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One Verse Devotional

English, Christianity, 2021 seasons, 999 episodes, 4 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes
Is it hard to find time to spend with God? The One Verse Devotional is a short, daily podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through one verse a day. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick
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Welcome Back

The One Verse Devotional Podcast is back! It's been exactly one year since I stepped away... and I've missed you! I am so glad to be back with new episodes starting March 1, 2022.  Make sure and subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Peace! Matt
2/28/20222 minutes, 40 seconds
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Stepping Away

This is the episode I never thought I'd be recording. After 5 years, 950 episodes, and 750,000 downloads, I am stepping away to take a break.  The One Verse Daily Devotional will still be available. I am keeping the podcast up. Feel free to go back and listen to past episodes at
2/28/202111 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jesus Means Salvation | Matthew 1:21 | December 17

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. -Matthew 1:21
12/17/20205 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Christmas Began | Matthew 1:18 | December 15

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.  -Matthew 1:18
12/15/20204 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Line of David | Psalm 89:4 | December 14

"I will establish your line forever and make your throne firm through all generations." -Psalm 89:4
12/14/20206 minutes, 43 seconds
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Advent 2020 | Isaiah 7:14 | December 13

Welcome to Advent 2020, One Verse Devotional style! Get your free Christmas devotional!
12/13/20207 minutes, 11 seconds
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Praising and Cursing | James 3:10 | December 8

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be." -James 3:9-10
12/8/20205 minutes, 54 seconds
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Wonderful things | Isaiah 25:1 | December 7

Our God is worthy of praise. He has done wonderful things planned long ago.
12/7/20206 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ambassadors of God | 2 Corinthians 5:20 | December 3

God has invited us to join Him in His restoration of the world. We are God’s ambassadors, living our lives “as though God were making his appeal through us.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
12/3/20208 minutes, 9 seconds
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God is not angry with you | 2 Corinthians 5:19 | November 18

There is only one thing I want you to hear today: God is NOT angry with you! He loves you and simply wants to have a relationship with you. He is not angry about your past. He is way more concerned with your future.
11/18/20206 minutes, 3 seconds
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Restored Relationship | 2 Corinthians 5:18 | November 17

Salvation was God’s idea! God desired to restore the broken relationship that sin brought. Through Christ, we are reconciled back to God. Our relationship has been restored!
11/17/20207 minutes, 15 seconds
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A New Creation | 2 Corinthians 5:17 | November 16

Great news! You can stop feeling guilty about your past. If you are a follower of Jesus, you are a new creation! (2 Cor. 5:17) God is more concerned with your future than your past.
11/16/20205 minutes, 14 seconds
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In the Morning | Psalm 59:16 | November 15

"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16
11/15/20205 minutes, 20 seconds
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Others Above Yourself | Philippians 2:3 | November 13

Live like Jesus and value others above yourself! In the Gospels, Jesus taught us a different way: Put others first. Paul reminds us of that in Philippians 2:3. 
11/13/20204 minutes, 35 seconds
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Give your anxiety to God | 1 Peter 5:7 | November 12

Stop feeling guilty for your anxiety. God cares enough about us that He doesn’t judge us. He tells us to give it to Him.
11/12/20203 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Cheerful Giver | 2 Corinthians 9:7 | November 11

God loves a cheerful giver!
11/11/20205 minutes, 41 seconds
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Weary in doing good | Galatians 6:9 | November 9

This is a season of doing good for family and others. It is a time of giving. Unfortunately, we can also become burned out when trying to do too much without taking care of ourselves. The Apostle Paul understood this. He encourages us in Galatians 6:9 that we do not become weary, tired, or worn out when doing good. Maybe you need to pause and take care of yourself.
11/9/20204 minutes, 55 seconds
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My Fortress And Stronghold | Psalm 18:2 | November 8

God is our refuge, our salvation, and our stronghold. When life gets busy and filled with anxiety and worry, He is our Rock. If life feels crazy right now and you’re trying to do it all on your own, run to God and allow Him to be your protection.
11/8/20205 minutes, 1 second
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Love God By Helping Others | Hebrews 6:10 | November 6

Let us show our love for God by the way we treat His children.
11/6/20206 minutes, 32 seconds
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God is Sovereign | Daniel 4:17 | November 3

God is never surprised by the outcome of an election.
11/3/20204 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Peace of God | Philippians 4:7 | November 2

Can anyone use a little peace today? The Peace of God is larger than life and transcends all understanding. If you let it, it will guard your hearts and minds
11/2/20207 minutes, 20 seconds
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Take Refuge In Him | Psalm 18:30 | November 1

God will shield us and protect us when we’re weak. He is a loving and protecting Father. He is our refuge.
11/1/20205 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Righteous Will Live By Faith | Romans 1:17 | October 31

"For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” Romans 1:17 This is the verse that changed Martin Luther's life.
10/31/20206 minutes, 22 seconds
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Jesus Understands Our Weakness | Hebrews 4:15 | October 30

Jesus lived a perfect life, but he was also tempted. He understands our weaknesses and can even empathize with us. He isn’t upset with us. He understands, and He is here to help.
10/30/20207 minutes, 8 seconds
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Through Wordless Groans | Romans 8:26 | October 29

If you don’t know how to pray, or you feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling, take comfort in the fact the the Holy Spirit is praying to God FOR YOU on your behalf.
10/29/20205 minutes, 51 seconds
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Do good to all people | Galatians 6:10 | October 28

Why are christians so cruel and hard on other christians? The Bible is very clear on this: Do good to all people, ESPECIALLY those within our church family. I think it’s time that we take Galatians 6:10 seriously!
10/28/20205 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Living One | Revelation 1:18 | October 26

We serve a LIVING God! He is the great Conqueror and the great Overcomer. He holds the keys to death and hell!
10/26/20203 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Lord is My Shepherd | Psalm 23:1 | October 25

The Lord God is our Shepherd. Through Him, we lack nothing. (Psalm 23:1) This is one of the most profound truths you’ll ever hear. Read it over and over until it fully grips your heart.
10/25/20204 minutes, 9 seconds
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My Grace is Sufficient | 2 Corinthians 12:9 | October 23

Paul had a physical “thorn in his flesh.” He prayed on three different occasions for God to take this away from Him. But God didn’t do it. Yet, God’s answer to Paul is something every Christian needs to hear. We need to remember this. God’s Grace is all-encompassing. Whether it is the physical pain Paul endured or an emotional scar that represents a painful past mistake in our lives, God’s Grace and His Love is sufficient in our lives. God's grace is all we truly need!
10/23/20206 minutes, 5 seconds
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By Grace, Through Faith | Ephesians 2:8 | October 22

It is by Grace we are saved through faith. Our faith unlocks this Grace in our lives. It is not because of any good works on our part. Otherwise, we could brag about how great we are. No, it is ALL about God, His Love, and how great He is! By His grace, alone, we are saved!
10/22/20206 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mercy Over Sacrifice | Matthew 9:13 | October 21

Jesus is more concerned with us showing mercy and love to others than trying to be good little boys and girls.
10/21/20206 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Spiritual Hospital | Matthew 9:12 | October 20

When Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to become a disciple, the Pharisees could not handle it. They rebuked Jesus for hanging out with sinners. But Jesus has a different view. Jesus is the benefactor of Grace. And through this story, Jesus reminds us of something key… It is the sick who need a doctor.
10/20/20207 minutes, 31 seconds
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Restore the joy of Your salvation | Psalm 51:12 | October 19

Sometimes our faith can become stale. Our past mistakes can beat us down. David understood that better than anyone. In Psalm 51, he prays, “Lord, restore to me the joy of your salvation.” We all need to pray this from time to time. I know I do.
10/19/20206 minutes, 1 second
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Hatred stirs up conflict | Proverbs 10:12 | October 17

If there is a perfect verse for 2020, it's Proverbs 10:12! "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." Proverbs 10:12
10/17/20205 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Have a Relationship with God | 1 John 4:15 | October 16

The Bible makes us an amazing promise: If we acknowledge that Jesus is God, God will live with us and spend time with us.
10/16/20205 minutes, 45 seconds
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May God Strengthen Your Heart | 1 Thessalonians 3:13 | October 15

God will strengthen your heart. He will provide the energy, power, and rest you need to live a blameless life.
10/15/20206 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Lord our Rock | Isaiah 26:4 | October 14

When it feels like the waves of life are washing out the sand beneath our feet, we can take comfort in the Lord. He is our Rock, and we can build our foundation on Him.
10/14/20204 minutes, 28 seconds
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Walk in the way of Love | Ephesians 5:2 | October 13

What does the Christian life look like? How are we supposed to live out our faith? Ephesians 5:2 gives us a simple guideline: Walk in the way of Love. This is the example that Jesus set for us. What a beautiful way to live!
10/13/20205 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Love of a Father | Psalm 103:13 | October 11

“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” -Psalm 103:13
10/11/20205 minutes, 46 seconds
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Be an Ant, Man | Proverbs 6:6 | October 10

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!" Proverbs 6:6
10/10/20205 minutes, 46 seconds
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Faith, Hope, Love | 1 Corinthians 13:13 | October 9

The three greatest forces in the entire universe are Faith, Hope, and Love.
10/9/20207 minutes, 6 seconds
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True Love Fights | 1 Corinthians 13:7 | October 8

True love isn’t afraid to get its hands dirty. True love puts its boots on and goes to work. True love fight for others.
10/8/20206 minutes, 58 seconds
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Rejoice in Truth | 1 Corinthians 13:6 | October 7

True Love, God-Love, does not rejoice when someone else fails or becomes jealous when someone else succeeds. Love rejoices. Have you ever been in a situation where you are working hard at chasing your dreams only to see someone else reach theirs much quicker? We don’t know what it took them to get there. We don’t know the sacrifice or work they invested. But from our perspective, it sure looks like it was a lot easier and a lot faster than what we have experienced! Have you been there? I have. In those times, it’s easy to get jealous. It’s easy to (secretly!) wish that something bad would happen or that they would hit an obstacle like we have been hitting. But that’s not how Love works, at least not God-Love. Our One Verse today comes from 1 Corinthians 13:6 and teaches us that Love never rejoices in evil. It doesn’t secretly hope that something bad will happen to someone else. God-Love rejoices in Truth. We need to constantly remind ourselves that God’s Love is not scarce. Blessings in another person’s life does NOT mean less for us. God’s Love is abundant. We can, and should, rejoice with others even when we are in the midst of chasing after our own dreams. Go and Love others and rejoice with them today. 📖ABOUT THE ONE VERSE DAILY DEVOTIONAL 📖 The One Verse Daily Devotional is a short, daily Bible study for anyone who wants to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. Our goal is simple: Grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day. ➡️ Learn more about The One Verse Devotional and listen to past episodes: 🎧 Subscribe and Listen to The One Verse Devotional HERE: Apple: Spotify: 📱 Connect with Phosphorus Project on Social Media: 🙏 Join our private Facebook Group: The Phosphorus Family Subscribe to Phosphorus Project here: Thanks for joining me! Peace, Matt
10/7/20209 minutes, 51 seconds
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What is Love (Part 2) | 1 Corinthians 13:5 | October 6

True love doesn't hold onto offenses for a later fight. "It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Corinthians 13:5
10/6/20207 minutes, 19 seconds
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What is Love (Part 1) | 1 Corinthians 13:4 | October 5

What is love? This week, we are looking at the definition of true love. 1 Corinthians 13 is more than a wedding passage. It teaches us about the kind of Love that God has for us so we can share this same Love with others.
10/5/20207 minutes, 48 seconds
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My help comes from the Lord | Psalm 121:2 | October 4

When we need help, who better than the Maker of heaven and earth! Nothing is too big for God. Reach out to Him in your time of need.
10/4/20205 minutes, 13 seconds
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Financial Freedom | Proverbs 6:5 | October 3

This Proverbs isn't about hunting... "Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler." -Proverbs 6:5
10/3/20206 minutes, 2 seconds
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Loving God means loving others | 1 John 4:21 | October 2

Only a movement of Love can stop fear from taking over. If you love God, you must love His children.
10/2/20208 minutes, 14 seconds
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The lost art of confession | 1 John 1:9 | October 1

Confession may not be fun, but it is the best way to allow God to cleanse us from impurities and stay in tune with our Savior.
10/1/20206 minutes, 5 seconds
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You are FREE | John 8:36 | September 30

Jesus made it clear in the Gospel of John: If the Son (Jesus, Himself) has set you free, you are truly free!
9/30/20208 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Truth will set you free | John 8:32 | September 29

The more we know Jesus, the greater freedom we will experience.
9/29/20205 minutes, 57 seconds
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Disciples of Jesus | John 8:31 | September 28

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Today, we are going back to square 1...
9/28/20206 minutes, 12 seconds
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Abounding in Love | Psalm 86:5 | September 27

God isn’t a grumpy old man, waiting to punish you. He is forgiving and good and filled with love.
9/27/20205 minutes, 13 seconds
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Keep your mouth free | Proverbs 4:24 | September 26

"Keep your [posts] free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your [keyboard]." Proverbs 4:24 (2020 paraphrase)
9/26/20205 minutes, 6 seconds
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Friends of God | John 15:15 | September 25

"I no longer call you servants, I have called you friends" John 15:15
9/25/20206 minutes, 33 seconds
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Set the oppressed free | Luke 4:18 | September 24

Jesus came to share good news, proclaim freedom to prisoners, and set the oppressed free. As His followers, shouldn’t we do the same?
9/24/20208 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Cure for Temptation | Galatians 5:16 | September 23

We all struggle with temptation, BUT… there is a cure. "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." Galatians 5:16 We make mistakes. We fail. We sin. We are broken and imperfect people. But God is good. He wants to help us. Our One Verse today is Galatians 5:16 and teaches one simple concept: The closer we get to God through His Spirit, the more we can overcome temptation in our lives. Come to God BROKEN and let Him heal you! 
9/23/20206 minutes, 1 second
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Think on these things | Philippians 4:8 | September 22

Our culture is obsessed with the negative and controversial. Just watch the news. But God says to think about what is lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy.
9/22/20206 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Spiritual Battle | 2 Thessalonians 3:3 | September 21

It can be easy to dismiss, but we must remember that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle every day of our lives and we have an enemy who wants to destroy us. But God is stronger!
9/21/20204 minutes, 56 seconds
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Remain confident in this | Psalm 27:13 | September 20

At times, life will get crazy. But remain confident in one thing: You will see the goodness of God in your life. "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13
9/20/20204 minutes, 30 seconds
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What Proverbs says about Facebook | Proverbs 21:4 | September 19

"Haughty eyes and a proud heart—the unplowed field of the wicked—produce sin" Proverbs 21:4 Most of us would say we don't want to be prideful. However, when we look at the word "haughty" we can easily see how things have gotten out of hand on the internet. Maybe Solomon had something to say thousands of years ago about how we act on social media today.
9/19/20207 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Light Of The World | John 8:12 | September 18

Jesus is the Light of the world, and He calls us to follow in His Light. As we grow closer to Him, the Light of Jesus becomes greater than any darkness we encounter in this world. Jesus promises the Light of Life to illuminate our path.
9/18/20207 minutes, 1 second
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I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life | John 14:6 | September 17

This is the controversy of the Gospel: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6  
9/17/20208 minutes, 35 seconds
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I AM the Resurrection | John 11:25 | September 16

Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead. He IS the Resurrection. It is a part of who He is. He offers new and fresh life.  “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;” John 11:25
9/16/20207 minutes, 8 seconds
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I AM the Vine | John 15:5 | September 15

“I AM the Vine... Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Strong, but true words from Jesus in John 15:5. We must stay connected to the Vine!
9/15/20207 minutes, 6 seconds
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I AM the Good Shepherd | John 10:14 | September 14

In the OT, God said His name was I AM. In the NT, Jesus finished the statement and explained who God is in our lives. In John 10:14, Jesus tells us, "I AM…the Good Shepherd"
9/14/20209 minutes, 7 seconds
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God knows your voice | Psalm 116:1 | September 13

God knows your voice! "I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy." Psalm 116:1
9/13/20203 minutes, 59 seconds
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Wise In Your Own Eyes | Proverbs 3:7 | September 12

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil." Proverbs 3:7
9/12/20205 minutes, 34 seconds
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Stand Firm, Hold Fast | 2 Thessalonians 2:15 | September 11

"So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter." - 2 Thessalonians 2:15
9/11/20205 minutes, 21 seconds
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A prayer of blessing for you | Romans 15:13 | September 10

This is my prayer for you: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:13  
9/10/20204 minutes, 30 seconds
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We are ALL ministers | 2 Corinthians 3:6 | September 9

You, yes you, are a minister of Jesus.
9/9/20205 minutes, 54 seconds
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When God says Go | Genesis 12:1 | September 8

When God calls us to go, He rarely tells us the exact destination. God wants our trust and obedience. Just Go… and let God show you the way!
9/8/20207 minutes, 11 seconds
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Great Gain | 1 Timothy 6:6 | September 7

The greatest “wealth” we can achieve is growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus and being content with the blessing He has given us.
9/7/20204 minutes, 31 seconds
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Living up to your potential | Colossians 2:10 | September 2

The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will live according to our gifts, passions, and purpose in this world!
9/2/20204 minutes, 58 seconds
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The fullness of God | Colossians 2:9 | September 1

A simple reminder: Jesus is the TOTAL fullness of God in human form. We serve a MIGHTY and POWERFUL Savior!
9/1/20204 minutes, 43 seconds
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Wings like eagles | Isaiah 40:31 | August 31

As followers of Jesus, we can run, yet not grow weary. We can soar with wings like eagles. But we need to learn how to trust and place our hope in God. Pro tip: It doesn’t come naturally!
8/31/20205 minutes, 4 seconds
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Be prepared | 1 Peter 3:15 | August 28

One aspect of being a follower of Jesus is that we are supposed to share our faith. This is the one thing that freaks most Christians out! Always be prepared to give an answer. That is what we learn in our One Verse today. But what does that really mean? Do we have to prepared to answer everything about the Bible? That's our topic on today's podcast.
8/28/20208 minutes, 50 seconds
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Building Others Up | Ephesians 4:29 | August 27

The negative talk in our culture is becoming unbearable. But if it’s going to change, it has to start with us.
8/27/20206 minutes, 40 seconds
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Spur on one another | Hebrews 10:24 | August 26

As Christians, we are called a family for a reason. We aren’t called to guilt or shame others, but to come alongside them and encourage them in love and good deeds.
8/26/20206 minutes, 46 seconds
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Accept One Another | Romans 15:7 | August 25

We are called to accept others. Those in the Church. Those outside of the Church. When will the Church get serious about this command?
8/25/20206 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Bread of Life | John 6:35 | August 24

The disciples ask Jesus for a sign that they should follow Him. (BTW, this was AFTER Jesus fed the 5,000 and walked on water!) They “remind” Jesus that God sent Moses bread from heaven as a sign. Jesus uses their own illustration and teaches us an important lesson: He is the Bread of Life and the closer we grow to Him, the more fulfilled we will be.
8/24/20207 minutes, 28 seconds
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Show me your ways Lord | Psalm 25:4 | August 23

A prayer for your week: “Show me your ways, Lord. Teach me your paths.” -Psalm 25:4
8/23/20203 minutes
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Rest in Jesus | Matthew 11:28 | August 22

Is life weighing you down? When we feel weary and burdened, Jesus invites us to come to Him and He promises to give us rest.
8/22/20207 minutes, 50 seconds
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Nothing is too hard for God | Jeremiah 32:17 | August 21

Even in the midst of storms in our lives, even when we don’t understand or can’t explain the storm, nothing is too hard for God.
8/21/20207 minutes, 53 seconds
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Deep and Wide | Ephesians 3:18 | August 20

Do we grasp how wide and long and high and deep God’s love is for us?
8/20/20206 minutes, 56 seconds
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Rooted in Love | Ephesians 3:17 | August 19

Through His Spirit, God will give us power to live out our purpose in this world and to love others.
8/19/20207 minutes, 57 seconds
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Strengthened through His Spirit | Ephesians 3:16 | August 18

My prayer for you is that you would be strengthened today with the power of God through His Spirit. Through God’s glorious riches, He will strengthen us and give us His power. It is so easy to get caught up in the small details of life and forget that we serve a God who needs nothing. He has everything. And from those riches, He blesses us and provides for us! Through His Spirit, God will comfort us and give us power to live out our purpose in this world and to love others. I pray this for you today. May you be strengthened by His Spirit!
8/18/20204 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Special Possession | 1 Peter 2:9 | August 7

In the Old Testament, only the High Priest could come into the Presence of God, and it was just one time per year. Now, God allows us to encounter His presence whenever we choose. Do NOT take prayer for granted. It is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us.
8/7/20205 minutes, 56 seconds
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A war for your soul | 1 Peter 5:8 | August 6

Satan works in small temptations.
8/6/20207 minutes, 25 seconds
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Faith vs Deeds | James 2:18 |May 21

Is being a Christian about having deep faith or doing good deeds? According to the book of James, both!
5/21/20206 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lacking Wisdom | James 1:5 | May 21

The Bible promises that, if we ask God, He will give us His wisdom generously.
5/21/20207 minutes, 13 seconds
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Quick to listen | James 1:19 | May 20

Let’s be quick to open our ears and slow to open our mouths (Or type on our keyboards!)
5/20/20204 minutes, 41 seconds
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No other name | Acts 4:12 | May 15

We can only put our hope of salvation in Jesus. Both our future salvation as well as our salvation for today and tomorrow.
5/15/20205 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Lord will fight for you | Exodus 14:14 | May 13

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." -Exodus 14:14
5/13/20206 minutes, 18 seconds
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A refuge in the storm | Psalm 46:1 | May 13

God is the safety, help, and strength we need to survive any storm that comes our way.
5/13/20208 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Wise Path v The Foolish Path | Proverbs 10:1 | May 12

"The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother." -Proverbs 10:1
5/12/20205 minutes, 48 seconds
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Build up one another | 1 Thessalonians 5:11 | May 11

This world needs love. We need to build up others, not tear them down. Please find someone today to encourage. They need it. The world needs it.
5/11/20204 minutes, 8 seconds
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Stewards of Creation | Genesis 1:26 | May 7

Christians who believe in a Creator should want to take care of His Creation.
5/7/20206 minutes, 55 seconds
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Do not crack that door | Ephesians 4:27 | May 7

"Do not give the devil a foothold." -Ephesians 4:27
5/7/20207 minutes, 54 seconds
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Set your mind on things above | Colossians 3:2 | May 7

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." -Colossians 3:2
5/7/20205 minutes, 25 seconds
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Crucified with Christ | Galatians 2:20 | May 6

What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? It can sound scary, but I believe it can change your life if you adopt this way of thinking. Through Jesus, we can put our old lives, our old decisions, and our old identities to death. We are new creatures, living by faith, every day, with a God who loves us unconditionally.
5/6/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pleasing to God | Psalm 19:14 | May 6

"May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." -Psalm 19:14
5/6/20203 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Teachable Spirit | Proverbs 9:9 | May 6

"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning." -Proverbs 9:9
5/6/20204 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rejoice always | Philippians 4:4 | May 5

No matter what situation or life phase you find yourself in, there is something you can rejoice in. I challenge you to find something (or many things) to rejoice in today.
5/5/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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Actively Waiting on Goad | Isaiah 26:8 | May 5

When we need to wait on God, it never means to sit back and do nothing. Waiting on God is an “active” waiting. Isaiah reminds us to follow the Law of God while we are waiting for Him to speak into our lives.
5/5/20205 minutes, 56 seconds
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Encouraged by your faith | 1 Thessalonians 3:7 | May 5

"Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith." -1 Thessalonians 3:7
5/5/20206 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Purpose of His Will | Ephesians 1:10 | May 4

“In essentials, unity; In nonessentials, liberty; In all things, love.”
5/4/20208 minutes
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The Mystery of His Will | Ephesians 1:9 | May 4

God’s will is a mystery. The Bible makes that clear, but maybe it’s not as mysterious as we make it. It is more like a great mystery novel. There are twists and turns, but in the end, all will be revealed. Everything is a mystery… until it isn’t. And this is true of our faith. There is a difference between a mystery and a secret. God wants to reveal the mystery of His will to us. He isn’t holding onto a secret.
5/4/20206 minutes, 49 seconds
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Where do you put your trust | Psalm 20:7 | April 30

Fill in the blank for yourself: “Some trust in _______ and some in________, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” -Psalm 20:7
4/30/20205 minutes, 34 seconds
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From His Mouth | Proverbs 2:6 | April 30

"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." -Proverbs 2:6
4/30/20206 minutes, 29 seconds
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As for me and my house | Joshua 24:15 | April 29

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Our One Verse today comes from the book of Joshua. Joshua was the leader of Israel in the Old Testament after Moses. He took the Israelites into the Promised Land. At the end of his life, after years of service and leadership to his people. He made one of his final addresses. In a sense, he drew a line in the sand. You can serve whoever you want to serve, but me and my household will continue to serve the Lord. What an inspiring message! He could of pointed to himself, but this wise leader pointed everything to God. My prayer is this will be a phrase you live by in your own life. Will you serve the Lord?
4/29/20207 minutes, 39 seconds
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Run your race well | 1 Corinthians 9:24 | April 24

The spiritual life is like a marathon. It takes time, energy, and discipline. Paul reminds us of this in 1 Corinthians 9. He encourages us to prepare ourselves for the race ahead and then to run in such a way as to gain the prize that will last forever. Where do you need discipline in your life?
4/24/20206 minutes, 28 seconds
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May Your Love Increase | 1 Thessalonians 3:12 | Episode 800

Today is episode 800 of the One Verse Devotional. I want to say thank you for being a part of this journey, and I want to challenge you to love others.
4/23/20206 minutes, 9 seconds
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Forget your past | Philippians 3:13 | April 22

Many of us feel pain and regret over past mistakes and sins. However, you will never fully realize the glorious future that God has for you until you let go of your past.
4/22/20208 minutes, 15 seconds
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God can free you | Psalm 25:15 | April 22

Whenever I hear the word, snare, I think of a trapped animal. Doesn’t life feel like this at times? Today’s One Verse gives us some great advice when we find ourselves in this situation.
4/22/20206 minutes, 46 seconds
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We will establish your plans | Proverbs 16:3 | April 21

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." -Proverbs 16:3
4/21/20204 minutes, 5 seconds
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Press on to win the prize | Philippians 3:14 | April 21

Live your life for the only prize that truly matters! We have a mission. We have been given a goal: Love others. Care for others. Look after those who need help. Share the Gospel message of Jesus Christ with the world. THIS is the prize, the goal we have been given in Jesus. Let us live every day with this goal in mind!
4/21/20204 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Faith of Friends | Mark 2:5 | April 21

Can our faith have an effect on our friends? According to today’s One Verse, it does! Mark 2 is an amazing story of friends showing up to help. They did all they could to get their friend in front of Jesus (I thought “Let’s tear the roof off this place!” was just an expression). And Jesus makes it clear: The man was healed because of the faith of his friends. What does that mean for us today? It makes me want to be a better friend.
4/21/20207 minutes, 43 seconds
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Jesus is knocking | Revelation 3:20 | April 20

“I stand at the door and knock.” This is a famous verse that many Christians are familiar with. But here is the sobering part of this verse: Jesus was speaking to the Church! At some point, Jesus was pushed out. Now, He patiently waits outside the door, knocking, and hoping that someone will invite Him back in.
4/20/20208 minutes, 3 seconds
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Great and unsearchable things | Jeremiah 33:3 | April 20

God will uncover His heart as we grow closer to Him.
4/20/20207 minutes, 12 seconds
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The light of the world | Matthew 5:14 | April 19

As followers of the One True Light (Jesus), we are called to reflect His Light and Love to a dark and hurting world. We are the light of the world.
4/19/20207 minutes, 33 seconds
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The plans of God stand firm | Psalm 33:11 | April 19

Even when life takes a turn, God isn’t surprised. God knows where you are at in life, where you have been, and where you are going. His plans will stand firm. I love this because I don’t always know where I am going. But God is never surprised by our circumstances. 
4/19/20204 minutes, 29 seconds
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What is his name | Proverbs 30:4 | April 18

"Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Whose hands have gathered up the wind? Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is the name of his son? Surely you know!" -Proverbs 30:4
4/18/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Sacrifice of a Savior | Matthew 27:50 | Good Friday

I head a question once: “Was Jesus murdered or did He commit suicide?” Neither. He gave Himself as a sacrifice in the greatest act of Love the world will ever see. Spend some time, today, reflecting on the love Jesus showed to you through the cross.
4/18/20203 minutes, 54 seconds
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Love one another | John 13:34 | April 17

As Jesus prepared to go to the cross, He left us with a simple command: Love one another.
4/17/20205 minutes, 49 seconds
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Love your neighbor | Matthew 22:39 | April 8

During this time of coronavirus and the Covid-19 pandemic, how can we effectively love our neighbor?
4/8/20207 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Greatest Commandment | Matthew 22:37 | April 8

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. As we look to Easter, let’s spend some time with God and express our love and thankfulness to Him.
4/8/20204 minutes, 49 seconds
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Who is Jesus | Matthew 21:10 | April 7

At some point in our lives, we all have to answer this question: “Who is Jesus?”
4/8/20207 minutes, 41 seconds
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Palm Sunday | Psalm 118:25 | April 5

"Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success!" -Psalm 118:25
4/5/20209 minutes, 23 seconds
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Blessed Children | Proverbs 8:32 | April 5

“Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways." -Proverbs 8:32
4/5/20206 minutes, 34 seconds
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Children of God | Galatians 3:26 | April 5

"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith," -Galatians 3:26
4/5/20208 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Love of a Father | Luke 11:13 | April 5

"If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” -Luke 11:13
4/5/20207 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hope in the unseen | Hebrews 11:1 | April 5

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1
4/5/20204 minutes, 51 seconds
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God will guide you to His will | Philippians 2:13 | April 5

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." -Philippians 2:13
4/5/20208 minutes, 27 seconds
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Saving your life | Matthew 16:25 | April 2

To save your life, you must lose it in Jesus.
4/2/20208 minutes, 14 seconds
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God will confide in you | Psalm 25:14 | April 2

The closer you get to God, the more of His secrets He will share with you!
4/2/202016 minutes, 39 seconds
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Get Wisdom | Proverbs 4:7 | March 28

"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." -Proverbs 4:7
3/28/20205 minutes, 27 seconds
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Let love flow through you | Isaiah 1:17 | March 27

How should a Christian live? Is it all about going to church, following rules, and talking about Jesus? Well, no. We are called to let the Love of God flow into us, and then through us, out into the world. That is how a Christian should live. #LoveOverFear
3/27/20204 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tell Your Story | 1 John 1:1 | March 26

Sharing your faith is one of the scariest parts of being a Christian, but it doesn’t have to be. Are you afraid that someone will ask you a question that you don’t have an answer to? You don’t have to be worried about that, either. In our One Verse today, John teaches us how to share our faith: Simply tell your story.
3/26/20205 minutes, 32 seconds
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Honor God with your body | 1 Corinthians 6:20 | March 25

“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” There is a lot of talk today about what we can do as Christians. What is ok, what is not ok? What is right, what is wrong? How should we live our lives? I think these are the wrong questions. Our One Verse today in 1 Corinthians 6:20 gives us a different outlook. It reminds us that Jesus paid everything for our future. We had sin and judgement and death to look forward to, but Jesus turned that into life and grace and forgiveness. So, how should we live in light of this fact? By loving God and loving others. That is how we honor God with our actions.
3/25/20204 minutes, 47 seconds
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Heaven is cheering for you | Hebrews 12:1 | March 24

Our One Verse today is packed full of awesomeness. In one simple verse, we can see three key principles for our spiritual lives. First, we learn that we are surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses.” This means that Heaven is cheering you on. The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes perseverance. It takes discipline. Stick with it. Finally, it we are running a race, we need to remove any weight that is holding us back. We know we need to get rid of sin in our lives. But what else is in your life that is holding you back? Is anything getting in the way of God’s best for your life? Let’s remove anything that hinders us from running our race well.
3/24/20206 minutes, 52 seconds
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Temporary or Eternal | 2 Corinthians 4:18 | March 23

What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Faith requires us to have an understanding of a world we cannot see. In life, we want to put our trust in what we can see and touch. It’s comforting. But it is a false sense of safety. Everything around us is temporary. It won’t last. As followers of Jesus, God calls us to see the world with different eyes. Let us live our lives for what truly matters, even if we can’t see it now. And let us trust God to take care of us, even when we can’t see the answer right in front of us.
3/23/20205 minutes, 3 seconds
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Create in me a clean heart | Psalm 51:10 | March 22

God cares more about what He is doing in your future than about the mistakes of your past.
3/23/20206 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Tablet Of Your Heart | Proverbs 3:3 | March 21

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." -Proverbs 3:3
3/21/20205 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is anything too hard for God | Jeremiah 32:27 | March 20

 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” We need to keep this verse close to us at all times. If you have ever experienced heartache, pain, or disappointment in your life, this verse is for you. I love this verse because it is the answer to so many questions. How many times have you looked at God and asked, “Lord, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. I don’t know how I can overcome this pain. I don’t know how I can face this sickness. I don’t know how we’re going to pay this bill. Are You there? Can You help me?” Have you asked those questions? I have. And for each of those situations, Jeremiah 32:27 is the answer. Keep this verse in your wallet. Keep it in your purse. And when you have one of those deep life questions, take it out and read God’s answer. “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” No, Lord. There isn’t.
3/20/20208 minutes, 20 seconds
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Worthless idols | Jeremiah 10:8 | March 19

Are you letting some things replace the refreshment of God in your life? This week, we have been looking at the book of Jeremiah. He was an Old Testament prophet known as the “Weeping Prophet.” Yet, he gives us verse after verse about God’s love and His plan for our lives. Well, today’s One Verse is a little different. Jeremiah is gonna drop a little Truth bomb on us. In Jeremiah 10, God and Jeremiah have a conversation about how crazy it it that men will hire a craftsman to cut down a tree and carve an idol. How does that even compare to God? Well, we probably don’t have a lot of “worthless wooden idols” in our house. Or do we? I know I have some electronic idols. I have some food idols. An idol is anything that can take us away from God or substitute His work in our lives. When I’m stressed, I turn to food. Idol. Or I binge watch on Netflix. Idol. Is food, Netflix, or social media bad? No. But I can turn them into an idol when I start to look to them for refreshment instead of my relationship with God. Let’s evaluate our lives and see if there are any idols we need to give up.
3/19/20207 minutes, 48 seconds
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Hope and a future | Jeremiah 29:11| March 18

God has a plan for your life, a plan for Hope and a future. Your past may be filled with mistakes and regrets. You current reality may be uncertain and you aren’t where you hoped you would be. But God has not forgotten you. He has a plan for your life. He wants to protect you from harm. He wants to give you a future. He is your Hope.
3/18/20206 minutes, 34 seconds
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A fire in my bones | Jeremiah 20:9 | March 17

The message of Jesus cannot be contained. Jeremiah didn’t have the easiest life. He even told God that He deceived him. That’s pretty bold. Our One Verse today comes just two verses later. Even though Jeremiah was frustrated, he knew that God’s message was a fire in his bones he could not contain. I love this verse. I think this is a rally cry for anyone who desires to be a Light Bearer and a true follower of Jesus. The message of Jesus is like a fire we cannot control. For anyone that is serious about following Jesus, His message will pour out of us.
3/17/20207 minutes, 55 seconds
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Before you were born | Jeremiah 1:5 | March 16

God had a plan for your life before you were even born. God knows you. He loves you. He has a plan for you. This week, we are looking at verses out of the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet who, frankly, had a pretty tough life. He is known as the Weeping Prophet, and he once told God, “You deceived me!” That’s some pretty strong words to be throwing at God! I like Jeremiah. With all the hurt and pain he went through, we still find some of the most uplifting and encouraging verses in the Bible in His writings. Today, God wants you to know that He loves you, He knows you, and He created a plan for your life before you were even born. That is how special you are to God!
3/16/20206 minutes, 16 seconds
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The desires of your heart | Psalm 37:4 | March 15

God will give you the desires of your heart, but He’s not a genie. First, we must trust in Him and follow His ways. Then, He will give us our deepest, truest, heart-level desires.
3/15/20206 minutes, 41 seconds
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Honor The Lord With Your Wealth | Proverbs 3:9 | March 14

"Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;" -Proverbs 3:9
3/14/20206 minutes, 43 seconds
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His ways are higher | Isaiah 55:9 | March 13

When we feel lost, God sees a clear path. Have you ever been lost, really lost? Maybe you were driving in a new city or hiking in the woods. Either way, you didn’t know where to go next. You had lost the path. Has this ever happened in life? Have you ever said, “Why God?” Whenever we are lost driving or lost in life, one thing is true. If we could only get high enough, we could see the whole picture. We wouldn’t be confused and we would see exactly where we needed to go. Our One Verse today teaches us that God’s ways are higher than our ways. As high as the heavens are from the Earth, God sees the whole picture. Trust in Him to guide you down the right path.
3/13/20206 minutes, 11 seconds
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Stand Firm | 1 Corinthians 15:58 | March 12

Nothing you do for God is done in vain. Being a follower of Jesus is not easy. There will be days when you are tired, hungry, and want to give up. There will be days that you will wonder if it’s worth it. There will be days that you look up at God and say, “Really? Why am I doing this?” But on those days, stand firm. Nothing you do for God is ever in vain. You may not see the results you expected. You may not see results for a while. But God is faithful. He sees your deeds. He knows your heart. It may be tough now, but it is worth it.
3/12/20206 minutes, 7 seconds
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I prayed for you today | Colossians 1:9 | March 11

I prayed for you today. Like Paul to the Colossians, I prayed that you would discover your purpose through your deepening relationship with God.
3/11/20205 minutes, 22 seconds
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It’s all about that Grace | 2 Timothy 1:9 | March 10

It’s all about that grace, ‘bout that grace, no trouble! No matter what you have done or the mistakes you have made, God has had a plan of redemption for you since the beginning of Time. God’s grace is at work in your life.
3/10/20207 minutes, 14 seconds
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Examine the Scriptures | Acts 17:11 | March 9

Take responsibility for your own spiritual life. Do you take your Bible to church? Do you follow along with your pastor on the Bible App? Or do you just take for granted that whatever they project on the screen is actually in the Bible? No, I am not saying your pastor is lying to you. I am saying that we should be taking responsibility for our own spiritual life. In our One Verse, the Berean Jews were comparing everything that Paul taught against what Scripture taught. I think it would be wise for us to do the same. You aren’t showing disrespect to your pastor. Instead, you are learning how to feed yourself.
3/9/20206 minutes, 44 seconds
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Trust in God at all times | Psalm 62:8 | March 8

God is our refuge of safety in times of trouble Is life a struggle right now? I can relate. For my wife and I, we are in the middle of a “life transition” and it’s not easy. It takes a toll on your faith when life doesn’t make sense or things aren’t working out the way you thought they would. Yet, God is good. He promises to meet all of our needs. We can trust in Him at all times. We can cry out to Him and be honest with Him. God is our refuge, our shelter in times of trouble. If life is uncertain, reach out to Him today!
3/8/20204 minutes, 57 seconds
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Peer Pressure | Proverbs 1:10 | March 7

Peer pressure isn't just an issue for teenagers!
3/7/20205 minutes, 36 seconds
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Spiritual DNA | 2 Peter 1:3 | March 6

You have already been given the gifts, skills, personality, and passion to live out God’s purpose for your life.
3/6/20207 minutes, 12 seconds
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Faith, Hope, Love | 1 Corinthians 13:13 | March 5

Paul teaches us the three most powerful forces that God created in the entire universe. The question is: How much time are you investing in these three areas?
3/5/20204 minutes, 4 seconds
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God Will Meet All Your Needs | Philippians 4:19 | March 4

Our limited problems are no match for God’s unlimited power!
3/4/20206 minutes, 38 seconds
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Types Of Prayers We Should Be Using | 1 Timothy 2:1 | March 3

Spend some time in prayer today! Let’s take time to pray for friends, for family, for our leaders, and for the troubles and injustices in our world. But don’t stop there. Let’s also give thanks to God for all that He is doing and will do in our lives!
3/3/20207 minutes, 15 seconds
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More Than We Imagine | Ephesians 3:20 | March 2

I don’t know about you, but I can ask for a lot. I can imagine even more! Yet, today’s One Verse teaches us that God can do more than we can ask or even imagine! And it doesn’t stop there. Paul reminds us that God is at work in our lives. If we are followers of Jesus, His power lives within us. We can face our greatest challenges knowing that we have a loving God who cares for us, and that nothing is too big for Him!
3/2/20204 minutes, 26 seconds
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God Hears Your Cry | Psalm 10:17 | March 1

Is life a little rough right now? Is your back against the wall? Have you been beaten down from a financial or health crisis? Are you battling anxiety or depression? If so, you probably have a strong desire in your heart for things to get better. A desire for hope and healing. Today’s One Verse teaches us that God hears the desire of the afflicted and the broken. We simply need to cry out to Him, and He will encourage us.
3/1/20205 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Beginning of Knowledge | Proverbs 1:7 | February 29

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." -Proverbs 1:7
2/29/20205 minutes, 38 seconds
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What God sees | 1 Samuel 16:7 | February 28

Don’t judge a book by its cover. We’ve heard it our entire lives. Yet, we all do it. In our fast paced culture, we look at outward appearances every single day. Yet, God looks a little bit deeper.
2/28/20207 minutes, 12 seconds
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Joyful in Hope | Romans 12:12 | February 27

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. God will be with us every step of the way. Be joyful in hope, stay patient because God will come through in His timing, and stay connected to Him in prayer.
2/27/20205 minutes, 4 seconds
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Rend Your Heart | Joel 2:13 | Ash Wednesday

"Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love."
2/26/202010 minutes, 18 seconds
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God breathed | 2 Timothy 3:16 | February 25

The Bible is a miracle, being breathed by God yet written by ordinary people. There is nothing like the Bible. It is alive. It is the Words of God, yet given to us through ordinary and humble people. The Word of God exists to teach us, correct us, and guide us in the way we should live. The deeper you want to go, the deeper the Bible will allow you to do so. Dive deep into God’s Word today!
2/25/20206 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Come To Earth | John 10:10 | February 24

Why did Jesus come to earth? We don’t have to wonder. Jesus actually answered this question in one of the greatest verses in the Bible: John 10:10
2/24/20206 minutes, 8 seconds
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Be Still | Psalm 46:10 | February 23

When life is crumbling around you, God is there to whisper, “Be still”
2/23/20204 minutes, 45 seconds
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A teachable spirit | Proverbs 13:13 | February 22

One of the greatest attitudes we can have in life is a teachable spirit.
2/22/20204 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ordinary people | Acts 4:13 | February 21

When you spend time with Jesus, it changes you. And people notice! Sometimes, I feel so ordinary. That is exactly what people said about Peter and John, two disciples who started the Church. In our One Verse Devotional today, the religious leaders are amazed at what they hear from Peter and John. After all, these are ordinary, working class guys, not the educated elite. But they noticed something very important about these men: Peter and John spent time with Jesus. When we spend time with Jesus, it changes you.
2/21/20205 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sowing and Reaping | 2 Corinthians 9:6 | February 20

The more you plant, the more you can harvest Farmers have acres and acres of fields because they know the more they plant, the greater their chances are or having a large harvest. The same is true in life. When it comes to finances, career, relationships, and our spiritual life, the more we sow, the greater we will reap. But the opposite is true as well. The less we sow--investing in our faith, our relationships, and our finances--the less we will harvest. Now, go plant some seeds!
2/20/20205 minutes, 46 seconds
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Called to Freedom | Galatians 5:13 | February 19

Through God’s amazing grace, we have been given freedom in Christ. But how will you use your freedom? Today’s One Verse teaches us a very important outcome of living with freedom in Christ.
2/19/20205 minutes, 45 seconds
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A New Heart | Ezekiel 36:26 | February 18

No matter what you have done in your past, God wants to give you a new heart and a fresh start.
2/18/20205 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jesus brings life | 1 Corinthians 15:22 | February 17

Adam's sinful choice brought evil into this world, but Jesus came to bring us life.
2/17/20206 minutes, 25 seconds
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Hear my prayer Lord | Psalm 102:1 | February 16

Are you feeling tired, worn out, or weak? Make today’s One Verse your prayer to God. Ask Him for the rest you need. His grace and mercy is fresh every morning.
2/16/20206 minutes, 59 seconds
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Who is influencing your life | Proverbs 13:20 | February 15

Who are you letting speak into your life? Who do you seek for influence? What kind of media are you engaging with? The Book of Proverbs tells us to surround ourselves with wise influence or else we will suffer harm.
2/15/20205 minutes, 1 second
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First and Last | Matthew 19:30 | February 14

The world says to look out for #1. Some Christians even say that God helps them who help themselves. But these ideas are opposite to the teachings of Jesus. What does He say? Put others first. Otherwise, you could end up last.
2/14/20207 minutes, 29 seconds
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Power = Love + Self-Discipline | 2 Timothy 1:7 | February 13

God gives us power, not for our own good, but to share His Love with others. But it's going to take discipline. Fortunately, God gives us that, too!
2/13/20205 minutes, 49 seconds
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Family First | 1 Timothy 3:5 | February 12

If we cannot lead our own family in healthy spiritual, emotional, and financial ways, how can we expect to lead others? We can’t win in one area of our lives but lose at home. Win at home first.
2/12/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
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Evidence of true Love | Romans 5:8 | February 11

God loved us when we had done nothing to earn it. That is true love! How did God demonstrate and show His love for us? By sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to live a sinless life and pay our penalty of death on the cross. We did nothing to earn it or deserve it. He loved us when we were truly unlovely.
2/11/20207 minutes, 24 seconds
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The lost sheep | Matthew 18:12 | February 10

The Shepherd cares about every single one of His sheep. Are you the lost sheep? Have you gone your own way and chose to turn your back on a God who loves you? It’s not too late. Our One Verse today was spoken by Jesus, Himself! He is pursuing you. He isn’t angry with you. He desires to restore your relationship and spend time with you. Don’t keep running from God. He cares for you. Make today the day that you turn around and run back to Him!
2/10/20206 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Lamp For Our Path | Psalm 119:105 | February 9

Do you ever get up in the night and stumble around until you run into a piece of furniture? You needed a light to show you the way. Our spiritual lives are no different. Without a steady light to direct our path, we would simply stumble around in the dark. Does life ever feel that way? I know mine does! But the closer we get to God, the ultimate Light, the more our future will be illuminated. Spend some time with God today and allow Him to shine some of His Light onto your path.
2/9/20206 minutes, 13 seconds
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Do everything in the name of Jesus | Colossians 3:17 | February 8

Whatever you do, do it for God! God has given us His best. It is now up to us to give our best back to Him. Doesn’t He deserve that? This is a life of true worship!
2/8/20205 minutes, 24 seconds
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Do these 3 things | Colossians 3:16 | February 7

Dive deep into God’s Word, lift up and encourage each other, and reflect back worship to God. This is exactly how Colossians 3:16 tells us to live.
2/7/20207 minutes, 50 seconds
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Let Peace Guide You | Colossians 3:15 | February 6

How do you make decisions? Colossians 3:15 gives us a great guide: Allow the peace of God to rule your heart. Even if it doesn’t make sense, choose the path that gives you peace.
2/6/20206 minutes, 52 seconds
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Love Is Not Weak | Colossians 3:14 | February 5

“Over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” -Colossians 3:14. The Bible teaches us to place love above all us. Jesus showed us that true Love is never weak.
2/5/20206 minutes, 59 seconds
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Forgive one another | Colossians 3:13 | February 4

Since Jesus gave His life for us and forgave us so we could have a restored relationship with God, how much more should we forgive others?
2/4/20207 minutes, 1 second
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Clothe yourself with Love | Colossians 3:12 | February 3

The Bible calls us to live with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. But is this what we see in our churches today? Is this what we see in our lives?
2/3/20206 minutes, 41 seconds
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Love will follow you | Psalm 23:6 | February 2

We don’t need to fear the valley of the shadow of death. God’s love and goodness and mercy will follow us wherever we go! Join us at
2/2/20206 minutes, 55 seconds
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Discipline equals love | Proverbs 27:5 | February 1

As a father, sometimes I need to rebuke my children. This isn't because I'm cruel, but because I love them. A loving God doesn't discipline us because He is mean or angry. He does it out of love for His children.
2/1/20205 minutes, 7 seconds
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Alive and active | Hebrews 4:12 | January 31

The Bible is a living book. Certain parts of It will speak to us at different times in our lives… exactly when we needed it. The Bible is a living book because It is the Word of God. It has the ability to see into our soul and heal us from the inside out.
1/31/20205 minutes, 27 seconds
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Faith requires community | Mark 3:14 | January 30

The Christian faith was meant to be lived out in relationship and community with others. Even Jesus appointed 12 disciples. If anyone could do it on His own, it would be Jesus. Yet, He chose to live in relationship with others.
1/30/20206 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tell Your Story | 1 Chronicles 16:8 | January 29

