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Learn French Vocabulary

English, Education, 1 season, 33 episodes, 2 hours, 42 minutes
Improve your French vocabulary with this series of podcasts.
Episode Artwork

Easy French Vocabulary | Hobbies

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Free time = Le temps libre Vacation = Vacances To relax = Se détendre Relaxing = Relaxant Relaxation = La détente Entertainment = Divertissement A pastime = Passe-temps Reading = Lire Dancing = Danser Singing = Chanter Listening to music = Écouter de la musique Playing a musical instrument = Jouer d'un instrument Shopping = Faire du shopping Travelling = Voyager Drawing = Dessiner Painting = Peindre Cooking = Cuisiner Gardening = Jardiner Cycling = Faire du vélo Exercising = Faire de l'exercice
4/16/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

🦓 French Vocabulary | Animals 🐧

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Anteater = Fourmilier Antlers = Bois du cerf Bat = Chauve-souris Bear = Ours Bear cub = Ourson Beaver = Castor Boar = Sanglier To boar = Élever Bull = Taureau To cackle = Caqueter Calf, calves = Veau Camel = Chameau Cat = Chat Chick = Poussin Chicken = Poulet Cow = Vache Deer = Cerf Doe = Biche, lapine Dog = Chien Duck = Canard Duckling = Caneton Eagle = Aigle Elk = Elan, wapiti Ewe = Brebis Fallow deer = Daim Feather = Plume Foal = Poulain To force-feed = Gaver Fowl = Volaille Fox = Renard Game = Gibier Goat = Chèvre Goose, geese = Oie Hare = Lièvre Hen = Poule Herd of... = Troupeau de... Hog, swine = Porc Horse = Cheval Kitten = Chaton Lamb = Agneau To lay an egg = Pondre un oeuf Lion = Lion Lion cub = Lionceau Mammal = Mammifère Mare = Jument Mink = Vison Mole = Taupe Monkey = Singe Moose = Elan Mouse, mice = Souris  Offspring = Progéniture Ostrich = Autruche Ox, oxen = Boeuf Pack of... = Meute de... Peacock = Paon Pig = Cochon To pluck feathers = Plumer Puppy = Chiot Purebred = De race Rabbit = Lapin Ram = Bélier Red deer = Cerf Reindeer = Renne Roe deer = Chevreuil Rooster, cock = Coq Sheep = Mouton Skunk = Putois Sow = Truie Squirrel = Écureuil To squirrel away = Amasser Stallion = Etalon Swan = Cygne Turkey = Dinde, dindon Vixen = Renarde Wolf, wolves = Loup
4/2/202310 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

🍽️ French Vocabulary | Diner

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. appetizer = une entrée to ask for the bill or to ask for the check = demander l'addition baked potato = pomme de terre cuite au four beef = du bœuf beef stew = ragoût de boeuf bill, or, check = addition bitter = amer bread = du pain breakfast = petit déjeuner calves' liver = foie de veau chef = chef de cuisine chicken breast = blanc de poulet cocktail = apéritif coleslaw = salade de choux sucrée cordial = digestif cork = bouchon cutlet = escalope delicious = délicieux dessert = dessert to have dinner, or, to dine = dîner to dine out = aller au restaurant diner = café-restaurant dining out = le fait d'aller au restaurant dining room = salle à manger
3/26/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Advanced French Vocabulary | Insurance

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. act of God = un cas de force majeur additional insurance = assurance complémentaire all-risk policy = assurance tous risques annuity = annuité arbitration = arbitrage to ask damages of = demander des dommages et intérêts to assess a risk = évaluer un risque to award damages = accorder des dommages et intérêts to be at fault = être en tort to be injured = être blessé to be liable for = être responsable beneficiary = bénéficiaire bodily injury = dommage, préjudice corporel breakage = casse burglary insurance = assurance contre le cambriolage to charge a rate = calculer un taux claim form = formulaire de déclaration de sinistre claimant = assuré sinistré claims adjuster = expert en sinistres compensate someone for something = indemniser quelqu'un de quelque chose compensation = indemnisation damage = dégâts damage to property = dommages death benefit = capital décès deferred annuity = rente différée to delete = annuler, rayer to disallow a claim = rejeter une réclamation estimate = estimation, devis expiration date = date d'expiration to file a claim, to report an accident = déclarer un sinistre glass breakage = bris de glace to gouge the client = escroquer le client to guarantee against loss = garantir les pertes health insurance = assurance maladie, mutuelle to be held liable for = être tenu responsable de to initial = parapher insurance = assurance insurance broker = courtier en assurances insurance premium = prime d'assurance to insure a car = assurer une voiture to issue a policy = établir une police liability = responsabilité civile lump sum settlement = règlement forfaitaire maturity = échéance maturity date = date d'échéance monthly premium multi-risk policy = prime mensuelle multi-risk policy = police multirisque to process a claim = traiter une réclamation to provide for one's retirement = préparer sa retraite to renew a policy = renouveler sa police d'assurance rider, or, addendum = l'avenant risk = le risque risk-free = sans risque to settle a claim = indemniser to settle out of court = s'arranger à l'amiable to sue for damages = poursuivre en dommages et intérêts to sue, or, to take to court = poursuivre to sustain a loss = subir une perte to take out an insurance policy =  prendre une police d'assurance the other party = la partie adverse to underwrite = souscrire/garantir to underwrite a policy = souscrire une police underwriter = l'assureur unemployment insurance = l'assurance chômage to work on commission = travailler à la commission
3/22/202310 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

