat lies within ourselves: when we forget our identity, we become paralyzed and ineffective at sharing the Gospel.
9/14/201537 minutes, 41 seconds
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[1st PETER] 5. Pure Love

What does it look like to love one another, or to love your neighbor? The call to love is all throughout the Old and New Testament. In this sermon from 1st Peter, Paul Tripp unpacks four characteristics of love that will radically shape your relationships and ministry.
9/8/201536 minutes, 29 seconds
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[1st PETER] 4. Values Clarification

Even though Christians have been given the wisdom of the Bible and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we struggle to keep our values in line with God's values. In this sermon, Paul Tripp preaches on three values from 1 Peter that will alter the way we live until Christ returns.
9/1/201528 minutes, 6 seconds
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[1st PETER] 3. Investigative Reporting

Have you searched and inquired carefully about your salvation? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains how the process of investigating reporting on the story of your eternal destiny can keep you stable in times of trouble.
8/25/201533 minutes, 15 seconds
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[1st PETER] 2. Uncomfortable Grace

Are you experiencing grief, trials or tests that come from the hand of a loving God? In this sermon, Paul Tripp unpacks Peter's metaphor of metallurgy and explains how there are only two gospels we choose to preach to ourselves in these moments: the gospel of temporary self-glory or the gospel of uncomfortable grace.
8/17/201529 minutes, 45 seconds
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[1st PETER] 1. Real Security

If you were writing to friends and family members who were suffering, what would you write? In this inaugural sermon from 1st Peter, Paul Tripp unpacks the pastoral wisdom behind the challenges Peter gives to the elect exiles and how we can benefit from these reminders.
8/10/201529 minutes, 49 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Who Is Worthy?

Revelation 5 describes the most raucous worship celebration recorded in Scripture, but why does God include that in His Word? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why we have reason to celebrate, and why we don't need to wait until eternity to start celebrating.
7/28/201520 minutes, 35 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Crouching Tiger

Life after the Fall seemed normal - until you hear the story of Cain and Abel. Why was Abel's sacrifice accepted and Cain's rejected? Why did Cain respond in such a violent way? In this sermon on Genesis 4, Paul Tripp explains the motivation behind our worship and how sin lurks in our hearts, just like it lurked in Cain's.
4/27/201526 minutes, 14 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Wretched Man That I Am

"Wretched man that I am!" Romans 7 is the Apostle Paul's famous autobiographical narrative of his struggle with sin, and in this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why the Apostle struggled, just like we do every day.
4/13/201532 minutes, 18 seconds
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[PSALMS] Beauty and Ugly

What do you do when suffering enters your door? In this sermon, Paul Tripp opens up Psalm 27 to reveal a dysfunction in our theology and provide a biblical solution for dealing with trouble.
3/2/201531 minutes, 3 seconds
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[CORINTH] 4. It's Not Natural

It’s not natural to want the things of God. Only a person inhabited by the Spirit of God would desire his ways. In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains the difference between the natural person and the spiritual person and the dangers that come with both.
2/19/201534 minutes, 54 seconds
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[CORINTH] 3. A Secret and Hidden Wisdom

While Christianity relies on faith and not sight, it is not anti-wisdom. In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why Christianity is actually all about wisdom: a secret and hidden wisdom that comes from God alone.
2/12/201527 minutes, 39 seconds
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[CORINTH] 2. The Folly and Power of the Cross

We shouldn't be surprised when the world mocks, or at least avoids, the Church of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why the Cross is folly to those who are perishing and how Christians can engage culture with its power.
2/2/201540 minutes, 5 seconds
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[CORINTH] 1. The Most Precious Possession

The church of Jesus Christ has many reasons for disunity - familial and cultural background, social and economic status, and plain personal preference. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ can, and should, transcend them all. In this sermon, Paul Tripp looks at the church of Corinth and examines three things that happen when the Gospel is no longer the most precious, unifying possession in the church.
1/8/201527 minutes, 5 seconds
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[KINGDOM] 4. All You Need Is Love

Why was Jesus so hard on the Pharisees? In this sermon, Paul Tripp reveals the most stinging criticism that Christ makes against the religious leaders and warns us that we're more like the Pharisees than unlike them.
11/28/201434 minutes, 9 seconds
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[KINGDOM] 3. Investment Strategies

There’s no topic that Jesus discussed more in His ministry than the topic of money and possessions - it's because he knows the default struggle of all of our hearts. In this sermon, Paul Tripp reveals three "treasure principles" that all humans live by.
11/19/201429 minutes, 28 seconds
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[KINGDOM] 2. What's Love Got To Do With It?

Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. It's an impossible call, because we struggle to love the people who love and bless us! In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains how true righteousness begins when we say, "I want to, but I can't on my own strength."
11/15/201436 minutes, 38 seconds
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[KINGDOM] 1. The Theology of Luminescence

Christians live in dark communities, but God has called his children to remain in those dark communities and shine as lights for the Gospel. In this sermon, Paul Tripp unpacks the theology of luminescence and reveals how every believer can be an effective evangelist for Christ.
11/11/201435 minutes, 4 seconds
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[PSALMS] In the House of the Lord

Worship. It's a term that is at risk of being overused and misunderstood in Christianity. In this sermon from Psalm 122, Paul David Tripp reveals four things that true worship is meant to produce in the heart and life of a follower of Christ.
10/3/201436 minutes, 10 seconds
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[JAMES] 14. The Rescuers

You could argue that the entire book of James is about wandering away from the truths of the Gospel. In this final sermon in the series, Paul Tripp teaches that every Christian has been called to rescue wandering brothers and sisters.
9/19/201427 minutes, 22 seconds
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[JAMES] 13. What Is Prayer?

Prayer can be a struggle for Christians. We know that we're supposed to pray, but we don't always know why or how. In this sermon, Paul Tripp reminds us what prayer is and how prayer does.
9/6/201436 minutes, 22 seconds
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[JAMES] 12. The Problem With Patience

As a Christian, you've been called to wait. Theologians like to say, "between the already and the not yet." In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why we're impatient and grumbling, and how waiting can produce in us something better than we ever would ask for.
8/28/201435 minutes, 18 seconds
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[JAMES] 11. The Delusion of Self-Sovereignty

It won't take long for you to recognize self-sovereignty in delusional little children; they think they own the world. But in the sermon, Paul David Tripp explains that all humans - young and old, including believers - buy into 6 dangerous delusions of self-sovereignty.
8/22/201433 minutes, 35 seconds
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[JAMES] 10. Mission of Mercy

The core message of the Gospel is a free gift of grace that we could never earn, achieve, or deserve. But in this sermon, Paul David Tripp explains the seductive temptation to have a critical spirit toward one another. If the Lord would stand in the middle of his church, he might say, "You have marred the beauty of My grace."
8/14/201433 minutes, 55 seconds
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[JAMES] 9. Can't We All Just Get Along?

What do you really want from God? What do you really want from the people whom God has placed in your life? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp examines James 4 to discover what causes quarrels and fights among us.
8/7/201434 minutes, 11 seconds
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[JAMES] 8. What It Sounds Like To Be Perfect

It's impossible to think about "street-level Christianity" without considering the words we speak. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches from James 3 to reveal this scary and humbling truth: your words always reveal the true character and condition of your heart.
7/25/201435 minutes, 44 seconds
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[JAMES] 7. How Can I Be Sure?

Everyone wants to think that they have true faith. No one wants to think that they struggle with faith. But in this sermon on faith and works, Paul David Tripp teaches that those struggles are more subtle and present than we would like to admit.
7/15/201426 minutes, 29 seconds
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[JAMES] 6. Rich Man, Poor Man

As followers of the Lord Jesus, Christians are called to love and serve everyone with equal affection. But as Paul David Tripp explains in this sermon, deep in the DNA of every sinner - and every Christian - is a partiality and favoritism and prejudice.
7/8/201435 minutes, 47 seconds
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[JAMES] 5. Anger is a Story

If you had to describe what it means to follow Jesus , what would you say? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp reveals the motivation that should distinguish the Christian life and gives four applications to everyday life.
7/2/201431 minutes, 34 seconds
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[JAMES] 4. A Danger To Yourself

If you could stand before God and ask, without shame or embarrassment, the difficult questions of life, what questions would you ask? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp ask three brutally honest questions - and finds three helpful answers - from the book of James.
6/23/201427 minutes, 7 seconds
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[JAMES] 3. Humble Pride

“My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride.” It's so hard for us to keep what is important important in our lives. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp asks where we find our deepest satisfaction in life and how we measure our richness.
6/13/201424 minutes, 7 seconds
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[JAMES] 2. Wisdom is a Person

Sin reduces every person, including the believer, down to a fool. That's why James says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God." In this sermon, Paul David Tripp gives a scary diagnosis - that we are all dangerously foolish - and a liberating hope - that Wisdom is a Person.
6/9/201432 minutes, 7 seconds
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[JAMES] 1. Why Me? Why Now?

