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Lessons of a Lashpreneur

English, Finance, 1 season, 296 episodes, 5 days, 16 hours, 26 minutes
Hello My Fellow Lashpreneurs! - Are you toying with whether you should venture out on your own to start your very own lash business? - Have you been an independent contractor or room renter for a while, but stumped on how to build a larger clientele...or even better, one that's willing to pay full price? - Have you booked yourself solid with an amazing clientele and are overworked, exhausted and frustrated that you have no life outside of lashing? - Are you sick of Groupon clients? - Are you tired of working harder and not smarter? - Are you an accidental business owner and are clueless about the ins and outs of running a business? If you said "YES!" to any of those questions, then you have come to the right place my friend! The Lashpreneur is for those of you looking for answers, guidance and practical tips that you can implement into your lash business TODAY to START, BUILD, and GROW a thriving Lash Business on your own terms! Also check out for all sorts of lash biz golden nuggets and how we can work together to take your lash biz to the next level! I welcome and congratulate you on taking the first step towards stepping into your badass business self! Have a good one! Tara
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Marketing Funnel Explained

Are you struggling to attract clients to your beauty business and feeling overwhelmed by marketing? Many beauty business owners believe that consistent Instagram posting is the key to success, but there's much more to effective marketing. In this episode, we break down the marketing funnel — an essential concept for turning strangers into loyal clients! You'll learn about the levels of the funnel, how to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that fits your unique business, and practical tips for each stage. If you've been feeling like your marketing efforts aren't paying off or if you're ready to take your business to the next level, this episode could be exactly what you need! 🗓️ Keep an eye out for our upcoming "Know Your Numbers Masterclass" on August 18th. Registration opens on August 5th! Don't miss this chance to join us as we delve deeper into the marketing funnel, helping you increase sales and profitability in your business! You can also get your Ultimate Beauty Biz Prep + Planning Guide on See you!
7/22/202425 minutes
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Discover Your Breakeven Pricing so You Stand a Chance of Staying Afloat!

Just imagine — it's the end of another long day. You've poured your heart into creating stunning lashes for your clients. Your back aches, your eyes are tired, but you feel that sense of pride in your work. Then you sit down to look at your finances and... uh oh. Something's not adding up.  Sound familiar?  Maybe you're wondering why, despite being fully booked, you're still struggling to pay the bills. Or perhaps you're just starting out and feeling overwhelmed by all the costs involved in running a lash business. Nobody teaches us the nitty-gritty of pricing when we're learning to perfect those lash applications. That's why today, we're diving into a game-changing topic: break-even pricing. Understanding this could be the key to transforming your lash business from barely surviving to truly thriving. 🍃 In this episode, we'll break it all down in a way that's easy to understand – no advanced math skills required! We'll cover: How to calculate your total expenses, including both business and personal costs Why it's crucial to factor in your own pay when pricing your services How to determine realistic working hours that won't lead to burnout The simple formula for figuring out your break-even price per client If you want to follow along and really visualize what we're discussing, head over to for the worksheet to guide you through calculations. And get your Beauty Biz Prep + Planning Guide on 🗓️ Also, if you want to take this even further, mark your calendar for August 18th. That's when I'm hosting the Know Your Numbers Masterclass LIVE! We'll dive deeper into making your business profitable, and I guarantee you'll know by the end whether your business is profitable or not, or your money back! 🤭
7/8/202421 minutes, 1 second
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Common Mistakes New Beauty Biz Owners Make with Coach Magda Ciercura

Hey there, Lashpreneurs! I'm really excited about this week's episode because I've got Coach Magda with me, who's been a coach in our program for the longest time!! She's got so much insight to share, especially since she comes from a beauty biz background herself. Magda spent 17 years in the dental field before deciding, at the age of 43, to pursue a career in the beauty industry. She found a need for a lash artist who understands the needs of mature clients, and that's when she found me at the very beginning of her lash artist journey, and the rest is history! In this episode, we covered a lot of ground, from understanding your target market and strategies for attracting more clients to the pivotal role websites play in establishing your credibility. We also discussed the importance of streamlining your booking process (cos why wait for approval when instant confirmation can make all the difference? 🫢) And let's not forget about the often overlooked power of clear policies. ‼️ ALSO — Coach Magda shared her #1 tip that you absolutely need to hear. It’s a game-changer for anyone wanting to run a successful beauty business! 🤓 So be sure to tune in! P.S. For those of you in the exciting phase of starting your beauty business, I've created a FREE guide called the Prep and Planning Guide. 👀 This comprehensive resource covers everything from picking a name to reserving social media handles, along with a handy inventory list to help you budget effectively. Head over to to download your copy and get that A to Z steps for getting your beauty biz up and running smoothly!
7/1/202444 minutes, 24 seconds
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Well-Oiled Machine of a Business is a Series of Processes

In this week's episode, we're talking all about ✨processes ✨. Processes are the step-by-step guides that help your business run smoothly. They're like the recipes that ensure you get the same great result every time you bake your favorite cake. 😉 But many salon and beauty owners I've worked with find creating processes a bit daunting. 🫤 It's not something that comes naturally to everyone.. You might already have processes in your business, but maybe you haven't been intentional about documenting, improving, and optimizing them. Refining your processes can streamline your business, making it more efficient and effective. It's akin to equipping your business with the tools to manage everything from marketing and operations to customer service effortlessly. So, if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or unsure about where to start, I’m here to help you get on the right track! Make sure to tune in! 📣 If you have a team or are curious about building one, I've got a private podcast series just for you!! 💝 💝 💝 It's called "Build a Team, Live Your Dream," and it consists of 10 episodes — this series isn't publicly available, but I'd be happy to send you the link! We'll cover everything from the CEO (or employee to CEO mindset), to assessing labor costs for your team, the hiring and onboarding processes, leadership, emotional regulation as a leader, and the do's and don'ts of building a team. You'll also hear from the coaches in our team building programs about how they've scaled their businesses, stepped out of the treatment room, and successfully led their teams! If you want this link, it's only available at
6/24/202421 minutes, 43 seconds
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Creating a Business by Design

Hey lashpreneurs! Do you ever find yourself looking at successful people and wondering, "How did they do it? Why can't that be me?" It can feel inspiring, but at times, you also long for that success, right? In this week's episode, we explore these feelings and the power you have to create the life and business you dream about, — starting with action and intention. You don’t have to sit and wait for things to happen; you can take control and make them happen! Join me as I delve deeper into these ideas and learn how to create a business by design. This episode is filled with inspiration and practical advice to help you move forward towards the life you’ve always wanted! ALSOOO, if you would like to experience one-on-one coaching with me for FREE? Yes, you read that right, F-R-E-E! I’d love to have you on my podcast and give you the opportunity to receive personalized coaching — we’ll talk about your business, and I’ll coach you through ideas and strategies to help you get unstuck. Plus, you'll have the chance to share your journey and insights with our audience, so they can learn from your experience too! If this sounds like something that will help you and your biz, head over to to apply! I can't wait to connect with you!  
6/17/202429 minutes, 2 seconds
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How To Blow Up Your Reviews In Your Business

Have you been struggling to get reviews or don’t know how to ask for them? Or maybe you’ve been wanting some tips to build up your social proof? Well, you’re in for a treat because in this week’s episode, we’re diving into just that. I know a lot of business owners find it challenging to get reviews from clients. It can feel awkward or daunting to ask, and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. But here’s the thing - everything you do in your business should be strategic, and reviews are a crucial part of your marketing strategy!  So in this episode, I’m going to cover: Why reviews matter so much and how they can make a big difference for your business. Which reviews are the most impactful. How to ask for reviews in a way that feels natural and comfortable. Tips to encourage your clients to leave reviews right away. The best places for your clients to leave their reviews. If this sounds like something you need, then this episode is for you!! Get ready to take some notes! 😉 P.S. I invite you to join me for a FREE one-hour business training in my Overlooked to Fully Booked masterclass. You’ll learn the three biggest mistakes beauty business owners make, how to keep more money in your business, how to create financial freedom for the lifestyle you want and so much mooore. Register for one of my upcoming class and see how your beauty business can support your dream lifestyle! Visit Can’t wait to see you there!
6/10/202419 minutes, 39 seconds
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Legalities of Owning a Salon with Tina Alberino

I'm sure you're all buzzing with questions about the recent FTC rule change. I've been getting your messages and thought, why not bring in an expert to shed some light? So, in this week's episode, we're lucky to have Tina Alberino, who many of you might already be familiar with. She's here to talk about all things legal when it comes to owning a business in our industry! She will cover the new FTC rule, the ins and outs of non-compete agreements, the risks of misclassifying employees, and much more. This episode is all about understanding the importance of staying informed about labor laws and ethical business practices, especially as your business grows. Be sure to tune in for some valuable insights! If you want to dive deeper into the topics we covered today, you can find more information on Tina's website at and join her Facebook group at where you can post questions anonymously and get expert advice on salon management, employee and client service, and ethical business growth!  Connect with her on Instagram @thisuglybeautybusiness
6/3/202441 minutes, 17 seconds
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How She Turned Her Passion into a Thriving Business with The Lashpreneur Society Member Ayla Agecoutay

Hey Lashpreneurs! In this episode, we’re thrilled to have Ayla Agecoutay, a proud member of our Lashpreneur Society!  Ayla’s story is truly inspiring — she’s someone who’s driven by passion and isn’t afraid to seek out the support she needs to grow.  She faced challenges and significant financial fears, but she found strength and confidence through her involvement in the Lashpreneur Society.  This support and sense of community were sooo important for her as she made the brave leap to fully running her own business. It's a powerful reminder of how important it is to surround yourself with the right people who can lift you up and guide you when you’re unsure of your next steps. For anyone feeling a bit lost or unsure about what to do next, Ayla is a prime example of how valuable it can be to lean on a community that understands your challenges!  If you're new to business and want to understand how successful businesses operate, want to learn about marketing or just don’t know what to do next — we have a FREE training for you! The Overlooked to Fully Booked Masterclass! Just head over to and register for an upcoming class! We also have a Q&A session where you can get all your questions answered.  
5/27/202423 minutes, 43 seconds
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This Perspective will Transform your Client Experience

On this week's episode, we're going to tackle something a lot of business owners overlook — seeing your business from your customers' point of view.  I know how easy it is to get caught up in the everyday grind, managing operations, and keeping the finances in check. But think about it — do you really know what your business looks like from the outside?  We're talking about that first moment someone sees your ad or checks out your social media, to the way they feel when they walk out of your salon.  Every step in this journey tells a story to your customers and plays a big part in whether they decide to come back or even spread the word about your services! If you're interested in learning about policies to help communicate clearly when a client is unhappy, set expectations, and manage other aspects of your business, head over to We've put together a bunch of different sample policies there that can really help you streamline these processes!
5/20/202416 minutes, 44 seconds
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Game Changing Investment into Learning How to Build a Team with Coach Victoria

Hey Lashpreneurs! This week on the podcast, I invited Coach Victoria back where we discussed all things scaling a business from $100,000 to multiple 6 and 7 figures! Our discussion delved into the transformative experiences we've both had with hiring business coaches, how this decision can dramatically change the way you manage and expand your business, and how to know if a coach is full of 💩 or not. PLUS — the Top 5 Reasons why investing in getting business support through coaching is how you uplevel your business! I know building a team or deciding to hire might seem a bit daunting as your business expands. AND It's natural to need help when the demands start to outpace what you can handle alone… Adding a team allows you to provide more services, take on more clients, and ultimately increase your profits. And bringing a coach on board? They make sure that this expansion is well-organized and consistent with your long-term goals! They help simplify the growth process, making it more manageable and successful. 😌 So If you’re at a point where you're unsure of the next steps, it might be time to consider how a business coach could help steer you towards your business vision!  🚨 This week, I have my FREE LIVE Build a Team, Live Your Dream Masterclass ! There will be 3 class dates — Wednesday (May 15th), Friday (May 17th) and Sunday (May 19th) Go to and find a class that will work best for you! If you've hired before and it just hasn't worked out well or you don't know if you're profitable or you've never hired before and you want to do it the right way, this masterclass is for you! See you in class!
5/13/202441 minutes, 8 seconds
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How She Knew that Hiring was the Next Step for Her Business with Society Xcelerator Ashley Higgins

Hey Lashpreneurs! We're back again with another returning guest - Ashley Higgins, member of our Society Xcelerator program!  This time, Ashley dives into why she saw hiring a team as the next crucial step for her business. She opens up about feeling burnt out and lacking support, and how our program and having a team have been instrumental in her progress. She even touched on her deep emotional connection with her clients. It was such a great conversation that it actually led to a quick live coaching session with her!  If you feel inspired by Ashley’s story and you're planning to hire soon, I'd love for you to join me inside my FREE "Build A Team, Live Your Dream" Masterclass! It's happening on the week of May 13th, with three classes to choose from.  Registration is now open at See you in class!  
5/6/202446 minutes, 20 seconds
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What it Means to Invest In Yourself and In Your Business with Society Xcelerator Lauren Isaako

In this episode, I had an eye-opening conversation with Lauren Isaako, one of our members inside Society Xcelerator program, where she shared her journey of growth and self-discovery. You might remember her from a previous episode, but this time around, she's got a whole new story to share that will surely inspire you! From overcoming her perfectionism to building a thriving team - Lauren became emotional reflecting on her past, particularly her first appearance on the podcast, and how much has changed since then. But hey, she made it through all those hurdles! 🙌 She shared her experience about her first hire and how our program, Society Xcelerator, along with having a coach by her side, really guided her through the process. Lauren stressed how much this investment has helped her - the guidance, the accountability, all of it. And you know what? It totally paid off! She's crystal clear on her business goals now, has a solid grip on her finances, and can make those tough decisions with confidence, especially when it comes to growing and managing her team! It's amazing to see how her mindset has changed and how she views her past experiences in shaping her growth. AND what's even more amazing is that she didn’t just sit back and wait for things to happen — she's actually investing in herself, getting guidance, and putting in the work to grow and succeed. So if you’re interested in how to build a team legally and profitably, I have my FREE 'Build A Team Live Your Dream' Masterclass on the week of May 13th! We will be having 3 classes so you will have the option to choose which time and day works best for you! Registration opens on May 1st! Just go to  See you in class!
4/29/202456 minutes, 23 seconds
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Difference Between Hiring A Team Member With Intentions Through A Process VS Without

In today's episode, we're joined by Natalie Wallen one of our Momentum Mastermind members and who has been in this industry for about 18 years already! I’m so happy to have her here to share with you how she has been crushing it as she's implemented the strategies and processes we teach in Society Xcelerator and in the Momentum Mastermind while hiring her new team member. She can clearly see the difference between her new hire and the other team members. 👀 Natalie's gonna spill the beans on why hiring with intention — based on mission, vision, and values — is an absolute game-changer AND how it has positively impacted her business! And hey, If you're planning to hire or have already done so but  feeling like things aren't clicking, I've got your back with a sweet little hiring guide. Just head over to and grab the "Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Your First Hire”.
4/22/202424 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Overcome the Top 3 Fears When Hiring a Team

Hey Lashpreneurs! This week's episode is something special — I'm sharing a glimpse into one of our coaching sessions within the Society Xcelerator. And if you aren’t familiar yet, this program is where we teach our members how to hire legally and profitably. In this specific coaching call, we went through a mindset shift around fears associated with hiring. It's a topic that's incredibly relevant both when it comes to building your team and in running your business overall, and so I'd like to share this with you!! I'm sooo excited to share this transformative conversation that’s all about addressing fears, shifting mindsets, and empowering you to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with confidence. And in this program, we're all about getting intentional with our decisions by diving deep into our financials and understanding the data behind our businesses. Because let's face it, we're not moving forward with just emotions — we're using the data to drive our success. 😉 If you are interested in hiring or thinking about hiring and you want to know what you need to know before hiring, grab my top 10 questions to ask before your first hire guide! Just go to Also, feel free to DM me 'hire' on Instagram, and we can discuss your hiring plans or any challenges you're facing with hiring.
4/15/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Prepare for Your First Hire

Are you thinking about expanding your team or hiring your first team member but not sure where to start? Well, you're in luck! This episode's here to guide you through the hiring maze with ease. 😌 We talk about the pitfalls of traditional hiring practices and the right approach to hiring to really identify the right fit for your business. Learn about the legalities, why lengthy in-person interviews may be counterproductive, how to streamline your hiring process without compromising on quality, job offer AND key questions to ask yourself before making your next hire, ensuring a seamless fit for your team and business goals and needs. I’ll walk you through everything you need to know! 🌐 Grab your Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Your First Hire guide 👉🏽 🌐 Register for my Know Your Numbers Masterclass to know if your business is PROFITABLE and how you can INCREASE your profitability 👉🏽 Feel free to reach out with any questions or podcast topic suggestions! (I’m always in my DMs 😜) And If you are planning to hire a team but need support so you can do it the RIGHT WAY — DM me #hire on instagram @thelashpreneur ALSO, don’t forget to follow @lessonsofalashpreneur for more podcast content and mindset tips. 🫡
4/8/202427 minutes, 53 seconds
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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Hey Lashpreneurs! Today's episode is all about keeping your finances in check and making sure you're not leaving money on the table. 💸  We're getting into accounting and why it's important to have a solid understanding of where your money is coming from and where it's going. Streamlining your financial processes and having a crystal-clear system for tracking income and expenses can completely transform how you manage your business. AND with accurate financial data at your fingertips helps you make smarter decisions about pricing, budgeting, and growth strategies.  Basically, you're setting your business up for ✨ success ✨, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – growing and thriving in your industry.  I’ll also talk about how booking software integrated with payment processors can make your life a whole lot easier and save you from the headache of manual bookkeeping. Because let's face it, overcomplicating things can be a nightmare for your bottom line. 🫣 Curious to know if your business is profitable and how you can increase your profitability? Be sure to register here 👉🏽 
4/1/202427 minutes, 1 second
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Best of... Why You Must Do an Instagram Cleanse

In episode 2 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur I shared with you about how lash artists are killing their chances with the Instagram algorithm by prioritizing popularity over profitability. This is not how you should be utilizing social media for your business. You need to prioritize profitability over popularity.  You are using social media marketing in a way that's actually making it harder for you to get clients finding them on social media If you are constantly concerned about your number of followers more than the quality of your posts – then you have got things backwards. So I wanted to bring back an episode from 2019 that I've referenced at least 10+ times in the last few weeks that some of you may never have heard so you can start to really understand how to start attracting actual clients to your business using Instagram.   In this week’s episode I’m going to talk to you about: What big mistakes you are making in your social media marketing How to maximize your exposure and your effort And, how to get clients off your app and into your business   To do all this – you need to start with an INSTAGRAM CLEANSE!!!   But I’ve finally reached 1,000 followers, why would I do an Instagram cleanse??! I can practically hear you crying this from reading the title of this episode alone. But it’s okay, I’ll explain all. Get ready, because in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur I’m going to get REAL honest about how an Instagram cleanse is essential for the growth of your business.   Why do I need an Instagram cleanse? If they are not a potential customer of yours – or they’re a dude! Or a bunch of tweezer manufacturers…or anyone who is NEVER going to be your customer, then they are not helping you extend your reach or purchase from you. So, if you have 1,000 or 2,000, 8,000 followers and you own a solo brick and mortar business – you have a lot of clicking ahead of you.   If they are never going to be your customer – then ELIMINATE them.   You’ve got to get real. It’s no longer social media for your personal use. We want to get our marketing in front of the right people. All these fake followers, tweezer manufacturers, lash brands are all people getting in the way of people who would actually want to become a customer of yours.   I don’t care about popularity, I don’t care about numbers and I hope you don’t either.   If you’ve gone from 1,000 followers to 100 followers because of this cleanse, then you now have 100 potential clients that your posts are more likely to show up in their feeds. Not those 1,000 people who have no interest in your business. That does nothing to grow your business and it wastes your time. So stop wasting your valuable time coming up with posts, editing photos, crafting captions, getting the right hashtags, to then have nobody see your posts!  That’s because the only people that like your posts are other industry professionals, lash brands and beauty industry. And, that does NOTHING to grow your business. You all DM me and say that social media doesn’t work. Well if I go into your social media account and the first thing I find is industry pros, or anything that says, lash, hair or make-up in the name, then I know you are not targeting the right followers – and that is why your social media is not working.   It doesn’t matter who you follow. It’s about who follows you.   How does the Instagram algorithm actually work? Instagram sends out your post to a test section of your followers. If that test sample shows that people engaged with your post, then the algorithm will send it out to another test section of your audience. The more valuable it is, the more likely it is to show up in more of your followers’ feed. If that test section doesn’t engage, then it won’t get sent out to more people.   Instagram works off engagement.   If you spend longer in the app you are going to get more exposure to ads – so Facebook/Instagram can charge more to advertisers. That’s how they make their business. Instagram’s social reach is between 1-3%. If you have 100 followers, only 1-3% will actually see your posts. For our Instagram account, we have 30,000 followers and our reach is way less than 1%. The more followers you have can actually work against you.   But we have a really targeted audience – and we are constantly cleansing. It may sound harsh, but that’s how the algorithm works.   Go back to episode 2 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur – How You’re Killing Your Chances With The Instagram Algorithm to learn more about how Instagram works.   Why am I not getting engagement? If you’re not using any captions, or hashtags, and are not responding to comments and are just posting an emoji of a butterfly 🦋 and a close-up eye shot👁️, then of course you are not building engagement. What am I supposed to engage with? Do I reply with a caterpillar emoji?? 🐛. That’s not engagement. 🙄   What about other lash artists that follow me and engage? I can’t get rid of them? Yes, all those lash artists and friends may be great for community, but how are you supposed to get accurate data on what posts are successful and connecting with customers if it is getting watered down by lash artists who are engaging with you on EVERYTHING.   You need to eliminate ANYBODY and EVERYBODY who is not a potential customer. Even if they are your supportive Auntie who lives in Boca – they have got to go.   It’s not personal, it’s business. Let your friends follow your personal account or pick up the phone and call you. Your social media marketing is supposed to create a relationship with the customer. To do that – you need to hear from them and find out what they want.   Do they want to know your story? Do they want before and after shots? Do they want inspirational quotes? Do they want community?   We can’t know any of that – without that data. Data is everything if you want to grow your business. How can you make informed decisions about how to market to a potential customer if you don’t know what it is they want to see or hear from you if you are not getting accurate data? If you want to know what potential customers want from you –  and you can’t experiment with that – until you have the right audience. Lash artists are drawn to all those close-up eye shots. But, potential customers aren’t. You will keep thinking this is what your audience wants and keep posting more and more eye shots. What you really need to do is find out what it is your audience wants, but you have all these other people muddying up the waters. I know I keep telling you to engage with your audience – but you have the WRONG AUDIENCE.   So, if you have low engagement you either have the wrong audience and the wrong followers or they don’t value your posts.   You can find out which, by doing an Instagram cleanse.   How do you remove followers? I know some of you are going to resist this and I challenge you to DM me and tell me “hang on I’ve already taken off 200 followers and I haven’t found a difference?” Well, let me tell you, we have had so much success with members going through and being BRUTAL with eliminating followers and cutting 8 or 900 down to 200. AND… They’ve said; “I’m getting more engagement and more interaction from people I didn’t even know were potential customers and I’m getting DMs.” Trust me, there is a method to my madness.   How do I start? Go to your profile page on your app Click on number of followers Tap on that number On the right-hand side, you’ll see three little dots Tap that and you should have the option to remove follower If you don’t, you’ll have to go into their account and block that follower instead   Wait, blocking is way too harsh? If you block them, you won’t even come up when they search for you. And, if that sounds harsh – well it doesn’t matter as they aren’t ever going to be your customer. Plus, they don’t know that you’ve blocked them. I recommend for any spammy manufacturers you just block them.   What will happen once you cleanse your Instagram account? Once you’ve cleansed your customers into actual potential customers, you will start to notice an increase in engagement, more traffic to your website, views on your stories – all those good things you want from social media because you have the right, targeted audience. You’ll start getting true data about what your audience wants from you. Then, you’ll start getting real engagement. More of your posts will be getting seen and more DMs will start coming your way.   You need to utilize social media so you can get a return on your time and energy it takes to post. Start getting numbers that translate into dollars.   Go do your cleanse and let me know how it works for you over on my Instagram account! ALSO - this week is our last week for accepting applications for the Momentum Mastermind! If you are interested in growing and scaling your business to multiple six and seven figures with a team, head on over to to schedule a call with me and let's talk about the program!
3/25/202418 minutes, 10 seconds
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Meet Our Business Coaches - And Listen in on What It's Like to Be a Coach

Welcome back to another thrilling episode! 👋🏼 This time, I'm joined by our incredible business coaches, Coach Victoria and Coach Danielle, and let me tell you, we've got quite the lineup for you today!  We're digging into their journey to coaching in our programs, how our coaching is very different from other business coaches', giving you a sneak peek into what really goes down during our retreats and sooo much more. We are here not only to dish out strategies but also to help you overcome those tricky mindset obstacles that can hold you back. We're all about creating a safe space where you can be authentically you, free from judgment, and full of support and growth. 🫶🏽💕✨ So if you’re interested to know more about Momentum Mastermind — our highest level of support and coaching — you can apply for the program and jump on a call with me to learn how this can transform your team and your business 👉🏽 💌 Applications close March 25th for this next round of enrollment! If you have any questions, you can always hit me up in the DMs @thelashpreneur!  
3/18/202453 minutes, 16 seconds
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6 Weeks in our Hiring Program, The Xcelerator, and She's Almost Fully Out of the Treatment Room!

This week, we've got a special guest, Megan Leger from Southern Lash Co. and a member of my business coaching program, Society Xcelerator! She's dropping some real talk about hiring the right way — no more just bringing in pals or fam. Sound familiar? We've all been there! 👀 We dive into the nitty-gritty of setting clear professional boundaries,  pointing out that personal connections don't always translate well into a work environment. 🤷🏼‍♀️  Megan opens up about her quest to find the perfect coach for her beauty business, highlighting the game-changing impact of having someone who truly understands the industry. Listen to her share how these made achieving work-life balance easier for her! If you're nodding along and dreaming of that work-life balance, just like Megan, and been wanting to build a team — hit me up on Instagram at @thelashpreneur with #hire, and I’ll spill more details about this program! 🤗 And Psst! Applications for Momentum Mastermind are open until March 29th! This is our highest level of support and coaching for building out a kickass team and stopping trading YOUR time for money and start growing your business without growing your time spent in it! Learn more about this program and apply here:
3/11/202439 minutes, 31 seconds
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$h!t Hit the Fan When My Daughter Broke Her Leg: How to Problem Solve When There's Too Many Problems

In this week’s episode, I open up about my recent ski trip ⛷️ disaster during my 40th birthday celebration (which you may already be aware of if you’ve been following me on Instagram). What started as a dream getaway turned into a challenging situation when my daughter had a skiing accident. I share the raw experience of dealing with unexpected problems, from lift ticket issues to a broken leg. It's a real-life account of how I coped with overwhelming moments and found strength in vulnerability. I also discuss what I noticed on social media during this experience and how it can offer valuable lessons for marketing your business. Join me in this episode for a genuine and relatable journey through life's challenges! PS. Momentum Mastermind Applications are now open thru March 30! Visit to schedule a free call with me to see if this program is the right next step to scale your team to multiple six and seven figures!  
3/4/20242 hours, 9 minutes, 29 seconds
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I turned 40! And Here’s the List of 40 things I've learned about biz and life in 40 years - Part 2

Welcome back to another round of life lessons with yours truly. 🤗 If you haven't caught ✨ Part 1 ✨ yet, hold the phone and hop on over to last week's episode as I’ve shared the first half in there!  So in this episode, we're talking about everything – from smart business moves and marketing hacks to personal growth, relationships, and keeping our heads in a good place. We’re gonna have a real chat about how sleep impacts every aspect of our lives, how we're all a work in progress (our personalities included) 😌, and the game-changing power of choosing positive thoughts. But that's not all — you gotta stay tuned for more wisdom and insights packed into this episode! AAAND as your birthday gift to me 🤪 - if you find some gems that hit home, snap a screenshot, share it with us on our podcast Instagram account, and tag @lessonsofalashpreneur. Let's have a chat about what spoke to you the most!
2/26/202444 minutes, 50 seconds
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I turned 40! And Here’s the List of 40 things I've learned about biz and life in 40 years - Part 1

Hey Lashpreneurs! 👋🏼 Get ready for a birthday bash here on the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show! In this special episode, I'm spilling the beans on 40 years of life and business wisdom - and guess what? This is just Part 1! 👀 We're talking about the language of business, overcoming challenges, and the real deal about success. And, of course, we'll chat about finding balance between work and, you know, living. 😉 Tag or DM me on @lessonsofalashpreneur while you’re tuning in! Take a screenshot and share your biggest takeaway, what resonated with you, or had the most impact from this episode. 🎧 Sharing your thoughts would mean the world to me — it's the best birthday gift you could give!  
2/19/202440 minutes, 6 seconds
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This ONE Policy will Avoid MANY Pissed Off Clients (One time emergency)

In this episode, I’m addressing why your cancellation policies are pissing your clients off and how to avoid losing clients over it including my genius "one-time emergency" policy that not only protects your income but also builds trust with clients. I share personal experiences that led to the creation of this business boundary-setting policy, ensuring a win-win for both parties with an emphasis on the importance of clear communication and enforcing policies to maintain a sustainable and successful business long term. Tune in to discover how to handle last-minute cancellations gracefully while minimize lost revenue and pissed off clients. Here’s the key takeaways of this episode:  Understand the purpose of cancellation policies and how to enforce them (people pleasers - you’re going to want to hear this!). How to head off any unhappy clients BEFORE there’s an issue and how to best communicate policies so everyone is on the same page. GAME CHANGER - Introducing the "one-time emergency" cancellation policy for a win-win-win solution for you, the business AND the client. 🚀 Grab your free example policies download at and finally take the emotion out of enforcing your policies! 🌟
2/5/202417 minutes, 2 seconds
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She Hired a DREAM TEAM Member Following our Processes inside of our Xcelerator Program

In this week's podcast, join me in a candid conversation with one of my Society Xcelerator students Sidney Graham, owner of Living Loved LLC,  who cracked the code to business growth through hiring her first PROFITABLE team member last year. Listen in as we explore Sidney's journey to hiring, navigating the challenges of delegation and the joy of reclaiming time. Hear just how having a proven step by step process of hiring and onboarding a new team member set Sidney up for repeatable success she can wash, rinse, repeat as her business continues to grow. The key highlights from this episode are: How following a proven process took a lot of the stress and costly mistakes off the table for Sidney so she could hire the RIGHT way!  The game-changing impact of understanding and leveraging your business numbers and which numbers matter when hiring a team member. How your business can be competitive in the hiring marketplace with a really streamlined and efficient hiring process. Feeling inspired? Don't miss our "Build a Team, Live Your Dream" masterclasses happening THIS WEEK so you can learn the 3 phases of hiring your first (or next!) PROFITABLE team member - the right way. Save your spot now as these free classes are only being held THIS WEEK Let's turn your business dreams into reality!  
1/29/202437 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tara Rant - Why Salon Suites Have Become So Popular

Hey lashpreneurs! 👋 Ready for me to shatter the myth that everyone in the beauty biz wants to rock a solo salon suite? 🤔  In my latest episode, I unravel the real reasons behind the Salon Suite trend and spill the tea on why business ownership is NOT necessarily the ultimate beauty industry dream. I spill the beans on the industry's shady (ahem and illegal) hiring practices and why they're steering professionals away from true success and stability to have a long career in this industry. 🚀 Plus, I've got the evidence that there are LOADS of talented individuals dying for great employment opportunities – they just need YOU to create them! In fact, you can hear it directly from legally classified employees of one of my long time clients - who LOVE their job and the work environment and culture they experience at Lashtastic Lounge in Kernersville, NC  - listen to their experience as employees who have ZERO desire to go out on their own on episode 230 HERE. 🌟 Exciting news: My MOST popular Team Building Training is BACK! Registration for my Free "Build a Team, Live Your Dream" masterclass kicks off on January 17th with class dates starting the last week in January. 🗓️ Register starting on Jan 17 at and get ready for a game-changing 2024!   
1/22/202417 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Create a Well Oiled Machine of a Business

Hey, Lashpreneurs! In this week's episode, I dive into the necessary “artistry” of creating a well-organized and efficient business - PROCESSES! We tackled the challenges of being a business owner tackling ALL THE THINGS, especially when starting from scratch. The key takeaway from this episode is hands down the power of processes – the backbone of a successful business - and how PROCESSES are what create a well oiled machine of a business and actually free you up to either take more clients or take less time in running your business. From handling finances effectively, streamlining customer service, to mastering your application and client results, I share just how processes lead to freedom and scalability in your beauty business. I challenge you to start to look at your business through the lens of processes to regain time freedom, get some mental bandwidth back so you’re not having to re-invent the wheel every single service, and start to create a well-oiled machine for YOUR business.  SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Mark your calendars for my most popular team building training "Build a Team, Live Your Dream" masterclass, where I’ll guide you through how you can take those processes that have built your business… hire a STELLAR team member and have THEM start to follow those processes you can stop trading YOUR time for money and start growing your business without growing your time spent in it! 2024 is your year of biz growth and gains - so don't miss out on this masterclass – registration for this class opens Wednesday, January 17th at I can’t wait to see you LIVE in one of my upcoming classes!
1/15/202419 minutes
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Steps to SOAR in 2024 in business (and in life!)

For the first episode of 2024, we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to rock your beauty business in 2024! We're talking making friends with the concept of failure and overcoming perfectionism, speaking the language of business to know what decision to make next in your biz, creating a killer customer experience and avoiding upset customers BEFORE they ever experience a problem, and the game-changing shift that happens in business when you can start to outsource and delegate time consuming to do’s. 🚀 If business has confusing, overwhelming, or you’ve been overworked and underpaid - this is a MUST LISTEN episode to kick off the new year with a reset in how to make this year - your best year ever cause… "If you don't know it,  you can't grow it." 🌱  Plus, mark your calendars! 🗓️ I'm beyond thrilled to announce the return of my most popular team building masterclass “Build a Team, Live Your Dream” happening the week of January 29th. 🎉 Registration swings open on January 17th—don't miss the chance to transform your biz in 2024 and get more time back!
1/8/202436 minutes, 6 seconds
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The 4 Things We’re Taking into 2024 (and the 8 things we’re not!)

In this final episode of 2023, I’m doing a deep dive on the 8 THINGS WE’RE LEAVING IN 2023 AND the 4 THINGS WE’RE TAKING INTO 2024 🚀  The importance of self-care takes the spotlight in this episode (and in LIFE), reminding us that a thriving business starts with a healthy and stable business owner! You can’t pour from an empty cup and I don’t know about you… but I’m tired of learning that lesson the hard way!  In this episode I’ll cover the most common pitfalls I see Lashpreneurs making in their businesses (and lives) including things like: Discounting without a plan/purpose Haphazard social media “marketing” (if you can even call it that) Throwing money at ads without understanding how they work Follow for follow trains (for the love of God STOP IT!!!) “Litter” Marketing And a few others that are the most common crap marketing advice out there! But never fear - I’ll simplify the 4 things that are an absolute MUST if you want to CRUSH it in 2024 in business and in life! So enjoy listening in to this final episode of 2023 - and happy holidays from Tara and Team Lashpreneur! Weekly episodes will be back in 2024! To listen to our Instagram Cleanse episode referenced in the episode, click here:  We’d love for you to leave us a review of what you love about this episode and what you’d love to learn more about in the new year:
12/18/202329 minutes, 32 seconds
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Check Out a Sneak Peek of my Secret Podcast

On this week’s episode I’m giving you a sneak peek of one of the episodes in my Super Secret 10-episode Team Building Podcast Series! In this sneak peek - I’m uncovering the salon and spa industry's most common and disastrous team building boo-boos. Brace yourselves, 'cause these missteps are all too common in our industry and some are illegal and MAJORLY COSTLY and BUSINESS BREAKING! From flaky (or non-existent) financial practices to hiring hiccups, it's a rollercoaster ride you'd rather not take. First, we exposed the “ruh roh’s” of failing to understand your business's financials. If the math ain't mathin' sis - you can't grow what you don't know! Then, we dive into hiring pitfalls, like favoring skills and experience over values and team culture fit…and I share the warm-body hiring mistake I see newbie employers focusing on which leads to a VERY people dependent (and unstable) business down the road. And don't forget about the dreaded "feelings-based decisions." As women, our emotions can be as unpredictable as a weather forecast and running a business and a team based on your mood of the day can spell trouble in attracting and retaining dream team players. If you're stuck in the treatment room and want to STOP trading your time for money, it's time to consider the other ways you can leverage your finite time and energy resources to maximize your business and income growth and this episode is going to have you avoiding all sorts of costly mistakes that rob you of precious time and profits! If you want to access the rest of the episodes in this free secret podcast, head on over to and get to binge listening the remaining 9 episodes STAT!  
12/11/202321 minutes, 37 seconds
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Escape the Time Trap - How to Stop with the “Never Enough Time” Dilemma

Welcome to another episode of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show! In this week’s episode we’re putting you into the driver’s seat of your life and aiming to put you in a place of power over where your time is spent so you can experience more TIME freedom and LESS guilt/shame/stress around all the things on that endless to do list!  I always love to know your thoughts about how this episode connected with you AND to see how y’all are listening to the episodes! Share your thoughts or show us where you’re listening to this episode on Instagram and tag us @lessonsofalashpreneur  Episode Highlights: Strategic Time Investment: We explore the pivotal role of evaluating where your time and energy is best spent to get a positive return on your “time” investment in growing your business. Team Building Dynamics: Discover the power of assembling and leading a high-performing team to amplify your business and get your time back! Perspective Shift on the “Never Enough Time” Belief: I challenge the belief of trading personal time for money and offer insights into where your time is genuinely best spent for YOUR LIFE. Client Lifetime Value: Learn how a one-hour marketing effort can translate into substantial sales increase over time, emphasizing the significance of long-term client relationships and team building! Empowering Moms in Business: As a fellow mom with young kiddos - I share practical advice for moms in business, navigating the delicate balance between personal and professional priorities. Join me as I passionately dissect the myths around time management, guiding entrepreneurs toward efficient business scaling without scaling your time IN the business. Drawing from my own personal experience, I’m a huge advocate for intentional decision-making, team empowerment, and aligning actions with long-term goals for every single one of you. Ready to have your business SOAR in 2024? If you’re ready to stop trading YOUR time for money and to start growing your business without growing your time spent in it - I invite you to apply for our Team Building programs at and we can connect on a 1:1 strategy call to discuss how you can regain control of your time and LAUNCH your business to new heights!  
12/4/202321 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Our 6-Figure Clients are Planning for 2024

Set your 2024 up for success by following what our multiple 6 & 7 figure clients do to goal plan and strategize major growth in their business with the latest episode, unraveling the keys to effective goal planning for your lash and beauty business. We dive into the significance of crystal-clear goals, dissecting how each decision either propels you closer or farther away from success and you’ll learn about the steps we teach our mastermind clients on how to make decisions much easier with long term, big picture goal planning. Highlights: 🚀 Master effective 1 year, 3 year and 10 year goal planning strategies. 🤝 Cultivate a compelling mission statement that helps you get clarity on what the next best step is for your business based on your goals. 🌟Learn how concrete, long term goals combined with a stellar Mission statement is a game changer for the growth of your business (and your current or future team!).  Ready to break free from trading your time for money and ready to grow your business and team the “right” way? Let’s grow your team together inside of Momentum Mastermind - start by applying for the Momentum Mastermind Program at Step into a future where your business thrives, granting you the freedom to savor success without sacrificing your time. If you’re interested in learning more about the VTO - Vision, Traction Organizer, check out “Traction” by Gino Wickman here:   
11/27/202330 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Breathwork Episode: This ONE tool changed my life

🎙️ Ready for a breath of fresh air? 🌬️ In this latest episode, we dove into the transformative world of breathwork, and I can't wait to share this incredible practice with you. It's like hitting the reset button for your soul. It helps you release deep-seated emotions, whether they're big or small, and allows you to find freedom and clarity in the present moment. I've had some extraordinary experiences with breathwork, from my first life-altering experience with Breathwork in Sedona during the pandemic to processing the aftermath of a divorce. This practice has been pivotal in my healing journey, and it can be for you too. It's a safe space to embrace all your emotions and reach for your higher self. You'll hear testimonials from clients of mine like  Victoria, Amber, and Danielle, and their stories are just a glimpse of the incredible impact of breathwork. They discovered a path to healing, personal growth, and a lighter, more balanced life. If you’re ready to explore breathwork and write your own testimonial, DM me "BREATHWORK" on Instagram @thelashpreneur and let's chat about this incredible journey. It’s like 10 years of talk therapy healing in one session! 🌟
11/20/202337 minutes, 13 seconds
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She Hired 8+ Team Members Last Quarter and Crossed the Million Dollar Mark Already with Momentum Mastermind Member Berlyn Ramirez

In this episode, we're diving into the amazing transformation of one of our Momentum Mastermind Members, Berlyn Ramirez, of Sugar & Glow Salon with 2 locations in Southern California. From a solo operator to a flourishing salon owner with two locations and a staff of 18! MAN has she got some valuable lessons to share on hiring for team culture and finding GREAT hires! AND she’s already crossed the Million dollars in sales mark as of October of this year!!! Highlights: Berlyn's revamped hiring process based on what we teach inside of Team Building Program, Society Xcelerator, unleashes team cohesion and profit producing team members! Listen to her personal growth wins through emotional regulation in the face of business challenges and how she navigates managing such a large team over 2 locations. Find out how processes in her business now lets her enjoy a work-life balance, where she’s no longer in the treatment room and is able to work ON the business and no longer IN it. You can experience similar transformations in your business. Just DM us on Instagram with the word #Hire, and let’s talk about your team building goals and challenges and see what processes your business may be lacking to get you (and your current or future team) to the next level! Berlyn's success story shows that with determination and the right support, you can turn your dreams into reality. So, let's chat about your journey today!   
11/13/202323 minutes, 48 seconds
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7 Lessons for 7 Years of Being the Lashpreneur - Anniversary Episode

