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Língua da Gente - Portuguese Podcast: Lessons Cover
Língua da Gente - Portuguese Podcast: Lessons Profile

Língua da Gente - Portuguese Podcast: Lessons

Portuguese, Education, 1 season, 230 episodes
In Brazil, the term língua da gente (literally 'language of the people') refers to the way that people actually talk in everyday speech. And that, in essence, is the object behind this series. We hope to provide practical lessons that demonstrate how people really speak, and we do this by presenting brief, slice-of-life dialogs, which focus on some daily situation, scenario, or task that we encounter every day.
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Slice of Life 50: Volunteer Work

We all need a little help sometimes, and fortunately good neighbors, friends, and church groups rally to help out and provide community service. Here in Texas natural disasters seem to top the list: tornados, hurricanes, floods and fires. In today’s episode it is time to put together some food packages. Feel free to join us if you’d like to.DialogueA: Acabei de receber uma ligação da Barbara do Banco de Alimentos. B: Sim, e aí? Eles precisam de ajuda neste fim de semana? A: Sim. Várias pessoas perderam a casa deles no tornado da noite passada. B: Eles precisam de doações? A: Doações nem tanto, mas estão precisando de gente pra ajudar a montar os pacotes de alimentos. B: Eu tenho um tempinho amanhã de manhã. Diga pra Barb que estamos dentro. A: Ótimo, a Bárbara me disse que eles vão se reunir por volta das 9h da manhã, beleza? B: Sem problemas, vou convidar a Jamie para ir também.A: I just got a call from Barbara at the Food Bank. B: Yeah, what’s up? Do they need some help this weekend? A: They do. A number of people lost their homes in last night’s tornado. B: Do they need some donations? A: Not so much donations, but they need people to help put together the food packages. B: I’ve got some free time tomorrow morning. Tell Barb that we’re in. A: Great, Barbara said they’re getting together around 9:00am, OK? B: No problem, I’ll invite Jamie to join us too.
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Slice of Life 49: Finals Week

Final exams are very stressful for high school students. With one test determining 25% of their semester average, students need to ace these tests to do well. Finals week comes at the end of every semester. While students usually have 4 classes a day, on finals week they have 2 two-hour long exam periods; the day ends at lunch time.DialogueA: Nem acredito que já estamos na semana das provas finais! B: Eu sei. Parece que a escola começou ontem. A: Não é? Eu não estudei o suficiente. B: Bom, você tem sorte porque como as provas Só tomam metade do dia, você pode passar a outra metade estudando. A: É, mas minhas primeiras provas são de Matemática e Biologia. Eu não quero arruinar 25% da minha média final. B: Tenho certeza de que você vai se dar bem. A: Que provas você têm primeiro? B: História e Cerâmica. Todas as minhas provas difíceis são no final da semana. A: O bom é que a gente entra de férias assim que os exames terminarem. B: É. Não vejo a hora de botar o sono em dia.A: I can’t believe it’s already finals week! B: I know. It seems like school just started yesterday. A: I know, right? I haven’t studied enough. B: Well, luckily, because finals are half days you can spend the rest of the day studying. A: Yeah, but I have math and bio first. I don’t want to mess up 25% of my semester average. B: I’m sure it will be fine. A: Which classes do you have first? B: History and ceramics. All of my hard classes are at the end of the week. A: At least winter break begins after testing is over. B: Yeah, I am looking forward to getting some more sleep.
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Slice of Life 48: Time to mow the lawn

You can’t get around it, home ownership implies a lawn, and lawns need to be mowed. Some people love it, some people hate it. A beautiful lawn is always a symbol of a well-kept yard. In today’s episode, once again it is time to mow the lawn.DialogueA: Tá na hora de cortar a grama novamente esse fim de semana, né? B: De novo! Parece que a gente acabou de cortar. A: Tá tudo com uma cara ótima esse ano, você não acha? B: Sim. Aquele fertilizante deu muito certo. A: Falando nisso, você conseguiu mais gasolina para o cortador de grama? B: Botei gasolina nova e também troquei o óleo. Tá pronto para cortar a grama. A: Obrigada, o motor tem andado meio barulhento ultimamente. B: Eu substituí a vela de ignição velha e agora arranca sem problema.A: About time to mow the lawn again this weekend, right? B: Again! It seems like we just mowed it. A: It’s looking pretty good this year, don’t you think? B: It is. That weed-and-feed did a great job. A: By the way, did you get some more gas for the mower? B: Fresh gas, and I changed the oil too. It should be good to go. A: Thanks, it’s been sounding a little rough lately. B: I replaced the old spark plug, and it cranked up no problem.
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Slice of Life 47: Takeout

Sometimes you are really hungry but don’t have any time to cook. Other times, you simply don’t feel like cooking or are having a craving for that dish from your favorite restaurant. In these cases, ordering takeout is a great idea!DialogueA: Tô com tanta fome. Não tem nada gostoso pra comer em casa. B: Ah, acho que a gente vai passar por aquele restaurante coreano daqui a pouco. Quer ir? A: Quero sim, mas a gente tá sem tempo. Já estamos atrasadas. B: Bom, porque a gente não pede pra viagem? A: Boa ideia. B: Ai meu Deus, essa comida tá com um cheiro tão bom... A: Vou pedir para eles botarem uns garfinhos de plástico na sacola e a gente come no carro. B: Boa. Vou tentar não sujar o carro. A: Você sempre se suja toda quando come... B: Olha lá! Acho que o cara tá vindo com a nossa sacola.A: I’m so hungry. There’s nothing good to eat at home. B: Ooh I think I see that Korean place coming up. Wanna go there? A: I mean yeah, but we don’t have time. We’re already late. B: Well… why don’t we just get takeout? A: Good idea! B: Oh my God, that food smells so good! A: I’ll ask them to put some forks in the bag so we can eat in the car. B: Sounds good. I’ll try to not get the car dirty! A: You are a very messy eater… B: Hey! I think I see the guy coming with our bag.
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Slice of Life 46: How does your garden grow?

One of the delights of summertime is the chance to grow your own vegetables in a garden. It’s a little tricky with the weather, a need to water, and a constant battle with the bugs. But nothing tastes as good as a fresh tomato from the garden. Wish us luck, and happy harvesting.DialogueA: Parece que a sua horta tá indo bem. Tá uma beleza! B: Obrigado, eu plantei a ervilha um pouco tarde este ano, mas o feijão está ótimo. A: É, a ervilha pode ser mais complicado, principalmente porque aqui faz tanto calor. B: E os meus tomates e abóboras começaram bem. A: Eu desisti dos tomates, os esquilos e os insetos comem eles o tempo todo. B: É por isso que eu gosto de cenoura, batata e batata doce. A: Que esperto, todos crescem no subsolo. Você com certeza tem dedo verde.A: Looks like your vegetable garden is taking off! Looks great. B: Thanks, I got my peas in a little late this year, but the beans are coming in strong. A: Peas can be tricky, especially with how hot it gets around here. B: And my tomatoes and squash have a good start. A: I gave up on tomatoes, the squirrels and the bugs get them every time. B: That’s the main reason why I like carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. A: Smart, they all grow underground. You’ve definitely got a green thumb.
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Slice of Life 45: Game Night

Many American families host game nights. These fun evenings unite the whole family, creating a fun, yet competitive, environment that can last for hours. Choosing which game to play can sometimes be the most stressful part, though.DialogueA: O Monopoly tá pronto! Qual peça você quer ser? B: Aff, esse jogo demora muito. A: Mas é tão divertido! E é perfeito para uma noite de jogo. B: Tá bom, tudo bem, eu jogo. Mas só se eu for a banqueira. A: Nada de trapaça desta vez! Você sempre rouba o dinheiro. B: Mas faz o jogo acabar mais rápido. A: Vou pegar uns lanchinhos na despensa. B: E eu vou pegar uns jogos reserva caso ninguém queira jogar Monopoly. A: Que rude! B: Eu tenho Pictionary, Scrabble, e Uno. Esses as pessoas vão querer jogar com certeza.A: I got Monopoly ready! Which piece do you want to be? B: Ugh, that game takes too long. A: But it’s so fun! And it’s perfect for game night. B: Okay fine, I’ll play. As long as I get to be the banker. A: No cheating this time! You always steal the money. B: But it speeds up the game. A: I’m gonna get the snacks from the pantry. B: And I’ll get backup games in case no one wants to play Monopoly. A: Rude! B: I have Pictionary, Scrabble, and Uno! People will definitely want to play those.
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Slice of Life 44: BBQ Tonight

Summertime and outdoor BBQ, it seems to be the perfect combination. Whether you like your steak rare, medium, or well done, nothing beats outdoor cooking, with a little sizzle and that juicy steak. What’s for dinner? Beef!DialogueA: Que tal grelhar uns bifes hoje à noite? B: Opa, que boa ideia. O você acha, talvez uns contra-filés? A: Claro, eu posso comprar dois bifes grossos no caminho de casa. B: Você checou o nível do gás ultimamente? A: Sem problemas, nós compramos um botijão novo algumas semanas atrás. B: E traga também umas espigas de milho, beleza? A: Pode deixar, bifes e espigas de milho. Tô tão feliz que o verão tá chegando. B: Eu também. Pra mim, botar uma carne na grelha é a refeição perfeita do verão.A: Should we BBQ some steaks tonight? B: Oh, that would be perfect. What do you say, maybe some New York steaks? A: Sure, I can buy a couple of thick ones on the way home. B: Have you checked the propane lately? A: No problem, we bought a new container just a couple of weeks ago? B: And grab some corn on the cob too, OK? A: Got it, steaks and corn on the cob. I’m so glad it’s summer time again. B: Me too. For me throwing some steaks on the grill is the perfect summer meal.
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Slice of Life 43: Garage Sale

Garage sales, also known as yard sales or tag sales, are a great excuse for homeowners to get rid of clutter by selling their items. They usually last a day, and buyers come to hunt one-of-a-kind items for a cheap price.DialogueA: Olha, esse livro parece interessante e só custa 25 centavos. B: Nossa, que pechincha! A: Eu tava dando uma olhada, esse garage sale* tá cheio de coisa legal. B: É, eu achei essa vela bacana. Meio carinha, mas eu acho que dá pra barganhar. A: Você realmente precisa de mais uma vela? B: Claro! A: Você chegou a ver as roupas? B: Vi, foi onde eu achei essa jaqueta... e esse pula-pula pogo esquisito. A: Esse aí a gente definitivamente não precisa! B: Tá bom, vou botar de volta.A: Hey, this book looks interesting, and it’s only 25 cents. B: Dang, that’s a steal. A: I’ve been looking around; this garage sale has some pretty cool stuff. B: Yeah, I found this cool candle. Kinda pricey, but I think I can bargain with them. A: Uh, do we really need another candle? B: Um yes! A: Did you even get a chance to see the clothing? B: Yeah, that’s where I found this jacket… and this weird pogo stick. A: We definitely don’t need that! B: Okay.... I’ll put it back.
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Slice of Life 42: Road trip

What is more traditional than jumping into the car, packing food and clothes, taking a road trip? We all have great memories of outings with friends and family. In today’s episode we relive the good times, thinking about the days when we kept the traditions alive. Are we there yet?DialogueA: A gente já está chegando? B: Ainda não, para de perguntar. A: Mas eu tô super entediada!! B: Porque você não ouve a playlist que você passou o dia inteiro fazendo? A: A gente pode tocar no alto-falante? B: Pode. Me passa um sanduíche? A: Toma aqui. Acho que tô vendo uma vaca! B: Onde? Tira uma foto! A: Tirei. A gente tem água? B: Tem um pouco no banco de trás, mas não bebe muito. Não tem nenhuma parada para ir ao banheiro. A: A gente já está chegando?A: Are we there yet? B: No, stop asking. A: But I’m so bored!!! B: Why don’t you play that playlist you spent all day making? A: Can we play it on the speaker? B: Sure. Can you pass me a sandwich? A: Yeah, here you go. Oh, I think I see a cow! B: Where?! Take a picture! A: Got it. Do we have any water? B: There’s some in the back seat, but don’t drink too much. There’s no place to go to the bathroom. A: Are we there yet?
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Slice of Life 41: Choice Sheet

Choice sheets are used to determine the classes high students will have the next year. This frequently becomes a topic of discussion amongst many students, parents, and counselors. Students must choose the level of their required classes, as well as the electives they want to take. Eventually, the choice sheet will determine their schedule.DialogueA: Em quais matérias você vai se inscrever? B: Ah, já está na época de escolher as matérias? A: Tá, o prazo é na semana que vem. B: Queria que a gente tivesse mais tempo. A: Eu não consigo me decidir entre História Geral AP* ou regular. B: Ah, eu faria a AP. Eu curti muito esta matéria. A: Como é o dever de casa? B: Pra falar a verdade, é coisa à beça. Você vai ter que se dedicar aos estudos. A: E a professora? B: A minha era maravilhosa. Tomara que você pegue ela também.A: What classes are you signing up for? B: Oh, is it time for choice sheets already? A: Yeah, they’re due next week. B: I wish we had more time! A: I can’t decide between WHAP* and regs. B: Oh, I’d do WHAP. I had a lot of fun when I took it. A: What’s the homework like? B: To be honest, pretty intense. You’ll have to be dedicated to studying. A: And the teacher? B: Mine was awesome. I hope you have her too.
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Slice of Life 40: Surprise Party

Life is better when it’s full of parties. The fun starts with planning all the details, from food, to music, to the guest list. Even better is to throw a surprise party for a dear friend, who deserves to be celebrated in style.DialogueA: A Sofia nem desconfia que a gente tá organizando essa festa surpresa de aniversário. Plano perfeito! B: Com certeza. Eu passei a noite inteira fazendo decoração. Agora, onde foi que eu botei o glitter... A: Peraí, como é que ela vem pra cá, mesmo? B: Eu disse que precisava de ajuda para instalar meu laptop novo. Ela caiu que nem um patinho... A: Todos os convidados responderam, alguns já estão até vindo. B: Você preparou a comida e a playlist, né? A: Tá tudo pronto. B: Ah, olha o glitter aqui! Vamos nos arrumar antes que as pessoas cheguem. A gente tá parecendo umas zumbis. A: Tá, vou voar pro chuveiro.A: Sophia will never suspect that we are throwing this surprise birthday party, it’s the perfect plan! B: Definitely. I have been working all night on these decorations. Now, where did I put that glitter… A: Wait, how is she getting here again? B: I told her that I needed some help setting up my new laptop. She totally bought it. A: The guests have all RSVPed; some are on their way as we speak! B: You prepared the food and got the playlist ready, right? A: Done and done! B: Ah, there’s the glitter! Let’s get dressed before anyone arrives. We look like zombies. A: Okay, I’m gonna jump in the shower.
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Slice of Life 39: Dollies for my Birthday

Image that you are four years old and it’s almost time for your birthday. What do you want? Well, an L.O.L. doll, isn’t it obvious! In this episode Abby lets us know all about L.O.L. dolls, just in case you are new to the world of surprise toys. It’s not only a lesson in English, it’s a lesson in what’s hot and cool in the world of young little girls who will soon have a birthday.DialogueA: O que você quer pro seu aniversário? B: Eu quero uma boneca LOL surpresa. A: Uma boneca LOL surpresa! Quantos tipos diferentes de bonecas LOL tem por aí? B: Eu não sei. R: Como você ficou sabendo delas? B: Assistindo vídeos. R: Onde você assiste esses vídeos? B: No tablet. R: Foi aí que você aprendeu sobre as bonecas LOL? B: Aham. R: O que são bonecas LOL surpresa? B: Bom, elas são bonecas que vêm numa bola, elas são pequenas e têm acessórios. R: Ah, então você desembrulhaa a bola e quando abre, você encontra um acessório, depois uma boneca e outro acessório. Quer mais alguma coisa no seu aniversário? B: Quem sabe, sapatos que combinam com meus vestidos novos.A: What do you want for your birthday? B: I want a L.O.L. doll. A: L.O.L. doll! How many different kinds of L.O.L. dolls are there? B: I don’t know. A: How did you hear about them? B: In videos. A: Where do you watch those videos? B: On the tablet. A: That’s where you learned about L.O.L. dolls? B: Um huh. A: What are L.O.L. dolls? B: Well, they are dolls that first come in a ball, and they’re kind of small, and they have accessories. A: Oh, so you like unwrap the ball, and as you unwrap it you find an accessory, and then a doll, and then another accessory. Anything else you want for your birthday? B: Well, slippers that can go with my new dresses.
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Slice of Life 38: Spring Cleaning

For most people, any type of cleaning is an ordeal. Even worse when you have to face organizing your closet and deal with all those clothes and accessories that you have accumulated for years. But when you do this with your sister, it’s so much easier, even fun. And, oh, what a nice feeling to see a clean, well-organized closet!DialogueA: Ai, meu closet tá a maior bagunça! Mal consigo entrar. B: Eu acabei de organizar o meu. Agora que eu tô com mais tempo livre eu posso te ajudar. A: Que bom! Acho que o maior problema é que tenho um montão de roupa que já não cabe mais. B: A gente pode começar fazendo uma pilha de roupa pra guardar e outra pra dar. Depois a gente vê onde vai guardar suas roupas. A: Eu queria guardar tudo pendurado em cabides, pelo menos em teoria, mas sei que muita coisa vai acabar parando nas gavetas. B: E coisas tipo chapéu, roupa de banho e pijama? A: De repente a gente pode botar em caixas. B: Nossa! Seu closet agora tá ótimo! Vamos pedir ao papai pra passar o aspirador de pó pra ficar perfeito.A: Ugh my closet is such a mess! I can barely step in it. B: Oh, I just finished organizing mine! Now that I have some free time on my hands, I can help you out. A: Sounds good. I think my biggest problem is that I have a lot of clothes that don’t fit anymore. B: We can start by making piles of clothes to keep or toss. From there, we can start thinking about where to store your clothes. A: I would like to hang all my clothes, if possible, but I know that some things will have to go in drawers. B: What about stuff like hats, swimsuits, and pajamas? A: Maybe we can put them in bins. B: Wow! Your closet looks great now! Let’s ask dad to vacuum the floors for a nice finish.
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Slice of Life 37: Brunch

Everyone likes a nice brunch. It’s the weekend and we can get up late. Forget the morning rush and all the worries about school or work. It’s time to slow down and savor a yummy meal in the company of friends and/or family. Next thing you know, it’s dinner time!DialogueA: Gente, ninguém come nada até eu terminar aqui. Quero todo mundo com fome na hora do brunch*. B: Ah, mas eu tô com fome agora. Posso comer essa panqueca aqui da pilha? A: Não! Também tô fazendo mais um montão de comida. Não quero que você se encha de panqueca sem ver todo o resto. B: Tá... o que mais você tá fazendo? A: Rabanada, ovo poché e waffle. E também vai ter frutas de acompanhamento. B: Nossa, é comida demais! Vou pegar só essa panqueca e já vou. Tchaauu. A: Peraí, peraí! Não foge não! Pelo menos me ajuda com as bebidas. B: Um suco de laranja espremido na hora ia cair bem!A: Hey! Nobody eat anything until I am done cooking. I want everyone to be hungry in time for brunch. B: Mmm… but I’m hungry now. Can I eat this pancake off the stack? A: No! I am making a bunch of other food too. I don’t want you to fill up on pancakes without seeing all the other options. B: Okay… what else are you making? A: French toast, poached eggs, and waffles. There will also be a side of fresh berries. B: Oh, that’s way too much food. I’ll just take this pancake and go. Byeeeee. A: Wait, wait, wait! Don’t go yet! At least help me prepare the drinks. B: Some freshly-squeezed OJ would go great with this.
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Slice of Life 36: Earth Day

Earth Day gives us an excuse to execute some kind of plan on what we want to do to respect our planet. In today’s episode, once again, we are going to try to build a compost pile. Wish us luck, because our previous attempts have been less than stellar. It’s worth it though, and the actual compost is awesome.DialogueA: Algum plano para o Dia do Planeta Terra esse ano? B: Com certeza. Vou começar uma compostagem de verdade dessa vez. A: Outra vez! Mas é que dá cheiro e faz uma bagunça. B: Olha, se você souber dosar a proporção de carbono e nitrogênio, não é tão mal assim. A: Boa sorte, será que não podemos usar a caixa de compostagem que a cidade oferece? B: Poderia, mas não faz sentido ter o nosso próprio adubo para espalhar pelo jardim? A: Acho que você tem razão, mas temos espaço para isso? B: Sim, bem ao lado de onde cortamos o velho pé de carvalho.A: Do you have any Earth Day plans this year? B: Actually, I do. I wanna start composting for real this time. A: I’ve heard that before! It’s just messy and smelly. B: Really, if you get the ratio of carbon and nitrogen, it’s not all that bad. A: Good luck, can’t we just use the composting bin that the city provides? B: We could, but doesn’t it make more sense to have our own compost to spread around the garden? A: You’re probably right, but do we even have space for it? B: We do, right next to where we chopped down the old oak tree.
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Slice of Life 35: Texas Wildflowers

Texas is famous for its colorful wildflowers. We would be remiss if we didn’t create an episode to honor the Texas wildflowers. For those lucky enough to come to Texas, try to make the trip in the spring. For those who can’t come to Texas, at least we have an episode to talk about bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, and Indian blankets.DialogueA: Tava aqui pensando, Tâmara, se as flores são silvestres, por que você tem que plantar elas? B: Bom, elas crescem selvagens aqui no Texas, mas você pode plantá-las em seu quintal no outono. A: Mas as flores silvestres florescem na primavera, certo? B: Sim, mas as plantas mesmo crescem durante todo o inverno. A: Posso simplesmente jogar as sementes no gramado do jardim da frente? B: Na verdade, não. É melhor plantar sementes diretamente no solo, com sol pleno e terra com boa drenagem. A: Qual é a sua favorita? B: As minhas favoritas são as bluebonnets. Adoro vê-las ao longo das rodovias enquanto dirijo pela cidade. A: Eu também, e gosto muito de ver uma mistura de flores.A: I’ve been thinking, Tamara, if they are wildflowers, why do you have to plant them? B: Well, here in Texas, they grow wild, but you can plant them in your yard in the fall. A: But the wildflowers bloom in the spring, right? B: They do, but the actual plants grow all winter long. A: Can I just throw the seeds on the grassy lawn in the front yard? B: Actually, no. It’s best to plant seeds directly on the soil, with full sun, and good drainage. A: Do you have a favorite? B: My favorites are the bluebonnets. I love to see them along the highways as I drive around town. A: Me too, and I really like to see a mixture of the flowers.
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Slice of Life 34: Bike Ride

In terms of life’s enjoyable activities, riding a bike seems to be on top of that list. Some ride bikes for fun, others ride bikes to get to school and to work. Some buy fancy clothes and equipment, some just hop on. Little kids learn how to ride bikes, and adults love to ride bikes. It only seems fitting that we have an episode to honor those who ride bikes.DialogueA: Quer andar de bicicleta no calçadão hoje? B: Quero. O dia tá lindo! A: E mamãe ainda deu dez dólares para comprar chá gelado. B: Aqui: se o chá gelado for só um dólar, ainda dá pra comprar um bagel*. A: Humm, e a gente pode tomar o chá no banquinho de frente pro mar. B: Ótimo! Vamos logo! Deixa só eu trocar de roupa. A: Vou calçar o sapato. E botar filtro solar, claro. B: Deixa só eu tomar uma água antes da gente sair.A: Do you want to go on a bike ride on the boardwalk today? B: Sure. The weather is really nice. A: I even got ten dollars from mom to buy iced tea. B: Hey, if iced tea only costs a buck, maybe we could get a bagel too. A: Ooh and we can drink it on the bench overlooking the ocean. B: That sounds great! I can’t wait to go. Just let me get changed. A: And I’ll put my shoes on. And sunscreen, of course. B: I’m just gonna drink some water before we go.
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Slice of Life 33: Nature Photography

Today’s cameras are astounding, and with a little training and practice almost anyone can take amazing photos. In this episode we also find out, in addition to the settings, that nature photos are enhanced when you are in the right place at the right time. Enjoy.DialogueA: Ô Tamara, olha essa foto do beija-flor que acabei de tirar. B: Nossa, olha pra essas asas. Você tá ficando muito bom em tirar fotos da natureza. A: Sabe, tô começando a entender as configurações corretas e como usar essa lente. B: Qual é a velocidade do obturador que você usava para congelar as asas do beija-flor? A: Um milésimo de segundo, e também ampliei um pouco para 500 mm. B: Muito legal esse teu passatempo, né? A: Sem dúvida, tem sido uma curva de aprendizado divertida. B: Pelo jeito tá valendo a pena: essas fotos são incríveis.A: Hey Tamara, check out this hummingbird picture I just got. B: Wow, look at those wings. You’re really getting good at getting into nature shots. A: You know, I’m starting to catch on to the correct settings, and how to use this lens. B: What shutter speed do you need to freeze the hummingbird’s wings? A: 1/1000th of a second, and I zoomed in quite a bit too, 500mm. B: Pretty cool hobby you’re into there, you know? A: No doubt, it’s been a fun learning curve. B: Well it’s paying off: these shots are amazing.
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Slice of Life 32: Back To School

There is nothing like a new beginning, a new school year and a new start. Part of getting ready for a new school year is the back-to-school shopping. It’s a time to buy book and supplies, not to mention new school clothes. This year there are tons of things to buy.DialogueA: Adoro comprar material escolar pra volta às aulas! Principalmente quando as lojas estão cheias de promoção boa. B: Eu também! Acho que já sei como vou organizar minha papelada esse ano: em pastas. A: Legal! Você vai classificar por cor? E os cadernos vão combinar? B: Sim para ambos. Olha, eu devia comprar uns lápis novos! A: Você realmente não precisa. Tem muito lápis sobrando em casa dos outros anos. A gente podia usar esse dinheiro pra outra coisa... B: Uma mochila nova! A: Peraí… o que aconteceu com a sua mochila do ano passado? Sei lá, tava pensando mais em tipo, canetas, cola em bastão, fichários... B: Ou... a gente pode simplesmente comprar os lápis.A: I love back-to-school shopping! Especially when the stores have such good deals. B: Me too! I think I know how I’m gonna organize my papers this year: folders. A: Ooh… are they going to be color coded? And if so, will the notebooks match? B: Yes to both. Hey, I should buy some new pencils! A: You don’t really need to, since we have a ton left over from previous years. Maybe we could put that money towards something else… B: A new backpack!! A: Wait… what happened to your backpack from last year? Whatever, I was thinking more like pens and glue sticks and binders. B: Or… we could just buy the pencils.
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Slice of Life 31: Spring Break

Students of every age love spring break. It’s an intense time to welcome the warmer weather and to rest from all the studies. In Austin, Texas, spring break coincides with SXSW, the South by Southwest conference, exhibition and music festival. Looks like the couple in our dialog have great plans for a wonderful spring break.DialogueA: Sabe, o mês de março e é um dos meus favoritos em Austin. B: Sem dúvida. Tomara que as férias da primavera cheguem logo, eu adoro essa época do ano. A: E pra falar a verdade este semestre está de matar e preciso de um descanso. B: O que você vai fazer nas férias da primavera este ano? A: Ah, o Festival de Música do South by Southwest. Você conhece o lema de Austin "Capital Mundial da Música ao Vivo". B: E este ano vai ser incrível. Você já viu a lista de artistas que vão se apresentar? A: É maravilhosa, a cada ano a lista de artistas do mundo inteiro aumenta, mal posso esperar.A: I’ve gotta say that March in Austin, Texas has to be one of my favorite months. B: No doubt, Spring Break can’t come soon enough, I love this time of year. A: And truth told, this semester is killing me and I need a break. B: What are you doing for Spring Break this year? A: Easy, the Music Festival at SXSW. You know Austin’s motto “Live Music Capital of the World”. B: And this year is going to be awesome. Have you seen the artist lineup? A: It’s amazing, every year the list of world-class performers grows and grows, I can’t wait.
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Slice of Life 30: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Let’s be honest, almost nothing tastes better than fresh homemade cookies when they first come out of the oven. In today’s episode we even get to eat some of the cookie dough as well. Talk about a slice of life, this is one of the world’s best. And it’s a good chance to practice your English language skills too.DialogueA: Você quer um pouco de massa de biscoito antes de eu assar eles? B: Claro, que tipo de biscoitos são? R: Chocolate Chip e M&M, estou fazendo os dois. B: Tenho pena de quem só come biscoitos industrializados, os caseiros são muito melhores. R: Embora seja uma loucura ver quanto açúcar e manteiga eles têm. B: Bem, vamos ignorar esse pequeno detalhe. Os biscoitos recém-saídos do forno são divinos. R: Isso mesmo, especialmente quando as gotas de chocolate ainda estão um pouco derretidas. B: Com certeza, massa de biscoito agora e biscoitos frescos em 10 minutos.A: You want some cookie dough before I bake these cookies? B: For sure, what kind of cookies are they? A: Chocolate Chip and M&Ms, I’m making both. B: I feel so sorry for those who only eat store-bought cookies, homemade are so much better. A: Although it is crazy to see how much sugar and butter go into them. B: Well, we’ll just ignore that little detail. Fresh out of the oven cookies are to die for. A: I know, right, especially when the chocolate chips are still a little melted. B: Definitely, cookie dough now, and fresh cookies in 10 minutes.
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Slice of Life 29: All Nighter

All-nighters are commonly pulled by teenagers or young adults. While some all-nighters are pulled because of the need to get in extra hours in for studying, most are pulled to watch TV, text friends, and eat snacks. They usually happen on weekends or holidays, because everyone feels quite tired in the following day. Enjoy the episode.DialogueA: Quer varar a noite hoje? B: Eu tava planejando isso mesmo, então, vambora. A: Você ainda tá vendo Grey’s Anatomy? B: Tô. Tô na décima quinta temporada. Posso te contar o que tá acontecendo pra você poder assistir comigo. A: Tá, mas não enrola muito. Eu vou fazer um lanchinho pra gente enquanto você me conta o que eu perdi. B: Hummm a gente pode fazer massa de cookie? A: Claro, mas você tem que ajudar. Procura aí uma receita sem ovos e sem farinha crua. B: Tá. Achei uma no Pinterest. Deixa que eu pego os ingredientes e você pega as tigelas e as xícaras de medida. A: Nossa! Essa massa de cookie tá uma delícia! Vamos começar a ver? B: Vamos. Mas se prepara... você perdeu coisa a beça.A: Hey do you want to pull an all-nighter tonight? B: I mean… I was planning to anyways, so sure. A: Are you still watching Grey’s Anatomy? B: Yeah, I’m on season 15. I can catch you up on what’s going on so you can watch with me. A: Alright, just keep it short. I’m gonna make us a snack while you tell me what I missed. B: Ooh can we make cookie dough*? A: Sure, but you have to help me out. Start looking for a recipe without eggs or raw flour. B: Okay I found one on Pinterest. I’ll get the ingredients and you get the bowls and measuring cups. A: Wow! This cookie dough* tastes great! Let’s start watching? B: Okay, just be prepared… you missed a lot.
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Slice of Life: Valentine’s Day

In the Unites States, Valentine’s Day is celebrated with friends and significant others alike. Many schools give students the opportunity to buy flowers for the people that they love, and the money goes to a school organization.DialogueA: Tenho que levar uma grana pra escola pra comprar uma flor pro meu amigo. B: Ah, é! Adoro dar flores para todo mundo no Dia dos Namorados. A: É legal que a escola deixa a gente mandar flores pras pessoas que a gente gosta. B: Faz a gente se sentir tão especial. A: A melhor parte é escrever o bilhetinho que vai com a flor. Sempre escrevo uma piada interna. B: Aposto que seus amigos adoram. A: Também é legal que o dinheiro arrecadado vai para uma boa causa. Na minha escola, a Honor Society* doa o lucro. B: Na minha escola o dinheiro vai para o programa de teatro. Financia os cenários e os figurinos novos. A: Enfim, cadê a mamãe? Eu preciso pegar o dinheiro. B: Vou pegar também. Tô doida para comemorar com meus amigos.A: I need to bring some money to school so I can buy a flower for my friend. B: Oh yeah! I love getting everyone flowers for Valentine’s Day! A: It’s cool that the school makes it possible to deliver flowers to people we like. B: It makes me and my friends feel so special. A: The best part is writing the note that comes with the flower. I always write an inside joke. B: I bet they love that. A: Plus, the money goes to a good cause. In my school, the Honor Society donates it. B: In my school it goes to the theater program. They get to buy new sets and costumes with it! A: Anyway, where’s Mom? I need to get the money. B: I’ll get some too. I can’t wait to celebrate with my friends.
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Slice of Life 27: Why I Love Basketball

