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Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John Cover
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Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John

English, Religion, 1 season, 25 episodes, 11 hours, 52 minutes
The Gospel of John provides an accurate description of what Jesus Christ can do for those who accept His words, whether it be the man with the 38-year infirmity, the woman caught in the act of adultery, or the countless others who had their sins cleansed and their diseases healed through Him. We hope that many people meet Jesus Christ through Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John. YouTube and Facebook - Search “GNMUSA” | 1-888-466-9846
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Episode 25 Going to Church as a Sinner, Leaving Church as a Sinner

Prayer Request : (US+1) 631-835-6885
5/14/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 24 Free from the Law of Sin and Death

Prayer Request : 1-631-835-6885
5/14/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 23 The True Purpose of the Law

Prayer Request : 1-631-835-6885
5/14/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 22 We Go Down the Wrong Path when We Trust Ourselves

For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
2/11/202128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 21 The Brothers of Jesus who did not Believe

For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
2/11/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 20 The Tabernacle in Heaven

For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
2/11/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 19 God Helped Me Every Single Time

For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
2/11/202128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 18: But… Ye have been washed

Especially in the words in 1 Corinthians chapter 6, it is written: "Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." It's saying such sinners cannot go to heaven. But verse 11 is important, "And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." God says in the word, "You have committed such sins, but you are washed. You have committed such sins, but you are justified. You have committed such sins, but you are sanctified. That is what God is saying in the holy spirit. We believe God. We believe Jesus and we believe that through His death at the cross, he has washed away all our sins. None of our sins remain. He has cleansed us forever. That is why I can say I am righteous. It does not mean I did not sin. However, Jesus who has resurrected is in my heart. He testifies that my sins have been cleansed. Before, I would always say that I was a sinner. "I committed sins, that's right, I'm a sinner." But from that day, I said that I am righteous even though I did commit sins before. Rather than my ability to sin, His powers to forgive sins is greater. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
1/4/202128 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 17: Eating Jesus, the Bread of Life

Jesus did many things while He was in this world. One time, Jesus fed 5,000 people with bread in the wilderness. After eating the bread, the disciples passed over to Capernaum from Tiberias. When they went to Tiberias, it was the disciples who got on the boat and went there first. Then Jesus was walking on the sea at night, and then He went on the boat to Capernaum. The multitude saw that Jesus had not left with the disciples, and they looked for Him, but could not find him in Tiberias. Then they saw that Jesus had come to Capernaum. The people asked, "Sir, when did you get here?" Jesus replied, "You seek for me because you have eaten the bread, and you were filled." They all ate the bread freely. However, Jesus not only wanted to give them bread but He wanted to give Himself to them. He said, "Those who eat my body and drink my blood shall live forever." The blood of Jesus is the true drink and the body of Jesus is the true bread. What does it means that Jesus wants to give His body and blood for us to eat and drink? When we eat food, we can live through the strength of the food. When you eat bread, not only are you full but if you eat the body of Jesus, drink the blood of Jesus, it means that we can live through the strength of Jesus. Jesus shed His blood for us so we can drink it. What that means is that you drink the blood of Jesus when the fact that the blood of Jesus has forgiven your sins settles in your heart. Eating the body of Jesus means that it is no longer you alive but the life of Jesus is being lived through you. When God made us man, He made the heart. Everyone, when we accept the heart of God inside of our own heart, when the heart of God enters us, and when it begins to lead us, then we live like Jesus. However, man has sinned. Man was deceived by Satan and ate from the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil gave us the wisdom to differentiate good and evil. Therefore, instead of living by the heart of God, people lived by the wisdom of knowing good and evil. We were deceived by Satan want to walk the path opposite of God. Therefore, Jesus gave us bread so we can live and eat in full. Jesus wants us to live by eating Him which means believing in Him. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
1/4/202128 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 16 Amazing things Happen When We Have Faith in Jesus

