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Morning Medical Update Cover
Morning Medical Update Profile

Morning Medical Update

English, Health / Medicine, 308 seasons, 250 episodes, 5 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes
Medical experts from The University of Kansas Health System discuss current health events and advances in medicine.
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Options for Organ Failure

First his kidney, then his liver, then his heart! One by one, Tony Mazzeffe's organs were failing him. Tony's story of gratitude, and the complex treatments giving him more years with his daughters.
7/22/202430 minutes, 54 seconds
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Keeping Physicians from Becoming Patients

From radiation shields to OR ergonomics to mental health concerns unique to doctors; see what The University of Kansas Health System is doing to keep physicians from becoming patients.
7/19/202425 minutes, 53 seconds
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Cushing's Disease

Cushing's Disease can be treated, but only with the right doctor and diagnosis. We explore the barriers that make some patients endure years of symptoms before finding relief.
7/8/202430 minutes, 8 seconds
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Second Opinion on Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery or a less invasive procedure? It's not always a simple choice. We follow one man's path from a second opinion to the OR.
7/5/202428 minutes, 12 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Fecal Microbiota Transplants

Human excrement used as a treatment?! Meet someone who needed a fecal microbiota transplant to reset her gut's microbiome.
7/1/202430 minutes, 48 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Summer Heat Concerns

Summer heat comes with health concerns, and it doesn't even need to be sweltering hot before your body reacts. From the danger of hot cars to the medications that put us at higher risk of heat illness. Today we're focused on giving you valuable information to keep you and your loved ones safe this summer.
6/28/202427 minutes, 6 seconds
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Public Health Approach to Gun Violence

Bullets leave scars -- both physical and emotional. We discuss the public health approach to gun violence and hear what a trauma surgeon sees on an all-too-frequent basis. Plus, the program that supports shooting victims while they're still in the hospital.
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Nurse Navigators

Cancer patients deserve an advocate, an ally, someone who knows what they need and even when they don't! We are shining a light on nurse navigators. See how compassion helps guide patients through a nerve-wracking time.
6/21/202429 minutes, 55 seconds
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Strongman Beats Cancer with New Shoulder

Zac Craig thought he had just torn his rotator cuff, but when pain persisted even after surgery the competitive strongman learned he had a rare cancer requiring a rare treatment. Curing cancer by replacing a shoulder blade, how Zac left his doctors in awe at his very first follow-up.
6/17/202426 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sleep Apnea

Untreated sleep apnea can rob you of energy, brainpower, and possibly your life. Meet one young doctor who recognized a problem and is grateful he went through a sleep study.
6/14/202431 minutes, 20 seconds
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Migraine Medicine

Migraine can make you miss out on so much of life, but the treatment landscape is changing. Hear what's changed for one long-time sufferer since she started taking a newer CGRP drug.
6/10/202433 minutes, 48 seconds
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CAR-T for Multiple Myeloma

CAR-T cell therapy is no longer a "last-ditch" treatment. We discuss the recent approval for earlier use with Multiple Myeloma, and meet someone who says they're alive today because they could access the treatment.
6/7/202433 minutes, 25 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Stigma Surrounding Men's Health

Seeing a doctor doesn't mean you're weak. Seeking help has nothing to do with masculinity. Join us for an important discussion aimed at ending the stigma surrounding men's health.
6/3/202434 minutes, 27 seconds
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Stroke Recovery

Stroke recovery requires dedication, hope, and a strong support system. Meet one survivor who is trying not to let her stroke deficits define her life.
5/31/202429 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Mother's Gift

Stacey Lubrecht's life turned upside down in a matter of days. Hear what sent her toddler into kidney failure, plus the sacrifice needed to save the little girl's life.
5/21/202430 minutes, 3 seconds
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Women's Health Awareness Month

Join us as we celebrate women's health awareness month by shining a light on problems in maternal health, advances in mammogram technology, and barriers to weight management care.
5/20/202435 minutes, 3 seconds
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Arthritis Relief Surgery

Joint pain and arthritis make everyday tasks more challenging. We follow one patient into a shoulder surgery to see how surgeons restore cartilage and eliminate pain.
5/17/202426 minutes, 45 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Surviving Melanoma

Skin cancer is rarely "one-and-done". Patient Kevin Shea needed surgery, more than a decade after his original diagnosis! Surviving melanoma, how doctors keep tabs on where the cancer may spread.
5/14/202432 minutes, 29 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes, a condition that often has no symptoms, catching pregnant women by surprise, and putting their babies at risk. We look at the danger for both mother and baby. Plus, how experts teach expecting moms to protect their metabolic health.
5/10/202424 minutes, 30 seconds
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Neonatal Medical Home

