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Make Me Magnetic

English, Education, 1 season, 24 episodes, 17 hours, 14 minutes
Inspiring driven women to live passionately and authentically, and become IRRESISTIBLY magnetic to the life and love they crave.
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Stop being the giver and stop attracting men who take

In this episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Cyndi Olin We had an amazing time talking about: šŸ’— How to heal your feminine energy if you've been overly in your masculine šŸ’— How being overly nurturing, especially early on in dating, is actually a form of being in your masculine energy and will push a good man away and/or set up an unhealthy relationship dynamic with him šŸ’— How to be irresistible to a man through your communication šŸ’— How to make a man feel respected and seen, which will inspire him to want to pursue you and spend more time with you Get Cyndi's free gift: Get my free masterclass to stop attracting unavailable men and attract your DREAM man ready for commitment:
5/15/2024 ā€¢ 48 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Attract Top Tier Men

In this episode Dr. Diana Kirschner and I had an amazing time talking about: šŸ’— How to successfully find top tier men on the apps and in person/organically šŸ’— The identity shift that allows you to become absolutely irresistible to your top tier dream man regardless of your age or physical appearance (seriously!!) šŸ’— The secret to becoming highly attractive to your top tier dream man both in person (and on the apps) šŸ’— The secret to having a lasting thriving partnership (where the honeymoon phase never ends!) šŸ’— Tips for making an irresistible dating profile to attract your dream man! šŸ’— Find Your Top-Tier Mr. Right Coaching Session! šŸ’— Get my FREE masterclass to stop attracting unavailable men and manifest your dream man: ā
4/24/2024 ā€¢ 27 minutes, 57 seconds
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Heal Codependency through Feminine Embodiment

In this episode I interview Cheryl Fidelman, The Conscious Codependenceā„¢ Coach. Cheryl and I had an amazing time talking about: Signs youā€™re being codependent with anyone in your life and how to shift back into your alignment in these moments The role feminine embodiment has in healing our codependency How to regulate your emotions when you are finding yourselfĀ future trippingĀ while dating The difference between "pain" and "suffering" ;) This interview was from my recent Become Irresistible Interview Series. I had SUCH great feedback from the ladies who tuned in, so Iā€™m so excited to share it with you here!Ā  Get Cheryl's FREE PDF of The 3 Tenets of Conscious Codependenceā„¢: Get my FREE masterclass to stop attracting unavailable men and manifest your dream man:
4/17/2024 ā€¢ 30 minutes, 54 seconds
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The 5 Feminine Embodiment Traits Men Desire

In this episode I interview Relationship Coach Roy Biancalana. We had a great time talking about: How to release your fears and insecurities and reveal yourĀ authentic radianceĀ that attracts your soulmate partner The 5 key feminine embodiment traits that make you irresistible to the right man (this was SO juicy!) How to maintain strong boundaries while being soft and vulnerable with a man, and the importance of that vulnerability unfolding in stages This interview was from my recent Become Irresistible Interview Series. I had SUCH great feedback from the ladies who tuned in, so Iā€™m so excited to share it with you here!Ā  Get Roy's Free Relationship Fitness Self-Assessment: Test Get my FREE masterclass to stop attracting unavailable men and manifest your dream man:
4/10/2024 ā€¢ 28 minutes, 25 seconds
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Make Dating FUN to easily attract the ONE

Schedule a Free 20 Minute Private Dating Strategy Call with me here Learn more about my signature coaching program Becoming Wifey here In this episode I share how to make dating FUN so you can easily attract the one, avoid burnout and make this one of the best chapters of your entire life! I also share the right mindset and dating strategies that make you IRRESISTIBLE to high quality, relationship ready men pursuing you + wanting to claim you!
2/8/2024 ā€¢ 28 minutes, 35 seconds
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8 Minute Meditation to Attract Your Dream Love Relationship

In this episode I share an expert from a recent training I did where I guide you through a powerful meditation to acknowledge and release any doubts and fears you have about your love life, and help reconnect you to that place inside of you that KNOWS, trust and believes in the dream relationship that you are destined for, that is on it's way to you! Join my Free Dating Support for Women Private Facebook Group here to receive more tips to attract your true love!
1/22/2024 ā€¢ 8 minutes, 23 seconds
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Day 5 Free Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024