One time, I had a service at Ulsan and I was driving back up to Seoul. It takes about four and a half hours to come back up to Seoul. We had left at ten pm so it would be past 2:00 am by the time we arrived. We wanted to spend the night somewhere before we went. In Korea, we have many of our churches throughout the country and they would let us spend the night there. The church we wanted to spend the night in was the Daegu church but while we were talking on the freeway, we missed the exit and we couldn't go back. The next exit was Gumi so I called the Gumi church pastor. I said, "Pastor, I'm sorry. But could I spend the night at your church tonight?" But the Gumi church they had plenty of room, so it was okay for us to spend the night. We woke up very early in the morning and secretly we wanted to leave for Seoul. We got dressed, picked up our bags, and opened the door. We were shocked. In front of the door, the pastor was there waiting for me. I think he knew that we were going to try to leave secretly early in the morning. He had caught me. He said, "Pastor, there is an early morning prayer service. Could you preach the word?" At the early morning prayer service, I preached and during the sermon, I could see that in the back of the chapel, a girl was sitting in a wheelchair. After the service was over, I approached her. I said, "Everybody else is sitting in chairs; why are you sitting in a wheelchair?" I smiled and joked with her, "Is it more fun to sit in a wheelchair?" The girl replied to me, "Pastor, I'm 19 years old. I'm a senior in high school. My name is Choi Suhyun." Then she told me what had happened. Recently, she began to lose feeling at the tip of her foot. Her nerves began to die and the rise of feeling, the loss of feeling rose all the way to her knees and up to her belly. Her nerves were beginning to all die, she could not even pick up a cup of water to drink. She became unable to urinate nor defecate. She was in so much suffering. The doctors had told her, "Your gonna be bedridden for the rest of your life and you will die soon. You have an infection in your spine. All the nerves in your spine have rotted." She's a young girl with a pretty face and she was at such a flowering young age but to see her dying like this broke my heart. I spoke to Suhyun, "Suhyun, listen carefully to what I am saying. "As long as electrical lines are connected, electricity will reach your home. You don't have to do any of the work. The electricity can run your fridge, can run your AC, and run your washer. To bring in the electricity, you have to connect the electrical line. If you want to bring in running water, you got to bring in the pipelines. Do you know how you can be connected with Jesus? Suhyun, this is what I want to tell you. When electrical lines connect, you'll have electricity, and when you have pipelines connected, you'll have running water. Likewise, when your heart is connected with the heart of Jesus, do you know what's gonna happen? Your disease is no problem at all." For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
1/4/202128 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 15 Philip's Calculations and Andrew's Faith

Jesus said to Philip, "There are so many people coming here now. Where should we buy bread for these people could eat?" Everyone, where could you buy bread? They are in the vast wilderness. Even if they were in a large city, it still would be hard to buy bread for 5,000 people. But what Philip says is, "Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little." But then, a disciple named Andrew comes to Jesus. He said, "Sir, there is a lad here who brought five barley loaves and two fish. But what is that amongst so many." Philip would have probably thought, "Oh my. Jesus, why did you make Andrew a disciple? How can five barley loaves feed 5,000?" But then, a disciple named Andrew comes to Jesus. He said, "Sir, there is a lad here who brought five barley loaves and two fish. But what is that amongst so many." Philip would have probably thought, "Oh my. Jesus, why did you make Andrew a disciple? How can five barley loaves feed 5,000?" Even though they were both disciples of Jesus, Philip's calculation was accurate in the humanistic sense. But Andrew's plan was faith. Philip and Andrew both followed Jesus. However, during that time, Philip simply thought, "Jesus is amazing" while he followed Him. But Andrew saw Jesus doing the works of God. He saw Jesus changing water into wine. He saw the man with an infirmity for 38 years rise and walk. Andrew felt, "That man is the son of God. There is nothing that he cannot do." On the other hand, Philip simply thought, "Yeah, He is a good teacher. He is a great man. Yes, he does great works. He just saw him as a great human being. But Andrew was different. "If he is God, then he can take care of all of our problems. Five barley loaves and two fish. Yes, it is insignificant but if Jesus works, He can do it. During this time, Andrew saw how Jesus worked and said, "Wow, He is God! If he works we could feed the 5000 with the 5 barley loaves. He is the one who created heaven and the earth. He had the faith to believe him. But although Phillip saw the works of Jesus, he remained in his own humanly calculations. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
1/4/202128 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 14 The Word of God began to Clash with My Heart