It's been seven incredible years since I started this Lashpreneur journey, and in this anniversary episode, I'm sharing seven vital lessons learned during this WILD ride. I dive deep into the 7 takeaways these last 7 years have taught me about business and life. Simplify Marketing: Overcomplicating marketing often leads to scattered efforts. The secret is to find what works and stick to it. Know Your Numbers: Understanding and tracking your data is crucial for growth. It's all about making data-based decisions. Choose Your Perspective on Failure: Failure is not the end; it's a chance to learn and improve. Keep moving forward, and you'll never truly fail. Urgency is Relative: Urgency can lead to reactive decisions. Learn to manage and regulate it for better, more sustainable solutions. Shiny Object Syndrome: Shiny objects often cost more than they earn. Don't get distracted from the path you're on. Progress Over Perfection: Perfectionism can be paralyzing. Focus on taking action and learning as you go; progress is more valuable than perfection. Master Your Mindset: Your mindset is the ultimate key to success. Embrace the journey of becoming who you aspire to be. As we celebrate these seven years of Lashpreneur, I invite you to explore the Lashpreneur Society. Try it out with a 7-day trial for just $7 at Join our community of driven, supportive women and empower your business journey. Your dreams are worth pursuing now, not tomorrow. Cheers to your success! Now, let's continue this amazing journey. Join me in the Lashpreneur Society, and let's conquer your business goals together. See you there!  
11/6/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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Your 2023 Holiday Success Checklist

In this podcast episode, we dove into Your Holiday Success Checklist for a successful holiday season in your lash and beauty service business. Here's a quick summary: Plan Ahead for the Holiday Rush: Anticipate and strategize for the increased demand during the holiday season. Smart Marketing: Learn why you shouldn't compete with the retail giants on Black Friday and when to market your services effectively. Holiday Decor and Gift Cards: Spruce up your salon with festive decor and make sure you have gift card options in place. Client Appreciation: Consider when and how to show your clients appreciation without creating awkward expectations. Marketing Funnel: Understand the different levels of marketing strategies, from desire to interest to awareness. Boost Reviews and Referrals: Start asking for referrals and reviews from your clients. Emphasize Pre-Bookings: Encourage your current clients to pre-book their appointments to ensure you're fully booked. Raise Your Prices: If you're too busy or fully booked, consider a strategic price increase. For more in-depth insights and actionable steps to fully maximize your 2023 holiday season, check out the Holiday Success Masterclass mentioned in the episode inside of our Lashpreneur Society Coaching Program. Preparing your beauty service business for the holiday season has never been easier. Check out the Lashpreneur Society our signature program to help you go from overlooked to fully booked for 7 days for $7 at
10/30/202317 minutes, 8 seconds
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The TWO Questions to Ask in a New Hire Interview

Hey there, Lashpreneurs! 🚀 In today's podcast episode, we're going to spill the beans on the two MUST ASK questions you should always ask when you're hiring. Believe me, these questions can be total game-changers when it comes to building your dream team. Whether you're a seasoned pro at hiring, a newbie, or just thinking about it, these questions will save you time and help you find the perfect fit for your business. 🌟The 3-5 Year Vision: In the first phone interview, slyly pop the question about where they see themselves in three to five years. Sounds simple, right? But it reveals a lot. Do they want to grow with your company or have ambitions to start their own business? This can be a deal-breaker, and we'll tell you why. 🌟The 1-Year Gratitude Question: Fast forward one year from now. Ask them what they'd be grateful for if they've been with your company for that time. This question uncovers their real motivation and values. Are they all about the money, or do they appreciate your team's culture, mission, and job satisfaction? By using these questions, you'll spot the right candidates who'll embrace your company's vision and vibe. And here's the deal: If you're ready to learn more about assembling your dream team and stop trading your precious time for money, and you want to stop trading your time so you can start growing your biz without growing your time spent in it - you can apply to jump on a free team building strategy call with me and talk about your team building goals at This episode is a total must-listen! You won't believe how much it can revolutionize your hiring game. 🎧💡  
10/23/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Unleashing Your Potential - Lessons from Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

🎙️ Hey there, my amazing podcast fam! 🎧 Have you ever found yourself chasing a goal so hard that you're practically holding your breath until you achieve it? Well, that used to be me too, until I had an incredible revelation that I just had to share. In this episode, we dive deep into me getting WAAAAAY outside of my comfort one at my very first team CrossFit competition experience as a newbie to Crossfit (only been serious about it for about 2 months), where I discovered that the journey matters WAY more than the results. 🏋️‍♀️ I've learned that focusing on who you're becoming along the way is far more rewarding than any end result. 🕒 Tune in at [2:20] as I share the initial doubts and fears I had before the competition began. Spoiler alert: I was way out of my comfort zone! 🤩 Then, head over to [6:32] to hear about the power of consistency. Even when I didn't place first in every event, our team's consistency and resting your key people made all the difference. 💪 Finally, in [11:40], I discuss why embracing the journey can lead to more lasting fulfillment and growth. So, my fabulous pod friends, I invite you to listen to the full episode and take a step towards embracing the journey in your own life. And if you enjoyed this episode, please do me a huge favor – hop over to iTunes and leave a review. Your feedback means the world to me! 🌟 Until next time, keep rocking those goals and enjoying every step of the journey. 💃🎉  
10/16/202317 minutes, 12 seconds
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How I Mastered my Mindset AND Overcame Anxiety

Let's dive into this week’s episode where I'm sharing my personal journey of the three key steps that have transformed my life, helping me conquer anxiety, prioritize self-care, and cultivate a positive mindset. 🌟 Prioritize Self-Care: I've been there, relying on unhealthy habits to cope with life's challenges. Discover how neglecting self-care can lead to self-sabotage and the crucial steps you can take to break free. 🌟 Understanding Your Brain and Hormones: Learn how to navigate the chemistry of stress and happiness to your advantage. Uncover the power of hormones in controlling your emotions and find natural ways to boost your well-being. 🌟 Changing Your Self-Talk: I'll share how altering the way you talk to and about yourself can be a game-changer. Embrace self-compassion and positive self-talk to rewire your mindset for success. Episode Highlights: [2:07] Prioritizing self-care to break free from self-sabotaging behaviors. [6:07] Exploring the role of hormones in managing stress and happiness. [13:20] Transforming your life through self-compassion and positive self-talk. Ready to take charge of your life and work on your mindset? Grab my Mind Your Business Mindset trainings for just $11.11 - an exclusive promotion for my podcast listeners! It's time to thrive and empower yourself! 🚀  
10/9/202322 minutes, 29 seconds
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Unmasking Social Media: Why Follower Count is Overrated

In today’s episode, we dive deep into the world of social media marketing and debunk some common myths. I spill the beans on why follower count isn't the be-all and end-all, and why obsessing over pretty pictures might not be doing your business any favors. We explore how to create content that truly resonates with your ideal clients and why authenticity reigns supreme. I share some invaluable insights into the marketing funnel, showing you how to guide potential clients from strangers to loyal customers. Discover why follower count is not the ultimate metric in social media marketing and why engagement matters more. Learn how to create content that resonates with your ideal clients and the importance of authenticity. Gain insights into the marketing funnel and how to guide potential clients from strangers to loyal customers. Find out why profitability should be prioritized over sales and how successful businesses use diverse marketing channels. Discover how you can supercharge your beauty business by signing up for my free Overlooked to Fully Booked Masterclass. Don't miss out – head to now to secure your spot in the next class! It's time to level up your biz skills. 💪🌟  
10/2/202319 minutes, 24 seconds
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Results vs. Transformation: Why the Journey Matters Most

Welcome to the latest episode, folks! Today, I'm spilling the beans on my wild four-month ride with CrossFit, where I even dared to sign up for a competition. But you know what? This journey has taught me something priceless – it's not about the trophies; it's about the transformation! We'll dig deep into the idea that the real magic happens when we step out of our comfort zones. In life and business, we often get caught up in chasing external achievements, forgetting that the true gold lies in becoming the best versions of ourselves. Comfort zones? Well, they're cozy, but they won't make you grow. The real growth happens when you venture out, even if it feels daunting, because that's where the real treasure lies. Remember, wherever you go, you take yourself with you! So, let's stop fixating on the results we desperately crave. Instead, let's celebrate the journey, even when it gets tough. The results? They'll naturally follow, but you won't be so hung up on them. Ready to step out of your comfort zone? Leave a review on iTunes, and let's inspire others to embark on their transformative journey today! 🌟
9/25/202316 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bad Hires, Toxic Team Members and Team Walkouts

Taking 100% responsibility for the results in your business is how you effectively problem solve any people or process issues! In this team building chat - we're diving into how to avoid bad hires, toxic team members and team walkouts. If you find you are consistently struggling with any of these challenges - YOU are the common factor sis - and YOU are also the solution to prevent these patterns from continuing on in your business. If you're interested in learning more about building a profit producing team with less stress so you can create a well-oiled machine of a team, DM #hire and let's chat about what challenges you're facing in growing a team! If you’re looking for a STELLAR payroll company to simplify your payroll processing and new hire onboarding - I can’t recommend GUSTO enough! It is the payroll company we use and recommend to all our team building clients - and you can receive $100 for running your first payroll with gusto by heading to    
9/18/202317 minutes, 56 seconds
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Hustle Culture Won’t Get You Paid

Join me and Team Lashpreneur Coach Victoria Parrish of Lashtastic Lounge for a chat on taking the stress and "hustle" out of running a business! Knowing your numbers is how you start to pay yourself and GROW your pay, your profits, and your progress as a business owner. Unfortunately - the toxic "hustle" culture is bred from an employee mindset that has you overworking and waiting for "someday" for you to get some freedom in your business.  So if you want more time/financial freedom - you have GOT TO KNOW YOUR NUMBERS! Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to sign up for my Know Your Numbers Masterclass at the discounted price of only $19 USD. The price goes up September 9th at midnight (New York Time). To learn more about this masterclass so you can TAKE HOME MORE PAY (and stop hustling so dang hard) head to  
9/8/202353 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Does A Biz Coach Know What You Should Do Next In Business?

“What lash training do you recommend?" "Do you think I'm ready to hire?" "Should I move into this new space that has great walk by traffic?" "I was thinking of raising my prices but I'm not sure if I should, what do you think?" How do I know how to support someone in coming up with the best answer to their business when every business is different? Data Based Decisions and Crystal Clear Goals - that's how! Join me for an inside look as I share just how I and my Team Lashpreneur Coaches are able to advise and support the growth of 100s of businesses all over the world to grow sales, decrease expenses and TAKE HOME MORE! And if you’re ready to learn how to Know Your Numbers so that you can TAKE HOME MORE - join me this weekend for my Know Your Numbers Masterclass happening LIVE this SUNDAY, September 10 at 11:00am Los Angeles times (yes, the replay will be available and you’ll have access to this training for life!)... AND IT’S ON SALE for only $19 usd (price triples September 9th at midnight)  Sign up for this training at  Inside this class you’re going to learn IF your business is profitable (and by how much) AND the exact action steps to take to INCREASE the PROFIT in your business so you can TAKE HOME MORE... OR YOUR MONEY BACK! In other words, if you don’t walk away from this class knowing if your business is profitable or not AND what your next step is to increase profitability in your business, all you need to do is email Rachel on my customer success team at [email protected] and I will happily refund 100% of your funds - no questions asked. PLUS you get to keep all the recordings and workbook!
9/5/202321 minutes, 31 seconds
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Top 3 Ways to Face Your Fear of Financial Failure

Tune into the latest episode "The Top 3 Ways to Face Your Fear of Financial Failure." In this real talk, I share practical steps to banish financial fears and boost your biz. From flipping failure to understanding money mindsets, let's break it down together.   Highlights: Choose your outcome, don't let it choose you. Define your fear, make it concrete, solve for it. Partners' or family’s opinions? Take 'em with a pinch of salt. A 4-step formula for a fearless financial mindset.   Get ready to make peace with your money monsters! Listen now and let's conquer those fears. 🚨NEW TRAINING ALERT🚨 Registration is now available for my Know Your Numbers Masterclass happening LIVE on Sunday, September 10th at 11:00am Los Angeles Time/2:00pm New York Time (7pm London/Sept 11th at 4:00am Sydney) To Register or Learn more about this Masterclass so YOU CAN TAKE HOME MORE CLICK HERE.
9/1/202319 minutes, 12 seconds
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Feelings, FOMO and Finances…The Trifecta of Stressed Out Lashpreneurs

Ready for a new episode on this week’s podcast - that's all about turning your beauty business into a profit-churning powerhouse? We've got just the podcast guest that'll inspire you to want to get off the roller coaster of emotions that running your business has you on! 🔮 Unveiling the Magic of Data-Driven Success! 🔮 We know, we know –finances and numbers might sound as exciting as waiting for your lash glue to dry. But what if we told you that mastering the art of data-driven decisions could transform your biz owner journey into a spellbinding saga of growth and prosperity? In our latest episode, we're spilling the secrets with none other than Dreama Destiny-Har, long time student of mind and current Momentum Mastermind member who is sharing just how much shifting her focus from feelings to facts has transformed how she runs her business!!   Episode Highlights: (05:33) Cracking the Code with Data: How making decisions based on real data can be the secret sauce to whip up success and growth in your lash business. (06:44) Emotions vs. Cold Hard Facts: Dreama spills the tea on her rollercoaster decisions, from space changes to service upgrades. Lesson learned: ditch the drama, embrace facts, and watch your life change. (13:20) Rocking Your Biz with Numbers: Unravel the mystery of "knowing your numbers" – it's not just jargon. It's about crafting a profitable business so you can actually be successful, not just faking success to impress. (14:07) Bridal Makeup Dreams and Data Driven Choices: Dreama shares about her quest to bring back bridal makeup services when the reality is that through dissecting data, brainstorming alternatives, and prioritizing time freedom and profitability - she actually surprised herself at what the data said! (25:06) Profit Boss and Time Freedom: Tara and Dreama reveal the magic trick to getting more time back in your business: boost profits and free up funds to outsource or hire. (27:53) From Math Misfit to Data Diva: Dreama's confession: numbers used to be scarier than Tammy Faye Bakker’s clumpy mascara. But guess what? Now she's jazzed about financial analysis. It’s like solving a puzzle that leads to more dough. (31:04) Party at the Know Your Numbers Fiesta: Tara unveils the Know Your Numbers Masterclass! Imagine decoding finances with the ease of ordering a latte. Psst, it’s a path to mega business know-how and moolah. (31:32) Roll Up Your Sleeves and Let's Learn: Tara and Dreama wrap it up with a friendly nudge: jump into the podcast, shake hands with the masterclass, and level up your financial wisdom. Your lash empire awaits!   P.S. 🚀 Are you ready to decode your financial fairy tale? Don't miss out on our upcoming Know Your Numbers Masterclass – where we make numbers as fun as a popping a new client’s full set cherry! Registration for this class kicks off on September 1st! If you want to be notified as soon as registration is open so you can lock in a special email discount on the class… head on over to and add your name and email to the waitlist!  
8/28/202333 minutes, 47 seconds
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Meet the Most Dedicated Member of The Lashpreneur Society - Takeydia Smith

Welcome back to another power-packed episode of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show! Today, we're diving deep into the incredible journey of Takeydia, a long time Lashpreneur Society member from Miami, Florida. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and ready to conquer your own lashpreneur dreams! 🎧 Listen to the episode here:   Here’s some highlights from today’s episode: [8:12] - Takeydia spills the beans on her favorite aspects of the Lashpreneur Society family. Learn how this tight-knit community is unlike any other in the industry, providing unwavering support and camaraderie that nurtures success. [10:41] - Discover the transformative magic that stems from connecting with like-minded women. Takeydia shares how receiving support from fellow business owners can be a game-changer, propelling your journey forward in ways you never imagined. [11:38] - Curious about the wealth of knowledge inside the Lashpreneur Society? Tune in to find out! Explore the wide array of business trainings and topics that Tara and her team cover, each designed to empower you on your entrepreneurial path. [13:17] - Join Takeydia as she traces her remarkable journey from a new business owner to a thriving solo entrepreneur and, most excitingly, her venture into the world of education. Learn how the Lashpreneur Society played a pivotal role in her growth. [15:34] - Brace yourself for a revelation! Uncover how the insights and strategies Takeydia gained within the Lashpreneur Society seamlessly translated into the development of her educator business brand. The power of knowledge knows no bounds! [17:46] - Still debating whether business coaching is your next step? Takeydia shares her invaluable advice. If you're standing at the crossroads, wondering whether to dive in, her perspective might be just the push you need.   This episode is jam-packed with wisdom, heart, and a whole lot of lashpreneur magic. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out on your journey, Takeydia's story will resonate deeply and inspire you to reach for the stars. So, grab your headphones, get comfy, and dive into this must-listen episode that's bound to ignite your lashpreneurial spirit! ALSO SAVE THE DATE! I’ve created a BRAND NEW TRAINING I’m teaching LIVE on September 10th called “Know Your Numbers Masterclass”. You’ve heard me talk about how important data-based decision making is in your business and I keep hearing just how confusing knowing your numbers and managing the money side of your business is - so I created this very easy to follow training so by the end of the class you’ll know if your business is profitable (or not!) AND one area to focus on in your business to INCREASE your profits! Registration for this class starts on September 1st! If you’d like to be notified when we open up registration - get on the waitlist here: and I’ll send you the link to register FIRST!
8/21/202321 minutes, 2 seconds
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BEST OF - The Money Mindset Episode You Have to Hear

I wanted to do a deep dive on money mindset and how the most toxic phrase thrown around in our industry is useless to help you grow your business and adjust prices. “Charge Your Worth” 🤮 What does that even mean? Have you ever stopped to think about how you would even go about charging your worth? I think most people giving that advice mean it to raise your prices, but if you don’t have any clients at your current pricepoint, raising your prices certainly ain’t going to help you make more money… but hey – at least you’re “charging your worth now”.   So on this week’s podcast episode – I’m sharing ACTIONABLE steps you can use to identify a profitable price point for your business.   I share how you can reframe the meaning money has in your life, how to reassign looking at money through the lens of what’s possible as opposed to your current circumstances, how to help your clients see the value of what you offer before you ever introduce price, AND keeping your money mindset out of your client’s pocketbook. This is one of those must listen to powerful mindset episodes that can really help challenge limiting beliefs around money that are so common in our industry.    Episode Highlights: [7:38] – Money is neither good nor bad [9:26] – Your treatment with money is a learned experience [12:41] – An exercise to change your perspective of money [18:19] – Your job is to make your client understand your service value [19:53] – The whole point of having a business is to make money NEW TRAINING ANNOUNCED: Mark your calendars for September 10th when I'll be hosting my "Know Your Numbers Masterclass". Too many Lashpreneurs are focusing on increasing sales and clientele, but losing money every single month and barely paying themselves! In order to pay yourself as the biz owner - your focus should be on increasing PROFIT and not necessarily sales. Registration for the masterclass will be opening soon - but if you get on the waitlist NOW - I'll be sure to send you a killer discount for you cause I like to reward ACTION TAKERS:
8/14/202328 minutes, 10 seconds
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I Don’t Want You To Know My Secret – But Here It Is! Meet my Coach James Wedmore

Well well well… I suppose this is about the time where you’re expecting me to tell you what my secret to building my business is. As you might already know, I transformed my in person lash business to a fully online, multi six figure business, with the help of this one thing… But before I tell you, it’s not exactly WHAT it is, it’s WHO it is… Yes people, on this week’s podcast episode, I am joined by my business coach and mentor, James Wedmore! I am so beyond thrilled to have him on the podcast this week because he has played a major role in helping me get to where I am today. In today’s episode we’re diving into three major key points: 1) Beliefs vs Facts 2) Overcoming Fear & Scarcity 3) How to Get Unstuck When You Feel beat down Now I will tell you, this episode is a long one, but it is an absolute must must must listen. In this episode, James shares the same critical mindset shifts that he has taught me in the past when I was first beginning my journey of entrepreneurship. These perspectives have changed my entire business… Heck, they’ve changed my whole life! I would not be the businesswoman I am today without the lessons that are taught within this episode. So let’s dive in!  To find out more about James, you can visit his website, follow him on Instagram at @businessbydesign, or listen to his podcast called “Mind Your Business”
8/7/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 57 seconds
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Coaching Corner – How to Get Started in Business as a New Lash Artist with Listener Sarah Anderson

I was recently asked by a new lash artist just how to get started in running a business once she’s got her license and I thought this would be a great opportunity to do some coaching for her on this week’s podcast episode! So I did just that! If you are new to running a business or heck – to the beauty industry in general – this call is going to be incredibly relatable! And for those of you who have been around for a hot minute – my guess is that there’s some tips and strategies that I’m going to share in this episode that will help you streamline your business and maybe even help future students of yours if you ever want to teach others to get going in the lash world!   Here’s some highlights from this week’s Coaching Corner episode of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show: [7:18] – Working with the end in mind [10:49] – Defining Success and how to get clear on what you’re working towards [13:14] – What is it Sarah is working towards as she struggles to get clarity on WHY she wants a business [16:21] – We define what Sarah’s Highest Value is in wanting to have a business of her own – Security [19:29] – How to tie money as a tool to create a plan to get the feeling of security [20:32] – The two ways to increase the profitability in your business [23:03] – How Tara looks at money and budgeting when it feels overwhelming [25:01] – Pricing conversations around money mindset [28:03] – Fill pricing is our bread and butter [29:58] – How many fill clients do you need to reach a monthly income goal [31:23] – Determining how many clients you need a day to reach your goal income [33:36] – How to control expenses in your business when you’re new [36:03] – Tips for new Lash Artists on supply ordering and artistry [38:22] – Clarity on what’s getting in the way of your business moving forward [41:28] – What to do when you’re a brand new lash artist to get practice   Would you like to get coached on an upcoming episode? If so – you can apply to come on the podcast to get Coached by me here:
7/31/202349 minutes, 20 seconds
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Coaching Corner: Getting Clear on your Marketing Process and Checking Your Ego at the Door with Podcast Listener Lilly Moore

I recently had a podcast listener, Lilly, write to me asking for help to get more clients. She shared she was having retention issues, and struggled to get clients who reached out via dm/text/email only to have them stop responding once she shared her prices. Sound familiar?   I invited her to come on the podcast to get some coaching and work through what may be happening in her business to get the lackluster results she’s been experiencing.   This episode helped her get clarity on what her current sales and marketing process is (spoiler alert – you ALL have a sales and marketing process you’re using – you likely just aren’t aware of what it is which means you can’t improve it) and where there’s room for improving her process to get closer to converting more clients. BONUS – in this episode I also share a killer influencer marketing strategy that I’ve never shared publicly before (shout out to Society members who have had this strategy for years!). We also hit on a major mindset shift that’s likely been holding Lilly back in how she runs her business and where her ego was actually preventing her from experiencing the beauty of what she does and the services she provides.     Episode Highlights: [19:17] – Create systems that utilize marketing styles with intention [30:55] – Attract the right audience suitable to your business [41:54] – Address client’s behavioral problems [50:57] – Separate ego from your output [55:50] – Set expectations and have conversations with clients from the get go
7/24/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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I’m Sneaking You into a Lashpreneur Society Coaching Call

In this week’s podcast episode I’m sneaking you into a recent Coaching + Coffee call that I host once a month inside of my group business coaching program for solo beauty biz owners, The Lashpreneur Society. Inside of this episode - you’re hearing real life coaching conversations from my members and getting a feel for how we tackle marketing, growth strategies, overwhelm, goal planning and simplifying your business’ growth!   Here are some of this episode’s highlights: [08:17] Member, Kimberly, asks if she should start planning holiday marketing now [14:48] Member, Georgette, asks how she should structure her booth rental agreements so she can go on maternity leave! [18:12] Member, Angela, is battling some major overwhelm and can’t figure out how to get more time back and quit her soul-sucking franchise job [55:59] Member, Shelby, lost 6 out of her 16 clients last month and is freaking out about how to replace them   If you’re ready to take your business from Overlooked to Fully Booked and you want to join us inside of The Lashpreneur Society, you can get access to our group business coaching membership for $7 for 7 Days. Click here to learn more and get started:
7/17/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 10 seconds
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Myth Busting the 3 Top Beliefs About Becoming an Educator

In this week’s episode we’re busting through 3 of the most common myths I find people have about becoming an educator! And if you’ve ever chewed on the idea of moving on from providing lash services to becoming an educator - I want to give you the real, real of what becoming an educator in our industry REALLY looks like. I’m going to share the 3 most common beliefs I hear from students and followers when they’re asking me about how they can become an industry educator.   Episode Highlights: [01:14] The Typical Lash Artist “Success Path” Beyond the Treatment Room [04:45] Myth #1: There’s more money in becoming an educator [10:31] Myth #2: I’ll be able to mentor and pour into a women’s professional development as an artist  [13:17] Myth #3: I’ll be able to travel the world as an educator [15:24] Marketing struggles in education [18:01] Building a team vs becoming an educator   If you recognize that maybe being an educator is NOT the solution for your next steps in business and you’re considering building out a team… DM me #hire on Instagram and let's have a chat about team building vs. becoming an educator. Together, we'll explore the possibilities and find the best path for your growth and impact!
7/10/202320 minutes, 58 seconds
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No More Detours! Find the Quickest Path to Success

In this episode I share my Google Maps analogy to explain the importance of clarity in achieving business goals that makes goal planning CLICK for my students. Without a clear destination, it's impossible to determine the fastest and most effective route to the successful business you’re trying to create. I’ll also help you get clear on defining success on your own terms and how it impacts decision-making and I’ll highlight the role of a coach in providing guidance and accountability.    Episode Highlights: [01:45] Introduction to the Google Maps analogy for business goals [02:30] Importance of clarity on the destination [03:20] Defining success in your own terms [04:49] The role of obstacles and adaptability [07:44] Making informed decisions based on the desired outcome [10:04] The value of having a business blueprint before exploring new ventures [11:17] Embracing clarity as the key to effective decision-making   I encourage you to gain clarity on your business goals before making important decisions by joining me inside of my Free Overlooked to Fully Booked Masterclass by registering for an upcoming class time at  
7/3/202313 minutes, 17 seconds
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Scarcity Sells: Mastering the Art of Limited-Time Discounts

In today’s episode, we dive into a powerful strategy to increase sales and create urgency in your marketing efforts. Understand the importance of communicating the value of your services and pricing them accordingly. You’ll also learn about the EFFECTIVE way to use discounts in your business using scarcity marketing and steps on how to implement them in your business cause creating a sense of urgency can prompt customers to make decisions they’ve otherwise been chewing on for months and months.  If you’re ready to stop trading your time for money and you’re itching to grow your business without growing your time spent in it - DM me #HIRE on Instagram and let’s chat about how you can stop trading time for money with building a team.   Episode Highlights: [05:23] Understanding the value of your services and pricing them accordingly. [10:01] Creating urgency with scarcity-based discounts. [10:46] The importance of attracting repeat clients for consistent sales. [11:40] Breaking down sales goals into actionable steps. [12:01] Overcoming mindset barriers and taking the first steps towards success.  
6/26/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Transforming Pain into Power: The Beauty of True Healing

Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery and acceptance in this enlightening episode as I share the transformative power of true healing and the beauty that lies within our scars. Many of us carry hardened shells over our wounds and childhood experiences, afraid to let them fully heal. But imagine a life where pain and fear no longer controlled our decisions, where emotional wounds become scars that no longer cause us distress. This episode offers hope and guidance, urging us to embrace our scars as symbols of strength and growth. Whether you've experienced Big T traumas or Little t traumas, this episode encourages you to acknowledge and accept your past, knowing that it has shaped the person you are today and that you don’t have to carry the pain and hurt with you. Take a step towards healing by seeking trauma-informed therapy or coaching or DM me if you’re interested in learning more about Somatic Breathwork which has been the most powerful tool I’ve used to overcome major fears, panic, anxiety and trauma.   Episode Highlights: Starting at [4:36], we explore the concept of “healing” and how most people label themselves as healed - but still make decisions from a place of pain and underlying trauma. Then, at [13:45], I unveil a definition of healing that has helped me overcome trauma, abuse, and “bite my nails until they bleed” kind of anxiety. And get ready for some serious inspiration as I share how the progress I’ve made on my healing journey has me making decisions in business and life not based on avoiding past pain - but from a place of self love and being empowered that I’m going to be ok no matter the outcome of a decision a personal story at [16:34] and how this is possible for you too.   Don't forget to share your thoughts and support the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes!  
6/19/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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Get the Inside Scoop on LashCon 2023 with Paul + Tussannee Luebbers

Get ready to take your lash game to the next level at Lash Con 2023 where I’ll be closing out the conference on how to Turn Inspiration into Action! In today’s episode, I’ve invited LashCon organizers and fellow Lash podcast hosts Paul and Tussanee Luebbers on to spill the beans on why attending conferences like LashCon is a game-changer for your career. We’ll chat about the power of networking with fellow lash professionals and the importance of implementing what you learn to fuel long-term growth. They also share their insights on personal reflection and celebrating your progress as a business owner and even how you introverts can maximize your Lashcon experience. Lash Con 2023 will be held in Anaheim, California, just a stone's throw away from Disneyland. With ticket prices starting at $647 and a budget-friendly payment plan available so there's no excuse to miss out! Rub shoulders with industry experts, uncover cutting-edge techniques, connect with like-minded lash lovers and MEET ME in person on October 14th-16th. Ready to level up your lash business? Head over to to register for Lash Con 2023 today. Don't wait, as tickets are selling like hotcakes! Secure your spot now and get ready for an unforgettable lash extravaganza. See you in Anaheim!   Timestamp Highlights: [16:23] The power of networking [25:37] Implementing what you learn  [41:51] Reflection and celebrating progress [46:20] Event details and ticket prices 
6/12/202349 minutes, 5 seconds
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Break Free from the Time-Money Trap: Building a Business Beyond Trading Your Time

In this powerful episode, we delve into the challenges that salon owners face and how they can break free from the time-money trap to experience true business growth and fulfillment. Join us as we uncover the mistaken beliefs that hinder success and explore practical strategies to overcome these challenges. Main Challenges Faced by Salon Owners: Overwhelm and Lack of Structure: Many salon owners wake up feeling attacked by the demands of their business, lacking a solid structure and accountability to guide their day effectively. Ineffective Team Management: Hiring team members who lack integrity, punctuality, or the ability to represent the brand properly can be a recurring issue, affecting the salon's reputation. Trading Time for Money: Salon owners often find themselves trapped in the cycle of trading their time for money, limiting their growth potential and leading to burnout. Bottlenecking and Mindset Blocks: Being the sole decision-maker and not delegating effectively can hinder business growth, while limiting beliefs can prevent salon owners from seeing their true potential. Overcoming Challenges and Breaking Free: Becoming a Student of Business: Acknowledge that running a successful salon requires continuous learning and development. Commit to expanding your knowledge and skills to lead your business effectively. Building a High-Performing Team: Learn how to build a strong, accountable team that aligns with your salon's values, ensuring they treat clients respectfully and represent your brand with excellence. Implementing Systems and Structure: Establish a solid structure and processes within your salon to create order and efficiency, allowing you to focus on strategic growth rather than constant firefighting. Shifting Mindset and Self-Worth: Detach your self-worth from the success of your business and cultivate a positive, growth-oriented mindset. Address limiting beliefs and embrace the belief that you are inherently worthy of success. Joining Momentum Mastermind: Discover how the Momentum Mastermind program can guide you in building a thriving salon business. Gain insights into team management, marketing strategies, scaling your business, and freeing yourself from the time-money trap. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 9th (TODAY!) Apply at If you're a salon owner looking to overcome the challenges of running your business, stop trading time for money, and start enjoying the growth and freedom you desire, this episode is for you. Join us in the Momentum Mastermind program to receive expert guidance, practical strategies, and a supportive community dedicated to your success. It's time to unlock your salon's full potential and build a business and life you love.
6/9/202326 minutes, 12 seconds
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Doubled Sales, Increased Profits and Working Less - It’s not a Myth - It’s a Mastermind Member!

Discover how Momentum Mastermind member, Irina Rudman, transformed her business and achieved remarkable success in just FOUR MONTHS of being in the Mastermind! By embracing a mindset shift and building an effective team, she doubled her sales, increased profit by 30%, and gained time freedom where she is taking more and more time off - and she’s actually has time to be bored?!? This inspiring episode unveils Irina's beauty biz journey and provides valuable insights for you lashpreneurs seeking business growth and more work-life balance by building a team.   Episode Hightlights: Learn how Irina doubled her sales and increased profit by 30% while working less. Explore the newfound time freedom that allowed Irina to prioritize family and have a personal life. Unveil the secrets behind Irina's success: investing in herself and her business. Learn how being more available to work ON the business, outside the treatment room, catapulted Irina's business. Hear Irina's advice on whether or not she would invest in herself again.   Time is running out! ⏰⏰⏰ Applications for MOMENTUM MASTERMIND are closing soon on June 9th, 2023. This is my 6-month Group Coaching program exclusively for those who want to scale their businesses and stop trading YOUR time for Money and enjoy growing your business without growing your time spent in it. So, if you want to take your business to the next level 🚀 and create a scalable business model, this is your chance! Apply for Season 4 of MOMENTUM MASTERMIND HERE:  
6/5/202345 minutes, 5 seconds
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From Beauty Biz Burnout to a Team of 8: Mastermind Member Kimberly Johnson’s Journey of Overcoming Overwhelm and Chaos

In this episode, Kimberly Johnson of Mandala Beauty in Lehi, UT, shares her inspiring journey from business burnout to growth through the Momentum Mastermind program. Join us as we explore the struggles of staying stuck and the breakthroughs that come from embracing change. Kimberly's story reveals the true discomfort of staying in your comfort zone, and the "nail" that kept her trapped in struggle and survival mode. Through the Momentum Mastermind, she found a supportive community that provided the motivation and courage to take steps towards healing, hope and healthy business boundaries. There is power in a community of like-minded women who want your success and growth as much as their own and Momentum Mastermind offers just that! Listen to just how Kimberly transformed her mindset, her marketing and her team management with the support of her fellow Masterminders that guided her and offered her support  during some MAJOR challenging times she faced in her business. If you're ready to break free from burnout and transform your business, Kimberly's journey is sure to inspire you. Tune in to this episode and discover just how you can STOP trading your time for money, build a team that works without your constant micro-managing and how you can feel confident and empowered to grow your business beyond the TIME you have to spend in it. Apply now for the Momentum Mastermind Season 4 and get the coaching, community and confidence to grow your business without growing your time spent in it! Apply by June 9th at   Episode Highlights: [07:44] Discover the transformative power of the Momentum Mastermind program.  [14:11] Uncover the reasons behind business burnout and the resistance to change.  [20:49] Learn how a supportive community can break the cycle of discomfort and provide motivation.  [25:32] Embrace the power of collective knowledge in overcoming challenges and making tough decisions. [32:52] Assess your business goals and determine if joining a mastermind is right for you.
6/2/202336 minutes, 35 seconds
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Behind Closed Doors: Real Talk with the Employees of Lashtastic Lounge

Today I’m doing something that I’ve NEVER done before… … and that is interviewing the team members of one of my former Momentum Mastermind members (and now coach) Victoria Parrish. Say whaaaaat? That’s right - her employees spill the beans on what it’s really like to work for Victoria, how the team culture is, and how their experience working for Lashtastic Lounge compares to the toxic work environments from their pasts. Hearing their perspectives was extremely eye-opening and a bit emotional. 😪  I’m always hearing beauty business owners say “it’s too hard to find good people”, or “all employees are lazy”,  but I want you to see that it is possible to build a team not only that you can TRUST, and that trusts and supports each other - but also a team that feels INSPIRED and PASSIONATE about their jobs because of the business owner’s ability to be an effective leader.    Episode Highlights: [29:32] What is a healthy team culture look like? [33:17] The best gift you can give your team as an owner is your own emotional regulation. [21:42] How the job description and interview process (that we teach inside of our programs) was unlike anything the team had experienced before.  
5/30/202341 minutes, 30 seconds
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Can You Work Less and Make More with a Team? Mastermind Member Susie Montanez Shares if it’s Possible

On today’s episode we are featuring Season 3 Momentum Mastermind member, Susie Montanez of Lash. in Twin Cities, Minnesota. Susie shares her journey of having a home based lash extension business, moving to a commercial location as a solo artist, then hiring her first team member and more recently - opening up a second location! Susie joined our high level coaching program, Momentum Mastermind, in January and so far… has increased her sales by 40% from last year AND Susie has pulled back to only working in the treatment room 2-3 days a week 🤗 as a result of what she’s learned and how she’s evolved inside of Momentum Mastermind.   Episode Highlights: [07:56] Susie’s journey to two locations and what led to her realizing she really needed help and support to learn how to grow her business with two locations. [10:08] The biggest impact Momentum Mastermind has had on Susie’s ability to handle the problems and challenges she was facing in building a team and pulling back on servicing clients herself. [18:27] Susie gives a sneak peek into a pivotal coaching conversation we had that shows how our FEELINGS lie to you… and how NUMBERS don’t lie.  [32:02] How Susie has stopped trading her time for money so she can grow her business without growing her time spent in it. [24:43] Susie shares how she underestimated how much growth she could have in her business this year inside of Momentum Mastermind and how she’s now ready to play a bigger game! [36:50] Lastly, Susie’s advice to those of you who are considering joining Momentum Mastermind   If you’re ready to stop trading YOUR time for money and start growing your business without growing your time spent in it - I invite you to register for one of my upcoming free Team Building class called “Build a Team, Live Your Dream” and learn  The #1 block multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses face and how to overcome it! Why working IN your business is costing you tens of thousands of dollars (or more!) Why your team is struggling to see you as an effective leader How to double or triple your business in the next year without double or tripling your time spent in it! Register for an upcoming class at  
5/26/202340 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Salon Walkout Happened - Right After She had a Baby - with Mastermind Member Demi Papastamatatos

Today’s episode is going to blow your mind!! In this episode, we sit down with Demi Papastamatos, owner of two lash studios in Denver, who experienced 3 EMPLOYEES WALKING OUT ON HER right after she had her baby!  Yes, you read that right. But don't worry, it's not all bad news. Demi joined the Momentum Mastermind program and got the SUPPORT she needed to turn things around and build a better business - with stellar employees - who align with her mission, vision, and values AND she knows exactly how she's going to minimize the possibility of a salon walkout from happening again. During our chat, Demi talks about how - prior to joining the mastermind - she made business decisions based of emotions and would REACT to problems that arise - instead of making decisions based on data and numbers from the business. Our Momentum Mastermind program helped Demi shift from being a reactive and stressed owner into an INCREDIBLE LEADER who has built a POSITIVE team culture where communication, accountability, and data guides everyone - especially Demi! Whether you manage a team of 1 or several, this episode is going to give you a different perspective on how to handle the obstacles that come up when managing a business and team - and still keep your sanity in the process… because a successful business is not the absence of problems. It is the ability to be able to handle them as they come up.   Episode Highlights: [10:50] YOU are 100% responsible for the results you experience in your business - good or bad. [14:19] The unexpected bonus of joining Momentum Mastermind. [16:50] What it’s like managing TWO locations as a beauty business owner AND new mom.   If building a team is something you’re passionate about and want help + support in making that dream a reality - then REGISTER NOW for one of my upcoming “Build A Team, Live Your Dream” Masterclasses! It’s my most POPULAR training for beauty business owners who are building their teams or are struggling with their teams. I will be hosting a handful of these classes, so you can find a time that works best for your schedule. Register for a “Build A Team, Live Your Dream” masterclass at:  
5/22/202322 minutes, 4 seconds
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Team Troubles and Profitability Woes: How This Business Owner Overcame Them All

In this episode, we dive into the inspiring story of  Danielle Wright, the owner of Organic Wellness Boutique - who joined the Momentum Mastermind program after realizing her business wasn't as profitable as she thought.  She encountered every challenge you can imagine with her team and business expenses, but through the mastermind, she gained valuable tools and awareness to focus on growth and improve her business. During this conversation, she shares her personal journey and discusses the importance of having data to make informed decisions. She also emphasizes the positive impact of setting boundaries and FINALLY being able to take TIME OFF for herself and her family. We talk about the benefits of joining the Momentum Mastermind program, including the power of COMMUNITY, SUPPORT, and COACHING to overcome fears and obstacles. It can truly be a transformative experience if you trust the process and invest the time needed to make your businesses successful!! If you're ready to take your business to the next level and experience your own transformation - no matter what it looks like right now - don't miss this empowering episode!    Episode Highlights: [13:40] Why creating structure in your business can cause team members to leave - and that’s actually a good thing! [22:53] Getting the respect you deserve as a leader and other perks of joining the Momentum Mastermind program. [32:42] Danielle’s advice to any business owner who’s struggling with their team or business right now.   If building a team is something you’re passionate about and want help + support in making that dream a reality - then REGISTER NOW for one of my upcoming “Build A Team, Live Your Dream” Masterclasses! It’s my most POPULAR training for beauty business owners who are building their teams or are struggling with their teams. I will be hosting a handful of these classes, so you can find a time that works best for your schedule. Register for a “Build A Team, Live Your Dream” masterclass at:   
5/19/202339 minutes, 31 seconds
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Money Talks: How to Build a Profitable Beauty Business

Let's get real for a sec. I know that crunching numbers and dealing with finances is not exactly the most exciting thing in the world… I mean, who wants to spend their Friday night looking at spreadsheets, amirite? But here's the deal - as a beauty business owner, understanding your numbers and tracking your finances is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL. Your owner’s pay comes from the PROFIT of the business. And in order to maximize your profit, you gotta focus on it from the get-go. That means understanding and tracking your finances like a hawk. Trust me, it will be worth it. And here's a little secret - your behavior around money doesn't magically change the more you make. Nope, you still gotta be responsible and manage your finances wisely - whether you’re managing $20,000 or $200,000. I know, it's not as fun as spending all your hard-earned cash on lash supplies and a fancy new chair, but it's what separates the successful beauty biz bosses from the ones who struggle. That’s why in today’s episode, I’m sharing the one thing you must know in order to get more time and money freedom, how to pay yourself by focusing on profit first, and how to get started with tracking your finances. I get it, dealing with finances can be a negative experience, especially when you don't know what the heck you're doing or are struggling every month to make ends meet. But the good news is that learning how to handle money is a skill that can be LEARNED. So let's embrace the numbers!! Financial management may not be the sexiest thing, but it's the key to building a successful beauty business.   Episode Highlights:  [6:08] What is profit? [7:45] Your behavior around money does not change the more money you make. [12:42] How you can stop trading your time for money.
5/15/202320 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Ripple Effect of Investing in Yourself