Some people simply love sports and others just kind of don’t care. In this episode we get to talk to one of those who seems to have that extra sports gene. And for those of you who love sports too, this is your lesson about basketball and we love to play it so much. Enjoy.DialogueA: Sabe pai, é raro ver alguém que gosta mais de basquete do que você. B: É, pode ser, eu sou só um velho rato de academia que ficou esgotado e devagar. A: Então, por que é que você gosta tanto de basquete? B: Sabe, é aquela sensação de quando você finge que vai pra direita, vira à esquerda, e deixa o defensor comendo poeira... A: Nada é mais lindo do que o barulhinho da cesta de chuá entrando direto. B: E pra mim o melhor é quando você bloqueia um arremesso e a bola bate lá na terceira fila da arquibancada. A: E você podia enterrar a bola? B: Sabe, eu nunca fui muito bom com as enterradas, mas com certeza fazia um gancho lindo.A: You know dad, it’s rare to see anyone who loves basketball as much as you do. B: Yeah, that might be true, I’m just an old gym rat who happens to be worn out and slow. A: So why do you love basketball so much? B: You know, it’s the feeling you get when you fake to the right, drive to the left, and then leave that defender in the dust… A: For me is that cool swish sound when its nothin’ but net! B: And for me the best is when you block a shot and knock the ball clear into the third row of the fan seats. A: So, could you dunk it? B: You know, I never was really great at dunking it, but I had a sweet hook shot for sure!
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Slice of Life 26: Camp Counselor

Most American children attend a summer camp over the long break. There are many different kinds of camps, such as sports camps, art camps, and dance camps. While some camps are day camps (where campers are dropped off for the day then picked up in the afternoon), other are sleepaway camps, and campers spend 1-2 weeks away from home living on camp grounds. Around the age of 16, campers become counselors-in-training.DialogueA: Nem acredito que tô no grupo da Mary esse ano! Ela é sempre tão legal! B: É mesmo, eu também adoro ela! Ela foi minha monitora uns anos atrás. A gente fez um montão de atividades de arte. Agora que sou monitora, quero fazer a mesma quantidade de atividades de arte. A: Você sabe qual é a faixa etária do seu grupo? B: Sei, os pequenininhos. A: Tá animada? B: Tô! Eles são cheios de vontade pra tudo e a verdade é que querem participar de todas as atividades da colônia de férias, até as mais bobas. A: Ui, mas isso significa que você tem que ficar de olho neles. B: Não deve ser tão difícil assim. A: Ia ser uma tragédia se você perdesse um deles. B: Que isso! Eu não vou perder uma criança!A: I can’t believe that I am in Mary’s group this year! She is always so nice! B: Yeah, I love her too! She was my counselor a couple of years ago. We did a ton of art projects. Now that I am a counselor, I wanna do just as many art projects. A: Do you know what age group you’re gonna be working with? B: Yes, the little kids. A: Are you excited? B: I am! They are so enthusiastic about everything and actually want to participate in all of the camp activities, no matter how silly they are. A: Yikes, I guess that means you’ll have to really keep track of them, though. B: How hard could it be? A: Well it’d be pretty bad if you lost one. B: What?! I’m not gonna lose a camper!
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Slice of Life 25: Why I Love Football

We don’t have to get into the whole argument about soccer versus football, they are both pretty cool. However, in this episode we get to talk about something near and dear to all of our hearts, why we love American football. Great ready for a vocabulary challenge!DialogueA: Então, por que é que você gosta tanto de futebol americano? B: É fácil, é o jogo perfeito de equipe: todos os 22 jogadores precisam fazer o papel deles. A: Sem dúvida, até o melhor quarterback do mundo depende da linha ofensiva dele. B: E os jogadores da defesa secundária dependem completamente dos jogadores na linha de defesa. A: E eu adoro como um jogador da linha pode chegar a ter mais de 2 metros e 160 quilos, mas os chutadores só tem 1 metro e 70 e 80 quilos. B: E quem não gosta da análise do bloqueio, rotas dos recebedores, avanços, jogadas de lance ou jogadas de correr? A: E não se esqueça como é legal ver o recebedor quando ele pega a bola e fica dentro da linha do campo. B: Sabe de uma coisa? Quem traduzir esse diálogo sobre esportes vai querer nos matar!A: So, why is it that you love football so much? B: Easy, it’s the perfect team sport: all 22 players gotta do their part. A: No doubt, even the world’s best quarterback depends on his offensive line. B: Right, and the safety and the corner totally depend on the linebackers. A: And I love how linemen can be a gigantic 6’8’’ and 350lbs, but the punters are just 5’8’’ and 175lbs. B: And it’s a great game for breaking down blocking schemes, receiver routes, first downs, run plays, pass plays. A: And don’t forget how cool it is to see a receiver pull in the catch and stay in bounds. B: You know what? Whoever translates this sports dialog is gonna want to kill us!
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Slice of Life 24: Driving Lesson

Americans may start applying for their learner’s permit when they are15 year old, after completing a course, either online or in a class. After obtaining their permit, student drivers are typically taught the rules of the road by their parents. Once a student driver is 16 and has completed 30 hours of driving, they may get their driver’s license. The event is one of life’s most important slices of life.DialogueA: Tá pronta pra sua aula de direção? B: Tô. Deixa só eu pegar meus óculos de sol. A: Hoje a gente vai treinar dirigir na estrada. B: Tem certeza? Não sei se estou pronta pra isso. A: Bom, a gente pode praticar numa rua mais tranquila hoje, se você quiser, mas um dia desses você vai ter que enfrentar uma estrada. B: Tá, tá bom. A: Você tá levando a sua licença? B: Tô, eu deixo no carro, na minha carteira. A: Tá. Agora, onde eu botei minhas chaves? B: Ah, não... de novo não....A: Are you ready for your driving lesson? B: Yeah. Let me just grab my sunglasses. A: Today we’re gonna practice driving on the highway. B: Are you sure? I don’t know if I’m ready for that. A: Well, we can practice on a less busy street today if you want, but eventually we need to get you on the highway. B: Okay, sounds good. A: Do you have your permit with you? B: Yeah, I keep it in the car inside my wallet. A: Okay. Where did I put my keys now? B: Oh no… not again…
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Slice of Life 23: Conversations with the Dental Hygienist

They say you should get your teeth cleaned every six months. So, in today’s lesson let’s review what it’s like to chit chat with the dental hygienist. And don’t feel guilty about it. We all know that we could be better at brushing and flossing our teeth.DialogueA: Tem um pouco de tártaro acumulado aqui. Você passa o fio dental com frequência? B: Aham, todo dia, sem falta. A: E qual é a frequência que você troca sua escova de dente? B: Olha, praticamente quando você me dá uma nova toda vez que eu venho para uma limpeza. A: Se você quiser, eu até tenho um cupom para uma escova de dente elétrica. B: Não precisa, não quero nem pensar no dinheirão que vou gastar para escovar o dente. A: Na verdade elas são mais eficientes, mas eu posso ver que você tem esmalte forte e gengivas saudáveis B: E um sorriso limpo, branco e brilhante, graças a você!A: I see a bit of a calcium build up here. Do you still floss regularly? B: Ah, every day, never miss. A: And how often do you replace your toothbrush? B: Pretty sure when you give me a new one every time I come for a teeth cleaning. A: If you’d like, I do have a coupon for an electric toothbrush. B: No thanks, I just can’t imagine spending tons of money to brush my teeth. A: They really are more effective, but I can see that you’ve got good strong enamel and healthy gums. B: And sparkling clean shiny white teeth, thanks to you.
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Slice of Life 22: New Year’s Day traditions

Some people are totally into New Year’s celebrations, and others seem to be less so. In this episode we find out what people like to do to “bring in the New Year.” Get ready, in the dialog we find out: “You know that’s kind of weird, right?” Let’s find out what the weird tradition is.DialogueA: O que você quer fazer na véspera de Ano Novo este ano? B: Não sei. Você sabe qual foi a minha véspera de Ano Novo favorita? A: Conhecendo você, acho que não teve nada a ver com contagens regressivas, espumante ou um beijo de Ano Novo. B: Foi aquela vez que nós fomos ao ginásio e jogamos basquete a noite toda. A: Sério? Você só jogou basquete, sem comida, bebida, nem comemoração? B: Não, nós começamos o Ano Novo fazendo o que mais gostamos, esporte. A: Você sabe que isso aí é meio estranho, né? B: Pode ser, mas por outro lado, eu adoro um jantar clássico com presunto no dia de Ano Novo. A: Sem falar em esporte, assistindo ainda mais futebol americano na TV.A: What you wanna do for New Year’s Eve this year? B: I don’t know. You know what my favorite New Year’s Eve ever was? A: Knowing you it had nothing to do with countdowns, bubbly or a New Year’s kiss. B: My favorite was when we went to the gym and played basketball all night long. A: Really? You just played basketball, no food, no drinks, no celebration? B: Nope, we brought in the New Year doing what we love the most, sports. A: You know that’s kind of weird, right? B: Maybe so, but on the other hand, I do love a classic ham dinner on New Year’s Day. A: Not to mention sports, watching even more football on TV.
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Slice of Life 21: Christmas for the kiddos

Christmas is special for many people, but it’s even more spectacular for young children. Adults get as much satisfaction from making Christmas special for kids as they do for themselves. In today’s episode it looks like the kiddos are going to have a delightful Christmas this year too.DialogueA: O Natal esse ano vai ser demais, mal posso esperar! B: Eu também, todos os sobrinhos pequenos têm a idade perfeita. Eles estão tão animados. A: É mesmo. Toda vez que o Adam vem, ele quer acender o fogo na lareira. B: E é uma tortura pra Abby não abrir os presentes agora! A: E você não gostou de ver eles “ajudando” com a decoração da árvore? B: Ainda posso ver o Logan jogando aqueles pingentes de gelo por todo o lado. A: Não há nada como ver o Natal através dos olhos das crianças. B: É bom demais! Por falar nisso, comprei mais papel de embrulho e fita adesiva hoje. A: Ótimo, vamos fazer uma festa para embrulhar presentes hoje à noite.A: Christmas this year is gonna be awesome, can’t wait! B: Me too, all of the little nieces and nephews are the perfect age. They’re so excited. A: I know, right? Every time Adam comes over he wants to light a fire in the fireplace. B: And it’s just killing Abby to not rip open the presents now! A: And didn’t you just love to see them “helping” with decorating of the tree? B: I can still see Logan throwing those icicles all over the place. A: There’s nothing like seeing Christmas in the eyes of little children. B: It’s the best! By the way, I did buy more wrapping paper and tape today. A: Excellent, let’s have a wrapping party tonight.
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Slice of Life 20: Go to Bed

Teenagers like going to bed late, but this can cause a problem when there is school the next day, what we call a “school night.” Parents try to get their children to go to sleep at a reasonable hour so they can be productive and energetic at school. Going to bed early is especially important when you have to catch a bus to get to school. Today’s episode we show how this debate goes.DialogueA: Ana! Vai dormir! Já é mais de meia-noite! B: Peraí. Deixa eu terminar esse vídeo. A: Falta quanto tempo? B: Ah, sei lá, tipo 20 minutos. A: Você tem que desligar agora porque amanhã tem escola. B: Tá, me dá um segundo. A: Se você acordar muito tarde vai perder o ônibus. B: Aí você me leva de carro? A: Vamos ver.... agora larga esse celular. B: Um segundo!A: Ana! Can you please go to sleep? It’s past midnight! B: Wait, let me finish this video. A: How much longer is it? B: Uhhh, I don’t know, like 20 minutes A: You have to turn it off now ‘cause it’s a school night. B: Okay, give me a sec. A: If you wake up too late then you’ll miss the bus. B: Then can you drive me? A: We’ll see about that… now just get off your phone. B: In a sec!
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Slice of Life 19: Elliptical machine work outs

Given the emphasis on exercise these days, it’s nice to work out on the elliptical machine. There’s less stress on your joints, but you still get a good cardio workout, burn a lot of calories, and you can work both your upper and lower body. Today’s episode touts all the benefits of a good workout in the gym.DialogueA: Por que será que é tão diferente fazer cooper na rua em vez de correr na esteira? B: Pois é, estranho né?! Eu adoro malhar, mas não gosto muito da esteira. A: Também não, mas eu adoro fazer exercício no elíptico. B: O elíptico quê? A: Sabe, o elíptico, aquele aparelho de cardio que dá menos impacto nas juntas (articulações). B: Ah, sim, mas ainda assim você tem uma boa malhação? A: Acho que sim, talvez não seja o mesmo que uma corrida ao ar livre, mas sinto que eu queimo muita caloria. B: Talvez eu tente usar na próxima vez que eu for à academia.A: Why does it feel so different to jog on the street as opposed to running on the treadmill? B: I know, right? Weird isn’t it? I love to work out, but I’m just not into the treadmill. A: Me either, but I do like working out on the elliptical machine. B: The elliptical what? A: You know, the elliptical, the cardio machine that puts less stress on your joints. B: Ah, right, right, but do you still get a good work out? A: I think so, maybe not the same as running outside, but I do feel like I burn a lot of energy. B: Maybe I’ll try it next time I go to the gym.
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Slice of Life 18: Time to Pack

Traveling is fun but packing can be a very stressful activity. Some people hate it more than others. For them, it is never fun to pick and choose what clothing to pack into a suitcase. Procrastination can make packing even more stressful. But in the end, vacations generally result in a good time with great memories for everyone.DialogueA: A gente tá atrasada para o aeroporto. Você tá pronta? B: Peraí... pede pra mamãe me ajudar a fazer a mala? A: Fazer a mala? Por que você não fez sua mala ontem de noite como a mamãe mandou? Ela tá chamando um táxi agora e não pode te ajudar. B: Marinaaaaa, me ajuda. Eu não fiz nada ainda. A: Não, eu tenho que cuidar das minhas próprias coisas. Você deveria ter feito ontem de noite como todo mundo. B: Eu tentei, mas não consegui. A: Problema seu. Joga qualquer coisa na mala e pronto. B: Tá bom, valeu. Obrigada pela ajuda.A: We are late for the airport! Are you ready? B: Wait… can you ask mom to help me pack? A: Pack?! Why didn’t you pack last night like mom told you to? She’s calling a cab right now, and can’t help you. B: Marinaaaaaa help me! I don’t have anything done! A: No, I have to take care of my own things. You should have packed last night with everyone else. B: I was trying, but I just couldn’t! A: Too bad. Just shove some stuff into the suitcase. B: Okay, fine. Thanks for the help.
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Slice of Life 17: Getting Ready for Thanksgiving Dinner

There are few things more traditional than a Thanksgiving dinner. Things just don’t feel right when something is missing. First of all, you have to have the turkey and all the fixings. Those fixings usually include mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables like beans or squash, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and dessert has to be a pie, generally pumpkin pie ranks high on the list. Add some football games to the food, and you’ve got yourself a traditional family celebration.DialogueA: Como vão os preparativos para o jantar de Ação de Graças? B: Super bem: Tamara tá fazendo o recheio, Marnie tá trazendo o molho de oxicoco* e a Emily tá fazendo o purê de batatas A: O que você acha, vamos ter um peru de 9 quilos esse ano? B: Talvez 11 quilos, nós vamos receber quase 20 convidados. A: Bom, vamos precisar de sobras o suficiente para os milhões de sanduíches de peru. B: É disso que mais gosto! Por falar nisso, quando foi que o Michael se tornou fã de coxa e sobrecoxa? A: Não sei, estranho, né?! Ele costumava comer só o peito do peru. B: E ele também não gostava de torta de abóbora, o que aconteceu com esse garoto? A: Acho que ele simplesmente cresceu. Os gostos das pessoas mudam, sabe...A: How are things coming along for Thanksgiving dinner? B: Great, Tamara’s making the stuffing, Marnie’s bringing the cranberry sauce, and Emily’s doing the mashed potatoes. A: What are you thinking, a 20-pound turkey this year? B: Maybe 25, we’re almost gonna have 20 people. A: Well, we need enough leftovers for tons of turkey sandwiches. B: My favorite part. By the way, when did Michael become a fan of dark meat? A: I don’t know, weird, isn’t it? He used to only eat the white meat. B: And he used to hate pumpkin pie too, what happened to that kid? A: I guess he just grew up. People’s tastes change sometimes, you know?
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Slice of Life 16: Thin-Crust Pizza

One of the great debates in society today is whether thin crust or thick crust pizza is better. I know, you can’t argue taste, but it seems like everyone does. And that is the topic of today’s episode. So, how about you, do you prefer thick or thin crust pizza?DialogueA: Você já notou que as pessoas que adoram pizza gostam de discutir essa questão da massa grossa ou fina. B: Com certeza. Na verdade, eu sou uma delas. Eu absolutamente amo a massa mais fina do que grossa... A: No meu caso, eu fui criado numa família que só pedia pizza de massa grossa. A pizza como deve ser... B: Meus pais também eram assim, mas conforme fui crescendo, fui descobrindo que preferia fatias de massa fina. A: Aê, Dona cabeça aberta. B: Isso aí. E o pior é que até gosto de abacaxi na minha pizza. A: Massa fina e abacaxi... não vai me dizer agora que também gosta de azeitonas na sua pizza! B: Réu confesso, eu realmente gosto de azeitonas na minha pizza de massa fina.A: Have you noticed that people who are really into pizza like to debate the whole thick versus thin crust argument? B: I certainly have. In fact, I’m even one of them. I totally love thin crust way more than thick. A: In my case, if I had to say it, I was raised in a family that only ordered thick crust pizza. It’s kind of the way it ought to be. B: My parents were like that too, but the older I got, the more I found out that I prefer slices of thin-crust pizza. A: Look at you Mrs. Expand-Your-Horizons! B: I know. Even worse, I even like pineapple on my pizza. A: Thin crust and pineapple, the next thing you know you’ll be saying that you’re going to add green olives on your pizza too! B: Guilty as charged, I do like green olives on my thin crust pizza.
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Slice of Life 15: Here Kitty, Kitty, A New Pet

Pets are very common in American households. While cats and dogs are most common, it is not unusual to find someone with a more exotic pet, like a rat, a lizard, a bird, or a snake. Pets live a life of luxury and require care and attention from all members of a household. While they are shy at first when adopted, pets generally learn to love their new home and their owners.DialogueA: Ai meu Deus, você viu a foto da gatinha que a gente vai adotar? B: Vi! Mamãe mandou uma mensagem. Ela é tão fofinha! A: A gente tem que comprar tanta coisa pra ela. B: Uma cama, uma torre, caixa de transporte e brinquedos. Esqueci alguma coisa? A: Uma escova e uma caixinha de areia. B: Verdade, verdade. A: É, a gente tem que deixar ela confortável pra ela ganhar confiança e querer ficar bem grudadinha na gente. B: Só tenho medo dela me arranhar. A: Ah, a gente ensina que não pode! B: É… a gente tem que ter tudo pronto até quinta-feira. É o dia em que ela chega do abrigo.A: Oh my God, have you seen the picture of the kitten we’re getting? B: Yeah! Mom texted it to me. She is so cute! A: We have to buy so much stuff for her. B: A bed, a cat tree, a cat carrier, and toys! Am I forgetting anything? A: Yeah! A brush and a litterbox. B: You’re right, you’re right. A: I mean we have to keep her comfortable if she’s ever gonna trust us enough to snuggle with us! B: I’m just afraid that she’s gonna scratch me. A: Well, we’ll teach her not to! B: I guess… we have until Thursday to get all her stuff ready. That’s when she comes home from the animal shelter.
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Slice of Life 14: Halloween!

Halloween is a spooky day cherished by Americans of all ages. Activities include going to a scary haunted house, watching horror movies, carving pumpkins, or going trick or treating. Americans decorate their houses with pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons, witches and anything that’s frightening. Young kids also enjoy Halloween for the free candy and for the fun of wearing a costume.DialogueA: Feliz Halloween! Você vai se fantasiar de quê? B: Ainda não sei. Ano passado eu fui de Plankton do Bob Esponja. A: Legal! Acho que esse ano não vou me fantasiar. Vou ficar só em casa dando bala para as crianças que vêm bater na porta. B: Ah, que pena. Se fantasiar é a melhor parte do Halloween. A: Não acho. Esculpir abóbora pra fazer lanterna é tudo de bom. B: Tá, mas que tal ir numa casa mal-assombrada antes de ganhar bala? A: Prefiro ficar enrolada num cobertor vendo filme de terror. B: Bom, tanto faz, desde que você concorde que o Halloween é o melhor feriado que tem. A: Uh!A: Happy Halloween! What are you gonna go as? B: I don’t know yet. Last year I was Plankton from Sponge Bob. A: Cool! I don’t think I’m gonna have a costume this year. I’ll just stay home and give candy to trick or treaters. B: Oh, that’s a shame. Dressing up is the best part of Halloween. A: I disagree. Carving pumpkins to make jack-o’-lanterns is where it’s at. B: OK, but what about going to a haunted house before getting candy? A: I prefer to cuddle under a blanket and watch a horror movie. B: Whatever, as long as you agree that Halloween is the best holiday. A: Boo!
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Slice of Life 13: 10 Items or Less

We all know that the challenge in shopping is to get out without having to wait in a long line. You could use the express lane, but not if you have too many items. In today’s lesson we learn that it might be easier to scan the items and pay with your app. Nice!DialogueA: Pegou tudo que precisava? B: Acho que sim, vamos pra fila? A: Nem pensar, todas as filas com um milhão de carrinhos lotados de coisas. B: Nós não temos muita coisa no carrinho. Vamos para a fila dos 10 itens ou menos, beleza? A: Michael, nós temos muito mais que 10 itens! B: Bom, então… vamos usar o aplicativo. Não tem ninguém naquela fila. A: Boa, vamos. Escaneia esses, tá bom? B: Pode deixar, esse aplicativo é bem melhor que esperar na fila.A: Got everything you need? B: I think so, should we get in line? A: No way, every line with a million carts filled to the brim. B: We don’t have that much. Let’s get in the 10 items or less line, OK? A: Michael, we’ve got way more than 10 items! B: Well, then… let’s just use the app. There’s nobody in that line. A: Yeah, let’s do that. Scan these in, OK? B: Got it, this app’s way better than waiting in line.
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Slice of Life 12: AP Test, It’s Coming Up Soon

An AP test is a test that high school students can take to earn college credit. These tests are usually very difficult, so only a small percent of the students earn the highest mark, a 5. Students spend all year preparing to take this test. In today’s episode, Marina and Ana Clara are getting ready for another round of AP tests.DialogueA: Ei, Marina, seu exame de AP* não é por esses dias? B: É, eu tenho uns na semana que vem. Por quê? A: Pelos memes que eu vi no Instagram e no esse exame é superchato. Leva umas 4 horas, né? B: Pode levar de 4 a 5 horas dependendo da matéria que você tá fazendo. O exame é bem longo mesmo e tem um monte de perguntas de múltipla escolha e questões dissertativas. A: Droga. Eu tava olhando o site do College Board** e só uma porcentagem bem pequena tira 4 ou 5. B: É mesmo? Quais exames você viu? A: Eu vi o exame de Chinês, porque essa é a matéria que eu vou fazer no ensino médio. Só 16% dos alunos que não falam chinês em casa tiram 5. Eu tô com o maior medo de fazer esses exames. B: Não precisa ficar! Os seus professores vão te preparar da melhor maneira possível e nada de ruim vai acontecer se você não passar – a única coisa é que você não vai ganhar crédito universitário para aquela matéria. E tem um monte de recursos online para você estudar. O College Board tem todos os exames antigos digitalizados. Vai dar certo. A: Tomara...A: Hey Marina, don’t you have your AP test coming up soon? B: Yeah, I have a few next week. Why are you asking? A: I saw a couple of memes on Instagram and about how tedious the test is. Doesn’t it take like 4 hours or something? B: It can take between 4 and 5 hours depending on the classes you take. The test is really long, and has a bunch of multiple choice and essay questions. A: Damn. I was looking at the College Board website and only a very small percentage of people pass with a 4 or a 5. B: Oh really? What tests did you look at? A: I checked the Chinese exam, since that’s the class I’m taking in high school. Only 16% of the students who don’t speak Chinese at home get a 5. I am really scared to take those tests. B: You shouldn’t be! Your teachers prepare you the best that they can, and nothing bad happens to you if you don’t pass - you just won’t get college credit for that class. Plus, there’s a bunch of online resources for you to study with. College Board has all of their previous tests digitized. You’ll do just fine. A: I hope so…
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Slice of Life 11: Binge Watching, Life’s Great Entertainments

You can watch a show on TV and then wait a week for the next episode. Or, you can wait and watch all of the episodes one after another. Binge watching isn’t a waste of time, it’s the best way to really get into the story. In today’s episode we not only love to binge watch, but we love the snacks and ice cream that go with it all too.DialogueA: Você sabe que dia é amanhã? B: Claro, mal posso esperar. É o dia da maratona de séries. Traga o sorvete e os doces. A: Hoje em dia é a melhor maneira de assistir aos programas de TV, né? B: Concordo: sem comerciais e sem esperar a semana toda. A: E eu principalmente adoro entrar de cabeça na história e ver tudo de cabo a rabo. B: Você já decidiu o que a gente vai assistir? A: Deixa eu ver minha lista no Hulu e na Netflix. B: Beleza, você que decide, eu aceito qualquer coisa desde que a pipoca continue rolando.A: You remember what tomorrow is? B: Of course, can’t wait. Binge watching time! Bring on the ice cream and treats. A: Nowadays it’s the best way to watch shows, you know? B: Agreed, no commercials, and no waiting a whole week. A: And I especially love being able to get 100% into the story all at once. B: Have you decided yet which show we’re going to watch? A: Let me check my list on Hulu and Netflix. B: Got it, you decide, I’m up for anything, as long as the popcorn keeps flowing.
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Slice of Life 10: What’s for Dinner?

Dinner is a time when the whole family meets up at the table to eat food after a long day. Sometimes, this is the first time that all family members even see each other that day. It’s a great time to share stories about the day. In today’s episode the big decision is whether to have pasta or chicken.DialogueA: O que é que tem pro jantar? Tô morrendo de fome. B: Frango. A: Ah… Não dá pra fazer macarrão ao invés de frango? Tô com uma vontade danada de comer macarrão... B: Ô, meu amor, eu já descongelei o frango. Vai estragar se eu não fizer agora de noite. Mas a gente pode comer macarrão amanhã... A: Tá. B: Já terminou seu dever? A: Quase. B: Então vai lá terminar enquanto eu faço o jantar. A: Tá booooom.A: What’s for dinner? I’m starving. B: Chicken. A: Awwww…. Can we have pasta instead? I’m having such a craving for pasta… B: Sweetie, I’ve already defrosted the chicken. It’s gonna go bad if I don't cook it by tonight. But we can have pasta tomorrow. A: OK. B: Are you done with your homework? A: Almost. B: So why don't you go finish it while I prepare dinner? A: Okaaaay….
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Slice of Life 09: People Watching in the Park

A sunny afternoon, a park bench, and a chance to watch people who walk on by. It’s one of the best ways to hang out with friends. In today’s episode we enjoy a whole lot of people watching in the park. But look out, people may be talking about you too!DialogueA: Pega aquele banco, vai? Vamos desligar um pouquinho, beleza? B: Ah, sentar na sombra num parque. Uma das grandes delícias da vida. A: Além do mais podemos ficar olhando as pessoas no parque. Olha aquela senhora lá? B: O que que ela está vestindo? Parece um chapéu de palha, um avental e um par de chinelos. A: Adoro essa combinação! …E olha aquele casal! B: Simplesmente adoro quando velhos casais caminham de mãos dadas, tão lindo. A: Olha, tá vindo um Frisbee, cuidado! C: Desculpa, valeu. B: Tudo bem. Valeu meu amigo, pegou bem!A: Grab that bench, will you? Let’s take a break for a bit, OK? B: Ah, sitting in the shade in the park. One of life’s great delights. A: Not to mention people watching in the park. Hey check out that lady over there? B: What’s she wearing? Looks like a straw hat, an apron and flip flops. A: Gotta love that combination! …And look at that couple! B: I just love it when old couples walk hand in hand, just beautiful. A: Look out, incoming Frisbee, duck! C: Excuse me, thanks. B: No problem. Nice catch buddy, nice catch.
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Slice of Life 08: Modern Art and Bananas

There are various art movements, all of which are taught in American schools. Art education is taken seriously in schools, and students become familiar with famous artists from different times and stylistic periods. Students are left to form their own opinion on famous pieces and movements of art. They use these opinions to inspire art of their own.DialogueA: Eu tô aprendendo sobre arte moderna na escola. É definitivamente um conceito interessante. B: Eu gosto. É uma maneira nova de se expressar. A: Bom... quem é o seu artista preferido? B: Eu adoro o Keith Haring. Ele transformou a arte nos Estados Unidos. Ele fez muita coisa durante a crise da AIDS e usou figuras simples para explorar temas complexos. A: É, eu admiro isso. Ele era muito talentoso. E essas figuras são muito mais difíceis de recriar do que se imagina. B: E você, Marina? Quem é o seu artista moderno preferido? A: Mondrian. Eu adoro como ele desconstruiu a arte para chegar nos seus elementos mais simples: as formas básicas e as cores primárias. Faz você se questionar sobre o significado da arte. Ei, falando nisso, lembra daquela obra de arte que era uma banana presa na parede com fita adesiva e que foi vendida por milhares de dólares? B: Lembro... totalmente ridículo. Ouvi dizer que o cara comeu a banana assim que comprou.A: I’ve been learning about modern art in school. It’s definitely an interesting concept. B: I like it. It’s a new way to express yourself. A: Well… who’s your favorite artist? B: I love Keith Haring. He changed art in America. He worked during the AIDS crisis and used his simple figures to explore complex issues. A: Yeah, I respect that. He was very talented. Plus, those figures are harder to recreate than you’d think! B: What about you, Marina? Who’s your favorite modern artist? A: Mondrian. I love the way he broke art down to its simplest elements: basic shapes and primary colors. It makes you question what art is. Hey, speaking of, remember that art piece of a banana duct taped to a wall that sold for thousands of dollars? B: Yeah… that’s just ridiculous. I heard that the guy ate it immediately after buying it.
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Slice of Life 07: Minecraft, Let’s Build a Universe

Chances are that if you know any seven or eight-year-olds, they are 100% into Minecraft. In this lesson Adam has just had a birthday and has spent the whole day playing with Minecraft. Find out what happens when hot lava starts to burn down his house.DialogueA: Bom, quer dizer que com o Minecraft você constrói a casa inteira? O que que você tá fazendo? B: Ah não! A: Como é que você para o incêndio? B: Peraí! Acabei de escolher essa água. Isso não tá ajudando, agora vai ser mais difícil. A: Ah entendi, quer dizer que você usou água para que a lava não queimasse a casa. B: Ah não! Agora a casa está cheia de água. Como é que vou bloquear isso? Para! A: Peraí, você encheu a casa de água! B: É, mas foi sem querer. A: Agora a casa tá uma piscina. B: Não, como se faz para parar? Para! Acho que vou ter que desmontar a casa ou algo assim.A: Well, in Minecraft do you build the whole house? Is that what you’re doing? B: Oh no! A: How do you stop it from burning? B: Wait! I just choosed that water. That’s not helping, that’s making stuff harder. A: Ah ha, so you stopped the lava from burning with the water. B: Oh no, now the house is full of water! How do you block it? Stop! A: Wait a minute, you filled the house with water! B: Yes, I did not mean to. A: Now the house is a swimming pool. B: No, how do you stop it? Stop! I guess I’m going to have to take the house apart or something.
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Slice of Life 06: Snack Time, Fruit or Something Fun

There are many different kinds of snacks that can be found in the United States. They range from salty to sweet to fruity. These snacks are enjoyed by everyone (especially kids and teens), and can be found in almost every American home. In today’s episode we have to decide, healthy snack or a snack just for fun?DialogueA: Oba! Tem Goldfish*! Eu amo Goldfish! B: Eu prefiro Chex Mix**, mas Goldfish é bom também. A: Humm.. agora fiquei a fim de um Chex Mix. Pergunta pra mamãe se ela botou na lista de compras. B: Botou, já perguntei. Mas… a gente podia comer umas frutas em vez de biscoito. Assim, quando o Chex Mix chegar, a gente pode misturar com o Goldfish e inventar um lanche novo. A: Um mix de Chex Mix! Adorei isso! Vou guardar estes Goldfish até lá. Vou comer mirtilo congelado. E você? B: Uma maçã. Amo maçã. Mas hummm! Adoro toranja também. Se me conheço bem vou acabar comendo os dois. A: Ah! Eu não gosto de maçã, mas sou doida por toranja também. Uma vez comi quatro num dia só! B: Caramba! Não sei se sou tão fã assim de toranja...A: Yes! We have Goldfish! I love Goldfish! B: I’m more of a Chex Mix person myself, but Goldfish are good too. A: Ooh… now I am in the mood for Chex Mix. Ask mom if she added it to the shopping list. B: She did, I already asked. Although… maybe we should eat some fruit instead. That way, when the Chex Mix arrives, we can mix it with the Goldfish and create a new snack. A: A Chex Mix-Mix! I love it. I’m gonna save these Goldfish until then. I’m gonna eat frozen blueberries. What about you? B: An apple. I love apples. But hummm! I like grapefruit too! Knowing me I will eat both. A: Ha. I don’t like apples, but I’m crazy about grapefruit. I once ate four in one day! B: Wow… I don’t know if I’m that into grapefruit.
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Slice of Life 05: Why Can’t Men Put Down the Toilet Seat?

