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Money Talks powered by The Money School

English, Education, 1 season, 109 episodes, 10 hours, 16 minutes
We give your money a voice. Join Money Talks powered by The Money School three times a week as Brad Brown gets money coach Gary Kayle to answer your financial questions. Our aim is to help you get wealthy.
Episode Artwork

5 Ways to Spend a Windfall (and enjoy the reward for years, instead of days)

It will happen to most of us at some stage in our lives. Whether it's a bonus that you receive from work, an inheritance or even a tax rebate, it doesn't matter where this windfall comes from, it's how you spend it that matters. On this edition of Money Talks, Gary Kayle reveals 5 ways to spend a windfall and how to enjoy the reward for years instead of days. Read More · The Money School
9/19/201715 minutes, 50 seconds
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Finances in a mess? Here's what to do

Are your finances in a mess? Do you feel overwhelmed by the debt it has created? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School; money coach, Gary Kayle lays down the law. This is how you can start getting things together, right now! Read more · The Money School
4/21/20164 minutes, 45 seconds
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Aim higher than just getting rid of debt

Debt has been a major focus the past couple of weeks on Money Talks, powered by The Money School. It’s a cause of concern for many people, most notably the stress of trying to pay it back. On this episode, Money Coach, Gary Kayle tells you why you need to move your goal posts; when it comes to debt. Read more · The Money School
4/19/20167 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to bunk down for the financial winter

Costs just seem to continue to rise in South Africa, with income not really increasing to match. To make matters worse, many people still have big debt to deal with. On this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, we look to Gary Kayle for practical advice on how to try weather the storm. Read more · The Money School
4/16/20167 minutes, 46 seconds
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Buying a car or house - know the financial implications

So you are ready to start buying a car and or house? Do you understand the financial implications of a long term investment? What happens if interest rates go up? Hear from Gary Kayle on this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School. Read more · The Money School
4/14/201610 minutes, 48 seconds
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'Good' debt - is there such a thing?

Is there such a thing as ‘good’ debt? On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Brad Brown hits Gary Kayle with this poser! The Money Coach says the truth is; well you are just going to have to listen to find out! Read more · The Money School
4/12/20166 minutes, 35 seconds
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When you are the most prone to getting into debt

As far as debt goes, is there a time in your life when you are more prone to it? How can you look to avoid getting into debt, or more debt, during that stage of your life? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you where people go wrong. Here’s what to look out for. Read more · The Money School
4/9/20167 minutes, 27 seconds
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Retirement is about financial freedom

Retirement is a scary prospect for most people, especially if you have not put the right pieces in place. Can a financial education help you, no matter the stage of your life? Hear and learn from Gary Kayle; on this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School Read more · The Money School
3/29/20165 minutes, 42 seconds
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How a financial education will help you get out of debt

Times are tough in South Africa. Costs continue to rise, while debt continues to get bigger. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by the money school; we look at how a financial education can help you get out of debt. Money coach, Gary Kayle also tells you why we continually get it wrong on our own. Read more · The Money School
3/26/20167 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to be proactive about money as a couple

Fact, more than 50% of divorces in South Africa are due to financial problems. This is why getting a financial education as a couple, and not on your own, is so important. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; money coach Gary Kayle tells you why couples generally land up in money trouble, and how to try avoid it. Read more · The Money School
3/24/20167 minutes, 53 seconds
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What you should do with your extra cash

Why do your financial problems often land up falling on your bosses plate? It is not a healthy relationship for employer or employee. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle tells you why this tends to happen. More importantly he gives you advice on how to avoid finding yourself in that situation. Read more · The Money School
3/22/20167 minutes, 19 seconds
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Understand financial planning – achieve your goal

Having a financial plan in place is very important. However, you can not get this done, if you don’t have an understand of what goes into financial planning. Education is important in helping to build a better relationship and understating between you and your financial advisor. Hear more on this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School. Read more · The Money School
3/19/20167 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why you need a Financial Education!