I had been going to church from a young age, but I came to believe in God in 1962. Before that, even though I went to church, I always said I was a sinner. I did not care for what the Bible was saying about me. I was just too busy trying hard to live according to the words of the Bible. In October 1962, God brought about a change in my heart. What change? Indeed, I had sinned. I'm sorry to say that we were always hungry back then, so I committed lots of theft. I would steal wheat from other people's farms and eat them. They say the stolen food tastes better. A few friends of ours would go to the field, cut off bundles of wheat, put it in our shirts, and run to the mountains. We would start a fire, and we roasted the wheat there. When the grain got roasted, we would rub them with our hands. And after then we'd blow the shells off. All the shells blow off, and only the kernels would remain. Because of the ashes from the fire, our hands and face would be black with ash. It was so tasty. We had no food back then. I knew that this was theft, and I knew that I was a sinner. When I attended church, I went to the early morning prayer service even from a young age. Every early morning, I would beg for the forgiveness of sin. Every early morning I said, "God, yesterday I committed such and such sin. I'm a sinner. Please forgive me. Please let me not sin today." But in the evenings, I would do the same thing when I'm with my friends. In the morning, I was determined not to go and do bad things again, but I was already doing them by evening time. I would continue to commit sins again and again. I committed lots of theft and told many, many lies. I was a sinner in front of God. However, as I began to read the Bible, I saw that the words of the Bible were different from my thoughts. The word of God started to clash with the thoughts of my heart. I had told lies and committed theft, and I committed so many sins. If somebody said "sinner", I would immediately think, "Oh me! That's Me! Of course, I am a sinner!" But as I read the Bible, although it says that there is no one righteous, it also says that there are righteous people. When I read further on, I found the process of how a sinner becomes righteous. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
1/4/202128 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 13: Believe that You have Received Them

One time, I was suffering terribly because of a stomach ulcer. Even though I ate only watery rice porridge, my stomach would hurt and I would have diarrhea. In three months, I lost 15 pounds in weight. In July, we have many church events and camps scheduled. One morning, I was praying to God. I thought that there was no way I can get through the summer schedule with my stomach so I prayed, "God my stomach hurts so bad. Please heal my stomach.¨ Suddenly, one Bible verse came to mind. It was Mark chapter 11 verse 24, ¨What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.¨ It was so easy. I thought, "Oh, whatever I desire and I pray for, if I believe that I received them, then I shall have them.¨So, I prayed sincerely, ¨God, please heal my stomach." Afterwards, I believed that my stomach is all healed. Then, I thought about it: "If my stomach is all healed, then I should be going eating breakfast." I love to eat kimchi. As you know, Korean dining tables always have lots of vegetables open them. But the doctor had told me, ¨Pastor, your stomach walls are paper-thin. They may burst. And if it burst, you will die within 24 hours. You got to be careful.¨ But if my stomach gets healed, I should eat kimchi. But in one corner of my heart, if I eat kimchi, my stomach may burst. They said that if that happens, I´m gonna die. So I thought about it deeply: ¨Why do I think that my stomach will burst? It says, ¨What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them". I realized that I´m not believing the word of God. I decided my heart to believe that my stomach is all healed. I read that Bible verse 10, 20 times. The real amazing thing is that when you talk with people, their hearts and opinions change. But the Bible, Genesis to Revelation, you read it so many times, but still, it never changes, it says the same thing. Whether I´m in a good mood, it says the same thing, or even if I´m in a bad mood, it says the same thing. It says the same thing when my stomach hurts. The word does not change. My stomach is healed. I decided to believe it. So I sat at the table and grabbed a bowl of rice. I ate rice and I ate kimchi. It was my first time eating rice in 3 months. My wife saw me and she was stunned. After the meal, I started to have diarrhea. It hurts so bad. I moaned, ¨Oh, my stomach.¨ Then, I thought, "If I eat kimchi, my stomach is going to be in a disaster. But the words of the Bible were not saying that. I realized, "Oh, I am not believing the word of God.¨ For lunch, I had another bowl of rice. Then I had diarrhea again. That evening, I was invited to dinner at a buffet restaurant. As I walked. in I thought, "Okay, I'm just going to have a little bit of porridge… Wait no! My stomach is all healed!" I ate so much that night that my belly was popping out. But that night I did not have diarrhea. The next morning when I woke up from sleep, in exactly twenty-four hours, I was completely healed. I've talked about this so many times and this is how God worked exactly according to his word. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
11/8/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 12: Pipelines of the Heart