I wish we could defend the men, but it seems to be a pretty universal complaint. Men don’t put the toilet seat down. Although we don’t have a solution to the problem, at least we appreciate Sophia’s frustration in today’s dialog. Come on guys, help them out, will you?DialogueA: Será que existe em algum lugar nesse mundão de Deus homens que abaixam o tampo do vaso sanitário? B: De jeito nenhum, em lugar nenhum, nem pensar... Eu duvido que haja algum homem em algum lugar do mundo que faça isso. A: Por que é tão difícil assim abaixar o tampo do vaso sanitário? B: É verdade, não é? Qual é a dificuldade em fazer isso? A: E já que tô reclamando disso, trocar o papel higiênico também não deve ser tão difícil assim, não é? B: Nossa, Sophia… você tá meio estressada com isso, né?! A: Verdade, não deveria ser assim, mas isso não pode ser tão difícil!A: Is there anywhere on God’s green earth where men put the toilet seat down? B: No way, nowhere, no how. I doubt there’s a single one anywhere. A: Why is it such a difficult thing to put the toilet seat down? B: I know, right? How hard could it really be! A: And since I’m gripping, replacing the toilet paper roll… Really! How tough is that? B: Wow Sophia, you are a little edged about things today, aren’t you? A: I know I shouldn’t be, but how hard is it really!
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Slice of Life 04: I Need To Do My Homework

Doing homework with your siblings around can be difficult. Everyone has different tasks and priorities. Sometimes different assignments coincide, making it difficult to get any work done on both ends! When concentrating becomes impossible, tensions rise, but in the end things work out, as they do in today’s episode.DialogueA: Ana! Para de tocar essa chatice no clarinete. B: Não é chatice! Eu tenho que tocar isso pra escola. A: Essa música é um saco! E além do mais tô fazendo meu dever de química e seu clarinete tá me tirando a concentração! B: E eu tô fazendo o meu dever de clarinete. É importante pra mim. Quero ser chefe de naipe! A: Eu não acho que o seu professor de clarinete iria te mandar estudar uma coisa tão irritante. Cala a boca por favor pra eu poder fazer meu dever. B: Tá bom, eu vou parar pra você fazer essa porcaria de dever de química. A: Vou demorar mais ou menos meia hora. Tô quase terminando. B: Enquanto isso acho que vou ver alguma coisa na Netflix.A: Ana! Can you stop playing that nonsense on the clarinet? B: This isn't nonsense! I have to play this for school! A: That song sucks! Plus, I am doing my chemistry homework and your clarinet is distracting me! B: I’m doing my clarinet homework! This is important to me! I want to be first chair. A: I don’t think that your clarinet teacher would assign you something so annoying. Please shut up so I can get to work. B: Fine, I’ll stop so you can do your stupid chemistry homework. A: I’ll probably take about half an hour more. I am almost done. B: I guess I’ll just watch something on Netflix until then.
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Slice of Life 03: Frozen, Elsa or Ana, You Decide

Don’t ever doubt how many details a four-year-old knows about Frozen. If you want to know the names and background of any of the movie’s characters, aske a four-year old. In this dialog we learn how to pronounce Ana’s name correctly, and we learn where the snowman came from.DialogueA: Bom, ainda tô um pouco confuso, de quem você gosta mais, da Elsa ou da Anna? B: Da Ana. A: Você gosta mais da Ana? B: Ah, só tô dizendo que é não é Anna, é Ana. A: Ah. Não é Anna, mas Ana. B: Minha personagem favorita é a Elsa. A: Então, a sua favorita é a Elsa, e o nome da irmã dela é... B: Ana. A: Tá, agora tô entendendo. E aí, o Olaf é o boneco de neve, não é? B: É, ele é um boneco de neve. A Elsa criou ele na viagem dela para o castelo que ela ia fazer. A: Quer dizer que a Elsa criou o Olaf! B: Aham, no caminho pro castelo.A: Well, I’m still confused, who do you like most, Elsa or Anna? B: Ana. A: You like Ana best? B: Uh! I’m just telling, you it’s not Anna it’s Ana. A: Oh, it’s not Anna, it’s Ana. B: My favorite character is Elsa. A: So, your favorite one is Elsa, and her sister is named... B: Ana. A: Ah, now it makes sense. And then Olaf is the snowman guy. B: Yeah, it’s a snowman. Elsa made him on her trip to her castle she’s gonna make. A: You mean Elsa made Olaf! B: Ah huh, on her way to the castle.
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Slice of Life 02: Girl Scout Thin Mints, Gotta Love ‘Em

Selling Girl Scout cookies are an annual American tradition, so much so that January and February have become known as “cookie season.” Every Girl Scout is expected to sell at least 32 cookie boxes to help fund their troop’s activities, even though the troop only makes 75 cents for every $4 box sold. Cookie sales are a fun way for Girl Scouts to engage with their community while honing their business, advertisement, and entrepreneurial skills.DialogueA: Eu bati meu recorde de venda de biscoito! 172 caixas! B: Nossa! É bastante! Aposto que a maioria foi daquela barraca que a gente montou no Domain.* A: Acho que sim. Lembra daquela mulher que comprou dois caixotes de Thin Mints**? B: Lembro, que loucura! Quanto dá isso, tipo 24 caixas? Mas tem tudo a ver. Também é meu biscoito favorito. A: Acho que 24 caixas vão durar um ano inteiro. Congelam superbem. Você prefere congelado ou não? B: Congelado, com certeza! Fica com um gosto parecido com sorvete de menta com gotas de chocolate. De qualquer maneira, quanto mais caixas melhor! Ajuda as meninas e é isso que importa. A: I broke my record in selling cookies! 172 boxes. B: Wow… That’s a lot. I bet most of them came from that booth we did at the Domain. A: I think so. Remember that woman who bought 2 crates of Thin Mints? B: Yeah, that was insane, what is that, like 24 boxes? Makes sense, though. They are my favorite cookies too. A: I guess 24 boxes will last the whole year. They freeze really well. Do you prefer yours frozen or not? B: Frozen obviously! It makes it taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Either way, the more boxes the better. They support the girls, and that’s what matters.
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Slice of Life 01: What do you think, 2%, whole or skim?

What could be better than ice-cold milk on your cereal for breakfast! A breakfast of champions. Your only decision, should you drink skim, 2% or whole milk?DialogueA: É possível o leite ficar gelado demais? B: Isso é impossível. Pra mim, quanto mais frio, melhor! A: Principalmente com o meu cereal de manhã, sabe? B: Com certeza! Peraí! Isso aí que você tá usando é leite desnatado? A: É, por quê? B: Não me diga que você acha que leite desnatado é leite de verdade, eca! Você deveria pelo menos tomar o semi-desnatado. A: Ah, sei lá! Depois de beber o leite desnatado, até o semi-desnatado fica com o gosto de integral. B: Leite integral supergelado, esse é o único que presta.A: Is it possible for milk to ever be too cold? B: Impossible. As far as I am concerned, the colder the better. A: Especially on my cereal in the morning, you know? B: Definitely. Wait a sec! Is that skim milk you are using? A: Yea, so what? B: Don’t even pretend that skim milk is real milk, ick! At least you should drink 2%! A: I don’t know, after drinking skim, even the 2% tastes like whole. B: Freezing ice-cold whole milk is the only way to go.
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Elementary 75: Onde canta o sabiá

The famous poem by Gonçalves Dias entitled “Canção do exílio” speaks of a longing to hear the song of the sabiá, which is a type of thrush. Most Brazilians know about the poem, but not everyone knows a lot about the national bird, the sabiá. In today’s lesson you can get up to speed on all of itDialogueA: Sabe, sempre ouvi falar do poema “Canção do exílio” do Gonçalves Dias, mas confesso que não sei quase nada sobre o sabiá. B: “Minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sabiá. As aves que aqui gorjeiam, não gorjeiam como lá.” A: Exato, você sabe alguma coisa desse passarinho? B: Bom, sei que o nome mesmo é o sabiá-laranjeira, por causa da cor que tem na barriga, não é? A: E tem gente que diz que é a ave nacional do Brasil, mas nem sei se isso é verdade oficial ou não. B: Olha, até onde que eu sei é oficial sim, mas é uma coisa recente, isso é do ano 2000 pra cá. A: Dizem que o canto dele é lindo, não é? B: É verdade, lá no sítio do meu pai tem muitos e já ouvi o canto deles, sim.A: You know, I always heard about the poem “Canção do exílio” by Gonçalves Dias, but I confess that I don’t know anything about the bird. B: “My country has palm trees where the thrushes sing. The birds that sing here don’t sing like those back there.” A: That’s it, do you know anything about the bird? B: Well, I know that their name is really sabiá-laranjeira, because of the color of their stomachs, right? A: And some people say that it is the national bird of Brazil, but I don’t know if that’s official or not. B: As far as I know it is official, but it’s a recent development, after the year 2000. A: They say its song is beautiful, right? B: That’s true, back at my father’s farmhouse there are a bunch of them and I have heard their song.
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Intermediate 30: Gotta have your own YouTube channel

YouTube is such a part of our everyday life, no wonder we want to create our own channel. But if you want to talk about YouTube channels in Portuguese, there are some words and phrases that will help you out. And that is the object of today’s lesson.DialogueA: Ô Jackson, você tem um canal do YouTube, não é? É fácil criar um? B: Olha, não é difícil não, você já tem uma conta no google? A: Já, mas acho melhor começar com uma conta nova do Google, não é? B: Bom, concordo, as vezes fica mais fácil mesmo. Bom, começa aqui ô, em “fazer login.” A: Tá, e vejo essa de “Acesse com uma conta diferente,” é isso que eu tenho que clicar, né? B: Isso, aí você dá um clique em “Adicionar conta.” Tá, e você coloca seu nome..., sobrenome..., e nome de usuário de gmail..., vai criar uma senha aí..., pode ficar tranquila que eu não vou olhar, e aqui você coloca mais algumas informações e pronto. A: Tá, tipo nova senha, sexo..., celular..., outro email..., deixa eu fazer aqui, beleza, está pronto. B: Pronto, pronto. Agora é simples, olha aqui nesses quadrinhos, você entra aqui no YouTube e aperta em “Fazer Login.” A: Olha lá! E já tem até o símbolo do “Meu canal.” Que legal. B: Isso, aí aperta em “Meu canal” e ela vai pedir pra você dar um nome pro canal. A: Beleza, já tem meu nome, é “Tudo Azul.” B: Isso, beleza, agora olha ô, diz Início, Vídeos, Playlists, Canais, e Sobre, tá vendo? A: Sim, deixa eu ver onde é que está? Ah tá bom, tá bom..., e clico no “Sobre” não é? B: Isso, isso mesmo, e aqui vai pedir pra você fazer uma descrição do canal. Aí você coloca uma descrição sobre o que é o canal e mais algumas palavras chaves. A: Tá. E agora que que eu faço para colocar um vídeo em destaque? B: Bom, pra fazer isso, a gente vai entrar em gerenciador de vídeos, e daí dá um clique em playlists. Aqui ô, aqui diz “Nova playlist” tá vendo? e aí você vai dar um título. A: Ah beleza, e agora entro em “Adicionar Videos,” não é? Pronto, fácil. B: Isso, isso, agora cada vez que assiste um vídeo no YouTube, você entra nesse símbolo aqui que é para você adicionar ele para sua playlist, prontinho. A: Uau Jackson, deu certo, muito obrigado. B: Bom, vai brincando com esses vídeos aí, com essas informações, e amanhã eu te ensino mais um pouquinho, tá bomA: Hey Jackson, you have a channel on YouTube, right? Is it easy to create? B: It’s not difficult, do you already have a Google account? A: I do, but I think it’s better to start over with a new Google email from scratch, right? B: I agree, it’s easier. OK, start here at “Login.” A: OK, and I see this “Access with a different account,” right? B: Right, and click on “Add account.” OK, put your name…, last name…, gmail user name…, create a password…, and a few more things, got it. A: OK, let me see…, a new password, sex, cell phone…, old email…, got it. B: Good, now it’s easy, look here at these little squares, enter here at YouTube and click on “Login.” A: Well look at that! It already has the “My channel” symbol, cool! B: That’s it, click on “My channel” and it will ask you the name of your channel. A: OK, wait a second, I’m going to call it “Everything is Cool.” B: Right, cool, and now look were it says Beginning, Videos, Playlists, Channels, and About, do you see it? A: Where is it? OK, got it, do I click on “About”? B: Right, and it asks for a description of your channel. Write down a description and a few key words. A: OK, and now what do I do to add a video? B: Well, to do that, let’s enter into Video Generator, and from there click on playlists. Here is says “New Playlist” you see? And you give it a title. A: OK, and now I enter in “Add Videos” right? Got it. B: That’s it, and every time you watch a video on YouTube, click on this symbol here and add it to your playlist, you’ve got it. A: Wow Jackson, it worked, thanks. B: OK, keep playing with it, and tomorrow I’ll teach you how to do more things, OK?
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Elementary 74: Mara’s New Blog Entry

Some people just seem to see the good in everyone, and others seem to point out the flaws. In today’s lesson Mara has written another blog, and does she ever bring up some emotions and opinions. Whether positive of negative, this lesson helps us to express ourselves in Portuguese.DialogueA: Gente! Você viu o blog da Mara? B: Ai não, que foi que ela escreveu dessa vez? A: Não, dessa vez foi até bom, ela falou da mãe dela que fica insistindo pra ela casar o tempo todo. B: E quem é que iria casar com ela! A Mara é a mulher mais chata do mundo! A: Não fala assim Marcos. Se você conhecesse ela um pouco melhor, veria que ela é muito legal, uma pessoa súper gente boa. B: Que é isso! Que legal? Que gente boa? A Mara é uma metida, uma pessoa que se considera melhor do que todo o mundo! A: Bom, eu gosto muito dela, e seria bom se as pessoas descobrissem que ela é um diamante bruto que precisa ser lapidado. B: Ah, para com isso, sabe que que é? Você é uma santa, você é capaz de amar aquela metida, aquela chata da Mara.A: Did you see Mara’s blog? B: Oh no, what did she write about this time? A: No, this time it was good, she talked about how her mother keeps on insisting that she get married. B: And who would marry her! Mara’s the rudest women in the world! A: Don’t say that Marcos. If you knew her better you’d see that she’s really cool, a really nice person. B: Really! Cool! A nice person! Mara is a know-it-all who thinks she’s better than everyone else. A: Well, I like her, and it would be great if someone would discover that she’s a diamond that just needs some polishing. B: Oh stop, you know what it is? You are a saint. You are capable of loving that know-it-all, that obnoxious Mara.
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Intermediate 29: Self-Service Restaurants

Have you ever been to one of those restaurants where you pay by weight. They are extremely popular in Brazil. However, the question in today’s lesson is whether or not is makes sense to pay for food by weight. Some think it’s convenient and logical, others find it inconvenient and illogical. Either way, we learn some great Portuguese verbs to talk about the self-service restaurants.DialogueA: Sabe o que eu detesto, restaurante que tem comida a quilo. B: Por quê que não gosta? Sempre achei que os restaurantes self-service são bem convenientes. A: É que o fator que determina minha comida deve ser o sabor e não o peso. B: Entendo, eu já escolhi uma salada quando de verdade eu queria a lasanha, porque a lasanha pesa mais. A: Exato, a ideia que lasanha pesa mais e daí custa mais, está errado viu? B: É, pode ser que você tem razão. E pra falar a verdade, acho que a gente acaba gastando mais nesses por quilo também. A: Sei, agora a única vantagem é que esses de self-service têm uma boa variedade de comidas diferentes. B: Mas mesmo assim, essa mesma variedade está no cardápio também.A: You know what I hate, the restaurants that sell food by the kilo. B: Why don’t you like them? I always thought that the self-serve restaurants are really convenient. A: It’s that the factor that determines my food should be the flavor and not the weight. B: I get it. I have chosen a salad when what I really wanted was lasagna, because lasagna weighs more. A: Exactly, the idea that lasagna weighs more and therefore costs more is just wrong, you know? B: Yes, you could be right. And to tell you the truth, I think that we end up spending more at these by the kilo places too. A: I know, now the only advantage is that these self-service restaurants have a nice variety of different foods. B: Even so, the same variety is also found on the menu.
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Elementary 73: The Tire Looks A Little Low

It’s so easy to ignore the warning lights that go off, but in this case the tire looks a little low too. It’s a good thing that friends can help out, check the tires and even take things in to a mechanic if needed. And if you ever need to make that request in Portuguese, today’s lesson’s got you covered.DialogueA: O Carlos, você pode dar uma olhada no pneu do carro pra mim. B: Por que, tem algum problema? A: Sim, é que a luz do painel aqui está acesa, deve estar muito baixo. B: É verdade, este aqui está um pouco murcho, eu levo ele para encher, me dá a chave do carro. A: Peraí, olha aqui tem um prego aqui dentro. B: Droga, então, quer dizer que eu vou ter que levar o carro lá pra borracharia. A: Se você vai na borracharia, vai na borracharia do Ronaldo, ele sempre faz um bom trabalho e sempre tem liquidação de pneus também. B: Bom, essa é a verdade, mas de qualquer forma, você me empresta seu cartão.A: Carlos, can you check the tire on my car for me. B: Why, is there a problem? A: The light on the dashboard came on, it must be low. B: You are right, this one’s a little low, I’ll go get it filled, give me your car keys. A: Wait a sec, look there’s a nail here. B: Dang it, I guess I’ll have to take the car to a tire store. A: If you are going to take it to a tire store, take it to Ronaldo’s, he always does a good job and he always has a sale on tires too. B: OK, that’s true, either way, lend me your credit card.
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Intermediate 28: Men and Women Shopping

Do you love or hate shopping? People seem to fall into one of those camps. And how does your love/hate of shopping change when you get to do it online? Or does it change when you are shopping for cloths or for tools? All of this goes into our shopping patterns, and in this lesson we do it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô Sueli, você aceita esse estereótipo de que o homem não gosta de fazer compras? B: Não sei viu, no caso do Ronaldo, meu marido, o que ele não gosta e olhar tudo e não comprar nada. A: É, meu irmão o Luizão diz que não gosta de compras, mas ele passa horas e horas na internet buscando as promoções, comparando preços e lendo os detalhes. B: Essa é a diferença, eu prefiro ver a vitrine, rodar o local inteiro, ver o que têm, descobrir uma coisa nova. É muito mais agradável do que esse tal de “estudar as opções” na internet. A: Mas Luizão entra na loja, faz a compra em dois minutos, e já quer voltar para a casa. B: Mas sabe, outro dia eu estive na Sodimac com Ronaldo. Ele disse que precisava de uma nova chave inglesa... A: E já sei, ele ficou lá horas e horas, feliz da vida comparando tudo, né? B: Exato, depois de dez minutos eu que não aguentava mais, eu me despedi dele, e fui para outro departamento sozinha. A: Tá vendo? Esse estereótipo não é verdadeiro, os homens também gostam de fazer compras, só depende do produto.A: Sueli, do you accept the stereotype that men don’t like to go shopping? B: I don’t know, you know, in the case of Ronaldo, what he doesn’t like it to looking and end up not buying anything. A: Yes, Luizão says that he doesn’t like shopping, but he spends hours and hours on the internet looking for sales, comparing prices, and reading about details. B: That’s the difference, I prefer to window shop, walk around the whole place, seeing what they have, and finding something new. This is much more enjoyable than this thing of “studying the options” on the internet. A: But Luizão enters the store, buy something in two minutes, and then he already wants to go home. B: But you know, the other day I was at Sodimac with Ronaldo. He said he needed another wrench… A: And I already know, he spent hours and hours, happy as can be comparing everything, right? B: Exactly, after ten minutes I couldn’t take it anymore and I said good bye to him and when to another department all by myself. A: You see? The stereotype isn’t true, men also like to go shopping, it just depends on the product.
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Elementary 72: Brazilian Breakfast

Sometimes we just want to go back to our comfort food. And in today’s lesson, that means going back to a traditional Brazilian breakfast, complete with papaya, bread, butter, and coffee with milk. It’s a pretty great way to start a day, and even more so when you can talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Nossa, esse café da manhã está muito parecido com aquele nosso do Brasil. B: Sim, é verdade. Hoje eu resolvi ir ao mercado comprar mamão, pão integral, manteiga, e claro café e leite. É um café de manhã um pouco mais leve do que o americano. A: E que não deixa nada a desejar. B: Com certeza.A: Wow, this breakfast looks a lot like ours in Brazil. B: That is right, yes. Today I decided to go to the store to by papaya, French bread, butter, and of course coffee and milk. It’s a breakfast that’s a bit lighter than the American. A: And doesn’t leave you wanting anything. B: For sure.
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Beginning 75: Salad, who wants a salad!

It’s one thing to think of salad as a fresh, healthy food. But we’ve all had the experience of opening the fridge, only to find that the lettuce is brown, the tomatoes are old, and the cucumbers are mushy. It’s enough to take away your appetite. It doesn’t matter what language you are using, that kind of food is gross.DialogueA: Eu vou preparar uma salada. Você gosta mais de que? De rúcula, ou grião, ou alface? B: Não tem ainda aquela maionese na geladeira. A: Olha, até tem, mas já faz um tempão que a gente guardou ela, então eu nem sei se ela tá boa ainda. B: Sim! Ela está estragada, ai que nojo! Agora perdi até o apetite.A: I’m going to make a salad. Would you like rucula, or watercress, or lettuce? B: Isn’t there still some mayonnaise salad in the refrigerator? A: You know, there is, but it’s being forever since I put it there, I don’t know if its any good anymore. B: Wow, it’s gone bad, how disgusting! I think I’ve lost my appetite.
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Intermediate 27: What makes a good cachaça?

How in the world does a person figure out what makes a good cachaça? Color, smell, taste, and what brands are recommended? This lesson is our chance to get you started in knowing how to talk about cachaça and caipirinha.Drinking it, well, we’ll leave that up to you.DialogueA: Oi Carla, você sabe tudo de cachaça, não é? B: Mais ou menos, por quê? A: Como você sabe se ela é uma de boa qualidade ou não? B: Bom, primeiro, ver se ela é cristalina, e se não tem resíduo no fundo da garrafa. A: E o cheiro, como deve ser? B: Sabe, não deve ser muito forte, não dever arder ou fazer a gente lacrimejar. E pessoalmente, eu gosto mais de um aroma levemente doce e frutada. A: Tá. Tem mais uma alguma coisa que você gosta? B: Bom, pra mim, com a Cachaça Magnífica não tem erro, A Reserva Soleira é muito suave. Ela é cara, mas é de ótima qualidade. A: E se eu quiser fazer uma caipirinha? B: Nesse caso, eu gosto da Magnífica Tradicional, que já é boa e não é tão cara. E sabe, eu prefiro a caipirinha com maracujá, mas a grande maioria faz com limão verde. A: Obrigado Carla. Você realmente sabe tudo sobre bebidas. B: Bom, trabalhava antes como bartender para eventos, e assim a gente vai aprendendo rápido, né?A: Hi Carla, you know everything about cachaça, right? B: More or less, why? A: How do you know if it’s of a good quality of not? B: Well, first to see if it’s crystal clear, and that it doesn’t leave a residue on the bottom of the bottle. A: And the smell, what should it be like? B: Well, it shouldn’t be very strong, it shouldn’t burn or cause your eyes to water. I personally like more the smell that is lightly sweet and fruity. A: OK. Anything else that you particularly like? B: Well, for me, you can’t go wrong with Cachaça Magnífica. And the Reserva Soleira is very smooth. It is expensive, but it really high in quality. A: And if I want to make a caipirinha? B: In that case I like the Magnífica Tradicional, it’s good and not too expensive. And you know, I prefer caipirinha with passion fruit, but most people make it with limes. A: Thanks Carla, you really know a lot about drinks. B: Well, I used to work as a bartender for events, and that way you learn quickly, right?
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Elementary 71: Going to the Beach

The age old question about what to do on the weekend. And of course that question is more difficult to answer when the forecast says it’s going to rain. Looks like the beach will have to wait for another day. And while you are making those decisions, we’ll help you to discuss the options in Portuguese.DialogueA: O que nós vamos fazer no final de semana? B: A gente podia pegar uma praia, né? A: EE, mas será que não vai chover, não?. B: Não sei, vamos dar uma olhada na previsão do tempo. A: É, tô vendo aqui que vai ser nublado com possiblidades de pancadas de chuva. B: Então, melhor ficar em casa, ver um filme, relaxando, e comendo brigadeiro. A: Gostei da parte do brigadeiro, que ótima ideia.A: What do you want to do this weekend? B: We could go to the beach, right? A: EE, but isn’t it going to rain? B: I don’t know, let's take a look at the weather forecast. A: Yeah, I see here that is it going to be clouding with the possibility of rain showers. B: So, it’s better to stay at home, watch a movie, relax, eat some brigadeiros. A: I liked the part about brigadeiros, what a good idea.
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Beginning 74: Stopping by the market

Since someone is stopping by the supermarket anyway, it’s only polite to ask if there is anything you need. It’s always nice to be nice! And today we learn how to be nice in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Ô bem, eu vou passar lá no Pão de Açúcar. Você precisa de alguma coisa? B: Pega mais algumas azeitonas, tá bom? A: Da verde ou da preta? B: Olha, compra mais das verdes, acho que 300 gramas está bom.A: Dear, I’m heading to Pão de Açúcar. Do you need anything? B: Get some more olives, OK? A: The green or black ones? B: Buy some green ones, I think 300 grams should be OK.
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Intermediate 26: Signing Up For The Gym

We sometimes think that it would be nice to join a gym, but it gets rather intimidating when we see all of the sign up procedures, there’s a lot of pressure. Still, we know it’s a good thing to work out, so maybe it’s time to buckle down and do it. In today’s lesson the process is at least made a little easier when a friend can give some advice about what to expect.DialogueA: Ô Diana, para entrar numa academia, que que tem que fazer? B: Você prefere começar exercícios na máquina, pesos livres, ou exercícios aeróbicos? A: Não, o que quero dizer, você tem a assinar um contrato, pagar a mensalidade, o que tem que fazer para fazer a matrícula? B: Ah, bom, tenta buscar um lugar que tenha contrato anual, pra ser cobrada só uma vez ao ano. É mais barato do que o mensal. A: E o que que é uma taxa de adesão? B: Esse é um valor adicional, cobrado ao realizar a matrícula. Mas muitas vezes tem uma promoção que elimina a taxa de adesão, tenta evitá-la. A: E será que preciso levar alguma coisa do médico? B: As vezes pedem um atestado médico para provar que você está apta para praticar atividades físicas, mas isso depende do local e da idade da pessoa, duvido que você precise. A: Mais alguma coisa? B: Pede pra verificar que tem vestiário com armários, assim vai ser mais fácil guardar as suas coisas.A: Hey Diana, to sign up for a gym, what do you need to do? B: Do you prefer to begin with machine exercises, free weights, or aerobic exercises? A: No, what I mean is, you have to sign a contract, pay a monthly fee, what do you have to do to sign up? B: OK, well, try to find a place that has an annual contract, to be charged just once a year. It’s cheaper than paying by the month. A: Is there a sign up fee? B: That is an additional fee, charged when you sign up. But many times there are specials that do away with the sign up fee, try to avoid it. A: And will I need to take anything from the doctor? B: Sometimes they ask for a medical statement that shows that you are able to participate in physical activities, but this depends on the location and the age of the person. I doubt you’ll need it. A: Anything else? B: Check to make sure that they have a dressing room with lockers, that way it’s easier to store your things.
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Elementary 69: Buying tools or not

What kind of present do you get when you know that your friend is a little particular about things? Go ahead and bat around a few ideas, but it may be easier just to get a gift coupon and let him get what he wants later. And to help the discussion move along, in today’s lesson we do it all in Portuguese.DialogueA: Eu estava aqui pensando, alguma ideia do que a gente poderia comprar para o aniversário do Carlos? B: Olha, eu sei que a parafusadeira dele pifou a semana passada. A: Boa ideia, e talvez um kit de brocas e parafusos também, né? O que você acha? B: Eu não sei não, viu? Carlos é tão enjoado com a essa coisa de marca e qualidade das ferramentas dele. A: É verdade, eu concordo, pode ser que ele prefere escolher a marca e o tamanho. B: Nesse caso, vamos dar para ele um cupom de desconto.A: Do you have any idea what we could get for Carlos’ birthday? B: I know that his screw driver died last week. A: That’s a good idea, and maybe a box of bits and screws too, right? What do you think? B: I don’t know, you know? Carlos is pretty particular about brands and quality of this tools. A: Yeah, I agree, he probably wants to choose his own brand and size. B: In that case, let’s give him a discount coupon.
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Beginning 73: Small talk X – Little League

What’s more entertaining, watching the little kids play ball or watch the parents as the reaction to their children who are playing ball. In today’s lesson some parents are in the bleachers chatting as their kids are playing. Both seem to be fairly chill, which is good because sometimes the parents can go a little crazy. Nothing crazy about learning how to talk about this in Portuguese.DialogueA: Seu filho está jogando também? B: Tá. É aquele altão que parece meio perdido. A: É engraçado ver as crianças jogarem, né? B: É, e ele adora jogar, e nem sabe se o time ganha ou não.A: Is your son playing too? B: He is. He’s that tall one that look a little lost. A: It’s fun to watch the kids play, isn’t it? B: It is, and he loves to play, and he doesn’t even know if the team is winning or not.
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Beginning 72: Small talk IX – Sports fans

How big of a statement are you making when you wear clothing with your teams name and logo? For some it’s a bold declaration of passion, for others it was merely a clean shirt in the closet. Either way, it’s bound to call attention, which as learners of Portuguese is a perfect excuse to strike up a conversation.DialogueA: Hein, camisa do Vitória. Eu não sabia que você gosta de futebol! B: Também não sou muito fanática não, mas gosto deles sim. A: Você também vai para os jogos? B: Normalmente assisto só na televisão, é mais fácil.A: Hay, a Vitoria shirt. I didn’t know that you like soccer! B: I'm not really all that much of a fan, but I do like them yes. A: Do you also go to their games? B: Normally I just watch them on TV, it’s much easier.
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Beginning 71: Small talk VIIII – Supermarket Line

Sometimes we feel pressed and want to get out of the supermarket as quickly as possible. Other days we are OK with slowing down the pace a little bit. In today’s lesson somebody is nice enough to let another go first in the checkout line. No doubt that someday the good deed will be paid back, and somebody will let you in line as well. And at least we’ll have enough Portuguese to thank them appropriately if this happens in Brazil.DialogueA: Olha, tem outra fila que abriu, vai você primeiro. B: Obrigada, mas é só isso que você tem? A: Só isso, mas eu não estou com pressa não, pode ir. B: Nossa, muito obrigada, tenha um bom dia.A: Hey, another line just opened up, you go ahead first. B: Thanks, but is this all you have? A: Just this, but I’m not in a hurry, go ahead. B: Wow, thanks a lot, have a nice day.
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Beginning 70: Small talk VII – You cut your hair

We all relate to the pressure of how to react to a hair cut, especially when we go with a new look or a new style. The good news is that in today’s dialog not only does our friend notice, but she lets us know that the new style is working well, está linda! Thank goodness, because we are always taking a chance with a new hair style.DialogueA: Você cortou o cabelo, né? Está linda. B: Cortei sim, você gosta? Eu ainda não sei, viu? A: Nada disso, está linda mesmo, combina com seu rosto. B: Obrigada, estava na hora mesmo de ter um novo estilo.A: You cut your hair, right? It’s pretty. B: Yes, I got it cut. Do you like it? I'm still not sure, you know? A: No way, it’s really pretty, it goes well with your face. B: Thanks, it really was time to try a new style.
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Elementary 70: Finger food

Salgadinhos, those salty snack foods that we all love to eat, even if do so with a little sense of guilt, knowing that they just can’t be all that healthy of an option. Still, in today’s lesson we give you a pretty good list of many of the salgadinhos that you should try. And, as long as you don’t go too crazy, feel free to eat them without feely guilty.DialogueA: Quais são seus petiscos favoritos? B: Gosto muito de salgadinho: bolinho de bacalhau, coxinha, croquetes de carne. A: É, as vezes eu prefiro até petiscos, e nem peço o prato principal. B: Você gosta do torresmo? A: Gosto, mais acho que até prefiro polenta frita ou coração de galinha. B: Tudo isso, uau! Você gosta mesmo de petisco, né? A: Sei que não são muito saudáveis, mas de vez em quando está bom. B: Tá, a próxima vez lá em casa a Mariane vai fazer um escondidinho de carne seca pra você. Sei que você vai adorar.A: What are your favorite snacks? B: I really like salty snacks: codfish croquette, chicken croquette, meat croquette. A: Yeah, sometimes I even prefer snack foods, and I don’t even order the main dish. B: Do you like pork rinds? A: I do, but I think that I actually prefer fried cornbread or chicken hearts. B: All this, wow! You really do like snack foods, right? A: I know they aren’t really healthy, but every so often it’s fine. B: OK, next time your at our house Mariane will make a beef jerky surprise for you. I know you’ll love it.
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Beginning 69: Small talk VI – Love those shoes

What’s better than finding the perfect shoes online? Having a friend who recognizes how good looking those shoes are, and then asks you about them. Don’t worry, in the dialog we promise to send you the link, in Portuguese of course.DialogueA: Ô Ana Clara, eu adorei esses sapatos, eles ficam muito bem com esse vestido. B: Obrigada, e são muito confortáveis, dá pra usar o dia inteiro. A: Onde é que você comprou eles? B: Comprei online, depois te passo o link.A: Hey Ana Clara, I love those shoes, they go really well with that dress. B: Thanks, and they are really comfortable, you can wear them all day. A: Where did you buy them? B: I bought them online, later I’ll send you the link.
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Elementary 68: The bed is uncomfortable

We spend so much of our life in bed, it really shows that getting the right bed is probably a big deal. But what do you do when the bed is uncomfortable. It may be that buying another one will change things, or maybe not. It’s such a hard decision, but at least we’ll give you the language necessary to make that decision in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ai, sabe, eu nunca gostei dessa cama, as vezes parece dura demais, e as vezes parece mole demais. B: Por quê você não compra outra? A: Ah, essa saiu tão cara, e quem sabe se eu comprar uma nova vai ser igual. B: Eu sei, fazer o que, né? A: É, as vezes eu acordo com dor nas costas, e outras vezes com dor no pescoço. B: Será que não é o caso de trocar de travesseiro. A: Já troquei, mas sabe, é a cama mesmo.A: Ay, you know, I never liked this bed, sometimes it seems too hard, and sometimes it seems too soft. B: Why don’t you buy another one? A: Oh, this one was so expensive, and who knows if I buy a new one that it won’t be the same. B: I know, what can you do, you know? A: Yeah, sometimes I wake up with a sore back, other times with a sore neck. B: Maybe it’s a matter of changing your pillow. A: I already did change, you know, it really is the bed.
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Beginning 68: Small talk V – Need a break.

