The intention behind this work is to voice out the universe within the listener’s mind, the part within them that is hidden from the outside world.
#76 A Calming Whisper In Your Ear
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate the podcast up to 5 stars and leave a review. Share it with others who might find it helpful. Your support means a lot!
9/2/2024 • 15 minutes, 20 seconds
#75 Your Energy Flow
I always thought about how you could drift away from feeling enthusiastic and into being lethargic. In this short recording, I touch on the subject of having an "Energy Dynamic" between what exhausts you and what energizes you. Clarifying that the first happens naturally while the latter you must bring about yourself. (Sometimes, if you're lucky, what energizes you is present in your life without much effort of your own, but that isn't always the case.) I also highlight that you're likely to get sucked into the things that exhaust you, and you end up abandoning what energizes you.
8/19/2024 • 4 minutes, 57 seconds
#74 The Source of Your Desire to Escape
In today's episode of Mind Universe, we explore the source of your desire to escape. Discover the hidden motives driving your urge to run away from your current situation and how these motives lead you to romanticize the escape you crave. Join me as we delve into the deeper reasons behind your desire to flee and how understanding them can bring clarity and insight into your life.
7/27/2024 • 16 minutes, 44 seconds
#73 The Pursuit of Mindfulness
In today's episode of Mind Universe, we delve into the practice of mindfulness and the importance of focusing on the present moment. Learn how your mind can often drift away to the past or the future, and discover techniques to bring your attention back to the here and now. Tune in for insights and practical tips on cultivating a mindful mindset to enhance your daily life.
My website:
7/25/2024 • 18 minutes, 21 seconds
#72 Revival: Getting Back Up After Life Has Knocked You Down
In this episode of Mind Universe, we'll explore the profound revival one experiences after drifting aimlessly through life. How it is to feel numb and lose your inner fire. Discover the transformative moment of realizing that the future holds better things, reigniting your soul with a newfound sense of purpose and hope.
I miss being active and the energy that comes with it. Life has been taking me on a bizarre journey of self-discovery, filled with unexpected twists and turns. This path, though challenging, has been instrumental in uncovering new facets of myself, helping me grow in ways I never imagined.
Many of us have faced moments where we feel lost or disconnected from our true selves. It's important to remember that these experiences can lead to incredible growth and transformation. I hope to inspire you to embrace your own path, no matter how uncertain it may seem, and to believe that what's coming next truly is better.
My website:
7/21/2024 • 18 minutes, 6 seconds
#71 The Toughest Battles are the Ones in Your Head
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe.
أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
My website:
5/8/2024 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
#70 The Psychology of Enhancements
I hope this brings you insight and helps you in your journey. Stay well.
If you're interested in booking a coaching session with Fahad or to collaborate together, check out his website:
4/23/2024 • 29 minutes, 6 seconds
#69 Freedom In Limitation
I hope this brings you insight and helps you in your journey. Stay well.
If you're interested in booking a coaching session with Fahad or to collaborate together, check out his website:
4/15/2024 • 24 minutes, 10 seconds
#68 The Extremely Rare Skill of Self Mastery
I ask that you be patient in listening to this recording. I hope you find it helpful and insightful. Let me know what you think.
My website:
2/1/2024 • 27 minutes, 51 seconds
#67 Why Your Life Is Not Perfect
I hope this brings you peace and an insight into something we may all face. My website:
1/19/2024 • 0
#66 Challenging the Unknown: تحدي المجهول وشرف المحاولة
In this recording, I talk about facing the fear of trying new things. I talk about taking risks and being bold!
Find me at:
1/16/2024 • 0
#65 Reshaping the Self: الثقة بالنفس ومواجهة المواقف الصعبة
In this recording I talk about the value of self confidence, and the impact difficult situations have on us. I hope this helps you.
Find me at:
1/13/2024 • 0
#64 The Alterations of Life | تغيرات الحياة
I hope this episode provides insight and helps you.