🧣 French Vocabulary | Accessories 👔

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. beanie. hat = bonnet bobby pin = pince à cheveux bow tie = nœud papillon broach = broche to buckle one's belt = attacher sa ceinture cap = casquette comb = peigne to comb = peigner diamond = diamant earrings = boucles d'oreille emerald = émeraude engagement ring = bague de fiançailles flip-flop = tongues gem = pierre précieuse glove = gant golden = doré hair tie = bandeau hair brush = brosse à cheveux handbag = Sac à main handkerchief = mouchoir hanger = cintre hat = chapeau heels = talons jewel = bijou jewelry = bijoux keyring = porte-clés leatherwork = maroquinerie lighter = plus léger lipstick = rouge à lèvres locket = médaillon makeup = maquillage necklace = Collier pearl = perle pin = épingle pinned = épinglé shoe polish = cirage wallet = porte monnaie ribbon = ruban ring = bague rubber band = élastique à cheveux ruby = rubis sapphire = saphir scarf = écharpe shoelace = lacet silver = argent slipper = pantoufle stockings. tights = collants stone = pierre tie = cravate to tie one's tie = attacher sa cravatte timepiece = montre walking stick = canne a watch = une montre watch face = cadran wedding ring = Alliance apron = tablier umbrella = parapluie shawl = châle
3/13/20234 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

🎳 French Vocabulary | Entertainment & Hobbies (Part 2) 🎡

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. fun fair = fête foraine fundraising = collecte de fonds to gamble = jouer gear = équipement fishing = faire de la pêche hiking = randonnée to go for a walk = aller se promener goalkeeper = gardien de but ground = terrain highlights = temps forts hiker = promeneur honeymoon = lune de miel horrendous = horrible ice skating = Patinage sur glace knob = bouton leisure = loisirs locker = casier to nap = faire la sieste aviron = rowing opponent = adversaire outing = sortie painter = peintre painting = La peinture party = réception. soirée. fête. to perform = jouer ou interpréter une danse, une musique... performance = spectacle plot = intrigue to practice = s'entraîner to premiere = sortir au cinéma prize = prix publisher = éditeur race = course referee = arbitre registration = enregistrement rehearsal = répétition retirement = retraite rope = corde rock-climbing = escalade sailing = voile to score = marquer to sew = coudre short story = nouvelle to showcase = mettre en valeur. présenter to sign up = s'inscrire to sing a tune = chanter une mélodie sketch = esquisser to skip rope = sauter à la corde skydiving = parachutisme sponsorship = parrainage to sunbathe = prendre le soleil to swim = nager teammate = coéquipier tennis court = court de tennis tournament = tournoi track = piste to value = accorder de l'importance to walk around = Se promener to win, won, won = gagner wrestling = lutte
3/6/20235 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

French Vocabulary | Social Life & Politics 📋

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. to abide by = se conformer à accountable for = responsable de to confess = avouer to advise = conseiller to advocate = prôner to allege = prétendre allegedly = prétendument to entitle, to permit, to authorize = autoriser to appeal = faire appel applicant = demandeur to appoint. to nominate = nommer approval = approbation to argue = se disputer to assume = supposer attorney = avocat aunt = tante to avoid = éviter to back up = soutenir ballot box = urne électorale ballot paper = bulletin de vote a ban = une interdiction to forbid. to prohibit. to ban. = interdire. bannir. to be entitled to = avoir le droit de to be involved to = être impliqué dans beacon = phare. modèle. signe. to bear, bore, born. = porter to bequeath = léguer a bequest = un legs a bill = un projet de loi birth certificate = certificat de naissance blank vote = vote blanc incentive = prime bride = la mariée to bury = enterrer burial = enterrement business day. working day. = jour ouvré to call in. to convoke. to summon. = convoquer to call off. to cancel. = annuler to carry out = réaliser cemetery. graveyard. = cimtière census = recensement to channel = canaliser child care center = crèche movie theater = cinéma citizen = citoyen city dweller. urbanite. = citadin city hall. town hall. = mairie. hôtel de ville. civil engineering = travaux publics civil servant. official. = fonctionnaire civil service = fonction publique
2/26/20234 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