Some days we work so long and so hard at work that we don’t evn realize how long we’ve been sitting. It’s good to get up, move around, stretch your body, divert your attention to something else, can take a break. Even better, take a load off with a friend or colleague, and sit down for a refreshing coffee break. And even better yet, learn how to do so in Portuguese.DialogueA: Nossa, mas que dia! Você também está ocupado? B: Estou, nem me levantei da cadeira o dia todo. A: Vamos tomar um cafezinho? B: Vamos, preciso mover o corpo um pouco.A: Wow, what a day! Are you busy too? B: I am, I didn’t get out of the chair all day. A: How about we go have some coffee? B: Let’s go, I need to move my body a little bit.
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Elementary 67: Do I look fat in this dress?

The age-old question, ‘how do I look?’ In today’s lesson we not only learn how to answer that question in Portuguese, but we answer it with style, with flattering words, and without delay. You learn much more than just language in our Língua da Gente lessons.DialogueA: Ô João, você acha que eu estou gorda nesse vestido? B: Meu amor, você sabe que é impossível responder uma pergunta dessas, né? A: Não João, é fácil, fala honestamente, estou gorda ou não estou? B: Nesse caso, não, você não está gorda nessa roupa. A: Mas você nem olhou pra mim. B: Claro que não, e nem preciso olhar, você não está gorda nessa roupa, está linda. A: Tá. Acho que o azul vai ser melhor. B: O azul também está bom.A: Hey João, do you think I look fat in this dress? B: My love, you know that it’s impossible to answer such a question, right? A: No João, it’s easy, tell me honestly, do I look fat or not? B: In that case, no, you don’t look fat in those clothes. A: But you didn’t even look at me. B: Of course not, and I don’t even need to look, you are not fat in that dress, you are beautiful. A: OK, I think the blue one is better. B: The blue one is good too.
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Beginning 67: How was your weekend?

Asking a friend how his or her weekend was is much more than just a question. It’s a way of showing them that you care and that you are interested in them as people, more than just a colleague at work. In today’s lesson we find out that even staying home for the weekend is nice, and it’s nice to know that your friend asks about you too.DialogueA: Olá Roseli, como foi o final de semana? B: Foi bom, a gente ficou em casa e finalmente deu pra descansar um pouco. E você? A: Bem, a gente foi pra praia, mas como choveu, a gente acabou ficando em casa. B: Mas pelo menos deu pra sair um pouco, não é?A: Hi Roseli, how was your weekend? B: It was good, we stayed home and we were finally able to rest a bit. How about you? A: Well, we went to the beach, but since it was raining, we ended up staying at home. B: At least you were able to get out a little bit, right?
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Intermediate 25: Doctor’s visit – Diabetes

It’s so easy to get off of our routine, especially when traveling a lot. However, for those with diabetes, it’s important to still watch what we eat, keep up on medications, and maintain our exercise programs. Easier said than done, right? And in this lesson we add one more element, talking about all of this in Portuguese. We can do it, and chances are we’ll feel much better too.DialogueDoutor: Bom dia dona Da Silva, que bom vê-la outra vez. Faz tempo, né? Como você está se sentindo hoje? DaSilva: Olha, pra ser sincera, eu não estou me sentindo muito bem hoje não. Parece que sempre estou com sede e vivo exausta, e também sempre cansada. Doutor: E você continua tomando medicamentos como deve? Você tem verificado a taxa de açúcar no sangue? DaSilva: Bem, na verdade que tenho viajado muito, acabou a metformina e perdi meu glicosímetro. Doutor: Bom, vamos ver os resultado para hoje... olha lá, a glicose hoje está a 326 e a hemaglobina A1C está a 12,1! DaSilva: Nossa! É, quando viajo é quase impossível seguir o regime. Doutor: Não admiro que você não esteja se sentindo bem. Bom, vamos começar as injeções diárias de insulina para poder controlar seu diabetes. Vou te dar refill de seus medicamentos. Verifique diariamente seus níveis de glicose, e eu gostaria de vê-la outra vez em duas semanas, tá bom? DaSilva: Tá bom doutor, desculpa, tá? Doutor: Olha, você já voltou das viagens. Está na hora de você voltar a uma dieta saudável, acompanhada de exercícios. Isso, junto com o medicamento, acho que vai sentir melhor. DaSilva: Concordo, muito obrigada. Doctor: Good morning Mrs. Silva, it’s good to see you again. It’s been a while, right? How are you feeling today? DaSilva: Well, to tell you the truth, I’m not feeling very well today. It seems that I’m always thirsty and always worn out and I am always tired. Doctor: And are you still taking the medications as you should? Have you been checking your blood sugar levels? DaSilva: Well, the truth is that I have been traveling a lot, my metformin ran out and I lost my glycometer. Doctor: Well, let’s see the results for today… there you go, your glucose today is at 326 and your hemaglobin A1c is at 12.1. DaSilva: Wow! I know, when I travel it’s almost impossible to keep to my diet. Doctor: I’m not surprised that you aren’t feeling well. OK, let’s start with daily injections of insulin to control your diabetes. I’ll give you are refill on your medications. Check you your sugar levels daily, and I’d like to see you again in two weeks, OK? DaSilva: OK doctor, and excuse me, OK? Doctor: Look, you have already returned from your trips. It’s time now to return to a healthy diet, together with exercise. This, together with the medications, and I think you’re going to feel better. DaSilva: I agree, thank you very much.
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Elementary 66: What’s the score?

There is nothing more fun that taking on your best friend in a game of one-on-one. The problem is that your friend is pretty bad at keeping the score. In today’s lesson we not only learn how to talk about the score in Portuguese, but we also learn how to help our friend keep score!DialogueA: Quanto está o placar? B: Oito a seis. A: Como que oito a seis rapaz! Eu estou, pelo menos, com sete, né? B: Não, eram oito a três, e você marcou um arremesso de três. A: E agora a bola é minha, né? B: Como assim, a bola bateu no seu pé antes de sair. A: Bateu no meu pé sim, e daí no seu ombro. A bola é minha.A: What’s the score? B: Eight to six. A: How’s it eight to six, man! I am at least seven, right? B: No, it was eight to three, and you scored a three point shot. A: And now it’s my ball, right? B: What do you mean, the ball hit your foot before it went out A: Yea, it hit my foot, and then hit your shoulder. It’s my ball.
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Beginning 66: Small talk III – It’s raining

What’s more frustrating than to have the weather be beautiful all week, and then on the weekend, precisely when you have time to get outside, it decides to rain! Well, at least in the dialog we find out that it isn’t very cold outside. But really, gente, when is this rain going to stop!DialogueA: Gente, mas quando é que essa chuva vai parar! B: Olha, dizem que vai continuar até sábado. A: Pelo menos não está fazendo frio, né? B: Concordo, mas sabe, prefiro não ter que andar com casaco e jaqueta.A: Man, but when is this rain going to stop! B: Well, they say it is going to continue until Saturday. A: At least it isn’t too cold, you know? B: I agree, but you know, I’d prefer to not have to walk around with a coat and a jacket.
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Intermediate 24: Doctor’s visit – High Blood Pressure

So how does a doctor know if we have high blood pressure because of diet, exercise, and health, or high blood pressure because we are nervous about being in a doctor’s office? In the end, we’ve got to take care of the high blood pressure, and in today’s lesson the doctor is taking the steps necessary to do so. Whether you say “hypertension” or “high pressure” we’ll give you the Portuguese to talk about how to make you feel better.DialogueSara: Ai Doutor, essa dor de cabeça está me matando, e de noite não durmo nada. Doutor: Há quanto tempo que essas dores começaram Dona Sara? Sara: Faz quase dois meses agora, mas nessas últimas duas semanas tem sido bem mais fortes. Doutor: Como assim, descreva as dores para mim. Sara: Bom, é mais ou menos como uma pressão, como se a cabeça explodisse, especialmente aqui atrás dos olhos. Doutor: Bom, deixa eu ver, a enfermeira já checou a sua pressão e estava 160/100. Parece que você está com hipertensão, e podemos começar com o programa de medicamento para controlar isso. Sara: Doutor, claro, estou um pouco nervosa, quando venho pra cá pra ver o senhor, mas não creio que eu esteja com hipertensão, não. É que eu fico nervosa. Doutor: Claro, muita gente fica nervosa quando tem consulta médica, mas lembra que sua pressão já era alta as últimas duas vezes que você esteve aqui. E eu já lhe disse que teríamos que dar uma olhada nisso. Sara: É isso doutor, eu fico nervosa cada vez que venho aqui. Doutor: Eu sei Dona Sara, mas não queremos correr o risco de você ter um ataque cardíaco. Sara: Concordo doutor, e pra falar a verdade a hipertensão é comum em nossa família. Doutor: Exato, vamos começar com esse programa de medicamento, e em duas semanas vamos checar a pressão outra vez. Sara: Está bem doutor, obrigada pela ajuda.Sara: Ay Doctor, this headache is killing me, and at night I can’t sleep at all. Doutor: How long ago did these pains begin, Sara? Sara: It’s been almost two months now, but in the past few weeks it has been much stronger. Doutor: What do you mean, describe the pains for me. Sara: Well, it’s more or less like a pressure, as if my head were to explode, especially here behind the eyes. Doutor: Well, let me see, the nurse has already checked your blood pressure and it was 160/100. It seems that you have hypertension, and we can begin a medication regiment to control that. Sara: Doctor, of course, I am a little nervous whenever I come to see you, but I don’t believe that I have high blood pressure. It’s just that I get nervous. Doutor: Of course, many people get nervous when the have a doctor’s appointment, but remember that your pressure was already high the last two times you were here. And I already told you that we’d have to take a look at this. Sara: That it doctor, I get nervous every time I come here. Doutor: I know Sara, but we don’t want to run the risk of you having a heart attack. Sara: I agree doctor, and to tell you the truth high blood pressure is common in our family. Doutor: Exactly, let’s begin medication regiment and in two week we will check your blood pressure again. Sara: OK doctor, thanks for the help.
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Elementary 65: Papai Coruja

In English we talk about a “proud papa” and in Portuguese with call somebody a “papai coruja”. “Coruja” is the word for “owl” and isn’t that a beautiful way to describe somebody who looks like he is proud. In today’s lesson we learn how to talk about being excited for things.DialogueA: Sabe o que eu não esperava dessa gravidez? B: Os pés inchados? A: Bom, isso também! Não, é o quanto o Eduardo ficou carinhoso. B: É, eu vi ele passando a mão na sua barriga, eu achei tão lindo. A: E ele fica conversando com o bebê o tempo todo. B: Nossa, sabe que o Nelson era assim também, era tão legal. A: Realmente é legal ver um homem que curta a gravidez tanto. B: Papai coruja, né? E o bebê nem nasceu ainda!A: You know what I never expected from this pregnancy? B: Swollen feet? A: Well, that too! No, it’s how endearing Eduardo has become. B: Yes, I saw him rubbing his hand on your stomach, I thought it was beautiful. A: And he keeps on talking to the baby all the time. B: Wow, you know that Nelson was the same way, it was so cool. A: It’s really cool to see a man that enjoys the pregnancy so much. B: Proud papa, you know? And the baby hasn’t even been born yet!
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Intermediate 23: Doctor’s Visit – I Have A Cough

None of us likes to visit the doctor, delaying things as long as possible. But, sometimes we just know that it really is important to get a professional to look at things. In today’s lesson it’s a good thing that we went to the doctor because he thinks that we might have bronchitis. And it’s a good thing that we learn how to talk about all of this in Portuguese too. Thank you Doctor, thank you.DialogueVera: Doutor, não sei se o senhor me pode ajudar, sabe, tenho tossido tanto que meu peito está doendo e sinto que não dá mais pra respirar. Doutor: Sinto muito Dona Vera, quando começaram esses sintomas? Vera: Mais ou menos há uma semana, depois que meu filho teve uma gripe séria. Doutor: Você tem tomado alguma coisa para aliviar a dor? Vera: Não, só tenho passado a vicks-vapor-rub, mas não creio que tenha ajudado muito, não. Doutor: E a senhora tem tossido muito catarro, ou já notou muita febre? Vera: Sim, muito catarro, mas acho que não tive muita febre. Doutor: A senhora fuma? Vera: Não doutor, eu larguei há mais ou menos 10 anos. Doutor: Muito bom, bom, vamos ouvir os pulmões... Eu estou ouvindo um ronquidão um pouco. Acho que talvez você tenha bronquite. Vamos começar com um tratamento nebulizador agora, e alguns esteroides pra poder respirar melhor. Vera: Obrigada, doutor. Doutor: E vamos checá-la outra vez depois desse tratamento, tá bom?Vera: Doctor, I don’t know if you can help me, but I have been coughing so much that my chest is sore and I feel like I can’t breath anymore. Doutor: Sorry to hear that Dona Vera, when did these symptoms begin? Vera: More or less a week ago, after my son had a terrible cold. Doutor: Have you been taking anything to alleviate the pain? Vera: No, I’ve only rubbed on vicks-vapor-rub, but I don’t think that it has helped at all. Doutor: And have you been coughing up lots of mucus, or have you noticed any fever? Vera: Yes, lots of mucus, but I haven’t had much of a fever. Doutor: Do you smoke? Vera: No Doctor, I gave it up about 10 years ago. Doutor: Very good, well, let’s listen to your lungs. I can hear a little wheezing. I think you probably have bronchitis. Let’s begin with a nebulizer treatment now, and some steroids to be able to breath better. Vera: Thank you doctor. Doutor: And let’s check you again after this treatment, OK?
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Beginning 65: Small talk II – Meeting again

We’ve all been there. You meet somebody, forget their name, and then see them again down the road. You might as well be honest and simply ask them their name. And in today’s lesson we get to live that experience in Portuguese.DialogueA: Olá Diana, não sei se você lembra de mim. Nos conhecemos na festa de aniversário da Mara. B: Ah é, você é o amigo do Jerson, não é? Como é seu nome mesmo? A: Meu nome é Maria da Silva, e na realidade Jerson é meu primo. B: Aquela festa da Mara foi muito boa, não foi?A: Hi Diana, I don’t know if you remember me. We met at Mara’s birthday party. B: Oh yeah, you are Jerson’ friend, right? What is your name again? A: My name is Maria da Silva, and actually is that Jerson is my cousin. B: That party of Marta’s was really good, wasn’t it?
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Elementary 64: Mother-in-laws and food

You gotta love them, but you also gotta get ready for invitations to eat more, and more and more. It’s just their way of saying that they love you. So, take a deep breadth, fill up that plate, and have another helping.DialogueA: Filho, você não quer mais, não? Por quê? Cê não gostou? B: Gostei Dona Rose, gostei, mas é que eu já comi em casa. A: Sabia! Estava ruim, né? B: Tá bom, me dá mais um pouquinho desse bife então. A: Você é muito magro, pega dois. B: Não Dona Rose, por favor, eu não aguento mais comer. A: É, como eu te disse, você não gostou mesmo, hein?A: Son, don’t you want any more? Why? Didn’t you like it? B: I liked it Dona Rose, I like it, but I already ate at home. A: I knew it, it was terrible, right? B: OK, give me a little more of this beef then. A: You are really skinny, take two. B: No Dona Rose, please, I can’t handle eating any more. A: Yep, it’s like I said, you really didn’t like it, did you?
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Beginning 64: Small talk I – Meeting strangers

As part of our ‘small talk’ series, here’s an example of how to finally introduce yourself to a person that you have seen for a long time. Finally, it’s good to meet you!DialogueA: Todo dia a gente se vê nessa ponto de ônibus e nunca nos apresentamos. Bom dia, meu nome é Diana. B: Bom dia Diana, meu nome é Claudio, prazer. A: Muito prazer. Você também mora aqui nesse prédio? B: Moro, junto com minha tia e o Wellington, meu cachorrinho.A: Every day we see each other here at the bus stop and we’ve never introduced ourselves. Good morning, my name is Diana. B: Good morning Diana, my name is Claudio, nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you. Do you also live in this building? B: I do, together with my aunt and Wellington, my puppy.
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Elementary 63: How Great Is It To Be from Santa Catarina

Outside of Brazil, we sometimes hear more about São Paulo and Rio than we do about other regions in Brazil. In today’s lesson we get to focus on one of Brazil’s hidden gems, Santa Catarina. Get ready, because you are about to find out about a ton of great things to see and do in Santa Catarina. *Photo courtesy of Dircinha Welter (all rights reserved).DialogueA: Você é catarinense, não é? B: Sou, até os meus avós nasceram aqui. A: Na sua opinião, qual é o cartão postal do estado? B: Puxa, é difícil, tem tantos: A ponte Hercílio Luz, a Serra do Rio do Rastro e a Prefeitura de Blumenau. A: E qual você gosta mais? B: Bom pra mim, nada é melhor do que o pôr do sol no fundo, um chope na mão, e a família reunida em Santo Antônio de Lisboa.A: You are from Santa Catarina, right? B: I am, even my grandparents were born here. A: In your opinion, what would you say is the iconic spot in the state? B: That’s hard to say, there are so many: Hercílio Luz Bridge, a Serra do Rio do Rastro e a Blumenau City Hall. A: And which one do you like the most? B: Well, for me, nothing is better than a sunset in the background, a beer in my hand, and family around me at Santo Antônio de Lisboa.
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Beginning 63: Favorite Chocolates

Nestlé, Garoto or Lacta, in Brazil the question is which chocolate brand we like the most. After today’s lesson, even if you can’t decide, you can at least explain the argument to defend one brand over another.DialogueA: De qual marca de chocolate você mais gosta, lacta, garoto, ou nestlé? B: Sempre gostei do Sonho de Valsa e do Ouro Branco, então eu diria Lacta. A: É verdade esses são os melhores. B: Mas confesso que também gosto da Serenata de Amor da Garoto.A: What brand of chocolate do you like the most, Lacta, Garoto, and Nestlé? B: I have always liked Sonho de Valsa (Waltz Dream), and Ouro Branco (White Gold), so I’d say Lacta. A: You are right these are the best. B: But, the truth is that I really like Serenata de Amor (Love Serenade) from Garoto too.
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Elementary 62: Florianopolis Is Growing

Without a doubt Florianopolis is one of those fantastic cities that makes Santa Catarina shine Even if you have never been there, this lesson gives you a change to talk about it and ask others about their opinions of this classic city.DialogueA: Lembra quando o trânsito aqui em Florianópolis era tranquilo? B: Hoje em dia tá pior do que São Paulo. A: Exagera não Eduardo, nada é pior do que São Paulo. B: Mesmo assim, olha lá, tá tudo engarrafado. A: Sei, vamos sair nessa pra pegar a Benvenuta. B: Essa a esquerda? Tá, vou pegar essa mesma.A: Remember when traffic here in Florianopolis was good? B: Nowadays it’s worse than São Paulo. A: Don’t exaggerate Eduardo, nothing is worse than São Paulo. B: Still, look how it’s all clogged up! A: I know, let’s get off here to get on Benvenuta. B: This one to the left? OK, I’ll take this one.
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Beginning 62: I’m Exhausted

Sometimes we just hit the end of the day and we run out of gas. If you just aren’t into pushing it another minute, today we learn how to tell people that we just ought to go to bed. Admit it, we all need this lesson!DialogueA: Eduardo, vamos dormir, tô cansada pra caramba. B: Mas ainda é cedo. A: Eu sei, mas estou com sono. B: Tá bom, já tô indo.A: Eduardo, let’s go to bed, I’m really tired. B: But it’s early still. A: I know, but I’m really sleepy. B: OK, I’m coming.
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Elementary 61: Your Turn To Change The Dirty Diaper

How do couples decide whose turn it is to change a dirty diaper? Is it best to take turns, trade days, alternate between wet and dirty? We’ll let you decide the strategy, but what we can help you with is how to talk about changing diapers in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ai não, a Mariane sujou a fralda de novo! B: Mas eu acabei de trocar ela, nem faz 5 minutos! A: Bom, e essa é poderosa, me alcança mais uma fralda por favor. B: Nossa! mas que fedor! Né? Meu anjinho, você tem um cheiro que só a mamãe ama! A: E me alcança mais desses lenços, ela vai precisar de muitos. B: Eduardo, você também é um anjo, trocando uma fralda dessas.A: Oh no, Mariane messed her diaper again! B: But I just changed her, not even 5 minutes ago! A: Well, and this one is powerful, grab me another diaper please. B: Wow, that stinks! Right? My little angel, you have a smell that only a mother could love! A: And grab me some more wipes too, this is going to require a bunch. B: Eduardo, you are an angel too, changing a diaper like that one.
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Beginning 61: Snacks And A Drink

Among the Portuguese skills that we all need, ordering a quick snack and a drink rank high on the list. Potentially you will need this skill on a daily basis. We’ve got you covered and in this lesson we make sure you won’t starve to death while in Brazil!DialogueA: Me dá um pastel de carne e um kibe por favor? B: Pois não, alguma coisa pra beber? A: Suco de abacaxi. B: Com açúcar, sem açúcar, ou adoçante? A: Com açúcar, e um pedacinho de limão pro kibe, pode ser?A: Give me a meat pastry and a kibe please. B: No problem, anything to drink? A: Pineapple juice. B: With sugar, without sugar, or a sweetener? A: With sugar, and a little lime for the kibe, OK?
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Elementary 60: Making Brigadeiros

It’s one thing to eat sweets and candies, it’s another to make homemade sweets. For Brazilians, this begins with brigadeiro, which can be simple or elegant. We wish that we could promise that anyone who learns how to speak Portuguese will automatically know how to make brigadeiros. Truth told, however, all we can say is that you’ll know how to order them!DialogueA: Sinceramente Marilene, você precisa vender brigadeiros. Ninguém faz melhor do que você. B: Cê acha? Mas é um doce tão simples, qualquer um pode fazer. A: Ah, não é verdade não, olha lá, brigadeiro de paçoca! Como é que você pensou nessa? B: Sei lá, eu abri gaveta, ia pegar mais açúcar e eu vi a paçoca, pronto! A: E esse aqui, que que ele tem lá dentro? B: Ah, esse é brigadeiro de camomila seca, com açúcar cristal para decorar ele. A: E essas ideias só vem da cabeça assim ô, como milagre? B: Sabe o que acontece, é que sempre está faltando ingredientes em casa, a gente vai inventando com o que tem. A: Ai como eu disse Marilene, você precisa abrir uma loja.A: Really Marilene, you need to sell brigadeiros. Nobody makes them better than you. B: You think? But it’s just a simple sweet, anybody can do it. A: That’s not true, look, a paçoca flavored brigadeiro. How do you even think of that? B: I don’t know, I opened the drawer, was going to get more sugar, and I saw the paçoca, there you go! A: And this one, what’s in this one? B: Ah, that brigadeiro was made with chamomile tea, with crystalized sugar for decoration. A: And these ideas just come to your head, like a miracle? B: What happens is that we are always missing ingredients at home, so we end up inventing things with what we’ve got. A: Like I said Marilene, you need to open a store.
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Beginning 60: How To Tie A Tie

Do you know how to tie a tie? Isn’t there something about a rabbit going around the hole and then back in the hole? If that is too complicated, let’s teach you how to tie a tie in Portuguese. Here we go!DialogueA: Não sei direito dar nó em gravata, me dá uma ajuda aqui. B: Tá, cruze o lado comprido por cima do lado curto. A: Assim? B: Isso, e passe ele por dentro do buraquinho. A: Ah, entendi. B: E passe ele outra vez por atrás pro outro lado. A: Assim, né? B: Isso, e passa pela frente, e enfia a volta que fez, Isso. A: OK, entendi. B: Isso, e agora puxe a ponta e deslize a parte larga para formar o nó. A: OK, entendi.A: I don’t know how to tie a tie, give me a hand here. B: OK, cross the long end in front of the short end. A: Like this? B: Right, and pull it through the little hole. A: OK, got it. B: And pass it again behind and go through the other side. A: Like this, right? B: Right, and pass it in front, and thread it through the loop you made, right. A: OK, I understand. B: Right, and now pull the end down, and slide the large side to make the knot. A: OK, I understand.
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Elementary 59: Saint Sandwich

What a play on words, a restaurant called “São Duíche”! We’ve got São Paulo, São Jorge, São Caetano, we might as well add a São Duíche, the patron saint of those who love “sanduíches” or sandwiches. This is going to be a fun Portuguese language lesson!DialogueA: Voce viu no Facebook que tem um restaurante que se chama “São Duíche Lanche? B: Sério! Imagina as piadinhas que eles poderiam criar. A: Sei, o lema deles é “fazer milagres por sua fome”! B: E olha lá, o São Duíche é o santo protetor dos gordinhos! A: É e veja aqui, “gordinhos, suas preces foram atendidas”! B: É muito engraçado, viu? Adoro a criatividade desse pessoal. A: Nem sei se eles têm bons sanduíches, mas o marketing deles é fantástico. B: Legal, onde é que fica mesmo? A: Em BH.A: Did you see on Facebook that there is a restaurant called “Saint Sandwich Luncheonette? B: Really! Imagine the jokes they could create. A: I know, their slogan is “Causes miracles to your hunger”! B: And look, Saint Wich is the patron saint of the fat ones! A: And look here, “fat ones, your prayers have been answered”! B: That’s really funny, you know? I love their creativity. A: I don’t even know if they have good sandwiches, but their marketing is fantastic. B: Cool, where are they located again? A: In Belo Horizonte.
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Beginning 59: Is That Xote Or Baião?

One of the great things about Brazil, musically, is that the different regions are extremely diverse. From the Northeast region you will hear music that has almost a reggae type of rhythm, fast and slow, that is played with accordion, a triangle, and a drum called a zabumba. In today’s lesson we talk about forró, baião, and xote. You are gonna love it.DialogueA: De onde veio o Luiz Gonzaga? B: O Rei do Baião.., o Gonzagão..., ele veio de Pernambuco. A: Como eu gosto o som da sanfona, sabia? B: Claro, junto com o triângulo e a zabumba, é perfeito.A: Where did Luiz Gonzaga come from? B: The King of Baião…, the Big Gonzaga…, he is from Pernambuco. A: Man I like the sound of the accordion, you know? B: I know, together with the triangle and the zabumba they are perfect.
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Beginning 58: New At Capoeira

How is it possible to watch capoeira and not want to give it a try? Even if you don’t think you could ever make those moves, there is still a part of you that at least wants to play the berimbau. In today’s lesson we at least get you started, by giving you some Portuguese language skills related to talking about capoeira.DialogueA: Olha aí Eduardo, você pegou mesmo o jeito desse aú aberto, hein? B: Meio fechado ainda, mas a gente tem que ter a ginga, não é? A: Desde quando você faz capoeira? B: Comecei tocando berimbau um ano atrás, e pouco a pouco eu decidi fazer mais.A: Look at that Marcos, you’ve really caught on to these cartwheels. B: They are still a little closed, but you gotta have a little ginga, right? A: How long have you been doing capoeira? B: I started playing berimbau about a year agao, and little my little I decided to do more.
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Beginning 55: Time To Catch Some Pokemon

They say that millions of people are playing Pokemon Go, and as you think of it, what a unique way to practice speaking Portuguese. It’s got to be a new combination. And even if you are not into Pokemon, here’s a chance to learn more Portuguese.DialogueA: Não, Jackson, pra pegar o Pokémon, você precisa jogar a PokéBola nele. B: É aqui no círculo verde que aparece esse monstrinho, não é? A: Você sabe o que fazer se acabar as PokéBolas? B: Vai até uma PokéStop para conseguir mais, não é?A: No Jackson, to capture the Pokemon you need to throw a Pokeball at him. B: Here at the green circle that appeared on the little monster, right? A: Do you know what to do if you run out of Pokeballs? B: You go to a Pokestop to get more, right?
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Elementary 58: What Is The Best Ice Cream?

Ice cream is already one of life’s great pleasures, and this is even more the case in a place where tropical fruits give us even more new flavor options. So let’s talk about ice cream, your favorite flavors, your favorite places to buy it, and who to share it with.DialogueA: Qual o melhor sabor de sorvete? B: Pra mim é fácil, adoro banana caramelada, ou canela, ou chocolate branco com amêndoas, ou milho verde... A: Quer dizer que não é tão fácil dizer, né? B: ou arroz doce ou brigadeiro... A: Todos eles são bons, mas agora já prefiro o sorbet, juntando o doce do açúcar com a acidez da fruta. B: ou chocolate com damasco e nozes... A: Você já esteve naquela nova sorveteria no Shopping Leblon? B: Ainda não, vamo-lá?. A: Vamos.A: What’s the best ice cream flavor? B: For me that’s easy, I love caramelized banana, our cinnamon, or white chocolate with almonds, or sweet corn…. A: That is to say, not so easy, huh? B: or sweet rice or brigadeiro... A: They are all good, but lately I prefer sorbet, combining the sweetness of the sugar with the acidity of the fruit. B: or chocolate with apricots and nuts… A: Have you been to that new ice cream store in the Leblon mall? B: Not yet, should we go? A: Let’s go.
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Elementary 57: What Have You Been Doing?

Of course we’d like to say that we are always productive with our time. But sometimes it’s nice just to chill in front of the TV and let the evening pass away in 100% rest and relaxation. Don’t make it a daily habit, but now and again, why not? And why not in Portuguese?DialogueA: Você fez o dever de casa? B: Ainda não. A: E o piano, você praticou alguma coisa? B: Ainda não. A: E o gato, você deu alguma coisa para ele comer? B: Ainda não. A: O que você estava fazendo esse tempo todo? B: Nada, quer dizer, assistindo a televisão.A: Did you do your homework? B: Not yet. A: And the piano, did you practice it at all? B: Not yet. A: And the cat, did you give the cat any food? B: Not yet.. A: What have you been doing all this time? B: Nothing, that is, watching television.
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Beginning 57: X-Tudo Meu Amigo!