Have you heard of this story? There was a young man who lived in Germany. He really loved beer. He would come home from work, open up his fridge, and have a nice cold beer. That was the greatest joy of his life. But one day he came home and opened the fridge but he was out of beer. He wanted to drink beer so badly but every once in awhile, he would run out. He would think, "Oh! I need to have some beer! What should I do? But I can’t go out and get it right now.” One day, he had an idea. “How about if I connect the pipeline from the beer factory to my house!” He made this his goal in life. He went to the beer factory and met the manager. “Hello! How are you, Mr. Manager?” “Oh, yes, how are you?” “The beer from your company is so tasty! “Oh, wow, thank you! What brings you here?” “I came to ask for a special request.” “What is it?” “I want to connect the pipeline from the tank in your factory to my house.” The manager replied, “Well that’s a great idea. But we’re not going be selling that much beer to one person. We cannot do that for you.” The man went back home. But he came back the next day. He came back again the next day and kept on asking the manager. The manager of the beer factory contacted a pipeline company and asked for an estimate. They sent to him and estimate and when that young man came to the factory, the manager showed him the estimate. The man agreed to do it. The workers from the pipeline company came and connected the pipeline. The guy called all his friend saying he’s going to have a beer party. All his friends came over. There were glasses everywhere. But where’s the beer? There’s no beer. The guy said, “Hey, don’t worry. Look at all the faucets in my home. All the faucets painted red are the faucets of beer. If you turn it on, you will get beer!" If you connect the pipeline from the beer factory to your house, when you open up the faucet, you’re gonna get a beer. If you believe the words of Jesus, it means the pipe of the heart has been connected between you and Jesus. If we were to labor to become like Jesus it would be so hard. But when your heart becomes connected with the heart of Jesus, you become one heart. Then the life inside of Jesus becomes your life. Then the righteousness inside of Jesus becomes your righteousness. Then the holiness inside of Jesus becomes your holiness. In the heart of Jesus, there is holiness, there is righteousness, there is love, there is wisdom, and there is power and it all becomes ours when we are connected with him. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
11/8/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 11: The Word of God is like a Grenade

You know when I first went to the army, I learned how to throw grenades. We underwent much training to be used in battle. Grenades have a safety handle. When you hold the handle together with the grenade and you remove the safety pin, it will not explode. Then you usually go, "One! Two! Toss!" And when you toss it, then the handle is released. The safety is completely released and it strikes the, the wick, the detonator. The detonator lights on fire. The fire goes all the way to the gun powder which takes about three seconds. And once it reaches three seconds, What happens? The gun powder gets set on fire and then, "BOOM!" There's a big explosion. The metal strap breaks into little pieces and shoots everywhere, killing people. A grenade with a safety pin on it, it's nothing, it's fine. And even though you toss it, if the pin is not removed, it's nothing. Sometimes, people are in such a rush that they throw the grenade in to battle without removing the pin. Then sometimes the enemy catches it removes the pin, tosses it back. and it kills you. For a grenade, once you remove the safety pin, it'll hit the detonator, and light it on fire. The wick will go down for three seconds and then hit the gun powder and it'll blow up. It is the same with the word of God. When the Bible is closed, it's just sitting there -it can't do anything. The word will not work. But when you take the Bible and open it up, and read it, and when you accept that word into your heart, amazing things happen. For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
11/8/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 10: Justified by God