Have you ever been on a rollercoaster ride of faith and emotions? Did God come through for you? If so, do these two things: 1) Give praise to God, and 2) Tell your story of what God has done in your life.
1/29/20207 minutes, 15 seconds
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Lip Service Love | 1 John 3:18 | January 28

We want Love that puts on its boots and goes to work.
1/28/20206 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to teach your children the Bible | Deuteronomy 6:7 | January 27

As parents, we have a huge responsibility... Teaching our children the Bible. But how? The Bible lays out for us the perfect way to teach our children, even if you don't have it all figured out yet. (Pro tip: You never will!) Teach your children about God and His Bible as you are going about your day. As you are living life. It doesn’t need to be complicated. It doesn’t need to be confusing. It simply needs to be consistent.
1/27/20208 minutes, 41 seconds
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Our Refuge And Shield | Psalm 119:114 | January 26

In times of trouble, God is a place of protection, safety, and relief. He is our refuge and our shield. Let’s place our hope in God and His Word.
1/26/20204 minutes, 22 seconds
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Sweet To The Soul | Proverbs 16:24 | January 25

In a time of intense negativity, it is time for us to embrace a new boldness with our words: being gracious and kind. In our culture today, using kind and gracious words would actually be one of the most radical things you could do. Why should we respect others? Because they were made in the image of God. We are all His children, made in His image. That, alone, requires kind, gracious, and respectful words. Show grace in your speech today.
1/25/20205 minutes, 32 seconds
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A debt of love | Romans 13:8 | January 24

As followers of Jesus, we all have one outstanding debt: To love others, and it is due every single day. Jesus first loved us, so He calls us to love others as well. (Pro tip: Especially if they look, act, or live different from us!)
1/24/202010 minutes, 43 seconds
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Carry each others burdens | Galatians 6:2 | January 23

At the heart of the Gospel message is looking out for the needs of others. When we carry each other’s burdens, we live out the example of Jesus in our lives. If we all do this, that means someone will also be there for you when you really need it!
1/23/20207 minutes, 4 seconds
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January 16 | a productive life | Titus 3:14

Do you want to live a productive life in 2020? Today's One Verse lays out a unique way to be successful. Do you want your life to matter and be effective? Listen to Titus 3:14.
1/16/20206 minutes, 17 seconds
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January 14 | Prosperous and Successful | Joshua 1:8

When Joshua took over as the leader of Israel, God gave him some great advice. God’s advice to Joshua thousands of years ago is still applicable today as we start 2020!
1/14/20205 minutes, 59 seconds
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January 13 | Seek God First | Matthew 6:33

What if we could ask God what He wanted for us in 2020? What if we could ask Him how to be successful in the new year? I believe He has already given us the answers. Today, Matthew 6:33 gives us the key to having a successful new year.
1/13/202014 minutes, 8 seconds
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707: Hidden in my heart | Psalm 119:11

Life can get so busy that even when we watch or read something, we can completely forget it just a few minutes later. Our minds are going, going, going. It can be especially true when we engage with God. But David reminds us to hide God’s Word in our hearts. Stay focused. Allow Him to speak into your life. Life does get crazy, but if we allow God’s Word to be hidden in our hearts, those verses will come back to us right when we need them the most.
12/13/20195 minutes, 34 seconds
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706: A teachable spirit | Proverbs 13:13

One of the greatest attitudes you can have is to have a teachable spirit. It will help you in every area of your life!
12/12/20195 minutes, 57 seconds
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705: Influence | Proverbs 13:20

Who are you letting speak into your life? Who do you seek for influence? What kind of media are you engaging with? The Book of Proverbs tells us to surround ourselves with wise influence or else we will suffer harm.
12/11/20196 minutes, 2 seconds
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704: Acknowledging Jesus | 1 John 4:15

The Bible makes us an amazing promise: If we acknowledge that Jesus is God, God will live with us and spend time with us.
12/10/20194 minutes, 8 seconds
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703: May God Strengthen Your Heart | 1 Thessalonians 3:13

God will strengthen your heart. He will provide the energy, power, and even rest you need to live a life that pleases Him.
12/9/20194 minutes, 23 seconds
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702: Giving Tuesday | 2 Corinthians 9:7

Today is #GivingTuesday and God loves a cheerful giver!
12/3/20195 minutes, 38 seconds
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701: Weary in doing good | Galatians 6:9

This is a season of doing good for family and others. It is a time of giving. Unfortunately, we can also become burned out when trying to do too much without taking care of ourselves. The Apostle Paul understood this. He encourages us, in Galatians 6:9, that we do not become weary, tired, or worn out when doing good. Maybe you need to pause and take care of yourself.
12/2/20197 minutes, 16 seconds
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700: Happy Thanksgiving | 1 Corinthians 1:4

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Today, I’m thankful for you. I appreciate your support and allowing me to speak into your life. I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you!
11/28/20193 minutes, 39 seconds
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699: Give thanks | 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Being thankful is God’s will for your life
11/27/20194 minutes, 8 seconds
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698: A Heart Of Thanksgiving | Philippians 4:6

[Week of Thanksgiving] When we ask God for things, we have to be careful not to treat Him like a genie in the lamp. There is one, simple way to avoid this: Pray out of a heart of thanksgiving. Giving thanks is an act of worship and shows respect and honor for our God.
11/26/20194 minutes, 24 seconds
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697: An overflow of thanksgiving | 2 Corinthians 4:15

[Week of Thanksgiving] What is the foundation of thanksgiving? Jesus gave Himself as our sacrifice, and His grace is reaching more and more people. It is this Grace that allows Thanksgiving to overflow in our lives as worship to God.
11/26/20196 minutes, 22 seconds
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696: The Way Of God Is Perfect | Psalm 18:30

"As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him." -Psalm 18:30
11/22/20195 minutes, 16 seconds
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695: Jesus understands | Hebrews 4:15

Jesus lived a perfect life, but he was also tempted. He understands our weaknesses and can even empathize with us. He isn’t upset with us. He understands, and He is here to help.
11/21/20196 minutes, 27 seconds
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694: Praying For You | Romans 8:26

Sometimes, we simply don’t know how to pray. Have you been there? When you look to heaven, throw up your hands, and say, “Lord, I don’t know what to pray. I just need you.” Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit steps in, and literally, prays for us.
11/20/20196 minutes, 21 seconds
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693: Do good | Galatians 6:10

The message of the Bible is simple: Do good to others both inside and outside of the Church!
11/19/20195 minutes, 56 seconds
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692: The Living One | Revelation 1:18

We serve a LIVING God! He is the great Conqueror and the great Overcomer. He holds the keys to death and hell!
11/18/20195 minutes, 28 seconds
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691: I Lack Nothing | Psalm 23:1

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing." Psalm 23:1
11/15/20194 minutes, 53 seconds
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690: My grace is sufficient | 2 Corinthians 12:9

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
11/14/20196 minutes, 26 seconds
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689: Grace Through Faith | Ephesians 2:8

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" Ephesians 2:8
11/13/20196 minutes, 15 seconds
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688: Mercy over Sacrifice | Matthew 9:13

"For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matthew 9:13
11/12/20198 minutes, 21 seconds
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687: The Great Doctor | Matthew 9:12

"On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Matthew 9:12
11/11/20196 minutes, 54 seconds
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686: Restore the joy of Your salvation | Psalm 51:12

Maybe you need to make this your prayer today: "Restore to me the joy of your salvation" -Psalm 51:12
11/8/20198 minutes, 3 seconds
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685: The Rock Eternal | Isaiah 26:4

"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal." Isaiah 26:4
11/7/20195 minutes, 2 seconds
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684: Walk in the Way of Love | Ephesians 5:2

"walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us..." Ephesians 5:2
11/6/20196 minutes, 27 seconds
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683: You are completely free | John 8:36

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
11/5/20198 minutes, 3 seconds
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682: The Truth will set you free | John 8:32

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:32
11/4/20195 minutes, 48 seconds
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681: Keep your eyes on the Lord | Psalm 16:8

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8
11/1/20195 minutes, 53 seconds
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680: A very scary verse | 1 Peter 3:15

For Halloween, we are tackling one of the SCARIEST topics in the entire Bible! Spooooky!
10/31/20197 minutes, 53 seconds
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679: Chosen people | 1 Peter 2:9

In the Old Testament, only the High Priest could come into the Presence of God, and it was just one time per year. Now, God allows us to encounter His presence whenever we choose. Do NOT take prayer for granted. It is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us.
10/30/20196 minutes, 42 seconds
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678: A war for your soul | 1 Peter 5:8

We have an enemy who is ready to take us out at every opportunity. That is why it is so important to stay alert, stay connected to God, and stay connected to each other. Like my football coach used to teach me, you need to keep your head on a swivel.
10/29/20197 minutes, 2 seconds
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677: Instructions for the Church | 1 Peter 3:8

The Apostle Peter was one of Jesus’s closest friends. He also helped to start the Church movement with his sermon at Pentecost. So, when Peter gives some guidelines and instructions for the Church, we should probably pay attention. Do Peter’s words describe the Church today?
10/28/20198 minutes, 20 seconds
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676: The Love of a Father | Psalm 103:13

“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” -Psalm 103:13
10/25/20195 minutes, 32 seconds
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675: The definition of God Love Part 4 | 1 Corinthians 13:7

"It [Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:7-8
10/24/20196 minutes, 44 seconds
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674: The definition of God Love Part 3 | 1 Corinthians 13:6

"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." 1 Corinthians 13:6
10/23/20196 minutes, 55 seconds
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673: The definition of God Love Part 2 | 1 Corinthians 13:5

"It [Love] does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Corinthians 13:5
10/22/20197 minutes, 59 seconds
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672: The definition of God Love Part 1 | 1 Corinthians 13:4

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." 1 Corinthians 13:4
10/21/20196 minutes, 8 seconds
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671: He is faithful | 1 John 1:9

No matter your sin or your past, God's grace is available to you.
10/3/20197 minutes, 50 seconds
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670: A Spiritual Battle | 2 Thessalonians 3:3

It can be easy to dismiss, but we must remember that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle every day of our lives and we have an enemy who wants to destroy us. But God is stronger!
9/16/20193 minutes, 22 seconds
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669: I AM the Resurrection | John 11:25

“I am the resurrection and the life."
9/11/20195 minutes, 42 seconds
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668: I AM the Vine | John 15:5

Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.
9/10/20197 minutes, 24 seconds
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667: I AM the Good Shepherd | John 10:14

Jesus knows you, He loves you, and He wants to lead you.
9/9/20195 minutes, 46 seconds
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666: The Rock of our salvation | Psalm 95:1

God is the Rock of our salvation, a firm foundation in the middle of life’s shifting sands. When life is unsure and we feel like we are walking on shifting sands, God is the foundation and the Rock that stands firm. When the wind is blowing and the storm is raging around us, we can take comfort and safety near the Rock. I encourage you to find the Rock. Find your safety in God. Then, grow closer to Him and build your life on HIs solid foundation.
9/6/20194 minutes, 34 seconds
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665: The God of Hope and Peace | Romans 15:13

“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace…” -Romans 15:13
9/6/20195 minutes, 8 seconds
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664: Servants of the King | 2 Corinthians 3:6

We usually think of a minister as a pastor. But the original meaning of the word minister was “servant of the king”. As followers of Jesus, we are ALL called to be ministers of the Gospel… servants of the Most High King.
9/4/20195 minutes, 42 seconds
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663: I Will Show You | Genesis 12:1

What is God calling you to do? Where is God calling you to go?
9/3/20199 minutes, 5 seconds
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662: The heavens declare the glory of God | Psalm 19:1

Go outside and enjoy the creation of God!
6/28/20194 minutes, 32 seconds
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661: Stewards of Creation | Genesis 1:26

Christians who believe in a Creator should want to take care of His Creation.
6/20/20196 minutes, 20 seconds
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660: Do not crack that door | Ephesians 4:27

Have you ever played the game where you shut the door and try to keep out your friends? As long as the door stays shut, it is almost impossible for them to open it. But if they get just one foot in the door, they can eventually pry the entire thing open. In Ephesians 4, the Bible tells us that is exactly how sin works in our life. Do not give the Devil a foothold.
6/19/20197 minutes, 4 seconds
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659: Wait on God | Isaiah 26:8

Should we step out in faith or wait on the Lord?
6/13/20197 minutes, 34 seconds
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658: Rejoice always | Philippians 4:4

In every situation, find something you can rejoice in. At the end of the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us to “rejoice always,” but what does that really mean? Do we still praise God during the messy times of life? Even then, you have a LOT in which you can rejoice. You are still a son or daughter of the Most High Kind. You still have a future in Christ. No matter what situation you find yourself in, there is something you can rejoice in.
6/12/20196 minutes, 3 seconds
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657: Encouraged by your faith | 1 Thessalonians 3:7

Your faith can actually bring great encouragement to others who are struggling in their own faith journey. Just like yesterday, today’s One Verse is a personal message from me to you. Paul told the church of the Thessalonians that he had actually been encouraged by their faith in his times of distress (and Paul had some distress!) I feel the same about you. There have been times when I’ve wanted to quit the podcast. But right when I feel that way, I get an email or a private message or even a Facebook comment from someone telling me how much what I am doing means to them and their spiritual life. What an encouragement! You have the power to encourage other Christians who are struggling in their faith. By seeing your faith, it can give them hope. What about your pastor? That’s a tough job with little thanks. I know! So many pastors are tempted to quit. Your faith could be just the thing that is bringing them encouragement and allowing them to feel like their efforts and their ministry are actually making a difference. Our faith affects those around us.
6/11/20195 minutes, 48 seconds
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656: Stand firm | 2 Thessalonians 2:15

By holding on tight to the teachings of Jesus, we can stand firm in an unpredictable world. I love today’s One Verse because I want to adopt Paul’s message. He encourages his brothers and sisters in the faith to stand firm and hold fast to the teachings he passed on to them by mouth or by letter. Through word of mouth (podcast!), I am also passing on these teachings of Jesus to you, my brothers and sisters. My hope, like Paul, is that you stand firm in these teachings. God’s Word remains firm in a constantly shifting world.
6/10/20194 minutes, 58 seconds
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655: The purpose of His will | Ephesians 1:10

The beauty of the Church happens when different people from different backgrounds and different cultures come together under the name of Jesus. God has invited us into His will to bring unity to heaven and earth through Jesus. God’s will is that heaven and earth would be reunited. After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, a gap was created between us and God. His will is for that gap to be removed, and that is exactly what Jesus did through His sacrifice on the cross. Now, we are invited into the story. As we grow closer to God and chase after His will in our lives, we get to participate in bringing unity to all things.
6/5/20195 minutes, 26 seconds
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654: The mystery of His will | Ephesians 1:9

God’s will is the journey, not a destination. He wants you to know His will! One of the biggest questions many have about the Christian life is “What is God’s will for my life?” We have this idea that once we find God’s will, life will be great. It will all fall into place. But that isn’t the case. God doesn’t want us to get comfortable and content with where we are. He wants us to keep moving and growing. His will isn’t one perfect destination in our life. If we just get “there” everything will be perfect. No. It is the journey of growing closer to God. And even more than that, God wants to reveal His will to you. The closer you get to God, the more He will uncover His will in your life.
6/4/20196 minutes, 51 seconds
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653: May your love overflow | 1 Thessalonians 3:12

May God increase your love for everyone. Always.
5/29/20198 minutes, 11 seconds
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652: Jesus is knocking | Revelation 3:20

When Jesus said He was standing at the door and knocking, sadly, He was speaking to His church. In today’s One Verse [Revelation 3:20], Jesus says that He is standing at the door and knocking. Maybe you’ve seen the famous painting that was based on this verse. But here is the part we usually forget: He is speaking to Christians. When we hear this verse, it’s easy to think, “Yes, I hope people who don’t believe in Jesus would open their lives to Him.” And that’s great. But this verse is for us. As Christians, we have a hard question to ask… Are we shutting Jesus out? Is He standing outside the door of your heart, asking for you to let Him back in? Please open the door and spend some quality time with Jesus today.
5/22/20195 minutes, 34 seconds
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651: God is not angry with you | Psalm 30:5

God isn't angry with you. David, the writer of this Psalm, did a lot in his life that God wasn’t happy with. Adultery, murder, bloodshed. Yet, David tells us that God’s anger last only a moment. God isn’t angry with you. If you’ve messed up, sinned, made a mistake, then seek His forgiveness. He freely gives His grace. God loves you and wants to pour out His blessings on you like a loving Father does for His child.
5/17/20195 minutes, 9 seconds
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650: You are all children of God | Galatians 3:26

"You are all children of God through faith." -Galatians 3:26 Such a simple One Verse today. However, this short verse has three deep layers we must understand. 1. This is your identity You are a son or daughter of the Most High King. This is who you are. Do you understand that? Does your life reflect this fact? Or do you wonder where you stand? When we don't understand who we are, we will always struggle with anxiety, worry, and even depression. We will develop a "scarcity mentality" where we never think there is enough, even though God promises to provide all of our needs. You are a child of the God, and He is a good, good, Father. 2. You are ALL children Listen, it doesn't matter what you look like, the color of your skin, your past mistakes, or how you vote. If you have faith in Jesus, you are a child of God. There is NO racism, sexism, or bigotry allowed in the Christian faith.  If faith is used for these purposes, I promise you it is NOT faith. 3. Faith, not rules In the previous verses, we find Paul is comparing the law to our faith. In the past, people had to follow the law, always wondering if they were right with God. We are children of God through our faith in Jesus, not following rules. Your relationship with God is not based on if you do enough, go to church enough, or follow all the rules. Yes, we have guidelines as Christians. Those come after we are a child of God, not before. You are a child of God based on your faith and faith alone. It is by grace through faith, not your good works. If you trust in Jesus, you ARE a child of God!
5/16/20197 minutes, 17 seconds
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649: The Love of a Father | Luke 11:13

As much as you love your children, God loves you even more! I love being a dad. I love providing for my children and giving them gifts. I would do anything for them. If you are a parent, you know what I mean. We sacrifice so much to provide for our kids. Yet, I’m human. I’m not perfect. So, if I love to take care of my children, how much more will God take care of us? God loves you. He loves you like you love your children. And He will take care of you.
5/15/20195 minutes, 45 seconds
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648: What is Faith | Hebrews 11:1

Faith gives us hope because we can see God moving in every area of our lives. Faith is hard to wrap our minds around. You can’t see it. You can’t hold it. Yet, our One Verse for today, Hebrews 11:1, tells us that we can actually have assurance and hope in our faith. Faith doesn’t fly well in today’s culture. Science and information rules. Experience matters. But faith? Not so much. So, what is faith? Faith is a choice. Faith is choosing to have confidence in the Hope we can’t see. Faith doesn’t make sense. If it did, it wouldn’t be faith. Faith is supernatural assurance in what we cannot see and choosing to Hope. That sounds strange, doesn’t it? How can you have hope in something you cannot see? It’s hard to explain, but once you have deep faith, it is as real as anything else in life. How does it bring hope? Because our faith allows us to see God working in our lives, the good and the bad. And if we can’t see God moving, we know to look for Him. That is what Faith does in our lives. It allows us to see where God is moving.
5/14/20194 minutes, 52 seconds
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647: The truth about God’s will | Philippians 2:13

“God takes full responsibility for the life wholly devoted to Him.” -Charles Stanley We don't have to worry about finding God's will for our lives. God takes responsibility for His will and purpose in this world. The Bible makes it clear over and over, again. God will guide us towards His will. After all, it is His purpose that He want to see lived out in the world. He wants you to find His will. He has invited you into the story. We don't need to stress about finding God's will. Just find God and He will show you the way!
5/13/20196 minutes, 57 seconds
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646: Honor God with your body | 1 Corinthians 6:20

Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus paid our sin debt. Now, as followers of Jesus, we are called to honor God with our actions. There is a lot of talk today about what we can do as Christians. What is ok, what is not ok? What is right, what is wrong? How should we live our lives? I think these are the wrong questions. Our One Verse today in 1 Corinthians 6:20 gives us a different outlook. It reminds us that Jesus paid everything for our future. We had sin and judgement and death to look forward to, but Jesus turned that into life and grace and forgiveness. How should we live in light of this fact? It isn’t just about doing what is right and what is wrong. It also means we ask ourselves: what are the positive things we can engage in like serving others? Let us honor God with our bodies today.
5/8/20194 minutes, 52 seconds
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645: Defend the oppressed | Isaiah 1:17

The focus of the Christian faith isn’t about following rules. The goal isn’t a bunch of do’s and don’ts. Jesus taught and lived compassion. The focus of true Christianity is Love in all of its forms. Not only was this the example of Jesus, we find it throughout the Bible. Even in the Old Testament, the book of Isaiah teaches us how to live a life of true Love.
5/7/20196 minutes, 24 seconds
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644: Share your story | 1 John 1:1

Sharing your faith is one of the scariest parts of being a Christian, but it doesn’t have to be. Simply tell your story. One of the biggest questions many Christians have is, “How do I share my faith?” We know we are supposed to do it. Yet, most of us shy away from sharing our faith because we don’t know how. We don’t want to be pushy. We don’t want to get into a debate with someone. We don’t want to seem like a know-it-all. But sharing your faith has nothing to do with any of these things. Sharing your faith is simply telling your story. This is how John, who lived with Jesus, begins his letter. He isn’t giving second hand information. He is telling the story that he experienced. We should do the same. Simply tell your story. Telling a story isn’t a debate. You are simply sharing what God has done in your own life. And who doesn’t love a good story?
5/6/20196 minutes, 13 seconds
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643: Do not remain silent | Psalm 109:1

What do we do when God doesn’t seem to be listening? When we aren’t sure where to turn or what to do, we reach out to God for the next step. We ask for vision and clarity. We ask for deliverance. And all of that is good. He wants us to do that. But have you ever felt that God is being silent? David begins Psalm 109, “My God, whom I praise, do not remain silent.” What an amazing prayer. There have been times that I felt like God had been silent. Yet, my wife and I decided, together, that we will still praise God. We will still trust that He is in control. So, make this your prayer: God, do not remain silent. But always remember that small phrase in the middle… whom I praise. Continue to seek God and praise Him, even in the waiting.
5/3/20195 minutes, 2 seconds
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642: A marathon not a sprint | Hebrews 12:1

The Christian life is like a marathon race. Get rid of anything that is weighing you down.The Christian life is like a marathon race. Get rid of anything that is weighing you down. The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes perseverance. It takes discipline. Stick with it. Finally, it we are running a race, we need to remove any weight that is holding us back. We know we need to get rid of sin in our lives. But what else is in your life that is holding you back? It might not be sin, but it is getting in the way of God’s best for your life?
5/2/20196 minutes, 42 seconds
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641: Think Different | Romans 12:2

God’s will is not a secret.  Many Christians wonder what God’s will is for their lives. The thing is, the Bible gives us the answer. No, the Bible can’t tell you exactly what job you are supposed to have, who to marry, or where to live. But God’s will goes way beyond all of these areas. God’s will involves bringing our lives in line with what God is doing in the world. How do we discover this? How do we join God? Our One Verse for today, Romans 12:2 gives us the answer.
5/1/20196 minutes, 56 seconds
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640: Living sacrifices | Romans 12:1

Worship isn’t the songs we sing, but the lives we live. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were a big deal. They were a large part of many national festivals. One one day out of the year, a sacrifice was even made that would cover the sins of the entire nation of Israel. After military victories or special blessings, a sacrifice would be made. Yet, every sacrifice was, at its core, an act of worship. Making a sacrifice was a way of offering praise to God and acknowledging His deity. In our One Verse today, we are called to become a “living sacrifice.” How can we do this? By giving our lives back to God. He has given us true Love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. In turn, we should be compelled to give our lives back to Him. It is the ultimate act of worship. I encourage both you and myself to live our lives as living sacrifices to God. He isn’t easy, but it is the greatest act of worship we can give: Ourselves.
4/29/20195 minutes, 59 seconds
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639: Is anything too hard for God? | Jeremiah 32:27

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” We need to keep this verse close to us at all times. If you have ever experienced heartache, pain, or disappointment in your life, this verse is for you. I love this verse because it is the answer to so many questions. How many times have you looked at God and asked, “Lord, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. I don’t know how I can overcome this pain. I don’t know how I can face this sickness. I don’t know how we’re going to pay this bill. Are You there? Can You help me?” Have you asked those questions. I have. And for each of those situations, Jeremiah 32:27 is the answer. Keep this verse in your wallet. Keep it in your purse. And when you have one of those deep life questions, take it out and read God’s answer. “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” No, Lord. There isn’t.
4/26/20195 minutes, 24 seconds
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638: Worthless wooden idols | Jeremiah 10:8

Are you letting some things replace the best God has for your life? This week, we have been looking at the book of Jeremiah. Today, Jeremiah is gonna drop a little truth bomb on us. We probably don’t have a lot of “worthless wooden idols” in our house. Or do we? I know I have some electronic idols. I have some food idols. An idol is anything that can take us away from God or substitute His work in our lives. When I’m stressed, I turn to food. Idol. Or I binge watch on Netflix. Idol. Is food or Netflix bad? No. But I can turn them into an idol when I start to look to the for refreshment instead of my relationship with God. Let’s evaluate our lives and see if there are any idols we need to give up.
4/25/20196 minutes, 5 seconds
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637: Hope and a future | Jeremiah 29:11

God is giving you a future filled with Hope. Your past may be filled with mistakes and regrets. Your current reality may be uncertain and you aren’t where you hoped you would be. But God has not forgotten you. He has a plan for your life. He wants to protect you from harm. He wants to give you a future. He is your Hope.
4/24/20196 minutes, 5 seconds
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636: A fire in my bones | Jeremiah 20:9

Jeremiah didn’t have the easiest life. He even told God that He deceived him. Even though Jeremiah was frustrated, he knew that God’s message was a fire in his bones he could not contain. I love this verse. It is a rally cry for anyone who desires to be a Light Bearer and a true follower of Jesus. The message of Jesus is like a fire we cannot control. For anyone who is serious about following Jesus, His message of Love will pour out of us.
4/23/20196 minutes, 45 seconds
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635: Before You Were Born | Jeremiah 1:5

God knows you. He loves you. He has a plan for you. We are in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet who, frankly, had a pretty tough life. Yet, with all the pain he went through, we still find some of the most uplifting and encouraging verses in the Bible in His writings. Today, God wants you to know that He loves you, He knows you deeply, and He created a plan for your life before you were even born. That is how special you are to God!
4/22/20195 minutes, 8 seconds
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634: The Ultimate Sacrifice | Matthew 27:50 [Good Friday]

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so we could receive the ultimate gift. Matthew 27:50 is the verse that changed history. In this moment, Jesus took on the weight of the world. He bore the wrongdoings of every man and woman that has ever lived or ever will live. Jesus paid the sin-debt of death for all of humanity. In the beginning, God and humankind enjoyed a perfect relationship, spending everyday together. But sin changed that. God is perfect and holy, and He can not associate with sin, evil, or injustice. It is against His very nature. By our own sin, we had separated ourselves from God. And only one penalty could heal our sin-debt: death. Blood would need to be shed. It was the only way. Jesus lived a perfect life in an imperfect world. He was innocent, the one human that did not need to appease the blood-debt. But He stood in our place. He took on our debt and paid the price with His life. Now, through His death, our debt has been paid. And through His resurrection, death and hell and sin have been conquered once and for all! The gift of true Life is now available to anyone who will place their trust in Jesus, recognizing our need for a Savior who gave everything for us. If you have any questions about what this means for your life, please email me at [email protected] and let’s have an honest conversation about life and faith and your future.
4/19/20195 minutes, 37 seconds
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633: A New Commandment | John 13:34 [Maundy Thursday]

At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us a new command. You might remember from earlier this week that Jesus quoted the Old Testament with He was asked what the greatest commandment was. Jesus is now in the upper room with his closest disciples and gives us all a new commandment. What is this new commandment? To love one another as Jesus loves us. As we enter Easter weekend, let’s remember how much Jesus gave for us because of His Love and show that same love for others that we encounter each and every day.
4/18/20196 minutes, 52 seconds
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632: Love your neighbor | Matthew 22:39

How can we effectively love our neighbor? Yesterday and today, we are looking at what Jesus called the first and second greatest commandments. Jesus said “all the laws and prophets hang on these two commandments.” What did he mean? Can the entire Christian life be summarized in just two commands? If we love God and love people, we would live a life full of worship and purpose!
4/17/20196 minutes, 10 seconds
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631: The Greatest Commandment | Matthew 22:37

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. As we look to Easter, we are looking at a verse, each day, from the last week of Jesus’s life. It’s funny how many times Jesus doesn’t answer a direct question in the Bible. He usually answers a question with another question. He wants people to think and dive deeper. That is, until someone is trying to test Jesus. Then He doesn’t mess around! Well, today’s One Verse is one of those times. It is during Holy Week, the last week before Jesus goes to the cross. An “expert” in the law is trying to test Jesus, and we get to listen in and hear from Jesus as He answers the question: “Which is the greatest commandment?”
4/16/20196 minutes, 58 seconds
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630: Who is Jesus? | Matthew 21:10

This is the start of Holy Week, which means we are less than a week away from Easter, resurrection Sunday! To prepare for Easter, we are going to look at a verse, each day, from the final week of Jesus’s life here on earth. Today’s One Verse takes place when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. The Bible tells us it caused quite a stir when Jesus entered the city. Palm leaves and branches were being thrown in the street, and people were shouting, “Hosanna!” For those who didn’t understand what was happening, they had one question: Who is this? We all have one question we must answer in life: Who is Jesus? This isn’t a question we only ask once, but one we continually ask ourselves throughout our lives.
4/15/20197 minutes, 56 seconds
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629: The desires of your heart | Psalm 37:4

When we grow close to God, He will show us the true, deep desires of our heart.
4/12/20196 minutes, 39 seconds
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628: Build up one another | 1 Thessalonians 5:11

We all need a little encouragement. Let us continue to reflect the Love of Jesus to others who need it and build them up, as well.
4/11/20195 minutes, 15 seconds
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627: Star Student | Isaiah 55:9

When it comes to the group assignment called Life, God is the A+ student
4/10/20196 minutes, 3 seconds
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626: It is not in vain | 1 Corinthians 15:58

Nothing you do for God is done in vain. Being a follower of Jesus is not easy. There will be days when you are tired, hungry, and want to give up. There will be days that you will wonder if it’s worth it. There will be days that you look up at God and say, “Really? Why am I doing this?” But on those days, stand firm. Nothing you do for God is ever in vain. You may not see the results you expected. You may not see results for a while. But God is faithful. He sees your deeds. He knows your heart. It may be tough now, but it is worth it.
4/9/20197 minutes
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625: I prayed for you today| Colossians 1:9

I am praying for you.
4/8/20198 minutes, 31 seconds
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624: God will confide in us | Psalm 25:14

When we trust God, He lets us in on His plans. Do you have some questions for God? I do. That is why I love today’s One Verse. It promises us that if we trust God and fear Him with awe and respect, He will let us in on His plans. He will trust us and confide in us.
4/5/20196 minutes, 5 seconds
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623: Don’t take my word for it | Acts 17:11

Are you taking responsibility for your own spiritual life? Do you take your Bible to church? Do you follow along with your pastor on the Bible App? Or do you just take for granted that whatever they project on the screen is actually in the Bible? No, I am not saying your pastor is lying to you. I am saying that we should be taking responsibility for our own spiritual life. In our One Verse, the Berean Jews were comparing everything that Paul said against what Scripture taught. I think it would be wise for us to do the same. You aren’t showing disrespect to your pastor. Instead, you are learning how to feed yourself.
4/4/20197 minutes, 23 seconds
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622: As for me and my house | Joshua 24:15

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Our One Verse today comes from the book of Joshua. Joshua was the leader of Israel in the Old Testament after Moses. He took the Israelites into the Promised Land. At the end of his life, after years of service and leadership to his people. He made one of his final addresses. In a sense, he drew a line in the sand. You can serve whoever you want to serve, but me and my household will continue to serve the Lord. What an inspiring message! He could of said anything, but this wise, old leader new what really mattered. Stay close to God. My prayer is this will be a phrase you live by in your own life. Will you serve the Lord?
4/3/20194 minutes, 40 seconds
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621: Invited Into the Story | 2 Peter 1:4

God has invited you to participate in His story of redemption, reconciliation, and love. Yesterday, we learned that God has already given us everything we need to live out our calling. In 2 Peter 1:4, we learn that God has invited us into His story. We have been given a role to play, and He wants us to participate in what He is doing. You matter to God, and He has given you a role to play.
4/2/20197 minutes, 2 seconds
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620: Spiritual DNA | 2 Peter 1:3

God has already given you everything you need to live your purpose. Do you know God’s will for your life? Have you discovered your purpose? A lot of people struggle with this. We think, “Well, if I just had this gift or that person’s skills. If only had (fill in the blank), I would be able to find God’s will for my life and live out my purpose. Well, today’s One Verse teaches us that we have been given everything we need. It’s like our Spiritual DNA. You have the gifts, skills, personality, and passion to live out God’s purpose for your life.
4/1/20197 minutes, 18 seconds
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619: God-breathed | 2 Timothy 3:16

Can we trust the Bible that we have today? I believe we can. The Bible is God-breathed. Even though God chose to use flawed humans, He preserves His Word. So, why do we have the Bible? Our One Verse, 2 Timothy 3:16, tells us that the Bible can correct us and highlight those areas we need to work on. Yet, it also gives us the teaching and training we need. The Bible equips us to live the life God has planned for us. I encourage you to dive into God’s Word and allow it to speak into your life.
3/25/20196 minutes, 15 seconds
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618: Be Still | Psalm 46:10

We can't fight being busy with more busyness. Sometimes, we just need to be still and allow God to work in our lives. God never calls us to chaos, only Peace.
3/22/20198 minutes, 1 second
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617: From Ordinary to Extraordinary | Acts 4:13

I believe we have all been given special gifts and abilities from God. However, sometimes I simply feel ordinary. I wonder if I really have what it takes. Well, Acts 4:13 speaks to this very problem. Peter and John, from the world’s view, were ordinary men. Yet, they did extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God. How? They spent time with Jesus. Are you tired of feeling ordinary and what to uncover the best that God has for you? Spend time with Jesus and He can do extraordinary things through your life.
3/21/20195 minutes, 20 seconds
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616: Power = Love + Self-Discipline | 2 Timothy 1:7

As Christians, we aren’t called to be fearful or timid. We have been given the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. What does that mean? God’s Spirit gives us STRENGTH so we can develop self-discipline and be outspoken in love.
3/20/20198 minutes, 5 seconds
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615: Our First Calling | 1 Timothy 3:5

Should we sacrifice everything for our careers? There is a common lie in our culture that says you can win at work and lose at home. That we can sacrifice our families as long as we are giving everything we have to our business or our dreams. But the Bible makes it clear: If you can’t lead your family well, you can’t lead anything well. We don’t need to be perfect spouses or parents. But it is impossible to win at life if we are losing at home.
3/6/20197 minutes, 3 seconds
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614: Proof of Love | Romans 5:8

How does God feel about me? This is the question we have been asking the last two days. Thankfully, the Bible is very clear on how God feels about us. God loves us, unconditionally. He loved us when we were truly unlovely. Do you struggle with past mistakes and failures? Take some time today to reflect on how much God must love you. He showed us His love when we could do nothing in return and had done nothing to earn it!
3/5/20196 minutes, 9 seconds
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613: How does God feel about you? | Matthew 18:12

Do you feel lost? Whether you feel lost in finding your future or lost because you have messed up in your past, Jesus hasn’t given up on you. He is pursuing you, He will show you the path of life, and He will rejoice once you are back home.
3/4/20199 minutes, 6 seconds
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612: Clothed in Compassion | Colossians 3:12

How should a Christian live? What does it mean to follow Jesus and live the Christian life? Colossians teaches us how to live, and it is beautiful.
2/19/20197 minutes, 35 seconds
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611: Create in me a clean heart | Psalm 51:10

Only God can heal us. Only God can cleanse us. No matter what your past mistakes may be, seek after God and ask Him to repair your heart.
2/15/20197 minutes, 14 seconds
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610: Lip Service Love | 1 John 3:18

“I’ll pray for you.” How many times have we used this phrase only to forget our promise and turn it into empty words? Today’s One Verse teaches us HOW to love others: through our actions. There’s no place for “lip service” love.
2/13/20196 minutes, 41 seconds
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609: A Love Debt | Romans 13:8

When we hear the word “debt” we usually think of money and credit. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we have one very important debt that has nothing to do with money. And we owe this debt to every person we meet.
2/12/20196 minutes, 58 seconds
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608: How to teach your children the Bible | Deuteronomy 6:7

Teaching our children the Bible can seem overwhelming. What does it look like? When should we do it? Today’s One Verse actually lays out a simple strategy on how to teach the Bible. Whether you have kids or not, this is how we should interact with God’s Word.
2/11/20197 minutes, 9 seconds
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607: How to fulfill the Law of Christ

If I asked you how to "fulfill the Law of Jesus" what would you say? Our One Verse today gives us the answer in only 4 short words.
2/6/20197 minutes, 15 seconds
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606: The Light of Life | John 8:12

What is Christianity? Getting plugged into, and reflecting, the Light and Love of Jesus.
2/5/20196 minutes, 21 seconds
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605: God finishes what He starts | Philippians 1:6

God finishes what He starts | Philippians 1:6 | Episode #605
2/4/20196 minutes, 37 seconds
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[UPDATE]: The One Verse Devotional is back!

Just a quick update to let all of you know that the One Verse Devotional podcast is back! Plus, I answer some questions about where I've been and where God has been leading me the past couple of months.
2/4/20197 minutes, 11 seconds
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604: A People Pleaser | Galatians 1:10

As Christians, we are called to love and serve others. But that is different than trying to please others and finding your worth in what others think of you. That is only a trap that will prevent you from serving God and discovering His best for your life in 2019.
1/8/20195 minutes, 53 seconds
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603: Two keys for 2019 | Proverbs 19:20

Want 2019 to be a great year? Focus on these two key areas: Seek wise counsel and have discipline in your life. They may not sound flashy, but Proverbs 19:20 reminds us of their importance.
1/7/20197 minutes, 47 seconds
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602: Loving God means loving others | 1 John 4:20

Let’s be very clear: If you follow Jesus, you cannot hate another one of God’s children. You can’t call yourself a Christian and hate your brother or sister.
12/13/20186 minutes, 36 seconds
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601: The lost art of confession | 1 John 1:9

There is a big difference between saying, “Lord, forgive me” and actually confessing and repenting of our failures.
12/12/20187 minutes, 44 seconds
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600: The Truth will set you free | John 8:32

Today’s One Verse says, “The Truth will set you free.” Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So, the more we know Jesus, the greater freedom we will experience.
12/11/20186 minutes, 57 seconds
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599 : When will we trust God | Numbers 14:11

Since God has been faithful in the past and has our best interest at heart, we can trust that He will be faithful in the future, as well.
12/10/20187 minutes, 2 seconds
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598: God is a Good God | Psalm 86:5

God isn’t a grumpy old man, waiting to punish you. He is forgiving and good and filled with love.
12/7/20185 minutes, 41 seconds
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597: Set the oppressed free | Luke 4:18

Jesus came to proclaim good news and set the oppressed free. Jesus came to give us Hope!
12/6/20186 minutes, 50 seconds
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596: The Cure for Temptation | Galatians 5:16

This one truth will keep you from all sorts of temptation.
12/5/20185 minutes, 59 seconds
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595: Think about these things | Philippians 4:8

Our culture is obsessed with the negative and controversial. But God says to think about what is lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy.
12/3/20187 minutes, 24 seconds
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594: A Spiritual Battle | 2 Thessalonians 3:3

It can be easy to dismiss, but we must remember that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle every day of our lives and we have an enemy who wants to destroy us. But God is stronger!
11/27/20185 minutes, 55 seconds
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593: Wonderful things planned long ago | Isaiah 25:1

“You have done amazing things. You have always done what you said you would do; you have done what you planned long ago.” -Isaiah 25:1
11/26/20187 minutes, 14 seconds
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592: Be thankful for God (Thanksgiving Part 5) | Psalm 69:3

On Thursday, you probably sat down with family or friends and shared why you are thankful. I think it’s easy to overlook our thankfulness for God. Let’s not put Him on the back burner this year. Give your thanks and your worship to God. He is truly worthy of our deepest thanks. Take a few minutes today and tell God “Thank you”
11/25/20184 minutes, 52 seconds
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591: Happy Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Part 4) | 1 Corinthians 1:4

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Today, I’m thankful for you. I appreciate your support and allowing me to speak into your life. I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you!
11/22/20183 minutes, 26 seconds
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[Bonus episode]: 12 Days of Christmas is available now

Christmas is coming. Are you ready? Get your copy of 12 Days of Christmas This is the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas lights glisten throughout the neighborhood as familiar carols fill the air. Decorations are hung with care and the star is gently placed on top of the tree. Even movies feel like old friends as you spend time with characters you haven’t seen for a year. Yet, with all this nostalgia, Christmas can also be the most chaotic time of the year. It is easy to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday that you miss out of the true gift of Christmas. This year, it’s time to try a different approach. Christmas will be much more meaningful for your whole family if you start preparing for Christmas now. I'm not talking about avoiding the last-minute shopping rush. I'm talking about preparing your heart. 12 Days of Christmas: A Christmas Devotional will allow you to see the birth of Jesus in a refreshing, new light. From Genesis to Revelation, 12 Days of Christmas will take you on a journey that will give you a unique perspective on the Christmas story and what it means for your life. If you are experiencing a desert season of life or looking to find true hope this Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas will prepare your heart for Jesus, the perfect Gift.
11/21/20186 minutes, 45 seconds
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590: God’s will for your life (Thanksgiving Part 3) | 1 Thessalonians 5:18

What is God’s will for my life? It’s kind of a big question, right? But the Bible lays out several ways that we can live in God’s will. Today’s One Verse makes it clear: Being thankful is God’s will for your life.
11/21/20185 minutes, 18 seconds
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589: With Thanksgiving (Week of Thanksgiving Part 2) | Philippians 4:6

Being thankful is easy to put on the back burner and only focus on once a year. But the Bible lays out another way: living “with thanksgiving” in every situation of life.
11/20/20186 minutes, 4 seconds
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588: Thanksgiving and Grace (Week of Thanksgiving Part 1) | 2 Corinthians 4:15

[Week of Thanksgiving] We are weak, but He is strong. This is the power of God’s grace in our lives, and His grace is reaching more and more people. It is this Grace that allows Thanksgiving to overflow in our lives.
11/19/20185 minutes, 37 seconds
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587: The Rock of our salvation | Psalm 95:1

God is the Rock of our salvation, a firm foundation in the middle of life’s shifting sands. When life is unsure and we feel like we are walking on shifting sands, God is the foundation and the Rock that stands firm. When the wind is blowing and the storm is raging around us, we can take comfort and safety near the Rock. I encourage you to find the Rock. Find your safety in God. Then, grow closer to Him and build your life on HIs solid foundation.
11/19/20186 minutes, 32 seconds
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586: The God of Hope and Peace | Romans 15:13

“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace…” -Romans 15:13
11/16/20186 minutes, 54 seconds
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585: Ministers of Jesus | 2 Corinthians 3:6

Today, we think of a minister as a pastor. But the original meaning of the word, minister, was servant of the king. As followers of Jesus, we are ALL called to be ministers of the Gospel. Servants of the Most High King.
11/14/20185 minutes
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584: When God says Go | Genesis 12:1

As much as we want all the answers, we are simply called to go until God shows us the future He has for us
11/13/20187 minutes, 9 seconds
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583: How to achieve great gain | 1 Timothy 6:6

The greatest “wealth” we can achieve is growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus and being content with the blessing He has given us.
11/12/20186 minutes, 14 seconds
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582: Fullness in Christ | Colossians 2:10

The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will realize and understand our gifts, passions, and purpose in this world! Yesterday, our One Verse was from Colossians 2 and reminded us that all of the power, glory, might, and fullness of God was in Jesus. That means we serve an awesome Savior! Well, today’s One Verse is a continuation of that thought. It is Colossians 2:10 and it says, “and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” Wow! Christ is the fullness of God and then He passes that on to us! In other words, the closer we get to Jesus and the deeper we engage with Him in authentic relationship means the greater we will understand our gifts, skills, passion, and purpose in this world! Grow close to Jesus and He will show you amazing and wonderful things!
11/7/20186 minutes, 38 seconds
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581: The fullness of God | Colossians 2:9

A simple reminder: Jesus is the TOTAL fullness of God in human form. In the Book of Colossians, Paul teaches us something simple, yet very critical: All the fullness of God was in Jesus in human form. For many of us, that is simply a reminder. Yes, we know Jesus is God. But there can be a big difference between “head knowledge” and “heart knowledge.” My desire is for you to have heart knowledge of Jesus and Who He is. Remember the stories of the Old Testament that we grew up with? When God parted the Red Sea through Moses or defeated Goliath through David? What about when He provided manna to the people of Israel when they were in the desert? Over and over again, God shows us His power. And it is THIS power that lives in Jesus. We serve a mighty God who loves us. We follow a powerful Savior who provides for us. I simply want to remind you, today, that Jesus IS God and God IS BIG!
11/5/20186 minutes, 41 seconds
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580: On wings like eagles | Isaiah 40:31

As followers of Jesus, we can soar like eagles. But we need to learn how to trust and place our hope in God.
11/1/20186 minutes, 52 seconds
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579: Happy Reformation Day | Romans 1:17

Happy Reformation Day! Romans 1:17 is the verse that inspired Martin Luther and kicked off the Protestant Reformation on October 31st, 1517
10/31/20186 minutes, 55 seconds
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578: Build others up | Ephesians 4:29

From political ads to Facebook posts, the negative talk in our culture is becoming unbearable. But it can only change if it starts with us.
10/30/20187 minutes, 41 seconds
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577: Encourage Others to Live a Life of Love | Hebrews 10:24

Our world is filled with violence. This past weekend, a gunman filled with hate walked into a Jewish synagogue and murdered 11 worshippers. Throughout the Bible, God calls us to join Him in His mission of Love. The only way to stop evil in the world is for God’s people to get serious about spreading the Light and Love of our Savior, Jesus. Yes, violence will exist until Jesus returns and reconciles all things back to Himself. BUT…. We can still make a difference by spurring others to live a life of Love, as well. This is our God-given calling.
10/29/20187 minutes
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576: Accept one another | Romans 15:7

We are called to accept others. Those in the Church. Those outside of the Church. When will the Church get serious about this command?
10/25/20187 minutes, 20 seconds
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575: Talk is cheap | 1 John 3:18

Today’s One Verse is wisdom from John, the closest man to Jesus while on earth. Of everything that John could teach us, what would it be? To love others, not in words, but through our actions.
10/24/20187 minutes
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574: The Bread of Life | John 6:35

The disciples ask Jesus for a sign that they should follow Him. (BTW, this was AFTER Jesus fed the 5,000 and walked on water!) They “remind” Jesus that God sent Moses bread from heaven as a sign. Jesus uses their own illustration and teaches us an important lesson: He is the Bread of Life and the closer we grow to Him, the more fulfilled we will be.
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574: The Bread of Life | John 6:35

The disciples ask Jesus for a sign that they should follow Him. (BTW, this was AFTER Jesus fed the 5,000 and walked on water!) They “remind” Jesus that God sent Moses bread from heaven as a sign. Jesus uses their own illustration and teaches us an important lesson: He is the Bread of Life and the closer we grow to Him, the more fulfilled we will be.
10/23/20187 minutes, 44 seconds
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573: Show me your ways Lord | Psalm 25:4

It’s Monday, which means we are in the book of Psalms. (Wait! That doesn’t sound right.) Yes, normally we do Psalms on Friday, but today’s One Verse is perfect for kicking off a new week. Psalm 25:4 could be used as a weekly prayer to begin our weeks with God’s blessing. If we adopted this weekly prayer, I believe it could have a massive impact on our lives.
10/22/20186 minutes, 10 seconds
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572: Remain confident in this | Psalm 27:13

In Psalm 23, David says that he is walking through the “valley of the shadow of death”. Just a few pages later, in our One Verse today, David has confidence that He will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. No matter what you are going through right now--blessing or pain--we can all be confident that we will see the Goodness of God in the land of the living.
10/20/20184 minutes, 8 seconds
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571: Nothing is too hard for God | Jeremiah 32:17

Even in the midst of storms in our lives, even when we don’t understand or can’t explain the storm, nothing is too hard for God. Today’s One Verse: Jeremiah 32:17
10/18/20185 minutes, 40 seconds
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570: Grasping the Love of Christ | Ephesians 3:18

Do we truly understand how wide and long and high and deep God’s love is?
10/17/20188 minutes, 11 seconds
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569: Strengthened through His Spirit | Ephesians 3:16