Stay safe.
Find me at:
1/13/2024 • 0
#63 The Essence of Wisdom | جوهر الحكمة
This makes sense, I promise. Find me at:
12/4/2023 • 14 minutes, 41 seconds
True Confidence | الثقة الحقيقية
Let's explore the essence of real confidence and its roots in knowledge and experience. We'll discover effective strategies to overcome hesitation and unlock your true potential. Unmask the façade of fake confidence as we delve into the secrets of self-assurance.
اكتشف جوهر الثقة الحقيقية وجذورها في المعرفة والخبرة. اكتشف سبل فعالة للتغلب على التردد وإطلاق العنان لإمكاناتك الحقيقية. اكتشف واجهة الثقة المزيفة بينما نتعمق في أسرار الثقة بالنفس.
9/16/2023 • 21 minutes, 45 seconds
#61 Heart to Heart
Grab a cup of your favorite drink and enjoy. ♥
8/2/2023 • 24 minutes, 27 seconds
#60 Hesitation | التردد
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe.
أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
7/28/2023 • 13 minutes, 10 seconds
#59 How To Treat Self-Criticism | كيف تعالج إنتقاد الذات
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe. أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
7/16/2023 • 3 minutes, 55 seconds
#58 Perfectionism | المثالية
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe.
أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
7/15/2023 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds
#57 It’s Enough To Be Okay Today - يكفيك اليوم لو بس كنت بخير
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe.
أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
7/4/2023 • 12 minutes, 4 seconds
#56 The Power of Self-Reflection | قوة التأمل الذاتي
في هذه الحلقة المثيرة للتفكير، نتعمق في أهمية الوعي الذاتي وفهم وجهات النظر المتنوعة. انضم إلي وأنا أستكشف إدراك أن الآخرين قد ينظرون إلينا بشكل مختلف، مع التأكيد على قيمة القبول والاعتراف بأن الآراء المختلفة لا تحددنا بطبيعتها على أنها جيدة أو سيئة. اكتشف التأثير التحويلي للبقاء متناغمًا مع تأملنا الذاتي وكيف أنه يعزز عالمًا أكثر شمولاً وتناغمًا. استعد لاكتساب رؤى حول تبني وجهات نظر متنوعة وتسخير قوة التأمل الذاتي.
In this thought-provoking episode, I delve into the significance of self-awareness and understanding diverse viewpoints. Join me as I explore the realization that others may perceive us differently, emphasizing the value of acceptance and the recognition that differing opinions don't inherently define us as good or bad. Discover the transformative impact of staying attuned to our own introspection and how it fosters a more inclusive and harmonious world. Tune in to gain insights on embracing diverse perspectives and harnessing the power of self-reflection.
6/17/2023 • 13 minutes, 15 seconds
#55 Controlling Your Emotions | التحكم بمشاعرك
I understand that controlling your emotions and mastering them can be incredibly challenging. Emotions often overwhelm us, resembling a vast and powerful river or ocean in which we find ourselves drowning. We become deeply immersed in our feelings, whether it be happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, or depression. In those moments, it feels as though these emotions completely engulf us, leaving little room for anything else. We become the emotion itself, allowing it to embody us.
However, I believe that to some extent, we can learn to control our emotions and become their masters. The question then becomes, how can we achieve this mastery? One approach is to step back and view ourselves as an outside observer, consciously recognizing and acknowledging our current emotional state. By doing so, we can add a task to our thoughts, directing our attention towards understanding how the emotion is affecting us. We can then choose to challenge its control over us and aim to exert our own control over it.