When we search the Bible about righteousness, it is written in Romans chapter 3 verse 10 says, "there is no one righteous, no not one." After reading this, people can naturally think, "Of course, there is no one righteous." But, in Genesis, it is written that Noah was a just man. Also, again in Romans, it tells us that "the just shall live by faith". James chapter 5:16 tells us, "the fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much." There are three parts to this: there are sinners, there are righteous people, and lastly, there is a process of how sinners become righteous.
10/16/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 9: Jesus has Lifted Us up

The biggest reason the man with the infirmity for 38 years was able to accept the words of Jesus was because there was no way for him to walk. As he has lived his life for 38 years, the most important thing he realized was that it was impossible for him to ever walk. He would think, “Now, I cannot walk. I have no way, I have no methods, and I’ve tried everything. I’ve been to hospitals, “I’ve tried to get up, I tried doing leg exercises but it all failed! He had tried everything so he no longer could have any hope in himself. If he failed one time, then maybe he’ll try something new next time. If he had failed ten times, he could think, “But this time, maybe it will work”. If he tried a hundred times, he could have still thought, "Maybe this time, it will work." Maybe that is what he was actually thinking. But no longer could he think in this way. Because for 38 years -for a long long time- he had failed every attempt he tried. Therefore, he knew all of his ways were failures. There’s no way for him to walk whatsoever. But because it was impossible for him and because he had no way, he was able to accept the way of Jesus.
10/12/202028 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 8 - Jesus, the Husband of our Souls

Jesus met the Samaritan woman at a well. The Samaritan woman and Jesus had an amazing conversation. There was a clear difference between the heart of the Samaritan woman and Jesus. However, eventually, her heart and Jesus' heart became one. Jesus said, "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." We would think, "What kind of water is that? What kind of water would make a person never thirst again?" That makes no sense to us. However, this woman believed what Jesus said. She replied, "Jesus, give me this water, that I thirst not." What Jesus said was not the same as her thoughts, nevertheless, this woman accepted Jesus' words. Before, this woman believed that she was going to be happy as she married her first husband. But she was not happy at all, so she went through 5 different marriages and was living with her 6th husband. None of her husbands or choices in life could quench her thirst. But then the words of Jesus became an everlasting spring of living water. She didn't need anything more because now she had Jesus in her heart. The words of Jesus cleansed her of her sin. Jesus' words filled her heart with joy and life.
10/9/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 7 - If Jesus was here

We went into the hospital room of brother Kim Choonghwan. Brother Kim Choonghwan's wife was standing next to the bed with her head down and we walked in, she just looked up and put her head down again. Brother Kim Choonghwan's mother was also next to the bed with her tears streaming down her face. The brother's not dead yet, but in the hearts of the family, he was already dead. But right then, what I thought of was, "If the one who opened the hospital door and entered in was not me but Jesus, what would happen here? Surely, Jesus would heal this brother." Then, I shouted at Brother Kim, "Hey, listen up. The doctor's said you're not going to survive the next two or three days. But that's is just the circumstances. I've read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John many times. Jesus healed so many sick people. And the interesting thing there is when Jesus saw the sick, he never ignored them once. The blind, the lepers, the lame man, and he healed all people of sickness. Jesus never ignores the sick. He always healed them. Jesus wants to heal you. You must know, "Oh, Jesus wants to heal me". Brother, if that's the heart that you have, then the heart of Jesus and your heart become one. "
10/7/202028 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 6 - How God can Work in Our Lives