Little Dallas was one of our smallest patients, with some of the biggest needs. Why not put all her specialists, scans, and check-ups into one visit? We check in on our Neonatal Medical Home, celebrating 11 years and making life better for babies and their parents, adding simplicity to a complex and scary time.
5/7/202428 minutes, 38 seconds
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Stroke Awareness - Jermaine

Jermaine has no clue that blood was getting stuck in his head, until the day he suffered a stroke. The rush to get him to the best possible stroke care, plus the defect in his arteries that put him at risk.
5/3/202427 minutes, 8 seconds
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Difficult to Spot - Esophagus Cancer

Ken O'Brien noticed food wasn't going down like it used to. Telling his doctor about it helped save his life. We learn why cancer in the esophagus is so hard to spot early and who needs a regular screening.
4/30/202428 minutes, 10 seconds
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Life-Saving Care Regardless of the Rivalry

The president of K-State turned to The University of Kansas Health System for his cancer care. The treatment that took Richard Linton away from Manhattan and the tremendous support that helped get him back home.
4/29/202430 minutes, 39 seconds
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Transplant Recipient Helps Taylor Swift Dream Come True

A kidney transplant recipient from The University of Kansas Health System saw a story about a little girl who got scammed out of Taylor Swift tickets. He also saw she was in the hospital suffering from the same disease as him. He was moved to buy her the tickets himself to give her some joy.
4/26/202430 minutes, 33 seconds
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Parkinson's Awareness

The first ever test that catches Parkinson's early before symptoms appear giving patients the chance to start treatment early. What needs to happen before the breakthrough becomes standard, plus weight loss drugs tested as a Parkinson's treatment.
4/22/202435 minutes, 3 seconds
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Treating Thyroid Nodules Without Incision

Half of all Americans will get nodules on their thyroid. Now there's a way to treat the nodules without an incision. Meet a woman who had to educate her own doctor before finding a specialist close to home that could keep her out of the operating room.
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Rebuilding a Tongue After Oral Cancer

Removing part of his tongue and then rebuilding a new one! The warning signs that helped this firefighter catch oral cancer early, plus the techniques that help him speak again.
4/15/202431 minutes, 15 seconds
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Access to a Clinical Trial Saves Life

Robin Love's breast cancer had no FDA-approved treatment. 17 years later, she says access to a clinical trial saved her life. How an innovative treatment and a doctor-slash-scientist got robin from diagnosis to survivorship.
4/12/202431 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kidney Recipient Using His "Second Life" to Pay it Forward

Scott Seetin was one step away from donating a kidney, then he found he needed a transplant just as urgently. The second chance that Scott calls his "second life" and using art to pay it forward.
4/9/202430 minutes, 36 seconds
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Cancer Prevention and Control

From genetic testing to weight loss and even vaccines, the best way to fight cancer is to prevent it in the first place. Hear what physicians and researchers are doing to keep cancer rates trending down.
4/8/202432 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taking Care of KC Current

New season, new stadium, new healthcare provider! What does it mean to care for the Kansas City Current? Meet the doctors helping make right now the best time to be a female athlete.
4/5/202430 minutes, 27 seconds
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Resting Metabolic Rate Test

It looks strange, but doctors say this is the best way to measure your metabolism. The bubble measures resting metabolic rate that helps you reach nutrition, weight loss, and overall health goals. Plus, the specific benefit for female athletes.
4/2/202430 minutes, 31 seconds
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Staying Competitive for the National Stage

Emma stiles knows what it takes to compete, but when the collegiate diver switched sports, her body needed to switch too. How this athlete found the knowledge and support she needed to stay competitive on the national stage.
4/1/202429 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psychedelic Psychiatry

Psychedelic drugs could revolutionize psychiatry when they're in the right hands. Shaking off the "party drug" stereotype. How psychedelics can change brains for the better.
3/26/202430 minutes, 52 seconds
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Balancing Faith with Hope and Science

A breast cancer diagnosis couldn't shake Lisa Weatherspoon’s faith. Hear why she wanted to avoid chemo at all costs. How she balances her faith with hope and science.
3/25/202434 minutes, 2 seconds
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Woman Accidentally Swallows Hearing Aid

Hearing aids down the hatch, and they didn't come out on their own! The mixup that sent one woman into emergency surgery. Where the hearing aids got stuck and what else she swallowed besides her pills!
3/22/202423 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bouncing Back from a Core Muscle Injury