James starts his book off with the phrase, "Count it all joys, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds." James intentionally uses the word "when" and not "if." In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches why we suffer and why we hate it.
6/2/201431 minutes, 28 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Powerful Weakness

We love a good heroic story. An unlikely character faces the impossible, overcomes the odds, and saves the day! But the biblical reality is that we're all deeply dependent. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp shows how our weakness is not in the way of what God would do; it’s our delusions of strength that are.
5/24/201433 minutes, 45 seconds
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Since the Gospel is true, then let us live like we believe it! Such is the sentence structure employed by the author of Hebrews 10. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp unpacks each of the four uses of "let us" and applies it to everyday life.
4/25/201433 minutes, 3 seconds
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[VARIOUS] The Worthy Community

"Get your act together and live in a manner worthy of the Gospel." This is, sadly, a style of preaching within the Church. But as Paul David Tripp explains, we have no ability to live up to that high calling on our own. Rather, Christ's grace measures up on our behalf and allows us to live out of the Gospel.
4/14/201433 minutes, 29 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Radical Change

Do you love the Bible? The natural answer for the Christian would be yes, of course. But often times, Christians love the "ideas" presented in the Word of God, as opposed to the Author of the Word. In this second sermon on Isaiah 55, Paul David Tripp teaches how our love for Bible should be centered around our love for the Divine Author.
4/4/201438 minutes, 59 seconds
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[VARIOUS] It's Free

We are forgetful people - and it's only a short step between forgetfulness and a life that no longer lives for the glory of God. In the first sermon of this two-part series, Paul David Tripp opens up Isaiah 55 and reminds us of five truths that are incredibly important to remember.
4/4/201438 minutes, 59 seconds
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[ETERNITY] 5. Hell: The Ultimate Consequence

It's one of the darkest and deepest delusions that a human being can buy into - "I can do what's wrong and it won't make a difference." The confessional theology of the Christian would reject this lie, but the everyday track record might show a different story. In this final sermon from "Living with Eternity in View," Paul David Tripp teaches on the absolutely clear and unavoidable principles of consequence and judgement.
2/24/201443 minutes, 27 seconds
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[ETERNITY] 4. Eavesdropping on Eternity

What is truly important to you in this life? You'll be tempted to give a super-spiritual answer of confessional theology. But if you were to examine the mundane moments of your life - what gave you pleasure and what made you angry - what would someone conclude about what's valuable to your heart? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp shows how God invites us to eavesdrop on eternity and rearrange our values for today.
2/17/201454 minutes, 26 seconds
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[ETERNITY] 3. Living with a Preparation Mentality

Your life hasn't worked according to your plan. In fact, last week probably didn't work according to your plan. But, you don't need to panic, because your story is being written by One who is wiser and stronger than you. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp opens to the first chapter in 1 Peter to give hope and encouragement even when life doesn't make sense.
2/10/201443 minutes, 7 seconds
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[ETERNITY] 2. The Danger of Eternity Amnesia

Could it be that a church that preaches the sovereignty of God operates out of fear? Or could a person who publicly proclaims the faithfulness of God's grace in their life secretly live in daily fear of the future? In this sermon on Matthew 6, Paul David Tripp teaches that a life driven by earthbound treasure always results in worry, even though God has promised an unshakably secure future.
2/3/201450 minutes, 44 seconds
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[ETERNITY] 1. Living with Eternity Amnesia

What would it look like if you lived everyday in light of eternity? If you knew that Heaven was just around the corner, how would that change the way you lived? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches from Matthew 6 to show our obsession with earth-bound treasures and how quickly we forget the heavenly treasures of God.
1/27/201453 minutes, 22 seconds
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[DAVID] 14. David and Jesus Christ

In this sermon, Paul David Tripp turns to the New Testament to conclude his 14-part series on the life of David. Using Matthew 1:1, Tripp teaches on five unshakeable truths that we can learn from the genealogy of Jesus.
7/21/201328 minutes, 8 seconds
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[DAVID] 13. David and Solomon