أتفهم أن التحكم في عواطفك وإتقانها يمكن أن يكون أمرًا صعبًا للغاية. غالبًا ما تغمرنا المشاعر، تشبه نهرًا أو محيطًا شاسعًا وقويًا نجد أنفسنا نغرق فيه. ننغمس بعمق في مشاعرنا، سواء كانت السعادة أو الحزن أو الغضب أو القلق أو الاكتئاب. في تلك اللحظات ، يبدو الأمر كما لو أن هذه المشاعر تبتلعنا تمامًا، ولا تترك مجالًا لأي شيء آخر. نصبح العاطفة بحد ذاتها، ونسمح لها بتجسيدنا.
ومع ذلك، أعتقد أنه يمكننا إلى حد ما تعلم التحكم في عواطفنا وأن نصبح أسيادها. يصبح السؤال إذن كيف يمكننا تحقيق هذا الإتقان؟ تتمثل إحدى المقاربات في التراجع والنظر إلى أنفسنا كمراقب خارجي، يدرك بوعي حالتنا العاطفية الحالية ويعترف بها. من خلال القيام بذلك، يمكننا إضافة مهمة لأفكارنا، وتوجيه انتباهنا نحو فهم كيفية تأثير المشاعر علينا. يمكننا بعد ذلك اختيار تحدي سيطرتها علينا والهدف إلى ممارسة سيطرتنا عليها.
5/30/2023 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
#54 Self-Imposed Limitations | القيود المفروضة على الذات
In your life, you may often find yourself hesitating to do things you want to do, while gravitating towards familiar and less challenging tasks. It's important to recognize that this resistance comes from internal factors, driven by self-criticism and fear of negative outcomes. You may be engaged in a battle within yourself, worrying about your abilities, how others will perceive your efforts, and the potential for failure. These concerns can hold you back from fully embracing the things you desire, creating a cycle of self-doubt.
في حياتك ، قد تجد نفسك غالبًا مترددًا في القيام بالأشياء التي تريد القيام بها ، بينما تنجذب نحو المهام المألوفة والأقل صعوبة. من المهم أن ندرك أن هذه المقاومة تأتي من عوامل داخلية مدفوعة بالنقد الذاتي والخوف من النتائج السلبية. قد تكون منخرطًا في معركة داخل نفسك ، تقلق بشأن قدراتك ، وكيف سيرى الآخرون جهودك ، واحتمالية الفشل. يمكن أن تمنعك هذه المخاوف من احتضان الأشياء التي تريدها بشكل كامل ، مما يخلق حلقة من الشك الذاتي.
5/24/2023 • 28 minutes, 33 seconds
#53 Navigating Self-Criticism and Creating a Trajectory | انتقاد الذات والفرق بين الهدف والوجهة
In this episode, I talk about the challenging terrain of self-criticism and offer guidance on how to navigate it while creating a meaningful trajectory for your life.
5/24/2023 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
#52 Real Positivity: Embrace New Experiences | المصداقية، الإيجابية الواقعية، ومنطقة الراحة
In this episode, I delve into the transformative power of embracing new experiences. Join me in exploring the profound impact that seeking out and embracing unfamiliar situations can have on our lives.
5/24/2023 • 16 minutes, 36 seconds
#51 Being Genuine and Having Fun
I hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to the channel. Rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, and share it if you think others could benefit from this.
3/9/2023 • 11 minutes, 48 seconds
#50 Friendships
I've always been curious about the nature of friendships. So many of them are strong and true, yet their nature fluctuates when facing the tests of time. In this short recording, I talk about my thoughts on the matter.
2/17/2023 • 11 minutes
#49 The Loss And Reclaim of Passion
The loud noises around you kept echoing until you stopped hearing yourself. They made you forget what you used to care about. This recording is an attempt to remedy that.
2/10/2023 • 13 minutes, 12 seconds
#48 Flow Like Water
There's a beautiful energy when you do things spontaneously and fluidly, as opposed to trying to force things that don't come naturally to you. This episode as a clear attempt to represent that.
1/22/2023 • 21 minutes, 34 seconds
#47 Mental Health Check
It has been a while. Consider this recording a mental health check.