In the Bible, the people who met Jesus can be divided into two kinds. There’s the one kind who refused the words of Jesus. There’s the other kind who accepted the words of Jesus. Some of the words of Jesus are difficult to understand. However, there were people who accepted those words. For example, Lazarus died. He had been dead for four days. Jesus went to Bethany where Lazarus had lived with his two younger sisters, Mary and Martha. Both sisters were sad that their brother had died. But Jesus said, “Thy brother shall rise again.” Mary and Martha could not accept those words. They thought, "His body has completely rotted! He would smell!" However, Jesus told them, "Didn’t I say that if you believe my words, you shall see the glory of God?” Before Jesus raised the dead Lazarus, He first wanted to revive the Lazarus who was dead in the hearts of Mary and Martha. He kept on telling them, “Your brother will live. I said, ‘if you believe, you will see the glory of God.’” And through that, the words of Jesus began to enter the heart of Mary and Martha. “Ah, if the Lord wills it, then our brother can live.” A new heart was made in them. Right then Mary and Martha opened the tomb. They removed the stone of the tomb, and Jesus said to Lazarus, “Lazarus, come forth.” Jesus is the king of kings, the king of the universe. He says, “Let there be light.” The light obeys. “Storm, be still. Sea, be still.” The storm and the seas obey. As the King of the universe, if Jesus tells a dead man to come back to life, he has not choice but to come back to life. **** Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John streams live every Saturday. You can watch the broadcast on TV or through the links below, and you can also watch it on CTN app and homepage. Hours: 9PM (EDT) 6PM(PDT) TV Stations: Direct TV, DISH, Glorystar, THAICOM, Roku TV Watch past episodes on youtube: For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846
10/6/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 5 - Born of Incorruptible Seed

Being born again is not about being born of the flesh, but it is talking about us being born again spiritually. That’s why 1 Peter chapter 1 verse, 23 says, "Being born again not of corruptible seed. But of incorruptible seed. By the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever." What happens when the Word of God enters in? The earth was without form and void and in deep darkness. The earth cannot get rid of the emptiness, the darkness, the being without form, but the Word of God came upon earth. “Let there be light” and there was light and all the darkness was gone. As the Word of God came upon the earth, “Let the earth bring forth herb-yielding seed, and fruit tree-yielding fruits.” And then the Word of God amazingly became seed; the earth was able to bring forth beautiful flowers and fruits. In the same way, when the Word of God enters our heart, a new life is formed within us. Lazarus had died. But then the Word proceeded from the mouth of Jesus. “Lazarus, come forth.” This is just like when a woman receives the seed from the man and bears a baby, she bears new life. When Jesus spoke the word, Lazarus, who was dead and rotten, was able to live and come forth. The Word entered in and it created a new Lazarus. To the Lazarus who was dead, the Word entered inside and made him into a living Lazarus. About Pastor Ock Soo Park: Pastor Ock Soo Park is receiving world-wide attention due to his accomplishments in the most difficult field of work: changing people’s hearts. From venues such as Madison Square Garden, to Grand Bible Conferences in countries in Africa and South America, Pastor Park travels the globe to only preach the gospel. He is leading multitudes of people to receive the forgiveness of sins and to live a joyful life in Jesus Christ. Currently, his weekly sermon series, “The Lectures on the Gospel of John”, airs on the Christian Television Network (CTN) nationally. Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John streams live every Saturday. You can watch the broadcast on TV or through the links below, and you can also watch it on CTN app and homepage. Hours: 9PM (EDT) 6PM(PDT) TV Stations: Direct TV, DISH, Glorystar, THAICOM, Roku TV (Links for the Saturday Evening Live Stream) Link -… Facebook live:… Watch past episodes on youtube: For more about the Good News Mission: Reach us at: 1-888-466-9846 Follow us on Facebook:
10/2/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 4 - Nicodemus, the Man who Tried to Understand God