Welcome to what I’m calling “Lashpreneur Unplugged”.  In this inspiring and casual conversation, I sit down with my long time client turned Momentum Mastermind Coach, turned dear dear friend, Victoria Parrish and her husband, Chris.  In this episode, Victoria shares her journey of working with me -  starting as a 1:1 coaching client to becoming a Momentum Mastermind member and now our lead coach inside of our Society Xcelerator and Momentum Mastermind programs. It's a story of how support, hard work - and the power of breathwork - can transform your life. Victoria talks about her transformation and how the support and mentorship she received from working inside of our mastermind program has helped her to evolve both personally and professionally to experience less anxiety and more peace in her day to day life.  She explains how receiving coaching inside of our work together has allowed her to create the life and time freedom she always dreamed of, and how she is now able to give back and help others achieve their own goals whether it's thru her Charitable events that her business hosts, team retreats she's able to take her team at Lashtastic Lounge on, or by the work she's doing as a Lashpreneur trained Coach inside our team building programs Society Xcelerator and Momentum Mastermind! To give you a full perspective of her transformation over the last two years of working together, her husband Chris also joins us in the conversation, sharing his perspective on Victoria's journey and how he has seen her grow to become a more empowered business owner, and more present and less anxious wife and mom, and a woman who has found her purpose in helping women Unleash Their Feminine! This episode is more than just a cool story of one woman’s journey; it's a testament to what's possible when you have the right people in your corner and the support for getting you outside of your comfort zone and stepping into your purpose. Victoria's story shows us that with the right knowledge, mindset and support, we can overcome our obstacles and achieve INCREDIBLE things.   Episode Highlights: [17:14] The impact of breathwork and how incorporating breathwork into your routine can have a positive impact on your life and business. [34:01] What Victoria feels like she would have missed out on had she not started working with us. [32:45] Chris shares a message to anyone whose spouse/partner is considering joining Momentum Mastermind.  
5/8/202349 minutes, 46 seconds
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Beyond the Lashes: Retirement Planning For Beauty Industry Veterans

If you’re like most beauty business owners - once you’ve reached a comfortable level of success in your business where you are fully booked and making the income you desire to make - you start to wonder… What’s next? Will I continue trucking along doing this same thing for the next 10 or 20 years? What does retirement even LOOK LIKE for a lash artist?? Is building a team the logical next step? If not, then WHAT? That’s exactly what we’re talking about on today’s episode. My guest today is Natalie, a lash artist from the UK with 7 years of experience in the industry. She works from home and loves her clients, but also knows she doesn’t want to be taking appointments forever. She reached out to me because she was feeling stuck in what the next step was in her business that would allow her to stop taking clients while still bringing in income and setting herself up for retirement. She says: “In the UK, our retirement age is about 67. And I know that there's absolutely no way at 67 years old, I'm going to want to be service based. So I know I'm sort of 37 years [away from] this, but what's the point in having a business and working so hard and gaining all of these clients, if effectively in 10 years time, if you're not fit enough to do this role? What's the point of all this hard work?” In this episode, Natalie and I  talk through some of the  different options she has to leverage her skills and experience to generate income in - or out - of the beauty industry that  would allow her to stop trading her time for money. PLUS I  lead Natalie through a simple visualization exercise that gives her that AH-HA  moment of what she wants to do next in her business - and we get super clear on what the very first step should be in working towards that. This is an exercise that anyone can use when they’re feeling stuck on what their next step should be and that actually aligns with their passion and what lights them up - not just follow what they think is the “logical” next step that everyone else does. Join us for this insightful and inspiring conversation as we explore what retirement looks like for a lash artist and offer valuable advice for anyone looking to pivot in their business and STOP TRADING THEIR TIME FOR MONEY! P.S. If building a team is something you are passionate about and want  help + support in making that dream a reality, then make sure you mark your calendars for May 30, 2023 - that’s when I’ll be hosting my FREE “Build A Team, Live Your Dream” Masterclass. It’s my most POPULAR training for beauty business owners who are building out a team or are struggling with their teams. You do not want to miss it, so make sure you are following me on Instagram so you know when we open up registration for that class!   Episode Highlights:  [18:16] How to combine the services that you offer and what you’re truly passionate about [41:52] Why educators spend more time MARKETING than they actually spend teaching. [46:23] My secret weapon mindset trick that you can use when you’re feeling stuck in making business decisions.
5/1/20231 hour, 30 seconds
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Simplifying Your Way to Success: Why One Income Stream is Better Than Many

Are you thinking about creating a source of “passive income” - a.k.a income that doesn't require constant effort - in your beauty business? It may seem like offering more products, services, or becoming an educator can allow you to quickly and easily bring in the big bucks, but have you considered the time, money, and resources needed to produce that revenue? Investing money and time to research products, creating an e-commerce store, marketing the products and giving away products to get people to try it, etc - all happens before you've ever made a sale. Becoming an educator means establishing credibility as an educator, building an audience of people who trust you, creating your curriculum, then having sales convos to get a student to buy from you. THEN you actually can do the education part of teaching a student. Not to mention a whole hell of a lot of MARKETING to consistently get new students into your program.  These are all great growth opportunities in our industry - however - if you haven't had success and the time/money freedom you want in your life with the CURRENT business you have - you are spreading your time and money REAL THIN trying to add more complications and distractions by creating these different revenue streams. Instead of spreading yourself too thin, use that same time, money and energy to master one income stream at a time. Focus on building out processes that work and generating sales and profits in one business before you move on to the next.  By doing this, you'll have a solid foundation for your business and be better equipped to  add on  more business models in the future - IF you want to!    Episode Highlights: [2:10] Why Social Media’s #hustle culture is super misleading. [3:26] Lash services, product lines, and education are each separate businesses with their own unique business models. [10:54] Building a team can be a fulfilling way to scratch that itch for education and mentorship - without having to constantly find new students.    How do you build out processes and create a team that can help you scale? That’s where our Society Xcelerator program comes in. We’ll teach you how to build out a process dependent business with a team so you can focus on what you do best and grow your business with confidence. To learn more about how you can join our Society Xcelerator program and start building your dream team, DM me on Instagram with #hire. I’ll show you how you can hire your first (or next) profitable team member and take your business to the next level.
4/24/202321 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Conversation On Overwhelm: How to Hack Your Brain to Overcome Fear-Based Thinking

Life can be tough, and sometimes your mind can feel like it's working AGAINST you… …but there's hope! You can learn to hack your brain and TAKE CONTROL of your thoughts. Did you know that the average person has 30,000 thoughts a day? That's a lot of mental chatter, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed by it. But, here's the thing: you are NOT your thoughts! In this episode, I’m going to teach you how to hack your brain to overcome fear-based thinking, anxious thoughts, and that feeling of overwhelm. And, let's be real, who hasn't experienced that feeling lately? I’m sharing practical tips and techniques - that I use with the clients I work with - that will help you take control of your thoughts and shift your mindset towards a more positive, growth-oriented perspective. If you’ve been thrown a curveball in your business or life…this is something you won't want to miss!   Episode Highlights: [15:28] Why do people stay in uncomfortable situations even though they know it’s not a desirable experience? [21:32] How to be  intentional about the thoughts you think. [19:56] What is “the middle”? (Hint: Most of your life is lived there.)    Got a burning question that you want me to answer on a future podcast episode? Head on over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I seriously love answering your questions and helping beauty business owners feel a little less “lost” when it comes to running their biz - so lay it on me sis!
4/17/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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What is a Process Dependent Business - and Why You Should Have One!

Which is better: a PEOPLE dependent business or a PROCESS dependent business? If you ever want to stop trading your time for money and not have your income and business growth tied to how much or how hard YOU can work - you might want to think about creating a process dependent business. Listen to today's quick episode to understand the pros/cons of each type of business.  And to help you get started,  I’m giving you a great actionable step at the end to create your very first business process to get you going!   Episode Highlights: [20:08] The importance of having time FREEDOM as a business owner. [22:17] How to stop trading your time for money.
4/10/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Getting Clients Through Social Media: Expert Tips and Tricks for Salons

One of the BIGGEST struggles business owners come to me with when it comes to marketing their business and getting clients in the door is Social Media. I hear things like: “I HATE social media.” “I feel like I’m doing everything right but I’m still not getting new clients.” “I’m only getting a few likes here and there. What am I doing wrong?” “I just don’t understand social media.” If you’ve had any of these thoughts, then boy oh boy are you gonna love today’s episode!! I’m talking with my new friend - who I met through Instagram by the way - about social media marketing for salons.  Some of the topics we’re diving into are: who you should and shouldn’t be following, the different metrics and what they each mean, how to nurture clients, and our top caption writing and profile bio tips! If you feel at all frustrated or overwhelmed with social media, this episode will help shift your mindset and teach you how to simplify your marketing strategy to get the BEST results possible.    Episode Highlights [18:54] How to keep up with the best tips and tricks for social media - since they’re constantly changing. [28:00] What do the different social media metrics mean and which ones should you pay attention to. [40:00] Kayla’s top caption writing tips.   Kayla is a beauty veteran turned social media guru & social media myth buster. She is passionate about combining her years of industry experience and intense social media knowledge to help salon owners reach their social media goals through her membership,  Socials for Salons. Kayla’s goal is to create a world full of confident, social media savvy, salon owners, who get results, without having to spend hours daily on the platforms. She is on a mission to help all salon owners who feel overwhelmed, uninspired, frustrated with social media and teach them how to build a strong social media presence and convert followers into loyal clients. Kayla’s Instagram: Got a burning question that you want me to answer on a future podcast episode? Head on over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I seriously love answering your questions and helping beauty business owners feel a little less “lost” when it comes to running their biz - so lay it on me sis! 
4/3/202347 minutes, 16 seconds
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When Your Brain Won’t Shut Up: My Trick for Managing Intrusive Thoughts

I want to chat with you about something that I’ve NEVER talked about publicly… … and that’s how I handle fears and intrusive thoughts that can pop into our heads unexpectedly and wreak havoc on our mental well-being. Personally, I know what it's like to get stuck in an anxious cycle, especially when it feels like those intrusive thoughts JUST WON’T GO AWAY. But over time, I've learned some techniques that have really helped me work through them quickly and keep my mind from spiraling. The amount of problems and challenges that I face now is probably more than I ever have - but get this - I am the HAPPIEST, most CONTENT, and most SATISFIED in my life that I've ever been! On today’s episode, I get personal and share some of my own struggles with these pesky thoughts that always seem to pop up at the worst possible times. But I also offer some valuable insights into how I've managed to train my brain to work around them. So, if you're dealing with fears and intrusive thoughts too, I encourage you to listen in and try the technique I’m sharing today. It can take time and effort to train your brain to work around these thoughts, but it's absolutely worth it for your mental health and well-being.   Episode Highlights: [8:34] What’s really going on in your brain? [12:48] Example of an intrusive thought that popped into my head right when I woke up. [20:42] What I do IMMEDIATELY when a scary thought rears it’s ugly head. [26:05] A simple exercise to prove that your brain will look for evidence of whatever your beliefs are.  Want in on one of the THREE 1:1 COACHING SPOTS I’M OPENING UP NEXT MONTH? SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION HERE:
3/27/202330 minutes, 44 seconds
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Is Hiring a Team For Your Beauty Biz As Scary As You Think?

"How much does it cost to hire someone?" "What if they leave after I train them?" "What if they steal clients?" "Do I have to stop taking clients?" "What if she opens up her own business nearby?" Let's be real, when it comes to building out a team - these are the kinds of questions that can keep you up at night! These are common fears and concerns beauty business owners have when it comes to hiring a team, so I want to put your mind at ease. In today's episode, we're going to tackle these topics head-on and address the most common fears around hiring a team. We'll dive into all the nitty-gritty details and give you the confidence you need to make the right decisions for your business.   Episode Highlights: [6:00] How much does it actually cost to hire a team member?  [18:06] My best tip to help you stand out from other salons who are also hiring. [19:36] Why you want to hire people who align with your mission, vision and values - and are not just there for a paycheck. [22:00] How to get your time back and stop trading YOUR time for MONEY.   And if you want to chat more about your concerns or thoughts on building a team, be sure to DM me on Instagram with #buildateam, and we can talk thru your fears so you can decide on whether or not it's as scary as you think! Got a burning question that you want me to answer on a future podcast episode? Head on over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I seriously love answering your questions and helping beauty business owners feel a little less “lost” when it comes to running their biz - so lay it on me sis!  
3/20/202329 minutes, 27 seconds
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This Social Media Marketing Mistake Could Be Hurting Your Beauty Biz

STOP Posting About Policies on your Social Media!!  I get it, you want to make sure everyone knows your policies... however…when you post policies on your social media's business page - it indicates you lack an understanding of how to utilize social media for MARKETING purposes. I know it’s tempting because you see other business owners sharing their policies on social media… SPOILER ALERT: They DON’T UNDERSTAND how to use social media for marketing purposes! And following what they're doing is like the blind leading the blind. Plus, how can you stand out from the competition if you’re copying everything that they’re doing?? Join me in this eye-opening chat around how to best utilize social media for marketing your Beauty Business and where it is appropriate to communicate policies in a much more EFFECTIVE way that doesn’t compromise your marketing efforts! If you're ready to STEP UP your social media marketing game and learn how to use it to your advantage - stick around and listen to this episode.   Episode Highlights: [3:36] Does Social Media feel toxic? Here’s Why. [7:30] What is Marketing and how can you use it to draw in your ideal client? [10:18] How to play the algorithm game to win on Social Media. [12:22] The BEST  way to communicate your policies to your clientele. [20:27] Why posting your prices on social media sets you up to get ghosted - especially when the competition is fierce.   And hey, if you're feeling a bit “lost” in the world of beauty business marketing - a great place to start would be my signature program, The Lashpreneur Society!  Designed to help you go from OVERLOOKED to FULLY BOOKED - it’s a proven step by step Business Coaching Program that has helped hundreds of beauty pros double or even triple the number of new clients in their business and MASTER the business side of beauty.  If that sounds like something that would benefit your business and the goals you’re working towards - CLICK HERE to get more information and sign up!  Got a burning question that you want me to answer on a future podcast episode? Head on over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I seriously love answering your questions and helping beauty business owners feel a little less “lost” when it comes to running their biz - so lay it on me sis!  
3/13/202329 minutes, 12 seconds
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The First Hire: How to Know When Your Business is Ready

Have you ever wondered when is the RIGHT time to hire someone for your business? It's a common question that we get asked in the DMs and in today's episode, we're going to tackle it head-on. First off, let's dispel a common myth that you need to have a ton of clients and be fully booked before even considering hiring. Actually, waiting until you're at that point can create more STRESS and CHAOS for you and your business. So, what should you be considering instead? I’m going to dive into the key milestones that you should be aiming for before making the decision to bring on a team member. From understanding your business goals, knowing your capacity and workload, and building a strong foundation for your future team members. Beauty Business owners often reach out to me for help, and they’re not even sure if they want to hire, but they believe they need to build out a team first so that they can go pursue another dream like being an educator or sell their own product line.  If you’re “not sure” if you want to hire or not, I’m sharing what questions you should ask yourself to get clarity on what you’re actually passionate about.  Cause I REFUSE to help you build a business that’s going to make you MISERABLE!  Trust me, having a team can be an extremely rewarding experience that offers you the growth, income, flexibility, and impact you desire - and it also comes with challenges and more responsibility . Which means you’ve got to really WANT IT if you’re going to stay motivated to face the challenges that come.  So, if you're a business owner who's been pondering the question of “should I hire?”, when to hire, or you're considering what your first steps should be in bringing on your first team member - this episode is a must-listen!   Episode Highlights: [1:46] What is the “warm body” hiring strategy and why is it a problem? [6:48] How do you find the time to train a new team member - the 1st lesson we teach inside Society Xcelerator. [11:16] WHY do you want to hire? Questions to consider to get clarity on what you really want [24:33] Math time! How much does it cost to hire a team member?
3/6/202340 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Keep Clients Coming Back During a Recession

Worried about how a recession will affect your business? “It’s not that people are going to want to spend less money, they just want to get their money’s WORTH.” -Britt Seva  In today's episode, we're diving into the ONE thing that can make or break your business: the CLIENT EXPERIENCE. It doesn't matter if you're facing a pandemic, a recession, or a new competitor who just opened up down the street - if you can deliver an amazing client experience, your customers will keep coming back. And I’ve got the perfect guest to help us explore this topic, my good friend and someone who I aspire to be like pretty much every day - the incredible Britt Seva, of the Thriving Stylist Podcast!  She is a STELLAR business coach and strategist for hair stylists and salon owners and one of the top experts in the beauty industry on growing and scaling a beauty business.  In our interview, we'll be discussing how to WOW your clients every single time, what to focus on in your marketing, and how to stand out from your “competition”. Britt is sharing her expert insights and practical tips for building a loyal client base, even in the toughest economic climates. If you're struggling with marketing, feeling lost in a saturated market, or worried about losing clients in a downturn, this episode is a must-listen!    Episode Highlights: [14:21] What ways can you use social media to show potential clients what their experience will be like when they visit your business? [25:45] Asking this simple question will allow you to wow your clients every single time. [30:39] How your marketing could be turning away potential clients. [34:09] Tips for what to talk about on social media that other business owners aren’t. [38:13] The importance of the “in between” guest experience that nobody’s talking about!   Britt Bio: Britt Seva is an industry renowned expert business coach for salon owners and hair stylists Her Thrivers Society membership program has helped more than 10,000 stylists from 6 different continents to systematically grow their clientele with sustainable marketing systems. Her revenue-generating insights have been featured in recognizable outlets such as Modern Salon Magazine and Beauty Launch Pad, and she’s been hired to keynote events for well-respected companies like Rosy, Eufora, and Sola Salons. Based on the real-life experience of leading a single salon team to over $3 million in annual revenue while still in her 20s (top 5% of salons nationwide) to now running her own multi-million dollar education company, she and her team reach millions of beauty industry professionals with their Thriving Stylist podcast and social media outlets. Through their proprietary 4 Stylist Archetypes coaching system, Britt and her team can help any stylist or salon owner who is experiencing unstable or inconsistent client growth to immediately stabilize and scale their income while gaining more free time and peace of mind. Britt Seva Instagram: @brittseva  Website:
2/27/202346 minutes, 27 seconds
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Team Building Tip: Why You Don’t Need A Bigger Space To Rake In The Cash

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT EXPANDING - it's probably going to save you thousands! If you think you can't add a team member to your biz without getting a larger location OR you have a team and think it's time to add a second location... PLEASE listen to this quick training on how you can maximize your sales in your CURRENT location before ever expanding to a new or second location. This training has saved my students THOUSANDS in increased expenses when they saw the potential of what they could do in their current location that they didn't see before I shared this with them! If you are ready to start building out a team OR you already have started and it's just not the well-oiled machine you thought it would be - DM me #hire on INSTAGRAM and let's talk about the challenges you're facing!   Episode Higlights: [3:05] Formula for figuring out how much money you can make when using your same location and hiring a team. [12:55] The pitfall of opening a 2nd location before the 1st location is running like a well-oiled machine. [14:42] Once you have a blueprint of what works on a small scale, then you can scale + grow that to be even bigger and generate more income.  
2/20/202321 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Power of Community For The Lonely Business Owner

As business owners, we often face challenges that our family and friends don’t get. It’s like trying to explain quantum physics to a rock. They’re not even really sure what it is you DO for a living… And trying to vent to your team about these challenges? Let’s just say, that’s like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. If you vent to your team about the challenges you’re facing, it makes you look like an ineffective leader who can’t “keep it together”. They start to think that the business (and their job) is at risk - and may seek more “stable” employment somewhere else. But fear not, because on today’s episode we’re discussing why finding a tribe of business owners who understand the struggle is crucial.  And who better to join me in this convo than one of MY biz besties - Amber Brueseke of Biceps After Babies! Amber helps women achieve their health and fitness goals in a fun and easy way. Her motto is:  “Lose the weight you want without cutting out the food you love.” And I’m pretty sure she’s onto something there. Listen in as we share our own journeys, plus how being a part of a mastermind has helped Amber double her business every year. Trust me, you’ll get a good laugh, some solid advice and hopefully a new business bestie out of it. Remember, we were never meant to do this business thing alone!  So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s chat about finding your tribe. Interested in finding a tribe of driven beauty biz owners who are building out teams and ready to stop trading their time for money? We've got two programs that provide just that - Our Society Xcelerator for those who are just getting started with building out a team and our Momentum Mastermind for those that already have a team and are looking to grow their business to multiple six and seven figures without growing their time spent in it! DM me on Instagram #hire and we can share more details about these programs and the tribe of women waiting to support your growth!   Episode Highlights: [11:12] What are the benefits of having a peer group as a business owner? [22:53] The value and benefit of connecting with other business owners that get it. [24:00] Why it’s not appropriate to turn to your team for business advice.   
2/13/202331 minutes, 15 seconds
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Society Xcelerator: The Key to Building a Strong Team with Dreama Destiny

Do you ever feel like you're trying to juggle a million balls in your business, only to have one unexpectedly drop, causing everything to come crashing down? 🤹‍♀️ Well, that's exactly what happened to Dreama-Destiny when she lost a team member during the busiest time of the year. But instead of giving up and going back to the treatment room herself, she did something better... she called on the power of the Society Xcelerator program! 💪 Together, we tackled the problem head-on and came up with solutions that allowed Dreama to stay calm, focused, and in control. You can hear all about it in today’s podcast episode!  Get ready to be inspired!  We’re talking about how Dreama uses the Society Xcelerator tools to forecast for the future, how she hires new team members with confidence, and how her leadership has transformed since joining the program. And the best part? You can have access to all this support + education too! If you're ready to take your business to the next level, join us in Society Xcelerator and discover how to hire with ease, train your team for success, and grow your sales and profits like never before! 🚀 With weekly calls and support from our coaches, you'll never feel alone in this exciting journey. So, if you're ready to make your business dreams a reality, DM me #hire on INSTAGRAM let's get started! 💥 P.S. Society Xcelerator is not just about hiring, it's about creating the business and life of your dreams! So, why wait? Join us today and start living the life you've always wanted!    Episode Highlights: [20:10] How Dreama uses the Society Xcelerator spreadsheet to forecast for the next year and quickly see where they need to be to reach their sales goals. [22:24] How onboarding a new team member works. [32:41] How her leadership has changed since she’s gotten more structure in her business.   Dreama Bio: Dreama-Destiny, owner of Dreamy Days Beauty, is an artist with a passion to build women up. She entered the beauty industry in 2011 to become a cosmetologist and in 2018 turned her focus from hair and makeup to lash extensions. After a couple of years of being a solo lash artist she began building a team of lash artists that shared her same vision to uplift women.  
2/6/202354 minutes, 11 seconds
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Coaching Corner: A Beginner’s Guide To Starting Your Own Beauty Business with Abigail King

Have you been thinking about starting your own beauty service-based business and you need clarity on the steps to take to get started and what to focus on first - but you feel like every successful business owner is gatekeeping the info that got them to where they are??  Like no one wants to share their “secret” to success because they don’t want YOU to become their competition? #RUDE That’s exactly how podcast listener Abigail King felt when she applied to be a guest on the show. She says: “I’m currently work for a waxing franchise, and I'm wanting to work for myself. I really just want to have a Salon Suite and do my own thing. And that's really why I got into aesthetics, was to be able to have my own business. But I find it a very big challenge to go from one [employee] to the other [business owner]. And I feel like  everyone is holding this secret, and they just don't want to say, this is how they did that.” Rest assured my friends….It will be revealed today! Today I’m sharing the first steps you should take in starting your business (even if you have 0 clients), when to make the transition from part time to full time business ownership, and how to price yourself in a way that allows you to not only pay the rent - but pay yourself too!    Episode Highlights: [5:54] What to do if you have a non-compete agreement with your current employer? [7:31] How to reduce the financial stress of starting a new business. [13:13] Here’s what I think about looking at other businesses to figure out your prices.   I created a FREE Beauty Biz Prep + Planning Guide for anyone who is tired of working for someone else and wants to become their own BOSS! In it you learn: The secret to getting ahead of the competition online. Breaking down the legalities of running a business. Location, location, location - the key factors to know in choosing a location. The MUST HAVE start up supplies and equipment needed to open your doors quickly. Establishing and claiming your business name and brand online. Discover how to get your first few paying clients so you can start to generate sales. You can download the guide by going to
1/30/202326 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Do You Reach 6 Figures In Your Business? The Answer Might Surprise You

Want to build a multiple 6 and even 7 figure business? Then build a "boring" business! Say what? It's true! Getting to your first $100,000 in sales is usually filled with new ideas, new services, learning and hustling and pouring a lot of YOUR time into the business to generate sales. Getting past that six figure mark into multiple six and even seven figures - well that can't be reliant on how much time YOU can put into your business because you only have so much time to give. So how do you leverage your time so that you can focus on tasks that will grow your business - like creating efficiency in your systems and processes or marketing to get multiple clients in the door? Where can you find the answers to questions like: Does your business need more leads and clients? Or does it need to get better at keeping the new clients that come in? Does it need to hire a new team member because we have more demand than we can handle? Or do you need to increase profitability cause the biz is losing money every month or not paying the owner regularly? How do you get clear on what decisions need to be made next?  That’s what I’m talking about in today's episode.    Episode Highlights: [4:56] STOP running your business on feelings - “I feel like I did well this month…” - and start making decisions based on DATA. [13:00] Do you have proof of success? Turn it into a step by step, repeatable and teachable process. [14:43] How tracking metrics will tell you what areas of the business need your attention as the owner. If your goal is to build a team so you can scale your business and stop trading your time for money - and you're unclear where to begin - send me a DM on Instagram with #hire and let's chat about what's going on in your business!
1/23/202322 minutes, 43 seconds
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Coaching Corner: How To Turn Your DMs Into Paying Clients with Lupita Arellano

Have you ever had a potential new client reach out to you asking for your prices, and after you tell them, you hear…crickets? They ghost you and you never hear from them again!! When you give your price point right off the bat - you give the potential customer no other buying factors to make an informed choice on - just price point. And y’all know there’s some chop shop down the street who charges way less than you. The question “How much do you charge?” is an OPPORTUNITY to start a conversation to uncover what is really the determining factor for them to book with you. On today’s episode, I’m talking with podcast listener Lupita Arellano about how to turn those “How much do you charge?” DMs into paying customers. I teach her my process on how to respond to those questions in a way that not only helps improve your bookings and lets you stand out from the competition - but also gives you valuable feedback that you can use in your future marketing.   Episode Highlights: [5:39] What’s stopping people from booking your services? [9:08] Why you shouldn’t use your booking software as your website. [19:09] What’s the pain point that your lashes specifically solve? [25:46] Questions you should ask before giving your prices. [41:04] My tips for marketing when you want to become an educator or sell your own products.   Want the EXACT step by steps on how to convert clients off of social media and into your business? Check out my mini course -  “Dominating The DMs” !  You'll Walk Away Knowing... EXACTLY what to say when a client asks "What's Your Price?" (seriously... I give you a copy and paste template that works like a charm!) HOW TO START CONVOS inside of DM's WITHOUT coming off like a desperate STAGE 5 CLINGER The TOP STRATEGIES to contacting and working with INFLUENCERS The genius strategy your COMPETITORS WISH THEY KNEW that will get clients blowing up your DMs TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT! 13 PROVEN COPY AND PASTE TEMPLATES you can use to get that follower to BOOK AN APPOINTMENT! To sign up today and get 30% off, go to
1/16/202357 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Difference Between 1099s and W-2s

If you are interested in building a team, or have already hired a team member or two - THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT HIRING PODCAST EPISODE YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO!!! What’s the difference between a W-2 employee and a 1099 independent contractor - and why do you need to know the difference? Well for one, if you’ve already hired 1099 contractors, but you’re treating them like employees - then you’ve misclassified them.   How do you know if you’ve misclassified your new hire? In today’s episode, I’m going over several ways to know if someone is misclassified - but here’s a quick preview… Here's the most common ways you'll know if you've misclassified a team member as a 1099 when they should legally be a W-2: 1). CLIENTELE: a 1099 is self employed and they are their own business. Therefore any clients they provide services on are THEIRS. So if they want to contact them, schedule them at a different time, charge them whatever they want to charge them AND take them at a different location - a 1099 CAN.  If you're not cool with that - then you actually need to have them be W-2 employees so the clients are property and an asset of YOUR business and therefore cannot be contacted or solicited by your service provider to receive services anywhere else without consequences. 2). SUPPLIES and TRAINING: If you provide supplies, materials, booking software, and train your "team member" to do the services in a certain way, then they're most likely a W-2 employee and not a 1099. Imagine if your landlord came into your business and tried to tell you your isolation sucks and you need to work on your stickies cause the clients are would laugh at them and tell them where they can go!  You have the same amount of control over the results produced by a 1099 as your landlord has over your business. If you want any control over the results and the experience of the clients - you need W-2s, not 1099s. 3). PAY STRUCTURE: If you pay your 1099 with any sort of regularity (weekly, monthly) and they are paid per hour or as a part of "payroll", then they are definitely not a 1099. Think of hiring a Plumber to come in and fix a toilet. You're not paying the Plumber a commission per toilet fixed or based on how many hours he took to fix the toilet - you're paying him for doing the job of fixing the toilet.  That is an INDEPENDENT contract based job. Most beauty biz owners I talk to who have 1099s don't even have a CONTRACT in place for any employment classification - so how can someone be an independent contractor without a contract?   Episode Highlights: [5:37] How does the IRS get involved in your employment structure? [8:53] How much control do you have over your 1099 independent contractors? [17:18] You need ATTORNEY-created contracts - those online templates will not hold up in court. [23:47] When you're trying to legally classify somebody you cannot compare the pay structure that you're trying to give an employee to the same as what independent contractors and illegally misclassified businesses do at 50% commission - which runs rampant in our industry. [25:24] If you decide to continue to cut corners and do things illegally, you’re essentially putting the fate of your business in the hands of someone else - because you “trust” that no employee will ever think about reporting you.     Ready to hire your first (or next) team member? Maybe you’ve already hired but this episode has got your wheels turning about some changes you need to make ASAP! Hit me up in the DMs over on Instagram with the message #hire and let’s chat!  Disclaimer: The Lashpreneur LLC is not a licensed tax, legal or investment professional. The information contained in this site and episode are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in this site or episode without seeking legal or other professional advice. The contents of this site contain general information and may not reflect current legal developments or address your situation. We disclaim all liability for actions you take or fail to take based on any content on this site or episode.  
1/9/202334 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Real Reason Your Business Isn’t Growing

I get tons of DMs everyday from beauty business owners reaching out to me for help. They share their struggles with building a clientele, pricing their services, paying themselves, structuring their biz, managing a team, being overwhelmed… you name it, I’ve heard it. But do you know what MOST of them have in common? What’s the one thing that holds 99.99999% of business owners back from making the changes that will allow them to see significant growth? It’s most likely the thing holding your business growth back as well… Sis, it’s you! Yes, business ownership is a journey and there’s tons of stuff that you have to learn how to do and have no current knowledge of…but many times, the business owner KNOWS exactly what they should be doing. Whether it’s to learn marketing, start posting Reels, raise their prices, etc. They know. But they don’t do it. They know what it will take to make their business grow and achieve their desired results - but they still don’t do it.  Why? That’s exactly what we’re diving into on today’s episode. I’m talking with podcast listener Leah MacQuarrie about her struggles with becoming an educator. We’re talking about the dreaded social media “doom scroll” and how it keeps you stuck in comparison and imposter syndrome. Plus how “perfectionism” is killing your business growth - and how to fix it.   Episode Highlights: [11:57] Market Saturation = evidence that there’s demand for what you offer. [23:46] What if people ignore your social media posts? [43:46] “Perfectionism” is killing your biz growth.
1/2/202350 minutes, 13 seconds
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Are You Really Ready To Hire?

Are you SURE you want to hire a team? The journey of building out a team of revenue-producing employees who align with your mission and values can be incredibly rewarding - but it does not come without its challenges. If you’re only doing it because it seems like the next logical step, or you see others have had some success with it, or you’d like to work a little less and maybe take a vacation… I need you to re-evaluate some things sis! It’s totally normal to have fears around hiring or any major decision - even when you know 1000% that it’s what you want to do and are extremely passionate about it - but if you’re not too sure, then those “fears” might be your subconscious throwing up warning bells that you are out of alignment with what you truly want. On today’s coaching corner episode, I’m bringing on listener Lauren Isaako. Lauren has been in business for 8 years, has a steady clientele, and believes that she is ready to take the next step and hire a team - and she wanted some coaching to talk through her fears about making that decision and where to even begin.   Episode Highlights: [26:11] Your team members are NOT your friends - at least they shouldn't be. [38:56] Are you using your business to meet your emotional needs? [45:20] Why you need to find your purpose. [49:53] The first step you should do when you’re ready to hire.   If you want to go fast - go it alone…If you want to go far - go together! And friend, I want to help you go far…farther than you ever believed was possible for you. I don’t want you to waste the next year being stuck and overthinking how to make your goals a reality. Today is the LAST DAY to apply for Momentum Mastermind - my 6 month, mostly virtual, group coaching program for those who have a team and want to Stop Trading YOUR Time for Money and Enjoy Growing Your Business without Growing Your Time Spent In It! This is not a COURSE - it’s a done WITH YOU experience!  Apply for Momentum Mastermind HERE P.S. Ready to hire your FIRST team member? DM me #hire on Instagram and let’s chat!
12/12/202252 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Does It Actually Look Like To Stop Trading YOUR Time for Money? Just Ask Momentum Mastermind Coach Victoria Parrish

Does this sound familiar?  You’re trying to build out a team BUT: Your business revenue is totally dependent on YOU generating sales from your clients so you’re still in the treatment room the majority of the week taking clients. You find that you’re struggling with burnout and you don’t have balance with work because you have so many administrative responsibilities and managing the team tasks that have to get done AFTER you’ve taken a full load of clients for the day. You find yourself struggling to afford to pay yourself a decent living at all, oftentimes because team members are paid such a high percentage of commission, that the business is actually losing money every time a team member takes a paying customer and the business owner has no idea this is happening cause they’ve never looked at what the business can afford to pay the team member. You regularly contemplate “easier” business models like becoming an educator or having a product line because it’s just “not worth it” to have a team because you are STILL trading your time for money. Before joining Momentum Mastermind, Victoria was stressed, overworked, and her health was suffering.  Victoria is SEVERELY allergic to lash adhesive, but her business income was so dependent on HER taking clients in the treatment room (despite having hired an employee) that she could not see a way out.   Fast forward to 1 year later and she is fully out of the treatment room, has the capacity to “leave work at work” so when she goes home she can be present with her family, and because her business is so profitable - she even has enough funds left over from the business revenue to host fundraisers and charity events in her community (which is a dream come true for her)! Oh and did I mention that she’s been able to take several trips with her family plus some much needed time off due to sickness - and her business still ran like a well oiled machine while she was away? She is the true testament of what’s possible when you Stop Trading YOUR Time for Money and Start to ENJOY Growing Your Business without Growing Your Time In It!    Episode Highlights [8:08] How to strategically hire so you can weed out the people who are not aligned with your mission and core values. [15:23] Systems and processes will allow you to take time off from your business (hello vacation!)  - and the biz will still run like a well oiled machine while you’re away. [33:35] How do processes get you to the freedom that most business owners want? [41:25] Victoria’s advice to anyone thinking about joining Momentum Mastermind.   If you’ve already taken the incredibly challenging step of trying to build out a team - whether you’ve experienced massive success or not with that adventure - Momentum Mastermind is going to be incredibly helpful in the process of moving you into the true CEO/Visionary role. Applications CLOSE on Monday, December 12th, 2022 - so even if you’re on the fence about it - go ahead and apply so we can jump on a call to talk through your business goals and challenges and see if the program would be a good fit! CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT YOUR APPLICATION
12/7/202251 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Grow Your Business to The Next Level With Momentum Mastermind Member Danielle Todd

What got you HERE, won’t get you THERE. What does that mean? Whatever you’ve done to grow your beauty business up to this point has allowed you to get to where you are today, but to get you to the next level - you'll need to do MORE. That’s exactly what we’re talking about on today’s episode with Momentum Mastermind Member Danielle Todd. She has been a business owner with a team for 7 years already, and while she felt the business was doing well - she also knew it was capable of doing more.  She realized that she didn't know all the steps and processes involved in growing her business to the next level - and she needed help. She needed someone to show her how to get there.   Other masterminds she attended failed to teach her how to understand the data of her business and where her attention needed to be focused. And although her business is profitable - and she’s on track to make over $200k in revenue this year - she still has some money-mindset issues to work through. This is actually not uncommon in beauty business owners - they put every dollar back into their business thinking that’s the right thing to do. Or they feel “greedy” for taking a cut for themselves. If the thought of paying yourself or making “more” money also stirs up feelings of guilt or fears of being too greedy - that’s a limiting belief you need to work through sis!  That’s why today I’m sharing the INCOME vs IMPACT philosophy that helped me in my own business.    Episode Highlights [4:34] Diving into data and understanding what data to look at and where to look. [6:41] How to combat a negative money-mindset and find the balance between paying yourself and investing back into the business. [14:07] How Danielle’s business has changed over the last 6 months of the program.  [18:09] The mindset that gets you to $100k in sales is not the same mindset that will get you to six figures and beyond.   Stop trading YOUR time for money and ENJOY growing your business without growing your time spent in it!  If you have a team and you’re ready to create a well oiled machine that works WITH or WITHOUT you in it… I want to invite you to join me on one of my upcoming “Build A Team and Live Your Dream'' calls!  In this call, we’ll go over:  What does a business need to grow beyond the time/energy capacity of the owner. The #1 block multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses face and how to overcome it!  Why working IN your business is costing you tens of thousands of dollars (or more!) Why your team is struggling to see you as an effective leader. How to double or triple your business in the next year without double or tripling your time spent in it! There are only two calls left! Register for an upcoming class here: 
12/5/202221 minutes, 42 seconds
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From Service Provider To CEO (Practically Overnight!) with Momentum Mastermind Member Ashley Loya

The same skills that made you successful as a solo artist do NOT translate to success in building out a team. It’s a whole different ball game building out a team of revenue producing machines who help you grow your business and where you are no longer trading your time for money. This is exactly what Momentum Mastermind Member Ashley Loya had to learn - when she suddenly went from service provider to CEO. Today we are talking about the unconventional way she became a salon owner and how the Momentum Mastermind program is helping her to set her employees up for success so she can finally get out of the treatment room.    Episode Highlights [7:20] Being able to problem-solve with other business owners will help you achieve faster results. [11:34] How to stay on top of your team members’ progress and keep them motivated using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) [13:05] What’s it like to start to look at your business more as a business rather than as a service provider? [15:21] When you start to have a process-dependent business, it takes the weight off the owner.   If you have a team and you're ready to create a well oiled machine that works WITH or WITHOUT you in it... I want to invite you to join me on one of my upcoming "Build a Team and Live Your Dream" calls! ⭐In this call, we'll go over What does a business need to grow beyond the time/energy capacity of the owner The #1 block multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses face and how to overcome it! Why working IN your business is costing you tens of thousands of dollars (or more!) Why your team is struggling to see you as an effective leader How to double or triple your business in the next year without double or tripling your time spent in it! REGISTER HERE FOR AN UPCOMING "Build a Team and Live Your Dream" CALL 
12/2/202221 minutes, 6 seconds
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Whoa! Her Secret Weapon For Marketing Is…Groupon!