Enjoy the replay of Day 5 of my Free Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024! Join our Free Facebook Group to catch up on the previous challenge days and steps and connect + get inspired by the other amazing ladies in our community ā ā ā ā hereā ā ā ā  ! ā¤ļø In this episode I share how to manage your time well with an aligned, fun, dating schedule so dating remains easy and energizing (and you avoid burnout and overwhelm!) This includes tips for managing your time on the apps and creating room in your schedule for first dates, continuing dates AND time in your schedule for new hobbies + outings where you can meet incredible men organically in person ;) You're going to love this!
1/18/2024 ā€¢ 47 minutes, 13 seconds
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Day 4 Free Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024

Join my Free 5 Day Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024 and enter your chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card by signing up ā ā ā hereā ā ā  AND make sure to join our Free Facebook Group to participate ā ā ā hereā ā ā  ! ā¤ļø In this episode I share a strategy for connecting with men on the apps so you avoid a texting relationship and get to a first date quickly, and how to request starting with a video or phone call and then an in person date if you're interested!
1/15/2024 ā€¢ 41 minutes, 29 seconds
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Day 3 Free Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024

Join my Free 5 Day Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024 and enter your chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card by signing up ā ā hereā ā  AND make sure to join our Free Facebook Group to participate ā ā hereā ā  ! ā¤ļø In this episode I share how to meet men organically by being warm, magnetic and approachable!
1/13/2024 ā€¢ 38 minutes, 36 seconds
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Day 2 Free Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024

Join my Free 5 Day Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024 and enter your chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card by signing up ā hereā  AND make sure to join our Free Facebook Group to participate ā hereā  ! ā¤ļø In this episode I share how to create a magnetic dating profile to attract quality matches! I also share why I believe online dating is so helpful, and what to do if it's been sucky so far so you can turn that around! ;)
1/11/2024 ā€¢ 44 minutes, 28 seconds
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Day 1 Free Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024

Join my Free 5 Day Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024 and enter your chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card by signing up here AND make sure to join our Free Facebook Group to participate here ! ā¤ļø In this episode I lead you through a guided meditation to overcome your fear, doubt and resistance and step into total FAITH in your vision for your dream relationship so you can attract it this year ;)
1/10/2024 ā€¢ 45 minutes, 1 second
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Your comfort zone is keeping you single + the benefits of online dating {gasp!}

Join the Free 5 Day Dating Challenge to Attract True Love in 2024 here ! Join our Free Attract the One - Dating Support for Women Facebook Group here In this episode I share: >> how to start actively dating in your power and attract your dream man + relationship THIS year >> how your comfort zone is keeping you single >> my thoughts on online dating!!! (in addition to meeting men organically) and how its actually the BEST thing you can be doing, + tips for how to do it strategically so its FUN and WORKS for you! This will be a GREAT warm up for our free challenge starting Jan 10th!
1/8/2024 ā€¢ 42 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to get asked out ALL the time by great guys (for a first, second, third date and beyond!)

Click here to join Heal Your Relationship with Men & Attract Your Healthy Masculine Partner Course! Enrollment closes December 22nd at 11:59pm PST! In this episode I reveal how to get asked out ALL the time by great men (and get asked for a second date and beyond!) I'll also be covering:Ā  šŸ’— How women actually need to send the first signal so great men approach youĀ  šŸ’— How to easily meet great men both organically in person AND very easily on the appsĀ Ā  šŸ’— What feminine embodiment looks like in action while dating and how it makes youĀ irresistibleĀ to your DREAM guy Click ā hereā  to join Heal Your Relationship with Men & Attract Your Healthy Masculine Partner Course! Enrollment closes December 22nd at 11:59pm PST! Click here to join my FREE Facebook Community: Attract The One Dating Support for Women
12/21/2023 ā€¢ 53 minutes, 33 seconds
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Manifest Queen Treatment from Men in 3 Steps