When you train like a pro, you play like a pro. Meet a college football player bouncing back from a core muscle injury. The special surgery and the rigorous exercise that has him recovering from an often-misunderstood problem.
3/19/202431 minutes, 47 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - New Drugs and Tools to Change Alzheimer's Disease

It's tough to talk about Alzheimer's, but we shouldn't shy away from such important conversations. We hear from a caregiver, and get and update on the newest Alzheimer's drugs.
3/18/202433 minutes, 57 seconds
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Stroke Care with an Aging Population

Stroke care is improving. But can it keep up with the aging population? The growing burden of stroke. See the enormous impact on caretakers and what needs to improve to better care for baby boomers.
3/15/202435 minutes, 56 seconds
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Pulsatile Tinnitus

Imagine a constant thumping in your ears. a whooshing noise every time your heart beats. That is pulsatile tinnitus, and it can drive you crazy! The new surgical option that can cure the condition.
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Morning Medical Update - 4 years into the COVID Pandemic and Collective Trauma

4 years into the COVID Pandemic and this shared traumatic experience has changed us. The deaths, the division and the uncertainty are still taking a toll mental health. Experts call it a collective trauma facing society.
3/11/202433 minutes, 22 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Treatment for Menopause

Countless creams, gels and drugs promise to reverse the effects of menopause. Now doctors have a laser in their toolbox the five-minute treatment promising less dryness and pain.
3/8/202429 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tackling Afib with Interval Training

Back-to-back diagnosis led this patient to develop her own workout routine. How her workout, that she launched, is so successful other cardiologists prescribe it to their patients.
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Colorectal Cancer

Oncologists are calling it an epidemic people in their 20s and 30s, getting colon cancer. No one knows exactly why. The first warning signs that tipped off one survivor plus when it makes sense to request a colonoscopy.
3/5/202432 minutes, 56 seconds
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Caffeine is a drug and whether we admit it or not, most Americans are addicted. How does your coffee habit impact your gut your heart and your sleep? Plus, the deadly effects of concentrated caffeine.
3/4/202430 minutes, 35 seconds
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Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome, leave it for too long, and it can lead to permanent damage, but several new surgical techniques offer relief. See how ultrasound leads to less pain, faster recovery and allows patients to stay awake and watch surgeons do the work.
3/1/202429 minutes, 49 seconds
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Cancer and DNA

Priscilla Brittine's DNA predicted her chances of getting cancer and it wasn't good. So, she took action, before ever getting a diagnosis. The decision to remove her breasts and stomach. And the dire story her genetics foretold.
2/27/202430 minutes, 16 seconds
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Robot Farmer

A farm accident cost Conor Cox his hand. But "bionic" technology is letting him drive his tractor, feed his cows, and provide for his family again. We look at the special surgery that lets Conor’s own muscles communicate with his bionic hand.
2/26/202431 minutes, 50 seconds
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Breast Cancer Pathology

It's one thing to find a tumor. Fully understanding it is another. When Allison Lackey got a second opinion, that understanding completely changed her treatment. The importance of pathology, where subtle distinctions can mean the difference between life and death.
2/23/202431 minutes, 49 seconds
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Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer

Mila Ellsworth had two different types of cancer in a single breast and understanding the nuance meant everything for her treatment. How genetic testing guided treatment. Plus, how her great fitness limited her options for breast reconstruction. 
2/20/202428 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bonded by Blood

Micah Rainey watched his dad endure leukemia until Micah learned he could be part of the cure. What the high schooler had to sacrifice to make a life-saving donation. Visit our website, or
2/19/202433 minutes, 57 seconds
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Vaping and Teens

Vaping can hurt your lungs, your blood vessels, even your stress levels and too many teens don't appreciate the risks. Meet researchers who see the first-hand effects of vaping and hear what it's like to be addicted.
2/16/202434 minutes, 8 seconds
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Living with Pancreatic Cancer

More people than ever are surviving pancreatic cancer, but it remains one of the most challenging cancers to diagnose and treat. We learn what helped one survivor beat the odds.
2/13/202429 minutes, 47 seconds
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Living with Epilepsy

Grace Lindsey never stopped searching for a solution to her seizures... until she found a team of specialists. The surgical solution offered by doctors... and the methods used to pinpoint the source of her seizures.
2/12/202438 minutes, 3 seconds
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Red Friday