This interview SHOCKED me!  I’ve been in the beauty service-based industry a long time, first as a master lash artist and then a business coach - so I didn’t think anything could surprise me anymore. But on today’s episode I spoke to podcast listener Asha Foster who is not only using Groupon to attract clients into her business - but she’s KILLING it!  She’s been able to convert 85% of those groupon users - who typically only show up for the cheap deal - into loyal repeat customers. If you know me, you know I’m pretty much anti-groupon for marketing for a whole host of reasons - which we’ll get into today - but the numbers don’t lie! It’s really working for Asha’s business.   Episode Highlights: [10:31] How to increase customer lifetime value with Groupon. [15:15] How do you know if/when it’s time to get rid of Groupon? [18:09] Asha’s biggest struggle with using Groupon. It’s probably not what you think. [27:54] How to scale your business quickly (when you have a team) so you can eventually get out of the treatment room.   If you have a team and you're ready to create a well oiled machine that works WITH or WITHOUT you in it... I want to invite you to join me on one of my upcoming "Build A Team and Live Your Dream" calls!   In this call, we'll go over What does a business need to grow beyond the time/energy capacity of the owner The #1 block multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses face and how to overcome it! Why working IN your business is costing you tens of thousands of dollars (or more!) Why your team is struggling to see you as an effective leader How to double or triple your business in the next year without double or tripling your time spent in it! Register for an upcoming "Build A Team and Live Your Dream" - class dates/times are extremely limited! 
11/28/202241 minutes, 7 seconds
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How To Go From STRESS to SUCCESS with Momentum Mastermind Member Nikki Ferris

Today I’m talking with Nikki Ferris of Dollhaus Beauty Co who - prior to working with me - had never heard of such a thing as hiring a business coach. But after watching a Tik Tok video, doing some research, and sliding into my DMs…she joined the Momentum Mastermind Program and completely transformed the way her business was run. “We've all heard of personal training, right? For learning how to use certain machines at the gym, or working out for a certain body type that you want, or whatever. But like someone that can help you one on one personally with your business, that is totally genius, right?” - Nikki Ferris Maybe you’re like Nikki and you struggle with bending over backwards trying to make your team happy - to the detriment of your own work/life balance - in the hopes that they will never want to leave!  You’ve given all of your time, attention, resources, and income to your team and NOTHING IS LEFT OVER FOR YOU. You paid them waaaay more than you could afford to keep them happy, but they still weren’t happy?  In this episode we talk about why it is so important to leverage your time as the CEO and create the processes and structure that keeps EVERYBODY happy - including the business owner.   Epsiode Highlights: [14:55] Why hiring an assistant manager should be a priority when you have more than 3-4 employees. [28:33] Some exciting new updates to the Momentum Mastermind program! [29:38] Nikki’s advice for anyone who’s curious or on the fence about joining the mastermind program.   If you want the benefits and growth and joy that can come from building out a team and you are confused as to how you can do that legally AND profitably so YOU can stop trading YOUR time for money… We are opening up applications for SEASON 3 of our MOMENTUM MASTERMIND program on November 28, 2022. Momentum Mastermind is a high level of support, coaching and community of like minded beauty business owners who are building out their dream teams and who are ready to stop trading their time for money. If you want to learn more about Momentum Mastermind I want invite you to join me on a free class I'm hosting next week called “Build a Team, Live your Dream” so you can learn just how business owner’s like Nikki stop trading their time for money and actually start to ENJOY working on their business without growing their time spent in it! So if you’re interested in attending a call, you can sign up at
11/21/202236 minutes, 15 seconds
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Can’t Pay Yourself? Here’s How To Fix It

CHEERS TO OUR 200TH PODCAST EPISODE!!! 🎉🥂 Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me! It's been such a joy to connect with so many amazing beauty biz bosses. To celebrate, I'm doing a special GIVEAWAY and you can get all the details about it over on INSTAGRAM - so make sure you go check that out after listening to this episode!   👇👇👇👇 Not being able to pay yourself SUCKS.   If starting your business was exciting & fulfilling, but now you feel emotional, scared, fearful, afraid, mad, angry, frustrated, & overwhelmed from running your business...well that's not what any of us signed up for.   If  you're not able to pay yourself - even though you're taking a pretty decent load of clients   - chances are, you're not being intentional about creating a business that is  profitable.   That would be a pretty logical reason you’re not paying yourself if there’s  NO MONEY LEFT OVER at the end of the month.    I'm showing you the EXACT formula to figure out how to make more money, how to discover the service price point that is most profitable for your business, if you should raise your prices, and more!   There's always going to be a whole bunch of different decisions that you can make when running your business - but we've got to know the NUMBERS and the DATA first.   Cause if you don't have data for whatever the problem is, then we can't solve for the problem you’re experiencing - like not paying yourself consistently or enough.The data will help you know where the problem in the business is - cause you’re already experiencing the problem’s effects..   And then we can actually start to find a SOLUTION.   Episode Highlights [8:58] What to do first to get clear on your numbers. [9:32] The formula I use to discover a business owner's sales per minute of time. [15:31] What options are there for increasing sales when you're already at capacity for taking appointments?   So if numbers and data are confusing for you, we have trainings on how to figure this stuff out inside The Lashpreneur Society. If you want to build out a team, or you've already built out a team - we have a much more advanced level "knowing your numbers" training inside of Society Xccelerator, and Momentum Mastermind. Send me a DM on Instagram and let's have a conversation - so I can support you and guide you in the right direction, so that you don't have to continue to struggle without a plan to get you out of it.
11/18/202225 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why I Can’t Stand Commission-Based Pay For Your Team

Every time I speak on this topic, it ruffles some feathers… Because hiring employees and offering commission-based pay is the “norm” in our industry - and it really SHOULDN’T BE (in my opinion). So I will continue to shout from the rooftops that commission-based pay is bad for beauty businesses AND their team members because the way MOST businesses in our industry structure their pay doesn’t provide consistency and stability for the team member NOR the business trying to build that team member a clientele. And I mean ANY commission based business model - not just the 50% commission model which, by this point, I hope you’ve seen the light of how unprofitable that pay rate is!  I want to release the BS (belief system) that just because everybody else is paying commission - that you should too! Because it’s a broken pay system in our industry in MOST (not all) businesses.  Commission sounds great for your team members when they are FULLY BOOKED. But if you've ever hired somebody, you know they're not fully booked right off the bat. It could be months or years before they’re fully booked (depending on how good your marketing and client retention is).  More often than not,commission based pay leads to:  Inconsistent Pay = Unhappy Employees who can’t consistently pay their bills because of fluctuating paychecks = Employees Leave. Employees who ONLY care about the money = They are always looking to see who pays more because there will always be 50% commission salons out there and all your team member thinks is “more money” because they don’t understand the reality of what it would be like to work in a salon that pays 50% of sales to their labor and how much cutting corners and what shitty culture that breeds = Employees leave for more money or to work for themselves. Employees think the owner is pocketing the rest of the pay so if they’re paid 30% commission - the employee mindset is that the OWNER is making 70% on “her” sales = This breeds resentment and leaves employees feeling entitled to make more percentage of sales and the owner becomes the “gatekeeper” of all the money = Employees go start their own business so they don’t have to “share” the sales with you. No Money left over after paying labor/business operating costs = Biz Owner can’t offer perks and benefits like bonuses, raises, medical insurance, holiday parties, donuts on Mondays = Employee Unhappy and doesn't feel connected to the culture, vision or values of the business and so employee leaves.   Episode Highlights [3:53] Why commission-based pay isn’t a great employee retention strategy. [11:04] How do you incentivize your team members? [14:02] Why commission-based pay makes your team members think you’re greedy.   If you want the benefits and growth and joy that can come from building out a team and you are confused as to how you can do that legally AND profitably so YOU can stop trading YOUR time for money… We are opening up applications for SEASON 3 of our MOMENTUM MASTERMIND program on November 28, 2022. Momentum Mastermind is a high level of support, coaching and community of like minded beauty business owners who are building out their dream teams. If you want to learn more about Momentum Mastermind and how you can apply DM me #hire over on Instagram and we can chat more about your team building goals  (and challenges)!   
11/14/202221 minutes
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Do You Really Need An Accountant?

Do you really need an accountant? This is the perfect time of year to start interviewing and finding an accountant to help you learn the financial ins and outs of running a business and to help you understand what you need to know as far as taxes. It can absolutely seem overwhelming to face your finances, especially when it's not exactly booming - but I can assure you if you commit to learning just the basics of business finance - you will feel so much more empowered and confident in how to grow your business. If your goal is to pay yourself more, invest back into the business, secure your first (or bigger location), hire team members, etc - you won't get there without a PLAN.  An accountant can be your financial guru and guide to help you make informed decisions in the business that get you to reach those financial goals.   Episode Highlights: [7:05] You need to pay yourself first. [12:02] How to use Quickbooks - a handy bookkeeping software that takes a lot of the hassle out of your business finances. [17:06] What's the difference between a sole proprietor and an LLC - and which one should you choose? [18:48] Why I don't recommend using CashApp, Venmo, or Zelle for your business transactions.   Click HERE to receive 30% off 6 months of QuickBooks - our go to bookkeeping software recommendation! And if you are searching for an accountant who gets the beauty industry - I'd like to recommend Michelle Cook who is a wealth of easy to understand accounting info for beauty service businesses - you can find Michelle on Instagram @smallbusinesscpa
11/7/202236 minutes, 14 seconds
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Your BS (Belief System) Is Robbing You Of Growth

I (LOVINGLY) want to call you out on your BS (belief system) that's robbing you of growth! Just because you don't know how to do something - doesn't mean you don't do it! It means you have got to prioritize learning how to do it! Don't know how to market your business in a way that gets clients in the door - that would be a pretty important skill to learn, don't ya think? Don't know what numbers or the financials that help make decisions in the business clear and simple - I would start with the basics of learning business finance and what a profit and loss statement is. Don't know how to hire a profit producing team member that wants to help you grow your business and produce the experience and results your fully booked clientele expects - it's totally possible to learn how to do that and train your team member step by step on how you do it. It's called an onboarding process! If you want to learn how to start, build and grow your business - DM me #society and let's chat about your biggest struggles in growing your business. Ready to build out a team so you can get your time back - DM #hire and let's walk thru the challenges you're facing in team building!   Episode highlights [5:55] Your head is the reason you’re not successful, not your lack of knowledge. [17:16] You have to learn how to do it first before you can teach it or delegate it to someone else. [13:54] What to do when you’re just starting out and can’t pay yourself.
10/31/202219 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stop Running Your Business On FEELINGS

Stop running your business on FEELINGS - cause let's face it - depending on the time of the month - your feelings be lying to you girl! On today’s episode, I am sharing some of the BEST ADVICE I have learned about letting my BUSINESS tell me what it needed to grow instead of relying on how I felt about my business - which is what led me to walking away from it 18 months ago. Are you lost, stuck, or overwhelmed when it comes to knowing your numbers? This episode is going to help you get found - unstuck - and just your average amount of “whelmed”!   Episode Highlights [6:44] How to get more sales in your business. [9:13] Here’s how to figure out which marketing strategies are working for your business. [12:50] How to hack your brain and avoid anxiety from taking over your business decisions. [15:28] How to operate a successful business long term. Interested in hiring your FIRST (or next!) profit producing team member? DM me #HIRE on Instagram and let's chat about getting you your first (or next!) hire in the next 90 days!
10/24/202223 minutes, 14 seconds
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I Have A TROLL!!

I have a TROLL!! 🤣🥳 And no, it's not the cute kind that sings catchy songs!  I was told I'm a "trend chasing moron" and look "hideous with a low IQ" on a Reel that I posted. I know that receiving these types of comments - or any negative comment for that matter - is a FEAR for many business owners and likely why they hesitate with putting themselves out there when it comes to marketing their business online.  If you guys are afraid of putting yourself out there because of stuff like this - PLEASE understand that there is more POWER and IMPACT in putting yourself out there because of all the people that you can help.  I hope that today’s episode helps you see that and feel empowered to get out there and become the successful beauty business BOSS that I know you can be!    Episode Highlights [8:20] Why I’m unbothered by negative commenters. [10:28] How to shift your mindset with how you view trolls [12:15] Why having trolls means you’re actually successful [15:35] There’s more POWER and IMPACT in putting yourself out there because you’re helping people than the few negative comments you may get.  If you’re STILL worried about trolls after watching this episode, DM me over on Instagram and let’s have a conversation.
10/17/202217 minutes, 24 seconds
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You Are NOT a Victim to Where Your Time is Spent!

You are NOT a victim to where your time is spent! As an employee - sure, it can be argued that if you work more, you make more - likely when you're paid hourly and get overtime when you work past your standard hours of work. This thinking as a CEO is WHY your business is not growing, why you're stressed and overworked or overwhelmed or just flat out OVER IT! You are the Master Chess Player of your business and it's your role to strategically manage the resources of the business (i.e. time, money, energy, etc). So if you find yourself using the "I don't have enough time to XYZ" or “I can’t do ______ because _______” I want you to put yourself back into a place of power and out of victim-based thinking with an “I choose” statement and say... "I CHOOSE _________ because __________". Listen to this episode to learn how I manage where my time is spent as a business owner, how to automate, eliminate or delegate 💩 I shouldn't be spending my time on AND how you can start to buy your time back by hiring team members!!! Want to learn how to hire your first (or next!) profit producing team member in 90 days or less? DM me #hire and let's chat about where you're at in your business!   Episode Highlights [5:15] How much of your to-do list do you actually need to do?  [10:48] Why a scarcity and lack mindset causes you to focus on stuff that doesn’t matter. [11:46] How to automate, eliminate, or delegate.
10/10/202222 minutes, 35 seconds
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Here’s How You Know If You Can Really Afford to Hire a Team Member

Ah, I love data. I really do! I know it can be very draining and dull and boring, but I promise you - my fellow anxiety sufferers - the data is really what's going to help you make decisions in your business that aren't based on emotion, but actual informed decisions based on data. Know Your Numbers. Does the business need more sales? Does it need less expenses? Maybe a combination of the two? How do we create more profitability so you can pay yourself? Do you want to add on a team member? How much should you pay them? What are the costs associated? All Of That Is Data. The more you know your numbers, the more informed and educated you are as to what the problems are in the business - and where your time and energy as the business owner is spent. Business ownership is like playing a game of chess.  When you move something, it changes all the strategies involved. Your job as the business owner is to figure out - when you move one piece on the chessboard at the game of business - how does that affect the strategy? You have a problem in the business that you need a solution for. You may have 70 different solutions that could get you there, but which one's the best? I tend to go with one that's easiest, but you have to figure out what the problem is and what the DESIRED END RESULT is before you can figure out a strategy to get there. So today I'm going to share a tool with you that is going to make the math and the data part of this so much easier for you! So when you’re trying to figure out how much does it cost to hire a team member, you can plug in your numbers and find out. To plug in your own numbers and see if you can really afford to hire a new team member, go to Ready to stop trading your TIME for MONEY? We are launching a new program called SOCIETY XCELERATOR. If you're interested in hiring your first (or next!) PROFIT-producing team member, DM me #hire on Instagram HERE and let's chat more about how Society X can help you do just that!   Episode Highlights [6:37] What is the profit margin of your business? [11:27] What is the cost of a 50% commission? [25:19] How to Calculate Your Total Breakeven Cost. [2:45] Why you need profit in order to stop trading your time for money.
10/3/202234 minutes, 34 seconds
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The #1 Way to Not Fail at Running A Business

“How do I not fail at running a business?” That's the question I was recently asked. And we're gonna talk about…what even is FAILURE? How do you avoid it at all cost? I know this is going to sound really cliche - but failure is not an option. I don't want you to even give yourself failure as an option. “Failure” is typically a meaning that you give to an unknown set of circumstances where you would walk away from your business… But starting today, I want you to redefine what failure means to you. I love these conversations that we have in the DMS!  So if you're not already following me on Instagram, please do so at and then send me a DM with what's going on in your business.   Episode Highlights [2:45] What in your past made you so afraid of failure? [6:33] How you can completely remove failure as an option in your world. [8:26] What to do when intrusive thoughts creep in. [10:47] Why playing the victim role is keeping you stuck. [12:29] How to “win” in any situation.
9/26/202214 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why “Appointment Available” Posts Indicate a Growth Problem

I ruffled some feathers and created a JUICY debate in a recent Instagram post! The post was in response to a question I was asked about "How do I advertise that I have appointments available without looking desperate?". My answer - you don't. And I explained why you don't and what to focus on instead, which was super valuable for the 90% of my audience who is not fully booked. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet - go check out episode 189 HERE. The followers who loudly disagreed (and respectfully I might add cause this community is amazing!!) guess what? They are not the 90% of my audience who are struggling to build a clientele. The overwhelming majority of "I disagree and this totally works for me, so you're wrong" types of comments on this post were from those artists who are pretty much fully booked to which the original post and podcast episode I did on this was not directed at. However - I don’t let an opportunity to educate and coach pass me by cause people disagree with me - in fact - it excites me to be loudly disagreed with because I very carefully think thru the strategies I teach and how they can be done well to help you grow! This week’s episode is dedicated to WHY your business is telling you you’ve got a big problem in your business if posting your available appointments on your social media is working to draw in clients! So whether posting your availability on social media works for you or not - I want you to watch this video where I share… WHY those types of posts work for you if you're fully booked (or close to it). WHY it's actually not a good indicator for the growth of your business if these types of posts are working for you to fill appointments. WHAT 2 things you can do for the growth of your business if you find these types of posts work for you. If you want to learn how to increase your prices, head over to my instagram at and DM me #priceincrease for my step by step guide on "How to Raise Your Prices". If you're interested in hiring your first PROFIT-producing team member by the end of the year, DM me #HIRE and let's chat about how I can work with you to do just that.   Episode Highlights [3:00] Why the “I’m available” strategy doesn’t work for 90% of my audience. [6:23] What is scarcity marketing and how does it work? [6:54] How do you know when it’s time to raist your prices? 
9/19/202213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Top 5 (Proven!) Ways to Build a Clientele

Ever panic when you have a slow day on the books? Or a slow week? Or you’re just starting out and you’re like “shoo! My whole month is slow!” I know the feeling of being overwhelmed when building a clientele!  Inside of The Lashpreneur Society, my online coaching program for beauty business owners, I teach you EXACTLY how to build a clientele - but today I’m sharing what my current students are doing that is working really well for them!    Episode Highlights: [1:45] Why you MUST have a website. [2:55] What is Word of Mouth marketing and does it really work? [5:20] How to get your work in front of your ideal client’s eyes. [9:04] How to handle the dreaded “how much do you charge?” DM.   If you are interested in joining me inside of The Lashpreneur Society, head over to my instagram at and DM me “#society”.
9/12/202214 minutes, 22 seconds
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“How Do I Avoid Looking Desperate to Fill Appointments?”

Today, we're going to be answering a question I got on Instagram which is:  “How do I advertise that I have appointments available? Without looking desperate to fill them?”  There’s really two parts to this question…the first part is “how do you advertise available appointments” and the second part is “How to not look desperate”. And what I'm going to share today is probably the complete opposite of what you think…   Episode Highlights [1:53] No Advertising Is Necessary  [3:37] Clients Aren’t Booking Because They Don’t Trust You [9:01] IT’S OK TO BE DESPERATE - But Not For the Reasons You Might Think   If you want to learn more about how The Lashpreneur Society can help you learn the steps on implementing this inside of your business - send me a DM on Instagram at If you have “no longer accepting clients” anywhere on your marketing  - I want you to listen to episode 75 - “Closing your books will close your doors” to learn why this strategy is not a wise business move and what to do instead.
9/5/202217 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Do You Single-Handedly Run a Business?

Today I’m answering this question I received in an Instagram DM:  “How do you single-handedly run a business? There is no time to grab a sip of water, let alone get up and give each client the proper hello and see you later I would desire. Or getting back to potential and current clients during the day. I feel like my entire focus goes into when I'm in the chair, and there's no time for anything else.” You are not a victim of your time… You are the CEO, the business owner, the boss - and the ONLY person who is in control of your schedule. If you don’t give yourself the time to rest, stretch your hands, go to the bathroom, or have a sip of water - that's on you boo, your name is on the door!  Ain't nobody coming to save you. Let go of your need to please/serve everyone and focus on the business you’re creating that maximizes YOUR impact on others. Create a business that YOU LOVE, and not one that other’s love but you hate. What are your goals? You have to figure out what your goals are and prioritize the action steps that are going to get you closer to your goal and forget about the rest - or at least put it aside for now.   Episode Highlights: [3:41] You are the ONLY person in control of your schedule.  [10:45] What I would do to free up more time in my schedule without sacrificing income. [19:13] Prioritize the actions that are going to get you closer to your goals - and not just the ones that keep you busy. [20:39] Why you must block out time to work ON your business and not just IN it.    If you have questions about running a business, send me a DM and let's talk about it. And let me know if this episode helps.  You can find me at
8/29/202226 minutes, 24 seconds
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Want To Immediately Improve Your Marketing? Here’s How.

How I got SO GOOD at marketing and how you can improve your marketing too! I want you to GET OBSESSED with your ideal type of clientele. Anytime you feel like your marketing isn’t working or you’re stumped on what to do to market your business CONNECT BACK TO YOUR IDEAL CLIENTELE. My CHALLENGE to you - write out 5 reasons why someone would love to receive lashes or whatever service you provide from YOU. Once you’ve written out a minimum of 5 reasons - I want you to just brain dump all the different ways you can say each of those 5 reasons. Voilà! Now you’ve got content and caption ideas! Let me warn you - if you can’t come up with 5 reasons - THAT’s why your marketing is in trouble. If you can’t communicate why you’re different/better/or the best at what you do for your ideal client - how will they ever know? If you’re struggling with this - I want to invite you to join me inside of my free OVERLOOKED to FULLY BOOKED masterclass if you haven’t yet. In this class we’ll spend about an hour talking through  The 3 biggest mistakes everybody makes in business and why they're costing you  clients. How successful businesses build a clientele consistently. How to keep money in your business and in your pocket. How to create financial and time freedom to live the lifestyle you want as a business owner without endlessly discounting or competing on price. You can register for one of my upcoming calls at   Episode Highlights [2:45] WHO are you marketing to? [4:39] How can you serve? [10:30] My Challenge to you - this will help you quickly come up with content and caption ideas!
8/22/202217 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why you don’t have to be on social media

I recently had a conversation with one of my mastermind members who has so much DEMAND for her and her team that she needs to hire several more team members to keep up with the demand. We were discussing her goals and she said a big focus of her’s was “I need to start making reels for the business” and I asked why. Her answer:  “Because I need to market the business.”  She ALREADY has more demand than she can handle for her AND her team. But it’s not wise to ever stop marketing your business, right? Her goal of learning how to be better at marketing is great - but from my perspective it’s not the best use of her time and energy right now, why? Because she has marketing that is ALREADY killing it for her! And she hasn’t posted one reel… weird, right? This is the conversation that sparked today’s episode.   Episode Highlights [3:28] Fully booked beauty businesses don’t rely on just ONE marketing platform [7:49] Social media should be FUN [14:34] IMPROVE what’s already working instead of starting from scratch.   Looking to get ideas and easy inspiration to get more clients to notice your business? Use these 10 Marketing Tips to help your business go from OVERLOOKED TO FULLY BOOKED! P.S. Here is my personal invite to you to join me for a one hour BUSINESS CLASS where I teach you how to create financial and time freedom to live the LIFESTYLE you want as a business owner without endlessly discounting or competing on price! To join me in an upcoming class head to
8/15/202220 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is Your Lash Business Recession-Proof?

Lately we’ve had several members inside The Lashpreneur Society asking about this topic and I thought - if I'm seeing this come up with this level of frequency with our members - chances are, a good percentage of you are thinking the same thing.  And that is about a recession. There is a lot of talk on the radio, media, and social media - pretty much anywhere you get your news and information from - about a looming recession. What to do, how to prepare, will your business survive, what should you be doing with your finances right now….it’s enough to make anyone want to bury their heads in the sand.  Today I dare you to walk down the worst-case scenario path with me (just for a moment) and I also offer you a perspective shift that I believe will change the way you look at your business and your life.   Episode Highlights [2:56] Be Careful What You Feed Your Brain [5:36] “What do we do IF” and Other Fear-Based Statements [6:34] What are “price sensitive clients'' - and why are they a problem for the future stability of your business. [12:00] Choose Better Thoughts   If you need help with fear-based thoughts and beliefs, send me a DM on instagram at and let’s chat. We can come up with some better, more empowering thoughts together!
8/8/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
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Using Premade Lashes: Worth It or Not?

In today’s episode… My guest is Premade Lash Expert Michelle Smith of Imperfection is Beauty and we are talking all about Premade lashes. The myths, the benefits, and the CONTROVERSY! Here are just a few of the things that we cover today: ⭐What’s the difference between the various types of premades? ⭐How you could be making more money and saving time by utilizing premades - even though the product cost is significantly higher. ⭐Some things to consider when shopping for premades. ⭐Michelle’s best practices and tips for using premades.   Episode Highlights [12:36] Most common objections people have to using premades. [20:59] What makes a quality premade?  [30:15] Why you shouldn’t be so quick to judge someone who runs their business differently than you.   Want to connect with Michelle online - follow her on Instagram at Visit her website: For more Lash Biz Building tips, follow The Lashpreneur on Instagram at
8/1/202232 minutes, 28 seconds
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Mental Health and Business Ownership - It’s OK to Not Be OK (Part 2)

In Part 2 of this two-part episode, I continue my conversation with Cheryl of Untamed Artistry on mental health issues and what that looks like in business ownership. Today we’re talking about what it means when you reach a goal that, by society’s definition, makes you successful (like earning six figures in revenue) - but it doesn’t bring you the feeling of joy or happiness that you thought it would.  We also discuss how learning to love yourself will make you a better CEO, finding the balance between anxiety and depression, and the reason why using the work and hustle of entrepreneurship is not a healthy escape. Missed Part 1? Check it out HERE If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, anxiety, depression, or just needs emotional support visit to get matched with a licensed, accredited mental health professional online.  Where you can find Cheryl:  Website: Instagram: @untamed.artistry Cheryl's Personal Instagram: @agoodenoughhuman Podcast - Untamed   Episode Highlights: [7:05] Happiness vs. Contentment: Which one should you aim for? [13:33] What does it feel like to be content? [17:45] The difference between anxiety and depression.
7/25/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mental Health and Business Ownership - It’s OK to Not Be OK (Part 1)

It is often too easy to look at business owners or influencers in our industry - especially those that have a platform and a lot of followers - and think they’ve got it all “figured out”. Like they’re just living the highlife. I want to assure you that this is NOT always the case - in fact it rarely, if EVER is.  I’ve gone through the experience of having my mental health tank, as I’m sure many of you listening have. I still go through big ups and downs, they’re just not as scary for me anymore because I gave myself permission to do what was scary back when I shut down my business and walked away for 4 months - unsure if I’d ever go back to it. In Part 1 of this two-part Lessons of a Lashpreneur episode, I talk with Cheryl of Untamed Artistry. Cheryl shares her journey of dealing with mental health struggles, anxiety, and depression - all while trying to run a seven figure business. By society's standards, she is considered a "successful" business owner - but reaching that milestone didn’t give her the happiness or fulfillment she thought it would.  Instead, she realized that she had an unhealthy relationship with her business where she was working crazy long hours, feeling burned out, and struggling mentally.  She had all the external results that she thought would make her happy - but she was MISERABLE. She also talks about a moment - that most business owners may inevitably face at some point - where she considered giving it all up." Today we peel back the curtain to give you a behind the scenes look of what it’s REALLY like to to run a six figure business, our mental health journeys and what that looks like in business ownership - and offer you some hope that you’re not alone, you will get through it, and nobody has it all “figured out”. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, anxiety, depression, or just needs emotional support visit to get matched with a licensed, accredited mental health professional online.  Where you can find Cheryl:  Website: Instagram: @untamed.artistry Cheryl's Personal Instagram: @agoodenoughhuman Podcast - Untamed   Episode Highlights: [9:34] Mental health issues and what that looks like in business ownership [21:25] How feelings of “burnout” is really “misalignment” [29:22] The difference between KINDNESS and NICENESS
7/18/202244 minutes, 42 seconds
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My Secret Weapon For A Better Customer Experience

I recently attended an event for one of my biz buddies, Britt Seva - a stellar business coach for hairstylists, called Thrivers Live. One thing that really resonated with me that one of the speakers spoke about was having EMPATHY in how you handle the clients in your business.  When a client gets unhappy - It’s usually caused by two factors - either they don't like the results, OR they didn’t  like the experience. Depending on their comfort level of communicating with the business on their undesired results or experience will determine how they feel they can be heard. Sometimes that means contacting you and giving you the opportunity to fix the error and sometimes that means putting you on blast online by way of a bad review and telling anyone who will listen about their results/experience. It’s totally normal when we feel like somebody's upset with us or we feel threatened to go on the defensive and try to protect ourselves by making the client out to be wrong or that we’re the wronged party - but this approach to running your business doesn’t solve anything - and often times ends up back firing on you and your business. So today's episode is really going to give you a different perspective that I wanted to offer you on handling upset clients - and that is by using empathy.   Episode Highlights: [3:41] What is empathy? [5:14] The downward spiral that can happen when you get a negative review. [8:17] The perspective shift that is a game-changer in how to handle upset clients.
7/11/202216 minutes, 48 seconds
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Here’s How to Stop SNEAKY Clients Who Book Fill Appointments When It Should Really be a Full Set!

Today we're going to talk about the sneaky clients.  I've seen this come up in our Facebook community for The Lashpreneur Society a couple of times where people are like,“Gosh, this client, she just keeps booking the WRONG appointment cause she’s just cheap!”  or “I’ve told her a million times she has to come in by 3 weeks or it’s a full set and she just keeps booking a fill”  or just all of these frustrating client nuances.  So what do you do as a business owner when you think that clients are trying to GET AWAY with cheaper services, or undercut the policies that you have in place? Enter - healthy business boundaries by way of your policies!  Are you struggling with policies in your business? Maybe you don’t know which ones help avoid the most common client issues you’ll face or you’re not exactly sure how to word it so that it’s clear and enforceable? Well you’re in luck! I have my sample policies that worked extremely well in my business that eliminated 99.999% of client problems BEFORE they occurred.   To check out what policies worked well in my business - download it for free here   Episode Highlights: [2:57] Simple mindset shift to help you keep your cool when a client books a wrong appointment. [3:23] Steps to take when an incorrect booking happens - and what to say to your client. [6:54] Do this IMMEDIATELY if you think your client is unhappy with her results.
6/27/202212 minutes, 56 seconds
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The 5 Things You MUST Know Before Renting a Space for your Beauty Business

No matter what level you're at in your journey of being a business owner, at some point you may want to consider renting a space to operate your business out of.  On today's episode, we're gonna go over some basics of what you need to be aware of when looking for a commercial space to operate your business out of. Whether you’ve started your business yet or not, or if you're thinking about expanding beyond the current space that you're in… here are 5 things to consider when you start perusing the interwebs for a commercial lease space.  EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS - I actually have a more in depth list of 23 THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER WHEN LOOKING FOR A COMMERCIAL LEASE SPACE that you can go download for free. This is the checklist I used when I was on a hunt for my first location! To get the full list - Go to   Episode Highlights: [9:37] Why you should AVOID renting a room in a hair salon at all costs. [14:08] What is an “anchor” store and how does it affect the price you pay for a nearby lease. [7:50] Bonus Tip: One detail in signing a lease that you do NOT want to MISS! 
6/20/202218 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to INCREASE Your Income, WITHOUT Taking on More Client

Would you like to increase your income without taking on more clients? On today’s episode, I’m sharing a tip that will show you how!  I have ONLY shared this tip with my mastermind students who are building out salon teams - until now! This is a great financial exercise for you to do to see which service brings you in the most money for your time! To keep it simple and clear - this is not evaluating the profitability of your business - just the amount of SALES PER MINUTE. Doing this simple evaluation can help you to see if you've priced your services reasonably or if there are some major red flags to how you've structured your pricing! Once you know which service brings in the most money, you just do MORE of that service-which will allow you to increase your income without having to take on more clients! After doing this breakdown you may realize that you actually make more money doing a Classic fill per minute than doing a Mega Volume fill! And this is VERY COMMON if your pricing was never intentional and you just pulled a number out your 🍑 or copy and pasted your competitors pricing who pulled that price point out of their 🍑 Here is my personal invite to you to join me for a one hour BUSINESS CLASS where I teach you how to create financial and time freedom to live the LIFESTYLE you want as a business owner without endlessly discounting or competing on price! To join me in an upcoming class head   Episode Highlight: [3:20] Simple Exercise to Find Out Your Service Price Per Minute
6/13/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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What Does a MILLION Dollar Lash Biz Look Like? You’re Gonna Want to Meet Rose Meza

I got a DM yesterday asking- IS MOMENTUM MASTERMIND A GOOD FIT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY STARTED BUILDING OUT A TEAM? On today’s episode, I’d like to introduce you to Mastermind Member, Rose Meza, of Sugar Blossom Lashes. When Rose joined this program 6 months ago - she already had two locations and a team of 14 with sales of OVER HALF A MILLION in annual revenue. Rose has now built out a team of 20 (and growing!) and is projected to do $1.2 million in annual revenue this year 🤩🤩🤩 Rose is incredibly business savvy, driven and highly motivated - so don’t get it twisted - Rose wasn’t hurting for success! However, external perceived success and a big business is not always what it seems from the outside looking in. If you think the stats I shared about Rose’s business have you believing she’s got it MADE - I want you to hear about her experience of joining the Mastermind over the last 6 months and what impact that has had on not only her business - but her personal life as well! If you’ve already taken the incredibly challenging step of trying to build out a team - whether you’ve experienced massive success or not with that adventure - Momentum Mastermind is going to be incredibly helpful in the process of moving you into the true CEO/Visionary role. Applications for Momentum Mastermind close this Friday, June 10th - and we have already held over 15 interviews for the program as we are application only and capping our number of members to keep this group small for Season 2 - so APPLY NOW to get on that call with me so we can get you clarity on how to build out that dream biz of yours where you stop trading YOUR time for money! If you're all considering building out a team in 2022 - I highly encourage you to apply. You've got nothing to lose and only clarity to gain even if you decide this program is not the right next step! Apply for Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind here:   Episode Highlights: [8:43] “Commission Breeds Competition” - how to get your employees to actually act like a TEAM. [26:24] How to create a consistent customer experience - no matter what service provider they see. [40:15] Why Rose says joining this program will save you so much money in the long run. [43:33] The Steps to Apply for Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind.
6/8/202246 minutes, 22 seconds
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1099s vs W-2 Employees - How to Set Up Your Business for PREDICTABLE and LEGAL Growth + Stability with Momentum Mastermind Member Tiffany Federico

On today’s episode, I spoke with Momentum Mastermind Member Tiffany Federico, of Bright Eyes Beauty Bar. Prior to the pandemic, Tiffany got pregnant, and found herself in need of hiring an employee to cover for her FAST.  She quickly realized that it wouldn’t be as simple as she thought-there are a lot of legalities and responsibilities that come with building out a team. Now I’m not unrealistic - I know that it is COMMON in our industry to hire women as 1099 Independent Contractors - throw 50% commission at them and think you’re creating a win-win situation for both you, the team member and the business… and that is how A LOT of salon owners choose to build out their teams without actually looking at whether or not that pay structure is LEGAL or PROFITABLE. But OOF - did you know that 99.999999% of the time - the way the salon/contractor relationship is handled in our industry is 100% ILLEGAL and violates FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT LAWS (at least here in the US) - and just cause you don’t know the laws - doesn’t mean they don’t apply to you sis! 🤭🚔👮‍♀️🔗☠️ Never fear - if you have found yourself in this 1099 pickle like Tiffany, she shares how she was able to transition her team members from 1099s to W-2 employees so that her business has PREDICTABLE and LEGAL growth + stability AND EVEN BETTER - She now is PLANNING FOR PROFIT in her business so she won’t be tied to the treatment room forever because the profit of the business can now start to support Tiffany!!!  If you’re considering building out a team, I’ve got ONE more free Introductory call happening TODAY at 11 am EDT/ 8 am PDT where  I’ll explain the details of the program and answer your questions to see if this program might be the right next step for you in creating a scalable business model. REGISTER HERE FOR AN UPCOMING INTRODUCTORY CALL  (psst if you’re ready to apply for the Mastermind NOW - here’s how )   Episode Highlights: [9:24] What a scalable business model looks like where you stop trading YOUR time for Money.  [13:10] Why it’s important to connect with those who are on the same journey as you, or have been where you are now. [18:47] Why Tiffany believes Momentum Mastermind is 100% worth it for any business owner who desires to work less and make more.
6/6/202223 minutes, 25 seconds
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Nightmare Employees and Sky High Salon Rent - How Lauren Overcame a Business Owner’s Worst Nightmare with the Momentum Mastermind Program

On today’s episode Lauren talks about her experience with her first employee who-within a couple weeks-was already stealing lashes and taking clients at home behind her back!  Lauren says, “So I would say every time I listened to any  free content out there on building a team-I was making EVERY SINGLE MISTAKE that someone who had gone through it before me was making and so I was like, I need to get help. I really need help.” Lauren was under a lot of pressure because when she first started, the whole goal was to start to pay herself more because she has $3,000 a month in rent, which is insanely high for a solo artist. So already, even if she was fully booked and doing $6,000, or $7,000 a month in sales, most of that was going to be to rent. So she made the investment into this program with the anticipation that she was going to build out a team to help support that. Applications for Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind are NOW OPEN through June 10th. If you’re considering building out a team, I’ve got two more free Introductory calls coming up where I’ll explain the details of the program and answer your questions to see if this program might be the right next step for you in creating a scalable business model. Join my on the next Mastermind Info Call Here:   Episode Highlights: [15:10] Why you should “work with the end in mind” to avoid being overwhelmed when creating your long term business goals. [29:27] Lauren’s thoughts on why it’s better to get help from the beginning and avoid costly mistakes-like she did. [30:15] Why having a trusted community significantly improves your business growth and mental well being.
6/3/202235 minutes, 12 seconds
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From 1 Employee to Fully Out of the Treatment Room - Team Building Success with Momentum Mastermind Member Victoria Parrish

On today’s episode, I talk with Victoria Parrish who was essentially my “test subject” when it came to creating the Momentum Mastermind program.  She experienced such significant growth in just a few short months of working through the curriculum and I knew that there were more beauty business owners who could benefit from the same training. Victoria started lashing about six years ago and always knew she wanted to grow, to have a team of ladies who had the same vision as her. She was always really good at her craft, but not necessarily the business- so she needed help. One thing that she knew she wanted to do was learn from somebody else's mistakes and gain insight into their processes. That way, she didn't have to waste her own time or go through the same mistakes as others. “For me, I'm a very black and white person when it comes to business. And a lot of times I was like, it's the end of the world. I ran on anxiety all the time. Tara really, truly helped me with the mindset aspect of it all. And that in itself, if I only would have gotten that it would have been amazing-but I got 10 times more out of working with her.” In only three months of working together, Victoria had her first $10,000 month- a goal she thought would take her TWO YEARS to accomplish. If you’re considering building out a team, I’ve got two more free Introductory calls coming up where I’ll explain the details of the program and answer your questions to see if this program might be the right next step for you in creating a scalable business model. REGISTER HERE FOR AN UPCOMING INTRODUCTORY CALL   Episode Highlights: [14:51] The genuine community our Mastermind Members experienced and how they truly want to help each other. [16:38] Why the program is application only and Tara does not accept everyone who applies. [18:05] How Victoria was able to use the Momentum Mastermind In Person retreat as a tax write off and an excuse to take her family on vacation while her business was still taking clients and making money!
5/30/202223 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Pitfall of Hiring Someone Who’s “Just Like You” with Momentum Mastermind Member Erica Hjelmaa

On today’s episode, I talk with  Erica Hjelmaa about her experience going through the Momentum Mastermind program. Prior to the pandemic, Erica had one employee. Once her business was able to re-open, her employee- who was on a commission based salary- was asking for a raise. Erica didn't really know how to go forward with paying her more without it cutting into her profits.  When she received an email about Momentum Mastermind, she felt like it was perfect timing because it was exactly what she needed at that time. She learned how offering a 50% commission was actually bad for business and what she should be looking for in hiring a new employee. We will be having more interviews coming from our Momentum Mastermind members! Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind starts in July and applications open May 25th through June 10th, 2022. If you’d like to join us for Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind, join me on an upcoming introductory call to learn more about this program and get your questions answered HERE:    Episode Highlights: [6:04] The reason you actually DON’T want to hire someone who’s EXACTLY like you. [12:24] The parts of the Momentum Mastermind that were the most beneficial to Erica. [14:30] What Erica thinks you should really consider when deciding to join the Mastermind or not.
5/27/202219 minutes, 4 seconds
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From Having No Direction to a Business Structure that WORKS with Momentum Mastermind Member Farideh Fahoul

Farideh has been a member of the Momentum Mastermind since we started in January. She was doing well as a solo artist, but when she expanded she didn't have a business structure of how things worked. She knew she didn’t want to go the route of DIY-ing her business and trying to Google everything on her own because that was too cluttered and overwhelming. On today’s episode she gives an overview of what the mastermind is from her perspective and experience, how her mindset has shifted since participating in the program and what her biggest takeaways were. We will have more interviews coming from our Momentum Mastermind members! Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind starts in July and applications open May 25th Through June 10th. If you'd like to join us for Season 2 of Momentum Mastermind, then you can go to   Episode Highlights: [7:21] What the program is from Farideh’s perspective and experience. [15:52] How Farideh’s mindset has drastically changed since participating in the program. [23:11] Farideh’s advice for anyone who is considering joining Momentum Mastermind.
5/23/202226 minutes, 47 seconds
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5 Things to Know Before Hiring Your First Team Member

There is this illusion that once you get fully booked, then you hire a warm body to come in there and help with your overflow. And eventually, someday, out in the future, you might be able to work less and still have the business be making money. When it comes to hiring a team member, there are questions that I get asked consistently- many of those come from lash business owners who have already hired team members and are now discovering steps that they may not have been aware of or just didn’t know would be an issue prior to hiring. So I want to address the five things that you should know before hiring your first team member so that you are setting yourself, your team member and your business up for success.   Episode Highlights: [5:58] Just because you don’t know the laws-doesn’t mean they don’t apply to you. [22:01] Are you afraid that your clients won’t go to the new team member? [28:30] Paying yourself is a discipline, not a destination.   I hope you'll join me next week as I breakdown why hiring independent contractors is bad for business and could cost you everything including your business and even your home! Also - I want to assure you - if it is your dream to build a team legally and profitably - I've got some crazy successful women I'm going to introduce you to in the coming weeks who have overcome incredible challenges and are KILLING it as legal AND profitable business owners with teams ranging from 1 - 14 team members!   My Go-to Beauty Industry Accounting Experts:  @smallbusinesscpa @thebeautycpa  Give Gusto a try!  LOL Podcast Episode: Is 6 Figures Realistic as a Solo Beauty Business Owner- Listen HERE   If building out a team is something that you really want to do we have our momentum mastermind applications opening up again at the end of May. That is a six month group coaching program for those that want to build out teams legally and profitably and we're gonna have a whole lot more conversation around what that is in the coming weeks. You can get on the waitlist for it by going to and that way you'll be notified when we open up applications.    
5/16/202238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Coaching Corner: How to Stay Motivated Long Term While Running Your Business with Ashley Lopez Part 2

In Part 2 of this two-part Coaching Corner episode with Ashley Lopez, we talk about the importance of improving the structure of your business and setting financial goals that will keep you motivated long term. Missed Part 1? Check it out HERE Talking with an accountant is a great place to start to understand the financials, I think it's also going to work better for you to start to look at your business as a BUSINESS and get yourself on payroll and get structure in your business. If you're only paying yourself when you want something, that  also comes with the downside of the opposite-when you want something and you can't pay yourself, because you didn't have the structure of the business in place.    Episode Highlights: [12:31] Childhood Beliefs That Could Be Holding You Back [13:58] Setting Lifestyle Goals Vs Money Goals  [19:42] The One Thing You Must Do In Order To Have A Successful Business   If building out a team is something that you really want to do we have our momentum mastermind applications opening up again at the end of May. That is a six month group coaching program for those that want to build out teams legally and profitably and we're gonna have a whole lot more conversation around what that is in the coming weeks. You can get on the waitlist for it by going to and that way you'll be notified when we open up applications. 
5/9/202224 minutes, 12 seconds
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Coaching Corner: Finding the Balance Between Business and Family with Ashley Lopez Part 1

In Part 1 of this 2-part Coaching Corner Episode, I talk to lash business owner Ashley Lopez about finding balance between working on her business and spending time with her husband and kids. Ashley is from Galloway, New Jersey and prior to opening her lash business in December 2018, she was in the corporate world. The corporate world was not very friendly with kids. Since she had a cosmetology license she thought, “What can I do with this to have a more flexible schedule, be with my kids, but still make the money that I was making at my corporate job?” Her main struggle right now is finding the balance between investing in the business and also being able to have the capacity to be present with her kids. Some business owners experience mom guilt- when they're paying attention to their business, they're like “I should be with my kids”. You can also experience the opposite- “I'm with my kids, but I should be with my business”. Isn't that interesting?  So if you were spending so much time in your business, and you felt guilty that you weren't spending time with your kids, we would look at when can you spend time with your kids that's dedicated and focused on them so that you feel like they're getting what they need? You can do that in reverse with the business as well.  How much time in a week do you want to be able to spend working on the business, not in it-but ON the business?   In Part 1 of this 2-part episode, we talk about: [14:23] The one factor that is to blame for you not having clarity in your business and feeling like you’re all over the place. [34:39] What does it mean to illegally misclassify your team members and how to fix it. [38:35] How to overcome overwhelm when you just don’t know where to start.   If building out a team is something that you really want to do, we have our momentum mastermind applications opening up again at the end of May. It is a six month group coaching program for those that wanting to build out a team legally and profitably. You can get on the waitlist for it by going to and that way you'll be notified when we open. 
5/2/202240 minutes, 46 seconds
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Lash Biz FAQ - Should you offer a membership/subscription for your services?