🚗 French Vocabulary | Cars & Driving 🏎️

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. 1️⃣ to speed up = accelérer 2️⃣ aerial = antenne 3️⃣ air conditioning = climatisation 4️⃣ alley = ruelle 5️⃣ back seat = siège arrière 6️⃣ bend = virage 7️⃣ bike = bicyclette 8️⃣ dead-end street = impasse 9️⃣ to blink = cligner des yeux 🔟 a block = un pâté de maisons hood = capot trunk = coffre brake = frein brake light = feu de freinage brake pedal = pédale de frein breakdown = panne bridge = pont to span a river = enjamber une rivière to bump into, to crash into, to collide = rentrer dans, percuter bump = bosse bumper = pare-chocs bus lane = voie de bus by-pass = raccourci camper van = caravane car dealer = concessionnaire car hire = location de voiture parking lot = parking to switch gear = passer une vitesse to change lanes = changer de voie cigarette lighter = allume-cigar clutch = embrayage commuter = personne qui voyage entre son domicile et son travail congested = embouteillé traffic jam = embouteillage corner = virage country lane = petite route crash = accident crossroads = carrefour cycle lane = piste cyclable dashboard = tableau de bord dealership = concession disabled parking space = espace de stationnement pour handicapés driver's license or driving license = permis de conduire driving school = auto-école engine = moteur environement-friendly = respectueux de l'environnement exhaust pipe = tuyau d'échappement fender = aile de voiture flat tire = pneu à plat fork = bifurcation
2/20/20234 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

🍿 French Vocabulary | Movies & Theater 🎬

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Actress. Actor = Actrice. Acteur. To act in a play = Jouer dans une pièce Applause = Applaudissements Audience = Public, spectateurs Backstage = Coulisses To boo = Huer Cartoon = Dessin animé To cast = Couler To applaud = Applaudir Clip = Extrait Comedian = Comique Credits = Générique Cue = Réplique Curtain = Rideau Rehearsal = Répétition Dressing room = Loges To be dubbed = Être doublé Fade in. Fade out = Ouverture, fermeture en fondu To feature in = Jouer dans Film director = Réalisateur Front row = Premier rang Intermission = Entracte New release = Nouvelle sortie Opening = Ouverture Crowded room = Salle bondée Playwright = Dramaturge Plot = Intrigue Props = Accessoires Scenery = Décor Screenplay = Scénario Sold out = Complet, épuisé Spotlight = Projecteur Stage = Scène Subtitled = Sous-titré Staging = Mise en scène
2/12/20233 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

🔨 French Vocabulary - DIY & Renovation 🧰

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. DIY = Bricolage Handywoman = Bricoleuse Handyman = Bricoleur Ladder = Échelle Stepladder = Escabeau Extension lead = Rallonge Flashlight = Lampe de poche Hammer = Marteau Nail = Clou Screw = Vis Screwdriver = Tournevis To solder = Souder To tighten = Chargement To loosen = Chargeur To drill = Forer Nut = Ecrou Bolt = Boulon Axe = Hache File = Lime Sander = Ponceuse Varnish = Vernis To break down = Tomber en panne To mend = Réparer Facelift = Ravalement Plumber = Plombier Leak = Fuite To drip = Fuir To overflow = Déborder To plug a leak = Boucher une fuite Power failure = Panne d'électricité Power cut = Coupure de courant Circuit breaker = Disjoncteur Fuse = Fusible
2/7/20232 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