Coming up on this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; we look at why you need a financial education. Hear what it will allow you to do, and how it can change your financial wellbeing, from Money Coach, Gary Kayle. Read more · The Money School
3/17/20164 minutes, 22 seconds
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Help yourself to understand the implications of spending

Spending is a major problem when it comes to building wealth. Are you looking to renovate your house, or buy a new car? What impact will this have on your financial goals? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle uses his own personal case; as an example of how a financial plan will help you to understand the implications of your decision. Read more · The Money School
3/10/20165 minutes, 41 seconds
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Understanding the role of a finacial planner

Why are people so suspicious of financial planners? If you are, there is a good chance your planner might just not be right for you. Financial planners can form a very important role in helping you to make educated financial decisions, and a trustful relationship is important. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle tells you why they can be a great help, and how the onus is on you to be informed. Read more · The Money School
3/8/20167 minutes, 9 seconds
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Biggest mistake people make in trying to build wealth

It may seem like a common question, but people don’t tend to, or don’t want to listen. How are wealthy people getting it right? On this episode of Money Talks powered by the Money School, we look at the answer to this all important question. Do you have the discipline to change the way you manage your money? Read more · The Money School
3/5/20165 minutes, 6 seconds
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Wealthy Ever After - how to make sure you do

Why do couples battle to talk about money and finances? It can create huge rifts in a relationship, and as partners, should be something that is managed together. On this episode of Money Talk powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you why it proves to be troublesome. But the is help out there, to make you Wealthy Ever After. Read more · The Money School
3/3/20165 minutes, 59 seconds
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What breeds success? Working hard or smart?

What is the key to being successful and building wealth? Can this be achieved by just working smart? Or, is hard work required? On this episode of Money Talks, powered by the Money School; Gary Kayle gives his verdict, you may or may not like the effect and focus it requires! Read more · The Money School
3/1/20166 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to cope with rising interest rates

South Africa is in a current economic position where the interest rate hike cycle is continuing to rise. It is not a pretty position to be in, if like most South Africans, who have a high level of debt. On this episode of Money Talks powered by the Money School; Gary Kayle tells you how these interest rate hikes hit you, and how to continue to deal with and prepare for the increasing storm. Read more · The Money School
2/27/20168 minutes, 56 seconds
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Are there short cuts to building wealth?

In this episode of Money Talks powered by the Money School, we look at if there are short cuts to building wealth? Who better than money coach, Gary Kayle to give you the real deal; when it comes to the possibility of cutting corners or not. Read more · The Money School
2/25/20168 minutes, 46 seconds
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Similarities between losing weight and reducing debt

Money Coach Gary Kayle has recently gone through a transformation. Having trained and been disciplined about diet to lose weight and finish a half Ironman event. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, we look at the similarities between an exercise/fitness goal and getting ride of debt/making money. Read more · The Money School
2/23/20168 minutes, 46 seconds
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Don't be afraid to start investing

Fear is one of the biggest problems when it comes to investing money. Not understanding the system and how it works is daunting for many. Don’t let this hold you back; investing is about protecting your money from yourself, by starting to make your money work for you. Hear more from money coach, Gary Kayle. Read more · The Money School
1/7/20164 minutes, 15 seconds
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Starting young is the biggest investment opportunity

Investing tops the agenda today on Money Talks, powered by The Money School. This time Gary Kayle tells you how beneficial it can be to start investing earlier in life. Just a five-year delay in starting to invest could land up costing you millions! Read more · The Money School
1/5/20164 minutes, 41 seconds
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How inflation impacts your investments

We are into 2016 and now is as good a time as any to start investing towards your retirement, if you haven’t started already. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle tells you how to make sure you save enough, by finding out how inflation will affect your investment over time. Read more · The Money School
1/2/20166 minutes, 14 seconds
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How interest rate hikes affect you

The last day of 2015 is upon us and on today’s episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, we look at interest rate hikes. Gary Kayle not only breaks down what the prime lending rate is and how it fluctuates; but gives to tips to make sure you can afford your loans. Read more · The Money School
12/31/20156 minutes, 29 seconds
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How compound interest can make you wealthy