Recently a long time student of mine asked "I want to offer a monthly subscription for my clients so I get paid on the 1st of the month. I'm thinking of including 2 services in their payment, with perks of getting first dibs on appointments - and offering the services at a discounted rate. This would help my clients save money and help me manage my time and money AND create a secure income. I think this would give me more consistency in my business - what do you think?" As someone who has run a membership business model for the last 5 years with The Lashpreneur Society - I would consider myself an expert in membership or subscription based business models. And I am NOT a fan of the membership or subscription based business model for solo lash artists for a variety of reasons which I share in today’s episode.    Episode Highlights: [2:58] Common reasons why businesses have memberships. [7:10] The two main membership structures and how they work. [11:28] Why having a membership as a solo lash artist is going to COST you in the long run.   Want more consistent and predictable income in your business? Well my friends - that's what we can teach you inside of The Lashpreneur Society - my business coaching program - membership for beauty business owners. And the cool thing is - we don't lock you into a long term contract - the membership is month to month, cancel anytime. This puts the risk on myself and team Lashpreneur to make it a no brainer for you to stay a member because of the results YOU are getting from your membership.  And if you don't get the results you want - cancel anytime. If you want to get on the waitlist to be notified when we open the doors to the society again - head to and sign up to be first in line when we open enrollment again - and keep an eye on that email cause we're opening up the doors to the society VERY soon. VERY SOON!
4/25/202219 minutes, 59 seconds
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Imposter Syndrome

I have just returned from an incredible trip to Medellin, Colombia where I spoke at a lash conference for latin american lash and brow artists!   There were so many powerful moments for me over this trip that I’m incredibly grateful for - that the Tara of 2-3 years ago wouldn’t have had the capacity to even recognize were big moments for me in my journey as The Lashpreneur.   As I was speaking at this conference, the idea of imposter syndrome came up for me because I had this moment where I'm like, “Who am I to be going to a country where I don't necessarily speak the language and teach other beauty professionals?”   So it kind of left me going back and forth between what my brain was telling me (you’re not qualified to do this) versus what I know to be true (that I am an expert in business and I know how to teach business and that does translate across all languages).    So where does imposter syndrome show up in your life?   In today’s episode I’m going to talk about imposter syndrome. What it is, how to tackle it, and how to overcome it.    Teaching Points: [3:20] What is imposter Syndrome? [4:38] Playing to win vs. playing not to lose. [6:58] Mindset shift to stop imposter syndrome in its tracks.   If you have any questions about being an educator or marketing your business or how you can show up more in your business, send me a DM at That's where I can help you with whatever knowledge is in my head that might be of service to you.   
4/11/202223 minutes, 13 seconds
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Coaching Corner: How Your Self-Worth Affects the Success of Your Business with podcast listener Tori Miller Part 2

In Part 2 of this Coaching Corner episode, I answer Tori’s question about how she can find the time to go to therapy and do the necessary work on herself to improve how she shows up in her business.  My recommendation for Tori to find more time for herself and her business is to drop some of the clients she’s taking.  There is a formula (which I share in this episode) for how to drop clients and create more time to work on your business-while making the SAME amount of money. I show Tori how she can free up an entire extra day of the week using my formula.  What would an extra day do for you and your business?    Highlights from this week’s episode:  [7:48] What is an “after hours” fee and how to use it to cut back on the hours you’re working. [11:37] How working on yourself affects how you show up in your business and allows you to make informed decisions on what the business needs. [13:01] What I would do if I found myself in a position where I was a burned-out, people pleasing biz owner. [15:36] How to work with the end goal in mind.   I’d love it if you would leave a review and let me know what episodes have really helped you in your business.   Happy business building!   Have a good one!
4/4/202219 minutes, 4 seconds
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Coaching Corner: How Your Self-Worth Affects the Success of Your Business with podcast listener Tori Miller Part 1

In this new Coaching Corner episode, I talk with Tori Miller who owns a sugaring business in Las Vegas, NV. In Part 1 of this 2-part series, I take her through what I call domino belief coaching. That’s where we're going to get clarity on why she keeps overbooking herself despite her declining health and exhaustion-and it will start to make sense how it affects how she shows up in other areas of her business and life as well. Tori says: “I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I am now four years into my company and I do sugaring. I have found your episodes very helpful, especially the ones about what not to do and what to do with policies and clients. I just don't put myself in place with it. I always book days off to either give myself a break or to do office work. But if a client comes in and asks to have an appointment on that off day then I open it- and I just start stacking up more work.” Why do you set aside time to rest, get stuff done or catch up on your business, only to put that on the back burner as soon as a client comes a-callin? What thoughts go through your head when you agree to take that client at a time that’s convenient for them (but not for you)?  For Tori and a lot of beauty biz owners, it’s FEAR.  Fear of getting a negative review, fear of disappointing people, or fear of losing clients.    Here’s some highlights from this week’s episode: [8:05] How to identify childhood trauma that may be affecting how you run your business. [16:50] Why you should ‘get your head out of your clients’ wallet’ and stop basing your prices on what you THINK they will pay. [23:16] Why getting a one star review is not going to derail your business. [25:46] What to do and how to respond if you DO get a bad review.   Join us next week as we dive into Part 2 of my interview with Tori where I walk her through my exact process for creating more time to work on her business without losing any money. We also discuss how to make sure that the actions she’s currently taking are actually leading her in the direction of where she wants her business to be in the future. Happy business building! Have a good one!
3/28/202239 minutes, 21 seconds
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Coaching Corner: How to Juggle Business and Life as a Single Mom with Podcast Listener Shyrome Hardmon Part 2

On Part 2 of my coaching call with Shyrome, we talk about marketing her business and where she’s stuck in a rut and needs a little guidance. Shyrome shares: “I know sometimes I get distracted by everything that's going on on my Instagram, and I'm looking at everybody else, and I'm feeling like I need to be at a certain speed. And so I decided to go in and unfollow people. I did hear that from your podcast a while ago. And I just never got to it.” Trying to copy and paste another lash artist’s success and marketing will NOT serve you or your business. In today’s episode, I’ll share with you what WILL.    Here’s some highlights from this week’s episode: [4:53] Why keeping up with your competition is keeping you STUCK. [13:48] My best tip for always knowing what to say in your social media captions. [24:32] How to write killer captions.  Do you enjoy these coaching call episodes? Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know! Happy business building! Have a good one!
3/21/202230 minutes, 16 seconds
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Coaching Corner: How to Juggle Business and Life as a Single Mom with Podcast Listener Shyrome Hardmon Part 1

Podcast Listener, Shyrome Hardmon applied to be a guest on this Coaching Corner episode. Shyrom wrote in saying: “In 2020 I was pregnant with my 2nd child and literally had no motivation or energy to do anything. The time was also horrible because of covid and I didn't feel safe doing lashes. I kinda lost myself after. September 2020 I had my child, and it was hard getting back to business so I took it easy and started beauty school Jan 2021 which was online so it worked out for me. I just graduated Dec 2021 and I leased a space. Now I’m struggling with content, marketing, and building my clientele. I’m struggling with the business side, and branding myself. I’m trying to make money to invest in the business side also so I’m kind of in a rut and it’s hard because I’m a single mom who needs a little guidance.” In this two part episode, I will address both her challenge of feeling like she doesn’t have enough time to learn marketing for her business while running a household and also her struggles with marketing and building a clientele.  In this episode- I help Shyrome discover ways to free up more time to work on her business even while being a single mom to two small children.   [10:07] How to create more time to work on your business by identifying revenue-generating activities vs. non revenue-generating activities. [10:41] What your CEO hourly rate is, why it’s important, and how to calculate this number. This will help you make informed decisions about where you should be spending your time. [20:13] Mindset shift to take the pressure off of yourself of what you THINK you should be doing and why that type of thinking doesn’t serve you. Join us next week as we dive into part 2 of  my interview with Shyrome where we tackle her marketing plan, her Instagram strategy and my top tips on building a clientele. See you next week. Happy business building! Have a good one!
3/14/202223 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Discounts

On today’s episode, I’m diving into the do’s and don’ts of discounting your services. Discounting should not be used as a strategy to  compete on price - cause that’s a losing game. If you’re priced “too high” for someone - chances are they’re not the type of clientele you want to be attracting into your business for long term growth and stability. BUT there can be a lot of ways in which discounting is an effective marketing strategy to increase new clients coming into your business. In this episode I’ll share... ✅The strategic purpose of discounts/sales/promotions ✅ What to do when your discount doesn't work to bring people in ✅ Real talk about model pricing ✅ How much to discount your services for a promo and creating an irresistible offer ✅ Determining Customer Lifetime Value to inform your promo strategy Send me a DM on Instagram or TikTok if this chat helped you to change up how you are going to run your next promotion!   Episode Highlights: [1:54] -The purpose of discounts and promotions [7:39] - Build a following of potential clients that wants what you have [13:10] - What model pricing is aimed for [18:20] - Pricing discounts is a constant testing and adjustment   Happy business building! Have a good one!
3/7/202222 minutes, 15 seconds
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Your Business is NOT Your Baby - Identifying an Unhealthy Codependency with Your Business

YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT YOUR BABY - if you've ever said or thought the phrase "my business is my baby" - there's a strong chance you've got an unhealthy codependent relationship with your business. In this episode I share… … the ways in which this unhealthy codependency shows up in beauty businesses … what a healthy relationship with your business looks like …and how to detach your feelings of worth from your business so you can make decisions based on the BUSINESS'S needs, not YOUR unmet needs. Shoot me a DM on Instagram if you’ve experienced any of the struggles I shared in the episode - cause I can tell you sis - I am STILL doing this work myself!    Episode Highlights: [8:05] – Enforcing boundaries keeps the business sustainable [12:34] – Establishing systems and processes is a win-win for you and for clients [17:43] – Confrontations are uncomfortable but necessary [22:04] – Don't let codependency interfere with your business's growth   Happy business building! Have a good one!
2/28/202226 minutes, 53 seconds
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Coaching Corner - Getting Clear on your Marketing Process and Checking Your Ego at the Door with Podcast Listener Lilly Moore

Podcast Listener, Lilly Moore of San Diego, applied to be a guest on this Coaching Corner episode. Lilly wrote in asking for help to get more clients, shared she was having retention issues, and struggled to get clients who reached out via dm/text/email only to have them stop responding once she shared her prices. Sound familiar? In today’s episode, I help Lilly get clarity on what her current sales and marketing process is and where there’s room for improving her process to get closer to converting more clients including an influencer marketing strategy I’ve never shared on the podcast before. We also hit on a major mindset shift that’s likely been holding Lilly back in how she runs her business and where her ego was actually preventing her from experiencing the beauty of what she does and the services she provides.  If you would like to get coaching on an upcoming episode, you can apply to be a guest on the podcast at If you’d like to improve your marketing and take your business to the next level, get on the waitlist for my group business coaching program, The Lashpreneur Society, here:    Episode Highlights: [15:37] - Create systems that utilize marketing styles with intention [27:18] - Attract the right audience suitable to your business [38:10] - Address client's behavioral problems [47:28] - Separate ego from your output [52:15] - Set expectations and have conversations with clients from the get go   Happy business building! Have a good one!
2/21/202259 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lessons Learned 1 Year After Shutting My Business Down

February 8, 2021 - I closed down the Lashpreneur and walked away from the business and the community I spent 5 years building. 1 year later - I have had some of the most transformational learning lessons from that rock bottom point that have shaped me into a woman I'm pretty damn proud of today. In this episode I’m sharing my top 3 greatest lessons learned from shutting down my business that I hope will serve you if you ever find yourself struggling in business or in life. I also want to invite you to reach out anytime thru DMs if you ever need to talk about the challenges you’re facing. You're not alone sis!   Episode Highlights: [05:25] - What helped me to continue The Lashpreneur [07:26] - The result you want or the lesson you need [10:46] - Your body is your greatest guide [22:23] - Three greatest lessons I learned over this past year   Happy business building! Have a good one!
2/14/202224 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Money Mindset Episode You Have to Hear

On today’s episode, I’m diving deep on money mindset and how the most toxic phrase thrown around in our industry is useless to help you grow your business and adjust prices. That phrase is “Charge your worth.” What does that even mean?!?! This episode shares some actionable steps to identify a profitable price point for your business. I share how you can reframe the meaning money has in your life, how to reassign looking at money through the lens of what’s possible as opposed to your current circumstances, how to help your clients see the value of what you offer before you ever introduce price, AND keeping your money mindset out of your client’s pocketbook. This is one of those must listen to powerful mindset episodes that can really help challenge limiting beliefs around money that are so common in our industry. Hit me up on Instagram DMs and let me know if this episode resonated with you!   Episode Highlights: [3:05] - Money is neither good nor bad [4:51] - Your treatment with money is a learned experience [8:06] - An exercise to change your perspective of money [13:57] - Your job is to make your client understand your service value [15:16] - The whole point of having a business is to make money   Happy business building! Have a good one!
2/7/202222 minutes, 47 seconds
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Business Beyond the Chair with Kayla Hertz of Educated Artistry

On this week’s episode - I’ve collaborated with a fellow lash podcaster, Kayla Hertz of Educated Artistry podcast! Kayla and I connected on Instagram recently and started talking about what we’re noticing in the industry by way of what to do once you’re fully booked. We have both seen and even experienced first hand that the traditional lash artist career path is start a business, become fully booked, then hire a team, become an educator and/or start a product line. Sound familiar?   Of course it does! It is what 99% of our industry plans to do when they first go out on their own. But reality is MUCH different than what our naive dreams of creating an empire look like when we first go out on our own. So Kayla and I decided to do a two part episode to speak to all of the opportunities you could pursue beyond trading your time for money as a service provider.   Part 1 of this episode can be found on Educate Artistry’s podcast so before listening to this episode, go check out Kayla’s Educated Artistry podcast titled “Business Beyond the Chair” or follow her on Instagram @educatedartistrypodcast where Kayla and I are breaking down the different legal options to build out your team and the difference between Booth renting vs Contractors vs Employees, and then come back and check out part 2 of our Business Beyond the Chair series right here on the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show. In part 2 - we do a deep dive into the various different opportunities to take your passion for the beauty industry and scale a business beyond you trading your time for money. Kayla and I deep dive on product lines, becoming an educator, coaching, podcasting and even becoming a beauty industry influencer. If you’re interested in learning how to build a team legally and profitably, I encourage you to get on the waitlist for my Momentum Mastermind to be notified when we open up applications again in late spring:   Episode Highlights: [15:00]Why building consistent relationship with your clients is ideal for your business [16:00] The Implication behind the law of reciprocity [17:10] What are the 2 common sales objection in business [25:19] How to grow a team legally and profitably [44:01] The importance of thinking outside the box [47:00] How to handle the imposter syndrome
1/31/202253 minutes, 3 seconds
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Must Know Updates to Venmo and How to Find an Accountant with Michelle Cook of Small Business CPAs

Let’s talk accounting and payment processors! A recent Venmo change has some beauty pros freaking out about monies earned from Venmo transactions now being reported to the IRS by Venmo if more than $600 is processed using Venmo. To help you get clarity on what this actually means for your business if Venmo is one of the payment processors you’re using in your business as well as understanding must have accounting processes for your 2022 - I brought on a new friend of mine, Michelle Cook of @smallbusinesscpa to chat all things Venmo and accounting best practices. Michelle is a beauty school graduate turned licensed CPA. As a partner at Carter Cook, CPAs, she specializes in guiding beauty professionals to move beyond compliance and into forward-focused strategy. Michelle also empowers beauty professionals to be the financial expert in their business through her course, Beauty Bookkeeping. When she's not helping clients maximize profit, you'll find her snuggling her two babies and drinking lavender tea. If you’d like to get up to 55% off of your first 3 months of Quickbooks - use my link If you’d like to register for one of my Free Overlooked to Fully Booked Masterclasses, you can find an upcoming class time that works for your schedule here: Here is the link where you can find Michelle's Beauty Bookkeeping Course - Episode Highlights: [3:47] - The changes with Venmo you need to know starting this year [8:25] - The importance and benefit of honestly declaring your business income [11:30] - Accounting best practices for business starters [14:16] - The difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant [18:40] - Questions to ask when hiring an accountant   Happy business building! Have a good one!
1/24/202229 minutes, 49 seconds
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Copy My WINNING Reels/TikTok Formula

Recently I created a Reel based on 4 factors to see if I could get it to outperform any other reel I did - and it worked! So in today's episode I'm going to share that formula with you for you to create your own reels that can increase reach and engagement with your audience. First - my perspective on REELS and social media in general. If you think I enjoy or crave or am super motivated to shake my tail feathers in public to 30,000+ potential people... HA you have me pegged wrong friends. Look I have insecurities just like you - I just don’t focus on ME in my marketing cause my marketing - is about you. I want to help you - and in order to do that - I gotta not make it about me. That may be where you are holding yourself back in marketing your business full out - because you’re more concerned about how you look, sound, act, behave and who might be judging you than  you are about how your potential client is feeling and thinking about herself. Get over yourself. Stop making it about you - cause girlfriend - that woman who is feeling like junk - who is going through a messy breakup or divorce or who is feeling FUGLY - doesn’t care that your voice sounds weird on video or that you feel ridiculous dancing to the latest trending audio - she just needs to know you can help her - so get out of your own way and put all your focus and energy into actually helping her! Alright - now that our little motivational pep talk is out of the way - let’s get into the 4 factors that make for viral level reels (could also work for TikTok if you’re creating content on that platform too). 1). Trending audio - When you’re on Instagram go to the Reels section where you watch other people’s reels - at the time of this recording - it is the middle button at the bottom of your feed. So there’s the home button, the search icon and then that movie style clapper board with the play symbol in it - that’s where you can find only reels. Once you’re in there - you will see scrolling text at the bottom of any reel. That is the NAME of the audio that is being played. You’ll see a music note or you’ll see a diagonal arrow pointing up. That diagonal arrow pointing up means that audio is trending - and you’re increasing your likelihood of that video performing well in the algorithm when you use trending audio. Save that audio or if you’re ready to record - you can use that audio right then. 2). Plan what you’re going to record using that trending audio. When you click on that trending audio - it will pull up all of the posts using that audio - to which now you can put on your marketer hat and watch how other people are using that audio - take your inspo of how your followers might relate to a video - and plan out what you’ll record. So for example - the viral reel I made used a trending audio file called Check it out (play audio). And the inspiration I got from watching others use that was a little dancing and pointing at educational tips I would later add in once I recorded it. I had a post from a year ago that performed really well organically that was about the 7 steps to increasing your lash speed. So I used that to point 7 times throughout the video so I could add in those 7 steps as text. Most of your reels will be 15-30 seconds long - so this is a great way for you to keep your content very bite sized. So if you’re new to reels - try out the shorter audio so you can get used to how they work - they won’t take long to create and post and you’ll start to understand the benefit of using that form of content on your feed. 3). Have fun with it and then add in the on screen text. This can be the time consuming part where you’re adding text that coordinates with the audio or appears and disappears on the screen. Keep your text short and if possible on beat. A little pro tip - if your text comes and goes from the screen just a touch too fast to be read the first time around that’s actually a really good thing - why? Cause they have to watch it again to read the rest of it- thus increasing your views and increasing the reel’s reach. Make sure they can see there’s something of value in the text - but it’s a-ok and actually encouraged to have it be on the screen just a second or two shorter than the average person can read the full sentence. You can rewatch your reel before posting to test this on yourself to see if you can read through the text bubbles fully in time and just shorten them a touch to entice watching a second or third time. 4). Keep your captions short, relevant, and to the point and be sure to include a call to action. A call to action is to tell the viewer what you want them to do. Do you want them to save this reel? Share or tag a friend ? Do you want them to DM you to talk about how lashes can benefit their mornings? Do you want them to leave a comment with a question they have or a response to your reel? Most of you use the call to action of Call/Text/DM to book an appointment on every single post. I can tell you right now that’s a strategy of desperation. You want to build and nurture the relationship - not always go in for the kill. Out of every 5-7 posts - you can have one direct call to action to book an appointment - but more than that and you’re missing out on engagement and conversation with clients which will lead to far more sales when you can get a potential client talking to you! To sum up the episode: 1). Use only Trending audio  2). Plan what you’re going to record using that trending audio that’s relevant to your target market/niche.***Bonus tip - look at what others using that sound have done to relate that audio to a service based business for inspo 3). Have fun with it and then add in the on screen text to tie the reel to be something of value to your audience 4). Keep your captions short, relevant, and to the point and be sure to include a call to action.    Episode Highlights: [2:00] Factors that will help you get more engagement on your reels [4:00] The reason why reels are highly prioritized  [5:05] How to become competitive in the marketplace [6:58] How to use social media marketing tool to your advantage [21:58] Top ten marketing tips for your business If you’d like to learn more about social media marketing - hit me up on Instagram or Tik Tok @thelashpreneur and let’s chat about what is so overwhelming and challenging for you to get clients off of social media and into your business! I’ve got about 73,422 ideas I could give you on how to create valuable social media content for beauty businesses - so don’t be shy!
1/17/202223 minutes, 17 seconds
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Coaching Corner - How to Get Started in Business as a New Lash Artist with Listener Sarah Anderson

On today’s episode, I invite one of our podcast listeners, Sarah Anderson, on to the podcast for some coaching around how to get started in business as a new lash artist! Here’s some highlights from this Coaching Corner episode: [3:50] - Working with the end in mind [7:21] - Defining Success and how to get clear on what you’re working towards [9:47] - What is it Sarah is working towards as she struggles to get clarity on WHY she wants a business [12:52] - We define what Sarah’s Highest Value is in wanting to have a business of her own - Security [16:01] - How to tie money as a tool to create a plan to get the feeling of security [17:03] - The two ways to increase the profitability in your business [19:34] - How Tara looks at money and budgeting when it feels overwhelming [21:32] - Pricing conversations around money mindset [24:34] - Fill pricing is our bread and butter [26:29] - How many fill clients do you need to reach a monthly income goal [27:54] - Determining how many clients you need a day to reach your goal income [30:04] - How to control expenses in your business when you’re new [32:41] - Tips for new Lash Artists on supply ordering and artistry [34:53] - Clarity on what’s getting in the way of your business moving forward [37:58] - What to do when you’re a brand new lash artist to get practice Are you interested in getting coaching on an upcoming episode? If so - you can apply to come on our podcast to get Coached by Tara here: Happy business building! Have a good one!
1/10/202245 minutes, 53 seconds
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THIS is How to Create a Goal Worth Working Towards!

On today’s episode, I share the thoughts, beliefs and actions that get in the way of most business owners when it comes to goal planning.  Goal planning and resolutions are usually junk. People rarely achieve what they set out to do because they set themselves up for failure. It’s not the big dreams and goals aren’t possible for them - it’s usually a few key steps to achieving those goals that they’ve skipped over. The missteps in goal planning that I see Lashpreneurs making regularly are: 1 - They don’t allow themselves to dream big enough and they let their current circumstances decide what’s possible for them to achieve. 2 - They’re not specific about their goals. They say things like “I want a successful business” or “I want to feel confident about my business” or “I want to be fully booked” - but what does any of that even mean? How do you know when you’re successful, confident, or fully booked if you haven’t defined it? It’s too vague - and will not keep you motivated when you’re in the growth phase of reaching this goal. 3 - The biggest misstep in goal planning is getting vulnerably connected to WHY that goal is important to you. Understanding the CORE of why you want what you want really helps you to commit to that goal happening whether it’s easy or hard. You connect with the reward of what this goal will give you and I can tell ya right now - money is not the why. Money is the tool to get you to the why - but money is not the why. So keep diving deeper into your why beyond just money to really get clear on the motivation to achieve this goal. 4 - Lastly - work on that step by step plan to take you from your current reality to your kick ass goal. This is where you’ve got to get a clear strategy in place on how you’re going to reach that goal cause it ain’t going to happen just because you wished for it. You’re going to need to learn, evolve and grow into the version of you that has that goal - and that’s where most people end up defeated, overwhelmed, and stuck. A lack of understanding the how to. This is where looking to those who have accomplished what you want, to be inspired by those who have achieved your goal, and to becoming a student of achieving your goal will help you to reach your goals faster. If your goal in 2022 is to master the business side of beauty and build out an in demand and fully booked business - we’ve got the steps, the strategy and the motivation for you inside of the Lashpreneur Society! If you’d like to learn more about this program and when we’ll be opening the doors again to the Society - shoot me a DM on Instagram @thelashpreneur and let’s talk about the challenges your facing in your business and what your goal is!   Episode Highlights: [3:44] Getting out of fear helps you to make exciting goals [4:19] Your beliefs, thoughts, and actions creates your reality  [7:04] Having specific goals will keep you motivated to see your vision into reality [11:47] The importance of clarity [14:40] Working backwards will help you to create strategies in achieving your goals   Happy business building! Have a good one!
1/3/202223 minutes, 23 seconds
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How I Show Up On Social Media - Even When I’m Feeling Insecure

On today’s episode, I’m sharing an Instagram live chat I did a couple months back based on a conversation I had with a potential coaching client where she made the statement “I don’t think I could do what you do when it comes to being on video.” And ya know - I wonder… how many of you are thinking this same thing? Like specifically - those of you who listen to the podcast - I mean we’re hanging out every single week, so you know me pretty darn well. Cause ya know - those Instagrammers - they only get, like a minute of me at any given point… but you… you spend 20-30 minutes a week with me… so we’ve got a pretty decent situation-ship going on here on the podcast - and so I wanna know - do you have thoughts like that? Like “well it’s easy for Tara cause (fill in the blank)” cause she’s older than me or she’s got more experience or its just so natural for her or she’s just so confident. Well - let this episode pull back the curtain of any sort of illusion you’ve got going on in your head that showing up online and doing silly dances and even singing -oh yeah I full on sang with my real voice on Instagram stories the other week - so if you’re not watching my stories you’re missing out on some pretty epic content - but if you think that that’s what drives me and motivates and I just soak up all the attention from all 30 some odd thousand followers…ahhh it’s gonna be an enlightening episode. So - let’s get into this episode and hey if something struck you as powerful or totally relatable - I’d love it if you could send me a DM and let me know how this episode resonated with you! I LOVE IT when you guys let me know just how much you love the podcast and how amazing it is - cause podcasting is a one way chat - and when we interact on Instagram or Facebook or even TIK TOK - I’ve drank the kool aid and I’m on tik tok now -so come follow me on the TikTok - but connecting with you guys means the world to me and it motivates me to keep doing these darn old podcasts every single week. Alright - let’s dive into the episode where I share my insecurities in showing up on social media - and the mindset I have to show up anyway.   Episode Highlights: [5:24] Empowering mindset that motivated Tara to show up confidently online [9:29] Why showing your authentic self is significant in your business [10:08] Understanding how social media works [10:57] How to create more engagement and build good connection with your clients   Happy business building! Have a good one!
12/17/202119 minutes, 8 seconds
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Problem Clients and Policies

On today’s episode, I’m sharing with you just how to handle the 3 most common client issues that happen in your business and how you can enforce policies effectively with less worry about being the “bad guy”. Those 3 issues are  Last Minute Cancellations due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances Fill when it really should be a full set “just do what you can” situation Refund requests And I’ll share with you the policy you should have in place that addresses each issue, how to implement this policy and what the perk is to having a policy that addresses each issue. If you’re interested in seeing an example of the policies I had in my lash business - you can download them at  And a quickie disclaimer - policies, client waivers, release of liability are all legal contracts and I advise you have any of those documents reviewed by a locally licensed attorney for enforceability and legality in your state/province. Nothing in this episode is to be construed as legal advice and is for education and entertainment purposes only.   TEACHING POINTS:  Last Minute Cancellations due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances Policy Solution - Sickness and Family Emergency cancellation policy This policy states: If you or another person in your household has an infectious or contagious illness, please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment for a later date. For your safety and that of the staff and other clients, please do not come to your appointment sick. If it is assumed you are currently sick, your appointment may be cut short or cancelled and rescheduled for when you are healthy again. A one time allowance of last minute cancellation or reschedule will be permitted for sickness or family emergency. After that, the cancellation and no show policy will be in effect. Implementation of this policy: The key to this being a long term solution to any last minute client cancellations is to have the conversation of: I totally understand XYZ came up - I want you to go take care of yourself and not worry about your appointment. This is exactly why I have the Sickness and Family Emergency policy where we offer a one time exception to our cancellation policy. Please be aware that this is the one and only allowance to our cancellation policy we can offer you and any future last minute cancellations will be charged NO MATTER WHAT. That “no matter what” is KEY in YOU communicating to the client that no matter the situation moving forward - whether they were hospitalized, severely ill, or forgot to cancel cause they were hungover - your cancellation policy WILL apply. You have proof in your text or email exchange with this client now that you made it clear in no uncertain terms that they would be charged for any future last minute cancellations NO MATTER WHAT.  Perks of this policy:  You don’t have to be the bad guy when someone doesn’t show up to their appt because of a legitimate cause cause you’ve already set the expectation that you’ve extended the olive branch of human decency and understanding that ish comes up AND you also have a business to run where cancellations are detrimental to the stability of the business. This eliminates the need for you extra controlling and vindictive lashpreneurs out there who go stalking clients social media pages and find out the real reason they didn’t show up to their appointment. It doesn’t matter if a client chooses to lie about their “emergency” or not - your business has a plan in place regardless of a legitimate excuse or not. You have written proof of a signed copy of your policies agreeing to this policy and a screenshot of the exchange with a client about the use of this policy to share with any sort of banking disputes that the client was made aware and agreed to your policies and the charge for the no show. Doesn’t always guarantee a bank will side with you - but you’ve done your part. COVID EXCEPTION - during covid and shutdowns and strick regulations and contact tracing - we all need to be flexible and use our best judgement even if, at times, doing so goes directly against our policies. Unique situations call for unique solutions - so use your judgement and make a call that is most aligned with what feels right to you with any covid-related cancellations. Fill when it really should be a full set “just do what you can” situation Policy Solution: Fill Policy - Minimum # of extensions remaining per eye to be considered a fill This policy states: We recommend our clients to come back every 2-3 weeks for their fill appointments to ensure your natural lashes remain healthy and your extensions stay looking full. We also educate our clients on proper aftercare of extensions to ensure each client gets the maximum retention out of their lash extensions. We do require 30 extensions remaining per eye to be eligible for our fill appointments. If a client has less than 30 extensions per eye, the fill appointment will be adjusted to a full set service at the current full set price if time allows or the appointment will be rescheduled to a future agreed upon time for when a full set appointment is available. Implementation of this policy: First is the education of this policy before a client ever receives the service. You could include in your policy that you recommend following the aftercare steps provided to you at the end of your service as well as prebooking out your future appointments as a best practice to minimize the possibility of this scenario occurring. Next - educate on the importance of following aftercare and how the aftercare you recommend helps them to maximize their retention and minimize needing a new full set in the future. Lastly - when in doubt - count it out sis. If you’re not sure if a client has enough extensions left  you can say “Ooo Susan - what happened? Your retention seems to have gone down a lot since your previous appointments.” and then let the client try to explain what happened. One of two things usually happens - either the lashes started falling out soon after her last appointment which is usually an issue you can troubleshoot based on your application and reviewing your notes from her last appointment that my have contributed to poor retention OR she noticed after a week or so that her lashes started falling out more which would usually be due to a seasonal shed or improper aftercare. Either way - that’s a whole other episode on retention that I’ll save for another day - your handling of this event is what we’re focusing on today. You would then count the extensions. If she meets or exceeds the minimum # of extensions - then let her know and educate her on aftercare again so she doesn’t risk being this close to needing a full set again and possibly recommending your retail items that help with retention like a cleanser. Possibly advise her on coming back in sooner than usual to her next appointment as well so she doesn’t risk needing a full set and/or reminding her of your client satisfaction policy which I’ll share about in a minute if she notices her lashes aren’t lasting very well within the 72 hours of her last appointment so you can fix it before she needs to get a full set.  If she doesn’t meet the minimum # of extensions - you could do one of two things. Give her a warning that you’ll make a one time exception for today and just “do what you can” but next time it will be a full set OR say “unfortunately you don’t have enough extensions remaining to be considered a fill and you need a full set. I’m going to change your appointment to a full set today OR I need to cancel today and reschedule your full set when I have an appropriate amount of time to complete the set. I recommend giving them a one time warning cause most clients aren’t going to be all too excited about unexpectedly paying for a full set and staying for a longer appointment without a fair warning. But I leave it up to you if you want to offer a warning first before enforcing this policy or not. Perks of this policy: You stop feeling like you have to give away your time for free or provide less than stellar results for a client because you’re rushing to get as many extensions on cause she was basically bald coming in.  This also creates the opportunity for you to educate a client on proper aftercare and often times leads to them purchasing a lash cleanser because the alternative of not purchasing your $20 cleanser is risking paying for another $150-$200 full set.  You eliminate the confrontation and confusion of having a percentage of extensions remaining which is typically where this policy goes way wrong. You can’t honestly tell me you know the difference between 48% extensions remaining and 53% extensions remaining - yet you are charging a client very different prices based on your made up assumption of a clients retention. This is highly unfair to a client which is why they challenge your assessment of their lashes and most of you cave to “just doing what you can” with the time they booked or extending their service time to get them back to full but without charging for that extra time. A client can justifiably argue with you about percentage remaining all day long. A client cannot argue with a finite number when you physically count each extension remaining. So you eliminate the debate on fill or full set. Refund requests Policy Solution: Refund + Client Satisfaction policy The no refund policy would state something like: You are paying for artist time, product and other expenses used to provide you with a service. No refunds will be given for any reasons on services or product. If you are unhappy with a service or result, you may contact us within 72 hours of your appointment to discuss your concerns and if a fix can be done to address your concerns, it will be done so with a complimentary 30 minutes express fill. Any concerns brought up after 72 hours of your last appointment or if you failed to follow the proper aftercare instructions a recommended fix will be offered but at full price of the service recommended. Implementation of this policy:  This policy is great to remind every client of at the end of every appointment so you are WELCOMING them to communicate openly with you. You could say something like “My goal is to ensure you are over the moon with your results/lashes. If you get home and for any reason you’re not in love with the results - please let me know within 72 hours of today and give me the opportunity to see what I can do to address your concerns.”  The key to success with this policy is to be VERY clear about this prior to any service being delivered. If you are not going over every policy in person during your consultation with a new client - then you risk a client asking for a refund AND being super pissed about it if you don’t give her a refund. Knowledge of there being no refunds is how you avoid refund requests. Perks of this policy Most refund requests are due to a client being unhappy with the result and not feeling as if the experience or result was worth the money invested. There are times when this 100% warranted on behalf of the client especially if you struggle with retention. If a client’s lashes don’t last more than a few days - then I think all of us would want our money back for a service that didn’t deliver the desired results. And I encourage my society members to take ownership and responsibility for the results they get in their businesses - which means that if you struggle with application or your application method or adhesive doesn’t last more than a few days - then own it that the client’s undesired results were due to your application. Most issues with an unhappy lash client within 2-3 days of their appointment is due to improper application no matter how bomb you think you are. Most of the time - it’s lashes falling out way too soon because the lash artist can’t get the adhesive to last. Your client shouldn’t have to suffer through your learning curve unnecessarily. HOWEVER - does that mean that you give back hard earned  money? Not necessarily - hence why I like the client satisfaction part of this policy. We’ve already made it clear that no refunds are available ever - BUT we want to ensure happy clients. And what we can offer a client when there’s an issue that is likely caused by adhesive struggles, retention issues, maybe the client didn’t like the styling or the length or how sparse the lashes are - is a 30 minute free fix appointment where you spend 30 minutes just working on fixing the issues - whether it’s applying more lashes where the previous ones didn’t last, going longer or shorter as much as you can in the time provided, adding in more extensions if they were too sparse, etc. This 30  minute fix will make a good bit of difference to a client’s unhappy results/experience. If they choose not to take you up on this - then that’s on them and no refunds, so no solution.   Episode Highlights: [3:39] - The policy solution for last minute cancellations [12:50] - Recommended content of an effective Fill Policy and how to implement it [26:51] - How to implement a No Refund Policy [28:49] - How a Client Satisfaction Policy will help your business and keep your clients happy   If you’re interested in seeing an example of the policies I had in my lash business - you can download them at Happy business building! Have a good one!  
12/10/202133 minutes, 55 seconds
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Coaching Corner - Getting Your Team Up to Your Standards So You Can Hand Off Clients with Emily Moore of EBM Lash Bar

On today’s episode of Coaching Corner - I’m bringing on listener Emily Moore of EBM Lash Bar of Indianapolis Indiana. Emily wanted some coaching on the podcast specifically about how to manage her team. She wrote in saying: I need help with Onboarding and training valuable employees, and making each lash artists work similar so that we can proudly say that all of our clients can see anyone here. Trying to copy and paste 'me', and let clients know that the other lash artists are just as great, so that I can move into more education + supply + science and keeping up with how we can offer the BEST services. I can't lash 6 clients a day and run my business AND make sure that we are doing all of the things. ya feel me? I do feel ya Emily - can some of you relate to her struggles - even if you don’t have a team - maybe some of these challenges are what’s stopping you from doing so! So on today’s episode you’ll hear me coach Emily just how to create an army of Emily’s that can create consistent results that are equal to or better than Emily herself AND how her role shifts from managing to leading in her business.  And this is a final call for any of you who are wanting to build out your team and create a scalable business where you stop trading your time for money. Applications for our Momentum Mastermind close on December 12th. MOMENTUM MASTERMIND is a select small group of women that will work closely with myself over a 6 month period to learn the step by steps of how to source, hire, onboard, lead and manage a team PROFITABLY and LEGALLY. Spots are very limited and this program WILL SELL OUT. If you are SERIOUS (I mean you are already building a team or you are making steps towards building out your team already kind of serious) then we want to invite you to apply for MOMENTUM MASTERMIND! Send me a DM on Instagram that you’re interested in the Mastermind or you can email me at [email protected] and we’ll send you the details on how you can apply.    Episode Highlights: [7:40] How to establish or maintain consistency across multiple team members [15:23] What to do in order to minimize the number of unsatisfied clients [34:58] Why documenting procedures is a big advantage for your business
12/3/202138 minutes, 49 seconds
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This Holiday Marketing Strategy is GENIUS!