🏨 French Advanced Vocabulary - The Hospitality Industry

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. to acommodate = héberger to provide accomodation = fournir l'hébergement to have no accomodation = être complet an extended stay = un séjour long a lengthy stay = un séjour prolongé an overnight stay = un séjour d'une nuit to stay overnight = passer la nuit the rates = les tarifs price range = fourchette de prix to be located, to be situated = être situé occupancy rate = taux d'occupation des chambres to have a room available = avoir une chambre de disponible room number = numéro de chambre a vacancy = une chambre libre fully booked up = complet a no-show = une défection a cancellation = une annulation hospitality, the hotel industry = hôtellerie to cater to a clientele = s'adresser à une clientèle guest = un client d'un hôtel a late booking = réservation tardive to comp a room = offrir gracieusement une chambre advance payment = règlement en avance arrival date = date d'arrivée departure date = date de départ to check in, to register, to sign in = s'enregistrer check-in time = heure d'arrivée card key = clé magnétique to show somebody their room = conduire quelqu'un à sa chambre to check out, to vacate a room = libérer une chambre check-out time = heure de libération de la chambre to charge = faire payer to pay the bill = payer la note to make out the bill = faire la note to settle a bill, to settle an account = faire la note to present somebody with a bill = présenter une facture à quelqu'un all-in tariff = tout compris a suite = une suite a vacant room = une chambre libre an occupied room = une chambre occupée to assign a room = attribuer une chambre unavailable = indisponible connecting rooms, adjoining rooms = chambres adjacentes balcony = balcon to overlook = donner sur, surplomber a safe deposit box = un coffre-fort valuables = objets de valeur amenities = services dry cleaning service = service de nettoyage à sec laundry service = service de blanchisserie gift shop = boutique de souvenirs hairdresser = coiffeur hotel owner = propriétaire de l'hôtel hotelkeeper = hôtelier front office, front desk = réception hotel concierge, superintendent, doorkeeper = concierge checking room attendant = employé de la bagagerie doorman, door attendant = portier porter = bagagiste hotel housekeeper = gouvernante, gouvernant chambermaid = femme de chambre tidy = bien rangé hotel chain = Chaîne d'hôtel apartment hotel = résidence de tourisme, appart'hôtel budget hotel = hôtel à petit budget resort hotel = hôtel saisonnier sea-front hotel, seaside hotel = hôtel en bord de mer inn = auberge bed and breakfast = chambre d'hôtes to pass through = faire étape guest home = pension de famille guestroom = chambre d'hôte lodging house = pension paying guest = pensionnaire lodge = chalet
12/29/20227 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

📸 Advanced French Vocabulary - Photography (75 Words) 📷

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. monochrome photography = photographie en noir et blanc fine art photography = photographie d'art wildlife photography = photographie animale picture agency = agence photo photographic library = photothèque photo booth = photomaton snapshot = instantané selfie extender, selfie stick = perche à selfie daguerreotype = daguerréotype to have one's photo taken = se faire photographier to photograph well = être photogénique snapper = chasseur d'images shutterbug = passionné de photographie to make pictures = faire des photos to shoot a photo = prendre une photo to snap away = mitrailler a slide = une diapositive camera = appareil photo digital camera = appareil photo numérique movie camera = caméra instant camera = appareil photographique instantané reflex camera = appareil photo réflexe geotagged = géolocalisé body = boîtier d'appareil photo camera case = sacoche pour appareil photo stand = pied viewfinder = viseur memory card = carte mémoire eyecup = oeilleton Reel, spool = bobine cell, lightmeter = cellule photocell = cellule photoélectrique delay timer = minuteur viewer = projecteur filter = filtre, écran shutterbug = décalage shutter = obturateur shutter release = déclencheur shutter speed = vitesse d'obturation to load a film = charger un appareil to unload a film = retirer une pellicule d'un appareil lens = lentille, objectif wide angle lens = objectif grand angle lens opening = ouverture du diaphragme flash gun, flash unit = flash flash bulb, flash lamp = lampe flash roll of film = pellicule, bobine de film a shot = un plan camera angle, shooting angle = angle de prise de vue close-up = gros plan high angle shot = plongée long shot = plan d'ensemble medium shot = plan moyen angle of view = angle de champs time exposure = pose exposure, shooting = prise de vue depth of field = profondeur de champ focusing = mise au point to focus the camera on = mettre au point sur light source = source de lumière photographic processing = traitement des images photographiques dark room, camera obscura = chambre noire photographic plate = plaque photographique to process a film = développer un film processing bath = bain de traitement fixing bath = bain de fixage printing laboratory = laboratoire de tirage a negative = un négatif to touch up, to airbrush, to retouch = retoucher colour print = tirage couleur grain = grain printing = tirage, impression photoprint, test print = épreuve vintage print = tirage d'époque author print = tirage d'auteur
12/25/20227 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

🩹 French Vocabulary | Health and Medicine (59 Words) 🩺

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. fitness = forme health = santé condition = état disease = maladie fever = fièvre pulse = le pouls epidemic = épidémie pandemic = pandémie a killer = une maladie qui tue a cold = un rhume the flu = la grippe a sore throat = une angine headache = mal de tête pain = douleur agony = douleur aiguë check-up = bilan treatment = traitement comfort = bien-être first aid = premiers secours contraception = contraception condom = préservatif abortion = avortement smoking = tabagisme smoker = fumeur tobacco = tabac nicotine = nicotine alcohol = de l'alcool a drunk = un ivrogne addiction = dépendance trauma = traumatisme wound = plaie injury = blessure scar = cicatrice the injured = les blessés the dying = les mourants starvation = famine malnutrition = malnutrition physician = médecin patient = patient nurse = infirmière medical care = soins médicaux prescription = prescription medicine = médicament pill = pilule tablet = comprimé diet = régime vaccine = vaccin diagnosis = diagnostic pregnant = enceinte short-sighted = myope lethal = mortel acute = aigu unbearable = insupportable HIV = VIH septic = infecté pathological = pathologique insane = fou paranoid = paranoïaque drastically = radicalement
12/17/20225 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