David is on his deathbed after a forty-year reign. He calls his son and future king of Israel, Solomon, to his side. In his final words, he gives five commands. In this sermon, In this sermon, Paul David Tripp examines those five commands and how they continue to apply to the Christian today.
7/7/201332 minutes, 33 seconds
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[DAVID] 12. David and Adonijah

David is coming to the end of his reign as King of Israel, and even on his death bed, he continues to face attack. His son Adonijah is plotting to take the throne, and David has a choice make. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches on the influence of the world and the perseverance of the people of God.
6/30/201332 minutes, 47 seconds
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[DAVID] 11. David and Absalom

Sin has consequences. We live in a moral universe ruled by a holy God. Galatians 6:7 says, "God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Today you're harvesting what you planted yesterday, and today you're planting what you'll harvest tomorrow. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches from 2 Samuel 15, one of the clearest accounts of the far-reaching consequence of sin presented in Scripture.
6/23/201328 minutes, 51 seconds
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[DAVID] 10. David and Mephibosheth

Mephibosheth is one of the few remaining descendants from the lineage of Saul and Jonathan. Dropped as an infant, Mephibosheth is crippled in both his feet, and is, in his own words, "a dead dog." But David honors a past covenant that he made with the house of Saul, and Mephibosheth is adopted into a new royal family. In this sermon on 2 Samuel 9, Paul David Tripp shows how this mini-story functions as a lens on the maxi-story of Redemption.
6/16/201335 minutes, 24 seconds
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[DAVID] 9. David and Uzzah

In a fallen world, things are not always what they seem to be. Such is the case in 2 Samuel 6, when the Lord kills Uzzah for simply touching the Ark of the Covenant in the wrong fashion. We are drawn to question God - "is this really the God I choose to serve?" In this sermon, Paul David Tripp explains that this story is actually a case study about the holiness of God, and that His holiness is our only hope.
6/9/201324 minutes, 37 seconds
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[DAVID] 8. David and Abner

There are many foolish people in the Bible. They ignore the wisdom of the Lord and choose their own way. But don't be so hard on these characters. Their stories are a reflection of what we struggle with each day. In this sermon from 2 Samuel 3, Paul David Tripp reveals the foolishness of three men and points us to the only source of Wisdom.
6/2/201337 minutes, 11 seconds
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[DAVID] 7. David and Saul

1 Samuel ends with Saul falling on his sword in a tragic suicide. 2 Samuel begins with David lamenting the death of Saul, and his best friend Jonathan. And linking these two books together is an Israelite messenger with selfish intent. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp highlights the heart of these three characters and how their stories are a mirror into our everyday life.
5/19/201337 minutes, 38 seconds
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[DAVID] 6. David and Abigail

Proper request in a proper way, so you expect a proper response - but this is a fallen world.
5/12/201330 minutes, 42 seconds
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[DAVID] 5. David and Jonathan

David and Jonathan have one of the sweetest relationships recorded in the Bible. But in 1 Samuel 20, that relationship faces its darkest trial when King Saul tries to assassinate both men. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp reveals the motivations of Saul, David, and Jonathan, and uses this story as a mirror to reveal our motivations and struggles.
5/5/201334 minutes, 4 seconds
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[DAVID] 4. David and Michal

What do you do when suffering enters your door? How do you react to God when He brings difficulty into your life? Are you a complainer? Are you a whiner? Are you a grumbler? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp takes us on a Biblical tour and reveals seven principles on suffering and the character of God.
4/28/201335 minutes, 7 seconds
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[DAVID] 3. David and Goliath

There couldn't be a more familiar story in all of Scripture. It's the epic clash between David and Goliath. But there's a third character that we often leave out - King Saul. In this sermon on 1 Samuel 17, Paul David Tripp juxtaposes the personal identity of David and Saul and reveals how it radically affects the way they face the opposition of the Philistine warrior.
4/21/201329 minutes, 4 seconds
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[DAVID] 2. David and Samuel

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons reported that there were 11.7 million cosmetic surgeries performed in America in 2007. Humanity is obsessed with appearance. But when Samuel searches for a new king of Israel, we discover that the Lord looks on the heart. This is a frightening reality, because the Lord sees each sinful and selfish desire of our heart. But as Paul David Tripp preaches, we don't have to live in fear, because Christ came to pay the penalty for our hearts and now lives inside of us to reclaim its worship.
4/14/201332 minutes, 59 seconds
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[DAVID] 1. David and His God