Happy Red Friday! We are dedicating today's program to the Kansas City Chiefs and the staff at The University of Kansas Health System keeping the players and all of Chiefs Kingdom in good health.
2/9/202437 minutes, 17 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Amy Reinhardt Kidney Transplant and Turning Point

Waiting for a new kidney sapped Amy Reinhardt's energy, but it never shook the 27-year-old's faith. How Amy connected to a community of patients just like her and learned to endure life on the transplant list.
2/6/202428 minutes, 6 seconds
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Head and Neck Cancers

Head and neck cancers are on the rise, and doctors often know it's there, even if they can't see a tumor. This morning, we look at how oncologists decide between starting treatment, or searching for the cancer's source.
2/5/202430 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kidney Donation Between Friends

Courtney Walker was trying to cherish everyday despite looming kidney failure. See how a social media post finally helped convince an acquaintance to step up and be a donor.
2/2/202431 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jennifer Williams - Weight Management Program

A change of body requires a change of mind. Meet one woman who lost hundreds of extra pounds, but had to gain mental fortitude to keep the weight off.
1/26/202432 minutes, 28 seconds
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Mother / Son Haplo Match

When Anne Holzbeierlein learned she had leukemia, she had a great ally in her corner, in more ways than one. Her son Jeff is an accomplished oncologist here at the University of Kansas Health System. But even he ended up getting some guidance from his colleagues. Today we're learning how Anne got the life-saving treatment she needed, even if her bone marrow donor wasn't a 100 percent match.
1/22/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Surgery after Weightloss

Weight loss surgery is a goal, but not a finish line. For one woman, the real life-changing moments came years after losing 150 pounds. From skin removal to breast reconstruction, the importance of reclaiming the body, post weight-loss.  
1/19/202428 minutes, 35 seconds
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Arctic Air and Staying Safe

Arctic air, plunging the Midwest into freezing temperatures. How to stay safe during this dangerous cold snap, especially for the football diehards bundling up for Arrowhead.
1/12/202434 minutes, 1 second
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Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer, a silent threat that often goes unnoticed until it's too late. One survivor and her doctor describe the early warning signs, and the plan to put her into remission.
1/8/202432 minutes
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Alexander's Gift

Parents make an agonizing choice for their unborn son. The story of Alexander's heart. A devastating diagnosis that now provides hope for four other families this holiday season.  
12/22/202331 minutes, 56 seconds
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Holiday Hazards

Gifts, guests, family, and food. There's a lot on our minds during the holidays. Sometimes we forget about that dry tree or dirty chimney. Easy tips for holiday safety from the experts who see the consequences of a carefree Christmas.
12/19/202326 minutes, 36 seconds
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New Liver, New Life

Gary gray was too sick to keep his job, so why wasn't he sick enough to get a liver from the national transplant list? The complicated rules that forced Gary to fly 1000 miles for care.
12/18/202331 minutes, 42 seconds
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Parkinson's and Boxing

Working the bag, breaking a sweat, and fending off Parkinson’s disease. Movement as medicine. See what makes these kickboxing classes especially suited for movement disorders like Parkinson’s.
12/12/202330 minutes, 16 seconds
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Rare Disease of the Brain's Blood Vessels

Nerissa Elrod lost her mom to a rare disease of the brain's blood vessels, and then she got the same diagnosis. We go behind the scenes to see the brain surgery that is making sure Nerissa’s future is bright.
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Daughter Saves Mother

Kristin Halpin watched her mom collapse and knew exactly what to do. The life-saving act that earned Kristen an award and set her mom on a new mission.
12/8/202337 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dementia Risk

How accurately can science predict who will get dementia? What should someone even do with that information? The blurry line between normal aging and cognitive impairment. We show you the science.
12/6/202345 minutes, 44 seconds
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Mid-Flight Medical Emergency

Chris Schwab collapsed on a cross-country flight. He needed a blood clot removed from his brain, and he needed it fast.
12/5/202331 minutes, 38 seconds
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Medical Emergency on the Sideline

A young football player didn't realize he was in a medical emergency, but the expert on the sideline did! Athletic trainers and their critical role in high school sports. How they identified one young man's injury before anyone else even noticed.
12/4/202332 minutes, 9 seconds
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Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the days grow shorter, the winter blues can hit harder. Fighting Seasonal Affective Disorder. How can we protect the emotional warmth in ourselves, and our loved ones?
12/1/202336 minutes, 57 seconds
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Partnership with Kansas City Current

11/28/202332 minutes, 42 seconds
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Menopause and Bone Density

At a certain age, your bones get weaker, and for women, menopause can make the weakness worse. Protecting your bones, in the lower back especially, thanks to new research into hormones.
11/27/202331 minutes, 22 seconds
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Thyroid Cancer