Today, I pray that you would be strengthened with the power of God through His Spirit. I love Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians. To start of this week, I want to make this my prayer for you, as well. Through God’s glorious riches, He will strengthen us and give us His power. How many riches does God have? Does He need anything? Of course not! It is so easy to get caught up in the small details of life and forget that we serve a God and have a Father who needs nothing. He has everything. And it is out of those riches that He blesses us and provides for us! Through His Spirit, God will comfort us and give us power to live out our purpose in this world and to love others. I pray this for you today. May you be strengthened by His Spirit!
10/16/20186 minutes, 56 seconds
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568: Chosen people | 1 Peter 2:9

In the Old Testament, only the High Priest could come into the Presence of God, and it was just one time per year. Now, God allows us to encounter His presence whenever we choose. Do NOT take prayer for granted. It is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us.
10/10/20186 minutes, 47 seconds
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567: A war for your soul | 1 Peter 5:8

We have an enemy who is ready to take us out at every opportunity. That is why it is so important to stay alert, stay connected to God, and stay connected to each other. Like my football coach used to teach me, you need to keep your head on a swivel.
10/9/20186 minutes, 47 seconds
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566: Instructions for the Church | 1 Peter 3:8

The Apostle Peter was one of Jesus’s closest friends. He also helped to start the Church movement with his sermon at Pentecost. So, when Peter gives some guidelines and instructions for the Church, we should probably pay attention. Do Peter’s words describe the Church today?
10/9/20187 minutes, 7 seconds
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565: Enter His gates with thanksgiving | Psalm 100:4

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” -Psalm 100:4. Psalm 100 is only five verses, but is so uplifting. It is a feel-good passage, for sure! But it also a great reminder to praise God’s name. He is worthy of our praise. How many times do we (spiritually) drag into church each week, look at the pastor, and basically say, “Please give me something to make it through another week.” I understand. I’ve been there countless times. Sometimes life is on fast forward and we can’t keep up. But can I be real for a second? Maybe a little tough love? How many times is that actually on us? I’m not saying we can never be tired. We all have those times. But in general, are we always showing up to church like that? Are we starving ourselves throughout the week and then trying to score a quick spiritual meal on Sunday mornings? No wonder your spirit is tired. Just like in the real world, feeding yourself once a week is not very healthy. I don’t know about you, but I want to enter His gates with a song already in my heart and I want to be praising God, even silently, as I walk through the door!
10/5/20186 minutes, 57 seconds
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564: Take heart | John 16:33

This world is troubled, but take heart! Jesus has overcome the world. There is no doubt that our world is troubled. I can hardly watch the news, and actually avoid it most nights. Scene after scene of violence from around the country and around our world. Jesus warned us that we would experience trouble in this world. I always thought He meant that we would experience hard times in our lives. That is true, of course. But I think He meant even more than that. Our entire world would be troubled. But Jesus reminds us of two very important things in our One Verse today. In John 16, Jesus is at the Last Supper talking to His disciples. As Jesus was going to the cross in just a few short days, do you think those words were important? Yeah! He tells the disciples that He came to bring us peace. The teachings of Jesus and going to the cross were meant for us to find true God-peace in Him. In Jesus. And then Jesus reminds us of something very important. He tells us that we will experience trouble in this world. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” For me, that is so comforting. Yes, there is still tragedy and chaos. For now. But evil will not win. It has already been defeated. Jesus has overcome our trouble, our sin, death, and hell. And because of that, I want to encourage you with the same words of Jesus… Take heart!
10/4/20186 minutes, 20 seconds
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563: The Golden Rule | Luke 6:31

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Did you know the Golden Rule was Jesus’s idea? Our culture needs the Golden Rule now more than ever! A phrase that’s easy to forget that came from the Bible is the Golden Rule. It comes straight from the mouth of Jesus and it is today’s One Verse. Many times, we think the Golden Rule was something we learned as a child, so we discredit it. It was childish thinking. Be nice, share your toys. Old school. But I would say that our society, our country, and our world needs the Golden Rule now more than ever. How could our country change if we all started living by this simple rule? Maybe you’re a cynic and think, “Matt, there is no way everyone is going to start living this way.” Ok. I’d agree with you. But what if YOU start living this way. And I start living this way. Could we still make a difference? Could we start a ripple of kindness and love? I think we can. One more thing to remember: When Jesus gave us the Golden Rule, he started this paragraph telling us to love others that hate us, slap us, and say horrible things about us. Jesus said love your enemies and then ended with “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Golden Rule isn’t for nice people. It’s how we are supposed to treat everyone, even our enemies.
10/3/20186 minutes, 1 second
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562: Servant leadership | Mark 9:35

The greatest leaders don’t say, “This is how great I am.” The greatest leaders say, “This is how I can serve you.” Jesus always has a different way of looking at things. That is probably one of the greatest reasons I love being a Christian. The true message of Jesus is radical. Over and over, Jesus would say, “You’ve heard it said…, but I say…” or “You’ve been taught [that], but I’m teaching you [this].” Many times, these teachings are major ways to view the world. Today’s One Verse is a great example. While on the road traveling from city to city, the disciples were arguing with each other. Jesus asked them what they were arguing about, but they were too embarrassed to answer. Of course, Jesus already knew. So, He answered their question anyway. The question? Who among us will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Jesus? They thought Jesus was coming to set up an earthly kingdom and overthrow Rome. In Mark 9:35, Jesus gave the answer: “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” True leadership is servant leadership. Great leaders never say “look at me.” They serve others and let them decide if they are great or not. They don’t stand on the backs of others. They serve. If you want to be a leader worth following, then serve. It may not look anything like what the world teaches, but by placing others ahead of yourself will actually mean that you become a true leader. (Note: For some that understand true leadership, this idea actually is taught a few places in our world. Even though this Jesus principle was laid out thousands of years ago, the business world is just starting to see the value of servant leadership. A great example is the book Good to Great by Jim Collins.)
10/2/20187 minutes, 25 seconds
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561: Stand firm in your faith | Matthew 5:11

Living for Jesus isn’t always easy. The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon ever told. For almost three chapters in the book of Matthew, Jesus lays out many of His core teachings. Over and over, He calls us to a new way and a new outlook on life. In Matthew 5:11, He says, “Blessed are you when people insult you because of me.” What Jesus? How is that a blessing? Persecution is a blessing when it is for Jesus. Are we standing firm in our beliefs? Or are we going with whatever is popular at the time? This is tough, because there is a good chance that we are going to disagree on some issues. The Bible is complex and deep. Jesus calls us to draw close to Him, study His Word, and stand firm in our faith. Maybe we won’t always agree, but we CAN stand firm and stand together on the name of Jesus! Maybe we will be insulted, even persecuted. That’s ok. Jesus reminds us that we will be blessed, and our reward will be great in heaven.
10/1/20187 minutes, 54 seconds
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560: Looking to God vs comparing to others | Psalm 37:7

When we are in a season of waiting for God, don’t look around and compare yourself to the success of others. Wait. On. God. It can be hard when you are in a season of waiting. You feel helpless. You are ready for things to move ahead, to discover that next step. For whatever reason, though, God is making you wait. When we are in a season of waiting, it can be easy to look around at others and compare our lives. Our One Verse today warns against that. We don’t know what is going on in their lives. We don’t know the circumstances behind the scenes. Instead, keep our eyes on God and focus on Him. He is working in your life to form your spirit and prepare your future. Trust Him. Don’t look around at others. Wait on God.
9/28/20186 minutes, 56 seconds
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559: The Masterpiece of God | Ephesians 2:10

You are God’s work of art, and He has created a purpose and a plan for your life. It can be hard to receive a compliment, can’t it? You aren’t sure how to react and you wonder, deep down, if it’s really true. So, what if someone called you a work of art? That you were a masterpiece? That can be hard to hear. Really, me? What if that person was God? Because that is exactly what the Bible says in Ephesians 2:10. This verse is jam-packed with wisdom and encouragement. In just 22 words, we learn that we are God’s handiwork--His work of art. We then learn that God has a purpose for our lives to do good works in His name. Finally, our One Verse teaches that God has a plan for our lives that He has been preparing for a long time! This may be hard to hear, but you are God’s work of art, and He has created a purpose and a plan for your life. Your mistakes don’t matter. That is why God has given us grace and Love. You are not disqualified from the purpose and plan God has created for your life. You are His masterpiece. I encourage you to start leaning into that truth. How could this fresh outlook change your life?
9/28/20186 minutes, 15 seconds
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558: God WILL give you more than you can handle | 1 Corinthians 10:13

Will God give you more than you can handle? Yes! It forces us to depend on Him. Have you ever heard the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle” or even used it yourself? The problem is, it never shows up in the Bible. As a matter of fact, the opposite is true. God WILL give us more than we can handle so we have to seek after Him, depend on Him, and allow Him to work in our lives. So, where did this phrase come from? From today’s One Verse. Well, a misquoting of today’s verse. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. When it comes to temptation, God will never place us in a situation that we can’t get out of. The verse even ends with a promise: God will always provide a way of escape. We can never say, “God did this. He led me to temptation.” We can’t even say “the devil made me do it!” No, it is on us. But we have a LOT of help in God. He is with us, and He will always provide a way out. We are all in this together. You will never face a temptation that ONLY you have experienced. We’ve all been there. But God is with us every step of the way. We have a way out. We don’t have to give in. God wants us to focus on our relationship with Him, our family, our marriage, and the purposes He has for our lives.
9/27/20187 minutes, 30 seconds
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557: Pure gold | Job 23:10

Going through a tough time? God may be allowing you to go through the fire in order to purify you like gold! In our One Verse today, Job faces a problem that many of us do from time to time: He can’t find God. He looks East, West, North, and South, and Job still can’t find God. Have you ever felt like your prayers were just “hitting the ceiling”? This is where Job is at in Job 23. But then he says, “But He knows the way that I take.” Job knew God was always there, even when it didn’t feel like it. These can be difficult times when you can’t hear from God. But God is testing you, and He is in the process of turning your life into gold.
9/26/20187 minutes, 7 seconds
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556: Life, prosperity, and honor | Proverbs 21:21

When we dedicate our lives to following God’s path of righteousness and love, we discover true life, prosperity, and honor. When we spend our lives chasing God and His plan for the world (righteousness and love), our lives will be filled with contentment. We will discover full lives that can only be found in Jesus. Others will view us with respect and honor. Life, prosperity, and honor. I’ll take some more of those!
9/25/20186 minutes, 12 seconds
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555: Taste and see that the Lord is good | Psalm 34:8

Our world is filled with fear and hate and acts of terror. How can God be good while all of this is happening? Why does He allow it? I can’t answer those questions. It’s much bigger than me. I don’t think anyone other than God can. But I trust Him. I can’t explain it. If you came across this episode of this podcast, and you are struggling with this, maybe today’s One Verse is for you. Taste and see that the Lord is good. That is the start of Psalm 34:8. It is like God is allowing us to test Him: “Spend time with me. Trust me. And you will experience my goodness in your life.” I can see this in my own life. I have experienced heartache and tragedy and fear for the future, yet God has always been good to me. Life isn’t perfect, but His Love sustains me. If you’ve never experienced this, there is nothing I can do to explain it. But once you taste the goodness of God, you will know it! I encourage you to spend some time with God today, both in prayer and in His Word. I hope you experience His goodness today.
9/21/20186 minutes, 32 seconds
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554: Love one another (Part 2) | John 13:35

The knowledge you have isn’t as important as the Love you give. In two short verse, Jesus tells us three different times to love one another. This was one of the final commands Jesus gave us before going to the cross. This is how people will know you are a follower of Jesus: by showing love.
9/18/20187 minutes, 6 seconds
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553: Love one another | John 13:34

What the world needs now is Love. A HUGE amount of Love. Our world is broken. It has been broken since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden. But the brokenness in our world is so evident today. Our One Verse comes from some of the last words of Jesus at the Last Supper. Right after predicting his betrayal by Judas and right after reminding His disciples that He would go away, Jesus gives them a new command: Love one another.
9/17/20188 minutes, 2 seconds
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552: Finding hidden treasure | Matthew 13:44

Jesus tells a story of a man who found hidden treasure in a field. Can you imagine being this man? He’s just walking through an empty field. It’s barren. No crops. No fruit. And then he stubs his toe on something. As he looks down, he uncovers something special. Hidden treasure! What would you do? Jesus tells us that the man went immediately and sold everything he owned so he could buy the field. Can you imagine what his friends thought? Why would he sell everything for one field? What a waste! But the man knew what he found. He was excited about his treasure. Wouldn’t you be! And this brings up a very tough question. Jesus said this man was like the Kingdom of heaven. So here is the question: When was the last time you were as excited about your faith as this man is about his field? Do you see your faith as a hidden treasure or something you almost apologize for? Do you want to share your amazing find with the world or hide it in shame? These are tough questions. They are tough for me to answer. I don’t know that I am THAT excited about my faith. But I should be! May God grant us this kind of excitement for our faith. Let’s keep chasing God until that happens.
9/12/20186 minutes, 51 seconds
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551: Forget your past | Isaiah 43:18

In order to experience all that God has for you, you must let go of your past. God has! Yesterday, we learned that God is doing a new thing in our lives. He is creating streams of life-giving water in what sometimes feels like the wilderness of life. Today, we learn another critical piece to this puzzle. The verse prior to yesterday’s One Verse explains HOW we can experience the new things God is doing in our lives. Isaiah 43:18 teaches us that we have to stop dwelling on the past and forget the sins and mistakes we’ve made. And here is the best part, God is the one speaking! He doesn’t want to judge you. He doesn’t want to hold you back or keep you down. He wants you to move on into the future blessings that He has for your life! Let’s finally forgive ourselves. God has. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward into the future that God has laid  out for us!
9/11/20187 minutes, 39 seconds
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550: God is doing a new thing | Isaiah 43:19

God is doing a new thing in your life. He is creating streams in the wilderness. Sometimes life is confusing. We don’t know what the future holds. It can feel like our future is nothing more than a barren wilderness of options. But that’s not true, even if it feels that way, because God is doing a new thing in our lives. In our One Verse today, God is talking, and He tells us that He is doing a new thing. He is forming streams in the middle of the wasteland. Life is never perfect. There will be times when it feels like a wilderness. But God has not left you. He has a plan, and He is not surprised about your circumstances. Stay true to Him. He IS doing a new thing in your life. Keep your eyes on Him, and He will show you the life-giving stream you’ve been waiting for!
9/10/20185 minutes, 50 seconds
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[Bonus] Question: What do you want?

I wanted to give you an update of some things God shared with me this past weekend. It really comes down to asking ourselves a tough question: What do you want? Yes, that question may seem selfish, at first. And it can be if we are seeking after ourselves. But if we are seeking after God, He promises to show us the TRUE desires of our heart. The desires that God placed there! As long as what you want--your desires--line up with the Bible, you can be confident that it is coming from God. Sometimes, we need to spend time in deep reflection. That is what I did this past weekend. I did an exercise that I learned from a friend and former pastor. It goes like this: Take a piece of paper and draw a line, like a timeline. Then think of a certain period of time. This can be your entire life or a smaller section of time. Since it has been a rough summer, I chose to focus on that past 3-4 months. Now, on top of the line, you write the word PASSION and below the line, PAIN. Then you simply plot out all the things that brought you passion and joy, as well as those things that brought you pain. Through this, you will uncover themes in your life.  For me, it showed me that I must be creating and building something that has Kingdom value. It showed me that I can't be done with the podcast, yet. It showed me that I need to focus on the calling God has placed on my life to draw people closer to Him and teach everyone about how to live with a "Love first" worldview. What about you? What do you want? What is God trying to show you? And what desires has God placed in your heart?
9/10/201815 minutes, 24 seconds
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549: Pray for Wisdom | James 1:5

Today’s One Verse is one of the great promises of the Bible, yet very few Christians know about it or act on it. James opens his letter with this plea: “Does anyone lack wisdom? Ask God! He will give it to you!” What an awesome verse! What an amazing promise. Do you need more wisdom in this life (Um, yeah!). Ok, Ask God. He promises to give it to you. It doesn’t get any more simple than that! There is no technicality or red tape. There is no trick. You need it? Ask for it. He’ll give it. If you are reading this, I STRONGLY encourage you to take God up on His promise. Add into your daily prayer life. I truly believe this one simple prayer can alter the path of your life. How would life be different if you would have God’s wisdom with every decision? If we take Him up on this promise, our future is in much better hands!
8/28/20184 minutes, 48 seconds
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548: Quick to listen | James 1:19

Let’s be quick to open our ears and slow to open our mouths. The Book of James teaches us that we need to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to have anger. Have you looked at your Facebook newsfeed, lately? Oh, my! The internet has given us a voice. What we haven’t realized is that it has given us a great way to listen, as well. You can be firm in your beliefs. This verse isn’t about compromise. Look at Jesus. He spoke to tax collectors and prostitutes and all sorts of people. He always listened. Let’s follow the teaching of James and the example of Jesus. Let us listen before we speak. Understanding James 1:19 is a core foundation to living a “Love first” lifestyle.
8/27/20186 minutes, 42 seconds
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547: When 1 plus 1 does not equal 2 | Philippians 3:13

Many of us feel pain and regret over past mistakes and sins. However, you will never fully realize the glorious future that God has for you until you let go of your past. In our One Verse Devotional today, Paul says “this one thing I do” and then goes on to list two things. Was Paul stupid? No. Paul was a very well-educated man. But he is using this as a word illustration to point out and teach us a critical principle of life. In order for us to be able to move into the future and live out our God-given purposes, we have to let go of our past mistakes, sin, guilt, and shame. I know this because I’ve lived this. For over 10 years! I just couldn’t get over my guilt and shame, but I would still try to step into God’s will for my life. And it was impossible! Why? Because we have to do this ONE thing: Forget what is behind AND move into what is ahead at the same time. If we follow this principle, it will allow us to step into God’s best for our lives.
8/20/201810 minutes, 42 seconds
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546: May your love increase and overflow | 1 Thessalonians 3:12

This world needs love. And if God is Love, His people need to lead the charge. “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other.” What a beautiful way to begin a verse. It is a prayer of blessing. May the Lord bless you. May He keep you. May the Lord make your love increase. That is kind of how I read this verse. I also love that Paul purposefully says “for each other and everyone else.” We can’t read this verse and think that it only means we show love to other Christians. There is no stipulations to this verse. May the Lord increase your love to everyone. That’s it. May God increase your love. It doesn’t matter who. May God increase your love for everyone. Always.
8/13/20189 minutes, 12 seconds
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[Bonus episode]: Depression, Shame, and Grit

Let's have an honest conversation about depression, shame, and grit. Today, I wanted to share a little bit about what has been going on in my life, as well as a recent sermon I preached. I talk a little about the podcast and the shame I've felt from not posting regularly. Love you guys. This is a long one! I hope you enjoy it.
8/6/201844 minutes, 37 seconds
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544: Set your mind on things above | Colossians 3:2

Yesterday, we talked about being crucified with Christ. But what does that mean for our lives? Where do we go from there? Our One Verse, Colossians 3:2, answers this question: We must set our minds on the things above. As followers of Jesus, we are strangers in this world. We belong to a different kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, we have jobs and homes and bills. Yes, it’s ok to have fun and take vacations. But where is our FOCUS? If we can remind ourselves daily that the “old self” is gone and we are new creations in Jesus; that we belong to His Kingdom more than this world, it will give us a different outlook on God, our lives, and other people.
7/17/20188 minutes, 21 seconds
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543: Life and death | Galatians 2:20

The Christian life has some strange themes and ideas. It’s true. Many of the teachings of Jesus simply confused the people He was talking to. In today’s One Verse Podcast Devotional, Paul writes about death and life. A strange thing to write. Why would Christians be called to die? This idea of death and life deals with our spirit. We all have a dark side, deep down, that we would rather not think about. I do. The greed, jealousy, envy, pride, and lust that wants to creep up in my life. That is the “old flesh” as Paul called it in another passage. There is only one response to the old flesh: death. We crucify is with Jesus on the cross. BUT through this death, we experience true life in Jesus. We are transformed. We are given new life and the “new flesh” in Christ. Now, we no longer live for #1. Because Jesus didn’t either. He gave His life away. Let’s follow Jesus’s example and spread His Light and Love to this dark world.
7/16/20187 minutes, 11 seconds
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542: Pleasing to God | Psalm 19:14

Today’s One Verse can be used as a prayer for our lives: “May the words of my mouth and the things I say be pleasing to You, God.” He is our Rock, our Redeemer, and our Savior. He has done so much for me, that I want everything that I say, do, and even think about to be pleasing to Him. Obviously, this isn’t easy. We are surrounded by temptation and have a million reasons to let something not-so-pleasing come out of our mouths every day. I want my words and deeds and thoughts to be pleasing to the One that truly matters.
7/6/20185 minutes, 59 seconds
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541: Rejoice always | Philippians 4:4

Let’s live our lives with gratitude! In every situation, find something you can rejoice in. At the end of the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us to “rejoice always,” but what does that really mean? Do we still praise God during the messy times of life? Isn’t this command a little cruel and uncompassionate? Today, we are surrounded with ads and marketing. TV, internet, social media. It’s everywhere. And that’s a problem. Marketing has one fundamental message: Get you to be discontent with your life. Yes, you have a car that works fine, but how much better would your life be if you had OUR car! Yes, you have dinner planned out for tonight and it is within your budget, but what if you didn’t have to work so hard and just ordered our delicious pizza, instead. On Instagram, we get paid recommendations from celebrities. We live in a world where we are surrounded by these types of messages. It can have a serious impact. It’s easy to get to a place where we are never content with what we have. We lose our gratitude and in turn lose our rejoicing. Well, you have a LOT to rejoice in today. No matter what situation or life phase you find yourself in, there is something you can rejoice in. I challenge you to find something (or a lot of things) to rejoice in today.
7/5/20187 minutes, 37 seconds
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540: Encouraged by your faith | 1 Thessalonians 3:7

Your faith can actually bring great encouragement to others who are struggling in their own faith journey. Just like yesterday, today’s One Verse is a personal message from me to you. Paul told the church of the Thessalonians that he had actually been encouraged by their faith in his times of distress (and Paul had some distress!) I feel the same about you. There have been times when I’ve wanted to quit the podcast. But right when I feel that way, I get an email or a private message or even a Facebook comment from someone telling me how much what I am doing means to them and their spiritual life. What an encouragement! You have the power to encourage other Christians who are struggling in their faith. By seeing your faith, it can give them hope. What about your pastor? That’s a tough job with little thanks. I know! So many pastors are tempted to quit. Your faith could be just the thing that is bringing them encouragement and allowing them to feel like their efforts and their ministry are actually making a difference. Our faith affects those around us.
7/3/20187 minutes, 31 seconds
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539: Stand firm | 2 Thessalonians 2:15

By holding on tight to the teachings of Jesus, we can stand firm in an unpredictable world. I love today’s One Verse because I want to adopt Paul’s message. He encourages his brothers and sisters in the faith to stand firm and hold fast to the teachings he passed on to them by mouth or by letter. Through word of mouth (podcast!), I am also passing on these teachings of Jesus to you, my brothers and sisters. My hope, like Paul, is that you stand firm in these teachings. God’s Word remains firm in a constantly shifting world.
7/2/20186 minutes, 7 seconds
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538: The purpose of His will | Ephesians 1:10

The beauty of the Church happens when different people from different backgrounds and different cultures come together under the name of Jesus. God has invited us into His will to bring unity to heaven and earth through Jesus. God’s will is that heaven and earth would be reunited. After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, a gap was created between us and God. His will is for that gap to be removed, and that is exactly what Jesus did through His sacrifice on the cross. Now, we are invited into the story. As we grow closer to God and chase after His will in our lives, we get to participate in bringing unity to all things.
6/28/20188 minutes, 51 seconds
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537: The mystery of His will | Ephesians 1:9

God’s will is the journey, not a destination. He wants you to know His will! #godswill #purpose One of the biggest questions many have about the Christian life is “What is God’s will for my life?” We have this idea that once we find God’s will, life will be great. It will all fall into place. But that isn’t the case. God doesn’t want us to get comfortable and content with where we are. He wants us to keep moving and growing. His will isn’t one perfect destination in our life. If we just get “there” everything will be perfect. No. It is the journey of growing closer to God. And even more than that, God wants to reveal His will to you. The closer you get to God, the more He will uncover His will in your life.
6/27/20186 minutes, 35 seconds
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536: A higher vantage point | Isaiah 55:9

When we feel lost, God sees a clear path. Have you ever been lost, really lost? Maybe you were driving in a new city or hiking in the woods. Either way, you didn’t know where to go next. You had lost the path. Has this ever happened in life? Have you ever said, “Why God?” Whenever we are lost driving or lost in life, one thing is true. If we could only get high enough, we could see the whole picture. We wouldn’t be confused and we would see exactly where we needed to go. Our One Verse today teaches us that God’s ways are higher than our ways. As high as the heavens are from the Earth, God sees the whole picture. Trust in Him to guide you down the right path
6/26/20185 minutes, 27 seconds
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535: Let nothing move you | 1 Corinthians 15:58

Nothing you do for God is done in vain. Being a follower of Jesus is not easy. There will be days when you are tired, hungry, and want to give up. There will be days that you will wonder if it’s worth it. There will be days that you look up at God and say, “Really? Why am I doing this?” But on those days, stand firm. Nothing you do for God is ever in vain. You may not see the results you expected. You may not see results for a while. But God is faithful. He sees your deeds. He knows your heart. It may be tough now, but it is worth it.
6/25/20187 minutes, 37 seconds
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534: Never returns empty | Isaiah 55:11

Is spending just 5 minutes a day with God worth it? Yes! Our One Verse today is Isaiah 55:11 and it reminds us that God’s Word never returns to Him empty. It always accomplished the purpose He meant for it. What does that mean for us? Even if you don’t feel like it, even if you only have a few minutes, spend time with God. Dive into His Word, if only one verse. It will accomplish exactly what God meant for it. God promises His Word will continue to work in our lives, bringing life like rains to a dry land.
6/18/20186 minutes, 41 seconds
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[Update]: It's moving week!

Hey, everyone! A quick update: This is the McCarrick moving week! We got the keys to our new place on Friday, so we are deep into packing, moving, and cleaning. Thanks for all the messages. I'm going to take this week to focus on the move, but I'll be back on Monday. Have an awesome week! Love you all, Matt
6/5/20183 minutes, 56 seconds
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533: God will hear your cry | Psalm 40:1

You may have to wait on God, but He always hears your cry, and He will turn to you. We never know when God will answer our prayers. It may happen instantly, or it could take years. But one thing is for sure, God is listening to you. He hears you! Your prayers are not hitting the ceiling. I don’t know why God has us wait. I don’t know why He doesn’t answer some prayers. But God is listening to you. And when He is ready, He will turn and answer you.
6/1/20185 minutes, 50 seconds
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532: Comfort others in trouble | 2 Corinthians 1:4

We learned from our last One Verse, 2 Corinthians 1:3, that our God is the God of all Comfort and the Father of Compassion. Today, we look at the very next verse that continues this thought. 2 Corinthians 1:4 tells us that God has given us comfort, not just for ourselves, but so that we can pass along that comfort and compassion to others who are hurting. This is what it means to be a Light Bearer.
5/31/20185 minutes, 50 seconds
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531: The God of all comfort | 2 Corinthians 1:3

Our God is the Father of Compassion, Who comforts us in all our troubles. Today’s One Verse teaches us that our God is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. I love serving a God who cares for us and has love and compassion for His people. But it doesn’t stop there. Our God is the Father of Compassion because He helps us through all of our troubles. If you are facing trouble today, turn to God. He is listening, and He is there for you.
5/30/20184 minutes, 57 seconds
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530: Our heart may fail | Psalm 73:26

Our flesh and our heart may fail, but God you never will! Life is tough at times. We never know what it might throw at us. That is why I love today’s One Verse, Psalm 73:26. Even though our flesh and our heart may fail, even though we may want to give up and throw in the towel, God promises to be our strength. He never fails. He will provide for us, protect us, and sustain us. We do something a little different today, and I end with one of my favorite worship songs that is actually based on Psalm 73:26. It’s a song called Give Me Faith and I want these lyrics to soak into your soul today: “My flesh may fail, but God you never will!”
5/25/20185 minutes, 21 seconds
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529: The faith of friends | Mark 2:5

We have the power to go to the throne of God on behalf of our friends. Our One Verse, today, takes place in the Gospel of Mark. It comes in the middle of a crazy and even hilarious story. Jesus was preaching in a city and His popularity was at an all time high. People wanted to be fed, they wanted to be healed. As Jesus was preaching in this home, so many people showed up that you couldn’t even get in the door. Well, for one paralyzed man, this was a problem. But he had four friends. And they weren’t going to let a little thing like a huge crowd stop them! These guys went up on the roof and started tearing a hole in it! The poor homeowner. Then they lowered the paralyzed man through the roof and he landed right smack dab in front of Jesus. I would give anything to have seen this! But then Jesus says something crazy. He says, “Because of their faith…” It was the faith of the friends that moved Jesus. I think this is a key principle that holds true today. We have the power to go to God on behalf of our friends. We have the power to have faith on behalf of our friends. I pray that you will go to God for your friends today.
5/24/20187 minutes, 46 seconds
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528: Jesus is at the door | Revelation 3:20

When Jesus said He was standing at the door and knocking, sadly He was speaking to His church. Today’s One Verse is Revelation 3:20 is a famous verse. Jesus says that He is standing at the door and knocking. Maybe you’ve seen the famous painting that was based on this verse. But here is the part we usually forget: He is speaking to Christians. When we hear this verse, it’s easy to think, “Yes, I wish people who don’t believe in Jesus would open their lives to Him.” And that’s a great hope. But this verse is for us. If you are a Christian, we have a hard question to ask… Are we shutting Jesus out? He is standing outside the door of your heart, asking for you to let Him back in? Please open the door and spend some quality time with Jesus today.
5/23/20186 minutes, 52 seconds
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527: Great and unsearchable things | Jeremiah 33:3

When we seek after God, He is willing to uncover great and unsearchable things to us. I am so thankful that I serve a God who knows more than me. God who knows the secrets of the universe. And better yet, He said that He will share those with us. No, we don’t always get the answer we want. He may not always pull back the curtain all the way. But God desires to have a relationship with us, and He is willing to share great and unsearchable things with us. We simply need to call out to Him.
5/22/20185 minutes, 48 seconds
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526: We are the light of the world | Matthew 5:14

As followers of the one, true Light (Jesus), we are called to reflect His Light to a dark and hurting world. We are the light of the world. In our culture, the word Christian carries a lot of emotional baggage. There are a lot of terms associated with Christian that are, well, less than flattering. Today, the word Christian has become very confused: christian movies, christian music, there is even a christian phone book. I feel we have lost something from the original meaning. There is something about a fresh ray of sunshine on your face. It brightens your mood, your day, and your entire outlook. Light is amazing. We are called to spread the Light and Love of Jesus to this dark and hurting world!
5/21/20187 minutes, 38 seconds
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525: God is not angry with you | Psalm 30:5

Do you think God is angry with you? Our One Verse, Psalm 30:5, teaches us that God’s anger only last for a moment. Yet, His blessings last forever. David, the writer of this Psalm, did a lot in his life that God wasn’t happy with. Adultery, murder, bloodshed. Yet, David tells us that God’s anger last only a moment. God isn’t angry with you. If you’ve messed up, sinned, made a mistake, then seek His forgiveness. He freely gives His grace. BUT, if you are still struggling with it after you’ve sought God’s forgiveness, that’s guilt. Guilt isn’t from God. Guilt is holding you back. Guilt never lets you get over a past mistake. Guilt prevents you from stepping into your future. Allow God to forgive you. He isn’t angry with you. He loves you and wants to pour out His blessings on you like a loving Father does for His child.
5/19/20186 minutes, 32 seconds
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524: Offer Forgiveness | Colossians 3:13

With all that God has forgiven of us, shouldn’t we forgive others, too? Forgiveness. It’s tough. When we feel wronged, it is so easy to focus on the other person. “They need to apologize. They need to be sorry for what they did to me!” But in the Bible, God is never concerned with the other person. We can’t control them. We can’t make them do what we want. There is only one thing we can control. We have the power to forgive. No, it isn’t easy. But remember how much God forgave us. Remember what Jesus did for us so we could experience God’s forgiveness. If we do that, I mean truly understand it, it will help us the next time we need to forgive someone else. Don’t live your life with unresolved anger. That leads to bitterness. Live your life with a forgiving heart. You have the perfect example. Hint: It’s Jesus.
5/18/20186 minutes, 48 seconds
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523: The Love of a Father | Luke 11:13

As much as you love your children, God loves you even more! I love being a dad. I love providing for my children and giving them gifts. I would do anything for them. If you are a parent, you know what I mean. We sacrifice so much to provide for our kids. Yet, I’m human. I’m not perfect. So, if I love to take care of my children, how much more will God take care of us? God loves you. He loves you like you love your children. And He will take care of you.
5/16/20186 minutes, 44 seconds
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522: What is Faith | Hebrews 11:1

Faith gives us hope because we can see God moving in every area of our lives. Faith is hard to wrap our minds around. You can’t see it. You can’t hold it. Yet, our One Verse for today, Hebrews 11:1, tells us that we can actually have assurance and hope in our faith. Faith doesn’t fly well in today’s culture. Science and information rules. Experience matters. But faith? Not so much. So, what is faith? Faith is a choice. Faith is choosing to have confidence in the Hope we can’t see. Faith doesn’t make sense. If it did, it wouldn’t be faith. Faith is supernatural assurance in what we cannot see and choosing to Hope. That sounds strange, doesn’t it? How can you have hope in something you cannot see? It’s hard to explain, but once you have deep faith, it is as real as anything else in life. How does it bring hope? Because our faith allows us to see God working in our lives, the good and the bad. And if we can’t see God moving, we know to look for Him. That is what Faith does in our lives. It allows us to see where God is moving.
5/15/20185 minutes
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521: The truth about God’s will | Philippians 2:13

“God takes full responsibility for the life wholly devoted to Him.” -Charles Stanley We don't have to worry about finding God's will for our lives. God takes responsibility for His will and His purpose in this world. The Bible makes it clear over and over, again. God will guide us towards His will. After all, it is His purpose that He want to see lived out in the world. He wants you to find His will. He has invited you into the story. We don't need to stress about finding God's will. Just find God and He will show you the way!
5/14/20185 minutes, 49 seconds
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520: Honor God with your bodies | 1 Corinthians 6:20

Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus paid our sin debt. Now, as followers of Jesus, we are called to honor God with our actions. There is a lot of talk today about what we can do as Christians. What is ok, what is not ok? What is right, what is wrong? How should we live our lives? I think these are the wrong questions. Our One Verse today in 1 Corinthians 6:20 gives us a different outlook. It reminds us that Jesus paid everything for our future. We had sin and judgement and death to look forward to, but Jesus turned that into life and grace and forgiveness. How should we live in light of this fact? It isn’t just about doing what is right and what is wrong. It also means we ask ourselves: what are the positive things we can engage in like serving others? Let us honor God with our bodies today.
5/9/20185 minutes, 27 seconds
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519: Faith and Community | 1 John 1:7

The closer we get to Jesus, the closer we get to each other. Our faith is very personal. It’s an intimate relationship with Jesus. Yet, as deeply personal as our faith is, it is not meant to stay private. Faith was meant to be shared in community. 1 John 1:7 teaches us that as we grow closer to Jesus, we actually grow closer to each other. We build stronger relationships and a deeper community. I encourage you to grow closer to God, not just for yourself, but so we can all grow closer together! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/8/20186 minutes, 38 seconds
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518: Share your story | 1 John 1:1

Sharing your faith is one of the scariest parts of being a Christian, but it doesn’t have to be. Simply tell your story. One of the biggest questions many Christians have is, “How do I share my faith?” We know we are supposed to do it. Yet, most of us shy away from sharing our faith because we don’t know how. We don’t want to be pushy. We don’t want to get into a debate with someone. We don’t want to seem like a know-it-all. But sharing your faith has nothing to do with any of these things. Sharing your faith is simply telling your story. This is how John, who lived with Jesus, begins his letter. He isn’t giving second hand information. He is telling the story that he experienced. We should do the same. Simply tell your story. Telling a story isn’t a debate. You are simply sharing what God has done in your own life. And who doesn’t love a good story?
5/7/20187 minutes, 2 seconds
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517: Do not remain silent | Psalm 109:1

What do we do when God doesn’t seem to be listening? When we aren’t sure where to turn or what to do, we reach out to God for the next step. We ask for vision and clarity. We ask for deliverance. And all of that is good. He wants us to do that. But have you ever felt that God is being silent? David begins Psalm 109, “My God, whom I praise, do not remain silent.” What an amazing prayer. Recently, I felt like God had been silent. Yet, my wife encouraged me and spoke to me. We will still praise God. We will still trust that He is in control. So, make this your prayer: God, do not remain silent. But always remember that small phrase in the middle… whom I praise. Continue to seek God and praise Him, even in the waiting.
5/4/20186 minutes, 36 seconds
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516: A marathon not a sprint | Hebrews 12:1

The Christian life is like a marathon race. Get rid of anything that is weighing you down. Our One Verse today is packed full of awesomeness. In one simple verse, we can see three key principles for our spiritual lives. First, we learn that we are surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses.” We don’t really know who these witnesses are, but one thing is certain. Heaven is cheering you on. Our One Verse also tells us that the Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes perseverance. It takes discipline. Stick with it. Finally, it we are running a race, we need to remove any weight that is holding us back. We know we need to get rid of sin in our lives. But what else is in your life that is holding you back? It might not be sin, but it is getting in the way of God’s best for your life? Let’s remove anything that hinders us from running our race well.
5/3/20186 minutes, 34 seconds
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515: Fix our eyes on the unseen | 2 Corinthians 4:18

What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. This is one of the most difficult parts of the Christian life. By its very definition, faith requires us to have an understanding of a world we cannot see. In life, we want to put our trust in what we can see, what we can touch, and what makes sense on paper. It’s comforting. But it is a false sense of safety. Everything around us is temporary. It won’t last. As followers of Jesus, God calls us to see the world with different eyes. Let us live our lives for what truly matters, even if we can’t see it now. And let us trust God to take care of us, even when we can’t see the answer right in front of us.
5/2/20186 minutes, 44 seconds
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514: Think Different | Romans 12:2

God’s will is not a secret. Many Christians wonder what God’s will is for their lives. The thing is, the Bible gives us the answer. No, the Bible can’t tell you exactly what job you are supposed to have, who to marry, or where to live. But God’s will goes way beyond all of these areas. God’s will involves bringing our lives in line with what God is doing in the world. How do we discover this? How do we join God? Our One Verse for today, Romans 12:2 gives us the answer. Yesterday, we discovered that we are called to be living sacrifices, giving our lives to God. The next verse uncovers how we do this. By spending time with God and allowing Him to transform our mind. When we regularly engage in Bible study, prayer, and even devotional podcasts (wink), it allows God to speak into our lives and transform our minds to His. And that’s the start to finding God’s will for your life.
5/1/20186 minutes, 26 seconds
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513: Living sacrifices | Romans 12:1

Worship isn’t the songs we sing, but the lives we live. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were a big deal. In our One Verse today, we are called to become a “living sacrifice.” How can we do this? By giving our lives back to God. He has given us true Love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. In turn, we should be compelled to give our lives back to Him. It is the ultimate act of worship. I encourage you to live your life as sacrifice to God. It is the greatest act of worship we can give. Ourselves.
4/30/20186 minutes, 18 seconds
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512: Is anything too hard for God? | Jeremiah 32:27

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” We need to keep this verse close to us at all times. If you have ever experienced heartache, pain, or disappointment in your life, this verse is for you. I love this verse because it is the answer to so many questions. How many times have you looked at God and asked, “Lord, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. I don’t know how I can overcome this pain. I don’t know how I can face this sickness. I don’t know how we’re going to pay this bill. Are You there? Can You help me?” Have you asked those questions. I have. And for each of those situations, Jeremiah 32:27 is the answer. Keep this verse in your wallet. Keep it in your purse. And when you have one of those deep life questions, take it out and read God’s answer. “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” No, Lord. There isn’t.
4/27/20184 minutes, 54 seconds
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511: Worthless wooden idols | Jeremiah 10:8

Are you letting some things replace the best God has for your life? On today’s One Verse, Jeremiah is gonna drop a Truth bomb on us. In Jeremiah 10, God and Jeremiah have a conversation about how crazy it it that men will hire a craftsman to cut down a tree and carve an idol. How does that even compare to God? Well, we probably don’t have a lot of “worthless wooden idols” in our house. Or do we? I know I have some electronic idols. An idol is anything that can pull us away from God.
4/26/20187 minutes, 15 seconds
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510: Hope and a future | Jeremiah 29:11

God has a plan for your life, a plan for Hope and a future. Your past may be filled with mistakes and regrets. You current reality may be uncertain and you aren’t where you hoped you would be. But God has not forgotten you. He has a plan for your life. He wants to protect you from harm. He wants to give you a future. He is your Hope.
4/26/20187 minutes, 16 seconds
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509: A fire in my bones | Jeremiah 20:9

Jeremiah didn’t have the easiest life. He even told God that He deceived him. That’s pretty bold. Our One Verse today comes just two verses later. Even though Jeremiah was frustrated, he knew that God’s message was a fire in his bones he could not contain. I love this verse. I think this is a rally cry for anyone who desires to be a Light Bearer and a true follower of Jesus. The message of Love of Jesus is like a fire we cannot control. We don’t need to be preaching on the street corners. But for anyone that is serious about following Jesus, His message will pour out of us.
4/24/20187 minutes, 29 seconds
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508: To know and be known | Jeremiah 1:5

One of the deepest needs that every person shares is to “know and be known”. In today’s One Verse, we learn that God knows you. He loves you. He has a plan for you. We are in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet who, frankly, had a pretty tough life. Yet, with all the pain he went through, we still find some of the most uplifting and encouraging verses in the Bible in His writings. Today, God wants you to know that He loves you, He knows you deeply, and He created a plan for your life before you were even born. That is how special you are to God!
4/23/20186 minutes, 54 seconds
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507: Build up one another | 1 Thessalonians 5:11

We all need a little encouragement. For me, Tuesday was rough. Thank you to everyone who reach out. Let us continue to reflect the Love of Jesus to others who need it and build them up, as well.
4/19/20186 minutes, 44 seconds
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506: I prayed for you today| Colossians 1:9

I prayed for you today. Right on the podcast. If you need some prayer and you are wondering what God has for your future, today’s One Verse is for you.
4/16/20187 minutes, 14 seconds
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505: God will confide in us | Psalm 25:14

When we trust God, He lets us in on His plans. Do you have some questions for God? I do. Right now, my family is in the middle of a transition. We are happy where we are at, but we know it isn’t long term. We have some serious God questions. How long will this take? What are we supposed to do next? That is why I love today’s One Verse. It promises us that if we trust God and fear Him with awe and respect, He will let us in on His plans. He will trust us and confide in us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/13/20185 minutes, 16 seconds
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504: Don’t take my word for it | Acts 17:11

Are you taking responsibility for your own spiritual life or just blindly following someone else? Do you take your Bible to church? Do you follow along with your pastor on the Bible App? Or do you just take for granted that whatever they project on the screen is actually in the Bible? No, I am not saying your pastor is lying to you. I am saying that we should be taking responsibility for our own spiritual life. In our One Verse, the Berean Jews were comparing everything that Paul taught against what Scripture taught. I think it would be wise for us to do the same. You aren’t showing disrespect to your pastor. Instead, you are learning how to feed yourself. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/12/20186 minutes, 23 seconds
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503: As for me and my house | Joshua 24:15

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Our One Verse today comes from the book of Joshua. Joshua was the leader of Israel in the Old Testament after Moses. He took the Israelites into the Promised Land. At the end of his life, after years of service and leadership to his people. He made one of his final addresses. In a sense, he drew a line in the sand. You can serve whoever you want to serve, but me and my household will continue to serve the Lord. What an inspiring message! He could of said anything, but this wise, old leader new what really mattered. Stay close to God. My prayer is this will be a phrase you live by in your own life. Will you serve the Lord?
4/11/20185 minutes, 28 seconds
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502: Invited Into the Story | 2 Peter 1:4

God has invited you to participate in His grand story. Yesterday, we learned that God has already given us everything we need to live our purpose. Today’s One Verse is the very next verse. In 2 Peter 1:4, we learn that God has given us His great and precious promises. God’s promises are awesome! But our One Verse doesn’t stop there. It lets us know why we have these promises… Because God has invited us into His story. We have been given a role to play, and He wants us to participate in what He is doing.
4/10/20185 minutes, 12 seconds
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501: Spiritual DNA | 2 Peter 1:3

God has already given you everything you need to live your purpose. Do you know God’s will for your life? Have you discovered your purpose? A lot of people struggle with this. We think, “Well, if I just had this gift or that person’s skills. If only had (fill in the blank), I would be able to find God’s will for my life and live out my purpose. Well, today’s One Verse teaches us that we have been given everything we need. It’s like our Spiritual DNA. You have the gifts, skills, personality, and passion to live out God’s purpose for your life.
4/9/20187 minutes, 36 seconds
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500: A Celebration of 500 Episodes

This is the 500th episode of the One Verse Devotional podcast! I can hardly believe it. A little over two years ago, I had no idea how to create or produce a podcast. Yet, I felt like it was a God thing. I dove in deep and learned everything I could, quickly. I launched the One Verse Devotional with a lot of uncertainty, but even more passion. Since then, I’ve heard from so many people who have said they appreciate the devotional and that it helps them connect to God on a daily basis. This brings me such joy, knowing that I can share in small part of their faith journey. I wanted you to hear from some of my friends, as well as other community members. Today’s episode is a different (and longer!). Listen in as listeners, just like you, share some of their favorite One Verses with us today. I was honored that they were willing to give me their time. I truly love you all. I am here because of you. I do very little promotion of the podcast. It has grown to more than 12,000 downloads a month all because of YOU! Please keep sharing and telling your friends, family, and pastors about the One Verse Devotional. From my heart to yours…. THANK YOU!!!
4/6/201819 minutes, 24 seconds
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499: Three prayers we should be using | 1 Timothy 2:1

Prayer is powerful. It is how we communicate with God. But I take prayer for granted many times. Do you? In the book of 1st Timothy, the Apostle Paul is mentoring Timothy and, literally tells him to start with prayer, first. Have we forgotten the importance of prayer, today? I get so busy that I rarely find myself on my knees. Our One Verse, 1 Timothy 2:1, gives us three unique prayers that we should be investing in: petitions, intercession, and thanksgiving. Let’s take some time to pray today: for friends, for family, for our leaders, and for the troubles and injustices in our world. But don’t stop there. Let’s also give thanks to God for all that He is doing (and will do!) in our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/4/20187 minutes, 19 seconds
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498: More than we imagine | Ephesians 3:20

God can do more than we ask or even imagine, and His power is at work in your life. I don’t know about you, but I can imagine a lot! Yet, today’s One Verse teaches us that God can do more than we can ask or even imagine! And it doesn’t stop there. Paul reminds us that God is at work in our lives. If we are followers of Jesus, His power lives within us. This isn’t the self-help “tap into your potential” kind of power. This is the Power of God living inside you. God is at work behind the scenes even when we don’t realize it. We can now face the future and our greatest challenges knowing that we have a loving God who cares for us, and nothing is too big for Him! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/3/20184 minutes, 57 seconds
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497: Purpose and Goals | Philippians 3:14

Viktor Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor who wrote the book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” where he discovered that at the core of all people is a need to find purpose. Frankl said, “What man actually needs is... the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him.” What does this have to do with our One Verse today? Everything! Paul said in Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Paul lived with meaning. He had purpose as he pressed on to strive for the goal God placed in his life. Viktor Frankl said we actually get in trouble when we just sit around and wonder about life. Does God love me? Does God hear me? Does God have a purpose for my life? Instead, we need to get busy! Meaning and purpose comes from diving into a goal and a project. This is what we see in the life of Paul. He was striving toward the goal God placed in his life to win the prize. For us, I think it’s time to get off the couch. It’s time to press toward the goal for which God has called each of us! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/2/20186 minutes, 22 seconds
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496: Good Friday | Matthew 27:50

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so we could receive the ultimate gift. Matthew 27:50 is the verse that changed history. In this moment, Jesus took on the weight of the world. He bore the wrongdoings of every man and woman that has ever lived or ever will live. Jesus paid the sin-debt of death for all of humanity. In the beginning, God and humankind enjoyed a perfect relationship, spending everyday together. But sin changed that. God is perfect and holy, and He can not associate with sin, evil, or injustice. It is against His very nature. By our own sin, we had separated ourselves from God. And only one penalty could heal our sin-debt: death. Blood would need to be shed. It was the only way. Jesus lived a perfect life in an imperfect world. He was innocent, the one human that did not need to appease the blood-debt. But He stood in our place. He took on our debt and paid the price with His life. Now, through His death, our debt has been paid. And through His resurrection, death and hell and sin have been conquered once and for all! The gift of true Life is now available to anyone who will place their trust in Jesus, recognizing our need for a Savior who gave everything for us. If you have any questions about what this means for your life, please email me at [email protected] and let’s have an honest conversation about life and faith and your future. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/30/20186 minutes, 33 seconds
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495: A New Commandment | John 13:34