Coming up on this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you exactly how you can make interest work to your advantage. Your home loan is the best example; so it’s time to start acting like a wealthy person, and stop acting like a poor one! Read more · The Money School
12/29/20154 minutes, 53 seconds
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Have a holiday budget conversation with your family

With Christmas have passed we look at the impact of over spending in December. It can really set you back well into the New Year. It’s important not to create expectations within your family, so have an open and honest conversation about; what you are able to afford and what the implications of over spending are. Read more · The Money School
12/26/20154 minutes, 4 seconds
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How you can pay off debt sooner rather than…

Is there warrant in paying off a loan quicker? On this episode of Money Talks, it is powered by The Money School, we have a question off the website. It is in relation to doubling monthly instalments to settle a loan faster. Gary Kayle says… Read more · The Money School
12/24/20153 minutes, 15 seconds
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Labola - what it's all about

Paying of Labola can have massive financial implications. However, it is not a tradition many people can steer clear of. So what is the answer? On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle tells you what the financial impact of Labola can be. More importantly he tells you how to prepare for it. Read more · The Money School
12/22/20156 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to help a family member with money problems

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School we have a concerned son; about his mom’s level of debt. How do we go about helping a family member with money problems? Does the responsibility fall on us to help in more ways than one? Hear from Money Coach, Gary Kayle. Read more · The Money School
12/19/20153 minutes, 45 seconds
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What to ask before signing a credit agreement?

Do you ever read the fine print when signing a credit agreement? On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, in answer to one of your questions; Gary Kayle gives you tips and advice on what to look out for, and what to ask before singing the agreement. Read more · The Money School
12/17/20155 minutes, 2 seconds
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Can a financial education change my behaviour?

More people have bad financial practises than, those who don’t. What is the reason for this? And can we change our bad financial behaviour through education? Hear more from Gary Kayle on this episode of Money Talks and it’s powered by The Money School. Read more · The Money School
12/15/20157 minutes, 26 seconds
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Should employers help employees with money problems?

Heading towards the festive season and New Year, when money is tight, the pressure is on. This often lead to stress, which can affect an employee’s productivity. So it begs the question; is it up to an employer to help their staff with personal money problems? Read more · The Money School
12/12/20154 minutes, 47 seconds
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Break the cycle of struggling in January!

There is a continual cycle of people struggling in January after an over spend on the festive season. This is not only a problem in January, but has a knock on effect throughout the year. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you how to break the cycle! Read more · The Money School
12/10/20154 minutes, 57 seconds
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How December spending will impact your 2016

Christmas time in spending time, but how do you keep it in check? On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle looks at how to watch your spending in December. He also draws your attention to the bigger problem. No money in January. Read more · The Money School
12/8/20154 minutes, 14 seconds
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The art to building wealth for retirement

Coming up on this edition of Money Talks powered by the Money School, Gary Kayle lays down the law on why most people don't retire wealthy. It is never to late to start trying to save though; but the key is understanding the decisions that wealthy people make, that allows them to build wealth. Read more · The Money School
10/22/20156 minutes, 45 seconds
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How married couples get it wrong from the start

Where do married couples get it wrong when it comes to debt? Well it starts right at the beginning. On this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle tells you why it all goes wrong from before the wedding bells ring. Do you want to start married life on the front or back foot? Read more · The Money School
10/20/20156 minutes, 21 seconds
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What to do when your kids want to know your salary

Have your kids asked you what you earn yet? Don't be daunted by this. Like with all money related questions, use it as a chance to add to their financial education. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; Hayley Parry tells you how to do this. Read more · The Money School
10/17/20155 minutes, 40 seconds
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Does debt lead to divorce?

