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Mindfulness Cover
Mindfulness Profile


English, Education, 1 season, 3 episodes, 46 minutes
Mastering the art of balancing work and life’s stressors can be an elusive task for us all. The phrase, “keep calm and carry on,” isn’t always easy. In this series we provide mindfulness tactics to help you discover and observe your reactions to life’s stressors and provide tools for responding effectively.
Episode Artwork

Episode 3: Giving Yourself Compassion

In this program,  the narrator offers you an antidote to compassion fatigue and burn out which is Self-Compassion.  When we extend ourselves too much to others, we can feel resentful… Continue Reading Episode 3: Giving Yourself Compassion
3/4/201815 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Episode 2: Stepping Back From Your Thoughts

Today’s program will give you an opportunity to notice your thoughts while in a relaxed state. You will be guided through an exercise known as “thought surfing.” This experience in… Continue Reading Episode 2: Stepping Back From Your Thoughts
3/3/201814 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Episode 1: Reflect! It Begins with Breath

 Enjoy this 15 minute introduction to mindfulness and relax as you practice paying attention to your breath. This simple exercise gives you a quick way to NOTICE stress, gently SHIFT… Continue Reading Episode 1: Reflect! It Begins with Breath
3/2/201816 minutes, 19 seconds