Today’s a quick episode so you can enjoy your holiday weekend with loved ones - but I wanted to tell you to NOT compete with Black Friday deals and INSTEAD I share with you the strategy I shared with my coaching clients and students that has them carrying their holiday demand over to the January and February slump! This is a quick - yet juicy episode that will change how you market during the holiday season forever! And if you want to get your hands on that holiday promotions planner I mentioned in the episode, click here: SAVE THE DATE for our 2022 Best Year Ever Goal Planning Masterclass on January 10th, 2022! We will be releasing more details and registration information in the upcoming weeks - but block that day off on your calendar NOW so you can join me live as I walk you through the steps of how I goal plan each quarter to reach my annual goals Every. Single. Year! Happy business building! Have a good one!   Episode Highlights: [2:15] - How and why both businesses and customers spend a lot of money during Thanksgiving season [3:54] - Why "you are not on top of mind" for your customers this Black Friday [5:35] - Tara's tip and recommendation this Black Friday weekend [6:39] - The psychology behind creating a promotional package for December
11/26/202111 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why 50% Commission is Bad for Business and Other Team Building Tips

On today’s episode, I’m sharing with you an Instagram live I did in response to a salon owner who was struggling to find any decent talent for less than 50% commission and I also share WHY 50% commission is detrimental to the long term success of your business. If you have a team or you’ve ever considered building out a team to work under you - this episode is a must-listen! If you’re interested in joining the Momentum Mastermind where I will coach you and a small group of fellow salon owners in the steps to hiring, onboarding, and managing a team profitability and legally - hit me up in the DMs on instagram @thelashpreneur   Episode Highlights: [1:57] - The financial ramifications or benefits that come with building out a team [7:12] - The reason why 50% commission is a thing in our industry [14:17] -Why having a clear vision statement is essential for your business growth  [19:58] -The relevance of understanding business finances to ensure a great amount of profit [33:40] - What you'll get from joining the Momentum Mastermind
11/19/202134 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Hire a Social Media Manager with KNS Studios' Kileigh Scott

Love it, like it or absolutely despise it - it’s hard to ignore the power that social media has to grow your business! I find that the primary reason most Lashpreneurs hate social media is two fold: 1). They don’t know how to utilize the platform to get clients - thus they spend a lot of time creating content that never gets seen, engaged with and ultimately never drives any new clients into their business so it feels like a waste of time and energy  2). They blur the line of using social media for personal and business use so there is a lot of heaviness and toxicity a business owner is exposed to when there’s not a clear distinction between being on social for personal reasons vs being on social media for marketing and business growth reasons. On today’s episode, I brought on a new friend of mine who runs a social media marketing agency for beauty business owners just like you. Her name is Kileigh Scott of KNS Studios where her social media marketing services help you to free up your time & create digital success through creativity, confidence, and community! She is STELLAR at what she does and if social media is something you want to learn more about OR you want to know what it would be like to hand off the social media marketing to someone else so you can get some much needed time back - this episode is for you!   If you’d like to learn more about KNS studio services or you’d like to book a Free Success Call head over to or send Kiliegh a DM @kns.studios on Instagram. Mention the LASHPRENEUR and you’ll get $100 off of 1 Month Of Services.   Episode Highlights: [2:23] Benefits of social media marketing [6:26] Best Practices for utilizing social media in your business [8:23] Showing your face in social media can help build trust [10:27] Hire a social media manager that can strategize and track your business growth in social media [16:07] Social Media Marketing tips and best practices from KNS Studios
11/12/202121 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Next Level Beyond Fully Booked With Claudia Sternquist of Your Beauty Financial Friend

Have you noticed that it seems like the typical “LASH ARTIST CAREER PATH” is: Step 1: Work for someone else - realize they have no idea how to run a business and think you can do it better Step 2: Open up your own business only to realize you have no idea on how to run a business and you panic Step 3: Hustle your a$$ off to build a clientele and become fully booked only to then realize that you can’t make any more money cause you have zero time to get new clients in Step 4: Start the search to hire a team who can take on your excess clients so you can start to make more money and hopefully, 🤞🏻someday🤞🏻, get your time back This is the “dream” for MOST lash artists. Yet - MOST lash artists have zero idea what it takes to make steps 3 and 4 work and become SUCCESSFUL to get to the desired results. Those desired results are… More Time and More Money. But the reality is with building out a team in your beauty business - more time and more money doesn’t happen for months if not years for the owner because the learning curves are incredibly expensive when done incorrectly AND in most cases of those that build out a team without guidance - it means less time and less money in the owner’s personal life to set a team up for long term success. Look - building out a team can be VERY rewarding and VERY profitable when done correctly - hence why the “dream” is there… however you have to WANT your TEAM’S SUCCESS more than your own and to foster a culture and environment for the TEAM TO THRIVE - and if you’re building a team out just for the money… Let me tell you there are SO MANY OTHER WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR REVENUE WITHOUT THE OVERHEAD AND EXPENSE OF A TEAM! My VIP Coaching Client is proof of just that! On this week’s episode, my guest is Claudia Sternquist who has built out a beauty financial coaching business over the last year while also working as a lash artist. She took her love of finances and budgeting to start coaching others on how to master their personal and business finances. Her business is called Your Beauty Financial Friend or your BFF - how cute is that?!?! And she shares what her journey has been like in working with me to build out her next level business after having major success in her lash business. So if you’re interested in what possibilities may be next for you beyond being a lash artist - then you’ll definitely want to pay close attention to Claudia’s story! Here’s some of the biggest highlights from today’s episode: Episode Highlights: [6:07] The beauty of working together 1 on 1 [8:11] Claudia’s experience with the 90-day road map session [10:30] Empowering aspects of being a financial and beauty business coach [11:13] The struggles and hardships of Claudia in building out her own business  [14:13]  What motivated Claudia to stay on track with her goals [18:20] Claudia’s business plan ideas    If you’re looking to create a scalable business model where you’re no longer trading your time for money OR if you’re looking to build out a team easier, faster and more profitably than DIY-ing - I have 2 more 1:1 coaching spots opening up soon. So to apply for one of those coaching spots and to schedule a chat with me to discuss your business goals and how working with a business coach can help you reach those goals - head on over to to get scheduled today.  
11/5/202126 minutes, 2 seconds
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Coaching Corner on Figuring Out What’s Next in Your Career With Hailey Barber of FACEShealthyskinandlashes

On today’s episode, we’ve got another podcast listener coming on for our Coaching Corner segment - where one lucky podcast listener comes on to ask their lash biz question and gets coached by me to help them plan out the next moves in their business! Today’s Coaching Corner guest is Hailey Barber of FACES - Healthy Skin and Lashes of Gillette, WY and she asked: “I need help with transitioning from being a solo lash artist. I love lashing but I’m ready to find out what’s next for me. I’ve been lashing for 9 years and I’m so burned out. But also completely obsessed with lashes and my clients. Ive built and awesome clientele and a great life, it’s freaking me out that it’s no longer satisfying me. I would love to possibly head in the direction of trainings or just showing other women how to make money! I also find myself so jealous of women who get to work from home and hang out with their children. Or stay at home moms. But I also LOVE MAKING MONEY. Help 😅 PS , I’m obsessed with you and your podcast. Implementing your teachings have taken our business to a whole new level of success in a short amount of time. Thank you Tara!” Well we got Hailey some major clarity on what her ultimate vision is and started to develop a kick ass idea on how her love for empowering women, serving others, her obsession with lashes and travel could all tie together in an EPIC way that she is now crazy excited and motivated to start working towards! If you want in on what Hailey is planning on creating in the future - you can reach out to her on Instagram at If you would like to be a guest on an upcoming episode of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur show and get business coaching with me - we invite you to apply here: and a member of our team will reach out to you if you’re selected for our next round of Coaching Corner guests!   Episode Highlights: [9:25] The importance of asking yourself, "what is fulfilling and rewarding to me?" [11:13] Hailey's definition of success [13:42] The first thing Tara teaches inside The Lashpreneur Society [24:38] Tara gives Hailey a business model idea/plan [35:46] The importance of documenting and planning
10/29/202140 minutes, 17 seconds
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How 2 Women Sold their Lashbiz for 7-figures

In today’s episode I’m interviewing two incredible women who founded Lash Bee Pro and who I credit to being the ones who breathed life back into the Lashpreneur because they reached out to me about a week after I announced I was stepping away from The Lashpreneur and wanted to discuss acquiring the business. Erin Soletski and Anjali Bhatia are the Co-founders of Lash Bee Pro - whose mission is to empower lash artists to succeed both as artists and as professionals through superior products, comprehensive education, and community support as part of the LashBeePro family. In our interview today, Erin and Anjali are sharing their journey to selling their brick and mortar business for a hefty price AND give you some tips on what you can start to do to get the foundations of your business ready to grow OR sell if that’s something you’re hoping to do some day and the incredible importance of clean financials and documenting processes to be able to create a Money Making Machine as a business.  They’ve also been very generous to our Lessons of a Lashpreneur show by offering 20% off your first purchase of any of their LashBeePro Products! Just use code “Lashpreneur20” at checkout to receive 20% off your first order at  Anjali and Erin recommend trying out their Honey-Do Lash Shampoo and their Retention Queen Super Bonder (link to )  for anyone looking to try out some of their Bestsellers. Alright - let’s dive into today’s episode with Erin and Anjali of Lash Bee Pro.   Episode Highlights: [6:22] Understanding the business before diving into the lash industry is key [9:15] The good and the bad of getting a business ready to sell [14:12] Why processes are crucial in a business [17:54] Having a standard lash service process will help build your business foundation [20:16] Bad reviews are a reflection of your processes [22:40] The sale process Anjali and Erin followed in selling their business [25:26] Having clean financials is crucial   Happy business building! Have a good one!
10/15/202133 minutes, 5 seconds
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From Maternity Leave to Fully Booked in TWO MONTHS with Lashpreneur LEGEND - Ashley Higgins

On today’s episode, I am bringing on one of my students from The Lashpreneur Society to share her journey from maternity leave to fully booked in two months. When Ashley shared her win inside of our Facebook community - I knew her journey - would be relatable and valuable to both the working mom listeners and to any women listening who wants to become a mom someday but fears what would happen to her business and her livelihood if she did.  Ashley does not hold back in sharing the fears she had going into having a baby, the naiveness in how long she thought she would be away from work because lets’ face it - nobody plans to get postpartum depression - but you can’t run from it if it strikes and how she now is experiencing the most success as a mom of two under 3 including recently making $576 from ONE CLIENT… yes… ONE CLIENT. And she shares just how she did that in this episode! This is a good one guys - let’s get to my interview with Ashley Higgins of LashLove New Hampshire   Episode Highlights: [9:03] Offering an incentive to her regulars in exchange for their "loyalty" while she's on maternity leave [11:08] We don't own our clients [13:11] The upside of coming back from a maternity leave in terms of scheduling and targeting clients [15:48] Building your business around the lifestyle and schedule you want to have [17:15] Ashley's advice on targeting and marketing your service based on your desired schedule [19:15] How Ashley charged $576 just from one client [24:31] Understanding marketing - maternity leave or not - is a skill your business will benefit from in the long run [26:05] How The Lashpreneur Society has helped Ashley in organizing and marketing her lash business   Happy business building! Have a good one!
10/1/202128 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Best Thing I've Ever Learned To Do for Myself

In my journey to becoming a business coach and from taking courses and working under mentors and coaches myself, I have learned some powerful tools that have helped to grow multiple businesses AND weather some of life’s craziest and most devastating experiences. I wanted to share with you some mindset hacks and strategies that you too can start to implement into your business and your life that will really help set you free. What I share in this week’s episode helps me overcome paralyzing anxiety, it helps me stay positive and out of a victim state, and it makes me a better woman, coach, family member and mom.  Being able to shift perspectives or even see other perspectives of any situation your in is a POWERFUL skill that you can learn and practice DAILY.  The thoughts that you think ARE within your control… and even when you get some disempowering or destructive thoughts that come in - YOU can choose whether those thoughts mean something about you or that they’re just thoughts that popped into you head and they have no bearing on anything about who you are.  Your mind is a powerful weapon that can be used to debilitate you and your life OR it can be used to help you rise above anything life throws your way and be used for your best good!   Episode Highlights: [1:37] Shifting perspectives using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) [3:38] Identifying my anxiety helped me have self-awareness [6:50] How beliefs and thoughts affect our business [10:21] How to shift your perspectives and challenge your beliefs using "saturated market" as an example [19:05] How to shift your perspective when it comes to money and finances [22:33] My challenge to you this week - Be aware of the thoughts that don't serve you   I’d love it if you would leave a review and let me know what episodes have really helped you in your business.  
9/17/202127 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Pros & Cons of Being an Educator & Distributor with Brigette Doherty of Lash Box LA - Australia

On today’s episode, I’m bringing on my friend, Brigette Doherty of Lash Box LA Australia to share her take on the Pros and Cons of being an Educator and Distributor for a major lash brand - LashboxLA. Brigette Doherty, the Director and National Master Educator with LashBoxLA Australia. With over 13 years industry experience, Brigette loves Delivering the latest in innovation and information in the lash industry, and specializes in education centered around offering your clients density without damage, retention without risk to the health of their natural lashes and supercharging your application speed without sacrificing quality. In my chat with Brigette today - we touch on some of the pros of being an educator and distributor of lash supplies - like how stepping away from her own successful lash business to join Lash BoxLA has transformed her life and her career and how rewarding it is to make a living teaching other women a skill with which they can provide for themselves and their families. But we like to share the real deal behind running a business and there’s definitely some cons with education and product lines like the expense, the long road to paying yourself anything worthwhile and how being a lash artist is not the same skill set as developing or selling products or teaching someone how to do what you do. It’s definitely not an easy way to make a living! So let’s jump into the episode with Brigette from LashBoxLA Australia about the pros and cons of being an educator and distributor.   Episode Highlights: [3:40] How finding a product supplier [Lash Box] that gave Brigette a level of support she never experienced from anything else changed her business [5:03] Being an educator gives you the ability to help someone else [8:00] Empowering other women through beauty [11:34] Mental preparation is key to being an educator [13:29] How accountability, ongoing education and a global network of women help Brigette provide valuable information to her students [17:04] Incorporating ongoing support as an educator [19:31] Lash Box as a supply system with educational support [21:56] The pros of being a supplier or distributor [24:22] Misconceptions on passive incomes [34:34] Loving the innovation of product development [35:45] As an educator, be the change that you wish to see   You can follow Brigette on Instagram @lashboxla_australia and @lashbox.brig   Want to be one of our guests to get business coaching on an upcoming episode? Head to to apply!
9/3/202145 minutes, 13 seconds
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COACHING CORNER with listener Zoe Yip (Part 2)

Zoe Yip Coaching Question: I am the most expensive in my area and I’m hardly getting any clients through my door. I feel like my prices are the main reason why I’m not getting any clients but I don’t want to reduce my price as I don’t feel like my price is unreasonable.  I actively post on Instagram and always try to include educational and engaging posts to attract my clients but I’m still finding that it’s not working.  So I’m running out of ideas and also MONEY to keep this business running! ~ Zoe of @beautychairbyzoe    Part 2 Episode Highlights: [6:02] Success leaves clues - what has WORKED in the past to bring in clients [6:48] Test your theory if your price point is why nobody is booking with you (or your competition is cheaper) [7:45] The role social media plays in your overall marketing - hint - your booking website does not do the marketing for you! [12:24] Target market explained (Zoe nailed this!!!) and how to market to your marketing muse [13:50] What problems/pain points do lashes solve? [14:07] Why your marketing should attract the ideal client AND repel the wrong types of clients [15:41] Tips on marketing to clients who are moms   Happy business building! Have a good one!  
8/20/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
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COACHING CORNER with listener Zoe Yip (Part 1)

Zoe Yip Coaching Question: I am the most expensive in my area and I’m hardly getting any clients through my door. I feel like my prices are the main reason why I’m not getting any clients but I don’t want to reduce my price as I don’t feel like my price is unreasonable.  I actively post on Instagram and always try to include educational and engaging posts to attract my clients but I’m still finding that it’s not working.  So I’m running out of ideas and also MONEY to keep this business running! ~ Zoe of @beautychairbyzoe    Part 1 Episode Highlights: [6:02] Success leaves clues - what has WORKED in the past to bring in clients [6:48] Test your theory if your price point is why nobody is booking with you (or your competition is cheaper) [7:45] The role social media plays in your overall marketing - hint - your booking website does not do the marketing for you! [12:24] Target market explained (Zoe nailed this!!!) and how to market to your marketing muse [13:50] What problems/pain points do lashes solve? [14:07] Why your marketing should attract the ideal client AND repel the wrong types of clients [15:41] Tips on marketing to clients who are moms   Happy business building! Have a good one!  
8/13/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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Protecting Your A$$(ets) with Hairstylist turned Attorney - Reonna Green of SHEtrademarks

On today’s episode, I bring on a nail tech and hair stylist turned attorney, Reonna Green of SHE Trademarks. She gives some great tips on how to ensure you personally AND your business are legally protected, what to do if someone steals your photos or content online, the trademark process and why Trademarking is a valuable asset to your business and so much more! So i’m excited to have Reonna on the podcast! And because Reonna is an attorney - I do need to include a bit of a disclaimer for this episode: Reonna Green is licensed to practice law in the state of California and Georgia. The content available in this episode is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.    Episode highlights: [4:51] Policies and Waivers: Best Practices and how to ensure they’re legally binding and enforceable [11:46] What to do if someone steals your photos or your material [14:04] How Trademarks work and why brand ownership is a huge asset for your business [35:05] The business owner perspective on legally protecting your business [42:56] The difference between running a business and treating your business like a hobby Want to connect with Reonna - you can find her on Instagram at Want my Ultimate Beauty Biz Prep and Planning Guide? This guide is where I recommend all aspiring and brand spanking new business owners to start to “Get their Ducks in a Row”. It’s the first steps on taking idea to action in getting that business open and ready for clients. Download your free guide at 
8/6/202147 minutes, 44 seconds
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You CAN Do This - A Motivational Episode

Entrepreneurship is NOT the easiest way to make money in this life - but it sure as heck is the most challenging and hopefully - rewarding choice you’ll make for yourself. Being a business owner and being the one fully responsible for the results and outcomes of not only your business - but your future - it’s a scary undertaking. It’s MEANT to challenge you! It’s MEANT to make you uncomfortable. It’s MEANT to feel difficult - because you’ve never done it before and you’re in a learning phase to prepare yourself for whatever obstacles are headed your way. I encourage you to get comfortable knowing that pursuing your goals and dreams is going to come with fears, and challenges and tears… DO IT ANYWAY! If you’ve enjoyed this episode, I invite you to rate this podcast and leave a review on iTunes so you can help pay it forward and get these episodes in front of more Lashpreneurs just like you. To rate this episode and leave a review - Head to
7/30/202114 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why I Can’t Stand Charging by Time

On today’s episode, I’m going on a rant that I REALLY want you to think thru… cause girlfriend - it is the most common way lash artists price their services and ALSO we don’t do common here on the Lessons of a Lashpreneur cause those Facebook groups that recommend doing this are the blind leading the blind. I’m going to share with you the ONE and ONLY reason why you should NOT price your services by time - and I would love to hear just how eye opening this episode is for you! Hit me up on social media after you’ve listened to this episode and let me know why you agree OR why you disagree.  Keep in mind - these episodes are just my opinion… I look at a lot of factors when I share my opinions on business - but I’m certainly not the only opinion you need to follow. Do you boo - but know that my goal is to help you grow your business the way YOU want - and part of that is opening you up to unlimited growth - and not handicapping your income which to me - is what charging by time does to your business.  Thank you to Today’s Sponsor - Dominating the DMs - Get more clients from Instagram WITHOUT worrying about followers or engagement. Get the exact steps on how to CONVERT clients off of social media and into your business with the strategies you’ll learn from this course. Head to to get 30% off this course for a limited time!
7/23/202117 minutes, 47 seconds
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Mindset Matters in Business with Skin CEO Host Heather Terveen

Today’s guest, Heather Terveen, is sharing some step by steps of how to THINK DIFFERENTLY to get RESULTS in your business. She also shares her “Belief Diamond” which has helped her students overcome the anxiety, overwhelm, and paralysis they faced during the pandemic and how THRIVING business owners take control back of their minds to overcome the most challenging of obstacles and circumstances you may face in your entrepreneurial journey. Heather Terveen is a former licensed aesthetician turned mindset and marketing coach for beauty business owners. She helps beauty business owners become confident thought leaders and go-to experts. She’s also the host of The Skin CEO podcast where she helps listeners build confidence, let go of overwhelm and establish themselves as #1 experts in their specialty. You can learn more about Heather at or check out her top rated podcast “The Skin CEO” anywhere you listen to podcasts. Big thanks to this episode’s sponsor, THIRDLOVE. Head to to take their fitting room quiz to determine your correct bra size and save save $15 when you buy 2 bras $25 when you buy 3 bras or bundle 4 bras and save $40! That’s . Your ladies will thank me!
7/16/202140 minutes, 23 seconds
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Content Creation in Less Time with Giuliana Evangelista of Gem Social Agency

On today’s episode, I’m bringing you a Social Media Manager for Beauty Service Businesses - yes - people like this DO exist! Giuliana Evangelista is the founder of Gem Social Agency and she helps beauty biz owners get their time back by taking over your social media marketing and branding. She supports her clients by helping them build their target audience, get clear on their brand voice, messaging, personality, and content so that you can use social media marketing to get clients in your sleep!   In this interview - we cover:    ( 3:12) How to Combat The Time Objection that Social Media Content Creation Takes Too Long? (10:22) How to Create Content Pillars to Simplify your Content Creation Plan and be More Consistent? (19:00) How to Niche Your Services to Create More Effective Marketing? (25:02) Is Organic Reach on Facebook, Google, and Instagram still a thing? (30:45) What’s the best way to keep engagement up? (34:56) How can I get the swipe up feature without having 10k followers? (38:08) What are your top 3 recommendations for building your social media?   If you’d like to follow Giuliana you can find her on Instagram at or schedule a discovery call with her at     This episode is sponsored by Planoly. Easily plan & schedule your content for Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter using Planoly. There’s so many reasons why I love and recommend planoly and you can get started for free to access their basic features like planning and scheduling your posts OR get 50% off your first month on any of their premium versions to access more advanced analytics, auto post to that first comment, best time to post and share your posts to your facebook page by going to
7/9/202145 minutes, 1 second
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Is 6-figures Realistic as a SOLO Beauty Business Owner?

I DESPISE those infographics that state you can make $144,000 a year doing lashes! Like - with an intense passion do I want to shake anyone who is being sold pure BS about making that kind of money. It's the biggest lie that someone is telling you because THEY WANT YOUR money - not cause they care about you making that amount of income. In today's episode... 👉let's talk about what's REALISTIC about what one can make in our industry (six figures is POSSIBLE... just not how these infographics state it) 👉why "Charge your Worth" and "Raise your Prices" is TERRIBLE advice from your industry peers 👉the ONLY FORMULA to know what your actual "worth" is as a beauty biz CEO. 👉The #1 skillset you need to learn to get to that "worth" Did you ever think to include vacation days in determining your price point before? If you want to get your hands on my FREE Formula To A Six Figure Beauty Biz Guide - head to and find out how much YOU need to be charging to get to six figures in sales!
7/2/202127 minutes, 40 seconds
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This is Why Your Engagement Sucks

How can you make your business stand out against ALLLL that competition? In this episode I cover: 🌈What you may be doing that could actually be TURNING CLIENTS OFF from wanting to book with you 🌈Why the marketing strategies most new beauty business owners try is ineffective 🌈The Un-Common-Sense thing you SHOULD be doing to help you serve MORE clients (this is SUCH a game changer!!!) 🌈And how do you shift your marketing to start getting more clients NOW Want to join me in my FREE Overlooked to Fully Booked Masterclass - find a class time that works with your schedule here:
6/25/202122 minutes, 17 seconds
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Let's Solve Why You're Struggling to Get Clients

Are you freaking out about having enough clients to make ends meet or maybe you’re struggling to build a clientele? I know I don’t even need to ask if you’re marketing on social media, or asking for referrals or handing out business cards - cause my assumption if you’re reading this is - YOU ARE TRYING ALL THE BUSINESS-Y THINGS YOU KNOW TO DO! 01:54 - So what are the specific types of results a lash business owner like you needs to have to know your business is growing? 05:35 - What the heck is getting in the way of clients booking with you? 07:19 - And what's preventing you from experiencing rapid growth in your business so that you can finally experience that Lash Boss Dream Life? Well that’s what this episode is covering! Have a listen and let me know your thoughts on the episode by hitting me up on the DMs in Instagram.
6/17/202117 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Fired Myself - Here's Why

On today’s episode I share the raw and the real about  What the heck happened that I walked away from a seemingly crazy successful business… What have I been doing these last 4.5 months and am I better for it… What happens now with The Lashpreneur… Thank you to the incredible and talented Britt Seva of and founder of for interviewing me and making me feel comfortable to come back into the spotlight! If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, anxiety, depression, or is just struggling emotionally, or there are concerns about their wellbeing and mental health, there are ways to get help. Here are some links for you to find support online and in person. Need immediate help: How to help someone with depression:  If this episode connected with you - please subscribe and leave us a rating and review so we can impact and empower more beauty business owners just like you! If you’d like to be a future guest on the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show and get free business coaching from Tara Walsh on the podcast - you can apply here:
6/11/202154 minutes, 44 seconds
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Best Of: A Raw Conversation About Mental Health

This week, I wanted to bring back an episode that is very near and dear to my heart. I recorded this when I was going through a very difficult time in my life and I wanted to share with you guys how I was able to cope with dealing with very severe mental health issues while running a business. Unfortunately, most of us will all struggle with our mental health at some point during our life, and coping with those struggles can be especially difficult as a business owner. I think that it's important that I am open about my journey in regard to mental health so that you all know that it is okay not to be okay all the time, and there are healthy ways to heal and move on.  If you have any questions for me about this episode or business in general, feel free to submit them at 
1/29/202117 minutes, 18 seconds
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129: From Employee to Fully Booked in 12 Months - My Journey to Lash Biz Success

Over 100 episodes of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur and I am finally sharing my business journey of how I went from employee to fully booked within 12 months. Sounds too good to be true, right?  Although I was able to grow my business tremendously in just one year, as every successful entrepreneur will tell you, it definitely was not always easy. There are some crucial choices and decisions I made along the way that allowed me to grow and scale my business. In this episode I will share what I did successfully, what I would have done differently, and why becoming fully booked IS possible for any lash artist looking to build their business.  Additionally - to sign up for a chance to win a free coaching session and to be featured on The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show Podcast head to 
1/22/202125 minutes, 12 seconds
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128: 3 Ways To Make More Money In Your Business This Year

2020 was undoubtedly a year of struggle for the beauty industry... But your business does not have to have the same fate in 2021! In fact - using these three tips, you can start to implement a plan in order to make more money in your business this year. In this episode, I will share my top three tips and tricks that I used to grow my lash business to from zero to 6 figures.  Additionally, we are having a contest exclusively for Lessons of a Lashpreneur show listeners! To enter for a chance to win a FREE VIP coaching session with me and be featured on the podcast, head to   
1/15/202115 minutes, 27 seconds
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127: How To Become a Facebook Ads Master Ft. Zach Spuckler

If you've ever been tempted one too many times by the "boost this post and reach XYZ amount of people" button on Facebook... this episode is for you! I'm so happy to have my friend and Facebook ads guru, Zach Spuckler, give us his best tips and tricks on how to run a successful and profitable facebook ad campaign. Just like anything else in marketing... you need to have strategy, intention, and most of all, a well thought out plan for your facebook ad campaign. Zach shares you how he was able to grow and scale his business using facebook ads, and how he now helps tons of entrepreneurs, including beauty business owners, do the same for their business.  Find out more about Zach here at:  IG: @heartsoulhustle
1/8/202141 minutes, 15 seconds
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126: How Do Customers Find You

Have you ever wondered how your customers find you? Or have you ever wondered what your potential customers find when they Google your business? I mean think about it... Have you ever paid for a service, or spent money on anything really, without doing some digging?  In order for someone to book with you and become a loyal client, the things that they find on the internet about you need to be positive, inviting, and clearly present the value of what you offer as a beauty service provider. In this episode, I am going to dive into where exactly your customers find you, what areas you should focus on promoting, and how to make your online presence a great experience for potential customers.  AND... A special treat for you! After much request from our audience, I am giving you a behind the scenes look into how we record The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show Podcast! Click here to tune in. 
12/18/202015 minutes, 23 seconds
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125: How To Grow Your Instagram Account and Boost Engagement with Jamie Dana

As a business owner, social media marketing can be a huge asset to generate revenue and get new clients. But what are the best practices for Instagram? How can you use  Instagram in a way that actually creates results in your business? And I get it, Instagram has soooo many different options for content: stories, videos, feed posts, reels, oh my! So how do you know what REALLY works?  In this episode, I am so happy to have my friend Jamie Dana give you her top tips, tricks, and hacks on how to grow your instagram and how it can be used as a major marketing tool in your business. Jamie is a hair stylist educator and instagram guru. We dive into:  Types of content to prioritize  How the algorithm ACTUALLY works  Engagement and growth hacks  How to create the best and most effective Instagram strategy for your business  Find out more about Jamie and her business on her Instagram page at @jamiedanahairstylist. 
12/11/202028 minutes, 36 seconds
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124: Q&A Edition to your Lash Biz Questions

In this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am answering the most burning biz questions from our very own audience! On today's episode I will be answering the following questions:  1) What makes a service outstanding? How do you get clients to come back? 2) Why am I not gaining any traction from my IG on getting booked, even worse touch up appointments or clients raving of my work. What am I missing? 3) How do I grow my business in a small town, where my previous salon (who is best known in town) keeps trying to ruin it? 4) How do I take my biz from a small studio to an empire? If you want your questions to be answered on the next Q&A edition of our show, submit your questions here at! 
12/4/202025 minutes, 24 seconds
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123: How to Uplevel Your Client Experience on the Cheap

When it comes to having a successful lash business, your skill set is only half of the battle.  You could be the best lash artist west of the Mississippi, but if you don't have an excellent client experience that includes a clean, relaxing, and comfortable place for them to relax and unwind during the appointment, they are likely not going to want to invest their money into you as a lash artist. When clients are getting their lashes done, that is a treat for them. They are making an investment into you as an artist, the transformation you provide, AND the experience that you can give them.  In this episode I am giving you my top tips and tricks to ensure that your clients are provided with the best client experience possible. And the best part? All these things are not only super simple, but super cheap! Claim my free download here at to get your A-Z client experience checklist! 
11/20/202035 minutes, 30 seconds
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122: I Don't Want You To Know My Secret - But Here It Is! Meet my Coach James Wedmore

On this week's podcast episode, I am joined by my business coach and mentor, James Wedmore! I am so beyond thrilled to have him on the podcast this week because he has played a major role in helping me get to where I am today. In today's episode we are diving into three major key points:  1) Beliefs vs Facts 2) Overcoming Fear & Scarcity 3) How to Get Unstuck When You Feel beat down I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it! To find out more about James, you can visit his website, follow him on Instagram at @businessbydesign, or listen to his podcast called "Mind Your Business" 
11/13/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 50 seconds
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121: When To Hire - My Top 3 Tips

So picture this: You're ready to take the next step in your business. Maybe you're even fully booked - you just know that you're ready to grow and scale. And naturally you might think, I should hire a team! Get some team members to work under you, perhaps work less hours, maybe even take some weekends off. Sounds just fine an dandy right?  Yes, yes it does. But there are so many factors that you need to consider when you are even thinking about hiring on a team. In order to be able to hire on a team, you need to be able to teach, manage, and most importantly - AFFORD those team members. In this episode I will be diving into my top three tips about how to successfully hire within your business, along with the mistakes I made when I first began hiring. Learn from mine, so you don't have to make the same ones...Let's dive in!  To find out the top ten questions you must ask yourself when you are considering expanding your business - get my free download here at 
11/6/202018 minutes, 1 second
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120: Getting Your Clients To Purchase Aftercare - This Is Savage But It Works!

Ahhh retention... Such a tricky tricky beast for us lash artists! The number one question I get asked from my students is: What is the best adhesive for stellar retention? I'll let you in on a little secret: There is no such thing as a "best adhesive." However, there is a  best METHOD that you can implement within your business to ensure that you get the most retention possible for your client. Retention is a two way street between artist and client, so the two of you must work together to get the amazing results your client is paying you for. When you practice the method that I am going to share with you in this episode, you will also be able to get your clients to purchase aftercare without sounding super duper salsey. And this method is a little bit savage, but I promise it works! So let's dive in!  Cleansers that we highly recommend: Lash Affair (use code LASHP15 for a discount), Mybrandlashes, Borboleta Beauty, EBL Lashes, and Prolong Lashes. 
10/30/202023 minutes, 44 seconds
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119: Preparing Your Business For The Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and I know like me, you may have been complaining about all the Christmas décor in the shops in September, but do you know what? Tis the season where our industry experiences the MOST demand and you need to get ready for it RIGHT NOW - especially since our holiday season might be looking a liiiittle different this year! (Thanks a lot 2020)  It is ESSENTIAL that you start to plan how you want your lash business to operate. You need to be strategically working out your marketing well in advance of that busy holiday season. In this episode I will be sharing my TOP TIPS for getting your business holiday ready. Find out about: Why you need to take a leaf out of the big retailers’ play book and start priming your marketing campaign now When to run your holiday promotions  How to get your business ready for that increase in demand How to reach new customers on social media, all in time for your holiday promotions
10/23/202013 minutes, 13 seconds
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118: From Struggling to Seven Figures with Karen Martiz of Lash Blvd

On this week's episode of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am so honored to have my friends Karen Martiz of Lash Blvd. Karen was a single mom from South America, who had a dream of building a thriving beauty business in order to support her two children. Fast forward to today, and she has built her own in person lash business in addition to a booming 7 figure online business geared toward lash artists. Today, she will be sharing her journey with us, including the mindset that she says was absolutely crucial to her success as an entrepreneur, what she wishes she would have known when she was first starting her journey, and much much more. To find out more about Karen and Lash Blvd you can find her on Instagram at @lash_blvd or head to her website at 
10/16/202035 minutes, 41 seconds
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117: Top 3 Ways to Get & Keep New Followers on Instagram

One of the most common questions I am asked as an online business coach and social media strategist: How do I increase the amount of followers I have on Instagram? It's no secret that Instagram is a booming online hub for beauty businesses to showcase their business and their artistry online. But how does someone go from 10 followers to 10,000 followers? How can you use Instagram to actually make a profit for your business? In this episode, I am going to dive into my top three tips to get and keep followers on your business instagram profile. I dive into:  What you should really putting in your IG bio  The algorithm and important metrics to track  How to get the right kinds of followers  Instagram cleanse: Closing your books:  The Lashpreneur Society Waitlist: 
10/9/202031 minutes, 52 seconds
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Best Of - What To Do When You're New To Being A Lash Artist

If you’re new to lashes, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’ve probably got a lot of questions roaming around in your head right now.   Deciding to embark on this lashing journey is exciting, but it’s also a little daunting. I mean, lashing is still a relatively new business and finding the answers to your pressing questions can be a real struggle if you don’t know where to look.  I was bitten by the lash bug in 2013 and I’d like to think I’ve got enough experience and credibility to be able to offer advice for new lash artists. So, check out this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur to discover my top tips for what to do when you’re new to life as a lash artist!  Find out about:   Why you need to ditch synthetics and practice on real human lashes  The importance of finding a supportive community where you can learn and evolve as a lash artist  How to develop your lashing skills long after ‘graduation’  If you’re new to the lash world and you’re wanting to learn how you can start to prepare yourself to go into business if that’s your goal, be sure to download my free prep and planning guide here to learn the steps you need to do to get yourself ready for Lashpreneur-ship!
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116: Must Know Accounting Tips with Accountant and BeautyCPA - Kenesha Coleman

Ahhh yes, every favorite beauty professionals favorite topic: ACCOUNTING! I know I know, the accounting, data, and numbers side of your business is not the most glamorous, but you NEED to know this side of your business in order to grow and scale. In this episode I am so honored to have award winning CPA, Kenesha Coleman of ColemanTax. She is going to provide you with the easiest and most essential accounting tips every beauty biz professional needs to know. She even explains how to simplify certain processes so that you don't have to play the number guessing game anymore. You can find her website here at and on Instagram @colemantax_thebeautycpa. 
9/25/202021 minutes, 39 seconds
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115: How To Charge Your Worth

If you are a lash artist, or in the beauty industry in general, you've probably heard the term "charge your worth." It is thrown around in our industry so frequently, but does anyone know what it actually means? If you're new does it mean that you have to charge cheap prices? If you've been doing it 5 years less than the lash artist next door, do your prices have to be ten dollars lower than hers in order to stay competitive? There are huuuuuge misconceptions around this phrase, and a lot of them can be extremely disempowering. In this episode, I will discuss what "charging your worth" really means, and why I think it is actually kind of BS! 
9/18/202024 minutes, 47 seconds
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114: Being A Pushover Never Made Anyone Any Money

We've all experienced this at one time or another...You have certain clients that simply do not respect your time or your business. They show up late, cancel their appointment at the last minute, or just no show altogether. If you work in the beauty industry, this type of problematic client is basically unavoidable. But if this is a constant problem for you in your business, and these types of unruly clients are becoming a norm... It might be time to do some self reflecting. If you want people to treat you like a business, and pay you like a business, you need to ACT LIKE A BUSINESS OWNER. And what exactly does that mean? THAT MEANS YOU NEED TO CREATE AND ENFORCE YOUR POLICIES. In this weeks episode of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I talk all about how to create and enforce policies, how you should be consulting with your clients, how to stop targeting unreliable clients, and much much more! Find the raise your pice sheet here:  
9/11/202023 minutes, 16 seconds
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Best Of: How To Get More Clients

The most challenging part of running a lash business is getting people to pay you for it and the #1 question I get asked time and time again is, “How can I get more clients?” So, in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I put you out of your misery and shed some light on how you can get more clients – and keep them coming! Find out about: How to get more lash clients The importance of talking about your business to anyone who will listen How to use social media to drive engagement and raise your profile Tips for making your referral program work Why you need to have multiple marketing platforms
9/4/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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113: How to Stop Giving Away Free Fills

It's a tale as old as time... One of your clients comes in and her lashes are not looking the way that you thought they would look. They're way less full than you thought, with barely any lashes left, and suddenly that "fill" appointment practically turns into a full set for a fill price. Every once in a while, if a client has retention issues, it's not a huge deal. But if you are constantly having clients that are coming in every two to three weeks with little to no lashes, and you're charging them for a fill, or perhaps not charging them at all, this becomes extremely problematic for your business. This is a waste of your time and money, on top of causing major inconsistency in your business. In today's episode, we're going to tackle this problem and I will give you all the information you will need so you will never have to give away a free fill ever again! Additionally, I talk about the importance of policies and how I used them in my business. For my free policies download head to 
8/28/202022 minutes, 30 seconds
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112: How to Spend Money Like an Entrepreneur

As a business owner, there are certain things you need to take into consideration when spending money on your business. However, I often see beauty business owners thoughtlessly spending money, not properly tracking their spending, and making many more money mistakes. So today, we are diving head first in how to spend money as a business owner, not a consumer. And you NEED to know this difference if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur. There is a major difference between spending money like a consumer vs. a business owner, such as tracking a return on investment and longevity of your spending. Additionally, we will be diving into your relationship with money, and how it could be negatively impacting your business. 
8/21/202034 minutes, 2 seconds
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111: The Formula for Becoming a Six-Figure Beauty Business Owner

I know when you hear the phrase "six figure earning beauty business owner" it may sound impossible and out of reach. The term "six figures" seems to be some sort of unreachable standard that only the die hard, beauty biz experts can attain. You might be asking yourself: How do they get there? What is their secret? But coming from someone who quite literally achieved it, I can promise you it is not only very possible, but there is also an exact calculation to ensure this amount of income. In this episode I will be giving you the step by step, mathematical formula to figure out how much income you need to make daily in order for you to earn six figures in one year. There is no secret, no hidden gem that will suddenly give you six figure superpowers, just plain and simple MATH! It is tangible, and best of all, more than possible for you and your business. Download my free six figure planner here at to follow along with me during this episode and calculate this math for your own business! 
8/14/202019 minutes, 58 seconds
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110: Diversifying Your Revenue Streams with Kelly Ann Callaghan

In this episode of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am honored to have Kelly Ann Callaghan, who is a salon owner and spray tan specialist and educator. During the COVID-19 pandemic, salons worldwide have been shut down, and are still shut down in certain places. This means that salon owners are unable to work in their business, and therefore are not earning an income while they are shut down. I brought Kelly on because she is an expert in creating alternate forms of revenue for herself during the shutdown. She shares with us how she was not only able to earn an income while shut down, but was able to grow her online business exponentially. Click here to join her free Facebook group for beauty biz owners or head to 
8/7/202027 minutes, 41 seconds
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LOL 109: Content Creator Tips & Tools with Nicole Melton of Beauty Content Studio

In this special edition of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am honored to have Nicole Melton of Beauty Content Studio as my guest. Nicole is an incredibly talented digital content creator who helps women in the beauty industry create valuable content in order to grow their businesses. She reveals the steps you must take in order for your content to be useful for your audience, how you can use your content in order to grow your platform, and most of all, how you can use your content to make a PROFIT. Before she started her own businesses, she got her masters degree in digital marketing along with working for one of the most renowned beauty platforms in the world, So if you ever struggle to understand how you can make the most of your content and have a remarkable digital footprint, this episode is a must listen. To check out her Instagram Highlights bundle that helps women organize their IG bio and highlights head to >>>
7/31/202032 minutes, 55 seconds
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LOL 108: From Corporate Employee to Fully Booked Biz Boss With Kelsey Speros of Pure Bliss Beautique

In this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am so happy to have one of my Lashpreneur Society Legends, Kelsey Speros, of Pure Bliss Beautique in Tampa, Florida. Kelsey shares her story of how she went from unhappy employee to owning her own, fully booked beauty business, despite the disruption from the shutdown. She talks about her journey and crucial mindset shifts that it took for her to make that leap from employee to business owner. To join the waitlist to be the first in line when the doors to The Lashpreneur Society open, head to 
7/24/202024 minutes, 50 seconds
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LOL 107: $20,000 in Sales During the Shutdown with Kendra Harris of Wildflower Beauty Bar

In this special addition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur show, I interview one of our Lashpreneur Society Legends, Kendra Harris of WildFlower Beauty Bar in Phoenix, AZ. She shares her incredible story of how she sold 20,000 in retail sales during the initial shutdown that took place during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Like many of us, when her salons were first shutting down, Kendra had a moment of sheer panic. Her fear was that she was going to lose everything she had worked for since she was 18 years old. However, Kendra decided that she was not going to just throw in the towel and become a victim to her circumstance. In less than 24 hours, she did $2500 worth of sales from creating and selling at home facial kits. Which soon, turned to $20,000. Join me to learn the business side of beauty here >>> 
7/17/202030 minutes, 44 seconds
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LOL 106: Getting Your First (or Next) 5 Clients

With so many different ways to market your business, trying to narrow down a couple of fool proof ways can leave your head absolutely SPINNING! Especially if you are new to the beauty industry. There are so many clever, and damn near effortless ways that you can easily market yourself and your business that will actually have you seeing results... AKA, clients in your door! In this episode I will be giving you 5 marketing tactics that anyone can practice in their business. It works great for newbies, but can totally be helpful for anyone who's been in the game for awhile! If you need further help assessing your marketing and areas of opportunity in your biz, join me for Bookt Bootkamp, my FREE 5 day challenge challenge for beauty biz owners! To learn more head to! 
7/10/202019 minutes, 45 seconds
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LOL 105: The Secret to Massive Growth in Your Business

We all have dreams. Whether we choose to allow ourself to see what’s possible for our life, or we hold ourselves back, play small, and live inside of our comfort zone… there’s one thing that can determine how the rest of your life will unfold. And that is your mindset and perspective. On today’s episode I’m talking all about choosing possibilities over limitations, and how choosing to operate from a place of possibilities rather than your circumstances is going to completely change your life for the better. Get ready for some major mindset work and WOO to help you overcome ANY obstacle standing between you AND the future reality where you are living your dream life! To sign up for me free five day challenge for beauty business professionals head to!   
7/3/202021 minutes, 19 seconds
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LOL 104: The 1st Step in Marketing

If you were to guess the answer to the question, "what is the first step in marketing?" You might say, create some social media accounts. Or start by sending an email or two. Maybe even a couple of paid ads to start getting your name out there. Normally, this would make sense, but it is definitely NOT the first step you take in marketing... The first step in marketing is to figure out who you are trying to market TO! You might be thinking, okay yeah, obviously... But unless you establish the very specific type of client you are trying to market to, unless you know what makes YOU unique as a beauty service provider, and unless you know who's problem you are solving, your marketing tactics will not have intention. And intention is KEY in marketing. So to hear how you can begin to market your biz WITH INTENTION, listen up! 
6/26/202024 minutes, 36 seconds
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LOL 103: REBUILD - Part 4 of the Post Pandemic Recovery Series

Welcome to part 4 of my Post Pandemic Recovery Series for running your beauty business Post Pandemic. Now that we've talked about mental health, safety precautions, reaching out to clients, and everything in-between... It's time to talk about the importance of MARKETING YOURSELF! BUT HOW DO I EVEN BEGIN  TO MARKET MYSELF AGAIN ONCE MY DOORS ARE REOPEN? Today’s episode is all about how to begin to REBUILD your marketing strategy after a few months of being shut down. It is time to start LETTING PEOPLE KNOW that you have reopened, getting those reviews/testimonials from clients, and being consistent with your marketing game in order to get clients in the door and money in your pocket. 
6/19/202017 minutes, 3 seconds
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LOL 102: REOPEN - Part 3 of the Post Pandemic Recovery Series

Welcome to part 3 of my Post Pandemic Recovery Series for running your beauty business Post Pandemic. I know what you're all thinking... After all this time off, I know I have to start marketing my biz, I know I have to start reaching out to clients.... WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN TO START ONCE I REOPEN? How do I book out my clients? How do I maintain proper safety measures? How do I protect my clients, and myself? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... How do I run a business in A POST PANDEMIC WORLD? I address all of these questions and more in this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show. 
6/12/202027 minutes, 42 seconds
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LOL 101: REACH OUT & REVIEW - Part 2 of the Post Pandemic Recovery Series

Join me for a 4 Part Series for running your beauty business Post Pandemic. Today’s episode is all about how to REACH OUT to clients as businesses begin to reopen. As we adjust to the new normal, it is important that you effectively communicate prices, scheduling options, and most importantly, safety regulations. Your clients are likely going to require a lot of special attention and hand holding during this transition period, so we're going to dive into how to manage this type of client-artist relationship. How you position your business to your clients will be the key to your success post-pandemic. 
5/29/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
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RESET - Part 1 of the Post Pandemic Recovery Series

Welcome to part 1 of my Post Pandemic Recovery Series, where I will be providing beauty business owners with guidance on how to go about moving forward with their businesses after the shutdown. Today’s episode is all about how to RESET and REFOCUS as businesses forced to shut down now start to navigate what the new normal will look like and what needs to change in order to operate successfully post-pandemic. We focus not only on the mental health aspect of business ownership during the pandemic, but on how to reevaluate your goals for the year. Join me for my free 5 day challenge for beauty business owners that well help you go from overlooked to fully bookt at 
5/22/202019 minutes, 7 seconds
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Best Of - LOL 99: Is The Lash Industry Recession Proof?