Forget the famous food chains, if you want a burger in Brazil, check out the guy with the corner stand. Brazilian X-tudo comes with all the extras, and when we day “tudo” we mean everything. Bring it on, and bring on a lesson to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: De preferência, o que você gosta de colocar no X-Tudo? B: Bom, como dizem, com tudo: carne, bacon, presunto, queijo, alface, tomate, cebola, tudo. A: E que tal o maionese ou ovo? B: O ovo sim, mais prefiro o catchup a maionese.A: What do you like to put on your X-tudo burger? B: Well, as they say, with everything: meat, bacon, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, everything. A: How about mayonnaise and egg? B: Egg yes, but I prefer ketchup to mayonnaise.
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Elementary 56: Dubbed Or Subtitled

Some people like subtitles and others hate them. But you’ve got to consider what a dubbed movies sounds like too. Especially when watching foreign movies, it’s just nice to hear the original voices. No matter your preference, in this lesson we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Qual você prefere, filme estrangeiro dublado ou legendado? B: Sabe, depende dos atores, seria muito difícil, por exemplo, substituir a voz de Morgen Freeman. A: Sei, imagina Darth Vader em outra voz que não seja James Earl Jones. B: Mas confesso que as vezes não entendo quando falam em inglês. A: E com os legendados é duro ter que ler tudo. B: É por isso que até prefiro filme brasileiro. A: É uma pena que Sean Connery não fale o português. B: “Um Martini, batido, não mexido”A: What do you prefer, foreign movies that are dubbed or subtitled? B: You know, it depends on the actors, it would be hard, for example, to substitute the voice of Morgen Freeman. A: I know, imagine Darth Vader in a voice other than James Earl Jones. B: But I confess that sometimes I don’t understand when they talk in English. A: And with subtitles it’s hard to read everything. B: That’s why I prefer Brazilian movies. A: Yeah, it’s too bad Sean Connery doesn’t speak Portuguese. B: “A Martini, shaken, not stirred.”
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Elementary 55: The New Suit Looks Great

For some suit coats look sharp, and for others they simply look restricting. And no doubt, when they fit just right, they look much better. That is the decision in today’s lesson, to buy or not to buy a new suit. And don’t forget to get a new tie too.DialogueA: Esse terno está bom ou devo buscar outro? B: Gostei, é só você aprender o penteado do Justin Timberlake e você poderia ganhar o prêmio do homem do ano. A: Tá vendo, eu até podia sair na capa da GQ, não é? B: Ou pelo menos usar ele no casamento do Gerson na semana que vem. A: Tá, vou comprar esse sim. E qual você acha melhor, a gravata azul ou a vermelha? B: Eu gosto mais da vermelha. A: Tá bom, eu vou levar a vermelha então.A: Is this suit good or should I buy another? B: I like it, and if you comb your hair like Justin Timberlake you could win the award as man of the year. A: You see, I could even appear on the cover of GQ, right? B: Or at least wear it to Gerson’s wedding next week. A: OK, I’ll get it. And which is better, the blue tie or the red one? B: I like the red one more. A: OK, I’ll get the red one then.
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Beginning 56: New Possibilities When Texting

How many times do you send and receive texts per day? For some it is over 100 times, every day. Given that, we have to have a lesson about all the new options when texting.DialogueA: Olha só, agora dá pra mandar mensagens com tinta invisível, que legal. B: Que que faz para revelar o conteúdo? A: É só deslizar o dedo na tela. B: Incrível, não é? Me explica como se faz isso.A: Hey look now you can send messages with invisible ink, cool. B: What do you do to reveal the contents? A: You just slide your thumb on the screen. B: Amazing, isn’t it? Show me how you do that.
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Elementary 54: Movie Tickets

There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.DialogueA: Dois ingressos para Wolverine 3 das 18:30, por favor. B: Desculpa senhora, a sessão das 18:30 já está esgotada. A: Bom, você ainda tem vaga para mais tarde? B: Tem sim. Tem lugar ainda para a das 20h30, mas só na sala XD, pode ser? A: Quanto é o XD? B: Hoje é quarta, são R$ 25,00 o dia todo. A: E a inteira? B: R$32,00 A: Tá, me dá então dois ingressos para a sessão das 20h30 por favor.A: Two tickets for Wolverine 3 at 6:30pm please. B: I’m sorry ma’am, the 6:30 showing is all sold out. A: OK, do you have any openings for later on? B: Yes, there are. There are still seats for 8:30pm, but just in the XD room, will that do? A: How much is the XD? B: Today is Wednesday, it’s R$ 25 reals all day. A: And the regular ones? B: R$32 reals. A: OK, give me two fro the 8:30pm please.
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Beginning 54: Back Injuries Are The Worst

What is more frustrating than back pain? Do you rest more or stretch more? Do you exercise more, or exercise less? Do you take medicine, or stop taking medicine. We can’t relieve the pain, but we can help you talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Com dor nas costas é melhor colocar uma compressa morna ou fria? B: Dizem uma morna, e fazer alongamento. A: E já não sei se eu devo fazer exercícios leves ou evitar eles 100%. B: Seria melhor evitar esforços e não fazer exercícios como a musculação por exemplo.A: With back pain is it better to put on a hot or cold compress? B: They say a warm one, and try stretching. A: And I don’t know anymore if I should do light exercises or avoid them 100%. B: It would be better to avoid exertion and not do exercises like weight lifting for example.
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Elementary 53: Classic Sonnets

There are times when we all wish that we were poets, right? Wouldn’t it be great to write verses that inspire others, or cause others to feel a certain way? Even if that dream is beyond your current reach, at least we can appreciate the poetry of others. Today we learn to talk about the characteristics of classic sonnets.DialogueA: Ô Marilene, você se lembra das características de um soneto clássico? B: Mais ou menos, se me lembro bem, ele é composto de 14 versos que possuem a mesma métrica? A: É, apresentados em 4 estrofes, 2 quartetos e mais 2 tercetos, não é? B: E nos clássicos tem várias formas de posicionamento de rimas também. A: Como aquele do Camões, ‘Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver.’ B: Ou aquele famoso do Vinicius, ‘De tudo ao meu amor serei atento.’ A: “Antes, e com tal zelo, e sempre, e tanto, Que mesmo em face do maior encanto...’ B: ‘Dele se encante mais meu pensamento.’ A: Uau Marilene, você conhece mesmo, não é? B: Quem não conhece? Ele é famosíssimo.A: Hey Marilene, do you remember the characteristics of a classical sonnet? B: More or less, if I remember correctly, it is made up of 14 lines that all have the same rhythm. A: Right, broken up in 4 stanzas with 2 quartets and 2 triplets, right? B: And in classical forms that had different kinds of rhyming too. A: Like that one of Camões, ‘Love is a fire that burns without seeing.’ B: Or that famous one of Vinicius’, ‘Above all, to my love I’ll be attentive.’ A: ‘First, with care, and always and so much, that even when facing great delight…’ B: ‘By this my thoughts are more enchanted.’ A: Wow Marilene, you really know it, don’t you? B: Who doesn’t know it? It’s really famous.
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Beginning 53: Boarding the plane

Be honest, even in your native language it is hard to understand the flight announcements at airports, right? But don’t worry, we’ll get you prepared for them in Portuguese, and with luck you’ll even you’re your flight and it will get off on time.DialogueA: Atenção passageiros com destino a Nova Iorque, Varig voo 783 embarque imediato, portão 25. B: Ô Claudio, vamos-lá, eles estão chamando a gente para o embarque. C: Já? Tá, deixa eu comprar essa caixa de chocolates, e eu já vou. B: Não se preocupe, ainda tem tempo.A: Attention, passengers heading to New York, Varig flight 783 immediate boarding, gate 25. B: Hey Claudio, let’s go, they are calling us to board. C: Already? OK, let me buy this box of chocolates, and then I can go. B: Don’t worry, we still have time.
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Elementary 52: Getting Into Photography

Taking pictures with modern-day cameras is a breeze, well kind of, right? Digital camera have so many settings, if can be pretty confusing, almost enough to say that it’s easier just to use your cellphone. But don’t fret just yet, we’ll get you talking about camera’s in Portuguese!DialogueA: Ô Marilene, você sabe muita coisa sobre fotografia, não é? B: Mais ou menos, por que? A: Bom, tirando fotos de aves e animais, que modo de disparo você prefere? B: Depende, a prioridade do obturador é boa pra congelar o movimento, por exemplo esses pássaros que batem as asas rapidamente. A: E a prioridade de abertura? B: Eu gosto mais de abertura para desfocar o fundo. A: OK, e o ISO, qual é melhor? B: Quanto menor que fica, menos que gera ruído, tenta com 100 ou 200 primeiro. A: Como é que você sabe tudo isso mulher? B: Bom, muita tentativa e muitos erros, e um bom tripé!A: Hey Marilene, you know a lot about photography, right? B: More or less, why? A: When taking pictures of birds and animals, which shooting mode do you prefer? B: It depends, shutter priority is good to freeze the movement, for example the birds that beat their wings rapidly. A: And aperture priority? B: I like that more to blur the background. A: And how about ISO, which is better? B: The lower it is, the less noise is generated, try with 100 or 200 first. A: How do you know about this girl? B: Well, a lot of trail and error, and a good tripod!
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Beginning 52: Posting the video on social media

Aren’t you still amazed when you see that a video on YouTube has been viewed over a million times! Really, millions of hits, amazing. In today’s lesson we’ve got people posting things on YouTube and Facebook. Oh my!DialogueA: Você já compartilhou esse vídeo do YouTube com a família? B: Já, eu já postei ele no Facebook. A: Que que a mãe disse quando ela viu o vídeo? B: Ela não viu ainda, mas o pai adorou.A: Have you shared this video from YouTube with the family? B: I have, I posted it on Facebook. A: What did mom say when she saw the video? B: She hasn’t seen it yet, but dad loved it.
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Elementary 51: Backseat Drivers

Backseat drivers, gotta love ‘em! Well, not really, but in today’s lesson we at least appreciate where they are coming from, but we also learn to tell them to calm down a bit.DialogueA: Olha o carro! B: Tá, já vi. A: Cuidado com o pedestre! B: Tá, já sei! A: Olha lá, tá freando, ô! B: Para Cecilia, você quer dirigir? A: Não, tudo bem..., cuidado, cuidado! B: Que que foi? A: Ah desculpa, pensei que o motoqueiro ia cortar em frente. B: Sinceramente Cecilia, calma aí menina!A: Watch out for the car! B: OK, I saw it. A: Careful with the pedestrian! B: OK, I know! A: Watch out, he’s braking there! B: Stop it Cecilia, do you want to drive? A: No, it’s fine…, careful, careful! B: What was it? A: Oh, sorry, I thought that motorcycle driver was going to cut in front. B: Seriously Cecilia, calm down girl!
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Beginning 51: WhatsApp or Facebook?

Every time you turn around there is a new way to socialize with others. When it comes to chatting with friends, do you prefer WhatsApp or Facebook? That’s the topic we tackle in today’s lesson.DialogueA: Silvia, você prefere usar WhatsApp ou Facebook pra mandar a mensagem? B: Bom, na escola, quase que sempre uso WhatsApp, mas em casa eu uso o Facebook. A: Alguma vantagem com WhatsApp? B: São quase iguais, mas tem muita gente usando o WhatsApp, viu?A: Silvia, do you prefer to use WhatsApp or Facebook when sending messages? A: Well, at school I use WhatsApp, but at home I use Facebook. B: Any advantage with WhatsApp? A: They are almost the same, but a lot of people use WhatsApp.
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Intermediate 22: My Brother Is Getting Married

So how weird is it when your brother or sister gets married? I mean really, you’ve seen your brother as the little kid who tags along, and now somebody loves him enough to spend her life with him! Yep, that’s today’s lesson, and fortunately, everybody loves the new sister-in-law.DialogueA: Seu irmão vai casar no mês que vem, não é? B: Vai, e que gozado! Nunca imaginei que ele se casaria primeiro, menina. A: Sei, sempre penso naquela foto tirado de vocês dois, sabe, quando sua mãe chegou do hospital. B: Ah, eu também sempre gostei daquela foto. Sabe, eu tinha quase 10 anos quando ele nasceu. Uau, lembra das brincadeiras, e das brigas, que tínhamos quando ainda éramos pequenos. A: Eee, e se, lembro. E lembra daquela vez que ele ficou assustado com a chuva e que ele decidiu dormir em baixo de sua cama, e que você nem sabia que estava lá no seu quarto? B: Ai meu Deus, pior ainda, eu estava no quarto com meu namorado quando vimos ele debaixo da cama! Eu até tinha esquecido disso, viu? Eu tenho que contar essa pra Natália. B: E aqui, o que você acha da Natália? A: Ah, Natália, gosto muito dela, ela é lindona, charmosa, amável, só que ainda é estranho ver alguém beijando meu irmão, o meu irmãozinho! B: É, mas você vai ver, é muito bom ter uma cunhada, não é? A: Sim, claro, e ela é a mulher perfeita para ele. Os dois formam um casal lindo. B: Tá vendo só, você já até está se acostumando. Estou muito feliz por vocês.A: Your brother is going to get married next month, right? B: Yes, and how weird! I never thought that he would get married first, girl. A: I know, I always think of that picture taken of you two, you know, when your mom arrived from the hospital. B: Ah, I always liked that photo too. You know, I was around 10 years old when he was born. Wow, remember the games, and the fights that we used to have when we were little. A: I do remember. And remember that time when he got scared from the rain, and he decided to sleep under your bed, and you didn’t even know he was in your room? B: Oh my God, even worse, I was in the room with my boyfriend when we saw him under the bed! I had forgotten about that one, you know? I need to tell that one to Natalia. B: Hey tell me, what do you think of Natalia? A: Ah, Natalia, I like her a lot, she is beautiful, charming, friendly, it’s just a little weird to see someone kissing my brother, my little brother! B: Yes, but you will see, it’s great to have a sister-in-law, you know? A: Yes, of course she is the perfect woman for him. They make a beautiful couple. B: You see, you are already getting used to it. I’m very happy for you.
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Intermediate 21: Auto-Correction In Multiple Languages

Sure, it’s convenient to be able to write in multiple languages, but sometimes the auto-correct messes you up too. No problem, in today’s lesson we talk about how to set up your phone to type in either English or Portuguese.DialogueA: Droga, eu detesto esse teclado com autocorreção. B: Por quê? Você não acha que ajuda com as palavras que não sabe digitar? A: Pra isso sim, mas as vezes eu escrevo em inglês e outras vezes eu escrevo em português. B: Você sabe que dá pra alterar o teclado para as duas línguas, não é mesmo? A: Sério, como que faz isso? B: Olha, vai para Ajustes, daí Geral, daí Teclado, e daí Teclados. Tá bom? A: Tá. B: E agora olha que diz, “Adicionar Novo Teclado.” Pressiona essa, e aí você vai ver a lista de outras línguas. A: Olha lá! Tá, deixa eu escolher o inglês e o Emoji. Tá, legal. Mas e agora, o que que eu faço para trocar entre esses três? B: Bom, isso é mais fácil ainda. Olha aqui no teclado, tem esse pequeno globo, não é? A: Sei. B: Então, toque no globo e vai pressionando para ver todos os teclados, e aí seleciona quando chegar na língua que você quer. A: Só isso, é fácil. B: É fácil, menina e tem mais, hein? Olha que agora a mudança de teclado também muda o dicionário, a autocorreção, e o texto preditivo. A: Ainda bem, porque as vezes fico na dúvida com algumas palavras em inglês. B: Ah eu sei, por exemplo, selecione a palavra, e clica em “Definir.” Pronto, e ele vai dar a definição dessa palavra em inglês, olha que beleza? A: Nossa, beleza, muito obrigada Andreia. B: De nada.A: Dang it, I hate this keyboard with auto-correction. B: Why? Don’t you think that it helps with the words that you don’t know how to spell? A: For that yes, but sometimes I write in English and other times I write in Portuguese. B: You do know that you can change the keyboard for the two languages, right? A: Really, how do you do that? B: Look, go to Settings, then General, then Keyboard, then Keyboards, OK? A: OK. B: Now see what it says, “Add New Keyboard.” Click this and then you will see the list of other languages. A: Look at that! OK, let me choose English and Emoji. That’s cool. But now, what do I do to change among these three? B: Well, that is even easier. Look here on the keyboard, there is this little globe, right? A: Right. B: So, click on the globe and keep on pressing it to see all of your keyboards, and from there choose it when you get to the language that you want. A: That’s it, it’s easy. B: It’s easy girl, and there’s more, you know? Look how now by changing the keyboard you also change the dictionary, the auto-correction, and the predictive text. A: Just as well, because there are times when I’m not sure how to spell words in English. B: I know, and for example, select the word, and click on “Define.” There you go, it will give you the definition to this word in English, isn’t that cool? A: Wow, that’s beautiful, thanks a lot Andreia. B: You are welcome.
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Intermediate 20: I’m Not Into Politics, But…

No doubt, the current political scene in Brazil is going through a difficult period. Still, we should be able to talk about it without being mean and ugly. That is how our people see it, and that is how our lesson flows today. Ah, if everyone could approach it this way!DialogueA: Sempre ouvia dizer que política, futebol e religião não se discutem, né? B: Mas hoje em dia é quase impossível não falar, especialmente sobre a política. A: Olha, é muito frustrante. Eu acabo de falar com Thiago e ele sabe mesmo tocar nas teclas que me irritam, menina. B: Com Thiago! Desde quando a gente dá bola pro Thiago? Nem ele acredita na metade das coisas que diz. A: Eu sei, mas ele bota tudo no saco de “esquerda” ou “direita” e sempre leva tudo aos extremos. Eu tento ficar calada, mas sempre acabo explodindo, não tem jeito. B: E você viu que ele sempre repete os memes, postes e blogs nas redes sócias, sem nem pensar nem um minuto se são verdadeiros ou não. B: E sempre com essa cara de ofendido se alguém tiver opiniões diferentes. A: É isso, concordo. E todo mundo sabe que a situação está difícil, tem que mudar, mas sinceramente, Andreia, a solução não pode ser simplesmente gritar mais alto do que os outros. B: Tá vendo Thays! Se os políticos fossem como nós duas, hein, imagina os problemas que poderíamos eliminar. A: Pelo menos eliminaria Dr. Moleque Mimado Fissurado do Thiago.A: I have always heard that you shouldn’t discuss politics, soccer, and religion, right? B: But nowadays it’s almost impossible not to talk about it, especially about politics. A: You know, it’s really frustrating. I just got done talking to Thiago and he really knows how to push the buttons that drive me crazy, girl. B: With Thiago! Since when do we care about Thiago! Not even he believes half the things that he says. A: I know, but he puts everything in the “leftist” or “right” bag and he takes everything to the extreme. I try to keep quiet, but I end up exploding, there’s no way to avoid it. B: And you saw that he repeats all the memes, posts, and blogs on social media without even considering if they are true or not. B: And always with this offended looking face when somebody has a different opinion. A: That’s it, I agree. And everybody knows that these are difficult times and things have to change, but honestly Andreia, the answer cannot be to simply to hout louder than the other guys. B: You see, Thays! If the politicians were like the two of us, imagine the problems that could be eliminated. A: At least we could eliminate Dr. Smart Aleck Finicky Stuck on Himself Thiago.
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Intermediate 19: Remove Those Facebook Photos

Go ahead, say that you hate Facebook, but then be honest, how many times do you check it each day? Check up on old friends, find out whose birthday it is, post photos of yesterday’s party. In this lesson Andreia really didn’t want those pictures to go public. Too late, and everyone “likes” them a lot.DialogueA: Você viu que a Sueli publicou as fotos de ontem no Facebook? B: Não, não, não! Sério? Mas eu pedi que ela não mostrasse elas pra ninguém! A: Eeee, É tarde demais pra isso Andreia. Aquela com você sentada com Wesley já tem mais de 80 curtidas e pelo menos 20 ou 30 comentários. B: É por isso que eu detesto Facebook. A gente perdeu a noção de o que é público e o que não é. A: Sei, mas confessa, essa foto de você com Wesley foi boa demais, não foi? B: Não, não, foi terrível, e todo mundo agora vai curtir, ou amar, ou uau, ou invejar, ou eu sei lá o quê, menina. A: E agora a Mariana adicionou um vídeo da YouTube com essas fotos de você e do Wesley, juntando tudo com aquela música, do Wesley Safadão, acho que o nome é “Parece que o vento.” B: Não, não, não, não pode ser! Vou matar ela! A: Mas pensando bem, se o Wesley for comparado com Wesley Safadão, isso quer dizer que você é a Ivete Sangalo! Nada mal Andreia, nada mal. B: Mas fala sério Thays, você não acha feio que no FaceBook a gente perde o controle de tudo, menina. A: É, pode ser, mas olha lá “Ivete Andreia”, você está linda nessa! B: Tá bom, eu desisto, e pra falar a verdade você tem razão, né? nessa aqui, eu gosto muito do jeito que o Wesley está olhando pra mim.A: Did you see that Sueli published the photos yesterday on Facebook? B: No, no, no, really? But I asked her not to show them to anybody! A: Oops, it’s too late for that Andreia. That one of you with Wesley has more than 80 likes, and at least 20 or 30 comments. B: This is why I hate Facebook. People have lost their sense of what is public and what isn’t. A: I know, but you have to admit that this photo of you with Wesley is really good, wasn’t it? B: No, no, it was terrible, and now everyone is going to like it, or love it, or wow it, or envy or who knows what you call it, girl. A: And now Mariana has added a video on YouTube of photos of you and Wesley, adding everything with that music from Wesley Safadão, I think it’s called “It seems that the wind.” B: No, no, no, it can’t be. I'm going to kill her! A: But if you think about it, if Wesley is compared to Wesley Safadão, that means that you are Ivete Sangalo! Not bad Andreia, not bad. B: But tell me the truth Thays, don’t you think it’s bad that people lose all control on FaceBook? A: Yes, it could be, but look at this “Ivete Andreia” you are beautiful in this one! B: OK, I give up, and to tell you the truth you are right, I love the way that Wesley is looking at me.
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Intermediate 08: Food In Bahia Is Awesome

Bahia, if food doesn’t come to mind as the very first thing, chances are that it’s the still one of the top associations. Vatapá, caruru, moqueca, it just seems that the never-ending list of great foods just sparkle with a Bahia shine. In today’s lesson we focus on the food that perhaps most we most associate with Bahia: Acarajé. Listen to Andreia and Antonio tell us how acarajé is made.DialogueA: Andreia, qual você diria que é a especialidade gastronômica que mais representa a culinária baiana? B: Rapaz, essa é fácil, tá na cara, é o acarajé. Veja só, massa de feijão-fradinho, cebola, sal, frito em azeite-de-dendê, e ainda servido com pimenta, vinagrete, camarão e vatapá. É o típico da cozinha afro-baiana. A: Você acha que é mais típico do que, por exemplo, o caruru? O caruru que é feito com quiabo, camarões secos moídos e azeite de dendê é super típico também, Andreia. B: É, mas no caso do acarajé, Antônio, tem toda aquela imagem das baianas com vestimenta africana, vendendo nas ruas. Na minha opinião acho que o acarajé ganha, viu? A: Sei lá, eu nem sei direito, que que é esse o feijão-fradinho. É típico na culinária baiana? B: Olha, é um feijão que se usa muito no nordeste, rapaz. A gente quebra ele num moinho, em pedaços grandes, aí deixa de molho lá na água para tirar a casca. Depois, você passa novamente no moinho para criar uma massa bem fina. É muito trabalho, viu? A: Sei, e vem cá, você acha que o sabor vem mais da massa ou mais do azeite-de-dendê que se usa? B: É uma boa pergunta. O segredo para o acarajé ficar macio está no tempo que a gente bate a massa. Ela tem que ficar com a aparência quase de espuma. Mas eu concordo com você, o azeite-de-dendê tem um sabor muito característico e ele é indispensável, viu? A: Pois é, e quando eu vejo as baianas preparando o acarajé, parece que o azeite está bem quente. B: Isso mesmo, bem quente. E você já viu como elas usam as duas colheres para fritar, uma para pegar a massa e a outra para moldar os bolinhos. Olha, realmente é uma arte. A: É parece que a arte e o segredo está mesmo no jeito que elas cortam o acarajé no meio e botam o recheado com camarão, vatapá, caruru, e pimenta. B: Tá vendo, te peguei. Você também acha que é a especialidade que mais representa a Bahia, não é?A: Andreia, what would you say is the gastronomic specialty that most represents Bahian cooking? B: Man, that’s easy, it’s as plain as your face, it’s acaraje. Just look, black-eyed beans dough, onions, salt, fried in palm oil, and served with peppers, vinaigrette, shrimp and vatapa. It’s a typical afro-bahian food. A: Do you think it is more typical than, for example, caruru? Caruru is made from okra, dried ground shrimp, palm oil, and it’s super typical too Andreia. B: Right, but in the case of acaraje Antonio, it has that whole image of bahians with their African clothing, selling on the street. In my opinion, I think that acaraja wins. A: I don’t know, I don’t even really know what this black-eyed beans is. Is it typical of bahian food? B: Look, it is a bean that is used a lot in the northeast, man. People break it up in a grinder, in big pieces, and then they let it soak in water to remove the shell. Then you grind it again to make a thin dough. It’s a lot of work, you know? A: Got it, and tell me, do you the think the flavor comes more from the dough or more from the palm oil that you use? B: That’s a good question. The secret to acaraje to be soft is in how long you beat the dough. It has to have a foamy consistency. But I agree with you, palm oil has a very characteristic flavor and it is indispensible, you know? A: Yea, when I see the Baianas preparing the acaraje, it seems like the oil is really hot. B: It really is, really hot. And you saw how they use the two spoons to fry it, one to get the dough and the other to shape the little balls. You know, it’s a real art. A: And it seems that the art and the secret is in the way that they cut the acaraje in half and put in the fillings with shrimp, vatapa, caruru, and peppers. B: You see, I got you. You also think that it’s the specialty that most represents Bahia, right?
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Elementary 50: I Caught A Really Bad Cold

There is never a good time to have a cold. But why does it feel that each cold is the worst one ever. We feel bad for you, and we hope you get the rest and medicine that you need. It may be of small consolation, but at least you can talk about your cold in Portuguese now, if you want to.DialogueA: E em que eu posso ajudar a senhora? B: A senhora tem alguma coisa boa para a gripe? A: Tenho, a senhora também tem tosse ou só o nariz entupido? B: Dor de cabeça, corpo doído, nariz entupido e tosse, peguei uma gripe séria. A: Bom, toma essa aqui, mas não se esqueça de tomar agua também. B: Tá, obrigada, o que mais quero é dormir uns três dias!A: How may I help you ma’am? B: Do you have anything that is good for a cold? A: We do, do you also have a cough or just a stuffy nose? B: Headache, achy body, stuffy nose, and a cough, I caught a bad one. A: OK, take this one here, but don’t forget to drink water too. B: OK, thanks, what I most want is to sleep for three days!
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Beginning 50: It’s Late, I’m Worried

Parents, gotta love them. They worry about their kids, especially when the kids arrive home late at night. Well, don’t worry, because if you worry, we’ll give you the words to do so in Portuguese.DialogueA: A Susana não chegou ainda? B: Ainda não, e está bem tarde, estou preocupada. A: E ela não ligou, nem avisou, nem nada? B: Não, nada, liga pra ela, tá?A: Hasn’t Susan arrived yet? B: Not yet, and it’s really late, I’m worried. A: And she hasn’t called, or advised us, or nothing? B: No nothing, give her a call, OK?
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Elementary 49: So, How’s The Soup?

It’s OK to experiment with new recipes, but sometimes it’s better not to mess with a good thing. In today’s lesson we find out that the old soup recipe was just fine. Leave well enough alone. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And in this case we all gain in learning some more Portuguese.DialogueA: A sopa está boa bem? B: Está..., é, está mais ou menos... você fez alguma coisa diferente? A: Eu experimentei alguns ingredientes diferentes. Por quê? Ela não está boa? B: Bom, pra falar a verdade, gosto mais de como era antes. A: Sabe, eu confesso que eu também gostei mais da outra receita B: Não tem problema, me passa o sal por favor.A: How is the soup dear? B: It’s, it’s OK…, did you do something different? A: I experimented with some new ingredients, why, isn’t it good? B: Well, to tell you the truth, I like more how it was before. A: You know, I confess that I liked the other recipe more too. B: No problem, pass me the salt please.
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Beginning 49: Grandma’s Fruit Preserves

Lots of us have great memories of watching grandma making jams and preserves. Picking the fruits, adding the sugar, putting it in jars, ahh the good old days with granny. In today’s lesson we reminisce about all of this and how great it was to have grandma around!DialogueA: Pra mim, a melhor compota da vovó era a de figo. B: É, e a cocada com maracujá dela era fantástica também. A: Hoje em dia já não tem gente que faz os doces como antes, não é? B: É verdade, dá muito trabalho.A: To me the best preserves that grandma made were the fig ones. B: Yes, and her passion fruit coconut candy was fantastic too. A: Nowadays people don’t make sweets like they used to, you know? B: It’s true, it’s a lot of work.
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Elementary 48: The Microwave Stopped Working

Out of all the appliances that one might need in the kitchen, for many the microwave oven is the most used. Cooking, what do you mean cooking? We just heat things up, right? No matter how you use the microwave, in today’s lesson we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô Pai, vem cá, o micro-ondas pifou. B: Como assim pifou? Não tá funcionando? A: Não, parou. Olha, ainda tem a luz, mas não dá pra esquentar. B: Estranho, você já pressionou “reset”? A: Já, já tentei tudo. O que você acha, tentamos consertar ou compramos outro? B: Hoje em dia não são muito caros, acho melhor comprar outro.A: Hey dad, come here, the microwave just died. B: What do you mean died? It’s not working? A: No, it stopped. Look, it still has a light, but it won’t heat up. B: Weird, did you press reset? A: I did, I have tried everything. What do you think, try to fix it or buy another? B: Nowadays they aren’t very expensive, it’s better just to get another one.
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Beginning 48: The Tangerines Are Awesome

Feiras or markets, what a fantastic way to enjoy a couple of hours, do some excellent shopping, and also hear tons of everyday language. Remember to taste the foods, just see verify the ones that you really want to buy. In today’s lesson the seller has some good bananas, but the buyer is also looking for some tangerines. Enjoy!DialogueA: Banana nanica, banana prata, banana maçã! B: Bom dia, o senhor tem mexerica hoje? A: Bom dia senhora, tem sim, essas são bem boas. B: Tá, me dá uma dúzia dessas, tá bom?A: Cavendish banana, Chunky/Burro banana, Manzano banana! A: Good morning sir, do you have tangerines? B: Good morning ma’am, yes we do, these are really good. A: OK, give me a dozen of them, OK?
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Intermediate 18: Our Olympic Dream

Living the Olympic dream! If you were in the Olympics, what sport would you like to compete in? Bring it on, and bring it on in Portuguese.DialogueA: Se você pudesse ser atleta nas olimpíadas, em que esporte seria? B: Bom, já que estamos sonhando com o impossível, acho que seria o atletismo. A: Sério? E em quais provas você entraria? B: Pra mim seria muito legal correr na 100m rasos ou talvez revezamento 4x100m. A: Concordo, e se a gente corresse juntas eu poderia passar o bastão pra você. B: Claro. E juntas poderíamos subir a rampa e cantar o hino nacional!A: If you could be an athlete in the Olympics, what sport would it be? B: Well, if we are dreaming about the impossible, I think it would be running track. A: Really? What events would you like to enter into? B: For me it would be cool to run in the 100 meters or the 4x100 relay. A: Agreed, if we ran together, I could pass the baton on to you. B: Of course. And we could climb on the podium and sing the National Anthem.
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Intermediate 17: Faster, Higher, Stronger

The Olympic motto is “faster, higher, stronger.” For some of us, we really get into the pure Olympic spirit. For others of us, we are way too cynical to buy into that. Where is your focus? Whatever side you fall on, here’s a change to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Você sabe qual é o lema Olímpico? B: Ah, eu sei, mais dinheiro, mais política, e mais corrupção. A: Não. Para de ser tão cínica Mariana. Você não acha bonito ver o espírito das olimpíadas? B: Eu não duvido que muitos atletas sintam o espírito dos jogos. Eu só não gosto quando o mundo político estraga o evento. A: Sei, entendo, mas vamos voltar para o lema original, “mais rápido, mais alto, mais forte.” B: Tá bom, tá bom, viva as olimpíadas de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro.A: Do you know what the Olympic motto is? B: I do, more money, more politics, and more corruption. A: No. Stop being so cynical Mariana. Don’t you think it’s beautiful to see the Olympic spirit? B: I don’t doubt there are many athletes who feel the spirit of the games, I just don’t like it when politics mess up the event. A: I know, I get it, but let’s get back to the original motto, “faster, higher, stronger.” B: OK, OK, long live the Olympics of 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.
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Intermediate 16: What Could Be Cooler Than Rowing In Rio!

Sweeping, sculling, really, how does one figure out all of these rowing options? The truth is that it is fun to watch, even if you don’t get all the details. So gather the crew and the coxswain and learn how to talk about rowing in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô, vem cá, me explica uma coisa. O que é esse tal de barcos de palamenta dupla e palamenta simples? B: Tá, é fácil. No remo, cada atleta ou utiliza dois remos, que é palamenta dupla, ou um remo só, palamenta simples. A: E qual você gosta mais? B: Eu sempre gostei mais do ritmo das remadas com uma tripulação de oito pessoas. A: E essa é com palamenta dupla ou simples? B: Essa é a simples, 8 companheiros de tripulação mais o timoneiro.A: Hey, come here a sec, tell me something. What is all this about sculling and sweeping? B: OK, it’s easy. In rowing, each athlete either uses two oars, called sculling, or one oar, sweeping. A: And which one do you like most? B: I have always liked the rowing rhythm with crews of 8 people. A: And is that sculling or sweeping? B: That is sweeping, 8 members of the crew and the coxswain.
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Intermediate 15: How Do I Know What A 10 Looks Like!