📕 French Vocabulary | Literature and Poetry (39 Words to Learn) 📖

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. poet = poète rhyme = rime a line = un vers a sonnet = un sonnet stanza = strophe nursery rhyme = comptine ballad = ballade, romance scanning = scansion stress = accentuation novelist = romancier narrator = narrateur fiction = fiction short story = nouvelle fairy tale = conte de fée detective story = roman policier romance = roman à l'eau de rose essay = essai biography = Biographie diary = journal style = style stage = scène playwright = dramaturge a play = une pièce scene = scène actress = actrice actor = acteur comedian = comique a part = un rôle leading role = rôle principal cast = distribution dialogue = dialogue cue = réplique soliloquy = soliloque the set = le décor the props = les accessoires the backdrop = la toile de fond dress rehearsal = répétition générale audience = public curtains = rideaux
12/17/20223 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

🙏 French Vocabulary | Religion (60 Words to Know) 🛐

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Faith = Foi Creed = credo Belief = croyance Cult = culte Christianity = Christianisme Catholic = catholique Protestant = protestant Buddhist = bouddhiste Hinduism = hindouisme Hindu = hindou Islam = Islam Muslim = musulman Judaism = judaïsme Jewess = Juive Jew = Juif God = Dieu Goddess = Déesse Lord = Seigneur Idol = Idole Prophet = Prophète Prophecy = Prophétie Angel = Ange Devil = Diable Glory = Gloire Miracle = Miracle Salvation = Salut Heaven = paradis Paradise = Paradis Hell = Enfer Doomsday = jour du Jugement dernier Gospel = Gospel Prayer = Prière Hymn = Hymne Sermon = Sermon Blessing = Bénédiction Mass = Messe Christening = Baptême Festival = Fête Christmas = Noël Easter = Pâques Whitsun = Pentecôte Halloween = Veille de la Toussaint All Saints' Day = Toussaint Cathedral = cathédrale Abbey = abbaye Monastery = Monastère Convent = Couvent Temple = Temple Mosque = Mosquée Synagogue = Synagogue Shrine = Sanctuaire Parish = Paroisse A see = Un évêché Clergy = Clergé Priest = Prêtre Parson = Pasteur Nun = Religieuse Monk = Moine Bishop = Évêque Archbishop = Archevêque
12/15/20225 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

🍊 French Vocabulary | Fruits

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Apple = Pomme Orange = Orange Banana = Banane Pineapple = Ananas Pear = Poire Peach = Pêche Cherry = Cerise Lemon = Citron Strawberry = Fraise Melon = Melon Mango = Mangue Apricot = Abricot Plum = Prune Kiwi = Kiwi Coconut = Noix de coco Fig = Figue Grenade = Grenade Raspberry = Framboise Litchi = Litchi Grapefruit = Pamplemousse
12/12/20227 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

🎨 French Vocabulary | Arts 🖌

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. character = personnage the villain = le méchant the outline = les grandes lignes the plot = l'intrigue climax = apogée anticlimax = chute development = rebondissement meaning = sens ending = fin a show = un spectacle a performance = une représentation foreground = l'avant-scène background = l'arrière-plan aesthetic = esthétique dramatic = spectaculaire rhymed = rimé witty = spirituel hilarious = hilarant delightful = gracieux clumsy = maladroit glamorous = brillant heavy = lourd solemn = solennel deep = Profond shallow = superficiel coarse = grossier subtle = subtile refined = raffiné affected = maniéré dull = terne tedious = ennuyeux lively = animé vivid = frappant expressive = expressif picturesque = pittoresque gaudy = criard striking = frappant moving = émouvant touching = touchant lengthy = interminable intricate = complexe ornate = orné bare = dépouillé hackneyed = rebattu melodious = mélodieux high-pitched = aigu jarring = discordant ancient = ancien, antique romanesque = roman to depict = dépeindre to portray = représenter to sketch = dessiner to evoke = évoquer to convey = communiquer to relate = relater to criticize = critiquer to stress = insister sur to enhance = mettre en valeur to set off = rehausser to stand out = ressortir to drag on = traîner en longueur to perform = jouer to act = jouer une pièce to rehearse = répéter to prompt = souffler to applaud = applaudir to boo = huer to hiss = à siffler to cheer = acclamer to conduct = diriger to release = publier to attend = assister à to tune = accorder to carve = sculpter to mould = mouler to draft = esquisser to design = dessiner, créer to plan = concevoir to cast = distribuer des rôles to dub = doubler un acteur to feature in = jouer dans to star in = être la vedette dans to clash = jurer to match = s'assortir à to tone down = adoucir to exhibit = exposer
12/11/20227 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