12/31/2022 • 18 minutes, 44 seconds
#46 The Way Your Confidence Affects You
It happens so often that you ignore how you react or respond to your surroundings. Sometimes, you act out thinking it's just a response from an 'audience' perspective. You think, "This isn't even about me!" Without realizing it, it is defining you too.
10/27/2022 • 22 minutes, 1 second
#45 Lack of Motivation and Feeling Empty
Somehow, life becomes so dull, and you find yourself completely drained. Empty, unable to refill. Nothing makes you feel anything. You think about it, but it's tough to find an answer. It feels hopeless, as if this will continue forever, but is there really no hope?
10/17/2022 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
#44 The Pursuit of Salvation
I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do, please give the podcast 5 stars on Apple Podcasts. Leave a review letting me know what you think. Subscribe to my channel to be notified of future episodes. Share it with a friend who you think could benefit from it.
9/28/2022 • 18 minutes, 10 seconds
#43 Knowledge and Clarity
A particular dynamic occurs when you educate yourself, read more, and become more literate. It's the harmony between knowledge and clarity. I talk about the difference between the two, how they work together, and the importance of taking action.
9/12/2022 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
#42 Creating From The Soul
There's one thing in common among all that you do: the way your soul is present in them.
8/14/2022 • 16 minutes, 30 seconds
#41 Genuine Connection, Social Barriers, and Your Environment
The past few months have been hectic and demanding, but they were also filled with lessons and experiences that I intend to share with you. In this episode, I discuss the scarcity of genuine human interaction and its necessity, the barriers put between you and other people, and the effect of your environment on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. So, I hope you enjoy this episode!
8/1/2022 • 18 minutes, 45 seconds
#40 Doing Good Yet Feeling Guilt
I'm back after not having uploaded for a couple of months. Hopefully I'll be able to post more regularly. I hope you enjoy this episode!
4/24/2022 • 12 minutes, 41 seconds
#39 The Journey and the Destination
Having a goal (or several goals) is essential to meaning to your existence. But what if you find yourself lacking with no goals or purpose? Dealing with feeling hollow, the encounters you have during your wandering, and the distension between an end-goal and an ongoing journey are all part of today's talk.
1/30/2022 • 17 minutes, 4 seconds
#38 Reclaiming Yourself
Being stuck in limbo is quite terrible, and it has many negative aspects. It's frustrating, demoralizing, and downright depressing. However, the worst part is that it puts your soul in a state of decay. So, how do you handle it? How do you get back on your feet and get moving again?
1/14/2022 • 15 minutes, 8 seconds
#37 Emptiness and the Lack of Meaning
In this episode, I talk about the lack of purpose, vulnerability, and the difference between being vulnerable and weak. I discuss how to humble the ego and secure it, and allow yourself to admit needing help. Among these topics, I also point out the functionality of having a support system.
1/6/2022 • 25 minutes, 29 seconds
#36 What Is Love?
In this episode, I talk about love and what it means in a broad sense. I discuss how it is expressed as an emotion, where and when it applies, who it applies to, how it affects your life, and the essential value it has.
I talk about the common idea of love, which is romanticism, and the difference between a romantic relationship and love. I discuss the role of love in a relationship and where it fits with all the other elements that make up a healthy relationship.
11/23/2021 • 21 minutes, 39 seconds
#35 Time, Energy, and Being Overwhelmed
In this episode, I discuss how life can be quite overwhelming to a point where you find yourself constantly running. You’re juggling so many things, trying to allocate your energy, focus, and time but always ending up running out. The realization that you have unlimited things to do and a limited amount of resources makes you reevaluate their value. It also makes you think; what to do? How do you avoid reaching burnout when trying to allocate your time and effort? I also talk about the balance you seek to find, the importance of details, being bound by an older image of yourself, and the value I seek to add through my work.