Are money problems the main cause of divorce in South Africa? On this episode of Money Talks powered by the Money School, Gary Kayle tells why it is so much more complicated than that. Yes money problems can strain a relationship; but the route of them, debt, has little to do with your marriage. Read more · The Money School
10/15/20158 minutes, 4 seconds
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Market Days present a great opportunity

Has your child’s nursery school looked at adding a market day to raise money? Nursery schools are always looking at ways to raise funds, and market days present a great opportunity all round. Do you find this daunting? Don’t, on Money Talks, powered by The Money School Hayley Parry tells you how it presents a great opportunity to educate your children. Read more · The Money School
10/13/20155 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why we don't tend to deal with our debt

Why is it that we never really seem to be able to deal with our debt? No matter how hard it gets, it seems easier to brush it off. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School Gary Kayle tells you why this is. While you got yourself into this position, you may not be entirely at fault for keeping yourself there. Read more · The Money School
10/10/20155 minutes, 53 seconds
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Mummy I want! (How to defuse the situation)

You are not a parent till you have had a child throw a fit in a store because they want something. This presents a difficult situation, but handled correctly you can turn it into a positive money lesson. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, money coach and mum Haley Parry talks you through it. Read more · The Money School
10/8/20154 minutes, 1 second
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Number one reason for getting into debt

50% of South Africans are behind in their debt repayments; which side of the fence do you fall on? Either way we almost all incur, and are paying off debt. On this episode of Money Talks powered by the Money Talks; Gary Kayle gets down to the number one reason why South African's find themselves in such a precarious financial situation. Read more · The Money School
10/6/20156 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tips for helping your kids understand wealth

The day may have come already, or it is still coming, but at some point your children start to define who they are and money often comes into play. Understanding wealth and differences in wealth is a big task for a child to start to grasp. The key is about being open and honest with your child, and finding ways to explain that wealth is about so much more than just being rich. Listen to this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, with Hayley Parry for more information. Read more · The Money School
10/3/20154 minutes, 8 seconds
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Are high debt levels a new thing?

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School we look at high debt levels. Have people always been in this kind of trouble? Or are we creating our own new problems? Gary Kayle points to some alarming statistics and tells us how it has become so easy to slip into debt. Read more · The Money School
10/1/20154 minutes, 30 seconds
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What you need for an antenuptial contract

Getting married soon and don’t know what’s needed for an antenuptial contract? On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Hayley Parry has got your back. The money coach also tells you how it’s a great step towards proactive marital financial affairs. Read more · The Money School
9/29/20154 minutes, 35 seconds
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A money question which will raise your awareness

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Hayley Parry turns the tables on your Brad Brown and you! There is some home week from today’s podcast, as the money coach poses a very pertinent money question to you. Read more · The Money School
9/26/20152 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to avoid cashing in your investments early

Coming up on Money Talks, powered by The Money School we look at how to avoid cashing in on your investments in times of trouble. Money coach Gary Kayle is on hand to tell you how you need to separate savings from investments, to allow you to build wealth in the future. Read more · The Money School
9/24/20154 minutes, 31 seconds
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The markets struggling - what do I do?

When the markets are not playing ball what do you do? The biggest thing to remember is not to panic! On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, money coach Hayley Parry talks you through market troubles. Do you need to ride it out? Hear more… Read more · The Money School
9/22/20153 minutes, 5 seconds
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The three key areas when it comes to making money

There are three key areas when it comes to making money. Each step leads into the next, and are a natural progression. But get step one, and two wrong, and you won’t get to step three to start actually building wealth. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, money coach Gary Kayle tells you how to get there. Read more · The Money School
9/19/20156 minutes, 25 seconds
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The best Apps to help you manage money

Are you utilising technology to your best advantage when it comes to managing your finances? There is more to digital money management than just internet banking. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, money coach Hayley Parry tells you about the best Apps out there, to aid you in your money management. Read more · The Money School
9/17/20153 minutes, 49 seconds
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Family or friend wanting a loan (what to do)?

What do you do when a family member or close friend asks you to borrow money? The truth of the matter is, most of these “loans” never get paid back. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle gives you the tools to cope with the situation. A lot of factors come into play, so hear the Money Coaches’ words of wisdom. Read more · The Money School
9/15/20156 minutes, 9 seconds
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How can we spring clean our finances?

Spring is in the air, and people often get a bee in their bonnet about cleaning at this time of year. Can you apply the same principles to your finances? Where would you start, when it comes to cleaning them out? Hear from Money Coach, Hayley Parry on this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School. Read more · The Money School
9/12/20153 minutes, 37 seconds
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What holds us back from earning more money?