⌛ French Vocabulary | Time (69 Words to Know) ⏰

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. a while = un moment a spell = une courte période sunrise = lever du soleil dawn, daybreak = lever du jour daylight = lumière du jour morning = matin afternoon = après-midi evening = soir dusk = crépuscule sunset = coucher du soleil midnight = minuit a weekday = jour de la semaine Monday = Lundi Thesday = Le jour Wednesday = Mercredi Thursday = Jeudi Friday = Vendredi Saturday = Samedi Sunday = Dimanche spring = le printemps summer = été winter = l'hiver spring = le printemps quarter = trimestre decade = décennie stage = étape era = ère century = siècle wrist-watch = montre-bracelet alarm-clock = réveil dial = cadran sundial = cadran solaire time-bomb = bombe à retardement recollection = souvenir reminder = pense-bête, rappel an antique = une antiquité diary = agenda delay = retard prospect, outlook = perspective a forecast = une prévision to forecast = Prévoir projection = projection an expectation = une attente fate = sort doom = destin funeste primeval = primitif extinct = éteint, disparu old-fashioned = démodé outmoded = dépassé former, prior = précédent contemporary = contemporain current = actuel momentary = passager fleeting = fugace well-timed = opportun punctual = ponctuel impending = imminent prospective = en perspective forthcoming = à venir subsequent = ultérieur fated = destiné short-lived = sans lendemain sudden = soudain prompt = rapide overdue = en retard belated = tardif remote = lointain lasting = durable everlasting = éternel
12/10/20226 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

✍️ French Vocabulary | Commenting on a Text (80 Useful Terms) 📝

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Commenting on a text. writer = écrivain author = auteur journalist = journaliste extract = extrait excerpt = extrait account = compte-rendu essay = essai summary = résumé topic = sujet means = moyen device = procédé issue = problème scope = portée controversy = polémique discrepancy = divergence thesis = thèse synthesis = la synthèse antithesis = antithèse emphasis, stress = insistance, accent analysis = analyse examination = examen hint = allusion critcism = critique point = point essentiel, argument viewpoint = point de vue paradox = paradoxe objection = objection prejudice = préjugé bias = biais assumption = supposition aim = objectif target = cible argument = dispute statement = déclaration understatement = litote comment = commentaire assumption = supposition quotation = devis witticism = mot d'esprit innuendo = insinuation line = ligne, vers phrase = expression transition = transition outlook = perspective ideology = idéologie exciting = passionnant commonplace = banal hackneyed = rebattu far-fetched = farfelu formal = officiel high-brow = guindé bombastic = grandiloquent subtle = subtile colloquial, informal = familier convincing = convaincant misleading = trompeur obvious = évident spurious = faux fallacious = fallacieux straightforward = directe logical = logique consistent = cohérent relevant = pertinent irrelevant = hors sujet beside the point = sans rapport avec le sujet paradoxical = paradoxal contradictory = contradictoire controversial = controversé unquestionable = incontestable concise = concis exhaustive = complet outspoken = franc disparging = désobligeant scathing = acerbe uncompromising = intransigeant non-committal = évasif commited = engagé unbiased = impartial sharp = tranchant acute = perspicace
12/8/20227 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

💜 French Vocabulary | Feelings (69 Words)

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Feelings. feeling = sentiment mood = humeur temper = caractère happiness = bonheur delight = joie pleasure = plaisir fun = amusement satisfaction = la satisfaction self-satisfaction = auto-satisfaction sadness = tristesse displeasure = mécontentement dissatisfaction = insatisfaction sorrow = chagrin grief = peine mourning = deuil worry = inquiétude anxiety = anxiété hope = espoir optimism = optimisme enthusiam = enthousiasme determination = détermination eagerness = ardeur goodwill = bienveillance reluctance = réluctance apathy = apathie pessimism = pessimisme hopelessness = désespoir resignation = démission indifference = indifférence selfishness = égoïsme self-indulgence = complaisance care = l'attention prudence = prudence intution = intution love = amour seduction = séduction appeal = charme warmth = cordialité friendship = amitié harmony = harmonie tolerance = tolérance sympathy = compassion mercy = pitié indulgence = indulgence benevolence = bienveillance kindness = gentillesse hatred = haine bitterness = amertume resentment = ressentiment spite = dépit deception = tromperie envy = envie jealousy = jalousie sternness = sévérité cruelty = cruauté scorn = dédain pride = fierté trust = confiance self-confidence = confiance en soi self-esteem = amour propre vanity = vanité shame = honte guilt = culpabilité self-conciousness = gêne shyness = timidité carelessness = négligence calm = calme self-control = maîtrise de soi anger = colère
12/5/20226 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ Essential French Vocabulary | The Human Body (50 Words)