Let’s be honest, they say that dive was a 9.6 or a 9.7, but didn’t they all look the same to the untrained eye? After a few days of watching Olympics we start to think that we really do see a difference. Either way, now we can talk about those points in Portuguese.DialogueA: Olha, eu tentei, mas todos esses saltos parecem iguais. B: Não é verdade! Olha como ele entrou na agua, perpendicular, tudo alinhado acima da cabeça, e quase nem espirrou agua na entrada. A: Você só disse isso porque o locutor na televisão disse a mesma coisa. B: Não, quando era jovem participava muito nos saltos ornamentais. A: Sério? Você gostava mais da plataforma ou do trampolim? B: Gostava mais do trampolim de 3 metros, eu nunca executava bem os saltos da plataforma.A: Look, I tried, but all of these dives look the same. B: That’s not true, look how he entered the water, perpendicular, everything lined up above his head, and almost no spray when entering the water. A: You just said that because the television announcer said the same thing. B: No, when I was young I participated in a lot of diving competitions. A: Really? Did you like more the platform or the diving board? B: I liked more the 3 meter diving board, I was never any good at the dives from the platform.
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Intermediate 14: The Swimmer Was Disqualified

How sad would it be to train for years and years, and then be disqualified for a false start. That’s part of the Olympic drama and part of the lesson for today.DialogueA: Nossa! Como eu adoro assistir a natação, todos esses estilos são fantásticos. B: Também acho. E que estilo você mais gosta? A: Bom, o borboleta é legal, mas o livre é o mais rápido e o mais emocionante. B: Você viu aquele cara da Alemanha que queimou no bloco de partida? A: Vi. Realmente, como seria triste ser desclassificado depois de tantos anos e tantas horas de treino. B: E dizem que era o favorito pra ganhar na de 200 metros. A: Pois é, mas com toda certeza mais alguém vai quebrar o recorde.A: Wow! I just love watching swimming, all those styles are fantastic. B: Me too. What style do you like most? A: Well, the butterfly is cool, but freestyle crawl is the fastest and the most exciting. B: Did you see that guy from Germany who was penalized at the beginning of the starting block? A: I did. Really, how sad is it to be disqualified after so many years and so many hours of training. B: And they say that he was favored to win in the 200 meters. A: Yeah, but surely someone else is going to break the record.
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Intermediate 13: Who Has Won The Most Medals?

Medal count, some say that it takes away from the Olympic games and others think it is the very reason for the Olympics. How is your country doing in the total medal count?DialogueA: Os Estados Unidos continua ganhando o maior número de medalhas de ouro, não é? B: É, mas a China tem o maior número de medalhas ao todo. A: É, eles têm menos de ouro e de prata, mas têm muitas de bronze. B: Você sabia que oficialmente o Comitê Olímpico Internacional não reconhece o quadro de medalhas? A: Sério! Isso eu não sabia. Por quê que não reconhece? B: Dizem que o objetivo dos jogos não uma competição entre os países.A: The United States keeps winning the highest number of gold medals, right? B: Right, but China has the highest total number of medals. A: Yes, they have fewer gold and silver, but the have the most bronze. B: Did you know that officially the International Olympic Committee doesn’t recognize the total medal chart? A: Really, I didn’t know that. Why don’t they recognize it? B: They say that competition between countries is not the objective of the games.
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Intermediate 12: Wow, Those Gymnasts Are Amazing!

How can those athletes combine such grace and strength, it’s amazing. After today’s lesson we will be able to use Portuguese to describe such moves in gymnastics.DialogueA: Não! Não acredito! Você viu o equilíbrio e flexibilidade dela? B: Realmente, essas ginastas nas barras assimétricas são incríveis. A: Concordo. Elas não são muito altas, mas as piruetas requerem uma força impressionante. B: O que você gosta mais, o tablado para solo ou a barra de equilíbrio? A: Os dois são bons, mas eu prefiro ver a mesa de salto. B: Também, o pulo daquele trampolim é demais.A: No way! I can’t believe it! Did you see her balance and flexibility? B: Really, these gymnasts on the uneven bars are incredible. A: I agree. They aren’t very tall, but their moves require impressive strength. B: What do you like more, the floor exercises or the balance beam? A: Both are good, but I actually prefer the vault. B: Me too, the jump from that trampoline is too much.
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Intermediate 11: Congrats to the Silver Medal Winner

We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.DialogueA: Você acaba de ganhar a medalha de prata no salto com vara. Como você se sente? B: Olha, é muito gratificante, viu? Depois de tantos treinos e tanto esforço, essa sensação não tem igual. A: Mas você não está desapontada que não ganhou a medalha de ouro? B: Desapontada? Quando tem milhares de atletas que não tem a oportunidade de representar o país deles, não, pra mim é uma honra. A: Por favor, fala um pouco sobre aquela última tentativa. B: Pois é, falhei nas primeiras duas, mas na terceira, peguei uma boa velocidade, decolei bem, e passei por cima da barra.A: You just won the silver medal in pole vaulting. How do you feel? B: Wow, it’s very satisfying, you know? After so many years of training and so much effort, there is nothing like this feeling. A: But aren’t you disappointed that you didn’t earn a goal medal? B: Disappointed? When there are thousands of athletes that don’t have the chance to represent their country, no, for me it’s an honor. A: And tell as a little about your last attempt. B: Yeah, I missed on the first two, but the third one, I had good speed, took off well, and cleared the bar.
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Intermediate 10: Have you purchased tickets to the Olympics?

So the Olympics are coming, but now we need to purchase tickets. Which events would you like to see most? Let’s just hope that they aren’t too difficult to come by. At least after this lesson we’ll have the Portuguese ability to talk about our tickets.DialogueA: Você já comprou ingressos para as olimpíadas? B: Já, o ciclismo de pista, levantamento de pesos e vôlei de praia. A: Por quê você não comprou ingressos para o basquete? B: Adoro basquete, mas é muito difícil e muito caro conseguir os ingressos.A: Have you purchased tickets to the Olympics? B: I have, road cycling, weight lifting and beach volleyball. A: Why didn’t you get tickets for basketball? B: I love basketball, but it’s really difficult and really expensive to get tickets.
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Intermediate 09: Are you going to the Olympics??

We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live. After today’s lesson, you should be more excited than ever to attend.DialogueA: Você vai assistir a cerimônia de abertura? B: Claro, adoro ver o momento quando todos os atletas entram no estádio. A: Eu acho legal ver quando entram com a chama da tocha olímpica. B: Você acompanhou a rota do revezamento da tocha? A: Acompanhei, até assisti em Santos quando os condutores passaram.A: Are you going to watch the opening ceremonies? B: Of course, I love to see the moment when all of the athletes enter the stadium. A: I think it’s cool when they enter with the flame of the Olympic torch. B: Have you followed the route as the exchanged torches? A: I have, I was even in Santos when the torch bearers passed by.
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Elementary 47: The New Baby’s Keeping Me Up At Night

Some of the most tender moments in life are when we get to hold a baby, especially in those quiet hours in the night when it is just you and the baby. But man, it’s exhausting to keep up that pace! Still, after today’s lesson, we’ll be able to talk about those moments in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Mãe, porquê que você nunca me falou o quanto exaustivo é ter bebê em casa? B: Isso passa filha, com os anos a gente nem se lembra mais. A: A Aina precisa mamar a cada três horas! B: Olha, aquelas horas aconchegadas com a criança assim, são preciosas. A: Eu sei, mas eu estou exausta, eu não aguento mais. B: Prometo filha, algum dia você vai sentir falta desses momentos.A: Mom, why didn’t you ever tell me how exhausting it is to have a baby in the house? B: This will pass daughter, as the years go on we don’t even remember it. A: Aina needs to nurse every three hours! B: You know, those hours snuggled up to a baby are precious. A: I know I’m just exhausted, I can’t take it anymore. B: I promise you child, some day you will miss those moments.
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Beginning 47: Just Hit Control-C

Some people catch on to new technologies with no problems, others struggle with the new learning curve. Take for example the time you tried to teach grandma how to use a computer. In today’s lesson we tackle that problem, in Portuguese no less!DialogueA: Mãe, é fácil, destaque e pressione Control C para copiar. B: Peraí, deixa eu anotar isso, tá? A: E aí, pressione Control V para colar. B: Peraí, deixa eu anotar isso, tá?A: It’s easy mom, highlight it and hit Control C to copy. B: Let me write this down, OK? A: And then hit Control V to paste in. B: Let me write this down, OK?
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Elementary 46: Would You Ever Do Plastic Surgery?

When it comes to plastic surgery, the joke is that there are no ugly women, just poor husbands. Of course plastic surgery is not the solution to all beauty issues, and in today’s lesson Marco does a good job of reassuring his wife that she is beautiful. After today’s lesson you will be able to do the same, with or without plastic surgery.DialogueA: Eu acho que não faria uma cirurgia plástica, mas se fizesse, que parte mudaria? B: Mas que pergunta é essa! Porquê você pergunta isso? A: São essas rugas no rosto, são bem feias, viu? B: Mas quem faz a cirurgia plástica acaba parecendo super artificial. A: Mesmo assim, é duro aceitar essa rugas. B: Querida, há uma beleza que só vem com o passar do tempo, você está linda.A: I’m not saying I would do plastic surgery, but if I did, what part should I change? B: What kind of question is that! Why would you ask that? A: It’s these wrinkles in my face, they are so ugly, you know? B: But those that have plastic surgery end up looing really fake. A: Still, it’s hard to accept these wrinkles. B: Dear, there is beauty that only comes with the years, you are beautiful.
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Beginning 46: The Grandchildren Are Afraid Of Clowns

There is no question that grandparents love to be with the grandchildren. The hard part is choosing the activities that the kiddos enjoy. In today’s lesson that activity is not the circus, but after this lesson you will have the Portuguese to talk about other possible ways to entertain the grandchildren.DialogueA: Vamos levar os netos pro circo? B: Não sei, viu? A Leticia tem medo de palhaços. A: Ah é, é verdade. Seria melhor nem entrar nisso. B: Acho que eles gostariam muito mais do aquário.A: Should we take the grandchildren to the circus? B: I don’t know, you know? Leticia is really scared of clowns. A: Ah, that’s right. Let’s not even consider it. B: I think it would be better to go to the aquarium.
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Elementary 45: No Green Thumb From You

How do you keep those houseplants alive? For some it is easy, for others there is no hope. Do you have a green thumb? And if so, and you talk about it in Portuguese? After today’s lesson you will be one step closer (at least in talking about it).DialogueA: Marilene, você diz que adora plantas em casa, mas olha lá. B: Uai, você não acha que são lindas? A: Lindas? Querida, elas estão quase mortas. B: Quem sabe elas precisam de mais luz. A: O que elas precisam é de mais água. B: Pode ser, tem razão. Sou ruim como jardineira.A: Marilene, you say that you love houseplants, but look there. B: What, don’t you think they are pretty? A: Pretty? Dear, they are almost dead. B: Maybe they just need more light. A: What they need is more water. B: You might be right, I am a lousy gardener.
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Beginning 45: Can’t Find The Remote, Again

We all know that we need this lesson. Who hasn’t lost the remote? All remote just seem to disappear, and the same is true in Brazil. We can’t guarantee that it will be any easier to find the remote, but after this lesson you will at least be able to ask for it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Bem, cadê o controle remoto? B: Deve estar lá na sala ao lado do sofá. A: Onde? Não estou vendo ele. B: Aqui ô! Se fosse cobra, te mordia.A: Honey, where’s the remote? B: Should be in the room next to the sofa. A: Where? I can’t see it. B: Right here. If it were a snake it would have bitten you.
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Elementary 44: Empire State Building, I Love It!

More and more Brazilians are traveling abroad, and what an exciting thing it is to see. In today’s lesson our Brazilians are in New York City, and look how fun it is to see the Empire State Building. Of course, we will want to be able to talk about all of this in Portuguese.DialogueA: O Marco, em qual portaria a gente entra pro hotel? B: É na que fica em frente ao Madison Square Garden. A: Mas a escada rolante está estragada. B: É Marilene, mas vamos por aqui mesmo, não temos outra opção. A: Nossa, que beleza! Pertinho do Empire State! Amei!A: Marco, which gate do we take to get to the hotel? B: It’s the one in front of Madison Square Garden. A: But the escalator isn’t working. B: Yes Marilene, but there’s where we go, there is not other way. A: Wow, how gorgeous! Right next to the Empire State Building, I love it!
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Beginning 44: Here kitty, kitty, kitty

We know that people love their pets, and we love ours too. But really, if the only thing that people like about you more than their pet is that you don’t shed hair all over, well that’s not much of a complement. Still, it sounds better in Portuguese.DialogueA: Miau, miau, miau, miau. B: Sinceramente Marilene, você ama aquele gato mais do que eu. A: Não é verdade querido. Você não solta pelo e nem tosse bolas de pelo. B: Obrigado querida, isso me faz sentir bem melhorA: Here kitty kitty, here kitty kitty. B: I swear Marilene, you love that cat more than me. A: Not true dear. You don’t shed hair and don’t cough up fur balls. B: Thanks sweetie, that makes me feel much better.
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Elementary 43: Take Out The Trash

Wow, that garbage can is starting to smell bad. Either we learn some Portuguese to talk about taking the trash out, or we take out the trash ourselves. Either way, this lesson has got to help us clear the air a bit.DialogueA: Tem um cheiro estranho aqui, não é? B: Tem. Você tirou o lixo? A: Quem sabe, devo tirar, deixei osso de galinha no lixo. B: Marco, você deixou ele a noite inteira? A: Eu nem pensei nisso, esqueci. B: Bom, agora a casa inteira tem um cheiro horrível.A: There is a strange smell here, right? B: There is. Did you take out the trash? A: I probably should, there are chicken bones in the garbage. B: Marco, you left them there all night? A: I just didn’t think of it, I forgot. B: Well now the whole house has a terrible smell.
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Beginning 43: Do You Like Your Job?

You love your job, but it’s your boss who makes things difficult, right? Hey, we feel your pain, and after this lesson, we’ll be able to feel your pain, and talk about it, in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô pai, você gosta de seu trabalho? B: Adoro, é do meu chefe que eu não gosto. A: Sério, pensei que ele fosse bem legal. B: Não, ele fica chateado a toa.A: Dad, do you like your job? B: I love it, it’s my boss that I don’t like. A: Really, I thought it was a really cool. B: No, he gets upset easily.
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Elementary 42: Plucking Your Eyebrows

What is this, some kind of torture! When it comes to waxing and plucking eyebrows, you women have an incredible threshold of pain. We admire that, and after this lesson, that admiration can be expressed in Portuguese.DialogueA: Mulheres, vocês pagam mesmo alguém para depilar as sobrancelhas? B: Não eu mesma uso pinça, pago outros para fazer depilação de cera. A: De cera, hein? Em mim, acho que doeria muito. B: Sei, as vezes traz lágrimas aos olhos. A: Ainda bem que não sou mulher. B: Concordo, você choraria como bebê.A: Women, do you really pay someone to pluck your eyebrows? B: No, I pluck them myself, I pay someone to get them waxed. A: Waxed, huh? Sounds like that would be painful. B: I know, sometimes it brings tears to my eyes. A: Glad I’m not a women. B: Agreed, you’d cry like a baby.
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Beginning 42: Can You Buy A Little Milk?

Don’t you hate it when you run out of milk! How can one be expected to eat cereal for breakfast when there is no milk. Oops, let’s take that back. Brazilians don’t eat cold cereal for breakfast. Still, if someone is going to the store, let’s learn how to ask them to pick up some milk.DialogueA: Ô Marco, vou dar uma passadinha no mercado. Você precisa de alguma coisa? B: Que tal um pouquinho de leite. A: Por quê, Marco? Não tem mais? B: Não, acabou hoje Marilene, pela manhã.A: Marco, I’m heading to the store. Do you need anything? B: How about some more milk. A: Why Marco? Don’t we have any left? B: No Marilene, we finished it this morning.
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Elementary 41: The Electric Bill Has Arrived

Nobody likes to have to pay the bills, but when the amount is even more than usual, it is even more difficult to accept. In today’s lesson the electric bill is way too high. Find out whose fault that is.DialogueA: A conta da eletricidade chegou, bem. B: Ah é, quanto foi? A: Nossa, mas que coisa! 230 reais! B: De jeito nenhum! Por que é tanto assim? A: Boa pergunta, o que é que você fez esse mês? B: Eu! Nada, não tenho a mínima ideia por que me cobrariam tanto assim.A: The electric bill has arrived, dear. B: Oh yeah, how much was it? A: No way, Oh my gosh! 230 reais! B: No way! Why is it so much? A: Good question, what did you do this month? B: Me! Nothing, I have no idea why they would charge me so much.
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Beginning 41: Do I Look Fat In This Dress?

Careful! One of life’s most challenging questions, “Honey, do I look fat in this dress?” Of course the answer is ‘no.’ And in today’s lesson we learn how to subtly handle this task in Portuguese.DialogueA: Querido, estou gorda nesse vestido? B: Não vem com essa, claro que eu não vou responder essa pergunta! A: Quer dizer que sim, estou gorda. B: Eu não disse isto, você está linda.A: Honey, do I look fat in this dress? B: Don’t come with that, of course I’m not going to answer that question! A: That means yes, I do look fat. B: I never said that, you look great.
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Intermediate 07: Visiting the Soccer Museum

Of course not everyone loves soccer, but everyone should be able to join in on conversations about soccer. And what better way to talk the talk than to visit the soccer museum in São Paulo? So here we go, who was better Pelé or Garrincha? Maradona or Messi?.DialogueA: Ô Andréia, você já esteve alguma vez no museu de futebol, lá no estádio do Pacaembu em São Paulo? B: Ah, já fui, é interessante, em São Paulo, olha, eles são capazes de montar um bom museu de futebol muito bom. A: Também acho, eu fui pela primeira vez na semana passada. B: Ah legal. A: O museu é muito bom, viu? Eu não esperava ver o quanto o futebol está ligado com a história do povo brasileiro. B: Realmente, é impressionante ver como um esporte inglês, dos brancos, das elites, tornou-se numa das manifestações mais reconhecidas da cultura popular brasileira. A: É. E sabe, eu gostei muito da exposição que tem os vídeos com os jogadores famosos, técnicos, e jornalistas, todos falando dos momentos mais históricos do futebol. Foi fascinante rever alguns desses momentos. B: É, e se me lembro bem, também tem uma sala em que você faz o papel do juiz, não é, assim, assistindo as jogadas, com a pressão de apitar a decisão. A gente sai apreciando como seria difícil ser árbitro em campo, viu? A: Olha, uma pergunta. O que você acha, quem era melhor, Pelé ou Garrincha? B: Vixe! Bom, tem gente que briga pelos dois lados. Todo mundo sabe que ninguém driblava com um estilo único como Garrincha, mas eu acho que o Pelé era mais completo em todas as áreas. Para mim, Pelé continua sendo o rei. A: E Pelé ou Maradona? B: O quê? Maradona nem era o melhor jogador da Argentina. Nessa, o Messi está bem mais à frente. A: Também acho. B: Não vem com essa, o Pelé ainda é show de bola. Ele ganha facilmente essa. A: Muito bom.A: Hey Andreia, have you ever been to the soccer museum, the one at Pacaembu stadium in São Paulo? B: Oh, I have, it’s interesting, and in São Paulo they are able to put together a good soccer museum. A: I think so too, I went last week for the first time. B: Ah cool. A: The museum was really good, you know? I wasn’t expecting to see how much soccer is tied to the history of Brazilian people. B: It really is impressive to see how a sport from England, of the white elite, became the most recognizable symbol of Brazilian popular culture. A: Right, and you know, I really liked the display that has the videos of famous players, coaches, and journalists, all talking about the most historic moments of soccer. It was fascinating to see some of those moments again. B: Right, and if I remember well, there’s a room where you can play the role of referee, right, watching plays where you have the pressure to make the call. You come out of these with a greater appreciation for how difficult it is to be a ref, you know? A: Hey, a question for you, what do you think, who was better, Pelé or Garrincha? B: Oh my, well, there are people who will argue for both sides. Everyone knows that nobody dribbled with as much of a unique style as garrinhca, but I think that Pelé was a more complete player in every aspect. For me, Pelé continues to reign as the king. A: And Pelé or Maradona? B: What!? Maradona wasn’t even the best player from Argentina. In that, Messi is way out in front. A: I think so too. B: Don’t even come with that one, Pelé is the star. He wins easily in that one. A: Very good.
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Elementary 40: Casual Summer Dress

Casual clothing, what could be better than a casual afternoon, comfortable clothing, informal settings, and a feeling of chill? Well, for some the answer is that dressing up and looking fine more fun than life in a t-shirt and shorts. Whatever side you fall on, here’s the Portuguese language to go with it.DialogueA: Fala o que quiser, mas nada é melhor do que usar shorts e camisetas. B: É verdade, especialmente nesses dias de calor. A: E sabe o que mais? Adoro rasteirinha, tênis, ou chinelo mesmo. B: Eu concordo, o conforto sempre ganha, né? A: Falando nisso, me empresta aquela blusa azul estampadinha, tá bom? B: Aquela sem manga? Claro, pode pegar.A: Say what you will, but nothing is better than wearing shorts and t-shirts. B: That’s true, especially on these hot days. A: And you know what else? I really love sandals, tennis shoes, or flip flops. B: Agreed, comfort always wins out, right? A: Speaking of which, lend me that patterned blue blouse, OK? B: The sleeveless one? Sure, feel free.
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Beginning 40: Counting Steps With My Fitbit

They say that the way to make progress is to keep track of progress. If so, the Fitbit has got you covered, counting all of your steps each day. Bring it on, and good luck in out-distancing your friends. Even more, now you can talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Sabe que esse Fitbit conta os passos diários. B: Sério, quantos passos você já deu hoje? A: Deixa eu ver, 9,850. Nada mal. B: Legal, mas você tem que usar essa pulseira o dia todo, não é? A: É, mas eu não ligo.A: You know, this Fitbit counts your daily steps. B: Really, how many steps have you taken today? A: Let me see, 9,850. Not bad. B: Cool, but you’ve got to wear that bracelet all day, right? A: Yeah, but I don’t mind.
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Elementary 39: This Lasagna Is Fantastic

No doubt, our lessons are about Portuguese, but how can somebody resist good Italian food? And where do you find some of the world’s best Italian food? In São Paulo, Brazil of course. Enjoy a large serving of lasagna and enjoy the lesson about food.DialogueA: Essa lasanha está fantástica, o que é que você coloca nela? B: Sabe, eu acho que o segredo está na mussarela ralada. A: Ahh, muito bem, mas tem outros queijos também, não é? B: Tem, tem queijo parmesão e requeijão. A: Também gosto desses pedaços de presunto. B: Sei, bem picadinhos, não é? que vai bem com o molho de tomate.A: This lasagna is fantastic, what did you put in it? B: You know, I think that the secret is in the grated mozzarella. A: Ahh, really nice, but it has other cheeses in it too, right? B: There are, there is parmesan cheese and requeijão. A: I also like these pieces of ham. B: I know, chopped up fine, right? that go well with the tomato sauce.
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Beginning 39: You Caught A Cold!

All that sneezing and runny nose! You’ve got a cold, poor thing. Chances are you aren’t in the mood to do a lot of talking, but in this lesson at least you can learn about how to talk about it.DialogueA: E, você pegou uma gripe! B: Não é nada, estou bem. A: Não, você pegou sim. Você já tomou alguma coisa? B: Só o remédio que a Marina me deu, e muita vitamina C.A: Wow, you’ve caught a cold! B: No, it’s nothing, I’m fine. A: No, you really caught one. Have you taken anything? B: Just the medicine that Marina gave to me, and a lot of vitamin C.
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Elementary 38: Hacking Into Wifi Networks

Security, network safety, computer hacking, wifi networks, passwords, where does it stop? Are we being prudently cautious or just paranoid? That is the topic in today’s lesson, and come away with lots of new vocabulary related to high tech as well.DialogueA: Quanto tempo você acha que a Marta precisa para hackear uma rede wi-fi? B: Ela é muito esperta, não sei, 15 minutos talvez. A: Não, ela conseguiu em apenas 8 minutos e meio. B: Uau, ainda bem que ela trabalha nisso e não tem intenções criminosas. A: Pois é, imagina o que esses criminosos fariam. B: Realmente, é preocupante saber que somos tão pouco protegidos.A: How long to you think that Marta needs to hack into your wifi network? B: She is pretty clever, I don’t know, 15 minutes maybe. A: No, she could do it in only eight and a half minutes. B: Wow, it’s a good thing that she works in this and doesn’t have criminal intentions. A: Right, imagine what the criminally minded would do. B: Right, it’s worrisome to know that we are so little protected.
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Beginning 38: First Time In Brazil?

We can pretend that the reason that we are traveling to Brazil is to work or to study, but in this lesson we learn how to confess what really motivates our travel. Listen and find out what.DialogueA: Essa é a primeira vez que você vem ao Brasil? B: É A: Você veio para trabalhar ou para estudar? B: Eu vim para as praias e para as caipirinhas.A: Is this the first time that you have come to Brazil? B: It is. A: Did you come to work or to study? B: I came for the beaches and for the caipirinhas.
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Elementary 37: Watching Health And Well-Being Shows

Some love those television shows about health, well-being, fitness, and relationships. Others think that they are a lot of nonsense. Informative or entertainment, helpful or deceiving, in this lesson we get to talk about all of this in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ah não, mais um programa de saúde e bem estar. B: Mas você não acha importante poder informar o público dessas coisas? A: Informar, tudo bem. Mas esse lixo só existe como diversão. B: Entendo, mas as vezes tem coisas bem informativas também. A: Olha lá, ‘vírus do amor’ que provoca paixão. Que bobagem. B: Ah, pense o que você quiser. Eu vou continuar assistindo e gostando.A: Oh no, another health and well-being program. B: But don’t you think it is important to inform the public about these things? A: Inform, no problem. But this garbage only exists to entertain. B: I understand, but sometimes they have really informative things too. A: Look at that, a ‘love virus’ that creates passion. What nonsense. B: Well, think whatever you want. I’m going to keep on watching and liking it.
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Beginning 37: The Dog Ran Away!

We love our pets. Well, mostly we love our pets, but they can be a lot of work. In today’s lesson the dog runs away. But just how sad is that going to make everyone?DialogueA: O Bibo fugiu mesmo. B: Não culpo ele. Também ninguém brincava mais com ele. A: Mesmo assim, Marquinhos vai ficar chateado, não é? B: Chateado ou aliviado? O Bibo só dava trabalho.A: Bibo really ran away. B: I don’t blame him. Nobody even played with him anymore. A: Still, Marquinhos is going to be upset, right? B: Upset or relieved? Bibo just caused a lot of work.
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Elementary 36: Online Shopping

Shopping online can be extremely convenient, but is it secure? Some love to buy everything online and others would rather go to the store. In this lesson we learn to talk about online shopping.DialogueA: Ô Daniela, você quase só compra online, não é? B: Quase 100%. É muito mais conveniente, e mais barato também. A: Mas você não tem medo que alguém vai roubar sua identidade? B: Não, aliás, acho que é mais seguro do que comprar nas lojas. A: Por quê? Nas lojas a gente nem precisa pensar nessas coisas. B: Exato, online já tem mais controle e é mais seguro.A: Hey Daniela, you almost just buy things online, right? B: Almost 100%. It’s much more convenient, and it’s cheaper too. A: But aren’t you afraid that someone will steal your identity. B: No, in fact, I think it is more secure than buying at the stores. A: Why? At the stores you don’t even need to think about such things. B: Exactly, online you have more control and it is more secure.
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Beginning 36: Good Day To You Too

It doesn’t take much effort to wish someone a pleasant day, and the small effort just makes our day better. So after this lesson, you will be able to make people feel better in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Bom dia, qual andar a senhora quer? B: O décimo primeiro, por favor. A: Tá, chegamos, bom dia pra senhora. B: Obrigada, para você também.A: Good morning, what floor would you like? B: The eleventh, please. A: OK, we have arrived, have a good day ma’am. B: Thanks, same to you too.
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Elementary 35: Galaxy or iPhone?

Android or Apple, that is a question we all seem to face nowadays. Cost, quality, reputations, features, there is a lot that goes into the decision. Whichever you decide to buy, this lesson gives you the vocabulary to talk about the issues involved. Good luck in your purchase.DialogueA: Nossa, o Galaxy é quase a metade do preço do iPhone! B: Sei, e os megapixels da câmera são melhores também. A: Mas o iPhone ganha na resolução do vídeo. B: Qual você acha que vai comprar? A: Olha, não sei, viu? Sempre gostei muito da Apple, seria difícil mudar. B: É, exatamente isso que a Apple quer.A: Wow, the Galaxy is almost half the price of the iPhone! B: I know, and the megapixels of the camera are better too. A: But iPhone wins in the resolution of the video. B: Which do you think you are going to buy? A: I don’t know, you know? I have always liked Apple, it would be hard to change. B: Yes, that is exactly what Apples wants.
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Beginning 35: Where Are My Keys?

If most of us had a dime for every time we misplace our keys, we would all be able to finance our next trip to Brazil. And yet, misplacing keys and being to ask about them in Portuguese are two different things. By the end of this lesson, you will at least know how to ask about them, even if you still have a habit of losing them.DialogueA: Cadê as chaves? B: Na estante, lá em baixo daqueles livros. A: E a carteira, não tô vendo ela? B: Você deixou em cima da mesa na cozinha.A: Where are my keys? B: One the bookshelf, underneath those books. A: And my wallet, I can’t see it. B: You left it on top of the kitchen table.
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Elementary 34: Let’s Take Your Blood Pressure

We all know, it’s one thing to exercise, but we still need to watch what we eat. Looks like in this lesson we learn that by eating less salt and by drinking less coffee, chances are that our blood pressure will improve. At least that is what we hope, and now that hope can be expressed in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Vamos tirar a pressão também. B: Acho que vai ser melhor, parei de comer tanto sal. A: Vamos ver, 12 por 8, muito bom, melhorou bastante. B: Tá vendo doutor, tão forte quanto os jovens! A: Ah é? E a cafeína, você ainda está tomando o café? B: Muito menos, não tomo nada depois das 18:00hrs.A: Let’s take your blood pressure too. B: I think it’s going to be better, I have stopped eating so much salt. A: Let’s see, 120 over 80, very good, it has improved a lot. B: You see doctor, as strong as the young ones! A: Oh yes? And the caffeine, are you still drinking coffee? B: Much less, I don’t drink any after 6:00pm.
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Beginning 34: Wow, Your Baby Has Grown A Lot

Kids, they grow up so fast. And if you haven’t seen them for a while, all of a sudden they seem to have grown up. It is the most natural of conversations, asking how the family is doing. And after this lesson, you will be able to do more of that in Portuguese.DialogueA: Uau João, quanto tempo não é? Tudo bem? B: Tudo bem, e a família, vai bem? A: Vai, a Marina já está bem grande. B: Sei, o Marquinhos também cresceu muito.A: Wow João, long time no see, right? How are you doing? B: Just fine, and the family, are they doing well? A: They are, Marina is already really big. B: I know, Marquinhos has grown a lot too.
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Elementary 33: They Broke Up Last Week

Oh, Oh! Looks like Daniela and Marcos broke up, but nobody told Elisângela about it. Oops, of course she didn’t mean anything by her comments, but it would have been nice if someone had told her what was going ton. At least in your case, you will learn how to deal with this type of situation in Portuguese.DialogueA: Oi Daniela, por quê o Marcos não veio com você? B: Eu, me dá licença, eu vou pro banheiro. C: Por quê você perguntou isso, mulher? Eles terminaram na semana passada. A: Nossa, eu não sabia, ninguém me falou nada. C: Você viu, ela tava quase chorando! A: Mas foi realmente sem querer. Realmente, eu não sabia de nada.A: Hi Daniela, why didn’t Marcos come with you? B: I, excuse me, I’m going to the bathroom. C: Why did you ask her that, girl? They broke up last week. A: Wow, I didn’t know, nobody told me. C: Did you see, she was almost crying. A: But it really was by accident. Really, I didn’t know anything.
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Beginning 33: Nothing For Me?

Everyone is passing out the gifts, and it looks like João didn’t get anything. Well, how sad is that! Even if we don’t have anything to make him feel better, at least we can come out of this lesson with new ways in Portuguese to talk about it.DialogueA: E essa é para você, e essa é para ele. B: E pra mim? A: Ah desculpa João, acabou, já não tem mais nada. B: Droga, e agora?A: And this is for you, and this is for him. B: And for me? A: Oh, I’m sorry João, it’s all gone, there are no more. B: Bummer, now what?
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Elementary 32: Did You Like The Movie?