This is a podcast not to be missed. Gary Kayle gives some of his best advice yet on Money Talks, powered by The Money School. The Money Coach gets asked; what holds us back from earning more money? Are we the problem? Probably, but there is a very tangible way forward! Read more · The Money School
9/10/20156 minutes, 4 seconds
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Should we be giving our kids pocket money?

On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Hayley Parry is on hand to answer your question. The Money Coach, gets hit with the age old question; should we be giving our kids pocket money? The same goal as always applies; use it as an opportunity to start teaching them about money. Here’s how… Read more · The Money School
9/8/20152 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why do so few people end up wealthy?

Why do so few people end up wealthy? Where are the majority of us getting it wrong? On this episode Money Talks powered by The Money School, Money Coach, Gary Kayle dissects the problem. What is the missing link when it comes to becoming wealthy? Read more · The Money School
9/5/20155 minutes, 26 seconds
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How much should the Tooth Fairy pay?

Are you losing sleep over how much money the Tooth Fairy should be paying for your kids teeth? Well fear not, Money Coach, Hayley Parry has you covered on this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School. It doesn’t seem like it should cause you so much stress, but it is not an easy decision. Let Hayley guide you through the process. Read more · The Money School
9/3/20155 minutes, 46 seconds
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Does job hopping enhance your career?

Is job hopping in your interest? The real question is; why are you looking to change jobs? If you are in a strong financial position and it is for the advancement of your career, that’s one thing. If you are in debt and looking to move for financial reasons only, it won’t necessarily solve the problem. Hear Money Coach, Gayle Kayle’s advice on this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School. Read more · The Money School
9/1/20154 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to strike a wedding planning balance

Are you planning on getting married and are worried about the costs? Wedding expenses can sky rocket if you are not careful. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Haley Parry shows you the way to go. What are the most important factors to look at when starting out? Read more · The Money School
8/29/20156 minutes, 6 seconds
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How The Money School can help you

On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School we get deep down and dirty on whom needs a financial education? Hear from Money Coach, Gary Kayle, as he not only tells you what market they appeal to; but also gives you great tips and advice on reaching financial freedom. Read more · The Money School
8/27/20156 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to plan for a family, financially

Are you ready to start a family? Are you aware of the financial implications? There are many things you should look to have in place, that will ease the situation before and when the baby arrives. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, money coach Hayley Parry tells you more. Read more · The Money School
8/25/20155 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to guide your kids in spending their money

Back by popular demand! We have had such a huge response to our topics about pocket money, with money coach Hayley Parry. We have now taken it one step further! Once you have decided on when to start and how much; how do you teach them about what to do with their money? There are three brilliant life skill learning options. Read more · The Money School
8/22/20154 minutes, 55 seconds
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Help! My partner has a secret credit card

Coming up in this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle get's hit with the question of a partner's secret credit card. The truth of the matter is there may be many reason's behind their need for the card. Hear Gary's advice on how to deal with it gently. Read more · The Money School
8/20/20156 minutes, 26 seconds
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How do I teach my kids about interest and inflation

Coming up on this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, we look at how to teach your kids about interest and inflation. While inflation is easier left for high school children, money coach, Hayley Parry, tells you how to start teaching them about interest. The good and the bad side of it. Read more · The Money School
8/18/20155 minutes, 54 seconds
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Are stokvels a good way to invest money?

Are you part of, or have a family member who is part of a stokvel, and you are concerned? On this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle not only explains what stovels are, and how they work. But the money coach also looks at how to see if it is the best investment option for you. Is comparison the key? Read more · The Money School
8/15/20153 minutes, 52 seconds
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Should pocket money come with conditions?