Continuing our series of "Best Of" episodes, I felt it was entirely appropriate that we revisit an episode I recorded over a year ago that asks the question: Is the lash industry recession proof? In other words, if the economy were to crash, would our industry survive? Back then, we all knew a recession was a possibility, maybe it was a nagging worry in the back of your head. Now - we are quite literally about to face what could be one of the biggest economic recessions of all time. The Coronavirus has affected us all in so many ways, but especially those of us who are beauty business owners. There are so many factors that are out of control, and I know that so many of you are worried sick about where to go from here. Before you freak out, in this episode, I reveal my opinions about why I think the beauty industry will always survive and thrive after recessions. This industry is RESILIENT, and so are you.  
5/15/202020 minutes, 25 seconds
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LOL 98: Safety & Sanitation for Lash Artists with Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair

In this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur show I am honored to have Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair to discuss all things lash safety. This episode includes need-to-know tips when it comes to lash safety, why it's important, and how you could be getting yourself into some major trouble by not following certain guidelines. This is especially relevant in this climate, as we are living through a pandemic where safety is a top priority. Additionally, we debunk some common myths surrounding adhesive and which ones you should believe vs. which ones you definitely should NOT! Jenelle and I teamed up to give you guys 15% off all Lash Affair products and courses. Act now & use code LASHP15 at checkout. Head to to take advantage of this opportunity for a limited time only! 
5/8/202041 minutes, 53 seconds
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LOL 97: Entrepreneurs & Opportunities with Jill Heiligers-Peloquin of LashFX

It seems like just yesterday I was trying to remind you guys and myself that this situation is TEMPORARY. That it will get better & it won't last forever. And suddenly - I blinked and now some states have began reopening, and businesses will soon follow. So, what now? What is the beauty industry going to look like in a post pandemic world? In today’s episode I am honored to have Jill Heiligers-Peloquin of LashFX to discuss all kinds of pandemic related lash biz tips. Be sure to stay to the end of the episode because Jill lays out some KILLER strategies on how you can be making income NOW through retail WITHOUT having to leave the comfort of your home. We also dive into some ways and things to consider when it’s time to reopen and get all those lash hungry clients booked. For a limited time only, Jill is offering our Lashpreneur Community an exclusive discount for 50% off her Magic Lashes. Our code is "LASHPRENEUR" and you can check out the Lash Magic options at
5/1/202047 minutes, 35 seconds
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LOL 96: Top 5 Website Homepage Fixes to Keep Traffic on Your Website

Alright y'all... I know you've heard me preach time and time again how incredibly important it is to have a website as a beauty biz owner. Your website is where people are supposed to find information about you, your business, and the service that you provide. Only having an Instagram or a Facebook page just isn't going to cut it anymore. If you don't have a website for your business at this day and age... You basically don't exist. But you know that already. This episode is all about how you can improve your website, increase traffic, and most importantly - GET REAL CLIENTS. I am going to discuss the top 5 homepage fixes that every business owner needs to make for their website. In this episode, I recommend using Wix, a website building application. Check out this link if you want to learn more 
4/24/202027 minutes, 16 seconds
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LOL Best of Episode 95: Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews

Attracting new lash clients goes beyond just handing out leaflets, posting pretty photos on Instagram and adding a few hashtags to the bottom of your posts. If you really want to drive more leads to your business, consider incorporating SEM (Search Engine Marketing) into your digital marketing strategy. I’ll be honest, I’m not an expert in SEM, but I do know someone who is. Deirdre Andrews of Define Marketing joins me for an in-depth discussion all about SEM and how to utilize Google Ads for advertising your lash business.Deirdre is a Digital Marketing Strategist with 15 years’ experience in Marketing. She also specializes in paid traffic strategies including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and YouTube Ads. Head to to learn more! 
4/17/202031 minutes, 46 seconds
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LOL 94: 10 Things You CAN Be Doing Right Now

As we are going on a little over a month of The Shelter in Place Law here in California, I am finally beginning to adjust to this new version of "normal." I'm not saying that I like it, but I am settling into a routine with my family and my business , and it feels like each day is getting a little bit easier and easier. Every single one of us has faced enormous challenges throughout this pandemic, and it is likely that there is more ahead. Which is why my most recent podcasts have been focusing on positivity, perspective, and mindset shifts that will help you cope with the adjustment. Now it's time for action... Here are Ten Things That You CAN Be Doing During This Shutdown.     
4/11/202023 minutes, 51 seconds
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LOL 93: Perspective Shift During a Pandemic

Now that the reality of social distancing is setting in, I think we are at a very pivotal point in this pandemic. You can either let it bring you down, or you can see it as a way to work on your business and practice self care. If you're anything like me, you've gone through all the emotions when processing the Coronavirus. And now it's time to adjust your perspective. My goal is to have you walking away from this episode with a stronger sense of your purpose during this time of so much uncertainty and fear.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  [1:15] >>> The reality of social distancing  [3:58] >>> Coping with a lack of control  [11:15] >>> Taking clients is only a small part of running a business  [15:20] >>> What if this is happening for you and not to you?  [24:30] >>> Let this be a pivotal point in your life  Download our FREE Pandemic Plan here at 
4/3/202031 minutes, 10 seconds
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LOL 92: Tips on Navigating Your Business When It's Shutdown

This week, we wanted to create a special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show. In light of everything thats going on in the world right now, my team and I wanted to create a resource for beauty business owners who are in need of hope and guidance during this COVID-19 pandemic. We asked people in our industry to submit a voicemail with any business or personal advice they were willing to offer to our listeners. The response we got was overwhelming. Everyone exceeded our expectations with the amount of love and positivity that we received for this episode. Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope that this episode uplifts you in every way possible.   Head to to download our FREE Pandemic Plan! 
3/26/202029 minutes, 43 seconds
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LOL 91: The Problem with the Clients in Our Industry

If you’ve ever had a rude, outrageous, insane, high maintenance or difficult client, then this episode is for you! However, I'm going to talk about taking responsibility for your results in your business. None of this “empowered women empower women” attitude while in the same breath also tearing a woman down for doing something wrong in your eyes as a business owner. If you’ve only had one or two problematic clients over a few years, that’s pretty normal. Sometimes we just don’t take to a client’s personality, despite our efforts, it’s just not a good fit. With that being said, most lash artists do not do the work to look at their part in an unhealthy artist/client relationship. 
3/20/202014 minutes, 43 seconds
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LOL 90: Addressing Coronavirus and How to Prepare Your Lash Business

With everything going on in the world right now, I feel like this is something that needed to be addressed. The question on everyones mind...How the heck am I supposed to protect my business with this CoronaVirus outbreak?! I know natural disasters like this can cause widespread panic, especially for lash artists for a number of reasons. A lot of our supplies come from China, in addition to the fact that business is likely going to slow down due to people being more cautious with their money. However, this episode will give you some insight as to how you can prepare your business for these types of situations and how you can best protect yourself. 
3/13/202020 minutes, 7 seconds
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LOL 89: What is Business Coaching and The Lashpreneur Society?

The Lashpreneur Society is OPEN! Registration for new members is only open a few times a year and many of you have been waiting for this moment for months! If you’re new here or you’ve been waiting on the edge of your seat for our doors to re-open for a while and you want to learn more about The Lashpreneur Society, you’ve come to the right place. In this episode and blog post, I unveil what you can expect to find inside the society and how it can help you to start, build, and grow a thriving lash business. So, are you ready to make this YOUR BEST YEAR EVER?   Find out about:   What The Lashpreneur Society is and why you should join What to expect if you decide to become a member of The Lashpreneur Society How much it costs to join    Enroll in The Lashpreneur Society TODAY and learn how to really make money with your artistry and skill and get more clients! To find out more, head over to:
3/6/202037 minutes, 12 seconds
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LOL 88: Imposter Syndrome is REAL

Boy boy boy... If there is anyone who hates trolls, it's me! You're going to get them, it's inevitable, and most of the time I ignore them. However, this week a woman commented on one of my posts and said I shouldn't be offering any kind of advice unless I have had "15 years of experience lashing." In this episode, I will give you the tools and mindset shifts that you need in order to combat trolls and realize that their opinions are absolutely irrelevant! For anyone who has had someone in your life tell you that you cannot do something...This episode is for YOU!  Highlights you don't want to miss:  [3:00] >>> Introducing Imposter Syndrome  [5:40] >>> My intention is to inspire and empower  [7:00] >>> Result vs. Experience  [9:50] >>> Get out of your own way and your own head  [13:05] >>> There is no standard in our industry... YOU CREATE IT Hop on the waitlist for The Lashpreneur Society at   
2/28/202021 minutes, 6 seconds
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LOL 87: To Lash 100% Coverage or Not

Ahhh 100% coverage... One of those standards in our industry that is often up for debate. The question at hand is: Is lashing at 100% coverage always necessary? Or is it just costing you more time and money to do so? In this episode I will give you my true thoughts on lashing at 100% coverage.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  [1:19] >>> Should you be lashing every single natural lash?  [5:15] >>> What is 100% coverage and why does it matter?  [8:00] >>> If you claim 100% coverage and make any exception - it's false advertising.   [12:00] >>> Why 100% coverage doesn't really make sense for your business longterm  [17:30] >>> Do clients actually care about 100% coverage?  Sign up for my free, 4 part video workshop where I will teach you the need to know habits of a successful lashpreneur. Sign up at    
2/21/202032 minutes, 38 seconds
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LOL Best Of: The Mindset Thats Costing You Major Success

Your mind is a powerful tool. Having a strong mindset is key for achieving the life and business success you want. But, so many people are not the driver in their life. They (either knowingly or unknowingly) are the backseat passenger of their life. Changing your mindset and approaching your life with accountability, responsibility and possibility will, without a doubt, set your road to success into motion. When you stop focusing on your limitations and start seeing the possibilities, your whole world will change for the better. In this episode, I share some real talk about how this passenger of life mindset is the difference between where you’re at and where you want to be. 
2/14/202023 minutes, 29 seconds
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LOL 86: Full Time Income - Part Time Hours Ft. Lashpreneur Legend Martha Licari

In this special addition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur show, I interview one of our Lashpreneur Society Legends, Martha Licari. She tells us about her highs, lows, and everything in between since starting her own business.  Highlights you won't want to miss [1:17] >>> Introducing Martha  [1:50] >>> Life before The Lashpreneur Society: Winging it  [5:30] >>> My business fell apart because of my business partner  [10:20] >>> Being a lash artist has nothing to do with being a business owner  [14:10] >>> Hitting 6-Figures in 2020  Martha Licari  @premierhairandlashes  
2/7/202023 minutes, 32 seconds
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LOL 85: From Being Sued to Six-Figures - Ft. Mandy Dwyer

In this special addition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur show, I interview one of our Lashpreneur Society Legends, Mandy Dwyer. She tells us about her highs, lows, and everything in between since starting her own business.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  [1:20] >>> Introducing Mandy  [4:10] >>> From opening her own business to being sued  [6:30] >>> Am I going to be able to keep the lights on?  [12:00] >>> Moving forward with a new plan  [18:52] >>> The transformation: The liberty to breathe  [21:40] >>> The Lashpreneur Society and it's impact  IG: Lotus_lashes       
1/31/202034 minutes, 12 seconds
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LOL 84: How to Run a Business When You Don't Have Enough Time

The number one excuse I hear from lash artists that are hesitant to start their own business: I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME. The oldest excuse in the book! In this episode I talk about time management hacks that every successful lashpreneur NEEDS to run a business.  Highlights you don't want to miss:  >>> [2:00] Time is always the source of overwhelm  >>> [3:10] Time is an illusion  >>> [5:00] The victim mindset  >>> [6:40] Sacrificing your dreams is setting a bad example  >>> [9:20] You are in control of your time  >>> [12:20] Commit yourself to spending time on your business  Let me help you take control of your time! Download my top ten time management hacks for busy lashpreneurs at   
1/24/202015 minutes, 47 seconds
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LOL 83: How to Stand Out in Your Saturated Market

If you are a lash artist, you've likely heard the term "saturated market." If you're using this an an excuse as to why you aren't able to build a clientele, you are doing yourself a disservice. In this episode, I talk about why working in a saturated market IS NOT the reason you haven't been able to build a successful business.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  >>> [2:20] Running a lash business in a saturated market >>> [3:45] The "saturated market excuse" IS NOT AN EXCUSE  >>> [9:44] Market saturation vs. Market sophistication  >>> [15:00] Educating your target audience about your value  >>> [16:50] Word of mouth advertising is the best form of marketing  >>> [18:45] How exactly to stand out in your saturated market  Head to to get your FREE DOWNLOAD about 20 ways to stand out in your saturated market!   
1/17/202027 minutes, 59 seconds
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LOL 82: Why Lower Prices are Turning Off Potential Clients

While giving away free things might work in other industries, you offering endless promotions and discounts trying to get new clients in the door is counterproductive. It will not get you the result that you want. In this episode, I talk about how discounting your prices might actually be TURNING OFF POTENTIAL CLIENTS.  Highlights you wont want to miss:  [2:00] >>> Offering endless discounts will not get you the results you want  [2:29] >>> How do you build a clientele?  [3:53] >>> SPOILER ALERT: MARKETING  [6:50] >>> Does your social media paint an accurate picture of your value?  [9:25] >>> Marketing is constantly evolving  [13:22] >>> Targeting the right audience  [20:10] >>> Raise your prices to eliminate your competition  Listen to LOL episode 2 “How You’re Killing Your Chances With The Algorithm” and LOL episode 71 “The Instagram Cleanse” to get some clarity on how to utilize social media for marketing your business effectively.
1/10/202027 minutes, 16 seconds
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LOL 81: Running a Business is Overwhelming and Expensive

A thought that crosses the mind of every business owner: RUNNING A BUSINESS IS OVERWHELMING AND EXPENSIVE. I get it, I've been there! But this kind of mindset is not going to give you the kind of motivation and direction that you need in order to become a successful lash artist. In this episode, I will give you the crucial mindset shift you need in order to be a successful lash artist.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  [1:16] >>> Most disempowering belief: It takes money to make money  [5:00] >>>The crucial mindset shift from service provider to business owner  [9:20] >>> Past mistakes do not determine your future success [11:11] >>> How much money do you really need to start a lash business?  [17:51] >>> The absolute musts to starting a lash business  Download my FREE prep and planning guide here at
1/3/202025 minutes, 27 seconds
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LOL 80: How to Goal Plan For a Successful 2020

The one thing that is simply non-negotiable as a business owner: PLANNING! In this episode I explain how powerful goal planning can be when running a business.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  [2:20] >>> Planning is NON-NEGOTIABLE as a business owner [4:00] >>> Procrastination will kill your business  [6:30] >>> Brain Dumping: The wants, the goals, and the dreams [11:09} >>> Prioritize your top three goals: hone in on them  [15:00] >>> Connect with your why  [16:55] >>> Get specific about your goals  [18:33] >>> Map it out  [23:28] >>> Check in with your goals  So to SMASH your 2020 goals - Dump, Prioritize, Connect, Specify, Map, Execute and Check in! And if you need help in doing that - download my free goal planning workbook at
12/28/201926 minutes, 1 second
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LOL 79: The January Slump & What To Do About It

Talk about a holiday hangover! January is usually the slowest month in our industry, and before you freak out on me and claim that the lash industry is starting to decline, I want to share with you some way’s to make January a GREAT month in your business - even if the volume of clients slows down. Highlights you won't want to miss:  >>> [1:40] How to overcome January aka the slow season in the lash industry >>> [2:50] Planning out your year: Extra time = More time to plan  >>> [6:30] TAKE A BREAK: Refueling your mind an body  >>> [8:26] Creating and getting back into good habits that will make your business thrive in 2020  Let me know one way YOU will take advantage of a slower month on Instagram stories - send me a DM or tag me in your stories and let me know what you’re up to next month!  
12/20/201914 minutes, 18 seconds
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LOL 78: Instagram-ageddon - RIP Likes

Likes on Instagram are going away...AHHH! I know this is the part where you are probably about to freak out but I am here to tell you why I think likes going away on Instagram might actually be a good thing for business owners.  Highlights you won't want to miss:  >>> [1:17] NO MORE LIKES: But before you freak out... It might actually be a good thing  >>> [2:40] The number of likes per post are going away, but are the actual likes?  >>> [4:00] We prioritize likes, yet, they are the MOST PASSIVE from of engagement   >>> [6:20] Bearer of bad news: Like bots  >>> [9:57] Which forms of engagement you should actually value the most  >>> [16:12] I want to know YOUR biggest social media struggle! Help me, help you  Although we have been led to believe that likes are the most important form of engagement, listen to find out why they should actually be the least of your worries.  I want to know your fears, struggles, and questions about likes going away on Instagram. You can share your questions and struggles with me at  
12/13/201917 minutes, 16 seconds
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LOL 76: How to Lower Stress with Gratitude

We all have good and bad days. Personally, I struggle with anxiety and overwhelm. Well, I used to until I came across a quote that helped me to move past my anxiety: “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ― Lao Tzu. After reading this quote and thinking about it carefully, I suddenly realized what I had to do to free myself from my anxiety. Gratitude. When you’re anxious and overwhelmed about something, you lose sight of what’s important. So, that’s what I’m going to talk about in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, including some actionable gratitude practices to help you out and how all of this affects how you show up in your business. Find out about: Why you should live in the present moment Understanding that control is just an illusion How to practice gratitude in your life   What is the one thing that your most grateful for about your business? Please share your answer with me on Instagram Stories by screenshotting an image of yourself listening to the podcast or reading this post and tag me @thelashpreneur so that I can see it! For more information and to explore other episodes go to 
11/22/201922 minutes, 48 seconds
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LOL 75: Closing Your Books - Will Close Your Doors

When you close your books and stop accepting new clients, you go into hibernation mode. You become so busy with your current clientele that you barely have time to use the restroom, let alone anything else. One of the worst things that you can do for your business is not only close your books but to follow it up by broadcasting the news to the world via your social media channels. When you do this, potential clients gradually begin to drop off your radar like flies. Then, January comes along, or a recession hits, and all of a sudden, your so-called ‘loyal clientele’ aren’t so loyal. When you start telling everyone that you’ve closed your books, it becomes so much harder to re-build your clientele when something unpredictable happens and you end up losing a bunch of clients. If you ask me, closing your books will close your doors faster than anything else and in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, you’ll find out why!   Find out about: Why you should never stop marketing your business Why you should raise your prices instead of closing your books How to raise your prices   What are your thoughts on all of this? I would love to hear from you! So, please take a screenshot of you listening to this episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @thelashpreneur so I can see your opinion on the matter! For more information and to explore other episodes go to
11/15/201914 minutes, 58 seconds
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LOL 74: Doing this ONE THING Can Get You In a Lot of Trouble

Do you cleanse your lashes?  You’d be surprised at just how many people don’t cleanse their own (or their clients) lashes. You’d also be surprised to learn just how many lash artists think it’s a good idea to sell various lash cleansers to their clients. Heck, some even whip up their own branch of DIY lash cleansers that may or may not irritate the skin and send you into a whole heap of trouble. If you’re thinking about launching your own lash cleanser line, there’s a lot of things that could go wrong that results in you rocking an orange jumpsuit. Well, maybe it won’t go that far but it will get you in a lot of trouble. In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I shed some light on this topic and put an end to some of the age-old myths circulating about the natural health of our lashes and how to preserve them.   Find out about:  The truth about baby shampoo and why it’s not the best solution to cleanse natural lashes What you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to creating a DIY lash cleanser How to calculate your profit margin and the difference between retail and wholesale prices   I’d love to challenge you to share your top tips on using a lash cleanser in your stories to educate your followers.   Be sure to tag @thelashpreneur in your stories so we can see just how you show up as the lash health expert! Find out more and explore other episodes at 
11/8/201919 minutes, 39 seconds
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LOL 73: What is "Value" on Instagram?

When used correctly, Instagram can help your lash business thrive. However, there’s a LOT of confusion around how to utilize Instagram for business and I totally get it. If you’ve only ever used social media for connecting with friends and family, it can be crazy overwhelming to even know where to start for a business. But don’t worry, in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I help you understand what true VALUE is on social media and how you can provide more of it to your followers.   Find out about: Why you should experiment with your social media posts How to calculate your average engagement rate on Instagram How to know what posts will provide the most value to your audience   We have a special announcement! We have a new program launching in January of 2020 that is just for those of you high level Lashpreneurs. This elite coaching experience has been created for individuals who are doing six figures or more in their business and are looking for an opportunity to scale.  Are you interested?!  Visit to sign up for our waitlist now! For more information and to explore other episodes visit
11/1/201933 minutes, 6 seconds
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LOL 72: Preparing Your Lash Business for the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and I know like me, you may have been complaining about all the Christmas décor in the shops in September, but do you know what? Tis the season where our industry experiences the MOST demand and you need to get ready for it RIGHT NOW. It is ESSENTIAL that you start to plan how you want your lash business to operate. You need to be strategically working out your marketing well in advance of that busy holiday season. That’s why in episode 72 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur I’m going to share with you 5 of my TOP TIPS for getting your business holiday ready.   Find out about: Why you need to take a leaf out of the big retailers’ play book and start priming your marketing campaign now How to get your business ready for that increase in demand How to reach new customers on social media, all in time for your holiday promotions   Check out more lash biz tips at or you can follow us: Facebook  Instagram    If you would like to find out more and listen to the full episode and/or read the blog post, then head over to
10/25/201917 minutes, 35 seconds
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LOL 71: Why you MUST do an Instagram Cleanse

Have you got 1,000 followers? If bet if I looked at your Instagram account right now, your followers will be tweezer manufacturers, lash brands and suppliers? Am I right? I get DMs all the time telling me that social media is not working for Lashpreneurs. Why? Fake followers are affecting your ability to reach REAL POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS. In episode 71 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I dish out some brutal advice about why you need to cleanse your Instagram account right now! You need to start prioritizing profitability over-popularity.  Cutting your followers from 1,000 to 100 will increase your engagement. It will also drive more traffic to your website. You can start to make your social media profitable. But you can only do it if you have the right, targeted audience. Find out about: Why you need to eliminate ANYBODY and EVERYBODY who is not a potential customer from Instagram Why fake followers and spammy manufacturers are hurting your business How to get rid of the WRONG audience and start engaging ACTUAL CUSTOMERS How an Instagram cleanse will transform your business   If you would like to find out more or read the blog post, then head over to 
10/18/201916 minutes, 6 seconds
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LOL 70: How Do You Approach a Stranger About Your Business?

How can you avoid being a sleazy salesperson but still make those sales?  Well - avoid the tactics that this Tweezer manufacturer used in my recent Instagram Live for starters! My story is a GREAT example of what not to do when trying to market or make a sale. It fit in with a question I also received from Monik Dismute about how to sell to strangers? Well getting in a stranger’s face with your brand or product, is not what we recommend in The Lashpreneur Society. We recommend marketing your business based on relationships and solving a problem for people.  I share some tips about how to approach selling in an AUTHENTIC way and making it about a SERVICE – about what you can do for them - not a cold hard sell.   Find out about: Top 3 mistakes to avoid becoming a sleazy tweezer marketer How to not fear selling, not fear rejection and to connect with people in an authentic way Top tips on how to reframe selling into a service that will help you build relationships and grow your lashpreneur business.   Subscribe and start every Monday off on the path to Lash Business Success! I would love it if you could leave me a review and your thoughts on any of the 70 episodes of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show! I love reading those reviews and seeing your takeaways! If you want to get more tips about improving your selling strategy visit us at or you can follow us: Facebook Instagram   For information or to explore other episodes click here.
10/11/201916 minutes, 48 seconds
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LOL Bonus Episode: What is The Lashpreneur Society?

The Lashpreneur Society is OPEN! Registration for new members is only open a few times a year and many of you have been waiting for this moment for months! If you’re new here or you’ve been waiting on the edge of your seat for our doors to re-open for a while and you want to learn more about The Lashpreneur Society, you’ve come to the right place. In this episode and blog post, I unveil what you can expect to find inside the society and how it can help you to start, build, and grow a thriving lash business. So, are you ready to make this YOUR BEST YEAR EVER?   Find out about:  What The Lashpreneur Society is and why you should join What to expect if you decide to become a member of The Lashpreneur Society How much it costs to join   Enroll in The Lashpreneur Society TODAY and learn how to really make money with your artistry and skill and get more clients! To find out more, head over to:
9/27/201928 minutes, 4 seconds
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LOL 69: Your Relationship with Money Matters

Do you have a healthy or unhealthy relationship with money? If you have no idea how to answer that question, you’re in the right place. In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal how you can tell if you have a healthy or unhealthy relationship with money and what you can do to feel more empowered about your finances. Find out about: Understanding the power of your thoughts and how to change them for the better How to identify whether you have a healthy or unhealthy relationship with money and how to improve it Tips to help you regain control of your finances and make intentional choices around money If you want to have a killer lash business that allows you to have flexibility in your schedule and an abundance of wealth, you can have that. All you have to do is sign up for our FREE workshop – Your Best Year EVER! This workshop starts on September 23rd and includes 4 video trainings created for lash artists, where you’ll learn: The three ways to make more money in your business Where to focus your attention to grow your business The step by step path successful lashpreneurs take to go from overlooked to fully booked The #1 way you can create the business of your dreams easier and faster   This workshop is totally FREE to join, and the videos will only be available for a limited time starting on September 23rd. To get registered for this workshop - head over to For more information and to explore other episodes, click here.
9/20/201930 minutes, 4 seconds
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LOL 68: Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

Have you ever experienced a moment in your life that completely changed your perspective? After attending a two-day retreat for a business coaching program, I challenged myself to break through some obstacles that were holding me back. Mainly, money. For as long as I can remember, I always thought that I’m irresponsible with money. This limiting belief has crippled me in so many ways when it comes to running my own business because an unhealthy relationship with money in your business can be disastrous both professionally AND personally. I’ve since realized that you don’t have to let your limiting beliefs hold you back from stepping into your true potential. I learned a lot from my last coaching retreat, and I’m going to share a few of the key takeaways I got from the retreat in hopes that it can trigger a subtle or even a powerful shift in your life too! Find out about: Understanding that there are no absolutes, and everything is a belief Why everyone’s moral compass is different and how to stop your morals from holding you back How to attract positivity in your life   My most popular video training is back on September 23rd! This free video workshop, “Your Best Year Ever,” is a four-part video training series that teaches you… Three ways to make more money in your business Where to focus your attention to grow your business The step by step path successful Lashpreneurs take to go from overlooked to fully booked …And the #1 way you can create the business of your dreams easier and faster! This workshop is totally free to join, and the videos will be available for a limited time starting on September 23rd. To register for this workshop, head over to: For more information and to explore other episodes go to
9/13/201921 minutes, 26 seconds
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LOL 67: If You're Doing This, You're Running Your Business WRONG

Are you too worn out, overwhelmed and even scared to work on your business and not just in it? I get it. Believe me when I say I’ve been there too. Having days where you just want to quit and find an easier way to make a living is normal. I have never met a single successful business owner (from any industry) who hasn’t had a few “I want to quit” moments in their careers.  Check out this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur to learn top tips from successful entrepreneurs that have been there, done that and come out on the other side more successful and happier than ever. Find out about: How to set healthy business boundaries Why being successful is all about your current mindset Why you need to make time to do things that actually move your business forward   If you want a business that lights you up inside and makes you genuinely excited and happy to go to work every day and live the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of, you’ve got to be that ‘successful’ version of yourself TODAY. And that my friends, is why we’re bringing back our most popular video workshop series called Your Best Year EVER and it kicks off September 23rd 2019, so MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The #1 way you can do all of this easier, faster and with a lot less stress is to sign up for our waitlist to be notified of when registration opens up for this free workshop at   For more information and to explore other episodes go to
9/6/201919 minutes, 53 seconds
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LOL 66: To Work on Other Artists’ Work or Not?

Is it okay to work on another lash artist’s work? This is a question I see pop up inside lash forums time and time again. A simple scroll through the answers and you’ll see a heated debate where everybody has a VERY strong opinion of whether it’s “right” or “wrong” to work on another artists' work. I understand why this topic is so controversial in our industry. When I first started, I really bought into the whole “you should never work on other artists' work” thing. That is until I realized that by not working on other artists’ work, I wasn’t just doing a disservice to a potential client by turning them away, I was doing myself a disservice by turning away business.  Most of my favorite clients over the years have come from how I approach the topic of whether or not you should work on other artists’ work. On this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I share my top tips on why you should be saying yes to filling other lash artists’ work! Find out about: Four key stipulations to help you set expectations and healthy boundaries How working on other lash artists' work can help challenge your artistry Why you shouldn’t be afraid to work on another lash artists' work MARK YOUR CALENDARS… September 23 - my most popular video series - YBYE is coming back and it’s totally FREE! I’d love for you to join me inside this free video workshop series to finish out 2019 and make it YBYE (Your Best Year EVER). Head on over to our society waitlist page to be notified when we release these FREE video trainings!!! For more information and to explore other episodes go to
8/30/201921 minutes, 17 seconds
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LOL 65: Behind the Scenes at The Lashpreneur Part 2

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at The Lashpreneur HQ? Well…wonder no more! I’m about to take you for an exclusive behind the scenes look inside not just the business side of The Lashpreneur, but also the personal side of the business too. My husband, Chris, joins me for an in-depth and insightful Q&A session where he reveals his perspective of being married to a lashpreneur, growing a business and raising a family. Find out about: Whether Chris ever had any doubts about my business How Chris and I support each other Advice for anyone who is in a relationship with a budding lashpreneur For more information and to explore other episodes go to
8/23/201926 minutes, 12 seconds
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Megacast with LashCast Podcast and Lash Boss Radio

Want to find out how you can really grow your lash business and turn it into a long-term, profitable career? Well, have I got a special treat for you! I’ve teamed up with my friends over at LashCast Podcast and Lash Boss Radio to bring you a MEGA podcast episode (and blog post) all about growing your lash business which we recorded live at IBS/IECSC Las Vegas We share some amazing tips and answer frequently asked questions that we all get as podcasters. Since we wanted to support each other, we decided to break the giant episode into three parts, with each of us sharing one on our own podcasts/websites.   So, if you haven’t caught part one yet, you can check out part one over on the LashCast Podcast with Paul Luebbers, Tussanee Luebbers and Erika Ross and then check out part two with Shelby Tarleton from Lash Boss Radio. Once you’ve caught up, come right back here to finish off the series with part three! In this episode, we dive into common questions that we get asked all time from starting a new lash business to building a clientele and more.   Find out about: How to promote a new lash business Tips for building your clientele from scratch How to respond to negative feedback the right way   For more information visit
8/20/201941 minutes, 20 seconds
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LOL 64: Behind The Scenes at The Lashpreneur Part 1

Managing a lash business is tough. You’ve got good days and then you’ve got the not so good days where you feel like throwing in the towel and re-starting your entire career from scratch. The good news is that you’re not alone. We all feel like giving up sometimes. Heck, there was a time in my life when every day felt like a battle just to survive. So, I wanted to share some of these stories with you and give you a “behind the scenes” look into my personal life and the journey that lead me and The Lashpreneur Society into what it is today. But…I didn’t want to recall the whole story myself. What would be the fun in that? Instead, my husband Chris Walsh opens up in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur about what it was like to witness the journey of The Lashpreneur, including the good times, the bad times and the really bad times. Find out about: How my husband’s struggle with PTSD almost tore our family apart What we did to work on our marriage including our experience with therapy How I managed to build a business despite the tough times and financial struggles   Running a business and parenting two kids and supporting a husband with PTSD isn’t easy, but it is worth it and there is help out there, all you have to do is be willing to ask for it! Part two of this two-part series, where Chris and I take part in a very revealing Q&A session is coming up soon! To make sure you don’t miss it, follow me on Instagram and Facebook for regular updates and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite app. For more information go to
8/16/201928 minutes, 12 seconds
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LOL 63: Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews

Attracting new lash clients goes beyond just handing out leaflets, posting pretty photos on Instagram and adding a few hashtags to the bottom of your posts. If you really want to drive more leads to your business, consider incorporating SEM (Search Engine Marketing) into your digital marketing strategy. I’ll be honest, I’m not an expert in SEM, but I do know someone who is. Deirdre Andrews of Define Marketing joins me in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur for an in-depth discussion all about SEM and how to utilize Google Ads for advertising your lash business. Find out about: What SEM is and how Google Ads differs from Facebook marketing How to use Google Ads if you’re on a tight budget Why Google Ads should be a part of your online marketing strategy Want to learn more about how you can use Google Ads to grow your lash business? Deirdre is offering a FREE Cheat Sheet sharing 8 Smart Strategies to Start a Profitable Google Ads Campaign that Turns Clicks into Customers – Grab yours today for FREE! For more Google Ads tips and business motivation, you can follow Deirdre on Instagram @definemarketingblog For more information and to explore other episodes go to: 
8/9/201929 minutes, 11 seconds
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LOL 62: My Biggest Takeaway from Coaching in Australia

I recently found myself down under for a conference for Lash Vision Leaders with my good friend and fellow lashpreneur, Kimberley Haworth.  Lash Vision Leaders is the cream of the crop of Australian business owners looking to set some regulations and standards for lash artists in Australia. At the moment, it’s an unregulated industry in not only Australia but in many places across the world. One major concern that kept popping up throughout the length of the conference was the shared fear amongst lash artists that cheap prices are dragging down the value of eyelash extensions. So, in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal why lash artists who charge low prices are not really your competition and why cutting your prices is not the answer. Find out about:  Why you shouldn’t view cheaper lash artists as your competition How to attract the right type of clients Why you should experiment with your marketing Are you stuck? Maybe you’re not sure what direction to take your marketing strategy next or perhaps you’re fearful that your prices are what’s keeping clients away? Whatever it is that’s holding you back, I’d love to hear from you. You can message me on Facebook or Instagram with your problems or any questions that you may have! I can’t wait to hear from you! For more information and to explore other episodes go to 
8/2/201912 minutes, 46 seconds
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LOL 61: Creating a Brand and Reputation on Social Media with Lana Wyer of Lux Uncut

Lana is just 21 years old and has already accomplished more on her entrepreneurial bucket list than many of us could ever hope to achieve. She’s not only a very successful lash artist, but a lash educator with a social media presence that has helped grow her business into what it is today.  She has inspired thousands with her driven and ambitious personality, and she’s broken the mold for our industry in how we brand ourselves online.  So, as you can imagine, I jumped at the chance to have a chat with Lana on episode 61 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur about building a brand and reputation on social media. She was happy to share valuable insights about how she uses social media to engage with her audience, attract new clients and scale her business. Find out about:  How to use social media to build authority and trust Common mistakes lash artists are making with their social media Career advice for beginner lash artists and lashpreneurs If you would like to find out more about Lana and the amazing work she’s doing, you can visit Lux Uncut and follow her on Instagram at @luxuncut. For more information and to explore other episodes go to 
7/26/201916 minutes, 9 seconds
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LOL 60: Balancing Your Lash Obsession with Having a Life

Do you find it difficult to balance work with actually having a personal life? As business owners, we’re always thinking about the next thing we need to do to keep the business moving forward. But the problem is that we can become so addicted to the ‘hustle,’ that we don’t have time for anything else.  Since I don’t want you guys to put your business before your family or your own health, I’ve decided to share a few effective strategies on episode 60 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur that will help you to find that balance you’ve been looking for. Find out about: Why you need to rethink your priorities How to know when something is truly urgent vs. something that can probably wait The importance of knowing when enough is enough If you want to stop wasting your time and get some more clarity on all of this and how to run a business without letting it take over your personal life, I’m releasing a FREE workshop series very soon that’s going to help you do just that and more. Interested? Follow me @thelashpreneur on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with the latest updates and be notified when the new video workshop series is released! For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
7/19/201917 minutes, 36 seconds
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LOL 59: Creating a Business that Serves a Greater Purpose in your Life with Kimber Jaynes of Borboleta Beauty

I don’t often think that our industry is in any way, shape or form like a fairy tale. But if it was, Kimber Jaynes of Borboleta Beauty would be the Cinderella in our story! I’m a HUGE fan of Kimber and I couldn’t wait for the chance to get her on the show. It’s not every day you get to interview a lash celebrity!  Kimber and I had an inspiring and at times, tear-jerking discussion on this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur about what it took for her to create a business as successful as Borboleta Beauty. We also explored how her team has stepped up in ways Kimber and her husband Craig couldn’t have imagined.  Find out about:  How to create a business that serves a greater purpose Dealing with imposter syndrome and the importance of staying humble Why it’s important to cultivate a supportive team culture If you’d like to get in touch with Kimber, you can connect with her via her personal Instagram account @KimberJaynes and/or follow the Borboleta Beauty Instagram account via @BorboletaBeauty To learn more about Borboleta Beauty and their amazing product line, click here.   If you would like to find out more and listen to the full episode and/or read the blog post, head over to:
7/12/201931 minutes, 47 seconds
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LOL 58: Why Someone Charging Less than You is Actually a GREAT THING!

When it comes to running a lash business, price is often placed at the forefront. How much you charge for your services is somehow linked to your credibility and even legacy as a lash artist. You only have to take a look at any lash forum to see this type of conversation on blast. You know, the constant dialogue that rips cheap lash artists apart like they’re the scum of our industry. But as I’ve said many times before, being the cheapest lash artist in town doesn’t mean you’ll get more clients than your higher priced competitors. Join me in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur to discover the truth about price points and why someone else charging less than you is a FANTASTIC thing for your business.  Find out about: How low priced Vs high priced services impacts the volume of clients needed Why having a variety of price points in the lash industry is actually a good thing How to attract more higher paying clients These are all the strategies, biz principles and how to’s I teach inside the Lashpreneur Society where on average - our students are charging an average of 66% MORE than industry averages because they are approaching their lash artistry as a business and are learning how to market themselves to any client at any price point! If you want to confidently be one of the highest priced lash artists… or heck, even THE highest priced lash artist in your area - I invite you to join me inside of my business coaching program - The Lashpreneur Society! We only open up registration to new members a few times a year and will be opening up the doors in the fall. If you want to be notified FIRST of when we’re opening the doors again - you HAVE TO GET ON THE WAITLIST! Join the waitlist here.  For more information and to explore other episodes go to:   
7/5/201924 minutes, 9 seconds
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LOL 57: Behind the Scenes of a Massively Successful Product Line with Lindy Williams of EBL Lashes

Do you have a favorite adhesive you reach for every time you do lashes? Or, maybe you dream of starting your own lash product line someday? Whatever the case, I’m sure you’ve heard about my guest on this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur because she’s making waves in the lash industry. That’s right, Lindy Williams of EBL Lashes joins me on episode 57 for a chat about her MASSIVELY successful product line. We talk about what it’s like for her to work with her husband, the truth about running a successful product line and how you can make your next trade show an affair to remember. Find out about: The relationship between the visionary and integrator in business Common misconceptions of running a product line How to make sure your trade show is a success For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
6/28/201917 minutes, 16 seconds
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LOL 56: How to Afford More Trainings to Further your Lash Business

As lash artists and lashpreneurs, most of us are no strangers to taking the occasional training course to help further our careers. It’s pretty much a ‘must-do’ in our industry, which is still relatively new with updated products, techniques, educators and everything in-between being released all the time.  If you don’t keep up and prioritize continuing education, you’ll become outdated. But, how can you further your training without burning a hole in your pocket?  In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal how to look at continuing education in your business, how to plan a budget for it and where to spend your money first to help ensure you get the greatest return on investment.   Find out:  Why you should look at the ROI of a training course and not the cost  How to plan and budget for continuing education  How to decide where to spend your money and what course to invest in  If you’re interested in learning more about The Lashpreneur Society, my group business coaching program where I teach you how to get more clients, make more money and get a POSITIVE ROI - head on over to the website here to get on our waitlist so you can start to really transform from lash artist… to lashpreneur!  For more information and to explore other episodes go to
6/14/201924 minutes, 33 seconds
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LOL 55: Overcoming Overanalyzing and How to Make Better Decisions

Are you living life by your decisions or are you living life by default?  In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I break down why so many of us get stuck and why making decisions is so damn difficult! I also share making quick decisions is one of the top three traits of successful entrepreneurs and how you can start making better decisions without letting fear hold you back.  Find out about:  Why you shouldn’t let fear stop you from making decisions  The value of making decisions ahead of time  How to get more comfortable with making decisions without overanalysing it  If you have decided that you want a more successful lash business and the action you need to take to get that result is learning how to operate, market and grow a profitable lash business… my business coaching program would be a fantastic place for you to do JUST that.   We only open up the doors a few times a year and we’re closing in on our next opening. But you’ll need to get on the waitlist to know more about the what and the when of this program that’s transforming lash artists into lashpreneurs.    Sign up for our waitlist here !   For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
6/7/201923 minutes, 15 seconds
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LOL 54: When Should You Raise Your Prices?