We are just a few days away from Easter Sunday, and we are looking at a verse every day this week out of the last week of Jesus’s life here on earth. Today’s One Verse comes from the Last Supper. Jesus gives us a new command. You might remember from earlier this week that Jesus quoted the Old Testament with He was asked what the greatest commandment was. He was answering an “expert” in the law who was trying to trick Him. So Jesus quoted the Old Testament law to turn the tables on this expert. But today Jesus is in the upper room with his closest disciples and gives us all a new commandment. What is this new commandment that Jesus gives us? To love one another as Jesus has loved us. As we enter Easter weekend, let’s remember how much Jesus gave for us because of His Love and show that same love for others that we encounter each and every day. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/29/20187 minutes, 26 seconds
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494: Love your neighbor | Matthew 22:39

How can we effectively love our neighbor? Today’s One Verse is like “part 2” of yesterday’s verse. In this story, Jesus is being tested by one of the “experts” of the law. While Jesus normally answered one question with another question, this time He had no problem putting this guy in his place. But through this interaction, we are able to discover the first and second greatest commandments. Jesus said “all the laws and prophets hang on these two commandments.” What did he mean? Can the entire Christian life be summarized in just two commands? And if this is true, that means if we learn how to love God and love people, we would be well on our way to living a life full of worship and purpose! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/28/20186 minutes, 14 seconds
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493: The Greatest Commandment | Matthew 22:37

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. As we look to Easter, we are looking at a verse, each day, from the last week of Jesus’s life. It’s funny how many times Jesus doesn’t answer a direct question in the Bible. He usually answers a question with another question. He wants people to think and dive deeper. That is, until someone is trying to test Jesus. Then He doesn’t mess around! Well, today’s One Verse is one of those times. It is during Holy Week, the last week before Jesus goes to the cross. An “expert” in the law is trying to test Jesus, and we get to listen in and hear from Jesus as He answers the question: “Which is the greatest commandment?” The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/27/20186 minutes, 59 seconds
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492: Who is Jesus? | Matthew 21:10

This is the start of Holy Week, which means we are less than a week away from Easter, resurrection Sunday! To prepare for Easter, we are going to look at a verse, each day, from the final week of Jesus’s life here on earth. Today’s One Verse takes place during the story of Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. The Bible tells us there was a large crowd, and it causes quite a stir when Jesus entered the city. Palm leaves and branches were being thrown in the street, and people were shouting, “Hosanna!”  For those who didn’t understand what was happening, they had one question: Who is this? We all have one question we must answer in life: Who is Jesus? This isn’t a question we only ask once, but one we continually ask ourselves throughout our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/26/20185 minutes, 47 seconds
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491: The cry of the afflicted | Psalm 10:17

Have you ever felt like your prayers were hitting the ceiling? Does this mean God isn’t listening? Is He paying attention to our lives? Psalm 10:17 reminds us that God hears the cry of the afflicted and hurting. He hears your prayer. He is listening to your deepest desires for joy and peace. If you are hurting, today, don’t turn away from God. Grow closer to Him and allow Him to wrap His arms of Love around you and offer you comfort. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/24/20186 minutes, 34 seconds
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490: Focus on your heart | 1 Samuel 16:7

Many times, the life God calls us to is exactly the opposite of what the “world” values. Our One Verse, today, comes from the story of David when he was anointed king. Even Samuel, the prophet, thought David’s older brother would make the perfect king. He looked the part. But God quickly reminds him that our culture looks at the outward appearance. But this doesn’t matter to God. He looks at our character. He looks at our hearts. Instead of trying to keep up with what’s popular in our culture, focus on the inside and what God is doing in your heart. That is what truly matters. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/23/20186 minutes, 25 seconds
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489: Joyful in Hope | Romans 12:12

Whether life is going well or you are experiencing pain and frustration, Paul reminds us of three important guidelines for the Christian life. We are to remain joyful in the hope we have in Jesus. We are to stay patient and wait for God in the midst of our troubles. And we must always remain faithful in prayer. Stay close to God and allow His perfect joy to give you hope in every life situation, both good and bad. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/21/20186 minutes, 20 seconds
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488: You are the temple of God | 1 Corinthians 6:19

1 Corinthians 6:19 says we are the temples of God. Does that mean we can’t get tattoos? Well, not quite. Tattoos aren’t the context of this passage. It’s actually all about sexual immorality and sin. What can we learn from today’s One Verse? That God is always with us. We should treat our bodies and our lives as though we were inviting Him along with us. Jesus gave everything for us. We should now be willing to give everything to Him. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/20/20185 minutes, 28 seconds
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487: God breathed | 2 Timothy 3:16

Can we trust the Bible that we have today? I believe we can. The Bible is God-breathed. Even though God chose to use flawed humans, He preserves His Word. So, why do we have the Bible? Our One Verse, 2 Timothy 3:16, tells us that the Bible can correct us and highlight those areas we need to work on. Yet, it also gives us the teaching and training we need. The Bible equips us to live the life God has planned for us. I encourage you to dive into God’s Word and allow it to speak into your life. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/19/20185 minutes, 56 seconds
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486: Be Still | Psalm 46:10

Personally, life feels really chaotic right now. My wife and I have been working hard to create schedules, make plans, and be more disciplined. But honestly, every time we take a step forward, it seems like something is there to get in our way. We get sick for 2 weeks; Our girls decide to be 100% awake from 2-4am; The hot water heater goes out twice in one week! It’s been beyond frustrating. And my natural instinct is to do more. Work harder. Hustle longer. Sleep less. Yet, I’ve found this has the opposite effect and causes the hamster wheel to just keep spinning. Our One Verse, today, gives us a better option. God never calls us to chaos, only Peace. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/16/20186 minutes, 26 seconds
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485: Saved and Called | 2 Timothy 1:9

Do you ever wonder what God thinks about you? Do you wonder where you stand with God? Today’s One Verse, 2 Timothy 1:9, answers that exact question. We have been saved by Jesus. We have been called to live a special life. But why? According to God’s purpose. This was His idea. He loves you. Through His grace, He has saved you and called you. Love, grace, calling. That is where you stand with God. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/15/20185 minutes, 57 seconds
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484: Faith, Hope, Love | 1 Corinthians 13:13

Normally, when we read 1 Corinthians 13, it’s because we are at a wedding. However, this chapter of the Bible reaches a lot further than something to recite at a ceremony. It gives us the definition of perfect Love, the kind of Love that only God can truly provide. The ultimate goal in loving others. Our One Verse comes from the very last verse of the chapter. Paul teaches us the three most powerful forces in the entire universe. The question is: How much time are you investing in these three areas? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/14/20186 minutes, 22 seconds
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483: Ordinary people | Acts 4:13

I believe we have all been given special gifts and abilities from God. However, sometimes I simply feel ordinary. I wonder if I really have what it takes. Well, Acts 4:13 speaks to this very problem. Peter and John, from the world’s view, were ordinary men. Yet, they did extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God. How? They spent time with Jesus. Are you tired of feeling ordinary and what to uncover the best that God has for you? There is only one answer: Spend time with Jesus. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/13/20186 minutes, 16 seconds
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482: Sowing and Reaping | 2 Corinthians 9:6

I live in the farming state of Indiana. Next month, around late April into May, you’ll start seeing farmers out in the fields. Farmers are known to get up early and work long days. Why? They understand the principle found in our One Verse today. 2 Corinthians 9 reminds us that the more we sow, the more we can reap. If we invest sparingly in many different areas of our lives, we will never see the outcomes we are hoping for. The less we put in, the less we get back. Yet, the more we give, the more we reap. It’s true in farming, and it’s true in life, as well. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/12/20186 minutes, 37 seconds
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481: Live like you were dying | Psalm 90:12

If we understood that each day is truly a gift, how would that shape our decisions? Would we make better choices? Would we chase after only those things (and those people!) that truly matter? By learning to number our days, we will live with more wisdom. Like Tim McGraw taught us, you have to live like you were dying. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/9/20186 minutes, 15 seconds
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480: A New Heart | Ezekiel 36:26

Will join me in supporting a very deserving family? Visit
3/9/20189 minutes, 47 seconds
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479: Jesus brings life | 1 Corinthians 15:22

Yesterday, we learned that Jesus came for one reason: to bring LIFE. In Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth, he reminds us why Jesus had to bring life. Through the sin of Adam, he brought mankind death. If the story stopped with Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden, we would have no hope. But Jesus changed all of that. He humbled Himself and became human, and where Adam gave us death, Jesus offers us Life. The closer we get to Jesus, the more we uncover the true Life only He can provide. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/7/20184 minutes, 49 seconds
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478: Why did Jesus come to earth? | John 10:10

Why did Jesus come to earth? There can be a lot of great answers to this question: To die on the cross. To rise from the dead. To perform miracles. To teach and preach. To love others. But what would Jesus, Himself, say? Well, fortunately, He told us. And it all comes down to just ONE word... The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/6/20186 minutes, 59 seconds
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477: The last will be first | Matthew 19:30

Sometimes, it can be hard to sacrifice and serve when no one seems to notice. It can be difficult to put others first, while at the same time feel like we are being pushed to the back of the line. Is it worth it? Should we be more vocal about who we are and what we are doing? Do we deserve more? Jesus tell us that our service is not in vain. Our sacrifice has been noticed. And when the time comes, Jesus, Himself, will take us from the back of the line and escort us to the front with all of His blessings. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/5/20186 minutes, 40 seconds
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476: Look to God not your problems | Psalm 25:15

When life throws a curveball, it’s natural for us to focus on the problem. Current problems, past failures, and even attacks from other people all have the tendency to grab our attention. But Psalm 25 gives us a different option that is much more effective. The next time you are facing trouble, place your focus on God, not the problem. Only He can set you free. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/2/20186 minutes, 4 seconds
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475: Power = Love + Self-Discipline | 2 Timothy 1:7

As Christians, we aren’t called to be fearful or timid. We have been given the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. What does that mean? God’s Spirit gives us STRENGTH so we can develop self-discipline and be outspoken in love. (2 Timothy 1:7) The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
3/1/20187 minutes, 35 seconds
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474: Our First Calling | 1 Timothy 3:5

Should we sacrifice everything for our careers? There is a common lie in our culture that says you can win at work and lose at home. That we can sacrifice our families as long as we are giving everything we have to our business or our dreams. But the Bible makes it clear: If you can’t lead your family well, you can’t lead anything well. We don’t need to be perfect spouses or parents. But it is impossible to win at life if we are losing at home. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/28/20186 minutes, 53 seconds
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473: Proof of Love | Romans 5:8

How does God feel about me? This is the question we have been asking the last two days. It’s an important question that we all must wrestle to the ground. Thankfully, the Bible is very clear on how God feels about us, if we would listen (and believe!) what It says. The truth is, God loves us, unconditionally. He loved us when we were truly unlovely. Do you struggle with past mistakes and failures? Take some time today to reflect on how much God must love you. He showed us His love when we could do nothing in return and had done nothing to earn it! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/27/20186 minutes, 28 seconds
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472: How does God feel about me? | Matthew 18:12

How does God feel about me? This is a question many of us have wrestled with at some point. Honestly, we’ll probably need to answer this question a few times in life. It’s natural for us to wonder where we stand with God. This question becomes even more real after we mess up or make a mistake in life. Fortunately, this is a question that Jesus has already answered. In Matthew 18, Jesus shares a parable of a shepherd with a lost sheep. The sheep has wandered away. It’s not where it is supposed to be. The shepherd has 99 other sheep, so what does he do? How does he feel about this sheep? Does he cut his loses and focus on the safe sheep? No! He risks his life to find the lost sheep. And Jesus adds, “if he finds it… he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.” Even if you have messed up in your past, Jesus hasn’t given up on you. He is pursuing you and will rejoice once you are back home. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/26/20186 minutes, 37 seconds
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471: A lamp for our path | Psalm 119:105

The Christian life is a journey that will take you from the highest mountain experience to the lowest of valleys, and everything in between. And just like any adventure into the wilderness, you need a lamp. There is nothing worse than getting caught, after dark, without a light. When you’re camping, this is an easy fix: fire, a lantern, or a flashlight. But what about when it comes to our spiritual lives. Psalm 119 tells us that God’s Word acts like a lamp in lives, lighting the path in front of us and illuminating the way we should take. The closer we get to God, and the more time we spend in His Word, the brighter our path will be! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/23/20185 minutes, 44 seconds
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470: Whatever you do | Colossians 3:17

We’ve been looking at Colossians, chapter 3, for the past two weeks to discover how Christians should live. Today, we wrap up our series, and Colossians 3:17 is the perfect conclusion. “Whatever you do… do it all in the name of Jesus.” All of our deeds, actions, and words should be done as if we were doing them for God. Honoring God with our words and actions is one of the best ways to live like Jesus. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/22/20187 minutes, 9 seconds
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469: Love First | Colossians 3:14

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” -Colossians 3:14 This week, we’ve been diving into Colossians, chapter 3. We are learning what it looks like to follow Jesus. We must have compassion, gentleness, kindness, and humility. We also need to be courageous is offering forgiveness to others, even though it’s not easy. It’s been a great discussion, but I get REALLY excited about today’s One Verse: “Put on love, which binds them all together.” THIS verse lays out a key philosophy and worldview that I have become extremely passionate about: Love First. The perfect Love of Jesus is the foundation for everything else in life. We must have Love, or the rest is meaningless. Before we do anything, we must have Love first. This is what it means to follow Jesus. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/21/20186 minutes, 12 seconds
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468: Forgive as God forgave you | Colossians 3:13

This week, we are in Colossians 3 learning how to follow Jesus and live the Christian life. Yesterday, we learned we should live out compassion, kindness, and patience to others. But it doesn’t stop there. Colossians 3:13 calls us to forgive others, even though it isn’t easy. Paul uses the ultimate act of forgiveness as our example: Forgive as God forgave you. In the same way that God loved us, we would love others. In the same way God doesn’t hold our past mistakes against us, so we should forgive others, as well. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/20/20187 minutes, 25 seconds
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467: Clothed in Compassion | Colossians 3:12

How should a Christian live? What does it mean to follow Jesus and live the Christian life? What does that look like? Sadly, there are a lot of different views, today, on what it means to be a Christian. Most of them aren’t very positive. And if we’re honest, we (the church) have brought this on ourselves. But is this what we find in the Bible? No! Colossians teaches us a different way to live, and it is beautiful. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/19/20186 minutes, 27 seconds
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466: Love will follow you | Psalm 23:6

Have you ever been alone in the woods at night? It can be a little scary. You don’t know exactly where to go or what dangers may be ahead. But if you have a companion, it’s a different story. Sure, you were probably still anxious and it was still a little scary. Yet, with a friend, you had confidence. You felt more safe and secure. You didn’t feel alone. You felt like it was an adventure. In many ways, this is like life. We can feel alone in the darkness of our future. But Psalm 23 promises that we are surrounded with some pretty amazing companions: the goodness, mercy, and love of God. They will follow us all the days of our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/16/20186 minutes, 13 seconds
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465: How to teach others | Colossians 3:16

Are we called to teach and train others in the Gospel and faith? Absolutely. But the Bible gives us clear guidelines, and more importantly, an attitude to have when we do it. It is never God’s intent for us to blast people on social media with no context or relationship. Instead, out of the peace we find in Christ, we are called to teach and correct others in His Love with wisdom and a heart of gratitude. Colossians 3:16 literally teaches that we should be able to sing a worship song together afterward. I don’t see that, too much, on Facebook! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/15/20188 minutes, 16 seconds
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464: Guided by Peace | Colossians 3:15

How do you make decisions? What do you use to guide your life? Colossians 3:15 gives us the compass we need to navigate life: The Peace of Christ. When we are faced with decisions or difficult life choices, it is the peace of God that will guide us. When we are unsure of ourselves, it’s the peace of Guide that leads us. God is never a god of confusion. God is a God of clarity. He offers us His peace to guide us when we are scared, unsure, and hesitant. Allow the Peace of Christ to rule in your life, and pass this Peace on to others you encounter. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/14/20186 minutes, 15 seconds
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463: Rooted and built up | Colossians 2:7

Growing in our faith is much like a growing tree. When we plant deep roots in Jesus, He continues to help us grow, building us up and giving us strength. This is one area we simply can’t do it on our own. From roots to growth to strength, Jesus promises to build our lives if we lean on Him. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/13/20185 minutes, 41 seconds
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462: Defend the oppressed | Isaiah 1:17

The focus of the Christian faith isn’t about following rules. The goal isn’t a bunch of do’s and don’ts. Jesus taught and lived compassion. The focus of true Christianity is Love in all of its forms. Not only was this the example of Jesus, we find it throughout the Bible. Even in the Old Testament, the book of Isaiah teaches us how to live a life of true Love. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/12/20187 minutes, 15 seconds
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461: Create in me a clean heart | Psalm 51:10

Even at the darkest point in his life, David didn’t run from God. He ran to Him. “Create in me a clean heart” is the prayer David had after his affair with Bathsheba. This can be hard to pray, but David gives us a great example of how to seek God, even in our weakness. Only God can heal us. Only God can cleanse us. No matter what your past mistakes may be, seek after God and ask Him to repair your heart. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/9/20187 minutes
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460: What God Has Done | 1 Chronicles 16:8

What has God done in your life? Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in troubles or worry and forget how many times God has come through for us in the past. Today, let’s pause for a moment and praise God for what He has done in our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/8/20186 minutes, 41 seconds
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459: Lip service love | 1 John 3:18

“I’ll pray for you.” How many times have we used this phrase only to forget our promise and turn it into empty words? The Apostle John reveals a key priority for all true followers of Jesus: We must show love through our actions. There’s simply no place for lip service love. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/7/20185 minutes, 13 seconds
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458: All day long | Deuteronomy 6:7

Teaching our children the Bible can seem overwhelming. What does it look like? When should we do it? Today’s One Verse actually lays out a simple strategy on how to teach (or learn!) the Bible. Whether you have kids or not, this is how we should interact with God’s Word. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/6/20186 minutes, 49 seconds
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457: Alive and active | Hebrews 4:12

The Bible is a living book. Certain parts of It will speak to us at different times in our lives… exactly when we needed it. The Bible is a living book because It is the Word of God. It has the ability to see into our soul and heal us from the inside out. In a pinch, it also makes a great imaginary sword… you’ll have to listen to the episode to know what that’s about! ;) The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/5/20186 minutes, 49 seconds
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456: Our strength and shield | Psalm 119:114

God loves His children. When life becomes overwhelming, God is our refuge and strength. He is a place of safety from the storms of life. If you are in a place of need, seek after God and find rest. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/2/20184 minutes, 28 seconds
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455: A Love Debt | Romans 13:8

When we hear the word “debt” we usually think of money and credit. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we have one very important debt that has nothing to do with money. And we owe this debt to every person we meet. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
2/1/20186 minutes, 19 seconds
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454: Carry each others burdens | Galatians 6:2

We learned this week that we are called to reflect the “Light of life” that is only found in Jesus. We are His light bearers, reflecting his Light and Love to this dark and hurting world. But how can we do this? What does it look like? Galatians 6:2 teaches us how we can live out this teaching of Jesus: Carry each other’s burdens! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/31/20186 minutes, 31 seconds
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453: The Light of Life | John 8:12

Jesus is the Light of the world, and He has called us to reflect His light to a dark and hurting world. This light is the Light of Life, and we have a part to play. What is true Christianity? Getting plugged into, and reflecting, the Light and Love of Jesus. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/30/20186 minutes, 25 seconds
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452: God finishes what He starts | Philippians 1:6

Today’s One Verse in Philippians 1:6 reminds us that God finishes what He starts. He began a good work in your life, but God didn’t take off, hoping everything would work out. He didn’t leave us alone to figure things out. No, God promises to be with us every step of the way. He started something beautiful in your life, and He promises to work in us until that good work is completed. We can have confidence in this. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/29/20184 minutes, 32 seconds
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451: Crying out to God | Psalm 102:1

Have you ever cried out to God, only to feel like He wasn’t listening? This is exactly how the writer of Psalm 102 felt. It was tried and weak. He needed help. If this is where you are at in life, I encourage to make Psalm 102 your prayer. God isn’t ignoring you. When you need Him, don’t stop calling His name. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/26/20186 minutes, 22 seconds
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450: A home with God | John 14:23

How do we unlock the promises of God? In our free course, Jump Start Your Year, we learned that many of God’s promises are made real by simply spending time with Him and delighting in His relationship. But how do we develop this relationship? John 14:23 gives us the answer: When we obey the teachings of Jesus, God will make a home with us. Obeying Jesus = A deeper relationship with God = His promises in our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/25/20186 minutes, 54 seconds
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449: Freedom and responsibility | Galatians 5:13

Following Jesus isn’t about “do this” and “don’t do that”. We have been given FREEDOM in Christ! However, this freedom comes with responsibility. THIS is how we should use our freedom... The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/24/20186 minutes, 25 seconds
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448: New birth into living hope | 1 Peter 1:3

Your past does not define you. Through the resurrection of Jesus, we have been given a fresh start and hope for the future. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/23/20185 minutes, 55 seconds
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447: Your true identity | John 1:12

We all have a voice in our head that wants to tell us that we are not enough. It wants to tell us that we are defined by our past, our mistakes, and our sin. This voice is a lie. You have only one true identity: You are a child of God. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/22/20185 minutes, 49 seconds
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446: Vindicated | Psalm 26:1

Known as the “Man after God’s own heart”, David also made a lot of mistakes. Yet, in Psalm 26, he says that he has lived a blameless life. How? Because David understood the power of God’s Grace. And this grace is available to us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/19/20187 minutes, 5 seconds
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445: Reflecting the Light of Jesus | Matthew 5:16

Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, Jesus has invited us to reflect His Light to a dark world. This isn’t about religion: rules and guidelines to make sure you’re in good standing with God. This is a relationship, and Jesus wants us to take part in His mission of Love. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/18/20183 minutes, 58 seconds
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444: Walk in the Light | 1 John 1:7

Jesus calls us to spread His Light and Love to this dark and hurting world. If we obey His command, He promises that we will be pure in His eyes AND we will have deeper relationships with others. Talk about a WIN-WIN! Be a Light Bearer. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/17/20185 minutes, 54 seconds
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443: Community of faith | Mark 3:14

Even Jesus didn’t live life alone. Jesus appointed 12 disciples. He also had His inner three, and a best friend in John. If Jesus, Himself, didn’t try to do things on His own, why do we? Connecting to a positive and encouraging faith community is critical to our spiritual lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/16/20185 minutes, 44 seconds
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442: We are all ONE | MLK | Galatians 3:28

“Every genuine expression of love grows out of a consistent and total surrender to God.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. (Christmas sermon | Montgomery, Alabama, 1957) #MLKDay #love
1/15/20187 minutes, 51 seconds
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441: One thing I ask | Psalm 27:4

If you could ask God for one request, what would it be? In Psalm 27, David says that he only has one thing that he would ask of God: that he would dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of his life. Is that what you would ask for? Yeah, me either. But David demonstrates a lot of wisdom in this One Verse. It all comes down to relationship. David doesn’t just want to hang out in church (the temple) his whole life. He wants to dwell with God. He wants God to spend time with him. So, what is David’s one request? That he would know God, and that God would know him. What a great focus to have in 2018, as well. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/12/20186 minutes, 8 seconds
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440: Set apart for God | 1 Peter 1:16

Holy doesn’t mean perfect. Yes, we are called to be holy, but that doesn’t mean that we have to live perfect lives. God didn’t set the bar so high that we can never reach it. Holy simply means to be “set apart for God”. So, when Moses is standing on “holy” ground at the burning bush or the God says the city of Jericho has been consecrated (same word for holy in Hebrew), it’s not saying that these things are perfect. It is saying they are set apart. This is how we are supposed to live our lives: set apart from the world and to God. Our lives will look different. We will act and react differently than what culture might expect. Why? We belong to God. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.  
1/11/20187 minutes, 8 seconds
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439: Will God provide | Exodus 16:4

Do you have financial or career goals for 2018? The first question you must answer is not “Can I make more money?” or “How can I get more clients or customers?”. No, the first question you must answer is: “Do I trust God to provide?” God has promised to take care of His people. Do we trust that He will stick by His Word? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.  
1/10/20187 minutes, 3 seconds
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438: Being a people pleaser | Galatians 1:10

As Christians, we are called to love and serve others. But that is different than trying to please others and finding your worth in what others think of you. That is only a trap that will prevent you from serving God and discovering His best for your life. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/9/20184 minutes, 31 seconds
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437: Two focuses for 2018 | Proverbs 19:20

I have been giving a lot of thought to what I would like to accomplish in 2018. But goals aren’t enough. I’ve seen a lot of years end (including 2017!) where I had totally missed my goals. This year, I have two focuses that will help achieve my goals: Discipline and seeking wise counsel. They may not sound flashy, but Proverbs 19:20 reminds us of their importance. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
1/8/20187 minutes, 2 seconds
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[Bonus]: Welcome to 2018

Goodbye, 2017! I don't know about you, but I was ready to part ways. Now, it's time to say, "Hello, 2018!" I am really excited about the coming year and some plans I have for Phosphorus Project and the One Verse Devotional podcast. I hope you'll join me!
1/8/20184 minutes, 44 seconds
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436: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made | Psalm 139:14

God’s creation is beautiful. It is perfect and wonderfully made. From the oceans to the mountains, we don’t need to look far to see the wonder of God’s creation. Yet, many of us struggle with what we see in the mirror. But, you (yes, you!) are God’s creation. That means YOU are perfect and beautiful and wonderful. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
12/20/20177 minutes, 24 seconds
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435: Obey My Teaching | John 14:23

A lot of times, it’s easy to wonder where we stand with God. What does He think of us? Or we struggle with knowing His will. But John 14:23 actually gives us a very simple step to take so we don’t have to wonder where we stand with God or what he wants us to do. Check it out... The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
12/15/20177 minutes, 22 seconds
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434: The peace of God will guard your heart | Philippians 4:7

The Christmas season is wonderful, beautiful, and magical. It can also be filled with anxiety. Thankfully, we have the Peace of God available to us. But how do we tap into this Peace? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
12/13/20175 minutes, 42 seconds
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433: The verse on government | Daniel 4:17

The state of our political system is, well, crazier than I’ve ever seen in my life. But there is a powerful verse in the book of Daniel that can give us hope during these times of uncertainty. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
12/12/20177 minutes, 50 seconds
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432: My fortress and deliverer | Psalm 18:2

God is our refuge, our salvation, and our stronghold. When life gets busy and filled with anxiety and worry, He is our Rock. If life feels crazy right now and you’re trying to do it all on your own, you need to Psalm 18:2. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
12/11/20176 minutes, 26 seconds
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[Weekend Update]: I am alive, Christmas devotional, and new podcast website drops

Hello, everyone! First things first... Yes, I'm alive! Sorry I have been out of the loop and haven't posted for two entire weeks. It has killed me, and I've missed you guys so much! Here's the kicker: my last podcast was titled, "weary and burdened"! Ha. Are you kidding me? Cause that has been my life. I think I'll go back and read that One Verse, again. Second, I just launch (today!) our brand, spanking new podcast website: I'd LOVE for you guys to check it out. You can listen to new and old episodes, learn about One Verse, and there's even contact info to get ahold of me. Finally, I am writing, again (woo-hoo!). This Wednesday, I'm releasing our 2017 Holiday Devotional: "12 Days of Christmas". This will be different than our One Verses. The Holiday Devotional takes a unique look at the Christmas season. Did you know my favorite Christmas story doesn't come from Luke 2, but from the book of Revelation?! To get the FREE Holiday Devotional, sign up for FREE at our new site: Love you guys and I'll talk to you in the morning with a brand new One Verse Devotional. Peace!
12/10/20179 minutes, 3 seconds
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431: Weary and Burdened | Matthew 11:28

Is life weighing you down? Starting to feel the strain and pressure of the upcoming Christmas season? When we are feeling weary and burdened, Jesus said to come to Him and He would give us rest. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/27/20174 minutes, 14 seconds
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430: Glorify Him with Thanksgiving | Psalm 69:30

[Week of Thanksgiving] God loves a heart filled with thanksgiving, so this is a wonderful way to show Him praise! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/24/20175 minutes, 1 second
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429: Thanksgiving | 1 Corinthians 1:4

Happy Thanksgiving! This year, I am thankful for you. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/23/20173 minutes, 9 seconds
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428: Give thanks | 1 Thessalonians 5:18

[Week of Thanksgiving] When we have Jesus in our lives, we always have a reason to be thankful. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/22/20175 minutes, 27 seconds
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427: With Thanksgiving | Philippians 4:6

When we ask God for things, we have to be careful not to treat Him like a genie in the lamp. There is one, simple way to avoid this: Pray out of a heart of thanksgiving. Giving thanks is an act of worship and shows respect and honor for our God. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/21/20175 minutes, 18 seconds
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426: An overflow of thanksgiving | 2 Corinthians 4:15

[Week of Thanksgiving] We are weak, but He is strong. This is the power of God’s grace in our lives, and His grace is reaching more and more people. It is this Grace that allows Thanksgiving to overflow in our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/20/20175 minutes, 59 seconds
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425: He is strong when we are weak | Psalm 18:30

God is strong. His way is perfect. But He doesn’t shame us. He doesn’t point out or weakness. We learned this week that He understand and can empathize with us. Instead, God is strong so He can shield us and protect us when we’re weak. He is a loving and protecting Father. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/17/20175 minutes, 47 seconds
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424: Understanding our weakness | Hebrews 4:15

Jesus lived a perfect life, but he was also tempted. He understands our weaknesses and can even empathize with us. He isn’t upset with us. He understands, and He is here to help. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/16/20176 minutes, 13 seconds
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423: Your prayers do not have to be perfect | Romans 8:26

Sometimes, we simply don’t know how to pray. Have you been there? When you look to heaven, throw up your hands, and say, “Lord, I don’t know what to pray. I just need you.” Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit steps in, and literally, prays for us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/15/20176 minutes, 18 seconds
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422: Do good to all people | Galatians 6:10

Why are christians so cruel and hard on other christians? The Bible is very clear on this: Do good to all people, ESPECIALLY those within our church family. I think it’s time that we take Galatians 6:10 seriously! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/14/20173 minutes, 56 seconds
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421: The Living One | Revelation 1:18

We serve a LIVING God! He is the great Conqueror and the great Overcomer. He holds the keys to death and hell! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/13/20175 minutes, 6 seconds
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420: The Gospel of Mercy Part 2 | Matthew 9:13

Jesus is more concerned with us showing Mercy (active compassion) to others than trying to be good little boys and girls. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/7/20175 minutes, 48 seconds
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419: The Gospel of Mercy Part 1 | Matthew 9:12

Why did Jesus spend so much time with sinners? He makes it very clear in Matthew 9: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/6/20176 minutes, 46 seconds
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418: Restore the joy of Your salvation | Psalm 51:12

We all feel disconnected from God at different times in our lives. Psalm 51:12 is a beautiful prayer: “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.” The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/3/20175 minutes, 52 seconds
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417: The Lord our Rock | Isaiah 26:4

When it feels like the waves of life are washing out the sand beneath our feet, we can take comfort in the Lord. He is our Rock, and we can build our foundation on Him. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/2/20174 minutes, 31 seconds
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416: Without any question | John 8:36

You don’t need to wonder where you stand with God. Jesus has set you free. Without question! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
11/1/20175 minutes
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415: Spur on one another | Hebrews 10:24

As Christians, we are called a family for a reason. We aren’t called to guilt or shame others, but to come alongside them and encourage them in love and good deeds. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/31/20173 minutes, 49 seconds
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414: Walk in the way of Love | Ephesians 5:2

What does the Christian life look like? How do we act? Do this. Don’t do that, right? Ephesians 5:2 gives us a simple guideline: Walk in the way of Love. This is the example that Jesus set for us. What a beautiful way to live! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/30/20174 minutes, 21 seconds
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413: The Love of a Father | Psalm 103:13

As a dad, I love my children. I would do anything for them. God feels the same way about His children and has perfect Love for them. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/27/20176 minutes, 41 seconds
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412: Love Never Fails | 1 Corinthians 13:7

We are wrapping up the traits of Love from 1 Corinthians 13. This is the God-Love that we should strive to have in our lives. Love always protects, trusts, hopes, and pushes through the hard times. Love never fails. [Editor’s note: Yes, we know “love never fails” is actually in verse 8.] The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/26/20176 minutes, 9 seconds
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411: Love and Truth | 1 Corinthians 13:6

Many times, I feel like “truth” can fly in the face of love. Yet, the Bible makes it clear that Love and Truth go hand in hand. True Love always seeks out Truth and never rejoices at the misfortune of others. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/25/20176 minutes, 37 seconds
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410: The Abundance of Love | 1 Corinthians 13:5

True love doesn’t put others down to make itself look better. God’s Love believes there is plenty of blessings and grace to go around for everyone. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/24/20176 minutes, 36 seconds
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409: Love vs Pride | 1 Corinthians 13:4

The opposite of love is not hate. It’s pride. This week, we are looking at the definition of true love. 1 Corinthians 13 is more than wedding passage. It teaches us about the kind of Love that God has for us, so we can share this same Love with others. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/23/20177 minutes, 17 seconds
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408: Help from God | Psalm 121:2

God is not out to get us. He loves us deeply and offers help to His children. Nothing is too big for God. Reach out to God in your time of need. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/20/20174 minutes, 33 seconds
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407: No Hate | 1 John 4:20

Let’s be very clear: If you follow Jesus, you cannot hate another one of God’s children. You can’t call yourself a Christian and hate your brother or sister. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/19/20174 minutes, 29 seconds
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406: Confession | 1 John 1:9

There is a big difference between saying, “Lord, forgive me” and actually confessing and repenting of our failures. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/18/20176 minutes, 21 seconds
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405: The Truth will set you free | John 8:32

“The truth will set you free.” Did you realize that phrase is a quote from Jesus? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/17/20175 minutes, 14 seconds
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404: Trusting God | Numbers 14:11

After watching God part the Red Sea and escaping from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites still did not trust God. They were afraid to enter the promised land. In today’s One Verse, God asks, “How long before they trust me?” Basically, God wants to know what else He has to do. He has been faithful. The same is true in our lives. Since God has been faithful in the past and has our best interest at heart, we can trust that He will be faithful in the future, as well. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/16/20175 minutes, 19 seconds
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403: Abounding in Love | Psalm 86:5

God isn’t a grumpy old man, waiting to punish you. He is forgiving and good and filled with love. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/13/20175 minutes, 34 seconds
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402: Beyond what you can bear | 1 Corinthians 10:13

Will God give you more than you can handle? Yes. But He will never allow you to be tempted more than you can bear, and there is a BIG difference between the two! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/12/20176 minutes, 54 seconds
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401: Walk by the Spirit | Galatians 5:16

This one truth will keep you from all sorts of temptation. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/11/20175 minutes, 15 seconds
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400: Think on these things | Philippians 4:8

We hit 400 episodes! THANK YOU! Today, Paul teaches us how to avoid failure in our lives. Whatever is true, noble, pure, and lovely… think on those things. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/10/20175 minutes, 51 seconds
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399: A Spiritual Battle | 2 Thessalonians 3:3

It can be easy to dismiss, but we must remember that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle every day of our lives and we have an enemy who wants to destroy us. But God is stronger! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/9/20174 minutes, 7 seconds
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398: You have done wonderful things | Isaiah 25:1

“You have done amazing things. You have always done what you said you would do; you have done what you planned long ago.” The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/6/20174 minutes, 29 seconds
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397: The Way and Truth and Life | John 14:6

There is only one Way to experience real Truth and a full Life. And His name is Jesus. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/5/20174 minutes, 43 seconds
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396: Resurrection and Life | John 11:25

Jesus brings dead things to life. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/4/20175 minutes, 40 seconds
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395: The Vine and the branches | John 15:5

This week, we are looking at the “I am” statements of Jesus. Today, we learn how Jesus is the ultimate Vine. Without being connected to Him, we can do nothing. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/3/20176 minutes, 36 seconds
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394: The Good Shepherd | John 10:14

With only two words, Jesus made a claim that He was the God of the Old Testament. Also, a few words on the shooting in Las Vegas. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
10/2/20178 minutes, 19 seconds
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393: Let Us Sing | Psalm 95:1

I have a challenge for you. It’s simple. No excuses. But if you take the challenge, I know you’ll be glad you did! If you like it, email me at [email protected] The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/29/20176 minutes, 10 seconds
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392: Confident Expectation | Romans 15:13

“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace…” -Romans 15:13 The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/28/20175 minutes, 45 seconds
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391: The Letter of the Law | 2 Corinthians 3:6

You’ve heard the phrase that talks about obeying the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law. Did that phrase come from the Bible? It sounds a LOT like our One Verse for today. Trying to measure up to the letter of the Law will kill us. Jesus gave us a better way. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/27/20175 minutes, 54 seconds
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390: Go Until God Says Stop | Genesis 12:1

As much as we want all the answers, we are simply called to go until God shows us the future He has for us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/26/20176 minutes, 47 seconds
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389: Great Gain | 1 Timothy 6:6

The greatest “wealth” we can achieve is growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus and being content with the blessing He has given us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/25/20175 minutes, 52 seconds
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388: Why do we love God | Psalm 116:1

Why do we love God? Psalm 116:1, our One Verse Devotional for today, gives us a very simple answer. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/22/20175 minutes, 40 seconds
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387: Living up to your potential | Colossians 2:10

Ok, honesty time… I think this whole idea of “living up to your potential” is a load of crap. Yeah, I said it. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/21/20175 minutes, 49 seconds
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386: Liar or Lunatic | Colossians 2:9

Jesus made incredible claims. He didn’t say He was from God. He said He was God. That only means one of three things: He was a liar. He was a lunatic. Or He was God! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/21/20174 minutes, 56 seconds
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385: Unwholesome Talk | Ephesians 4:29

The negative talk in our culture is becoming unbearable. But it can only change if it starts with us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/19/20175 minutes, 10 seconds
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384: The ministry of Jesus | Luke 4:18

If Jesus was called to fulfill a purpose… and we are called to be like Jesus… Shouldn’t we be serious about that same purpose? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/18/20175 minutes, 43 seconds
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383: The Benefits of God | Psalm 103:2

Whether we mean to or not, it’s easy to make the Christian life sound like a total drag. We act like it is all rules and no fun. Just boredom. BUT… The Christian life is actually exciting and risky, and there are countless benefits to following God. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/15/20175 minutes, 12 seconds
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382: Accept One Another | Romans 15:7

We are called to accept others. Those in the Church. Those outside of the Church. When will the Church get serious about this command? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/14/20176 minutes, 7 seconds
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381: Lip Service Love | 1 John 3:18

“We want Love that puts on its boots and goes to work.” The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/13/20175 minutes, 49 seconds
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380: The Bread of Life | John 6:35

The disciples ask Jesus for a sign that they should follow Him. (BTW, this was AFTER Jesus fed the 5,000 and walked on water!) They “remind” Jesus that God sent Moses bread from heaven as a sign. Jesus uses their own illustration and teaches us an important lesson: He is the Bread of Life and the closer we grow to Him, the more fulfilled we will be. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/12/20176 minutes, 33 seconds
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379: Teach Me Your Path | Psalm 25:4

It’s Monday, which means we are in Psalms. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. Yes, normally we do Psalms on Friday, but today’s One Verse is perfect for starting off a new week. If we kept Psalm 25:4 as a weekly (even daily!) prayer, I believe it would have a massive impact on our lives. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/11/20174 minutes, 28 seconds
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378: The Land of the Living | Psalm 27:13

In Psalm 23, David says that he is walking through the “valley of the shadow of death”. Just a few pages later, in our One Verse today, David has confidence that He will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. No matter what you are going through right now--blessing or pain--we can all be confident that we will see the Goodness of God in the land of the living. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/8/20176 minutes, 20 seconds
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377: On wings like eagles | Isaiah 40:31

As followers of Jesus, we can run, yet not grow weary (in life. Marathons are still tough!). We can soar like eagles. But we need to learn how to trust and place our hope in God. Pro tip: It doesn’t come naturally! The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/7/20175 minutes, 51 seconds
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376: Nothing is too hard for God | Jeremiah 32:17

Even in the midst of storms in our lives, even when we don’t understand or can’t explain the storm, nothing is too hard for God. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/6/20175 minutes, 58 seconds
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375: Deep and Wide | Ephesians 3:18

Do we truly understand how wide and long and high and deep God’s love is? That is Paul’s prayer for us in today’s One Verse. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/5/20175 minutes, 27 seconds
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374: Keep your eyes on God | Psalm 16:8

God promises to be right by our side. All we need to do is keep our eyes on Him. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
9/1/20174 minutes, 11 seconds
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373: Always be prepared | 1 Peter 3:15

One aspect of being a follower of Jesus is that we are supposed to share our faith. This is the one thing that freaks most Christians out! Always be prepared to give an answer. That is our One Verse today. But what does that really mean? Do we have to prepared to answer everything about the Bible? That is what most of of think, but who can actually do that?! Or, does the verse simply mean to be prepared to tell your story? The question is, have you actually paused and thought about your story? Could you share it if someone asked? The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/31/20177 minutes, 5 seconds
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372: Like a roaring lion | 1 Peter 5:8

We have an enemy who is ready to take us out at every opportunity. That is why it is so important to stay alert, stay connected to God, and stay connected to each other. Like my football coach used to teach me, you need to keep your head on a swivel. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/30/20176 minutes, 27 seconds
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371: A Royal Priesthood | 1 Peter 2:9

In the Old Testament, only the High Priest could come into the Presence of God, and it was just one time per year. Now, God allows us to encounter His presence whenever we choose. Do NOT take prayer for granted. It is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/29/20174 minutes, 43 seconds
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370: Instructions for the Church | 1 Peter 3:8

The Apostle Peter was one of Jesus’s closest friends. He also helped to start the Church movement with his sermon at Pentecost. So, when Peter gives some guidelines and instructions for the Church, we should probably pay attention. Here’s the question: Do Peter’s words describe the Church today? About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/28/20177 minutes, 9 seconds
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369: Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving | Psalm 100:4

We are called to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving, worship, and praise. It’s easy to skip over this or think it just involves singing a few songs at church on Sunday. Yet, praising God and being filled with thanksgiving is a spiritual discipline that can affect our entire outlook on life. The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/25/20175 minutes, 39 seconds
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368: Jesus has overcome | John 16:33

This week, we’ve been honest about the fact that the Christian life isn’t an easy life. Jesus calls us to a higher standard in how we live and especially in how we treat others. On top of that, this world is broken. It is troubled. Yet, Jesus makes us an awesome promise. He says to take heart because He is in our corner, and He has already overcome the world. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.  
8/24/20176 minutes, 12 seconds
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367: The Golden Rule | Luke 6:31

Did you realize that the “Golden Rule” was Jesus’s idea? “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” -Luke 6:31 About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.    
8/23/20175 minutes, 5 seconds
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366: Be the Servant of All | Mark 9:35

Jesus makes it clear: If you want to be first in His Kingdom, put others first and become the servant to all. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.   The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project.
8/22/20176 minutes, 30 seconds
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365: Because of Jesus | Matthew 5:11

At the start of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us that it won’t always be easy to follow Him. We have to be prepared to take some heat if we are going to stand up for what is right. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/21/20175 minutes, 44 seconds
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364: Do not worry about the wickedness | Psalm 37:7

When we experience evil in this world, God says we shouldn’t worry. Instead, give it over to Him and trust God to move in a way that only He can. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/18/20175 minutes, 31 seconds
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363: Three Simple Rules | Ephesians 2:10

This week we have been diving into a theme: Do good. Stand against evil. Today’s One Verse Devotional reminds us that God created us to do good works. In the mid-1700’s, John Wesley wrote “Three Simple Rules” to live by. They are more applicable now than ever: Do no harm, do good, stay in love with God. Great rules to live by! About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/17/20176 minutes, 5 seconds
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362: A Godly Nation | Amos 5:14

If we say that we are a godly nation, we must seek good and stand against evil in every form. It is time for the Church to get serious about seeking repentance, calling out to God, and being a voice for good and against evil. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/16/20176 minutes, 22 seconds
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361: He knows the way that I take | Job 23:10

Job faces a problem that many of us do from time to time: He can’t find God. He looks East, West, North, and South, and Job still can’t find God. Have you ever felt like your prayers wer just “hitting the ceiling”? This is where Job is at in Job 23. But then he says, “But He knows the way that I take.” Job knew God was always there, even when it didn’t feel like it. These can be difficult times when you can’t hear from God. But God is testing you, and He is in the process of making like gold. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/15/20176 minutes, 2 seconds
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360: Love, Life, and Honor | Proverbs 21:21

“I’m just a broken soul who’s been restored by the grace and the Love on an Almighty God.” This is where I find my identity, not in the color of my skin. (Warning: this is a long one, folks!) The One Verse Devotional Bible study is provided by Phosphorus Project. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/14/20179 minutes, 38 seconds
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359: Taste and See | Psalm 34:8

Whether you just started following Jesus, or you have been a Christian your entire life, God is inviting you into a deeper relationship. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/11/20175 minutes, 53 seconds
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358: May Your Love Increase | 1 Thessalonians 3:12

This week, we’ve been talking about the new command Jesus gave us: to Love one another. Jesus said this is how the world would know we follow Him. On today’s One Verse Devotional, I share my hope and prayer for you, that your Love would increase and overflow. About the One Verse Devotional Podcast One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.   Bible study devotional provided by Phosphorus Project.
8/10/20176 minutes, 5 seconds
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357: How will they know | John 13:35

357: How will they know | John 13:35 How will others know you are a Christian? Jesus’s answer may surprise you! That is the question we are answering today on the One Verse Devotional Podcast. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/9/20175 minutes, 44 seconds
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356: A New Command | John 13:34

What comes first: belonging or believing? For the church, many times it is believing. Once you believe like us, act like us, think like us- then you can belong. But Jesus gave us a new command: Love first. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/8/20176 minutes, 18 seconds
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355: Like treasure hidden in a field | Matthew 13:44

Jesus loved to speak in story. He was a master storyteller, while teaching deeper meanings through His parables. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells six different parables, all about the Kingdom of Heaven. In Matthew 13:44, He tells a story in just one verse! Sounds perfect for the One Verse Devotional... About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/7/20176 minutes, 4 seconds
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354: Knowing the Name of God | Psalm 9:10

I love the Psalms. They give us the emotional side of the stories we read in the Bible. On today’s One Verse, we are reminded of the power in God’s name. We can trust in Him. Have you ever felt like your prayers just hit the ceiling. It’s just that: a feeling. God promises to never leave you. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/4/20176 minutes, 23 seconds
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353: A New Thing | Isaiah 43:19

As a fan of DC Talk growing up, I almost called this episode Nu Thing. (That’s for all the TRUE fans! Ha). Yesterday, God said we shouldn’t dwell on the past miracles He has done in our lives. A weird thing for God to say. Today, we learn why God would give us that advice. And we truly understand what He is saying, it will change our outlook on life. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/3/20175 minutes, 43 seconds
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351: True Freedom | Galatians 5:1

“You don’t have any freedom. It’s just all rules and regulations.” This is what a lot of people think being a Christians is all about. The problem is, they are believe a lie. If we do whatever we want and make any choice we feel like, it leads to a life of sin and bondage. Freedom comes with guidelines. Jesus want to free us from the bondage of sin. True freedom is found in Christ. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
8/1/20176 minutes, 21 seconds
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350: Believing in God is Not Enough | James 2:19

After a two week break, it is good to be back! It was nice to get caught up on life and get a little refreshed, but I missed you all. Today, we have a great verse. It’s one of those verses where you think: “Did he really just say that?” James makes a very important observation in today’s One Verse. When people talk about faith, a common phrase is, “I believe in God.” According to James, that isn’t enough. You know why? Satan believes in God. Wait, did he just say that?! (See, I told ya!) About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/31/20176 minutes, 31 seconds
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349: Teach me to do your will | Psalm 143:10

It can be easy to get so focused on finding God’s will for our lives, that we actually forget to seek God in the matter. We can ask God to teach us His will, much of which has already been laid out in Scripture. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/14/20175 minutes, 15 seconds
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348: Actively Waiting on Goad | Isaiah 26:8

When we need to wait on God, it never means to sit back and do nothing. Waiting on God is an “active” waiting. Isaiah reminds us to follow the Law of God while we are waiting for Him to speak into our lives. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/13/20175 minutes, 25 seconds
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347: Forget your past | Philippians 3:13

Many of us feel pain and regret over past mistakes and sins. However, you will never fully realize the glorious future that God has for you until you let go of your past.   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/12/20176 minutes, 12 seconds
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346: Got Wisdom | James 1:5

Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived because he asked God for it. We have that same ability. The Bible promises that, if we ask God, He will give us His wisdom generously. Now that’s a promise!   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/11/20175 minutes, 14 seconds
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345: Quick to listen | James 1:19

Living with a “love first” philosophy means being quick to listen, yet slow to speak. (And slow to anger, too!)   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/10/20175 minutes, 23 seconds
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344: The heavens declare the glory of God | Psalm 19:1

To see the wonder of God, you simply need to take a look outside.   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
7/7/20176 minutes, 3 seconds
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[Weekend Update]: Happy 4th! I'm taking some family time.