Pocked money for nothing? Or should kids earn it? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, we look into this parenting conundrum. Money Coach, Hayley Parry is on hand with some really valuable tips and advice; on how to use pocket money to help instil financial values in your children. Read more · The Money School
8/13/20153 minutes, 42 seconds
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How best to deal with garnishee orders

Coming up on this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School. Money Coach, Gary Kayle delves into the nasty business of garnishee orders. It's important for both employers and employees to know the implication of them, and why they have to be followed. Read more · The Money School
8/11/20157 minutes, 1 second
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Help! My kids just want, want and want when we shop

Do you walk out of the shops with your kids kicking and screaming because you won’t buy them what they want? Not taking them with you is not the answer. It presents a chance to really start their financial education. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, money coach Hayley Parry tells you; how to handle the situation and to turn it into your and your kids favour. Read more · The Money School
8/8/20155 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to start project planning for your Retirement

Retirement is a concern for most people, the statistics support why. On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School we look at planning for retirement. Money Coach Gary Kayle, gives you tips on why it is so important to start sooner rather than later, and how to do it. Read more · The Money School
8/6/20157 minutes, 20 seconds
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When can you start educating your children?

Coming up on this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, money coach Hayley Parry gets hit with an other question about children. This time, Peter wants to know: When can you start teaching kids about money? The answer may just surprise you. Read more · The Money School
8/4/20155 minutes, 8 seconds
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Take the agony out of interest rate hikes

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School we look at what interest rate hikes mean to the average person and how this is going to affect our finances. Chatting to Money coach Gary Kayle, he gives us some practical advice on how not to get drawn into the panic caused by the increase in interest rates and how to take a defensive strategy. Read More... · The Money School
8/1/20156 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sort your debt before adding new investments

Do you want to see a light at the end of your debt ridden tunnel? With the right plan you can achieve it, but; on this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you why paying off high interest debt before adding new investments, is the better way to start achieving this. Read more · The Money School
7/30/20154 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why we need to educate our Kids on money

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, money coach Hayley Parry makes her debut on the podcast. Hayley get's thrown in the deep end with a question on educating your kids about money. She swims, and tells you why you need to teach your kids how to swim financial from a young age. Read more · The Money School
7/28/20154 minutes, 28 seconds
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Are up-front payments on education always best?

On this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School we take a realistic look at how to go about funding your children's education. Paying school fees up-front is not necessarily always the best way to go. Depending on if, and what sort of discount the school offers it may be more beneficial to keep the money in your own bank account or investment portfolio, and make provision for the cost monthly. Read more · The Money School
7/25/20154 minutes, 56 seconds
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How best to get rid of card debt

Many people battle with card debt, be it credit or store cards. They tend to come with very high interest repayments as well. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gayle Kayle gives you some sound advice on how to get those cards paid off, and closed. Read more · The Money School
7/23/20154 minutes, 12 seconds
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Should I get into debt to earn a credit rating?

Many people get advice to create a little debt early on, so that you can develop a good credit rating. The idea is that the banks will then offer you a better interest rate on a big purchase like a car or house. Is it really a good idea? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gayle Kayle tells you why it is never a good idea. Read more · The Money School
7/21/20155 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to improve your credit record

Coming up on this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School we look at improving your credit record. Money Coach Gary Kayle gives you tips on how to get your credit sorted, and then on how to improve your credit record again. Read more · The Money School
7/18/20156 minutes, 55 seconds
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The importance of knowing what your spouse earns

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, we look at how to raise the topic of how much your spouse earns in terms of your financial planning, and what effect your spending has on where you’re going financially. Read more · The Money School
7/16/20154 minutes, 4 seconds
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Don't look a gift horse in the mouth - but be clear

Have you been offered money from a loved one to start a business or stay afloat? What are the financial implications of lending this money, not only on you but them? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you why not to turn down the offer, but also why you need to have a long term discussion about the loan. Read more · The Money School
7/14/20155 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to start teaming up with your partner

Are you ready to have a financial discussion with your partner? Is it time to align your financial goals? On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle sheds light on how to initiate that conversation, and why it must happen. Read more · The Money School
7/11/20154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Where do we go wrong when it comes to budgeting?

Coming up on this edition of the Money Talks podcast powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle gets down an dirty with why people can't budget. Most people make the same mistake, you need to stop planning and start proper budgeting. Here's how... Read more · The Money School
7/9/20154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Can anyone become wealthy?

