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My Generation with Ines Profile

My Generation with Ines

English, Finance, 1 season, 14 episodes, 8 hours, 22 minutes
My Generation with Ines is a podcast that voices the worries and aspirations of my generation(millennial and Gen Z) and brings "mentors" that give an insightful perspective on the subject.It is a platform to challenge young people to be more and debate concepts.
Episode Artwork

Adulting part 2

David and Michael's conversation part 2!! We talk about money and how their relationship with it evolved throughout the years as they become adults. We also talk about communities, friendships and their importance in our life. An episode full of funny moments and genuinely honest. My website: Podcast link on other platforms:
10/1/202315 minutes, 9 seconds
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With David and Michael part 1: Adulting

With my friends David and Michael, we discuss adulting, how they left their home countries and how personal responsibility played its role to shape them. I enjoyed this one,
2/10/202327 minutes, 31 seconds
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The full picture on choosing the StartUp path

Haithem Kchaou, CEO of Reedz, an app that summerises books and podcasts in Arabic  in audio format including English bestsellers to arabic.  Haithem shares his journey on choosing the  StartUp path and the different challenges it comes with it at a young age.
4/3/202225 minutes, 56 seconds
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Book Aha! Moment #1 Essentialism.

This is a mini series of audio snippets from books i've read. We dive this time into Essentialism by Greg Mckeown and what does it mean to explore and then focus on something and commit to it. Enjoy. 
1/20/20223 minutes, 49 seconds
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Conscious productivity: How to do more with less and avoid the busyness trap?

Do you find yourself doing things just for the sake of doing things and pretending that you are working? Or doing many things, wasting so much efforts with minimal output? In this episode, Dafne Sortorio shares her own journey to a conscious productive life and gives PRACTICAL tools and little tricks that we can implement in our everyday's life to be more consciously productive which eventually helps you create more time for yourself and your loved ones. Check out Dafne's website and life design Masterclass  and website : Enjoy and would appreciate if you can give this podcast a review and leave a comment!Thanks, Ines. 
12/1/202138 minutes, 11 seconds
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How young adults can get their sh*t together?

Neil Ateem is the Author of Get Your Sh*t Together: The Life Guide For Young Adults. In this episode, he tells us more of his own life and how he ended up writing his first book. He also shares the different learnings and pieces of advice from his book with practical guidance and wisdom applicable to our everyday's life.Neil walks through his simple approach with guided questions to address the different areas of our life that we can improve. Tune in to find out more and check out his book  on Amazon here: Neil Ateem website:  
11/17/202155 minutes, 51 seconds
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Studying abroad in an unusual destination in Rwanda and African identity talk.

Alaa Ben Abdallah is not your typical student. After high school, she started nutrition studies in Tunis but she always felt that something was off and that is not her path. That did not take long for her to change. She participated in Thomas Jefferson scholarship and spent one year in the US as an exchange student and studied psychology.  After returning home to Tunisia, she went for the real adventure to study in the leadership academy in Rwanda defying all the stereotypes and how people perceive education in Africa. Alaa is the first Tunisian to get Mandela scholarship  and she  shares what does it mean to be African and how we can contribute bridging the gap Alaa shares her inspiring story on discovering the world, Africa, and most importantly, herself. Here are couple of books Alaa recommends:- The danger of a single story: Chimamanda Adichie - The perils of obedience: Stanley Milgram- Music and Politics in Africa. Social Dynamics: Allen. L- Wealth of nations: Adam Smith  
7/14/202133 minutes, 12 seconds
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how to leverage on innovation and entrepreneurial methods to grow as a person?

Niels Caszo,,   passionate about innovation and transformation,  with a career in both corporate sector and non- corporate,  will guide you in this episode on how you can leverage on innovative methods to grow. By the end of the episode you will know more about:- Niels's experience on how he reinvented himself and kept on experimenting different things- His take on the Dilemma that my generation has regarding working in corporate or non-corporate sector - A new approach to grow personally like building an MVP of your life, use lean StartUp method to your growth- Misconceptions of what entrepreneurship is and what are the most common mistakes entrepreneurs wanna BEs do. Niels is also launching his own services for those who have an idea and they don't know where to start. Check out more here:  and book him for a weekend.#MyGeneration
4/11/202148 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to navigate the fUNemployed life

my guests Yasmine and Juano both had to go through unemployment  during the pandemic and they managed to land jobs they wanted. They shared their learnings, routine as an unemployed, how they took care of their mental health, how they approached strategically their job search, and more!This episode definitely can help you to have a different perspective during your job search!Enjoy!
3/7/202150 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to get comfortable with being uncomfortable

In this episode of my generation with Ines, Mohamed Fadel, an author, entrepreneur, and former NGO leader, shares with us his story of navigating uncertainty and how he embraced getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. This open-hearted conversation we talk about success, pressure, our 20's as youngsters, ego, and meaning. He shares the journey he went through while writing his memoir "Grayscale: A Memoir of an Introverted Leader."and how he came in peace with accepting that all of us are a work in progress and the so called 'perfect' state does not exist.  He also shares the main 3 lessons he learned from leading AIESEC globally, the world's largest youth organization. 
1/23/202159 minutes, 50 seconds
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From a broke bartender to a change maker, a story of transformation, detachment, and growth.

In this episode, Blair Rachel Jones takes us on her personal journey of growth. How she went from a broke bartender to a soul and fit entrepreneur. She hit rock bottom in her early twenties and on a the next day of a party, she decided that it is about time to twist the plot of her own narrative.  She tells us about what it took her to do so, starting from self-awareness, discipline, detachment, and what it means to honor our feelings and to be present. This is a human story that I hope it rhymes with you and brings you a different perspective to your perception of your own reality.  Happy new year! 
12/30/202052 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why sustainability is NO LONGER a side dish

Sustainability.. A word we hear often, it sounds for many as a fancy extra ingredient for companies to look good in their branding strategy. THIS conversation will shift your mindset about this topic. My guest Monaem Ben Lellahom, CEO of Sustainable Square, challenges you to approach the SDGs as 17 pandemics, stop treating the sustainability topic from a charity perspectives, and make money while doing good. He thinks that Coronavirus helped raising awareness about sustainability and climate change more than Greta has even done and we are in a great time in history to leverage on this momentum. Yalla! Listen and let us know what you think and what will you do about this topic!
10/27/202040 minutes, 25 seconds
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A recruiter in Coronatimes - Dali Chabaane

Covid-19 impacted the job market heavily. Many of my generation lost their jobs and found themselves facing "job insecurity. With my guest Dali Chabaane, a senior talent acquisition based in Canada, we talk about what is it like to be a recruiter in such challenging times, how should  job seekers approach their search and what are the things to keep in my mind to build the right career.  #podcast #career #jobs #covid19
9/22/202050 minutes, 40 seconds
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Podcast Trailer

I was wondering which topics I should cover until I realized that the best thing to tell is, simply, the truth and to be of #service.As a #millennial growing up in a world with so many choices, I had my doubts and conflicting moments.We have so many options and, unfortunately , they come with a heritage and society pressure on how things should be done.So in these moments, I would turn to some friends/mentors to challenge my thoughts because in that lies expansion of the mind which helps me take my own right choices.One day a friend told me "You are lucky that you have such people in your life that can give you a different #perspective on different topics"And that was an AHA moment for my podcast topic! What if I bring these conversations online. What if I bring guests that challenge my Generation's worries, fears and doubtful moments.That is how "My Generation with Ines" idea came to life.#Stay #tuned! this is just a first hint.#MyGenerationwithInes
9/19/202015 seconds