Hey guys! I wanted you to know I'm going camping with my family the next few days, so I am taking a little break from the podcast. I will be back later this week on Thursday and Friday. Stay in God's Word! Happy 4th! I'll see you later this week. Peace! Matt
7/2/20172 minutes, 59 seconds
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343: A refuge in the storm | Psalm 46:1

Summer means camping. Hiking. Canoeing. If you love these outdoor activities, then you’ve been caught in a storm. When the lightning crashes, you immediately look for safety, a place you can take refuge from danger. Psalm 46 tells us that this is exactly what God is in our lives. He is that refuge, a place to hide when the storms of life surround us. God doesn’t just offer help in times of trouble, but He is an ever-present Help when we need Him. Our God is the safety, the help, and the strength we need to survive any storm that comes our way. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/30/20174 minutes, 39 seconds
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342: The Wonder of Creation | Genesis 1:28

“Christians who believe in a Creator should want to take care of His Creation.”   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/29/20176 minutes, 7 seconds
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341: Set your mind on things above | Colossians 3:2

Yesterday (ep. 340), we talked about being crucified with Christ. But what does that mean for our lives? Where do we go from there? Colossians 3:2, today’s One Verse gives us a great clue: setting our minds on things above. These really affects our lives in two areas...   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/28/20176 minutes, 36 seconds
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340: Crucified with Christ | Galatians 2:20

What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? It can sound scary, but I believe it can change your life if you adopt this way of thinking. Through Jesus, we can put our old lives, our old decisions, and our old identities to death. We are new creatures, living by faith, every day, in a God who loves us unconditionally. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/27/20176 minutes, 27 seconds
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339: What is worship | Psalm 19:14

In Psalm 19, David is praising God for His beautiful creation. He praises Him for His strength and power and majesty. David declares that the Law of the Lord is perfect and sweeter than honey. But in the last verse of this Psalm, David gives us a glimpse into what true worship looks like.   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/23/20175 minutes, 41 seconds
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338: Is there anything too hard for God | Jeremiah 32:27

When life doesn’t make sense, or we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place, there is only one question we need to ask ourselves: Is there anything too hard for God?   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/22/20175 minutes, 33 seconds
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337: Children of God | Galatians 3:26

As Christians, it is easy to get caught up in the “do’s and don’ts” of religion. While rules and guidelines are important, they aren’t the most important thing. So, what is? What is the most important thing a Christian should hold onto and live by? Paul says simply in Galatians 3:26, “In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.” That is the defining point of our faith: Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are the children of the Most High God, along with all the benefits this brings. We are children of God and heirs to His Kingdom. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/21/20176 minutes, 46 seconds
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336: Do we really have to rejoice always | Philippians 4:4

At the end of the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us to “rejoice always,” but what does that really mean? Do we still praise God during the messy times of life? Isn’t this command a little cruel and uncompassionate? Like any verse, this one has layers. Let’s take a few minutes and peel of few of them back on this whole idea of rejoicing always. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/20/20176 minutes, 26 seconds
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335: When small things matter | Ephesians 4:27

Have you ever played the game where you shut the door and try to keep out your sibling or friends? As long as the door stays shut, it is almost impossible for them to open it. But if they get just one foot in the door, they can eventually pry the entire thing open. In Ephesians 4, the Bible tells us that is exactly how sin works in our life. Do not give the Devil a foothold. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/19/20178 minutes, 10 seconds
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334: Where do you put your trust | Psalm 20:7

Fill in the blank for yourself: “Some trust in _______ and some in________, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” -Psalm 20:7 About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/16/20176 minutes, 9 seconds
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333: Encouraged by your faith | 1 Thessalonians 3:7

Thank you for listening to and engaging with the One Verse Devotional podcast. As Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 3, I am encouraged every single day by watching you grow in your faith. Invest in the faith of others, and you will be encouraged, as well. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/15/20175 minutes, 35 seconds
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332: Stand Firm and Hold Fast | 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings I am passing on to you each day. These are both Paul’s words and the message I have for you. About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/14/20176 minutes, 43 seconds
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331: The Purpose of His Will | Ephesians 1:10

“In essentials, unity; In nonessentials, liberty; In all things, love.”   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/13/20176 minutes, 49 seconds
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330: The Mystery of His Will | Ephesians 1:9

God’s will is a mystery. The Bible makes that clear, but maybe it’s not as mysterious as we make it. In the Bible, mystery never means “something we can’t understand.” It is more like a great mystery novel. There are twists and turns, but in the end, all will be revealed. That is why I love Sherlock Holmes stories. Everything is a mystery… until it isn’t. And this is true of our faith. God’s will is a mystery because we can’t get our minds wrapped around it. There is a difference between a mystery and a secret. God wants to reveal the mystery of His will to us. He isn’t holding onto a secret.   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/12/20175 minutes, 39 seconds
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329: From depression to dancing | Psalm 30:11

We have all experienced low times in our lives. Times of anxiety, fear, or mourning. In today’s One Verse, David remembers a time when he was at his lowest. He talks about being clothed in sackcloth, something you would only wear during times of deep mourning in the ancient world. Yet, David praises God because He turned his wailing into dancing. God’s love, grace, and forgiveness can take the lowest points of our lives and turn them into something greater. A celebration. A time of dancing. If you are hurting today, look to God and let Him turn your depression to dancing.   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/9/20176 minutes, 54 seconds
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328: Wait patiently on the Lord | Psalm 40:1

Is life difficult right now? Do you have something weighing heavy on your heart? I cannot promise when it will happen, but Psalm 40 tells us that God WILL hear our cry and turn to us. Sometimes, we need to be patient. Stay strong in prayer.   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/8/20175 minutes, 26 seconds
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327: Always Giving Thanks | Ephesians 5:20

In Ephesians 5, Paul reminds us to always give thanks for everything. But that is not always easy, is it? Are we really supposed to thank God for everything? What about the bad stuff? The hurtful stuff? Here are some honest thoughts...   About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/7/20176 minutes, 1 second
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326: Run your race well | 1 Corinthians 9:24

The spiritual life is like a marathon. It takes time, energy, and discipline. Paul reminds us of this in 1 Corinthians 9. He encourages us to prepare ourselves for the race ahead and then to run in such a way as to gain the prize that will last forever. Where do you need discipline in your life? About the One Verse Devotional One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/6/20176 minutes, 34 seconds
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325: The Promise of Gods Word | Isaiah 55:11

We’ve all used empty words. Filler. Small talk. Meaningless. But God never speaks just to hear His Own Voice. His Word, God says, will never return empty. Whatever He speaks into our lives, He promises us that It will continue to work and flourish, accomplishing the purpose He has in store. Place your trust in God’s Word. It is never empty and nourishes us like rain on dry ground. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/5/20177 minutes, 2 seconds
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324: Comfort those in trouble | 2 Corinthians 1:4

We learned from our last One Verse, 2 Corinthians 1:3, that our God is the God of all Comfort and the Father of Compassion. Today, we look at the very next verse that continues this thought. 2 Corinthians 1:4 tells us that God has given us comfort, not just for ourselves, but so that we can pass along that comfort and compassion to others who are hurting. This is what it means to be a Light Bearer.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
6/2/20176 minutes, 45 seconds
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323: The God of All Compassion | 2 Corinthians 1:3

God is Love. He is also the Father of all compassion and comfort. God loves you. He wants to pour out His Grace, Forgiveness, Mercy, and Love into your life. If you are hurting, God is offering His perfect Comfort. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/31/20174 minutes, 46 seconds
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322: When your heart fails you | Psalm 73:26

Sometimes life is more than we can possibly bear. Sometimes our flesh and our heart fails us. But God promises to be our strength forever. When we are down, He lifts us up. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/30/20177 minutes, 13 seconds
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321: Memorial Day | Joshua 4:7

Happy Memorial Day! As we remember those who have given their lives for our freedom, let us also use today as a time to remember. God encouraged His people to set up memorials to pause and remember what He did in their lives. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.  
5/29/20176 minutes, 57 seconds
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320: The Faith of Friends | Mark 2:5

Can our faith have an effect on our friends? According to today’s One Verse, it does! Mark 2 is an amazing story of friends showing up to help. They did all they could to get their friend in front of Jesus (I thought “Let’s tear the roof off this place!” was just an expression). And Jesus makes it clear: The man was healed because of the faith of his friends. What does that mean for us today? It makes me want to be a better friend. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/23/20176 minutes, 51 seconds
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319: Jesus is knocking | Revelation 3:20

“I stand at the door and knock.” This is a famous verse that many Christians are familiar with. Maybe you remember the well known painting of Jesus knocking on the door. But here is the sobering part of this verse: It’s not a “salvation” verse. Jesus was speaking to the Church! At some point, Jesus was pushed out. Now, He patiently waits outside the door, knocking, and hoping that someone will invite Him back in. What a tragedy for that church. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/22/20176 minutes, 44 seconds
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318: Is God Angry | Psalm 30:5

Does God get angry with us? That is a big question that a lot of people struggle with. That is the topic we wrestle with today on the One Verse Devotional Podcast. My answer may surprise you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/21/20176 minutes, 25 seconds
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317: Great and unsearchable things | Jeremiah 33:3

God will uncover His heart as we grow closer to Him. Today’s One Verse Devotional focuses on Jeremiah 33:3 where God promises to teach us great and unsearchable things if we will simply call on His name and grow deeper in our relationship with Him. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/18/20176 minutes, 40 seconds
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316: The Light of the World | Matthew 5:14

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus began to teach us what the Kingdom of Heaven looked like. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus taught us that His Kingdom would be made up of Light Bearers. As followers of the One True Light (Jesus), we are called to reflect His Light to a dark and hurting world. We are the light of the world. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/17/20176 minutes, 48 seconds
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315: Forgive one another | Colossians 3:13

Since Jesus gave His life for us and forgave us so we could have a restored relationship with God, how much more should we forgive others? If we are called to live with Faith, Hope, and Love, why is there so much negativity in the church? About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/16/20178 minutes, 38 seconds
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314: Good gifts from your Father | Luke 11:13

I love being a dad. I love providing for my children and giving them gifts. Yet, I’m human. I’m not perfect. So, if I love to take care of my children, how much more will God take care of us? About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/15/20176 minutes, 26 seconds
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313: Participating in His Purpose | Psalm 33:11

The purpose and plans of God do not change. He stays the same through the ages. When it is so easy for me to bounce from one idea to the next or one opportunity to another, I find comfort in following a God who stand firm. When we give our lives to God, He promises to act in our lives and invited us to participate in His unchanging purpose. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/12/20175 minutes, 2 seconds
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312: Faith is a choice | Hebrews 11:1

Faith doesn’t fly well in today’s culture. Science and information rules. Experience matters. But faith? Not so much. That just sounds crazy, right? I respectfully disagree. So, what is faith? Faith is a choice. Faith is choosing to have confidence in the Hope we can’t see. Faith doesn’t make sense. If it did, it wouldn’t be faith. Supernatural assurance in what we cannot see and choosing Hope… That is true faith. And that is a choice I am making. Today's One Verse: Hebrews 11:1 About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/11/20176 minutes, 28 seconds
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311: God works in you | Philippians 2:13

“God takes full responsibility for the life wholly devoted to Him.” -Charles Stanley   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/10/20175 minutes, 19 seconds
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310: Losing your life for Jesus | Matthew 16:25

When Jesus predicted His death, Peter immediately corrected Him. Jesus wasn’t a fan of that (“Get behind me, Satan”). Peter didn’t understand something critical: If you want to find true Life, you have to give yours away for Jesus. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/9/20176 minutes, 8 seconds
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309: Honor God with your actions | 1 Corinthians 6:20

Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus paid our sin debt. Now, as followers of Jesus, we are called to honor God with our actions. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/8/20175 minutes, 57 seconds
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308: Do not remain silent | Psalm 109:1

At times in our lives, we all have the same question: “God, can you hear me?” Our One Verse today shows David addressing this issue. We could use his Psalm as our prayer: “My God, do not remain silent.” About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/5/20175 minutes, 59 seconds
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307: How to build deep relationships | 1 John 1:7

The closer we get to Jesus, the closer we get to each other.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/4/20175 minutes, 36 seconds
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306: Tell Your Story | 1 John 1:1

Sharing your faith is one of the scariest parts of being a Christian, but it doesn’t have to be. Are you afraid that someone will ask you a question that you don’t have an answer to? You don’t have to be worried about that, either. In our One Verse today, John teaches us how to share our faith: Simply tell your story. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/3/20176 minutes, 16 seconds
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305: Faith is a marathon | Hebrews 12:1

Faith is a marathon, not a sprint. Our One Verse for today, Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that a runner wouldn’t put on extra weight or bind their feet before a big race. And we shouldn’t do that in our faith, either. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/2/20175 minutes, 58 seconds
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304: Temporary or Eternal | 2 Corinthians 4:18

Our One Verse today reminds us that many things that we consider to be reality are actually temporary. It is what we don’t see that it is eternal. I always read this verse like Paul was getting on us: “As Christians, make sure and live for what really matters!” But that is not what it is going on in this chapter. Paul is talking about our pain and suffering. 2 Corinthians 4 is giving us hope! Yes, you are experiencing trouble and pain, but that is temporary. The Love and the Grace of God is eternal, even if we can’t see it. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
5/1/20175 minutes, 13 seconds
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303: A Guide for Finding the Will of God | Romans 12:2

One of the biggest questions many Christians have is: “What is God’s will for my life?” But here’s the deal… The Bible has a LOT to say on the subject. It really shouldn’t be a mystery. One of the greatest verses I know to help you find God’s will for your life is Romans 12:2. It is, literally, a guide for discovering God’s will for your life. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/28/20175 minutes, 54 seconds
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302: What is Worship | Romans 12:1

Is worship singing songs on Sunday morning? According to today’s One Verse, giving our lives to a merciful God as living sacrifices is our purest act of worship. Worship isn’t the songs we sing, but the lives we live. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/27/20176 minutes, 21 seconds
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301: God gives hope and a future | Jeremiah 29:11

God made it clear: He has a plan for your life. He is giving you Hope that only He can provide and a future to look forward to. Can we use Jeremiah 29:11 as a verse for us today? Absolutely! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.   Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/19/20176 minutes, 12 seconds
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300: A fire in my bones | Jeremiah 20:9

300! Yes, this is the 300th episode of the One Verse Devotional Podcast. I am very excited. Thank you, so much for following along and growing deeper with me in our faith. It’s been an amazing journey. But like Jeremiah says in our One Verse today, I can’t stop! It’s a fire within my bones that has to come out. I cannot contain it! About One Verse Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/18/20178 minutes, 49 seconds
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299: God knew you before you were born | Jeremiah 1:5

Before you were a twinkle in your daddy’s eye or in your mama’s belly, God knew you and had a plan for your life. You are not a mistake or an accident. You were always a part of God’s plan. About One Verse Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/17/20176 minutes, 21 seconds
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298: The Sacrifice of a Savior | Matthew 27:50

I head a question once: “Was Jesus murdered or did He commit suicide?” Neither. He gave Himself as a sacrifice in the greatest act of Love the world will ever see. Spend some time today, on Good Friday, reflecting on the love Jesus showed to you through the cross. About One Verse Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/14/20176 minutes, 4 seconds
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297: The Calm before the Climax | John 13:5

Just a few days before the Climax of history (the cross), Jesus had a calm moment with his disciples at the Last Supper. And what did He do? He served.   About One Verse Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/13/20176 minutes, 53 seconds
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296: Love Your Neighbor | Matthew 22:39

Is the Church failing at loving our neighbors? We are called to be Light and Salt, but does the world feel that from us? Jesus said to love God and love people. Why are so many other things getting in the way?   About One Verse Is it hard to find time to spend with God and grow your Christian faith? The One Verse Devotional is a short, 5 minute podcast where we grow deeper in our faith through just one verse a day, Monday through Friday. A practical and encouraging look at the Bible, now you can spend time with God whenever you want. Hosted by Matt McCarrick and brought to you by Phosphorus Project.
4/12/20179 minutes, 38 seconds
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295: The Greatest Commandment | Matthew 22:37

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. As we look to Easter, let’s spend some time with God and express our love and thankfulness to Him.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/11/20175 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

294: Who is this | Matthew 21:10

It’s Holy Week! What better time to get us focused on Jesus? But first, we have one very important question to answer: “Who is this man?” About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/10/20175 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

[Weekend Update]: Palm Sunday plus Facebook Group is OPEN

It is Palm Sunday, the kick off to Holy Week, and to celebrate we launched (Today!) our official Facebook group: The Light Bearer Community. Join for FREE at
4/9/20176 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

293: The desires of your heart | Psalm 37:4

God will give you the desires of your heart, but He’s not a genie. First, we must trust in Him and follow His ways. Then, He will give us our deepest, truest, heart-level desires. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/7/20176 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

292: Encourage each other | 1 Thessalonians 5:11

As Christians, we should be known as the most loving and forgiving. Yet, we are known for being cruel and judgmental. That breaks my heart. Let’s encourage others. It is, literally, in the Bible. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/6/20175 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

291: Higher than our thoughts | Isaiah 55:9

Sometimes, life doesn’t make sense. Fortunately, we follow the God who is in control of the universe. I don’t know why He comes through at times and waits other times. But I know that He has all the pieces to the puzzle and trust Him to put them together according to His wisdom and design.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/5/20175 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

290: Your work for God is not in vain | 1 Corinthians 15:58

I don’t like the phrase “full time Christian ministry.” If you are a follower of Jesus, you are in ministry, even if you’re not a pastor. And your work for God--ANY and ALL of your work--is never in vain. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/4/20176 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

289: I prayed for you today | Colossians 1:9

I prayed for you today. Like Paul to the Colossians, I prayed that you would discover your purpose through your deepening relationship with God.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/3/20176 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

288: God will confide in you | Psalm 25:14

The closer you get to God, the more of His secrets He will share with you!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/31/20175 minutes, 13 seconds
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287: Does faith = Blind acceptance | Acts 17:11

As a person of faith, does that mean you blindly accept what is taught about the Bible? NO! There is no conflict between God and Truth. There is no conflict between God and science. God created all truth. Examine the Bible. Seek Truth. You can love both God and science. They are not at odds. It is messy at times. But never in conflict. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/30/20177 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

286: Who will you serve | Joshua 24:15

You must decide for yourself this day, who will you serve? Like Joshua, me and my house will serve the Lord. It’s not as simple as it sounds, though. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/29/20175 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

285: The Great Invitation | 2 Peter 1:4

God has invited you to “participate in the divine nature.” He has given you a purpose to live and a role to play in His ultimate story. 2 Peter 1:3 told us that we have everything we need, our gifts, talents, skills, and personality. Peter then let’s us in on the secret: God is asking you to join Him on His mission! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/28/20176 minutes, 2 seconds
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284: Everything you need | 2 Peter 1:3

You were given a “spiritual DNA” from the Holy Spirit when you decided to be a follower of Jesus. You have everything you need to discover your gifts and talents and live out God’s purpose in your life! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/27/20175 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

283: Our refuge | Psalm 62:8

God is our refuge, our shelter in times of trouble. If life is uncertain, reach out to Him today! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/24/20176 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

282: According to His riches | Philippians 4:19

Our limited problems are no match for God’s unlimited power. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/23/20175 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

281: First of all pray for others | 1 Timothy 2:1

In 1 Timothy, the Apostle Paul teaches Timothy what the church should look like. He says “First of all…” and then lays out a guideline that we have forgotten in the church today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/22/20176 minutes, 15 seconds
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280: The Power within you | Ephesians 3:20

We have a power inside of us. This isn’t the self-help “tap into your potential” kind of power. This is the Power of God living inside you. God is at work behind the scenes even when we don’t realize it. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/21/20176 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

279: The prize of God’s calling | Philippians 3:14

Live your life for the only prize that truly matters. Keeping pressing on through Jesus. (Phil. 4:13) About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/20/20176 minutes, 21 seconds
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278: God WILL hear your cry | Psalm 10:17

The God of the universe, who created heaven and earth. The God who walked on water and defeated death and hell and the grave. That God. He still takes time to hear you when you need Him.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/17/20177 minutes, 29 seconds
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277: What God sees | 1 Samuel 16:7

Don’t judge a book by its cover. We’ve heard it our entire lives. Yet, we all do it. In our fast paced culture, we look at outward appearances every single day. Yet, God looks a little bit deeper.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/16/20176 minutes, 3 seconds
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276: Joyful in Hope | Romans 12:12

This is the verse I think a lot of us need today. Maybe our entire country. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” -Romans 12:12   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/15/20175 minutes, 52 seconds
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275: Should Christians have tattoos | 1 Corinthians 6:19

Your body is a temple of God. So, what does that mean? Take 5 minutes and join me as we look at ALL that this passage means IN our lives and FOR our lives.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/14/20175 minutes, 51 seconds
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274: God Breathed | 2 Timothy 3:16

I love when the Bible talks about itself. In today’s One Verse Devotional podcast, the Apostle Paul is growing older and is mentoring a young pastor named Timothy. He teaches Timothy that the Bible has been breathed by God. It is useful for correction, teaching, and training in how to live as a follower of Jesus.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/13/20176 minutes, 52 seconds
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273: God is Bigger | Psalm 46:10

You may feel overwhelmed and like you’re being attacked on every side. What would God say to you? “Be still. I am bigger. I will be exalted because of what I will do in your life.” Psalm 46:10   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/10/20176 minutes, 40 seconds
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272: From the beginning of Time | 2 Timothy 1:9

No matter what you have done or the mistakes you have made, God has had a plan of redemption for you since the beginning of Time. God’s grace is at work in your life.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/9/20175 minutes, 48 seconds
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271: The Three Greatest Forces | 1 Corinthians 13:13

On today’s One Verse Devotional, Paul teaches us the three greatest forces in the entire universe. The question is: How much are they a part of our lives?   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/8/20176 minutes, 11 seconds
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270: They have been with Jesus | Acts 4:13

The goal of our faith is to grow deeper in our relationship with God. But I have another goal based on Peter and John in Acts 4: That people would say, “He has been with Jesus.”   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/7/20175 minutes, 57 seconds
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269: The whole field | 2 Corinthians 9:6

What if a farmer had a 100 acre field, but only planted 5 acres in the middle? That would be crazy. And unwise. The same is true in our lives. Are you planting the whole field?   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/6/20176 minutes, 26 seconds
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268: Urgent or Important | Psalm 90:12

The urgent items of life will always happen and have the power to derail our plans and goals. Yet, if we could focus on what is important for just one day a week, what would we be able to accomplish? It’s an investment in your future.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/3/20175 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

267: A New Heart | Ezekiel 36:26

Many of us have been wronged at sometime in our lives. Maybe this makes you feel like part of your heart is broken or even hard. God understands. He looks at us with Love and grace and promises to give us a new heart.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/2/20174 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

266: The Whole Bible in One Verse | 1 Corinthians 15:22

Today’s One Verse is super cool. I consider it a summary of the ENTIRE BIBLE in just one, short verse. You have to check this out.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/2/20175 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

265: The Autobiography of Jesus | John 10:10

Why did Jesus come to earth? We don’t have to wonder. Jesus actually answered this question in one of the greatest verses in the Bible: John 10:10   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/28/20175 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

264: First and Last | Matthew 19:30

The world says to look out for #1. Some Christians even say that God helps them who help themselves. But these ideas are opposite to the teachings of Jesus. What does He say? Put others first. Otherwise, you could end up last.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/27/20175 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

263: Supernatural Strength | 2 Timothy 1:7

As followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit in our lives. What does that mean? God’s Spirit gives us STRENGTH so we don’t have to be timid and we can show love and develop self-discipline (2 Tim 1:7)   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/23/20176 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

262: THIS is Your Greatest Calling | 1 Timothy 3:5

There is one calling that God lists above ALL others, and it probably isn’t what you think. Hint: It’s not being called to be a pastor.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/22/201710 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

261: Proof of Gods Love | Romans 5:8

How did God show His Love for us? Today’s One Verse answers this exact question. But you know who has a hard time with this verse? Christians who grew up in the church. I know because I’ve been there. I encourage you to sit with this verse for a little while today.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/21/20176 minutes, 24 seconds
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260: The pursuit of a Savior | Matthew 18:12

Do you feel like you are losing your faith? Jesus isn’t angry with you. He is pursuing you. He desires to restore your relationship and spend time with you. Don’t keep running from God. He cares for you. Make today the day that you listen for his voice and turn back to Him. He is calling your name.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/20/20175 minutes, 48 seconds
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[Weekend Update]: Free gifts, prayer, and a scary announcement (Feb 19)

[Weekend Update]: Free gifts, prayer, and a scary announcement (Feb 19)
2/19/20179 minutes, 21 seconds
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259: A Light to guide our path | Psalm 119:105

Life is a lot like being in the woods at night. You don’t know the path, and you’re not sure where you’re going. Psalm 119 says that God’s Word is the lantern we need to shine a Light on our path. Spend time with God today so you can know the way.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/17/20175 minutes, 22 seconds
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258: Adopt a Love First philosophy | Colossians 3:14

“Over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” -Colossians 3:14. The Bible teaches us to place love above all us. Jesus showed Love, first, to everyone He encountered.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/16/20176 minutes, 27 seconds
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257: In your words and actions | Colossians 3:17

Not matter what we do or how we speak, Colossians 3:17 teaches us to do it for God’s glory. Maybe you’re struggling with something in life. God will give you the strength to do it for His honor.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/15/20175 minutes, 16 seconds
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256: Do these 3 things | Colossians 3:16

What would our churches look like if we all would dive deep into God’s Word, lifted up and encouraged each other, and reflected back worship to God? This is exactly how Colossians 3:16 tells us to live.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/14/20176 minutes, 7 seconds
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255: Let Peace Rule | Colossians 3:15

How do you make decisions? Colossians 3:15 gives us a great way to guide our lives: Allow the peace of God to rule your heart. Even if it doesn’t make sense on paper, choose the path that gives you peace.   About One Verse The One Verse Devotional by Phosphorus Project is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/13/20176 minutes, 1 second
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254: Live from a place of hope not fear | Psalm 23:6

In the most famous Psalm written, David says he has walked through the valley of the shadow of death. But that isn’t the last first. He ends with a place of hope. Surely, God’s love will follow us all of our days. We don’t need to live out of a place of fear. We can live with hope.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/10/20177 minutes, 14 seconds
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[BONUS] One Year Anniversary Announcements!

Thank you for an amazing year! Here is a rundown of our year together plus some BIG announcements and a few FREE gifts!
2/9/201710 minutes, 40 seconds
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253: Deep roots of faith | Colossians 2:7

Take the time to develop deep roots in your faith. Then, when the storms of life come, you’ll be able to stand firm. Be rooted in Jesus.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/9/20176 minutes, 42 seconds
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252: Let love flow through you into the world | Isaiah 1:17

How should a Christian live? Is it all about going to church, following rules, and talking about Jesus? Well, no. We are called to let the Love of God flow into us, and then through us, out into the world. That is how a Christian should live. Choose #LoveOverFear   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/8/20177 minutes, 3 seconds
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251: Tell Your Story | 1 Chronicles 16:8

Have you ever been on a rollercoaster ride of faith and emotions? Did God come through for you? If so, do these two things: 1) Give praise to God, and 2) Tell your story of what God has done in your life.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/7/20176 minutes, 32 seconds
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250: How to teach your children the Bible | Deuteronomy 6:7

How do we teach our children the Bible? That is a huge question for a lot of parents, including myself. How do we spiritually lead our families? An ancient verse from the book of Deuteronomy may just hold the key... About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/6/20176 minutes, 29 seconds
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249: Create in me a clean heart | Psalm 51:10

God cares more about what He is doing in your future than about the mistakes of your past.  Let go of your past guilt and shame with this prayer, written by David after his affair with Bathsheba (and having her husband killed). If David was still under God’s grace, so are you.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/3/20176 minutes, 44 seconds
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248: Alive and active | Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God is alive and active. It is sharper than any sword. But this is a good cut, like a surgeon’s instrument, clearing out the impurities in our lives. Allow the Bible to be active in your life today.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/2/20176 minutes, 8 seconds
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247: Love with actions not words | 1 John 3:18

Today’s One Verse is wisdom from John, the closest man to Jesus while on earth. Of everything that John could teach us, what would it be? To love others, not in words, but through our actions.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/1/20175 minutes, 58 seconds
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246: A debt of love | Romans 13:8

As followers of Jesus, we all have one outstanding debt: To love others, and it is due every single day. Jesus first loved us, so He calls us to love others as well. (Pro tip: Especially if they look, act, or live different from us!)   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/31/20175 minutes, 58 seconds
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245: Your future is better than your past | Philippians 1:6

When you decided to follow Jesus, God began a new and good work in your life, and He won’t stop until you are the person He created you to be. Your future is bright!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/30/20175 minutes, 21 seconds
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244: God is our shield | Psalm 119:114

In times of trouble, God is a place of protection, safety, and relief. He is our refuge and our shield. Let’s place our hope in God and His Word.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/27/20175 minutes, 35 seconds
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243: Carry each others burdens | Galatians 6:2

At the heart of the Gospel message is looking out for the needs of others. When we carry each other’s burdens, we live out the example of Jesus in our lives. If we all do this, that means someone will also be there for you when you really need it!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/26/20174 minutes, 15 seconds
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242: Light is greater than the darkness | John 8:12

Jesus is the Light of the world, and He calls us to follow in His Light. As we grow closer to Him, the Light of Jesus becomes greater than any darkness we encounter in this world. Jesus promises the Light of Life to illuminate our path.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/25/20176 minutes, 20 seconds
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241: Growing close to God | John 14:23

Spending time in God’s Word, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines like communion allows God to grow close to us and build a deeper relationship with us.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/24/20175 minutes, 16 seconds
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240: What will you do with your freedom | Galatians 5:13

Through God’s amazing grace, we have been given freedom in Christ. But how will you use your freedom? Today’s One Verse teaches us a very important aspect of living with freedom in Christ.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/23/20176 minutes, 5 seconds
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239: Hear my prayer Lord | Psalm 102:1

Are you feeling tired, worn out, or weak? Make today’s One Verse your prayer to God. Ask Him for the rest you need. His grace and mercy is fresh every morning.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/20/20176 minutes, 38 seconds
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238: New birth into living hope | 1 Peter 1:3

As followers of Jesus, we are new creatures in Christ. He has given us new birth that grows into a living hope. Hope that is alive. What an amazing picture! I think we could all use a little hope. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/19/20176 minutes, 16 seconds
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237: Children of God | John 1:12

How would it change our lives if we truly lived like we were the children of God? I think it would bring incredible amounts of peace to our lives and allow us to trust God like never before. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/18/20175 minutes, 51 seconds
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236: Let your light shine | Matthew 5:16

Jesus never called us to rules and regulations. That is not the Christian life. Jesus, instead, called us to live lives that spread Light and Love in a dark world. And when we live according to the Light of Jesus, we can inspire others to glorify God. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/17/20176 minutes, 49 seconds
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235: Let Freedom Ring | MLK | Galatians 3:28

“Every genuine expression of love grows out of a consistent and total surrender to God.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. (Christmas sermon | Montgomery, Alabama, 1957) #MLKDay #love About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/16/20175 minutes, 11 seconds
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233: Trusting in God | Psalm 26:1

In our One Verse today, David makes a bold claim: “I trusted in the Lord and have not faltered.” Wow. This does NOT describe me. My faith is strong, but my trust can vary. Life is crazy at times. It can seem so big. But life is never bigger than our God. My hope and prayer is that one day, like David, I will be able to say my trust in God does not falter. That is my prayer for you, as well.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/13/20175 minutes, 13 seconds
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232: Faith needs community | Mark 3:14

The Christian faith was meant to be lived out in relationship and community with others. Even Jesus appointed 12 disciples. If anyone could do it on His own, it would be Jesus. Yet, He chose to live in relationship with others. What else can we learn from Jesus appointing the 12?   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/12/20177 minutes, 3 seconds
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231: How to grow deep relationships | 1 John 1:7

1 John 1:7 tells us to walk in the Light as Jesus is in the Light. But then it says something interesting. By following God and growing closer to Him, we actually grow deeper in our relationships with other Jesus followers.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/11/20174 minutes, 34 seconds
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230: Trust God for Today | Exodus 16:4

It’s easy to focus on the future and wonder what God has planned for our lives or where we will be in 5 years. It’s harder to focus on today. Yet, this is exactly what God wants us to do. Trust Him to lead us and provide for us today. Then, tomorrow, He’ll do it all over, again.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/10/20175 minutes, 30 seconds
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229: Seek God First | Matthew 6:33

What if we could ask God what He wanted us to do in 2017? What if we could ask Him how to be successful in the new year? I believe He has already given us the answers with some key verses we’ve been looking at last week and this week. Today, Matthew 6:33 gives us the formula to live without worry.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/9/20174 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

228: What is your focus in 2017 | Psalm 27:4

We are wrapping up the first week of 2017. What is your focus for the New Year? If you could succeed in ONLY ONE area, what would it be? Today, on the One Verse Devotional podcast, I share my focus for 2017 based on Psalm 27:4   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/6/20176 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

227: Pleasing God | Galatians 1:10

One of the greatest things we can do in 2017 is to please God with our lives. However, if we are going to live effective lives that please God, we cannot be more concerned with the approval of people.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/5/20174 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

226: How to live a productive life | Titus 3:14

Do you want to live a productive life in 2017? This verse lays out a unique way to be successful. Do you want your life to matter and be effective? You need Titus 3:14.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/4/20175 minutes, 27 seconds
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225: Holy does not mean perfect | 1 Peter 1:16

The Bible calls us to be Holy. But how can we live perfect lives? We can’t. Holy doesn’t mean perfect. It means “set apart.” In 2017, let’s live our lives set apart for God.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/3/20175 minutes, 16 seconds
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224: Kicking off 2017 | Joshua 1:8

When Joshua took over as the leader of Israel, God gave him some great advice. God’s advice to Joshua thousands of years ago is still applicable today as we start 2017!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
1/2/20174 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

223: Let God make your path firm in 2017 | Psalm 37:23

Here it is. The last Friday of 2016. And that is ok with me! But 2017 is right around the corner. Let God guide your path and make your footing firm in the New Year. You simply need to delight in your relationship with Him.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/30/20165 minutes, 45 seconds
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222: The importance of discipline | Proverbs 19:20

Look at just about anyone you admire, someone who has succeeded in an area. I can guarantee that they have listened to wise advice and submitted themselves to self-discipline (or other discipline). The Bible taught us the importance of these two areas thousands of years ago in the book of Proverbs.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/29/20165 minutes, 23 seconds
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221: Trust in the Lord with all your heart | Proverbs 3:5

For a lot of people, 2016 was a rough year. That is why it is more important than ever as we head into 2017 to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/28/20166 minutes, 11 seconds
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220: A Not So Silent Night: Christmas according to the Book of Revelation | Revelation 12

It’s Christmas time! That means hanging decorations, putting up a tree, listening to Christmas carols and candlelight services. According to Andy Williams, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. This weekend, you will probably open up your Bible to Luke chapter 2 and read the Christmas story. But did you know there is another account of the Christmas story? It doesn’t take place in Luke or Matthew. It’s Christmas according to the Book of Revelation, and it’s wild. While we sing of silent nights and celebrate a babe in a manger, Revelation peels back the veil and gives us a glimpse of what Christmas looked like in the spiritual world.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/23/20167 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

219: Unfailing Love | Psalm 94:18

When we slip up in life, God doesn’t get angry or remind us of every mistake in our past (hint: that’s satan). Instead, God reaches us with his unfailing Love and offers His support. This week, we have been looking at an amazing passage in 2 Corinthians 5. We learned that we are new creations in Christ. It was God’s idea. He isn’t angry with you. And God has a plan for our future. In short, God is much more concerned with our future than with our past. I am living proof of that statement. Today’s One Verse Devotional comes from Psalm, yet it echoes exactly what we’ve been discussing. “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.” (Psalm 94:18 NIV) God wasn’t angry that he was slipping. When we lose our footing in life, God is simply there to provide support with his Love.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/16/20166 minutes, 24 seconds
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218: Ambassadors of God | 2 Corinthians 5:20

God has invited us to join Him in His restoration of the world. We are God’s ambassadors, living our lives “as though God were making his appeal through us.” (2 Cor. 5:20) This week, we have been looking at four incredible verses in 2 Corinthians 5. We have learned that through Christ, we are a new creation. Our old ways are gone. We have new life. We also learned that God is not angry with us. He desires to have a relationship with us. God is more concerned about His plans for our future than He is about our mistakes in our past. Finally, 2 Corinthians 5 lays out the idea of the ministry of reconciliation. Since we have been healed, given new life, and restored back to God, we now share in this mission. We have been called to use our experiences to spread life and love and forgiveness throughout this world. God has invited us to participate. Let that sink in for a minute. God has invited us to be His ambassadors. I encourage you to take the love and forgiveness you have experienced in your life and turn around and pass it on to others. This is you calling.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/15/20166 minutes, 31 seconds
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217: God is not angry with you | 2 Corinthians 5:19

There is only one thing I want you to hear today: God is NOT angry with you! He loves you and simply wants to have a relationship with you. He is not angry about your past. He is way more concerned with your future.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/14/20165 minutes, 52 seconds
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216: Restored Relationship | 2 Corinthians 5:18

Salvation was God’s idea! God desired to restore the broken relationship that sin brought. Through Christ, we are reconciled back to God. Our relationship has been restored!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/13/20165 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

215: A new creation | 2 Corinthians 5:17

Great news! You can stop feeling guilty about your past. If you are a follower of Jesus, you are a new creation! (2 Cor. 5:17) God is more concerned with your future than your past. It is so easy to get hung up on our past. The mistakes. The sins. The regrets. But that is not what God is concerned with. All He cares about is the work of Jesus in your life. Jesus provides new Life, and you are not the person you once were. That is the old self. In Jesus, you are fresh and new, and you have a future!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/12/20165 minutes, 23 seconds
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214: Hidden in my heart | Psalm 119:11

Life can get so busy that even when we watch or read something, we can completely forget it just a few minutes later. Our minds are going, going, going. It can be especially true when we engage with God. But David reminds us in the Psalms to hide God’s Word in our hearts. Stay focused. Allow Him to speak into your life. Yes, life gets crazy. We are try to multitask. Yet, if we allow God’s Word to be hidden in our heart, those verses will come back to us right when we need them the most.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/9/20165 minutes, 28 seconds
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213: A teachable spirit | Proverbs 13:13

One of the greatest attitudes you can have in life is to have a teachable spirit. We know that today. Yet, King Solomon wrote about this thousands of years ago in the Book of Proverbs!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/8/20164 minutes, 11 seconds
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212: Who is influencing your life | Proverbs 13:20

Who are you letting speak into your life? Who did you seek for influence? What kind of media are you engaging with? The Book of Proverbs tells us to surround ourselves with wise influence or else we will suffer harm.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/7/20164 minutes, 8 seconds
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211: Do you acknowledge Jesus | 1 John 4:15

The Bible makes us an amazing promise: If we acknowledge that Jesus is God, if we acknowledge our faith in Him, then God will live with us and spend time with us.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/6/20165 minutes, 3 seconds
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210: Living a nonstick life | 1 Thessalonians 3:13

How come nothing sticks to Teflon®, yet Teflon ® sticks to pans? Sorry, a silly joke from my youth. But it does tie into our One Verse for today. We are called to live a nonstick life. We should live in such a way that no accusation sticks to us. No, they didn’t have Teflon® in the Bible, but the principle remains the same. On this path of life, we can’t see how close we get to the edge (sorry for mixing my metaphors). We shouldn’t try to push limits and see what we can get away with. We should live a “nonstick” life. If that sounds exhausting, that’s ok. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 also tells us that God will strengthen our hearts. He will provide the energy, power, and even rest we need to live a blameless life.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/5/20165 minutes
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209: Better than life | Psalm 63:3

A simple thought for your weekend: God’s Love is better than life. It brings true Life. Because of that, He is worthy of our praise! #worship   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/2/20164 minutes, 54 seconds
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208: Value others above yourself | Philippians 2:3

In the Gospels, Jesus taught us a different way: Put others first. Paul reminds us of that in Philippians 2:3. Value others above yourself! #livelikeJesus   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
12/1/20164 minutes, 39 seconds
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207: Give your anxiety to God | 1 Peter 5:7

Stop feeling guilty for your anxiety. God cares enough about us that He doesn’t judge us. He tells us to give it to Him.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/30/20164 minutes, 50 seconds
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206: Giving Tuesday | 2 Corinthians 9:7

Today is #GivingTuesday and God loves a cheerful giver!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/29/20164 minutes, 31 seconds
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205: Weary in doing good | Galatians 6:9

This is a season of doing good for family and others. It is a time of giving. Unfortunately, we can also become burned out when trying to do too much without taking care of ourselves. The Apostle Paul understood this. He encourages us, in Galatians 6:9, that we do not become weary, tired, or worn out when doing good. I know this first hand. I need to pause and take care of my spiritual and physical health. How about you?   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/28/20168 minutes, 25 seconds
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204: Be thankful for God | Psalm 69:30 (Week of Thanksgiving Part 5)

Yesterday, you probably sat down with family or friends and shared why you are thankful. I think it’s easy to overlook our thankfulness for God. Let’s not put Him on the backburner this year. Give you thanks and your worship to God. He is truly worthy of our deepest thanks. Take a few minutes today and think about what God has done for you in this life.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/25/20164 minutes, 47 seconds
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203: Happy Thanksgiving | 1 Corinthians 1:4 (Week of Thanksgiving Part 4)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Today, I’m thankful for you. I appreciate your support and allowing me to speak into your life. I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/24/20164 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

202: Giving thanks is God’s will for your life | 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Week of Thanksgiving Part 3)

What is God’s will for my life? It’s kind of a big question, right? But the Bible lays out several ways that we can live in God’s will. Today’s One Verse makes it clear: Being thankful is God’s will for your life.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/23/20167 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

201: With Thanksgiving | Philippians 4:6 (Week of Thanksgiving Part 2)

Being thankful is easy to put on the back burner and only focus on once a year. But the Bible lays out another way: living “with thanksgiving” in every situation of life. (Phil. 4:6)   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/22/20165 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

200: Grace leads to thanksgiving (Week of Thanksgiving Part 1) | 2 Corinthians 4:15

Even though we can experience pain and weakness and sacrifice in this life, God’s Grace brings resurrected Life. It is this Amazing Grace that leads to a life of true Thanksgiving! (2 Cor. 4:15)   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/21/20165 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

199: Choosing a time for God | Psalm 59:16

God has done so much for us that He deserves our praise. Have you chosen a regular time to spend time with Him? It is one of the most difficult and most important parts of the Christian faith: spending consistent time with God.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/18/20165 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

198: A prayer for you | 2 Thessalonians 3:5

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/17/20164 minutes, 43 seconds
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197: How to show love to your children | Proverbs 27:5

There is one very powerful, yet surprising way to show love for your children: Correcting them. The same is true in our relationship with God. I love my children more than I ever thought I would be able to love anything. Being a dad is one of my greatest callings (along with being a husband. Ministry is third. That’s biblical. Look it up if you don’t believe me.) But there is one critical way that I must show love to my children that I am not always a fan of… Correcting them. This is so hard! My Baby Girl is two. So, that means that she is getting to the point of understanding right and wrong. So, she is starting to get timeouts and stuff. Even if I use a firm voice, she starts to cry and runs down the hallway. It kills me! But our One Verse today is clear. Proverbs 27:5 says, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love.” In other words, open correction shows love to your children. And every parent knows this. Actually, everyone knows this because we’ve all seen “that kid” at the grocery store who could use some more correction (am I right?!). But here’s the deal. I don’t think this verse is all about parenting. That’s part of it. But I think it is showing us something deeper. We are God’s children. He corrects us because He loves us. It’s not out of anger. He isn’t angry with you just like I’m not angry with my 2-year-old daughter. It breaks my heart. And it breaks God’s, as well. But God loves you enough to steer your life towards purpose and significance.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/16/20165 minutes, 41 seconds
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196: Let tomorrow take care of itself | Matthew 6:34

When we first seek after God, we don’t need to be anxious about tomorrow. Follow Him today, and tomorrow will take care of itself. Once again, our One Verse for today is one that makes you think, “Did Jesus really say that?” Matthew 6:34 says to focus on today and for us to let tomorrow take care of itself. Is that right? It seems so irresponsible. Shouldn’t we plan for the future? Shouldn’t we save and plan for a rainy day? Yes. So, what does this verse mean? Well, the verse right before is a famous passage: “Seek first God and His Kingdom, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus is speaking here, and He makes a powerful point. Will we trust God to take care of us? If we truly put God first TODAY, then TOMORROW will already be decided. If we put God first, He will protect us and provide for us. Is it ok to save? Of, course. But we don’t need to worry about the future. Put God first today. Think about how you can serve Him and love others today. And when tomorrow comes, do it again. If we would live our lives with that level of God-focus, we can take comfort in the fact that He will provide for us.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/15/20165 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

195: Loving God through helping others | Hebrews 6:10

God promises that He will not forget the love you have shown to Him BY helping His children. How do you show love for someone? Caring for them, listening to them, talking to them, spending time with, showing affection for them, right? So, how do you show love for God? Spending time with Him in prayer and Bible study and going to church, right? Is that all? Our One Verse today gives a very interesting perspective on the issue. Hebrews 6 tells us that God will not forget the love we have shown to Him. That is great news. But the end of the verse is interesting. How do we show love? By helping others and continuing to help them. God says that we show love for Him by actually showing love for others. That means that one of our greatest acts of worship is loving others. Let us live our lives in such a way that God knows that we love Him by the way we treat His children.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/14/20165 minutes, 49 seconds
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194: You are wonderfully made | Psalm 139:14

God’s creation is wonderful and magnificent and beautiful. Just don’t forget… This includes you. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/11/20165 minutes, 15 seconds
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193: God makes His home with us | John 14:23

Jesus promises to love us and make His home with us is we follow Him and obey His teachings.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/10/20164 minutes, 59 seconds
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192: The Peace of God will guard your heart | Philippians 4:7

Can anyone use a little peace today? The Peace of God is larger than life and transcends all understanding. If you let it, it will guard your hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:7)   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/9/20165 minutes, 16 seconds
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191: God is not worried about this election | Daniel 4:17

Christians, do not be worried about this election. God is still in control and places leaders He wants in power. Have peace. Now go vote!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/8/20165 minutes, 6 seconds
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190: My God is my rock, my shield, and my salvation | Psalm 18:2

As we head into a new week, here is a simple reminder: God is your rock, shield, and salvation. He is your fortress and stronghold against anything this world can throw at you. Ok, honesty time. This weekend was ROUGH! It started off like any other, and then Friday night, it all fell apart. Every single person in my family got sick. I mean, “Holy crap, what is going on!” kind of sick. Now, I don’t want to sound like this is the end of the world. It’s not. We’ve all experienced things much worse than this. But it was exhausting. I felt bad for my wife and baby girl who got sick every 15-20 minutes for most of the night (hours!). I felt bad for my son who woke up at 2 am and got sick when we thought he was ok. When you think it’s going to be a relaxing weekend, but turns out totally different. Ever have days or weeks like this? Life throws one more thing at you and it’s all you can take (you think, anyway). That is why I wanted to share today’s One Verse. Normally, we reserve Psalms for Friday. But I thought this would be a great reminder for our week. Our God is our rock, our shield, and our salvation. Are you ready to face a new week or do you still feel exhausted? Let God be your shield and your fortress this week.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/7/20164 minutes, 28 seconds
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189: God is faithful to all generations | Psalm 100:5

God promises to be faithful throughout the generations. As a parent, I am so grateful to know that God is at work in the lives of my children. His blessings do not stop with us. This morning I took my son to school for an event called All Pro Dads. It’s a great time for dads to spend time with their children and talk about life. I love being a dad. That is why I am so thankful for verses like Psalm 100:5, our One Verse for today. It teaches us that God will be faithful throughout the generations. What does that mean? It means His blessings don’t stop with me. God’s Love and Grace and Hope will continue on into the lives of my children. Actually, it’s already begun. As a parent, one of my greatest joys is knowing that an all-knowing, all-powerful God will be there to lead my children when I cannot be. His perfect Love will carry them through life. Thank you, Lord, that your love and faithfulness continues on from generation to generation.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/4/20164 minutes, 23 seconds
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188: No other name | Acts 4:12