Do you believe you will never be wealthy? It may be hard to believe, but if you change the way you manage money, anyone can achieve wealth. On this episode of Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle tells you how to stop getting poorer, and how to start increasing your wealth. Read more · The Money School
7/7/20155 minutes, 16 seconds
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What is the trick to being wealthy?

On this episode of Money Talks, powered by The Money School we look at what it takes to be wealthy. Money Coach Gary Gayle tells you the tricks that wealthy people use. Is it investments and savings or lifestyle which makes you wealthy? What really sees you not needing to work into old age? Read more · The Money School
7/4/20154 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to resolve spending and start saving

On this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School we talking saving. Why is it so hard for most people to do so? Money Coach Gary Kayle, tells you why, but more importantly gives you tips on how to do it. Is following the example of wealthy people the answer? Read more · The Money School
7/2/20156 minutes, 9 seconds
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How your debt can impact on your employer?

Coming up on this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School, we look at how your debt can impact on your job. Money Coach, Gary Kayle looks at the cold hard facts at how if it comes to it; a debt collector can call on your employer to cover the debt directly from your salary. The answer? Not more money, but a better understanding of how to deal with the problem. Listen to this. Read more · The Money School
6/30/20155 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to segment expenses to cut spending

On this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School, Gay Kayle gives you two easy steps to controlling your spending every month. Now that the financial roles are leveled, the money coach tells you how to structure your capital every month, to alleviate getting into trouble. Read more · The Money School
6/27/20156 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why an emergency fund is so important

Coming up on Money Talks powered by The Money School we look at how to handle financial emergencies. With some always sound advice, Gary Kayle tells you of the importance of an emergency fund. How much should you have in place? Where should you place it? And why you should be segmenting saving and investing. Read more · The Money School
6/25/20157 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to curb spending habits

Coming up in this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School; Gary Kayle gets hit with the difficult question of spending. When is it okay to go on a spending spree? Is it ever okay to go on a spending spree? Yes some months are better, but does it put you under pressure for the difficult months to come? Read more · The Money School
6/23/20154 minutes, 39 seconds
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Where should I invest my money?

Coming up on this episode of the Money Talks podcast, powered by The Money School. Money Coach, Gary Kayle looks are where to invest your money. The important point being that everyone is an individual case with individual financial goals. How do you find the right person to help you? Read more · The Money School
6/20/20154 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to separate money from emotions

On this edition of the Money Talks podcast, powered by The Money School we look at separating emotions from money. Money Coach, Gary Kayle tells you how; money is in reality just cold, you need to learn to separate your emotions from it, by learning how money works. Read more · The Money School
6/18/20154 minutes, 9 seconds
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Where do we learn about money?

Coming up in this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School; we explore where you get your financial education from. Money coach, Gary Kayle gets hit with the question; is it from our parents or somewhere more sinister? Read more · The Money School
6/16/20154 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to raise an entrepreneur

On this episode of the Money Talks podcast, powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle gets hit with an other question regarding children. Never fear when the money coach is near, as this one, regarding entrepreneurship, is well worth listening to. Your kids instincts may just surprise you. Read more · The Money School
6/13/20155 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to calculate your kids pocket money

Coming up on Money Talks powered by The Money School, Gary Kayle gets hit with a pocket money poser. Jackie wants to know how much should she be giving her kids. The money coach gives you great tips are starting your children's financial education early. Read more · The Money School
6/11/20155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Is a middle of road lifestyle upgrade the answer?

On this edition of the Money Talks podcast powered by The Money School, money coach Gary Kayle tells you how to find a balance. Find a balance between doing small upgrades to your lifestyle, but very importantly still finding a way to continue building your wealth. Read more · The Money School
6/9/20154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Are stereotypical financial roles holding you back?