Click HERE to join Heal Your Relationship with Men & Attract Your Healthy Masculine Partner Course here! Doors Close December 22nd at 11:59pm PST! Click here to join my Free Attract The One - Dating Support for Women Facebook Community If the idea of an attractive, available man driving 2 hours to come see you and take you on a lovely first date Or evenĀ flyĀ to come see you sounds absurd, unlikely, impossible or even makes your skin crawl to imagine receiving this---this episode is for you! Inside I share 3 steps to manifest Queen Treatment from men so you have quality,Ā attractiveĀ men putting in effort to get to know you, make you feel safe and comfortable, who are genuinely looking for a lasting relationship! ā¤ļø If you want to attract a lasting true love relationship with a healthy masculine man you ADORE, you get to become very comfortable receiving at this level And you get toĀ normalizeĀ this kind of of high quality masculine behavior in dating Normalize men overcoming obstacles, putting in lots of effort and being generous with you-- WITHOUT expecting anything in return ;)Ā but your happiness and appreciation! There are SO many attractive, heart-centered men looking for their Queen and ready to treat her like one! Enjoy! Xx
12/19/2023 ā€¢ 42 minutes, 20 seconds
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Get Pursued by Available Men You're ACTUALLY Attracted to

In this episode I share why you're only attracting either unavailable guys, or guys you're just not physically attracted to and the 2 steps to shift this so you can have multiple, relationship ready guys PURSUING you that you ACTUALLY are attracted to and get into the lasting relationship you crave! Join my course: Heal Your Relationship with Men & Attract Your Healthy Masculine Partner >> here << by December 15th for early bird pricing! Get my Free Masterclass to Stop Attracting Unavailable Men, Date Like a Queen and Call in Your King >> here << Join my FREE Facebook Group: Attract the One - Dating Support for Women >> here <<
12/14/2023 ā€¢ 48 minutes, 1 second
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6 Steps to Romanticize Your Life & Attract Your Heart's Desires from Overflow

Join the waitlist for my upcoming program The Soft Life Reset >> here to receive a special coupon code and be first to know when enrollment opens! In this episode I'll be sharing how to bring more peace, meaning and fulfillment to your life so you can enjoy it way more AND become magnetic to all your desires! I believe ALL of our power comes fromĀ realizing our life is already good You must approach your love life from a completely different energy than we're accustomed to. Where you can deeply enjoy and savor your life along the way to attracting your man, and your other dreams too This is also about surrendering your attachment to theĀ specificsĀ of your desires as well. It's about trusting that, sometimes (often) life brings us something BETTER than what we could ever imagine for ourselves in a better time, shape or form than we could've ever guessed When we bring this softness and appreciation to our every day lives, we become our most magnetic selves. And not only that, we are just SO much happier!Ā (isn't that the whole point?) I hope you enjoy this episode, and I'd love to have you in my new upcoming program The Soft Life Reset to master these teachings so you can experience deep fulfillment in your life and naturally attract the love and life you desire! Join the waitlist here and you'll receive a special coupon code sent to your inbox when the doors open!
8/25/2023 ā€¢ 1 hour, 17 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Trust in Divine Timing

If you struggle with the concept of divine timing, or feel like its your fault when your manifestations don't unfold within a certain time frame, you're going to LOVE this episode. Inside I share how to find the balance between taking responsibility for your results through "manifestation" and embracing that there is a wisdom to the timing of your life. There is a rhythm to your life, that you can sync up with, that provides a deep sense of peace and relief from the pressure to manifest things within a certain time frame. We can show up for the embodiment of what we want, how we want to feel, and who we want to be vs showing up just for the outcome with attachment to the result. In doing so we enjoy our lives so much more, and open ourselves up to manifestations and miracles that are beyond what we could have ever imagined. We need to avoid extremes in either direction and find the balance between the two concepts (manifestation and divine timing) because ultimately it is a combination of both that create our lives. I share how to strike that balance for yourself in this episode. Enjoy! Get my FREE masterclass on how to attract a true love relationship full of passion, chemistry and devotion: To explore my online courses or apply to work with me visit: Subscribe to my Youtube Channel:
7/7/2023 ā€¢ 15 minutes, 59 seconds
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Creativity as a Manifestation Tool

Awakening your creativity is the key to creating a life and love beyond your wildest dreams. It's deeply connected to your inner wisdom and will lead you step by step to your greatest fulfillment, happiness and success if you listen to it. In this episode you will discover 3 potent practices to reconnect to this part of yourself. I also guide you to ask yourself important questions to help you manifest your most authentic life like: If I had a billion dollars what would I do? What would I CREATE? What is most important to me? Am I living MY dream or am I stuck in routine, societal norms and others expectations? This is a deep and heart felt episode to help you align to your most authentic life and become magnetic to all you want. I hope you love it! Explore my coaching offerings at
6/26/2023 ā€¢ 46 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ditch the Dating Rules & Attract Your Fairytale Romance