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.The human body. body = corps heart = cœur blood = sang stomach = estomac skeleton = squelette build = carrure bone = os frame = ossature flesh = chair skin = peau neck = cou breath = haleine sweat = sueur head = tête brain = cerveau hair = cheveu nose = nez mouth = bouche voice = voix tooth = dent tongue = langue eye = œil tear = larme ear = oreille arm = bras hand = main fist = poing finger = doigt leg = jambe knee = genou foot = un pied feet = des pieds health = santé strength = force weakness = faiblesse weight = lester tiredness = fatigue exhaustion = épuisement digestion = digestion rest = repos sleep = sommeil sight = vue hearing = ouïe touch = toucher smell = odorat taste = goûter healthy = bien portant tired = fatigué wrinkled = ridé naked = nu
12/4/20224 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ Advanced French Vocabulary | Sustainability & Climate Change

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Environment and sustainable development. to alter = modifier awareness = sensibilisation to blight a landscape = défigurer un paysage carbon dioxide = dioxyde de carbone carbon free = sans carbone conservation = défense de l'environnement to damage = endommager depletion = épuisement disposable = jetable to distrupt = perturber doomed species = espèces condamnées drought = la sécheresse dumping = déversement garbage can = poubelle eco-friendly = respectueux de la nature ecological = écologique to endanger = mettre en danger environmentalism = environnementalisme exhaust fumes = gaz d'échappement extinct species = espèces disparues flood = inondation fossil fuel = combustibles fossiles fuel cell = pile à combustible global warming = le réchauffement climatique green issues = questions environnementales greenhouse effect = effet de serre greenhouse gas emissions = les émissions de gaz à effet de serre harmful = nuisible heat-trapping = piquant to heat up, to warm up = se réchauffer heat wave = vague de chaleur insulation = isolation thermique landfill = site d'enfouissement litter = détritus logging = exploitation du bois to meet a target = atteindre un objectif to melt = fondre noxious = nuisible oil spill = marée noire organic farming = l'agriculture biologique overfishing = surpêche poaching = braconnage to pollute = polluer to process waste = transformer les déchets rainforest = forêt tropicale to raise awareness = créer une prise de conscience to release toxic gases = relier les gaz toxiques rising sea levels = montée du niveau de la mer rubbish = déchets sewage = eaux usées shortage = pénurie to spill = déverser to squander = danger sustainability = développement durable to tackle an issue = s'attaquer à une problématique the throw-away society = société de gaspillage to threaten = menacer to throw away = jeter à la poubelle waste management = la gestion des déchets wildlife = faune et flore to wreak = causer d'immenses dégâts to spew = relâcher to trigger = déclencher
12/3/20226 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ Advanced French Vocabulary | Logistics

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Item = Article Sourcing = Approvisionnement Upstream = En amont Downstream = En aval Delivery order = Bon de livraison Requirements = Besoins Technical specifications = Spécifications techniques Truck = Camion Order Backlog = Carnet de commandes Distribution center = Centre de distribution Shipping center = Centre d'expédition Supply chain = Chaîne d'approvisionnement Load = Chargement Shipper = Chargeur Bar code = Code à barre Packaging = Emballage Inventory control = Contrôle des stocks Consignment = Consignation Carrier = Convoyeur Delivery dateDate de réception Shipment date = Date d'expédition Unloading = Déchargement Customs clearance = Dédouanement A write-off = Une perte comptable Inventory write-off = Dévalorisation Duties = Droits de douane Inventory cycle = Cycle des stocks Racking = Empilage, rayonnage. Discrepancy = écart d'inventaire Storage = Entreposage Work-in-process = En cours de fabrication Inventory turnover = Taux de rotation des stocks Replenishment = Réapprovisionnement FIFO = Premier entré, premier sorti FEFO = Premier périmé, premier sorti Hub = Plateforme
11/16/20223 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ Essential French Vocabulary | Company Organization (30 Words)

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. accounting department = service de la comptabilité accountant = comptable advertising = publicité benefits = avantages board of directors = Conseil d'administration brand = marque Chief Executive Officer (CEO) = Président directeur général (PDG) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) = Directeur financier (CFO) Chairman = Président du conseil d'administration Controller = Contrôleur de gestion Executive = Cadre de haut niveau Factory = Usine Rules and regulations = Règlement Hiring = Recrutement Human resources (HR) = Ressources humaines (RH) Invoice = Facture Legal = Juridique Payroll = Paie. Liste des salariés. Plant = Usine Public relations (PR) = Relations publiques Procurement = Acquisition, approvisionnement Purchasing = Achat Research & Development (R&D) = La recherche et développement Sales = Ventes, commercial Shareholder = Actionnaire Stakeholder = Partie prenante Training course = Formation Vice president (VP) = Vice président, directeur Warehouse = Entrepôt Workshop = Atelier
11/9/20223 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ Shipping Business | Advanced French Vocabulary