Coming up in this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School. Money coach, Gary Kayle turns relationship coach as he gives you tips for handling your finances as a couple. The old stereotypical the man pays for this, the woman pays for that, can put pressure on a relationship. Here’s here to try avoid it. Read more · The Money School
6/6/20157 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to maintain balance as an entrepreneur

Coming up on this edition of Money Talks, powered by The Money School. Money coach, Gary Kayle delves into his own personal experiences at home, to give you the best advice on starting your own business. Communication and clear outlined goals are an extremely important foundation stone to establish with your partner. Read more · The Money School
6/4/20154 minutes, 20 seconds
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Do things get easier when you make more money?

On this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School, money coach, Gary Kayle answers the following question, "do things get easier when you start making more money?" As with everything it's how you handle it, and if you allow human nature to see you fall further in debt or not. Read more · The Money School
6/2/20154 minutes, 53 seconds
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Are you sinking under the pressure of your debt?

On the latest Money Talks podcast powered by the Money School, Money Coach Gary Kayle tells you it's okay to ask for help. It is however, very important, to make sure that it is the right help. Let professionals help you get out of your consuming debt. Read more · The Money School
5/30/20155 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to control your monthly budget

On this edition of Money Talks powered by the Money School, Brad Brown and Money Coach, Gary Kayle talk budgeting. Do you budget? More importantly do you re-look at your budget regularly? Most people don't, they just 'project plan' their finances. Don't be that person. Read more · The Money School
5/28/20153 minutes, 56 seconds
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70% of your salary going towards debt? South Africa we have a problem

Are you having to borrow money to buy basics? We have a problem. On today's Money Talks podcast, powered by the Money School, Money Coach, Gary Kayle tell you how paying off debt needs to be well organised, well understood and strictly enforced. Read more · The Money School
5/26/20154 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why do we battle financially to get ahead?

Are you living day to day from month to month? On today's Money Talks podcast powered by the Money School; Gary Kayle, Money Coach tells you how to change this around and how to start dictating your own financial terms. Read more · The Money School
5/23/20153 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why do so few people reach their financial goals?

How hard is it to achieve a financial goal? Do you keep coming up short with yours? Money Coach Gary Kayle on today's podcast tells you why your lifestyle may be standing in your way, and how to be aware of how lending money hinders you. Read more · The Money School
5/21/20154 minutes, 58 seconds
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How much money do you need to be considered wealthy?

Do you want to be financially free? Or live a seemingly lavish lifestyle? On this podcast money coach, Gary Kayle shares his thoughts on what it means to be considered wealthy, and its not what you may think. Read more · The Money School
5/19/20155 minutes, 29 seconds
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How do people get into financial trouble?

Do you find yourself in financial trouble? Money Coach Gary Kayle shares his insight on how people get it wrong; with valuable tips like understanding compound interest, and knowing the interest portion of your loan. Read more · The Money School
5/16/20155 minutes, 6 seconds
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In layman’s terms - what is inflation?

Do you understand inflation? On this podcast, money coach Gary Kayle tells you all you need to know about inflation and why you need to be getting above inflation returns on your money to be making money. Read more · The Money School
5/14/20154 minutes, 8 seconds
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Drop the ego and become wealthy

On this edition of Money Talks powered by The Money School we chat about how your ego can stand in the way of you building long term wealth. One of the biggest hurdles people need to overcome in setting themselves up financially is the perception they try and portray to others about their financial well being. Read More · The Money School
5/12/20157 minutes, 21 seconds
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What is the necessity for a Money School?

On this Money School podcast, money coach Gary Kayle tells you why there is a need for a money school; pin pointing the key reasons behind why people need help when it comes to financial planning, and with it becoming free of debt. Read more · The Money School
5/11/20159 minutes, 8 seconds
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What does financial literacy actually mean?

Are you financially intelligent? Let the Money School help you become so. On this podcast Money Coach, Gary Kayle, tells you how to understand how the decisions you make today, most notably in applying for loans, impacts on your future. Read more · The Money School
5/11/20153 minutes, 49 seconds
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What is a realistic financial planning starting goal?

Want to understand what your money will buy you in the future? This podcast with money coach Gary Kayle gives you tips for putting things in place now, including establishing a reserve fund to help you stay out of debt. Read more · The Money School
5/10/20154 minutes, 34 seconds