Most lashpreneurs will inevitably reach the stage in their business when they need to consider raising their prices.   But, how can you raise your prices?   And, when do you know it’s the right time to increase them?  On this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal how you can dictate your pricing to make sure it covers your expenses while still paying yourself a great wage. You’ll also discover the questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to deciding when to raise your prices and if your talents or services are worth paying more for.   Find out about:  Why you shouldn’t be afraid to increase your prices  How to know it’s time to raise your prices  How to raise your prices and earn more while working less   If you’re fully booked, I want you to download my free guide on how to raise your prices strategically including the email template I used to inform my clients of the price increase and the to do’s and what not to do’s in raising your prices. You can get this guide here.  All of this is just a taste of what I teach inside of The Lashpreneur Society. If this gave you some ideas of how you can be working towards the next phase in your business, you’ll find major success with our training and support inside of the society.   To sign up for the waitlist to make sure you’re notified of the next time we open up registration to new members, click here.  For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
5/31/201918 minutes, 30 seconds
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LOL 53: What if Your Lash Biz Fails?

Our inner thoughts can be a real buzz kill. They have the power to bring you down so fast you won’t know what hit you. I’ve been getting a lot of questions from fellow lash artists lately who ask things like, “What if I fail?” and, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to me if my business fails?”  I can see that some of you are overflowing with anxiety and instead of avoiding difficult questions like this, I’m going to go head first and tackle them right here, right now. In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I’m finally going to stick a pin in this conversation about failure and reveal what would be the worst case scenario for you.   Find out about:  The worst case scenario for a lashpreneur or aspiring business owner  How to pick yourself up from rock bottom  Why (and how) you need to change your perspective    I want to hear from YOU. I want to hear all about your positive perspective shift because first of all, I love it when people think positively about their businesses and secondly, it’ll help give you some accountability to actually make this positive change in your life.   All you have to do is share a screenshot of you listening or watching this with me on Instagram stories so I can see that you’re doing the hardest work we have to do as entrepreneurs… and that’s our mindset. Tag me in your stories (@thelashpreneur) and let me know you’re doing that work!  For more information and to explore other episodes go to
5/24/201915 minutes, 25 seconds
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LOL 52: The Controversy of Giving Away FREE Info with Jamie Butler of LashBase UK

Are you afraid to give away knowledge for free? Is it something you’ve done in the past, or is it something you avoid like the plague?   On this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I’m joined by Jamie Butler of Lash Base UK to talk about the controversial topic of whether you should (or shouldn’t) give away information for FREE.   We look at both sides of the argument and really explore the idea that by helping others and sharing your best stuff with them, the more people that will actually want to pay you for it.  Find out about:   How giving away free information can help grow your business  Arguments for and against giving away free value to your audience  Why you shouldn’t be afraid to share free information   If you want to learn more about Jamie and LashBase, you can visit the website at and follow him over on Instagram @lashbase_jamie  For more information and to explore other episodes go to
5/17/201928 minutes, 35 seconds
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LOL 51: A Guaranteed Way to Find More Time to Work ON Your Business

Are you spending too much time working in your business instead of ON it?  Finding the perfect balance between the two can be pretty difficult. You’ve got all of these wonderful dreams, ideas, and aspirations for your business. But you don’t have the time to turn any of them into tangible things. At least, you don’t think you have the time.  On this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I bust some myths about time and how we should or shouldn’t spend it. I also reveal everything you need to know about our exciting 5-day challenge to help fellow lashpreneurs get more time back. It’s absolutely FREE to join the challenge and by the end of it, you’ll feel not only empowered, but in complete control of where your time is best spent.  Find out about:  How to find more time to work on your business and not just in it  Why it’s important to know that YOU are in control of how you spend your time  Tips for getting more time back and working smarter, not harder  I’m launching a FREE 5-day “Ditch Your Phone Challenge,” which walks you through how to set healthy boundaries around your phone, your social media usage, and teach you to be intentional about being on your phone with purpose.   I can almost guarantee that by the end of the 5 days, you’ll have found AT LEAST an extra hour a week if not more to use to either relax, take up a hobby, take up some self-care or have an extra hour or two to work ON your business and not just in it.   I’d love for you to join me inside of this free 5-day “Ditch Your Phone Challenge” and you can sign up here. For more information and to explore more episodes go to
5/10/201926 minutes, 37 seconds
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LOL 50: What to do When Running a Business Gets Tough

How many times a week (or a day) do you think about quitting?   If you’re a lash artist, I’m going to take a wild guess and assume you think about quitting periodically throughout the day. If you own your lash business, you probably think about quitting even twice as much.  But, we lash artists are NOT quitters and in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal how you can break through thoughts of quitting and take a new, positive (and powerful) perspective the next time you feel overwhelmed, stuck and desperate to quit.  Find out about:  How to ensure your own success as a lashpreneur  The mindset you need to have to make your success inevitable  How to turn ‘failures’ into important life lessons  If you want to learn how to become more business savvy and identify the blind spots in running a business, I invite you to join me inside of The Lashpreneur Society.  You can join our waitlist and be the first to know when we open up the doors again to the most transformational business training the lash industry has to offer. You can do that here.   For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
5/3/201914 minutes, 55 seconds
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LOL 49: Is Running a Lash Business All Just Online Marketing?

Knowing how and where to market your lash business is important. As a business owner, you probably already knew that. But, are you putting your marketing budget dollars to good use?   On this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I share the essentials to create a well-balanced marketing plan to help ensure you’ve got a long-term plan for marketing your business.   Find out about:  The role of online marketing in the overall success of your lash business  The least expensive way to get in front of your ideal clients  How to find the right balance between traditional and online marketing  Want to learn more about online and in-person marketing strategies?  Join The Lashpreneur Society waitlist and be the first to know when we open up the doors again to the most transformational business training the lash industry has to offer. You can do that here. For more information go to  
4/26/201919 minutes, 24 seconds
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LOL 48: What to do When You're New to Being a Lash Artist?

If you’re new to lashes, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’ve probably got a lot of questions roaming around in your head right now.   Deciding to embark on this lashing journey is exciting, but it’s also a little daunting. I mean, lashing is still a relatively new business and finding the answers to your pressing questions can be a real struggle if you don’t know where to look.  I was bitten by the lash bug in 2013 and I’d like to think I’ve got enough experience and credibility to be able to offer advice for new lash artists. So, check out this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur to discover my top tips for what to do when you’re new to life as a lash artist!  Find out about:   Why you need to ditch synthetics and practice on real human lashes  The importance of finding a supportive community where you can learn and evolve as a lash artist  How to develop your lashing skills long after ‘graduation’  If you’re new to the lash world and you’re wanting to learn how you can start to prepare yourself to go into business if that’s your goal, be sure to download my free prep and planning guide here to learn the steps you need to do to get yourself ready for Lashpreneur-ship! For more information go to  
4/19/201915 minutes, 23 seconds
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LOL 47: The Lie You've Believed About Success

We all have a different idea of what real success looks like. For some of us, it’s having lots of zeros at the end of our bank account. For others, it’s good health, a supportive family and undeniable happiness. Whatever success looks like to you, one thing is for sure. You’ll never reach it. Not really.   Even when you achieve your old definition of success, you take the picture out of the frame and replace it with something new. Something better. You realize that your previous expectations pale in comparison to your new perception of success.   The sad truth is that you’ve been lied to by everyone. Heck, you even lie to yourself. You’ve got this warped idea that success is out there somewhere and it’s up to you to go after it. But, it isn’t.  It’s time to shine the light on the biggest entrepreneurial lie you’ve ever heard. And, in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal all in a truth spilling whirlwind!  Find out about:  The lie that most lashpreneurs believe about success Why you should view success as a journey, not a destination How to find happiness and joy in the present moment I would love for you to take a screenshot of you listening to this episode and share one thing about your business that “sparks joy” for you on social media.   Be sure to tag me (@thelashpreneur) in it so I can share it too!  For more information and to explore other episodes go to
4/12/201915 minutes, 6 seconds
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LOL 46: How to (gulp) Fire a Client

They teach you a lot in “lash school,” but do you know what they don’t teach you?   How to fire a client.  You’re left to figure that little gem out for yourself. That is, unless you check out this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, where I teach you how to fire a client with tact, dignity and with the least amount of collateral damage.  Find out about:  How to come up with a plan of attack  Why you shouldn’t let your emotions get in the way of firing a client  Tips for firing a client with tact  This episode comes with a rather big disclaimer. Normally, I’d ask you to share this episode and tag me and so on. But, I DO NOT recommend you sharing this on any social profile where you market your business! Let’s keep this episode between us lash gals.   What I would love for you to do is write a review or leave me a comment if this episode helped bring you some relief that you now have some tools in your arsenal to handle sticky client situations in the future!  For more information and to listen to this as a podcast episode go to 
4/5/201928 minutes, 3 seconds
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LOL 45: Time Management Hacks for Busy Lashpreneurs

Time is a finite resource. We can’t get more of it, no matter how hard we try. But, we can learn to make the most out of our time, so we’re prioritizing the things in our life that are the most important to us. In this episode, I share the time management strategy that I’ve been using for years that helps me get so much done despite being a wife, a mama to a four-year-old and one year old and managing a rapidly growing and hungry community of lashpreneurs. Find out about: How to manage your time more efficiently and effectively Identifying your priorities and where you want to spend your time How to achieve your goals within your desired time-frame Want to regain control of your time? I’ve created a free time management download to help you go through this exact process yourself, and you can download that time management download at For more information and to explore other episodes go to 
3/29/201920 minutes, 35 seconds
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LOL: 'I’m Fine' Coma Training

How many times this week have you said, “I’m fine”? When you say you’re fine, it’s because you want the problem to go away. You’d rather put on a pair of imaginary blackout glasses on so that you don’t have to see or deal with the problem. Unfortunately, ignoring the issue isn’t going to address the problem. The more you try to ignore it, the more power it has over you. Eventually, the problem festers. Before you know it, you’ve got a much bigger issue to deal with. If you’re taking the ‘I’m fine’ approach in your personal life, you’re probably doing it in your business too. In this bonus episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal how you can wake up from your “I’m fine coma” and start living the life, both personally and professionally, that you’ve always wanted. Find out about: Why you shouldn’t settle for a life or business that’s just ‘fine’ How to stop making poor business decisions based on fear How to stop living a life that’s ‘fine’ and start living one that’s thriving For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
3/22/201911 minutes, 12 seconds
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LOL 44: How Tragedy Turned to Chasing Passion with Sonya Raubeson

We all face hardships and difficult times in our lives. But some of us are unfortunate enough to go through real, heart-breaking tragedies. On this tear-jerking but inspiring episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, Sonya Raubeson from Eye Love Beauty shares her remarkable story about how she was able to find the strength and sheer determination to transform tragedy into something truly inspiring. This episode deserves your undivided attention. But, just to put a disclaimer out there, you should probably grab a few tissues for this one! Find out about: Sonya’s inspirational and heart-breaking story How loss and grief can impact your perception on different areas of your life Why you need to start living your true ‘purpose’ today instead of tomorrow  If you want to find out more about Sonya and her incredible business, you can visit her website and follow her on Instagram @eyelovebeautycoralsprings For more information and to explore other episodes go to
3/15/201924 minutes, 2 seconds
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LOL 43: Q&A - How Do You Stick to Your Policies?

Whether you love 'em or loathe 'em, you’ve got to have policies. And, you’ve got to stick to them. Without clear policies in place, your clients will just walk all over you. In this Q&A episode, I answer the simple question, “How do you stick to your policies?” Don’t worry, I don’t tell you to grow a bigger backbone, stand your ground or fire a bunch of rebellious clients. Believe it or not, there’s a method behind the madness of policies. And, I’m going to share what that is as well as some great tips to ensure your clients follow your rules! Find out about: Why you need to have clear policies in place Understanding the purpose of having policies in your business How to respond to clients who are unhappy about your policies If you’re needing inspiration on what policies you should have in place and how to word them, I’m sharing an example of my policies that you can look at to craft and create your own policies! Please note that anytime someone agrees to a document and you require them to sign it, it is considered a contract. So, I can’t recommend enough having a lawyer look over your client contracts to ensure they’re enforceable AND legal! If you’d like to take a look at my policies that I created for the most common issues we as lash biz owners run into, you can do so at For more information and to explore other episodes visit:
3/8/201918 minutes, 6 seconds
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LOL 42: The 20 Questions You Should Ask BEFORE Starting Your Lash Business

Is it time for you to start your own lash business? It just might be. But, before you shout it from the rooftops, there are a few things you need to consider. For instance, do you have the appropriate certification to provide eyelash extension services in your community? Have you thought about where you’re going to work from? There are so many things you need to think about before launching your own lash business. In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I share the 20 questions that you should ask yourself before starting your own lash business! Find out about: Why you should take a lash training course before launching your business How to come up with a good business name that’ll evolve with you and your services An insight into the legal side of starting and running a lash business For more tips on launching your own lash business, download my FREE Prep and Planning For Your Lash Business Guide – it’s packed with lots of useful resources, tips, and advice for launching your own lash business, so I highly recommend it! To find out more and to explore previous episodes, click here.
3/1/201926 minutes, 26 seconds
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LOL 41: The Big F Word... FAILURE!

Is it just me or is there more people cradling their ‘post-holiday financial hangover’ this year than ever? When this time of year rolls around, and clients don’t want to spend their money on your services anymore, it’s easy to slip into a negative mindset. Maybe you’ve gone an entire day or a whole week without a single client. And, now you can’t help but feel like you’ve failed. I’ve got some news for you – the whole ‘failure’ thing is a load of nonsense (to put it nicely). If you’ve felt like you’ve failed at some point in your life or business over the last 12 months, this episode was made for you. I share some self-talk and guidance on why it’s time we all gave up on failure. Find out about: The truth about failure and what it actually means to ‘fail’ Whether or not failure is even real Why you need to stop chasing perfectionism and focus on progress If you’d like to be a part of a community of imperfect people who are making massive progress in their business, you’ll find no better of a group of successful, money-making failures than in the Lashpreneur Society. And, they’re led by your fearless failing leader… ME! We fail… and we fail better every single time! We are continually learning and evolving and growing and redefining our own version of success. To enroll in the best f-ing business training this lash industry has to offer, join our waitlist or sign-up here. To listen to previous episodes of the podcast, click here.
2/22/201917 minutes, 13 seconds
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LOL 40: Q&A How Do You Avoid Lashpreneur Burn Out?

Single-handedly running a business is hard work and it’s easy to burn out. You only have so much time in the day and as a business owner, it’s difficult to find the perfect work/life balance (if it even exists!) The constant pressure can be a real passion drainer. In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I share three simple ways that you can get that warm, fuzzy feeling and love for your lash business that you had when you first started. I can’t promise that by the end of this episode you’ll walk away with a roadmap to finding the perfect balance between work and life. But, I can promise that at the very least, you’ll walk away with a renewed passion for your artistry and your business.  Find out about: How to rekindle your passion for lashin! What areas of your business (and personal life) you can possibly delegate or automate How to find clarity and rediscover why you started a business in the first place Why you need to focus on the areas that will actually GROW your business If you want to stop wasting your time, get clarity to stop working so much IN your business and start working ON it, or you want to know just exactly WHERE you should be focusing on in your business so that you can find that passion again AND get paid well for something you love to do, then you’re in the right place. I have created a FREE 4-part video series called “YOUR BEST YEAR EVER”. Inside this video series, I’ll show you… The Top 5 Areas you should be Focusing on in Your Business (and you can ignore the rest!) The 3 Ways to Make Money in Your Lash Business Getting Clarity and Direction in YOUR Lash Business This Year How YOU Can Go From Struggling Lash Artist to YOUR BEST YEAR EVER If you’d like to join me inside this free workshop, register at For more information and to listen to previous episodes of the podcast, click here.
2/15/201920 minutes, 36 seconds
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LOL 39: Lashpreneur Legends Spotlight featuring Manuela Ramirez

Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn how to grow a thriving lash business from scratch? Wouldn’t it be even better if you could learn from someone who has been where you are now and found a way to go from ‘overlooked to fully booked’? Say no more! I’ve heard your pleas, and I’ve brought someone onto Lessons of a Lashpreneur that I know you’re going to love. My guest is your everyday, hard-working lash artist that has taken her lash biz from a one-woman shop to becoming a fully booked lash and brow artist. Her name is Manuela Ramirez, and she is a long-time student of mine. Manuela is one of our most successful lashpreneur legends inside The Lashpreneur Society. It was through her investment in herself as a business owner that she has made her dreams a reality and I’m so proud of her! In my interview with Manuela, we talk all about how she started lashing, what inspired her to launch her business, and she also reveals the top three things she believes have been essential to her success in the lash industry. Find out about: Building a lash business from scratch How to know it’s time to move from a home business to renting a bigger space The struggles of attracting new clients when you’re a start-up lash business The importance of understanding the business side of lashing The truth of being a fully booked lash artist Why it’s important to seek professional guidance and support from a business coach If Manuela’s story connects with you at all, I wanted to give you the opportunity to experience your very own transformation inside my signature group business coaching program, The Lashpreneur Society. To find out more details about the program, head on over to and if you have any questions about the program, feel free to shoot me a message on social media or send me an email at [email protected] You never know…you could be the next Lashpreneur legend! For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
2/8/201926 minutes, 4 seconds
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LOL 38: The Mindset That’s Costing You Major Success

Your mind is a powerful tool. Having a strong mindset is key for achieving the life and business success you want.  But, so many people are not the driver in their life. They (either knowingly or unknowingly) are the backseat passenger of their life. Changing your mindset and approaching your life with accountability, responsibility and possibility will, without a doubt, set your road to success into motion. When you stop focusing on your limitations and start seeing the possibilities, your whole world will change for the better. In this episode, I share some real talk about how this passenger of life mindset is the difference between where you’re at and where you want to be. Find out about: How to regain control of your life and your business The importance of having a strong and positive mindset Why you should fight for the possibilities of what could be, rather than fighting for your limitations Advice for overcoming obstacles in your life that stop you from achieving your dreams The benefits of joining a coaching or training program If running your own business has you burned out, frustrated, overwhelmed, or hustling with no results, let me help you inside of my group business coaching program, The Lashpreneur Society. Registration will open at the beginning of February, but I highly encourage you to join our waitlist to get early access to our program and an exclusive bonus or two only available to those on our waitlist. You can find out more info on the program and join the waitlist by going to For more information and to explore other episodes, as well as to sign up for my new FREE 4-part video series ‘Your Best Year Ever’ go to
2/1/201923 minutes, 35 seconds
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LOL 37: How to Get More Clients

The most challenging part of running a lash business is getting people to pay you for it and the #1 question I get asked time and time again is, “How can I get more clients?” So, in this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I put you out of your misery and shed some light on how you can get more clients – and keep them coming! Find out about: How to get more lash clients The importance of talking about your business to anyone who will listen How to use social media to drive engagement and raise your profile Tips for making your referral program work Why you need to have multiple marketing platforms If you’re needing help in creating a business that gives you endless possibilities and you want to be surrounded by like-minded women who are fearless in their pursuit of big dreams, I invite you to join me and your fellow lash artist in my FREE 4 part video series called “Your Best Year Ever” where you can learn just how to make 2019 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER in this incredible industry and why there’s no better time like the present to turn your passion for lashin into a full-fledged money making career. I invite you to sign up for the workshop at For more information and to explore other episodes go to
1/25/201920 minutes, 23 seconds
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LOL 36: 7 Reasons Why Running a Lash Business is Friggin Awesome!

There’s something incredibly fulfilling and satisfying about being your own boss and running your own business. For one thing, there’s nobody peering over your shoulder or tutting at your handy work. Plus, you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself and what could be better than that? In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I share seven reasons why this silly little service of gluing things to people’s eyes has transformed the lives of women across the globe and allowed them to reach dreams that may otherwise have been impossible. Find out about: Why lashes is one of the quickest ways to run a profitable business How to become fully booked within a year The joys of having a flexible work schedule Why word of mouth marketing is so important How something as simple as lashes can change someone’s life for the better The benefits of running your own lash business If you’re needing help in creating a business that gives you endless possibilities and you want to be surrounded by like-minded women who are fearless in their pursuit of big dreams, I invite you to join me and your fellow lash artist in my FREE 4 part video series called “Your Best Year Ever”, where you can learn just how to make 2019 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER in this incredible industry and why there’s no better time like the present to turn your passion for lashin' into a full-fledged money making career. I invite you to sign up for the workshop at For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
1/18/201914 minutes
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LOL 35: 3 Steps to Lash Business Success

From the outside looking in, the lash industry can seem like a gold mine. But in reality, it takes a lot more than a lash course certificate to run a thriving lash business.  You might feel like you’re ready to take on your very own lash business with this new set of skills you’ve acquired, but it’s going to take some time for you to become a true #bossbabe. Don’t lose hope yet, though! You can 100% climb the career ladder of business ownership. But first, you have to silence your inner “instant gratification” addiction. On this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I share the three steps that will help set you up for lash business success. It may not happen overnight, but I assure you that if you follow these three steps, you’ll win the long game of being a wealthy Lashpreneur! Find out about: How I went from ‘overlooked to fully booked’ using these same three steps Why you need to master the foundational skills of lashes Starting your lash business as a side hustle How to know when you’re ready to take the leap and launch your own lash business The importance of becoming a student of marketing and business  For more information and to explore other episodes go to
1/11/201922 minutes, 39 seconds
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LOL 34: 7 Ways to Increase Your Lash Speed Today

Have you heard of the age-old saying that time is money? I bet you have. In fact, you’ve probably heard it so many times that it’s lost all meaning! As a lash artist, time is your most valuable resource. If you’re spending more than two hours on a classic set or over three hours on a volume set, you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to reveal seven ways that you can increase your lash speed without sacrificing quality. So, if you want to learn all about the do’s and don’ts when lashing that can help you cut down the time you spend on your fills and sets, this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur is for you!   Find out about: The do’s and don’ts of speeding up your lash time Average industry standard timing for lash artists Why you should stop the excessive talking with chatty clients How to minimize “fluffing” and the importance of isolating lashes The problem with excessive brushing Why it’s okay not to offer clients 100% lash coverage The importance of preparation and setup How to map out your lashes Tips for improving your isolation skills   So, get to work on ways in which you’re wasting precious minutes with your clients and if you want a more in-depth guide of all the suggestions I made here, PLUS a few more tips and tricks I’ve picked up on increasing your lashing speed, head on over to to download that guide now! For more information and to explore other episodes go to
1/4/201919 minutes, 2 seconds
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LOL 33: The Real Deal Behind Building an Epic Lash Brand with Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair by J. Paris

Would you like to find out how you can build an EPIC lash brand? If so, you’ve come to the right place! I recently sat down for a chat with the lovely Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair by J. Paris. We talked about everything from how she started her business to the three things she believes has helped her find success in the lash industry (and how you can do the same!). In my interview with Jenelle, I ask her lots of questions that I know a lot of you (including myself) were dying to know the answer to! Find out about: How Jenelle started her business, Lash Affair What inspired Jenelle to launch her business Why you should let your clients touch and feel the lashes to help educate them and create realistic expectations The benefits of pursuing a lash-based product line The importance of learning how to let go of control and delegate duties to other members of your team Tips for building a successful lash business   If you want to find out more about Jenelle and Lash Affair, check out her website, where you can browse the shop for lash accessories and equipment, join the Lash Affair Academy and stay on top of the latest events! You can also follow Lash Affair on Facebook or Instagram @lashaffairbyjp or follow Jenelle herself @jenelleparis. For more information and to explore other episodes go to
12/28/201829 minutes, 30 seconds
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LOL 32: Top 5 Tips to Get New Lash Clients When You're Starting From Scratch

Starting from scratch is brave, but it isn’t easy. For a new lash business owner, finding clients is a top priority. It can be incredibly difficult to grow your business in a sustainable way, especially in the beginning when you have a grand total of ZERO clients. If you’re taking your first step as a lashpreneur and you’re already grounded in your city, you’re going to find this process a lot easier. When you’ve got a base of core relationships established, you’re able to capitalize on those relationships. But, if you’ve moved to a new area and removed yourself from any support system (such as friends or family), you might have to work a little harder to reel in your first customer. Thankfully, you won’t have to work too hard because I’m going to share my top 5 tips on getting new lash clients when you’re starting from scratch. Whether you’re just starting out on your own or you had to pick up and move your business to a new town or city, the following tips will help you get some necessary traction in your business! Find out about: • How to build a clientele in a new city • Tips for getting lash clients when you’ve just started your business • Getting involved with your local community and building relationships with other business owners • Why every lashpreneur needs a killer website • Promoting your business with Facebook and Instagram ads • How to get more positive online reviews for your lash business If you’re thinking about starting a lash business, or you’re brand new to running a business, I have a FREE Prep and Planning Guide for those that are new to business ownership where I cover everything you need to do to get your business up and running. We’re talking licenses, business name, start-up supply and equipment list plus, the 9 questions you need to ask yourself before starting a lash business and more! To get this free guide - go to To explore more articles and podcast episodes go to
12/21/201810 minutes, 51 seconds
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LOL 31: The Grit Behind Getting to a 6-figure Lash Business with Lorena Ashmore

Do you want to learn how to build a six-figure lash business from someone who is actually living the dream? I thought you might, which is why I got in touch with a good friend of mine, Lorena Ashmore. Lorena is a lash artist, esthetician and the owner and creative genius behind Dear Lash Love. Her lash business is unique in that it also sells lash apparel and must-have accessories. Except, it’s more of an empire than a business. I know many of my fellow lashpreneurs out there dream of reaching that six-figure sum, and although it can seem like a faraway dream that’ll never come into view, Lorena is living proof that it is possible. So, in my interview with Lorena, I picked her brain and obtained as much insider knowledge as I possibly could to share with you so that you could, first of all, believe it is possible for a lash artist to make six-figures and secondly, that it might inspire you to replicate her success. Find out about: How Lorena built her lash business into a six-figure empire How Lorena come up with the idea of the Lash accessories and apparel line Overcoming confidence issues The importance of targeting and defining a specific audience Why it’s okay to “live in the moment” Tips for managing multiple businesses and projects What to expect from Dear Lash Love in the future  If you’d like to find out more about Lorena and Dear Lash love, you can check out her website: For more information and to explore other episodes go to
12/14/201826 minutes, 12 seconds
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LOL 30: Does the Lash Industry Have an Expiration Date?

Although the lash industry is booming and doing better than ever, many lash artists are wracked with fear that the industry is stamped with an expiration date. It’s no secret that we’re due to a recession in the US. A recession occurs every ten years, and the last one started in 2008. So, naturally, a lot of us are biting our nails in anticipation for the next one to strike. Plus, we’re starting to see signs of the economy going south, so it’s no surprise that this topic of recession is becoming more apparent in our forums, conferences, and anywhere two or more lash artists gather. I have no doubts that a recession will have an impact on our industry. After all, our service is not a commodity like gas or milk. It’s a luxury service. But instead of packing it in and calling it quits, I advise that you start preparing now so that when the recession raises its ugly head, you’re more than ready for it.  In my latest blog post, I talk about how you can prepare for the looming recession by trying not to worry about the things that you can’t control and start focusing on the parts of your life that you CAN control! Find out about: Will the lash industry survive a recession? How lash artists and business owners can prepare for the recession The benefits of saving and not living outside your means The “lipstick effect” theory and how it effects both women and our lash industry in a financial crisis How the recession will impact the lash industry in a positive light If you’d like me to feature you on our next Q&A day, head on over to and ask me your lash biz question there! For more information and to explore other episodes go to
12/7/201820 minutes, 25 seconds
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LOL 29: A Raw Conversation About Mental Health

Anxiety and depression can make you feel helpless and alone, but neither of those things is true. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, you might feel like you have to keep it hidden. And so, you push it down where nobody can ever see it because you don’t want anyone to know the truth. You don’t want to burden your loved ones. Or, worst of all, you’re afraid. Afraid of what people will say when you tell them. Afraid that they’ll judge you or brush off your struggles as if they don’t matter. But I’m here to tell you that your mental health MATTERS and you don’t have to let it control you. In episode 29 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I pull back the curtain and reveal a real, honest, and raw conversation about mental health. I tell my own story about my battle with depression and anxiety, sharing things that I’ve never said to anyone outside my inner circle. Find out about: My first experience with depression and how it affected not only me, but my family My struggle with anxiety including my symptoms and dealing with the fear of losing control The benefits of seeking therapy Why you need to understand that you are not your thoughts Understanding that anxiety is something you experience, and it doesn’t define you The truth about work/life balance A final word on mental health awareness and why you need to keep fighting   I encourage you to share this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur with a friend who you think might need to hear this. If you or someone you know is struggling or hurting, please reach out and ask for help. You can do so anonymously through a suicide prevention helpline (US # 800-273-8255) or you can reach out to a trusted friend or family member to say, “I need help”.  For more information and to explore other episodes, go to
11/30/201817 minutes, 19 seconds
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LOL 28: The #1 Way to Get More Lash Client Reviews, Referrals, and Recommendations

Word of mouth marketing is the single most powerful and inexpensive way to generate new business. Countless studies have proved the effectiveness of social proof in closing sales. Over 70% of Americans say they look at product reviews before making a purchase. This is what we call social proof. If we’re going to get scientific about it, social proof is basically the concept that people will conform to the actions of others under the hypothesis that those actions represent the correct behavior. The concept of social proof is nothing new. But if you ask me, it should be a key part of your marketing mix. Fortunately, getting more lash client reviews, referrals and recommendations are a lot easier than you think. In this blog post, I share the #1 way to get more social proof for your lash business (you can thank me later!). Find out about: What is social proof and why is it good for business? How to get more positive reviews, ratings and recommendations both online and in-person Why you should simply ASK people for reviews The benefits of creating a reward/incentive for referrals Want more tips on how to get new clients into your lash business? Check out this blog post to find out how: 4 Ways to Get New Eyelash Extension Business Clients! Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating or review over on iTunes or on your favorite podcast listening app - I’d really appreciate your love and support! For more information and to explore other episodes go to: 
11/26/201811 minutes, 56 seconds
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LOL 27: Is Your Price Point Why You Don't Have Clients?

“Is my price too high?” We’ve all had this thought pop into our minds at one time or another. Most likely, it raises its ugly head when you’re feeling a little insecure about your business. Maybe you don’t have as many clients as you would like, and you tell yourself it’s because of your price. So, you wave the white flag of business ownership and find yourself asking a string of questions to other lash artists in a Facebook forum. If you take this route and ask any of these questions, I can promise that you’ll get the answer you’re looking for. But it won’t be the answer you NEED. In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I give you some honest, supportive and helpful business advice so that you can come up with your own theory as to why you may be struggling with your business. Find out about: How to experiment with price to help decide if your prices are indeed “too high” Tips for experimenting on different platforms to generate more engagement and interest in your business An in-depth look at in-person marketing Vs. online marketing Why you should consider changing who it is you’re marketing to The importance of investing in yourself as a business owner If you want a forum of like-minded women who are committed to learning and evolving as business owners and who give you credible, tried and true advice, join us inside The Lashpreneur Society. One aspect of the society is Our Facebook Community. It is a highly engaged, highly impactful, and highly transformative group where we share wins, struggles, and advice on strategies that actually work and move your business forward… and no, Groupon is a banned word in our group. It’s also where I spend A LOT of time engaging with members to help them get through their hurdles and where we support what you learn through our training on how to start, build and grow a thriving lash business on your own terms. We only open registration a few times a year, so sign up for our waitlist to be notified when we open up registration to new members at Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating or review over on iTunes - I’d really appreciate your love and support! For more information and to explore other episodes go to:
11/16/201820 minutes, 18 seconds
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LOL 26: The Top 10 WORST Pieces of Advice Lash Artists are Given

MOST of the advice you’ve received about running a successful and highly profitable lash business is complete garbage (to put it nicely). The truth is that every lash artist, every business owner, every educator, every supplier… we’re all crafting our own paths and some of us are ballsy enough to regurgitate some form of our education to share with others. But much of what is out there in the lash world is either an opinion, up for debate, straight up wrong, or actually based on truth! In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I dive into the TOP 10 WORST pieces of advice lash artists are given. Find out about: How temperature and humidity can affect your lash glue Why the customer is not always right Why you should never take legal or medical advice from strangers on the internet Whether or not high prices equate to high-quality products or services The downside of using .25 lashes on your clients The importance of having a website and why social media isn’t enough WordPress Vs. WIX: Which is the best platform for lashpreneurs? Why you need to take a real lash course and not depend on YouTube to learn a trade The truth about running a six-figure lash business Why you shouldn’t be giving staff 50% commission   Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you haven’t already done so, I would love it if you would head on over to iTunes or your favorite podcast app and leave me a rating or a review. Let me know in the comments what you want to hear more of so I can create the next episode around what YOU want to hear. For more information and a detailed article on this topic head to
11/9/201820 minutes, 8 seconds
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LOL 25: Is social media enough of an online presence to grow my lash business?

Whether you like it or not, we live in a digital era. Sure, we’re not all racing to work on our hoverboards (yet!) but almost everything we do, is done online and this includes our lash businesses! But let’s be real, most lash artists are reluctant to build a business model for the digital era. They might dip their toes in and have a few social media accounts that they post to sparingly in hopes of attracting new clients to their business, but they don’t have any social media strategy in place. Instead, they treat their business’ social media page like a personal profile! And to make things worse, they’re about two cute cat videos away from calling it quits because they don't see any results from their efforts. I wanted to address this issue in more detail in episode 25 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, where I answer the question: “Is Social Media Enough of an Online Presence to Grow my Lash Business?” Find out about: Why every lash business NEEDS an online presence (i.e., a website!) Whether or not social media can be used for SEO How changes to Facebook’s algorithm impacts your organic reach Understanding why social media isn’t enough to grow your business Why you need a website that attracts the right type of clients Tips for developing the perfect DIY website   If you want more clients and you know your website is not doing its job or even worse, you don’t even have one… it doesn’t have to cost $1000s of dollars to make a functional lash business website and you don’t even have to be super tech savvy to get one set up and published. If you can access a web browser (which I’m assuming you can since you’re reading this) then you can create AND maintain your own website. We have a BRAND-NEW online course called DIY Web Design where my go to web guru and I show you, step by step, how to go from none-to-done with your website. You literally follow our click by click process of getting a WIX website built, designed, and published. It couldn’t be easier or simpler for even you self-proclaimed non-techy lash artists. Head on over to to learn more about this course that’s transforming lash businesses! For more information and to explore other episodes, click here.
9/11/201829 minutes, 24 seconds
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LOL 24: 4 Common Duct Taped Lash Business Boo Boos

Systems play a massive role in building and running a successful business. The truth of the matter is that your lash business cannot grow without systems. The more you recognize the systems you already have in place, the more you can improve those systems to grow your business and spend more time doing the things you want to do in your business and less time slaving over the stuff you don’t want to do. By being intentional in creating and refining the systems in our businesses, the less duct tape we need to keep our business (and our sanity) intact and functioning. In episode 24 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I reveal the four most common duct taped strategies lash artists slap together and what it costs them to grow a business built on duct tape. Find out about: Why every business needs systems to create repeatable processes that help it to grow The importance of having a website for your business Understanding that social media is for marketing, not for closing a sale! How to develop a marketing funnel Why you need a booking system that works outside of business hours How and why you should set service times to help manage your time Using systems to help improve retention results If you’d like to download my client record card system where I track every aspect of every client’s appointment to ensure I’m getting consistent retention results, head to Click here for more information and to read the accompanying blog post. 
9/3/201824 minutes, 4 seconds
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LOL 23: How to Kick Fear to the Curb to Move Your Lash Business Forward

Fear is your body’s way of keeping you safe. It’s a survival mechanism induced by a perceived threat but nowadays, our fears are concerned less about our physical well-being and have more to do with a threat to our emotional, psychological or mental survival. Join me on episode 23 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, where I challenge you to identify the fears that are holding you back and teach you how you can trick your mind into not being so afraid of those fears. Find out about: Why you should challenge yourself to overcome the fears that hold you back in life The connection between our fears and our survival instincts Understanding the fear of failure and how to move past it How to fight against the “What If? Syndrome” and replace it with “So What?” Solutions for overcoming the fear of rejection as it relates to your lash business The importance of finding a supportive herd How to stop fearing success and go after what you want without fear standing in your way Overcoming the ultimate fear of judgement and perfectionism   If you've been enjoying the Lessons of a Lashpreneur show, I'd love for you to help me spread the word and share it with a friend. I’d also really appreciate it if you’d leave a review on iTunes or your favorite podcast app and let me know what insights and "Lashpreneur Lightbulbs" you've had from the show. I promise I read every single one! Let's make sure that every lash artist in our community has access to the information they so desperately need to be empowered to transform their business and life! For more information and to explore other episodes go to
8/27/201826 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is a Cancellation Policy a 2-Way Street?

8/24/201814 minutes, 15 seconds
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Are you Committed to Creating a Successful Lash Business?

Lash artists often think that if their business is struggling, it’s their artistry that’s the problem and if they just add on a few more services, everything will magically fall into place. But I’m here to tell you that running a successful lash business has nothing to do with how many courses you take or how many services you provide. In reality, it’s all about how good you are at running and marketing your business. In episode 22 of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I test whether or not you’re really committed to be a Lashpreneur. Find out about: How to know whether or not you’re committed to running a successful lash business Identifying your goals as a lash artist Understanding that the success of your business has very little to do with your artistry and everything to do with how well you do business Tell-tale signs you’re self-sabotaging (and how to stop!) Determining the habits you need to have now in order to achieve your goals The importance of being honest with yourself and not beating yourself up for not doing the things you never intended on doing If you want to live, eat, and breathe creating a successful lash business… I encourage you to get on the waitlist for my group business coaching, The Lashpreneur Society, where I take you step by step on how to start, build and grow a thriving lash business and get you from overlooked to fully booked and beyond. We only open up registration to new members a couple times a year and the waitlist is how you get notified of our next open enrolment. Sign up at Go to for more information and to read the blog post.
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How to Build a Clientele in a Small Town

Building a successful lash business in a small town can be tough. There are a lot fewer people in a smaller community, which makes finding new clients tricky. However, building a loyal clientele in a small town is easier than you think. You just need to know how to market your services in a small-town environment. In episode 21 of the podcast, I answer the burning question - how can you build a clientele in a small town? Find out about: Key differences between marketing a lash business in a small town Vs. a big city Online strategies to establish a clientele in a saturated and non-saturated market The importance of building personal relationships with customers in a small-town environment Why you should always highlight your clients in your social media posts How to build trust in your brand within a tight-knit community Marketing tips for competing against other lash extension businesses in the same small town How to develop an in-person strategy that’s going to attract more clients for your business The value of multi-level marketing and cross-trading with other small-town businesses Why you need to place a heavier award on in-person referrals The importance of finding your niche in a highly saturated market If you'd like to learn more about how to market your lash business and how to build a clientele, I teach in depth on marketing inside of my group coaching program, The Lashpreneur Society. We only open registration up to new members a couple of times a year, so you'll want to sign up for our waitlist at to be the first to know when doors open again! Visit for more information on this episode.
8/6/201820 minutes, 2 seconds
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How To STOP No Shows And Last Minute Cancellations!

7/30/201819 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Lashpreneur Society Member Highlight: Anita Corder

7/10/201822 minutes, 31 seconds
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Find Your Purpose And Pursue Greatness

7/2/201820 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why You're Struggling In Your Eyelash Extension Business

6/25/201816 minutes, 56 seconds
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Are You Showing Up On The First Page Of Google - Real Talk About Lash Business SEO Marketing

6/18/201818 minutes, 47 seconds
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Top 5 DIY Website Flaws And Fixes For Your Lash Business

6/11/201814 minutes, 52 seconds
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LOL 13 - Top 3 Priorities For Your Lash Biz Website

6/4/201810 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 12 - The #1 Thing Thats Holding You Back From Success

5/28/201814 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 11 - Q&A Week

5/21/201810 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 10 - Self Worth And Entrepreneurship

5/14/201817 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 9 - The Realities And Legalities Of Expanding - Other Paths To Success

5/7/201834 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 8 - The Realities And Legalities Of Expanding - The Ups And Downs Of Being The Boss

4/30/201825 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 7 - The Realities And Legalities Of Expansion- Journey To A Staff Of 14

4/23/201835 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 6 - Legalities & Realities Expand Or Stay Solo

4/23/201824 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 5 - From Follower To Client - The Marketing Funnel Explained

4/23/201811 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 4 - Path To Profitability Reaching Your Goal Income

4/23/201818 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 3 - Path To Profitability Discover Your Breakeven Price

Knowing the numbers of your lash business is an important piece of the big entrepreneurial puzzle, and it can definitely be overwhelming without any prior business experience to know what numbers you should be keeping track of to understand the financial health of your business.  Whether your lash business is brand new or you’ve been at it for years, figuring out your pricing, income, expenses – ALL.THE.NUMBERS – is an absolute -must-. So where do you start? Listen in to today's episode to find your BREAKEVEN PRICING. And follow along with the worksheet by downloading it here:
4/23/201818 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 2 - How You're Killing Your Chances With The Instagram Algorithm

4/23/201815 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 1 - Top 3 Mindset Shifts To Be Taken Seriously As A Business Owner

4/23/201812 minutes, 1 second