10/22/2021 • 25 minutes, 54 seconds
#34 Living Truthfully
New beginnings. The difficulties of starting anew. Having the capacity to handle what life throws at you. The choices of living genuinely and truthfully.
8/17/2021 • 26 minutes, 27 seconds
#33 Contamination and Redemption
The story you write for yourself has a drastic effect on how you view what happens to you. A contamination narrative causes you to feel tainted, while in a redemption narrative, you find ways to use your pain as a tool for growth.
7/31/2021 • 25 minutes, 25 seconds
#32 Inner Turmoil
You could lose sense of who you are. You become stuck in a vortex that grows stronger the longer you are in it. The passion that once was your drive is no longer there, and you find yourself wondering; "How did I get here? How can I be myself again?"
6/7/2021 • 33 minutes, 47 seconds
#31 The Price of Choice
Everything you do or not do has consequences. How do you handle the weight of your actions? And how do you handle self-doubt as someone who seeks to improve and become better?
4/20/2021 • 30 minutes, 3 seconds
#30 Mental Prison
You're stuck in your head. You got so used to it, you became trapped in it. You can get out, but you don't know how to pull yourself out.
4/8/2021 • 26 minutes, 46 seconds
#29 Losing All Hope is Freedom
You give what matters in your life value, yet along the way, you have forgotten why you do what you do. You’ve allowed yourself to be consumed by overthinking, indulging your self-destructive desires, and feeling like you’re slowly losing yourself.
4/1/2021 • 34 minutes, 8 seconds
#28 Manifesting Potential
You don’t want to think. You don’t want to carry the burden of facing the responsibility of having meaning and finding purpose. You would rather drown yourself in distractions and jump from one mind-numbing pursuit to the next. But what is the outcome? What are your options?
3/25/2021 • 23 minutes, 32 seconds
#27 Reclaiming Your Essence
This isn’t where you belong. This isn’t who you are. This isn’t how things were meant to be. How do find yourself, after being lost?
3/18/2021 • 21 minutes, 29 seconds
#26 Against All Odds
Despite your best efforts, things don't seem to work out. Where you struggle, others seem to have it better. How do you handle yourself in the face of doubts, hardships, and a life that appears to be in Hard Mode?
3/11/2021 • 31 minutes
#25 Trials of Life
You may not always be able to control the hardships that confront you, but still, you can get to choose how to handle them. You get to choose to walk your own path.
3/4/2021 • 25 minutes, 20 seconds
#24 Between Selflessness and Selfishness
Between being so selfless to the point that you allow others to take advantage of you, and confusing selfishness with self-love.
2/25/2021 • 35 minutes, 23 seconds
#23 Lost In Limbo
To be unworthy of rejection. To be ignored completely is more harmful than parting ways. Knowing that someone you care for didn’t think you deserve the courtesy of an explanation. Is it the lack of respect, or the fear of confrontation?
2/17/2021 • 30 minutes, 24 seconds
#22 Return To Leniency
You've been too hard in dealing with yourself. So unforgiving until it left you feeling numb. And now, all you do is endure. How do you admit that you're weak, vulnerable, and possibly wrong?
2/4/2021 • 20 minutes, 11 seconds
#21 Fated Change
Change is inevitable. However, you could be too afraid to leave your comfort zone and confront it. Along with the necessity of change, it's crucial to not confuse what's common for what's normal.
1/24/2021 • 23 minutes, 36 seconds
#20 Emotions Are Energy
You're overwhelmed by feelings that overburden you. Feelings that make you wish to be emotionless and numb.
1/13/2021 • 26 minutes, 10 seconds
#19 Looking Forward
Between who you were then, and who you are now. You grow in ways you never thought were possible. You become someone you never thought you could be.
1/2/2021 • 22 minutes, 25 seconds
#18 Underthinking Overthinking
Overthinking overthinking, the balance between order and chaos, and those who don’t want to listen but only want to speak and project their thoughts.