We can only put out hope of salvation in Jesus. Both our future salvation as well as our salvation for today and tomorrow. If you consider yourself a Christian, you would probably say that you place your future salvation in Jesus. That's how you go to heaven, right? But the same is true for our everyday salvation here and now. On the earth. With this upcoming election, it's easy to place your hope of “salvation” in your political candidate. Other times, I see someone place their hope of “salvation” in a relationship or their spouse. That is not your spouse’s job. You are putting unrealistic expectations on them and your relationship. No, salvation in this world AND salvation for eternity comes from one name: Jesus. Get to know Him. Grow close to Him. Place your trust and hope in Him. He is the only One who can truly save us.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/3/20165 minutes, 1 second
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187: Gracious words are sweet to the soul | Proverbs 16:24

In a time of intense negativity, it is time for us to embrace a new boldness with our words: being gracious and kind. In our culture today, especially in the middle of this election season, using kind and gracious words would actually be one of the most radical things you could do. I vote that we start a movement with our words: a movement of grace. A movement of kindness. Do you want to stand out? Do you want to make an impact? Sadly, you can do that today just by using kind words and showing respect for others. Why should we respect others? Because they were also made in the image of God. We are all His children, made in His image. That, alone, requires kind, gracious, and respectful words. Show grace in your speech today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
11/2/20163 minutes, 35 seconds
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186: Clothe yourself with Love | Colossians 3:12

The Bible calls us to live with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. But is this what we see in our churches today? I’ve been creating One Verse Devotional videos for over four years. I am just a few months away from completing my first year with this podcast. In short, I have recorded hundreds of devotionals about hundreds of Bible verses. I don’t say this to brag or puff myself up. My point is this: After years of looking at verse after verse after verse, I have come to one conclusion. God desires that we live with love, kindness, and patience toward others. Colossians 3:12 says it perfectly, but I have seen this same message over and over, again. Yet, our churches rarely look like this picture of Christ. Instead, we feel as though it is our job to defending the faith and acting as enforcers of biblical principles. The crazy thing is, that was never our job. Go ahead, look it up. We are called to speak truth (in love!), but not go on a crusade to make sure the world follows God’s rules. God will take care of that. The Holy Spirit will direct people. As for us, we are called to love with kindness and patience.
11/1/20167 minutes, 14 seconds
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185: Rest in Jesus | Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -Jesus Is life getting you down? Are you feeling stress, anxiety, or depression? Are you showing up at a job that you know isn’t a long term plan? Are you going through a rough patch? We serve a God who understands. He experienced everything that we have. Jesus isn’t sitting in heaven, separated from our lives. He is watching out for you. He can provide for you, protect you, and lead you through these rough times. In our One Verse for today, Jesus says that He will give you rest. Are you burdened? Go to Jesus. Spend time with Him. Don’t pull away. Don’t get too busy or stressed for God. Those are the times we should be spending more time with Him. Go to Him. He will listen. He will give you the rest you need.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
10/31/20165 minutes, 21 seconds
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184: Gods way is perfect | Psalm 18:30

God’s path is the perfect plan for our lives. However, perfect doesn’t mean easy. God can turn any mistake into His perfect plan. It is hard to say that anything is perfect. Perfect seems like a myth. It doesn’t exist. Yet, in our One Verse today, David says that God’s way is perfect. God is, of course, perfect. But so is His plan for our lives. This seems incredible considering we live in a broken world. It seems unbelieveable since we all make mistakes, poor choices, and sin. Yet, we see over and over throughout the Bible that God can use anything for His perfect plan. After being sold into slavery and spending years in prison, Joseph looked at His brothers and said, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” Even our Psalm for today was written when King Saul was chasing David through the desert trying to kill him. And in the middle of running for his life, David wrote that God’s way is perfect. God’s love and grace can take any decision, any past mistake, and weave it into His plan. Your past has been forgiven. God is only concerned with your future in Christ.
10/28/20165 minutes, 58 seconds
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183: Jesus understands | Hebrews 4:15

Jesus isn’t untouchable. He empathizes with our weaknesses and temptations because He experienced them Himself. I’ve heard it said that, since Jesus was perfect, He didn’t even cry as a baby. I bet Mary would laugh in your face if she heard that. Yes, Jesus was 100% God. But He was also 100% man on earth. He lived through the same pain, heartache, frustration, temptation, and other aspects of humanity that we experience every, single day. Jesus is God. Hebrews calls Him our High Priest. That can sound pretty untouchable. But that is why our One Verse for today, Hebrews 4:15 makes it clear: Jesus understands. He knows what it means to be human: the good, the bad, and the ugly. From pain to temptation, He has experienced it all. Yet, He did not sin. That is why He is our Savior.
10/27/20165 minutes, 35 seconds
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182: The Holy Spirit is praying for you | Romans 8:26

When you don’t know how to pray or feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling, take comfort in the fact the the Holy Spirit is praying to God FOR YOU on your behalf. We all face some rough times in our prayer lives. Maybe you feel like you’ve never really known how to pray. This is paralyzing for many Christians, but it doesn’t have to be. How do I know this? Our One Verse for today, that’s how. Romans 8:26 says that the Holy Spirit prays for us, even when we don’t know what to pray! How cool is that? That gives me some much comfort and encouragement. It also gives me confidence in my prayer life. I don’t need to pray the perfect prayer (pro tip: There is no perfect prayer). Instead, I know I can simply share my heart, and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest. Have you struggled in your prayer life? That’s ok. Keep going. The Spirit of God has got your back.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
10/26/20165 minutes, 18 seconds
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181: Do good to others both inside and outside the Church | Galatians 6:10

The message of the Bible is simple: do good to others inside and outside of the Church! Christians can be mean. Really mean. This breaks my heart because it goes against everything that Jesus taught us. But Paul wanted to give us a critical reminder: With every opportunity you have, do good to others, especially those within the church. As in, love others, especially to those within your own community. It doesn’t say if they believe the same as you or vote the same. Do good. Love others. Love those who don’t believe in Jesus. And definitely do good to those who believe in Jesus, even if they read the Bible a little bit differently.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
10/25/20165 minutes, 46 seconds
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180: Jesus is Alive | Revelation 1:18

We serve a God who has conquered death and is alive forever. He is the Living One! This morning, I woke up to a YouTube comment: “Hate to break it to you, but your god ain’t real.” I wasn’t upset. My heart broke for this person. They don’t know the peace that I know that can only come from a Savior that he doesn’t believe in. I responded, “I love you, and I will be praying for you today.” That is the only response. We don’t need to argue or prove God. That is not our job. We are called to love. But I was inspired to give you some encouragement today. A simple reminder that we serve a God who is, in fact, alive! He holds the keys to death. Jesus calls Himself the Living One. Some may doubt, but I assure you, Jesus is alive. We serve the Living God!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
10/24/20165 minutes, 17 seconds
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South Africa Update

An update from South Africa
10/18/20162 minutes, 32 seconds
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179: The Gospel of Grace Part 5 | Psalm 23:1

The Lord God, Yahweh, is our Shepherd. Through Him, we lack nothing. (Psalm 23:1) This is one of the most profound truths you’ll ever hear. Read it over and over until it fully grips your heart.
10/14/20164 minutes, 53 seconds
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178: The Gospel of Grace Part 4 | 2 Corinthians 12:9

Paul had a physical “thorn in his flesh.” He prayed on three different occasions for God to take this away from Him. But God didn’t do it. Yet, God’s answer to Paul is something every Christian needs to hear. We need to remember this. God’s Grace is all-encompassing. Whether it is the physical pain Paul endured or an emotional scar that represents a painful past mistake in our lives, God’s Grace and His Love is sufficient in our lives. His Grace is all we truly need!
10/13/20165 minutes, 29 seconds
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177: The Gospel of Grace Part 3 | Ephesians 2:8

It is by Grace we are saved. Our faith unlocks this Grace in our lives. It is not because of any good works on our part. Otherwise, we could brag about how great we are. No, it is ALL about God, His Love, and how great He is! By His grace, alone, we are saved!
10/12/20165 minutes, 29 seconds
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176: The Gospel of Grace Part 2 | Matthew 9:13

Jesus says something surprising in this passage in Matthew: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Doesn’t God want us to follow all the rules and live perfect lives? Jesus says, “No.” That is not the main thing. We’ve made it the main thing. It is not an excuse to sin. Instead, it paints a beautiful picture of Grace. Jesus is most interested in the work of His Love in our lives!
10/11/20165 minutes, 54 seconds
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175: The Gospel of Grace Part 1 | Matthew 9:12

When Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to become a disciple, the Pharisees could not handle it. They rebuked Jesus for hanging out with sinners. But Jesus has a different view. Jesus is the benefactor of Grace. And through this story, Jesus reminds us of something key… It is the sick who need a doctor.
10/10/20168 minutes, 4 seconds
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174: Restore the joy of salvation | Psalm 51:12

Sometimes our faith can become stale. The world can beat us down. Our past can beat us down. David understood that better than anyone. He gives a great prayer in Psalm 51: “Lord, restore to me the joy of your salvation.” We all need to pray this from time to time. I know I do.
10/7/20165 minutes, 24 seconds
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173: Trust in the Lord forever | Isaiah 26:4

Isaiah reminds us to trust in the Lord forever. Why? Because He is the Rock eternal. In the storms of life, I want to be anchored to that Rock!
10/6/20163 minutes, 58 seconds
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172: You are FREE | John 8:36

Jesus made it clear in the Gospel of John: If the Son (Jesus, Himself) has set you free, you are truly free, indeed!
10/5/20164 minutes, 2 seconds
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171: Encourage Others to Live a Life of Love | Hebrews 10:24

Yesterday, we learned that we are to walk in the way of love after the example of Jesus. Today, Hebrews 10:24 teaches us that we can actually encourage and inspire others to also walk in love.
10/4/20165 minutes, 28 seconds
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170: Walk in the Way of Love | Ephesians 5:2

Ephesians 5:2 teaches us to walk in the way of love, just as Jesus loved us and gave His life for us.
10/3/20164 minutes, 32 seconds
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169: The Love of a Father | Psalm 103:13

“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” -Psalm 103:13 I love being a dad. My family is my greatest calling before ANYTHING else (btw, that’s totally biblical!). I love being a husband and father. But I have a confession. I have four children. And especially with our last two girls, I questioned if I would have the same level of love for our new baby as I did for our other children. I loved my kids so much that I was afraid of how I would feel about another child. Would I love them as much? Can I love them as much? But every time we had a new baby, my love grew greater and deeper than what I even knew I was capable of. Love doesn’t follow the rules of percentages. It doesn’t stop at 100. As parents, our capacity for love is infinite. I love each of my children more than I thought I could love anything or anyone. I believe God give parents this gift to show us just a glimpse of how much God loves us. A mother’s love is so pure, and yet it still pales in comparison to God’s Love for His children. Follow after God and experience His Love in your life! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/30/20165 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

168: The definition of God Love Part 4 | 1 Corinthians 13:7

Love always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. It sees others and treats others as sons and daughters of God. Today is our last day that we have been look at the definition and qualities of God-Love laid out in 1 Corinthians 13. This Love is more than human love. Human love can be temporary or even selfish. We try our best, but since we are imperfect humans, our love is imperfect, as well. But there is good news. As children of God, we are tapped into the power of His perfect Love! This is why we have been unpacking 1 Corinthians 13 this week. It is the goal. It provides the targets for us to aim for. But we have to remember that we can’t do it on our own. In order to love like God, we have to stay close to Him. His Love never fails. My hope and prayer is that we all live with God-Love in our lives. That we put others first and see them as the children of God that they are. Let us always protect, trust, and hope. Love doesn’t give up. Love always wins. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/29/20165 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

167: The definition of God Love Part 3 | 1 Corinthians 13:6

True Love, God-Love, does not rejoice when someone else fails or becomes jealous when someone else succeeds. Love rejoices. Have you ever been in a situation where you are working hard at chasing your dreams only to see someone else reach theirs much quicker? We don’t know what it took them to get there. We don’t know the sacrifice or work they invested. But from our perspective, it sure looks like it was a lot easier and a lot faster than what we have experienced! Have you been there? I have. In those times, it’s easy to get jealous. It’s easy to (secretly!) wish that something bad would happen or that they would hit an obstacle like we have been hitting. But that’s not how Love works, at least not God-Love. Our One Verse today comes from 1 Corinthians 13:6 and teaches us that Love never rejoices in evil. It doesn’t secretly hope that something bad happens to someone else. God-Love rejoices. It rejoices with others. It rejoices in Truth. We need to constantly remind ourselves that God’s Love is not scarce. Blessings in another person’s life does NOT mean less for us. God’s Love is abundant. We can, and should, rejoice with others even when we are in the midst of chasing after our own dreams. Go and Love others and rejoice with them today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/28/20165 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

166: The definition of God Love Part 2 | 1 Corinthians 13:5

God-Love lives from an abundance mindset, not scarcity. If someone else is blessed, it doesn’t mean there is less for me. Much of our culture operates from a scarcity mindset. This mindset sees life as one giant piece of pie. If someone else gets a big piece of pie, that means you either get a smaller piece of pie or fight hard so you get a big piece, too. This is the “look out for #1” attitude. But God operates out of abundance. See, we are all fighting for a piece of the pie and we don’t realize that there are countless other pies that are available! God’s blessings know no end. This is key to understand when we look at a passage like 1 Corinthians 13. A scarcity mindset doesn’t understand God Love. When Paul tells us not to push others down in order to get ahead, it flies in the face of scarcity. The Christian life and followers of Jesus live from the abundance of God’s blessings. When we truly understand that, we will be able to be slow to anger and not push others down. We will be closer to living out God-Love in our own lives!   About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/27/20165 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

165: The definition of God Love Part 1 | 1 Corinthians 13:4

1 Corinthians 13 is for more than just wedding ceremonies. It gives us the definition and qualities of perfect God-love. I attended a wedding this weekend. Actually, it was my sister’s wedding. And I had the opportunity to officiate it. During the ceremony, I read from 1 Corinthians 13. It is a beautiful passage, but it is meant for so much more than just weddings. 1 Corinthians chapter 13 lays out the definitions and qualities of perfect “God Love.” See, true love is impossible to do on our own. We can try. We can get close. But our love will fail. But there is hope! The closer we get to God, the more His Love becomes a part of who we are! Love it patient and kind. It doesn’t envy or boast. It does not and cannot come out of a proud heart. But we can only live out this Love by growing closer  and closer to God! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/26/20165 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

164: My help comes from the Lord | Psalm 121:2

When we come to a point in life where we need help, the Maker of heaven and earth should be the first place we turn! When I come to a place in life that I need help--you know, that bill that needs to be paid, a decision that needs to be made, or that phone call that just came in--I always seem to try and work it out on paper. I look at my own checking account and try to make a plan on my own. In today’s One Verse, the psalmist reminds us of one important thing: our help comes from the Lord. It is God who can offer the ultimate help. He is the Maker of heaven and earth. Our problems are not too big for Him. I challenge you, the next time you need help, turn to God FIRST. It may save you a lot of anxiety and heartache. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/23/20164 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

163: Loving God means loving others | 1 John 4:20

Our country is in the middle of a serious crisis, and it is up to Christians to lead a movement of Love #Charlotte #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter God is Love. This means His followers should be leading the charge in Love. Our country is hurting. It is filled with anger and fear. 1 John makes it clear that True Love drives away fear. It may sound silly, but we need Love now more than ever. It is the only thing that can bring healing. Hater, anger, fear, violence. The only weapon against these is Love. It is the only force in the universe that is stronger. I truly believe, then, that it is up to the followers of Jesus, the true Light Bearers, to lead the charge and show Love. It is only getting worse. Week after week, another incident happens. It is time for true followers of Jesus, who have experienced REAL LOVE, to turn around and freely share that Love whenever and wherever we can. Only a movement of Love can stop fear from taking over. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/22/20167 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

162: The lost art of confession | 1 John 1:9

Confession may not be fun, but it is the best way to allow God to cleanse us from impurities and stay in tune with our Savior. I love coffee. I make it every morning. When I have more time, I will probably do some fancy pour-over method for every cup. But life is busy with three kids at home (also adding to the need for coffee!), so a good old automatic drip coffee maker will have to do. Every once in awhile, it starts to get yucky on the inside. I can tell because it will take longer to make the coffee, to perform the job it was created to do. My last coffee maker was the worst. Or, at least, it got that way after I didn’t clean it for months. It took over an hour to make a pot of coffee! Well, these coffee makers are a great illustration of our spiritual lives. We all mess up and make mistakes. We need to cleanse our lives from time to time, otherwise we won’t be able to complete the purpose we were created to do. Our One Verse today is 1 John 1:9. It is all about confession. Usually, people think this verse is for those who have not believed in Jesus. If they confess their sins, they will be a Christian. Well, there is a lot of truth in that, but it isn’t what this verse is saying. John was writing this verse to believers! That means, God understands that we are going to mess up. And He has given us a tool and means to stay in tune with Him: confession. It may not sound fun, but by confessing our sins to God, we clean out the junk and impurities in our lives and can continue to live out our purpose. Spend some time with Him today! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/21/20166 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

161: The Truth will set you free | John 8:32

The Truth will set you free. Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The more we know Jesus, the greater freedom we will experience. Freedom. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, today. But what is it really? Does it simply mean you can do whatever you want? No. Otherwise, we would have no laws in this country. That isn’t freedom. That is anarchy. So what is freedom? For me, freedom is breaking free of bondage. When it comes to our spiritual lives, it is freedom to break free of the bondage of our past, our sin, our guilt, our shame, and our regrets. It is the freedom to discover a new life filled with promise. The ability to live according to God’s promises and discover my purpose and use my special gifts. That is freedom. And how do we find freedom? John 8:32 makes it clear. The Truth will set you free. Other verses in John tell us that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will find freedom--true freedom!--in our lives. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/20/20163 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

160: When will we trust God | Numbers 14:11

When we look back on our past, we can see God working in our lives time after time. So, why do we have such a hard time trusting Him for the future? In the Old Testament book of Numbers, Moses sent 12 spies or scouts into the Promised Land. The report was great. It is filled with milk and honey. The fruit is amazing. But… there is a problem. There are giants in the land. Joshua and Caleb then stand in front of the people and tell them that God can do it. But the people want to kill them! They want to return to their old life of slavery in Egypt. This is the context for our One Verse today. In Numbers 14:11, God asks Moses when will the people finally trust Him. What else does He have to do? And as I read that passage, it hit me. How many times am I Joshua and Caleb, and how many times am I the rest of the spies? Normally, I am probably in with the 10. Do you struggle with this? When a new situation or decision or problem arises in our lives, we get worried and we wonder if God will come through. I think that sometimes God looks at us and thinks, “Really? Again? What about the other times I came through? What about the miracles I have done in  your life? And you don’t think I’ll come through this time? When will you finally trust me?” That verse hit me. I need to trust God. He has never let me down. Maybe it didn’t look the way I thought it would, but He has been faithful. I am challenging myself, and I invite you to join me… Let’s trust God. He’s already proved Himself. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/19/20165 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

159: God is a Good God | Psalm 86:5

God isn’t out to get you. He isn’t angry. He isn’t ready to snap. He is loving and forgiving and good! God loves us. He is our Father. The Bible is clear on that time after time. Yet, many of us think that God is angry. That He is just waiting for us to screw up. Or if we have screwed up in life (who hasn’t!), that God holds a grudge. But He hasn’t. God is loving and good and forgiving. That is what we learn in Psalm 86:5. David tells us this. And if anyone would know of the love and forgiveness of God, it would be David! God loves you. He isn’t angry. He has forgiven you. He it truly a Good God! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/16/20163 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

158: The Cure for Temptation | Galatians 5:16

We all struggle with temptation. ALL struggle. BUT… there is a cure. Galatians 5:16 gives us the super simple answer. We make mistakes. We fall. We fail. We sin. In some ways, it’s a part of life. We are broken and imperfect people. But God is good. He wants to help us. Our One Verse today is Galatians 5:16 and teaches one simple concept: The closer we get to God through His Spirit, the more we can overcome temptation in our lives. The problem is, we think we need to come to God already fixed and perfect. But only God can do that in our lives. Come to God BROKEN and let Him heal you! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/15/20164 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

157: Think about these things | Philippians 4:8

Our culture is obsessed with the negative and controversial. Just watch the news. But God says to think about what is lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. My dad loved the news. It was really all he watched on T.V. Sure, he would watch the occasional family movie with us or the A-team from time to time. But his favorite was, hands down, the news. Morning, noon, evening, and night. He couldn’t get enough. I remember when we first got cable. It was like Christmas day for my dad, who could now watch the news 24 hours a day! What does this has to do with today’s One Verse? Well, Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about things are are right and true and just. Think about things that are lovely and admirable and praiseworthy. Would you use any of those words to describe last night’s news coverage? I sure wouldn’t! Now, I’m not on a rampage against local and national news. It’s good to be informed and know what is going on in our cities and around our country and the world. But it does bring up an interesting point: What are we allowing into our lives? It’s not just the news. Our culture is fascinated by the controversial and the negative. It’s the touchy subject that gets the most shares or comments on Facebook. It’s the controversy that gets retweeted. My takeaway is this. Be careful what you allow to influence your life and by how much. Better yet, connect with beauty in your world. Find those things that are lovely and praiseworthy. Be careful to let only the negative and controversial stories to affect you. Think about things that are pure, lovely, just, and admirable. Find the beauty in our world. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/14/20165 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

156: The Lord is faithful | 2 Thessalonians 3:3

There is evil in this world, but God is faithful. While He doesn’t promise physical safety, He protects the most important part: our souls. There is real evil in this world. Just turn on the news. But God is faithful. He promises to protect us. Then why do bad things happen? I don’t know. God doesn’t promise us physical protection. But He holds on to the most important parts of us. Our spirits. Our souls. Satan, the evil one, can never touch that. Yes, we may experience physical heartache. We will. But God is still watching over us. He protects us. And our souls and our future are safe with Him! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/13/20164 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

155: Wonderful things planned long ago | Isaiah 25:1

Our God is worthy of praise. He has done wonderful things planned long ago (Isaiah 25:1). Have you ever seen the book, Zoom? I remember it from school growing up. It is made up only of pictures, and each page zooms out just a little. At first, you see a boy and a girl looking outside at a rooster. Then you see their farm. Next, you realize they aren’t real, they are just toys. You see the girl playing with the toys. Then, you discover the whole scene is on the cover of a magazine. And on and on it goes. It reminds me how some people say God is so high up that our problems don’t matter much to Him. But that isn’t true. Our lives do matter. Yes, God is high and can see the entire world. But He is also close, living with us every day. God cares about what you care about. He understands our anxiety and worry. Yet, God is able to see the entire world and all of time in His context. He is perfectly faithful. Maybe it’s not in our timing. But, then again, we aren’t perfect. God knows all and cares for all. Our One Verse in Isaiah 25 says that God has done wonderful things planned long ago. See, nothing surprises God. Circumstances, mistakes we’ve made, or wrongs other people have committed against us are not new to God. He isn’t surprised or worried. Today, I encourage you to praise God for the wonderful things He is doing in your life! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/12/20165 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

154: I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life | John 14:6

This is the controversy of the Gospel: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I grew up in church. Maybe you did, too. A few years ago, I had a problem. I realized that I was totally taking Jesus for granted. I would look for a place to read in my Bible, and I noticed I had been skipping the Gospels. I thought I knew everything about them. I had read them for years, I know the story of Jesus. What else is there to learn, right? But I was wrong. I dove into the Gospels and I fell in love with Jesus, again. I saw a radical and controversial leader. I saw a loving and grace-filled Savior. In today’s One Verse, Jesus says it best. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This is controversial. People don’t want to hear that there is only one way. But it is the truth. Jesus is the Truth. Please, get to know Jesus. If you grew up in the church, get to know Him, again. If you aren’t sure how you feel about Jesus, dive into the book of John or Mark. Look at Him with fresh eyes, not what you’ve heard or even been taught. Get to know Him. It will change your life! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/9/20166 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

153: I AM the Resurrection | John 11:25

Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead. He IS the Resurrection. It is a part of who He is. He offers new and fresh life (John 11:25). In John 11:25, Jesus is speaking to the sisters of Lazarus. As He comforts them, Jesus gives us our One Verse for today. “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” He actually IS the resurrection. It isn’t just something He is planning on doing. Jesus is life. He offers life. And He offers new and fresh Life. I don’t know what you are going through in your life. Or what you have experienced in the past. But I know what Jesus can do. How? Because He has done it in my life. My past isn’t pretty. I am screwed up time and time, again. But Jesus has been the resurrection in my life. He brought me Life and then renewed Life every time I fall away. I encourage you to get to know Him today. Maybe you are a Christian who need to reconnect with Jesus. Maybe you have never had a relationship with Him. It’s time to spend some time with Jesus. If you don’t know how or don’t know where to start, email me. Seriously. I WILL respond. [email protected] About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/8/20166 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

152: I AM the Vine | John 15:5

“Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Strong, but true words from Jesus in John 15:5. We must stay connected to the Vine! This week, we are looking at a few “I am” passages out of the Gospel of John. These verses are so important because they answer a question all the way back from the book of Exodus. When Moses stood at the burning bush and talked to God, he asked Him His name. What would God say? What does He call Himself? “I Am.” That is the name God gives to Moses. God calls Himself the Great I Am. But that seems incomplete, doesn’t it? I am… what? Fast forward thousands of years. Jesus comes along and starts making these “I am” statements. He is doing two things. First, Jesus is claiming to be God. We know this because when He makes an I am statement, the religious leaders freak out. They know exactly what Jesus is saying. Second, I believe Jesus is filling in the blanks to the questions we would naturally have. I am…? Remember, the Bible says Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, of the old covenant. I believe the I am passages are a perfect example of this. Jesus answers the I Am statement. Today, our One Verse is out of John 15:5. In it, Jesus says, “I am the vine...apart from me you can do nothing.” Strong words from Jesus. But it’s a beautiful picture that shows His statement is absolutely true. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/7/20165 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

151: I AM the Good Shepherd | John 10:14

In the OT, God said His name was I AM. In the NT, Jesus finished the statement and explained who God is in our lives. I AM… I love the Old Testament. I love when the New Testament connects back to the Old. We see this several times. Jesus even quotes the Old Testament over and over, again. But one of my favorite connecting points are the “I AM” passages out of the Gospel of John. It goes all the way back to Moses standing in front of the burning bush in Exodus. God is speaking to Moses and tells him to go back to Egypt and free His people. “But who will I say sent me?” Moses asked. In other words, Moses asked God what His name is. What would God call Himself? God answered, “I AM.” Which I feel is a little vague. Ok, God, that’s cool. You are what? For thousands of years we had to wait. Until Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes several I AM statements. He is doing two things. First, He is claiming to be God. We know this because the religious leaders freak out when Jesus uses this phrase. They knew exactly what He was saying. Second, Jesus is filling in the statement, “I Am…” Today, in John 10, we learn that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/6/20165 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

150: The Rock of our salvation | Psalm 95:1

God is the Rock of our salvation, a firm foundation in the middle of life’s shifting sands. It is Friday! That means two things: The weekend is here AND we get to look at a Psalm! I love today’s One Verse. Psalm 95:1 says, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” I love going to church on Sundays. Sure, I love hearing a good sermon and being challenged and encouraged in my faith. But what I really love is hearing the entire congregation sing praises to our Savior. It’s the closest we get to heaven on this earth. Seriously. Have you ever thought about that before? It’s a glimpse of what we will experience in heaven: millions of Jesus followers singing and shouting praises to a worthy Savior. And why is He is worthy? Because of the second part of today’s One Verse: He is the Rock of our salvation. When life is unsure and we fill like we are walking on shifting sands, God is the foundation and the Rock that stands firm. When the wind is blowing and the storm is raging around us, we can take comfort and safety near the Rock. I encourage you, this weekend, to do two things. First, find the Rock. Find your safety in God. Grow closer to Him and build your life on HIs solid foundation. And second, go to church and sing His praises with other believers. “Come, luet us sing for joy to the Lord!” About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/2/20165 minutes
Episode Artwork

149: A prayer of blessing for you | Romans 15:13

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:13 This is my prayer for you today. When I read this verse, it reminded me of a benediction. A benediction is a closing prayer that many (traditional) church services will use. The pastor will raise his hands over the congregation and pray a prayer of blessing before they leave. The One Verse Devotional podcast isn’t going anywhere :) but I want to pray this over you. My prayer is that you trust in the God of Hope and experience true joy and peace in your life that can only be experienced through the power of the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful verse. I hope that you lean into this verse and receive it as a blessing in your life. I challenge you to grow closer to God every single day. By growing a deeper relationship with Jesus, He will uncover more joy and peace in your life. I’m not saying things will always be easy. You can actually experience massive amounts of joy and peace when the storms of life are swirling around you. Trust me, I know! I didn’t say “happy and problem-free.” I want you to experience joy and peace. I want you to know the God of all Hope. I want you to see His power in your life. Again, this is my prayer for you: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
9/1/20164 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

148: We are ALL ministers of Jesus | 2 Corinthians 3:6

One of the greatest problems in the Church today is Christians thinking they show up on Sunday to watch the Minister rather than realizing we are ALL ministers. You are a minister of Jesus. I can’t put it more plainly. The Bible makes it clear. Pastors are not the only ones carrying out the Gospel of Jesus. Actually, in Ephesians we learn the reason God gave us pastors was in order to teach and equip ALL Christians to be able to do ministry in everyday life! Our One Verse today backs that up! 2 Corinthians 3:6 says, “He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--” Jesus is the New Covenant. Where the Old Covenant, The Law, shows us how we can never match up to a Holy God, Jesus came to bring Life and offer Hope to our spiritual dilemma. The Apostle Paul is clear: We have all been called to carry out the Life-giving Gospel message of Jesus. We are ministers of Jesus. Yes, we go to church to hear our pastor. That is the teaching part. That is the equipping. “But, Matt, I don’t have what it takes! What if someone asks me something I don’t know?” That is why Paul said we are COMPETENT ministers. Do you realize that you have the Wisdom of the universe living inside you in the Holy Spirit? He gives you power to share the message of Jesus. If you are faithful to stepping into your role as a minister--caring for others, loving others, telling them of the Hope of Jesus--the Holy Spirit will give you the words you need and the power to speak them at just the right time. I challenge you to see yourself as a minister of Jesus Christ! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/31/20166 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

147: When God says Go | Genesis 12:1

When God calls us to go, He rarely tells us the exact destination. God wants our trust. Just Go. Let God show you the way! One of my favorite stories in the Old Testament is when God calls Abram (later Abraham) to go to the Promised Land. But here’s the deal. Abraham didn’t know it was the Promised Land. God didn’t even tell him where to go! In Genesis 12, God simply tells Abraham to go “to a place that I will show you.” God doesn’t give the plan. He doesn’t share the destination. He simply says, “Go.” Now consider this: Abraham didn’t have a car. He had herds of animals and family and servants and children (not his… yet!). It was a big deal to move everything. Now consider this, as well. He couldn’t have a direct route. It was desert. Abram had to move across the Fertile Crescent. All in all, he traveled 1,100 miles. Eleven hundred miles! On foot! It probably took him 9 months to a year, and he never knew when he was supposed to stop. This story unpacks how God works in our lives, today. This is still how God likes to operate. He calls us to Go. He rarely shares with us the destination, at first. He wants us to obey. He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to Go. I can guarantee that God is calling you to something in your life. Maybe you already know what this is, but you are too afraid to step out. You have a safe job or a comfortable house. I challenge you: Go. Maybe you aren’t supposed to move locations. Maybe it’s a new job. Maybe it’s a new way to serve God through your gifts and skills and passions. Whatever it is, find out how God wants you to Go and Go. Don’t worry, God will tell you when to stop. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/30/20166 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

146: How to achieve great gain | 1 Timothy 6:6

The greatest “wealth” we can achieve is growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus and being content with the blessing He has given us. Here’s the thing about following Jesus: His teachings are usually totally backward compared to the mindset of our culture. For example, “The first will be last.” What? No, the first will be first, right? That is what the world teaches us. But Jesus would disagree. In His Kingdom, it is those who place themselves last who will be given a place of authority and honor. This brings us to today’s One Verse. The Apostle Paul is talking about “great gain.” Wealth. In just six short words, Paul teaches us how to achieve great gain and wealth. 1 Timothy 6:6 says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” Huh? There is nothing in that verse about our checking account or getting a nicer car or a bigger house. Yet, that is how our culture would measure gain. In God’s Kingdom, true wealth comes from a place of joy and peace and love. Growing deeper in our relationship with God and being thankful for His blessings in our lives lead to greater peace and joy. This truly is great gain! And here is the cool part. As we draw closer to God, as we become more at peace with the blessings He has already given us, He is much more likely to pour out more blessings in our lives. Now, which is better? Using our own power to push ahead and scrape out anything we can get? Or allowing our lives to be directed by a loving and all powerful Father. Yeah, I’m going with number two! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/29/20165 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

145: God knows your voice | Psalm 116:1

The amazing thing about following God is that He knows your voice. We are in relationship with our Savior! In my hometown of Indianapolis, we have the largest children’s museum in the country. It’s amazing. We have purchased annual family passes multiple times because we love going so much. However, it can get a little crazy! Especially on certain days, there are thousands of people there between families and school groups. Yet, in this sea of children, I can always pick out my son’s voice. There can be 50 kids circled around me at an exhibit, all yelling for their parents to look. Yet, when Noah says, “Daddy, look at this!” my ears perk up, and I look to him. Our One Verse today comes from Psalm 116:1 and says, “I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;” God is your Father, and He knows your voice! How cool is that? He knows you. He listens to you. He turns to you when you cry out for Him. Are you spending time with Him? Are you giving Him the opportunity to hear your voice? I love spending time with my son. I love hearing about his day. God is the same. He wants to hear your voice. He wants to know you. Spend time with Him today in prayer. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/26/20165 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

144: Fullness in Christ | Colossians 2:10

The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will realize and understand our gifts, passions, and purpose in this world! Yesterday, our One Verse was from Colossians 2 and reminded us that all of the power, glory, might, and fullness of God was in Jesus. That means we serve an awesome Savior! Well, today’s One Verse is a continuation of that thought. It is Colossians 2:10 and it says, “and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” Wow! Christ is the fullness of God and then He passes that on to us! In other words, the closer we get to Jesus and the deeper we engage with Him in authentic relationship means the greater we will understand our gifts, skills, passion, and purpose in this world! Grow close to Jesus and He will show you amazing and wonderful things! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/25/20164 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

143: The fullness of God | Colossians 2:9

A simple reminder: Jesus is the TOTAL fullness of God in human form. We serve a MIGHTY and POWERFUL Savior! In the Book of Colossians, Paul teaches us something simple, yet very critical: All the fullness of God was in Jesus in human form. For many of us, that is simply a reminder. Yes, we know Jesus is God. But there can be a big difference between “head knowledge” and “heart knowledge.” My desire is for you to have heart knowledge of Jesus and Who He is. Remember the stories of the Old Testament that we grew up with? When God parted the Red Sea through Moses or defeated Goliath through David? What about when He provided manna to the people of Israel when they were in the desert? Over and over again, God shows us His power. And it is THIS power that lives in Jesus. We serve a mighty God who loves us. We follow a powerful Savior who provides for us. I simply want to remind you, today, that Jesus IS God and God IS BIG! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/24/20165 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

142: Use your words to build up instead of tearing down | Ephesians 4:29

As Christians, we are called to build up and lift up others with our speech. Use your words to show love today. As Jesus followers, we are called to a different standard. A higher standard. In Ephesians 4, Paul lays out some “Instructions for Christian living.” Right in the middle of this passage, he writes, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29) Sadly, this is not what I see today in the church. Just before I sat down to record this podcast episode, I saw a post in a Facebook group where someone took the time to write out a lengthy poem to directly call out someone else and their writings. Now, I agree that this person’s writings are, well, abstract and in contrast to how many view the Bible. (That’s putting it mildly) However, did this really call for a direct reference with a link and photo of the person they were talking about? Could the writer of the Facebook post not simple speak the truth about the topic and warn others? It takes some serious energy to craft a poem, all with the simple intent of degrading this person. That’s how we should use our gifts? How long does a Facebook post last? Can we please use our passions and gifts for creating real art in the world that will last? I see something better for the Church. Can we please lift up others in love? Do we have to disagree about everything? Do we have to die on every hill? Is it possible to disagree in love? Is it possible to show respect for a fellow Christian brother or sister? Is it ironic that many who seem so adamant at putting people “in their place” seem to forget verses like Ephesians 4:29. How many times do we think that we need to “speak the truth!” But we forget the same verse ends, “in Love.” Love should lead us. Love should guide us. Let us lift up others with our words. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/23/20165 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

141: Set the oppressed free | Luke 4:18

Jesus came to proclaim good news, proclaim freedom to prisoners, and set the oppressed free. As His followers, shouldn’t we do the same? After Jesus went to see John the Baptist, He officially began His earthly ministry. At this point, He was unknown, a carpenter’s son from Nazareth. Soon after Jesus visited John the Baptist, He went to His home synagogue, a place of worship. There, Jesus stood in front of the people to read from the ancient Scripture. Jesus chose the book of Isaiah and found the passage that we would refer to today as chapter 61 (the Bible wasn’t written in chapters and verses. Those were added later by the monks to help with copying the Bible… by hand!). Once Jesus found His place, He began to read these words: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,” adding “today, this Scripture is fulfilled.” I’m sure the people had no idea what to think of this. But for us today, it is very important. Jesus laid out His ministry. Proclaim good news, proclaim freedom, give sight to the blind, and set the oppressed free. When I am in the middle of a project, my children always want to get involved. I love seeing my son acting like he is preaching or my daughter going to my computer and trying to talk into my microphone. As my children, they follow in my footsteps and try to do what I do. When it comes to our faith, the same is true. We are children of God. I believe Jesus has handed this mission on to us. That we would be a force for Good in this world. We would fight for justice. That we proclaim the Good News and freedom to prisoners. That we restore the brokenhearted and set the oppressed free. We are surrounded every day by people who are hurting, and we possess the Hope of Glory! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/22/20165 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

140: Do not forget the benefits of God | Psalm 103:2

When life gets a little crazy, it can be easy to forget the many benefits of being a child of God. Thankfully, God never forgets. It’s Friday, which means Psalm day. I love the Psalms because they are so personal and aren’t afraid to discuss real life. In them, we find both praising and mourning. While there were several psalmists, David wrote the majority. I’m always amazed how he was not afraid to lay it out and bare his soul through his art, even though he was the king! David knew a few things about the up and down nature of following God. He knew that life can be wonderful (remember: king!), but it can also be a pretty deep valley (the old king chased him for several years trying to kill him!). That’s why I love today’s One Verse. In Psalm 103:2, David says, “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” It’s like David needs to remind himself that there are benefits to following God. There are benefits to being a child of God. “Oh, yeah, God’s got my back. Oh, yeah, God is all powerful and owns everything. Oh, yeah, God can rescue me from any situation!” There are a million benefits to being a child of God. I want to encourage you today in two ways. First, praise God. Keep praising God. He has done so much for us. Even if you don’t feel like praising Him, do it. It will change you. It will also let God know that you are honoring Him, even when life isn’t perfect. Two, don’t forget God’s benefits. Don’t forget His blessings. Maybe things are up in the air, but He loves you and will continue to watch out for you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/19/20165 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

139: Accept one another | Romans 15:7

Christians can be so cruel to other Christians. What message does this send to the world? The Bible is clear: Accept each other. In Christian circles, the word “acceptance” carries a lot of baggage and drama. One side of Christianity wants to be all inclusive and accepting no matter what. The other side wants to stand firm, believing that acceptance leads to a watered down faith. This raises a lot of questions. Are we talking about acceptance of the Church with the “world” or acceptance within the church? For the first issue, we will have to tackle that another day. It’s not an easy conversation. But for the second, acceptance within the church, it’s pretty straight forward. Let me be more clear: The Bible is pretty straight forward on the topic. For one, there are no “sides” of Christianity. Not in God’s eyes. In Romans 15, Paul says we are all of one mind and one voice. He continues with our One Verse for today in Romans 15:7. “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” We don’t have to agree with each other. We won’t. But why can’t we disagree on topics, but still be accepting of each other as followers of Jesus? Why is this so hard? Are we so ignorant as to think that every single Christian is going to vote Republican? Or Democrat? Do we truly think every Christian should read and understand the Bible the exact same way? Our country couldn’t even come to a consensus on a blue or yellow dress last year! Maybe we can expand our faith. Maybe we can stick to our beliefs and yet stand next to those who view life and the Bible differently. I don’t know all of the answers. But I know that God-through Paul-is clear. We are one mind, one voice, and we need to accept each other. It couldn’t be more clear. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/18/20165 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

138: Talk is cheap | 1 John 3:18

True Love cannot be shown with words alone. It requires us to take ACTION. Have you heard the phrase “talk is cheap?” I’m sure you have. Today, it is more true than ever. Social media allows us to say whatever we want to behind the safety of a computer screen. Many of us are living ridiculously busy lives that make it hard to follow through on promises we make, even if we had the best intentions. And because of all of this, our words have become empty. Talk. Is. Cheap. Our words alone do not hold much water. The disciple John knew this well. In our One Verse today, John says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” John is an older man at this point, and he wants to share his wisdom with future generations. He says we can’t just show love with our lips and through our words. It’s empty, it’s hollow, and it’s cheap. I love my wife, but I can’t ONLY tell her that. I have to back it up with my actions. Love truly is a verb. Love, God-Love, requires action. The next time you tell someone you will pray for them, make sure and do it. The next time you tell someone you will help them, do it. Follow through with your promises. Make sure that you backup your words of compassion with actual compassion. Love does. It acts. If we are called to be a people of Love (we are!), then we must step out of our comfort zones, disrupt our busy lives, and SHOW the Love of Jesus to other people with our actions. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/17/20165 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

137: The Bread of Life | John 6:35

Jesus is the Bread of Life, providing for us and sustaining us. He fills in the gaps of our soul. Way back in the Old Testament, Moses was walking in the desert one day when he saw something strange. A bush that wouldn’t stop burning. As he approached it, God spoke to him and told Moses to go back to Egypt and free His people. I’m sure you’ve heard the story. What does that have to do with our One Verse for today’s devotional? Everything. When Moses was talking to God about freeing the Israelites, he had a question. “But Who do I say sent me?” God answered with His name. The name God has given Himself. “I AM.” The name of God. “Tell them that I AM has sent you.” Which begs the question: What does THAT mean? Seriously. What does “I AM” even mean? That’s why we have Jesus. At least, one reason. Jesus fulfills the Old Testament. In the Gospel of John, we have the “I Am passages.” Jesus begins several statements with the phrase “I am.” To us, it seems normal. But to the Jewish people, they knew exactly what Jesus was saying. He was making a statement about Who He was! We know this because after a few of these I am statements, the religious leaders lost their stuff! They couldn’t take it. “Blasphemy!” they yelled. Why? Because they understood what Jesus was saying. He was answering the question “What does I AM mean?” God says, “I AM.” Jesus literally fills in the blanks. Today’s One Verse is a perfect example. In John 6:35, Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life.” Jesus (and thus, God) provides for us. He sustains us. He fulfills us. Each of us have holes in our heart and soul. Jesus comes and fills in those gaps. He takes away our longings and satisfies our souls like a great meal satisfies our stomach. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Even better, Jesus is the I AM. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/16/20166 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

136: Show me your ways Lord | Psalm 25:4

A prayer for your week: “Show me your ways, Lord. Teach me your paths.” -Psalm 25:4 It’s Monday which means… Yeah, it’s Monday. Wah, wah. After a great weekend, it’s time to hit the grind, again. Here is my question for you: Where are you at in life? How satisfied are you? Maybe you have a great job that you love, but are the other areas of your life where you want them to be? Maybe you are going to a job you can’t stand, but have to stay there to help pay the bills. Maybe your job situation is a nightmare. Your hours have been cut or you’ve been laid off. If you are in any of these situations, you may not know what the future holds. You are waiting and hoping and wondering. At times, probably many times, you feel defeated. Lost, even. If so, today’s One Verse is for you! Let this Psalm of David be your prayer for the week. “Show me your ways, Lord. Teach me your paths.” What a great prayer to adopt when you feel lost. I encourage you to write this on a sticky note and stick it on your desk. Save it on the lock screen of your phone. Put it on your bathroom mirror. Pray it. Constantly. All day, every day. Let this prayer become a part of you. Memorize these two phrases. If you do, I truly believe God will answer this prayer in your life. Show me your ways, Lord. Teach me your paths. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/15/20165 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

135: Remain confident in this | Psalm 27:13

At times, life will get crazy. But remain confident in one thing: You will see the goodness of God in your life. Let’s be honest. Sometimes life sucks. It does. As Christians, we have to be honest about this. Actually, I’ll put it another way. I cannot stand it when some pastors or churches or Christians only want to act like life should be all rainbows and lollipops if you are following Jesus. Stay close to God and blessings will flow nonstop. That’s total crap. If it were the truth, then what do we say to Paul, Peter, and most of the other apostles who went through heartache, pain, or lost their lives for the Gospel? The Christian life isn’t have a perfect life. No, the Christian life is about being honest about living in a broken world, yet having a Savior and God who loves us and takes care of us at every turn. David knew this. You know, King David. David and Goliath, David. David, who wrote most of the Psalms, David. That guy. In Psalm 27, he is being honest about the fact that life doesn’t always look like we want it to. But he ends Psalm 27 (second to last verse) with this statement: “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” I love this. Hey, sometimes life sucks. Sometimes it doesn’t work out on paper. But we can be confident of this: We WILL see the goodness of God in our lives! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/12/20165 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

134: On wings like eagles | Isaiah 40:31

When you place your hope in the Lord, He will renew your strength giving you wings like eagles. At some point, life gets to all of us. We have all experienced pain, suffering, or just flat out exhaustion. Have you ever felt like you simply didn’t have the energy or rest to carry on and face the day? I’m raising my hand! We could all use some rest and renewal. A little R&R. But how? Where can we get it, where does it come from? Thankfully, today’s One Verse Devotional gives us the answer. Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,  they will walk and not be faint.” When we place our hope and trust in God, He promises to renew our strength and give us wings like an eagle! Have you ever seen an eagle in nature? They are majestic. I remember seeing them when our family took a trip out West. It was incredible seeing them soar above us. It’s not too hard to imagine that they don’t have too many cares in this world. They have confidence. God says that we can possess that same confidence in Him. We simply have to hope. Not hope, the verb. “I hope this happens” or “I hope that happens.” That’s not the kind of hope we are talking about. Hope, the noun. I have… Hope. I have hope that God will take care of me. I have hope that He will give me strength. I have hope that God has granted me the skills and gifts I need to make it in the world. Hope found in God, in Jesus. This is the hope that will give you strength. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/11/20165 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

133: Praying with comfort and surrender | Jeremiah 32:17

When you completely trust that God can take care of you and has your back, you can truly surrender to His will and take comfort in your future. Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet who knew a little something about pain. Life was often not what he had expected. There is even a time when he is talking to God and says, “You deceived me.” Now, that takes some guts! Especially in the OT when God was known to open the earth and swallow people inside! But Jeremiah had a pretty cool relationship with God. That doesn’t mean things were easy. Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet.” Yet, in today’s One Verse devotional, Jeremiah begins his prayer with this: “Ah, Sovereign Lord…” I love that! He acknowledges how great God is right out of the gate. Sovereign. But I loved how he opens with almost a sigh. Ah. When I read this verse, I get the sense that Jeremiah is finally understanding how much God loves him and is willing to take care of him. Ah. He begins his prayer with a sigh, a deep breath. One of both comfort and surrender. Comfort because of what he is praying. “Nothing is too hard for you.” He believes God has his back. But also a sigh of surrender. It’s taken Jeremiah a while to get to this point. He is finally leaning into what God has done in his life. “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/10/20164 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

132: Grasping the Love of Christ | Ephesians 3:18

Do you know how wide and long and high and deep God’s Love is for you? God loves you. You’ve probably heard these words before. Yet, it is still a struggle for many of us. Most of us, if we’re being honest. God loves me? Ok, how much? I think we have a general understanding of God’s Love. We know it with our minds. God loves us. But it’s our hearts that get confused. When something odd or tragic or depressing happens in life, some of biggest questions revolve around God’s Love. “How could a loving God let this happen?” is a phrase I’ve heard many times. It’s tough. I’m not denying that. But in the few moments I have with you right now, I want to try and encourage you. I want to reinforce God’s Love in your life. Our One Verse today, Ephesians 3:18 is actually a prayer that Paul had for the church in Ephesus. I am passing this prayer along to you. Paul says, “I pray that you...grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” It’s almost rhetorical, isn’t it? It’s like Paul is saying, “You will never be able to grasp how big God’s Love is for you!” I don’t have all of the answers for you when things go bad. I don’t know why God doesn’t swoop in and fix everything. I wish He would. But I’ll tell you this: He hasn’t done that in my life, either. Things suck at times. But that doesn’t change God’s Love for me. Or for you. In the previous verse, Paul says we are rooted and established in love. And I think this is the key. The more we lean into God’s Love, the closer we get to Him, the roots of our faith will continue to grow deeper. As the roots of our faith grow and our relationship with Jesus, the more we will be established in His Love. As we become more and more rooted in God’s Love, the less and less we will question it. Have a great day! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/9/20165 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

