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Learn Slovak and More Podcast

English, Education, 6 seasons, 159 episodes, 2 days, 20 hours, 42 minutes
This show is about learning Slovak Language, Slovak culture, traditions and everything in between
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How to ask for someone's phone number; About St. Michael's Chapel; Almost Halloween story S1E15

Today's episode is about St. Michael’s Chapel and Slovak holidays celebrated around Halloween. Our Slovak lesson is a review of numbers. You will also learn how to ask for someone’s phone number. The Slovak, almost Halloween story at the end of the episode is a story from the former medieval cemetery in the town of Košice.Episode notesToday I talk about St. Michael’s Chapel. Our Slovak lesson is a review of numbers. You will also learn how to ask for someone’s phone number. And in the spirit of Halloween, you will hear a spooky story from the town of Košice. It is in Slovak, but the dialogues are quite simple even for beginners.Slovak lessonone, two, three, ... jeden, dva, trifour, five, six, ... štyri, päť, šesťseven, eight, nine, ... sedem, osem, deväťten, eleven, twelve, ... desať, jedenásť, dvanásťthirteen, fourteen, fifteen, ... trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásťsixteen, seventeen, eighteen, ... šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásťnineteen, twenty, ... devätnásť, dvadsaťnula, desať, dvadsať, ... zero, ten, twentytridsať, štyridsať, päťdesiat, ... thirty, forty, fiftyšesťdesiat, sedemdesiat, osemdesiat, ... sixty, seventy, eightydeväťdesiat, sto, tisíc ... ninety, hundred, thousandOther numbers: 38, 51, 97, 162, 374, 796, 1823, 2012, 6582Years: 1989, 2021Slovak phone numbers:1. Q: Aké je číslo University Komenského? (What is the number of Comenius University?)      A: Číslo university je 02-59 34 26 87. (The number of the university is .....)2. Q: Polite form: Aké je vaše telefónne číslo? (What is your phone number?) Friendly form: Aké je tvoje telefónne číslo? (What is your phone number?)     A: Moje telefónne číslo je 0905- 735 342. (My phone number is ...)3. Q: Aké je číslo pohotovosti? (What is the emergency number?)     A: 112. Číslo pohotovosti je 112. (The emergency number is 112.) Timestemps00:29 Information about the episode02:37 Fun fact03:45 Answering a question about Halloween in Slovakia04:50 About Slovak holidays06:17 St. Michael's Chapel09:00 Slovak lesson13:31 How to ask "What is ..... phone number?"21:43 Almost Halloween story25:29 Final thoughtsAlmost Halloween story (The following transcript is abbreviated. To get the free copy of the full transcript of the legend, send an email with subject ALMOST HALLOWEEN STORY at [email protected])... Dvaja mladí ľudia, On a Ona, ... pred Kaplnkou Sv. Michala. Je veľmi neskoro, skoro polnoc. Ona chce ísť domov, je unavená a toto miesto jej naháňa strach, aj keď nevie prečo.On sa cíti ako hrdina a chce urobiť niečo veľké, hrdinské pre ňu, aj keď nevie presne čo.Ona: Už musím ísť domov.On: Prečo?Ona: Je veľmi neskoro.On: Nechoď ešte.Ona: Musím. Rodičia budú na mňa čakať.On: Rodičia! Tí už určite spia.Ona: Moja mama určite nespí. Čaká na mňa.On: Nechoď ešte. Poď so mnou aspoň ku kaplnke Sv. Michala. Ona: Dobre. Ale iba ku kaplnke. Potom idem domov.On: Dobre. Keď musíš ....Mladí ľudia, držiac sa za ruky, kráčajú bez slova ku kaplnke.Ona: Tu je kaplnka. Idem domov. Odprevadíš ma?On: Nechoď ešte. Ostaň so mnou trochu dlhšie.Ona: Nemôžem, je neskoro.On: Ľúbim ťa.Ona: Aj ja ťa ľúbim. Ale už musím ísť.On: Poď so mnou do kaplnky ...Ona: Nie! Idem domov! ...If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram www.instagram@bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Thank you for listening to my podcast© All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC
10/27/202126 minutes, 45 seconds