One night, Nicodemus came to see Jesus. He said, "We know that you're a teacher that has come from God. For no one can do the miracles that you do unless God was with him." Nicodemus knew that Jesus came from God. However, if Jesus had come from God, whether Jesus' words fit the thoughts of Nicodemus' or not, he should follow those words. If Jesus says something to Nicodemus, then Nicodemus should accept what He is saying. He should think, "Oh really? Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God?" But he was unable to accept the word. He thought instead, "How could an old man be born again? Can he enter the second time into the womb and come back out?" He is saying that the words of Jesus' nonsense. Everyone, Jesus is not a human; He is God. He thinks of a world of thoughts that we cannot obtain to. He knows the scriptures and the wisdom that we cannot know of. The more we read the Bible, we can see how holy Jesus is, and how full of love He is, and how wise He is. For us to evaluate and judge Jesus with our humanistic thinking is so foolish. However, Nicodemus thinks that he is wise. He tries to understand the words "born again" within his own standard, and so, he's unable to understand. That's why sometimes we do understand what Jesus says, but sometimes we are unable to understand. But if we are to believe in Jesus, we should not only believe in what we do understand but we should also believe in the words that we do not understand as well. About Pastor Ock Soo Park: Pastor Ock Soo Park is receiving world-wide attention due to his accomplishments in the most difficult field of work: changing people’s hearts. From venues such as Madison Square Garden, to Grand Bible Conferences in countries in Africa and South America, Pastor Park travels the globe to only preach the gospel. He is leading multitudes of people to receive the forgiveness of sins and to live a joyful life in Jesus Christ. Currently, his weekly sermon series, “The Lectures on the Gospel of John”, airs on the Christian Television Network (CTN) nationally. Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John streams live every Saturday. You can watch the broadcast on TV or through the links below, and you can also watch it on CTN app and homepage. Hours: 9PM (EDT) 6PM(PDT) TV Stations: Direct TV, DISH, Glorystar, THAICOM, Roku TV (Links for the Saturday Evening Live Stream) Link -… Facebook live:… Watch past episodes on youtube: For more about the Good News Mission: 1-888-466-9846 Follow us on Facebook:
10/1/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 3 - I am wrong and the Word of God is Rignt

Episode 3: I am Wrong and the Word of God is Right Brother Shim wanted to live an upright life and to have a great walk of faith with God. However, one day, he started drinking and became a severe alchoholic. Brother Shim also wanted to break free from his addiction but he was unable to do so for over 20 years. However, one day, he had a chance to speak with Pastor Ock Soo Park. Pastor Park did not speak to him about anything else but first turned to Hebrews 10:14: "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." Pastor Park asked him, "Brother, it says in the Bible that the cross of Jesus has perfected you. If Jesus Christ has perfected you and if that is what the Bible is saying, then are you perfect?" Brother Shim laughed at first. "How can someone like me dare say I am perfect. I am a helpless alcoholic." he said. However, for the next 15 minutes, Pastor Park and Brother Shim argued. They argued about whether what Brother Shim thought was right or what the word of God said was right. In the end, Brother Shim acknowledged that he was wrong and the word of God was right. Brother Shim believed in Hebrews 10:14. He declared, "If Jesus says that He has perfected me, then I am perfect!". He then stopped drinking the very next day. Now, he is a pastor who is reaching many souls for Christ. About Pastor Ock Soo Park: Pastor Ock Soo Park is receiving world-wide attention due to his accomplishments in the most difficult field of work: changing people’s hearts. From venues such as Madison Square Garden, to Grand Bible Conferences in countries in Africa and South America, Pastor Park travels the globe to only preach the gospel. He is leading multitudes of people to receive the forgiveness of sins and to live a joyful life in Jesus Christ. Currently, his weekly sermon series, “The Lectures on the Gospel of John”, airs on the Christian Television Network (CTN) nationally. Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John streams live every Saturday. You can watch the broadcast on TV or through the links below, and you can also watch it on CTN app and homepage. Hours: 9PM (EDT) 6PM(PDT) TV Stations: Direct TV, DISH, Glorystar, THAICOM, Roku TV (Links for the Saturday Evening Live Stream) Link -… Facebook live:… Watch past episodes on youtube:… For more about the Good News Mission: Reach us at: 1-888-466-9846 Follow us on Facebook:
9/29/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 2 - The Word of God is More Precious Than Gold

The Gospel of John provides an accurate description of what Jesus Christ can do for those who accept His words, whether it be the man with the 38-year infirmity, the woman caught in the act of adultery, or the countless others who had their sins cleansed and their diseases healed through Him. We hope that many people meet Jesus Christ through Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John.
9/28/202028 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 1 - Accepting Jesus, Accepting the Word of God.

The Gospel of John provides an accurate description of what Jesus Christ can do for those who accept His words, whether it be the man with the 38-year infirmity, the woman caught in the act of adultery, or the countless others who had their sins cleansed and their diseases healed through Him. We hope that many people meet Jesus Christ through Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Lectures on the Gospel of John.
9/26/202028 minutes, 28 seconds