131: Strengthened through His Spirit | Ephesians 3:16

My prayer for you today: You would be strengthened with the power of God through His Spirit. I love Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians. To start of this week, I want to make this my prayer for you, as well. Through God’s glorious riches, He will strengthen us and give us His power. How many riches does God have? Does He need anything? Of course not! It is so easy to get caught up in the small details of life and forget that we serve a God and have a Father who needs nothing. He has everything. And it is out of those riches that He blesses us and provides for us! Through His Spirit, God will comfort us and give us power to live out our purpose in this world and to love others. I pray this for you today. May you be strengthened by His Spirit! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/8/20164 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

130: Keep your eyes always on the Lord | Psalm 16:8

When our world seems so crazy, remember to always keep your eyes on the Lord, and you will not be shaken. It’s hard to watch the news, isn’t it? Honestly, I have never been a huge fan. Maybe it’s because my dad watched it constantly. When he wasn’t watching a 24-hour cable news channel, it was only because he was switching over to the major network’s local and national news. Maybe it’s because I simply don’t like seeing that much negativity back to back for an hour. But today, the news is getting hard for everyone to watch. Shootings, terrorism, and the craziest political season I have ever seen. Honestly, I am not a fan of either of the major candidates this year, so I groan at every political story. It’s getting harder and harder to face what is going on in the world. Fortunately, our One Verse today was written by a man who had also seen a lot of ups and downs. Before he was king, David had been a poor shepherd. For years, King Saul chased him through the wilderness trying to kill him. David knew what it meant to be close to God, and he knew what it meant for God to seriously correct him. He lived in a time of political upheaval. And yet, through all of this, he writes these words: “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” We need these words today. I hope this gives you some hope. I don’t have it all figured out. I don’t know why God allows some things to happen. But I take hope and confidence in the fact that He is still God, and I will continue to keep my eyes on Him! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/5/20164 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

129: A very scary verse | 1 Peter 3:15

Telling others about Jesus doesn’t have to be scary. You don’t need to be a scholar. Simply share your story. No one can debate YOUR story! One of the scariest things about being a Christian is sharing your faith. I have heard it over and over, again. We get anxious and nervous when we think about it. I get it. It’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. But there is one thing that really keeps us from telling people we are Christian or sharing our faith: “But what if someone asks me something I don’t know?” I have heard this question more times than I can count. We are afraid that when we share our faith, the other person will begin to drill us with questions about the Bible. So, we figure, I can’t tell people about Jesus because I don’t know the Bible that well. It makes sense. Even our One Verse today, 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer.” And that is what terrifies us. But what if we are thinking about it all wrong? What if there is more to this issue and this verse? I believe there is! Peter goes on to say, “to give the reason for the hope that you have.” He didn’t say you needed to answer every theological question that comes up. He didn’t say you needed to defend the Bible or Jesus. Jesus can take care of Himself. No, Peter said that we needed to be able to tell people why we decided to follow Jesus. We need to tell OUR story. I love that because we are so afraid someone will try to debate us. But no one can debate your story. It’s YOUR story! I have to be honest, though. This is still not easy. It’s hard to answer WHY you feel a certain way about anything. If I asked you, “Why do you like waffles over pancakes?” could you answer that? Yes, but it might take some thought. “Why do you prefer THIS over THAT?” Again, you have the answer inside of you. You simply need to draw it out. The same is true with your “faith story.” You know the answer, but you probably haven’t given it much thought recently. And that is what Peter is saying. Think about it. Spend some time in reflection about your faith. Figure out why you truly follow Jesus. And then you will be prepared to give an answer when people ask, “Oh, you’re a Christian? Why?” When you are prepared with an answer, the question doesn’t seem so scary. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/4/20166 minutes, 6 seconds
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128: A royal priesthood | 1 Peter 2:9

For thousands of years, a priest could only come into God’s presence one day a year. Through Jesus, we can come into His presence whenever we wish. What an honor! I think we take prayer for granted. I know I do. It’s easy, right? Both prayer and taking it for granted. We can “throw one up” on the way into work or right before a big test. Some families sing a rhyming prayer before dinner. It’s just, well, prayer, right? Only it isn’t. Prayer is a spiritual act of coming into the presence of God. For thousands of years, only one person could come before the presence of God: The High Priest. Not just any priest. The High Priest. He was the only one. And he couldn’t do it whenever he wanted. It only happened on one specific day every year. On the Day of Atonement, the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies, the presence of God. Yet, when Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. It was a picture. This veil concealed the Holy of Holies. And when Jesus was on the cross, this sacred place was left wide open. The presence of God was not available to anyone who chose to meet Him there. I mean, wow! Let that sink in for a moment. It goes deeper. That is where our One Verse for today comes in. 1 Peter 2:9 teaches us that, as followers of Jesus, we are considered a royal priesthood. We can now meet with God whenever we choose! We are acting as priests, and not just any priest, the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. Yet, I can pray in my living room. That means that it’s easy to take for granted. But if we could simply remember that we are acting as High Priests every time we pray, what would that do for our prayer life? I’m not the best at prayer. I have a long way to go. But I do understand that this is an awesome honor and responsibility. What could only happen one day a year is now available to us whenever we choose! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/3/20166 minutes, 27 seconds
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127: A war for your soul | 1 Peter 5:8

Satan isn’t a red cartoon with a pitchfork. He is on the prowl and wants to take you down. Stay alert. Stay close to God. There is an epic war going on right now. It’s the largest battle in history, yet we can’t see it. It is a spiritual war that has been waging for thousands of years. And bad news. Your soul is at the center. You are the prize. God and Satan. Good and evil. This conflict is vicious. Yet, it is so easy to go through our normal day and never give this a second thought. It’s hard when you can’t see something. But it’s true, anyway. Peter tells us that Satan is like a lion seeking its prey. Have you watched those nature shows? I’m sure you have. The lion, flat on its belly, wading through the tall grass towards the unsuspecting prey. Without warning, the lion leaps and seconds later, the deed is done. Death. Destruction. The lion is victorious. Now play that scene out with our own lives. I can think of examples I’ve seen of people who have made horrible choices. Affairs, addiction, stealing. The list goes on. And it you play the scenario back in your mind, it’s not hard to picture Satan stalking them with each seemingly small bad choice they made. Until the strike came. Death. Destruction. What can we do? Peter tells us to stay constantly alert. Be ready. Know that this is real. You are in the middle of a war for your life. For your soul. For the soul of your spouse, your children. Stay alert. Stay close to God. Fight for your life. The lion, after all, doesn’t always win. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/2/20165 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

126: A tough question for the Church | 1 Peter 3:8

Peter to the Church: “Be like-minded, sympathetic, compassionate, and humble.” Does this describe us today? I love the Church. I really do. But I am also hard on the Church. This is born from my love for the Church. I truly want God’s best for the Church today in America and across the world. Sadly, Peter’s description of how Christians should live is not what I see many times. We aren’t like minded or sympathetic. Instead, we too easily get stuck in our own ways and our own view of the Bible and the world. Do we love others and show compassion? Or do we constantly try to “correct” others and look down on people who don’t hold our same views? And this isn’t Christians to the world. This is Christians to other Christians. But I believe we can do better. We have to do better. For many of us, I think we need these words from Peter. Yes, of course we need these words. But what I mean is that we actually need to see that Peter said them. If I didn’t know this verse, I would think that Peter-the forefather of the Church and friend of Jesus-would encourage us to stand firm and to not be sympathetic to others who are different. Yet, he doesn’t feel that way. He sees a compassionate Church who reaches out to others no matter who they are, where they’ve been, or what they believe. Church, I want to repeat Peter’s words for us today: Can we please be like-minded (as in, acting as one mind. Not always agreeing on everything), sympathetic to others who are different or hold different beliefs, love others constantly, show compassion to people, and remain humble and Christ-like? I love THAT view of the Church! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
8/1/20164 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

125: Enter His gates with thanksgiving | Psalm 100:4

What if we went to church already praising God rather than spiritually drained and looking for the pastor to give us something to make it through another week? “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” That is a quote from today’s One Verse out of Psalm 100:4. Psalm 100, in my opinion, is one of the greatest praise Psalms. It is short, only five verses, but is so uplifting and encourages us to shout God’s praises. It is a feel-good passage, for sure! But it also a great reminder to praise God’s name. It is worthy of our praise. How many times to we (spiritually) drag into church each week, look at the pastor, and basically say, “Please give me something to make it through another week.” I understand. I’ve been there countless times. Sometimes life is on fast forward and we can’t keep up. But can I be real for a second? Maybe a little tough love? How many times is that actually on us? I’m not saying we can never be tired. We are in the middle of a move right now, so I’ve been tired for two weeks straight! We all have those times. But in general, are we always showing up to church like that? Maybe that means we aren’t connecting enough with God throughout the week. Are we starving ourselves throughout the week and then trying to score a quick spiritual meal on Sunday mornings? No wonder your spirit is tired. Just like in the real world, feeding yourself once a week is not very healthy. But how would it change our churches if we all dove into God’s Word throughout the week, spent time with Him in prayer, and then Sunday morning became a celebration and time of reflection. A response to what God was already doing in our lives during the week. I think that would radically change the atmosphere of a lot of churches. Have you ever met someone like this? They’re easy to spot. They are the happiest, most joyful person on Sunday morning. You know, the person who you think had 3 cups of coffee already, only they haven’t. There is something different about them. It’s infectious. It spreads to everyone they contact. But it’s more than simply a good mood. It’s the Holy Spirit. I can guarantee that they spent time with God throughout the week. I don’t know about you, but that is how I want to be when I’m at church. I want to enter His gates with a song already in my heart and I want to be praising God, even silently, as I walk through the door! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/29/20164 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

124: Take heart | John 16:33

This world is troubled, but Jesus tells us to take heart! Why? He has overcome the world. There is no doubt that our world is troubled. I can hardly watch the news, and actually avoid it most nights. Scene after scene of violence from around the country and around our world. Jesus warned us that we would experience trouble in this world. I always thought He meant that we would experience hard times in our lives. That is true, of course. But I think He meant even more than that. Our entire world would be troubled. But Jesus reminds us of two very important things in our One Verse today. In John 16, Jesus is at the Last Supper talking to His disciples. As Jesus was going to the cross in just a few short days, do you think those words were important? Yeah! He tells the disciples that He came to bring us peace. The teachings of Jesus and going to the cross were meant for us to find true God-peace in Him. In Jesus. And then Jesus reminds us of something very important. He tells us that we will experience trouble in this world. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” For me, that is so comforting. Yes, there is still tragedy and chaos. For now. But evil will not win. It has already been defeated. Jesus has overcome our trouble, our sin, death, and hell. And because of that, I want to encourage you with the same words of Jesus… Take heart! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/28/20165 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

123: The Golden Rule | Luke 6:31

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Our society need the Golden Rule now more than ever! I hear a lot of phrases quoted as Bible verse that aren’t actually in the Bible. But then there are other phrases that have become so popular or common that we forget they actually ARE from the Bible. A house divided against itself is one example. The immortal words of Abraham Lincoln. His inspiration: Jesus. Yep, that phrase is from the Bible. Another phrase that’s easy to forget that it is actually from the Bible is the Golden Rule. It comes straight from the mouth of Jesus and it is today’s One Verse. Many times, we think the Golden Rule was something we learned as a child, so we discredit it. That was childish thinking. Be nice, share your toys, the Golden Rule. Old school. But I would say that our society, our country, and our world needs the Golden Rule now more than ever. I know this is ideological and very utopian thinking, but how could our country change if we all started living by this simple rule? Maybe you’re a cynic and think, “Matt, there is no way everyone is going to start living this way.” Ok. I’d agree with you. But what if YOU start living this way. And I start living this way. Could we still make a difference? Could we start a ripple of kindness and love? I think we can. One more thing to remember: When Jesus gave us the Golden Rule, he started this paragraph telling us to love others that hate us, slap us, and say horrible things about us. Jesus said love your enemies and then ended with “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Golden Rule isn’t for nice people. It’s how we are supposed to treat everyone, even our enemies. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/27/20165 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

122: Servant leadership | Mark 9:35

The greatest leaders don’t say, “This is how great I am.” The greatest leaders say, “This is how I can serve you.” Jesus always has a different way of looking at things. That is probably one of the greatest reasons I love being a Christian. The true message of Jesus is radical and almost mind-bending. Over and over, Jesus would say, “You’ve heard it said…, but I say…” or “You’ve been taught [that], but I’m teaching you [this].” Many times, these teachings are major ways to view the world. Today’s One Verse is a great example. While on the road traveling from city to city (Galilee to Capernaum this time), the disciples were (once again) arguing with each other. Jesus asked them what they were arguing about, but they were too embarrassed to say. Of course, Jesus already knew. So, He answered their question anyway. The question? Who among us will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Jesus? Remember, they thought Jesus was coming to set up an earthly kingdom and overthrow Rome. In Mark 9:35, Jesus gave the answer: “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” True leadership, the best leadership is servant leadership. Great leaders never say “look at me.” They serve others and let them decide if they are great or not. They don’t stand on the backs of others. They serve. (Makes you wonder about our political process and candidates, doesn’t it? Isn’t this how people get elected? Look at me! I’m great! Vote for me! Interesting.) If you want to be a leader worth following, then serve. It may not look anything like what the world teaches, but by placing others ahead of yourself will actually mean that you become a true leader. (Note: For some that understand true leadership, this idea actually is taught a few places in our world. Even though this Jesus principle was laid out thousands of years ago, the business world is just starting to see the value of servant leadership. A great example is the book Good to Great by Jim Collins.) About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/26/20165 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

121: Stand firm in your faith | Matthew 5:11

In a world of chaos, it’s more important than ever to stand firm in Jesus, even if it means persecution. The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon ever told. For almost three chapters in the book of Matthew, Jesus lays out many of His core teachings. Over and over, He calls us to a new way and a new outlook on life. In Matthew 5:11, He says, “Blessed are you when people insult you.” What Jesus? How is that a blessing? Jesus ends with “because of me.” That is when persecution is a blessing, when it is for Jesus. Sometimes, I’m afraid that I am more like the description in Revelation. A “lukewarm” Christian. Are we standing firm in our beliefs? Or are we going with whatever is popular at the time? This is tough, because there is a good chance that we are going to disagree on some issues or theology. The Bible is complex and deep. There are really smart people on both sides of every argument. But I don’t think we are going to get to heaven and God is going to start pointing out where our views were wrong. He calls us to draw close to Him, study His Word, and stand firm in our faith. Maybe we won’t always agree, but we CAN stand firm and stand together on the name of Jesus! Maybe we will be insulted, even persecuted. That’s ok. It’s actually a blessing! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/25/20165 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

120: Looking to God vs comparing to others | Psalm 37:7

When we are in a season of waiting for God, don’t look around and compare yourself to the success of others. Wait. On. God. It can be hard when you are in a season of waiting. You feel helpless. You are ready for things to move ahead, to discover that next step. For whatever reason, though, God is making you wait. When we are in a season of waiting, it can be so easy to look around at others and compare our lives. Our One Verse today warns against that. We don’t know what is going on in their lives. Maybe God is blessing them. That is great for them. We don’t know what God is doing in their life and what He is doing in our lives. We don’t know the circumstances behind the scenes. As the verse is Psalm says, maybe they are getting ahead through dishonest ways. We don’t know. But there is one thing we CAN do. We can keep our eyes on God and focus on Him. He is working in your life to form your spirit and prepare your future. Trust Him. Don’t look around at others. Wait on God. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/22/20165 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

119: The Masterpiece of God | Ephesians 2:10

You are God’s work of art, and He has created a purpose and a plan for your life. It can be hard to receive a compliment, can’t it? You aren’t sure how to react and you wonder, deep down, if it’s really true. So, what if someone called you a work of art? That you were a masterpiece? That can be hard to hear. Really, me? What if that person was God? Because that is exactly what the Bible says in Ephesians 2:10. This verse is jam-packed with wisdom and encouragement. In just 22 words, we learn that we are God’s handiwork, His work of art. We then learn that God has a purpose for our lives to do good works in His name. Finally, our One Verse teaches that God has a plan for our lives that He has been preparing for a long time! This may be hard to hear, but you are God’s work of art, and He has created a purpose and a plan for your life. Your mistakes don’t matter. That is why God has given us grace and Love. You are not disqualified from the purpose and plan God has created for your life. You are His masterpiece. I encourage you to start leaning into that truth. How would this outlook about yourself change your life? About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/21/20164 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

118: God WILL give you more than you can handle | 1 Corinthians 10:13

Will God give you more than you can handle? Yes! It forces us to depend on Him. Have you ever heard the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle” or even used it yourself? The problem is, it never shows up in the Bible. As a matter of fact, the opposite is true. God WILL give us more than we can handle so we have to seek after Him, depend on Him, and allow Him to work in our lives. So, where did this phrase come from? From today’s One Verse. Well, a misquoting of today’s verse. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. When it comes to temptation, God will never place us in a situation that we can’t get out of. The verse even ends with a promise: God will always provide a way of escape. We can never say, “God did this. He led me to temptation.” We can’t even say “the devil made me do it!” No, it is on us. But we have a LOT of help in God. He is with us, and He will always provide a way out. We are all in this together. You will never face a temptation that ONLY you have experienced. We’ve all been there. But God is with us every step of the way. We have a way out. We don’t have to give in. God wants us to focus on our relationship with Him, our family, our marriage, and the purposes He has for our lives. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/20/20165 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

117: Pure gold | Job 23:10

Going through a tough time? God may be allowing you to go through the fire in order to purify you like gold! In the Bible, Job knew all about having a bad day. He had the worst day anyone could have. He lost his farmland, animals, his family, and even broke out in boils. That’s rough! I can’t even imagine putting myself in Job’s shoes (sandals?). For the rest of the book of Job, he has a conversation with God about why these things happen. At one point, Job gets frustrated that he can’t find God when he needs Him most. Have you been there? Have you ever felt like your prayers were hitting the ceiling? Yeah, I think we all have! But then, in Job 23:10, Job turns the corner. That’s why it’s our One Verse Devotional today. Even though he couldn’t find God, Job is reassured that “He knows the way that I take.” Wow! He trusted that God knew all about him even though Job couldn’t find God. Then he continues. “When He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” How do you purify gold? By putting it through the fire! I don’t understand it, but God does allow us to go through the fire. But it isn’t some sadistic game. He is allowing us to be purified and the transformation will leave us as gold! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/19/20165 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

116: Life, prosperity, and honor | Proverbs 21:21

When we dedicate our lives to following God’s path of righteousness and love, we discover true life filled with joy and honor. So, we moved this weekend. Honestly, I feel a little like a zombie this morning. Part of me is here, while part of me is back in bed. But I am glad to be here! It feels good to sit at the mic and share God’s Word with you, again! Today’s One Verse comes from Proverbs 21:21, and uses a word I am not a fan of: prosperity. The word, itself, isn’t bad. But in Christianity, there is this certain theology called the “prosperity gospel” that basically says if you pray enough, go to church enough, and be good enough, God’s job is just to give you more and more stuff. I don’t believe this at all. I know God has our back. He takes care of us and provides for us. But life may be a roller coaster at times. This doesn’t mean you aren’t a good Christian. A lot of amazing Jesus followers have experienced some pretty bad things (including death!) over the centuries. So, what does this verse mean? When we spend our lives chasing God and His plan for the world (righteousness and love), our lives will be filled with contentment. We will discover abundant and full lives that can only be found in Jesus. And others will view us with respect and honor. Now THAT is prosperity! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/18/20165 minutes
Episode Artwork

115: Taste and see that the Lord is good | Psalm 34:8

Even in a world filled with tragedy and fear, God reminds us to find refuge in Him. Our world is filled, right now, with fear and hate and acts of terror. Just yesterday, Nice, France was hit. It is heartbreaking. It is exhausting to turn on the news and have several major tragedies happen just days and weeks apart from each other. But God is still good. It almost feels stupid writing that. But it’s true. I know many people struggle with this. How can God be good while all of this is happening. Why does He allow it? I can’t answer those questions. It’s much bigger than me. I don’t think anyone other than God can. But I trust Him. I can’t explain it. If you came across this episode of this podcast, and you are struggling with this, maybe today’s One Verse is for you. Taste and see that the Lord is good. That is the start of Psalm 34:8. It is like God is allowing us to test Him: “Spend time with me. Trust me. And you will experience my goodness in your life.” I can see this in my own life. I have experienced heartache and tragedy and fear for the future, yet God has always been good to me. Life isn’t perfect, but His Love sustains me. If you’ve never experienced this, there is nothing I can do to explain it. But once you taste the goodness of God, you will know it! I encourage you to spend some time with God today, both in prayer and in His Word. I hope you experience His goodness today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/15/20165 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

114: Seek good | Amos 5:14

The Christian life is much more than not doing bad things. We are supposed to be a force for good in this world. We have been talking openly and honestly about the fear that has been gripping our country, and the tragedies that have caused it. I found this little verse in Amos I wanted to share with you. Seek good, not evil. If you grew up in the church, when you hear phrases like this, you think of all the rules Christians are supposed to have. Do this. Don’t do that. Say this. Don’t say that. Drink this. Don’t drink that. But I think this verse is going a layer deeper. The verse before it ends with “the days are evil.” These are evil days we are living in. When someone goes into a school, a nightclub, or a protest and starts shooting multiple victims, the days are evil! But the Bible gives us a mission. Seek good. In other words, you don’t have to give into the evil. Be a force for good in this world. As Christians, we must lead this charge and spread good and love in this world. This is the example of Christ. Seek good, and God will be with you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/14/20165 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

113: Hope in grace | 1 Peter 1:13

The world is crazy and life is crazy right now. But Jesus brings Hope through His Grace! This week, we are being honest and open on the One Verse Devotional about the craziness that is going on in our world. From terror attacks to race relations and police shootings to heated debates such as gay marriage and the church, many people are filled with fear, anger, or even hopelessness. God knew this was coming. He left us verses in the Bible that address the crazy times. Today’s One Verse, 1 Peter 1:13 is one of those verses. God, through Peter, tells us to live life alert and sober-minded. It’s like in my high school football days (I kind of feel like Uncle Rico typing that out!) when our coaches said you had to play with your head on a swivel. Be on the lookout! But as we are staying alert, God tells us to have hope because Jesus is bringing His grace to this world. That means He will set all things right. He will forgive and love and fix it all. Are you ashamed of your past? Are you fearful of the future? Don’t be. Trust in Jesus. He is coming, full of grace to set all things right and new, again. THAT is something to hope in! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/13/20165 minutes, 42 seconds
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112: Ambassadors of Love | John 13:35

As followers of Jesus, we should be leading the way in showing love to others in our country and world. As Christians, is it our job to correct everyone and make sure they live according to Biblical principles? Or are we simply supposed to show love? It's a difficult topic. And in many ways, I would say… Both. Here is the problem. We are expecting people who do not yet believe in Jesus to live according to biblical standards. That isn't the focus. Not before someone knows Jesus. If they are not a Christian, we can't expect them to live like a Christian. In those moments, lifestyle and morality are not the issue. We are simply supposed to show love. The key is not their actions. It is belief in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. We will not guilt people into faith. That's not how this works. What would it look like if Christians showed love instead of correction? What would our Facebook feeds look like if we shared love instead of telling people how to live? As Christians, let us become the ambassadors of love. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/12/20166 minutes, 4 seconds
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111: Love one another | John 13:34

What the world needs now is Love. A HUGE amount of Love. My heart aches. After so many violents acts in the past months. Terrorism, Orlando, the police shootings that happened last week, and the retaliation in Dallas. Last night, I found out a well-known pastor I love and respect is being removed from leadership for alcohol abuse that started from a strained marriage. Our world is broken. It has been broken since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden. But the brokenness in our world is so evident today. That’s why today’s One Verse is different. No music. And it’s twice as long. But I just needed to share my heart. Our One Verse comes from some of the last words of Jesus at the Last Supper. Right after predicting his betrayal by Judas and right after reminding His disciples that He would go away, Jesus gives them a new command: Love one another. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/11/201610 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

110: God will not forget you | Psalm 9:10

Over and over throughout the Bible, God promises to never leave you or forget you. Life can get tough at times. But one thing that can multiply the hard times is if you feel like you are doing it alone. When you have a friend or a companion to talk to, vent to, and share your struggle with, it makes the tough times a little easier to handle. You have a partner. For some reason, we always seem to think God forgets about us in these times. I get it. It’s easy to think God has left you when life isn’t working out the way you thought it would. If God was with you, wouldn’t everything be better? Wouldn’t He fix it all? I don’t understand why God doesn’t always fix things. I guess He knows more than I do. But I do know this. Over and over and over again in the Bible, God makes this promise: He will never leave us and never forsake us. He won’t forget us. He won’t leave us to figure this all out on our own. So no matter what life looks like, remember this: God is with you. Keep trusting in Him! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/8/20164 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

109: Finding hidden treasure | Matthew 13:44

When was the last time you were really excited about your faith? Jesus tells a story of a man who found hidden treasure in a field. Can you imagine being this man? He’s just walking through an empty field. It’s barren. No crops. No fruit. And then he stubs his toe on something. As he looks down, he uncovers something special. Hidden treasure! What would you do? Jesus tells us that the man went immediately and sold everything he owned so he could buy the field. Can you imagine what his friends thought? Why would he sell everything for one field? What a waste! But the man knew what he found. He was excited about his treasure. Wouldn’t you be! And this brings up a very tough question. Jesus said this man was like the Kingdom of heaven. So here is the question: When was the last time you were as excited about your faith as this man is about his field? Do you see your faith as a hidden treasure or something you almost apologize for? Do you want to share your amazing find with the world or hide it in shame? These are tough questions. They are tough for me to answer. I don’t know that I am THAT excited about my faith. But I should be! May God grant us this kind of excitement for our faith. Let’s keep chasing God until that happens. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/7/20165 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

108: Forget your past | Isaiah 43:18

In order to experience all that God has for you, you must let go of you past mistakes. God has. Yesterday, we learned that God is doing a new thing in our lives. He is creating streams of life-giving water in what sometimes feels like the wilderness of life. Today, we learn another critical piece to this puzzle. The verse prior to yesterday’s One Verse explains HOW we can experience the new things God is doing in our lives. Isaiah 43:18 teaches us that we have to stop dwelling on the past and forget the sins and mistakes we’ve made. And here is the best part, God is the one speaking! He doesn’t want to judge you. He doesn’t want to hold you back or keep you down. He wants you to move on into the future blessings that He has for your life! Let’s finally forgive ourselves. God has. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward into the future that God has laid  out for us! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/6/20165 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

107: God is doing a new thing | Isaiah 43:19

God is doing a new thing in your life. He is creating streams in the wilderness. Sometimes life is confusing. (Can I get an “Amen!”?) We don’t know what the future holds. It can feel like our future is nothing more than a barren wilderness of options. But that’s not true, even if it feels that way. Even if it looks that way from every angle. Because God is doing a new thing in your life and in my life. In our One Verse today, God is talking, and He tells us that He is doing a new thing. He is forming streams in the middle of the wasteland. Life is never perfect. There will be times when it feels like a wilderness. But God has not left you. He has a plan, and He is not surprised about your circumstances. Stay true to Him. He IS doing a new thing in your life. Keep your eyes on Him, and He will show you the life-giving stream you’ve been waiting for! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/5/20165 minutes, 1 second
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106: Freedom in Jesus/Happy Independence Day | Galatians 5:1

We have been given freedom in Jesus! #4thofjuly #happyindependenceday Happy 4th of July! In Indiana, it is raining, but I don’t think that will stop people from blowing stuff up in my neighborhood! Ha! In light of today’s holiday, I wanted to take a few minutes and talk about the freedom we have in Jesus. Before we knew Christ, we were all in bondage to sin. So many people think that Christians have no choices and have so many rules. But the opposite is actually true. Yes, we live our lives with discipline, but this discipline gives us a bright future full of choices. The false freedom of sin actually is like chains around you, squeezing out your future. There are consequences to your choices. So, today, let’s celebrate the freedom of our country AND the freedom we have in Christ! And let us NEVER go back to the old ways of sin. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/4/20164 minutes, 52 seconds
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105: God teach us your will | Psalm 143:10

In order to find God’s will for your life, we first must allow God to teach us His will we find in the Bible. What is God’s will for my life? This is one of the top two or three questions many Christians have. What is God’s will? What is my purpose? Today’s One Verse says something very interesting: “Teach me to do your will...God.” Teach me? Not show me or lead me. Teach me. Why? Because there are two “God’s wills” for our lives. There is the purpose/God’s will many of us think of first. What job am I supposed to have? Where should I live? Who should I marry? What does my future look like? And these are honest questions we all need to answer. BUT… There is another purpose and God’s will that we find in the Bible. This “God’s will” is the same for ALL Christians. I have found verse after verse after verse that says, “If you want to do God’s will…” followed by love others or pray or spend time with God. That is what I believe Psalm 143 is talking about. Teach us, God to do the will of yours that we find already laid out in the Bible. If we do, I truly believe the purpose and God’s will that is specific to us will be much easier to discover! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
7/1/20165 minutes, 33 seconds
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104: The most sarcastic verse in the Bible | James 2:19

Simply believing that God exists isn’t enough. Satan believes that. We MUST place our trust in Jesus! Today’s One Verse has to be the most sarcastic verse in the entire Bible! It is a total #micdrop verse. It’s hilarious. But it also drives home a point that so many Christians need to hear and understand. I truly believe our churches are filled with people who would simply say, “I believe in God.” And that’s great. But it’s not enough. We can’t stop there. Do you believe in Jesus? That He died on the cross? That He rose again? That He is in heaven, now, waiting for us? All that is great. It is STILL not enough. Again, Satan knows all of those facts, too. He doesn’t like those facts, but he knows they are true. Yet, I don’t think we will see Satan in heaven forever. So, what is the difference?It all comes down to trust. We must go a step past just believing and allow our faith and our belief to transform our outlook and our heart. We must place our trust in God and what Jesus did on the cross! THAT is the difference. Satan and the demons may know that it happened, but they aren’t placing their trust in it. We must look to God and say, “God, I am not enough. I’m not good enough, and I’ve never done anything to deserve heaven or a relationship with You. I need You! I place my trust in You. It is only through Jesus and His sacrifice that I can have a relationship with you.” Whether you actually say that outloud, or at some point, that becomes the cry of your heart, this is the answer. I am SO glad that you believe in God. Have you placed your trust in Him? About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/30/20165 minutes, 16 seconds
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103: Faith vs Deeds | James 2:18

Is being a Christian about having deep faith or doing good deeds? According to the book of James, both! For the past several years, there has been this debate in the church about the Gospel vs. the Social Gospel. In other words, should we focus on sharing the message of Jesus dying on the cross for the world OR should we focus on feeding the poor and meeting people’s needs? What a ludicrous debate! Simply look at the life of Jesus, our ultimate mentor and an example. What did He do? Both! How many times did Jesus teach people AND feed people? The feeding of the 5,000, the feeding of the 4,000, going to Zacchaeus’s house. Or even when He was calling Peter to be a disciple, Jesus helped him catch fish. What about other needs? Most teachers and rabbis would sit in the temple and discuss the Scriptures. Jesus was considered a rabbi, and not a normal one. Why? Because this Rabbi walked through the desert meeting with people who had real needs. Then Jesus would heal them, talk to them, and feed them. In some occasions, Jesus even raised their children from the dead! Talk about meeting people’s needs! So, should we have faith? Should we have good deeds and take care of the needs of others? YES and YES! We need both. Jesus did both. There is no this or that. It doesn’t have to be a debate. We should live our lives in such as way that we are talking to others and caring for others. This paves the way to talk about Jesus. “Why do you care about me? I’m a stranger.” And you can reply, “Well, I follow Jesus, and He is the ultimate example of Love.” We need BOTH good deeds and deep faith in the Church today! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/29/20165 minutes, 50 seconds
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102: Pray for Wisdom | James 1:5

Does anyone lack wisdom? (Um, yeah!) Ask God! Today’s One Verse is one of the great promises of the Bible, yet very few Christians know about it or act on it. James opens his letter with this plea: “Does anyone lack wisdom? Ask God! He will give it to you!” What an awesome verse! What an amazing promise. Do you need more wisdom in this life (Um, yeah!). Ok, Ask God, because He promises to give it to you. It doesn’t get any more simple than that! You need it? Ask for it. He’ll give it to you! There is no technicality or red tape. There is no trick. You need it? Ask for it. He’ll give it. If you are reading this, I STRONGLY encourage you to take God up on His promise. Add into your daily prayer life. I truly believe this one simple prayer can alter the path of your life. How would life be different if you would have had God’s wisdom at every decision? Exactly! When I read that, it hurts a little, thinking about some past life choices I’ve made. But it is also an encouragement to be serious about asking God for wisdom for every future decision. If we take Him up on this promise, our future is in much better hands! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/28/20165 minutes, 31 seconds
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101: Quick to listen | James 1:19

Let’s be quick to open our ears and slow to open our mouths. I’ll be honest, I wish every Christian would read this verse, memorize this verse, and live this verse! Our One Verse comes from the Book of James, and he teaches us that we need to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to have anger. Well, if this election year isn’t the perfect time for this verse, I don’t know what it. Have you looked at your Facebook newsfeed, lately? Oh, my! The internet has given us a voice, and we have forgotten that it has also given us a great way to listen, as well. You can be firm in your beliefs. This verse isn’t about compromise. Look at Jesus. He spoke to tax collectors and prostitutes and all sorts of people. And He always listened. The only group of people that He was hard on and would put them “in their place” were the Pharisees, the religious leaders! Let’s follow Jesus’s example and listen before we speak or get angry. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/27/20165 minutes, 17 seconds
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100: The heavens declare the glory of God | Psalm 19:1

Episode 100!!! Our beautiful planet is just God showing off! I read a book called Sacred Pathways a few years ago, and it really changed my outlook on how we connect with God. The truth is, we don’t all connect with Him the same! Some listen to music, some want to connect to God in a group, some like to be alone. My main sacred pathway (we each have a couple) is connecting to God through His beautiful creation. Being in nature reminds me of how awesome God is. That is why I love today’s One Verse. Psalm 19:1 says that the “Heavens declare the glory of God.” What a cool idea! It’s like God was just showing off. When we look at the earth and study biology or astronomy, it points back to a creative God. To prepare your hearts for worship this weekend, I encourage you to get outside. Go for a walk or a bike ride. Get to a park. Our better yet, hit the beach! Whatever you do, get out of the house, soak in some sun, and reflect it back to God as praise! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/24/20164 minutes, 30 seconds
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099: Should we wait on God | Isaiah 26:8

Most of the time while we are waiting on God, He is already in the future waiting for us. Should we wait on God? We hear this phrase in the church all of the time, but is it accurate? Well, yes and no. Yes, the Bible tells us to wait on God. David says it in Psalms and it is mentioned in our One Verse today. But for as much as we hear this phrase in the church, it is actually only mentioned a few times in the Bible. So, should we wait on God? Yes. The Bible tells us to. Should people be waiting on God as much as we are today? No, not even close. Waiting on God has become like a crutch, an excuse to do nothing. “Well, I’m just waiting on God.” That’s why I love today’s One Verse Devotional. Isaiah 26:8 says that as we are walking in God’s ways, we wait for Him. So, are we walking or waiting? Both! You may not think you know God’s will for your life. You may not know where you are supposed to live, where you should work, who you should marry. BUT, there are a LOT of ways in the Bible where it says “If you want to know God’s will, do this…” (My paraphrase, of course.) You know the term “active listening?” You aren’t passive. You are engaged in the conversation, even when you are waiting for your turn. I think that is a great way to view this idea of waiting on God. Let’s start to have “active waiting” when we aren’t sure what to do next. Yes, you may be in a period of waiting on God, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit still. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/23/20165 minutes, 26 seconds
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098: When 1 plus 1 does not equal 2 | Philippians 3:13

In order to move into your future purpose, you MUST let go of past mistakes! Did Paul (in the Bible) have bad math? In our One Verse Devotional today, (welcome to the podcast, btw!), Paul says “this one thing I do” and then goes on to list two things. Was math different back then? Was Paul stupid? No and no. Paul was a very well-educated man. But he is using this as a word illustration to point out and teach us a critical principle of life. In order for us to be able to move into the future and live out our God-given purposes, we have to let go of our past mistakes, sin, guilt, and shame. I know this because I’ve lived this. For over 10 years! I just couldn’t get over my guilt and shame, but I would still try to step into God’s will for my life. And it was impossible! Why? Because we have to do this ONE thing: Forget what is behind AND move into what is ahead at the same time. 1+1≠2 in this verse. 1+1=1. If we follow this principle, it will allow us to step into God’s best for our lives. Please, let go of your past. Don’t do this to yourself anymore. God has forgiven you. Forgive yourself and move forward! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/22/20165 minutes, 33 seconds
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097: May your love increase and overflow | 1 Thessalonians 3:12

This world needs love. And if God is Love, His people need to lead the charge. “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other.” What a beautiful way to begin a verse. This verse isn’t some closing remarks in Paul’s letter. It happens right smack dab in the middle. It is like a prayer of blessing. May the Lord bless you. May He keep you. May the Lord make your love increase. That is kind of how I read this verse. I also love that Paul purposefully says “for each other and everyone else.” We can’t read this verse and think that it only means we show love to other Christians. There is no stipulations to this verse. May the Lord increase your love to everyone. That’s it. I am reminded of the Orlando shooting. I was concerned how the Church and the Christian community was going to react, since this was a gay nightclub. And, yes, there were a few crazies. But for the most part, I saw love come from so many pastors. Well known pastors and churches poured out support. Even Chick-fil-A (obviously not a church, but you know) opened on Sunday to provide meals for people standing in line to give blood. I saw love wherever I turned or looked online. This continues on for us everyday as a part of life. May God increase your love. It doesn’t matter who. It doesn’t mattter what they look like or how they vote. May God increase your love for everyone. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/21/20165 minutes, 2 seconds
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096: Stewards of Creation | Genesis 1:28

God has given us an awesome and sobering responsibility: To be stewards of His Creation! Let’s take care of this planet. When did it become some hot topic item that taking care of the planet was some horrible, left-wing agenda? Yet, I see that over and over again from many Christians. It’s a topic I really don’t understand. In our One Verse today, God lays out (in the very first chapter of the Bible, no less!) that He has placed us as stewards over His Creation. What an awesome and sobering responsibility! I remember my views on this topic changed about 10 years ago when we took a family vacation to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was gorgeous. Thousands of people come every year to see this beautiful landscape, go snow skiing (in summer!) or white water rafting. I loved hiking in the Grand Tetons. Gorgeous! This was also the first time I noticed that every trash can in Jackson Hole was actually three trash cans for trash/garbage, recyclable paper, and plastic. I had never seen that. Then it hit me: This is all they have. This is how they make a living. If they ruined their environment, no one would visit. They understood that they were stewards of the nature around them. I hope more Christians see the planet this way. According to Genesis 1, I truly believe that Christians have the greatest reason to take care of the Earth… Because God asked us to. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/20/20165 minutes, 16 seconds
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095: God is our refuge | Psalm 46:1

No matter what has happened in your life, God is a place of refuge in your time of trouble #love #grace #faith In ancient times, if someone was killed, the family could go after and seek justice on the person who was at fault. Yet, if this was an accident (which probably happened often in ancient times), that person at fault could escape to a City of Refuge. There, we could find safety and sanctuary until they received a trial. In the Old Testament, then this idea of refuge was very important. It meant that no matter what happened in your life, you had hope. Our One Verse for today says that God is our refuge. See, He isn’t waiting to strike you down for every mistake. He is your source of hope, grace, and a future. Psalm 46:1 says he is our refuge and help in times of trouble. I think about being outside camping or hiking during a storm. You quickly look for an overhang in the cliff to hide under for safety. That is God in our lives. Refuge when things have gone wrong. Safety during the storms of life. Whatever you are going through today, please turn to God for safety and refuge. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/17/20165 minutes, 5 seconds
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094: Set your mind on things above | Colossians 3:2

God tells us to set our minds on things above, not on the earth. But how does that work? One word: FOCUS Have you ever tried talking to someone who is deep in their cell phone? Or talk to someone while they are watching t.v. or surfing the internet only to realize they haven’t heard a thing? (“I’ve been there!” -My wife.) It’s frustrating, isn’t it! You may have something important you need to talk to them about, but their FOCUS is somewhere else. I think that is what God means in our One Verse today. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Of course, there are some earthly things we have to take care of. I have a family. I have bills to pay. Even fun stuff. I enjoy snow skiing and going to the beach and, yes, a good movie. But it all comes down to our FOCUS. Where are we placing our focus? Where is our main attention going? Does God feel like He is trying to tell us something important, but our face is stuck in our phone? Life can get distracting. But let’s keep our focus on what really matters. Let’s set our minds and our focus on things above. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/16/20165 minutes, 22 seconds
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093: Life and death | Galatians 2:20

As Light Bearers, we have been called to crucify our old flesh and live fresh lives in Jesus, spreading His Love in this world. The Christian life has some strange themes and ideas. It’s true. Many of the teachings of Jesus simply confused the people He was talking to. In today’s One Verse Podcast Devotional, Paul writes about death and life. A strange thing to write. Why would Christians be called to die? This idea of death and life deals with our spirit. We all have a dark side, deep down, that we would rather not think about. I do. The greed, jealousy, envy, pride, and lust that wants to creep up in my life. That is the “old flesh” as Paul called it in another passage. There is only one response to the old flesh: death. We crucify is with Jesus on the cross. BUT through this death, we experience true life in Jesus. We are transformed. We are given new life and the “new flesh” in Christ. Now, we no longer live for #1. Because Jesus didn’t either. He gave His life away. Let’s follow Jesus’s example and spread His Light and Love to this dark world. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/15/20165 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

092: Rejoice always Part 2 | Philippians 4:4

When Philippians 4:4 says rejoice always, it REALLY means always, even when your van is stolen out of your driveway. Yep, our van was stolen out of our driveway last week. Gone. Zip. Sayōnara. But here is the best part. I had already recorded my One Verse’s for the week, but I hadn’t edited them. Philippians 4:4 was supposed to go live on Thursday. Our van was stolen on Wednesday. So, after a day of calling the police, calling into work, calling insurance, driving almost 2 hours to borrow my mom’s car, and being totally drained, I went to edit my podcast for Thursday. And what pulls up? What verse do I read and hear my own voice teaching? Rejoice always. Rejoice. ALWAYS. I could only laugh. Of course it would be that verse! But the thing is, we had been rejoicing that day. I prayed with my family (in front of my children so they would hear it) thanking God that we were all safe. It had been our van, nor our home. We lost some things, but nothing that was life changing. Once you get past the frustration, you realize it’s really just an inconvenience. Now, we could have been angry. We could have been bitter. But, oddly enough, we felt the peace of God. Rejoice always. It may not always be easy. I mean, how do we rejoice after the Orlando shooting? We can mourn. But even the newscasters were highlighting some heroic individuals, both Public Servants and civilians. One man came called into the Today Show to share his story. He had been in the club. At the end of his account, I heard Willie Geist say (almost through tears), “Wow, you saved that man’s life.” Rejoice always. This world wants to beat you down. There is evil and heartache and terror in the world. Rejoice always. Circumstances will happen. Rejoice always. How? Because you always have a Savior who loves you! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/14/20166 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

091: We are praying for Orlando | Galatians 3:26

We are praying for Orlando. Yesterday, fifty people lost their lives and another fifty people were injured at a popular gay, Orlando night club. This was the highest death toll of any modern shooting on American soil. My heart broke for the victims and their families. But I immediately had a different thought. With all of the talk and controversy over the past few years over gay marriage and the debates among many churches and major denominations, I wondered how the Christian community would react. Would we show love? Or would some use this as a time to further their agenda? This isn’t a question about gay, straight, sin, is it okay, or marriage. This is a time to show unconditional love. This is a time for Christians to stand up, reach out, and express amazing amounts of love toward the gay community. It is a time to remember that we ALL are created in the image of God. Please pray for Orlando. We are at Phosphorus Project and the One Verse Devotional. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.  
6/13/20165 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

090: Let my words and thoughts be pleasing to God | Psalm 19:14

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 Today’s One Verse Devotional is like a prayer for our weekend. May the words of my mouth and the things I say be pleasing to God. May the meditation of my heart, the thoughts I have and what I continue to dwell on be pleasing to God. Why? Because He is our Rock, our Redeemer, and our Savior. He has done so much for me, that I want everything that I say, do, and even think about to be pleasing to Him! Obviously, this isn’t easy. We are surrounded by temptation and have a million reasons to let something not-so-pleasing come out of our mouths every day (read: morning work commute! #roadrage Ha!) But I want to strive for my words and deeds and thoughts to be pleasing to the One that truly matters. Have a great weekend! About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/10/20163 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

089: Rejoice always | Philippians 4:4

Let’s live our lives with gratitude! In every situation, find something you can rejoice in. I love marketing. I listen to marketing podcasts and read marketing blogs. But as much as I love to study marketing, I have one major problem with it. For most marketing, there is a fundamental message they work from and it is this: Getting you to be discontent with your life. Yes you have a car that works fine, but how much better would your life be if you had OUR car! Look at all of these fancy buttons and gadgets. Or… Yes, you have dinner planned out for tonight and it is within your budget, but what if you didn’t have to work so hard and just ordered our delicious pizza, instead. Can’t you just see the steam and the melty cheese on your television? We live in a world where we are surrounded by these types of messages. It’s ok. I’m not mad at them. They have to figure out how to sell to us when there is so much noise. But for us, it can have a serious impact. Soon, we start to never be content with what we have. We lose our gratitude and in turn lose our rejoicing. Well, you have a LOT to rejoice in today. No matter what situation or life phase you find yourself in, there is something you can rejoice in. I challenge you to find something (or many things) to rejoice in today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/9/20164 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

088: Do not crack that door | Ephesians 4:27

No one wants to make a big mistake in life. How does it happen? Poor small choices that lead to more. Growing up, did you ever have a sibling or friend that was going to keep you out of your room? They pushed all of their weight behind it. But if you could just get one little foot in the crack of the door, you would eventually be able to wedge the door open and get inside. The same is true with sin, mistakes, and poor choices in our lives. Today’s One Verse Devotional is from Ephesians 4:27 and teaches us not to give the devil a foothold. Just like opening the door as a kid, all satan has to do is find a little crack in our integrity--fudging on your taxes, sending a private message to your cute coworker--and he has a much easier job of prying that door open more and more over time. BUT! If we never give a crack, never give a foothold, our integrity will stay complete and we will avoid the huge mistakes in life. No one dreams of ruining their marriage by having an awful affair. How does it happen? Giving the devil a foothold and making one, small, poor choice at a time that snowballs into an epic disaster. Win today in the small things so you can win tomorrow in the big things in life. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/8/20165 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

087: Encouraged by your faith | 1 Thessalonians 3:7

Faith is personal, but it is not private. Your faith can actually bring great encouragement to others who are struggling in theirs. Just like yesterday, today’s One Verse is a personal message from me to you. Paul told the church of the Thessalonians that he had actually been encouraged by their faith in his times of distress (and Paul had some distress!) I feel the same about you. There have been times when I’ve wanted to quit the podcast (or my Youtube channel before). But right when I feel that way, I get an email or a private message or even a Facebook comment from someone telling me how much what I am doing means to them and their spiritual life. What an encouragement! But this goes beyond me. You have the power to encourage other Christians who are struggling in their faith. By seeing you, it can give them hope. What about your pastor? That’s a tough job with little thanks. I know! So many pastors are tempted to quit. Your faith could be just the thing that is bringing them encouragement and allowing them to feel like their efforts and their ministry are actually making a difference. Our faith affects those around us. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/7/20164 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

086: Stand firm and hold fast | 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Hold on tight to the teachings of Jesus. It will help you stand firm in an unpredictable world. I love today’s One Verse because I want to adopt Paul’s message. He encourages his brothers and sisters in the faith to stand firm and hold fast to the teachings he passed on to them by mouth or by letter. Well, I want to add podcast! I am also passing these teachings of Jesus, this Word of God to you, my brothers and sisters in the faith. My hope, like Paul, is that you stand firm in these teachings. Dive into God’s Word. It stays firm in a constantly shifting world. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/6/20164 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

085: Where do you place your trust | Psalm 20:7

What or Who do you place your trust in? #god #isitreally #itdoesntalwaysmakesenseonpaper As a Jesus follower, life doesn’t always make sense on paper. We look at the world differently. Most people put their trust in power, promotions, government, bank accounts, and 401(k)’s. These aren’t all bad things. But there will come a time in your life where these things can offer no help. We have to place our trust in something greater than all of these things. And that something is actually a someOne. We don’t place our trust in what the world places their trust in. No, we trust in the name of God. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/3/20164 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