This is for single women ready to ditch the dating rules and attract their fairytale romance, happily ever after. If you're ready to surrender these rules once and for all and instead-- follow a feminine, intuitive, FUN and empowering path to attracting love, give this episode a listen! In this episode you will discover: - How traditional dating advice is sabotaging the fairytale romance you crave - The ONLY question you need to ask yourself in order to guide your steps so you can fall into the arms of your true love & - The TRUE feminine energy traits that hook him + make him fall in love with you (HINT: it's not what you think!) If you want to work with me to become irresistible to your true love check out my new 6 week live course called Irresistible! Pre Sale ends soon! Check it out here:
5/2/2023 ā€¢ 1 hour, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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Burn Sh*t to The Ground & Claim Your Desire for More Money

Join the Magic Money Bootcamp: If any area of your life doesn't feel like a F*** yes it gets to either be rearranged--or burnt to the ground and rebuilt ;) Your desires, as the Queen of your life, get to beĀ respected You desires are not frivolous, they get to be seen and treated by you asĀ requirements This is true in your love life, and in your relationship to money This episode was recorded live as a free masterclass for my email list, we honed in on the area of money and it was so incredibly powerful I got to witness everyone shed their limiting beliefs about their self worth, their ability to make more money, And their ability to manage it + be in COMMAND of their money (instead of out of control) This will be incredibly empowering and uplifting. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
3/23/2023 ā€¢ 1 hour, 26 minutes, 40 seconds
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Become The Queen of Receiving Money

If you have a desire to receive more money, you get to respect that desire as a calling.Ā In this episode I will support you in tapping into the Queen Archetype so you feel worthy and capable of receiving the money you want! In this episode I share the exact shifts I made that helped me 4x my income back in 2020 and continue to expand ever since. These are the same principles that I've supported countless clients embody to attract more money in ways that felt totally aligned! šŸ„‚ In this episode I will support you to: >> Start valuing yourself way more, andĀ command more moneyĀ into your field ;) >> Cultivate and embody a trueĀ abundanceĀ mindset to create MIRACLE$ in your finances fast >> Dissolve your resistance, fear and self doubt so you can RECEIVE more money with ease I'm SO excited for this and I hope you love it! The Love & Success Mastermind is open for enrollment until March 30th, 2023! Click >> here << to learn more and to save your spot ! If you're ready to attract more money in ways that feel truly aligned-- The Love & Success Mastermind is for you! Join my Magic Money Bootcamp 3 Day Masterclass Series >> here <<
3/19/2023 ā€¢ 1 hour, 15 minutes, 16 seconds
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Equal Partnership & Healthy Dominance

How to have steamy romance in a long-term partnership with a man.  Passion does not have to fade over time!  Divine Union is open for enrollment:   Email [email protected] if you have any questions
7/27/2022 ā€¢ 34 minutes, 31 seconds
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Cultivate A Divine Union Relationship

In this episode, I share how to create a divine union relationship. This is for women desiring a soulmate, healthy, passionate relationship with the man of their dreams. How to have your man inspired to come towards you, spark intimacy, lead romantic experiences, and give you all you crave. I also share how to lead as a King and Queen together in your lives.    Divine Union is open for enrollment: https://chelsearosecoaching.thrivecar...  Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions
7/27/2022 ā€¢ 40 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Podcast is Born

In this first episode, I am recording on my 30th birthday! I share my inspiration behind launching this Podcast. What my vision is for you, and for the women of the world. I invite you to imagine your 90 year old self, looking back on your life and knowing--it was a life well lived. I share with you the secret behind having unshakeable magnetism in your life. You can expect to receive practical and spiritual tips and advice on attracting your dream life, and dream relationship throughout this podcast. And ultimately I want to give you a very warm welcome! Thank you for being here and I can't wait for more! PS I realize the audio on this first episode is not stellar...we're fixing that for future episodes! Better done and messy than not done at all, as I like to say ;) !
5/26/2022 ā€¢ 17 minutes, 9 seconds