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Shipping =  Navigation. Flotte. Transport maritime. Ship broker =  Courtier maritime Shipper = Affréteur Sea carrier = Transporteur maritime To unship = Débarquer, décharger To stow = Arrimer Ship's passport = Permis de navigation Fleet = Une flotte Vessel = Vaisseau, navire Craft = Embarcation Boat = Bateau Barge = Péniche, chaland Bulk carrier. Freighter. = Vraquier Canal boat = Péniche, chaland Coaster = Caboteur Container ship = Porte-conteneurs Fishing boat = Bateau de pêche Ice-breaker = Brise-glace Life raft. Lifeboat. = Canot de sauvetage Liner. Packet Boat. = Paquebot Oil tanker = Pétrolier Raft = Radeau Steamer. Steamship. = Bateau à vapeur Warship = Navire de guerre Tug. Tow-boat. = Remorqueur Trawler = Chalutier Deck = Pont Bridge deck = Pont de passerelle Stem = étrave Bow = Proue Gangplank = passerelle de débarquement Bunker = Soute Starboard = à tribord
10/29/20223 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ Movie and Theater | French Vocabulary (35 Words to Learn)

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Actress. Actor. = Actrice. Acteur. To act in a play = Jouer dans une pièce Applause = Applaudissements Audience = Public, spectateurs Backstage = Coulisses To boo = Huer Cartoon = Dessin animé To cast = Couler To applaud = Applaudir Clip = Extrait Comedian = Comique Credits = Générique Cue = Réplique Curtain = Rideau Rehearsal = Répétition Dressing room = Loges To be dubbed = Être doublé Fade in. Fade out. = Ouverture, fermeture en fondu To feature in = Jouer dans Film Director = Réalisateur Front row = Premier rang Intermission = Entracte New release = Nouvelle sortie Opening = Ouverture Crowded room = Salle bondée Playwright = Dramaturge Plot = Intrigue Props = Accessoires Scenery = Décor Screenplay = Scénario Sold out = Complet, épuisé Spotlight = Projecteur Stage = Scène Subtitled = Sous-titré Staging = Mise en scène
10/26/20223 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tourism | French Vocabulary

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/23/20223 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

French Vocabulary | Weather

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. Bitter = Glacial Blizzard = Tempête De Neige Breeze = Brise Chilly = Froid Clear = Dégagé Cloud = Nuage Dew = Rosée  Drizzle = Bruine Drought = Sécheresse Flood = Inondation Fog = Brouillard Weather forecast = Prévisions météorologiques Freezing = Gelé Frost = Gel Frostbite = Gelure Gale = grand vent Hail = Grêle Heat-wave = Vague De Chaleur Hurricane = Ouragan Lightning = Éclair Mist = Brume Overcast = Couvert Scorching = Brûlant Showers = Chute de grêle Sleet = Neige fondue Smog = Nuage de pollution Thunder = Tonnerre Tidal wave = Raz-de-marée Windchill factor = Température ressentie Rainbow = Arc-en-ciel Storm = Tempête
10/21/20222 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

French Vocabulary | University and Student Life - Part 1

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. a course un cours a compulsory course un cours obligatoire to attend a course assister à un cours a subject une matière syllabus programme d'un cours a lecture cours magistral lecture hall amphithéâtre textbook manuel scolaire a period une heure de cours a break une pause a schedule un emploi du temps a term un trimestre office hours heures de permanence homework devoirs a mark. a grade. une note to sit an exam passer un examen to resit an exam repasser un examen to pass réussir un examen to fail échouer midterms examens de milieu de trimestre finals examens de fin de semestre to assess somebody évaluer quelqu'un to mark a paper noter un devoir a mock exam. a practice test. un examen blanc teaching assistant assistant de professeur, chargé de T.D. lecturer conférencier classmate camarade de classe
10/18/20222 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

French Vocabulary | Job Search and Interview

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here. abroad à l'étranger application form dossier de candidature bonus bonus briefcase porte-documents candidate candidat closing date date limite cover letter lettre de motivation day off  journée de congé driver's licence permis de conduire early retirement retraite anticipée to earn gagner to entail entraîner, occasionner entitlement droit experience expérience to fire. to sack. to dismiss renvoyer fixed-term contract contrat à durée déterminée, CDD benefits. perks avantages go-ahead feu vert, autorisation hard-working travailleur head-hunter chasseur de tête
10/17/20222 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ French Vocabulary | Real Estate - Part 1

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/16/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ French Vocabulary | Entertainment (Part 1)

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/15/20222 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

✅ French Vocabulary | Company & Business - Part 1 (30 Words to Learn)

✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/12/20225 minutes, 41 seconds