084: Working together for unity | Ephesians 1:10

God has invited us into His will to bring unity to heaven and earth through Jesus. #God #unity I love messy church. The beauty of the Church is not when we are arguing about who is right or who Christians should vote for. No, the beauty of the Church is when different people from different backgrounds and different cultures come together under the name of Jesus. God’s will is that heaven and earth would be reunited. After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, a gap was created between us and God. His will is for that gap to be removed, and that is exactly what Jesus did through His sacrifice on the cross. Now, we are invited into the story. As we grow closer to God and chase after His will in our lives (remember: It’s not one destination but the journey of growing closer to God), we get to participate in bringing unity to all things. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/2/20165 minutes
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083: The mystery of Gods will | Ephesians 1:9

God’s will is the journey, not a destination. He wants you to know His will! #godswill #purpose One of the biggest questions many have about the Christian life is “What is God’s will for my life?” We have this idea that once we find God’s will, life will be great. It will all fall into place. But that isn’t the case. God doesn’t want us to get comfortable and content with where we are. He wants us to keep moving and growing. His will isn’t one perfect destination in our life. If we just get “there” everything will be perfect. No. It is the journey of growing closer to God. And even more than that, God wants to reveal His will to you. The closer you get to God, the more He will uncover His will in your life. About One Verse One Verse is a short, free daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
6/1/20164 minutes, 37 seconds
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082: An Olympic spiritual life | 1 Corinthians 9:24

We should treat our faith like athletes train for the Olympics. I am so excited that in just two months, we get to witness another summer Olympics. I love the idea of the whole world coming together for competition. These athletes train their bodies to prepare for peak performance at the right time when it matters most. I can guarantee you that my Memorial Day looked a lot different than it did for one of these athletes! Well, the same is true for our faith. Our One Verse today, 1 Corinthians 9:24, teaches that we need to be prepared to run our race well. This life is a marathon. And I hope to run in such a way that one day I’ll stand before Jesus and He will say, “Well done!” I have the same prayer for you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/31/20164 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

081: A Memorial Day hello from the McCarricks | Ephesians 5:20

What are your thankful for on this Memorial Day? Warning: It’s time to meet the McCarrick! Today, we honor those who have served our country in the Armed Forces. Those who have given their lives, our veterans, and those who currently serve have paved the way for us to enjoy to many freedoms. Today is like a mini-Thanksgiving for me. Cooking out, spending time with friends and reflecting on what we can be thankful for. For me, I love my family. So, I thought I would spend a few minutes introducing you to my family. Here are the McCarricks... About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/30/20164 minutes, 29 seconds
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080: From depression to dancing | Psalm 30:11

God can turn our lowest points into a time of celebration. We have all experienced low times in our lives. Times of anxiety, fear, or deep depression. In today’s One Verse, a free daily devotional, David remembers a time when he was at his lowest. He talks about being clothed in sackcloth, something you would only wear during times of deep mourning in the ancient world. Yet, David praises God because he turned his wailing into dancing. God’s love, grace, and forgiveness can take the lowest points of our lives and turn them into something greater. A celebration. A time of dancing. If you are hurting today, look to God and let Him turn your depression to dancing. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/27/20165 minutes, 5 seconds
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079: God will hear your cry | Psalm 40:1

You may have to wait on God, but He always hears your cry, and He will turn to you. We never know when God will answer our prayers. It may happen instantly, or it could take years. But one thing is for sure, God is listening to you. He hears you! Your prayers are not hitting the ceiling. I don’t know why God has us wait. I don’t know why He doesn’t answer some prayers. But God is listening to you. And when He is ready, He will turn and answer you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/26/20163 minutes, 32 seconds
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078: Gods Word never returns empty | Isaiah 55:11

Spending time in God’s Word is the greatest investment you can make. #Bible #GodsWord Is spending just 5 minutes a day with God even worth it? In a word, yes! Our One Verse today is Isaiah 55:11 and it reminds us that God’s Word never returns to Him empty. It always accomplished the purpose He meant for it. What does that mean for us? Even if you don’t feel like it, even if you only have a few minutes, spend time with God. Dive into His Word, if only one verse. It will accomplish exactly what God meant for it. In other words, you are making a valuable investment in your life and your future. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/25/20165 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

077: Comfort others in trouble | 2 Corinthians 1:4

Since God has comforted us, it is our turn to comfort others in their time of need. Yesterday, we learned that God is the Father of Compassion and the God of all comfort. That is great news, but it doesn’t stop there. In today’s One Verse Devotional, we learn that God has comforted us so that we can turn around and help and comfort others. What a beautiful way to view our problems. They are an opportunity to speak into the lives of other people who are experiencing what we have experienced. What have you gone through in your life? That is now a part of your story. And even though it was painful, we can now pass on to others the knowledge, wisdom, and lessons we learned along the way. God helps us and we, in turn, help others. Be on the lookout for someone who is going through what you have already experienced. You may be able to offer help that no one else can! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/24/20164 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

076: The God of all comfort | 2 Corinthians 1:3

Our God is the Father of Compassion, Who comforts us in all our troubles. For today and tomorrow, we are looking at 2 Corinthians 1. We will hit verse 3 today (and even sneak into verse 4 a little!) and then dive into verse 4 on Tuesday. Why? Well, these verses lay out to key principles for us to remember. Today’s One Verse teaches us that our God is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. I love serving a God who cares for us and has love and compassion for His people! But it doesn’t stop there. Our God is the Father of Compassion because He helps us through all of our troubles. If you are facing trouble today, turn to God. He is listening, and He is there for you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/23/20164 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

075: Our heart may fail | Psalm 73:26

Our flesh and our heart may fail, but God you never will! #Psalm73 #GiveMeFaith Live is tough at times. We don’t know what it might throw at us. That is why I love today’s One Verse, Psalm 73:26. It reminds us that even though our flesh and our heart may fail, even though we may want to give up and throw in the towel, God is our strength. He never fails. He will provide for us, protect us, and sustain us. You have some homework today. I love a worship song by Elevation Worship called Give Me Faith. In this song, they quote part of Psalm 73:26. “My flesh may fail, but God you never will!” Your assignment is to go find that song (I suggest Youtube) and listen to it. I’ll drop a link below.   Give Me Faith: About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/20/20165 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

074: The faith of friends | Mark 2:5

We have the power to go to the throne of God on behalf of our friends. Our One Verse, today, takes place in the Gospel of Mark. It comes in the middle of a crazy and even hilarious story. Jesus was preaching in a city and His popularity was at an all time high. People wanted to be fed, they wanted to be healed. As Jesus was preaching in this home, so many people showed up that you couldn’t even get in the door. Well, for one paralyzed man, this was a problem. But he had four friends. And they weren’t going to let a little thing like a huge crowd stop them! These boys went up on the roof and started tearing a hole in it! The poor homeowner. Then they lowered the paralyzed man through the roof and he landed right smack dab in front of Jesus. I would give anything to have seent this! But then Jesus says something crazy. He says, “Because of their faith…” It was the faith of the friends that moved Jesus. I think this is a key principle that holds true today. We have the power to go to God on behalf of our friends. We have the power to have faith on behalf of our friends. I pray that you will go to God for your friends today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/19/20165 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

073: Jesus is at the door knocking | Revelation 3:20

When Jesus said He was standing at the door and knocking, sadly He was speaking to His church. Today’s One Verse is Revelation 3:20 is a famous verse. Jesus says that He is standing at the door and knocking. Maybe you’ve seen the famous painting that was based on this verse. But here is the part we usually forget: He is speaking to Christians. When we hear this verse, it’s easy to think, “Yes, I wish people who don’t believe in Jesus would open their lives to Him.” And that’s a great hope. But this verse is for us. If you are a Christian, we have a hard question to ask… Are we shutting Jesus out? He is standing outside the door of your heart, asking for you to let Him back in? Please open the door and spend some quality time with Jesus today. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/18/20164 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

072: Great and unsearchable things | Jeremiah 33:3

God is willing to uncover great and unsearchable things to us. We need only to call to Him. I am so thankful that I serve a God who knows more than me. Why? Because most of the time, I don’t have the answers! Even worse, when it’s left up to me, I seem to make mistake after mistake. I’m glad that I serve a God who knows the secrets of the universe. And better yet, He said that He will share those with us. No, we don’t always get the answer we want. He may not always pull back the curtain all the way. But God does desire to have the conversation with us. He is willing to share amazing things with us. We simply need to call out to Him. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/17/20164 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

071: We are the Light Bearers of Jesus | Matthew 5:14

The Christian life should be as refreshing as a warm ray of sunshine. Let’s be more than just “christians,” let’s be the Light Bearers of Jesus! I am passionate about this idea of being the light of the world. The One Verse Devotional is a part of my blog, the Phosphorus Project. Phosphorus means “bringer of light” or “light bearer.” Phosphorus is the element that is in a head of a match that makes it spark. So, yes, this is an important one to me. In our culture, the word Christian carries a lot of emotional baggage. There are a lot of terms associated with Christian that are, well, less than flattering. Today, the word Christian has become very confused. Christian movies, christian music, the christian phone book! I feel we have lost something from the original meaning. There is something about a fresh ray of sunshine or turning on the light in the morning (and helping  you not stub your town on toys left from your kids the night before!) Light is amazing. And that is exactly what I think of my faith. Let us spread the Light and Love of Jesus to a dark world! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/16/20165 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

070: God is not angry with you | Psalm 30:5

God does not keep bringing up your downfalls. He corrects and forgives. Conviction comes from God. Guilt does not. Do you think God is angry with you? Do you think you have done something that God could never forgive? Psalm 30:5 is our One Verse today and it was written by David. Well, David did a lot in his life that God wasn’t happy with. Adultery, murder, bloodshed. Yet, David tells us that God’s anger last only a moment, but God’s favor lasts a lifetime. God isn’t angry with you. If you’ve messed up, sinned, made a mistake, then seek His forgiveness. He freely gives His grace. BUT, if you are still struggling with it after you’ve sought God’s forgiveness, that’s guilt. Guilt isn’t from God. Guilt is holding you back. Guilt never lets you get over a past mistake. Guilt prevents you from stepping into your future. Allow God to forgive you. He isn’t angry with you. He loves you and want to pour out His blessings on you like a loving Father does for His child. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/13/20164 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

069: Forgive people | Colossians 3:13

With all that God has forgiven of us, shouldn’t we forgive others, too? Forgiveness. It’s tough. When we feel wronged, it is so easy to focus on the other person. “They need to apologize. They need to be sorry for what they did to me!” But in the Bible, God is never concerned with the other person. We can’t control them. We can’t make them do what we want. There is only one thing we can control. We have the power to forgive. No, it isn’t easy. But remember how much God forgave us. Remember what Jesus did for us so we could experience God’s forgiveness. If we do that, I mean truly understand it, it will help us the next time we need to forgive someone else. Don’t live your life with unresolved anger. That leads to bitterness. Live your life with a forgiving heart. You have the perfect example. Hint: It’s Jesus. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/12/20165 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

068: The Love of a Father | Luke 11:13

As much as you love your children, God loves you even more! I love my children more than I can express. I have been blessed with four! I still can’t believe that at times. Ellie, Noah, Sophia, and Leila. They bring a smile to my face just thinking about them. Each one has their own personality and special gift. Leila Rey is just learning to smile (she is two months old.) I can’t wait to see what kind of personality she has. I love my children and would do anything for them. If you are a parent, you know what I mean. We sacrifice so much to provide all that we can for our kids. Our One Verse today, Luke 11:13, reminds us that God loves us and will take care of us and give us good gifts even more than we do for our own children. God loves you. He loves you like you love your children. And He will take care of you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/11/20165 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

067: Hope in the unseen | Hebrews 11:1

Faith gives us hope because we can see God moving in every area of our lives. Faith is hard to wrap our minds around. You can see it. You can hold it. Yet, our One Verse for today, Hebrews 11:1, tells us that we can actually have assurance and hope in our faith. That sounds strange, doesn’t it? How can you have hope in something you cannot see? And since faith is trusting in a Person and stories of this Savior that are thousands of years old, how can that bring hope for the future? It’s hard to explain, but once you have deep faith, it is as real as anything else in life. How does it bring hope? Because our faith allows us to see God working in our lives, the good and the bad. And if we can’t see God moving, we know to look for Him. That is what Faith does in our lives. It allows us to see where God is moving so we can join Him in the story. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/10/20165 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

066: God will guide you to His will | Philippians 2:13

We don't need to stress about finding God's will. Just find God and He will show you the way! God takes responsibility for His will and His purpose in this world. We don't have to worry about finding God's will for our lives. The Bible makes it clear over and over, again. God will guide us towards His will. After all, it is His purpose that He want to see lived out in the world. He wants you to find His will. He has invited you into the story. We don't need to stress about finding God's will. Just find God and He will show you the way! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/9/20164 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

065: The plans of God stand firm | Psalm 33:11

Even when life takes a turn, God isn’t surprised. God knows where you are at in life, where you have been, and where you are going. His plans will stand firm. I love this because I don’t always know where I am going. But God is never surprised by our circumstances. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/6/20166 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

064: Saving your life | Matthew 16:25

I love following Jesus. So many people think it’s boring. They couldn’t be further from the truth. Following Jesus is crazy! Jesus was famous for saying phrases that were completely opposite of what you would normally think (for example: The first will be last). Today’s One Verse in Matthew 16:25 is another great example. From the words of Jesus, Himself, we learn that in order to save our lives we must lose them. What?! Well, here is the key. We don’t just lose them. That’s not smart. We lost them in Jesus. That’s the smartest thing you can do. Jesus promises us that if we live for Him, chase after Him, give everything we can for Him… He will make sure we are taken care of. He will provide for us and protect us. Give your life away for Jesus! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/5/20165 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

063: Honor God with your bodies | 1 Corinthians 6:20

“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” There is a lot of talk today about what we can do as Christians. What is ok, what is not ok? What is right, what is wrong? How should we live our lives? I think these are the wrong questions. Our One Verse today in 1 Corinthians 6:20 gives us a different outlook. It reminds us that Jesus paid everything for our future. We had sin and judgement and death to look forward to, but Jesus turned that into life and grace and forgiveness. So, how should we live in light of this fact? And it isn’t just about what is right and what is wrong. But what are the positive things like serving others that we are not giving enough time to? How can we honor God with our bodies today? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
5/4/20163 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

062: Faith is shared in community | 1 John 1:7

The closer we get to Jesus, thecloser we get to each other.Our One Verse today points outan important lesson. As Christians, we know that we are supposed toget closer to Jesus. Our faith is very personal. However, it is notprivate. Faith was meant to be shared in community. 1 John 1:7teaches us that as we grow closer to Jesus, we actually grow closerto each other. We build stronger relationships and a deepercommunity. I encourage you to grow closer to God, not just foryourself, but so we can all grow closer together!About One VerseOne Verse is a short, dailydevotional designed to help you grow closer to God through lessthan 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.Consistency trumps intensity.When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing ourfinances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our majorlife goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same istrue in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closerto God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming inan hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help takeaway the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during yourworkout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you caninvest in your spiritual life.
5/3/20164 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

061: Tell your story | 1 John 1:1

How do you share your Faithwithout being pushy? Simply tell your story.One of the biggest questionsmany Christians have is, “How do I share my faith?” We know we aresupposed to do it. Yet, most of us shy away from sharing our faithbecause we don’t know how. We don’t want to be pushy. We don’t wantto get into a debate with someone. We don’t want to seem like aknow-it-all. But sharing your faith has nothing to do with any ofthese things. Sharing your faith is simply telling your story. Thisis how John, who lived with Jesus, begins his letter. He isn’tgiving second hand information. He is telling the story that heexperienced. We should do the same. Simply tell your story. Tellinga story isn’t a debate. You are simply sharing what God has done inyour own life. And who doesn’t love a good story?About One VerseOne Verse is a short, dailydevotional designed to help you grow closer to God through lessthan 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.Consistency trumps intensity.When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing ourfinances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our majorlife goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same istrue in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closerto God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming inan hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help takeaway the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during yourworkout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you caninvest in your spiritual life.
5/3/20165 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

060: Do not remain silent | Psalm 109:1

Weekend prayer challenge: “God, do not remain silent.” When we aren’t sure where to turn or what to do, we are looking for answers. We reach out to God and we want to know the next step. We ask for vision and clarity. We ask for deliverance. And all of that is good. He wants us to do that. But have you ever felt that God is being silent? That can be disheartening. I don’t know why He does this. But I love that David begins Psalm 109 with, “God, do not remain silent.” What an amazing prayer. It doesn’t show frustration with God. It reveals an issue many of us have faced, and David was close enough to God to hit it head on. This weekend, let’s make this our prayer, as well. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/29/20165 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

059: A marathon not a sprint | Hebrews 12:1

The Christian life is like a marathon race. Get rid of anything that is weighing you down. Our One Verse today is packed full of awesomeness. In one simple verse, we can see three key principles for our spiritual lives. First, we learn that we are surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses.” We don’t really know who these witnesses are, but one thing is certain. Heaven is cheering you on. Our One Verse also tells us that the Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes perseverance. It takes discipline. Stick with it. Finally, it we are running a race, we need to remove any weight that is holding us back. We know we need to get rid of sin in our lives. But what else is in your life that is holding you back? It might not be sin, but it is getting in the way of God’s best for your life? Let’s remove anything that hinders us from running our race well. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/28/20165 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

058: Fix our eyes on the unseen | 2 Corinthians 4:18

What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. This is one of the most difficult parts of the Christian life. By its very definition, faith requires us to have an understanding of a world we cannot see. In life, we want to put our trust in what we can see, what we can touch, and what makes sense on paper. It’s comforting. But it is a false sense of safety. Everything around us is temporary. It won’t last. As followers of Jesus, God calls us to see the world with different eyes. Let us live our lives for what truly matters, even if we can’t see it now. And let us trust God to take care of us, even when we can’t see the answer right in front of us. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/27/20164 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

057: Transform your mind | Romans 12:2

God’s will is not a secret. Romans 12:2 gives us the answer. Many Christians wonder what God’s will is for their lives. The thing is, the Bible gives us answer after answer regarding the will of God. No, the Bible can’t tell you exactly what job you are supposed to have, who to marry, or where to live. But God’s will goes way beyond all of these areas. God’s will involves bringing our lives in line with what God is doing in the world. How do we discover this? How do we join God? Our One Verse for today, Romans 12:2 gives us the answer. Yesterday, we discovered that we are called to be living sacrifices, giving our lives to God. The next verse uncovers how we do this. By spending time with God and allowing Him to transform our mind. When we regularly engage in Bible study, prayer, and even devotional podcasts (wink!), it allows God to speak into our lives and transform our minds to His. Now that’s what I call finding God’s will! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/26/20165 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

056: Living sacrifices | Romans 12:1

With all God has done for us, we should give our lives back to Him. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were a big deal. They were a large part of many national festivals. One one day out of the year, a sacrifice was even made that would cover the sins of the entire nation of Israel. After military victories or special blessings, a sacrifice would be made. Yet, every sacrifice was, at its core, an act of worship. Making a sacrifice was a way of offering praise to God and acknowledging His deity. In our One Verse today, we are called to become a “living sacrifice.” How can we do this? By giving our lives back to God. He has given us true Love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. In turn, we should be compelled to give our lives back to Him. It is the ultimate act of worship. I encourage both you and myself to live our lives as living sacrifices to God. He isn’t easy, but it is the greatest act of worship we can give. Ourselves. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/25/20164 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

055: Is anything too hard for God | Jeremiah 32:27

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” We need to keep this verse close to us at all times. If you have ever experienced heartache, pain, or disappointment in your life, this verse is for you. I love this verse because it is the answer to so many questions. How many times have you looked at God and asked, “Lord, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. I don’t know how I can overcome this pain. I don’t know how I can face this sickness. I don’t know how we’re going to pay this bill. Are You there? Can You help me?” Have you asked those questions. I have. And for each of those situations, Jeremiah 32:27 is the answer. Keep this verse in your wallet. Keep it in your purse. And when you have one of those deep life questions, take it out and read God’s answer. “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” No, Lord. There isn’t. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/22/20163 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

054: Worthless wooden idols | Jeremiah 10:8

Are you letting some things replace the refreshment of God in your life? This week, we have been looking at the book of Jeremiah. He was an Old Testament prophet known as the “Weeping Prophet.” Yet, he gives us verse after verse about God’s love and His plan for our lives. Well, today’s One Verse is a little different. Jeremiah is gonna drop a little Truth bomb on us. In Jeremiah 10, God and Jeremiah have a conversation about how crazy it it that men will hire a craftsman to cut down a tree and carve an idol. How does that even compare to God? Well, we probably don’t have a lot of “worthless wooden idols” in our house. Or do we? I know I have some electronic idols. I have some food idols. An idol is anything that can take us away from God or substitute His work in our lives. When I’m stressed, I turn to food. Idol. Or I binge watch on Netflix. Idol. Now, is food or Netflix bad? No. But I can turn them into an idol when I start to look to the for refreshment instead of my relationship with God. Let’s evaluate our lives and see if there are any idols we need to give up. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/21/20164 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

053: Hope and a future | Jeremiah 29:11

God has a plan for your life, a plan for Hope and a future. Your past may be filled with mistakes and regrets. You current reality may be uncertain and you aren’t where you hoped you would be. But God has not forgotten you. He has a plan for your life. He wants to protect you from harm. He wants to give you a future. He is your Hope. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/20/20164 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

052: A fire in my bones | Jeremiah 20:9

The message of Jesus cannot be contained. This week, we are in the book of Jeremiah. Every day, our One Verse will be from the Old Testament prophet. Jeremiah didn’t have the easiest life. He even told God that He deceived him. That’s pretty bold. Our One Verse today comes just two verses later. Even though Jeremiah was frustrated, he knew that God’s message was a fire in his bones he could not contain. I love this verse. I think this is a rally cry for anyone who desires to be a Light Bearer and a true follower of Jesus. The message of Love of Jesus is like a fire we cannot control. We don’t need to be preaching on the street corners. But for anyone that is serious about following Jesus, His message will pour out of us. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/19/20166 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

051: Before you were born | Jeremiah 1:5

God had a plan for your life before you were even born. God knows you. He loves you. He has a plan for you. This week, we are looking at verses out of the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet who, frankly, had a pretty tough life. He is known as the Weeping Prophet, and he once told God, “You deceived me!” That’s some pretty strong words to be throwing at God! I like Jeremiah. With all the hurt and pain he went through, we still find some of the most uplifting and encouraging verses in the Bible in His writings. Today, God wants you to know that He loves you, He knows you, and He created a plan for your life before you were even born. That is how special you are to God! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/18/20166 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

050: The desires of your heart | Psalm 37:4

God knows the desires of your heart better than you. We are at episode number 50! Wow, that happened fast. I feel like we are just getting started. Thank you, so much, to our loyal listeners and supporters! Today’s One Verse is like a unicorn verse… God will give us the desires of our heart! Wow, sounds too good to be true. And it is if we jump ahead. First, we need to focus on the first part. Our part. We are to seek God, trust God, and actually delight in Him. The second part isn’t up to us. It’s up to God. But here’s the thing. It doesn’t say wants. I believe the true desires of my heart are much deeper than a few wants that I have. God knows the true desires of our heart better than we do. He knows what makes us tick and what will bring us the most peace. Delight in Him, and trust God with your future! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/15/20165 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

049: Build up one another | 1 Thessalonians 5:11

First off... Happy anniversary to my amazing wife, Kristen! I can?t believe it has been 9 years. I love you now more than ever and realize how much I need you in my life. Today?s One Verse is great because it is one of the things I appreciate about my wife the most. She has always been my biggest fan and largest supporter. In our world today--especially with this being an election year--we need positive encouragement! The political race is crazy. Everyone is putting everyone else down. It is affecting our entire country. We need verses like 1 Thessalonians 5:11. We need to be reminded that this world needs love and we need to build up others, not tear them down. Please find someone today to encourage. They need it. The world needs it. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/14/20164 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

048: Gods ways are higher | Isaiah 55:9

When we feel lost, God sees a clear path. Have you ever been lost, really lost? Maybe you were driving in a new city or hiking in the woods. Either way, you didn’t know where to go next. You had lost the path. Has this ever happened in life? Have you ever said, “Why God?” Whenever we are lost driving or lost in life, one thing is true. If we could only get high enough, we could see the whole picture. We wouldn’t be confused and we would see exactly where we needed to go. Our One Verse today teaches us that God’s ways are higher than our ways. As high as the heavens are from the Earth, God sees the whole picture. Trust in Him to guide you down the right path. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/13/20165 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

047: Let nothing move you | 1 Corinthians 15:58

Nothing you do for God is done in vain. Being a follower of Jesus is not easy. There will be days when you are tired, hungry, and want to give up. There will be days that you will wonder if it’s worth it. There will be days that you look up at God and say, “Really? Why am I doing this?” But on those days, stand firm. Nothing you do for God is ever in vain. You may not see the results you expected. You may not see results for a while. But God is faithful. He sees your deeds. He knows your heart. It may be tough now, but it is worth it. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/12/20164 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

046: We haven’t stopped praying for you | Colossians 1:9

The power of prayer is that it brings us in line with what God is already doing. In today’s One Verse, Paul let the church of the Colossians know that he was continually praying for them. I’m using his example. Every day this week, I am praying for anyone that listens to the One Verse Devotional. I love you guys and appreciate your support. I pray for all of you from time to time, but this week, I’m making it a focus. If you need prayer or want to reach out, email me at [email protected] and I promise to pray for your specific need, I don’t care how many people contact me. I would also encourage you to pray for others. And while you’re at it, my family and I could use some prayers right now, as well. Peace! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/11/20165 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

045: Secrets with God | Psalm 25:14

When we trust God, He lets us in on His plans. Do you have some questions for God? I do. Right now, my family is in the middle of a transition. We are happy where we are at, but we know it isn’t long term. We have some serious God questions. How long will this take? What are we supposed to do next? That is why I love today’s One Verse. It promises us that if we trust God and fear Him with awe and respect, He will let us in on His plans. He will trust us and confide in us. He will let us in on HIs secret. I think it’s time we trusted and feared God! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/8/20165 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

044: Examine the Scriptures | Acts 17:11

Take responsibility for your own spiritual life. Do you take your Bible to church? Do you follow along with your pastor on the Bible App? Or do you just take for granted that whatever they project on the screen is actually in the Bible? No, I am not saying your pastor is lying to you. I am saying that we should be taking responsibility for our own spiritual life. In our One Verse, the Berean Jews were comparing everything that Paul taught against what Scripture taught. I think it would be wise for us to do the same. You aren’t showing disrespect to your pastor. Instead, you are learning how to feed yourself.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/7/20165 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

043: As for me and my house | Joshua 24:15

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Our One Verse today comes from the book of Joshua. Joshua was the leader of Israel in the Old Testament after Moses. He took the Israelites into the Promised Land. At the end of his life, after years of service and leadership to his people. He made one of his final addresses. In a sense, he drew a line in the sand. You can serve whoever you want to serve, but me and my household will continue to serve the Lord. What an inspiring message! He could of said anything, but this wise, old leader new what really mattered. Stay close to God. My prayer is this will be a phrase you live by in your own life. Will you serve the Lord? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/6/20164 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

042: Invited Into the Story | 2 Peter 1:4

God has invited you to participate in His grand story. Yesterday, we learned that God has already given us everything we need to live our purpose. Today’s One Verse is the very next verse. In 2 Peter 1:4, we learn that God has given us His great and precious promises. God’s promises are awesome! But our One Verse doesn’t stop there. It lets us know why we have these promises… Because God has invited us into His story. We have been given a role to play, and He wants us to participate in what He is doing. Wow! That God of the universe has given each of us a personal invitation to play a role in His grand story. Talk about purpose! You matter to God, and He has given you a role to play.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/5/20164 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

041: Spiritual DNA | 2 Peter 1:3

God has already given you everything you need to live your purpose. Do you know God’s will for your life? Have you discovered your purpose? A lot of people struggle with this. We think, “Well, if I just had this gift or that person’s skills. If only had (fill in the blank), I would be able to find God’s will for my life and live out my purpose. Well, today’s One Verse teaches us that we have been given everything we need. It’s like our Spiritual DNA. You have the gifts, skills, personality, and passion to live out God’s purpose for your life. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/4/20164 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

040: Trust in God at all times | Psalm 62:8

God is our refuge of safety in times of trouble Is life a struggle right now? I can relate. For my wife and I, we are in the middle of a “life transition” and it’s not easy. It takes a toll on your faith with life doesn’t make sense or things aren’t working out the way you thought they would. Yet, God is good. He promises to meet all of our needs. We can trust in Him at all times. We can cry out to Him and be honest with Him. God is our refuge, our shelter in times of trouble. If life is uncertain, reach out to Him today! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
4/1/20165 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

039: God will meet all your needs | Philippians 4:19

Our limited problems are no match for God’s unlimited power! Have you ever tried to help someone? I’m sure you have. The thing is, when we help someone, we are limited to our time, money, and resources. Our One Verse today shows us that God holds to the same rule. He can help us “according to his riches.” But here’s the thing, God has unlimited riches and resources! It is unlimited. There is no problem and no need that God cannot meet.God’s unlimited power is always greater than our limited problem. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.  
3/31/20163 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

038: Three types of prayers we should be using | 1 Timothy 2:1

Spend some time in prayer today! Prayer is powerful. It is how we communicate with God. He speaks through His Bible and finish the conversation through prayer. It’s a 2-way street. But I take prayer for granted many times. Do you? Let’s take some time to pray today. For friends, for family, for our leaders, and for the troubles and injustices in our world. But don’t stop there. Let’s also give thanks to God for all that He is doing and will do in our lives! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/30/20164 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

037: God can do more than we imagine | Ephesians 3:20

God’s can do more than we ask, and He is at work in your life. I don’t know about you, but I can ask for a lot. I can imagine even more! Yet, today’s One Verse teaches us that God can do more than we can ask or even imagine! And it doesn’t stop there. Paul reminds us that God is at work in our lives. If we are followers of Jesus, His power lives within us. We can now face the future and our greatest challenges knowing that we have a loving God who cares for us, and nothing is too big for Him! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/29/20164 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

036: Press on to win the prize | Philippians 3:14

Live your life for the only prize that truly matters There are a lot of goals we can live for in our lives. There are a lot or prizes that we can try and win in this race called life. Today’s One Verse reminds us that we should not just press on toward any goal, but we should give our lives to the one prize that is found in God through Jesus Christ. We have a mission. We have been given the goal to achieve. Love others. Care for others. Look after those who need help. Care for the orphans, the fatherless, and the widows. Share the Gospel message of Jesus Christ with the world. THIS is the prize, the goal we have been given in Jesus. Let us live every day with this goal in mind! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/28/20164 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

035: One Verse that changed the world | Matthew 27:50

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so we could receive the ultimate gift. Matthew 27:50 changed history. In this moment, Jesus took on the weight of the world. He bore the wrong-doings of every man and woman that has ever lived or ever will live. Jesus paid the sin-debt of death for all of humanity. In the beginning, God and humankind enjoyed a perfect relationship, spending everyday together. But sin changed that. God is perfect and holy, and He can not associate with sin, evil, or injustice. He is against His very nature. By our own sin, we had separated ourselves from God. And only one penalty could heal our sin-debt: death. Blood would need to be shed. It was the only way. Until Jesus came to earth. He lived a perfect life in an imperfect world. He was innocent, the one human that did not need to appease the blood-debt. But He stood in our place. He took on our debt and paid the price with His life. Now, through His death, our debt has been paid. And through His resurrection, death and hell and sin have been conquered once and for all! The gift of true Life is now available to anyone who will place their trust in Jesus, recognizing our need for a Savior who gave everything for us. If you have any questions about what this means for your life, please email me at [email protected] and let’s have an honest conversation about life and faith and your future. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/25/20163 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

034: Well done | Matthew 25:21

My hope and prayer is to one day hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Let’s just put it out there… The Christian life is hard. It’s tough! Following Jesus is not an easy task, and He told us it wouldn’t be easy. The world doesn’t understand us. We live by a set of guidelines that is, let’s be honest, a little vague at times. There are temptations all around us. Yet, through all of this, my hope is that Jesus is proud of me. Like a father and son, I want God to be pleased that I am His child. Through all my mistakes, all my screw ups, I want to hear, “Well done.” Is that your prayer, as well? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/24/20164 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

033: Love your neighbor | Matthew 22:39

How can we effectively love our neighbor? Today’s One Verse is like “part 2” of yesterday’s verse. In this story, Jesus is being tested by one of the “experts” of the law. Of course, this is perfect because Jesus, well, wrote the law! And while Jesus normally answered one question with another question, this time He had no problem putting this guy in his place. But through this interaction, we are able to discover the 1st and 2nd greatest commandments. So, if we can figure out these two, everything will pretty much fall into place. Right! If we learn how to love God and love people, we would be well on our way to living a pretty amazing Christian life. The problem is: how do we actually love our neighbor? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/23/20164 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

032: The Greatest Commandment | Matthew 22:37

Loving God with everything you have. That is the Great Commandment. It’s funny how many times Jesus doesn’t answer a direct question in the Bible. He usually answers a question with another question. He wants people to think and dive deeper. That is, until someone is trying to test Jesus. Then He doesn’t mess around! Well, today’s One Verse is one of those times. It is during Holy Week, the last week before Jesus goes to the cross (every One Verse this week is from the last week of Jesus’s life.) An “expert” in the law is trying to test Jesus. Well, Jesus knows this and puts this guy in his place pretty fast. But the good part is that we get to listen in and hear this amazing answer from Jesus as He answers the question, “Which is the greatest commandment?” About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/22/20165 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

031: Who is Jesus? | Matthew 21:10

At some point in our lives, we all have to answer this question: “Who is Jesus?” Welcome to Holy Week! Yesterday was Palm Sunday and next week is Resurrection Sunday: Easter! Today’s One Verse comes from the story of Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem. As He came in riding the donkey, people began to wave palm branches and shout “Hosanna!” This caused another reaction. Many began to ask the question, “Who is this?” This is a question we all have to ask at some point in our lives. Who is Jesus? But we don’t just ask it once. I think we need to keep on asking this question throughout our lives. So… Who is Jesus to you right now? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/21/20164 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

030: The desire of the afflicted | Psalm 10:17

God hears the desire of the broken and afflicted. Call out to Him today. Is life a little rough right now? Is your back against the wall? Have you been beaten down from a financial or health crisis? Are you battling stress and anxiety or depression? If so, you probably have a strong desire in your heart for things to get better. A desire for hope and healing. Today’s One Verse teaches us that God hears the desire of the afflicted and the broken. We simply need to cry out to Him, and He will encourage us. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/18/20164 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

029: Inside Out | 1 Samuel 16:7

People look at our outward appearance, but God looks at our heart. Today’s One Verse comes from the life of David. Yea, that David. David and Goliath, David! He is about to be anointed the next king of Israel. But Samuel the prophet wants to anoint his brother! God stops Samuel and teaches him a very important lesson. This is a lesson we still need to learn today. Yet, based on some stats we uncover, it still looks like we are more concerned with our outward appearance than we are with our inside character. Let’s work harder on what God sees. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/17/20164 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

028: Joyful in Hope | Romans 12:12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. I read this verse over and over as I prepared for the podcast. Something was jumping off the page at me. Each time, I felt like I understood just a little bit more. Then I looked at the verses that surround it. Be a living sacrifice. Follow Jesus. Care for others. It’s as if God put a small side note in the middle of Romans, chapter 12. It as if God is speaking to us directly and letting us know that living that kind of life of sacrifice and love is difficult. But He will be there for us every step of the way. So, be joyful (not depressed!) in hope, stay patient because God will come through, and stay connected to Him in prayer. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.  
3/16/20164 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

027: Temples of God | 1 Corinthians 6:19

Our bodies are a gift from God. How well are you taking care of yours? I offer a confession in today’s One Verse. I haven’t been taking good care of my body. I haven’t been a good steward of the blessing God has given me. I don’t smoke, and I don’t do drugs. Yet, I have been putting harmful chemicals in my body through the foods I eat. We must take our bodies more seriously. They are a gift from God, Himself! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/15/20164 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

026: God breathed | 2 Timothy 3:16

The Bible is a miracle, being breathed by God yet written by ordinary people. There is nothing like the Bible. It is alive. It is the Words of God, yet given to us through ordinary and humble people. The Word of God exists to teach us, correct us, and guide us in the way we should live. The deeper you want to go, the deeper the Bible will allow you to do so. Go and dive deep into God’s Word today! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/14/20164 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

025: Be Still | Psalm 46:10

When life is crumbling around you, God is there to whisper, “Be still” The weekend is almost here! I can’t wait. It’s a time to relax, regroup, and spend time with friends and family. But there are some problems that are way too big for a weekend to fix, aren’t there? Sometimes, life just seems to be falling down all around us. It can be relationships that are falling apart or deep financial stress. We could list 1,000 examples. If you are going through it right now, you know it. So, what do you do? Where do you turn? Fortunately, we serve a God that is bigger than any problem we could face. It may not seem like it right now, but He is watching over you. And He has something to tell you… “Be still.” Find peace in a God that won’t let you go. He has your back. Just be still. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/11/20163 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

024: It’s all about that Grace | 2 Timothy 1:9

It’s all about that grace, ‘bout that grace,  no trouble! God’s grace has to be the coolest thing in the world. Ok, maybe Love is THE coolest thing (see yesterday’s One Verse, episode 23), but grace is a direct result of God’s Love! What is grace? It’s when we GET something we DON’T deserve or DON’T get something we DO deserve. When you’re late turning in a paper, a teacher can give you grace. When my son disobeys, I can choose not to punish him and give him grace, using it as a teachable moment. But the ultimate grace is God’s forgiveness and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ! And He had it all planned out before any of us were ever created. Now THAT is grace! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/10/20164 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

023: Faith, Hope, Love | 1 Corinthians 13:13

The three greatest forces in the entire universe are Faith, Hope, and Love. Normally, when we read 1 Corinthians 13, it’s because we are at a wedding. And it does make a great wedding passage. However, this chapter of the Bible reaches a lot further than something to recite at a ceremony. It gives us the definition of perfect Love, the kind of Love that only God can truly provide. The ultimate goal in loving others. That is 1 Corinthians 13. Our One Verse Devotional comes from the very last verse of the chapter. Paul teaches us the three most powerful forces that God created in the entire universe. The question is: How much time are you investing in these three areas? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/9/20163 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

022: Ordinary people | Acts 4:13

When you spend time with Jesus, it changes you. And people notice! Have you ever felt pressure to change the world? I have. We hear it all the times, especially as Christians. We know we are supposed to make a difference in the world, but how? Sometimes, I just feel so, well, ordinary. Well, that is exactly what could be said about Peter and John, two disciples who were former fishermen. In our One Verse Devotional today, the religious leaders are amazed at what they hear from Peter and John. After all, these are ordinary, working class guys, not the educated elite. But then they remember something very important. Peter and John spent time with Jesus. When we spend time with Jesus, it all changes you. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/8/20164 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

021: Sowing and Reaping | 2 Corinthians 9:6

The more you plant, the more you can harvest No farmer goes out to make a living in farming by having a few family gardens. Of course not! Farmers have acres and acres of fields because they know the more they plant, the greater their chances are or having a large harvest. The same is true in life. When it comes to finances, career, relationships, and our spiritual life, the more we sow, the greater we will reap. But the opposite is true as well. The less we sow--investing in our faith, our relationships, and our finances--the less we will harvest. Now, go plant some seeds! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/7/20163 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

020: Live like you were dying | Psalm 90:12

How would we live if we saw the world the way God does? Today’s One Verse sounds a lot like the song, “Live like you were dying.” But there is one key difference. This Psalm isn’t all about us and scratching off items on a bucket list. Today’s One Verse encourages us to view the world through God’s eyes and live according to wisdom. If we put others first and truly loved them, how would our lives look different? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/4/20164 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

019: A heart of stone | Ezekiel 36:26

No matter what you have done in your past, God wants to give you a new heart and a fresh start. I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, both large and small. I have put others down and put myself first. My heart had grown cold and selfish. My pride turned my heart into stone. Maybe you can relate. Has your heart felt hard and callous at times? God wants to heal you. Only He can remove your heart of stone and give you a fresh start. He promises to put a new spirit within you! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/3/20164 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

018: Jesus brings life | 1 Corinthians 15:22

Are we born good or evil? I see so much good in the world. But there is a lot of evil as well. I only need to look at my baby daughter to realize that we are born into a sin nature. She is wonderful and funny and beautiful. However, I never have to teach her to do wrong or break the rules. She does just fine on her own! This sin nature comes all the way from the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis. Truly, Adam brought evil to this world. But Jesus came to bring life. To restore all of humanity. I encourage you to draw close to Jesus and discover real life today! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/2/20164 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

017: Life to the full | John 10:10

The best way to get everything out of life we possibly can is to follow Jesus. Living a full and abundant life doesn’t come from gaining more money, a better promotion, or beachfront property. It comes from Jesus. In today’s One Verse, Jesus reminds us that He came to earth to bring life. But He doesn’t stop there. Jesus came to bring us a life that is full and abundant. A satisfied life. Do you want your life to matter? Do you want to leave a legacy? Do you want to suck the marrow out of life? Follow Jesus. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
3/1/20164 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

016: The last will be first | Matthew 19:30

016: The last will be first | Matthew 19:30 Look out for #1! That’s what our culture tells us. Unfortunately, that thinking is totally opposite of the Bible. Work hard to get ahead, no matter the cost. That's what our world teaches. Love first. That’s what  the Bible teaches. Put others before ourselves. Whenever we do that, it always seems to work out for us, too. Funny how that works, isn’t it?  Maybe Jesus was on to something.   About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/29/20164 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

015: God can free your from the snare | Psalm 25:15

Whenever I hear the word, snare, I think of a trapped animal. Doesn’t life feel like this at times? Today’s One Verse gives us some great advice when we find ourselves in this situation. I hate feeling trapped. No way out. No hope. No answers. Have you been there? Man, I have! When we get in these situations, we start looking wherever we can for help and answers. Psalm 25:15 reminds us that there is truly only ONE place to truly look for help. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/26/20163 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

014: Power = Love + Self-Discipline | 2 Timothy 1:7

God gives us power, not for our own good, but to share His Love with others. But it's going to take discipline. Fortunately, God gives us that, too! Power simply means having the ability to speak into someone else's life. How will you use it? About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/25/20163 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

013: Family First | 1 Timothy 3:5

If we can’t take care of our own families, how can we succeed in anything else in life? Today’s One Verse is technically written to pastors. However, the principle we find is true in all of our lives. God wants us to put our family first (after Him, or course). If we cannot lead our own family in healthy spiritual, emotional, and financial ways, how can we expect to lead others? We can’t win in one area of our lives but lose at home. Win at home first. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/24/20163 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

012: An example of true Love | Romans 5:8

God loved us when we had done nothing in return, nothing to earn it. That is true love! How did God demonstrate and show His love for us? By sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to live a sinless life and pay our penalty of death on the cross. We did nothing to earn it or deserve it. He loved us when we were truly unlovely. As Christians, it is so easy to take the gift of salvation for granted, isn’t it? We start to check out when someone brings it up or we hear a sermon. Take some time today to reflect on just what Jesus did for us on the cross. Think about how much God must love you. He showed us His love when we could do nothing in return and had done nothing to earn it! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/23/20163 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

011: The lost sheep | Matthew 18:12

The Shepherd cares about every single one of His sheep. Are you the lost sheep? Have you gone your own way and chose to turn your back on a God who loves you? It’s not too late. Our One Verse today was spoken by Jesus, Himself! He is pursuing you. He isn’t angry with you. He desires to restore your relationship and spend time with you. Don’t keep running from God. He cares for you. Maybe today is the day that you turn around and run back to Him! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/22/20164 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

010: God’s Word is a lamp for our path | Psalm 119:105

Do you ever get up in the night and stumble around until you run into a piece of furniture? You needed a light to show you the way. Our spiritual lives are no different. Without a steady light to direct our path, we would simply stumble around in the dark. Does life ever feel that way? I know mine does! But the closer we get to God, the ultimate Light, the more our future will be illuminated. Spend some time with God today and allow Him to shine some of His Light onto your path. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/19/20163 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

009: Love First | Colossians 3:14

I am passionate about living a Love First life and inspiring others to do the same. Prequel! We have been looking at a few verses in Colossians 3. Today, we rewind back to verse 14 because it is the foundational verse that laid the groundwork for verses 15, 16, and 17. At the heart of all of our actions should be love! This week, we have learned to let the peace of God be the guiding light to all of our decisions. We have learned to lift up others and allow the message of the Gospel of Jesus be real in our lives. We discovered that we must do everything--from work to family to the art we want to create to the legacy we want to leave behind--in the name of Jesus. But before Paul (the writer of Colossians) taught us all of these things, he gave up one foundational truth: Love. Let us live our lives with a Love First mentality. Before we jump to conclusions, before we seek to judge, before condemn, let us always Love first! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.  
2/18/20164 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

008: Do everything in the name of Jesus | Colossians 3:17

Whatever you want to accomplish, legacy you want to leave, or art you want to create in the world, do it for God! It’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s about using our gifts and talents to glorify Jesus. From work to family and everything in between, we have to give our best. God has given us His best time and time again. It is now up to us to give our best back to Him. Doesn’t He deserve that? This is the life of true worship! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.  
2/17/20163 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

007: Lift up one another | Colossians 3:16

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly! Yesterday, we learned to let peace guide our life path. But once we’re on that path, how should we live? Today’s One Verse answers this question. We must lift up one another, allow the message of Jesus to be alive within us, and live a life of worship. This is my goal with the One Verse Devotional: helping you grow deeper in your faith every day. I want the message of Christ to be real in our lives and influence how we act, what we say, and how we treat others. Let us live a life of worship with the Gospel message being a real part of our lives. And let us lift up those around us! It all starts with diving into His Word every day! I hope this devotional helps you with that. About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.
2/16/20164 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

006: Let peace guide your heart | Colossians 3:15

When the future seems unclear, tapping into the peace of God can act like a compass in our lives. I have experienced this two different times in my life when I faced major decisions. I wasn’t sure what to do. It would affect my family. I was scared. However, I had peace about my decision. It was a peace I cannot fully explain. When I looked at my options, one choice clearly brought a level of peace that guided me to make the right decision, even though I was afraid. This is the peace of God that can guide our hearts and lives! About One Verse One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.    
2/15/20164 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

005: God’s Love will follow you | Psalm 23:6

We don’t need to fear the valley of the shadow of death. God’s love and goodness and mercy will follow us wherever we go! Our One Verse today comes from the famous 23rd Psalm. In this Psalm, David talks about going through the shadow of death. Yet, he ends his song reminding us that no matter where we go, God is following right behind us with His goodness, His mercy, and His love. If we truly believed this and lived this way, what would we attempt?
2/12/20163 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

004: Rooted in Jesus | Colossians 2:7

When the storms of life come our way, we must have deep roots to stand firm. How can we develop deep roots in our faith. Being a follower of Jesus is about relationship, not religion. It’s not about following all the right rules. It’s about spending time with God. It’s a conversation. How do we have a conversation with God? Bible study and prayer. I know, that’s a total Sunday School answer. But it’s true. We talk to God through prayer and He speaks to us through His Bible. Take time today to start the conversation. God is waiting to hear from you!
2/11/20163 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

003: How should a Christian live? | Isaiah 1:17

God has always been more concerned with us doing good vs. us not doing bad. Love, care, compassion. This is what being a Christian is all about. Can we just live however we want? Of course not. But living a Christian life, a life “like Christ” is about showing compassion and care for those in need. Let’s stop telling people what to believe and start by simply caring for them. Do that and there will be plenty of opportunities to have deeper conversations of faith.
2/10/20163 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

002: What God Has Done | 1 Chronicles 16:8

What story is God telling through your life? No one wants to hear more facts. We have tons of facts. As Christians, let's stop debating and talking about facts. Let's simply tell our stories... The story of what God has done, and is doing in our lives. People can debate facts. But no one can debate your story. They may disagree with it, but they can't deny your own personal experience. We don't need to "talk someone into" our faith or beat them over the head. That is not what Jesus called us to do. We simply share the story of God's grace, love, and mercy in our lives. Tell the world what He has done!
2/9/20163 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

001: How to teach our children the Bible | Deuteronomy 6:7

As parents, we have a huge responsibility... Teaching our children the Bible. But how? Going to church? Family devotions? The Bible lays out for us the perfect way to teach our children, even if you don't have it all figured out yet. (Pro tip: You never will!)
2/8/20163 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

000: Welcome to the One Verse Devotional

One Verse is a short, daily devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus a longer time once or twice a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers and excuses of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, your drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life. I would love to hear from you! You can always contact me by email at [email protected] If you enjoy the devotional, I would be honored for you to leave a rating and review of the podcast. Your 5-star review helps us reach more people to encourage in their spiritual life. Peace!
2/8/20165 minutes, 1 second