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Memrise Spanish: Sobremesa Cover

Memrise Spanish: Sobremesa

English, Education, 2 seasons, 12 episodes, 4 hours, 11 minutes
Sobremesa is more than a language lesson, it is a collection of moving stories about the many different worlds of Spanish speakers, presented to you through sometimes light-hearted and sometimes deeply emotional conversations. Level up your Spanish skills while learning about our guests’ life stories, their customs and their traditions.
Episode Artwork

Valentine's Day Special

Today's episode is a special edition of Sobremesa, all about romance and relationships. We'll join Matilde and her guests for a real sobremesa and listen as Angela, Jesus, and Anastasia discuss love and relationships at this most romantic time of year. To watch the filmed sobremesa, head to Live and love in Spanish, download Memrise at
2/13/201928 minutes, 9 seconds
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Fun and Festivals in Jerez

Fancy a bit of Flamenco? Or perhaps sampling some Sherry is more to your taste? In today's episode, we're joined by Miguel, who's from the southern Spanish town of Jerez de la Frontera. He gives us the lowdown on which local festivals happen during different times of the year. Travel the world, download Memrise at 
2/6/201918 minutes, 36 seconds
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Wine and Vineyards in Chile

Who doesn’t love a glass of good Chilean wine? In today's episode, we pop a bottle (not literally!) with Catalina Luer, Head of Lab at a premium vineyard in Chile. We'll learn more about the magic of wine production, and what Catalina loves most about the heady drink. Keep improving your Spanish, download Memrise at 
1/30/201921 minutes, 20 seconds
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Migrants and Borders in Tijuana

In today's episode, we go to Tijuana in Mexico to hear from journalist Mariana Martinez. She'll take us into the heart of a caravan of migrants headed to Tijuana from Central America. We'll learn about their perilous journey, understand why they're seeking asylum, and discover what is waiting for them on their arrival. Experience the world, download Memrise at 
1/23/201925 minutes, 34 seconds
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The sieges of Zaragoza

Today, we travel back in time with two history lovers, Miguel and Elisa. They'll tell us about Zaragoza, known for being the only city that didn’t surrender to Napoleon’s invasions in the 19th century. We’ll discover how Zaragoza resisted two sieges and kept Europe’s best cavalry at bay for months on end, thanks to the tenacity of its people.  Talk about anything you want in Spanish, download Memrise at 
1/16/201922 minutes, 45 seconds
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Today we’ll explore probably the most famous Spanish dish, paella, and its connections with Valencia, the Arab world, and, of course, who better than a real Valencian to tell us everything about it? Today’s guest is Jesús Borrego. Get each episode weekly by subscribing on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. To start learning Spanish, download Memrise at
10/3/201826 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dia de Muertos

Today we’ll be talking about the very Mexican tradition of el Día de Muertos, the Day of the Dead. Olivia Zavala is going to tell us more about this renown and yet mysterious day and what it means for her and Mexican people all over the world. Get each episode weekly by subscribing on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. To start learning Spanish, download Memrise at
9/26/201824 minutes, 9 seconds
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Today’s guest, Rafael Suárez Rosa, has moved a lot around Spain following his childhood dream of becoming a professional football player. Get each episode weekly by subscribing on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. To start learning Spanish, download Memrise at
9/19/201831 minutes, 5 seconds
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Today’s episode is a story about Argentina, its language and the men who speak it, and, in particular, our guest today, Fernando Sdrigotti. Fernando is from Rosario, Argentina, he’s the writer of Triptico, a collection of short stories, Shetlag, a novel, and Dysfunctional Males, another collection of short stories. He’s also a Spanish tutor and in fact he’s Matilde's Spanish teacher! Get each episode weekly by subscribing on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. To start learning Spanish, download Memrise at
9/12/201825 minutes, 24 seconds
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In today’s episode we have Ángela Garcia Achalandabaso. Angie is the Senior Spanish language specialist here at Memrise, she’s from Palencia, Spain. Angie moved to the UK a few years back, and today she’s going to tell us about the one thing she would have loved to bring with her when she left Spain: tapas! Get each episode weekly by subscribing on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. To start learning Spanish, download Memrise at
9/5/201823 minutes, 19 seconds
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Welcome to Sobremesa

Sobremesa lands on September 5th and is the Spanish concept of lingering around the table after a good meal shared with friends indulging in soul-nourishing conversation. You’ll hear moving stories about the many different worlds of Spanish speakers, made by the language learning app, Memrise. Level up your Spanish while listening to delightful conversations hosted by Matilde Betti Canuti, Spanish learner and Linguist at Memrise.   Get each episode weekly by subscribing on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. To start learning Spanish, download Memrise at
8/28/20181 minute, 42 seconds