Going to the movies is much more involved than it used to be. You used to be able to just choose the movie. Now you decide on 3D, fancy seats, assigned seating, apps to download, meals and treats, early shows, it’s much more involved. Still, the language you need to talk about what you like and dislike about the movies, you’ve got it in this lesson.DialogueA: Você gostou do filme? B: Foi bom, mas sabe, acho que até prefiro assistir em casa, viu? A: Sei, é mais barato, e a gente pode sentar onde e como quiser. B: Exato, e é chato ter que sofrer quase 30 minutos com esses trailers. A: Mas você não acha legal ver os efeitos de 3D numa tela gigante? B: Não, pra mim, eu prefiro o conforto e flexibilidade da minha casa.A: Did you like the movie? B: It was good, but you know, I think that I actually prefer to watch them at home, you know? A: I know, it’s cheaper, and you can sit where and how you want to. B: Exactly, and it is so boring to suffer through 30 minutes of these previews. A: But don’t you think it’s cool to see the 3D effects on a big screen? B: No, for me, I prefer to comfort and flexibility of my home.
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Beginning 32: What Type Of Music Do You Like?

Truth told, if you learn Portuguese for no other reason than to simply listen to Brazilian music, you have got a perfect reason to learn the language. This lesson will get you started on talking about the music that you like.DialogueA: Que tipo de música tu gosta? B: Para mim, é a MPB, adoro ouvir essas músicas. A: Concordo, adoro essas clássicas do Gilberto Gil. B: Sei, também gosto.A: What type of music do you like? B: For me, it is MPB, I love to hear that type of music. A: I agree, I love the classics of Gilberto Gil. B: I know, I like them too.
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Elementary 31: Where Is Breakfast?

It’s always nice to wake up in a hotel and head on down to a buffet breakfast. Especially in Brazil this means that you get lots of fresh fruit, juices, breads, cheeses, and something hot to drink. After today’s lesson you should be able to find out how to get to breakfast, and hopefully know what time it is served too.DialogueA: Bom dia, onde é o café da manhã, por favor? B: Lá em frente, no outro lado desse corredor. A: Obrigada, você sabe até que hora eles servem o café? B: Até às 9:00hrs, ah desculpa, hoje é sábado, até às 10:30hrs. A: E já são quase às 10:00, né? B: Não tem problema, senhora. Fica à vontade.A: Good morning, where is breakfast, please? B: Up ahead, on the other side of the hallway. A: Thank you, do you know up to what time do they serve breakfast? B: Until 9:00 o’clock, oh, excuse me, today is Saturday, until 10:30. A: And it’s already almost 10:00 o’clock, right? B: No problem ma’am. Stay as long as you like.
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Beginning 31: Is Mr. Oliveira In?

Sometimes it is difficult to ask for information on the phone, partly because you cannot see who you are talking to. In today’s lesson we make things a little easier by giving you the words that you need to say and the words that you will probably hear.DialogueA: Bom dia, o Sr. Marcos Oliveira está aí? B: Desculpa, hoje ele foi para São Paulo. A: Sério? Quando é que ele volta? B: Só amanhã de noite.A: Good morning, is Mr. Marcos Oliveira there? B: I’m sorry, today he went to São Paulo. A: Really? When is he going to return? B: Only tomorrow night.
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Intermediate 06: Buying A Guitar

Buying a guitar can be complicated. There are so many types and styles. It’s a good thing that Andreia is helping Antonio to choose the appropriate one for his son. And even better, it gives us a chance to learn about this in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô Andreia, você sabe tudo sobre violões, não é? B: Mais ou menos, por quê? A: Olha, meu filho quer comprar um violão e é mais difícil do que eu pensava. Tem elétricos, acústicos, de 6 cordas, 7 cordas, cordas de aço, cordas de nylon. É muito confuso, né? B: Ah é verdade. Que tipo de música seu filho gosta de tocar? A: Olha, ele gosta muito de clássicas da bossa nova. B: Bom, nesse caso, talvez um violão clássico com cordas de nylon sirva. As cordas de nylon são mais flexíveis e tem um braço mais longo, que permite melhor dedilhamento. É uma boa opção para iniciantes, viu? A: Dedilha, dedilhamento, o que que isso? B: Ah, tá ô! Em vez de usar uma palheta, a gente usa os dedos para tocar. Isso é o dedilhamento. A: Ah, OK. E que mais que eu devo considerar? B: Bom, meu caro, o preço, né, se é fácil de tocar, o som que produz, e a aparência. Você vai querer usar um violão e achar que é algo, né, bonito, uma obra prima. A: Sei. E quanto mais ou menos eu devo gastar por isso aí? B: Bom, isso depende, viu? Mas para iniciante, ao invés de comprar um dos bem caros, escolha um mais barato. Mas não se esqueça de comprar um “case”, quer dizer uma capa para o violão. A final você não vai querer estar sempre se incomodando com as batidas ou os arranhões. A: OK. E quando você disse que é fácil de tocar, fácil de tocar como assim? B: Ah tá. Quer dizer, escolha um instrumento que tenha as cordas próximas aos trastes, mas não tão próximas que elas produzam um zumbido. É a qualidade do som, entende? você vai querer um som limpo. A: Tá vendo?! É isso que eu disse, é mais difícil do que eu pensava. B: Tranquilo Antônio, eu tenho 5 ou 6 violões em casa. E se seu filho puder passar qualquer hora dessas lá, para ele experimentar. Eu acho que vai ser bom. Não tenho dúvida de que ele vai encontrar alguma coisa que goste. A: Hey Andreia, you know a lot about guitars, right? B: More or less, why? A: Well, my son wants to buy a guitar e it is more difficult than I thought. There are electric ones, acoustic ones, six string, seven string, steel strings, nylon strings. It’s very confusing, right? B: Ah that is true. What kind of music does your son want to play? A: Well, he likes the classics of Bossa Nova. B: OK, in that case, perhaps a classical guitar with nylon strings would do. The nylon strings are more flexible and neck is a little longer, which allows for better fingerpicking. It’s a good option for beginners, you know? A: Finger, fingerpicking, what is that? B: Ah, OK! Instead of using a pick, people play with their fingers. That is fingerpicking. A: Ah, OK. And what else should I consider? B: Well, my dear, the price of course, right? And if it’s easy to play, the sound it makes, and its appearance. You are going to want to play a guitar that you think is, you know good looking, a work of art. A: Got it. And how much more or less should I spend for this? B: Well, that depends, you know? But for beginners, instead of buying an expensive one, choose a cheaper one. But don’t forget to buy a case, that is a covering for your guitar. After all, you aren’t going to want to always be worrying about it getting bumped and scratched. A: OK. And when you say easy to play, easy to play in what way? B: Ah right. That means, choose an instrument that has strings next to the bars, but not so close that they make a buzzing sound. It’s the quality of the sound, right? You want a clean sound. A: You see?! This is what I said, it is way more difficult that I thought. B: Don’t worry Antonio. I have 5 or 6 guitars at home. If you son can stop by sometime, he can try them out. I think that would be good. I don’t doubt that he will find something that he likes.
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Elementary 30: Confusing Subway Station

The subway in São Paulo is quite impressive, with new lines that have been added in recent years. It is easy to figure out, easy to get around, and very convenient. We do warn you, however, that the trains can get completely full. Get ready to squeeze in, but thanks to this lesson, you will be able to do so in Portuguese.DialogueA: Nossa, que confusão aqui nesse metrô! B: Essa é a entrada para a linha verde ou a linha vermelha? A: Não sei, será que é a mesma para as duas. B: Também não sei, vamos perguntar para alguém. A: Aqui, é aqui que cê entra para a linha verde? C: É. Passa por aqui, e logo à direita.A: Wow, there is so much confusion here at this subway! B: Is this the entrance to the green line or the red line? A: I don’t know, maybe it’s the same for both. B: I don’t know either, let’s ask somebody. A: Excuse me, is this the entrance to the green line here? C: Yes, go in here, and then to the right.
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Beginning 30: Passion Fruit Juice

The fruit juices in Brazil are fantastic. Really, our recommendation is that among the first things you ever do in Brazil is to try the different fruit juices. There are hundreds of tropical fruits and many make excellent juices. This lesson will get you started, and you will also learn the Portuguese necessary to experience new flavors.DialogueA: O que é isso? B: Suco de maracujá, tu quer? A: Obrigada. Você gosta? B: Gosto, mas é um pouco azedo sem açúcar.A: What is this? B: Passion fruit juice, would you like some? A: Thanks. Do you like it? B: I like it, but it’s a little sour without sugar.
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Elementary 29: I Dreamt About You

Why are our dreams so weird? Really, it seems like our subconscious has some pretty creative ways to freak out while we sleep. And in today’s lesson we even learn to interpret the meaning of your bizarre dreams too, in Portuguese that is.DialogueA: Sabe que eu sonhei com você ontem à noite. B: Sério, como foi isso? A: Muito estranho, você tinha asas e saia voando. B: Ah é, isso simboliza minha coragem e meu poder. A: Não sei, você fugiu quando te apresentei a um rapaz bem lindo. B: Ah, vai ver então que simboliza minha timidez e minha falta de confiança.A: You know that I dreamt about you last night. B: Really, what was it about? A: Really strange, you had wings and flew away. B: Oh yes, this symbolizes my courage and power. A: I don’t know, you were running away when I introduced you to a handsome guy. B: Oh, well you see that it symbolizes my shyness and my lack of confidence.
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Beginning 29: The Baby Is Sleeping

Shhh, I know everyone says, “sleeping like a baby” but please be more quiet because this one really is sleeping. And in today’s lesson we talk about babies and sleeping in Portuguese.DialogueA: Dá licença, fiquem mais quietinhos por favor. B: Por que? Que que houve? A: O bebê está dormindo. B: Ah, desculpa, eu não sabia.A: Excuse me, could you be a little more quiet please. B: Why? What’s up? A: The baby is sleeping. B: Ah, sorry, I didn’t know.
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Elementary 28: What Sports Did You Play?

Ah yes, the pleasure of sitting by the pool, talking to friends, and watching the kids playing in the water. You used to be the kids, and now look at you, passing on the tradition for another generation. Let’s talk about those good old days in Portuguese.DialogueA: Quando você era jovem, que esportes você praticava? B: Bom, eu gostava muito de vôlei, jogava quase que todo dia. E você? A: Eu gostava mais dos esportes aquáticos como a natação e o mergulho. B: É, a gente também, sempre ia para a piscina com meus irmãozinhos. A: E agora somos nós que levamos os filhos para a piscina. B: E a gente ainda brinca quando pode, né?A: When you were young, what sports did you play? B: Well, I really liked volleyball, and played almost every day. And you? A: I liked more the water sports like swimming and diving. B: Yes, we also always went to the swimming pool with my little brothers. A: And now we are the ones who bring our children to the swimming pool. B: And we still play when we can, right?
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Beginning 28: Who Is that Guy?

Girl talk, you know, “Who is that handsome guy over there?” Guys, it may be an illusion on your part. Chances are that they are not talking about you. But then again, maybe they are. And in today’s lesson, at least we learn to talk about other people in Portuguese.DialogueA: Um, quem é ele? B: Quem? Aquele ali do lado. A: Ele, aquele altão, bonitão. B: Ah ele, ele é o primo do Carlinhos.A: Um, who is he? B: Who? That guy over on that side. A: Him, that really tall, really handsome guy. B: Oh, him, he is Carlinhos’ cousin.
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Elementary 27: I Hate Pets

“Oh, look at the cute little puppy!” Well, some love to look at the cute little puppy, but others can only think of the awful sensation of shedding hair, licked faces, and smelly fur. Whether you are a pet lover or a pet despiser, we’ve got you covered to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Você gosta mais de gato ou de cachorro? B: Nenhum dos dois, sou alérgica aos animais domésticos. A: Mas os gatos são tão lindos, e os cachorros tem tanta personalidade! B: E eles soltam pelos em todo lugar, é terrível. A: Então nem se eu te desse um cachorrinho de presente? B: Não, por favor, nem assim aceitaria, detesto esses bichos.A: Do you like cats or dogs more? B: Neither of the two, I’m allergic to pets. A: But cats are so beautiful, and dogs have so much personality! B: And they shed fur everywhere, it’s terrible. A: So not even if I gave you a little puppy for a present? B: Please don’t, I wouldn’t accept it, I hate these pets.
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Beginning 26: Let’s Sing Guys

For some people singing in public is not a big deal, but for others it is really tough. And for those of you who think it is easy, have a little compassion on the rest of us, OK? And even if your singing is less than professional, after this lesson you will at least be able to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Vamos cantar gente! B: Canta você Vivian, eu não sei cantar. A: E daí, eu também não canto bem. B: Mentira, você canta quase profissional.A: Let’s sing guys! B: You sing Vivian, I don’t know how to sing. A: So what, I don’t sing well either. B: Liar, you almost sing professionally.
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Beginning 27: I’m Going To Throw Up

Maybe it’s something you ate. Maybe you just ate too much. Or maybe you’ve caught some flu bug. Either way, you aren’t feeling very well, and chances are that you are going to throw up. And on that happy note, in today’s lesson we learn to talk about all of this in Portuguese!DialogueA: Que que é rapaz? B: Eu não estou me sentindo bem. A: Que que houve? B: Eu vou vomitar.A: What up man? B: I’m not feeling well. A: What happened? B: I’m going to throw up.
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Elementary 26: Turn Right At The Third Door

Let’s hope that section18 row 25 has good seats for whatever performance Daniela in our dialog is attending. And let’s also hope that they can follow the instructions to find those seats. In today’s lesson we learn the Portuguese phrases that you’ll need to get from one place to another.DialogueA: Com licença, como se chega a sessão 18, fila 25? B: A sessão 18, vai em frente e vira à direita, na terceira porta. A: Tá, aquela porta vermelha ao lado das bebidas? B: É, essa mesmo. A: Obrigada, é permitido entrar com essas garrafas? B: Sim senhora, não tem problema, pode entrar.A: Excuse me, how do you get to section 18, row 25? B: Section 18, go straight and turn right at the third door. A: OK, that red door next to the drinks? B: Yes, that’s it. A: Thanks, can you go in with these bottles? B: Yes ma’am, no problem, you can go in.
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Elementary 25: Have You Quit Smoking?

João has been trying to quit smoking. He’s not quite there yet, but looks like he is still motivated to kick the habit. Good thing for João. And good thing for us too, because we learn to talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô João, então você já largou do cigarro? B: Ainda não, que bom saber que você nunca entrou nessa. A: Quer dizer que ainda está tentando? B: Tentando, falhando, mas não desisto não, eu vou conseguir. A: Eu admiro o esforço, viu? Deve ser muito difícil mesmo. B: Ah, se você soubesse..., é terrível, mas eu vou conseguir.A: Hey João, so have you already quit smoking? B: Not yet, it’s a good thing you never got into that. A: So that means that you are still trying? B: Trying, failing, but I’m not giving up, I’m going to win out. A: I admire your effort, you know? It must really be very difficult. B: Ah, if you knew.., it is terrible, but I’m going to beat it.
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Beginning 25: Get Out Of Bed

We’ve all been there. The alarm clock doesn’t go off as expected and the next thing we know, somebody is yelling at us to get up. We’ve all been there. And in today’s lesson you can relive the moment in Portuguese!DialogueA: João! Levanta! São sete horas já! B: O que? Não, não pode ser! A: Sai da cama já. B: Tá, já vou.A: João! Get up! It’s already seven o’clock! B: What? No, it can’t be! A: Get out of bed already. B: OK, I’m coming.
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Elementary 24: What A Terrible Smell

Poor old João, he’s been playing ball, comes home all sweating and hot. Should we give the guy a few minutes to cool down or should we tell him to go jump in the showers? He smells terrible, and it’s a good thing that in this lesson we can tell people to go take a bath in Portuguese.DialogueA: Que cheiro terrível, que que isso? B: Desculpe, sou eu. Eu estava jogando bola. A: É você João? Bom, vai tomar banho rapaz, vai. B: Tá, eu já vou. A: Vai já já, porque esse fedor está demais. B: Sei, eu só queria esperar uns minutinhos antes.A: What a terrible smell, what is that? B: Sorry, it’s me. I was playing ball. A: It’s you João? Well, go take a bath man, go. B: OK, I’m going. A: Go right now, because this stench is too much. B: I know, I just wanted to wait a few minutes first.
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Elementary 23: What Kind Of Steak Do You Like?

Brazilian churrasco (barbecue) is world famous, especially among the beef lovers of the world. Probably two of the major features include the use of sea salt in the flavoring and the unique cuts of meat, including the well-known picanha. In today’s lesson however, we find out that picanha isn’t everyone’s favorite cut of meat.DialogueA: Você gosta mais de picanha ou alcatra? B: Pessoalmente eu prefiro alcatra. A: Ah é, acho que a grande maioria diria que gosta mais de picanha. B: Pois é, eu tenho um gosto bem peculiar, não é? A: Sem dúvida. E que outros cortes você gosta? B: Pra mim, bom, com a fraldinha não tem erro.A: Do you like more picanha or alcatra? B: Personally I prefer alcatra A: Really, I believe that most people would say that they like picanha more. B: Oh well, I have pretty peculiar tastes, right? A: No doubt. And what other cuts do you like? B: For me, well, with a fraldinha you can’t go wrong.
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Beginning 24: What Are You Doing?

Oops, looks like some people just got caught at working doing something that they weren’t supposed to do. We’ll leave it up to your imagination to say what they were doing. However, in this lesson we’ll give you the specific words and grammar that you’ll need to talk about it, whatever it was.DialogueA: O que vocês estão fazendo? B: Ô chefe, desculpa, viu? A gente só estava... A: Para, não quero ouvir as desculpas. B: Tá, desculpa senhora.A: What are you doing? B: Boss, sorry, you know? We were just… A: Stop, I don’t want to hear your excuses. B: OK, sorry ma'am.
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Elementary 22: I Don’t Like Açaí

We’ve all heard about the wonders of the açaí berry: antioxidants, fiber, low in fat, super energy, etc. Whether that is true or not, there are those who just love the taste of açaí smoothies. Others, however, just can’t get used to the unique taste. After this lesson, if you haven’t every tried açaí, you’ll wonder which side of the debate you will be on.DialogueA: Que tal um açaí? B: Obrigado, eu não gosto de açaí? A: Como que não gosta, todo mundo gosta de açaí. B: Ah é?, Bom, pra mim ele tem um gosto meio estranho. A: Nem com banana e granola? B: Não, nem assim. Como dizem, ‘gosto não se discute.’A: How about some açaí? B: Thanks, I don’t like açaí. A: What do you mean you don’t like it, everyone likes açaí. B: Oh yeah? Well, for me it has kind of a strange taste. A: Not even with banana and granola? B: No, not even that way. As they say, ‘you can’t argue about taste.’
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Beginning 23: Meeting Your New Professor

It’s always nice to meet someone new, and in this lesson we meet our new professor, who is nice enough to invite us in for a chat.DialogueA: Com licença, o Professor João está aqui? B: Sou eu, em que eu posso ajudar? A: Bom dia, meu nome é Daniela, sou nova aluna em sua aula. B: Ah é, prazer, pode entrar, senta. A: Excuse me, is Professor João here? B: That’s me. How can I help you? A: Hi, I’m Daniela, a new student in your class. B: Ah yes, good to meet you, come on in and take a seat.
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Elementary 21: I Don’t Get Art

Some love museums, and others don’t. What is exceptionally exciting for one person, is the height of boredom for another. Either way, if you do go to the museum, don’t ruin it for the others by making wisecracks, snide comments, and ugly faces during the whole visit. Be nice, and in this lesson we learn to be nice about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Vamos pro museu hoje, tá bom? B: Não, vai você, eu não entendo nada de arte. A: Mas tem uma nova exposição, vai ser legal, viu? B: Tá, mas nada de “como você se sente?” ou “o que isso representa?” A: Tá, mas você também não pode fazer uma cara feia o tempo todo. B: Claro, vamos “expandir os nossos horizontes artísticos.”A: Let’s go to the museum today, OK? B: No, you go, I don’t understand anything about art. A: But there is a new exhibit, it’s going to be cool, right? B: OK, but none of this “how do you feel?” or “what does this represent?” A: OK, but you also can’t make ugly faces the whole time. B: Sure, lets’ go “expand our artistic horizons.”
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Beginning 22: How Do You Spell That?

Do you know how in English we sometimes aren’t sure if words are spelled with an ‘s’ or a ‘c’? The same thing happens for Brazilians in Portuguese. There are some words that are harder to spell. Let’s learn about that in today’s lesson.DialogueA: Você escreve ‘atrasado’ com ‘s’ ou com ‘z’? B: Atrasado, é com ‘s’. A: E ‘piscina’, é com ‘s’ o com ‘c’? B: ‘Piscina’ se escreve com os dois, P I S C I N A.A: Do you write ‘atrasado’ with ‘s’ or with ‘z’? B: ‘Atrasado’ is with an ‘s’. A: And ‘piscina’, is it with an ‘s’ or with a ‘c’? B: ‘Piscina’ is written with both, P I S C I N A.
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Intermediate 05: Reserving the Conference Room

The company may have a new conference room, but just try to make a reservation to use it. Others have it reserved for today. But don’t worry, tomorrow it’s available all day. And after today’s lesson, you be able to make the same reservations in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Bom dia Antônio, você sabe se tem alguém usando a sala de conferências? B: Tem sim. O departamento de tecnologia está usando ela para uma vídeo-conferência. A: Você sabe até que horas eles vão precisar da sala? B: Não sei, mas acho que vão usá-la até o almoço. A: E hoje à tarde? Alguém já reservou a sala durante a tarde? B: Deixa eu ver aqui. Ah sim, parece que o departamento de vendas reservou ela das 15 às 16:30 da tarde. A senhora quer que eu faça a reserva para as 17:00 horas. A: Obrigada, não. Parece que hoje não vai dar mesmo. E amanhã, alguém já reservou alguma coisa? B: Deixa eu ver..., Carlinhos vai usá-la amanhã de manhã para fazer as entrevistas com os novos clientes da Argentina. Mas depois das 10:00 não tem nada. A: Bom, faz a reserva para mim para amanhã das 11:00 às 13:00, beleza? Por favor, convida também o Jackson, porque queremos revisar o orçamento que ele mandou na semana passada. B: Sim, tá bom. Qualquer coisa eu aviso a senhora.A: Good morning Antonio, do you know if anyone is using the conference room? B: Yes, there is. The Technology Department is using it for a video-conference. A: Do you know how long they will need the room? B: I don’t know, but I believe they will use it until lunchtime. A: And this afternoon? Has anybody reserved the room for this afternoon? B: Let me see here. Ah yes, it looks like the Sales Department reserved it from 3:00 – 4:30 in the afternoon. Would you like me to make a reservation for 5:00? A: No thanks. It looks like today’s not going to work out. And tomorrow, has anybody reserved anything? B: Let me see…, Carlinhos will be using it tomorrow morning to conduct the interviews with the new clients from Argentina. But after 10:00 o’clock there isn’t anything. A: OK, make the reservation for me for tomorrow from 11:00 – 1:00, OK? And please invite Jackson too, because we want to review the budget that he sent last week. B: Sure, fine. If anything comes up I’ll let you know.
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Elementary 20: I Nearly Froze To Death

Really? I mean seriously! How is it possible for people to live in places where the winter temperatures are below freezing? We know that many people do, but for people like Marcos in today’s lesson, those cold temperatures are shocking! And that’s what we learn to talk about in today’s lesson.DialogueA: Oi Marcos, você gostou de Nova Iorque? B: Gostei, mas nunca passei tanto frio na vida. A: Cara, eu te avisei, lembra? Faz um frio da nado em Nova Iorque. B: Sei, e eu que cheguei com um casaco, luvas, gorro e tudo mais, mesmo assim, quando eu saí do taxi, quase morri de frio. A: E é aquele um frio que penetra, doi na gente, não é mesmo? B: É, realmente, e eu não sei como eles vivem num lugar assim. Eu simplesmente não poderia aguentar. A: É, rapaz, eu lembro que uma vez quando eu saí do hotel, o ar que saiu da minha boca congelou. B: Não! É impossível! E o efeito do vento, foi horrível.A: Hi Marcos, did you like New York? B: I did, but I’ve never been so cold in my life. A: I told you man, remember? It gets really cold in New York. B: I know, and I got there with a coat, gloves, had, everything, but despite that, when I got out of the taxi the cold almost killed me. A: And it’s a cold that penetrates, it hurts you, isn’t that right? B: Yeah, I really don’t know how people live in a place like that. I simply wouldn’t be able to take it. A: And, man, I remember one time when I left my hotel, the air that came out of my mouth froze. B: No! That’s impossible! And the effect of the wind, it was horrible.
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Elementary 19: I Just Love To Travel

In this lesson we not only learn how to talk about traveling, but we also get the added bonus of talking about Florianopolis, truly one of the jewels of the southern part of Brazil.DialogueA: Como foi a viagem? B: Muito boa, só que a gente não teve tempo para ver tudo que queria. A: Mas você me disse que queria ir para descansar, não é? B: Sei, mas Florianópolis tem tanta coisa para ver, é linda demais. A: O que você achou da Lagoa da Conceição? B: Adorei. A água é bem rasa e para quem gosta de surfar, é fantástica. A: Sei, e para mim, os restaurantes e bares eram tremendos. B: Realmente, tinha um sem-fim de opções de coisas para fazer. Espero voltar logo.A: How was your trip? B: Very nice, it’s just that we did have time to see everything we wanted to. A: But you said that you went to relax, right? B: I know, but Florianopolis has so much to see, it’s really beautiful. A: So what did you think of the Conceição Lagoon? B: I loved it. The water is shallow, and for those who like to surf it is fantastic. A: I know, and for me the restaurants and bars were tremendous. B: I agree. There was a never-ending list of things to do. I hope to return soon.
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Intermediate 04: Love that Perfume

Buying perfume seems to be as complicated as choosing a fine wine. There is a combination of personal taste mixed with a knowledge about top notes, middle notes and a whole list of different scents and aromas. In this lesson we take on the task of buying perfume, and in the end, even the decorative bottle becomes part of the purchase decision.DialogueA: Bom dia. Você gostaria de ver algum perfume hoje? B: Bom dia. Gostaria sim. A: Para homem ou para mulher? B: É para minha irmã. O que você sugere? A: Bom, vamos ver. Quantos anos ela tem? B: Uns 28 – 30 anos, por aí. A: Tá bom, sabe, perfume é algo muito pessoal. O que agrada uma pessoa, pode não agradar outra. E depende muito também da personalidade da pessoa, viu? B: Sei, bom, eu sei que ela não gosta das fragrâncias de aroma cítrico. Agora, perfume floral, acho pode ser. A: Deixa eu ver, tem assim algum outro que você sabe que ela gosta? B: Ah sim, eu sei que ela gosta do Coco Noir da Chanel. Você tem alguma coisa que é mais ou menos igual? A: Sei, cê está falando desse que tem essências de base de sândalo, almíscar branco e cumaru brasileiro, não é? Ah, é muito bom. Que tal esse? O perfume Laguna é uma fragrância criada pela marca Salvador Dali. Veja, veja se você gosta desse? B: Deixa eu ver, umm, não, esse não. Prefiro alguma coisa um pouco mais, não sei, alguma coisa mais divertida assim. A: Eu sei, mais alegre. Que tal o Dot de Marc Jacobs? O que você acha desse? B: Deixa eu ver. Nossa! Gostei. Como se chama esse? A: Dot, de Marc Jacobs. Tem uma fragrância floral de jasmim no coração, mas eu gosto muito mais também dos aromas de baunilha e almíscar que tem nele. B: Gostei, e esse frasco é interessante, né? Parece assim uma joaninha. Bom, vou levar esse. A: Beleza. A: Good morning. Would you like to see some perfume today? B: Good morning. Yes, I’d like to. A: Is it for a man or a woman? B: It’s for my sister. What do you suggest? A: Well, let’s see. How old is she? B: Around 28-30 or so. A: OK good, you know, perfume is a very personal thing. What pleases one person, may not please another. And it depends a lot on the personality of the person, you know? B: I know, OK, I know that she doesn’t like the fragrances that have a citrus smell. But, floral scents, those might do. A: Let me see, are their any others that you know that she likes? B: Ah yes, I know that she likes Coco Noir from Chanel. Do you have anything that is more or less like that? A: Right, your talking about the one that has base notes of sandalwood, white musk and Brazilian Tonka bean, right? Ah, that’s really nice. How about this one? The Laguna perfume is a fragrance created by the Salvador Dali brand. Take a peek, see if you like this? B: Let me see, umm, no, not this one. I prefer something that is a little more, I don’t know, and little more fun-like. A: I know, a little more playful. How about Dot by Marc Jacobs? What do you think of this one? B: Let me see. Wow! I liked it. What do you call this one? A: Dot by Marc Jacobs. It has a floral scent with jasmine heart notes, but I also like the scent of vanilla and musk that’s in it. B: I like it, and this bottle is interesting too, right? It looks kind of like a ladybug. OK, I’ll take this one. A: Beautiful.
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Intermediate 03: The New iPad Just Came Out

Yeah, the new iPad is out, and Antonio wants to take a peek. Andreia, however, is skeptical. Is it a big deal, or just another excuse to spend money on a new toy? In today’s lesson we’ll see how much Brazilian adopt new foreign words into their everyday speech.DialogueA: Andréia, você viu? o novo iPad saiu. Você não quer passar na loja comigo para ver ele? B: Obrigada, o iPad é só um iPhone grande. Não me interessa tanto. A: Não é verdade, não. Com o iPad você pode baixar filmes, compartilhar fotos e documentos, ler livros, e mandar e-mail. É muito mais conveniente, e muito mais rápido. B: Tá bom, como eu disse, é um iPhone grande... e caro! A: Não, não é tão caro assim. E a duração da bateria do novo iPad é ótima. E a nova tela tem uma resolução impressionante, milhões de pixels. B: Já sei. Hoje você diz que só vai para ver. E amanhã, já vem dizendo que precisa comprar. “É mais leve. É mais rápido. Tem um novo design e novos apps.” Chega Antônio, a gente não precisa comprar mais uma maquininha. A: Mas Andréia, eu não disse que vou comprar. Quem disse que eu vou comprar? Eu só queria ver o novo modelo. B: Tá bom, mas se você voltar falando do novo chip, do novo coprocessador, touch screen, com todos os apps, eu vou ficar louca, viu? Muito louca! A: Ah, mas escuta só isso, olha, você sabia que agora podia fazer chamadas FaceTime com sua mãe, falar diretamente cara-a-cara com ela? B: O quê? Sério? Falar diretamente com ela? A: Sim. B: Perái, nesse caso, bom, me fala mais disso. Isso seria muito legal. A: Andreia, did you see that the new iPad came out? Do you want to go with me to the store to check it out? B: No thanks, the iPad is just a big iPhone. I’m not very interested. A: That is not true. With the iPad you can download movies, share photos and documents, read books, and send e-mail. It’s much more convenient, and a lot quicker. B: OK, it’s like I said, it’s a big, and expensive, iPhone. A: No, it’s really not all that expensive. The battery life of the new iPad is great. The new screen has impressive resolution, with millions of pixels. B: I know. Today you come saying that you just want to see it. And tomorrow you come saying that you need to buy it. “It’s lighter. It’s quicker. It has a new design and new apps.” Knock it off Antonio, we don’t need another machine. A: But Andreia, I never said that I am going to buy it. Who said that I am going to buy it? I just want to see the new model. B: OK, but if you come back talking about the new chip, the new coprocessor, touch screen, and all of the apps, I will go crazy, you know?, completely crazy! A: Ah, but listen to just one thing. Did you know that now you can make FaceTime calls with your mother, you can talk face-to-face directly with her? B: What’s that? Really? I can talk directly with her? A: Yes. B: Wait a second, in that case, great, tell me more about this. That would be really cool.
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Elementary 18: Give Me A Dozen Roses

We all hope that someday, as a foreigner in Brazil, you have the opportunity to buy flowers. There is a delightful mix of the excitement in seeing the many new flowers, the relatively cheaper prices, and the fun of the exchange with the flower sellers. In this lesson we should learn some of the Portuguese that you’ll need for your flower-buying experience.DialogueA: Boa tarde. Em que eu posso ajudar senhor? B: Boa tarde, queria comprar umas flores para minha esposa. A: Está bem. Que tipo de flores? B: Quem sabe um buquê de rosas. A: Que cor o senhor prefere? B: Essas vermelhas talvez. Que mais você tem? A: Bom. Essas brancas também são lindas. Também tem essas cor-de-rosa e essas amarelas. B: Essas amarelas são lindas. Me dá uma dúzia delas.A: Good afternoon. How may I help you? B: Good afternoon, I wanted to buy some flowers for my wife. A: Fine. What type of flowers? B: Perhaps a bouquet of roses. A: What color do you prefer? B: Maybe these red ones. What else do you have? A: Well, these white ones are pretty too. We also have these pink ones and these yellow ones. B: The yellow ones are pretty. Give me a dozen of them.
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Elementary 17: No Fried Foods