12/25/2020 • 17 minutes, 49 seconds
#17 The Truth
It isn’t always easy, or straightforward for that matter, to be honest with yourself. But that is a prerequisite in recognizing the truth, and being able to speak it.
12/21/2020 • 27 minutes, 32 seconds
#16 Control, Chaos, and Acceptance
Sometimes you do everything right, go far and beyond, do more than what is necessary, and things still won’t work out. Or they do, but then they just crumble. Life happens or you are hit by malevolence.
12/10/2020 • 23 minutes, 21 seconds
#15 Rebirth, Desire, and Friendship
You can get addicted to trying to love someone into loving you—and they won’t. You shouldn’t have to work so hard for so little. Some experiences force you to kill a part of you, so it’d be reborn into a new you.
11/28/2020 • 26 minutes, 25 seconds
#14 The Logic of Intentions
Not giving in to what is seen as hopeless. Not settling for what causes you misery. Defying that which is described by others as logical. Being unrealistic. The battle between intentions and logic isn't one of conflict. The two are fighting together on the same side. Your side.
11/11/2020 • 17 minutes, 3 seconds
#13 Sacrifice and Discipline
Fear holds you back. Fear of the unknown, fear of facing confrontation, fear of failure, fear of pursuing change. You're too terrified to sacrifice safety and comfort for a potentially better future. Maybe you have to go through it. To be put in hardships that shake your grounds. To become so lost that you question everything you know, including yourself. To reach a place you’re meant to go to, to be shaped into who you’re meant to be, maybe, you have to go through it all.
10/27/2020 • 25 minutes, 38 seconds
#12 In The Abyss
A journey within the dark.
10/17/2020 • 19 minutes, 11 seconds
#11 High-Resolution Self Focus
In this episode, I cover the issue of waiting for the perfect moment, the necessity of viewing what matters in detail, and the liberation that comes from focusing on yourself and on what you can control. Background Music: Neath Dark Waters by Masayoshi Soken
10/10/2020 • 31 minutes, 41 seconds
#10 Dimensional Depths
In this episode, I discuss the duality of the human approach, the straw man fallacy, the simplifying of complex matters, and going in-depth with things that matter. Music:
9/28/2020 • 26 minutes, 38 seconds
#9 Facing The Demon
You never spoke of the fears you have buried deep within your heart. You kept them hidden, and to the world, they don’t even exist. Music:
9/21/2020 • 18 minutes, 6 seconds
#8 Soul Reflection
Life has been drifting you in strange directions. You've lost track of time, space, and who you are. Music:
9/14/2020 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
#7 The Pursuit of Purpose
You’re stuck in a place you don’t belong, being someone you don’t know, and it’s exhausting you, it’s sinking you in like quicksand. Music:
9/4/2020 • 31 minutes, 56 seconds
#6 Who Are You, Really?
This episode might give you an identity crisis, or an identity revelation. Music:
8/28/2020 • 28 minutes, 59 seconds
#5 The State of Human
You hold on, because you know how much those who gave up need someone to not give up on them. You give, because you know how much those who don’t ask need. Music:
8/21/2020 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
#4 Relative Perspective
In this episode, I highlight the filters between how you view the things you do and how others view them. And how it's a double-edged weapon to undermine the work you do. Music in the background:
8/17/2020 • 17 minutes, 57 seconds
#3 Casual Chat
I’m taking a lighter approach with this episode. In it, I talk about the difference between knowing something Vs. knowing the community of it, and how affection is not a competition. Music in the background:
8/13/2020 • 16 minutes, 8 seconds
#2 On Being a Perfectionist
Hello. In this recording, I talk about perfectionism, and what I believe is a healthy way of dealing with it. Music in the background:
8/5/2020 • 19 minutes, 3 seconds
#1 On Being Agreeable
Hello there. This is my first time recording a podcast. In this recording, I talk about being a very agreeable person, and what I believe to be a healthy way of tackling it.