You could argue that 2 Samuel 7 is one of the most significant chapters in the entire Old Testament. The Lord makes a covenant with King David and promises to establish the throne of his kingdom forever. But this passage has very little to do with David at all. He only becomes great because the Lord has the power to do what He promises. In this inaugural sermon in a series on the life of David, Paul David Tripp reminds us that our hope is in the God who stands behind His promises.
4/7/201327 minutes, 45 seconds
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[PSALMS] Day and Night

It's easy to smile in the light. But what do you do when the night comes? In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches from the honest and provocative Psalm 42. It's a psalm that is meant to alert Christians that the life of faith is not always one of celebration and joy.
2/11/201324 minutes, 34 seconds
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[PSALMS] The Voice of the Lord

A thunderstorm is a "finger glory" - part of creation that points to the glory of the Creator. In Psalm 29, David poetically describes a storm, but he's doing more than just observing the power of nature. David's psalm speaks into a deep struggle of the heart of every person - the war for glory.
1/28/201334 minutes, 16 seconds
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[PSALMS] On God's Hill

Questions. Human beings ask them. And the most insightful people aren't always the ones who have the answers. The most insightful people are the ones who ask the right questions. In Psalm 15, the psalmist asks the right question. It's a question that gets to the heart of the identity of every human being. If you want to know who you are, why you have been given breath, and what in the world your life is about, you need to ask this question.
1/21/201334 minutes, 47 seconds
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[PSALMS] In the Cave and Unafraid

Psalm 4 is one of the most poignant, dramatic, and sad stories in all of Scripture. King David is on the run and hiding from his son who wants to murder his father. But in the moment of suffering and trial, David doesn't run from God in anger. He runs toward God with worship, trust, and joy.
1/14/201331 minutes, 14 seconds
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[PSALMS] Confession is a Grace

Are you committed to change? The Bible tells us that God is committed to changing us, and He will send the sometimes painful grace of confession to help us. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp teaches that when we see our sin before us, like King David does in Psalm 51, we are on the road to true heart change.
12/23/201235 minutes, 51 seconds
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[PSALMS] The Way of the Righteous

You live in a fallen world. You're surrounded by influential voices all the time. To live effectively and faithfully, you need to know what the Lord says about the world you're living in. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp extracts six principles for living from the first Psalm.
12/16/201235 minutes, 28 seconds
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[MISSIONS] 4. The Blessings of Being Provoked

In some way this week, you were provoked to anger. What provoked you? In Acts 17, the Apostle Paul is provoked, not by selfish circumstances, but because the city of Athens was full of idols. Are you provoked by the idolatry of your culture? True ministry begins with provoked hearts of the people of God.
12/9/201240 minutes, 20 seconds
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[MISSIONS] 3. A Thousand Points of Light

You have been called dto shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation. But that will never work if you have an unbiblical perspective of ministry. You don't step out of life and into ministry and back into life. Everywhere you go is about representing Christ.
12/2/201235 minutes, 48 seconds
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[MISSIONS] 2. Urban Blight

Babylon was a great cultural city, like New York City of today. But in Revelation 18, she has fallen. Self-glory has consumed Babylon and she has become a dwelling place for demons. But just like this great city, we have the capacity for a dangerous self-glory addiction.
11/25/201234 minutes, 28 seconds
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[MISSIONS] 1. Urban Renewal

You live in a world where things are not the way they're supposed to be. Shalom has been shattered. But there will be a day when Shalom is going to be restored once again. In the meantime, you're called to be active and compassionate ambassadors for Christ wherever you live.
11/18/201234 minutes, 54 seconds
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[VARIOUS] So You Want To Be Pure?

We live in a world that has gone sexually insane. As Christians, we need to revisit God's intention for sex and the way our sin twists something good for evil. In this sermon, Paul David Tripp reveals two commands and four principles that will radically alter our view of sex.
11/11/201238 minutes, 44 seconds
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[VARIOUS] Right Here, Right Now

The cross of Jesus Christ is not just for your entry into faith. It's not just for the forgiveness of your sins. It's not just for the eternal salvation in heaven when you die. The cross of Jesus Christ provides you with everything you need for a lifestyle of faith, right here, right now.
11/4/201239 minutes, 5 seconds