When Jennifer Osorio went for an elective surgery surgeons spotted something concerning inside her. Discovering cancer, just by chance! Plus the treatment that had Jennifer swallowing radiation.
11/27/202330 minutes, 5 seconds
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Morning Medical Update - Olivia Strong

A party for a princess- 3-year-old Olivia is hoping to put cancer treatment behind her. The rare tumor that first showed up as a gut infection. And the urgent treatment giving her the best shot at a bright future.
11/27/202330 minutes, 51 seconds
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Morning Medical Update Cancer: Choices, Hope and Science - Blood Cancers

A brother and sister's bond is amplified when he donates his bone marrow to save her life. Watch all episode - Morning Medical Update Cancer: Choices, Hope and Science   
11/14/202328 minutes
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Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer experts have new tests and treatments at their fingertips, but by the time most patients show symptoms, it could be too late for most treatments. The best way to catch lung cancer early and the growing options to treat it, plus the first change in screening guidelines this decade.
11/13/202338 minutes, 40 seconds
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Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Jim Dayton's symptoms started as a stuffy nose. When his arms started swelling, he realized he needed more than a decongestant. The sneaky first signs of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and the urgency that started Jim's treatment, and helped save his life.
11/10/202327 minutes, 11 seconds
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PSA Levels

Gary Shorman loves his Harley and the open road. His message is simple. Stay "Alive To Ride". The cancer survivor shares what he did and what he wants every man to do that likely saved his life.
11/7/202329 minutes, 42 seconds
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Power of a Second Opinion - Prostate Cancer

Patrick Lanphier had his prostate removed but it wasn't enough to keep cancer at bay. Why he decided to switch doctors. Plus, the precision therapy he chose with minimal side effects.
11/6/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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3 Year Old's Stroke

11/3/202328 minutes, 57 seconds
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Accepting Your Body After Cancer

Accepting your new body while fighting breast cancer, or after surviving it can be a battle in itself. Our patients share the emotional journey and how the care teams here guided them.
10/31/202330 minutes, 25 seconds
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Claudia Hubbard Breast Cancer Survivor

Her life's work, giving parents and their children comfort in the face of devastating news. But then, this Children's Mercy Hospital Chaplain faced her own frightening diagnosis.
10/30/202331 minutes
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Breast Cancer Support

Healing means more than medical care. See some of the amazing resources and support groups ready to help the millions of breast cancer patients and survivors.
10/27/202330 minutes, 25 seconds
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Mother Donates Kidney to Son

10/24/202326 minutes, 57 seconds
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Dense Breast Screenings

10/23/202325 minutes, 29 seconds
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New Partnership with Liberty Hospital, plus Cancer and Fertility

10/20/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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10/17/202325 minutes, 31 seconds
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Road Trip Mammograms

10/16/202328 minutes, 52 seconds
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Mother and Daughter Breast Cancer Journey

10/13/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Breast Cancer Mural

10/10/202331 minutes, 23 seconds
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Second Opinion -Cancer and Pregnancy

She was 7 months pregnant, and something didn't feel right. Meet the woman who ignored doctors who said it was typical and got a second opinion that saved her life.
10/9/202329 minutes, 35 seconds
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Male Breast Cancer

10/6/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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Where Are They Now - Cynthia Newsome

10/3/202331 minutes, 57 seconds
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10/2/202327 minutes, 27 seconds
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Breast Cancer Patient Diagnosed with a Second Cancer Shares the Importance of a Second Opinion

Patient Yolanda Irvin is a strong believer in getting a second opinion. She shares how she came to receive her care at the University of Kansas Cancer Center as well as her new mission in life. Guests include Dr. Anup Kasi, Dr. Mazin Al-Kasspooles and Dr. Jamie Wagner.
5/19/202333 minutes, 23 seconds
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New FDA Test Helps Mom Bypass Chemotherapy During COVID

One mom committed to chemotherapy, until COVID complicated her treatment plan. We’ll show you how an FDA approved test allowed her to ditch her chemo. Guests include hematologist and medical oncologist at The University of Kansas Cancer Center Dr. Anup Kasi.
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Rare Triple Diagnosis Patient Overcomes the Odds

Learn how treatment for rare face cancer led to a devastating colon diagnosis and then the lungs for a resilient patient who is now in the clear. Guests include Dr. Raed Al-Rajabi and Dr. Mazin Al-Kasspooles.
11/29/202236 minutes, 1 second