What could it hurt, a little fried food for lunch, no big deal, right? If it means that you get to eat quibe, esfirra, coxinha and pastelzinhos, perhaps the extra calories are worth it. But then again, too much of a good thing might add on the extra pounds. After today’s lesson, you will be able to either order more fried foods or avoid more fried foods!DialogueA: Ô Andreia, vamos fazer um lanchinho? B: Tá, mas nada de fritura, viu? A: Quer dizer que o quibe, esfirra, coxinha não são bons para a saúde! B: Todo dia é a mesma coisa, salgadinho, fritura e refrigerante. É muito bom, mas não posso mais, cara. A: Nem um pastelzinho de palmito, Andreia? Que isso! É um lanchinho. B: Não, nada de fritura. A: Tá bom, e pensando bem, podemos guardar essas calorias para um chopp bem gelado mais tarde. B: Você me conhece muito bem!A: Hey Andreia, let’s have a little snack? B: OK, but nothing fried, OK? A: You mean that quibe, esfirra, coxinha aren’t good for your health? B: Every day it is the same thing, salty treats, fried foods, and a soda. It´s really good, but I can’t do it anymore, man. A: Not even a heart of palm pastelzinho, Andreia? What’s going on! It’s just a little snack. B: No, nothing fried. A: OK, and thinking about it, we can save those calories for an ice cold beer this afternoon. B: You know me pretty well!
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Elementary 16: Dessert Makes Me Happy

Some things are just difficult to translate, and the names of different Brazilian desserts definitely fall in that category. Truth told, tasting them is the only way to really know what we are talking about. Taste truly trumps translation. Still, after this lesson you will know a number of Brazilian desserts that you should at least try to taste sometime.DialogueA: E pra sobremesa, você quer pedir alguma coisa? B: Quero. O que é gostoso aqui? A: Bom, realmente o mousse de maracujá é uma delicia, ah e o pudim de leite é muito bom. B: Deixa eu ver, você já provou o sagu aqui? A: Já. É muito bom também. E a goiabada, mmm aqui é excelente. B: Não sei. Bom, para mim, que tal um quindim. A: Concordo, com o quindim não dá pra errar. Eu vou pedir o creme de papaya. B: Ah, sobremesa, pra fazer a gente feliz!A: And for dessert, are you going to ask for anything? B: I want to. What’s tasty here? A: Well, the passion fruit mousse is delicious, and the flan is very good. B: Let me see, have you ever tried the pearl tapioca here? A: I have. It’s really good too. And the guava paste here is excellent. B: I don’t know. OK, for me, how about quindim. A: I agree, you can’t go wrong with quindim. I going to ask for the papaya cream. B: Ah, dessert, it’s what makes people happy!
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Elementary 15: Soccer Is Violent

Go ahead, make jokes about how soccer players fake injuries. Now, why don’t you try hitting your head with another guy’s cleats. We aren’t praising the violence; we’re just saying that it can get rough out there. After today’s lesson you can talk about soccer in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Olha lá! B: Que que houve rapaz? A: Os dois bateram a cabeça quando iam para a bola. B: Realmente o futebol é muito violento. Não sei por que vocês assistem esses jogos, viu? A: Bom, perigoso pode ser, mas é muito lindo também. E realmente é impressionante ver a capacidade deles. B: Bom, eu só vejo gente machucada, lesionada, e vocês assistindo como se fosse diversão. A: Ah, não fale assim, você sabe que quem joga se identifica com a ação no campo. B: Bom, ainda acho um absurdo elogiar tanta violência, viu? A: Enfim, está vendo? Os dois estão bem, não foi nada grave.A: Look at that! B: What happened, man? A: The two hit their heads when they were going for the ball. B: Soccer really is very violent. I don’t know why you watch these games. A: Well, it can be dangerous, but it’s beautiful too. And it’s really impressive to see their ability. B: Well, I just see injured, hurt people, and you watching as if it were entertainment. A: Oh, don’t talk like that, you know that those who play identify with the action on the field. B: Well, I still think it’s absurd to praise such violence, you know? A: Look, you see? The two are just fine, it wasn’t anything serious.
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Elementary 14: I Love Teaching Children

After today’s lesson we will all feel like we need to go back to elementary school, unless of course you already know how to calculate the area of a trapezoid. Just kidding, but after this lesson you will be able to identify some basic shapes in Portuguese.DialogueA: Você é professora do primário, não é? B: Sou sim, adoro meu trabalho. A: E o que você está ensinado agora? B: Bom, essa semana estamos aprendendo as formas básicas: quadrado, retângulo, círculo, triângulo, etc. A: E as crianças gostam? B: Gostam, mas para alguns é difícil de entender a diferença entre paralelogramo e trapézios. A: Eu também nunca entendia bem essas diferenças. B: Bom, se precisar, pode voltar para a escola primária também, meu amigo!A: You are an elementary school teacher, right? B: Yes, I am, I love my job. A: And what are you teaching now? B: Well, this week we are learning the basic shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle, etc. A: Do the children like it? B: They do, but for some it is difficult to understand the difference between parallelogram and trapezoid. A: I never understood those differences very well either. B: Well, if you need to, you can come back to elementary school too, my friend!
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Elementary 13: You Are Really Tall

Are you pretty happy with your height and weight? Remember that when you talk about that in Portuguese, you will have to switch to the metric system. So, just how tall are you and how much do you weigh? Learn how to talk about that in today’s lesson.DialogueA: Você é bem alto Orlando. Qual é sua altura? B: Seis pés e 4 polegadas. A: E quanto é isso em metros? Você deve ter uns dois metros, não é? B: Nem tanto. Se não me engano, é 1 metro e 93 ou 94 centímetros, por aí. A: Mesmo assim, você é bem alto. E quanto você pesa? B: Entre 200 e 205 libras. A: Eu não entendo nada de libras. Quanto é isso em quilos? B: Quem sabe mais ou menos uns 90 a 93 quilos.A: You are really tall Orlando. How tall are you? B: Six feet and four inches. A: And how much is that in meters? You are probably about two meters tall, right? B: Not quite. If I’m not mistaken, that is 1.93 or 1.94 meters, around there. A: Still, you are really tall. And how much do you weigh? B: Between 200 and 205 pounds. A: I don’t understand anything about pounds. How much is that in kilos? B: Maybe more or less 90 to 93 kilos.
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Elementary 12: Look At Those Muscles!

Going to the gym, working out, exercising, for some these words all carry a positive feeling. For others, they bring up feelings of dread or guilt. In today’s lesson Andreia is really into working out, or at least watching others work out. Cassia, not so much. And even if you are not in perfect shape, after today’s lesson you will at least be able to talk about it.DialogueA: Uau, olha aquele cara que está fazendo abdominais. B: Para Andréia, você sempre está olhado os homens. É uma doença isso, viu? A: Não Cássia, é que eu aprecio o corpo de quem malha, saradão. B: "Aprecia o corpo de quem malha", não vem com essa não. A: Não, olha pra aquele na barra, aquele ali, você não acha legal ver alguém com esses músculos? B: Não, eu só penso em esteroides e suplementos artificiais. A: Bom, eu acho lindo. B: E eu acho que não é nada natural.A: Wow, look at that guy who is doing sit-ups. B: Stop it Andreia, you are always looking at men. It’s a sickness, you know? A: No Cassia, I just appreciate the bodies of those who work out. B: “You appreciate the bodies of those who work out”, please don’t give me that. A: No, look at that guy at the barbells, don’t you think it’s cool to see someone with those muscles? B: No, I just think of steroids and artificial supplements. A: Well, I think it’s beautiful. B: And I think it is not natural.
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Elementary 11: Her Husband’s A Creep

Do you know a creepy person? In this lesson we have a dialogue where we talk about other people, and we will learn how to refer to those who are lazy, rude and creepy in Portuguese. It has to be a useful lesson, right?DialogueA: Você conhece o marido da Luíza? B: Conheço, e que cara chato, detesto ele. A: Sei, também acho. E além disso, é preguiçoso e mal-educado. B: E a Luíza, menina, tão boazinha, por que será que ela se casou com ele, hein? A: Não foi por dinheiro não? B: Não, que eu saiba, não é rico. A: Realmente, o amor é cego. B: Sei, mas sinceramente, esse cara é chato demais.A: Do you know Luiza’s husband? B: I do, and what a creepy guy, I hate him. A: I know, me too. And besides that he is lazy and rude. B: And Luiza, girl, is so nice, why did she marry him, you know? A: Was it for money? B: No, as far as I know, he is not rich. A: Really, love is blind. B: I know, but seriously, that guy is too much.
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Elementary 10: I’ve Got To Go Bad

When you gotta go, you gotta go, and in this lesson we’ve gotta go. But there is no way that we are using those dirty public bathrooms. You will thank us later when you know how to talk about this in Portuguese.DialogueA: Vamos para casa. B: Por quê? Muito cedo ainda. A: Eu sei, mas eu preciso ir ao banheiro B: Mas tem banheiro aqui, aqui do lado. A: Não, esses são muito sujos, não quero ir aqui. B: Não são tão maus assim. A: Não, porque você é homem e não precisa sentar pra fazer xixi. B: Tá bom, já sei quando não vale a pena brigar. Vamos embora.A: Let’s go home, OK? B: Why? It’s still really early. A: I know, but I’ve got to go to the bathroom. B: But there’s a bathroom here, just right here. A: No, these are really dirty, I don’t want to go here. B: They aren’t so bad. A: No, because you are a guy and you don’t need to sit down to pee. B: OK, I know when it’s not worth it arguing. Let’s go.
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Beginning 21: Is This A Good Color?

Men, we all relate to the pressure of being asked by a women if a certain article of clothing looks good or not. Ladies, ya’ll are beautiful, you can wear either the blue or the red blouse. You look great either way. However, we still need to learn how to handle this situation in Portuguese, and that is the objective of today’s lesson. And, we should learn the names of some colors too.DialogueA: O que você acha da cor dessa blusa? B: Está bom. A: Será que aquela azul não fica melhor? B: Não, essa vermelha está boa.A: What do you think of the color of this blouse? B: It’s fine. A: Don’t you think that this blue one is better? B: No, that red one is just fine.
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Elementary 09: Learning Portuguese Is Difficult

Is it so frustrating to learn how to pronounce words in Portuguese. There are different sounds for all of the vowels and there don’t seem to be any rules. And those verb endings, it’s crazy! Never fear. In today’s lesson will give you a few hints along the way, and we’ll let you know that it’s really no big deal.DialogueA: Você está estudando o português? B: Estou, mas a pronúncia é muito difícil, viu? A: Como assim? B: Esse tal de ‘avô - avó’, ‘pode – pôde’, eu não ouço a diferença. A: Sei, inicialmente causa problemas, mas você vai pegar, não se preocupe. B: ‘Não se preocupe’ ou ‘Não se preocupa’? A: Tanto faz, qualquer um dos dois B: Te disse, não é? O português não é fácil não.A: Are you studying Portuguese? B: I am, but the pronunciation is difficult, you know? A: What do you mean? B: This deal with ‘avô - avó’, ‘pode – pôde’, I don’t hear the difference. A: I know, initially it can cause problems, but you’ll get it, don’t worry. B: ‘Nao se preocupe’ or ‘Não se preocupa’? A: It doesn’t matter, either of the two. B: I told you, you know? Portuguese is not easy.
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Beginning 20: The Door Is Locked

How is it possible that we always misplace our keys, even when they are in our pocket or purse! It happens all the time, admit it. So it only makes sense that we learn that same conversation in Portuguese, which is the topic of today’s lesson.DialogueA: Ei! A porta está trancada? B: Você não tem a chave não? A: Não, quem tem a chave é você. B: Ah é, está aqui na bolsa.A: Hey! Is the door locked? B: Don’t you have the key? A: No, you’re the one who has the key. B: Oh yeah, it’s here in my purse.
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Beginning 18: Going To The Party?

One thing about Brazilian parties, there is no beginning or ending time. Come when you can, stay as long as you can. In this lesson we can teach you the grammar and vocabulary, but you need to bring the party attitude!DialogueA: Amanhã é o aniversário da Bete, não é? B: É, você vai para a festinha dela? A: Preciso levar alguma coisa? B: Não, é uma coisa bem informal mesmo.A: Tomorrow is Bete’s birthday, right? B: Yeah, are you going to her party? A: Do I need to take anything? B: No, it’s really an informal thing.
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Beginning 19: It’s So Hot!

We can’t change the weather by talking about it, but at least it feels good to vent a little bit. Too hot, too cold, too rainy, today you will learn how to talk about the weather in Portuguese, even if nothing actually changes.DialogueA: Ai, que calor, não aguento mais! B: Realmente, está insuportável. A: Vai chover essa semana? B: Nada, mas, fazer o quê?A: Oh, it’s so hot, I can’t take it anymore! B: Really, this is unbearable. A: Is it going to rain this week? B: Not at all, but what can you do?
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Beginning 16: Where Do You Want to Eat?

Sometimes we never get tired of our favorite restaurants. In today’s lesson we learn how to suggest that we go back to our favorite once again. And, by the way, we do agree that comida mineira is excellent food!DialogueA: Onde você quer comer? B: Lá no Mineiro. A: Outra vez, a gente sempre vai lá. B: Sei, mas é lá que é bom.A: Where do you want to eat? B: Over at the Mineiro. A: Again, we always go there. B: I know, but that’s where it’s good.
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Beginning 17: I’m Making Dinner

If you are inviting me to eat moqueca, you don’t need to invite me to twice. I’ll wash up and take a seat. And if you haven’t tried moqueca, at least this lesson gives you the vocabulary and grammar to talk about it.DialogueA: Mas que cheiro gostoso! B: Estou preparando o jantar. A: Moqueca, não é? Adoro esse cheiro. B: Vai lavar as mãos porque está quase pronto.A: But what a delicious smell! B: I’m making dinner. A: Moqueca, right? I love that smell. B: Go wash your hands because it’s almost ready.
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Beginning 15: I’m Fat

It’s one of life’s great challenges, do you buy extra large to feel more comfortable or do you buy a large to not have to tell the world that you are getting a little fatter? Truth told, you are looking good either way, and today we learn how to talk about that in Portuguese.DialogueA: Você vai comprar essa camisa? B: Não, estou gorda, hoje não quero comprar nada. A: Você não está gorda, e essa camisa é linda, mulher. B: Tá, o G eu vou provar, mas o GG de jeito nenhum.A: Are you going to buy this shirt? B: No, I’m fat, I don’t want to buy anything today. A: You aren’t fat, and this shirt is beautiful, girl. B: OK, I’ll try a large, but there is no way I am going to try extra large.
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Beginning 14: Everything is More Expensive

We hate to say it, but unfortunately things are more expensive. That’s just the way it’s going to be. At least in this lesson we can moan and groan about it a little bit in Portuguese.DialogueA: Uma dúzia de ovos por favor. B: Tá bom, 5 reais. A: O que é isso, são ovos, não diamantes. B: Sei, mas infelizmente está tudo mais caro.A: A dozen eggs please. B: OK, 5 reals. A: What’s that, they are eggs, not diamonds. B: I know, but unfortunately everything is more expensive.
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Beginning 12: Let’s Take The Subway

Oh man, when we talk about how crowded the subways can be in Brazil, we really mean full. Put a smile on your face, squeeze in a little tighter, and plan on meeting new people in a personal way. In today’s lesson we learn about talking about subways, and suggesting that we take the subway.DialogueA: Vamos pegar o metrô? B: Essa hora não, está muito lotado. A: Eu sei, mas é mais rápido. B: Tá bom, vamos. A: Let’s take the subway? B: Not at this hour, it’s really full. A: I know, but it’s much faster. B: OK, let’s go.
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Beginning 13: These Mangos Are Great

One of life’s most satisfying pleasures is to spend time at open outdoor markets, the feiras, as Brazilians call them. The sellers are amazing. They know exactly when the fruit will be ripe and they can help you choose the best one available. There’s also an art to how to settle on a price. In today’s lesson, we learn how to buy some mangos, one of the classic fruit treats that are found at feiras.DialogueA: Ô moço, essas mangas estão boas? B: As espadas estão ótimas. A: OK, me dá umas 6 dessas. B: Tá, mais alguma coisa? A: Não, obrigada.A: Excuse me, are these mangos ripe? B: The “espadas” are great. A: OK, give me 6 of them. B: OK, anything else? A: No thank you.
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Beginning 11: I’d Rather Walk

So, should we walk or take a taxi? On one hand, plan on walking more in Brazil. On the other hand, taxi are not every expensive, especially with a small group of people. In today’s lesson we talk about walking and taking a taxi. And, it is a good chance to introduce you to the verb preferir ‘to prefer’ too.DialogueA: A gente chama um táxi? B: Não, eu prefiro andar. A: Mas é muito longe. B: Tá bom, pode chamar então. A: Should we call a taxi? B: No, I’d rather walk. A: But it’s really far. B: OK, you can call a taxi then.
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Elementary 08: Finding The Taxi Stand

It is one thing to ask where the taxi stand is, but it is another thing to understand the response. A good part of understanding these instructions is related to how well one understands those pesky adverbs of location (e.g., to the right, to the left, etc.). And that is the objective behind today’s lesson.DialogueA: Com licença, você sabe se tem uma parada de táxi aqui perto? B: Você está vendo aquele prédio azul, ao lado do banco? A: Sim. B: Se não me engano, lá em frente tem uma. A: Tá, eu desço aqui então? B: Não, se você pegar essa rua à direita é mais perto. A: Obrigado, viu? B: De nada, é fácil, é só descer essa rua à direita, não tem como errar. A: Excuse me, do you know if there is a taxi stand close by here? B: Do you see that blue building, next to the bank? A: Yes. B: If I’m not mistaken, there is one in front over there. A: OK, so do I just go down here? B: No, if you take this road to the right it will be closer. A: Thanks. B: No problem, it’s easy, you just go down this road on the right, you can’t miss it.
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Elementary 07: No Class Tomorrow

So the word for Wednesday in Portuguese is something like ‘fourth market.’ OK, looks like we need to learn how to count the days of the week. In today’s lesson we learn about scheduling times to meet with a teacher, including days of the week.DialogueA: Por hoje é só. Até amanhã. B: Desculpa professor, mas amanhã eu não posso. A: Tudo bem. Você quer marcar para outro dia? B: Que tal se a gente continuar na quarta? A: Bom, deixa eu ver, tá, pode ser. A mesma hora de sempre? B: É, das oito às nove e meia. A: Você quer que eu leia o capítulo doze? B: Não, vamos continuar revisando mais uma vez o capítulo onze. A: That’s it for today. See you tomorrow. B: Excuse me professor, but I can’t do tomorrow. A: OK. Do you want to schedule for another day? B: How about if we continue on Wednesday? A: OK, let me see, yes, that can work. The same time as always? B: Yes, from eight to nine-thirty. A: Do you want me to read chapter twelve? B: No, let’s keep on reviewing chapter eleven one more time.
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Beginning 10: Your Sister Is Beautiful

Not only is Paulo’s sister beautiful, looks like Paulo thinks he is pretty good looking too! In this lesson we learn how to give a complement, and ask someone what he or she thinks about things. Grammatically, we take on possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, etc.).DialogueA: Nossa, Paulo, sua irmã é linda! B: Você acha? E o irmão dela? Lindo também, não é? A: Você tem outro irmão? B: Não, só eu! A: Wow, Paulo, your sister is beautiful! B: You think so? And how about her brother? Good looking too, right? A: You’ve got another brother? B: No, it’s me!
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Beginning 09: What Do You Do For Work?

We sincerely doubt that Paulo has some secret government job, but at least in this lesson you will learn how to ask people what type of job they have.DialogueA: Paulo, você trabalha em que? B: Sou espião do governo. A: Você não é jornalista, não? B: Cuidado, vou ter que te matar.A: Paulo, what do you do for work? B: I’m a government spy. A: You aren’t a journalist? B: Careful, I might have to kill you.
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Beginning 08: Do You Have His Mobile Number?

Wow, how long are those phone numbers in Brazil! Don’t worry, in this lesson we break it down into smaller chunks. And yes, Brazilians do say ‘celular’ for all types of mobile phones.DialogueA: Você tem o celular do Carlos? B: Peraí, tenho sim. É 4805-1265. A: Aqui do Rio, não é? B: É.A: Do you have Carlos’ cell? B: Wait a second, yes I do. It’s 4805-1265. A: Here in Rio, right? B: Yeah.
Episode Artwork

Intermediate 02: Marquinhos Wet The Bed Again.

Ah yes, the challenges of potty training our children. Is my child normal? When is the right time to start? Am I doing anything wrong? This lesson gets us into this topic, and all in Portuguese of course.DialogueA: Ô Antônio, o Marquinhos fez xixi na cama outra vez. Já não sei mais o que fazer. B: Bom, eu nem sei, até que idade é normal que criança faça xixi na cama? A: Sei, não. A Marina me disse que criança até 5 anos ainda pode fazer xixi uma ou duas vezes por semana. B: Então, o Marquinhos está nessa faixa ainda. Agora, no caso dele, você acha que ele faz sem querer, ou é só preguiça dele mesmo? A: Não sei, viu? De dia não tem problema nenhum. É só a noite mesmo. E de dia ele já vem correndo até da casa dos amiguinhos. B: Bom, acho melhor então não entrar em pânico ainda. Vamos começar evitando que ele tome líquidos depois das 18 horas. Vamos ver se isso ajuda, né? A: E eu acho super importante também valorizar cada noite que ele passa sem fazer xixi. Eu poderia preparar um calendário para botar adesivos, umas estrelas para premiar cada noite que ele acordar, não e? sequinho. B: Concordo, a gente não pode ficar com raiva, nem xingar ele, ou humilhá-lo, não é? Acho que com tempo, isso se resolve sem maiores problemas. A: Sim, é verdade.A: Oh Antonio, Mark wet the bed again. I don’t know what to do anymore. B: Well, I’m not even sure, up to what age is it normal for kids to wet their bed? A: I don’t know. Marina told me that kids up to five years in age might still wet their bed one or two times a week. B: So, Mark is still within that range. Now, in his case, do you think it is on accident or is he just being lazy? A: I don’t know, you know? During the day he has no problem. It’s really just at night. During the day he even comes running in from his friend’s house. B: Well, I don’t think we need to panic yet. Let’s start my making sure that he doesn’t drink any liquids after six o’clock. Let’s see if that helps, right? A: And I think we need to praise him for every night that he doesn’t wet the bed. I could make a calendar where we put stickers or stars to reward him for every night when he wakes up, you know, dry. B: I agree, we don’t want to get upset, or make fun of him, or embarrass him. I think that with time this will take care of itself without any other big problems. A: Yes, it's true.
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Intermediate 01: Sweetie, I’m Pregnant.

Morning sickness, cravings, wow, there are a lot of things that happen when a woman becomes pregnant. In this lesson we learn about how to talk about all of these things. And we sure hope that other fathers catch on quicker than the one in this dialog!DialogueA: Você está bem? Parece um pouco pálida. Não sei não, hein? B: Não, não estou doente. Estou bem, não é nada. A: Você comeu alguma coisa que te fez mal? B: Não, mas toda manhã estou com náuseas, e depois a sensação passa. A: Bom, toma essa água. Você quer que eu te leve ao médico. B: Não, não é preciso. Olha, o que eu quero mesmo é chupar mais desse limão. A: Mas se você está doente, é melhor que você não coma tanto. B: Querido, eu não estou doente. A: Olha, OK, acho melhor você ficar em casa hoje. Não vai para o trabalho. B: Querido, eu não estou doente. A: Meu bem, eu posso ligar para seu chefe se você quiser. B: Como é possível que você não esteja entendendo? Escuta aqui, eu não estou doente, viu? A: Então, que que é? B: Querido, eu estou grávida! A: Você está o que? B: Eu estou grávida!A: Are you OK? You seem a little pale. I don’t know, you know? B: No, I’m not sick. I am fine, it’s nothing. A: Did you eat something that was bad for you? B: No, but every morning I wake up feeling nauseous, but then the feeling passes. A: OK, drink this water. Do you want me to take you to the doctor? B: No, that is not necessary. Look, what I really want is to keep on sucking on these lemons. A: But if you aren’t sick, it would be better to not eat so much. B: Sweetie, I am not sick. A: Look, OK, I think it would be better to stay at home today. Don’t go to work. B: Sweetie, I am not sick. A: Dear, I can call your boss if you want me to. B: How is it possible that you are not understanding? Listen here, I am not sick, you get it? A: So, what is it then? B: Sweetie, I’m pregnant! A: You are what? B: I am pregnant!
Episode Artwork

Elementary 06: How Many Languages Do You Speak?

Since you are trying to learn Portuguese, it only makes sense that we have a lesson on how to say the names of other languages too. And that is what today’s lesson is all about.DialogueA: Quantas línguas você fala Orlando? B: É difícil dizer. Falo mais português e espanhol. A: Mas que outras línguas você fala? B: Um pouquinho de alemão, italiano, e o chinês. A: Você não fala francês não? B: Entendo alguma coisa, mas falar é mais difícil.A: How many languages do you speak Orlando? B: It’s hard to say. I speak more Portuguese and Spanish. A: But what other languages do you speak? B: A little bit of German, Italian, and Chinese. A: You don’t speak any French? B: I understand some of it, but speaking it is more difficult.
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Elementary 05: I Love Feijoada

In today’s lesson we learn how to talk about one of the most characteristic foods of Brazil, feijoada. Think of a black bean stew with lots of different meats and the serve that over rice. You’ve got it, and for meat lovers, it is hard to resist.DialogueA: Você gosta mesmo de feijoada, não é? B: Adoro, principalmente nessa época do ano. A: Mas você não acha que é muito pesada? B: Um pouco, por isso que eu coloco com umas fatias de laranja. A: Eu também não resisto, e me dá um pouco mais dessa farofa aí vai. A: You really like feijoada, don’t you? B: I love it, especially this time of year. A: But don’t you think it’s kind of heavy? B: A little, that’s why I have it with these orange slices. A: I can’t resist it, and give me a little more of this farofa, OK.
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Elementary 04: What Is Today’s Special?

Sure the daily specials are good too, but it is hard to beat the usual, which in today’s lesson is a cheese bacon burger with fries and a soft drink. Learn about how to invite your friends to try something new to eat.DialogueA: Ô Carlinhos, qual é o prato do dia? B: Hoje tem bife à milanesa com arroz e feijão. A: É? Como é? É bom? B: É muito bom, você quer experimentar? A: Obrigada, prefiro o mesmo de sempre. B: X-Bacon, batatas fritas, e um guaraná bem gelado, não é? A: É isso mesmo.A: Hey Carlinhos, what is the daily special? B: Today is breaded steak with rice and beans. A: Yeah? How is it? Is it good? B: It’s really good, do you want to try it? A: Thanks, I prefer the same as always. B: Cheese bacon, french fries, and a super cold guaraná, right? A: You’ve got it.
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Elementary 03: You Can’t Keep Working Like This

Sometimes we just can’t get away from our work. But really, is it more important than taking a break to go out to lunch with friends? In this lesson we learn about how to invite others to lunch. Hopefully you will be able to accept the invite, unlike Paulo in this lesson!DialogueA: Ô Paulo, você não quer almoçar? B: Obrigado, hoje não. Acho que vou ficar aqui trabalhando mais um pouco. A: Mas, você tem que comer também, não é? B: Depois, tem mil e uma coisas pra fazer aqui primeiro. Vai você, eu como depois. A: Tá bom, mas você não pode trabalhar o tempo todo. Assim não dá. B: Eu sei, é só hoje. Realmente, eu preciso terminar esse projeto. A: Hey Paulo, don’t you want to go eat lunch? B: Thanks, not today. I think I’ll stay here working for a little longer. A: But you’ve gotta eat too, right? B: Later, there are a million things to do here first. Go ahead and go, I’ll eat later. A: OK, but you can’t work like this all the time. It just won’t do. B: I know, it’s just for today. Really, I need to finish this project.
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Elementary 02: Which Bus Should I Take?

Large cities in Brazil have thousands of public buses, all of them with complicated routes, hundreds of bus stops, and tons of different schedules. In this lesson we learn how to ask what streets a bus will go down, super practical information to for those who will be traveling in Brazil.DialogueA: Com licença, esse vai pela Morato? B: Não, esse vai pela Avenida Vital Brasil, até o Instituto Butantã. A: Tá. Você sabe qual que eu devia pegar? B: Pela Francisco Morato? Pode pegar o 702C. Ele passa aqui mesmo nessa parada. A: Tá bom, obrigadoA: Excuse me, does this one go down Morato? B: No, this one goes down Avenida Vital Brasil, until the Butantã Institute A: OK. Do you know which one I should take? B: Along Francisco Morato? You can take the 702C. It stops right here at this bus stop. A: OK, good, thanks.
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Elementary 01: Did You Sleep Well?

6:30am can seem so early sometimes! How about we sleep a little longer, OK? Learn how to ask what time it is, and while you are at it, suggest that we sleep just a little more.DialogueA: Bom dia, você dormiu bem? B: Mais ou menos. Que horas são? A: Seis e meia, ainda é muito cedo. B: Vamos dormir um pouco mais! A: Tá, mais um pouquinho só.A: Good morning, did you sleep well? B: More or less. What time is it? A: Six-thirty, it’s still really early. B: Let’s sleep a little more! A: OK, just a little more.
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Beginning 07: How Old Are You?

Maybe socially we shouldn’t ask everyone their age, but after this lesson we will at least know how to do so, for those occasions when it is OK to ask. While we are at it, this lesson also gives us a nice introduction to the ver TER (to have) vs. ESTAR COM (to be with).DialogueA: Quantos anos você tem Paulo? B: Adivinha. A: 27 ou 29, por aí. B: Acertou, estou com 27 anos.A: How old are you Paulo? B: Take a guess. A: Around 27 or 29. B: You got it, I am 27 years old.
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Beginning 06: Going To The Movies?

Everyone is going to the movies, and Susana is going too. Do you want to come along? In this lesson find out how, and while you are at it, learn all about the verb IR, (to go).DialogueA: Quando vocês vão ao cinema? B: Daqui a pouco, você quer ir? A: Não sei, a Susana também vai? B: Vai sim. A: Ah, então eu também vou.A: When are you going to the movies? B: Pretty soon, do you want to go? A: I don’t know, is Susana going too? B: Yes she is. A: OK, then I’ll go too.
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Beginning 05: Anybody Home?

Anybody home?!!!! In this lesson we learn how to ask if anyone is home and we also get some hints about what Brazilians say when they invite someone to come into their home. Don’t worry, we are sure that they will tell you to make yourself comfortable.DialogueA: Ô de casa! B: Quem está aí? A: Sou eu, Paulo. Posso entrar? B: Pode, fica à vontade.A: Anybody home! B: Who’s there? A: It’s me, Paulo. Can I come in? B: Sure, make yourself at home.
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Beginning 04: Where Are The Kid’s Clothes?

Modern shopping malls in Brazil are called, shopping. Be careful however, because it is easy to get lost in the maze of floors and corridors. In today’s lesson, learn how to follow the instructions to get to the children’s clothing section on the fourth floor.DialogueA: Com licença, onde ficam as roupas de criança? B: No quarto andar. A: E como que eu chego até lá? B: O elevador está ali, ô.A: Excuse me, where are children’s clothes? B: On the fourth floor. A: And how do I get there? B: The elevator is right over there.
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Beginning 03: Where’s The Bathroom?

It’s one thing to ask where the bathroom is, but it is another thing to be able to understand the directions that are given too. In this case, is the bathroom on the left or on the right? Learn how to ask for directions, and then follow them as well.DialogueA: Com licença, onde é o banheiro? B: Lá atrás, a segunda porta à esquerda. A: Obrigada. B: Ah desculpa, é a segunda porta à direita. A: Excuse me, where’s the bathroom? B: Back there, the second door on the left. A: Thank you. B: Oh, excuse me, the second door on the right.
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Beginning 02: Greetings

Let’s see how Paulo is doing. Because when he is doing fine, we all feel better. In this lesson we learn how to ask people how they are doing. Even better, we learn how to respond to that question too.DialogueA: Tudo bem Paulo? B: Tudo, e você? A: Também, melhor agora, né? B: Que ótimo.A: How are you doing Paulo? B: Fine, and you? A: Me too, better now, right? B: How nice.
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Beginning 01: Where Are You From?

So where are you from? In this lesson we find out that Paulo is from Rio. And the young lady that he is talking to, she is from Brasilia, what some people call “Brazil’s big sky” country. Learn how to ask where somebody is from.DialogueA: Você vem de onde Paulo? B: Aqui do Rio, e você? A: Eu sou de Brasília. B: Dizem que o céu lá é enorme, não é?A: Where do you come from Paulo? B: Here in Rio, and you? A: I am from Brasilia. B: They say the sky there is huge, right?